#this is really f*cking heavy
sarcasticdolphin · 2 years
This is ... somewhat well-researched. Less than for an academic paper, but I am trying to be historically accurate. 
Author’s note one: This is really f*cking heavy. Even by my standards. Also, I am intentionally not using Rudolf’s name. It is supposed to be a bit confusing as to who is Rudolf and who is Tod. It is also supposed to be a bit confusing between the angels and the bombers.
Q: I wonder, sometimes. What was the deadliest day of the Second World War?
A: You could make esoteric arguments for any number of days. You could argue planning or intent or latent deaths or some such. But ultimately the simplest answer - the 24-hour period in which the most human beings lost their lives - is on March 10, 1945. And it isn’t really close.
He had been watching Italians execute other Italians when Tod arrives. The angel doing the kissing had just departed, leaving him alone with two dozen bodies.
“My prince.” Tod greets him with a kiss.
“My friend.” He returns the kiss. 
Tod holds out his hand and he takes it. Tod pulls them through space. 
The city they land in is so clean compared to the shattered cities that are Rudolf’s usual haunt. Unblemished. He can smell the paper, see the wood.
Tod sits them in the shade of a cherry blossom tree and looks to the sky. Dusk is approaching. They don’t have long the wait.
A few of Tod’s angels are the first arrivals, curling up in his lap, in Tod’s. They will need their rest. 
He looks around - the area is familiar enough. They were here before, amidst fire and rubble. But that had been of the earth’s doing. This would not be.
He thinks back to the little models - to the men who had planned this. How best to burn a city? Perhaps long ago he would have felt sick at the prospect. Now he accepts more and more angels as they tuck in around him and Tod. Preparing.
The clock strikes midnight. They are close.
The first angels of death appear overhead. Pathfinders, after a fashion. His eye is high above in that moment.
He snorts, a flicker of humor still remaining. X does indeed mark the spot.
A few angels begin to depart from their vast flock. Their duties have begun.
He can feel the panic already permeating the city. The gunners are shooting high. The gunners are shooting low.
The rest of the angels arrive, high overhead. 
And fire reigns. Their flock, grown even larger in the meantime, disperses. He takes the last angel’s place across Tod’s lap, letting his thoughts take it all in.
Men screaming in panic. Fight! Fight! They cried. He turned toward the fire. It was warm, even from the distance. Their efforts were futile.
The people flee to little holes in the ground. They are safe from the flaming tongues, but fate is cruel. The flames draw the very air to them. The people in the little holes suffocate. 
He thinks of other peaceful bodies, hidden in their shelters below the ground. Fire is an insidious foe. She kills in many ways, not only with her flames.
Others jump into the canals. The flames cannot reach them, but the air is stripped from them as well.
Tod finally rises, offering his arm. He takes it and they stroll through the inferno. The angels are working faster then Rudolf has ever seen them before. 
Tod halts them by a bridge, full of people, and tilts his head up. There is a an angel, high above. He watches as its gifts fall to earth, spellbound.
The screams come as the bombs hit the bridge full of people. They both finally spring into action, passing out kisses left and right. He kisses and kisses and kisses. There are always more.
Somewhere in the back of his mind he notes a few of the angels high above do fall to earth, their guides taken by Tod’s angels. It is nothing compared to the flames.
He departs briefly, when dawn finally breaks. To see the angels as they return. Their undersides are streaked black by the evidence of hellfire.
He returns to the city - still aflame. There is more work to be done.
A: (Continued) More than 90,000 - 100,000 Japanese people were killed .... 14 American aircraft and 96 airmen were lost. That’s four times as many as Dresden. Two and a half times as many as Hamburg. More than the first day at Hiroshima. More than the first day at Nagasaki. More than six times the daily average of the worst three months of the holocaust. Three times as many as Babi Yar. It isn’t close.
Author’s note two: I meant it when I said this one would be heavy. I am not trying to diminish the horror of any of the other events, merely to make comparisons to events that are better known for the unfamiliar. I’ve been to Dresden. You can still see the scars in the city today. If Chimes has a message then it is war is hell. I won’t ever sugarcoat that.
The worst affected part of the city had seen catastrophic fire damage during the great Kanto earthquake of 1923. The worst single incident of the entire night occurred when a full bomb-load landed on the Kototoi Bridge over the Sumida River, burning many to death. The first bombs fell at 12:08 am. The firefighters were overwhelmed within half an hour. The fire burned itself out by midmorning on 10 March after reaching large open areas. Thousands more of the injured died in the following days. Most of the bodies which were recovered were buried in mass graves without being identified. Many bodies of people who had died while attempting to shelter in rivers were swept into the sea and never recovered. Most historians agree that Japanese casualties were between 90000-100000, though some have suggested much higher numbers. As of 2011, the Tokyo Memorial Hall honored 105,400 people killed in the raid, the number of people whose ashes are interred in the building or were claimed by their family. As many bodies were not recovered, the number of fatalities is higher than this number.
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aprilclementine · 2 years
teacher!steve, coming into to work so, so, sleepy, bags under his eyes, hair is completely deflated, the biggest thermal he has filled to the brim with coffee, glasses on because he couldn't be bothered to put in contacts.
He couldn't even stand up straight as he greeted his students, yawning as he greeted each student, leaning his entire weight against the door frame, getting a worried look from the English teacher, Nancy, as she caught his eye from down the hall, he gave her a small gesture, and a tired smile, hoping she'd understand it meant they could talk at lunch.
Steve was apologizing for his yawning the entire day, and sure enough come lunch there was rapid knocking just as the last kid had walked out, he was greeted by Nancy, and Robin, the music teacher.
"Steve, you look like death! Nance, you weren't kidding!" The two of them both took seats, in the closest student desks to Steve, who was mumbling out responses as he laid his head on his desk.
"Okay, spiiilllll." Nancy dragged on, drumming against the desk excitedly. Steve sat up, with another yawn, as he took a long sip from his coffee.
"Geez, did Eddie get home from tour, and forget it was a school night, you two must've had fun!" Robin wiggled her eyebrows at Steve, as Nancy giggled behind her hand.
"Ha-Ha, Buckley. But, sort of, NO- Not in the way you two think, get your head out of the gutter, Wheeler!" Steve pointed a stern finger at her, as she gave him a suggestive look. "He greeted me when I got home, we finished our fun pretty early, actually, I was ready to sleep like a baby." Steve recounted, as a blush began to run up his neck, at the thought of Eddie last night.
He cleared his throat as he continued, "Eddie, still jet lagged, got the great idea to invite his old bandmates over, and instead of practicing in the soundproof studio that we recently added, because it "wouldn't be the same, Stevie!", they practiced heavy f-cking metal, until 4 in the morning, in the garage, which is directly under our bedroom.”
The two girls let out laughs, and gave Steve a sympathetic nod. "So, I didn't get a wink of sleep, didn't even have time to pack myself lunch." Steve sighed as he looked at his watch, seeing he wouldn't have enough time to run into town to grab anything either.
The two girls stood, talking at the same time, "I packed some extra lunch," "You can share with me, I can't promise it'll be good, though.”
Steve stood with the girls, nodding along, as they made their way to the door to walk down to the teachers lounge. As Steve opened the classroom door for the girls, he was greeted by none other than the reason for his lack of sleep.
"Hey Sweetheart," Eddie greeted with a sweet smile, Steve groaned playfully, rolling his eyes, as the girls walked past the two of them, whispering to eachother.
"Oh! Don't forget how thin these cheap walls are, Munson!" Robin called over her shoulder, as Nancy let out another laugh. Eddie flipped her off, as he followed closely behind Steve into his classroom.
Steve sat back on his rolling chair, looking up at Eddie as he stood in front of Steve's desk. Eddie swayed back and forth, hands hidden behind his back. "I figured you probably didn't get much sleep last night-"
"Oh really? What gave it away?" Steve scoffed, taking off his round glasses, and setting them to the side.
"Well, you were grumbling all morning and threw all of your discarded outfit choices pretty roughly at my sleeping head today." Eddie listed off. Steve let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head, humming in response. At this, Eddie moved his hands from behind his back, showcasing a brown bag. "So, I thought what better way to repay my honey, than to bring him a greasy lunch full of love."
Steve reached out happily, knowing he couldn't stay grumpy when Eddie was giving him those eyes. Steve began eating, as Eddie moved around Steve's desk, taking a seat on the desk in front of him. He messed with his rings, as he watched Steve hum satisfied as he took his first bite.
"I figured you didn't have time to pack a lunch, and couldn't have you surving on coffee the whole day." Eddie continued, and Steve gave him a fond smile, nodding as he swallowed.
"You saved me from eating whatever leftovers Robin had cooked up, and was going to share with me." Steve laughed, "Last time I ate what she made me, I had to use my precious Sick Days!"
Eddied joined in on the laughter, before hooking his heel around the arm rest of Steves rolling chair, and pulling him closer, so Steve was slotted between Eddies legs, Steve let Eddie pull him, resting his elbows on his thighs, as he continued to eat his burger.
Eddie began combing his fingers through Steves hair, humming along to a instrumental they came up with last night. "Missed you, missed us." Eddie said softly, as Steve finished his burger, throwing the wrapper back in the bag, and moving closer into Eddies touch, snaking his arms around Eddies waist. "Maybe you should've used more of those precious Sick Days, so you coulda stayed in bed with me."
Steve smiled, feeling his cheeks flush. "Couple more days, and then you'll be able to bug me all of Winter break, my love." Eddie sighed, cupping Steve's face, making him look up at him. Steve kept his eyes shut, soft smile on his lips. Eddie kissed both of his eyelids, then his nose, then his cheeks, before placing one lasting kiss on his lips. He pulled away, causing Steve to whine, chasing after his lips. Eddie smiled lovingly, pressing his lips to Steves again.
The two lazily kissed as Eddie sat on Steves desk, until the bell rang, and when Steve stood and tried to pull away, Eddie pulled him closer, bringing Steve's bottom lip into his mouth, Steve giggled, pulling back softly, not being able to fully talk. "Babe- Mph, I- have to open the-mMpH the door."
Eddie shook his head, humming disapprovingly. "Five more minutes", he begged against Steves lips, keeping his arms hooked around Steve’s waist.
"They'll start knocking", Steve protested, once Eddie released his lip, and leaned up to kiss the mole on Steves exposed neck.
"Let them." Eddie mumbled, and Steve realized he wouldn't win this battle, so he stood there, wrapping his arms over Eddies shoulders, as Eddie lazily kissed along his jaw, out of love, not looking to go any further, more of I missed you kind of kisses, because he missed being home, in Steve’s arms.
The knocking started, just as Steve suspected. Only getting louder, as Eddie protested. "Steve! Open up, my sister told me Eddie's here!" Steve could hear Mike yell through the knocking, he sighed, as he pulled away, and went to open the door.
"Michael, we talked about this- It's Mr.Harrington, to you, during school hours!" Steve corrected, Mike rolled his eyes as Steve used his full name. As soon as the door was opened fully, the kids started piling in.
Dustin, and Mike running up to Steve's desk, to bombard Eddie with questions about tour, and if the kids begged Steve to let Eddie talk about tour, instead of prep for their final (Mr.Harrington, this is geography, technically, it would work perfectly! I teach History, Lucas! Are they not the same thing?), no one had to know.
Steve really only gave in, once he finally looked at Eddie (oh, cmon Stevie, you'd get to sit back and rest for a class period). So, Steve sat back, and watched fondly as Eddie talked animatedly to the class, asking Steve to display each city Corroded Coffin played at, as he spoke about it, rating the city on his “Munson Scale”. Was it educational? No. Was it useful information? Also, no. Was it entertaining? Yes.
Steve tried to lay his head on his desk, and get in a quick 30-minute nap, but was too captivated watching his Eddie entertain his students, he couldn't focus on anything, not even feeling tired anymore.
It was as if Eddie had carried the Sun in with him, and brought life back into Steve, and Steve was so thankful to have Eddie back home.
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sswiftiestars · 10 months
hi! d14, maybe with d1/5 from the smut list w dom ani please. luv ur writing sm <3
face f*cking + rough s3x + dirty/sloppy s3x
Heavy!dom!Anakin skywalker x Fem! reader
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warnings: smut. you have been warned. oral (m), heavy degrading (ani is just straight up mean), slight praise, humiliation, whole lotta dirty talk,Anakin being absolutely filthy, a lil bit of slapping, aftercare !!
w/c: 0.6k
a/n: thank u anon!! i absolutely love this request <3
When Anakin would come home with you after a especially long mission together, he wouldn’t be to kind when it comes to his needs. especially because you’d tease him the whole mission, “innocently” bending over right in-front of him to “pick something up” or, you’d randomly spark up conversations with other men. but really, you did it because you knew what would happen when you and Anakin finally got back home.
“fucking whore.” he growled into your ear before slamming you against the wall, causing you to whimper softly in response. “you fucking teased me the entire mission. i had a damn boner on the battlefield, and i couldn’t even do a fucking thing about it.” Anakin whispered into your ear.
“i can.” you smirked.
“shut the fuck up.” he hissed, and used the force to make you get on your knees, “don’t get smart with me, y/n.” Anakin sneered, as he unbuckled his belt, causing his pants to fall to the floor, leaving him in his boxers; which, you could clearly see the outline of his incredibly hard member.
you were quick to take off his boxers, revealing his dick. it was already sliding pre down the tip. how long has he been this hard? you think to yourself.
you practically moaned the sight, and quickly placed your lips at the very tip of his length, teasing him, causing anakin to let out a low groan of pleasure and frustration.
it didn’t take too long before he muttered a few curses, and suddenly he thrusted into your mouth aggressively.
“fuck, baby. take it. choke.” Anakin groaned, and continued to thrust in and out of your mouth. sook enough, you felt tears in your eyes from choking. as tears started to roll down your face, Anakin grabbed the back of your head with his mechanical hand, and bobbed your head up and down, letting out soft groans and some praises.
You start to let audible sobs and whines as he quite literally fucks your mouth. Anakin looks down at you with that look. the look that proves you’ll do whatever you ask of him, because you’re his whore, and he knows it.
