#there r so many thoughts inside my head i probably should check how this went on reliable sources of information: the blogs of the girlies
antibayern · 2 years
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amirsirwrites · 2 years
Hi is me again XD
My mind just have another request, idk if this idea is comfortable for you and rules for request...
Like reader death right in front of Yoru, when both thought all agent in omega earth are retreat but some agent on that omega use sniper shoot at long range, Yoru is obsessed with reader's death, his days without a reader
Thanks and have a nice day
Sorry for my bad english 😢
Heyy, elivux! Finally finished your request, sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy reading it! :)
Yoru loses you 💔
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P.S : For this story to work, we're just gonna say that Sage is unable to revive people.
Yoru x GN!reader
“You were great out there, darling,” Yoru came up beside you and wrapped an arm around your waist, kissing you on the cheek.
You giggled, kissing him back, “I could say the same for you, Mr Handsome.”
The other agents gave an eyeroll and chuckled at your ‘sappy’ displays of affection. Despite it being only a few lovey-dovey words and actions, it meant a lot to you. Yoru was totally against any kind of PDA when you two first started dating but now, a year later, here he is proudly showing everyone how much he loves you with petnames and kisses.
Jett gave you a playful punch on the shoulder, “Get a room, lovebirds.”
You smiled bashfully and gave Jett a little push in return.
Today was yet another successful mission on Ascent. It had lasted quite a while so you were all thankful it was over. 
Brimstone clapped his hands together, announcing loudly, “Alright, everyone. You know what comes now. R-”
“Routine site check,” you all simultaneously interrupted Brimstone with a sigh.
He laughed, shaking his head, “You know me too well. Let’s see.. I can take A site, Jett and Chamber can go B site, and of course, the lovely couple will go mid together.”
With that, you headed your separate ways. Yoru intertwined his fingers with yours and you made your way from Spawn to mid. Although site check is, by nature, a very boring and tedious job, doing it with each other was pleasant. 
You two walked at a leisurely pace, enjoying each other’s presence in a peaceful silence. If this was in the first few weeks of your relationship, both you and Yoru would be glancing at each other with blushing faces, giggling awkwardly if your eyes met.
Yoru squeezed your hand lightly to grab your attention.
“Hey, Y/n. How about we do something tonight? You, me, alone in my room with some nice food and a terrible but funny movie?” Yoru smiled, giving you a small wink.
You replied, “Sure! Don’t forget - I’m picking the movie this time. I already got one in mind and it is absolutely horrible.”
He nodded and chuckled softly, bringing your hand up to his mouth to give you a light kiss on your knuckles. 
Pausing at the entrance to the courtyard, you both looked around for a moment. 
“I’ll take the left side and you can take the right, that alright with you?” 
You hummed back as an agreement.
Yoru gave you a quick pat on the head and headed off to his side while you went to yours. It was probably going to be uneventful as always. I mean, out of all the times you’ve done site check, no Omega agent has ever stayed behind so why would one now?
Going as fast as you could, you checked all the possible areas someone could be hiding at, which includes the buildings in the area. It only became mandatory to check the buildings and rooms on all sites a few weeks ago after an Omega agent was seen trying to sneak into one to hide. Although it’s for safety, which is a good thing, it was irritating to have to check so many places. 
‘That should be everywher-’ 
Your line of thought was interrupted by a sound somewhere around you and you took your gun from your side swiftly.
It sounded like some light footsteps but you couldn’t pinpoint exactly where it came from. Looking around yourself with uncertainty, you bit the inside of your cheek. 
‘Maybe I’m just hearing things… It’s been a long day.’
With a final glance around the area, you hesitantly headed back out to the courtyard. You couldn’t get that little sound from just now out of your head. Perhaps you were just paranoid but still… would your mind really just imagine the sound?
You pushed it to the back of your mind and instead focused on your boyfriend who was walking out of A tree. He gave you his usual lovely smile when he saw you and your worries faded away with it.
Yoru made his way down the steps of the catwalk.
He glanced up at you again and froze.
For a split second, you saw his face contort with a look of horror then came the deafening and familiar sound of a bullet from behind you.
Then everything went black and you were gone.
He shook his head, clutching your limp body tighter. 
“No. They'll wake up any second now. Y/n will wake up and smile and say it's just some sick joke,” he whispered against your neck. 
Sage kneeled down and hugged him tightly. 
Yoru whimpered, leaning into Sage's embrace, “Please tell me you can heal them..”
She said nothing, her breathing getting shaky and her hold around Yoru getting tighter. After a few moments, she pulled away and rested a hand on his shoulder.
“It- It’s been nearly five hours, Yoru. It’s time,” Sage spoke, her voice wavering.
He pressed his forehead against yours and held your hand, wanting to scream when he felt the coldness of it. Hugging you with trembling hands, Yoru cried softly into your neck, his tears running down against it. 
His throat burned as he desperately tried to control his pained sobs.
Sage whispered, “Just.. A few more minutes.”
She left the room, leaving Yoru to grief alone.
“Hey, Yoru. I’m coming back to base soon, just finished this mission. Oh! Something really funny happened just now. Oh man, my stomach still hurts from laughing earlier. I’ll tell you all about it when I reach base. Love you.”
Replay it again. 
“Love you.”
And again and again.
Yoru lives in the memories of you, of your voice, of your photos. Everything about you.
It’s the only thing keeping him sane these days. 
Most days, he lies in bed with sunken eyes from a lack of sleep, holding one of your shirts close to his chest while he scrolls on his phone - looking at pictures of you, listening and watching to videos of you and reading back your old text messages. 
The few times when he does go out of his room, he hangs around your favourite parts of base. Sometimes, he still sees you walking around the place. 
Yoru tries his best to avoid the other agents, especially Cypher. He had never told anyone which Omega agent had taken your life. Everyone assumed it was because he doesn’t know, but he does.
He really wishes that he never saw who did it though.
Everytime he sees Cypher, he is so consumed with rage and sorrow, barely being able to breathe and think straight. He feels terrible about the impulsive thoughts he gets about torturing Cypher, making him feel the increasing pain that he does every single day he is forced to live without you, but what can he do? 
It’s just unfortunate that the Omega agents share their faces and names.
Although every day is hell for Yoru, there are days that are even worse than hell. Those days are the ones where he sees you in his sleep, smiling and laughing along with him. It’s nice at first, but then he has to wake up and remember that you’re not there anymore, an empty space beside him in your place.
During those days, all he can bring himself to do is wrap himself in the covers of his bed and cry quietly, his tears staining your shirts.
He doesn’t eat much now either, having lost his appetite due to the constant sinking feeling in his chest. The others, mostly Sage, Jett and Phoenix, make sure to get him fed by bringing food to his door. It hasn’t been working well. He’s clearly lost weight.
It pains them to see him like this but there’s not much they can do. 
The last time they tried to drag him out of his room and to the dining area, Yoru broke down crying. They felt terrible and spent the next few days trying to make it up to him by offering him his favourite snacks and whatnot. 
Regarding your death, there was a grave site constructed for you. 
Yoru doesn’t think about going there too often. After all, the things and places you held dear to you are all somewhere in his room, not at some manmade grave in the garden of the base. Sure, he admitted that it was a nice thing to do for you. Maybe it would even bring him some peace to visit it, but right now, he couldn’t bare to even think about it.
The thought that he might one day be completely fine with the fact that you’re not there scared him. Moving on? It feels selfish to him, unthinkable. But at the same time, he wants the pain to go away. All the pain to go away. 
Here he lies in his bed, late at night once again, mindlessly touching the now empty spot on his bed which you always used to lie on. 
He’d give up everything in his life to get you back.
But he knows it’s not possible.
He closes his tired, red-stained eyes and whispers so softly that he barely hears himself, “I love you, Y/n.”
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multific · 3 years
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Patrick Bateman x Reader
Summary: After finding out that you were pregnant, you only saw one option and that is to run away from your husband.
As soon as the doctor said ‘pregnant’ you knew you needed to do something. You knew how possessive Patrick can be.
You feared he might hurt the baby.
And so, you decided to leave him.
One day, when he went to work, you got back to your shared apartment and packed your things. You left a note behind, letting him know you needed to get away and that he shouldn’t look for you. And you left.
Although it broke your heart, you knew you needed to do this, for your child.
‘For the baby.’ you often said this in your head as you left. As you packed your things and as you got into the taxi.
You loved Patrick, so so much it hurt. But you also knew that if he was to flip, he might hurt the baby, and you couldn’t let that happen.
Patrick was an incredibly jealous person. If someone was to even look at you the wrong way, he would kill them.
If you imagine that possessiveness with a baby, who would take up most of your time, your mind always went to dark places.
You tried to convince yourself that he is better than that, that he would be happy with a baby.
But the dark thoughts didn’t leave you alone. 
Not even when you left.
If anything it got worse.
You were now all alone, with a baby under your heart and a husband you left behind. You couldn’t look into the mirror.
There wasn’t a moment when you didn’t think about Patrick. The amazing moments you had together and how genuinely happy you were. You were the only person besides himself whom he cared about. But then why did you leave? Why did your instinct tell you to get as far away from him as you can when you learned about your baby?
Was it fear? 
More than just fear. 
But deep down you were ashamed. Not because of your pregnancy or because of Patrick. You were ashamed that you felt the need to run away from your husband in a moment like this, you felt like something was wrong with you for feeling this way.
Moving into a new city had its advantages and disadvantages. 
You started using your maiden name again, but the gorgeous engagement and wedding ring you received from Patrick was always on your finger.
After all, you still loved him.
Eight months later, you were living in a nice apartment, with a healthy baby under your heart growing every day, bigger and bigger.
The doctor told you that you are having a boy. You were thrilled.
You got everything for him already and his room was ready as well. Although you didn’t have much money, you managed to buy everything he will ever need.
And soon, your son was born.
Beautiful, healthy baby boy.
Nicholas Y/L/N was born during the summer, July 5th.
The most beautiful baby you have ever seen. He was just the cutest.
Of course, you had been holding him for barely a minute but you already noticed features he got from his father, at least he had your nose.
Having a baby was harder than it seems.
Nick constantly woke up in the middle of the night, seemingly for no reason. He wanted to be held at all times, nurtured, and craved attention. And it was normal.
You barely got any sleep, but every single time he smiled, giggled, or laughed, you forgot everything else. All that mattered was his toothless little smile.
You stayed mostly at home, only leaving the apartment to the store once a week. Then you had to bring him back to the doctor so she could check on him. The doctor was wonderful. She explained everything and even talked to you about vaccinations and when you will have to bring Nick in for those. 
You started to forget Patrick, only your son’s eyes reminded you from time to time, but you started to be happy again
Happy with your little man.
But then things changed.
One day, while Nick was in the bedroom and you were making lunch, the doorbell rang.
If you knew who it was, you probably didn’t open the door.
But you didn’t check through the peephole, so, you came face to face with him.
He looked the same as you left him.
Handsome, hair done to perfection, his Armani suit didn’t have one crease in it and his Dior perfume caught your nose.
“Patrick...” suddenly all the fear you had during the nine months, came back at the same time. 
“Found you.” he simply said.
You noticed something in his hand. A piece of paper.
“Are you going to let me in?” he asked and you didn’t know what to do, you were frozen in one place, heart hammering so hard you feared a heart attack.
“W-What do you want?” you tried to look strong at you clanged onto the door.
You honestly don’t remember letting him in, and yet here he was sitting in front of you at your table.
He placed the paper in his hand in front of you
The paper was scrunched, torn a little at some places and the ink on it was certainly old.
“I read the letter you wrote,” he said pointing at the paper. “I read it over and over. ‘I can’t go on like this.’ ‘I love you, but...’ and it doesn’t make any sense. You were happy. You were mine. I bought you everything you wanted. Why did you leave?”
His voice was very collected. It was alarming, but you soon realized he is not there to hurt you.
“How did you find me?”
“Tim was on a business trip here and he said he saw you. Why did you leave Y/N?”
You took a deep breath, tears threatening to fall.
“I-” you were immediately interrupted by a loud cry. Your eyes widened as you looked from the door back to Patrick.
“A baby?” you heard him ask as you rushed out of the kitchen into your son’s room.
You got him into your arms and started bouncing him. Nick slowly quieted down as you turned and found Patrick watching you from the doorway. You heard the cogs in his head turn as he looked at the baby.
“How old is he?” was the question he asked but he didn’t move.
You were afraid to answer.
“Two months.” you ended up saying after a long pause.
“So, he’s mine.” you watched Patrick closely, but he didn’t move, didn’t show emotion on his face, but his eyes, his eyes said it all.
He was angry and concerned. You could tell suddenly the letter you left behind made sense to him.
“Let’s talk in the kitchen,” you said as you placed the now sleeping Nick into his crib.
Patrick moved back as you closed the door behind yourself.
With a shaky breath, you walked back into the kitchen and plopped down on the chair.
You know there was no point in hiding it now.
All you could hope for is that Patrick wouldn’t hurt you.
“I want my baby to have a fair chance in life, and I couldn’t give it to them if I stayed with you,” you said as he sat down on his chair.
“Why are you saying that?” his voice was dangerously calm and collected.
“I was afraid okay? I couldn’t stop thinking about you hurting the baby.” tears were running down your face, you felt a pain in your chest. 
Patrick sat down on the couch, letting out a long sigh. He was angry, but he was good at hiding it.
“I wouldn’t have.” he finally said.
And it shocked you.
He sounded so sincere, even hurt by the accusation. 
“I told you, many times, I could never hurt you.”
“I know. But a baby is...different. Nick takes up all of my time. I know how possessive you can be. I know how jealous you can be and what you can do. I wouldn’t want that to happen.”
Patrick leaned back in his chair.
“His name is Nick?”
You nodded once. “Nicholas Y/L/N.” 
“We are changing that to Bateman. He’s my son, he should have my name,” he said as a matter of fact. “I thought when you left that you found someone or you had enough of my... habits.”
“No, that wasn't why, and I’m sorry. I should have told you. But the scenarios kept on coming out of nowhere and I couldn’t...”
“Apology accepted. Now pack your things and the baby stuff. My wife and son deserve more than this...place.” he said looking around with a disgusted expression. You watched him leave the kitchen but you didn’t move. Everything was so fast.
After a long minute, you stood up and headed to your room, as you passed Nick’s room, you noticed the door was open.
As you looked inside you saw Patrick standing by the crib with one hand stocking Nick’s chubby cheeks. 
As you looked at your husband you soon realized what a mistake you made when you left him.
You were so scared before but as you watched the man who you married to be so gentle with your son, you knew, you can do this.
And so, you moved along to your bedroom to pack your things so the three of you can be a family.
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Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 17
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 17
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3300 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost…
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10   Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14   Part 15  Part 16
Part 17
Billy couldn’t stop gawking at you, wondering how it was possible you grew more beautiful each time he saw you. The red wrap dress you were wearing accentuated all your curves, and it took every bit of willpower he had not to rip it off of you and fuck you senseless right then and there. Unfortunately, he had to behave himself. Caravan was a pretty bouji place that had recently been labelled as one of the hottest restaurants in Manhattan and he had to pull a few strings to get a last-minute reservation for tonight. But seeing the smile on your face when you realized this was where you were dining had been completely worth all the hassle.
As the hostess guided the two of you to your table, he noticed a few assholes at the bar admiring you from afar. Immediately he snaked his arm around your waist to draw you in closer. You were his. If he could he’d pluck out every one of those fuckers’ eyes so they never made the mistake of looking at you again. Better yet, he’d keep you locked behind closed doors. Of course you wouldn’t agree to anything like that because you were too goddamn independent for your own good.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, taking a seat at your designated table.
Billy’s attention returned to your face as he followed suit, his gaze inhaling you in. “You look too hot. Too many assholes staring at you,” he grumbled.
The worried look on your face was replaced with a beaming smile, one that made his cock twitch.
“You’re being ridiculous” you remarked, scanning the menu.
His eyes drifted down to your chest, the swell of your soft, supple breasts just begging to be kissed and licked by him.
“Stop staring at my boobs, Billy,” you chastised even as a small smile graced your lips. “This is a proper first date. You can’t just ogle me like that. You have to behave like a gentleman.”
He quirked his eyebrow. “Sweetheart, I’ve never been that.”
“Well, try,” you ordered.
The waitress came by with the bottle of red wine you’d requested and poured some in both of your glasses. He noticed the redhead giving him a friendly smile, her green eyes lingering on him for a second too long. Fine, yeah, she may have been hot but she wasn’t you. No one was. So while he would have happily slipped her his number in the past, now the idea of being with someone who wasn’t you no longer excited him.
Once she left, he took the opportunity to move a few inches closer to you. What he really wanted was to get on his knees and bury his head between your legs, but something told him eating you out in in the crowded restaurant wouldn’t go over very well with you.
“I think she likes you.”
Hand propped on the back of your chair, he started playing with your hair. “Who?”
“Our waitress. She didn’t look at me once, her eyes were on you the entire time.”
He leaned in, ecstatic at the thought of you acting possessive. Even though you’d confessed to having feelings for him, Billy still worried you were ready to bolt at any moment. To see you jealous meant you genuinely cared and he didn’t have to worry about you leaving him. “She’s not my type. I have my eyes on someone else.”
You made a show of looking around the restaurant. “Oh, is Madani here too?”
“Funny,” he retorted, taking your hand in his.
“Your ginger’s lucky. I’m dressed way too nice or I’d take my knife and stab her with it.”
He smirked. “You’re vicious when you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous. I just don’t like bad service.”
“Billy, you’re hot. You know that. All the women here are checking you out. If I freaked out every time someone did that, I’d have a breakdown.”
He wanted to destroy the fucking world at the thought of someone even looking at you but apparently you were simply ambivalent about him. “So it’s that easy for you? Your brain tells you to turn off a feeling and your heart just does it?” Even to his own ears he sounded bitter. “Guess you’re not all that invested in me.”
Your eyebrow quirked up, apparently surprised by his edgy tone. “Do you want me to go nuts?”
“Just want you to give a damn.”
“You think I don’t?” you snapped. “Every time she looks at you I want to tear her hair out. Even though the rational part of me knows she’s probably just flirting with you because it’s part of her job or she’s hoping for big tips. Or maybe she really does want to fuck you. Either way, I want to punch her across the face. Happy?” You gulped down your wine.
Grinning, he squeezed your hand. “Then why not just tell me that? Why act like you don’t care?”
The agitated expression on your face was replaced with tenderness, your eyes soft. “Just because I don’t have a jealous fit doesn’t mean I don’t care. I just…” You exhaled a sigh, and he sensed this was difficult for you. “I express my emotions differently than you.”
“I noticed. You put on an act while holding everything in.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“But I want you, the real you, not the version everyone else sees.”
“It’s not that easy, Billy.”
He brought your palm to his lips. “I’d never told anyone about my mother.”
“You didn’t tell me either,” you pointed out.
“You found out anyway, and I’m so fucking glad you did. Otherwise I wouldn’t have realized I could be real with you.” He placed a tender kiss on your skin. “I don’t want to hide anything from you, Y/N.”
“Then tell me about William Rawlins.”
Your request gave him pause, his eyes roaming over your face. He’d taken painstaking measures to keep his partnership with Rawlins a secret yet you’d discovered it. “What do you want to know?”
“He gave you a lot of money.”
“I earned that money,” he said in a defensive tone. “He and I were partners for a while. Then he died.”
“You went to a lot of trouble to hide your connection to him.”
“You found out about it though.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m good at what I do.”
“Yeah, too good,” he muttered. He released your hand, watching you intently. “So what do you want to know?”
You leaned in closer, your voice barely above a whisper. He was momentarily distracted by the sensation of your tits pressed against him but he forced himself to concentrate.
“What happened to Rawlins, did you have anything to do with it?”
Billy took a swig of his wine. “Why do you think that?”
You quirked your eyebrow at him. “Knifed by someone in the parking lot. They never found the guy who did it.”
“He had a lot of enemies,” he pointed out.
“Okay, so maybe I was wrong.”
He studied you for several seconds, trying to decide if he should take the leap or not. “You’re not wrong.”
Realization dawned on your face as the truth set in. “Why did you do it?”
“You sure you want to know?”
“I’m asking, aren’t I?”
So he told you, about Operation Cerberus, his role in it and the money he earned, how he’d eliminated Rawlins a year ago when the prick plotted to take out Frank and his family. To this day Frank didn’t know about Billy’s partnership with Rawlins or how close he came to dying and he intended to keep it that way.
Throughout his confession his eyes were glued to your face, gauging your reactions. The part of him determined to do anything to be a success, the one who didn’t let society’s morals get in the way of his ambitions, would never be accepted by his closest friends. Despite the myriad of reasons to have kept that side of himself hidden, he didn’t want to do that with you. Because as risky as it was to be so open with you, it was also exhilarating. There was no one in this world he’d ever been this honest with and that kind of intense connection with you was addictive. He wanted you to know everything about him, all of the dark and vicious thoughts that ran through his head, the burning ambition that kept pushing him forward. He wanted you to know him inside and out and he wanted the same from you.
Before he could prod you to speak your mind the server came by with your dishes, setting your meals on the table. The redhead took her time, all the whilst your gaze was focused on the table, avoiding his. Billy’s heart started to pound in his chest, he was suddenly filled with doubt. Had he made a mistake in telling you the truth? Did he just completely fuck this up? Every second the goddamn redhead lingered at the table felt like an eternity when all he wanted was to shake you out of your stupor.
The second the server left, he moved in on you. “Are you gonna say something?”
You finally looked at him, your forehead burrowed. “We need to do a better job of hiding your history with Rawlins. I found it, that means someone else can too.”
“You gonna help me with that?”
You shook your head ‘yes’. “Yeah, I have to. You need me.”
“What I did doesn’t bother you?”
You exhaled a heavy sigh. “Of course it does, but there’s nothing I can do about it. You’ve seen me at my worst and you didn’t judge me. I won’t do that to you either. Besides, when the universe deals you a shitty hand you’ve got to find other ways to even out your odds.”
A strange feeling of warmth flooded over him, compelling him to angle forward and kiss you on the lips.
You pulled away a second later, smiling at him as you rubbed the corner of his mouth. “This lipstick isn’t kiss-proof.”
“I don’t care.” Wicked visions of you flashed through his mind. Your bold red lips wrapped around his cock, sucking him off the way he liked it. His cum spread over your tits, your neck, your lips. The taste of your sweet, delicious cunt on his tongue as he fucked you with his mouth. The heat of your tongue against his as he rammed into you over and over-
“Stop looking at me like that,” you warned.
“Then stop looking so hot,” he snarked.
You smiled, biting down on your bottom lip.
It blew his mind how sweet and shy you were when he paid you compliments, like you didn’t expect that from him. Obviously he needed to fix that, because you deserved to know how insanely beautiful you were all the time.
“Has Anvil been okay without Rawlins?” you asked, taking a bite out of your butternut squash ravioli.
Swallowing his steak, he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “It was tough for a while but we’ve been doing pretty well the last few months.”
“You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished, Billy. You took a big risk going into business for yourself and you made it work. That’s amazing. I could never do that.”
Billy’s insides radiated with happiness. Other than Curtis and Frank he never really had people who genuinely believed in him so to have you cheering him on was exalting. Especially considering you were great at what you did and he had so much respect for you.
He poured himself and you more wine before reaching for your hand again. “I think you could. You’d make a shitload of money if you freelanced.”
You shook your head ‘no’. “No way, I’m too much of a coward to take a risk like that.” You took a sip of your wine. “Plus I get to go to Paris for work.”
“Or you could go to Paris on vacation and not work.”
“Then I’d have to pay for it,” you pointed out, grinning. “When you grow up the way I did, you learn to appreciate free things.”
Your enthusiasm was infectious, he couldn’t hep but smile back. A part of him was hoping this would be the perfect opening for you to talk more about your childhood, about everything you went through, because he desperately wanted you to trust him as much as he trusted you with his secrets.
“I’ll be there for two weeks,” you continued, oblivious to his disappointment. “We’re going to scout out locations for the new branch and-”
“We?” Billy interjected.
You cast him a quick glance. “Roger’s coming with me on the trip.”
The jealousy that struck him felt like a swift kick to his gut. Images of you and that goddamn bastard traipsing around and enjoying romantic date nights in Paris assaulted his mind. Agitated, he pulled his hand from yours. “I bet that fucker can’t wait to be alone with you.”
“Billy, come on. You can’t be serious.”
“How would you feel if I took off with someone who wanted to fuck me?”
“First of all, he doesn’t want me.”
His jaw clenched with frustration as he glared at you. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s thought about fucking you.”
“Even if he does, I don’t want him.” You reached out to cup his face, your voice so soft and tender in your attempts to placate him that he momentarily forgot how upset he was. “You really think I’d jeopardize what we have for a fling with Roger? I wouldn’t do that.”
“Then don’t go. Turn him down.”
Irritation flickered over your face, he could tell you were done coddling him. “Billy, you have no right to ask me that. I’d never interfere with your work.”
Underneath all that jealousy he knew you were right. As much as he despised the idea of you going away to Paris with another guy, he couldn’t demand that you not go on work trips. If you did that to him, it would annoy the fuck out of him. Yet despite his rational side recognizing he was asking for too much, he couldn’t help but feel bitter. “That asshole’s gonna make a move on you, I know it.”
“What if he does? What do you think is gonna happen?”
Hs eyes met yours, urgently seeking some kind of validation from you. “You tell me.”
“Do you think I’m going to sleep with him?”
He flinched. “Don’t talk about fucking another guy, please. You’re gonna make me lose my appetite.”
You took his hand and placed it over your left breast, probably to distract him from all the disgusting images that were running through his brain. “I wanted you so badly and even then it took me like a month to fuck you. Trust me, I’m not going to sleep with him when I’m not even attracted to him.”
Spotting the earnestness in your eyes, the knot in his stomach finally loosened. Roger may have had a hard-on for you but Billy knew you felt nothing for the fucker. He’d noticed that even at the night of the gala. So that meant he had to trust you, there was no reason not to. “Call me every night when you’re there,” he grumbled.
