#they dont appear as their characters much to my irritation
prozac-shaped-urn · 11 months
iiiiiii had a midday nap and this is what happened inside my brain during that time so maybe sit down and have a stiff drink at the ready cuz this shit is wild
AIGHT *clap* SO
when i dream it's usually not super vivid and i usually don't remember them but if it's a midday nap dream, IT'S BOTH
people: myself, j smith cameron (as herself), jean smart (as herself), and @marlboro-cowgirl (also as herself lmao and hereafter abbreviated as MC)
setting: what i'm assuming is jsc or jean's house i have no fucking idea but it's a really super nice house somewhere in cali, a bowling alley (this shit is wild i'm telling you), and a liquor store
dream starts out with me hanging out with jsc and jean in a very nice house. we're chillin out, doing nothing, listening to music and reading books. it's bright outside and i walk to a window to look at the ocean. jean asks me if i want something to drink and i'm like "nah i'm good, but i'm kinda hungry" (great manners katy) and jean's like "okay yeah! i can heat something up" and then jsc pipes up "i could use a drink though" and i giggle like roman roy for whatever fucking reason and jean goes "all i have is diet coke and water" and jsc shrugs "either is fine, just mix it with vodka"
so jean mixes jsc a vodka diet coke (ew) and hands it over while i'm staring at them like i'm watching some kind of live-action disney film. like my eyes are full of wonder and curiosity. oh, they're also in sunbathing attire. like floppy hats and sunglasses and sarong wraps n shit (idfk stay with me) so naturally i'm looking at all the places i shouldn't be bc ~in my dreams i can do what i fucking want~ fuck off.
jsc takes a sip of the vodka diet coke and winces like it's disgusting bc guess what IT IS jsc you fuckin weirdo. and then jean's like "you said mix it with vodka" and jsc's like "yeah but i didn't realize it would be this gross" and jean's like "we can go to the store but i have a bowling competition in an hour" and jsc is like "okay just get something else on your way back" and jean's like "alright fine whatever"
(side note: jean is an avid bowler so this part makes sense to me now that i'm thinking about it.)
that part of the dream ends and we do a DISSOLVE TO: transition like a goddamn film to the bowling alley and i'm there with jean and @marlboro-cowgirl (i have no idea babes my brain is fucked up as you are FULLY aware of) and jean is bowling her ass off and MC is smoking her vape while i'm eating a burger and fries and dr pepper. jean gets done with her streak--bowls a turkey--and sits down to join us. MC is like "great streak! you're super skilled at that." and jean's like "thanks :) you shouldnt be smoking." and MC goes "yeah… but it's better than other shit i could be doing. like heroin. or growing a baby." and jean doesnt know how to respond so she just nods her head with raised eyebrows like *yep these kids are fucked upppp* and then she's like "should we go get j something to drink? it's getting late." and i nod and MC is like "yeah let's fucken roll" LKDALDKJFAL DKFJADL so we leave and go to a liquor store
the three of us peruse the aisles and grab whatever the hell alcohol we want. i get smirnoff green apple and goldschläger, MC gets tennessee whiskey and cranberry juice and some high quality brand of rum i cannot remember the name of, and jean grabs a bottle of chinaco tequila a six pack of regular coke and a six pack of sprite. we go to the checkout stand and pay for our drinks and head out to the car (we're in MC's challenger for some reason--probably the turbo orgasm on wheels engine. also no idea how we got to your car since jean and i supposedly left in hers DREAMS ARE WEIRD OKAY) and head back to the nice house
we get to the nice house and unload our shit on the kitchen counter and jsc smiles and nods her head in approval at the selection before her and pours a hefty shot of goldschläger and downs that bitch like a P R O no grimace to be seen anywhere on her face and jean stares at her like she's just eaten a cockroach. jsc shrugs like *what?! it's good!* and jean just shakes her head in bewilderment. i'm grinning like the village idiot at this whole thing and MC is gnawing on her vape and looking at me looking at them with the most exasperatedly amused expression.
so MC takes her booze and juice and leaves the three of us to our own devices (thanks a lot babes lmao) and i'm in this house with jsc and jean and they're trying to outdo each other by taking shots of tequila, vodka and goldschläger and not making faces. like…… a LOT of shots. jsc gets giggly drunk and jean has to sit down on the kitchen floor bc she's spinning so much. i take a few shots in the there too (vodka or goldschläger only bitch) so i'm also kinda giggly drunk and i go to put the vodka in the freezer to keep it cold and jsc stops me with a hand on my arm and chastises me like my fucking mother "NEVER put alcohol in the freezer." and i'm like "uhhhh why? it's where i store my vodka." and she goes "it worsens the taste. keep it room temperature or in a wine cooler." and i'm like *mkay so #1 that was hot. #2 yes ma'am i will keep my vodka on my counter. #3 i'm too drunk to try and hide any smirks or wandering gaze* so i just straight up stare at her cleavage and nod like a mute idiot.
i go sit back down in the chair i was in earlier and start listening to music and jsc and jean do whatever in the kitchen and then i woke up.
moral of the dream: this grit fic has permeated my subconscious, jsc posting that "party at gerri's!" tweet yesterday evidently did something to my brain, and i should never put alcohol in the freezer.
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kalims · 2 years
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "do I like you? is that even a question?"
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you like me, don't you?
heartslabyul : savanaclaw : octavinelle : scarabia : pomefiore : ignihyde : diasomnia :
note. woooo the long awaited diasomnia part! it took a little longer since I got busy the last few days + my booster shot 😭
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"my child of man. have you not realized earlier?"
malleus smiles at you fondly. there's not a smidge of irritation on his voice, and when you look into his eyes there's nothing other than clear satisfaction. you wonder how much patience he had to deal with you remaining oblivious to his 'courting'.
well it was fae culture so you had no idea he was trying to woo you until lilia commented about it so you can't exactly blame yourself for your ignorance.
though it doesn't seem like malleus minds either way, he even looks like he'd wait a thousand years till you'd realize his love for you.
still. you can't get rid of that embarrassment so you smile sheepishly. your "sorry. but dont you know that as a human I can't tell that you're courting me with your ways?" he blinks. ah, he really did miss the human part. you can't help but smile at his innocent pause.
he looks away slowly. "my apologies. it appears that I have failed to take that into account." he sighs. looking a little gloomy. "but I believe—"
malleus kneels right at your feet while you still in suprise. he places a languid kiss at the back of your palm, then settling it right under the side of his face. he looks serene, and certainly relaxed. "—that this works for humans as well." he finishes.
you wonder what his people would think if they saw their prince kneeling to the likes of you, a human.
lilia gives you one of his charming smiles. a little unsettling on first glance but you've grown to like his smiles."heh, wouldn't you like to know." there's a mocking tilt to his tone, still. you know it's more on the lighthearted side rather than of those with negative intentions.
from his previous position. which was doing his usual 'hanging from the ceiling' he leaps down skillfully, swiftfully. but you ought yourself to be less suprised when he's probably done it more than a hundred times.
he lands right next to you, and smiles a little more genuinely. "truth to be told you really have charmed me, my dear. so I suppose your words hold the truth." for instance lilia leans in, holding a sly grin.
perhaps it's his cheeky behavior at time that drew you in. or the surprisingly deep voice in contrast of his appearance. either way you really adore lilia but... sometimes he has no filter, and you don't know if you should appreciate it or not.
you cover the bottom of your face with a hand, a bit stupefied at his direct confession. "my hearts racing." you clutch your chest. if it wasn't out of your usual character you'd start smiling in giddiness.
oh wait.. or not. you hope your friends really just don't see the times you'd actually do that unconsciously..
with surprising care despite how easily he was able to. lilia removes your hand from your face, and gazes into your eyes with a somewhat triumphant look. "don't hide your pleasing face to me."
as usual. you look to the side when silence is the only response you get, the only sight you see is silver leaning against the tree. his breathing is slow, at ease. along with the fact that he's leaning to the side due to him forgetting he's putting too much weight. it's an indication that he was fast asleep.
you blink, and sigh. not really sure if you'd get another chance to get the courage to say those risky words again. "oh.. he fell asleep." you murmur to yourself more than anyone in particular.
the grass always looked comfortable so you just plop down next to silver as you see nothing else to really do, plus.. it was starting to get boring staring at nothing. you lay there for a couple of seconds before turning your head to look at silver.
coincidentally his little future accident already happened. the weight on one side made silver fall, luckily for you it was opposite the direction you turned which meant you got a front seat at silver's face.
you don't know how much time passed while you admired silver's features shamelessly, from his unfairly long, and curly lashes, the random shifts whenever he was asleep.. you could do this all day, he was beautiful when he slept like this.
he kind of reminded you of sleeping beauty. you pause, didn't sleeping beauty wake up from a true love's kiss? you might as well be named the world's biggest clown for thinking this is gonna work.
the intrusive thoughts just won. this is wrong. you think as you lean over silver's sleeping face. he isn't consenting to this.. you grumble, stare in conflicted, and close your eyes to pretend he doesn't just exist.
but still his face pops up in your mind. curse you silv— you open your eyes immediately at the sensation of a flutter on your lips.
you stare confusedly as you rise up on your knees, and look around. what the heck? seriously freaked out you stand up to take a further scour on your surroundings.
but then there's a firm grip on your wrist. silver is staring at you when you look back, the sleep still evident in his eyes. "hey don't leave. I like you too so don't leave okay?"
"you humans are getting too full of yourselves."
alike lilia. with no filter whatsoever sebek practically spat the sentence looking eerily calm. if there's something scarier than a prominent angry sebek screaming around in rage it's this one.
probably cause you can't get a read on him from his scarily cold eyes. you think you'd rather have your yelling sebek back in exchange for this out of character one cause it's making you think that everything you did was a literal mistake.
you put up a forced smile before it drops, and comes back up the second later. "uh well it was—" you instantly silence yourself when the space between sebek's brows starts to dwindle.
you can't believe if you're hallucinating it but you swear there's a big, fat, pink blush right on sebek's whole face. there's literally a nerve that he popped seemingly trying to contain the vicious blush he was fighting against.
oh. so that's where his spirit went, it was fighting the blush.
"BESIDES! I can't say that your words are a... half!.. lie..."
save it for sebek to somehow squeeze in a fraction of denial for the fact that he actually does like you as well. if he hates you so much like he had previously claimed then even you don't know where his feelings appeared from.
