#the way the students of this school continue to be like hell yeah! high school babey!
lovely-v · 2 years
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The school spirit on this show is unparalleled
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dellalyra · 10 months
imagine that back then they had to participate in a talent show or something and megumi and the rest watch the old video tape they found in the darkest corner of the library on campus.
the tape was in a box with a label reading "the best jujutsu tech students' and its just filled with memories of their teen years.
they decide to watch the talent show one and its just chaotic as hell. mid way through megumi, nobara and yuuji get caught watching it lmao
𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨, 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙖, 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣! 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴
A/N: this request. came in last night - and it’s all I’ve done today because it was so perfect it’s all I could think about. ur amazing ily
CW: swearing, weed, suggestive stuff, mdni i stg shoo
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“Itadori! Bring these to the garbage!” Nobara shouts.
“Why me?! Why can’t you do it?!” He retorts as Megumi just rolls his eyes at the two of them, he wonders how they turned into siblings so easily.
“Fushiguro! Tell your boyfriend to take this to the garbage. It’s heavy and he should use his freaky wall-breaking strength for something useful!” She shouts back.
“Eh?! Is exorcising cursed and carrying you like a sack of flour not useful?! Or always carrying all your dumb shopping?!” They’ve broken into an all out sibling squabble by now, Megumi just turns away and continues the task of clearing out the storeroom behind the dojo in the school. Pushing boxes of old files and reports out of the way, he finds a box covered in doodles and stickers, taped shut at the top. He goes to inspect the very out of place container and finds words among the doodles of weirdly shaped beings and flowers.
‘The Best Jujutsu Tech Students.’
“Will you two shut up for two minutes, come look at this.” He says over his shoulder to the two, with Nobara releasing Yuuji from the headlock she somehow got him in.
“Ancient treasure! I told you we’d find something cool.” Yuuji shouts, pumping his fist into the air.
“What is this, Pirates of the Caribbean?! We’re clearing out a high school storage room, dumbass.” The girls rolls her eyes.
They inspect the box, trying to figure out the doodles.
“It doesn’t look super old? Open it, Itadori.” Nobara says.
“Will you quit telling me what to do?!” He says, huffing.
While they resumed the bickering, Megumi took a knife he had hidden in the shadows and sliced through the lines of tape holding the box together. The sound alerted the other two who peered into the box alongside him.
“Wait, are they… DVD’s?” Megumi asks.
“Yeah - but they’re homemade ones. Is there a label on them?” His boyfriend says, leaning in to get a closer looks.
The box itself was filled with small DVD cases of many colours - all labelled in a scrawling handwriting the kids felt like they knew.
“There’s a DVD player in the room where I hung out when I was dead.” Yuuji says, and hauls the box up and begins to walk. None of them even needed to discuss whether or not they’d be watching them, like a hive mind - but with maybe two shared brain cells.
They all made their way across campus, to a room in the same building as their Sensei’s office.
Nobara insisted on grabbing snacks from the vending machine en route, and they sat down on the sofa while Yuuji loaded the first date labelled ‘2003, December.” Well, that’s what they think it’s said. The handwriting was such a chicken scratch it almost looked like a doctor’s unintelligible writing.
The screen came to life - sounds buzzing and voices echoing (albeit muffled) as the screen panned from looking at the floor - to the sky, the the floor again. Then - a face came on screen.
A very familiar one - but… a hell of a lot younger.
“Wait… is that -?” Nobara asks.
“Shoko-sensei?!” Yuuji exclaims.
“That’s kinda how she looked when I was a kid. She’s in her uniform, so this must be when she was in school.” Megumi adds.
The camera pulls away from the close up on her face as another figure enters the shot - a man with odd bangs, silky black hair tied up into a bun and piercing dark eyes. He had a lazy smile in his face as he looked into the camera, poking a finger into Shoko’s cheek.
“What the fuck, Suguru?!” She says as she flicks his hand away.
“That’s - that’s Geto Suguru.” Megumi says. Geto had always been a bittersweet topic in their house, only getting worse in the last year and a half since… since he died.
The next action causes a gasp to echo across the room. A smiling face pops up between both figures.
Dark, circular sunglasses perched on a slim, pale nose and a wide, toothy, cheeky smile sat under a mop of shocking white, messy hair.
“Holy shit! That’s -” Yuuji starts.
“Dad.” Megumi whispers, seeing Satoru so young, probably around his age was amazing to him.
���Wow! It’s working! Is it on? Is it filming?” 16 year old Gojo says, voice eerily familiar, but much younger.
The three faces were all staring into the lens of the camera, only visible from the shoulders up. On screen, Shoko looked down and moved her arm and another head popped up from the bottom of the screen, trying to squeeze in.
The head of H/C hair and shiny eyes wiggled their way into the shot between Suguru and Shoko, and under Satoru.
“Did you say it’s on? It on recording right now?” The new figure pokes the camera.
“No fucking way… Fushiguro! That’s -” Nobara says, swirling to look at the taller boy.
“My mom.” He says, eyes fixed on screen. Your face was younger, hair the same as ever, eyes still full of excitement and curiosity and voice slightly higher than it is now. A hand pats the top of your head, a pale one - Satoru.
“Do a dance for the camera, Y/N.” Satoru says, smiling.
And you do a little wiggle in your spot squeezed between everyone as the other three burst out laughing.
The camera cuts off, and the screen changes to a view of the outside - all of them immediately recognising the training field.
In view is Geto and Gojo, sparring at such a ridiculously quick speed it’s barely visible. He could hear giggling behind the screen and recognised the voices of you and Shoko laughing about something that happened in class.
“They’re such show offs.” Your voice says.
“Geto genuinely wants to train, Gojo is just trying to impress you.” Shoko says, voice muffled by something - which he later sees as a lollipop, figuring it out when it gets launched across the field - presumably in retaliation for her comment by you.
“No way, Koko! That’s just dumb, he’s just a show off in general.” Your voice echoes.
“Whatever you say, Y/N.”
The camera cuts off again. The next thing they see is the night sky, and raucous laughter. The camera is being held by Shoko again, and she points it to a view of a rooftop - the flat part of the roof of the dorm building. The camera turns to one Suguru Geto, eyes hazy and smile even more languid than normal. In his hand was a smoking object - which he passed to Shoko.
They were both laughing together about Shoko saying she could see a constellation shaped like a penis, and the hysterical giggles and she rested her head on the boys shoulder told them that the joint in Shoko’s hand was very much affecting them.
There were clambering sounds.
“I can’t reach!” Came your voice, distant and off screen.
“C’mere shortstack, I’ll give you a boost.” The teasing lilt of Gojo’s voice came after.
“Thanks, Jack the Beanstalk.” Your retort sent the two original stars into another round of laughter before you and Gojo enter the frame, both holding a plastic bag of snacks.
Shoko gives you the joint as you sit, and you take a quick puff and pass it back to Suguru. Satoru declines it, saying it makes his eyes feel funny to which you all nod and say ‘makes sense’.
“Did you get me spicy chips?” Suguru asks, combing through the bags.
“Yes. But - you had to tell me you love me to get them.” Satoru says, smirking.
“Gojo Satoru - you are the light of my life, the centre of my world, the reason my heart beats, please, May I have my child you absolute fuckwad.” He says, as Satoru throws his head back laughing and throws a red bag of chips at him before tackling him to the ground demanding a kiss.
You laugh at the scene, turning to Shoko.
“See - that’s how Geto has at least one date every weekend.” You say, opening your chocolate.
“Man-whore.” She responds, sucking on a lollipop.
The screen flashes black. The same view is on the screen, but the atmosphere is much calmer. Suguru lay, head on Shoko’s lap and her deft fingers carding through his hair as he listens to whatever nonsense Gojo is spouting. The camera turns to a view that has Nobara and Yuuji cooing. Satoru is sitting, arm around your back to keep you upright with your head on his shoulder, eyes closed and clearly sleeping.
Suguru’s voice whispers into the camera.
“And these two say they’re not into each other.” Followed by a scoff from Shoko.
Next up is a view of the training field again, with a sight that made the three current first years laugh. Suguru was laying on the grass, and he was bench pressing you - his makeshift weight - as you lay relaxed horizontally reading a book, the casual nature made it clear this was a daily occurrence.
Once his reps are finished, he gently lets you down and you don’t even react, just laying on the grass continuing your book. He stands up and waves to Shoko, who he’s just noticed with her camera and proceeds to take off his shirt and let down his hair.
“Put your damn shirt back on!” Shoko shouts.
“God damn, maybe I should be a curse user.” Nobara utters, whistling and fanning herself.
The camera is next held up by Satoru - who smiles and puts a finger to his lips to symbolise silence, for some reason, like the camera would be unexpectedly loud. He turns the camera and in the backseat of a car is Shoko and you, both asleep and earphones split between you with a bright pink iPod on Shoko’s lap. Her head was resting in the crook of your neck, and you cheek rested on top of your head.
“They really have always been best friends, haven’t they?” Yuuji says. Megumi is reminded of last week, when Nobara and Yuuji fell asleep in the back of Ijichi’s car, in the exact same position.
The camera operator is back to Shoko now, who is filming the most beautiful scenery. Sakura petals are drifting through the air as throngs of people wander around what appears to be a festival. There’s food stalls and trinket stands and everyone around is in their finery.
“Suguru! Show the camera your best pose.” Shoko says, as Suguru appears on screen decked out in a black and grey kimono with his hair in a half up, half down style.
He throws a peace sign at the camera and then takes it so he can film Shoko who’s in a pretty red Yukata pattered with black and white koi. She smiles and then waves as she looks off camera.
“You’re late, Satoru. Where’s Y/N?” She says as Gojo comes on screen.
He’s wearing a dark blue and silver hakama which looks like it cost the same as a house, Suguru wolf whistles and Satoru pretends to fawn over him.
“She was having lunch with her mom, she’s probably going to be here - holy shit.” Satoru says, but cuts himself off halfway as his jaw drops open.
The camera pans messily as Suguru turns to where Satoru is looking.
You’re walking toward them, smile on your face and usually messy hair styled in a beautiful updo, make up making your skin glow in the afternoon sun. You were wearing a light pink, billowy, gauzy hanfu with tiny pale green flowers and leaves around the edges. You did truly look incredibly stunning. You had a little bag in your hand, and the camera flew back to look at Satoru who was gaping at your approaching figure. His usually pale skin flushed with a pink dusting.
His mouth moves, and it seems unconscious when he whispers to himself.
You walk into the frame, smiling brightly and hugging Shoko and then freezing when you see Satoru, eyes widening at the strikingly handsome figure he makes, every inch a fairytale Prince. The pink on your cheek matches your outfit as you stammer out a breathy,
“Hi, Satoru.”
“Hey, Y/N.” He says, mouthing opening and closing as you look at him through fluttering lashes.
There’s a jolt as it seems Suguru holding the camera elbows his best friend and whispers in his ear, just audible to the camera.
“Bro, tell her she looks beautiful, damn it.”
“You… you look um - beautiful, Y/N.” He stammers out, and the three first years watching laugh at how their oh-so-smooth sensei was once such a mess he needed prompting to flirt from his friends.
You flush even deeper.
“Thank you, Satoru. You look really good too. The um… the blue really suits you. The restaurant I had lunch with my mom had Sakura mochi, so I - I got you some.” You say as you shove a small nicely wrapped box at him and Satoru seems to melt. Shoko appears on screen, making a circle with one hand and poking a finger through it repeatedly in a very lewd gesture that has Suguru cackling.
“Wait - they’re not even together yet. They didn’t get together until the end of their second year.” Megumi muses, smirking.
“So they’ve always been this whipped for each other.” Nobara laughs.
The DVD ends there, and Yuuji jumps up to put in the next one, labelled ‘second year’.
The video begins with you sprinting toward Shoko and her catching you in her arms.
“I missed you so much! A whole summer without you, it was torture. How was the medical camp?” You ask her, barely taking a breath between words.
“Did you not miss me, lil’ lady?” Came a smooth voice as one Geto Suguru wraps his arms around you too, and you squeal in excitement. The three standing are then abruptly tackled to the ground as a blur of white and black whizzes toward them.
“Satoru!” Came three scolding voices.
“How the fuck did you do that, you lanky - oh.” Shoko is stopped abruptly as they all stand up and the change in Satoru is clearly visible. Long gone is the beanstalk boy of their first year, all arms and legs at 16 and now at almost 18 - a broad shouldered, 6ft 3, sharper jawline and longer hair Gojo stands before them. You look like you might faint.
The video stops and then resumes looking at a very familiar blackboard, and a much younger Yaga beside it.
In front of the blackboard there’s two students in Jujutsu High uniforms - both in party hats and standing under a banners with ‘Welcome First Years!’ written in big bubble writing on it, the sounds of streamers and party poppers came through the room as the camera was set down on a desk.
Gojo comes on screen and waves his arms as if to show off the two students. One looked incredibly happy, a beaming smile full of excitement and the other looking absolutely miserable, but given how painfully 2005 emo he looked - it wasn’t surprising. Megumi smirked, seeing the blond boy on screen and knowing exactly who it was from photo albums you kept - but he waited to see when the other two would notice.
“Welcome to Yu Haibara! Please - introduce yourself!” Gojo says, pointing a bottle of cola at him like a microphone.
“Hi! I’m Yu! I’m 16 and I like rice and people!” He says, voice full of enthusiasm.
“Thank you! Next up, Gerard Way!” Satoru smiles and point the mock microphone to the other boy.
“Do I have to? This feels unnecessary.” He says, grimacing.
“Yes! You do!”
“Fine. My name is Nanami Kento -”
Megumi didn’t hear the rest of the sentence as a chorus of ‘What the fuck!?’ Echoes from the two beside him.
“Nobara, rewind that - I think I heard it wrong, I thought the emo kid said his name was Nanami, hah!” Yuuji exclaims.
“No need. You heard right.” Megumi smirks.
“No fucking way! That’s Nanamin?!” Yuuji is smiling so wide at the sight of his mentor as a moody teen.
“Yup. I remember his hair like that, he had a lip ring and a nose ring too. Geto Suguru pierced his nose with Shoko’s med kit for him when they drank too much whiskey at my mom’s 18th. There’s a picture of them doing it framed in their room at home.” Megumi scoffs a laugh, the other two in shock at the revelation.
The camera stops again and next time is looking from an upstairs window as voices whisper.
“What is she doing?” Shoko asks.
“It looks like she’s talking?” Geto asks.
“There’s a tiny spike in her cursed energy - wait, I’ll try see if there’s someone around.” He says and the clink of his sunglasses hitting the windowsill breaks the quiet.
On screen, there’s you in a pair of fluffy blue pyjamas and a winter knitted hat as you seem to be kneeling and ushering something small out of a bush. Satoru seems to have gotten distracted and the camera pans to him - who’s just staring out the window with the most dopey, lovestruck smile on his face.
“Satoru.” Suguru says, flicking his ear.
He snarls, but blushes.
“I - I can’t tell but, it kinda seems like? She is trying to talk to something.” He says, as they all crane their necks as you pull something into your arms and stand up, taking off your hat and tucking whatever you found into it and scurrying back inside.
An obnoxious ringtone of crazy frog blasts through the room and Satoru flips open his phone and answers it.
Since it’s you, he puts it on speaker.
“Hey, Satoru - are you still at the store? I - kinda need something, urgently.” Your voice asks.
“Eh - yeah, I’m at the store. What do you need?” He says, trying to hush the two sniggering traitors beside him who are fully aware that he came back from the store an hour ago and is sitting in Suguru’s dorm with them.
“I - um, I need kitten milk.” Your voice says, just as the camera cuts off.
The next few videos are just videos on videos on you and a tiny, tiny kitten, feeding it from a small bottle and it sleeping on your chest, or Satoru playing with it and a ball of wool in hysterical laughter. One video is taken by Shoko with Suguru in the frame playing with the kitten who is trying to catch his bangs and on the sofa, is you sitting on Satoru’s lap, as he looks at you adoringly and you giggle and place a kiss on his lips. Given that it’s about 3/4 of the way through your second year, it means you’re freshly together after torturing your friends with mutual pining.
Megumi looks closer at the kitten, and the tabby is very recognisable to him - given that to this day, the hairs of that kitten, now 13 years old and still thriving due to your unwavering spoiling, still decorate any black fabric in your home.
“Is that baby grumpy George?!” Nobara asks, hitting the nail on the head.
The video fades again, and then the screen is illuminated by a makeshift stage in the school sports hall. Another large banner is on the wall, with ‘Talent Show’ written in large writing, Megumi now noticed the big bubble writing was the same as had been on every ‘happy birthday’ banner he’d had every year.
The announcer, he recognises as a smiling principal Yaga - even though this is surely not a school organised or endorsed event, but probably the work of the couple he now calls his parents.
