#this is half baked and could be a way longer post but. my wrists hurt
gloriousmonsters · 9 months
zelda and ganondorf are both insane in that their roles keep destroying them as people and consuming them into an endless narrative but neither of them have a conception of even wanting to change it. (link is the sanest member of the trio in that he occasionally thinks 'man being the hero sucks. i wish i could herd goats.') where they diverge though is that if you posed a hypothetical to them where some other person took care of all their current duties, looked after people for them, basically just a perfect person to fill that role so they have the option of leaving it, zelda would be guiltily tempted and ganondorf's response would be 'who is this hypothetical person. i'll kill them'
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chaotic-on-main · 8 months
So glad you reblogged this because I did not see your post about this event before. And I almost missed it! 😱 But now I'm here… hi, Sky! Congrats on your milestone, dear! ❤️
I would be interested in one matcha green tea ice cream with cookie crumbles on top. If it's okay, could it be something like Levi comforting the reader while they're anxious and stressed? Something with nice calming domestic vibes maybe?
Order up!! One matcha green tea with cookie crumbles for Rose!!
Sky's Summer Fall and 250 Follower Event!
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☾ Pairing ➼ Levi Ackerman x cisfem!Reader
☾ Content/Warning ➼ modernAU, pregnancy, anxiety, established relationship, pregnancy reveal
☾ A/N ➼ hi rose!! again, sorry it's taken me so long to get to this. this wasn't the initial path i had planned, but i think it went better than expected!! also i know i said i wouldn't write a pregnant reader, but i was inspired and i love the idea of dadvi even though i don't see myself wanting kids. there's something to unexpectedly soft about dad levi, and i love to imagine it. i mean, he's already so dad coded considering how many kids he adopts lol. also for anyone seeing this, the rest of my requests are no longer summer themed LMAO. i'm gonna have to do something simple for my next event a;lsdkfjalj
☾ Word Count ➼ ~1.9k
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The pattering of raindrops on window panes is a sound that brings comfort to you, doubly so during this time of year. Orange and red leaves lie dormant on the wet pavement only to be run over by various cars going home for the evening. With the end of the year holidays looming around the corner, excitement fills the air. But not for you. Instead, it's overwhelming anxiety, and the rain does not bring the comfort you seek.
You're so in your head that you don't hear the keys in the door and the light footsteps of your husband coming home from work. As you toss some chocolate chips into the red bowl full of light brown dough, your mind bounces from one thought to another. Some thoughts hurt worse than others and you find yourself almost choking up until you force yourself to think of something else.
Long, cold fingers wrap around your wrist as you go to pick up a silicone spatula, holding your arm up midair. You're so startled at the sudden touch that you drop it straight into the bowl – thank god it was mixed enough to not splatter. When your eyes snap to the source, the automatic relief that normally comes with seeing those beautiful gray eyes doesn't wash over you. You’ve underestimated the anxiety that courses through your veins like ice.
“What's wrong?” Your husband's low voice comes out careful.
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about right now. Welcome home!” You force out, your lips pulling back on your teeth in a reassuring smile. Levi Ackerman has known you for far too long, and he wasn't stupid. His eyes scan the messy kitchen counters with furrowed brows.
“I count at least 4 mixing bowls, most half filled and only a few finished products. Either you've signed up for a bake sale, or something is wrong. You only get like this when something is bothering you.” Levi's eyes go back to yours.
“I- uh. It's nothing, really.” You check the clock on the stove and gasp. “I didn't realize the time, and I haven't even started on dinner yet. I'm so sorry.” You quickly push aside your mess to make room for some space.
“Go sit down.” Levi says as he puts his keys and phone in the little wicker basket that sits on the far end of the counter.
“No, it's okay! I can do this.” You don't even know what to make for dinner. You've been in a downward spiral all day and haven't thought that far ahead. The sound of glass bottles rattle as you open the fridge doors to peek at your options - only to find them extremely limited. You should have gone to the grocery store earlier today.
The fridge closes in front of you as Levi pushes his way in front of you. Suddenly his hands are cupping your face, thumbs stroking your cheeks in a way he knows is comforting to you. You just now notice his hair slicked back, stuck in place from the rain outside. Black eyebrows scrunch together in concern as he stares at you.
“Levi, I don't need help. I can do this myself.” You mutter.
“Go sit down.” He repeats, softer this time. You stare back, trying to find the energy to argue. But you have none, so you make your way over to the plush navy couch in the living room. In a means to help comfort you, you pull your knees to your chest and stare out the window. Night time has made its way home, the yellow streetlights hazily glowing through the cold rain. It takes everything within you to focus on what you see and hear, and not what races through your mind.
Either you dozed off or fell into a trance because before you know it, Levi comes over and taps your shoulder. You blink a few times as your eyes adjust to what he's holding out to you – a bowl and a glass of water.
“I bet you haven't hydrated once today, have you?” He raises a brow.
“I've been busy?” You give him a small smile, but take the glass anyway. He sets the bowl down in front of you on the coffee table. You didn't even need to see it to know what it was as the smell of it wafts from the kitchen to your nose. Spaghetti, and Levi's spaghetti at that. Well, technically Kuchel’s - Levi's mom – recipe. From the moment he had made it for you when you both first started dating, you knew this was the best recipe you have or will ever taste.
Not only was it delicious, though, it was comforting. It was home.
“Oh, Levi.” You sigh as you reach over to place your glass down so you can pick up the warm bowl in two hands. The smell of herbs and tomatoes dance in your nostrils as you breathe in deeply. You don't hesitate to poke your fork into the red pasta and slurp up the saucy noodles.
The sofa shifts as Levi sits next to you, leg crossed as he leans back with his own bowl in hand. He doesn't say anything as he digs in, eyes looking out to the darkened window. It stays silent save for the quiet smacking and the metal clinking on porcelain. For a while, you're distracted yet again as you fill your tummy but eventually your bowl is empty and the dread starts creeping back in.
“Did you want more or…?” Levi breaks you out of your thoughts and your eyes focus back to what you were looking at – the red-streaked bottom of the bowl.
“Oh, no I'm good. Thank you for making dinner. I'm sorry I couldn't have it done by the time you got home.” You smile softly at him as you hand him your bowl. His lips twitch as he regards you. He takes the bowl from you and you think he's about to get up but instead, he sets it on the coffee table and shifts so that he's facing you fully.
“There's nothing to apologize for, dummy. What's going on in that head of yours?” He reaches over and taps your forehead gently with a forefinger.
“I don't know if this is the right time.” You whisper, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
“I'm home for the night, we have plenty of time before bed.” His hand trails down your face and cups your jaw as he holds your gaze. “What's going on?”
Reaching up, you rest your hand over his and lean into his touch. Then with a shuddering breath, you gently pry his hand off and stand up. Without another word, you make your way to the master bathroom and retrieve what you're looking for. Before exiting, you bend over the sink to take a few deep breaths. You just need to rip this off like a bandaid, you keep repeating to yourself.
Making your way down the hallway back to the living room, your fingers shake. The room grows silent as you hold the little white stick up to eye level the moment you step in front of your extremely confused husband.
Levi has to squint to see the little pink plus sign. There's a range of emotions that flood his face past the initial shock. You know when the realization hits him because his wide eyes flit over to yours as he checks to see if you're kidding. You only nod your head back. There's a moment of excitement that lights up in his eyes before the same look of anxiety that no doubt mirrors your own stares back at you.
Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach at that.
“I-" Levi chokes on his words.
“It's real.”
You hear Levi inhale loudly as he runs his fingers through his hair and step back as he processes. You’ve been with Levi for so long but even you didn't know how he would react. Children weren't off the table, but you both had agreed to start a family when the time was right. To you, this was the worst possible time with Levi starting a new job and your writing career finally taking off. His reaction is enough to confirm those thoughts. Or, at least that’s what you thought.
“I know this is awful timing. And I’m sure we're not ready. I'm so-" Your last words are cut short into a squeak as a pair of strong arms pull you into a warm chest, the sudden movement causing the pregnancy test to fall and bounce onto the rug. You can feel Levi's heart beating a mile a minute against your own.
“Don't apologize.”
“But you’re not excited.” You’ve started crying and you can feel your tears seeping into Levi's shirt. He pushes you away from him and holds you there. His dark eyes bounce between yours as he regards you.
“Who said I wasn't?"
“I- just your face-"
“I won't pretend to say I'm not nervous. You know, Kenny was the only father figure I had and he wasn't around, not when it mattered, at least. I'm scared, actually.” His eyebrows furrow to match the concern that laces his tone.
“But this is exciting, and I'm thrilled. And we'll navigate through this like we always do. But, how do you feel about it?”
“Well, I guess I'm scared too. Anxious. Our jobs are just taking off, and while I'm excited for a family with you, I'm just not sure how to take this.” You pull a hand up to wipe away the salty tears that streams down your face.
“We have 9 months, give or take. That's plenty of time for us to figure things out. But is this what you want?” Levi let's go of your arms to cup your face again. That moment of hesitance that graced his features is no longer there, only replaced by love.
“Do you think we'll be ready by then?”
“Who knows. But we can try. We'll figure it out together.” Levi pulls you back in and holds you in his tight embrace. You bury your face in his shirt, once again letting it soak up any leftover tears.
“If it's any consolation, I think you'll be a great dad. I watch the way you interact with your little cousin during get-togethers.”
“Tch. If our child is anything like Mikasa, I'm sure we'll be fine. But if they're like her friend Eren, we're starting over.” You laugh at that and slap his chest playfully.
“Levi, you can't say shit like that.”
“I'm just kidding. Mostly. That Eren kid has something wrong with him, I swear.”
You hold on to him in silence for a bit, taking note of the slowing heart beat between the two of you as the news finally sinks in. You were going to be a mom. You were going to be a parent with Levi.
“Someone needs to eat this. This is way too much for just the two of us.” You hear Levi chuckle. You can't see it, but you know he's staring at the mess you've made all day. You'll be up until 3am making sure everything gets baked so it doesn't go to waste.
“Three of us.” You lean back to look at your husband, smiling at that comment.
“You're right, the three of us.” You feel as Levi gently rests the palm of his hand on your stomach and leans down to kiss you softly. Your anxiety still lingers, but now it's tinged with relief because no matter what life throws at you, Levi is here.
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tagging: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @romantichomicide95 @youre-ackermine @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @dkbktk420 @elnyrae @secretmoneybearvoid @apolloshaiku @sujiroses @jadam724 @e-riellaaa @kamyru @highgoon69 @missyasma @kingkonoha @sckerman @notgoodforlife @nube55 @svftackerman @velouria17 @melodyuzumaki
if you're not a part of my taglist but would like to be (or take off lol), please fill out the taglist on my pinned post!
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likeshipsonthesea · 3 years
dex, team bicycle
the following bullet fic has been in my drafts for over a year now and tonight i remembered it existed, read it, and decided to post it. why? who knows. don’t ask questions. just ~enjoy~
so i got an ask about how anon trusts me implicitly when it comes to writing bc they believe that dex is the team bicycle and eventually ends up with nursey and thinks i’m down with that too and tbh they ain’t wrong so like
here’s a bullet fic instead of me doing any of the work i SHOULD REALLY FUCKING BE DOING okie
first things first here’s the dealio this is crack-ish but also not so crackish that my dumbass couldn’t see it happening so let’s just suspend some disbelief and have a good time
first time dex hooks up with a teammate it’s not at a kegster
maybe a little later he’s a little too tipsy at a kegster not really knowing his own tolerance for tub juice yet and he’s dancing, a little more white boy than maybe one would like but he’s having fun with it and that’s half the game, and he’s sweaty and maybe some glitter from other dancers has rubbed off on him and he’s glittery and shining and he catches someone’s eye across the room (holster, i’m thinking holster) and holster sees him and thinks fuck and dex is maybe really into how big holster is and just like follows him up to the attic when holster grabs his wrist and pulls because why not--
but this is not about that (at least not yet) this is about how dex, new to samwell and ncaa hockey and everything, wants to be the best he can be in everything so naturally he goes to the best person to help him with every thing (for school he gets tutors and goes to tutorials and goes to all the profs’ office hours, for social stuff maybe he trails ransom around idk (that’s for later)) but for hockey he obviously goes to the person you go to when you need help with hockey
jack likes hockey. jack likes people who like hockey. jack likes when people are really into hockey
so when the little angery frog that seemed real appreciative of his butt on hazeapalooza comes to him with this frowny face determination asking how he can be the best player he can be, a part of jack’s brain that’s very quiet and seldom acknowledged goes “huh.”
and maybe they start meeting up for their own practices, practicing drills and plays so dex can get his speed up and reaction time down and just get better and jack’s benefiting from it too in a way, like trying to help a defensive player makes him have to switch up his thinking about things a bit and it’s helping his defensive play on the ice
and so this goes on for a bit and maybe they build up some inside jokes in between all the intensity and maybe there’s some playful moments in the locker room when they bump arms or throw a few chirps around and it’s cute okay and not too serious, jack isn’t in love with the kid (he’s a kid, lord, okay a lil problematic but if y’all know anything about my oc luke dex has Problems with Authority figures so whatever)
but the truth is jack doesn’t really have many people he’d be comfortable “relieving some stress” with, like there’s shitty but he’s ridiculously straight, and Camila went and got herself a girlfriend so that’s no longer a thing, and dex is there and eager and fun and
and long story short they end up fucking in the locker room oops
it doesn’t happen too many times after that, maybe once on a roadie, a few times at the haus. it’s fun, not in a laughing way or whatever, but it’s casual and it’s nice to get off and it doesn’t make jack any more anxious and dex is probably working through some issues he has with tall dark haired captains and they both get something good out of it, which is the point, anyway
and it ends maybe before winter break, either jack decides to focus on the nhl and his thesis and dex totally understands or dex realizes that maybe his thing with dark haired captains isn’t completely healthy and ends things but either way it’s nbd and no one on the team ever really knows, though it’s not like they lie about it either but who’s gonna ask, right?
and so dex and jack were fuckbuddies. for a time. noice.
now let’s return to that kegster scene, hmm?
so the way i picture it is dex hooks up with holster at a kegster, realizes it probably wasn’t the smartest idea he’s ever had but doesn’t completely freak out because holster’s a relaxed kind of guy, dex is sure it won’t get nuts
meanwhile holster wakes up freaking out because he just fucked ransom’s frog and that is so not cool so then he panics and avoids ransom and dex for like a week and then decides okay okay it’s not a big deal he just won’t tell anyone, it won;t happen again, it’s fine
and then he walks in on dex hooking up with ransom and he’s like Wow Okay So the Fine Thing Didn’t Work Out Huh
turns out while holster was freaking out ransom was really mopey about it and dex, not really knowing how to fix it, tried to comfort him and ended up... in bed
look this version of dex is a little thotty and knows like two ways of comforting people and he didn’t think getting drunk in the middle of the day was a good idea
and so long story short after some brief HUHs going around dex ends up hooking up with both ransom and holster for a bit (sometimes both at once!) and eventually the both-at-once-stuff makes ransom and holster actually acknowledge the feelings they’ve mostly been ignoring since their frog year and they explain this to dex who’s like okie bc he’s really only there bc they’re both hot and so ransom and holster get together and dex sometimes helps them out on date nights and that’s about it
lbr tho they never tell anyone how they actually got together bc they would never live it down so they say nothing and dex doesn’t either bc it’s not his relationship and the world goes on never knowing
so now we’re getting into the middle of spring term dex’s frog year and he’s kind of maybe sort of acknowledged that he has some kind of emotions about nursey that aren’t helpful so he’s attempting to repress real hard, but he’s also learning to repress less about other things, specifically his enjoyment of baking.
yup. you guessed it.
so he starts helping bitty in the kitchen A Lot, and sometimes they talk and sometimes they don’t and sometimes they talk about important things but most of the time they don’t, but at this stage in bitty’s life he is crushing very hard on a certain dark haired captain and that’s kind of really apparent in, like, everything he does so it takes dex maybe two weeks to realize what’s going on
and okay so it’s a little awkward bc 1-the fuckbuddies thing but also bc 2-dex knows how it feels to have feelings for a friend and it kind of sucks like a lot and he wants to make bitty feel better and yeah maybe this is another case of dex being bad at comforting people with his clothes on
but maybe also one day they’re talking about relationships/being gay idk something and bitty maybe casually (southern euphemistically) mentions that he’s never, erm, never quite, uh, never  done the dirty with a boy and maybe he sounds a lil embarassed about it idk and dex’s I Can Fix That brain switches on and he says, “I can help.”
and bitty’s like. what.
dex blushes and clears his throat and says it again. “i can help. i’ve, uh, done it before, and i can, like. show you.” then he pauses and, very uncasually, says, “casually.”
bitty, also pink at his point because he’s a sweet southern boy who doesn’t speak of such things, asks, “you’d be willing to do that?”
dex nods. he does not say that he’s done something like that before. he very pointedly does not say that.
and bitty, well, he’s pining and he’s been at college for a year and a half and the most action he’s ever gotten was with that boy who puked on his shoes and, you know, he came to samwell so that he could be who he is and maybe this is a way he can prove to himself that he is being true to himself.
it also doesn’t hurt that dex is v pretty, okay, bitty loves a boy with big shoulders and freckles.
and so dex and bitty start hooking up.
it’s somewhat like my The Arrangement fic where dex is sort of “showing bitty the ropes” but bitty, lbr, he’s a quick learner and he did his research so it very quickly just becomes hooking up for the sake of it
and it’s good. like. really good and both of them are benefiting from having someone to escape from their ~feelings~ in and bitty’s more comfortable in sexuality (like, his sexuality not his gayness ya feel me?) and everyone’s having a great time
then they lose the playoffs and emotions run high and bitty realizes how decimated he’s going to be by jack leaving and they don’t really have a conversation about it (let’s be real, neither of these boys talk about their feelings, at least not at this point) but dex goes home that summer with the understanding that he and bitty are no longer doing the thing, and that’s okay with him, really, because maybe now his feelings for nursey are becoming More of A Thing Than He Was Hoping They Would
of course bitty gets with jack at this time, so he’s kind of through the roof, and if, maybe, they have a conversation about their ex’s/past lovers and find they have.. more things in common than expected, well, at the least it’s a bit of a laugh and at the most well. let’s just say sometimes a ginger is mentioned in their bed WHATEVER OKAY MOVING ON
dex comes back in the fall ready to suppress the fuck out of his emotions and play some damn good hockey and who appears but this super eager tadpole
this now plays out as the first two chapters of my The Arrangement fic, though i guess now for canonical reasons whiskey ends up with lax bro and not tango, but that’s alright, we’re good at working on our feet here
for those who haven’t read the fic, dex shows whiskey how to gay sex while simultaneously gaining his trust and encouraging him to bond with the team and for personal reasons whiskey is a little shit but not as much of an asshole as he was in canon (look i love the guy but he’s a dick) and anyway go read my fic it’s good i promise #selfspon moving on
the latter half of dex’s sophomore year is spent mostly Not Pining for nursey and getting closer to him, friend wise, until the whole dib-flip, living together situation occurs, dex has a Freak Out, and ruins things a little
..this is getting off track, but long story short, his captains kiss each other on live tv and dex’s family starts to suspect that all those rumors that drifted around him in high school may have more truth to them than they’d been hoping and dex has a less than great summer break, coming back to school in the opposite of a good mindset
nursey also has a not great break (his parents are fighting, then he comes to school and breaks his wrist and can’t play hockey) and well we all know where this ends up
this leaves dex in a very mopey gross state and who to help someone feel better in their time of need than the sweetest little waffle you’ve ever seen in your life?
yes, it’s time for Hops.
now, this is a rather short lived affair, but over thanksgiving break, the entirety of the haus goes home to their families except for dex (who says he can’t deal with bus fare, and begs off any offers of help) and hops, who technically isn’t in the Haus, but stays there for the break while his parents are on a work trip during the holiday
dex ends up finding out just exactly how College Hockey Boy hops is when he almost burns the kitchen down trying to make a grilled cheese and dex decides then that he has to help this boy learn how to human, so they spend the first two days together with dex teaching hops all the basic skills dex thinks someone should know
this is included but not limited to: how to cook without making fire, how to change the oil in your car, how to hotwire a car, how to fix various different appliances, how to take the optimal notes, how to basic code, and how to sort and do your laundry
hops is enjoying the crash course (kid is just grateful to finally know where the detergent goes in a washer) but also, like, lbr. watching someone be competent in a thing--esp a thing you are yourself not good at--is a giant turn on, and so after two days of watching dex be really good at adulting, they settle onto the couch after doing the dishes and hops just gets on his knees and--
we aren’t smutting here on good christian tumblr but boy. hops is an eager kid.
anyway they spend a week fucking and then stop because hops falls in love with a girl in his intro class and then spends the next two months asking dex for advice on how to woo her, even though obviously chowder would be a better bet.
then comes the playoffs and everything is heating up and they’re on roadies nearly every weekend, still keeping up with their coursework, and it’s A Lot, and dex is really feeling it this year, especially with all the shit bitty’s been getting, and one night, on a roadie, he and bully get back to their room and dex collapses with a groan on the bed and bully, chill as anything, is like. “you seem pretty stressed. wanna fuck?”
and, you know what? dex is still his thotty (though more mature) self and he’s like, life sucks a little right now, why not get off
and so he does.
he and bully hook up through the playoffs and into the post-season (that post-final game sex is A Lot my dudes lemme tell you) but then dex gets elected captain and something twisty in his chest tells him that he should not be fucking someone on the team, especially not an underclassman, when he’s got that authority over him, and so he breaks it off with bully
who is pretty chill about it, since he’s bully, though he does miss the sex. the sex was p good.
and, to be quite honest, that’s it. dex wouldn’t fuck any of the baby frogs for the same reason he broke it off with bully (also ngl the senior-freshman thing doesn’t do it for him anymore) and so dex goes through his senior year of college without having any fuckbuddies--his first year of college so far, actually, where he doesn;t
the end
lol jk he and nursey start hooking up and it’s a Whole Bundle of emotions
in keeping with the rest of the fuck buddies, dex thinks that this is just like all the other times and nursey has no reason to think dex wants anything more and like. the sex is good, like very good, and neither of them are complaining per se but they’re also in love and haven’t said anything, and i imagine there are some ill-timed confessions prior to the final game of the playoffs and then they win another ncaa championship title and have sex in a janitor’s closet (but like,, emotional sex) and they live happily (thottily) ever after
i also like to imagine that there’s a point somewhere down the line when they all meet up for a reunion and something happens-- probably ransom and holster get a lil tipsy and finally tell the truth of how they got together-- and everyone basically does the spider-man meme but with “wait-you had sex with dex? i had sex with dex” and nursey--who knows bc dex told him when they finally got together-- is just sitting there all smug with his arm around a steadily reddening dex bc he’s fucking proud of the fact that everyone knows exactly how good his boyfriend is in bed
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clearlynotjanus · 3 years
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Moceit Appreciation Week :: Baking
Read on Ao3
Art by @nonchimerical​
tag list: @sanderssidesangsttrash @catalinaacosta @whatishappeningrightnow @the-snekwhisperer-world @varthandi @the-dead-and-the-decaying @serpentinesomebody ​
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CW: Food mention, moral ambiguity Word Count: 2327 Genre: Hurt/Comfort Rating: Gen Ships: Moceit, implied if you squint Dukeceit
To support my writing & get access to exclusive content not posted anywhere else, consider subscribing to my Patreon.
