#this gives fanfiction vibes
aleppothemushroom · 11 months
What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck?
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pens-swords-stuff · 1 year
It makes me so sad when fanfiction writers come to me for writing advice, and they say something along the lines of "I write fanfic (and I'm trying to get into real writing too)", "I'm a fanfiction writer and I plan to write original fiction someday but now is just not the right time for me", or "I'm not a real writer but I write fanfic"
babes you don't have to justify writing fanfiction to me. you also don't need to tell me your plans to eventually write original fiction to be worthy of asking for writing advice.
Writing original fiction is not inherently better than writing fanfiction. Writing fanfiction is real writing. If you want to write original fiction too, great! If writing fanfiction is all you want to do, that is wonderful as well.
Do what makes you happy and be proud in the knowledge that writing isn't easy, and you're actually doing it!
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luckkythirt33n · 3 months
assffkakjsjsj YOU LOT
my brain rot friend who helps beta my fics/cook ideas drew a quick sketch of Crowley in the fic I'm writing:
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miraculousfanworks · 1 month
Writing Prompt: He's going to be great at making contracts when he's older
Gabriel finds out that Adrien is Chat Noir and attempts to get information out of him. It is... less than effective.
Gabriel: "Adrien, do you know where Ladybug is?" Adrien: "Well, I don't know where she's not." Gabriel: "So you do know where she is!" Adrien: "Well, it wouldn't be entirely inaccurate to assume that I had some conceptual theories as to her general location, but any assumptions as to my knowledge of her current, specific location would be made in error." Gabriel: "...Adrien, I order you to tell me where Ladybug lives." Adrien: "The ideals of Ladybug live forever in the hearts and minds of the people of Paris!" Gabriel: "...this is going to take a while, isn't it?" Adrien: "A few hours at least, Plagg's been coaching me on double talk."
Prompt by: BlueStarOfTheSouth
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silversailormoan · 1 month
Completely ignoring Han Gyeol's canon personality or dislike of hyunjae (because I haven't actually read the novel yet, I just got access) so this is Very Much an AU but :
I want a fic of Sung Hyunjae being a doting father, please and thank you 😭😭 at this point I'll write it myself if I have to because??? Imagine dad!hyunjae?? His aura and eyes both softening near his kids and he'd the type that teases them a lot but it's never truly sadistic like it is with others, like,,, y'all know the exceedingly gentle sjh in the mindscape when yoojin talked about his regression? That's what I'm taking about
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And and! Gyeol calling yoojin daddy as expected BUT he also calls Hyunjae as papa?? SOFT FAMILY FEELS??
And he'd be such a protective man too, I ain't forgetting how when he saw yoojin afraid of him because Song lowered his fear resistance and this man went "what have you done?" and just,, straight up kicked song across the face, none of his usual elegance and melee attacks found in that moment
Like just,,,, I can't decide what'd be better, having gyeol living with hyunjae in the fic? Everyone knowing that the Jupiter guild master has only One Soft Spot and that is for his son who also adores him to bits without being afraid, when one day Yoojin gets seriously injured and Gyeol just throws himself off Hyunjae's grip to run at Yoojin screaming "daddy" all the way?
Or having Gyeol live with Yoojin and no one knowing Hyunjae is the other parent (although some people have their suspicion) until one day some unfortunate fool manages the miracle of kidnapping him and both Yoojin and Hyunjae are on the warpath?
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saltburnedme · 5 months
Friends I’m currently writing what may be the most fucked up fic I’ve ever written, I’m hoping to finish it tonight so it will be out tomorrow! Here’s a lil hint 💖
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The new fic is here!
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hopelesswrites · 9 months
I work in a butchery and i cant stop thinking about quiet grumpy butcher Eddie. Youve just started the job as his shop assistant and youre nervous to be stuck in a small space alone with the guy everyone claimed involvement in the murders of 86’ with knives and cleavers and mincers and Eddies hesitant to talk to you because he knows what everyone says, he can see the fear in your eyes whenever you have to approach him with a question. But slowly he opens up and you realise hes a big softy that likes to mumble along to metallica on the radio and gently nod his head to the music while he works.
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sivilvendetta · 4 months
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The man dresses for the occasion.