... if you could go back to the past and tell sebek his previous self your predicament he'll probably blow a fuse.
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mx-darling-1 · 1 year
Hello, I can ask for a request.. I could make a fanfic where all the Welcome characters appear in the real world, mainly in the reader's house. Now they and the reader have to share a house and try to find some way to send them back to their world... I think it would be cool for a story
(Bonus: maybe while changing channels on TV, they come across another puppet show)
That could be really interesting! I'll see what I can do! Tw: Wally has seperation anxiety and a minor panic attack
Wally Darling x GN reader Real World Jealousy
Its been a couple weeks since the characters from your favorite childhood tv show suddenly appeared in your house. Youve slowly been getting used to it, although its been hard hiding them from the public eye. Well, Barnaby is 8ft tall after all. Its much easier to sneak Wally around, so you often spend more time with him and Julie. Although, and you would never tell the others this, you definitely preferred spending time with Wally. He was always your favorite character and you guessed that just bled into adult hood.
Over these past couple of weeks Wally had begun to cling to you. As soon as he appeared in your home it was like he already knew you. And, little did you know that he did know you, he's watched you since you were little, and you were always his favorite watcher. The longer he got to be by your side, the more he craved your attention. It was the most important thing to him now. And he almost felt guilty, all his friends were trying to figure out how to get home, but he never wanted to leave. He would even get irritated at his friends whenever they got to close to you or took to much of your attention, overall he seemed very snappy to everyone but you. You didnt seem to notice at all, until the day you were just flipping through some TV channels.
You didnt think it was a big deal, flipping some channels just to find something to watch. Wally was getting some beauty sleep and you were on the couch with Julie and Barnaby. They usually enjoyed more childish shows so you were scrolling through one of the kids channels when you came across Sesame Street, without really thinking about it, you put it on the TV to watch. You notice the tone in the room shift and suddenly a door from somewhere behind you slams open hitting a wall. Your head slams back as you look for whoever slammed the door, only to see Wally staring at the screen in absolute disdain, and you couldn't get over how terrifying it was. Wally never stopped smiling, but it was obvious that he was pissed as he walked over to the couch.
Wally just grabbed the remote, turning the TV off before turning back to look at you. "Sesame Street? Are you trying to replace us neighbor? Why would you want to replace us? We are supposed to be your favorite! I'M supposed to be your favorite!!" His voice was becoming more frantic, and you didnt even notice all the other puppets leaving the room as Wallys actions became desperate, walking closer and closer to you. He grabbed your hands, staring eye level with you although you were seated on the couch and he was standing.
"Wally...hey now..." He became even more desperate, pleading with you. "Please [Name], please dont leave us. Please dont abandon us. Dont abandon me..please please plea-" As tears streamed down your face you pulled Wally closer to you, causing him to go limp in your arms. You couldnt help this overwhelming sadness that took over you as you became desperate to help him, your favorite Wally Darling. "Hey, Wally. I'm never going to leave you, I will never replace you. For you and your neighbors, Welcome home will always be my favorite. No silly puppet show is going to change that. And you will always be my favorite, my Darling. So please Wally, never think like that again." Gently you grabbed Wallys face and placed kisses across it. You could feel Wally melting in your arms as he smiled up at you. "You really mean it neighbor?" You nod softly, smiling at him as you see his lovesick relieved expression. "Of course, and I'll always mean it Wally, even when you guys find your way back home."
Im not too sure how I feel about this one, but hopefully it lived up to expectations! Its a bit short since i wrote more but tumbler deleted it😭
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httpsv33 · 11 months
Banana Fish characters with a s/o whose cat never leaves their side.
Okay so this is the first request I received! I really enjoyed writing it since I have cats myself! For that wonderful person who asked for it, I hope it lives up to your expectations!
The requested was the following:
'Okay so can I request something with Ash, Eiji, Shorter, and Yut Lung with a partner that owns a pet cat and when they visit the reader the cat goes to them and just wants to be with them gn reader please if you dont mind'
Warnings: very mild cursing (once), gn reader, fluff, cats, physical affection.
Ash Lynx:
“Just admit it, the cat likes me better,” said the blond with a playful curve on his mouth. You crossed your arms before your chest and refused to say a word, slightly irritated by the constant teasing you had to face every time the boy visited your apartment. “C’mon, don’t be upset” he chuckled, a teasing tone still stuck to his words. “I’m not upset, take the cat so he can live with you since he loves you more than me, who, by the way, feeds him every day”.
To be honest, you weren’t that bothered by the cat’s cuddly manner towards your partner, in fact, you found it kind of sweet, but being a bit dramatic was a common dynamic between you and Ash.
“Come here, dumbass” the boy approached you with the cat between his arms and rested his forehead against your temple “You’re so jealous” he smirked before placing a soft peck on your cheek. You couldn’t conceal the grin that eventually appeared on your face.
“Shut up, you’re insufferable” you muttered sheepishly as you wrapped your arms around him and he placed pecks on the top of your head. Somehow, every time he came over it always ended up with the three of you tangled in your bed enjoying a cuddling session.
Eiji Okumura:
“And… this is it” you said as you opened the door to your apartment “It’s small but I guess it’s enough”. The black-haired boy entered your living room with an amused look on his face “I love the decorations! It feels so cozy in here” Eiji turned to you with a huge grin but he was interrupted by something rubbing against his lower leg.
“Oh, yeah, I hope you’re not allergic to cats-” you chuckled “She seems to like you”. Eiji’s face lit up with joy at the sight of the orange cat “What’s your name, little one?” he lowered his hand to caress her head, your heart melted as your cat leaned in his touch. “Her name’s Pumpkin” you crouched next to them. “Awww, hi Pumpkin, you’re so cute!” the boy spoke with a baby voice. You were enjoying the warmth of the situation until the cat avoided your touch to jump into your boyfriend’s arms “You traitor!”. Eiji giggled as he hugged the cat “Now she’s mine” he walked away with her teasingly as you followed them around trying to get him to give you back your cat.
Shorter Wong:
“Hey baby” the boy smiled widely as you opened the door for him “Hi love” you grinned inching closer to him to give him a warm hug “Oh I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to my best friend Patches, right buddy?” he joked as the cat immediately poked his head from between your ankles to meet him.
“I hate you both” You stared at him unamused and turned around to keep on watching your show “No baby come back, it was a joke, I’m so sorry” he laughed picking up the cat and following you, letting himself fall on the sofa next to you, however, you refused to acknowledge his presence. “Baby, come on” he pouted as he rested his chin on your shoulder, giving you puppy eyes.
“You are a pain in the ass, Shorter Wong” You finally turned to look at him and rested your head against his chest, taking place next to your cat “It’s ridiculous that I have to compete for your attention with my cat AND that I have to compete for my cat's attention with you!”.
Shorter snorted at your comment and he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead “I love you so much” he muttered lovingly against your skin.
Yut Lung:
“What the hell is going on here-” you had just come back from doing groceries, your boyfriend was still sleeping peacefully when you left, but as soon as you entered the house you were met with a rather bizarre scene. The long-haired man, who, incidentally, hated how clingy your cat was with him because ‘his clothes were too expensive to be covered with animal hair’, was calmly sitting on the sofa with your cat purring in his lap as he caressed the animal’s head tenderly.
“Well, good morning to you too,” he said rather playfully “We’re watching the Kardashians, fancy joining?”. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the offer. “I thought you hated my cat, dear” You left the shopping bags next to the door, the situation was too good to let it slide, you’d put the groceries in their place later. “I didn’t hate her, it’s just that there wasn’t enough communication between us” You arched an eyebrow in response to his comment “But we have a healthy relationship now, right honey?” the cat just purred in response, enjoying his soft pets. You giggled as you sat next to him leaning to his side to watch the show with your two companions, “I guess I’ll have to live with the fact that she loves you more than me if your relationship is so ‘healthy’, then”. “Indeed” the boy smiled warmly as he leaned his head on top of yours.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
Earlier today I thought about sending you this ask, but I thought "the focus here is to talk about HH, not HB" but then, you answered an ask about Stolas, so I came to ask my "ask" (in quotes because it's not an ask, but rather a design comparison because I like it, yayyy)
Stolas is an owl right? So if you'll excuse me, here are two owls, my oc's, one from "Star Fox" the other from "Swat Kats" and now that I stop to think, I should have taken Stellar as a reference because she is a female, but honestly I don't even know if she's an owl so screw it, let's get to the comparison:
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(sorry for the background in the first photo, I was too lazy to take a photo of just her) can you see how chubby they are? and Stolas is so thin that it hurts? I don't understand that, Viv at least knows how to make thin people with big waists, but she didn't even do that here, and let's face it, owls are chubby and don't have a damn neck (similar to a human's when humanized) and Stolas does!! It's the same thing that irritates me about Vox (the TV, I don't know if that's how his name is spelled) he has a TV head!! Why does he have a neck?!?!
and other!!! you can see the difference between Yanter (first photo) and Carlie (second photo) but you can see that they are both owls, but remember what I said about Stellar? So, you can't tell the difference between she and Stolas, I'm not saying in terms of appearance, I'm saying in terms of species, every species has something similar, but if Stellar is really an owl, what is the similarity between her and Stolas, which is not the same similarity between another character (a blue one, I think she's Stellar's cousin) WHO IS NOT EVEN AN OWL!! BECAUSE IF YOU DO THIS, VIV, YOU DO YOUR AUDIENCE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT STELLAR IS!!! SHE IS AN OWL? A PEACOCK?? TELL ME!
... sorry.. I got stressed.. I guess.. that's all I have to say... sorry, I just wanted to say that because I feel a little need to show that my designs are better than Viv's (even if that's not very difficult) sorry for the inconvenience, bye bye
SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO THIS!!! These designs are awesome!! I love seeing bird characters so much; actually gives me a few design ideas lmao
I have no idea what bird Stella is either but if I had to design her I’d probably make her an albino cockatiel. I actually have a LOT of ideas on how to fix Stella but just for a quick birdie ref
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Aint they cute? :3
I do plan on eventually redesigning Stolas and getting rid of that god awful neck. I don’t understand why Vivzie is allergic to fat people, I don’t think she’s realised the joy of having fat/chubby characters or even muscular ones. Husk, Velvette, Charlie, and Vox are all designs that I personally think are amplified when made chubbier or muscular and when I see them in the show I literally do a double take like *little skinny man runs past my screen* who is that did you guys see that
For the neck on Vox though, I don’t get… how?? His neck works in the show?? I know for my version of Vox his neck moves kind of like this
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But uh.
