#there ya go pal as requested
fiddleabout · 5 months
(grishava and her gay longing that takes place after this,for @piratekane)
“Tell me about the stag.”
Beatrice’s voice is soft in the weak morning light, a gentle rumbling disruption to the way Ava had been almost lulled back to sleep by Beatrice’s even breaths, each inhale pressing her back just the slightest bit more firmly into Ava’s chest. She hadn't known Beatrice was awake and a moment of panic slices through her chest because Beatrice is awake and Ava is still pressed up against her back, one arm curled along her ribcage.
It's for the cold. For warmth. For safety after they both nearly froze to death. Ava repeats it in her head over and over, a prepared answer for the inevitable question, a reminder that Beatrice isn't hers to hold onto and it's only the deadly cold outside that allows her this close.
“What?” Ava’s a morning person, she’s discovered, since the grisha power that lived in her bones was finally let loose and the overpowering infirmity that had left her bedridden so often disappeared, but they’re half a day’s walk from civilization after a week of traipsing through the tundra and Beatrice is warm and solid in front of her, and Ava doesn’t want to move or talk or think yet.
“The stag.” Beatrice shifts, rolling onto her back and folding her hands formally over her stomach. She stares up at the ceiling and Ava fights the urge to whine at the disruption, curls her hand that had been resting lazily on Beatrice’s side up to tuck under her own chin to stop from reaching out and tracing the line of Beatrice’s profile. “The one you’re looking for.”
“The stag,” Ava echoes. She bites down on the inside of her cheek and busies herself with pulling the blankets higher up to her shoulders. Now that she’s not pushed up against Beatrice, forehead pressed between her shoulderblades after waiting until Beatrice slept to curl around her, the cold makes her shiver. They should get up and start the fire, start moving around the cabin, boil water to drink. They should talk about the fact that they were thrown together by an empty countryside and a cruel storm, a partnership for survival that could never last this close to civilization, a druskelle and the sun summoner.
They should part ways, Beatrice back north to the Fjerdan border, Ava on the hunt for the stag.
Ava burrows deeper under the blankets and stares at Beatrice’s profile. “I keep seeing it in my dreams,” she says after a moment. “It’s always somewhere in the permafrost, I think. It’s night, and the moon is full, and the stag is huge and alone and lit up by the moonlight.”
“Why do you need to find it?” Beatrice’s voice is calm, level. Calculating. The wolf’s head on her shoulder is dirtied and frayed from their hike through the wilderness, only recognizable because Ava knows what it is; it taunts Ava now, inches away, an inescapable barrier between them.
“It’s an amplifier,” Ava says softly. “If I can-- it’ll increase my power. Enough that I should be able to destroy the fold.”
“An amplifier.” Beatrice hums thoughtfully. “What happens when you tear down the fold?”
Ava frowns, her head aching. “People stop dying from it,” she says. “So many people have been killed by the volcra--”
“I meant for you,” Beatrice says. She finally moves, turning her head slowly until she can look squarely at Ava. “What happens to the sun summoner when the shadows are destroyed?”
Ava blinks owlishly, distracted by Beatrice’s sharp gaze and the freckles patterned across her cheekbones. “What do you mean?”
“Will you return to Os Alta, to the Second Army?” There’s a soft rustle of fabric, as if Beatrice’s hands had shifted where they’re folded over her stomach; Ava glances down towards them automatically, only to get caught on Beatrice’s mouth and the way she’s so close Ava swears she can feel the gentle exhales of her breathing against her own face.
“I don’t want to,” Ava says, and is surprised to realize she means it. “I never wanted to be a soldier. I want to get Diego and to-- to travel, to go to Ketterdam and Novyi Zem and the Wandering Isles. I want to see everything.”
“Not Fjerda?” There’s a rueful, almost teasing, lilt to Beatrice’s voice, but it does nothing to counter the quiet sad weight to her gaze.
“Fjerda doesn’t want someone like me.”
Beatrice’s mouth opens, and then closes. There’s another rustle of fabric, but this time Ava can’t be bothered to look away from the movement of Beatrice’s throat as she swallows, the way she wets lips that are chapped from the frigid cold they’ve been hiking through.
“Fjerda might,” Beatrice finally says. “Given the opportunity.”
Ava pushes up onto her elbow, regards Beatrice and the way she’s schooled her features into a placid mask, the way she’s spent every minute of every day in Beatrice’s immediate proximity for a week now and knows that when she’s faking calm her lips press into an even line like they are now.
“Fjerda,” Ava echoes, and wonders if it's hoping too much for Fjerda to really mean Beatrice. Her body wants to move, her limbs aching with a momentum that’s building without her permission, the same as when the light wants to rise to the surface and run riot around her.
“They don’t know,” Beatrice says softly. “There are no grisha in Fjerda that anyone knows--”
“There are grisha everywhere,” Ava counters.
“--and we’ve had a contentious relationship with Ravka and the Second Army for centuries.” Beatrice pauses, and Ava nearly reaches for her.
It would barely be anything worse than what they’re doing now, what they’ve been doing all week, pressed close enough under the blankets to share heat and measured breaths, Ava’s heartbeat always finding a way to settle and match pace against the steady metronome of Beatrice’s pulse; the touch of her fingertips against Beatrice’s arm, her cheek, her lips, would hardly be any more inappropriate than the way she’d woken like always pressed against Beatrice’s back with an arm slung over her waist.
“But they can learn,” Beatrice carries on, and a spark of light escapes from Ava’s fingertips, as if drawn to Beatrice and her dark serious eyes. Beatrice’s gaze flickers over to the light warming Ava’s fingertips, and a heat crawls down the back of Ava’s neck that could be embarrassment and could be sunlight spilling out of her; she’s not sure which she hopes it is.
“We can learn,” Beatrice says, and she’s the one who reaches out, fingertips skimming along a lock of hair over Ava's temple, brushing through it gently, and a soft gold light warms her fingertips, washes over her face.
“What are you saying,” Ava says faintly. Beatrice’s fingers wind through her hair, tucking it back behind her ear, and she hums quietly.
“The stag,” she says. “I can help you find it.”
The light in Ava's fingertips flares, and Beatrice smiles, and it feels like a promise.
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aakeysmash · 22 days
college!sukuna + the first time he asks you to watch yuuji for him :)
“Yes mom, everything is okay- no I don’t need you to send me food- ma, please-“ you try reasoning with your mother, phone between your cheek and your shoulder, while trying to cook something up.
It’s been a month since your arrival and she’s worried you might not find the comfort she so desperately wants you to have. You love her, but she can be a little too much. You manage to hang up and then you’re deep in thought, not knowing if you should add pepper or not to your pot, when a deep voice near your ear makes you jump.
“For fuck- hi?! Couldn’t you, I don’t know, make any kind of noise before scaring me shitless?” You say to college!sukuna, who is looking at your pan from behind your shoulder.
“That looks like a mess,” he responds, ignoring your outburst. He's so nonchalant, almost as if judging negatively something is his natural behaviour towards strangers.
“Get out,” you whine, trying to push him away by putting your hands on his chest. He doesn’t move an inch, merely resorting to stare at you from below his nose. Your breath almost hitches: his eyes are piercing red, and the fact that he has a pair of them tattoed beneath his real ones makes him look-
"You look like a serial killer, should I call the cops on you or are you going to step back?" you say, raising one eyebrow. He blows in your face and gives you space only when he hears you whine. Asshole. Your hands fall from his chest and you slightly touch his torso. Oh, the boy has muscles, that's for sure.
"I need you to watch the brat for me," he tells you straightforwardly.
You're confused. "You need me to watch who?"
He rolls his eyes. "My brother, I need you to watch my brother."
You gape up at him, then raise your shoulders and move around him to get to the fridge. "No thanky youuu."
"Come on. They need me at the studio, a client requested me for a tattoo," he says following you, hands in his pockets.
“Not surprised you’re a tattoo artist. I’m sorry for your clients,” you mumble.
“The fuck did you say?” He snarls.
You huff. “I said, what’s in it for me?”
You turn around closing the fridge door with your hip, and you find him staring at you, again.
“Pal, you have a serious staring problem-“
“I’m ordering take out for ya.”
“Huh?” You respond, a little baffled.
“Are you dense?” He starts, a bored tilt to his tone. He thinks you’re kinda cute, but the fact you talk back makes him want to shut you up. With his own tongue down your throat, possibly. “I said I’m ordering you food. Take care of my brother and you can ask me for whatever you want for dinner. It’s not like you’re a great cook, anyway,” he adds, pointing towards the pan you still have on the stove.
You lightly slap his arm and he fights back the urge to slap you back on your forehead. Affectionately! Maybe.
“You’re so rude. Go, I’ll watch Yuuji. I want seafood boil, thanks,” you singsong. In your peripheral vision you see him stretching out his hand.
“Shake on it.”
You put your hand in his and try to grip him as strongly as possible, but he notices and it feels like he’s trying to crush your bones when he grips your hand back.
“Ow! Okay! Deal!” you say stepping back and massaging your hand, frowning.
“Thanks,” he says smirking.
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fraugwinska · 2 months
Follow up idea to the person who suggested that lovely birthday doodle request,, Reader who can draw proficiently as a hobby and often sketches folks at the hotel in their sketch book. Alastor is a bit offended that no matter what it seems as though he’s no where in this book, when they retire for the night he brings it up almost as if he’s jealous and they laugh at him. He’s upset because now he feels as though they are making fun of him until they retrieve another book and turns out they draw him in privacy (he’s so special he has his own book) It’s so cute too theres little heart doodles and them holding hands everywhere
Darling, how can I say no to 1) you *handheart* and 2) to such a cute pürompt? Make way, guys, gals and non-binary pals, here comes the fluff-queen!
Pictures of You
“ME NEXT! ME NEXT!” You tugged your sketchbook out of Niffty's small but surprisingly strong fingers. The little demon giggled and almost fell from your shoulder, making you laugh.
“Niff, any more doodles of you and I'd have to pay you royalties. Also, Angel asked first.”
You grinned, turning another page of the thick binder to an empty canvas and twirled the coal pen in your hand. Husk had just involuntarily changed his sleeping position from 'face in hands' to 'face on counter', groaning at the impact, so you wanted to start anew. Niffty resumed to braid your hair – you often let her just do what she wanted, she had a knack for it anyways – and huffed. “You only want to draw him because he can do impossible poses.” “Well, he is flexible.”
“Comes with the job, sweet cheeks.” Angel, who had entered through the door, grinned at you, taking his pink heart-shaped sunglasses off while he walked behind you, leaning over your shoulder. “Aw, toots, you really are talented, Husky looks like a snack there. Can I have that when 'ya done?”
“Have what, my effeminate fellow?” Angel jumped as Alastor materialized behind him without warning, releasing a startled 'Jesus Christ on a cracker!' while his lower set of arms clung onto your tensed shoulders. The radio demon laughed heartily, bending over slightly to look past Angel's head. He craned his neck and reached with his cane, forcing you to lean sideways so he could examine what you were drawing.
You flinched at the contact with the strangely warm metal, but didn't look up from the page. You only gripped the black coal tighter, feeling it beginning to crack. Alastor hummed in what sounded almost fond praise, giving a brief tap to Husk's shape on the paper.
"Marvelous! What a talent you have." he proclaimed. "Although I have to ask again, my dear, how come you never draw me? Surely I could..."
You lifted a finger, face scrunched up in concentration and shook your head, eyes firmly on the almost finished sketch. Alastor clicked his tongue in a displeased way, clawed fingers impatiently tapping the microphone at the end of his cane.
"Really, dearest. I have a great interest for-"
"Hold on!"
"-a unique idea of the possibilities-"
As you finished, you stretched your cramped hand, setting down the charcoal on the armrest of the red plush sofa and rubbing your fingers to get rid of the black stains. You ripped the paper out of the sketchbook and handed it to Angel, carefully avoiding Alastors burning eyes and ignoring the angry static pops sizzling on your skin.
"There you go, Ange. You can lock it in with a little coat of hairspray, otherwise it will smudge easily."
You hastily stood up, letting Niffty tumble down your back onto the sofa with a wild giggle while you quickly assembled your things. You saw Alastor open his mouth and interrupted whatever speech he might've wanted to deliver you, your heart racing and mouth unusually dry.
"Oh, would you look at the time, I promised Charlie to get laundry done by the evening, I better get going. Maybe another time, yeah? Okay, bye!"
You were already through the door by the time he had registered you leaving, mouth half-open and ready to protest against whatever injustice he felt you had done him. His eyebrow twitched slightly at your retreating figure, eyes flickering between the corner you disappeared around and Angel Dust, the latter laughing mockingly at the deer.
"Aw shucks, failing again, deer daddy? What is it now, the fifth time she blew 'ya off?"
"The seventh.", Niffty corrects him, scratching on the black spot where you had set the charcoal in between your work. Alastor gave her a sour expression, while Angel leaned back, eyeing the sketch of his subject of interest with lovingly.
"Maybe she took 'ya by heart, Smiles. Don't 'ya always say 'ya got a face for radio only?"
Alastor was fuming.
Everyone was in that damn book, everyone. And yet, he was nowhere in it to be found.
In his opinion he was far superior in beauty of aesthetics then, for example, Angel Dust, or Vaggie. Hell, Husk had even made an entry, and all he did was lay around and drink himself into oblivion. Why would you take the time to sketch these nobodies in detail instead of him? Was he that unimportant to you, did you deem him that unworthy? Or was this your subtle way of making fun of his appearance, his laughable predicament of being a predator in a prey body?
He thought he'd have been generous enough not to reprimand you, or destroy that damned book all together after all this time. It was your luck that he had developed a strange fondness of you. Alastor only ever bothered himself with a few souls since his arrival in hell, and his encounter with you was a happy coincidence indeed. You were so much less annoying, so much more quiet and respectful than most of the demons around him, with your charcoal pen behind your ear and a keen eye for beautiful things that you turned into artworks like it was your second nature.
And even though you've always seemed to take a liking to him, his patient questions for a sketch, a portrait or just anything of him was met by you with dismissiveness, awkward excuses or outright evading, only ever drawing other sinners, even the cursed piglet Angel called a pet. But never, never him.
This couldn't go on any longer. He would talk to you about it, and either you would draw him willingly or you would draw nothing at all.
Your room was located only three corridors down his own suite, right across of a broken down door. Despite the late hour you had left the door cracked open, music faintly streaming through it along the orange light of your desk lamp. Which meant you were still awake. Still working. Still drawing.
The door made no sound when he pushed it open, carefully peeking his head inside. He was right, your back was hunched over your desk, completely lost in your work while your voice hummed along with the little melody from the radio.
The radio he had gifted you. He snapped his fingers and the music screeched loudly before coming to a stop, the radio dying instantly and making you jump in your seat.
"JESUS!" You whipped your head around, clutching your heart. He gave his best charming smile, red eyes narrowing in on you.
"No dear, it's just me." he smiled maliciously and closed the door behind him, it clicking ominously shut. Locked. You laughed awkwardly, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face and hastily closed the thick, black sketchbook on the desk shut, a different one than the one from before. A new one. Another cursed one without him in it, surely.
"Haha, thank satan, I'm not dressed to meet the son of god." you quibbed, avoiding his gaze and twirling your pencil, something you always did when you were nervous.
He didn't join into your joke, instead he walked over to your dresser, where the filled sketchbook from before laid. Open, showing a detailed drawing of Keekee stretching in front of the fireplace. The blasted cat was the last straw.
"Why," Alastor spoke sharply, barely registering his antlers sprouting in angry cracks, "are there any and every sinners and creatures depicted in that... doggone, ridiculous thing?".
His words were spat with so much anger he missed your scared and confused look when you pushed your chair back, almost tripping and scrambling to get away. "What? Alastor, I..."
He hit the book once, almost tearing the thick parchment. "And not one mention of me? You have no idea how utterly vexing and insulting it is to feel ignored, or rather unnoted! What did I do, oh do tell, dear, that makes you think of me so below you that you just outright forget my existence?!"
Again, he hit the book, feeling it starting to rip from the amount of pent up frustration tightening his grip. But it did feel good, immensely so, to take it out on the damn thing he would have shredded weeks ago, if you didn't enjoy it so much.
"N-Nothing, you really don't... you don't understand...", you laughed nervously, eyes too pleading, too soft for his liking, as if you mocked him or worse: Pitied him. The thought alone fueled his anger further.
"Then I advise you to make me understand, my darling.", he growled, shoes scratching on the wooden floors with each step as he neared you, pressing you against the desk. "Because otherwise, I have no inhibitions to incinerate every single one of these god damn..."
"I draw you all the time. In your own book."
You grabbed the sketch book from the desk and thrust it in his face, spouting more nonsense with teary eyes that went deaf through his ears, only glaring at the cover and then opening it, ready for anything.
Nothing. Nothing but him.
There was no mention of anyone else.
There was nothing but him. His face. Portraits, stills, sketches, whole sceneries, doodles even.
Pages and pages full of his own features, his eyes looking back at him, so carefully captured in coal lines that his head reeled.
There he was, walking in long strides through the lobby, hair perfect and suit straight, the drawing so detailed it could've been a photography. On the other side was a picture of him, his eyes narrowed, showing no emotion as he stared down at the hotel papers in his hand. The next page, he was captured in a fight with that buffoon Sir Pentious, his is mouth cracked in an evil smile, claws stretched and ready to snap the snakes' airship in half.
And ever in between those artworks: Little doodles, as if drawn with an absent mind, of him and you. Holding hands. Embracing each other. Laughing together. Gazing into each others eyes. Silly hearts all around them.
Alastor almost dropped the book and the shakily uttered your name, for once truly at a loss for words.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Alastor...", he finally heard your muttering, voice trembling with tears. "I didn't know how... I was just... so... so embarrassed, and..."
Embarrassed. The absolute absurdity of it all.
Here he had been, worried you found him beneath the beauty you held in such esteem, wounded even so much as to bring out this unjustified anger. The fool he was. He was an idiot to have not considered the other possible explanations for your reticence.
Slowly, carefully, as if you'd spook and run should he move too fast, Alastor wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, still holding the book safely in his hand, pressing it into your back. At his will, his shadow lifted a hand and turned the radio on once again, a low hum resounding from the speakers as the soothing, quiet music continued.
"Mon cœur, the unnecessary pain you caused us both. And yet, I'm the one who has to apologize.", he said with an honesty he rarely spoke with. "We're both, evidently, quite hopeless. No use in keeping these feelings and words unsaid any longer then, hm? Can you forgive this old fool?"
