#the kitten has decided night time is the time to bat around anything that will skitter loudly across the floor
dawns-beauty · 3 months
Re: current mod plans:
I still don't feel too excited to return to modding. There are plenty of things I could fix, but I just don't feel like it any more.
If it ever changes, I plan on:
Releasing the full version of Lunar Lattice Tweaks. I still have a bit of work to do on it, but @/littlemissf has been kind enough to go through and fix a bunch of stuff!
Adding CBBE/Himbo support for the Dark Lunar Armor in Khajiit Has Wears
Potentially rebooting Project ja-Kha'jay with a new system that allows for better compatibility with mods that edit the Khajiit race. It would also allow for simpler editing. Also, nicer assets. See after cut for details
I don't know about my ideas for humanoid overhauls (like Elderly Elves.) I just don't want to deal with the crap I dealt with for my orc overhaul.
TL;DR: Redoing PJKJ will give mod users who want to put in a little work an easier time editing things.
Will call the reboot Children of the Moons, because to heck with it. Let it match my other NPCs mods.
It will not be a direct update to PJKJ, I don't want to break a gazillion patches/LOs etc.
Will require (at least) two additional mods:
Mu's Skeleton Editor and Dynamic Armor Variants
Why Mu's Skeleton Editor (MSE):
It will allow me to use separate skeletons for a single race. This way, I can keep all Khajiit types the same, default Khajiit race. This will be done by assigning keywords to each NPC that determine a few things, including what skeleton they use.
The real beauty of MSE is that users can create their own edited skeletons in RaceMenu and export them and then replace the undesired skeleton file with their own (OR another modded skeleton, like Bestial Beast Races, etc.)
Optionally, they can edit the .ini file and remove the undesired skeleton from distribution completely.
Why Dynamic Armor Variants (DAV):
DAV will let me distribute digitigrade feet to toe-walking Khajiit and simply replace their shoes with their bare feet (since boots look pretty bad with digitigrade skeletons). This is also easy enough to edit/remove via DAV's .ini.
It will also allow me to force Ohmes/Ohmes-Raht to use humanoid armors without changing their race (theoretically. I need to test this.)
Caveat: modded armors may need to be added. I believe the use-case for this is pretty rare: most variations from humanoid to beast race are in helmet shapes, not the torso part. Most Ohmes/-raht Khajiit NPCs I've edited don't use helmets.
I do plan on adding compatibility for Lunar Guard Armor and Moon Monk (both have tail edits.)
Better Assets
I will replace the Ohmes/-raht with High Poly Heads, and play around with sliders again, as well new eyes, that are able to have proper glowing irises while having proper reflections.
Nearly all of the bestial heads (outside of the serval-like Tojay and 'regular' Khajiit, like Kharjo) will be replaced with versions based on the high poly Khajiit Overhaul heads. I just think the older assets look awkward and don't emote super great (anger looks particularly silly on most of them.)
Additionally, I want to play around with KCCE, and I've also come up with a few complete redesigns. ideas. Heights will be assigned directly in the NPC records (easily tweaked via SSE Edit)
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
Eddie’s been out of the hospital for a few months when he realizes that for all of Steve’s effort in taking care of his friends, no one is really taking care of Steve.  He decides to do something about it.
The next time there’s a D&D gathering at the Wheeler’s, Eddie gets there early with sandwich fixings.  When Steve drops off the kids he pulls him inside, making him help get everything ready.  In the course of cutting silly shapes in the sandwiches (they avoid bats, and stick to panda faces and kittens) there is obviously a lot of sandwich left over, which Eddie and Steve casually eat in order to clean up after themselves.  Eddie schedules all future D&D meetings to conveniently start right around lunchtime so that this happens on a regular basis.
Eddie knows Steve spends a lot of late evenings at the hospital with Max, but he hadn’t realized quite how often he was doing it.  He gets Steve to take him along a few times, and then offers to switch off with him.  It works, and the bags under Steve’s eyes get a little less prominent.
Eddie even finds a way to share the carpooling with Steve, driving some of the kids home after D&D, or taking them to the movies or the arcade.  When Steve protests Eddie takes him along, but it’s always easier with both of them there, giving Steve a break from some of the responsibility.
Finally Max is able to come home from the hospital, and Joyce insists that she stay with them for a while.  Max agrees, seemingly pleased about it, and now she is surrounded by friends and capable adults all the time.  Steve and Eddie suddenly have their evenings free.  Eddie suggests that Steve come over and watch a movie with him, being sure to mention in a tentative tone that Wayne will be out, and true to form Steve figures Eddie doesn’t want to be alone and agrees.
Eddie doesn’t want to be alone, but it’s not just because he still jumps at the slightest sound or dreams of vines that drag him down.  It’s because he wants to be sure Steve has some down time, and what better way than to force him to watch Eddie’s favorite movies over popcorn and pizza?
Eddie admits, later, that he was in denial.  That his interest in having Steve over wasn’t purely unselfish.  That he really wanted some time to hang out with Steve, just the two of them, because he likes Steve so damn much.
Luckily Steve isn’t so easily fooled.  He shows up at Eddie’s trailer that night, looking like a dream in a dark blue button-up, hair flipped up expertly and his skin practically glowing.  
“I know what you’ve been doing,” Steve says, a shy smile on his face.  “You hardly knew Max, yet you spent all the time in the hospital with her.  You hate sandwiches, especially that weird ham that Mrs. Wheeler always buys.  And you suck at pinball.”
“I’m not sure what my prowess at rigged arcade games has to do with anything-”
Steve moves in close, and then Eddie is wrapped in the most wonderful hug  he’s ever experienced.  “No one’s ever taken care of me like that before,” Steve whispers, his breath warm on Eddie’s neck before he pulls back and brushes a soft kiss over Eddie’s lips.  “Thank you.  For noticing.”
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Rending Flesh From the Bone
Ah yes, the dpxdc "drabble" I decided to write for Halloween. Honestly not too enthused with how it came out but posting it anyway. I feel like some parts feel a bit rushed and there might be some plotholes. Oh well. As always, feel free to add on if you so desire.
TW: Gore, Cannibalism, Vomiting, Zalgo Text
Translations for the Zalgo are available at the end.
AO3 version
   “Are you sure about this, Hood?”
   Dick stared at the entrance of the abandoned subway tunnel, Jason practically vibrating out of his armor beside him. 
   For once, it was Jason who had broken into Dick’s apartment and not the other way around. He was rambling something about the Joker and needing Dick’s help, and who was Dick to say no? His little brother never sought him out on his own, let alone asked for his help. Never. Dick was so proud! If he rewarded this behavior then maybe Jason would do it again, and somehow that would lead to Dick being able to give him his highly sought-after best big brother hugs whenever he wanted. Dick was still figuring out the intermediate steps.
  The point is that Dick needed to help him, regardless of if this was all based on a gut feeling and not even a whisper that the Joker was around let alone planning anything. What the hell, Dick thought. Sometimes gut feelings are right, and push comes to shove, Dick will follow Red Hood around Gotham until his paranoia dies down. Then Dick can lovingly bully him into brother bonding time.
   So here they were, staring into the gaping mouth of an unused tunnel.
   There are worse ways he could have spent his night.
   Jason grunts, fists clenched as they gaze into the blackness. “It’s almost Halloween. You know how these freaks get this time of year.”
   Dick concedes the point.  
   “Come on,” Jason bumps against his shoulder as he stalks toward the blackness, “He’s down there I just know it.”
   Dick shrugs and follows him in.
   Something about it is oppressive. Like something is warning them to turn back or face the consequences. Dick swallows. He shouldn’t be getting so worked up over this. He had been in closed dark spaces like this before, tighter ones even! 
   Jason is pointing to the ground. Dark splatters. Blood. Fresh, and more than just a little nosebleed. 
   They make their way further in, following the convenient blood trail even as the urge to turn around gets stronger. They only walk a few feet before a loud scream breaks the silence.
   “I fucking told ya Nightwing!” 
   Dick grunts in response as they sprint down the tunnel, following the blood down twists and turns.
   The two vigilantes slide to a stop as the tunnel breaks into a new one. There is something in this new tunnel. Something large and glowing. The Joker is screaming as it bats him around. 
   Dick can’t bring himself to do anything but freeze, watching and assessing. 
   The first thing he sees is the crown. It floats crookedly above the creature’s white hair, bathing the tunnel in light with its green fiery glow. The being’s face almost looks humanoid, with long ears tapering into points. Its body is long and spindly like a man who had been left starving on an island for several weeks. The vertebrae in its neck are visible even underneath its skin. The spinous processes of the vertebrae break through the flesh, creating a long row of protruding bones that clack and rattle as the spine moves. Its pelvis juts out as if only a thin layer of skin is covering it. The ribcage is on the outside of its body like some kind of fucked up turtle shell. Space was underneath it, the purples and blues of nebulas and the blackness of night and twinkling stars and planets rested underneath the bones.
  The creature has the Joker by the neck. It reminds Dick of a cat Damian had fostered, one that had kittens and would carry them gently between her jaws. There is nothing gentle about this though. Red blood drips down to the ground as the Joker thrashes to try and free himself. The jaws tighten viciously around him and the creature shakes, flinging him around like a chew toy before slamming him down into the ground with a growl.
   A skull flashes underneath its face as if its skin and cartilage are merely a transparent overlay. Sharp, jagged bone peaks rise up smoothly from its mandible in a mimicry of teeth.
   The creature’s jaws are still wrapped around the Joker’s throat. He’s scrambling, screeching underneath the being despite the teeth that should be cutting into his vocal cords.  The Joker scratches at its chest, trying to push it away. It merely makes a low staticky hissing noise, one of its hands pinning him down by the shoulder. 
    The other arm raises upwards in the air. It's too long for the body of the creature, fingers tapering into sharp points. 
   The claws slash downwards. 
   The Joker choked on a scream as the digits tore his chest open like it were tissue paper. Mouth still wrapped around his throat, the being flipped a flap of skin and fat upwards like it was turning the page of a book. 
   The Joker continued to struggle, blood and something green gurgling out of his mouth. The being maneuvered itself until it crouched to Joker’s side, twisting his neck with it. 
  The Joker stilled.
   At first, Dick thought he was dead, but then he saw movement inside his chest wound. 
   His lungs.
   His lungs were still moving.
   Dick can see his lungs breathing.
   The creature reaches its hand back down into the Joker’s chest, wrenching the ribcage open with a snap. The Joker begins to struggle once more, red blood and green liquid splattering on the ground.
   One of the clawed hands replaced its teeth, pinning the Joker’s head down as it stuck its face inside the chest cavity. The Joker suddenly froze. When its face remerged a glowing violet orb was held between its teeth. Red and green dripped from its face.
   The green was familiar.
   Glowing green.
   …Lazarus water?
   The tooth-like protrusions pierce the orb with a crack.
   The Joker falls silent.
   His lungs are no longer moving.
   The being’s head tilts back, the shattered orb disappearing down its gullet. It hunches back down over the corpse. The slimy wet sounds of its hands and head digging into the body are sickening. Dick watches as its head remerges with what looks like a kidney. The kidney follows the orb.
   Dick snaps out of his shock, but not quick enough to muffle his strangled gasp. 
   The being catches sight of them, green eyes, lazarus green, boring into them. Dick can see the dark hollows of the skull’s orbits underneath them. His head pounds.
   The creature began to stand. Its joints, too many joints, creaked as it unfolded its legs. It seemed like it struggled to maneuver its stiff limbs. Like it’s fighting against rigor mortis Dick noted absently.  
   Now standing at full height, the being’s crown nearly scraped the top of the ten-foot ceiling. Its maw parted, blue vapor billowing out between the spiked protrusions that were its teeth. The putrid stench of death and burning flesh that invaded the tunnel had Dick gagging. He quietly covered his mouth as he tried to bite back the bile in his throat.
   He glanced back at his brother to find that Jason had taken a step back. It was impossible to see his expression under the helmet, but Dick could read the tightening of his shoulders. Fear. Deep, primal fear. The kind of fear you feel when you know there are no more options. When you know fighting or running is pointless.
   Here, at this moment, the infamous Red Hood looked less like a feared crime lord vigilante and more like a one-week-old gazelle face to face with a lion.
   Dick reached to pull Jason out of sight but the pounding between his eyes made him uncoordinated. He tripped over his own feet and crashed into Jason’s side, gripping his shoulder with shaking fingers as he righted himself. Jason didn’t budge, remaining stock still despite the extra weight of his older brother against him. 
   The creature stared at them, the piercing green glow of its eyes brightening with a spur of power. Its head tilted to the side until it came to rest at well over ninety degrees. A pointed, frostbitten tongue lolled out between its teeth to lick its bloodied face clean.
   “C̷o̷m̶p̴a̵n̵y̵?̵” It sounded like the desolation of space, the static of electricity, the explosion of a star, the final screech before death.
   The space trapped in its chest began to bleed through its ribs, twinkling stars and asteroids and galaxies escaping the confines of their prison to drip down the being’s waist. It ran over its legs, building and thickening until a long serpentine tail had replaced the limbs entirely. Even as the coils moved, the stars and planets stayed in place as if the tail was merely a window. Watching it made Dick motion sick.
  Even as the elongated spines stretching out of its back clanked together in the mimicry of a death rattle, the creature made no move toward them. Another puff of foul-smelling mist escaped its mouth.
   “Y̶o̷u̸ ̶s̵h̴o̷u̴l̵d̶ ̴b̶e̵ ̸m̴o̴r̷e̸ ̴c̷a̴r̸e̴f̴u̷l̵,̷ ̸l̴i̴t̷t̶l̷e̸ ̶g̶h̸o̷s̴t̶l̷i̸n̷g̸.̸” It’s voice boomed, “Y̴o̸u̵ ̶a̸r̶e̵ ̷n̷o̶ ̷m̵a̸t̸c̶h̴ ̷f̴o̵r̴ ̸m̶o̵s̷t̷ ̴s̸p̵i̴r̴i̷t̴s̴ ̵a̸s̸ ̷y̵o̵u̵n̷g̴ ̴a̷s̶ ̶y̶o̵u̶ ̷a̸r̵e̵.̷ ̷E̶s̸p̷e̸c̵i̶a̶l̴l̷y̶ ̶n̴o̵t̷ ̴o̶n̴ ̶S̵a̶m̷h̷a̶i̷n̷.̶”
   The two brothers remained frozen in place. The stars in its tail flickered until millions of eyes were boring into Dick’s soul. With a stuttering gasp, Dick stepped back again. Jason refused to budge despite his urging. The next time Dick blinked the eyes were stars again.
   The being chuckled at them, “N̵o̴ ̴n̶e̸e̵d̷ ̵t̵o̶ ̵f̸e̸a̶r̵,̸ ̵g̸h̵o̶s̶t̶l̸i̴n̴g̶.̸ ̴I̸ ̵d̴o̵ ̷n̶o̶t̴ ̶w̶i̸s̵h̴ ̵y̸o̴u̸ ̷n̷o̵r̴ ̸y̴o̶u̴r̸ ̴f̵r̸a̷i̵d̷ ̴h̵a̵r̷m̸.̶” Dick found that hard to believe considering that they had just watched it eat the Joker’s kidney, “Y̸o̵u̴ ̸a̷r̴e̵ ̵v̵e̸r̸y̶ ̴l̵u̶c̸k̶y̴ ̶i̶t̵ ̴w̷a̴s̴ ̴m̶e̵ ̸w̴h̷o̸ ̸y̶o̷u̵ ̷c̸a̸m̷e̴ ̵a̶c̴r̷o̸s̸s̵ ̶r̸a̴t̷h̷e̵r̸ ̷t̵h̵a̷n̴ ̴a̵n̷o̴t̶h̶e̶r̵ ̷s̴p̷i̸r̸i̴t̸.̵ ̷M̶a̷n̶y̶ ̵w̴o̸u̶l̴d̸ ̷h̸a̶v̸e̷ ̵e̷a̷t̴e̴n̵ ̸y̸o̴u̶ ̴b̵y̷ ̵n̴o̴w̶.̴”
  “I-” Jason finally choked out, “What?”
