zimmerdouche · 1 year
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sometimes to practice your comic skills you spend too much time imagining a random conversation that could happen in omgcp year 5.
in which nursey needs sleep, dex should relax, whiskey reconsiders his choices and chowder gets his lick in.
(images have alt text!)
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been a long time since any of us posted here… maybe it’s time to throw some more of my baseless ideas into the void
(also, we still take submissions!)
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nursedexy · 11 months
The thing is I adore zimmbits, but i also really love reading about about them breaking up and Bitty bonding with Kent over their shared ex and love of pop music and them falling in love
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thefrizz13 · 2 years
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vitaliskravtsov · 2 years
sth sth sth "it's not a sin if you love him enough" vs "you'll never love him more than you do now" vs "it's impossible to love him enough to forgive the transgression"
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 8 months
Triple Solo Para: The Plan (Wicked Conquerors)
I have a plan, Dex's pitch black pen is rushing through the message. Fitz wrinkles his nose, about to write something back when Sabrine's response coms back instead, the pink sparkling ink standing out on the page.
Prince thorn in your side. I have an idea.
Fitz sits up, setting his pen down, not wanting to do anything rash.
Dex, I don't know about this, Sabrine answers, much to his surprise.
I do. Dex's answer is simple. It'll work. He's been feeling really insecure since this whole apocalypse thing. Now's my chance to destabilize this whole thing with his boyfriend.
Fitz tenses. Laurian. No, no this-- he couldn't let this happen.
He closes his notebook, trying to breathe. Think, think, he has to do something, he has to think of something--
He knows what to do.
Fitz grabs the notebook and his keys, heading to campus. As life had slowly been getting back to normal, the printing center had reopened. He had some work ahead of him, but he had to do this. He had to warn them.
They were some of his only friends, he couldn't let Dex do this.
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Sabrine continues writing with Dex. You can't be sure that'll work. It's the first thing she tries, trying to swallow the panic rising inside her. Gods, why did she care so much about what Dex wanted to do to the little marshmallow?
I am. Dex's answer is simple. His boyfriend had to leave him during the whole thing and take a break because he was overwhelmed; it's already something he's thinking about, it's already something he's worried about. It'll work, Sabrine!
Sabrine shakes her head. Dammit, dammit, dammit! No, that's not what she means! Dex, don't.
I'm going to. It'll be fine, you'll see.
With a scream of frustration, she slams the notebook shut and throws it across the room.
She has to-- she has to-- but--
But you shouldn't want to, a voice whispers. Slimy and cold and calculating and cruel. With the prince in a spiral from what he's doing, and the good witch fawning over him, Oz could easily be yours. That's what you want, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
Sabrine screams, pulling her hands over her head as the voice gets louder, multiplies, more and more of them, all asking the same thing.
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
"I... don't... know," she finally growls out, closing her eyes and shoving the voices back out, tears filling her eyes.
She doesn't know.
She doesn't know!
Sabrine's eyes fly open, and she goes scrambling for her keys. Ozwell. She needs to find Ozwell, and Pandora. If there was anything to the things they'd been saying then--
Then she has to find them. Something tells her the answer to that question will come from working with them.
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whiskeyapologist · 30 days
SMH coffee preferences
bitty: the super sweet seasonal drinks (he is the quintessential psl girlie (gn) in the fall)
jack: drip coffee with a little milk
shitty: controversial but i don’t think shitty drinks coffee or anything caffeinated
lardo: iced coffee all the way
holster: americano
ransom: caramel macchiato
dex: espresso shots (& if nursey isn’t around, a dragonfruit refresher)
nursey: he’s a matcha girlie through & through
chowder: frappuccinos (especially the vanilla bean one)
whiskey: black coffee. i feel so very strongly about this
tango: hot chocolate (even in the summer)
ford: prefers energy drinks (specifically celsius), but has been known to enjoy a chai latte (hot or iced, depending on the weather)
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By the time Dex graduates, there's potential irony in how the worst room in the Haus will probably be Johnson/Bitty/Whiskey's.
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deckthehaus · 6 months
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🎶 Oh, the weather outside is frightful
But these works are so delightful 🎶
Day 4 of Deck the Haus is here!
Alone This Holiday (10,056 words)
Eric has been working hard towards his dream of a bakery but that's meant no time for social life or love. The baking set his Gram and Mama send him might just be the fix.
(Do It on My) Twin Bed (5,193 words)
Nursey shrugs. Dex sighs all the way down to his toes. He can’t believe he’s going to do this, but he’s briefly haunted by the spectre of both Chowder and Bitty’s disappointed faces. That’s too much for any one man to be expected to handle.
“Alright, let’s go, grab your bag.”
“You’re coming to Maine with me.”
“What? No, absolutely not.”
Fifteen minutes later they’re in Dex’s ancient pickup truck headed up the coast.