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Yeah none of that here. I guess you could say it’s attached at the bottom, because it is!
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but also poses like this dont make sense, his neck is show behind his head but its not.
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Idk, It’s a small nitpick but it’s something that bothers me too. I’m still working on some of the things for Vox like his joints and such, but Vivzie seems to put in substantially less effort than anything either of us have done
Anyway keep up the designs they look really good!!!
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autumnpens · 1 year
What if Childe constantly pesters (light-heartedly) to his S/O that doesn't fight as much as him to spar with him a lot, they eventually agree to do so and things were going well! ..Until somehow they managed to beat him. I dont think I've seen any imagines of Childe losing against a spar//fight to reader so this might be neat!
✧ "can i spar you?" ✧
Characters ◦ Childe/Tartaglia
Warnings ◦ none, whiney Tart
Thoughts ◦ this was super fun to write! thank you anon for the ask! <3
Words ◦ 628
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“babe, can we spar?”
“come on, let’s spar already!”
“fight me?”
this was the question you had been pestered with ever since you had gotten close to the redhead at your side, Childe. though aggravating, it made sense, given he was a Harbinger of the Fatui. still, your boyfriend’s tenacity was.. irritating, to put it bluntly.
“милая, please?” upon hearing the plead in his voice, along with a nickname of his native tongue, your resolve had broken.
“fine, one fight. that’s all you get, though.”
cut to the Golden House, his preferred sparring grounds. you adjusted your gloves, and the blade of your polearm glinted in the dim light, reflecting your surroundings.
“don’t go easy on me, ‘kay?” Childe joked, readying his bow.
“yeah-huh.” you scoffed, circling your partner.
Childe had a knack for speed, but his battle prowess was something you had only witnessed from afar. he darted from place to place, keeping considerable distance between the two of you. it was disorienting, to say the least. following the familiar figure was something you had grown accustomed to in crowded areas like the Harbor, but this was much easier, despite the use of his vision creating distractions. the most you could do was dodge his arrows, hurling through the air in deadly arcs. you were used to projectiles, but this was something far more intensive than hillichurl arrows. they were your only frame of reference for this type of thing, as dating a Harbinger practically granted you immunity from the Fatui across Teyvat.
you knew Childe was purposefully missing you, but the arrows came too close to your skin for comfort. gripping your staff, you rushed forward, aiming to sweep his feet. he was far too agile for your out-of-practice attempts, though, and launched himself behind you, grabbing your shoulder and knocking your weapon out of your hand, sending it scathing across the floor in a singular motion. you heard the water of his blades condense into form behind you, and the knowledge of the water at your neck sent a shiver down your spine. you let out a heavy sigh. “fine.”
as soon as the word left your mouth, you were pulled into the air bridal-style, a pout appearing on your boyfriend’s face. “that wasn’t hard, though,” he whined, strolling across the room to retrieve your staff.
“yeah, well, it’s not like I have much to train against with you around.” Childe’s brows furrowed at the comment.
“that’s a good thing, right?”
“yes, fish boy, that’s good.” you smiled, looping an arm around his neck. your free hand outstretched toward your polearm. as you came closer, the weapon started to rattle, and in a swift movement you swung yourself around onto the ground, staff in hand and stunned boyfriend on your back. flipping Childe over, you slammed your weight down, restraining him with your blade at his neck. “do I win now?”
“I..” he laughed, glancing at his lack of non-lethal options, “yeah.” you smiled, stepping off his ribcage and pulling him up. “how the hell did you get your polearm? it was at least ten meters from you when you did that flip thing. you don’t have a vision you didn’t tell me about, did you?”
“no, no I don’t have a vision— I do, however, have alchemy. they’re only testers so far, but I’ve figured out how to implant magnets into these gloves that correspond to a magnetic plate around the pole of my staff! you like it?”
“babe, you’re insane. I love it!” Childe exclaimed, pulling you into a hug that lifted you off the ground. “archons, we’re gonna be unstoppable... you’re so smart you give me goosebumps— you know that, right?” you laughed, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
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sylenth-l · 1 year
Hello! if you dont mind me asking, what about Witch Queen's seasonal writing did you not like?
Hey! Oh boy, I'm really turning this into a rant blog, don't I 😅 I guess it may be summed up as progressing simplification and flattening of every aspect of the story, from its characters to the plot.
My biggest issues are some characters' portrayal, LOTS of poorly written empty dialogues and very uneven story progression, with characters sometimes acting like a bunch of total idiots for no reason other than for The Plot to happen. Some I didn't care about from the start and they just kept getting more irritating (e.g. Crow), others I liked before, but they suddenly mutated into something I can hardly recognize now (Eris most of all, Drifter and Big Red in a lesser amount), etc. I won't say absolutely everything was horrible, no, it had some very good stuff too: interesting conversations (mostly in the last season, which imo was the best if we don't take into account the moronic ending), cool cutscenes (I especially like the one about Saladin and the girl and ofc the O14 one), some characters are still just as good (Osiris, Mara and Caiatl make everything better every time they appear on screen, bless).
Also I must say that I'm not big fan of the current seasonal model in general. Imo, in terms of the story it creates very strict limits of things that are allowed to happen throughout the year (nothing too important or amazing, because soon it'll be deleted) and provokes not putting too much time & effort into the content, because again, soon it'll be deleted. It's not always the case, but sometimes it really shows. Only the last seasons of each year seem to be consistently impressive, maybe because they're part of the marketing campaign to sell the upcoming dlcs. All that is my personal impression, of course ✌️✨
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siphonophorus · 9 months
2, 17, 23, 35 and 41!
BG3 Act 1 Asks
this is sooo long but thank you so much for the ask!! i had a blast as you see >:)c
a jae song to listen to while reading! :D
2. Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your Character? Please tell us about their hair, facial hair, tattoos, piercings, disabilities, their trans or intersex body, or anything else you're comfortable sharing.
plenty of stuff, actually! a quick list (and then summary) would be jae'ku'sureth's (or VENA CAVA's) eyes, thick brows, cheekbones, and sharper jawline, and a more curvaceous body type than the game currently offers for body type 1.
starting with the eyes, due to her poor sleeping habits, mental breakdowns that include crying, and severe eye strain, jae'ku'sureth's eyes often appear red or irritated at times. she averages about ~4-6 hours of sleep, evading her duties as g'lathk-varsh in preference of obsessing over necromancy and "creating an immortal, invincible army for vlaakith" so that she may be recognized. instead of sleeping, she peers over tir'su slates and githyanki medallions containing astral knowledge - and spends over half of her days carrying out unapproved or unsanctioned medical experiments. other times, she has mental breakdowns due to the constant pressure and fear of her kin - despite her paradoxical love for her creche and people. (other times, their eyes may appear pure red should ocular trauma or sudden bleeding occur.)
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as for her face - due to where i grew up, i imagine jae'ku'sureth has more prominent cheekbones than what's in the game, as well as thicker lips/bigger mouth. same goes for thicker brows. i know some people in my reservation have these features - though i know a lot of people also pluck them. mainly my inspo for jae's face derives from a few of the wide variety of anishinaabe features but also historical oji-cree/ojibwe women whom i look up to greatly.
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(feat bonus painting you did of jae)
finally, for their body - i imagine jae'ku'sureth is taller than other body type 1 gith, but also has a more pronounced chest and hips, yet their skin and physique lends themself more to a ballerina, spindly type build.
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this is mainly due to the fact that when they spellcast or maintain concentration spells, they dance - not because the dancing is a physical or material component, but rather its an instinctive action she thinks will make her spellcasting better. almost like a placebo. imagine leaning when you steer a corner in a racing game - it's like that, but magic. ballet's been a long interest of mine, as well as figure skating - so i borrowed from performances. since i dont have many characters with jae's body type either, i thought it would've been gnc to give it to the character whose gith-variant who has a beard like gandalf
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17. What does your Character think of Withers?
due to jae'ku'sureth's grand ideations of necromancy, and the belief that THEY will be the one to grant everlasting-life to githyanki, they adore withers and necromancy - to an unhealthy extent. jae'ku'sureth has a one-sided comfort and over-familiarity with withers, opening up to him far more quickly than they do with the other companions or tav. withers recognizes this - but also recognizes them as an adult woman. jae'ku'sureth does not revere necromancy, they dont revel or worship it like some filthy ekor - they recognize the simpering moulding blood and oxidation its held for githyanki and gith - who remains missing! the tenants it filthily dangles over their own weak and their kins' heads tauntingly - reminding them to achieve greater and greater accomplishments! the tether between breathing and bleeding- the reminder of the eternal despite the sharp pangs in your gut and your scratched throat from cries of pain! withers worshipped a god, but like... "mortals!" she'll work alongside him instead - collaboration rather than equipping man like tool like ekor-k'ya disrespectfully do! .... are they getting off-topic? tk! let that be her answer, then. that is her relationship to withers.