“stop crying, y/n.” he demands, and smacks your face, making you moan against his dick. Anakin smirks in return, and continues to thrust eagerly into your warm and wet mouth.
as you continue to sob pathetically on his dick, he growls the most degrading shit he can think of, such as;
“i bet you’d let any other man do this to you, huh? let them fuck your throat like a cheap whore.” “cant believe your such a fucking slut for me, crying on my dick.”
“you look look so innocent to be doing all this shit. maybe i should start making you call me daddy since your such a pathetic slut.”
as he said these things, he’d continually thrust your mouth, causing your own saliva to drip down onto his balls. “ ‘gonna fucking cum, baby.” Anakin moans. he continues to thrust into your mouth roughly, as tears still pour down your face.
soon enough, he cums down your throat, letting out a loud groan of your name as he does so.
“swallow.” Anakin demands. and you do as he says, as usual.
he kneels down to reach your level, and he puts his boxers back on.
“i love you, babe. you know that, right?” Anakin says softly and wipes away your remaining tears. you nod and nuzzle your face into his neck. he smiles softly in return, and rubs your neck comfortingly.
“i’d never hurt you, y/n. i’ll always protect you.” he whispers into your ear and runs his fingers through your hair.
“i love you too..” you murmur, your voice course from not so long ago. Anakin chuckles softly at the sound of your voice. “cmon, lemme get you some hot tea to soothe your throat, yeah?” Anakin responds quietly and kisses you.
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9ealms · 11 months
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♱ | 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓– Ft. Miguel O’Hara
Synopsis— cheating boyfriend leads to you at a club one night stand; mysterious man at a club
content warning | nsfw stuff; dirty talk, spanking, acarophilia, hair pulling, praising kink, cunnilingus and etc
✮ — [missionary and cowgirl]
✮ — word count. 3.0k
✮ — || authors note - don’t get too excited; this is my SECOND time making smut; I tried my best making it sound natural when he’s cursing in spainsh because I don’t wanna cringe when I’m trying to reread it and also I tried ACCURATE TRANSLATION from other websites and asked some friends ( ´ཀ` )
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Today was a terrible day; you had stayed up late trying to complete your work, causing you to be sluggish and exhausted when you finally forced yourself out of bed. As soon as you stepped out of the house, you rushed to the bus station in order to make it on time. When you eventually made it into work, your domineering supervisor scolded and berated for being late. “I need a new job” was all that echoed through your mind as he continuously nagged
You quickly finished your paperwork and headed to your apartment. As you were opening your door, you heard a woman's moans followed by a man's grunts coming from inside. Your heart sank as you slowly stepped closer. It was already one of those bad days and to make matters worse, you could see through the crack of the open door that it was your boyfriend on top of another woman, both moaning in pleasure. You shook your head in frustration and let out a heavy sigh as you said “are you f*cking kidding me?”
The two people on the bed froze in shock and your boyfriend scrambled to get up from the bed. "Babe, I can explain," he stammered as he tried to cover his naked body with a blanket. You weren't sure if it was because of embarrassment or shame but you didn't want to hear what he had to say.
“I need you to get out…now”, you said coldly, pointing towards the door. He hesitated for a moment before slowly getting off the bed and gathering his clothes. As he made his way out of the bedroom he turned to look at you one last time but your expression didn’t change. Your heart was pounding as anger and hurt overwhelmed you in waves.
You sighed in disbelief; you’ve been working your ass off only in return of your long time boyfriend cheating on with another girl, “today is really shitty day” you groaned as you kept walking towards the bathroom .
You took off your clothes and stepped into the stream of hot water washing away your emotions as you cried silently. You closed your eyes and let the water wash away all the pain, all the anger and hurt that was consuming you so much; it felt like a burden being taken off of you little by little. After you were done, you called your best friend to explain about your situation but she didn’t pick up so you waited a few minutes untill the phone rang.
It was your friend on the other end of the phone, listening intently as you relayed your story. “I'm so sorry that happened,” she consoled softly, her voice full of empathy. “You know what you need right now… a night out with me! A new club just opened up and I want us to go check it out. Let's forget all this for a bit and just have some fun." She sounded excited, yet sincerely concerned for your wellbeing.
"Are you sure I should be going out like this? I look like a mess," you said hesitantly, trying to lighten the mood with a chuckle. "don't be ridiculous," your best friend replied confidently. "You'll look great no matter what. Just put on something nice and I'll come get you in an hour."
As the phone call ended, you got up from the couch, and made your way to the bedroom closet. Peering inside for a moment, you spotted a familiar black dress tucked away in the back corner. You pulled it out and held it up for inspection - it was a long bodycon dress with sleeves that showed off your neck and shoulders. A small chuckle escaped your lips as you remembered where you had last worn this same dress - "Wow, this old thing is still here” , you thought to yourself.
You stripped off your sweatpants and t-shirt and quickly put on the dress. You buttoned up all the clasps, and took a few steps back to get a good look at yourself in the mirror. The familiar black fabric still fit perfectly. Your phone rang, it was your best friend telling you to come outside so you guys could go to new club downtown. You grabbed your purse, put on some shoes and ran out the door.
As you drove to the club with your best friend, you started getting nervous. You had no idea what kind of crowd would be there or if it was even worth going to in the first place. But when you got there and saw all of the people dancing around and having fun while you just felt kinda out of place. “It’s ok,” your friend said, “just relax and have fun! This is why we came here.”
You felt a bit nervous of the large crowd and the music thumping you tapped your friend shoulder “Hey, I think I'm going to head over to the bar. It's way too crowded in here."
Your friend nodded, understanding your need for some space and they went to go mingle while you took a seat. You sighed as you asked the bartender for a tequila shot. "Maybe clubbing isn't my thing," you muttered, taking a sip of the drink while watching your friend dance with a group. The music was loud and pounding, making it hard to think and difficult to hold a conversation. The crowd around you was sweaty and boisterous, completely caught up in the moment. You felt slightly out of place here.
You were observing people dancing and talking the you eyes spotted a guy with a bunch of a girl around him; giggle and flirting with him . He had a drink in one hand and he appeared to be enjoying the attention. He had an uncanny look in his eyes that seemed to draw people to him.
You were about to take another sip when you realized he was looking right at you. You felt your skin flush and a rush of warmth spread through your body as his gaze settled on yours for a moment too long before turning away to face the other ladies with a smirk .
Quickly glancing away, you took another sip from your drink before you felt a presence next to you. You turned your head and saw a tall man with his eyes locked on you. He smiled and said "Long night huh?" It was the same guy from the other table you we're watching “yeah , I’m just trying to pass the time until my friends get here," you replied.
He nodded in understanding then said, "Wanna head outside for a bit?" He gestured towards the back door with his thumb.“Sure, why not," you said getting up and grabbing your jacket.
You followed the man outside where it was surprisingly quiet compared to the chaos inside. The streetlights illuminated the area but it wasn't enough to make out who this man was.
You turned around and looked at him, He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one for himself. He then reached out and offered his lighter to you.
You smoke?" He asked as he took a drag on his cigarette.
“Not really but I could use one” you reply before accepting the cigarette from his hands.
He looked at and then looked away before saying “You seem like you’ve been through a lot recently”.
You nervously blinked, unsure of how to respond. You had so many questions and wanted to know how he knew what you were going through but you couldn’t bring yourself to ask him outright.
Instead, you took a long drag from the cigarette and exhaled slowly before speaking up. “Yeah...I have been through a lot lately, you know work problems and relationships stuff too”
He let out a small groan before crushing the cigarette with his heels, slowly raising his gaze to meet hers. With an amused smirk he said, “You know I could make your night even better."
You flashed him a coy smile and, your hands resting on his chest, asked in a teasingly seductive voice, "Hmm...how would you do that?"
He leaned in close to you, his hot breath tickling your ear as he murmured, "I’m sure you already know" His hands moved slowly down your body, sending a shiver of pleasure through you. His lips grazed yours lightly before he pulled away and looked into your eyes, the heat between the two of you palpable. You felt a thrill course through your veins that made you ache for more.
Your heart started beating faster as he took your hands in his and gently tugged you closer to him. He then grabbed the back of your neck, pulling you into a aggressive kiss. He whispered softly “Let me take care of everything tonight” before he started to kiss you deeply, his tongue exploring your mouth.
Your body was trembling with desire as you melted into him. He grabbed onto the curves of your hips and pulled you in closer to him, sending a wave of pleasure through both of you. His grip tightened as he kissed down your neck, leaving a trail of passionate kisses that sent shivers down your spine.
“Wait, I don’t even know your name” you moaned as he kept biting and licking your neck, his hands still firmly gripping your hips.
“i’ll tell you it when we go to my place” he whispered huskily into your ear, his hot breath tickling as the tip of his tongue darted out and brushed against your earlobe. You couldn't help but melt into his touch; it felt so passionate and raw, like nothing you'd ever experienced before. You knew at that moment, you had to go with him.
He took to you inside his car; he rested his hands on your lap while driving to his apartment he revealed his name while as you guys we're driving to his apartment. As you guys went upstairs it disn’t take long untill you were both getting undressed. He ardently kissed your lips as his hands glided up and down your body feeling each curve.
He pressed you against the bed frame, forcing your body to bend downwards. With a swift tug, he pulled your underwear down to your ankles, exposing your wet and aroused cunt. A rough whisper in your ear caught you off guard; "Te ves tan hermosa como princesa," he growled as his firm hands squeezed and caressed your ass. He ran his hand over your clit, stroking it in a circular motion as he continued to push his fingers deep within you.
“mmhn! miguel- w-wait” You gasped as he relentlessly pounded away, your legs trembling with every deep thrust. He pushed further and further until you felt your cunt juices dripping down your inner thighs. "Mmmf!" you cried out as your eyes rolled back and the intensity of pleasure overwhelmed you.
“Qué hermoso” with a satisfied grunt, he licked the last of your juices off his finger. "But we're not done yet," he uttered in a low, raspy tone, a hint of desire evident in his voice.
He flips you onto your back and spreads your legs wider, before bending down to lick your cunt slowly as he moved his hands to your nipples, stroking them with his thumb, teasing them. He kept flicking his tongue over your clit causing you to moan louder and deeper, his hand now stroking your inner thighs making you arch into him.
As he was still licking your clit until he noticed that he was pushing against a spot inside he pushed his tongue even deeper into you, causing your moans to be louder and more passionate. His other hand started to twist your nipple and tugging it forward as his tongue moved around inside of you.
“Mnngh!— Miguel, this is t-too much—” you slurred as he kept licking and sucking on your clit you grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him closer.He smiled against your clit and increased the intensity of his actions, causing you to moan even louder as your body began to shake from the pleasure coursing through you. He continued teasing and licking until eventually he had brought you right at the brink of orgasm before he suddenly stopped, leaving you panting for more.
“Mmm.. you taste so delicious” he murmured as he slowly stood up and stared down at you with a satisfied smirk. “Te voy a ahogar con mi polla” he whispered before unbuckling his pants revealing his erect dick.
You gasped in detail as you eyed the impressive size of him,. “Since you did well, I might as well give you a reward” he smirked as he brought it closer to your face poking it by your cheek . You took a deep breath and opened your mouth wrapping your lips around his thick shaft, sliding it in and out of your mouth.
He grunted in pleasure as he pushed himself deeper inside your warm wetness, his hands grabbing ahold of the hair tightly as you kept bobbing your head back and forward causing him to groan in deep pleasure. “oh shit— your mouth feels too good—” he groaned before pulling your hair tightly and pushing himself deeper down your throat.
You felt like you were going to gag, but as his thrusts started to increase in speed you found yourself enjoying the sensation. His hands left your hair as he grabbed onto your shoulders holding them tightly while his hips moved faster and faster. Your saliva coats his cock as you swirl your tongue around it, teasing and pushing him closer to his orgasm. Your moans mixed with his groans of pleasure fill the room.
Suddenly, he tenses up and your throat is filled with his hot release. “Sallow” he demanded as you forcefully thrust your head forward., you swallow quickly, savoring the taste of his juices as they slide down your throat. He stops and tenderly strokes your hair, caressing your sweaty cheeks. “lo hiciste gran princesa” he murmured, while still stroking your cheeks
He makes you lay down on the bed with your leg wide and fully exposed; you were quivering with anticipation. He reaches to open a drawer, to open up another condom and start rolling it down his hard dick. He moves himself in between your legs, teasing you with the tip of his manhood and keeps rubbing it against your clitoris, making you wetter and moan out in intense pleasure. “Please— just put it in already” you pleaded as he kept rubbing it more intensely; basically making your more overstimulated “Not yet..” he responded and kept rubbing it against your clitoris more.
“Miguel Hnngh— please just…do it” you panted while gripping the bed sheet; “wait…this might hurt a bit” he slowly tried to push it you flinched as it was already filling u up you grabbed unto the bedsheet tightly, panting hard you had never felt something that big inside of you. “Keep going…” you begged, as he slid inch by inch deeper into you...
“Joder— tu coño..me está chupando seco”, he groaned as his entire dick was in you. You could feel it stretching and filling you immensely. He started thrusting slowly at first but as your breathing quickened. “oh fuck— Miguel,” you moaned as he picked up the pace. He continued thrusting, faster and harder, as your moans got louder and louder. You dug your nails into his back as he thrust harder, going deeper with each stroke. You kept scratching his back while gripping him tightly with your legs around his waist .
Miguel's breathing was growing deeper and heavier as he continued thrusting into you, his moans getting louder in your ear. You felt him tense up and start twitching uncontrollably as he gasped deeply. “god— you feel too good—” he panted “joder... no puedo aguantarlo más” he thrusts even harder until he came inside the condom , letting out a deep groan as he finally released himself.
You both collapsed onto the bed, panting and sweaty, trying to regain your breath. You laid there for a few moments in silence; he rolls out the used condom and throw away in a basket; he panted hard as he laid against the bed headboard. You how he was clearly out of breath; You wanted to tease him, so you playfully crawled onto his lap and began seductively rubbing yourself against his semi-erect member. He moaned in pleasure as your movements aroused him further.
As you tried to insert the member slowly inside of you , he grasped your hips and moved quicker pushing deep inside as you feel the pleasure that was making you moan louder than before.