Sinister Sweethearts Jack X Reader chapter two is a go!
Also bonus doodle of Reader's dress
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pretty girl u//w//u
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imperiuswrecked · 2 months
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Do you want me or just my soul? You pulled me kicking down below...
Thank you to @pointdotiozao for creating this beautiful scene of Pietro/Remy from my Angel/Demon AU! It's so gorgeous!!!
Quicksilver Week 2024 - Alternate Universe - The Angel of New Orleans - A Quicksilver/Gambit Angel/Demon AU
The Angel of New Orleans Playlist
The Angel of New Orleans Fanfiction with N S F T art version. First chapter is up! @magnetfamily
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he is so ethel cain coded
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bindeds · 3 months
the headcanon that lucifer purposely makes himself short makes so much more sense than anyone gives it credit for …
he was casted out even as an angel for having big ideas and no one wanted to hear it, so he made himself small. of course it felt like he didn’t matter.
and him getting casted down to hell just amplified that need of not wanting to be seen, and now not wanting to be scary.
he is not the big scary man everyone—and i mean EVERYONE—paints him out to be. he’s not that person. and he hates that everyone assumes that they know him just because he’s the devil.
but at the end of the day, lucifer is still just the same dreamer that gave eve that apple, the dreamer who wanted to see people give and love the same way lilith had with him after she ran from adam.
so he made himself short, made people go, “huh, you’re a lot tinier than i thought you would be.” because at least there’s that, right? at least they’re not claiming to know him inside and out, and that he must be evil because he pissed god off so much that he was the first to fall.
because it’s true. lucifer’s entire life he’d have to prove something to someone. that he deserved to be an angel. that it isn’t all black and white. that his ideas, his spark, his creativity isn’t a threat. he isn’t the devil.
so it’s just nice for people to state something about him that he didn’t have to try to hard to prove. its the first step of them getting to know all the other things they thought about him were actually the opposite.
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rubydracogirl · 6 months
I did not expect that drawing of Stanley to get notes. Thank you all so much for that, I keep rolling around in the likes and reblogs like a husky in fresh fallen snow.
Since I wrote a one-shot with Reader kissing Ford, I thought about it, and Stan needs a hug.
Why don't we give him one? ^_^
Stanley PinesXReader
Rated T for depictions of tobacco and adult conversations.
"Just A Hug"
It had been such a long day at work. You couldn’t wait to lock up and leave, though you dreaded walking in the snow. The bitter cold was waiting for you with wide arms, and as you clocked out and zipped up your coat, you regretted taking this shift.
Fuck it, I need the money….
To your surprise, when you stepped out, you noticed someone out in the parking lot. A lone car, with someone leaning against it, smoking. You squinted, recognizing the silhouette. It was that weird science guy from the woods. Stan something. He’d just come in for a pack of cigarettes, a loaf of bread and a carton of eggs an hour before the store closed. But that was over an hour ago…
What was he still doing here?
You weren’t normally nosy, but it was late, and you had some… neighborly concerns. You didn't know him well, he'd always been a bit of a hermit. He had been coming into town more often this past month, so you'd seen him a lot more. You liked him alright, he seemed harmless.
You shivered in your jacket.
Why was he sitting out here in the freezing cold?
Screw it.
“Hey there, buddy, y’doing alright?”
He seemed slightly startled by your voice as you began to walk over and he waved at you sheepishly.
“Fine, fine, just, uh, enjoyin’ the uh, night life.” His gravelly voice called back to you.
“Yeah, real wild hangout this is. You should see it in the summer, we get all sorts around here.” You chuckled. “Can I bum one off ya?”
He looked at you with surprise before reaching back into his pocket.
“Didn’t take ya for a smoker, toots.”
“On occasion. Much appreciated.” You replied, reaching into your own pocket for a lighter.
You lit up before taking a deep drag, ignoring the cold and focusing on the calming rush of nicotine. As you blew out a thin wisp of smoke into the air, you looked at him from the corner of your eye.
“So, you wanna tell me why you’re hanging out so late at night?”
He gave a hoarse chuckle.
“Didn’t think anyone would care. It's not illegal, right?”
“No. Not illegal… but weird.” You replied. The pale smoke drifted into the air, and you leaned against his car with him. 