“Every night? You’re probably going to start blocking my calls,” you laughed.
He booped your nose. “Every. Fucking. Night.”
You beamed. “Fine.” A wicked glint flashed in your eyes, a seductive smile on your lips as you slowly moved his hand lower, his fingers now on your nipple. “Hey, just ‘cause you’re not there with me doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.”
He stroked your nipple over the fabric of your dress, enjoying how the nub hardened under his touch, the way your breath hitched in your throat when he continued his ministrations. With his other hand he tucked your hair behind your ear, whispering to you. “Phone sex is alright, but nothing beats this.” His tongue curved along the shell of your ear, and you trembled against him. “Right?”
The waitress seemed to come out of nowhere this time to ask how your meals were, and you jumped back. Disappointed, he sighed.
“Food was great. Thank you,” you replied, smiling stiffly at the redhead.
“Can I get you anything else?”
“Privacy would be great,” Billy muttered.                                                            
You kicked him under the table. “Dessert menu?”
“Sure. I’ll bring it right over,” the waitress said, taking your plates away.  
“I’ll give you all the sugar you want once we get outta here,” he murmured seductively, caressing your thigh.
You giggled, rolling your eyes. “That’s a terrible line!” You took his hand and removed it from your thigh. “Billy, I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”
“Why not?”                                                      
“Because it’s our first date and I don’t put out on the first date.”
“Now that’s a terrible line,” he fired back, mimicking your earlier tone.
“Also, we already had sex this morning.”
“So? I’m greedy. I can’t get enough of you.” There was that shy smile of yours again, and he reached out to give you a sweet peck on the cheek. “You blush every time I tease you.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, it’s adorable.”
Your cheeks grew even more red. “I’m not used to it from you. A part of me still thinks you’re bullshitting me.”
Billy stiffened. “Really?”
“I know you’re not playing me,” you reassured. “It’s on me, not you. I just have a hard time accepting when good things happen.”
The waitress came by with the dessert menu. He briefly glanced at it before ordering a slice of pecan pie while you ordered a piece of chocolate cake.
As soon as the redhead left, he broached the topic with you again. “I’m not gonna hurt you, babe. You have to believe that.”
You didn’t look at him, your eyes fixed somewhere on his chest. “I do. You were so pissed off at me last night. I honestly expected you to hit me because you were so angry. But you didn’t.”
It made him sick to his stomach that you actually thought him capable of hitting you. It hadn’t even occurred to him that you would worry about that, but of course you would. With your childhood it made perfect sense, he was just a fucking idiot who hadn’t realized how much it still impacted you. “I’m never gonna lay a hand on you. I swear.” His eyes locked with yours, hoping you can sense how much he meant those words.
“I believe you.”
His voice was insistent, his gaze boring into you. “Why did you think I would?”
Your eyes wavered from his eyes to his lips for a long time, the atmosphere thick with tension. Your facial expressions ran the gamut of painful emotions, from uncertainty to fear to sheer panic.
It finally sank in that maybe the reason you were keeping the truth from him had noting to do with if you trusted him or not. Maybe you didn’t want to be assaulted by memories from the past that caused you so much pain. The last thing he wanted was for you to experience that hell again. Regretting his demanding tone, his hands caressed down the length of your arms. “You don’t have to tell me, It’s okay.”
Your eyes brimmed with aching vulnerability as you looked up at him. “I want to… I just… give me some time, okay?” You pressed your lips against his, giving him the softest, sweetest kiss. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight for so long, I don’t want to ruin it, you know?”
His heart felt full, his mind reeling with wonderment at the thought of you truly reciprocating his feelings. His arms wrapped around you as you sank into him, burying your face in his chest. His fingers stroked the back of your hair, murmuring soft, soothing words to you. Somewhere in the distance he heard the server’s voice trying to interject, but he didn’t give a damn.  He was yours and you were his and nothing was going to ruin that. Nothing.
Part 18
A/N - I realize not much happened in this chapter but I just reallly wanted to write a dialogue heavy part where they simply get to know and enjoy each other. I think they’ve earned some fluff. LOL.
As always, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Please let me know your thoughts.
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just-a-dumb-gay · 3 years
Why Are Humans Like This - Lady Dimirescu X Reader - 1623 Words
5 Times you try to scare Alcina + the time she gets you back
Prompt from Anon-R: Reader tries to keep scaring Alcina and Alcina just plays along cause it’s so cute that her partner who is barely half her height tries to scare her after all she’s the one who scares others
Tags: Reader gender is not specified, it's just soft, Daniela shows up twice and twice is bored of you, but Alcina admires your effort
1 .
You're wandering the halls of the Castle Dimitrescu, bored out your mind. Alcina had some business to attend to in the village down the mountain but with it being the middle of winter you could not go with her because she was afraid you would be too cold. Her daughters are who knows where, so you don't have anyone around to keep you company.
You're down an almost hidden corridor near the front door, and get blasted with a cold draft indicating Alcina is finally home. You decide to try and make the day more interesting to break up the boredom. Peeking around a wall you see that it's definitely Alcina who opened the door, and lucky for you she's not looking in your direction.
As quietly as you can you tiptoe behind her as she is hanging her jacket up neatly. Once you're behind her you shout "Boo" as loud as you can. But she doesn't flinch, but she does start laughing and turns around to face you, her pail skin glowing with happiness.
"You knew I was there didn't you?" You ask, a little disappointed.
"My dear Y/N, your socks squeak ever so slightly on this floor," She continues laughing. "It was a good attempt though." She says leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
You sigh but can't help but smile whenever she's so gentle with you. You decide to make it your mission from then on to scare Alcina at least once.
2 .
Another day in the middle of winter and Alcina once again went into town without you to gather some food for you along with some extra supplies.
When she arrives home you take a few bags through to the kitchen and realize this might be the perfect opportunity to try and scare Alcina again.
You look around for a hiding spot but your thinking is cut short by her footsteps echoing nearer the kitchen. You dive into a cupboard that is currently empty, there's probably better places you could have hidden but this was the closest.
The door opens and her footsteps pause for a moment.
"Y/N? Where have you gotten yourself to?" It takes everything in you not to laugh.
She begins walking closer to your hiding spot, a second later you hear bags being placed on the counter above you.
You realize you didn't have a plan for how to scare her, but that doesn't matter because the cupboard door opens to reveal Alcina kneeling in front of it, smiling from ear to ear.
"Really?!" You say with a sigh.
"You were not exactly quiet when closing this," she says tapping the door before offering a hand to help you out,
You sigh again before accepting her help.
"If it's any comfort, Daniela would have fallen for that." She laughs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
A loud "Hey! I heard that!" comes from somewhere nearby, followed by many meaningless threats when you both burst out laughing.
3 .
Spring finally rolls around and Alcina celebrates by taking you out into the garden and woods behind the castle for a picnic. But as soon as you both get comfortable on the plaid blanket she brought out she notices she forgot the most important part of lunch. The wine. She asks you to stay put and rushes back inside.
You pick at the grass for a moment before deciding to try and scare Alcina again. And this time you're confident it will work.
You make your way up a tree, all the practice you had as a kid exploring the forest around your home coming in handy. And there you wait.
She returns with two bottles of what looks to be some fancy and quite old wine, but stops once she sees you've disappeared. She places the wine on the blanket and begins looking around nearby for you.
After staying quiet for a few moments she finally walks under the tree you're in allowing you the perfect opportunity.
You jump down and land on her back with your arms around her neck.
"Should I start calling you a monkey from now on?" She teases.
You let yourself down from her back, confused as to how that didn't work. Alcina sits down and interrupts your thoughts by pulling you down into her lap and peppering you with kisses anywhere she can reach. Something that never fails to make you laugh.
“You will scare me one day, Y/N, I'm sure of it." She encourages, squeezing her arms gently around your waist.
4 .
A month or so passes with you struggling to find the chance to have another attempt at scaring Alcina. But finally on this fine morning another opportunity shows itself.
You wake up to Alcina having already left the bed and in the shower. Not seconds after having your idea you're sneaking through the corridors down to the kitchen. Once you have the required item, a bucket of cold water, you sneak back to your room and into the bathroom. You're relieved to see she left the squeaky door open, less chance for you to get caught.
Carefully balancing on the toilet, you attempt to pour the cold water over her. But you miss. Completely. She steps out the way of it the second you tip the bucket over.
"Seriously?!" You sigh, getting frustrated that nothing you try is working.
You step off the toilet as Alcina pulls back the shower curtain watching you with a fond smile.
"That was a good try, I'll give you that." She takes your hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it, before yanking you into the shower with her. While you're still fully clothed.
You scream slightly at the sudden shock as Alcina has her arms around your waist keeping you trapped with her. Although you can't protest much, you will never get bored of hearing seeing her so full of joy.
5 .
It's a normal quiet night in the castle, raining is pouring outside making it the perfect time to curl up and watch a movie.
You're thinking over your past failed attempts at scaring Alcina when one final idea comes to mind, something an old friend you had used to do to you all the time.
You wait for a quiet bit in the movie and glance over to Alcina to make sure she's focused on the movie. You take a second to mentally prepare yourself, before screaming loudly.
Alcina jumps beside you and turns around with wide eyes worried you're hurt. But your scream quickly turns to laughter.
Not 10 seconds after you scream Daniela barges in the room expecting danger but is only met by you doubled over laughing and Alcina looking incredibly confused and still shocked.
You take a moment to compose yourself knowing they're both waiting on an explanation. But all you can get out is "Finally!". You throw your hands in the air in celebration and that's when it clicks for them both.
Daniela rolls her eyes and leaves while mumbling "Why are humans like this?", she's never exactly been a fan of your antics. Alcina on the other hand sits patiently waiting for you to calm down but no matter how hard you try you can't stop laughing.
"Y/N please remember that you need to breathe." Alcina says with a hint of concern. Upon hearing that you have to try extra hard to calm down.
It takes a few moments of deep breathing for you to finally stop laughing. But when you do you turn to Alcina with a victorious smile.
"I had faith you would manage one day, although I will admit that is not how I expected you do to it." She says, sounding genuinely proud of your success.
+1 .
It's a horrible day outside, heavy rain and thunder. You're in your room working on a sketch of the castle you started a few days prior when it was sunny out. Alcina had sat behind you in the courtyard with her head resting atop yours watching you draw.
You've never been a fan of thunder, so you have your headphones on up as loud as they'll go. You don't know exactly where Alcina is, you assume she's somewhere around the castle perhaps checking to make sure the rain isn't getting in anywhere.
You lean back in your chair to think for a moment, you can't figure out what but something is missing from your drawing. You wind up deep in thought trying to understand what's wrong or what's missing when a strong pair of hands grab your shoulders.
You get such a freight you fall off your chair and as soon as your headphones fall around your neck you're met with the magical sound of Alcina's laugh echoing through the room.
You mumble "Holy shit" as you're trying to get your breath back.
When Alcina hears your laboured breathing she worries she may have been a little too rough with you. She helps you off the ground and over to the much more comfortable bed.
"I hope that was not too harsh, my love." She says, worry flooding her voice. She gently rubs your back, waiting for you to say anything.
It takes a few minutes but once you're sure you can trust your voice all you say is "I definitely deserved that."
Alcina is relieved at your humor and begins laughing with you.
Daniela comes into the room again, but not as rushed as last time. She sees you both laughing and figures out her guess of there being no real danger was correct. Rolling her eyes once more she silently leaves you both to your painfully cute ways.
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justmypartner · 3 years
Safe - 8x14 Speculation Fic
Writer’s Note: The idea for this came from the 8x14 synopsis, and while it technically still is a speculation fic, I don’t imagine the episode happening exactly like this. However, I did use what I’ve seen from bts photos and videos, as well as things Tracy has said in interviews to develop some of the scenes/details. This is probably my favorite piece that I’ve written in a while, so I hope you enjoy & thank you for reading!
Hailey rustled through her closet looking for her black wedged boots, trying her best to hurry as she knew Jay was waiting for her in the kitchen. She wasn’t much of a boot with a heel kind of girl, but she and Jay had special plans and she wanted to look nicer than usual. While they had been together for months, that night was the first time they were going on a proper date. They each decided at the beginning of their relationship that with both of their histories, they wanted to keep things simple and to themselves, which meant a lot of take-out and a lot of nights alone in their apartments. However, after Hailey mentioned something in passing about their clandestine time together starting to feel restrictive, Jay made plans at a fancy restaurant where he knew they wouldn’t run into any of their fellow team members.
“I don’t mean to rush you, but our reservation is in 45 minutes and it will take us about 30 to get there,” Jay said softly, peeking his head around the door frame.
“I know, I know. I’m trying to- finally!” she shouted upon finding the boots in the corner of her closet. She brought a knee into her chest as she pulled a boot onto her foot before switching to the other leg and doing the same.
“Okay, I just need to get my phone and wallet and then I’ll be-“ her words were cut short as she caught sight of him for the first time that evening. He was wearing a dress shirt with a light jacket, and his dark jeans curled over the top of a pair of black dress boots. It was much different from his typical, rugged workwear, but she took note of how well the look suited him.
“Wow you clean up nice, Halstead,” she told him with a dimpled smile as he blushed, extending a hand down to help her rise from the floor. Once she was standing, the small space between them closed quickly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her lips to his briefly. While the heels added extra height, she still needed to raise on her tiptoes to meet his mouth.
“Not too bad yourself, Detective,” he uttered as her lips pulled away. His hands grasped her waist, holding her steady as she remained on her toes. They stayed pressed against one another for a moment looking into each other’s eyes, and just when he was about to go in for another kiss, she fell on her heels and pressed the tips of her fingers against his chest.
“Normally, I would indulge in this further, but we’re going to miss our reservation and I’m starving,” she teased, moving past him to retrieve her phone, keys, and wallet, along with her jacket slung over the back of the couch.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Hailey was charmed by how nice it was. It was far different from the usual dive bars and pubs they went to after work, and part of her even felt like it was too nice for them to be at.
“Halstead, party of 2,” he told the hostess, holding up 2 fingers with the hand that wasn’t intertwined with Hailey’s.
A stifled smile came across her face and she nodded her head towards the floor as they waited for someone to guide them to their table. It seemed surreal to be standing in the middle of a fancy restaurant with him, holding his hand and waiting to be seated for a romantic dinner. She couldn’t tell if it was because of how long she secretly pined over him or if it was because being with Jay felt like her first real love story, but there were many moments when being with him felt like some fantasy, and that moment was one of them. At one point in time, being with him was something she only dreamt about. It was a thought that crossed her mind when his gaze lingered a little longer than it should or when an accidental touch sent her heart racing. Before they took that leap, she worried being with him would mean giving up being his partner. It was that fear that made her keep her feelings bottled up for so long, but as they proved time and time again, as partners, as lovers, and as both - they were good together. She turned her head and placed a light kiss on his shoulder. It was a tangible reminder that he was hers to kiss, but it also grounded her in that moment that felt like just another dream.
The dinner itself was incredible. Hailey officially added the restaurant to her list of favorite food spots in Chicago, and they spent the entire meal giggling and sharing stories they had never shared before. By the end of it, Jay was stuffed, but Hailey insisted they order a dessert, her sweet tooth getting the best of her. Jay teased her for ordering the lava cake, the most indulgent option on the menu, but she was able to tease him right back when he asked the waiter for a second spoon when it was brought to the table.
Just as Jay was about to pay the check, his phone began to ring, Voight’s name popping up across the screen as he pulled out his wallet.
“Uh oh,” Hailey said as he picked it up to answer. Jay spoke with their boss briefly, mainly nodding his head and muttering brief affirmations every few seconds.
“I think she’s out tonight, but I can call her and swing by to pick her up wherever she is,” Jay said, shooting Hailey a wide-eyed look as he quickly came up with an excuse as to why they’d be riding in together all dressed up.
“Alright hot stuff, as much as I’d like to keep this night going, it seems we caught a case,” he told her, as he stood from his chair. He took out his wallet, counting out enough money to cover the check and tip before resting the bills under his glass on the table.
“At least we made it through dessert,” she said, sending him a childlike smile.
“Oh, that was dessert? I had something else in mind for that,” he replied smugly, Hailey’s face turning bright red at his suggestive words.
“Oh really?” She questioned, taking a step towards him to close the gap between them. “You’d better clean up that mind before we get to the scene,” she whispered with a chuckle, twirling around swiftly and making her way towards the door as he shook his head at her tease. His hand found the small of her back as they made their way out the door, and he placed a kiss against her temple, knowing it would probably be the last display of affection he could show before they had to enter partner mode.
When they arrived at the house, Kevin and Voight were outside talking to a few patrol officers. Hailey’s mood had changed drastically upon arriving at the scene. She couldn’t explain why, but she felt uneasy as she jumped out of the truck and secured her badge and gun to her hip.
As they approached, Kevin pursed his lips together and let out a two-tone whistle as he caught sight of Hailey.
“Damn girl, sorry to pull you away from whatever had you all cleaned up,” he told her, cocking his head to the side as she shook her head at him with a smirk. Her eyes caught sight of Voight’s as they darted between her and Jay and she became nervous, imagining that he was putting two and two together. She decided to change the subject quickly before any further comments could ensue.
“Oh, shut up,” she told him. “What do we got?” She asked, spinning her head around the scene and taking in the myriad of patrol cars.
“I think it’s something you have to unfortunately see for yourself. I do have to say, you might want to brace yourself for this one,” he said, turning to lead them inside. Jay and Hailey met eyes, sharing a look of concern before turning and following Kevin and Voight inside.
Walking through the front door, they collectively grimaced at the overwhelming smell of blood that tinged their noses. They hesitantly made their way deeper into the house and Hailey’s heart dropped when she caught sight of a family of four, a couple and their two kids, all tied up and shot dead on the living room floor. That uneasy feeling from before suddenly made sense. She clenched her jaw, groaning at the sight as she looked away, recognizing the same unsettled look in the face of each of her fellow officers.
“What the hell happened here?” Jay asked, looking over at Kevin for the answer.
“This is the second home invasion robbery in this neighborhood this week. Robbery-homicide has been working these guys since the first one, but so far they’ve come up with no leads. Whoever these guys are, they’re professionals. It’s a two-man crew, they come in through the back, dressed head to toe in dark attire, get what they need, kill the family, and get out. They’re in and out in less than 10 minutes and they’ve got a getaway driver who knows how to avoid traffic cameras. Robbery-homicide tells me these guys killed a family of three earlier this week, and that the dad had bruises on his body in addition to the gunshot wound that killed him. Now, what’s interesting is in this case, the mom is the one with these bruises. These families were definitely targeted, we’re just not sure how or why,” he explained causing them each to frown.
While Kevin explained the case, Hailey fell silent as the details brought her back to a string of cases she had worked during her time in robbery-homicide. She spent weeks chasing after a crew targeting families who had shopped at a high-end jewelry store, only that connection was missed for the first half of the investigation. By the time she and her team had finally caught on to why the families were being targeted, four families had already been killed, five kids below the age of ten among the victims. Hailey beat herself up for months knowing if they had caught onto the pattern sooner, they could have saved more of the families - more of the kids. This case sounded eerily similar, and she was bound to not let history repeat itself.  
“How’d we catch this if robbery-homicide was on it?” Jay asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as his gaze intentionally avoided the gruesome scene before them.
“Miller assigned it to us. She wanted a fresh pair of eyes. She’s getting a lot of heat from the press about there being no leads, especially since this is a high-end neighborhood. Plus, these guys have already killed three tender-aged kids. I want the animals on a stick,” Voight replied straightly.
“Do we know what they’re after?” Hailey asked, her brain already working to establish a connection.  
“No, and that’s what’s given our robbery-homicide guys so much trouble. The only connection is that both families have had pretty high-tech safes somewhere in the house. Last house it was in a bedroom closet, but this one was in the basement. It seems like these guys make their way in, beat the location and combo of the safe out of one of the parents, get what they need, and off the entire family before hauling ass out,” Kevin told them.
“Well, I’ve worked cases like this one before. If we’re going to get anywhere, we need to figure out what it was they wanted and how they knew about it. We’re on a time crunch now, because it’s only a matter of time before these guys strike again,” she said, turning and leaving the house without waiting for any of their responses.
After leaving the scene, they all made their way back to the district to go over the files robbery-homicide had sent over. They browsed over the files for a couple of hours before Voight sent them home, needing them to rest up and refresh before they dove completely into the case the next day. The familiarity of the case was itching at Hailey, but as much as she wanted to see something that everyone else was missing, she came up short in every place she looked.
The next morning, she and Jay got coffee together. She had been quiet since they caught the case. Jay picked up on her shift in mood that occurred from the restaurant to the scene, but he left it alone to give her the space she seemed to need. He eventually built up the nerve to ask what was wrong. She told him about her old case and how much it meant to catch the guys and quickly. He agreed, admitting to her how much seeing those dead kids struck a nerve. He reassured her they would catch them one way or another. As they walked out of the coffee shop, a call came over the radio:
Units over the city-wide, we got calls of a home invasion. 1433 N State Street
“Gold Coast, that’s the same neighborhood as the other home invasions, you think that’s our guys?” Jay asked looking over at Hailey as he held the radio up.
“Could be, let’s roll on it,” she told him, rushing towards his truck as he followed, telling dispatch they were taking the call.
They rolled up to the scene, carefully clearing the house together, but they arrived too late, and the offenders were gone. They found the couple who lived there in the same position as the last two families, only they still had a pulse. Hailey tried asking them what the offenders were after, but all she got were incoherent mutterings from each victim. They both died before ambulances could arrive, but just the same as the other cases, only the husband had signs of bruising in addition to the gunshot wound, and a safe was found in the back of a linen closet. While crime techs combed the house, Hailey made her way out to the back garden, finding a hose to rinse the victim’s blood from her hands. Her hands were shaking so much, she couldn’t quite scrub enough to get them clean. Jay caught sight of her through the window and wade his way out to her, grabbing her hands in his to steady them. She looked up at him as he nodded his head, taking the hose and helping her scrub her hands clean. Once they were clear, he held her hands in his for a minute longer, quickly releasing them when someone cleared their throat behind them. When they turned around Voight was standing there, his hands deep in his pockets, eyeing the two of them as they took a step back from one another. If he didn’t know about them before, he definitely did then.
“You get anything new on these guys?” He asked, a knowing look plastered across his face.
“No, Sarge. They were gone by the time we pulled up,” Jay told him, dropping the hose to the ground.
“Well, get back to it. We’ve wasted enough time as it is, we’ve got to catch these guys,” he said bluntly, turning and making his way back into the house. The two of them stayed there frozen, shaking their heads at how careless they had been to let him walk up on them like that.
Back at the district, they scrubbed the lives of all of the victims, still coming up with no connection between any of them. Nighttime arrived once again with no leads and no suspects, so they decided to call it and head home. That night, Hailey laid awake, tossing and turning for hours. She tried every method she knew to fight off the insomnia that had kept her restless, but nothing was able to lull her into a slumber. It was the case that was keeping her up, and her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling while a million theories circulated through her mind. Something about it just didn’t make sense, and she couldn’t shake the idea that they had been missing an obvious connection. The faces of the couple she tried to save earlier that day remained at the forefront of her mind, and after a while of fighting off the urge to get out of bed and chase that gut feeling, she finally slipped out from the grasp of Jay’s limp arm, carefully retreating from the bed as to not wake him. She made her way over to her closet, pulling on a pair of jeans and slipping a sweatshirt over her head before grabbing her badge and gun from the nightstand and sliding her phone into her back pocket. She made her way to her office, retrieving a sticky note and pen to write Jay a message letting him know where she was going.
Couldn’t sleep. Gone back to the district, needed to go over the case again. ♡
She tiptoed back into the bedroom and placed the note on her pillow where she knew he’d see if he happened to wake up. She grabbed her coat and opened the front door, slowly guiding it closed on her way out, still trying her best to be as quiet as possible. She wasn’t sure what she would be looking for when she arrived at the district, but she had hoped that studying it alone and in the quietness of the empty bullpen would provide her with a new perspective. She made herself a cup of coffee before walking over to her desk and opening up every file they had on the case. She paced the floor of the empty space, flipping through files and studying photos until she was sure there was nothing to see. Finally, she hoisted herself onto the top of her desk, pulling her knees into her chest and eyeing the board for something they may have been missing. Suddenly, she heard the beeping of the keypad and the clanging of the door opening and closing downstairs. She checked her phone to see the time. It was 4 am, and she couldn’t imagine who else would be up that early. She did a double-take as Jay made his way around the corner, a look of exhaustion on his face as he sent her a lazy smile.
“What are you doing here?” She asked him, unclasping her hands from around her knees and pulling herself to the edge of the desk.
“Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing,” he said with a smirk, pulling his jacket from his shoulders and resting it on the back of her desk chair.
“I couldn’t sleep. Something about this case was keeping me up, so I figured instead of lying in bed and staring at the ceiling for hours I would try and make myself useful. You didn’t have to come check on me. I’m fine,” she told him, the corners of her lips curling up into a reassuring smile as he came to stand over her.
“I couldn’t go back to sleep once I realized you were gone,” he told her softly with a slight pout before turning to lean on the desk beside her. “So, what have you figured out?” He asked, his attention turning to the board before them. She sighed, crossing her arms and staring at the crime scene photos as he waited for her response.
“I don’t know. I mean these families have no connections. The kids all go to different schools, they all work at completely different places, they don’t even shop at the same stores, I can’t seem to figure out where their lives intersect, so I just don’t understand why they’re being targeted,” she ran down, looking over at Jay whose eyes surveyed the information on the board.
“Maybe it’s about more than just the robbery. I mean they’re taking time to kill every member of the family, including the kids. Unless these guys are just straight-up psychopaths, it sounds like whatever is going on could be personal,” Jay suggested, looking over at his partner whose eyes were transfixed on one particular photo on the case board. His words sparked something in her, and she caught sight of the words Resurgence Tech written in bold font on a magnet on the refrigerator from the second crime scene. She knew the name was familiar, but she couldn’t remember how.