He started to thrust harder getting a better grip on your hips as he went deeper while gripping his hands around your hips, his face buried under your breast as you kept on moving back and forth faster and faster.
His thrusts were making you moan more and more as his member pushed deeper inside of you. You could feel the waves of pleasure coursing through your body, each wave bigger than the previous one.
He kept on thrusting harder and harder letting out a deep groan each time he pushed deep inside of you. His body moved against yours as he kept on thrusting faster until finally, he reached his peak and with one last push, He came inside of you, his warmth spilling from within. You laid back against the bed, watching as his cum slowly trickled down your thighs. As you got up, you felt a sense of relief combined with exhaustion wash over you.
You slowly stood up from your spot and began to make your way towards the bathroom. Just before entering, you turned back towards him with a smirk and asked, "You coming or what?". He couldn't help but chuckle at your playful tone before quickly following you into the bathroom.
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✮ — authors note: you would not believe the amount of porn I had to watch just to make this fic bruh and also this is the second longest fic I made in a long time 😭😭
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hobiebrownismygod · 8 months
Thinking about comforting Hobie after a tough battle + Analysis/Rant at the end GN! Reader x Hobie Brown
TW: None
This is my first fic/headcanon so feedback is greatly appreciated 💜
He comes home covered in blood, visibly exhausted from whatever he’d been doing before. You were sitting in the living room, leaning against a pillow on the couch, quietly reading a book when you heard the door creak open. Your head whips toward the sound and your eyes widen when you see Hobie walking toward you, a dead expression on his face, no more jokes left to be made. You sit up straight, mouth forming to ask a question but you don’t get the chance. He plops down on the couch and pulls you into a bear hug, burying his face in your neck and breathing in your scent quietly, a soft sigh escaping from his lips as he practically melts into you. Your hands slowly run up his back, gently tracing your fingers over his sore muscles, feeling the fabric of his shirt fold just slightly as you rub his back, eliciting another sigh from his lips. “Missed you, sunshine,” he whispered quietly. “I missed you too."
Ranting/Slight Analysis below the cut cuz why tf is Hobie so sexualized on Tumblr? Where is the fluff and angst??
I'm so sick of seeing Hobie so heavily sexualized in peoples' posts. He doesn't do anything sexual or even remotely romantic in the movie, and doesn't even have a confirmed love interest in either ATSV or his comic series. I think the main reason people are sexualizing him so much, is because he's an attractive black man, and people heavily stereotype male black characters in the media as aggressive. I'm not gonna do a deep-dive into this because I really haven't done that much research, but I've noticed that we rarely see any Hobie Brown fluff or angst that doesn't end in heavy smut and I find that very unsettling. Not only is there very few SFW fan fictions of him, even in those fanfictions, the "reader"/y/n is given as many issues as possible and is always the one being comforted or being saved. He's literally a black man surviving a fascist dictatorship in the extremely racist and misogynistic era of the 1970s. There is NO way this man doesn't have heavy trauma as a result of this, considering the fact that he's also canonically killed two people. Why aren't fanfictions and headcanons addressing this? Why don't we have any Hobie x Reader fanfictions where the reader actually cares about Hobie's emotions and not just about f*cking him? Because I'd love to see that.
I'm probably gonna draft an actual analysis of his sexualization on Tumblr eventually, so if y'all see any posts that do that please tag me or if have anything feedback or anything to say, please let me know <3
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Have a Hobie for getting to the end! He's so pretty 😭
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
03/30/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR: Ruibo Qian; Rhys Darby; AdoptOurCrew; CoolPirates/Trans Day of Visibility; Fan Spotlight; Kudoboard Last Call; Watch Party Reminders; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
Hope your weekends going well luvs! I know it's almost over for some of you, and others have one more day to go!
== Ruibo Qian ==
Our Pirate Queen is absolutely just slaying today.
Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
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= Rhys Darby =
Rhys and Finn Darby did an interview at the Whammy Bar in NZ! Wanna see the video? Visit Stuff.co.nz
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In addition, Rosie caught them in the newspaper!
Source: Rosie's IG Stories
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our dear friends at #AdoptOurCrew have posted a lovely letter to all our trans and non-binary cast, crew and fandom!
@adoptourcrew Twitter
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==Cool Pirates ==
Lots more trans and non-binary cast, crew and fan crew spotlight today!
= Madeleine Sami =
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The Sami Sisters
= Zayre Ferrer =
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Inevitable Foundation
Zayre Imdb
= Zackery Alexzander Stephens =
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is Toneey Acevedo! You may remember him as one of the tribal elders in episode 2 of season 1 who was helping Stede cope! So good to see him getting highlighted, thank you darling @melvisik!
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= Final Glow Up Bracket! =
Our dear crewmate @thesparklyfkingpirate has been doing the #ofmdglowup for #marchmadness this month. I have been meaning to post about it for a week now and kept getting distracted. Sorry hon! Looks like it's down to the final two! Stede and Izzy! Source: TheSparklyFkingPirate's IG
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== Kudoboards Last Call! =
REMINDER! KUDOBOARDS close on the 31st. 
Go send the cast and crew some love folks!
David Jenkins
Nathan Foad
Con O'Neill
Ruibo Qian
Leslie F*cking Jones!
Matthew Maher
Vico Ortiz
Samson Kayo
Alex "Ass Tonight" Sherman!
David Fane
Gypsy Taylor
Kristian "Wee John Wondays" Nairn!
Samba "BTS and Baking King" Schutte!
Fellow OFMD Fan Crew!
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Movie: Boy Date: Sunday March 31st at Time: 10am EST / 2pm GMT. We're watching Boy (2010) Hosted By: @tillychmo & @regg_official Location / Hastags: TBA
== Love Notes ==
Hello my lovelies! How are you holding up? It's almost the end of March, which is pretty darn hard to believe.
I really hope that you're out there having a good day. I hope your heart and burdens are a little less heavy today, even if they're not weightless. I hope you get a chance to take care of yourself even a little bit, whether that's a shower, or a meal, or a walk outside (or raiding the local target for discount chocolate)-- you deserve a break, and to get a chance to feel like you again.
Remember to love yourself my dears, just like we love you. You deserve all the darn love this crazy world has to offer. I hope you can see that, if not today, one day soon.
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Src: @allontheboard Instagram
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's Theme: Video Games! For those of you who ship #Freemanji
Daily Darby Courtesy of @neonpigeons
Tonight's Taika Courtesy of @aanakin
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mightypossibly · 3 months
Rich Loser!Yandere x afab+nb!reader
content + warning: mxnb smut, creaming, somno, oral (reader receiving), (consensual) free use, penetration, etc...
summary: in which you move in with your rich loser bestie who wants you really f*cking bad...
word count: idk 🤷
Baron knew you'd be sleeping now. You had moved in with him in his penthouse a month ago, and it didn't take long for him to fully understand your routines. You were a diligent college student, the president of your GSA and the head of the school's council. You always went to sleep at the same time every night, and woke up a the same morning, like a good little bunny you were. Knowing all this, Baron slipped into your room with a sound.
He caressed your thighs. Prying them open, he pulls off your panties and licks your pussy. Soon, you're soaking wet from his kisses, and he teases your clit with his heavy hands.
He slides his erect dick into your tight cunt and slowly thrusts… Soon, he's hammering into your sloppy hole. He thinks that taking you in has paid off, and now he had a sweet hole to fuck- maybe more. He turned you on your belly and plowed your sleeping body. You had agreed from the jump that he could fuck you whenever he wanted, but he'd been waiting for the right moment to surprise you. You were heaved onto the man's giant dick. His thrusts were slow and silky; he didn't want to break you too.
Baron had a terrible habit of breaking his inanimate sex dolls, so he was worried- you were real, and you couldn't be put back together. His dick kissed your womb, his thrusts turning it to mush. He fed your tight, gushy pussy creampies incessantly. He was going to make you earn your keep by sloppily draining his balls into you, just as you promised he could.
Ever since you dropped on his doorstep, he wanted to stuffed you with his monstrous wood. He fantasized about making you throw it back on him at a breakneck speed. His fantasies would come true- He just had to break you in first.
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darkwitchingflower · 21 days
Things my friends have said as percy jackson characters pt. 5/6 idk I've lost count again
Apollo/Lester: I have an idea for you: thank you Apollo for blessing my life with your godly presence. Your meat wand is a blessing this summer as its size will provide shade for us all 😍 (friend not on tumblr)
Leo: It's yeasting time!
Percy: Nico I am both amazed by you and concerned (@wraith--2)
Nico: What'd I do now? I'm really confused (me)
Percy: The whole dissolving your hand and drinking it (@wraith--2)
Nico: Oh ye I forgot about that (me)
Apollo: Why is a femboy stronger than me? (Friend not on tumblr)
Piper: Ladies and gent, let's pierce our flaps! (Friend not on tumblr)
Thalia: Why am I asexual? Well I decided to f*ck with depression and it f*cked back (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: I full support pettiness when it's due. It's like sass with emotional damage
Leo: My honka wonka bandonkas are just supreme in size what can I say? (Friend not on tumblr)
Piper: 😘 (me to @wraith--2 )
Annabeth: Piper, behave yourself around the asexual (best friend not on tumblr)
Nico: Corpses can't forgive. Silly bi*ch (@wraith--2)
Leo: Grab the robotomy it's time for a lobotomy (me)
Percy: Their all gonna pay for messing with my shrekie poo (friend not on tumblr)
Percy: Leonardo cappachrio (best friend not on tumblr)
Will: It's a bit too straight in here I gotta take my socks off.... you're allowed to make love to the homies as long as you have socks on (best friend not on tumblr)
Grover: Thank you for the balls (I meant maulteasers, this is also said by me)
Piper: If they (men) can have their penises out why can't we (women) (me)
Piper shivers*
Jason going to hug her: aw you cold? (Me)
Piper: ye my nipples are hard (best friend not on tumblr)
Leo: Simba, the sacrifice (best friend not on tumblr)
Playing human fall flat:
Piper: Let's kiss! (Best friend not on tumblr, she's piper in all of this interaction)
Our characters head butt*
Annabeth: how much do I owe you? (Me)
Piper: sssshhh pain will be over soon!
Annabeth: oh ok
This interaction is the same people as above with same characters
Piper: I'll get it out for you, baby girl
Annabeth: Is it in?
Leo: Don't grab my butt that costs money (best friend not on tumblr)
Dionysus, idk who else to put lol: God of wine and insanity... otherwise known as me last weekend (best friend not on tumblr)
Annabeth: The f*cking duck that asked the same f*cking man every f*cking day for some f*cking grapes when all he f*cking sold was some f*cking lemonade and then when the f*cking man brought the f*cking duck to a f*cking store to buy some f*cking grapes the f*cking duck asked DOES THIS STORE SELL F*CKING LEMONADE (Best friend not on tumblr)
Percy: Yeup, that's the duck (me)
Annabeth: AND YOU THINK HES EDUCATED?! (Best friend not on tumblr)
Percy mahbe in the labyrinth?: BE WAREY! I hear a worm... (@carpcranium)
Annabeth explaining the difference between a horse and pegasus: ...but they're not allowed to fly because horse* racism (@indecisivenb )
*the actual quote is bird racism but saying horse made it fit better
Nico: Don't worry, if the ghosts don't ghost you I will 🫡 (@wraith--2)
Leo: Tf2 heavy weapons guy is kinda hot (friend not on tumblr)
Percys dyslexia getting in the way of wording something*: He's rubbing off against me (@duckbakery)
Piper: I'm being blackmailed with my biggest weakness; gay people (@indecisivenb)
Jason: We are not getting yeast infections in my house, Leo (friend not on tumblr)
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bleucaesura · 3 months
“Mr. Blitzo”
“The O is silent…” Blitzø muttered as he climbed down from the examination table.
“I really don’t recommend leaving at this time.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know,” Blitzø was already putting his boots on, pretending to ignore the doctor. “Blah-bitty blah, against medical advice, blah-bitty blah, can’t be held accountable…”
“Well… yes, but…”
“Ok then I’m going,” Blitzø grabbed his jacket and headed to the door. “I have somewhere I need to be.”
“Sir!” The doctor tried to stop him.
Blitzø grabbed the door handle and stared the Doctor down. “Thanks for patching me up,” he threw the door open and limped out.
Blitzø swung his jacket on over his shoulders. It was better than carrying it. His arms were both bandaged and his right was in a sling so he couldn’t put anything on properly.
Blitzø stopped just outside the hospital doors.
Said I had somewhere to be. But I’m a f*cking liar. I don’t need to be anywhere. I’m not needed anywhere.
The doctor had given him some drugs to help with pain.
What pain? No pain left here. Just an empty shell. A fluffy, cotton-candy, dew-drop, pretty pastel pony… wait… the fuck was I thinking about?
Blitzø smacked his lips.
Some gooooood drugs el dock-tor gave me. Mhmm mhmm mmmhmmm
Blitzø’s head suddenly felt far too heavy for his neck and bobbed forward, then did a crunchy roll from left, to back, to right.
When his eyes stopped spinning, he noticed a billboard across the street. His eyes were blurred, but he made it out: “Get Your Own Fizzarolli Bot Today”.
Oooooh what a mouth on that thing….
He chuckled to himself while making a stupid face.
Hmmm…. Actually… There’s an idea!
“To Lust!” Blitzø shouted triumphantly.
I’ve got a clown to pick with that bone’s rooster f*cker… Wait… Is that right?
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sugalaritae · 1 year
Congrats again on the milestone! Could I request a drabble for this prompt?
Making out as a distraction x Accidental kiss
Maybe YoonKook x Reader? In whatever configuration you like 👉👈
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summary: You push yourself against Jungkook and slip a leg between his as you begin to move to the music. 
“Relax,” you whisper with a soft smile. 
