#the other option is that no one actually wants to see why rook is always so desperate to keep people out of his room
egophiliac · 14 days
@enderfore replied to your post “What do you think of Rook's savanaclaw card? <333”:
Chenya pic where???? I can barely see anything in that room there so much going on, rooks such a lil freak (affectionatr)
​he's under the row of flags on Neige's side of the room, next to the big Neige poster with the yellow background (look just to the right of the hand holding the apple)! he's REAL little; once you know he's there you can kind of see him in-game, but I only noticed him in the first place because I took a screenshot and was having fun zooming in on all the details!
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I think that's either Hop or Snick and Dominic on either side of Neige, but if the others are meant to be anyone in particular I don't recognize 'em. though I do love all the absolutely terrifying implications of Rook having this. was this some kind of officially-published merchandise (and if so, why) or did Rook like...go hunting through the RSA trash to find this random student lineup just because it included Neige, and has had it hanging proudly on the wall ever since. (I mean, he definitely did do this, I don't know why I'm asking. the real question is why he hasn't cut out little pictures of his own face and stuck them over everyone else's yet.)
there is seriously SO MUCH in this room. how did Rook manage to keep this hidden for three years. also, somebody give this background artist a raise immediately.
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avaisnerdytoo · 3 months
5YL Ep7 Motion Comic:
Some quick thoughts from the episode in which I found tons of affinity on. (Link to watch at the bottom of this thingy).
This episode presents a dilemma which I personally have a bit of personal fascination on. If you have a character that is all powerful, should they, or should they not ascend to godhood?
There are 3 characters I love in this world, Flash, Iron-Man (with less direct comparison in this instance), and Ben, all 3 possess the means to shape the world as they like, to exert some kind of weight onto everything else which only they can lift.
Granted Ben, through Alien X far exceeds my other two examples, but the question remains similarly.
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If all 3 of these characters are heroes, shouldn't they take the reigns of the world?
Surely their judgment would spare us all, they have their hearts on the right place!
I hadn't typed this out publicly before, but dorky me actually likes to imagine many stories, including ones were my OC has some kind of access to significant power, as a fun wild card in my own stories.
Part of the fun of stories however, are challenges, and in my own, I try to maintain a sense of realism, although in such cases, I do often think to myself...
If I were in that situation, it would be seriously tempting to pull that kind of card, even if for something simple...
"Oh, character is stuck in the past with no way home except a tedious process of gathering all the resources to make a time machine to head back? Why not skip it and pull the Alien X card - or whatever OP thing for whatever example - and literally just go back home?
You were going to do it anyway... In this example the character has the knowledge to fix the problem, they simply made it easy on themselves, the faster they get back home the faster they get back to helping right? They don't have to use Alien X/OP Thing to solve the problem back home, they simply used him to return.
And as small excuses begin becoming bigger, slowly there are less reasons not to use him for everything."
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I like Ben calling out "Life" as a good reason not to go through with using Alien X. That level of responsibility exceeds anything anyone should ever carry, as humans I mean. Not to mention the complete loss of reality to everyone else, would things even be "happening" at that point?
Kuro once said that he likes Ben not using him even without any deadlocks as it shows a massive sign of mental fortitude, every time he uses another transformation, he is choosing to be better.
And as contextualized in the comic, as a sign of respect for the symbol of the watch.
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One head canon I like to play with is the idea that, "if Ben has full control of Alien X, perhaps as time went on he also acquires all the omnipresence that comes with it, as Belicus and Serena practically aren't involved at all, he could, like Dr. Manhattan, see it all, the whole universe as a static picture, only he doesn't retain the knowledge because it would be too much to handle".
To be honest, I always wondered how other characters would react to Ben having to full control of Alien X, true free control. Previously, they all understood the hassle that would be the arguments needed to make him work, but now?
The Hero of Heroes has always shown excellent judgment, he clearly can be trusted, why not get ahead?
Rook logically supporting the suggestion, or Kevin not understanding why freeing others of pain wouldn't be the instant choice feels right in character for me. And if I were not Ben, but alongside him, I would also feel some degree of pressure to wanting him to spare us all of anything further.
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It should be evident by now that I haven't read the rest of the comic, I was actually doing so, and then I kinda dropped it haha, not out of distaste though, far from it hahaha.
I'll definitely get back into reading though, this is absolutely amazing.
Watch 5YL EP7 : The Ink Tank on YouTube
Read 5YL : The Ink Tank Website with multiple reading options.
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Other Options
A.N: This takes place just after SDC and just before Book 6. Something that has always been on my mind since reading Book 5, so here is a Vil with my TWST OC Mia moment. 
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
Mia was walking back to Ramshackle Dorm and decided to take a more scenic route, leading her through the garden with the well. She slowed down, when she saw Vil sitting on the bench, legs crossed and hand holding his phone loosely. He would have made a picturesque sight, if not for the heated glare the grass besides him was receiving. 
She would have kept walking, but it hadn’t been long since SDC ended. She was having war flashbacks already with the look on his face. In addition, Vil was usually aware of his surroundings. As close as she was, he should have looked up, instead the grass was the recipient of his ire. 
So she spoke up, “Whatever happened, I’m 99% sure that it wasn’t the grass’ fault.” 
She watched, as it seemed that Vil suddenly snapped back to himself.  
She mentally applauded him for being able to pivot so quickly as he calmly, he looked up at her, “Ahh, spudling….was there something you need?” 
She looked amused at this, “Not really, just passing through. Are you okay?” 
“I am fine, prefect.” 
Mia bounced her head once, “You sure?” 
Vil exhaled once, “I’m sure.” 
Once again, his agent called about a job and once again, it was for the same old villain part. Vil was half tempted to fire this agent for his lack of comprehension. What part of, he wanted to focus on his schooling, did they not understand? What part of he was tired o the same old villain routine, did they fail to comprehend? Did the words he speak, go in one ear and out the other?  
He supposed he was too deep in thought that he didn’t realize another student had seen him simmering. He quashed down his embarrassment. Vil knew he should have kept this behind close doors, but they ranged him at an inopportune moment, leading to this scenario.
Vil was surprised to see Mia looking at him once he came back to himself. He supposed there were worse students to get caught by. He could see the concern and caution in her eyes. It hadn’t been long since his SDC overblot, and he was sure that was partly the reason she was looking at him in censure. 
However, Vil could tell that Mia didn’t buy his words as she narrowed his eyes at him.  But she won silent points in his book when she slowly turned and was intending on continuing on her way without another word anyway. 
He exhaled silently out of his nose, as a few thoughts rose in his head, “Mia!” 
She pivoted on her heel to look at him. Vil was used to commanding others full attention, but it was nice to see the concern in her eyes and not adoration as she gazed at him. 
“Did you have a minute?” 
Mia gave a single nod. 
“I’m curious about something. Have you ever seen any of my movies?”
Mia raised an eyebrow, “Rook insisted on a movie night at Ramshackle once he heard I had never seen any of your movies. So, Epel, Rook and I watched one. It was the first time I saw one.” 
“Oh? And your thoughts? You are from a different world, yes? Perhaps you will have a bit more of a bias opinion.” 
“I thought it was cool. I liked it. Very riveting. I got chills from your part, actually. I can see why it’s so popular.” 
Vil fought not to roll his eyes. He had heard this before, “Thank you. So tell me, as well as you liked or didn’t like my part in the movie, could you see me as a hero like Neige?” 
Mia answered so fast, Vil got whiplash. He blinked comically for a minute before he gripped his phone, his nose flaring, “Spudling, I expect an honest answer. Do not say words you do not mean, to coddle my feelings!” 
To his shock, Mia laughed once, “Okay, I’m sorry. Can I see you as a hero like Neige, that’s the question, correct?” 
“Yes, spudling.”
“Okay and this is the answer…..” a pause, “....yes!” 
Vil just stared at her, making her come over and plop down next to him. He just continued to stare at her, unable to comprehend her words. She had to be lying. Why was he even asking her again? 
Could he chalk it up to an emotional moment on his part? 
Ah, he really needed to evaluate himself again. Ever since his overblot, he hadn’t quite found his footing again. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
At Vil’s nod, Mia continued, “It’s never been the right time to ask, but it’s passed through my mind. You are always typecast as the villain, correct, but you want to do a hero role, right? Soooo why don’t you again?” She held up her hand when he opened his mouth, “I know you are subject to this world’s directors and scriptwriters and all that, but that’s not what I mean. I mean, you're Vil Schoenheit, why can’t you make a movie you want to star in yourself?” 
Vil stared at her.
She continued on quickly, “I mean, I know you probably want the bigwigs to make the script and let you be the hero, but I guess no one’s listening so far. I mean, I’m making assumptions here, but you have money and connections, surely you can hire a scriptwriter to make a script you want to see.”
“Also, does the movie have to come from the bigwigs? Couldn’t you use the Film Studies Club and make a movie with a hero part you want to see? And then if you do that, does it have to go to the big theaters? Could you put it on MagicTube? I don’t know if this world has film festivals, but if they do, couldn’t you send the movie there?” 
Mia blew a frustrated breath, aware she was rambling by now, “The point I’m trying to make is…”
Vil was half amused, although he didn’t show it, as she tried to copy his signature hand move, as she finished, “You're Vil Schoenheit, don’t you have other options if no one is listening?” 
A prolong silence descended as Vil took time to process all that Mia had said. She looked away from him, embarrassed, while he just sat unblinkingly. 
Mia looked uneasily back at him, “I’m sorry. It’s probably not my place to say all that. You clearly know what you are doing.” 
“I’m not going to accept that apology, prefect. I said I wanted your opinion, whatever it may be. And honestly, after my overblot, can you really say I clearly know what I’m doing?” 
“You had moment. Everyone has moments. It’s just since ya’ll are magical, it turns into a physical manifestation that us non-magical people do not have.” 
Vil eyed her, “Are you trying to assuage me?” 
“Heaven forbid! But since, I’m already in hot water. I may as well make it scalding…” 
Vil just raised an eyebrow. The short time he had spent with her doing SDC, he realized that she had a flair for the dramatics. Not as bad as Rook, but she had a way with words and could generally hold her own around the other students.  
“You are a good actor and whatever part you play, needs skills. So yes, I do think you would make a great hero. However, you aren’t going to be a hero exactly like Neige. He has his own brand of heroism. You need to figure out what yours will be and look like.” 
Mia saw a small quirk of a smile on Vil’s face as he spoke, “Wow, is this you trying to give me a pep talk? Not many have the gall.” 
Mia stood to her feet, “I was going to go on my way, you called me and ask my opinion. You got it. Now, anything else?” 
“Cool…so the can grass will be free of your ire, correct?” 
She didn’t even remark that she heard Vil chuckle once. 
Two days later, Mia opened the door to Ramshackle Dorm, to be promptly greeted with a long slue of French. 
Mia blinked up at Rook, and after he was done, she said blankly, “Thank you. Thank you very much!” 
“Mademoiselle Trickster! I don’t know what words were exchanged, but Roi de Poision’s heart has been set ablaze! He has suddenly announced in Film Studies Club that he wish to create a new script, where he will debut a new faucet of himself as a hero! Beaute! I had grown concern after Roi de Poision’s overblot that he hadn’t quite returned to himself, but it was like watching a moth emerging from a cocoon! I only wished I could have witnessed the defining moment. I, too, feel I have been born anew, by his new passion, and shall do whatever necessary to aid in this endeavor.” 
Mia had been leaning on the door with arms crossed, amused, “Really? That’s great to hear! I’m glad he’s exploring another option.” 
Rook grinned and took Mia’s hand, bringing his lips to the back of her hand, “Merci, prefect! You have shown me yet another side of beauty, and you have my utmost thanks.” 
Mia laughed, once used to his dramatics by now, “Thank you, Rook!” 
With one last kiss, Rook let go of her hand, “Indeed! Now I must fly! I do have some business to take care of! I only wanted to stop by to convey the feelings in my heart.” 
“You should be able to fly after saying that much.” Mia giggled. 
Rook winked at her with a way, “Yes, indeed. Au revoir, à la prochaine, prefect!” 
“Seeya around, Rook!” 
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zargontari · 2 months
"I'm thinking 'Rook,'" the older, less handsome me says with a calm smile. That's one thing that really kind of throws me off, I guess. He's so calm. Collected. In charge— and that's what people expect of me, I guess, but I never thought I'd actually see it on my own face. It looks better than I thought it would. Less fake.
Of course, Skippy has his own thoughts on the matter. "Rook? Really?" The sarcasm would drip off of his tongue if he had one. "We're going with the chess thing?"
"It's a theme," the other me protests, though not snappishly. "I need to at least try to use a different name."
"There's always what your mother would have named you if you were a girl—"
"—Josephine, which really is a very lovely name, for a monkey."
"Rook is fine."
Skippy sighs, dramatically, and I'm sure that if he had hands he'd throw them up in exasperation. "You are no fun at all! Aren't you humans supposed to become more entertaining as you age?"
"Some of them, sure."
Them, he'd said.
And that really strikes me as odd, for some reason. I've had my own slip ups here and there; in the heat of the moment, especially during talks with Skippy, I've had slips of the tongue. Called us humans, or monkeys, even, in those moments that really called into question why I even bother to try and save my species. But I've always been a part of it. Never have I tried so hard to distance myself from my own humanity that I don't even loop myself in with them.
