#the nightmare episode really scared my brother when he was little
spaghett-onaplate · 8 months
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pagannatural · 4 months
-Bloody Mary!
-Jessica’s voice yelling Sam’s name in his trauma nightmare blends into Dean’s voice yelling his name in the car, his fingers on Sam’s neck and collarbone, to wake him. Sam’s head is tilted really far back on the seat so that his throat is exposed. He could have been curled up with his head in his arms, Dean could’ve shaken his shoulder. But no. Fingers on exposed neck, with only his neck and Dean’s fingertips sunlit. The sexual subtext is subtexting.
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Sam is frequently depicted as tempting and in need of rescue like this.
-Sam always stands with his whole body facing Dean fig 4
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-“what are you guys doing” Dean: “we had to go to the bathroom” ???
-this shot has Sam spotlit like the light of Dean’s life
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-Dean is miffed that Sam won’t tell him about his dreams and didn’t laugh at his joke. He so consistently wants to take care of Sam.
-when the girl of the week begins telling her secret, “I had this boyfriend. I loved him. But he kind of scared me, you know?” Dean’s eyes flick to Sam’s, and Sam stares at Dean for a long moment. He swallows and looks down and his nostrils flare before he looks back at her. He’s probably thinking about Jessica, whose death he feels responsible for. But he’s looking at Dean.
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The most innocent interpretation is that he’s looking to Dean for support because he’s feeling guilty. And spn is nothing if not full of wholesome family innocence. Who else could he be thinking about that he loves in a way that scares him sometimes and it’s a secret?
-Dean asks Sam to blame him rather than himself for Jessica’s death. I wonder if he feels bad that he couldn’t stop it and prevent his little brother all this pain. Sam is so sincere that he doesn’t blame Dean.
-When he says “I haven’t told you everything” Dean is affronted. Like, he’s not used to that, this conflict is new to them. Sam must’ve told him everything at other times in their lives.
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This is genuinely the most romantic thing I have ever seen. Dean is kneeling over Sam, tenderly cradling his bloodtearstained face, brushing his thumb across his cheek, Sam’s mouth open as he slumps into his brother’s hands, gazing up at him under heavy eyelids. But Sam won’t let Dean call him Sammy again yet. That would be too familiar. I’m going to throw up.
-Sam is brave but Dean is the one who saves him, first by shattering the mirror and then holding it up to Mary.
-Sam tells Dean “you’re my brother, and I’d die for you, but there are some things I need to keep to myself.” He’s clinging to some of the distance that he put between them by living his own life at Stanford.
-and look…If Sam were consciously and agonizingly in love with Dean, and trying his best to grapple with that, this episode would remain exactly the same. A lot of the text supports this reading.
-Jessica appears to Sam looking beautiful out the car window, then disappears. To me, this is a way of concluding his grief storyline. Of course his grief isn’t over, but from here out it’s not an immediate problem. Grief is a special kind of vicious when it’s fresh and it’s not fresh any more. It also seems like Sam wants to keep his life with Jessica specifically separate from Dean.
-episode theme is facing the truth about yourself that you want to hide from.
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Season 1, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveler
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Y/N and Dean are currently asleep. On separate beds of course, in the three bedded motel room. Half asleep, both facing each other on their respective beds, they hear the door start to unlock, instantly jumping into hunters instinct, they go to grab their weapons from below their pillows upon hearing footsteps and the door locking.
"Morning Sunshines" Sam's voice is ridden with humor. Y/N groans from being woken up. "What time is it?" Dean asks, his voice croaky. "It's about 5:45" Sam says. Y/N gets up slowly, turning her head to Sam who has three coffees in his hand. "In the morning?" She groans, throwing her covers from over her, sitting up and stretching.
"Yep" Sam says, confirming. "Where does the day go?" Dean asks rhetorically, getting up also. Y/N looks at Sam properly, seeing a tired expression on his face, "Did you get any sleep last night?" Y/N asks Sam, her voice filled with concern, as she tucks a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Her bed head in a mess.
"Yeah, I grabbed a couple hours" Sam lies and Dean picks up on this. "Liar" he grumbles back almost immediately. "I was up at 3, and you were watching George Foreman informercial, while Ms. Nicotine over here was snoring her lungs away" Dean says sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Snickering, he points to Y/N who is now by an open window, sitting on the still, one leg crossed over the other, in the middle of lighting cigarette.
She pauses halfway, looking up guiltily, like a child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. The brothers look back at their friend chuckling. "I do not snore" She huffs, taking a drag. Sam turns back to his brother and sassily remarks. "Hey, what can I? It's riveting TV" He shrugs.
"When's the last time you get a goodnight's sleep?" Y/N asks Sam, flicking some ash into the ashtray. "I don't know. A little while, I guess. It's not a big deal" Sam tries to say casually but he talked quickly so they knew he was lying. "Yeah, it is" Dean says firmly. But Sam chuckles, trying to ease the mood. "Look, I appreciate your concern guys— " Sam goes to say but Y/N cuts him off with her usual smartass response.
"Oh I'm not concerned about you. It's your job as my best friend and as Dean's brother to keep our asses alive. So we need you sharp" Y/N says sarcastically and Sam just rolls his eyes nodding. "Seriously, you still having nightmares about Jess?" She asks as she takes her last drag from her cigarette, outing it in the ashtray, getting up to sit back down on her bed.
Sam sighs and takes a seat next to her. "Yeah" he answers honestly, handing a coffee to her and Dean as he talks. "But it's not just her, it's everything. I just forgot, you know, this job. Man it gets to you" Sam stresses. "Well you can't let it, you can't bring it home like that" Dean says nonchalantly sipping his coffee.
Y/N side-eyes Dean while Sam looks at his brother like 'huh'. "Wonderful advice, Shakespeare". Y/N says sarcastically scoffing "So, what, all this, it never keeps you up at night?" Sam asks and Dean shakes his head.
"Never? You're never afraid?" Y/N asks shocked. "No, not really. Are you?" Dean asks sipping his coffee and Sam chuckles, leaning over onto Deans bed, he pulls out the knife below his pillow, waving it triumphantly in the air, with a 'So what's this?' look on his face.
Y/N eyebrows shoot up at the irony. Knowing she has her gun below her pillow but she can admit she's afraid of whatever is out there but doesn't have a choice other than to kill every evil bastard.
"That's not fear. That is precaution" Dean argues. "Alright whatever. I'm too tired to argue" Sam says. "Well I'm not" Y/N interjects. "So you're telling me. Nothing scares you? Not the thought of anything or the sight of anything" Y/N asks, sipping her coffee. Dean just shrugs.
"Not even the thought of losing those you love? Because honestly that scares me" She says and Dean can't help but agree. "Okay, you got me there, princess" He says chuckling at the fact that she called him out in a debate and won.
He couldn't help but notice how cute she looked, sipping her coffee with her cute little bed head, sticking all over the place. Y/N noticed the same with Dean, his hair sticks all over the place as he sips his coffee, his eyes not leaving hers.
A blush creeps up on Y/N face when she realizes Dean is staring at her. She can't help the butterflies that begin to flutter in her stomach.
Their little staring contest is cut off by her phone ringing. An unknown number, looking at it weirdly and back up at the boys. She flips the phone up, answering. "Hello?"
"Y/N? It's Jerry Panowski" She shakes her head at the boys who are listening in, still not knowing who it is. "You and your dad helped me out a couple years back". When the man says this, her memory refreshes. "Oh, right yeah. Up in...uh.. Kittanning, Pennsylvania. The poltergeist thing" She says in recognition.
"It's not back, is it?" She asks warily. "No. No, thank god, no" Jerry immediately says chuckling. "But it's something else, and, uh, well. I think it could be a lot worse" Jerry says. "What is it?" She asks concerned. "Can we talk in person?" Jerry asks and she looks up at the boys.
The Impala and Harley make their way over to Pennsylvania. While riding over, Y/N starts thinking that maybe she should park Quinn up at one of their safehouses to save on gas and just ride with the boys. That is until they find their dads and go their separate ways.
The thought of having to part ways with them saddens her a bit. Dismissing the thought, she decides to tell the boys on their pit stop for fuel and food that they can drop Quinn off in her Indiana safehouse, as it's on the way to Pennsylvania and they can just go with Baby. They agree, no hesitation.
"Thanks for making the trip so quick" Jerry, the man who called Y/N, says gratefully her and the boys as they follow behind him. "I ought to be doing you guys a favor, not the other way around" He chuckles turning to the boys, "Y/N and her dad really helped me out" Jerry says.
"Yeah, she told us. It was a poltergeist?" Sam asks. "Poltergeist? I love that movie!" A random guy in the background says causing Y/N and Dean to snicker. "Hey, nobody's talking to you. Keep walking" Jerry orders the young man. Before turning to Sam, the trio still walking behind Jerry.
"Damn right it was a poltergeist. Practically tore our house apart" Jerry says. "Tell you something...." He then turns to Y/N "...if it wasn't for you and your dad. I probably wouldn't be alive" And she smiles at this, the boys giving her a look of impress.
"Y/N said you were off to college right?" Jerry asks Sam and he nods. "Yeah, I was. I'm taking some time off" Sam says. "She was real proud proud of you. I could tell. She talked about you all the time" Jerry says. Sam is shocked at this and Dean side eyes him. "She did?" Sam looks off at his best friend smirking and she scoffs. Waving it off.
"Yeah, you bet she did" Jerry confirms and Sam smiles at the thought of Y/N bragging about him going if to college. "Don't give me that look Sammy, I'll still kick your ass" She half threatens her best friend and he chuckles. Dean can't help but feel a bit jealous at their bond, feeling like he's never gotten close enough to Y/N or accomplished anything big enough for her to brag about him.
"Oh, hey, you know. I tried to get ahold of f/n but I couldn't. How's he doing anyway?" Jerry asks. The boys and y/n share a look before Dean says, "He's wrapped up in a job right now, with our dad" lying casually. "Well, we're missing the old man...but we get Sam and Dean. Even trade huh?" He jokes, turning around, walking backwards and turning back.  They all laugh.
Sam goes to deny but y/n says, "Even better, trust me. They're the best I know" She smiles. "I got something I want you guys to hear" Jerry says, leading them into his office.
"I listened to this. And well, it sounded like it was up your alley" Jerry says and he puts the CD into the player. "Normally I wouldn't have access to this. It's the cockpit voice recorder for United Britannia flight 2485. It was one of ours". He says as the CD slides in. Sam, Dean and Y/N listen intently.
"Mayday. Mayday. Repeat. This is United Britannia 2485 requesting immediate instructions and help" says the captain.
"United Britannia flight 2485, we copy your mayday" the responder immediately followed.
"We may be experiencing some kind of mechanical failure...."
Before the captain's sentence is finished, it's taken over by a hissing and growling noise that honestly doesn't sound remotely humane.
"Took off from here, crashed about 200 miles south. Now they're saying mechanical failure. Cabin depressurized somehow, nobody knows why. Over 100 people onboard, only seven got over alive" Jerry explains the situation and it shocks them. "Pilot was one. His name was Chuck Lambert, he's a good friend of mine. Chuck is....Well he's pretty broken up about it. Like it was his fault" Jerry says sadly.
"You don't think it was" Y/N states. "No, I don't" Jerry admits. "Jerry, we're gonna need passenger manifests, a list of survivors—" Sam begins but Dean cuts him off. "Right. And anyways we could take a look at the wreckage?" Dean asks. "The other stuff is no problem but the wreckage...kids, the NTSB had it locked down in an evidence warehouse. No way I've got that kind of clearance" Jerry says.
"It's no problem" Y/N smiles at him, ensuring they'll be fine.
Later we're outside a store named "Copy Jack". Y/N and Sam are growing impatient of waiting for Dean, leaning against Baby. "Dude, you've been in there forever" Y/N grumbles annoyed and he flashes three fake IDs in their faces. "You can't rush perfection" Dean says sassily and Y/N roll her eyes. "Homeland Security?" Sam questions, taking his ID and Y/N takes hers. "That's pretty illegal. Even for us man" Y/N says and Dean smirks. Heading to the drivers seat.
"Yeah, well. It's something new. People haven't seen it a thousand times" He jumps into the drivers seat. Sam takes shotgun and Y/N jumps in the back. "Alright. So what do you got?" Dean asks Sam as he pulls out his laptop. "Well, there's definitely E.V.P. on the cockpit voice recorder. Listen" Sam clicks the laptop, playing the recording.
It's basically a bunch of static accompanied with a weird voice saying "No survivors".
"No survivors? What's that supposed to mean? There were seven survivors?" She asks, confused. "Got me" Sam shrugs. "So what do you guys think? A haunted flight?" Dean questions. "There's a long history of spirits and death omens on planes and ships. Like Phantom Travelers. Or remember flight 401?" Sam explains while me and Dean nod and agree.
"Right. The one that crashed. And the airline salvaged its parts, put it in other planes. Then the spirit of the pilot and copilot haunted those flights" Y/N explains the story of Flight 401, Dean looks at her smiling at her beauty and brains. "What?" She asks innocently. "You're such a nerd" He snorts. She rolls her eyes. "Shut it, charming" she huffs.
Sam shakes his head at them, chuckling. "Maybe we got a similar deal" Sam says. "So, survivors, who do you wanna talk to first?" Dean asks Sam and Y/N, looking at the list Jerry gave them. "Third on the list, Max Jaffe" Sam immediately responds. "Why him?" Y/N asks. "We'll for one, he's from around here. And two, if anyone saw anything weird, he did" Dean turns to Sam after he says this. "What makes you say that?" Dean asks.
"Well, I spoke to his mother and she told me where to find him" He says
Now in the Riverfront Psychiatric Hospital, the boys and y/n introduce theirselves as Homeland Security so they can get in to question Max Jaffe.
"I don't understand, I already spoke with Homeland Security" Max says, confused as they stroll through the yard of the hospital. "Right. Some new information has come up. So if you could answer a couple questions" Dean says professionally. "Just before the plane went down, did you notice anything unusual" Sam asks Max.
"Like what?" Max responds and Y/N explains further. "Strange lights. Weird noises, maybe. Voices" He looks at them weirdly before denying it. "No, nothing". they all take a seat at one of the tables in the yard. "Hmm, Mr Joffe-" Dean starts but Max corrects him. "Jaffe".
"Jaffe. You checked yourself in here, right?" Dean corrects himself and Max nods. "Can we ask why?" Y/N asks gently. "I was a little stressed. I survived a plane crash" Max says as if it's obvious. "Uh-huh. And that's what terrified you? That's what you were afraid of?" Dean asks probingly and Max ceases up. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore" Max says getting agitated.
"See, I think maybe you did see something up there. We need to know what" Dean presses. "No. No, I was delusional. Seeing things" Max denies the fact. "He was seeing things" Dean says plainly, looking at Y/N and Sam and they tilt their heads at his bluntness and annoyed behavior. Turning to Max, Y/N softens her gaze, "It's okay. Then just tell us what you thought you saw, please" Y/N says calmly and Max takes a deep breath.
"There was this man. And uh, he had these.....eyes, these, uh....black eyes" Max shakily begins to explain, the boys and Y/N exchange a look.. "And I saw him. Or, I thought I saw him...." Max trails off. "What?" Dean urges him to continue. "He opened the emergency exit. But that's— that's impossible, right? I mean I looked it up. There's something like 2 tons of pressure on that door" This statement from Max catches their attention.
"Yeah" Dean says. "This man, did he seem to appear and disappear rapidly? It would look something like a mirage" Sam asks and Max looks at them like they're crazy. "What are you, nuts? He was a passenger. He was sitting right infront of me"
"So here we are, George Phelps, seat 20C" Sam says as they pull up to the man who supposedly opened the emergency exit door mid flight. "Hmm. Man, I don't care how strong you are. Even yoked up on PCP or something, no way you can open up an emergency door during a flight" Dean says as they all exit the Impala, shutting our doors and leaning on her.
"Not if you're human" Y/N adds, leaning against Baby to face Dean. "But maybe this guy George was something else" She says. "Some kind of creature, maybe? In human form?" Sam interjects, leaning on Baby. "Does that look like a creatures lair to you?" Dean asks and Sam turns around looking at the house.