Or, Dex takes Nursey home for Christmas last minute and, wouldn't you know, there's only one bed. In Dex's childhood bedroom. This is fine.
"It's Just a Little Snow...." (2,521 words)
A snowstorm diverts Whiskey and Kent from their planned travels and the only place they can stay is Jack and Bitty's cabin (chalet-mansion). Sex, angst, and peace ensure!
Holiday Spirits (1,542 words)
Just a quiet little interlude after the events of a busy day.
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remidyal · 7 months
Bad Ideas of the Day, part 5, Even Worse Edition
It's time for my monthly-ish roundup of my regular bad ideas of the day from the D20 fanfic discord! Last month's is available here and has links back to all the prior ones because now there's too many for me to be bothered direct linking here!
As usual, these are a mix of fantasy high and other D20 prompts and are open for anyone who wants to do something with them, though I appreciate letting me know because I wanna read it!
Bad idea of the day, class swap (but not like that) edition: Due to a clerical error - namely, their cleric signed them up for it - all of the bad kids have to attend each other's classes for a week, resulting in Fabian sitting through a Worlds Religion lecture, Kristen doing her -3 Dex best to sneak around in rogue classes, Gorgug going to the bard classes that Fig never actually went to, Riz doing his best to remember everything Adaine's ever mentioned about how wizarding works, Fig faking fighting instead of raging for once, and Adaine trying to pass off her furious fist as just being how her anger manifests
Bad idea of the day, abc edition: In the village of Happly, at the harvest festival, Pinnochio enters his infamous bubblegum and whiskey pie and gets himself run out of town by a mob of angry villagers
Bad Idea of the Day, Toxic Masculinity is Undead edition: The adventurers of Solace are well aware of Halloween, because every year on that date the soulless corpses of villains slain in the past year rise again to chase after their killers. Can Fabian keep ahead of both Zombie Penelope Everpetal and Zombie Bill Seacaster?
Bad idea of the day, Figueroth Faeth's Day Off edition: Receiving notification halfway through junior year that one more unexcused absence is going to result in her being expelled, Fig drags her friends into a heist to break into the school, fake her attendance record and show that she's been there the whole time.
Bad Idea of the Day, Drama Edition: It turns out that there's a reason that Aguefort has a theater department. Once every hundred years, a performance must be put on that is quote truly moving unquote lest the school be destroyed, and it turns out that Riz is fated to play the heroine of the most recent attempt. Can the Bad Kids teach him to not botch his lines or hide under the stage?
Bad idea of the day, not all cats are good cats: Puss in Boots must fight off a new contender for children's hearts and minds as the trickster cat du dour. Can he successfully murder this strange cat and his lame rhymes and thing-like minions to keep his throne, or will he be the first to fall to seussian influences?
Bad idea of the day, death stalks you edition: Adaine starts sending out Solstice cards to people who annoy her throughout the year with prophecies of their deaths. Most of them she just makes up, but one or two are genuine every year just to mix things up.
Bad idea of the day, World's Greatest Detective edition: Riz is asked to solve a murder that seems to have all the classic detective tropes he truly loves involved; it's only partway through that he realizes that Fabian, with their friends' help, has staged it because they were all worried about Riz getting bored and spiraling between quests.
Bad idea of the day, I know Halloween was two days ago but I rewatched in the mouth of madness recently edition: The Bad Kids come to realize they are being controlled by mysterious and unknowable forces, and reach a decision: To cut off the flow of evil into the world, they are going to need to find and kill whatever a 'DM' is.
Bad idea of the day, I think we've all learned some valuable lessons here edition: The Dream Team realizes some kind of truly awful existence is sweeping over new york, in which every conversation and conflict ends with everyone having picked up a seemingly valuable but really quite shallow moral to the tale; they eventually figure out that it is in fact an attempt by a powerful sorcerer to turn the world into an after school special on this, a very special episode of The Unsleeping City.
Bad idea of the day, No Really A Starstruck ODYSSEY edition: The crew take a smash and grab job investigating missing people near a remote outpost, and discover a mad scientist conducting strange experiments but also offering great hospitality and food. Can the crew of the Wurst figure everything out before the more foolish of them (gunnie) end up as pigs?
Bad idea of the day, just how sure are you about this new god edition: In the summer before junior year, Fig and the Sig Figs record a music video for their new smash single. Watching it for the first time, Saint Kristen Applebees notices something in the video that noone else seems to be able to see: A familiar tabaxi, hanging out in the crowd watching the concert.
Bad idea of the day, that gum you like is going to come back in style edition: Fig at last discovers Porter's one flaw that makes him a truly intimidating barbarian with an unstoppable rage: Students putting chewed gum onto the bottom of their desks.