  The being lowered itself until it was at eye level with Jason. It evaluated him once more before jerking back with what seemed to be an expression of surprise. “O̷h̷ ̸l̵i̶t̷t̵l̷e̵ ̴g̴h̴o̶s̴t̴,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̴ ̸a̴r̵e̸ ̵m̴u̸c̴h̴ ̸y̸o̷u̸n̴g̴e̴r̶ ̵t̶h̷a̶n̸ ̶I̵ ̵h̸a̷d̸ ̴t̵h̵o̵u̸g̸h̵t̵!̵ ̴Y̴o̵u̶r̵ ̷c̵o̴r̸e̵ ̵i̴s̴ ̷n̸e̷w̶ ̶a̷n̷d̵ ̸u̶n̶d̴e̷r̵n̴o̸u̸r̶i̶s̸h̵e̴d̴.̶ ̸N̴o̵ ̴w̸o̴n̸d̵e̶r̶ ̷I̷ ̴h̵a̸d̴ ̷n̵o̷t̴ ̴s̸e̸n̴s̵e̵d̵ ̸y̸o̶u̶ ̶b̷e̵f̵o̷r̷e̶!̴ ̶H̵a̵v̷e̶ ̶y̶o̷u̴ ̷b̵e̵e̵n̵ ̶e̸a̷t̸i̷n̴g̶?̸”
   Its tone seemed almost doting, motherly even. The image was broken by the fact that it was currently leaning closer toward them, supporting itself on what was left of the Joker’s exposed ribcage. 
   Jason shook his head in dumbfounded horror.
  The creature seemed to take it as an answer, humming in what felt like parental disappointment. “Y̶o̶u̷ ̵n̵e̴e̴d̸ ̶t̷o̷ ̷t̶a̵k̸e̵ ̷b̴e̸t̵t̵e̸r̶ ̷c̸a̶r̸e̴ ̶o̷f̶ ̸y̴o̴u̴r̵s̸e̷l̶f̴,̴ ̵l̷i̸t̴t̷l̶e̵ ̶g̶h̵o̸s̵t̴.̵ ̵I̵'̴v̸e̴ ̴n̵e̸v̴e̶r̸ ̸s̵e̵e̵n̷ ̴s̵u̶c̵h̵ ̸a̶n̴ ̸u̶n̷d̷e̸r̶n̶o̴u̸r̸i̸s̵h̸e̵d̶ ̷c̶o̶r̷e̴.̸ ̷Y̷o̶u̴ ̸m̴u̶s̷t̷ ̸b̷e̷ ̷a̵b̵l̷e̸ ̴t̸o̴ ̸f̸e̸e̶l̷ ̸t̶h̵e̸ ̸e̸f̷f̵e̷c̷t̵s̴.̶ ̵A̴r̴e̴ ̶y̴o̴u̶ ̴i̵n̸ ̸p̸a̵i̴n̶?̴”
   Dick knew that he was. If it wasn’t the emotional torment of the pit madness it was chronic pain. There had been many nights where he had to tend to his brother, trying everything from painkillers to ice packs to numbing cream in an attempt to stop it.
   Jason nodded hesitantly, “Yes…” he took his helmet off, letting it drop to the ground. His eyes were burning lazarus green, “It hurts all the time… like there’s a fire burning in my chest. It gets hotter and hotter and hotter until I feel like my brain is gonna melt outta my ears.”
   The creature slithered closer with a rumbling coo. It offered a hand to Jason. Its fingers curled unnaturally. It looked like it had an extra knuckle. “C̷o̷m̷e̴ ̵h̸e̷r̸e̴,̵ ̸g̴h̷o̴s̵t̷l̷i̸n̸g̶.̴ ̴I̷ ̷w̶i̴l̶l̸ ̸s̸h̴a̸r̸e̴ ̷m̶y̶ ̸c̷a̴t̵c̶h̴.̷ ̷I̵ ̷c̵a̴n̷ ̶s̶e̴n̴s̴e̵ ̸t̵h̴e̸ ̵c̴o̵n̷n̸e̵c̴t̶i̷o̷n̷ ̶t̴h̴i̵s̵ ̷r̸e̸v̷e̷n̴a̴n̸t̴ ̴h̴a̶s̸ ̸t̷o̷ ̸y̶o̶u̵.̶ ̷A̸s̸ ̵y̷o̷u̶r̴ ̷k̷i̵l̸l̶e̶r̶,̶ ̵f̵e̸a̵s̷t̴i̴n̸g̶ ̸o̴n̷ ̵h̵i̷m̶ ̸w̷i̴l̵l̵ ̴h̷a̸v̶e̷ ̶e̸x̶t̸r̶a̴ ̶b̶e̷n̸e̵f̸i̵t̷s̴.̸”
   Jason reaches out to accept the hand. Dick throws himself between them, “Little Wing, what the hell! You aren’t seriously going to… you're not…”
   “I… I need it, Dick.” Jason wiped drool from his lips. Dick caught the flash of fanged teeth, sharper than they should have been. “I don’t know how to explain it but I just- I’m so fucking hungry.”
   Dick… Dick wasn’t scared of Jason. He wasn’t. But at that moment, he felt like he needed to run. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t abandon his little brother to this…thing.
   “I̸ ̵u̶n̵d̴e̸r̶s̸t̵a̷n̴d̵ ̷y̶o̴u̶r̴ ̸a̵p̶p̷r̸e̶h̴e̷n̶s̷i̵o̸n̵.̵” the being addressed him, Dick struggled to look it in the eyes, the pounding of his head increasing, “A̶s̷ ̷a̷ ̶l̴i̷v̵i̴n̷g̴ ̷i̸t̸ ̴f̴e̵e̶l̸s̷ ̴w̷r̶o̶n̶g̵,̶ ̶s̴i̶c̵k̴e̴n̴i̶n̵g̴ ̶e̴v̷e̷n̸.̷ ̴I̸t̷ ̵t̷o̸o̶k̷ ̸m̵e̴ ̶a̶ ̷l̶o̸n̴g̸ ̸t̵i̴m̷e̵ ̵t̵o̸ ̷c̵o̵m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̴ ̷t̷e̸r̷m̸s̸ ̸w̶i̶t̴h̸ ̴i̸t̴.̷ ̵I̶ ̴u̸n̵d̶e̵r̷s̸t̶a̴n̶d̸.̸ ̴B̷u̴t̵ ̴i̵t̷ ̸i̵s̷ ̸s̸o̵m̸e̸t̷h̶i̸n̷g̶ ̷o̷u̸r̵ ̷s̴p̸e̷c̷i̵e̵s̸ ̷n̸e̸e̶d̵s̸.̵ ̸S̵u̶r̸e̷l̸y̶ ̴y̷o̷u̴ ̸m̶u̷s̴t̷ ̴h̴a̸v̸e̷ ̷w̴i̴t̸n̴e̸s̴s̵e̶d̸ ̶t̴h̷e̴ ̴e̴f̴f̶e̷c̴t̴s̶ ̶o̴f̴ ̶s̵t̶a̶r̴v̷a̸t̶i̶o̶n̴ ̵o̴n̸ ̸y̵o̷u̶r̷ ̶f̵r̵a̶i̷d̸m̶a̷t̶e̸?̵”
  Moments flash through Dick’s head. Jason breathes as he struggles against the pit so hard that Dick starts to worry his brother will pop a lung. Jason looked at the remains of another destroyed glass in dismay, before practically sprinting to hole himself up somewhere Dick couldn’t find him. Jason sobs into his shirt, begging him to make it stop, to take the pain away as Dick watches on helplessly.
   “I̷t̵ ̷w̸i̷l̵l̶ ̵o̷n̶l̵y̷ ̷g̷e̵t̵ ̷w̴o̸r̴s̸e̶ ̶i̷f̷ ̶h̴e̷ ̷d̵o̶e̶s̴n̸'̶t̷ ̸e̵a̶t̴.̵ ̶E̴v̶e̵n̵t̸u̴a̴l̸l̵y̸,̸ ̵t̴h̴e̵ ̵s̶t̶a̶r̴v̷a̵t̶i̸o̵n̵ ̸w̴i̷l̵l̵ ̶b̴e̶ ̶s̶o̷ ̸b̷a̶d̸ ̷h̷i̸s̵ ̴c̷o̴r̵e̵ ̷w̷i̸l̷l̴ ̷s̷e̵l̸f̵-̷c̴a̷n̴n̷i̵b̷a̶l̵i̵z̴e̷.̵”
   “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
   “I̶ ̷a̵m̵ ̷K̶i̶n̷g̷ ̷P̶h̵a̴n̸t̵o̶m̵ ̵o̸f̷ ̵t̶h̴e̸ ̶I̴n̶f̶i̵n̷i̶t̸e̶ ̶R̷e̶a̸l̴m̷s̴,̷ ̶t̴h̷e̶ ̵A̸n̶c̵i̶e̵n̶t̵ ̵o̵f̵ ̵S̸p̸a̶c̸e̸,̶ ̶P̷r̸o̶t̶e̴c̵t̸o̷r̷ ̴o̶f̷ ̶t̷h̸e̸ ̵L̷i̸v̵i̷n̸g̸ ̸a̵n̷d̴ ̸D̷e̸a̴d̴,̷ ̷t̵h̷e̴ ̶O̸n̸e̴ ̸W̶h̶o̶ ̷L̷i̴e̴s̷ ̸I̴n̶ ̴B̴e̷t̸w̴e̵e̴n̵,̷ ̶t̴h̶e̷ ̴K̵i̴n̶g̵ ̸o̷f̶ ̶G̶h̷o̴s̸t̷s̵.̴” What almost looks like a smile splits across his face, “I̴f̸ ̶I̶ ̴w̵e̶r̴e̵ ̷n̵o̸t̵ ̶a̴w̷a̸r̷e̶ ̶o̶f̵ ̶m̷y̸ ̵p̶e̴o̶p̷l̴e̸'̵s̵ ̸n̷e̶e̴d̵s̵ ̷I̴ ̶w̵o̷u̸l̵d̴ ̷b̴e̶ ̴a̸ ̷v̴e̵r̵y̷ ̷p̴o̸o̷r̸ ̴k̶i̸n̷g̸ ̶i̵n̶d̷e̸e̷d̴.̸”
   Dick turns back to Jason. His brother hasn’t looked this small since before his death. He’s shaking. He looks desperate.
   Dick steps to the side.
   Jason lets out a stuttering breath but remains still otherwise, hands clenched at his sides.
   The newly dubbed King Phantom returns to the corpse, digging through fluid and meat. “I̴f̷ ̸i̴t̷ ̷i̶s̴ ̸a̸n̸y̴ ̵c̴o̵n̸s̸o̵l̶a̸t̷i̷o̵n̶,̷ ̵h̶e̵ ̷w̶i̴l̵l̵ ̸n̴o̷t̸ ̶n̷e̸e̶d̴ ̵t̶o̵ ̶e̸a̵t̴ ̴o̷f̴t̶e̸n̶.̸ ̸O̵n̴c̸e̸ ̴o̸r̴ ̸t̶w̷i̴c̸e̵ ̷e̸v̷e̸r̸y̶ ̷f̴i̶f̸t̵y̶ ̵y̸e̷a̴r̶s̶ ̸o̷r̴ ̷s̴o̵ ̷s̵h̵o̶u̶l̵d̶ ̸b̶e̸ ̸e̴n̸o̵u̸g̵h̴ ̶t̸o̶ ̸k̶e̴e̵p̶ ̴h̶i̶m̷ ̶r̸e̴l̶a̷t̷i̸v̶e̷l̶y̸ ̵h̶e̵a̸l̶t̸h̶y̴.̶“ He pulls out the Joker's liver with bloody claws. "C̷o̴m̷e̵ ̶h̵e̸r̸e̷,̵ ̷g̸h̵o̴s̷t̷l̵i̸n̴g̸," he purrs, offering it to Jason as if it were an apple instead of a human organ, "I̴ ̴k̴n̶o̷w̸ ̷y̸o̴u̵'̶r̵e̷ ̴h̶u̶n̷g̶r̸y̷.̶ ̵T̴h̵e̸ ̷e̶c̴t̴o̵p̷l̶a̶s̷m̷ ̸i̴n̴ ̶h̷e̷r̴e̵ ̵w̵i̵l̵l̴ ̵h̵e̴l̶p̵ ̵b̵o̵o̸s̶t̵ ̸y̶o̵u̵r̵ ̷o̸w̷n̸ ̶e̶c̷t̴o̴ ̸p̶r̶o̷d̴u̷c̴t̴i̶o̴n̵.̵"
   Jason reaches for it, eyes flicking uncertainly between the liver and the creature’s eyes. Despite everything, Dick almost hopes that he will suddenly come to his senses, slap the hand away, and leap backward gagging in disgust.
  Instead, he wraps a couple of fingers around one of King Phantom’s. His tank of a brother looks minuscule in comparison. Jason stares up at the being with wide eyes, like a child presented with cotton candy.
   “Are you sure I can have it?”
   King Phantom’s chest lets out another deep rumbling purr. “T̶h̷e̴ ̶l̴o̷s̵s̵ ̴i̸s̴ ̵n̸o̴t̶ ̷a̷ ̷g̵r̷e̶a̵t̸ ̴o̷n̷e̴ ̵f̴o̶r̴ ̸m̴e̸.̴ ̵I̵ ̵a̶m̸ ̷p̷o̸w̵e̷r̶f̸u̸l̸ ̵e̶n̸o̶u̷g̷h̵ ̷t̵o̴ ̶s̷u̷r̸v̴i̸v̸e̸ ̵o̷f̵f̶ ̷a̷m̴b̷i̶e̸n̵t̸ ̸e̸c̷t̵o̷p̷l̵a̵s̶m̸ ̸a̶n̸d̴ ̴e̸m̸o̶t̷i̵o̴n̸s̶ ̴l̴o̷n̷g̶e̸r̸ ̴t̸h̸a̵n̸ ̴o̶t̴h̵e̸r̸s̷.̷ ̸B̶e̵s̶i̸d̸e̸s̴,̶ ̴t̵h̵e̶r̴e̷ ̸w̴i̴l̷l̷ ̴a̷l̴w̴a̵y̷s̷ ̵b̸e̴ ̸a̵n̶o̷t̸h̴e̷r̴ ̸c̶r̶i̶m̷i̴n̶a̵l̵ ̸t̴o̸ ̷h̶u̸n̵t̵.̵”
   Jason snatches the liver with burning green eyes. The organ wobbles in his hands. To Dick’s dismay, Jason takes a large eager bite. His expression can only be described as blissed relief like he had just tasted ambrosia. He goes in for another, larger bite before he has even swallowed the first, jaw unhinging like a snake. 
   Dick is never eating Jello again. 
   He watches with detachment as Jason takes a third bite of the liver. His brother’s mouth is painted in red and green like a facsimile of King Phantom’s. For the first time, Jason’s chest stutteringly hums in relieved glee. King Phantom purrs in return as he tucks his face back into the corpse, like some sort of horrific feedback loop. 
   Dick tries to focus on something else, anything else, but the iron stench of blood and burning flesh is inescapable. He tries to avert his eyes away from the gorey pile of what used to be the Joker as his brother and the creature tear into it. The stars that makeup King Phantom’s tail stare at him. They blink. A sharp pain shoots behind his eyes as he shuts them tightly. 
   It feels like he loses time.
   When he opens them again, his brother is gnawing flesh off a rib. The entire front of his body is caked in red and green. King Phantom is staring at him with piercing green eyes. Intestines dangle from between its jaws. Its tongue maneuvers them further into its mouth like they are spaghetti noodles. 
   The bile rises in his throat again. Dick retches against the wall. He wipes the acid from his mouth and leans his forehead against the brick. The coolness of the stone eases the pain zinging between his eyes. He can still hear the squelching of meat and snapping of bone behind him. 
