#they all call each other baby lol during this era but still!
covertblizzard · 26 days
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Wally and Mal whole thing in this issue being kind of extremely cute!
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easybrainrot34 · 8 days
🖼️Lil Benedict Bridgerton Headcanons Pt 2🖼️
Woohoo part 2 baby!! Part 1 is right here! Some of these are modern!AU some of these are Regency era. As I said before I am truly a ✨slut✨ for this man. Hope y’all enjoy 😊
All r fluff and crack. Bonus Polin Headcanon ❤️
🎨= modern!AU
🎻= Renaissance era
🎨🎻= either
Also mentioned : Colin, Anthony, Kathony, Queer!Eloise, Gregory, and Polin
Ps, my ask and request r open :)
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🎨 He went on a gap year before college to travel the world. He went kinda everywhere but he’s not one of those people that’s pretentious and has to talk about it all the time (no shade Colin, he’s more of an excited puppy about where he’s been anyway)
🎨 During cov!d he really honed in on his skills as an artist but also got really into skincare and hair care. Now he does a whole curly hair care routine because even though I can see him keeping his hair on the shorter side, he still likes it to have a little body.
🎨🎻 He would never admit it to Anthony (at least sober) but he wants the love that Kate and Anthony have for each other. He is such a hopeless romantic and I think he wants nothing more in this world than to find someone he feels he truly can’t live without.
🎻 Now we all know Benedict goes to balls more out of family obligation than actually wanting to, but I truly feel like once he’s married, he wants you to throw balls every season. He loves being able to show you off and what better setting them a ball with you as the person of honor. I also feel like he would enjoy throwing balls/parties for his more artistic, not part of the ton friends.
🎨 Now let’s say this is a modern AU where Eloise is a lesbian and our dear Ben is bisexual. I feel like when Eloise came out to him and said “I’m gay” he said, with no hesitation “you too?” I feel like the next day this man would just barge into her place with a gift bag full of Girl in Red, Chappell Roan, and Raneé Rapp albums, a pride flag, and a Carabiner. She would give him the “these are all stereotypes” lecture, but truly she appreciates it.
🎨🎻 I feel like he is very weak willed when it comes to his nieces and nephews. Like he is the favorite uncle, yes it took him bribing the kiddos, and yes he has no shame about it. He would stay firm with them (respecting the majority of set rules) but he will let them get away with small things. It will take him having his own kiddos to understand where everyone is coming from. (trust & believe that the siblings take their revenge)
🎨 He’s weak for a sundress. Weather it’s a cute little flower print, or a simple solid color, he just loves a little flowy sundress. I can’t explain it. It’s just this man’s weakness. (Btw this is what I mean when I say sundress, because apparently the Internet is having a debate about this right now lol)
🎻 Y’all remember when people were painting on each other’s bodies during Covid? Yeah he would do that. I feel like he would very much use u as a canvas during yall’s honeymoon. I feel like it would also end in a little ✨spicy time✨
🎨 While I can really see this man not giving a fck about whether he is fit or not I feel like as he starts to get a little bit older (late 30s early 40s) he would sign up for the gym. I feel like this will be a combination of him wanting to, but also Anthony, Colin, and Gregory would tease him about getting a “dad bod”. He knows though that you love it so he wouldn’t try to get too fit, just enough to be a little toned.
He has such a fondness for Pen. This man is in her corner, if her and Colin get into a fight he automatically is taking her side. If he sees Cressida doing some shady sh!t he’s calling her out right then and there. I also feel once Colin and Pen announce their engagement, he would go to her and say “I’m sorry it took him so long to realize what we all knew” AHHH I JUST KNOW HE SHIPS POLIN!!!
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nerdyenby · 2 months
DRS2 reactions (spoilers)
Ep 1
Ras at the shadow dojo???????? Who woulda thunk
New intro?!?!!!?!! Idk why I wasn’t expecting that, actually
The public including Pix with the missing ninja my beloved
Gosh, big Riyu will take some getting used to
Wait… is that a curious george reference??
I don’t know if I’ve heard someone outright say something isn’t good for their friend’s mental health in a cartoon before, it’s really refreshing
Casual Frohicky and Sora/Arin interactions my beloved <3
Omg Kai explaining Shang to Zane is such season one vibes
Lloyd having open and honest conversations with his students about both his and their wellbeing is so important to me
Ok, hear me out: au where baby Wu didn’t age back at an enhanced rate and gets lost at somepoint and Arin is teenage Wu
Dang it, Cinder’s kinda funny
Ep 2
I legit started happy stimming so hard at that opening shot, I’m really invested in Euphrasia’s story already and nothing’s even happened yet lol
Percival out here making the gen z solarpunk dream a reality!!!!
Lloyd calling it what it is — a panic attack — soothes something in me
Sora did really bad graffiti of cats when she was young, that’s adorable and kinda tells you everything you need to know about her
MY GIRL!!!!!!!
Euphrasia using a cane!!!! Hell yeah mobility aids!!!! (Even though it’ll probably be gone in two episodes lol)
I kid you not, I was 100% expecting Suetonius to say “resurrect… the Great Devourer” lmao
I love that the gang is (mostly) all together, but it’s a bit too many characters for a conversation, I get why they like to split them into groups
Nya grounding Lloyd :(( /pos
Kai boasting about a fight that he won a decade ago when Cinder probably doesn’t even know Ash is endlessly amusing to me
Ras is so dramatic I can’t really take him seriously
Damn, they’re letting characters get hurt, it’s kinda refreshing but it’s scary
Ep 3
Wait I didn’t see Euphrasia get captured :((
WHAT THE HELL?!???? /vpos
Strength, motion, energy, and life?!??!!??
Kai comforting Wyldfyre <333
We know this takes place after the mech shorts, so why hasn’t anyone mentioned Cole? He was also seen in public, so why did that conspiracy guy say he’s still missing?
Why do they keep leaving Zane behind?? He’s in his housewife era fr
Kai making sure Wyldfyre’s taken care of :((
This show is so unserious, I love it
I wasn’t feeling people calling Kai Wyldfyre’s dad after season one but…
No… Sora took Arin’s thing from him… she didn’t mean to, but he feels like he’s not special anymore :(
I’m going to pretend that was a believable amount of parts to make a mech that big
Kai getting moments with Arin and Sora my beloved
Kai’s “hey kid, nice of you to drop by” is giving the same energy as when Lloyd and Arin first met during the merge
These nightmare sequences are going so hard
Nya being the first one to realize it isn’t real when her nightmare is reality, I’m screaming
Riyu comforting Wyldfyre <333
Nya best sister award when
Ep 4
My boys!!!!!
THE found family of all time
Seeing Kai and Nya fight so smoothly together is so special after how much they and Lloyd were tripping over each other when they first reunited
Autistic Arin real and true
I love Bonzle so much
Geo is such a lil bastard actually /pos, makes more sense why he and Cole are a thing, knowing Cole’s taste in men
Cole will never stop being overpowered, it seems, he deserves it tbh
Censorship pog /hj
“Not funny, Wyldfyre” “Not joking, Sora” the sheer cousin vibes in this interaction are too much to handle
Lloyd PLEASE just mention being 1/4 dragon, it will almost certainly get Egalt on board, I am begging
Glacier reunion!!!!!!!
Ep 5
I wanted a more emotional reunion, but they’ve probably seen each other off screen (or I’m just forgetting a scene from the shorts)
Zane, why are you still carrying that doll like it’s your child??
Bonzle my beloved, she’s says that so deadpan I don’t actually have any questions
Wyldfyre my beloved
I would die for Bonzle
Cole and Geo holding hands 😭😭😭😭😭
Is Egalt the motion source dragon?? Probably not tbh but I’d believe it
Man’s spitting facts, flatearthers are going to lose their shit
“Little fire man” IM DYING OH MY GOD
Wait when does this take place? My first instinct is while the ninja were in the Never Realm but idk if we’ll actually find out
“Friends can become like family?” “Definitely” IM SOBBING ON THE FLOOR
Letting Arin be angry is so important
Cole shutting down Bonzle’s suicidal thoughts without hesitation “no, you are loved and needed. We will find a way to protect you” <333
The physical affection in DR is so dear to me
Human sacrifices???? In MY lego show?????
Ep 6
Wyldfyre struggling with her body’s limits is really relatable as a young disabled person
Plot twist: where the other ninja are right now is Mysterium and they have that tua meme of two cars passing each other moment
Damn, that exchange hit hard as a former gifted kid. Sometimes having someone believe in you hurts. You’re not just letting yourself down, but them, too
Nya just fucking bodyslamming Kai, Egalt didn’t know what he was getting into pitting the world’s most competitive siblings against each other
“The Finders are like my family” *looks at Zane* “My other family” screaming, crying, sobbing on the floor
Oh no
Wait yeah, why are they thirsty if Zane can just make ice for them to chew on? At least Cole and Jiro, idk if Bonzle needs water
The nonbinary pirate!!!
Cole CANNOT escape the performing arts fr fr
Ep 7
Bonzle is giving transgender
That is the most Jay and Cole thing I’ve ever heard it, it’s so in character it almost feels out of character
Arin and Sora going through the exact same thing and trying and failing to not take it out on each other :( it’s ok tho, the real ones are the ones you can be snippy with and love regardless
Wyldfyre referring to the ninja as “Kai’s friends” honey, they’re your friends too, I promise
Anyone who calls Wyldfyre dumb can fuck off, she’s so perceptive and intelligent and is really good at connecting others when she truly wants to
Bonzle’s mom <33333
Bonzle’s smile when her mom compliments her name <3333
Who you calling stolen equipment bitch?????
Lil Kai and Nya!!!!!!
Nya’s so proud of him!!!!! I could cry
Kai being the first to achieve it because fire is an element under motion’s domain methinks
Oh you bigoted son of a bitch
Zane why are you considering it????? Honey
What the fuck did you do to Jiro??!?!!!
Ep 8
There’s literally a nindroid agent right there????
The og musical cue playing when Jay comes back <3
Jay on his Euphrasia arc, this is highkey breaking my heart though
I’m counting this as a fakeout death and you can’t stop me
Are you kidding me???!!!? How many times is Jay going to be one room away from the ninja
Lloyd SHUT UP /aff
“And cursed!!” She says cheerfully, this lady is an icon
The subtitles keep calling Cole Kai, what is this, season one??
Ep 9
Aww, baby Ras (trying desperately to not care about him)
Oh ok, he’s making my job easier
Poor Wyldfyre :(
I love this trio so much, their banter is so good
Lloyd honey, fighting it is making it worse
Nya holding him through his panic attack :((
I was expecting Cole to deny that it was him, the earth is going through it
The disco toaster!!!!!
Heck yeah Riyu!!!
I love them so much it’s not even funny
“What’s your elemental power, imperviousness to sarcasm?” She just called him autistic in 13 languages (I’m autistic, dw guys)
“First time driving?” “Believe it or not, no” Bonzle and Arin my beloved
I’m a touch disappointed Wyldfyre’s perfectly fine now as someone with chronic pain, but I’m glad it was handled as well as it was and it’s a really important lesson for younger audiences that pushing your body while it’s in pain only makes it worse
The silent exchange of Cole suggesting Zane takes the parrot potion is endlessly funny but also sad considering it’s probably the closest well get to talking about the Falcon
Cole turning into a puppy who cheered?!???
“At least you’re adorable” “I’m always adorable” get a room /aff
Tournament of elements flashbacks
The workplace gossip omg, Cinder really out here beefing with a 16 year old
Don’t you even fucking dare
Ep 10
Arin mistaking Lloyd and Nya for his parents hurts :(
Oh no… I mean, it was obviously coming but it’s still very bad
Let Euphrasia do stuff 2024
Wyldfyre jumping in front of Kai and protecting him
The basketball practice coming in handy lol
The fight cinematography in DR is fucking superb
KAI D: (he’ll be fine, I believe)
I was prepared for Rontu and Egalt to stay dead, the breath I let out when the stone cracked was unparalleled
Are we legit not getting Kai back????
Cole and Lloyd hug!!!!!
Oh no… that lie is going to hurt when it comes out
Kai and Bonzle!!!!
Not like Master Wu says, like Lloyd says ;-; /pos
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savedpeople · 11 months
thoughts about tonight’s episode:
we got confirmation that maggie didn’t burn ginny’s dino, but is hiding it from negan and is planning to continue hiding it. and the fact that she tells ginny to her face that she can’t have negan knowing she’s there... she was completely planning on keeping ginny away from him and what, try to force her to go back to the community knowing that maggie is lying to him?
she had absolutely no business calling negan a monster in front of ginny, telling her she “doesn’t know him” and that she’d find out he’s a monster if she sticks around long enough. whatever negan’s done in the past is not what he’s doing now, and using crimes from 15 years ago to tell a little girl that the only person she has left in her life, who has been caring for her, is a monster, is uncalled for. the continued flip flopping between “i know you’ve changed/are trying to be better” and “you’re a MONSTER” is still old
the people hating on ginny for caring about negan and calling out maggie’s lies are weird. maggie both directly lied and hid things from negan. that is fact. ginny isn’t a horrible person deserving of death for saying the truth
maggie refusing oxygen for what reason??
was the weird wall of baby doll limbs supposed to shock us or something bc that is extremely tame in the world of twd lmao
tommaso lowkey looking like shane in this episode
i hate that they killed off both tommaso and amaia, and in such a weird anti-climatic way too? i liked them. they’re killing off nearly every character they introduce us to
also the fact that tommaso was apparently not bit or anything during last episode’s fight against the walkers? he really got out of that completely unscathed?
“out of my way, bitch” LOL
the “walker king” looked cool, but the entire “fight” just being maggie on her back stabbing each walker head also felt anti-climatic, given how often they were teasing the walker king in trailers
i saw people who watched it early making fun of negan for “finding any reason to mention he’s a gym teacher” but he only mentioned it bc armstrong literally asked? i don’t see the problem lol. negan’s only mentioned being a gym teacher/working with kids maybe 2 or 3 times total in the entire twdu.
years ago i’d written a headcanon about negan knowing first aid and how to treat a number of various injuries due to being a gym teacher/sports coach. and while everyone at this point in the apocalypse undoubtedly knows how to administer first aid to some degree, i still liked the small nod to/confirmation of my hc in the way negan knew where to find first aid in the school bus and immediately started treating armstong’s injury
so it took armstrong 15+ years into the apocalypse to realize that the world isn’t all black and white?
I’m really worried about this whole thing with the croat and the dama. why do they “need” negan. how does the dama know who negan is. it feels like they want him to help them run nyc or something and if that’s the case i really worry about the writers making him “go bad” again and join them?? like i don’t think they will. but i remember one reviewer mentioning a “plot twist” in the finale that would break the pattern of maggie needing negan’s help and them working together so i am Worried
i really don’t want the dama to be yet another character we’ve never met yet somehow already knows/has worked with negan, bc this spin off is already oversaturated with characters having past connections with him/magically knowing details about his savior era
the croat was acting unbothered about missing an ear last episode in front of negan, but wore a cap to hide it when visiting the dama
I don’t understand how croat knew about maggie’s history with negan well enough to demand she bring negan to him, or how he even knew her at all. he was already gone by season 7. he never met maggie. she and negan hadn’t seen each other in like 5 years and never worked together until long after all the other saviors were gone (meaning no one there to witness it and then later tell the croat, in the way someone told him about the war.) she wasn’t even at the old hilltop location when he took hershel iirc so it’s not like he went back to an old community that he knew had once been under negan’s rule. like how did he have enough information to do this? it doesn’t make sense and i’m tired of characters just magically gaining knowledge related to negan for plot reasons. if i missed something please let me know because i’m lost lol
i... don’t see why maggie had to lie to negan about her situation. why not be honest with him from the start, and try to make a plan together to get hershel back without actually handing negan over to the croat.
overall i was kind of “meh” about this episode; it’s probably my least favorite one of the season. i feel like the plot didn’t move forward much and i’m having doubts about the story wrapping up in the finale in a satisfying way. I have a feeling it’s going to end on a cliffhanger of sorts in hopes of it getting a second season. and it does bug me that if it does get another season, that the bulk of the characters we were introduced to are already dead
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jerzwriter · 1 year
☀️ 🐬 😒 💤 💐
For all pairings
Thank you!
Hi Nonny, Thank you for the ask! (LIST) ☀️ Did they both want children/How many children did they want? 
Ethan x Kaycee - Kaycee always hoped to be a mother one day, but she didn't believe it was right to decide how many until she had one and saw how she/her partner adjusted. Ethan did not want children at first. He and Kaycee eventually decided to have one (and see how it goes). They eventually have baby Emma, and after one, they say they're good.
Tobias x Casey - Casey always wanted to be a mom one day but didn't really give much thought to how man. Tobias was never opposed to the idea of kids, but he didn't see it happening. He had no desire to settle down in a relationship, and he didn't want to have children outside that context. However, after falling in love with/settling down with Casey, he definitely wanted a family, a big one. He always joked at least nine, but he really was thinking more along the lines of 3-5. Casey said, "Let's start with one and see...." after 2, she said they were done. But life had other plans and they got a bonus baby. They end up with three little girls.
Eli/Zoe - Eli and Zoe live in such a precarious world where nothing is guaranteed. Many children don't survive, and many parents don't, leaving children to (hopefully) be raised by others or members of a colony - but not always lovingly or well. Because of this, they don't exactly plan on having children.
Eli would have wanted children, for sure, he had such a loving relationship with his family, and he'd want to create the same with the person he loved. Zoe was raised mostly by The Tower, and it was so impersonal. She always imagined life with her fathers and romanticized about what life would have been, so I think she would want children too. But, I think they both felt it wouldn't be the best idea as the world existed. But... that doesn't mean they're not having children. :) More to come.
🐬Who made the first move? 
Ethan x Kaycee - Hmm. Well, that's canon, and I'd say it was in Miami. I also think it was pretty mutual. It feels like Ethan made the first move just slightly more, but Kaycee jumped on that. Plus, she was willing to see it through, but he wasn't. So, 50/50. lol
Tobias x Casey - They fell in instant lust when they met at the Deli - They were both eager to see each other, but it was Tobias who asked Aurora about Casey and then showed up at the Deli when Aurora said they'd be there. Casey initially chickened out, but then showed up.
Both flirted a lot during that breakfast, but Tobias took the lead. He also asked her out, called the breakfast their "first date", and went to kiss her (interrupted) that day. So I say Tobias for the win. lol
Eli/Zoe - This is canon, and it is 150% Zoe. Maybe 200% Zoe. lol
😒 Do they get jealous easily? 
Ethan x Kaycee - I think they had jealous feelings, which they did their best to temper if they saw someone flirting with the other or knew the other had a date during the Book 1 era. They knew they had no commitment to each other (esp early on), but they still felt it.
During the "Reset" period, they would absolutely be jealous if they heard the other was dating anyone else.
But after they were together (in my HC after the attack), jealousy went out the window. They knew they were in love and committed, and they trusted each other implicitly. There is no place for jealousy in a relationship like that.
Tobias x Casey - The only time jealousy was a bit factor in their relationship was in the very beginning, when Casey was dealing with PTSD and feeling bad about herself. She doubted that Tobias, who had been such a ladies man, would be satisfied being with her, and only her, long term. But this was more of a Casey issue, and they worked this out early on.
After that, they were so freaking gaga over each other, and they trusted each other fully, so jealousy wasn't a thing. In fact, let's face it, they're both hot as fuck, so people are going to flirt with them. But usually, if one saw the other being flirted with, they'd sit back with popcorn and watch because they know the other fool is getting shut down.
They don't get mad in those instances if the other party doesn't know they're taken. But, say it's someone at work who knows, then they'd be pissed, but at the other person, not each other. It's not jealousy or the feeling of a threat. It's the disrespect the other person is showing. (This is true of Ethan & Kaycee, too.)
Elix Zoe - In the beginning, when Eli & Zoe weren't together, but they totally had the hots for each other, Eli got jealous of Troy a couple times. He and Zoe were best friends, and he felt the bond could be more. (It's touched on a little here in Little Moments.) The irony is Zoe was all about Eli, but he was the one fighting what he felt.
After they were together, there really isn't any overt jealousy, as they are so in love and have such a strong bond, but I think there could be some jealousy later on. Why? I have an idea or two I may play out where someone is interested in Eli, and Zoe gets a little jealous. Why? Because she knows Eli was very isolated prior to meeting her, she was essentially the first woman outside of his mom and childhood friend that he had been around in 20 years. So she worries that, perhaps, if he had a choice, he wouldn't have picked her. This, of course, is utter BS, but it would have to play out.
💤Who falls asleep first? 
Ethan & Kaycee - It could be either. Typically, it is simply whoever is most tired.