You stared at him bewildered, at a loss for words yourself, before a relieved smile cracked your worried frown. Shiny tear streaks were running over your reddening cheeks, he wiped them off your face with a soft swipe of his thumb.
"Of course... As long as I can continue drawing you." You chuckled and pushed your face into his chest, Alastor was more than certain to hide the flush of your cheeks. He chuckled, gripping the book in his hands tighter as he buried his nose in your hair. You smelled like paper, paint and charcoal. And underneath it all lingered the scent of something new, yet familiar. Something... very much like him.
"Draw the both of us like this to perfection, darling, and that would be a deal worth to agree on."
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bunnys-kisses · 1 month
jailhouse rock au - again! (master-list) <3
i imagine that simon would get rather insecure when you two were in public. while he adored you, he'd move the sun across the sky for you! but shouldn't you be with someone better?
someone who wasn't working a blue collar job in small parts manufacturing, who wasn't a former criminal? like simon stole and was locked away in the can for several years because of it! what kind of man would look a woman like you in the eyes and you'd say, 'i want you.', it left a clench in his gut that he couldn't get over.
he wanted to be good enough, but failed. just like he failed at being good enough for his father. sometimes his old man's words made him shiver at inopportune times.
"simon." you said.
"yes, love." his attention was drawn to you.
you leaned over, closer to him and rubbed his forehead softly, "you're getting worry lines."
he leaned in to kiss you, his hands were on your legs that were draped over his lap. he said, "sorry, love."
but no matter how much the anxiety bit at him, you loved him with your whole heart. you never shielded your love away from him, you found that when you were with him, you simply lit up. you could do all the mushy couples stuff together.
"we should go on the ferris wheel!"
"look there's a photobooth over there."
"i'm grabbing another straw to try some of that milkshake of yours!"
and simon ate it up. and as you got further into your pregnancy, you became more "mushy" as you said. you'd cry more often, but you weren't a weak woman. if anything you still commanded your little household more than before. because now simon couldn't say no to his pregnant girlfriend.
"yes, love." he said to your request as he was nuzzled up with your belly. he basked in its warmth for a minute before he got up to do what you asked.
your life wasn't without arguments, simon could be closed off and have a dark storm cloud over his head. but he would never tell you why, it drove you crazy when it happened. you knew so much yet so little, you had his entire life mapped out but his childhood (the root of some of his issues) was entirely blank in your memory.
"speak to me, simon... i'll never judge."
"i don't wanna scare ya off."
you reached out for him and got as close as you could. you stood on your tiptoes to be more eye level. you held onto his face and said simply, "simon, if i was scared off. i would've never sent that letter."
and simon replied, "never leave." and pulled you into a tight hug. and for the first time in many years, he cried. he cried so hard that he had to go on his knees with you because he felt so weak.
he was your lover, your pen pal! he was everything. and as you kissed him on the cheek you said, "nothing will ever take us away from one another."
later that evening, you thought you'd be sweet and feed him crisps from the bag while his head was in your lap. while he softly licked the seasoning off your fingers, you let out a small moan.
simon smiled a bit, his heart of ice was completely melted with you. and with a hand up the skirt of your maternity dress. his tongue was on your fingers while his fingers were skimming your pussy.
"tomorrow." you said, "i want to know everything i can about simon riley."
he looked up at you with those dark eyes of his. he nodded and said, "of course, love. now c'mere."
let's say that the most fun you ever had having sex with him up to that point was when he took you on the couch. however it did leave you with a pretty bruise on your knees from pressed into the base of the couch while you rode him. <3
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
2024-2025 Player Birthday Login Message Lines
These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in on the birthday that you set in-game from 18 Mar 2024 to 17 Mar 2025! For those that want to hear them, you can find them in the Archive, under the tab その他 → 監督生バースデー④. (This will not be in your game archives until the birthday you set passes.)
You can find the 2021-2022 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2022-2023 Birthday Login Message Lines here! You can find the 2023-2024 Birthday Login Message Lines here!
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. Thanks for always looking out for those two dorm students of mine. Actually, we're planning on hosting a reception this weekend at our dorm. I would like to invite you, as part of your birthday celebration. Heh. My apologies. Looks like that has caused you a little anxiety. No worries, I'll be beside you teaching you the proper manners the whole time.
Yo, [Yuu]. Happy Birthday― Mmkay, so let's get started on the birthday party. I'm just gonna pop on over to this one restaurant in town and nab some tasty-lookin' stuff! Just chill and wait here at Ramshackle... Hey, c'mon, I ain't tryin' to pull anything over on ya. Sometimes I just want to have a normal celebration too, y'know!
[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Let me take you to go buy a prese... Eh? You're saying that I've already given you a present because I fixed the broken lights in Ramshackle the other day...? No way, you don't gotta hold back like that! I want to go all out for my pal's special day. That's what makes me happy.
[Yuu]-chan, Happy Birthday―☆ Did ya post on Magicam that it's your birthday? Oh, not yet? Then, let Cay-kun here with all his power and wisdom write a post for you! We'll attach a cool photo and some slammin' hashtags... Whaddya think? A perfect gift from me, or what?
Happy Birthday. So, about your present... I do have one. It's just... I was asking around for what to gift you and in the end, I couldn't really figure out what I should get... So in the end, after being at a loss, I ended up getting you this shirt. I look at it now and wonder what possessed me to pick this pattern... Yeah, I know, it's just laughable.
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Yeah, yeah. Your birthday's come 'round again, hooray. ...What're you doing, setting up a chessboard on the floor like that? You practiced just to win a game against me? Oho, so you're challenging me, then. Look at the pluck on this herbivore. So, what're you willing to bet, then? No way you're gettin' away with just a simple game after throwin' down the gauntlet at me like this.
So, it's your birthday today. Have you set up any new goals yet? What, you're going to surpass me in our classes? Heh, that's a hilarious joke. You really think you can beat me? But I'll take you on. If you get a better score on our next test, I'll get you some kind of present.
Happy Birthday―! 'N that means, I got you somethin' that's fittin' comin' from an upperclassman like me. Ta-da! A homemade fishing rod~ ...Ah, you totally just thought it's a cheap gift, didn'tcha! But this totally works! I know what it's like to go hungry too, y'know~ You're probably always goin' through things, so if you're ever in a pinch, make sure you use this!
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A very Happy Birthday to you. Have you thought of a gift you'd like to get for yourself? Please, allow me to procure it for you... ...Oho, you have a keen eye to request something of that caliber. It may be considerably difficult to just anyone to acquire. HOW-EV-ER! If I were to handle it, that is a different situation altogether. I shall definitely make sure to retrieve it for you. Please wait expectantly.
Happy tidings for your birthday. I do hope this year will be another fruitful year for you. By the way, [Yuu]-san. Have you eaten yet? Oh, not yet, how wonderful. As a matter of fact, I thought I would treat you to something in my own little way. I only offer this with the best of intentions, of course. Fufu.
Oh hey, Shrimpy-chan. It's your birthday today, huh. Mmkay, then I'll give you some snacks. I got these strange tastin' gummies, these wicked hard cookies, and some squishy jerky. Awesome, right? I got a ton, but all of them expire today, so. These are my presents to you, so you better eat them all without wastin' any, 'kay?
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[Yuu], Happy Birthday! Here's your present, from me to you. Ahaha, did that surprise you? I tried making a pop up birthday card just for you. I also tried making a ton of paper flowers that we use during celebrations back in the Scalding Sands. Don'tcha think they came out real pretty?
Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. It isn't much, but here's your present. Ramshackle is a fairly old building. I'm sure there are bugs that will find their way in and try to settle down here. However, if you use this, you can rid yourself of all of them in an instant. I can vouch for its effectiveness. Use it as soon as you can.
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Happy Birthday, [Yuu]. ...You wish for me to come to your party here, at Ramshackle? And to top it all off, you've prepared a healthy menu just for me... Heh, how considerate of you. Very well. I suppose I can make an appearance out of respect for your enthusiasm. I do hope you're honored that I'll be there to celebrate with you.
Happy Birthday! I put in a lot of thought picking out a present for you. Here ya go, fingerless gloves! Nice design, right? Makes using your phone a lot easier, too. It'll make you look super cool, and the more you use it, the more comfy it'll feel. I hope you use it tons!
I've been waiting, Trickster. Waiting, that is, to celebrate your birthday with you. A spectacular day requires a spectacular memory. That is why I've come up with a wonderful plan of my own. First, we watch two back-to-back theater performances, then attend a poetry reading, and finally, watch a movie in the evening. There will be no time to rest. Come, we must quickly fly towards the theater!
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Kk, time to pretend we all get along and celebrate a birthday again... Eep!? D-Did you hear that just now...? Uh, so... Happy B-day, I guess... Soz, I don't have a present for you. Didn't even know it was your birthday... What, you're seriously just happy hearing me wish you a happy b-day? [siiigh] Nah, I'll order something small online and have it shipped to Ramshackle sometime later.
Happy Birthday! Here's your present. Go ahead and open it! Hehe, you see what I did? I used a laser to engrave a birthday message on a glass tumbler for you. It was a little difficult fine tuning the power adjustment for the more detailed parts, but it came out pretty good, don't you think? I really hope you like it!
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Child of Man, I see today is your birthday. ...Hm? What's the matter? You look a tad glum. Ah, I see, you are struggling to carry all your presents. Well, allow me to deliver them to Ramshackle with magic in your stead. No need to protest, this is an effortless task for someone like me. You should enjoy your special day to the utmost.
Happy Birthday. You're curious about this braided cord? It is your present. Lilia-senpai explained it to me thusly... If a string wrapped around your wrist or ankle snaps off on its own, then your wish will be granted. I strung this cord together in hopes that you may have your wishes come true. It may be a tad ill-shaped, but if it pleases you, it is yours.
As I recall, today is your birthday... Hm? You want me to come to your birthday party? What poor semblance of a joke. I don't have the spare time to waltz into some human gathering like... WHAT!? MY LIEGE HIMSELF WILL ALSO BE THERE!? THEN SAY THAT FIRST! For goodness' sake, humans like you are just... so thoroughly thoughtless. Hurry and provide me the location and commencement time!
Ooh, nice. So today's your birthday. Just look at how big you're getting. ...Khee hee hee. Don't look so downtrodden. It's just me pretending to be a doting gramps. The other guys in my dorm don't ever let me joke with them like that. And so, I have a present for you. Here, a CD of my performances, specially made! Take this and enjoy my raging screamo music with your whole heart and body.
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Crowley and Rollo do not have new lines. Theirs are repeated from last year's.
Today's your birthday, huh. Happy Birthday to you! ...Huh? Do I got a gift for ya? What're ya even saying? Shouldn't ya be happy enough that you're my number one favorite henchie? Fiiine. Guess I can use my paws to pad you a massage sometime. Wouldn't want to hafta sit in a hard and uncomfy lap, after all!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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foreverdolly · 2 years
my bestest girl | austin!elvis x reader
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summary: you're elvis’s childhood best friend, and he’s been in love with you for as long as he can remember. his mother and father keep trying to push him to finally make a move, what with you being the only girl that they would ever approve of their son going steady with. elvis, bashful and fearful of rejection, decides to keep his feelings to himself. . . well- that is until he can’t physically take it anymore
pairings: austin!elvis x fem!reader
word count: 9,173 ( I couldn't stop typing ).
warnings/notes: SMUT !, cursing, the reader and elvis are both huge virgins, grinding, slight dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, implied breeding kink, elvis loves you so much that it physically pains him. the internal image of an inexperienced, nervous elvis has me foaming at the mouth. everyone always writes austin!elvis as a sex god, but quivering boys with shaky, wandering hands who cry during sex is my own personal kryptonite. a continuation of this fic is currently in the works, so please follow me or ask to be added to my taglist for my virgin!elvis content if ya liked this.
masterlist | requests are currently closed !
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“Mama, here you go again! Stop tryin’ to stick your nose into other people’s business.” He called from his bedroom, his heart pounding against his chest. Elvis stared at himself in the small mirror he had in his cramped space, taking a few steps back so that he could make sure that his short sleeve button up didn’t have any wrinkles. He had insisted that he do the ironing himself, not wanting his mother to be too overwhelmed with things to do. He wasn’t very good when it came to housework, no matter how hard he tried. 
“I’m not doin’ anythin’ a mother shouldn’t do, baby! I ran into her daddy at the grocery store, and we just got to talkin’ is all.” Is that what she wanted to call it? Vernon had pulled Elvis aside just thirty minutes ago and had told him that Gladys had practically begged your father to get you to come over for dinner tonight. She’d been meddling in his relationship with you for years, but tonight was different. He could tell that she had something up her sleeve, ready to pull out once she got two of you cornered at the dinner table. 
She had always been wildly overprotective of her son, and Elvis had never fought the hold that she had over his life. He didn’t blame her one bit for it, rather he enjoyed feeling loved and cared for. He never spent a single night away from home until he was seventeen, for crying out loud. If Elvis lost a son the same way that she had, he was positive that he’d want nothing more than to keep him safe and healthy. That was exactly what Gladys was doing. She looked after him and made sure he never got himself into any sort of trouble. His old pals from high school used to say that she felt “threatened” by the girls that used to try their hand at flirting with him, but the blue eyed boy knew that it just wasn’t the case. No, she wanted him to be with the right girl. 
In Glady’s and Vernon’s eyes, you were the only girl for Elvis. He felt that way about you too. 
When he reached puberty and moved to Memphis, girls started paying more and more attention to him. The one girl that he wanted to look in his direction never did though. His sultry voice, long eyelashes, and crooked smile never worked on you. Good lord, had he tried it time and time again, but you never acted interested. Despite the dull ache of rejection that Elvis always felt in your presence, he never could shake you. Not that he wanted to. You were just as much family to him as his own parents were, what with the fact that you two had always been connected at the hip. He couldn’t go a single day without phoning you up, the two of you chatting excitedly about your latest Beale Street shenanigans. 
His love and attraction for you never dimmed, and his eyes never strayed. Elvis was positive that you were the girl that he was supposed to marry. . . but he knew that you didn’t feel the same way. He smoothed a few stray pieces of ebony hair back into place, chewing nervously at the inside of his cheek. “Sure, sure. You only did what you thought was right.” He moved to stand in the doorway of his room, pressing his hip against the wooden frame. “But mama?” She was anxiously setting the table, and stopped what she was doing so that she could meet his gaze. 
“You can’t force her to feel somethin’ that she doesn’t, alright? I’m perfectly fine with just bein’ her friend.” That was a lie. The words burned his tongue the second that he said them, but he refused to take back the statement. He wasn’t going to say anything to you that might potentially push you away. He’d rather not have you romantically than not have you at all. Elvis was sure that he might just keel over if you never spoke to him again. The remorseful look on his mother’s face didn’t escape him, but he made the decision to ignore it. He didn't want anybody's pity. Not right now, at least. You’d be here any second, and the last thing he needed was to start moping around. You would be sure to notice. 
He wiped his sweaty palms on his slacks, clearing his throat as he straightened out his shoulders. “Now what can I do to help, satnin?” He cooed to his mother, watching the way the nervousness dissipated from her expression. 
He was helping to lay out the silverware, but paused as there was a knock on the door. “That must be our girl. Elvis, how ‘bout you get that?” Vernon spoke from the kitchen, probably busy sneaking a few spoonfuls of his mother’s famous ambrosia salad, which she would be sure to notice. His father would be getting an earful about it later. 
The man was at the door in the blink of an eye, his long legs quickly stalking across the small home. He ripped the door open with a wide smile, eager to see you after the few days that you two had been apart. You were like a drug to him- at this point he couldn’t go too long without you, not without suffering withdrawals. You blinked in shock, a few strands of your bangs fluttering with how violently he had ripped the damn thing open. 
Standing in front of you was a very eager looking Elvis, his plush pink lips upturned into his signature smile. Judging by the way you were quick to step into the house and wrap your arms around him, he could tell that you were excited to see him as well. “That was the longest trip of my life.” You sighed against his chest, giving him one last squeeze before letting him go. He found it hard to speak for a few seconds, so he decided to nod his agreement. You and your family had taken a last minute vacation to Cherokee Lake Beach, deciding that the summer break would be a better time than ever to celebrate your father’s recent promotion. Last night had been your first day back, but you had claimed to be too tired for a visit, so Elvis made do with the half hour phone call you made to him. 
Gladys had been lucky enough to bump into your dad after the week long vacation, which was how he had ended up in this mess. Elvis was too mortified to ask about all of the details, knowing that his loud mouthed mother probably gushed to the middle aged man about her son’s private thoughts and feelings. You were dolled up, which wasn’t completely unusual. You always went out of your way to look pretty- but you had even dusted your wide doe-like eyes with a shimmery shadow. Your cheeks were naturally flushed, your skin glowing after the days of soaking up the sun. He was taken aback by your beauty. So much so that he just stood there, his blue eyes half lidded as he took you in. For a moment neither of you spoke. You merely stared at one another, basking in each other’s presence. That was until Vernon spoke, that is. 
“Gladys cooked you a welcome home feast, darlin’. I hope you’re hungry.” Elvis could have cursed at his father, your beautiful eyes leaving his face and instead turning in the direction of the kitchen. 
Your lips moved up into a lazy smile, and soon you were moving closer to Vernon, wrapping your arms around him quickly as the two of you exchanged your hellos. He gave the top of your head a quick kiss before letting you go. Gladys was next, moving from the kitchen so that she could wrap you up in one of her usual bear hugs. She peppered your cheek with kisses, rubbing your arm up and down when she pulled away so that she could get a good look at you. “Why, look at you!” She purred, giving you a once over. “You look beautiful, y/n.” 
And you did. Then again, Elvis couldn’t even remember a time when he hadn’t thought you looked gorgeous. Whether you were stumbling out of your room after a long night's rest, sleep caked in your eyes and your hair sticking up on end, or as sick as a dog- Elvis always found you gorgeous. He was smitten to the point of being lovesick for crying out loud. 
“Did you make the ambrosia salad?” He heard you ask from the kitchen, your small frame disappearing into the tiny space. You and his mother always got along like two peas in a pod, but he couldn’t help but glare after his mother who had stolen you away from him so soon into the visit. 