23. What are your Character's thoughts on the dream visitor?
(CW for discussions of colonialism and harassment)
since i consider jae'ku'sureth a companion/origin character rather than a tadpoled adventurer, i think they have a dream "lover" as was patched out of EA rather than a dream visitor in full release. as the emperor connects to her mind through the githyanki artefact, and sees jae'ku'sureth's memories of olytin aleantar, it initially mistakes jae'ku'sureth's apprehension and ignored unease of olytin as romantic feelings and attraction. this is also due to olytin's unrequited feelings of attraction to jae'ku'sureth, that jae'ku'sureth subconsciously chooses to ignore.
at first, jae'ku'sureth thinks little to nothing of olytin - an emmissary of eilistraee who one day showed up to her creche, seeking an alliance. working with kith'raks and knights of creche mir'ha'r'tal and offering her skills as an assassin and warrior - alongside poached jewels from olytin's sect of eilistraee. at some point, olytin approached jae'ku'sureth, seeking to get to know the woman better. jae'ku'sureth was scared of strangers at best and aggressive at worst, but olytin proved time and time again to be harmless. utilizing mir'ha'r'tal's "a favour for a favour" political relations, jae'ku'sureth instantly struck up a deal with olytin. olytin can spend time with jae'ku'sureth and have unimpeded access to her pop-up laboratories, and in exchange, jae'ku'sureth gets to dissect her and experiment on olytin's body for their own grand design.
on the surface, everything seemed alright - or, that olytin got the short end of the stick. but jae'ku'sureth's blind trust in olytin was the wrong move. despite the back of jae'ku'sureth's mind picking up on all the red flags olytin showed towards her - incessent attempts to talk late into the hours of the night, showing up outside one of mir'ha'r'tal's many hatcheries where jae'ku'sureth was placed, jae'ku'sureth waking up to finding olytin next to her or watching her sleep, or even olytin wanting to hold their hand against jae'ku'sureth's own wishes - jae'ku'sureth chose to ""underestimate"" olytin. ...or rather, jae'ku'sureth decided to take the chance to trust this stranger in her community for hopes of a mutually beneficial relationship. a mutually beneficial relationship, that'd see creating invincibility and undying for her kin - in hopes that they'd finally recognize and respect her, that she won't be hurt or struggling anymore. olytin left an uneasy feeling in the back of jae'ku'sureth's mind. oftentimes she wished she would leave - but this all came to the surface once the campaign started and jae'ku'sureth began having dreams in earnest of olytin's romantic intent - and she recognized it as malicious. rightfully so, because olytin is revealed to be a cultist of bane. adhering to the depraved and amoral - in every sense of the word. seeking to take mir'ha'r'tal's resources and "correct" the gith living there. there - she found jae'ku'sureth. one who made her smile. and she didn't like that. an obsession, love-hate developed. and olytin begun to hunt down jae'ku'sureth, leading the former to become an avatar of bane. it didnt help that during all of this, jae'ku'sureth's stomach pains were revealed to be from a rather haunting memory - a third party vivisecting and experimenting on her - where she didn't believe she was touchable. it was by a group of mindflayers initially, but the psionic interference of generations under their regime made jae misremember - that it was olytin who opened up her stomach. of course, olytin anticipated a struggle. her true feelings and intentions came out, the red flags became banners - and jae'ku'sureth hated every single moment of it. neutrality or dismissal turned into feelings of ever-burning hatred and disgust, and jae'ku'sureth decided: she'd kill olytin, in contrast to the latter's vacillation of wanting jae dead and alive. at this point, it no longer about avoidance - but rather jae'ku'sureth's own decision. eventually, jae'ku'sureth confronts the emperor about olytin - and demands it expel thoughts of her from their mind. thankfully, it obliges, and they form an alliance for the short while.
i mentioned before that olytin came to mir'ha'r'tal as an emissary. she is intended to be a metaphor of colonialism and colonization in canada. the church coming in - intentions as malicious as ever. olytin is conventionally attractive, highly charismatic. almost disarming at times.
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35. Has your Character done anything that they regret in Act 1?
jae'ku'sureth has nothing she regrets in act 1. what she knows she has done her best to achieve - and if anything needs to be rectified, it can be rectified immediately in the present and in the near future. this mindset is what kept jae'ku'sureth alive in mir'ha'r'tal-tu'narath, and the brutal efficiency of it allows her to dominate the fast-paced world of toril, despite her unseeming and hermit-ish nature. though, if something to regret is their unapologetic nature and seeming disregard, then they'll apologize again and again. she'll be earnest every time.
her mind - it moves fast.
41. Is your Character accustomed to being on the road from before the events of the adventure?
no. and she NEVER will be. nor do they want to be.
following their rite of passage into gith society and presenting the ghaik head to vlaakith CVLII, jae'ku'sureth was placed into the lowest caste of gith society - g'lathk, the farmers' caste. what they were trained for. even more humiliatingly, jae'ku'sureth was to be a varsh. teaching children the most basic of skills because those were the only things she were the most proficient in. her placements were due to an unfortunate fact - that jae'ku'sureth was no warrior. she couldn't hold a sword the same way her kin could, and she couldnt work or be bothered with blueprints the way the other yank training to be mlar could. in fact, jae'ku'sureth slacked off in whatever training she could get away with - and showed a lack of engagement or devotion. preferring to idle away the hours in her own interests and beliefs. she would've - and should've - been culled. in fact, this was attempted against her time and time again, by her varshes, her fellow yank, and again by her kin as an adult. but one thing jae'ku'sureth had - was her wits, and her 'street smarts' as istik called it. she proved time and time again, harder and harder to kill, as because before anyone could raise a blade, a boot, or a magic missile against her, she memorized all of the mandates of vlaakith, the ones of the past, and that of gith herself. killing her would be a sin, she'd say, time and time again. and fortunately, due to creche mir'ha'r'tal's mob mentality and dedication to their queen - they'd always fear her mandated words, and side with jae'ku'sureth.
a battle of words, a battle of law. this weak, non-warrior could not die. she would neglect her charges, chasing flights of fancy, she would demean other varshes, githwarriors, and instead culled her own kin. she refused to hold a sword and used the dirtiest tricks in the books. but she could never, ever, seem to die. of course, this didn't stop jae'ku'sureth from getting jumped. it was why she was so aggressive and scared.
because of her slacking off, and the bullying, emotional neglect and abuse she faced from kin both in infancy, childhood, and adulthood, jae'ku'sureth detested working. she was barely seen by other varshes, and when she was, she seemed lazy. she hated growing the mushrooms and meat her kin subsided off, and she was infamous for being a bad cook with poor work ethic - yet snapping at anyone and nearly killing anyone through her wielding of the mandates who hurled an insult. their skin was uncalloused and soft, undesirable by others due to it showing her lack of hard work that their kin so often praised. they bore no scars, because instead of showing a warriors mettle they instead healed away any wound. they grew sore easily, couldnt jump far, lugged a greatsword compared to others - and this detestation of struggle would never leave jae'ku'sureth unless it was something she felt safe and happy around. and the road wasn't one of them.
through their escapism and idiosyncrasy, jae'ku'sureth developed an appreciation for the luxury and relaxations in life unbefitting and unlike her kin. instead, jae'ku'sureth ADORES lounging around in camp - and if you walk with her, she'll complain about sore feet 40 minutes in. or the rock in her shoe. or the bugs. the mud, even. and dont even ask her to lug above her carry weight. she's nothing but a weak g'lathk! she can't carry as much as a strong githwarr- oh, you think she's worth more than those dismissive words...? 😳 ...okay. she'll be upfront then, carry it yourself!
and hey, if you made it this far down this long ass post and you like what you see - take a look at jae'ku'sureth's playlist
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Shout out to that time when i just completed the main dawnguard mission and needed a pick me up because the vale is pretty but SUPER LONG AND IRRITATING so i decided to go to the nearby orc stronghold, brawl the chief and marry one of the chiefs daughters, Borgakh the Steel Heart and she was excited to leave with me. So excited that for some reason, she said i do and turned and left the temple of mara before my little argonian nerd man could answer yeah or nay or marriage. Then i got nervous, rushed the ceremony and tried to follow her outside cause she didnt ask where she could go live and when i looked at the dispersing crowd of loved ones, she was fucking no where. So now im running around to all my houses; shes not at vindrell hall, shes not a breezehome, shes not at honeyside and by this point,i dont have the home from windhelm or solitude. Ik i have a modded in castle house(cause i need the space, this is an archival run) so maybe the a.i got confused and went there. Nope. Shes not at dragonblood castle. Idk where my wife went.
So i say fuck it and assume maybe she went back to her stronghold and i still have to pay her dowry. As i arrive, its night time and dark asf. I have no follower but im just here to check for wife. No wife, infact, nobody is here other than her mom. So i sigh and start looking up what could of happend online. I see something that says that a glitch can occur where they leave(this has NEVER happened to me before and ive married easily on all 3 of my previous playthroughs) and it might be fixed if you wait outside the temple for a day and then re-enter.
As im about to fast travel from an area next to solitude(farthest northwest of the large map) alllll the way back to riften(farthest southeast of the large map) i get taken out of my map to my horse next to me freaking out and in cheeky little white writing at the top left of my screen, a tiny little message pops up " you can not fast travel with enemies near by". Im sorry WHAT?? I look up and cinamatically captured by my camera angle, i see an elder dragon, blowing a stomache full of fire, swoop over the orc stronghold that singularly holds my new wife's father, grandmother and mother.
So yeah.. I fight and kill the dragon. Im lvl 42 by this point, dragons dont really phase me much. Are they scary and big? Yes but not something i couldnt handle with a couple of iron arrows, 5 poisons and good aim. I see arrows that arnt mine being shot at the dragon while i kill it and i see my new mother in law running into the longhouse of the stronghold after its dead so i just assume, everything is alright. Dragon's dead, i saved my in laws but i still cant find my fuckin wife. So i follow what the guide says and fast travel to riften.
I choose to appear infront of the gates of riften instead of the much closer jarls house thing because i just got a bunch of Dragon bones and scales, im overencumbered, i wanna make some money. As im about to start walking and turn to go to the pawned prawn, shit you not, up comes padding the fucking courier. See, awhile back, i started the portion of the white phial mission and (spoilers) ive been waiting for neurelion to just die already so i can get the phial. I assume "finally! I can get the phial!" Nope. The courier tells me i have some inheritance, sorry for your loss, leaves. Now im abit sad, cause see i assume its one of the beggars in the game as i like to walk up and give them the gold everytime im in town. I have an absurd amount of gold so i dont really mind. However, if the beggar dies in the game, they can give you the inheritance. I was sad cause i like the beggar characters and it'll suck to go to a shopping district without paying them a visit.
As im reading through the inheritance letter thing, i notice the name is not one i recognize. Its chief ka-something. Im thinking " who tf is that?" Then it hits me. The orc stonghold that just got attacked, my new wife is the daughter of the chief... Did my father in law just die?? I didnt see his body?? So i say fuck this shit and fast travel right back to the stronghold. Im looking around and i see the mom up and walking around and as i turn the cornor of the fence, in typical skyrim fashion, theres dead grandma all proped up on her knees and leaning back like shes about to do a sick slide. Then i glance to my right and right infront of the door to the long house is, shit you not, the body of my missing wife's dad.