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          The flower shaped cookies sat mockingly on the stove, having long gone cold. Two tubs of white frosting had been placed on the counter with some food dye as well. Many times he had second guessed the unassuming vials of concentrated hue--was it too much? Just as many times he had stood, picked up a frosting container, rolled it in his hands, picked at the aluminum before convincing himself not to peel it back, not to sink his finger in, not to cope with Janus’ absence by consuming a gluttonous amount of sugar. 
          He’ll show, of course he would. Janus hadn’t forgotten or … ditched him like that before. Just because he was preoccupied with something beforehand doesn’t mean he was forcing himself to come, forcing himself to spend time with him, indulging him, patronizing him … Janus would never, he enjoyed stuff like this! Even if … even if it was just for the sweets. 
          “Oh dear,” Patton inhaled between his sugar-coated teeth, shaking his head down at the demolished tub of vanilla frosting.
          “Am I interrupting?” Patton jumped, hiding the nearly empty container behind his back, looking exactly like Pooh Bear after a honey binge, Janus thought. 
          “Janus!” Patton greeted, a little too much excitement and anxiety in his voice. “N-no, of course not, I was just,” He faltered, glancing at the cookies like they held an easier way of saying, I was waiting for you, thanks for not breaking my heart.
          “...Testing the frosting?” Janus teased, easing into the kitchen, amusement sly on his lips.
          “Yeah! Something, hah, something like that.” Patton chuckled down at the floor, a shoulder shrugging as he apprehensively brought the evidence forward. He weighed it nervously in one hand before grinning at Janus. “I guess it’s a good thing we had two containers!”
          “Mm,” He hummed down at his hands as he peeled his gloves off. A rare occurrence of course, but having spent plenty of time baking together, one Patton had at least slightly adjusted to. A patch of shiny scales that spread from Janus’ left knuckle up to his wrist gleamed with the movement of folding his gloves neatly on the counter. Occupied with the curiosity Patton felt observing something so … pretty, he didn’t notice Janus reaching with a bare thumb to wipe away a sizable glob of sugar from the side of Patton’s mouth until the sensation jogged him out of thought. Janus looked down at it before placing it between his own teeth. Despite the way Patton’s mouth gaped, Janus continued to delicately scrape the sugar onto his tongue. “A good thing, indeed.” He smirked at Patton, satisfied with watching the glow of his grin quickly turn into a scarlet blush. 
          “Y-yeah,” Patton breathed, absolutely dumbstruck as Janus turned towards the stove. Relieved at no longer being scrutinized so closely, his head fell; cool palms pressed to his burning cheeks and a ragged breath was pulled in as quietly as he could manage. Dully he registered the sound of bowls being placed on the counter, but they didn’t make sense through the ringing in his ears. 
          His thoughts raced in circles as he tried to decode the meaning behind that flirtatious gesture. Patton wasn’t stupid of course, but he was an expert at assuming far too much of others’ words and actions; a pro at falling in love with basic kindness. The habit made him think at least four times over about everything ever since Thomas’ last heart crushing break up. Janus had to know that, right? And if he did, that made him really mean, didn’t it? Why then, did Patton enjoy it so much?
          “...cold now, the frosting will be easier, right?” Janus paused for Patton to answer, setting the dye vials next to some arbitrarily chosen bowls. When the other didn’t respond, Janus turned just as Patton’s hands fell in a cartoonish motion. Janus caught the action in a blur, shaking his head back with a quirked brow. Patton blinked, eyes wide before catching up to the moment. 
          “Y-yeah, yes!” He nodded, again too eagerly, and assumed his position at the stove next to Janus.
          “Wonderful,” Janus clapped his hands softly together at his chest. “This should be easy then,” He observed as he turned his head to smile at Patton in a way that had red climbing up his neck again.
          Patton forced himself to inhale through his teeth and focus on the moment instead of how close they were standing.
          “Thanks for getting the bowls,” Patton reached to place the vial of yellow dye in one before handing it to Janus. Reaching for a bowl of his own, Patton realized he didn’t know which color he wanted to start with. There were so many to choose from! Patton tapped his chin as Janus took the remaining tub of frosting. The signature sound of the aluminum being pulled back accompanied the rest of Patton’s sentence, which was mumbled almost shyly. “I wasn’t sure if you would think mixing the dyes was too much effort.”
          “Says the person who insists on making the dough from scratch every time,” Janus snorted easily as he dolloped a spoonful of frosting in his own bowl, and then Patton’s. Patton bowed his head with a small bit of shame, but smiled at the way Janus teased him. “I know what I’m getting into every time I join you,” Janus continued, squeezing a couple drops of yellow into his bowl. Somehow Janus made the sound of a fork scraping against porcelain repeatedly not annoying. Patton didn’t know how he managed that; it always seemed like the second he held a utensil near anything, annoying noise was unavoidable. 
          “I guess that’s true,” Patton mumbled, finally settling on starting with purple. He planned to do a few of everyone’s favorite colors and let them know they were on the counter for the taking. Well, except yellow and green of course. Janus always did his and Remus’ himself. Carefully he squeezed a couple drops of blue and red into his bowl, tongue poking out the side of his mouth; Paton’s telltale sign of concentration. Knowing this, Janus let a few moments pass in silence as he began artfully scraping his pastel yellow mixture into a ziplock bag, which would eventually have its tip cut off to make piping the frosting onto the perfectly shaped cookies that much easier. 
          As Janus finished with that, Patton beamed at his perfectly purple colored frosting. The color had come out flawlessly, his concentration paying off well. “Making some for Virgil?” Janus asked conversationally as he held a ziplock bag open for Patton to begin spooning his mixture into. 
          “And Roman and Logan, of course,” Patton assured with a smile of appreciation as his tongue poked out once more.
          “Of course,” Janus sassed but fell silent again as he watched Patton make sure he got every inch of the frosting inside the bag. He wondered how Patton ever did this without him. Had Roman helped? He couldn’t imagine the superfluous Prince capable of staying still long enough to hold a bag like this. The idea of Logan helping was almost comedic. Perhaps Virgil then … The two did get on very well and the brood had a history of helping Janus in the kitchen, years ago.
          “Alright! Next color,” Patton cheered. Janus’ smile twitched and he busied himself with folding the bag of purple, squeezing out the air to be placed on the counter for later.
          The bowls were placed in the sink and the process was repeated with a couple of clean ones, now with Janus mixing the forest green with a hint of yellow to achieve the Duke’s signature lime color. He watched as Patton used about half the tube of blue for Logan’s indigo shade, complaining all the while that it wasn’t dark enough and looked too much like his own favorite baby blue. 
          Janus hummed as he observed it; it was true, the color was far too light. “Try a couple drops of this,” He offered, reaching and handing Patton the unopened bottle of black food coloring. 
          “Black?” Patton said almost indignantly. His bottom lip jutted out an inch as he looked down at the bottle, turning it in his hand.
          “Well, he likes dark blue, doesn’t he?” Janus questioned, wondering how on earth he could have offended Patton with the color black.
          “I guess…” He trailed off, glancing between the bottle and the pretty light blue in the bowl. “It’s just…” Patton paused, realizing his thought was a bit silly, but it felt like a good question. Janus never made him feel stupid for asking things at least, even if the answer seemed obvious. “Logan’s … on our side, isn’t he?” Janus quirked a brow, his expression devoid of amusement suddenly. “L-like, mine and …. and Roman’s… I mean.”
          Silence hung in the air for several seconds. Patton had begun regretting the question; usually, Janus had some sort of answer immediately. His mind was much faster than his, able to connect things instantly where Patton couldn’t even begin to see a relation. His explanations were always succinct, at least to him. This sort of pause was … rare, if not unheard of. He anxiously rolled the bottle in his hands, wishing he could just sink out and leave.
          Janus started with a quiet click of his tongue as his head turned to look at the wall behind the stove. “Since when is color indicative of that sort of thing,” Janus mused rhetorically. Another pause ensued and Patton wasn’t quite fast enough to draw his own conclusion from that line alone. He did start to wonder, however, if he had managed to hurt Janus’ feelings, and if that was why he was reluctant to answer.
          “Yellow doesn’t exactly scream evil, does it,” Janus said with too much venom on his tongue as he looked back at Patton and jabbed a hand almost violently at the bright gloves resting on the counter. Patton held the bottle to his chest, shrinking away as Janus’ anger showed. He didn’t like when Janus got angry, but he at least understood it. He knew he could be frustrating.
          “Neither does bright green, right?” Janus tilted the bowl towards Patton unnecessary before sighing. “Your side, my side,” He mumbled, walking away from the counter. Patton frowned at the ground as Janus reigned his frustration in. 
          He had a point. Yellow was bright and happy; the sun was yellow, dandelions, sunflowers … lots of good things were yellow; and green was everywhere. Not exactly the Duke’s shade of green, but green nonetheless, Patton guessed. Why had he never noticed it before? Between everyone, only he and Roman wore bright colors, but that didn’t make Virgil, in his black hoodie and equally black jeans, any less good than either of them! What did that mean for yellow and green then, if even a color as dark as indigo was to be considered light?
          “I’m sorry,” Patton sighed, shoulders deflating. He cautiously approached Janus’ back.
          “No, no,” Janus muttered, fingers pressed to his brow with a thumb on his cheek, a hand on his hip as he berated himself for showing so much of his aggravation. “I shouldn’t have gotten so upset.”
          “I get it,” Patton’s tone smiled bitterly as he hesitatingly placed a hand on Janus’ shoulder. “I’m really frustrating and ask stupid questions sometimes.”
          “Pat…” Janus turned his head to frown at Patton. “That’s not…”
          “Forget I asked anything,” he squeezed Janus’ shoulder and nodded towards the cookies on the stove. “C’mon, we should finish up.”
          Janus stared at the wear on Patton’s face for a long moment. The air was sweet and not just because of the frosting on Morality’s teeth. There he went, hurting Patton again. Would he ever be able to stop?
          “Sure,” Janus deflated and reached up to place a hand over Patton’s on his shoulder. For a moment, Patton’s facade fell and the surprise in his expression was genuine, but the slip was only quick enough for Janus to catch. 
          The familiar routine continued, now silently as Janus scooped Remus’ green into a bag. Patton stared down at the black dye in his hand but only paused briefly before tearing it open and poising the tip above the bright blue frosting. Janus held his breath and it seemed Patton was doing the same.
          “I’m sure Log--” Janus started, about to reassure Patton with the idea that Logan would enjoy a cookie no matter its color, but was interrupted by two black globs falling into the bowl finally. Janus closed his mouth and watched from the side of his vision as Patton began mixing the color thoroughly; slowly at first, and then as the blue darkened to a familiar indigo, faster. 
          “Oh,” Patton sighed, soon smiling down at the bowl of perfect Logan-colored frosting. “It’s perfect,” He grinned at Janus, seeming to instantaneously forget their altercation.
          Janus’ smile back was softer, much more relieved than anything. “It is,” he nodded and reached for a bag to hold open once more. When Patton had finished scooping the frosting inside and Janus had turned to place the bag with the other two, Morality paused.
          “Thanks,” He mumbled to Janus’ back, hoping he would attribute the sudden appreciation to helping with Logan’s color. Really, Patton wasn’t quite sure what it was he realized, but he did realize something about the black and white way he viewed everyone; and that was thanks to Janus, as usual.
          Janus ran his hands over the ziplock bags laying atop each other. Yellow, purple, green, indigo, soon to have light blue and red together with them. The colors didn’t mean anything, even if they were obviously representative of a specific person here. Sure, they could theorize all day about why each color, but what did it matter? A little darkness in someone didn’t make them all bad, obviously.
          “Of course, dear.”
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Chapter One || Chapter Three
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all1e23 · 4 years
Between the Stars [Pt.8]
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Pairings:  Past!Steve x Reader, Bucky x  Reader
Series warnings: CHARACTER DEATH. Grief. Overall sadness. Depression. It’s pretty angsty if I’m being honest. Things mellow out as the series goes on. TW: Military/Spouse death.
A/N: **TW: A certain death is finally explained in this chapter. It is the second half of the chapter. It’s not in crazy detail but there is some important plot stuff mixed in.  I decided to post despite someone stealing my work. 😤 Thanks to my beautiful beta @moonbeambucky​​​​ for looking this chapter over for me. Enjoy the sad I guess. If you like it write me a book report, sing me a song or come scream at me.
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!****
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Stepping away from music for those ten months turned out to be the best thing you could have done for yourself and your career. Without the small reprieve, you doubted you would have found your way back to teaching, and you loved teaching. Not that it had been intended as a break at the time you walked away. You had every intention of never looking at another sheet of music again, but then Bucky came home and things became more complicated and somehow easier. You doubted that he knew what he was doing, and why should he? It wasn’t as if he had planned on coming home to pick up all your broken pieces so he could help put you back together. He did -- whether he realized it or not -- help you get some of your old life back. The bit that you could take with you into this new one. You even called a few of your former students and asked their parents if they were interested in picking up their lessons. Most said they would love to pick up where you left off, and a few said they found someone new in your absence. You couldn’t blame them. The world had continued while you chose to stand still.
Bucky must have noticed a difference because he told you he liked how pretty you looked when you were smiling. 
Lessons started with the school year, and fall was here before you could blink. You were surprised to find you weren’t dreading the holidays as much as you thought. It would be the first holiday season since you got the call and you had expected it to feel like the rest -- hollow and grim. Along with Easter and Memorial Day, you had skipped celebrating Steve’s birthday. There was a small cake you shared with Bucky, three bites in, and you couldn’t force any more falsities down. You spent the rest of the night in your room. It was one of the rare nights you hadn’t slept next to Bucky since he had been home. You needed the night to yourself, and he understood that. By morning, your wedding ring had found its way from your ring finger to a chain that Steve had given you years ago. It felt strange at first. From the moment Steve slipped it on your finger, it rarely left your skin, and when you did, it always felt like there was a piece of you missing. That feeling didn’t show up this time, but you imagined there weren’t many more pieces of you that could go missing. You didn’t want to make it a big deal, so you kept it tucked inside your shirt. Of course, Bucky noticed the absence right away. He never questioned it. 
It was a step forward (or maybe backward you weren’t sure some days). They were small, slow steps taken, but at least you were moving.  
You’re not sure when it happened, but one morning you woke up and everything didn’t hurt as bad, you guessed it started right around the time Bucky came home. While moving forward was necessary (as everyone continued to remind you), there were days when it felt like a betrayal. You are moving on, and Steve can’t come with you. A little guilt blackens your heart every time you smile on those days; so you falter and take those arduous steps back. It lessens with every laugh and smile Bucky draws out of you, but it’s there under it all, and there’s the fear too. You’re afraid if you move on and keep up with the rest of the world you will forget. You will forget everything you and Steve had, and it will be as if you were never anything at all. Bucky shook his head when you confessed that to him late one night with your forehead pressed firmly against his shoulder, fighting your sleep and the nightmares you were sure would follow. 
“You’re holding on to the past, Y/n. You gotta let it go. I’m not sayin’ you have to stop lovin’ him, but you gotta let go of the part of Steve that’s keeping you from moving on and being happy. Or it’s going to continue to tear at you until there’s nothing left.” 
“And if I forget him?” 
“You won’t, Trouble. You can’t forget a love like that. Trust me, I know.”
Bucky didn’t elaborate, and you didn’t dare ask. He’s never mentioned anything about falling in love in all the years you’ve known him. You’ve never seen him hold onto a woman for longer than a month and the idea of Bucky being in love, holding on to that love all these years without ever getting to know it turns your stomach inside out and shades your heart a bitter green. You’d rather not dwell on those feelings long enough to understand them. 
Neither of you spoke about it again, and you were thankful. You didn’t think you could handle discussing Bucky’s long lost love when you could barely pick out an outfit. You’ve been staring at your clothes for an hour now, and everything either looked awful or felt wrong. Maybe you needed to buy new clothes and start from scratch. Every piece you owned had a memory stitched into the fabric, and you didn’t need to be reminded of things you would never have again. Bucky pulled a grey flannel out of his closet, and you reached across the bed, yanking it right out of his hand to slip over your head. That would have to work for today. Bucky rolled his eyes and turned back to the closet to grab a blue Henley for himself. 
You always did like the way he looked blue. 
“I can go see Sam so you can have some time alone with Tasha and Wanda.” 
You didn’t say anything. Just gave a simple nod of the head, refusing to look up from the pile of clothes on the bed that now needed to be put away. You could leave it. The girls would be here any minute, and with Bucky gone, you could deal with it then. Bucky reached out to wrap his fingers around your wrist and gave a gentle tug, forcing your gaze to follow the motion up to meet his eyes. He ran his thumb over the soft thumping in your wrist and stared at you for a while as if he was working something out. 
“Or,” Bucky suggested gently. “I can stay right here and work on my bike.” 
Your lips curled up in a small smile despite your brain’s wish to keep them in a permanent frown. 
“Okay,” You agreed with an easy smile. You slipped your wrist out of Bucky’s loose hold and made your way towards the door, stopping before you crossed the threshold and looked back at him with a deep frown replacing the pretty smile you were wearing only a second ago. 
“You don’t have to babysit me, y’ know?” 
Bucky’s laughter was followed by an exasperated groan. Of course, that was why you were upset. 
“Yeah, I know. You’re just fine on your own.” 
There was no fighting the grin Bucky’s words caused. “Yes, I am. But… you can hang around if you want to.” 
“I’ve meant to clean up my girl anyway. I’ll hang around today, Trouble.” 
Bucky assurance made your heart rest a little easier and maybe his too because he looked relieved when you nodded. The doorbell broke your silence and forced you to leave his side; you barely made it to the top of the stairs when you heard Bucky mutter, “Pain in my ass.” There was a fondness in his voice that made your heart leap. 
Even though you were back to teaching you made sure not to overwhelm yourself; Tuesdays and Thursdays you worked late into the evening. It was nice to have something to look forward to, and Bucky always had something to eat ready when your last student left around 8:30. That was nice too. 
Natasha had called earlier in the week wanting to come over Thursday night, and you had to explain that you went back to work. There was silence on the other end of the line, and silence was never good with Natasha. She was probably mad you didn’t tell her and that you were keeping things that important hidden, but it wasn’t something you wanted to advertise. Besides, Friday was as good a day as any to have the girls over. No one had to work the next day and took some of the pressure off. Everything felt normal when Natasha and Wanda arrived; you shared a hug or two. Okay, three. Wanda liked to hug, and she showed you the muffins she baked while Natasha held up a bottle of something that looked as if it could melt the glass it came in. You didn’t know what you expected. You hadn’t thought you would feel so excited to see them. Not because you didn’t love them, but having excitement around anyone but Bucky has been rare these last few months.  
Sometimes the unexpected was good. 
You chose to sit on the window bench that happened to overlook the side yard where Bucky had his black and chrome bike parked and was sitting on an old milk crate hard at work. That didn’t go unnoticed by Natasha. Not that anything ever does. 
“So are you two living together now?” 
