#the opening number is legitimately pretty funny
jelly-o630 · 2 months
Been listening to new musicals today and for a show called Two Strangers (carry a cake across New York) you’d think there’d be more comedy but every single song is so freaking dramatic and the rhymes suck 90% of the time like I’m sorry but this is like 3 or 4/10 musical at best, every song except the opening is trying to be the most heart wrenching song of the show (except for the opening number) and does it such a disservice
I will say there is one really good song and that was About To Go In but besides that one they’re all really forgettable
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purerae · 1 year
What if the reader was high/drunk and when she’s high/drunk she’s the sweetest and very loving. How would Kieran react? Would he be all lovey with her?
warnings ;; yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour , fluff, obsession, lying (??), jealousy etc, slight angst (if you squint)
click here for the masterlist!
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Kieran walks into the party that he was dreading going to. Because he gave up hooking up with girls, going to parties was too boring for him. He can’t get drunk because he has a very high tolerance and the conversations he has with his so-called ‘friends’ makes him want to feel pain so he can shoot himself five times in the head.
The white-haired male would much rather talk with you, feel you, and joke around with you. Too bad, every time he asks for your number you mutter out a sarcastic response and switch the topic.
It’s not his fault he wants to speak with you at all times! I mean…He could just sneak into your house and watch you from there. But he isn’t going to do that of course! He’s not a fucking creep.
As he walks deeper into the house party, alcohol is pushed against his nose as his past hookups wink at him, the ones who want to be his new girl attempt to walk up to him but he just gives them a wink and pushes past them. If he got a coin for the number of people who dabbed him up and knew his name while he didn’t know theirs, He’d probably be twice as rich as he is now.
The playboy (or ‘former’ playboy) gets pulled into a conversation with the football jocks as they speak about the next game, who they’re going to go for and just basic stuff etc. Kieran makes a joke here and there and he can’t tell if they’re laughing at it because it was legitimately funny or if they’re laughing because they want to get on his good side.
With you, he never had to think that. He knows that you laugh if something is actually funny and God, it makes him feel so proud when he’s the one who gets the laugh out of you.
Speaking of you…His eyes glance away from the group for a split second and the same eyes widen at the scene in front of him. It was you. Dressed up for a party he would never imagine you would go to and hell, you looked fine as fuck. But there was no way you would go to this shitty party! Who would even invite you? The jocks?? No, no it couldn’t have been. Could it?
Maybe he’s just too obsessed with you that he’s imagining you there. He quickly disregards the conversation and walks up to the couch he’s supposedly imagining you on. But there you were, In the flesh. He gives you an infamous smirk before smoothly saying
“Woah, didn’t kn—“ “Oh, my god!! Kieran! Helloooo!!” You grin at him before jumping up from your seat, almost stumbling to the ground and give him a big hug before giggling. “Fancy seeing you here~!”
Kieran remained still for what felt like hours but was actually around 5 seconds. Why were you happy to see him? Why are you hugging him??? “…Haha hey now— What’s gotten’ into you princess?”
This was one of the first times he was almost speechless. Normally you reject his advances constantly. Even if he put an arm around your shoulder, you would give him a sharp glare and push him off. But now…You’re hugging him?!
Unfortunately for him, you let go of the blissful hug before looking up at him and pouting with wide glassy eyes.
“Are you not happy to see me…I’m r-really happy to see you, Kieran!” You sniff and flop back onto the couch. Glaring at him with narrowed eyes and a pout on your cherished lips.
The blue-eyed male recovers from his shocked flustered stare before realising…bottles everywhere, your eyes were struggling to stay open, emotions off the rail. You were obviously drunk! Your personality seemed more intimate too. He could use this to his advantage. Kieran quickly sits down next to you and holds onto your arm.
“Of course, I'm happy to see you, cutie! I'm always happy to see your pretty little face~” He flirts back at you, wondering how the drunk version of you would respond.
You lean into his touch and smile. “I knew you’d be happy to see me..!!” you look at his face and then his shirt before placing a hand against it. “Woah— your shirt suits you so much, Kier! You should wear blue more often” You compliment him with a wide smile and your eyes closed.
Kieran looks at your flushed face. In his heart, he knows it’s because of the alcohol but ignorance is bliss so he’ll pretend it was because of him. His face matched yours despite not drinking anything. The new nickname and the compliment which you never give him, gives him electrical pangs in his heart.
He looks down at you with a widened smile and you’re so close to him, he just wants to kiss your red plumped lips but decided against it. He wanted you to be sober when you guys kissed. He wants you to remember his lips on yours.
“Jesus, how much did you drink princess?” He mutters to himself, intending for you not to hear but since you guys are only 8 cm away from each other, you hear him loud and clear.
With a big frown, you say “I'm not drunk…at all… barely even dranked…drunk..drank?” you slur your words out and struggle to keep your head up before giving up and placing it on his chest.
To people surrounding you guys, it looks as though you’re his millionth girlfriend and he’s just flirting with you. But Kieran doesn’t care what people think. The male turns you around and lets you lean on his chest with a content smile, he wraps his hands around your shoulders.
“Hm? I believe you babe~ you’re not drunk at all, yeah?” He says with a humming tune in his voice.
You let out a “Mhm!” noise and you guys stay like that for a while. Kieran is flirting with you and instead of your sarcastic responses, you giggle and laugh while acting all sweet to him too. He knows if you were sober right now and saw how you were acting with him, saw the very public display of affection, You’d vomit all over the place and never speak with him again.
But he was always good at keeping secrets.
Your sweet conversation got cut off by one of Kieran’s ‘friends’ who walks up to you both with a drink in hand before laughing.
“Yoo, this your new bitch? She’s hot as fuck, where’d ya’ get her?” He yells out, obviously drunk and high and everything in between.
Kieran’s smirk turns into an angered look. Something no one has ever seen before. His eyes darken as he hears the cunt refer to the love of his life as a ‘bitch’…as well as complimenting her too! No one deserves to compliment what's his. He should be the one to call you hot, not some guy who doesnt even know your name.
He snarls out “She’s my girlfriend you freak, Say shit like that one more time and I’ll knock you the fuck out. Got it?” He places his signature smirk back on but his eyes remain the same.
The poor guy has never seen Kieran act like this before. This was a look he never wanted to see ever again. He responds meekly with a “m-my bad bro” Before scurrying off like a lost little sheep.
Kieran’s smirk drops once again as he holds you even tighter in his grasp. His fingers dig into your skin as you yelp in pain.
His touch loosens. “Sorry princess, just close your eyes again for’ me, okay?” He looks down at you and sees your tilted head staring at him with a confused and worrying stare. He raises his eyebrow before you softly explain
“I’m…your girlfriend?” Kieran laughs and nods his head confidently.
“Of course! Did my cute girl drink so much that she almost forgot?~” He pecks your nose before leaning back onto the armrest and closing his eyes, his arms still resting against your body.
You make a noise of confusion before accepting the fact that you’re his ‘girlfriend’ and get comfortable against him again.
“Ah…Sorry!” You giggle out. and hold onto his arms.
Kieran knows this is wrong. He knows that if you knew he did this, you'd hate him forever. But he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help the domestic feeling of being a boyfriend. Your boyfriend.
Although he loves your snarky responses, He could definitely get used to the sweet side of you. Just one more hour of this. Please.
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
Summarise WIPs badly
So this is the part where I normally say “thanks for the tags” but actually it’s a big old middle finger for the tags @cha-melodius @orchidscript @magicandarchery and @anincompletelist because I’m pretty sure most if not all of you know how fucking dire my WIP situation is right now. So this is definitely not all of them—instead it’s a combination of next cabs off the rank and ones I could think of a funny bad summary for. If you can’t see one you love here, it’s not abandoned, it might still be coming sooner than some of these, I’m just not smart enough to summarise it badly 😂
@indestructibleheart and I constantly try to one-up each other in the emotional pain stakes, but in fic form
Enemies to lovers needs way more legitimate hate fucking
I Shoehorned Something Into The Much Ado Epilogue Last Minute And Now I Have To Justify It: a Fandom Trumps Hate Tale
Los Bastardos commit (emotional) insider trading
Rafael is surrounded by disaster queers [bonus points for this being the actual doc title]
You’ve Got Mail: fetish website edition
Henry canonically wants to spend his Crown money in the most spiteful way possible, so why not make that horny and just a little ✨problematic✨
If you have an exhibitionist streak but you’re super fucking famous, have you tried ghosts?
Let’s just bring the monsterfucker undertones of beauty and the beast out into the open
What if I broke everyone’s hearts but in verse
You make one smartass comment on a @sparklepocalypse WIP Wednesday and suddenly you have another WIP of your own, and Henry’s gonna suffer in a whole different way
The number of fics I write per fandom where someone turns into a swan is low, but apparently never zero
What if I change almost everything about everyone’s favourite non-Disney film and hope they like it anyway?
As a bonus to this, I invite anyone reading this to send me asks telling me which ones you wanna see next and/or to get more info about any of the above. You might get a snippet, or a bit of outline, or just some unhinged rambling!
Tagging @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @nontoxic-writes @sherryvalli @sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play.
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eisforeidolon · 1 month
Question: What was your funniest favorite episode and your darkest favorite episode?
Jared: Fuckin' great question. First off, welcome. Funniest? Here's something, I think I know my answer to funniest, but I will say, not funniest while shooting. Like, kind of nerve-wracking while shooting. And I would go to two episodes, French Mistake and Changing Channels. And we had a great time during those episodes, like we had a great time filming those episodes? But it was kind of nerve-wracking because you're like, are we ruining this? Are we gonna ruin the show? Is it gonna be alright, are they gonna still watch us? It's like, okay, let's just make it real. I think French Mistake would probably be my number one because the opportunity to make fun of yourself, on camera, that's gonna last forever? It's pretty fuckin' cool. One of the most heartbreaking or heart-wrenching? Man, I forget the name of this episode. There was an episode later on, and I've talked about this before, but - there have been a few times - well, the finale, the series finale was hard. Not all of it, obviously, there was a lot of fun stuff, but that fucking barn scene was heartbreaking for months leading up to it, 'cause we were in the pandemic. There was an episode prior to that where Jensen and I are standing outside the Impala and Sam is berating Dean for something? And I couldn't remember my lines. And that doesn't happen to me. And not that I'm cool or something like that - [audience discussing] - Prophet and Loss. And it was so difficult because, like - and I'm a professional. I know my job, I take it seriously, I prepare and I go to work and I do it. I give it everything I have. But my brain wouldn't let me find - I felt like I had dementia or something - and I don't mean to make light of dementia, I've had family with it who've passed from it. But I just was like, I don't know what I'm saying right now, I can't fucking remember what I'm supposed to do next. And it was so difficult to get through it, and I kinda realized later that it was because Jared didn't like what Sam was saying? And so it was really difficult to learn. I went home and I cried myself to sleep. And I came home - I came to set the next day? And my eyes wouldn't open. 'Cause I went home and I was like, fucked up, I fucked up, I ruined Sam, I ruined Supernatural, like what's wrong with me? Like I know I did my homework, I've prepped for days, weeks, months, whatever, for hours a day. And I just couldn't do it. And I think I realized - and funny enough, to an earlier question? Sacrifice was like that, for me. With the Sam and Dean bit of, like, you know what I asked for forgiveness for in there was letting you down. Like who do you go to next, another vampire? You know? It was so difficult to get out, that - like, there was a disconnect? Like my own body's self preservation mode that I don't know where it exists, like kicked in. Don't say that shit, don't say it. That ain't gonna feel good, you're not gonna like that. So I would say those two sequences in Sacrifice and Prophet and Loss were, in hindsight - at the time I didn't know! You go to work, you're like I know my lines, I can say all the words right now. And then you get in the scene, you're doing it and you're like, why is this so hard? Why am I not rem- I know I did my preparation. So those two would be the most difficult.
Jared: But yeah, French Mistake, and then Changing Channels like, [does the voice] Nutcracker!!! Which was, by the way, terrifying. That was probably my scariest because the machine legitimately - and it was, when we were there, they put you in these, like, ski boots. They have redone ski boots? So you're in and then they lock you in, and the fuckin' ball on the stick was a legit ball on a stick that went like this [mimes ball movement and makes noise]. And so they sat me there and they're like, okay, you see this X mark on the thing? You're like yeah yeah, I see it. And you're locked in, they're like okay, don't let your hips go past that. Like, [incredulous expression] I'm sorry? So if I'm here [mimes moving hips forward], I'm getting hit in the nuts. [moves hips back] If I'm here, I'm okay. And so I was like, I think the first take we did, they're like, okay, we're gonna go ahead and do the stunt. Which I didn't get hit, it just looked like it. But I think I was like, okay, so the X mark? And they're like, yeah. And I was like, okay [pushes hips way back], I'm ready! And they were like, you look really weird right now. And I was like, no, I feel good, I feel good. And so I finally had to go, and I think the first one, as soon as I knew, it was like three, two, one, I was gonna get hit? I go [makes pained face and leans back]. And they're like, Jared, listen, we're hoping not to hit you, we need you to hold a straight face until the machine does that thing. And I was like [high pitched voice] Okay, I got it. So that was probably the most physical danger I felt I was gonna be in.
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beatledumpster · 10 months
i’d love to know the ins and outs of damon’s involvement in elastica’s songwriting. i definitely don’t want to believe he was some kind of lone mastermind behind it all. i don’t even think his playing on the tracks must have mattered much. but he probably made significant contributions to the writing. i don’t like the idea that he did so because justine couldn’t. knowing how he likes to be in charge while justine seems pretty laid-back and open in comparison, it may have just been her openness that gave him space to contribute a lot (maybe too much for her own good in the end). she was probably okay with it or even grateful for his contributions in the moment. i wonder how he saw his own place in the band: as a legitimate founding member, a producer, an ephemeral helping hand? officially, the elastica documentary points to the latter interpretation. did he get kind of kicked out after a while because he didn’t fit in? or did he always know he was just there as an extra and wasn’t really supposed to be part of the band? did he actually keep hanging out in the studio when annie and donna had completed the lineup or did he only leave his mark in early demos/sessions with justine and justin? was he just there, just another band member, or did he really do most of the work of figuring the songs out? did justine and damon work as a secret songwriting duo? was he adopting his kind of pedagogical attitude where he was giving advice and showing how to build a song to the other musicians there? was it actually useful or merely patronising? to what extent? was his main contribution, just like in blur or often gorillaz, giving a demo before letting the others flesh his sketch out? that’s what i’m picturing: that’s his job, his strength - he must have had so many demos lying around that justine just agreed to pick some stuff from it to play with.
anyway, damon and the band must have agreed afterwards not to credit him too much to avoid talks of brilliant famous boyfriend behind untalented helpless girlfriend, but it meant her only source of reputation could be threatened by this rotten secret debt at the core of those sessions… well they couldn’t have predicted this danger since they probably thought they wouldn’t split up and damon wouldn’t be tempted to discredit her that way.
there’s still this ambiguity which i despise in damon’s hints about this. even if he can’t/prefers not to reveal how much he was involved, he’s kind of playing with it and that shows a dark side. if he hasn’t written most of it, then he shouldn’t imply that. then again his ego might see it that way. and we don’t know whether there’s actual truth in it or it’s a grayer area of musical collaboration and things left unsaid between an enthusiastic helper and a laid-back person who received the help. which is what i’m sensing, but can’t prove obviously.
what we know may only be a small part of what he actually did for the band. we know that damon provided his demo ‘beached whale’ which became ‘spastica’. and he played keyboards on a number of elastica tracks. and he played the synthesiser riff of ‘connection’…. but did he write more of it than that, or was it just this riff? it’s not clear at all from the zane lowe interview: he says he ‘did’ the riff (wrote? played?) but then says the machine ‘is’ connection, implying the whole song comes from his machine… anyway, whether he was the one who ripped the riff off wire or justine doesn’t really matter, it’s still plagiarism! that’s the funny thing about it. i guess they agreed on this, maybe they both came up with the idea of basing elastica songs on wire songs. but if you take the ‘mastermind’ narrative that gives full credit to damon and barely recognises any real input from justine (which i don’t believe at all), that would mean his ‘gift’ was, in part, more of a curse than a blessing, like he should be proud to have made his girlfriend’s album a rip-off album without her being aware of it? lol.
but yeah, there’ll always be this uncomfortable weirdness about elastica’s history and his tall shadow as someone famous and influential, often portrayed as a genius musical polymath in the media. which is a bit unfair, there’s clearly an imbalance there.
one could argue that it’s unfair he wasn’t credited if he contributed as much as he’s been implying he has, but he should just let it go instead of being thirsty for recognition decades later at the risk of creating some harmful rehashed media turmoil, shouldn’t he? i’d rather hear a testimony from someone who wouldn’t be too biased towards one or the other camp, saying what damon’s real contributions were, and the two main protagonists should remain graceful and silent about it.