Maybe I'm overthinking it. He could have just done the same thing I have on so many occasions— but I really don't think so. Maybe it doesn't make sense, unless you're me, or maybe it only makes sense because he is me. Everything that he does is very deliberate, I can tell. He's had a lot of time to perfect his lying face, but I've seen him lie since then and I know what that face looks like because I see it every day in the mirror. Maybe he can hide from the crew, or Skippy, but you can't hide from your own reflection. I see it. He's deliberate to the point of suspicion. Nothing he says is said accidentally.
I ask Skippy about it, later, and he tells me that while the other me— Rook, I guess— has been friendly enough to convince the AI that they're still friends in whatever universe he comes from, he hasn't been able to get anything of real use out of him. Rook is very good at deflection, he says. I don't point out that Skippy is very easy to distract, because I am a good friend and also because I don't want to argue about that right now. When I finally bring up the comment that's been bothering me, Skippy isn't impressed.
"It really isn't as big of a deal as you're making it," the AI groans, as I'm halfway through getting ready for bed. "You humans focus so much on the tiny, insignificant social details."
I pull my shoes to the edge of my bed and sit down. "It's not insignificant, Skippy. Nothing's ever insignificant for us. Haven't we been through enough together for you to know that?"
"I suppose, but there really is nothing there. He is as human as you are, but from what I have been able to gather, he has spent a lot of time with me— er, future me, at any rate. I talk about your species as someone who is not a part of it. Provided that this is a habit that my future self continues to emulate, which is highly probable, it is not unlikely that your future self would also begin to use that language subconsciously."
That makes sense, but something doesn't feel right, still. "I guess."
"Of course, there is always the other option."
"Other option?" I look up, intrigued. Maybe he's had some kind of—
"He has massive brain damage from all the accumulate horrible ideas that you have had over the years."
"Thanks, Skippy."
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csg-iii · 2 years
So I kinda assume everyone ships incest couples for the exact same reasons I do but a post by @shipcestuous made me realize that people have more than one reason.
So anyways, I'll tell you (overexplain and explore a pretty simple concept and line of reasoning till I'm no longer passionate about it and spend a few weeks away from the concept in anyone who will listen's general direction) mine if you tell me yours.
Once again time to see the follower count decrease after answering this haha.
I'll take some of Shipcestuous' (Astrid's) post 26 points about shipping siblings (also applies to cousins like Bwen) and add one or two of my own, which I think she didn't cover:
27) Sometimes we just prefer the shipcest over the canon pairings.
That's something I discussed  in a previous post of mine when talking about why I prefer Bwen over Benlie, Benkai and Gwevin. Fits some of my other shipcests too, like, I prefer Wanda x Pietro over Wanda x Vision, or (from Wizards of Waverly Place) Justin x Alex over Justin x Violet and Alex x Mason, or (from Frozen) Elsa x Anna over Anna x Kristoff.
A counterpoint would be: Ok, you don't like the canon pairings, but why not just ship the character with someone else that isn't a relative?
Sometimes I actually do that! For example, in Arrow I've never shipped the canon Oliver x Felicity, I used to ship Oliver x Laurel, and never felt like shipping Oliver with his sister Thea (though I have friends who do ship them).
But sometimes, I don't see a canon option that fits better than the shipcest, and that dives into Astrid's reason #18 ("you’re guaranteed “shippy” moments whether the romantic/sexual element is canon or not. The siblings are going to have sweet moments, significant moments, intense moments, emotional moments, pretty much no matter what.") Sometimes I feel like the better option is the relative (sibling, cousin) rather than another canon character. I don't like Wanda x Vision, so could I ship Wanda with, IDK, Thor? Yeah, I could, but I see her bond with Pietro much stronger, so I'm more inclined to ship her with Pietro rather than Thor.
28) Subtext is just WAY TOO strong
This I would point to Lauren and Andy from The Gifted. Nobody can watch a video like this and tell me they have a totally normal sibling relationship without any subtext of something else 
Now, I'll take some of Astrid's reasons that I most identify with.
10, 11) The "undivided loyalties" and "anti-change" aspect.
I'll once again give a Bwen example. In the Classic Series we see Gwen diving into the null-void to save Ben, pushing him out of a Florauna's way, and other moments. But in Alien Force, there is a scene where both Ben and Kevin are knocked out and she runs straight to check on Kevin rather than Ben. Then in Omniverse, Gwen leaves with Kevin, and Ben stays in Bellwood (later Rook joins him). Gwevin clearly changed the dynamics that I was used to between Ben and Gwen being devoted to protect each other, and I didn't want that to change.
A good counter-example to that, the Fantastic Four. They were always a family, Reed, his girlfriend/wife Sue, Sue's brother Johnny, and Reed's brother-from-another-mother Ben (and sometimes Reed's and Sue's children Franklin and Valeria). I like it that way, I wouldn't ship Sue and Johnny there because it would break that already established family dynamics.
9) Ulltimate codependency. In Astrids' words "Codependent characters who are also each others’ family are that much more codependent. No, it’s not always the healthiest situation, but there’s just something about a pairing that only has each other, who are each others’ everything." That defines at least three ships for me, Sam/Dean (Supernatural), Chris/Claire (Resident Evil), Hansel/Gretel (multiple media adaptations, but I mostly go with Witch Hunters).
1) Taboo/Forbidden aspect. Let's face it, this is probably the greatest consensual romantic taboo one can ship. There's a good deal of angst to write siblings or cousins hiding the nature of their relationship from the rest of their family. This I can put Ben and Gwen hiding it from their parents (and from Gwen's older brother, when he exists)
Last, but not least, another one of mine:
29) I ship what I want!
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
some fun twst questions for u <3
[i'm sending these to random ppl, feel free to answer if you see this and/or tag/send it to another person!]
would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
would you be at rsa or nrc?
what dorm would you belong to?
what character(s) would you be best friends with?
what character(s) would you hate?
what character(s) would you date?
what would floyd’s nickname be for you?
and rook’s?
what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
what club would you join?
how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
Huh, certainly wasn't expecting this. Putting this under the cut cause I ramble.
would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human? (or other!)
Honestly, I would rather be a human. Sure, it's fun to imagine the reader as something else entirely, but when we're talking about myself, then I'd much rather be born a human. There's something nice about being able to show a beastman, fae or merpeeps up while also being a simple human. There's this implication among the three species where they see themselves as better than humans, so I'd much rather be a human that can beat them in certain things just to humble them.
would you be at rsa or nrc?
Hmmm, honestly, RSA, but I would imagine circumstances would happen where I end up being chosen by the Dark Mirror despite wanting to be at RSA. That, and it would make for a funnier story. Cause, knowing me, I will grit my teeth and tolerate this situation because it's not as if I'm going to an inferior college. I'm just in a college who's Great Seven I have no admiration for. (And who keeps losing to RSA like the losers they are why the FUCK am I here!)
what dorm would you belong to?
Ah, preference wise, I would want to be Ignihyde, but it has come to my attention that I would probably suit Pomefiore of all dorms. Sure sure, I know quite a bit of coding and I do have a high interest in seeing the marriage of technology and magic, but ultimately all my efforts are always focused on enhancing my creative arts. Doesn't help that I have a fuck ton of pride and have no insecurities about my appearance. I'm perfectly at peace with how I look and am content to lay about while building my abilities to write and sing at my own pace. I'm also an literature nut which seems suiting for Pomefiore. I would imagine I'd have the ability to get on Vil's nerves because of how I refuse to follow anyone else's pace but my own.
what character(s) would you be best friends with?
Hmmm realistically wise, I'd probably be best friends with Epel. We both have some restrained anger that needs to be let out, and we both don't come from an affluent background so there's some common ground to explore there. Out of place peeps must stick together. That and a part of me thinks that Epel would not be able to leave me alone when he sees how bad my food habits are(I skip breakfast a lot), so he'd probably share what snacks he manages to get. It be the kind of friendship where we'd rib at each other, cussing at each other without actually hurting one another. I would probably pull from my singing experience and give Epel some pointers when he needs the help. Another part of me wants to say I'd be friends with Leona, but I know what would happen is that we just happen to be in the same space, chilling for hours, not saying anything cause we're too stubborn to move. We'd never talk, we'd never even get each others names, just a weird silent contract to not bother one another while we chill more than 5 feet apart.
what character(s) would you hate?
...Sebek. I'm sorry, the minute he refers to me as "human" in that derogatory tone of his, he is not worth my time. I'd ignore his existence or look at him with disdain. I will never acknowledge him as superior and until he apologizes for all that we will never be friends. Hell, if he insists on bothering me, I'd ruin his poor ears with my cussing language.
what character(s) would you date?
None of them, since I am aroace. Never had a crush, but It's not as if I'm opposed to dating, it's just I never feel the urge for more or to change the regular status quo. So, in that vein, never expect me to have a preference for who I want to date or be the one to ask people out. I just don't get that urge. However if asked who I would be in a queerplatonic relationship with, the person with the highest chances of that would be Epel. Or, shockingly, Vil. I feel there will come a time where Vil and I come to an understanding since, to a certain extent, we do hold ourselves to a high standard that almost ruins us. But also because I'm a person that has no interest in celebrity culture with a forever chill aura, Vil would eventually adopt some of those habits.
what would floyd’s nickname be for you?
Mmmm honestly, I would think Floyd would call me Cobia, since those fishes are usually pretty good alone, but can be seen tagging behind other predators. And as that would imply, I do have moments where I just want to be by myself, tuning out the world with my earbuds, but the minute I make friends with a big scary bud, you will see me tagging along with them, when I do see them that is. Remora would be another good candidate for a nickname but I don't tend to stick to people like glue so that's out the window. I don't exactly stand out so I'm fine being by myself.
and rook’s?
Knowing Rook, he would catch me singing while I was in my room. I'm not exactly quiet, and with my preference for choral, opera, and other songs with high and low notes, he'd probably call me Monsieur Chanteur and would proceed to bother me to sing more with an audience to watch. Nope buddy, not happening.
what twst character(s) are you most like? (personality-wise)
I would have to say Leona, though I take my grades pretty seriously, even though I will leave studying to the last minute cause I want nothing more than to continue sleeping. Along with the whole thing about people remarking about how we're wasting out potential because we're not working 24/7. Though, I am remarkably easier to get along with since I do try to make a good first impression when I can. But yeah, we're very much the "my pace" kind of people.
which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
Anything having to do with literature analysis. English has always been my best subject. History would probably be my worst subject, though it would still be passing, around the high 80%. I can't stand failing grades.
what club would you join?
None. I kid I kid, in order to get teachers off my back, I'd probably join the writing club, if there is one. If not, then I'd probably join the choir club, as that's familiar as well. If both clubs exist, I would imagine I would end up joining both at Rook's or Vil's insistence. I only give in because I genuinely like singing so I don't see it as extra work.
how do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
Really depends if I have magic or not. If not, I would constantly be covered in bruises cause some dumb fucks decided I make for an easy target, if I have magic, then I'd be another unremarkable note in NRC's history. If, only a bit disappointing because I didn't want to invest in a magic career, just wanted to be a writer. I know it sounds arrogant but I would probably be born with a whole lot of magic potential, so there would be this expectation that I should be in a field that uses it, but then I turned around and decided to invest in my writing skills instead. So while people aren't saying they're disappointed in me choosing this path, you can feel the disappointment for not realizing that potential. I was always treated as the golden child after all, so I know what's that like.
[optional!] what would your unique magic be?
It would probably be another case where I have discovered my unique magic early. It'd probably be a unique magic where I can make an environment or character appear off the pages I just wrote and manipulate them at will. Probably call it "Words Off The Page." Though anytime I use it, the page or sentences I used will be destroyed, including copies. Which would deter me from using it at all.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
I didn’t ask to get isekaied (idea)
Warning: Yes, this is a yandere thing. You have been warned. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud, Sebek Zigvolt, Silver, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia. 
Summary: The TWST cast has sentience. They know of your existence, not the lifeless puppet you control named “Yuu,” but they actually know about you. They may not know what you actually look like or act like, but what’s important is that being near your vessel makes them feel at peace, it gives them strength, they feel alive. So naturally they begin to crave the attention you give them through the magicless protagonist called “Yuu.” Whenever you pull one of their cards, they can feel your energy and joy at receiving them. When used in battle, they let you take control and aim to achieve victory in your name. When you get them to attend a class, they feel a rush of motivation to impress you, quickly raising their hands to snatch as many stars as possible to amaze you. However, in this AU, you do end up in the game. When the protagonist, your vessel, Yuu, suddenly shuts down and doesn’t reactivate for nearly a week, they begin to fear the worst. Have you forgotten about them? Were they not enough? Why couldn't they feel your grace anymore? Little did they know, the player had found the front gates of Night Raven College… but… what happens when they believe you to be an imposter? 
All below the cut!
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     Of course, your feline monster companion would never mistake you for an imposter! This furball has been with you since day one, ever since Yuu came out of the coffin he forced open. It wasn’t until later, when Yuu was asleep, did he realize that his henchman was no ordinary human. When Yuu slept they didn’t shift, didn’t move, they didn’t even breathe. At first he thought, great, he accidentally killed his own henchman! But when Yuu awoke as if nothing were amiss, remaining silent and emotionless as a robot, that’s when he knew something was clearly wrong. Was Yuu even human…? He wasn’t entirely sure. 