“I’m trying,” he says with a shaky voice.
or Yoongi, Jungkook, and you are on a road trip across country and you've taken a wrong (but right) turn.
pairing: min yoongi x f! reader x jeon jungkook
genre: smut. this is just pwp
au: roadtrip, sort of s2l, one bed!
rating: 18+
word count: 4.5k
warnings: tension, semi-public kissing, dancing with jungkook (that's a warning), a sun dress from the 90s, drinking, mentions of a nicotine being tasted in a kiss, just so so much kissing, lots of discussion of consent and what everyone wants and doesn't want (do this everyone! it's good practice), or*l sex (f receiving and m, both times m giving), v*ginal sex with a condom, choking, voyeurism, face f*cking (mxm), spit, sw*llowing, aftercare
author’s note: honestly this idea came from a in-depth conversation with @minttangerines @minisugakoobies and @bangtanintotheroom several months ago about what a yoonkook fic based on Y tu mamá también would look like. i've been wanting to write it ever since and while it's not that plot at all, it was lightly influenced by the dance scene (tho in my fic yoongi and jungkook are sort of in a "relationship"). thank you to all the above mentioned loves for their encouragement, to Sunny for her request, and to AJ for looking this over!! The title is from the song 'places' by the blaze
The music is swaying around like wind. The four-piece band comprised of men in their forties and fifties are on a stage behind you. There is a drink in front of you. Yoongi and Jungkook sit in front of you as they softly argue about Jungkook's mess up. Behind them is the beach. Beautiful dark sand and then nothing. You know the ocean is about fifty feet away from where you are sitting, but you can’t see it, the water mirroring the dark sky above. If you listen closely though, you can hear the sounds of the waves as they brush against the shore. 
Slowly, the whole scene moves together into one reality as you bring yourself back into your body. It’s been a stressful day. The three of you weren’t supposed to be here. The town you were aiming for is about 250 miles in a different direction, but Jungkook had misread the signs and made a wrong turn and no one had noticed until it was too late to turn around. You had seen the little beachside bar from the road and suggested that you all take a break from driving; maybe have a drink and get a hotel room for the night. The bar is empty, save for the three of you, the band, bartender and a couple in the corner. 
“Jungkook–” you say suddenly and at the same time as you set your pint of beer down on the table with a little more strength than you had intended. 
He looks at you with surprise. 
“Dance with me.”
You look at the two men who are following you with heavy gazes as you stand up and fix your dress. You don’t normally wear dresses, but today was hot in the car and you weren’t really interested in wearing leggings and a tank top. So you wore the only dress you had - a light yellow one with thick straps and buttons down the front that reminded you of something your mother wore in the 90s. 
You hold out your hand for him. 
“Come on,” you say not as a question, but as a command and watch as he looks between your face and hand before gently setting his hand on top of yours. You wrap your smaller one around his much bigger one and lead him to a spot on the beach, still under the lights of the bar but not in it. 
He stands there for a moment, shy, and it pulls a smile from you. Grabbing his hands in yours, you guide them to your waist and slip your hands up his biceps until you can rest your forearms on his shoulders. 
You want to make him relax. 
You can tell that he’s feeling guilty for having driven so far off course. There is the issue of money and gas. The three of you know that one of the guys will have to ask you for money and it will come from your savings, which is why neither of them have brought it up and you’re still reconciling that. But you’re telling yourself that it will be okay. 
For now, you’re deciding to concentrate on dancing with Jungkook instead. It’s a good distraction. 
You push yourself against Jungkook and slip a leg between his as you begin to move to the music. 
“Relax,” you whisper with a soft smile. 
“I’m trying,” he says with a shaky voice. 
You slide your hand up his shoulder until your thumb is touching his neck and you guide the soft pad of your thumb back and forth against his skin, feeling the veins and muscles that tense and then slowly relax. His hands on your waist pull you closer and you smile as you rest your cheek against his pec. You close your eyes as he begins to lead you, the both of you moving to the music and forgetting the world around you. 
When your cousin had suggested that you catch a ride with his friends who were going in the same direction as your new home, you hadn’t thought that they would be two handsome friends. Jungkook had been so excited to meet you, a kind and happy energy as he opened the front door and offered to load your suitcases into the trunk of the car. Yoongi had been polite and quiet until the first day was almost over and then suddenly, it was like he decided that he did like you. Up until tonight they had been staying in one hotel room and you, in another. Tonight, you couldn’t afford that and as you swayed with Jungkook pressed tight against your body, you find yourself hoping that he is someone who likes cuddling because the room only has one bed. 
His body relaxes pressed against you and you feel a hand drift lower. He doesn’t move to touch your actual cheeks, but you can tell he’s thinking about it. He moves two fingers gently over your ass while his one hand stays put on your lower back, only for a moment though before he moves it gently up and down your back. You hum deep in your throat and your fingers drift up into his long hair. 
The night feels electric with the buzzing from the old (probably unsafe) lights strung up above you. The band seems to only be playing slow songs and you’re not sure if it’s for the benefit of you and Jungkook, but you’re not going to question it. 
“Jungkook,” you whisper as you move to look up at him and at just the same moment, he moves to be at your level, turning to look at you.
The two of you bump into each other, your lips brushing against each other and immediately he pulls away when you’re certain that you would be okay if he had kissed you. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles and you smile. 
“It’s okay.” 
Jungkook slowly separates himself from you and holds out his hand for you to take, nodding toward the table where Yoongi still is. You shake your head and stay put, your body still swaying a little to the music until you see him take a seat at the table and you see that Yoongi has turned his seat to face where you and Jungkook were dancing. You smile at him and give a little wave and then turn and walk out toward the water. 
It seems like there is no moon out but you can see its faded light behind a cloud. 
You feel like anything could happen tonight. Your life is in a massive shift with no home yet to call your own and all of your belongings in two suitcases. You sold everything else, wanting to leave everything behind and start fresh. It’s a good but terrifying feeling. The water, with its dark colour,  is a bit like that, you notice as you get closer. The sand darkened with each kiss of a wave. You are free to live your life however you want and it’s an excitement unknown like the ocean in front of you. 
“He should have kissed you,” a voice says to your left. Yoongi’s voice. 
You smile without turning toward him, but you nod. 
“He should have, but he’s shy and it’s really endearing.” 
“How come you didn’t ask me to dance?” he asks. 
You laugh lightly, “Would you have if I had asked?” 
He shakes his head, “No.” 
“Didn’t think so.”
There’s a pause and both of you watch the water in front of you. You don’t know much about where Yoongi and Jungkook are going or what they’re going to do there but you don’t really care. You’re leaving your past behind so that you can start fresh and you’re not entirely interested in two men coming into your life. 
You are interested in whatever Yoongi is about to say though. 
“I would have kissed you, though.” 
“Why don’t you now?” you ask and this time you turn to him completely. 
The lights from the bar shine soft shadows across his body and face. He’s beautiful. 
You take a deep breath, the cool fresh breeze from the ocean fills your lungs and releases it for a moment before he takes a step toward you and cups your face gently in his hands, kissing you softly. You sigh against him and your hands grip the bottom of his biceps. 
It’s a chaste kiss at first but then one of his hands falls from your face and he grips your hip tightly pulling you to him. You part your lips and tease his bottom lip with the tip of your tongue. He tastes like the cheap whiskey he was drinking and leftover nicotine from a cigarette he smoked when you first arrived. 
He pulls you flush to him and this time, unlike Jungkook, he slips his hand down to your ass. His lips part and he welcomes your tongue with his. He tastes like freedom and the unknown. You moan into his mouth and he swallows it happily. 
Then his lips drift from yours and he kisses your cheek and jaw. You move your head to give him more room so he can kiss your neck and he does. Then he nips at your earlobe and it sends a shiver up your spine to meet his mouth. 
“I want to watch you with him,” he whispers and you release a breath you weren’t aware you were holding. 
“Will he want that?” you ask. 
It’s a whisper in your ear, but it sends another shiver, this time down your spine and you push your hips to his. 
“I want you after.” 
He kisses you again and this time you don’t hesitate against each other. You dive in and drag his hand that has, until now, stayed on your neck, slowly down your front, stopping briefly at your breast as he feels your nipple perk under his fingers. Your breathing is shallow and you feel a rush of pleasure as he slips his hand to the side and pushes his thumb gently under the material of your dress until it brushes over your bare nipple and you gasp against his lips. 
You jump a little as you feel a body press against your back, wandering hands down your full hips. 
“Can I fuck you?” Jungkook whispers against your ear before he licks along your ear. 
“Please,” you say against Yoongi who chuckles and pulls away.
“I think we should move to our room then,” he says. 
The hotel room isn’t anything special. The bedspread looks old and is definitely polyester, but you don’t care because two men are currently undressing you. Yoongi is behind you, kissing and licking at your neck as Jungkook unbuttons your dress enough to reveal your bare breasts because you were too tired to try and find your bra when you got dressed this morning. You let the dress fall from your shoulders and arms. Yoongi’s hands drift under your arms and cup your breasts and Jungkook gets on his knees in front of you. 
You feel overwhelmed, your head swimming as Jungkook kisses your clothed cunt. 
“You should take those off of her, I want you to tell me what she tastes like,” Yoongi says as he looks over your shoulder at the man in front of you. 
Jungkook does, gripping your underwear with his hands and tugging them down. You step out of them with his guidance, his gentle hands calloused a little on his palms, but he treats you like he could break you. 
Your hands have felt heavy at your sides, but now they find his hair and you bury your fingers there as he kisses the inside of your thighs making his way to you. Then he licks gently up your slit. You feel his fingers part your lips and his tongue slides against you, your excitement gathering on his tongue. 
“Oh,” you moan. 
“That’s right, baby, let him taste you. I’ll wait until he’s done with you,” Yoongi whispers against your neck and you shiver. 
Jungkook is good with his tongue and you expect him to slip a finger into you, but he doesn’t, using only his tongue to pleasure you. His tongue presses against your clit with a mixture of pressure and moisture. You moan loudly as Yoongi’s fingers pinch and lightly twist at your sensitive nipples. 
“I’m—“ you start and your breath hitches.
“Kook, stop,” Yoongi commands and suddenly you're left standing alone without Jungkook’s mouth on you and you’re so close, but you feel abandoned. 
“No,” you whimper. 
“Baby, are you okay if Jungkook fucks you now?” Yoongi asks. 
You nod. 
“What are you okay with? Are there things that you don’t want or don’t like?” he asks as Jungkook pushes himself up to standing in front of you and suddenly you’re aware that Yoongi has dropped his hands from your breasts to rest on your hips. 
You feel safe and respected because Jungkook isn’t looking at your body, but at your face as he waits for your answer. 
“I don’t want anal or being touched there,” you start. 
Yoongi and Jungkook nod. 
“Okay, anything else?” Jungkook asks and you like that he’s the one asking it this time. 
“Don’t call me princess, baby is fine, but I don’t want any specifically gendered names,” you say to Jungkook and he nods. “I don’t want anything really rough, but I want Yoongi to choke me when I’m close if you’re comfortable.” 
“Let me know and I’ll do it. What do you mean by really rough?” Yoongi asks. 
“No slapping or degrading. I don’t want that.” 
Jungkook nods. 
“I need aftercare. I need to feel both of you against me after.” 
Yoongi’s hands run up and down your hips gently as he asks, “Anything else, baby?” 
You shake your head. 
“Jungkook, anything you want from her or from me?” he asks. 
Jungkook nods. “Can you lick my nipples?” he asks and this time you nod. 
“That’s all. Yoongi?” 
He starts to Jungkook. “I want to kiss you while you still have her on your tongue." He turns to you. "I want to eat you out after he’s fucked you, and then I want you to finish me off, Kook.” 
Jungkook nods again and you wonder how many times they’ve done this. Questions fly through your head and you feel silly for not having asked them before. You don’t know if they’re a couple, but you haven’t noticed anything and then you don’t know if Yoongi would be the kind of person who would be public about his relationships. 
“I can do that,” Jungkook says and the two men lock eyes.
It’s powerful to be stuck between them and slowly, Jungkook steps into you and kisses Yoongi over your shoulder. You rest your head against Yoongi’s shoulder and your gaze drifts over to them. You watch as Yoongi’s tongue slips over Jungkook’s and then the two of them part. 
“You are exquisite. Taste better than anything I could have imagined.” Yoongi says before he kisses your neck. 
Jungkook watches you. His gaze is heavy, his eyes lidded, pupils blown and you can’t take your gaze off him. 
“Can I kiss you?” Jungkook asks after a beat and you nod. 
His kiss is more needy than Yoongi’s was. You feel Jungkook’s and Yoongi’s fingers lace together, both their palms pressing against your skin and you moan against his lips which causes him to open them and you can taste little remnants of yourself on his tongue. 
You move your hands and pull his shirt up, separating from him briefly so that you can pull his shirt off him, which he helps with by separating his hands from Yoongi’s and he holds his arms up. The garment gets caught on his fingers and the two of you laugh as he helps you. You take him in with a gasp. 
A smirk tugs the corner of his lips up and it’s a look that makes you feel weak in the knees. 
Yoongi kisses your neck, licking where he presses kisses, and you watch as Jungkook takes off his jeans, stepping out of them. He’s gorgeous, fitter than anyone you’ve ever been with and for a moment a brief spark of insecurity flashes through you because you’re softer than him. His cock is erect and you can’t take your eyes off his darkened tip. 
“Condom?” he asks and you nod. 
Yoongi guides you backward to the bed and then steps out from behind you and you sit down on the polyester cover. It scratches against your ass as you move upward, Jungkook kisses you again, his hands pressing into the mattress and caging you in. It makes you feel safe and sexy. You remind yourself that he wants you and you close your eyes falling into his kiss. You can feel his cock against your thigh and you open your legs wide for him, making room for him between them. 
Jungkook stops kissing for a moment as Yoongi hands him a condom and you watch as Jungkook rips it open and rolls the thin latex onto himself. He looks trapped fighting against the material of it and you reach between your bodies and take him in your hand, stroking him for a moment as Yoongi and he kiss. 
Then Yoongi is stepping away and you watch him, cheek pressed to the bedspread, as he pulls a chair closer to the bed and sits down. He’s looking at the two of you like you’re the most beautiful human beings he’s ever seen and you find your body reacting to his gaze. Jungkook takes advantage of the position of your head and kisses your neck, biting softly and then pulling away quickly and whispering against your skin as he asks if that was okay and you answer with a short nod. 
He holds your wrist lightly and brings your hand from his cock to his pec, reminding you that he wants you to touch and lick his nipples. You brush your thumb over the erect little bud and he lets out a deep breath against your skin. You feel his cock head press against your cunt and you breathe in as he presses himself into you. Both of you gasp as he pushes all the way into you, knocking from Yoongi’s gaze. Your hand grips his pec, fingers digging into his skin gently. 