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sfb123 · 2 years
7,19 22, and 23 for the three songs ask
Ooooh so many numbers for me to answer! Thank you so much for asking! 🥰
"the three songs" ask set
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved
I answered this one in a previous post. I had a hard enough time thinking of these three, or else I'd come up with three more for you! 😂
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure
The funny thing about this one is that I'm pretty open about my weirdness, so I don't know if there are any songs I would actually feel guilty about listening to. But here are a couple that I think fit the bill.
I know Paris Hilton is a big deal DJ now, but back in the day, she tried to be a pop star. She succeeded in being a one hit wonder. And this song slaps. I still listen to it on the regular.
The fact that I even know an O-Town deep cut is proof positive that this one deserves a shout out. This song is so good because of how truly corny it is. It’s a “love” song that is basically spoken in all cheesy pickup lines, and it’s hilarious. This definitely comes off more as a parody boy band song, but it is, in fact, a band that was supposed to be taken seriously.
This song in 1999? A jam.
This song in 2022? A problem. 
I’m not going to dig into it here, just take a look at the lyrics. The message of the song is not great, like at all, but I still dance in my seat whenever it comes on. 
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad
Anything No Doubt is always my go-to when I’m feeling down. They’re my favorite band, so listening to them just makes me happy. This song in particular is one that I listen to when I’m feeling sad, and want to remind myself that I’m a bad bitch and I can handle whatever is making me sad. 
Not technically No Doubt, so I’m counting it. This is my go to song when I’m sad and instead of pumping myself up, I want to cry it out.
When I’m sad, I need comfort. Disney is my number one comfort, and of course Ariel is my number one princess. I have a whole Disney playlist that I go to when I’m sad. This song, while one of my favorites, also serves as a representative for all of those comfort songs from my childhood. 
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
I answered this one here, but I’ll pick three more for you! 
This is a newer pick. I’ve never been much of a fan of it, to be honest. It was just that song I had to listen to for a few seconds before The Hills started. Then, a radio show I listen to created a playlist that they called “go girl rock”, which is basically exactly what it sounds like, and this song was on that. I listened to the playlist, because there were some great songs on it. Then this song came on, and I listened to is from beginning to end, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t legitimately feel hyped and ready to take on the world by the end of it. 
I sometimes refer to Fall Out Boy as my college boyfriends. They were the band I listened to the most during that time in my life. I’ve also seen them more times than I can even remember (and met them two or three times too), and they ALWAYS end the show with Saturday. The song is hype, and the album version alone could get me pumped, but the fact that this song will always bring me back to those amazing live moments is what pumps me up the most about it. I hear this song, and I feel like I’m ready to mosh (notice I said feel like, I’m far to dainty of a flower to actually mosh at a concert). 
This song is a whole ass party. It’s upbeat, it’s fun, and the lyrics embody the ‘I don’t give a fuck what you think’ attitude I try (emphasis on try) to live by.
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tyrannuspitch · 11 months
okay okay aos asgard thoughts.
episode 8:
number one confusing thing to get out of the way - i knowww it's just reminding the audience of some exposition, but skye's comment in the opening scene seems to suggest that like... it isn't common knowledge... that asgardians are aliens? what else do people think they are??? like i know they know the chitauri are aliens. they know loki wasn't summoning ghosts or demons in new york. but they look at loki himself and they're like sure you can be a fundamental force of nature i guess? and you can still get beaten up by a guy on steroids??
ANYWAY. the berserker staff is an interesting artefact! it's a very self-destructive mechanism - i know they don't quite present it this way, but if you take it at all literally and accept that the added strength comes from the rage and adrenaline the staff causes... in real life, that additional strength comes from pushing past your limits, right? pushing through pain and mental blocks that are there for good reason? even asgardians have those, and even with asgardian healing, making a career out of getting those injuries is not going to be great for you. it's not as bad as the dark elves and the kursed, but it's getting up there. but 1000 years ago was a time of major changes for asgard - conquest of jotunheim, end of the valkyries... - so i wonder if asgard still has berserkers either. either way, it is very telling that the berserkers recruit from ordinary people, and not the nobility.
when randolph isn't being a creep, i like him. he's funny! he's kind of mean! it's refreshing to meet an ordinary asgardian! i also enjoy how (iirc) he conspicuously doesn't mention why he, an asgardian soldier, was sent to earth to begin with, and no-one asks him. how do they keep getting away with this!!!
i can't quite work out what's going on with the "paganist" group. (if there's even a reason for that -ist?) they seem to revere the inanimate powers of asgard, but hate asgardians themselves and fear that asgardians are trying to reassert power over humanity? which makes them like... the very rough pagan equivalent of satanists? "we recognise these gods, but we don't see their power as legitimate." which is an interesting angle to take for social fallout of loki's shenanigans... but still, it does feel a bit status-quoy, somehow. personally i would be more concerned about the standard asatru groups who think they're the gods' favourites etc etc. asgardian power IS sinister. if we were in a thor movie we wld understand this.
episode 15:
sif's characterisation is interesting! this is the most screentime she's had in anything (it might actually add up to more than all her other screentime) but she spends all of it in mission/crisis mode, so it's a very particular side of her. an interesting mix of formal, grave, blunt and dramatic. there's definitely an edge of warrior entitlement to it, but also, like... she clearly isn't nearly as comfortable in that entitlement as, say, thor. even when thor was in evil-dead-brother crisis in the avengers, he didn't read as stiff in the way sif does here. potentially because she isn't familiar with midgard, and/or doesn't want/enjoy mortals' attention? or just because sif has had to fight for status (esp military status) in a way thor has not, so she holds onto it a little too tight...
i'm not sure how i feel about lorelei. i suppose it makes sense for her to want an army if she wants to stay free when asgard are looking for her, so motive isn't a huge concern, but still... as it stands, she doesn't really interest me as a character. but i will say that her prison sounds pretty nightmarish. odin is good at that.
also quite funny to think that shield was in fact unknowingly working with loki at this point. top five things for thor to never ever tell them <3
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
greedy | myg x reader | chapter one: you like milkshakes?
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summary: being a loner has never bothered yoongi until now.  until you.
pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: mafia AU, pining, eventual smut
rating: 18+
word count: 4.3K
notes: confession, i am struggling these days with my insane attraction to min yoongi.  this guy has it all.  looks and talent and mystery and sweetness -- he’s the total package. so i really wanted to give him a story in this AU that i’ve come to love so much and i truly hope you guys enjoy it.  
i also hope you guys know how much i appreciate every single one of you. i see your reblogs and comments and likes and i try to answer every one because it truly makes my day.  you guys make my day.
i could not post this fic without shouting out the amazing @hobi-gif because honestly, if hope didn’t read it, did i even write it? and i’m sending major love to three people who are such a source of laughter and support for me, @ladyartemesia​ @ppersonna @taetaewonderland. you guys keep me in stitches.
this fic is a continuation of the Guarded Series but can be read as a standalone piece! Chapter 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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Yoongi had fucked up.
He’d misread the massive man’s approach, tracking him in one direction when the guy was actually headed in another.  That’s how the asshole managed to catch Yoongi off guard with one meaty fist to the face. 
It didn’t matter that it was hundreds of pounds of fat -- not muscle -- behind that punch.  It was wielding more than enough momentum to blow up the side of Yoongi’s face like a bomb. 
That’s the night he landed in the ER at Songdo at nearly two in the morning, pressing gauze to his bleeding face.  
That’s the night he found himself chuckling inside an empty exam room, reading triage paperwork that made him sound like some kind of war hero instead of just an idiot who got caught looking the wrong way.
That’s the night he met you.
“Rough evening, Mister Yun?” 
Yoongi had looked up from the floor just as you’d breezed into the room, tablet in hand.  That moment marked the second time he’d been caught off guard that night.
“That looks like it hurts,” you’d murmured sympathetically, eyes raking over the bloody mess on his face.  Your gaze was clinical -- professional -- as you assessed his grossly swollen eye and the half dozen bleeding cuts that surrounded it.  
But then you’d stopped looking at him -- and stepped back to really look at him.  
Yoongi had taken one look at your enormous, dark eyes and your soft, sweet face and he was dumbstruck.  He’d blinked back at you with the only eye that could still move.  
“You’re a doctor?”
“Nope,” you’d replied casually, turning to reach for a pair of latex gloves. “I’m a janitor. But I’ve always wanted to give this medicine thing a try. You don’t mind, right?”  
Your eyes had sparkled then, bright with humor -- and Yoongi couldn’t help but grin despite the pain pulsing from the left side of his face.
“Here’s the deal, Mister Yun,” you’d said, pulling on your gloves.  “I’m a resident.  And I’m more than qualified to handle the -- situation -- on your face, but if you feel more comfortable waiting for the attending, I’m happy to step back.  Good luck seeing him before sunrise, though.”
“Nah,” Yoongi had chuckled.  “I think I’ll take my chances with you.”
“Good call.”
You’d leaned in close after that, gloved fingers firm under his chin as you turned his face from side to side.  You’d smelled fucking amazing.  The light, fresh scent that lingered on your skin sure as hell beat the disinfectant odor in this place.
“What happened to you tonight, Mister Yun?”
“It’s a funny story, actually.”
“Oh, great,” you’d said dryly.  “‘Cause it turns out, I love funny stories.”
Yoongi had flinched when you’d peeled the gauze back, exposing the angry wounds to the air.  But he’d forced himself to sit dutifully still as you got to work cleaning the caked blood off his face and eye.
“Thing is, I work for the circus,” he’d started, hissing under his breath when you swiped across an open cut above his eye.  “One of the elephants got rowdy while we were practicing a number tonight and just kicked me right in the face.”
You’d stopped dabbing at his eye then, one brow raised and a cynical slant to your mouth.
Yoongi liked that you knew he was full of shit right away. 
He liked that you’d played along anyway.
“God, I hate when that happens,” you’d said with feigned outrage, cutting your eyes at him as you dropped a piece of bloody gauze on the tray at his side.  
“I know, right?”
That’s when Yoongi had won a real smile from you, wide and genuine.  That's when Yoongi made the mistake of looking at you for just a moment too long.  
He knew it by the way your smile fell away as you cleared your throat and turned your focus back to his damaged face.
“Well, I have good news for you Mister Yun,” you’d said after a while, eyes scanning the freshly cleaned wounds.  You’d run your gloved fingers gently over one particularly deep slash over his eye and Yoongi felt a shudder run up his back.  “I’m pretty sure you’re going to live.”
“Well, that is good news.”
There was that smile again.  
It seemed like no time at all before you had him all patched up -- cuts sanitized and sealed with skin adhesive; swollen eye cleaned and medicated.  Yoongi had felt a strange kind of disappointment as he’d watched you gather your supplies, pull your gloves off and drop them in the trash can near the door.
“You’re all set, Mister Yun,” you’d murmured. “Watch out for those elephants, okay? I’d hate for them to ruin a perfectly nice face.”
Then you were gone.
Thing is -- Kim Namjoon is a rules guy.
It doesn’t matter that he runs a criminal organization -- or that the men in his employ are gangsters in custom ties and suits.  He expects dirty work done clean because that’s what sets the Gajog apart.
Rotate hospitals.  Use fake names.  Pay in cash.
All of those protocols are in place to keep any one of the Gajog from drawing unwanted attention.  Truthfully, Namjoon’s operations usually run so neatly his men rarely have to seek treatment for anything beyond the occasional black eye or broken bone.  That’s why he’d rather trust his men to legitimate doctors in legitimate hospitals than hand them over to some back-alley hack.
Thing is -- shit has gotten a lot more heated of late.  
An audit of the Gajog books has turned up millions in missing won, stolen over time by street-level guys all over the city.  Yoongi and Hoseok are the ones on the front lines, tasked with confronting those men -- getting them to pay and getting them back in line.
Sometimes they play ball.  Sometimes they don’t.
Tonight is one of those nights.
Yoongi knew the moment they arrived at the crumbling warehouse in the Nowon district that shit was probably going to get messy.  Their contact was fucked up -- sloppy drunk -- and belligerent from the jump.
After that, everything was a blur.
At some point during the scuffle, Yoongi heard his hand crunch under the heavy weight of the man’s steel-toed boot. The pain was still flaring hot from his knuckles when Hoseok finally took the guy down.  
Right now Yoongi should be at Asan or Gachon or any of the other half-dozen hospitals in the city.  He should have dragged his tired ass and bloody hand across town because those are the rules.
But instead -- for the second time in a month -- he’s sitting under the sickly fluorescent lights in an empty exam room at Songdo at nearly three in the morning.
Hoping to see you. 
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Yoongi is gingerly flexing his aching fingers when a light knock sounds at the door.
It was a long shot that you’d be here tonight -- and an even longer shot that you’d be the one treating him. But when the door to the exam room opens, it’s you on the other side.
Yoongi’s pulse picks up in response.
“Sorry to keep you waiting tonight Mister -- ”  you stop dead in your tracks, eyes wide on his before darting back down the tablet in your hand.  You scan the screen slowly then look back up, gaze critical.
“ -- Mister Woo.”
“Yeah, sure,” Yoongi replies casually.  “It’s no problem.”
You approach him slowly then, disbelief etched into your delicate features and Yoongi takes in every detail.
It’s like he’d forgotten how pretty you are since the last time he saw you.
You’re nothing like the flashy women who like to hang around the usual Gajog haunts.  You’re the kind of pretty that doesn’t cost hundreds of thousands of won a month to maintain.  The kind of pretty that doesn’t come off at the end of the night. 
Yoongi swallows thickly as you eye him, lips parted like you’re about to fire off a hundred different questions.  But you don’t.  
You play along.  
“Right.  Let’s get to it then, Mister Woo,” you say carefully, slipping on your gloves.  “What happened to your hand?”
“Well, you see, I’m a hot air balloon operator.”  
His mouth quirks into a smile and your eyes flash in response.  
“Wind was nuts today and the basket came down on my hand.  I think I might have broken something.”
“Hmm,” you murmur.  “Hot air balloon operator, huh?”
Yoongi winces when you take his hand between your gloved ones, gently applying pressure to each knuckle.
“That’s an interesting way to make a living, Mister Woo.”
Yoongi chokes down a groan when you press against one particularly sore spot.  You back off the pressure, turning to make a note on your chart.
“Well, I’m an interesting guy,” he whispers.  
You look up at him then, dark eyes focused and intense.  
“That you are.”
You’re looking at Yoongi like you can see inside him and the scrutiny makes him squirm.  He lowers his eyes to the floor and keeps quiet while you clean his hand and apply ointment to his cuts.
“Mister Woo, it looks like most of these are surface abrasions, but the knuckles concern me.  I’m going to have to send you for an X-ray.”
“Yeah, okay.  It hurts like hell.”
“I bet it does,” you say quietly, typing into your tablet.  “Someone is going to come and take you back when they’re ready.  I have to go check on some other patients, but I’ll be back when we have some images to go over.”
“Sure,” Yoongi breathes.
You take another long look at him before standing to leave and Yoongi wonders for a moment if he’s made a mistake. Maybe he’s misread you like he misread that brawler who caught him with the nasty punch all those weeks ago.  
You could be off to flag a security guard.  Or leaving to call the police.
He really should have just followed protocol.
Yoongi sits in the quiet of that exam room waiting -- ready -- for trouble that never comes.  Because when a knock finally sounds at the door, it’s not the Korean National Police.  
It’s the X-ray technician.
Maybe he didn’t misread you after all.
It takes hours for you to come back.
“Mixed news tonight, Mister Woo,” you say upon your return.  “You have hairline fractures in three of your knuckles, which explains the pain.  Unfortunately, that means I’m not going to be able to do much for you beyond wrapping your hand.”
Yoongi nods.  “Got it.”
“And you should probably lay off the ballooning for a while,” you say under your breath as you lay out your bandages.  “Just a suggestion.”
“Good idea,” Yoongi chuckles.  “Safety first.”
You fix him with another one of those long, indecipherable looks before getting to work on his hand.  But you don’t say anything and the longer the silence stretches on, the antsier Yoongi feels.
“So…” he exhales, clearing his throat, “... you like milkshakes?”
“Everyone likes milkshakes,” you return evenly.  You don’t take your eyes off his hand or the flexible material you’re carefully wrapping around his sore knuckles. 
“Lactose intolerant people don’t like milkshakes.”
“Lactose intolerant people like milkshakes as much as the rest of us,” you argue.  “They just can’t tolerate them.”
“What are you, some kind of doctor?”
Your lips quirk with the threat of a laugh you manage to suppress but Yoongi catches the expression before it disappears.  You seem to relax after that.  He does, too.
“Dijeoteu has the best milkshakes in the city.  Ever been there?”
“Can’t say that I have,” you admit, taping off a bandage.  
“It’s not far from here.  Open twenty-four hours.  I hang out there sometimes.”
“So you’re a milkshake-drinking hot-air balloon enthusiast,” you murmur, inspecting your handiwork closely.  “Anything else I should know about you, Mister Woo?’
Yoongi scratches the back of his neck with his free hand.
“Not really.  That about covers it.”
You hum thoughtfully under your breath as you finish wrapping the bruised knuckles.
“All done.  How does it feel?”
“Better,” Yoongi admits.  “Thanks.”
