feebleattempts · 5 years
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Eye level long shot
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Point of view
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Eye level medium close up
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Eye level mid shot
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Medium long shot
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Selective focus - close up
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High -  Two shot
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Over the shoulder
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Selective focus - big close up
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Long Shot
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Worm’s eye view
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feebleattempts · 5 years
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Good manners and proper conduct of one’s self is a must when facing and communicating with other people. The same goes for the internet, although we aren’t face to face with the people we’re talking to over the internet, we should still act cordially so people who want to converse with us can gain a good impression of us . Hate speech and bullying is a big no no when it comes to netiquette, we should use these platforms for uplifting others and sharing to them inspiring stories of the different thing we have done, we can also share the knowledge that we have to be able to inform others about different matters or issues that they should know. As the tagline on our t-shirt says “Tweet unto others what you want others to tweet unto you” (tagline inspired by a quote made by Germany Kent). This tells us about how we should communicate with others with an approach of goodwill so they too can do the same to us, but in tweet form.
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Role of Media in a Democratic Society
This is a poem by me titled: Media: a tool for the critical
I made this using canva and I had a lot of fun making it
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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An infographic about how I spend my week with the use of technological devices, this was made using canva and a website for making pie charts.
Importance of being a Media and information literate
Being a media and information literate person is a good thing, having skill in this field will benefit you, not only in your studies as a student, but also for when you grow up as an independent adult at work, this literacy will help you in being able to discern the truth and facts from the fake and unproven, it also helps you be able to use technological devices efficiently not only for leisure but also for getting tasks done, this will give you the intellect to know your limitations when it comes to using media platforms, be able to establish relationships with other people, and avoid offending other people because of misuse of such mediums.
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Here is our project in Earth Science, it’s the different layers of the Earth. It took us a few days to completely finish it and I can say I’m satisfied with what we made because we did it to the best of our abilities.
Materials used:
Paper clay, Illustrations Board, Poster and Acrylic Paints. Paint brushes and sponges, Metallic and Neon Pens, Black Cartolina and Colored Paper, Recycled Pizza box.
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Digital Poster about Justice
True justice in our country can just be said to be a pipe dream, it is only to those able to bring riches out to afford it, this poster is telling us about the injustice happening with the amount of salary of minimum wage earners. The supposed government giving out the umbrella is basically just a misdirected help to the less fortunate, the person will still drown despite the umbrella because it is simply not enough and will never be as they drown with the rest of those other minimum wage earners. This is injustice and violates the commutative justice since it does not give equal compensation for the service given.
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Apostolate of presence
True Happiness
As we got to the hospital and entered it, I have realized something, the situation of the patients were somewhat pitiful, the boy we spent an hour with told us that the province he came from didn’t allow him to enter the hospital, because they didn’t have enough money, so they traveled through an ambulance for hours on end to be able to get to the hospital here and get treated. The public hospital was cramped with people inside it, the patients were clustered together in a single hall, not even a room, it wasn’t the best condition but it was the only condition the public hospital can afford.
During my trip there I was inspired by the fact that the patient I was talking with had a very unhindered happiness despite the fact that he himself is confined within the hospital, he was happy enough to tell us that his dream was to become a soldier and serve the country to protect it from possible attacks from terrorists. His happiness made me improve my resilience and my ability to look at the bright side of every situation.
After I left there, I have learned that true happiness cannot be achieved just by temporal things alone. It is much more ethereal and incorporeal than that. The deep relationships we make with people to be a good influence to them and the time we spend with them can be said to be a part of true happiness, but the true happiness we want can only come from God alone as he will make us feel everlasting and immortal, which is what happiness is supposed to be. In every situation it is important to always side with the positive for us to find hope amidst the darkness and be resilient to stand back up again and better ourselves
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Your resume is basically enlists your achievements and qualifications that you can use to enter different jobs. Be honest with what you put and try not to put yourself on a higher pedestal than what really are your abilities. sometimes you should not bite off more than what you can chew, but don’t also underestimate yourself as you should be fully aware and be proud of what you can and can’’t do. Resumes have different formats but all in all it should be formal and easy to understand by the employer so they can quickly find out your strengths through the resume.
I was under pressure when I was creating this resume since it had a time limit on when to finish it, but despite that I managed to finish on time and I felt gloriously relieved for a moment because that was finally one work done, but I knew there were a lot more to come, still, I was relieved
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Sign a Petition
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Note for desktop users:
(This picture is just a thumbnail, not a link. The hyperlink to the video is the title, so click it.)
Etech Vlog
This vlog is about the street food exploration, safety and the importance of cleanliness when it comes to street foods. Our vlog can be taken as something informative when it come to what to do and not to do with street foods. Obviously street food is cheap and pretty delicious, that’s why us Filipinos have come to love them, it has somewhat become a part of our culture to have street food stalls in every nook and cranny of different cities and provinces.Having a street food trip during the vlog was fun and we have some tips when it comes to eating street foods. 