I may get too much into character when i play skyrim cause all i can imagen is that this orc stronghold was peachy till this hot shot little nerdy argonian boy came trottn in. He arm wrestled the chief and offered to marry his daughter so he could get the resources and she could get her freedom. Everything is fine until after the wedding and suddenly their daughter fuckin gose missing after silently leaving her own ceremony. The family just returns the stronghold confused and late that night, the new son in law pops up just outside the gate and peaks in then looks like hes about to leave before, what they can only assume, is the boy's pissed dragon-uncle, comes swooping in and kills their leader and matriarch. The boy kills the dragon then just fucking leaves without saying anything. They file the death. The chief wanted somethin to be left for his daughter's new non-traditional family so 100g gets drained from the bank account. Then a day later he shows up and starts standing over the corpses looking incredibly confused.
Oh and to top it all off, just when i was about to go back and try the waiting outside thing, my game crashes :) everything resets to the moment i finished the dawnguard mission. I have never met my wife or this family i brought dragony harm upon and ive elected to take that as a sign that perhaps i am not to marry that orc woman and will infact, never return to their stronghold again :)
Is ok, my character has known and interacted with Vivienne from solitude more so now i get rp as my guy building a house for them(windsetd) and everyone around them knowing my guy has a massive crush and will propose anyday and they knkw because hes been around the potion shop more often and hes been buying ALOT of building materials suddenly :)
He(i) also got to directly save her from a dragon attack by killing a dragon that was in the shopping district of solitude. :) i cant wait to marry those two
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aurik6 · 1 year
Makoto's route. Dark 03
Characters: Makoto Aomine, Kou Mukami, Azusa Mukami
Location: Mukamis mansion.
*Living room*
Makoto: (They have an old as heck TV over there as I remember... I wanna relax, maybe some show will make the trick?)
*she plugs the wire into*
Makoto: Ah, guess it'll work now. Where's the remote...
*Some TV noises*
Makoto: News, cartoons, nah... Maybe some cool action movie? No?.. What a drag!
Makoto:  Oh, an idol show.
Makoto: ( He-he, everything is so colorful, the studio, their costumes, and... How strange, a very familiar figure... No, way that's Kou Mukami!  Yeah, I'm not wrong.
I've heard he's been a popular idol, but I thought about some local clubs...
He looks so ideal here, so happy...)
*The idols start dancing and singing*
Makoto: *reads the lyrical text*
☆ If you can love someone,
then without a doubt, 
that's what it means to be strong! ☆
Makoto: ...
Makoto: *reads*
☆Overcome all the pain.
I'm sure you can do it! 
You're not alone!☆
Makoto: Crap, nothing else.
*Kou appears from behind*
Kou:Ah, M-neko-Chan, I see you're enjoying the concert? Tho, the recording is kinda crusty, I'm sure you'll  love it with fulfillment.
Makoto: ...
Makoto: You're so cool on stage, Kou-kun. But I doubt I like this... Especially this song.
Kou: Eh?? I see. At least that's true, so I'm not mad at you
Makoto: ??? (And how the heck he knew it's true?)
Kou: This is the last week concert, we were singing Angel of Love*, actually a cover of "XXX" girl band.
Makoto: Yeah...
Makoto: This song pisses me off. "You're not alone"  they sing, I'm not pleasant to hear it as you can see...
Kou: Anyways, I'm in a good mood today, so how about a dance?
Makoto: A dance?! No, not now...
Kou: Haa? I don't wanna hear this shit. Come on and dance with me, I'll teach you if you can't!
*He starts singing Angel of Love, covering the TV sounds*
Kou: Repeat after me, go! I hate your dull face right now.
Makoto: Tch! (He holds me tightly, his nails scratch my arms.)
Makoto: Why are you hurting me?!
Kou: Hm? I'm not. I just want you to cheer up! C'mon sing "Overcome all the pain~! I'm sure you can do it!"
Makoto: Over... pain.. Stop! Stop spinning around! Let me go already!
Makoto: (Fuck! What's that? Why is he so mean all of sudden???)
Kou: How irritating! Isn't that fun to sing and dance? Your face became even uglier!
Makoto: ...Wither!
Kou: You're stupid as a wooden door, if I told you I'm in a good mood, you can't ruin it just because you're thinking all about yourself. You're disgusting.
Makoto: ...
Kou: This is so disgusting how you peacefully hide your intentions by the goods.
Makoto: Ha...ha...
Kou: So? Does the truth stabbs your eyes, kitty?
Makoto: You should... see how disgusting you are firstly.
Kou: !!!
*Pull* *Crash*
Makoto: Ah-Aouch!
Kou: Hug the door, idiot kitten.
*he leaves*
Makoto: Ha... This asshole threw me on the door... Fuck... Is that blood?..
Makoto: Hah..Hah... Why...
*Someone appears*
??? : Do you... liked it?..
Makoto: What?.. No... My head is spinning, I can't feel the right hip...
Azusa: How strange... I'd like to... get hurt.
Makoto:Ah..ah.. Stop saying this  nonsense.. and help me to stand up... Or kneeled at least...
*he helps her to sit on lap*
Makoto: Thanks... Ha...
Azusa: Where it hurts?..
Makoto: Ha... My head still spinning... but the right side of my body hurts less...
Azusa: ...
Azusa: Why dont you like me?
Makoto: A? I've never said wether I like or hate you. I simply don't know you yet.
Azusa: But you don't want to hit me... You were about to hit the floor... with your emotions...
Makoto: Ha! I'm not insane as Kou... I can control myself and don't hurt people around me...
* Pull*
Makoto: ( He touched my lap! How painful!.? But he only slightly touched)Ah! It hurts!..
*she girts her teeth*
Azusa: ?.. Why are you crying?..
Makoto: How can't you understand? It hurts! It's too much for me!
(I guess I'm loosing it, not only physical pain, I want to crash that asshole Kou... )
Azusa: Your tears... falling on my clothes.. Now... my hands are.. all wet...
Makoto: ! That's not my fault! Get out of me!..
Makoto: Kha.. I can't move, it hurts too much... 
Azusa: I wish... I could feel it... at the same.. rate...
Makoto: ?
Makoto: You know, I don't care! I don't care about your wet clothes either... But why?.. Why is he so mean while he seems to be nice?
Azusa: I know... you might not care...
Makoto: ( He's become downcast with those words said... So  wrong timing!) Don't be dull, you see how much I suffer? Please, tell me!
Azusa: ...Why do you need this?...
Makoto: I need the actual reasons to take a revenge... Or simply talking –I need truth. Again and again...
Azusa: ...How strange... people usually don't like... the truth...
Azusa: But... Kou-kun had... a hard time in the orphanage...
Makoto: ...
Azusa: I don't know... all details... but others...also  were in pain... Terrible pain...
We all suffered. But now we're vampires, we've started a new life...
Makoto: And  the track of past... is still visible...
Azusa: You're right...
Makoto: (I can't... No more talking, I'm going down...)
Azusa: ?
Azusa: Has she... fainted?
   I see they all had been suffering before they became immortal...
   The fate... wasn't nice to them, I guess, it's wrong to blame them.
    But what about me? Have I deserved to be punched like that only because Kou  suffered in the past ?..
    This is frustrating... But I can't endure the pain of others on my skin.
* Angel of Love – a song from "Perfect Blue" anime by Satoshi Kon. (I'm not talking about the multiverse, but this song makes me very uncomfortable, tho it sounds cheerful.)
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demadogs · 2 years
this is random but what did you think about the mlvn r and j references? I personally think it's a case of Not That Deep (although if it is that deep, I don't think it's good for mlvn) but I was so irritated by everyone talking about it bc even if I think it was foreshadowing the end of mlvn in some way, I was still really bugged by people dumbing down r and j to being "a satirical critique of stupid teenagers" bc that's just. not what it is.
i dont think the romeo and juliet references are a stretch. i do see the connections and i’ll go into that in a sec but the thing that holds me back is that romeo and juliet really were in love. it was everyone else that were against them being together, not each other. star crossed lovers is defined as two lovers who cannot be together, again, implying that they really are in love but some external conflict is against them being together. these analogies honestly seem more applicable to a potential gay couple in the 80s. (also i read this years and years ago and did very basic google searches to jog my memory so plz let me know if you know the story better and disagree)
but the duffers do like to subvert plots so maybe theyre going deeper into it and that “external conflict” is mike being gay. the way mike explicitly said meeting el was “not fate its not destiny its just simple dumb luck” makes me think this is possible.
the script in s3 calls mlvn “star crossed lovers” after dustin was comparing him and suzie to romeo and juliet. thats kinda interesting but its just written in the script alone, which the main audience isnt even meant to see. the direct quote is “speaking of star crossed lovers, mike and el are purposefully lagging behind the rest of the group”. it could be possible though that dustins mention of star crossed lovers was also in reference to them.
argyle calling mike romeo at the pizza place doesnt seem that out of nowhere. that was pretty in character of him cuz he knew he was interrupting a moment.
the oven having “montague” written on it is interesting though. i just did some digging and there is an oven company called montague but their name plates dont look like how it looked in the show.
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it still says montague but theres much more emphasis on the “hearth bake” so if they had kept the og name plate, i think it would be harder to pick up on the fact that it says montogue, which leads me to believe that they intentionally had that montague plate costume made.
another thing i found is that theres another big pizza oven company and their name plates look just like that montague plate. very similar font, all caps, and both with a red background. again, this makes me believe that they took inspiration from other vintage pizza ovens to costume make a company name for the oven that just says “montague” alone.
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honestly i didnt really believe much about this theory until i looked into the ovens but now its suspicious knowing that they must have had to go through the effort of making a costume name plate. so now that im pretty sure its intentional im gonna try to figure out what it could mean.
also disclaimer, im fully aware that im indulging in confirmation bias right now. im choosing to see how it could represent/foreshadow the death of mlvn instead of how their love could be real simply because of all the other mountains of evidence for byler. if there was barely any evidence for byler i would look at this more from a mlvn point of view but i just cannot see how they would hint at endgame mlvn through a detail this tiny while theres blaringly obvious things for byler.
anyways so im thinking about romeo and juliet. romeo dies first after seeing juliet appear to be dead. he believes that shes really dead and poisons himself. juliet wakes up, sees that hes dead and then stabs herself.
i think that death scene in romeo and juliet is paralleled to mikes monologue because we see the montague name plate on the oven when theyre putting el on the table. mikes seeing el choking and not waking up and maybe thinking shes dying the same way romeo thought juliet was dead. the next part in r&j was romeo killing himself, but in st what happens next is mike telling el he loves her. i think him saying this essentially kills their relationship because he brought up her powers again and thats not what el wanted to hear. this is her face before and after he said “youre my super hero”. she looks mad.