"This is your late husband?" Sam picks up a picture of George Phelps, asking the newly widowed Mrs. Phelps. "Yes, that was my George" Mrs. Phelps confirms, her tone croaky as if she had been crying. "And you said he was a dentist?" Y/N asks kindly. "Uh-huh. He was headed to a convention in Denver. Did you know that he was petrified to fly?" Mrs. Phelps tells them.
"For him to go like that..." She says sadly, trailing off. "How long were you married?" Sam asks softly and she smile a bit thinking about it. "Thirteen years".
"And all that time...did you ever notice anything strange about him? Anything out of the ordinary?" Y/N asks and Deans eyes flicker from her to Mrs. Phelps. "Well....he had acid reflux, if that's what you mean" Mrs. Phelps answers and the trio is bit disappointed.
"I mean, it goes without saying, it doesn't make any sense" Sam says as they leave the Phelps residence. "Yeah, a middle aged dentist with an ulcer is not exactly evil personified" Y/N says, as they walk back to baby. "You know what we need to do is get inside NTSB warehouse, check out the wreckage" Dean says, nodding excited.
"Okay, but if we're gonna go that route, we better look the part" Y/N smirks, wiggling her eyebrows at the boys.
Sam, Dean and Y/N walk out of a store named "Morts Unisex For Style". Now dressed up. Sam and Dean in black and white formal suits. Y/N in a black blazer, white blouse and a pencil skirt.
"Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers" Dean says, tugging at his suit uncomfortably . "No, you don't. You look more like a seventh grader at his first dance" Sam teases and Y/N snickers. High-fiving him. Dean rolls his eyes, looking down at his outfit.
"I hate this thing" Dean grumbles as they walk back to the car. "You want into that warehouse or not?" Y/N shoots back. She had to stop herself from drooling when she saw Dean in his suit. She never realized she had a thing for suits till she saw Dean in his. She was always more a leather jacket, tattoos and piercings gal.
"Ohh chin up charming, chicks dig suits. You'll be fine" Y/N says, stepping infront of him, fixing his tie, looking into his eyes. She blushes a bit when he winks at her. "You don't look bad yourself, Princess" He smirks at her.
Dean kept himself from gawking at her. How that pencil skirt hugged her waist and her curves tightly. "Damn straight, I look hot" She says cockily, winking back, taking her hands off his tie. 'You're damn right you do' Dean thinks, hiding his blush.
"Guys, enough flirting, we gotta go" Sam groans, from the passenger seat of Baby, sticking his head out the window. Y/N rolls her eyes. "Not flirting, dipshit" She huffs, jumping in the backseat. "Whatever, crackhead" Sam retorts back, snorting. "Settle down children" Dean says in a playful fatherly tone, putting the Impala in drive. "Jerk" "Asshat" Sam and Y/N say in unison, glaring at Dean who laughs.
They're now at the warehouse, game faces on, flashing their badges to the security who nods and let's them in.
Now surrounded by large scraps of metal from the wreckage. Dean pulls out an old Walkman. "What is that?" Sam asks. "It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies" Dean explains. "Yeah, I know what and EMF meter is. But why does that look like a busted-up Walkman?" Sam asks.
"Because that's what I made it out of. It's homemade" Dean says, smiling proudly holding it up. Sam looks at his brother judgement on his face, raising his eyebrow. "Yeah, I can see that" And Deans smile drops.
"Don't worry buddy, I think it's cool" Y/N pats his shoulder, reassuring him and his smile's back. His heart leaping at her touch. They walk around, using the EMF reader to scan the wreckage. It starts beeping when they reach the emergency door handle.
"Check out the emergency door handle" Dean says, Y/N leans over, scratching its surface. A yellow powder falls off. "What is this stuff?" She asks. "One way to find out" Sam says, taking his knife out and a little bag, scraping some off into it as Y/N dusts her fingers.
They hear some footsteps coming their way and take that as signal to beat it. Finding their way to the exit they walk out at a decent pace, until an alarm starts blurring. Dean throws his jacket as the reach the fence and jump it. Pulling it off after, "Wow, these monkey suits do come in handy" Dean says out of breath, running off.
Sam and Y/N run behind him. "Told ya!" Y/N retorts as they jump into baby and make way.
They meet back with Jerry, who takes them to the lab in the facility he works at to examine the yellow dust they found. Looking under the microscope, "Huh. This stuff is covered in sulfer" He tells them. "You sure?" Sam asks. "Take a look for yourself. If you kids would excuse me, I have an idiot to fire" Jerry says walking out.
"Hey, Einstein. Yeah, you. What the heck are you doing?!" Jerry shouts at the incompetent employee and Y/N goes over to look under the microscope. "Hmm. Not many things leave a sulfuric residue" Y/N says knowingly, looking at the boys. "Demonic possession" Sam says. "It would explain how a mortal man would have the strength to open an emergency hatch" Dean says.
"If the guy was possessed, it's possible" Sam sighs. "Yeah but this goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean it's one thing to possess a person but to use it to take down an entire airplane" Dean says, resting his hands on his hips. Y/N shakes her head, holding back a laugh at the reference.
"You ever heard of something like this before?" Sam asks them. "Never" Dean says and Y/N shakes her head.
Back at the motel, the walls are plastered with research in the case. Sam is on his laptop by the desk, Dean is on his bed with a book and pen in his hand and Y/N is on her laptop, next to Sam, researching.
"So, every religion and world culture has the concept of demons and possession. Right? I mean Christian, Native American, Hindu, you name it" Sam says, leaning back in his chair. Dean and Y/N look up from their books and laptops. Yeah, but none of them describe anything like this" Dean says.
"Well, that's not exactly true. You see, according to Japanese beliefs, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man made. One causes earthquakes, another causes disease" Sam explains. "And this one causes plane crashes?" Y/N raises her eyebrow.
Sam sighs, looking back at his laptop. "Alright. So, what, we have a demon that's evolved with the times and found a way to ratchet up the body count?" Dean gets up, walking over to Sam and Y/N. "Yeah" Sam says, stumped. "And you know, who knows how many planes it's brought down before this one?" Y/N says looking at the boys and Dean chuckles, trying to mask his fear.
He walks towards his bed but Sam asks, "What?". Dean scratches his head and turns to them, "I don't know, man. This isn't our normal gig. I mean, demons don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. This is big. And I wish dad was here" Dean stresses, scratching his head. "Yeah. Me too", Y/N says sadly.
Y/N's cell phone starts ringing. "Hello?" She answers, flipping it up. "Y/N, it's Jerry" Jerry says over the phone. "Oh, hey, Jerry." She says. "My pilot friend...Chuck Lambert is dead" Jerry says and her face drops, the boys look over at her concerned. "Jerry, I'm sorry. What happened?" She says sorrowfully.
"He and his buddy went up in a small twin about an hour ago. Plane went down" Jerry explains. "Where'd this happen?" Y/N asks. "About 60 miles west of here, near Nazareth" Jerry says and she takes a breath. "I'll try to ignore the irony of that" She mutters.
"I'm sorry?" Jerry asks confused. "Nothing, Jerry. Hang in there alright? We'll catch up with you soon" She says, hanging up. Looking at them. "Another crash?" Sam asks. "Yeah, let's go".
"Where?" Dean asks. "Nazareth" She says.
They go to the crash, pick up a sample of the yellow powder to confirm if it's sulfur and head back to Jerry's. Now looking under a microscope, Dean asks Jerry, "Sulfur?" And he nods in confirmation. "Well, that's great" Dean says, turning to Sam and Y/N who're sitting by the desk.
"Alright, so that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him" Dean says to them. "With all due respect to Chuck...uh, if that's the case, that would be the good news" Y/N says to Jerry, respectfully. "What's the bad news?" Dean asks.
"Chucks plane went down exactly after 40 minutes in the flight" Sam interjects, "And, get this, so did flight 2485" He adds and Deans face drops, along with Y/N's. "40 minutes. What does that mean?" Jerry asks, confused. "It's Biblical numerology. You know, Noah's Ark, it rained for 40 days. The number means death" Y/N explains.
"I went back, and there were six plane crashes over the last decade that all went down exactly 40 minutes in" Sam says. "Any survivors" Dean asks slightly surprised. "No. Or not until now, at least. Not until flight 2485, for some reason" Sam shakes his head. "On the cockpit voice recorder, remember what the E.V.P. said?" Sam asks.
"No survivors" Y/N quotes the recording and Dean sighs. "If it's going after all the survivors, it's trying to finish the job" Dean realizes.
Sam, Dean and Y/N are in the Impala headed to the airport. Y/N is in the backseat, pretending to be a call agent doing surveys, checking with the survivors to see if they're planning on flying anytime soon.
"Really? Well, thank you for taking our surgery, and if you do plan to fly, please don't forget your friends at United Britannia Airlines. Thanks" She says in a formal voice before hanging up. "Alright. That takes Blaine Sanderson and Dennis Holloway off the list. They're not flying anytime soon" Y/N tells the boys as she crosses the names off the list.
"So our only wild card is the flight attendant, Amanda Walker." Dean suggests. "Right." Sam says. "Her sister Karen said her flight leaves Indianapolis at 8 p.m. It's her first night back on the job" Y/N explains. "Huh, sounds like just our luck" Dean says, looking at Y/N in the rear view mirror.
Her head is down as she scans the list, her eyebrows creases whenever she's focused on something. A fact Dean found very cute of her.
"Dean, this is a five-hour drive, man, even with you behind the wheel" Sam's concerned voice breaks Dean out of his thoughts, returning his gaze from Y/N to his brother. "Don't worry about it, man. Hey, princess. Why don't you call Amanda's cellphone again, see if we can head her off at the pass?" Dean says to Y/N and she lifts her head up.
"I already left her three voice messages. She must have turned her cellphone off" Y/N says propping her hand on the door, rubbing her head. "God, we're never gonna make it fellas" She says worried. "Oh we'll make it" Dean says determined, hitting the gas.
They make it to the airport just in the nick of time. Running in to look at the flight schedule. Their eyes scan the TVs.
"Right there. They're boarding in 30 minutes" Sam says out of breath, pointing at the flight time. "Okay. We still have some cards to play. I need to find a phone" Dean says, going to look for a telephone box. Y/N and Sam follow behind.
"Airport Services" The woman on the phone says. "Gate 13" Dean says into the phone. "Who are you calling, sir?" She asks. "I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on the flight..um..Flight 424" He says into the phone. "Come on" Dean says impatiently.
"Amanda Walker. Amanda Walker, you have a phone call. White courtesy phone, gate 13." Another woman over the PA system draws to Amandas attention. Picking up the phone, Amanda answers, "This is Amanda Walker"
"Ms. Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hatfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here." Dean says professionally, as Sam and Y/N lean closer to him, trying to hear the conversation. "Nothing serious. Just a minor car accident, but she was injured so-" Dean gives his fake explanation but Amanda cuts him off.
"Wait, wait. That's impossible. I just got off the phone with her" Amanda says and Dean pauses, stumped, caught in his lie. "You what?" He asks, bewildered. "Five minutes ago. She's at her house cramming for a final. Who is this?" Amanda asks, now suspicious and annoyed.
"Uh, well, must be some mistake" He gives a lame excuse causing Y/N to roll her eyes, turning from Y/N and Sam. They move closer to hear. "How would you even know I was here?" Amanda asks suspiciously. "Is this one of Vince's friends?" She asks and Dean just goes with it. "Guilty as charged" Dean chuckles.
"Wow, this is unbelievable" Amanda exaggerates. "He's really sorry" Dean continues to go with it. "Well you tell him to mind his own business and stay out of my life, okay?" She says angrily. "Yes, but he really needs to see you tonight. So-" Dean tries to convince her but she won't budge.
"No, I'm sorry, it's too late" Amanda says, shaking her head. "Don't be like that. I mean come on. The guys a mess. Really it's pathetic." He tries to sway her and it seems to work a bit. "Really?" She asks hopefully. "Oh, yeahhh" Dean assures her. "Look, I gotta go. Tell him call me when I land" She says and hangs up
"No. No wait Amanda. Amanda!" Dean calls out to her but she already hung up. Dean rests the phone back, pissed. "Damn it! That was so close" He says, frustrated. Sam shakes his head saying. "Alright, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane" And Y/N nods her head.
"Now, just hold on a second" Dean tries to reason. "Dean. That plane is leaving with over 100 passengers on board. And if we're right, that plane is gonna crash" Y/N counters. "I know" Dean says, frightened. This makes Y/N's eyebrows quirk up and it dawns in her. He's scared.
"Okay, we get on the plane, find that demon and exorcise it. Look I'll get the tickets. You go get whatever you can out of the trunk will make it by security. Meet me back here in five minutes" Sam quickly maps out a plan, not realizing his brother is scared. Dean doesn't move, looking in between the both of them anxiously. "Are you okay?" Sam asks.
"No, not really" Dean croaks out. "What? What's wrong" Sam asks confused. "He's scared" Y/N interjects, biting back a smirk. Remembering how Dean said earlier that nothing scared him. Deans face drops and Sam looks at his brother surprised. "You have a problem with flying?"
"Well it's never been an issue until now!" Dean counters. "You're joking right?" Sam asks, bewildered. Y/N holds back a snicker, though she shouldn't be laughing she can't help but find the situation ironic. "Do I look like I'm joking?!" Dean exclaims. "Why do you think I drive everywhere?" He justifies his argument. Y/N bursts out laughing, not able to hold it back anymore. Causing Sam to laugh, belting over holding his stomach.
"It's not funny guys!" Dean whisper yells, embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry but it's just. Earlier you were all macho man. And now you're scared. It's ironic" Y/N gasps between laughs. They calm down almost instantly. "Alright. Okay, we'll go" Y/N says, wiping her tears. "What?" Dean asks. "We'll do this one on our own" Sam adds, gesturing between him and Y/N.
"What are you two, nuts!? You said it yourself y/n/n, the planes gonna crash" He says. "Dean, we can do it together. We're not seeing a third option here" Sam defends, still trying to hold back a laugh. "Come on! Really? Man..." Dean says, his voice shaking, going up a octave. He looks around nervously, putting his hands on his hips.
"Flight attendants, please crosscheck and prepared for departure" The pilot says over the speaker on the plane. Sam, Dean and Y/N are currently occupying a row on the plane. Y/N in the middle of the boys with Dean on the end. Dean is nervously reading a pamphlet while Sam looks over at his brother amused.
The plane prepares for take off and Dean begins to panic a bit, putting away the pamphlet. "Just try to relax" Sam says soothingly. "Just try to shut up" Dean snaps back and Sam laughs. Deans eyes widen when the plane starts to rumble from take off, Sam smirks looking at his brother.
"Here" Y/N says softly, taking Deans hand in hers. He looks over at her shocked, "I've got you" She in a nurturing tone, giving him a small smile, feeling a little bad for laughing earlier, now looking at Deans panicked state.
He takes a deep breath, looking into her eyes. Feeling a weight lift off of him from her touch, a sense of calmness takes him over a bit and he leans back in his seat. Sam notices this and smiles at their little moment.
A little into the flight, Dean's hand hasn't left Y/N's yet. He feels the panic coming back a bit so he starts humming and Y/N leans closer to hear. "You humming Metallica?" She asks, amused. "Calms me down" He says quickly. "Look charming. I get you're nervous, alright? But you gotta stay focused" She says calmly and he nods. "Okay" Dean says. "How long we got, Sammy?" He asks his brother.
"We got 32 minutes and counting to track this thing down or whoever it's possessing anyway and preform a full on exorcism" Sam says. "On a crowded plane. That'll be easy" Dean retorts sarcastically. "Just take it one step at a time, alright?" Y/N says gently, caressing the back of his hand with her thumb.
Even in the midst, Dean is liking this calm, nurturing side of Y/N. He usually sees her act like this towards grieving families but never really towards him. Maybe they should go on planes more often? He thinks. Nope, scratch that.
"Now who is it possessing?" Y/N says, looking around the plane for any telltale signs. "Well, it's usually gonna be someone with some sort weakness. You know? A chink in the armor that the demon can worm through. Someone with an addiction or some sort of emotional distress" Dean explains.
