#this backfired because now i want to write but don't have the time
blue-ephemeris · 4 months
Yan!Parents Alicent and Viserys Headcannons (Platonic)
(Forgive me for any mistakes this is my first time)
Mention of death, suicide, obsessive, possessive behavior, manipulation, unhealthy father, force pregnancy, and not good writing.
Pairing: Platonic Alicent and Viserys × female reader
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To be honest Alicent was looking forward to the arrival of her first child well Viserys was excited. She was still young to have a child but hoped it was a boy for Viserys duty.
When she first gave birth to you and hold you...she felt like she was at the end of the world. Childbirth hurted is what she always said but when she get to see you put in her arms she couldn't help to smile in joy.
Viserys wasn't mad that she gave birth to a girl but he was happy to hold you in his arms. He looked up at your lilac eyes, a combination of his white hair and Alicent brown hair he just couldn't help to cry a bit.
They both swear to themselves to always protect you and your innocence. They turn extremely protective when you grown up close to your marriagable age. Alicent wouldn't let nobody have you. You are HER child and nobody is going to take you away from her even if she have to manipulate you in the process.
Viserys wouldn't let NOBODY Absolute NOBODY disrespect you not even Rhaenrya or any of his family. He feels like he own you, like he's entitle to you since of his inner dragon (per Viserys saying). He would get rid of anybody that do wrong to you, he would even have his guards kill someone if you demand it.
Alicent wants to do as she says. She wants to control you (kinda like how her father did) and not really follow in her footsteps but for you to have a better life then her. She would go a little mad if you get her depending on how mildly it is. If it's a paper cut you'll get caring Alicent if you are seriously injured then you get crazy mad Alicent.
If you want any suitors then they would go through serious questions about them and their house and many other things. If you really like your suitor then they let you marry them only on one rule and that's to kill him if he hurt you in any way.
They would go thick and thin to do anything for you and I mean EVERYTHING. You want this? You can have it! You would get spoiled anytime they can get stuff. Now your suitor on the other hand....
They are just like your mother and father. Another hand to deal with but maybe a less crazy one. Oop nevermind he tried to kill Aegon and Aemond because they was kinda plotting on stealing you away.
He did forcefully get you pregnant and when he heard he was SO happy about it....a little. His plan kinda backfire now you are just giving your baby more time then giving him time with you.
Jealous Boi until you actually give him time in which they just melt in your hand.
Your parents on the other way is happy to have a grandchild despite Alicent having Aegon marry our Helaena and having children. Alicent and Helaena like to make things for them and Viserys just loves playing toys with them. Your brothers are jealous that they don't have their sister love anymore.
When the war started Alicent hid you away and wanted to protect you even if it cost her life. She would do anything to make sure you're safe.
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post-s2. good omens mascot here, coping unhealthily.
This is the first proper post I'm writing since the audio breakdown, good thing I queued a POTC one last week, I suppose. Yes I slept through the entire day today, missed the theatre workshop I was supposed to attend and may or may not be listening to A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square on loop. Have an update on my coping because my social life and family are both Tumblr now:
Every song is about them now. A lot were before, but now every single one. Even an old Hindi song from a 1900s Indian military movie that I have not watched, by the way. But the lyrics (thank you Google translate) are: Everybody wants a handful of the sky, everybody searches for a handful of the sky, there is a world waiting to be hugged to the chest, the moon is a fair full of stars, but this heart is still lonely. And of course that makes me think of Crowley as the starmaker. Ow.
I made the very intelligent decision to rewatch the first three episodes of season 2, knowing what the Job minisode and the Edinburgh minisode do to me. I'll be here clutching Crowley, well, hugging him close to the chest, just like that song... ah, fuck, here we go again.
I listened to you all and am drinking a lot of water, since my tear ducts were emptied yesterday and now I'm unable to cry. I also ate too much chocolate.
I searched for sad Aziracrow edits and watched them. Don't look at me. I'm in a hell of my own creation.
I used too many emotions last night and now I feel hollow and achy. Maybe I should cope with humour and write the summaries.
Or maybe that will backfire and I will be filled with horrifying levels of emotion.
I slept. A lot. Many hours. Lots sleep.
So. Well. You know. Adopted child of divorce. You were all right, this is exactly like dealing with a breakup or divorce, but much more painful.
Someone please, please, please stop me from clicking the Crowley whump tag to find fanfiction.
I remember my initial Good Omens posts. I remember calling the fandom sad, desperate, queer and masochistic, and also pointing out how you all blame Neil and then sit and make headcanons that are a hundred times worse than canon.
I was so right. Look at me now, sad, desperate, queer and masochistic, making headcanons that are a hundred times worse than canon.
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brucewaynehater101 · 30 days
I know there’s a bunch of stuff about Bruce being oblivious about Tim being his parent. I want to see the moment of dawning realization. (This might have been addressed.) I don’t know if it’s a slip of the tongue where he calls Tim “Dad” or someone in the know casually asking Bruce about his parent (referring to Tim and maybe even Bruce answering without thinking about it and then realizing what he said). I want to know if Bruce freaks and tries to establish himself as the parent, only for it to backfire horribly, or if he makes a family tree and stares at it until he starts to have those optical illusions behind his eyes that you get when you look at things too long.
In the Tim is Bruce's parent AU, there is a semi-established point where Bruce finds out. It's after the BruceQuest. I'll go more in depth below, but I wanted to acknowledge that I'm totally chill if people utilize any of the ideas for their own fanwork (and thus have a different "discovery" method). Feel free to write or draw about whatever scenario inspires you most.
Anyways, the semi-established one already cooked up occurs because Tim has a famous reddit account. From years of receiving and then finally giving advice to other parents, he's established himself on a few parenting threads. His account has become something of a legend, especially for his advice with superpowered kids. He hasn't asked for advice for a few years and mainly just helps other parents out. From his past requests and his more recent advice giving, everyone knows that the kid he is raising is quite the handful. The kid sneaks out, gets hurt often, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, destroys things when mad, screams, pushes away others, and isolates. The legend account states that they adopted their kid and, after establishing rules and open communication, have been doing much better with the extremely traumatized child.
Bruce, who's returned from the timestream and realized how important family is (and how much of a lacking dad he's been), goes to reddit for advice. He finds this really famous account with an extremely traumatized kid and realizes a lot of the advice (and perspective of where the kid is coming from) is helpful to Bruce's relationship with his own kids. Tim and Bruce befriend each other unknowingly until Bruce asks for advice that is pretty similar to Tim's siblings.
Tim suggests Bruce implement specific advice to deduce that Bruce is the account he's befriended.
Tim has a mental breakdown for a bit cause of that.
Bruce notices that his online friend is being distant and becomes a bit sad. He's suspicious, but he's trying to respect boundaries now. Besides, this account is at least five years old (Tim is eighteen now and started when he was thirteen).
I don't have quite the method of discovery set, but Bruce finds out both that it's Tim's account and that the "kid" is actually Bruce (although feel free to add misunderstanding shenanigans and angst where Bruce thinks Tim's been hiding his kid from him for that long).
Bruce, understandably, does not take this well. A child should not parent an adult. The fact that Tim did is a failing on Bruce's part. Bruce tries to correct this by suddenly being a parent to Tim (and ignoring some of the advice/habits Bruce has picked up from Tim). This is frustrating for both parties. Tim is an adult and has always been allergic to parenting/authority. He would rather have a fake uncle than a parent who tells him what to do (I know this isn't the actual reason for the fake uncle). Bruce doesn't know how to parent a child like Tim either.
Suffice to say, their relationship falls to part for a bit while they both try to work through the new dynamics and emotions. Tim is trying really hard to let Bruce be a parent to Tim, but it's just not their relationship. Tim has always been the parent. It feels condescending, belittling, and restrictive.
The entire time Bruce is trying to change their dynamics, he's getting the sense that Tim is only letting him do this in the way that a father let's their kid make mistakes or decisions so that they learn a lesson or practice. It doesn't feel genuine.
Eventually, they manage to figure out the new limits of their relationship and new boundaries. Bruce will always be Tim's child, but Bruce doesn't have to acknowledge Tim as his dad. He never did before.
But, yes. Bruce does spend many days after the realization blankly staring in space as his entire worldview shifts, and he goes over every interaction he's ever had with Tim
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hiii !! I love your writing ❤️. If your comfortabke can i ask for marauders comforting reader since they do stuff for others but forget to take care about themselves?
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Summary: They'll always have each other<3. Pairing: poly!marauders x fem!reader Warnings: Reader stops eating, kind of scolding from the marauders but like in a nice way, mentions of being sick. Lemme know if I missed any!! Word Count: 1.5K Requested: Yes
A/N: Made this poly!marauders love, hope u don't mind! Thank you so much, hope you enjoy<3.
Since they met, there was no waking moment where Y/N wasn't offering to do something to help life make even the slightest bit easier for people. Not because she was a people pleaser. No, not at all. She was just that kind. Sirius heard Remus say once that "acts of service" was her "love language".
He demanded to know what exactly that meant and the conclusion was that that's the way their girl expressed her love. And that was okay. James loved to craft little handmade gifts for his boyfriends and girlfriend. Remus tried to spend as much time as he could with them. Sirius wanted nothing but to cuddle with his loves. Y/N/N loved helping them.
Even her friends, too! Lily needed a book from the library but didn't have time to fetch it? Y/N could get it for her. Regulus was having a hard time and needed his comfort food? She'll cook it, it's okay. Her boyfriends loved how sweet she was with it as well, a caring soul that expressed her love through helping.
Until it backfires.
Remus was the first one to notice, ever the observer. "Y'okay dove?" he whispered, looking down at her figure resting on his arm, almost dozing off. That would be a normal occurrence if their history of magic lesson was a bit too boring for her liking, and he'd let her sleep through it since it was one of the classes Y/N excelled in without even trying.