Bad idea of the day, ashes to ashes edition: Tired of Fig's chainsmoking cloves, Jawbone and Tracker stage an intervention to maybe at least talk her into some sort of rebellious vice that doesn't stink up the home of two werewolves with strong senses of smell at least
Bad idea of the day, my frog is real and so is magic edition: Adaine grows up without spellcasting ability at all until on the morning she starts at Aguefort, when on her way walking to school she runs across a frog who offers her magical powers she might be able to use to improve her life.
Bad Idea of the Day, You Wouldn't Steal a Car edition: Seeking to impress his father, Fabian gets into Solace's new age of piracy, selling illegal copies of movies, music and apps throughout Elmville. Will the lawsuits catch up to him in the end, or can his amass a horde of treasure suitable for a Seacaster?
Bad idea of the day, unfamiliar edition: At Some Point in the future, Jayhson feels a magical tug from afar and appears due to the whims of one of these 'humans' who has summoned a familiar. Can he kill this whizzered and get back to his family?
Bad idea of the day, I shot the Sheriff edition: Riz wakes up one fine morning in his office to discover Agent Angela Worrel came knocking in the night, and one of the traps his paranoid ass has set up for his office has killed her. Can he cover up this capital offense, or will Worrel finally succeed, posthumously, in getting at least one Bad Kid in jail long term?
Bad idea of the day, foreseeable problems edition: The Hangman gets impounded due to a series of unpaid parking tickets, leading Fabian to argue that the Hangman should count as a pet and not a vehicle. This results in him also getting tickets for having his dog off the leash.
Bad idea of the day, Heaven or Hell edition: Following an unfortunate but hopefully temporary death, Figueroth Faeth finds herself at the center of a dispute between the planes that threatens a war, as Hell wants its archdevil but Rock Heaven insists that they have a claim to everyone who has a rock album go platinum. Will this begin a true battle of the bands?
Bad idea of the day, I admit these are getting weirder edition: The bad kids wake up one morning in the midst of a campaign designed by just the worst kind of a DM, with railroaded sidequests, boring samey npcs, and combat every six feet. Can they figure out what's going on and escape back to Spyre before rocks fall and they all die?
Bad idea of the day, Lost Things and Misfit Toys edition: Irritated as hell at the blue fairy after ending up a puppet again, Pinocchio turns not to his new stepmother for power but instead someone else who dislikes the blue fairy, someone else who believes in the occasional misdirection, someone who is pretending to be the blue fairy's sister…. one "Gwendolyn Thistlehop".
Bad idea of the day, the WORST fusion edition: After she goes on a mission trip to parts unknown, all of the bad kids notice that Kristen is acting… odder than normal. This is because (burrow's end spoiler!) she's being piloted by chipmunks, of course.
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cricketnationrise · 6 months
winter fic roundup
thanks to @indomitable-love, @three-drink-amy, and @cha-melodius for the tags to share my winter/holiday fics <3
Check Please an amount of years later - utter fluff fest of SMH holiday traditions haus 2.0, dec 31 - timestamp fic, NYE the pond, jan 25 - timestamp fic, early morning skating on the first day of christmas... - tango/whiskey, homemade advent calendars ringing in - polyfrogs, NYE getting together (now with a sequel, ringing out) knit one, purl cthulhu - nurseydex, dex is bad at knitting or is he? to dance under sparkling lights - nurseydex getting together, basically a hallmark movie never gonna find me a better day - polyfrogfarm, winter fluff Anything Can Happen - march/april, getting together feat. bitty's pancake mix and snow days
RWRB linden tree, 11:58pm - timestamp fic, NYE, post-canon
no pressure tagging @doggernaut, @wrathofthestag, @the-lincyclopedia, @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl, @montrealmadison, @ivecarvedawoodenheart, @parvuls, @xthelastknownsurvivorx, @inexplicablymine, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and whoever else wants to share their winter/holiday fics!!
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transwicky · 5 months
Wicky is always tired.
He tries to sleep. He really does. He even shuts off all electronics two hours before bed, and he only drinks one cup of coffee in the mornings and only so he stays awake for classes or games.
A few times he doesn't bother, and he still struggles to sleep.
When he does sleep - does passing out from exhaustion count as sleep though? - it's only for about an hour or two, three if he's lucky.
Ollie makes it easier, when they share a dorm room their sophomore year, almost a year since they began dating. He'll fall asleep in his boyfriend's arms, relief taking hold as he does.
He's still waking up in the middle of the night though, but he's already gotten more sleep than he did last year.
Coach Hall and Coach Murray worry - have since they found out his freshman year - but there isn't much to do for him. His doctor tried everything, and unless he starts becoming properly nocturnal, he's... Just fucked, he supposes.
Ollie buys a coffee pot, and some coffee and creamer - cheaper, Wicky's lover says, than buying coffee from Annie's or Jerry's every day.