"Well, this is Amanda's first flight after the crash. If I were her, I'd be pretty messed up" Sam says and Dean beckons an attendant over. "Excuse me. Are you Amanda?" He asks. "No I'm not" She says nicely. "Oh, my mistake" He says apologetically and she walks off. He looks behind to see another attendant that has to be Amanda.
"Alright. Well, that's gotta be Amanda back there. So I'll go talk to her and I'll get a read on her mental state" Dean says, Sam and Y/N look back at her. "Right, what is she's already possessed?" Y/N asks. "There's ways to test that" Dean says, opening his bag and pulling out a bottle. "I brought holy water" He says holding it up but Sam reaches over, grabbing it.
"No. I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God" Sam says and Dean looks impressed, "Oh, nice" He unclips his belt, letting go of Y/N's hand gently but she stops him. "Why don't I go? You stay and relax a bit" She says sweetly. Dean nods, obliging and Y/N gets up to go to the back.
He feels a bit empty now that she isn't holding his hand for some reason. Y/N feels a bit sad also but remains focused on the mission.
"Hey" Sam calls her back. "What?" She asks. "Say it in Latin" He tells her. "I know" She answers and goes to walk off. "Hey!" He calls her back. "What?" She comes back again, slightly annoyed. "Uh. In Latin, it's Christo" He says. "Dude, I know. I'm not an idiot!" She grumbles at him, walking to the back of the plane.
Dean chuckles a bit at her outburst while Sam looks at his brother smirking. "What?" He asks Sam. "Nothing. Just wish I had someone to calm me down mid flight too..." Sam pokes fun at Dean and he rolls his eyes. "Shut up" he growls, hiding his blush. Sam puts his hands up in surrender laughing. "Hey man, I'm just saying" He laughs.
The plane jolts a bit and Dean clutches onto to his seat in fear. Sam reaches over the seat and places his hand on Dean's. "Here, I've got you" Sam snorts in laughter, mimicking his best friends words from earlier and Dean slaps his hand away quickly.
"Touch me again and I'll put bleach in your shampoo" Dean grumbles and Sam just laughs hysterically. Dean has a small smile on his face that doesn't go unnoticed by Sam. 'These two are too stubborn for their own good' Sam thinks to himself.
Meanwhile, Y/N is at the back of the plane. "Hi" She smiles at Amanda who smiles back. "Hi, May I help you with something?" Amanda asks nicely as she's fixing cups on the cart. "No. I'm just a bit of an uneasy flier. Makes me feel better when I walk around a little bit" Y/N says casually.
"Oh, it happens to the best of us" Amanda says knowingly. "Of course, you being a stewardess, I guess flying comes easy to you" She says and Amanda chuckles. "Yeah, you'd be surprised".
"Really? You're a nervous flier?" She asks and Amanda nods. "Yeah, maybe. Little bit" She says smiling.
"Now, how is it being a stewardess, you're scared to fly?" Y/N asks curious. "It's kind of a long story" Amanda says and Y/N apologizes. "Right. I'm sorry for asking". "It's okay" Amanda says softly but Y/N continues. "You ever consider other employment?"
"No. Look, everybody's scared of something. I just, uh...I'm not gonna let it hold me back" She says honestly. "Huh. That's really brave I'd you" Y/N nods and Amanda looks down smiling. "Christo" Y/N mutters. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Amanda asks, looking up. Y/N looks at her in face confusion, quirking up her eyebrows chuckling.
"Christo?" She says as if it were a question, a smile on her face. "I didn't— I didn't—" Amanda stutters, confused. A pleasant smile still on her face. "Nothing, never mind" Y/N gives up, her face dropping as she walks out going back to her seat.
"Alright. Well she's gotta be the most well adjusted person on the planet" She says, sitting back between the boys. "You said Christo?" Sam asks. "Yeah" She sighs, buckling back up. "And?" Dean asks, unconsciously reaching for her hand.
"There's no demon in her. There no demon getting in her" She says, noticing Deans reaching for her hand. She takes it, caressing the back of his palm with her thumb soothingly again and he relaxes a bit. "So if it's on the plane, it can be anyone, anywhere" Sam says, looking around.
The plane jolts more this time due to turbulence and Dean panics. "Come on, that can't be normal!" He exclaims. "Hey, hey, it's just a little turbulence" She says gently. And he looks back at her, "Y/N, this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like, I'm 4" Dean snaps at her. "You need to calm down" She says, trying to keep her cool.
"Well I'm sorry, I can't!" Dean grumbles. "Yes, you can" She says calmly and he glares at her. "Y/N, stow the touchy-feely, self help yoga crap. It's not helping" He growls angrily and she snaps, squeezing his hand that's still in hers without realizing it.
"Listen to me, Winchester. If you're panicked, you're wide open to demonic possession. You've basically got a sign plastered to your ass saying 'Pick me, Choose me'. So you need to calm yourself down, right now! Cuz if you don't, that demon is gonna make you his personal bitch so hold my hand, take a deep breath and relax!" She growls back firmly.
Dean feels her hand squeezing his and winces a bit. She loosens her grip and he takes a deep breath. "Good" She says. "I'm sorry for being so snappy at you, princess" Dean says apologetically and Sam's eyebrows cock at this. His brother apologizing? Damn he's whipped. "Everyone's scared of something, even you charming" Y/N repeats Amanda's words to her earlier, giving him a small smile of reassurance.
"I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum" Sam cuts in, flipping through his book. "What do we have to do?" Dean asks. "It's two parts. The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful" Sam begins to explain. "More powerful?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah" Sam answers. "How?" Dean asks. "We'll it doesn't need to possess someone anymore. It can just wreak havoc on its own" Sam says. "Oh, and why is that a good thing?" Dean asks. "Well, because the second part, sends the bastard back to hell, once and for all" Sam says.
"First things first. We gotta find it" Y/N says. Dean gets up from his seat with an EMF reader and begins scanning the passengers subtly while walking down the aisle. A few people look at him like he's crazy but there's not beep on the reader.
Sam and Y/N walk up behind him and he doesn't notice him. Resting his hand on his shoulder, Dean jumps. "Oh, man, don't do that!" Dean exclaims.
"Anything?" Sam asks. "No, nothing. How much time we got?" He asks. "Fifteen minutes. Maybe we missed somebody" Y/N says, checking her watch. "Maybe the things just not on the plane" Dean suggests. "You believe that?" Sam asks. "Well, I will if you will" He says and Y/N rolls her eyes. Suddenly the EMF goes off, in the direction of the co-pilot.
"What? What is it?" Sam asks Dean. Y/N notices the red right on the EMF, looking in the direction Dean is. "Christo" She says and the co-pilot turns to them. His eyes flashing black, walking into the cockpit, locking the door.
They walk decide to ask Amanda for help, walking to the back of the plane. "She's not gonna believe this" Sam says as they walk to the back. "Twelve minutes, dude!" Dean informs his brother. "Oh hi. Flights not to bumpy for you, I hope" Amanda says turning around to Y/N.
"Actually that's kinda what we need to talk to you about" Y/N says smiling as Sam closes the curtains behind them. "Um, okay, what can I do for you?" Amanda asks nicely. "Alright this is gonna sound nuts but we just don't have time for the whole 'the truth is out there' speech—" Dean goes to say but Sam cuts him off. "Look, we know you were in flight 2485" Sam says and her face drops.
"Who are you people?" Amanda asks, suspiciously. "We've spoken to some of thes other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't mechanical failure" He says and Dean continues. "And we need your help to stop it from happening again, here, now" He ordersZ
"I'm sorry, I'm very busy. I have to go—" Amanda stutters, trying to walk between them to get away but Y/N holds her back by her shoulder. "Woah woah woah, wait a second" Y/N says, trying to get her attention and she steps back fearfully. "I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me" Y/N reassures her.
"The pilot from 2485, Chuck Lambert, he's dead" Y/N tells her and she shakes her head in disbelief. "What? Chuck is dead?" Amanda asks surprised and scared. "He died in a plane crash. That's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?" Dean asks her, rhetorically and she stutters.
"Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight too" Sam tries to quickly explain. "Amanda you have to believe us" Y/N pleads with her. And she's hesitant but begins to recall the flight "On...on 2485, there was this man. He had these eyes.."
"Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about" Sam confirms what she saw was real. "Well I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?" She asks. "Get the copilot, we need you to bring him back here" Dean tells her. "Why? What does he have to do with anything?" Amanda asks, confused and frustrated.
"We don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him, okay?" Dean says quickly. "How am I supposed to go into the cockpit and get the copilot-?" Amanda starts but Sam cuts her off. "Whatever it takes. Do whatever it takes. Tell him there's something broken. Whatever will get him out of that cockpit" Sam says quickly Z
"Do you know that I could lose my job if-" Amanda begins again but this time Y/N cuts her off. "You'll lose a lot more than that if you don't help us out" Y/N says pleadingly and she looks between all of him before agreeing. "Okay" She says and walks out, towards the cockpit. Knocking on the door and luring him out.
The copilot begins to follow begins her. Sam takes out John's journal and flips to the page of the exorcism, Dean takes out the holy water and Y/N takes out her iron knuckle ring, just for good measure.
The possessed copilot enters, "Now, what's the problem?" He asks and Y/N instantly right hooks him with her ring. Dean grabs him, lifts him up and slams him back down on the ground. Duck taping his mouth shut so he can't smoke out. "What are you doing?! You said you were just gonna talk to him!" Amanda panics, seeing the trio attack the copilot.
"We are gonna talk to him" Y/N says ruggedly as Dean pours holy water on the copilot, his skin sizzling and burning from the touch causing his clothes to singe. "Oh, my god. What's wrong with him?" Amanda can't believe what she's witnessing. "Look, we need you calm. We need you outside the curtain. Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that?" Sam gently asks while instructing her. But shes panicking at the scene unfolding in-front of her.
"Can you do that? Amanda? Amanda?" Sam tries to get her attention. "Okay. Okay." She says, fearfully, leaving. Y/N lays another punch on the copilot while Dean holds him down. "Hurry up Sam, I don't knock how much longer we can hold him" Dean struggles trying to hold him, along with Y/N. Sam drenches him in holy water again and starts chanting the exorcism in Latin.
The demon breaks out of their hold, knocking the holy water out of Sam's hand, kicking Dean and Y/N off of him and shoving Sam against the wall. Dean and Y/N recover, holding him back down as Sam chants the exorcism again. Kicking Dean and Y/N off again. He rips the duct tape off and he grabs Sam by his collar and says, "I know what happened to your girlfriend" In a demonic voice.
"She must have died screaming. Even know, she's burning!!". He taunts Sam laughing maniacally and Y/N reaches over, punching him again. She and Dean hold him down, "Sam!" Dean yells at his brother to continue, the hate in Sam's face while looking at the demon building.
He continues chanting the exorcism. Dean and Y/N struggle to hold him down. Dropping the book to hold him down, he yells, "I got him!" The demon kicks John's journal into the aisle. But the demon escapes from the copilots body, smoking out from his mouth and goes into the vents. "Where'd it go?" Sam asks.
"Into the plane" Y/N points to the vent. "Hurry up, we gotta finish it" Dean taps Sam on his shoulder and he goes to retrieve the journal but the plane begins falling rapidly. Passengers screaming, tossing them from side to side. Sam rushes to get the journal but it slides under a seat.
Dean and Y/N try to balance themselves but they fall over at the back of the airplane. Dean falls onto Y/N. He holds onto her for dear life, clutching onto her thinking they're gonna die. She wraps her arms around him trying to calm him down even in this situation, his head in her chest, screaming, as the plane falls. Y/N began praying silently in her mind, she was never a religious person but if she needed to pray. Now was the time.
Outside in the aisle, Sam retrieves the journal that was under a seat. Opening the book, Sam chants the exorcism at the top of his lungs. Lightening sparks throughout the outside of the airplane and the plane is back on track. The demon expelled back to hell.
The entire plane sighs a big relief at the plane stabilizing. Families checking to see if their loved ones are safe.
Dean looks up at Y/N, tears drenching her face. Her eyes are screwed shut. When she realizes the plane settled, she looks down at Dean. Crying if relief, hugging him tightly and he hugs her back even tighter.
They both get up and dust themselves off, looking through the curtains to see Sam is standing having saved the day. Dean looks at her brother shaking his head.
The plane is now disembarked. The copilot that was possessed is on a wheelchair, wrapped in a blanket. "Sir, can you tell me what happened?" A NTSB agent asks him. "I don't know. I was walking through the airport, then it all goes blank. I don't even remember getting on the plane" The copilot explains to the agent.
"Is there anything else?" An FBI Agent asks Amanda as Sam, Dean and Y/N look on. "No, that's all" She dismisses, looking over at the trio she mouths a silent 'Thank You' to them gratefully and they nod back.
Dean turns to his brother and Y/N, "Lets get out of here" He says, walking to the exit. Y/N looks at her best friend, knowing he's worked up over what the demon said about Jess. "You okay?" She asks, concerned. "Guys..." He turns to his brother and best friend. "...it knew about Jessica" Sam says, worried.
"Sam, these things, they read minds. They lie. Alright? That's all it was." Dean assures his little brother it was all mind games while Y/N nods. "Yeah" Sam says, unconvinced. "Come on" Dean say, walking towards the exit. Y/N notices Sam doesn't move and puts her hand out for him to take. He sighs, taking it, grabbing onto her wrist and they walk towards the exit.
"Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do" Jerry says to them, now outside of the facility where he worked and they nod. "A lot of people could have been killed" He says gratefully, putting his hand out to shake their hands. "I've never met the man, but I'm sure your dads gonna be proud boys" He says to Sam and Dean. "We'll see you around, Jerry"
Turning to Y/N, he gives her a hug which she gladly returns. "I know your dad is proud of you kiddo" He says patting her shoulder and she smiles. "I sure do hope so too" she says to herself softly as Jerry walks off. "He is" Dean reassures her, flashing her a wink and she hides her blush.
They all pile into the Impala and hit the road, part of Y/N misses her bike but she's also grateful she can play backseat passenger princess for a bit and catch up on some Z's.
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the-arkhamwolf · 7 months
Current lay out for my random reverse robins Au
-Damian getting dropped off at Bruces's step and forcing Bruce to take him on as a sidekick; Wing (yeah that's the best I got)
-Bruce becomes a more lighthearted Batman for Damian's sake. After all the kid's been through.
-Wally and Damian meet and eventually become friends (They most likely will have a friendship similar to my Falling in Reverse AU)
-Bruce and Damian grow pretty close until a bad fight over the Joker, which causes Damian to move out
-One day he walking home he sees a woman being attacked. He saves her but ends up getting shot by the Joker (All this happens while he's a civilian)
-Bruce finds his son lying unconscious in the middle of the street bleeding heavily
-Damian wakes up in the hospital unable to move his legs
-Damian becomes bitter toward Bruce and the two have an even bigger falling out (he blames Bruce for not killing Joker)
-Bruce becomes a harsher Batman
-Tim appears on Bruce's doorstep with his Batman needs a Robin propaganda
-Tim comes in to stop Bruce and somehow gets pushed into taking Damian's mantel
-For a good while, he spends most of his time trying to get Bruce and Damian to talk to each other
-Damian treats Tim harshly believing he hates Tim for taking his place
-Damian really hates himself because he thinks he's broken and see what he could have been in Tim
-Tim eventually does break through to him and Damian comes back taking up an oracle-type role
-Damians starts to see Tim as a little brother and enjoys having him around
-Tim meets Stephine one night on patrol and through a series of events gets her to join the bats
-Tim works on a secret project called Titan that only Steph and Damian know about
-he plans to leave Gotham to work on Titan so He trains steph to take his place
-Angst coming up
-Tim gets shot in a scene similar to Batman Beyond; he goes to save a woman only for the woman to shoot him in the stomach. Tim gets away but he's bleeding heavily.