     Grim was the first to feel your grace, your presence. The feline was with you all the time, of course he would be the first. By consulting (more like demanding) the dark mirror in the hall of mirrors, he learned the truth: that Yuu was only a vessel controlled by another being. Surely, he, the Great Grim, was chosen by this higher being! Only he could be a fitting companion, he was the best option out of all those other students, it’s why he’s always by your side, he was handpicked for this role! Yes, your feline companion would never mistake you for anyone else, even upon seeing the real you for the first time. However, the same can’t be said for the others… 
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    The dorm, founded on the severity of the Queen of Hearts, prided themselves on being the first group to feel the presence of the player through Yuu. Although, it took them sometime to figure out that the grace wasn’t from Yuu themselves but a being above them, they also proudly relished in the fact that they discovered this first, aside from Grim of course. So when Yuu suddenly goes out of commission, there’s mixed reactions, all negative.
    Ace and Deuce found the decommissioned Yuu first. Arriving for a visit at the Ramshackle dorm, the two freshmen were eager to bask in the player’s presence and request a few alchemy lessons. They were sure they were early enough today to be on the daily roster for alchemy! You would want to take an alchemy lesson with your two closest buddies, wouldn’t you~? So imagine their horror when they found Yuu, lifelessly sprawled out on the ground. They frantically scrambled to hoist Yuu up, but they wouldn’t budge, it’s as if their feet were glued to the ground. Ace shouted, attempting to wake them up, but they didn’t stir. Deuce wrapped an arm around them, attempting to carry them, but they wouldn’t move. So, in desperation, they called their seniors. Over the phone, they couldn’t understand a word the ADeuce duo was screaming and shouting, but judging by the panic in their voices, they deemed it a serious emergency. It was only after they arrived did they realize just how serious it was.
    Cater felt the same panic as the younger duo, his breath hitching as he saw Ace and Deuce try to desperately wake up Yuu, frantic tears in their eyes as they gripped the vessel like a lifeline. But–– that was impossible… Yuu was just active yesterday! Cater was there, with them, in their grace, as he happily reenacted an interaction he had with another classmate. Yuu was just offline, that had to be it, right? Right? He had yet to notice the tears just forming in his own eyes. Trey swore it felt like his heart stopped when he saw the player’s vessel, graying and motionless. It looked like Yuu was actually turning black and white. He swallowed thickly and approached, keeping his calm despite being just as scared as his fellow dorm members. When the third-year got closer to help, he felt Yuu’s flesh. They were cold. Yes, they were unnaturally cold before, but this time they felt like ice, there was no warmth from them at all. There had to be an explanation, and the only one who would know was… “Where’s Grim?”
    When Riddle heard the news, he didn’t want to believe it. Surely, nothing would ever happen to their player, their Yuu. For the first time, he disregarded the rule of morning tea. Barging through the front doors of the Ramshackle dorm, his shout that shook the very foundations of the dorm were enough to frighten the ghosts as he demanded, “WHERE IS YUU?!” When he finally saw the vessel, Cater and Trey couldn’t hold him back from falling to his knees right beside the first-years. Yuu looked like a porcelain doll, the vessel of the player beginning to weaken as it kneeled on the floor and its lifeless eyes gazed at their lap. His player, his precious player that brought him so much joy, something was terribly wrong–– Seeing their vessel in such a state, it made him fear the worst, he almost felt like crying just like those baby first-years Ace and Deuce. Somehow, he didn’t. There had to be a way to fix this, to get this vessel back into shape so his player could come back to him! Standing up, he was determined to somehow fix this as he demanded, “Find Grim and bring him back here!”
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    The dorm, founded on the tenacity of the King of Beasts, this group competes heavily for the attention of the player. As the second group (first being Heartslabyul) to learn the truth about Yuu, they contested against the first dorm and as the others learned they only competed more for the player’s grace. While the idea may not have been all that appealing at first, when they felt the warmth and kindness of the player’s grace, how could they resist? The player was theirs.
    Jack was the first outside of the Heartslabyul dorm to find out. When both Ace and Deuce were late to class and showed up with puffy eyes slightly red from crying, he immediately knew something was wrong. When he discreetly followed them after class, he was surprised to see them gathering with other Heartslabyul students at the Ramshackle dorm, and he was shocked to see the vessel, Yuu, in such horrible condition. He wasted no time in revealing himself, separating them from Yuu, acting much like a guard dog as he bared his teeth at them. What had they done to Yuu? Ready to defend the player’s vessel, prepared to maul and sink his teeth in those that harmed them–– only a hyena held him back from doing so.
    Truthfully, Ruggie had only secretly followed Jack to Ramshackle, in hopes that the player would take him out to a battle so he could display what new spell he learned. He never imagined that he would see the vessel like this. The only reason he stopped Jack from attacking was because Ruggie knew they didn’t cause Yuu to become like this. Even those silly tea-sipping Heartslabyul students had enough brains, they adored the player just as much as he did. Ruggie wasn’t as blind to his anger as Jack was, but he did feel panic as he demanded to know what happened. Once filled in with the story, he could only think of one other person to rely on, one person who might fix all of this and bring his player back.
    Leona was enraged. To think, those damn Heartslabyul students would try to hide something like this–– it pissed him off. They dared to hide a matter concerning his player away from him? Yuu was like this for a day already, and he only found out now. Just like Jack, he wanted to tear into them. At least the Savanaclaw freshman relented after hearing the full story, Leona, however, did not. The only thing stopping him was the player, he needed to do something for them. If he could, he’d toss away Yuu and get them a new vessel, screw Yuu! But that just wasn’t possible, Yuu was their only way to interact with the player. He couldn’t nap when this would be weighing heavy on his mind. Hell, he could only nap these days when he was in the player’s grace or thinking of their grace. Between Jack’s determination to help in some way and Ruggie’s worry–– He wouldn’t lose the only damn person he was genuinely wanted by, he wouldn’t allow it. If he had to break down Yuu with his claws and find a way to build them back up again, then so be it. “Find that furball always following the player around. He knows something we don’t.”
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    The dorm, founded on the compassion of the Sea Witch, was the most greedy. As the third group to learn the truth about Yuu, they must face the other two dorms also competing for attention. But that's alright, because they have a way to get what they want and what they want most is the player. Why not come with them when they can make all worries melt away? All that needs to be done is just focus on them, put only them in the player's grace.
    Jade and Floyd discovered the chaos happening behind the scenes quite easily. Afterall, they have to know a thing or two in order to assist their dorm leader. Nothing remains secret around them for long. When they caught wind of what was happening, their reaction was explosive. They made no effort to mask their presence, snarling at anyone who stood in their way as they invaded Ramshackle. When Yuu is within their line of vision, the seams of Jade's calm facade unraveled and Floyd's thin restraint snapped. Floyd was immediately over Yuu, shaking them violently and screaming, begging for them to get up. Yuu was his player's little doll, they had to get up and move or he'd do more than just squeeze them! Who cared about Yuu? All Floyd cared about was the player! If they didn't get up now, he would trash all those students outside, he threatened. Jade, with great difficulty, managed to pry his brother off before he could cause any more damage, all the while he was plotting to exterminate whoever could have done this. Like his twin, he didn’t care for the vessel, he only cared for the person controlling Yuu. But without Yuu, there was no player. Whoever caused this, whoever caused Yuu to deactivate, will suffer greatly at his hands. He will make sure of it.
   Azul was not far behind the twins, of course he too would quickly learn what was transpiring. While he wasn’t as fast as them and certainly couldn’t keep up as they sprinted to Ramshackle, he pushed himself to run, not caring for how disheveled he looked when he appeared. Repeatedly he denied the notion that something was amiss, he wouldn’t accept it! Until–– he was panting, struggling to catch his breath from running, when he arrived. Upon seeing the vessel, he felt a knot in his throat, it felt like it was choking him as he struggled to breathe. He could barely register the sound of the twins lashing out at those Savanaclaw and Heartslabyul students in the building, and he didn’t care at the moment, as he carefully reached for Yuu. Touching them so carefully as if they would shatter under contact, and he was afraid they would with how fragile they looked. There was an ugly sob from his throat, his rapidly pouring tears falling onto the sheets. Was the player deleting them? After he cheated the system to appear more, after he worked so hard to be good enough, after he tricked the innocent, was he still not good enough? Please, he’s begging, come back and give him another chance, he can and will be better, all for the player!
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    The dorm, founded on the deliberation of the Sorcerer of the Sands, celebrated whenever they so much as were even spared a speck of attention. Being in the player’s grace, even if for a second, was a blessing to be celebrated, wasn’t it? With four dorms vying for attention, of course they would be happy at being chosen, it meant they were wanted and loved! So of course, the player's vessel, Yuu, would be cherished by them in turn.
    Kalim found out purely by accident. It was a slip of the tongue, a mistake uttered by either Ace or Deuce, after he inquired about how Yuu was doing since he hadn’t seen them in a few days. That cheerful beaming expression slowly dropped as he processed their words, he could only force a scared smile as he asked somewhat fearfully, “W-What do you mean something’s wrong with Yuu…?” Really, he didn’t entirely understand the whole Yuu is basically a puppet controlled by another being that brings us happiness, but he didn’t have to understand it to know that he loved them! The player, Yuu, whoever they really were, he loved them so much! That's why he started crying as soon as he heard what happened. All he could think to do was have all the best comforts brought to Ramshackle, call the best doctors, acquire the best medicine, he would pay for it all! No solution was too expensive, no expenses would be spared when it came to restoring Yuu back to normal for the player!
   Before Kalim could hire a whole company of doctors, buy out an entire pharmacy, and transfer all the comforts of Scarabia to Ramshackle, Jamil stopped him. Of course, Jamil was suspecting something was amiss with the lack of Yuu’s presence in the past few days. At first he had assumed they forgot to log in, much to his disappointment. Only recently did he consider investigating, because so many days had gone by, but then he heard from Kalim what had happened. Kalim begged for him to do something, relying on him to find a way to fix this, because he was so reliable, right? Jamil couldn’t help but worry, he wasn’t willing to give up the person who praised him just as much, if not more than Kalim. He needed them. Truthfully, he was upset, not at Yuu or the player. No, he could never be cross at them. He was angry at the other dorms for hiding this from him, and he was agitated at himself for not knowing how to fix Yuu.
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    The dorm, founded on the unrelenting efforts of the Beautiful Queen, picked up on Yuu’s absence and were able to discover the situation themselves. This particular group of students concerned themselves with keeping Yuu beautiful and healthy, a shining doll to be played with by the player. They prided themselves with it, the reward was the player's undivided attention, gentle gaze, and the touch through the vessel. So when they learned what happened to Yuu, they felt like they failed.
    Epel had heard what happened from his dorm’s seniors. The freshman was torn, part of him wanted to shout and erupt at the other freshmen who had kept this from him, but the other half of him wanted to stick beside the lifeless vessel. Maybe, he desperately hoped, the player would return and Yuu would reactivate. As soon as Yuu reactivated, the first one the player would see was him, Epel! Yet a part of him knew this likely wouldn’t work out, but he had to try for them.
    The first in Pomefiore to find out was Rook. The hunter considered himself loyal to two people, the dorm leader and the player. There was something beautiful about them, they were mysterious and all-powerful but oh so gentle. It was almost as if they were a god, a benevolent and lovely deity. He swore to be the huntsman that served them. So when he discovered that their doll Yuu was not functioning properly and he had no solution, he felt like a failure as a follower. For how could a worshiper revive part of a deity? 
    Vil adores the player, it was why he was so furious. Yuu was the player’s doll, and it was his job to maintain this doll’s beauty and health, and he failed when the vessel shut off. Seeing Yuu in black and white, how cold they had gotten, and their lifeless eyes–– it made his hands tremble as he hurriedly attended to them. But no amount of lotion, no perfume, no makeup could fix the vessel. In a sense, the player felt like a perfect being. To him, the player was elegant, kind, and they had that alluring air around them that captured everyone’s hearts, including his. Such a perfect being had to have a doll that was near perfection. In his mind nothing could ever be quite perfect enough for the player, but he hoped his work on Yuu would suffice. And it always did. The player always seemed content with his work on Yuu, but now… Yuu was in the worst state they had ever been in, and the player hadn’t graced him with their presence in days. Yuu was no longer good enough for them, he was no longer good enough for the player he loves. 
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    The dorm, founded on diligence of the King of the Underworld, felt disheartened at being one of the last to find out. Still, they were miserable without the player’s attention, they needed the player’s grace. Even if they may not be as noticeable as other dorms, they soak up and relish in even the slightest crumb of affection. The player was what kept them afloat, they kept them going, so when news reaches them of Yuu shutting down, they don’t respond well at all.
    Ortho is notified before his brother. Someone hoped that maybe the Ignihyde dorm could be the solution. Afterall, Yuu acted like a robot, so Ignihyde could possibly be the answer to fixing this problem. The young robot boy is distressed at the news, but he wants to help. He wants to do this for the player. While he may not love them in the same manner his big brother did, he depended on them and loved them in his own way, like a young child who adored their older sibling. When his tools and all his programming yielded no answers, he got scared. What if he never felt the player’s presence again? So, he turned to his older brother for help.