Not the case with potions, and she always tried her best. So yes, this was odd. "Just a bit tired s'all" the girl mumbled back, trying to get up but inevitably snuggling impossibly closer to the boy's arm. "Darling, Slughorn will give you detention if you keep sleeping. Get up for me, will ya?" he muttered once again, gently pulling her up, but she just ended up falling face first on the table.
James looked over at the thud and frowned, directing his gaze to Remus who, wide-eyed, shook his girlfriend's form to wake her up. She was no longer asleep. A thousand possibilities ran through his head. Confusion. Fear. Shock.
"Is everything alright, Remus?" The professor asked, in perfect timing, looking over at his student. "I-I don't know what happened, sir. She was dozing off, and I was trying to wake her up but-" "Let's go. Pomfrey. Now."
Sirius' voice coming from behind him, James already carrying Y/N's limp form in his arms and quickly exiting the classroom in a hurried step. His boyfriend had a habit of overthinking and trying to piece a logical explanation for everything, like right now; why did Y/N faint suddenly? Sirius knew she fainted, and they needed to get help right that second.
Why's and how's would be found later, when their girl was okay.
The couple ran through the corridors, James muttering small "Darling, wake up" and "Stay with me, alright? We're almost there" with Remus and Sirius following close behind, hand in hand as the prior dried some stray tears with the right sleeve of his sweater.
It was all much too overwhelming for him; Y/N fainting, Sirius looking worried which practically never occurred, James talking to his girlfriend's limp body as if she were dead and how he got in his head instead of acting when it all happened.
His boyfriend squeezed his hand, knowing him well enough to realize what was going on in his head. “Remember what Jamie told us the other day? When you hop on a plane, they tell you to place your air-mask before helping whoever needs help near you” He said as the three of them walked through the infirmary’s door.
“Y/N/N needs help right now, but we gotta be okay to help her. Steady breaths for me, baby” he continued, encouraging him to find a rhythm so he could calm himself down. James placed Y/N on one bed and brushed the hair out of her face.
Pomfrey got in action quick as lightning, giving her a potion that would wake her up. Fainting like she did was not normal, not for a healthy person like Y/N, so she had to have her awake to answer her questions.
Her boys sat down on the sides of the bed, James and Remus on one couch cuddling as Sirius held her hand on the other side, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. “My poor girl…” James mumbled, watching over her as Moony dozed off after the energy-draining panic he had.
“She’s been quite busy lately,” Sirius prompted. Maybe she fainted out of tiredness. “Yeah, she wasn’t even at movie night with the girls on Thursday, Lily told me,” the brunette answered, getting where his boyfriend was going. "Hasn't been much with us either, eh?" "Yeah".
They waited for about an hour after Pomfrey gave her the potion before she woke up. All of them stayed there the whole time. It was about 5pm, and they didn't attend lunch, but they couldn't risk her waking up alone. Sirius saw her shifting and stood up immediately, making James and Remus to do the same. Brows furrowed and dry lips, Y/N opened her eyes slowly.
"Hello, darlin'", "Hi babe", "Mornin' dove".
Prongs busied himself with a cup of water for his girlfriend as she returned their greetings. "W-what happened?" She asked, confused out of her mind before sipping on the glass. "You fainted during potions. Poppy said she needs to ask ya some questions." Sirius smiled, kindly kissing her nose to pull a giggle from her. "You've been taking care of yourself, baby?" Now spoke Remus, already sensing what was happening.
"Yes, I-I've been helping Reggie with some stuff for Divination and spent most of my days there, but yes" "When's the last time you ate?". Theatrical silence fell as Y/N tried to recall when did she had her last meal. Around ten seconds passed, and Sirius sighed in frustration. "Shit, Y/N".
"M'sorry, okay!?" the girl whined softly, feeling guilty about it already. "I was busy. Regg needed help..." "That's no excuse for you to not take care of yourself!" The raven-haired boy yelped, anger and worry clear in his tone. There was no way he'd let it happen again. It doesn't matter how much she wanted to help; straight up blacking out for not eating was unacceptable.
James grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Calm down, darling. You too, Y/N. We're just glad you're okay." He pipped in, seeing as tears started to well up in his girl's eyes. Remus sat next to her on the bed, grabbing her hand and intertwining her fingers. "Sirius, could you go get some food for her? See if there's still some. Tell Poppy she's up and we know why she fainted." "Yeh," he mumbled, boots loud on the floor as he exited the room.
"Is he mad at me? A-Are you guys mad at me?" "Nonsense, dove," Remus cooed, laying beside her and letting her rest his head on his chest as Prongs did the same, holding his boyfriend's hand in the process. "We're not mad and neither is Sirius, he's just worried, and a bit frustrated but not mad". Y/N nodded after James explained, kissing both of their cheeks and finishing her water.
"S'not okay you forget to eat, though. We understand how much you like taking care of everyone and help them out..." Spoke the lycanthrope "We love that about you!" Chirped James. "... but you gotta be okay before you help anyone else. Take care of yourself first, then others. We could remind you if you like but this cannot happen again".
She nodded once again, reminding herself of the times her stomach grumbled, but she didn't listen. "Okay" Y/N smiled at her boys. Pomfrey walked over right after and scolded her for the negligence, offering more water and advised to skip the next day of classes to rest. As they got ready to leave, Sirius walked back with an armful of pastries, careful on balancing them and not drop a thing.
Everyone helped him and placed the food on the bed, rounding it so they could share their late lunch. Padfoot sat next to Y/N, and she immediately grabbed his face so he'd look at her to have his undivided attention.
As he looked upon her face, a chill ran through his body as he noticed how pale she was, and he couldn't help but feel his heart break a little as he reached out and held her face in his hands. "I'm sorry Siri..." She mumbled, looking him dead in the eye; a thing they did when one was being dead serious.
"No, I'm sorry. Shouldn't've lashed out at you like that, it's just you- you got me worried and I don't like you ill for something you can control. We'll eat our meals like clockwork now so you don't forget pup, that okay?" The boy proposed, grinning sympathetically at her as she mumbled a small okay before pressing a deep kiss to his soft lips.
The couple ate and chatted, like any other day. Promises were made, too; The boys made a silent agreement on making sure Y/N took care of herself, and she, to be as caring with herself as she was with others.
In the end, they had each other. When fainting, when laughing, when crying. They were together for the end of time and that's really all that mattered.<3
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This is my first time writing poly!marauders so I'm very nervous at how y'all will like it haha. Tysm for reading! Hope you enjoyed
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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faeryarchives · 4 months
savanaclaw with a furina - like female reader!
the "regina of all waters, kindreds, peoples and laws" is deeply loved by all. under her flamboyant and imprudent facade, lies a girl holding an unbearable weight and guilt on her shoulders to save her people. note: as requested and i love furina sm hihi i will also write for other dorms warning: major spoilers for genshin archon quest other fics: heartslabyul with a furina-like reader & i'm not jealous !! & to my beloved & more than words
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-‘๑’- leona kingscholar
"huh? what is the esteemed dorm leader of savanaclaw doing in front of my house?" "... why do you look like you didn't sleep for days? nevermind, take back your pets - they've been following me the whole day and poking me with water." "oh my archons, they like you!"
leona knew different kinds of people, faes and beastmen but never a god! not that you broadcasted it to the world - of course he heard it while grim was chatting away from the garden
so this lion observed your moves and to be honest, you were just like an ordinary person
"what are you doing hiding behind me?" "ahem! you know, i don't really know the forest that much so i would appreciate if i would put myself behind yo- ahhh! what is that?!" "it's just a branch, herbivore. i never knew you are scared of branches."
he actually gained another chess player buddy - he discovered it at the cost of being drenched in water from your water familiars
never he would imagine how on earth did you not go crazy standing in for your archon and acting for so so long? and despite belittling you and your friend group, he couldn't believe his ears when you stood up for him against the other dorms
"what leona did was wrong but how would you feel if all the trainings and efforts were all in naught and overlooked by the people you considered as family? imagine if your fate has already been sealed before you were even born?"
oh, he didn't expect you of all people to do that honestly + not so bad at all so expect a lot of sweets everyday curtesy of this lion
don't tell anyone but with you acting just as yourself and discovering your passions with him as a witness - leona feels proud like a lion watching his cub succeed
extra: you and cheka really go along well to the point that leona thinks cheka might replace him with you someday
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-‘๑’- ruggie bucchi
ruggie trusts his skills in sneaking around and swiping things if needed and he will bet that no one could ever discover him immediately
"after pulling a prank on grim and my salon members, you must think that i am much of a gullible fool?"
now you both did really met at a rough start - the hyena thought you would be more snobbish and not to mingle with people below his level especially after hearing you being a god
but seeing you shielding him during leona's overblot and regularly visiting him during his recovery at the clinic made him questioned his thoughts about you
"why are you always visiting me? i thought you hated me?" "...? where did you get that nonsense? if i do hate you, i would go out of my way to buy these doughnuts for you."
well look at you two now! close like two peas in a pod - you really enjoyed spending time with ruggie because you were seeing the world in a different perspective
having hard time picking your new macaroni menu for the day? no worries, ruggie will make sure you will be able to cook other meals than this. not good with bargaining with sam? hold his groceries, he have this in the bag.
"more interesting trinkets for me~!" "oh you collect trinkets? why didn't you say so?"
omg new trinket collector buddy 🥺 whenever you give him something such as a bracelet or even a hairclip he will wear it like a badge of honor
it's alright to help other students but he is worried that being to kind in nrc might backfire on you
"you shouldn't be too trusting here. i know you just want to help but like your friends said - you should also help yourself at times."
while he might not look like it but ruggie can sense your mood change accurately especially when it involves the topic of your past
this one whole year on nrc might not be comparable to your 500 years of living but ruggie will make sure that it will be the best one
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-‘๑’- jack howl
other than the adeuce and grim team - jack is the person you actually vibe with!
maybe its because his sense of justice and responsibility reminds you of a dear friend back home and it actually comforts you to see it + makes you feel less homesick
this man is very used to his little siblings so expect him to come off as a brotherly vibes + probably makes you an exemption to touching his ears and letting your salon members put some design in his hair
"... do you think these three would be great teammates during magift competitions?"