You slowly draw your gaze up from the wine glass in your hand to look at Natasha and Wanda, who was skillfully avoiding your eyes as she blew on her tea for far longer than necessary.  
“Yes. Is that a problem? It’s not like we talked about it or anything. It just sort of happened.” 
Natasha shrugged in answer to your question and waited for you to go on. She wanted more of an explanation, so you rolled your eyes and explained why Bucky was staying with you. 
“He didn’t have anywhere to go when he came home.” 
Natasha smirked at the suggestion that Bucky would have been homeless if he hadn’t come to live with you, and you knew right away what you said had been a mistake. “Besides his mom’s, right? She lives twenty minutes from here. What about Sam’s? Or at my place with Clint and I? And I’m a hundred percent certain Sarah Rogers would have taken him in if everyone else in his life let him down for some unknown reason.”  
You turned to look back out the window right as Bucky looked up, catching his eye, and you felt the panic in your chest lessen. Bucky gave you that pretty smile and scrunched his nose at you before going back to work. You fought to keep your smile small and lost the battle before it even got started. Wanda’s voice pulled you back into the living room; it was gentle as if she was trying to offset Natasha. 
“I think what Nat was trying to ask is if you are planning on staying here together, or is he going to get his own place eventually?” 
“We haven’t talked about it. I suppose he will at some point, though...” 
You frowned at the thought. Why did that bother you so much? 
“He doesn’t have to do anything, you know?” Wanda added at the sight of your upset. “He might want to stay here.” 
“Maybe, but he has to move on eventually,” you added, dread filling your voice from the mere thought of Bucky leaving you. “He can’t stay here just to keep me from falling apart for the rest of this life.” 
They were right. Bucky will eventually want to get back to his life. He can’t babysit you forever.  There was going to come a time when he will want to date, fall in love, and get married. Maybe even have kids. Do all the things that you were supposed to do with Steve. The thought of Bucky leaving you to have that life with someone else made you sick, and you know it’s selfish. It’s unfair to expect him to stay there with you because you don’t want to lose him to someone else. 
“How are you doing?” Natasha sounded a little softer this time, sensing your unease. “Are you sleeping?”  
“Yeah, I started sleeping in Bucky’s room with him. It seemed to help.” 
They stayed quiet but shared a look. You weren’t fond of whatever that was.
“It’s nothing.” Wanda rushed out far too quickly, but Natasha was quick to cut in, and by her tone, you could tell she’s been feeling this way for a while. “I’m just wondering how long you are going to keep punishing yourself?” 
Natasha stared at you and Wanda swore under her breath. They talked about this before coming over. That was clear by the glare Wanda was settling Natasha with. You briefly wondered how often your friends discuss you like that. More often than you approved of, you were sure. 
“I’m not punishing myself. I’m allowed to be sad. My husband died--”
“You’re right. You are allowed to be sad. Just like you’re allowed to find new things that make you happy and start putting your life back together.” 
“I’m fine, Nat. I don’t need anything new. I have our house and my music--” 
“And, Bucky?”
While she was right, you did have Bucky, in a sense. Bucky wasn’t new. You had a feeling what she was suggesting would be very new and not a notion you wanted to entertain.
“It’s okay to be happy again, Y/n. It’s okay to let your heart get put back together and heal. It doesn’t cheapen what you had with Steve. It doesn’t mean you didn’t love him, and it doesn’t mean you are betraying him. You aren’t doing anything wrong by letting yourself find happiness again. Even if that happiness is found with Bucky.” 
You had a feeling what Natasha was hinting at, but hearing it outright like that made you a little queasy. Did people, your friends, talk about you and Bucky like this? Is that what everyone was worried about, who would get you next?  
“What are you talking about?” 
“Don’t act stupid Y/n. You’re a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them.” 
“He’s been my best friend since I was thirteen. It’s not-- It’s never been--” You took a deep breath and told them both, firmly. “He’s my best friend.”  
Wanda pinched Natasha’s thigh and grabbed your hands from where she sat on the floor between you and Natasha. “All Nat is trying to say is if you wanted to find happiness again... with Bucky or anyone for that matter, it’s okay. You’re not doing anything wrong by moving on.” 
“It’s been nearly a year since you lost Steve. It’s time to start picking up the pieces, Y/n. With Bucky or without. You can’t stay stuck in this in-between, and you can’t go back.”
You turned your gaze back out the window to catch Bucky staring at you. He quickly looked back at his bike and fiddled with the wrench in his hand. It reminded you of all those days he would hide you in Shop class so you could skip Geometry with Mr. Coulson. The memory makes you grin. The girls might be half right. Maybe you couldn’t go back, but that didn’t mean you wanted to let it go completely.
Three hours after Natasha and Wanda left, you found yourself wandering around the house with what you thought was purposeless. It started in the kitchen, and you slowly made your way through your home, somehow ending up in the doorway to Bucky’s room. Your heart must have told your feet where to go and left your brain in the dark. His hair was still wet from a fairly recent shower. The ends were darker than the rest and shiny from being wet. It wasn’t long enough to tuck behind his ears, but it was long enough that he could slick it back. His beard had become relatively thick due to his laziness these last few months. To be fair, most of his attention has been on you. When he mentioned trimming it a few weeks ago, you wrinkled your nose at the thought, and at the time, he had laughed. 
He never did trim it after that. 
Bucky glanced up at you, hovering at the threshold to his room, and he smiled, crooking his finger for you to come in. You pushed off the doorframe and made your way over to where he was resting on the end of the bed, wet towel lying on the bed next to him. You wanted to tell him it was getting your side of the bed all wet, but you thought better of it. 
It’s not your bed, after all. You have your own you should probably start to sleep in and let Bucky get back to living his own life. 
“Have a good time?” Bucky asked. There was a softness in his voice he saved for you and you alone. 
You shrugged.
“Tasha called me stupid on the way out. Got any idea what that is about? Should I be scared?” 
You grinned and brushed a fallen strand of hair back to lay with the rest. “I don’t know, but being scared is always a safe bet when Nat is involved. How’s the bike? It looked like you got a lot done.” 
“She’s good. Just cleaned her up a bit and changed the oil. You know, I like fiddling with her a bit, and she’s been sitting at my mom’s collecting dust.” 
You cupped his cheek and gently rubbed his cheekbone with your thumb. He nuzzled your palm right away, eyes falling closed, and he seemed to relax a fraction. There was tension in his shoulders you hadn’t noticed before, a darkness that has never lingered in his eyes this long, and his smile never quite reached his eyes anymore. He’s spent all this time taking care of you, and you never once noticed how badly he was struggling. 
He was lost just like you. 
Bucky looked up at the sound of your voice and quickly pulled away from your touch as if he remembered he shouldn’t be doing that. You slowly drew your hand back, letting them drop to your side and choosing to sit next to him instead. 
“Wanna talk?” 
“‘Bout what?”
He looked dejected, troubled. A little scared, too. 
“What’s been weighing on your heart.” Bucky dropped his gaze, his tell for waiting to drop the subject, but you pushed a little more. “I didn’t see it before. I was too wrapped up in my shit, but I can see it now. The guilt and the hurt.”
If he honestly couldn’t talk, or didn’t want to, you would drop it. 
“Y/n, you don’t want to hear about that.” 
So it was about Steve’s death then. You had a feeling. 
“If I couldn’t handle it, I wouldn’t have asked. I need to hear it, Bucky, and I think you need to talk about it as well.” 
It took a long time before Bucky made any movements at all. He shifted further away from you, tossing the towel onto the desk chair and turned to face you. You mirrored his position tucking one leg under you on the bed and letting the other hang off the edge. He was still quiet, gathering his thoughts and a little courage, too. You nudged his barefoot with yours and he gave you a small smile.
“Steve was… He was walking in front of me. Like he always does-- like he did, and Sam was on our left.” Bucky licked his lips, tossing words around his head to find the right ones. This was harder than he thought it would be. 
“I wasn’t paying attention. I should have been. That’s my damn job. I was too busy staring at the damn…” Bucky stopped short, and the look of guilt he gave you said he feared you already knew his crimes and found him deserving of judgment. 
“At what, Bucky?” 
Bucky dropped his eyes and shook his head. 
“You’ll hate me.” 
“Bucky… I could never hate you. Nothing you could do would make me hate you.” 
Bucky closed his eyes, squeezed them shut really. He didn’t want to see your face when he said what he had to say next. “I was staring at your scarf. It was sticking out of his collar, poking up right out of the back of his BDU’s and all I could think about was you, and how I could never have-- I was distracted.”
He reached up and wiped the tears from his eyes with the palm of his hand. You had to stop yourself from reaching out and pulling him close. Bucky needed to get this off his chest and you needed to hear it. 
“Next thing I knew, there was a shot fired and then about ten after that. Maybe more. I don’t know. Steve was down, and at first, I thought he dropped to take cover, but my damn ears were ringing, and shots were flying everywhere. I tried to yell out, but I couldn’t hear my voice over the noise. Sam was trying to drag me away, but I couldn’t leave him lying there…” 
Bucky’s words became stuttered and choked. You could follow along, but you had to piece together the holes Bucky couldn’t fill. He explained how Steve had taken the bullet for him, how he had been distracted and didn’t see it in time. Bucky told you that he had pulled Steve undercover, and Steve had begged for Bucky to take care of you for him. Bucky left out the reason Behind Steve’s choices that day. You didn’t need to know that when Bucky asked why he did that, Steve told him with that stupid lopsided smile, “You’re my best friend, Buck and Y/n... S-she can go on without me. She can’t live without you though.” 
You wiped your tears away with shaking fingers. Bucky blamed himself for Steve’s choices and you couldn’t let him go on thinking he was at fault for something he had no control over. Scarf or not. 
“It’s not your fault.” 
“No, Bucky. It wasn’t your fault. If it had been the other way around, you would have jumped in front of him. We both know you would have.” 
“But if I was--” 
“It’s not. Your fault, Bucky.”  
You crawled into his lap and pulled his head to your chest. Bucky tightened his arms around your waist, clutching at the thick fabric of his shirt still clinging to your skin. “I don’t blame you, and I know Steve wouldn’t,” You cooed softly in his ear. ”He would do it a hundred times over, and I know you would do the same for h-him.” 
Bucky tucked his nose into your neck and took a shaky inhale. The two of you sat like that as the glow of the room slowly faded from orange to dark blue. Bucky’s quiet sobs had settled into barely-there sniffs along with your own. There was a new heaviness resting on your chest, but despite the pain that came with knowing the truth, it gave you a tiny bit of closure. He never said if he believed you or accepted your forgiveness. You prayed he did. You hoped now he would be able to forgive himself, too.
There a beat of silence. Bucky rubbed his beard against your neck making you shiver. You could feel a faint smile on your skin when he finally spoke. 
Bucky slowly lifted his head, so the two of you were sitting nose to nose now, you were so close that when you whispered he could feel your breath against his lips, “I’m glad you came home… to me.” 
Maybe now, you could both heal and move on to something new. 
“Me too, Trouble. Me too.”
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Jonathan - The Date
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
You and Jonathan were currently out in the city together. Your older sibling asked you to bring a list of groceries back home.
You naturally asked your boyfriend to come with you, and of course, he happily accepted to tag along.
So you were both on a shopping date, goofing around mostly, and almost forgetting half of what you were supposed to bring back.
Everything became instantly more pleasant and fun when Jonathan was with you. Even the most boring or troublesome of tasks became colorful and memorable when he came.
Right now, you completed half of your list and it was still fairly early, which was quite impressive for you.
"Let's go to the market, then we'll take a well deserved break at a café, what do you think?" You proposed as you started to get a little bit tired and hungry from walking all day.
"Sure, Y/N, let's go!"
You both entered the market place that was bustling with people. Expected since it was a Saturday morning. But the more you walked, the busier it became.
It started to be hard to walk side by side and, short as you were, Jonathan was scared to lose you in the crowd.
"Y/N take my hand!" he offered his huge hand to you and you grabbed it for dear life.
His hand was warm and comforting over yours. You tried to stay as close to him as possible. When it started to get too difficult to stay entertwined with the boy, Jonathan pulled you in front of him and wrapped one arm around you from behind, locking you against his strong chest.
You blushed at the bold move, but relaxed against him and you both walked through the mass of people way more efficiently.
When you finally arrived at the merchant you were looking for, you picked up what you needed, paid and put everything in your basket with a satisfied grin on your face.
"Here, it must be heavy, let me carry it for you." Jonathan proposed, like the proper gentleman that he was.
"O-oh it's fine Jojo, don't worry!" You reassured the male, but he still took the basket from your hands regardless of your protests and the merchant couldn't help their giggle.
"What a nice gallant young man you found yourself there, miss. I wish you two the best~."
You blushed a deep red at the remark and Jonathan thanked them with a big smile as you both went on your way.
"So Y/N, what would you like to eat? I'm so hungry I could eat anything, so you can choose whatever you'd like."
"Hmmm... Do you want to see my uncle's bakery? He makes the best sandwiches in the whole city!" Jonathan couldn't help but chuckle at how cute you were when your eyes lit up.
He loved how you were such a big foodie sometimes. Small as you were, at least compared to him, you sure liked to eat a lot, especially baked goods. And so you lead him eagerly by the arm towards your uncle's awaiting bakery.
You introduced Jonathan to your uncle and the interactions between them were pretty wholesome, you thought.
"Don't you dare hurt my niece or I'll come for ya, got it big boy?!" Jonathan nodded frantically, sweating bullets. "Good! Would you like some cheese bread? They're fresh outta' the oven!" He grinned towards the male, completely changing his tone and Jonathan deadpanned as you giggled.
You stayed inside the warm bakery and talked over some tea and eventually lost track of time. You quickly went out the shop to finish off your mission after eating and thanked your uncle.
"We're almost finished, Jojo, stay with me!" you tried to encourage your boyfriend whose soul was currently leaving his body.
He should have toned down on the cheese bread, but it was so delicious. He was so full he could barely walk now, how did you do it?
"Ughhh... Y/N, please... Slow down..." He groaned holding his full belly, like a pregnant woman.
A few more hours later you were finally done and you were both strolling back to where your car was waiting. You were tired from walking so much, but you were happy and satisfied.
"I had fun today, Jojo. Thank you for accompagnying me." You said gratefully, walking beside him at a slow, relaxed pace.
"Of course, anything for you, my Y/N. I had a great day too, let's date like this more often." He spoke with a soft look in his blue eyes and love laced in his voice.
Your heart skipped a beat and your face flushed. This boy made you melt with the simplest things. Too embarrassed to say anything, you hugged his arm and hid your face.
The dark haired male instantly moved his arm from your grasp to wrap it around you so you would hug his chest instead, which you did. He chuckled and you kept walking like this until you saw your coachman waiting down the street.
"Oh, Sebastian!" You waved at him and jogged towards the vehicle, as he must have been waiting for a while now.
Both you and Jonathan climbed in and you were finally on the way back home. Good thing you lived close to one another.
The sun was already setting down, leaving only its last golden rays shine through the twilit sky. The Joestar heir stared at the beautiful scenery, mesmerized, until he felt a weight on his shoulder.
He turned his head only to find you, fallen asleep on him. You must have been more tired than what you seemed.
He snaked his arm around your waist to secure you from the car's jerks, and went back to staring at the scenery.
He subconsciously brushed his fingers up and down your arm, thinking about how lucky he was to have such a cute, caring girlfriend when everyone else left him for his brother, Dio.
His train of thoughts was stopped when he saw your house in the distance. The coachman finally parked and stopped the horses.
"Milady L/N. We have arrived." He called out as he climbed down andopened the door, waiting for you to descend.
Jonathan then leaned over close to you and carressed your peaceful face with his knuckles.
"Hey Y/N wake up, we're home." He softly purred, effectively waking you up.
You opened your eyes to see the beautiful blue ones of your lover smiling at you. What a bliss it was, to see him first thing upon waking up. You rubbed your eyes and sat up straight groggily.
"Oh.. I fell asleep, how embarassing." You muttered hoarsely to yourself, but Jonathan definitely heard you and chuckled.
"It's okay my love," he cupped your cheeks and wiped the corner of your mouth with his thumb. "You can fall asleep all you want when I'm here."
You blushed and your breath hitched at his sweet words. You looked down and grabbed his hands before he ushered you to follow him. He got out and climbed down the tall carriage with no difficulty, then waited for you to help you down.
You gripped your frilly dress, careful not to stumble on it and descended one step, grabbing Jonathan's extended hand, but as soon as you did, your knees gave up on you and you lost balance.
"Aah!!" You yelped and Jonathan instantly caught you in his arms, wrapping them around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck, holding onto him for dear life.
"Milady L/N! Are you alright?" Your coachman gasped with concern.
Jonathan gently held you there for a moment. He smiled at Sebastian, mouthing him that everything was okay and that he could go and the man sighed in relief, complying.
When you came down from your shock, you leaned away a bit to look down at Jonathan's face, who was looking right back at you and you gasped.
"J-jojo! I must be heavy! Put me down before you hurt your back!" He chuckled charmingly, fighting the urge to kiss your cute lips.
"Not at all, my darling, it's like holding a tiny cat."
You both giggled together and you leaned in to rub your nose against his in an eskimo-kiss. He blushed warmly at your gesture, which he found absolutely and insanely adorable, but was not exactly what he was hoping for.
Too shy to voice his desire, he coulf only stare at you lovingly when you leaned back, a beautiful smile gracing your face. He decided to put you back down onto the ground before your divine beauty so close to him could break him.
"Are you sure you are okay Y/N? You scared me right there." He asked as he held onto you tightly, scared you'd collapse again.
"I'm fine! Just a little dizzy haha!" You sheepishly laughed it off and scratched your cheek. "I must still be sleepy."
"Don't be so reckless when I'm not here, okay? What will I do if you get hurt?" He scolded you playfully and you showed him a surprised expression. How bold of him.
"Huh? You're one to talk! Mr. 'I-get-into-fights-with-anyone-especially-Dio'!"
He blushed and gasped loudly, offended by the truth, and you giggled at his defenseless reaction. Darn it, you were right!
You both walked slowly towards your house and his heart was beating faster and faster with each step. If he didn't do it now, he would regret it later.
He turned to face you and stopped in his tracks, taking a sudden breath. "...Please don't be upset by this."
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "By what?"
He didn't waste any more seconds and cupped your cheeks in his hands, leaning in for a chaste kiss, slow and lingering.
You melted into his delicate touch, you could tell he tried his best to be as gentle as possible, not wanting to be too rough and eager on you.
Your lips were so plush against his, and your scent was so addictive, he could only crave more of you. He was no enamored with you, there wasn't a single thing about you that wasn't absolutely delicious.
He reluctantly separated from you, scared to lose control if he kept it any longer.
"I'm sorry, I should have asked first, I just couldn't help it, I love you so much, it's hard to think straight..."
You smiled at his adorable shyness. You grabbed his hand and gently pressed your lips over the sensitive skin of his wrist. He shuddered and you looked back at him with hooded eyes.
"I'm yours, Jojo. You don't have to ask for anything, you can do whatever you want with me." You said kindly, but his face exploded in a crimson shade, taking your words the wrong way.
"Nooo no no Y/N! Don't say things like that!!" He gasped and put his hands on your shoulders as your eyes widened. "I may be nice but... I am still a man! Be careful with what you say!" He yelped in panick as you didn't seem to even realize what you were saying.
"Wha- but it's okay! I never ask you for permission when I touch you! So you can too..." You said as a matter of fact and he tried to argue without saying anything too brutal for your innocent mind.
"B-but... It's not the same! And you are a girl! Don't offer yourself so recklessly!" He shook his head vigorously. "And be careful around men, alright?"
Confused at his sudden worry you patted his cheek and smiled. "You are the only man I see anyway, so don't worry."
He sighed in relief and decided to end the conversation there. "Come here."
He opened his strong arms out to you and you wrapped your smaller ones around him, both appreciating each other's warmth.
"Thank you again for the date, Jojo."
He only squeezed you tighter in response.
Jonathan  🤝🏼 Abdul
Saving your girlfriend in the crowd.
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bonesthebeloved · 4 years
The absence of a necessity
This story is based on THIS POST by @quietrainfan
Summary: When Thomas stops lying altogether, Deceit and the other dark sides are quick to notice the effects. But it’s only made clear what kind of effect it truly has when it’s already too late...
Characters: Deceit, Remus, Apathy, Depression, Wrath, Roman, Patton (only mentioned), Logan, Virgil (only mentioned), Thomas
Word count: 7112 words
Trigger warning (Spoilers): Crying, screaming, Depressive behaviour, insanity, aggression, swearing, character ‘death’, food mention. (If I missed any warnings please let me know and I will add them)
The decision on the matter had been made without Deceit present and so he hadn’t been made aware of it until Remus stopped by his room two days later to catch up and get away from the others a bit.
They had sat and drunk tea. Deceit waving his hand to summon them some sweets as he found that he came up emptyhanded. He tried again. Nothing. And again. Nothing.
Once he started waving his hand around for the fifth time his friend caught on and caught his wrist. Stopping him from trying again. “Maybe you’re just tired, Dee. Don’t worry I’ll do it.”