    Idia feels grief upon being notified by his younger brother Ortho. Yuu had shut down, meaning the player couldn’t return, and if the player couldn’t return–– The thoughts sent his mind into a frenzy, making him feel sick with anxiety and anguish. The player was the only reason he left his room. Whenever he felt so nervous he could puke, he would just think of their grace and he would feel okay. In front of Yuu, he didn’t feel like he was some disgusting lowly nobody. So when Ortho turned to him to fix Yuu, he couldn’t say no because he needed the player back. Idia only showed up when Ramshackle wasn't filled with other students, insisting he needed to work alone and only Ortho could come in. He trembled as he felt the vessel's skin, as cold as steel, but it wasn’t metal. It was flesh. What was he doing? A machine was nothing like a person, he couldn't do this—! He needed the player's grace! Even as he wracked his brain for a solution, using every tool at his disposal to scan and find a way to fix it, nothing was working. He felt dismay and panic as he realized he couldn't fix them. Would he never feel their grace again…?
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    The dorm, founded on the elegance of the Witch of Thorns, was astounded to have been kept in the dark for this long. They were the last, yes, but that did not make them any less. In fact, they often resorted to intimidation just to have the player’s graces longer than any other group. If no one else could help, surely the all-powerful Diasomnia dormitory could resolve the matter with the out-of-commission Yuu, right…?
    Sebek is extremely loyal, the only thing that can even come close to rivaling his devotion to Malleus is his devotion to the player. When he heard the news, he felt immediate alarm but also offense. Why hadn't anyone told them of this until now? For nearly a week he hadn't seen Yuu, but he assumed it was because the great being that was the player surely must've had other matters of great importance to attend to! This entire time the player may have not had access to a proper functioning vessel, and although he couldn't do much about that, he felt like he failed as their loyal servant. Still, he was confident this could be fixed! Certainly this could be resolved by the great Malleus! 
    Silver thought he woke up in a nightmare. Recently he had been actually looking forward to sleep, because sometimes he dreamt of the player and this week in their absence had dampened his spirits. For once, he agreed with Sebek, he was eager to see Yuu again with the player in control. When Sebek loudly, dramatically, explained the situation to him, he wasn't as worked up as others. What little worries he had was buried underneath reasoning. Silver had faith in Malleus and his abilities. Soon, he wouldn’t have to sleep just to see the player in his dreams. 
    So that’s why he hasn't seen Yuu! It all made sense now. Lilia had been quite disappointed each day Yuu failed to show up, but now he knew why. Similarly to Silver, Lilia isn't worried at all, because he believes this can be solved quickly and efficiently by the magical abilities of the fae prince. Even if it was a tricky dilemma considering the player was not of this world. He looked forward to warmly greeting the player when they returned. Perhaps now that they would soon be prying into the affairs concerning the player's world, he may be able to learn something about the player, not Yuu.
    Malleus felt annoyed, not at the player, never at them, but at everyone else. It felt like they were all gathering, all aware, and they had forgotten to invite him again, as per usual. However, this time, they needed his help. The player required his assistance. Of course he was happy to help only for their sake and his, no one else's. At first, he feared that Yuu may have forgotten him but he was relieved to hear that was not the case. It was the tiniest bit ironic. A beloved figure entering a state akin to a deep sleep, and requiring the assistance of a loved one to break a curse. It was awfully similar to the story of a sleeping princess. He loathed the students outside the player naturally attracted, but if he could use this opportunity to prove he was favored among all once the vessel reactivated, then he didn’t mind too much. When he activated his magic, recalling the countless spells he knew, he used the most fitting one on the vessel and then… nothing. At first, he didn’t believe it. He tried again, and nothing. Realization and dread began to sink in as he clutched the motionless vessel. He couldn’t fix this, and his player wasn't here to comfort him.
Okay, that’s all for now, folks. If you guys liked this idea, let me know. If enough people like it, I’ll write what happens when they discover the “imposter” or true MC and maybe what can happen after, I have lots of ideas with this. 
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Pssst. The dryad sent me
May I request! Twisted wonderland:
Reader suddenly breaking down about missing their home
With Floyd, Idia, Rook and Leona?
Thank you so much bartender♡
twst! mc has a breakdown
characters: Floyd Leech, Idia Shroud, Rook Hunt, Leona Kingscholar
warnings: gender neutral reader, hurt comfort, panic attack mention
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he'd be confused at first. your usually playful attitude switching on a dime. Floyd's no good at comforting people out of left field. if you ask him to give you some space he will do so, even though it'll put him in a sour mood.
he may wander his way back to your side after some time, handing you a plushie. you can't recognize what it is as its well worn and patched in may places. it smells vaguely like salt water.
Floyd sits with you and tells you the plushies name, and that it was a gift Jade gave him when they were very young. it isn't until after you've recovered from your headspace you realize just what Floyd fetched for you.
Floyd's not very good at regulating his emotions, or self soothing when hes upset. which explains why the poor plush is so beat up. but, Floyd goes to that plush when hes upset, and he handed it over to you in the hopes of it helping calm you down. (the patching is done by Jade, mostly. but Floyd's actually quite good and sewing when he wants to)
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another one who's no good and comforting people. hes scared to ask what happened, instead letting you curl up on his bed and hide under his blankets. he has a nice weighted one for his anxiety he'll let you borrow.
he'll be quiet, give you space if you ask, or ask Ortho to walk you back to your dorm if you wanna go home. hes not pushy, but its because he's trying to distract himself and his nerves.
if you ask him for something like a hug he'll be hesitant, but agree. he holds you loosely, but if you clutch him tightly or hide your face in his chest he won't stop you. the kind to run a palm over your back and let you listen to his heartbeat to calm down.
Idia is likely to be a sympathetic cryer if the pair of you are particularly close. but he will sniffle it back and try and hide it. hes trying to be your strong, protective, and trust worthy side kick but hes never been much good at that role.
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hes the best at comforting you out of these four by a long shot. hes very emotionally intelligent, and can tell if something is triggering your homesickness to much to border on a breakdown.
Rook will immediately change his behavior to suit your needs. hugs? as an outdoorsman hes much stronger than he looks and he gives amazing hugs. one hand on the back of your head, resting you against his chest to hear his heartbeat. he breaths deep and steady, encouraging you to match his breathing.
you want a distraction? he witnessed the most amusing exchange between Kalim and Jade the other day! let him tell you all about it~ hes happy to talk if his voice is pleasant to your ears or a suitable distraction. he can recite you poetry in French if you like.
if you're going to have a breakdown or even something as extreme as a panic attack Rook is a good option for help. hes non judgmental but able to not get distracted and focus on grounding you again. you may have a fleeting wonder of where he learned this though...
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also no good at comforting people. Leona will hide it well but he panics as soon as you breakdown. he always runs away or sleeps off his problems, burying his own emotions deep down. I doubt Leona has had a proper cry since he was a cub.
may try to run away actually. attempting to leave you with Jack or Ruggie instead. asshole lion. but if the pair of you are particularly close, or if you clutch onto him, he won't have the heart to push you away.
probably flops down and pulls you into a hug. he won't speak unless you ask him to. you get to see some of his more feline behaviors while hes trying to comfort you.
he'll lick up your tears, you have no ears to groom but he'll still lick at your head. his hands will knead at your waist or your back, and his purrs are usually involuntary. they are all small things he does by instinct. ways his own mother used to comfort him as a cub when he was frightened or upset.
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murdereraisuha · 2 years
Chapter 6 part 2 part 2 (?) liveblog and partial translation (1/2)
This isn’t part 3? It’s the second part of the middle of the story? What is this, Homestuck?
Anyway, as always, warning for spoilers and for possible inaccuracies due to my imperfect Japanese ability. This time I also added “partial translation” in the title since I did attempt to translate a few key moments in the story. Alright let’s get going.
We start off in the Isle of Lamentation, which was revealed to be in the middle of the ocean at the end of the last update.
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Rook admires the sights for a bit before Idia tells him off for acting like an excitable tourist in the middle of a serious situation. Rook then asks about the condition of the overblot gang, and Idia confirms that they were safe. Rook is glad, since he had always been worried about the “life or death situation” that Vil is in that he came to save him from.
He then passes Vil’s skin care products to the Shroud bros.
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SDKLGLKGLKHLHGSDLGSDSLHGSG OKAY at least Rook did this now instead of interrupting his eventual reunion with Vil by immediately shoving beauty products at Vil’s face.
So yeah, Idia is just Done with this weird French man going on about how important it is that Vil maintain his beauty.
Idia: Wait... You don’t have any other business here? Was it seriously just that?
Rook: Oui! :D
Poor Idia lmaoooooo
Now that Idia has confirmed why Rook and Epel are here, he asks the prefect what their goal is, with the dialogue options being “I came to take back my dorm mate” and “I came to talk to Grim”.
Idia makes fun of the prefect and says that unlike them, he’s a busy guy with no time to play friends with others. Ortho then asks if he should just send them back to Night Raven College, but Idia calls Ortho over for a private discussion where he says that if they’re sent back before the Lethe River is ready, it’ll be troublesome since they’ll tell the teachers and other students all about what’s going on. Therefore, they should detain them in the Isle until their research on the overblot gang (or “the problem children” as Idia calls them) is done, which would also allow them to investigate how they found STYX’s base.
Ortho goes to coral Rook and the gang up. Rook asks if they can see Vil, and Ortho says they can only do that once the research is done. After another reminder about the skin care products from Rook, Idia takes his leave on this Batmobile looking "chariot”.
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Alright, who in STYX is the edgelord who designed this? What is this even supposed to be?
We get some lore from Ortho; apparently, most of the residents of the Isle of Lamentation live in residential areas on the outer wall of the Isle, which is called “Oceanus”. Same name as the river that encircle the whole world according to Greek mythology. Furthermore, the Isle of Lamentation is able to maintain weather, seasons, trees, etc. and look near the same any place on land due to their cutting edge engineering.
Rook comments that the architecture seems inspired by that of the country of heroes (too lazy to search for what the canon English translation for that is). According to Ortho, the Isle of Lamentation and the country of heroes used to be one and the same, and this “old town” part of the Isle that they’re in has buildings remaining from that time. Epel then asks about the big while pillar in the middle of the Isle... Wow, when did they actually become tourists here? Really feel like they’re treating this situation too lightly lol. Anyway, Ortho’s answer is that it’s the entrance to the Isle of Lamentation, it’s called the “Oceanus Hole”, and it’s STYX’s base.
Ortho: At the bottom of the pillar, many Phantoms are buried.
Ortho: They’re all frozen in ice and fast asleep right now, but...
Ortho: It’s best not to get close out of curiosity when you’re not prepared.
Ortho: You don’t want to become like me.
Of course Ortho does not take mercy on me and instead just leads everyone to a room where some NDA agreements are prepared. Ortho tells them how understanding their behavior was hard, but once he learned about Rook’s unique magic, he realized that Rook wanted to meet up with Vil so he could cast it on him and know what the test subjects’ location at all times.
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ooooooooo that’s an expression. Alright I wasn’t expecting to ever find Ortho that interesting but this update is changing my mind, really excited for whatever other crumbs of backstory this update gives us. Oh my god I’m only 12 minutes into it, I’ve been pausing and typing so much. Might need to split this liveblog into multiple posts.
Rook and Epel then question Ortho about why the overblot gang had to be brought here in such a violent manner if STYX didn’t actually have bad intentions or mean to harm them. Ortho explains that STYX isn’t used to being able to talk calmly with overblot victims, so they defaulted to their usual method used to deal with the reason-less monsters that overblot usually leaves behind. They didn’t want to risk a worst case scenario of their condition not being as stable as they thought, and they were lucky that all of the overblotted people turned out okay.
After Rook reminisces that they really were lucky that Vil was safe, Ortho asks him again why he came, and Rook says he wanted to be able to say that he “did all that he could do”. The conversation ends there as Ortho informs them of meal times and what amenities they have access to and stuff before leaving them alone in the room.
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Ortho: “Did all that I can do”, huh...
Ortho: What is it that Ortho (”I”) can do for Big Bro?
Okay that switch to using third person to refer to himself is concerning, to say the least.
The scene now changes to Ortho meeting Idia in the control room and asking how Test Subject F is doing. They’ve discovered that Grim’s capacity to accumulate blot is extraordinary, and his blot level reading keeps fluctuating between dangerous levels and near zero. The care they’ve given him in the healing room to treat his blot has done nothing.
Ortho: The blue fire coming from his ears... Since he’s a magical beast I thought it was a characteristic of his species, but,
Ortho: Could it be a manifestation of a curse, the same as you?
Dear god I’m still only 20 minutes in and the bombshells just keep on coming. Oh and Grim’s deal is also apparently the work of thousand year old magic. Great.
Idia: Yes. It's a curse that has been passed down in our family for generations to incinerate blot as soon as it accumulates...
Idia: For some people, it’s a “blessing” that for their whole life they won’t have to go wild, but...
Idia: From our ancestors’ point of view, it is a "curse" that was imposed on us so that we would never rebel again.
Ortho: The reason the Shroud family was ordered to be “The Isle of Lamentation’s Watchmen” for generations...
Ortho: The head of the first generation who was named “The First Phantom” and the Titans who accompanied them...
Ortho: It was because they incited a rebellion against the Jupiter family... right?
Idia: Yes. Then, they were completely crushed by the Jupiter family in the end...