-Damian's on the comms trying to help him
-Everyone is to far away
-Tim stumbles through the street before sliding down against a pole
-Damian is on the comms the entire time helpless as his brother dies
-Steph and Bruce fight/She leaves
-Jason steals tires and Bruce adopts him because no one said he couldn't
-Jason trains
-Damian disapproves but comes around for Jason's sake not Bruce
-Steph hates Jason but they become friends later
-Ra's brings Tim back and Tim Scares the heck out of him then destroys his league (This is going to be a what the heck moment as it is revealed Tim was playing Ra's the whole time and I am so excited for it)
-Tim saves Cass from her father and then trains her
-Tim has trouble sleeping due to nightmares. He also has the episode called freeze outs (Yeah I suck at names) where the pit takes over making him very cold and withdrawn (and dangerous to everyone)
-Barbra becomes Cassandra's little shadow and Cass has no idea how to deal with a child (Which just leads to a lot of adorable Cass moments)
-Tim's living room is always cluttered with projects he and Roy are working on
-Rose is like Casse's big sister
-Damian gets conned into taking Jason to the fair and ends up coming home with an extra kid
-another pairing Wally and Jinx not really a big part of the story but may be of use
-Dick is a little monster who will disappear every chance he gets
I know this makes no sense but I love it
So either Wally will be there for Daian when Tim dies or Damian will push him away for two years (around when Tim comes back) then the two will reconnect and Damian will be shocked because Wally has a kid.
Reason I want the second one
1- I love the angst of Damian feeling guilty as he relises his best friend has a Daughter and he never knew about it
2-I love the fluff of Damian getting to be like an uncle and interacting with a baby
but also I don't want Damian to push away everyone because that is a lot of angst since steph leaves for a while Idk
Original Post
any thoughts? also what should I name this Au?
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dearmrshudson · 1 month
The post of saddest(?) supernatural moment gave me the idea to maka a list of my own... You know, an honest list which will not push any agenda or exclude one of the main character completely to forcefully feed to a romantic pair which does not even exist.
so here it goes-
10. Dean's reaction after Sam's death in 13x21 :
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This one is so nominal and insignificant to be in this list and not one of top moments for a lot, but this scene ripped my heart open when I saw it for the first time. It manages to show us how Dean's whole world will literally fall apart and make him an empty vessel if Sam is gone and he can do nothing about it - and Jensen manages to portray it with just a walk, two blank eyes and then one drop of tear. Kudos.
9. Church Scene in 'Sacrifice' (8x23):
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Anyone who has not cried in this scene? Perfeftly shows the core of the show, the deep love between two brothers- despite all the reasons, all the idiological differences, all the mature discussion and all- Sam is the baby brother of Dean; at the end he needs Dean to be there as a big bro, to tell him to let it go, to clutch him in his chest. Ultimately they will always choose each other and nothing else will come between them.
8. Dean's death in 9x23:
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One of the saddest death of Dean, and perhaps it comes to this list because of the build-up and drama follows this. Both had their own reasons for the tension they had this whole season, but when the tragedy comes it hits so hard that all those logics fell apart. It scares to peep in Sam's headspace at this time of dean's dying- imagine you discarding the person you love the most as you are reasonably angry with him, and in a few days he is dying in your arms when you have hardly talked out your differences.
7. Why don’t you believe in us too (14x12) :
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Probably should come much later in this list, but this scene stood out in my eyes because it was such a fresh air in the terrible plotless mimicry that SPN had become in later seasons. The scene after ages which sums up Sam and Dean, the codependent brothers whom we had forgotten. Such a long time after we see Sam the little brother, witness the emotional turmoil he was going through silently and how it exploded. The only scene which makes season 14 worth remembering. Also Jared just nailed this scene!
6.) Dead or Alive (3x16):
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This scene breaks my heart in pieces. Dean bravely going for the last fight before the horrible death he will be facing. And he trying to cheer up baby bro, he wants the last memory with his brother to be in this car- singing along together... How his face slowly glooms at the end and his eyes full of fear... Early seasons really were gems!
5. Sam in Mystery spot (3x11) :
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Undoubtedly one of the best SPN episode with perfect blend of mystery, fun, laughter, tragedy and emotion... The funny vibe of the episode ends in a moment when we see Sam is not waking up from the nightmare loop. Then we see a robot- a scary robot who only wants to get his brother back at any cost. This episode is yet another example of how Sam loves Dean just as fiercely as Dean does, and he is not any less codependent.
4. Barn scene and alone Sam (15x20) :
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God! What can I say about this!
Just want to add, Sam wandering alone in the bunker after creamating Dean hurts me equally.
3. John's death (2x01):
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Cannot forget this one. This episode happens to be another favourite of mine, and the way John sacrifices himself for his son proves that a father can go to any extent for his children. The farewell scene of John - where he asks for forgiveness and goodbye to dean without him understanding brings tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful acting by JDM and so realistic portrayal of a flawed, helpless and loving father.
2. End of Season 5 (5x22)
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The ground was set, the battle was about to begin, the ultimate faceoff between Lucifer and Michael was going to start- then what happens? A stubborn idiot boy with a muscle car and hellbent attitude comes in between- knowing that he cannot survive this- just because one of these celestial entities have captured his brother as a vessel and he won’t leave his brother alone. Till his last drop of blood he keeps on trying- trying to reach his brother who is trapped under something much bigger- keeps on telling that It's okay, he is not alone, his big brother is here. And guess what, he succeed. His brother broke free the bind of one of the strongest entity of universe and fought. The climax scene gives me goosebump always followed by a bunch of grief and saddness the ending carries. Had season 5 been the last season of SPN, and this be the exact way the series ended, I would absolutely have no regret!
1. Sammy's first Death (2x21):
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No matter how many sad scenes are perfectly executed in SPN, nothing can exceed the emotion of this one. Jensen will also not be able to exceed the level of performance be set in this particular scene. Period.
So this is it... I must have excluded many. And turns out my list is full of Sam and Dean only and I am also not unbiased 🤣🤣 Well, there are sad scenes that do not involve only the brothers and I still like them, but not my top 10. Maybe have to make list of top 11 to 20 in order to include them. 😁
Please share your favourite saddest top 10 as well.
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djpachipikachu · 2 months
gettifn emotional over rottmnt brothers again no one talk to me please
thinking about rise raph and how people depict him a lot as being more distant and forcibly keeping away from the others bc of the kraang infection altering his mind and hes Scared but my personal hc is that bc of that he only latches on so much harder , he really wants to replace the hurt he put on them with as much care and love as he can bc yeah theyre little shits but he never wants them to think hes Mad at them or something
like this possession scare its all his issue not smth that they are scared of and he has separation anxiety he does Not want to get all freaked out from being alone bc he wants to know theyre still alive and well he still wants to monitor them
id think he has episodes where in a panic he fears that the kraang matter is still in his brain and stuff and thats really the only time he stays away until it passes , but the rottmnt boys r a bit codependent as the tmnt tend to be , so his brothers wouldnt be far and also wouldnt let him be alone , his main fear is his family being hurt or dead or smth (taken directly from the cut storyboards of his nightmare while he was in kraang captivity)
he does worry a lot when his brothers are scared but they are never scared Of him and that has been the truth for all of their lives , there was never genuine fear of harm from him bc he would never actually hurt them not seriously this is baseline fact
so i dont think leo is ever afraid of raph himself despite being the main victim of the kraangified attacks , he never flinches he never fears being alone with him or angering him , bc if anything he just reallt desperately latches onto raph with a fire bc there is a comfort that only he can bring and its so good to have him still there , leo stopped at nothing to get raph back Sure the world needed to be saved but he would brave the apocalypse if he could have his big brother with him
i should make a tag for my . tmnt paragraphs
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star-rie · 2 months
episode dedicated to banished!merlin and seperated!morgana in s4 from my fix it au:
warning: this is LONG
a bit background: there’s a year and a half timeskip between s3 finale and this ep.
merlin had been training, and getting closer to his roots (studying magic, becoming one with nature, etc etc, no he didn’t go back to ealdor) all the while protecting camelot from the shadows (yes arthur had been getting into a few troubles now and then and merlin had always been there, but never really appearing in front of his face, arthur knows but never really comments about it, settles for ignoring him)
meanwhile after a few months after the s3 finale (morgana and morgouse attacked camelot) morgana finally had a huge fight with her sister and they go on their own ways. So now morgana is alone, doesn’t really know what to do since she killed uther, but doesn’t want to obliterated camelot either
So during season 3 aithusa was born and shes been helping merlin and morgana there and then, there’s also mordred. Oh and merlin’s magic is public information at this point
actual ep:
episode starts off with morgana, tending to her cottage. She lives in the middle of the woods, in the middle of no where. She’s trully alone now, after the fight with morgause. She regretted it a little. Maybe her sister is right, maybe bringing camelot to total destruction and crowning her queen is the best course of action.
But morgana didn’t want that. She just wants uther’s reign to end. It’s not her place now to rule camelot, there’s really no benefit in killing everyone either. Although there really is no change, arthur is still banning magic…
Morgana puts down her firewood with a bit too much force. Truth is morgause is right. Magic is still banned in the land, even in Arthur’s reign. And morgana is scared. She isn’t ready to kill her brother, she isn’t ready to kill the girl who’s there for her each night, every time she’s confused of her nightmares, or the citizens that gave her flowers. Morgana remembers uther’s look of despair and confusion, she feels her hand trembles
Morgause: (in a flashback) You’re nothing but a coward Morgana! A coward!
No matter, she’s not part of it anymore, it’s better to leave it alone. Let morgause finish their revenge.
When morgana leaves to wash her cauldron, it feels weird. It felt like she’s being watched. She scanned the woods with her magic, she didn’t feel anything. That’s really strange, morgana must be…
The first thing morgana sees is the stone floor. Her head is splitting, her vision is unfocused. Morgana sits up slowly, trying to regain balance.
The room is dark, she can barely see anything. When she tries to move her hair, she realizes that she’s chained to the wall
Great. She’s kidnapped.
She scowls, trying to free herself from the chains. She tries to draw her magic, but she feels nothing. Whoever kidnapped her knows what they’re dealing with…
She hears a groan from her left and she saw a man. Wearing god knows what. Laying on the floor, chained like she is. She calls for him, trying to wake him up. The more she looks at him, the more she felt like she knew this man.
???: where am i… Morgana: (realize who this is) Merlin??? Merlin: …morgana…?
The man looked at her, no longer the merlin she last seen. He looks like a stray being, as if he’s the spirit of the forest. He is covered in cloth, a cloak on his head. His skin peaks out from where the cloth didn’t touch him, even in the dark, morgana can see the light bouncing off his slender thighs and the faint outline of his….nipple
Morgana: you look like a prostitute… Merlin: that's rich from someone who dress like a beggar Morgana: I’ll have you know this is one of the finest dresses i have- Merlin: Your hair could really do some work Morgana: you don't get to say that when you don't need to maintain your hair every day!!
They bicker back and forth about their fashion choices. Morgana also hates his serving clothes, especially that tattered neckerchief on his neck…And he barely changes everything. It’s a boring to look at every single day. At least Gwen changes her clothes once in a while.
It was so heated they didn’t notice the door opening until they heard footsteps entering the room. They eye their predator carefully, backing themselves to the wall. But the guards only un-cuffs them from the wall, forcing them to stand.
They were bringing into a room, full of people with chains on their hands. Morgana stands close to Merlin, maybe Morgana can kill him when he wasn’t looking, morgana HATES him after all…
The ringleader came into view, told them to fight to the death. Anyone who succeed can go to the second round or something morgana wasn’t really listening. She’s too busy to think of ways of killing Merlin.
They put a bunch of weapon in the middle of the room, probably to aid them or something. Morgana grabs a sword just in case. Merlin didn’t grab anything. What an idiot.
Ringleader: The battle starts….now
It was a blur after that. Morgana remembers slaying people, people who aren’t merlin. Morgana tries to cast a spell towards him every now and then, she saw Merlin doing the same. But it was never strong enough to kill, probably too distracted by the threat in front of them.
It suddenly stops. Only Morgana and a few other people stands unscathed, including Merlin, always Merlin. It makes a lot of sense now why he has a habit of not dying. Morgana remembers when she discovers that he has magic. What a hypocrite.
They were thrown to their prison cells not long after. After a speech that morgana really didn’t bother to listen
(in their cell)
Merlin: You have any idea what they want? (body swelling with blood and bruises) Morgana: we’re stuck in a slavery ring
Morgana seen one back when she was still with morgause. She tracks them down when one crosses her path, a potential army for her. She remembers that one of those rings would pit off prisoners like this, probably to find new slaves
Morgana: I couldn’t wait to see your demise when one of those brutes mortally wound you…” (giggling, imagining Merlin suffering a slow and painful death) Merlin: (shakes his head) look morgana…i’m sorry alright? I didn’t mean to betray you like that, and i… Morgana: i don’t want to hear your excuses you liar! You’re the same as that old fool! (screaming)
morgana wish she can slit his throat right now. Morgana wants to stab her dagger, revenge for every time Gaius told her she doesn’t have magic, for every time merlin stay quiet
Merlin: well i’m sorry for being a liar when i’m constantly threatened to be executed! At least you don’t get to suffer any consequences!! Morgana: you don’t get to say that!! You meddle into things when you don’t need to!!
they scream to each-other faces. Spit and all. It’s a bit disgusting, but Merlin is more disgusting. And every time she hears his excuses it brings something ugly within her. When Morgana was about to throw another insult at his face the door opens harshly
Guard: Quiet before I snap your necks (throwing a piece of bread and then leaving) Morgana: …at least i’m not an idiot in love like you Merlin: what do you mean? Morgana: (snorts) you spent every single day protecting arthur from harm, you took poisons and blows for arthur, you poisoned me because i’m hurting arthur, you hunt a child like a pig because of some wishy-washy prophecy, a child merlin, a child! Merlin: … Morgana: how’s arthur? was he sad that i killed his daddy??
it didn’t go unnoticed that Merlin was silent at the mention of his brother. Which was weird, usually when she brought him up he never shut up about him.
Merlin: (gets the bread, tossing it to Morgana with his bound hand) eat up, tomorrow is going to be a rough day Morgana: I don’t want food from you (tosses it back to him with gnawing stomach) it’s probably poisoned anyways Merlin: (sighs) if i ate it and i didn’t die, would you eat it? Morgana: ….no
merlin shrugs, biting a bit of his bread. When he shows no indication of poisoning, he tosses it back to her
Merlin: See? No poison Morgana: (rolled her eyes, grumpily tossing the bread back to him) i don’t trust you until you finished it
they toss the bread back and forth, biting into it until there’s no more food left to toss. After another stupid remark, Morgana greets him goodnight, and sleep on her side of the cell
It became a routine after that, they were toss at the arena, got toss back in the cell, tossed back at the arena….
Morgana hates it when she spends time with him. She’s sick of Merlin’s wicked humor. When he managed to rung a laugh out of her. For the first time since Morgause she feels like she’s not alone anymore
Merlin: …and then I told him that it was a sidhe, but he didn’t believe me! Morgana: Well he’s stupid, the stupidest man i’ve ever known…
Morgana didn’t enjoy talking to him, she hates it, she’s sick of the joy crawling on her skin
Morgana: What about Gwen? Merlin: Gwen? Oh she’s fine, she’s sad when you’re gone that time, we couldn’t really comfort her, it’s the same with arthur…it’s the same with everyone really…we miss you Merlin: …and what about you? What of you and arthur? Merlin: … Morgana: Oh come on merlin! There must be something that you did right? It’s been what? A year since that kiss? I saw it you know. Surely you already did something?? Are you still Arthur’s manservant? i don’t know how you handle that magic though…are you still keeping secrets from him? Why are you here anyways? Is arthur here with you? Merlin: Arthur banished me Morgana: Sorry? Merlin: I’m banished from camelot...
Morgana didn’t know what to feel. She should be happy, merlin is banished from camelot! That’s what she wanted right? For Merlin to suffer?