You gaze at him then, thoughtful -- expression soft with something that looks almost like concern.  Yoongi drops his gaze down to his bandaged hand.
This is the part where you’ve finished -- the part where you leave.  
This is the part where he should say something to you but he has no idea what or how.
“I would say come back soon, but this is a hospital and that seems wildly inappropriate,” you announce, voice breaking clear through his stupor.
You turn back to him just as you’re walking towards the door, and for a moment Yoongi thinks you’re going to give in and ask him any one of the dozens of questions that must be swirling around your mind.
But you don’t.
“Try to take care of that hand, Mister Woo.”
Yoongi nods.
“Thanks, Doc.”
Doctor Lee is on his Houdini shit tonight, apparently.
The ER is packed -- waiting room crowded with crabby patients -- and you are, once again, running yourself ragged to get to every last one.  Lee is, once again, nowhere to be found.
“Page him again,” you call out as you pass the charge nurse outside an exam room.  
A quick scan of your tablet confirms the toddler behind this magic door has been vomiting all night.  You shut your eyes and wish a slow, violent death on your absent attending.  Vomit is the single worst phenomenon in medicine.
“I’ve paged him three times,” Nurse Ko calls back.
“Page him again,” you repeat, forcing a smile and pushing into the room.
Thirty minutes and one change of scrubs later you are checking charts on the next patient in line.  You pat the pocket of your new scrubs and realize you’ve left a half-eaten energy bar around here somewhere.  
No chance you’ll get that back.
Lee picks this moment to reappear, back from doing God knows what.  He strolls down the hallway like a man with nothing on his to-do list.
“You paged for me?” he inquires casually.
“A few times, actually,” you mutter.  “I’m getting killed out here.”
“Relax,” Lee purrs, condescension dripping from his tone.  “We’ll get it done.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from firing back the half-dozen nasty responses that spring to mind. There is no we when it comes to Doctor Lee.  He’s always been flighty and inconsistent, but these days he’s practically a missing person.  You’re still not sure how hospital management hasn’t figured out that he’s making his resident run the overnight ER.
“There’s a guy down the hall who says he swallowed a magnet,” you say, waving a hand in that direction.  “If you can pick him up I can get to this head trauma.”
Lee sighs like it’s a major inconvenience that you’ve asked him to do his job.
“Yeah, I’ll grab it.”
It’s nearly four in the morning by the time you have a chance to catch your breath.
You walk out to scan the waiting area and to your relief, there are only a handful of patients yet to be seen.  Then your eyes land on one young man -- slumped into a chair in an oversized coat, hat pulled low over his eyes.
You freeze.  
The man in the chair must feel your stare from across the room because he straightens, giving you a better look at the face hidden under the brim of his hat.  You let go of a breath you don’t realize you’ve been holding.
It’s not him.  
It’s not the mysterious man with the fake names and the bogus stories and the insanely handsome face. You shake your head as you look back down at your tablet, silently chastising yourself for even entertaining the thought.  
You shouldn’t still be thinking about this guy and you know it.
But it’s driving you nuts that you can’t figure him out.
He’s never tried to play you for pills and that seems to be the only thing people lie about these days. But if his problem isn’t drugs it’s certainly something because no one lands in the hospital that many times, with that many phoney stories unless they’re up to no good.
So you ignore the nonsensical disappointment you feel when the guy in that chair is not the guy. 
Because deep down you know he’s either in trouble -- or he is trouble.
Your pager goes off for a second time and you silence the alert, tossing it onto a nearby blanket.
It’s not like you’re hiding out in here -- not really. 
It’s just that you’ve already had one patient cough up blood on your sneakers and another swing at you when you refused to give him narcotics, so this night is off to a spectacularly bad start.
Besides, Doctor Lee could use a taste of his own medicine.  
This week has been the worst, by far.  You’ve been seeing at least three patients to his every one and you’re exhausted.  If there’s any justice, he’s walking into the exam room where the infant with explosive diarrhea is waiting to be seen -- you check your watch -- right about now.
The door to the linen closet cracks open and you groan, hiding your face in your hands.
“What, you thought I didn’t know about your little hiding place?”  Nurse Ko asks with a grin.  “I find everyone’s hiding place, eventually.”
“Haven’t found Lee’s yet,” you gripe. 
“Yeah, well he’s sneakier,” she laughs.  “Here, I brought you something.”  
She tosses a granola bar at you and it lands in your lap.  
“Thanks,” you sigh, ripping it open.  You take a bite and Ko leans against the doorframe.
“I don’t page you for my health, you know.”
“I know,” you whine around a mouthful of dried oats.  “I just needed five minutes.”
“Well, I’ve got a guy out here who says he’ll only see you.  Doesn’t want Doctor Lee and says he’ll wait as long as it takes.”
A piece of the granola bar lodges in your throat and you cough around it, spluttering while Ko looks on, amused.  She waits for you to collect yourself.
“Is he -- ”
“ -- hot? Yes. Very,” Ko smiles.  
Your cheeks flame with embarrassment at both the observation and the fact that it’s coming from a woman in her sixties.
“I was going to say young,” you grumble, standing and dusting your hands off with a towel.
“That, too.  Come to think of it, I know I’ve seen him here before.  You have some kind of admirer, jagiya?”
You flush.
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“Good evening, Mister Kim.”
You hope the air of nonchalance you affect when you enter the exam room is enough to mask your jitters.  
Your mystery patient looks back at you with those dark eyes and a half-smirk that makes your heart trip in your chest.  You take a steadying breath as you look down at your tablet.
Get it together, girl.
“What brings you in tonight?” you inquire lightly.  “Sword-swallowing accident?  Lose a fist fight with a bear?”
Your mysterious patient chuckles under his breath.  
“Where would you get a couple of outlandish ideas like that, Doc?”
You look up at him just as the teasing smirk on his face becomes a full smile and heat blooms in your chest and face.  You force yourself to tear your gaze away.
“I dislocated my shoulder.  Did you know I work air traffic control at Incheon?”
You shake your head with amused weariness as you make notes on your tablet.
“Crazy night.  One of the planes nearly slid off the runway and I threw my shoulder out trying to get it back on track.”
“Did you save it?”
“Saved it and all 227 people on board.”
“Bravo, Mister Kim.” 
“Just doing my job,” he shrugs.  
You set your tablet down on the exam table with a thump, eyeing him as you reach for a pair of gloves.
“The charge nurse says you asked for me.”
“I did,” he admits.  “You never told me what your favorite kind of milkshake is.”
You cock your head to the side as you look at him.  
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mister Kim,” you murmur, feigning ignorance. “According to my records this is the first time I’ve ever seen you.”
“Oh, yeah.  Right,” he chuckles.  
“You need some help getting undressed?”
“Yeah,” he admits, slipping one arm out of his leather jacket.  You lean in to help him pull the other side off, compelling yourself to ignore the way he smells like soap and sweat and man when you’re this close.
“It’s strawberry.”
You blurt the words out, anxious to give your brain a task that doesn’t involve analyzing this man’s smell.  Something about the mischievous twist to his mouth tells you he knows you’re flustered by his nearness.  
“I would have guessed chocolate,” he muses, reaching one hand down to grab the hem of his shirt. He drags it up his abdomen and you will your eyes to stay on his face -- refusing to give him any indication that you have more than a clinical interest in what lies underneath.
“Everyone likes chocolate,” you argue, taking over when he can’t get the shirt up any higher.  You push it over his head and carefully work it off his shoulder.  “I don’t want to be like everyone else.”
“Mission accomplished, Doc.”
He gazes at you then -- chest bare and eyes sharp beneath those inky lashes --  and you feel a bolt of awareness run the length of your spine. You pray the heat you suddenly feel all over your body is not manifesting in damning spots of color on your face.  
You remind yourself to get back to work. 
He sucks a breath between his teeth when you press gently against the inflamed muscle and tissue.
“My shoulder’s been shit for years,” he confesses.  “I screwed it up when I was a kid and it hasn’t been the same since.”
“So this happens to you from time to time?”
“Well, then I’m going to have to refer you for an MRI,” you say, and he groans when you press into his shoulder again.  “There could be a lot of scar tissue in here, but I won’t be able to know what’s going on until we get some clear scans.”
Your eyes flick back to his.  
Every word that’s ever come out of this man’s mouth is a lie -- but there’s something that feels honest about the way he’s looking at you right now.  Something that makes you feel seasick, unsteady.
“Turn to the side for me,” you say quietly, and the thin paper that lines the exam table rustles as he complies.  The relief you feel when he pivots away from you with those eyes and that look is whole-bodied.  
“For now, the best I can do is probably pop -- “
Your words trail off as your eyes lock on a wound that sits just a few inches from his spine, just above the line of his jeans.  The edges are white and soft with age -- the area long-healed -- but the trauma is unmistakable.  
The anger you feel as you stare at the wound doesn’t make any sense.  
But you feel it anyway.
“Is it still inside of you, or did they pull it out?”
“What -- ”
“-- The bullet Mister Kim,” you interrupt sharply.  “If it’s still in you, I promise it will come out the second they load you into an MRI machine.  The hard way.”
The muscles of his back flex as he stiffens.  Tension bleeds into the lines of his body and into his voice when he finally speaks.
“It’s out.”
Neither of you says another word.
The room feels hollow now, painfully quiet without talk of elephants or hot air balloons or milkshakes.  The two of you work together silently to crack his abused shoulder back into place.  Somehow he manages to endure that pain without making a sound.
In the end, it’s you that has to speak first.
“That should hold you for now,” you say tightly, standing to toss your gloves in the trash.   You grab your tablet to make notes.
“You mad at me, Doc?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you mutter, fingers flying over your screen.  “I don’t even know you.”
“Then why does it feel like you’re mad at me?”
You tear your eyes away from the screen to find his.  
There’s no teasing or humor there anymore.  He looks boyish and unsure like this, peering back at you with somber eyes from beneath long black bangs that have fallen into his face.
“No more stories, no more bullshit.  Tell me who you are.”
The words are out of your mouth before you can think better of them -- before you can consider how stupid it is to interrogate a complete stranger with a now confirmed history of violence.  Before you can consider that you have no right to the anger that now streaks white-hot through your veins.
“I can’t,” he breathes quietly.  “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head in disgust.
“Are you dangerous?”
Before he even speaks, you get your answer.  You get it in the way color erupts across the bridge of his nose and cheeks.  The way he looks away from you and down to his hands.
“I guess that depends on who you ask,” he whispers.
“I’m asking you,” you fire back.
He doesn’t answer.
You stand there for what feels like an eternity, waiting for him to say something in his defense. Waiting for him to pull another gag and tell just one more ridiculous story.  But the seconds tick by and he says nothing.
“A nurse is going to come by with a sling. She’ll help you get dressed, too,” you say tightly, walking to the door.
You don’t know why your heart feels like it seizes in your chest when you turn to give him one more look.
“Take care of yourself, Mister Kim,” you say quietly.  “And don’t come back.”
Dijeoteu: dessert
Jagiya: sweetie, sweetheart
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2K notes · View notes
emmikay · 2 years
Emmikay’s CATS Field Notes
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Okay, I finally got everything typed up!
First I want to say that I’m so happy that I got see the show! The cast did an amazing job, and it looked like they were having fun. I hope they were, the audience loved them. It was absolutely worth both the wait, and the stress of getting there. 
These are my thoughts on the individual songs, and fun moments I noticed during them! I tried to write these out as clearly as possible. And I know there’s probably so much that I missed in the background, but this is what stood out to me!
Act One
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The opening was a lot of fun. I did spend some of the time pinning down who everyone was, but it was a lot of fun picking them out of the crowd. It actually took me awhile to find Tugger/ Bill Bailey.
I also feel sorry for the person in the seat they picked out for ‘the man over there’. Maybe they had already seen CATS, but I think if it were me, I’d still be scared. They made it sound very accusatory as well, which I found pretty funny. ‘The Naming of Cats’ was still appropriately creepy. I think one of the ladies in front me had never seen CATS, because she turned to friend as asked “What is happening?” It was too bad they couldn’t go into the isles during this tour, but I still enjoyed the eyes appearing on stage during the overture.
Jennyanydots, the Old Gumbie Cat
Jenny seemed really sweet, and was acting with a lot of energy. The whole number was very cute as a whole. I noticed that Skimbleshanks brought out the mouse masks, called over the mice, who I think were Victoria, Sillabub and Rumpleteazer, and handed out their masks. The cockroaches were Tumblebrutus, Pouncival and either Plato or Mungojerrie, but I’m not sure which. Both the mice and cockroaches stayed on stage for quite a bit of the number.
Another very cute thing I noticed, is that Misto was helping Jenny out a lot during her number, guiding her around, helping her sit down and get back up when she was in the first costume. There was also a moment where Jenny seemed to space out, and Misto was trying to gentling get her attention again.
Throughout the entire musical, it seemed like Misto was trying to help out and be as useful as possible. I interpreted it as Misto trying to prove he’s a mature adult now, who should be taken Seriously.
The Rum Tum Tugger
Tugger! Zach Bravo was delightful, of course. He’s just so much fun to watch. The whole number was very fun. I’m pretty sure Tugger flirted with most of the cats on stage in one way or another, other than Munkustrap, who he was definitely trying his best to annoy, as any little brother would do. I noticed Munkustrap and Alonzo plotting by the car just before they did the ‘Terrible Bore’ line.
There were a lot of cute moments between Tugger and Misto as well. At the start of the number, Misto and Skimbleshanks were sitting of the car together. Skimbleshanks seemed to smooth down Misto’s white neck fluff, before Misto joined the dancing. My friend and I agreed that it had very strong ‘Dad straightening his son’s tie before he goes on a date’ vibes. Tugger and Misto had great chemistry, which made the added choreography of them dancing together very fun to watch.
After Misto made the spotlights for Tugger, he crawled through Tugger’s legs. Tugger was pelvic thrusting while he was doing this, and if that’s not symbolism, I don’t know what it was.
Do to the lack of kitten characters in this production, most of the female characters were in the ‘squealing circle’ at the end, including Demeter and Cassandra. Misto was also part of it.
Grizabella the Glamour Cat
I’ve made my feeling about post-revival Grizabella known, so I won’t repeat them. That being said, Tayler Harris did a really good job, and I felt legitimately sorry for Grizabella. In this show, Jenny seemed to take the leading role in shooing the kittens, and everyone else away from Grizabella. Jellylorum helped out a bit, but it was mainly Jenny. Tumblebrutus and Pouncival both bullied Grizabella quite a bit and had to be shooed away.
In this show, Munkustrap was being played by Taylor James Rosenberger. He did a really good job, and had a really nice voice. One thing I noticed is that he plays Munkustrap as being very aggressive towards Grizabella. While other Munkustraps have seemed sad or resigned towards her, it was clear that he actively disliked her. It was actually an interesting twist, because usually it’s Tugger who really dislikes her, but in this show it was almost like the roles reversed.
Bustopher Jones, the Cat about Town
Bustopher Jones was quite a bit of fun, he was played as a very jolly, good natured guy. It seemed like he was very much enjoying entertaining all the cats, and all the attention they were giving him. I actually really like the part where several of the characters, I believe it was Munkustrap, Alonzo, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, and someone else who I can’t remember start offering food for him to try. I also noticed an interesting moment where at the beginning of the song, Tugger is lounging on the car, and he and Demeter seem to a have a little chat before Demeter goes to join the dancing.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were pretty good. I read their interactions as best friends rather than siblings or in a relationship, which was fun to watch. In the show, Bustopher Jones doesn’t say his “Toodle-pip” until after Jerrie and Teazer scare everyone,then immediately ran off.
I will say, this is probably the number that entertained me the least. It may just be that I was spoiled watching the 1998 version, but there weren’t a lot of the acrobatics and more entertaining dancing that previous shows have had. The actors themselves did a great job, though. Also, at the end, it was Munkustrap and Plato that hold up their loot bags instead of Alonzo.
Old Deuteronomy
This was a very sweet number, as it should be! Old Deuteronomy seemed like a very warm and happy character, and all of the cats seemed very happy and excited to see him. As I said earlier, Munkustrap had a very nice voice, and did a really good job with this number. And it was very cute when Munkustrap and Tugger started singing together. Tugger had been annoying Munkustrap since his number, so Munk seemed relieved that Tugger was actually acting on his best behaviour for once. Of course, as soon as Old Deuteronomy appeared on stage, Tugger did his mane shimmy, but Old Deuteronomy seemed to find it more amusing than anything else. Tugger also was the one helping Old Deuteronomy up and down the tire. He loves his dad!
The Jellicle Ball
I mean, what can I say? The dancing was amazing, and lighting was fun, and there was so much happening it was hard to take in. All of the cast are really talented, and it was so impressive to see it in person!
I picked up on a lot of little moments in between the dancing. Throughout act one, Misto hangs out with both Skimbleshanks and Cassandra quite often, usually on top of the car. I noticed Tugger hanging out with Cassandra a few times as well. There quite a few interactions between Demeter and Munkustrap. They danced together at the ball, and I noticed that the moves weren’t dissimilar to the choreography between Misto and Tugger one of the times they danced together in The Rum Tum Tugger. There were also several instances where they seemed to check in with each other during scene transitions throughout the act. When Gus entered for the first time towards the end of the Ball, Jellylorum held his hand to help him onstage.