"hmmm, i must say they do make a great team. what if we bring it up to leona, i think these three will enjoy it very much."
well the dorm leader liked the idea but seeing how they acted during the practice - it's safe to say it is very risky because they only listen to you, jack and leona
ANYWAYS jack sometimes come to the ramshackle dorm just to wake you up knowing you probably stayed up late reading your novels
he tried inviting you to his morning run only to see you the next day already tired and carrying you on his back after one run
"you can't blame me okay! i was born to drama and directing not in running!"
speaking of carrying you on his back he sometimes do it just because he wants to especially when jack knows too well how much you overwork yourself
while he can read you very well, you can also read this guy by the book through his ears and tail movement
"... jack what are you doing here so late?" "…what? it’s not like i was waiting for you or anything." "i never said that though?" "hmp." while he look away, his tail would impatiently wag and hit the wall behind him making you laugh "uhuh, whatever you say. let's go back to our dorms now big guy."
it turns out that while spending the whole afternoon up to evening, jack wanted to accompany you back to the dorm safely - worried that someone is bullying you because you were down for days.
he is not that expressive with words - but just know that jack will always be your friend despite your upbringings or not being open to tell your past, he understands it pretty well
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
sorry for this request, but I love your writing style and all the info you put in♡♡ Also want you to take a break if you get overwhelmed but here's my request.
Can you do Bad sanses + Epic sans x Death god reader? (Basically the reader but they're a god of death to help the balance with Reaper sans since Reader usually offers to help him)
It's absolutely fine, I feel so touched about the compliment..I'm happy that y'all like my work! Hope you enjoy this one, dear requester! ;)
(Nightmare, Dust, Killer, Horror, Cross, Error, Epic, Reaper)
He's very confused at the start to be honest. There's already a reaper, why is there another one?? Was his question, which he (at the end), finally understood.
Holds respect towards you. I mean, you have the responsibility of every dead person, and you never failed. Respect.
Wants to know more about the whole concept of death, but is too busy to focus on it 😭
Is rather surprised that you don't have the 'touch of death' like Reaper, but instead work...kinda like Hades.
Is very jealous every time you help out Reaper. He literally can't stand it, so he just stays in his room to sulk for the whole day. 😂
Very quickly found out that you're immortal, and that mortal weapons don't do shit to your health.
Feels a little unstoppable now that they have the God of Death on their side. (You don't play on sides though, which he doesn't know 😀)
Would love to see how you work. The concept of death always interested him, so he always asks questions about it whenever he has the chance.
Dust is not the type of person to simp over someone so quickly. Unless it's you.
The first time he sees you, he literally can't think straight. Finds you very attractive. (The fact that you're the god of death makes him feel something. 💀)
He feels so disgusted by himself, like... Killer's supposed to be the simp here, not him!
Since he's kind of like a nerd when it comes to monster species, he literally geeks out when you two are alone, but he also can't talk properly to you, because he's so attracted to you. 😭
You once took him to the underworld and he almost combusted right then and there. You found it quite cute how he almost resembled a kid in a toy store.
Dust doesn't like Reaper much, so when he found out that you two work together....things didn't end up very good. 😀
Killer makes fun of Dust constantly whenever you're around, but Dust always makes him regret that decision... (He beats his ass)
He has those heart eyes around you, which is really cute 😭
Everyone knows that Killer will flirt with anything that walks. So of course his first thought was to flirt with you.
He's always close by whenever you're working, which you quickly found out that it's because he's following you, and not in a cute way. (Stalker vibes 💀)
Look, he just has nothing to do, and he's curious about your work.
One time threatened Nightmare that he can use your deadly touch on him, which backfired, since your powers don't work like that 💀 (Nightmare chased Killer for a long time after that)
Is confused on why you're even offering your help to Reaper. (Also doesn't like Reaper 😢)
Calls you weird nicknames, like...'Deadly Cutie' or just straight up 'Dead'
Wants to redo that one scene in Puss in boots with you, but you don't have time for that. He never gives up though.
Uses those stupid cringe pick-up lines. "Is it true that you are death? Because I’m hoping you’ll bring me along." 💀
His first thought was that if he died if he tried to eat you 💀
Horror, in some aspects, kind of reminds you of your dog, Cerberus, so you can't help but treat him as one sometimes.
He's just a hungry killer...so your solution? Feed him the people that died. 💀
After you first gave him the approval to eat the person that died, he's just following you around whenever.
Him and Cerberus don't quite get along, they're both jealous of one another.
The only way you can make them co-operate is if you call them "My boys". Which is doing some things to Horror. 😏
"Ugh..look, I don't want you to do that, ok?! My boys! Come with me." "YES SIR/MA'AM!"
Doesn't mind the fact that you're working with Reaper. He actually likes him! ^^ (FIRST SKELETON TO EVER LIKE REAPER!!!)
He literally runs away, the first time he learns about who you are.
Look, he's just frightened about your position, he doesn't want to die. (For now)
It calms his nerves when he finds out that you don't have the deadly touch. Thank god for that...
Cross takes a little time before he starts to trust someone, so he's very much just keeping his distance at first.
Couldn't help but soften at the sight of you with Cerberus. He's a sucker for dogs, so he lets his guard down, and relaxes while being with you.
This event got you two much closer, as expected, Cerberus like Cross very much! Cross gives Cerberus belly scratches. 🥺
After that, he's always offering himself whenever you need help babysitting Cerberus! He's actually really good, so you let him. ^^
Also doesn't mind that you work with Reaper. Just keeps his distance whenever you two are together.
Is amazed by the fact that you're the god of death.
Observes your work, behavior, anything! Very closely...
He literally becomes your fanboy. (Him and Dust literally talk about you all the time 💀)
His fanboyism isn't as big as Dust's though. He has his limits
Always showing off around you, to make you impressed. Showing off his powers, past, knowledge... Anything that can make you fall for him!
He's the first one to volunteer to help you out whenever you ask.
Scoffed when he found out you work with Reaper. Literally can't stand him, but also can't destroy him, just cause he's popular 🙄
Is so salty about the fact you hang out with Reaper the most 😂😂
Doesn't treat you differently just cause you're a god. Treats you as equals :)
Definitely showed you so many memes about death when you first told him who you are. (He laughed his ass off during it 💀)
Laughed his ass off even more seeing Cross' reaction. Wouldn't stop teasing him after that. Like, you really just ran away bruh?? 😂😂
Enlightened you in the beauty of rubber chicken.
He also flirts with you occasionally, just cause he finds you cute.
He's also the only one that can make you flustered from his flirting, which fuels his ego.
Doesn't even acknowledge the fact that you're working with Reaper. The only thing that matters to him is you bruh. 😏
His pick up lines are actually really good, unlike Killer's 😂
Your bond is very strong, cause you know each other for a very long time. It's going to be at least a million years now. 💀
You're not together, but he's oh so romantic and genuine that others would think you two are a thing.
Gives you roses every day, and you keep each and every one of them, safely put.
Loves the fact that he can touch you without killing you. Almost always having an arm around you. (Look, he's just touch starved! He can't touch anyone, so of course he has his needs! 😭)
Cerberus sees you two as basically his parents, his tail starts to wag every time you two are together.
Isn't jealous of anyone that flirts with you, cause he knows that at the end of the day...you go back to him.
The only skeleton that's bothering him is Dust, but that's cause he literally has heart eyes around you 😭😭
I don't write anyone identical to canon! I write everyone how I Hc them, just wanted to clarify this just in case.
Anyways, hope y'all liked this! Thanks for the request! :D
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luv3rx · 1 year
" Patience "
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─ Taeyong fucks you after getting distracted by you while working on his mini album˚◞♡
─ 1.7k words
─ Smut, dom!Tae, Sub!reader, artist bf!Tae, praises, pet names(Baby and princess), choking, slight rough sex, slight breeding kink?, Unprotected sex.
─ A/n: IM DEFINITELY HAVING THS ALBUM ON REPEAT. ITS LITERALLY SO FIRE. Plus the concept photos literally have me on my knees for this man. Maybe This is just a little drabble. I was writing this at 3-4 am so I was tired asf. this is my first ever smut so please tell me if I did well or better. I enjoy feedback.
Taeyong 🔛🔝
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Taeyong was really hyped about his new album. that's all he would talk about. He would constantly show the lyrics he worked on or would let you listen to the beats.
He would take you with him to every concept photoshoot and let you take some pictures of your own. He enjoys when you show support of his passion and excitement. He always tells your support makes him want to work harder and push himself as far as he can.
Of course he does try and make time for you in between. He wouldn't want to ever leave you out. You were the only thing keeping him moving and giving him motivation.
You were his antidote to keep him pushing and you were all the feedback he needed. No one else's opinion mattered except yours. If you liked it he would continue and if you find like it he would instantly scrap it.
He would constantly insist in using your voice for ad-libs but you would always deny and say you wouldn't want to hear your voice in a song when you already hear it enough. He was very upset about it but did didn't want to push you so he just decided to pay someone else to do itm
“Babyyy! How much longer are you gonna work?! Im bored..” You complained sitting in the lounge chair behind Taeyong in his studio as he was working on another one of his songs for his album.
He was instinctively focused. He hadn't looked away from his computer screen yet. He could hear you whining behind him from one ear being uncovered by the headphones he wore on his head.
“Im almost finished. Just maybe a few more things I have to do. Be patient for me, baby.” He pleaded because your whining was making him want to just quit was doing and go to you but this album was something he had been striving for awhile now. He needed to get it finished, now or never.
“But it feels like we've been in here for hours and I need you..!” you whine even louder stretching yourself out on the lounge chair. You layed your head on the arm of the chair and groaned as he ignored you.
You sit up and watch him glare at you through the glass of the studio mic room. You glare right back him and roll your eyes. You would have been on your phone but he told you to leave it home so you could watch him work and motivate him but that backfired. You sigh heavily and decide to leave. You picked up your shoulder bag and heading towards studio door but the call of your name from Taeyong cause you to turn back around.