Merlin: it’s fine though, I learned a lot, did you know the druids grows the best of fruits? Must be their connection with nature or something. Their grapes are divine-
Morgana couldn’t stop the ire rising from herself when she kicks him. Merlin immediately bends to touch his leg
Merlin: WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! Morgana: YOU’RE AN IDIOT MERLIN SON OF HUNNITH! Wow i know you’re an idiot but i can’t believe you’re THAT BIG of an idiot Merlin: What???? Morgana what are you even- Morgana: Should i chop Arthur’s manhood for what he did to you? Gosh, you’re probably still protecting camelot even in banishment aren’t you??? I know that’s you when morgouse sends the hydra on the castle….are you an IDIOT??? Why are you still chasing this guy?? I can’t even…i get that he’s hot, but really merlin? Why did you get banished anyway? was it the magic?? Or is he hates homosexual relationship? It’s the magic isn’t it…that bastard….
Morgana swears when she gets out, she will kill him, even with her own two hands-
Merlin: stop it morgana, i don’t want you to kill arthur! Morgana: Of course you’re going to say that! you lovesick fool! Merlin: Really? Do you want me to kill gwen because she stabbed you that one time?!
Morgana shuts up, merlin must be referring to that time when gwen is forced to stab her when she reigns the castle with morgause, she doesn’t like thinking about it
Morgana: (huffed) he shouldn’t banish you, not when you’re always by his side, and what do you get?
it’s stuff like this that made her truly hate camelot. Morgana could understand her banishment, but to banish merlin? Why didn’t anyone do anything? It truly made morgana sick to her stomach
Merlin: you know, banishment isn’t that bad…and i made choices…I deserved it
Before morgana can reply a guard enters their room, uncuffing them and dragging them outside their cell. They arrived at a different room, like that of an arena. But smaller this time. But only morgana and merlin stand in the middle of the room. The ringleader stands on a balcony
What happened on the last arena again? Right, only merlin and morgana were left standing, which means…
Ringleader: Merlin and Lady Morgana, once the pride and joy of Camelot, only to be banished by King Arthur himself. What a pity Merlin: If you think that I’m willing to help you to destroy camelot, count me out. My loyalties will always lie on king arthur Ringleader: Oh no no, I don’t want any of that. I don’t know how you ended up together as prison-mates but i did not expect the witch and emrys to be in my doorstep, inside the same cell nonetheless! Morgana: And? You want us to be your slaves? do you really think we’re willing to submit to you? Ringleader: don’t worry, i can think of ways to tame you
Morgana stomach jolted at the implication
Ringleader: Despite your…peerless reputation, you’re both are a headache for me to handle…so i just want one (sat on his make-shift throne) go ahead then, fight to the death! don’t you hate each-other?
Morgana looks at Merlin, and he looks at her. It’s true, Morgana had been wanting to kill Merlin for a long time but…
She doesn’t want to kill another one of her kind. And she doesn’t want to kill her friend
Ringleader: Come on! I’m waiting…
The shackles on their hand cracks, and Morgana felt her magic restored. They stare at each-other, circling. Is Merlin going to kill her now? Morgana saw how Merlin body is poised, ready to strike.
She strike first.
They danced around each-other, exchanging blows. The blow was sometimes deadly, other-times unnecessary spells. But they never land a fatal blow, even if morgana is panting, and merlin is out of breath
Morgana: …what’s wrong Merlin?…scared? Merlin: You wish (strike a spell that tore the fabric of her skirt) Morgana: (gasped) My dress! Merlin: …oops…
Morgana screams, sending a curse towards merlin. Morgana can’t believe it, it actually hits him, and for a moment merlin was confused, because nothing happened
Merlin: well that was anti-climactic (in a girl's voice, realization) morgana change me back right now! Morgana: No
she puts another curse on him, but he dodges it this time. It didn’t take long for merlin to tackle her, she fights back, trying to push him off and they fight like children.
Merlin: Get off me! (shrieking unladylike, his long nose (yes how ironic morgana is a genius) touching the ground) Morgana: You get off! (fights back, hair green. Fingers feels like rubber)
They rolled on each-other back, trying to murder the other until they gave up and just sprawled on the floor, too exhausted to do anything. If Morgana have to fire a spell one more time it feels like she’s going go throw up
Morgana: You’re pathetic Merlin Merlin: You’re even more pathetic Morgana: At least I’m stronger than you, you look like a twig Merlin: Well I’ll let you know that- Ringleader: ENOUGH
(they both look at him)
Ringleader: Just die already! I don’t care who dies! Just kill someone! If you don’t want to do it, then I’m going to kill the both of you! Morgana + Merlin: ….HAHAHAHAHHA Merlin: Did you hear that??? He says he’s going to kill us Morgana: ‘Just die already’ (still laughing even as she felt her hair is being pulled. She felt hands shoving her down, Merlin next to her) Ringleader: Do you have any final words? Morgana: (looks at Merlin) You’re not as worse as I thought Merlin: I’m glad to meet you too Morgana
When the axe about to fall down on their neck, the rooftop shake, and suddenly a dragon is screaming at them. Their assaulters ran, terrified of the beast.
Morgana: Aithusa!!
Merlin laughs beside her, chanting in a foreign language. Aithusa squeal and Morgana paused
Morgana: You’re also a dragonlord Merlin: Yeah not many people know that
Aithusa breathes fire, fending off their attacker
Morgana: merlin if you dare as to so much touches her- Merlin: Morgana, i birthed her Morgana: …??
Morgana had no time to argue when the ringleader is starting to ran to them. She quickly climbed onto her, when Morgana reaches out her hand for Merlin to grab but Merlin fell. Limbs grabbed by the ringleader
Morgana: MERLIN!
Aithusa is shrieking, trying to shield herself and Morgana from the fire. Merlin chants and Morgana felt Aithusa leaving
Morgana: Merlin? MERLIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Merlin: Goodbye Morgana Morgana: STOP!!
Morgana tries to reach him, but Aithusa keeps flying, away from the dungeon, away from Merlin
Episode ends
End notes: i rlly didn’t expect it to be this long. Anyways sorry if it didn’t made sense and the pacing is off, i’m really rambling here 😭 but this is how i think morgana merlin interaction should go
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gravityglitch-blog · 2 months
Okay, so I just finished the new Murder Drones episode. I feel like I understand even less now. Someone please tell me I'm not alone in this feeling.
A long post, spoilers and my barely coherent thoughts about moments that stood out to me under the cut.
What exactly is JC Jensen in Spaaaace trying to accomplish with these experiments? Nori and the other Workers must have been suffering so much at their hands. One thing I found touching in an otherwise horrifying flashback was Yeva caring for Nori, even through the nightmare they were living.
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It was sad to see Uzi being scared of N again.
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Newfound respect for Doll, standing up to her own nightmare.
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Tessa has been setting off my alarm bells since she first landed, but I wasn't expecting what she did to Doll or...whatever this is. Then again, this really isn't Tessa at all, is it?
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I'm still thinking the Solver consumes planets and life, like Galactus from Marvel comic books. The flashback inflicted on N shows a world trying to fight back.
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This next shot comes after the scene of V and J on the ground. Are these new Disassembly Drones we haven't met yet?
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Nori meeting N...one of the first things she says is, "Hey, you look familiar." So the theory that N killed her before can't be dismissed yet. Even in this weird setting, it's adorable that, down to her literal core, Nori still loves Khan.
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The fight with Solver Uzi moved too quickly for me to get a good screenshot (the animation in this episode was so good) but the way N broke it up, omg
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(Little hearts and everything 💛💜)
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This is the part that genuinely made me laugh in this confusing maze of horror.
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And this is the part that made me want to cry, especially when he strokes her hair.
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Uzi and N dangling over basically a hellmouth, and her loving him enough to sacrifice herself.
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I feel like she must at least suspect something is on the other side, or this is the calmest fall-to-doom I have ever seen.
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Here I think she's looking into the eye of the Solver itself, like the Eye of Sauron. Is she truly in outer space or is this a hallucination? I guess only the next episode will tell.
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Shifting focus a little, I was really happy to see these guys again, especially Khan. I've been hoping that he'd take a more active role and fight for his daughter.
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He actually built Uzi's rail gun😭
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J remembers the rail gun. I love that shot of Lizzy and Thad. I hope the fan theories about them being siblings are true, they'd make a great brother and sister team.
In conclusion, this episode was a rollercoaster.
Still not entirely sure of what I just saw or how I feel about it, only that it can be summed up by this image
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This one, too, actually
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Thank you for reading this far.
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the0retically · 4 months
The Suckening thoughts-#6 Meet Your Maker:
Spoilers below but my god that was a cool episode
- The intros get crazier and crazier and I love it
- Part 2?? Oh!! Goodness I have no idea how many episodes there will be of this and I’m so Scared because they all said it emotionally destroyed them
- …why are they spending this long on this intro,,,,please
- Emizel’s “I HAVE QUESTIONS!” makes me So sad
- “Arthur do you see Grefgore anywhere?” SHILOOOOOOO :((((((
- “Arthur please just wait for like 45 minutes” “….is there a pet store nearby” PLEASE??
- God why are they going back in????
- Ok yeah cat emizel, he has claws
- This is a nightmare what the hell, but good! Go get Grefgore!
- They’re just redoing it??????? Y’all pleaseeeeee…Charlie’s just like “yeah this will be Exactly the same!!”
- “What is another life for Grefgore!” Shilo I love you, thank god you’re going to try and get him
- And god emizel is Alone what the hell
- And they had to leave Condi alone goodness
- Ok that entire exchange made me so sad, he lost when him and the demons got their hideout, sure he was able to get Grefgore back (LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!) but he Still does not have an answer to why he was abandoned and Shilo got to stay :((((( emizel buddy :(((
- Rip Arthur Petco is closed
- ……….weird digital glitching?? Excuse me?
- Also god why is Shilo’s aura mortal
- Awwwwwww shilo goes to hug grefgore!!
- “Can vampires regrow their heads?” “……………….what?” Oh god Grizz please don’t cut grefgore’s head off
- “Permission to hug you back my prince?” “Of course!” “Big day for grefgore!” PLEASE :)))
- “You still have many hours for the night” “is that true?” “….yeah?? No! You caught me in one of my DM lies!” iconic exchange
- Oh my god what is happening with this poor nurse, just let her go!!
- Oh god now this has become a sitcom bit what is happening, shilo is just concerned for this woman’s life but emizel and Arthur are trying to get her to get Vanya’s schedule
- :( Arthur telling the boys they don’t have to come with is Very sad
- “If Grefgore is truly a burden to you then I shall go get blood” GREFGORE NO YOURE NOT A BURDEN
- No vents? Damn rip
- Thank god no Arthur frenzy
- He’s in the toilet???
- Oh a little family reunion!
- ……….why is this sus, is that really Lazarus?
- Charlie’s curse as a DM is just making insane animal noises
- …..is shilo allergic to birds?? Why is he sneezing bizly please let him enjoy the bird
- “Well it is what it is!” LAZARUS PLEASE
- The chaos of the twins to the seriousness of Arthur is Such a juxtaposition
- Oh…Arthur killed his family, god this is heartbreaking
- “Why did you use me?” “Because it was the most effective way” GOD PLEASE
- God props to Charlie and Grizz for this whole interaction, I love this
- Arthur popping off, it’s incredibly sad but good for you! Burn her!!!!!! She’s the reason your family is dead, kill her!!!!
- Arthur I love you I’m so sorry your life has been this tragic
- Jonny???? Oh god, why is there a hit on the demons??
- Thank god soda isn’t there! Please Charlie say soda isn’t there
- But emizel remembers Theo at least!! That’s good!
- What???? Metal???? What is up with this vampire
- Please tell me emizel isn’t going to die again
- Why did they leave Grefgore behind???
- Charlie is that old man Earl????
- “The Wylan twins send their regards” ??????? HUH??
- Shilo is just a sweet boy :( but GET OUT OF THERE
- “Next session is going to be the adventures of Arthur and Grefgore!”
- Shilo please get out of there
- Get out of the sun my boy!!
- Oh,,,,,,,oh no?? He has no arms or legs oh my god, he’s tied to a chair and his mouth is sewn shut????
- I don’t know why this encounter with the twins and emizel is the most terrified I’ve been with Charlie dming, holy shit
- Emizel I love you, biting off your own tongue to spit at them is amazing he’s so iconic
- Viv and Vex,,,,,interesting
- 7! God please don’t lose more I’m getting scared
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(@oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat) It's Oatmeal, hello!
I have no energy to do my usual bit, so uh. ON TO THE SPOOKY GAYS :D
So long of an ask it made my typing lag out. I don't blame you if you don't answer this cause I accidentally made this into a damn list-fic lmao. Sorry about that (/gen).
We can just title it Searching For A Someone, Can Anyone Find Him? and leave it there. A Dukexiety Pony AU, if ya will.
Warning: slightly suggestive(?), arguing, soap allergy (that gets mentioned once and never again), unreality(?), fantasy ableism(?), intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, mentioned abandonment/banishment, betrayal, abandonment issues, fear of being alone, fear of vulnerability, difficulty trusting others, anxiety, insecurity, separation from family, nightmare mention, ANGST
In list form cause ✨ramble time✨
MLP au bc... bc I say so :3
Okay so: Virgil is a Pegasus who cannot/didn't learn to fly cause he grew up on the ground in the Everfree Forest; still lives there & used to being on his own
Remus is a unicorn with a broken horn, so every time he does magic, his spells go very wrong and kinda spiral outta control; bc of this, after a bit of chaos, Ponyville kinda ran him out and he hid in the Everfree Forest
There's some background Creativitwins angst... let's just say Roman was too afraid to defend his brother & while he tried to do something about it, it didn't go well & Ponyville threatened to run him out like his brother... Ya see where this is going. He got really scared and wasn't there for Remus when he needed him to be. They both miss each other a lot but don't like talking about it.
ANYWAY: so one day, Virgil & Remus come across each other. Remus is a chaotic mess & Virgil is anxious and not very good with trusting others; Remus is a little eager for some genuine connection bc he hates being alone. Virgil tries to just. Go on with his day, but Remus is persistent & won't leave him be. They end up sticking together bc they literally have no one else anyway so why not?
As their friendship grows, Virgil ends up genuinely caring about Remus and his chaotic self. Remus cares about Virgil & becomes a bit protective of him.
Later on, as they grow closer, they reveal insecurities & such. Remus with his fear of being alone, abandonment issues, and odd allergy of soap that comes up in conversation for no reason. Virgil with his difficulty trusting others and being vulnerable and all his anxieties and the fact he has wings but he doesn't know how to fly. They bond over both feeling useless sometimes (Virgil's lack of flight & Remus' messed-up magic issues).
At some point Remus has a difficult episode concerning his intrusive thoughts and Virgil helps him out the best he can with breathing exercises he knows from calming himself down from his own panic attacks. Remus admits to having pretty bad intrusive thoughts a lot of the time & that his episodes are common. He's surprised when Virgil is like "okay well uh is there things I can do to help take better care of you when they happen? Like what you need?" and feels so cared for by that sentence alone and actually feels safe for once after so long of being alone
The first time Virgil has a panic attack around Remus is also the first time he felt undoubtedly safe with someone after so long of being alone. Remus remembers the breathing exercises Virgil taught him and helps him through it. Let's just say it ended with them cuddling so close it was hard to tell them apart. Remus has this talent for distracting Virgil & making him laugh at the weirdest things & reassuring him in his own way.
So yeah, they both cared lots for each other & feel safe with each other & just sjsjsjsjsj GAY
uh anyway they never really have an official confession bc they just do what they want & get closer & at some point starting being romo with each other; Virgil gets anxious over it for a lil bit when he realizes how they act & how that might look & so he nervously asks if they're romo partners & Remus is like "yeah? I thought that was already established??" And Virgil is like "oh good for a sec I thought it was one-sided haha" and Remus soothes his anxieties by saying "you're one of the coolest ponies I know and I think you're hot so uh I hope we're romantic by now" and Virgil snorts at him fondly
So yeah they're romo partners
After that comes the question of "how did you end up here". Virgil talks about how he just lived here his whole life since he was a foal & doesn't remember the time before that (aka: he got abandoned as a kid but he don't remember his family from before cause he was a kiddo and young brain didn't want to remember painful memory anyway); Remus mentions growing up in Ponyville but they didn't want him anymore so they threw him out & even his own brother left him all alone (which btw makes Virgil mad/upset bc Remus' own family didn't want him?? I'm sorry what? He's super caring wdym???)