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next juliet wakes up and sees that romeos dead and kills herself. so i think this could foreshadow that el wakes up, realizes shes still unhappy, and kills their relationship or in other words, it foreshadows her breaking up with him.
idk though honesty. im kinda just spitballing here. another interpretation could be mike is killing his true self by saying he loves her when he is actually gay. which is very sad. idk let me know what you guys think of this.
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marinagail · 1 year
"#who can compare with berlin season 1 and 2" friend you are so right you are so correct for this. like s3+ andres is like ... more relatable i guess or human or whatever but he's not as deeply fucked up and fascinating? like internalized homophobia truly is such a 2004 character trait skcjjsjsfh. dont get me wrong i enjoy him regardless but i dont have the impulse to study him like i do in s1-2, like he truly is such an interesting disaster in a completely different way than "pitiable, empathizable man who denies himself love" (which is poignant, but not as compelling as "what the fuck is wrong with this person is he even human what the fuck")
Glad I found my mutual on this matter. I don't know whether it is an unpopular opinion to like Andres more in s1 and 2 because everyone seems to like Berlin more in season 3-5. it's not wrong to like Berlin on those seasons. I like him too on some level. But NOTHING compare to the feeling you get while watching Season 1&2 Berlin. Do I hate him? Do I tolerate him? Do I agree with him? Do I disagree with him? Should I feel bad for him? Or did he deserve that punishment? Whats with him and the fishes he keep staring at? Lol. That questions and debate you had on your mind regarding this character and the decisions He's making.
When you say he's such an interesting disaster I agree. There's so many layers and shades.
Berlin season 1 and 2 is such a character study, what could be more vexing and vainglorious than berlin s1 and 2?
From the way I study him, he is known to be insufferable spiteful, with the expertise in creating a horror vibe in every situations along with his irritating smirk.
He made it easy for people to hate him with his cleverness in knacking the sweet, pitiful, guilt tripping, intimidating interaction, while throwing dry jokes that anybody who listen to will have to forced to laugh because they can't stand hearing him talking.
He's the type of Leader who possessed an abusive, greedy, and manipulative attitude, crafted with self indulgent, liberal, and suave persona.
He's also a sadist who possessed a phobia of stereotyped, hence he appeared noble, eminent and salient. (Remember the scene where he asked everybody to hold hands together to pray?) Lol the funny thing is that Nairobi and the other teams hold hands together getting ready to pray along.
It also explain alot about how he cares so much about his persona, and his reputation. He had to look perfect.
And Its even more shocking how Professor would put a dying man, a man like Berlin, in charge of the biggest heist He's been planning for years. And the punishment he gave to Berlin is so severe and damaging. That's cruel and heartless but at the same time the trust between those two is wonderful which you can see it throughout the season 1 and 2. I have to say the relationship and the dynamic between Professor and Berlin in s1&2 is very mature, dark and deep and satisfying to watch. That's the vibe i'm getting at while watching them.
His affection and love for Sergio is on another dimension. He's so soft and so careful when it comes to Sergio, even when he conversed with him. Their relationship, you can't help but feel it's a bit weird. Especially in season 1 and 2. He didn't treat Sergio the way he treated his other teammates, even from the start. He treated him with respect, affection, adoration, admiration, carefulness, almost as if he was surrendered to him body and soul. I don't know if I'm exaggerating here, but that's what I felt when I watch them in S1&2 even when I found out that they somehow related.
But there's also an underlaying sadness and pain and mystery. He's such a sad story but we can't mourn for him, or pity him. Like what did Andres do in the past? why was he alone when he was sick and only had 3 months more to live? And the fact that he just got out of the jail? That kind of tragic story. (Season 5 ruined the authenticity of the mystery behind the story of why and how he got arrested, instead we got Berlin arrested for vandalism?? Seriously?? The cringe story of his son stealing his wife lol, don't get me started)
Damn, so many layers to unfold. So many shades to be seen. where you can explore more about his characteristic. S1 & 2 Berlin gave us the vibe of horror, tragedy, mystery, pain and pleasure, malicious, and tenderness.
And yet, all we get from S3-5 is Andres being dolly, getting married, stabbing a guy with a fork, and worse, the unwanted by the whole audience of the appearance of his son. Out of nowhere. Worst when he did robbery with his son and his wife lol. Who the hell he think he is? Romeo and Juliet? Bonnie and Clyde? Season 1 Berlin would never do that. Instead he'd lie to his women about the blood on his sleeves and the bruised on his lips and never got them involved in any business matter. I think he'd murder them or manipulate them like he did to Adriadna.
And it seems to me he made more enemies than friends, he never listened to any advice, and when he did make friends, they're all so fake. How do I know this? Or think that this is what's happening?
I think if you see it from season 3+ it shows on his affection towards Martin which he called "best friend/soulmate". Perhaps the only thing I like about season 3+ Andres is his personal relationship with Martin and Sergio. How come people like sergio and Martin are the only two that can tolerate him somehow lol. What kind of forbearance, endurance, and tolerance that these two have? Lol. Even when there are some parts that I don't like too but without that plot he's not that interesting.
Martin is that one true friend that cared for him, you wouldn't call someone soulmate if that's not what's happening. Since I think all his friends which he talked about in season 1&2 (I think it was the scene when he seek out Denver for confrontation, while he was talking to Nairobi about how his friends will watch the horrible news about him on tv) didn't really care about him.
I think they all secretly hate him and want to see him go down, that's somehow tragic and pathetic at the same time, very fitting for Berlin's characteristic, leading him to his downfall. Wish they explore about it more, instead what we see is that all of them are sitting down comfortably, loving him, admiring him, with andres walking around looking pitiful wearing his silk robe. (Idk, every scene of him in season 5 is just very off)
Season 3+ story is also not completed, like the reason why Andres chose Sergio. His incapability to give love back to his best friend, I think the reason because he always ruin everything he touches, he didn't want to ruin that one too. And don't get me started on Sergio and Raquel on season 3+. It's just.. Very no no for me. I'm sorry serquel.
And don't forget, his relationship with Sergio. I almost laugh, lol.. Because every season seems like it tales different story about these two.
It never explained clearly and well how the two met. Or how they ended up together. And strange that Andres never said to anybody, or never had a talk to anybody regarding his brotherhood with Sergio. Only calling him Hermanito. I don't think Andres ever mentioned about it, not even to his own son. It's unclear whether they're brothers for real, or Andres was adopted. In s5 Andres mentioned that they ever lived in the same house together when Sergio saw his father died. And that's it. No more explanation besides that.
Sorry this rant too long. I just had so much in mind and so many things to talk about regarding this matter. Glad you asked friend!🙏🏻 I hope it's not too confusing 🤭
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dedbuny · 10 months
hi :) im bunny and im a chronic maladaptive daydreamer :)
ive been doing it for about eight years now and im curious to see how many others do it too !
my (only moderately depressing) maladaptive daydreaming story/timeline is below the cut, if that interests u at all :) id love to hear urs as well in the notes !
my first memory of maladaptive daydreaming (aside from playing house and stuff as a kid) was in 2014 when i was in sixth grade. my friend and i would pretend to be certain characters throughout the whole school day, even writing the characters’ names on our schoolwork and calling each other by those names. the most common characters were always sam and dean, which is .. something . sometimes it was the 5sos members. then as the years went by the chosen characters changed depending on my hyperfixation at the time.
in grade eight i had moved on to kpop. this is the worst it gets i promise. mostly the same continued, except this year i realized something revolutionary: i could include myself in the daydream ! so i started pretending i was whatever kpop idol i was interested in on any given day’s friend, every day, for the next five to six years. this is where it became an addiction i guess.
grade nine was more of the same but with some drag race girls sprinkled in. grade ten was more of the same but with some video game characters sprinkled in. as those five to six years went by i continued daydreaming about myself and any chosen person or character i liked, except i realized one other extremely important thing: i could also just make up my own characters…..
so i did . technically the first original character i ever made was in eighth grade, named jacob. as much as i’m now trying to slowly distance myself from the maladaptive daydreaming and all the characters that were born from it, jacob really feels like my friend. they’ve evolved with me every step of the way — they’ve gone through a whole appearance change, their personality has changed, their gender and pronouns have changed, their world views have changed, all alongside my own, so it really does feel like i’ve found a lifelong friend who just gets me. and upon realizing that i’m purposefully creating my own blorbos from my mind to perfectly match my needs and wants and behave exactly like i want them to, i started feeling extremely self conscious about it all.
over the last five to six years i’ve created roughly 23 different characters, all with intertwining relationships and backstories and personalities and interests and styles. it’s been really fun actually, to be able to essentially create an entirely made-up friend group and make up their relationships with each other and watch them all grow. the issue lies in the fact that i’m spending more time imagining i’m them and/or imagining i’m with them than i am actually being in reality.
because all these characters behave in the exact ways i want them to and understand me perfectly inside and out, i’ve become much more easy to irritate. i find myself having a much shorter temper with my friends and family. my ocs know what i’m thinking and always have the perfect answer, because they are me. they know what makes me uncomfortable and avoid doing so, because they are me. they never question anything i say or challenge any of my beliefs, because they are me. in other words , uh oh .
this has all made me extremely paranoid, extremely insecure, extremely anxious and extremely depressed. it’s gotten to the point where i don’t really know who i am anymore, because i don’t really feel like i’m the one who has evolved or grown over the years. i feel like a side character to all the ocs i’ve made who are living my life for me. it feels like all my decisions are made by whoever it is i’m daydreaming as in that moment. i’ve had multiple breakdowns due to remembering that none of this world i’ve built in my head is real, and none of it ever will be. but it all feels unbelievably real. and i feel like if i ever stop i’ll be punched in the face with the consequences of letting what is essentially my imaginary friends control my life for six years.