“Welcome to Jujutsu Talent Show! The rules of tonight are as follows a) no cursed techniques or cursed energy and absolutely no sabotaging! Panda! Do you want to say who’s going first?” Yaga announced as he lifts up a baby panda and the voice of the baby says “Nanami and Yu!”.
Yu skips on stage, decked out in a cape patterned with stars and a large top hat, followed by a very sullen Nanami Kento, adorned with a nose and lip ring now.
“Ladies, gentlemen, cursed corpses! My name is Yu the Magic Man and this is my assistant, the Fantastical Nanamin! Does anyone here like rabbits?” He announced, and takes off his hat, revealing a stuffed rabbit on his head - commencing the world’s worst magic show. The highlight was definitely Yu asking Nanami to pull the scarf from his sleeve and after pulling and pulling and pulling, a very frustrated Kento growls ‘Fucking hell, Yu - how long is this thing?’ Completely breaking what little mysticism surrounded the performance. Geto didn’t help, when he muttered ‘that’s what she said’ after Nanami’s complaint, setting the second years off.
After a bow to his rapt audience, and lots of cheering and supportive clapping from you all - the first years leave and Yaga announces the next performance.
A loud bang echoes through the room,
“Holy shit!” Your voice, the 28 year old you, carries through the room as three heads spin around to see their sensei’s back, arms supporting the thighs around his waist, belonging to his wife who’s lipstick is smudged across her cheek and her husband’s face. The white haired man’s white shirt was partially unbuttoned and your sweater had fallen completely off you shoulder - combined with the position you entered the room and the ruined cosmetics it was quite clear why the teachers had stumbled into this forgotten room of jujutsu tech.
“Get a fucking room.” Megumi grumbles.
“We were! But you’re here! And just for that I’m gonna tell you that the sofa you’re sitting on was where Akio was conceived.” Gojo retorts, trying to fix himself as all the kids groan.
“Both of you, hush. ‘Toru - look at the screen.” You were transfixed on the paused screen.
“Wait! Is that - that’s our talent show! From second year! Where did you guys find this?” Satoru says, leaping over the back of the sofa and plopping down but not before turning around and picking you up by the waist and sitting you in his lap.
“I thought all the DVD’s were lost! Koko couldn’t find them after we graduated!” You say, as you keep staring at the screen.
“We were clearing out the storage room, like Ijichi asked and we found a funky box with DVD’s in it.” Yuuji says.
“Oh my god! Press play!” You say, clapping.
“Look at angry Nanamin!” Gojo says, smiling.
“Next up is Y/N and Shoko!” Screen Yaga announces.
You and Shoko are dressed in the most colourful outfits ever, you’re beaming and Shoko looks exhausted. Large headbands, crimped hair, tutu skirts, leggings, neon leg warmers and beads were the costume of choice as Geto stood on one side of the stage.
“Welcome to - Y/N and Shoko’s dance bonanza!” You both say, and Geto presses play so that Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun plays to match the 80s Cyndi Lauper style outfits. Having danced ballet as a little girl, and being a big fan of Just Dance and Dance Dance Revolution - you decided that you and Shoko would do this for the show, exhausted and unenthusiastic - but endlessly loyal to her best friend and determined to not let Gojo win the show. You guys danced a perfectly in sync routine with 28 year old you shouting ‘Oh my god, I still remember the routine!’ Halfway through. Yuuji was hopping along on the sofa beside Megumi.
Before Shoko could collapse into a heap as the song finished, she was thrown over Suguru’s shoulder and hauled off stage with Gojo doing the same for you.
After a brief intermission, Geto and Gojo were welcomed on stage in matching black tuxedo’s, off camera your voice could be heard saying ‘ugh, I’m gonna climb that man like a tree later, suits are the best.’
“Ladies, gents - tonight welcome to The GS squared stand up comedy show, enjoy your night and Geto’s number is available after the show.” Gojo drawls into the mic.
Megumi didn’t expect the routine to be as funny as it was, everyone especially enjoyed the part where they did impressions of different Jujutsu Elders, including Naobito Zen’in and Principal Gakuganji - which were unnervingly accurate but highly offensive to them, especially when Gojo got on his knees to imitate how short the elder Kyoto principal was and Geto kept playing Looney Tunes on the projector to show Naobito’s ‘cursed technique’.
When the audience were thoroughly hysterically laughing, with the audience being Yaga, MeiMei, Panda, Y/N, Shoko, Yu, Kento and Utahime who was visiting Shoko for the weekend, the boys bowed, winked and walked off stage and the camera caught Gojo bending down to whisper something in his ear which had you looking at the sky and blushing - still getting used to openly loving each other.
The voting wasn’t recorded, but the winners announcement was and it was shown to be Yu and Nanami - who everyone, except for themselves had voted for.
“Oh my god, these are priceless! I can’t believe I got even funnier with age, and look at your cute little outfit, princess!” Satoru coos.
“There’s a whole box of them, we’ve only watched 2!” Yuuji says, bouncing and handing the box to you and Satoru.
“No way, it’s the whole box! I remember decorating it with Koko! Hold on, I’m gonna ring her to come here.” You say as you take out your phone, smiling at the lockscreen of Satoru, Megumi and your 6 month old son and pulling up Shoko’s contact to ring her to ‘get her ass down here for a surprise’.
“Oh, ‘toru! I bet our DVD of our trip together to Fiji in the summer of third year, Shoko lent us her came for it!” You say, wrapping your arms around him and settling in while Yuuji loads the next DVD.
“Classes are cancelled, I’ve decided it’s home movie day - do we have any popcorn?” Satoru says, smiling at how fondly Megumi is looking at the screen, a still pause screen of himself and you smiling in the training yard together - still looking as lovingly at each other 13 years later. Yuuji has his arm wrapped and Megumi’s shoulders and is leaning into him, as the dark haired boy rubs circles on his boyfriend’s knee - Nobara has her legs stretched across the laps of both boys as the newest video begins.
The door swings open, Shoko entering -
“No fucking way! You found them! Kids, move up - let Aunty Koko sit.” She says, plopping herself between the arm and her two best friends, her nephew and their bonus kids.
She’s glad she bought that camera.
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drivergemini · 2 years
hellfire baby :: e.m.
summary: when starting a new campaign, the hellfire club didn’t except to see a toddler sitting in their club leader’s throne
content warning: parenting & pregnancy, talks about teen parenting, swearing, basically really fluffy, child’s features mostly based off of eddie
word count: 1013
when all of the hellfire boy’s entered through the theater room’s doors, they felt a huge rush of excitement. eddie had been hyping up his new campaign for about a month and told everyone that he was going to do something real special for their first meeting. 
what they did not expect was a small little girl, maybe around 1 or 2 years old, sitting in their dungeon master’s place. she had a pink dragon onesie on and her big brown eyes stared back at the group. 
“why good evening lovely gentlemen.” eddie popped out from behind his throne, holding a small sandwich bag filled with ‘star wars’ cookies. he handed it to the child with barely any acknowledgement and she gladly grabbed it with eager hands. “are you lads ready to start this wonderful campaign?”
each boy had their own looks of confusion on their faces. they looked at eddie and then the child, then back again.
“eddie why the hell is there a baby here?” dustin was the one who spoke up. 
eddie’s face sported a wide grin. “well guys i would like to introduce you to the surprise i mentioned.” he scooped up the little girl and presented her to the d&d club memebers. “everyone this is my daughter mei. say hi mei mei.”
“hi mei mei.” the little voice spoke a she waved a tiny hand to the boys. she tugged her onesie hood down, reveling long, brown hair, just like her dad’s.
“daughter? eddie we didn’t even know you could speak to girls?” mike chimed in.
“well wheeler, if it matters to you, i don’t speak to girls because i already have my fiance.” he raised his eyebrows at the last part. 
you see, eddie munson didn’t become a super-super senior because he was dumb. he became a super-super senior because he accidentally got his high school girlfriend pregnant. they had been together since they were 16. eddie and y/n were going great until the summer before their senior year. y/n’s pregnancy took a large toll to both of their academics, so eddie decided he would try and lighten his girlfriend’s stress load. on april 29th, 1984, their daughter was born. 
he thought y/n’s future was too bright for her to be held back, so after she gave birth he let her continue as an almost normal high school student. eddie didn’t get to graduate that year. but he did get to hold his baby as he watched the love of his life walk the stage. 
he didn’t graduate his second senior year either. he was too caught up in healthy parenting and making sure he was there to watch his daughter’s firsts. he watched her first steps, her first time eating solid foods, and even heard her first word. ‘dragon’.
so here he was, his third senior year, finally ready to walk that stage.
as eddie finished up the story he heard a sniff. all heads turned toward the direction of lucas. 
“dude that story was so beautiful. i didn’t even know that.”
“yeah most people don’t except a few people who were in school during that time like harrington. but y/n kind of chose to drop off the map so it isn’t talked about much.” eddie sat down in his chair and placed his daughter on his lap. “now that introductions are out of the way, shall we get started?”
eddie’s new campaign was centered around exploring an abandoned gem mine to figure out what was terrorizing the near by townsfolk. 
“so little dwarf, you enter the cave with your mates behind you. as you guide them with your light, the air becomes increasingly warm. as you approach the growing heat, you see a shimmer of pink scales.”
“munson you did not...” dustin starts as his hands grip the table.
“you raise your torch higher and you see her in all her glory...” eddie lifts mei off of his lap and places her in the middle of the table. “mei the fire breathing dragon.”
all the boys start to exclaim in frustration. what kind of sick father makes his own kid the first boss of his d&d campaign? eddie munson that’s who. after explaining they all need a time out to discuss, they all huddled in the corner. 
“dude what are we going to do? we can’t slay the dragon. i mean look at her, she’s adorable!” dustin whispered.
“i mean honestly if you think about it, it’s just a game.” mike said. typical.
“yes but the moral principal of it is, eddie knows that we would have to be sick son’s of bitches to kill a kid. especially his daughter.” dustin explained frustrated. 
him and mike felt a little wedge between their legs. they all looked down to see mei still holding her bag of cookies. 
“tooktie?” she raised it up to the air, offering the boys a share of her snack. 
each boy took only one, while politely thanking her for sharing. she unwedged herself from the huddle and waddled towards her dad. 
“juice peas?” she said to him, pointing to a sippy cup sitting on the table. he handed her the cup and looked at the clock on the wall.
“unfortunately boys, time is up for today’s meeting.” eddie tsked. 
just as he said that, y/n opened the door to the club room and walked in scanning around. each person all had their eyes on her.
“mommy!” mei squealed, running towards the young woman. she jumped into her arms, y/n picking her up and spinning her around. 
eddie grabbed a small child lunch box and walked towards the two girls. “as you see i can't stay any later than i’m supposed to tonight guys. but this will give you some more time to think about your next move.”
he trailed behind the two girls, waving everyone goodbye. 
as the door closed, each hellfire member could hear a faint, “eddie why is our daughter talking about slaying a dragon?”
followed by “edward munson why did our daughter just say son of a bitch?”
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unamused-boss · 7 months
Lipstick Stains
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Billy Hargrove x Harrington FemReader
Summary: There has been some new gossip floating through Hawkins High. The gossip being that Billy has a lipstick stain that just so happens to match a certain girl's iconic shade.
You were a Harrington. You had a certain standing that you had to keep cause of the expectations of your parents. One of those expectations were not making out with Billy Hargrove in his car in the back of the school parking lot during lunch. But your parents were never home so you didn't really give a damn.
"Billy we have to go back into the school at some point." You said releasing your lips from his. As you tried to pull back he pulled you in for another quick kiss.
"Oh come on, we don't have to." He smirked to you.
"Listen Mr. Bad Boy, I know you don't like school but I have a test." You said to him. He gave you a small pout at your response to which you just laughed at him. "You also messed up my lipstick." You said as you flipped the visor down to use the mirror to reapply your dark red lipstick.
"That's not the only thing I can mess up." He joked. You just gave him the look, he knew the look. It didn't need a name.
"Well Hargrove I have to get going." You brought yourself close to kiss his neck then up to the apple of his freckled cheeks. You collected you things to go back into the school before the bell. Before you shut the door you look back at Billy to see the two kiss marks that you left on him. You just smiled at him.
"Love ya, see you later." You said then shut the door to go to the school.
Billy continued with his day like usual. Thinking that nothing would go out of the ordinary. He knew he was hot shit so people were staring at him as perusal but he didn't know what they were staring at. In each class he had stares his way, to which he had to tell some off for looking too long.
"Nice job man." Tommy Hagan laughed as he patted his back. Billy was just confused about what he was talking about but he continued as nothing was wrong. The bell rang through the halls to signal that the school day was over. Billy made his way to the doors top the parking lot to leave when he saw a certain Steve Harrington staring him down from his locker.
"You got a problem Harrington?" He asked.
"Yeah, not with you though." Steve replied slamming his locker shut to go find a certain sister of his. Billy didn't know that, he was just confused and thought nothing of it. He finally was able to make it to his Camaro to wait for Max. Students around him were still looking at him. Some girls looking in distaste, not at him but at the kiss marks on his cheeks. Some guys were just laugh in congrats to him. Billy just wanted to get the hell out and get Max home so he can go see his girlfriend. Billy looked over to see a certain red head making her way over to his car.
"Get in shit-bird, I got places to be." He said as he got in the drivers seat while Max got in the passenger seat. She just stared at him, more than she would usually. Which is not at all. Billy glanced at her a few times.
"What?" He asked annoyed with her staring.
"What's on your face?" She asked. Billy was confused until he thought back to lunch. He grabbed his sun visor to look himself in the mirror to see the two kiss marks on him. Just as he thought, one on his cheek and the other on his neck. He just laughed what he was looking at.
"Well that explains a Lot." He sighed starting his car to drive away.
Later that day Billy was able to make it to the Harrington house hold. Instead of parking down the street, he parked in the driveway. Instead of climbing through the window of his girlfriends bedroom, he simply knocked the front door of her house. Which, unfortunately, the other Harrington answered. He and Steve just stared at one another for a moment.
"What are you doing here?"
"I think you know why exactly I'm here, or you don't."
"I do know why you're here." Steve stated sternly.
"Then tell me, why am I here?" Billy gabbed at him with a smirk playing on his face.
"Can you guys stop having a dick measuring contest for once." Your voice was heard in a very much over it tone. "Get out of here Steve."
"But-" You stopped him from continuing.
"Eh, I don't wanna hear any more then I already have. You're being a Buttface." You sassed at him. "Now I would like to talk to my boyfriend."
Steve just rolled his eyes and sighed. Walking away from his enemy and his sister in the same door way. You turn your head back to Billy with a grin on your face.
"So what are you doing here, handsome."
"Well, I am here to see my girlfriend that I have to have a small chat about." His voice going a slight octave lower. Something that you loved.
"And what do you have to chat about?" You stilled teased at him.
"Well I made out with this gorgeous woman at lunch, and after I thought my day would go by like usual. But I had people staring at me all day. I didn't know why until I looked into the mirror to find that the exact pretty girl I was kissing left some marks on me." He explained to you. "Now I am at said pretty girls house to get a reason why she did that."
"Well I think she just wanted to have a bit of fun with you, if you ask me."
"Well as much as I love that, I think I would love to have some fun with her right now."
"Well you'er gonna have to wait on that, handsome." You said." Big Bro ain't to happy with me, I've been getting an ear full for the past hour."
"I can wait." He reassured. "I will always wait for you, gorgeous." You just smiled at him and dragged him into your house.
"Is he staying long?" Steve's distant voice was heard.
"Shut up Steve." You yelled out to him. "Like I said, ear full all day."
You and Billy just laughed at the situation. But at least you both can enjoy each others company in the end.
I hope y'all enjoyed this. Sorry if it is short. I know I haven't been to active, writing wise, lately. I'm trying to get through school right now.
I will try to get more out for Boots and Trumpets, and Practically Magic later.
Thank you for reading.
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Queen Bee-atch II (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of weight, implied eating disorder, Insecurity. No numbers mentioned.
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"Class isn't over yet, I haven't dismissed you!" The teacher's demands fall on deaf ears as the students pack up before the lunch bell rings, eager to see their friends. Your first three classes were relatively uneventful, the only entertaining thing being this ginger girl you've never seen before attempting to leave class without permission. Your eyes scan the hallways after you exit the classroom. Janis and Damien are the only people you can tolerate at this school, so they're the only people you ever seek out. There they are.
You make your way through the crowded hallway and purposefully shoulder-bump your target.
"What is wrong with you- oh you asshole!" Janis curses lightheartedly. She pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead while you stand awkwardly with your hands at your sides. Instead of waiting for his turn, Damien joins in and wraps his arms around you and Janis. "I missed you guys so much!" You manage to get out while still in the bone crushing hug. "Where were you this whole summer? You went completely, like, radio silent." Damien asks with a suspicious look in his eyes. "Sorry, I got grounded for the whole summer. My mom found my cigarette stash." You confessed. "Idiot. Anyways, did you see that new girl?" Janis switches topics and Damien chimes in, "Yeah she's, like, a total disaster. We need to save her." Their words are background noise to you. You're staring through Janis, zoned out. Damien and Janis give each other a look.