A single snap and the table was piled with baked goods and sweets. And as Remus quickly grabbed hold of a creme-filled doughnut, Deceit stared at his hands. Wondering what was going on.
That same evening Remus came to his door for the second time that day. Unusual in and on itself. But the fact that he had Wrath with him really took the cake.
“What do I own the pleasure to?” Deceit said. curiosity peaking as he saw Wrath huff in anger. Fists bawling. Something was wrong. They had worked on his temper and it had been weeks since he had become properly mad. He looked like he was fuming.
So Deceit asked again. Wrath wouldn’t dare lie. Knowing full well Deceit would be able to sense it if he did.
So he told he truth; “Thomas and Patton made a deal for Thomas to not lie anymore.”
Ah. That explains his powers stuttering earlier that day.
“Hmm. Not surprising,” he started. Voice calm and even. Watching how the calming tone had an immediate effect on the other. “Seeing as Patton seems to believe that Thomas is automatically a bad person if Thomas isn’t perfect in every way shape or form. It’s impressive that he’s managed to keep that promise for long enough for me to see the effects but I doubt this little deal will last. He’s only human after all.”
Wrath looked at him doubtfully. While Remus simply looks worried. “What if he does keep the promise though Dee? What happens to a side when their functions don’t exist anymore?”
Deceit waved his worries away hurriedly. Explaining that nothing would happen to him. He was a base function in every human. Though the little seed of worry that Remus’ remark had planted sprouted and steadily grew into a little plant in the hours he spends alone in his room after that interaction. Failing to get to sleep.
Deceit spends a lot of his time helping and accompanying the other ‘dark sides’ (He despised the term Roman had come up with but they had decided to make it their own.)  Whether it is sitting next to them while they rambled. Reading and lazily running his fingers through their hair as they lay in his lap or making them dinner; Deceit was always there for them. Even Depression had warmed up to him after a while. Hanging around Apathy a lot. Finding his dismissive attitude comforting. They often sat in the living room, talking about nothing in particular or the most pressing questions one could have into the early morning.
Yes, Deceit was always there for them. Up until the day he wasn’t.
Depression had meant to go and knock on Deceit’s door. Informing him that they had made cookies and offering him to come and have some.
The snake had been awfully patient with him lately. Wintertime was always harder for the depressive side to deal with. The downward spiral a lot of people went through was twice as hard for the aspect representing said downwards spiral. He’d hidden away in his room for half a day when Deceit had come knocking.
He’d prodded him out of the bed with a mixture of gentle encouragement and mockery, making him just spiteful enough to get up to show Deceit that ‘yes I can stand up what about it?’
They’d sat on the floor and eaten the noodles the lying trait had summoned. Not talking. Simply sitting in each others company. It had helped, though depression had still not quite figured out how. Once he started to loosen up a bit Deceit had gotten up. Asking him very casually to come with him to the imagination to help out with a task that he totally needed help with.
At the end of the day, Depression had laughed so hard his stomach had started hurting and they had eaten strawberries in the flowerbeds. The sad feeling wasn’t completely gone of course. It never really was. But Deceit had made it bearable. And that’s more than he could ask for.
So here Depression was. Walking down the hall and stopping in front of Deceit’s door. That is, he would have.
If the door had been there.
He stared at the blank wall. And then looked further down the hall. Up until he had reached the end of it.
Deceit’s door had disappeared.
It had been one week after Thomas had made the deal with Patton when Deceit found he couldn’t leave his room anymore due to the very simple fact of there no longer being a door.
His powers had become too weak for him to be able to sink down, he had been using the doors and hallways of the mindscape as an alternative for a good three days now.
And now he couldn’t leave.
He ran to his desk and picked up his phone. Texting Wrath to ask him to come to get him from his room. Trying to stop his hands from shaking as he stared down at the clawed fingers. The small trail of scales peeking out from under the sweater he was wearing as he waited for Remus to text him back.
The phone vibrated as a video call came in. Deceit accepting it quickly. Almost crying out in relief as he saw the faces of Remus and Wrath. Pressed together to both fit into the screen.
“Hey Double D’s! So uh. Did you relocate your room again cuz I can’t fucking find it, man? Depression almost had a breakdown over it when he came to bring you cookies just now.”
Ah. So the door to get in was gone too.
“I - Well I actually magicked my room away into the imagination!” He lied through his teeth. Flashing his sweetest and fakest of grins. Normally, his good friend wouldn’t have bought into the lie so easily. But the camera was pixelated and his voice came through with a weird echo. A perfect combination for when one wanted to start lying.
After all. His family shouldn’t worry just because of something so small. It would all sort itself out soon, he was sure of it.
“I thought I’d take a little vacation! I asked you to look for my room to see if the door was gone on your side as well but I can see that it is so no worries! “ “Okay... Is it... can we call you every now and again while you’re there? For Uhm...Just to see how you’re doing. You know how fidgety dee gets when you’re gone for too long. Even Apathy gets antsy ya know.”
Deceit’s smile softened when he heard said side shout a ‘No I don’t motherfucker!’ Ah, what a bunch of idiots. He’d die for them in an instance.
“That’s alright Remus. Tell Depression I’m doing alright okay? Oh and that I said hi. See you soon!”
And the call ended. Deceit sat back down on his bed slowly. Looking down at his hands and concentrating. Imagining the simple object he wanted to summon. A pen. A simple pen was all he wanted.
Maybe this whole not lying thing was more serious than he had first thought.
‘Calling every now and then’ turned out to mean at least two times a day.
Remus wasn’t able to shake the feeling that something was wrong. And, as it calmed down both Wrath and Depression, he didn’t mind.
Deceit wasn’t complaining either. He loved seeing the four of them all piled on the couch or floor or wherever they were to talk to him. Asking how he was. When he was coming back. If he had gone ice-skating in the colder part of the imagination yet. Something was wrong. But Remus knew Deceit would rather be shot in the foot than admit that particular fact. Though he saw through him.
The lying trait enjoyed their talks. Always sat on his bed or at the kitchen table in his room when they called. The familiarity of it working as a comfort to all of them.
In the second week of his ‘vacation’, they only saw him in bed. Not even walking around or getting up to get water or go to the bathroom even if they called for hours.
Even Apathy had gotten worried now. Very subtly asking him when he was returning as depression sat a bit further back. shifting nervously as they listened to Deceit’s story about what happened in the woods that day.
He’d told the same story three days in a row now. They knew he was lying. Wrath clenched his jaw every time Deceit answered their call and looked more tired and beat down than on their last one.
Whatever was happening to him was getting worse and he was too stubborn to admit it.
But surely. If Deceit wasn’t telling them it couldn’t be that bad. Could it?
It was, in fact, that bad.
He decided to tell them the truth about what was going on when they hit one month of him not being able to leave his room.
The connection had started to become worse and worse with each call and he feared he might not be able to call them very soon, so he wanted to do this now.
“Hey, dee!” “Hey bro.” “Hi.” “Hello.” came the greetings from the others.
Deceit smiled. Gathering what little energy he had to will himself to speak. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth as if he’d been heavily sedated.
“Hello, you four. I want’d t’tell you sometin. ‘m not on vacation.” He hated how his speech was slurred. He really was losing all his energy. God this sucked.
“Okay... Came Apathy’s response. He sounded unsure. They had known something was up. That Deceit was certain of. The barely-there and yet worryingly present scared undertone in that single word made a shiver run down Deceit’s spine. They weren’t supposed to be scared. Not for his wellbeing, not for anyone. He wanted them to be happy and smile and laugh whenever they could.
“Where are you then? I’m assuming you’re not in the imagination either then?”
Deceit nodded; Pulling a face at how it made his head spin. “v’been in my room. No doors so m not getting out. Thom’s isn’t lying n’ more so ‘mnot needed.” He slurred. Hands moving around. A pathetic copy of his usually exaggerated movements.
He was losing energy fast. This talk wouldn’t last very long.
“I’m... I’m sure Thomas will lie again soon. It’s hard for humans to not lie at all right? Y- you’ll be back in no- time right? right dee?” But Deceit had run out of energy. Head lolling to the side. His bowler hat tumbling off and revealing slightly greasy, uncombed hair.
“’s gonna be fine. Your'll gon’ be fine... I love you all...”
He pressed the button to end the call. Cutting of the four sides that were about to respond and letting his phone fall out of his hand.
It fell to the floor. The screen cracking with a loud noise.
Deceit hadn’t heard it anymore. Having fallen unconscious mere moments after feeling it slip out of his grasp.
The aftermath of the phonecall was messy.
Wrath, who had been holding the phone had stared at it for several long seconds before letting out a frustrated scream and throwing it against the wall where it smacked against it and slid down with a thud.
The noise had startled Depression out of his staring contest with the empty space in front of him. Looking at the smashed phone with dull eyes before walking out. As soon as he closed the door behind him they could hear the soft sniffs turning into full-on sobs as he ran to his room.
Apathy had slowly sat down on the couch again. Holding the book he had been reading - a copy of moby dick. The scribbled note on the first page showcasing that it had been a gift from Deceit- close to his chest as he stared into nothingness.
Remus was laughing. He wasn’t sure why. There was nothing that could be considered funny in this case. Nothing that could be even mildly amusing. And still, he was laughing. A few moments after he’d willed himself to stop he realised why. As tears started falling as soon as his body had stopped pushing out laughter.
“He isn’t gone.” He mumbled. Wrath flinching at the voice and growled at him before going to the kitchen, shoving a plate, that was sitting on the counter innocently, of it to watch it smash to bits on the floor.
“He’s fine he’s not gone. He’ll come back he's fine he’s not gone he’s not gone he’snotgonenotgonenotgonenot-”
The halls of their wing of the mind palace were quiet that night. The only noise disturbing the silence where the quiet wails coming from Depression’s room and the occasional shout from Remus’. The Duke startling awake due to another nightmare.
You only realise you love someone when they’re gone.
That statement was bullshit to Wrath. They had realised just fine when Deceit had still been there with them.
They’d tried to call him without getting a response for three days in a row now.
Apathy kept trying. Wrath knew that he was gone already. He could feel it. It pissed him off to no end.
Deceit had taught him to deal with the anger. How to release the tension in a non-violent way. How to fit in with their bunch of misfits and how to build himself a home in the mids of them, How to feel like a part of their little family.
But Deceit was dead so fuck that.
He’d smashed most of their mugs; the distant and more recent memories of Dee, sitting at their kitchen counter with one of the mugs in hand. Reading whatever it was that he’d been reading that time, was offending to him.
Deceit was gone. He didn’t need reminders of all of those good times because they were tainted now. Twisted into something horrible. Something sad.
When two months without his friend had passed Wrath had gone to Thomas. Waving away his surprise and disgust in favour of asking him, rather rudely, to lie.
“Just fucking lie. Say the sky is purple for all I care. You’re not taking my friend away from me” “And why would I listen to a dark side huh? You probably have some evil scheme involving me lying. So the answer is no. No, I won’t.”
Wrath could practically feel Patton his eyes burning into the back of his neck but he didn’t care. He took a deep breath. Trying to remember everything Deceit had taught him about calming his temper before he started again. Properly begging now.
“Thomas please. I need you to lie. I’ll make sure I won’t bother you after this. None of us will. We’ll stay inside the mind palace from now on just please lie for me just once. Even a little one is fine I just-” He faltered, angrily scoffing at the tears that had gathered in the corners of his eyes. “-I... We need him back. He’s our friend he- he keeps us in check Thomas please I-”
“NO! I won’t do it stop asking! Lying is bad!”
When Apathy walked into the kitchen later that day he would find every mug, every plate every glass cup smashed to pieces on the tiled floor. Wrath sitting on the counter, slowly rotating a cracked mug between his fingers.
“They were all tainted.” Wrath said quietly without looking up from the mug. “All of them stained with his memories.”
Apathy hadn’t spoken a single word since their last successful phonecall with their friend. Simply sitting on the couch in their living room at first. Moving to his own room shortly after Wrath had destroyed all their mugs and plates.
He was rather fond of reading. Had found it calming. For that reason and that reason alone, was the only place in his room that he cared for and actually kept clean the bookshelf
It took up the entire right wall of his room. Filled to the brink with books, spanning from adventure to poetry. From horror to biographies he had them all. Logan would turn green with envy if he were to see the impressive collection.
In the following weeks though, more than half of the bookshelf began collecting dust. Books falling off the shelf when he accidentally bumped against it were left laying on top of the mountains of unfolded clothing and empty water bottles which their owner cared too little to clean up.
Only about a third of the books were kept neat and dustfree. Divided into their own little section in the bookcase sat all the books Deceit had given him. Books on fantasy and the art of deception. On philosophers and rangers running through the woods to save the day.
Apathy re-read all of them in the weeks to follow that final phone call. Only getting up from where had sat down to get the occasional bit of food. Not speaking. Not looking at the others when they tried to get his attention. Simply reading the words. Fingers shakily running over the little notes Deceit had left on the first page of every book.
All of them were unique in their own right. Sometimes it told him that it would be alright. The note reminding him of Deceit handing him the book when he was feeling down in an attempt to cheer him up.
Sometimes they said happy birthday or merry Christmas.
Sometimes there was a pun based on the content scribbled there which he would only understand once he had read it.
Sometimes it was a quick ‘I’m here for you.’
The problem with that last one was though, that he wasn’t.
Deceit wasn’t here for him. Wasn’t here at all and Apathy didn’t want to care. He shouldn’t really. It was in the job description after all. But he did. And it hurt. And when he was done with the last book he started over again. And he hadn’t talked in nearly four months now. And the hurt hadn’t stopped. And in most of the books, the first page was stained with silent tears. Sometimes smudging the words that were written there.
When the four-month mark rolled around and he opened one of the books to see that he wasn’t able to see the little smiley-face Deceit had scribbled under the note due to the teardrops that had fallen on it, Apathy snapped the book shut and sunk down.
Thomas let out a scream when the dark side popped up. Book still held pressed against his chest and hair uncombed and greasy.
“T-homas” His voice sounded like he’d swallowed an entire bag of sand. Croaky and dry and his throat burned with each syllable he pushed out.
But he kept going. This was the only thing he truly cared for and damn him if he gave up now.
“Lie.” “Who are you?!” “Apathy, nice to meet you. Now tell a lie.” “Tell a- you’re here because of that as well? Well, I told the other one-” “Wrath.” “-Yes. I told Wrath that I won’t already. Lying is wrong. I’m not a bad person therefore I will not lie.”
Apathy pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. Jesus Christ Patton had really burned it into their host’s brain huh?
“Just say you like carrots or some shit like that I don't care. It won’t make you a bad person but taking away our friend would. Now do us all a favour and just tell a fucking lie!”
His volume had risen as he ended his rant. He was nearly shouting now and it had an effect. Thomas took a step back. Eyes widened and hands slightly rising up in a weak effort to protect himself.
Now Apathy wouldn’t hurt him. That would just be plain stupid. Thomas was their creator after all and they all wanted what was best for him. But Thomas didn’t know that. And neither did Roman when he popped in, sword drawn, to ensure the safety of their host.
Apathy scoffed at him and rolled his eyes as the prince stepped in front of Thomas. Actively shielding him from the ‘dark side’.
“Get out of here you foul fiend of I will attack.” “Come on then. I’m not leaving until I get my friend back.”
He returned to his room completely unharmed. Though cradling a torn-up book as tears streamed down his face. The cover was torn off, some pages completely missing and, worst of all, the note on the first page was ripped in half and crumpled up until the point of attempting to read it becoming impossible.
Apathy didn’t leave his room at all after that. The other’s not hearing a peep and just having to assume that he was still alive in there. Reading those books over and over again. Fingers brushing over the notes that slowly became unreadable. Too worn and too stained to be deciphered.
Depression, much like Apathy, had barely left his room since their final phone call had ended. The only times when he did leave the little safe haven he had made for himself happened when Remus was able to coax him out of it to come and eat dinner with him.
Remus had been halfheartedly trying to take over the caring role in their little group of misfits. Though the attempts had lessened more and more until, after they hit month 5, they had completely seized to exist. Leaving depression to his own devices. Stowed away in his room.
The others had grown used to the sobs that echoed through the hallways nearly every night as he cried and cried until he ran out of tears or passed out from exhaustion. Clinging onto the capelet Deceit had once given him under the pretends of it being old and him needing to get a new one anyway.
It had quickly become a comfort blanket for him and he’d suspected that this had been what Deceit had intended though he hadn’t brought it up. Simply happy that his friend had given it to him.
Because that’s what they were. Friends. It had taken Depression a long time to come to terms with believing them to actually be friends. But Deceit had helped. He’d stayed with him when he couldn’t get out of bed because the world was too much and he felt too small. And he’d sat with him on the kitchen counter at 3 in the morning when Depression had told him that he couldn’t feel. And he’d made him breakfast at 2 in the afternoon because everything felt fake and he couldn’t seem to get himself back into his body.
And he’d realised that he had friends (four of them, to be exact) when Virgil had left them and they had all sat on the couch and cried. And he’d realised he had a family when Deceit had come into his room holding a collar with the Scooby-Doo logo on it and Virgil’s old jacket because he knew that it was hard to move on and that familiarity, though it hurt, would help. And Deceit had told him that, even though it was his job description, that he would not lie to him when Depression had asked if it really was the original jacket or if Deceit was simply saying that to make it have meaning.
And he realised that now that was all gone.
Because Deceit was gone and their family was falling apart with him.
And all he could do was cry, holding the caplet close as he stared at his ceiling at 3 am. Wondering why Deceit wasn’t there to invite him to come to sit on the kitchen counter. Knuckles turning white around the smooth fabric of the caplet as he held it even tighter.
The ripping of one of the seams in the said fabric when they neared the 6-month mark was what had made him leave his room. Tear tracks carved into his cheeks. Nose running and red. Eyes puffy and caplet wrapped around his shoulders like a trauma blanket as he rose up.
Thomas had the decency to look concerned when he saw the state this unknown side was in. Though the outstretched hand fell to his side again when he spotted the caplet and realised why this new part of him was even here.
“Give him back to us.” “I’m not going to start lying again. I’m sorry but I can’t. I’m not a ba-” “Give. Him. Back.”
This time, though Thomas looked taken aback, Roman didn’t pop up to save the day. Instead, the man seemed to steel himself. Straightening his back and looking directly at the side in front of him. Trying to make eye contact. Something Depression was trying to avoid doing at all costs.
“I want my family back Thomas. Just one lie. We will stop bothering you after this just-” “One of the others said the same. I’m sorry but I can’t do that. Maybe you should just try to move on.”
And that hurt. Depression stared at him, looking into his eyes for the first time and Thomas found he suddenly knew exactly how much it hurt.
It only lasted a couple of seconds before the side sunk down again. Leaving Thomas with tears in his eyes and a baffled expression painted onto his face.
Depression passed Remus in the hallway on his way back to his room. Looking at his friend with dull grey eyes. Expression empty. Feeling like his body didn’t quite belong to him.
“He said we should move on,” he repeated the words of their host dully as he walked passed Remus. Entering his room and staring at his bed from the entryway. He wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.
The door fell shut behind him with a loud click.
Remus stood in the hallway on the spot Depression had left him. Half-empty cookie-jar in hand. Hand partly inside of it.
Slowly. After having stared at the now-closed door for several long seconds, he began moving towards the living room again. humming softly to himself as he put one of the cookies in his mouth. Scratching at the back of his neck as he looked around the mess of a living room.
Remus was...not doing too well. After he and Roman had split it had become harder and harder for him to keep the insanity from creeping into his mind. Clouding his judgment.
He didn’t mean to be destructive. He wanted to be kind and caring for his friends. Wanted to have fun and make breakfast. But acting normal became abnormal on some days. And being violent and cruel no longer seemed like a bad idea when he was in that state.
Deceit had helped him control it. They had found a way for him to express himself without the insanity taking hold of his actions. He’d learned to reach out sooner rather than when he was just on the brink. Had learned that being vulnerable isn’t bad when with the right people. Learned that his family will always try and get him off that brink.
They had become close friends quickly after Deceit had agreed to Remus living with him in the other wing of the mind-palace. Late-night talks about philosophy and if it’s morally right to like rubber ducks if one were afraid of the real ones. Marathons of shows neither of them likes as much as they were making the other belief and movies that they both liked a whole lot but tried to be cool about.
Late-night sleepovers when Remus had that one nightmare about being torn in half and feeling the emptiness all around him. Late-night cuddles in the coldest of winter nights when ice formed on Deceit’s lips and his eyelashes had frost on them because Deceit was cold-blooded and none of them had the power to summon a heater or make fire appear back then so they made due.
Deceit was his brother (maybe even more so than Roman these days) and they kept each other in check. Bickering like children over the smallest things but able to sit and have a friendly conversation at the end of the day still. And Deceit wouldn’t be caught dead admitting to it but Remus knew that he saw them as best friends. Because Remus did too.
Because Remus was the only one allowed to see Deceit when he felt down. Allowed to know about his flaws and shortcomings. Remus was the one that helped Deceit overcome the lies he told himself. The one that got to comfort him when he cried because sometimes, being the strong one, the one everybody could count on, was too heavy of a weight to bear. Remus was the one who was with him when he had a breakdown because his scales were spreading and ‘what if they reach my face, Remus? What if I turn into a monster?’ Remus was the one comforting him when the first few appeared on his cheek. “It suits you dee. You’ll look badass with them there.”