“Baby don't leave yet.. I need you.. I can't focus without you..” he implied as he finally removes his focus from the computer and towards you. He fully removed the headphones on his head. He put on his best begging face. He deep down did need you to focus but he also wanted you to just be near him.
“Well your more focused on that stupid computer. i think you need it more than me.. but I guess I'll stay.” You pout and sigh as you walk back over to the lounge chair but Taeyong calls out to you again.
“Dont say that ever and No, don't sit there. C'mere and sit on my lap, since you need me so bad.” He backs his up his chair and pats his lap for to come sit. He was in desperate need to be close to you right now. He was more desperate to be finished and be able to be with you too but he didn't wanna rush. This was an important project for him.
You hesitantly sat on his lap and he instantly wrapped his arms around your waist and held you for a bit. He took in the scent of your perfume and groaned.
“You always smell so good baby. Your making me crave you more.” He whined burying his face in the crook of your neck. His hands held on to your waist as he continued to take in your perfumes scent. He would be lying straight through his teeth if he'd say that this wasn't slightly turning him on.
He was finally able to push away his dirty thoughts and instantly got back to work. You on the other hand was needy for him to touch you and fuck so you decide to tease his a bit. You would slightly just rub yourself against him, to hopefully distract him.
You were slightly shifting on his lap and eyed even his slight movements. Taeyong was clearly unaware of what was going on your head but when you began to rub against he felt his breathe hitch in his throat. His hands stopped moving along his computer. His whole body pretty much came to a halt.
He tried to hold back any lewd sounds that was tempted to slip out. His breathes were shallow as he tried to keep himself focus and ignore any sexual frustration that was getting pent up right now.
“Y/n. Stop and sit still for me. Your driving me crazy right now..” He hissed. Both of his hands instantly went to hold your hips, his nails digging harshly into your hips. He head was hidden in the crook of your neck. You could feel his warm breath against your neck.
“But, Tae.. I need you baby.. really bad..” You whined. Rocking down against him again. His nails dug deeper into your hips as he breathes became more shallow. That's when you felt it. His hardened dick was poking against your covered cunt. He smirked at your sudden mood change when you felt him against you.
“Why so quiet now, baby? You were very vocal about how you wanted me so bad. I'll give you just what you want.” He started kissing your neck and grinding against you. He was mesmerized by the moans and whimpers that left you. It only made him want you more. He was quick to slide his hands up your skirt and rub your inner thigh, he wanted to tease you and make you beg for it.
His hand went higher up your inner thigh just close enough to your cunt. He looked up at you with his lustful gaze. He needed you badly and this was making his just as needy as you. 'Fuck it.' he thought to himself before pushing your panties to the sides and sliding 2 fingers between your folds, collecting your slick. He hummed and sucked your slick in his fingers, groaning.
“I would let you sit on my face but fuckk I'm absolutely do needy to feel that pussy around my cock.” He backs up his chair and makes you stand as he slides down his shorts. His dick immediately springs out from him not wearing boxers. He hissed from the feeling of his dick finally being free from it's containment. He stroked his dick a few times before motioning for you to cmere. He made you hover just above his dick and looked up at you with a big dough eyes.
“Tae please just fuck me..!” You whined slightly sinking down on his dick. You didn't really have to tell him twice. He instantly slammed himself into you. He didn't even give you enough time to adjust as he was instantly fucking in n out of you. He had wrapped his arms around your waist and had his face buried between your chest.
You bounced against him trying to match his utterly fast thrust but failed miserably as he was fucking you like an wolf in heat. He was drowning in your moans, Turning him on more. He was completely ignoring your pleas for him to slow down. He was to lost in his own thoughts and he wasn't gonna stop until your leaking with his cum.
“T-Tae, I'm gonna cum! Don't stop..” You begged. He instantly stopped and pulled out of you. You whined at the feeling of your orgasm being denied and the feeling of being empty.
“What are you-” “Just changing positions, princess.”. He replied after cutting you off. He picked you up and brought you over to the lounge chair and layed you out on your bag with you legs spread. He instantly slipped back into you and started pounding into you once again. He wrapped his hand around you neck while the other held your thigh. He couldn't help but lean down and kiss you harshly. Your lips plump and soft against his.
He pulled away from the kiss and lightly squeezed tighter around your throat. He watched as his dick slipped in n out of your cunt. He smirked when he watched your eyes in the back of your head, clearly fucked out from the way he was destroying your cunt right now. His dick was hitting your cervix repeatedly from this angle.
“C-cum.. I'm gonna cum..!” was all you were able to muster out before you released along his dick. You were completely out of it. Taeyong smirked to himself, proud that he was able to fuck you out of your mind like this. His pace didn't seize just yet. He slipped out of you and quickly slipped himself back in.
You were an total wreck under him from the overstimulation. his pace slightly seized as he felt himself about to cum. He pumped in n out of you a few more times before he felt himself release his seed inside you. He let himself sit inside for a little bit before pulling out quickly and pulling your panties back over to cover your cunt. Even tho it was an amazing sight to watch is seed drip out of you but he wanted your cunt to savor it.
He fixed himself back up and sit on the couch next to you. He knew you were completely out of it and had fallen asleep so he pulled you back into his lap and held you. He wrapped his coat over your shoulders and held you close.
He had completely forgotten about the song he was working on. He was to deep in thought and to focused on you. He didn't want to wake you so he decided to head home later in the morning.
He just sat there and held you. He kissed your cheek before dozing off along with you..
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
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inkyycapp · 6 months
| rayman, ramon & raymesis x reader.
| relationship hcs.
personal song of choice: in my room, by insane clown posse.
i've seen so many rayman edits to this song, it now has him written alll over it. fuuuuuuckkkkkkk. do i write smut? (probably). just take this for now.
| tw:: foul language, raymesis/j, my own hcs, self indulgence, (heavy?)angst, they're all struggling, this is not proof read.
[ a/n:: we need more rayman. i'm still new to writing fanfics(aside my horrid watpad {i forgot how to spell it} phase.) forgive my errors and i hopefully plan to write more of him. he haunts my nightmares(lovingly). i'm ill rn, and wrote most of this in a sleep deprived craze for more rayman. first time writing these characters-- forgive me. ]
i feel like he'd be the type to randomly pinch you especially when he feels like he's being ignored, or when you're 'busy'.
he always does it when you least expect it. sitting on the couch, scrolling on your phone/reading a book? pinch. getting something to drink? pinch. stargazing? pinch.
loves the little reactions he gets from you. giggles over it. i bet he kicks his feet too.
definitely the type to swipe food from your plate when you're not looking, then gaslight you about it.
you're missing a potato wedge? nuh-uh. you're crazy. how dare you assume that your handsome, loving, amazing boyfriend would ever steal from you. the betrayal...(he did it.)
i like to think he enjoys hand kisses. random thought, but i dunno. i think he'd like to kiss your palms as a source of reassurance, and of course receiving the same affection back would probably give him a heart attack. in a good way of course.
or when you're a bit stressed in public and hold onto the back of his hoodie. like slightly holding onto the fabric where it's almost unnoticeable. probably the cutest thing you could ever do in his eyes. (that or giving him a lil kiss.)
silly things aside, he stuggles a lot. his failures that haunt him day in and out, he's scared to know how long it takes before he fails you too.
simple mistakes can lead to him getting stressed or overwhelmed as he doesn't leave any room for his 'failures', even with something so simple as accidentally knocking something over, breaking stuff, etc... he truly believes that you are one mistake away from leaving him.
he tries to be forgiving of all things with consideration of course, but often times it backfires. he has a naïve view that everyone can, and will change. he wants to believe that they will change for the better, even if the person chooses not to change, or to change for the worse. he blames himself when things go south because of that, he wants to give someone a second chance, but sometimes do they really deserve it? he tells himself he should know better by now, and it was all nothing but wishful thinking. very forgiving for others, but the rules don't apply to himself.
be patient with him, and reassure him whenever you get the chance. he really needs it.
his sleep schedule is the most horrendous schedule you will have ever seen. it's teetering between a full on coma, or staying awake for days on end. he loves taking naps, but sometimes he just can't-- he has work to do. remind him breaks are necessary. force him to sleep when he needs it. for his naps(comas), i don't know. cry? if there's one thing that'll wake him up is the sound of you in distress.
rayman is a sucker for pet names. he will be a puddle of goo in you're hands.
you're in another room, and he's just lounging about. the next moment you're calling for him, needing his help with something? he's right there. like right behind you.
lives for simplicity. babe, baby, sweetheart, honey, hun/hon. consider whatever you need done. he's so whipped for you.
he's also pretty good with pda. again, the pinching. public, private, it doesn't matter. that cute little pout on you're face is something he'd kill for.
personally, i prefer the earlier games personality traits as opposed to (i believe)origins. i do enjoy the childish behavior, however i do believe his immaturity does have a limit. (living for soh!rayman.)
definitely the type to crack the funniest jokes at the worst times imaginable. it's his secret talent.
that, and hitting you with a one liner when you're both faced with a terrible situation. except that one liner is just so good-- you have to at least give him credit for that.
huge soft spot for sentimental gifts. always putting them somehwere safe, and when enough time passes, he likes to go over each and every one. reminiscing about all the little things.
[middle child energy.]