"Hey what the hell!" You whine as you rub your forehead. "You weren't with us man, your eyes were drifting apart from each other and everything. Pretty sure I saw a bit of drool dribble out-" you lightly punch Janis before she can continue. "Yeah I was! You were saying something about that new girl. I think her name was 'Caddy' or something.", you defend. "She's a disaster, we should probably help her." Damien stares at you. "Babe, I just said that." Janis stares between you guys before interrupting. "Anyways...let's go look for her!"
Janis and Damien were your best, and only, friends. You wouldn't know what to do without them. As such, you basically stuck to them whenever you could in school. Following them to the cafeteria, you take your seats at your designated table. You spot female Ed Sheeran standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafeteria. She looks so stupid.
"Hey guys should we call her over?" You ask your friends. They stop their conversation and look at where you're pointing. Janis nods and yells out, "Hey ginger! What did you say her name was? Was it Caddy? Caddy!" The girl turns and points at herself, mouthing out a 'me?'. She comes over after we confirm and we all introduce ourselves. "...and that's Damien, he's almost too gay to function." Janis concludes. "So Cady, what do you think of the school so far?" You question. "Oh, I don't really know, I used to be homeschooled so I don't have much to compare it to." Cady replies.
You, Janis, and Damien all look at each other and back at her.
She raises an eyebrow.
You all begin going on about what to know about the high school: The best hiding places, teachers to avoid pissing off and such, and the various cliques in this school. "...and those are the sexually active band geeks. Don't walk too close, lest you get dragged into their never-ending orgy." You finish. Cady glances behind her and asks "What about them? They're kind of pretty." You all turn to see who she's looking at. "Oh honey, no no no, those are the plastics..." Damien goes on his little cautionary rant about how evil they are. You looked towards Cady and smiled while rolling your eyes.
While you're both giggling, your eyes lock onto Regina's...who is currently approaching your table. Perfect. "Hey, Gerard," Damien gives you a confused look at the name, "Who's this girl with you? Why don't I know you?"
You zone out looking at her when she turns away from you, gushing over Cady. You wish her attention was on you. Wait what- You're taken out of your reverie as Cady gets up and follows behind Regina towards her group. "Finally back to the present? What is up with you dude you've been out of it this whole day!" You shrug your shoulders at Janis and turn your gaze back to Regina. What's so great about 'Caddy' that caught the attention of Regina? You could look just as helpless if you wanted to, but you won't! Not on purpose anyways.
You get up.
"I'm going to the bathroom"
Janis replies while looking towards the plastics, "We'd come with, but we kind of want to see where this goes."
The sounds of her friends taking Cady through the requirements to be a Plastic fade as she makes her way to the bathroom. She had forgotten her pocket mirror and had to re-apply her lip gloss, duh. A stench that can only be accomplished by a high school bathroom gets stronger as she opens the door. She stops in her tracks when she sees you reapplying your mascara at the sink.
"Hey Brendon Urie."
You hadn't even noticed someone walking in.
"God, that's actually worse than Gerard." You look at her through the mirror.
She moves a bit closer, "You look so familiar."
"Must've seen me in your dreams," You say while awkwardly winking at her.
She raises an eyebrow, "No, I know you. I swear I do!"
"Well yeah, I'm the one and only Gerard Way! Lead singer of My Chemical Romance-"
"Enough," She rolls her eyes.
You finish up and make your way out of the bathroom, cautiously walking around her with your arms up. "You'll figure it out. Don't worry, Blondie."
She watches you exit the bathroom.
"Oh my god! Regina, remember this?" Regina glared at her mom as she continued trying to seem cool to her friends. She's known them for years! Why does she keep doing this? Cady looks at the book in Mrs. George's hands.
"What is that?"
"No way! We used this book to make fun of the freaks in our school. We'd tape photos of people then write down insults-"
"She understands, Gretchen. Can you get us some snacks, Mom?"
As Regina's mom walks out of the room, the girls are looking through the various insults in the book. They eventually land on a page with a picture of you and Janis.
'Janis, Pyro Lez' 'Y/N, puts in 110% effort because she takes up 110% of the room.'
Cady's eyes widen. "That's not even her." She says while looking at the picture of you.
"I think she moved schools, wait how do you know her?" Gretchen stops what she's doing to ask.
"I sit with her at lunch"
"What? There's no way, that Gerard Way girl?" Regina chimes in and moves from her spot at the mirror to look at the picture.
"Woah, did she just melt off half her body weight since freshman year?"
"I'm so jealous." Karen adds.
Regina stares at the picture of you. So that's why she knew you.
You, Damien, Janice and Cady are all gathered around at your locker. "...and it's just a collection of insults, basically." Cady had been giving a summary of the events from the previous day.
Janice's eyes go wide. "Does it say anything about me?"
"Uhm, nope. Nothing about you."
"Ugh, those bitches."
You didn't want to ask if you were in it. You had an idea of what the insults towards you could be, and you'd rather not have your suspicions confirmed.
The bell rings, interrupting the powwow. You all bid each other goodbye, and make your way to your classes. PE was your next period, and you couldn't wait. It was a break from all the thinking you had to do.
You head towards the gym after switching into your exercise clothes. Most of your clothes were oversized and baggy, including your gym ones. You hadn't really upgraded your wardrobe since you lost weight. Everybody was already in, gathered in a circle, so you pushed yourself in, not paying attention to who you were standing next to.
"Alright! Today, we'll be playing soccer! Or football, as some of you may call it." The PE teacher announces, mumbling the last part of his sentence. "We will work in pairs today, so find a pair. Or partner, I mean. Whatever, just get moving."
"I can't believe they assigned that guy to teach us Sex-ed." Was someone talking to you?
You look behind you to find Regina looking down at you with a...genuine smile on her face? That can't be right.
"Right! He gives off the same vibe as those Reddit incels."
"That's so funny."
Are you having a normal conversation? With the queen bitch?
"What did you call me?"
Oh shit, you said that out loud.
"Whatever, you wanna pair up? None of my friends are in this class, and you're the least annoying one here."
Thanks. You look around to make sure there are no other possible options. Regina rolls her eyes and grabs your arm, pulling you to an empty spot.
She was actually decent at football. You guys were practicing passing to each other while running and you were starting to feel lightheaded.
You waved to Regina, "Hey, I'm just going to get a sip of water."
"I'll come with."
"You should play football more often, you're more tolerable like this."
"Bold, are we?"
"I mean, I basically just called you a bitch and you haven't punched me in the face. So I'm right"
She laughed! What is up with her?
Regina enters the locker room and spots you with your shirt halfway up. You really did lose half your body weight. Guilt pierces through her. Freshman year Regina was cruel. Somehow crueler than she is now, and fat girls were just easy to bully. Did you drop weight because of her?
Your shirt had gotten snagged on both your necklace and bracelet. After watching you twist and wriggle around for a while, Regina deems you sufficiently embarrassed and walks towards you to help you out.
You feel someone pull your shirt up and off of you. You had made sure to go into the locker room after everyone had already left. So when you were finally free of your cloth prison and came face to face with Regina. You felt nauseous. Of everyone!
She looks you up and down and suddenly you're more self conscious than you've ever been. Wrapping your arms around your stomach, you mumble out a 'Thanks' and put on your other shirt then hurriedly pack up and rush out of the locker room, leaving a guilt-ridden Regina behind.
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animehideout · 6 months
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Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
Check Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4
a/n: sorry for taking too long to post part 3, it's because I post on Wattpad as well {for anyone's who's interested in Straykids x Reader ff check my Wattpad @narae_99 }
Warnings: Mature language.
♪Song suggestions♪ The weeknd - Trust Issues.
Words count: 1.4K
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• Time skip •
You sat on the couch in the school's common room, watching everyone chatting together. Yuji didn't leave your side, he was talking nonstop, it made you really happy cuz someone is actually interested in having a conversation with you, since you spent you whole life outcasted and rejected, feeling like an outsider even within your own family. No one found interest in you, since you wasn't a sorcerer.
Gojo watched as you were having fun talking with now; your students. And of course he didn't like that, he was still pissed by the idea that from now on you'd be his colleague. Even though you didn't do anything wrong, and you equally hated the idea of your arranged marriage, he saw you as a burden thay he is forced to carry. All what was on his mind, from the moment you took your vows, is how to make your life a living hell.
Breaking your curse wouldn't come out of charges. He's been thinking of ways to humiliate you and make you feel small in front of everyone. It's like a punishment of you being his wife.
He slowly approached Mei Mei, making sure to inactivate his infinity, giving her the green light to grasp the chance she's always dreamt of and allow her to touch him even though he never let her or Utahime to physically get near him.
“So Mei Mei–why don't you move here and start teaching in Jujutsu High, it would be ravishing to see you everyday!” he said loud enough to get your attention and he did.
“Oh Gojo, I know I've always been pleasing to your eyes!”
“Yes indeed..”
She chuckled as she extended her hand, her long fingers running on his chest,
“I would definitely give it a thought..Satoru” she called him by his first time for the first time, in a flirtatious way.
Mei Mei is a smart woman, Gojo never bothered to look at her before, let alone flirt with her, so she figured out his real intentions right away, so she played along, to offend you, she never liked you anyway.
Mei Mei always craved Gojo's attention, and she's enjoying it now even if it's fake. Her hands couldn't leave his body as she flirted back... touching his broad shoulders, tracing his jawline with her fingers with as sly smirk.
She leaned closer to him, her lips touching his ear, as she whispered, “Want me to offend the shit out of her..Gojo?”
“Do your thing, and I'll deposit that money in your account” he simply answered.
They made sure you were watching. You swallowed hard, observing them as they continued their playful banter, it wasn't jealousy but you felt a mix or irritation and discomfort. Whether he liked it or not, he's your husband legally and in front of everyone, so the least he could do is respect you, at least while others are watching as well, and he can hate you as much as he wanted in private.
“Y/n-sensei!! are you okay?” asked Yuji in repeat,
but you didn't hear him untill he shook your shoulder gently. You were too focused on Gojo and Mei Mei.
“Hm? sorry?” you said waking up from your trance.
“Everything is fine sensei??”
“y-yeah I'm good–just um... I'll be right back”
You excused yourself from Yuji, Megumi and Maki to pour yourself a cup of water.
Both Gojo and Mei Mei started laughing loudly as you walked past them. The atmosphere was too insulting and unpleasant to stay still, especially that your students and even the principal Yaga noticed how your husband ignored you and shamelessly flirted with another woman, you felt embarrassed.
You walked to the school's kitchen to get a cup of water that might cool you down, away from them. You enjoyed the silence, but soon it was interrupted by Mei Mei,
“Oh you're here y/n”
You maintained your composure in front of her, taking a sip from your water.
“Yeah,..was kinda thirsty”
“Come on all of the boys left, we're left alone, all girlies!! come join us, this party was for you after all” she exclaimed, as she started dragging you with her.
“Nah I'm good, it's kinda late so I might just go home”
“Hah? go home to who? to an empty house? Gojo told me that both of you don't live in the same house!”
It's like getting slapped hard across the face! such thing should have been kept private, It's none of anyone's business to know if you're sleeping under the same roof as Gojo.
“He proved himself to be a jerk” you thought to yourself. You didn't know what to say, Gojo has already spilt everything out.
“LETS GO” she yelled, pulling you back to the common room with her. All the girls were there, Utahime , Nobara and Maki.
“our bride arrived, where have been hiding?” said Utahime.
You sat on the couch trying to find a comfortable position, your heart pounding with anxiety.
Out of nowhere Utahime spoke, “So y/n! tell us, is Gojo a good fuck??”
Your eyes widened in shock, first of all you don't have an answer for that since you obviously didn't have sex, second of all, it was too inappropriate to ask such thing.
You stuttered, as you were about to answer, “I- Um..”
But Mei Mei cut you off, swirling a strand of her hair between her fingers as she spoke, “Oh I'm sure he was, me and Gojo used to hook up a lot, and let me tell me, he's so damn good” she lied.
Air got caught up in your throat, clenching your fists, struggling to keep on a normal face not letting their provocations take the best of you.
“come on y/n don't be shy tell us!!” said Utahime insisting,
you forced a smile as you spoke politely , “excuse me but I don't think my personal life is up for discussion”
“but wh-”
“Dont push too hard Mei Mei, she's not comfortable to answer this, move on already geez” said Maki clearly pissed.
“Chill Maki, we just wanted to get to know each other on a personal level” said Utahime chuckling.
Maki rolled her eyes in annoyance, you wanted to say a lot of things or just punch them across the face, but it was useless, no matter how hard you try to defend yourself, thanks to Gojo everyone already discovered that your marriage is just on paper.
“Excuse me ladies, as you know tomorrow is my first day teaching so it's better if I rest at home” you said walking out,
“tch how boring” sighed Mei Mei.
Maki followed you “Sensei!! Y/n sensei!!”
“hm Maki?”
“Please ignore them, they feed on provoking others, so please don't focus too much on what they say” she reassured.
You smiled, softly patting her shoulder, “Thank you Maki, but don't worry I'm fine..really!”
•Time skip•
There he was standing in the school's garden, breathing the fresh air, enjoying the cold night breeze.
You were already frustrated and seeing him made it ten times worse. You rushed his way,
“The hell was that Satoru?” you yelled,
He turned around looking at you raising his eyebrow, he wasn't wearing his blindfold, “Ugh! you again, what do you want?”
“Don't you have any manners? casually speaking of private stuff, telling everyone that we don't live together and that our marriage is fake? Don't you know that some things should remain unspoken of, especially in front of strangers?”
He bursted into laugher, mockingly, “Oh the only stranger here is you y/n! now don't tell me you're jealous? Oh is it because I didn't fuck the shit out of that pussy of yours?”
“Hah, jealous?? you don't mean anything to me Satoru, and I'm not dying to have sex with you” you yelled back.
“Then why are you mad about it?”
“Stop spilling private shit out, especially if it includes me or my dignity” you threatened pointing your index finger at him.
He took a step closer to you, his giant frame sending shivers down your spine, eyes conveying threat and anger,
“A talentless, weak human like you can't tell me what to do, besides I didn't know you had any dignity. You're not-”
You slapped him with all might and power in you. “FUCK YOU SATORU”.
He took it too far, humiliating you both with words and actions is something you would never accept. Even if you don't have any cursed techniques, you're still a human, who deserves to be treated with love and respect. He looked at you in disbelief, eyes widening, the sting of the slap reverberating through his senses. A moment of stunned silence followed, you glared at him one last time, then you left him standing there.
“I'll make you pay for this, y/n..” he promised.
Taglist 🫶🏻:
@hermitkerm @smolbeanzzz @eolivy @sanriosatoru @kiki17483 @khaleesihavilliard @ryumurin @bookswillfindyouaway @numblytemporary
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Lucky Break Prologue
Yandere Straw Hats x fem!Reader
5k words
I finally got this done, boy did it take longer than I had planned. I’ve worked hard on this and will continue to, so I hope everyone who takes the time to read this enjoys it! This fic is for the most part going to feature platonic yanderes, and the reader insert does use she/her pronouns.
There isn’t much One Piece stuff in this chapter, but there will be in the next.
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When you’re a kid, everything seems so simple. You look around at the world around you and assume you know exactly how your life is going to go. After you finish high school, you’ll go to college and study for a major of your choosing. Immediately upon graduation, you’ll get a job in your desired field, and have a prosperous career to be proud of. Somewhere along the way, you’ll get married, maybe have some kids, and eventually enjoy a comfortable retirement where you will look back on your life with nothing but pride!
Yeah right. What a joke.
If provided with the opportunity to go back in time, you would kick your child-self’s ass for her naivety and optimism. How dare she foolishly get her own hopes up for a good and easy life. 
Okay, so maybe you’re a little bitter, but who could blame you? Who isn’t disappointed with how at least one aspect of their life is going? It’s perfectly normal. Though, admittedly, for you it was wayyyy more than one aspect. 
For starters, your job sucked. Not an uncommon complaint, but one that wore you down dramatically. Being a waitress was hell, but what could you do? You need money to live just like anyone else. Not that you were making much, not if the late fees were anything to go off.
You couldn’t get a better job because the more desirable jobs were all long since taken. Well, what few jobs you could apply for given the lack of a college degree. Oh yeah, you’re a college drop out. Much to the intense disappointment of your parents. They kicked you out when you told them and have hardly spoken to you since. 
Seriously though, what did they want you to do? Keep going to school in hopes that you’ll magically figure out what you want to and go into horrible debt in the meantime? It’s easy to tell someone to keep going to college when you're not the one paying for it. You don’t understand how you’re the bad guy for not wanting to take your student loans to the grave.