She pulled out the files from each of the cases and found what she was looking for. An email address registered in the husband’s name from the first robbery ending in resurgencetech.co. Looking at the other files, she was able to establish a connection between all of them leading back to a company previously known as Resurgence Tech. As she and Jay investigated through the night, they were able to figure out what was being stolen and why it was worth killing over. Resurgence Tech was a company co-founded by four individuals, Ryan Ethers, victim of the first robbery, Scarlett Jameson, victim of the second, Max Lin, victim from the third, and Lianne Meadows, who lived in a house in the Gold Coast District close to the previous victims. Five years prior, Resurgence Tech created a breakthrough idea for a high-tech medical device that had the potential to significantly change the practice of medicine. However, after hours of gathering information and records, the two detectives found out that the design was actually stolen from two brothers who had developed the original idea for a project they were working on in college. Resurgence used their power and influence to discredit the claims of the brothers, blacklisting them from the entire industry, and eventually pulling the design before it could ever meet the market. Not long after, Resurgence shut down for good, liquidating its assets and washing its hands of its shady actions for good. Digging deeper into the four co-founders of Resurgence and knowing more about where to look, Hailey and Jay were able to find email exchanges between them all discussing what to do with the patent plans for the stolen design in case there ever came a time to reintroduce the tech to the market. The strategy was to split the plans between the four of them, each keeping a piece locked up on a thumb drive hidden in a safe.
As soon as the sun rose that morning, Hailey called Voight and the rest of the team to come in. She explained the connection and identified the brothers as suspects, describing how the robberies must have been to obtain the thumb drives and get vengeance for the way Resurgence screwed them over. The situation had a significant impact on the brothers’ lives, leading them to turn to a life of crime, describing how they got connected with an armed robbery crew, and began pulling jobs across the city before getting caught only a year after Resurgence blacklisted them from the tech industry. They were released early due to overcrowding and good behavior, so they got out, hacked into the emails of the individuals that ruined their lives, and found out the design was out there, still viable to be profited from. Running on anger and revenge and using the skills they developed in their time with the robbery crew, they sought to take back what was theirs. They were operating under the theory that the two brothers were committing the crimes, and a guy that used to run with them in their old robbery crew was taking on the role as the getaway driver.
“Well, let’s go scoop ‘em up,” Voight said upon hearing the rundown of the case.
“Sarge, as much as I want to bring these guys in, we don’t have any evidence on them. There’s been no DNA, no prints, no witnesses tying these guys to these cases. There’s no way they’re going to talk, and if we bring them in, they’re just going to get released even if we keep them for the full 48 hours. By then they’ll have already made plans to run,” Jay said.
“These guys have killed nine people, three of those people being little kids. If we don’t act now, they’re going to strike again and that’s going to be blood on our hands. We bring them in, and we make them talk. I don’t care if we have to threaten them, or if we get ‘em to flip on each other. Either way, we’re not just going to sit around and wait for something to happen on this one. Not when we’ve got a pile of bodies growing the longer we sit here with our thumbs up our asses. So, Hailey, Jay, I want you two going to pick these guys up,” Voight bit back, a distinct annoyance in his voice. He had been on edge throughout the entirety of the case, but his temper seemed to have only increased after walking up on Jay and Hailey at the scene a day prior.
As much as Hailey wanted to side with Voight, she knew Jay was right. Bringing them in with no evidence and no witnesses placing them at any of the scenes would only guarantee them getting to walk, something she was determined to not let happen.
“Sarge, we can’t,” she muttered, swallowing what felt like a rock in her throat as his face fell with bitter surprise.
“What?” He challenged, his head dropping down as he cut his eyes at her.
“Jay is right. We can’t just jump on these guys with no evidence or else we risk losing them for good. I know you want to get these guys quick, but there’s got to be a better play,” she replied, taking note of the uncomfortable looks expressed by the other Intelligence members who quietly observed the interaction from the other side of the room. She watched as he pulled the inside of his cheek between his teeth.
“Remind me, who’s the sergeant of this unit?” The question carried a great deal of weight, and everyone in the room fell silent as his eyes travelled between each of the five intelligence members. “You don’t have to agree with what I say, but there’s a chain of command here and I expect you to listen to me. Now, unless there’s another sergeant in this unit I’m unaware of, I’m in charge. So, I’m only going to say this one last time. Jay, Hailey, go pick these guys up. I have to go update Miller on what’s going on. Those guys better be sitting in interrogation when I get back. End of,” he roared, making his way past the officers who remained frozen in place.
While Adam, Kevin, and Kim went back to work, Hailey grabbed her jacket, heading down the hallway out to the parking lot to follow the sergeant’s orders.
“Hailey, wait,” Jay called after her, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the observation room where he knew the others wouldn’t be able to hear them.
“What?” She questioned, a look of concern on her face as he silently thought through his words.
“I think I have another play,” he told her.
“Jay, he seemed- “she began before he cut her off.
“No, I know, but you know I’m right. We bring these guys in now and these families will never get the justice they deserve. We know there’s only one family left on their list, Lianne Meadows. The only move we have left is to catch these guys in the act. I say we sit on her house and wait for the robbery to go down, snatch them up, and then we have the guns tying them to the other cases and we have leverage to get them to flip if we need to,” Jay told her, the look in his eyes pleading with her to agree.
She knew Jay was right, but she also knew what going against Voight’s orders would mean. By that point, it was safe to assume he knew about their relationship. She knew that alone would be cause for him to assign them to different partners or even to different units. Teaming up and going against him would only increase the chances of him pulling the trigger on that. From the start of the case, she knew she wanted to catch the guys no matter what, but she never imagined it would involve making a decision that could possibly jeopardize her partnership with Jay. Every part of her knew his way was the only option that gave them a chance of making things right, yet she knew there would be a cost to them both going against Voight’s orders.
“You’re right… but let me do it alone,” she told him, causing him to frown at her words.
“What? No, I can’t let you go after these guys by yourself,” he argued, a combination of concern and annoyance in his voice.
“Jay, if we do this together it’s only going to give him reason to split us up. I have a feeling we’re already on his hit list after everything that has happened these past few days, and if he sees that we’re siding with each other… going rogue against his orders? He could reassign us partners, or worse, ship one of us off again. You, this partnership, our relationship, it all means too much to me to risk. If I go alone, only I take the fall, and he doesn’t have reason to use our relationship against us,” Hailey told him, moving a hand to his chest as she spoke.
Pushing him away and crossing that line by herself was the only way she knew how to protect both their relationship and their partnership. With her history of crossing lines, she had hoped it would just seem like another questionable decision she made all on her own, and he wouldn’t have reason to punish both of them by splitting them up.
“Hailey, I’m not just letting you go there without backup,” he finally said, his jaw set tightly as he peered into her eyes.
“I’ll have Trudy assign some patrol guys for backup. That way you and the others don’t take fall back from Voight, but I won’t be going in alone,” she replied, moving the hand from his chest to cup his face. “I’ll be fine,” she told him.
He nodded hesitantly before sliding his fingers down her arm and wrapping his hand around hers.
“Be careful,” he insisted, squeezing her hand lightly.
“Of course,” she nodded back before opening the door and disappearing down the hall.
She sat out front of the house, the patrol officers waiting a street over for her signal. It had been about an hour and she had already dodged two calls from Voight. Her patience was running thin with every minute that passed without a sign of the crew. Then, she spotted a dark van creeping down the street and she slumped down in her seat, trying to avoid being seen. As the van approached the house, two men rolled out of the back door as the van maintained a low speed before stopping down at the end of the street. The second the men made it around the back of the house, Hailey radioed the patrol guys, climbing out of her car and drawing her weapon as she followed the offenders around the back. When the patrol guys caught up, she nodded to one of them, signaling them to open the back door and enter the home. The second they made it through the doorway, they were catching fire. Hailey took cover behind a door frame, keying her radio attached to her vest.
“10-1, 10-1, shots fired at the police, 1327 N Dearborn Street. Be advised patrol and plainclothes officers on scene,” she yelled into the radio, securing her free hand back on her gun before motioning the officers to press forward. They made their way into the house, carefully clearing each room as they passed through. When they made it to the front of the house, she caught sight of one of the guys escaping out the front door.
“5021 Henry I’m in foot pursuit of a suspect in an alleyway going west across the street from the original location,” she called out into the radio as she pumped her legs with each step, trying to control her breath as she chased after the suspect. He rounded a corner and she slowed down, holding her gun out to peer around the corner before continuing the pursuit. The next thing she knew, her gun was being kicked out of her hands and she was being thrown against the wall, hitting the side of her head against brick and feeling blood trickle down her face. She brought a knee up into her attacker’s groin, giving her a brief opening to connect an elbow with the side of his head. Falling to the ground, the man grabbed at her ankle, bringing her down with him before grabbing hold of her vest and laying a fist into her jaw. The blow sent her backward, shooting pain into the side of her face. She caught sight of her gun on the ground a few feet away and went to crawl for it, but he grabbed at her leg, drawing her backward toward him as she stretched her fingertips towards the handle. He was stronger than her, and he managed to pull her back enough to regain hold of her vest, winding up to lay another fist into her face. Before he could, she wrapped a leg around his, twirling him over so she was hovering over him. She began laying fist after fist into his masked face until she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, sending her elbow backwards towards the person. It was grabbed instantly, and she wiggled in the grasp before turning around and taking in the familiar green eyes of her partner.
“Hailey, we got him,” he said, holstering his gun and grabbing her by each arm to pull her up from the ground. Kim came from behind him, removing the mask from the offender and rolling him over to place him in cuffs. Meanwhile, Jay wrapped Hailey in his arms, bringing his chin down to her head as they swayed together in an embrace. Her breath was heavy and shaky, and she felt tears pool at the corners of her eyes. She was overwhelmed by everything that had just happened, but his arms wound tightly around her helped steady her breathing.
“It’s okay Hailey, you’re safe. I’ve got you,” he reassured her through a whisper. She took comfort in his words, and despite the pain surging through her head, she buried it deeper into his chest.
Luckily, they had reached the target and her family in time before the offenders could do any harm. Hailey went to Med to get her head checked out. A few stitches and several scans later, she was cleared, making her way back to the district to take whatever repercussions Voight had in store for her. The second she made it up the stairs, everyone’s eyes fell on her and she just flashed them a gentle smile and nod, signaling to them she was okay. Voight came to the doorway of his office, and she didn’t miss a beat heading straight towards him. However, just before she reached the door, his attention shifted over towards Jay at his desk.
“You too, Jay,” was all the sergeant said before turning and moving back into his office. Jay stood, making his way over and closing the door behind him before coming to stand beside Hailey across from the Voight’s desk. He looked over at them silently for a moment, Hailey setting her jaw tightly as she braced for whatever was to come.
“Are we just making a habit out of disobeying me and questioning my orders? Is that what we’re doing now?” He asked them. They remained silent. “Because if that’s what we’re doing and you’ve got a problem with how I run things, there’s the door. You can get out right now,” he told them sternly.
“Sarge, we needed to get those guys. Catching them in the act was the only way. I did what I had to do to make sure those families got justice,” Hailey said, her eyes remaining fixed with his.
“I told you to pick them up, bring them in, and instead you went your own way, putting that family, yourself, and a couple of patrol officers at risk. I could suspend you over this,” he argued, a distinct tension building in his voice.
“Sarge, it was my idea. If anyone deserves punishment, it’s me,” Jay admitted, causing Hailey’s head to swivel his direction, a cross look on her face as the words left his mouth.
“No, that’s not… Look, I went there on my own. I’m the only one to blame here,” Hailey argued causing him to shake his head before them.
“Okay, look. I know there’s something going on between you two, I have known for a while,” the second the words left his mouth, their eyes met briefly, and they both swallowed hard before turning back to him. “I decided to turn a blind eye because you two were able to keep it strictly professional here at work as far as I was concerned. But what happened today, what’s happening right now… this lying to me and covering for each other is not welcome in my unit. This is your warning and it’s the only one you’re going to get. As long as I’m in charge of this unit, you listen to me. You don’t go off-book, you don’t go behind my back because you disagree with what I say, and you certainly don’t let whatever is going on between you two change the way you make decisions. I know you guys are going to have each other’s backs… as partners and as whatever else, but the second that trumps having my back and the team's back, the way it did today, it undermines my authority and puts all of us at risk. If anything happens again like what happened today, you’re both done, and I’ll make sure you never work in the same unit again. Is that clear?” He asked them.
“Understood,” Jay replied.
“Yes, Sarge,” Hailey uttered, her heart rate dropping significantly with relief.
They drove home that night in silence, partly from exhaustion and partly from trying to process everything that had happened in the past 72 hours. Three days ago, they were on their first official date, celebrating their relationship for what felt like the first time, and now they were coming down from what could have easily been the end of their job and their partnership. Even though she hated the way it had to go down, she stood by having Jay’s back and trying to protect their relationship, even if it meant muddying the waters between them and Voight. From the start of the case, she was determined to catch the guys, chasing a small sense of redemption she felt she needed for that case she worked so many years prior. She wasn’t happy about everything that happened, particularly everything that went wrong, but she was able to save a family and get some form of justice for the others, and she stood by that firmly. It wasn’t the first time she had challenged Voight or crossed lines, but it was the first time she was genuinely fearful of the consequences. She was just glad her fears didn’t come to fruition. She looked over at Jay in the driver’s seat, and she remembered the way he told her she was safe after pulling her from the attacker only hours prior. Safe wasn’t something she had felt often in her life, but she certainly felt it when she was with him. She smiled to herself in the dark, satisfied to know that at least for that day, despite everything that happened, their relationship and their partnership were two things she could still consider safe.
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viltrumitesuperboy · 4 years
Babysitting Job (Peter Parker x Natasha’s Brother Reader)
Sorry for any errors within the plot. I wrote this over the course of two weeks. Reader’s powers not mentioned much.
Requested by: anon Could I possibly request a Peter Parker x Male Reader, where the reader is Black Widow's younger brother and has trained in martial arts and gymnastics and the like, but also has the ability of animal shape-shifting? Maybe all the avengers meet him for the first time when Black Widow finally gets him to live with her and Peter gains a pretty big crush on him?
Word count: 3352
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You trained under your older adoptive sister for years. Natasha found out that you had been born with the ability to shift into animals. She brought you to her workplace where you would be treated as a person and not as a weapon like she had. You never stayed with her after you'd trained for a few years, leaving America to take other jobs. Every once in a while she'd check up on you, asking if you needed anything or if you could help her find some information. Even miles away, she still acted like your older sister and was just as protective.
Eventually you decided to finish your education in America, staying with Natasha at the Avengers Tower. She had an entire floor to herself, but rarely used most of it. She was a minimalist to an extent. She made sure you were settled before going to her briefing late, assuring you that she wouldn't get in trouble. If anything, you were sure that she'd scold them for starting without her.
You spent the first few nights extremely uncomfortable in the new place. You had never needed to stay somewhere for a long time, and even if it had only been a few days, you knew you'd be there for a while.
After a week, you were roaming about the R&D floors and bumped into someone.
"Oh, you," Tony Stark said.
"Who do you think I am?" you asked warily.
"Natasha's kid brother, right? With the powers? Listen, I have something for you."
"Here. Have you seen this?"
He pulled out his StarkPad. You watched the video he pulled up, not wanting to interrupt someone who seemed like he was always in a rush. It was a boy with a lean figure, dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants along with a mask covering his entire head. You silently applauded him for being a beginner vigilante who wore something practical considering he probably couldn't afford body armour.
"This is Spider-kid. Well, Spider-Man. But he's young, and I want to keep an eye on him. You mind helping me out? Of course, I wouldn't tell you his identity without his consent, but he agreed that he'd be fine with me giving him protection after..." he trailed off, gesturing vaguely with his hand as if you knew what he was talking about. "Anyway, you feel up to going to high school? You're young. You'll probably fit right in."
"Mr. Stark, I have no social skills. I assure you, putting me in a high school considering my powers and training is likely a danger to my mental stability and their physical well-being. I'm not going to babysit someone for you."
Tony's features seemed to soften a bit. He looked less like he was in a rush as much as he normally did. It was something he reserved for the people he cared most about.
"Look, I get it. People are hard to talk to. And I'm not saying this as Tony Stark, owner of a large company. I'm saying this as the reason I'm Iron Man. You've seen all that through files from Nat, right?" He awaited your confirmation, and you nodded. "Good. All you need to do is just be with Peter. And I'm sure you qualify to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. This can just be a mission and they'd be glad to know that my- uh, the kid is being managed by someone they can trust because at least they know Nat. It doesn't have to be anything else, not even a favour for me. Just a job."
You thought about it for a moment, then asked to see more of the videos. Stark held out the device for both of you to see and swiping through a few. You both stood there in the sunlit hallway for a while. He was barely trained and relied a lot on his powers. Maybe you could help him.
"I'll speak to Natasha today. I think I'll help you out, but talk to him first," you said finally.
"Great. By the way, I think he'd be a lot more comfortable if he knew that you were working with me," Stark said, just about to walk away. "He knows that someone will be sent to watch him, but he doesn't know who and he doesn't trust easily. He'd appreciate if you told him who you were right off the bat. Be careful."
"For him or for me?"
"Personally? For him. I think you can handle yourself."
He walked away, the device tucked under his arm as he made his way to one of the labs. It was obvious Stark cared for the boy, and you respected Stark for his efforts to make the world safer after what he'd gone through. If this was a job, this was one you'd take very seriously.
Your powers meant you could shift into animals, but you could also just take the attributes of any animal you knew to exist. It was much easier than turning into a large wildcat in the middle of a city street. You'd taken the climbing abilities of a gecko, leaping from another building to climb up the tower. There was a bandana covering the lower half of your face, just so you couldn't be recognised by cameras. You had just started to open the window when a reflection on the window blocked the lights inside.
"Hey, uh, what are you up to?" Spider-Man asked.
You turned to look at him, adjusting your bandana.
"Nothing, just going home," you replied, opening the window.
"Oh! Do you live here?" he piped up.
"No, but it'll be my home once I break in."
"I'm just kidding. You can come in if you want. I know Stark has a soft spot for you."
"Mr. Stark? Really? I mean, I try to text Happy all the time cause I really want to tell Mr. Stark stuff sometimes but I didn't really think he actually-"
"Hey! Get inside!" your sister shouted from the kitchen.
You quickly slipped in, Spider-Man following and shutting the window behind you.
"What have I told you about coming in from there?" Natasha glared sternly.
"That there's an elevator and I should use it like a respectable person."
"Exactly. Go change and then help me out with lunch. Hi, Spider-Man. You know where to go."
"Yeah, sorry, Ms. Romanov. I didn't know you had a friend coming over."
"He's my brother. Now hurry up. Pepper will have your head if you're late."
The conversation trailed off, likely followed with goodbyes, as you went to your room. Lunch led to a very serious conversation about joining the secret government agency along with your first job: keeping Spider-Man in check.
The flash drive you received had the worst possible photo of Peter Parker you could imagine. It was as if they couldn't get an actual photo of him. Considering the fact that he was an official intern here, you figured that they might be able to get something that didn't look like an unfortunate accident from Picture Day. Because in person, he looked... not as stupid.
Going back to a public school was strange. You hadn't gone since you were a child, the rest of your education mixed in with the martial arts training you had to take. There were so many people, but at least they were ignoring you for the most part. The main problem was finding out where the hell B104 was.
"Um, are you lost?"
A girl with curly hair and a sketchbook to her side had a locker open next to you. You glanced at her putting books away and taking things out before responding.
"Yeah, I don't know where this is?"
She looked at your schedule, nodding as she shut her locker.
"Yeah. That's the basement. There's one science class down there," she explained. "I'll go with you; I have something there, too."
You thanked her as you both walked through the crowded hallways. She occasionally nudged people aside, giving absolutely no shits to the people standing in the way. Natasha would like her. When you accidentally mentioned it in a quiet mumble, she laughed. She claimed that if she ever met Black Widow, "it'll be over for all you bitches." You didn't doubt it. You both went down a floor and she led you to the room.
"I have to go a bit further down, but..." she quickly pulled out a pen and wrote down your room numbers on her wrist. "I have some classes close to these, so I can bring you there for the first half of the day before lunch. I'll see you after class?"
"Uh, sure?"
"My name's Michelle."
"I'm (Y/N)."
She stuck her hand out in a way that you became extremely uncomfortable with, not used to shaking hands. She seemed to notice your hesitation then held it up for a high five. You gave a small smile of gratitude and gave her one.
"I'm sorry, that's so awkward. Um, if you stick with me, I'll teach you the secrets of this school. Okay, there aren't really any, but you really look like more of a loner than I do."
You nodded awkwardly in response and turned to walk into your class without another word.
Michelle had about three of her classes with you, and you shared 4 with Peter Parker, two of which were before lunch. She walked you to the table she usually sat at, a relaxed gait to talk to you comfortably.
"Everyone kind of adopts their own spot in the cafeteria at some point. Those tables are usually empty, and that's where I sit. I have a feeling you're going to be spending your time there too."
You spotted Peter, who waved at you. Confused, you waved back, then Michelle voiced an excited greeting. You put your hand down after pretending to scratch your head.
"This is Peter and Ned. They're in some of your classes."
"Oh, you're the kid who broke one of the beakers today, right? Man, that's so weird. How did you manage that?" Ned recalled.
You weren't about to tell him that you hadn't broken it at all. It was sitting on one of the heating plates and you were trying to put it away, but it fell as you'd tried to catch it with your sticky gecko hands. It didn't work.
"I have super strength," you deadpanned.
The three laughed, somehow. You hadn't interacted with such a close friend group like this ever. Peter was an awkward teen just like the others, and you wondered how difficult it must have been for him to adjust to his powers in the middle of his schooling. If anyone noticed you staring at him, they didn't mention it.
You did not tell Peter that he was just your job.
He was completely oblivious to your role in his life and laughably terrible at hiding his secret. You once caught him pick up an entire row of lockers with one hand in between classes. He picked up a bottle that looked like it held arsenic and placed the lockers back down. The sunlight streaming in from a nearby classroom's glass window made you realise that this boy had no regard for his surroundings. He was incredibly stupid. You really had to tell him soon.
He'd visited the tower a few more times, and you'd sometimes see him practice with your sister. She'd look up at you in the doorway of the training room and glare at you, as if telling you that she was doing your job. You walked away before he saw you every time. Instead, you followed him around when he was Spider-Man, choosing when you wanted him to know you were there and when you didn't. You'd learned that from Natasha. He'd tried to get your attention a few times, knowing you were there, but you slipped out of sight every time.
Michelle started to ask you to call her MJ. Ned showed you pictures of the Death Star he and Peter built together. It suffered destruction twice in the past, but it was perfect now and sitting on display in Ned's home. Peter offhandedly mentioned that Tony Stark wanted to display it at the tower. Ned was all for it, and you wanted to hit your head on a wall. Peter consistently confirmed his parent-child relationship with Stark without realising it. It was a bit infuriating for everyone else who could see it.
Peter had started to become more awkward around you. He'd been more comfortable over time, but one day he just started to get fidgety and stammered a lot. It only happened when he spoke to you. You were aware that you were probably one of the very few people that he felt any romantic attraction to, and he probably felt like you were his only option. Unsurprisingly, you felt the same way. It sucked having only a few friends.
At some point the secret had to come out. You were just standing in the kitchen, opening the fridge for the second time like it would suddenly become interesting, and jumped once you closed it.
"Oh my god, Peter," you huffed.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"
Your eyes darted to Natasha for help. Peter followed your line of sight to her. She shrugged and hauled her duffel bag further up her shoulders.
"I have a mission. I'll only be gone less than a week. Get groceries."
The elevator arrived in seconds and she went up, likely to the helipad. You both stood there in silence for a moment.
"That's my sister," you admitted.
"Hold on, so you're telling me the person I met sticking to a window was you? The new, awkward kid at my high school?"
"You're awkward too."
Peter began too look a bit uncomfortable just standing in front of you in plain view, like he was suddenly aware of how open he was.
"You were the one following me around the city too. When I'm Spider-Man."
You nodded, gesturing to the living room so you could both take a seat. He was quiet as you went to your room, coming back out with the flash drive you had on him.
"Stark wanted someone to watch you, and he doesn't have many younger options. Then Nick Fury apparently wanted to keep an eye on you, so it all worked out. Natasha talked to him about having me join, and you were supposed to be my mission."
"Then why didn't you tell me? Are we... friends?"
Peter looked away from you and looked out the window, the same one you both climbed into a while ago. He looked down at the flash drive, his teeth biting his bottom lip. You slowly sat down next to him, being sure to keep some distance away.
"I just didn't know how to tell you. Stark said that I would have been fine if you didn't know who exactly was watching you. I didn't expect to become your friend."
He put the flash drive in between the two of you, sliding it back over. You looked at it, your stomach doing turns knowing that you never would have hurt him if you said something earlier.
"My sister's been training you because I couldn't. I've learned a lot from her, but I've traveled more than she has. And I can adjust my powers to be more like yours. If you'd still want me around, I can teach you more."
Peter stood up, holding his hand out like he was going to shake your hand. You followed suit, holding your hand up for a high five. You both switched your hand positions, then settled for a fist bump that wasn't quite coordinated.
"I know we're both a bit awkward and we don't know how to talk to people normally, but I don't think I'd ever give you up. I'd like to be more than a mission to you."
"Like a friend?"
"Whatever you want."
It was easier to be with Peter in the tower. You realised how little you actually know about the building, and the next few days were spent with the both of you walking to the subway together and taking it to where you lived. He always brought you up to Stark's personal floor, to both his and Stark's labs, then to the R&D floors that you stopped exploring ever since your interaction with Tony Stark. He showed you what people were working on if they allowed you both in, and you'd watch him work on projects when he figured he'd procrastinated long enough. Sometimes MJ and Ned would tag along because apparently both you and Peter vouching for them was enough for security to let them through. Of course you had MJ meet your sister. It was a terrifying experience.