He pauses, allowing you to adjust to him. He’s thicker than other men you’ve been with and it takes you a moment, your body relaxing around him. 
“You can move, baby,” you say softly and he bites again at your neck. 
You moan loud at this. 
He starts slow, sliding out almost the full way and then pushing into you. He feels amazing, filling you each time. 
“Faster,” you moan and wrap your legs around his waist, locking your feet at the ankles easily. 
He moans against your skin and then his lips find yours again and he kisses you while he pushes into you faster and stronger. Your back arches against the bed and out of the corner of your eye, you can see Yoongi shift slightly. You’re not close yet. You can feel the familiar build in your stomach, but you’re not close. He seems to notice this, so he stays. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, winds an arm under where you’ve separated from the bed and lifts you. You’re used to men trying to lift you, but he does it with ease, flipping the two of you over in the bed, his cock slipping out of you as he does so and you adjust a little over him before you guide him back to your entrance and sit down on him. Yoongi watches as both your heads fall back with the feeling. 
You bend down and take his nipple between your lips. You slip your tongue around him, licking at his sweaty skin, tasting salt as you fuck yourself on his cock. You stay that way for a moment, relishing in how Jungkook is under you, moaning your name like it’s a prayer, a holy name. 
He’s talking through all of this, you realize. Guiding you, telling you how well you’re doing. 
You break your kiss from Jungkook’s chest and lift one knee up, resting your foot against the bedspread and the new angle pushes you closer and closer.
“I’m close, Yoongi,” you say and you close your eyes tight as you pick up your speed. 
You feel the mattress dip a little and Yoongi’s hand gently grips your neck. He leans into the side of your head and takes your earlobe between his teeth, biting gently as his grip tightens. 
“Keep going, baby,” Jungkook commands and you keep the movement. 
Everything is overwhelming, the feeling builds and you feel Jungkook’s hand press against your lower stomach, helping you over that edge. Yoongi’s fingers press into the sides of your throat in the perfect way and you love this; you knew you could trust him to choke you right. 
Your walls clench around Jungkook’s cock as your body shakes. Your orgasm ricochets through your body. Jungkook pushes into you, thrusting upward, fucking you through it before you feel him come. He fills the condom and you wish you could feel him so that Yoongi could lick his cum out of you. 
Yoongi kisses your temple. 
“You did so well, baby. So well,” he purrs in your ear and you feel yourself fall against him as his hand releases your neck. 
Jungkook below you watches, his chest rising and falling as he tries to gather himself. After a moment you move off him and he catches the condom before it comes off. 
“Do you need a moment before I…” Yoongi asks and you nod. 
Jungkook moves off the bed to throw the condom and Yoongi slips his shirt off and lays down next to you, guiding you to rest your head against his chest. 
“You did so, so well, I’m so proud of you,” he whispers to you as his hands move over your back and arm, up and down. 
You move your head to capture his lips in a kiss and he kisses you softly before you decide you’re ready again.
“Can I have you, all of you?” you ask against his lips and he smiles. 
“Maybe tomorrow morning. Could I wake you up?”
You nod. 
He directs you off him and onto the bed properly as he kisses you and you watch as he kisses down your body. Stopping briefly to pay attention to your breasts again. He licks and bites softly. His fingertips move gently over your sensitive skin and it feels like electricity. You feel alive and tender and so fucking human. 
His lips capture your clitoral hood in an intimate kiss. He tugs slightly and you moan, your hands finding a home in his hair. It’s soft. He is skilled. His tongue pushes into you and licks up and out, over and over and over and over until you feel a little dizzy, your eyes closing tight. 
Jungkook sits beside you, running his fingers gently down your cheek. He leans down and kisses you fully. 
“Do you want to be choked again?” he asks and you shake your head. 
He kisses you as Yoongi licks, but never penetrating you with anything but his tongue. You’re happy for this because you feel sensitive and already this is broaching the feeling of being oversensitive. 
Your second orgasm isn’t as powerful as the first, but your back breaks its relationship with the bed. You moan into Jungkook’s mouth and he seems to relish in this. Yoongi kisses the inside of your thigh tenderly as his hands move up and down your legs, gripping your ankles gently and tugging you back to earth. 
“Baby, are you okay if Jungkookie finishes me off or do you need someone to hold you?” Yoongi asks. 
It takes you a moment to answer, but Yoongi never moves. Instead, he just tightens his grip ever-so-gently on your ankles and keeps you steady. 
“Come back to me after?” you ask.
“Of course,” both men say at the same time, but Yoongi punctuates his with a kiss on your knee and you feel special.
Jungkook makes sure to help you move so your head is resting against the pillows and under the blankets. He kisses you gently on the lips and then knee-walks over to Yoongi. You watch as Jungkook slides off the bed and Yoongi grabs him by the back of the neck and pulls him into a kiss. It’s sexy, long. Jungkook’s hands work on Yoongi’s black trousers, and then as soon as his pants are at his ankles, Yoongi’s hands push down on Jungkook’s shoulders and you watch as the younger man gets on his knees. 
Jungkook licks the underside of Yoongi’s cock which pulls his name from Yoongi’s mouth. He does this a few more times before he takes all of Yoongi in one go and it’s amazing to watch. 
They have done this before, you think as you watch Yoongi grip the back of Jungkook’s head. 
“Can I fuck your face?” Yoongi asks and Jungkook nods as best he can. 
You watch the muscles in Jungkook’s jaw relax as Yoongi’s fingers curl Jungkook’s hair around them and he begins a fast pace. This time it’s Yoongi who is talking Jungkook through fucking him. Spit falls from around Yoongi’s cock and out of Jungkook’s mouth landing on his chest and shining there. It’s beautiful and sexy and it almost makes you ready again, but you’re exhausted. 
Your fingers dance along your collarbone as you watch though, desperate for touch. Yoongi finishes in Jungkook’s mouth and pulls out in a fast movement that makes even your jaw ache. Cum and spit fall out of Jungkook’s mouth and onto his chin. Yoongi reaches down and gathers it up on his fingers and pushes it back into the other’s mouth. 
“Swallow,” Yoongi commands and you take a breath at the tone. It’s deep and makes your legs shake a little in anticipation of what might be happening when you wake the next morning. 
Jungkook follows the command and you watch his throat move with the action. He sticks his tongue out and Yoongi nods.
“Well done. You did well.” 
Yoongi kisses Jungkook softly as the younger stands. 
Yoongi slips under the covers and presses his body to yours.  Jungkook walks around the bed and slips in the other side and does the same. You feel safe here. Jungkook brings a leg over yours and you feel caged in and comfortable. 
“You both did so well tonight. I’m so proud of you both,” Yoongi says as his hand moves over Jungkook’s arm and his lips kiss your temple and cheek. 
You don’t know what your future holds and you feel sleep join the weight of the two bodies of the men on either side of you. You are happy. Content. Whatever happens in this life you will have this memory and it feels like the start of a new past. 
©sugalaritae, 2023. Do NOT repost, edit, or translate any of my work. I only post on ao3 and tumblr
if you liked what you read please comment, reblog, and give likes!!
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
I hope you are well! ♡ Remember to rest and eat and drink some water if you haven't yet ! <3
I was wondering if I could I request comfort fic for Shoto and/or Deku where the reader had to move on their own after just turning 18, because of her parents decided to move 4 hours away, but they had to stay behind because of her studies in the UA.
She feels good at living alone at first and they were supposed to celebrate her birthday later on, (because they were packing and cleaning on her orig b'day. )
But on a phone call  with her mother, she says she doesn't know when they will have time to do that since they have other things coming up and they don't really have time. And just watching them live their lives without her.
And now she just feels like she's just outside of the family and out of their lives now, and that she's just on her own now, alone. Like she isn't really that important to them anymore., and will get forgotten. (even though it's not true)
I hope you have a good day!❤
Remember that you are amazing!! <3
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℘. flora's notes : I switched your request up a bit because I did not know how to explore the whole parent thing🥲 and so I just did moving in headcanons I hope that's okay. I would be so grateful if u guys could reblog this, I'm scared it's gonna flop 😭
℘. infos : female, male, gn reader friendly xx
m.list | comment or reblog if you enjoyed !
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℘. i see izuku as the one to ask you to move in because he just kind of moves fast in a relationship. this man dates TO MARRY. but he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable in any way. he will always make sure that you feel happy and that you are stable enough in your relationship first
℘. he was so anxious about asking, he didn't want to rush you or to force you. he played 20 different scenarios in his head and asked bakugo for advice
℘. he has slept over at your place a few times and he loved the feeling of waking up with you in his arms.
℘. or the both of you getting ready in the bathroom and smiling to each other in the mirror
℘. he couldn't help but think "I want to do this every morning"
℘. he is a prohero and so he is LOADED and by loaded I intend he is f*cking rich 😃. he got the apartment of your dreams ! cosy, not too big but you can still smell the money when u walk in 💀 BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT IZU IS GOING FOR, he likes to have his little bubble with you<3
℘. insists on carrying the heavy items because he just doesn't want you to hurt yourself and he will not negotiate !!!
℘. he lets you decorate because this apartment will never feel like home to him if it doesn't EXUDE your energy, like he needs to see you even when you're not there yk 😭
℘. invites inko over, he's so proud of the decoration of the apartment, he wants to show his mom that you have taste !!!
℘. as someone who didn't grow up in a v wealthy environment, he's happy he's able to provide such a lifestyle for you !
℘. the ✨vibe✨ we are going for :
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℘. so it is not unbeknowst to anyone that shoto has expensive taste 😃. SO i see you both living in a huge penthouse, very similar to the ones that you see in New York City with the big windows, city views, huge living room and overall very modern aesthetic
℘. he does not really care about the decoration BUT he will happily go with you to ikea and he will gladly pay for everything too. he wants you to feel at home !!
℘. his worst fear is that he forced you to move in with him and you said yes just to make him happy. BUT THAT'S JUST HIS ANXIETY SPEAKING, please reassure him 🥲
℘. he wants to do everything by himself LIKE GROCERY SHOPPING AND COOKING ! he wants to treat you like royalty, you are not moving a finger !
℘. thing is, he never really had to go grocery shopping before and so he doesn't really know what to get nor does he know how to cook 💀
℘. he tried once to make you tomato sauce pasta but he thought that they were cooked the same way as meat is. and so he put them in a big plate in the oven at 200゚C. it started to burn and it eventually exploded in the kitchen. he went like 😊🤔🤨😮😬😐.
℘. he was quick to freeze the fire and there was just a big iceberg in your kitchen. when you came home, he was sitting down on the couch, looking down on the floor like a shameful kid who just did a silly mistake.
℘. he just looks so adorable that you hugged him, told him it was okay because he was so panicked and disappointed in himself, he needed lots of reassurance 🥲
℘. he loves to cuddle while watching movies with you after work 🥰 and what shoto wants shoto gets... you have a built-in private theater...
℘. this is the ✨vibe✨ we are going for :
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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djservo · 4 months
crashes in in a fashionably late kind of way.. january is finally over!! 31 days felt like 300 but now that we’re on the other side of it, what books did you read to start 2024? what was the vibe any standouts has it changed what’s on the horizon?
I've started keeping a physical calendar again so you'd think having the month splayed out in front of me so directly and constantly would be grounding but week after week I was just like Omg how is there More.... we made it thru tho god bless xx January was fun!!
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in terms of my pre-planned monthly reading themes, January was a grace period where I let my whims guide me so I'm surprised at how many themes incidentally overlapped?? Naomi Klein referencing The Fire Next Time, the theme of internet doubles and online dark corners in Doppelganger essentially being the core of The Sluts, the dark spiraling mystery of The Sluts akin to the dark spiraling mystery of Mysterious Skin, yada yada yada. I luv when the dots inadvertently connect!! right place right time vibe!!
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
it's been really nice starting my reading off with Baldwin these past few years, something grounding about immersing myself in sharp indictments of the US amidst the usual new year wide-eyed blitheness. this one was only 2 essays but both gripped me just as much as his longer collections. I imagine it's hard to sort of reframe arguments, pleas, and points you've been talking about for years when things still haven't changed, but each new (to me) Baldwin essay reads so fresh in the way that he contextualizes these core points within different interactions + relationships. I think Ive said this before but it's also so rewarding to read an author's works chronologically because you can kind of follow how their frame of mind sharpens/adapts throughout the years and in a way you grow with them, and his first essay (a letter to his nephew) kinda feels like the culmination of that growth laid out with such care. super special
Doppelganger by Naomi Klein
totallyyyyyy consumed + dizzied by this wow I can't believe it took me this long to read Naomi Klein. I think I'd been intimidated by the size of her books + my incorrect assumption that something so research-heavy (bc boy does she research!) will read too dense, but everything here was laid out and tied together so smoothly + accessibly (I feel like I use that word a lot for nonfiction which is probably my subconscious quest to entice ppl to read more nonfiction hehe) This read like partial investigative deep dive into the online world of conspiracy theories/Qanon cesspools + partial mystery novel about her own experience with Naomi Wolf (her 'doppelganger')?? idk it feels weird to relate someone's lived experience to a spectacle like that but it really was like edge of seat level curiosity/uncertainty/etc. just so engrossing and thorough and THRILLING, the epilogue made me gasp!!!