'a hot tempered psycho who's looking to destroy rayman's reputation'. not my words-- it's the wiki's.
with canonical anger issues under his belt(?), he's a bit more brash than the other two. when realizing he may like you, he may turn against you in almost violent ways. but, he hesistates everytime. always missing by a hair.
it takes him a while before he'd able to ever consider that maybe being vulnerable is okay-- just this once.
suprisingly a tad bit cautious of 'being nicer' to you, but he's trying his best.
raymesis is a thing-a-majig with a serious identity crisis.
i like to think that the some of the 4-5 vers. of the evil clones of rayman are just him having multiple 'phases'. it's fun to think of.
on a more serious note: he often feels like he's nothing but a lesser-- a shadow of the heroic rayman. maybe he looks up to him in a way, and finds jealousy in how he can just...keep going. how he's able to be so open, and forgive other so easily despite their past transgressions. he finds it unfair: why is it so difficult for him, but so easy for rayman. he's a clone of him, sure an evil clone, but a clone nonetheless. that's where the deep, dark spiral comes in.
linking to that he struggles to be nice, vulnerable, or open with you. he's supposed to be an evil clone of some heroic figure, and yet he's falling over himself because of you. in his own way, he gets extremely upset-- it pisses him off. he tries to be mean to you, but he can't bring himself to do so. he's supposed to be a 'bad person', but hurting you makes him seem like more of a monster than a villain.
this will all take time for him to process, the best thing you can do is be patient, listen to him rant, and just try and be there for him.
you have definitely mellowed him out, just a bit. he's still an asshole to rayman/j.
they're more like bickering siblings who never get along.
do not expect 'family(?)' dinners to go well.
i feel like mr.dark and the nymphs have serious beef with eachother. wwe smack downs every 'family(?)' dinner. always bet on the nymphs.
wouldn't it be cute for the nymphs to treat raymesis like their son too? just adopting him one day without him knowing? scolding him for lighting that one house down the street on fire?
raymesis doesn't like christmas trees.
there seems to be a reoccurring joke in the descriptions that claim raymesis is 'ugly' despite the fact he's a near clone of rayman. this always leaves him in a puddle of confusion with his confidence always shot. please tell him he's pretty once in a while-- he won't accept the compliment, but he'll think about it for days.
he's not used to praise, and can't take compliments. poor buddy.
he definitely bites. a lot.
of course he's a little more careful with you, he still bites now and again. i feel like he's an agressive lover. wanting to squeeze the life out of things he finds 'cute' without ever admitting it.
he has a purple tongue. that's kinda cool. i like to think he probably has a tongue piercing too? i feel like he's the type.
definitely plenty of pent up feelings that he has a hard time expressing.
but pda? oh yeah. lives for it. his hands always has to be on you in one way or another. get's all agitated, and sulks when you pull you're hand away from his to pick something up, or to rummage through your bag. how dare you-- you owe a huge apology.
pet names; babe/baby, sweetheart, creature, mine, stupid/idiot(lovingly). he's very silly with these.
he has a hard time believing you'd ever choose him compared to the hero, rayman. with time maybe he'll learn you love him, and choose him because he's your first choice.
(superiority complex.)
he may not be the best person, but he's at least willing to learn to be better in his own way.
can we all agree on the amount of trust issues this man has right about now? good.
after the betrayal with eden whether you've been in his life for years or not, he finds it hard to put everything out in front. it'll take him some time to rebuild trust after what eden did. and no, him needing to rebuild the trust has nothing to do with you! (i mean that in a good way.) you did nothing wrong(unless you did) in his eyes but, he used to believe eden was his everything. and with that, eden took everything. he worries that with time they'll take you too.
give him reassurance, quality time, the whole mile. remind him you're not going anywhere.
while cuddling in bed(couch, etc) probably the type to refuse to let you go to the bathroom because he doesn't want to let you go.
honestly, very romantic.
he loves fruit, and chocolate covered fruit too.
will buy you some, but steals a few pieces when you're not looking. he's sneaky like that.
also known that he likes sushi, but i feel like he probably has beef with the conveyer belt things. probably a bad experience, or he's mad at it for no reason.
i think he likes habatchi. it's very entertaining.
he's the type to tell the most outrageous stories out of the blue. he's the absolute king of 'i used to know a friend'.
probably kept up with everyone's drama as the news host. stays awake at night thinking about it sometimes.
y'know when someone tells you a joke and you don't get it at first? this is him figuring out what they meant at like 2:30 am.
another terrible sleep schedule. like absolutely horrendous.
he probably has nightmares about his time as a news host. thinking of the lies he used to spread. how much each one impacted someone elses life.
wakes up in a cold sweat. ends up focusing on you're calm breathing, and tries to match it. eventually falls asleep, not before firmly pulling you close to him. even when you wake up, you'll never escape his grasp.
on an alternative route, if you did wake up, he's extremely apologetic. tries to usher you back to sleep. now you're both awake munching on some food watching some shitty trash tv, criticizing why she choose james over percy.
he's not keen on pda. he worries for you're life. it's already a risk for you to be with him-- what if eden sees?
pet names too, but more casual with them behind closed doors. definitely married-couple-core. sweetheart, brat when he's being a pain, or play fighting. hon/hun, baby when he's literally attached to you're hip.
has frequent chronic migraine. enjoys just burying his face into you're stomache and just laying there while you're doing whatever your doing. like a cat.
enjoys the comfortable silence between you two, but small conversation is just as nice.
has guns. you broke a lamp. doesn't let you touch no more./j
he actually prefers you have a gun on your person at all times, even in the comfort of home. you'll never know what could happen when you can't protect yourself.
| the end.
[a/n: sorry it's a little short, but this is my first time writing for these three. addiction is strong, don't do rayman kids.]
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Sorry sorry saw Challengers for the fourth time and just had to write a few things I thought down before I lose them.
This time around I was looking at the characters and noticing their major flaws. Like not actions just character flaws. Art is easy cause the movie points out one major flaw of his, confidence or lack of it. Also I'd say related to this said confidence issue is that he represses parts of himself he's not ready to face and here's where it gets interesting to me, that is one of Tashi's biggest flaws as well. See the first few times I watched it was easy to see the similarities between Patrick and Tashi but now I actually think Tashi is actually more similar to Art.
Tashi and Patrick share an outward confidence but I'd say this is actually in a lotta ways a flase confidence on Tashis part. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to tennis Tashi exhudes the stuff but when it comes to personal relationships? I think she wants the power in them but this backfires on her. With Patrick it's because he won't allow her to have all the power and because their young and bullheaded the relationship collapses. Sure Art had his part in it but that fight was inevitable. When Patrick leaves the room her faces crumples, then she has a disaster during the match. Because I think when it comes to people alot of her confidence is more a false bravado so when she loses tennis on top of that? Well I think she hardens her walls. She won't let people see how vulnerable she is, she represses that part of her.
And then we come to Art. He and Tashi are so similar in the sense that Art, I believe has feelings for Patrick from the beginning. But unlike Patrick he's clearly not ready to face them. Just like he's not ready to face that he's losing his marriage. He's ready to hide in what's easy and comfortable because he's afraid of change and who he really is. I think at the start he'd rather stick with the idea what he and Pat have is just friendship because it's the safer option. I think he doesn't want to lose his marraige because it's what he knows. Art does not want to be left alone and left out, I think when he sees Tashi and Patrick getting closer he panics and messes up, just like Tashi did. Art likes to be safe and have somone else take the lead. When he was young it was Pat, in the present it's Tashi but I think there's something else Art wants that he's not even aware of himself. It's that he's okay having somone be in charge, he just also wants them to see him as an equal. But during most of the movie he can't be seen by Patrick or Tashi as one because he doesn't have the confidence to prove himself as one. And I'm not talking just on the court but in life as well.
Now during the sauna scene I think just like Tashi what's he's putting on isn't a real confidence and surety in himself. It's just a hedgehog putting up spikes because he's afraid, afraid of Pat not because he's threatened but because Patrick inspires real feelings in him and that means looking at a part of himself he's spent a better part of 13 years repressing. He lashes out because he's so unconfident in his old friendship that he can only see Patrick being their as a cruel thing not the desperate reaching out and trying to break down walls between them that it is and so.... Patrick.
Patrick I'd say ironically is the heart of the movie and the group. Patrick's major flaw isn't his ego, it's not his confidence, it's not even his immaturity. It's that he's the most open and honest character in the movie EXCEPT when it really matters. (And sorta his obliviousness🤣) Look Patrick is honest about himself in a lot of ways from the beginning, he actually IS confident in himself at the beginning. He knows he can be a dick. He is self aware. He's more honest than the other two but he doesn't trust them enough to be honest in the real ways that matter.
Patrick clearly has feelings for Art at the beginning but he also either knows or thinks that Art isn't ready to face them and so he doesn't push past those boundaries. They're all over eachother yeah but there's an unspoken thing between them. Art denies it with words but Patrick never does but he also never says it, he won't rock the boat. But then like a child who can't get what he wants he seems to treat Art almost as a toy. Now don't get me wrong not in a callous way but in way that if he can't have Art the way he wants, at least he has the control over him. He's in charge of course until he isn't. He pulled Art's pigtails one too many times and then he's gone to the other person who he loses his relationship with. Tashi.
Pat's right when he says Tashi sees herself in him and she doesn't want to face it. And he's right and that's really what both of them have with him. They see something about themselves in Patrick that they're too afraid to face and so they cut him out.
Now Pat and Tashi are interesting, like I said on paper their the similar ones. And in the a lotta ways yeah. Their both dominant forces and with no Art to balance them they eventually clash. Patrick clearly cares for Tashi but he pushes back when she asserts dominance, Tashi doesn't see him as her peer and he can't stand that. Which is ironic because he (I do believe loves Art) but he doesn't see him as his peer until the end. In fact I think that's what he realises, he begins to in the sauna and it really comes to him at match point. They are all unbalanced, they all have things they need but he needs to level the playing field. Their relationship is a mess because of power imbalance, because of fear and because of dishonesty.
Tashi and Art won't face their true selves. And Patrick hasn't pushed hard enough because he had his own fear. He was afraid of losing them and in the end that fear lost him them both anyways. When Patrick is asked somehting he doesn't want to answer he simply doesn't answer. Tashi asks about them two while Art denies Patrick just looks away. Whenever Art and Tashi are asked questions in the movie they're unsure of they answer with a question. They deflect.
"Who wouldn't be in love with you?"
"What else could I want?"
They. Won't. Face. It.
And so it's Patrick who has to make them.