It didn’t help that the friends you had have all slowly fallen out of contact with you since you moved away. You thought that maybe starting new somewhere else would be refreshing, foolishly not realizing how difficult making new friends as an adult is. You had some coworkers that you go along with well enough. They had even talked about meeting up outside of work to just hang out, but these plans never fully came to fruition thanks to conflicting schedules. 
Whatever. Dwelling on it isn’t going to help you. You need to focus on the here and now.
Currently, you were on a bus, and not to go to work this time. No, you were going to indulge yourself tonight with a little urban exploration. Today’s target was a somewhat recently abandoned mall. It’s been closed for around a year now, long enough for retailers to take what they wanted and for cops to be beginning to lose interest in constantly patrolling it. It was still under surveillance, but nothing you didn’t know how to navigate. 
You spent a couple weeks scoping out the place, a nearby cafe made it easy to do so without raising suspicion. There wasn’t any on site security to worry about, you just had to keep an eye out for the occasional cop car that would drive by. They only stopped to investigate if there was a car in the parking lot near the building. This wouldn’t be a problem for you given your lack of a personal vehicle.
The plan was straightforward. You’d already identified an entry point while poking around the building at night, an employee only door with a busted lock. It took a bit of elbow grease to jerk it open, but there wasn’t an alarm rigged to it, so it was perfect. All you needed to do was make sure no one spotted you as you went in, and you would be golden.
The bus was slowing to a stop, and it was your turn to get off. Shouldering your backpack, you scooted to the edge of the seat in preparation. As soon as it stopped, you were on your feet and hurrying to the door. The mall was only a couple blocks from here in a rapidly failing part of the city. The only businesses around there were the aforementioned cafe and a couple of thrift stores. Fortunately, your way in was facing away from those stores. As long as a cop wasn’t driving by as you snuck in, no one would see you.
As you made your way there, you could feel the excitement setting in. You didn’t have much in your life to look forward to, this was one of the few things that made you feel alive. The thrill of getting in and out without being caught was addictive if you were being completely honest with yourself.
There were other pros to it, too. Sometimes you got lucky and found something valuable that you could pawn. A forgotten piece of jewelry, a dropped phone, some abandoned tools, you never knew what you were going to find. Even if you didn’t find anything, it was fun to be able to explore an old building with no one around. It gave you this sense of adventure your life was otherwise devoid of.
Granted, there were risks. Cops being the biggest one. Having a criminal record sounded less than ideal to you. There was also the concern raised by the fact that you did this completely alone. If something went wrong and you got seriously hurt, no one would be likely to find out until it was too late. That, and the threat of encountering someone dangerous.
So far, you’ve gotten lucky, only ever personally running into a couple of other urban explorers that were fortunately perfectly nice. There had been a few other close calls, but you were able to avoid detection those times. Your mom used to harp on this, saying one of these days you would get killed or kidnapped while doing this. Maybe she was right, but you couldn’t say you cared that much.
At least you wouldn’t have to go to your next shift!
You shook your head at the depressing thought. It’s not good to think that way, even if it was how you felt.
The mall was just ahead now, you looked around the parking lot for any indicators that anyone else was here. Nothing. It was completely empty. Good. Despite your excitement, you keep your pace casual, not wanting to attract attention.
Taking a cursory glance around, you don’t see any cop cars on patrol. You’re officially out of sight of the nearby businesses, so you shift into a power walk, wanting to get inside quickly while no one is around. You put on some disposable gloves and also pull a facemask out of your pocket and fasten it onto your face. Partially in case the air is bad, but also to protect yourself in case there are any security cameras.
The door takes a good few pulls to open up, but that’s fine. You do one more look around, and upon seeing nothing, you go in. The second the door shuts, you’re thrown into darkness. You fish a flashlight out of your backpack and click it on. It became immediately apparent that you were not the first person to discover this way in, the walls were already covered in graffiti. That and there were some heroin needles on the ground. You know, the usual signs of life.
You carefully make your way down the hall, trying to make your way into the main part of the mall. The air was musky, the smell easily cutting through your mask. It was far from pleasant, but you’ve smelled worse. At least you weren’t smelling any shit (yet).
The door at the end of the hall was easier to open than the last, no resistance at all. You peek out, looking for anything concerning before stepping out. There was natural light coming in from some sliding glass doors nearby. Looks like this place used to be a Macy’s or something like that. Lingering near the glass doors wouldn’t be a good idea, so you hurry off away from it. Once you’re in the main part of the mall you shouldn’t have to worry about being spotted from the outside.
The former maybe-macy’s was picked clean, they didn’t leave anything behind besides the counters and some flyers advertising a long since past sale. No shelves, no mannequins that would give you a heart attack if you saw them out of the corner of your eye, nothing. 
Outlets in malls were typically very thorough when cleaning out after closing, you doubt you’ll find anything valuable here unless some other explorer left something behind. Oh well. You do this more for the experience than anything.
You found the way out pretty quick and took in the sight of the abandoned mall. Even after being closed for a year, it still had a certain beauty to it. The research you did on the mall told you it was built in the early 70’s and the architecture reflected it. The ceiling had a quirky pattern to it, with blocks of it being solid and other blocks being glass to let natural light in. 
There was also an artsy metal structure that climbed all the way up to the second floor, and a big water fountain that acted as the centerpiece. Granted, all of this was decorated with a layer of broken glass from the shattered guardrails on the second floor, but still. This kind of decor was rare to see in modern malls, with all of them wanting to be as plain as possible. This was a pleasant change of scenery.
You meandered through the open space, glass crunching under your boots with each step. The escalators were right ahead of you. Like the guardrails, the glass on was also shattered, but that didn’t matter. As long as the stairs were in one piece, you could still climb them. 
You had a specific destination in mind for your visit here. Yes, you would like to see every nook and cranny, but the movie theater was especially exciting. You’ve never been in an abandoned theater before, so you were dying to see it and made a beeline for it.
It was damn near on the opposite side of the building, but that just gave you a chance to see what other places you could check out later. While many people find places like this unsettling at best, you found an odd sense of comfort in it. Part of it was the silence. Provided no one else rocked up, the noisiest thing you would hear would be some birds flying through.
There was also the nostalgia of being in a mall and seeing the familiar, albeit vacated, stores you remember from your childhood. Malls simply aren’t what they used to be, and it’s nice to reminisce on what once was. Sure, it’s not like you could afford to shop at one, but just being able to walk around and window shop was enjoyable. At least you could still do the walking around part even when they’re closed.
As you make your way down the second story walkway, you take note of all the signs of life around you. Lots of spiders have set up shop with massive webs in every corner to make meals of the local insect population. Nests were crammed into the spaces in between letters on the remaining signs, and although you haven’t seen any, there are enough droppings here to indicate the presence of a thriving rodent society. That means there’s probably some stray cats lurking around here, too. You hope you get to see one. There’s a laser pointer on your keyring and some treats in your pockets just for such occasions. 
You look up and are thrilled to finally be at the theater. There are blank rectangles on the wall from where movie posters used to be. The sign that used to display movies and showtimes now simply says closed. Well, technically it says ‘CL S  D’, but you got the drift.
The lobby is surprisingly intact. The ticket and snack counters are both still here, even the glass around the ticket counter was unbroken. Some of the old snack machines still remained, which surprised you. It was faint, but you think you could still pick up on the smell of popcorn. It could also just be a placebo effect but shh. 
You hop over the snack counter to see what’s back there. The first thing you notice is how sticky the floor is, your boots sticking with each step. The remaining machines are in rough shape, but that’s to be expected. The nozzle on one of the slushie machines was snapped clean off, and the doors on the popcorn machine were just gone. You meticulously opened all the drawers and cabinets, hoping to find something interesting. You didn’t. Just some garbage and rat shit. 
Moving on, you head towards the really exciting part. The showing rooms. You can’t help but pick up the pace as you run into one, only to feel a touch disappointed. It was completely gutted. The screen, the chairs, nothing was left. Who the hell even wanted a bunch of old ass movie theater seats? Where did they go?
There was a problem though, the area near where the screen would be was completely flooded. You shine your light up to the ceiling and are baffled that there’s no hole for this much water to leak through. Where the hell did it all come from? It also smelled weirdly fishy? The fish smell was so potent that it almost distracted you from all the mold on the fabric covered walls. Yikes. “N95 mask don’t fail me now,” you mumbled under your breath.
Whatever. Spinning on your heels, you head for the stairs to go to the top of the room. They’re creaky and the carpet is coming off of them in bits and pieces. 
There really wasn’t much of a reason to come up here beyond it just felt like the right thing to do. You decide to peek through the window to the projection room. Surprisingly, it’s very cluttered in there, it almost looks like a storage room. Oh, you’re definitely going to have to go in there!
… But how?
Now that you’re thinking about it, how do you even get inside one of these? It must be behind some sort of staff only door. You hope it’s not locked, there was a lot of stuff in there.
You rush down the stairs, ecstatic at what a good find this was. Once you’re in the hallway, you whip your head around to locate any possible entrance, and you find it. A plain, unmarked door between two of the theater rooms. Bingo. You twist the knob, but it doesn’t budge.
Not bingo.
It’s unlikely that the keys for this door are still here… but you can’t just let this go. After testing the fortitude of the door with a few kicks and yanks, you resolve to look for the key despite the low odds of actually finding it.
The most likely place it would be would be a main office or something. You head back to the lobby, that’s probably where the door to one would be. The beam of your flashlight flits over the surrounding walls in search of a side door.
Some fallen ceiling tiles and wires almost hid it from you, but there it was. You pick up what looks like a snapped off broom handle and use it to push the debris out of the way and keep the wires off you while you try the door, praying that this won’t also be locked. 
It doesn’t turn. Dammit! Out of sheer frustration, you give it a violent shake. It snaps clean off, the knob from the other side loudly clattering to the ground. Looks like your luck is coming back around.
The door still takes a bit of rattling to shake loose the remaining bits of the old locking mechanism, but it finally creaked open. Wasting no time, you hurried in, observing the new area. While it was dirty, it was untouched by graffiti and general vandalism. It’s a simple long hallway with two doors. You get to the first and open it up, greeted by the sight of an old bathroom. 
The mirror above the sink doubles as a medicine cabinet, so you decide to check it out. When you pull it open, the whole door comes right off. Oops. The cabinet in question didn’t have anything interesting in it, only being occupied by a bottle of tums, some nail clippers, and a box of dental floss. Thrilling stuff.
You move on and head for the other door. Surely that has to be the office. The door clicks open again, thank god. You grin to yourself, it is the office. The desk is right in front of you and in good shape, not appearing to have been tampered with this past year. Excellent.
It’s surprisingly clean in here. There is some dust, but not nearly as much as you would have expected. The desk itself is old and made of wood. It honestly looks way too nice to have been left here. The chair is, weirdly enough, not present. What, that was worthy of being taken but not the desk? Whatever. It’s not important.
You’re quick to start rifling through the drawers. Paperwork, pack of gum, more paperwork, some pens, a few paperclips, even more paperwork… it’s not looking good. Your heart is sinking with each passing second. You squat and look under the desk as a last ditch effort. Your light reflects off something. Keys!
There’s a strip of tape attached to them, like someone had taped them to the underside of the desk rather than using one of the drawers. An odd decision, but who cares? These might be the keys you need! 
Not wanting to waste any more time, you run back to the possible projector room door. The key ring has several keys on it, so there’s a bit of trial and error to go through in your attempts to unlock it. Your heart rate steadily picks up as you go through each key with no success. It’s not until the second to last key that you finally hear that much anticipated ‘click’. 
The door is surprisingly heavy, you really have to pull to get it open enough to slip through. It loudly slams shut behind you and you’re met with the sight of two staircases. The room you saw through the window should be on the right. 
The stairs are carpeted but not as worn as the ones in the theater, making them less of a tripping hazard. Dust is being kicked up with each step, you can see clouds of it flying through the air and clinging to cobwebs.
Now you’re at the top and there’s another door. This one wasn’t locked. The room itself honestly resembles a boiler room to you. Pipes and cables were running along the walls, and the walls weren’t painted. There was a table in front of the window where the projector would have been.
That’s not what made you want to see this room though. Shelves were along every wall and they were loaded. You’re gonna need both hands for this. Luckily, you have a lantern type of flashlight in your backpack just for situations like this. You fish it out, click it on, and set it on the projector table before turning back to the shelves. 
There were lots of boxes, so you grab the nearest one and bring it over to the table to go through it. It’s full of what you think are spare parts for a projector, though you don’t know enough about this stuff to be sure.
The next box has some old broken lenses. Then one with tools. You even found some film, but it seemed blank. You held it up to the light and saw absolutely nothing. You suppose it makes sense for all these things to be in here, but you can’t help but wish there was something more exciting. 
You pull down another box, this one from the top shelf and open it expecting to see glass cleaner or something like that, but instead you find another, smaller box. You pull it out, and it looks like a jewelry box. There’s an image on the top of it: a skull and crossbones that’s biting what looks like a wand. Interesting. It kinda looks like something you would see on a pirate flag. What were those called again? Jolly Rogers? Yeah, that sounds right.
You give it a little shake and hear something clatter inside it. Trying to open it, however, is fruitless. It’s locked. All the keys you got earlier are way too big to fit the hole, but you think it should be easy enough to break open yourself at home. 
A genuine smile spreads across your face, you found something cool this time! The jewelry box goes into your backpack, and you’re about to resume your search when you hear something. It sounds like voices in the hall.
Quickly, but quietly, you snatch your lantern to turn it off and creep down the stairs and towards the door to try and listen better. There are two sets of footsteps but only one voice.
“-nd today WE are doing an overnight challenge in a haunted abandoned mall!”
You cringe. Oh great. Youtubers. Liars too based off that comment about the mall being haunted. In all the research you did on this place, you never saw so much as one ghost sighting.
Huffing out a sigh, you know that your fun is going to be cut short. There’s no telling whether or not these idiots parked right by the front door. You need to get out before cops show up. That, and you don’t want to accidentally end up in one of their videos. You can practically see the title now: “REAL ghost sighting at ABANDONED mall??? SCARY!!! (NOT CLICKBAIT)”
No thank you.
Lucky for you, you’ve already got a nice find, so at least you’re not leaving empty handed. You wait until they go into one of the theaters to leave the room, carefully easing the door open and closed. After a moment of thought, you lock it, too. You want this to be untouched when you come back. Naturally, this means you’re taking the keys with you. They can’t be that important to anyone if they got left behind like this.
Your escape from the mall and trip back home was uneventful for the most part. You were able to leave unnoticed and before cops got there. The youtubers did, indeed, park at the front door, so it was only a matter of time. 
The apartment complex you lived in was kinda run down, but overall not that bad. Sure, it was dingy and the bathroom had a mold problem, but it kept you warm and dry so things could be worse. 
After entering your apartment, you immediately lock your door behind you. No sense leaving it unlocked and letting some creep in. With that taken care of, you drop your backpack by the couch and go to grab some tools. 
You unceremoniously plop yourself onto the couch and toss a screwdriver and hammer onto the coffee table. You bring out the old jewelry box and really look at it now that you’re in a properly lit room. The dust was really caked on, prompting you to use your sleeve to wipe away the bulk of it.
The picture was very detailed. The skull and crossbones were painted beautifully, even the small wand looked lovely. The box was wooden, expertly varnished. You already feel bad that you’re going to have to break this open. Hopefully you’ll be able to keep the damage to a minimum, that way you can use it for yourself after this.
Experimentally, you try to pull it open again. It does have some give to it, but not enough to actually get it open. You grab the screwdriver and wedge it into the sliver of space between the lid and the box. You try and pry it open. It creaks a little, opens up slightly more, but stops short. Okay, time for the big guns.
Using your feet to hold either side of it in place, you grab the hammer, aim, and bring it down on the screwdriver handle. You hear a crack, but it’s still closed. You raise your arm and bring it down again, harder this time.
Both the plastic screwdriver handle and the lock shatter from the force of the blow. You discard the hammer onto the floor next to the bits of handle and throw open the box.
There’s only two things in there. A rolled up piece of paper, and a necklace. The pendant on the necklace sports the same image as the top of the jewelry box over a bronze lattice patterned circle. You gingerly pick it up. It’s thin and feels brittle, like you could snap it in half without much force. What’s the point of a necklace being this fragile? 
You set it back down gently and pick up the paper. It’s almost as bad as the necklace, it looks very old and is crumbling around the edges. Slowly, you unfurl it and see there’s a message scrawled onto it with red ink.
“Congratulations on your lucky find
I wonder what desire you have in mind
Close your eyes, make a wish, and break the pendant in two
Whatever you want most will come to you”
An eyebrow quirks up and the strange rhyme. What, was this left by a genie? You sigh, and here you thought you might get something valuable out of this. 
Still… What would it hurt to play along for a second?