There was one really funny thing when Grizabella appeared after the Pas de Deux. When Misto spots her on the car, he makes all the hanging lights turn on, then jumped on the car himself to try and scare her away. He immediately turned to Jellylorum like: “Did I do a good job?” Grizabella, however, wasn’t scared away, and Munkustrap had to go up and shoo her away. Poor Misto, you tried your best.
Memory: Prelude
All the cats vacated the stage when Grizabella showed up again. Munkustrap stayed the longest, and as he was leaving he was still trying to keep an eye on her. Tayler Harris has a really amazing voice, and I was already excited for how Memory proper was going to sound. Also, during the song, when Grizabella was facing the audience Old Deuteronomy was watching her sadly, however several times she glanced behind her, and whenever she did, he would turn away from her, which I thought was an interesting detail.
Act Two
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Moments of Happiness
There was a guy in my row who never came back during intermission. Weak.
Old Deuteronomy entered the stage a bit before intermission ended, which was cool. It’s too you couldn’t get pictures of him because of COVID, but I was happy I was able to get some photos from my seat.
This song also sounded amazing. It was portrayed as though Old Deuteronomy was trying to lecture the cats, but they just weren’t getting it. Jemima also sounded really good during her solo. One funny moment, right at the beginning, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer skipped onto the stage, only to get a look from Old Deuteronomy, and immediately looked guilty.
Gus, the Theatre Cat
Another sad number, but again, it’s supposed to be. Jellylorum did a good job, and also sold me old the fact she was happy to be talking about Gus’s past, but also sad, because it was likely he would be chosen tonight. At the beginning of the number either Tantomile or Coricopat set out a row of tin cans across the front of the stage and Misto used magic to turn them into stage lights. During the number, most of the cats were gathered at the back of the stage, but a few of the younger ones were sitting around Gus. Jenny and Skimbleshanks were sitting on top of the car together. Skimbleshanks, actually, was the one who looked offended when Gus said that jumping through a hoop doesn’t make you special. Misto was sitting on top of the pipe, and when Tugger entered part way through the song, the two of them seemed to have a quiet conversation.
The Aweful Battle of the Peakes and the Pollicles
This number was very fun! Gus was having a good time living out his glory days, and was acting pretty goofy while he was portraying the Rumpus Cat. During the number Tugger didn’t participate, but moved over to the tire to sit with Old Deuteronomy, and watch the show with him. During the part where everyone is barking at each other Munkustrap almost got trampled, which is when he yelled at everyone. Poor Munk. It’s not even his show anymore, and he still can’t catch a break.
Skimbleshanks, the Railway Cat
Another really fun one! There was a lot of energy, and everyone seemed like they were having a good time. It doesn’t matter what the production, Skimbleshanks is a very popular cat. At the beginning, both Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer helped sing lines, which was adorable!
Tugger didn’t dance for most of the song, only joinng in at the very end, but he was vibing the entire time. Throughout act two I kept glancing up at Tugger, and he was never out of character. Even if he was just standing there, it still felt like he was standing in a way that fit the character. The woman from before seemed amazed when they built the train on stage, which is the absolute correct reaction. Misto was the one holding the train light, which I know he usually does, but it was still adorable.
Macavity the Mystery Cat
When Macavity first appears everyone seemed frozen in place. It was pretty heavily implied that Macavity does have magical powers in this version. Munkustrap stepped forward to confront him, but Macavity glared and pointed at him, and Munkustrap froze, then collapsed on the stage, as if Macavity had forced him to pass out. It was only after that he grabbed Old Deuteronomy. I’m not sure if other productions have included that, but I really liked it. As well, for several of the Macavity scares, it looked to me like Tugger had a more active role of helping to look for him.
Both Demeter and Bombalurina were amazing in the song. It felt really jazzy, but also like they legitimately trying to warn all the other queens who were onstage. Munkustrap and several of the other toms entered towards the end of the number and watched the last bit of it. I’m not sure because I wasn’t focusing on him, but Munkustrap seemed relieved when he was back onstage, either because all of the queens were safe, of because Demeter and Bombalurina were warning everyone.
Macavity Fight
Again, Macavity has pretty apparent magic, because when he enters again he seems to forced several of the queens to start preforming the dance moves from his number again, before Munkustrap intervenes. I always find that really creepy when productions add that detail, and I’m happy it was included here.
The fight itself was intense as well. Poor Munk took quite a beating. After they swiped and threatened each other a bit, Macavity knocked Munkustrap to the ground. He got up pretty quickly, but seemed shaky. He immediately tried to reenter the fight, and then Macavity grabbed him and pinned him against the car, where he slashed at his throat twice. Munkustrap staggered a few steps before collapsing and staying down. It was actually pretty brutal, and I legitimately gasped when it happened. After Munkustrap went down, Macavity went after Demeter, and Alonzo pulled him off of her. That was when the entire tribe started going after Macavity, and he knocked the light out with the jumper cables.
Demeter and Munkustrap still had their cuddles after Macavity disappeared. Poor dears, I think they both really needed it.
Mister Mistoffelees
It’s my boy! Paul Giarratano and Zach Bravo both did an amazing job, and I was so excited to see this is person!
At the beginning, which I think is probably in most productions, the cats turned away from Tugger when he first suggested asking Misto for help, and he had to call them back. Tugger was so supportive of Misto, as any good Tugger should be. I can’t be completely certain, but I’m pretty sure Tugger didn’t take his eyes off of Misto for the entire number, which was so adorable, in my opinion. He loves him so much! I liked all the tricks they did with the lights to create magic effects. It would have cool if they had used flash paper and smoke effects, but this was still fun to watch. The dancing was a lot of fun as well, especially with Misto’s colour changing jacket, and the strings of light around the stage flashing rainbow colours.
Also… (Deep inhale)
The way he brought back Old Deuteronomy was interesting. Instead of using the sheet Misto used magic to give everyone a candle or a like to hold, or something like that. They all gathered together, and when they separated, Old Deuteronomy was in the middle of the group.
When Tugger started singing again, after Old Deuteronomy appeared, it looked like Old Deuteronomy though he was singing about himself, but Tugger immediately redirected his attention to Mistoffelees. Then, after Misto hugged Old Deuteronomy, he and Tugger shimmied and nuzzled together, which was adorable.
The number ended on a funny moment, with Misto making the spotlight get smaller and smaller until it was just illuminating his face, before turning it out completely.
As I was hoping, this was beautiful, and sounded so amazing. Also, basically the entire thing was performed with Grizabella hunched out, and holy crap? How are you getting those high notes in that position?
When Grizabella first appeared again, Munkustrap stepped forward to chase her off, with Old Deuteronomy stopping him. He stepped forward again, to stop Victoria when she started to approach Grizabella after the number, and Old Deuteronomy had to hold him back again. This Munkustrap really did not like Grizabella.
I noticed that in this production Sillabub often acts similarly to Tugger, spending a lot of time watching the action from one the higher perches. She was doing the same thing in Macavity.
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
Very nice, and it’s always heartwarming when Grizabella is welcomed back into the tribe. Tugger actually reached out to her very quickly. Conversely, Munkustrap was the Second last to touch her, and didn’t actually moved towards her, he only touched Grizabella when she went to see Old Deuteronomy. He never looked her in the eye either, and was acting extremely guilty about the entire thing.
The tire rose up, but they also had what looked like a star bridge descend for Grizabella to climb up, which was a detail I liked.
The Ad-dressing of Cats
Very well sung, by both Old Deuteronomy and the rest of the cast. The lady in front of me seemed confused again, though I don’t know if it was about this song, or what had just happened to Grizabella. Skimbleshanks seemed very excited at the mention of cream.
Very entertaining! My hands hurt from clapping so much!
A final funny thing, after all the individual bows both Munkustrap and Jenny were teasing Tugger, and trying to steal the spotlight from him!
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So that is that! I had so much fun! If anyone wants to talk more, or ask anything, I would enjoy that, but I hope you liked my field notes, as my friend called them. (I was typing them on my phone during intermission, and immediately after the show)
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emitheduck · 3 years
So. We're Soulmates? (Bucky x Reader)
A/N: my first soulmate AU, and I figured it was finally time, and bucky deserved one lol. no spoilers whatsoever
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Soulmate AU where you have your soulmate’s birthday tattooed on your arm ---
March 10th, 1917.
(Y/n) had always thought, there was no possible way that the universe had ever, ever gotten her soulmate’s birthday right. When everyone was celebrating that their soulmate was around the same age as them, she got to look down in horror as she could practically see her soulmate’s life fly by. There was legitimately no possible way that her soulmate would even still be alive.
The rules of the soulmate were strange, and no one ever understood them or questioned them. It was found out sometime in the 80s that the dates on peoples forearms weren’t random--but the birthday of their soulmate. Because the universe was a cosmic nightmare, when someone’s soulmate died, the numbers went with them.
That’s what made this so strange.
Either (Y/n)’s soulmate was hanging onto life support, or the universe had fucked up and decided it was going to trick her into thinking she could find happiness like everyone else.
She had these feelings up until she got the faithful call one day, that she had landed the job with SHIELD and found out that she would be working in the helicarrier during the attack on New York. And that’s how she met Steve Rogers.
“You know, it’s kind of funny.” Steve sighed with a chuckle, shaking his head as he followed (Y/n) who was leading him to where he would be staying.
“What is?” She asked as she typed in the access code for one of the doors as they walked.
“The number on your arm. That’s my friend’s birthday.” Steve was smirking as he walked into his room. “I mean, it was his birthday.”
(Y/n) looked down at the date on her arm and sighed, her hand instinctively covering the date. “You sure he’s dead? Not some hundred-year-old veteran in a nursing home that you haven’t checked in on or something?” She was trying her best to not sound horrible for joking about his friend's death, but he seemed almost amused by her banter.
“Last I checked, he’s dead. I watched him fall off the train and everything.” He told her as he sat down on the edge of his bed. “His name was Bucky.” He told her as she turned around to leave, watching her stop for a moment to listen before she left.
Steve’s words always lingered in the back of her mind ever since that day on the helicarrier. She had seen the Bucky memorial spot in the museum, and the day she found out that he was alive, she would never forget (mostly because when it happened, she had dropped the bottle of wine she was holding on the floor and spent hours picking up tiny shards of glass).
The year was now 2023. Five years after the blip, and (Y/n) now fully retired from SHIELD. She left on good terms, but the years of working were just exhausting. Especially now that she came back after vanishing for five years and had to rebuild her life all over again. At least they were respectful, and were happy to give her the pay that she had missed out on.
It was hard enough having to deal with knowing all your close friends sacrificed themselves for the whole world, and not being able to do anything about it. That was the reason that kept her up most nights. The guilt of feeling like she could have done something, but never got the chance to, was the hardest feeling.
That’s what led (Y/n) to walking aimlessly around the grocery store at almost 2am. When she couldn’t sleep, sometimes the best thing to do was walk around pushing the cart and praying that the LED lights would calm her down enough to go home and face the empty apartment.
What she didn’t expect was turning the corner of the frozen section and crashing her cart into someone elses. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” (Y/n) apologize as she looked at the man in front of her. “I should have been looking. I guess I’m just tired.”
“I’m probably just tired too.” He chuckled, pulling his cart away from hers. Both the carts were empty anway. “You come here to walk around at night too?”
“How could you tell?” (Y/n) laughed, running a hand through her hair as she looked him over. He looked familiar, and knowing her luck he was some assassin that was stalking her, and came here to finish the job.
He motioned to their empty carts with a bob of his head. “Something about just pushing the carts around and listening to the crappy music makes me feel better too.” He smirked as he never broke eye contact. “Also, people normally buy food when they’re shopping.”
(Y/n) sighed, nodding. “You caught me. I’m just here to wander.”
“It’s okay. I am too. Sometimes staring at the TV isn’t enough.” He mumbled, shaking his head as he broke eye contact to look where his hands were gripping the handle of the cart. “Sorry, I’m just rambling I guess.”
“No, I get it.” She laughed it off, knowing it was late and sometimes people just kept talking when they were tired. “My names (Y/n).” She smiled, holding out her hand for him to shake.
He seemed to hesitate, but reached out and shook her hand. “My name’s Bucky.”
She could feel her mouth go dry. “Bucky?” There was just no, possible way that this was the man who has been in the back of her mind for years on end.
“I’m guessing you know who I am.” He muttered, already preparing himself to turn around and forget this interaction never happened. “Sorry, I should go.”
“Wait! No, I didn’t mean it like that.” (Y/n) exclaimed as she held her hands out to stop him from leaving. “I just have heard so much about you--not the way you think, it sounds so weird. I talked to Steve about you once, way back before the battle of New York.”
She peaked his interest at the mention of Steve. “You knew Steve?”
(Y/n) nodded. “He told me all about you. Look, I even have your birthday on my arm.” She told him, lifting up her sleeve to show him the date on her arm, watching his eyes go wide out of shock. “Steve liked to always tease me that I had your birthday, and I always told him that I probably had some old man, sitting in some hospital bed, decaying before our eyes. Wow, I am rambling, I am so sorry. I should leave.” She was bright red as she decided to just leave her cart where it was and accept the humiliation and leave.
“No, you don’t have to go.” Bucky told her, gently grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving. “I guess now that you showed me yours, I’ll show you mine.” He grinned as he let go of her arm, using his left hand to pull up his long sleeve. There on his arm, in bold black numbers was (Y/n)’s birthday clear as day.
“Do you maybe want to go get coffee at that 24 hour place across the street? We might have a bit we need to talk about.” She was dumbfounded. Steve would always tease and joke, telling her that Bucky was her soulmate just because it was the same birthday on her arm. But due to the fact that he was presumed dead for so long, (Y/n) never thought anything of it.
“Are you going to come inside? I’ve been holding the door open for almost a minute.” Bucky asked, laughing a little uncomfortably as he watched the woman just stand at the door of the diner. She didn’t even remember the walk to get there.
(Y/n) blinked, rubbing her eyes as she nodded and walked inside. The sign said seat yourself, and she found a nice seat by the window for the two of them. “Sorry. I guess I’m just a little speechless.”
He chuckled as he shifted in the booth. “I’ll be honest. Me too.”
“So. We’re soulmates.” She shrugged, feeling uncertain of herself. Finding her soulmate was never the first thing on her mind, because she never actually thought that she would find him. Sure, the universe also had a way of making the two cross paths at some point, but because of the age, she never cared.
“When I used to see the date on my arm, I thought it was a joke.” He told her, mumbling that he wanted a coffee when the waiter walked over and asked what they wanted. “She wants a coffee. Two cream, one sugar.” He said as the other man nodded and walked away.
“How did you know my coffee order?” She asked with a raise of her eyebrow.
Bucky opened his mouth like he was about to speak but sighed. “I legit have no idea. My brain was working for me, and it just came out.”
(Y/n) laughed. “I mean, we’re cosmically linked so it does make sense.” The coffee was set down in front of them and she smiled as she held onto the mug. “Is this when I ask if you can tell me about yourself?”
“Where do I start?” He asked as he set his coffee down after taking a sip. “My name is James Buchanan Barnes, but I go by Bucky. James is only for when shit hits the fan I guess.”
“I think I prefer Bucky.” She smiled, watching as his cheeks turned red for a moment.
“What about you Doll? What fun thing do you have to tell me?” Bucky asked her with a smirk, making it her turn to blush.
“I worked for SHIELD, that’s where I met Steve. But then there was that time we found out that Hydra was inside of SHIELD, and technically you tried to kill me.” She pointed out, watching as he put his head down in shame. “But that’s all in the past now. I’m not that person anymore.”
He took a sip of his coffee before he spoke. “What changed?”
(Y/n) sighed, shaking her head as she held onto her coffee mug for warmth. “I was pretty close with Steve and Natasha. Tony helped me get the job at SHIELD, too. Three people that I looked up to more than anything, were gone before I ever got a chance to say goodbye.” She told him, knowing that there would be no more tears left to cry. Her tear-ducts seemed to stop working after she had cried for days straight that they were gone.
“I wasn’t very close to anyone but Steve, but I do understand how you feel.” He told her, leaning across the table to rest a hand on her shoulder. “Do you live in the city?”
“I live pretty close to Hell’s Kitchen.” She told him, watching as he nodded. “I’m guessing you live in Brooklyn?”
He looked a little surprised, but still smiled. “How could you tell?”
She smiled back, a little shy. “Some part of me just knew, but the other part of me heard Steve talk about Brooklyn all the time. He loved it there, and I guess I thought you did too.”
“It’s definitely still amazing, but a lot has changed. I’m still getting used to it all.” Bucky confessed, putting down some money for the coffee as they both finished and stood up from the table.