You spent weeks training Peter, watching him crawl up walls and do flips with more grace than you ever could and learning from him, but also taking him down much faster than he could ever take down anyone else. He was resilient but needed the training that both you and your sister provided. And even if your sister had been doing this longer than you had, you had abilities she didn't that could match and counter Spider-Man's.
Somehow Peter got even more awkward. He was clumsy, and was only lucky he didn't break things (or his own body parts) because of his powers. You didn't really want to tell him that you knew why. If you didn't have your own response to how he felt about you, he'd think that you were rejecting him. Though conflicted, MJ decided to make that decision for you.
"Ned, wanna come with me to see Ms. Romanov while she's training?" MJ asked, slinging her sweater over her shoulder.
"Uh, I don't really-"
"We have lovebirds to leave alone. Come on."
Ned looked a little torn, considering he had either the option of staying and not letting his two friends talk alone for once or leaving and being constantly terrified of a woman and a teenage girl for hours. You felt he made the worse choice, as he followed MJ. Fool.
"Did you just call Ned a fool?" Peter laughed.
You put your hand over your mouth, but laughed with him anyway. You were both sitting on the same sofa that led to Peter finding out that he was a part of your job. His hand reached yours, putting it on top of where they rested on your lap. He pulled it towards him and held it like romantic couples usually do, with fingers crossed together. It took some struggle because you both moved your hands the same way. Once again, you shared a laugh, though this one was more strained and uncomfortable.
"You like me, Peter," you said, not an ounce of doubt in your words. "I've known behaviour long enough to know. And I like you too, but I'm scared that it's because you're the first friend I've had that wasn't my sister."
"I was supposed to say it first," he pouted. "I had those two leave on purpose!"
You laughed and lightly squeezed his hand.
"I mean, what's life if we're not going to take risks?" he continued. "You decided to go to public school after years of not making friends, and I went on a school trip, got bitten by a spider, and decided not to tell anyone. If it doesn't work out, we can still be friends, right?"
"Nat would force me to stick around you as part of the job. Keeping you around as a friend is just a plus."
"Well, don't think that I'm letting you off the hook for telling me how you feel first. I'm holding you to this." Peter pointed a finger menacingly at you, which you pushed away.
"Sorry for stealing your thunder. And speaking of thunder, Thor's coming in a few hours. You wanna hide his food and blame it on Barton?"
"Hell yeah."
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fdd700 · 4 years
Remus wasn’t a very romantic person. He didn’t see the appeal in the fancy dinners or candle lit nights. He just couldn’t understand why people loved them.
Virgil, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, both understood and loved the romantic nights. And, despite his attempts at hiding it, Remus quickly noticed. But Remus knew that Virgil loved him, impulses and all.
“Hey trash panda, have you talked to your brother recently?” Virgil asked as he sat on his phone on the couch across from Remus’ design computer.
“Normally, my dark and stormy night, I do my best to avoid the repulsive royal, so that would be a no.” Remus didn’t look up from his project - some horror anime/cartoon he was acting hush-hush on. Virgil knew it was because it was a trial piece and Remus didn’t want jinx himself.
“He and Jan are going to Morocco.” This caused Remus to spin around in his chair, looking at his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow. “Jan just texted me to let me know he couldn’t come us to that horror convention next month. Apparently Roman got a promotion so he bought the tickets as a surprise.” Remus nodded.
“Why Morocco?” Remus said, about to turn back around.
“I think he’s going to propose.” Remus froze before looking at his boyfriend who was frantically typing on his phone.
“Jan has always wanted to get engaged on a foreign holiday. Plus, Lolo and I saw Roman talking to Cindy, you know Patton’s friend, one from the jewellery store downtown,” Virgil explained. “I’m texting him now to ask.” Remus nodded but didn’t say anything. there was silence, except for Virgil’s tapping.
“Not gonna lie,” Remus stated. “I always thought Janus would propose.” Virgil paused before gasping, followed by him chuckling.
“Bet you twenty dollars Janus is also planning to propose.” Remus laughed. 
“That’s such a rigged bet, they’re both definitely gonna propose.”
Sure enough, a month later, both boys returned home with engagement rings. The gang - Patton, Logan, Virgil, Remus, Emilie, Remy, Janus and Roman - were all in Logan and Patton’s house for Sunday dinner (a long-standing tradition). Virgil was locked into conversation with Janus, Emilie and Patton, who were both showing off their rings. Virgil was laughing with them. Remus’ eyes were glued to him.
“What's got you so distracted? Worried Virgil-”
“Dude, not funny,” Roman said, cutting Remy off. Remy took a sip from his cup but was otherwise silent. “Remus, what’s up?”
“do you think Virgil is waiting for me to propose?”
“I mean, maybe? Have you talked about marriage?” Remus was silent, thinking. 
“Yes and no. We talked about it ages ago but he hasn’t said anything since.”
“Has he dropped hints?” Remy asked. “That’s what Emilie did.”
“Virgil should know I wouldn’t pick up on them.”
“Hey, don’t stress, Rem, Virgil loves you and you love him, that's all that matters,” Roman said.
“That is correct. Maybe Virgil will propose. Patton knew I wouldn’t be able to pick up signs so he just asked me to my face.”
Remus tried to believe them, and he mostly did. Until later that night, when they were playing truth or dare. Logan and Patton were sharing the two-seater. Not quite cuddling but in each other’s personal space. Emilie had his head on Remy’s shoulder on the long couch, with Roman on Janus’ lap at the other end of the couch. Virgil was tucked into Remus’ side as the room turned their attention to him.
“So,” Janus said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Virgil truth or dare?”
“Considering you dared Remy to kiss Patton, I think I’ll go with truth,” Virgil said.
“Well, you wouldn’t tell us earlier, so... what was your dream proposal as a kid?” Virgil turned red.
“Can’t let that one go, no?” Virgil asked and Janus chuckled, shaking his head. “Uhm, pretty sure it was like a candle-lit dinner or something. Probably something cheesy and romantic.” Virgil then quickly moved on, asking Remy something but Remus tuned out again. Was Virgil disappoint with the lack of romance in their relationship? He’s never said anything directly, but why would he bring us Roman proposing on a romantic holiday if not to tell Remus that's what he wanted? Were there any other hints? Was there-
“Remus.” Remus snapped up to Janus’ gleaming eyes. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth. I think my boyfriend was in the right vein,” Remus responded. Janus simply waved dismissively as he went silent, thinking. Almost a moment later, a light bulb flipped on above his head.
“Do you plan on proposing to Virgil?”
“Janus!” Roman said, looking to his fiancé in exasperation.
“It’s a harmless question!” The two bickered slightly, nothing heated but a simply back and forth.
“You don’t have to answer,” Virgil said in a low tone. He had been trying to catch Remus’ eyes, who was just as determined to avoid Virgil’s. Eventually, the smaller man grabbed his chin so they could look into his eyes. “I’m serious. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I love you, okay?”
“I love you too.”
Despite Virgil’s reassurance, Remus was deeply fixated on the thoughts of marriage and if he was enough for Virgil. Virgil liked romance and dancing in the rain and visiting fancy restaurants. Remus liked staying inside and horror films and going to graveyards to adopt ghosts (which scared Virgil so much he learnt how to banish spirits from the house). Remus couldn’t help but feel like maybe, just maybe, Virgil was better off without him? 
He spun in his chair. He was unable to focus on the novel he was writing anymore. Virgil was at work and wouldn’t be back for ages. Despite trying to work, Remus was now fixated on rings. The truth was, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Virgil but he didn’t see why he needed to buy him a ring or spend thousands of dollars on a wedding to prove his devotion. They bought an apartment together, they had three pissy spirits that they took care of together, and the stray cat that would jump in their window. But if Virgil wanted it, well, who was Remus to say no?
Engagement ring shopping sucked. Plain and simple, it sucked. There were so many different cuts but they all looked so basic. Virgil wasn’t the type to wear flashy jewellery unless it meant something, like the dangly gold earring Remus bough him when he got his masters in psychology. Remus wanted something classy, but all something showed how much Remus knew Virgil, right down to his core. He thought about going to a jewellery shop or hiring someone but how on earth would he be able to explain that to Virgil? In the end, he chose the least expensive route; his brother.
“How do you pick an engagement ring?” Roman choked on his coffee. “What?”
“Try and maybe start a conversation with hello and maybe not something you have never mentioned before now,” Roman said. “But also, why the change in pace?” Remus didn’t say anything. “Is it Janus? he was only messing. He just doesn’t get it sometimes but I told him he need to respect your boundaries-”
“It’s not that.” Roman went quiet, letting his brother speak when comfortable. “I don’t want Virgil to regret being with me. I know that he doesn’t say it but he really likes all the romantic garbage you and Janus do.”
“Remus, Virgil may like romance but he loves you. Plain and simple. But I am your brother and I will support you, so if you need help finding a ring, I will help you,” Roman said sincerely.
“Ugh, you’re so boring and regal. Lighten up. Walk on the gory side.” Roman chuckled.
“I’ll tune it down, but just because you’re my baby brother.”
“Two MINUTES. I AM TWO MINUTES-” Roman burst into laughter, meaning anyone in the cafe who wasn’t staring due to Remus’ screeching, was now looking due to roman’s cackling. 
“Come, little wittle Remus, let’s go ring shopping.”
Remus paid for the ring in cash. He had been taking money out of the account for weeks in preparation. Well, a week. Still, he had it all planned out. He could suck it up for a night. 
He was spreading flowers on the floor when he noticed the dull ache in his chest. Tell-tale signs of a panic attack. Remus paused before moving to sit down. He closed his eyes and repeated his breathing exercises. He could do this. It’s what Virgil wanted. He stood up again, the dull ache turning into a slight pressure. He lit the candles, checked on the food and cleaned up. It was about half six when he realised, he was struggling to breath. Almost as soon as he noticed, the elephant on his chest returned. He backed up, sliding down the wall.
“no... no... not tonight...” He muttered under his breath. He tried to breath but he realised he was struggling. Why tonight. why was he getting a panic attack tonight? it was just one dinner!
“Re- REMUS!” Virgil said, coming in and sitting in front of his boyfriend. “Can I touch you?” Remus shook his head frantically. “Okay, it’s okay, breath with me okay?” Virgil took his boyfriend through his breathing exercises. “Okay, Rem, I need you to name five things you can see.”
“Chair, lights... uh... you, the table... uh, uhm-” Remus swallowed. “And tiles...”
“Okay, four things you can hear.”
“My breathing, your breathing, the neighbours... the oven?” Virgil reached behind him, switching off the oven. 
“Okay, three things you can feel.”
“The floor, my shirt... uhm... sweat?”
“Okay, two things you can taste.”
“Impending doom.” Virgil gave him a look. “Uh, tea and sugar.”
“Okay, finally, one thing you can smell.”
“The candles.” Virgil stood up, switching on the light and blowing out the candles. He finally took in the scene of the room. Remus tried to stand up but was quickly placed down in one of their dining chairs.
“Remus, do you wanna talk about it?” Remus sighed.
“I just... I wanted to plan this big romantic night and I know you like romance but it's just so icky that I must of have been panicked and-” Remus paused, meeting his boyfriend’s eyes. “Look, I know you like romance and I’m sure you’re disappointed I’m not.”
“Remus. I like romance, but I love you.” Remus blinked at him. “I knew what I was getting into when we entered this relationship. You never, ever have to change your boundaries to suit me. Remus, I love you, for you. I know you don’t like romance or pda, but I know that you love me.” Remus didn’t notice he was crying till Virgil wiped the tears from his face. He pressed their foreheads together. “I love you. So much. Romance or not.” Remus held onto his boyfriend. “But I need you to promise to never break your own boundaries for me. I respect the boundaries you put up, and I need you to do the same.”
“I promise.” Virgil smiled and Remus was hit with how overwhelmingly lucky he was to have gotten someone like Virgil to love him. “Ugh,” he groaned. Virgil chuckled.
“What’s up buttercup?”
“Roman was right. I don’t like this timeline.” Virgil just tossed his head back and laughed as Remus whined.
Remus did end up proposing that night. They were watching a horror film and Virgil was critiquing the characters decision when Remus suddenly turned to him.
“I’m just saying, choosing to go down to the creepy basement when you know there’s a serial killer on the loose-”
“Marry me.” Virgil stopped, looking over at his boyfriend. He wasn’t down on one knee but there was a ring in his hands. Virgil’s hand flew to his mouth. “marry me.” Remus sat up. 
“You’re not just doing this for me?” he asked, still in a state of shock.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and if this is the next step? then I’m going for it.” Virgil jumped up, wrapping his arms around Remus, already crying.
“Yes, yes, yes! Oh my god, yes!” He pulled back, letting Remus slip on the ring before launching himself and his boyfriend and smashing their lips together. It was here that Virgil, admiring his ring with awe filled eyes, also realised how lucky he was for getting someone like Remus to love him too.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x NB!Reader
Warnings: some angst, FLUFF, and our boys being the best boys.
In which they comfort you after a rough day or week
A/N: im sorry if Izukus section is shorter than Bakugou’s. trying to practice writing other characters. enjoy!
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Saturday's are reserved strictly by the majority of the girls from class 1-A, leaving the guys to hibernate inside their dorms as they allow the commencement of girls night. You've never rain checked nor rejected the idea of spending  quality time with your friends, considering all the tribe's and trepidation's everyone has endured together during their time at the academy. It's nice to just strip away the stress and dip your toes in pure relaxation.
Unfortunately, you woke up with a bad case of cloudy thoughts. For the past week you've been carrying the weight of dread, causing your mood to drastically change throughout the day. You'd be having a civil conversation with someone one minute and then the next minute you're completely irritated by their presence. You've tried to balance it out and fix it overnight with the regimes you researched on the internet. A new sleeping schedule, healthier diet, yoga, and even went to the extreme of writing in a journal. It was all so cut throat and prestigious, nothing close to your liking. Katsuki made fun of you for it one day when he snuck into your room and read the many inscriptions in your journal entries.
"This stuff reminds of Deku. Always shoving his nose in that stupid notebook of his," he didn't care much to hear your refutes about Izuku. "Anyways, what's with all this depressing shit you are writing? You don't really feel this way do you?"
You didn't give him a definite answer that day. Only a curt "no" and he resumed rambling about his day like nothing happened, having you listening with his voice like white noise going in one ear and out the other.
And that's how it went on throughout the duration of the prior week before Saturday.
Inside the confinement of your dorm, you made the rational decision to sleep in instead of attending classes. The chilling thoughts kept you up all night, never once allowing sleep to take full throttle. You tossed and turned around on your bed, unable to shut off your brain. So when you woke up in the peak of late afternoon, you weren't surprised to see the unread messages on your phone. All of them were from your explosive boyfriend.
King Explosion🤍: Oi you running late? Mr.Sleepy head is taking roll call
King Explosion🤍: y/n where tf r u?
King Explosion🤍: fine don't answer me ig
King Explosion🤍: are you at least coming down for lunch? i made curry last night and imma make you finish it
King Explosion🤍: fking hurry before dunce face eats it
King Explosion🤍: nvm he ate it 😐
Katsuki never intended for the message to be funny. He's probably blowing actual steams of smoke through his nostrils and ears while chasing kamanari amongst the halls. The comical imagery made you laugh harder. At least he made you crack a smile. You haven't shown any emotions let alone a hint of enthusiasm for tonight.
Maybe it'd be best to sit this one out.
"Hey, we're missing a person! Where's my y/n?" Mina asked after scanning the group of girls huddled around on the carpeted floor.
Momo shifted uncomfortably on the cushioned pillow she stole from the couch. "Y/N said she wasn't feeling too well to join us for tonight. Something about food poisoning and throwing up every hour."
In unison all the girls gasped, along with a concerned 'ribbit' from Tsuyu.
"Well I hope she gets to feeling better. I wouldn't want her to endure such sickness for much longer," Tsuyu croaked out.
Everyone in the circle agreed and promised to pay a visit later in the night to check on you.
On the fourth floor, Katsuki stared blankly at his phone, hands shaking due to the repressed anger he's been holding. Each of the messages he sent previously were all left on read, including the one he sent an hour ago asking if he could have a cuddle session with you before girls night. Yes, even an ill tempered guy such as him enjoys sappy shit like cuddling. After pacing back and forth in his room for a solid 5 minutes, he was now dead set on confronting you in front of your friends.
Katsuki made a beeline for the elevator and aggressively pressed the 1st floor button repeatedly in hopes it'll make the process go quicker. He reached the commons area in precision time, overhearing the girls giggle after someone suggested playing truth or dare. He towered over Uraraka's figure, casting a demonic shadow version of himself in the circle. Hagakure shrieked and clung onto Jirou.
"Where's y/n you extras?" He demanded, voice deafening the brunette under him.
"She didn't come tonight. She's in her dorm room sick," Jirou explained to him as she tried pry the invisible girl off her arm.
"Like hell she's sick!" Katsuki spun around quickly and retreated back to the elevator, mumbling obscenities under his breath. "She's going to pay for being so careless and irresponsible."
The commons room fell silent once the explosive blonde disappeared behind the doors of the elevator, all eyes searching each other in complete shock. Uraraka was the first to speak out of the small group.
“Should we warn y/n that Bakugou is coming for her?”
Jirou averted her gaze to the direction bakugou left off from, a ghost of a smirk spreading on her face.
“Nah. Knowing y/n, she can handle the asshole on her own.”
King Explosion🤍: can i come over? i wanna cuddle, i miss u
The text message kept flashing behind your eyes every-time you closed them - a sad image of Katsuki waiting impatiently for you to reply back with a heart or one of those unusual memes he unapologetically adores. You knew he’d be furious, no doubt about it, but you rationalized your decision and concluded it would be best to avoid your boyfriend like the plague till this undesired feeling dissipates. Katsuki doesn’t do well with people being emotional, let alone handle his own emotions for god’s sake.
Your own thoughts were interrupted by someone raping the outside of your door. The continuous knocks made your head spin, a painful sting ghosting back and forth between your eyes. Remembering back to an hour ago, you messaged one of the girls that you weren’t going to make it to tonight’s session. Surely they respected your wishes and continued on with their hangout? But you forgot about the one person who’s persistent and stubborn like a cat.
“I know you’re in there y/n! You may have fooled your idiotic friends with a lie, but you keep on forgetting you’re terrible at lying!” Katsuki hollers against the wood of the door, not once being considerate of those living above her.
He’s right. You’re absolutely horrible at making up excuses for yourself. Dating someone as intuitive as him will be the death of you.
“If there’s something going can you at least let me in? You can’t ignore me forever y/n.”
Again, he’s right.
You slipped out from the comfort of your bed and padded towards the door, mentally preparing for the blonde to scold you once he enters your room. What you weren’t prepared for was the tears swelling up in the ducts of his vermillion eyes - his hands clenched tightly into fists as he looked down at you. Your breathing hitched when his arm outstretched to rest on the door frame to keep his trembling body steady.
“What the hell y/n? Why the fuck have you been ignoring me?! Did I do something wrong?!” He asked, not caring about his current appearance.
You grab ahold of his other arm and absentmindedly started rubbing it affectionately, trying to coax him into calming down. “Katsuki no! You didn’t do anything wrong! Why would you think that?”
“Because dumbass, you’ve been distant this past week,” he paused, choking on his words. “Are...are you breaking up with me?”
Your eyes shot up instantly at his horrifying assumption. “Katsuki, if I tell you the truth, will you promise not to make things worse for me?”
He tilted his head in confusion, but nodded once you led him into your messy bedroom. Once inside, your boyfriend plopped down on your bed, watching intently as you anxiously bit down on your nails - a nervous habit you picked up at the beginning of the school year.
“I’ve been feeling weird lately. Ever since the beginning of last week. I don’t know how to describe it but, my brain is constantly feeding into my already negative state. Telling me things I know aren’t true but I’ve convinced myself they are. Almost as if a grey cloud is hovering above me,” tears were already starting to pour down your cheeks. “I just...I just feel so miserable and lonely and useless and irritated and- I’m so sorry for ignoring you. You probably want nothing to do with me after this!”
You manage to turn away from the sight of the blonde during your speech, ashamed of pouring out your emotions onto a person who disregards other peoples emotions and constitutes them as a quote on quote “pussy”.
From behind, you can hear faint shuffling nearing your already shaken up figure. A pair of muscular arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a wall that could only be described as his own chiseled chest, doing the same as you did moments ago with his arm - lulling you to calm down a notch before he stared speaking.
“If you been feeling this way, why lie when I asked you a few days ago after reading your journal?”
“I know how you are, Katsuki. You get very uncomfortable when people talk about their feelings. So, why should I be any different?”
Your boyfriend suddenly maneuvers you around in the circle of his arms, shifting to where you’re now making direct eye contact with him. His gaze intense and unwavering.
“Because you’re my girlfriend? I don’t give a rats ass about any of these extras. When it comes to you, I’d make an exception for. I made that promise to myself when we first started seeing each other. So don’t think for a second that I’ll disregard your true feelings, dumbass.” He stepped a couple of inches backwards, ankles eventually hitting the bottom of your bed - making him fall and dragging you along with him. You landed on top of him, head still buried in the depths of his hard chest. The vibrations of his chuckle shook your whole body. Katsuki gently titled your head to be leveled with his, a red tint of blush painting his pallid cheeks.
“I’m being serious though. Don’t be afraid to come to me when things get tough, okay? I love you too much to see you like this.”
Next thing you knew your boyfriend stole your breath away by meshing his plump lips onto yours, hands snaking their way into your hair and carefully massaging it. By all means, you let him have his way with you by kissing the sadness away, tears puddling together cheek on cheek.
He let go eventually, pecking a quick chaste kiss on the side of your mouth before hauling you further into the bed. You settled on letting him spoon you, knowing how much he likes the feeling of your backside pressed against him, and the fruity aroma of your hair infiltrating his senses.
“I promise Katsuki,” you said after some time during the cuddle session.
He shifted in his spot, head placed firmly in the crook of your neck. “Promise what?”
“That I’ll come to you when these thoughts return again. I should trust you by now, and I need to not let these emotions ruin everything in my life. I love you that much.
Your confession swelled the very last evidence of Katsuki being a human being, his heart.
He smiled weakly to himself and nuzzled more into your shoulder, brushing his warm lips against the tender skin. “You better, dumbass.”
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Today was just so exhausting, and the big fat 'D-‘ written in red ink on your final report was the icing on the cake. To make things even worse, Aizawa reminded the whole class before the exam that this was to determine wether or not if you'll be joining the training camp that'll commence the following winter break.
Hopefully this was one of your teacher's terrible deception tactics into making everyone do their absolute best, go plus ultra even. But to your dismay, he was indeed very serious of the matter this time.
It wasn't your fault, not entirely. You stayed up all night listening to another one of your boyfriends rambles, the conversation lasting till 2 am. Izuku grew worrisome and anxious ever since his encounter with a gruesome villain, thus resulting in him to pour his emotions out onto you. Poor baby kept mentioning the safety of All Might and you.
Solemnly, you left class and trailed back to your dorm room, wanting to ignore the jovial atmosphere inside the cramped room as everyone traded and talked about their scores.
Izuku noticed you leaving abruptly and got up from his desk to follow you behind, bidding a quick goodbye to his friends.
Your room was dark and dramatically colder than usual, a trickle of light threatening to pour in from the cascading sunset. You laid down on your stomach with one of your pillows propped on your head, in hopes to shield away anyone from seeing your ugly-crying face.
Too late because Izuku was already standing outside your dorm room, swaying back and forth on his feet while biting down harshly on his lip. He can hear your soft cries seeping through the door. He doesn't know why he's hesitating, he's your boyfriend after all.
Moments later you hear the acute sounds of someone knocking on your door, followed by the soft spoken voice of your green haired boyfriend.
"Baby? Can I come in? I-If that's okay with you I m-mean! It's alright if you need some space but you left class so early I figured something happened to you and I got really worried because you always wait for Iida and uraraka to walk us back to the dorms as a group and maybe it had something to do with what I was telling you last night-."
You crack the door just a smidge before fully opening it, revealing your bloodshot eyes and tear stained shirt to him. His breathing hitched once his eyes fixated on your disheveled state. 
"Can you comfort me? I need you right now Izuku," your voice cracked a little, throat still tight after the crying session.
His strong, lean arms wrapped around your body momentarily, encasing you into a bear hug. Hugs from Izuku were amazing, no exceptions. He placed a quick peck on the crown of your forehead.
"C'mon, let's get inside and snuggle. How does that sound?" he asked as he unwrapped himself and took your trembling hand, leading you back inside the dimly lit room.
Izuku laid you gently down on your side once reaching the bed, crawling alongside with you before  draping the covers over the both of you. His familiar hands snake around your waist and nudges you to roll over. You obliged and shifted your body to face his, sparkly green eyes staring straight at you.
"Tell me, what's wrong baby? Does it have to do with the recent exam?" his thumb started tracing delicate lines on your hips, your uniform long gone and now replaced with comfortable clothes instead.
"I failed Izuku...I did so terrible on the written exam. I kept falling in and out of sleep during the test that I didn't have time to finish the middle portion of it," you exhaled a shaky breath. "Who knows what'll happen on the practical. I'll probably fail that too...I'm such a failure compared to everyone."
Izuku grabbed the tender flesh of your cheeks and directed your vision to level with his. He looked angry and concerned.
"Don't say that y/n! You're not a failure! That exam doesn't determine wether or not if you're good enough to be a hero. I've seen you in action hun, and I know for a fact that you're possibly the most strongest person I've met in my lifetime! You're ambitious, smart, determined, and so freaking beautiful." He then kissed you tenderly on the lips, his eyes closing slightly due to the contact.
"So...freaking...beautiful." He whispers against your mouth.
His sentimental words were enough for you to push back the negativity and simply enjoy the intimate moment.
Izuku lifted his head away from your face to rest it against your temple. "You're going to do great things, okay? One failing grade isn't going to be the end of the world. Trust me sweetheart, I've had my fair share in failures during our time here in Yuuei. But look at me now, still standing."
You nuzzled more into his chest, tickling his chin with your hair. Faintly, you can hear the pitter patter of his heart beat bursting through his rib cage.