You grab the pendant again and examine it while you mull over what to wish for. Money? Nah. Money can be earned, however difficult it may be. If you’re gonna be using some sort of (allegedly) all powerful magic necklace, it should be something more unobtainable. What do you really want?
If you’re completely honest with yourself, you hate where you are in life right now. The monotony, the loneliness, everything. You need a new start. A new start with some new friends. Friends that actually give a shit about you. Anyone that loves you for you. Yeah, that sounds good.
Leaning back, you close your eyes and make your wish. You’re not sure you need to say it out loud, but do anyway, “I wish to have a fresh start somewhere new. A place with adventure where I can be loved.”
The pendant snaps in half easily. You hold your breath and wait. Nothing. You crack an eye open. You’re still in your same old apartment. Of course you are. Why did you think that would work? How childish.
Even though you expected this, you can’t help the wave of bitterness that washes over you. Angrily, you stuff the broken pendant into your pocket and grab your backpack. You stand up to go put this shit away, but…
You fall through the floor.
The floor didn’t break, it’s like it just ceased to exist. As you fall, everything goes black, and there isn’t a sound to be heard besides your own screaming. What’s happening? What’s going on? Shit, was that stupid thing really magical??? Was it fucking cursed???
Trying not to panic wasn’t even being considered, how could anyone not freak out from this? So here you are, screaming and crying while holding onto your backpack for dear life as if it’s going to help you right now.
Suddenly, you can see light coming from underneath you. You’re torn between being relieved to see light and being terrified that you’re about to splatter onto the ground. A wave of warmth hits you, carrying the smell of sea water. You realize that the ‘ground’ beneath you is actually a huge body of water.
And then you’re in it. 
There wasn’t enough time to prepare for the sudden immersion. Water flooded into your open mouth and you scrambled and flailed in an attempt to get to the surface. As you break the surface, you’re coughing and hacking the salty water out of your lungs. You weren’t anywhere near the ocean, how are you suddenly fighting for your life in one?
You whip your head around and are horrified to see absolutely nothing, No land or ships in sight. Oh my god. You’re going to die out here.
You attempt to spin around to identify your potential savior, but a wave hits you, knocking you under the water again. Dammit, no! Not like this! 
Miraculously, you get back to the surface again, and the second you do, something grabs onto your shoulder and pulls. And pulls. And keeps pulling. You went from almost drowning to feeling like you’re flying over the surface of the ocean. In an attempt to feel some semblance of security, you grab onto whatever is holding you. 
It… it feels like a hand??? No, that doesn’t make sense, who could be pulling you along like this with their hand???
“Luffy, you need to slow down! You’re pulling her in too fast!”
You try to look over your shoulder to see what the hell is going on, and through your hair you think you can make out what looks like two people on a small boat. The boat is already very close and rapidly getting closer. Way too close!
And everything goes dark again.
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natti-ice · 2 months
Would You Have Me?- Sirius Black.
Pairing: Sirius Black x fem!reader
Summary: Y/N is the only person in Sirius’ life he truly cares about, he wouldn’t mind if it was only them
Warnings: modern high school au!, written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.6k words)
Author's note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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The final bell rang, it was Friday hundreds of students poured out of the school doors ready for the weekend. Y/N was among the swarm of kids, headed toward her bus. Thankful it was the weekend, this week had been a lot on her. Off in the distance, she could hear her name over the loud voices. Looking around shielding her eyes from the sun, she could see a tall boy headed her way. 
It was Sirius
"There you are," he said when he reached her, throwing his arm around her shoulder "Where are you off to?" he asked
"My bus" she pointed to the big yellow vehicle
"C'mon, I'll take you home" he offered
"Really?" she asked
"Yeah, you can tell me all about your day"
They walked to the student parking lot, Sirius drove a black '89 Dodge charger. It was a little squeaky, but he loves that car. 
He opens the passenger door for Y/N, closing it once she was in. Sirius Drove the long way to her house so they could talk longer.
"How was your day, dear?" he asks pulling out of the campus
"It was fine, I'm glad the week is over. Everything has been a lot lately" 
It was their junior year, everyone is starting to worry about their futures. Their career, college, exams, everything stressful. 
"I know what you mean, it feels like we have to know everything about the future before it happens" he replies
They continue their conversation all the way to Y/N's house. They've always been able to tell each other everything without feeling judged. Nowadays, it feels like you have to make sure everything is perfect because the whole world is watching, waiting for you to fall.
He was her safe place, and she was his. 
Sirius pulls up in front of her house, parking the car.
"Thanks for the ride, Sirius" she says opening the car door
"Of course, love. Hey, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" he asks
"Yeah, sure I'll ask my parents. I'll text you" she answers
"Great, I'll see you soon then" He smiles
"Bye" she says closing the door.
He waits for her to go inside before driving off like he does every time. He sees her almost every day, but he still gets excited when they hang out. It's like a new experience every time, even when they've done it one hundred times before.
When he got home, he waited anxiously for her text. Her parents have never said no before, but it still made him a little nervous. He's made sure over the years that her parents liked him, he didn't want them to think he was just some guy who was only hanging out with their daughter to get in her pants.
He started his homework that probably won't get finished till Monday morning, checking his phone every few minutes.
Finally, after what felt like an hour, she texted him
parents said it's cool What did you have in mind?
 Movie? Wonka is still showing. Stay at my place after?
Timothee Chalamet? HELL YEAH! Definitely down for a sleepover
 Great! I'll pick u up at 4
See you then! <3
He was happy that she could come, he liked being able to get out of the house and escape with her. Everyone has family issues, his family was distant from each other. It was almost like they were roommates, not a family. His parents didn't care if he was gone or if he had someone over.
His brother stayed in his room most of the day when he got home from school. Their bond was limited to short interactions in the dining room on special occasions.
Y/N was his real family, she was always there for him whenever he needed her. At school, many people claimed to be his friend, they'd say hey in the hallway or talk about some game that happened the night before. None of them would actually have a real meaningful conversation with him.
He didn't get why he was so popular, he was sociable and easy on the eyes sure, but nobody knew the real him. It seemed like they had all made a false version of him in their heads. A mysterious ladies' man who could have anyone he wanted.
That wasn't true at all, he wasn't a mystery at all. He was very open once you got to know him, only Y/N had ever made the effort to do so. The whole 'ladies' man' thing was really funny to him. He'd never had a serious girlfriend, a few dates here and there but nothing real.
Many of those girls thought that him and Y/N had a thing going on so they would stop talking to him completely. At first he didn't know why they would think that, he thought their friendship seemed very platonic. Then he realized some of the things they would do seemed a little too friendly.
That didn't stop him. If he was honest, he didn't care about those girls at school. If there was only one girl in the world and he had to pick her. It would be Y/N. Always Y/N.
Saturday came around, Sirius waited all day for 4 o'clock. He didn't like to be late, he pulled up in front of her house a few minutes early so he could greet her parents.
Turning off his car, walking up to the front door. He rings the doorbell that has a little camera on it. A few seconds later, her mother opens the door
"Sirius, how are you, dear?" she asks bringing him in for a hug
'I'm great, Mrs. L/N. How's everything?"
"Everything's fine, Y/N should be ready by now." she told the boy "Y/N, Sirius is here!" she yelled up the stairs
She came down the stairs, a small bag in her hand. 
"Sorry, had to make sure I had everything, are you ready?" she asks Sirius
"Yeah, I'll see you later, Mrs. L/N" 
He and Y/N get in his car, driving to the local movie theater. 
That movie was almost 3 hours long, but that's okay. They didn't mind sitting in a dark room together in silence. It was much later, the sun was starting to set when they headed towards Sirius' house.
His parent's car wasn't in the driveway thankfully, awkward hellos are never fun. They realize they're starving and order take out.
Once it finally arrives, he takes her up to his room. Passing by Regulus' room, she could hear gunfire from some video game.
"Don't mind him, it's like he's married to the game. Hardly comes out the room" Sirius explains opening his bedroom door.
It was relatively clean, only because he knew she was coming over. His walls were lined with movie posters from the 80s and now, some of his favorite vinyls, and photo booth pictures of him and Y/N from various locations.
He made sure his space represented him. The real him. 
They spend the next couple of hours eating and watching random videos on youtube until they got bored of it. Putting on Evermore on as background music as they talked.
Both of them are sitting on the floor, Sirius leaning against the wall, Y/N against his bed
They jumped from topic to topic as the night progressed, getting into the more personal topics. A few weeks ago, Y/N started talking to a boy named Kevin. She seemed to have liked him until she stopped talking about him.
Sirius had been curious about that for a while, he thought it was a good time to ask
"Whatever happened to that Kevin guy? I thought you two were getting serious" he asks
"Oh him? That's long gone" she shrugged, "He said he just didn't feel anything for me" she explained, she didn't show it but she was a little hurt by the boy's words.
"Oh my god, he sucks. Anyone would be more than lucky to have you" He was mad that anyone would treat her like this. "Fuck that guy"
"It's alright, I didn't need him in my life" she wanted to get the topic off her "What about you? Anyone new in your life?"
"Nah" he smiles "I don't want anyone new, honestly"
"What do you mean?" she asks
"I'm happy just having you in my life, sometimes I wish it could always just be you and me" he says in a low voice
"That would be great, honestly. Just us against the world" she agrees
"Y/N?" his voice barely above a whisper, fidgeting with a ring on his hand
He swallowed before replying, "I think I'm in love with you"
"What?" she laughed nervously, he got up and sat next to her
"When I think of my future, having a family and owning a house, you're there right next to me. I've tried to convince myself that it's only because there isn't anyone else in my life" He pauses searching her face for any sort of bad emotion "I know now, it's because I don't want anyone else in my life but you"
Y/N's brain was all over the place, trying to figure out what to say. Sirius has been her rock for so long, she had a small crush on him. She didn't think he would ever reciprocate it
"I don't know what to say" she admits
"That's alright, you don't have to say anything. If you're willing, maybe we could see if this goes anywhere?" 
She reaches down grabbing his hand, lacing her fingers with his. "I think we can make it work" she smiles "After all, we're still getting married at 30 right?" she laughed
"Right Right. A pact is a pact, dear" he smiles
She gives him a small kiss on the cheek, slowly pulling away. Their faces were dangerously close together, warm breath fanning against their skin. Y/N closes the distance. Their lips perfectly fitting each other, just like they were made for each other.
Sirius pulled away, not wanting things to get carried away. Y/N rest her head on his shoulder
"So, what color should our invitations be?"
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letstripdotcom · 4 months
daylight- chris sturniolo x reader
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summary: chris has caused enough trouble at somerville high school to where the teachers have had enough. they give him the choice of either failing him to where he won’t graduate on time or pairing him side by side with the little miss perfect of his school.
warnings: language, suggestive
Chris’s pov:
“chris this can not keep happening” my counselor scolded, typing something into her computer. i slouched back into my chair and rolled my eyes.
“can you please calm down it’s gonna be fine. i’m not a child.” i growled. “if you don’t want to get treated like a child, christopher, don’t act like one. your actions have consequences”
“actions, consequences, blah blah blah. i’ve heard it all. i don’t care about the detentions, the suspensions, i don’t care about any of that. fuck it! expel me for all i care!” i yelled.
“i’m not gonna expel you chris, and i’m not doing anything else” she paused. “but you need someone keeping an eye on you at all times, just in case. so i’m gonna assign a student of my choice, and they’re gonna be with you the entire time you’re here”
“no fucking way!” i scolded. “you’re not gonna get me some babysitter no way in hell.” she stared at me. “you don’t have a choice, christopher. you’ve gone way too far”
“and what are you going to do if i refuse?” i contested her.
“i guess i’ll just fail you, and you won’t graduate the rest of your class.” she shrugged “no fucking way! what about my brothers?” i stood up. “language christopher! and your brothers aren’t the ones causing trouble here!”
“fuck this! i’m leaving” i grumbled accepting my defeat “your new friend and i will see you tomorrow christopher!” she called. i turned around to look at her “you may make me do this but i’m not gonna be friends with anyone” “have a good day christopher!”
i stormed out of the counselors office and went back to class. i sat in my classroom all day wondering who she could possibly pick to be my ‘friend’ for god knows how long.
i examined every person surrounding me. i imagined what the rest of the school year would be like with each person. whoever it was, i wasn’t excited. i went home for the day, dreading my return tomorrow.
the next day, i was in 1st period when i heard my name over the loud speaker. “christopher sturniolo to the counselors office please” i made my way down the hall and into the office. when i got there i was greeted by the one and only y/n, y/l/n.
no. fucking. way.
“hey chris! i’m y/n” she held out her hand. i did the nice thing and shook it because she’s y/n, why wouldn’t i. y/n was insanely smart, too smart. and she was a perfectionist. she got all a’s, her clothes were pink and perfect, her hair didn’t have a single fly away, let alone split end, and she was the kindest person to ever exist.
she couldn’t say a negative thing about anyone. even when someone was rude to her she would just smile and nod. i don’t know how she took it, but she did. but it’s not like people were often rude to her. evryone loved her. but she didn’t have a designated ‘friend group’ it’s like she liked everyone but loved no one.
she was also gorgeous. everything about her was perfect. her perfect cheerleader physique, her thick but tamed hair her perfect teeth, creating a perfect smile. everything about her was amazing.
she cleared her throat, breaking me out of my thoughts. “well chris, are you ready to head back to class?” she asked. “y-yeah let’s go” we started walking down the hall back to my first period. “so are you just taking all my classes now?” i questioned.
“no actually, i just attend your classes with you, and i complete mine online.” she explained. i nodded. we entered my first hour with her behind me. everyone watched as she took a seat in the desk next to mine, opening her laptop. we continued the rest of the day like this.
y/n’s pov
walking around with chris all day was miserable. i know i’m good at faking a nice persona, but with someone like him it’s hard. he has no manners, no decency and no brain at all. it’s like trying to teach math to an animal. you just can’t do it.
the next day was exactly the same
i sighed as he tapped on my shoulder for the 12th time this morning. “can i help you chris” i turned to face him. “i don’t get this problem” i rolled my eyes “chris this is the same as the last 10! what do you not understand”
“sorry!” he huffed i rolled my eyes and assisted him. “i’m not here to be your personal recourse, i’m here because you can’t act like a fucking human, don’t forget” i turned back to what i was doing. “k” was all he said. no way could i deal with this any longer.
“you know y/n you’re not as nice as you pretend to be are you” he questioned. “why would i be nice to you?” i bit back. “i didn’t choose to be your fucking babysitter and it’s not my fault you’re so fucking childish.”
he clenched his jaw and nodded his head. “yeah ok” he grumbled. i couldn’t help but recognize how hot he looked when he was mad. i may not like his attitude, but i’m not blind. chris is very attractive.
“you know chris you would be really hot if you weren’t such a dick”
and that’s how i ended up on my knees in chris sturniolos bedroom as he stood in front of me, the both of us completely naked.
part one tehehehe🤗
can’t wait for shit to get good
also short chapter but just you wait 😏
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daisynik7 · 1 year
A Bento For Kento
Chapter 2: Two Bentos are Better Than One
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
cw: none that I can think of!
Summary: Nanami gets a pleasant surprise from his student, in the form of a Hello Kitty bento box. Meanwhile, you are an emotional mess who loves your weirdo brother. 
Notes: Bento inspired by this: Japanese Egg Sandwich. Let me know in the comments below if you’d like to be tagged in the next chapter(s)! Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated. Would love to hear what y'all think so far!
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A Bento for Kento Masterlist
Preparing lunches for Ren has been fun, but making a different type of bento three times a week is really pushing your creativity threshold. Knowing that he isn’t picky about eating the same meal every other day, you decide to cook one type of bento throughout the week. Doing it this way has made the whole process less stressful and more manageable.
As for his actual lessons, you remain in the dark. When he comes home Friday afternoon, you ask him, “How was your first week? Still determined to attend this school?” 
He kicks his shoes off and flops down, face first, onto the couch. “Yes, very determined.” He flips onto his back and reaches his arms above his head, stretching. “Can we watch a horror movie tonight? I’m in the mood for something mindless that doesn’t make me think so much. I did too much thinking this week.”
You chuckle, agreeing to his suggestion. “You pick the movie. Nothing too scary, though. I would like to sleep tonight.”
“Can we order pizza too?” he asks, staring at you with his puppy dog eyes. “I really like you’re cooking, but I just want to eat like trash and feel like trash tonight.” 
You laugh even louder, sitting beside him to ruffle his hair. “You’re starting to sound more like an adult. Stop growing up so fast or else you’ll be a miserable millennial like me.”
“Never! You can never take away my youth!” he yells, playfully flailing his limbs up in the air.
After some typical back and forth about what toppings to get, the two of you finally agree on what type of pizza to order. While waiting for the delivery, you give your brother the honors of choosing which horror movie to watch, to which he picks the number one on a list of top ten scariest films he looked up on Google. So much for sleeping tonight. 
