#also female pronouns are used
rubydracogirl · 6 months
I did not expect that drawing of Stanley to get notes. Thank you all so much for that, I keep rolling around in the likes and reblogs like a husky in fresh fallen snow.
Since I wrote a one-shot with Reader kissing Ford, I thought about it, and Stan needs a hug.
Why don't we give him one? ^_^
Stanley PinesXReader
Rated T for depictions of tobacco and adult conversations.
"Just A Hug"
It had been such a long day at work. You couldn’t wait to lock up and leave, though you dreaded walking in the snow. The bitter cold was waiting for you with wide arms, and as you clocked out and zipped up your coat, you regretted taking this shift.
Fuck it, I need the money….
To your surprise, when you stepped out, you noticed someone out in the parking lot. A lone car, with someone leaning against it, smoking. You squinted, recognizing the silhouette. It was that weird science guy from the woods. Stan something. He’d just come in for a pack of cigarettes, a loaf of bread and a carton of eggs an hour before the store closed. But that was over an hour ago…
What was he still doing here?
You weren’t normally nosy, but it was late, and you had some… neighborly concerns. You didn't know him well, he'd always been a bit of a hermit. He had been coming into town more often this past month, so you'd seen him a lot more. You liked him alright, he seemed harmless.
You shivered in your jacket.
Why was he sitting out here in the freezing cold?
Screw it.
“Hey there, buddy, y’doing alright?”
He seemed slightly startled by your voice as you began to walk over and he waved at you sheepishly.
“Fine, fine, just, uh, enjoyin’ the uh, night life.” His gravelly voice called back to you.
“Yeah, real wild hangout this is. You should see it in the summer, we get all sorts around here.” You chuckled. “Can I bum one off ya?”
He looked at you with surprise before reaching back into his pocket.
“Didn’t take ya for a smoker, toots.”
“On occasion. Much appreciated.” You replied, reaching into your own pocket for a lighter.
You lit up before taking a deep drag, ignoring the cold and focusing on the calming rush of nicotine. As you blew out a thin wisp of smoke into the air, you looked at him from the corner of your eye.
“So, you wanna tell me why you’re hanging out so late at night?”
He gave a hoarse chuckle.
“Didn’t think anyone would care. It's not illegal, right?”
“No. Not illegal… but weird.” You replied. The pale smoke drifted into the air, and you leaned against his car with him. 
“C’mon, buddy. You can talk to me.”
He looked at you with narrowed eyes.
“Sweetheart, I don’t even know your name. M'not gonna bare my soul to a stranger, even if you are cute.”
“I wear a name tag, y’know. You probably would’ve seen it if you weren’t so busy looking at my tits all the time.” you replied boldly.
He snorted sheepishly at that. “Sorry. I uh, thought I was being discreet about it.”
“You’re not exactly the type of person I would label 'discreet'.” You chuckled. “You’re also not the first guy to ogle…. It’s (y/n), by the way. You’re Stan, right?”
“Yeah…Stanford Pines.”
You hummed thoughtfully.
“There, we’re acquainted now, for better or worse.”
He chuckled.
“You’re awfully pushy, Miss (y/n). I don't know if I like that.”
“Hey now, I'm not pushy, just worried… no one just hangs out in an empty parking lot during awful weather, not even in this backwoods town.”
He grunted.
“I don’t really want to talk about it, no offense, toots.”
You nodded.
“That’s fair… can you at least promise that you’re not up to mischief here, Mr. Mysterious guy?”
He looked down at you, and you saw the barest hint of a smirk appear on his rugged face.
“Not the kind of mischief that you need to worry about, honey.”
You squinted, trying to read his emotions. It was impossible, though you could clearly see lines of care and some deep worry behind his tired, dark eyes. In that moment, with the cold night pressing in and his presence the only warmth around for miles, you felt your heart clench into a single desire. He didn't want to talk to you, that was fine… but you weren't going to leave him like this.
“Ok, Stan. I won’t bug you anymore… can I ask for a favor though?”
“Depends on the favor, but shoot."
“Can I hug you?”
He actually choked, coughing out smoke and turning from you as he tried to regain control.
You winced in sympathy, but as he turned back to you, his already reddened cheeks were even redder.
“You're serious? A hug?” He repeated incredulously, his voice raw from the coughing. 
You nodded, adding sternly, “Don’t get any bright ideas, wise guy. It’s only a hug.”
“Oh, no, I didn’t- that wasn’t…. Sure. Yeah. I could hug you.”