(Y/n) checked her phone and sighed at the time. 3:30 in the morning, and there was no way she was going to sleep now. Now, she was going to ride the train and hope that the rocking of the subway would be enough to turn her mind off for a while. “I should get going. It’s getting late, and I’m taking the train back.”
He nodded, seeming a little uneasy that she was about to leave. “Do you maybe want my number? We could meet up someday, maybe get to know eachother better?”
She grinned as she handed him her phone. “Put your number in.” She told him as they traded phones, smirking as she put in her contact. “I put my information as (Y/n)-Soulmate, just in case you seemed to forget.”
“Oh trust me, I don’t think I’ll ever forget.” Bucky chuckled as he looked at her contact. “Promise you’ll call?”
“Considering the fact I’ve known you for a few hours, and I’m already completely head-over-heels for you, I don’t think you have to worry.” (Y/n) told him, leaning up and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Bye for now, but not bye forever.”
Bucky was grinning like an idiot, and he knew it. “I like the sound of that. I still just can’t believe I found you after all these years.”
“You better believe it, because you’re going to be seeing a lot more of me from now on.”
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palmtreepalmtree · 2 years
Good afternoon, friends and enemies. Pull up a seat, because as promised, I'm about to share another Christmas Edition of...
The Worst Movie on Netflix Right Now™
Today we have a double-header in which I will discuss A California Christmas as well as its sequel, A California Christmas: City Lights.
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This pair of films stars Josh and Lauren Swickard, the real-life married couple who you may remember from my review of Roped. Is that playing a role in the quality of film here? Well, we'll get to that.
On re-watch, I realized pretty quickly why I did not review the first A California Christmas movie last year -- it's got a pretty significant cancer storyline, which for reasons you may or may not know, is not my favorite (fuck cancer forever lalalalala!).
Anyhow, let me hit you with the premise here: playboy and fuckabout Joseph Van Aston is threatened by his mother, the CEO of the family conglomerate, that if he doesn't get serious in the business, she is going to fire him and cut him off. She's giving him one last chance - and one task to accomplish: get the Brenet family to sell their small dairy farm so that the company can build a warehouse on the spot. Accepting the assignment, off Joseph goes to convince the family daughter Callie Brenet to sign the papers and sell their farm. Merry fucking Christmas to them, I guess.
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Callie, meanwhile, is deep in the shit. I mean, she is DEEP IN THE SHIT. She is caring for her mother who is terminally ill with cancer, drowning in her mom's medical debt, taking care of her younger sister, and running the dairy farm all by herself. On top of that, my girl lost her dad and her fiancé in a sudden truck accident some number of years before. To barely stay afloat, she works the farm all day, then goes to her second job at night as a bartender. Callie is fucking alone.
Remember when I was talking about how Snowbound for Christmas had nothing at stake - no conflict, and nothing anyone seemed to be worried about? Remember that? Well this movie is the fucking opposite of that. Callie has a whole damn universe of grief on her shoulders. I mean... this movie is fucking SAD.
And into that comes Joseph. Instead of taking the direct approach, he somehow gets mistaken for the new ranch hand, "Manny." And he just goes along with it. He moves onto the farm, pretending to be Manny the Farmhand, looking for the right opening to ask Callie to sell the farm......?
Joseph's end game is super unclear from the get go, but it's a sound movie premise to throw Callie and Joseph together, and to get this romance going. And honestly, this whole depressing movie would be completely unbearable to watch if it weren't for the spare amount of levity brought by...
The saving grace of this movie -- what takes it from being a weepy depressing melodrama to something even remotely watchable -- is the comic relief storyline of Leo & Manny. While Joseph is pretending to be Manny the Farmhand, his manservant/driver named Leo has to distract the real Manny from ever arriving.
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The two of them (Leo on the left, Manny on the right) end up holing up in an Air BnB while Leo samples the region's wines and Manny plays video games and provides Joseph with phone advice about how to run a dairy farm.
Manny, played by David Del Rio, has all the talent here. He is legitimately fucking funny. He takes a pretty weak role and just eats it up, breathing some life into it and into the whole movie and winds up keeping the whole thing from drowning in tears.
He is really the only reason to watch this movie. His story arc is funny, and I enjoyed every second he was on screen (especially his cow-patterned pajamas).
The End of Part One
Listen. This movie is alright. Josh and Lauren have a decent chemistry together and the director definitely takes advantage of that. On the sliding scale of these kinds of movies, the writing on this one is even okay (btw Lauren wrote it). It's got stakes - the stakes ramp up - it's got emotion. Someone definitely made a movie here. I mean, it's a sad maudlin little movie with a slapdash happy ending stuck on it (how in the world does Joseph get forgiven here!?!?!?), but it's a movie nonetheless.
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However, in the end, this movie is just not a good holiday romance. You'll be watching this movie and thinking, WHERE THE FUCK IS CHRISTMAS? There's no fucking snow. There's like ten seconds of Christmas lights, and the only Christmas song you'll hear comes at the end. If you want a Christmas movie, this one is not it.
So when it came to watching the next one...
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serenawitchwriter · 3 years
BNHA fusion (Bakusquad/Deku)
is so insecure tho, don’t tell anyone
really wants to be friends with everyone though, please?
kinda hates himself, but in an apathetic way
possibly Undyne from Undertale?
cries when frustrated
gets strangely flustered around people he admires, comes across as tsundere
freckles and shark teeth
explosion of red fluffy hair, green roots
is very private with their insecurity. will go quiet and thoughtful when left alone
unshakably kind
has this weird habit of headbutting things and breaking them?
Bakugou hates but tolerates them? he acts more like a wet cat than sparky sparky boom man
they are LITERALLY the only person who can get away with hugging him
(Bakugou secretly loves them)
prone towards depression but makes himself feel better by helping people
gives off a strangely unattainable vibe
watermelon, freckled pink skin, green fluffy hair that is amazingly curly. horns
green eyes, with black sclara
cute beyond reason
really really excitable
#1 friend, always knows when something is wrong and how to cheer people up
socially conscious. can hang out with basically anyone and be liked
an ambivert
loves dancing and moving and fighting. incredibly flexible but also muscular. sorta Mirko physique only unmatured
has sick kicks and flips
hates bullies and will punch clocks out without hesitation
can be kinda obnoxious, especially because they don’t know how to shut up
will tease you accurately if you call them out. they’re not mean, but can pick out what’s actually wrong. getting called out when you’re trying to be mad is also obnoxious
extremely tactile and clingy. loves hugging and just touching their friends. Mido never felt like he had permission before, but combined with Mina they give out touches freely
slightly dark, self-depreciating humor but you can never tell if they’re serious
both intentionally and unintentionally funny
clumsy, a bit of a space case
makes fun of Bakugou the most
gets really creative in the type of acid they make and how they use it, particularly combined with the tentacle quirk
has no fashion sense. Mina might be able to claim her bright colors and patterns are an aesthetic. but DekuMina can make no such claim. they are an eyesore and they love it. ugly is their aesthetic and they will not apologize
unironically wears eye-searing Hawaiian shirts, bakugou hates this about them
unironically finger guns at every opportunity
oh man, they are not okay
chronic pain
trying to cover up that anything is wrong with smiles and humor x2
yellow hair with more than once green lightning streak
electric green eyes that glow constantly
attacks with green lightning in general. it’s overpowered but they can control where it’s going now.
unafraid to go all out in a fight and suffers physically and mentally for it
really hard on themselves, low confidence
the kind of adhd where they have a million interest and skill-sets. they’ve learned so much, they genuinely are really smart. but they remember absolutely nothing
they get really frustrated and will often cry because of this. they know the information is there but they can never find it when they need it. they’re just reaching into their brain and finding nothing when they know something is supposed to be there. they hate it
pretty depressed
an incredibly loyal friend, always trying to help no matter how worn out they are
is genuinely really funny. they know how to do critical and aware humor, situational humor, improv. they could do standup if they tried.
probably eats really weird food. i see them combining bizarre food items together and really liking it. will put garbage into their body, shaggy style
easygoing when they don’t have any stressors
but extremely anxious when there are stressors (note: there are a lot of stressors)
stims with their hands a lot. their hands just can’t hold still. will flap twiddle, twitch, tap, anything
the friend that will try to put all the focus on you when it’s clear that they’re the one having a meltdown.
is baby
the friend groups come out in force for this one. they will not let them feel alone or bad. kamideku is getting the support they need
loves cuddles
Jirou brings out Mido’s attitude, so honestly they are mean and sassy and sarcastic. they’d insult you and you’d thank them for it
straight green and purple hair in an gradient, keeps the earlobes.
trying and succeeding to be punk rock but is also adorable. like you know they can and will kick your ass, but they are also so short and they have chubby cheeks and freckles. they’re adorable
a short and compensating for it vibe except they are legitimately edgy
they might be nb, but they are also absolutely still a sword lesbian
sonic boom quirk. they will destroy building with their quirk, they will destroy eardrums
absolutely in a punk band and capable of rapping
probably does vocaloid/computer based music
could also see them using a gun
I could see them being into arson, too, hopefully only for good reasons 
is wild and chaotic. they are genuinely having a lot of fun.
their grin is absolutely feral and a threat, and honestly that’s very valid and sexy of them
pretty chill when they aren’t up to shit, 
constantly listening to music, always has a pair of good headphones around their neck
vibes  with Bakugou more than Jirou does alone.
big sister to most of the class
probably kicks doors open
weird, not in an artistic or intentional way. they just have an off vibe
unsettling smile, freckles, eyes that are a bit to big. curly black hair.
on the plain side
lanky and scarred
can shoots energy, tentacles, and tape from elbows.
great a parkour, has fantastic mobility
full of nervous energy, but still 100% down to fuck with people
secretly a sadist.
will call anyone out when they’re being stupid or reckless
pretty social
loves fruits and vegetables
loves tv, could probably tell you everything about the show he’s watching
pretty bashful
besties with Kaminari and Kirishima
a great hype man
insane, slightly scary pranks
it’s hard to tell what they’re thinking, especially in a fight
fantastic at creating traps and pushing people into them
tries to pretend he’s not as dangerous or confident as he really is. would prefer to be underestimated
tends to talk down his achievements as a result
but knows exactly how powerful they are
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Just A Bet (GeorgeNotFound)
pairing : georgenotfound / george x reader - dreamwastaken/dream / clay x reader
summary : you’re just a bet to him. that is, until he realizes that you’re someone with a title. he scrambles to pick up your broken pieces, but he doesn’t realise that he’s too late. (angst) (trigger warning) (happy ending)
a/n : here’s sorta a little AU for you guys, don’t take any of this seriously, some things in this are clearly made up. side note ; holy shit i have more than a 100 followers right now. thank you so so much. 
everyone has probably dreamt of being a princess, a real one. for example, when the movie ‘the princess diaries’ came out, people wanted to be mia thermopolis and rule genovia. 
sounds like a dream, that is, to be going to high school and have plenty of paparazzi’s chasing you, or to be able to be recognized everywhere. 
in reality, it is the complete opposite of living the dream. you could barely walk out without being recognized if you didn’t cover up your face in some way. you were restricted to do many things, even to just hang out with your friends to grab lunch. 
to other people, they might just tell you to suck it up, that in the end of the day, you’re royalty, and that these are only tiny problems. 
you agreed, sure. but you did want to smell the fresh flowers outside. you wanted to be able to get food from wherever, with whoever without people’s prying eyes. 
you just wanted freedom. 
to whom might be reading this might be confused. you’re a princess. just like the movie, yes. princess of saudi arabia, you are. 
you are fairly young, still in your twenties. most people your age are out having fun going on a girls night, or still studying for their degrees, or even working right now. 
but you were prohibited to leave the castle. you were told to leave on the queen’s orders, only during meal times.
some days, you really liked it, being a princess. if you weren’t being egoistical, you would say that your face really did suit the royal title. 
you didn’t have to leave your room to make stacks of money. but the problem with that was, what would you do with the money if you couldn’t leave the house?
so you went on the internet. you settled on the internet. with the queen’s permission, of course. 
sure, she can be strict like all the time, but she tried her best to give you your freedom. so she let you have social media accounts. you being you, the public immediately found your accounts. 
you couldn’t find new friends, they were too scared to come across you. so you just entertained yourself. 
this isn’t bragging, but a lot of people knew who you were, but that doesn’t mean everyone does.
since you barely had a childhood, with being born and raised royal, you entertained yourself watching minecraft youtubers. for some reason, it calmed you. 
dream team, as you called the group, caught your eye. you watched all of their videos, caught up with every single live streams of theirs, even followed their instagrams and twitters. 
one morning, when you woke up, you found your instagram notifications fuller than other days. you were fairly confused. that is, until you realised that the whole of dream team had followed you back. 
they definitely know who you are and what you do now, right? they have a large fanbase, surely, they would’ve told the boys. 
your followers, since seeing the boys follow you, have told you to start playing games. you didn’t disappoint them. you asked your parents if you could and they granted you permission to do whatever you wanted. 
they told you “this would entertain the public and love you even more.” and smiled at you. you thought maybe they hit themselves in the head today with the leniency they gave you. but you pushed that thought. maybe they thought you have grown old enough. 
valkyrae, a streamer on twitch had reached out to you after knowing about your gaming desires. she asked if you wanted to join her and her group to play among us together. 
you almost immediately agreed and the rest of her friends welcomed you in with opened arms. 
your mum gave you one condition, that you had to follow in order to film yourself playing games. that is, if you kept yourself poised and respectable. you agreed to her shenanigans and started to play with rae. 
playing with her meant that you met countless different content creators, such as corpse husband and pokimane. they all were super nice to you, even when you had told them that they didn’t have to be nice to you because of your title. 
soon you had found yourself in an amazing group of friends and you felt great about yourself. 
you and rae had sustained such amazing friendship that she had came over to your house multiple times for meals. 
you’d text her “come over to my house, let’s eat lunch.” 
and she’d reply with “your castle you mean?” she jokes around. 
your friendship was loved by many people out there. 
one thing you didn’t say was that not everyone was obligated to know who you are, which then happens to be funny to see when they did end up finding out who you are. 
just the fact that they show such shock to their faces, and the tone in their voice changes. 
“holy fuck, she’s royal.” toast says as he came back from googling your name to know more about how you came about in a game of among us. 
“i’m so sorry for the past rounds.” he apologizes for the time he accuses you for no reason.
“please treat me the same way you used to, i’m just y/n when i’m playing games, definitely not a princess.” you told him. 
you didn’t have a big ego, although your parents did. “they need to know that you’re important.” they told you, but it never stuck to you. you wanted to be respected as a person, for your personalities, not because of a stupid title you were born in. 
sykkuno, rae and you had decided to make an smp, where you three would start building things for fun and stream it. 
you three had enough fun until it got boring, for you to start asking your other friends to join. the first person you offered to tour your little world was corpse since you and him had clicked so well. 
because you started playing minecraft and streaming it, it got the attention of minecraft youtubers. and for some reason, the seventeen year old, tommyinnit had found you interesting enough to talk to you. 
with tommy being that close to you, you attracted tubbo and wilbur soot, as well.
“i am in a vc with a princess.” tommy had said on stream when you two decided to play minecraft along with tubbo and wilbur. 
sure, the teenage boy got a little annoying at times, but you found it entertaining and funny. of course, tommy being tommy, he’d ask slightly personal questions about how royalty works in saudi arabia. 
not that he knew how royalty works in general, anyways. 
“the queen is still my favourite woman, but you come in close second.” he told you once. you laughed at that. 
no big title could stop you from fangirling the moment the man, dream itself had sent you a donation, and then later sending you a direct message. 