“C’mon, buddy. You can talk to me.”
He looked at you with narrowed eyes.
“Sweetheart, I don’t even know your name. M'not gonna bare my soul to a stranger, even if you are cute.”
“I wear a name tag, y’know. You probably would’ve seen it if you weren’t so busy looking at my tits all the time.” you replied boldly.
He snorted sheepishly at that. “Sorry. I uh, thought I was being discreet about it.”
“You’re not exactly the type of person I would label 'discreet'.” You chuckled. “You’re also not the first guy to ogle…. It’s (y/n), by the way. You’re Stan, right?”
“Yeah…Stanford Pines.”
You hummed thoughtfully.
“There, we’re acquainted now, for better or worse.”
He chuckled.
“You’re awfully pushy, Miss (y/n). I don't know if I like that.”
“Hey now, I'm not pushy, just worried… no one just hangs out in an empty parking lot during awful weather, not even in this backwoods town.”
He grunted.
“I don’t really want to talk about it, no offense, toots.”
You nodded.
“That’s fair… can you at least promise that you’re not up to mischief here, Mr. Mysterious guy?”
He looked down at you, and you saw the barest hint of a smirk appear on his rugged face.
“Not the kind of mischief that you need to worry about, honey.”
You squinted, trying to read his emotions. It was impossible, though you could clearly see lines of care and some deep worry behind his tired, dark eyes. In that moment, with the cold night pressing in and his presence the only warmth around for miles, you felt your heart clench into a single desire. He didn't want to talk to you, that was fine… but you weren't going to leave him like this.
“Ok, Stan. I won’t bug you anymore… can I ask for a favor though?”
“Depends on the favor, but shoot."
“Can I hug you?”
He actually choked, coughing out smoke and turning from you as he tried to regain control.
You winced in sympathy, but as he turned back to you, his already reddened cheeks were even redder.
“You're serious? A hug?” He repeated incredulously, his voice raw from the coughing. 
You nodded, adding sternly, “Don’t get any bright ideas, wise guy. It’s only a hug.”
“Oh, no, I didn’t- that wasn’t…. Sure. Yeah. I could hug you.”
It was obvious you had caught him off guard, but as you put out your cigarette and opened your arms, you didn't expect how strong he was. He pulled you in against his body effortlessly. The heat from his body stole your breath and suddenly, you didn't feel so cold.
His bulky frame shielded you from the winter air, his arms enveloping you perfectly. Your heart skipped as you felt him sigh.
You squeezed him tightly, resting your head against his shoulder. He smelled like cigarettes, cheap cologne and some strange, musky smell, like burnt metal. It was a strangely comforting scent, and you thought you felt him turn his head towards you. 
"You're so small…" he murmured softly, his breath puffing against your hair.
"Naw, you're just big." You shot back, but didn't lean away or let go. In truth, you didn't want this moment to end...
Inevitably, he let go after a moment, awkwardly patting your back, his cheeks still rosy, though it could have been from the cold. You gave him a smile. 
"Hey, if nothing else works out for you, you can at least know that you're a good hugger, Stan Pines."
"... Thanks." He replied quietly. You suspected he wasn't just thanking you for the compliment.
It was getting close to midnight, and you decided you had been nosy long enough. You patted his shoulder, giving him a soft grin.
"I suppose I'll leave you to it. See ya around, Stanford."
He piped up, looking somewhat embarrassed.
"Wait, (y/n)… look, do you, uh, need a ride?"
You considered it.
"Hmm. You're not gonna kidnap me, right?"
"No! No... Not tonight, no." He chuckled.
You giggled.
"Not tonight huh? Too bad. But, well, sure, I could go for a ride. Thank you."
He grinned back, a spark of sincerity lighting up his dark eyes.
"Don't mention it. Let's get out of this crummy weather."
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Bart was on a snack run to Washington for a bag uniquely flavored gummy worms they had there and stopped somewhere in the woodlands on the way back when he heard someone crying.
In the deeps woods.
At night.
Under a full moon.
Thinking to himself, "It will be fine, I'm too fast to get murdered." He headed off towards to sound.
Danny clutched his stomach, trying to stem the bleeding when he heard a voice ask, "Why are you crying?"