Vernon took it as his opportunity to move towards the dining room table, taking his seat. Elvis hesitantly followed suit, nervously looking down at his shirt one last time, attempting to brush out a wrinkle with his hands, his silver watch jingling softly with the movement. “Son,” His father kept his voice low, leaning forward on his elbows. “Your mother and I are goin’ to watch a movie together once we’re through with eatin’.” Elvis’s eyes furrowed in confusion, but he nodded his head anyway. “What movie are we seein’?” It wasn’t like his father to go to the movies. His parents never spent money on frivolous things like the cinema. Vernon was quick to shake his head, reaching into his pocket to show him just two tickets. “I just thought that you and y/n might like some time to yourselves tonight.” Elvis had to pinch his nose to keep from exploding, his cheeks hot with both anger and embarrassment. Now how the hell was he supposed to explain all of this to you? “Daddy- you’re just as bad as mama is!” He whisper-yelled. Before he had time to scold his father any further, his two girls emerged from the kitchen, arms full of serving dishes. 
Warm biscuits, mashed potatoes with gravy made from drippings, green beans and hamburger steaks. His mother really had gone out for your long overdue return to the presley household. You sat next to Elvis wordlessly, and when he turned to face you he could tell that your cheeks were a little pinker than they had been before. He blinked a few times, but settled further into his seat, grabbing the linen napkin off of the table so that he could put it on his lap. The four of you all joined hands, your mother insistent that you all say grace before she began putting heaping servings on to everyone’s plate. 
“So? How was the lake, y/n? I’m sure you and your family had quite the time down there.” Vernon was quick to engage you in conversation. 
Your arm brushed against Elvis’s side every time you moved your fork around on the plate, and each time his stomach did a flip. He found it hard to even focus on eating, so he just moved his food around from one spot to the other, hoping that his mother wouldn’t notice his lack of appetite. If she did, she didn’t comment on it. Instead she was too focused on her role as “matchmaker”. 
“It was wonderful! I got to teach my baby cousin how to swim while we were down there.” Imagining you carefully taking care of your aunt Valerie’s son made his heart seize up. Elvis had always wanted children, and lots of them. He saw how it had completed his own mother and father’s lives, and he wanted that for himself. His career had steadily been taking off, and though he hadn’t really gotten his big break yet, his single ‘That’s Alright’ was doing pretty well. They had just played it on the KWAM radio station the other night, and he had quite literally jumped for joy. Once he was settled enough in his career, he wanted to start a family and get married. Hopefully by some time next year, he might be far enough ahead in his life where that could be something to seriously think about. That is. . . if you ever returned the sentiment. His mother seemed to be thinking the same thing, because her eyes softened. 
“You’d make a mighty fine mama someday. I know you wanted to go to college once your younger sister graduates high school, but I’d hope you’d be thinkin’ ‘bout marriage too right around that time.” Elvis widened his eyes at his mother, his mouth parting in shock at her boldness. 
Your cheeks heated up all over again, but you slowly nodded your head. “I’d like to be able to support my parents someday, which was why I wanted to go and get my education. I do want a family someday though. . . It just depends.” Your southern drawl was as sweet as sugar. Your voice has always been one of the many sources of Elvis’s weak spots for you. He glanced over, catching the way you were looking at him out of the corner of your eye. He swallowed thickly, filling his fork with mashed potatoes so that he could keep himself busy. 
Gladys hummed her approval, but continued to hone in on the subject. Elvis knew that this was going to be a shit show. . . but it was almost like the woman was going out of her way to embarrass him. “Elvis has always wanted a family, ever since he was a little boy. Isn’t that right, baby?” He nearly choked on his food, covering his mouth with his hand as he cleared his throat. You seemed to notice the panic on his face, because you were quick to hand him his glass of sweet tea. He gulped it back appreciatively. 
“The both of you are quite the lookers. If you two ever had any youngins, they’d be models.” It was your turn to choke on your food, narrowly avoiding getting a green bean stuck in your windpipe. Elvis reached out, giving your back a few pats before glaring at his mother. 
“Mama! That’s enough, ya hear? Give it a rest.” He spoke through clenched teeth, shaking his head in disbelief. To say that he was mortified would be an understatement. He knew that the two of you were in for a treat the second that his mother had practically skipped home last night to tell him the news, but god damn it this was horrifying. He was too scared to even look in your direction, fully convinced that the second his parents left the house you would be sure to reject him. It would be brutal, and he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to survive it. 
“I was just tryin’ to help-” Gladys started to mumble, but Elvis stood up from the table, the chair loudly scraping against the wooden floors. He tossed his napkin down onto his plate, staring the woman down. 
“Daddy, don’t you think the two of you should start headin’ to the theater? Wouldn’t want ya to be late.” His low voice was thick with humiliation, his lush lashes casting shadows on his cheeks as he turned his attention to his father. The man quickly nodded, standing up so that he could grab Gladys by the arm. “You’re right, son. Come on, dollface. Let’s get goin’.” 
Elvis could tell that his mother was starting to realize the embarrassment she had caused. She was damn near tears as she gave her son a soft pat on the back, and for once in his life he didn’t pay any mind to it. Elvis was a mama’s boy, and proud of it. He had taken care of his parents all of his life, both financially and emotionally. The only thing he asked for was privacy every now and again, because he had always been careful around you for a reason. Losing you would kill him. He’d be absolutely gutted. He shoved his hand into his pocket as the front door closed behind his parents, his sharp jawline ticking as he clenched and unclenched his teeth. He was staring absentmindedly at the table, his mind flying at a mile a minute as he tried to come up with something to say to you. Anything to fix whatever the hell his mother just did. 
Gladys Love Presley might as well have shouted from the rooftop that her son was in love with you. She had just hammered that final nail into his coffin. There was no getting out of this one. Over the many years that the two of you had known each other, he had slipped up on numerous occasions. Just two years ago he had tried to kiss you at a party, and when you had leaned away he had feigned drunkenness when in actuality the man had barely had a drop to drink the entire night. This was worse somehow. He could feel the tension in the air so thick that he could barely breathe. 
“Well, now ya know.” He threw his hands up, his heart pounding with nervousness or anger- he just didn’t know anymore. He couldn’t differentiate between the tsunami of emotions that were washing over him. You kept silent, but he could feel the weight of your gaze. He swallowed thickly, catching his bottom lip between his teeth. “I was hopin’ she wouldn’t be so obvious for once in her god damned life.” He moved away from the table, pacing back and forth in the living room. 
“Elvis, I’m not up-” “Just let me talk, okay? I at least want you to hear it from my mouth and not hers. She’s spoken for me my entire life,�� He motioned towards the door, tapping his foot angrily. “So I don’t know why I’m shocked.” 
You bit your own lips to keep them from quivering, and he watched you distractedly for a few more seconds before finally taking a deep breath, running his large hands over his face. “I’ve never been able to get you off of my mind. You ran into me in the hallway on our first day of school, do ya remember that?” Despite his darkcast mood, he couldn’t help but smile at the memory. “You were wearin’ that pink gingham dress? The one your mama forced you to wear. . . and I thought that you were the most beautiful girl in the world. You smelled like gardenias, and were always eating peaches with your packed lunches. You were mean to every boy that ever approached you- but not me.” He shook his head, his voice thick as he remembered the first time he ever saw you. “You were a baby faced daydream of a girl, and I’ve never been able to get enough of you. I never will.” 
Elvis didn’t want to look at you for too long. He could tell by your expression that you were close to tears. He was neck deep into the confession now, and he didn’t want to leave anything out. He had been bursting at the seams for years. Bursting with love, and it felt good to get it all off of his chest. Damn good. 
“I don’t have eyes for anyone else. You asked me why I turned Dixie down last year when she asked me out, and it’s because you’ve blinded me. You’re so bright, I can’t see anyone else. I know you don’t feel the same way that I do. You’ve made it very clear over the years. . . but I just want you to know that I’m madly in love with you. My heart just aches. It’s disgustin’ how much I love you, really.” He laughed humorlessly, kicking his shoe against his mother’s rug. 
He could hear your soft hiccups from across the room, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to run to you and hold you, even for just a second, or if he wanted to find some means of escape. Either way, he had done it. There really wasn’t much else for him to say or do, other than just wait to hear what you had to say. He just hoped you’d be nice about it all. You were always kind to him, but maybe he had crossed a line. Maybe he had incurred your wrath somehow. 
He opened his arms out wide at his sides, chewing on the inside of his cheek before finally locking his eyes on you. “Go ahead. Get it over with, y/n.” He didn’t want to beat around the bush with the rejection. You needed to rip it off quickly like a band-aid.    
Your father had tried to emotionally prepare you for the night. He had accepted the invitation on your behalf, knowing everything that Gladys had in mind for the dinner. It was no secret to any of your family or close friends that you were in love with Elvis Presley. He was just as much a part of your everyday life as breathing was. The two of you had done everything together. From attending senior prom to getting drunk for the first time, most young adult milestones had been reached together, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Despite your unchanging feelings, you were no stranger to the way that other girls looked at Elvis. You’d have to be blind not to see how beautiful he was. From his sultry blue eyes framed by thick black lashes to his plush lips and perfectly-imperfect smile; Elvis was irresistible. Nobody would ever compare to his looks. And his voice? It was smooth and velvety like honey. You had stopped being nervous around him years ago, and instead suffered your crush internally. Whenever friends or family asked, you always brushed the topic off. Either telling them that you weren’t ready to tell him, or that you were certain that he didn’t feel the same. Either way, it wasn’t time. When was it ever going to be though? The older the two of you got, the more of your old friends from school started getting engaged or married. 
One day Elvis was bound to find someone worth proposing to. One day you’d have to be forthright with him and your feelings. 
Elvis had always turned girls down, and you had gotten too comfortable with that fact. One day the right girl was bound to ask him out, and for once he wouldn’t say no. You’d be left in the dust. So when your father came bounding into the house, his eyes alight with excitement, you couldn’t see what there was to be so happy about. 
“Elvis has something he wants to tell you tomorrow night. Gladys wanted me to make sure you’re at their house for supper.” Your stomach had dropped. What was so exciting? The big news could be a handful of things: he finally found a worthwhile person to manage him, he got a well paying gig, his career was beginning to take off. All you could think about was the fact that he could be telling you that he finally got himself a girl. All night you had practiced your smile in front of the mirror. As you sat there at your vanity, your pink lips pulled back in a wide grin, you couldn’t wipe the sadness from your eyes. Tomorrow was going to be the worst day of your life, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. It was like knowing you were about to get in a car accident, but you were unable to pull over to the side of the road. You just had to keep driving, hands glued to the steering wheel and foot nailed to the gas pedal. 
You had taken extra care in your appearance that night, even going as far as to apply a soft pink eyeshadow to your lids. If you were going to get your heart broken you at least wanted to look pretty. 
Elvis always looked at you with kind eyes, but the way that he had opened the door that night had left you stunned into silence. Your chest burned like it was on fire. The longer you looked at him, the more in love you fell. Right when you thought that you couldn’t love the boy any more- it was impossible- he would look at you like that. You had quickly searched the living room for any sign of another girl, but found none. The only purse to be seen was Gladys’, and the middle aged woman’s voice was the only one to be heard. 
It wasn’t until Gladys had you cornered in the kitchen that you finally clued in that she had schemed something up for the two of you. Right as you were grabbing all the food that you could fit in your arms, the woman leaned in close, her eyes twinkling. “You’d make the perfect daughter in-law.”  If Elvis and Vernon had noticed the way your face had flushed a bright red, neither of them commented on it. 
Gladys only continued throughout the night, driving the point home. If the news wasn’t about him having a girlfriend, then what could it possibly be? He hadn’t said anything about his singing yet. The more aggravated and embarrassed Elvis became throughout the dinner, the more confused you became. 
It wasn’t until Elvis mentioned his parent’s surprise movie date that it all finally clicked. 
You’d never seen the man get so upset with his mother before. Sure, she could get a bit overbearing and annoying at times, but he had more patience than anyone else you’d ever met before. He treated his parents like they were his own children, and never minded their meddling before now. His cheeks were red with anger, a few pieces of black hair falling out of place as he began to pace in the living room. They hung in his eyes, bouncing a bit with his constant movement. “Elvis, I’m not up-” You wanted to let him know that you weren’t upset with him or his mother, but he cut you off before you could get the words out. 
You didn’t know that you were holding your breath until you felt as though you were going to faint. You sucked in a deep breath, watching him with wide, teary eyes once he finally turned to face you. He had always been a poet, in his own right. He wrote beautiful songs, but you never had prepared yourself for such sugar-coated words to be spoken to you so directly like this. You weren’t sure what to say. How in the world were you ever supposed to say anything half as romantic and as beautiful as that, especially in the heat of the moment like this? You sniffled softly, wiping at your tear stained cheeks before you stood up on shaky legs. His chest was rising and falling in quick succession, so despite his calm expression, you could tell that he was panicking. He had never been so vulnerable like this in front of you. 
You began making your way up to him, your bottom lip quivering as you took in his expression. He noticed your tears, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. “It’s alright, sweetheart. Just say what you need to say.” He assured you, his arms dropping back down to his sides. It was crazy, but he really thought that you were about to turn down his affections. There wasn’t even a shred of hope in his bright blue eyes. 
“You’re either blind,” Your voice shook as you spoke, but you kept going. “Or an idiot, EP.” His eyebrows slowly began to furrow in confusion. He licked his dry lips before opening his mouth. “You don’t have to insult me too, ya know. Jesus.” His eyes began filling with tears, and that was all it took. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. Seeing his face contorted with pain, his eyes so very blue and so very sad- it pushed you over the edge. You grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him down to your height. Your movement was so rough and jerky that one of the buttons even flew off, but you paid it no mind. There was no time for apologies. 
His lips felt full and plush against your own, albeit a little chapped from the way he had been nervously chewing them during dinner. You had been kissed, but only once before. It had been a horrible slobbery mess, and even though Elvis had laughed at your expense all those years ago, you could tell that he was upset. Now you recognized it as jealousy. 
You poured everything you could into that kiss, your hands moving up to cup his cheeks and hold him in place as you slowly moved your lips against his, the tip of your tongue gently lapping against his bottom lip. You were easing him into it, and judging by his hands that shakily wrapped around your waist, he was terrified shitless. Scared or not, he was excited out of his mind to finally kiss you. Taste you. His unsure hands tightened their hold, his large hand sliding up from your hip to your back, pressing you flush against him. Your breasts were pressed against his chest, and the second that it registered to Elvis, he gasped against your lips. 
“I don’t know what I’m doin'.” He mumbled shyly against your mouth, his hot breath fanning over your face. You allowed your eyes to flutter open, your thumbs brushing against his warm cheeks. He’d never looked more beautiful than he did right then. His eyes were half lidded and laden with a lust that he still didn’t quite understand. His cheeks were flushed, and as you pulled back a little more so that you could get a better look at him, his lips looked pink and kissed. You breath locked up in your chest as you noticed his eyes still looked watery. You moved your hand upwards, gathering up one of the unshed tears that had become tangled in his thick lower lashes. “I don’t either.” You admitted with a smile. He chuckled, his hand moving further up your back so that he could gently cup the back of your neck. “Let’s learn together.” You weren’t sure when you had gotten so bold, but it was worth it to see his reaction. 
He hurriedly pressed his lips against yours, the both of you slowly moving backwards. Neither of you were sure where you were trying to go, but you just knew that you needed to get closer somehow. One of your hands moved from his face as you felt something pressing against your lower back, moving to try and blindly figure out just what it was. Elvis didn’t need to open his eyes to know that the two of you had ended up back in the dining room. He wordlessly bent down, placing his hands at the back of your thighs so that he could sit you down on the table. It was his turn to run his tongue along your bottom lip, and you wasted no time granting him access. The two of you explored each other’s mouths tentatively at first, but the more time went on, the more hungry the both of you became. He couldn’t get enough of you. His hands shook with the weight of his neediness, his hands moving from your neck, to your hair, grabbing a fistful as he held you more firmly against him. The two of you had fallen into a pattern, and in a matter of seconds the kiss no longer felt inexperienced. The both of you moved your lips against one another as if you could somehow devour the other. You parted for a second so that you could take a few deep breaths, and Elvis took that time to press his lips against your chin, your cheek, and down your neck. 
You spread your legs so that he could step between them, your hands shaking as they gripped at the fabric of his cotton shirt. It felt like every single nerve ending was on fire. Anywhere he touched felt like someone was holding a flame to it. His lips pressed against the hollow of your throat, his needy hands moving over your thighs, up your stomach, and stopping just below the swell of your breasts. His thumbs gently dug into the soft skin there, but it wasn’t enough for you. “For the love of god, touch me.” Your voice sounded foreign to your own ears. Elvis let out a loud groan against your skin, his hands moving up to cup you through the bodice of your dress. 
Your breasts felt heavy with want, even in his hands. He added pressure, his ring and middle finger pressing against your hardening nipples. You let out a loud yelp, your hips bucking on their own accord. Elvis’s hips jerked forward as he felt your core brush against his own, ripping his face out of your neck so that he could stare down at you with wide eyes. His pupils were completely blown out, his eyes more black than blue at this point. The noise you had let out as his hips moved against yours had been sinful. Never in your life had anything even remotely similar left your lips. He wanted to see what he was doing to you, so he moved his hips again but slower this time. Your jaw dropped, your lips parting as you felt him pressing against you. The movement directly stimulated your clit, and you couldn’t help but jerk against him slightly. It felt too good. 
It was almost too much, but still not enough, all at the same time. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared up at him, concentrating hard on not making a sound. You weren’t sure why but it was embarrassing. Elvis’s lips also parted as he repeated the action, his eyes fluttering shut for a brief moment before he licked his lips, his arm wrapping around you so that he could get a better angle. He pressed against you harder, moving his head down to press a kiss against your top lip. “Make that sound again for me, baby. Please.” He sounded so good when he was begging for your validation. He wanted to know that he was making you feel good. He wanted to know that he was doing right by you, and god was he. Your eyes nearly rolled back at the mere sound of his voice, so deep it was practically a hum. 
His hand lowered from your back to your bottom, and he gripped hard, physically moving you against him in time with his hips. You moaned so loudly you could feel the sound reverberating in your chest. “Oh fuck.” You distantly heard him curse, but you were too focused on what he was doing to you to really understand what was going on around you. Your hands flew to his shirt, your fingers fumbling as they tried to undo the buttons. It must have been taking too long, because Elvis’s hands moved to cover yours. “J-Just rip-” He gently brushed your hands away gripping the front of his shirt with shaky hands. He moved his mouth down to yours, pressing a wet kiss to your lips. “Rip it.” He was breathless as he tugged at the shirt, the buttons popping off with small snapping sounds. He must have decided that unbuttoning the shirt would have taken too long, because the second that he felt air against his chest he moved your hands towards him, wordlessly begging you to feel him. You swallowed back his hot pants as he breathed against your lips, your hands moving against his soft skin. Your small hands brushed against the expanse of his chest, starting just above his belly button and moving upwards. The tips of your nails gently scraped against his nipples, and he jerked forward, letting out a small hiss. “I’m sorry.” You were quick to apologize, but he shook his head, pressing his forehead against yours as he searched your eyes. “I-I liked it.” 
