#the surprise being a field full of fireflies
mintjeru · 2 years
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open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: A two page comic in which Childe quietly admires Diluc. Diluc holds out a hand and a firefly lands on his finger. He smiles to himself. Childe, who is watching Diluc from the side, lifts his head off of the hand he was resting it on. He gazes, infatuated, at an unaware Diluc.]
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hayisins · 7 months
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# — oral ! 🕊️
how : alhaitham, wriothesley, cyno, diluc, + zhongli give head !
disclaimers : afab!reader + no specific pronouns. mentions of a skirt in cyno’s ! zhongli has dragon features ! mndi ! 18+ ONLY ! 🍓
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#001 — ALHAITHAM !
his hands are gentle and delicate. like a wild animal he stares at its prey. alhaitham is fixed between your knees, watching your body as if it was some kind of experiment.
finally he stops staring, leaning right in close to your heat. again he stares but this time it’s not a careful study, no, he’s letting his mind run rampant with impure desires.
your grinding hips and needy whines fall upon deaf ears. alhaitham is not listening. slowly his tongue pokes out, gently using the tip of it to graze your clit. the gesture is so gentle it makes you shiver. he takes his time, slowly and calculated he devours you whole. ♡
— “i will take my time with you . . . just be patient, okay ?”
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the duke is rough. every action he has is always full of greed. he can’t take his time, it might kill him if he does. so it’s no surprise he has you pressed against the closest wall.
it’s absolutely no surprise that inbetween ravenous kisses and clashing teeth, wriothesleys hands would be tugging your bottoms down past your knees. at this rate he didn’t care who saw you like this.
he will kiss his way down, leaving a plethora of bite marks and hickeys along the way. now you’re able to look down and see your adoring partner eagerly spreading your thighs and sucking happily on your clit, shooting you a cheeky wink in the process. ♡
— “i don’t care who sees, i want to see you break darling.”
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#003 — CYNO !
it’s always the quiet ones you gotta look out for. the general mahamatra was more than skilled in keeping such a calm composure even when in a situation just like the one you’ve put him in.
you’re in the tavern, happily drinking and feasting with friends !! however no one knows that cyno’s hand has slowly creeped its way up the incredibly small skirt you decided to wear. for five minutes now his hand was rubbing lazy little circles when you needed him the most.
if there was one thing cyno was incredible at ? it’s eating you out into next week. the mahamatra was not only skilled in combat but also with his tongue. one by one more people started to leave. a perfect enough distraction for a very hard cyno to drag you to the restaurants bathroom to reward your patience. ♡
— “you did so well waiting for me . . . you’ll be compensated cumpletely . . get it because — sorry.”
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#004 — DILUC !
he melts. it’s as if a lifetime of stress slides right off his shoulders when he’s in your presence. he takes his time, kissing from your lips right down to your inner thighs. fiery red eyes never leave your expression.
diluc is rather quiet during sex — unless he’s eating you out. diluc truly gets into what he’s doing to you. he prefers to do it in the morning the best.
occasionally he wakes you up by gently kissing your thighs all the way to the softness that is your folds. his eyes hood and his mind swims in an endless sea of lust as he slowly wakes you up with his gentle kitten licking. ♡
— “good morning firefly . . . allow me to finish here and then we’ll get breakfast, yes?”
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#005 — ZHONGLI !
for a centuries old retired god zhongli is rather clueless in his ministrations. every way he touches you is like learning to read for the first time. gold eyes carefully watch and observe each and every gasp, whine, bite of the lip — you name it. he was watching.
the way you call out to him does a number on the god complex he tries so hard to deny. thanks to zhongli being an ancient dragon he also had a stunning tongue.
so here he has you in a field of glaze lilys, marking your body in light possessive geo markings you gasp at the all too familiar feeling of zhongli’s forked tongue working to gently flick against both sides of your clit. a satisfied hum leaves his mouth the more you scream and beg for release.
— “your body . . it belongs to me. your god. are we clear little lamb?”
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sotwk · 1 year
Dandelions (Boromir x unnamed OC)
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Moodboard gifted by the lovely @entishramblings
Summary: Boromir brings flowers to his lady love. 
Word count: 2k
Content: G-rated Romantic fluff, pining, unnamed love interest, shy, love-sick Captain of Gondor, little brother supporting big brother
Warnings: None 
To read on Ao3: Link
Dedication: For the 57% + 10% who answered this poll by @bored-artist and said they would love getting flowers:
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Inspiration: This goes out especially to my friend @scyllas-revenge, whose anecdote about her childhood admirer immediately inspired me to write this. The flowers don't matter as much as the giver, and here is the flower-giving experience I think you should have.
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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Third Age 3015
Minas Tirith, Gondor
“Bring her some flowers.”
Faramir’s advice seemed helpful and practical enough at the time he offered it. But it was also something he just muttered hastily to Boromir as he helped the Steward's elder son slip away from the Citadel before dawn could rouse the other residents of the White Tower. Lord Denethor was expected to remain preoccupied that entire day, conducting councils and tours for the visiting delegation from Dol Amroth. But Faramir had also assured his brother that he would cover for him should anyone come inquiring about the Captain's whereabouts. 
Cloaked and hooded and bearing neither armor nor arms save for one dagger at his hip, Boromir rode his horse through the dark, winding streets of Minas Tirth and descended to the city’s bottom level. Flowers, flowers. The word tumbled around in his thoughts, but his mind could not fully conceive a plan to procure this particular item. Boromir had never visited a flower vendor in his life, although he knew stalls existed in the city markets. He could not even recall ever plucking wild-growing ones off the ground.
Or was it from trees? Shrubs? Where did beautiful flowers grow, and how could he hope to secretly obtain them if he did not know the answer?
He pondered on the matter so deeply that he barely noticed he had already reached the Great Gate, where he must face the night watch on duty before he could flee towards his day of freedom.
Dark eyes underneath a silver helm squinted up at Boromir’s face, showing recognition but registering no surprise. After a brief pause, nothing more than a cough left the sentry's lips. No names uttered, no interrogation, not even an order to lower his hood. The lead guard gave a signal to his fellow watchmen to open the great door and then stepped back, waving the Captain through the City Wall. 
Concerns over being stopped had never even crossed Boromir’s mind; not once in their shared lifetime had Faramir ever failed to deliver on a promise. 
And so out of the White City Boromir rode, driving his horse off the Gateway and galloping into the grassy fields of Pelennor. He headed north-east, traversing farmlands and cutting fresh trails through rough terrain just to forge the shortest possible route to his destination. 
To her. 
His heart thundered in competition with the pace of his horse’s hooves. Just conjuring her face in his mind, imagining how it would feel to stand within reaching distance of her, close enough to receive her smiles and be caressed by her sweet scent…
He shifted his weight forward and increased the pressure of his legs on his horse’s sides. The mare responded by surging forward with full vigor, as though charging into one of their many battles together, and Boromir made a silent promise to reward his faithful steed accordingly upon their arrival. 
Bring her flowers. Faramir’s parting advice hounded him throughout the ride, refusing to be dismissed as an optional gesture. His brother meant well, but the suggestion did little to bolster and plenty to shake Boromir’s confidence. The Captain-General of Minas Tirith, Heir to the Stewardship of Gondor, commanded plenty of admirable skills, but wooing ladies had never been one of them. At least not in ways considered customary, if his ignorance on gifting protocols was of any indication. Courting traditions were something he never considered worth taking the time to learn, since there were no women who motivated him enough to care about such frivolities.
And then he met her, in whom he found every motivation to start caring. Every reason to even continue being. Boromir had come face to face with a battle he could not rely on his sword or strength to conquer. This confused and frustrated him in ways that should have made him angry. Instead, he could not think of another time in his life when he had ever been happier. 
She was worth feeling like an idiot for. 
Halfway through his journey, he stopped by a small stream to give his hardworking horse some water and a brief rest. As he paced up and down the loamy bank, ruminating upon reunion scenarios and conversation topics in his head, Boromir's gaze drifted across the running waters. It idly scanned the open fields that stretched out all the way to the nearest farmhouse, located at least a mile off. Suddenly, his anxiety-ridden brain registered the sight of bright yellow dots scattered about the freshly sprung carpet of pale wild grass, bobbing merrily upon their long stalks with the passing breezes. 
Flowers! Boromir rushed forward eagerly, drawing his dagger to immediately start cutting up bunches and bunches of the yellow blooms, until he had enough to fill the clutch of his left hand. He produced a passably clean cloth from his saddle pack and used it to tie together the bundle of wildflowers, finally feeling relieved and mayhaps even a little proud of his victory. 
The rest of his journey passed with greater ease in the knowledge he would not be arriving empty-handed. The sun had completed its ascent into the cloudless azure sky as he approached the small farming village known simply as Northmere. Once a place of such meager consequence that the Captain of Gondor did not even know of its existence, it had become the most precious location outside of the White City to him before he even had a chance to set foot in it.
A straw-roofed cottage with a fenced-in front garden and a blue-painted door. She had told him exactly how to find her house, and there were not many around to choose from. Walking alongside his horse, Boromir crossed what seemed to be the market square, just a handful of shops to provide the locals with basic essentials.
One store keeper, a burly older man with flour-dusted arms and apron, came out to his doorway to watch the stranger pass through. He caught Boromir's gaze over the distance and simply nodded his head, perhaps even cracking a smile behind his bushy gray beard. Boromir suspected some other curious eyes tracked him from surrounding windows, but no further interactions were attempted.
He found the blue painted door towards the end of a long, worn dirt road that bisected the cluster of houses comprising most of the village. Like reaching mythical treasure at the end of a quest, it filled him with triumphant excitement to approach it. 
And nervousness. Valar, his hands never trembled this much clutching his sword as he faced down death on the battlefield. But there he stood at the pathwalk of the cheery cottage, unarmoured and weaponless, preparing to stand in the presence of his greatest weakness, the one who made him feel more vulnerable than any deadly foe from Mordor ever could. 
He felt a sudden, firm shove on his back that made him stumble slightly. He chuckled and reached over to pat his horse's neck; he had stood there frozen for so long that his friend felt the need to check on him. "Yes, yes, yes…" he muttered, half to himself. "I am going!"
His heart soared at the voice that spoke his name, a sound fairer than any birdsong, and he turned sharply in its direction, pulsing with anticipation from head to toe.
The image of her face had scarcely left his thoughts since they parted exactly one week past. But his memory was a lying, grasping fool that had done no justice to the vision that now stood before him. She stepped out of her little front garden and walked the short path to him, her ear-to-ear smile and sparkling eyes flooding Boromir with mutual joy, even though she could not possibly be as happy to see him as he was to finally gaze upon her. 
She had been tending her garden while waiting for his arrival; he noticed the potting soil that lingered on her slender hands and the smudges on the white apron over her skirt. Her cheeks bore the rosy flush of physical labor, and the long waves of her unpinned hair blew freely around her shoulders. She was so effortless in her natural grace, so wonderfully different from the prim and powdered ladies of Minas Tirith that his father regularly forced (or forced themselves) into his company. 
It still astonished Boromir how such beauty could have escaped his notice for so long, and he had praised Eru ever since for opening his eyes to Ioreth's young apprentice from the Houses of Healing. For all the times he had teased Faramir for burying his nose in books instead of looking at the world around him, it turned out he had been the one cursed with certain blindness all along. 
“You came,” she said softly, stopping tantalizingly short of his arm's reach. She stared up at him with open affection that warmed the Captain to his deepest fibers. "I had hoped for it, but I did not think you would be able to get away."
“I told you I would come, and nothing would have stopped me," Boromir said quickly, and perhaps too fervently. 
"I… I have missed…" Her voice failed her on the last word as shyness overpowered her excitement over his arrival. She ducked her head, hiding her blush behind her curtain of hair, as she twisted up the fabric of her apron between her jittery hands. 
"I just could not wait to see you again," Boromir said hoarsely. "I could not have borne a second longer without you."
"O-Oh. Y-You honor me, my lord." And the blushing maiden answered his abrupt confession with a polite curtsy.
Her sweetness and modesty crushed Boromir with a sense of unworthiness to even stand in her presence. He felt torn between a strange compulsion to fall to his knees, and an utterly improper desire to seize her and just hold her close against him. 
How did he get by a whole seven days away from her? And the more agonizing thought: how would he force himself to part from her again after this?
"Are… are those for…what are those for?"
Boromir stared blankly at the bundle of yellow flowers he clutched in his right hand, an overlong pause passing before he remembered their purpose. “These are for you,” he confirmed, reaching out with the offering. “I… I thought you would like them.”
In accepting the flowers, she stepped closer to decrease the distance that separated them, and her fingers grazed against his in the transfer. Boromir’s hand twitched as impulse rebelled against manners, and he very nearly made a greedy grab for her hand.
“They’re beautiful,” she said, gracing him with a gentle smile that was real beauty beyond comparison. By Eru, Boromir thought in sudden despair. What was he thinking coming to her with such a pathetic gift, so far below what she deserved?! For a maiden as gloriously fair as the sun itself, he should have brought the finest treasures from the most expensive shops in Minas Tirith, if not the very jewels from the coffers of the Steward. 