Tobias & Casey - Typically, it is Casey, but not always. Like E/K, it's usually whoever is most tired.)
Eli & Zoe - 90% of the time, it's Zoe. They live in a dangerous world, and Eli is very protective of Zoe. He will usually force himself to stay up until she's asleep. He's also a very light sleeper and will be up at the drop of a pin.
💐Is one more protective than the other? 
Ethan x Kaycee - They are both protective of each other, but Ethan has the edge.
Tobias x Casey - They are also both protective of each other, but Tobias is very, very protective of Casey.
Eli & Zoe - They're both fiercely protective of each other. I'd say Eli has the edge just a bit. After what happened with his parents & brother, he is terrified of losing Zoe; but Zoe is also terrified of losing him. So it's pretty 50/50.
Thanks for the asks, Nonny!
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Not Me Live Blogging - Episodes 1 - 5
Reasons to not start this show right now:
I'm still kinda stuck on Semantic Error, so I don't know if I can fully immerse myself in this show right now
I have so much schoolwork, I really shouldn't start an intense, long (14 eps?) show that I hope takes over my brain and heart and life
BUT: I want to, so here we go lol. The only other show I've watched while it's airing was 2gether and that was early 2020 and I wasn't into BL/GL or even shows then - that just happened because I liked the premise and due to the hype. So Not Me is the first show I'm starting while its airing during my show/BL fandom era since October 2021.
I'm going in with a lot of excitement and expectations, so I hope they'll be met ^.^
Episode 1 (Mar 15, 2022)
Horrible to be in the first 2 minutes and, because I got spoiled about episode 10, know that one of these kids in the future tries kill another. I've avoided most spoilers except like traces of what the show is about for weeks and weeks but recently, I read like 3 different posts talking about the same hot tub/swimming pool murder attempt scene lol
Just like students in BL tend to be Engineering students, I feel like their fathers tend to be diplomats (Leo's dad in Don't Say No, someone's dad in Enchanté?)
I am soooo weak for sibling relationships (my weakest point is parent-child relationships but after that, siblings are just arrow straight to the heart)
Is the juice box the first sponsor ad lol it hasn't even been 10 minutes
Damn the father doesn't even gaf where his other child is?
Gun's quite nice to look at; his styling when coming back to Thailand suits him
This ominous music during the dinner conversation with his dad's friend? Has me on wondering if there's gonna be a random assassination attempt lol
Oh, I see, he was just feeling the effects of whatever's happening to Black. I wish they let the actor express it (because he did do so, just subtly) and have the viewers start to catch on before it all goes to shit, rather than have the suspense music come in so early
i’ve watched only korean shows for 3 weeks, so watching a thai show and being unable to understand anything is 😭 hurts every-time i remember that i’m missing a lot of context if i don’t understand a language and don’t fully grasp the culture and nuances (esp because i’ve heard this show comments on that)
so Todd knows that White is in the country now? Otherwise why would he call him right? Also how do they have each other’s contacts still lol didn’t White move away as a child and doesn’t even know where his brother is?
omg a sibling promise !!
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alskdjak mans just got so many piercings and tattoos at once fly high my dude
This sudden lighterhearted teasing about underwear and size just shocked me lol it's been so serious so far
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And just to drive home my wallows about not understanding the language, here's a clearly incorrectly translated sentence T.T what else am I missingggg
It's interesting to see this photo with all these characters because thus far, I've just encountered things like SeanWhite, DanYok, ToddBlack, GramBlack, etc and also the Todd attempting to murder Black (I didn't know they were best friends until I started watching - agh I so deeply wish I didn't know about this attempt bc now obviously I'm more suspicious of everything and just... know what's coming kinda)
klsadfj White coming in with this little research about his brother's life is stressing me out ~_~'
I'm confused, isn't Black supposed to be like... a bad student? Constantly dropping classes, doesn't go to class, etc?
White, why are you so bad at this laksdjfljkdsf he's like a little baby bird. Pretty face though, sorry to be shallow *is not sorry*
Also, we got a sensible trans woman character for a few minutes who's not like the comic relief/joke of the scene. love that immensely, hope she continues to show up maybe?
I'm at the point in my Thai BL journey where I don't know all the GMMTV actors' names but I can recognize many of them from a show I've watched; such as: Todd played Thun's friend in He's Coming To Me
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I can't believe I paused in the middle of this intense scene to write this long, unrelated ramble, lmfao but the first and only proper celebrities I've followed (Youtubers discounted) before these BLs is kpop idols and they have full coverage makeup during schedules, the devil Snow app for photos they post and filters for VLives and such to smoothen out their skin. When I saw a certain NCT Mark IG Live (can't remember which, maybe the one with him and Ten for T7S 5th anniversary?) where he was bare faced and we could actually see pimples and such, I liked it so much like something about it felt so touching because it was such a casual IG live + he was dressed casually and bare faces the naturally feel more authentic/close than filters. Anyway, Bad Buddy Episode 4, part 4 where after the makeup remover product placement, Ohm's barefaced (?) and we could see his skin's texture and acne scars and it felt so vulnerable and touching because it was a vulnerable and touching scene. Like, Pran looking at Pat all bare face, sleeping, no pretense and us also getting to see him like that and see how Pran longs for him. It was great and if his face had the blurry effect, it wouldn't have impacted me as much, probably. Anyway, seeing Gun's pores in this specific case isn't as impactful or touching like the instances above but it just reminded me lol. This show seems to also have that same rawness, so I hope that continues and I’m sure it’ll be even more impactful in emotionally vulnerable scenes.
I can't believe I paused in the middle of this intense scene to write this long, unrelated ramble, lmfao, but I guess that's what this is for: to write down my every thought. Back to the show!
This music choice is confusing the hell out of me in this Sean/White scene. I wish the music in this show wasn't so loud and so persistent, let the audience come to their own conclusions from the scene/dialogue/acting and then use the music to guide them to the correct conclusion rather than overwhelming them with it. They don't seem to use sound effects (thus far, at least), which is a GIFT for sure but replacing it with booming bg music is only slightly better
This random cat and mouse oil chasing scene is really cute, actually >.< From the way people spoke about this show, I thought there'd be like no levity but I'm glad there is
White being asked if he gets what he's being told and him nodding despite not getting a single thing
I've only criticized their music choices thus far but the last scene one is really good and fitting!
Aghh it's 1AM, so time to sleep but I also wanna know what happens next. Sometimes for these kBLs I could be like oh no, it's late but I still wanna watch the next episode it's 15-20 minutes anyway but this one... 45 minutes lol can't do the same. How do people wait week to week for these, as well? I've only started it now because I probably can't watch all the rest 12 episodes before the 14th episode comes out, what with school + wanting to spend time seeking out what people were saying after ep 1 aired
How'd I write this much for 1 episode... I guess it kinda makes sense since I've only done kBLs (+ Utsukushii Kare) thus far and those were fairly short whereas Not Me's 1 episode is like 1/3-1/2 of those shows just by itself lol
Episode 2 (Mar 16, 2022)
and hereby continues my slow death as I watch White be terribly at pretending to be Black
White was talking with Todd on the phone and I literally had to pause and do homework for an hour because I feel like Sean's gonna catch White spilling the beans on the phone and that is... very nerve-wracking
Okay, so Sean caught White screwing up twice (the phone call + not taking the guard down) but he seems to be just annoyed with him rather than suspicious/angry. He's still probably taking note of it all, right?
They've literally covered so much in gasoline anyway, what's the point of White not just doing his part as well just to blend in
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stunning - I love love love the hints of blue as the fire's just starting
OH MY GOD HE WAS IN THERE ?!?@#:"!@QI weisadfh asodfjhsadfjkbsd
the way my eyes just got wider and wider as realization dawned on me... The first time Gawin was shown I was like oh yeah, people mentioned this guy's in the show, did I somehow miss him till now? But no... he wasn't in the show until now...
Wow, that was freaking intense
Is this the DanYok I've been hearing so much about?
lmao Black planned this whole thing?
"I'll give you one more chance. Act like the Black I used to know." damn that... will be difficult
This show is just a lot because I'm trying to like watch 10-15 minute chunk, do an hour of schoolwork, watch the next part, more homework, etc but whenever i'm doing schoolwork i'm like ooh i wonder what'll happen next but when i'm watching, i get too anxious and have to keep stopping lol
This specific scene where Gram was sharing a good memory of his with Black and White not knowing it was different from usual. This time there was no "oh, it's suspicious that you don't remember" but rather it felt pitiful; your brother has these memories with people that he doesn't with you + Gram's thinking he's Black and has this strong connection with him but doesn't
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Mango, too, is always my answer whenever I don't know something. It's the South Asian in me.
lmfao Yok unconsciously drawing the dude he saved but doesn't know anything about. When I saw Yok drawing with the charcoal I was like oh yes, I did get spoiled about some DanYok drawing in that happens in one of the middle episodes 7-8(?) but didn't expect it to also kinda happen here lol. Anyway, my mans smiling once he realizes and making the tiddy more defined. hilarious
I wish I didn't know anything about what was gonna happen
As a scaredy cat who hardly ever even drives, it's interesting to watch them race to the garage via motorcycle, esp when White doesn't even know how to ride one of these big ones
Also fuck me, I clicked on a spoiler tag on reddit because I thought it was about Manner of Death but actually it was about DanYok not ending up together aghhh I shouldn't have clicked. I didn't even get invested in them yet but know that as of episode 13, they're not together (anymore?).
Episode 2 Behind: Look at the behind with all this real fire and them acting within it :0 rip the building ig
It's funny because I write all this as I watch but when I'm reblogging gifs/reading other people's thoughts afterwards even more thoughts form in my head like goddamn when will i shut up but anyway, here's some seanwhite/black thoughts from the tags because I didn't write anything about them here:
#it's funny because white's like wow this sean guy hates black! and whole time sean's overflowing with tenderness even while he's gruff
#wait a minute i did Not realize sean cried here i thought he was just sweating profusely but those are tear tracks
#this sean - white/black - gram dynamic so farrrrrr very curious
Episode 3 (Mar 16, 2022)
Watching Gun go from White-mode to Black-mode, he really is quite beautiful in both outfits. I was meh about him just from like the few pictures/clips I'd seen of him before starting the show but he's pretty
This fatherly diplomatic advice and expectations while White's going through some radical changes lol
I like Namo thus far, she's cool. I'm assuming they won't make her a creepy shipper or unreasonable jealous gf caricature, right? I think we can expect more from this show
One second into Yok's room and we have deduced that the man likes birds and boobs. Not that that couldn't have been deduced before, what with his bird tattoo and very booby drawing of Unar/Dan (?)
Edit after finishing ep 3: He also loves his mom, considering this scene + apparently his tattoo on his side means mother
Oh yeah I do remember hearing that there's a deaf character in the show. I can't comment on the authenticity or accuracy of it but I hope they're being respectful, especially since they're commenting on the ableism as well
It's interesting to watch White realize how naïve and privileged he is
As a student who's always looking for interships... interviewing in general is my worst nightmare but to watch him go through this... I paused 3 different times and did something else and we're still just on the first question lmfao I don't wanna watch this T.T
omggg P'Nuchy I owe you my LIFE they fr just skipped it <3
No but why do I find SeanWhite so cute already... Sean flicking White's forehead as revenge cute >.<
this romantic music and framing while they beat the shit out of each other lmfao (or rather Sean beats the shit outta White, mans is getting his ass kicked)
aslfkj White getting knocked out followed by some product placement
Beating the shit outta each other FOLLOWED BY WOUND TENDINGGGGG
Woahh Gumpa fully went "you can fool the rest of them but you can't fool me. I'm Gumpa, the owner of this garage." So he fully knows White isn't Black
Hilarious to watch White's dad be like "If you were some other guy, they'd fail you" but insist it's not cheating, not based on connections and to not talk badly about his friend or the ministry (who're allowing this cheating and nepotism)
White's realization of his privileges (and I'm assuming future development) is like a more ind-depth version of A Tian's from Tale of Thousand Stars
Unar points a gun at Yok and I suddenly understand why everybody's obsessed with them
loool we're getting seanwhite roommates ?
dang We really got a whole SeanWhite part ! the towel/accidental naked thing is too cringey for me and I'm not super into like the slow-mo so quickly but other than that, their interactions are cute
I'd seen some things like P'Nuchy hadn't scene BL and had also scene people saying they're more into DanYok than the main couple but they're cute and interesting to me so far
I watched 2 episodes throughout the day today but tomorrow I won't be able to watch anything till 6pm because of classes aghhhh :<
Episode 4 (Mar 17, 2022)
Was at school for like 5 hours + 2 hours commute total, so time to ignore all my schoolwork for a bit and treat myself to some queers arsonists and vigilantes !!
oh noo Sean the daring, stand-offish, leader type dude has nightmares. love this trope, obviously
Woah, interesting and intense. "If that was real, I'd just let you die."
I really wanna know more about what Black was like and his relationship with the others in the group. He seems like quite the character
Is this the pool where Todd tries to kill Black or whatever?
Agh, so is it that Todd's the one who sent the people after Black? And now he also has White on the inside, giving him info? I wish I didn't know about this random pool murder attempt T.T
Unar/Dan having drawn Yok means they've both drawing each other lol. I'm still not super into them the way people already were 4 eps in but I get why
In terms of side characters, I think Yok is really endearing and Gram/Nuch are cute, though I don't know if they'll end up going anywhere with them since Nuch mentioned being his ex-gf. Also, the way Gram looked skittish when she mentioned he's dating someone from Arts now... who? The people we know from Arts are like Eugene, Namo, Yok. Since he looked so shiftily at White/Black... maybe Eugene? Because we're got DanYok and Namo doesn't seem like she's gonna be involved in any of the show's drama, at least for now
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lol literally
I read that apparently in the trailer Sean accuses Tawi of killing his father or something? I guess that's the reason they'll provide for why he's so hellbent on destroying him lol. I wonder if the dude Sean mentioned in the case who was executed (?) for dealing drugs was his father or something
This crocodile picking scene is so funny because we've got intense suspense music in the background while White apprehensively stares at this toy crocodile that often shows up in kpop groups' variety content just to add a little pizazz
lmfaooo White not knowing where he stands with Black gf and not knowing how to comfort her
Oh wow, I was like obviously it can go toward a sexy, intimate road considering the situation and setting but I still wasn't expecting all this kissing for some reason. It's a good kiss, too - not awkward or weird; hope the actual couple ones we get turn out this way too
why is he getting her drunk asdflkrhfsf it's to just make her speak easier and possibly not remember what she talked to him about, right? what a shitty thing nonetheless
It's interesting that White's chill with kissing somebody who doesn't actually know who he is (intimate under false pretenses), kissing his brother's girlfriend AND getting her drunk. He's getting used to doing shady things, I suppose
Eugene's watch on her left hand is sooo attractive to me like she's already pretty but every time her hand comes up when she takes a drink and you get glimpses of her watch on her hand... very attractive to me personally
Dang girl what are you hiding? Also, idk if episode 4-5 is too soon to find out this information for real in at 14 episode show. Probably a misdirect?
Did his motorcycle say Low Fuel as he's turning it on? Dude c'mon
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Does Thailand just casually have self-driving taxis or what
lmfao so we really got Gram and Eugene, she's the Arts student Gram's seeing?? But also, things with Eugene just give off red herring vibes, so who knows
time to do some work before I start episode 5... how much self-discipline will i have to actually manage though?
Episode 5 (Mar 17, 2022)
I'm thinking I'll split up the live blogging into 3 parts: 1-5, 6-10, 11-14 because it's getting so long. 14 45-minute episodes just have too much happen for me write all thoughts down in just one post.
Also, this is episode 5, right? Hmm I have a feeling for some reason that something happens in this ep? What a vague sentence like yes, Feu, things to happen in this 45 minute show. I feel like I'd been spoiled for something in ep 5 but forgot what it was, which is great, actually. Good job, brain, the only good opportunity to forget.
Todd is so chill and humourous about everything lol I guess it makes sense White's so naïve about him but like Todd is kinda everything Black is against
I just heard a rooster in the background while White's talking to Todd :0 reminds me of the motherland lol
White freezing for so long seeing Sean sleeping on that bed with Namo. Oh, my dude, you're worse down than I thought
I know we're supposed to be like the reason Sean's so mad is underlying jealousy that even he doesn't grasp yet but actually, people being on my bed without my permission literally makes me see red so I get him.
Every time White opens his mouth in regards to that law class, my stress level rises twofold
White is just so cute, the way he's yelling at stretching, I really do wonder how he hasn't been caught yet lol
sorry but that jump over the two buildings is so funny-looking, what with the slow-mo
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friendship piles are my favouriteeeee i miss draping myself over my friends' laps
Now they're discussing with each other that Black seems different, I wonder when the Black/White reveal will happen. I hope by the end of next episode just because I'm reaaaally curious to see the fallout/consequences of that but it might be too early in the story/character development
I think Gumpa knows Black's not Black and for some reason has a vested interest in Sean/White and that's hilarious
Unable to understand whether that random short shirtless Gram scene was for the audience's benefit or White's lol
Edit after finishing this part: Oh, I see. It was for Black's benefit from Gram's end, not knowing that dude isn't here rip
"Are you here to study for the exam or to study Sean?"
White is like the epitome of privileged, naïve nepo baby. "Oh? There's a monopoly? Ummm you should just start your own business if monopoly's so bad, duh" I guess even though he's had some epiphanies about disparity previously, it's still a surface level understanding
Also, this reminded me: I wonder what's happened to his dad in all this time? Like, doesn't his dad wanna know what White's up to? What about the job?
"I'm sorry for seeing you as more than a friend" ?!?!?! woah okay so there were very subtle GramBlack hints before (the dolls in Black's room with B & G, the motorcycle ride where Gram talks about Black in ep 2) but this has me O.O at attention
Omg Gram's getting Black/White Rasmalai ? Must be true love fr
Why is White sooo suspicious, would it kill you to just continue the studying ruse for another hour? I guess he's panicked because Gram likes/d Black (or tbh? maybe Black confessed? and Gram kept it? but maybe not since Black had a gf until recently and idk if he'd do that while he's dating someone else) but still. At least he's very cute while trying to get away
Anyway, wild that we have yet to see Gram and Black actually interact, rather than Gram and White, but I'm fully invested in GramBlack like what
Umm the way Todd said he's not surprised a friend likes Black... okay? sudden confusion in my brain regarding the ToddBlack swimming pool attempted murder scene in ep 10 vs also remembering people talking about ToddBlack dynamics... they can be enemies and also lovers/pining/etc and that's fun too. Black wake up so that I know your dynamics with these characters !!
Yok looks fucking feral whenever he's looking at Unar/Dan lmfao; like he's got a glint in his eye
First running from a fire because one of them committed arson and next time running from cops because the other did some protest grafriti. It's true love, I guess. I read as of episode 13 that they're broken up so that sucks.
lol I guess every ship in this show has to have a punch thrown
Woah, I fully didn't see that coming, Dan's a cop?!
I wonder if this kidnapping thing is actually real or not? Like the TIMING made it seem very fake, wouldn't the bad guys wait for Sean to get off the phone before intercepting him? Maybe it's like another tear-gas situation from Gumpa
Okay, I don't think anything happened in episode 5 that was significant and I forgot. I may have gotten it mixed with hmm Enchante episode 5 maybe? I feel like there's a kiss there or something and everybody was going on about it
How did people wait a whole week for this? I keep thinking maybe I'll watch something weekly but remember that no, I wouldn't survive. I'll watch episode 6 tomorrow morning, maybe in 10-11 hours, and I'm already in agony, thinking hmm actually maybe I'll watch just another 45 minute ep
Anyway, quite good so far. I'm enjoying the story, the characters, the cinematography, the acting, the ships. It keeps me wanting to watch more. Bad idea to have started it right now when I have so much schoolwork but oh well, I suppose.
I was worried I couldn’t be able to connect with the story/characters as much because I was going through a bit of a Semantic Error withdrawal but the show managed to keep my attention and get my heart, as well. I’m invested!
I really, really hope the plot picks up more. Thus far, we've been setting up the story and the characters and the relationship dynamics but we haven't actually progressed much in terms of actually getting answers about who Black's attackers were and the friends haven't found out about White's identity either. There hasn't really been much change plot-wise from episode 2, which is definitely a weakness considering we're on episode 5.
Although, I will say that it doesn't feel slow moving to me. Things like Manner of Death or He's Coming to Me were extremely slow to me but this show has enough going on in terms of visuals and mystery and character dynamics that I'm fairly satisfied even without forward plot movement.