  A noise of concern sounds from his brother.
   Dick turns back in the direction of the horror show, keeping his eyes squeezed tight.
   King Phantom hums in thought. “P̴e̷r̷h̷a̶p̶s̶ ̴i̷t̸ ̵w̶i̷l̴l̷ ̸b̵e̵ ̸e̶a̵s̵i̵e̴r̸ ̶i̷f̴ ̸y̴o̵u̸ ̷w̵a̵i̴t̸ ̶o̷u̸t̵s̶i̵d̵e̷.̸”
    “Y-yeah.” Dick nods, voice cracking. “I think I’ll just… do that.”
   Jason makes a noise of acknowledgment. 
   Another bone snaps.
   Dick quickly makes his way back the way they had come. He stops briefly to vomit again, though there is nothing left in his stomach to throw up. When he emerges from the tunnel entrance he gasps on fresh Gotham air. He wraps his arms tight around himself with shaking fingers as he tries to steady his breathing. With the absence of the creature the pain in his head steadily fades away, though the images of bloody organs and sounds of desperate screaming remain persistent. 
   He’s not sure how long he waits outside, but it's long enough that he begins to worry something happened to Jason. He begins to wonder if the creature pinned him down like it had the Joker, restaining him with his neck between its fangs. What would Dick even do? How could he save his brother from that… thing?
   Jason remerges before he can figure it out. He’s clean of any visible blood or lazarus water, but the acrid tang of death and gore follows him. 
   Jason pleadingly stares at him through the eyes of his helmet. 
   Dick nods.
   They don’t speak of it again.
Zalgo Translations...
"You should be more careful, little ghostling."
"You are no match for most spirits as young as you are. Especially not on Samhain."
"No need to fear, ghostling. I do not wish you nor your fraid harm."
"You are very lucky it was me who you came across rather than some other spirit. Many would have eaten you by now."
"Oh little ghost, you are much younger than I had thought! Your core is new and undernourished. No wonder I had not sensed you before! Have you been eating?"
"You need to take better care of yourself, little ghost. I've never seen such an undernourished core. You must be able to feel the effects. Are you in pain?"
"Come here, ghostling. I will share my catch. I can sense the connection this revenant has to you. As your killer, feasting on him will have extra benefits."
"I understand your apprehension."
"As a living it feels wrong, sickening even. It took me a long time to come to terms with it. I understand. But it is something our species needs. Surely you must have witnessed the effects of starvation on your fraidmate?"
"It will only get worse if he doesn't eat. Eventually, the starvation will be so bad his core will self-cannibalize."
"I am King Phantom of the Infinite Realms, the Ancient of Space, Protector of the Living and Dead, the One Who Lies In Between, the King of Ghosts."
"If I were not aware of my people's needs I would be a very poor king indeed."
"If it is any consolation, he will not need to eat often. Once or twice every fifty years or so should be enough to keep him relatively healthy. "
"Come here, ghostling,"
"I know you're hungry. The ectoplasm in here will help boost your own ecto production."
"The loss is not a great one for me. I am powerful enough to survive off ambient ectoplasm and emotions longer than others. Besides, there will always be another criminal to hunt."
"Perhaps it will be easier if you wait outside."
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scorbusdefensesquad · 7 months
Scorbus Halloween Master List 🎃
we don't have to pretend by dustyspines
"Hey, no," Albus began, tilting Scorpius' chin up so they were looking at each other again. "It's never too late to talk about her. If the feelings are still as raw as they were that day, which they clearly are, and you still both are grieving, then it isn't too late. It'll never be like that." He finished, leaning inwards towards Scorpius and, before either of them could really register what was going on, pressed their lips together. It was short, sweet and slightly too wet (in Scorpius' eyes anyway), but it happened.
"You just kissed me." Scorpius said, in a comment that was meant to remain internal, but of course it slipped out.
Halloween 2021 by torestoreamends
It’s been a year (or forty years, depending on how you look at it) since the events of Godric’s Hollow. A lot has changed in that time, almost all of it for the better, but it’s still Hallows’ Eve. It’s never been the easiest of days.
The Vigil by torestoreamends
Harry and Albus visit Godric's Hollow on Hallow's Eve, to join the vigil taking place outside the Potter's destroyed house. What Are You Putting In The Pumpkin Today? by Wyrdmazer
What will you choose this evening: head or a head? Or maybe more heads?
And, yes, it is a word-play.
Oh! You Pretty Thing by orphan_account
It’s 2021, Albus and Scorpius are in fifth year, and Headmistress McGonagall has surprised the student body by allowing some school-sanctioned mischief to go down over Halloween. It’s all fun and games until someone takes the idea of Trick Or Treat too far, resulting in both Albus and Scorpius getting the wrong end of the stick about a very important matter. Have they done the unthinkable and ruined their friendship forever, or will they come out of the other side stronger (and closer) than ever?
Featuring bats, Boggarts and more David Bowie than you’d expect from a canon-compliant one-shot!
Around the Bonfire by BookofSpells
Albus and Scorpius are invited to a spooky Halloween Bonfire in the Forbidden Forest. It's scary, but not nearly as terrifying as Albus' feelings for his best friend.
Another Deathday Disaster by Hang_In_There_Baby_Crookshanks
When Rose Weasley is invited to Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party, Scorpius Malfoy is desperate to secure his own invitation. As his loving boyfriend, Albus Potter needs a plan to make sure his boyfriend gets to attend. Somehow leading to him joining a club, making friends with a small Ravenclaw, and a disaster in the great hall.
But, it's Nick's deathday, when did anything ever go right?
Memories Of A Night In Time by Augurey_Ray
After two years Albus and Scorpius return to Godric's Hollow. Albus' mind wanders to the memories from his first visit.
Fight for your fairytale by emotionalsupporthufflepuff
Albus decides to push himself out of his comfort zone on Halloween.
A Confusion of Coordinated Costumes by heatherwiththeweather
Albus and Scorpius have their first date to the Hogwarts Halloween dance, which means only one thing-costumes. But of course, nothing can ever run smooth with this pair and on the day of the dance, they realise there has been a costume malfunction which does nothing to help with their increasing first date nerves. It's safe to say that dating isn't as simple as it looks.
Al O'Lantern by Ms_Peppersimp
Albus and Scorpius are carving pumpkins on Halloween and a not-so coincidence occurs when they reveal their designs.
Happy Halloween by CQueen
Five year old Scorpius Malfoy is very sad. Not only is his grandfather being very mean, but against his will Scorpius has been forced to dress up as a kitten for a Halloween party.
The icing on the gross cake of his life is that his magical kitten tail has trapped him outside, and it's up to a very brave little lion to save him.
And not only does the boy in the lion costume save him…but he has a proposal for him. Of marriage.
The Board of Spirits by BookofSpells
“How does it work?” Albus asks, his curiosity piqued. He picks up a small, heart-shaped block of painted wood with a magnifying glass in the centre and taps it against the board. Nothing happens.
“It’s like a game,” Scorpius explains, sitting on the bed and gesturing for Albus to join him. “The kids put their fingers on the planchette and pretend to perform a séance. Supposedly, the spirit communicates with them by moving the planchette over the letters and numbers on the board. There is always one cheeky kid that moves it themselves, to trick the others.”
Albus has been hiding his feelings for Scorpius for as long as he can remember. It takes a bit of luck, a spirit board, and four whimsical spirits to show him what's possible.
The Witches' House by TrueMeg
“I dare you to go to the witches’ house!”
On Halloween night, ten-year-old Albus is brought along with James and his friends to go visit the house at the edge of their village, where a family of witches is said to live. But when Albus ends up stuck at the house, he sees the witches for himself. And learns they’re much more like him in more ways than one.
Untitled by xphineasx
Halloween at Hogwarts by: Sirius Owens Hogwarts has a new Halloween event, costumes. Dressed as a Zombie, Scorpius gains two weird new friends and finally gets a chance to act upon his crush.
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 year
I single parent au when Daniel stays with Eloise at home and Lando is at track he likes to run around a track and one time he finds that someone is following h. It’s little kitten and he came close to him and started looking for owner and there is no one so he decided to take and he manages to bring the kitten back home
This is such a cute idea 🥹
Lando having a running track near their home that he likes to go to and unwind and work out. Sometimes Dan comes with him when Eloise is out with her grandparents or at an activity, sometimes both come and Eloise does a small run or walks around with them but this time she was feeling a little sick. So Dan told Lando go and he'd take care of Eloise.
Lando's near the end of his laps when he hears something. He hears rustling snd some noise so he starts looking around, he sees nothing and keeps running.
And then he hears it again, he still can't see anything though and thinks "I'm just freaking myself out, complete the run and go home". Its on his last lap when he stops for a bit of a breather that something bumps into his calf and when he looks down this little kitten is just peering up at him with big eyes. It's a little white kitten with a pink nose and ears with gingerd markings around his ears and head, and his tail reminds Lando of a ringtailed lemur but with ginger colouring. He is just sitting there, purring loudly before batting at Lando's shoe lace and Lando is smitten. The kitten is friendly, letting Lando handle him but it's clear he needs a vet and that he's been abandoned because he's a bit dirty and skinny
So Lando text's Daniel that he'll be home late and finds an open vet. He takes him for a check up, gets him a schedule for vaccines and some food. The vets even give him a little pet bed, litter tray and litter, and Lando goes home with the kitten he now has to explain to his family
Luckily when Daniel and Eloise see the kitten's head peeking out of Lando's hoodies collar where he had crawled under for warmth, they instantly fall in love with him and they end up spending the rest of the night playing with him, debating names and just cuddling with their newest family member
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 1 year
S.M Notes:
So Rui has developed a lot of spider-like habits but some do cross over with more humanoid habits heres a list of his habits and behaviors:
He bites if he feels threatened and decides that biting is necessary, evidently his bite is venomous, but i have a theory that wether it is or isn't is based on how threatened he feels.
Most of the time he doesn't go searching for humans, instead he prefers to wait for them to come to him and then attack if they are either causing a ruckus or if he's hungry, otherwise he will either tell them to go away or have a chat. Although since the mt.natagumo arc he has started assisting the nearby towns with their bandit problems.
If he needs to go somewhere in his territory that will probably involve a lot of jumping up to or down from high places on foot he will instead "balloon/kite" (the thing where spiders shoot a web into the air when there is a strong breeze and let the web carry them) there instead
He has a strong dislike of loud and/or sudden noises (ex.: fireworks, explosions, balloons popping, thunder, ect.) because his ears are very sensitive and his vision is not the best and he will have to restrain himself from running to find somewhere to hide, he still jumps slightly
He likes shiny things (yes there are actual spiders who like shiny things and use them to attract their prey) and occasionally collects them to place them near traps
He is a little snuggle bug and a clingy one at that who desperately wants all the hugs, cuddles and head-pats especially when he's scared
He likes bunnies, cats, bats and most of all spiders (but because spiders are not very cuddly he "logically" instead has bunny plushies)
He is very snarky and sarcastic around people who make him nervous or annoyed but he will not outright insult someone unless they REALLY piss him off
Thanks to certain older moons he knows how to swear and will if he wants to or feels that it is necessary
He has mixed feelings about snow and cold weather in general
He will consciously try to be scary and intimidating but he forgets he's 4'5 and about as scary/intimidating as a kitten.
Because he became a demon as a child he is still very childish; so he does still draw/doodle, mispronounce/misspell new words and inevitably try to sound them out, swing his legs when sitting somewhere high off the ground and occasionally play pretend when he thinks no one is around to see
He is an adorable little brat, and because he is aware that he is both adorable and a little brat he acts accordingly.
He still does want toys and other things that he can play with (even if he does get a little to rough with them sometimes) but the one set of toys he wants the most is the doll house with every member of the family
He is very much aware of the fact that he has adorably squishable cheeks however he only lets certain people squish his cheeks and they are very few in number. Though he does actually like having them squished and it will make him laugh
He trips a lot... like A LOT a lot
If he is able to he will just zone out while staring at the night sky
When he was human he really liked anything either chocolate or strawberry, and really disliked anything watermelon.
(May or may not have a secret crush on a certain specific 113 y.o white and green haired someone but is kind of a tsundere about it) definitely does not have a crush on anyone at all ever
Because he was an only child as a human he tends to get a bit confused about normal sibling behaviors but he is learning
When he was human he really liked pork-buns and after becoming a demon he would "occasionally" "ask for" some of his older sisters cocoons because they are similar (though he is trying to find a better alternative because according to him webbing is neither edible nor easy to get our of your fangs)
He just really likes being held and carried around, especially when he is able to hear the heartbeat of the one holding him and even more so when the one holding him traces the dots on his face. Its a good way to calm him down or even get him to fall asleep especially when you hum a lullaby
Because of how muzan "raised" him he is awkward with apologies and admitting he is in the wrong but he is learning and will try
He gets a bit skittish for a while after a close call but he does get better after a short while
(Even though he denies it to the full extent he does miss the deceased members of his family and is sad they are gone).not at all missing anyone (shuuuush) As much as he doesn't like to admit it he does feel bad about how he treated his adoptive family and is trying his hardest to be better.
Along with the cat-cradle string tricks he also sews, weaves, beads, crochets and knits if he gets bored
If he needs something to fiddle with and cannot use his webs for one reason or another he will instead twist his hair-curls in his fingers
He likes giving and receiving nicknames as a form of affection. He is also very ticklish especially on his hands, sides, tummy and feet.
Because of his sensitive hearing he often gets confused when people "act" like they can't hear him and start "shouting", without realizing that he is actually whispering or speaking at library volume and other people are speaking at a normal volume
One can tell when he is getting scared/startled or nervous when his hair starts standing on end and poofing up or in the case of being startled; puffs up suddenly. No it doesnt... Yes it does... ....Shush. He also squeaks when he gets startled suddenly. No i don't... again yes you do
While he understands swear words he does not always understand more adult terminology that he overhears from the adult moons and may be tempted to ask the moons that are closer to his age to explain.
He can get very jealous and a bit selfish when it comes to the attention of the people he cares about and who receives it. (Its even worse if its who he has a crush on)
Due to being one of Muzan's favorites, Rui is not above being a tattletale for the benefit of himself or someone he likes
(This is based on a theory that i have that I'm turning into a head-cannon) Because of how blood works and it's ties to a demons blood demon art; He is able to use the blood demon arts that he gives to his "relatives" after a certain amount of time.
He paints his nails/claws and he is not ashamed to admit it (mainly because it makes it easier to see the bases of his threads)
I may add to this list later on.
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bokuroskitten · 3 years
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〈 you and kuroo have been together for years. Bokuto is his closest ally, so what happens when theres a breach.
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† genre/pairing: 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI Yakuza AU, Bokuto Koutarou x Fem!Reader.
† word count: 4.2k
† warnings: dubcon (corersion / power imbalance), pining, fingering (f!receiving), creampie, unproctected sex, aftercare if you squint, possessive behaviour.
❦ this lovely piece is for @sugawara-sweetheart decadence collab! I’m slipping in right before the due date hehe! Please check out all the other amazing pieces in collab. Also shoutout to @semisgroupie for beta reading this for me! Ily dee ❦ please let me know what you all think!
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You can still remember it, the day Kuroo finally asked to be your boyfriend. Standing outside of the gym, still sweaty from practice. He had come all the way to Fukurodani Academy from his college in Tokyo just to make sure he caught you leaving the gym.
He had been so nervous, taking your hand into his and giving you that classic smirk you loved so dearly.
“I know you have a volleyball team to run, but do you think you have time for a boyfriend too?”
You had been together ever since, even when you graduated, even when Kuroo had to drop out to take over for his father, even when you discovered his father ran a large chunk of the Japanese Yakuza’s underground division.
Kuroo had always been careful, he never brought that life home to you. You were his angel, his precious kitten. Whatever hardships, shady dealings, and dangerous activity he had to do was kept away from home. Away from you at any and all costs.
His job and his life with you was kept separate, for your safety mostly. He has enemies on the other side that would do anything to get their hands on the great Kuroo Tetsuro’s little fiancé and that alone was enough for Kuroo to keep you safe, hidden, and protected with the help of his closest allies.