It was obvious you had caught him off guard, but as you put out your cigarette and opened your arms, you didn't expect how strong he was. He pulled you in against his body effortlessly. The heat from his body stole your breath and suddenly, you didn't feel so cold.
His bulky frame shielded you from the winter air, his arms enveloping you perfectly. Your heart skipped as you felt him sigh.
You squeezed him tightly, resting your head against his shoulder. He smelled like cigarettes, cheap cologne and some strange, musky smell, like burnt metal. It was a strangely comforting scent, and you thought you felt him turn his head towards you. 
"You're so small…" he murmured softly, his breath puffing against your hair.
"Naw, you're just big." You shot back, but didn't lean away or let go. In truth, you didn't want this moment to end...
Inevitably, he let go after a moment, awkwardly patting your back, his cheeks still rosy, though it could have been from the cold. You gave him a smile. 
"Hey, if nothing else works out for you, you can at least know that you're a good hugger, Stan Pines."
"... Thanks." He replied quietly. You suspected he wasn't just thanking you for the compliment.
It was getting close to midnight, and you decided you had been nosy long enough. You patted his shoulder, giving him a soft grin.
"I suppose I'll leave you to it. See ya around, Stanford."
He piped up, looking somewhat embarrassed.
"Wait, (y/n)… look, do you, uh, need a ride?"
You considered it.
"Hmm. You're not gonna kidnap me, right?"
"No! No... Not tonight, no." He chuckled.
You giggled.
"Not tonight huh? Too bad. But, well, sure, I could go for a ride. Thank you."
He grinned back, a spark of sincerity lighting up his dark eyes.
"Don't mention it. Let's get out of this crummy weather."
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dragonroilz · 7 months
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meet the demowoman! out of all of my female mercs, she is the one who is the most like her male counterpart. the two of them even have the same... ocular difficulties. although hers is on the opposite eye.
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interestingly enough, her cheerful, loud, drunk nature is actually a ruse. the demowoman is a spy for the scottish government. after they covered up demoman's slip up with the location of the loch ness monster, the scottish government wanted her to keep an eye on him to make sure that he doesnt mess up again.
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however, a wrench was quickly thrown into the demowoman's plans when she met the team's actual spy for the first time. she quickly realised that the spy was actually her adopted child from many decades ago. but like all of the other families that the spy had been in, she had run away from the demowoman as well. all of these years later, the two were reunited with the spy not recognizing her. how could she after "losing an eye", a new haircut, and different personality?
demowoman therefore has a decision to make. rat out the other demoman and destroy the team's composition while possibly revealing her identity to spy, which is something she doesnt want to do. or, she can remain quiet and spend more time with her adoptive daughter, even if its under disguise.
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gin-juice-tonic · 4 months
i dont know how many people who follow me played shovel knight but i still think the body swap feature they added was very neat... basically it started as a standard gender-swap where all the male knights were just going to have female versions
But then they decided to let you pick and choose who you wanted swapped. And they added in the choice for whichever pronouns you wanted the knight to have, which were not bound to whichever sprite you were having them use. (ie. you could use the "female" version of the sprite but give the character "male" pronouns.) They added gender neutral pronouns eventually too.
It was a nice way to modernize the gender-bend type concept I think.
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starch1ldz · 3 months
Spencer Reid and theater kid reader. He doesn't really get exposed to it until you move in together, and even then it takes a while. He comes home from a case one day to find you in the kitchen singing along to Hamilton(or a musical of your choosing) and he just gets so confused, but he falls more in love with you anyway. He thinks it's incredibly endearing, the way you pour your heart into it. He comes into the kitchen and wraps himself around you, his arms around your waist and his head on you shoulder. You laugh and he urges you on to continue, a big smile on his face
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chaotic-aro-incarnate · 5 months
Wansarat is so iconic like she made herself look like a human man once and the universe was like you know what? You're right. Our bad. And then she proceeded to reincarnated into a cis man.