Remus was the one who, now that his primary support system was gone, was slowly going insane.
His nightmares had started up again.
They’d been gone for nearly a year now and here they were. At first, it was simply the old once: The split. The others rejecting him. Blaming him. But then they changed.
And suddenly he saw Deceit fade away. Trying to run to him but never quite catching up. Every night it replayed a handful of times. Each time showing a different way as to how his friend would disappear.
They got worse as time went by and soon he had to watch as Deceit died in the most gruesome and horrific ways. Each time just too late to come to his aid. Each time left to cradle his now still body in his arms.
As sleep was now a feared experience he simply didn’t do it anymore. In turn, speeding up the process of his insanity creeping into his mind. Into his stare.
He hummed and sung all day long. This was only unusual due to the fact of the current situation not at all being a cheerful one. He walked around in his underwear most of the time. Simply sitting on the couch and eating whatever was closest. This included some fruits, part of a throw pillow and some pizza that he had forgotten to put in the refrigerator from two weeks ago.
He wasn’t happy. It was hard to feel even the smallest amount of joy these days and this irritated him further. No, he wasn’t happy. Wasn’t sure if he’d ever feel happy again. But he didn’t give up on his friends.
Not for the first four months at least.
After that, it became...more difficult to listen to them when all he could think of was what would happen if he were to actually stab them in the foot. Would the scream? Cry? Yell at him? The intrusive thoughts that usually were low humming background noise in the back of his mind had begun clouding his judgement. Now prominent and shouting and waving instead of the low-volume mumble they usually represented.  Always there. Never turned off or decreasing in volume.
He’d cut the eyes out of all of his posters because he felt like they were watching him. He stood in front of the mirror just staring at himself for over two hours. Contemplating whether or not he should cut a smile into his face so he could show everybody how well he was doing before coming to the conclusion that it would simply be a ripoff of Heath Ledger’s Joker and that wouldn’t stand.
He cut the ears off of all his stuffed animals so they wouldn’t hear him scream anymore. He shaved all his hair off and then magicked it back on three times in a row.
Remus was taken by his insanity for the first time in years, singing loudly at the top of his lungs as he threw the clothes stored away in his closet on his bed to burn them later. Wanting to see if any of the colourings would colour the flame too. And suddenly something fell on the floor with the rest of the stuff he’d pulled down with it.
A small grey octopus plushy. The insides of the tentacles and the spots on various places of its body a swampy green colour. It was obvious that the thing had been through a lot; Various stitches, the difference in technique and colour of the thread showing that they were all done on separate times. In separate years even. One of its eyes had fallen off some 5 years ago and they hadn’t bothered to replace it. Remus deciding that a big stitched cross was a cool replacement for the eye that was lost.
The plushy had been given to him by Deceit on his first birthday as an individual.
God they’d known each other for so long.
And slowly, Remus began to feel his strength returning. Mentally pushing away most of the insanity and willing away the crazy in his eyes before he sunk down. Not caring about the tears in his eyes. Not caring about the fact that he was only wearing boxers and a big sleep shirt. Not caring when he noticed he’d summoned his mace to lean on because he felt like he might double over with how much his heart was hurting.
Not caring that, as soon as he popped up and Thomas let out a scream, Logan popped up aswell. Fire in his eyes as he tried to force Remus back down with just his stare.
But not this time. He had popped up because he wanted his friend back and wasn’t leaving until Deceit was here and giving him one of his six-armed, bone-crushing hugs like he was supposed to do when Remus felt down.
“I want my friend back Thomathy.” “Remus. Sink down again you’re clearly in a state.” “Shut it walking Wikipedia, I know I’m batshit crazy right now but I don’t care. Give me-” He looked at Thomas again. Now leaning forward on the mace. “my friend back.”
“What is he even talking about Thomas?” “Well... Patton and I-” “They killed Deceit!” “We didn’t! I just... stopped lying.” “And with that, you killed my best friend. Now. You best start lying Sanders or we’ll find out just how much impact a side can have on you.” “Do not threaten Thomas or I will be forced to take action.” “But- buT HE KILLED HIM LOGAN. HE KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!” “And we’re going to bring him back Remus.” “No, we’re not.”
Both Remus and Logan whipped around. Both staring at Thomas in silence. Waiting for him to continue. Logan had one eyebrow raised. Remus was shaking with repressed tears. Repressed anger. Repressed grief. The tentacles that he usually kept hidden slowly extended from his back.
“I’m not going to start lying again, Logan. It’s not right.” “It is not wrong to lie. Nobody is always ho-” “But I want to be!” “You can’t. It’s not healthy and some would argue not morally right either. Must I remind you of the dilemma we went over where somebody asks for your friend whereabouts to-” “Shut up!”
Remus hadn’t meant to yell. But now that he had he felt as if it had been the right thing. He was standing up straight now. Mace firmly placed on the ground in front of him. Eight long, inky black tentacles extending from between his shoulder blades. Eyes glowing green.
He’d stood on the edge again. And this time he had fallen over it.
“Tell a lie, Thomas. Final warning.” “Remus I don’t think this-” “This isn’t about you Logan. I am not losing my best friend. Not again.” “Remus calm down. This isn’t solving anything.” “I don’t care anymore. I just waNT MY FRIEND BACK!”
He was screaming now. Voice thick with emotion and something else. Something foul and evil that pushed its way out from deep within him. He was crying too. Finally. The tears were endlessly falling. No sign of stopping any time soon after being forced down for such a long time.
“I’m not doing it. Lying is wrong!” “Thomas. It really is in your best interest if you-” “I’m not doing it! We don’t need him anyway!”
His eyes snapped open. Shooting up from where he was laying in his bed. He hadn’t remembered closing them.
“I don’t need him!”
He couldn’t remember laying down. Couldn’t remember going to sleep or waking up or where he had been for the last 8 months.
“He doesn’t help me!”
All he knew was that he could feel his body again and that he could move a bit.
“We’re better of without him!”
And that somebody was lying.
Remus his whole being seemed to vibrate with hurt, anger, loss. All of it barely contained beneath the surface. Only a single spark needed to set off the bomb.
And it was about to explode. The fuse had almost reached the gunpowder. The sparks seconds away from blowing him up and taking them all down with him.
And then somebody threw water over the fuse.
Because there stood Deceit. Skin pale and eyes hollow. Hat missing and caplet ruffled beyond repair. No gloves and sleeves rolled up showing off his scales. Leaning on the wall behind him.
But there stood Deceit.
And Remus wasn’t sure if he should laugh or cry when the tired eyes focused on him and the smallest and most broken of smiles twitched at the snakes' lips. And he had made his decision when he practically threw himself at his friend. A soft ‘oof’ escaping him when Remus made an impact with his body.
And Thomas looked on. Confusion was written all over his face as Logan simply smiled and nodded before silently sinking down.
“Why are you here?”
Deceit looked up at his host. Carefully peeling himself away from Remus. Letting the creative trait keep an arm wrapped around him for comfort and because he needed the support to stand upright.
“Why wasn’t I? Is the question that is most pressing here I think.” “Because... Because lying is wrong. You are wrong.”
Deceit gave a nod. Though felt his strength returning slightly as his host told the lie.
“I might be wrong. But I believe that the hassle my absence had caused is worse than whatever discomfort I might cause you.” Remus let out a wet chuckle. Squeezing Deceit’s arm for a moment. Trying to convince himself that this was real. That he was back.
“Now excuse me, but I believe I have some business to attend to. I suggest you talk about it with your precious ‘light sides’.  I’m sure Roman, Logan and Virgil will enjoy hearing about the little deal you and Patton made behind their backs.
And with that, he and Remus sunk down. Leaving Thomas to stand alone in the middle of his living room.
Deceit was delighted to find that he had enough of his powers back to make both him and Remus sink down and pop up in their shared living room.
The livingroom that, for the past 8 months, had not seen a single broom or vacuum cleaner.
“What in the world happened here?” “Well. We thought you up and died, for starters.” Apathy said from his place on the couch. He sounded cool and uncaring. Though when he closed his book Deceit saw how his hands were trembling. Fingers gently running over the first page before it was put aside and he stood up.
“Can I-...? “ “No of course not. Come here you big sap.”
This hug was gentler. Apathy held onto him as if scared he might break. Deceit didn’t mention the tears he felt seeping into his dress-shirt. Didn’t mention the way he felt Apathy’s shoulders shake.
He looked up then. Making sure to not change his hold on the crying side in his arms as he did so. Wrath stood in the doorframe leading to the hallway. One hand by his side. The other gripping the doorknob so tight Deceit thought it might break.
“Hello, Wrath.” “I-... Where the fuck have you been?”
Deceit laughed at that. Taking one of his arms from Apathy’s back and extending it towards Wrath. A silent invite to join the hug.
Wrath stood frozen in the doorway for several seconds before very slowly releasing the doorknob from his death grip and walking over to the other two sides. Arms wrapping around the both of them before carefully tightening his grip.
“I’ll kill you for making us worry like that. Asshole.” “I know bud. I know.”
It only took a couple more seconds and Remus had joined them too. The four of them holding onto each other for several minutes. Having missed human contact. Having missed each other. Missed that essential link, the essential person that had kept them together.
There was still a link missing though.
“Say. Where is Dee?” “Depression... hasn’t come out of his room since you left. Been constantly crying too. I tried to help but well...You know how I get when you’re not around.”
Deceit patted Remus on the back before freeing himself of the hug and slowly making his way towards the hall. Towards that door that had remained close for such a long time now.
The knock echoed through his room. Startling him from where he had been staring at the wall for the last hour.
He got up then. Wrapping the cape around his shoulders a little tighter before walking towards the door and leaning against it.
“Depression? You in there buddy?”
He didn’t feel like he was there. Felt like he was still sitting on his bed. Or maybe floating in the sky a thousand miles away. Felt like he was anywhere except next to his door. Hearing the voice he’d longed to hear for so many months on the other side of it.
“Buddy it’s me. Come on, open up.”
Maybe Remus had finally lost his mind and was starting to imitate him. Maybe Wrath had turned cruel and was now mocking him for his own enjoyment. Maybe- “
“Come on DP. I wouldn’t lie to you. Just, please. Open the door.”
‘I wouldn’t lie to you.’
Depressions eyes grew wide as he felt himself reattach to his own body.
‘I wouldn’t lie to you.”
Suddenly very aware of his hand on the doorknob as he turned it to the left. Unlocking it before opening the door.
And slowly. Inch by inch. He opened the door to reveal-
He cried out suddenly. And Deceit was barely able to lift his head before he had two arms full of trembling, heavily sobbing Depression to comfort.
And, as he lifted a hand to comb through the sides hair soothingly, he knew they would be alright. The other three sitting beside him or leaning against his knees after they’d settled down on the couch. Wanting to be as close as possible after being completely without for so long. And as Thomas summoned the other four sides he knew it would be alright. Logan gave him an encouraging nod before he started explaining his troubles.
He knew it would be alright. Maybe not now. Maybe not for a long time. But eventually... Eventually, they would be whole again.
So I might have gone off the track with this one. I know the original post did not include a happy ending or even the vaguest hint for it. But I think I’ve let my boys suffer enough to be allowed to give them a bit of hope.
Also. I did not make them all go and ask Thomas to lie in the 8th month like it said but to me, this felt like it was a more natural evolution. I hope it doesn’t bother you all too much.
Anyways! This took me way too long. I hope you all enjoyed. Remember to take care of yourselves kiddos.
Have a good one,
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mikauzoran · 4 years
Love Square: Four-Fold Blessings: Chapter Three: Marichat: Nose
Four-Fold Blessings: Chapter Three: Marichat: Nose
(I just realized that I didn’t post last week’s chapter on Tumblr. ^.^;)
“Kit Kat, hand me the gumdrops, please,” Marinette requested, rubbing at her forehead with the back of her wrist to avoid getting (even more) icing on her face.
“Right away, Princess,” Chat Noir purred, pausing in the middle of cutting out a gingerbread ninja to wipe his hands on the “I Love My Cat” apron he’d gotten Marinette the previous Christmas.
He reached across the workstation and grabbed the extra container of gumdrops, bringing them over to Marinette’s half of the table, switching out the now-empty container she’d been working out of previously.
It was a chilly Sunday afternoon, and Chat Noir was helping out in the back of Tom and Sabine’s, assisting Marinette in filling an order while Tom and Sabine kept the regular shop business running.
They were making two hundred gingerbread ninjas, and they were a little more than halfway there. Chat’s main job was rolling out the dough, cutting the cookies, and getting them into the oven. Marinette was making the dough, ensuring that the cookies came out of the oven before they burned but not before they were fully baked, and decorating the ninjas.
Chat paused to watch over Marinette’s shoulder as she drew a fierce expression on the gingerbread person’s face.
“May I do one?” he tentatively asked, fully prepared to be told that his cookie decorating abilities were not of professional quality.
He wasn’t sure why that was his kneejerk thought, why the words came out in his father’s voice in his head. Marinette certainly wouldn’t say something so mean, but…
“Sure,” she cheerfully agreed, setting down the piping bag with the white frosting and moving the gingerbread man she’d been working on aside.
She grabbed an undecorated cookie, setting it down on the table in front of him and handing him the piping bag. “Just go slow and focus on applying steady, even pressure,” she coached.
He nodded, taking a deep breath and beginning to carefully squeeze out the icing, starting with the larger aspects of the design before trying out the more intricate details.
It was going pretty well until, suddenly, it wasn’t. He squeezed a little too hard, and a giant glob of frosting squirted out onto the cookie, ruining the design.
“Oops,” he sighed, cat ears drooping. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
“—No worries, Chat Noir,” Marinette was quick to reassure with a forgiving smile that took away his anxiety.
She got a knife from one of the drawers and gingerly scraped off the excess frosting. “There. Now you can try again.”
He frowned uncertainly. “Are you sure? You don’t want to do it yourself? I’m not very good at this.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “You’re not going to get better unless you practice. Don’t worry. You won’t ruin it, and we have plenty of time, plenty of icing, plenty of cookies. It’s not a big deal if you make a mistake,” she encouraged. “You’ll get it eventually.”
The cookie did, indeed, eventually get decorated in a way that was up to standards with only two more small mishaps that were quickly fixed by a scrape of the knife.
“That looks pretty good,” Marinette chuckled, making Chat’s heart fill with pride and a sense of accomplishment.
He turned to grin affectionately at her. “Thanks, Princess. Thanks for being such a patient teacher.”
“Not at all.” She gave his shoulder a playful bump with her own. “You’re a good student.”
Their eyes caught, and Marinette’s stomach flipped as she realized how close they were standing.
Chat’s lips curled into an amused smirk. “Marinette, you’ve got a little something on your face.”
She laughed mirthlessly, mentally kicking herself because he loved someone else, and she was going to give things a try with Adrien, so there was no point in letting her heartbeat quicken over Chat Noir. “That’s hardly surprising. Where?”
“Right…” he stepped in closer, angling his face.
Marinette gasped as he leaned in, her eyes sliding closed as she tipped her head up to meet him.
“…here,” he breathed, depositing a tiny brush of a kiss to her nose.
She pulled back, searching his face in confusion, still stunned at the realization of how badly she had wanted that kiss, how much her heart ached at not getting it.
But then he pulled her into his arms, his ungloved hand stroking her jaw and her neck, and she melted into him, not quite sure what he was doing, what she was doing, but just going with it because it felt right.
He nuzzled her ear and then pulled back slightly so that they could see one another’s faces. “Marinette, I’ve had feelings for you for a long time.”
She blinked. “O-Oh?”
He nodded, a nervous smile wavering on his lips. “I’d just been blinded to them by my feelings for Ladybug, but over the past few months, I’ve realized how precious you are to me. I’ve realized that you’re the one I want to be with.”
She gasped, her brain crashing and trying to reboot, trying to keep up with the words coming out of his mouth.
“I love you, Marinette, and I’d be the luckiest man in the world if you’d consent to go out with me,” he whispered.
“Oh my gosh,” she laughed, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. “I…Chat Noir, I…I love you too.”
Somehow, that was the first thing that made sense in her tangled thoughts.
And then her pragmatic side kicked in and she shook her head. “But we can’t. This can’t work. Superhero duties. The safety of Paris comes first. I can’t be the reason all of Paris ends up underwater,” she tried to explain, but her thoughts were still fragmented and not coming out straight.
“You won’t be,” he stressed, running a hand up and down her back, making calming shushing noises. “Marinette, everything is going to be fine. Papillon will never find out about you because we’re not going to date as Marinette and Chat Noir.”
Her eyes went wide as she recalled the conversation she’d had with him as Ladybug on Friday night.
“I’m going to tell you who I really am,” he informed, voice soft and gentle and loving.
“No!” She squeezed her eyes closed, covering them with her hands so that she wouldn’t be tempted to peek. “Chat Noir, I can’t know. It’s too dangerous!”
“Shhh,” he cooed. “No, it’s not. Don’t worry, Marinette. I talked to Ladybug about this, and she gave us her blessing. We’ll be careful, and everything will be fine. I trust you.”
Those words hit her hard as they called up everything else he’d said to Ladybug about the wonderful girl he was in love with. Now, learning that he’d meant her, her cheeks began to burn, and her heart felt full.
She wanted to accept him and his love. She really did, but…
“Marinette, I’m not about to reveal my identity to you right now,” Chat reassured, carefully tugging her hands from her eyes. “And you don’t have to give me an answer about dating right this second either. We’ve still got, like, six dozen ninjas to bake. I just…”
He sighed, and she opened her eyes to see the earnest expression on his face.
“I just couldn’t not tell you I love you anymore.” He shrugged, smiling helplessly.
She pulled him back into a hug. “I don’t know, Chat Noir. I want to say yes, but…I don’t think now is the right time. I don’t want to tell you that we should wait until after Papillon is no longer a threat, but…”
“I get it,” he admitted. “Just think about it. If I love you and you love me, I don’t think we should wait, but…I was planning on confessing to you and revealing my identity tomorrow. I have a surprise planned, so…maybe once you know who I am, it’ll be easier to decide what you want to do. Imagining a future with a masked superhero is kind of tough. I know. I did that for years with Ladybug, but…maybe it will be easier once I’ve got a face and a last name to go along with the charming personality. Either way, I want you to know who I am, so…”
“Tomorrow?” she echoed, voice hoarse.
He nodded.
“I…don’t know,” she replied honestly. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to give you an answer tomorrow. It’s not just the pressure from superhero responsibilities, Chat Noir. It’s…” She grimaced, her cheeks heating up like her father’s antique bread oven. She wanted to look away, but she forced herself to meet his gaze as she explained, “You’re not the only person I love.”
His face went pale, jaw slackening. His nostrils flared, and he had to remind himself to keep breathing. “O-Oh?” he gulped. “There’s someone else?”
She nodded, ashamed at her greedy heart. “A friend of mine. I’ve been crazy about him for two years now, and I think he’s finally taken an interest in me. I need some time to mentally sort things out. I’m sorry. You deserve a better answer, an unequivocal yes. I need some time to make sure. I don’t want to tell you yes unless I’m one hundred percent certain.”
She reached up to cup his face, running her thumb across his cheek. “You are one of the sweetest, bravest, best people I know, and you deserve someone who’s completely committed to you. I love you, and I want good things for you, so I’m not sure yet if I’m what’s best for you. I do love you, but I love Adrien too, so…” She shook her head, a pained expression stuck to her face. “Give me some time, please.”
“Wait,” he nearly choked, some of the despair evaporating from his demeanor. “Adrien…Agreste? You love Adrien Agreste?”
She nodded, a little confused at the nervous energy in his voice.
“Okay,” he breathed, letting go of her and turning away so that she wouldn’t see the joy on his face. “Okay.” He schooled his expression back to neutral and turned to her once more. “All right. That’s fair. I appreciate you taking this seriously, Marinette.” He gave her a tentative smile.
“Of course,” she stressed, giving his forearm a light touch. “You’re one of my best friends, Chat Noir, and I care about you so, so much. I don’t want to end up hurting you by rushing into anything. I’m sorry that I can’t say yes right now, but I don’t want to jump the gun and screw things up.”
He nodded, giving her shoulder a pat before going back over to his workstation to cut more gingerbread ninjas out of the dough. “It’s okay,” he assured, unable to help the way his tail lashed back and forth around his feet in excitement. “It’ll probably be easier to decide tomorrow once I show you who I am behind the mask.”
She shook her head and went back to decorating ninjas. “Chat Noir, I already know who you are behind the mask. Knowing your name isn’t going to change who you are as a person. I already know you.”
His heart swelled at that, and he smiled so hard down at the dough he thought his face was going to crack in half. “I don’t know, Princess. It’s a really good name.”
She let out a snort of laughter, and it was clear that their easy friendship had survived part one of the love confession. “Oh, I’m sure it is, Chat Noir. I’m sure your parents did a better job than you did naming yourself. I mean, you literally called yourself ‘black cat’.”
“Hey,” he whined, putting on the biggest pout he could muster through laughter. “I was put on the spot, and there are plenty of anime characters called ‘Chat Noir’. Thirteen-year-old me thought it was cool. Sixteen-year-old me still thinks it’s cool.”