Which consisted of Bokuto Koutarou. You were already well acquainted with the silver owl, considering the two of you had gone to the same high school. Bokuto had gone into the Yakuza around the same time Kuroo did, easily making a name for himself so his father could enjoy the rest of his life without crime attached to his name. Kuroo and Bokuto stayed close, and got even closer when they had to step into this lifestyle.
Allies were important to have, Kuroo and Bokuto knew this and used their long term friendship to their advantage. Bokuto was one of the only people who knew exactly who you were, your true identity and your relationship to Kuroo. He was to look after you if Kuroo had any “business trips” or had to suddenly leave for “meetings.” Kuroo trusted him to keep you safe, and Bokuto promised to do just that.
What Bokuto hadn’t expected was to fall for you.
He had always seen you like a cute underclassman, always trying your hardest to make everyone happy. Never once did he think he’d start to notice the way your hips swayed when you walked, or how plump your lips were when you applied lip gloss.
It had to be your fault. Maybe you were doing this all on purpose. Bokuto knew himself, and he knew he wasn’t the type of person to fall for his best friend's fiance. So that means it had to be you, maybe you were trying to get his attention when you wore those pretty skirts, maybe you were trying to pull him in when you batted your lashes at him.
Bokuto couldn’t take it anymore, not when he started staring at you a little longer than he should, not when he started to get hard in your presence. Especially not when he started to fuck his fist late at night, hips humping wildly into his palm as your name vibrated off his lips.
So he decided to do something about it. The opportunity presented itself when Kuroo called him up, told him he had some last-minute business to attend to and if he could stay the night with you just in case. Of course, Bokuto agreed, reassuring him that you would be completely safe with him.
So that’s how the two of you ended up here, on the couch late into the evening. You were already dozing off, nuzzling your face into a pillow while your legs laid across Bokuto’s lap. Although a movie had been playing, his amber eyes were locked on your legs. He ate up the surface of your skin, eyes lingering until they landed on your crotch which was currently covered in a pair of satin red pajama bottoms.
The ones Kuroo had bought you for your last anniversary.
Bokuto could feel his heart picking up in speed as he smoothed his palm over your leg. Which had been resting on your knee, but he moved it up, rubbing soft circles into your thigh. You stirred a bit, a yawn slipping past your lips.
“Bo, m’sleepy, gunna go to bed.”
He felt his chest tighten, along with the grip he had on your thigh. It made you squirm.
“Don’t go just yet Birdy. Stay up a little longer, yea? We can watch whatever you want.”
“I won’t stay awake.” You rebuttal, attempting to pull your legs away from Bokuto’s lap.
He worked quickly, deciding on tickling your leg. You jolted from the suddenness of the attack, giggles and whines leaving your lips in streams as Bokuto persisted. He worked his way over you, fingers travelling up your sides and continuing the tickling until his hands found your hips.
Your eyes were sparkling with tears when he finally finished the onslaught, chest rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath. That task only seemed more complicated when Bokuto’s large palms pressed your hips further into the couch, his much larger figure looming over you.
In the dimness of the living room, his eyes looked different. Lit up by only the subtle glow of the tv. His pupils were blown out, darting between you and your chest. You suddenly became very aware of his piercing gaze, clearing your throat which made his eyes shoot back up to meet yours.
“Koutarou… is something wrong?”
Bokuto had to hold back a moan at the sweet sound of your pretty little voice. Koutarou. His first name so easily slips off your tongue as if you already belong to him. The scar on the corner of his lip twitched when he grinned down at you.
Before you could ask him again his lips were on yours, smothering any words that threatened to question him again. Your eyes widened, shock and confusion and an odd sense of warmth filling your stomach.
You did the first thing that came to mind, you squirmed, whimpered beneath him.
Wrong. This is all wrong. Bokuto was your senpai, a friend, an ally.
What if Kuroo came home?
“B-Bo--” you managed to squeak out when his lips finally left your own, only to begin pressing wet kisses along your jaw, down your chin. Everything was suddenly a little hazy, and you couldn’t tell whether this sensation was fear or something else.
Something that you had only felt for Kuroo for as long as you could remember.
You snapped back into reality when his lips got dangerously close to your chest, lips threatening to pass the hem of the satin neckline. You yelped, fingers going into Bokuto’s hair and giving a harsh tug.
“B-Bokuto! What are--”
“Birdy--” There was a growl in his tone, one that made your fingertips go numb and your breath caught in your throat.
When he looked back at you he didn’t quite look like himself. This is what you pictured Bokuto looked like on the job. Eyes cold, lips held in a stern line. Not a single speckle of that sparkling gold that his orbs usually held. No traces of a grin that his lips usually graced.
This was Bokuto Koutaruo, a businessman, a potential threat, a possible killer.
“Birdy.” He repeated again, softer this time. He must have felt the way you tensed, the way you sunk further into the couch beneath him. He brought his face close to yours once again and to his displeasure you let out a soft whimper.
“Don’t be scared of me baby, I’d never hurt you…”
“But what, pretty, what's the matter, hm? Don’t you want me to show you how much I care about you… don’t you wanna feel special…”
His words were slightly slurred, or so they seemed in your head. His tongue was against your ear, tracing along your earlobe as his warm breath fanned against your skin.
It was a familiar scent, bubblegum. Bokuto’s favourite. It seemed too sweet so close to your nose.
His hands smoothed up your sides, thumbs just inches away from slipping up your tank top and it had goosebumps forming all along your skin.
“We can’t.” You muttered, voice sounding much weaker than you wanted it to when Bokuto pressed another kiss behind your ear.
“Why not?” He was relentless, one knee slowly wedging itself between your thighs despite the way you were squirming.
“Kuroo wants me to take care of you Birdy, and I’m doing just that, aren’t I?” You yelped softly when his teeth suddenly sunk into the flesh of your collarbone. When had he moved down so much? Why hadn’t you noticed his sliver spikes tickling your chin or the way his palms had begun to slide the silky material up your skin.
“I’m taking care of you by makin’ you feel good…”
“Kuroo’s gonna be happy…” Bokuto continues, his words suddenly sound distant, your body unbelievably hot as his lips find the tops of your breasts. “His pretty kitty is gonna feel safe and pleased when he gets home…”
Your fingers were no longer lost in Bokuto’s hair, rather they were held loosely above your head, one of his big palms keeping them anchored there as he lifted himself.
You whined, the sudden loss of contact making goosebumps rise along your flesh.
Bokuto had a hard time keeping his grin to himself. Your lips were in a small pout, body squirming, eyes holding a little bit of confusion but most of all.
He would get you there. He would hear it.
“I want you Koutaruo .”
“Your heart’s beating really fast.” Bokuto’s voice was low, nothing more than a whisper behind the static of the tv. It made a lump form in your chest.
Your chest tightened the further he pulled away from you. You weren’t exactly sure what you wanted, but you knew you didn’t want him to leave.
There it was.
He leaned back in, his large palm sliding away from your wrists and down your arm instead. All the way down until he cupped your cheek in a large palm. His thumb swiped along your bottom lip.
He had to hold back a groan when your lips opened up just a sliver when your tongue threatened to touch his thumb.
“Let me take care of you, Birdy.”
“Will Kuroo really be okay with it?”
Your voice shook, soft and sweet and oh so innocent. Naive. Adorable.
Bokuto couldn’t wait to have you all to himself. Clearly, Kuroo hadn’t taught you well enough. But Bokuto would, he would teach you to stay away from guys like him.
“Course he will, baby, he always wants what's best for you, isn't that right?”
All you had to do was nod. A gentle, subtle nod. And Bokuto’s lips were back on yours. It was a deep kiss, pressed tightly to your lips and suppressing any chance of denial. Your fingers were back in his hair, but you didn’t tug this time.
Rather you just ran your fingers through silver locks. A bit stiff from the gel, and yet so very soft.
Soft like Kuroo’s.
“Spread your legs, angel.” That dizzy feeling was back when Bokuto’s words vibrated against your lips. Your legs spread open despite your confusion. They were commanded, working on their own.
Working because of the strings Bokuto has somehow placed on them.
“Good girl.” You shivered. That’s what Kuroo always called you.
Was it him speaking to you?
Bokuto was holding back a groan. He should have felt sick to his stomach, looking down at you between his legs with teary eyes and a slightly confused expression. He should have been thinking of Kuroo, his best friend, ally.
But instead, he just felt himself harden, licking along his lower lip and bringing his large palm to cup your sex. You were so warm, even through the fabric of your shorts.
He rubbed it, slow and soft, his eyes widening as he watched you, twitching and whimpering. You were already becoming so pliant, hips rubbing back into his palm. The longer it went on, the warmer you got.
He was so excited to split you open.
“Tell me what you want.” Bokuto looked into your eyes, waited. He knew the words were there on the tip of your tongue.
“C-Can you…” It was so cute, hearing you stutter over yourself despite the way you shamelessly pressed into his hand.
“Can you touch me, Kou...”
Finally he released his groan, loud and guttural. He moved his hands only a moment, just long enough to grip the hem of your shorts. In one swoop they were off your trembling thighs, discarded on the floor.
You were even more beautiful than Bokuto had imagined, one palm covering your flustered face while your thighs glistened in the dim glow of the tv. And there was your cunt, folds slightly swollen and shiny with your desire.
He would have taken a picture if he could have but that could be saved for another time.
“You’re so pretty baby, you’ve got the perfect little cunt.” Bokuto said with one of his signature grins, the ones that used to make your heart flutter back in high school when he would score a point.
His fingers were gentle, rubbing one large strip along your slit. Slowly he split open your lips, holding back the urge to drool. There was your perfect hole, fluttering around nothing.
Basically beckoning him.
“S-Stop staring Kou…” your voice was so whiny, so soft as you looked at him through tear clumped lashes. He hushed you softly, one palm on your cheek so he could have a better view of your face.
He just had to see what you looked like when he finally pressed inside.
“Can’t help it Birdy, you’re just so beautiful…” His thumb pushed past your bottom lip at the same time he pressed two thick fingers into your pussy. Your gasp was adorable, lips quickly latching onto his thumb to hide the whines.
His fingers alone were enough to cause a slight burn, the stretch feeling so much different than the one Kuroo could provide for you. It made you press your hips into his touch, your trembling fingers gripping his wrist with desperation.
Bokuto bit his lip, slowly pumping his fingers in and out. He would push all the way in until he reached his knuckles, allowing the cold surface of his rings to make you yelp every time before pulling out to just his fingertips.
He kept this pace until your hips began to match it, your adorable little body humping along his fingers as you tried your very best to keep yourself quiet.
Bokuto didn’t want that though. He wanted to hear you, needed to hear his name spilling off your lips. So he pulled his thumb from your mouth, gave your bottom lip a little tug as an act of encouragement.
“Feels good baby? Tell me how it feels?”
“F-Feels.” You were still stumbling over yourself. So cute. “Feels good…”
“Yea? I can tell, your pussy is swallowing me up.”
He chuckled when embarrassment flashed over your face, but before you could hide your face from him yet again he pressed the pad of his thumb to your clit. The action had you gasping, back lifting slightly off the mattress.
“That’s it…” Bokuto murmured, gaze locked on your face, how it scrunched up and twisted so pretty as the pleasure took over you. Your cunt squeezed around his fingers, an indication for him to add just one more.
“S’too much~” you tried whimpering at him, but Bokuto brushed it off with a couple of quick kisses to your lips. He had to prep you anyway, his cock was already threatening to rip through his pants.
When your voice heightened in pitch Bokuto picked up his pace. He brought his face close to your pussy, allowing his hot breath to fan over it. That had you grasping the cushions for dear life, a string of pleas leaving your lips.
“Want you to come on my fingers now Birdy. You can do it. It’ll feel so good. Be a good girl and cum.”
Your body reacted for you, lips hung open in a silent scream as his fingertips focused on that spongy spot within you. With a couple more tight circles into your clit you fell apart, walls clenching before gushing around his fingers.
Bokuto’s pupils blew out at the sight, nothing but primal desire flooding his system as he watched your arousal drown out his fingers. It wet his knuckles, coated his rings as he ever so slowly pulled his fingers free. The slick pop had both of you groaning softly, and he couldn’t help but watch as he spread his fingers apart to find strings of your arousal keeping them together.
He had to have a taste and refused to continue the evening without it. So he sucked his fingers into his mouth. His moan was nothing short of obscene, making sure he licked off every ounce of your essence.
You were panting as you watched him, eyes still tear glazed and body tingling as it came down from the high. When he finally noticed you staring he grinned.
But this time it was different. Not the scoring high school Bokuto, or the Bokuto who would flash this grin when he had a little too much to drink
This was different. Darker, carnal. It made a shiver travel all the way up your spine.
And yet you still didn’t say no when he told you to take your tank top off, didn’t say no when he pulled off his own black button up, back muscles rippling in the dim lighting as he pulled you into his lap.
And you definitely couldn’t say no to him when he pulled his cock free, the sheer length and girth making you whine.
He was so much bigger than Kuroo. Thicker, wider, maybe even longer.
“Shh Birdy, hold on tight. It’s only gonna hurt for a few seconds. Then I’m gonna make you feel so very good.” His reassurance puts you at ease. Kuroo had done the same for you, way back when the two of you first slept together.
Would Kuroo really be okay with this--
The gasp that was ripped from your throat made Bokuto that much more excited. Just his tip had pushed past the first ring of muscles and already there were tears in your eyes, nails digging into his shoulders at the stretch he provided.
“K-Kou, can’t, I can’t”
“Shh birdy. Remember I’m gonna make you feel good, promise.” And he really did want to make you feel good but fuck, with the way your pussy already clenched around his tip, threatened to suffocate him as he pressed in inch by inch, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his cool.
You were already creaming when he finally bottomed out, your legs wobbly when they tightened around him. Bokuto couldn’t tear his gaze from his lap, where he stretched out your sweet cunt. It was already drooling, swollen from just being split open by him.
Absent-mindedly he trailed his fingers over your tummy, fingers cursorily tracing the bulge he was able to form there.
There’s no way Kuroo filled you up this good, Bokuto knew that for certain.
“P-Please.” Your voice snapped Bokuto back to reality, the whine in your tone enough to make his dick twitch inside you. “M-Move Kou, need you.”
He sighed. Of course you needed him.
With his palms firmly grasping your hips he pulled you up his cock, just enough that the tip was still edged inside before he began to fuck you on himself. His arm muscles rippled with each push and pull, his hips thrust upwards every time he pushed you back down in order to help with the momentum.
You were gripping onto him so tightly, leaving red streaks along his shoulder blades. Your moans were sweet, sweet music, filling up the empty space with nothing but babbles and cries of his name.
There was still a part of him that looked at you with disappointment, a part of him that screamed how wrong this was, a part of him that knew if Kuroo walked through the doors right now you’d probably both be dead.
But when you looked at him with a tear streaked face, lips hung in a silent cry, skin rippling due to his relentless thrusts, how could he stop himself?
He was even more thrilled when your nails dug into his skin, along his back and shoulders, even along his forearms and pecks. “That’s it Birdy, you’re doin’ so well, takin’ my cock like this.”
The wet slapping sounds soon filled up the room, along with the moans and whimpers the both of you released. With a grunt, Bokuto had your back against the cushions once more, just so he could thrust within your tight cunt harder, faster.
Anything to feel you coming around him, to feel your walls squeeze him. It was everything he knew it would be, better even.
And he knew, Kuroo couldn’t make you feel this way, no way in hell could he even compare.
You had planned to ask him to pull out. No one had ever come inside you before, except Kuroo of course. It was his way of marking you, the subtle possessiveness always coming through when he would fill you to the brim and then plug you up.
But now, as Bokuto drilled into you, showered you with praises and sweet groans you lost all thought. All you thought of was the sweet sting, the stretch his cock could provide. The way he was able to smack into your sweet spot with every thrust.