Idia: And as a punishment, they were ordered to manage the prison “Tartarus” made to lock up the Phantoms
Idia: as well as the Phantom graveyard “The Underworld”.
Not too sure about this translation, but there’s the gist of it. Ugh translation is tiring, back to summary. Idia hate being handed this position and this curse, but the problem with the curse is that if it doesn’t have blot to incinerate, what’s it going to incinerate? His magic, that’s what. Like a “debuff that consumes his MP”. So Idia spends a bit complaining about it and also drops the lore tidbit that the time the curse is from is called “The Age of Gods.” Ortho tries to cheer him up, saying that as a genius he could definitely fix this situation if he tried, but Idia feels defeated by the fact that none of his ancestors could break the curse.
Idia: ... Anyway, there’s no way that you’ve forgotten.
Idia: What happened to “Ortho” when he tried to leave this place....
Ortho: That’s...
Idia: My fate has been decided since I was born.
Idia: There’s nothing I can do besides be together with the ghosts in this dark and depressing place for the rest of my life.
Idia: If by some chance we could abandon our roles,
Idia: If the phantoms sealed in “Tartarus” started pouring out above ground...
Idia: The world would return to the beginning (chaos).
Damn it why do they keep dropping interesting lines, let me watch without feeling the need to do line by line translation. Okay yes thank you STYX operator A for telling us the research is done and the Lethe river is ready and also there’s a problem. Oh boy.
Idia and Ortho now go to check in on the overblot gang. Leona and Jamil team up to roast the Isle of Lamentation’s cuisine. Riddle then starts shouting about not having tea. Azul then starts complaining about not being able to read the news. Behold the fall into insanity of Idia “I! AM! THE! BOSS! >:(” Shroud.
Oh Idia’s parents put him in charge cause they thought the overblot gang would relax if there was a familiar face there. So much for that dkhgklsfgsflg. While Idia’s doing this, his parents are off trying to get info from Crowley. Idia wishes he could be doing that instead, but Ortho’s happy that Idia’s finally brought friends home for the first time! :D awwwww my heart is so going to break if they ever show Ortho being really sad, he’s too precious to cry ;_;
The overblot gang interrupts Ortho and Idia’s heartwarming little talk with their demands and complaints again. Idia finally snaps and starts yelling in exasperation, but then the alarm suddenly goes off.
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Sus? 👀
So basically it’s an announcement saying some test is about to start and everyone should take shelter and lock their doors and whatever to stay safe. Not an emergency, just some sort of standard procedure judging by Idia’s reaction.
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Idia: ... Today is an A class Phantom test it seems. It will probably take a bit of time.
Oh they sort the Phantoms into different classes? Interesting. Anyway, the overblot gang is shocked that they now have to remain in this room for 2-3 hours.
Idia further explains that for the sake of data collection, they occasionally let out phantoms from Tartarus. Their defense system, the “Cerberos System,” protects them so the chance of trouble occurring is basically zero.
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Here’s Tartarus. It houses 10,000 phantoms. Holy shit.
Alright it has taken me like 1.5-2 hours to get through 30 minutes of video. Why is this update so jampacked with stuff. I’m posting this and taking a break, see ya soon.
Edit: new part here!
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
*crawls through you bedroom window* actually sorry I’m not done talking about the tragic, complicated clusterfuck which is Ben and Rook’s friendship/partnership. Because of how it was set up and their own personalities at the time, it was doomed to fail. I mentioned previously how neither got to know/understand the other and I retract that because it’s not entirely true. They did get to bond in a way that you almost have to when you’re in life or death situations together but they never talked about it and so each went on thinking they weren’t important to the other.
The whole nature of their partnership reeks of impermanence. Max obviously knew ahead of time that Gwen and Kevin were leaving for college and had time to prepare. Ben being on his own, reckless and stupid, was not an option. I wonder how many candidates they went through before they got to Rook. They chose someone who excelled at Plumber training, who knew the rules Ben never bothered to learn backwards and forwards. Someone who would balance out Ben and keep him reigned in. Someone who was obviously destined for higher management so why not give him the best field training possible? Rook, if not Ben, was certainly aware that it was a temporary thing. Ben was 16 going on 17, soon he wouldn’t need a partner anymore; this was the last attempt at training wheels. I imagine the partnership dissolved not long after Omniverse ends, when Rook becomes Magister and probably has new training and responsibilities. Ben, almost an adult by human standards and hopefully positively molded by Rook’s influence, is deemed ready to be on his own. 
So imagine you’re Rook, you’re a newly graduated Plumber who was ready to take on the universe. You’re informed you’re heading to Earth and you will be working one on one with your idol, the Ben 10, the one who inspired you to leave your traditional, isolated homeworld. You meet your hero and while he’s got the watch and the quips, he’s also a child in a culture you don’t understand. You’re disappointed that your hero isn’t as perfect as rumor and propaganda told you. You’re angry and frustrated and you don’t bother to hide it, Ben almost seems to retaliate by being more obnoxious. The more time you spend with Ben, you realize there’s a method to his madness. He wins more battles than he loses, what Rook at first took to be Ben’s flaws turn out to also be his strengths. Seeing Ben in action snarling and laughing in the face of certain destruction, he realizes that Ben is, at the same time, a stupid, idiot kid who barely has an idea of what he’s doing but also twice the hero Rook thought he was. Suddenly Ben 10 isn’t just a poster in his room or a radio show to listen to in the dark, he is a real person and that makes him even more worthy of admiration.
And Rook does admire him, quietly. Ben keeps up his walls and Rook lets him because who is he to try and really befriend Ben 10? Rook is just one of billions of Plumbers in the universe, Ben is the universe’s savior. I bet before Rook ever stepped foot on Earth it was drilled into him that Ben Tennyson was to be protected at all costs, that Rook’s life was nothing compared to Ben’s. Rook already comes from a very restrained and private culture, he won’t initiate anything beyond what is needed for to the mission and to save his partner. It is enough for him to be able to work alongside his hero (even if said hero is thoughtless and ridiculous and has no sense of self preservation and he drives Rook insane but by gum does he respect the hell out of Ben when he isn’t contemplating murdering him). When the time ultimately comes for Rook to depart, he will be sad but not mention it. Because he imagines he is only a blip on Ben’s radar, a temporary partner before Ben goes onto bigger and better things. He never tells Ben that his loyalty wasn’t to the Plumbers, to Ben 10 but to the scrawny, sleep deprived kid who always remembered Rook’s favorite smoothie flavor. 
Now imagine you’re Ben. You’ve saved the universe at the cost of your privacy, chance for a normal life, general sense of safety and sanity. You’re quickly losing track of what part is you and what part is the myth about you. Two of your three major support systems abandon you without notice. Over the years of AF/UAF, Gwen and Kevin saw all your brokenness, fears, vulnerabilities, watched you go from dumb kid to hero. You didn’t have to tell them these things, they saw them happen and just knew. And now they’re gone and you only have your grandpa who you love but is also sorta of your boss now. He tells you you’re being assigned a new partner, someone chosen without your consent, someone you’re expected to trust your life and secrets with. Fine, this Rook fellow will do. He can watch your back but he’s not having any pieces of your broken heart. 
You fight, both bad guys and each other. The two of you have such opposite styles that you clash. He may have training and discipline but you have experience and incredible power. You fumble and bicker and somewhere through it all find an understanding. Suddenly the rumble of his voice is familiar as Kevin’s once was, his logical approaches and teasing barbs slot in where Gwen’s used to be. It’s not bad, you tell yourself. You know this isn’t forever, that it’s not real, but it’s not bad. Because you know first and foremost that Rook is a Plumber and you are not. You also know he is a fan and you are acutely aware how short you fall from the perfect hero ideal. Ben laughs, clinging harder to the arrogant hero façade and pretends Rook’s disappointment doesn’t crush him. If someone who’s forced to work with him doesn’t like Ben, then how can he be the beloved savior everyone tells him he is even though he doesn’t quite know how he got there? He’s just a kid doing his best and soon buries himself in his perceived role.
Time passes, Ben and Rook have been through so much. Against your will, he’s seen some of your broken parts. He sees past your cracks, sees your guilt and grief and bone deep fear. But he doesn’t seem upset, even more disappointed by the failure hero. He is kind, friendly, understanding. Not enough that Ben feels comfortable to open up but he relaxes, just a bit. Rook isn’t just a forced upon partner, he’s now a friend. But he knows Rook is only here because he was ordered, he feels Rook’s annoyance with him and believes his kindness is only out of duty. It’s fine, he’s used to everyone around him bleeding him dry of everything he has and then some. Just another part of being a hero. He’s not Kevin or Gwen but he is Rook and he is grown on you because Ben is always an open soul, one who wants to receive some love he gives so freely. You finally feel steady, like you can stop pretending so much and try and find some peace and happiness in your dangerous, chaotic life.
Suddenly so fast, you’ve saved the universe once more and Rook is moving on. It’s like Gwen and Kevin leaving all over again. Rook himself seems excited to move up the ranks, to get more tassles on his uniform. He is a soldier at heart, you are not even if you play the part of one. You are a child only you’re not anymore, while you were busy saving everyone again and again your childhood was stolen from you. Now on the edge of adulthood, you’re told it’s time to take responsibility. You want to scream you’ve been doing that since you were 10 years old, that someone else can do  it for a change. You want to beg Rook to stay, to drag Gwen and Kevin home, to hide your loved ones away with you and not have to confront the big, bad universe alone. Instead, you do what you always do. You swallow all your fears, your wishes and hopes and shake his hand goodbye and wish him well. You don’t tell him you’ll miss him, neither does he. 
Rook and Ben part as the strangers they never stopped being even if both of them aches at the loss of the close proximity, of the friendship. Both are very much aware that the relationship was weak, transient, that it might have been something more if they gave it more attention. However, too many things were between them and both of them genuinely believed the other didn’t care as much. The rest of their lives they remain friendly, distant but polite. It’s not much different from when they fought side by side even if they wish it different.
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Hello, Yume. I saw an AU where twst boys are aware that they are in the game and they are in love with the player - you (Y/N). And I just imagine that they constantly argue about who is your favorite😂 For example:
Kalim:"I'm her favorite, she already raised magic of my ssr to Lv10"
Rook:"Qui, but she didn't roll for you, and she made 100 rolls to get my ssr. Obviously I am her favorite"
Deuce:"We are best friends, moreover I was her first ssr, I am the favorite one"
Epel:"Wait until my ssr will come out, I'll show you who's her favorite"
Vil:"Look who is talking, potato. Wait until MY ssr will come out"
Jamil:"I just want to remind you all that she pick up MY sr card as her support at the very beginning, hm~"
Ruggie:"She doesn't have my ssr, but I was on the start screen for 3 weeks straight, shishishi~"
Lilia:"Fufufu~, your kids are so funny. We already know who is the favorite one"
... Something like that. I just want to share my thoughts with you🤗 (also twst boys get very proud when you place them on youe start screen)
You don’t know anything. You’re unaware and it would, unfortunately, forever be like that.
They didn’t know what exactly made them self-aware in the first place, a glitch perhaps? Whether it was an error in the program, or just some supernatural stuff at play, it didn’t really matter. The cast accepted their situation as it is, since they were already comfortable before. They have their own world to run around with, and most importantly, they have “you” as their owner of some sort. Their sole job is to entertain you through the screen that separates both fantasy and reality, playing by the script that was encoded in their files.
When they play it right, you laugh and you squeal, so they can’t help but find it really amusing. Before they knew it, they’re purposely exaggerating their acting and voices just to see how you will react, even ad-libbing at some point. Those were words solely meant just for you so, of course you’ll get confused, you didn’t hear any of these words from other people. Some parts of them wishes that you would actually come into terms that they’re alive now, that they can see and hear everything you do in the game. But in the end, you always concluded it to be an easter egg, a fun little bug that the developers purposely dropped it in for some lucky players to discover.
Unfortunately, they don’t have any control on who you’ll get in the gacha system, even if the rates for a specific character are up. It sucks, and quite honestly concerning to see you empty your wallet just to get that special SSR card of a specific character. “Make sure to leave some for yourself” is what they want to convey to you, but you know how it is. Even so, they’re still at least thankful and appreciative of your effort just to get your hands on one of them. They’re concerned, but they can’t deny that having a special card, one that you would definitely put your time, money, and effort to, makes them feel giddy.
Of course, they wouldn’t forget about the sheer happiness in your eyes when you finally got that character you wanted, you’re so happy that sometimes it brings you to tears. In an outsider perspective, it’s such a stupid reason to be happy for, you even tease yourself for it sometimes. But what you didn’t know is that every time you pull, they all have their fingers crossed and praying that you’ll finally get their special card. Calling that happiness stupid is a hypocritical statement for they, as mere game characters, were just as ecstatic to finally place their seats in your inventory.
...Even if you won’t be aware of that happiness yourself.
Interactions with you are their favorite time, just seeing you listen to their voice so attentively and excitedly brings a smile in their face. They especially love the moment where you would actually touch their avatars, you don’t know it but they can feel it. Every time you give a poke, it makes their digital heart beat faster but cleverly covering them with the lines in correspondent with that action. You laugh, even saying a playful apology when they would get “angry” with you for poking them too much, and that alone makes them swoon more for your touch. So much so that when you’re finally satisfied and about to move on to another option, they would suddenly yell out another unexpected line just to get your attention back, breaking through their written character. It works half of the time.