Remus doesn't mention Roman by name but vaguely mentions his twin. Virgil can see the pain in his eyes so he doesn't push. Remus softly admits to missing his brother and Virgil snuggles up next to him to comfort him. Ends in sleepy cuddles yusss
Sometimes when Remus is really insecure he feels like Virgil could leave him and never come back. This also ends in cuddles, very protective cuddles from Virgil. This dynamic is lots of comfort cuddles bc I say so :3
Back in Ponyville, Roman is missing his brother a lot & wants him back & feels so guilty about not being there for him when he needed to be. He's been searching for Remus since he left bc that's his brother but doesn't tell anyone else about it bc he's scared if he utters a word about missing Remus that Ponyville will boot him out
Roman's friends (Logan, Patton, Janus) all know he goes on these 'adventures' a lot. They've all figured out he seems to be looking for something but never finds it cause when he returns home he's always very sad and spends the day back locked away in his house. Patton likes to send over comfort cookies when this happens. Janus will invite him to see the next play with him so he has something to look forward to & will sometimes visit to distract him by talking about Roman's favourite plays with him. Logan always just sits by him in a companionable silence, which usually leads to this steady grounding cuddles. Roman loves Logan Cuddles the best when he's upset. Though they may fight sometimes, Logan's always good at being this comforting grounding presence.
ANYWAYS: so at some point them three figure out Roman is looking for someone; Janus kinda remembers Roman having a brother but doesn't remember what happened to him cause he was younger (youngest in friend group. And shortest. He hates it lmao). Eventually they piece together that he might be looking for his brother and thus try confronting him about, which doesn't go well if ya imagine; Roman gets upset and emotionally reveals what happened and how he's been trying to find his brother for so long and he's so guilty because he couldn't be there for him and he can't find him; all three comfort him cause omg that's a lot how long have you been holding this by yourself? Let us help we can help you look for him it's okay (which surprises Roman bc he's used to hearing hateful remarks about the 'Tale of the Chaos Pony' and how the Chaos Pony was 'thankfully' run outta town)
Patton is hesitant bc he's heard of the Chaos Pony, but offers help anyway bc it's Roman and he feels sympathy for Roman missing his brother
Uh yeah this leads to these four going on a quest into the Everfree Forest to find Remus. Roman give them tips on venturing into the forest bc he's been there so many times and he knows all the places he's already checked
So. Ya can prob see where this is going. With the help with his friends (in true MLP fashion) they find Remus! Yay! And this Pegasus (Virgil) who Roman finds a lil odd and rude but eh first impressions y'know? Yeah.
Except Remus sees him and stares as if he's dreaming. Roman tries to reassure him he's real but Remus doesn't believe him, saying things like "Roman wouldn't be here, he doesn't care about me, he left me all alone, he betrayed me, why would he care?" Which only makes Roman hurt more
Virgil sees what's happening and goes to Remus to help. He tells Roman and the others to leave them alone bc they're causing Remus hurt bc it hurts to see his brother and such. Remus looks to Virgil desperately like "am I dreaming, is this real?" Cause he trusts his partner & Virgil tells him how it's really happening in this soft soft voice and Remus pauses. He looks back to Roman, who's crying, and looks to the others, who are watching all this unfold. Remus tears up bc Roman is really here but then it turns into angry tears bc Roman betrayed him and he starts upset shouting about how Roman left all alone and scared and he missed him so much but he hurt him... Yeah it gets very emotional
Roman is apologizing, over and over again, as Remus is hurt and angry bc he missed Remus so so much and he is so so so sorry he failed him as a brother and just wants him back and he never wanted him to leave.
Very messy emotional shouts later, the sky decides to rain bc um. Plot.
They all have to seek shelter in Remus' and Virgil's cave thing they live in. Uh. Idk there's mountains by/in the Everfree Forest, right? Idk, maybe they live in a giant tree like Zacora (idk how to spell her name, she's the zebra from the show)
This leads to Roman seeing for the first time a glimpse into what Remus has been doing for the last who knows how long since he was basically banished. He sees Virgil glaring over at him as he nuzzles and comforts Remus who looks very conflicted and distraught. Logan, Patton, and Janus come over to check on Roman and give him some comfort bc he's also very distraught
Umm, uh, so. Awkward and tension moments. Until Remus softly asks Roman "You really didn't want me to leave?" and omg Roman's heart aches of course he didn't; Roman explains to Remus how he's wanted him back for so long & how he's been searching for him so he can apologize and have his brother back again. Virgil is still very protective over Remus but seems to be glaring less.
This ends up in some agreed peace between the two groups as the storm outside gets worse. Janus makes a comment on that if Virgil is a Pegasus, then why doesn't he go and deal with the storm himself? Can't Pegasi fly?
Of course this sparks a whole new argument bc Virgil is insecure about not knowing how to fly and thus Remus defends him by telling Janus to "shut up it doesn't matter" but then Janus does the mistake of pushing for an answer & Virgil accidentally admits in heated argument that he doesn't know how to fly (Janus shuts up at that & Logan and Patton are kinda like witnesses to whatever to happening rn)
And Remus is like "so what? He's still super cool and caring. I can't do magic the 'right way' and he can't fly. So what? We're both still cool as fuck you bitches" and yeah, Janus apologizes in his own way of being like "my apologies then" which sounds halfway sarcastic bc Janus' voice just sounds sarcastic 90% of the time and that's just how it is
Uh yeah so, after some tension dies down and they all either apologize for what they need to apologize for or accept the apologies given, the storm (which turned from rain to a fucking snowstorm somehow (pony lore)) go away. They're all like "um what" and then realize it was the Windigos all along (these wind elemental pony spirits who feed on hatred and arguments according to MLP canon in the show) and then they all agree to try to actually hear each other out in the future to avoid the Windigos
Brother reconciliation bc I cannot do all this angst without some comfort okay? They cry and vow to never separate again, not like that, & hug the shit outta each other. The others are happy to see some happiness that the twins have each other again. Virgil is still protective over Remus but eases up by a lil bit. Just a lil bit.
Yeah um they all become friends
Roman asks Remus if he wants to return back to Ponyville with Virgil, and he's like "um nah they're all bitches. Plus you could just. Visit. Ya dork" and Roman's like "oh yeah lmao. But will you try to visit?" And Remus is like "maybe" and Roman takes that
(spoiler alert: Remus & Virgil do visit sometimes & find out the old mayor who booted Remus was unelected bc they weren't fair to anyone anyway. The new mayor is actually pretty rad & welcomes Remus back. Remus is still wary of Ponyville but a lil less so with a better mayor being there. Also Princess Celestia makes a token appearance and is like on official MLP Canon business with Twilight Sparkle [think the very first episode of the show happens the first time Remus visits Ponyville] & the Sanders Sides gang is a giant story happening in the background. So yeah)
Happy ending! Yay!
The twins will dual each other and stuff to bond. Usually in the forest
When Remus' intrusive thoughts get bad, his magic reacts to them and goes even more haywire than normal; only Virgil knows how to handle this the best & teaches the others how to take care of Remus (Remus' faves are Virgil, bc he already knows how to help, and Roman, bc his brother catches on quick and uh sibling comfort is unique to its own)
Virgil and Roman develop friendly banter
Janus and Virgil are a bit more rocky with each other at times but nothing friendship-ending
Patton and Remus don't understand each other that well but both make an effort anyway
Logan & Janus become besties with Remus! Bc I say so :3
Virgil is a Pegasus & Remus is a unicorn right? Well, ya see: Roman's a unicorn, Logan's a unicorn, Patton and Janus are earth ponies (aka: the only Pegasus in the friend group is flightless, whoops)
Um some friendship nonsense happens and via hot balloon, Virgil sees Cloudsdale for the first time! He sees everything he was supposed to have as a Pegasus kid & that's an angsty hurt/comfort story right there on its own. Remus and Logan go with him for support.
At some point, the others ask Dukexiety if they're dating bc they're romantic with each other and they're like "yeah, we have been the whole time?? What are you, oblivious?" And yeah, the others were a lil oblivious to it sans maybe Logan. Mainly cause he's Logan and also he already asked not long after he met them
Comfort moments with the twins when some insecurities kick in; they stay with each other and hug the shit outta each other the whole time
Roman gets nightmares frequently & when Remus discovers this, he makes sure Roman knows he can always seek comfort from him when he needs it. Remus is surprisingly very good with helping a distressed panicky post-nightmare Roman feel safe again
Janus & Remus cause some chaos together. Occasionally. Okay maybe more than occasionally but hey. :3
Remus & Virgil have cutie-marks that have nothing to do with their disabilities (broken horn & flightless wings) bc their disabilities aren't the One Thing they are :)
Um Dukexiety kisses and nuzzles? Yeah.
If ya ever answer this ask, then I may copy + paste my list-fic into a doc and try to write it... Maybe. We'll see, lol :3
Good luck with this, it's so long sksjsjsjsjsj
Aye heyo Oatmeal!!! No need to apologize but oml I L O V E this entire AU S O fucking much P L E A S E!!! It has the perfect amount of A N G S T and fluff!!! Poor Ree was an outcast and didn't know his brother actually cared but luckily he found Vee along the way and that it was easy for them to connect with each other and have a strong bond <3 Cackling at the fact that when Vee asks if they're dating Ree's just like "You're hot as hell was this not already established???" they're such dorks I L O V E them XD God and it's S O fucking sweet that Ro is trying everything he can to find his brother while the others comfort him and stick by his side through it <3 I don't blame the chaotic Unicorn for feeling the way he did when he was found but it's good that everything worked out in the end and everyone is friends <3
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wheels-of-despair · 8 months
Bonus Blurb: What If Real Life Is Good? Summary: Evil Woman comes home after What If Real Life Is the Nightmare and has A Heartfelt Moment with Baby Bro. Contains: Breakfast, Corroded Coffin, awkward sibling moment, things returning to normal (much to poor Gareth's dismay). Words: 700ish Note: This is a follow-up to What If Real Life Is the Nightmare? because I decided that it needed more fluff after I posted it.
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You enjoyed a healthy breakfast of Pop-Tarts and a can of Mello Yello in Eddie's bed the next afternoon.
"Don't ever say Eddie Munson doesn't know how to treat a lady," he grinned with full mouth and a fleck of strawberry filling on the tip of his nose. You laughed and felt your heart healing after last night's ordeal. He always knows exactly what you need.
You'd slept until after two, so by the time Eddie's brain turned on and you'd finished breakfast, school was letting out. It was a Corroded Coffin Practice Day. Eddie offered to cancel it and stay in bed with you - you must've really scared him last night - but you insisted that you were fine, and that practice should go ahead as scheduled.
The rest of the band was already in your garage when Eddie's van roared into the driveway. They were oddly quiet when you approached, meaning they must've heard about last night's… episode. You planted a pre-practice peck on Eddie's lips, smiled as if everything were normal, and gave the trio a sarcastic parade wave before disappearing into the house.
You'd just kicked Gareth's accidentally-stolen shoes off when he came in through the garage and closed the door behind him.
"You okay?"
"You scared the shit out of me." He seems more shaken up than you are right now.
"I know," you smile. "I'm sorry."
He shrugs, trying to look unbothered.
"Thanks for last night. Waking me up. Having my back. Calling Eddie."
"No biggie," he shrugs, eyes still on the linoleum.
"Sorry I stole your shoes."
"Feel like I should be the one apologizing for you having to wear those." The corner of his mouth twitches.
You step forward and wrap him in a hug.
"Sorry I scared you," you say again.
"I'm cool if you are."
You smile when you feel him relax.
"I know I pick on you all the time, but you really are a good little brother."
"Alright, don't go gettin' all mushy on me now," he squirms. You smirk and give him a peck on the cheek.
You'd planned on releasing him and letting him get back to his drums after this rare moment of genuine-ness instead of the far-more-common taunting, but he just changed your mind.
"Did you just 'blech' at my affection?"
He shifts uncomfortably in your loose hold. You pull back like you're going to let him go, then leap forward and wrap your arms around him, over his, in a crushing hug. You lock your hands behind his back, so he can't get away.
"Are you trying to get away from me?"
"Yes," he grumbles, trying to squirm out of your grip.
"Oh, so you'd hate it if I--" You plant three more kisses to his cheek, like that aunt everyone hates at family reunions, and he scrunches up his nose and whines and tries to push you away.
"Stop rejecting my affection! You're my baby brother! You have to love me!"
"No, I don't!" He walks backwards toward the garage door and drags you with him across the kitchen floor.
"You do, too!"
"Do not!" he grunts, trying to shake you off.
"Do too! I'm the best sister in the world and you looove me!"
"Get off me, freak!"
He stops fighting and lets out a frustrated groan. You pop up and kiss his cheek again, just for spite, then let him go.
"Ugh! Gross! I don't know where your mouth has been!"
"Eddie does," you say mischievously.
"OH MY GOD!!!" He scrubs at his cheek with the arm of his t-shirt and flings open the door to the garage. He stomps in with a beet-red face, still rubbing angrily at his cheek.
"I love youuu!" you call at his retreating back in a singsong voice.
"I hate youuuuu!" he retorts in a tone that matches yours.
Eddie, Jeff and Grant stand together, amusement on their faces.
"Are we gonna fucking practice or what?!" Gareth snaps.
The trio erupts into laughter.
You blow Eddie a dramatic kiss from the doorway and pull the door closed. You grin at the sound of their delighted howling as you head for the shower. Life is good. Unless you're Gareth.
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iztarshi · 3 months
I am curious besides rise what’s your opinion other on the other iterations of Raph? Since he’s my fav
87 Raphael is my favourite turtle of all, but it's hard to know where to start describing him. I just want to hold him out to people like "see?"
He's an outlier among Raphaels so people who usually like Raphaels don't always like him. He's the wise guy of the group and would always rather say something clever than something useful, but when he does say something useful it's usually a suggestion they don't run headlong into danger. He's verbally prickly, but physically affectionate, and although he's not the protector like some Raphs he does get latched onto by Donatello and Michelangelo sometimes just because he doesn't push people off. Michelangelo jumps into his arms when scared a few times and Raphael just stands there holding him for the rest of the scene.
I think Raphael vs the Volcano is a good episode for getting to know him. Raphael thinking he's dying due to a silly misunderstanding is a standard 90s TV plot, but the show takes it unexpectedly seriously once the set up is done. We see his cynicism as he tries to convince himself that the world is good and his life has been worth living only to fail due to New York's typical disregard for a loitering pedestrian. We see how his cynicism doesn't stop him wanting to save people when he decides that the world is terrible but he's at least going to make it better before he goes. We see his tendency to run from things, in this case from the emotional scene saying goodbye would be, since the misunderstanding continues due to him leaving notes instead of using his turtle comm. He's a little guy, he cares a lot, he's scared of a lot and doing his best anyway. Like other Raphaels he has more emotions than he knows how to handle.
03 Raphael is so nice. He wouldn't understand me saying that, which breaks my heart, but he is honestly such a sweet, polite teenager. He spends an episode doing chores for an old lady and is suprised and touched when she wants to see him again. When we see his worst nightmare it's his own face being behind Shredder's helmet. More than any Raph he seems to genuinely think he's bad. His temper is a lot for him to control and the part where he nearly hit Mikey with a pipe came off as if it might be a dissociative episode but he gets very little help with it. Despite his prickly reputation he's more often acting as emotional support for the others, especially when Leo's in an anxiety spiral.
He does have fun though! He's a Raph who really enjoys a fight and his "irritation" with Mikey is just a game.
My favourite bit of the Christmas episode was him and Angel pranking Casey with mistletoe because it's not often he really gets to act his age.
2012 Raph is maybe the prickliest Raph of all, combining 03's aggression with 87's sarcasm. He still manages to have the biggest, saddest green eyes when his brothers are upset and he can't do anything about it, though.
He comes off like an asshole in season one when he genuinely does seem to not like the other characters very much. Later this mellows a lot, to the point when I'm told he still regularly threatens to quit the team and storms off I'm not sure I believe it. Especially when it's never happened on screen before.