“let’s play minecraft together soon, seen me your discord.” he dmed you one day. of course you complied. 
for some reason, you never had the chance to play with george, and you played minecraft with sapnap and dream separately, never together. not that you were complaining. 
you decided on a more chill and laid back stream on that specific day, not really feeling like going on a minecraft server or play among us with your bestfriends when you got a text from an unknown number. 
hey. they sent
who’s this? you sent a text back.
my bad, this is george. they sent a text back to you.
holy shit. why would george text you. sure, you have played minecraft and among us with him sometimes but he isn’t one to give out his number so this was weird to you. 
although you consider to be close to the entirety to the dream team, you often tried to avoid texting them, especially outside of streaming. you didn’t want it to be awkward or tense. 
surprisingly, as your conversation with george lengthened, it became less and less awkward. the more you two texted, the more you felt like you and him had been friends for the longest time. 
being the princess, raised in a castle meant that you didn’t really have a social life. other than being put together with some prince of another country in hopes you’ll fall in love with them or marry them, you haven’t really had a legitimate boyfriend. not even a crush. 
to you, the princes in the world can be arrogant, snobby. they act like they are the most important thing in the world, that if they walk in a restaurant, everyone was to drop all their work for other people to entertain them. 
sure, this could just be the way that they were raised, but you didn’t want that in a man, a husband. it wouldn’t kill to be a little humble. 
princes are also a bore. they live practically the same lifestyle as you. conversations were never interesting, always the usual. 
to summarise this, since you and george have been talking and texting, you had fallen for him. hard. and it seems like he’s feeling the same way, just that the both of you hadn’t really said anything. 
being really close friends with someone, more than one person, bestfriends, that is, meant that we had a group chat together. 
nothing constructive was ever said, only boys being boys. 
nick was the one to bring it up. and since he is the youngest, he sure does say some stupid things. 
dude, you should try to get in y/n’s pants. nick asked george in the groupchat.
there was a running joke between the nick and i. george lives under a rock, basically. when everyone was walking on eggshells around you, trying not to offend a princess, he never really cared. 
and that was when nick and i found out that george had no clue you held such a title on your pretty little head. 
you are a beautiful girl, no doubting that. i was sure that many people, even before you started streaming had a major crush on you. george definitely fits right in. he was practically vomiting hearts when he first saw you. 
it was meant to be funny. it was never meant to go this far. nick didn’t mean for his little bet to break a heart, let alone a princess. 
but he did. well, technically george did. he was so brutal with it. he toyed with your feelings, like he had no care in this world. 
no one would’ve guessed that the little cute, short george would do something as bad as he did. 
and now, no one can find you. no one. 
you were there, smiling in front of your camera one day and you were gone the other. just gone. no one knew where you went. 
granted, you are royal. it must not be hard to get people to hide you. but at the same time, you had major reporters trying to find you. and they couldn’t. what does that leave us? 
where did you go? 
come back. 
and although i know you want to hear this from george instead of his friends, you won’t. because he probably doesn’t.
we miss you. 
please just text us, we need to know you’re safe. 
you left. you had to. it had been extremely humiliating. 
you didn’t think someone as sweet as george would do that, it all happened so quick. 
you had flown to england to meet him. he encouraged you to. it felt amazing to leave your hometown, you’ve lived there all your life. you definitely needed to fresh air. 
it took a lot of convincing your parents to let you fly to england. without a doubt, you knew that the only way you’ll get to leave is if you had a guard with you. 
this isn’t that kind of cliche story, your guard could literally be your dad, get your head out of the gutter, you are utterly in love with george, and you were sure george knew that and that’s why he encouraged you to fly to him. 
the first couple of days were fun. he brought you to all over brighton for you to experience what it’s like in england. he told you he wanted you to get your first real experience as a tourist, and that was what he did. 
winding down for the night, you brought him to relax in your hotel suite. frankly, george was surprised that you could afford such a place. but he didn’t want to ask where you got the money from, he didn’t really care. 
all he wanted to do was to complete his dare. his ego was too big to lose this time. 
that night was when you decided to tell him about your feelings about him. you were pretty confident that it was going to go smooth sailing. just the way he treated you showed so much about his feelings. 
so you did, you told him. while you told him that you love him, more than friends love each other, he looked you in the eyes. you weren’t sure what that meant. 
but he smiled. or smirked, you weren’t sure. 
and he kissed you. and the night didn’t end with you just kissing. 
so you thought the night was amazing, that it couldn’t get any better than that. 
that was, until you woke up the next morning. 
you woke up, sun shining straight into your suite, curtains wide open. 
although you didn’t really feel the presence of another person in the room with you, you brushed it off. you felt like something was off, that something was missing. 
you rolled over in your hotel bed, to see if the british man was laying next to you. 
he wasn’t. in fact, he was not in the hotel room at all. you checked the bathroom, the small little living room in your suite. he was found nowhere. 
you tried to see if he had left traces of himself in your hotel room, a sign that he was indeed there and that you hadn’t been dreaming it all. 
but the pain between your legs caused by the brit told you that it was all not a dream. 
so you did what a logical person would, text him. maybe he left to get food. 
but you knew that wasn’t the case the moment you had unlocked your phone. 
texts flood in, your social media notifications seemed to not be stopping anytime soon. 
you opened your texts messages. a couple from your parents, a lot from rae, multiple from some minecraft youtubers who you called friends. 
besides your parents, they were asking if you were okay. they were telling you to stay safe and to lay off social media for a while. 
your parents were practically screaming at you through texts. they called you a disgrace, not an honour to the family. you didn’t understand where this was coming from. 
you opened twitter, knowing that it was going to be the easiest way for you to find out what had happened, and why were you involved in it. 
you were trending. number one worldwide. you clicked on your name. your phone left your hand, falling hard to your hotel floor with a loud thud as you covered your mouth with both your hands, crying. 
two pictures. two photos that said it all. 
first photo was of you in bed, obviously naked under the hotel duvet. you were still sleeping. there was light coming from the windows, that showed that it had barely been sunrise when it was taken. 
second photo was what hit you the hardest. you wanted the earth to swallow you from below. it was a photo of your back, very naked back. it was clear that it was a photo that had been taken during sex. 
and it was obvious who you had it with, because he was the one who posted it all over twitter. 
that was why he left, with no traces of him ever being in the hotel room. 
you weren’t sure what was his motive. but you sure did know that he had completely broke you. 
crying, you picked up your phone from the floor, calling rae. 
“oh my god, tell me you’re okay.” she was panicking on the phone.
“i need to leave.” you told her. you knew that she would immediately understand the severity of the four words you told her. 
since then, you never came back. to the eyes of public, it was as if you never even existed. you were gone. 
you moved with rae. 
she had to leave her roommates to settle in with you. her roommates weren’t mad at her for leaving them. they completely understood, you needed the help.
although her roommates wanted to help you, they couldn’t. you needed to have the least amount of people to be with you. 
it didn’t help that they were all content creators, too. 
rae told people that she moved because she wanted her own space, so that she can make better videos. when she announced she was moving, not one person speculated that you had been the reason of her move. 
you paid for the house, you needed to. you owed her. no matter the amount of times she told you that you owed her nothing, that she was just doing it because she loves you, you couldn’t let her pay for a single thing. 
you needed to up your security, too. so you two had decided to get a house that was pretty big, somewhere in the mountains, with top security, away from other people. 
your parents soon calmed down after that day. they told you to come back, the begged you to come back. but you told them that you needed the time alone at that moment, and assured them that you would be okay. 
so they did what parents would. they made sure you were well taken care of. they sent you massive amounts of money, sent your their trusted guards to stay around the house. 
they did this all for you without the knowledge of the public. 
your parents told reporters that you were well safe, and would not be in the public eye, not until you were ready. 
you helped rae film certain videos. well, not like there was anything good to do in the massive mansion, anyways. 
all your social media pages were still up, just not updated. you left everything. you had created a more private one, for your close and trusted friends to follow. 
and you thought that nothing could really top that eventful day in england. 
but it did. 
you’re sat on toilet in on of the bathrooms, rae rubbing your back.
pregnant. it was clearly written on the test.
no fucking way. 
in no ways were you ready to be a mother. 
as a little kid, you had dreamt of being a mum, alongside a successful man who took responsibility. 
you never would have seen yourself to be a mother alone, with the help of your bestfriend. 
you never thought that you would be a mother, whose dad is someone who clearly doesn’t want anything to do with you. 
rae stayed with you all the time. even through the gross vomit sessions in the morning, or all the time, in your case. 
but you were in no way shape or form ready for a child. you had to raise a child on your own. even the thought of that had emotionally drained you. 
weeks after you found out you were pregnant, you were significantly getting more moody, and rae knew that. 
she made sure you ate well, slept well and kept up with eating vitamins each day. that was until, you couldn’t take it all anymore. 
maybe it was the stress. well, it was the stress. 
you blamed it all on the emotional toll the pregnancy took on you. your body was practically screaming for help. help that you need, but you weren’t in the right head space to offer the help to yourself. 
it was a typically normal day for rae and you. besides rae screaming in her gaming room while streaming, it had been pretty quiet. 
you felt queasy, but you pushed it off. it was normal for you nowadays. everything almost made you throw up. the look of something, the smell. 
but on that day, it was a different type of feeling in your stomach.
one second, you were walking into the kitchen, trying to get some water, and the other, you were on the floor, in pain. 
you screamed. this was the worst type of pain you’ve felt in your life. you screamed for anyone who could hear you. you were sure that even rae’s stream could hear you, but you didn’t care. 
soon you heard multiple footsteps. one of your guards came to your aid before rae did. he supported your head on his lap, him sitting on the floor. 
he told the other guard who came soon after he did to call the ambulance. 
that was when you finally found out what was happening. 
“holy shit, she’s bleeding.” rae repeated to herself. 
you were bleeding? that wasn’t good, right? that meant bad things, doesn’t it?
you felt like you were floating, like your limbs were as light as a feather. that was because you were losing consciousness. 
you lost it. you lost it and found out it was a boy. 
now the two boys you love more than your life aren’t here with you, forever. 
you cried for weeks, rae next to you, making sure you were still alive and eating. she was the only one that stayed by your side in real life. sure, your online friends did care about you, but they just couldn’t be there with you. 
clay and nick had always been texting you, sometimes calling to try their luck, clay mostly. you knew they cared about you, and they wanted to make sure that you’re okay. but you felt embarrassed. you didn’t want to face anyone, even if people kept saying that you did nothing wrong. 
apparently rae’s stream heard your scream, and that was how rae found out that you were in danger. she couldn’t hear through her headphones, but her chat kept spamming her about it, and that raised alarms. 
they kept asking about the ‘mysterious girl screaming’ in rae’s stream. it was short lived, though. rae told them that she had a friend over and that they were injured, and that rested the chaos for a little. 
you were sure that some people knew you were living with her. most of them were almost like detectives, after all. 
you didn’t blame the stans. it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that you would live with her, anyways. 
since the awful day at the hospital, you have texted clay and nick. you wanted to tell them that you were okay, that you aren’t hurt, at least not physically anymore. 
it didn’t take you long to start calling clay daily again. other than rae, you didn’t really have anyone. so you told clay. 
it felt weird talking about a baby that used to be in you to someone whose bestfriend was the dad of. but he completely understood you. sure, he couldn’t say for experience, seeing as he clearly can’t get pregnant, but he supported you, made sure you let it all out to him. 
you and clay grew close, almost bestfriends. although you and nick were close, he’s still in college, and that meant that he usually didn’t have time to talk to you as much as clay did, and you didn’t blame him. school can be a pain in the ass.
but you still made sure to never keep nick in the dark. as much as clay is one of your bestfriends, so is nick. 
clay made sure never to talk about george to you, which deemed to be difficult since they had been friends for years. he had accidentally slipped his name out to you a couple times, but you were sure he didn’t meant to do that. 
other than the usual “george has been sleeping like a log” and “he slept through the smp war.” you hadn’t heard anything else about him, but it seemed like he was doing well. 
clay had told you about the bet. 
“nick brought it up, but we didn’t think he was actually going to go through with it.” the floridian said. 
you aren’t the type to hold grudges, not even if they did you really dirty, so you told clay that you were on the path of being fully healthy and that he didn’t need to apologise for his friend’s behaviour. 
“are you ever going to come back?” he asks you in a facetime call. you knew exactly what he was talking about. he wanted to know if you’d ever come back on the internet. 
you didn’t even know the answer yourself. you weren’t sure. so you told him that. 
“maybe, maybe not. who knows.” and that was months ago. 
you had plenty of time to heal, to get back on track. but nothing could top your pain of losing your child, that you never got to hold, to kiss, to spoil. 
telling your mother about the loss of your baby was the hardest. she is a traditional woman, always telling you to get married before bearing children, but that didn’t mean she didn’t love the baby you were carrying in you. 
she cried on the phone, sobbing, hiccupping. you wanted to hug her so bad, she even asked you when you’d come back, but you told her you needed time, but you’d be there soon. 
for some reason, although you got maximum hours of sleep each day, you still felt exhausted. you consulted a doctor, but he told you that it was normal since your body is still fragile, but the exhaustion never really went away as months go by. 
being bored at home, and hearing rae having fun made you feel lonely, it made you feel like you were left out. so you made the decision to come back. not to stream, but to appear in rae’s videos.
rae and the rest of the group welcomed you with open arms. they were caring and made sure you felt comfortable again, not stepping any boundaries. not that you cared, the public was bound to know everything soon enough. 
so you did that. 
you were playing proximity chat among us, with the usual people. at that point, you and the other nine people were still in the lobby, chatting, until corpse sounded out. 
“what have you been doing nowadays?” harmless question, in your opinion. 
you didn’t want to hide anything anymore, and rae knew what was about to happen.
“been having a lot of rest. doctor said that i’m still fragile.” you told corpse. 
“are you sick?” toast asks. some people would’ve been offended at that question, or take it the wrong way, but you didn’t. 
“actually, i suffered a miscarriage recently.” you told them honestly. 
there was no awkward silence. immediately, everyone started apologising, saying “sorry for your loss.” 
you brushed them off, telling them that it’s okay, that they didn’t offend you at all for asking that question. 
“feels good to get it out my chest.” you told them, laughing at the end of that sentence. 
“she hasn’t slept well at all, she really wanted to tell you guys.” rae told her
one by one, they all spoke to you, asked you if it was even okay that you all talked about it on streams. you told them that it had been your choice to tell people this way, and they had nothing to worry about. 
on the other hand, it was tough for george. not at first, though. he thought it was going to be easy, having sex with a pretty, virgin girl and ditch her alone in a country she she hasn’t personally been to.
but that changed the moment she disappeared. the guilt never really hit george until people started bashing him on the internet. 
at first, people were too focused on the girl. people discriminated you, called you a slut. they didn’t think that george was wrong at all, although he was the one who took the explicit photos and posted it. 
but then, people, mostly woman had started to realise indeed how messed up it was. 
george really couldn’t care that you “left.” but then people kept on commenting on his posts. specifically, they often left a comment saying “really bold of you to do that to a princess.”
at the start, he thought the comments meant that they couldn’t believe he did such terrible things to their princess, someone wholesome they cherished. he didn’t realise that his comments literally meant that you are a princess. 
so he googled it. he wanted to know why people kept calling you ‘princess’ or ‘next on the throne’. he was curious, and he wasn’t expecting it all to be real. 
when he googled your name, a huge google tab came out. 
princess of saudi arabia. 
this must be a typo, right? he couldn’t deny that you are indeed a pretty girl, he just couldn’t believe that he had done such things to someone so royal. 
he never even thought that one day, he would score to talk to celebrities, let alone be able to be in bed with an actual princess. 
so he doubted it. 
but then he kept looking. 
he looked at images of you. photos of you with a small tiara, next to what seemed to be the queen of saudi arabia, wearing a long, modest emerald gown. the photo was taken when the king had a birthday. 
picture after picture, he started to doubt his thoughts even more. 
he couldn’t lie, your face really fit the title. if he really thought about it, your existence screamed royalty. the way you spoke, your poise, the way you strut in a hallway and was able to wow a crowd without trying. 
george always assumed that people only stared at you in public because of how beautiful you are. he never really realised it all until now. 
usually, guys can be insecure when they hear rude comments about how a lanky man is able to get a beautiful, confident woman. but to george, he felt even more egoistical. he used you, truly like a trophy wife. 
that was until he really realised. 
now, he thinks that everything he did was just a plain asshole move, not saying it isn’t if he did it to any other normal girl.