There are so much more that you didn’t know was happening beyond the screen. The excitement they feel whenever you would pick them for battle, levelling their cards up, and putting them up in your home screen is basically a privilege that every character hoped to have soon. Of course, they’re constantly trying to one-up each other, arguing which character is your favorite, and flaunting the achievements they had with you. You don’t know that when they tell you to come back tomorrow within each daily log-ins, they really meant it and are actually willing to increase the prizes you get from them. When you don’t play the game for just a single day, they get worried and anxious as they don’t have any way of communicating with you without opening the app.
This, and so much more, everything. You’re unaware of everything, their feelings, their affections, and all the words that they want to tell you. No matter how much you praise them, tell them how much you love each and one of them, they know that its all superficial in the end. They know that you don’t really see them as real people as in a technical sense, they’re not supposed to be alive, their everything are nothing but a bunch of codes. Their game may be the center of your attention for now, but it’s just a matter of time before another revolutionary game comes out and steal that attention away.
It’s sad, isn’t it? If they knew that they would be this attached to you, maybe it was better if they didn’t gain the ability to be self-aware after all. All attempts of trying to communicate with you would most likely be terminated as going rouge from their original role is a clear violation, and it risks their existence all in all. They…weren’t supposed to have these feelings in the first place, they’re game characters and yet, the truth hurts them physically. They can’t suddenly talk out of their characters and yell out their feelings and emotions because that’s not how the game and story works.
In the end, you would forever remain oblivious to their affections...
...Well, that is until they discover how to mess with the code of the game itself.
Why the fck did I turn this happy, silly and interesting ask so angsty. I LOVE this AU omg- 
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Hello darling💖 May I request hcs for Azul, Rook, Leona and Malleus where their female s/o proposes to them - romantic setting with a fancy ring and all? What would their reactions be?
Hi, Luv! Sorry about the wait, but I hope you enjoy these headcanons! Just to clarify, all these headcanons will take place after their time in NRC so that all the characters are of legal age.
~The Boys’ Fem!S/O Proposes to Them (ft. Azul, Rook, Leona, and Malleus)~
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~Azul Ashengrotto!~
Azul may not say this out loud, but he is very much grateful to have you in his life. Ever since you two met at Night Raven College, his whole world has brightened. And given his past, you’re one of the only people he’s opened up to aside from Jade and Floyd.
After you both graduate, you open up your own restaurant alongside the coast. It wasn’t difficult considering the revenue Azul obtained at the Monstro Loung, and the two of you successfully run it together. The restaurant is Mediterranean-themed with a hint of Athenian architecture, and the large windows can perfectly capture the sun setting on the ocean’s blue waves when the time comes.
You two just so happen to be walking down the beach as the sun began to set, your feet crunching upon the pale sand as your fingers interlocked with his. The moon was rising out of the other side of the world as the skies turned a variety of pinks, oranges, and reds. Truly a wonderful way to spend the day after long hours of work...
You suddenly stop in your track, removing your hand from Azul’s. He looks back, wondering why you stopped. With your hands behind your back and your eyes averting his gaze, Azul grows increasingly worried by this situation. Why were you not talking to him? Did he do anything wrong?
It wasn’t until you got down on one knee and pulled out a small, black, velvet box that you finally spoke to him, telling him how important he was to you, and how he’s made your life so much better. You reiterate your love to him, and with a simple question, you ask if he would like to spend the rest of his life with you.
With that question, you pulled the box open to reveal a ring lying in the cushions. The band is stainless silver with a sapphire gemstone in the center, surrounded by small, silver seashell engravings.
At first, Azul stood there, dead silent. It takes him a while before he responds to your answer, and even then he doesn’t utter a word until he already has his arms wrapped around you in a hug. He whispers in your ear how much he feels the same, and how he would love to be your husband till the end of your days as you slipped the ring onto his finger, ending the evening with a kiss as the moon rose above you to the night sky.
Were Floyd and Jade watching this entire scene unfold? Maybe. Don’t worry, though, Jade made sure Floyd didn’t ruin the moment for you two...
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~Rook Hunt!~
Your relationship with Rook has been an interesting one, to say the least. Rook isn’t known to be quiet about his love for anything beautiful, and he is not afraid to openly express his love for you, even in the middle of the school hallway. Even if he gets a few weird stares from his actions, his words and actions of affection and love will always remain true for you.
When it’s time to actually propose to him, you’re actually not sure if you can pull it off as a surprise. As much as his antics may seem random, Rook is far from idiotic and is a very cunning man, so despite your attempts to be the proposer, just know there is a slight chance that he’ll do it first.
So let’s paint the setting for this proposal: It’s years after your time in Night Raven, and you and Rook have moved into a cottage within the Land of Pyroxene, right next to a small forest for him to hunt from time to time. One day, you ask him to close his eyes as he followed you into the woods. When you told him to reopen it, Rook is greeted with a small picnic setup, the checkered blanket illuminated by the bright sun.
As you two have your picnic, you get very wary of having Rook do anything during your lunch date. Specifically, you’d always get something from the picnic basket, and wouldn’t let him touch it for some reason. He’s curious about your behavior but doesn’t question it, even when you tell him to turn around to look at a nearby tree for another moment.
Before you ask him to turn back to face you, you mention how your love has never faltered for him years after you two started your relationship back in high school. You thank him for all the love he’s given you, and subtly mention how you don’t want your relationship to end.
As you grab Rook’s hand, you ask him to turn back to face you. When he does, he’s greeted by an immaculate ring that you brought in the picnic basket. The ring is a golden, nature-styled ring with vines and small diamonds cut into leaves. At the center of the ring lays a shining emerald.
Rook, filled to the brim with joy, does not hesitate to take you in his arms and brings his lips to yours in a passionate kiss, making you nearly lose the ring in the grass below. He’s in utter bliss with the thought that he can be your husband - and to have you be his love, his amour - as he picks up the ring and places it on his ring finger. As he finishes the kiss, he vows to be an amazing husband as you lay together on the blanket underneath the sun. As much as he wants to go to all his friends and spread the word, he’ll be glad to do that later just to savor this moment.
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~Leona Kingscholar!~
Leona does have doubts regarding any marital aspect of your relationship. Due to his upbringing as the second child, he doesn’t see his marriage as valuable to his family. Specifically, he doesn’t think his family is gonna make a big deal out of it compared to when his brother got married and had Cheka. He’s not opposed to marriage overall, but he absolutely loathes the idea that he might get compared to his brother again.
However, you’re determined to break through that troublesome mindset and show how much your love for him means to you. So one day, you arrange a date outside his home in the Afterglow Savannah. You don’t tell him where, exactly, but assure him that he’d love it.
When you arrive at your destination, he’s the first to walk into the amazing scenery in front of him. In the time spent looking at vast grasslands of the Savannah, Leona’s jaw nearly drops at an oasis in front of him, watching as numerous birds fly across the body of water as it's surrounded by endless, vibrant greenery.
You lead him into an area along the waters filled to the brim with small fish that swam without a thought in the world, shaded underneath a large tree in which you rested upon. Seeing this setting kind of reminded you of the times he’d sneak off to sleep in Night Raven’s gardens during classtime all those years ago.
And now that you had this oasis to yourself, you plan to bring out the best of this situation. Your carefully bring in Leona closer to you, making him rest on the tree beside you. Your enclose you hands around his own, embracing the warmth of them before giving a small kiss on his cheek. You express how grateful you are to have him in his life, and how you haven’t stopped loving him since your high school years. Most of all, despite all his doubts and his self-loathing for not being the firstborn son, you’ll proudly call him your king if it means that you can stay by his side.
With that, you let go of his hands before pulling a luminous ring from your pocket and placing it on his finger. The ring looks simple enough, but upon closer inspection is textured with braid-like engravings of gold, silver, and bronze.
Leona sits there shocked as he gazes down at the ring, not sure what to say next. After a while though, you finally get an answer. He smirks down at you, joking about how this should’ve been the one time he shouldn’t have slacked off on his duties. Albeit, he is a bit begrudged by how you got to propose to him first, but doesn’t let it get to him as he pulls you in for a kiss. He intertwines his ringed hand with yours as he comes to accept that you will become his wife one day.
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~Malleus Draconia!~
In comparison to the rest of the bachelors, Malleus is definitely the most complicated man to propose to. Not because he’s opposed to the idea of you two being together - far from it, seeing as though you were one of the only people to even so much as approach him without fear.
The problem stems from the roles you pose after you graduate from NRC. Being the next King of the Valley of Thorns, Malleus is swamped with responsibilities as soon as you both graduate. He brings you back to his homeland to live with him in his castle, but you tend to stick out like a sore thumb among the fae crowd.
So for this plan to work, you figured that the best option to propose to him would be at around nighttime. One day, you woke up extra early so Malleus wouldn’t come to fetch you to accompany him for his duties. When he enters your room, he reads a note you left behind on your bed explaining you went to the market and wouldn’t be back until night. You ask that he would make time to meet you on the castle’s rooftop by then, but don’t mention why. 
He’s confused on why you left so abruptly, but doesn’t really put that much concern over your well-being - he knows that he can easily find  and protect you if things go wrong. So the day passes by, and you’re nowhere to be found, leaving him to his lonesome. Finally nighttime arrives, and he makes way to the rooftop like you ask.
Malleus immediately notices you standing next to a gargoyle - a reminder of him and his adoration for the architecture - as you gazed at the rest of the kingdom. You turn around to face him, apologizing to him for such a lonesome day, and that you wanted to talk to him just by himself. You explain how you’ve been considering major changes in your life, and how you’ve been wanting to be by his side more and more, reminiscing on the time at NRC that you’d never forget.
As you say this, you pull out a ring for him. The band is dark, almost coal-colored, yet shines just as luminously as the amethyst and diamonds that decor the top like a flower with its petals scattered. You look at him with an anxious look on your face, asking him that important question - to let you be his wife, and for him to be your husband.
Malleus is confused by this sudden proposal, since this custom isn’t necessarily normal for fae. However, once again charmed by your actions, he sees no reason to say no. He walks over to you and leans down for a kiss, taking your ring and placing it on your own finger. When he finished the kiss, he holds your hand gently in his, affirming that you would make a great queen for his kingdom. Will this end up causing a ruckus from some of his subjects? Maybe. Does he care? Not in the slightest.
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More Chapter 6 Predictions, more specifically: Idia's Unique Magic, and Pomefiore vs Ignihyde
For anyone who hasn't gotten the memo, unique magic plays a huge role in the twisted wonderland main story line. Each time a new chapter is released, we get to see the unique magic of the main dorm's respective students. With some exceptions from the most recent Chapter of course (we still don't know Rook's). Every unique magic reflects the personality of the user in some way, and this can be used for conflict in the story. So today, we're going to be looking at the possibilities for Idia Shroud's unique magic, and there are a few different possibilities.
So to start off, we need to look at the other unique magics used by the Overblot victims of the past chapters and find out what they have in common. And there are a few different things that all of them do have in common.
All unique magics are a direct reference to the person they're based off, and it is a reference to something the corresponding villain has done, or is known for doing. (Ex: the Queen of Hearts was known for beheading anyone who didn't agree with her)
This factor was pointed out by @mia-pon289 stating that the unique magic of the Overblot victims was a manifestation of what they hated the most, and that they reflected the trauma from their childhood, so when the magic is cast, the person they are up against gets to experience a small sample of their trauma. (Ex: Riddle was always restricted by the rules, and could never be happy or normal because of it, thus his unique magic allows the person to share in his restrictions by losing their magic.)
All unique magics (expect for the recent one) play the important role of setting off the Overblot. (Ex: Riddle used his collar on Leona, and the collar broke). However the exception to this rule is in Chapter 5, and the reason the pattern was broken is because Jamil is NOT a dorm leader, but a vice instead.
The unique magic is used on the person who is considered their enemy. This is definitely the case for all chapters, because in most of them, it was dorm leader vs dorm leader or vice depending on the circumstances. In chapter 5, Jamil used his unique magic on Neige because Neige was the one they were up against competition wise and not Vil. Neige was the enemy, not Vil.
Given this information about the magic, we can now ask the question: what is Idia's unique magic?
Their are a four different possibilities I can think of off the top of my head, and some seem pretty accurate, while others might not be that close. I'll give the list and an explanation as to why along with references and possibilities. However there is a high chance none of these are actually correct because every prediction I've ever made has never happened.😑
1) Life for Life (let's make a deal)
This unique magic idea is a reference to Hades, and his ability to make deals with mortals. Basically how it works is that Hades can take away something from a person (like strength or freedom) and in exchange, preserve the life of another person. However, if the person under protection gets hurt, then the deal breaks.
How this unique magic would work for Idia is that its basically the same thing, exchanging a favor for a favor, but if he fails to hold up his end of the bargain, then the magic is cancelled. We've actually seen Idia doing something like this, except it wasn't magic, just a competition: the Star gazer event.
How does this fit into the pattern? Idia wants to be left alone and hates interaction. One thing that I can relate to in this senecio is that whenever Idia says something important, no one listens, and the only thing that happens to Idia is that he loses his confidence and patience. So having an interaction were you lose something instead of gaining something would definitely make a person see that Idia hates talking. So they would lose something in exchange for another's wellbeing.