Patrick realises what they need. They need to be honest. With themselves and with eachother. Cause it wasn't just Art and Tashi who were afraid all those years ago. It was him too. He was afraid he'd lose Art if he tried changing their relationship and brought the unspoken in the open. He was afraid he'd lose his power in the relationship if he backed down in his and Tashis fight so instead he ran away because it was safer. And it all went wrong anyways.
So when he's thinking about pulling the move of laying it all out in the open? It's risky. It's dangerous. It could mean he loses them both all over again for ever this time, but then again... he's already lost them before by being dishonest.
So he faces his own fear. And tell's Art the truth and Art is furious, he's shocked and then he's hurt. He's wounded. Tashi's just confused, knowing something has happened but not fully grasping what. Patrick has laid it all out.. and then? Art smiles. I think Art is relieved. Because this time? It's not like Atlanta, it's no longer a secret between Tashi and Pat because now he knows. He's included and Patrick finally shows he sees him as a peer. Not just somone he has to protect from the truth or lie to. And I think that helps Art breakthrough his own fear and face his true feelings he's buried all this time.
When that match breaks out they take eachother on as equals at last. And Tashi? She must see that they've broken free, they've finally reached that potential she saw so many years ago. And she too might just be ready to face her own self and let go of the pain she's held after losing tennis. She's witnessing something she's missed all these years and I think she probably realises she's missed the relationship between her boys as well because it was that, that helped make them be good tennis players.
I also read that due to touching the net the point may not count so it's truly inconclusive who won but I'll say it again. The match isn't what mattered. Its a game about taking the points that matter. It's game that required the confidence to risk it all and they all did. Patrick, Art, Tashi? They've won.
(All my own opinions and analysis, movie is very open to interpretation! That's why I've watched it four bloody times, I'm obsessed haha)
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vampirenigh · 1 year
Hi!! I really liked your silent treatment writing💕💕 and I was wondering if you could do a version for Kaiser?
Hi. Sure. No problem. Glad you liked it. He is one of my favorite characters. I didn't read the entire manga yet and he isn't in the anime so I don't really know that much about him but I hope the fic got out ok.
And if you have any more ideas or requests just send them. That would make me very happy. And thank you for the request. You're the first to make one.🥳
Characters: Kaiser Michael
Summary: You ignore him because of something.
Warnings: some bad words.
This is part 2 to Silent Treatment. Link here for the first part.
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This argument started because he was flirting whit some girls in front of you to get you worked up because he thought that you were cute when you got jealous. But it backfired because now he got a mad girlfriend instead of a jealous one.
When you two got back home you went directly to the bedroom to get some things in a bag and then headed out to your friends place to teach Kaiser a lesson. While all this happened he was taking a shower so he didn't know that you left so imagine the face he made when he saw that some of your things were gone and you didn't respond to his calls. He started to freak out for a moment because he thought that you broke up with him and that he fucked up real bad. But you wouldn't break up with him just for that right? Right? He started to make some excuses to get his mind off of you but all he thought about was the fact that he made you leave.
He tried to get some sleep but he just couldn't. So in the morning he called Ness desperately till he responded. But on the second he responded Kaiser didn't give him time to say something because he started his ramble. "Did Y/n call you last night? Because she left and I don't know where. It was my fault and now I think she left me!" After Ness was sure that he ended his ramble he was quick to realize that his friend is in some trouble if you didn't respond to him because from what he knows you always respond to the phone. Even if you're busy. Especially to Kaiser. Even if you were mad. "She didn't call me last night. But are you sure that she didn't leave a note or something? If not try calling her friends. Maybe she is there. If not call me again. I will try to call her myself even if she doesn't know me that well." "She didn't leave a note! I searched all night! If you don't believe me come and look yourself! " "Okay.. Calm down Kaiser. This isn't you. I will come over now to help you call her friends."
And then Ness left Kaiser with his thoughts. He wasn't the tipe to worry so much. What is wrong with him? He was the Emperor! But you are his Empress. He can't live without you. But even if he finds you whan will he say? Sorry I was an asshole and I can't live without you? That is not like him... Maybe flowers and a dinner? I thing that is good.
After some time Ness appeared at Kaiser's door and was very surprised to see the disaster that was in his house. Pillows thrown on the floor, the sink full and everything in the places that it shouldn't be. Yes. Kaiser started to turn the entire place upside down just because he couldn't find you. And when Ness saw Kaiser he couldn't believe his eyes. He with eyes puffy and dark from crying and insomnia and whit some clothes that looked like he wore them a week straight. That was very strange because he took care of himself like no one. That really started to worry him. And also amaze him because you are the only person who can make him be like this just from some hours of separation.
So Ness started to help Kaiser call all your friends because Kaiser almost started to scream at every single friend of yours. When they found you Kaiser was overjoyed but it didn't last for long before he was meet with your cold tone. "What do you want Kaiser?" We improved. You were talking to him now. That give him hope. "I want to talk to you. Can you come home? Or wait there. I'm coming to get you. Be there in 10." Then he closed the call, took his car keys and ran to the car leaving Ness with all the mess in the apartment.
When he got to you you wanted to still ignore him but seeing his disheveled state decided to do the opposite. The car ride was silent. None of you knew what to say but Kaiser stopped in your parking lot in front of the house and cuped your hands. "I'm sorry... I should've never done that... I was an idiot for treating you that way... And I don't care if you still want to ignore me or break up with me but please stay a little bit longer... I can't live without you... I think you can see that yourself. " You stopped him mid-sentenced whit a kiss. "I forgive you. Tha fact that you apologized is something very rare from the Emperor. " That made Kaiser smile. "But being serious now. I forgive you. But if you do that again I won't forgive you. Understood? " "Yes Empress. " And then he kissed your hand whit his eyes locking yours.
You knew that your relationship was far from perfect but it was good enough for you. Seeing Kaiser getting so worked up over you made you happy and made you see that he really cares about you even if he teases you a lot.
When you got in the apartment you were meet whit Ness on the couch and the whole apartment extremely clean. And a Ness who started to beg you to never leave Kaiser like this! To leave a note. Because Kaiser put the whole place upside down and he needed to clean it all by himself. You said sorry to him and hugged him action that made Kaiser extremely jealous and kicked Ness out and got you into the bedroom to cuddle.
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blood-orange-juice · 6 months
I think I'm starting to understand what exactly annoyed me in 4.2 storyline and it's not the unanswered questions, it's the things that seem implausible.
Childe's 4.0 infodump already felt ooc and a bit like bad writing (I said it even back then) but I waved it away with "ok, he probably has a Plan, it will be explained later." "He isn't really being ooc, something is just off."
And now I think it's unlikely we will ever learn his thought process or get to know if he had a plan. He doesn't talk about such things.
It's not "they didn't tell us why his Vision malfunctioned" or "why did the Oratrice find him guilty" (I'm sure both will become important to the plot eventually), it's "I didn't get to learn why did he give it away" and "I didn't get to know why he told us all of these things".
Same with Skirk. Why did she feel necessary to tell us all of these things?
Same with giving the Vision to Arle.
It's asking for too much of suspension of disbelief for the sake of just getting the plot from point A to point B and suddenly there wasn't even a real need to do that. The plot could have been fine without any of them involved. This loredump could have been a side quest.
And the amount of disbelief just reached a critical point for me. Sure, I can do some mental gymnastics and explain away all of it (Childe traumadumping and giving his favorite weapon away because he had poor impulse control at the time, Arle not willing to break a potential alliance or weaken her colleague and the Traveler understanding it, Skirk just being Like That).
But the problem is, after a certain threshold I just don't wan't to. For many people the threshold is higher so they still think it's a great story, of course.
It's not a problem of an "ongoing story" as many try to argue, I know I'm perfectly fine with ongoing stories.
Things left unanswered are not a problem. It will be fixed by future patches, I have faith in hoyo here.
The whale just being sad and hungry is somewhat anticlimactic but fits Childe's story flow well. Also I think we learned something incredibly important about how fate/samsara cycles work in Teyvat: the whale didn't need to be connected to that story to make the prophecy come to life. So it's not a problem too.
My fave not getting enough screentime is not a problem either, he got plenty of screentime.
The problem is characters acting in ways that I see as implausible. It breaks the story for me. Ok, so the writers can bend them in any way they want. Why should I still be interested?
I'm thinking of the ways this can be mended by future patches and I can't come up with any. Skirk intentionally feeding us intel for some evil scheme? Seems even more implausible. Arle pocketing the Vision? Not enough screentime.
Childe giving the Vision away because he knew we would see something about him if he gets in trouble? Childe knowing the Vision will backfire if he comes close to the whale with it in his pocket? Ok, theoretically could work but I doubt they'll go in that direction.
I'll be extremely happy to be wrong about it, of course.
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pt XI good omens season 1 finale I'M SORRY THIS IS LATE, I WAS READING FANFIC.
How is this a title I'm now forced to write. Yes, I know it's been a week since I finished episode 6 with you maggots. And today is the day we start season 2. However, I, the Official Good Omens Mascot, procrastinated writing part XI, because I was reading too much good omens fanfiction. Yesterday I do believe I was reading till 3 in the morning. Thanks guys.
Season 1 finale, or whatever I can figure out with my records of the watch along chat, at least. WAHOO.
[EDIT: I'm back at the intro after finishing this post, and I realised this is a very long summary, because most of it is me yelling at you guys. As I typed it I started reliving my rage of last week. Read on if you dare, yes the post is long, and yes the second half is in all caps. THIS TOOK EMOTION. YOU GUYS BETTER REBLOG IT INSTEAD OF LIKING IT SILENTLY WHILE LAUGHING AT MY PAIN. I WANT MY RAGE EVERYWHERE ON TUMBLR.]
Someone puts a message about how Crowley can no longer sense Aziraphale's presence, and again for some reason covers it with black. My reaction is of course horrified, and then everyone tells me to STOP CLICKING THE SPOILERS, ASMI.
So that's what that was. I realise this out loud, and everyone is ready to cry with exasperation. I explain to them very reasonably that while I don't read every message on the watch-along chat, every time there is a black message I assume it's important and I click on all of them to reveal the text.