He looked up to see someone else's face about an inch from his own and he fell back screaming. "Whoa! I didn't mean to scare you!"
Danny huffed, but didn't bother to get up. He wasn't sure if his wound would let him anyway, "What are you doing out here anyway?"
"Grocery shopping." Bart replied, holding up his bag for him to see. "What about you?"
"I uh, kinda crashed here. Where am I?"
"Washington. What do you mean you crashed here?"
Danny shrugged, apparently unwilling to answer. "I can help you get were you need to go, just leave it to me. I'm a speedster after all."
"No, its fine!" Danny said, still laying on the ground. The next thing he knew he was in the 'speedsters' arms.
"Just say the place and we'll be there in a-" Bart seemed to notice how wet Dannys shirt was and pulled his hand away to see it coated in blood, "wait you're shirts not red."
Danny, who was panicking, "No hospitals!"
I am not pleased with this but I woke up from a power nap and now my brain is that special brand of fuzzy
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thepromiscuousfinger · 5 months
Look, there's a reason your post hasn't gained any traction and it's probably because you know and everyone else knows how wrong it is.
You can't be making money off of fanfiction. Especially fanfiction you're already uploading to AO3.
If it was your own original works where you could set up a subscription like patreon, you'd probably gain the support you're looking for.
"Pay $5 for early access to fanfic chapters that are scheduled to be posted publicly anyway" sounds shady af and you know it. Especially for popular fandoms like One Piece, Naruto, BNHA, etc.
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llinstarr · 3 months
Marauders fantasy au with pirate!remus and wizard!sirius when Sirius (kinda sex symbol) been using his looks all his life to get things but Remus (blind with a sexy scar across his eyes) being the first person to like him not bc of his looks/powers ,and all of them going on adventures developing and falling in love
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suitsusboth · 7 months
I need a lovelight pumpkin patch story!! Pumpkin patch, corn maze or maybe just hay bales, piping hot cider. Sophie's apple cider donuts, along with other fall offerings! Romantic apple picking, maybe bobbing for apples? Although that's unsanitary. Whatever strikes your fancy!
You know what? Me too! All the fall feels! While I have a plan for a lovelights au fic that spans all seasons and will touch on the chaotic festivals that happen in Aubrey, here’s a small snippet of the annual corn maze race a year after that planned fic 😉
October 2024
Autumn in Aubrey was perhaps her favorite time of year.
“You say that about every season,” Sophie replied, smiling knowingly as she packed up some freshly made apple cider donuts into a box.
Kate sighed happily. Yeah, that was true.
It didn’t matter what time of year— she loved it here.
The back door of the bakehouse swung open then, revealing Anthony and Benedict holding two large coffee/tea dispensers.
“Ms. Agatha wants these back first thing,” Anthony told them as he and his brother placed the containers on the countertop, ready to be filled with Sophie homemade apple cider (a kid’s version and an adult version.) “And cleaned ‘properly.’”
From the way Anthony’s face was pinched, Kate knew the old woman hadn’t released her containers easily, even though she was joining them tonight.
Sophie must have known it too, by how she rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”
It had been two years since Ms. Agatha insulted Sophie for over-mixing her batter, and she had not let it go. A slow, low burning rivalry simmered between the two women and as much as Kate would love for them to reconcile, she could not help but enjoy the by-product of their feud—exceptionally delicious baked goods. Which she was enjoying more than ever, recently.
“Nearly ready?” Ben asked after they ladled the drinks into their containers (Ben probably pouring more liquor than he should in the adult container), and Sophie finished packing the last remaining tray of treats.
“Yep!” Sophie said brightly, gesturing to the eight boxes before her.
“God, Soph. How much did you make?”
Sophie swatted him in the stomach. “Do not judge! Do you know how big your family is? Plus Simon, Mary, Edwina, Ms. Agatha, Michael, John—”
“John isn’t here, he has a game.” Kate informed her, “But I think Eloise brought Penelope with her. And I will happily pick up the slack so there aren't too many leftovers.” She opened a box and pulled out a donut and bit into the sugary goodness and let out a little involuntarily moan. Sophie really was some sort of baking fairy.
“Should we leave you two alone?” Anthony quipped, then dodged Kate’s half-hearted swat in his direction.