She held the posy up to her nose, sweeping the golden petals across her freckled cheeks and berry-pink lips, and Boromir felt overcome with a feverish desire to trade places with the flowers at that moment.
“It is nothing…” he mumbled weakly. 
She shook her head, her face at once firm and determined. “It is everything,” she corrected, raising her gaze to meet his with renewed courage. “You are everything.”
And with two more steps to eliminate the gap, she pressed herself against the warmth of his chest, tucking her head neatly underneath his chin, their bodies already a perfect fit for each other’s embrace. Boromir enveloped her in his arms, promising with all his strength that he would find some way to be worthy of this, of her, even if he had to scour all of Middle-earth for the right flower to profess just how deeply he had fallen in love with her.
Perhaps his wise little brother could help him again.
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Tagged by request: @aduialel @fizzyxcustard @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @scyllas-revenge @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @undeniableadrenaline
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nezebel · 1 year
clair de lune // k. rengoku x black!reader
a/n: sorry guys. also this reader is inspired by my self-insert/oc so you'll be the eldest child of the Kamado family 👍🏽
cw: if I tell you it'll spoil the surprise (angst)
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You crept slowly and quietly to the clearing. You and your lover had met here for years. First, as strangers, then friends, and eventually as a couple. With nothing but grass, a couple trees, and a field of flowers, it was a perfect place for the two of you to embrace each other. And not only did it have beautiful flowers, but around the perimeter was a ring of wisteria trees for protection. Your meetings were secretive at first; your families hadn't always been on good terms. His father always mistook your single Hanafuda earring as a sign of mockery, especially when you got with Kyojuro. But eventually he grew to enjoy your company, even if he surely didn't show it.
It was also the same field where Kyojuro had first confessed his love and, a year or so later, proposed to you. For these reasons it will always be special, and if you were ever separated from your beloved, you could always meet each other halfway.
You approach the center of the clearing, seeing a familiar brush of red and yellow hair almost floating above the grass.
His name fell from your lips so naturally, as if it were designed just for you. The red and yellow turns and is replaced with a bright, beaming smile. You run and hug him, pushing him over.
"(Y/N)! I missed you," he breathes, effortlessly sitting you and himself up. "How has everything been? I hope you've been eating?" He fusses over you and you can't help but smile.
You smile, but you still can't help but feel a little deflated. "Yes, darling. I've been taking good care of myself as well as my siblings. Inosuke and Zenitsu as well. They've made a lot of progress. Your teachings were very influential to them, especially to Tanjiro."
He smiles even more at that. "I'm glad! I aimed for that exactly. Young Kamado is very unique compared to the others, your sister included. You should be proud of them both."
You nod. Now it was your turn to give Kyojuro a gift. "Here. I brought you a basket of food." You opened the basket to show him the cookies and cakes you had prepared along with a bottle of fine wine.
He gives you a kiss to your cheek as a thanks, then takes a bite out of a heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie. "Hmm!" He hums in appreciation and satisfaction. "These are amazing, my flame. Thank you so much for bringing all this out here. But..."
You tilt your head in confusion. "But what? Don't you like the food?"
He nods, almost instantly. "Of course, sweetheart. But I have to go."
You sigh, finally taking note of his white clothing. Tears form in the corner of your eyes. "Can't you stay...can't you stay just a little while longer?"
He begins to tear up as well. Regardless, he keeps a smile on his face just for you.
"I'm always with you, (Y/N). No matter where you go. But I can't be with you physically anymore. Just know I'll love you for all eternity."
He begins to fade away, disintegrating into golden light similar to that of a firefly. You lock your hands with his trying to keep him with you, even if for a second longer.
"Please...not yet...just one more night. Please," you beg. You couldn't bear to be without him.
He gives you one last kiss. A deep, lingering kiss, full of nothing but love for you.
"You have to let me go, (Y/N). Take care of yourself for me, little flame.
His voice blows away with the gentle wind.
You close your eyes. Maybe if you kept them closed long enough, this would all be a dream. Maybe he'd still be here.
You began to feel his grip on your hands loosen until it was no longer there. Laying your head on his tombstone, you sob.
It wasn't long after until you fell asleep. You slept for hours.
You awoke to the sensation of being lifted up and carried away. Blinking slowly, you look to your rescuer; Tengen.
"Finally awake?" He chuckles, then lets out a deep sigh. "(Y/N). It's...time to let go."
You nod. "Okay...okay. I can...try."
"For Kyojuro."
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i was listening to clair de lune and it gave me this bright idea so
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roseonne · 2 months
we're here now
While Madoka catches a firefly, Misumi sadly smiles.
( ao3 link )
Basking under the pale light of the full moon tonight, Madoka patiently sits on an old tree stump, a round, transparent jar with a ribbon tied around its neck is held in between his palms.
He's in a pretty unusual place; a wide, open field of scenic greens, decorated with several bunches of such colorful varieties of flowers growing here and there, stretching far until the tips of the riverbank along the outskirts of Veludo Way.
The early evening atmosphere, although lightweight, hangs over and clings onto him like an invisible veil. What would've given Madoka the absolute worst of creeps, however, is the cold. He despises it not per se; he just grows a little too uncomfortable with chilly weather.
So thank goodness, it's summer. The warmth from the Earth beneath the soles of his shoes help keep his companions nearby too, making him feel even less lonely as he waits.
Oh, and by 'companions' he means the tiny fluttering tails of light that entomologists call...
"Hello there," Madoka greets one that hovers closely above his nose. He stays as still as he can, observing the little creature silently with his round eyes. His new friend seems to have greeted him back too (its tail of light flickering a hint brighter for only a moment), flying off safely after the brief encounter.
Or... maybe not.
Clasping the lid of his jar in one hand, the bottle in the other, Madoka guides his firefly friend quickly into it's new home by a couple of rough, flappy swings. It's a bold attempt; somewhat clumsy, but effective nonetheless. (Although, he did struggle slightly with sealing the lid closed due to the frantic trembling of both of his wrists.)
The fabulously talented scriptwriter stares at his newfound souvenir. He feigns indifference, even as the little firefly roams aimlessly in disarray, clearly puzzled at the sudden minimization of its surroundings. The view of the world remains the same for it, sure, but then it's almost as if...
It's stuck.
Trapped, all of a sudden, with no chance of escape.
"I'm really sorry..." Madoka's hushed tone betrays the look he forces himself to so badly retain on his face. "I never wanted to do this, but I have to. It's for my brother."
He gently caresses the jar with his thumbs, whispering a few more 'I'm sorry's' to the poor creature inside.
What's he even thinking? Catching an innocent lifeform to give to Misumi as a present? Will his brother even like this present, is the actual question.
"Your brother will love anything as long as they're from you."
The words of Madoka's eldest senior at GOD-za comes to his ears in faint, rippling echoes. It's been his reassurance and motivation to indeed get Misumi a gift, but did he really have to go this far?
Amidst the seemingly endless wave of anxiety-driven queries further occupying Madoka's already raging mind, he gets pulled back to his senses the moment a familiar voice calls out to him.
"Ahhh, nii-san!"
Jolting up to his feet in surprise, Madoka hastily hides the jar behind his back. He offers his brother the happiest smile he could muster, while Misumi shares the same sentiment with a truly genuine 'I'm glad we have time to spend together today!' look on his face.
And thus, a quiet pause. Madoka's always admired how easily his brother can smile so wide and honest like that. Oh, well. Misumi's the incarnate ray of sunshine after all. The older brother being the sun half of the Ikaruga siblings duo, as opposed to younger one being the moon half does feel too good of a mere 'coincidence'.
Misumi's smile is a precious treasure that Madoka promises to protect from here on out. And the thought of him possibly breaking that promise apart tonight terrifies the life out of him like no other.
"So~ How's working at GOD-za been like?" Misumi asks, reaching out with his palm to softly ruffle the tips of Madoka's soft, but tousled hair.
"O-Oh..." Madoka stammers, "Uhm, it's great. I'm learning constantly, and I make sure I apply all of that into my writing."
"Hehe~ Keep it up, Madoka! I'm rooting for you~"
Sensing a certain ache welling up in his heart, Madoka could only hum his nervous response. As the clock continues slowly ticking away, the more restless and agitated he becomes. Who knows how Misumi will react whenー
"By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what's that you're hiding behind you~?"
"Y-You saw that!?"
Despite having zero vision of the current state of his cheeks, the playwright is a hundred (and ten!) percent sure that his entire face has turned red in sheer embarrassment. And fear.
"Nii-san, I..." Madoka mentally admits not having much of a choice at this point, either. "I just thought I'd get you something..."
"Oooh, really? Thank you, Madoka!" Misumi rushes to wrap his most favorite person in the whole world within a tightest embrace. "Let's see what it is!"
The youngest Ikaruga brother bashfully reveals the jar to his sibling. (His hesitation evident, as it takes him around three to six seconds to actually hand the gift over to Misumi.)
Upon receipt, however, the eldest brother tilts his head over to one side, examining meticulously the jar's sole content.
"Did you put them inside?" Misumi asks.
A deafening silence.
"I...! Uhm... Y-Yes, I did..."
And one's worst fears have become realityーMisumi loses the sunshine smile his dearest brother adored so much.
"I didn't hurt it, nii-san, I promise!" The crack in Madoka's voice is an indication that something heavy's about to drop at any given moment.
"Yes. I know. I believe you, Madoka." Misumi reassures him, placing an arm around his shoulders and resting his head above his. "But we should let them go, don't you think?"
Madoka tenses at this.
Misumi looks around, eyes meeting each and every other wandering firefly within sight. "These are probably their family. And family should always stick together, no matter what!"
"Let's set them free, okay? That way, they'll all be together again!" Misumi flashes his signature closed-eye smile, once more. "And they'll be happier. I'll be happier."
The youngest Ikaruga brother swears an arrow has just pierced right through the center of his chest.
While Madoka keeps his fingers wrapped around the jar, Misumi does the honor of twisting the lid open. Along with the ribbon swaying to the faint breeze of the impact, the firefly too flies freely out of its temporary prison.
Save for the full moon's celestial glow, the night skies seem kind of empty; reflecting perhaps the inevitable growing of the void that has kept and been keeping a triangle who longs to love a family and a circle who longs to be loved by a family, separated for most of their lives.
"Nii-san..." Madoka stutters horribly, eyesight blurring from the tears already streaming down his cheeks, "I'm so sorry...!"
"Ehhh?" Misumi scurries into a mini panic of his own. "What's wrong, Madoka? Our firefly friends are all free now."
"Yes, but I meanー" Choking on his words, Madoka gets rubbed at his backside by the only person he entrusts his whole life to. "I mean, I'm sorry for not being there for you when you need me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, nii-san!"
Misumi tilts his head over to one side like the confused, little cat that he is. "But... we're here now, aren't we?"
Just like fireflies, family finds their way back to family. Despite the bitter past of two individuals who once struggled to mend the broken stitches of their interconnected fates together somehow, it's not too late. It will never be too late to try again, and be better.
Especially since, the Ikarugas as off to a good start.
"Is it really okay?" Madoka sniffs back a cold. 
"Yeah!" Misumi wipes a tear drop away with his thumb. "Nothing can stop us now. Because we're freeeeeee!"
Madoka Ikaruga. GOD-za's most promising scriptwriter. Known for his cute face, creative mind, and sincere heart. But just for tonight, he ought to give himself a more selfish title.
Misumi Ikaruga's one and only, favorite little brother.
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Moonlight & Fang Ch. 3
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Divider @firefly-graphics
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Blossoming fields spanned the entirety of the land, broken up by a gently flowing river with several branches in the distance. In the heart of the green grasses, colorful flowers peeked out above and dazzled entire bee queendoms and brightly colored beetles. Above them birds soared high and far while a group of deer ran through the field in search of food or a place to rest.
A serene panorama with soft, floral scents accentuated by the warmth of a late spring's sun. Fortunately unbroken by the wispy clouds drifting by, provided any wolf with a perfect opportunity to rest both the body and the mind. The sight at night, both with a full moon and without, would certainly be worth waiting for.
But that was not why I was in the meadow today. I was foraging for herbs, which is a typical occurrence, for a tonic I needed to replenish. In doing so I seem to have stumbled upon a stranger wandering my land. Looking lost.
No, not just a stranger, but a wolf. Male and recently turned, as it may. As in the last 3 moon cycles or so. He smells vaguely familiar and quite delicious. But there is something about his scent that has my wolf growling in my head. Just a hint, but it smells of one of the hunters that murdered my father. 
But that can’t be. I killed them all and feasted on their flesh to fill my little pup belly. Their bones do in fact decorate my greenhouse and entry way stairs. 
Could it be a relative, a son perhaps. There is only one way to find out. I must scent and taste of his blood myself. But first I must lure him home where I may seek my answers with my mate at my side. Where my power is strongest and I have a direct link to the moon and her goddesses.
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I swear there was a woman standing in the middle of the meadow but a moment ago. Did I dream her up? Have I been in the woods too long? These woods are cursed after all. 
“Hello there.” A woman's voice whispers in my ear.
I spin on my heel, surprised someone got the jump on me, and grab the culprit. Slamming them against the nearest tree.
“Quick, reflexes. A bit jumpy though aren’t we?” 