So when he grunted out a “gonna cum.” you couldn’t find the words to stop him, rather you just let your eye roll back, let out a sweet cry when one of his calloused thumbs pressed into your clit.
Bokuto’s hips smacked into you once, twice more, before his balls twitched and his load filled you up. Rope after rope of warm cum spilled into you, one last strand being milked from him as you clenched up around him, finishing only seconds after he did.
His arms were around you, holding your trembling form so tightly to his chest. He had to look though, had to see exactly what it looked like when you were filled to the brim. So he pulled up just a little bit, moaned out loud at the sight of his cock, how when he slowly pulled it out it was covered in a layer of milky slick.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful…” He murmured, fingers scooping up the beads of arousal dripping from your used hole, only to push them back in.
He didn’t want a single drop wasted.
You were finally starting to come down from the high when Bokuto lifted his weight from you, the loss of contact making you shudder. In your right mind you could have covered up, but instead, you stayed sprawled out, lips tilted into a dumb little smile.
“K-Kou…” You murmured to him, making him look down at you as he stretched out, wincing from the marks you left that managed to break skin.
“Kuroo is gonna be so happy, you took great care of me…” Bokuto hummed, his smirk growing. He was so lucky, so lucky you were so sweet and naive.
He scooped you up then, carrying you bridal style up the stairs. As much as he would have loved to leave you there on the couch, a nice mess for Kuroo to come home to, he had to play it safe. He made sure to clean you up properly, tuck you into bed with fresh and clean clothes.
Bokuto couldn’t lose his closest ally just yet. So until then--
“I’ll make sure Tetsu knows. But you baby, I want you to keep it our secret okay? Can you do that for me?”
That sat funny with you, made your stomach tighten, just how it had at the beginning of the evening. You wanted to question him, ask why you couldn’t be a part of the discussion.
But when Bokuto loomed over you once more, one of his much larger palms easing itself over your neck, you were reminded yet again. Reminded of Bokuto and his power, his power over you.
And now over Kuroo.
“It's our secret. Remember that Birdy. Kuroo has always kept you in a cage, away from the world so others couldn’t hurt you, isn’t that right? Well now I’m going to do the same, keep you in a cage of my own, just the two of us…”
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❦ @hqintheclub {check out the network}
❦ all rights reserved to bokuroskitten©
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
The Dimitrescu Ladies and Donna Beneviento with their S/O who is a shapeshifter.
The reader can shapeshift into any animal but always chooses cats.
Alcina Dimitrescu / Lady Dimitrescu
You first wandered into the castle as a black cat. Alcina entranced you with her beauty during that one time she visited the village. So you decided to follow her to her home.
You kept observing her behaviors and would just sit around her window every day. After weeks of doing that, you got curious of her castle so you decided to explore.
The first person to see you was Daniela. She squealed as she picked you up and carried you to see her sisters. You didn't try to fight her because you were just chill like that.
The three sisters kept gushing about you for days and you would always shapeshift into your human form in the night.
One day, Alcina walks in on Bela reading to you, and she just smiles as Bela seems so satisfied with you around.
Then she sees Cassandra painting you. And you were just so still? Which can't be normal for a cat. Alcina decided to watch and both you and Cassandra were flushed as she painted you.
Then she catches Daniela just burying her face into your fur so she decides to finally adopt you? Which you sweated at. You're a human. And yes, you've been neglecting stuff from your home since you decided to hang around Castle Dimitrescu but shit. You can't just move and permanently be a cat.
You decided to run away at the last minute before Alcina could even put a collar on you to officially adopt you.
Ever since then, you stopped visiting the Castle. Needless to say, both Alcina and the girls were severely disappointed and whiny about you being gone.
A week after that, you were invited by your cousin who works in the Castle to see if you could work there.
You tried to turn it down but decided not to. Your money is slowly running out after all.
You try to listen to your cousin as she gives you the tour but you can't help it. Everything looks different now that you're actually inside as a human.
You stop at a particular portrait, one that you were fond of even as a cat.
Your cousin tilts her head at your behavior, not only were you not listening but you even point out some things that only servants and the people living inside would know?
You sigh in reply and just followed her.
Two weeks into working at Castle Dimitrescu and you're irritated. You can't shapeshift into anything and it pisses you off.
You decided to turn into a bat so you could sleep outside.
That night, Daniela wanted to sleep with you because despite being new you were oddly already comfortable with them and somehow already knew their preferred stuff.
It was little things that they only knew but you have complied to. Like how Bela wants the books in the library arranged. How Cassandra wants her sickle to be prepared before she would go on a hunt. How Daniela preferred her bed to be made and so on.
Daniela panicked and got her sisters to help find you. They even got your cousin roped in.
Come morning and you change into a human. You go outside your room and tilt your head as everyone is just trying to find something?
You tap your cousin's shoulder and ask what to look for when she shouts then hugs you. Everyone looks over and sighs in relief as they spot you.
"What? What happened?" You ask your cousin when you get tackled by Daniela to the ground.
"You were gone in the middle of the night! Where did you go?" You look at your cousin who nods. Oh.
"I was only outside my room, Miss Daniela." Bela raises an eyebrow at you.
"You weren't. Trust me, we checked everywhere." You sigh and get Daniela off your body. You stand.
"I was. Only I was a bat." They all murmur at your statement and you roll your eyes. Your cousin is smirking because she knew that you could shapeshift and hated that you wanted to hide your ability. You walk slowly then turn into the black cat that the Dimitrescu women had loved and disappeared.
"Blackie!?" "Kitten!?" "Sunny!?" Apparently the three girls had named you already in their head. You nod as a cat and their jaw drops. You change back into your human form.
"I'm sorry I left before but I just couldn't be a cat forever even if I wanted to. Same way I don't want to always be human." You explain. Bela was the first to hug you. Then Cass and Dani followed suit. Even Alcina was looking at you fondly.
The next month is pure chaos. The three girls in one way or another are always with you. It made your work a lot harder, specially since they like to always be touching you in some way.
Sometimes, Daniela and Cassandra would deliberately make a mess just so you would clean it up. Bela is the most helpful one because when she's with you, she's just quiet and like to observe you.
One day, Alcina invites you to dinner with just her. Alcina then realized why her daughters were so comfortable with you.
Occasionally becomes weekly then weekly becomes daily. Before you knew it, Alcina had asked you out on a date.
She wanted to promote or at least not give you any more work but you don't let her.
Your cousin now teases you as you become a blushing mess in front of the Lady Dimitrescu.
When they got a wind of the date, the three girls helped you get ready and even gave you advices to woo their mother.
Your date with Alcina went well and that night you slept with her.
Donna Beneviento
You were hired as a maid alongside your cousin in the Beneviento house. There were only the two of you and your cousin was assigned to be the cook.
So you were assigned to be the cleaner. Cleaning the house was fun, you must admit. Some of the dolls even started to talk to you.
But then you were put in a tough spot. There was a part of the house you can't quite reach. Not even if you put a chair below you. You sigh in defeat so you transform into a cat and carry the duster in your mouth. You were halfway through cleaning when Donna gets inside the room. Angie gets shocked and shouts at you. You, in surprise, drops the duster. So you sigh and jump down.
You transform into a human as you land and Angie's jaw drops. "Is something wrong, Lady Beneviento?" You ask as you get the duster. "Do you need anything?"
"You can transform to a cat!?" Angie gets up in your face and you nod.
"Yes. And any animal if I so desire. But Cats are my favorite so they tend to be the one I always transform to."
"How!?" You rub your neck in embarassement.
"I don't really know myself. It's something that I was born with, I guess?"
Ever since then, Donna would show up randomly while you're cleaning that room, hoping that you'd transform. You understood, specially since she's sometimes just peeking through the door. So when she gets curious, even though you're not cleaning that spot, you transform into a cat. Her gasp and amazed gaze is enough for you to transform.
Your cousin even teases you about it since you generally try to hide being a shapeshifter.
On one of your day offs, you decided to just roam around the house as a cat. Your cousin even snickered and you hissed at her.
Donna spots you just staring at her portrait and she blushes. Why would you stare at that?
You notice her without Angie and just stride up to her. Waiting for her to pet you. She carefully pets your head and you began purring at her. She was surprised at first but petted you more. It's been so long since someone with such gentle hands has touched your fur, after all.
Ever since then, Donna would always pet you and you would always transform when she's near.
One day, in a particularly cold night. You decided to transform into a bear. Donna has decided to seek you out but Angie shouts when she spotted you, a bear. You transform back and look at them. "Is there something wrong?" You ask then yawn. You were just tired and sleepy.
"Can we sleep with you? It's really cold." You nod and open up your blanket. She slips besides you and you immediately hug her.
"Do you mind if I transform into a bear? It'll be warmer for the both of us." She turns to you and nods. You hum and transform again. You hold her tightly and she smiles at your warmth and the way you make her feel safe.
Ever since then, Donna sneaks in your bedroom when it's cold.
One day, she finally decides to confess to you and ask you out on a date. You accept and hug her.
And slowly but surely, as you and Donna become more like a couple, you would transform into other animals while she would be amazed every time.
Bela Dimitrescu
You were a maiden about to be hunted but you transformed as Bela was upon you. So instead of human you. A black cat was severely injured. She gasps in horror and quickly brings you to the castle.
She gets help from the grand chambermaid who quickly stitches your wounds and bandages you up. Bela is by your side when you wake up. You can't even stretch your body or move it that much since everything just hurts.
Bela wakes up and you pretend to fall asleep. She leaves and you sigh in relief. She comes back with food and water for you, you think. Since it was Tuna. You wake up and get to the plate of food. You grab a bite and Bela sighs in relief.
"I'm so sorry." She apologizes but you pay her no mind as you devour the food. Food can help your regenerative abilities after all. You can already feel your body patching itself up as you eat the last fish. You eye the water and Bela quickly puts it in front of you and removes the plate now devoid of food. You sigh in relief as you quench your thirst.
If you're honest, the healing only took a day to happen because Bela gave you so much food. But you wanted to stay at the Mystical Castle first before going back to a normal life in the village.
Bela is typically with you, going so far as she can for you. She doesn't even let Cassandra or Daniela near you since she's afraid they'll hurt you as well.
When you explored the library, Bela had this look on her eyes and you realize that she must be missing reading. So you get to a book just sitting on a sofa and open it.
"Do you want me to read to you?" Bela asks as she sits besides you. You meow in response and she smiles as she opens the book. Her voice was so calming and before you knew it, you'd fallen asleep.
After an hour of sleep though, you began transforming since you've been in your cat form for too long. And there you were, the maiden that Bela was supposed to be hunting. The maiden that was supposed to be bound, not a black cat.
"So it was you." She hums as she caresses your face. "I thought I made a mistake."
"Are you going to kill me now?" You ask as you sit. You sigh in defeat. "Thanks for the food, I guess. And for taking care of me for the past few days. Few people would do that for a stray cat that's injured."
"I injured you." You shrug.
"Some people would just leave or even finish the job." You sigh. "I've seen too many cruel people in the city before. It's one of the reasons why I moved out here in the village."
"You're from the city?" She asks curiously and scoots closer to you. You nod then begin telling her all sorts of things.
How things are done so differently here than there. How people burn themselves out. How cruelty can make you numb.
How you were originally just wanting to take a break but everything about the village was too enticing to pass. So you stayed here and the villagers welcomed you with open arms. But now you're savings are almost depleted and you don't know anything to do other than some basic life skills.
Bela convinces Alcina to hire you as a maid. You move in the Castle and your quarters is the closest one to Bela.
When you would clean around the castle, Bela is right behind you, either to assist you or just observe quietly.
Cassandra and Daniela have teased her about her obsession with you but she didn't care. She just wanted to gaze at you more.
One day, you were tasked with cleaning the roof and she was there even though it was cold. You got her inside for her own protection. So Bela borrowed Alcina's opera glasses to look at you. You actually transformed into different animals to reach most of the spots and just generally had fun.
She scheduled you to be put on the roof more. She joined you once it was the summer and she laughs as you keep transforming.
Your first kiss happened one night. You were just tired and kept nodding off as Bela read a book. She closes the book and lifts you up. She carries you to your own room. She tucks you in and was about to leave when she looks back. She whispers a good night and kisses you on the forehead.
"That's it?" You ask and Bela freezes as she opens her eyes. You sigh and pull her closer to give her a proper kiss.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
You were just another maid in the Castle. Another to be either tortured or played with by Cassandra. But somehow, the girl has always had a soft spot for you.
Maybe because you were actually complying to some of her requests. Some harder than others.
Maybe because you don't flinch when you hear her surprise you. Or the way you catch her before she could even surprise you.
Maybe because unlike most people, you actually show genuine interest in her paintings.
Maybe because you're the one who reads stories to her. The one who is patient enough to get through her sarcastic comments and snide remarks.
You were on your day off when Cassandra decided to follow you. What could her favorite possibly do on a day you were supposed to be relaxing?
She raised an eyebrow as you stop in front of a large tree. You then transform into a cat and her jaw drops as you climb the large tree. You stretch your whole body before plopping down and sleeping.
She looks up at you and she goes back to the castle to get some snacks to wait for you to wake up. You spent five hours just sleeping in your cat form before landing down. Cassandra hums as she sees you transform back into a human.
She takes notes of all the things you do. The trinkets you buy from the Duke. Food that you seem to savor.
Next day, you find a gift on your bedside drawer. It was freshly picked flowers since you always stop for a moment when you pass some. It even has a note.
So you could smell some flowers everyday.
It has no initials on it but you smiled as you recognized the handwriting.
Since then, Cassandra would give you some things here and there while you were more attentive to her. You were even smiling more than ever.
When she gives you a plate of Tuna that made you laugh. So she knew.
That day you completed your work much faster and was let go by the grand chambermaid much earlier than usual.
You decided to surprise Cassandra in your cat form by waiting for her to get inside her quarters. She squeals then just hugs you. You laugh as you both just have fun through the night.
She falls asleep while holding you and you fall asleep listening to her heartbeat.
Since then there was just an understanding with you and Cassandra.
More time were spent together. Things were given. Stories are exchanged.
The officiality didn't come for a long time but when she kisses you, that's when you knew. She'd fallen for you. Just like you'd fallen for her.
Daniela Dimitrescu
You were actually a showy shapeshifter. Everyone in the village knew you that you could turn into any animal but always chooses to be a cat.
She was passing the village with the other ladies of the Dimitrescu Castle when she sees you transform. She squeals and runs up to you. She carries you and presents you to Alcina.
"Mother can we keep-"
"Darling, no-"
"But she can transform into a human!" All of them look at you expectantly and you sigh as you free yourself then transform.
"Oh, it's you, Y/N." Alcina actually knew you as the Duke's assistant/business partner with your connections. You bow to her as a greeting.
"Lady Dimitrescu. Is this your lovely daughters?" She nods and you smile. "May I know their names?"
"This is Bela. Cassandra and Daniela." You smile at Daniela then take her hand. You kiss it then wink.
"A most fitting name to a dashing young lady." Alcina rolls her eyes at you because you can be such a flirt.
"Well, we best be going now, Y/N." You bow in acknowledgement.
"May I visit more often now, Lady Dimitrescu?" Alcina sighs. Because even though you're not quite annoying, you are persistent. A stubborn one, just like her.
"You may do as you please." You thank her for that and watch them as they leave.
For the next coming days, you visit Castle Dimitrescu more often. Just so you could see Daniela, chat with her or just observe her.
You could tell that she craves stories more than anything so you do your best to read more books so you could see her face light up as you tell her new stories.
You even began writing some new ones just so she would be happy.
One day, while you were waiting for Daniela. You fell asleep and transformed into a cat. You try not to visit her in this form so she would like you more as a human, not just with your abilities.
You wake up on top of Daniela, still in your cat form. You smile as you get back to sleep. Alcina sighs as she catches you two on that position but she decides to leave you both alone.
You wake up with Daniela humming and reading besides you. You were back to being human.
"Lady Daniela?" You yawn. "How long have I fallen asleep?"