“You’re just jealous,” she remarked back, and Anthony merely winked at her as he and Ben filled the drink containers.
“Enough, you two,” Ben interrupted, knowing how far they could take this if left unchecked. “Let’s get going. Everyone’s waiting for us.”
Sophie started to hand her boxes. “Kate, can you carry—?”
“Simon’s coming to help,” Anthony said abruptly, “He can carry them.”
Kate shot her husband a look, but luckily Ben and Sophie did not question him and went on to carry the stuff out of the bakehouse where Simon was approaching, ready to help. They all headed to the field where the rest of their family and friends were waiting. It was late October, and Halloween was approaching. That left only one Bridgerton Family tradition left to do for the fall season— the corn maze. Anthony had finished making it yesterday and everyone had gathered to try it out before they opened it to the public.
While for their guests on the farm, it was supposed to be a nice, leisurely activity, it was anything but this late afternoon. As most things with the Bridgertons, this was a competition. There were two objectives of the game— fastest time, and avoid getting shot by Anthony and his BB gun who acted as the “minotaur”. As the creator of the maze, it was unanimously decided he could not compete. It didn't b matter though. Anthony loved a chance to torment his siblings.
Last year, Colin got so lost in the maze it took him nearly three hours to compete. And by how pale Colin looked right now, maybe he was recalling that fact.
“Colin,” Kate sucked in a breath. “You look awful. Are you okay?”
Colin seemed to blanch, then smiled at her uneasily. “Peachy.”
Kate was about to ask him if he was sure, when Eloise said, “He’s sick.” Anthony discreetly pulled Kate away a few steps, putting some distance between her and his brother. “That’s what you get for doing the apple bobbing at the Fall Festival last week,” Eloise huffed, “In what world did you think that was a good idea? Think of all the germs.”
“The Collins kids went before you I think, and I think he had the flu,” Penelope hummed sympathetically.
Violet piped up then, grimacing. “He most certainly did. He was sick all over me on Tuesday.”
Colin made a little noise then, which Kate was nearly certain was a gag, as he slumped down on a picnic table bench, looking as if he really wanted to be in the fetal position.
“Maybe sit this one out, bud,” Ben said, patting him on the back, and Colin let out a noise in which Kate could only assume he agreed, seeing as standing posed difficulty at this moment.
“Here,” Anthony said, putting a piping cup of cider and a bottle of water in front of him. “Hydrate.”
“Thanks,” Colin half slurred, waving them off, “Go on without me.” He looked at Penelope. “Make sure you win, Pen. I got money on you.”
Penelope pinkened slightly, but nodded.
Kate left Penelope blushing, as Eloise— who was oblivious to her best friend's crush on her brother —started on a tangent about how she was going to win the maze and went to help set up the spread. In a slightly new part of the tradition of the corn maze day, Kate had added a little picnic/buffet situation to the day. Sophie brought the desserts, Violet brought some sort of crockpot/slow roast for sandwiches, Anthony made soup, and Mary brought her butternut squash raviolis and sage sauce.
Kate smiled to herself as she watched her step-mom happily chatting with Violet and Ms Agatha as they laughed over something or other. Mary had moved to Aubrey over the summer and it made her heart happy to have her so close now. Anthony wrapped an arm around her, giving her look as if to say he knew exactly what she was thinking. And he probably did.
“So,” Michael said, slinking up next to them with Edwina and Francesca in tow. “I’m being told that I might be shot at?”
“Yep!” Kate replied brightly, and Michael looked at her like she had gone insane. To be fair, he often gave her this look nowadays. He’s told her multiple times how she’s drank the cool aid on this town.
“Shoot at me Bridgerton and I will kick you in the balls,” Edwina told Anthony, and Anthony's expression tightened a fraction. He knew Edwina well enough that she was dead serious.
“You should probably start warming up,” Kate told him— who in turn looked baffled— then looked at Francesca. “Did you tell him about the hide and seek rules?” His eyes flicked to Michael and Edwina. “There’s no pushing allowed by the way. Instant disqualification.”
Michael shook his head. “The more I hear, the more troubling this becomes.”
“You should see them at Easter,” Kate shook her head. “That’s the real bloodbath. Pushing is allowed then.”