Your eyelashes fluttered as you moved your hands up and over his shoulders. Despite his skinny frame, he was toned. You pulled away from his face, smiling softly as he tried to follow you, not wanting to be parted from you for even a second. You let your eyes brush over his chest, moving the shirt down his shoulders so that you could get your fill. For a second, even through the haze of lust, Elvis’s eyes flashed with uncertainty as he watched you take him all in. Sure, it was just his chest, but for a second he was scared that he might be too scrawny for your tastes. The second that your eyes finally met his, all doubts flew right out the window. He wet his lips as he took in your expression, his heart hammering in his chest. Never in his life had he ever seen a more beautiful girl. This look- this expression- was all for him. If he had anything to say about it, no one else would ever see you in this position. 
You were just his. All his. You knew it, and now he knew it too. “I love you.” His voice was so quiet that you barely heard it, and suddenly he had you laid out on the table, moving to push plates and silverware down or off the table- he didn’t care. You laughed against his mouth as a glass cup filled with tea shattered on the floor next to him. “Damn it.” He cursed with a smile, quickly going back to having his fill of your lips. His hands gently moved from the back of your knees to your thighs, his fingers brushing against your soft skin. 
He was damn near petting you, groaning into your mouth as he pressed himself flush against your core. You could feel him better at this angle, your eyes flying open to stare at the ceiling for a few seconds before squeezing closed. He must have been painfully hard, and part of you were scared that if it already felt this good, that you might never want to stop. You loved him so much it was physically beginning to hurt. Never in your life did you ever want to be parted from this boy. Not even for a second. You opened your eyes again as his tongue pressed against yours, watching his eyelashes flutter as he kissed you. The ceiling light in the dining room hung directly overhead, looking more like a halo than anything to your tear blurred eyes. “I love you.” Elvis pulled away then, bracing one arm against the wooden table as he stared down at you, trying to decide if he had really heard you say that to him. He blinked a few times before he melted against you, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He pressed kisses against the flushed skin there. “Say it again.” 
“I love you.” His hands had snaked under your back then, lifting you up and off of the table. He backed up and out of the room, giving your small form a small squeeze. “Again.” 
“I love you.” He was walking blindly through the house, holding one arm against the nearest wall so that he could feel for the doorway. He peeked his eyes up from your shoulder, making the final couple of steps into his bedroom. He closed the door with his foot, shuffling over towards the bed. “Again.” He sounded breathless now, his voice thick with emotion. 
“Oh god, do I love you.” He placed a knee on the bed, gently setting you down before crawling over your form. His bottom lip quivered as he sat up on his knees, shrugging his shirt off of his shoulders. His hands moved to his belt, but he stopped himself. “I don’t want ya to feel pressured. How far were you wantin’ to go?” You knew that all you had to do was say the word and that Elvis would have stopped at any point. You were nervous, admittedly so, but you could tell that he was just as scared, if not maybe a little more so. The both of you seemed to want the same thing though. The both of you had already gone too far to back down now. You wanted him to be inside of you. Your body was humming with need at this point, the constant touches to your core working you up to the point of damn near frenzy. You were past the point of being nervous of what you were saying to him. You were usually careful with your words, but any and all shame had flown out of your body the second his lips had made contact with your neck. “I want you inside of me. Right now.” 
He let out a small whimper, his hands moving as quickly as they physically could as he removed his belt, tossing it onto the floor and doing the same thing with his pants. You were already sitting up, your hands moving to the zipper of your dress. You shrugged it off of you, kicking it down to the foot of the bed once it was off of you. You shivered as the cool air hit your skin, but Elvis was on you in the blink of an eye, his strong arms wrapping tightly around you, his hips nestling in between your legs. You could tell by the way he was staring at you that he truly liked what he was seeing. 
Elvis always looked at you with honest eyes, soft and kind for you always. But he was staring at you now like you were the most precious thing he had ever laid eyes on, and you were. He loved you. Every inch of you. He’d loved you since your embarrassing high school years, and over time the feelings had only managed to grow. They deepened with your bond, and at this point he was sure that he couldn’t love you any more than he already did. There was just no possible way. 
He pressed kiss after kiss against your lips, his hand moving up your thigh slowly, as if he were testing the waters. He was giving you a chance to back out. You didn’t say a word. His fingers finally brushed against you, gathering up a bit of your slick before gently moving upwards, continuing his exploration. The second his fingers brushed against your clit, you couldn’t hold back your obscene moan. Elvis was a fast learner, repeating the motion again and again as he pressed his finger against you in circular motions. Your body’s natural instincts took over, your hips rocking back and forth against your hands as he continued to bury his hand in between your legs. You could feel his cock against your inner thigh, completely unclothed now. Your hands moved down to feel him, but his free hand stopped you before you could. “I wanna make you feel good.” He said simply. Elvis’s blue eyes pinned you down, watching as you panted and writhed beneath him. After some time he sped up his ministrations, which elicited even more ungodly sounds from you. He ate it all up like a man starved, his jaw slack, his lips swollen from the constant kissing. You could feel yourself starting to come undone, your head pressed against the mattress. Your breathing sped up, and your heart rate with it. Elvis could tell that you were about to climax. He might have been a virgin, but that didn’t mean he was an idiot. Men often had no filter, and not all of his friends were as inexperienced as he was. 
He repositioned his fingers, moving so that his thumb was pressed against your clit, moving to bury two of his fingers into your cunt. You yelped in surprise, but found that it wasn’t uncomfortable like you once thought it might be. Your hands gripped his biceps, feeling the muscle flex under your palm as he continued his movement. You felt something building up in your abdomen, your eyes beginning to fill with tears as the pleasure reached its peak. 
“That’s it, baby.” Elvis mumbled, feeling you flutter around his fingers, watching your face closely as you threw back your head, your body quivering as he continued to ride you through your orgasm. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, and for a second you swore that you had gone blind, your vision going white. After a few seconds you finally sucked in a deep breath, Elvis growling low in his chest as you tried to back away from him. The pleasure was getting to be too much. “Please,” You begged breathlessly, blinking back tears. “I need you.” You were beginning to get overstimulated, but the second that Elvis removed his fingers you felt the need to cry out. You felt so empty. 
You gripped at him wildly, your nails digging into his skin as he reached down, wrapping his large hand around his cock. You finally took the opportunity to look down at him, having not gotten a good look at him earlier. What you had felt and what you were now seeing were two completely different things. Sure, you’d never actually seen anyone’s dick before, but this exceeded your expectations. Even compared to his large hands, the man was huge. You swallowed thickly, leaning up slightly so that you could press your forehead against his. 
His head was an angry pink, begging to be touched in some way. Precum beaded down the entire length of him, the man dripping with need. Elvis watched you, trying to decipher your expression. Once he was positive that you had gotten a good look at him, he wasted no more time. He pressed his head against your entrance, both his own precum and your slick making it easy for him to press his way in. You were so turned on- so ready- that your body practically sucked him in. 
Elvis’s breathing was so loud that you could hear it, his chest rising and falling wildly. He was fighting off his base urges, wanting nothing more than to press all the way in and fuck you into the mattress. You could see the pulse in his neck, thumping away wildly as he stared down at you. Once he was sure that you were fine he pressed in further, repeating the process until he was fully sheathed inside of you. Despite the fact that your orgasm had warmed you up for what was to come, it did very little to spare you the pain. It was sharp and sudden, but dissipated just as quickly as it came. Elvis let you cling to him and didn’t say a word when your nails dug in a little too deep for comfort. His free hand cupped your cheek, shushing your soft whimpers and kissing your cheeks. You could feel him quivering against you, as if the emotions and sensations were too much for him to handle. He only began to move once he was positive that you were alright, pressing his forehead against yours as he watched you closely. His eyelashes brushed against yours when his eyes fluttered, his breath shuttering across your lips. His hips moved slowly at first, his moans quiet and under his breath. The second that you raked your nails down his back, letting out a moan of your own, he was gone. It was almost as though he just snapped. 
He sat up, pressing your back into the mattress as his hands moved to your hips. The different angle caused him to press against your cervix, and for a second it was painful. You cried out, gripping the comforter tightly in your hands as he continued to fuck into you. His moans turned to grunts, and then into growls. They rumbled low in his throat, the sound doing dangerous things to you. His jaw ticked as he watched you. He loved the way that your back arched, watching your breasts as they bounced with his frenzied movements. Elvis might not have known what he was doing, but he was going off of pure animalistic instinct. Never in all of his life did he think anything could feel this good. Your walls were soft and velvety, and pressed tight tight tight against him. If he had thought that he couldn’t live without you before, now he was certain. Elvis could have eaten you alive. 
His hips continued their assault as one of his hands moved back down to your core, pressing against that same spot that caused you so much pleasure before. Your walls instantly tightened around him, causing him to cry out at the sudden wave of pleasure. He was close, and he was positive that no matter what he did, he wasn’t going to last long. He wanted to do whatever he could to make you cum right along with him. His fingers moved against her wet core along with his thrusts, the two feelings combined almost too much for you to wrap your brain around. You could feel him everywhere. Your entire body felt like it was on fire, and yet you couldn’t stop shivering. “Please, please, please.” You weren’t even sure what you were begging for, just that you wanted something. No- you needed something. 
“I wanna cum inside.” Elvis’s voice was shaky from exertion, a thin sheen on his chest and beading on his brow. You were too blissed out to think too hard about whatever consequences that might have. All you knew was that you wanted more. Anything that he could give you of himself, you wanted it. You nodded quickly, moving your hips against his the best that you could. You could feel your own climax boring down on you like a weight, your walls already beginning to flutter around him. He leaned his torso over yours, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss that was all tongue and teeth. His lips muffled your cries of pleasure as you came and came hard. He followed close behind you, rutting into you a few more times before he broke the kiss so that he could press his face against your throat. You jumped slightly at the sudden warmth that began to pool in your abdomen. His hips pumped in and out of you every few seconds, his arms wrapped tightly around you. You were starting to come down from your high, but you still managed to lazily move your hips against his, wanting all of it. Every last drop. You didn’t want any of it to go to waste. Not when it could be filling you up. 
He peppered your face with soft kisses, and it wasn’t until he pulled away that you realized that he must have been crying at some point, his eyes slightly red and his cheeks wet. “I love you.” You didn’t need to be assured, but at this point he was saying it just to say it. Just because he could. “My bestest girl.” He smiled down at you, rubbing small circles into your flushed cheeks with his thumb. 
You hummed lazily, finding it hard to keep your eyes open for too long. Elvis appeared to be wide awake, leaning his head against his hand as stared at you. After a few more seconds he slowly pulled out of you, and you couldn’t help but wince as you felt liquid leaking out of you. He reached down, using his ruined shirt to carefully wipe you up. He took his time, making sure that you were alright before pulling the comforter up and around you. “I’m goin’ to go get somethin’ to drink, alright?” He slipped his trousers back on, closing the door behind him as he stepped out of the room. Distantly you heard the front door open, Gladys and Vernon’s voices filling the small home. 
“Oh. . . did y/n leave already?” There was an awkward silence before you could hear the sink turn on in the kitchen. It only took the middle aged woman a few seconds to notice the broken glass. “What in the sam hell happened in here? Elvis Aaron Presley- you broke one of my good cups!” There was a mumbled sorry and the sound of shattered glass being tossed into the metal garbage bin. You waited with bated breath for him to return, pulling the blanket further up around yourself just in case someone walked in. “Gladys. . . baby. . . let’s go and head to our room, alright? I think y/n’s still here, darlin’.” It was obvious that Vernon had clued in on what happened immediately. You could hear the discomfort in his voice as he spoke. “She’s here and you’re lookin’ like that? Put on a shirt. . . “ Her voice trailed off, and for a second you were sure that both you and Elvis were goners. “So does this mean you two are goin’ steady? Really? Oh, Elvis. . . I’m so happy for you.” She lowered her voice in the hopes that you might not hear her, but her voice was naturally loud. “Thank you mama. Do you mind ringin’ up her folks and lettin’ them know she’ll be staying the night? I’ll sleep on the couch if need be-” You had to cover your mouth to stifle a laugh. Well, it was moot-point now. Gladys seemed to think the same thing. “Her father and I were just sayin’ yesterday how badly we wanted to see you two together. They’ll be over the moon. Head to bed now, alright? I’ll call her mama right now.” 
Elvis slipped into the room a second later, handing you a glass of water that you happily gulped down. He flicked the light off, crawling into bed beside you. “I thought she was going to kill me.” You could hear the smile in his voice. You placed the glass down on the bedside table, laying back against the pillows. Elvis moved to lay on his side, nuzzling his face into your hair. “Now they’ll be gunnin’ for us to get engaged. I’ll never hear the end of it at home.” Your mother was already quite the nag. She’d be relentless when you got home tomorrow. “Give me a month.” He mumbled sleepily, moving to lace his fingers with yours. You closed your eyes tightly, your cheeks flushing all over again. “A whole month? Really?” You teased quietly. He chuckled softly, placing a warm kiss against your shoulder before he fully settled into the mattress.
 “Fine. A week.” And it didn’t sound like he was joking, either. 
want to continue reading this story? check out part two.
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imababblekat · 11 months
Pushing Buttons
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Anon Request, “ Love your content it’s sooo cute! Can I get a snarky sarcastic reader who calls April for a chat on speaker phone then gets into a funny argument with Ralph trading jabs. Like he tries to get April to hang up because their in the middle of something important but reader gives him a snappy comeback. They keep going with everyone listening. Tired of this April is gonna hang up on them but before that happens “Wait wait! give that guys digits he sounds hot! You know how I love pushing a guys buttons!”
A/N: I hope this is okay, gonna be honest I struggled to write this one for some reason. Hope it’s still at the very least readable \TvT/
April hadn’t meant to answer the phone, but Mikey curiously nudging into her had caused her to ultimately accept your request. As if to make a point at your horrible timing as April and the boys were in the mist of a game plan to take down a new gang, you’re voice rang loud through the speaker causing everyone to simultaneously jump.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! April you are not going to believe what happened to me at work today!!”
April sighed, giving the ninja turtles apologetic glances. 
“I can’t really talk right-”
“I’ll make it quick! I swear! Okay, so I got up at seven like I usually do, right? I was really tired though, so I went to snooze my alarm and-”
Before April could politely ask you to skip ahead to what had happened at your job, the human girl was thrown for a shock when Raphael had suddenly snatched the device straight out of her hand. She went to reprimand him but all he had done was hold a large hand up to block her as he angrily snapped into the call.
“She’s busy. Call back later.”
April’s eyes had never been as wide as they were in that moment. No way did Raphael just hang up on you of all people. Said terrapin, with a triumphant grin, reached out to hand her back the phone, when it had suddenly started going off again right in his palm. If it weren’t for the growing agitation, he could have sworn it seemed to vibrate with a vengeance. With a hard tap, he answered the call ready to repeat what he had done only a few minutes ago.
“I said-”
“Excuse me!!”
Raphael felt himself fumble at your sudden shout, April standing across from him with a knowing look.
“And who the hell do you think you are, huh?! You do not cut me off when I am talking to my gal pal!!”
Raphael sputtered, caught off for but a second before snapping back.
“Who do I-?! April’s busy! I’m sure whatever little issue you got goin on at work ain’t that important!”
“Oh, and how would you know that?! You read minds huh?! I’d ask if you’re some sort of phycologist but frankly just from your voice alone I’d say you’re need of one.”
“What is that supposed to mean?!”
“I think you know what I mean, big boy.”
Raphael felt his blood boiling in that moment, his brothers Mikey and Donnie doing their best to stifle their laughter behind him while Leo simply smirked at his dismay. All the while all April could do was hide her face in her hands at the embarrassment she felt for her close friend on the line.
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Would you rather I call you big baby instead? Ya gonna cry about it? Good, cuz sounds to me like you need to shed a few tears. It’s perfectly healthy by the way. Just thought I’d let you know that since you give off the vibe that you’d rather walk around with a stick up your ass then express your emotions.”
“A stick up my ass?! Seriously?! How about I come over and shove one up yours?! You’re just all bark and no bite!”
“Ooo, don’t promise me with a good time~.”
If it were possible, Raph’s face would match the color of his mask at your raunchy response, the suave to your tone not making things any better. It was at the sudden burst of laughter behind him from his brothers and Aprils own snickering that the brute decided in that moment the best course of action was to, once again, hang up the damn phone. 
A groan bubbled up from his throat at he tossed April back her phone, sending a glare to his still cackling siblings. 
“Will ya all stop laughin. Let’s just get back to the stupid plan.”, he glared, arms crossing.
It was Leo, who had to take a few breaths to gather himself, that brought back the others to focus.
“Okay, okay, you heard the big boy. Let’s ready up.”
Green eyes glared daggers at the leader in blue for his jab, the other winking back with a shit eating grin. Raphael stepped forward to make a quip in response to Leo, when a chortle behind him had alerted all the turtles. It was from April, who’s eyes crinkled in the corners as she did her best to bite back some giggles, holding up her phone to show what had caused such a reaction out of her. Each brother leaned in, squinting at the small text on screen and then let out more laughter, Mikey rocking a groaning Raph’s shoulders with congratulations.
On the screen before them, read a text sent by the very person who riled him up quicker then anyone on record.
*Hey girly, you gotta get me your friends digits! Dude sounds hot af 😉💗*
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alienguts · 1 year
Warm Welcome (Harley Quinn x f!Reader)
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Summary: Harley’s back from Arkham and there’s only one thing she wants to do.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, F/F sex, cunnilingus, facesitting, fingering, just gals being pals 🔞
Request?: No
A/N: 🌈 gay shit here get your gay shit here 🌈
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Five minutes. It took just five minutes after getting home for Harley to try to get Y/N into bed.
The whole car ride home from Arkham was torturous for her. All she wanted to do was for Y/N to stop the car and let her rip her clothes off, but she had to show at least some restraint. But when she’d been behind bars for almost a year with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company, she couldn’t exactly be blamed for being a total horndog. She sat with her hands wedged between her knees for the 45 minutes it took to get home, her legs bouncing in excitement.
As soon as they got home and the front door to the apartment was locked, Harley pounced on Y/N, almost knocking her to the floor as she mashed her lips into hers. Y/N tried to keep her balance by throwing her hands out behind her, but she toppled over anyway, Harley following and crashing on top of her.
“Cool your jets, Harl!” Y/N said as she tried to wriggle out of Harley’s grasp. “We only just got home!”