Wicky's pretty sure his eyebags have gotten worse since starting college, but Ollie just kisses him, telling him he looks handsome.
Wicky certainly doesn't feel like it, especially when his teachers pull him aside and ask him if he's alright.
Insomnia, is what he says, and they simply sigh in sympathy, and he goes on his way.
Junior year is a bit worse.
That's when the nightmares start. Well, it's when they start again. He hasn't had one since he was sixteen.
Ollie's losing sleep now too, and he feels awful for it, constantly whispering I'm sorry when his lover is the one waking him up from the nightmare.
Don't be Ollie tells him, but he is.
Senior year, the team finds out. He's in the attic, a scream leaving him as he startles awake, Ollie holding him tightly, yelling it's okay, it's just a dream, just wake up.
Bitty starts trying to come up with recipes that help promote sleep (Dex passes out when he has it).
Nursey looks up alternative ways to fall asleep, like maybe meditation before bed.
Dex looks up scientific studies on it.
Chowder suggests maybe napping during the day.
The nightmares still wake him, but at least Chowder's idea worked for a while.
The tadpoles find out, and Tony makes a carb rich dish for him, going the food route like Bitty did.
Whiskey suggests wearing himself out with exercise.
Foxtrot looks things up with Nursey and Dex.
The Waffles try too.
Louis got close, with his weird lofi music.
Then Hops suggested white noise.
(He dreamt about the horror movie, and it was the worst nightmare yet, this one having him losing Ollie to death, and Ollie cried when he whispered it to him, promising he'd never leave him.)
Bully just suggests knocking him out for a few hours.
(He's fined the most he's ever been fined for that one, and the other two Waffles glare at him for it.)
Ollie makes him go back to the doctor. Maybe the one up where they're at will know more than the one in Wicky's hometown.
He's given a new drug that recently was approved by the CDC and FDA and all.
Wicky cries the next morning, when Ollie wakes him up, already crying too, and says it's seven in the morning, and they need to go before they're late to practice.
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antisocialdork · 1 year
KOTLC (mostly the Council) incorrect quotes/things my friends, family & classmates have said. A lot of people do this and they’re usually pretty funny, so *throws quotes at you* here you go.
Alina: You would hate me before my coffee.
Bronte: That’s funny, because I hate you every—all— all the time—everyday.
Bronte, seeing someone to something stupid: What an idiot.
Bronte, realizing it’s Sophie: Wait that’s my idiot
Fitz, holding up a bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume?
Keefe: *grabs bottle and chugs it*
Keefe: …
Keefe: It’s perfume.
*in a Team V/Council meeting*
Dex: *burps*
Emery: …
Dex: …
Emery: …What do we say after we burp?
Dex: Help me.
Bronte: I’m going to drown.
Terik: Okay.
Bronte: In my shame.
Terik: Okay.
*in another Team V/Council meeting*
Sophie, holding up her imparter: Read it.
Bronte and Emery, leaning in to read the screen: What gender are you…?
Emery: Male.
Bronte: Male. What a dumb question.
*Sophie, slowly changing the screen so the words now read, “what gender are you attracted to?”*
Emery: Ohhh… what gender are you attracted to—
Bronte: My answer’s the same.
Store worker: Would Councillor Oralie please come to the front desk?
Oralie, arriving at the front desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store worker: *points to Bronte and Kenric*
Store worker: I believe they belong to you?
Bronte and Kenric, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Oralie: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
Bronte: When people get too close to me, I like to call them by the wrong name just to let them know I don’t actually care.
Emery: fascinating.
Bronte: Thank you, Oralie.
Bronte: Look. I may not be a saint, but it’s not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Terik: Okay, that’s really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
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jam-heathen · 1 year
Okay if you ask me becoming Captain of SMH involves having an incredible personal growth arc which promotes close relationships with your friends and learning to thrive on your own terms and be happy. Source: Jack and Ransom and Holster and Bitty and Dex and Whiskey
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zimmerdouche · 1 year
i got bit with the dex/whiskey brainworm this morning anyway how are y’all
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Decided to collect all the jersey numbers together for SMH. Be it if you need it for fic/art purposes, want to create an OC without stepping on a prior number, or just out of academic interest.
Bitty: 15
Jack: 1
Shitty: 42
Ransom: 11
Holster: 4
Ollie & Wicks: (8/9)*
Chowder: 55
Nursey: 28
Dex: 24
Whiskey: 10
Tango: 13
Hops: 31
Bully: 8 (???)**
Louis: 7
Also adding in the Falcs:
Tater: 7
Marty: 33
Thirdy: 32
Snowy: 24
Guy: 19
Poots: 25
*Preserving the ambiguity.
**So Y4 KS Book labels Bully's jersey number as 8. We can see that number is used for Ollie/Wicks as well. Also important to note that none of the Waffles' numbers are actually visible in-comic. Make of that what you will.
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