"Would you love me even if I was a horrendous looking-failure?" you were clearly teasing him, but sometimes Izuku became dense when it came to that.
"Y/n! W-Why would you ask that! Of course I would you dummy! I'd love you no matter what."
This time you return the favor and kiss him, knowing how to easily fluster him in seconds. He whimpers into your mouth at the sudden contact and cups your jawline affectionately.
The two of you stayed like that till the moon shone through the balcony curtains, illuminating your skin in a dusty glow.
Lips bruised and swollen red, you laid lifelessly in his arms, letting him wove his scarred fingers through your hair. Izuku would occasionally stop to peck your lips, then resumes his attention back to your hair.
"I'm sorry by the way. I shouldn't have kept you up last night before the exam. I'm such a horrible boyfriend..." he admitted suddenly.
"Yes. Yes you are."
He gasped and stopped his movements altogether, obviously taken aback by your blunt words.
You giggled and said, "Kidding. You're the best boyfriend. Apology accepted.”
After hearing that, Izuku shoved himself onto your chest and let out muffled cry. "D-Don't scare me like that. Almost made me have a heart a-attack!"
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connieslover · 4 years
headcanon : my heart was pounding and fluttering
✧˖*°࿐  headcanons of midoriya, todoroki, bakugou and kaminari realising that they’re in love with you (bruh i have a cr*sh on kaminari)
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡izuku midoriya
ෆ one night, you were in todoroki’s room along with the rest of dekusquad, studying for your finals
ෆ you offered to make drinks as everyone looked pretty tired and unmotivated to study 
ෆ “i-i’ll help you!”
ෆ being the gentleman midoriya was, he quickly jumped from the ground and offered to help you
ෆ “oh thanks midoriya!” 
ෆ you exited todoroki’s room along with midoriya, the two of you walking in silence as you took in the ambience of the night
ෆ once the two of you arrived at the kitchen, you headed to the cupboard to retrieve the mugs 
ෆ “midoriya, could you make the green tea latte for ohcaco and iida? there should be tea bags somewhere there,”
ෆ without hesitance, the male nodded before taking two of the mugs you laid on the counter and walking to the drawer that was filled with many varieties of tea bags 
ෆ thank you yaoyorozu for being 1-A’s tea provider
ෆ midoriya stood in front of the drawer, baffled
ෆ there were at least four boxes with the label ‘green tea’ 
ෆ how could he possibly know which one was ‘green tea latte’?
ෆ seeking for help, he turned his head to ask you 
ෆ “y-n….?”
ෆ his voice turned into a quiet whisper
ෆ you were currently heating up hot milk for you and todoroki, humming softly to a song 
ෆ the light from the moon was shining on your silhouette which was slowly swaying from side to side 
ෆ he was enchanted by your beauty which was even more pronounced during the night 
ෆ he quickly shook of his thoughts before returning his attention to the tea bags in front of him
ෆ but only then did he realize that he was alone
ෆ with you 
ෆ his thoughts didn’t allow him to go further as he felt a presence behind him
ෆ “midoriya, you do know which one is the green tea latte, right?” 
ෆ he literally froze
ෆ your head was peeking from behind his shoulder curiously
ෆ this was the first time he had ever been so close to you
ෆ the close proximity made his cheeks turn into a dark shade of red and the hairs on his arm to stand up
ෆ “s-so close!”
ෆ “midoriya?”
ෆ “oh- uh...actually i’m not sure which is the right one,”
ෆ the air from your chuckle breezed against his neck and midoriya felt his breath hitch
ෆ “it’s this one,” 
ෆ you took a step beside him and pointed at the correct boxes of green tea
ෆ midoriya sheepishly took two packets from the box, ripped it open and poured the contents into the cup
ෆ “the water’s boiling so i guess we’ll have to wait for a while,” 
ෆ the two of you stood side by side, listening to the sounds of the rapids of water, elbows touching
ෆ midoriya took this moment to regain his composure 
ෆ he’s interacted with people before
ෆ (obviously)
ෆ and he had been in situations where he was left alone with females
ෆ and had them fall on top of him 
ෆ but he had never felt his heart seconds away from combusting, his palms sweating, his mind pounding and the shyness to look at them in the eye like he did now 
ෆ it was different 
ෆ although you weren’t doing anything in particular, the male was nervous like crAZYY
ෆ “oh! it’s done,” 
ෆ midoriya took the kettle and poured the water into the mugs
ෆ with shaking hands, it was surprising that he had actually poured into them
ෆ “here’s your hot chocolate,”
ෆ you slid the green colored mug towards midoriya with a smile on your face
ෆ “th-thank you,”
ෆ the two of you were walking back to todoroki’s room with a tray each
ෆ it somehow surprised midoriya that you knew his favorite late night drink was hot chocolate
ෆ but he wasn’t completely flustered about it
ෆ one of the things he liked most about you was that you were observant and that you took in the smallest bits of details
ෆ “wait a minute-did i just-LIKE?”
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡shoto todoroki
ෆ you and todoroki were paired up together for the first time for your hero lesson with All Might
ෆ you weren’t exactly his best mate nor was he yours, but you two were able to classify each other as ‘good friends’
ෆ for today’s lesson, it was to simply rescue the citizens
ෆ “let’s go into that sketchy building,” you chirped, skipping off towards the building while todoroki followed you from behind
ෆ as the two of you walked side by side in the dark hallways, checking every room for any citizens, you heard footsteps 
ෆ “did you hear that?” 
ෆ “yeah, i think the sounds are coming from that room,”
ෆ you followed todoroki into an empty room where you carefully observed the area
ෆ suddenly, the wall had been broken through by an oddly strong robot
ෆ the bricks flew towards you and todoroki and you let out a squeal before cowering behind todoroki who had created an ice wall
ෆ “woah~” 
ෆ “i thought we were just rescuing civilians….” mumbled todoroki
ෆ “i should’ve known something like this was going to happen. let’s go kick their asses todoroki!”
ෆ and so, you and todoroki fought the robots which were coming your way together
ෆ from todoroki’s peripheral view, he could see you spitting out curse words at the robots and hitting them with your quirk 
ෆ unknowingly, he felt his lips itching to smile 
ෆ the two of you gave out loud pants, sweat dripping from your necks as you had destroyed the last robot
ෆ “god that was tiring,” you huffed, wiping the sweat from your forehead
ෆ "let’s continue to find civilians,” spoke todoroki
ෆ you nodded in reply and started walking and by chance, your shoe laces had untangled during the fight, causing you to step onto it
ෆ you were prepared to face plant into the ground embarrassingly until you felt a sudden coldness around your ankle, preventing you from falling
ෆ "sorry,”
ෆ you smiled sheepishly as he walked over to you, melting the ice away with his fire quirk
ෆ “thanks todoroki, you saved me from sharing my first kiss with the floor,”
ෆ after rescuing civilians, encountering a few classmates and beating up more robots there was a loud announcement from All Might saying that their time was up 
ෆ whilst you and todoroki were walking back to the changing rooms, reflecting on your lessons, you had suddenly gone quiet 
ෆ confounded by the sudden halt of your conversation, todoroki glanced at you from the corner of his vision
ෆ you had a small smile on your face 
ෆ it was sort of a proud smile
ෆ “you should use your fire quirk more often by the way,” you spoke in a soft yet genuine tone before switching to your more bright and loud tone, “with just your ice quirk you’re already pretty strong but imagine if you used both of them.... you’ll be unstoppable!”
ෆ todoroki felt a jolt of bashfulness, pleased and comfort mixed together
ෆ before he knew it, you had bidded him goodbye as you went towards your changing area with a smile on your face, leaving him wondering as to why his heart was pounding faster than before
ෆ after changing back into his uniform, todoroki was walking along the corridors when suddenly the image of you smiling proudly appeared  
ෆ he felt his heart race once more
ෆ bewildered by his sudden heart rate increasing, he ran towards recovery girls' room
ෆ he was worried if he had caught some kind of sickness or was experiencing a form of heart strain
ෆ when recovery girl had checked up on his vitals and did a physical examination on him, she had said that todoroki was perfectly healthy
ෆ “but...my heart beat keeps racing at odd times...and whenever i see this person i feel at ease and i have this urge to hold them. are you sure i’m fine?”
ෆ “todoroki... i think you have a crush. and all these sensations you’re feeling, are symptoms of love. ”
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡katsuki bakugou
ෆ bakugou thought that midoriya was the only person capable of making him feel like murdering someone 
ෆ well that was until he met you
ෆ don’t worry he doesn’t want to kill you
ෆ bakugou was sulking on his seat as per any other day, accompanied by his close friend, kirishima
ෆ “you dumbass don’t abuse your quirk like that”
ෆ kirishima let out a chuckle at his friend’s response to one of his stories he had probably told three times already
ෆ their conversation was cut short when kirishima’s name had been called out by you
ෆ “kirishima come here,”
ෆ kirishima immediately jumped up from his seat and jogged towards you
ෆ “r-red riot? you know me so well y/n!”
ෆ bakugou glanced at the bright smile on his best friends face before tearing his gaze to the squirrel in the tree 
ෆ however, his eye’s couldn’t help but wonder to you conversing happily with kirishima
ෆ being the social butterflies you and kirishima were, you two immediately clicked and became good friends so it wasn’t a surprise to bakugou that you two bonded so easily
ෆ but what did surprise him was the faintest shade of pink on your cheeks as you laughed
ෆ the way you threw your head back and your eyes crinkled as you laughed was enough to make anyone else in the room smile
ෆ bakugou was even more surprised at the fact that when you were laughing with kirishima, he felt angry
ෆ he felt the urge to punch his own best friend for making you laugh
ෆ “wait what? why the hell am i feeling this way?”
ෆ as he continued to gaze at you and kirishima, the feeling of envy bubbled inside of him
ෆ but being the oblivious person he was, he just thought that he was angry at you for stealing his best friend from him
ෆ “yeah, that must be it. i’m feeling angry because that damn extra stole my friend,”
ෆ “oi bakugou, why do you look so pissed? i mean you always look pissed, but you look even more pissed off today,”
ෆ “tch i just thought about something that made me angry,”
ෆ “could that something be y/n? you’ve been staring at her for quite some ti-”
ෆ “shut up kaminari,”
ෆ for the remainder of the day, whenever he saw you, he would scoff and turn his head away from you
ෆ bewildered at his attitude, you decided to talk to him when you found him sitting by on the couch by himself in the living room 
ෆ "moron,”
ෆ from the tingling sensation he felt from your whisper behind him, bakugou immediately whipped his head around 
ෆ your brows were slightly furrowed and you had a slight pout on your lips as you crossed your arms 
ෆ “did i do something wrong?
ෆ bakugou turned his head away from you, “no,”
ෆ “then why did you keep ignoring me the whole day? you keep scoffing at me! geez did i really not do something wrong? could you just tell me? it’s been annoying me the whole day you know! or maybe....do you...do you hate me?”
ෆ “i don’t hate you!” you were slightly taken aback at the loudness of his voice 
ෆ it was the fastest bakugou had ever responded to you
ෆ bakugou sank back into the couch before mumbling, “you didn’t do anything wrong,”
ෆ relieved at his answer, you gleefully skipped away 
ෆ “why the hell does she make me feel nervous?”
ෆ distressed about the thought of you, he decided to talk to ashido and kaminari about it
ෆ “bro...you’re totally in love with her!”
ෆ “yup!”
ෆ “according to wikihow, you’re showing all the symptoms of a man whose fallen in love,”
ෆ “wikihow is complete bullshit there is no way in hell i am in love,”
ෆ and yet, when you complimented him during his battle with todoroki, he couldn’t suppress boasting himself around kirishima
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 ˖◛⁺⑅♡denki kaminari
ෆ you and kaminari were known as class 1-A’s crackheads
ෆ and that’s what made the two of you best friends
ෆ thanks to your playful and carefree personality, you were able to befriend kaminari easily
ෆ you two were like two edamames in a pod 
ෆ does that make sense idk lol
ෆ when the two of you were put into the same group for a mission
ෆ god aizawa-sensei literally regrets his decision in becoming a teacher
ෆ you two were literally UNSTOPPABLE together
ෆ like you’d literally be shouting encouraging words at each other and kicking ass side by side 
ෆ your friendship with kaminari definitely raised a few brows amongst your classmates 
ෆ one night, kaminari was laid down on the floor of kirishima’s room, talking about god knows what 
ෆ suddenly, kirishima asked a question regarding you 
ෆ “soooo kaminari, are you and y/n a thing now or?”
ෆ “what? no! what makes you think that?”
ෆ kirishima tapped on his chin with a sly grin on his lips,
ෆ “i just thought that you had feelings for her or something,”
ෆ kaminari’s mind literally blanked
ෆ “f-feelings? as in....romantic feelings?”
ෆ “yes you idiot,”
ෆ kaminari blinked as he stared at kirishima with a baffled face
ෆ he stood up in a robotic manner,
ෆ “i’m going to bed now. goodnight,”
ෆ kaminari laid on his soft mattress as he stared at the ceiling of his room, his thoughts running rapidly
ෆ “romantic feelings....”
ෆ kaminari always saw you as a person he could trust, enjoy his time with and confide in
ෆ surely he only saw you as his bestfriend and nothing more
ෆ right?
ෆ his loud thoughts were broken off when he heard a knock on his door
ෆ “kaminari, it’s me!”
ෆ “did i just manifest y/n?”
ෆ after hearing your voice, he immediately rolled of his bed and twisted his door knob, allowing you to enter
ෆ although a majority of your face was hidden due to the oversized hoodie you were wearing, the gleam in your eyes was evident
ෆ you twirled into his room, clutching your nintendo switch in your hands 
ෆ “kaminari, you can’t believe what just happened!”
ෆ you shoved your nintendo switch into kaminari’s hand and started blabbering about your island and your new villagers
ෆ the words from your mouth sounded like gibberish to kaminari as he was focused on the way your eyes twinkled as you spoke about your treasures, your feet which were jumping up and down in excitement and your hands which were moving around as you spoke
ෆ  “i just thought that you had feelings for her or something,”
ෆ “hello? earth to kaminari?” you waved your hands in front of the dazed male 
ෆ he immediately snapped back into reality, cheeks slightly flushing as he realized he was caught dazing about you
ෆ “we’re just best friends. there’s nothing more to that,”
ෆ “oh! could you help me go fishing? kirishima says that you’re good at it!”
ෆ before he knew it your hands were on his wrist, dragging him to his bed where the two of you sat down, side by side
ෆ kaminari decided to push his thoughts away and instead focus on the game in front of him
ෆ “ah shoot i nearly had it!”
ෆ kaminari’s fingers fumbled clumsily on the controller as he tried reeling in the fish, resulting him to fail his third attempt 
ෆ as his brows furrowed in concentration, he couldn’t help but notice your presence getting closer to him
ෆ from his peripheral vision, he could see you looking at the screen with intense concentration which he oddly found cute
ෆ ‘ba-bump’
ෆ “wait what? no way! my heart totally skipped a beat just now..”
ෆ pushing his thoughts away from you my ass smh
ෆ kaminari became even more aware of your presence, causing him to lose the fish once again
ෆ “what did kirishima say about you being good again? i bet my toes could play better than you!” 
ෆ you took your nintendo switch from kaminari with puffed cheeks as you were slightly disappointed at his gameplay
ෆ but the moment your fingers grazed kaminari’s,
ෆ he knew that the jolt of electricity he felt wasn’t from his quirk
ෆ “look! i got one on my first try!”
ෆ for the next five minutes of you catching fishes with intense concentration, kaminnari spent this moment to fawn over you 
ෆ he was entranced by the way your eyes lit up when you had caught something and the way your lips unconsciously pouted when you didn’t
ෆ maybe he did have feelings for you after all
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Show me yours and I’ll show you mine
Mob! Leo x fem reader
Summery: You’re a sex worker working at the infamous Red Room (R&R) brothel in New York city when you run into Leo who’s there not on business. He, somehow, takes a liking to you and your adventure ensues.
Warnings: NSFW, sex work mentions, fist fight/violence, alcohol mentions, violence mentions.
((A/N: This doesn’t have much of a plot, just a fun idea I had and I haven’t written a mob fic in so long so here ya’ go!!))
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It wasn’t a slow day at Red Room, Clients had been in and out all day and it was nearing 7pm. The smell of perfume and cologne hung heavy in the air and the place was starting to get messy. During the day the brothel is mainly used for men to drink and be kept company but when the night hits, it comes alive.
Women roaming around in lingerie of every kind, singers and dancers to entertain those who are just here to escape their wives or boys trying to become men chasing down pretty women who only show interest after they flash their cash. Security is pretty tight, too. Can’t have minors getting in, as much as they try, or anyone throwing off the atmosphere with drunken brawling.
It’s a beautiful September night, the air is still warm the remnants of summer and sun beans are streaming in through the ornate glass windows. Classic, beautiful furniture covers the main room where men get to know their chosen girl before she takes them back to her room and the bar is crowded with the usuals who are just here to watch and have a good time.
You walk through the vast room, smiling and making chit chat with as many of the men as you can before picking up your drink and retiring to one of the chairs. For a busy day it was still slow for you. You adjust your thigh highs as you sit and take off your heels. A small rest wouldn’t kill you. There were all sorts in tonight including, or so you’d heard, one of the mob boys. You hadn’t laid eyes on him yet but there was a certain tension surrounding the place that only the turtle boys could create so even if you hadn’t seen him, you could feel him. They weren’t strangers to R&R, sometimes they’d bring business associates here to butter them up, buy them a girl for the night and talk business where she kissed their neck or they’d come for their own pleasure. 
You take another look around the room, most of the men were focused on Starla who was singing a blues version of “how to be a heart breaker”, her voice slightly deeper than usual and full of sensual promise and her bright red, lacy bra and panties are particularly stunning. Praying that no one will approach you for at least another 10 minutes you take a sip of your whiskey and sit back to enjoy the show- when you hear it.
From a more distant corner of the room there are raised voices and harsh words being thrown about, something that is not accepted in the Red Room. Putting down your drink, you pick up your heels in your other hand and go over to see what all the fuss is about.
“I want what I fucking paid for!” comes a voice from a heavily intoxicated man who is standing on the last step to the stairs. Cherry stand in front of him, clearly distressed and looking slightly dishevelled. You can only assume that something went wrong in the bedroom and she had to run. Bastard you thought to yourself.
“Not if you won’t wear a condom! There are fucking rules!” she bites back. She was right, R&R had very strict guidelines to keep their girls and patrons safe and condoms must be worn for any and all sexual activity as well as regular STD checks.
That’s when he finally loses his cool completely, grabbing Cherry by the hair and trying to pull her back up the stairs. You don’t know exactly what came over you but before you know what you’re doing you drop your heels and rush over, prising his hand from her hair and socking him in the jaw. His head flies back from the impact and hits the wall, ricocheting off it before he falls down cold on the stairs which is met by a round of applause from the crowd that has gathered around you both. You turn to a now crying Cherry.
“you ok? What did he do? You alright?” you ask in quick succession. 
“I-I’m-” she sobs and holds on to you, you wrap your arms around her bare waist and move her slightly to the side as the ever late security deals with the unconscious guy. You decide it’s better to get her away and instead take her outside where some of the other girls have crowded round and offer her drinks and cigarettes as well as their sympathies. They stroke her hair and comfort her so you venture back inside, leaving her in their very capable hands. 
Once back in the main room, the madame for the night walks briskly over to you with a hard expression on her face.
“And just what was that?” She half whispers
“I know right, that jerk was trying to make her go bare back even though we’re super specific that we don’t do that here” you reply
“Not that!” She snaps “That little brawl you had with him. What do you think you were doing?”
“...Defending my colleague?” you’re confused, this isn’t the first time one of the girls here has had to step up for another, it probably won’t be the last either. 
“We have to crack down on you- you girls getting into fights! It’s dangerous and irresponsible and I think you should go home for the rest of-”
You both stop when you sense a presence to your right. Looking over you come face to face with a towering figure: Leonardo.
The madame clears her throat and smiles
“Ah, Mr Leonardo! How- how may we help you?” she beams at him. You’re not sure if it’s out of respect or fear, probably a mixture of both.
“How much for this one?” He says point blank.
“Excuse me?” The madame’s jaw almost hits the floor
“How much for this one for a few hours?”
You smile and give him big doe eyes as he talks price with her and she still attempts to send you home. Eventually it’s settled and allows you to take him back to your room.
He’s silent on the walk up there even as you chat idly about how handsome he is as you usually do with clients and making sure to sway your hips extra heavily to give him a good view as you walk up ahead of him.
Once tucked inside your room, you kneel on the bed and face him.
“So, how do you want me, big guy?” you say in a low, seductive voice.
He sits in a chair by the door in the corner and lights up a cigarette which isn’t technically allowed but acceptations are always made to accommodate the mob boys so you let it slide. 
“You can cut that shit out now” he says bluntly.
“what shit?” you’re confused again
“The ‘big guy’ and ‘you’re so handsome’ practically drooling over me shit. It’s overdone and, honestly, you’re not very convincing.”
“I’ll have you know that my acting skills are top notch but if you want realness lets go. How do you wanna fuck me and how long do I have to put up with you for?”
He smiles at that
“Atta’ girl”
You both sit in silence for a few minutes as he looks over you, drinking in your form. His eyes always linger on your hips and the garter belt around your waist so you can safely assume these are your best features in his opinion. 
“What possessed you to take on that drunk guy?” he breaks the silence
“My friend was in trouble, besides, I’ve got a solid right hook and wanted an excuse to use it” you reply. He smiles again. Not to be cocky, but I think I’m winning him over you think to yourself.
He’s rented out your room for two hours and all he seems to want to do is talk. He doesn’t even get up from his chair apart from once and only then it was to look out the window as he asked you about how you ended up here. You assumed it was some kind of saviour complex, the whole “how did a nice girl like you end up in a dump like this” routine but the truth is you like the Red Room. You love the attention and praise it gets you, your family knows what you do for a living and are proud of you and you’ve made some good friends here. 
“...Besides” you continue “it’s the only place around here where it’s not impossible to make 5 grand in a night if you try hard enough. Most other places can’t say the same.”
He was decent conversation although he was reluctant to tell you anything about himself, but he listened and appeared genuinely interested in what you had to say. You even made him laugh a few times. You didn’t know the turtle boys even had a sense of humour. 
Your 2 hours with him were coming to an end and, after pouring him a final drink, you said your goodbyes, It wasn’t completely unusual for a client to simply want to talk for their time with you, but from what you’d heard the turtle boys have an insatiable appetite for women so it doesn’t quite sit right with you that he didn’t want your body. Oh well.
The next morning was your day off. You woke up before your alarm and took a few minutes to hug your pillow closer to you and breathe in the fresh morning air from the window by your head. Your apartment was modest but not dingy in the slightest, the Red Room paid well and your home reflected that to some extent although you never wanted to be flashy about it. Last night was still on your mind, the way Leo (as he had asked you to call him) looked at you was still burned into your memory. His scent and the way he raised each drink to his lips. Everything he did commanded authority and was done with such grace and composure. Your thoughts were rudely interrupted by your alarm, only, it wasn’t your alarm. 
Confused, you look at your phone and see the madame is calling. What does this old bitch want? you think before answering the call.
“Hello?” you talk into the phone, trying to hide your distaste at being bothered on one of your precious days off.
“Hi, y/n, I really hate to do this but I need to get straight to the point. You have an outcall today.” the voice replies
“Oh, I’m sorry, you must be mistaken, This is my day off and I don’t do outcalls anymore. That’s been cleared with you guys for months.” the annoyance was beginning to shine through your voice. 
“Yes, I’m aware, but special allowances have to be made when certain clientele....Desire your company...”
“Who the fuck do you think is special enough to get me out of bed right now?” you hiss into the phone
You didn’t hear the rest of her sentence as you take a second to let that sink in. Half of you was pissed as hell that these rich boys get whatever they want and whoever they want just because they practically run the town through fear, but another small part of you was...Flattered. 
“What time and where?” you ask
The madame gives you all the information and you hurry out of bed to get showered and ready. You only had an hour and a half to make yourself look presentable and actually get half way across town to his mansion. 
Five minutes before you need to be out of the door, you take a second to admire yourself in the mirror. You had done a good job with your cat eye makeup and you were pretty sure your have him eating out of your hand with the little baby pink slip dress you were wearing. Underneath was another garter belt, thigh highs and a small heel. You could have gone bigger considering you were only average height and Leo must have been about 6′7 at least but you decided a small heel worked better with the aesthetic you were cultivating. 
The uber pulled up the the enormous house that towered in front of you, driving carefully between the ornate and ancient statues that seemed the guard the entrance to the driveway. Opening the door and stepping out, the almost overwhelming aroma of roses filled your nose from the thickets by the front door. Everything was beautiful and clearly meticulously designed and placed. You felt your heart drop. What the fuck do I have to offer this guy who has everything? You swallow the lump in your throat and go to ring the door bell. 
A small, round man dressed in a white shirt and black waistcoat answers the door and smiles at you as if you ask why you’re here. Running a hand through your hair in an attempt to compose yourself (you’re a professional after all) you use your most confident voice to say:
“I’m y/n, and I’m here for Leonardo. He should be expecting me”
Realisation washes over the man’s face as he asks you to “please come in” and you take a seat in the foyer. You take a second to look around. The entrance hall is magnificent, a huge chandelier hangs above you with crystals or even diamonds (you weren’t sure but they were rich enough to afford such luxuries) casting glorious rainbows around the room as the light from the windows shines through it. The furniture had to be custom made, you’d never seen anything like it before and in the centre of the foyer is a round table with the most beautiful vase you’d ever seen and a carefully constructed bouquet of flowers sitting in it. You’d started to realise that maybe you were in too deep, but there was no getting out now.
It’s not long before you here footsteps coming down the stairs behind you. Leo and his older, and somehow taller, brother were walking down and seemed to be deep in conversation. They were still a little too far away to hear and they spoke in hushed voices but you could make out the purple suited one say
“She’s not talking” in a feverish voice to which Leo replied
“That’s not my problem right now, deal with her before I deal with you!”
it sounded serious.