i’ve thought it might be either evolving into or had initially stemmed from schizophrenia or ocd or did or something similar but i don’t even know anymore. right now it just seems like a combination of having autism, depression, severe anxiety, an extremely vivid imagination, and being chronically lonely.
i truly feel like i’m suffering alone here. i know there are other people who maladaptive daydream but i’ve never heard of anyone who does it like me. if anyone reading this understands what im going through i’d love to hear from you !!!!!
if u got this far into reading, thank u for hearing me out :)
love, bunny (...and jay and marcus and darius and veronica and luca and hiroki and minki and advik and hannah and hanna and nayeon and shauna and joslyn and thomas and christian and jack and claire and marion and peter and frances and oskar and felix and frederick and svante and shaelynn and heather and more)
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hellokittysasuke · 2 years
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all the mystery and terms that are just dropped around and youre waiting for some reveal or something... until half of it is never expalined and half is just dumped in exposition episodes by the scientist Ritsuko.
the first impact is literally never explained in the main series or end of eva, i stumbled upon it on the internet.
kaworu, a fan favourite character that youve been lead to believe has a very deep and impactful relationship with shinji... literally only appears for 20 min before he dies.
tge scene where his toji gets roped into being a pilot and gets stuck in a berserk eva is one of those occasions where you actually feel dread for the characters. when shinjis eva is literally ripping the other eva apart and crushing the entry plug in half with his friend inside and all he can do is watch...and thats when he thinks its just a human inside. thrn he finds out it was toji, his friend.. its genuinely horrifying, its shocking.
and then he somehow survives. it kind of ruins the impact
though in defense rei surviving wasnt really impractical because she did die..they just got a third clone to replace her and made it look like she survived.
and the last two episodes...a beast of their own. i liked the abstract animation and the various techniques used to represent the mental state of the characters. but they explain jackshit.
after kaji dies you really have no idea whats going on with the plot anymore. they show you shinjis mind but you dont know whats happening with the characters outside. and it ends like that, shinji accepts his existence and everybody congratulates him and its very wholesome but youre clueless as to what actually happened to the characters.
then it turns out youll have to watch end of evangelion for that, which again is superbly animated, the visuals are intense and haunting, the aesthetics are on point but nothings really explained.
i could really only get through the whole thing because i the overarching themes, the soundtrack, i.e. the creative choices, the artistic liberty resonated with my taste. its kind of impossible to get through it otherwise.
but you have to say certain parts are very well made. like asukas deterioration arc. very superbly put together for maximum horror.
the starting episodes are very structurally similar. repetitive. an angel attacks about quarterway through, they fight, fail, devise a plan, fight, win etc. with one or two variations thrown in. the angel possessed an eva, is capable of hacking into the magi, it sucked shinji in, it can split apart etc. even the animation sequence felt identical, alarms would blare, a repeated voice announcing an angel sighting, code blue, megaphones blaring for citizens to go into lockdown, an animation sequence of gates inside nerv locking down with red alarms as a background. ritsuko orders maya to analyze something, misato asks where shinji asuka and rei are etc. i liked that though. it was very...simple. combined with the 90s art style and the slice of life parts it gave it a certain charm.
evangelion is not very strong on plot. its not very clear and well planned out, and budgets and censorship and deviation from the manga make it kind of incomprehensible. as a whole its not very coherent, more to do with aesthetics and cool soundtracks and what looks the best just thrown in.
it endeavours to deconstruct the human psyche and the mecha and religous symbolism is just a way to get there. the daddy issues, the dead mothers and the psychological repression and denial can get a tad repetitive. and yeah...the characters never really mature. But personally their immaturity is what i like about them, i dont find them that irritating or unbearable and instead seem like relaistic tennagers with Issues tm.
this is just for the anime series though, which is very different from the manga. the anime is the original and more well known though, so much that fans only mention it and the rebuild movies in discussions. im reading the manga and i like it so far, its also supposed to flesh out characters like rei a bit more.
no lies this is actually a pretty good analysis. even if he hated eva all his points are valid and he did his research. anyways ill make a post about the parts i liked soon
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smilingperformer · 2 years
I really hope Goh stays. He's a fascinating character done so dirty by the writing. He's got so much potential and I think that he can grow further under new and better direction. I don't know how it's possible to help him, but he's not a lost cause. Like, he had some good episodes which built his character very well when they weren't focusing on him catching pokemon. After PM it all went downhill for him but he was kind of good before that. At least in my view. I tend to separate character development and goal development, and Goh clearly has had some character development but his goal... isn't one that can be developed, I think. And the character development was lost in PM because they made the lesson be that he has to learn to work as a team even if he doesn't like his teammates I guess, but he already did that... with Team Rocket of all people, and he literally asked them to team up. It felt like they introduced a whole new problem and regressed on him instead of building on him further. Idk, the pacing was very off for the whole series, they gave him too much in the beginning and too little in the end, and that hurt everyone. It's why I dont dislike Goh, I know he can be better and I'm still willing to hope. I can see why many people don't like him tho, I myself despised his character at a certain point of time. He endeared himself to me later, but still lol, JN had so much potential and it squandered it. I guess the pandemic and their staffing conditions set it up for failure from the beginning huh. I hope new series is better, or it might as well just end.
And you just said my main issue with Gou.
He's written as whatever fits the episode plot too often. And it bothers me, a lot. The team part especially has irritated me because Gou was indeed the one to team up with fricking Rocket Gang and suddenly he has issues teaming up with Shigeru. Hell, his whole jealousy arc with Shigeru was annoying to me (idk if it was jealousy really but it reeked the kind of "omg this guy is smarter than me I must appear smarter" and I hate that, I hate it). Sigh. There was a point when I liked Gou too. But then he ended up being written the exact way I do not enjoy watching :D Sigh, what a shame.
Yeh, pandemic timing was pretty bad, but I feel like for it to have this many issues, there's def been issues somewhere in the planning too. Oh well. I just wish for it to stick a landing of some kind.
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kwangya-express · 9 months
(WayV) To Stage - EN
Author: Ruby
Main character: Xiaojun (WayV)
Minor Character: Changmin (TVXQ, Soloist)
Location: Kwangya.
Inspirations: MV Phantom, Turn Back Time (WayV) and Devil (Changmin)
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It was a white, long, oppressive room, full of elongated screens, irritating the young man's vision. Seven seats, taking the third chair on the left, cleared his throat and adjusted his jacket uncomfortably. A choice was offered... well, that's what he believed, there was a glass of water and two colored pills in front of him. He thought about... He believed he thought, took the two pills in his hand trying to analyze them, blinked slowly and put them in his mouth...
"C'mon C'mon!! No delays, our guest hates delays". Kun hastily called our group. "We have to be perfect today."
"Who's that guest?". Hendery asked a little shyly.
"I... ". The leader of the group seemed to be trying to retrieve some memory that had just slipped through his fingers. "I don't remember his name for sure..., but, he's one of the captains of the army... something like that."
"What's a captain comes do here?". Yangyang questioned as he straightened his suit. "I thought the army didn't have time for fun."
"You dont believe in our work". Ten rolled his eyes. "We present classics, we are the vision."
"I don't take anything underneath, hyung, I trust our talent. It's just weird, we've never been visited by anyone from the army."
"Why smiles so much, Xiao DeJun?". Winwin narrowed her eyes. "You are strange."
"Just enjoying the scene, Dong Sicheng". A grimace came over the man's face. "It's almost time and you're debating why our guest is here."
"Xiao is right, we need to focus on our presentation and not on speculation". Kun intervened. "Focus on what we do best."
Time seemed to jump right after the small talk, the rush backstage was commonplace, however, even that seemed accelerated... His vision blurred, an oppressive corridor full of rusty pipes appeared in place of the theatrical landscape, hot smoke irritated his eyes , a sharp noise... "No... this is not the time to suffer from nervousness!", he thought irritably, he felt his body bend momentarily, took a deep breath trying to calm down, "It's just nervousness, it has to be! I'm not going to let my teammates down today."
"Are you coming? You can't be late". Hendery's gentle voice called him back to reality, he smiled nervously and nodded.
"I'm right behind you."
An atmosphere of tension hovered in the room, the strangeness did not return, but, something was odd, pressed the jaw and swallowed hard. DeJun always wanted to become a musical director, convey emotions on stage in a raw and unveiled way, due to his vocal power, he received the unexpected invitation to play the honorable role of Christine Daaé, in a reinterpretation of one of his favorite classics, accepting with enthusiasm, he didn't even bother to inquire about the other roles to be played. Knew the group at just their first rehearsal...or was it their first performance? To be honest, he wasn't sure, it just felt like the WayV theater company had always been there and he'd always been a part of it.
He closed his eyes, banishing the thought and smiled, as if the world were his best friend...he remember reading that in some book. He smiled, embodying Miss Daaé, adjusted her clothing that mixed the feminine and the masculine and started counting until her first step on stage. He tried to search the audience for the guest Kun referred to, however, the spotlight seemed calibrated above normal, blinding the view towards the audience. Focusing on his dancing and music, he mentally marked the ghosts' key exchanges. Yangyang being the Angel of Music during the terrace scene with Raoul's Winwin; Kun as Red Death, mounted on the boat, surrounded by the ghostly fluttering sails; Hendery traveled across the stage like Daroga, with his jades for eyes and Ten... suddenly Ten disappeared from his mind, leaving him apprehensive. Again an irritating smoke appeared, his eyes burned, however, he continued his staging, resuming his position in the middle of an improvised disguise, embodying the innocence of the character and her anguish.
"Poor Erik... How could anyone not choose you? I choose you.". Uttered at the apex of the staging, sealing the fate of those characters.
The collapse occurs, the end of the play has approached with mastery, effusive applause echoed through the environment. They smiled, bowed in thanks and left the stage in anticipation of preparations for the encore, while the crew removed the destroyed set. Unlike the iconic and customary "Phantom of the Opera", the young company wrote their own music, only "Phantom", took their positions when the strong beat echoed.
"What is it? What is it?". Chittaphon manifested with a rehearsed pose.
"Hanging on the brink of unconsciousness
The nightmare shatters
Who had their fears manipulated?The rules of this world turned upside downAll the noise in my brainThe night takes over my every lookWhen it only gets louderYeah, it just gets harder"
They danced on the stage now devoid of adornments, the wood creaked rhythmically with the steps, with black clothes, only Xiao and WinWin with clearer details, due to their roles, they smiled gently at the mesmerized audience.