It’s the woman from the meadow. She’s smiling up at me as my hand is wrapped around her throat pinning her in place. Looking the least bit scared of me.
“You snuck up on me. I don’t like surprises.” I grit out.
“Hmm. Well I thought it only fair, since you were watching me from the shadows, to introduce myself. It’s not my fault that you were caught unawares.”
“You knew I was watching you?”
“I could smell you, long before your feet touched the ground a 100 yards out from my meadow. And what a wonderful scent it is. Alpha wolf isn’t always so pleasant.”
She can sense that I’m a wolf. She could only know that by being one herself. I need to be careful with this woman. No matter how tasty she smells. I came here to get answers about what happened to my father all those years ago. When he went on a hunt and never returned from these woods.
“Your meadow? These woods and everything that resides within it belong to a Hag. You look of no such hideousness.”
“Good to know you don't find me hideous, as you are in such close proximity. You know, since you're pinning me against this tree.” She chuckles. “For your information, to which I’m choosing to divulge, these woods did belong to the Hag. Upon my mothers passing they transferred to me.”
I grit my teeth and squeeze her soft throat. “So what are you then? I can smell you’re more than human. But there is more there than just Omega wolf.”
“Well, aren't you a curious thing? Wandering around in my woods and demanding answers from me. All while your hand is wrapped around my throat. A threat of violence just waiting to pass your lips.'' She tilts her head. “For now I will give you this one answer. To receive any further from me, you will need to follow me to my manor where my mate is waiting for my return.”
“Give me the answer first. That will determine my next steps.”
She sighs. Clearly annoyed by my antics. “I am a hybrid. A witch of Fae blood and wolf shifter. Unlike you, I was born with both thanks to my father being a strong Alpha. A witch I may be, but a hag I am not. Do not get that confused. Understand.”
“Noted.” I nod my head. “How can I trust that you mean me no harm?”
“Oh dear boy.” She lifts her hand and with the flick of a wrist is out of my hold and standing beside me. “You had no hold over me. I could have slipped your grasp at any moment. I chose to oblige your curiosity.”
I stare at her, mouth agape. 
“Now. Are you going to come along peacefully to gain the answers you seek or will I have to do this the hard way.” She wiggles her fingers, nails transformed into claws and smiles. Showing off her sharp fangs. “I kinda hope you choose the hard way. I do love getting to exercise my power on more than just tinctures and healing.”
She clearly could have killed me many times over by now. I did venture here searching for answers. I am unsure about her mate, and my wolf is a bit growly about it knowing she is already claimed, but I am confident in my abilities to get myself out of the situation if it turns south.
“While you ponder over the risks. I’m going to gather my basket of herbs. Meet me in the meadow when you have decided to trust the fates or forge your own path.”
She winks at me and then saunters off. The sway of her hips is captivating, as her scent envelopes me. I could only catch a faint whiff of it earlier when I was making my way through the trees. Was she cloaking it from me? Not wanting to possibly influence my actions? Could she tell I barely have a handle on my wolf?
She is a mystery that I want to unravel. Mated already or not. I was a strong alpha male before I was bitten. So I know the Alpha wolf that resides inside me now is just as strong if not stronger. Who says I can’t challenge him and claim her for myself.
That settles it. I need to set my eyes on this mate. Plus I need to know more and she may be the only one that can help me find out what happened.
I hurry into the meadow. She lifts her basket from the ground, pulls her red hood forward and begins walking. Not sparing me a glance back. Confident that I will follow. “I’m not going to waste my energy teleporting us. So put those long bow legs to good use and get a move on before my mate starts to worry and comes searching for me.”
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He follows behind me dutifully, as I make the familiar trek back home. I choose to hold off any conversation and hum a little tune. Remaining vigilant in my awareness of my surroundings. I still was unsure of this man’s intentions. What questions he was seeking answers for. Would the information make him a danger or something else? I have to assume this is the fate’s doing once more.
Why else would I find him in my woods, smelling good enough for my wolf to take notice. It’s not like we are not satisfied at home. On the contrary, our lustful appetites have been more than sated these last few months.
As we step through the trees into the clearing that houses the manor I hear a subtle intake of breath come from behind me.
“This is where you live?”
“Yes.” I respond. “Did you think I lived in some small little hovel in the big bad woods? I’m a powerful supernatural being. I have magic literally running through my veins. Of course I live in a manor fit for a Queen.”
“My apologies. I just…” He’s at a loss for words as he tries to fix the perceived slight.
“Am a simple man who has no need for extravagances. I get it. But not everyone lives like a hunter with only the things they can carry.”
“I never told you I was a hunter.”
“Didn’t need to, dear. It’s in the way you carry yourself. Not to mention your display of quick reflexes in the woods earlier and the weapons you have hidden on your person. The main thing though is the talisman hanging around your neck. It’s clan specific.”
“How do you know that?”
“To obtain that answer you are going to have to head inside with me. I need to put these herbs away and I’m quite over being on my feet.”
I make my way onto my porch where I am greeted with the door opening before I can reach it and Jax stepping out. He reaches forward, placing his hands on my cheeks and pulls me into a deep kiss.
He pulls away and runs his thumb along my bottom lip. “Bringing home strays now, are we little red? Newly turned ones at that.”
“What else was I supposed to do? He smelled divine and he found his way to my meadow while I was in it. Almost as if he was destined to.”
“Mmm. Alright, darling. So you brought him home instead of just claiming him in the woods because…”
“He has yet to be truly tested. There are answers he seeks, that I may be the only one to give. If they are what I think they are, I want to be protected in case it takes a turn. Plus it didn't feel right testing him without you present. He would be an addition, not a replacement. He needs to know that.”
“And where are we conducting this test?”
“The library of course.”
“Ahh. Where you are most powerful. Need I prepare anything?”
“Just make sure our strongest chair is available.”
“Oh this is going to be good.”
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I watch her converse with who I can only assume is her mate. Not only because he kissed her, but by the way he looks are her like she is the entire moon and stars. I thought it would make my wolf angry seeing such a display, but the asshole practically purred in my head. 
He didn't feel threatened. He wanted to join in. The word pack being repeated over and over in my head. Listen asshole, I don't know what the hell is going on with you, but I’m still in control and as much as that looks like a fun sandwich to be a part of, I still  need answers. And she clearly has them. After I get what I want, then you can have a chance to get what you want. Understood.
He growled a bit but agreed to my terms, for now, and settled down. 
Sensing their moment was over, I make my way over. Taking in the haunting beauty of the all black manor. Much like the haunting beauty of its owner. Who’s name I am yet to know. 
As I make my way up the porch stairs she speaks. “This is my mate Jax. Like me, he was born a wolf. So please no Alpha funny business. For now at least.”
I nod my head in his direction. “Dean.” He nods in return and I turn my head in her direction. “Am I ever going to be graced with your name?”
“And here I was enjoying being mysterious.” She teases. 
“Red.” Jax admonishes her. A hint of warning intoned.
“Okay, okay. I get it. Playtime is over for now.” She removes her hood from her head, a cascade of curls fall down around her. “Nice to formally meet you Dean, the hunter. I am Selene.”
“Your mother, the Hag, named you after a goddess?”
“It’s a long story. Better to be shared at a later date. Unless you are willing to wait on those answers you seek.”
“No. I have waited long enough.”
“Alright then. Let’s head inside to the library where we can get more comfortable.”
She walks off into the house. Removing her red cloak in the process. Revealing a midnight black dress that hugs her generous curves like a second skin. My wolf purred in my head once more and this time I had to agree with him.
I shook myself from my lustful thoughts just as I heard her Alpha chuckle. “Come on. I’ll show you the way.”
I followed behind the blonde man with a physique that rivaled my own. He clearly was a man used to hard labor and carried himself with a natural confidence. I can see why she chose him as her mate.
I scanned my surroundings as we made our way through the manor. Taking note of the skulls that adorned the handrails of the stairs. Upon making it to the library, I come to find even more macabre items scattered among the walls of books. As well as more bones of varying species.
It clearly is a special and well cared for room. I assume it is where she spends the most time.
She stands behind a large ornate black chair . “Please, have a seat.”
Without second thought I place my large frame on the armless chair. Before I have a chance to adjust and get comfortable, vines begin to sprout up around me. I start to fight them, but the more I struggle, the tighter they become. My arms and legs are bound. I am at the mercy of Selene’s magic.
“I apologize for using my magic against you. But I needed reassurance for this talk. You understand don't you?”
“I understand that you better have a good reason for it. It will be your only saving grace when I get out of them.”
“Tsk tsk, hunter. Always with a threat upon your tongue. Let’s hurry this along then shall we. Ask your questions.”
“How long have you lived in these woods?”
“My entire existence so far.”
“Have you ever encounter a group of hunters in the woods?”
“Of course. Numerous times. You’re going to have to be a bit more specific.”
“In your youth, did you happen upon a group of hunters wearing this same talisman?”
“Yes.” She calmly states.
I breathe a sigh of relief. “They never returned home from that hunt. My father was with them that day. Do you know what happened?”
“I do. Vividly.” She states with a hint of anger laced in.
“Care to elaborate sweetheart?”
She relaxes her face and looks off into the stained glass windows surrounding the room. “My father and I were foraging for supplies that day. Something we did weekly. The group of hunters you speak of happened upon us. They sensed that we were other and attacked us. Killing my father right in front of my very eyes.”
She turns to face me. Locking her dagger like gaze on me as she divulges the rest of the story. A wicked smile on her face. “I was but 9 years old. A pup, who had only really shifted in play. Watching your father bleed out in front of you and perish would leave anyone in anguish. But I am not just anyone. My wolf took over that afternoon. And I tasted human flesh for the first time. I tore through the entire party. Leaving no one alive. Justice was served by my fangs and I have no regrets. I keep their bones within these walls to remind me of how quickly life can be taken away.”
I stare at her with gritted teeth. Rage coursing through my body at the truth that she just revealed. “You killed my father?”
“Yes.” She succinctly states. “Only after he aided in killing mine first.”
A growl erupts from my chest. But it was not my wolfs doing. That was all me. 
“Now, now. See why I needed the restraints. You’re not thinking clearly. I was, as a young child, just doing what you as a fully grown and newly turned wolf were looking to come do. To find answers and dole out justice. You, the man, may be particularly unhappy with this cruel turn of fate. But how does your wolf feel?” 
“What does he have to do with this?”
“Everything.” She looks me deep into my eyes. “He’s what brought you to find me in the meadow. You may have been in my woods searching for answers, but he felt drawn here.”
“And you're sure of that?”
“Deadly.” She says with confidence.
We sit in silence for a moment. Never once breaking eye contact. My wolf paces back and forth in my head. But not from anger or bloodlust. No, he’s mad at me for not understanding her position. She is strong and resilient. The perfect mate for us, he says.
As my wolf and I argue, Jax walks over to where Selene has been perched on a desk. “Your body is practically vibrating with pent up energy, darlin. It’s not just rage either. I can scent the lust in the air.”
I watch as he runs his fingers along her cheek and throat. She leans into his touch, as if it's a soothing balm. “I can’t help the way my body reacts to the Alpha pheromones in the air. Try as I might to stay in my right mind until he decides his fate.”
That gets my attention. “Decide my fate?”
“Yes. It is no coincidence you are here, in my manor. Especially being such a newly turned wolf. I assume you no longer have ties to the world as you knew it before. Coming from a family of hunters, whose sole purpose is to eradicate supernatural's, you becoming one is not welcome. No matter how that came about. I’m surprised you’re still alive to be perfectly honest.”
“My brother.” She tilts her head, waiting for me to elaborate. “He helped me regain my health and escape before the first full moon came and my death was sealed. I can never return home.”
“Home is wherever you make it. You are not beholden to one place, Dean.”
“Seems as if you are beholden here.”
“I have always been able to leave these woods. I choose to stay. Not just because my magic is powerful here, but because this is where I took control of my own life and set in motion what was destined for me.” She turns to Jax and smiles. “And what a destiny it has become.”
“Red, if you keep looking at me like that, that dress will be gone and your legs will end up wrapped around my shoulders. Caring not of our audience.” He growls out.
“He’s not going anywhere.” She looks at me. “Besides, he seems the sort who might need a visual demonstration of what it’s like to be mated.” A devilish smile adorns her face.
“You wouldn’t dare.” I challenge.
“Oh, but she most certainly would.” Jax imparts as he grabs the center of her collar and rips her dress down the middle. She has not a stitch on underneath. Glorious, sun kissed skin is exposed to our greedy eyes. I can feel my wolf licking his chops as we peruse the soft flesh with our keen eyes. Making note of every dip and freckle that decorates her body.
Her thighs are soon thrown over broad naked shoulders. Her crimson colored nails tangle in his blonde locks as he pulls the most sinful of sounds from her throat. 
She doesn’t even try to resist. She just succumbs to the pleasure and lays back along the desk. Her free hand skimming her torso until she reaches her heaving breasts. I bite back a groan as I observe her nimble fingers teasing along the goose pimpled flesh. She takes a hardened peak between her pointer finger and thumb and pinches. A pinch isn’t enough for this vixen though. With her firm hold she pulls on the flesh.