Once at the bottom of the staircase and spotting you, he posture relaxes a little and he puts on that charming smile which reminds you that you need to do the same. That’s what he’s paying for, but he has such beautiful deep blue eyes that it;s difficult to not get distracted by them. He wore a black suit with very thing white lines going down it and a baby blue handkerchief in the breast pocket, his signature colour. He looked to die for.
He approaches and greets you with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek while telling you how beautiful you look. What a silver tongue he has. 
He takes you on a tour of the house and garden, it’s clear that he’s only doing this as a formality, to get you comfortable around him and it isn’t to brag. He almost seems indifferent about his extreme wealth. There were a few rooms with heavy locks on the doors and he didn’t show you into those or one entire wing of the house; telling you that was under construction. You saw Donatello go through to that area, though but, you didn’t want to rock the boat by asking questions.
Eventually he took you out to the patio, it was stunning. More roses and other potted flower stood all around and the table was set with silver cutlery and beautiful wine glasses. He pulled a chair out for you to sit, like a true gentleman.
As waiters came and went, bringing you both lavish meals and more wine, you talked for hours. Well...You talked. He mainly listened and asked questions. You couldn’t help but feel entirely comfortable around him, something about his presence was so non-judgemental and sincere that you felt you could answer everything honestly and not put up a front like you usually would on other “dates”. The only trouble around when you spoke next.
“So I’m been rattling on for ages. Tell me about you. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you like living with your brothers? Where did you grow up?”
That last question seemed to hit a nerve as he looked as if he winced slightly  at it. He didn’t answer.
You put your hand on his
“Did you hear me?”
He pulled his hand away and looked you in the eyes
“I didn’t pay you to interrogate me. You’re here to sit and look pretty, not open your fucking mouth”
You were stunned. This sudden turn seemed to come from nowhere and that’s when you felt the anger rise up in you. You’d never been one to hold your tongue and you weren’t going to start now- consequences be damned.
“Well excuse the fuck me!” you began “Why is it that every guy feels so entitled to my life but so unwilling to tell me anything about their own? Oh yeah! Maybe it’s because they’re so boring an insignificant in this world that they have to pay a woman to come talk to their sorry ass because no one would do it for free. I thought you were different but it’s all for show, isn’t it? The house, the cars, the money... Nothing behind that, just another pitiful, sad little man who has to pay for a quick fuck. I’m outta here”
You throw your napkin down on the plate and walk away. You almost make it to the front door when a hand grips your wrist, turning you to face them.
Leo looks sorry for himself. It’s clear he knows the magnitude to which he’s messed up but he doesn’t say anything right away.
“Well?” you say impatiently? “Look, you wanted me here. I just go where the money takes me but for a second I thought there might actually be some kind of connection. You want a real date, then you have to tell me about yourself at least a little. That’s what real people do. But if you’re just going to be a giant douche with no respect, I’m leaving.”
“It’s not a happy story” he finally says through gritted teeth, hand still firmly around your wrist. “But if you want to hear about it, follow me”
He takes you upstairs a through a few more hallways until you reach what must be his room. It’s just as beautifully designed as the rest of the house but with a few more personal touches. As opposed to the slightly Italian looking architecture and design of the rest of the house, his room has katanas hung up on the wall and a small nook in the corner of the room where a tea maker sits. It’s more homely than the rest of the place. More his own.
He sits you down on the bed and slowly begins to explain.
He doesn’t go into too much detail, you imagine that would be too painful for him.He tells you how he was found in a sewer with his brothers and then made to wear chains and perform for sick crowds of smiling a grimacing humans and how he hated them. He mentioned the beatings and the torture, the hunger he felt everyday. He spoke on the anger his father harboured and how they would dream of a revenge so bloody and raw that he hoped god would look away while they did it. He told you about their escape and how it was the first time he’d know the touch of a human that hadn’t left a scar. It was all horrific and you couldn’t believe he survived that.
“...We still don’t know what Mikey saw that night but whatever it was, he didn’t talk for three weeks and now he’s...Well, now he’s the new Mikey. I don’t talk about it because who would want to know? And I don’t want pity, I don’t want your sympathy just because ‘boo hoo, he had a tough childhood’ ”
You place your hand on his cheek and turn his face towards you, he didn’t look at you the entire time he spoke.
“I don’t pity you” You began “I admire you. Going through all that and still being a functional person? That takes a strength I couldn’t muster”
You lean in to kiss him on the cheek, he turns his head and kisses you on the lips slowly, as if to savour every second of it. You hands go to his face and he lightly grips the back of your neck as the kiss intensifies. You lie back and he takes his place on top of you, between your legs and he trails one hand up your thigh to your hip, going just underneath your now bunched up dress.
He begins to kiss down your jaw line and towards your neck and your breath hitches in your throat at the pressure of his lips on your skin. His attention turns to your cleavage, he looks up at you as if you ask for permission and you nod before his head delves between your breasts, kissing and lapping at your tender flesh. You roll your head back and begin to pant slightly. The way he’s so attentive and gentle yet composed and in control is a nice contrast that few men can do successfully. 
Cupping one of your breasts as he kisses it, you put your hand under his chin to return his mouth to yours and your tongues swirl together in ecstasy as you moan into his mouth.You can feel him hardening through his tailored trousers. Pulling back, you begin to unbutton his shirt as he takes off his blazer before reaching down between the two of you and cupping his bulge through his clothes. He almost growls at that and takes the top of your dress in his hands, ripping it down the middle. You look up at him wide eyed and he simply smiles and whispers
“I’ll buy you ten new ones”
You can’t see too well in the room as the sun is beginning to set but you can still make out how toned and muscular his chest is even in the half light. You run your fingers over his abs as he pushes up your dress and pulls down your underwear. Leo begins to kiss down your inner thighs, nipping gently as he gets closer to your sex
“No” you say suddenly. He stops immediately and looks at you “I want you. I just wanna feel you”
Pushing himself up onto his knees, still between your open legs, he undoes his belt, unzips him pants and pulls them down. His hard, thick cock bouncing free from its previous restraints. He takes a quick second to reach into his bedside draw and pull out a condom that he puts on with ease. He leans down and puts one hand firmly on the bed next to your head and with the other lines himself up at your already soaked entrance. You ready yourself for whats about to come, he’s bigger than your usual clients. He slowly pushes himself inside you and you gasp at the pleasurable agony of how torturous it is. Eventually he bottoms out and kisses you on the lips before looking into your eyes.
“are you ready?” He asks, you nod in return
His hips start at a slow but hard pace, obviously warming you up for whats to come. He nibbles at your ear and his hand becomes entangled in your hair, pulling it lightly as if to test the waters of how you feel about that. The more you moan the faster and harder he goes while whispering how much of a good girl you are in your ear and telling you how you take him so well.
All you can do is breathlessly moan and beg him not to stop, he looks into your eyes with a devilish mischief and says
“Stop? We’re only just starting”
He pulls out and flips you onto your front, pulling your hips up to meet his and enters you again from behind. He grabs one of your arms and pulls it behind your back, gripping it there to stay and place and with the other he gathers up the lengths of your hair and pulls so that you’re facing forwards. His pace is punishing and your eyes begin to tear up from just how mind blowing he is. Occasionally he would let go of your arm to give you a quick, sharp slap on the ass or to caress your hips a little but eventually he would always grip your wrist again, keeping it in place.
His pace begins to slow and he looks down at himself sliding in and out of you.
“Baby, you’re being so good. Look how well you’re taking me. Such an angel” he coos 
“I- I can’t take much more” you whisper but he hears and chuckles to himself. Letting go of your arm his hand slides between your thighs and begins to play with your clit, each circle he rubs is in time with his thrusts and it’s driving you crazy.
“Leo, Leo! I-” you can’t take anymore as a full body orgasm rolls through you and you almost collapse if it weren’t for his arms holding you up. One more smack on your ass and a few more thrusts and you can tell he’s almost at his own release.
“Fuck baby” He purrs and he explodes inside of you before leaning down the kiss the centre of your back. He gentle places you down on the bed so that you don’t just falls that way and quickly goes to dispose of the condom.
You get under the sheets of the bed, still panting slightly and a thin mist of sweat is lining your forehead. Leo gets into bed beside you in the now dark room and you push yourself closer to him as he wraps an arm around you. You lean in and close your eyes against his chest. Sex always made you sleepy, well, good sex did. He looks down at you, kisses your hair and whispers
“You’re gonna need that sleep. I just know I’ll need to have you again in the morning”
You smile against his skin as he rubs small circles on your back as you drift off. The last thing you remember is him whispering, and you’re not sure if it was to you or himself
“It felt good to finally tell someone all that shit. I’m glad you’re here”
Feeling appreciated and satisfied you let sleep take you, only left to dream about what pleasures the morning had waiting for you.
The end
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letskidnapsenpai · 3 years
saw you wanted some sfw alphabet requests so i am here to deliver❤️
may i get C, R and Z with shinso and kaminari please?
have a lovely day/night and remember to stay hydrated!!!!!
Hiii! 💖💫of course 💖
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- Denki -
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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
• He's very affectionate boi
• He'll be all over you, 24/7, he loves you and he needs to let you know that
• Pda isn't problem for him, he doesn't care who sees, he'll hug, kiss and cuddle you whenever he wants
• But if you don't like pda, he understands and will try to keep his distance from you, but holding hands are a must, there's no way you two won't be holding hands
• He loves cuddling you while watching movies
• He'll like being both big and small spoon, sometimes he wants to be held and sometimes he wants to hold you
• He'll love playing games laying in the bed with you hugging him from behind or you in his lap
• Sometimes he let's out small sparks while being content with something, so get used to being shocked
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
• His favourite moment is when you were at together at Luna Park
• The way your eyes sparkled as you dragged him with you
• He loved it as much as you did, of course, it was one of the best days of his life
• Even if he was little bit scared of some attractions, you held his hand and he felt so much better
• You shared cotton candy and both took soo many pictures together to post at social media
• He tried to shoot out some plushie for you, but he's not exactly the best at keeping calm and focusing
• In the end you shoot out a Pikachu plushie for him
• He sleeps with it until today and he loves it so much
• He'll definitely take you to more Luna Parks now that he knows how much you both enjoyed it
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Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
• He probably doesn't sleep a lot, he spends the nights playing games and streaming
• He's trying to go to sleep earlier because of you, if you're used to going to sleep early
• He'll stop drinking energy drinks so much and he'll try to go to sleep when you do, but sometimes he just has to play
• But if you play games and stay awake late too, you two will call and play games together until morning
• Or when you're at his place, you'll play on console together or stream on Twich all my Denki HC's are twich streamer!Denki and I'm not sorry for it
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- Shinsou -
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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I did A (Affection) for Shinsou and I included cuddles in it, so because I don't want to repeat myself, it's here! 💖
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
• Saving stray kittens with you
• You we getting back from your visit at Aizawa's and Yamada's place when you heard meowing
• You thought it's just some stray cat who wants to be pet so you turned around
• But the only thing you saw was cardboard box
• You took a look inside and saw black and grey kittens
• They were still bloody, they had to be born just few minutes ago, but their mother was nowhere to see while she should have been cleaning them now
• You looked at each other and without having to exchange a word, you knew you had to save them
• Hizashi carefully took the box and you made your way to your flat as fast as you could
• When you arrived, you took some towels, spread them and carefully took them out of the box, to place them on the towels so you can check them
• Except being cold and dirty, they seemed okay, that was good
• You cleaned them with wet cloths and placed them into another box, this time laundry box with soft blankets and a heating blanket inside it to keep them warm
• You sent Hitoshi to get some milk for kittens while you watched over them
• You kept them, you couldn't give them away after saving their lives
• Except 2 kittens, these went to Aizawa's, because Hizashi had to leave the city for few days, so nothing stood in his way for getting cats wow this is really long
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Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
• Sleep? What's that? Our boi doesn't sleep at night
• At least then he's alone, when he's with you, he fells asleep sometimes
• Eventually, he starts sleeping for at least few hours most of the nights if you're with him
• But if you're not? He's not sleeping the whole time, he got so used to you that he can't sleep without you now
• He'll sleep mostly during day and always cuddled to you
• He doesn't care if he has to lay his head on your stomach, chest or lap, he needs his pillow
• He loves holding you when you sleep, even if he can't sleep, he'll at least protect you when you do
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prismatales · 4 years
Part 3 of Endeavor with a quirkless child.
(Manga spoilers)
What if instead of Natsuo it's Reader who gets kidnapped and taken hostage? Is her relationship with her father getting better? only one way to find out!
Part 1 - Part 2
Warning: Tw:death, Tw:Near death experiences, Tw:physical violence, Angst.
Screams of horror came out from a hospital room, a nurse and a doctor were quick to rush inside in order to calm down the terrified woman. A young girl was sitting against the wall outside of the room, face hidden behind her knees as she hugged them closer to her shaking body, her brother and sister did the best they could in order to comfort her and calm the sadness growing inside of her, neither of them knew about the dark thoughts crossing her mind.
That same night she stood in front of the bathroom mirror looking at her reflection with a stare filled with misery and utter disgust, long silky red hair down to her waist, she couldn't look at it without thinking of the terrified look on her mother's face the moment she walked inside her hospital room. Lifeless eyes looking at her reflection as she grabbed a portion of her locks with shaky hands and a pair of scissors, slowly starting to do small nips before picking up the pace and starting to cut desperately, small sobs and whimpers resonated through the bathroom walls as she left the floor covered in a mass of red hair, the steam from the hot shower covering the mirror in a thick layer of moisture....
Your hand wiped at the steam covering the mirror in the dorm's bathroom, a look of doubt adorned your face at the sight of the reflection, it was...strange to look at it for a minute, no longer having blonde on the ends of your hair was odd, specially now with your hair once again sporting only the natural red color. Damps locks sticking to your face from the shower. It took a few months for your hair to grow just enough to get rid of the dyed parts, was it worth it? You didn't know yet.
On the way back to your room a few classmates turned their heads to stare in your direction, many of them actually complimented the new look, making you look down at the floor with a small blush.
As soon as you stepped inside the bedroom the sound of a ringtone went off, it was coming from your phone as it laid on the bedside table near the bed, picking up the device showed there was an incoming call from Fuyumi, sliding a finger into the screen and putting her on speaker before answering the call while sitting on the bed.
"Hey sis, what's up?"
Fuyumi's voice was full of excitement as she answered, she seemed happy about something.
"(Y/N)! Shoto's bringing his friends for dinner, Natsuo and Dad are going to be here as well, and I was wondering if you'd like to come too! Maybe you could ask the school to let you visit?"
You stayed silent for a few seconds, unsure of what to answer her, the idea of dinner with almost the whole family and Shoto's friends sounded like a recipe for disaster, but it would probably break Fuyumi's heart if you declined the invitation.
"(Y/N)? Are you there?" Her voice snapped you out of the trail of thoughts, nearly making you dropping the phone in surprise with a yelp escaping while you juggled with the device to avoid dropping it.
"Gah! Sorry sis! got distracted for a minute! I'll try to be there! Should I bring something?"
"Great! I'll let everyone know you're coming! and maybe you could bring out some dessert? That cake from last time was delicious! ah! gotta go! I have the stove on!"
The call ended with the sound of Fuyumi running off, making you chuckle at her enthusiasm while checking out the time, there was still plenty to get dressed and go pick something for dessert. You quickly dialed the cafe's number to order something, followed by getting changed into a white sweater, a pair of denim shorts with black leggings and brown ankle boots before picking up a purple winter coat from the closet, leaving the dorms with a relaxed rhythm on your steps.
It was a good thing the cafe wasn't that far from UA, it was right between the school and home. The little bell at the door made a noise once you came in, the owners sending a big smile and a wave from their spot, with a bright smile you waved back at them before paying for the order and running home quickly but carefully as not to ruin the dessert, utterly unaware of the people watching you from afar, one from a street alley and another one watching from the roof of a building...both of them with opposite motives altogether...
Standing outside the abode you carefully pulled out your phone to text Fuyumi and ask her to open the door, the paper box cautiously balanced in the other hand in order to avoid dropping the cake, the door slid open but instead of Fuyumi it was Natsuo who came into view.
"oh! (Y/N)! you made iiiiii..." he went silent for a minute before staring, taking in the sight of your new look which made you fidget nervously for a bit, mouth twisting into a nervous smile.
"Is everything okay? Natsuo?" He snapped out of his thoughts before smiling. "yeah! everything's fine! your hair look nice!" He stepped back to give you the chance to come in, handing him the box before taking off your coat.
"So how's everything back in college?" he just laughed dryly with a dead look on his eyes "...just let me die already" the both of you laughed before entering the kitchen where Fuyumi was already getting some last touches done for dinner, the amount of food she made was almost exaggerated, but still, with all the people coming for dinner it would probably be more than plenty for everyone.
"Hey sis~" Fuyumi quickly turned around with a bright smile on her face that quickly morphed to surprise when she took a good look at you, before she could say anything you interrupted her, pulling up the paper box in front of her. "Before you too say anything about my hair, we should put this in the fridge, and don't let Shoto see it, he might end up eating the whole thing instead of dinner" you laughed, remembering the time Shoto went to your dorm just to steal the chocolate cake you bought to celebrate the end of the costume presentation project with the whole support class, he was banned from the support dorms for three months. Both siblings laughed as the three of you talked for a bit waiting for the others to arrive.
While you and Natsuo were setting up the table a knock was heard and Fuyumi quickly went to get the door, the moment she left the kitchen Natsuo's face became sour, making you raise an eyebrow in confusion before walking out of the kitchen with a handful of plates.
"Oh, is Natsuo here too?" You heard Shoto ask, as well as his friends talking.
"we wanted to get to know you guys, we're Shoto's family after all!"
There was a bit more chatter as everyone walked in, Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugo stood there with Fuyumi as they saw you bringing everything for dinner.
"(Y/N)...?" Shoto couldn't help asking, when he saw the boots at the door he thought they were fuyumi's shoes, he was not expecting you as well.
You gave them a sheepish smile and a small wave once the last plate was on the table. "Hi guys, heard you were working hard with Father, keep up the good job! I bet it's tough to be working alongside the Number 1 hero!" Shoto stared at you for a few seconds before he realized something.
"Wait...if you're here then that means..." you recognized that look and quickly grabbed a pair of chopsticks to point them at him in a threatening manner.
"Shoto Todoroki, Don't.You.Dare."
But it was too late, he was already running off to the kitchen.
"Get back here you freaking--" your slipper caught onto something, making you fall backwards while Shoto's friends and Fuyumi screamed. You closed your eyes expecting the hard floor to collide painfully with your back...not a pair of hands grabbing you from behind before you could hit the floor.
Looking up you were greeted by your father's stare, for some reason he seemed...strange, the was doubt in his eyes, like he was thinking hard about something important.
"You need to be more careful of your surroundings, next time don't run inside the house" he pulled you up to help you stand before letting go softly.
"R-right, thanks Daaaaaaaat wassomequickactingfromyou!" you were quick to step away from him, a dark blush completely covering your whole face at the realization of what you almost called him "Natsuo!! Don't let Shoto near the fridge!" you quickly ran to the kitchen nearly slipping AGAIN and leaving everyone in the living room dumbfounded by your attitude.
"What just happened?" Midoriya was clearly confused, you've never acted like that when Shoto invited you to hang out with them. Enji however was left silent by his daughter's attitude, he was quick to realize what you almost said to him, which made his thoughts wander even more for a solution...
A few minutes later everyone was already having dinner. You sat to Natsuo's left and in front of Shoto as far away from your father as possible, there was still a small trace of pink on your face from earlier, but nobody said anything else about it.
"Don't force yourself to eat anything you don't want to, alright?" Fuyumi was so happy by the fact everyone was enjoying their food, and it was hilarious to hear Midoriya analyzing his food while Bakugo complained about it.
"Well, Of course" Natsuo's tone was cold "Ever since out housemaid threw out her back and retired, Fuyumi has been taking care of the cooking"
Midoriya just smiled sightly "I see"
"Give yourself some credit, Natsuo! we take turns, don't we?" Fuyumi was trying to lighten the mood, but you knew Natsuo better than her, after all he was the one you took after the most....after Touya of course....
"Eh?! Then I've been eating your cooking?!" Shoto's face was priceless, was it that surprising Natsuo could cook?
"ahh, I wonder about that. I MIGHT have been forced to stop" he gave you father a side glance "After my cooking failed to reach SOMEONE's standards"
from the corner of your eye you could notice they way everyone was looking at him and your father, this had definitely been a bad idea, but for Fuyumi's sake...
"Hey, be glad I'm not the one cooking" you tried to lighten the mood, for a minute it worked, their attention was turned to you instead. "I may be good creating equipment, but when it comes to cook--"
"I didn't even notice." your father interrupted "Next time..."
Natsuo just made a "Mph..." cutting him off, everyone else could only stare at the both of them and the way Natsuo's jaw clenched. Once he finished his food he just got up from his seat. "Well, I came like you asked, can I go now?"
"Natsuo!" Fuyumi tried to stop him, but nothing she said or did worked, he just walked out, sliding the door closed behind him...
Everyone was helping out cleaning once dinner was over, while Shoto and Fuyumi were talking in the living room you went looking for Natsuo who was already getting ready to leave, Frustration still clear on his face.
"You okay?" his mouth was set into a hard line before he just sighed "I just don't get it, how can Fuyumi and Mom be so willing to forgive him? after everything that happened they're still giving him a chance, how can they be so forgiving? how can YOU be so forgiving?" he turned to look at you, grey eyes burning with frustration and curiosity. "After everything he made you go through, you're still giving him a chance and even let your hair red again...why (Y/N)?" your face contorted in sadness at his words, softly running a hand through the locks before answering him.
"Honestly...I can't say that I've completely forgiven him, it's not like I don't feel the same way as you" the memory of the emancipation request came to mind "But...he's trying to make up for his mistakes...I guess I'm just waiting to see how everything turns out" you gave him a sad smile "I know you may never be able to forgive him and that-that's okay, you know" Natsuo was silent for a minute, thinking, considering those words...
The next thing you knew he was ruffling your hair affectionately "You're lucky you're my favorite sibling, just don't tell Fuyumi and Shoto, they'd never let me hear the end of it..." soft laughter came out from the both of you before both went and said goodbye to Fuyumi and the others, he was checking his phone while you stood outside with him, the material of the jacket protecting you from the cold outside.
"How's your new project coming along?" he asked after checking some texts from his classmates. The fact he remembered THAT project made your eyes go wide and heart swell in happiness.
"Oh! It's coming along nicely, and I'm pretty sure Mom is going to love it!" you answered proudly, but that feeling quickly disappeared when you saw something weird...some kind of blurr was flying in the sky, making you unable to pay attention to anything else, not even what Natsuo was saying.
"(Y/N)? are you listening?" He didn't see the way your eyes looked at the sky in fear, or the way your body tensed when the blurr became bigger, taking an horrendous shape once it got closer. You knew what that thing was, Shoto had fought one before, Endeavor had fought them before and it nearly cost his life.
It was a Nomu, and it was heading straight for Natsuo.
You acted out of reflex and pushed him out of the way causing him to drop on the floor right as the Nomu flew down, grabbing you by the side and digging its claws with a horrendously painful grip before taking off into the dark sky just as fast as it appeared.
Natsuo could only hear the screams of pain and horror as it took you away, staring in fright as that thing disappeared into the sky, with his sister trashing wildly attempting to break free.
"(Y/N)!!!" He quickly ran back home, only Fuyumi was there since their father had already left to take Shoto and his friends back to the dorms.
Meanwhile Endeavor and his Chauffer were taking his three interns back to school, he was busy giving them additional tasks and advice for their internships. And yet the hero's mind couldn't stop wandering to his dream about his family, to the son that was no longer with them, of how his acts tore his family apart. And yet, despite everything he did, most of them were actually giving him a chance.
But what could he do to make up for his past actions?
The sudden way his chauffer slammed the brake on the car nearly hurting everyone inside the vehicle had they not been wearing the seatbelt snapped him out of it.
Endeavor looked towards the empty road and at the source of the sudden halt, the sight in front of them caught his attention presenting everyone with a horrifying sight. A winged Nomu standing in the middle of the road.
And It was holding his youngest daughter by the head.
"That's (Y/N)!" Shoto exclaimed in alarm at he sight of his sister's face twisted in pain and horror due to the massive hand holding her by the back of the head, her own hands gripping hard on the enormous limb, any false movement and that thing could effortlessly crush her head on the spot.
It was in a mere instant that Endeavor literally fled out of the vehicle, heading straight towards the creature holding his daughter hostage. Shoto, Midoriya and Bakugo quickly went after him, just to be stopped mid-way as another Nomus stood before them, preventing the three from approaching the flame hero and it's foe.
"Release her!" Endeavor shouted in anger, but stopped in his tracks when another figure appeared from behind the Nomu. A man wearing nothing but black alongside a white mask covering half of his face smirked wickedly at him.
"Remember me, Endeavor?!" Said hero looked him over before remembering him and that mask.
"From ten years ago...you're that serial killer I took down! You gave yourself your own villain name and everything" he sent a vicious glare in the villains direction, the latter gave a mockingly bow before laughing.
"My my, You actually remember! I'm flattered by your words my friend, I can't believe you actually remember 'Incognito'!~"
'Incognito' just laughed madly while turning to look at you, insanity sparked through his eyes. "But I think this is not the place for a friendly chatter, don't you think so my dear?" he gestured the Nomu, who lifted itself of the ground with the aid of its wings, Incognito grabbed on one of its legs as the creature started going higher into the sky, the grip on your head didn't waver as it fleed.
"If you really want your kid back might as well follow my lead, my friend!" With those words the Nomu swiftly took off into the sky once again, Endeavor following after him with confidence that Shoto and his classmates would manage to take down their current target.