Episodes 6 - 10
Episodes 11 - 14 
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yarart4ever · 3 years
Hello! It's me again. I was just wondering if you know any songs that fit Po and Tigress' relationship? I wanted to make a playlist of songs I can listen to, whether it is from Po's point of view, Tigress' or both. If you do, thank you in advance ♡
okay so in honor of being out of my father's reach- I decided that this would be fun! (this is gonna be a long post so read under the cut)
~ Relient K - Must Have Done Something Right I can imagine Po singing this for Tigress because we all know that even being in a full relationship with his idol he is still such a precious fanboy around her :3
~ Nico Collins - I'm So Sorry I've mentioned this before but this would be placed after KFP1 when Tigress and Po's first start to friendship is still rocky, but Po is starting to develop an understanding of Tigress' inner turmoil
~ David Archuleta - Crush I literally found this song bc of a TiPo song fic. I think that says a lot lol-
~ Kenneth Kelly - Trippin' over you this is a kinda cringey trap song but yep I can imagine Po feeling this was around Tigress during their friendship era-
~ Jeffrey Lenh - Just A Little Crush it's a little cheesy for Tigress' standards but I can see her trying to deny her feelings for Po and just call him a friend (LMAO Adrien Agreste moment?? XD)
~ Sara Bareilles cover - When He Sees Me this definitely shows Tigress' defensive nature and her, yet again, trying to defy her feelings even tho she reveals her more vulnerable side and knows Po wouldn't take advantage of her like that
~ Demi Lovato - Heart Attack do I even need to explain this ; w ;
~ Dua Lipa - Break My Heart just listen to the song and tell me... again, do I need to explain this?
~ Mine GLEE cover Tigress would definitely sing this to Po on their anniversary and no I don't accept any other excuse for this perfect song
~ Haley Reinhart - Can't Help Falling In Love another lovesick song that Tigress would definitely relate to as she feels herself fall literally head over heels for Po over time
~ Sarah Cothran cover - As The World Caves In listen to this whilst thinking about Tigress literally pushing Po out of the way of Shen's canon, taking a bullet for him, and also think about Po literally killing himself by putting himself in the wuxi finger hold just to ensure Tigress' (along with his family's) safety. crying yet? don't worry I did too-
~ Adventure Time: Obsidian - Monster I was gonna put this in the Master Tigress section but I can see BOTH members of each party singing this to comfort one another
~ The Greatest Showman - Rewrite The Stars just for the sake of my sensitive TiPo heart I can just imagine them singing this in karaoke for fun ; w ;
~ The Weeknd - In Your Eyes again, I would put this in Po's section in order to explain how he sees Tigress vulnerability, but let's not forget that she's not the only one who hide behind a facade to cover up their hurt (gosh okay someone get my babies therapy sheesh)
~ Frozen 2 outtake - Get This Right I've said this before but Po trying his best to propose to Tigress but messing up- and then having Tigress purpose instead- AGH! so cute! I'm sorry I love them AAAA-
hope you like these songs my guy! let me know if there's songs I missed :D
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jeontaehui · 3 years
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kun kunhee
taehee’s true aegyo only shows when she talks to kun.
she would call him ‘kun gege‘ or ‘kunnie kun kun’ when she’s feeling it lol
taehee Loves kun’s cooking !!! every time the neos would separate into groups during an activity that involved cooking, she’d beg to be in the same group as him.
(nct world ep. 8) “oppa, your food is to die for.”
kun looks at taehee very fondly, like how a dad would watch his child. 
he thinks taehee can be a bit out of hand sometimes, but 98% of the time they’re together, kun looks like he’d spoil taehee without her having to ask him. 
(180403 vlive) “kun-ge,” taehee skips in her steps as kun turns his head to acknowledge her, “hmm?” “if ten oppa asked you to cut me in half, would you?” she asks him expectantly, and without missing a beat, he replies, “no”. triumphantly, taehee turns to the back to stick out her tongue at ten, “see, you’re the only person—“ “i don’t want to have two of you around,” kun cuts her off with a playful smirk, which turns to a laugh as soon as taehee lets out a gasp. she continued to ramble about how she trusted him, how she felt betrayed. “i’m just kidding,” kun says as he put his arm around taehee’s shoulders, pulling her close before ruffling her hair. 
although they’re not a very popular duo or not seen together quite often, taehee absolutely missed kun and his playfulness (and maybe his cooking too).
iconic moment (uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #2) “hello,” they respectfully greeted, with taehee clinging to kun’s side. “i’m here with taehee,” kun starts, “and even if we aren’t in a scene together, we’re hanging out.”
“i missed kun oppa,” taehee pouts, “kun gege.” this immediately made kun smile, it was clear how kun adored taehee like she was his own child. “really?” and taehee nods in response. “it’s been like, what, two years? since i’ve last seen you. moments with you are like, a breath of fresh air,” kun softly laughs at the comparison as he shakes his head at her dramatics. “you’re just making stuff up, aren’t you?”
“i’m not! i swear!”
“are you sure it’s not my cooking that you missed?”
“well... maybe that too.”
song happier by marshmellow ft. bastille
ten tnt / tenhee
taehee likes to think of ten as her twin, but then he would always shoot down the idea. 
(n’-75) “we’re like twins, right?” taehee tells ten before throwing a chip into her mouth. “yeah, but you’re the annoying one and everyone likes me.”
their videos on nct’s dance channel are literally Divine !!!!!! nctzens especially went wild when taehee performed with ten on ‘hit the stage’.
the dirty jokes ..... don’t even get me started. ten would make one remark and it immediately becomes dirty when he makes eye contact with taehee (ft. mark sometimes). if taehee was about to break out laughing, she’d go “UGH I HATE YOU!”
but even if they’re like this with each other, ten and taehee care about each other a whole lot :(
(nct world ep. 3) taehee strained her wrist while attempting to do jump over the vault. though she was able to balance herself quickly, she looked as if she were about to fall; at this split second, ten took a worried step forward, afraid that she’d slip to the ground. later, when taehee comes back with a wrist guard around her hand, ten takes a concerned look at her and asks if she was okay.
taehee also caught a cold while they were preparing for ‘90’s love’ and ten kept insisting he’d make her something to help her feel better.
ten would never admit it but taehee is his baby, anything or anyone that’s bothering her will have to go through him first >:(
iconic moment (jcc ep. 25) “ten, i don’t think it’s supposed to work that way,” taehee giggles at him as he stood a foot away from her while mixing his self-made cookie dough. “no, you wait for it. it’s gonna work,” ten insists while pointing the wooden spoon menacingly at taehee, but this just made the girl smile wider.
she secretly slides the jar of white sugar towards her and scoops up a spoonful, before moving carefully towards ten. “i don’t even think you added sugar,” she mumbles, but his body moves to block her and she bumps into his back with another step. “HEY!” she laughs at how protective ten was getting over his cookie dough, and his stirring becoming more and more aggressive as she tries to put sugar in it, “i’m going to place some so it has a taste!”
ten protests that he already did a while ago while taehee maneuvered her way around him laughing. ten knew what she was trying to do and so he bumped his hip against hers to stop her from getting any nearer. “this is going to spill! ten, stop!,” taehee tries to hold in her giggles, ten was being too cute. “and you’re going to clean it up when it does,” he bites back.
taehee resumes to finding ways to get sugar into the mix while ten resists, causing a very entertained mark to fill the studio with laughter. after a few minutes of trying, taehee sighs and puts back the sugar in the jar, "wow, i never knew baking could be so tiring.”
turns out, ten’s cookies didn’t come out that well and taehee’s expression said it all. “i told you so.”
song positions by ariana grande 
winwin winhee
when winwin was promoting with wayv, he and taehee would send each other messages asking about their days or if they had plans for anything. since both units were busy, they really never do this and it’s only rare that they message each other, let alone call each other.
that’s why taehee was very happy when she saw winwin again for resonance :(
if taehee was chill about her love for winwin before, now she’d just poke his cheeks every once in a while.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) taehee watches from the side as three or four members corner winwin to gush over him, making her give a disapproving shake of the head to the camera. “everyone, winwin hyungie is like a baby,” she nods. “babies won’t like it if you bother them too much, so you have to be subtle with your affection.” taehee gives a playful smirk to the camera, “that’s why winwin hyungie likes me.”
winwin, on the other hand, thinks that taehee changed very much the last time he saw her. from being childish and innocent, she became matured and confident. this is how winwin felt time really flew.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) “winwin gege~,” taehee whines, seeing how it would roll off her tongue. “did i say that right? ‘winwin gege’?,” she looks to see that winwin already had a fond smile on his face. “you are so cute,” he pouts, “jeon taehee, you are really too cute.”
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “winwin hyung, who is your favorite member here in 90’s love?,” haechan asks from his left. and as everyone appeals to him, including mark who touches his ear out of affection, he already had one person in mind. “jeon taehee.”
song left to right by marteen
lucas luhee
a very very very very chaotic duo.
if you watch compilation videos of the funniest moments from empathy era, the iconic clip of lucas and taehee saying something else instead of ‘yadom’ (nasal spray) would always be included. they had to cut out that part from the live later, and members had to tell them what ‘야동’ actually meant in the next live.
taehee would try to teach lucas some korean before, but then that’s just her talking in korean with an english accent.
(180712 vlive) “why are you so tall?,” taehee raises her eyebrow at him. “why are you so short?,” lucas laughs.
taehee threw a pick-up line at mark during that same live, and lucas asked her why wasn’t she like that to him too. “lucas, don’t laugh but,” taehee tells him, “even if you’re as tall as a tree, i’ll still see you as a big baby. i’m not lying.”
and so jungwoo and taehee’s snacking tradition was actually jungwoo, taehee, and lucas’ snacking tradition.
for taehee, it’s so satisfying to watch lucas eat especially if he’s enjoying it so much. lucas actually admitted that the food that taehee carried in her bag would eventually go to his stomach. it became a habit for taehee to carry some in her bag even if lucas wasn’t promoting with her anymore.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “yo lucas,” taehee greets as she was pulled into a friendly bro hug. when she pulls away, she quicklt takes a look at lucas’ gorgeous features and steps back, “woah, you’re seriously so handsome.” lucas turns shy at her compliment and rubs the back of his neck, “you too.”
taehee raises her eyebrows in amusement, smirking as she says, “i’m handsome too?” lucas thinks for a moment before nodding yes, “you can be handsome too.”
“okay czennies, meet two very handsome people. hello!”
song rather be by clean bandit (ft. jess glynne)
xiaojun xiaohee
out of all the ‘99 boys, she’d want to get to know xiaojun more the most. 
they’re not awkward with each other, they’re just shy to approach each other and start a conversation. 
(sun & moon ep. 2) “taehee-ssi told me the other day she really liked xiaojun hyung’s voice out of the blue,” the said girl eyes haechan carefully, suddenly feeling nervous at what he’s going to pull. “i told her she should tell you herself, why is she telling me? she said she was shy,” when he had said this, a chorus of ‘ohh’s’ came from the rest of the bunch, except for taehee. she had a threatening smile on her face directed at the one and only lee haechan, so he decides to prod her further, “taehee-ssi, perhaps you’d like a guesting on awsaz?”
unknowingly though, xiaojun soon becomes one of the causes of taehee’s smiles or laughter whenever they’re filming together. 
(nct world ep. 2) “taehee, fighting!,” he cheers as taehee stepped forward to arm wrestle. the latter quickly turns around to give him a salute as she winks.
(201120 vlive) “xiaojun comes home and he talks about taehee too,” kun shares, “they hang out a lot.” doyoung snickers, “he fell for her too? taehee tells us how funny you guys are in your dorms, but she only ever talked about xiaojun.”
so yes ,,, they are very shy around each other but as far as we know !!! they’re really good friends who want to be closer to each other.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “you guys have pets in your dorm, right?,” taehee asks him as she leaned back, her arms supporting her from behind. “yes, we have three. the dog is bella and we have two cats named leon and louis,” taehee’s eyes widened, though she admits she feels jealous to have their pets around.
“i would keep my dog with me but they won’t let me.”
“oh really? what’s the name?”
“her name is 뚱이, and she’s a lhasa apso.”
“ahh,” xiaojun nods, “does she pee on your carpet?”
taehee throws her head back slightly as she laughs at the question, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide her growing smile. “do your pets pee on your carpet?” xiaojun shrugs, “well, sometimes,” he nods off disappointingly, causing taehee to giggle. “but we love them,” xiaojun sighs, and his eyes see taehee’s wide smile as she agrees with him. “that’s right, we love them.”
song i really like you by carly rae jepsen 
hendery deryhee
taehee finds hendery SO funny, i swear.
like he can literally just smile and nod she’d bust her lungs out from laughing
nctzens found it cute when taehee and hendery monitored each other while they were shooting for the ‘misfit’ track vid.
(misfit track video behind the scene) “ooo hendery is good. he looks cool.”
taehee watched the awsaz episode of winwin and jisung ,,, firstly because of those two.
but then hendery and haechan were so funny too she may have shed a tear from laughing.
a fan asked in those video call fansigns if taehee has watched any of wayv’s videos and she laughed, saying that she watched the one where they acted as disney princesses.
“hendery is so funny, really,” she smiled. “I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD!!!!”
they became really close during resonance era and talk about games, their pets, and already have some inside jokes between the two of them.
like a member would just say ‘cabbage’ and we already have the two of them smiling to each other from across the room !!! or they’d make eye contact when looking at the mirror and taehee would just bust out laughing.
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “you’re really, really, really, really handsome,” yuta starts with utmost sincerity, “hendery.” the latter brings a hand to his face, his face warming up at the compliment as he sighs contently. this comical reaction causes taehee to burst into a fit of laughter, one you could hear off-cam.
later, when it was time for the ‘90’s love’ unit to take charge of the live, taehee giggles out of the blue, trying to keep her laughs in. “why?,” mark asks as he glances at her. “i’m sorry i just,” she pauses. surely, she was thinking about the funny things hendery pulled when they were doing the live before them. “i just keep thinking about how funny hendery was. i’m sorry, i’ll just eat my fries,” she says the last part quickly, throwing a french fry in her mouth as she bites back a smile.
song love story by taylor swift (disco lines ft. cassidi remix)
yangyang yanghee
taehee finds yangyang SO cute, precious, and tiny.
whenever yangyang is speaking, we’d see taehee in the corner of the frame smiling. 
she’s all over the yangyang vocalist agenda !!!!!!
(uncut #16 | ‘90’s love’ recording behind) “this is yangyang’s voice, isn’t it?,” taehee beams as she hears the younger’s voice through her headphones. “i really like his voice.”
yangyang’s such a smiley baby around taehee, partially because she told him he was very cute when he smiles.
fans find it so endearing when taehee calls yangyang “yangyangie” as if she’s talking to a baby :(
(201022 weibo live) “taehee noona and i play games when she comes here,” yangyang tells renjun. “and then she’ll hangout with the pets later,” he and renjun laugh at this. typical taehee.
taehee would buy drinks from the vending machine for sungchan since he’s the maknae in ‘90’s love’ but !!!! she makes a special exception for yangyang.
just a little bit more and he’s up taehee’s baby list ^ ^
iconic moment (uncut take #8 | ‘90′s love’ mv behind) “today is yangyang’s birthday!,” taehee chirps as she held the camera, making sure she and yangyang were both in the frame. “you’re like, 21 now, right?,” yangyang nods, “how are you feeling today?”
“i feel happy right now since you guys like prepared a cake and stuff and sang ‘happy birthday’ to me awhile ago,” taehee smiles at this. “so i’ll continue to work hard with you guys as we wrap up filming,” yangyang finishes as he beams at her, the latter mirroring his expression. 
“you’re so cute, you know that, right?,” taehee coos as she focuses the camera to yangyang (who smiles shyly at the compliment), before placing herself back in frame. “i only got to play games with yangyang a few times because chenle invited me, but now that we’re all spending time together, i think yangyang’s a very cute dongsaeng.” at this, they both giggle and taehee raises her fist for a fist bump. “i know,” yangyang says as he bumps his fist against hers, taehee laughing at this cute ball of sunshine. 
song timber by pitbull (ft. ke$ha) 
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milk-addicc · 4 years
I really liked that post you made about how Capcom feels about Narumitsu. And I'm wondering how do you think they feel about Narumayo? Personally to me it feels like they throw more hints at Narumitsu since with the other one if Takami wanted it to be canon he would of done it at the end of T&T. I also think the team could of made it more obvious in SoJ with Maya's big return but I never really saw the hints but I know I'm biased lol.
oh i’m glad you like my rambles haha;;
ahh... that ship, 
well first, about the whole Takumi “wanting narumitsu to be canon” thing, its not exactly making them canon but have more fanservice leaning heavy towards narumitsu (which was declined by the director(?) who claimed, i sorta agree with, that the game did well even without the narumitsu hinting since in the first game they didn’t have that intention and it was pure coincidence that their relationship was just THAT deep and meaningful which is incredible lmao, Takumi and co managed to slip his warning and still put at least some of the hints in TT tho hhh-). so even then, i doubt the crew actually want the endgame to come so soon hh.
okay, back on topic. what i think about naru//mayo? yea, i’m not keen on that ship personally at all, actually i despise it. like, they first met in the office, in front of their dead loved one, Mia. Maya was 17, Phoenix was 24. you have Maya, who’s supposedly still in HIGH SCHOOL and Phoenix, who has GRADUATED COLLEGE, has a JOB, and most likely has PAID HIS OWN BILLS. from that point alone, it should already feel weird. 
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Maya’s an adolescence, a teenager, she just lost her sister and barely grew up, in a way she’s still innocent, notice how she tend to ask random questions and or say things that she thinks makes sense or amusing, she tends to be naive too. its kinda like.. a child.
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and Phoenix on the other hand, is a grown man. heck even Maya says he’s an “old fart”, they’re legit aware of their own age gap in game and outright say it. if anything, they both act like self-aware best friends/brother-sister than romantically. even Maya said it herself, she wants to be a good big sister for Pearl and Nick.
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now how about we ignore this obvious fact just for a little while and try to see it from only their interactions in-franchise. heres the kicker, you may not see it in game since they only lightly nudges about this ship (usually with Pearl, and was dismissed by Maya right after.), but in some of AA spin off mangas (and from what i heard, one of the stage shows), for some reason, this ship has their own hints despite being completely aware that Maya is a teenager.
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but its okay now don’t hold your breaths, 
their “hints” are more of a one-off ish thing, most of the time a gag and not taken seriously, and unlike other ship per say narumitsu, where it actually affects their lives and changed it forever IN-GAME. “i care about Maya and understands her” and “i became an attorney because of you, Edgeworth and i don’t have any regrets” are both literally incomparable, especially given Phoenix and Edgeworth’s history together in-game canon.
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anyway, here’s some common arguments i’ve encountered about this particular ship :
“but Phoenix cares about Maya a lot! he literally went through a trial against a hitman and run through a burning bridge for her!”
“Phoenix blushed and goes red when Pearl says he’s Maya’s special someone and he stutters!”
“Well my parents had a huge age gap!"
“well, Maya is 18 in AA2″
“considering Maya is a christmas cake now, Nick better tap that” 
“she’s an adult in AA6 tho”
now lets dissect each of these,
yes, Phoenix cares about Maya a lot he literally did cross a burning bridge for her but people seem to forget that this is the same man who turned his life around, abandon his dreams, study law for four years, and became an attorney to meet one man and willing to defend a girl who looks like his psychotic ex that nearly poisoned him in court. he literally would believe in his clients’s innocence no matter what, he’s by nature would sacrifice anything and even his life for someone. so its normal that he cares about Maya, but is it romantic? i doubt it, he cares about her safety and well being but does it have to be a romantic hint? no, of course not, he’s just very selfless for the people he cares about and Maya has no one to help her but Nick when she’s in trouble, he’s one of few adults she can trust and will help her out.
oh so blushing and stuttering due to embarrassment means having feelings now? and about the stuttering, he literally stutters around Edgeworth a lot lol. i’m starting to feel like people ships naru//mayo not because of their depth but because Pearl said so. Pearl finds them should be together and keep shoving the audience with Nick being “Mystic Maya’s special someone”, well if thats the case, they also explained why this happened, in-game. Pearl grew up very sheltered and among unhealthy marriages she just assumes a girl and a boy together means they’re dating and being “special someones”. she most likely just wants her cousin to be in a happy relationship unlike her parents where her father left both her and her mother but didn’t know any better because she was eight years old.