Throwing her head back, she moans. I notice movement in my periphery, and shift my eyeline to where her Alpha’s head is set between her legs. It is his wrist that is causing the movement. Clearly his fingers are aiding in making her come undone.  
Unlocking a crescendo of moans to expel from her throat, that grows so loud it echoes off the walls with her climax. It is a magical sight. As I bask in the intoxicating pheromones suffocating the room, Jax rises.
He divests himself of his pants and lifts Selene off of the desk. Turning he sits atop its sturdy surface and spins the Omega to face me. He kisses her throat, as he spread her legs wide and slowly lowers her onto his large cock.
I can’t hold back the rumbly groan that escapes as I watch her tight little cunt stretch to accommodate him. I wish it was my thick cock splitting her open like that. I’m surprised to find that I’m not jealous of him touching her. It oddly feels right watching her Alpha worship her. If anything I just want to add to it.
She starts to squirm when he bottoms out. "Uh uh Omega. Don't rush me. You'll get what you want when I'm good and ready to give it to you."
She whines but stills. Her heavy lidded eyes make contact with mine. My already tight pants grow even more uncomfortable. If only I could get some relief.
She is completely at his mercy.
"There's my good girl." He whispers along her throat. She preens at the praise. "Your pussy is gripping me so tight. Don't want to hurt you, but I don't know how much longer my wolf can hold back."
"Do it Alpha." She pants. "Don't hold back. I can take it. I was made for it."
Pleased with her response, Jax purrs so loud that I can feel it vibrate in my own chest. Making my cock twitch. That’s a first. Before I can think too much on that, Selene is lifted up by his two large hands, and slammed back down on his dick.
“OH FUCK!” She shouts. Those are the last coherent words she utters before all that escapes her mouth are whimpers and guttural moans. 
She gives in. Allowing him to control her body as he shows me just how much she can take. My eyes are transfixed, watching her tight little snatch swallow his cock whole. Her slick leaking down his heavy sack.
The next thing I know, she’s digging her claws into his thighs as she comes once more and his knot pops. But he doesn’t slam it inside of her. No, he leaves it right at the entrance. Close enough for her to feel it but not for it to catch as he fills her full.  
The sight alone almost has me coming in my pants. I have to bite my cheek to refrain from making a mess of my own. 
He slowly pulls out and places her on her feet. She leans into him, weak kneed, as he kisses her sweetly. A mix of their essences trails down her thighs. A whine escapes my mouth as I have the sudden urge to clean the mess with my tongue.
She or her wolf, maybe both, must like the sound because her demeanor changes from submissive and sweet to wanton and thirsty. She saunters over to the chair I am still bound to.
“Enjoy the show?” She teases, as she stares straight at my throbbing dick confined in my slacks.
I don’t even attempt to put up a front. I want this woman as much as my wolf does. “Yes. Very much.” I try to wiggle out of my bindings. “Untie me and let me show you just how much.”
She gets, what I can only describe as a twinkle of mischief, in her eye and pushes the top of the chair back so that I am now prone on the floor. She comes to stand above me, legs on either side of my chest and unbinds the vines holding restraining my torso. 
Before she has time to pull another trick, I reach up, wrapping my arms around her thighs, sit up as best I can and latch my mouth to her clit. Fuck she tastes even more amazing then I imagined. I don’t even care that it’s mixed with her Alpha’s seed. I pull back, run my tongue across her thighs and make sure to clean up every last drop of essence that escaped before going to town on her messy pussy. 
I’m quick to sink in two fingers and find that sweet little spongy spot that I know will have her seeing stars. It’s not long before she is screaming out, legs quivering and digging her claws into my shoulders as she falls apart.
Before I can continue my onslaught, she grips my hair and pulls me away. I give her the biggest smile as I lick my lips. I can feel just how soaked the lower half of my face is and I couldn’t be happier. 
She releases my hair and with a twirl of her fingers, my chair begins to levitate back into a seated position. 
She bends over and pulls my shirt over my head. Her fingers ghosting along my torso until she reaches the waist of my pants. She unlaces them and places her hand inside. Her small fist wraps around my rock hard length. Fingertips barely able to touch each other. She gives me a few strokes and then finally pulls me out. Exposing my heated flesh to the cool air of the library.
She straddles the chair and places herself on my thighs. With a look over her shoulder she leans forward, presenting herself to Jax. He licks his lips and makes his way over. His dick rock hard once again. 
He takes two of his fingers and runs them along her cleft. Gathering up her slick and proceeding to use it as lubrication for her exposed puckered hole. He teases her before slowly sliding one and then two digits inside. Testing how ready she is to take him. 
Clearly she was primed to go as he removes his fingers, coats his dick in more of her slick, notches himself at her tight ring of muscle and slips inside of her. She moans sweetly against my chest as he takes his time taking her apart once more.
I am not content to just observe this time around and my fingers find themselves playing with her nipples. It doesn't take long for her moans to escalate and just as I think she is about to explode she whispers, “Stop.”
Jax immediately stills at her words. I look for any signs of distress in her eyes. I find only lust.
With a panting breath she speaks. “Do you want me to ride you Dean?” 
I swallow and nod my head. “Please. I’m dying here.”
She smiles. “Jax, be a dear and slide me down onto his dick.” 
“Is my Omega not full enough with just my cock?”
“Why settle for one knot when I can have two stretching me opening?” she wiggles her ass.
“As you wish.”
He pulls her back against his chest, still remaining buried within her cheeks, and takes a few steps forward until her glistening folds are lined up perfectly with my cock. He lowers her down onto my thick girth.
We all gasp. The sensations of being joined together getting the better of us already. I can feel as Jax pulls back and slams himself forward. He fucks her so hard that she doesn't even need to move her hips to ride me. Jax is in control of both of us. 
I’ve been on a hairpin trigger since I watched them come together on the desk. I can tell that she can feel the ring around the base of my dick begin to thicken. A signal of my knot getting ready to pop. 
She grabs my jaw and makes me look her in the eyes. “Do you wish to be mine? A part of this pack. Even with everything you now know. Will you accept my bite?”
Whiney but still coherent, I answer honestly. “Yes. I want your bite. Make me yours.” 
That’s all the permission she needs as she lets go of my jaw and bites down on my shoulder. Her fangs breaking the skin, laying her claim to my soul and setting off both our climaxes. 
Instinctually I lean forward and sink my teeth into her collarbone, completing the bond, as my dicks paints her womb white. Not to be forgotten, Jax pulls out, strokes his dick and cums. Covering the both of us in his seed in a claim of his own. 
She pulls away from my shoulder. Lips stained with my blood. Hair a disheveled mess.  I have never seen such a beautiful creature in my life. 
“Son of a bitch.” I blurt out.
“Feels good being bonded to her huh?” Jax asks.
“I feel more powerful. Like I could run all night without getting tired.”
She looks me in the eyes once more. Her amber orbs staring straight into my soul. “Do you regret it? Tying your life to the one who murdered your father?”
“Not as much as I thought I might. It’s like you said. He did kill yours first. You only did what I would have and was trying to do.”
“So we’re even then Alpha?”
“We’re good, Omega.” I give her my most charming smile. “We’ll be even better if you let me fuck you and be the one in control next round. I don’t even care if blondie over there participates or not.”
“Oh I’m not leaving you alone with her just yet. Once that knot of your deflates she’ll be stuck on mine next.”
“Now, now. There’s enough of me to go round. I am destined for 5 mates after all.”
“There’s 3 other assholes I have to share you with.”
“Well technically for now you just have to share me with Jax. The other 3 are yet to be found. So enjoy the peace and quiet. Because at some point that will all change if I am to restore balance to this land.”
“So there’s no getting around it then.”
“I’m afraid not.”
“Alright then.” I shrug.
“Just like that?”
“Just like that. I am but a simple man to please. I’ll take what I can get.”
“Lucky me.”
“Most certainly.” I pull her down and finally get to taste her lips for the first time. “Fuck, I could get addicted to that.”
“Wait until she uses that mouth on your cock.” Jax adds in, biting his lip and grabbing his semi erect dick. “Wicked with her tongue this one is.” 
She just throws her head back and laughs. 
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thegodthief · 1 year
Dreamt a shapeless horror was waiting for me to go to sleep as it could not be perceived by a waking mind. Once I realized it was there, I was 199.995% done with everything and ready to use it to plow my field of fucks.
"I was sent to you with a gift."
Ah, fuck. Rules of Hospitality means I can't swing first. Fine. "From whom?"
"From no one."
Hmm. I know three entities that would use that as an actual name, and two that would use that as a formal title. Of those five, three are way above my paygrade and it would not be good to piss them off. "Okay. What is expected of me if I receive the gift?"
"For you to put it to use."
I was actually surprised that a bucket of red flags did not manifest and pour over me. "What is expected of you if I receive the gift?"
"To leave you in peace and depart."
Oh. "And if I refuse?"
"To leave you in peace and depart."
Oh! Well. Fuck. I'm not used to good will gifts as it is, and certainly not from shapeless horrors. Sure. Why not. I'm dreaming, anyway. I can always pull the eject lever if things get too much. That's what I tell myself, anyway.
"Okay. I accept."
The horror engulfed me and would have smothered my awareness if I were not wary and holding a thought in reserve. After the initial (and yet expected) shock of capture, I realized that I was being held comfortably and gently. The horror was not attempting to seize the stray thought that had begun meandering randomly.
"The gift I bring to you, is oblivion. You do not need to dream this night. I will hold you so your mind may rest as your body sleeps."
… Oh. I wanted to cry because, yea, fuck, I'm tired as hell.
"This, I accept, willingly and completely."
The meandering stray thought that wanted to explore the dreamscape was brought to heel. It appeared not unlike a firefly resting in my cupped hands. As the oblivion settled over me like a weighted blanket, the stray thought flashed with random ideas.
Fast at first, then slowing. Long flashes became short points and the time between flashes slowed as well.
I do not know when the last stray thought came to rest as the silent gift engulfed me in full.
I slept well.
24 notes · View notes
A Lovely night
A lovely night
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Luke x OC (Julie)
Part of Summer Days Sultry Nights Content Creator Challenge hosted by @violettduchess and @aquagirl1978
Prompt: 11. Fireflies
Tag: Established relationship Childhood sweethearts to lovers Fluff Kisses
Word Count 1.280
Author’s Note: A special spectacle offer two lovebirds a wonderful occasion to spend some time together, playing around the little bugs and laughing like children with their hearts swelling with that soft feelings bonding them together since childhood, the same unbreakable spell the best tales are made with Love. 🥰
Tag list
@kitwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @klutzyroses @randonauticrap @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @itsjudesfault
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a tepid summer night, the gentle breeze billowed on the patio inviting to doze off along the suffused melody of the crickets in search of a lover to spend the night with, exactly like everyone else, the leftover of a scrumptious homemade meal stood still on the table with the full moon reflecting its image in the water filled glasses, the fruity decoration casting their colors in the transparent liquid shining under its bright light.
He sighed softly immersed in a blissful satisfaction, dizzy with happiness and drunk in love as he admired her through his half lidded eyes, the taste of her honey cake still vivid on his tongue made even more sweeter as they kissed again and again as the petals cascaded around them dancing in the breeze while the little green leaves waltzed at its music.
 He was almost falling asleep for good when she sat on his lap, his lips curling on their own accord in a smile waiting for her kiss when instead her voice ringed him off his dreams.
“It is time.” 
Her words shaking off all his drowsiness in an instant as he looked frantically at her 
“For what ? Julie ?” not even pronouncing her name had the effect of making her answer him honestly his question, at it used to, so he resigned himself to wait, her excitation palpable glimmered in her chartreuse eyes looking at him with a mirthful smile on her lips 
“For the show.” her half explication did not suffice, but it had to for him, for he knew her lover whimsical nature 
“Follow me.”
as if she had even to tell him, he would have followed her to the moon and back just to make her happy even if she had not say anything, even if she didn't wanted him because he had made an oath to protect her, to the point of being her shadow wherever she went like she did to him, because the truth was that they needed one another and unbearable agony was to them both to spend even a second apart from each other, thing they experienced in the palace and were not eager to feel again not for anything in the world.
He was to ask further questions still anxious about their whereabouts when she cut them all off melting her lips on his in a sweet slow kiss, able to dissipate all his doubts smiling at the warmth of her tiny hand engulf in his own to bring him deep in the forest, their path lit only by the soft light of the full moon filtering through the tall trees leaves, receding as they went on until they found themselves in an empty field he recognizes to be still part of their own territory a generous gift from his brothers he was far from refusing.
“Wow it ... gorgeous.”
“It is wonderful.” 
Despite her being the one who suggested it she looked surprised like him at the spectacle stretching before their eyes, a glimmering sea of light filled every corner on the horizon like the stars had come to play hide and seek among the bushes, wonder lit up her pretty features he admired in awe, she looked so beautiful surrounded by that magical view like a Queen taking her place in the throne at the centre of his heart, a place that had always belonged to her and her alone since they were children and he had the luck to meet her.