I don't think I have much to say about the movie Raphs. 90s Raph is good. 07 Raph needed to apologise to Donatello and not to Splinter, but that is a plot problem more than a problem with him. Batman Raph should not get to lecture Batman about being open with his family. I swear, of all the turtles XD
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Oh my.
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* the community label is incorrect, there are no dirty themes in this *
Happy belated Hallowtide, y’all.  Here’s another chapter, slowpokes :)
When - right after A cause for concern. You’re still at the table with Hershel and your glass of activated charcoal. S02 episodes Cherokee Rose + setup for Chupacabra.
What - Hershel just asked you if your brother Shane “is a cause for concern.” Turns out, Daryl walked in and heard. You also keep meaning to talk to Lori but there have been a lot of interruptions...
Relationships - slow cooker Daryl x You is in the works, of course. Right now y’all are at the cooking stage where Daryl just wants to hang out with his only friend :( but you keep being otherwise occupied. You even defend him to Hershel tonight. As for you and the gang, we got casual brotherly/sisterly affection between yourself, Shane, Rick, and Lori.
Perspective - still stuck in 2nd person You + 3rd person “one who often carries the crossbow”
TWs - some language and some alcohol use (Dary-bear)
Pronouns - they/them, feminine implied at times
Word count - it won’t irk you this time
Masterlist - capital idea considering all the references! Checking out the four chapters chronologically before this one (What were your nightmares about?, Better with a friend, Picking a flower = saving the day, and A cause for concern) as well as Too much thinking before bed, Part 2 is recommended.
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That old man is sharp. At least somebody else is seeing it.
Really, it’s as if Daryl could literally smell the bullshit during Shane’s little speech at the funeral.
Though, the other old man might see it, too. Dale. It was about a month ago he’d noticed that Dale stopped being chummy with Shane the way he was with everyone else, even to Daryl himself.
And Lori has seemed real uncomfortable around Shane, too, come to think of it.
Maybe he’s not as alone in seeing that guy’s hiding something as he first figured.
It just sucks that Y/N is having to admit that about their own family, if just to themself. And Daryl knows all about what it’s like to admit that shit about a brother, if just to himself.
Speak of the devil, Lori is now walking by him, quietly whispering, “How are you, Daryl?” as she scoots out the front door.
Dr. Farmer (his bad, he doesn’t remember Dr. Farmer’s actual name) tells his friend something about a ‘solution’ (?) and Y/N picks up the glass with black stuff in it and—ew, start to sip it through a straw. The hell is in there?
But before he can get a word out and ask, a high, small voice from behind him scares the shit out of him as it squeaks, “Why are you in here?”
He jumps, turns—and holding a choose-your-own-adventure book is the teenage girl, frowning at him and probably freaked out as fuck. Just look at her eyes, all wide and scared like a bush baby’s.
In a way that sounds kinda like she’s accusing him of something, she next questions, “Do you, um, n-need help findin’ Carl’s room?”
...fuck, this is awkward.
Eyes still so wide they’ll probably fall out, her high little voice again squeaks, “What do you want, then?”
Lucky for him, saving his ass is Y/N’s voice. “Daryl? Hey.”
He takes a few steps toward the table, thinking to himself that it sounded like Y/N’s throat was tight but feeling relieved that he isn’t gonna have to talk to Baby Spice anymore/ever again.
“You here to tell Carl about the Cherokee roses, too?” they ask him with a teensy little smile.
No, I don’t know why I came in here but you’re my only goddamn friend and I knew you were in here. “Yeah.”
“Do you remember which room he’s in?”
I actually have to walk in there and talk to the kid now. “Yeah, s’the one with the little boy in it, right?”
Instead of finding that funny, they make a face that reads as annoyed and tired.
Psht. Getting annoyed himself, he marches down the hallway to the room where the kid is recovering while Y/N, dunno, probably keeps drinking that black sludge and gets interrogated by the old man more.
All Mr. Greene asked was if Shane would be ‘a cause for concern.’ That’s it. All you had to say that is that he’s going through a rough time, what is wrong with you?
You need to say something to explain why you couldn’t answer and you gotta figure out where the doctor was coming from in the first place.
“I ain’t cer — I am uncertain as to what your question meant, sir,” you say by way of asking for clarification.
“Simply if you feel that there is a cause for concern regarding him.”
“In what way?” croaks from your throat not much more substantially than a whisper.
But now Beth is joining you and her father at the table so nothing more is said.
She thanks you for the flour and tries to make polite conversation, you try to stay upbeat and friendly.
You’re grateful that her voice is soft, because the ringing in your ears is making sounds louder. Plus, her and Maggie’s accents are twangier like yours, so it makes you feel less self-conscious around her father.
You gulp the drink as fast as you can through the straw. That Mr. Greene mixed the charcoal with Tang and gave you a straw is helping to make it less gross.
And when you notice Beth’s holding a choose-your-own-adventure book, you and she start to have a normal, easy moment—until you feel Mr. Greene’s eyes on you and figure he wants you o-u-t.
So, you excuse yourself, thank him again, and stand up to go wash your glass and straw while hoping your dizziness isn’t too obvious in the way you walk as to upset Beth.
But the doctor stops you. (?)
“I was hopin’ to ask you a favor. Or enlist you, rather.”
“It’s okay, I’ll take care of your cup, you can sit back down,” Beth murmurs to you, and takes it from your hands.
You swallow and find your seat again. “What d’you need help with, Mr. Greene?”
He clasps his hands together on the table. “I gather you’re likely planning on searching for the missing child first thing tomorrow morning?”
“Is it your intention to remain out for the entirety of the day?”
“No.” Oh my God, why did you just—“I meant, I don’t think it’ll, the, um—” please formulate a coherent sentence. “W-we’ll have re-combed the whole grid and further by the afternoon,” you stammer. “And with seven or, um, however many of us will be out again, I can come back. I ain’t writing Sophia off, doctor, I just know that my duties also lie elsewhere. We all have jobs to do.” Good enough. “Do you need me to stay with Carl?”
You thought you felt his stare burning holes in your face, but when you actually look at him, he’s got his eyes on the table, lost in thought.
“That your group has searched so thoroughly and for successive days, it likely means one thing — and you understand that, I can see it. But it doesn’t discredit the other entirely; perhaps that tomorrow the whole area will have been re-swept means you’ll finally recover her. Sophia.”
You have to cover your face with a hand and turn away. How many times are you gonna get close to tears, this is getting old.
Swallowing the latest lump in your throat, you dab your eye with the corner of your sleeve and nod. “We were going to,” sniff, “check the road off the trail tomorrow, then he — that’s Daryl — he mentioned going to the top of a ridge someplace near to get a high view.”
Mr. Greene looks so much less impatient and unwelcoming than he did before but you aren’t certain the reason. Even his body language has changed.
“There are no infected individuals in any of the houses on that road, I can tell you that,” he informs you. “Otis went by that way more than a few times. There’s one home, however — it’s the one closest to the connecting road, northside. The family boarded it up because of that proximity, I would imagine.” He sighs. “No one answered Otis when he called from outside. It may be because they were newer to the area or perhaps there was somewhat of a language barrier, but the house is boarded securely and Otis never received any responses.” Scratching his eyelid, he finishes, “We decided to assume the Bardales left for a safe zone or perhaps a relative’s.”
“But the family might could still be inside,” you state more than ask. In what manner the family could be in, you neither state nor ask.
“There’s the potential,” he confirms. It seems as if he’s intending to say more but is having trouble doing so.
You wait.
He finishes slowly, “We aren’t certain if they caught the illness.”
Beth is coming back to the table with a snack-sized bag of barbecue chips. She offers to share, so you take one despite your newly discovered taste aversion. Chew. Swallow. Think of Amy and Jim and the Morales family.
“What I wanted to ask you was to help me give Carl a transfusion tomorrow. Now, I don’t know…” He stops talking entirely. “I don’t know if it’s an advisable thing. As we are aware, I am not a medical doctor—”
“—For humans,” you interrupt. He is a medical doctor and he saved your Carl’s life.
He unclasps his hands and holds his palms up. “I am a veterinarian and walking a fine line. Now: I know in some circumstances, anticoagulants are prescribed to postoperative patients who are at an increased risk of clotting. Carl, with his injury in that spot,” he shakes his head, “I cannot get it out of my head that he is at risk.”
His daughter loops her arm through his and rests her head on his shoulder as he takes a deep breathe. “And after the miracle we had in saving him, and the sacrifice it cost,” his tone sharpens when he says that part. You bow your head.
Then he exhales heavily and controlled. “My blood type matches his. Before his surgery, while he was still bleeding out, a transfusion from me would have killed him because I still take a daily anticoagulant. It’s a very low dose, but even that would have been too much for him. Now, however…”
“What risks would there be?” That Carl is alive is what’s keeping you sane and grounded.
“I do not believe he would be at risk of bleeding out with just one pint from me. We know that the stitch has held, and I have been restricting him from moving his core in order to maintain that, and I will insist upon it for a few more days.”
“What did Lori and Rick say?”
“I haven’t spoken to them yet. I suppose one could argue I was practicing the proposal with you.” Mr. Greene rubs the spot on his forehead in between his eyebrows. “If his parents agree, I would like both Patricia’s and your hands on deck. You take direction well, and have much more experience with human medical cases than Margaret.”
You must look as overwhelmed and unconvinced as you feel, because he shakes his head at you and goes on to say, “I’m telling you this in earnest. You did an extraordinary job getting that child’s vein on the first try, at a time when he was profoundly hypovolemic, not considering the emotional trial you were undergoing during the event and the two injuries you sustained in its onset that could have interfered.”
“There’s no need to butter me up, I’ll be there for him,” you mumble. Why is he suddenly being so generous with the compliments?
He appears to sigh again, and next turns to his daughter. “Beth, sweetheart, would you mind putting the tea kettle on for me? I want to ensure privacy while Y/N and I discuss some matters a bit further.”
That tiny seed of dread is still firmly rooted in your gut.
When you see in your side-vision that Beth is off in the kitchen, you state the prepared phrase quickly and quietly. “About your question earlier: Shane is a good and decent man, he simply hasn’t been himself.” There.
Mr. Greene gets that serious, discerning look on his face again. “Has he spoken to you about what happened that night? It must be weighing on him heavily.”
Your posture slumps and you can’t meet his gaze. “He ain’t even talked to Rick about it.”
The front door opens again.
Lori’s back from wherever she had gone. She looks like she’s close to passing out. You even begin to stand because she really doesn’t look well. “Lore, are you feelin’ alright?”
“Just feeling extra tired, honey,” is what she tells you as she walks blindly to the hallway, then stops and heads toward the kitchen. You sit down when you hear the faucet turn on.
“One last question for now, and I thank you for allowing me to do so. The man who walked into my house before, the one who often carries the crossbow?”
“Daryl,” you confirm, somewhat cautious.
“Will he be a problem?”
Your head is shaking ‘no’ before he’s finished asking. “He can come across as…” You shrug, unable to think of a word. “But he’s proven himself to be remarkably…good. My mama would call him a work-in-progress.”
But Mr. Greene’s response is completely justified. “I cannot help but somewhat wonder against your statement when I and my family all noticed the schutstaffel symbol on his motorcycle.”
Holding up your hands as if trying to prove your innocence, you explain, “It was his brother’s, he’s no longer with us. And we all hate it, too.” You grimace in disgust and mutter, “I don’t think Daryl even knows what it means.” With a peek at the doctor’s unreadable expression, you unhelpfully mention, “Glenn and I are keepin’ an eye out for black spray paint to fix it.”
Lori’s footsteps sound back down the hallway. The door to Carl’s room opens and closes.
“Do you feel safe around the man, Y/N?”
“Yes, oddly enough.”
“Why ‘oddly enough?’” he counters.
Is there a bright interrogation lamp over your head? “He comes across as otherwise, and he can be a hot-head,” you concede, shrugging one shoulder. “But he never leered at the women, and the kids didn’t feel uncomfortable or unsafe around him. He hunts for us, is teaching me how,” you go on, then feel testy enough to meet his gaze head-on. “And he’s spent more time out there searchin’ for Sophia than any of us.”
“He never made, um, I’ll call them ‘advances,’ toward you? I don’t know his inclinations, but Margaret is about your age, my Beth is even younger, and I likewise worry about Jimmy’s safety in that way. Their—” he cuts off as the front door opens yet again.
It’s Rick this time. He greets the two of you, pecks a kiss on your head, and goes down the hall.
Mr. Greene takes a moment as if he’s collecting his patience. “Their safety is paramount. And as you can imagine, having strange, angry, armed men tramping around my house and property feels like a very risky game.”
“He’s made none at all to me, and I-I don’t think to others, neither.” No way, y’all would have discussed that. Andrea would’ve been very outspoken about it if he’d ever stared at her chest, for one. “We would have discussed that.”
But whatever the thoughts in his head are, you can’t quite to read them in his expression. And he changes the subject.
“Thank you for your honesty,” he repeats, sighing. “Now, with your permission, I would like to reexamine your shoulder before sending you on your way.”
He told the boy about the flower, all about the search, and even about having been lost for nine days when he was a kid. He sanitized it for Carl’s sake, obviously, made it seem like an adventure.
Sophia is his friend, he’d needed to hear it. At this point, everyone should know so they won’t write that little girl off as a goner.
Weird thing was, the teenage girl—sorry, ‘Beth’— had walked in there partway through and sat herself down as if she didn’t trust him to be alone with the boy.
He ignored her and kept telling Carl stories.
Now the kid’s asleep, still with his dad’s giant deputy hat on.
At one point, Carl fake-complained that “After this, it’ll be forever until they let me go hunting with you guys.”
So, he reminded him, “I told ya: be this tall or when your voice changes, then you can come with.”
Beth is reading her book, still sitting kinda stiff as if she’s nervous.
As for he himself, he’s just listening to a clock ticking and thinking that he wants a smoke and another beer and to not be around someone who doesn’t like him, even if it was just Baby Spice.
When Lori came back into the room with a glass of water, she looked paler than her kid, and that’s saying something. Carl’s about as tan as a sheep.
He didn’t think he should leave, to be honest, she looked so drained. So, he sat there.
Wondered what the hell to do and felt awkward as fuck.
It can’t have been more than three minutes when Rick quietly steps into the room.
Relieved, Daryl stands up, grunts “Night,” before zooming out.
Trying not to stomp too loud, he walks out of the hall to find Dr. Farmer doing stuff with Y/N’s arm.
The old man straightens it. Positions it forward. Up. To the side. Up. Asks them to apply pressure from different angles. Has them twist their neck side to side, up and down.
Daryl leans against the wall and crosses his arms.
Sometimes it looks like it hurts them, sometimes not. They make eye contact with each other for a second. Y/N gives him a resigned look, he blankly offers a thumbs up in response.
Then he wonders what the hell he’s waiting for and to stop being creepy, and so stands back up and figures he’ll leave.
“It was mentioned before that your shoulder was previously injured?” the old man questions Y/N.
The door to Carl’s room clicks open again, Lori and Beth exit. Beth scurries away, Lori starts to make for the door.
“About a month-ish back,” Y/N replies.
“What was the mechanism of injury?”
“Um, we was tryin’—we were trying,” they rephrase it, less twangy than usual, “to escape from someplace with a…very shut door. We, um, the pain started after I rammed against it too hard.”
Lori stops where Y/N is sitting and lightly smooths some flyaways in their hair.
The old man makes a hm. “That was the original injury?”
And Lori cuts in, weirdly enough. “It was a slight twisting injury.” Softly, he can hear her murmur, “Honey, remember what happened a couple days before that?”
Y/N looks confused, then remember whatever it was. Their mouth opens, closes.
As he finally walks by and out the door, he ears them whisper all shy, “Th-that only bothered me for a few hours after.”
“A twisting injury makes much more sense for the other affected areas to which the pain is radiating, especially the neck and chest,” Mr. Greene affirms.
You didn’t even remember that your shoulder technically got hurt when you attacked Ed. After all, your jaw had been what was bothering you the most.
It’s still so wild to you that you’d gone so…wild.