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
I was disappointed that Haruhi was treated like a girl by the host club members. Anyway I’m trans now 👍
this is actually probably another example of cultural disconnect irt ouran! I don't blame you for it because if im right about where you're coming from, it's a linguistic thing and unless you understand japanese/how japanese works it's not a connection you're going to make. I think that much of what english-speaking fans percieve as haruhi being treated like a girl by the hosts, aside from tamaki's obvious Thing about her gender, is the constant use of she/her pronouns. Most of the hosts (sans tamaki) don't go out of their way to treat her like a girl in terms of like, social context, aside from a few bits that are implied to be instigated by tamaki (i.e. lobelia academy plot.) I will admit that the she/her-ing of haruhi is pervasive in the english translations of the show, but it's not actually an accurate reflection of the original content. Conversational japanese largely drops gendered pronouns from most sentences, meaning there's very little overt gendering of haruhi either way by most characters in the show. this is part of the reason why it's somewhat believable that she managed to pass herself off as a guy--it's actually entirely possible that she didn't KNOW that people were assuming she was male until the hosts made a big deal out of it, because it's unlikely she would be referred to by gendered pronouns in conversation with her peers. this is unfortunately one of those things that it's almost impossible to not lose in translation since english sentence structure relies so heavily on gendered pronouns, but i do think it's worth pointing out that in the original japanese the boys WEREN'T openly calling her a girl at every turn. except for tamaki who absolutely was but that's like his own whole seperate thing
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scentofpines · 8 days
have you ever considered...that identifying out of woman/girlhood because you don't relate to the societal implications, expectations, etc... contributes to making womanhood (feel) even more restrictive? maybe you feel better when thinking of yourself as anything but a girl/woman because you do not feel like a woman (what does that even mean?) but in my opinion you just added another brick into the prisonwall that is gender.
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pensocks · 7 days
Juzi headcanons? >:3
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sorry the sketch's a little rushed- i got excited ^^'
I know most people like to headcanon either them both as tsunderes or Uzi as the flirty one - but one day I came up with spicy J and tsundere Uzi and it stuck holy shit
I love headcaning J as a mix of business-like and formal but also really yeah idk I'm weird. Girlie's always making jokes whether it be from business metaphors to more grim humor. Usually it circles back to the same theme
Uzi - however - is tired of her dirty-ass lesbian gf and has learned to push most of it over her shoulder; before she got used to it, though, she got really flustered really easily.
A few others:
V was the one who got them together
J rarely shows genuine affection, but when she does Uzi falls in love all over again
They like to spy on V and N together (Envy is real!!!!!!!!)
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Listen I’m personally not at all surprised by the revelation that the art book explicitly calls A a woman, but what’s with the sudden historical revisionism going on where people claim it was absurd for A’s gender to have EVER be in doubt or considered ambiguous?
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
rain world artists: *has scugs with specific pronouns and genders*
my self-projecting ass with androgynous scugs that all use any/all:
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sansevierias · 5 months
bg3's character creator's super limited face options are so lame though. not only do they cause everyone's unmodded tavs and durges to look the same, but all the npcs share the same basic faces too. and you can just find your own player character's face on a random npc. i'm on my second playthrough and i'm so sick of seeing the same generic faces everywhere and recognizing who they "belong" to (=some specific npc that my brain has decided "owns" the face).
i can understand recycling faces for some random npcs that just speak one line, but the characters that return in almost every act and are tied to specific quests should have more unique features. it's kinda funny that zevlor is one of the lucky few with an unique face, but seems like his act 3 storyline didn't even make it properly to the game.
i also have to mention that as a woman, i'm disappointed how little variation there are in the options for "female" faces. apart from maybe few half-orc options, they are all really stereotypically feminine faces and generally just really pretty, even with the makeup removed. i always want to create a more butch/androgynous looking woman and there's not many options for that in the game.
i have seen similar (well, opposite?) opinions about the "male" faces too. they are all quite masculine, almost comically so! the people in charge of creating these face presets seem to have had a pretty narrow and traditional view of what women and men should look like. it's really disappointing for a game released in 2023, not to mention for a game that allows the player to choose non-binary/other for the player character's gender. despite that choice being there, you kinda have to choose between masculine or feminine face, there's not much room for middle ground.
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mychlapci · 4 months
I feel like only Strika in TFA is allowed to buck the weird 'tiny with big optics and curves' design all different Transformers media makes femal 'bots, and it's only 'cause she's "eeevil". (Honestly even the human women in all the franchises are like that, cartoon or liveaction AAA it's frustrating). I love your idea of them being bigger and stronger as a rule, if you're going to give robots genders than ether make them as diverse visually/physically as the 'guy ' robots are, or make them bigger because we know in most TF canon bigger is stronger, and as you said they need that to carry and defend sparklings (and probably got even bigger with specific defense mechanisms after the war started).
yeah, I was kind of thinking of Strika when writing out my thoughts (also idw Road Rage and Pyra Magna my beloved) I just feel like if you insist on having female cybertronians, they shouldn’t be adhering to human gender dimorphism. like, why the fuck would they. They should be, first of all, as diverse in body types as the male characters, none of that thin waists big thighs bullshit we see, and second of all, if you intend to have them bearing newsparks, wouldn’t it just make more sense for them to be even bigger, thicker, denser than the guy transformers? 
like i don’t believe cybertronians have gender as we know it, but if you wanna have lady transformers and guy transformers isn’t it more fun to actually play with it, rather than just fucking. give Arcee a thin little waist again.