"A mysterious silhouette breaks the silence (tell me)
In the depths of the dream abyss, who dares to see? (let me)
Hey, who are you calling in your dream? 
The visions turn darkit makes me thinkThe moment it all began"
For the first time, Xiao DeJun was really paying attention to the lyrics, his comrades' theatrical words pierced his mind, generating a fine layer of sweat that contrasted with the chills his body was suffering. He kept his concentration, telling himself that it was just the nervousness... but why nervousness at this point? sensation of danger.
"Four, three, two, one time. 
A posture difficult to distinguish between good and bad
Footsteps of a masked existenceOn a journey of self-discovery
Because the truth doesn't exist"
He blinked slowly past his verses, swallowing hard. His will was to finish the performance as soon as possible, could it be that he was getting a cold? he lowered his gaze in sudden irritation.
"Like a phantom that is pulling my strings
Hey, oh, hey, oh, the puppeteer pulls the string and
The world loses control of this dark scene
The truth is buried and hidden by this unusual dreamUsing this mask to see beyond the facade
Chaos is fed through fear
Oh, standing in the dark
Only I can see the truth, so crazy
As if the face in your line of sight is clear
The light and shadow of truth are not yet lost
Fade out, phantom"
The music finally came to an end, the company made a near the edge of the wide stage, they smiled amused, bowing again received the last applause and the red and white flowers in pompous bouquets. In line they walked backstage, the shared dressing room was a mess, it was always like this after performances, hasty clothes changes, new costumes, they always stayed late to organize everything for the next day. The young people smiled among themselves, exchanging a group hug and congratulations.
"WE DID! WE KILL IT!". Ten shouted excitedly jumping up.
"We are invencibles when we're on stage!". Hendery looked like he had tears in his eyes.
"Dinner's on me!". Kun declared embracing Yangyang.
"And our guest, hyung?". Winwin questioned. "Did he enjoy the show?"
"Really, hyung, what did he say?". Xiao stopped his celebration to focus on the conversation.
"I still don't know, they didn't say anything when we left the stage". Knocks sounded at the door.
"If it had been rehearsed, it wouldn't work. —. Winwin and Xiao exchanged knowing glances.
Kun arranged his robes and formally walked to the door, a quick exchange of words, generating a smile and an expression of confusion, agreed, turning to his colleagues who were waiting for him anxiously.
"Then". Hendery asked.
"Xiao, our guest wants to talk to you". Kun looked worried, perhaps distressed.
"Why?". DeJun questioned straightening her uncomfortable outfit.
"I don't know, but he called you by name and he's waiting for you on the stage."
"Qian... what do you think?"
"That you should go soon, DeJun, you can't keep him waiting". The leader smiled trying to look confident.
"Why so scared of a guest, anyway? He's just a captain, it's not like he's going to recruit us.". Ten intervened irritably. "Xiao, you can go, anything, shout. Soon we will be there to help you."
"Thank you, hyung". He hugged his colleagues and walked out of the room.
Returning to the stage, the path felt different, maybe a little longer than usual. Initially, he noticed that there was no adornment in the place, as if it had been empty for ages, only a central spotlight was on, illuminating the slender and elegant figure that had his back to the actor. A suit that was a sober purple on one side, an oppressive black on the other. Hair organically swept back, he turned at the sound of the first footsteps on the hardwood floor. His face was gentle, definitely a gentle yet dangerous smile; his gaze was serious, analytical and strangely empty, features defined and harmonic, Xiao would bet a singer or even an actor if he didn't know his military rank.
"Nice to meet you, my name's Shim Chang-min." He held out his hand, showing his sharp black nails.
"Nice to meet you, you can call me Xiao DeJun". He greeted awkwardly.
"I was very impressed with your performance today, Mr. DeJun". Changmin said smiling. "From all of you, actually, but you've generated a lot of curiosity in me."
"Thank you, sir. We work hard every day."
"How long have you been with the company, Xiao?"
"I... ". He scratched his head in confusion. "Sorry sir, it's been so long I can't even remember."
"Don't worry". He smiled gentle. "This reaction is normal... after all, we lose track of time during work, right?"
"Yes sir."
"From the look in your eyes, I can see that you took the pills, that's why such a complicated dream". He seemed to comment more to himself than to the young man.
"Xiao DeJun, what is your earliest memory?". He questioned seriously.
"Why do you want to know that?". It was suddenly uncomfortable.
"A test."
"I don't intend to serve in the army, sir". A humorless laugh came to Chang-min's lips.
"I'm sure of that, but you entered the middle of a minefield without the slightest protection". He pondered.
"What? You? What do you mean?"
"Your earliest memory, DeJun."
"I was studying space...in a fraternity". Xiao didn't know why he started to speak, it didn't seem right, but he couldn't interrupt. "I had others with me...I...there was a hole in the ceiling...I woke up."
"There is still hope for you, Xiao DeJun, congratulations". An evil smile appeared.
"Who are you?"
"Already said."
"What are you?"
"A God". He shrugged.
"A God". He laughed in disbelief. "A god came to the theater to ask my memory?"
"It's not like I have a choice". Changmin rolled his eyes.
"A God"
"Do you want proof?"
"Sorry, but, i'll not give this to you. Humans and your disbelief is ridiculous, the one who has patience for you has always been Yunho... he had to disappear right now, but if we think about it, you're not even human anymore, are you?." . Chang-min fixed his suit. "Anyway, let's go on."
"What are you talking about? Of course I'm human."
"Humans don't pass through walls and solids like ghosts."
"This makes no sense."
"Humans don't need containment pills either."
"What the hell are you talking about?". He locked his jaw. "I'm leaving."
"Xiao DeJun, August 8, 1999, Year of the Rabbit". He started with a sour mood. "Guangdong, China."
"How... is this my information......"
"Maybe not that hopeful, but I can still use you."
"How do you know these things?"
"I told you, I'm a god."
"Why are you wasting time with me?"
"Orders. Generals...you know how it is."
"Are there general gods?"
"There is something much more powerful than that, but, we can call them that."
"What do you want with me?"
"In a few minutes, will sound the alarm, your colleague Chittaphon will take care of it, after that you won't have much time... you.". He thought for a while. "You picked a terrible place to pass out... don't worry, someone will find you anyway. I need you to guide your friends to the train."
"That's right, in the middle of the desert, the Kwangya train will pass by taking the entities to the Palace. You have to go in, there we can assess the damage done to your DNA."
"Why?Our DNA?"
"If I explain, I don't finish today and I don't have much time. It was hard enough getting in here. Get on the train". He seemed to ponder a few more seconds. "I don't think it's wise, but if you must, use your powers to protect yourself."
"You know I don't have powers, don't you?". Chang-min pursed his lips, seeming to hold back the urge to strangle the young man in front of him.
"You are a ghost, Xiao DeJun, use this."
"I played Christine, not the Phantom."
"I'll consider the pills so I don't call you stupid.". He smiled without humor. "You'll understand when you wake up. Just. Arrive. At. Fucking. Of. Train."
"Why me?". The young man still not quite convinced. "Why am I the nominee?"
"Because you are ready to obey, Xiao DeJun". He smiled crookedly, pretending to offer the young man a toast. "You already ran away, you just don't know it yet."
Before Xiao could retort, he began to feel his body react to an external movement, a slight jolt that increased every moment, insistent and nervous. A voice that was distant before, came closer each time, repeating a numerical sequence. His vision blurred and the man in front of him seemed to lose focus.
"Our time is up, ghost...". Suddenly the air rushed from his lungs and his vision darkened.
* * *
 "1000...1000...let's go.". You can hear apprehension in the voice." 1000, wake up at once!"
"Where are we?". Xiao voice came out hoarse, his throat hurt.
The evening wear was gone, along with the scenery; the ostentatious carvings gave way to a systematic sequence of pipes in a tight, body-checked hallway, now in a worn, black outfit with a few chains. The young man in front of him looked at him anxiously, seemed to want to talk, however, he looked around looking for something, an annoying siren echoed in the room, making his head throb, he wanted to scream for them to turn off, however, he decided to focus his attention on the man In front of her, her quick eye sweep stopped immediately on a dog tag pinned to the scribbled sweater.
"10110... ". He narrowed his eyes at the boy's face, they were in an environment with poor lighting, making his task difficult. "10110."
"Great, 1000, you're awake. Come on, get up!". He pulled up, dragging him a few steps. "We do not have much time. Come."
"10110... ". DeJun repeated lost, staring into the face of the man who was now supporting him.
"Yes, I'm 10110, I know my number. Pleasure, 1000.". He looked impatient. "You have to focus or you'll die, walk faster."
"Yangyang.". He spoke when remembering his theater companions, making the young man stop and stare with a dark look.
"How do you know that name?". He walked away suspiciously.
"I know you... The ghosts... we're WayV.". He said lost, trying to recover the memories.
"We are nothing... how do you know that name?". He was pulled by the collar. "Say it."
"I met you...in a dream...I don't know.". Seconds passed, Yangyang stared hard, seeming to assess the situation.
"I'll deal with you later, 1000.". He finally sentenced. "We don't have time to waste now, we have to go."
"My name is XiaoJun."
"Fine... use your skills to move faster, XiaoJun.". Yangyang indicated the hall.
XiaoJun swallowed the question on the tip of his tongue and started to run after Yangyang who was leading the way. The siren continued to wail, getting louder and louder, followed by an irritated march followed by gunfire. He ran through closed corridors, dark and blindly, just following the man who had woken him up, he wasn't even sure what he was running, however, the nausea in the pit of his stomach warned that it wasn't something good; at some point, they bumped into a group of young people. The WayV...
"Don't ask, DeJun, just keep running.". Yangyang warned when Xiao threatened to open his mouth, he knew those boys, however, questions should be for later.
They continued their nervous and flustered flight, managing to break into one of the exits of the tower that held them captive. A messy building, filled with dead-end corridors, twisted metal, and empty cells. They were faced with a revolting ocean, dark, as well as the storm above their heads, which had the skies illuminated only by the rays and lightning that tore the horizon. Before he could take a step towards the freedom he didn't remember needing to reach, a chill ran down his spine and the melodious voice echoed in his ears.
"Get on the train, ghost."
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