2) Necromancer (bringing the dead into the living world)
This idea is another reference to Hades, or more specifically, his job as ruler of the Underworld. He keeps track of all the souls who come into the world of the dead.
Idia would be able to bring spirits from the Other side to Twisted Wonderland, and they would fight for him. One of the magic rules is that ghosts can only appear in places with a high concentration of magic. Idia would be able to sustain an area making it possible for ghosts to appear. He would also be able to vanquish them. The reason we didn't see him using this power in the Ghost marriage event was because he was caught off guard.
Again with idea of social interaction, it makes him uncomfortable. So imagine trying to appease a crowd of dead people, instead of living ones. Now try fighting them. You'll find it pretty difficult.
However, this one is the least likely to be the case, because Idia would've tracked down Ortho's soul and brought it back. But we still don't really know much about that. My money is on Ortho being dead from the start, so...
3) Misfortune ( bad luck always follows)
Unlike the previous two, this one doesn't have that close of a reference to Hades, maybe his terrible luck and things not always going his way, but besides that, I don't really know.
Unlike every unique magic that we've seen, this one would work differently. Every magic so far is active, meaning that it is a spell the people can cast against someone. This magic would be passive, meaning that it's always activated with no way to turn it off, but it can still be amplified and made stronger. This magic would bring bad luck to either himself, or everyone around him.
However, this might not be his unique magic, but it could tie into the Shroud family curse, or something. I think that Pomefiore going up against Ignihyde is a good, but also bad choice because Vil's unique magic is Cursing objects, and Idia has probably had bad experiences with whatever curse is running through his family. I think that since Idia is human, his inhumane traits of flaming hair and pointy teeth are a result of the Shroud family curse. As for bad luck, that's another result of the curse. And because of the bad experiences, in chapter 6 I believe Vil is going to cast a curse on Ortho. Vil can't curse people, but he can curse objects, and I think that Ortho would count in this case because he isn't a human being.
4) Gateway to Suffering (portals)
Hear me out on this one. We've seen teleportation magic before from the Diasomia students, but this isn't just snapping yourself from one location to another, this is literally tearing a hole through time and space and bending said space to open a gate from one location to another. This is a reference to the planets alignment in the Hercules movie, more commonly referred to as the prophecy of the Fates.
There are two ways this one can work:
Freestyle. Basically it has no limits to where you can open a portal or go to. You have limited magic energy, but the possibilities on where you can go is endless. However, you need to know where your going and what the place looks like in order for it to work.
Kindred Link. You can only open a portal that leads to a person you know. In other words, if you met someone, and you remember their name and face, then you can open a portal that leads straight to them.
I believe the second one is the more likely option. Idia doesn't like being around other people, but sometimes, you need help with something important and you don't have the right skills to do it then you could bring someone over to you who can help. Idia has stated in the past that he hates working with other people, but I imagine there's a time when he needs help with something, and he doesn't like to resort to that. But his unique magic betrays him by getting help. And he probably hates it. Or maybe the portals can open to where he's needed most.
There are a few other reasons why I like this one. If we end up seeing Idia playing against RSA in the upcoming Magift tournament, then this unique magic would be incredibly useful. It's against the rules to cast spells on players, but technically you wouldn't be casting magic on the player. You could easily move people around the field to where they're needed most, and it wouldn't violate the rules. Another consideration is Chapter 7 when we go up against Diasomia. If we, or someone else, ends up getting captured and imprisoned by Malleus, then this would be the magic used against Malleus to free the prisoner, causing Malleus to Overblot in the process.
And maybe there's a way to customize the portals with magic so we can go home. Who knows?
Anyway, that's all the ideas I have for Idia's magic. I might make a later post about the possibilities for Epel's unique magic. If you have any other ideas on the topic, feel free to add to the list.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!☺️
(Also yes. The kindred Link and the bad luck magic ideas are both references to the Brawen twins Raven and Qrow from RWBY :3)
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Love, Theoretically | Sebastian Stan x reader (Chapter 2)
read Chapter 1 here
series summary: having lost your husband, sister, and best friend all to the same extramarital affair, you ran away to a secluded villa in the Hungarian countryside to write and get a little time away from the life you’d left behind.  you were only looking for peace and perhaps some inspiration for your novel, but instead you found an unlikely connection with the immigrant repairman– even though the two of you don’t speak the same language.
word count: 2.3k (exactly the same as last chapter, i’m proud of myself lol)
warnings: just fluff and ~pining~ for now
thanks again to @evnscvll for making this moodboard-- and this series is for her 3k celebration challenge so def check out her writing!
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You should’ve known that you wouldn’t be able to force yourself to write, but after a quick shower to wash off the day’s journey, you decided there was nothing better to do but sit at the desk and hope for inspiration.
Your husband had never been very supportive of your writing, which is why you had struggled to complete your latest novel.  He, like your publisher and many of your readers, wanted a sequel to your last book, in spite of the fact that you were adamant it was impossible.  It was a complete story, even if the ending was ambiguous.  There was no room for growth in the characters or the world of the story; just because readers wanted more didn’t mean that they would actually enjoy a forced product.
The publisher and your husband, however, shared a very strong opinion: the fans won’t care if it’s forced, and neither should you as long as it sells.  But, they weren’t writers.  You were.  And you knew there were different stories you needed to tell… if only you could find the words for them.
You were a few pages in when you heard the stairs creaking outside your closed door.  There was a quick knock at the door; you answered with an offer to come in.  
“I was just wondering if you wanted some coffee,” Mrs. Alberti explained as she crossed the room, standing beside you at the desk.  You nodded with a quick thank you as she set the cup and saucer down onto the wood.  “Oh heavens, he’s working on the house again,” she suddenly groaned, motioning out the window.  
You leaned over and nearly spit out your coffee when you saw Sebastian outside.  He was only wearing some much-too-tight jeans, driving a hammer down onto wood as the sun cast orange light over his body.  He was glistening with sweat, which was probably pretty uncomfortable for him but he looked damn good anyways.  
“Is he always… like that?” you shuddered.  
“Maybe I didn’t just hire him because he was cheap,” she shrugged, handing you a cloth.  “Go soak this in cold water and bring it to him, he looks overheated.”
You should’ve questioned why she was giving you chores, but you just took the rag and did as she asked.  He didn’t notice you walking out to him at first, but stopped when he did see you, waving quickly and setting down his hammer.
“For the heat,” you explained as you handed it to him.
“Ah, mulțumesc,” he nodded, accepting the rag with a smile.  
As he wiped the sweat from his face, you found your gaze trailing over his arms, down his chest and abdomen.  Jesus, how could this guy eat Mrs. Alberti’s cooking every day and still have washboard abs?  When you looked back up to his face, he was looking right at you with a grin-- oh shit, had he caught you ogling?  But then again, maybe he wanted you to ogle.  Why else would he be doing housework so… shirtlessly?
“Wh-what are you working on?” you asked him to break the silence.  He gave you a puzzled look.  “Er, the wood,” you motioned to the work he was doing, “why?”
His face softened with understanding.  “Construiesc un cadru nou pentru fereastră,” he explained, motioning vaguely to the house, “în partea de est a casei.”
“Right…” you nodded, realizing that you had no idea what he’d said.  Clearly you hadn’t thought this through.
“Aici, permiteți-mi să vă arăt,” he said, grabbing a board and walking past you, motioning for you to follow him as he slung the rag over his shoulder.  You figured you looked like a lost puppy trailing behind him like this.
He stopped when you reached the wall of the house, and grabbed part of the window frame; it creaked and moved as he wiggled it, clearly on the verge of falling off.  Then, he held up the new board he had been hammering and you realized that it was going to replace the rotting portions of the frame.
“A intelege?” he smiled.
“Da!” you answered, and he laughed.
“Cred că asta contează ca român,” he shrugged.
“It’s good you’re fixing the window.  I’m sure Mrs. Alberti appreciates everything you do.”
“Bătrâna îmi plătește rahat, dar sfârșesc trăind aici gratis.”
“Well, I should let you get back to it,” you decided as you stepped back with an uncomfortable smile.
“Nu te voi mai ține, sunt sigur că ești ocupat,” he said, and though you had no real way to interpret it, his tone didn’t seem to indicate that he was trying to stop you from going.
With a little wave and a heavy sense of god why am I such a dork?, you left him and returned indoors.
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First nights in new places were always sort of surreal, but this was definitely less weird than the sleeper car of the train.  You’d felt like a proper stowaway then, but you had a stronger feeling of belonging here… even if you didn’t quite feel like you had any place to call home at the moment.
As you laid in bed and looked at the room turned on its side, you found yourself missing your room.  Your real room.  It had been designed and decorated somewhat meticulously, but most of all you missed the things about it that you hadn’t put that kind of thought into: the random earrings on your bedside table, discarded casually before you went to sleep; the layers of blazers and skirts draped over the chair in the corner; the still-slightly-visible coffee stain on the corner of the rug, even though you’d spent hours trying to get it out.
Meanwhile, this room was so obviously not a space that people lived in, but just a space people passed through.  Though nowhere near as sterile as a traditional hotel room, it had the same emptiness even with its personality-- specifically, a reflection of someone else’s personality rather than your own.
All that said, sleeping was pretty easy once you got yourself comfortable in the fluffy mattress, even if you were aware all through the night that you were not at home.  So aware, even, that you weren’t surprised at all when you woke up in the new space for the first time.  What you were surprised by was the sounds of heavy rain against your window, immediately dashing your plans for a morning jog.  As much as it seemed apropos to type by the window instead and soak in the moody weather, you decided to head downstairs for a cup of coffee first.  Already having forgotten where you had left off, you grabbed the pages you'd already written to reread with your breakfast as you slipped on some comfortable clothes and made your way down the creaky steps
Passing through the living area, it was impossible not to notice Sebastian sitting in one of the chairs, staring intently at a half-played chessboard.  Stopping for a moment to try to determine what he was doing, he moved a piece and you realized he must be playing with himself.
Against himself, you interrupted your own thought, he's playing against himself… important distinction.
“You play chess?” you asked, pointing to the board.
“Şah,” he replied.  
You pointed to the chair across from him.  “Can I join you?” 
“Luaţi loc,” he offered as he gestured to it as well, nodding in approval.  You smiled and sat down as he reorganized the pieces back to the starting position.
“Negru?” he asked, pointing to the black pieces-- “Sau alb?”-- he pointed to the white.
“Um, black,” you decided, pointing to them since they were already on your side anyways.
“Tu primul,” he prompted you, and you moved your pawn.  He moved his, and after that, it was long stretches of silence between moves.  It didn’t feel awkward anymore, though; even between two people who share a language, chess is usually a silent affair.
“Check,” you announced as your bishop came into range of his king.  He looked up from the board and gave you a puzzled look.  “The bishop, see?” you demonstrated, tracing a line through the air over the diagonal squares which led from your piece to his.
“Ahh,” he nodded, stroking his chin as he considered his next move.  It called additional attention to the shadow of stubble which dusted over his jaw.  
He maneuvred a rook in the path of your bishop, and you settled back into your chair and you pondered your options.
The next hour went by oddly quickly.  Not in a rushed way, just in a way that made you wonder how it had already been an hour.  
“Şah,” he informed you as his knight threatened your king.  You weren’t sure if it was supposed to mean ‘check’ or ‘checkmate,’ but since you were able to capture his knight with a pawn, it was definitely just a check.
Instead of mourning his knight, he grinned and moved a rook forward, capturing the aforementioned pawn and trapping your king for good.  You gasped a little as you realized you’d fallen right into his trap.
“Şah-Mat,” he declared triumphantly.  That definitely meant ‘checkmate’; you could tell by the smug look on his face as he crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair.
“You got me, man, that was sneaky,” you smiled.  Offering your hand for a shake, you looked up at him: “Good game.”
He grabbed your hand and shook it, squeezing just tight enough that you wondered if you were the only one noticing a certain energy to the air.  “Bun joc,” he replied with a nod and a smile.
He let go of your hand after lingering just a little too long, his fingers brushing over yours for an electric moment.
Now the silence was awkward again, as the two of you sat in the high-backed chairs, staring across the table at each other.
“So, you really don’t speak any English at all, huh?” you considered aloud.  He looked back at you vacantly.  “English?  Even one word?” you lifted one finger as a symbol.
“Halloo,” he replied-- apparently a broken attempt at ‘hello.’  You laughed a little.
“Yes, that counts!  Did you learn any English in school?”
“Televiziune,” he replied.  
“Ah yes,” you nodded, “I know what that is.  Television; I’m a big fan myself.”
“Puteți vorbi un singur cuvânt de limba română?” he asked you, raising one finger as well.  Turnabout is fair play, after all.
“You mean other than ‘da’?  Or ‘salut’?” you asked with a laugh.
“Pentru a fi corect, acestea sunt cuvinte,” he shrugged.
“Teach me,” you requested.  “Just one word.”  
You looked around the room, settling on a lamp.  “What is this?  In Romanian-- română?” 
“Lampă,” he replied.
“Okay, well, that one isn’t very exciting,” you frowned.  “Um, what about this?” you bent down from your chair, picking up one corner of the rug.
“Covor,” he answered, leaning down with you to run his hand over the soft shag.
“Covor,” you repeated, surely butchering it.
“Da,” he smiled.  Okay, maybe you didn’t butcher it so bad, or maybe he was just being nice.  