The start of another week means a brand-new bento creation. After searching the Internet for tasty ideas, you decide to make egg salad sandwiches. These were a favorite of yours and Ren’s growing up. To kick it up a notch, you use high quality Shokupan bread, courtesy of your favorite bakery nearby. Hell, you even cut the crusts off. Impressed with yourself, you deliberate if you should change careers to become a professional chef. 
As you delicately place them in the blue bento, you hear his footsteps approach the kitchen. “Yum! Egg salad!” He looks over your shoulder to peek. “And with no crust?!”
You turn your head to face him, grinning. “Yup. Pretty fancy, huh?”
“It’s amazing! The bread looks so fluffy,” he notices, poking at it. He hovers over the bowl of egg salad, still half full. He stares at it for a moment before asking, “Is there a lot left?”
“Yeah, looks like it. I’ll eat it some of it later. Maybe I can give the rest to the neighbors – ”
“Can you pack me an extra then? I’ll eat it!” He starts opening up the cupboards, looking for another box. 
“You want two bentos?” 
“Yes! Please! I’ll eat them both, I promise!” 
You’re surprised, but also flattered. Has your cooking improved so much that your teenaged brother actually craves two servings of your food? Maybe you really should become a chef.
Ren continues to slam the cupboards, his search for another container growing futile. After you’ve had enough, you head to your room and yell out, “Stop! I think I have one in my room, hold on.”
After you find what you’re looking for in your closet, you return to the kitchen, bright red Hello Kitty bento box in hand. “Let’s use this. Do you mind?”
He smiles wide, all his teeth showing mischievously. “This is perfect.” His enthusiasm throws you off. Teenage boys sure are getting weirder and weirder.
“Hello mentor!” Ren greets as he enters the conference room.
Nanami lifts his head up to return his greeting. “Hello Nakamura, did you have a nice weekend?” 
Ren sits down at an empty desk, unzipping his backpack to retrieve a notebook and pen, all while recounting his weekend activities. Nanami listens intently, simultaneously pleased with how prompt and prepared his student is for their lessons. 
After exchanging a few more pleasantries, they start today’s class. They delve into a more intense subject: curses. They review previous missions that Nanami himself participated in, some of the content being disturbing and gruesome for the average person. To his surprise, Ren doesn’t seem fazed. When he asks questions, he is analytical and intrigued. Nanami appreciates this, as he himself likes to separate sentimentality from work. 
They go through three different case studies until it’s time for a break. He expects that Ren has another delicious feast ready for him in his backpack. He’s had one every single day they’ve had their lessons. Last week, it was the same for all three days. He wonders if it’s different this time.
For some reason, Nanami keeps forgetting to find another bakery that sells ham and cheese sandwiches. He is without a lunch again. He gets up from his desk and walks down the hall into the break room to prepare his tea. This will have to do for now. 
He returns to the conference room, freshly brewed green tea in hand, noticing that Ren is already halfway through his meal. Egg salad sandwiches today, one of Nanami’s favorites. 
Back at his seat, he is shocked, and horrified, to find a Hello Kitty bento box waiting for him on top of his desk.
Whipping his head towards his student, he asks nervously, “What is this?”
Ren smiles, cheeks stuffed like chipmunk. “It’s for you!” Bits of egg salad come flying out of his mouth. “Sorry,” he mutters, swallowing his food all at once. “I couldn’t stand another day seeing you just drink your tea. I had my sister make an extra.” 
Nanami stares at him, then at Hello Kitty. Her black eyes and red ribbon peering into his soul. 
“Well, aren’t you going to eat it? It’s not like Hello Kitty is a curse,” Ren snorts, amused at his own joke.
Still hesitant about this odd situation, he clarifies, “Are you sure you don’t want this? Your sister packed this for you.” It’s not for me, he thinks.
He munches on a cucumber slice, responding, “The only reason I asked her to pack an extra was so I can give it to you. It’s the least I can do since you’re teaching me so much.”
There’s a lump in his throat, an unusual sensation Nanami isn’t familiar with. It’s been a while since someone showed this kind of generosity to him. It wasn’t as if people in his life mistreated him. It’s just nice to be acknowledged. 
He remains standing over the desk when Ren mentions, “Hello Kitty was not my choice. You can blame my sister for that. It was the only one she could find. But I think it fits your personality perfectly,” he teases.
Cracking a tiny smile, he says, “As long as the food is good, I don’t mind it.” He finally sits down and opens the box, bidding farewell to Hello Kitty’s face in the process. 
Underneath the cover is an egg salad sandwich, exactly like the one Ren just devoured. He notices that it’s on Shokupan bread. Good choice, he muses. He handles it with care, relishing the softness, appreciating the meticulously trimmed edges. Once he bites in, his eyes almost roll to the back of his head. Creamy, pillowy, not too salty, and slightly sweet. It’s simple and luxurious all at the same time. Purely exquisite.
Maybe it’s because this was his first taste of real food all day. Maybe it’s because it seems like a gift from his student. Maybe it’s because it makes him feel special. Whatever the reason, he can admit to himself that he is really enjoying this. He’s thankful to be wearing glasses to prevent his pupil from witnessing the dumb expression on his face. It’s embarrassing. Out of character. 
“Pretty good, right? It was our favorite growing up,” Ren mentions, finishing off the rest of his cucumber slices. “She got this bread from a bakery near us. Said the type of bread makes all the difference. It all tastes the same to me.” He has his feet up on the desk now and starts to rub his belly, relaxed and well nourished.
“Your sister is right; it does make all the difference.” Nanami swallows the last bit of his first helping, then starts nibbling on the second. “This wouldn’t be as tasty if it was on generic grocery store bread.”
Ren stifles a laugh and leans further back in his chair to give him an amused look. “Ha, I didn’t expect you to use the word ‘tasty’. It’s funny hearing it from you.”
He wipes his mouth. “Well, it is tasty.”
“I’ll make sure my sister knows her egg salad is tasty,”
“Why are you saying it like that?” He frowns at his student, but when he only responds with a snicker, he chooses not to ask the question again. 
He finishes the rest of the box, leaving no crumbs behind. Hello Kitty returns in plain view as he places the cover back on, handing it to Ren. “Thank you, Nakamura. This was a pleasant surprise.”
“No problem, mentor! Like I said, it’s the least I could do. I’m learning so much from you!” Ren beams at him while he puts both containers away, notebook and pen placed back in front of him.
“Shall we continue the lesson then?”
They go over three more case studies until it’s time to go. Ren asks well thought out questions, taking diligent notes all the while. Nanami explains a few techniques he used in one case study that he personally handled. 
After Ren leaves, he gathers up his suitcase and prepares for his journey home. He’s not as exhausted as he was last week, which he’s thankful for. I should probably find a café, he thinks, scrolling through his phone to look up locations nearby. He won’t subject himself to a single cup of green tea at lunch any longer. That sandwich gave him the energy he needed, but he doesn’t want to assume this is a recurring thing. He finds a café close to the office, setting a reminder for himself to stop by before their next lesson. This will have to do for now.
You’re already wrapping up work when Ren comes home. “Hey! How was today? Learn anything new?” you ask, closing your laptop. 
He drops his backpack on the floor and sits on the couch, yawning. “I’m learning a ton. I feel like I’ve already gone through half my notebook with all these notes!” 
You sit next to him, watching him open his backpack to retrieve his notebook. As he flips through the pages, you notice a variety of scribbles, as well as some strange doodles of little monsters with bulging eyes. The last page he lands on has a drawing of one long line with hash marks scattered evenly across it. There are notes scrawled around it, the numbers “7” and “3” popping up continuously.
Oh god, this is some cult shit. Panic begins to set in. You’re tempted to start interrogating him. Before you lose your cool, you listen to your inner voice reminding you to trust him. 
Sensing your internal crisis, Ren smiles and waves his hand in front of your face. “Sorry, I know it looks weird, but I promise it’s good.”
What the hell does that mean?! It’s good?!  His response doesn’t alleviate your worries, but as you gaze at his precious face, you realize that he’s putting so much work into whatever this is. It must really be important to him. 
You force a grin and state, “If you say it’s good, then it’s all good.” You reach into his backpack to grab the two empty boxes. “Wow! You must have really liked the sandwiches. I can’t believe you ate both!” 
“Yeah, they were amazing! So tasty! It reminded me of the first meal I ever had when Mom and Dad took me in. It was the first time I ever met you. I ate my whole sandwich in just a few bites, and you gave me half of yours without even thinking for a second. I’ll never forget that.” He smiles at you affectionately. “Actually, I gave the extra one to – ” 
He pauses, noticing the tears streaking down your face, nose sniffling noisily.
“You-hic-you-hic hic-remember that?” you manage to blurt out, your face getting wetter from your embarrassing tears and snot. You promised yourself you wouldn’t get emotional if he brought this up, but you can’t help it!
Concerned, he faces you and places a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry! I was just telling you how good it was! It’s a happy memory. I’m happy.”
You wipe your sleeve across your cheeks. “I-hic-just want to make sure I’m-hic-being a good sister.” It takes another minute to steady your breathing. “I know you can’t tell me everything, but if these bentos are the only thing I can do to support you right now, I’ll keep doing it! I was surprised when you asked for another one. I’m just so happy that you like it!” 
He gives your shoulder a small squeeze, smiling. “You’re the best sister ever. I mean it.”
Before you get emotional again, you stand up to wash the boxes in the sink. Halfway through, you remember him trying to tell you something right before you interrupted him with the waterworks. Nothing else is mentioned about it the rest of the night, so you leave it be, thinking it must not be important. 
Wednesday comes around and Nanami finally remembers to visit the café to pick up his lunch. Unfortunately for him, no ham and cheese. He ends up settling for the less satisfying turkey sandwich. 
He heads up to their usual conference room and settles in. Within minutes, Ren arrives, greeting him as he takes his usual spot at one of the empty desks. They continue their lesson on curses and different abilities that have been used to exorcise them. Nanami references several Jujutsu sorcerers and explains each of their “innate techniques.” He asks Ren if he is aware of any special abilities he might have exhibited throughout his lifetime, to which his pupil acknowledges several odd occurrences he experienced as a child. This helps put some of the pieces together. He’s pleased at the progress they are making. 
They take their break earlier than usual, their stomachs growling with hunger. Nanami hears his student digging through his backpack while he reaches into his suitcase for the sandwich he picked up earlier. He’s startled when Ren appears next to him, holding out the wretched Hello Kitty vessel. 
“Here you go!” he says, placing it on Nanami’s desk, walking back to his own to start munching happily on an egg salad sandwich. 
He wasn’t expecting another bento box today. He actually came prepared this time with his own meal. But he can’t shake this feeling of guilt, as if it would be a sin against humanity if he denied this delicious treat. As if Hello Kitty herself would scorn him for life. 
Also, he’d be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t secretly hoping for this. 
Luckily, he hasn’t taken the food out of his briefcase yet. I’ll just eat it for dinner, he thinks, placing it back to the bottom of his case. 
He stares at Hello Kitty, welcoming her reappearance on his desk. He thanks Ren, then opens the container to start eating. It’s exactly how it was on Monday. Tasty. “Are you sure your sister doesn’t mind making an additional box?”
“She doesn’t mind at all. I think she gets a kick out of it. She actually got emotional about it the other day.”
As he recounts the story, Nanami can’t help but admire his student for remembering a touching memory over something as simple as a sandwich. He also respects the way he describes his sister. She seems nice, he speculates, picturing what she might look like, just so he can put a face to a name. 
Deciding that his thought is innocent enough, he comments, “She seems nice, Nakamura. You are lucky to have a sister like that.” Immediately feeling awkward saying something sentimental out loud, he adds, “I guess I’m lucky too because I’m reaping the benefits of her generosity. Even if I do have to see this damn cat every time.”
Ren chuckles. “Well, get used to it. You’re going to see a lot more of Hello Kitty, whether you like it or not.” 
Nanami smiles. He definitely could get used to this. 
Tag List: @liliorsstuff-blog @hughugh20
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akiranzee · 1 year
-> PAIRINGS: Bakugo Katsuki x f!Y/n -> SUMMARY: Bakugo Katsuki, labeled to as ‘the beast’ in U.A High. He acts like one, but behind that act, is it even a beast anymore? -> WORD COUNT: 1.2k+ -> CONTAINS: comfort, swearing, bakugo angst, mean class 1-A, mean U.A, mean parents, & bakugo and reader are both 16. -> A/N: also, bakugo’s dad has an affair, and has a daughter in here, so ye bakugo has a stepsister lmao.
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“Hey… isn’t that Bakugo Katsuki?” “Damn, he looks pissed again. What he gonna do, blow up the whole school?” “Maybe, he’s a beast after all.” “Yeah bro, they should lock him up.”
Whispers from there and here. Everywhere. You wanted to walk faster, but Bakugo just walks slowly, as if slowly listening to those whispers.
“H-Hey, Katsuki, have you heard about the new restaurant? I heard they sell the best spicy mapo tofu there. Let's go!” You pulled him, but he didn’t budge nor answered you. He just… continued listening to those criticism about him.
“Dang it, we lost a great hero because of him. If All Might didn’t have saved him that night, then maybe he would never have retired.” A student whispered loudly.
Hearing that, Bakugo’s head whipped to the student, and attacked them. You tried to stop him, but he just won’t budge. He was attacking them nonstop. Just like a beast.
Shortly, Aizawa-sensei and other teachers arrived, but the student was now unconscious and brought to the infirmary.
“Bakugo Katsuki. To the office, now.” Aizawa-sensei sent him a death glare, and Bakugo followed him to the office.
You wish you had something more to do, but you were just a student from the general course. You were not a hero or anything, hell, you even have a weak quirk and body.
It was atleast 2 hours, then Bakugo came out from the office, and you bombarded him with tons of questions.
“Shut up. He just ranted and lectured me like an old geezer would.” That would’ve been funny if he said it with more humor, but his tone and the look of his face says more to it.
You feel ashamed and pity for your best friend, but you can’t do anything, can you? You can’t change the way people see him, people thinks of him, and people talks of him.
It was just 1 year ago when you were stuck in the middle of the rain, in an abandoned building, when luckily, a guy with sandy blond spiky hair went towards you.
He was soaking wet, just like you. So he stayed there inside the abandoned building, waiting for the rain to stop, just like you did.
It was a few torturing silent minutes, but then you decided to speak up.
“Um… the rain ain’t gonna go away this time, huh?” You tried to joke and cheer up the mood, which only made the atmosphere weird by the way.
“Hell yeah it isn’t, should’ve listened to the news.” He replied back, and you were shocked with the way he tried to humor you.
You thought he was gonna be some serious boring guy, but he was actually quite the opposite.
And that meeting under the rain gave you a new friend. Friend that you have feelings of.
Some people ask you stuff, like ‘how does it feel to be friends with Bakugo?’, ‘how do you tame Bakugo?’, ‘what’s your secret of doing it?’ and more.
And honestly, it annoyed you. You just want to slap them in the face and dip their heads on mud, so that they would shut up.
They’d ask you those kinds of stuff about the both of your friendship like it’s impossible to befriend him. It’s not impossible, just hard. If only they don’t see him in that kind of perspective, then maybe, they’d become friends too.
Despite his loud, mean, and brash personality, he is still mysterious. He hides many things, that only you know.
He’d tell and vent on you about how his parents would yell at him on the single smallest mistake he’d make, Aizawa-sensei telling him his project looks like shit, and his old group of friends kicking him out of the group for being mean.
I mean, it isn’t his fault he acts like that. It’s because of his quirk that he gets mad easily. But people just tend to see the bad side and mistakes don’t they?
You sighed, wishing there was something more you could do to help him. Sure, he wasn’t asking you much, but you knew he wanted to tell you more, but he doesn’t because he finds venting out his feelings ‘pathetic’.
It was the ugly truth of the world anyway. People judge you to how you look or act or either follow what they hear, instead of actually knowing who you truly are.
They don’t even try to understand you, they just believe on what other people say, on other people’s perspective, and it eventually spreads like virus.
But luckily for Katsuki, he has you. He has someone that would listen to him, that would stay by his side, that would always be there for him.
You heard a knock on your door, and opened it only to find Katsuki soaked in the rain.
“Hi.” Was all he said, and you motioned for him to go inside.
“Hey… what happened?” You asked, handing him a spare towel.
“Old hag kicked me out.” “Why?” “…”
You understood that in times like this, Katsuki is still not ready to open up, so you let him use your bathroom first.
You’d let the minutes pass by and talked with each other, until eventually, he’d open up to you about his problems.
“Fucking old hag kicked me out for thinking I used her credit card to buy stuffed toys. But guess what, it’s just old man buying it for his other daughter.” He said, now slowly opening up to you.
“While me, on the other hand, never received such gifts when I was her age. Pfft, favoritism speaks for itself once again.” He tried to laugh it off, but the hurt look on his eyes makes you see through the tough exterior of him, now seeing the hurt interior.