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ghouljams · 7 months
oh that Anon who said you didn't write reader inserts, I will fight them for you, because your fics genuinely feel free form. Like I have read GN!readers where they use descriptions like petite and short even in m! Or Gn! Reader inserts. Especially when it comes to Soap. Like soap is 172 cm He is my height he ain't dwarfing me.
He might be able to trap me between those big strong meaty arms and making me stupid, but I don't have to tip toe to kiss the bastard. Yet every single reader insert fic I've read outside of a handful of really well written blogs has descriptions like "you stood on your tip toes to kiss him" or "he was easily twice your height" like bitch no. Like genuinely being technically a short man I can insert myself into the character of hush without thinking "damn the author has a very specific demographic and I ain't it."
Personally I prefer reader inserts that use nicknames because y/n, c/s, ECT. Just break the immersion of the story. Not to mention it helps create diversity in the reader characters which personally just makes it more interesting to read. Sorry I saw the anon and got frustrated. Your writing is fantastic. I hope you're doing well. There is definitely criticism to be had in a lot of reader insert fics, but coming up with minor background details and nicknames is just not it.
-Hot mess rambler Anon
Yes to everything you just said. I know I've had the height conversation a million times, I'm tall and petite reader inserts always take me out of the story. BUT ALSO I have read so many x reader fics where the reader is described as having long hair! Explicitly they talk about putting their hair up or wrapping it around their finger, couldn't be me I have very short hair! But no one goes after those authors for having character descriptions.
I try my hardest to write inclusively, I want people to be able to put themselves into the povs that I write. It's a learning experience, and sometimes I read old fic and think "wow I could have worded that differently to avoid the connotation that this reader has/is x". I'm by no means perfect in keeping my pov characters shapeless blobs, but I am trying.
It's exceptionally common in the COD fandom to give reader characters callsigns. It's common for characters to use nicknames/pet names in reader fics. And like you said it helps me to distinguish which au, and which pov character I/others are talking about.
I have said it before and I'll say it again, I'm open about what I write and I understand that it isn't for everyone. I'm an extensive tagger, and willing to tag things for people if asked. At the end of the day though, I'm writing for myself, and I'm not going to stop writing for myself the way that I enjoy writing when folks can easily block me or blacklist my tags if they don't like it.
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sourcengine · 25 days
im surpised he/she pronoun pins are so hard to find since ive seen a lotta people using he/she pronouns. though i could just be running in a VERY particular circle
yeah im thinkin something like that, it seems like he/she on its own isnt often seen as a common set, and a lot of ppl seem to think 'they' is always attached to it bc surely any not binary person uses some form of they or gender neutral pronouns which like. no not all of us do
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cinnominbubble · 1 year
Just a reminder
Just because the actor goes by a set of pronouns and dresses in a way conducive to a certain gender, does not mean that it automatically applies to the character. GNC head canons are cool, provided they are applied to everyone in the set, not just those who do not fit your idea of how they should look.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
can we talk about the meep’s pronouns moment in the star beast again? i want to talk about the way it’s set up. in any other show, this would have been a joke. it would have been, “oh, look at this trans person getting so up in arms about the doctor assuming this alien’s pronouns. isn’t that an insane thing to care about?” and then that would be where it ended, the entire point being that asking for pronouns is ridiculous, that a trans person pointing it out is ridiculous, and we should be laughing at Rose for bringing it up.
but. it’s not. Rose says, “You’re assuming he as a pronoun?” in a tone of voice that, to me, at least, reads as someone who has been in this situation many, many times before and been laughed at for caring. who has been the butt of that joke. who starts this dialogue off from a defensive position because every time before she’s ever asked in earnest, she’s been shut down.
and then the Doctor says, “True. Yes. Sorry. Good point. Are you he or she or they?” The Doctor acknowledges Rose’s point, apologizes for glossing over it, and makes an effort to ask. Hell, the moment is even used to set up the Doctor connecting to the Meep more like he will when the Meep mentions having two hearts; they both share “the” as a pronoun as a pronoun.
(and I’m reading through the transcript right now to check, but as far as I can tell, yeah. The Doctor does then use “The Meep” to refer to the Meep for the rest of the episode, not any other pronoun.)
It’s a very brief moment, but it feels intentionally made to invoke those jokes, to take them and say, ‘no, why would this be a joke, we’ll take it seriously.’ Expectations subverted brilliantly. The Doctor says trans rights.
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