Leslie F*cking Jones by Leslie Jones
my one + only spotify audiobook experience, cut short amid the last chapter bc I ran out of hours and no longer am a spotify premium user so I just read the rest </3 but that turned out to be fun bc I saw what a stark difference it was to listen vs. read this. the audio rules bc Leslie totally goes off script to add anecdotes (one of the reviews was like 'she was NOT reading what was written!!' LMAO so true.. and I love her for that!!) + an emotional depth I don't think could've been sufficiently captured in written form - her laughter and her palpable anger and her literally crying over... such a robust journey! I was an SNL fan basically my whole life til I went to college so I always love stories about it and I really admire how she didn't hold back in her criticisms. I feel like former members (especially those somewhat fresh off the slab in a way) feel like they have to be eternally grateful to their experience when so much of it is so clearly draining and thankless. doubled expectations because she's a woman, tripled because she's a Black woman, and therefore expected to just bend over and take it (her words) but she never does!! she never tries to compromise her own experiences like "this happened... but at least this happened too and they actually were nice in this way-" NO!! she compartmentalizes the good and the bad so distinctly so there's no misunderstanding, and I just really really admire that, the lack of kissing ass in an industry where that's practically what fuels your career/reputation!! she rocks + is such a funny storyteller+ I'm so glad I listened to this
The Sluts by Dennis Cooper
ofc had to squeeze my old man in... I think this was actually the book to first put Cooper on my radar so it was super fulfilling to finally get to it (even tho I devoured it in just 2 days.. a shame bc it was a slay to read this in public) Supremely up my alley with its 2000s internet mystique, the perfect backdrop for a twisted mystery + ruminations of Internet As Performance Art™, the internet as roleplay, what's real + what's just fantasy/fetish, etc etc. so so so good and while still sick and horrifying as his writing is known for, perhaps the most readable for an uninitiated reader of Cooper's works?? even then I'd say this is still for a very particular reader tho idk i can never get a pulse on what a majority of readers are into these days!! I really loved this though and I'm sure it'll be in my top 5 for the year thank u once again for the twisted ride denny !!!
My People Shall Live by Leila Khaled, George Hajjar
feels more like political ethnography than personal memoir. there is some of Leila's backstory and family and personal relationships sprinkled in (her husband is given maybe 5 lines total LOL), but so much of her being is clearly centered around Palestinian resistance + revolution, so recounting her political work within a collective was her truest form of autobiography as that was indeed her life/livelihood. wild to read how intense she was even from childhood, how Down she was to sacrifice things and put herself on the line... literally getting plastic surgery after hijacking a plane in order to be able to get involved in more demonstrations without being recognized like god!!! intense life-altering decisions and it's like she doesn't even bat an eye or show any regrets/wistful 'what if i hard a 'normal' life?'!! that eric andre margaret thatcher meme but instead "do you think leila khaled effectively utilized girl power by hijacking a plane?'' LOL I mean... ! 🤭
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
SILLY + ABSURD!!! a bit of a hike to get there but once I hit it, it was hard to put this down (as is my experience with a lot of classics, I find) I think I really enjoy magical realism rooted in political/cultural landscapes, or maybe I just really like wacky shit (it made me think a bit of Catch-22 which I also had fun with!!) + this didn't disappoint!! truly giggled aloud at some parts, the ridiculousness of it all!!! makes me wanna deep dive into the history of the Soviet Union but I feel like I'll need to clear at least an entire month for that .... will have to plan accordingly 👩‍🔬
Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim
heartbreaking and dark but handled with a lot of care. I guessed the "twist" (which feels indelicate to call it that but I cant think of another word rn) early on but I think that just heightened the slow unraveling of it + made it that much more emotionally grueling to get thru. perhaps that was even the point! I'd been meaning to watch the movie for like over a decade at this point but wanted to read it first so now having read and watched it I'm glad it was now vs. me at 10 or whenever bc dumb tween me likely wouldn't have processed it well enough and the darkness would've overshadowed the journey itself. sometimes it's important to wait I guess is what I'm trying to say!!!
I definitely want to squeeze in another Naomi Klein this year if possible, maybe some Russian/Ukrainian lit. I've focused on Baldwin's nonfiction these past years so I might pick up a fiction of his this month + ofc Cooper wherever I can squeeze him <3
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avenirdelight · 2 years
Level Up
Mason Mount (ft. Declan Rice)
Mason thinks that breaking up with her was the wrong decision. She says they can’t make the same mistakes if they get back together. [Inspired by “Level Up” by Sigrid]
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She hated sprinkles. She never wanted them in her doughnuts or cakes. She hated lemon and orange scented air fresheners. She loved the smell of new books and petrichor. She loved cheesy romantic-comedy movies, always spent her time watching one of those movies whenever she was feeling stressed.
As Mason lay in the cold bed, staring up to the marble off-white ceiling, he found himself listing the things she liked and disliked. He’d brought his nieces to their favourite doughnut place earlier today, and the youngest couldn’t stop asking for the pink doughnut with pink sprinkles. And the first thing that had popped up in his mind was how she, his now ex-girlfriend, hated sprinkles.
Mason had thought that separation was the best decision. Even worse, he’d thought that it was what he wanted. Months of miscommunication and misunderstanding, he’d grown tired of it and wanted it to end, thinking that they just weren’t meant for each other.
But he’d been sleeping in the guest room at his sister’s house and every day, he felt the bed getting colder. It annoyed him that he knew that tomorrow morning he would wake up with a groan, because he would expect to see her beside him when he woke up and wouldn’t find her, just like the days before.
She still lived inside his mind. And maybe… Maybe he had made the wrong decision.
A scornful laugh pierced Mason’s ears as he felt his heart slowly sinking. He was paying Declan a visit at his house. His mind was getting more and more clouded, he’d thought that sharing about this matter to Declan could clear his mind a little bit. But his best friend was not really helping.
“I told you to really think about it, mate. Before you make the decision, not after,” Declan commented as he aimed for the yellow-coloured pool ball, preparing to take the shot. He’d invited Mason to play pool, thinking that it could ease Mason up a little bit. “It’s been what? Four weeks?”
“Yeah, four weeks of hell.” Mason watched as Declan took the shot. The yellow ball went down into the corner pocket.
“So is this the reason why you haven’t moved out of the house and kept staying at your sister’s? ‘Cause you wish that you wouldn’t need to move out?” It felt like Declan was reading him. But Mason didn’t even have the courage to admit that he’d been making excuses so he could postpone the moving out part as long as he could. 
“I don’t know, mate, honestly, I don’t f*cking know.” He shook his head ever so slightly, walking around the table. “All I know right now is that I’ve made the wrong decision.”
“How do you know?”
Mason took the shot, but the ball hit the cushion and bounced. Nothing in his life was going well right now, even playing pool. Yes, his football definitely could do better, but his mind had been troubled by his personal life and it was affecting how he played on the pitch.
“‘Cause I’ve realised that I haven’t fallen out of love. Not even halfway there,” Mason answered, letting out a long, heavy sigh. He looked up and met Declan’s questioning eyes. “I tried to remember all the reasons I like her, and the list is still longer than the things I don’t like about her. I’ve always liked her as a person. I still do.”
Declan puffed out a breath from his mouth. He couldn’t deny that the mood was getting bleak. He genuinely felt sorry for Mason. “Last time you said she didn’t understand you,” Declan tried to remind his best friend.
Mason gritted his teeth. “Maybe that’s what I wanted to believe,” he shrugged. “Maybe I tried to convince myself that I didn’t understand her either but, mate– Who could possibly know her better than I do?”
“You tell me.” He slightly raised his eyebrows, giving Mason a half shrug.
“I don’t know, I just… I wish I had tried harder to see eye to eye with her again.”
“Well, regret is always at the end, innit?” He said as he tapped his fingers against his cue. Mason nodded to agree. “Just give it a thought again, mate. Make sure you’re ready to be fully committed. ‘Cause this is not only about your feelings and what you want. This is about hers too.”
The dark, cloudy, and rumbling sky reflected how it was inside Mason’s mind. It felt even worse because he practically could hear his heart thumping against his ears. She leaned herself against the window frame with a mug in her hand, looking out to the backyard. She hadn’t been saying anything for minutes and the silence was getting deafening, even suffocating. Everything Mason wanted to say was at the tip of his tongue, but he tried to be patient, giving her time to think. So he just sat back on the couch and waited.
He’d confessed to her that he regretted his decision and asked if they could get back together. He’d poured his heart out, coming out clean, told everything he’d been feeling and thinking—including the part where he couldn’t let her go and wouldn’t be able to see her with someone else. He’d figured that this time round he needed to be honest, or more honest, because it only could work out if he was honest about his feelings, not only to her but also to himself.
“Where do you think it went wrong?” She broke the silence. Her voice was low and calm but the question still caught Mason off guard. He could barely see her face through the reflection on the window.
They’d gone through this conversation before and it wasn’t easy, but if this was what it took to get her back, Mason was more than willing to go through it again.
“We didn’t communicate. We just let our problems pile up, and didn’t even take the chances to sort them out,” he answered. “I didn’t do my parts. When things didn’t go right with us, I just… Gave up so soon. At some point I stopped trying.”
She sighed, and it sounded heavy. “It’s silly to think about it now. We only wanted the easiest way,” she said, before taking a sip on her drink. “I mean, I did just the same. I let my mind clutter up and always waited for it to get worse… Wasted so much of our time.”
Mason dropped his gaze to his untouched mug on the coffee table. The corners of his lips twitched into a small sheepish smile. “Yeah… But this is not easy either.”
“It’s even harder,” she chortled.
She turned around on her feet and then leaned back to the window frame. Her eyes met Mason’s before she shifted it to her mug; her fingers traced the edges of the mug.
“It’s going to take a lot of work, you know, if we… If we get back together,” she mumbled. “We can’t make the same mistakes. We can’t choose the easiest way again. We have to get through the struggles.”
“I know.” Mason nodded. “I mean, it’s the only way for us to level up, innit?”
Her smile rose. She shifted her gaze up again and met Mason’s; this time she didn’t look away. Mason smiled back at her and before he could even stop himself, he stood up. Taking a deep breath, he walked closer to her and her eyes followed him until he stopped on the other side of the big window frame. He leant himself on his side and folded his arms in front of his chest.
“I didn’t know how I ended up with the conclusion that I didn’t want us anymore, didn’t want you anymore, but I was so wrong,” Mason said. “I asked too much from you when I didn’t even give enough, and I’m sorry.”
Mason looked out the window. He thought that it was gonna rain but the sky was actually getting clearer. He took a deep breath and could feel his chest feeling less heavy.
“Everything I see, everywhere I go… I always get reminded of you. I saw doughnuts with sprinkles and I thought of you,” Mason chortled.
“Sprinkles?” She glanced up at him. Her eyebrows were furrowed.
“Yeah, you hate sprinkles.” Mason lol shrugged. A faint smile started to form on her lips, like she was tickled because he suddenly brought up sprinkles to the conversation. “I remember the first time I learned about you hating sprinkles and I was like, what? How could anyone hate sprinkles?” He couldn’t hold back his smile either; his heart was getting warmer as he started reminiscing about those early months in their relationship.
“Sprinkles are awful,” she commented. “They get stuck on your teeth, they just taste like sugar, they ruin everything.” Mason had only heard it from her so many times before and honestly, he’d missed listening to her express the hatred she had for the confectionary. He couldn’t help but let out some chuckles as she sipped on her drink with a smile on her face.
“The point is, I loved learning about you and maybe that’s what I need to do. To learn about you again.“
“And you’d love to do that?”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Mason nodded. “I need one more chance. One more chance to do better,” Mason said, staring at the side of her face that was partly covered by her hair because she was staring down at her mug. “I didn’t— I didn’t hold you, kiss you, love you like I really wanted to. I didn’t love you enough. I’d like to try again. Make it right.”
Mason noticed her nodding her head ever so slightly; his heart jumped, for a second he thought that she was saying yes, before realising that she was just gesturing that she understood. She stepped aside to put her mug on a nearby table before leaning on the window frame again, facing Mason this time.
Mason’s gaze was fixated at her, but she looked out the window, hugging herself with her arms. She put on her thinking face again and with each passing second, Mason kept hoping that she felt the same. He hoped that he wasn’t the only one believing that they could still save this relationship. They’d been through a lot for the past three years and it was really silly that they’d ended it just like that.
“Maybe we just needed a break… You know, to see everything better,” she said. “‘Cause now that I’ve spent so many hours in this house alone, thinking that it was all really over and you wouldn’t come back, I’ve realised that I didn’t appreciate you enough. And I’m sorry.”
She turned to him, her eyes were apologetic. Mason gave her a small, reassuring smile.
“We need to get through the struggles, Mase, together, just like we used to,” she said, staring deep into Mason's eyes. “Can’t waste any chances anymore, can’t sweep anything under the carpet, can’t not be honest. We have to do so much better.”
“Yeah, I know, I know. We will, we’ll do better.”
The silence followed. But unlike earlier, this one felt more comfortable; Mason could feel his heart comfortably pounding in his chest. They both took the time to just look at each other, simply enjoying each other’s company. This was the first time in a while that they looked at each other without any bitter feeling tugging at their hearts. Mason was trying not to get teared up as he felt the relief slowly seeping in, because they might have come into an agreement here.
“Just make it clear…” Mason mumbled. “We’re getting back together, aren’t we?”
He couldn’t miss the faint smile that rose on her face and his heart skipped a beat at that. “Yeah, we are,” she answered.
“Okay, just making sure.” He shrugged, giving her a cheeky smile, which drew a little giggle from her.
Mason finally took a step closer and when he did, she bit her bottom lip and dropped her gaze—something that she sometimes did when she felt nervous. He was feeling nervous too, and the feeling was familiar because there had been a period of time where he’d always been nervous when it came to her, all because he’d been so in love with her.
He stopped when he was close enough to feel her warmth and gently took a hold of her forearms. Her eyes darted up and eventually met his eyes again, her eyes were glistening with tears. He gently pulled her closer before opening his arms, and without saying another word, she fell into his embrace.
Mason wasted no time wrapping his arms around her. He held her tight, the scent of her hair filled his lungs and that was the moment he realised how much he’d missed her. He hugged her like how he’d always wanted to, like how he was supposed to. He had already begun to try to make it right.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he said.
“I’ve missed you too,” she mumbled against his shoulder. She held onto him like she would never let him go and Mason got reminded of how perfectly she fitted in his arms, telling him that they undoubtedly still belonged to each other.
“We’re gonna go through this together, okay?”
Mason felt her nodding her head. He thought that she might need this reassurance, letting her know that he would always be by her side this time, he wouldn’t run away again like he’d used to, and he wouldn’t let her do the same.
He loosened his arms and searched for her face. He brushed the stray hands off her face and held it gently, stroking her cheek with his thumb. It was like he was falling in love again, because a thought crossed his mind, that she was so beautiful, and it almost took his breath away.
“You’re so pretty,” he mumbled.