“But no gouging,” Fran helpfully added, obviously enjoying Michael’s despair over these weird family traditions and rules.
“What about shanking?” Michael joked.
Anthony hummed thoughtfully as his brows pulled together. “Not officially, but we should probably write that down. I wouldn’t put it past Eloise.”
“That reminds me,” Kate said, looking at Michael again, “Watch out for Hyacinth, she will go for your kneecaps.”
They all turned to look over at the teenage girl who was a few feet away. Hyacinth saw them and looked Michael dead in the eye, completely deadpan, and proceeded to give him the universal you’re dead gesture. Kate was pretty sure she heard Michael swear under his breath before Hyacinth broke out into giggles and skipped away.
Michael actually started to look nervous then, which was very unlike him. “I need a drink,” he stated, and stalked over to the cider stand.
“I’m gonna get set up,” Anthony said with a kiss to her temple. Kate waved him off, and Edwina and Frannie decided to help themselves to seconds. They asked Kate to come along with them but she waved them off.
She just wanted to stand there for a moment.
Kate took a long, deep breath, enjoying the crispness of the air as she looked around at the beauty around her. They had come to the golden hour, and on this perfect day the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges felt other worldly against the backdrop of the clear blue sky only topped by the breathtaking mouton peaks. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air as her family and friends mingled and ate. Kate tried to savor the moments like these. It was so easy to walk through life blindly, not even seeing or enjoying moments like these. And she had done it for so many years. She wanted to relish every happy moment that came her way. She wanted to appreciate everything she had.
Kate watched as Daphne split from the group and started to walk her way, two cups in hand. She stopped when she reached Kate and extended a cup to her.
She looked at the cup. “Oh, um,” Kate hesitated, “Which—?”
Daphne laughed, and pushed the cup into her hand. “The normal one, of course. I wouldn’t give the spiked one to you in your condition.”
Kate’s head whipped up. “How did you—?”
Daphne gave her a bemused look. “Anthony isn’t exactly subtle. He hasn’t let you pick up a thing and constantly wants to sit down. Not to mention he walks around like he’s on cloud nine and you smile like you have a special secret. Plus you come to the store once a week to look at baby onesies. And, well…” Daphne laid a hand on her own stomach. “One knows the signs.”
Kate was sure she let out a little squeak when she caught her meaning. “Oh my God, Daphne!”
Daphne hushed her, looking around to see if anyone heard them, but was grinning from ear to ear when she looked back at Kate. “Yeah, we’re really happy. We’ll tell everyone at Thanksgiving.” Daphne looked over to where Simon and Amelia were. Amelia was currently trying to steal the donut Simon had in hand, and she had the cutest pout when Simon moved it away.
She couldn’t wait to watch Anthony be with their own little one.
“When are you telling everyone?” Daphne asked.
“Today,” she replied, “we wanted to wait to get everyone together and tell them in person.” It was hard to get everyone together, especially with Edwina, Michael and Frannie being in the city.
Daphne reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m really happy for you both.”
“What are you happy about?” Anthony asked as he walked over to them.
Daphne didn’t say anything, instead smiled knowingly and gave her brother's arm a squeeze before heading back to join her own family.
“What was that about?” Anthony asked quietly, one brow raised as his arm circled her waist.
Kate smiled. “Daphne knows. Apparently we are not inconspicuous.”
Anthony chuckled softly. It was one of her favorite sounds. “Oops. Good thing the cat will be out of the bag by the end of the night.”
Kate leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling to herself. She couldn’t wait. She was fit to burst with this secret.
“I think it’s time,” Anthony murmured, giving her one last gentle squeeze before he stepped away and yelled out to ask if everyone was ready. Kate watched as he walked away, and the excited looks of everyone as they started to ready themselves.
Kate took another look as the sun started to set, the pumpkins they had carved and lit glowing steadily as Simon started to light the couple of fireplaces they had dragged over.
Kate smiled to herself and let out a happy sigh as she pulled her coat more closely around her.
Soon the brilliant colors would fade, leaving the muted browns and grays in their wake as the Earth died and the cold set in.
The nights would become long and the cold would bite, but Kate would barely feel. Not when she was surrounded by all this love.
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