“Can you teach me more?” you asked, hoping it wasn’t too demanding.
“Uhhh,” he stalled, looking around the room.  Finally, he pointed to the fireplace.  “Vatră.”
“Vatră, fireplace,” you tried to memorize it as he said it.
You pointed to the window.  “What’s the window called?”
You pointed to the stairway.  “Scară,” he informed you, smiling a little.  You hoped this wasn’t boring for him, because you were actually having a bit of fun.
You pointed to his feet.  He furrowed his brow a little and lifted one, grabbing his shoe.  You nodded; “Pantof,” he explained.
You grabbed your blouse and shook it a little, appreciating the puffs of cool air that rolled down your chest;  “Bluză.”
You pointed to him; “Sebastian.”
You already knew that, but it was interesting to hear the way he said it versus Mrs. Alberti’s pronunciation.  “Yes, that’s an English name too,” you told him, “but pronounced differently…”
You wondered if your name had another pronunciation or translation, so you pointed to yourself; “Frumoasă,” he said, a little slower, a little more thoughtfully.
“Is that the Romanian equivalent to my name-- or does it mean ‘woman’?” you asked.  He just smiled vacantly.  
“This,” you pointed to the book, “what is this called?”
“Carte,” he answered.  “Engleză?”
“Book,” you replied.
“...book…” he said slowly, contemplatively.
Suddenly inspired, you grabbed the loose pages of manuscript that you’d laid on the small table beside you.  “Book,” you repeated, flipping through the pages.  He seemed confused.  “My book,” you clarified, pointing back and forth from yourself the papers.  “I’m writing this-- that’s why I’m here.”
“Ah!” his face lit up with recognition.  “Ar trebui să scrii o carte!”
“Yeah,” you nodded.  “I’m a writer; or, I’m trying to be.  My last book did… better than my first, at least.”  
“Ce fel de carte este?” he asked.  You looked at him with confusion to indicate you weren’t sure what he was asking.  “Uhh, book… este--” he made a sad face, rubbing under his eyes like a cartoon character’s weeping-- “sau--” he fake-laughed.
You laughed, actually, at his charades.  “It’s a thriller, it’s crime--” you thought for a moment, then made the motion of stabbing someone with a knife. 
His eyes got wider.  “Este… erotic?” 
You choked a little, realizing that your hand movement was… more ambiguous than you originally intended.  “No!” you blurted out suddenly.  “No, it’s… crime, mystery--” 
You looked around and saw a magnifying glass resting on the side table by your chair; grabbing it, you held it to your face and gave your best quizzical look.
“Oh!  Crimă!” he grinned.  “Detectiv?”
“Yes, yes, there’s a detective,” you sighed satisfactorily, “and absolutely no handjobs.”
shamelessly tagging the people who liked chapter 1!  @mariahthelioness29 @navybrat817 @navegandoaciegas @mandalorianspace @2smittinkittin @maizyistrash @honeygingergemini​ 
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entityupdates · 3 years
This is a supplementary post for my Rook Gets The Omnitrix AU fic. This post explains which aliens he has and why I choose them.
I love the original ten aliens and I think they’re an amazingly balanced set but for this fic, I wanted to have some underused aliens and just do something different to keep it fun without making OCs. A balanced team generally has water (Ripjaws), fire (Heatblast), energy/ electric/ tech (Upgrade), flight (Stinkfly), smart (Grey Matter), speed (XLR8), building/ versatility/ resistant (Diamondhead), Sensory (Wildmutt), and some kind of unique power (Ghostfreak). Plant manipulation, duplication, and sound are also core powers, I think. Sticking to this formula, here are the aliens I went with for this story:
1. Tidetail Wave
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One of the creators confirmed that the Omnitrix has DNA of other Earth species, including the dolphin and white lab mouse. I knew I wanted to use one so I went with the dolphin. There is no canonical name for this transformation so I’m calling it Tidetail Wave.
Since this is an animal we have in real life, I wanted to keep Tidetail’s powers realistic and I’m not taking any creative liberties with this guy. Dolphins powers include swimming, echolocation, sharp vision, electroreception, mud rings/ mud nets, agility, intelligence, enhanced healing and ability to produce natural painkillers, holding their breath for a long time, and incredible speed in the water.
I originally picked Tidetail because he covers the water part of the team but he also covers sensory. Dolphins can use echolocation, meaning they can emit sound and listen to the way it bounces off objects to mentally map their surroundings, and they can also use electroreception, meaning they can sense the electrical impulses that living things give off and use them to find them if their sense of sight is restricted. 
The power I was most interested in was the mud rings/ mud nets dolphins make. In shallow water, they can kick up the sand below to create these rings to trap and disorient prey. I feel like it would be pretty cool to see this in combat.
The Omnitrix usually scans the “ideal” form of a species (as shown in the second Omniverse video game) so Tidetail would be stronger than the average dolphin. Dolphins are already pretty strong and can have pretty wicked teeth designed for latching into things. They’re naturally pretty resistant, have a healing ability several times as strong as humans, and can continue on with injury which would be useful in combat.
2. Archfiend
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This is another alien that has been implied to exist by Derrick J. Wyatt but has not been confirmed. We can assume Archfiend’s DNA is in the Codon Stream though and we have seen Benzarro use a version of this alien called Archfiendzarro.
This alien has enhanced strength and durability and hellfire powers but I imagine that any kind of advanced fire techniques are something this alien must learn and just has regular fire powers by default. 
As you can assume, Archfiend would fill the fire slot on this set of aliens. There aren’t a lot of options when it comes to fire aliens. I decided not to go with Heatblast since I wanted to limit the number of original aliens that we see and I didn’t go for Swampfire because he seems a bit too powerful for a beginner Omnitrix wielder to have. I felt like Archfiend was different and unique so I wanted to try him. Plus, I eventually wanted Rook to visit Anur Transyl and I felt like Archfiend would be a good alien to use there.
3. Antigravitesla
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Antigravitesla is one of the aliens made for the Latin American commercials but never seen in the show. Antigravitesla has control over gravity but he has trouble controlling his powers. The commercial is only a few seconds so we don’t see much of him but he seems to be very powerful, maybe too powerful for a beginner but I think the inability to control Antigravitesla’s powers balances it out. Since he cannot be easily controlled, he cannot be used as much or very well and it also presents a challenge to the Omnitrix bearer.
I wanted to take some creative liberties with this alien and give him some electrical powers as well since he is named after the man who designed the modern alternating current electricity supply system, thus allowing him to take the place of energy alien on the set. I did consider going for Upgrade or Brainstorm on this one but Antigravitesla is my favorite commercial alien and I wanted to take on the challenge of writing an alien like this.
4. Terrorsaur
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Terrorsaur is one of the Tom Perkins aliens that he made for fun and was not based on anything in the show, though he did intend for this guy to be a Ben 10K alien. Terrorsaur is a flying alien with the ability to cause terrifying hallucinations. I choose him to cover Stinkfly’s flying ability and some of Ghostfreak’s spookiness.
Like with Antigravitesla’s powers, I think the hallucinations may be a bit overpowered but, the Omnitrix bearer can’t always use all of an aliens powers right off the bat. I think that at first, Rook would only be able to use Terrorsaur for flight and master the rest of Terrorsaur’s powers later on.
A lot of the Omnitrix aliens can fly but Stinkyfly is pretty much the only one good for riding. I didn’t want to use Stinkfly though and it wasn’t that difficult to settle on Terrorsaur. I really like this alien and I think his scary appearance would be fun to write.
5. Four Arms
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I think we all know who Four Arms is. He’s got super strength, thick skin, and not much else which makes him an excellent beginner alien. When it comes to strength, I didn’t want to pick someone too overpowered and I also wanted to have a balance of unique and recognizable aliens. Four Arms felt like a good choice. 
I did consider using an Acrosian (Fistina’s species) since supposedly the Omnitrix does have that DNA. I thought it may be funny but I already named Tidetail and I didn’t want to have too many forms without canonical names since that feels a bit like OC territory and I didn’t want to do that. I also considered Atomix or Humungasaur but I thought that would be too overpowered.
6. Juryrigg
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I had a hard time settling on who to pick for the smarts category. Grey Matter and Brainstorm are probably the best choices since their intelligence covers a lot. I also was leaning towards Gutrot for awhile, even if his knowledge is mostly surrounding chemistry, before I settled on Juryrigg. Juryrigg’s intelligence is surrounding machines which I think is a good supplement to Rook’s interest in cars. He needs to be used responsibly but his powers are good in and out of combat. Plus, he’s pretty fast and he’s got claws which is a good skill to have if he ever is separated from machinery. 
7. XLR8
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Like with fire, there aren’t a lot of options for speed. The main options are XLR8, Fasttrack, Skidmarx, and Jetray. I love Jetray but I already had flight, water, and energy covered. Jetray may be too overpowered for a beginner. I’m not too familiar with Fasttrack and I almost went with him for that reason. I really wanted to use Skidmarx but we don’t actually know his powers and from what little we do know, I thought he might be a bit overpowered.
Like Four Arms, I think XLR8 is a good strong but simple choice. They’re also fairly recognizable and I wanted to have a few aliens who characters would recognize. Plus I really like XLR8.
8. Bloxx
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I almost went with Diamondhead for this spot. Diamondhead is an amazing alien and one of my favorites. His crystal building can be used in many ways and he is very strong and durable. But, I decided to go with Bloxx which is basically just a weaker, more bendy version of Bloxx.
Bloxx gets a lot of hate and I think he was mostly used for comical reasons in Omniverse but I think he is a good beginner alien and he had potential if he is used right.
9. Kringl The Summoner
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Like Terrorsaur, Kringl is one of Tom Perkin’s designs that he made after the show and is technically noncanonical. I picked this guy to fill the miscellaneous slot but his powers are kind of similar to Ditto’s. Kringl has the power to summon energy constructs that resemble elves. I imagine he also has some kind of enhanced strength or durability and some kind of ice powers like Artiguna. I also feel like he would have some kind of mental link with his energy elves. Maybe he has weak senses and he relies on them to navigate? 
I’m not sure if Kringl is overpowered or underpowered but I wanted to use him. I feel like he’s a very unexpected alien who can be pretty useful. 
10. Wildvine
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Last but not least, Wildvine. Plant powers were not on the original squad but I think they’re a core ability. Swampfire is a bit too strong but Wildvine has a good set of powers. Plant manipulation, regeneration, stretchy limbs, digging, and seed bombs make a diverse skillset. Plus, Wildvine is a classic alien who was not part of the original set. He’s fun, he’s strong, and chances are his powers will be pretty useful on Revonnah.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
may we know all the species of housepets?! I'm very intrigued by "you"/us calling Riddles a "roseling"
Yeah sure why not. I know it's going to be a while if I let the info come out with the drabbles, so for those that are impatient, here be some info for the Heartslabyul. If you wish to wait, the option is there too. Also, gonna keep it brief so if you want a drabble with more details, don't hesitate to send an ask.
House Pet AU Info
While I know I said that the house pets are animals, that's actually not quite correct, as you can see from house pet Malleus who is still a dragon, just tiny. So, I ended up making some fantasy species to go with the themes of the boys. Well, most of them. Not all of them animals, such as Kalim, Rook and Silver. They're fully human. Anyways, here be something, a taste so to speak.
Heartslabyul is entirely made up of plant nymphs, function in a sort of hierarchy within the garden in the back of your house. Hence the whole Roseling for Riddle. As he is a rose plantling. Rose petals make up his gown like outfit with rose leaves popping out of his head to shape a crown. He stands out among the rest of them for the fact he's the only one with both eyes.
Trey, the main tender for the rose, had a batch of tiny clovers blooming out of his left eye. It's not a trauma injury, that's simply a part of their species when lower than the rose. Compared to Riddle, who has a rose body, the rest of the four helpers had leaf limbs, fingers and all. They made their own little outfits it seems, because when you first got them, all they were wearing was a colorful assortment of decaying petals and leaves. Trey took a special interest in the playing cards you dropped one day in the garden they all moved into and made it their home. Since then, while the outfits are crude, there was always a playing card theme or design in the outfits somewhere.
Cater had orange plumerias blooming from his right eye. He was the one in charge of designing the garden. While occasionally taking turns to tend to Riddle's rose, sprucing up the garden was his main thing. And he's a very quick worker about it. One time, you bought some lilies that reminded you of Deuce and the next day, they were planted right under your window. His limbs also had a bit of an orange tinge to it.
Deuce had blue lilies blooming from his right eye as well. He and Ace take up the role as guard dogs of sorts. He threw a pebble at your eye when you tried to move the rose from its place in the box. But, he was ironically the first one to trust you when you made an egg custard.
The last one to trust you was Ace, a little nymph with mini red tulips blooming from his left eye. The other guard dog that would make it his mission to keep you out of the garden long after you've gained the trust of everyone else. One of his methods was setting up the sprinkler to go off anytime you'd try to go outside. He even tried to get you out of your home by locking you out and stealing your keys, the dick. And the reason he started trusting you? Trey got sick, incredibly sick, and it spread to Cater, leaving no one to tend to Riddle's rose. You took the time to care for them, making sure they were getting the sunlight they needed, feeding them a delicate diet with a syringe with such a steady hand. The calm in the storm Ace and Deuce were trapped in.
And when Riddle's rose finally bloomed? Well, that's a story for another time.
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