“Six months, baby!” Harley whined. “I had to go six whole months without any action! The least you could do is let me fuck you now.”
“Not in the doorway! At least hold on until we can go to bed.”
Harley huffed and got off Y/N, letting her stand up. She’d just started to push her towards the bedroom when Y/N planted her feet firmly on the ground and her hands on Harley’s shoulders.
“Alright, now just wait a second, sweetie,” Y/N said, using the same tone she would with a hyperactive child. “You just got home after being away for so long. Just take a second to enjoy being home before jumping my bones.”
“But I haven’t seen you,” Harley said with a pout. “Or your titties.”
Y/N flushed and sighed deeply.
“Okay, but give me five minutes so we can put your stuff away.”
Harley grinned and bounced on the balls of her feet before kissing Y/N again.
“You’re an angel!” Harley said as she wrapped her arms around her. “I could do with a shower, my skin’s all dry from that nasty Arkham soap.”
“Take as much time as you need, I’ll still be here.”
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When she’d finished putting Harley’s things back in their places, Y/N was ambushed by an overpowering smell of shower and bath products. Clearly, Harley didn’t mind what scents went with each other and just went for whatever she liked most. Y/N faced into the closet as Harley wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into her body, her hands roaming under her shirt until they cupped each of her breasts.
“Harley, is there a reason why you’re completely naked?” Y/N asked as Harley started to kiss her neck.
“I just got outta the shower,” Harley purred into her skin and pushed her fingers underneath Y/N’s bra. “And I want to play with my girl.”
“Can’t I at least take my clothes off first?” Y/N said, her breath shuddering as she relaxed back into Harley’s body.
“But that’s my job,” she said as she caught her hard nipples between her fingers. “Taking the wrapping off is just as fun as what’s inside.”
Y/N whimpered and grabbed at Harley’s arms, feeling her soft, newly moisturised skin and she let her head fall back onto her shoulder as she nipped at her neck.
“C’mon, babydoll, let’s have some fun.”
She let go of Y/N and turned her around to lead her to the bed, making sure she got a good view of her body. When she noticed her staring, she twirled around and fluffed her hair, showing her pale skin and slender curves from all angles.
“Like what ya see, sugar?” Harley purred, taking note of how Y/N’s eyes were fixated on her, trailing from her legs, her hips, her perky breasts, and up to her face.
Y/N swallowed and nodded, her mouth too dry to say anything while the space between her legs started to throb. Harley sat on the mattress with her legs wide, her bare pussy exposed as she grabbed Y/N’s hand and guided her to stand between her legs.
“Can I take this off, honey?” she asked as she toyed with the hem of her shirt. Y/N nodded and let her pull it up and over her head, standing up again to throw it to the other side of the room before immediately removing her bra. “I definitely want this off.”
Y/N shivered slightly when the air hit her bare skin, her nipples hardening even more as her skin burned under Harley’s gaze. Harley bit her lip and groaned softly as she reached out to caress her breasts with both hands, rolling them in her palms and softly squeezing them before kissing each one.
“God I missed these girls so much,” she said, her voice muffled by the soft skin of Y/N’s breasts. “But you’re still wearing too many clothes.”
Y/N pushed her sweatpants down to the floor and wriggled her legs free of them without needing to move away from Harley, leaving her in just her panties. Just as Harley dipped her fingers into the waistband, she stopped and admired the cotton garment.
“These are so cute!” she cooed and grabbed her hips to turn her around so her back was facing her. “Bend over a second.” 
Y/N was confused but did as she was told, bending her torso down slightly as Harley sat down again. Just as she looked back to see what she was doing, she felt Harley pinch and smack her behind, making her squeak and almost lose her balance.
“Harley,” she whined impatiently as Harley rested her head on her lower back, caressing her behind and squeezing, just as she’d done with her breasts.
“You look good in these, baby,” Harley purred as she pulled away. “But they’ll look even nicer on the floor.”
Y/N couldn’t help how hard her pussy clenched at her words. For as distracted and silly as she could be in the bedroom, Harley knew exactly how to get her girlfriend in the mood. She said things that would sound corny coming from anybody else but that was exactly what she loved about her.
“C’mere,” Harley said and patted the mattress between her legs. “But leave those on.”
Y/N climbed into Harley’s lap, her legs on either side of her and her arms loosely wrapped around her shoulder. She could feel her cool breath on her warm skin, their faces just centimetres apart and their chests pushing together. Harley stroked Y/N’s back softly, tracing the notches of her spine with her fingertips and dipping them into the waistband of her panties.
“I really missed you, y’know,” she said softly. “Like, a lot.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said in return, smiling warmly. She squeaked in surprise when Harley closed the gap between them, her soft lips on hers, caressing and drinking her in as she pulled her body closer and closer until she fell back onto the mattress, Y/N still on top of her.
Y/N eagerly returned her kiss and cradled Harley’s face in her hands, her eyes fluttering closed as warmth spread throughout her body, starting at her core and ending at her fingertips. Her lips parted slightly to let Harley slip her tongue between them, tasting her sweet mouth as Y/N tangled her fingers in her hair. She moved her hands down further to cup her behind and dipped her fingers under her panties, feeling her pooling arousal. Y/N whined against her lips when she felt her fingers circle her throbbing clit and broke off the kiss to catch her breath.
Without missing a beat, Harley trailed her kisses down Y/N’s neck and collarbones and moved her hands to underneath her breasts, squeezing and pinching them to make her whine and moan.
“Lie down, honey,” she said. “I want to play with these.”
Y/N got up and shuffled up the bed to lie down, her head resting on the pillow and her legs spread wide for Harley to lie between. She watched her as she crawled up her body, a wolfish expression on her face as she laid her face on her sternum between her breasts.
“God, I really missed these girls,” she purred into her skin before kissing softly.
“More than me?” Y/N teased as she ran her fingers through Harley’s hair.
“Of course not,” Harley said and nuzzled her face into Y/N’s warm skin. “I missed all of you.”
“I missed you too,” Y/N said, her breath hitching when Harley brushed her lips over her hard nipple.
She let her body relax into the mattress as Harley laved her tongue across her sensitive skin, teasing her nipple with the tip of her tongue before taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. Harley used her free hand to fondle the other breast, rolling it around in her palm and squeezing before teasing the nipple with her fingers. She could feel herself getting wetter as she played with her soft breasts and she had a good feeling that Y/N was too.
Harley switched her attention to Y/N’s other breast, leaving wet kisses and licking the nipple before taking it into her mouth and sucking again. She listened to how Y/N moaned softly as she played with her hair, running her nails through her roots and playing with the faded colours at the ends. Her hand trailed down Y/N’s body as she continued to worship her breasts, skimming over her stomach until it reached her sopping pussy.
“You’re so wet, baby,” Harley purred, her teeth grazing against Y/N’s nipple. “You’re gonna ruin these cute panties. How ‘bout I take ‘em off?”
“Please,” Y/N whined, pushing her hips into Harley’s hand.
Harley let go of her nipple and crawled back down her body, settling herself between her spread legs, her face eye level with her dripping cunt. She ran her fingers along the crotch of her panties, delighting in how her arousal had soaked through the cotton. Y/N moaned at the contact and her pussy clenched, as if it was begging Harley to fuck her.
“You really must have missed me if you’re this desperate,” Harley teased before kissing her clit over the wet fabric. She licked her arousal off of her lips and let out a short moan. “You taste good, honey. But I want the main course, not just an appetiser.”
If she wasn’t so pent up, Y/N would have made a comment about Harley being corny in bed. She’d been without a girlfriend for half a year so she was willing to let her be as corny and stupid as she wanted as long as it meant she’d get her pussy eaten.
It felt like an eternity had passed when Harley finally pulled Y/N’s panties down her legs and tossed them aside. She gently kissed along the insides of her thighs, teasing her until Y/N whined in frustration and tugged on her hair.
“C’mon, Harl, I thought you’d been waiting months for this,” she said as she tried to push Harley’s face into her cunt.
“Okay, okay!” Harley laughed before kissing her bare clit. “So impatient.”
Her tongue finally snaked out to run through Y/N’s wet folds, gathering her arousal as she made her way back to her clit. Y/N sighed in pleasure and let her head fall back onto the pillow as Harley worked wonders with her mouth, licking and sucking her sensitive skin at a leisurely pace. Pillow princess had never been an appropriate title, but Y/N was more than happy to let Harley call the shots and do anything she wanted with her body.
“You taste good, babydoll,” Harley mumbled into her pussy. “Definitely worth the wait.”
A moan crawled out of Y/N’s throat when she felt Harley tease her entrance with two of her fingers and slowly slide them inside. She kept her fingers still for a moment, letting her adjust to them before gently sliding them in and out of her, building up the pleasure and making her sweet spot swell.
Harley was getting wetter and wetter as Y/N’s arousal coated her tongue and fingers, the only thought in her head was being able to taste her and make her scream. She squeezed her legs together, trying to feel some friction, and watched as Y/N squirmed and moaned above her.
“You can’t be gettin’ close already, baby,” she purred as she started to curl her fingers into her sweet spot. “We’ve only just started.”
Y/N’s stomach was tying itself into knots as Harley worked her body into a frenzy, her clit twitching under her tongue and her pussy clenching around her fingers. A fire was spreading through her body despite the slow pace and she wanted nothing more than to trap Harley’s head between her thighs as she sucked her clit and finger fucked her pussy.
“Harley, I’m close,” Y/N said, her voice strained from keeping her moans at bay.
“Already?” Harley teased. She pulled her soaking fingers out and teased her clit with them as she lifted her head to watch Y/N writhe in frustration. Her mouth and chin were coated with her arousal, shining in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. “Want me to make you cum, sweet thing?”
“Harley, please,” Y/N begged, trying to push her head back down. Harley laughed and slid her fingers back into her desperate pussy.
“Anything you want, princess.”
Harley immediately set a faster pace, curling her fingers into Y/N’s sweet spot firmly and sucking on her clit harshly. She had planned on taking her time with Y/N and slowly bringing her to climax, but the way her body was reacting said otherwise.
Moans and cries flew from Y/N’s mouth as Harley stirred her body up, her nerves blazing and her climax fast approaching. She planted her hands on the back of Harley’s head and mashed her face into her dripping cunt as she begged her to keep going.
“Cum for me, baby,” Harley said, her voice muffled by her pussy. “Cum on my tongue, I wanna taste it.”
Y/N’s head fell back as pleasure washed over her, engulfing her and drawing all of the air out of her lungs. Her chest heaved and her hips bucked as Harley continued to draw her orgasm out of her, her breaths finally coming out in cries and moans until her body went limp and calm.
Once her body had completely calmed down, Harley pulled her fingers out of Y/N’s spent cunt and cleaned them off with her fingers, moaning when her taste hit her tongue again. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and crawled back up the bed to hover over Y/N and press her lips to hers, making her taste herself.
“I missed your taste,” Harley whispered against Y/N’s lips as Y/N cupped her perky behind with her hands.
“I wanna taste you,” Y/N said, her voice hoarse from moaning so much.
“You okay to stay where you are?” Harley asked. Y/N nodded, her body too boneless to do much else. “Good, cos I wanna sit on this pretty face of yours.”
Y/N swallowed and licked her lips as Harley placed her knees on either side of her head and lowered her wet pussy down onto her mouth. Her arousal immediately hit her tongue and flooded her mouth with her taste. Y/N ran her flattened tongue across Harley’s folds and clit, tasting her as if she was a sweet treat before paying more attention to her clit. She fluttered the tip of her tongue against the sensitive bud, making Harley writhe against her mouth.
“Don’t tease, baby,” Harley whined as she tried to smother Y/N with her pussy.
“You always tease me,” Y/N said, her voice muffled as she continued to pleasure her with her tongue. “It’s only fair that I tease you back for once.”
Harley huffed and grabbed hold of the headboard before grinding her core against Y/N’s mouth, making her flatten her tongue and keep her head still for her to ride. The bed creaked with every roll of her hips and the slack headboard knocked against the wall but neither of them seemed to care very much. They didn’t have neighbours to get mad at them and the bedroom was on an outside wall so they could make as much noise as they liked.
Harley certainly seemed determined to be as loud as she wanted. Moans and cries flew from her lungs as Y/N continued to lick and suck her, running her hands along her thighs and groping her ass as she drove her into a frenzy. She figured that Harley must have gone through her entire sentence without even touching herself since she could tell that she was already close.
“Y/N,” Harley moaned shamelessly. “I’m gonna cum, baby.”
Y/N wrapped her lips around Harley’s clit and sucked hard, her hands firmly holding her hips to keep her in place. She let her eyes drift closed and felt Harley grab her head, running her nails along her scalp as her arousal coated her face and her clit twitched in her mouth.
Breathlessly, Harley came into Y/N’s mouth, her cunt clenching and unclenching before her hips bucked wildly and she let her breath out in a loud cry. She gasped and panted as Y/N continued to lick her through her high, bringing her back down slowly and gently by stroking her skin and kissing her spent pussy until she’d caught her breath again.
With one final pleasured sigh, Harley lifted herself off Y/N’s face and moved around to flop down on top of her as she wiped her mouth clean, her face resting between her breasts. She could hear her thudding heartbeat through her chest and let herself be fully enveloped by Y/N’s warmth. 
They stayed like that for a moment, listening to each other breathe as the city continued to move outside. Y/N could have sworn that Harley was starting to fall asleep on her chest when she suddenly lifted herself up and shuffled up to kiss her. Harley’s lips were soft against hers, kissing her leisurely rather than crazed and desperate as she had when they first got home.
“I missed you,” Harley said against Y/N’s mouth before kissing her again.
“You already told me that,” Y/N said with a laugh. “Like, three times.”
“Well, that’s just how much I missed you!” Harley said as she pulled away.
“I missed you too, Harl,” Y/N said and pulled Harley back into her body, her arms tight around her as if she never wanted to let her go. “Just stay out of trouble this time.”
“I can’t make any promises, sugar,” Harley said. “But I’ll try for you.”
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togetherhearted · 27 days
Hello pal! Hope your doing just well,I saw that you have open requests again ,so would ya mind if I could please request some headcanons with Record of ragnarok men rection on their s/O coming up to them just radomly starts to grope their tits play with their nipples , lift them and squeeze hard you know the moves 🤭for what ever reason.
you can pick which ones does'nt really matter who! Up to you!
Wish you the very best!💓🌸💖
You don't have to accept my request:)
Write what makes you happy!
Hi to you! It's going fine,but totally could go better.
As your request,my brain probably understood the assignment badly but you know,what I wrote gave me a lil chuckle so I'll share it ^^
Characters are provided by my trustworthy randomizer!
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He was taking a well deserved nap when suddenly felt something heavy sitting on top of him and a pair of soft hands on his chest.
This made shot his eyes open.
-W-what are you doing?!- He was startled for a second as you playfully touched him.
-Anti-stress!- You just answered, leaving him dumbfounded.
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He didn't flinch, he gave almost no reaction when you walked to him from behind and placed your hands under his pecs.
A devilish smile appeared on your lips as you gave one of them a gentle squeeze.
-Uh...having fun?- Lu bu turned his head towards you as best as he could. One of his brows was arched.
-Very!- You kept fondling happily.
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You two were relaxing on your fave spot in the garden;Under a tree that provided the perfect shelter from the scorching sun.
Buddha was half-asleep already when, suddenly, your hands were on his pecs, giving it a squeeze.
-Mh?And what exactly are you doing?-
Buddha knew well what was happening, but he still wanted to play the clueless one.
He let out a chuckle when you tried to explain yourself, your fingers around the nip-nops.
-Oh no, no. Don't worry. I'll let you go on, just this time-
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halliestinks · 22 days
Not enough butters appreciation smh 😔 since ny sweet boy deserves better can I pls get headcanons of a reader who has like a MASSIVE crush on him and is super affectionate and sweet with him and he's not used to it
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Butters x Reader who has a Massive Crush on him
a/n: YES PLS MORE BUTTERS REQUESTS!!! I agree 100% he doesn’t get enough appreciation and he’s literally one of my favourite characters (apart from clyde) 🙁🙁
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• you’ve always been head over heels for butters, the way he’s so sweet and genuine to others and how he never has any underlying intentions when he’s being friendly to you always gave you butterflies
• he of course is completely oblivious to your crush, assuming you just think of him as really good pal
• butters isn’t used to someone being so openly affectionate towards him, so when you start showing him affection he gets confused and unsure how to react
• he often blushes and stammers, not knowing how to handle your overwhelming sweetness
• is soo confused, like somebody actually likes being around him???? AND they’re not just using him?????
• despite his confusion you are super patient. you know that butters may need time to adjust to your affectionate nature, you simply enjoy making him feel appreciated
• you despise how everyone uses him, constantly finding yourself sticking up for him even when he doesn’t realize he needs it
• you get so defensive whenever somebody exploits his naivety, though often times he reassures you that it’s okay and he is willingly helping whoever is taking advantage of him. (he doesn’t understand he’s just being used)
“butters just think about it before you agree, please? for me?”
“w—well alright…”
• it sometimes ends with you stopping him, while other times you aren’t so lucky. you make sure to tag along just in case something happens anyways
• complimenting him throughout the day is a must, it will successfully leave him feeling giddy and majorly boosts his confidence
• the first time it happened probably went like this;
“your smile is really cute :)”
“aw gee!! thanks y/n!!! you have a cute smile too!!!”
• takes a minute for him to realise what you just said. he literally NEVER gets compliments so it catches him off guard
• immediately goes red and fiddles with his thumbs as he usually does when he gets shy
• his reaction made you want to compliment him all the time, it irks you so much that he’s never really had much affection towards him
• you usually suggest places to hang out, like at an arcade or a restaurant, etc. he will agree to go no matter where it is, he’s just happy to have somebody who genuinely wants to be around him
• chilling at home together is equally as fun, watching movies while either you play with his hair or he plays with yours
• his parents adore you, they constantly ask if you want to come over for lunch/dinner. they’ll even make an exception for you to visit whenever butters is grounded
• one time you actually got grounded with butters for doing something silly, so you had to stay in his room for the entirety of your stay. you ended up having alot of fun that day, and you got closer to butters so you decide it was worth the grounding
• butters will sometimes surprise you with homemade gifts, or he’ll save up his money to buy you something you’ve mentioned wanting a few times
“do ya like it?? I made it ‘specially for you!!”
“…this is the nicest gift anyone has ever gotten me 😖”
“a—are you crying?!”