The people on the streets watched the Number 1 hero chasing after the winged monster through the city, he could try launching an attack, but at the risk of the Nomu harming you either by dropping you, or snapping your neck in a swift movement, he couldn't risk it and kept his pursuit after the two villains holding his child hostage.
Incognito signaled the Nomu to stop on top of one of the highest buildings in the city, stepping away a few feet while the monster still had a had grip on you, was it the annoyance? the adrenaline? the anger of being seen as an easy target? you were not sure but it caused you to start trashing around, nails digging into the flesh of the limbs belonging to the creature holding you like a mere rag doll, not that it mattered anyways as it didn't even flinch at the feeling of your hands clawing at him.
"Tch, feisty little thing aren't you?" Incognito stood in front of you, a hand on his chin as it examined the way you struggled with mockery in his laughter before his hand went up, slapping you hard in the face in order to subdue the squirming girl in front of him. "I hate people like you, poor pathetic weaklings that think they can make a difference"
"You won't get away with this" you seethed fiercely, eyes burning with disgust towards the man standing upon you who got close enough again "People like you are meant to be quiet and listen obediently, quirkless people like you are only worthy as mere bait, how in the world did Endeavor even let you live is a question I can't find an answer to-UGH!"
Whatever he was going to say next died in his throat when your knee quickly collided with his stomach, sending his shaking body hunching on the hard floor at the same time as he gripped his stomach in pain, the look of complete stupefaction on his face nearly caused you to laugh at him. The kickboxing lessons really paid off.
"I may be quirkless but I'm not as useless to need a Nomu to do everything for me! You haven't done anything else but blabbering nonsense at Endeavor!" You spat out at him, not even caring of the way Incognito gritted his teeth as he glowered.
"You...bitch!" before he could attempt slapping you again a booming thud distracted him, Incognito turned his back to see the cause of the commotion and on the other side of the rooftop stood Endeavor. He was glaring threateningly at the villain standing in front of you, when he saw the bruise on your face his glare became even more vicious.
"Release my daughter this instant" His already low voice dropped at such a low note that ironically made your blood turn cold in fear, even though the threat wasn't even aimed towards you.
"Why would I do that in the first place? I'm doing you a favor by getting rid of this vermin tainting the world" Incognito walked away from the spot where the Nomu still had a tight grip on you "I've been observing you ever since I managed to escape from prison and I must say...I.am.dissapointed. Where did all that rage that drove you in the past go to?" Incognito sneered in your direction "Oh yes, it's all gone isn't it? All because of this filthy vermin"
with a snap of his fingers the Nomu's grip became tighter, making you shut your eyes in reflex and groan loudly at the painful sensation as your skull was about to be shattered into pieces by the mindless monster holding you captive. Endeavor's face twisted in anger, flames becoming twice as big at the very moment that he aimed an attack straight to the Nomu.
"Oh no you won't!" Incognito's shadow moved all around the floor, covering the whole place in a black curtain, Endeavor stopped his attack and looked at the scenario under him. He remembered the first time facing this villain, his quirk allowing him to travel and observe through the shadows, and he could also hide stuff inside them. That's how he kidnapped his past victims and managed to take their corpses somewhere far away without leaving traces.
Your eyes slowly opened again despite the pain and noticed both your father and the villain were staring at each other, one in rage and the other one in pure mockery, neither of them noticed you were watching the ordeal...or that you slowly pulled back your right sleeve revealing a silver cuff bracelet with a black bead.
Something slowly started to materialize from the shadows behind Endeavor, which made you scream at him in fear.
"LOOK OUT!" Endeavor saw you looking in his direction, but not at him in particular, quickly turning back and narrowly avoiding being stabbed by another Nomu, this one being able to morph its arms into blades began slashing frenetically at everything in front of him, and right now Endeavor was the only thing on his sight.
"Meh...You really lost your touch Endeavor, I guess I'll do you a favor and get rid of the vermin, maybe that will motiv-"
The sound of electricity was loud enough for everyone in the rooftop to hear, followed by the Nomu's screeches of pain by the sudden discharge coming out of your bracelet the moment a fist landed near his neck, it dropped you instantly causing you to fall hard on your knees with a painful groan.
"What the hell did you do?!" Incognito's face became twisted in madness when he realized the 'vermin' in front of him had managed to escape from a Nomu's grip. "You know what? That's it! I've had it with you!" with another snap of his fingers the Nomu holding you hostage began advancing towards Endeavor, now he was fighting against two foes at the same time while Incognito advanced towards you in a threatening manner.
"I think it's about time you finally know your place" For each step the madman in front of you took, you crawled away from him, had it not been by the pain from the fall you would have stood up and run. But right now all you could do was try and aim the bracelet at the man standing in front of you, the idea went out the window when he landed a powerful kick on your side causing you to yelp in pain.
Endeavor turned in the direction of the scream, struggling to keep both Nomus at bay only managing to get a bit closer before both monsters got hold of him again.
Incognito's face didn't change as he took hold of the collar of your jacket and pulled you off the ground, dragging you towards the edge of the building without much of an effort. The back of your feet dangled off the edge, the severity of the situation hitting you like a ton of bricks.
"And that place...is six feet below the ground!"
"(Y/N)!!!" Your father's voice was heard clearly, both you and Incognito turned back where Endeavor had finally managed to defeat one of the Nomus, but the other one was still holding him back. The villain holding you only laughed in complete madness, nothing mattered to him anymore.
"Say goodbye to Papa you brat!"
And with those final words his hand released your jacket.
It was like a slow motion sequence, Endeavor could only watch in horror as you started falling backwards with a look of absolute terror in your eyes, making eye contact with you he could only see the way your lips moved, he only heard you whisper one thing before falling to your death....
There was screaming everywhere as people on the streets caught sight of the girl falling from the top of one of the highest buildings in the city, the wind roared harshly against your face, the pressure was making it hard to listen anything as you fell.
...They say time goes slower inside one's mind as they fall, and that one can see their life before their eyes when the time comes for them to leave this world...It made your own thoughts wander...
Is this how your life was going to end?
Being dropped from a building after being used as bait for your father?
What would happen with your family?
Your mother?
Your siblings?
Would you be able to meet Touya in the afterlife?
You didn't know the answers....and maybe you'd never find out as your eyes slowly began to close, was it because of the pressure? the fear? the resignation? you didn't know...but you drifted out of consciousness in an instant hoping that maybe, just maybe you could reunite with your brother soon...
"Touya-nii...Why does he hate me so much?" Enji was on his way to the training room when he overheard as (Y/N) cried in her brother's arms while clinging to the front of his shirt, her brother Touya was sitting on his futon hugging the little girl sitting on his lap. Their father had yelled at her when she tried to approach an injured Shoto who was resting in his room with the left side of his face covered in bandages. Fuyumi was there with him, taking care of the boy's wounded face and spirit.
"He doesn't hate you...he's just...hard to approach" Touya could only make an effort to comfort the little girl whimpering on his shirt, her tears easily soaked the fabric. "C'mon, don't cry anymore...I hate seeing my firefly cry"
Touya wasn't sure of what to say to his sister, (Y/N) was still a child after all and even if his Father treated her horribly Touya wasn't going to poison his little sister's mind with hatred, their father was already doing that with the way he kept treating her after all.
He promised he'd always look out for her as he hugged her tightly.
He would protect his firefly.
No matter what.
Incognito was an insane man who didn't care about anything but cleaning the world of the quirkless, or "filthy vermin" as he deemed them.
But in that moment he feared for his life for the very first time.
The agonizing heat coming from behind made him question his life choices fo a brief moment, turning back on his spot with a smile on his face, it was a facade for the panic he was feeling on the inside when he made eye contact with the flame hero who's face was SO void of emotions it was terrifying to look at, the Nomu he was facing laying charred on the floor.
It was in that moment he knew, he fucked up.
The jaw-shattering punch he got to the face told him everything. The only reason he was still alive was because Endeavor was a hero.
A hero who quickly jumped out of the building after the daughter he had failed to take care of in the past.
In that moment, Endeavor- no, Enji Todoroki didn't see (Y/N) as the young lady she was already turning into. But as the little girl he had failed as a father, that little girl that would cry herself to sleep every single night because of him, that little girl who's eyes lost their sparkle the day her older brother passed away...The little girl he found asleep in front of Touya's shrine on more than one occasion during her childhood.
The little girl who's family he promised to make up to for everything he had made them go through because of his ambition....
The young girl...that was once again swiped away by a Nomu and taken away from him in the blink of an eye. He barely managed to avoid colliding with the ground himself, watching as the flying abomination yet again took his daughter away...but this time...it wasn't holding her like a wild animal would to its prey, it was holding her delicately as it flew away.
Warmth, that's all you could feel in that moment. A soft, familiar warmth that was hard not to recognize as it enveloped your whole body.
"Wake up...Please wake up Firefly"
...Did you die from the fall? Did your wish come true?
Your eyes slowly started to open, despite your efforts everything was but a blurry image in your eyes no matter how much you tried to focus.
And yet, that figure watching over you was of someone you would never be able to mistake or forget.
His head turned in your direction, you could recognize those eyes anywhere, a sad smile crept upon your face, eyes glistening with unshed tears at the image of Touya's face, his lips quivering emotionally as he hugged you tightly, face burying itself into your shoulder, despite being a dream his hug felt so real, almost like he never left you in the first place...
You didn't hesitate to hug him back, wishing with all your might that it wasn't a dream.
"I missed you so much Touya-nii"
"...I missed you too Firefly"
How much time had passed you didn't know, but the harsh cold from winter made it clear that it was late, just not exactly how late.
"Go to sleep (Y/N), everything will be alright"
You didn't wanted to, afraid that if you did Touya would just disappear again, but your body had other plans as exhaustion started taking over again.
"Hey Touya?" You didn't even realize he was carrying you bridal style until the soothing sound of his heartbeat reached your ears, for a dream everything felt so real...except for a single detail.
"...When did you dye your hair?"
There was a search party looking for you along with Endeavor, Shoto and his friends, who had managed to subdue their own enemy and joined everyone with the search. Natsuo had rushed back home the moment you were taken and told Fuyumi, the both of them were quick to call the police after their father failed to answer their calls, that's when they found out he was already in the middle of rescuing their sister. It was a wonder how the accident didn't become broadcasted all over the news.
Where in they world did they take you to?
The answer came quickly through one of the policemen's radio. One of them had found you laying unconscious in the bench of a small abandoned playground nearby, when they gave out the location it was Shoto who answered the question of why did that playground sounded so familiar in the first place.
It was the place where Touya would always take you when you were younger, it was nearby to a small pond where if one was lucky enough to go at a certain time they would be able to see the whole place illuminated by small fireflies.
An ambulance was quick to arrive at the place just at the same time you woke up and quickly started treating you on the spot making sure there wasn't any fatal injuries. Everyone was quick on their feet and rushed to find you, fortunately the playground wasn't far from where the hero and his interns were looking.
Endeavor had his own share of bruises and a gash on his face when the blades Nomu nearly got him, but in that moment he didn't care about himself, all that mattered was knowing you were safe.
That's when he finally reached the location, and he saw you.
Sitting at the back ambulance with a grey blanket draped around your battered form, there was a paramedic softly patching up the wounds inflicted by the villain, there were bruises on your face, mainly the right cheek on the spot where Incognito had hit you in the face, both knees were covered in bandages, but fortunately nothing was broken despite everything that happened. There was a tired look on your face, the adrenaline from everything that happened finally wore off and only exhaustion was left.
"(Y/N)!" You could only look up tiredly at the sound of your name, being still in shock made it harder to focus, until the owner of said voice approached, the paramedic quickly stepped away at the sight of the Number One hero approaching before standing still in front of you, he was panting heavily from running to the ambulance the moment it was notified you had been found and were being taken care of.
There was only confusion on your bruised and disoriented face. It took you a few seconds to be able recognize the person standing in front of you, until the heat from his flames settled around, a heavy contrast from the sharp cold of winter.
He didn't bother to wait for a response, lunging forwards and embracing you firmly in distress at the realization he could have lost another one of his children.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)...please forgive me...!" his voice came out in a barely audible whisper as his hold became stronger and desperate, your chin rested on top of his shoulder and one of his hands caressed the back of your head, the both of you could feel way the other started shaking.
He didn't see the way your eyes became wide open by his actions, or the way your face scrunched from the aching inside your heart, the tears flooding your eyes slowly starting to run down your face one by one and your lips began trembling.
"Please...I hope some day, you will find it in your heart to forgive me...or at least...let me show you how truly sorry I am for everything I did to you...!"
He could hear your desolated whimpers clearly, feeling the small trickles of tears slowly soaking the fabric on his shoulder and the smaller pair of hands gripping tightly on his clothes.
"..Why...why did it take this long...for you to realize...?"
Enji Todoroki could only hold his daughter as she let out a heartbreaking cry, loud enough for everyone nearby to hear, everyone around could almost feel the pain inside the girl's heart. Whoever happened to watch the scene unfolding before them could only think her cries were from the fear of nearly falling to her death.
Nobody but her brother realized it was the very first time in her whole life being embraced by her father in a comforting way.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but by the time your father pulled away fatigue had once again taken over and the paramedics took you away just to make sure everything was alright.
One of the officers that apprehended Incognito, who was already awake from the hit he got from Endeavor mentioned they had interrogated the villain, asking for his ties with the league of villain, after all he had three Nomus under his control.
To the heroe's surprise, Incognito had gloated about managing to steal them from under the league's nose without them even realizing, he was a man that preferred working alone. Everyone was so distracted with the news they didn't become aware of the person watching them, hearing every single detail, including the route they would be taking in order to take Incognito to a high-security prison, as far away as possible.
Two days later Incognito was being escorted to prison. He could only laugh bitterly at the measures taken to prevent him from using his quirk to escape again, he was surrounded by light from every corner of the vehicle, not a single trace of darkness was visible, making his quirk completely useless.
A sudden rattle snapped him out of his own thoughts of revenge, something heavy landed on top on the transport, everyone looked towards the source, nobody was ready for the Chainsaw cutting through the steel without much of an effort, or the limbs that shot towards Incognito, grabbing him by the head and pulled him out of the vehicle, his screams of surprise echoed through the metallic walls as he Nomu hurled his restrained body into the ground, he groaned painfully by the force from the impact stunning him.
If the fall wasn't painful enough, the sudden kick aimed at his face definitely was, a loud crack from his nose breaking left him paralyzed from the pain of both that and his jaw suffering fractures.
"What the hell...?" His eyes went up to the person responsible of his latest injury. And the utter panic he felt in that moment was even worse than when Endeavor broke his jaw.
The burning hatred aimed at him through Dabi's eyes was a thousand times worse than the flame hero's glare. If that didn't terrify him, the sadistic grin on the villain's scarred face was enough to give him nightmares for life.
"So, not only did you have the balls to steal from us...But you also attacked her"
"W-wait! you have it all wrong! I did it for a good cause!"
Another kick landed on his bleeding face, at his point Incognito was drowning in a pool of his own blood wheezing from the pain of his nose shattering into minuscule fragments from the second impact.
"The only good cause I can think of getting rid of scum like you" Dabi's whole body became engulfed in blue flames, the smile on his face replaced by a cold hard glare.
"W-why do you care about that vermin so much?!" Incognito questioned with panic, trying desperately to crawl away from the cremation villain no no such luck with the restrains on his body preventing him from doing so.
"Because..." The agonizing cries from Incognito could be heard from miles away as his body started burning away, the guards looking from afar could only watch the gruesome sight of the villain being consumed by a wave of blue fire, the smell of his burning flesh strong enough to make anyone nearby nauseous.
"Nobody...hurts my Firefly"
I hope you guys enjoy this part!
@t-amajiki @undead0relived @shoobirino @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @mysticalite @daughter-of-stark @ggukstummy
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
a different type of high (spencer reid/reader)pt 2
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Title: A Different Type of High (part two)
Request: no
Couple: spencer reid/gender-neutral!reader
Category: angst
Content Warning: swearing, talks about drugs and the usage of drugs, drug use (oxycodone), drug abuse (oxycodone and dilaudid), attending narcotics anonymous, smoking (cigarettes), drug withdrawal, mentions of possible death (but no actual death), 
Word Count:  3378
Summary: reader and spencer have become best buddies after attending NA together. Reader goes to a meeting and panics when she doesn’t see Spencer there. Worried that he might have done something wrong, she calls him in a panic. 
A/N: this takes place in late-ish season two early-season three when spencer is going to the NA meetings. spencer was 26 around this time, reader is about 22 :) anyways, thank you all for the love and support! check out my masterlist!  and here is a mood board/pintrest board i made for the series!
Previous Part  Series Masterlist  Next Part
I tugged my sweater tight around my body as I walked towards the community center. I stayed a fair distance away from the doors as people entered. There were way too many people entering at once for me to go in now. The way the small crowd entered the building, with a few stragglers behind, only made me a little nervous. 
It was… chilly out today. The last of the warm days were behind us now as we were heading into Winter. That would mean I’d have to find a way to and from the community center and home sooner rather than later. I wonder if Spencer would help me…
“Hey!” A woman’s voice came from beside me as I neared the doors. I looked up from the ground and looked at her. Marie, who practically became my mother after my mom died, was standing at the doorway. “You walked here?” she asked as I entered the building.
“I don’t exactly have a car, Marie, you know that,” I shrugged as I buttoned my sweater up. 
“As long as you’re here, that’s all that matters,” she smiled and wrapped an arm around my body. Part of me wanted to shrug her off me, but another part of me welcomed the embrace. “Go eat something, you’re skin and bones,” she rubbed her hands up and down my arms, as if she was warming me up.
“I do eat, okay. You don’t need-Is that Shephard’s Pie?” I cut myself off when a familiar smell hit my nose. She looked at me and smiled.
“Go eat something,” she winked before leaving me alone. I sighed and looked around the room, looking at all the people around. And just like before, people were standing around and talking to each other, or sitting down. Only a few people were eating what was made. The times when people who work for the community center make food were my favorite days. Granted, they only do it once a month, very rarely was it twice a month. The food they make is always so good.
So, with that knowledge, I walked to where they were serving the food and got myself a plate. I didn’t exactly know where to sit, mostly because I didn’t want to sit beside a bunch of strangers and eat. Actually, I didn’t want to be around anyone while I ate. That left me going to the hall where the bathrooms were to eat. 
I could tell tonight was going to be different. Something about the feeling of everyone was… Off? I’m not really sure how to explain it. Maybe it was the fact that I was alone, and everyone else was with someone or talking to someone. And, I was just me, sitting in the hall to the bathrooms, poking at my Shephard’s Pie.
When I finally finished eating (I took my sweet time), I brought my plate back to the kitchen. The people around were sitting in their respective chairs, waiting for the group to start. I looked around at everyone one last time before I realized something… Spencer wasn’t here. 
Now, I know Spencer is a busy guy with whatever it was that he did for work. And, I know I’ve only known him for a few short weeks, if not a month. But I couldn’t help but allow my mind to wander and race to the scary thoughts that I shouldn’t have. Like, what if he made a mistake… What if he was sitting in the bathroom at his home, overdosing? Shit, shit… Shit. Or, what if he already did overdose and it’s too late. It’s bad that I allow myself to think those thoughts. I really shouldn’t. 
I’m not obsessed with Spencer. Okay? He’s just the only person who’s cared about me in a long time. And, he’s the only person (and thing) I’ve cared about since… Well, since I was 15. Of course, I’m worried about him.
I swallowed roughly as I looked over at Jacob, who was sitting away from the circle, reading over some papers (probably what he was going to say during today’s meeting). He’ll know where Spencer went. I mean, Jacob knows everything about everyone here. He’s gotta know where he is.
I pulled the sleeves of my sweater so my hands were pulled inside them. I looked at the ground as I walked over to Jacob. My heart was beating so hard in my chest it was actually scaring me. I shouldn’t be this scared.
I cleared my throat when I got to Jacob. He slowly lifted his head from the folder and looked at me. Glasses were perched on the tip of his nose, and his eyes were peaking from over the frame.
“Hey, happy to see you here,” he smiled as he closed the folder and placed it to the chair beside him, “What’s up? Did you eat?” he asked, looking around me to the table of food.
“Yeah, yeah, I did,” I nodded and looked back at the ground, “Uhm… Is Spencer coming tonight? He’s usually pretty punctual to meetings… And, he’s not here. I’m just… I’m scared he might have done something,” I whispered, keeping my voice low just in case other people were listening. 
“Oh, no. Spencer’s not coming tonight. He had a work trip that he had to go on. He’ll be back next week,” Jacob smiled at me. I looked back up at him, keeping my eyes on his face.
“Do you… Do you have his phone number?” I looked away from him again, worried that I’d be doing the wrong thing or invading his life. “I do believe you, Jacob. I just…” I wiped my eyes because I didn’t realize I had started crying. 
“Yeah, yeah, no I understand.” Jacob fumbled his pockets for his phone before finally pulling it out. “He might not answer. So you should wait till after tonight’s meeting to call.” he looked up at me as he wrote Spencer’s number on a slip of paper. “I’ll let him know you have his number,” he smiled as he handed over the paper. I nodded before taking the paper from him and pocketing it. 
“Thanks, Jacob… I appreciate it,” I whispered before turning to go find a seat. I kept my head low as I sat, not really wanting anyone to look at me. I could still feel tears rolling down my cheeks, and at this point, I didn’t know why I was crying. I think it was just the overwhelming emotions that I was feeling in general. My emotions are just too much for me and I guess this is where I’m left off.
Jacob was standing up in the circle this time, doing the greeting and welcoming everyone to the meeting. I always hated that part. Where he acts like no one is actually here, dying off coke, or oxy, or meth. But, what can I say? He’s just trying to make a good time out of a shitty situation. 
I was snapped back to reality when Jacob said my name, repeatedly. I looked over at him with wide eyes. 
“Do you want to go first,” he offered. I looked at him and shook my head. 
“Why do you always have me first?” I whispered, mildly annoyed that he always wants me to go first to share life over the last week. “I mean, I’m a month clean if that’s what you want to hear. I have my struggles.” I sighed and looked at him.
“Do you want to expand on those struggles?” He started. I bit my lips together before shrugging.
“Last week, uh, I had a bad week. And, I guess… I have some stuff leftover. Like, hidden away. I just really wanted to not feel anything.” I looked at my lap and shook my head. “I have a friend, though. He’s helping me with my struggles and stuff. I wish I could help him as much as he helps me though,” I sighed and looked back at Jacob. “It’s really hard, not taking whatever to get high to just not exist for a short time,” I explained. I wasn’t sure if it made sense to anyone, but it made enough sense to me. And that’s all that mattered, that I knew what I meant. 
“But you’re working through those struggles, and that’s a good thing. Having a support system is really important. So, your friend that you have is really good.” Jacob smiled and nodded. I stared at him before slowly nodding.
“Yeah, yeah. It is a good thing. I’ve never had a support system like him before. He’s right alongside me.” I whispered. I never really thought of Spencer as my support system. It’s true though, he is. Even if I wasn’t his. “Someone else should share,” I muttered. I made sure my tone was annoyed, just so Jacob would know to stop having me be the first to share.
After the meeting ended, I walked to the laundromat that was a block or two from my apartment. They had a payphone there that I’d be able to use, which is nice because I didn’t have a cell phone or home phone to use. I’ve done it before, using the laundromat’s payphone. 
I knew I had some change stuffed into the pockets of my sweater. I just hope no one would be in the laundromat. Well, it was late so I don’t expect people to be doing their laundry now. Unless it was someone who didn’t want to be seen during the day, like me.
A shiver shot through my body as I entered the building. I was happy to see that there was only one person here, and it looked like they were almost done doing their load. I glanced at them as I walked to the 3 pay-phones. I sat right at the second one, my hands jingling the change in my pockets. I pulled out four quarters and the paper with Spencer’s number. My eyes scanned the numbers that had Jacob’s sloppy handwriting on it. 
I picked the phone up off the hook before dialing the number. I stared at the numbers on the pad as I held the phone to my head. 
“This is Spencer R-” I slammed the phone back on the hook before he could say anymore. I stared at the phone with wide eyes. My hands were shaky and I could feel my head starting to get a little dizzy. It was just the nerves, anxiety, and everything of the day hitting me all at once. I stared at the phone. I pulled all the change from my pockets and placed it on the counter. 4 quarters, which means two more calls. I swallowed roughly before dialing his number again.
“This is…” “Hi Spencer, it’s me,” I bit my lips together and closed my eyes. I pressed my free hand to my face and shook my head. “I, uh… Sorry if this was inappropriate or anything. I just… I asked Jacob for your number… And, I missed you today, sorry if that’s weird,” I blabbed, my words trailing off. 
“Hey! No, no it’s okay!” Spencer spoke. His tone was happy, like whatever it was that he was doing made him happy. “Sorry I didn’t come tonight. I had work stuff happening.” He explained. So, I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. 
“Yeah, that’s what Jacob had said.” I retorted and shrugged.
“But you didn’t believe him, did you?” Spencer asked, a certain amusement in his tone. I held back my laughter and nodded.
“Well, I told him I believed him. But I didn’t really believe him,” I rested my face in my hand and leaned against the counter. “A work trip?” I asked, changing the subject back to him.
“Yeah, yeah,” his voice got low, like he tried to not be heard by whoever he was with, “Probably won’t be home till the end of next week, though,” he sounded sad. 
“So, you won’t be home for the next meeting?” I frowned and tried to make it so he could hear my frown. Assuming he did because he started laughing. “God, I fucking hate Jacob, I swear,” I sighed and shook my head. 
“You know, at first I didn’t understand why you hated him… But I’m starting to understand why,” he laughed. I smiled and looked around the laundromat. The previous person was gone, leaving me alone. I was happy about that. I didn’t want people listening in on my conversation. Man, it’d be awkward if he worked for the FBI or something where someone is always listening.
“He always makes me go first to share, it’s getting annoying,” I scoffed and shook my head. “Like, is it because I’m the youngest one there? Because I’ve been attending for so long?” I shook my head again because of my annoyance.
“Maybe you’ll have to ask him. Could be because you’re young,” Spencer answered. On his side of the call, I could hear papers shuffling. 