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now about the parent thing and taking it personal, well my parents too had a huge age-gap of 7 years. but how come is it okay? its because they met when my mum was already a career woman at 26. she’s already an adult when my dad met her. what does this mean? it means my parents were both adults when they’re together, this is why i still like GumMaggey despite their age gap so wide, they first met when Maggey has already had a career, supposedly in her 20′s, she’s a young adult, she can buy alcohol by herself, already knows whats right and wrong and has live life independently, not a still hormonal teenager who depends on one adult figure. did your parents date when your mum is in highschool while your dad is like in his mid 20′s? sorry to hear that.
as for the last three arguments, i don’t even want to touch any of them with a five-foot pole. are you listening to yourself? do you not feel like you’re a creep typing that?
let me give you a benefit of the doubt. yes she’s older and legally an adult, but are you really discrediting the fact they met when Maya was still in highschool? they met and became friends when she’s 17 and he’s 24. sure they barely met during disbarment era, but should that change anything? why should it? how should it? like this?
“Oh this is Maya, i haven’t met her in years but boy she sure has grown up can’t wait to date her since she’s legal now.”
because thats what that argument sounds like, YIKES. 
you know? if they met under a different circumstance and Maya was like 19, i’d let it go. but they didn’t, they met because of a horrible loss, Maya, still in training, 17 lost her big sister and Phoenix, a rookie, at 24 lost his mentor. 
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in conclusion, i don’t like naru//mayo at all
pairing them feels like pairing Edgeworth with Kay or Phoenix with Ema, just because they partnered in investigations, make playful jabs at each other, and saved each others’s lives before, people just think they like each other romantically despite their age-gap in first meetings (not to mention Kay sees Edgeworth as somewhat of a father figure, and she’s nearly 18 while Edgeworth is the same age as Phoenix). especially with how Maya, being a zoomer, calls Phoenix an “old fart” and just makes jokes about how so out-of-touch Phoenix is with the modern entertainment.
from observations, i have a huge hunch that almost all of them pair these two because :
1. Maya’s a girl protagonist so its a male protagonist x female protagonist type of deal and despise narumitsu because “yaoi”
2. AA6 she’s an adult so she’s legal which is damn creepy on its own, or last
3. because of Pearl shipping them in game despite being an eight year old and was so sheltered she thought a man and a woman being next to each other means they’re special someones.
either way, i only see them as best friends, sibling-like relationship with self awareness here and there since they tease the audience a lot with their gag “hints” in spin-off mangas and game. 
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not only that, it kinda showcase how all male/female bond don’t have to be romantic, they can be just friends or familial and still hang together. another plus for the franchise right after encouraging moving on from ex partners. *glancing at Phoenix//Iris*
and as to the people who pairs this for some odd reasons, sometimes i just want to ask these questions,
“how would you feel if you’re in Phoenix’s shoes? met your mentor’s little sister at age 17 while you’re 24, would you feel romantically interested in this high schooler?” because i don’t, to me anyone 3 years younger than me is like a baby, how would Phoenix feel when Maya’s 7 years younger?
“also... why even? narumitsu and other less questionable pairings are RIGHT THERE in the open!”
but oh well people can like and pair whatever hhh, 
and there you have it, my even longer rambling hahaha sorry;;
Edit : To add the final nail to the coffin, Phoenix outright has said that Maya’s like his kid, like a niece.
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Edit 2 : remember that this is simply my personal take, you can somewhat use this to make yourself feel better about your pair nor simply just to hate on the ship itself but do not use this to dictate actual people what to ship and not to ship. 
please don’t be destructive towards others.
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ivyuns · 3 years
come back to me again ❆ ✰
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kim seungmin
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: 2018-2020 era, young hearts are broken, mentions of passing out, y/n’s leader name is yerim and other member’s name is sunni, mentions of suicide, fainting, mean comments, strict dieting, one bad word oop, the plot doesnt make sense lol i just wanted a break from landing in your heart, not proofread
notes: i had three story plots i wanted to use but uh yeah i chose this one (maybe ill post all three of them but different members oo) but listen to love again by baekyun, or the cover by minnie <3
idol!seungmin x femidol!reader
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tell me you love me like the day you did
the day it ended was on a rainy, cold day. seungmin called you to meet up with him, saying he had something to tell you. heading to the jyp building, which wasnt that far from you house.
scanning your id and greeting the staff, you go to the room seungmin was in. knocking twice, you heard a “come in” and opened the door gently. “hi minnie” you smiled at your boyfriend. seungmin waved back with a small smile on his face.
“y/n, come sit here, we need to talk”
going to where seungmin pat the spot for you to sit, he sighs. “i know this is hard, but you know how stray kids is debuting soon?” you nod, knowing where this is leading to. “i- we have to break up” he paused. “but you know i love you right? i promise id come back after three years okay baby?” holding you tears, you looked into his eyes, that are full of sadness.
trying your best to hold your tears in, you gave him one last hug. before parting different ways, seungmin kissed your lips. letting go, you put the promise ring he gave you 2 years ago on his palm and walked away. letting the tears running onto your cheeks as you walked away from the room.
with a sobbing seungmin left alone in the practice room. holding your promise ring made him feel guilty, but it wasnt his fault that he had to do this.
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tell me once again, say that you love me again
packing all of seungmins stuff that was at your house and looking though them made your heart burn. from they day he asked you out after school to whenever you two last hung out with each other, which was over 2 months ago.
because now that you and seungmin auditioned to be in the same company, but with seungmin, he had a little bit more talent than you did. it didnt mean you didnt have talent, it just meant you were physically ready to become an idol. still improving, many idols were amazed at how well your singing and dancing was.
finally taping seungmins box, you went to the stray kids dorm and dropped it off and to say goodbye to the boys. deciding to switch to a new company to focus more instead of dealing with you heartbreak.
you rung the doorbell and you come face-to-face with seungmin. handing seungmin the box, you asked if it was okay to say goodbye to the boys, which made seungmin confused. where you going somewhere? ending your dreams?
seungmin moved to the side for you to come in. as seungmin closed the door, a voice was heard. “seungmo! who’s here- oh” looking up, you see minho. your eyes that was red and puffy ran more tears down as you ran up and hugged minho.
minho was in fact the one who introduced you to seungmin. accidentally falling in love with seungmin, you told minho all about it and he eventually told seungmin about your feelings towards him. seungmin, who felt the same way, made the best way to confess to you, which was a success.
minho hugged you back, caressing you back as seungmin looked down and went back to his room. “its okay love, its okay” minho shushed you as you cried into his chest. settling you two in the living room, the whole stray kids but seungmin came out of their rooms, comforting you as they all knew what happened between you and seungmin.
30 minutes passed and you decided it was time to go. giving the boys one last hug, you made sure they’ll have good luck when theyre now idols.
“just know, ill love you guys forever. thank you”
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im where ive always been, i still love you
almost 2 years had gone by and you finally debuted into a three member group. with being the main vocalist and dancer. being invited to the award shows, your group gracefully posed on the red carpet, right after stray kids. accidentally locking eyes with seungmin, you almost teared up but you had to be strong.
sitting down in front of stray kids, you grew anxious as if nobody else other than stray kids and yerim knew about your past relationship. stilling having feelings for seungmin, you let them go and paid attention to the show that was now starting.
“hyung, dont you think y/n looks like shes about to pass out?” jeongin asked seungmin. after you left the dorms that day, seungmin didnt know where you were. nobody told him anything about you other than you leaving jyp. you and your group was hidden from social media until your company announced a new girl group was debuting soon.
after seungmin got the news about you, he felt so relieved, knowing that you were still here living. on the pictures online, you looked like a goddess. the way your singing was beautiful and your dancing were sharp. he was amazed at how far you came.
but when seungmin saw you in person, it looked like you were on the verge of passing out due to how thin you looked. it looked like you couldnt perform on what your condition is.
feeling unsteady, your group was the last ones to perform. getting into your costumes, you fell back slightly when yerim pushed you up. after seeing how weak your body has been acting, she was worried something might happen to you on stage. and seeing how you reacted when you saw seungmin again made her worried.
“y/n, are you sure you got this?” yerim asked. nodding your head a yes with a smile on you, you gave her a thumbs up. with the smile that hid everything. yerim nodded her head, your group was ready to perform.
among the three girls that was on the stage, seungmin only looked out for you. anxiety rising, seungmin bit his lips which changbin rubbing his back to calm down.
the end of the performance, you tried your best to stay still, but you only saw blurry vision. as you were about to get off stage, you fainted with your head hitting the floor first. gasping were loud from everyone as yerim and sunni tried to lift you up and go back to the dressing rooms.
as soon as seungmin saw everything, he stood up and tried to run towards you till he was stopped by chan. “seungmin you cant. everyone’s going to find out” “i dont care hyung, the person i love the most is hurt” seungmin said and let go of chan’s hand that was gripped around seungmins wrist.
seungmin runs through the halls and tries to find your groups room. after finding it, he gently pushes away people who are near you and gets a view of you on the couch. “s-seungmin” both sunni and yerim said together. “yerim, what happened to her” seungmin asked, skipping the honorifics since they know each other.
yerim bites her lips with glossy eyes, scared of what to tell seungmin what you’ve been doing. “yerim?! i said whats going on with y/n-” “she tried to kill herself!” seungmin pauses and tries to lets what yerim said sink into him.
“w-what? why?” seungmin asks as tears start streaming down his face, as well as sunni’s and yerim’s. “she was scared. scared that she wasnt going to be perfect to be an idol. she started getting hate comments, saying she was too fat. but this is why shes too thin. she wont listen to us when we tell her she needs to rest and to start eating. all she does is practice with no water breaks but somehow, she still hits every move right. other than that, shes scared of what youll see her like again. she still loves you seungmin, but shes scared”
“sunbae, shes not okay. she needs somebody and that somebody is you”
seungmin was stunned by what yerim and sunni told him. “can- can you two leave us for a moment. please?” seungmin asked quietly as everyone left the room. seungmin starred at your body. eyes closed with you as skinny as your bones. it scared him of how you thought so low about yourself.
he doesnt understand it. he doesnt understand how you got every moves and vocals right without anything. where you like this during your relationship? no, it couldnt. both seungmin and you promised each other that you two will never keep secrets to yourself.
seungmin silently cries to himself, thinking of why you wanted to do this to yourself as he held your hand. his tears slowly fall onto you forearms, which wipes the makeup off of your scars you created, which makes seungmin cry more.
because of you fainting, the award show was paused temporally. with this being said, stray kids got up and quickly went to you room until they were stopped by yerim. “dont, seungmins already in there” all of them nods their heads and waited outside the room with minho dropping down, hands in his face with tears as he remembers when you tried to seek help from him but he never answered because he was too busy.
don't leave me alone baby, just stay for the night baby
still holding your hand, seungmin whispers ‘i love yous’ and ‘im sorry, please forgive me’. gaining conscious, you flutter your eyes open and see seungmin in front of you.
he opens his eyes to see you awake. “bab- y/n. thank god” seungmin says and hugs you gently. tears start streaming down as you realized he probably knows everything now. “s-seungmin, did they tell you-” “yes they did. and im sorry. so fucking sorry oh my god, please dont do this again. please eat, please do what you loved to do again. i want the old y/n back, the happy one” seungmin lets out.
“okay, ill come back” you told him. seungmin wipes your tears away, as well as his and plants a kiss on your lips. “come back to me again?” nodding your head, you both smile. this time, a real and happy smile from you.
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the awards continued on and your group won an award. chan offered your group if they wanted to come for dinner, you were going to decline, but yerim, sunni and seungmin forced you to, wanting you to start eating again.
heading out, the eleven of you walked to the nearest korean bbq while holding seungmin’s hand. feeling the warmth youve been missing for 2 years.
tell me your love again.
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END <3
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hi Goldy! I am curious about your take on how Jikook are edited in the behind the scenes clips since October (such as the ones for the Life Goes on music video, ABC Holiday Dynamite, and the Japan one (search on youtube for BTS japan shoot || behind the scene of Japan)). Do you think Jikook are interacting less, being just friends, being more professional, or is BigHit editing their interactions out? It just seems so different from the ones before Oct (FILA, Dynamite MV, Season's Greetings 2021)
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BigHit is doing what what now?😥
Do you mean that as a fact or theory?🤔
Why though?👀 They are not Tae Kook? 😥
There's Bangtan video of Jimin with his third leg dangling loose in the air somewhere on the internet, I don't think BigHit is that savvy.
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Lmho. I mean I see what you mean but they are editors and cutting is what they do for a living. But this is Jikook sis. I don't see BigHit's incentive for 'cutting' Jikook's moments and you shouldn't assume that-
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You don't think Jikook's been groping eachother homoerotically on set lately have you? Cos, chile I'll believe that! I don't trust Jikook anywhere near eachother's vicinity and personal space.
I've seen enough to traumatize the devil himself. Chilee. Lol.
Bighit, in recent times, mostly tend to cut scenes and moments if they are a bit risqué. Like JK shoving his butt in Jimin's groin face, sliding his hands down Tae's chest...
Often times too they cut moments if its redundant. If a part of a scene is already in the main content they don't bother showing it in the behind scenes. From my observation.
When an interaction is awkward they skip it too, I feel. I mean I am still waiting to see JK touching all over Jimin and feeling him up in Run 106- honey, I'll pay to watch that shit with my kidneys. Lol.
Often too they save some scenes for memories or some other shit that they use all those pent up footages for. Lol.
BigHit is a business, they produce content that per their research and analytics garners more engagement, audience retention and a whole other metrics. They put a lot of creativity into what they do as creatives and artists- I mean if the baby noises is anything to go by. Those bites are tired!
But often times too, they're tired and they're lazy, and they just put anything together and toss it out there without giving it much thought- isn't that how they leave Jin or Tae out of packages, how certain Jikook moments that should have never made it into screen time ended up in screen time- how JM's third leg made it to the internet? They should have cut that shit before uploading it with those subtitles and yet here we are.
I think people give BigHit too much credit- talking about JK shouldn't gay panic and run away from certain moments with JM if he knows BigHit editors are going to cut those moments.... JM's dixk begs to differ. Chilee, Jimin you should have just worn pants. Can't trust these phony ass editors my guy.
The editing is really not a big deal. Not to me. But I love your question anyway. Especially the bits about what's different about Jikook and the content BigHit has been putting out since October.
Well something sure did go down in October, I don't care what anybody says.
I keep saying BigHit banks on the bond and intimacy of the boys, and the boys are more than happy to showcase their bond for the cameras just as Tae said and confirmed in a recent interview- Tuktukkers y'all did an Oopsie on the whole Taekook don't like to show their bond on cameras! Lol
Tae said it himself not me- he lives to showcase his bond with the other members. *where is my skull head emoji. Lmho.
I think what has changed since JM's birthday in October to now, to me where BigHit is concerned, is the general marketing strategy of the company.
It seems to me the company is adopting a marketing module opposite of the strategy they had been using before the pandemic. I think I've talked about this though...
Hate to say I said it, but I said it. Lol.
They are limiting access to the boys to drive sales as and when. BTS dominates the internet and have amassed greater reach and attention partly due to the free content they put out on the internet. But those were never monitised- not in a direct or significant way.
In the wake of the virus, they've had to monetize their online presence. A single tweet from their Twitter account is a phone brand promotion as I pointed out in past posts. There's been an increase in their sponsorship collaborations, in Soop and many of the content they've put up this year. They even turned on ads on their YT channels it seems.
Like I've been saying, this situation is global and novel, they are going to experiment with means and methods till they find that sweet spot and that is what I feel we are experiencing- amongst other things.
Unfortunately for us, our access to Jikook is gonna take a hit like I said before because the numbers are in their favor. I mean go to their YouTube page and see the metrics for yourself.
Jikook's holiday remix pulls way ahead of their counterparts. If their going to monetize any ship brand in BTS it's Jikooks. Trust. But that doesn't mean any ship in BTS is spared.
Someone asked me a while back, when I talked about this, whether all these changes the company was going through was going to affect the way Jikook interact on camera and I couldn't answer that with conviction then.
But I mean we are seeing a subtle, if not drastic change in the way Jikook interact with eachother and with their glass closet.
What that means for us, I think, is the company is going to choose when and where to show us content and certain interactions but that doesn't mean Jikook aren't interacting- know what I mean? I mean they have them. The juicy moments that's gonna make us slap our mamas. BigHit has it all. They are just gonna save it for as and when based on their marketing strategy, if you know what I mean.
I mean we all saw that blackswan performance, we all saw the holiday remix performance etc.
And you are right about the less interactions post October and I've shared my thoughts on it so I won't go into it. But I will state again that they are not broken up either, not to me. Lol.
I think we need to examine what interacting less means. To me, I consider Jikook interacting less if they have an opportunity to interact and they don't interact in a way that is usual of them.
Majority of the content we've gotten in recent times are pretty much very official contents, interviews, etc. The entire BE era, as I said is not about Jikook or even BigHit.
It's about BTS, all seven and Jikook can't monopolize the shine like they tend to do in other BigHit marketed contents in my opinion.
Jimin tried to be funny and chill in the dynamite mv and RM nearly went ninja turtle on his ass when he called him out for not taking things seriously enough during the shoot- Left to grandpa Joonie, the kids will sleep at five. Lol.
Seriously though, there is a huge gap between what BTS views as marketing and marketable and what Jikook or even BigHit views as marketing, in my opinion. And conversations like that between RM and Jimin goes to prove it.
Another interesting thing about this whole marketing approach is how BigHit isn't substituting any other particular pair in Jikook's stead. I see them giving equal screan time to the individual members- well not in a technical sense but I think you know what I mean.
Are Jikook required to be professional in certain situations, absolutely. And in previous years, I think they took too many liberties with it. But as I said, now more than ever they are learning and need to learn to read the room because they wouldn't be able to get away with much if they don't.
BE is a self produced project, after Soop- after when they were isolated to help them bond and repair fractures in their bond. If there were anything they were not happy with that led to Soop, trust that they are going to fix it post Soop and it's going to reflect in every sphere of their interactions.
RM for example has chilled on his monitoring and censorship of Jikook, Jikook have been pretty considerate of the group and have tried not to do anything to have RM pop a vein, Tae has been stepping up too- with the members going out their way to praise him and push him to the fore front of the group unlike in previous years *cough cough I don't want trouble but chilee.
I mean Jimin pointed it out in the Be behind when he said Tae was working hard and putting his best foot forward because the members had been showering him with lots of compliments in recent times and he wasn't kidding.
In the LGO comeback live, RM praised Tae for working hard forgetting it wasn't just Tae and JM's reaction was telling. Of course he backpedaled to compliment JM too.
Suga did the same thing in the Be behind video when he was talking about JM and praising him- I mean it's Suga and his Jimin, uWu. But then he too backpedaled to compliment Tae when he realized what he was doing and I was like CAN SOMEONE PRAISE KOOKIE TOO PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Lol.
Anywho, the company is equally chilling on their Jikook agenda which I have speculated on several ttimes so won't get into- it's all so very kumbaya and God, I hate it. Lol.
Give me the chaos goddammit!
I feel Jlkook loosen up in contents that aren't like super official business moments and that's when you see their domesticity. Lol.
You see them having their me time in the background of some of the content, and in one of the interviews where they were sat a good feet apart but they kept moving closer and closer till eventually after their lunch break cut, they were sat very close to each other.
I'm not a fan of the cameras being shove in their faces during their private moments- Kookie certainly doesn't appreciate that either.
But they are working for a living nonetheless and making content is what they do for a living. So we are definitely gonna get the content from them alright, the fanservice, the organic moments passed off as fanservice, the moments that should never make it to screen- all nine. Lol.
We are just not going to get them in a way we are accustomed to. And it certainly doesn't help that they are each on their own personal growth journeys- gradually disconnecting from their fanbase, I mean Jk's been long gone duh, and Jimin did say he has come to the realization not everyone in the fandom loves him and he is learning to react less strongly to them; which to me translates as bye bitches you don't deserve me. Lol.
I mean dude didn't bother posting for new year this year- y'all Jimin is done with our ass. We might as well pack our bags and join him in Kookie's Casa. I call dibs on the broom closet under the stairs. Lol.
Jikook gets called fanservice and other creepy slurs in this fandom but people forget all of this is their choice too. They choose, are choosing to share all the bits of them they share with us, with us. Inspite of all the hate and insults, they choose to do that- if they did it for the fanservice don't you think they would have called a time out on it long ago because it's not worth it?
I hate it here.
I guess what I'm saying is, you are right about these observations you've made and some of the things you've pointed out are facts.
But we have talked about all of that so it really shouldn't be anything new? Kindly check my previous posts. I think I shared my point of view on what I think is going on with Jikook, BigHit and BTS.
Other than those, I don't think there is anything major up with Jikook honestly. I keep saying I don't think they are broken up. I don't see either of them closed off, emotionally open to connecting with the others.
If anything I said I feel Jimin is falling in love all over again with Kook. I mean when he looks at him he looks to me as if he is seeing Kook in a different light.