• your heart practically melts, it baffles you how somebody can be so pure and yet doesn’t get the love he deserves from others
• it doesn’t take long before he starts to realize just how much he enjoys your company, your sweetness and affection leaving him with a funny feeling in his stomach after hanging out. and he finds himself falling for you too
• I feel like he would probably confess to you almost immediately after he realizes his feelings for you
• you would be hanging out at his place playing a board game, until he can’t hold it in any longer and just straight up confesses
“I—I really like you y/n! like… I like— like you… do you uh.. like— like me too??”
“of course I like— like you too butters!!! I have for ages, I thought you already knew??”
“really?!? I had no idea!!!”
“and here I thought I made it so obvious.”
• the two of you start dating afterwards and nobody is surprised, almost everybody thought you were already a couple so!!
• anyways, he tries his hardest to be the best partner ever. and you do the same, making sure he knows how much you love him everyday <3
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 7 months
HII im a huge fan of ur writing and ur one of the few final fantasy writers on here thats active 😭😭 i was hoping i could request some zack fair fluff? like before the events of crisis core, maybe he accidentally gets himself sick during work and angeal knows he'll just keep showing up for work bc he wants the promotion to first class so bad, so he gets zacks childhood bestfriend (reader) to go keep an eye on him and make sure he actually rests lol. zack keeps insisting hes ok but reader is having none of it and takes care of him, which eventually leads to a confession bc zack doesnt understand why reader cares so much and it just leads to everything coming out. i hope that made sense lol this is my first request :) dont feel pressured to do this of course!!!
Since We Were Kids
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pairing : zack fair x (female) reader
summary : zack is determined to reach first class. so much so that he will push through one of the most debilitating cold's he's ever had. angeal attempts to get him home, calling in zacks childhood best friend for help.
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“Angeal! Come on! You know how important this is to me..” Zack lets out a pitiful whine, attempting to persuade his superior, before his whine turns into a horrific coughing fit. He doesn’t have to look up now that Angeal’s face has made no changes, he is stoic and his decision is final, Zack will not be staying for work this week. 
“You can take a week off.. Besides you're of no use to anybody with the state you're in. Go home, get some rest.”
“I mean it Zack..” 
“Yeah..yeah..i heard ya.” Zack crosses his arms, heavy sigh passing through his lips, eyebrows furrowing as he walks away from where Angeal stands. He was barely sick..a little cough wasn’t gonna hold him back from becoming a first class SOLDIER.
Zack barely lasts 20 minutes away from his training before his sword is back in his hands. His constant coughing fits are feeling him with annoyance but he powers through them to continue swinging away with the chunk of metal in his hands. 
But why was he so tired? He usually had so much energy. Why was his sword so hard to carry? It never had been before.. 
And why did it feel like someone's hand was on his shoulder? “Zack!”
He jumps away when there is suddenly shouting coming from beside him, his head pounding in a way that wasn't noticeable until this moment, “Angeal! Hey pal..what’re you..uh..doing here?”
“What’re you doing here? I told you to go home.” 
“I can’t go home, this is too important, I’m not even that sick..” Even Zack’s faith in the statement is beginning to falter, especially when his eyes become blurry from the dizziness pooling at the front of his head. 
“Go home.” 
“No way!” Zack expects Angeal to disagree again but he doesn’t, he actually doesn't say anything, he just walks away. It’s so out of character that Zack debates just listening to him and leaving so he doesn’t get demoted, but he decides against it and continues to practice while sweat pools on his skin. 
It doesn’t take long for Angeal to return, Zack isn't worried when he hears his heavy footsteps from down the hallway, but he is unaware of the other pair of feet following close behind.
At this point, Zack is just staying for spite, his body is exhausted and he is barely swinging his sword, and his coughing fits are becoming more frequent to the point where he has to stop moving to take deep breaths. 
“Zack. Enough is enough. Your friend can take you home now.”
“Huh?” Zack turns and almost starts coughing again, but only because the breath hitches in his throat, you shouldn’t be here, you shouldn’t be seeing him like this. It’s pitiful, his inability to stay strong for training is embarrassing, and your gaze full of pity isn;t helping in the way it usually does. 
“She’s taking you home.” Zack opens his mouth to argue once more but Angeal has had enough, “No arguing. My decision is final, if I see you here again before I say you can return I will demote you myself, good luck reaching first class then..”
Zack looks defeated but he closes his mouth, and drops his sword with a loud clang, before trudging towards your side with his arms crossed tightly. His mannerisms make a giggle slip out of you, he looks like a child, but you quickly mask it as a cough when he shoots you a serious glare. Also reminiscent of a child but if you laughed again he might punch you. 
He isn’t happy about having to leave, especially being escorted out by a lady half his size, but he doesn’t make any complaints when you intertwine your arm in his to keep him stable. 
“I’m fine, y’know. I’m only going home because Angeal made me.” You nod along with him as he talks, hiding the disbelief running through your head. God was this kid stubborn, but it made you happy to know that his training hadn't changed the way he was when you were kids.  
“Zack, you need to rest..” 
“I need to reach first class.” 
“How do you expect to do that if you can’t even hold your sword up, dork.” His face scrunches up, but to your surprise he doesn’t pull his body away, he actually does the opposite and pulls your arm closer to his body. He’s using you to hold up a large amount of his body weight, but you allow him as long as he needs. 
When you finally reach Zack’s home, it takes more effort to get him into bed then you’d care to admit, he truly acts like a child insisting that he ‘doesn’t need to get any sleep because he feels perfectly fine’ followed by a coughing fit and him having to sit down because he feels dizzy. You promise him the soup that he likes if he gets into bed, to which he begrudgingly agrees to. 
After practically forcing food down his throat, he finally allows himself to be tired and his head falls back onto the pillows. You place a cold cloth on his forehead, after feeling it with your own hands and deciding that his fever might only be worsening. How’d he keep training while being this sick? 
You watch as he dozes off, you can tell he is trying to stay awake so he doesn’t fully admit that he is sick, but his body is taking over. He finally looks at peace, even though his hair is sticking to his forehead and his breathing is heavy, at least he’s getting some rest.
You plan on leaving, really you do, but you get so caught up in the image of him sleeping that you find your own eyes falling closed, head resting by his side against the bed. 
When your eyes open again it’s dark outside, you can’t tell how long you’ve been sitting with him but from the darkness pouring into the room, it’s longer then you meant for. You worry for a moment, worry that you’ve overstayed your welcome and that Zack got up hours ago to sleep away from you, but when you turn the lamp on beside his bed you find him in the same spot you’d left him. 
You’re greedy with how you look at him, you miss being so close to him. The proximity makes you realize how much you’ve missed him since he started his training, you hardly see him. And you wish the circumstances for finally seeing him again weren't because he was sick, and rather because he actually wanted to see you. But you’d take any time you could get with your best friend. 
He stirs suddenly and you let your hand fall on top of his, tangling your fingers in his, as a way to bring him some comfort in his sleep. His skin is warm and clammy, heating up your hands, it should be gross but the feeling of his hand in yours fills your stomach with a flurry of butterflies.
Slowly, his eyes flutter open and you can tell he is dazed, the way he scans the room to gather his surroundings before landing on you once more confirms your thoughts. 
“Y/n?” Zack’s voice is hoarse, causing him to clear his throat before he continues talking, “What’re you still doing here? How long have you been here?”
For a minute your heart pumps inside your chest faster than before, nervousness building in your stomach, “I’m sorry..I fell asleep a couple..hours ago I think. I didn’t want to leave right away in case you woke up again but I never meant to fall asleep.” 
“Why’re you apologizing..” His fingers, which you had forgotten were tangled in your own, tense against your skin and tighten their grip on your hand. 
Your second apology causes him to let out a laugh. A laugh that immediately has him sitting up because he coughs so hard his lungs hurt, and he squeezes your hand tighter in his lap while he tries to catch a breath. 
When he finally catches a break, taking deep breaths while your hand slides up and down his back, he looks at you pitifully, “You’re gonna get sick..go home.” 
“You're crazy if you think I'm going home. I’m not leaving, who’s gonna take care of you?” 
“I can take care of myself, you know..”
“This is news to me.” You raise an eyebrow at him, to which he responds by sticking his tongue out tiredly. He can’t even retort like he usually does. He doesn't have the energy to argue and tell you to leave so you don’t get sick, Zack isn’t even sure he wants you to leave anymore. 
“You don’t have to stay..” 
“I want to, Zack. I care about you.” You can’t tell if his cheeks were already flushed or if they suddenly became red as you spoke to him, but either way you were sure your face was mirroring his.  
He falls back onto the pillows, asking you quietly if you'll get him some water and another blanket before he gets the chills, and you happily oblige. Even while he’s sick, he is able to feel content and you’re happy to be the reason. 
Zack's fingers find your hand again, squeezing gently as you sit on the chair beside him, “..Training is kicking my ass.” 
“Yeah..but I’m sure it’ll be all worth it eventually,” You try not to let his spirits get down especially while he is in such a tired state, his training put on pause because of his sickness, and you ponder telling him more, “I miss you, you know..a lot.”
A small smile appears on his face, eyes puffy and bags under his eyes, and he looks towards you, “Yeah?” 
You can only nod, embarrassed by his lack of affirmation that he has felt the same over the months he’s been training. 
“I missed you too..” And the embarrassment flees from your body instantaneously, while his thumb rubs over the top of your knuckles. 
The two of you sit in silence for a while, him playing with your knuckles as he tries to hold back the aggressive coughs that threaten to leave his mouth. His head is pounding, and he should feel like shit, but he truly can’t bring himself to when you're looking into his eyes all concerned and you’re letting him play with your hands with no complaints.
“Why’d you stay?” His voice startles you, and you try to pretend that you weren't staring at him and admiring every detail of his face. 
“I already told you..” You roll your eyes, letting out a huff before leaning on the palm of your hand, in all honesty you were ready to doze off while Zack looked around your hands and face. 
“No..no..why’d you stick around?” His question confuses you and you have to think about what he might mean and then it clicks. You hadn’t realized that he might be aware of how much time his training takes up. It hadn’t occurred to you that Zack could focus on anything but becoming first class.
He’d been neglecting your friendship, but when Angeal rang and asked you to pick Zack up you agreed without hesitation, you forgot instantly about how angry his schedule made you. 
You’re not sure how to answer him. You could tell him the truth, that you had been madly in love with your black haired friend since you were children.
Or you could continue to lie, and claim that you had only stayed around because of your long lasting friendship that had absolutely no underlying romantic feelings that neither one of you could talk about. 
“C’mon Zack..” 
He stares into your eyes, right through you. He knows, he already knows, you don’t have to say anything to him. As he looks at you, he's pleading with you to admit it to him and it makes your stomach crawl with nervousness. 
“Y’know I’d do anything for you..been like that since we were kids.” His eyebrows furrow at your attempt to dodge an admission that you hadn’t been prepared for an hour ago, you still weren't ready to admit to him that you were in love with him. 
“Y/n..do you love me?” 
Again silence fills the room and you’re unsure what to say to the expectant boy. You think, for a second, that he's joking. But his eyes are filled with such sincerity and genuine interest. He wants to know, and he doesn't seem to care if his question comes off bluntly.
When you don’t immediately respond he continues in your place, “Because I think I’m in love with you and I know I’d do anything for you. And I think you feel the same way. I can’t think of any other reason why you wouldn't ignore Angeal’s call, and tell me to deal with this by myself. I know I haven't been around like I should be. But you’re here anyway..”
“Zack please..of course I do. Been like that since we were kids,” You smile softly, repeating yourself and look down at your entangled hands.
He doesn’t let that allow that for very long before he is grabbing your chin to turn your head to face him once more, “I’m not gonna kiss you, because I don't want you getting sick. But I promise you, as soon as this sickness is gone I’m gonna be all over you..” 
Even though his words, words you would've never expected to hear when you dragged him into his room just hours earlier, send a nervous shiver down your body you still find a way to tease him, “Careful Zack. Get too excited and your lungs might act up again.”
“Can I ask you to stay the night?” 
How could you ever say no. 
“Of course, Zack, anything for my first class SOLDIER.” 
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citrus-lamb · 2 months
Logan x reader but the reader is very good at martial arts
So like maybe a headcannon or a story?...
a/n : hello! i got a little too into the story so it's pretty long, but i hope you enjoy! i tried my best with the martial arts thing, but the language could be wrong so i do apologize for that! it might be a bit ooc, as i'm trying to write these characters still. i enjoyed writing this, so i hope you enjoy reading it!
song : unspoken (dex)
Arcades are generally boring. You wouldn’t pick this place to hang out with the group, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, so you didn’t mind that much. You were zoning out, staring at the group and making sure no one got hurt.
“Hey, are you alright?” Logan asked, stepping away to talk to you. Your head snapped to him, being brought out of your thoughts quite quickly.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just bored.
“HEY GUYS! LET’S DO THIS ONE!” Aiden screamed, pointing towards a boxing-style game.
The entire group decided to try the machine, just for the fun of it. Ben’s score was impressive, Ashlyn’s was good and so was Tyler’s. The group cheered you on as you stood in front of the machine. You hit it with your fist as hard as you good, and ended up with a score that rivaled Ben’s.
“WOO!” Aiden cheered. He slung his arm around you and started bragging. You saw Logan smile in the corner of your eye, and you smiled back. You heard the door of the arcade click open. Barron and his goons stood at the entrance.
Logan soon noticed this as well, going from watching Aiden bury himself in tickets to sweating over the fact that Barron was here.
Let’s be clear. You hated Barron. If there wasn’t any repercussions he’d already be in a ditch somewhere because of you. You would fight him over and over again to make sure Logan would never have to deal with that bastard. And you would win every. single. fight.
You watched him exit out the door, a shy kid in a blue hat trailing behind. That kid almost reminded you of Logan. That made you more angry. Fists clenched, almost snarling at the door they just left from. Oh, Lord, you thought, Hold me back.
“…I want to at least warn him.” Logan said.
“Well, go do what you gotta do.” Tyler said, “We’ll be here to help you if you need it.”
“Are you sure you don’t want anyone to come with you?” You asked, unsure about this whole idea.
“Actually… Could you come with?”
“Of course!”
You opened the door and held it open for Logan, allowing him to go first. You didn’t want to speak for him—as he was getting better at standing up for himself every day. This was a step in the right direction, you just wanted to make sure Barron didn’t pull a stunt you could prevent.
“Haha, wow! That caught me off guard. I never would’ve expected to see you here, four eyes. And who’s this lovely person you got with you?” Barron said.
You clenched your fists—almost enough to make you cut through your skin—and stared straight into his soul. Logan looked nervous. About Barron? About you starting a fight where there didn’t need to be one? Logan wasn’t stupid. He saw your score at the boxing machine. He saw you training with Ashlyn’s parents. You mentioned to him once that you had martial arts experience. He had seen it first hand. If a fight started, Barron wouldn’t be the one winning. He might not even make it out alive.
“It’s been a while, pal, how’ve ya been?” Barron smiled, as if he didn’t bully the shit out of Logan every day for at least a year.
Logan ignored Barron, turning towards the kid in the blue hat. You continue to glare daggers into Barron from where you were standing. “My name’s Logan.”
“Oh… I’m Noah.”
“…Is he making you do his homework? Because you shouldn’t have to do that.”
“H-he’s not making me… He just asked for help.”
“And you felt guilty saying no, right?” The conversation Logan was having with Noah faded into the background as you watched Barron intently. You watched him get up from the trashcan and walk over to Logan.
“Who do you think you are, twerp? Stop interfering.” Barron started jabbing Logan’s head, and continued, “You’re just a useless loser whose parents didn’t even want you.”
You stepped forward, ready to axe-kick this guy to the floor and beat him to a pulp, but Logan didn’t need your help. He swatted Barron’s hand away, “I’m useless? When you’re the one that refuses to do your own work and forces others to do it for you?” Chills ran down your spine at Logan’s words. “When you so pathetically waste others’ time while they are actually working for a better life?”
He was practically shouting now, “When you have nothing to give, not even a simple thanks?! You only take and harass and look down on others! If anyone here is truly and utterly useless it’s—”
Barron grabbed Logan’s hair and pushed him away, bringing up his arm to throw a punch at Logan. Logan quickly twisted him and threw him face-first into the concrete. His hands were pinned to his back by Logan. Barron struggled to get out of Logan’s grip. The lights flickered. You panicked.
“I think it’d be wise for you to start caring.” Logan said.
This place felt like the phantom realm all of a sudden. You turned to the door that opened with more of Barron’s friends. They held him back but you were at your limit. Logan can’t get himself out of everything. Ben felt the same as you watched him come out from behind a wall and grab the red-head’s face. You performed a quick back kick on the blonde.
Full hell broke loose.
The group was fighting others, and you were taking on upwards of three people at a time. Your teacher always taught you that violence was never the answer, but you disagree. You were kicking and hitting with more precision than ever before—even better than when you were in class.
You heard a scream sounding like Ashlyn. She fell to the floor gripping her ears, headphones scattered across the pavement. You ran over to her, defending yourself from Barron’s goons as you went. You grabbed her headphones as she screamed, “CALM DOWN!”
Barron and his friends left quickly after. You gave Ashlyn her headphones back and beelined to Logan. “Are you okay? You’re not too badly hurt right? I wanted to help you more but you did amazing on your own so—”
“I’m alright, don’t worry. But, you’re bleeding.”
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travlersjoy444 · 1 year
request/writing idea!!
could you do a oneshot/headcannons(whichever you prefer) for a reader who acts as the teams medic?
Sounds like a plan!
On the Job
2012(ish) Turtles x reader
Platonic, and I say 'ish' because I was kinda picturing 2003!Don and Mikey, and 2012!Leo and Raph, as well as mentioning some 12 series specific villains/events.
Work count: 5.1k
Warnings: Non-graphic descriptions of injuries, mentions of blood, mentions of the film 'Twilight'
  “How the hell is it that you are somehow injured to the point of being near death yet again?!” You snapped at the turtle that had perched on your fire escape.
  Raph flushed, looking mildly embarrassed somehow despite his unwavering grimace of pain.
  You sighed and opened the door, slinging his arm over your shoulder to lug him to the couch.
  “Sorry.” He grunted through his wince as you set him down as gently as you could. “I can explain-”
  You smiled ruefully. “No, no…lemme guess. Ya got mad- probably at Leo, though it could also be Mikey- and stormed off to go fight crime on your own. And now that you’ve sprained your ankle and busted your lip, you’ve come to me so that you don’t have to return home with your tail between your legs.”
  He looked surprised, raising his brow ridge at the amount of accuracy.
  “Dude you did this like…just last month.” You sighed, and he mouthed ‘oh’, reaffirmed that you were indeed not a stalker.