“Lori, don’t let Carol know—oh, and Daryl, you neither,” you call in case he’s still in earshot. That woman can’t find out, she’ll blame herself.
“If you didn’t recall the initial injury as having been serious, consider it having been akin to small ding in a windshield. Minor impact or driving into a pothole in the road can lead to a bigger crack, and from there, much more serious damage at a moment’s notice. Likewise, having a small injury, even a barely noticeable tear, made the force against the, uh, door injure you more than it may have,” he explains, “which eventually, if the injury did not fully heal or heal properly, worsened still when you carried young Carl here.”
Lori kisses you on the head and places her hands on your shoulders, rubbing them gently.
“Now, I have just about zero knowledge of physical therapy, but Pat will remember the exercises Jimmy needed after a baseball injury last year to his shoulder. In fact, he went back outside to your group’s fire, you can ask him there. They may be helpful.” He stands. “Now, Lori, I’d please like to speak to you and Rick about something important.”
When Y/N came out of the farmhouse, their brother sped over to them and helped them walk back. They ain’t even talking or nothing now, they’re just sitting quietly listening to the conversation and staring into the fire. By the looks of it, they’re dozing off a little against their brother’s shoulder.
Y/N had a silent, tiny cry soon after they first got back, too. Shane simply put his arm around them.
The basic way he’s noticed everybody handle that stuff was to just allow the person get the tears out in peace and not make a big deal about it. Maybe pat the person on the back or whatever but nothing dramatic. There are more reasons to cry these days, you know?
Anyway, Carol is warming up Y/N’s oatmeal.
As for himself, he’s just about to—wait a sec, only a few gulps left—ah, okay, yep, he’s done with his third beer of the night.
Except he doesn’t even have the spins yet, what bullshit. Why doesn’t he just go to bed?
It can’t be because he’s clinging, no way.
Aw, lil Darylina wants to feel like he belongs by clutching to his only friend like a little blankie.
Ugh, you know what? He could just have a fourth beer and shut up. Still got two left back at his tent, and he could crash after. He’ll need the full night’s rest if he’s gonna find Sophia tomorrow. Check out the road, check out the ridge, get that little girl back safe.
You must’ve fallen asleep because all you remember after you stopped sniffling was that suddenly Shane was tapping you so you’d sit up. He stood and quietly set off somewhere, passing Lori on his way.
Huh. Lori. You’d been dreaming that she was crying around the campfire. That must be because you had a cry and knew Lori wanted to talk—oh poop, you haven’t talked to her yet, have you?
As you blink a few times to clear the brain fog, Carol hands you a bowl of oatmeal. Smells yummy.
Lori sits by you. Carol hands her a bowl, too. She lifts her spoon but does nothing else. It’s as if she’s miles away as she stares at her boots.
“It’s true, my dad wore his Bulldogs jersey every Saturday,” you overhear Jimmy say. “I wish he could’ve, um…” He pauses when his voice cracks.
If this is where the conversation had been heading, it makes sense to you why your brother hurried off. The guilt from what happened with Otis. You brush away those horrible, heartless, stupid doubts in your head about what happened that night and pass Lori the unused glass by you that she’s gesturing to.
Lori holds out the glass and Carol pours him some of the Tang that Jimmy brought for you all in the pitcher. The kid takes a big gulp, and T-Dog  delicately taps Jimmy’s glass with his beer bottle in ‘cheers.’
“He would’ve been so excited to meet you, Mr. Douglas.”
“Nah, I ain’t nobody impressive, Jimmy. But your dad?” T-Dog’s serious expression warms into a grin. “The dude who volunteered on the regular to save lives? I woulda been honored to have met that man.”
Sniffing, Jimmy clears his throat and takes another few sips of his drink. Lori rubs his back a few times from where she’s kneeling, then gets up and sits back by you.
“His favorite game was the day after Thanksgiving, 1994. I was a baby so I can’t remember, but the way he retells the story every Thanksgiving makes me feel like I do.”
“That was a damn satisfying game, let me tell ya. Perfect way to finish the season.”
Cue Jimmy’s eyes to expand two times their normal size as T-Dog begins to chuckle.
“Were you…y-you were playing during that game? The Dawgs obliterated Georgia Tech, it was 48 to 10!”
“Hell yeah we did, kid.”
The discussion morphed to video games and how the teenager’s never fired a gun “Other than in video games at my friend’s house.”
Proper farm boy, minus the part where he’d need to know his way around a rifle to deter hogs and all that. He had a BB gun, and “did skeet shooting with Dad’s shotgun a couple times? We used birdshot, so it was easy enough.”
That’s when Glenn and he hopped into a happy little discussion about…eh, Daryl isn’t sure. He needs to sleep.
Y/N is dosing again, otherwise they’d probably be just as excited to talk about whatever Glenn and farm boy are into. He’s still weirdly disappointed he didn’t get to talk with Y/N. Find out their big secret…or just hang and feel wanted.
Sweet baby Darylina, you getting all mopey? Are you PMSing, sugar?
Dale already excused himself to hit the sack, Lori looked like she was about to. That woman’s looked tired as fuck even before all that went down at the highway.
However, Y/N is accidentally using them as a pillow, and Lori has her head resting against Y/N’s with this look across her face like she’s having war flashbacks.
He closes his eyes for a moment as he stretches before standing up to just get back to his tent already.
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“Honey,” softly whispered in your ear pulls you out of a similar dream to the one you woke from earlier, but this time, Lori was crying in the house and her older sister was with her. Mr. Greene was sitting at the table and frowning. Shane was trying to get inside. Mama was outside with him but had her hands covering her face.
Rick and you were by the door, but it was almost as if you were guarding it.
Dreams can be so creepy. And stupid, like, as soon as you saw Evie, you should’ve realized it wasn’t real life.
Back to the here and now, Glenn and Jimmy are really into whatever they’re talking about. Videogames? You’d probably be into it if you weren’t half-asleep.
Lori stands up. Hold up, are her eyes wet?
“You should head to bed, too, come on.” She holds her hand out to help you up. Taking it with your good arm, you hold on when you stand, and the two of you bid your goodnights to the group.
Aw, Daryl is asleep where he’s sitting, can you believe it?
It’s when his head flops forward that he finds himself jolting awake.
Turns out, like his friend, he also fell asleep right there in front of the campfire.
Except now Y/N and Lori are gone.
…This night has been really annoying, just saying.
Actually standing up this time, he grunts what probably passes as a ‘goodnight’ and shuffles drowsily storms off to his tent, set apart from the others.
Ears still ringing, you walk slowly to your tent and wonder where Sophia’s sleeping. “I just had the funkiest dream, Lore. Evie was in it.”
The muscles in her arm tighten. “Evie?”
“She looked good. Had on civvies instead of a uniform.” You chuckle to keep it light. “She was hugging you.”
Lori runs her hand over her face. Once at your tent, she and wishes you a “Goodnight, Y/N,” and wraps her arms around you in an unusually tight embrace that she maintains.
“Did you wanna talk now?” you check. “We kept gettin’ interrupted.”
She avoids eye contact as she pulls back and assures you, “It-it’s okay, honey, it’s nothing.”
Memories of that strange night and morning at the CDC start replaying in the back of your mind. There’s a red flag waving with it, but maybe that’s due to your weird nap dream a few minutes ago.
Still, you offer, “I can talk about nothing, easy.”
She hesitates. Inhales.
But all she finally says, with a smile that doesn’t convince you, is, “I just need some sleep.”
White lie. You almost tell her she owes a quarter.
Her lip wobbles and she hugs you again, and you squeeze back as much as your shoulder will allow.
“I’ll see you at breakfast, honey, okay?”
“Make sure you sleep in, Miss Patricia mentioned that. G’night, Lori, love you.”
And as she pulls her button-down off her hips to put it back on, whatever was in her back pocket falls out.
Ha, why does she have a digital thermomet…oh.
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Oh my.
Ohh my, okay. Okay.
That wasn’t a digital thermometer, a fact made clear by the way she scrambled to grab it when she realized it had fallen.
You end up on the floor of your tent, sitting there dazed with your mouth open while the ringing in your ears seems to grow louder. She quickly crouches and pulls the door flap down.
She stops hiding the test and rests her hand in her lap as she sits beside you, her fingers gripping it tightly.
You stare at it.
Yep, it’s a pregnancy test.
It’s got the little plus sign, too.
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staydandy · 2 years
Blind (2022) - 블라인드 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Ryu Sung Joon, an enthusiastic detective, his brother Ryu Sung Hoon, a perfectionist judge, and Jo Eun Ki, a social worker, become involved in a serial murder case involving jury members as the victims. These three individuals try to uncover the truth behind the deaths. (MDL)
Whumpee : Ryu Sung Joon played by Ok Taec Yeon • Ryu Sung Hoon played by Ha Seok Jin
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Thriller, Mystery, Drama
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • This drama is CHOCKFULL of whump! Like, every episode! It's wonderful! I think this is the first drama I've made a list for where literally every episode contains whump • There is a lot of childhood trauma .. I mention when there's flashbacks/memories, but I do not describe in detail what happens to the children in my list. • This is a very cerebral show. You have to pay attention! When you think you finally know what's going on.. you really don't. I enjoy shows like this every now and then, but damn do I get twisted around! • Check out my Character Key. It's how I kept track of everything through the show; what was happening, & who's who. However it has all the major spoilers in it, so beware of that.
Episodes on List : 16 Total Episodes : 16
*Spoilers below*
01 : Ryu Sung Joon rolls himself down a hill in a bag (comedic) … Attacked with a knife, cut
02 : (near end) Stabbed, collapses, passes out … nightmare of childhood trauma, wakes in hospital
03 : … continued from previous ep. ... Hospitalized … scared by a dog, flashback of childhood trauma
04 : (near end) Hood put over his head, knocked out … wakes tied up, hood still on his head ... beat up … jumps down a steep hill to escape, rolling & injured, knocked out
05 : Severely hurt, barely standing, bloody & limping .. passed out … being cared for, tied up, wakes briefly before passing out again … nightmare … running around while still injured, exacerbating his injures
06 : Nightmare
07 : In a fight … Migraine as he starts to recall forgotten childhood memories; ears ringing, collapses .. found passed out
08 : Hits himself in the head with a hardboiled egg to crack it 😂 (comedic) … (near end) Migraine as he recalls childhood memories; flashbacks, dizzy, collapses ... drugged, passes out
09 : Wounds his hands trying to pull a thin cord … in a fight, beat up ... Ryu Sung Hoon is held & strangled with a chain … slapped … Sung Joon is arrested … strangled, passes out
10 : Migraine, ear ringing, remembering childhood memories … passes out drunk … migraine, ear ringing
11 : (at end) Sung Hoon is stabbed
12 : … continued from previous ep. ... Hospitalized, comatose … Sung Joon has a nightmare
13 : Sung Hoon is attacked while still in the hospital, choked
14 : (near end) Sung Joon is pushed down some stairs, knocked a little senseless but doesn't pass out, recalls childhood memories
15 : … continued from previous ep. ... (replay) Sung Joon is pushed down stone stairs, knocked a little senseless but doesn't pass out, recalls traumatic childhood memories
16 : Sung Hoon is shot in the arm.. beat up by Sung Joon, passes out … imprisoned … attempted suicide, hospitalized
More Whump Lists for this show: love-me-a-lotta-whump
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that-fandom-writer · 1 year
yeah i did it again over 700 on Wopez
Ok so Wesley Evers and Angela Lopez
I absolutely love them they are amazing together. They grew up in very, very different households. He was rich, basically got everything he ever wanted that would turn some people in to entitled shit heads but not him, he has a heart for the little guy. He could have easily become a huge hot shot lawyer in a big firm but he refused. He helps anyone he can whenever he can.
Angela is the only girl of a single mother with 4 brothers, then she chose a male dominated job. She has always had to be a tough person. She has always had tough skin. She is a strong independent woman who loves fiercely
Now the two of them together is magic, legit magic. He has always had everything just so, things planned, clean cut and all that jazz and then she came into his life strong and messy, but he loves every minute of it. They fight hard but they love harder.  She has never really allowed herself to vulnerable but he came into her life, and lit a spark of love in her that she had never known possible before.
When he was stabbed, and he was getting PTSD afterwards, she did everything she could to help him through it. He probably got nightmares and she was there for him. The love that he showed her it was ok to open up and feel, and then she took care of him
The fact that they both had the same kind of worries and fears over the proposal they both said “what if the ring falls out of the hot air balloon” they were both worried. Then the fact that he just surprised her with the proposal before they went on their trip. The speech he gave her, the fact that he went over so much he cares, and then when she said “you’ll never know if you don’t ask” because she HAD to add in a smart ass comment because that is just what they have to have in their dynamic
They are friends and lovers and that makes for a great combination. The fact that even early on she was scared to loose him, when the fight over the messy house. The fact that when she took the pregnancy test he had it in his pocket all day, and then she was scared, but he calmed her down, “you’re gonna look beautiful in your dress, and ill cry and you’ll make fun of me for the rest of our lives” “no I wont” he just looked at her and then “ok yes I will”
The wedding planning. The fact that he was on board and team of having Tim help with everything, and not a single hint of jealously from him, a lot of guys would be jealous that their girlfriend has a male best friend, but not Wesley, he was also all into letting Tim deal with a lot of the stuff
When she was taken. He literally sacrificed his career to save her. He went to a criminal to get help to get her back, yes he also enlisted the help of her friends, who also all risked their lives to go save her. The show didn’t really cover her ptsd, but we all know it was there, we all know that she had to have had nightmares and he was there for her just like she had taken care of him. I know that Wesley liked Jackson just fine as well, but I love that he had no issue with her naming their son Jackson
When it came out that he had cheated on an ex and he told her that he wouldn’t ever cheat on her and she said “yeah because you’re afraid of me “  “because I love you”  they just love each other so very much  
On the episode of Feds when he got stuck in the Das office, the way she was with the feds outside “im not just some scared wife im a cop who knows this building like the back of my hand”
And then when the team breached, she went in, she wasn’t on duty, she didn’t care she just loves her husband enough to not care about what others wanted
the day Jack got his shots and she made fun of him for crying and buying Jack all the toys lol
also I just LOVE the dynamic they have with James and Nyla because its like both couples have a similar dynamic, tough independent woman with the man who is just the right amount of sunshine to melt them down a bit
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somethingvicked · 2 years
Billy Hargrove RP
"Yes, Nancy knows too. I'm pretty sure Jonathan likes her, he just won't admit it. That's when I realized what was going on was bigger than what was going on with Will." she answered.
"Eleven has a tattoo with the number 11 on her left wrist, I assume she has a real name we're not sure what it is. We call her El for short. The people at Hawkins Lab are convinced that she's dangerous, but I'd be dangerous too if they treated me like a lab rat. She wasn't dangerous to us, my mom was so sweet with her. I miss her, she probably likes waffles more than I do."
Joanna sat patiently with Billy as he thought of more questions. She frowned a bit when he wondered if it was over after Will came home.
"I'd like to say yes, it is over. We thought it was over for awhile. I mean he was still freaked out when the lights flickered or if the phone rang. I hate that he isn't the same as he was. Now that it's almost been a year since Will was taken, we think he's having flashbacks and nightmares. He's been seeing a doctor at Hawkins Lab, and they'll ask him about any 'episodes' he's had. I think the monsters are gone now." she added.
"I'm so grateful that you do believe me, part of me was more scared of you not believing me. I had no idea if you believed in other dimensions or anything like that.
"Wait a minute," Billy said, "didn't you say that Hawkins Lab is where they kept this girl, El?" he wondered. "And they are ... what, treating your brother now? Is that really wise?"
Billy snorted a little when she said that Jonathan liked Nancy. He guessed he could see the appeal. Nancy wasn't bad looking by any means and she seemed smart and kind. But ... boring.
"Isn't she with Harrington?" he wondered, rolling his eyes. "Alhough not too enthusiastic about it, if the shit I heard in the locker room was correct. Anyway ... I have never wanted to think about other dimensions or aliens, ghosts or demons ... I figured we had enough shit in this filthy goddamn existence so why add more, you know? So it wasn't so much a question of believing as in ignoring, I guess ... I don't know."
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