Everytime he got problems, he’d just keep it all to himself. He may not admit it, but it was starting to eat him out slowly.
Even with All Might’s retirement, he still blames himself for it even until now.
And you’re worried sick, that maybe all his problems will slowly eat him up more and drive him crazy.
“Y/n… What should I do…?” He cries, calling out for you, and you scoot closer, slowly hugging him.
You wished everyone who calls him a beast sees this, because, does he even look like a beast right now?
Behind all that tough and rough exterior, is just a broken man inside who just wants to be loved and accepted.
Bakugo was just emotionally unstable, not mentally.
It isn’t his fault he gets angry all the time. It’s because of his quirk. Bakugo’s anger and constant adrenaline is his body’s way of dealing with his quirk and keeping him alive. Nitroglycerin can lower a person’s heart rate dramatically, so if he’s not constantly stressed, he would maybe pass out.
Another reason was that because of Bakugo’s sense of self-worth. His superiority built up to others due to being praised so much as a kid. As a result, anything that could challenge his superiority just pisses him off.
Therefore, it isn’t really his fault now, is it?
As they say, life is a constant change. But sometimes, there are people who couldn’t accept that change.
And Bakugo was one of them.
Bakugo Katsuki was no beast at all, he was just broken.
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zaephix · 4 months
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PROLOGUE / / homesick
⋆。°✩ . SUMMARY — you debate with mona on whether or not to go to your high school reunion, meet with two old friends and a cute kid at the supermarket, meet with old friends yet again, and encounter an all-too-familiar face. ⋆。°✩ . WARNINGS — second person , awkward dialogue , high school , alchohol/drinks , mentions of overworking , f!reader , everyone including reader is 23-27 . ⋆。°✩ . WORD COUNT — 2998 words (its too long for a prologue i got carried awayyyyy) .
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“So, are you still gonna go?”
“You see all of your best friends together again after six years and you wanna back out now?” 
“You know why I’m still-”
“Yeah, yeah.” The voice on the other end of the phone sighed, “...Just letting you know, Collei’s coming too. Amber’s super excited - don’t you wanna see them all again?”
You sighed, debating whether or not to attend your high school reunion. Right? It felt like a simple yes or no question. Wrong. Yes, you were eager to see your friends again. Yes, you want to see if they were still how you remembered them. But, you weren't sure if you wanted to reunite with... certain faces. You flattened the invitation letter with another heavy sigh, reading it for the nth time.
MONDSTADT CENTRAL HIGH REUNION “We cordially invite you to our long-awaited reunion, hosted by our former student council members Jean Gunnhildr, Lisa Minci, Eula Lawrence, Diluc Ragnvindr, and Albedo Kreideprinz. Join us for drinks, music, and food! Events featured: TCG tournaments, karaoke, time capsule re-opening, photoshoots, (free) food, (not free) drinks, and more! On Saturday, September 22nd, 5 p.m. Located at Dawn Winery. ”
You weren’t too far from the old manor, it was only about a 25-minute drive from where you now lived. You had missed the atmosphere there back when you were still in high school. After school hang outs with all your friends, laughing and talking without a care in the world. But that was precisely what you were afraid of. Could you all still laugh and talk the same way you did before? How much did they change, or did they change at all?
With your thumb lightly tapping against the paper, you set it down and picked up your phone again.
“Mona, of course, I’m excited to see everybody again. Hell, if anything, I’m the one who’s most eager to see them all. But you’ve gotta understand,” you continued, “I have literally not talked to any of them for half a decade.”
Silence was met on the other end of the call before laughter burst in your eardrums, small snorts and giggles ringing in your ears. “Really now (y/n)? I had no idea.” She stopped laughing, letting out another exasperated sigh, “Why do you think I called you then? This is a perfect opportunity to talk to everyone again, and if you haven’t noticed, you can’t always talk to me about whatever it is you want to rant about that day.”
Mona was right, you had gotten too used to using her as your personal therapist. She’s been there for you ever since you could remember, well, technically ever since your freshman year of high school. You groaned, embarrassment flooding your senses. It was true, you’ve barely had any contact with your high school friends after getting accepted into college., and ever since that had happened. You winced internally, suddenly feeling a wave of pity for your poor friend. It wasn’t entirely your fault you were so caught up with college, you had to figure out your future right? 
It’s not exactly an excuse for as to cutting almost everybody off though… a little voice whispered in your head, you’ve figured it was your guilty conscious, judging you for absolutely every little thing you’ve done and have been doing thus far.
To put it simply - it was driving you nuts.
“Okay Mona, you have a point. But, that doesn’t mean it’s decided i’m going to go.” You heard a huff, “Hey, don’t get mad at me now. I just… need time to think it over.”
“Alright, alright.”
“Thank you, for being so ever understanding.” You could’ve sworn you heard a ‘whatever’, but shrugged it off. “Anyways, I’ve gotta go to the store to restock my fridge, after somebody ransacked for all it was worth.”
“It was one time! Wouldn’t you be so kind as to help a poor astrologer, not to mention best friend, with trifling matters such as a bit of nourishment?”
“Save your excuses, Megistus. Talk to you later, okay?” The mentioned bid farewell and ended the call. Now, was the matter of going out. You had been living alone comfortably for the past year, with the occasional water leaks here and there. Your place wasn’t too shabby, it was close to your ideal living quarters. Ever since college and living with a roommate for four years, keeping up with your kitchen stock has been somewhat of a challenge. It wasn’t like you were broke, you had a financially stable career and lifestyle, you just… happened to get carried away after a while.
Getting up and changing into somewhat acceptable attire to go to the nearest grocery market, you took your keys and left your apartment. Upon exiting, a breeze of autumn air flooded your senses, the sky above painted with a fresh blue. Glancing to your left, you see a stack of very large boxes outside of your neighbor’s door. I’m guessing they’re redecorating? You thought, pushing past the stack. 
Your neighbors had moved in about 6 months ago, a pair of twins and their younger sister. You’d talked to the older sister before, even inviting her into your apartment. She was nice, you two have shared similar experiences throughout college. Although the brother was more reserved, occasionally gave you a good morning here and there. As for their younger sister, she was a ball of energy.
Strangely enough, however, was the fact that you would barely see them. The sister had stated that they “have an affinity for traveling” or something along those lines. They were incredibly busy, meeting new people here and there. Something I should pick up, you dully noted.
Getting into your car, you made your way to the nearest grocery store. Okay, so we need eggs, milk, yogurt, fruits, ramen, and whatever else catches my attention. You listed in your mind, although you knew you would forget half of what was on that list. It was a good thing, to get back to getting your life back together. God knows what you went through in college. You inhaled sharply at the flashback, wanting to forget everything that happened throughout high school and college. Shaking off the memories, you had finally reached the market.
You looked up at the sign saying “Mondstadt General Goods”, noting your one objective. Get in, get the groceries, and get out. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
“Come on Klee, Alice trusted me to keep you in line this weekend, Sevens I have so much to prepare for.” An exasperated voice half-heartedly shouts, pushing a shopping cart.
“Coming Miss Jean!” another bubbly and child-like voice exclaims back, running towards the voice. 
Jean has had a demanding week. Being the head of the leading police department in Mondstadt and dealing with a much too energetic child all weekend can lead you to exhaustion, apparently. And preparing for a high school reunion in a week can only add to that list.
“Jean, relax a little. We’re on an errand, not one of your military camp training sessions.” Remarked a brunette woman, walking alongside Jean. This was Lisa, Jean’s best friend as one would say. She was almost the complete opposite of Jean, leisurely going on about life. She worked at the library next to Jean's department, occasionally bringing coffee in between her shifts. 
“For the last time Lisa, it’s not the military. There’s a clear distinction between-”
“Yes ma’am, so I’ve heard,” teased Lisa, picking up a few items for their cart before squeezing her shoulders. “All I’m saying is to loosen up a little. You’re not Chief Gunnhildr right now, you’re just Jean. And don’t worry, everyone’s contributing to the reunion, you’re not alone.”
Jean smiled weakly at Lisa, before pushing through the aisles again. She tended to get caught up in work, she knew that much. She was embarrassed to say she needed Lisa to keep her grounded. However, that was one of the things she loved about her friend of many years - the way she knew exactly what she needed at any given point in time.
“Hey, about the reunion, did you send out the invitation letters?”
“Of course I did, who do you take me for? I still think text messages or emails would’ve probably been received much better though.”
“Of course you do. Any updates from Diluc or Albedo?”
“Diluc said the manor was free for the weekend, even said we could stay the night there. Albedo checked on the time capsules, said they were still there. And, don’t worry, I doubt he would open any of them.” Recounted Lisa, pulling random items from the snack section.
“Wouldn’t doubt him for the world. Klee, what do you want? You can have any snack as a treat.” Called Jean, craning her neck to look for the short child. “Where’d she go?” 
Stepping out of the aisle, Jean’s eyes darted around everywhere. Where did the kid go? She wouldn’t hear the end of this from Alice if she found out her kid escaped her usually watchful gaze. Sevens, she didn’t even want to imagine how many times it would be brought up in one of their coffee sessions.
“Jean, I’m pretty sure we have everything we need. All we need to do is find- oh wait. There she is.” Said Lisa from behind Jean, pointing in front of them.
There she is, thought Jean as she made her way to Klee, already imagining the ear-full she was gonna give the blonde girl. She was running up and down the aisles, before pausing, as if something had caught her attention. “Klee- what did I tell you about going on alone without us? You could get seriously hurt-”
The little girl paid no mind to Jean, giggling and running to her next target. Letting out yet another exasperated sigh, Jean followed. “Young lady, I’m not finished talking to you, stop-” Jean paused, looking at the person who had caught Klee’s attention. (H/l) (H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin- wait, was that..?
“Miss (y/n)!”
“Miss (y/n)!”
You turned around, only to be pounced on by something- or rather, someone.
A short girl with blonde hair remained wrapped around your torso, squeezing you with all her might. “Miss (y/n)! Klee hasn’t seen you in soooo long! You missed so many of my adventures!”
You couldn’t help but stare at the small girl in front of you, your hands awkwardly placed in the air. “Uh- yeah, sorry about that Klee. I’ve been super busy, I’m so sorry for missing so many of our play dates, I missed you.”
It was true, you missed the much-too-energetic girl. You would always have small little playdates and adventures back when you were in high school. Although you were a bit too exhausted to run around some days, you would indulge in her antics more than half the time.
“It’s okay, (y/n)! Klee forgives you! You have to promise to play with Klee next time, okay?” 
“Of course Klee. Who’s with you right now? Albedo? Alice?” You had to make a quick getaway, you don’t know if you could afford to embarrass yourself in front of any of them after no contact efforts in 4 years.
“No. Only miss Jean and miss Lisa.”
And as if right on time, the two mentioned women appeared behind Klee, surprise adorning both their faces. The two hadn’t changed much after high school, although the bags around Jean’s eyes seemed to have gotten worse. And Lisa was still Lisa after all, the same wistful smile still on her face. 
“(Y/n)!” Lisa approached you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “My, my, it’s been so long. How’ve you been? We’ve barely heard from you since graduation you know.”
“Oh, wow, uhm, yeah. I guess it has been a while-”
“Too long in fact, what happened? Are you still with-”
“That's enough Lisa, give her some time to breathe.” Then came your savior, Jean, to your rescue. You watched as Jean chastised Lisa for her straightforward behavior, awkwardly standing there with a child wrapped around you.
“But Lisa has a point, (y/n). It’s been so long, how have you been holding up?” Questioned Jean, both their gazes on you now.
“I’ve been doing well, just you know, keeping busy with life.” 
You nearly face-palmed yourself after that excuse of a lie.
“Oh yeah, that reminds me, have you gotten the invitation letter to the reunion? It’s next Saturday. We’re hoping that most if not everybody shows up.” Jean had a glint in her eyes when talking about the reunion. You guessed she’d been eager for it as well.
“Yeah. I was talking to Mona about it over the phone.” You mentioned matter-of-factly. “But… I’m not sure if I’ll be uh… free… that day.” You knew very well that you would most likely be at home, doing nothing and watching TV. Maybe you’d make an effort to deep clean your apartment if it was a good day. Maybe.
Lisa frowned as her grip on you softened, “Surely you can’t be that busy? I’ve missed seeing your face around, darling.” She sighs and lets go of your shoulder with a pat. “I understand though. Let us know if you change your mind though, okay? Maybe we can meet up on a day when we’re all free.”
Jean nodded, sympathy in her eyes. “Agreed. Call us if you ever need any help as well, (y/n).”
You cursed yourself as you saw the two women shrink slightly in disappointment. You couldn’t afford to let them down. Not when you’ve just met again after so many years. As your stomach twisted and turned with uncertainty, you gave them a not-so-final answer.
“I’ll… I’ll see if I can clear my schedule. You guys were right, it has been a while.” You gave them a half smile, Klee looking back and forth between you and the two other women with an elated grin.
Lisa waves you goodbye, “Hope to see you there then, cutie.” Jean pulled Klee away from you with an embarrassed smile and wave. 
You supposed it was official then. You were going to the dreaded reunion you hoped to avoid.
Standing outside the familiar manor, you dusted off your clothes in an attempt to look presentable. Saturday had come fast and without warning, your heart becoming heavy with every reminder. You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. The last time you had gone out to a gathering or party like this was back in college, and even then you felt somewhat at ease. Maybe it was because of how many old faces would be present. Maybe it was because you would be reminded of everything that happened while you were in high school.
Shaking your head, you knocked on the door. The air was chilly with the aroma of freshly cooked food making its way to your nostrils. You heard overlapping voices, laughs, music, and finally, some footsteps headed in your direction from behind the door. You took in a sharp breath and fixed your posture as the door swung open to a friendly face.
Standing before you was a brunette girl in her 20s, cheery personality and all. Amber. You had missed her. 
“Well don’t just stand there, come in!” She took you by your hand and led you into the manor. The moment you stepped into the manor, you were reminded of just how rich the late Ragvindr was. The floors, walls, and stairs were all embellished with dark mahogany wood, a regal chandelier hung over the ceiling. Mostly everything was candlelit, providing a warm atmosphere. Nothing has changed at all.
Then registered in your mind everyone inside the room. Many people ended up coming, including all the old student council members (obviously), Collei, Mona, Venti, Sucrose, and Rosaria. Venti was currently seated at a table with a very irked Diluc and amused Rosaria. Mona and Albedo were in a conversation with each other (with Mona looking all too pleased with herself) while Lisa and Jean were laughing with Eula. Sucrose and Collei were engaged in a hush conversation before Collei spotted Amber. “Amber, (y/n), over here!”
Upon hearing your name, Mona also came over. “So, you did end up coming,” nudged Mona with an all-knowing smirk. You had no reply but a light-hearted glare.
Collei perked up, “Wow (y/n), we haven’t seen each other in years! What are you up to these days?” 
“Yeah… just been busy I guess. And you? Still working hard to become a wildlife biologist, was it?” Collei was one of your oldest friends, although a few years your junior, she was in her second year of college. 
“Yep! Amber, Sucrose, and Tighnari have been helping me lots! Although Tighnari’s more busy with dealing with his research in Sumeru, I think he mentioned something about having to deal with Cyno’s jokes nonstop…”
You ended up talking for the next hour with everybody. You found out that Sucrose and Albedo both entered the forensics field, Venti pursued his musical career, and Amber worked with Jean in the Favonius Police Department. When you asked what Rosaria did, she had no reply but a sly smile and passed you a drink. It seemed like everyone had moved on with their life respectively. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 
Through the haze of the night, you slowly felt more at ease and outspoken. Maybe it was the drinks, or the nostalgia running its course through you, but it felt good. Up until you looked up and saw a familiar shade of blue hair. 
“Kaeya! We were wondering when you would show up, it’s been more than 2 hours since we started.” Chastised Amber, a disappointed Jean, and Diluc shaking their heads behind her.
You can’t seem to forgive and forget after all.
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:01:58
Video Length: 5min.
Fig talks to Zara about continuing Warlock classes + Impromptu Field Trip to the Bottomless Pit (‣Pt. 1 | Pt. 2)
Brennan: "I think if you wanted to talk to any of the teachers, you feel cool to talk-"
Emily: "I definitely wanna go to the Warlock."
Brennan: "Cool. I think, like, that night after the Twilight Ceremony is when Warlock class is anyway. So like 30 minutes later you're skateboarding into school and Zara says,"
Zara: "Ah, Miss Faeth, it is good to see you."
Fig: "Hi."
Zara: "Listen, I think I checked the roster. There's some paperwork that needs to go through. What- and I don't want to harsh your vibe."
Fig: "Right, right."
Zara: "What class on paper are you in?"
Fig: "I'm just sort of an off paper kinda person." 😂🤣💀
Zara: "Right, so you're trespassing?"