  “Well…you’re the medic.” He shrugged, smiling weakly.
  You scoffed. “Wrong. Donnie is.”
  “Donnie once strapped me to a table and threatened to saw my plastron open.” Raph scowled. “And I don’t care that he was joking- I don’t trust him with medic privilege anymore.”
  “But Don knows more than I do about how to fix you up.” You said, grabbing the first aid kit.
  “Well…I like you better.” Raph grumbled, crossing his arms.
  You tried to resist smiling at that. “Flattery will get you nowhere.” You lied.
  Raph rolled his eyes. “It’s not…I’m not trying to….whatever, just do your thing, would ya?”
  You snorted. “Sure, King Raphael.”
  “Please?” He added, and you sighed.   “Okay, okay. Fine. Just stop getting hurt, would ya?”
  “Well…it’s sorta in the whole ‘ninja vigilante’ job description, genius.”
  You smiled ruefully, and began to wrap his ankle. “Yeah, I know. Maybe I just don’t like seeing you injured. But still…I’m glad you trust me to patch you up, dork.”
  He yawned and punched you lightly on the shoulder. “Wouldn’t trust anyone more.”
  You rolled your eyes and handed him some ibuprofen pills before sitting on the couch next to him.
  “Wanna watch a movie while you procrastinate on telling your brothers that I had to save your shell again?”
  “Yeah,” He murmured sleepily, swallowing the pain meds.
  “Hm. ‘Kay, Twilight it is.” You grinned. 
  Had Raph been even slightly more alert, he probably would have protested, but at this point, the adrenaline of the night had caught up with him. So instead of protesting, he rested his head on your shoulder and watched the movie about glittery vampires.
  You smiled and wrapped a soft blanket around his shoulders. Maybe it was sorta annoying and stressful how often Raph got injured, but you had to admit, it was pretty nice hanging out with him like this. And it was also sorta nice to know he trusted you to take care of him.
  He yawned and put an arm around you. “Hey (Y/N)?”
  “Yeah Rafa?”
  “Thanks for doing this for me. It…well, it really does…y’know, mean a lot to me and stuff.” He whispered before fading into sleep.
  You smiled and hugged him back.
  “Hey (Y/N), is it normal to have the world sorta…sorta spinning n’ stuff?” Said Mikey.
  You stared at him wide eyed. 
  “Angelo, buddy, pal, you just got thrown into a fucking wall!” You screeched.
  “So that’s like…noooot normal?” Mikey said slowly.
  “Ai ya. You are so lucky that Raph and Leo don’t need my backup right now.” You muttered, more to yourself than to him as you dragged the injured Michelangelo off the battlefield.
  You’d come along today to kick Foot Ninja butt and smash robots, not treat concussions. But apparently Raph wasn’t the only one under the impression that you were suddenly team medic. God, where was Don when you needed him?!
  “(Y/N)...my head hurts.” Mikey whispered, clutching it in his hands, before seeming to notice his change in location. “I-I mean, I’m totally mondo, bro! Lemme go back to fighting! I can’t let my bros down (Y/N), seriously-”
  “Shut up Mikey, you probably have a concussion-”
  “S’okay, I can still fight good! I’ve done it before, seriously-”
  “Ah, so you’re delusional too…” You said, pretending to write it down.
  “(Y/N), really man-”
  You sighed and dropped the act, as your nonchalant attitude clearly wasn’t working. “Mikester, you fight great. But your brothers are fine. It’s just a few Footbots, nothing they haven’t handled before, and besides, you took out a heck of a lot of them before you got wall-thrown. You really even their odds! But now you're injured, and the best thing you can do for your brothers is take a break!” You exclaimed, propping him up against a wall a block away from the fight.
  He frowned, brow ridges knit together. “You sure- oohhh did someone just stab my eyes with a glowing sword bro…?”
  “Nah man, that’s just the streetlight.” You said gently, unpacking the first-aid kit that you were lucky to have had the foresight to bring along, and mentally ran through the concussion tests you knew. 
  You tapped Mikey’s hand and ankle at the same time. “Okay. Where am I touching you?” You said.
  “Uhhh…my hand.” He mumbled out.
  “Nothing on the ankle?”
  Shit, okay, he’d failed that test…
  You swallowed and read the instructions for another one off your phone.
  ‘1. Tap the bridge of the patient's nose. 
They will begin to blink, but should stop after 2-3 blinks. 
After more than 3 blinks the subject is considered concussed.’ said the article.
  You tapped his snout gently, and he blinked in shock. 
  One blink, two, three, four, five- uh oh. 
  “Okay…you’re officially concussed, Mikey!” You said weakly.
  “Ohhh…that’s not good, is it, bro?” He moaned.
  “No... Look, I’ve got this bag of ice, I’m gonna hold it onto your head, okay?” You said, making sure to speak as calmly and clearly as you could manage.
  He nodded, before groaning in pain at the movement. You eased the ice onto his forehead as gently as you could manage, and grabbed some pain meds out of your first aid kit.
  “Here, swallow these.”
  He complied.
  “Woah, what’s going on here?!” Said a voice from behind you. 
  “Don!” You grinned, spinning around to see the familiar turtle. He was by your side in an instant, studying Mikey himself.
  “He’s got a concussion.” You sighed.
  “Ooh, that’s…not ideal.” Don winced. “Look, I’ve gotta grab the Shellraiser- I’ll pick you up in a minute, Mikey. In the meantime, stay with the medic and don’t do anything stupid.”
  “I’m not the medic-” You argued.
  “Aren’t you?” Don frowned, pointing to your first aid kit.
  “Well even if I was -which I’m not- I have a name, dude.” You protested, but he had already darted off to grab the car. You sighed and mumbled something about those ‘dang teenagers’ as if you weren’t also one.
  “S’okay (Y/N), I believe in ya! You can be medic if you set your mind to it…”Mikey grinned loopily.
  You facepalmed. “No, that’s not what I- augh. Whatever. Sure, Mikey.” You sighed.
  “Anytime, dude.” He said, giving you a weak thumbs-up.
  “Is he okay?” You said, frowning as Mikey lay passed out on the cot in Don’s lab.
  “He’ll be fine. He was lucky to have you there though, it would’ve been way worse if he’d tried to go back to fighting the way you said he wanted to.” Don shrugged, smiling. “So, good job, Team Medic!”
  You frowned. “Whoa whoa woah, no. Donnie, you’re the team medic.”
  Don shook his head. “No, I’m Team Scientist. I only have an arbitrary understanding of medical stuff- I’m more of a ‘mechanics’ guy. And occasionally chemistry, nowadays, but y’know.”
  “So you think I  -Me, an untrained ametuer- would be a better medic than you, a full fledged genius scientist?!” You said indignantly.
  “Well…yeah, you have basic first aid training, which is more than even I have, and you’re great under pressure- Um…do you not want to be?” He stammered awkwardly. “See I just figured …the more the merrier, right? But if you don’t want to, obviously we don’t have to do that…it’d just be nice to have someone else, I guess…” He continued, fiddling with his duffle bag strap anxiously.  
  You sighed, running through the mental pros and cons list. 
  On the one hand…It would mean more safety for the boys, finally getting to use your medical training, and a  bit of pressure off of Donnie- who already shouldered the huge burden that came with the title of ‘Scientist/Engineer/Argument Breaker-Upper/Mechanic/Chemist/Ninja’.
  But on the other hand, it was a huge responsibility. What if one of them got injured so badly that you couldn’t help? What if you were at school or work or on vacation or something, what would they do then?
  Well…then again, Donnie was still there and able to help. And plus…you’d be the medic, not the doctor. You weren’t sure you could handle long term stuff, but if you were just the first aid…well actually, that didn’t seem too bad. After all, you were already Raph’s personal human first aid kit, and that was only mildly stressful, so maybe doing the same for the other brothers wouldn’t be too terrible?
“Well- I mean, I guess you have a point, what with how often you guys are injured…” You said, considering it. “It’s a huge responsibility, but I guess so long as I have you as backup, Dee…”
  Don blinked. “Wait…so you’ll do it?” He said.
  Eh…sure why not.
  “You know what? …Yeah, I guess so.” You said finally. “But only if you promise you’ll help me out, genius.” You decided, holding out our hand to shake on it.
  He grinned and shook it weakly. “Thanks so much, (Y/N). You have no idea how helpful this is.” He said, relieved.
  You smiled despite yourself. “Hey, wouldn’t want the world’s best scientist to deal with even more shit than he has to, right?” You said, only half joking.
  He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well best is a strong word...”
  You chuckled at his reaction. “Well, you’re certainly the best I know, Don. I’m honored that you trust me with something like this, seriously.”
  He smiled, suddenly shy. “Hey, thanks for agreeing to it. This is super helpful- and you’re the best candidate by far.”
  “Gasp, better than Casey?” You said in mock surprise.
  He chuckled. “Way better than Casey.”
  “You know, one time I stubbed my toe, and his go-to instinct was to chuck a hockey puck at it to, quote, ‘get the blood flowing’. So I guess you’re right there.” You mused.
  “Dude! I WAS HELPING!” Yelled Casey, summoned by the sound of shit being talked about him.
  “We’ve been over this Case’- YOU INJURED ME MORE!” You yelled back, and Don doubled over laughing.
  “Oh yes, I’m glad my suffering amuses you.” You said, falling against the wall dramatically.
  “S-sorry-” Don wheezed as he leaned on his staff to straighten his posture, very obviously not sorry.
  “Y’know what?! It totally does amuse me!” Casey sassed, tossing his hair just as dramatically.
  “You guys are so mean.” You said, faking a voice crack as you pretended to wipe away tears.
  “Hey (Y/N)? I’m sorry I ruined your chances to fight.” Said Mikey a while later.
  You looked up from your math homework. “You’re awake?” You said, surprised. Don had estimated that it would be another hour or so before he regained consciousness.
  “Uh…apparently. How long was I out?” He mumbled. 
  “Just a few hours, dude. How’s the head?”
  “...Hurts.” He said, cringing. “Aw, man.”
  “D’you want me to dim the lights a bit?” You offered. The lab’s lights were already dimmer than usual, but you did have Donnie’s extremely bright desk lamp on for your homework.
  “Maybe?” Mikey grunted. “Is everyone okay?”
  You complied and turned off the desk lamp, leaving the room shadow-y but not fully dark. 
  “Yeah, everyone’s fine, Mike’.” You nodded. “You’re the only one that got injured, and that’s just ‘cause one of Shredder’s goons threw your head into a wall.”
  “Okay, lame! What a buzzkill.” Mikey whined. “Thanks for patching me up.”
  “No problem!” You said firmly.
  “It kinda was though, ‘cause I messed up your chance to fight…isn’t that why you were so angry about having to treat me?” Mikey mumbled, looking away.
  You cringed, remembering how you had indeed complained. “Aw, Angelo- I…I didn’t mean it like that. That was the stress talking more than anything else, and besides- that’s how I act around Raph, y’know? All like…sarcastic and begrudging because he alway gets hurt for dumbass reasons. I guess I kinda forgot that you’re…not Raph, you know what I mean?” You shrugged, trying to ignore the burning wave of regret and embarrassment that was washing over you.
  “Kinda?” Mikey said, still not meeting your eyes. “So does that mean you’re not…mad at me?”
  “Of course not.” You said, scooting your chair up next to his cot. “You didn’t do anything wrong, dude, how could I ever be mad at you? Ya did good today, Mikey, you know that?”
  “You think so?” He smiled, looking up at you- almost shyly, as if he didn’t believe it….you made a mental note to compliment him more often. 
  “I know so, genius.” You grinned, punching him lightly in the shoulder.
  “Hey! Hitting the sick dude? Not cool brah!” He grinned, punching you back.
  “Oh hey- we ordered pizza a bit ago! You feelin’ up for a slice?” You suggested, remembering how Leo had set some aside for whenever Mikey woke up.
  “Uh no duh?! Of course I want pizza! Where is it?!”
  You laughed, standing up. “Okay, I’ll go get it for ya, dude. Good job today bro.”
  “Ditto, mondo-medic!”
  “Oh boy, a new nickname. How tubular.” You grunted, smiling good naturedly before you ducked out of the lab.
  Now you were used to Raphael showing up on your fire escape. But tonight, there was a turtle on your fire escape who not only was not Raphael, but was also one of the least likely people to ever show up injured, ever.
  He rapped on the window. “Hey, (Y/N)!”
  “Leo? What the hell are you doing here?” You shoved the door to the fire escape open, and let him in.
  “Thanks.” He rasped, limping into the living room. “Sorry to bother you, (Y/N). I just…needed some help from someone who isn’t one of my brothers, and…y’know, the medic.”
  “What happened?” You said, taking in his all-black getup. “What’s with the goth makeover? …And your voice being raspier than usual?”
  He chuckled nervously, and it faded into a cough. “Uh…y’know, Karai stuff?”
  You blinked. “...What?”
  He rubbed the back of his head. “Look, it’s a bit of a long story,” he smiled awkwardly, “...But Karai and I may have sorta…y’know, committed arson…?”
  He said it as if it were something like ‘Karai and I cheated on a test’ or ‘Karai and I got a parking ticket’.
  “...Leo?!” You said, staring at him in awe.
  “Look that’s unimportant-  The issue is that I think I knocked my bad knee out of it’s socket while we were running away, and obviously inhaled more smoke than I should’ve-”
  “Why the fuck were you commiting arson?!” You exclaimed, cutting him off.
  He sighed, fiddling with his katana’s strap. (-oh wait no, that was a…seatbelt? Right, he was in an emo phase, apparently.)
  “I mean I understand the urge- who hasn’t been tempted to start a fire, all that or whatever- but you?!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands into the air wildly. “Like, I’d expect this from Raph or Casey but…you?!” You continued, not even sure what to say.
  He opened his mouth and closed it. “Uh…”
  You sighed and sat down on the couch, shaking your head. “And you fucking hurt your bad knee…agh. Leo…”
  He sat down next to you, staring at the floor.
  “...No.” You grunted, staring at the ceiling. “The couch is for people who don’t commit arson. You get the Stool of Shame.”
  “The Stool of Shame, dude.” You reiterated, pointing at the rickety old tin seat in the corner that, based on the size, you were pretty sure was made for elementary school children. 
  Leo swallowed in embarrassment, but limped across the room to uncomfortably perch on the tiny stool.
  You stifled a smirk at the visual of the gothed-out Leonardo staring at the ground in shame, fidgeting with his hands as he sat in the much too small chair.
  “Do you feel ashamed?” You said flatly.
  He nodded. 
  “Good. You should be. Arson is bad, Leo, and we both know that you know that it’s bad.” You said, standing up and walking towards the kitchenette to make yourself some tea.
  Leo nodded again, rocking side to side on the chair anxiously.
  “D’ya want mint tea or green tea? Ooh, and there’s also cherry coke I think in the fridge.” You added absently.
  “Uh…green is good, no milk?” Leo said slowly.
  “Cool cool. You mentioned smoke inhalation?” You said, putting the kettle on.
  “Alright. How’s the throat, then?” You said. You’d been reading up a bit on throat injuries after Leo complained lightly about his long-term injuries acting up, and if it was bad then, you had a solid hunch it would be way worse now.
  “...Well, I mean…It…hurts,” He shrugged, shifting in the Shame Stool as he tried to downplay the ramifications of his dumbass choices.
  “Shocking.” You said, turning back to preparing the tea.
  “Look, it was an accident!” He said defensively. “We didn’t plan on the alarms closing the East exit, that didn't happen last…time…oooh.” He winced, realizing his mistake a second too late.
  You slowly turned back towards him, feeling your eye twitch.
  “Ya wanna say that last bit one more time Leon?” You said as evenly as you could manage.
  He gulped, but met your eyes. “...That didn’t…happen…last time.” He said in a small voice.
  “Last time.” You repeated.
  “LAST TIME.” You said, louder this time.
  Leo cringed. 
  You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. “So your knee is re-injured and your throat is hurting.” You mumbled, listing the symptoms in the hope that focusing on the task at hand would keep you from flipping out at him. “And you’ve fucking done this…twice…” 
  He coughed, as if he wanted to say something, but held his tongue.
  You made a sound of frustration. “Okay, more than twice?”
  He nodded, brow ridges knitted together as he stared at his feet.
  “You are…so lucky that I don’t have Splinter’s phone number.” You hissed.
  He nodded again. “You’re right.” He said in a small voice.
  “Yeah, I know I’m right!” You snapped, stirring two tablespoons of honey into his tea aggressively. Some of it spilled on the floor. “Unlike some of us, I’m not an idiot!” 
  You sighed, walking across the room to hand him the mug. “Lemme go get the first aid kit. In the meantime, you have about two minutes to think of a good explanation for this.”
  “Yes sensei- uh I mean (Y/N)! Yes (Y/N).” He nodded, flustered, and saved himself from meeting your eyes by taking a giant sip of tea.
  You rolled your eyes and left the room to grab the first aid kit.
  When you came back, he was gagging on tea.
  “Is something wrong with it?” You said flatly.
  “Nah, it’s- it’s fine! Maybe a little too much sugar-”
  “When will you learn that your actions have consequences, Mr. I-just-inhaled-tons-of-smoke-fumes? …Heh. It’s honey, soothes the pain.” You said, smiling.
  “Oh. Okay then.” He mumbled.
  “So if your knee is dislocated, I’m gonna have to shove it back into place, which is gonna hurt like hell, okay?” You warned. “I do have some pain meds, but obviously they’re not exactly professional- just the drugstore over-the-counter stuff.”
  He nodded and accepted the pills. 
  “Cool. Now…why the hell were you committing arson, Fearless Leader?” You sighed, sitting against the wall next to the Stool of Shame.
  He shrugged. “Well…first off, it wasn’t like, random- It was Shredder’s stuff. Karai, Shinigami, and I were burning Shredder’s stuff.  Secondly, Karai was gonna do it whether I participated or not! I had to come along to keep her safe!”
  “Karai’s a tough girl, Lee. She doesn’t need you to keep her safe- plus, she’s older than you. If anything, she should be keeping you safe, right?” You said gently.
  “(Y/N)- yeah she’s tough! But like…she’s not exactly as…well, y’know, stable as us!” Leo tried to explain. “I mean, she’s had a tough life, and only recently started therapy- and even then, she can’t really be forthright with her therapist because she’s gotta keep all the mutants and gang stuff secret- And so maybe I just wanna be there to keep her from doing something impulsive and hurting herself!”
  You glanced over at him, and he broke eye contact in favor of taking another sip of tea.
  “So then…you know exactly how I feel, huh?” You said softly.
  He blinked. “Huh?”