She burst into giggles as she playfully slapped his shoulder. “Okay, behave, now.”
He shyly grinned and took the opportunity to quickly lean in and brush his lips against hers. She gladly welcomed him and kissed him back. He still remembered their first kiss and this was just how it had felt like—soft and gentle, excited but nervous. She smiled between the kisses and Mason believed she’d done it too back then.
This was definitely worth fighting for, Mason would always remind himself of that. It would be a shame if they just gave everything all up without a fight. They had so much to fix and it wouldn’t be easy but they were ready to commit to it, because they knew that only when they went through the struggles together that they could level up.
it’s been a while since the last time i wrote for mason! hope you guys enjoyed it! comments and feedback are always welcomed! thank you for reading<3
My Masterlist🤍
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boybasher · 3 months
my poem:
I burn my hair
Cloud up my mind
And break my own heart
Blue eyeshadow and dark eyes
Tight hips with f-cked up childhood stories
Dreams of bunnies with bows
Pretty is my priority
So I trap myself in my room
3 Coats of mascara
I’m only beautiful when I’m untouched
I like the boys with f-cked up teeth
Dirty Smiles
And a taste of whiskey in their breath
Love is annoying
I don’t text back
If you want my words
Come and kiss my mouth
You know where I sleep
Where I dream
God Is Real
Touch me and you’ll see
Electric veins, warm blood
He’s in me and he’s in you
I hate you
And I love you
And I’m losing my f-cking mind!
Convinced myself
You’re one of a kind
I never left town
An hour that way
An hour that way
A black hole we call the Central Valley
My town is small
Cars race by
As I close my eyes
And wish myself into another story
Where I’m queen
And everybody loves me
Where roses are gifted freely
And hugs aren’t scary
Love’s not torture
And a ring doesn’t mean slavery
Bound to god
My mouth belongs to me
I let out a whisper as my heart talks
My legs loosen up
Come over and get to know me
I’m just a girl
Confessing her sin to anyone who’ll listen
To any man who’ll put up with me
Living life can be so lonely
When you have nothing to hope for
Maybe a lobotomy could fix me
I’m shocked when he sticks around longer than my pack of smokes
I go through these bros, like a Pack of Marlboros
I hope In another lifetime
I look forward to waking up
My body too heavy
Living in my brain, more than I do in my own home
Did you really think you could fix me?
I’m tired of playing mommy, when I’m empty of my own
Be my daddy, you’re older than me
He calls me Heaven
Little does he know
I’m Living Hell
I’m a burden to everybody
My body is lumpy and bruised
From cuts I was too afraid to deepen
He told me to try vertically
They prey on the pretty
Robbing energy
Stealing all of me
Lacking energy
I sell my milk for free
To whoever’s watching
Offering me ecstasy
He’s my Shot of Hennessy
My one before the one
My in-between boyfriends
My husband’s out there
My husband’s out there, right?
They never stay
Why would they
I can’t give you a baby
Only a promising holiday
My heart’s for breaking, not for keeping
My shadow reminds me
Of my mortality
No ones following me
Yet I still run like he wants to murder me
I close my eyes
Hoping this is all a nightmare
I don’t need rest
I don’t need a nap
I need a coma
Chew on me
I’m sweeter than a cigarette
I don’t last as long
I burn at both ends
Complaining to nobody
I’ll turn up the beat
Knock myself out
Regret I ever dreams
I’m my own boyfriend
And to be honest, I would dump me too
Void of a woman
No matter how much pink lipstick I apply
My smile doesn’t change
Happiness is an expensive mistake
I don’t wanna fix him
Who’s gonna fix me?
I’m broke in more ways than one
Beauty is pain
When you’re born this ugly
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ameliathetadclover · 2 months
@jaxfromthatcircus you might like this…
So.. I may or may not have spent half an hour writing a fanfic on why Jax is terrified of corn?
I thought I’d share it. Just a warning, this is long.
Everyone knew Jax was an asshole. He would play pranks on everyone. Putting centipedes in Ragatha’s room, breaking Gangle’s comedy masks, etc. Jax used everyone’s fears to his sick advantage. The worst part was, he actually enjoyed it! One day, Ragatha and Gangle had enough. They devised a plan to find out Jax’s biggest fear so they can torment him. A lovely taste of his own bitter medicine. At night, when everyone, including Jax, was asleep, they would sneak into his room, steal his journal and read through it to find his biggest fear. Jax was a secretive person, so no-one really knew he was afraid of what he was afraid of. Once Ragatha and Gangle were certain Jax and all the other circus members were asleep, they snuck out of their rooms and silently headed towards Jax’s. They then tried to open the door. Shoot. It’s locked. Luckily, Ragatha was able to steal Jax’s key as it was left hanging in his door earlier. Silly Jax. Carefully, they both unlocked the door to see a fast asleep Jax. His room was a mess, video games and food everywhere! On his bedside table, there it was. The thing that could give Ragatha and Gangle the chance to get revenge on Jax- his journal. Ragatha very quietly grabbed the red journal off his bedside table and started walking away with Gangle. They were almost about to make it, when Gangle tripped over one of the many video games Jax had laying on the floor and her comedy mask broke. The smash was so loud, you could immediately hear Jax had stopped snoring. Although it was accidental, Jax had a good defense mechanism. Ragatha quickly grabbed Gangle’s pieces of comedy mask as not to leave evidence behind and darted out of the room with Gangle back to Ragatha’s room. That was a close one! Once they knew it was safe, they opened the journal. Let’s see… chapter 1: life in the circus.. no… chapter 2: pranks.. no… Aha! Chapter 3: The peoples fears including mine! Ragatha and Gangle quickly turned to chapter 3. They could see everyone’s biggest fears! Ragatha: Centipedes, Gangle: Being hated for liking anime, Pomni: being stuck with no exit. But they didn’t care about those. All they wanted to find was Jax’s biggest fear. And then.. on the very last page, in big, black, bold writing, there it was. What Jax was terrified of. Jax: Corn. This took Gangle and Ragatha by surprise. They expected to be maybe spiders, or snakes? But corn? Surely someone as brave and confident as him couldn’t be afraid of a vegetable! They quietly giggled at this. Now time for the next part of the plan. Ragatha and Gangle put the journal down onto Ragatha’s bedside table quietly and went into the kitchen. In there, there was bags and bags of corn and lots of bottles of corn syrup. Ragatha and Gangle turned the key to the kitchen and grabbed a big sack of corn and 3 bottles of corn syrup. This sack was heavy! (DONT TAKE THAT OUT OF CONTEXT.) With all their might, they lifted up the sack of corn and by some miracle managed to get it into Ragatha’s room. They hid it under her bed as well as the corn syrup. Jax knew something would be up when he realised his journal was missing, but that didn’t matter. Everything had pretty much gone according to plan. Gangle waved Ragatha good night and went back to her room. At exactly 8am, the sound of everybody’s alarms filled the dorm hall. Knock knock knock. It was Gangle, ready to initiate the plan. They both took one corn on the cob each and put corn syrup on it.
Everyone walked up to the breakfast table. When everyone sat down, they could tell Jax was pissed.
Jax: Which one of you took my f*cking journal?
Zooble: Since when did you have a journal?
Pomni: Idk. You probably just misplaced it.
Gangle: Calm down..
*Ragatha smiles slightly evilly*
Ragatha: Hey Jax?
Jax: What do you want, dollface?
*Ragatha looks at Gangle to tell her that it’s time to do the plan*
Ragatha and Gangle: Want some corn?
*Jax looks horrified. He gets up out of his seat and backs away*
*Gangle grins evilly*
Gangle: What’s wrong Jax? Afraid of some corn?
*Jax is pissed and terrified*
*Everyone is laughing*
Ragatha: Cmon.. what’s so scary about corn? Is it just because it’s disgusting?
Gangle: We won’t put away the corn unless you tell us.
Jax is torn. He has two options: Be scared but not reveal his past, or not be scared but have to relive a painful experience. With a lot of reluctancy, he says this:
Ragatha: We’re women of our word.
Jax: Fine. I’ll tell you, idiot. But.. but p-put that stupid corn away!
*Ragatha and Gangle put away the corn.*
Jax: ugh.. I can’t believe I’m actually telling you this. When I was a kid.. about.. 8 years old I think? I was the youngest sibling. I had two older brothers. This dumb digital world made me forget their names though. I grew up on a corn farm. My parents were corn farmers. But when I was 8, my siblings would go and take some of the leftover corn from from the harvest and pin me down and shove it down my throat.
*Jax laughs nervously*
Yeah.. they basically force fed me the corn. But they did that multiple times. If I ever told my mom and dad my brothers threatened to lock me in a shed. This was the 2000s. My mom probably would’ve hit them over the head or something and they didn’t want that. Not only that, when I was asleep they’d grab a bunch of corn syrup and pour it all over me when I was sleeping so I’d be all sticky when I woke up. Luckily in the end I told my mom about everything including the shed part and I laughed so hard when I saw my dad hitting them over the ass with his belt. So that’s why I’m afraid of corn. And if you ever bring this up again I’ll make you wish you’d abstract. Got it?
*everyone nods*
*Ragatha genuinely looks sad as well as Gangle*
Ragatha: I’m.. so sorry Jax..
Gangle: Same.. if we knew we wouldn’t have done that.
Jax: yeah, well don’t feel sorry for me. It’s pointless.
Ragatha: I guess.
Jax: I know you guys have my journal. Give it back or you’ll be sleeping with a black eye tonight,
*Ragatha goes to her room, grabs the journal and gives it to Jax*
Jax: Thank you.
And that my friends is fanfic 1!
This took me ages to write 😭
I hope you enjoyed it :)
Lmk if you want another one :D
@gooseworx is this good?
@jaxfromthatcircus is this good?
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dp-marvel94 · 9 months
(Not) Alone- Chapter 1
Summary: Consumed with worry and scared after watching Dani almost die, Danny begs her to come home with him and meet Jazz. He wants to see her safe and happy and taken care of more than anything. An important reveal also weighs heavy on him – Dani isn’t the only living clone… and the other is him. He needs to tell her the truth; maybe that will convince her to agree to the idea of telling his parents. And she'll stay in Amity Park with him, where he'll never have to worry if she's safe ever again.
Meanwhile, Dani has mixed feelings. Still reeling from the loss of her clone siblings, Danny’s unexpected worry and care make her uncomfortable. And her own guilt… she hurt him and helped get him kidnapped twice. How can he care about a mistake like her? But having clean clothes and a bed is wonderful. And things aren’t as simple as she thinks.
Will Dani accept the help she needs and let herself be loved? Or will she push Danny and Jazz away and run again?
Word Count: 3,653
Next chapter
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Warnings: Minor swearing, Moderate ectoplasmic gore, Past minor character death, Nightmares, Grief/mourning, angst
Note: It's finally here! Working on this year's Invisobang story was a blast, especially collaborating with my two wonderful artists, @Serinji and @Lostrence ! The art is lovely and I'm very excited for you all to see it.
This story is a sequel to my first Invisobang story, called "I am you(and you are me)." You should be able to understand this story without having read that one first though. The basic gist is, in Kindred Spirits, the Tiny clone ended up basically melting while still possessing Danny which caused their consciousness and cores to fuse into one being, a la Vlad and Danny's ghost halves fusing in TUE. There is a lot of angst and identity confusion as the new Danny figures out what happened and struggles to accept himself while hiding it from Sam, Tucker, and Jazz. But in the end, he tells them truth and after a lot of tears and hard conversations, they accept him too. Any other important details should be explained in the sequel itself. 
A note on the title-- (Not) Alone. 
First off, it goes the the naming scheme that I've used for my previous Invisobang stories, which was really fun to make work.
And second, It's inspired by two of my favorite songs, one of which is by my favorite band, Disciple. And I've been wanting to name one of my stories after a Disciple song for years now. 😂 I'd been trying to think of songs which reflect the feelings Dani experiences during the story and/or which reflect the story's theme. Both of the songs do that pretty well, though both lean towards the theme. In both, the singer reassures the listener that they matter, they are loved, and they are not alone.
The first song is the appropriately named "Not Alone" by Red. And the second is "Erase" by Disciple. The "not alone" part is from the bridge, where "You are not alone" is sung several times, higher and louder each time until it reaches a really moving crescendo which has definitely brought me to tears many times. Both of these mean a lot to me and I am very happy to have them as a part of this story.
And finally, if you have any questions or comments, as always feel free to leave them in the comments below. I hope you enjoy this story!
Chapter 1
“Stay away from my family.” Danny loomed over Vlad Plasmius, a foot on his chest.
His dual core vibrated with a contained rage, green eyes boring into red.
“What the hell were you thinking?” The boy spread his arms. “You tried to kill Dani, Vlad. You tried to kill her. If I hadn’t gotten here. If I-” Grief stabbed at his core. He’d come so close to losing her- No. He pushed the thought away, anger rising. “You were what? Gonna dissect her and try it all again?”
Vlad stiffened for just a second. The younger half ghost saw the lie flickering in his eyes.
“Don’t say it. Don’t you dare f-cking say it. What? You were trying to help her, find a way to stabilize her?” The boy scoffed. “Yeah. Right.” A shake of his head. “Why did you even bother making any clones if you were just going to throw all of us away?”
“If you would just listen, my boy-”
Danny didn’t blast the man’s lying mouth but it was a near thing, a burning green flame warping the floor an inch from his enemy’s head. “I’m not listening to any more of your lies.” Another ball, this one of ice, flickered in his hand. “I’m done. This is over.” Pure hatred in his eyes. “You’ve hurt so many people. One day all that’s going to come back to bite you and…” A mirthless laugh. “It looks like that day’s today. You don’t have my mom, you don’t have Danielle, and you don’t have me.” 
The blue energy swelled, looming ominously over the older’s core.
Red eyes widened with fear. Plasmius looked almost green, sick with terror. With a sneer, Danny shot.
“You’re just as alone as you’ve ever been.” Ice enveloped Vlad’s arms and legs, pinning him to the metal floor. 
A flicker of relief shone in the man’s eyes, then…. scorn. “You were always too weak to do what needed to-”
With a wave of his hand, Danny threw another ball of cold. A hiss and the blue energy unfurled, an icy gag over the older halfa’s mouth.