And it's funny how all through out 2020 he kept reiterating how his friends and family and relationships were important to him, shading the ef out of Kook during the Japan Stay Gold promos claiming his relationships were important to him and was what was Gold in his life.
He even went on to talk about picking an accent spending time around his friends and talking with his friends around his birthday but suddenly in the Be behind scenes he was talking about how he's come to the realization BTS is his only true friends and how friends come and go.
Clearly he's had an epiphany of a sort and has been through something post his birthday that has him setting his priorities straight in the aftermath.
In his Weverse magazine, he mentioned how he's recently discovered something about himself, about how he loves to be loved. He then went on to clarify that when during festa he talked about having a desire to perform with the members for a long that that he meant to say he wanted to be with them for a very long time.
But then JK said Jimin said that bit to him first. And if this is the interpretation Jimin is giving to that statement then- one plus one is two honey. Numbers don't lie.
Dude don whispered those sweet empty nothings in JK's ear telling him he wants to be with him for a very long time and shit.
And now homeboy out here setting up roots in gay boulevard. I don't think their well is drying up any time soon. Lol.
They are in a honeymoon phase again and they are not showing us. Stingy bastards! Lol
And when JK said to JM in response, that BTS is his home- wow. He really said that...
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He is Jimin's home. Literally. Please, my heartu😭
Jikook is real. Please support them.
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ijenoyou · 3 years
I’m sorry.
jeno x oc!mia. nct24th member. red velvet6th member.
summary; after finding out you didn’t send a supportive text to jeno just like the other members he tries to understand the reason for it.
warnings; i think none hehe but has fluff and a bit of angst lol, has mentions of clc yeeun and this is also set during that backstage interview during boom era. Also english isn’t my first language sooo if you see any mistake pls ignore it ahaha
btw this story line will have more parts soooo if you want to suggest like any scenario you’re more than welcome to do that!!
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The dream members where having an interview backstage before their stage, all of them were having a good time until the TMI section started, causing a big mess in Jeno’s head.
“Should I start?” Renjun asked to the other members which to that all of them nodded.
“Please say something interesting!” Haechan whined.
Renjun laughed. “Let me see... Today Mia texted me a supportive message!” He finished with a smile.
“She sent one for me too!” Jisung said with a proud smile.
After that, everyone stated that they all got a text from her but quickly found out Jeno didn’t.
“She didn’t text me.” Jeno said while the rest of the member were praising her for being a good noona but after hearing Jeno’s word they abruptly stopped.
“Are you sure?” Jaemin asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“Yeah... It’s fine, she probably forgot about it.” Jeno said with his famous eye smile.
But in reality, it wasn’t fine, Jeno felt like Mia was angry at him because of the way she started to avoid him like the plague after she saw him and Yeeun having lunch together. After finishing the interview, they went back to their waiting room and started to prepare for their stage.
Renjun was sitting next to Jeno on the couch while they were watching the other groups perform, Renjun’s phone rang, indicating that he got a text. When he flipped his phone to see what it was about Jeno saw Mia’s contact name making his chest ache with a weird pain making him feel uneasy. He couldn’t stop staring at Renjun’s phone and felt bad but he had to know if they were talking about him.
Mia(✿◠‿◠): injunieeeeee
Mia(✿◠‿◠): are you busy?
rj: nope, what’s up?
Mia(✿◠‿◠): hehe nothing i’m just bored :p
Mia(✿◠‿◠): btw, are you guys at building 4?
rj: yup, why?
Mia(✿◠‿◠): i’m at building 3 recording the intro for next week’s show so i was thinking if i could go and visit you guys ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
rj: we still have one hour so please! visit us~
Mia(✿◠‿◠): but
rj: but?
Mia(✿◠‿◠): is Jeno there?
rj: ofc he’s here! stop being like that and come hereee >:(
Mia(✿◠‿◠): i’m suddenly being call on set, can’t go hehe see you at the dorm junnie!
Jeno frowned after seeing the texts, he felt sad during the backstage interview after finding out Mia didn’t send any text to him like she did with the other members and now he was heartbroken after seeing that she didn’t wanted to see him. He knew what he did was wrong but Jeno really wanted to fix things with her.
Mia was looking for Jeno before he went on stage to do his MC job, she was skipping her steps because she was happy her and Jeno were starting to act on their feelings for each other. But she stopped when she saw Jeno and Yeeun picking their food from the table that was set up for the staff and artist to have their lunch. Mia didn’t want to interrupt them so she waiting and went to the vending machines that were full of drinks and candies. She took out a 1000 won bill and put it in the machines so she could get her favorite chocante bar which is a Kit-Kat.
“I’m really happy to be working with you Jen.” She heard Yeeun’s voice almost next to her. Mia froze and stopped mid way, she turned a bit and saw that the both of them were sitting next to the vending machines with their backs turned.
She wasn’t one for invading people’s privacy but when she saw that Yeeun was holding his hand, she thought nothing of it but what made her upset was that he interlaced his fingers with hers.
“I’m happy too.” He answered.
“I was thinking, maybe after we finish today’s show we could go to this ramen restaurant my members and I go to.” Yeeun said with a smile.
“A date?”
“Well... it’s only a date if you want to.”
Oh. Mia’s eyes were starting to fill up with tears. It wasn’t the fact that they were holding hands, it was the fact that he only smiled at Yeeun’s words making Mia think that he wanted to be Yeeun instead of her.
Yeeun turned around to grab another drink but stopped as soon as she saw Mia.
“Hi Mia!” She said with a big smile, she patted Jeno’s shoulder. “Look, she came to visit you!”
Jeno turned as fast as he could and when he saw the tears forming in her eyes he knew fucked up. He got up and took a step towards her tiny figure but she took one step back. Mia’s sad eyes turned into angry ones and turned around.
“Mia! Please!” Jeno said.
When they arrived to the dorm all of the dream members took showers and went to the living room to watch a movie together. They were at mid movie when the dorm door opened.
“I’m home!” Mia shouted.
All of the dream members heads turned and smiled except for Jeno.
“Noona!” Jisung said with excitement and got up from the couch to give her a hug.
After that, she took her shoes off and left them at the door. She walked towards the couch and ruffled Renjun’s hair making him smile. She ducked a bit and gave him a kiss in the cheek.
“Be right back! I’m gonna change into my pj’s, do you guys want sushi? It’s on me! Star ordering.”
The dream members shouted a thank you towards her and started to order their food. She smiled and started to walk towards the hallway.
“Why didn’t you text me something too?” Jeno’s voice made everyone including Mia stop in their tracks.
Mia turned around and sighed.
“I think we should order in my room, let’s go guys.” Jaemin said and the rest of the boys nodded.
After all of them left, Mia took seat next to Jeno.
“I didn’t texted you because I didn’t know if you still wanted anything to do with me.” She murmured and played with her fingers.
Jeno took her hands into his and gave them a squish.
“I’m sorry... for not saying anything back there. I know that it was wrong that I let her think that I wanted to date her.”
Mia nodded.
“It’s just that, I know she is way prettier than me and way better that me in everytime, If I were you I would go for Yeeun instead of me.” Mia said mmmm pone after a few seconds of silence.
“What? No!” Jeno turned his full body and took Mia by the shoulders. “You’re the one I like, you’re the prettiest girl and my eyes it will always be like this!”
It was no secret Mia was insecure, when she first debuted with Red Velvet she knew people would point out her looks since she is mixed, people mostly pointed out how she was tanner than the rest of the members. Or people would say that they couldn’t figure out how she managed to debut with Red Velvet since she wasn’t as pretty as the rest of the members.
Her NCT members found out about it through the years, they could see and feel how she felt about herself when someone complimented her denying their words or even when she talked low about herself.
“You think I’m pretty?” Mia asked with tears in her cheeks.
“You don’t need other peoples opinions baby, but yes, I know you’re the prettiest girl in the world.
She smiled and nodded. Jeno took her cheeks in his hands and guided her towards his face.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked.
“Please do it.” Mia answered making him smile.
When their lips connected, Jeno and Mia’s heart began to beat faster.
Without them noticing, the other dream members fist bumped the air.
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purpleboyhowonee · 4 years
Kim Brothers Mukbang [long]
(i turned off the subtitles because I think they barely subbed anything lmao) 
it started on time with the bros nodding cutely 
they blame each other for calling things awkward 
they both start eating and myungsoo is shocked that a mukbang is showing a person eating. get with the times myungsoo 
they both yell at each other for not saying anything whilst eating
munch munch 
myungsoo: *looks at meat pancakes* is this cold??? sungkyu: ....yeah it’s cold
sungkyu: *makes snarky comment towards the show*  also sungkyu: SoRRY im SOrrY 
myungsoo: you even wore glasses today sungkyu: I did it for the 10th year :’) 
Myungsoo: a bingo board should always start with the CENTER; especially since we talked about the center :’) (woohyun did insta live and made a joke about how sungkyu got his center spot taken) 
*gets a cake* *doesn’t know what to do with cake* 
*couldn’t light candle* *gives up and blows on empty air* 
Myungsoo: Let’s talk about our fave memories Sungkyu: when you left the company Myungsoo: *pikachu meme* (me: oh fuck he did that) 
they have a bingo board to fill out
Sungkyu mentions his favorite memory was their Thailand trip together (where he was mad because sungyeol threw him in the water when he said no and he lost a ring lmao. usual shit) Myungsoo’s favorite memories are the fun they had together during the world tour. (also how they made fun of Sungjong every time they talked together during world tours) 
Fans are putting their fave memories: the brick incident (sbs inki bad era if you dont remember. but how can you forget) SK & MS: LMAO 
they went on to talk about different memories fans commented: mentioned the 5 stop showcase, you are my oppa, sesame player ep7, that summer concerts, etc 
sungkyu slipped and said 7 members and then quickly said 6. both shooketh 
sungkyu makes fun of how tired the military boys sound lmao and how woohyun pre-recorded 20 years worth of videos before going to army lol
Next Bingo spot is them reluctantly feeding each other food (whilst saying one good thing to each other) 
Sungkyu: ......you’re good looking *freaks out* Myungsoo: *Sungkyu avoiding eye contact* You did well  
Sungkyu: We knew each other for more than 10 years now Myungsoo: we were both messes. yes. let’s not talk about it 
they’re feeding us? ? ? ? ? whilst unwillingly holding hands???? Myungsoo: thank you for loving us for 10 years, please accept this food Sungkyu: Please stay well and become rich :)  me: oh god 
Next Bingo spot “10 Party On Our Own” 
Sungkyu: What food do you think a party must have?  Myungsoo: *takes a mouthful of meat* ....meat  Sungkyu: ... (Sungkyu said alcohol btw lmao and did cheers with water. get lit dudes) 
returns to eating
Myungsoo: *reads message* Take care of your health....  Myungsoo: *quickly turns to sk* HYUNG you need to take care of your health Sungkyu: IM HEALTHY. I just dont like to move. does not mean i am not healthy. the more you use something the more you wear it out (lmao ok) 
they moved on to talk about health supplements and food idk where this is going anymore 
myungsoo going for the food; sungkyu: is it good? 
this is the point im starting to get hungry for meat at 7am bc of this AH
they quickly went back to talking about health and health supplements. are we sure this is the 10th anniv and not their 50th birthday or smth wth
talking about Oh My Baby OST 
myungsoo: Live ???? Sungkyu: hold up let me finish eating 
*sungkyu sings* *inspirits die in unison* 
Sungkyu said he finished recording about 3 songs for his solo album!!!!
they finally got to asking how theyre doing lmao; myungsoo mentioned that he is also going to work on another project 
do you heAr me. oh^ 
they finished a bingo. finally lmao. their reward is dessert. 
Next bingo spot: 10 years past, 10 years later 
Sungkyu: What would you tell yourself in the past?  Myungsoo: You know how they say that the start is just the half, just work hard and have fun. You know there’s a saying Carpe Diem Sungkyu: immediately makes fun. what’s the word again??? Myungsoo: C A R P E DIEM. LATIN Sungkyu: If I told myself something in the past: it would be. DO WELL NOW. TIME GOES FAST AND YOU WILL BE OLD.  Myungsoo: how would your past self reply?  Sungkyu: What is that old thing??  *goes back to laughing about carpe diem* 
Sungkyu: how old will we be in 10 years??  Myungsoo: ......oh wow you’ll be -  Sungkyu: YOU’RE NOT MUCH YOUNGER THAN ME 
Sungkyu: I believe we’ll still be doing Infinite in 10 years 
sungkyu said they should do a dinner show for their 20th lmao 
carpe diem x2 
for goods, fan said they should hand out canes LMAO 
sungkyu wonT LET CARPE DIEM GO lmao myungsoo is so embarassed 
finally learned they had a time limit of an hour lmao 
realized they barely ate
realized they have a penalty if they dont finish all the food. gives up
Calls for Cookie Chef when they didn’t need to; they’re doing a punishment
Saying bye: 
Myungsoo: I’m very shy when it comes to words but we couldn’t be here without Inspirits and we’ll continue to work hard and please continue to support us
Sungkyu: We had a lot of good memories and we really couldn;t have done it without you guys, our members couldn’t all make it but there will be a day we can all celebrate together. and you know what I want to say last (carpe diem)
Sungkyu threw dart at the “5 types of hearts for Inspirits” myungsoo dies 
myungsoo throws dart and lands on Sungkyu :)))))) 
give us those 5 hearts old man
they did the munch heart thing the kids do these days 
oh god he did it 
ending song: memories 
me: still crying 
Hope y’all watched this and if you haven’t please go watch this mess! 
HAPPY 10TH !!!!!! 
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nc7dr3am · 4 years
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so their ship name is just his full name LMAO
they love it
so yknow how dream clowns mark?
obviously she does too
but she’s more gentle and has a TON of respect for mark
“minhyung oppa is extremely hardworking ... he’s always working to be his absolute best and he is so kind and down to earth”
they’re actually a really soft duo
because like. mark is truly her big brother
he cares for her a lot and helped her so much during her debut
he helps her practice her dancing (even after he left dream)
because she trusts him a lot and he know the exact way to help her
but yeah she still clowns him
calls him old man all of the time
but she was full on SOBBING at their last concert with mark
like she had to move her mic because it was so bad
mark isn’t too big on the pda but when they’re together he always lets his baby sister give him so many hugs
when sm told them that mark was coming back and they were a fixed unit ... god she cried a lot then too
she was so happy
“lily is actually so sweet guys. like, she’s so genuine. she cares a lot for all of us and she’s also so intelligent? she’s always reading” - mark when asked about her on vlive
he’s trying to teach her guitar but the only instrument she formally knows is violin
her skill with the bass is self taught and she doesn’t know actual notes so she applies that to guitar and mark is trying to ACTUALLY teach her
mark also understands her well because they were both raised in the west
she expresses herself better in english and mark is always there to understand and listen
they’re just actual siblings and love each other so much
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lily makes renjun look a lot taller
she doesn’t ever make fun of his height and gets mad at the other dreamies when they do
she clowns his voice crack tho HAH
lowkey the savage duo
lily is more secretly savage though
renjun is the one allowed in her room the most
he works on his art and she reads or writes or practices violin
they have a lot of quiet moments
but they also get silly together
so lily doesn’t think about the universe deeply because she lowkey thinks it’s a waste of her time
like .. she’ll never know and she’s fine with that so why dwell on it
HOWEVER she really believes in aliens and she and renjun legit have sat for hours looking online ab alien shit
they’re also both so smart
and she’s always talking about how much she admires renjun’s brain
stans his vocal talent. like. she’s loud about it
fans love this duo a lot nd they have a lot of romantic shippers
even tho .. they have never liked each other that way LMAO
at the airport she links arms with him a lot and they look like they’re gossiping hhhhh
when the dreamies are being too much they just look at each other and fans love that shit
also they’re both arguably the scariest members
renjun because... duh y’all know him
but lily doesn’t get annoyed often. when she does... there’s hell to pay and she has a good punch
“renjun oppa is so good at korean! i’m actually korean and he speaks it better than i do!”
“that’s because i’m smarter than you”
“do you want to die?”
basically just a really close pair! they’re always there for each other 🥺
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she openly says that jeno is the cutest member
“he’s the most adorable person ever! his eyesmile is too cute”
the way she laughed when jeno ripped his shirt off-
she clowned him for DAYS
every time she was wearing a jacket or cardigan she ripped it off and mocked him
also whenever she’s drinking something around him she recreates his milk cf
also!!! she thinks jeno is so funny
she loves him and his humor
she and jeno have a really really deep bond.
he saw her journal (refer to my post about her room) and he’ll take what he read to the grave
he checks in on her a lot because he knows when she’s hurting
when they were trainees she was struck by how kind he was to her
and they were stuck together ever since
lily hasn’t ever been mad at him ONCE
they’re arguably the softest duo
they have a lot of romantic shippers too but
it’s a no
she’s a big nomin shipper too like unironically she thinks there’s something there
she always hypes his vocals!! he doesn’t get to sing enough >:(
he’s also her biggest cheerleader and when she cries and gets upset about her dancing he always pulls her aside and consoles her 🥺
he helps her with writing songs too!
wholesome beautiful friendship
they go out to eat a lot
jeno also helps her paint her nails LMAO
and they ride bikes together a lot
can’t commit to working out with him though because it’s way too much for her to do all that
lily also bakes a lot. and jeno appreciates that. a LOT
they’re best friends. she even bought them stupid girly heart bracelets that connect together LMAO
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so much affection!!!!
she is such a hyuck stan
“haechannie is my bias!!”
always calls him fullsun (in english)
number one hyuck skin enthusiast!! she thinks he’s gorgeous and glows brighter than all of them
also she loves his singing and thinks his vocal tone is so unique
always laughs at his jokes and finds him hilarious
he doesn’t prank her as much as the others because he’s actually so sweet to her
he’s used to having a younger sister and thinks of lily as his little sister
they constantly text and facetime a lot since they live in different dorms
she’s lowkey whipped for him and he’s whipped for her
not in a romantic way tho!
another member who always eats her baking
they learn girl group dances together
now we all know damn well that hyuck is the sweetest boy and so full of love
but we also know he annoys the shit out of the members
jimin is NO exception
he pokes fun at her and mocks her all the time
so she slaps him in the back of the head LMAOO
when does she actually get mad tho? when he shows up at the dorms and enters her room without permission
cue her chasing him around the dorms with murder in her eyes
yknow the vine where it’s like
“let me see what you have?”
that’s the other guys making sure hyuck doesn’t get brutally murdered
because lily can pack a punch
all in all though, they’re a great duo and they’re always so proud of each other
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okay jaemin babies the FUCK outta her
he always takes care of her and talks to her about her concerns and vice versa
he was so happy for her when she debuted and was sad he couldn’t be there for it
she visited him all the time when he was gone
and she was heartbroken that he wasn’t with dream
she is a BIG 8dream stan because they are a family
but yeah fans can’t even ship them romantically because they know lily is his lil baby
she helps him with his english
and he always compliments her singing and dancing
proud of her songwriting
so much affection
even tho she hates when he pinches her cheeks n calls her cute
when he came back during go she was overjoyed
“go is our special era! we were all reunited~~”
he always wanted a sister and now he has one <3
she drinks a lot of coffee but not as much as him and was so worried about his health
they’re the biggest flirts w czennies
you’ll always find them with their arms linked in the airport
and everywhere really
during empathy era she was always hugging jaemin’s side
they also do a lot of lives together!!
such cute bffs
she is a big nomin stan like i said
name twins and they always tell everyone that they’re actual siblings
jaemin’s mom is so fond of her and treats her like her own daughter
they’re really true siblings and best friends 🥺
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01’ liners and so similar in ages but he ALWAYS brings up that he’s older
they compete over a lot
literally everything is a competition
she’s at her most childish with him
they also make lots of bets and she usually wins
clowns him for those predebut pics LOL
they can be really soft but will never admit it even if they are caught on camera
they’re pretty calm if they’re cooking together
he is Banned™️ from her room and she won’t budge at all
“chenle isn’t allowed in my room because he will disturb my peace”
remember on that one ep of weekly idol where chenle was SCREAMING while they did aegyo
yeah it’s louder when lily does aegyo
u didn’t hear it from me but her aegyo is SO cute it’s not as cringey as the others
but chenle hates it because she’s cute and he wants to clown her but he CANT
really proud of each other. super proud of each other
chenle has sat with her as she’s cried a lot. and comforted her. and it always stays between them.
she’s always there for him too
a LOT of fans have suspected that there’s something there
his mom loves her so much!!!!!
when she and jisung went to his house they were BAFFLED and impressed
“something bothers me a lot. one day, chenle woke up and looked grown up. he used to have chubby cheeks and looked like a kid and now he looks like an adult and has such defined cheekbones. it’s so strange”
when they became adults they got SHITFACED DRUNK
they definitely don’t say it a lot and when they do it’s in private (even tho everyone knows)
but they really love each other 🥺
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jisung and lily is
p o p u l a r
with fans
because fans put together the pieces that jisung had a crush on lily during debut
lily thought it was sweet because jisung was always so cute and young
she saw him as a little kid
they used to not have MANY interactions
she always laughs when jisung is bein funny
and is in AWE of his dancing
he always assures her when she gets upset about her dancing
lilchenji is an ICONIC friendship
they watch a lot of movies together
she’s been on chenjis this and that a few times
remember that live when nomin got all in each other’s faces while chenji just froze and looked at them and then looked at the camera and looked real shocked
she was there and the three of them were like 😶
so yeah when jisung started getting really tall lily was real confused
and then somehow
during go and we go up
jisung started looking different. like. more grown up
and he had more confidence and talked to her more
and lily was like 😳😳
but spoilers so i won’t go too deep into that
they’re really good friends these days tho
the fans LOVE THEM it’s such a popular ship
at the dream shows when they sing bye my first
the song that lily famously LOVES
yknow that one line jisung has where the music goes quiet and he goes
“na geuttaeneun cham eoryeosseo”
blessed line it was beautiful
anyway at the dream show jisung would hold the mic to lily and have her sing the line or they’d duet it
and their eye contact!!!! and lily’s SMILE IS SO BRIGHT
stars in their eyes
um anyway!! they’re great friends nd very shippable for. reasons!
author’s note! i’m also a ‘01 liner! so don’t think it’s weird if i’m writing a jisung romance LMAO or who knows if it’ll be jisung? 👀👀
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kooksea · 5 years
sound (m);
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pairing: jeon jungkook | reader —college!au, fuckboy!jungkook, fratboy!jungkook
genre: TOO MUCH SMUT? just smut, smut, and more smut. graphic smut scenes, multiple orgasms, daddy kink, cum play, overstimulation, oral (both male and female receiving), dom!jungkook but it changes...later, public oral (someone else is receiving tho), nipple play, hell amount of spanking, they just fuck in every way that they can lol, the story literally begins with smut and ends with smut...no between, fluff too if you push too hard
summary: you're taking a very interesting course this semester —sound psychology, and jeon jungkook, being the fuckboy he's always been, has an idea to record you while having sex for the assignment which was given.
wordcount: 13,738 (that’s how whipped i am)
“So Brian Eno invested the music for airports, and this awakened a new era for psychologists to investigate further. Can music changes the atmosphere of the place? We all know that music was used for therapy in many cases, but in this class, we’re not discussing therapy, it’s another class that you’ll be taking soon.  This…this is all about the music you don’t even think you were listening to in some places, and how they change your thoughts and again — you didn’t even know.”