“i fucking messed up” he thought to himself, reading press conferences about your princess title.
if he thought he messed up then, wait till he found out you were pregnant, and then later losing it. 
he felt like he was in a fever dream. it felt like a written book, not real life. 
he kept slapping himself, pinching himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. it all felt unreal. so many things were happening. 
now, he’s more concerned than guilty. he wanted to know if you’re okay. even he felt like he can’t cope with the information he was given, how would you feel?
furthermore, he kept reading theories that the scream in the background of valkyrae’s stream was yours. had you lost the baby there? had you lost his baby there?
he called clay and nick. he wanted to double check. it was all a lot to handle, knowing you’re a princess and a mother in the same week. 
nick screamed at him on discord for hours, literally. george knew clay was just as mad, just as disappointed. he just didn’t have the energy to say it all, even though all he wanted to do was fly to england and beat george up. 
although it took george a while to realise everything he did was messed up, he came to. and he really did want to contact you. but really, anyone in your position wouldn’t even glance at his name twice after what he did. 
he was happy that you were looking healthy on rae’s stream. although you weren’t really ready to stream on your own again and many people understood that, and never pushed you. 
but whenever he saw you sometimes on rae’s facecam, he could see that pain, deeply hidden in your eyes. you were trying to cover up the fact that you were still trying to heal. 
it was infuriating to see george not really giving a shit at first, and then changing to a new man. it took you to tell the world about your lost child for him to own up to his mistakes.
nick and i had been friends with him for years, it takes a lot to just dump a friend, a close one at that. so we did what we could, help him wake up from this “dream” he’s in. 
that didn’t mean we weren’t mad at him still. 
if he didn’t want to own up, i will. 
the subsequent years came by and went really quickly. people were starting to forget the drama that you and george were in. people soon became uninterested about it, but still stayed with you, encouraging you to heal slowly and take your time. 
that was what you liked about the internet. granted, some people can be mean, but the people who supported you were the ones that helped you keep going, helped you find a reason to wake up in the morning. 
no, you’d never forget that you lost a child, and you were reminded by the people on the internet who made it a pact to make sure george never forgot that too. 
george did end up talking to you a couple years ago. you accepted his apology, but not him. you were sure he only wanted to apologise after knowing that you were the next in the throne. 
speaking of throne, you were back in the castle. not permanently, but you visited often. you still lived with rae, and you had actually started streaming on your own again a few months before george reached out to you. 
clay and nick had been supportive of you since the start, still clearly apologetic even though you told him that you had forgotten about it and that it hadn’t even been their fault in the first place. 
but they were persistent, clay more than nick since nick was still very busy with college. you loved the two of them and considered them to be one of your best friends, aside from rae. 
it was difficult. i felt like i had no shame to just text her one day after being gone for so long. but i actually felt bad. i know it was a rocky start. 
i had been so focused on winning the bet and not wanting to be called a pussy from my friends that i disregarded you, your feelings.
i knew from the start that you had been a great girl. you were just so sweet to everyone you meet, even strangers. it warmed my heart, it made me feel safe to be around you all the time. 
not that i can say that right now anyways, i didn’t have the right at all, after what i did to you. 
i don’t know what love is, given the fact that multiple girls had left me before this. i asked myself often if what i felt for my exes were actually love, or had i just been desperate. 
but i felt like when i was with you, it had been love, or close enough. 
but i couldn’t just burst it out one day that i love you, we weren’t really even dating. 
given that you had been pure, prior to me, it was shocking to see you so open, so welcoming to me. it was like you had known me forever, that you trusted me. 
and i took advantage of that, and later i got the consequences. 
i suffered the consequences. i see him with you. and i see that you’re happier with him. if it was any other guy, i think it would hurt less. 
but it was my own best friend. it was clay. 
all the instagram photos you post, his face blurred or covered, or when he posts a photo of you, it all hurt. 
i started the fall for you, for your genuine heart, and when i finally decide to do something about it, someone else had done it before me. 
deep down, i knew that clay would’ve been the better choice for you anyway. but it still hurt me. hearing his voice coming from behind you when you stream without your facecam. 
everyone was so supportive of you and clay, they’re obviously happy that you found someone who treats you better, even i knew that.
i wished i hadn’t taken you for granted, i wish i hadn’t listened to the stupid voice in my head reminding that you were all just a bet, that i wouldn’t love you like you think i would. 
i felt left out. 
a while ago, you were in florida with nick and your boyfriend, clay. it stung to see nick and you streaming so happily, not remembering me. 
but i deserved it. and i knew you deserve to be happy, after everything i did to you.
but that didn’t compare to the pain i felt now, a year later, seeing photos of clay and you, his face turned from the camera, facing you. he was down on one knee, proposing. 
and although you were crying and your hands covered the bottom half of your face, i could see how happy you are, i could see the amount of love you held for clay. 
how i wish i had done things a little more differently. 
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Can you list anything you unironically like in the games (and cartoons and comics) that you don't like?
I won't bother mentioning music, since that goes without saying and is to be expected for a Sonic game... unless you're Chronicles.
Sonic Adventure 2 (mixed gameplay-wise, annoying story-wise) - While I prefer Sonic's SA1 levels for a number of reasons, I still think his and Shadow's gameplay in SA2 is fun on its own merit. I also don't mind the treasure hunting gameplay returning or how big the levels are this time around, since Knuckles and Rouge are still fast and not '06 levels of slow. It's mainly the gimped radar that creates the unfortunate domino effect of making them a problem.
- Introduced Rouge, one of my favourite characters for how playful she is and how she's a lot more nuanced and intelligent than you'd expect.
- Some genuinely good scenes, like Eggman's trap on the A.R.K and Sonic escaping from the G.U.N. helicopter.
- Had some good ideas going for it, like the Pyramid Base and the Biolizard as a scientific monster instead of an ancient one.
- Despite my thoughts on the backstory itself (or rather, its execution), Shadow has enough depth and subtle qualities and occasional unintended hilarity to stand out from the typical dark rival characters you see in media.
- The Last Scene's music in particular is one of my favourite cutscene tracks in the series.
Sonic Heroes (mixed gameplay-wise, loathed story-wise) - The gameplay is fun when you're not being screwed over by repetitive combat, overly long levels and/or ice physics.
- Boasts some of the most consistently Genesis-worthy environments in the 3D games, up there with SA1's and Colours'.
- The in-game dialogue that isn't the same tutorial drivel repeated ad nauseam can be interesting, funny, etc.
- Reintroduced the Chaotix, which provided me with another character I quite like in the form of Vector.
- Bringing Metal Sonic back in full force and front and center in the plot after a long absence (not counting cameos and the like) is a perfectly fine idea. Just... not like this.
Sonic Battle (decent yet repetitive gameplay, mixed story-wise) - Emerl's arc is compelling, and it earns the emotional weight of having to put him down at the end.
- While some characters are iffy (read: Amy), other characters are extremely well-handled. Shadow is probably the prime example.
- Gamma's belly dance healing animation is fucking hilarious.
- When I was young, and the game was first announced, I was really excited about being able to play as Chaos. This proved to be my downfall when it turned out he was arguably one of the worst characters in the game due to being slower than me during the writing process, but I still recall that excitement fondly.
Shadow the Hedgehog (comedy classic) - The sheer amount of legendary stupidity this game has going for it makes it practically impossible to actually hate. It helps that it's not quite as white-knighted on the same level as '06... usually. You know you're in for a unique experience when you hear a gunshot every time you click something in the menu.
- By extension, Black Doom never gained an unironic fanbase like Mephiles/Scourge/Eggman Nega did, which means I'm a lot more willing to take Doom's dumbass brand of villainy in stride. He even has a unique design... a terrible one that rips off Wizeman granted, but alas, even that is a step-up from Fridge Shadow and Bumblebee Eggman.
- Despite being... well, Shadow the Hedgehog, some of the environments would fit right in with any other Sonic game, like with Circus Park, Lava Shelter, and Digital Circuit. Even the Black Comet levels look pretty cool.
- This game understands amnesia better than IDW does.
Sonic '06 (what do you think?) - The obvious one: Shadow's character was handled pretty well, even if it came at the cost of everyone else being a dummy and being forced to interact with Mephiles.
- Like SA2, there are some good moments, like the Last Story ending sequence with Sonic and Elise.
- In the greatest form of irony ever, I like Solaris as a concept and design(s), and its backstory has potential to serve as a parallel with Chaos without being a complete ripoff. Iblis sucks, Mephiles sucks, but I'm fine with Solaris.
- Introduced legendary characters like Sonic Man, Pele the Beloved Dog, Hatsun the Pigeon, and Pacha from The Emperor's New Groove.
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The Rivals duology (apathetic outside of Nega-related grumbling) - There were some cool zone ideas in both games that were sadly let down by the restrictive and limiting gameplay. I particularly like Colosseum Highway for thus far being the only full-on Roman level in the series instead of merely having a couple minor hints of Roman, and Meteor Base for the unique scenario of the space station being built into an asteroid. These level concepts and others deserve a second chance IMO. (At least Frontier Canyon got a second chance in the form of Mirage Saloon, amirite?)
- Ifrit has a better design than Iblis. Not saying it's amazing, but the Firebird motif it has going on is a lot more interesting for a fire monster than the Not-Chaos schtick they had with Iblis.
Sonic and the Secret Rings (a very frustrating gaming experience) - Erazor Djinn, A.K.A. Qui-Gon Djinn, A.K.A. Dr. N. Djinn, A.K.A. I'll Take It On The Djinn, A.K.A. Not From The Hairs On My Djinny Djinn Djinn, is one of the best villains not associated with Eggman in the series. He's a Mephiles-type character done right, and there's actual weight and reason to his actions, however sinister or petty.
- I don't have strong opinions either way on Shahra as a character, but the Sonic/Shahra friendship is sweet and well-handled.
- The ending is one of Sonic's greatest moments. The sheer contrast between how ruthlessly he deals with Erazor and how comforting he is towards Shahra speaks volumes... Still gonna make fun of the mountain of handkerchiefs though. (Before anyone lectures me, I understand the significance of it and can even appreciate it from that angle... doesn't mean I'm not allowed to poke fun at it. :P)
- Another game with some redeeming environments. I love the aesthetic of Night Palace, and Sand Oasis looks gorgeous too.
Sonic Chronicles (my personal least favourite game in the series) - Uh...
- Um...
- Er...
- I like Shade's design?
Sonic Unleashed (overrated game and story IMO) - The obvious two: the opening sequence and the Egg Dragoon fight deserve all the praise they get.
- Seeing Eggmanland come to life was an impressive moment to be sure. While part of me does feel it didn't quite measure up to what I had in mind (ironically, the Interstellar Amusement Park ended up being closer to what I had in mind), it still looks badass and works well for what it is. I also don't mind the idea of it being a one-level gauntlet... key word being idea.
- Obviously, the game looks great. Not a fan of the real world focus (real world inspiration is fine, but copy-pasting the real world and shoving loops in it is just unimaginative), but it can't be denied that the environments look good.
- This game pulled off dialogue options a lot better than Chronicles did, since they didn't rely on making Sonic OoC.
Sonic and the Black Knight (just kind of boring all around) - Despite my gripes with the story (Merlina wasn't nearly as fleshed out as her unique anti-villain status deserved, which ends up severely undermining the ambition of the plot in more ways than one, and the other characters go from being useless yes men for King Arthur to being useless yes men for Sonic), I will admit it provides interesting insight into Sonic's character.
- Like '06 and Secret Rings, the ending is very nice... well, aside from Amy being an unreasonable bitch ala Sonic X at the very end.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (apathetic) - The admittedly few new concepts sprinkled within had promise. They may not have been as fleshed out as they could have been, but level concepts like Sylvania Castle and White Park, bosses like Egg Serpentleaf and the Egg Heart, and story beats like the Death Egg mk.II being powered by Little Planet, all could have been brilliant had they been better executed.
SatAM (apathetic outside of SatAM Robotnik-related grumbling) - I'm not a fan of the environments on the whole due to them looking too bland or samey, but there are some exceptions that look pleasant or interesting, like the Void.
Sonic Underground (apathetic) - The character designs make me feel better about myself.
- Does "large quantities of unintentional meme material" count as a positive?
Sonic X (mostly apathetic outside of Eggman's handling) - Helen was a better human character and audience surrogate in her one focus episode than Chris was throughout his entire runtime.
- Actually, most of the human characters not named Chris were legitimately likable. Including everyone in Chris' own family not named Chris. Hilarious.
- Despite arguably having the most Chris in it, I actually don't mind the first season that much, partly due to slight nostalgia from seeing it on TV when it was new, but mostly because Eggman actually acted like a villain for the most part, and certain other characters weren't quite as flanderized yet. It's season 2 and onwards where things started going off the rails IMO. (Incidentally, Helen's episode was part of season 1...)
The Boom franchise (apathetic) - Along with Chronicles, the games provide yet more proof that just because someone isn't SEGA/Sonic Team, that doesn't mean they're automatically more qualified to handle the series.
- The show had some good episodes here and there, and Tails' characterization was probably the most consistently on-point out of the cast.
- Despite not exactly being favourite portrayals for either character, even I'll admit that many of Knuckles and Eggman's lines in the show on their own were genuinely funny.
Archie Sonic (pre-reboot is mostly terrible, post-reboot is mostly... bland) - Whenever I doubt myself as a writer, I think back to Ken Penders, and suddenly I'm filled with a lot more confidence.
Sonic the Comic (apathetic) - Fleetway isn't a comic I tend to recall much of aside from how much of a loathesome cunt Sonic is, but IIRC, Robotnik's portrayal is pretty good. Different, but good.
IDW Sonic (stop pissing me off, comic) - Putting their handling aside (and being too obviously "inspired" by MGS in the latter's case), Tangle and Whisper are good characters IMO.
- Same goes for Starline, before he was killed off-screen and replaced with Toothpaste Snively.
- Execution aside (noticing a pattern?), the zombot virus was a fine concept on its own and an interesting new scheme for Eggman.
- I get to remind myself that I've never drawn scat edits and posted them publicly on Twitter.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Christmas With the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 2: Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita
Part 1 (Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita) here!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
This boy has a secret soft side for Christmas istg
He HATES showing it to other people on his team and shit
But holy bejeezus he is mesmerized by the holiday in every way possible
Lights, sweets, snow, just like,,, the general magic of December is the most awe-inspiring thing to him
Since he is still a sporty and pretty active mofo, you decided to fuel that on your holiday-themed date as Kags had noted that he’d never gone sledding before
Your jaw was on the FLOOR when he first told you because he would 10000% enjoy the hell out of it
And so you dragged him out to this popular sledding hill that you frequented as a child and taught him what to do
Not gonna lie, he was kind of nervous
“Well you’re experienced at it. I don’t wanna mess up”
🥺🥺🥺 bubby
“You won’t, Tobio! I can already tell you’re gonna be a sledding pro”
Feels a little better after that, but he asks you to help him out for his first run down the hill
He sits behind you with his arms secured snugly around your waist and his head nestled on top of your shoulder
Which would probably seem really funny to passerby because this boy is tol and intimidating in most other situations
As soon as the sled started down, Kags tightened his grip and made this cute little yelp of surprise
But you were laughing insanely hard at the combination of going really fast downhill whilst also having your boyfriend cling to you for dear life
And then when the sled stopped safely at the bottom he started to chuckle
That shit is rare
Y’all stayed at that hill for half the day because it was so fun
You got him a new, very high quality athletic roller for Christmas because his old one was just not cutting it anymore
And you also gave him this really cute bracelet with a volleyball, his jersey number, and a little strawberry milk set of charms attached to it
It matched this really pretty and subtle chain he’d bought for your birthday
His blueberry eyes got all wide with affection dfjdskfjsdk—
Got super blushy and couldn’t get a handle on his speech for a fat minute
He thinks you’re the coolest person ever no I do not take criticism
Geez you’re both adorable together, ideal “stoic boy becomes warmer during the holidays around his love” movie plot and I love it
He is all in on Christmas. Not a chance this boy doesn’t get excited as hell
Will openly go into holiday mode as soon as November is over
Was secretly already listening to his Christmas playlist before then
He is one of the sweetest gift givers, that is FACTUAL
If you want something really badly, he will take notice and get it as your present immediately
He’ll also gift you an extra thing that’s handmade 🥺
Like some pastries that his mom helped him make, or a specially made basket of soaps with your favorite scents in it
It’s absolutely adorable and you cherish those ones especially
Is happy if you simply get him something; mans doesn’t care what it is
New practice volleyball? A brand new sweatshirt? Elated either way
You had seen an advertisement for a friendly match between Japan and Poland’s men’s volleyball teams, so you waited online on the ticket sales website until the minute it opened
Spoiler alert: you got some banger seats 😌✨
Shoyo may or may not have tackled you when he read the ticket details, letting out his excited giggle (you know the one)
“I can’t believe you got these, angel! You’re coming with me, right? You’ve gotta! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Gives you sweet little kisses between each individual ‘thank you’
“Of course I’ll go with you, Sho! I’m really glad you like it!”
He will give you the brightest smile of all time — that shit makes Christmas lights pale in comparison
“Have I told you how much I love you?”
Hold his hands to warm up together when temperatures drop pls :)))
It’s become a weekly December tradition to watch a Christmas movie with Natsu at the Hinata household
She’ll sit in your lap while the three of you are cuddled under a blanket together, and Shoyo will lace his fingers with yours all discreetly
In conclusion, I am a sucker for holiday Hinata 🥺🥺🥺
His room is decorated to the very minimum simply because his mom and brother had insisted on him being festive
You know those holiday instrumentals that are really calming and jazzy and stuff? Yeah, that’s the only Christmas music he will tolerate in his house
While he’s still got his usual icy demeanor, this blond bitch does get slightly less snippy with the Karasuno boys
Is always on the nose with getting you the exact thing you wanted for a present
You don’t even have to bring that shit up beforehand, he just KNOWS
“Tsukki, how did you—?”
“It’s pretty obvious, with the way that one ad kept showing up on your phone.”
b r u h
How does he pay such good attention without even letting on??
As for his own present, you’ll usually get him two: one gag gift and one more serious gift
His dino plush collection size is partly due to the former’s contributions this time of year
Yes the dinos have names
You exchanged gifts on Christmas Eve with all the team (you made him go) and he saved your more serious one for last
It was a scarf that you’d gotten custom made, which had a Spotify code knitted into the fabric
Scanning the code opened the app to a playlist you’d created especially for him
He got pretty quiet when figuring it out and scrolling through the playlist
Would let out a certified Tsukki Nose Exhale™ when he came across certain songs
The more subdued reaction was expected because it’s Tsukishima
His little chuckles and warmer eyes were enough of a giveaway to tell you he very much enjoyed your gift
But on the walk home, he took the scarf and wrapped it around you both, and then brought his arm around your waist
“Thank you.”
You deadass almost combusted because it was so unexpected??