Danny didn’t dignify the previous statement. Instead, removing his foot, he smirked. “You like that trick? I learned it from my friends in the Far Frozen. I’m sure you remember them.” A not-so-gentle poke to the man’s side. “Maybe it’s time I let them have a stab at you.” His lips quirked, darkly mirthful.
A muffled, confection-themed curse sounded from the man.
“Yeah, yeah, Fruitloop.” The boy rolled his eyes. Then, deathly serious… “Don’t touch my little sister.” He turned, floating up without a look back. “I won’t warn you again.” 
The boy flickered intangible, phasing through the ceiling. He flew up, attempting to shake off the whole interaction. Still, anger boiled in his veins. That man’s audacity! He’d gone too far now, caused too much damage, hurt too many people. Danny had to do something about it….
He would definitely have to talk to Frostbite now; the yeti had to know something they could do. Dora too. And Pandora. And  Clockwork… if he could get the old ghost to actually tell him anything useful. His parents too….
The boy swallowed, stomach suddenly flopping at the thought of the impending revelation. Part of him hated it. It made him queasy but it needed to happen. He’d already waited so long. And this problem with Vlad…. it couldn’t go on, especially not without them knowing the truth. Maybe Mom and Dad could help him figure something out too….
Ugh. This was going to be hard. He should probably see what Danielle wanted to do before he got too wrapped up in-
Just like that his brain pivoted, relief and worry clashing in him. After months of not knowing where she was, if she was even alive, his little sister, the only other surviving clone was here! 
Granted, Danielle didn’t know any of that. She didn’t know that he wasn’t just Danny, her original, the person she was cloned from. But that he was also Tiny, Damian, one of her presumably dead clone brothers. Back at Vlad’s, before she’d escaped, the two had accidentally fused. Their cores combined, creating something… someone new. 
But none of that particularly mattered right now. Now, he and Dani were finally reunited and she was safe. He and Valerie had saved her from Vlad. But…
The image of her face, eyes wide with panic, dripping green with her ectoplasm…. That had been too close. He needed to make sure she was okay.
The ghost boy darted around, eyes instantly fixing on a red figure, high in the sky. He quickly rose. 
Ten feet below now… “Dani, that was awesome! Dani?” His eyes widened, an instant panic. “Valerie, where’s Dani?!” No. No, not again-
“Boo!” The girl popped back into sight, a teasing mischievous grin on her face.
“Danielle!” He breathed out, so much relief in the name. “Don’t do that to me!” Danny chastised, anxiety flaring. “I thought you ran off again.” 
The memory ate at him. Then Sam and Tucker crashed through, hitting the older man. Locking Vlad ( Master) in a pod. He needs... he needs to find Danielle. He needs to find his baby sister. But she’s gone. She’s gone. Newly re-made and one of his first coherent thoughts was to find his baby sister.
The young clone’s grin fell into a disappointed frown.
The boy didn’t fully register the reaction, his hands on her shoulders. “Are you hurt? Anything feel weird?”
Dani shrugged out of his hold. “I’m fine.”
She looked… uncomfortable, Danny realized. He lowered his arms, back-stepping. “I’m sorry. You just…. I got scared.” He averted his eyes. The words… they weren’t enough for all he’d just felt. “ I…I almost lost you.”
“But you didn’t….” The girl trailed off, shifting awkwardly. An unsure look from him to… over his shoulder? “Thanks both of you for saving me.” Right, the Huntress was still here. “Vlad would’ve baked me into a puddle if you hadn’t been there.”
The words sank into his core like a stone, icy dread swirling in him.
“But he didn’t! And I’m fine. I feel great!” She smiled, a clear attempt at appeasing. “Better than ever. And now that I’m fixed, I’ve got places to go…” Half awkward, half excited, Dani pointed with her thumb behind her, floating up.
“No, you don’t.” Danny grabbed her arm and the girl tensed. His own rebuking tone surprised him; he sounded like Mom, telling him to go to bed. “You don’t have to leave.” His voice softened, gripped loosened. 
The boy glanced back at Valerie, meeting her confused and thoughtful eyes behind her visor.
He pulled the younger girl closer, voice lowering. “Go to my house. I know you know where it is.”
“But-” Dani started.
“They’re out of town.” Luckily, blessedly, his parents were off visiting Aunt Alicia. “Ja- My sister is home though. Find her. Tell her who you are.” Danny put as much earnestness into the words as he could muster. “She’ll get you something to eat, clean clothes. ”
“You really don’t have to do that.” Dani bit her lip, unsure.
“You’re family.” He said plainly. It was easy, as simple as that. “Of course we’re going to help you.”
The girl looked down, frowning at her shoes. “I’m fine. I don’t need help.”
“Please. For me.” With wide eyes, he pleaded. “Let us help you. Just… stay the night at least, please.” He was not ashamed to beg, not about this. 
Danielle’s shoulder tensed, doubt plain on her face. She glanced over his shoulder at Valerie, then down again. Finally… “Okay. I’ll go.” Her body relaxed, ever so slightly.
Danny let go and Dani turned, flying off in the right direction, toward Fentonworks…. The girl gave a hesitant look back and the boy offered an encouraging smile, his core clinging to a desperate hope. 
Please, please. He begged in his mind. Please let her go home to Jazz. Please.
The half ghost watched for a long minute, the girl soon disappearing into the distance. Then with a breath, he steeled himself.
He turned to the Huntress, hand held in front of him. “A deal’s a deal.” 
Valerie crossed her arms, one brow raised in impatient question.
The boy hurriedly continued. “You helped me save Danielle. I’m your captive.”
For a long moment, the Huntress studied him, her brow furrowed. Danny held his breath, waiting for her verdict. Then….
“Forget it.”
“What?” He blinked.
“Fly away, Phantom.” Valerie uncrossed her arms, waving him off. “Go.” Something in her harsh expression softened. “Go take care of your family.”
The boy’s eyes widened. She was really going to…. “Alright. I’m going.” A hint of a smile graced his lips. “Thanks again, Val.”
Phantom drifted back, turning to fly after Danielle. It looked like he would get to introduce her to Jazz after-
“Hey!” He flinched, a sudden red shot zooming inches over his shoulder. Danny turned, mouth falling open in offense. “What was that for?”
The girl pointed, frowning. “It’s open season tomorrow.” Despite the words, humor danced in her eyes. “On sight, ghost boy.”
Back to normal it was then, huh? “I look forward to it.” The halfa smirked, mockingly saluting. “See ya Red.”
The Huntress turned with a huff, eyes still sparkling with mirth. “See ya.” She flew off.
Danny turned back towards where Danielle had gone. Well, things were smoothed out with Val at least, it seemed. But now…. The boy sighed, familiar worry plastering itself on his face. Now for everything else.
Dani with an i (and that ‘i’ was really important!) was happy to be alive. Really happy to be alive but… today had been weird. 
On her last leg (almost literally; her legs did keep melting), she just made it to Amity Park. She looked for Danny, hoping he could help her. She stole some apples, was seen transforming by the scary (but very badass) red-suited ghost hunter lady. She was captured, used to trick and kidnap her original (again). Handed over to Vlad, strapped to a table. That had been… too close. She’d felt her body falling apart, Danny arriving seemingly too late. She had…. melted into a puddle. (Try not to think too hard about that part…)
But the green stuff (Danny said his dad made it?) had worked! Danny and… Valerie (that was the ghost hunter lady’s name, right?) had fought Vlad for her. They’d given her time to get away and she felt better than ever. A new lease on life! She was ready to see the world but….
“Why was he being weird?” Dani muttered, flying off toward Fentonworks. “Worrying about me.. I’m fine.”
She was half tempted to turn around and high tail it out of the city. There was so much to see. The Grand Canyon, New York City. Maybe she’d actually make it all the way to the ocean this time. She didn’t have time to linger and…
The clone girl crossed her arms, scowling. She didn’t need the help. And yet…
Danny’s neon green eyes, wide with worry, flashed in her mind. That second before she’d reappeared, the sheer panic on his face…. 
Something like guilt twisted in her stomach. Maybe she could just stay for the night. Fresh clothes and a hot meal did sound good….
“Dani! Wait up!” Her original’s voice called out behind her.
The girl paused in her flight, turning. She raised a brow, waving in the direction he’d come. “What was that about?”
He stopped, a hand moving to his neck. “Oh. I just had to talk to Red about something.”
Dani’s questioning look just intensified, lips pursed. 
The boy hesitated, a weighty pause. Then… “I made a deal with Red, to get her to help me…”
Dani motioned him to continue. “Well?” 
His cheeks turned green, a (guilty?) blush. “I… I told her about you being not just a ghost but human too…” Dani felt her core drop. (That was so close to his secret.) “I promised I’d become her prisoner, answer all her questions about ghosts and the Zone. Even let her… let her…” The words were left unsaid but Dani could guess them, what a ghost hunter (willing to sell her out to the man trying to kill her) would do with a captured ghost. The boy shook his head finally continuing. “I’d let her do whatever she wanted with me. If that’s what it took to get her to help save you.”
“So you escaped?” She asked hopefully.
Another head shake. “No. She… let me go.”
Dani blinked. “She… let you go? That’s…” A pause, her eyes lit up. “That’s great! I knew she was cool!” 
Still, that guilt lingered at the back of her mind. Danny had been captured and hurt (again) because of her. Even so, despite that, he was willing to be tortured if it meant saving her (As if she deserved to be saved). And…. dread dropped in her gut. If the Hunteress hadn’t let him go….
“Yeah. She is cool.” The boy smiled, almost wistful. After a second, he shook off the feeling. “Come on. We’re almost home.” 
The clone girl looked around, at the street below. The hulking metal structure on one particular roof…. Only a few blocks away. “Right…. There’s Fentonworks.” The girl bit her lip.
“Jazz will be excited to meet you.” Danny smiled soothingly; apparently he did notice her unease. He turned…
“Oh. Okay.” Dani followed after him. “Wait? Jazz?”
The older halfa was already a street away from her. How was he so fast?! The younger took off after. Just a couple buildings away now….
Danny stopped in the air, reaching a hand out towards the girl. She just stared at it, uncomprehending for a long moment. His brow slowly furrowed. Then he sighed, floating closer to close the gap. His arm reached for her hand and…
Dani tensed instinctively, half-expecting a rebuke for not understanding. (A half-remembered memory, Vlad’s nose in the air, “dull creature… never understands anything….”) 
But Danny’s hand was gentle, voice soft when he spoke. “We need to turn invisible.” The cold feeling washed over both of them. “Can’t have someone seeing two ghosts phase into Danny Fenton’s room.”
“Yeah.” Dani nodded, numbly. (Why had she reacted like that? Stupid…. Of course, her original wouldn’t be angry about that. She’d never even seen him angry at her.)
Danny gently tugged her forward, pausing in front of a familiar window. He flickered both of them intangible and phased into his bedroom.
“Home, sweet, home.” The boy sighed, reappearing. He let go of her hand and turned human.
A second later, Dani also transformed, landing on the floor.
“Jazz should be in her room.” Danny said, opening his door. “Probably studying like always.”
The clone girl couldn’t help but follow, despite the nervousness turning her stomach. She knew Jazz existed, of course. And she’d seen her in passing the first time she’d been here. But actually meeting her? It had never even occurred to her. Six hours ago, her only thoughts were just getting to Danny in time, of staying alive (or her version of it as a half ghost). But what would happen next, she had no clue. (She didn’t think she’d even make it this far.)
Ignorant to her worries, her original stepped across the hall and knocked on the door. Obviously Jazz’s, from the name on it. “Jazz? Can we come in?”
“You can.” A teenage girl’s voice called through the door. Danny pushed it open with a creak. “We? Are Sam and Tucker here…”
The question trailed off, wide teal eyes falling on Dani’s blue ones. The clone shifted awkwardly under the surprised gaze. Her heart fluttered anxiously. No one was saying anything….
“Jazz.” At the name, both girl’s eyes fixed on the boy. He motioned to the younger. “This is Danielle.” He turned to his clone, smiling. “And Dani. This is ou- my big sister, Jazz.”
The black-haired girl barely registered the stumble, eyes fixed back on the red-head. Numbly, she waved.
Slowly, Jazz closed the book she was reading and stood from the bed. “Danielle.” There was no hesitation at the name. The red-head stepped forward and…. 
Before Dani even registered, the other girl’s arms were squeezing her. “I’m so happy to meet you!”
What. The clone girl’s mind stuttered. She flickered intangible, escaping from the uncomfortable bear hug. 
For a second, Jazz looked hurt, disappointed. Then her expression softened into something understanding. “I’m sorry. I should have asked if you were comfortable being hugged.”
“It’s… it’s okay.” Dani rubbed the back of her neck, suddenly embarrassed. “You just… surprised me.”
She had been surprised. Not only had Danny apparently told his sister about her, but Jazz was excited to meet her. And that reaction? It was… a lot. Of course she was uncomfortable. (Was that it though? She hadn’t been hugged since… well, less than an hour ago, but she had just died so it was expected. But before that… another face, similar to her own and Danny’s, flashed in her mind…)
“Still, I’m sorry about that.” The older girl smiled apologetically. “I am very happy you are here and you’re okay.” Her brow furrowed, eyes searching her. “You are okay, right? You don’t look hurt. Your hair is a mess though. And that hoodie is filthy.” She tapped her chin. “I think we have some of my and Danny’s old clothes in the attic. Something should fit you.”
Dani took a step back, overwhelmed by the onslaught. “Really, that’s-” Unfortunately then, her stomach grumbled loudly.
“Let’s get some food in you first.” Danny chuckled.
“You two are mother ducks.” The clone girl grumbled, crossing her arms.
“It’s mother hens.” The boy pointed. “And no, I’m not.” He huffed.
Jazz laughed, eyes sparkling teasingly. “You’ve got it bad, little brother.” She stepped out the door, ignoring Danny’s protest. “Come on, Danielle. I’ll make you something to eat.”
There was no getting out of this then, was there? 
Dani followed the other girl, sheepishly adding. “It’s… uhh… Dani, with an i.”
“Dani with i.” Jazz nodded sagely. “Okay Dani with an i, what do you want for dinner?"
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