Psychology was something you always wanted to study. You don’t exactly remember how you were fund over this field and when, and the only thing you know that in some way you just kind of —liked it.  A future with it seemed much brighter, and you worked your ass off to earn a good amount of scholarship from a very well-known university in the town. It was like a dream come true. 
That was a year ago.
This year, during the registration period of your third semester at the University, you saw a very interesting elective course: sound psychology. Which, you thought, would be a great opportunity for you to combine the first and second thing about life that makes you excited: psychology and—music.
So you registered the course, to listen to classes and get great grades, of course; not to try to focus (and failed everytime) on the Professor because a douchebag, cunt addicted asshole was sitting next to you, fingering some girl behind the desk, making it harder for you to hear what the Professor was saying.
University couldn’t be better, right?
“Mmh,” you hear the girl’s groans, echoing in the big class. Your cheeks get redder as soon as you hear more of them, uncomfortable with being very near to the incident. You were really, really wanted to listen to the class.
I mean, yeah, a few amounts of public sex could be an entertaining show for you to watch. But, that, wouldn’t be a problem when the class is boring, or useless. Unfortunately, you really liked the class, and you really needed a great grade to sustain your scholarship.
You don’t turn your left to face them, no, because you don’t want to have nightmares about your classmates doing oral while you were in the class, at the time the class is happening. As amazing and extremely filthy (in a good way) it sounds, (1). the girl wasn’t you, (2). you really liked the class (for the hundredth time you were pointing that out), and—the most important fact about why you couldn’t ignore a bunch of teenager playing with each other was because (3). Jeon Jungkook was giving the head.
Your history with fratboys and how needy their asses are were way longer than Jungkook’s history with girls, however, even though you didn’t know the kid — you just know that you weren’t going to feel empathy or sincerity to the any of the frat boys on any of the universities all around the world.
With you recalling some scenes from your freshman year in college, and how you lost your virginity to some fratboy who said that you were his and he was yours for months and fucking a few (or 20, actually) girls behind you was making you irritated, and surely making some bad memories going back. And because of that fucking asshole, you promised yourself two things.
One: No more fucking with the fratboys while you were in the University.
Two: You were surely going to come back again after your graduation, just to fuck around with a few of the fratboys—for fun, or to make them publicly humiliated. (Because of their dick sizes, or the lack of it.)
Fratboys were overrated —because they weren’t sex gods, they weren’t that wild, and it was a fact that they weren’t that thick nor long.
The girl (you didn’t know her name) started to sound like she was coming undone soon, and with that, you thought that she was coming really quickly because it was only been five minutes since they were being handy with each other if you recall it right. Of course, her coming sooner than Jungkook was going to flutter him in every way that it can, and probably will make him think that he’s, indeed, a sex god, but you knew the truth. He was choosing the ones who couldn’t resist, and another truth was that you could’ve made her come less than a minute.
No hard feelings, Jeon Jungkook.
That was, obviously, out of context—because you were supposed to be talking about how airplane music was changing people’s mood when they were rushing through gates and trying to find the right way to go, making them relax with some soft, classical type kinds of music. And also, as soon as the passengers go into the plane, a way more cheerful but still soft music is playing because the airways want them to be cheerful about getting through all the anxious parts of the day…
…But you couldn’t, and the only thing you were hearing was still how the girl was short of breath, murmuring sweet little sounds.
“Right there, Jungkook. Right t-there, I’m so…c-close.”
“Don’t come yet,” he commands. The prick’s voice was a lot deeper now. “You’re not allowed to come yet, baby girl.”
…and how they always liked being dominant.
…and how they’re not that successful about it.
You were feeling like listening to the same old mantra, just the people were changing. I mean, really, the only spice you’re adding is that we’re in a fucking class?
A class that you must give with at least an A- because you were supposed to maintain a good academic semester if you want your scholarship to be safe and sound?
Oh, god, the class. Suddenly, without a flinch, you’ve decided to ask them —politely— to be a little silent, and that you really need to listen to this class. Courage always comes when you need it, and better use it while you still can, right?
You turn back to the incident that still happening in your left, your eyes welcoming a long lasting image in your mind: Jeon Jungkook’s long fingers going deeper and deeper while the girl is trying to open her little cunt to the man who’s sitting next to her, desperate for his touch. As if those legs could open themselves much longer. She looked like she’s doing some kind of cheerleading practice.
“Dude, can you fuck her pussy when we’re not supposed to be next to each other, in a class, if I remind you?” You not so politely ask, trying to look away from the very incident that is still, by the way, happening in flesh right next to you.
Jungkook stops with his fingers for a brief moment to turn you, a tempting smirk on his face. “Why, will you be joining with us after the class?” He tilts his head while tsked you, and he spends no more than a few seconds to go back to his duty.
“Ahhhg—like that!” The girl whines a little much loader, making you think that not just you but everyone in this class were hearing their voices.
Jungkook slows down his pace, taking one of his fingers back from where they are. A sticky texture covering his long fingers, highlighted by the sun which comes from the window right next to their seats. “You’re going to have to be quiet if you want my fingers back in you, you loud slut.”
“Yes, please, make it quiet,” you add from their right seat, using a tone that you’re sure that the both of them could hear. “Some of us still tries to listen to the actual class which is happening right in front of you.”
This time they act like they didn’t hear your comments, and that was predictable because you knew that you were being a mood breaker—all on purpose.
Her breathing fastened its pace, and you swear that you could hear how wet she is by the sound that Jungkook’s fingers, echoing in all the class. “Ugh, ugh, mmHg —yes, Jungkook, I’m there, I’m there!”
Jungkook adds his third finger pack to her pussy, hitting her g-spot tyrannously until she feels bliss taking over her body and soul. “Come, you loud whiney bitch, come on all of my fingers like the slut you are. You liked being fingering in a class with them, make them earn their prize, huh?”
Suddenly, you turned back to them to see the show, feeling extremely turned on with the idea of fingering in a class with everyone’s inside. You could swear that her cum was leaking through the chair, a golden light breaking from outside to highlight the juices. She made such a mess.
While the girl was trying to maintain her breathing to how was supposed to be, you were still watching them, your mind went another place where you could only think that it had been a really long time since you got laid. You don’t notice when the prick calls you again, catching you peaking through the show which just ended.
“Enjoyed the show?” The prick whispered as he lays down to your lost face. “Care to join us where I actually use something longer than my fingers?”
You bitterly laugh. “I bet that your dick is smaller than your fingers, don’t waste your time, fratboy.”
“You’d be surprised when you see it, beautiful,” Jungkook attempts to make a move on you, with —of course— his so-called “fratboy charms” that never in your life again would work on you. “Are we making the bet?”
“No,” you shrug your shoulders, leaving your eyes from his doe-eyes to the Professor, who was still talking about the history of adding music to specific places, and how that music affected our psychological states. “I’ve seen enough of the fratboy’s small dicks, I’m passing yours as well.”
A villain kind of smirk emerges on his tuned face.“I bet you only saw the small ones and missed mine.” He tilts his head, for maybe the third time in one minute, a signature of his.
You faked a gag to scoff with him. “Yes, I’m sure that your dick is huge and all,” you turn your face again to him, a begging look on your face. “So—can you, maybe, shut up for a while and help me listen to the class, the class that which both of us taking, I think, and would be nice for you to actually listen to it.”
His mouth goes open for a while, and his mind probably trying to digest rejection that he just got from you—while you were giving him a delightful smirk that will make him angrier than he’s already is (if possible, because fratboy couldn’t take rejection). Jungkook doesn’t say anything back, and that’s a surprise for you, he leans over his chair, acts like he’s interested with the class and gives you the prize of your contest for today.
“…So, for the assignment I mentioned at the beginning of the class, it’s time for me to talk about it little more, and maybe I can hear about a few ideas of yours and give you my ideas how to improve it. Don’t feel pressured about this assignment, it will only take the %10 of your final grade—and I will be very generous when it comes to grading since it’s the first assignment that you guys will produce.”
You’re now really thankful for Jungkook to prevent you from listening to the class.
Really. Thankful.
The Professor glances at the papers her desk before starting to explain the assignment. “…Um, so—the due date is a week later, as you can guess. The assignments will be individually done, so no groups allowed. Although you can record the work together or do brainstorms about the assignment, which I’d appreciate if you guys do speak to each other about the homework given to you on a normal basis.” She laughs a little at the end of her sentence, while the class bursts into a peal of big laughter after her words. Of course, no one was going to speak about it. “Again, I get it that you don’t do such things. Anyway, for this assignment, I want you to find a specific situation that normally doesn’t involve music in it, and I want you to add a specific genre to that—and record how that goes for you. What I mean by that is, let’s just assume that cafe’s don’t play soft music in the back, and we thought about adding a soft playlist in the background of a Starbucks, which let’s assume—in a very crowded area. What you guys would do in a situation like this would be recording it before and after the music is on, so we can feel the change. No visuals allowed, just the record. And I want a reflection paper of the work, for around 250-300 words. Easy, right?”
It was, indeed, easy and looked interesting as well. You were feeling that a few ideas were popping up in your brain. “And…for the recording, 30 seconds for each would be enough, don’t make it longer than 60 seconds though, let’s make it quick and easy. Okay?” You nod as well as some other students. “Any ideas or questions so far?”
A girl from the front seats raises a hand, and Professor allows her to speak. “So…what if we change the music genre? In an existing situation? Like…changing the genre of the Starbucks, maybe making it hard metal or hip-hop instead of classical or soft music.”
“That is allowed too—and in fact, it is a good idea. Thank you, Ms. Min, for this, and anyone else?” She raises her voice as well as her left eyebrow, looking for a hand.
Someone else raises a hand. “How can we test their reaction? Are we going to interview with them?”
“You don’t have to,” Professor explains. “Let’s take the Starbucks example. I mean, I know that they won’t allow for you to stop the music but let’s assume that they did. You’ll go there for two days, at the same rush hour, and in the first day, what you’ll be doing would be examining the talks between the employee and the costumer, writing down the possible little fights between them, and even how many of the customers actually smiled or thanked the employee for maybe like thirty minutes? And—the second day, with the music on, you’ll do the same, taking notes…and then you can compare the two. But you can always interview the people, asking them if they’re feeling something about the music. You’d be surprised when the %80 of them says that they didn’t hear the music at all if it’s soft or classical. Because it goes deeper than you thought.”
You raise a hand. “Can I share my idea?”
Professor approves, a tempting smile on her face. “Please.”
“Umh, so…I was thinking,” you start to talk, rubbing your neck out of shyness. “My mom is a birth giver in a private hospital near, so I was thinking if I can do something with newborn babies or the act of giving birth. Adding soft music in the newborn unites or in the surgery room where the giving birth takes place. Maybe I can examine how they react to the soft voice, like how many newborn babies stop crying or how giving birth becomes, even a tiny bit, easy for the mother?”
“I think taking permission to play music in the surgery room is much harder than the first one, and the second is much harder for you to examine to results since you can’t be in the surgery room with the mothers—but playing soft music for newborn babies sounds cool, and smart too.” She purses his lips with a startling look on her face before turning her looks to the class, looking for another hand.
This time the hand that goes up leaves you with a frozen frame.
“Yes, Jungkook?”
He was definitely going to criticize your idea.
“I mean, before saying anything about my idea,” he cleared his throat before switching to a much more deeper voice tone of his. “About the last idea, from my friend, was very smart—though most of us don’t have opportunities that come from our parents.”
He was playing with you.
He was trying to make you uncomfortable.
But, he wasn’t going to win over, again.
“Aren’t you the son of a CEO or something, Jeon?” You chastised, pursing your lips while the class fulls with the voices of approval and some ouch, she goaled in’s over and over again. “I am sure you can record your dad bickering to his employees with and without soft music too. Though if he’s like you, I don’t think that would make a huge difference for you to examine. Once a jerk, always a jerk—sorry, Mrs. Kim, for the language but I had to do it.”
His veins were throbbing in his neck second by second, with the anger that takes over his state. Lucky of you, the Professor takes over the fight before Jeon get to say something, probably something very offensive to you. “Maybe you can stop whatever this fight you’re making in my class, and just allow others to actually share their ideas,” she hollered. “Are you going to say something about your idea or not, Jungkook?”
“Yes, Professor,” he muttered, his jaw still clenching. “Though it may end up with me getting dismissed from the class, an idea is still an idea, am I right?”
She pouts, humming at Jungkook’s words. “As long as you don’t offer something illegal like taking drugs or something, you wouldn’t be dismissed.”
“I don’t think sex is illegal,” he dared from the blue, with a little smirk on his face. “And I think, besides from a few of us, it’s something that we try to do on a normal basis.” Jungkook, intentionally, looks over you and locks his eyes to yours when he mentions the ones that don’t get to lay.
That bastard.
“And if I’m allowed, I would want to choose how music affects the human orgasm—though, I don’t think I’m allowed to record it.”
He caught the Professor off guard by using the very well known voice tone that highlights the part that he's “probably” not allowed to do that—tyring to make her feel worse about how society still not ready to talk about sexual interactions.
Well played, Jeon Jungkook.
Well played.
“I mean,” she starts with a fooled voice. “Technically speaking, yes—you can record someone having sex with particular music playing in the background to see how that would affect the orgasm that they’ll receive and the quality of the act and all…” Professor stops for a while, trying to choose the right words. She presses his lips together, trying to be a serious woman and ignores the giggles in the class. “…But, ethically speaking—I don’t think that I’m allowed to give you the permission to record porn.”
He smirks than laughs bitterly, shrugging his one shoulder. “Oh! Come on, Mrs. Kim!” He huffed. “It’s not even porn, it’s just a recording of it. No visuals allowed, remember? If Y/N can record a woman giving birth then I think I can record being intimate with another person.”
“Seriously, Jungkook?” You bickered. “Did you really compared giving birth to having sex?”
“Yes, I did,” he hissed. “My idea is just as naked as yours, baby—and my idea is way better than anyone in this room,” Jungkook turns away from you to the Professor, who is still patiently listening you two bickering each other. “Besides, if we look at that from a Freudian perspective, it’s a good idea for us to add something to his studies that he did for a lifetime, didn’t he say something like how sexual drives must not be something we should be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation—and must be fulfilled in order to gain a psychosexual development?
"Are you really a psychology major, Jungkook?” You accused, exasperatedly sigh. “Because they are not exactly true!”
“Indeed, I am not a psychology major—I’m majoring in music and performing, and for your information, this is an elective class and we don’t really have to know much about Freud or some other psychologist in order to record a one-minute assignment, am I right?” He intentionally looks away to the Professor when he’s ending his sentence, all part of the act. “Do we really have to be so smart to succeed at the class, is that it?"
You’ve got to be kidding me.
She’s a Professor with a good academic background, there is no way that she’s going to fall for this crap.
"I mean—no, of course not,” Professor says, leaving you with all of your concerns about whether the majority of humanity is now un-saveable from Jeon Jungkook’s all staged acts. “And part of the information you gave about Freud was, technically, true. Though I can’t deny the fact that he did so much more studies about psychosexual development and in fact, even though he contributed that sex is the major driving force in human nature; he also realized that not everything was about sex and once commented, ‘sometimes a cigar is just a cigar’. But, Jungkook, if you’re asking and wondering about at the end whether if you are able to do it or not, the answer is—yes, you can record it. Although you can’t mention names in the record, and please don’t make us know the people, alright? That is, the only way that I can give you permission.”
Fuck Jeon Jungkook.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and how smart his idea was.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and how he got the permission he needed anyway.
“Freudian perspective my ass,” you whisper to the asshole next to you, in a voice tone that you’re absolutely sure that he’s the only one that can hear, not even the girl who’s still high and sleepy because of the orgasm she not so long ago received.
He crosses his arms, holding his one eyebrow up. “What is it that bothers you this much, my friend, do you want to contribute to my assignment by letting me taste that tight pussy of yours? Is that it? Are you that shy to ask me whether if you can be the lucky girl in my porn?”
That fucking brat.
“Haha,” you fake a sarcastic laugh. “I’m just…feeling overly insulted and angry about the institution that we’re in because you just got permission to record yourself fucking someone, and I believe that is—the only thing that you’re actually capable of. Fucking.”
“You can’t deny God’s gifts, my friend.” Jungkook chimed in.
You narrow your eyes at his disgusting choice of words. “See? Only a talentless fucking brat would say something like that. Gift? You’re calling the act of sticking your not-so-thicker than a pipe dick into someone as a gift? I can do that too with a proper dildo that I bought from a sex store, my friend.” You ended the argument with a faked tone of his voice, only to make him more offensive.
“Ah,” he hollered, doesn’t care about that the class was still, somehow continued. “You’re getting on my nerves, Y/N, you really are getting on my nerves. It’s been only thirty minutes that we started to speak to each other for the first time in our lives and you’re mentioning about my dick for the third time—and not in a good way that I would’ve wanted. You’re giving me no choice but to prove you wrong, it’s almost becoming a matter of life or death, mh?”
All of a sudden you noticed how you started to rub your thighs together, an exciting feeling giving momentum to your blood’s flowing, all the blame goes to Freud and his stupid works (and how he was right about the amount of urge we have to have sex). In a brief matter, you were—horny.
So fucking horny.
You don’t know if it was because how he kept tilting his head to the ground and how he tsked when he said the last sentence that he had no choice but to prove it to you, or how he was looking ridiculously flawless from close, I mean, really close—or both, but that was it.
You were horny.
Jeon Jungkook made you horny.
You could just go and eat shit and tell everyone that you eat shit and it tastes better, and it would still be better from any kind of confess that you may do about how Jeon Jungkook made you horny, in a psychology class, without even touching you. And again, he just fingered the shit out of a girl next to you, but that was not an excuse for you to almost drip right now.
“Already tongue-tied, are we?” He smirks in the most tempting way. “You couldn’t even get to hear me talking filthy, baby.”