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, Kei”
Way to respond calm and collected 😌👍
But on the inside your body was in freak out mode
He wears the scarf all the time jdfsklfjdsk
Take the most tooth rotting fluff you could imagine
And then double that and put a fucking cherry on top
That’s the equivalent of what Christmas is like with Yama Yama
Y’all are like kids in a candy store — literally
For your Christmas dates it’s all about sweets and shared giggles, so frequent trips to the candy and baking isles of the grocery store is a must
Making gingerbread houses, peppermint tasting (mostly trying those different and wild ass candy cane flavors), you name it and it’s there
Stomach aches? I don’t know her
Yeah you do but they go away with enough butterfly kisses 🥰
Tadashi is exceptionally good at decorating gingerbread houses for whatever reason
He put a poll on his instagram between yours and his final products and he won by a landslide
It’s not like yours was necessarily bad, more like he’s just an icing master
You also might have eaten too many gumdrops which left your rooftop lacking in ✨spice✨
But it’s okay because Tadashi donated some of his leftovers to you
He’s such a sweetheart uwu
Please for the love of everything get him something heartfelt as his present
You know those long distance bracelets for couples?
Basically if your s/o taps the icon on the bracelet it’ll send a little vibration to the other person’s as a notice that you’re thinking about them
This boy seeks constant reassurance, and you love to give him his deserved love and validation, so it was the perfect present
It takes a second for him to figure out what it is, but after reading the directions and testing it out, the most adorable smile erupted on his face
And then since you already had yours on, he tapped the little icon again with a giggle
“Hey there”
It becomes common habit to tap it at least once every couple hours
He is just so soft this time of year, give him all the love and he will return it tenfold ☺️
This boy is absolutely an awkward cutie and an avid romantic
Give him the cliches and he will eat em up, no doubt
It naturally gets more apparent around the holidays
He’ll take you on pretty winter walks, give you lots of little gifts (while blushing a hell of a lot), and is just a professional at stumbling upon some mistletoe
Wow wonder how it got there, Hisashi
He’s quite a bit more confident when simply alone with you than in a crowded space
And that definitely shows when he takes you out on a secluded sleigh ride around town
Yeah you heard me
A fuckin’ sleigh ride
Horses and blankets and everything
Don’t even ask how he managed to pull it off, because he loves watching the cogs turn in your head and simply will not give you a straight answer
Of course there’s the nice driver guy who’s there, but in the back alone Kinoshita’s confidence goes 📈📈
Lots of flirting, tons of skimmed touches and shared giggles throughout the ride
I legitimately simp really hard for him
Anyways it was a gorgeous ride through town and super fun
On Christmas Eve you both exchange gifts together and tbh whatever you got him will leave him happy and flustered regardless
But when he opens the wrapping paper to find an entire set of vintage VHS tapes, he’s stunned
He owns a VHS (actually canon!) and honestly loves it to death, and the fact that you’d get him tapes of pretty high quality for his collection meant a lot
Gosh he’s so underrated but a definite sweetheart, give him all the holiday love
Another underrated bby 🥺
He’s so chill and is pretty open to anything during the holidays, so long as he gets to spend ample time with you, his friends, and his family
Definitely more of an indoor person despite being accepting of most situations
Hence why you thought a cute little indoor winter picnic would be right up his alley
Which it absolutely was 😌✨ nice work
You’d made plans while in secret communications with his family members about the whole thing
He’d been pretty stressed lately with trying to handle his schoolwork, while also helping out others with theirs
Despite being a wonderful tutor, it was clearly becoming a bit overwhelming as he tried to grapple with so much at once
So when he came home one day to find a pristine house with you settled on a blanket in his living room, he was quite surprised
There’s a cheese plate, soda cans in a cute ice box, sandwiches, snacks, a presparked fireplace — you and his family went all out
Really adorable I cannot lie
“I thought you said you were going gift shopping today?”
“I might have maybe lied :P”
So he gives the sweetest little smile and sits across from you
Y’all stay there and talk for hours
After finally getting through everything previously laid out on the blanket spread, you slid him a little rectangular box that he looked at curiously
“Already? I haven’t wrapped yours yet!”
“Mine can wait a bit! Just open yours”
And so he does, and you watch with a face-splitting grin as he looks down in awe
You got tickets to see his favorite rock band in concert while they were on tour
He sprung onto you and pulled you into the tightest hug ever
“Holy shit you’re the best I love you so much how do you get even more loveable every day—!?!l”
It’s a jumble of words but you’re able to put it together and it makes you giggle
He deadass sprints upstairs to go get your gift and make sure that you feel as equally appreciated as he does
In simple words: wholesome holiday sweetness 🥰
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raunchyom · 3 years
Vices, Not Virtues: Kindness
[ Chapter 3 ]
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A/N: Surprise! Wasn’t planning to have this out on Levi’s birthday, but also wasn’t planning that hiatus. School, amirite? On the plus side, I’ll officially be free by May 1, at which point I can start updating this (semi-) regularly again, so look forward to it! Tagging: @devintrinidad // @dweeb-central
word count: 2.7k || warnings: n/a
Listening to Leviathan rant was pretty much something that came with the territory of being his friend.
Whether about anime, his brothers, video games, anime, school, socializing, normies… oh, and don’t forget anime. There was always something on his mind, and his severely limited social circle meant you were often the recipient of his rants. Today in particular, it spanned a lot of different topics. Your recent absence hadn’t gone unnoticed, and the way he was going on made it seem like he’d bottled up every single emotion over the past few days and shoved them into a box labelled ‘re-open for Mc.’ 
Not that you loved him any less for it, of course. Poor Levi really couldn’t catch a break, and he was so excited to have someone like you who really cared about him-- well, who could blame him for wanting to open up?
Over the past week in particular, he’d been subjected to the usual trauma around the house. Apparently, he’d had Asmo and Satan gang up on him about never leaving the house, even the bookworm agreeing that Levi was too far gone. Mammon had ‘borrowed’ something of his, only for it to never return. Levi knew it was a bad idea every time, but he was too easily won over by promises of his investments being worth it. The last Akuzon delivery was supposed to be a limited edition maid-cafe-style Ruri-chan figurine, that smelled like her bean-cake best friend Azuki-tan-- which, of course, meant that Beel took a bite out of the package before Levi could get there to stop him. Lucifer had lectured him about grades, saying that he knew Levi could do better, if only he stopped playing video games so much-- “as if that’s a compliment!” 
Levi finally stopped pacing, rolling his eyes at the mere memory of it. He glanced down to where you sat, perched on the side of his tub. 
It wasn’t the most comfortable seat in the house, but his room wasn’t exactly made for visitors; you had to make do when you were there for a rant. He’d generally start talking while playing a video game, then gradually pause it, turn around, and eventually stand up and act out his frustrations. It was better for you to just start off seated on the side of his tub, that way he would have an aquarium backdrop for when he inevitably paced in front of you. It gave you a nicer view from the start, and when he wanted to sit again, he could choose to pull up his gaming chair or, if he was feeling particularly bold, sit down next to you.
As if he heard your thoughts, Levi plopped down next to you with a frustrated sigh. “Ugh, they totally don’t deserve to have you helping them all the time.” He grumbled, almost as if talking to himself. “I mean, I don’t either. I don’t know why you spend so much time around some gross otaku. And listen to all my problems, and--”
“Levi, it’s fine.” You assured him, “I don’t mind; we’re friends.” 
Levi glanced at you from the corner of his eye, as if he didn’t believe you. He shifted his gaze back to the fish tank in front of him and continued, “Still, I know I’m always venting to you, and…” 
The lack of eye contact didn’t prevent him from seizing up in your presence. You could practically see the buffering symbol in his brain, mouth wavering as he tried to force the words out. His face was getting red just from knowing your eyes were on him, somehow feeling as if every moment you waited politely for him to continue was a moment of pure torture.
“You don’t ever talk to me.” He mumbled. The words slurred together, as if he could barely convince himself to enunciate the syllables. He fumbled with the cord of his headphones and his stare shifted to the floor. Even eye contact with the fish must’ve been too much.
“We talk all the time.” You sounded much less sure than you felt, probably more out of hurt than anything. Did your friendship not mean as much as you thought it did? 
“That’s not what I--!” Levi frowned harder, tugging more incessantly at his headphones. He huffed out a frustrated breath, knowing what he wanted to say but not how to say it. “You do talk to me, but… you listen to me a lot more…” 
“So… you want me to talk more?” Levi was usually pretty easy to read. Sure, he didn’t say his emotions outright, but they were often written all over his face. In times like this though, when he was stuttering and refusing to make eye contact even more than normal, he wasn’t quite as transparent.
“No! Well, I mean, yes, but not-- I meant-- why don’t you ever ask?” Levi finally blurted out, surprising you both. “...for help? Why don’t you ever ask for help?”
“Uh… what?” Well, this was out of nowhere. You were supposed to be listening to his problems, but now he was upset that you hadn’t brought up yours? Was there some part of his rant that you were supposed to cut into with your own? 
“I notice, around the house, and RAD, and-- and everywhere. You never let people help you with things. You never ask for it yourself, even when you need it.” After a second, his eyes widened. “Not-- Not that I watch you! I-It’s nothing weird like that! I-I’m gross, and an otaku, and-- b-but-- I don’t st-stalk you or anything!” 
It was funny, watching Levi dig his own grave deeper. On the one hand, it was amusing to hear Levi desperately try to explain away any potential misinterpretation, but it was mixed with a fair amount of confusion about what his point was supposed to be. Your face must have portrayed this in some way, or at least one of these two emotions, because a cursory glance from Levi had him forcing himself back on track before he could say anything worse.
“I mean, I get why you don’t want my help. I-I’m just some yucky otaku, who’s anti-social and um, probably couldn’t help with anything anyway.” Levi was really good at kicking himself while he was down. Given, he always seemed to be down, and he always seemed to be kicking himself.
“Levi, that’s not why...” The words fell away halfway through your sentence, having caught yourself before admitting to anything. 
“So why?” You may have caught yourself before admitting anything too damning, but Levi caught it too. He was dense, not an idiot. “No, you don’t have to tell me. I mean, there’s a lot of other reasons you might not ask for help, too. Maybe you don’t want to feel weak, or admit that you need help from other people. Or maybe it’s because it’s hard to ask someone for something, when you’re already annoying them just by being around them. Or…  that last one is probably just me.”
“You’re not annoy--”
“It’s not about that!” Levi cut you off, determined to make his point. “The point is, you can’t do everything by yourself. Even Henry has the seven lords to help him. And Ruri-chan has her friends. In fact, her friends are what make her so--”
Levi took a deep breath, for once stopping his own tirade about anime. “Can you just… tell me why, at least?”
Song references aside, it wasn’t an easy question to answer, even if you wanted to. Levi didn’t often ask for this kind of thing though, which made it hard to turn him down. “It’s a lot of things, like you said. I just want to show that I can. Do things on my own, I mean.”
Levi frowned, unsure how to combat you. He already wasn’t exactly a pro on asking people for help, he holed up in his room too much for that. He had been, so far, basing it off the rare times he left his room. But now you were mentioning something that he could relate to on some level, except… “You… want to prove yourself?”
“I guess.” Not how you’d phrase it, necessarily, but not entirely inaccurate. Or really, it was oversimplifying the issue by a long shot, but it was better to give Levi half credit rather than no credit. His self esteem could certainly use it.
“But why!? You’re-- you’re so cool! You made a pact with every demon in the House of Lamentation! You could make a pact with Diavolo if you tried! You taught Satan to control his anger, you got Asmo to care about someone other than himself, you stood up to Lucifer when he was going to kill Beel and Luke-- and you, too!--, you got Belphie to get along with everyone again, you even died and--” It could’ve been that he realized what he was saying, or it could’ve been that he saw your face when he brought it up; either way, Levi clamped his mouth shut mid-sentence.
“I-I mean, not everyone gets to respawn.” He mumbled, hoping a video game reference would make it less awkward again. After a moment of silence, he reiterated his original point. “You don’t need to prove yourself. You already have.” 
It was heartwarming, hearing Levi sing your praises as he did. But that wasn’t exactly a quick fix for the fact that asking for help meant admitting you were bad at something. Or even just admitting to needing help at all. Lucifer said he had to teach you some pride, well here was a lesson you could skip. This one you knew well: don’t want to swallow your pride and ask for help? Easy, just don’t ever ask!
Levi seemed antsy to fill the silence, but managed to hit the nail on the head when he spoke again. “I know how it feels, when you see someone that’s better than you at something. It’s frustrating. And painful. Especially if you’re supposed to be the best, and then someone else knows more than you do, about a book series that they just read for the first time, and then spoil stuff about the one that hasn’t even been released yet, even though you’re the number one TSL fan and they shouldn’t even have that informa--”
“That was one time!” You protested. Levi let out a puff of air that was somewhere in between a scoff and a snort, but he didn’t seem to be legitimately angry. Then again, leave it to Levi to hold a grudge from the early days of the exchange program.
“Sometimes though, you can use that jealousy. Being jealous of someone can drive you to get better at things, or to learn from them. Or just ask them for help, if you have to. I’m never gonna work out like Beel, so if I need help lifting something I’ll just ask him for help doing it.” He deliberately didn’t mention his past experiences in asking for Beel’s help in getting fit, hoping you didn’t know about the devilgram posts Asmo made about it. You did, but decided to let it go. After a moment of consideration, he added, “I usually have to pay him with food, though.
“We may not always get along, but at least my brothers and I know how to depend on each other. Lucifer may act-- well, be annoyed a lot, but there’s a reason everyone goes to him for help. He helps the people he cares about… even if it comes with a lecture. Everyone knows to go to Satan if they need information, or help studying. Asmo’s so good with fashion that he works with Majolish, and still--” Levi’s chest puffed out a bit as he spoke-- “he comes to me for help in design too, since he knows I’m the best at cosplays.”
“That almost sounded like you were complimenting yourself.” Levi deflated a bit at your teasing tone, both embarrassed and a bit self-conscious. You felt some guilt about the latter, but none from the former. Not when his embarrassment meant his face scrunched up like that, and he floundered to go back on his own claims.
“W-Well, I didn’t mean-- of course I’m good at otaku stuff! A normie wouldn’t understand!” He floundered, clearly at a loss for what to say if he was falling back on calling you a normie. That was pretty much his version of sticking his tongue out when he lost.
“It’s hard to imagine Mammon ever gets asked for help.” You offered, trying to get him back on track. ...and maybe continue to push his buttons just a tad.
“That idiot--” Levi took a deep breath, gritting his teeth as he sought a way to talk about Mammon without including some form of insult, “He gets into trouble all the time, obviously. He’s a moron because of the kind of trouble he gets into, not because he asks for help. At least he knows to come to us for help when he needs it.”
At that, Levi gave you a pointed look. Well, consider that the last time you ever try to help him get back on track.
“Mc, none of us will think less of you. People usually consider it an ego-boost if someone comes to them for help. Especially if it’s y--” Levi fumbled, quick to brush past his near-slip. “If anything, we want to help. If you asked for help with your work and school and things, you’d have more time to yourself; for watching anime and playing games.” 
Levi tried to make it sound like he was being benevolent, but the implied ‘with me’ was hard to miss.
“So, you could try asking for help some more, to lighten your load. If you want. It would make me--  um, make u-us feel better, too.” He seemed content in ending it there, and made an effort to end any potential continuation of the topic. Flipping on a dime, Levi was quick to talk over any potential response. “Th-That’s all, anyways!  Uh, we can just-- go back to, you know. Playing devilcart, or um, we can watch some anime, or--”
“Thank you, Levi.” You had to put a hand on his arm to make him listen, the simple action instantly sending the touch-starved demon into fight-or-flight mode. “I’ll try.”
He swallowed back his nerves and nodded, surprised he had managed to make it through that whole talk. You were too, really, as soon as you realized that this was supposed to be his intervention for you.
As much as you might loathe to admit it, his talk made sense. Or at least it had some aspects of truth to it, and perhaps you felt marginally better about asking the bros for help. Levi made it very clear how he felt about wanting to help you, the least you could do was see if the others felt the same. And hey, maybe he had a point about people wanting you to ask them for help in general, too. Who would’ve guessed it, but so far these demons seemed to know a thing or two about sinning.
“Is something the matter, my Lord?”
“It’s been awfully quiet the past few days. I wonder what those brothers are up to?” Boredom generally caused Diavolo’s mind to wander to the Devildom’s most notorious troublemakers, but this week especially. His fellow members of the student council had been quieter than normal, without even a yelling match in days; much less something exciting enough to warrant Diavolo’s attention. Thus leaving the prince here, sighing as he pondered their goings on.
Barbatos poured Diavolo’s tea with a knowing smile. “They have been quite busy this week.”
“It seems they’re corrupting Mc.” Barbatos spoke as if it were a common occurrence. 
Diavolo chuckled. “Should we be worried?”
“Quite the opposite. They’re working together to get Mc to take better care of themself.”
“Is that so?” Lethargy had caused Diavolo to ignore his tea at first, but the new information made him forget about it altogether. Diavolo sat up straighter, excitement tugging his mouth into a smile. “Perhaps I’ll bring tomorrow’s meeting to Lucifer, and pay the house of lamentation a visit.”
“Of course, my Lord.”
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