“God, that’s annoying,” I scoffed, “How was your week?” I smiled, asking the question that is usually first answered in group. Spencer cackled, not just a laugh but a cackle. 
“It was good. Uh, work whisked me away and I wasn’t expecting it. But, here we are.” Spencer sighed. The image I had of him in my head right now was nice. He was just sitting at a desk, coffee in front of him while he read whatever papers he needed. Wait… “What about you? What phone number is this?”
“Oh… Uh, I’m at the laundromat down the street from my apartment… I don’t have a phone,” I bit my lips together and sighed, “Uhm, but my week was meh. I mean, like… Last week was pretty rough… Not gonna lie,” I rubbed my face and shook my head, “Uh, yeah, it was just. I don’t even know why it was a rough week.” 
“You didn-”
“No, no, I wanted to though,” I slouched in the chair and shook my head. “It was really hard not going to my stash… And just taking whatever I had.” I shrugged.
“One minute remaining,” an automated female voice spoke. I widened my eyes and fumbled for quarters.
“Shit,” I muttered, nearly dropping them back to the counter. I also nearly dropped the phone too.
“Is… Is everything okay?” Spencer asked, legitimate worry in his words. I sighed once I finally inserted the quarters into the machine.
“Yeah, yeah. Yep, uh… I don’t use payphones, let alone actual phones, often. And I never have quarters on me for these things,” I shook my head in annoyance. “Sorry if I scared you,” I cringed. 
“It’s okay.” He replied. I sighed and shook my head. “Now that you have my number, you won’t hesitate to call me, will you?” the worry was back in his voice as he spoke. It kinda scared me how much he worried about me. I’ve never had someone worry about me like this before.  What if I disappointed him? Or he disappointed me? I’m used to being a disappointment and getting disappointed. So, what’s it going to do if I get disappointed one more time?
“It’ll depend on the time of day and where I am… If I’m able to get to the laundromat, then sure. But if I’m not near a payphone or if I don’t have quarters, I probably won’t,” I answered. 
“Time of day doesn’t matter. I never sleep anyway. And I assume you never sleep either,” he pointed out the obvious. I laughed and nodded.
“Okay, time of day is no worry. Then, it’ll depend on if I have quarters for the machine,” I pointed out.
“I’ll figure something out for you then,” Spencer stated. I smiled again and nodded. “What time is it?”
“Almost 10… I had to walk to the community center, and then back here.” I sighed.
“You should go to bed,” Spencer spoke firmly. I rolled my eyes and smiled. 
“You’re not my real dad,” I feigned a playful disappointment in my tone. That made Spencer laugh. “I thought you died… When you weren’t at group… My mind kinda wandered and I had thoughts that weren’t the greatest,” I wrinkled my nose. My stomach sank and my body hurt slightly at the thoughts and memories of all the previous thoughts I had of earlier today. 
“Hey, hey,” Spencer’s voice was soft, like he knew I was visibly upset. The kindness he had in his voice made me feel better. “If I have you in my life, I can guarantee that I won’t die,” he had a small chuckle in his tone. I smiled.
“Accountability buddies?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. The smile that was growing on my lips was probably too happy for us to be talking about death and drugs. It was Spencer’s turn to be laughing.
“Okay, okay, accountability buddies,” he agreed, his tone being as happy as my smile was. 
“You know that stupid step? The one about a greater power or whatever?” I asked, tapping my fingers across the counter. Spencer laughed.
“You mean Step Two ‘We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.’ or Steps Five through Seven?” He asked, his tone somewhat cheery. I laughed and shook my head. 
“Honestly, all of them,” I wrinkled my nose and shook my head.
“What about them?” 
“What if I don’t believe in a higher power or God?” I asked. I lifted my hand and looked at my fingers around the phone cord. And with that question, Spencer hummed. I wished he got to answer the question.
“One minute remaining,” the automated voice was back, causing me to frown because I knew our time on the phone would be over soon. I really didn’t want it to be. Spencer was someone I could trust, and he knew that. He was even a better distraction to stop me from doing anything stupid.
“Get some sleep?” Spencer asked, his tone only slightly begging. I smiled and nodded. “Okay, if you nodded, I can’t see you.”
“I’ll get some sleep. I promise,” I sighed, even though I knew it was a lie. I mean, I know Spencer isn’t going to sleep either.
“How many quarters do you have?”
“On me, 4. I’m sure I have more in my apartment,” I sat up in the chair and nodded, “I’ll call you if I need you, Spencer. Thank you for letting me call you,” I wrinkled my nose. 
“Of course. I’d rather have you call me instea-”
“You’ll be home next week?” I asked, cutting him off. He didn’t really need to say anything further, I knew exactly what he was going to say.
“That’s the plan. Could be sooner.” He answered, sounding upset with his own answer. “I’ll take you to get coffee when I get back?” he offered, like that’d make me happy. Okay, yeah it worked. It did make me happy. 
“Coffee?” I asked, raising an eyebrow because I wasn’t sure if he actually offered to get me coffee. “Y-yeah, coffee. That sounds good,” I nodded. I’ve never gotten coffee before.
“I’ll see you then. Goodnight,”
“Goodnight, Spencer,” I smiled before placing the phone back on the receiver. I sat back in the seat and looked at the machine. My eyes then shifted down to the quarters on the countertop. I really wanted to keep talking to him, mostly because I liked talking to him. And, if he was so willing to talk to me, I’ll do it anytime.
I stared at the payphone for a moment before finally standing up. I slipped the last of my quarters and paper back into my pockets before leaving. By the time I finally got back outside, it was cold, colder than before I called Spencer. I suppose that’s what I get for wanting to make a call late at night. 
When I got to my apartment, I couldn’t feel my fingers or my toes. I didn’t want to take a shower, because I really didn’t want to get cold again after the shower. So, I just slumped my way to my bedroom, not like that’ll make me any warmer.
series taglist: @shameleswhorehourstm​, @itsametaphorbriansblog​ , @bxtchboy69​ 
if you want to be apart of the series tag list, just let me know :)
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mslynnwrites · 3 years
touches 42 for jmart
#42: braiding the other’s hair
This is such a good one. I wrote way more than I should've. I literally need to go get groceries but all I can do is be sad and gay on main lmao.
CW: panic attack, discussions of trauma
Jon had incredibly lovely hair. It was one of the first things Martin had noticed about him. Even now, with him going apeshit over the smallest things, it remained silky and luxuriant. It looked very soft, and Martin had a very hard time not imagining running his hands through it.
Today, he had it pinned up in a very loose, very messy bun. Thick strands escaped the band, draping around his face like an illusory helmet. Even a placebo of protection must have been nice, Martin supposed, though he wished Jon would open up and tell him what was really going on in his head. He missed their talks.
They hadn’t really spoken much since Martin revealed how he lied on his CV. He still wasn’t really sure why it relieved Jon as much as it did, but it was at least nice to catch a shy smile from him when he thought he wasn’t looking. He hadn’t quite determined if Jon had a crush on him yet, but...well, he was pretty sure that’s what it was. He hoped that’s what it was, although he was perfectly fine just being friends with the man. Still...he always was a bit of a romantic, and now Jon was aware how close in age they actually were…
He shook his head and ran a hand down his face, accidentally smudging his glasses. He couldn’t keep thinking about Jon like this; it wasn’t healthy, and Jon was in no state to handle a relationship with him. Neither of them were. Not to mention that Jon was still his superior! No matter how close he felt to him, there was still a severe conflict of interest. And if Tim was right about not being able to quit, he doubted Jon would be able to move him to another department.
Tim shot him a smirk from the other desk. “Pining again?” he snorted.
“Shut up, Tim,” Martin muttered. As if his crush on his boss wasn’t bad enough, apparently it was also painfully obvious.
“You seriously need to get a better taste in men.”
“Yes, yes. And you need to cut me some slack,” Martin said. “It’s not my fault he’s pretty!”
“Who’s pretty?”
Martin’s face turned hot, and he knew he was beet red. Jon hovered in the doorway to his office, his own cheeks a bit flushed, though it’s possible Martin was just imagining that. He had a bit of a pout going, too, and Martin tried very hard not to look absolutely smitten.
“Oh look,” Tim sneered, “the hermit emerged from his lair for once.”
Now Jon was definitely blushing. “I-I leave all the time!”
“Yeah? When was the last time you actually went home instead of, oh y’know, taking a snooze at your desk, staking out your employees’ homes—”
“I’m not—!”
Tim stood up abruptly and sauntered off. “Fuck this noise,” he spat as he went. “I’m taking my lunch.”
Martin gulped and felt his face get impossibly hotter. His palms were quite slick all of a sudden.
Jon sighed. “I...Martin, have you seen Sasha lately?”
Oh good, a non-prying question. Just a totally mundane, normal thing for someone to ask. “Um...I think she’s still on her lunch, actually. Pretty sure she was meeting up with that new boyfriend of hers. Tom? I think?”
Jon nodded slowly, still looking off distantly at the door Tim had left through. It was rare to see him so openly upset. It was strange. “Right...well, when she um...when she gets back, could you let her know I need her follow-up notes on the Russo case?”
“Yeah, sure,” he replied. He swallowed back a wave of anxiety. “Are um...are you okay? You seem a bit...off, today.”
Jon’s shoulders raised a bit with tension. “I’m fine,” he answered flatly. “I’ll be in my office.”
He turned and practically fled before Martin could get another word in. Martin sighed. Hopeless crush, indeed.
He didn’t see Jon again until later that night as he was preparing to leave. The faint glow of his office light cut through the dark Archives like butter. He frowned. It was—he checked his watch—half seven. Late for Martin, at any rate. Yet Jon was still holed up in there.
He breathed out slowly. If anyone could get him to go home, it was...probably him. At any rate, he felt like he was the only one who cared if he did nowadays. He knocked lightly and pushed the door in ever so slightly.
Jon was lying draped over his desk, arms held over his head protectively. He was shaking, and deep red marks covered the back of his neck. He was muttering something so quiet it was unintelligible.
Martin’s heart broke a bit, seeing him like that. He chewed on the inside of his cheek—a nasty habit, he knew—and knocked a bit louder.
Jon lurched out of his seat, a terrified shriek slipping out of his mouth so loud it seemed impossible to have come from him. He landed hard on the floor, limps splayed out, face pinched in shock and terror.
Without thinking, Martin rushed to his side and took hold of his arm, his other hand supporting his back. A seemingly endless stream of “oh my God I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you are you all right are you hurt oh God” flowed out of him as he pulled Jon into a sitting position.
Jon’s breath was panicked, coming in shallow gasps. Martin stared into his eyes, desperate for any clue as to what he should do. Jon’s eyes were distant and unfocused, and a bit watery. Very slowly, Martin began to rub circles into his back, moving his other hand to hold Jon’s in what he hoped was a reassuring way.
It took a few minutes, but Jon’s breathing eventually evened out. Martin watched his Adam’s apple bob with a swallow before he nodded at him to stop. He withdrew his hand from Jon’s back, but kept holding his hand with the other.
“I’m sorry, Jon,” Martin said. “I-I swear I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Jon drew in a shaky breath. “I-it’s not your fault. Just um...the statement I read earlier really uh...it didn’t do good things to me.”
“Do...do you want to talk about it?”
He ripped at a few strands of his hair that had escaped from his bun. “It...no. No, I don’t.”
Martin gently clasped Jon’s other twitching, tearing hand and drew it away from his neck. “You’ve scratched the hell out of yourself,” he murmured. Blood spots and raised bruises coated the back of his neck.
Jon shuddered. “Kept feeling like...like there were s-spiders,” he rasped. “I couldn’t...I couldn’t stop myself.”
“There’s no spiders, Jon.”
“I know!” he spat. “I just- it itches and that Goddamn statement, it—” he sucked in a breath. “It’s because of my hair,” he muttered. “Just...little strands tickling the back of my neck, feelin like t-tiny legs and I just...I couldn’t stop.”
Martin sighed and brushed away some of the wayward strands, letting his palm sit over the back of Jon’s neck. He tensed in surprise, but quickly relaxed back, leaning into it.
“At this point, I should probably just cut it,” he said. “I just...can’t bring myself to do it.”
“I could braid it, if you’d like,” Martin said before registering that that’s what he was saying. His eyes widened with horror, and his face burned. “I-I mean- well, only if you want me to. I-I wouldn’t want to—”
“I think I’d like that, actually,” Jon murmured, averting his eyes. “It...it might help.”
Martin stared at him, genuinely shocked. “A-are you sure?”
“If the offer still stands, yes.”
He blinked. “R-right. Right. Um...well let’s at least get off the floor.”
“All right.”
Martin helped him to his feet. Jon still wouldn’t meet his gaze. It’s late, we’re probably the only ones still in the building, and he’s going to let me braid his hair. There was no way this could be happening. It was a prank, right? Or a dream?
Jon rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. “Would the breakroom work best, do you think?”
“Probably, yeah,” Martin replied, trying to reel himself back in. This was fine; it was just like the times when he’d been living in Document Storage and Jon had stayed late to keep him company. This was fine. Everything was just fine.
He drifted out of the office after Jon, following him down the hall, into the breakroom. He was fine.
“Let’s um,” he started, “let’s wet it first, then I’ll braid it, okay? That way you um...you shouldn’t have any flyaways.”
“Sounds good,” Jon said. He sounded hesitant. Nervous.
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?”
Jon nodded. “It’s...I know you won’t hurt me,” he said, strained.
“Of course I wouldn’t!”
“I-I know. That- that’s why it’s okay. I wouldn’t...I can’t trust anyone else.”
He bit his tongue. There were so many things he wanted to say—that he should say. How he was grateful Jon trusted him. How he was worried that Jon trusted only him. How he wanted to help him, and protect him, and hold him tight until he wasn’t afraid anymore.
How he wanted to love him. How he hoped Jon wanted him to love him.
But he didn’t say any of that, because it would take too many words, too many emotions, too many fears. Instead, he led Jon over to the sink and gently undid the ruined bun while the water heated to a decent temperature. Then, he reverently ran his fingers through Jon’s hair, just as he had wanted to for so long. Jon closed his eyes and sighed, leaning against him for support from the odd angle he had to be in to get his head in the sink. Definitely no other reason he would lean against him. None.
After a few moments, Martin shut the water off and wrung out the hair as best he could. Then he led Jon over to one of the seats before settling down behind him.
Jon was silent for a long while, making no noise even when Martin was sure he had just ripped out a hair or two by accident, or when he pulled a bit too hard on one of the cords. His shoulders actually relaxed, for the first time in a very, very long time.
“Thank you,” he murmured, sounding almost in a daze.
“Of course,” Martin replied, doing his best not to let his hands shake and praying the wetness on his hands was just water.
“I mean it! I…” He paused. “No one’s wanted to do this for me in a long time.”
Not for the first time, Martin was struck with the fact that he may well be Jon’s only friend. “All you have to do is ask,” he said.
Jon fell silent again for a few more beats. “The statement was about an experiment gone wrong,” he said. “One involving spiders.”
Martin worked through a stubborn knot. “Oh?” he asked softly.
“It...well...it hit a bit too close to home, I guess.”
“I’m sorry.”
“A-and as much as- as I hate them, I-I can’t stop once I’ve started reading a statement, no matter how revolted or terrified it makes me feel.” Jon gasped, his body trembling once more. “Like...like I have no control over my actions anymore. All I can do is read on.”
The knot finally gave way, and Martin continued threading the thick braid. “Like a puppet on a string,” he murmured.
Jon jolted up, whipping around to face him. “Exactly!” he cried. “A-and no matter what I do, I-I keep losing myself in them, and they’re awful, and- and—” He broke off, his eyes gaining that panicked glaze once again. Martin took his hands in his own, ignoring the fact that he was going to have to rebraid everything again. Jon needed him.
It took him another minute or two to calm back down. Then he closed his eyes and bowed his head. “I read a Leitner, once,” he said in a low voice. “It did the same thing to me.”
Martin felt his chest go tight with worry and fear. “What?”
“It...I couldn’t stop reading, and it made me move, walk toward...toward what was certain death. I’m only alive because someone took the book away from me.”
There were tears in his eyes. “And now the statements...it’s the same thing all over again. But...this time, I don’t know that anyone would be able to save me before it’s too late.”
Martin squeezed his hands tight. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t know.”
“No one would believe me,” Jon sniffed. “They’d think I was mad.”
“I don’t.”
“You’re different.”
Oh. He reached up and brushed away a tear from Jon’s cheek. “You know I’m here for you,” he murmured.
Jon brought his own hand up and held Martin’s against his face, taking a shuddering breath. “I know.”
“Thank you for telling me.”
“Thank you for caring.”
Martin moved closer and brought Jon’s head against his chest. Always, he thought. Always.
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starlightkenobi · 4 years
Good Girl // Anakin x Reader
you guys asked for it, so ill deliver. also this is dedicated to the anakins bitches gc i love you hoes
rating: explicit
warnings: i cannot stress this enough: daddy kink, very inappropriate use of the force, dom angry anakin 😳, but he chills out and is all sweet so dont worry, use of slut/whore briefly, praise kink, choking, overstimulation
side note, this gif has evoked something feral in me and i want this man to rail me. that is all.
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“General Skywalker, are you paying attention?” Master Windu glared at him from across the meeting room. Obi Wan also shot him a scathing look, a look that Anakin was very familiar with from his early padawan days.
Anakin blinked, forcing himself back into reality. He gave his own equally annoyed look. “Yes, Master Windu. I am.” His gaze then drifted to you, sitting parallel to him in the Jedi council meeting room. You were staring back at him, an undeniable look in your eyes that he recognized from your many nights spent tangled in each other’s arms. It was lust.
Be careful, little girl. I know that look. Anakin’s voice filled your head, sending a visible shiver down your spine. Luckily, no one was paying enough attention to you to see your arousal, instead, opting to listen to Master Windu’s insufferable droning. 
You projected your own voice into Anakin’s head, casually spreading your legs while you kept your eyes locked on him. I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Anakin clenched his fists, giving you his own familiar look, one that he typically gave when he was on top of you and one of his hands was around your throat. Or, when you were being a brat. You decided that this persona is what you were going to go with. It was more fun than listening to Master Windu anyways.
Unless, you were thinking about me? Anakin’s eyes widened, shocked that you were really going to test him now, in front of the entire Jedi council. You probably were, thinking you could check out and fantasize about fucking me while Master Windu spoke...
Watch your mouth, you little brat. An aggressive voice in your head cut off your thought. Anakin crossed his legs, you figured it was an attempt to cover any erection he might have had.
Your tongue darted across your lips, becoming bold. You knew this was risky, at least Obi Wan was perceptive enough to notice you and Anakin eye-fucking each other from across the room. Still, you didn’t care. You were having too much fun.
What are you gonna do, punish me? Are you going to bend me over your lap in front of the entire Jedi council and spank me? Or are you gonna push me onto my knees and force your cock in my mouth? 
Anakin was fuming. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that he was going to drag you out of that room and fuck you in the nearest empty hallway.
What did I just say, little girl? Watch. Your. Fucking. Mouth. Maybe I just might spank you in front of the Jedi council. I’ll tell them that I’m just trying to keep you in check, make sure that you stay a good girl. My good girl.
You exhaled, forcing yourself to not moan outwardly. Your cunt throbbed with need, and all you could do was just hope that this council meeting would be over soon. Well, that and you could see how far you could push Anakin until he snapped.
But what if I want to be a bad girl, daddy? As soon as your your sultry voice filled his head, a concentrated vibration of the force was sent straight to his dick. Anakin swore that he could feel his heart stop. You were going to be the death of him. 
His hands wrapped around the arm rests of the chair with a vice like grip, his eyes immediately shooting daggers into you. Yeah, you were fucked.
“And with that, I am going to call this meeting to a close.” Before Master Windu could even finish his sentence Anakin was already grabbing your arm and pulling you out the door. 
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Your back collided with the bed, and you let out a gasp. Anakin had practically dragged back to his quarters, not caring about who saw, and certainly not caring about the bruises he left on your wrist from his tight grip on it.
“You little brat.” Anakin’s voice was deep and angry. 
“Anakin...” You whined, arching your back off of the bed, wiggling your hips toward him. This caused a sharp slap to collide with your thigh. “You think you can tease me, touch me, disobey me, in the middle of a council meeting, and then act like a little whore for my touch afterwards? You can’t be a disobedient slut one minute, and then be daddy’s good girl the next. You have to pick one.” His hand slithered to grip your jaw and forced you to lock eyes with him. You shuddered, seeing his cold, icy blue eyes lock with yours. He leaned in, letting his breath fan over your lips while he spoke. “And you know that isn’t my name.”
Shakily, you took a deep breath, inhaling through your nose. Anakin was so close to you that you could practically feel his lips brushing against yours, a phantom touch of the one thing he knew you craved. That’s why you pulled that little stunt earlier, anyways. You craved him, craved the feeling of his lips on yours and the feeling of being coddled, praised. You needed him, almost as desperately as he needed you.
“D-daddy.” You stuttered, trying to keep your cool while Anakin towered over you, caging you in like a frightened animal. You were trapped, with your hips pinned down entirely by one large, strong hand, that prevented you from fleeing. The other hand was wrapped tightly around your jaw, keeping you from looking anywhere but him. All you could see, all you could feel was Anakin. And he intended to keep it that way.
“There’s my good girl.” He cooed, and you couldn’t tell whether it was genuine, or if he was mocking you. To be completely honest, you didn’t really care. “I was beginning to wonder where she went after that little stunt you pulled.” The tone of his voice changed, switching from deep and unsettling to soft and encouraging. As if he was switching from his angry “I’m going to punish you” persona, to his “How is my good little girl! My perfect angel!” persona. You understood why. You deserved to be punished, but you also understood that Anakin needed this just as badly as you did. Being sent back and forth on Jedi missions across the galaxy, you haven’t had much time to be his good girl recently. Nor he, your daddy. He craved this feeling of control, of taking care of you in a way that no one else could. And you were more than happy to give it to him.
“No wonder you acted out, you just needed me to take care of you.” Anakin’s grip on your jaw softened, moving to caress your cheek. “Are you going to sit back and take all I have to give you, like a good girl?”
“Yes, I promise.” Your voice was breathy and hushed, bordering on a whisper.
“That’s the good girl I remember.” Finally, he leaned away from you, giving you a chance to take a deep breathe of air that wasn’t entirely him. You felt relieved, although you still craved his touch back on you. He was going to touch you, to be sure, just not in the way you expected.
Anakin leaned back, slowly stripping himself of his Jedi robes. You went to do the same, only to be stopped by the force pinning your hands above your head. “Let me, baby.” He wouldn’t even allow you to undress yourself without his hands on you. The smug bastard.
After much necessary maneuvering, you were stripped completely bare, while Anakin still had his boxers on and straddled your thighs. “Do you want me to touch you, baby girl?” He asked with a coy smirk tugging at his lips. He knew the answer, he just wanted to hear you beg for it.
“Yes...please. I need you, Anakin.” Your hips wiggled slightly, almost on their own, as you were completely unaware that you were doing it.
Anakin tutted, mockingly pouting at you. “You know that’s not how you ask me, little girl. Use my correct title, and tell me what you want.”
You whined, but reluctantly obliged. “Please daddy, please touch me.”
Anakin chuckled, deep in pitch and sending a shiver down to your very core. “Alright, if you say so.”
Although his hands rested on your thighs, you felt a digit insert into your cunt, immediately flexing and vibrating inside of you. It was a dull, unsteady shake, that caused a tingle in the base of your spine. Unprepared, you threw your head back in pleasure and arched off of the bed. Your hands, still remaining pinned beside your head by the force.
“Ani...what are you-aH!” A dull buzzing sensation pressed deep onto your clit, making tight, swift circles that Anakin knew you loved.
“I know you want my hands baby, but it’s only fair. You teased me with the force earlier...I’m only returning the favor.” To punctuate his sentence, the energy inside of you quickened. It almost seemed to expand, filling you up and giving you that dull ache of a good stretch that you craved, the one that Anakin always gave you when he filled you up.
It was so much, so fast. The feeling of pure force energy was swirling and pulsing around you. Inside you. The small, yet so very precise and calculated motions on your clit were driving you insane, and the vibrations that were being fucked in and out of you was sending you to another level of pleasure. It felt so good, but it was too fast. Your body was trying to catch up with itself, process what was happening so quickly.
“Daddy, I-...I c-can’t, it’s too m-much!”
Anakin growled. He fucking growled. Anakin’s grip on your thighs tightened as you writhed in pleasure before him. An invisible hand shot out to clutch at your throat, slowly constricting your airflow. “You can, and you will, little girl. Consider this a blessing compared to what I should be doing to you.”
He leaned forward, the grip on your throat getting tighter and tighter with each inch he moved. “Be thankful that you’re writhing in pleasure and not pain, baby girl.” You felt one last squeeze to your throat, before the presence vanished entirely. You knew that Anakin would never really hurt you, only spank you and get a little rough with you, and only with your consent of course. Still, the threat gave you chills.
He settled back onto your thighs, but you still felt smothered by him and “his” touch. This phantom touch was swirling around your wrists, caressing your sides and your face, teasing your nipples and groping your breasts. You were completely overwhelmed and overstimulated, being completely broken and rebuilt with each touch to your clit and vibration of your cunt. The force lifted you up, soaring you through an endless realm of pleasure towards a destination that you felt approaching rapidly.
“Now you are going to cum for me, baby. For daddy.” Anakin’s fingers rubbed gentle circles into your thighs, helping coaxing you to your orgasm. “Let go, baby. now.” You weren’t ashamed to admit that Anakin’s words sent you over the edge, moaning so loudly that the entire temple could probably hear you. The pleasure you felt was indescribable and unparalleled.
“There you go, good girl.” His soft words coaxed you through your soul altering orgasm, one that left you breathless and a little shaken. Then, as quickly as Anakin had given it to you, he took it away, only leaving you and him.
Finally, the air felt still. A calm peace after the storm. Little did you know, that this was only the eye.
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