"Six hours. You transformed into a cat." You hum.
"I tend to do that when I haven't transformed into something else for too long."
"Oh. Why?" You shrug at the question. Even you don't know the extent nor rules of your ability. "Don't you want to find out more?" You shake your head.
"I tend to not look at my ability as a research but rather a fun ability." You two talk about your abilities and actually have fun comparing them.
One day, your visits stopped. You were on a business trip, Alcina informed Daniela. Something about a new connection being built.
Daniela keeps glancing at the gates every time she hears it opening, hoping it was you.
It took you three excruciatingly long weeks to close a deal. Duke was so proud of you but you just glare at him.
He surrenders as you walk past him and transform into a panther. You quickly run to the Dimitrescu Castle. You find Daniela sleeping in the library and smile. You transform into a cat and get on top of her then sleep.
Daniela wakes up then hugs you. She prepares food for you then wait for you to wake up. Which wasn't long since you were actually hungry. You eat the plate of fish and purr at her. She laughs as she pets you while you eat.
Since then, you two would spend more time together, you would even sometimes help Daniela with hunting when you transform into a tiger.
She asks you out on a date in a very romantic way. With your food shaped like the letters. Date?
It made you laugh and you accepted it. You didn't actually think she would make the first move but she did.
One day, you just plopped down your suitcase full of clothes in front of Alcina.
"Let me move in and I'll be helping with the wine business and Duke." She immediately accepted because that's two things that can be a source of a headache for her.
You decided to move in Daniela's room with no announcement, she just found all of your clothes in her room and you sleeping on her bed with just a note on her drawer.
-I moved in. Hope you don't mind.-
And she didn't mind. Not at all.
I just really love cats.
This one took longer than usual?
Still writing on my phone because my sibling is hogging the laptop. Damn it.
Thoughts and Comments are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
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seijorhi · 4 years
Final Girl
Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou & Akaashi Keiji x Female Reader
And please check out the incredible fanart @lausterdomyamong created for this fic here 💕💕💕
TW blood, gore, violence, minor character death, implied non-con, pregnancy mentions, nsfw
Your lungs are burning. 
You haven’t run like this in years, your thighs are screaming at you for a reprieve. With every step it feels like the soles of your bare feet are splitting open but you can’t stop, not for a single second.
You can’t stop. You can’t stop. 
Keep running.
It’s dark, and you can barely see.
Stumbling like newborn foal through the thick undergrowth, tripping over the roots that catch at your feet. Your legs are scratched and bleeding, and there’s a nasty scrape along your arm from where you’d fallen and tried to cushion the blow, but you shove it all down and you keep running.
You can’t hear much over the sounds of your laboured breaths and your own heartbeat hammering away inside of your ears, but you know you must be making a racket. Branches breaking, leaves crunching underfoot as you clumsily dash through the woods - keep running, keep going.
Being quiet won’t save you if they catch up.
The loud whoops and the hyena like laughter that echo out through the trees behind you spur you onwards. Faster, you have to run faster.
This is nothing but a game to them. 
“Wait- wait, just stop for a sec… do you hear that?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes as you scoot closer to his bedroll, “Really, babe? The campfire stories weren’t enough for you? Do you not want me to sleep at all on this trip?”
There’s a teasing little grin on your face, not that your boyfriend can see it in the darkness of your tent. You expect him to laugh, grab you by the waist and pull you under him - make some quip about his wicked intentions of not letting you sleep a wink, but he doesn’t.
He stiffens, pushing himself back upright onto his palms, head cocked to the side like a dog listening for the faintest hint whisper of a sound.
“Shh!” he hisses, and it’s more shock than anything else that has your mouth falling shut. His hand reaches across to grab yours in the darkness and he squeezes it just once. An apology maybe, or a reassurance that you’re still there with him. “Can you hear that? I think… I think there’s someone out there.”
You swallow uneasily, goosebumps prickling at your skin. If this is part of some stupid joke, you’re gonna kick him out of this tent and make him bunk with his friends for the rest of the trip. He’s never been one for mean spirited pranks, but this is freaking you out.
“It’s probably just one of the guys-” or an animal, or the wind, or his own overactive imagination. You guys are out in the middle of the woods after all. 
“I’m gonna go out and check,” he whispers, pulling his hand from yours and pressing a quick kiss against your cheek. “Stay here.”
There’s a road, a long stretch of winding highway that you’d driven along for what felt like hours when you’d first arrived with your friends. There’s no possible way for you to know if you’re going in the right direction, but if you can just make it there, then-
The thick scent of smoke invades your nose and for you falter - just for a split second - searching for the source. There, maybe two hundred yards away to your left, you spot the orange glow flickering between the trees and your stomach lurches.
Dark figures flit through the clearing, maybe a dozen of them, half illuminated by the bonfire. You can hear their laughter, the shouts and drunken revelry as they party the night away. They don’t have a care in the world, and why should they? Real monsters belong in horror movies and scary stories, not lurking in the shadows of the woods. 
Leave them.
The vicious thought takes you by surprise, but for one awful moment, you consider it. The promise of fresh new toys to rip apart and break, drunk and blissfully unaware, surely that would be enough to tempt them away. You’re just one girl… 
(The truth, the one that sits heavy in your stomach, whispers that you know better than to believe they’ll ever let you get away.)
Your heart pounds against your ribs, your legs unwittingly slowing down. You don’t have time for indecision; it’s them or you.
If leaving them to the wolves meant that you walked away from this, if you could make it back home-
There’s a shout, a scream that rips through the crisp autumn night before it cuts off with an abrupt gurgle. A loud thud followed by a laugh you don’t recognise - one that sends a chill running down your spine. More voices, more screams. Footsteps and a splatter of something dark and viscous against the side of your tent.
There’s a hoot and a chuckle, closer this time, and you hear a sob that’s all too familiar. Pleading. 
Your friend begging for her life.
“Shh, shh, shhh. Aw c’mon sweetheart, don’t be like that.”
Another hiccuping sob. “Please… p-please I don’t wanna die…”
There’s a petulant huff, a loud voice interjecting, “s’no fun when they’re just sitting there.”
Kneeling frozen in your tent with one hand clamped tightly over your mouth to stifle your own terrified cries, you squeeze your eyes shut, not daring to draw breath. 
Somebody sighs - the first one, you think. “Y’know, I think Bokuto has a point… Do you like games, sweetheart?”
There’s no response - at least not one that you can hear - but she must have nodded, because the voice continues, “Glad to hear it! Tell you what, we’re gonna play a little game, and if you win, we’ll let you go! Sounds fair, right?”
“We’ll even give you a headstart, just cause we’re nice guys! Whad'ya reckon ‘Kaashi? A minute? Two?”
There’s a short silence, filled only by the sounds of her ragged whimpering. “Two,” the second one - ‘Kaashi - decides. His voice is deadpan, smooth, cold and blunt, but there’s an underlying current of something excitable - the barest hint that he’s not quite as disinterested as he sounds. “She won’t get away.”
You veer, sprinting towards the camp. 
The others died while you hid like a fucking coward, too scared to do anything to help them (it wouldn’t have made a difference, but you should have tried) you can’t do this again. 
You can only imagine how you must look, a strange woman sprinting out of the woods, barefoot, your nightgown torn and filthy, blood streaking your skin. You can pinpoint the moment that they catch sight of you, one of the guys doing a double take and jerking so badly he almost falls off the log he’s perched on. “What the fuck?!”
Another turns, eyes wide and gaping, “Dude, she’s fucking pre-”
“RUN!” you bellow, just in time to see an axe arc through the air beside you and embed itself smack bang in the centre of his skull with a sickening thud.
“Now that’s a bullseye!” Bokuto hollers, maybe thirty feet behind you and gaining quickly. “Didja see that, Akaashi?”
Screams erupt from the other campers, scrambling frantically to their feet as their friend collapses lifelessly to the ground, blood still spurting gruesomely from his wound. 
“Don’t go gettin’ cocky now, the night’s still young,” Kuroo drawls, swinging his baseball bat - the dark wood flecked with dried blood, rusted nails crudely hammered through the barrel - experimentally through the air a few times. “And last I counted, I was still two up on you.”
There’s no time to humour the fear that rips through you like wildfire. You grab the nearest camper - a girl not much older than yourself, staring wide eyed and trembling at the body in front of her - and yank her forward with you. “Run,” you hiss again.
The others scatter, drunk and clumsy - a split second too slow. 
A boot lands on the fallen tree stump, its owner springing gracefully over it. Akaashi’s machete gleams in the moonlight, sweeping gracefully like an extension of his arm as he slices downwards. Blood sprays, drenching his front, and another body falls to the ground - this one missing half a face. 
It’s brutal. Chaotic. 
You can’t look back, you can’t help them. The girl is screaming at you, yelling words you can’t hear, trying fruitlessly to tug her wrist out of your grip, but you don’t relent. You don’t slow down, not even as dread fills your stomach and tears burn unshed in your eyes. You can’t help the others - not as Kuroo’s bat comes swinging out of the darkness, tearing flesh and muscle from bone, not when Bo yanks his axe from his victim’s head with a foot planted on his chest, immediately giving chase to another with a wild grin, not when Akaashi’s machete, slick with blood, cuts through her friends like butter - but you can save her.
Just one person- 
“Kitten, come back and play!” Kuroo shouts after you with a sickeningly fond chuckle.
- so long as you don’t stop running.
The camp is eerily quiet, even the crickets have stopped. You have no idea how long ago they left to hunt down your friend, how long you’ve sat, sobbing in silence, too scared to breathe, waiting to see if they’d come back. 
Your friends are dead. Your boyfriend is dead. 
You don’t realise how badly you’re shaking until you try and move - almost falling flat on your face when your arms give out. They’re gone, but every noise, no matter how muted, feels deafening and you try not to flinch as you drag yourself towards the mouth of the tent. You don’t have time to prepare yourself for the carnage waiting for you across the camp ground, you can’t think about the fact that people you love have been torn apart and murdered while you cowered away frozen in fear.
The grip you have on your emotions, your sanity, is fragile, but in your terrified hysteria, you understand one very important thing - they could come back at any moment, and you cannot be here when that happens. 
You cannot stop and cry for your friends, you cannot afford to break down when you see their bodies hacked up and scattered around you - you won’t even look - you just have to take the car keys fisted in your right hand, get to your boyfriend’s truck and get the fuck away from this nightmare as quickly as those wheels can take you. 
Crawling on your hands and knees you slowly pry open the tent flap, biting your lip and wincing at the quiet hiss of the zipper. 
The cold night air hits you like a slap in the face, but it’s nothing compared to the overwhelming coppery tang of blood that settles on the tip of your tongue as you breathe it in. You bite down on your whimper, squeezing your eyes shut and forcing your leaden limbs to move - you can’t afford to stop now, you have to get away.
You won’t look, you won’t look, you won’t-
“I was wondering when you’d finally show yourself.”
Ice douses your system, your heart lurching. Your eyes shoot open, darting towards the source of the voice - there, leaning calmly against the thick trunk of a tree only a few feet away from you is a man. Tall and slender, with dark hair and delicate features, you’d probably go so far as to call him pretty if it wasn’t for the blood splattered garishly across his pale skin and the teasing grin tugging at his lips. 
Absolute terror renders you helpless as he pushes away from the tree and takes a single, calculated step towards you. “Kuroo and Bokuto won’t be long, they’re just finishing up with your friend.” His pretty smirk widens as your eyes well up with tears and a gasping sob finally rips its way free from your chest, “but I don’t think they’ll mind if we get started without them.”
You’re following the well trodden path, praying to god that it’ll lead you back to the road, to any kind of safety. The shouts and screams behind you died out a few minutes ago, but you can’t let yourself think about what that means - it’ll only slow you down and you’re so close.
“Wait, wait, stop! We ha-have to go back!” the girl cries, trying once again to pull you to a stop. “My friends-”
“I’m sorry,” you pant, glancing across at her - and you are. Her eyes are wide and terrified, swimming in a pain you know all too well. It’s selfish and cruel, and it’ll tear her apart just like it has you, but if you let her go now… “It’s too late for them, we need to keep-”
“Baby, you know you can’t hide from us!”
Bokuto. Your heart seizes just as the girl shrieks, and you risk a glance over your shoulder, slowing just a faction. 
They’re closing in, all three of them, less than twenty yards away.
Panic and desperation bite at your nerves - you can’t let them catch you, not now, not when you’re almost free. But your body is aching, your muscles on fire and your stamina is shot to pieces. You’re on your last legs and they know it. They don’t even have to run anymore, they’ve worn you down completely - it’s a miracle you’re still standing.
And it’s childish and petulant, but you just want to scream and cry and yell and beat your fists against the ground because it’s not fucking fair!
You were so close.
Your grip around her wrist slackens just a touch, and the girl takes the opportunity to rip her hand free from yours. You expect her to run, to flee like a bat out of hell and leave you crumpled in the dust, but instead she turns to you with a withering glare, “This is all your fault. You brought them here. You did this.”
The accusation hits you like a slap, but before you can even open your mouth to protest (she’s not wrong, you know she’s not wrong) she grabs you by the shoulders and with all the strength she has left, shoves you back in the path of your pursuers. You stumble from the force of the blow, not expecting it, and for a moment you feel yourself start to fall, instinctively curling in on yourself to protect your belly-
Strong arms catch you before you can hit the ground, pulling you against a warm, muscular chest. “Gotcha,” Kuroo breathes, his tongue darting out to lick at the blood splattered across your cheek.
Vaguely, you register Bokuto’s low, furious growl as he launches forward, his axe raised high. The sharp, piercing screams are cut off quickly - violently - as he buries it in her neck with a snarl. He swings again and her head tumbles clean off to bounce across the forest floor, but he keeps going, swinging again and again and again until her body is nothing but a bloody, mangled mess for the animals to scavenge. 
Your vision blurs, and it takes you a moment to realise that it’s tears welling up in your eyes as Kuroo’s hands run up and down your sides, drifting protectively across the gentle swell of your stomach. “You did good, kitten,” he coos, Akaashi and Bokuto coming up either side of you. “But it’s time to come home now, don’tcha think?”
A hand cups your cheek, drawing you to meet Akaashi’s twisted, lovesick expression, “Gotta reward our pretty little girl for playing her role so well,” he murmurs, his thumb gently stroking the delicate skin. 
“Maybe we can fuck another kid into her,” Bokuto adds with a grin, his previous rage all but forgotten, sated along with his bloodlust thanks to the butchered corpse lying a few yard away. His golden eyes, half lidded and burning with lust, flicker across your face for just a moment, drinking in every last drop of crushing defeat and despair before his lips crash down on yours in a savage, bloody kiss.
This was nothing but a game to them - one you never had a chance in hell of winning. 
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mochegato · 3 years
Heroic Deeds
Thanks to @boldlyanxious and @ive-fallen-down-the-rabbithole for the idea
 Marinette was going to kill her roommate.  Because that’s why she was in this situation in the first place, her roommate was too busy to pick up his own damn paperwork.  And she was just too “nice” to say no.  And puppy dog eyes should be illegal.  In fact, that was the next house rule.  No puppy dog eyes.  She has never in her life been able to say no to puppy dog eyes and mean it.  Manon, Etta, Ella, Adrien… no more!  Hence forth they were banned.  It was already a rule with the kwami.  It would just have to be instituted as a rule with humans as well.
But until then, she had to deal with this ridiculousness.  This thief that sounded like he was bored out of his mind, like she was inconveniencing him by being held hostage.  Is it too much to ask for him to be more invested in this than she is?  I mean, she may be the one with the gun pointed at her, but he’s the one that’s pointing it and he’s the one that broke into the office to steal whatever documents he was halfheartedly looking for during the day instead of at night when NOBODY WOULD BE THERE.  
But noooo, this jackass had to do it during the day and at the exact moment when she would be there. Really, what was her luck?  Was this punishment for not wearing Tikki constantly anymore?  She was only supposed to be in this office for a total of a whole ninety seconds. Walk in, grab the documents that were supposed to be ready and waiting for her, and walk out.  But instead she was stuck here critiquing this idiot’s ransacking skills, because that ninety seconds is exactly when this blasé thief decided to strike.  