“Your face is cool,” Marinette snickered.
“Thanks. So’s yours,” he shot right back.
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dyxnamicart · 5 years
my stupid highschool oneshot thing
look im not a writer, (I used to be when I was fourteen, haven’t done it since then so ya know, you dont use it you lose it lmao)
Anyways this has been highly requested that I post it, im a bit mad because its not exactly how I wish their dynamic was, I’m not great at writing banter (or anything i’m an artist now plewse) but ya know Also DISCLAIMER: This is a piece of fiction, it in no way reflects real life Dan and Phil (In fact my au switches up their personalities a fair bit) and do not tag them okAY P E O P L E They dont wanna see it and I dont want them to see it (Even if this isnt a particularly shippy piece lmao people are getting very angsty as of late) I also don’t have an editor so sorry for any mistakes  Anyway here ya go heathens 
Dan didn’t notice the opposing teams jock barrelling towards him, not until his leg had swept under his own, causing him to fly through the air, ball no longer in his possession. 
In fact it all flew by in a matter of seconds. Dan didn’t really have time to process exactly what was happening until he felt the shock of pain that travelled up his wrist and down his arm as he landed heavily onto it, crying out as he rolled once or twice before coming to a stop… He couldn’t really tell. There was a whistle blow, but the bustling around him seemed dull in comparison to the loudness of the pain in his wrist. 
He hissed as he was righted, pulled up and put steadily on his feet, being ushered to the benches, it only felt like five minutes before the game was back on course, bar Dan to be left on the sides, a few claps on the back from his teammates as he let his head come down from the spinning it was doing. 
The nurse on staff did a pretty shoddy job of bandaging, but to her credit she did ask if he wanted an ambulance. If his dad knew an ambulance was called because he hurt his wrist... he didn’t even want to imagine the searing look of disappointment he would receive. 
So he just declined. 
The game was one of the final ones of the season, they were playing against the local private school, which had a surprisingly amount of suspiciously beefed up kids, though with private school money Dan wasn’t surprised they probably had some ins with the law and extra ‘help’. 
He really wanted to play in the final, in fact his coach had even been considering him for the team, not that Dan was amazing at football, but he wasn’t the worst. He was passable at best, probably why his parents weren’t here right now to witness the semi, something he supposes he should be counting his lucky stars for now he had an injury as mediocre as a sprained wrist, but now there was a nagging pull in his gut of his own disappointment. 
He waited out the game on the bench, figuring he should at least be there for his team for the results, even with a sprained wrist he didn’t want to run away without at least talking to a few of his mates afterwards. 
Phil didn’t see the tumble. 
He was perched up in the bleachers, trying to ignore the way the mild and darkening sky had began to stew whipping winds that tore right through the threads in his sweater, by sketching insurmountable things he could see. 
He didn’t usually go to games, not only was it not his scene, but he would either end up insanely bored or find his eyes following Dan Howell’s god damn limber body. But this was the semis, and he totally wasn’t here to occasionally glance at a certain panting number 91, he at least wanted to show his support for the school. It wasn’t his fault this game was boring and his sketchbook looked far more inviting. 
He only looked up when there was a big murmur and gasps coming from the crowd around him, and he couldn’t see who it was at first, but there was a boy sprawled on the ground. 
It didn’t take long to figure out it was Dan, and his eyebrows furrowed deeply, closing his sketchbook and shoving it into his bag. He ended up walking down a few rows in the bleachers, just trying to see if the daft idiot was okay, and he sat down again much closer. The nurse did an awful job at bandaging his hand, he could see that from here, and he would have to fix it after the game. Well.. he didn’t have to, of course, but he figured Howell was too much of an airhead to fix it properly and as much as the other grated on him he at least wanted him to be comfortable. 
When it came to the end of the game, Phil’s school lost, and there was a brief celebration for the other school as they paraded off the field, while Dan’s team just huddled around to talk to the coach and then walk to the locker rooms, obviously trying to act casual even if they had essentially just been eliminated from the finals. 
Looking around, a lot of the families and students were milling out, many of them disappointed by the outcome of the game.  
This was their star team, and there had been a surprisingly large turnout for the event, to have it all end this anticlimactically felt a bit wrong, if he was being honest, even if sports definitely weren’t his thing. 
Phil headed down towards the locker rooms, some of the boys were already heading out, chatting and bumping into each other as they walked. Boys were talking, over half of them shirtless. He tried to avoid looking at them, while Phil had come to terms with his sexuality internally, he wasn’t out to his school, despite the obvious digs lots of the jocks and ‘cool kids’ would make. He wasn’t exactly subtle. 
Dan hadn’t noticed him, he was sitting on a bench and chatting to a teammate, but some of the boys closer to the entrance had. 
“Ay! It’s Danny’s little bitch, what’s new Lester?” A boy Phil knew as Jason laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulders, leaning heavily on him. 
Phil grunted, and shoved him off. “I’m not anyone’s bitch. Especially not Howell’s.” 
There was an ‘oo’ that rippled through the boys, and it was safe to say that Dan had noticed him. He furrowed his eyebrows, and stood up. 
“A teacher told me to help Dan.. carry his stuff with his hand like that.” He faltered off, because that half baked excuse really did make him sound like someone’s bitch. But by this point people were beginning to lose interest and ended up either packing up to leave or going back to chatting amongst themselves about a hot girl or something Phil honestly couldn’t care less about. 
Phil walked towards Dan, throwing on a mastered look of indifference and annoyance.
“What are you doing back here?” The brunette sighed deeply, running his good hand through his hair. “As if I don’t already get clowned on enough from seeing you during actual school hours.” He said dryly. 
Phil rolled his eyes. “I saw that sad excuse for a nurse ‘wrap’ your hand. I’ve seen children under the age of 4 wrap toilet paper around themselves better.” 
Dan groaned as he fell back to his sitting position on the bench. “Good deed Lester huh? You aren’t a guardian angel you know.” 
“Are you going to turn down actual help with that wrist, Howell. Seriously.” He dropped his bag on the ground, and knelt down, ignoring the few whistles he got from the people still in the room. 
Dan rolled his eyes as he looked down at Phil, arched eyebrow and holding his injured wrist with his hand, like he didn’t trust him. “Fine.” He sighed, setting his hand down on his leg, looking down at Phil with a suspicious and unless he was imagining it, flushed face. 
Phil carefully lifted the brunettes injured hand, frowning at the small pang of guilt he felt when Dan hissed in a sharp breath, quiet, as if being a little louder would shatter his reputation in one fell swoop. 
By now the locker room had basically emptied out, Dan’s mates sauntered away, hefting their heavy gym bags over their shoulders as their voices echoed down the hallway and slowly faded into the cool night air. 
Dan and Phil sat in silence for a few moments as Phil examined the bandage. Dan seemed to relax a little, and he allowed the feeling of calm to wash over them now there was no eyes examining their every move. The indifference and hostility seemed to drain from the air.
He didn’t know if it was the late night game or the lack of people, but he felt as though he was back before highschool, back before their fall out. Before their life became a series of quips and tension seeping into the fond memories he once had for the boy in front of him. 
“Why do you play, when you end up hurting yourself like this?” His question was genuine, none of the concealed fire that was usually behind his voice when he talked to Dan. 
Phil used his other hand to unroll the bandage. He had seen the first aid kit it came from, the contents being the single bandage, two band aids and a single cotton swab. Not the most ideal for a sport like this, hands on and physical, but their school wasn’t really known for their state of the art resources. 
Dan looked unsure of whether or not he should give a witty response or answer seriously. In the end he seemed too exhausted to spit out a clever one liner. So he opted for the truth. 
“I don’t know..” Dan huffed a breath out of his nose, like he was out of practice with talking about his emotions. “The guys are cool.. people like a jock you know?” He pauses for a moment, like he was struggling with whether or not he wanted to continue. “And I kind of want my dad to be proud of me? You know my dad. I want him to think.. I’m one of the lads. One of the boys.. not a royal screw up son.” He snorted, good hand rubbing the back of his neck like he was trying to play off his words as ridiculous. 
But Phil didn’t laugh. 
“Proud of you?” He repeated, slightly quieter as he slowly started to wind the bandage around Dan’s stiff wrist. 
Dan shrugged, looking away and seemingly focusing on a spot far across the room, like he was trying to be anywhere but here, talking to a friend who had been distanced by time and change. 
But Phil remembers, he remembers his curly brown hair bouncing around when he was excited, when he was jumping around playing cops and robbers, he remembers his loud and boisterous laugh and the way his cheeks dimpled and filled with colour. He remembers a time when he knew the boy in front of him more then he knew anyone in the world. When he thought Dan was his forever friend and that nothing would ever change that. 
Guess something changed. 
“You know I’m proud of you,” He continued, not looking up from bandaging. He could feel Dan’s eyes on him now, he could feel the incredulous and doubtful eyes bore into his skin, see into his soul. He didn’t seem to have expected an actual answer in response. “I’m proud of you when I see you play piano. When I see your eyes light up and when you lose yourself in the keys. When you recite dumb Shakespearen poetry and when you are on stage commanding the spotlight, when the only person who matters is you. That’s what I’m proud of. That’s what makes me think, THIS is Dan Howell. THIS is who he is meant to be. Not a shallow jock with a sharp tongue and attitude. I’m proud of the real you.”
He clipped the bandage pin on the end of the roll, now safely locked on Dan’s wrist, and he went to pull his hand away but was stopped by a hand placed over his. 
Dan’s eyes were how he remembered, not in way they were for the past two years, glazed over as he tried to cram his way into a puzzle he didn’t fit into, but filled with an unfathomable tenderness and something he couldn’t quite put his finger on 
They didn’t need to exchange words, the soft smile Dan gave him spoke a thousand words, making up for time that felt lost before now. 
He stood up, finally dropping Phil’s hand and grabbing his jacket off the bench. “Come on, I’ll walk you home.” 
Their silence was welcoming as they walked down the hall towards the exit. The last few years had been full of quips and jabs, fast insults and banter that sometimes toed the line as not quite friendly. This silence, it was new, but it felt right. Dan couldn’t quite understand, but there was a shift that felt comfortable. 
Dan had known Phil a long time, longer then anyone in this god forsaken school. He was quiet and reserved and he enjoyed painting and drawing. He was creative, and he didn’t care what people thought of him. He was unapologetically himself, and that was something that he only wished he could be. 
For the longest time it was him and Phil. Dan and Phil against the world, playing Mario cart and watching shitty movies, always at each other’s houses like they belonged together. 
Then high school happened.
The desire to fit in hit Dan like a ton of bricks. While Phil was content to remain a Mario kart loving geek, Dan couldn’t stand being the butt of the joke. He couldn’t stand his dad being disappointed whenever he brought Phil home to do something nerdy. As the years went by it became a sort of crutch for him and Phil to make snide remarks at each other as they passed in the halls, glaring across the halls and that’s how it stayed. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loved to see Phil riled up. He loved to see his eyebrows furrow together and his eyes roll. His arms crossed and his posture unimpressed. If anything that was his favourite part, the way his voice flooded with heat and passion, as he stared at him with the intensity of a bonfire. He loved to tease him and play his surprisingly short temper like a fiddle.
But he wasn’t attracted to him. No way. Phil wasn’t a pretty girl. He did NOT find his eyes pretty and the way his hair sometimes fell into his eyes and his hands didn’t itch to run his hands through it. 
He was straight. He had to be. 
His heart dropped a little, and he couldn’t explain why, but he looked over at Phil, who was walking beside him. 
They were outside now, and it was raining, not too heavily but enough to get you fairly wet. Despite the fact Phil was wearing a sweater and long overalls, he could see him shiver, the fabric of the sweater probably allowed the biting wind to nip tight through it.
He shrugged off his jacket, and gently wrapped it around Phil’s shoulders, forcing them to stop momentarily. The street light cast a soft light over them, and his eyes met the other boys, and for a moment they stared at each other, Dan watching as raindrop followed the contours of Phil’s face, a drop following his cheekbone and the slope of his jaw. 
He coughed, rubbing the back of his neck again as he started walking. “Okay okay, lets get you home, Lester.” 
“Are you sure you aren’t cold?” Phil enquires inquisitively as he sped walked a bit to catch up with him. 
He shrugged. “Still running on adrenaline I guess.” It was a lie, he was slightly cold. But it felt right, and he continued to walk with him in silence. 
Phil was holding the jacket around himself as they approached his house, and they stopped just under the porch, the light flickering on to illuminate his face. 
Dan stuffed his good hand in his pocket, and he clicked his tongue as Phil went to shrug off the jacket to give back. “Nah, wash it first, don’t want your nerd germs on my clothes.” Despite the insult, he found himself smiling warmly, and Phil too just chuckled. 
“Alright, I’ll give it to you on Monday or something, Howell.” 
Dan saluted as he turned to walk away, and he could feel Phil staring through his back as he walked back into the rain. They were only a street apart, but he knew that was going to be one long walk. 
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hobiheavenly · 5 years
Karma’s Cravings (part 2)/ MYG
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✧ Min Yoongi x Reader
✧ Multichapter, Coffee Shop AU, E2L
✧ Warning: Min Yoongi’s throbbing hard on
✧Word count: 3.8k
✧ Summary: Your life is going idyllically with your business with the exception of having to work with Min Yoongi who disapproves of your comercial tactics. but when one day a medium tells you he is to be the love of your life you are quick to shut her down but running away from fate can come with cause consequences.
✧A.N: and finally part 2! I had this ready since Thursday and I know I normally post on Sunday’s but I really don’t mind having it out now, I promise there will be more action next time son bear with me I wanna build up the sexual tension. Please let me know what y’all think.
Parqt 1 / Part 2 /
It was almost midnight when you closed the doors of "Constant Cravings" and crossed the garden to go to the parking lot that consisted of a building with many floors to reach. The smell of the rain was still in the air because of the sudden storm that had appeared out of nowhere. You began to curse those stupid weather reporters for lying. "Cloudy with low chances of rain MY ASS!" You thought bitterly . Lucky for you, it rained just when the party had started reaching its end. Actually, the rain helped the sales since everyone went to the shops at the space to shelter from the rain, so they went to "Constant Cravings" for both shelter and a hot cup of coffee.
Even as your feet felt sore and your back was aching like hell, it was all worth it! You had a made sales record and had three jobs lined up for next week. By 10 o'clock, after putting the "CLOSED" sign on the door, you had begun to make the materials for the batch of cookies you had to bake tomorrow morning and after looked into the paperwork you had piled up in your office. It might not be the most romantic way to spend a night on Valentines Day, but at least it was less troublesome than men usually gave.
By the time you had finished it was close to midnight so you decide to call it a day. After closing shop and locking the door, you went to the elevator of the parking structure and pushed the button to call the elevator. It was then when you heard a car turning on and seconds later a red sports car pass by you on his way to the exit. Once the car passed you immediately saw the driver, Min Yoongi.
“Good night to you too” you said sarcastically when he had already passed. It was more than obvious that he had spent the night of Valentines Day in his office. It didn't really surprise you that a man like him didn't have a date on the most romantic night of the year. "You don't have a date either missy!" a voice in your mind coldly reminded.
So what if you didn't have a man! You were sure that Seokjin would have gone boy-crazy trying to find you a date and the guy would be a total weirdo or too self-centered. You were sick of first dates and having to put up with them. "I guess my hopes have just disappeared with the time" you thought.
What the hell was happening to the elevator? By now 5 minutes had passed and you didn’t see any response. You pushed the button again but still no answer.
“JUST GREAT!” you yelled, no choice but to carry your purse and walk up the stairs. Fuck! Six flights of stairs were enough work out for a year! Finally you see salvation as you get to the floor where your car is at and placed the key in the ignition. You twisted the key, but no answer. You tried it one more time and still no answer. Stuck with a car with a dead battery, at midnight, and on a parking lot! just. Your. Luck! You took out your cell phone and wouldn’t you know it your phone battery was dead as well. Now that's odd coincidence because you had made sure to have it fully loaded in the morning and you had not used it all day so it should be at least at mid charge. "FUCK! CAN THIS GET ANY WORSE!"
And it could! Because you had to go down the six flights of stairs and once in the ground floor you saw the universe’s answer to your question. The shining red sports car was stuck in the entrance way, Min Yoongi standing outside of it passing his fingers through his hair in evident frustration. He was all messy, with his shirt untucked, his tie loosened, and without his jacket. He almost seemed human!
“What are you doing here?” You both asked at the same time.
“The battery of my car is dead, what's your story?”
“My car has no gasoline. Which is odd since I filled it last night. I'm guessing those Gas Robbers I heard on the news who did it! GOD! I have a car that won’t work, my cell phone battery died as well and I'm stuck here!”
“Calm the Grump Hump, dude! We’re on the same boat here” As much as you enjoyed annoying Yoongi you could also understand his frustration, you were too tired and annoyed to even fight back or retort.
“I'm sorry” Yoongi sighed and rubbed his temples, “I'm tired, it's been a long night, and it just gets longer and longer.”
“I also have a deceased cell phone. Isn't that a coincidence” you said sarcastically.
“Coincidence indeed.” He agreed slowly looking at you with stern eyes. Deep in thought as he was getting a realization.
“Yeah, it's almost as if we were cursed…”
You remembered Madame Karma's words. "Karma doesn't lie. Plus, you can't escape Karma. If you try to escape from it, you will be forever cursed. And trust me, you don't want that to happen"
"Ridiculous!" You thought. It was ridiculous to think that Yoongi was the man of your life. You looked at him and noticed he kept looking at you strangely.
“Is something wrong?” You asked.
“No. I was only thinking of something the medium to me earlier” he shook his head, “It doesn't matter.”
Something Madame Karma told him? Holy god. Did she tell Yoongi the same things she told you? That you were the woman of his life? It couldn't be true. That was way humiliating. Even when you knew the answer, you just had to ask…..
“Yoongi, did Madame Karma mention me when she read the cards?”
He looked at her cautiously, confirming your suspicion.
“Why do you ask?”
“Because she mentioned you in my future. She said something about matching Auras and things like that…”
“Things like that? What do you mean by "Things like that"?”
“Gibberish. That we are compatible.” You scoffed using air quotes.
“Perfect for one another?”
“Now that's silly!” He scoffed to giving a half laugh and rolling his eyes
“Yeah! The greatest silliness I've heard in years.”
“Exactly. Did she tell you that if you fight against it you were going to be cursed?”
“Yeah” You said as you tried to smile but just couldn't.
“Do you think that the broken down cars and the dead cell phones are because of the curse?”
Yoongi was lost in thought for a moment even just a fraction of a second but came back and laughed it off, “Of course not. I don't believe on that silliness. Shit happens. I don't believe in that medium either. I bet she is just a hoax.”
“I read an article in the New York Times, and it says she has been very certain with many couples and she has helped the police in many cases. But when she talked about me I just didn't believe her.”
“Me neither” he smiled weakly, trying to convince himself that was true.
“Look, I'm going to go to the store to call for car assistance, if you want you can come to the store too.”
“I was going to offer you to come to the office.”
“But in the shop there is hot coffee and I have cookies” you insisted and rubbed the bridge of your nose, “Don't argue with me. The night is horrible without you and me arguing.”
“You're right. I'm sorry.” He said avoiding your eyes.
“Damn, you're not sorry, you are lame at lying” you laughed.
You walked through the garden and took a shortcut through the grass. Suddenly a click. Both of you stood still a second.
“What was that?” asked Yoongi.
“ No clue” you said. Suddenly a bunch of tubes came from the ground and began to come out water “Goddamit the sprinklers! Great! My ass is wet! Can anything worse happen?”
“Don't say that because I've discovered that many worse things can happen. Well, might as well get out of this water” He grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the garden. You did your best to keep up, Yoongi just pulled you even closer trying to help cover you as much as possible with his body to no avail. When you reached "Constant Cravings" just before getting to the door, you fell and grabbed herself to Yoongi. It was supposed to keep you in balanced but it made you both fall causing him landed just on top of you.
As you looked up, you were able to see Yoongi's face more closely. During a couple of seconds you could have sworn you felt as if the oxygen was being taken away. It actually felt...nice to have him on you.
“____” he incorporated himself with his forearms and the inferior part of his body was brushing against yours “Are you ok?”
"No I’m not! I’m horny and wet and it's all your fault!" You thought. You tried to move but when you noticed how your wet body just slipped under Yoongi, you froze completely. He kept looking at you and stayed completely still, but a part of his body was moving independently.
Oh My God! Wasn't cold water supposed to have a calming effect on men? Either Yoongi had a huge pickle in his pants or your theory was completely wrong! He got off and pressed his teeth.
“Are you alright?”
You just nodded and sat up, “I'm ok, wet and cold, but otherwise ok.”
“I'm glad. Now let's get out of here before we need a raft to get out.”
You tried to get up but felt a sudden a pain in your ankle.
“OW!” You shouted “I think I twisted my ankle.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Hell yeah! Or I wouldn't have shouted”
Suddenly Yoongi bent down and grabbed you as he carried you bridal style.
“What are you doing?” The evident blush ringing your cheeks.
“I think it's obvious” he said “I'm taking you in my arms to the store.”