Her melodious laugh music to his hear, far more beautiful than any other sound to him, even the one of a honey jar opening, a blissful smile curled his lips as he admired the little fireflies surrounding them both revelling in her bright gaze as he showed her the little lightning buzz that so casually had landed on his hand, buzzing softly at the companion landed on her fingers smiling at the sight of their little bugs flying toward the forest together like them.
Unable to contain happiness and love swelling in his heart he took her hand in his placing a kiss full or reverent devotion on her ring finger, receiving an heart melting smile he would have done everything for, closing the distance between them melting his lips on hers in a passionate kiss reluctantly pulling away from only after a sensual dance between their tongues, softly he cupped her face in his hands murmuring few inches from her swollen rosy lips.
“I love you Julie with all my heart forever and ever.”
“I love you too Luke so very much.” 
A soft smile lit up her features dancing in her eyes and pouring over her lips at his warm wet lips brushing a tender kiss on her forehead, as he wrapped one arm around her hips, with his cape sheltering them both under its softness against the frizzier air of the night as  they sat in the grass for a while, her frame engulfed in his bigger one hugging her from behind revelling in the way she nuzzled better between his legs leaning her head on his chest, while their heart beated in sync giggling at the soft kisses he peppered on her raven curls the same he loved to play with when they were in bed, that thought alone make heat rise to her cheeks in a soft rosy blush she hoped he would not see but in vain. 
“You are so adorable, my little princess. You always were for me.” 
His heartfelt confession melted her heart a the thought he treasured all the memories they had made together since they were children, conveying how moved she was by his soft confession she squeezed his hand in her caressing his ring smiling softly at him, seeing his eyes glimmer with unshed happy tear the same glimmering in her own irises, as she brushed her fingers on his cheeks in a tender caress.
“I swear you will never stop to amaze me.Thank you for loving me.”
“I feel the same, my big bear.Thank you for your love.” 
Their hearts speaking freely to one another, he tightened his arms around her feeling his heart burst with love at the soft brush of her lips on his chest.
“I thought I was already plenty crazy of you but then you go and say such sweet stuff like that and I do not not know if I can hold back any longer.”
“Then don't.” a malicious glimpse glimmered in her green eyes she turned around cupping his face in her hands
“Don't hold anything back with me. I love you.”
“I love you too, but are you sure ?”
“Yes it can’t be otherwise. Come as you are to me, my bear.”
“I hope you know what you are bargaining for my princess.”
she laughed as he took her in his arms, offering her a gorgeous confident smile brightening all over his handsome features
“Oh trust me I know.” a charming smile on her lips she caressed seductively his chest, biting her bottom lips revelling at the sight of his leaf green eyes fill with lust and affection crinkled softly as he looked at her whose smoldering gaze mesmerized him tempted in to give in a desire impossible to tame, sparing no effort he walked back to their home in half the time sliding back in their bedroom ready for a blissful night of passion with only the aster as spectator as they showed their love to one another their union sealed once more with the mighty power of that feeling bonding their heart and destiny together since childhood, the almighty everlasting power of love.
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gloryseized · 10 months
     The night is quiet, save for the singing of crickets and the sighing of winds that never truly sleep. Sunset fireflies dot the air, haloed lights lazily drifting along aimless paths to shine upon feathers and skin alike. In Hyrule's fields on a full-mooned eve, there's something like peace to be found here.
     —One Revali feels he's never going to catch sight of when his present company is, well, his present company. But he tries. And, as with all his worthy endeavours, succeeds. The space between them — a carefully placed distance — doesn't seem so charged tonight.
     He sweeps his gaze over the knight once more. There's something on the tip of his tongue. It tastes mild — too mild, blander than he wants even in this grasped tranquility, so he swallows it.
     "Have you used it?" he settles on. "At all?" he adds, a sharp peck from a sapsucker. He makes no effort to clarify what it could possibly mean. He'd been thanked for it just hours before — an awkward arc of a hand he'd turned away from with a huff and a dismissive wave of his own. Surely, in the days between the package's send-off and the Champions reassembling, Link's made use of the paraglider at least once.
The tension between the two might have become marginally bearable for the Rito, but Link is sure at any moment Revali is going to say some snide comment or another that might ruin the quiet. Or make Link want to ruin the quiet. He still can't tell what is going on with the guy. Why does the Rito hate him so much? Link's already scoured his memory, trying to think if he's said any particular thing or done any particular action that might have caused Revali to hate him. Nothing comes to mind--again--except for possibly the one thing that Link is worried about himself: that's he's not truly the Hero.
The one comfort for that being Link doesn't think Rito are skilled at using swords, and wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness does seem to be mandatory for being the Hero. But this is small consolation for all the other doubts filtering through Link's mind. As close as he's been to Zelda, as much as he's seen her struggle, it doesn't make sense that he's been granted such a title when she's worked for it all the harder, deserves it, while it just happened to him on a whim.
Scowl dances on his lips at the moody thoughts, tension winding his back tight as he sits next to the Rito--too stubborn to move on his own and too stubborn to ask Revali to move instead. He'd thanked the Rito for the gift, what more could he want to be said?
So Link actually blinks in surprise at the question, mind sifting through the words to try to detect exactly what they might mean, or at least what else besides being saturated in disdain? And his fisted hand bobs in a small nod after a beat. Tapping his chest, both fisted hands roll forward. Pinky finger, pointer finger, and thumb stick out from his left hand, his hand lifting up and swinging through the air. Pointer and middle fingers of both hands form 'V's, beating up and down as they spread apart from each other. << Yes, I tried to fly from the castle. >> Which admittedly would have made things very embarrassing if he crash landed, which he only considered after taking off, but he'd been successful anyhow. Palm taps his chest, pulling his hand away to connect his thumb and middle finger. He fingerspells out the word 'paraglider'. << I liked the paraglider. >>
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War's pretender
Part I
Aot x reader
god au
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You had known death before; not as mortals do, of course, but you had met his grim eyes, found him walking along with the two others; the king of skies, the ruler of the seas mighty depths. He was lithe and quiet, with a small body and power that radiated from his every step. He made the world know he was one to be respected before he said a word. And before long, he too was enraptured by your quiet, quaint way of living. He liked to watch you, even before he loved you; how you smiled, laughed, sat in the fields with the sun on your cheekbones without a care in the world. You had the favor of immortality, of time; and yet you lived like any mortal. Like Sasha, he thought of you like the springtime, with it's joys and marriages and births. And when he came to love you, the god of death showed you the wonders of his world. He walked beside you through the nights, the moon and stars growing brighter with every step, the chorus of crickets and other creatures all around you while the darkness glowed with fireflies. He turned riches up from the earth, rubies and sapphires, emeralds, topaz, amber and quartz to match your eyes and all their shades. He loved to feel you; feel you near, close to him in the night: the swell of your body standing against him, your heat drifting into him while he slept.
I love to feel you, he said; I love to feel the life in you.
The ruler of the skies; feared, loved, revered, the king of gods and mortals who held time in his hands. The stories told of him were battle tales: campfire legends for men off to war. They spoke of his power, his mighty hand, and yet, none ever spoke of how gentle, how kind he was. How sweet he was to you. He could have made you a ruler at his side; when your era rose, you practically were. All the world came to know your name, though you were only a minor god yourself. He gave you status, temples, priests and priestesses taking the cloth in your name, offerings burnt to the sky a hundred times what you had been given before, even with his brethren. And still, you surprised him. You were benevolent, yes, but made it clear you only ever wanted him. That all you wanted to was to be a lover, a confidant , someone trusted enough to hold the fragile pieces of the ancient king. And he let you; he let your soft touch fall on his skin, pulling the pain away from his scars and replacing it with something lighter: the memory of your hands there.
touch me, he would beg. It eases the pain, to have you close; it eases it to be loved by you.
In due time, with the sound of crashing waves and ocean wind, Zoe would follow; a god vibrant as their kingdoms, the seas, the waves, the patron of explorers and sailors alike. They rushed upon you like the tide, kind with a smile that lifted you own to your lips like a friendly hand. They loved with passion so full of energy you believed you were being filled with storms and hurricanes each time they kissed you. They taught you the sea and it's moods, the rumble of it's voice, the softness of it's touch; it mirrored your lover, enfolding you in her arms like waves curling into itself and holding you in a world of your own; wrapping you up and drowning you in a bliss so deep you never wanted to surface for air. It soothed and shocked, like the cold, leaving you to float amidst the blue of you lover. She, who kissed your sun warmed skin, salt dripping from you both onto sand soft as any bed. She, who bathed in rivers and brushed your hair from your face, back along your neck and smiled at how lucky they had gotten to love you. You'd weathered gods, men and time, been served and servant to the gods, praised by mortals, prayed to and now you sat as a someone who was loved. Loved by her, and who you love in return.
You are love, she would murmur, breath hot on your neck. You are love in all it's brilliance, it's joy, and it's wonder. Older than any god; old as the waves and the rain and the wind.
Fickle victory, friend of the grey eyed lady, took up a place beside you at last. Her ways were those of the map and book, the spear and sword; you were used to such things. But in her love, she did something no other had: she taught you to fight. She kissed every bruise, every inch of the skin that had no need to be so battered. Still, she knew you let it be so as a lesson; every strike of your blade on hers, every challenge, was a love letter, an ode, to one another. Every time you landed on your back, or she hit her knees, the hand that extended was a promise; once more, until we decide to stop. So you went, and suddenly, thunder was no longer thunder; it was your footsteps, your blades crashing together as you fought along the mountains. Valleys and rivers were the places where your bodies had come to meet the earth, the ground giving way beneath you. And volcanoes, mounts of fire and stone, became your holy places; sacred when the scorched earth gave way to green shoots, and life flourished. Victory, and joy; love and war. Battle and Beauty, once again, curious and lovely as it had been when you first loved a young god of war. You love to win, you'd tease, Annie flat on her back before you.
That smile of yours is victory enough, she'd reply; victory enough to see you satisfied.
Among the gods, there were many lime you: minor gods, spirits, creatures above men but below the kings and queens of the universe. In their ranks, Reiner stood, proud and tall as Erwin himself. He was a god of strength, his godhood won through peril and labor etched deep into every inch of his skeleton. He hurt deeply; as deeply as a single soul could, you thought; as deeply as you yourself felt anguish and love and devotion. You would sit, head in your lap, stroking his head as though you could pull the monsters that haunted him our with your finger tips; you kissed him through his tears, and found familiar comfort in his arms. He smelled of the sea and the wind; like the world outside clung to him. He liked to have your hand in his, liked to be close when he could; he would take your hand and dance with you, moving your body along with his in a way that was so natural it felt like you were born to move that way. Love with others felt like magic; with Reiner, it felt like nothing less than home. It felt safe and sweet, like returning to someone you'd known before life; like warm afternoons and peaceful quiet spent next to a person you trust. And you did trust him; from the moment you met, the cord between you was struck and held firm.
It holds us together, like the sky and the mountains that strain to meet it.
Craftsmen; Workers; Builders. The men who worked the forges and hands, stone and metals; these were the realms of the lover forged from iron. He was scarred and beaten, his skin riddled with old marks and burns, but Bertholdt made beauty from such things. He amazed you with his careful gaze and soft voice, the way he pulled the shields of gods and heroes from metal and, with those same hands, strung jewels from your wrists and gold from your neck. He handled you like glass in the hands of a giant; so careful it made you ache each time a careful hand caressed your face, made you yearn for the simplest pleasure, the basest indulgence of all that was him. The smokey scent that clung to his clothes, the faraway look that would make artists and poets alike weep; his care and needle precision in each movement, whether in the forge or at your side, was a silent miracle. He crafted things of wonder from rock, marble, iron, metals and glittering stones with piercing eyes so intent on his work you wondered if he saw a thing other than what was before him. But when you teased him about such things, he would flash that smile that made you melt, eyes glittering with humor as he said;
I work little bits of you into all my work; therefore, my focus is always yours.
The harvests of your lifetime would come and go like any season; the men would rejoice, the gods would revel in their joy; the world would be bright with the promise of lasting through bitter winter. But harvest meant something different when at her side: Pieck, the mother of the harvest, the plentiful one. Like you, she was worshiped as one who intervened for men; a kind god, of blessings, fruitful land, and fruitful bodies. It was said that it was her hands that raised the first mountains, that carved out the maps of the world, that guided the rain and wove clouds from her looms. So when the love between the two of you came to pass, as all storms and sunrises do, it was nothing less than a union of jubilation and bounty; of harvest and affection. The Earth swelled, the trees lifted as the slumber of it's mother was erased; erased by you, and your voice, your step, so quiet on the floors of your rooms, gossamer curtains hiding you away while the morning illuminated the curves, the artful lines of two serene bodies. You found the bends of willows in her arms; she found the breath of the forests on your lips. Like butterflies to petals, her mouth touched yours; like rose you bloomed against her, like ivy, the feel of your fingers on her skin spread. She'd watch you sleep, quiet as death, a goddess of life in pure forms surrendering to love of you while she thought to herself.
I'd make spring blossom forever, keep winter kind, let autumn fall with all it's colors, keep the summer rain sweet, all to see them happy.