At least Kate was safe, she huffed to herself.  Kate had been lucky enough to have gone to the backroom for the documents just a few seconds before Idiot Man came in.  Hopefully, she had escaped through the backdoor and had contacted the police already.  Because apparently Kate hadn’t pissed off the kwami of luck like Marinette somehow had.  She and Tikki were going to have a very long, very hissy discussion when she got back home.
And this guy wasn’t. Even.  Paying.  Attention. To.  Her.  The gun was pointed in her general direction, but it was like she was the furthest thing from his mind, like she held the same threat level as a kitten.  But that was his mistake, underestimating her, because this kitten had claws.  God, she’s been hanging out with Adrien too much.  She’s beginning to think like him.  She let out a breath and banged her head against the back of the chair she was sitting in out of frustration and disappointment in herself.
It wouldn’t be so bad if he was ignoring her to focus on his search, but he wasn’t really paying attention to that either.  She would think he was high on something if there were any other signs of it.  No, this just was just bored, like he was wasting time, waiting for the police to show up.  Maybe it’s the ski mask he was wearing that was annoying him.  Who wears a ski mask in the summer?  And… did he just check his phone!  Oh, Hell no!  That was the final straw.
She moved before she could overthink it, sliding over the desk she had moved behind when he came in. She plowed into his chest with both feet, catching him completely off guard and knocking him back into the filing cabinet.  
“Hey, get off me!” he yelled, sounding more affronted than worried.  
She twisted around and kicked the gun out of his hand with one leg, following it up with a punch that would have broken his nose if he hadn’t blocked it with his forearm, redirecting her hit.  She stopped her momentum before breaking her hand on the filing cabinet.  She pulled her arm back instead striking her elbow directly into his cheek.
“What the fuck!” he yelled, holding his cheek and looking up at her like she was crazy.
He reached for his gun, but she kicked his arm and raced for it herself, kicking it under a nearby cabinet. “That was my gun!” he gritted out, rounding on her.  At least he finally looked invested in this.
“I noticed,” she smirked at him, delivering a roundhouse kick to the face.  He dodged at the last second and shoved her leg, changing her momentum and sending her flying toward the edge of the table.  She squeezed her eyes shut as she braced herself for the impact. If she timed this right, she could use the table as a springboard to go back at him.  The table was solidly built from thick, heavy wood and metal.  It had to weigh several hundred pounds.  It would be able to take her weight without moving even a centimeter.  She took a breath to prepare, but the impact was significantly softer than she had anticipated and didn’t give her the bounce back she expected, causing her to end up sprawled on the floor instead of springing back at the thief.  
Before she had even registered what happened, she heard a grunt in front of her and the sound of the table scraping against the floor as it moved.  She looked up to a red helmet looking back at her.  Her eyes flicked down quickly to his chest as if she needed the confirmation the bright red bat there gave her.  He stood up quickly, rubbing his shoulder as he approached her. He knelt down in front of her. “You okay?”  His voice was considerably softer than she would have anticipated from the vigilante considered to be the most dangerous of the bats.
She stared at him for a few seconds, shocked by the tone and to see him there in the first place.  She had been expecting the police not a bat. It was daytime, everyone knew they didn’t come out during the day.  The bat signal didn’t work during the day.  “Miss,” he tried again, his voice taking on a concerned edge.
“Oh!  Yes.  Yeah. I’m fine.”  She nodded rapidly and reached down to rub her leg where the thief had pushed her, more to relieve anxiety than because it actually hurt.  
“You’re hurt.”  It was a comment, not a question.
“It’s okay, really,” she tried to assure him, but he was already up and stalking toward the thief who had started edging toward the door.  Marinette mentally scoffed at his stupidity.  She understood underestimating her, she was an unknown and looked tiny.  But Red Hood was a known entity.  His threat level was well established.  Why on Earth wouldn’t the thief have run as soon as he appeared?
“Hood…” he started nervously, holding up his hands as though trying to placate him.
Whatever other argument he was going to try to make died on his lips as Hood picked him up and threw him through the large, plate glass, front window.  He stood at the window for a few seconds, watching the thief run away. Satisfied with what he saw, he turned back to her.  “How badly are you hurt?”  He approached her slowly.  He rolled his shoulder a few times, almost imperceptibly.  If she hadn’t been familiar with trying to hide an injury, she might have missed it.
Marinette smiled at him.  “I’m not. Are you?  Did I hurt your shoulder when I slammed into you?”
“Are you sure?”  He stopped a respectable distance from her.  He seemed to eye her leg suspiciously, but backed off questioning it. “I mean emotionally too.  An incident like that can be stressful for some people.”
Marinette rolled her eyes.  “Please, that wasn’t stressful.  That was annoying.  And you didn’t answer my question.  How is your shoulder?”
Red Hood paused for a few seconds watching her.  “It’s fine.  You weren’t afraid?”
Marinette scoffed.  “No. The most stressful part of this is I’m supposed to be picking up some important documents for my roommate and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get them now.”
“If you didn’t feel afraid of what he would do, why did you attack him?  You could have provoked him into doing something he wasn’t going to do before,” he gently chided her.
Marinette let out an annoyed sigh.  “You sound like my roommate.”
“Sounds like a wise man. Why didn't you listen?” He cocked his head to the side.
She mumbled something into her feet, not making eye contact with him.
He arched his head closer to her.  “What was that?”  She mumbled something again, slightly louder this time, but still not loud enough for him to understand what she said.  “What?”
“Because he pissed me off.  Okay?” she finally yelled in exasperation.
“What did he do to piss you off?” he asked carefully, because if the guy did anything to hurt her, he was going to hunt the asshole down and kill him.
“He was bored,” she growled.  “He was holding me at gunpoint and acting like I was the one that forced him into the situation and it pissed me off, okay.  I mean the audacity!” Red Hood fought laughing at the adorable scrunched up face she made as she talked.  She waved her arms around agitatedly as she spoke.  “You don't want to be here?  Newsflash, asshole!  Neither do I! I mean, if you’re going to threaten me, put some effort into it, you know?  Am I not worth the effort?”
“You are.” Red Hood answered instantly.  “I mean, you seem like you are… from what I can tell.”
“It’s just disrespectful,” she groused, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting as she leaned against the table.
“Extremely,” he agreed absently, staring at her pouting lips.  “Lucky for you though.  Seems like he underestimated you.  I don’t even think you needed this knight in shining leather to rescue you.”
She huffed out a laugh.  “I already have a knight in shining leather.  Two, actually, if you count my roommate, which I do.  I don’t really need another.”
He motioned like he wanted to take his helmet off but stopped himself.  He positioned his arm on the table she was leaning on, supporting his weight as he leaned closer to her.  “But are they heroes?”  
“Yes,” she answered without hesitation.  “I mean… to me,” she added quickly.  She didn’t need anyone making any kind of a connection between her and Chat.
He seemed to contemplate her for a moment before responding.  “You must be quite something to have so many knights willing to fight for you.  But, maybe you can use another, after all they’re not here right now and I am.  I can be your knight in shining Kevlar instead.”
She chuckled, looking down shyly.  When she looked back up, it was through her eyelashes.  “Yes, you are here and during the day too,” she smirked at him.  “I didn’t think you guys could come out during the day.  I thought sun repelled you.”
“You’re thinking of vampires.”
She pretended to study him carefully.  “So you’re stating for the official record that you are not, in fact, vampires then?  Just regular bats.  Interesting.” She looked away nodding as if in thought.  “I’ll have to let my friend know you’re refuting that theory.  She runs a superhero blog.  The vampire Bats theory is one of the more popular posts.”
He chuckled and she could hear the smile through his words. “We aren’t.  Well, I’m not.  Can’t vouch for Robin though.  He’s definitely some kind of cryptid.”
Her face was starting to hurt from trying to contain her smile. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him.  “Although… you could be lying.  After all, you are entirely covered right now… in the middle of the day… in the summer. That’s a lot of leather for a hot day. It kind of looks like you’re hiding from the sun.”  She shrugged her shoulders innocently.
Red Hood stared at her a few more seconds and she was cursing the helmet for an entirely different reason than she usually did.  Right now she was dying to know what kind of face he was making.  Was he smirking?  Was he frowning?  Was he blushing?  Did she make Red Hood blush!  Was he enjoying the interaction or was she annoying him?  He moved over to the window he had thrown the thief through earlier and stopped a few feet from it.  He pulled up his sleeve to reveal his forearm and exposed it to the sun.  “Happy?”
Marinette looked at his forearm for a few seconds, struck by the muscles that were so defined even in his forearms.  The things that man could probably do with his hands… She walked closer and started to reach out to touch his forearm only to snap her hand back at the last second.  Her cheeks blazed brightly.  She cleared her throat lightly.  “For now,” she nodded as casually as she could manage, looking everywhere but his eyes.
“Don’t feel shy, P… rincess,” he smirked at her. “Feel free to feel freely.”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, as much to stop herself from reaching out to touch him as embarrassment. “Probably not a good idea to go around groping people you don’t know so….”
“So,” he started quietly, moving closer to her, “you’re saying you want to get to know me better and then you’ll grope me.” He quirked his head to the side as he took another step closer.  “How well do we have to know each other for that?  ‘Cuz, I’d let you do it now, so it’s all up to you.”
Marinette’s cheeks blazed a deep red.  She looked away to collect herself.  While this was fun and Red Hood’s body should be as illegal as his actions, she wasn’t looking to be another notch for him and considering the speed he was moving with someone he just met a few seconds ago, that’s all she would be.  She took a breath and looked back up at him.  “I’m saying… I should find the papers I was sent here for and get them back to my roommate.”
“Let me walk you home.  Make sure the guy doesn’t come back.  I can check the security of your place too to make sure you’re safe,” he offered in a tone that sounded sincere.
“Okay,” she nodded.
“Okay?”  He sounded surprised at her answer.  Most women must not say yes to him, which frankly she had a really hard time believing.
“To the walk, not the apartment check,” she corrected him firmly.  “My apartment is safe.”
“Are you sure?  I can…”
“My roommate made sure it’s safe and I trust my roommate more than I trust you,” she cut him off.  “No offense.”
Red Hood was silent for a few seconds before nodding.  “Okay.”
Marinette laid down on the couch for a while after getting home replaying the events in her head. No matter how many times she ran through them, they still didn’t make any sense.  The thief didn’t make sense.  Red Hood being there during the day didn’t make sense.  And Red Hood hitting on her… didn’t not make sense, but it definitely dampened the crush she had on him.  
After a little while, her stomach reminded her she had planned to pick up something to eat after picking up the paperwork, which means she hadn’t eaten since the croissant she had at breakfast and it was now dinnertime.  She let out a groan and forced herself up off the couch.  Maybe chopping some vegetables would make her feel better anyway.
She had already started sautéing the onions when the puppy dog eyed man himself finally made it home.  “That smells great, Mari.  Were you able to get the paperwork?”
Marinette blinked at him a few times before narrowing her eyes and pointing the knife she was holding at him.  “You’re not allowed to do puppy dog eyes anymore!”
“What?  Why?  I mean… I don’t… do that,” he trailed off quietly at the glare she was sending him.
“Yes, you do,” she glowered and went back to cutting vegetables for dinner a little more forcefully than she had originally.
“So what happened that was so bad?” he asked carefully.  He moved to sit on the counter, but made sure to keep a fair distance between him and Marinette, or more specifically, her knife.
“The office got robbed!” she exclaimed loudly, waving the knife wildly.  “While I was in it!”
He jumped down off the counter and ran to her.  He grabbed her shoulders and looked her over carefully for any signs of injury.  “Mari!  Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
Marinette scoffed.  “No.  I just started trying to take him down when Red Hood interrupted.”
“Red Hood, huh?”  He waggled his eyebrows at her.
“Yes, Red Hood,” she rolled her eyes.  “Shut up.”
He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it quickly and took the knife from her hand first.  Once he was fairly safe from getting stabbed, accidentally or on purpose, he continued.  “Did you flirt with him?”
“What?” Her cheeks flared brightly.  What the hell!  Why was he asking her that?  That was not a conversation she wanted to have.  It was hard enough to have normal conversations with him and his tight shirts and charming smile and piercing eyes, but him encouraging her to flirt with other people was really not a conversation she wanted to have.
“Well you… you like him, right?  You said he was your favorite and he was a dilf, even though I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any kids,” he said nonchalantly as he swirled the onions in the pan.
“Yeah, because he could be my daddy,” Marinette muttered to herself, but apparently not as quietly as she thought she did, judging by the choking sounds next to her.
“What?”  The smug smirk making its way across his face told her that her denial didn’t come across as innocently as she had hoped.  “Shut up, Jason.”
“So he made a good impression then?” He asked somewhat awkwardly, which was bizarre for him. “You might even want to see him again?”
She smacked him in the shoulder pausing when he flinched heavily.  She stared at him, studying him closely.  That was where Red Hood had been nursing earlier.  Red Hood, who has the same dimensions as Jason.  Red Hood, who had a still healing cut on his forearm in the exact same spot as the one Jason mysteriously showed up with a few days ago.  Red Hood, who knew her roommate was a he.  Red Hood, who reminded her so much of Jason, which is why she liked him so much in the first place.  Red Hood, who was definitely flirting with her as he rescued her while she was the only one… in Jason’s aunt’s office… after saving her from someone who, thinking back, had the same dimensions and eye color as Roy…
“Oh he made an impression,” she said absentmindedly, still staring at his shoulder.
“A… um, a good one?  He did save you, right?  Heroic deeds and all?  Women love a hero,” Jason added casually.
Marinette stared at him for a few seconds, letting the pieces settle into place.  Finally, her eyes widened in realization.  “You set it up…”
Jason’s face went blank. “I… What?”
“You set it up,” Marinette repeated with more confidence.  “You… Why?”
“What are you talking about?” Jason tried desperately.
She punched him hard in the shoulder.  “Jesus! Fuck, Pixie.  That hurt.” Jason cried out as he rubbed his aching shoulder.
“Good!  What the fuck?  Why would you do that?  Were you trying to scare me?”
“No!  I was… Because… because you liked Red Hood.  I wanted you to meet him,” he said defensively.  He looked away and took a breath.  When he looked back, his voice was quieter, shakier. “You wanted Red Hood and… and I wanted you so…”
“You know, you could have just, I don’t know, popped up on the roof when I was there or showed up when I was walking home.  You didn’t have to stage a robbery!  Think about all that damage Kate has to deal with now!”
“She was remodeling anyway. She needed to demo the entire office so… two birds, you know?”  He shrugged a little too casually to be casual and flipped the onions again.
“And one bat.” He rolled his eyes at her.  “Or you could have just… said something”
“You weren’t interested in me.  You were interested in Red Hood.”
Marinette let out a long sigh.  “I was interested in Red Hood because he reminded me of you.”
His eyes widened in realization.  “Oh.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’.  And liking him seemed less emotionally damaging than destroying my relationship with you by flirting.”
“You thought I wasn’t interested?”  He looked at her incredulously.  She looked down at her feet, shuffling them awkwardly, refusing to make eye contact, almost like she was afraid of what he was going to say.  He couldn’t allow that to continue.  He turned off the stove and walked up to her slowly, careful not to scare her, just like Red Hood had earlier that day.  He gently cupped her face, softly enough that she could pull away if she wanted to.  He stroked her cheeks tenderly.  
When he finally spoke up again, his voice was loving and reverent.  “Pix, I’m head over heels.  I don’t think you even… no, I know you don’t know how much or you wouldn’t question why I tried talking to you as Red Hood instead.  I love you, Pix.  I love your heart and your humor and your sass and your passion… and your face.  I love that too.  
“And God, your smiles. I love your smile when you’re happy, which is different than your smile when you beat me at UMS, which is different than your smile when you see a little kitten, which is different than your smile when you’re thinking about home, which is different than your smile after you’ve completed a commission, which is different than your smile when I make an amazing joke that you hate.  I love them all and I just want to see any of them, all of them, every day.”