“I can walk!” You said defending yourself as Yoongi raised an eyebrow in disbelief “or at least I can jump on one foot till I get there”
“Yeah but it would take you a week to get to the door” he laughed, heading directly to "Constant Cravings".
“Not bad for a guy that spends his days behind a desk” you said smiling.
“I do not spend all day behind a desk!”
“ Yoongi you gotta start learning to take a joke” you giggled.
“You're so…..”he shut up in the last minute and looked at you up and down. He tightened his teeth and looked at her eyes, avoiding thinking about any part of your body that seemed to affect him with just the slightest touch “Where is your key?”
“In my bag…..that I left when I fell down!”
“Why didn't you pick it up?”
“I would have, but you carried me like a sack of potatoes all the way here” you smirked.
“Well, I'm sorry for helping you” he said ironically “next time I will let you soak yourself in the ground.”
“Alright, you're right. I'm sorry and I thank you for your help.”
“Did you hit your head when you fell” he raised an eyebrow.
“Ha, ha! No. But I know when to say I'm sorry when I'm wrong.”
“Apology accepted. Now going back to the topic of your purse...” he turned around and saw the little lump that was getting wet.
“DAMN! That purse was new!” You moaned in discontent over the loss of your new purse
“Moan later. I have to go for it and that means I have to leave you in the ground” he gently placed you down being careful not to touch any skin or dangerous areas but once you were down still held you close “Did I hurt you?
His gaze was paralyzing. And his voice, so deep like he had just woken up from a long night of passionate sex. You felt his breath so warm on your lips and noticed how close those lips were. You experimented a extracorporeal sensation as you were getting closer and closer to his lips. But as soon as you blinked, the image went away.
“_____ , did I hurt you?” He asked again, hearing the tone of concern in his voice that sent you back to reality. You shook your head in response.
“I'm fine, go” you said as you tried to get up and incorporated yourself against the wall “Go!”
"Yeah, go before I put my arms around your neck. Oh god how I wanted to touch your chest and abs to see if they are as spectacular as they seem! And I also wanted to see inside your pants to see if what I felt back there was true!" You thought.
He sighed, nodded, and went back to the garden for your purse. There was no doubt that Min Yoongi had an awesome body but Madame Karma was crazy if she thought he was the man of her life.
Why were you even affected by this? It was way to just ignore it pass off the tension as just creative differences but now you couldn’t stop seeing Yoongi in a different light.
Yoongi was on his way top grab your purse as he thanked the cold shower that the sprinklers were giving him. What the hell was he doing? It was a ridiculous question since he knew exactly what was going on. The problem was that he could still feel the sensation of your body on him. He could still see the expression on your face and the erotic sensation of your body slipping underneath his. He could remember the scent of sugar on your wet skin, a mixture of sugar and flowers that shouldn't seem so attractive, but it seemed to be the sexiest perfume ever.
He couldn't remember the last time he was so ecstatic over a woman so easily. With just one the look into your eyes and just one look at your sexy, wet lips he went from zero to a hundred in just one second. A physical reaction you noticed right away. That he couldn't stop. And that he couldn't understand nor explain. Without a doubt you were an attractive woman. But why was this woman that made him so angry all the time the one that was making him feel this way?
He tightened his teeth. All this was the medium's fault! Ever since she read his future, he wasn't able to forget her words. It was madness, because he didn't believe in those things. He supposed she googled him to know about his professional life or maybe Hoseok told her about his personal life. But what she said about his future, that he had the love of his life all long right in front of him.
A strange sensation overpowered him when the medium said your name. He had told the medium she was wrong, but she just focused her dark eyes and kept on about how his and your auras matched and some things like that. A load of gibberish!
He went down to pick up the purse and ran back to "Constant Cravings", where you were still waiting for him. From where he was he could see how your white blouse was now stuck to your body almost like it were a second skin. Under the moonlight you had a hot and sexy aspect that seemed to fire up Yoongi and make the situation even worse than what it already was.
When was he ever going to stop thinking about that? He was thinking of taking your wet clothes off and kissing your sexy lips. Although to be sincere, he had those thoughts even before he went to seeing the medium. Ever since the day you offered him a "Slow Trip to Pleasure". Luckily, in that moment he could set aside that thought most of the day. Maybe his thoughts were going wild just because you were wet. A wet woman can make a man fantasize a lot. Once you got dry everything was going to go back to normal. Hopefully.
He went to you and handed the wet purse.
“Thanks” you mumbled.
Once you opened the door of the shop, he carried you again in his arms taking you inside the store, trying hard not to think about how wonderful it felt to have you in his arms.
“It’s not necessary for you to take me in your arms” you whispered, but your protest was not sincere. Actually, the way your voice came out was much deeper and sexy than you had intended to but still sparked a chill in Yoongi’s body.
He looked as your huge ayes, your luscious lips, your long hair, and felt captivated. He did a huge effort to stop looking at you as he entered the store and closing the door with his foot.
“It may not be necessary taking you in my arms, but I brought you here and I'm not going to die if I take a couple more steps” That wasn't all true, because having your body so close to his WAS, in fact, going to kill him. “Come on, Let me check that ankle, then you can talk about if you need help to walk or not.”
He headed to the sofa that was placed in the left side of the store but you stopped him in the act.
“Not there, I don't want to ruin the sofa. Take me to the counter, I can manage there.”
Yoongi obeyed and took you to the counter as you sat by the cash register.
“Where is the light switch?” he asked.
“Next to the door, in the right side.”
Yoongi went back to the door and switched the light on. When he went back he saw you with her leg pulled out and making circular movement with her ankle. Drat! Even that looked hot! He forced himself to look away but his eyes were glued on you. That dreaded white blouse was stuck to your body like cellophane paper. "No, STOP! Stop thinking about it and don't look at her directly"!
“So how is it?” He asked.
"Hard and painful" a voice in his mind answered his own question but tried to ignore it.
“Its ok, look, I can move it!” You continued to make circular movements “ I think it was only the pain of the moment. At least I'm glad I wasn't wearing a skirt when I fell.”
-“Oh really?” he said softly, "Cause I would have seen your ass" he thought. Then his mind wandered off, what underwear was she wearing? Would she be wearing a combination with her bra or maybe she wasn't wearing anything at all….
“ Yoongi, are you ok?” You woke him up from his train of thought.
"No" “Yes!”
“You look rather red.”
“It's the light…..and the fact that I'm a bit tired after carrying you through the garden.”
“Are you saying I'm fat?” You pouted.
“No, why do women always ask that?”
“Because men always make commentaries that are interpreted to believe so.”
“Well, just so you know I wasn't calling you fat, you're…”
“What?” You smirked waiting for him to make his usual snarky remark.
"Great, sexy, you make my heart pound so fast and so hard that I think my heart is going to fall" his mind was at a full buzz trying to contain himself, luckly he had always been one for self restraint
“Are you looking for a compliment Ms. ______?”
“A compliment? From you? I highly doubt that! I would be completely silent if I ever heard you say a compliment from you.”
“Well if it's the only way to get you to close your mouth, I'll try it. You have great curves.”
“Wow, thanks. You must get a lot of women with that phrase” you said sarcastically, “Well, thank you, I suppose. I should get some ice.”
“Ice. Yeah. That's a good idea. Something cold is what I, I mean, you, need” Yoongi saw how you almost came down from the counter to look for ice but he stopped you on your tracks “You, young lady, stay right here and let me take a look at your ankle”
Yoongi was regretting those words as soon as he left. If he looked at you ankle, that would mean he would be very close to your body. And that was the last thing he needed. But even though he was denying getting close to you, he still came back and grabbed your ankle softly.
“May I?”
You put her hands on the counter and extended your leg a little. The image of you reclining on the counter like that burning a hot flame inside him.
“I never thought you would be the polite boy that would ask permission before he could touch.”
“I guess you don't know much about me. Now let me see your ankle” Yoongi tried to stay steady and press the ice on your ankle. He was surprised by his great skill of auto control. You continued to have your eyes glued on Yoongi with a lot of curiosity, like a cat.
“So what does a manager know about broken ankles?” You asked to break the ice.
“I stayed at a camp as a monitor and in a rescue team for many summers. It’s been a long time since that happened, but I can still remember how to fix a broken ankle” he made slow circular movements with your ankle “Does it hurt when I do this?”
He could feel the weight of your stare as he was moving your ankle. A beautiful ankle he had to let go. He looked up and saw you face as you smiled.
“So what?” Yoongi asked in a daze.
“So what's the situation?”
"I'm guilty of having a huge desire as a cause of a transitional mental derivation. And I don't know how long I can last without having to explode"
“My ankle?” You asked as you saw that he wasn't answering your question.
“Oh… yeah it’s alright” he said, coming back to reality. He began to massage your feet “There's no need to call a surgeon.”
“That's….” You moved her ankle in Yoongi's hand “Ohh! What a joy!” she closed her eyes and made a moan, that made Yoongi become hard again “What a joy!” You screamed in pleasure
Yoongi stood still again and he could see the excitement in your eyes.
“Yoongi….I think we should take our clothes off.”
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sweatersexual · 6 years
Hearts Keep Racing
Starting a new relationship right now can't be a good idea. But then, Ed always did have the worst timing.
Written for @edweenweek Day 5: AU
It really wasn't much of a coincidence that Winry should run into one of her clients in the Ouroboros Clinic's waiting room. It was one of the best used providers in their network, after all. And it was nice to see Ed again.
Winry had long since lost contact with her grade-school pal, only to reconnect when she’d fitted him with a new prosthetic about a year ago. They'd friended each other on Facebook since then and commented on each other's posts a few times, though Ed wasn't on Facebook all that much. Still, he was just as bold and brainy as Winry had remembered him.
Winry waved him over as he walked into the waiting room. Ed waved back with a casted right arm. Winry was sure the story behind that cast would be entertaining.
“Hey Winry,” he greeted her, with a glance to Winry's baby bump. “Wow, I guess congratulations are in order?”
At six months pregnant, Winry was starting to get tired of that being the first thing people brought up. Still, she tried to be gracious about it. “Thanks, Ed.”
“Is it weird if I touch your belly?” Ed asked as he took the seat next to her. “I mean, if it's okay with you . . .”
“Yeah, here.” She took his uncasted hand and laid it just above her belly button. “It's sweet of you to ask. Most people just grab me.”
“Ugh, people are jerks.” And then, as the baby kicked, “Wow, there's really a baby in there!”
Winry laughed. “You don't say?”
“Sorry, I'm not trying to be a complete dweeb. I just think the whole pregnancy-new-life thing is really cool. Like, there's a whole other person inside you. That you made. It's fucking incredible.”
“Aw.” Winry hadn't been expecting this behavior from Ed of all people. It was refreshing to see such a brash personality gush over the miracle of life. “You’re terrible at convincing me you're not a dweeb.”
Ed rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You got any names for this tiny fucking miracle?”
“I'm still mulling over my options.”
“You should call it something kickass, like Puma or Diesel.”
“Oh god. Promise me you'll never have children, Ed.”
“Never say never.”
“So what's with the cast?” asked Winry.
“Oh yeah. Would you believe I broke my wrist fighting a dragon?”
“Yeah, you know those Chinese costumes with like ten people inside it? I thought my brother was hiding in there.”
“So you tried to beat up the whole dragon?”
“Nah, I tried to tackle what I thought were his legs. Which was really kind of stupid, but my impulse control sucks sometimes. So I tripped up the dragon and one of the guys fell on my arm. As far as wrist-breaking stories go, there are definitely more embarrassing ones.”
“I guess so.”
“I'd ask you to sign my cast, but I came here to get it off, so I guess there's not much point.”
It didn't look like there was any room left on the cast to sign it, covered as it was with red and black signatures, doodles, and even a few chemical equations. “Eh,” said Winry. “I already signed your leg anyway.”
“True, true,” Ed said with a laugh.
Winry's doctor was ready to see her before Ed's was to see him. When her checkup was finished, she briefly took a seat to check her email. She had just finished writing a reply to Garfiel when Ed sat next to her.
"Yech," he said. "I hate how gross your skin feels after a cast comes off." He rubbed his right arm.
"Don't pick at it," said Winry. "You'll irritate the skin."
"I'm not. I'm just trying to relax these muscles. It's so stiff."
"Your doctor showed you wrist exercises to build up your strength, right?"
"Yeah. They hurt, though."
She shrugged. "They'll hurt less the more you do them."
He snorted. "You know, for a healthcare provider, you're pretty indifferent to my pain."
"What do I get for kissing every little boo boo?" Winry asked with a smirk. She and Ed both knew that he only liked to whine about the little things. If he were really hurt, he'd pretend he was completely fine. "You're not my client right now."
"You're such a mercenary," Ed grumbled. "So how'd the checkup go?"
"Good," said Winry. "We're both healthy and hitting all the milestones. Doctor Briggs just prescribed me some folic acid."
"Nice," Ed said. "Hey, you wanna get lunch or something? I've got some time to kill before Al comes to pick me up. Doctor Knox says I'm still not good to drive for a few more days."
"You haven't been allowed to drive?" asked Winry. "You must be hating that." He was such an independent person, it had to be driving him crazy.
"You have no idea," Ed groaned. "Public transportation sucks and Al won't let me bend the rules. He hid my car keys!"
Winry laughed. "Sounds like Al."
They ended up going to the Applebee's around the corner. Winry had been eating there more since she got pregnant than she had in her entire life. She'd been craving ribs and Applebee's had a good deal on them.
"Doesn't baby daddy know how to work a grill?" asked Ed. "That's the best way to eat ribs."
Winry shook her head. "Baby daddy's not in the picture."
"Oh. Sorry. That sucks."
She shrugged. "It is what it is."
"I don't need to knock some sense into him, do I?"
"What? No! He's not around because I don't want him to be. I don't need him, and I don't need you to stick your nose where it doesn't belong."
Ed raised his palms apologetically. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - I know you can take care of yourself, Winry. I guess I'm just projecting. You know, since my dad walked out on me."
Winry didn't know the entire situation with Ed's father, but Ed had complained about him so many times over the years that Winry could read between the lines. "Yeah, okay," she said. "Thanks for apologizing."
"Of course. I know I can shoot off my mouth sometimes. That's why I hang around people who call me out on my shit."
And then, because Winry's mind was still on the subject, and it was nice to have another listening ear, she kept talking about her baby's father. "His name's Russell. The dad. We were never serious. When I got pregnant, I figured I was in a good enough place, financially, to keep it. And I always wanted to be a mom. But I didn't want Russell to be a permanent part of my life. He probably would've stepped up if I'd told him about the baby, but I just didn't want to coparent with him. So I broke up with him. He doesn't know about the baby, and I want to keep it that way."
Ed nodded. "I guess that makes sense."
But she could tell he was holding something back. "Whatever it is you're thinking, you should say it."
"You probably don't want to hear it."
"Ed, come on."
"Fine. I'm not saying you have to do things my way, but . . . if it were me, I'd at least want him to know he had a kid."
"I get why you'd say that," said Winry. "I just think it's more trouble than it's worth."
"I guess. Hey, you want to see this picture of Al at Pet Barn?"
Winry welcomed the subject change, and the rest of their lunch passed with little incident. Ed had tried to cut his food himself, only to wince as the muscles in his right hand spasmed. She teased him as she took his knife and fork. "Guess I better get used to doing this now," she said.
"Yeah, yeah. Hey, you don't have to make the pieces that tiny. I'm not gonna choke."
It had been nice to catch up with her old friend. They'd only kept in touch peripherally since he'd become her client, and it was nice to confirm that he was still the rough-and-tumble personality she remembered. She also couldn't deny that puberty had been kind to Edward Elric. She tried not to think about that too much, though. Her second trimester was a horrible time to start a new relationship, let alone with a client.
However, they were in touch much more than peripherally now. Ed had started messaging her regularly. He liked taunting her with pictures of well-cooked ribs. She teased him back with reminders that he couldn't drive, and she quickly found more material once he was allowed behind the wheel again.
They'd been messaging for about a week and a half when Ed invited her over for dinner at his place. Winry said yes because she knew Al would be there, so it wouldn't be a date exactly, and anyway she couldn't say no to free ribs. So she knocked on Ed's door that evening with a fresh-baked apple pie in hand.
He opened the door wearing a bright red apron with his hair up in a messy bun. Winry couldn't tell if he was seriously rocking the barbecue chef look or she was just hormonal, but damn did he look good.
"Hey!" he greeted her brightly. "Um, Al had to bail. His girlfriend surprised him with concert tickets."
Double damn. This was starting to turn into an actual date. No, she couldn't read into it more than there was. They were just doing this as friends. He probably didn't find pregnant women attractive anyway. She tried to forget how much he gushed over how cool he thought pregnancy was.
Ed invited her out to the patio, where the grill was. "You should probably keep your distance though," he told her. "I don't think the fumes are good for the baby."
"It's sweet of you to worry," said Winry. She noticed how well he handled the spatula and tongs and said, "Your wrist's looking a lot better."
"Thanks," said Ed. "It still gets sore easy, but at least I can use it." He shut the grill. "Sorry, these are taking longer to cook than I thought. How hungry are you?"
Pretty hungry. Pregnancy had a way of kicking a girl's appetite into gear. "Why don't we switch it up and do dessert first?" Winry suggested, holding up her apple pie.
"You don't have to tell me twice," Ed approved. "That thing smells amazing."
They didn't even bother with plates, just split the pie down the middle and ate right out of the tin. Ed groaned when he took the first bite.
"Holy shit, Winry, that's fantastic. Why didn't you tell me you could bake like this?"
"I'm a woman of many talents," said Winry.
"I'm pretty sure pie isn't allowed to taste this good. Did you make a deal with the devil or something?"
"The only devil I've seen lately is you." The remark was out of her mouth before she could think.
His grin widened. "You think I'm the devil? You haven't even seen my naughty side yet."
Shit, shit, they were totally flirting! She had to deescalate the situation. "I don't think it gets much naughtier than the pillbug incident back in third grade."
Ed laughed. "I totally forgot about that! And you put those bugs down my shirt, too!"
"You looked like you were having a seizure," Winry said, chortling.
Their conversation after that was more friendly than flirtatious. By the time the pie had been reduced to mere crumbs, the meat was finally ready. Ed had always had a large appetite and Winry was not ashamed to match him. They both had room for a couple racks of ribs along with potato salad and coleslaw. When they were done, Winry insisted on helping with the dishes. After a few protests, Ed finally relented.
So far, doing that chore together had been the quietest part of the evening. That is, until Ed cried out and dropped the pie tin back in the sink. "Hand cramp," he explained.
"Lemme see." Winry took his hand and started massaging it. She felt along his wrist for strained muscle and rubbed it too. After a moment she started feeling Ed's eyes on her.
She looked up to see him standing closer than he had before, his flushed face closer to hers than it had ever been. Winry's heart picked up, and so did the baby's kicking. But she didn't notice that so much as she noticed his eyes on her mouth.
Ed leaned in first, and Winry closed the gap. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had a kiss like this, soft yet unyielding. Ed's left hand wrapped around her back, drawing circles down her spine. Winry traced her own hand up Ed's right arm and clutched his bicep. When the kiss finished, it took Winry a minute to remember that this was not how she had wanted this dinner to turn out.
Intellectually, anyway. Physically, it was clear her libido had other priorities.
Winry shook her head. She said, "Ed, this is crazy."
Ed's fingers drummed on her back. "Is it?" he asked.
"Yes, Ed, I'm about to have a baby."
"I noticed," he said, his left hand tracing around her waist and resting on her belly.
"Come on, Winry, babies are awesome. I want to get to know the baby too."
Winry supposed that was a good way to put it. It was far too early for Ed to even consider being a father to the baby. On the other hand, impending motherhood was Winry's main focus and anyone she dated would need to be on board with that. Ed had accepted that he'd be spending time with both her and the baby. But still . . . "You're my client."
"What was it you said? When you didn't care about my pain? I'm not your client right now?"
He wasn't wrong. It had been a year since she'd treated him, so it wasn't an offense she could lose her license over. Still, they were cutting it close.
"If we do this," she said, "and your leg breaks in the next year, you wouldn't be able to go to me. You'd have to go to someone else."
"You said it would last me three years, right? Don't you trust your own work?"
He was such a smart alleck. She wanted to smack him. His smirk was obnoxious and alluring at the same time. She wanted to make out with him. He had such a tender look in his eyes. She wanted to hold him tight and never let go.
Winry said, "You're going to be the death of me, Edward Elric."
Ed said, "Yeah, I get that a lot." Then he kissed her again. This one was more fervid than before. Hands wandered down backsides and lips caressed the most sensitive spots of their faces and necks. Winry was pressed close enough to Ed that she was sure he could feel the baby kicking too.
"I think the dishes just need to soak for awhile," Winry murmured in Ed's ear.
"Hell yeah," he agreed. Then he picked Winry up and carried her to the couch, where they could sink into the supportive cushions and feel as close to each other as they possibly could.
They stayed on the couch for a very long time.
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claraeclair-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Practice challenge one
I felt my eyelids drooping as I watched the cake in front of me. It spinning waiting for me to remove the extra frosting on it. Only the sounds being of the cake spinning and my mother beating the mixture for another one. The silence of the kitchen, and the exhaustion of the morning putting me back to sleep.