Fig: "Yeah." 😂😂
Zara: "Okay." 💀💀
Fig: "Okay, here's the deal. I think I like your class, and so I would like to keep coming."
Zara: "All right."
Fig: "So if there's a matter of paperwork, I'm willing to dot some i's and cross some t's."
Zara: "Perfect, I think this is a very wise decision. You are in Bard classes, I believe. But as long as you get permission from your Bard teacher."
Brennan: "You see she produces a contract, and a little thing of flame and it's an MCAT. She signs her name allowing you to multiclass into her class. She hands it to you and says,"
Zara: "The power of the Warlock is the power of the agreement, which is the power of the relationship. Where do you wish to draw your power from? And where do you feel that you are drawing it from now?"
Fig: "I am an archdevil of rebellion 'cause my dad was an archdevil of rebellion. Now he actually coaches-"
Zara: "Your dad is Gorthalax?"
Fig: "Yeah, Gorthalax is my dad."
Zara: "All right. Students, impromptu field trip!"
Brennan: *screaming* "And a burning sigil appears on the ground and you see a portal opens up, and you are looking at the Bottomless Pit. And you see Baby goes,"
Baby: "Oh, Mistress!"
Fig: "Hey, Wretchrot. Can we have a field trip?"
Baby: "Ah, yes! Everyone has to lick me!" 😂😂
Fig: "Well, he's the boss!"
Zara: "Is he the boss?"
Fig: "He is the boss I work for."
Zara: "Demon, no- Er, Devil" *hand motions* *magical surge* *abjures Wretchrot*
Baby: "Ah! She's killing me!" *flies away*
Brennan: "And all these Warlock students sort of, like, gingerly step through this flaming portal and you see yourself back in the Bottomless Pit. You see there's a bunch of harried-looking little spine devils and barbed devils going like,"
Devil: *grunting* "Mistress." *rubbing hands together*
Fig: "I had this actually other crazy idea. Sorry, I'm so all over the place. I was thinking we could set up a recording studio."
Devil: "A recording studio."
Fig: "Are you guys good sound technicians?"
Devil: "Hold on one second."
Brennan: "They open a pair of double doors. It is a sort of grand cathedral-esque waiting room with almost like city hall style pews. It is crammed with souls. It is just crammed with damned souls being like,"
Damned soul: "Oh, thank God."
Brennan: "And you see they come in and all the devils go,"
The devils: "We've been waiting to hear from you for some time. We're not sure how to process these. These are all edge cases and, sort of, we need a ruling on a lot of them."
Fig: "Ruling. Okay, blanket ruling: I condemn you all to rock!"
One guy way in the back: "Nooooo!"
Brennan: "And a bunch of other people start looking around and talking. And you see this one guy who's got like-"
Fig: "If you're here it's 'cause something ****** up happened in your life. Work it out in a ******* guitar, process through some nasty distorted amp. I want you to blow out the ******* electricity in here!"
Baby: *re-manifests* "Ha ha, you heard mistress. You must turn this room into the bangingest sound studio that the Nine Hells have ever seeeeen. And then lick meeee!" 😂😂
Fig: "You guys actually don't have to do that last part. Yeah."
The one guy way in the back: "Nooooo!"
Fig: "You can. You can."
Brennan: "And you see that all of these damned souls begin to toil in the burning heat. Then sort of start constructing, like, booths. So you see that one of the barbed devils goes- with a nasty cat of nine tails is like,"
Barbed devil: "Get foam!" *whip cracking*
Fig: "No, no, no. We can't do that."
Emily: "Can I take his little nine of cat tails and give him a guitar?"
Barbed devil: *starts playing a guitar*
Ally: "He's a noodler! Oh no, he's a noodler!"
Barbed devil: *weeping* "The music feels so good!" *keeps playing guitar*
Fig: "Okay. Yeah."
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Any thoughts on how Mic & Aizawa got together in CC? Like, did they start dating in high school? After they graduated? Was there a painful pining phase that made all their friends want to kill them?
I hinted before that it was a poly thing with them and Oboro(who was probs the one who asked them out if Midnight didn't watch them all pining and smack them upside the head) and like.
They did get together in high school and that was mostly just some normal pining and such but also due to the Oboro situation that went sideways for a bit.
Oboro's death kinda. Hit them hard in different ways and swung between finding comfort in each other but more often than not it was just. A lot. For them to be with each other.
Mic is handling things.... decently. He's more bottling everything up and it /will/ come out one day but he's just kinda trying his best to move forward while Aizawa is kinda lost in grief. And that does kinda fuck them up because Mic is upset that Aizawa doesn't seem to be trying to make progress while Aizawa's in the 'how dare you try to move on' thing. (neither are right or wrong here but god do they need therapy)
They didn't explicitly break up, but they weren't exactly together anymore.
And then I'm like. I'm speedrunning Aizawa's character development so that a lot of it happened pre-Canon of him like. Coping by overcompensating. Pushing himself too hard. And eventually taking out his anger on people who aren't pushing themselves to the same unhealthy extent in the same unhealthy ways
Ms. Joke was kinda the first target in this, given her entire persona is about being goofy and all so when given close proximity... but she's also got thick skin and is a determined motherfucker and is like "I can fix him!" (baby girl please your taste in men is awful)
This continues for a while and even into Aizawa's first year as a UA teacher where he just starts randomly expelling any student he feels isn't extremely dedicated and taking it seriously. Which is, ultimately, all of his students within the first like month. Because they're dumbass 15 year olds who are mostly trauma-free ofc they're gonna good off and not buckle down and be serious all the goddamn time.
Nezu is like 'look I love some chaos as much as anyone else HOWEVER you need to get your shit together because I can't have you expelling literally all of your students. PLEASE get therapy!'.
Which does piss Aizawa off for a bit. Because he's heavily projecting. He lost someone. Any of them could die at any moment they need to take this seriously and prepare for it! They're here to be Heroes not have fun! Not taking things seriously will get them killed!
This does swing back around to Ms. Joke who does end up snapping at him of just like a 'god don't you get it? People have to have fun and goof off and be fuckin happy sometimes or else they're absolutely miserable and probably just want to die!'(she might like being silly and all but humor is /also/ a coping mechanism for her)
And it's.... yeah just her snapping and pointing that out does kinda. Hit. In having him realize that 'oh I'm very much Not Okay™'.
Which gets him to actually get his ass some therapy so he can help process the grief and the whole like. You're allowed to take a break, you're allowed to be happy and do things that aren't serious when you don't have to be on the job you don't have to be paranoid 24/7 that someone else you love is gonna fuckin drop.
After a bit of this he does meet up with Mic again to talk on just. Everything. Kind of apologize. Mic def hits his own breaking point here too. And they need to do a bit of work but GOD do they miss each other.
Slowly but surely they work on themselves and each other and by the time of CC they've gotten to the point where they're married now and while they still have some hiccups they're a hell of a lot better.
ofc we get the added 'oh hey your dead boyfriend is actually alive but was kidnapped, experimented on, given amnesia, and has been forced into villainy for the last 10+ years and for bonus points he's a dilf now' drama later
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perverse-idyll · 9 months
Fic Stats Tag Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
Thank you @danpuff-ao3 and @likelightinglass for tagging me! I've got an hour to relax, and this is just about my speed at the moment: something fun but not demanding. (One hour, my arse. It took me three days!) Who else would enjoy doing this? @ac1d6urn, @ripeteeth, @squibstress, @yletylyf?
Most Hits
The White Road, Snarry, 48K. I knew the answer to this one without having to check. TWR is my most popular fic by every metric and the one most Snarry readers know me by, not to mention it's old enough now to be a high school sophomore (or possibly an A level student). I'm happy I somehow managed to pull off a nonlinear fic, plus I was so, so in love with the Snarry ship and all its possibilities, and I think that shines through. I let myself explore Lily's character and responded in fic to the way Snape's story ended; gave Lily and Severus one last chance to face some hard truths; and - well, no need to flog it, there are just a lot of scenes in this fic that make me clutch my heart to this day. And I let myself be a bit romantic about my OTP! With a happy ending and everything! (Okay, I'm always romantic about Snarry, but you can't always tell that from my fics.)
If you have any desire to hear me natter on with more Writerly Thoughts about this fic, I recorded an interview with ChaosBlue over here: Fanfic Maverick episode 25
Second Most Kudos
Soft Touch, Snarry, ~15K. This was a sleeper hit. I never expected it to be popular, and it's not a fic people love, exactly. But the combination of mindfucky unethical massage kink plus character study brought readers to the yard - although, really, I doubt it has much to do with the "character study" part. I'm going to cheat here and borrow a bookmarker's comment to describe it: "Very sensual almost eerily so. Actually somehow slightly creepy at times yet very seductive at others. A weird read." I like how they can't seem to make up their mind! Because, yeah, IMO the appeal lies in that uncomfortable overlap between sensuality and creepiness, and the touch-starved atmosphere that hangs over it all.
Third Most Comments
The Afterlight, Snarry, WIP, currently at 46K. This is one of three melodramatic and, yes, romantic Snarry WIPs on my plate - ridiculous amounts of whump and/or emotional turmoil, plus a triple whammy of overwrought happy endings (but only after I put them through hell). Apparently after the last 10 years of Life Shite, my fannish desires are all about shameless self-indulgence now. This one has a serial killer subplot that's giving me conniptions, but I'm in love with the ending so I need the fic to get all the way there. It also ponders, in a "one dark thread running through the whole work" sense, what it means to die and come back, and I'll just say that Snape experienced death very differently than Harry did. I suspect this fic has as many comments as it does because readers were kindly encouraging me to continue after years of me not posting very much. I'm currently finishing up a Snape/McGonagall fic, but The Afterlight is next on the menu. Fourth Most Bookmarks
Warm, Snarry, ~11K. Hah! My PWP made the list! It's also a character study of Snape and Harry with an established couple dynamic, but come on, those bookmarks aren't about the settled kind of domestic bliss. They're more about the "naked by the fireside fucking each other's brains out" bliss. I wrote this fic for a prompt and to help me scrape the rust off my creative wheels after several years of writer's block. In doing so, I found that porn without plot doesn't come naturally to me. Or established relationship, either. Where's the angst? I muttered constantly to myself about the paucity of sexy anatomical slang and the problems with pacing a fairly drama-free fic. (Solution? Don't write 10K words of PWP when 3K words will do.)
Fifth Most Words
The Blood of Stars, Snarry, WIP, ~44K. This is the fic that started my journey into the melodramatic & romantic combo, but it hasn't been updated since 2014 (aka The Worst Year of My Life). However, it's alive! I've picked it up again and have been scribbling and revising scenes in between working on three other fics. This was also the start of my So What If It's Messy and Imperfect phase, which is a challenge as a perfectionist but a necessity in my current circumstances if I presume to have delusions of ever finishing anything ever again. It's a challenge in another sense, too, since I committed myself to writing Harry's section in first-person POV, just to see if I can. (The jury's still out on that.) It's also got book-ended sections written in third-person Snape (an obscure and hard-to-master dialect)(kidding), and I'm not terribly confident writing from his POV, either. But the fic's got one of those can't-stay-away-from-each-other plots (I love these), and Harry being unfaithful to Ginny (yes, I know, don't send the OOC police after me). It's full of emotional flailing and obsession and beloved characters behaving badly and Snape coming to a tragic end - but wait! There's also Love after Death and Snape having meltdowns and in the end sort of getting everything he ever wanted. In case it isn't obvious, I am wallowing like a pig in mud. I love this fic. 🥰
Fic with the Least Words
Truce, Doctor Who, Twelve/Clara, a classic drabble of 100 words. This won't make sense to anyone who hasn't seen their series arc and the last encounter between them. It's a drop in the bucket of my undying love for them, but alas, my fealty has already been pledged to my endless Snapely WIPs. But Twelve and Clara deserve so much more than I'm able to give them.
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bizkitsnuggets · 2 months
Tumblr media
Lunch time finally rolled around. Every one of [Y/N]’s classmate scurried to the canteen as today they were serving the special Korean corndogs. The canteen is pretty awful, it’s always full of germs and bacteria. It’s like the janitors aren’t paid enough. The food they serve is decent, at least.
[Y/N] didn’t bother to follow her hungry classmates. She instead pondered about what to do next. She didn’t know much about cigarettes and smoking. Hell, she didn’t even know Jotaro Kujo that well or what he likes.
He’s so mysterious… What’s up with that?
Jotaro never spoke much from what [Y/N] remembers. And if he did speak, it was mostly a bunch of smart comebacks he came up with. He never participates in class discussions. And from what the girl has seen, he rarely pays attention in class. Most of the time, he’d just sleep or zone out.
She wasn’t one to judge, but acting like that in his third year of High School is really risky. [Y/N] has never seen him actually putting up a full conversation with someone.
[Y/N] headed out of her classroom in search of Jotaro. She figured it was best to ask him straight up instead of guessing, even though she knew the chance of him actually answering is close to 0.
However, she had no clue where he could be. The first thing that came to her mind was his usual alley-way spot. But if she was wrong, she would just be wasting her time. So the girl instead asked someone nearby.
“Hey, did you see Kujo-san anywhere?” [Y/N] spoke to her classmate she didn’t bother remembering the name of. “Oh, yeah! He went to the cafeteria with his pink haired friend. He had cherry earrings, It looked expensive. But I’m pretty sure he bought it in like a thrift store though-” [Y/N] cut him off before he could continue with a simple “okay, thanks.” And left him alone.
But as she was walking away, the guy shouted, “Why, huh!? You like him? I didn’t take you as someone who liked delinquents!” He snickered. [Y/N] grunted in response and headed towards the canteen.
Ugh… it’s so crowded… I can barely move…
[Y/N] thought to herself as she was squished between students. In the midst of the crowd, she spotted the twinkling cherry earrings. And beside him was that smoke-loving freak.
It was pretty surprising for her to see a human being beside the Jotaro Kujo that he didn't just shove away. It seemed like cherry earrings is the only one Jotaro could stand in this god forsaken school.
Man, that guy doesn't even look like a delinquent. He has such a gentle face… if a smile could kill, his would wipe out this entire town.
The girl sighed in defeat as she thought it was best to just ask later when she isn’t suffocating.
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After zoning out in history class and English class, it was finally time for the 2nd lunch. The girl stood up and headed straight to 7/11.
What? Did you think she was going to talk to Jotaro? With an empty stomach? Yeah, no.
The walk to the store was quite peaceful. Minus all the harsh winds that made [Y/N] adjust her skirt more than five times. It was almost winter and the school didn’t bother to make longer skirts for the girls. Even schools that were cheaper than this could afford longer skirts.
Frustrated by this skirt dilemma, [Y/N] kicked a pebble that was in her way. The school had a habit of not cleaning up path ways, most of the time they’d just leave piles of leaves and pebbles around.
A couple of seconds later, she arrived at the store. But upon entering, she noticed cherry earrings. They were practically begging for the girl’s attention. But, [Y/N] paid no mind to him and went along with her business.
She was at the bento aisle when she realized,
Shit… why don't I just ask him? He might know something.
[Y/N] scurried to the cashier, hoping that cherry earrings was still there. And bless the lord, he was.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” [Y/N] tapped his shoulder. “Huh.. Oh, sure” he responded with a confused face.
“By any chance, do you know what’s Kujo-san’s favorite cigarette brand?”
“Oh, yeah. It's that one over there.” The guy smiled at her warmly. [Y/N] was so close to melting.
“Great, thanks.” She went over the the cigarette row and took out two packs of Jotaro’s favorite.
“If you don't mind me asking, why are you buying them for him?” Cherry earrings asked as he watches the girl pay.
[Y/N] sighed, remembering why she had to do this in the first place. “I'm his project partner for art class but everytime I try to talk to him he just avoids me. so I'm gonna bribe him with these.”
“Oh, damn. But... two? they're quite expensive..” The girl chuckles, “we're taking about Kujo-san here, one pack isn't enough. And it's fine, I've got the money.” She winked.
“Alright then, I wish you luck." He laughs in return.
“Yeah, thanks again… uhm…”
"Noriaki Kakyoin. Kakyoin's just fine.”
“Thanks kakyoin. I'm [L/N] [F/N] by the way.”
Both Kakyoin and [Y/N] exchanges smiles before he left the store.
Ugh.. man, I hope this works cus I just wasted my money on that prick.
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School ended and [Y/N] hurriedly went to her auntie’s tea shop for her Wednesday shift. He shifts were on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. It wasn't her choice, though.
Arriving at the shop, she greeted her oranda fish. They were in a basic bowl, with minimal decorations. [Y/N] thought of getting them a bigger bowl but she has to spend her money wisely.
“Hmm… what if I just make them the project topic.” She thought out loud. “Nah. Gold fishes are way cooler.” a voice responded. It was Masato Daiki. He's been working there since his first year of High School.
“Huh… not a bad idea.”
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