And still, you never asked a thing other than the love they gave so freely; all of them, learning from you as you did from them, as gods do when love strikes their endlessly beating hearts. Some were kind; others, cold; still others, doubtful of your mysterious ways over god and man alike. But you loved; you loved fierce and strong, true as waves or wine or words; you laughed like the wind that ran at your heels and painted horizons with the thoughts behind your eyes. You were a lover and a teacher; one of passions and loyalty, ecstasy and warmth;
you were one that none could soon forget.
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arcana-magica · 3 years
Your blog looks super gorgeous! Is it okay if you could do main six and what kind of dates they’ll take w/ mc?
A/N: I get like super excited with cute ideas like this. Endless possibilities. I love fluff forever and always.
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WARNING(S): FLUFF, just really cute and wholesome appreciation, mwah kisses, cutesy whootsy, etc.
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Portia is the cottage core daydream date master. No exceptions.
Cute picnics in fields full of wildflowers?? Absolutely!
Dancing and dessert under the moonlight with fireflies buzzing around the two of you? Duh!!
Mild but still cute dates would include things like reading to each other while lounging in each other’s lap.
A more adventurous date would involve a pirate ship and an unexpected but overly fun experience.
Or laughing in bed on late nights over silly things.
One of Portia’s favorite dates started with a picnic with your favorite bread and ended with a kiss on the cheek.
“Even small moments like this remind me of how lucky I am to have met you.”
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Not to be rude but this man is not good at coming up with date ideas.
He really tries his best though.
This idiot even stresses over planning the perfect dates for you.
Like seriously, he tries so hard to come up with decent ideas. And it’s really hit or miss with him.
A ‘romantic’ adventure/date to collect leeches ending up with the both of you soaking wet and covered in mud. But laughing and happy.
Another ‘romantic’ date to the Rowdy Raven that started off surprisingly well, but ended up awry when a bar fight broke out.
Technically not his fault. He would make sure to point that out.
A somewhat successful date would include an excursion to pick local herbs for the shop with Julian tagging along for no reason at all other than to keep you company.
The most romantic date that was his idea would end up being a trip to the theater as well as dinner (not the Rowdy Raven this time).
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One word. Dramatic.
If he isn’t showing off then it isn’t his idea of a date.
“Just you wait. It’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on, and not only just because you’re going on a date with me.”
He would take you to the fanciest place imaginable.
And demand that everyone there treat you with the most respect. Anything for you.
Balls, parties, and lunch dates galore.
The most impressing date just happened to be a ball where he had an outfit made to match his cape. After all, you are his partner in crime. Fashion crime, that is.
One of the rooms at this ball was solely dedicated to his love for you.
He pouted when you laughed at first when he showed you, but it was actually just because of how surprised you were.
He certainly got a kiss or two after that one.
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He’s bad at any kind of social interaction, so dates at crowded places would not be it.
His idea of taking you on a date is him cooking you a nice dinner in his hut, or having you read to him by the fire on a chilly night.
A more adventurous date he would take you on would be taking you out in the forest to show you the wildlife while telling you everything he knows about it.
He might even try and take you on a walk through town, but he would be uncomfortable the entire time.
(But it would be worth it to see you smile).
“I know I’m not exactly..the best at dates..”
You really couldn’t care where he takes you, but you show your appreciation for his effort with a soft kiss.
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Asra is the casanova of romantic dates. You can’t convince me otherwise.
Blankets and fruit splayed out along the floor of the magic shop with music playing softly in the background.
“I closed the shop down early just for you.”
Exotic trips to his many hidden spots.
Even an especially romantic trip to the magical realm that ended up being his personal favorite.
Late nights filled with laughter, kisses, and special brews of tea he got on trips just for you.
Magical moments that have you smiling while he watches you in fascination.
“You are my light.”
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Dates would be important to her. Like, she really plans these out ahead of time.
“Today we shall dine in and talk about your day before we go horseback riding, and then we can end the day with a relaxing bath and dessert.”
If you don’t know how to ride a horse then Nadia has a solution that will benefit you both: ride with her.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got it all taken care of.”
She even takes you out on spontaneous dates as well, ones that turn out just as mind blowing as the planned ones.
“Anything for you, darling.”
Each and every date leaves you surprised but not at the same time because Nadia has always has a flair for the dramatic in the most nonchalant way.
You’ve never had a bad date with Nadia. Like ever.
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kiyoominous · 3 years
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“why do men have the audacity?” you whine into the void of the midnight stars. the grassy hill that you lay on is filled with the presence of your boisterous self and sakusa, your closest friend from university. with your exclamation, the both of you turn to face each other.
it’s embarrassing to admit to anyone that another guy has seized your heart, broken it and smashed it into the ground but it’s the unfortunate woes of being attracted to men, you suppose.
“i ask myself the same thing everyday.” sakusa replies with his usual blunt tone, as if he didn’t say something controversial.
“wait but you- you’re a- you’re not offended?”
“because it’s not about me.”
and of course it’s not about him but every other guy you’ve been with has gotten so pissy about it, so frustrated. sakusa’s nonchalant reply feels like a breath of fresh air in amidst a suffocating haze of ignorance and malice and toxicity.
you cast your eyes to the sky. the stars look especially pretty today, their twinkling light glowing like fireflies. maybe it’s the grass hill you’re laying on or the gentle breeze skirting across the field or your best friend lying next to you. something about stargazing with another just feels more mesmerising.
“what happened this time?” he asks, breaking the comfortable silence. your head snaps back to his mop of dark curls.
“the guy i broke up with last year want to be friends again.”
“why?” sakusa’s disgust is visible even under the dark of midnight. you give him a giggle in return.
“apparently it’s killing him more to keep his distance than to be in the relationship again.” he can’t see you well but he knows you’re rolling your eyes as you tell him. he heaves a dramatic sigh and it sounds like he’s in more anguish than you.
as you turn back to the stars yet again, sakusa maintains his gaze on you for just a second longer. he follows your lead, staring up at the cosmic expanse above and listening to the wind kissing the world around him. the train tracks of his mind travel from place to place but somehow, the thought of you lingers. he can’t get you out of his head. it doesn’t help that you’re lying right next to him, very closely, might he add.
that stupid man doesn’t deserve you. he never did.
though the thought is a bit of a surprise, sakusa stands by it through and through.
how your ex wasn’t showering you with the love you deserved was beyond him. you’re so smart, so kind, so brave, so caring, so you. and that was the best part, that you were so unashamed in the person you knew you were. you willingly gave your all to someone who pushed you away and you did it all with a smile. that’s your most admirable trait, he muses.
no, he’s not in love with you.
absolutely not.
he’s just... fond of you.
but of course that’s not true. sakusa knows that, the sky above him knows that, the wind carding through his hair knows that. only you don’t know how ardently he loves you. he sees strangers as merely sticks of meat and yet you were the stick that stood out. you still do. staring up at the inky black of the night, he figures that you’re his big dipper in amongst the sea of stars.
“what are you thinking about over there, kiyoomi?” you gentle voice cuts through his misty thoughts. it’s soft yet clear, quiet but pronounced.
i’m thinking about you. i’m thinking about how much i like you. i’m thinking about you, again.
“why do you want to know so badly?” is what he shoots back at you instead, head turning to spot your expression. you huff at him indignantly.
“why not, you — what was it that atsumu called you again?”
“a prickly sea urchin.”
“yeah, you prickly sea urchin.” you giggle. he can’t help but laugh back at you. it’s a rare sight — to see him laughing with his full chest — and you relish all you can get.
sakusa thinks that with all things considered, you shine brighter than every star combined. you’re his star. maybe one day he’ll be brave enough to let you know but he’s okay with keeping it a secret between him and the night sky above.
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katelynthecrazy · 2 years
Moonlit Nights
        Three A.M was probably not the best time to be sneaking out of the dorms, but Katsuki honestly couldn't give a shit less. He had his fingers wrapped tightly around Eijiro's wrist and was hauling the other boy through the woods as the redhead tried fruitlessly to stifle his uncontrollable giggles. If Aizawa caught them, they'd be in so much trouble, and that just made it all the better.
       There was something there, just behind the treeline. Katsuki had found it while hiking around the UA grounds a few days before, and he'd been anxious to show Eijiro ever since. Despite his boyfriend's constant nagging and incessant questions, he'd managed to keep it a surprise too.
       Finally, well hidden from any prowling eyes of the UA staff, they stumbled upon it, and Eijiro gasped. Katsuki grinned at the childlike glee lit upon the sturdy hero's face, watching as sparks danced across his eyes. The field was small, but filled with a dozen species of night-blooming summer flowers and infested with fireflies. The usual noises of the outdoors seemed to stop here, allowing a quiet calm to take over this little haven.
       Katsuki watched Eijiro's teeth sink into his bottom lip, the only warning that his restraint was fraying before the redhead took off into the field, hollering his head off and stirring up the fireflies. The tiny bugs swarmed out of the grass, dozens of soft lights floating in the air without a care more in the world. Their dim yellow glow couple with the cool blue of the full moon washed over Eijiro's skin and lit the flaming red hair, making his boyfriend seem ethereal. Unearthly. Magical.
       The blonde smiled softly, taking up a spot under a pin he knew was comfortable to watch his boyfriend frolic. Eijiro was always gorgeous. He was strong and brave and manly and beautiful, and everyone thought so. But somewhere in his thick, empty, rock-hard skull, Eijiro had gotten stuck on the notion that he wanted Katsuki, and Katsuki wasn't going to be the stupid one that said no to the man who had mastered the puppy-eyes attack.
       A bunch of weeds was suddenly shoved up under his nose, and his sense of smell was assaulted by the pungent fragrance of the meadow flowers. He sneezed. "Oi, Shitty-Hair, you trying to kill me?"
       "What? No!" The redhead gasped, appalled, as he sat down heavily next to the blonde. "I just wanted you to look at them. They're so pretty!"
       Katsuki scoffed, ready with a retort. "Why would I look at something so drab when I've got something ten times prettier right here?"
       Eijiro, being the dense motherfucker that he was, had the audacity to look around like he didn't know what Katsuki meant, and his gaze landed on the sky. "The moon? Yeah, the moon is really pretty tonight."
       Katsuki's eye twitched, trying to be patient. "No, idiot, I meant you."
       A firefly landed on the tip of Ei's nose, lighting up the little blush. "Oh." He blinked slowly, an soft pout crossing his lips as he thought before he shrugged. "Eh. The moon is prettier."
       Katsuki growled the way he always did whenever Ei said something bad about himself. He'd gotten better, so much better, since their first year, but every now and then he still needed to be reminded that-- "First off, shut the fuck up--my boyfriend is five times prettier than some fucking sky rock."
       For whatever reason, Eijiro thought that was really funny. "But Kat," he laughed. "I am a rock. And I'm not even in the sky."
       "Yeah, well guess what?" Katsuki shot back. "The moon is only good-looking because it sits there casting off all this light from the fucking sun, and you're a ray of fucking sunshine, so you're fucking better."
       Eijiro pursed his lips like he had something else self-critical to say about that, but Katsuki's glare pinned him in place and the blonde threw a stiff arm over broad shoulders to pull Eijiro down against his chest. His ear nuzzled into place above Katsuki's heart, thumping out a low steady rhythm tucked away in their little forest alcove, their new secret space,
       They let the crickets chirp for a long few minutes before the redhead spoke up. "But we do agree that the moon is really pretty, right?"
       Katsuki sighed heavily through his nose. "Yes, babe the moon is pretty," he relented. "Fucking beautiful."
       That seemed to appease Eijiro, and Katsuki leaned his head against the other boy and closed his eyes, content to stay like that forever. They couldn't and he knew they couldn't, especially since they set Hound Dog free at five AM to patrol the school grounds, but it was something nice to fantasize about.
       Until Eijiro grew restless again. "Hey Kat?"
       "Yes, Ei?"
       Eijiro smiled smugly against Katsuki's chest. "You're my moon."
       Goddamn it, this man was going to be the death of him.
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Just Right (1)
Part 2
Pairing: Angel Reyes x black!plussized!reader
Summary: If you’ve seen Just Wright then you know what this story is about if you haven’t then it’s about football Angel falling for his physical therapist.
Chapter Warning:  Football AU. You’re gonna hate Angel. And sorry for the Adelita fans (myself included) she’s a bitch in this story.
A/N: I have one more chapter to write and the series will be completed. I don’t know how many chapters though. I gotta figure out the flow.
A/N (2): Shout out to the lovely @starrynite7114​ for encouraging me and helping me write this story. It wouldn’t be possible without her. Love you, girlie!
If you like what you read here’s my masterlist and if you want to be tagged here’s the link to my taglist.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Gif credit: @angels-reyes​
The past couple of months were surreal. A chance encounter with famed football star, Angel Reyes led to an unlikely friendship. Then, it took an unexpected turn when he began dating and eventually became engaged to your family friend, Adelita. But the most unbelievable was when you became his physical therapist after a nasty knee injury that could potentially end his career.
Adelita asked you to do the job because she didn’t trust the therapist that his team had hired even though she was the best in the business. According to Adelita, the woman was out to steal Angel from her. That’s why when you came to Angel’s mansion for work for the day you were in for the shock of your life.
“What are you doing here?” EZ, Angel’s equally famous and talented baseball player brother asked while running down the stairs.
You looked at EZ warily. He’s been nothing but kind to you this entire time. “To work. Did I do something wrong?”