You chimed in. “I’m literally trying to act like you don’t exist but, somehow, you always find a way to make me irritated and overly regretful that I took this class, thinking that it would be fun."
You were okay, it wasn’t happening, you were just horny because of the lack of any kind of sexual interaction with any kind of person for over months. If it wasn’t Jungkook and someone else, you would be the same.
Relax, breathe, you’re not that horny.
"Oh, I’ll make it fun.” He expressed. “Join me with the recording, mh?”
Maybe you are that horny.
But, not with Jungkook. No way in hell, you won’t be sleeping with the selfish, overly exaggerated frat boy that has been doing nothing but to seduce you, because that’s what fratboys do all the time. They see a girl that gives them the cold shoulder, they attack. You weren’t going to let Jungkook attack you.
“Hear this, brat,” you fumed. “As long as being recorded while having sex sounds appealing to me, both visually or audibly, I’m going to pass this offer—because no way that I am doing it with you. I can do porn with every human being in the world except a few of the prime ministers of a few countries and plus some hip-hop artists, I don’t fuck with fratboys either."
It wasn’t you talking, it was anger. Anger that comes fulfills you with being horny over Jeon fucking Jungkook. And that’s why you hurriedly gathered all of your stuff and left the class as soon as the Professor announced that the class was dismissed, not looking back nor listening to the answer that Jungkook gave to you as you were vanishing between people, with the tempting smile that he was giving you for ten minutes.
"Oh, we’re so doing this.”
He laughed.
You didn’t hear.
unknown number: im thinking drake’s own it
unknown number: do you have smthng in mind? i can consider
unknown number: just please make sure that i don’t think i’ll be that hard if we listen to some justin bieber shit and all
unknown number: not that i don’t like it,,but i was a hard fan, that shit still makes me cry
you: jungkook?
you: how did you find my number?
unknown number: asked for a friend of yours named tae
unknown number: we have common classes together
unknown number: said to him that we recently become duo over an assignment and had to find your number
unknown number: wasn’t lying to him tho
you: i said no to your offer
unknown number: i guessed your inner voice said something else ;)
you: just because im psychology major, psychological stuff doesn’t make me turn on
unknown number: i can make you turn on in the seconds baby
you: im just going to ignore all of your messages and happily entertain myself with my friends doing typical weekend stuff, thank you so much
unknown number: im downloading drake’s own it…just in case, and i have to charge my jbl for a better volume experience
“Tae,” you inhale a good amount of air to your irritated lungs, and exhale whilst fuming with anger, to the boy who happened to be your lifetime best friend. “Did you easefully give my number to the number one fuckboy of our University today?”
He pouts, a sudden feeling of guilt takes over his eyes. “Yes? He said that you were a team on an assignment or something?”
“No, we’re not. He just happens to be the guy who ceaselessly hits me for a fuck, hasn’t stopped since the class and now he’s texting me.”
“Sorry, baby,” he mutters. He stops for a second with eating his fries where you guys so happened to choose to have dinner at McDonald’s. “He just seemed so convenient. I know him from my music classes and Jungkook’s like…always scores the best, so if you guys were doing an assignment, I wouldn’t be so surprised.”
Your eyes getting wide, your mouth shaping as an “o” when Tae mentions the words “Jungkook” and “scoring the best” together. “Who?” You doubted. “Jungkook? Taking good grades? In this school?”
“Yeah, Y/N,” Tae addressed while rubbing his eyes. “He’s the smart one in the class. He signs and performs well, he can take high notes from written classes like you guys have together now, and—he can do notes higher than the written classes, which is also very surprising, he also dances well…and…um, he—”
You chimed in. “Tae, honey, your gay is showing. Wasn’t he the fratboy of that massive boy house or something?”
He narrows his eyes. “Yes? Just because he’s a fratboy, is it means that he must be dumb too? Your double standards are showing, Y/N.”
“I mean, yes, I’m being stereotyping over here,” you hollered. “But, remember the Park guy I met last year and how he turned out to be a complete dickhead? All Jungkook has been thinking was to fuck me into my oblivion and record the voices while doing it, nothing more!”
Taehyung tilts his head as his eyes get widen. “Recording? That’s some kinky shit."
You narrow your eyes.
"Oh, come on!” He takes a sip from his cola. “Loosen up a little bit! Give the boy a few points for his courage to actually being able to speak about his true intentions. Not all of the boys do it anymore. They love the act when they’re trying to win over some girl. And besides—what’s the harm of a kinky fuck without any kind of feelings attached? You’re wild as he is when it comes to rough sex. I know because you weren’t stopping about the guy you were fucking last year, which turned out very disappointed because you tried to add feelings to the formula. Never worked.”
“Thanks for enlightening my shameful dark past about how I got fooled around by a fratboy sweetdick for months, Taehyung,” you howled, faking a bitterly smile.
He smirks. “No problem, baby, what best friends are for, right?”
There were points where Taehyung was right about, obviously, because he was kind of always right about everything related to you. Today, they were: (1) the fact that you liked it rough (like, rough), and (2) the fact that no feeling attached kinky sex seemed an exciting option for your lack of sexual interaction with someone lately—and third was the fact that how the guy you were fucking turned out to be a complete disappointment but you were not going to add that to the list.
Taking a fry from the tray, you start to chew while thinking about how Jungkook seemed serious about recording the two of you, doing the thing for the assignment. And with how class listened to you two bickering to each other, they were never going to know who the girl is from the sound—and you really didn’t think that the Professor would make everyone in the class to listen to that porn, anyway. Not that you were so overly thinking about what other’s think, never did and never will be, there was just one person that you couldn’t keep it secret from. Yourself—and how you gave yourself a promise for not fucking with any of the fratboys before your graduation, ever again.
“Does he still texting you?” Tae asks with a concerned face, tightening his lips. “Really though, I should’ve asked you before giving your number to him.”
“I haven’t checked my phone, I’m guessing he’ll stop at some point though,” you went on. “It’s okay, by the way, I’m not mad or anything. Not at you anyway."
Taehyung starts to shake his head. "Wait, wait, wait.” He repeats the word over and over until he stops and points his finger right in front of your eyes. “You are considering his so kind offer…am I right?”
“No! What?” You blurted with a loud tone. “No fucking way! No—oh, fine, yes, a little.”
“I knew it!” He chews the remaining fries he has. “I knew it, really, I was almost—almost sure of it, but with you, I’m never fully sure. I bet you got wet as soon as he opened his true feeling about fucking you, and oh, wait, I bet you’re still wet!”
“Oh my god, we’re not having this conversation in a fucking McDonald’s, Taehyung!” You mumbled. “Just, maybe, okay? I got horny when he mentioned how he must prove himself to me about his skills and all that shit, I think. I had a fucking promise to myself, Tae! I was holding on to that little promise. I shouldn’t be even thinking about this but all I’m thinking how he would toss my weak body over his bedroom’s wall and how he would rip my clothes off of my body in a mere second. See? This is how much I’m whipped over him.”
“I think it’s cute,” he admits. “How you opening up to me in a fucking McDonalds, chewing the rest of the fries.”
You roll your eyes.
“Just kidding, baby.” Taehyung smiles fondly. “Text him that you’re taking his offer. Do whatever you want with him, or make him do it. Have fun a little bit! Text him that it’s sad that you’re drinking cola and not his cum.”
“Ew,” you gasp. “Please shut up.”
“Again, kidding.”
He wasn’t kidding at all.
You grab your phone which you so irritatedly made silent before tossing it up to your bag, and welcome the texts that you haven’t opened from the same number, this time with a title you not so thought about it.
that dickhead: own it by drake is ready and my jbl is charging (21.19)
that dickhead: oh i see (21.35)
that dickhead: … (21.40)
You open it, and type, not wanting to think about any coincidences for just today.
you: really? three dots? that’s your way of handling with rejection? (21.45)
that dickhead: rejection? was it really?
you: try any other sarcastic words over me and i might change my opinion about this
that dickhead: so,,is it a yes?
you: im not fucking while listening to drake, jungkook
that dickhead: you’re so lucky today that you can get the choose the song, it’s all for academic purposes, baby
you: yeah, yeah
you: your place or mine?
that dickhead: mine
that dickhead: [attached adress]
you: ok be ready in 20
There was something about all of this experience that you were having. Something that you cannot explain easily. You didn't know why you were so whipped for him with just a day and how that got you into this situation—where you have literally vanished into the cold spring night to take a taxi, a taxi that will take you to Jungkook's place. 
Of course Tae understood your situation, considering how many times he heard you bickering and complaining about your sex life lately (or the lack of it), and how you weren't ready for any kind of relationship and starting a new relationship just to get laid seemed so unfair to you and the possible partner, so that was never an option for you. He was always offered you to one-night-stands, and let's say that he helped with it too, but they weren't that good—and you couldn't even come as you wanted to. You didn't know if you could come with Jungkook, and you were really serious about everything you've said about fratboys, you weren't going to take back what you've said, but—you had this different feeling, an excitement, a thrill, some anticipation that you got all from him. A silent, almost can't hearable, sound in your brain was telling you that, indeed, you weren't doing the mistake of your life by taking that taxi.
So it was happening. It was really happening according to the taxi driver's navigation status which said that "destination in 5 minutes" and the text that came from your best friend.
mytae: text me tomorrow! with details pls ;)
It was, happening, and surprisingly, you didn't feel any regret or fear flowing through your body.
It was—pure excitement with a good amount of wetness that was coming from your cunt.
That bastard.
You knocked on the door.
"Password?" A voice, his voice, called from inside.
"What password?"
"You didn't give me the password, bastard."
He was still playing with you. "Password?"
You weren't going to fool around with his stupid games. "Oh, then I have no choice but to leave if you don't open this goddamn door because I'm really horny right now and—"
"Correct," he opened the door, a casual black short sleeve t-shirt and a pair of black sports pants were on him which you had to give a few points to the look because you've always liked the sportive look on hot guys. "It was horny." He smirked as he opened the door for you to come in.
"Really, Jungkook?" You narrowed your eyes at him, a blush appearing on your cheeks, not that you were ashamed or something because today was all about not being ashamed, right? "You were making me doubt my choices there."
He crossed his arms together, a beautiful vein appearing on his left arm. He didn't seem that build up in the outside, or it was just you never giving any attention to how Jungkook actually looked like before. Maybe he was always that strong, built, muscular pig. "Y/N?"
He took a step to you, and one step again when he said your name again. He didn't say anything even though you quietly said "hm?" to his calling, both times. He was giving you a little hard time there, minimizing the place left between you and his door. He lowered his voice for the third time, making your back hit the wall. "Y/N, you see..." He whispered. "What you've been doing to me since this morning is to make me feel small about myself. That's why you're always acting like you're the one who holds the ropes, right? Always sticking your nose in things to make my day worse, and always trying to end the conversation with your scores up to the ceiling while mines are off the ground? Hmm?"
You wanted to tell something, anything, but as you felt his body touching you in front, making the two of you almost one body while your back is against the wall. (And, his perfume mixed with his natural skin smell wasn't helping at all) So, you couldn't say anything and stared right in the middle of his tempting, doe-eyes while he was squeezing them to give it a serious meaning.
He holds his one arm up and places right next to your head, on the wall. The other one was in his pockets, and because he was also squeezing it very hard, the veins were making you scared. Jungkook tilts his head as he leans to your level in front of the wall. "You like people when they think that you're some kind of ice queen, giving the fratboys cold shoulder because you don't want them to know the truth."
"And what truth it may be?" You quietly asked, in an almost whispering way, stuttering because of the excitement of him being so near to you.
He leans to your left ears now, touching it softly with his lips, sending shivers down your spine. "That you're so head over heels for me to fuck you so shamelessly that you just came here less than thirty minutes. You're that type, the type that addicted to the feeling of giving yourself to someone else but, all without closed doors. Because you don't want anyone to know who fucks your pussy that good."
"Mmh," you whine, chewing on the flesh of your bottom lip. "And who will fuck this pussy that good?" You teased, putting one of your hands to his stomach to feel his abs. He was muscular, indeed, and from this perspective where you were feeling small about yourself since he was standing in front of you with his intense, strong frame.
You felt a big amount of coldness that almost making your fingers turn purple, and you weren't sure if it was the coldness that was coming from the naked wall or how he was acting like he will turn you to a complete mess in seconds. He takes the hand which he was hiding his pocket and quickly puts on your ass with a quiet spanking manner, giving you no choice but to groan to that a little. "You see, since this is all academic purposes, and knowing that we cannot use our real names in the recording, we should use something different. And, believe me, as long as I would be completely fluttered if you say my name over and over again as I keep pounding into you, very deeply, I think for today you should go with the daddy instead."
A little whine escaping your lips as you hear the word "daddy" coming from his plumped lips from licking them every few seconds or so, Jungkook realizes how that is entertaining you and smirks with the feel of the joy. "I always knew that you had the daddy kink, by the way, it can be read through your gaze while you look at me."
"Hmm?" You groan. "And what are you going to call me today?"
He squeezes your butt with a wild manner, his eyes never leaving yours. "Oh, there are so many names today that I will call you with. You see, I always use baby with girls like you are," he spanks your ass while saying you baby. "If we were going to vanilla, I would call you princess," he spanks again. "But given the situation now, and how you whipped for my cock like this," one more. "I would probably use more of a needy slut since you are one." One more. "What else? Cocksucker, because you're going to get all of it." One more. "Whore, because you'll be a one in my bedroom, baby." Two more this time. One when he calls you whore, and another with the baby. "Are they enough, or do you want me to keep going with it?" He asks, his gaze on your ass, feeling a little sore from all the spanking but it was good that you had clothes on, which was going to change soon or later.
"Y-yes," you answer, feeling high because of all the sensations going on.
He lets go of you, gives a permission for you to finally breathe and to see his apartment for the first time really, since all his been doing was getting over and over you with his muscular frame, giving you no room for to see anything but his tempting eyes, burning from the think about what will going to happen the two of you.
His apartment was small, yet it seemed enough for him, and it looked like he was living alone. Predictable, since he always had some company within. "So, about the assignment," he starts, taking the hand he used to spank you to his hair, giving them a messy look. "I am really going to record us, so help me with the song, babygirl."
His voice much huskier, in a much more tempting way, of course. "Since you need two versions of the record, you should open the recording in the middle of it or something."
"Oh, we won't be needing that, babygirl." He explained. "We need your voice while you're having your orgasm, one with music and one without music. And I'm planning to fuck you more than one, or two, or maybe three. Making sure that all of the things you've said about my fingers and my cock was nothing but a lie."
Jeon Jungkook never likes to lose, that was something you got from his behaviors, and how he didn't like it when he loses something—how his eyes got darken and widen every time, almost like he disguising to someone else you've never seen before.
He doesn't give you a chance to realize your surroundings, and indeed, he never loses his oh-I'm-so-gonna-destroy-you posture, still staying right in front of you like a shadow that won't go away.
You gulped. "You know," you managed to say, out of breath. "I wouldn't mind if you just skip to the part when you use that cock of yours which you never shut up to me about how I would be wrong in the end."
"Is that so?" He asks before, finally, attaches his lips to yours. The kiss is lacking every emotion except desire, lust, and excitement. It's almost so dirty to talk about that even thinking about just kissing his soft lips in the most ambitious way you can, you're getting wetter and wetter. You climb over his embrace, bounding your arms together in the back of his neck as he lays down to grab your ass in his strong hands to take you on his lap. He holds to your asscheeks as he finds his comfort with tossing you over the wall of his apartment's hall, not so carefully carrying you to his bedroom.
You two keep kissing each other, and at one point his tongue ways his way into your throat right after his teeth grabs and captures your bottom lip like it his meal for today. (He was lucky that his meal was something else, though.) He takes no time to waste as he grabs your shirt to undress, still taking small steps as he carries you to his bedroom. You take the hint and hurriedly put your arms up, tossing your shirt somewhere in the hall.
You don't really see, but it's predictable that he amazes that you choose the sexiest, lacy black bra you had in your wardrobe. His attention for your lips suddenly vanishes as he takes his few last steps to the bedroom, hurriedly opens his door and tosses you onto the bed. He doesn't fucking care when he climbs over you to embrace your breasts over your bra, and he wants them off—he surely does, but Jungkook wants to take his time a little because he knows that it is the first and the last time that he will get playing with you. He leaves a few soft kisses first, taking his time with them after suddenly biting the sensitive skin on you.
"Mhh," you groan. "If you hated the bra that much, you could've just said so..."
"I hate every fucking clothing you have on you right now, babygirl."
"Rip them then."
He doesn't do it—even though he wants to, oh god, he really wants to, Jungkook always liked the foreplay.
A soft laugh escapes from his lips, swollen a bit from all the hungry and sloppy kisses you gave him. He stands up from the bed, his legs still capturing you like an animal that shouldn't be escaped. "I will now start the record, ready?"
You nod as he grabs his phone and opens the voice recordings. He touches the red button and places his phone to the bedside table. Then Jungkook turns over to you, still standing up, and he grabs and takes his black shirt of off him, swiftly launches the clothing away from the bed. He takes no time to grab your lips again, pinning your arms behind the bed. "From now on, you can call me daddy," he whispers to your ears as he grabs the flesh of your ear into his teeth. "And if you tell me anything different than what you have to say, you'll get punish."
You whine under this asset, your eyes turn to his body from his evil-like eyes, carefully and slowly capturing every second with his toned abs. He commands, "Eyes on daddy, babygirl. He's going to open the buttons of your pants now."
You're loving how he sounds deeper, huskier in a hegemonic manner. You moan when he touches your belly with his cold hands, sending shivers down your spine. He slowly leans over to you to open the button. You note that how he also liked teasing in somewhere in your brain. You help him to take off your pants, leaving you with your underwear only and you try to stand up to do the same to him, but he just hits your hand hard.
"No-no," he mouthed.  "Let's just play with your tight pussy of yours to make it ready for my cock, babygirl. Then you can have a taste of my dick too, this, if you behave though."
Okay, now, you sure know that you haven't been this wet at all. You don't know if it's your lack of sex life, or how long since you had someone doing oral to you, (again, most of your one-night-stands didn't want to use their tongues that much.) or just how Jungkook was hot and arrogant and sexy when he was dominating. (All of the above, was the answer.)
You groan as his hand traveled down to your panties, using his one finger to test out the wetness over your panties. "God, you're soaking." He smirks as he peeks his one finger beneath your wetness. His eyes get wide with the feeling of your wetness coating his finger. "Babygirl, are you sure that you can't get wet over fratboys, huh?"
He still likes to play. You roll your eyes at him. "You sure are a mood breaker."
Jungkook doesn't like when you misbehave, and he takes your comment as something to be punished as he inserts his finger very deep without a warning.
"Ju-daddy," you gasp, out of breathing, arching your body to the pillow to gain strength. "Mmh!"
"I'm sure that your mood now is unbreakable, babygirl. You're literally soaking right now, all for me, huh?"
You don't—can't—answer to him as he adds another finger in, both in very deep, and all you can do is squirm under his touch. Jungkook seems like to enjoy the view of you, desperate for his touch under the dim light that he prepared for you, soft moans escaping from your lips as his telephone records all of the sweet sounds that you're making for him. Though, he wanted you to answer to him, so he just pulls his fingers from your cunt, leaving you high and dry. (not that dry, anyway)
"What the hell?" You roared.
"I asked a question, slut." Jungkook scowls, but still takes one of his hands to remove your panties off of your legs, leaving you with your bra and nothing left. "And when I ask you a question," he pats to your pussy. "I want an answer." He pats again, this time in a harder way. "And if I don't get the answer I want," he stops for a second to see your sensitive full of red pussy. "I become very angry, and you get a punishment, okay?"
You nod madly. "Yes!"
"So, babygirl, tell me," he softens his voice, but his eyes still scream over. "Will you remember who's in charge today? Will you behave for your daddy? Because he's a little bored and he wants to play with your pussy so, so much for a long time today."
"Yes!" You scream desperately.
"Yes, who, baby?" Jungkook smirks like the brat he is.
"Yes, daddy! I'll behave! Just please, please do something. With your fingers or your tongue, it doesn't matter. Just, touch me, daddy, please." You keep going with your whine as he likes the see you begging for him.
"I like it when they beg," he hums and captures one of your legs onto his shoulders, pushing you back to the surface of the bed while he places himself to the entrance of your pussy. It was still swollen, and red from all of the pats he had given. "But I liked it more when you begged."