  “Feeling worried about someone who matters to ya doing impulsive shit and getting hurt?” You prompted, shooting him a half-hearted smile.
  His eyes widened. “...Oh.” 
  You patted his shell. 
  “I…I’m so sorry, (Y/N), I didn’t think-”
  “That I have feelings? I know, I know, I do tend to go for the emotionless robot vibe.” You joked, putting your hand on your heart dramatically. “But beneath the layers of deadpan stares and blunt comments…I hurt…” You swooned. 
  Leo chuckled, shoving you lightly. “Alright, alright, laugh it up…”
  “But seriously, Leo.” You said, leaning on the wall again. “It’s scary when you go out there and get hurt. You’re one of my best friends in the universe, and y’know…I don’t like seeing you get needlessly injured. Karai’s a big girl, let her handle her own problems. Maybe try bonding with her over…I dunno, bubble tea instead of arson, you know?” You chuckled.
  He smiled, leaning back. “Alright, you’re right.”
  “Now…look. All the nice feelings stuff aside…” You said, studying his knee. “I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to call Don about this one. I don’t exactly trust my ability to do this without causing a fracture.”
  “Aw, (Y/N)-”
  Over the past few months, being the team medic had grown into a more comfortable position. You actually felt you were helping, and more importantly, it was kinda fun! 
  However, all of that was under the watchful eye of one Donatello Hamato. He was far more useful in terms of the steps after first aid, and you weren’t too sure you’d be able to trust yourself as a medic just yet without his minor help- that’s to say, he was a nice safety harness in the risky rockwall that was being an ametuer medic.
  So when you lost said safety net, you weren’t 100% sure how to react.
  It had been a normal night of waiting in the lair while the turtles went on a normal patrol until it wasn’t.
  There was a flurry of movement in the tunnels, a yelp, and the siblings were storming into the lair in a panic.
  “Lab! Now!” Leo cried.
  Mikey was tearful, Raph panicking, and Leo’s face was trying to be stoic and failing. Your gaze shifted to Don, who hung from Leo and Raph’s shoulders, unconscious.
  You threw the lab doors open, and Raph laid Don down on the work counter before sinking to the floor in a stunned silence.
  “Wha- What happened?” You said, trying to bite back your panic. Right, pressure, pressure, I’m- I’m good under pressure, be chill (Y/N)-
  Leo paced the floor. “Ambush. Tigerclaw and co. Didn’t think they were gonna be there… I-I didn’t know-”
  You patted his shoulder. “Of course you didn’t, Lee, take a deep breath- What happened to Don?” 
  “They got him in the shoulder.” Mikey supplied.
  You stifled a ‘Ya think?!’ and tugged on some latex gloves. You approached Donnie, biting your lip nervously.
  There was a… a lotta blood. He was losing it by the second. 
  “How long has he been bleeding?” You asked, your voice coming out so much calmer than you felt.
  “Half an hour? Maybe?” Leo said helplessly. 
  Half an hour and still bleeding… so so much…
  I’m definitely not experienced enough to handle a transfusion operation, so- just gotta stick with Don’s emergency med stash and- and stitching-
  He was pale. You didn’t know that scales could be pale. You swallowed the bile in your throat and opened the drawer of sterile equipment. 
  Needle and thread, needle and thread, needle and thread… Your brain chanted unhelpfully as you tried to locate them. 
  Hydrogen peroxide, disinfect the wound-
  You soaked a cloth with the hydrogen peroxide and cleaned the gashes, and his breathing sped up. Understandable. You were confident that it stung.
  Wincing, you continued cleaning. 
  “Is he- is he okay?” Raph whispered from the floor.
  I- maybe?! No?! I- I don’t know, I’m just- ah-
  “He will be.” You said firmly, as if you weren’t mentally spiralling.  You tried to focus on the repetitive motion of cleaning the wound.
  You swallowed and reached for the needle.
  Raph tracked your actions, and, eyes going wide as he realized what you were planning, covered his mouth in horror and discomfort, no doubt picturing the feeling of stitches in his own shoulder. Huh, you hadn’t expected Raph to be squeamish, ha. Oh god you also sorta wanted to throw up-
  “Leo, we should get Raph outta here before he hurls!” Mikey said, as if he wasn’t feeling just as freaked out. 
  “Actually, all of you should probably step out so I can focus.” You said, hoping to end the performance anxiety and pressure all the pressure all of-
  “Are you sure?” Said Leo. 
  “A hundred percent.” You said firmly.
  Raph bolted out and Mikey followed.
  Leo shot Don a final nervous glance.
  “He’ll be okay.” You said, faking stoic confidence. “I promise.”
  He nodded, and followed his brothers out of the lab.
  You swallowed nervously and got to work.
  “Oohhh…” Don moaned.
  You were really glad he was conscious- but you were not glad that he had chosen to wake up before you finished stitching his skin back together. 
  “Shhh, it’s okay-” You tried to whisper, but Donnie’s eyes shot open.
  “Oh my god….why does my shoulder feel like- eugghhhh….” He groaned. “Tigerclaw…”
  “You’re on the best pain meds in your collection, but uh….” You mumbled guiltily. “I wasn’t quite finished with ya.”
  Don gave a double take as his eyes traveled up to his half-stitched mess of a shoulder.
  He gave a weak sound of discomfort and nausea.
  You took a deep breath and smiled weakly. “Uh…did I fuck it up?”
  “No…it looks…ha…great.” He said with a laboured breath. “Well, obviously not great, but like- you know- solid stitchwork…”
  You winced. “Aw Don, don’t strain yourself by talking…”
  “I’m-...I’m okay.” He insisted despite the weak warble of his voice. “See? I told-...I told you we’d need a medic that isn’t me, remember? Looks like I….picked the right person, huh?” He smiled.
  You gave a weak sound that might have been either a laugh or a sob. 
  Your hands trembled in their blood-stained gloves, and you tried to ignore it as you continued stitching.
  His breath hitched everytime  you pierced his skin, and you tried to ignore the involuntary- and illogical- guilt at hurting him.
  “How ‘bout- y- Ahem. How about you?” He said softly.
  “Huh?” You hummed, pulling the largest wound closed at last. 
  “Are you okay?”
  You drew in a shaky breath and tried to keep your hands from shaking. “I mean…I’ve been better,” You deadpanned, although your heart was clearly not in it.
  “Ditto. Hope I don’t look too much like Frankenstein’s monster once we’re through with this, eh?” He chuckled, but it died in a whimper of pain.
  You cringed. 
  Don’s smile faded, and he glanced at you. “Seriously though…are you okay?”
  You sighed, wringing your bloody hands. “...Are you sure I’m the best person for this job?”
  “Do you….do you not want to be?” He asked.
  You shrugged noncommittally. 
  Maybe you didn’t. What had these past few months been if not stressful? Maybe April was better for the job. Maybe you didn’t want it.
  No, that wasn’t true. 
  Admittedly, fixing Donnie’s wounds yourself was far less scary than it would have been to wait outside with the others, unsure if he was getting better or not. And you maybe-sorta-liked being the one Leo went to when he hurt his knee, the one to comfort Mikey as he dealt with feelings, the one to fix Raph up when he did dumb shit as per usual.
  Yeah, you liked being a medic. What you didn’t love quite so much was the grimace of pain on Donnie’s face as he worried about whether or not the person he trusted with his life even wanted to help him.
  You sighed and began bandaging his shoulder. 
  “...I do, Dee, I guess I just worry is all…’Cause what if I do something wrong? This is far more high-pressure than like…a math test, y’know?”
  Don frowned. “Well you’re doing great right now if it makes you feel any better…”
  “Oh yeah? Thanks.” You smiled. “You taught me well, genius.”
  “Nah, I never showed you all the procedures and stuff- that’s all you, you know.” Don smiled, closing his eyes. 
  You glanced down at the bandage, realizing that he was right- you’d learned this in a life guard training lesson a few summers ago. Huh.
  “Besides, can you imagine like- Mikey or Casey or someone being in charge of this? I’d end up even more injured than before!” He chuckled.
  “I mean…I won’t argue with you there…” You snorted.
  “Anyways, I trust you, (Y/N). I know that I’m in good hands.” He said with another smile.
  “You sure? ‘Cause these look more like zombie hands or somethin’ to me,” You joked, holding up your blood-stained gloves. It was a true testament to Don’s hidden unhinged-ness that he burst into laughter rather than scolding you for the joke that you admittedly realized was in poor taste.
  “It’s just…ketchup, don’t worry about it!” He quipped through his laughter.
  “Mm, yeah, totally!” You grinned, tossing the gross gloves into the trash before washing your hands.
  “Well Don…I think you’ll be okay. D’you want me to go get your brothers?”
  He nodded. “Sounds good. And (Y/N)? Thank you. For everything.”
  You smiled, punching him lightly on his good arm. “Hey, I’m just doin’ my job.”
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f10werfae · 1 year
Eyes Wide Open
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pairing: Ari Levinson x Reader / Ex!Chris x Reader
Summary: After Chris cheated on Y/n, she falls into the arms of the local grumpy beefy mechanic, her new man Ari Levinson (Part 2 to blinded by lust)
Requests are open💌/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist form
It’d been 4 months since Y/n had seen Chris, having asked her friends to collect her things from his house, he was already out of sight out of mind. In fact sweet sweet Y/n had caught the eyes of another man, the town’s leading mechanic, Ari Levinson.
It was not known around the town what happened to Chris and Y/n, but they all definitely knew it was over when they saw Y/n spending all of her free time with her grump of a boyfriend, who only seemed to show any grain of happiness around her. She had him wrapped round her pretty finger.
“Sugar how are ya so perfect?” Ari said looking at his girl who was sitting on a hood of a car he was fixing, his harms on either side caging her in. His eyes trained on her reddish lips as she wiped the sweat and grease off his forehead. “Hmm I dunno, why are you so goddamn handsome?”
Thankfully with her left leg now fully recovered Y/n was able to go any and everywhere with Ari. You best believe before that he carried her everywhere, needing his little support bunny with him. “Why ain’t you sharing bun? C’mon and give me a taste”
Dressed in a white tank top and work trousers, the bigger beefier man opened his mouth, watching as Y/n shyly took her lollipop out of her mouth and put it in his. When Y/n first told Ari why she was single in the first place, that man saw red and not the pretty kind. How could someone absolutely break his woman? She was so delicate and fragile at the time that it broke his heart too.
“Does it taste good?” Y/n asked, her eyes twinkling at the strong sunlight from the open top roof, not complaining when she saw how her boyfriend was now getting a very luscious tan. “Yeah baby, tastes like you” He winked bending back down with his wrench to continue what he was doing.
“Excuse me, any service here?” A strong Bostonian voice said, one that Y/n could remember for the rest of her life. Not for the good reasons either “fuck I missed this” “Your pussy feels so good” Things she heard him say to another woman
“What’s up pal?” Ari said not even looking at who it was and wiping his hand onto his cargo trousers, his eyes sharpening when he finally realised who he was talking to. Chris stood there all smug, the breakup didn’t break his heart but it definitely broke his character. Around town everyone knew that he now tended to carry an attitude with him, feeling full of himself once he realised he was being shipped back off to Hollywood anyway.
“what do you want?” Ari spat out more harshly, Chris lifted up his hands in defeat,
“Jus wanted to speak to Y/n here, one last offer baby”
“What do you need with My woman” Ari said standing in front of Chris’ view of Y/n, who was still sitting on the hood of the car shocked to the roots.
“I’m off to film another series, and i’ll be gone this time, for a year or two. N’ I just need to know if this is us over, for real? If not I have an extra ticket here waiting for you, I can supply you with everything you want, unlike some people-“
“What’s that supposed to fucking mean big shot, just because-“ Ari lunged forward, only for a pair of arms to wrap around his chest to pull him back into her body.
“It’s over Chris, you can shove that ticket up your ass and leave, make sure you don’t accidentally give it to some other girl on the way out though” Y/n said passive aggressively, looking the other man up and down, a sense of disgust taking over her.
“Whatever you were an easy fuck to keep around for a while anyway, goodluck with that one Levinson, she wouldn’t even wanna settle down with me and we were together for ages. She doesn’t know what a man needs and wants in life, who knows maybe she can’t even have child-“
And that was it, Ari had lunged successfully this time, throwing one hell of a punch onto Chris’ face knocking him down onto the ground instantly. “You don’t talk about my woman, or any woman like that. Didn’t ya mother teach you any respect? Guess not. Now fuck off to wherever the fuck you’re going to”
Ari said turning around and heading back over to Y/n who was just staring at Chris who had now walked out of the mechanic shop, holding his hand to his definitely broken nose.
“You okay sugar? When you said he was a dick I didn’t realise how much a one”
“Are you okay? Your heart is pounding Ari, calm down you know i’m only yours, I’m not going anywhere. His words mean nothing”
“I know that sweet pea, but Jesus when he started talking about you like that I near killed him” Ari breathed out leaning his head onto her shoulder, her fingers running through the back of his hair to calm him down. His lips pressing multiple small kisses to her neck, causing her to laugh out of tickles,
“Ari stop it you big bear, you’re gonna make my stomach hurt”
“hmm n’ we can’t have that can we?”
2 Years since Chris had set foot back in town, and don’t get me wrong he was as successful as ever, but that didn’t change people’s opinions of him already. Walking into the local park to walk Dodger, Chris swears he near chokes on his coffee when he sees Y/n.
Not alone.
He’s surprised to see her with Ari’s arm around her waist, with him whispering into her ear, making her giggle and place a kiss onto his lips. A baby sitting against her hip, a baby boy, he thought wrong about her settling down.
Ari’s hand slips down to support Y/n’s clearly enlarged stomach, before bending down to kiss his son’s head, when his eyes suddenly meet Chris’. Both men nodded at each other without another word, Chris went on with his walk with a pang in his heart.
He was the one that wanted all that with Y/n and now she was the one that had it, and he still had no one. Heading back to the coffee shop, his friend Luke behind the counter looks at him confused, “Dude what the hell happened, you was in here ten minutes ago”
“I-I saw Y/n”
“Glowin ain’t she? Archie is the absolute cutest lil thing, did ya see she’s pregnant again? Swear Ari always says he can’t keep his hands off his wife-“
“Wife? They got married? When?” Chris asked furrowing his brows
“Man it was like a year and a half ago? Tell ya what match made in heaven-“ Before he could even finish his words Chris stormed out of the coffee shop,
“Dude you know he’s still into Y/n” Another worker said handing Luke dried glasses,
“I know but he fucked up, doesn’t mean I can’t talk about how happy I am for her” Luke said watching his friend storm down the street, back to his lonely home where no one was longer waiting for him.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @ilovereadingfanfics @patzammit @pandaxnienke @stormcloudss @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @chrisevansdaughter @marvelgurl @cevansgurl @evanstanwhore @mirikusashes @taramaria @fdl305 @mysticfalls01 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @mischiefsemimanaged @thereisa8ella @uwiuwi @bval-1 @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @lastwandastan @ravenhood2792 @feltonswifesworld87 @bluebellsn @mdpplgtz03 @alexxavicry @alina02 @bookfrog242 @roofwitty779 @aerangi @s-void @oliviah-25 @nikkitc0703 @meetmeatyourworst @girl-of-multi-fandoms @imboredat2am @mansaaay @adoreyouusugar @annajustwrites @emvebee @ilovetaquitosmmmm @caps-shield1918 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @royalwriteroftheuniverse @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chrisevansangel @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymomma @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @mrspeacem1nusone @hatsparkle @wintasssoldier
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could do slashers (RZ Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Sinclair brothers) with a s/o that works and performs with dolphins, sharks, and alligators and has a really good relationship with the animals. like their s/o is like "they're so cute!" And they're petting a shark or crocodile and the slasher is just like "😳"
OMG YES!!! Imma do sharks/alligators cuz dolphins are wacky. She/her, sfw, Request open
Slasners with s/o that befriends wild animals
Jason Voorhees
Guy lives in America im sure there are gators in this lake of his
Imagine, before s/o and Jason became bffs, s/o friends wanted to hang out in Crystal Lake but there where huge alligators there. Imagine s/o just bonding with gators slowly, like giving them lil treats and other stuff
Belly rubs and head pats all the way! Im sure they love it
When s/o and Jason got together, I swear his soul left his body when he saw her walking around gators. This guy just died
I mean im sure he and gators are best pals, BUT THEY USUALLY EAT NORMAL PEOPLE S/O WHAT ARE YOU DOING
NONO ITS WALKING IN YOUR DIRECSION S/O STOP- oh wait you are petting it, aww
"Aww look at this big boi! Soo cute!"
He wants some headpats too pls
Jason, s/o, beautiful beach, sunset, 3alligators chilling next to them. Wonderful afternoon
Bo , Vince and Lester Sinclair
"I swear if it even looks at you in wrong way im skinning it"
"So... your taming big lizards now?"
Vince secretly wants to be aligator dad and have litte gator puppy. Definitely wants to yoink (adopt) one egg and tame it
Lester tried to pick one up and put it in truck once, mostly just to prank Bo. Imagine "lester where is my shotgun🤨" "oh its in truck😈" "hsss🐍" "AAHH HOLY SHIT"
Bo hates it so much, I mean yeah gators look epic and are great if somone tries to escape Ambrose thrue lake. But s/o! My love! They can crush your hand without even thinking about it!! It's an idea for suicide!
Lester agreed to adopt one (due to vincent begging)
Micheal Myers RZ
Aw hell naaah
Man ate a cat once, ya think that thicker skin is going to stop him?
Will have stare contest with the gator
Also if s/o is a professional and works with sharks.. THIS GUY IS OBSSESED WITH SHARKS OMGOMGOGK YAS!!
Especially that its his s/o playing/swimming with the creature... so he is not the only dangerous thing shes dealing with? Maybe that's why she isn't so scared of Myers? He is overthinking sm
Pls buy him hammer head plushie or whale sharks (bro tbh lemon sharks and whale sharks are so cute i have like milion tiktoks of them saved)
Will lisen to s/o mumble and monogluge about difrent kinds of sharks, their behaviours, how they bend with humans and how cool they are!
He finds sharks very funny and goofy, and im sure he doesnt really know how fish breathe underwater.. he's convinced that they just swallow water and that's how they breath
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idevourglass · 3 months
Alright, I have a request.. Can you please draw Professor chaos being in the cage and having a plaster on his nose because Coon punched his nose and Mysterion just sitting beside the cage and is annoyed as the Coon and friends(or Freedom pals) decided to make him watch over Professor chaos so he doesn't get out of the cage?
Sorry if this is a long request
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Here ya go!
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