EZ ticked his head at you in disbelief. “Don’t play the innocent card,” he scoffed staring you down.
“Innocent? What?” Clicking of shoes alerted you of someone’s presence. Looking up you saw Felipe coming downstairs. “Mr. Felipe, what is he talking about?”
Felipe stayed on the staircase as he talked to you. “I wanna believe you, preciosa, but you’re too close to her not to know.”
Adelita. She was the only person who wasn’t there. “Adelita? What did she do?”
“Like you don’t know.” EZ accused with venom you didn’t know he had in him. He shoved the letter in your hand.
Dear Angel,
I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore. To see you like this is hurting me. I wish you the best of luck.
Felipe and EZ both read your face as you processed the letter, and it was then they knew you were just as surprised as them.
“My god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. Is Angel ok?” You began trekking up the stairs, but EZ stopped you. “EZ, I didn’t know! Now move.” You tried to push him, but it was like pushing a wall.
“I know, I know, I know.” He repeated while blocking you. “But he,” he pointed towards Angel’s room. “Won’t. At least not right now. Give him some time.”
EZ was right. Angel was stubborn and wouldn’t listen to you. Running down the stairs you went for the front door. “Where are you going now?”
“To the one person I’m gonna make talk to me.”
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Rarely did you use the key to Adelita’s apartment, respecting her space. But fuck her space now.
“Addie!” You yelled, running to her room. “What the?” She was fixing her makeup like she was going out.
“¿Mande?” She asked putting on her mascara. “That’s it? What? You have nothing to say?”
Adelita didn’t even spare you a glance as she went to get her heels. “Y/N, you’re not making any sense. What are you talking about?”
Oh, this bitch. She knew exactly what you were talking about. Adelita is far from dumb. “How are you gonna leave Angel? And like that? And give me no heads up.”
“Lo siento!”
“You’re sorry? Adelita,” you groaned. “You know better than that!”
She finally slowed down and looked at you. “I’m really am. It’s just,” she sighed and looked out the window to avoid your eyes. Adelita was a guarded person and didn’t let anyone see her vulnerabilities, even you, her childhood friend. “He would’ve tried to talk me out of it if I done it in person.”
“Duh! You two are engaged, Addie! What changed?”
“His career!”
“Wow, Adelita. Just wow. I didn’t take you for a gold-digging bitch.”
“I’m not a gold digger! I just can’t help and bring attention to the cause with a washed up has been. Mi gente deserve better.” Adelita always been about helping the people of Mexico because of her dual citizenship. But her dedication to it made her single-minded and she tended to ice everyone out. Typical Adelita. Screwing everyone over to get what she wants.
“Anything else?” She asked when you didn’t respond to her.
Saying nothing you shook your head and left her be. There was no changing her mind.
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Work consisted of avoiding Angel. You stayed in your guest room and only ventured out when you knew that Angel was in his room. But that didn’t matter, because you could always hear Mr. Felipe and EZ beg him to come out of his room.
One day you were brave enough to go into his room, only to get your feelings hurt.
“Angel I know this hard, but you gotta get up man. Adelita was fucked up-”
“Are you my therapist or my physical therapist?” His words were colder than the frigid weather in Alaska.
Lowly you answered him while looking anywhere but directly in his eyes. “Physical therapist.”
Getting up for the first time for the day, Angel crowded your space until your back hit the door. “Then be that and nothing else.” He twisted the doorknob, letting you out and slamming the door closed once you were out.
Mr. Felipe stared at you with the sad puppy dog eyes he passed down to his son. “He didn’t mean it. He’s lashing out at everyone.”
“I know, but it still hurts.” You patted Felipe on his back and went to your room. Even if Angel wouldn’t let you rehabilitate with keeping himself cooped up, you still had work to do. You spent all your work hours studying Angel’s injury and reading up on the latest research to devise a treatment plan. Everything was coming together. All you needed was the actual client to show up and participate.
The day after your little debacle with Angel, he got an unexpected visitor. “Coming,” you yelled down the hall at the whoever was knocking on the door. Swinging open the door, you almost passed out. It was Rio Sanchez, star player of Angel’s rival team.
“Um, um, um, hi!” You finally managed to greet him. You wiped down your sweaty hands on your leggings and shook his hand (which by the way were ginormous). He was even more beautiful in person. His bright smile was blinding and sorta made you weak in the knees.
“Hi, so you Reyes’ new maid or something?” He eyed you up and down, hoping you were the maid and not Angel’s girlfriend. Even all sweaty, you were too beautiful for Angel.
“Nah, I’m the physical therapist. Umm, come on in and I’ll get Angel.” Just as Rio came into the foyer Angel came down the stairs. “What the fuck are you doing here?”  Angel tugged on your wrist and moved you behind him. He didn’t appreciate the predatory stare Rio was giving you.
Rio chuckled at Angel’s possessiveness. “Man, I was just checking on you. I had to make sure you’re getting healthy, but you look like shit.”
Angel eyed him suspiciously. “You really want me to believe that you want me to get better?”
“Yeah man.” Rio lightly jabbed him in the shoulder. “Me winning that Superbowl ring ain’t as fun without you on the field. So, mama,” he looked at you over Angel’s shoulder. “Get him better and then,” he pulled out a business card and handed it to you. “Give me call.” Rio gave you a goodbye wink and left.
Angel stood there heated. That little punk really came to his house and challenged him.
“You done moping around and ready to wipe the smirk off that smug bitch’s face or you gonna let him bitch you out in your home?”
He finally turned to you and graced you with a smile you haven’t seen in days. “Let’s get to work.”
“You sure?” You cocked your head to the side. “Because you’re gonna hate me more than these past couple of days.”
Angel knew he deserved that little dig. He’s been a little shit to you. “I’m sorry for being a douchebag, but there’s no possible way I could hate you.”
Laughter bubbled up until you were full on cackling like a Disney villain. “Oh, we’ll see.”
Tagging: @ourlittlesecretsoveragain​ @starrynite7114​ @sambucky​8 @mygirlrenee​ @richonne4life​ @readsalot73​ @chaneajoyyy​ @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat​ @jassydwill11​ @otomefromtheheart​ @xsweetdellzx​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @my-rosegold-soul​ @angrythingstarlight​ @brattyfics​ @lovebennycolon​ @langiinspirations​ @chibsytelford​ @trulysuccubus​ @spookys-girl​ @sesamepancakes​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @fvckthisbxtchup​ @theartisticqueen​ @vsfavs​ @angelreyesgirl​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @woahitslucyylu​ @blessedboo​ @cherryblossomgirl20
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ok ok, so i'm new at requesting lol. i absolutely adore your work ( and for some reason this is the only blog posting karube content? whats up with that, the barista needs more love ) but that brings me to why i'm here. something soft with karube, maybe he finally gets that farm in australia he wanted. slow dancing by moonlight. just an idea i had, totally cool if you don't do it lol.
Yes Karube doesn’t get the love that he deserves 👏😔 Such a cute idea, I hope you like it 💕
Moonlight Dance | Daikichi Karube
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Karube
Summary: You stay at your boyfriend Karube’s farm in Australia for a holiday together, and he asks you an important question.
Warnings: a suggestive theme (but it’s only one sentence)
Word Count: 2.1k
*reader is gender-neutral
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Karube gif credit
You sat on the deck chair that was placed near the end of the porch. The dusk light of the sun covered you like a warm blanket, making you feel safe and at home. The distant sound of lorikeets cheeping in the trees together filled your ears, making you smile.
Karube had managed to buy himself a decent farm along the east coast of Australia. He had invited you to come over as soon as it was his because he was so excited to share it with you. And you couldn’t blame him, it was beautiful.
It was a far way from any sort of urban environment, so it was constantly quiet and soothing, leaving only the sound of nature to fill the air.
You were so proud that Karube was finally able to achieve his dream. Even if it was just as simple as this, you couldn’t be more happy.
You closed your eyes and relaxed in the evening sun. You wanted to enjoy the warm light just before it fell asleep behind the horizon, because night time did get quite chilly sometimes.
After a short few minutes, you felt a gentle hand on your arm, making you open your eyes. Your boyfriend Karube was sitting on the ground on a cushion next to you with a lit cigarette poking out of his mouth, giving you a loving smile. He was wearing his usual blue, faded jeans with a plain black t-shirt. “You tired love?” he asked, rubbing your arm soothingly.
You nodded. “A little bit. I might get an early night.” You sat up and reached your hands behind your back to stretch them. You sighed satisfyingly after hearing some bones pop in your back. You had only been at Karube’s farm for a few days, and you already feel more relaxed than anything.
You leant sideways and leant yourself against his broad shoulders, making him snuggle into you. The silence between you was so comfortable, making you feel at ease and at home. Karube always managed to make you feel that way no matter where you both were.
“Hey! Before you get anymore tired, can I show you something?” he suddenly asked, becoming all excited. He turned, making you sit up off him.
You nodded and chuckled at his excitement. He acted like a giant kid at times, which never failed to make you laugh.
He scrambled to his feet and ran inside through the back doors to the house. “Just wait there! I have to grab something,” he said.
You watched and laughed as he almost tripped on the carpet before regaining his balance and running again. You waited patiently while watching as the sun began disappearing over the horizon, making the sky fade to a soft orange.
You hoped things could stay this tranquil and calm forever. With Karube by your side, you didn’t need anything else.
You turned as you heard soft footsteps behind you. Karube returned having discarded his cigarette and was now holding out his hand to you. “Let’s go! We don’t want it to get too late before we get there cause we’ll get cold,” he encouraged.
You took his hand happily. “Where exactly are we going?” you asked curiously as Karube and you stepped off the porch onto the grass.
“It won’t be a surprise if I tell you,” he beamed, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. “You’ll have to be patient and see for yourself.”
You huffed out an annoyed sigh. He always had such a thrill from surprising you with things, whether it be something huge like a holiday away or a small gift he bought you. He was full of surprises, so you became accustomed to his playful ways.
You both walked along the grass fields for a while, chasing each other and enjoying the time together. Karube picked up every flower he could find and kept adding it to the stash in your arms, insisting that you kept a hold of them so you could put them in a water vase when you got back to the house. You took your jacket off and used it as a makeshift bag, lugging all of the colourful flowers along as he brought them to you.
He kept relating some part of you to each one, like “This one would go well with your hair.” or “This one matches your favourite shirt.” It was so endearing watching him be so invested in such little things about life. It made you feel so lucky to have someone who enjoyed such minor yet beautiful things.
As the sun disappeared from the sky and the moon shone bright over the farm fields, Karube walked along behind you with his arms wrapped around your shoulders. He was kissing your cheek every few minutes and whispering sweet nothings into your ears.
“Are you getting cold baby?” he asked, concerned. You shook your head. “No. You’re like a human blanket,” you laughed, pulling him closer by his arms so his chest was against your back.
Karube grinned and tucked his face into your neck and left a few light kisses on your skin. “You’re so cute,” he breathed out against you and tickled your waist slightly, making you squirm in his arms.
You both trudged along the long grass for a while, going to wherever Karube was planning. He had pulled out a torch from his back pocket when it got too dark to see where you were stepping.
When you both shortly arrived at a large field that was surrounded by a metal fence, Karube brought you over to the gate and unlatched it from the fence, motioning for you to step inside. The field was completely empty, containing nothing but long blades of grass and the moonlight shimmering off it.
You stared up at the moon, mesmerized by its light and fullness. You had never seen it that bright before.
Karube walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and tucked his chin on your shoulder. “You want to have some fun?” he whispered into your ear.
You leant back to look at him in shock. “Here? We’re in the middle of a field,” you said, taken back by his bold words.
He laughed and placed his hand on your head, messing your hair up. “That’s not what I meant, naughty,” he chuckled. “Watch this.”
You watched in wonder as Karube started running along the grass with a sudden trail of fireflies rising up out of the ground as he jogged. An excited grin painted across your face as you laughed at your boyfriend, loving seeing him happy.
“Come on!” he yelled after a while of you watching him. You lifted your legs and followed, looking behind you as fireflies sprouted from the long grass, chirping and singing while flashing their lights.
It was such a gorgeous scene. You and Karube chasing each other and tackling to the ground as little stars scattered around you, making the moment almost seem magical. It was a once in a lifetime experience.
Once you both had grown tired, you leant against a small tree that was planted in the corner of the field. You were tucked into his chest, breathing in his scent to relax you.
“Thanks so much for inviting me here babe,” you mumbled against him, earning his soft hand stroking your hair gently. “Why wouldn’t I? I love you so much, I want to share my life with you.”
His words made your heartstrings dance in your chest and your face heat up. Even after being with him for several years, he still knew how to make your heart race with simple words.
You pushed your head even closer to his chest so your cheek was squished up against the cotton material of his shirt. You could feel his heartbeat, rapidly pulsing at a mile a minute. It was almost banging against his ribcage. You frowned and leant back to look into his eyes with concern.
“Are you okay baby?” you asked worryingly. You rubbed your hand against his chest, over his heart. “You’re hearts beating very fast.”
You saw Karube look to the ground to avoid your gaze while he answered you. “It’s probably just from running around before, I’m still a bit out of breath.”