Realising the spoiler function has backfired, as most things do with me, the chat sighs and everyone goes for a break. Then someone puts another blacked out message about the bookshop, and I react to that, leading to another blacked out message which simply says STOP CLICKING THE BLACK.
Someone says I forgive you, Asmi. I reply with Don't bother, which leads to tears and threats to stab me. The chat maggots give up and we start episode 6.
There is a random flashforward. I don't understand what is happening, but then again, I never do.
Back at the airfield. Crowley walks in, recognises their hubby instantly, and takes charge sexily. Then the Bentley bursts into flames.
Crowley is heartbroken. No one comforts them. When I point this out (read, YELL IT AT THE CHAT IN DEVASTATION) someone tells me that this is how it always is.
Crowley needs all the therapy. Someone says kinder fanfic authors give it to him. LIES, I point out, FIRST THEY GIVE HIM EVEN MORE REASON FOR THERAPY. THEN GIVE HIM THERAPY.
Everyone is yelling about a fanfic called demonology while Adam the Antichrist feels so weird at Aziraphale being inside someone that's not Crowley that he separates them in the First Bigeneration style. Doctor Who is inspired.
Aziraphale like the babygirl he is, tries to girlboss his way through the situation by making Crowley murder the kid.
Crowley and Aziraphale give a half-assed attempt at a father-son (gn) talk with the Antichrist as the world is ending. It is a terrible contribution to saving the world. The Antichrist thankfully has inherent common sense, because he wasn't raised by them.
Aziraphale tries to overshare his and Crowley's meetcute and has to be shushed by an embarrassed Crowley who is trying to keep them alive.
Satan is supposed to arrive. I mistakenly assume Gabriel is actually Satan. Which pleases a lot of people.
Gabriel and Beezlebub talk and blame Crowley and Aziraphale (who contributed exactly JACK SHIT to averting the apocalypse).
I kind of ship Gabriel and Beezlebub after seeing them interact for 30 seconds, which for some fucking reason leads to a lot of reactions and yelling. I want them to be together. Which leads to more yelling. PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY CANON?
Satan arrives. Antichrist disowns him. Through the power of Manifestation, Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking, Adam is now no longer the Antichrist, Satan leaves, none of this happened and the BENTLEY AND BOOKSHOP ARE SAVED.
There is the bus stop scene Crowley asks Aziraphale to move in with him and they hold hands I DON'T FUCKING KNOW BY NOW THE CHAT HAS DESCENDED INTO CHAOS I'VE LOST MY BRAINCELLS.
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jahiera · 10 months
You mentioned in a previous Astarion analysis post:
"But, I think, given his behavior, his casual flirtiness, his "You want to lose yourself in me," (another line I can squawk about endlessly in terms of character analysis)"
I am encouraging you to squawk. I think you've got a really good grasp of his character and I love your posts!
UPDATE***written during EA
@littlemisstrancy Sorry for the late reply! I fell down another rabbit hole of replaying haha.... Aww, thank you! I'm so glad, a good grade in Astarion is a Normal and Reasonable thing to want to achieve. But YES, I find his entire sex scene to be extremely interesting (going off of what Larian said that, paraphrased, nonsexual intimacy with some will mean more than sex with others, because of the nature of the relationship.)
What I find most interesting about Astarion's romance scenes is that the scene itself is remarkably much more syrupy than he, by nature, really is. We can point to, "darling," "my love," as evidence of his tendencies for the dramatics, yes, but given that these are petnames he'll throw out to a Tav he hates as much as a Tav he enjoys, the surface meaning and connotations of dramatic flirtations and even more dramatic pre-sex speeches.... shifts.
The way we filter these interactions shifts because we have to filter what is, at first glance, a typical romance scene, through the lens of the character giving the spiel. If Astarion associates dramatic seduction and slinky purring as simply the easiest way to get what he wants--or, perhaps, more than that, the expectation, the only way for this interaction to occur, because hollow dramatics/play-acting have been likely the only pseudo-""romance"" he's engaged in in the 200 years he's been with Cazador, that changes the meaning of everything, including the line: "You want to lose yourself in me." <- sure laddie, just keep objectifying and disconnecting yourself from the experience itself and repeat the habits of behavior that you've learned from 200 years of being someone else's toy and tool where you weren't even a willing participant in what was happening, merely a mandatory one. that'll be really great. no backfiring here whatsoever.
Okay, sorry, under the cut the rest of this goes because I went off on three different tangents to try and tie them all back together again. This is mostly my background reasoning for above. WHAT DOES THE REST HAVE TO DO WITH TAV. Honestly I'm not sure anymore I started talking and then I didn't stop talking.
It feels like so much of the overarching realities of their circumstances fall away for Tav, but it also haunts the entire interaction with Astarion. Shallow charm. Winning over people. A pretty face opening doors. I'd chalk it up to sexy-video-game-scene-writing if it were any other game, but the other romance scenes aren't nearly so grandstanding and are written I think intentionally to subvert that, so this is an Astarion Thing, and likely goes deeper than that first glance. As it stands, Astarion barely even knows who he is now that he's outside of Cazador's control. "Another thing that I've lost." -- His personhood has been nonexistent, and he's been a tool, and he's been, for lack of a better word, dehumanized to the fullest extent for an insurmountable amount of time. So of course the thing he learned best is that the easiest way to get what you want, or get what you need, is to be easily projected unto. He can't keep the facade up for very long, I don't think, but in that scene his "don't ask too many questions just look at how hot I am" mindset is fully on to me.
The thing is that his circumstances with Tav here are entirely different than the ones he's been in before, but just because the circumstances are different doesn't mean that the behavior will be different, or that habits formed out of severe distress/torture in his own words will be so easily let go of. My ULTIMATE POINT is that charm and flirtations are things Astarion clearly separates from himself and his actual beliefs, and he treats what we conceive as "charming" behavior fairly flippantly--once again, that "my love," means... not... a lot. we just met 2 weeks ago, pal. And I don't think he's interested in using it like that anymore, because he's not making a super great effort to be perceived as likeable. It comes out mostly in scenes where flirting and charisma are expected of the interaction and then they're pushed to their most exaggerated format, when he isn't actually typically like that in other conversations. Dramatic and foppish, yes, and enjoys ridiculousness in several formats, yes, but not nearly so egregiously saccharine, at all.
If he is starting to give a fuck about Tav, or even the group, that's something else to grapple with, and it's still at this point I think partly wrapped up in the idea that Tav makes for a "good ally." His scenes where he says: "we're more alike than I thought" "You're stronger than I gave you credit for," feel more genuine and honest to me in some ways than his sex scene speech. His fondness for Tav and his idea that strength/power/security can be found by sticking close to Tav can be true at the same time, in an interesting dance between his growing connection to them and his general ideas on people, power, and control.
So secondary: is Astarion a manipulator who's using this sex scene to control Tav emotionally and that's what he's got going on here? Eh... maybe yes and no? He wouldn't ask Tav if he wasn't interested--as seen by how he'll shut you down if he can't stand your guts. If he's using sex for that, it's up in the air, open to interpretation, depends on your HC, I can see both interpretations and I'm not going to claim one is more true than the other, since there's evidence for both "manipulating" and "not manipulating" and to me, the truth falls somewhere in the middle. I'm sure the thought has probably crossed his mind, but I don't actually think he's good enough at charm to follow through on that, which I will now elaborate on in INTRICATE detail....
Astarion isn't actually concerned about being likeable, or wanted within the group--or, rather, he may be concerned about it (because there's both safety and danger in a group setting), but he also isn't concerned about it enough to not advocate entirely for self-preservation and selfishness at generally every turn. He also isn't concerned about winning over the group enough to abdicate his firmest belief: that the tadpole is an advantage they should use, and a power he intends to keep.
And, if you relent to the group, he calls you spineless in the face of everyone else. So he's not afraid to insult you, Tav, either, certainly not to preserve some loose semblance image of ""charming,"" which he's already really bad at maintaining in general, because his brand of everything can just as easily piss people off as compel. Bad taste central.
Hell, his intro scene displays this best: He lures you in with a silly little lie that makes him sound weaker than he is ("You can kill it, can't you? Like you killed the others!") and then he strikes when your back is turned. Shallow charm is an accessible tool, he doesn't have the patience for long-lasting plots or extended slinky charm. Or if he does, and he's been manipulating all of us, he's not doing a great job, since half the party is making faces at him the whole time. Buuut....
During the mirror conversation, if you tell him vanity is a weakness:
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(Text - Astarion: It's an indulgence, I'll grant you, but a weakness? A well-presented face can open a lot of doors.)
There is an awareness of beauty and charm that Astarion references often. He isn't really afraid to objectify himself for his own means, or being perceived as weaker than he is (except in certain circumstances). He knows these things are quite relevant, socially. Beautiful people are treated better. Beautiful people typically can get away with more. Actually I could probably approach this from a Class and Wealth related lens too, because his history as a magistrate probably also influences this mindset a lot, but that is. a THIRD separate essay.
He seeks to be strong enough to beat Cazador, at least partly through the same means that Cazador himself uses. The tadpoles give us absolute authority, in the end, and Astarion has zero qualms inflicting onto others what was inflicted onto him when we use them. But prior to the tadpole, what tools did Astarion have at his disposal? Very few, and most of them revolved around empty charm, quick-thinking, and trying to predict unpredictable moods and then enduring whatever came of those moods. That hollow charm falls under these kinds of tools, which gave him very short-term influence over at least the people he would lure back to Cazador. Likely the only form of control or power he had within all of that, and where he himself was without control as his entire being was under someone else's thumb. And those habits will likely persist for awhile, until he relearns who and what he wants to do and be outside of Cazador's purview. Which could mean anything, this is not to make him sound softer than he is or sweeter than he is. His vainglorious bitch syndrome is 4D chess of truth and not truth, empty cloying, vicious lashing out, and 10 degrees of identity issues wrapped up in all of that, so it's difficult to pin down just one thing as Real or Not Real, and I don't think even he knows what's Real and Not Real right now.