“I’m going to the store, we need more butter.” My mother spoke up finally breaking the silence. I grinned, I’d get to be alone for at least a few minutes. We lived dreadfully close to the store. Our small little home being perfect for efficiency, our rooms all being just above the small store. The kitchen taking up half the store, a small amount of display cases for our cakes. Then a farmers market which was open every other day just down the block.
As soon as I heard the door close I darted for the radio. I turned on the pop music channel and waited impatiently for the ads to pass. Then finally a cheesy love song. Something about a girl hooking up at someone at a bar, it didn’t matter. I felt as light as whipped butter with the music. Leaping around the kitchen I felt myself wake up. I knew how silly I looked throwing myself around wildly, letting my hair fly loose and bounce. Leaping through the kitchen. But it was fun and everyone needs a little bit of fun in their life.
Then fear, the door opened and a lept back to my counter of cakes. Trying to gather my hair back into its bun with one hand. I looked up from my station for my mother. She had gone incredibly fast for a trip to the market. But I couldn’t see her.
It couldn’t be? Maybe it was a ghost? I crept up from my seat on the stool walking over to the door. I couldn’t have been imagining it, the door was now open. This must be how I die. A ghost will come and hit me on the head with a pan. The end.
I turned and grabbed a paper and scribbled a note for the ghost. ‘Please don’t hurt me, I just want to frost and dance. Thanks, Clara.’ then I slowly lowered myself to throw ground and laid the paper down for the ghost.
Suddenly flour, flour all over me. Dropping down from above me. I stood up from my squatting position and heard my older brothers laughter. “Still scared of ghosts?” My face flushed as I leaned down and picked up my paper crumpling it in my hand. Then my eyes caught what was in his hand. The mail, specifically the letter. He smirked seeming to notice that I noticed the letter and held it above my head.
He laughed, “Still so desperate to meet Prince hot, and baker amazing?” He taunted. “I want to meet them for my admiration. The Prince is respectable and works hard with his family to protect us. I want to give him my thanks. And how can I not want to meet Pâtissier Locke?” I defended and began to jump trying to reach my letter.
“I don’t see the big deal over some lady who wears a fancy hat and powders cakes.”
“Pâtissier Locke does much more than powder cakes! She makes magic! God, if I get in I’ll get to try some of her cakes. Just because you’d rather live out some fantasy of being a teacher, doesn’t mean you can insult my idols!” I yelled as I jumped again this time touching the letter.
He laughed once more and finally handed me the letter. “You’re a real jerk sometimes, Alec.” I pouted and took the letter and the pen to my working space ready to fill it out right there.
“Are you sure mom’s going to let you? I mean you’re a pretty big help around here.” Alec asked as he followed me to my seat.
“I don’t care. I need to go. Also do you have any place to say anything? You’re the one taking all of our money so you can try and be a talking book. It’s not even in our caste. Not to mention we’ve been struggling thanks to Annette’s opening up, and you stealing away all of our money doesn’t help.
“Hey, dad supports me so clearly it isn’t too bad. Wasn’t Annette your friend?”
“Dad doesn’t know anything about the business, you and I both know he’s not the brains behind this business. Annette and I are still friends. I’m just not friends with her business.” I replied and looked down at my cake. How had it become this much of a mess. No one would buy a cake like this. I sighed and put it aside then wiped off my space. I’d put my focus on this letter now.
Just as I picked up my pen I felt my wrist grabbed. I looked back and saw my mom. “This doesn’t look like a cake.” She said picking up the form. I then snatched it back.
“Dad said yes.”
“Your dad’s at a ping pong game right now, he couldn’t have already said yes.”
“I asked him earlier this year before I got the letter. Plus I’m nineteen, I don’t need your permission.” I retorted, she grumbled in response.
“Fill it out in your free time. Not work time.”
“Will do!” I replied grinning ear to ear, then folded up the letter and put it in my apron pocket.
Works done at ten, works over at ten, then it’s up to Alec. He’ll sell the cakes, I frost, mom bakes, dad advertises. Works over at ten, just a few more hours. Just a little bit longer.
I run upstairs to my room not even bothering to take my apron off, getting Alec’s flour on my blankets and sheets. I take out the paper and begin to fill out the form. It’s all standard information so it doesn’t take long. Then I’m ready to go. I flip through my clothing. There’s a picture, I read there’s always a picture. That way the prince knows your name when you get there by your face.
I jumped in the shower to wash the flour out of my hair, then flipped through my pants drawer and found some jeans. Then I put on a sweater to keep me warm, and applied just a bit of makeup.
It was cold outside, but no colder than any other fall day. I walked briskly to the post office, took my picture, then turned in my application.
There was nothing else to do, but I stressed. What if I don’t get in? How will I ever get to meet Pâtissier Locke? I sighed to myself and threw myself onto the couch in our living room. The stress was eating me up. I knew my dad could tell since he set aside his book to say,
“Don’t worry, Clara. You’re from Likely, it’s likely you’ll get in.”
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scarletjedi · 7 years
do alllllll of them!
oh gdi pop - cut for length
1:Is there a boy/girl in your life?
My lovely wife :D
2:Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
define “hurt” - physically? Of course! I twas an accident and she’s 3. non-physically? yeah, I do.  
3:What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?”
Oh, no, where did you pee!?! (Our cat has been stress-marking)
4:What’s something you really want right now?
Someone else to bring the boxes from my office up to the attic
5:Are you afraid of falling in love?
Already there, luv. It was never the *love* that scared me. 
6:Do you like the beach?
I do! I like to swim, and I’m not bothered by the wildlife. I’m less fond of heat/no shade, but those are manageable. I like the “shore” even better - boardwalk food!
7:Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Yep! Mostly in college, though my wife and I have napped together on the couch a few times. 
8:What’s the background on your cell?
The lock screen is Gimli face-palming from CAA, drawn by the lovely @kooriicolada. My home screen is Legolas laughing from the same pic. 
9:Name the last four beds you were sat on?
Um? I sat on my bed here, my bed at my mother’s house, the bed in the hotel room from my cousin’s wedding, aaaand...my mom’s bed, probably? 
10:Do you like your phone?
I do, mostly. It’s an iPhone 6 and still working, though I should get a new case for it. 
11:Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I honestly thought I’d be making more money/have a full-time career (thanks for that, economy), but I *did* think I’d be with my forever someone so--yes and no?
12:Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
Ha! My cousin on Christmas eve. I laugh because I remembered that! 
13:Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
14:Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15:Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Depends on the season. 
16:Are you tired?
At the moment or in general? 
17:How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
12 years. (You do mean “speed dial” yes?)
18:Are they a relative?
Technically? I married her. 
19:Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
No. We all ended for very good reasons. 
20:When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
In person? 5 hours ago. 
21:If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
I’d marry her again in a heartbeat. 
22:Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Of course :D
23:How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
0! Because I am working. 
24:Is there a certain quote you live by?
Make Good Art. - Neil Gaiman
25:What’s on your mind?
That I have far too much shit in my office. 
26:Do you have any tattoos?
I have a half sleeve of a dragon against a nebula. The nebula is in color. The dragon is not. 
27:What is your favorite color?
It changes. I’m partial to red at the moment, but it’s also been blue and lie green. 
28:Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
When she gets home tonight. 
29:Who are you texting?
My wife and my best friend. 
30:Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
Yes. I don’t think these questions are made for married couples. 
31:Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
Yep. All the time. My favorite are the “So and so is dead” phone calls that I get--I can tell from the ring. 
32:Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
33:Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I’d hope it’s my wife
34:Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
I hear it all the time. I believe it from my wife. 
35:Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
that depends entirely on the context of the situation. 
36:Were you single on Valentines Day?
37:Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
38:What do your friends call you?
my name, usually. It’s short, and hard to make nicknames from. Or “SJ” or “Jedi” or occasionally “Scarlet” 
39:Has anyone upset you in the last week?
40:Have you ever cried over a text?
Not really? 
41:Where’s your last bruise located?
My leg, I think.  
42:What is it from?
I walked into the coffee table.
43:Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
44:Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
My mom. 
45:Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
I’ve a pair of black doc marten boots that I wear nearly every day. They’re the same boots Ray Kowalski wears in Due South. Yeah. I’m that nerd. 
46:Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
Not really. I can’t keep track of them. 
47:Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
Sure. I’ve near-buzzed my hair before. I liked it. 
48:Do you make supper for your family?
I tend to bake rather than cook, and my wife cooks rather than baking. But yeah, we’ve made dinner for the family. 
49:Does your bedroom have a door?
50:Top 3 web-pages?
By visit? Tumblr, ao3, and youtube
51:Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
*raises hand* Though I hate it less than I used to. 
52:Does anything on your body hurt?
My head. I think i’ve got a weird stress headache thing going on. 
53:Are goodbyes hard for you?
Depends on the situation. I’m a rip off the band-aid sort of person. 
54:What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Coffee. The answer is always coffee. 
55:How is your hair?
Fine, how are you? 
(I need a haircut, but it’s short on my left and longer on my right--say 2 inches vs 6 inches? and my natural blonde)
56:What do you usually do first in the morning?
check my phone. 
57:Do you think two people can last forever?
yeah, i do. 
58:Think back to January 2007, were you single?
Ha! yes! I was. My wife and I started dating that March. (though, to be fair, we were the friends who were practically dating but not officially at that point). 
59:Green or purple grapes?
60:When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
When she gets home from work.
61:Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
Scotland was lovely. 
62:When will be the next time you text someone?
Probably when I’m done with this meme. 
63:Where will you be 5 hours from now?
sitting on my couch watching tv (or possibly while my wife plays Skyrim), and writing in my notebook. 
64:What were you doing at 8 this morning.
65:This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
My wife?
66:Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
My wife. 
67:Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
My wife. I’m sensing a pattern. 
68:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I was thinking about @fialleril‘s double agent vader stuff, particularly the post-vader parts. I’m in love with that AU. 
69:Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
*looks at stack of rejection letters* Yep. 
70:How many windows are open on your computer?
Browser windows? 1. (11 tabs, tho) 8 total (pages, word, and itunes)
71:How many fingers do you have?
72:What is your ringtone?
the bobs burgers theme. My mother has the godfather theme. 
73:How old will you be in 5 months?
31. my birthday is St Patrck’s Day. 
74:Where is your Mum right now?
I’m not sure. 5 on a Wednesday? Probably at Ruby Tuesday with my stepfather and their friends for dinner before they go to bingo. 
75:Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
I am. I may have dated before her, but I fell in love with her. 
76:Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
yep. my wife. 
77:Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
yep! I’ve only added friends since then. 
78:Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
what’s that in American? 6th grade? I don’t think I had one, yet. Unless you count, like, Luke Skywalker. real people didn’t interest me until 7th grade. 
79:Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
several. I’m related to a few of them. 
80:Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
yep. the wife. 
81:How many people have you liked in the past three months?
...i’m not even gonna say it. 
82:Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
*stares at camera like on the office*
83:Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
*Stares at Camera like Ben Wyatt*
84:You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
I’m not doing that? 
85:If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
Oh yes. 
86:What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
I SAW ROGUE ONE. That’s an event in and of itself. 
87:Who was your last received call from?
My mom. Unless you count my wife calling so I could find my phone.
88:If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
It says something about how little money I have that I considered it. COME ON GUYS! COMMISSION ME! I NEED TO PAY OFF MY CREDIT CARD BEFORE MY JOB ENDS.
89:What is something you wish you had more of?
Money and Time. 
90:Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Yep. My consolation is he was terrible in bed. 
91:Do you sleep with your window open?
92:Do you get along with girls?
I do! I don’t understand a lot of hyper-femininity (In that, I think its too much work for me/I’m not practiced at it), but I’m cool with them being into it as long as they don’t look down at my boots. 
93:Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Not that I can think of. 
94:Does sex mean love?
No, but I’m inclined towards liking it better that way. 
95:You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
Only if I haven’t eaten recently/there isn’t a bathroom. But you mean sexy stuff, don’t you? You saucy minx!
96:Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
No, but if I play my cards right, my wife might get to (I’ve been thinking about it, but it depends entirely on my job situation). 
97:Did you sleep alone this week?
98:Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
I do!
99:Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don’t think so--i think love, real love, is based on trust. But! I do believe in that moment of “oh, it’s you!” with someone you’ve never met before, and I do believe in soul mates. 
100:Who was the last person that you pinky promise?
Ahh....*shrug* probably the one friend I have from elementary school. We kept that up through college. 
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happy2bmyownboss · 5 years
I had planned to just ‘chill out’ this weekend and maybe work on our next little house on the prairie adventure but lately, things rarely go as planned around here.
Friday had been rearranged for a very important event that didn’t happen because of a HUGE misunderstanding. To say I was disappointed would be a HUGE understatement but this event has been rescheduled for Wednesday, so fingers crossed that everything goes as planned.
Friday evening I had been binge-watching some Fixer Upper when a text came through. It was from Southwestern Produce to let us know that they had rescheduled the veggie pickup due to bad weather… well, that threw a little wrench in Saturday’s plans as I had already scheduled a few other things around the pickup but I quickly got to work a rescheduled things so I wouldn’t have to get up quite so early… yay! I still need to figure out a plan for next weekend as I already had plans for Saturday morning…
After the kids were in bed, I decided to go ahead and take a nice long hot shower and try out my new Norwex body cloths. I had heard that if you used them to exfoliate before shaving then you would have smoother legs for longer… it’s true. Almost three days later and I barely have any stubble… They also work well to remove makeup… even waterproof mascara!
That night my stomach started to hurt so bad… I guess those treats from the bread store do not agree with me anymore. I will miss my carrot cakes but I’m sure with a little bit of experimenting I will find something similar that is THM approved and my tummy will be happy again. I was up most of the night throwing up… I have such a bad gag reflex that if I even hear someone vomiting I will start myself, then once I start I can’t stop… not fun.
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Saturday morning I woke up in the recliner feeling as though a herd of horses had taken turns kicking me in the stomach. I woke up early even though I’d planned on sleeping in but Ms. Comet has her routines and she lets everyone know when something is off.
After bringing her in from her walk I got a phone call from Mr. Awesome who was out of town for a meeting. He needed us to come to where he was which was about 3 hours away… sigh, I really didn’t feel like going but decided it might be fun to go and there was a square dance scheduled for that night as well.
I had to go out to the shed to grab the kids’ suitcase which is always half-prepped for travel. While I was out there I decided, for some unknown reason, to straighten things up a bit as it has gotten a bit cluttered from some shopping that I have done over the past few months.
Within a few minutes I had it looking pretty good and I just had one more box to move… a very heavy box. As I was moving the box I lost my balance and started to fall. I let go of the box, the box fell forward, and I went backward. I put an arm out… even though I knew I shouldn’t, and landed on my extended hand which snapped my wrist the wrong way. OUCH!!!
I got myself up and brushed off and grabbed the suitcase to head to the house. I had a good bruise and scrape on my left arm and it feels like a bad sprain. My arm was in a bit of pain but there was so much to do and just a little time to get it done. I still needed to run an errand and go by Walmart as I had promised to take a neighbor by there. While we were there I grabbed an arm brace and an ACE bandage to put on my arm in the hopes it would quit throbbing. I also took a couple of ibuprofen to help with the pain.
After finishing up our errands we headed on our drive. About midway, we stopped to go potty and grab a bite to eat. Traveling with all of these kids can be a little crazy so I decided to stop at a McDonald’s that was near the exit. After dragging all the kids to the restroom and coming out to go ahead and order some lunch I noticed someone had my oldest son, who has special needs, by the arm… I almost freaked out. I’ve heard all of those CRAZY stories and my mind was flooded with a million different thoughts.
As it turned out it was the manager and she was very helpful. She made sure to help us get our food ordered and even helped me get the drinks and all. It was extremely nice to find such a friendly person on such a CRAZY day. We got our order and were on our way again.
As we got close to our destination we saw some dinosaurs along the road… the kids really loved this and we plan to try to make another trip down to visit this place soon!
Upon arrival at our destination, I was a bit grumpy… really grumpy! My arm was killing me and my back was starting to ache as well and Mr. Awesome was not anywhere to be found! It turns out that I had made it there sooner than he had expected and he had gone to lunch. Yeah, I wasn’t really a pleasant person and I have apologized for my mood a couple of times.
Mr. Awesome gave me the hotel key and I punched the address into the GPS and gladly headed that way while he stayed for the second half of his meeting. I was really looking forward to getting everything unpacked and relaxing for a few minutes until we needed to pick up Mr. Awesome.
Well, as luck would have it our GPS was not cooperating and after making 3 U-turns I decided to head back to where Mr. Awesome was. I also stopped and grabbed a few snacks for the kiddos.
Mr. Awesome was surprised that we had waited in the parking lot and he thought it was kind of funny when I told him about the GPS malfunction… I really wasn’t in the mood to laugh.
I gave him the van keys and he took us to the hotel. When we made it to the room the hotel key card was not working which made me glad that we hadn’t made it to the hotel earlier. I would have been so upset if I had gotten there and couldn’t get into the room.
We got unpacked and got everyone ready for the dance that evening. Then we all went to Denny’s for dinner. I found myself getting grumpier and grumpier because I really didn’t feel well and I had already taken a few more ibuprofen to try to ease the pain. When I realized just how grumpy I was being I felt even worse and I apologized to Mr. Awesome.
After eating we headed to the dance and had a great time. Everyone there was excited to see the kids and the smiles on their faces made me feel better than I had all day long. Then Mr. Awesome took me to meet the caller, Tom Miller, and he actually recognized me as we are Facebook friends… lol. That was actually pretty neat!
We got our picture taken with him and he took up with William. He then asked to take some pictures with the kids and they were ALL being so SILLY! It was a great night and probably one of the best dances I’ve ever been to!
We ended the night with a trip to Denny’s for ice cream but unfortunately, they were out of vanilla ice cream. I had my heart set on some apple crisp but I didn’t think it would be quite the same with chocolate or strawberry ice cream so I settled with some cheesecake.
We headed back to the hotel and the kids were so ready for bed! I was ready too but I was so uncomfortable that I couldn’t sleep well and when my alarm went off at 6:30 I was so glad to be able to take a nice hot shower… I really wish I had thought to take a soak in the tub the night before though.
Mr. Awesome had one more meeting that we all attended and then we headed back home. My arm was throbbing so badly on the trip home… I had cut myself back to one ibuprofen at a time because I know how my stomach is and I knew that it would start hurting if I continued to take them two at a time on a consistent basis. We got home and caught up with Papa O and Nanny J before unloading the van.
I was excited to get the mail from Saturday as the optic scarf I had ordered came in. I thought this would be perfect for Mr. Awesome to keep on his bag to use for cleaning his square dance equipment. He seems to love it so far.
Norwex has a variety of scarves in different colors and patterns. I think I may know a few people who may get them for Christmas this year. They are great to have on hand for cleaning your glasses and tech devices while on the go. 
Once the kids helped unload I gave them each a couple of assignments so that everything could get put back where it needed to be. The kids headed out to play and I sat down to rest. I wrapped my arm with the ACE bandage which felt so much better than the brace had and I dozed in the recliner for a bit.
Later that evening I made a quick dinner of baked chicken and baked potatoes. I really wasn’t feeling well and my stomach had started to hurt again. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep last night because I was in so much pain with my stomach. I can say that it has finally eased off but I have not been able to take any more Ibuprofen today so my arm is still a bit sore but better than it was before.
Last night was so rough though… I really had to remind myself to just relax and breathe. As I sat on the bed this morning I noticed a big fish crane out on the dock. I watched him for a good while and that helped me to relax quite a bit and made me more determined to have a good day today…
I also tried my best to reflect back on this weekend and to think about how much I have been blessed. I am truly so BLESSED in so many ways. I was reminded of this a couple of different times when strangers came up to compliment our family and to tell me just how much Mr. Awesome adores me… yes, I am so BLESSED.
Even though the pain was bad at times I told myself that it wasn’t gonna be any better if I just laid in bed. I’ve dealt with chronic pain for so long that I know that half of the battle is just showing up. I gave myself several pep talks and got out of bed and began to get ready for the day. There have been many times throughout the day that I’ve really just wanted to give in and go back to bed but I haven’t and I am feeling much better than I did this morning.
Today is a day that I am so glad for routines (and freezer meals) as I really relied on them to help me get through the day and get everything finished that needed to be completed. Right now the kids are laying down for some quiet time while I finish up this post. They are super excited to go to the dance tonight as they are in class right now. A lot of the dancers from this weekend were so excited to learn that the kids will be dancing soon and they invited us back again.
The laundry has been washed and is hanging on the porch… it is pretty humid today so it isn’t drying very fast at all. The dog has had a bath and the house has been fairly straightened up. I also have some Crockpot Italian Chicken on for dinner, this was one of the freezer meals we made earlier this month, and I will put on a pot of rice later and some green beans. We also pulled a pack of frozen rolls out of the freezer.
I think I may go ahead and try to get a little nap in before quiet time is over as I really am quite EXHAUSTED.
I hope you all have a blessed week and please stay tuned for some important updates later this week.
Monday Message: Seeing Your Blessings Through The Tears I had planned to just 'chill out' this weekend and maybe work on our next little house on the prairie adventure but lately, things rarely go as planned around here.
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