You glanced at him for a little longer before shrugging it off.
Both of you observed the grassy field in front of you in a comfortable silence. Your eyes widened as you saw the ground blossom in bright moonlight, seeing as the clouds had separated to let the moon’s shine through. You smiled and turned to Karube excited.
“Come here!” you pressed, grabbing his hand and pulling him out to the small patch of shorter grass where the moon was shining. “I want to dance.”
“Dance?” Karube repeated. “Baby, you know I can’t dance,” he laughed nervously. You shook your head at his claim and grabbed his hands to place on your waist while you wrapped yours around his neck. “I don’t care, I’m not the best dancer either.”
You slowly began swaying your bodies, spinning in slow circles while keeping your foreheads pressed together and looking into each other’s eyes lovingly. You swore every time you looked at Karube, you felt yourself fall for him more and more.
You saw in your peripheral vision some fireflies beginning to make their way out of the grass again and buzz around the two of you as you slow-danced in the moonlight. You chuckled to yourself, it must have looked like the cliché romantic Disney movie scene, but you wouldn’t have asked for anything more or less.
After a few minutes of silent swaying and feeling the cold breeze on your skin, Karube stopped his movements and pulled back from you. You looked at him confused as to why he stopped.
“Well, I guess there isn’t a better time than now,” he started, making you frown.
Karube gazed into your eyes with a big, goofy smile on his face. His breathing was a bit unleveled. He seemed very nervous.
“Uh, Y/N. I just want to say that, over the past few years I’ve known you, you’ve made me the happiest man I could have ever hoped to have been. You’ve made me a better person in myself, and also have taught me really valuable lessons through our relationship,” he stated, fiddling with the material of your clothes. You smiled at him, a smile spreading across your features as he continued. “I want to thank you for always being there for me, through both the good times and the bad times. I honestly don’t know where I would be without you. And that is why I am doing this.”
You watched in wonder as Karube separated himself from you and slowly knelt down onto one knee. Your heart stopped, there’s no way he was doing what you were thinking he was doing.
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small violet box before holding it out to you in both hands. “Y/N L/N, will you please make me the happiest person on earth for the rest of my life and marry me?” He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous ring.
His hopeful eyes glistened in the moonlight up at you. You were covering your mouth in shock, tears filling up your eyes. You couldn’t believe it.
You nodded your head yes, and knelt down to Karube to give him the biggest hug you could ever give, head tucked into his neck and arms wrapped around his shoulders tightly. You heard him let out a big sigh of happiness and wrap his arms around you, squeezing you just as tight.
You leant back and crashed your lips onto his in a heated kiss. You held each other close underneath the moonlight, being the happiest souls that the moon would see for the time it would be awake.
You squealed as Karube suddenly broke the kiss and lifted you up into his arms with your legs clinging around his waist. He had tears of happiness rolling down his cheeks, making you reach out and wipe them away with your thumb gently before giving him another loving kiss on his lips.
“Thank you so much Y/N,” he whispered against your lips happily. “I couldn’t have asked for anything more in my life than you for the rest of it.” You couldn’t speak, so happy and emotional from the event. Your expression said it all to him.
As you slowly made your way back to the house to spend a happy and romantic night together, you and Karube were glued to each other’s side, laughing and cuddling in the cold night air.
He now had everything he ever dreamed of, and he couldn’t have been more happy about it.
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twstdreams · 3 years
A Bouquet to Share: Flower Foraging
CYOA: Chronic Hanahaki AU
Length: 2K | ao3 link
Warnings: fluff, mentions of flu/cold
You’re waiting in front of the mirror for your turn to pass, behind the infamous first years. No one in NRC isn’t aware of the prefect and their friends, mostly how they perpetually get themselves in all sorts of trouble. 
“Hey, wasn’t the prefect going to be in our group?” Jack asks
“Oh, they couldn’t make it because they got sick,” Deuce answers. There’s a pause as the unasked question lingers in the air. If they’re just suffering from a passing virus or if it’s that illness.
“With a normal cold,” Ace clarifies, “Grim’s been complaining about having to take care of them.”
You think you’ve heard ten different iterations of this conversation before. Some with Octa A-kun, another with a Pomefiore duo, the same rumours and inquiries always start flying when winter is broken by spring’s warm touch. Everyone wants to know who has hanahaki and chronic sufferers are always the first suspect. People attempt to deduce who’s sick because of pollen or because of the flowers blooming in their lungs. It’s not a lethal disease with modern magic and technology, but you swear enough drama follows it to make up for the lack of imminent doom.
“Hand!” the ghost before you demands once you’re at the front of the line. You offer the back of your hand and immediately a rose is stamped on it, proof that you’re a student who has access to the Great Seven botanical gardens. Then you step through the mirror and are greeted by the site of a massive glass structure. You’re excited to explore the grounds. Each area is its own biome with unique flora and fauna which flourish in that environment. Personally, you’re hoping to see the aquatics section for fun, but you need to ensure that you complete your assignment first.
“Meet each other in the tropical region in two hours!” you text to Jamil and he responds with an affirmation. You two had already agreed to this prior to the project. Most people are wandering the gardens with their partner, but you know Jamil has his hands full with Kalim. You just hope Jamil will actually get to appreciate a couple flowers too.
Officially, the headmaster says this is a field trip for all grades because botany is useful in several fields of magic. You think it’s because a massive amount of students visiting from a prestigious school gets him some sort of discount, but those aren’t thoughts you voice out loud. Not that you care, the Great Seven Botanical gardens hosts some unique and deadly plants, even more so than the poisonous flowers allowed to bloom on campus. You can't choose a lot of them for your assignment but nothing is stopping you from visiting them if you have extra time. Plus, activities amongst different classes aren’t that common, let alone those in various years. If you’re lucky, you might see Malleus amongst the flowers.
You’ve only met Malleus at night, on late walks while perhaps avoiding a guard or two. The daffodils at the entrance remind you of your first meeting with Malleus. But you can’t recall clearly, was there only one daffodil at the spot where you met or several?
Staying up late the night before to cram for a test, only to crash and take a nap afterwards completely messed up your sleep schedule. No amount of staring at your ceiling was going to make you drowsy. Besides, you want to explore the campus and check out some night-blooming flowers. You spotted several during the day but hadn’t gotten the chance to see them underneath the moonlight. 
You slip out of your dorm to enjoy the slight breeze and fresh air entering your lungs. Exploring the campus at night feels a little liminal. Not to say that it was silent, some nocturnal familiars scurry around, a ghost or two floating, and more than a couple of students here and there creating background noise. But it's interesting to see a campus normally overflowing with life morph into something restful and quiet. The closer you get to the Ramshackle dorm, the more this effect becomes more pronounced.
You spot plenty of random vegetation growing on the lawns of the dorm. You’d be willing to bet a week’s worth of lunches that dorm hasn’t had real maintenance for at least a decade. Horrid for the prefect living there, you really do feel bad for them, but lots of fun for your midnight flower foraging trip. Your phone battery is dying fast with the flashlight so you test out a new spell you’ve recently learned. You murmur the incantation and a ball of light forms in the palm of your hand. You try to extend it so it acts as a familiar but the light begins to flicker so you’re stuck with having it illuminate the area around your hand. A little testing, a failure or two, and you’re able to create a soft light to guide you. Your hand is nothing but a glorified flashlight, but you can see your surroundings so it’s not a total fail. Unfortunately, what you thought was some pretty evening primrose is actually daffodils.
“How odd. You’re not one of the Ramshackle inhabitants,” a voice notes. You’re certain a ghost has come to lecture you, but you let out a gasp when you realize a living being is behind you.
“I’m, uh, yeah I don’t live here,” you admit, “Just wanted some fresh air. I couldn’t sleep.” You were honestly hoping to avoid all dorm leaders, you know some don’t take kindly to students leaving their dorm after hours, and you think some greater force must be laughing at you because somehow you’ve stumbled upon the most mysterious and powerful one.
“And you came to this abandoned building to do that?” His voice is even. You’re not sure if there’s an accusation laced in his statement or if his regal airs just make him always seem confident and a bit unfriendly.
“I thought it’d be cool to see the night-blooming flowers too,” you add, “There’s supposed to be some evening primrose and moonflowers beneath a gargoyle but I can’t figure out which one it is.” 
“I can introduce you to the correct gargoyle,” Malleus comments. Your head, which is frantically processing information and doing its best to be logical, tells you that’s probably a social cue to ask him to show you where the gargoyle is. Your mind, however, is still trying to comprehend how the heck you ended up meeting the Malleus Draconia on a weedy lawn.
“I am part of the gargoyle appreciation society,” he continues but the way his lips were pressed into a thin line indicates that you’ve spent a little too long coming up with a response.
“Oh! That’s impressive,”—now isn’t a good time to admit you didn’t know that club existed—“if you don’t mind, then I’d really appreciate it!” He nods once in acknowledgement and you begin trailing after the dragon fae. 
“Do you know about each of the gargoyles?” you ask; you ought to express interest in his passions when he’s doing you a favour. You’re not sure what to expect, but it was most definitely not an encyclopedic infodump about Ramshackle’s gargoyles.
“This is the first gargoyle, located on the entrance to the east building. Are you able to see it?” Before you had a chance to answer, Malleus casts a spell of light that creates fake fireflies which illuminate your surroundings. 
“Now I can. It kind of looks like a crow,” you answer. The gargoyle is easy to see but you think Malleus’ elegant magic is more beautiful. Your lightbulb of a hand is almost embarrassing and you quickly stop the spell.
“It is a crow, which is extremely rare for a gargoyle. This is the only one I’ve ever seen. Its quality means it must have been made by a famous craftsman. It looks like it could take flight at any moment.” He goes on about the history of the gargoyles here; you’ve never really been interested in them but the way Malleus talks about them with such excitement makes you engaged. It’s the way that extensive knowledge is intertwined with informed hypotheses while the excitement in his tone never leaves. Hearing Malleus talk about something he loves feels enchanting and endearing. His bubbling enthusiasm is cute.
“This is the gargoyle with the evening primrose and moonflowers,” Malleus announces. Once he finishes his little spiel about its history, you begin to take pictures of the flowers. You want to ask if you can take a picture of him; there’s something so odd about this experience that you want a picture to prove it is real. However, the fresh air has awaken your brain cells and they let you know that perhaps asking someone you just met for a photo in the dead of night is not the best idea. But well, Malleus has been pretty accommodating so you decide to ask for another favour.
“If you don’t mind, could you teach me that light spell?” you inquire. The surprise is evident in his expression and you wonder if you’re being too selfish.
“Is that so? You want me to help you with your spell? Interesting,” he comments and honestly, the pause makes you so nervous you regret ever opening your mouth, “Very well. Show me what you can do.” Even though you're the one who asked, you're a little surprised that the Malleus Draconia has agreed to some impromptu tutoring.
“I can summon a light but I’m having trouble making it steady after it stops making contact with my body,” you explain while taking out your wand. You murmur the incantation and a soft light envelopes your hand while illuminating your surroundings. As the light starts to float away, its shape begins to morph and looks like a blob of light which never stays a consistent shape, akin to a lava lamp. 
“You have enough magic to power the spell. The changing shape suggests that you’re having trouble imagining the outcome,” Malleus sumrises, “Why don’t you try mimicking the shape of mine?” Malleus adjusts the shape of his firefly lights into simple spheres. Unfortunately, it does not go so smoothly for you. First the light looks like a balloon, then it shrinks to the size of a marble, but when you have it at a reasonable size then the edges of the ball begin to quiver.
“I’m sorry it’s taking me so long,” you mutter. Sure, you don’t expect to be on the same level as someone as infamous as the Diasomnia dorm leader, but this feels embarrassing.
“You aren’t expected to master everything at the beginning. Don’t be shy,” he reassures. His comforting words encourage you to calm down. You take in a deep breath and start again. The light transforms into a uniform sphere—your own little sun for this corner of the world the two of you are tucked away in.
“I did it!” you exclaim, “It’s all thanks to your advice!” You toss the light between your hands before extending it to float beside Malleus’.
“You already completed the basics. I only offered some advice,” he gently protests but a smile remains on his face all the same.
“What’s the incantation to change its colour again?” you ask, and Malleus says it aloud for you to repeat. You alter your spell, dying it in your favourite colour, then allow it to dance in the sky. His luminescent green light merges with yours, and the spells twine with each other.
Since then you’ve taken to late-night walks for exercise and hopes of meeting Malleus. You haven’t exactly been charming—
“Are you here to admire gargoyles?” Malleus inquires when the two of you meet in the dead of night yet again.
“No, but I can,” you offer. Admitting to the ruler of the valley of thorns that you have been wandering around at night to see him again because you’re very intrigued and a little enamoured is not ideal. Luckily Malleus never questions your intent.
— but the two of you are on friendly terms now. So far no flowers were blooming in your lungs, but you’d be lying if you said a crush wasn’t taking root in your heart. But before you could linger on any hypothetical flowers, you have to pick an actual flower for your assignment! As a second year, you will have to grow whichever flower you pick back at school. 
Which flower will you choose? Vote here
White and pink carnations
Crimson astilbe (feather flowers)
Purple snapdragons
Orange tiger lilies
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