First, never ever dip twice or don’t dip at all on the main reservoir of the sauce, what you can do is ask for a separate cup and use a ladle to put sauce into the cup and eat away, but make sure you put the cup in a proper waste bin and don’t just dump it anywhere
Second, pay correctly and accordingly, although this may seem as something pretty obvious, some people tend to ignore it and they cheat the vendor on how much they got versus how much they payed for, this happens a lot especially on cases where there are a lot of people surrounding the food stall, pay correctly and think of the hard work the vendor is doing just to sell street foods and earn money.
Third, street foods may be delicious but they are also very harmful to the body, have some self restraint and just eat occasionally, as I said, street food is cheap, although we cannot generalize all, we can say that the ingredients used for cooking street foods aren’t high-end so we cannot be sure if the nourishment outweighs the risk when eating street foods, so be sure to control yourself, these foods will only be eaten by you if you’re healthy. 
What I can say about our trip was that it was pretty exhilarating. It was quite hard to set up a schedule to vlog due to a lot of school works we were doing, but we managed to make time during our ALTA schedule and filmed after dismissal, so me and my group went to R. Papa LRT station to film there as it is one of the biggest places to contain street foods. Overall this experience was fun and I would like to do it again with my friends.
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Non-Renewable Energy
-Basically, these are types of energy that even though it is abundant throughout the world, it will still run out, as said, it is non-renewable, meaning we have no way recreate or reproduce the sources that these types of energy came from. These sources are naturally formed from the earth and usually takes millions to hundreds of millions of years to form. In the future it will inevitably run out as we keep on using it. Examples of these Non-Renewable Resources are coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy.
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-This energy source is formed from different plant fossils over the course of millions of years, these plant fossils that are buried deep underground are subjected to heat and pressure which then turns to coal
-Coal can be used to produce energy for electricity, etc.
-Sual Power Station - Sual, Pangasinan, Located near the Lingayen gulf.
The largest and most effective coal-fired power plant in the Philippines. Uses coal to generate and provide electricity.
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-This energy source is formed from the remains of marine animals and plants from millions of years ago, as they died, their remains accumulated on the sea floor, and they got buried and subjected to geologic forces such as heat and pressure.
-Can be use as fuel for transportation, or to produce electricity, etc.
-Ilijan Combined Cycle Power Plant - Ilijan, Batangas City
Although they primarily use natural gas, they use distillate oil too as a back up fuel source to generate and produce energy.
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Natural Gas
-This energy source is also formed from fossil remains over the course of millions of years. The same as oil, it can also come from marine plants and animals. They accumulate at the sea floor and get buried then subjected to heat and pressure either forming petroleum or natural gas.
-Can be used for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), used in cooking, etc.
-Malampaya Gas Field - Northwest Palawan.
The Malampaya Gas Field is a reservoir of natural gas. That pumps out natural gas and sends it through a pipeline that is supplying the Ilijan Combined Cycle Power Plant
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Nuclear Energy
-This energy source came from the nuclear energy stored within the nucleus of an atom and can produce energy either through fission or fusion. Fusion is combining atoms to make a new atom, elements that don’t need as much energy as other elements are then released as the energy from the atom, while fission is the separation of atoms into two and as they don’t need much energy compared to when they were larger, they are then released as energy, it produces heat, light and radiation. It mainly uses uranium as the element for production
-Has a lot of uses such as for electricity and producing hydrogen that can be used for transportation as substitute to gas because it does not have emissions
-Bataan Nuclear Power Plant - Napot point in Morong, Bataan
Could’ve been the solution for the impending oil crisid back then, but it has not produced any amount of energy ever since because of a mechanical problem that instilled fear to the hearts of people.
REFLECTION: How to preserve natural resources in the Philippines?
We can preserve the non-renewable resources by switching to a new type of energy source. Non-renewable resources are finite and will inevitably run out in the future so we should switch to a better alternatives such as renewable resources (examples are solar power etc.) which can be replaced by us, and unlike non-renewable resources, renewable resources are better for also preserving our environment because it makes energy in a clean way without the problem of emissions that can pollute the air, water and lands.
miss yung plus 5 ko don’t forget
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Cled Blog #1
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction”
Proverbs 1:7
Our fear of the Lord will guide us to a life of wisdom, this fear will let use know who the real God is and we will do his will because we fear the eternal suffering which is hell.
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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Etech Blog # 1
ICT as medium for advocacy and developmental communication.
Technology really is the road for the betterment. Technology disregards the barrier of distance, culture and race and it connects us with one another. It’s easier to reach out to a lot of people and express your stand on subjects in the community. You can influence other people through your advocacies and promote unity with one another.
The creation of this poster was a fast blur, we didn’t really get to meet with each other because we did our project only through chat and messages. We each gave out our own ideas on what we want the poster to look like, and we came up with this, I am very satisfied with the outcome as i feel that we really incorporated our creativity into this one.
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feebleattempts · 6 years
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