He thrust his two fingers back where they are, hitting your g-spot relentlessly, his fingers going deeper and deeper now. You groan, whine, scream and all of the above when he adds his tongue to the formula. Your eyes roll back, your head hits the pillow as you fall back with bliss flowing through your veins. He kept his pace with his tongue, hitting that sweet spot on your pussy while his fingers still thrusting their way into it. You like it, you like it way too much that you swear this is some of the best orals you've ever got so far. "Mmmh, m-more," you squirm as your breath kept losing its pace. "Please, daddy."
"You like it too much, hmm?" Jungkook takes his tongue out to breathe, his fingers still buried deep inside of you. He uses his other hand to grab your breast over the bra, pulling the material off of your skin so that he can access what lays beneath. He pulls one of your nipples very painfully, but the pain only made you feel more blissful. Your groans get louder as he kept his one hand pinching your nipple and the other to finger you, a playful smirk on his face. "Now you regret that you didn't get to be fingered in the class today, right?"
"Mmh," you groan as you feel your nipple getting sore as hard as your pussy is. "I-I-I am."
"Maybe next time I finger you in class, you needy slut. Look at you, you're too desperate for my fingers. You already look like a mess, babygirl. Do you think you can take my cock today?" This time Jungkook doesn't wait for an answer as he dives into your cunt with his tongue again.
"Mhh, I will, daddy." You answer anyway, since he politely asked for you to behave. The sensations you were feeling came to a situation that you were feeling close now. His finger still playing with your nipple, rubbing it, pulling it mercilessly as pain and satisfaction both flowing through your body. His fingers were getting deeper and deeper as they could find their way with your juices helping them to, and his tongue—oh, god, his tongue—he was making you a complete mess and kept his pace until your eyes rolled over with complete bliss. He noticed how your breathing almost became like you were about to faint and slowly stopped his pace by giving your pussy soft kisses.
"Does my babygirl wants to come on my tongue, hm?" Jungkook asks, turns his face to your complete wrecked frame.
"Y-y-yes, da-daddy." You scream as much as you can.
You don't see but know that he is smirking as his eyes get the best view of you, all wrecked and red, covered with your own juices that happened to be only because of him. "Come then, daddy feels so thirsty now, babygirl. Give daddy all of you can and come on my tongue like the slut you are, babygirl. Don't hold back." Your eyes open like they were about to explode there, you groan and scream in a delightful way as soon as your orgasm hits you for the first time (of course, not last) today, you grab the sheets as your cum run to his tongue and then everywhere, and you couldn't help but squirm all over the sheet like you were holding that for five years inside of you.
"Shit, baby, you made such a mess," Jungkook adds as he glances over the sheet, looking at the masterpiece you've created in the bed. "I never thought that you were the squirter type, though."
"I thought that too," was all that you could say, still trying to find a way to breathe, properly, again.
He licks the cum off of his fingers, acting like he's having a dessert thanks to you, your cum covering his beautiful mouth. "Was it your first then?"
"Squirming? Yeah, fuck, definitely," you laugh a little with the pleasure that you were still feeling in every spot of your body. "Was it weird?"
"It was so hot," he laughs back. "Look at what the brat you couldn't shut up and bicker for non-stop for the whole day did to you, you loud slut. I'm sure everyone in the apartment now knows who fucked you that good."
"I wasn't allowed to call you by your name though," you pout, still acting for the game. "They still don't know."
"They can figure. If not, we can continue to fuck after this recording shit."
You gain your breathing again, and as long as you feel like you're capable to do so, you climb over the bed where Jungkook sits, and make him move over where you were a minute before when you were moaning under his touch.
"I want to suck your dick, Jungkook," you say, knowingly mentioning his name. He was going to edit the record anyway, so he could just take off the part when you said his names. Besides, the recording must include two orgasms—one with music and one without the music. So you were guessing that he would just use the times when his dick is buried deep inside of you. "I want to feel it deep down in my throat. Will you let me suck it babyboy?"
He was taking a back, eyes widen as his eyebrows go up with your sudden role change. "Did you call me babyboy?" He asked, mimicking your way of saying it. Jungkook liked being dominant, in every way that he can, actually—and he haven't acted in a submissive role for so, so long now. Albeit, he liked how you used the tone you've never used since all of the play now, and all of a sudden you're up on him and begging in a way that you're the one who says the rules there. He likes it, he likes it too much.
"I did," you whisper into his ears as you push him to the mattress, finding your place on his lap where you can feel the hardness of his cock. "Now, babyboy, do you want me to take of the problem with your cock, because it keeps rubbing itself to my pussy. I think he needs attention. Use your words."
"Oh, fuck, baby, yes!" Jungkook whines as his dick getting harder and harder beneath your naked pussy.
You quickly go up to take off his pants to reveal him but as long as you touch the sides of his sports pants, you stop and stare at him. "I said use your words, describe what you want. I don't think yes is an option here, babyboy. I'm getting mad here, you know?"
He was surprised, his mouth agape with your sudden change of attitude. "Please suck my cock. Take it, deepthroat it, do something, please!"
You laugh to how tables can be turned in seconds, and it was a perfect view of Jungkook laying desperately for your touch, making you wetter and wetter again. "Okay, since you screamed out so loudly..."
You grab onto his pants' sides, pulling them over with his boxer as well, only to be welcomed by his thick, erected member which was coated by the pre-cum because of all the rubbing it did, and even maybe your dirty talking and him coating with your cum made his this way. You don't know, nor care and you don't waste any time to grab his dick between your hands, throbbing it a few times to use his pre-cum as a cream, sloppy sounds echoing in the small room while you keep your pace. All, of course, was to make him ready to have your tongue on it. So when you do start to lick his cock's head, he lets outs a loud groan and his head falls back to the pillow. "F-fuck, baby, your tongue feels amazing."
"Mhh," you moan, your tongue still playing with the head, your eyes having a wonderful view of his hardened cock, all ready for you to release. You start with his length and lick all the way to the up, and when you're on the top of his dick for the third time in one minute, you surprise him with tucking all of the length—in once—to your throat. "F-fuck!" He screams in a delightful way that makes you think that you're doing good. "Babyy, do that again, p-please."
"Do what babyboy?" You tease Jungkook. One of your hand capturing his balls, massaging to them as he moans and moans in a loud way again. "Words. Remember?"
"F-fuck," he whines desperately. "Get it all the way in, please. Take all of my cock like you did, baby."
"Mhh, fine, then." You lean over to his dick again, and all of a sudden you take it into your mouth, this time as deep as you can. He notices how deeper you're trying to go and he appreciates that. His sweet little noises becoming deeper and huskier with you trying to go deep with him. He peeks to your wrecked frame, your eyes getting teary with his cock hitting your throat. Jungkook swears that it's the most beautiful scene he ever saws in his entire life, and he never wants it to end.
"Ba-baby," he manages to say. "I'll come if you don't stop doing that. And I, I really want to come into your pussy today."
You don't know if it's because he saw you getting a hard time there, or if it was really that he wanted to come into you, (sure, he could just come twice but anyway) but you appreciated when he suddenly takes his cock of off from your mouth and toss you over to the mattress where he is now upon you.
"Your domination is now over, babygirl."
Or it was just because five minutes of being submissive was enough for him for a lifetime or so. You don't mind at all, as long as you liked being dominant in time to time—you liked being submissive more, with Jungkook anyway. And you're again, full of appreciation when he finally opens that bra of yours to toss it over to the side. Jungkook likes playing your breasts, more, your nipples. He likes how easy the formula is, the more you pinch and pull and toss the nipple, they are more sensitive—and needy, to be exact. So he keeps doing that while getting a condom from his drawer. He fondly opens the package and wears it—he doesn't like to use one, though since it's a one-time thing, he knows that he must be careful. (But he'll be very happy if you guys can do one without a condom, even if it's later)
"Do you think you can do two more orgasms, babygirl?" He dares, his one hand still playing with your breast, while the other one tastes your wetness in your pussy. "Mhh, still so, so, so wet for me," Jungkook smirks as soon as his fingers get coated with your cum from your first orgasm. "I think...with that amount of wetness, you can hold on for a three more."
Your eyes get widen. "Three? I don't th—"
Your words get interrupted as he, without any warning, finds his way into your pussy. "Agghh!" You don't hold back your screams, nor your moans and let it all out while he tries to adjust his size into you. Your sweet sounds vanish as your screams take its place in the action while he finally stops when he's satisfied with the position: your legs on top of his shoulders, back arching to the mattress.
"You okay?" He concernedly checks, and when you nod mercilessly, he takes the answer and starts to pound into you. He's slow first, still trying to find his pace, and—oh, god when he does, he never stops pounding into you like a madman.
"Y-yes, yes, yes!" You scream so loudly again while he keeps thrusting into you in an impossible way, his hands reach to your arms to pin them over to the back of the bed. That way, he thinks that he can control everything in the world. That way, he knows that he fucks you in a delightfully incredible manner, and in that way, he never wants to stop.
Your eyes roll back and close a little bit, and when Jungkook notices that, he's a little bit fumed because he wants to see your eyes when he's pounding into you this hard. He wants to see the tears that will come out from your eyes and he wants to see you while you're having your second orgasm. "Eyes on the daddy, baby." Jungkook grabs your chin to make you force to look at to his eyes. Looking directly into his deep brown eyes doesn't help you with the situation because as soon as you open your eyes, you feel your orgasm coming. The pleasure and the pain are overtaking your whole body and with his every thrust the pain vanishes and replaces with bliss.
"I'm close," you manage to say between your hard breathing. You're almost sure that he doesn't hear, but he does, but he's just close as you are that he can't answer back immediately.
"Me too, baby." He answers back as he jerks on top off you, the voices of your skin's slapping each other and screams are doing much worse that he's not going to last.
You want to get over with and try to take back one of your hands to rub your clit but as soon as he understands what you're up to, he pushes your hand away and places it where it was before. "You're coming with my cock this time, slut. You're going to scream so much that every time when I listen to this record, I will remember you bickering me about my dick and laugh with memories of that screams."
You're feeling your orgasm coming as he keeps pounding into you. "J-jun..daddy! I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!"
"Come slut, scream as loud as you can so everyone will hear."
And soon enough the time slows with your second orgasm approaching, trails of fire and bliss taking over you while you dissolve into pleasure. Jungkook doesn't stop his pace, not even slows down, and he keeps his truths hard and fast, chasing his own orgasm. He doesn't come that easily, and he never thinks about slowing a little bit when you start to feel sensitive about the situation. Your sore pussy cries over the overstimulation that it received, and with every thrust, it feels more painful.
"Kook," you managed to say, hardly breathing. "It hurts."
"You can and you will take it, you loud whore," Jungkook commands. "You still have to come two more times, one with music on, remember?"
You try to relax as he keeps its pace stable, the pain slowly vanishes and leaves its place to pleasure. You stop saying anything and fall back to the pillow as you listen to his pounding sounds and moans which felt like a piece of music to your ears.
"Look at you, almost coming for the third time today while I haven't got to come once," Jungkook smirks as he fastens his movements into you. And thinking how good he was taking care of you today, you feel like you're approaching your third orgasm for the day. Between your groans and moans, Jungkook's breath sounds like he's becoming undone in seconds too. "Babygirl," he jerks as he approaches his orgasm. "I'm so close."
"Come, Jungkook," you encourage him. "Come inside me."
Jungkook's eyes getting bigger as his fresh warm cum loading the condom inside of you. You keep saying his name over and over again, (doesn't give a fuck about the record since you already got an orgasm without his name) screaming "Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook!" as your third orgasm takes over you.
Both of you extremely tired and out of breath, he lays down on top of you for a while to maintain his breathing. The sweat from his hair drops to your neck and face, he looks like he just got off from the shower. Little moans that escaping after the sex you just had still echoing through the room, Jungkook turns over and tosses himself next to you, you don't see but you're almost sure that he's smirking like a little brat. "We still have to do one more, for the assignment."
"Ugh, I'm so sore." You say between your still-not-stable breaths. Jungkook takes his condom off and gets up from the bed to toss it into the trash. "Can you get me something to clean?"
"Why?" He turns back with shocked eyes. "For your last orgasm, I need that wetness, babygirl."
Suddenly you feel that Tae was right about how determined Jungkook was about his grades, and now he was insisting on that assignment, and he was sure having fun with your wrecked state. "Fine," you accept. "What music we're playing?"
"I said before, I'm saying again," Jungkook sassed. "You choose."
"Mmh, the Weeknd, maybe?"
"The Weeknd it is." Jungkook approves as he gets up from the bed to turn on his computer which was connected to his speaker. He wasn't lying about how he was preparing his speaker, and it was, kind of cute that he really did charge it. "Any song?"
"I know all of their songs, play something that sounds sexy."
He searches for a song there, taking his time for a while, probably adding songs to queue.
"I still can't believe that you got that permission, after all, Jungkook," you admit, lying naked on his bed, coated with your own come. "We're literally recording asmr porn here."
He cracks a little, joyful laugh over the laptop. His body is leaned over his desk, the dim light slightly touches his soft skin, he's coated in his own sweat because of the mess you've created together, his hair drops to his face and sticking a little to his forehead. He looks extremely hot like this, his body giving you a great view with his toned abs and still a little hard dick. Suddenly, you think that you have to stop thinking about how gorgeous he looks because again, he's extremely dangerous for you.
No feelings attached. You remember.
So you just take your time with his god-like appearances.
That wouldn't hurt, right?
"You're lying in my bed, Jeon Jungkook's, with your hair messy and your skin sweaty, wrecked because of what I did to you a few minutes before after all of the things you've said to me earlier today and how you wouldn't ever, ever fuck with me and you still can't believe that I got the permission to record porn?" He comes to bed after opening the list he just prepared. "I think you can already figure out that I can get whatever I want."
He's not wrong, indeed, he's overly right with this one.
That the Jeon Jungkook can get whatever the hell he wants.
The song keeps going in the background, getting you into a mood already, and it's not a very hard thing when Jungkook is playing with your hair, his elbow places on the mattress and he's getting the strength he needs from it. It almost, almost, feels like a romantic scene, but again, you know that it's not what you would think. (And you don't want to think at all) So, it leaves him almost surprised when you start the round this time.
"You're getting the first record from your dick buried deep inside of me, right?" You ask as you toss over to place yourself on his lap. He helps you to find your place with his hands on your sides, Jungkook leans over the pillow for a better view of your already wrecked body.
"Mhh," he groans as a yes. "So?"
"I'm thinking the second must be like that too." You smirk as you start to rub your clit to his naked member.
He likes it too much that he gets quickly hard beneath your ass. The cums you had inside of you still there, making all of the rubbings together thing easier for you. "Buried deep inside of you? I like that." He gets one of his hand from your sides to your clit, rubbing it to make you more ready for the next one.
But you've thought something more appealing for him, so he's extremely surprised when you push his hand away and takes his cock into your hands to place into you. His opens his as much as he can, a passionate moan leaving his soft lips which you haven't kiss enough, and he's still thinking about why you would want to ride him bare?
"Baby, I haven't wear a condom." He states, but you already know.
You lean over to his lost state and kiss his lips passionately before whispering to his ears that will make him eager to answer back. "I haven't slept with anyone for a long time, I’m using birth control for over a year now, and if you used protection every time then—"
"Yes! I always use one. I haven't fucked bare for months." He's too eager to make it happen that it almost sounds cute to your ears.
"Then I want your cum inside of me this time, very deep inside, daddy, please?"
You don't have to ask again.
He helps you to have the way you're comfortable with and waits until you're all the way up. You're already out of breathing while trying to ride him, and the view of your nor his doesn't help you both with the situation. Little moans escaping your lips as you start to fasten a little bit, one of Jungkook's hand is playing with your breasts while the other one is stable on your hip to help you. "You okay?" He softly asks.
You toss your head in the back with a delightful feeling that comes with riding him. "Mhh," you moan for an answer.
Jungkook, on the other hand, takes the answer to start his thrusts into you, slowly first but never again, until he chases the fast route he wanted—which is making you breathless in a way that you can't even say anything, only sweet little (sometimes louder) moans escaping your lips. You holding onto his shoulders with every hit that he gives, and every time you almost think that he can't go any more fast and deep but every time he does. Your head can't even stay stable, and which each thrust it goes back and comes again, and one time when you come back to his gaze only to see him smirk.
He started to speak with stopping for each thrust that he made. "I...was...hoping...for...to fuck...you bare...one day," he was getting out of breath with the feeling of you riding him and that he was bare inside of you. "Got...you...well...prepared...didn't I?"
"Y-yes! D-daddy!" You were getting out of breath too as he kept fucking you viciously. "You're, mmh, so good!"
"You too, babygirl, you feel amazing like this," he kept his pace in a mad-like manner as he finds your sweet spot to pound in a much, much harder way as if that was possible to do so. You kept riding him as your hands held him tightly, finding your strength over his shoulders. He pushed back again, and again, and again—only to wreck you completely. "I fucked you for...long...time, how can you be...this tight, fuck?"
You screamed out while music bursting through your ears. "So...good, fuck, I'm...not...gonna," you managed to say, out of breath, dissolving into your pleasure again as your orgasm approaching you.
"Make a mess again...babygirl," he groaned as you spilled your cum again, this time he was able to feel them on his dick inside of you. He held you as he knew that you needed help, but still pounding into you with a feeling of your warm liquid this time, and it felt so amazing that you were all around him. You were still tight and warm, looking absolutely gorgeous on top of him, wrecked and full of sweat, your mouth still agape from the overstimulation you had today. He finds his way to the crook of your neck, first to hold you because he was a little scared that you were going to faint in some point, and two because he never get to kiss you from there and he didn't want to regret tomorrow. He kept his pace into you as his breaths go crazy, a sign for his orgasm, and a few seconds later you felt his thrust getting slower as he kept moaning and groaning in your ears while his orgasm taking over him for the second time today. (it was the best he had, though)
You felt your sleep taking over you as soon as you tossed over to be inside of the bed, but you weren't going to sleep over since it wasn't part of the deal. Albeit, you were kind of sure that at least he must give you one hour to be ready to walk or breathe again. You close your eyes for a bit, listening to the songs he chooses for the act, and when you open your eyes you see that jungkook wasn't there.
It only takes him three minutes for to come again, and you can't even open your eyes to look at him but you sure that he's there because someone is cleaning the cum inside of you. "Thank you, you didn't have to," was all you can say and even with that, you're not sure if he's able to hear it.
"You were going to regret it in the morning." He murmurs, he also having hard times with breathing as well. "Do you want a t-shirt to sleep in?"
"I can just go, you know..."
"Naked or clothed?" He doesn't listen.
"Shirt, please."
Next week, on Friday, the day you have Sound Psychology, you're a little nervous that you're going to see Jungkook again. Not that you guys had something between, not even a little bit of weirdness happened. You slept, you woke up. He was already up and got you some coffee, you chatted a little. He offered you a shower, you kindly accepted before leaving his apartment. It was, almost, normal. No weirdness. No feelings.
But for the class, you're a little nervous that you are going to see him.
So, when you enter the class, Jungkook doesn't help you with your situation when he simply greets you. "Hi, Y/N."
"Ready to listen to the masterpiece I've created? It took me hours to edit that, and the paper I wrote, was the best part of the assignment."
Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
"Are you sure that the Professor will make us listen to that in class?"
"I mean, probably no? I asked if you want to listen though."
"Oh," your eyes get widen. "Ah, that, right."
He looks like he's a little bit broken since you weren't that hyped over the recording. Maybe he was thinking if you were regretting it, which you didn't at all, but it was just thinking of listening to your own sex sounds sounded very weird. "If you're uncomfortable with it, I can just—"
"—No, no..." You manage to say. "Um, you can maybe, send me? I don't think I can listen to that here, you know."
He laughs like he understands what you mean. "Oh? Right, sorry."
Your weird conversation gets interrupted as Professor Kim starts to talk.
"So...everyone," she starts the conversation directly looking into Jungkook's eyes. "Since everyone is exciting about Jeon's assignment, and how that went for me to grade, I would want to speak about that before the class. For ethical reasons, and how I want to keep feeding my family with my job, I'm sorry that we're not going to listen to his record, but let me say that—it was, unexpectedly interesting to hear, and well done."
You exhale a good amount of breath by knowing how you won't be listening to that in class, where everyone is seated.
"But, Jungkook, as long as I still think that you just wanted this particular subject to fool around with, you'll be surprised when I say that this is also an interesting area to study more, but I know that wasn't your intention—the human orgasm, I mean...anyway, you got an A with that assignment, and with that I think you're one of the first students in this University to get an A with a porn recording..."
You don't hear anything she says later, because the message that has been sent to your phone made your thoughts go away somewhere very, very interesting to dream about.
that dickhead: you think we can do a version 2 with my voice playing in the background
that dickhead: again, only for academic purposes
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so, i haven’t proofread and all, but let me know how that goes for you! this happens to be my first graphic smut lol
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