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vnmpior · 1 year
oooo can I request angst w keith? Maybe unrequited love ? Like reader and keith are childhood friends or sthm.
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I ACTUALLY HATE WRITING ANGST. but it has to be done. i'm finishing writing a smut for him so 🙏I'LL TAKE THIS ONE. hint of klance?? really implied klance??. tbh i might make a second part if enough people want it
not proofread/really short because im ass at anything other than romance and smut
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today was the day.
you straightened up from where you were sitting on your bed, holding a little letter in your hand. a letter you would give to keith if you were too scared to even say it straight to his face.
"i like you." it read. you slightly cringed at how it sounded like a middle schooler's confession letter.
but it was straightforward and got the point across. if it backfired, you could always make up some crazy backstory to the note, but you were sure it wasn't going to get to that point.
you were hoping it wouldn't.
you and keith have been basically tied together for as long as you could remember. you went through elementary school, middle school, and even the garrison academy, until he eventually dropped out.
somehow you had managed to follow him into space. a chance of fate, that one night you managed to follow lance and hunk and pidge.
now basically a medic, since you weren't meant to be a paladin and this was the best job you could fit into. and so far, you've been having the time of your life for the past few months.
of course, that didn't mean you were entirely relaxed all the time. it seemed way too often that one of the paladins have to come to you to fix up an injury they had received, either on a mission or even just practicing. keith was your most normal visitor, and you definitely weren't complaining. (but you were always worried for him.)
letting out a huge sigh, you stand up from your bed and make your way to the door, it sliding open once you were in close proximity. you began sweating as thoughts raced through your mind.
what if he genuinely doesn't like you like that?
what if this ruins what you guys have been building up for years?
what if this disgusts him and he never talks to you again?
what if he does something worse than him saying "no"?
you shook your head. you weren't too confident, but you also weren't going to dampen your mood. all you have to do is go up to him, hand him the note, and wait.
you were about to go search for keith, when it turns out you didn't have to move at all. he was making it down the hallway, and he perked up a little when he saw you standing there.
"hey, i have a question," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck when he had finished jogging towards you.
he noticed the envelope in your hands, but paid no mind to it as you gestured for him to come inside your room.
"so, what do you want to talk about?" you held off on confessing, opting to hear him out first since he did come looking for you, and you were curious. you placed the envelope on the drawer, right next to a picture of you and keith as kids that you had always kept on you.
he slumped onto your bed, letting out a big sigh as you could see he was struggling to find words for what he wanted to say.
"i don't know what to tell lance."
"tell lance?" you questioned. maybe he needed your advice to just talk to lance about something important.
"well. . ." he hesitated.
"you can tell me anything, keith," you made your way over to him and sat next to him.
"i don't know how to tell lance i like him."
you sure as fuck weren't expecting that.
your jaw dropped, and keith watched as you turned away from, not wanting him to see your glossy eyes.
"w-well." your voice cracked, you quickly covering it up with a cough. "sorry, allergies."
when you finally faced him again, you saw him looking at you questioningly. "you alright?"
"yeah, yeah." you rubbed your eyes as if they were itchy, playing into the 'allergies' cover-up. at least he won't ask why your eyes were red and teary.
(but you knew he was smarter than that.)
"hm, well." you tried not to think about it too hard, lest you start tearing up again. "just be bold and do it. you miss all the shots you don't take."
very ironic.
he grunted as he sat up. "as if i haven't been telling myself that for months.
you've been pinning for a man who's liked someone else for months. all those years of childish infatuation down the drain. all the years of thinking about a future with him.
you wished you never met him.
quickly standing up so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall, you excused yourself.
"i have to use the bathroom. sorry keith, i'll see you later." right before you left, you turned your head at an angle so you could see him from the corner of your eyes.
"and remember, what could go wrong?" everything went wrong for you.
but you couldn't be mad at him. you were mad you didn't see the signs. it's not his fault he wasn't in love with you, and there was nothing you could do to change that. the most you could do out of love for him is hope that him and lance get together.
the door shut behind you, leaving a very confused keith on your bed.
he also made his way to the door, trying to build up confidence to ask lance out. his eyes trailed to the picture of you and him, and he smiled. he loved you like a sister, and couldn't imagine losing you, although you did seem a bit more distant after he. . .
he realized.
looking at the letter you left on the drawer, he saw that it was addressed to him.
he didn't bother opening it, because he already knew what was in it.
"fuck," he ran a hand through his hair. you were the last person he should've asked for advice. rushing, he went looking for you.
you on the other hand were in a random hallway, rubbing your wet face to make it look as presentable as possible before you went to the training deck to work out all your feelings. is it a healthy coping mechanism? probably not. but you didn't care.
how did you not see the way the two of them interacted? they were obviously a lot closer than with the other paladins. you were stupid.
never would you ever be blinded by hopeless love ever agai-
"something wrong?" you lifted your head to see shiro gazing at you worriedly.
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part 2 with shiro!?!?!?
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tossawary · 5 months
Pet peeve / squick regarding "safewords" in sex scenes is when the author throws them into the story when 1) there has been NO build up to this, and/or 2) there is NO accompanying discussion or even brief negotiation of any kind, and/or 3) it doesn't have any relevance to anything afterwards.
Like, it is not sexy to be hooking up with someone (possibly for the FIRST TIME, what the hell) and they say apropos of absolutely nothing: "Your safeword is [insert random word here]." Because HOLD UP. Red light. Do not pass Go. What EXACTLY do you plan on doing here that makes you think we need a random safeword? Are you not going to just stop if I just say "stop" or "slow down" or "pause for a second, please"? Let's talk about this.
It's like the author is throwing this in there because they've picked up the idea that safewords are a necessary part of depicting "A Good, Safe, Consensual, Normal Sex Scene"? Or they want to feel like they're writing something "Kinky and Exciting"! Without interrogating what a safeword is actually for or why specific characters in a fictional story might be using them? And what this interaction as depicted now suddenly says about these characters and this relationship?
If this is supposed to demonstrate how "caring" a character is for another character's safety, how "thoughtful" they are, it really doesn't, especially if they don't even wait for their partner to AGREE to this safeword. That's... not great. It's bad.
I don't think there's necessarily a wrong way for real people to use safewords if they've worked out a system with their partners (really not my business); and I really don't think fictional characters need to be depicted as good examples of healthy behavior and safe choices for the audience. Maybe the characters are into this lack of communication for whatever reason! Maybe this is due to a lack of experience or bad experiences in their parts! Maybe this intentional lack of negotiation is going to backfire on them somehow! We explore all kinds of interesting things within fiction and I think it's reasonable to expect an audience to form their own opinions on a scene.
But it feels REAL WEIRD when this specific element is thrown into the mix of a story as nothing worth mentioning during or afterwards, with characters I wouldn't have expected any of this from, without any greater purpose, and as though most people wouldn't be really confused or weirded out if their new partner suddenly tried to assign them a safeword in the middle of sex. It's weird! It's so weird! My opinion is that safewords get fumbled as a concept by authors a lot.
Also, there are some characters where I'm like, "They would not fucking say that. This person does NOT have the sexual education to even know what a safeword is, much less the self-awareness to think that they might need one for any reason."
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twsted-kinks · 9 months
Hello!! What do you think about writing something about Leona/idia wanting you to hold their dick as they pee? thanks <3
👀 ooooooo yes yes yes love love cjxjxjdjdjd
Fuck holding their cock while they piss? So fucking good yes I can absolutely write something.
Holding Their Cock While They Piss
>minors and ageless dni<
Content Warning: piss, exhibition, public urination
Gn reader in an established relationship with each (separately or not your choice)
Leona is an absolute piss fiend. Him marking you, you marking him, him peeing in public spaces just cause he can to stake his claim. You know the garden is one of his favorite spots to piss. That's his sleeping spot, that garden is his. Anyway, you're all for piss too and together you and Leona are the biggest piss sluts.
You holding Leona's cock while he pees is now a everyday occurrence. Ruggie loves it cause Leona used to just piss himself but, with you there, you take out Leona's cock for him so he doesn't soak his pants. It does eventually backfire though cause now you're basically responsible for Leona's dick. If you are not there to take his dick out, Leona will piss on himself. If you are there, he's expecting you to take his cock out for him to piss.
In the garden, in bed, snuggling or standing, he nudges you and that means take his cock out. If you don't take his cock out he's either pressing his clothed cock against you and pissing or laying on top of you and pissing.
When you do hold his dick, you have a lot of control. Yeah, Leona controls when he starts pissing, but when he starts he doesn't stop. You can point his cock wherever you want. You want a drink? Just hold his cock and aim for your mouth. You want to soak him? Yourself? You have full control and he won't stop you.
This is your life. You making out with Leona, his cock in your hands as he pisses, it's the life.
Does Idia love piss? Yes. Is he a shy pisser? Also yes. It took a long time to get him to the point he can pee with you looking at him. It took a lot of soft praise, gentle kisses, him crying as you held his cock for him to finally pee in front of you. Idia absolutely loves it and is so flustered and denies how he absolutely melts under you.
One day though, Idia is actually outside in the real world and needs to pee. You can tell the signs easily, and you can see the panic he has. He can't use a public restroom! What if someone else is in there? What if someone hears him pee? No, he'll just hold it in for a couple more hours. He can totally do that. No, his thighs are not pressed together. Stop looking at him!
It takes some convincing but you eventually get him into a bathroom stall while he keeps whining he can't go. You sushing him and telling him it'll be okay finally gets him to calm down. You have him lift the bottom of his jacket up. You undo his pants and pull his cock out. His hair is pink and his face is red, but he's eventually able to pee. You hold his cock and have to keep it pointed down because he gets hard very quickly. He's practically sobbing as you begin stroking his cock as he finishes up peeing. It doesn't take long for him to cum either.
Now, if Idia ever has to pee while out in the real world, you have to go with him to help him pee. If you ever refuse he will cry.
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