He didn’t realize how close he had gotten to Marinette’s face until he realized the gasp she let out sounded like it was right next to him.  She laid her hands over his wrists.  “Jason…”
“And I really hope I didn’t…”
“Jason!” she interrupted. He looked at her wide eyed.  She smiled reassuringly at him.  “Can I kiss you?”
“Oh God, Pixie, you can’t imagine how happy that would make me,” he smiled down at her, lowering himself so his lips were close enough for her to reach.
She grinned back up at him as she pushed herself up, her lips a few millimeters from his.  “Oh, I think I have an idea,” she whispered before closing the distance.
@jasonette-july-event @maribatserver
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tastyykpop · 3 years
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
ɴᴄᴛ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂️
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
heya, it’s the apartment-anon again!! i saw your reply,, and tbh i’m having some A.B brainrot as well,,, like???? the robot dude w/ an abundance of plants??? my heart…its melting…oh no…….
but yeah i’d really like to see your stuff on A.B’s apartment!!! maybe how his s/o would react to it as well!!
gah this is too cute!!!! <3333
- 🌱 anon [i guess that works for a long-term name lol]
JUST <333 listen his apartment is pretty small all things considered bc he,, doesn't really need much?? BUT ALSO ITS WAY BIGGER THAN ANYTHING HE'S USED TO??
Like esp if he's Mobile and Repaired it feels,, almost wrong having so much empty space to move around in??? Like at least in the Basement Lab has the background noise of computer terminals and pipes n stuff but,,, his apartment is uncannily quiet??
THIS MEANS HE LEAVES THE WINDOW OPEN AT ALL TIMES. Hearing the sounds of the city?? is so soothing. Also its completely new to him?? <33 so like for the first few nights he just kinda,, sits by the window and listens to the world while he reads.
MNSDMSD I MENTIONED THIS IN THE TAGS OF THE PREVIOUS POST THAT LIKE,, he has this Very Bad Habit of picking things up and then placing them somewhere else that is,, Very Percarious??
BC HES A ~PERFECT AI~ SO LIKE,, he can balance shit perfectly and then balance MORE shit on top of THAT shit and now you can't access the window bc theres smth resembling Modern Art in the way
AND OF COURSE, in his hubris he accidentally like,, stumbles a bit and that Slight Vibration causes several Piles Of Books And Trinkets to come clattering down >:( he'll still insist it was from Myc being too loud
AB is a heavy sleeper he is a very heavy sleeper he could probably sleep through a fucking atom bomb but somehow Myc always seems to wake him up at like 3 am with his nonsense
He woke up suddenly and went to,, Bat On The Wall To Tell Him To Shut The Fuck Up and in his half-awake tizzy forgot that he has super strength and.... well
I mean at least Myc shut off his music after so he considers it a resounding success
he didn't even get her on purpose - he noticed her climbing along his windowsill and,,, well he couldn't just leave her out there, she could fall and hurt herself and shes just so tiny it would be cruel to leave her out in the snow all alone and Oh No He Has A Cat Now??? When Did This Happen >:(
She's this,, tiny little white Cornish Rex?? No matter how much he feeds her she stays vv thin and lanky lmao.
Her 'Official Name' is Piper, (as in the Pied Piper bc,,, Jesus Christ He's Pretty Sure She's Killed Half The Rats In Virginia At This Point With How Many She Keeps Leaving Around. She takes after her dads homicidal tendencies I guess)
(ALSO,,, PRINCESS <33 bc she IS his little princess <333 yea he coos little endearments at her but he would never admit that lmao)
She perches as high as she can and just,, stares at everything. It unnerves ppl and he loves it <333 ITS THOSE BIG OL EYES, ALWAYS SUPER SHARP. The only time they get all Big is when she's being ignored and decides Fathers Ankles Need To Be Swiped For This Crime >:(
she doesn't audibly purr but,, like,, when you pet her you can feel her vibrating?? HE ADORES IT <333
It started with Brett getting him a little succulent to 'break in the new home', and he got used to taking care of it and,,, so when Elliot needed to get rid of a few old houseplants to make room for a new desk of course AB was the first one to ask and-
It really does feel like a greenhouse <333 theres plants wherever he can stick them. You're pretty sure he'd have dandelions growing out of the floorboards if you gave him the chance.
LIKE YOU CAN STILL MOVE AROUND BUT YOU ALWAYS WORRY YOU'RE GONNA KNOCK OVER HIS TULIPS OR SMTH. He's very proud of everything and you can practically see him resisting the urge to start explaining all the intricacies of growing each of them.
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softlyjiminie · 4 years
cherry glosses n car washes | j.j.k
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⇢ pairing(s): goth!jeon jungkook x sorority sister!reader.
⇢ word count: 7K.
⇢ rating: 18+, mature.
⇢ genre: pwp, smut, fluff, college!au, sorority!au.
⇢ summary: in the blistering heat of the summer sun, a bikini carwash is the last place you’d expect to find tattoo bearing, black sweater wearing jeon jungkook. but then again, no one expected to find him dating everyone’s beloved sorority queen YN LN either. in all honesty, he only really came to support her…but most definitely in more ways than one.
⇢ warning(s): please read! brief fight scene, heavy smut, pwp, switch!jungkook, switch!reader, oral sex (male receiving.), oral fixation, fingering, handjobs, heavy!exhibitionism, dirty talk, overstimulation, male masturbation, cumplay, creampie, unprotected sex - please wear protection!
⇢ author’s note(s): hello my loves! happy august! i hope you all are having a beautiful summer! the time has finally arrived for this cheeky fic, read with caution! extreeeme jk spice up ahead. ( thank you to @bangtan-headquarters for allowing me to participate in their Bangtan Boardwalk Collab Event! )
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everyone knows who YN LN is. some know you as a daughter, a friend but to everyone at alpha delta pi, you were sister. you were a kind to all, taking care of your peers in your sorority, whether that be during times of hardship or just needing a simple friend to pull through. no person went untouched by your bright light, no person went without your cheery smiles and soft spoken voice, through cherry glossed lips and under peach blush.  you made friends everywhere you went, entrancing them with sparkling eyes and a soft cherry blossom scent— and although you denied it, you were everything everyone wanted to be; smart, pretty, popular— you were living the dream.
but then there was your dream...jeon jungkook.
with dark ink tattoos of guns and roses spiralling down his arms and intertwining with his finger tips, long, thick hair and more piercings than you could count, jeon jungkook was the epitome of college bad boy. your boyfriend was the complete opposite of yourself, trading out any colour for black sweatshirts and heavy combat boots, grazed knuckles and a pierced lip that contrasted with the bubblegum pink shirts you wore every wednesday because your sorority was obsessed with early 2000s movies and yelling ‘you can’t sit with us!’ to jocks across the quad.  
jungkook liked rock music, his motorbike named missy, painting his nails black and writing songs with his little band ( the weeping kittens, which you always found absolutely morbid but loved anyways ) whilst you liked collecting sparkly lipgloss and pretty stationary kits and those sanrio stickers that you liked to put on jungkook’s phone case sometimes. it was a wonder to anyone on campus how you got together, and to say they were intrigued was an understatement.
but you loved him for who he was, even with all of his odd little tendencies; like wearing black in the summer and scrunching his nose up when he laughed too hard, or how he used your hair clips to hold his hair back when he was concentrating. you liked that he quiet in class but loud and giggly with you, soft and sensitive, snarky and sweet. jungkook wasn’t like anyone you’d ever met, not like jung hoseok from your brother frat— who all your friends thought you’d end up with. of course, you’d flirted with the jock once or twice at parties but he hadn’t stolen your heart that night in sophomore year when jungkook stole your kisses in the back of his yoongi hyung’s van.
and although your friends still try to set you two up, jung hoseok will never be your jeon jungkook— there just isn’t anyone else like him.
that’s why you wear his oversized black AC/DC shirt that differs very much from the pink interior of your room, decorated by your roommate in the sorority house on campus. you didn’t have the heart to tell aerum that the feathers above your bed made you sneeze in your sleep, or that her choice of wallpaper sometimes made you woozy and that you’d much rather a less...bedazzled look; so you let her decorate as she pleases, with only a few hums in of agreement when she changes the settings on the LED lights every week. it’s only now that you realise how blistering this summer is, so you have the air con turned up to the max— goosebumps rising on your bare legs as you chat to your boyfriend of a year over facetime about you’re upcoming philanthropy project.
‘a bikini car wash, huh? like in those teen romcom movies you make me watch?”
your boyfriend mumbles absentmindedly—jungkook has his phone propped up against something, giving you a full view of his perfectly toned body as he strums away at his guitar— he claims he’s writing you another song, the lyrics purely focused on your pink skirts and cherry vanilla chapstick, but your concentration slips as you watch his inked fingers tug at his guitar strings...thinking about the way they’d curl around your throat or slip into the warmth of your mouth and press down against your pink tongue.
your lover glances up from playing for just a brief moment, the corner of his red lips twitching up into a brilliant smile when he catches you looking. ‘dollface, you’re staring.’ he whispers smugly, quirking his pierced brow at you and you struggle to hide the warm blush that blooms across the apples of your cheeks and neck.
“no i’m not.”
‘don’t be a brat, you know you are.’
you whine at his scolding tone, rolling over on your disney printed bed sheets because after all, you’re still a little girl... or his little girl as jungkook would put it. he makes a low noise in his throat, finally putting down his god forsaken instrument so he can pay attention to you, before sitting back in his seat expectantly. “are you sure you don’t wanna come? we’re raising money for a good cause!” you try again, jutting out your bottom lip in full pouty mode as you bat your eyelashes up at him. you’d been trying to convince jungkook to come to your philanthropy event for at least a week— the aforementioned car wash that was happening tomorrow— but whenever you brought it up, his gaze would drop and he’d fall quiet. “we’re donating all the proceeds to food shelters...”
‘i don’t know, YN...’
“i even got a new bikini, i wanna show it off for you!”
‘angel...’ your boyfriend sighs, running a hand through his midnight locks with the lightest hints of frustration. you deflate immediately, dropping the topic in favour for not pushing him any further. you don’t mean to upset him, you just really want him there so you can show him off and gush about how much you love him— the thought itself has your pout deepening before you know it. ‘come on now dollface don’t make that face, you know i can’t help myself when you make that face...’
this much is true, you know that no matter what you’re doing, if you make that face— jungkook’s a goner. “meh...” your voice is quiet and muffled from where you’ve shoved your face into the sheets to hide from jungkook, because you know that you’ll melt if you look at him. you don’t know what it was about him, but your lover always had a way of making you feel small in the best of ways. despite his quiet personality, jungkook was very domineering inside and outside of the bedroom, he cared for you like no other, protected you like no other. he wasn’t one to take advantage your kindness and he wasn’t about to let anyone else do the same so perhaps that’s also why you fell for him.
jungkook hums, leaning into the camera to get a better look at you. ‘it’s not that i don’t want to come and support you baby... i’m just worried that you’ll be exposed too much and—’  he lowers his voice, so you feel as if he’s lying right next to, causing you whimper out for him. the boy tuts, a lazy smile painting his lips as he looks at you with all the love in his eyes. ‘—and god as much as i’d love to see you show off your little outfit for me, i’m not so sure i’d fit in with your...crowd of friends...’ you nod your head slowly in understanding, because as much as you loved the girls in your sorority, they had a knack for making jungkook feel like he didn’t deserve you, purely because he was different from your usual type and jungkook was always too shy and introverted to say anything. you hated that he couldn’t feel comfortable around your friends like you could with his— so you couldn’t blame him for not wanting to come around.
“s’ okay googie,” you hum, curling into a ball on your bed as he laughs at your pet name for him. “i’ll just have to show it to you another time.”
‘another time it is, dollface.’ jungkook repeats, pretending to boop your nose through the screen. you talk for a little while longer before the members of the weeping kittens come in and interrupt your facetime call.  the band consists of four members; yoongi the drummer, namjoon the guitarist , jimin the bassist and jungkook, of course, lead singer and guitarist number two. the older two occupy themselves with teasing your boyfriend, poking his cheeks and singing old playground songs ( “YN and jungkook sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”) whilst jimin clings to the youngest like a baby and if you hadn’t known better, you’d have thought that the purple haired male was the baby of the group.  
jungkook’s cheeks flush a deep crimson when you decide to play along, wishing him a goodnight that makes his face ripple with cringe. “sleep tight googie-poo,” you coo with a sing song tone, finally sitting up to blow him a kiss. the other members shriek with laughter, ruffling their little junggoogie’s mop of dark hair as you tease him for them to see. “i love youuu!”
‘goodnight angel-bear,’ jungkook says quietly, gritting his teeth has he sinks into his sweater to hide his embarrassment. you know his reaction is more of a result of his hyung’s teasing— he claims he can’t sleep well without saying goodnight in your special way. ‘i love you too...’ he mumbles, giving you a shy smile before hanging up the call, leaving you to fall asleep with an equally wide smile.
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“there you go, joongie, hope she’s clean enough for you!”
you grin as you wipe the remaining sudds off of hongjoong’s bright red vintage car that you’re sure he spent all of his college loans on. nonetheless, you take the twenty he offers you from his wound down window and ruffle his matching strawberry hair. “thanks YN-ah,” he giggles, turning away from you for a brief second to tuck his wallet away, he briefly smacks his friend ( mingi ) on the thigh for staring at your boobs — and you can’t blame him, you love those girls — before offering you a bright smile. “you guys did a great job on her.”
you thank him once again, winking at mingi with a sly smile before waving the boys off and waiting for the next customer. the bikini car wash your sorority has set up is booming with business, students from across campus driving in to get their cars cleaned. some of the girls on the committee ordered in pink and white balloons to hang outside your dorm house, with a handmade sign saying ‘alpha delta pi wash!’ painted in pastel shades. your girls are having a great time too, looking stunning in all types of bathing suits that show off their beautiful bodies under  golden rays, splashing each other with soapy water to ease the burn of the summer sun against their skin.
you quite like the little number you’re wearing too, a pale pink two piece with obsidian black accents and panelling at either side. you wave to some of the girls as you head over to your booth to count the cash you’ve made so far, when the familiar sound of rowdy cheers and hollering boys fills the air. barely glancing up from your work, you note the excited squeals of younger members of your sorority— already tripping over their flip flops to get a taste of the frat boys that take over your car wash.
“what does a guy have to do to get his car washed around here?”
rolling your eyes, you close the catch box with a drawn out sigh— picking up your gaze to meet that of jung hoseok’s. he stands half a head taller than you, chocolate brown hair parted and pushed back from his forehead, he wears the typical varsity jacket and baseball cap combo, paired with blue jeans and his signature chunky trainers. you wouldn’t lie and say that hoseok wasn’t attractive because you’d messed about with him once or twice before, but now he couldn’t seem to understand the boundaries of your blossoming relationship with jungkook. “pay thirteen bucks and use some manners?” your question is more of a statement, with you not in the mood to deal with a cocky frat boy who thinks he’s entitled to your service. the brunette looks taken a back, not used to your snarky attitude with him, but today was not a day for you to be messed with, all you wanted was to raise money for a good cause and have fun, not deal with assholes like him. nonetheless, the jock hands you his donation with a smirk as you whistle over one of the girls to help him.
“hyeri, you don’t mind helping hoseok over here do you—?”
“no,” hoseok cuts in, stepping between yourself and the older girl— stopping her from taking the equipment she needs to clean his car. you roll your shoulders, a light sweat dripping between their blades as frustration builds up within your temple— dealing with hoseok is bothersome and all you want is to relax and let lose. the brunette steps closer to you, and hyeri watches with blushing cheeks, the short, red head almost wishing she was in your position— her flustered attitude only inflating the boy’s ego. so entitled. hoseok was so so entitled. thinking that he could get anything he wanted from any girl just because he was pretty, and maybe that was the reason why he liked you so much— because you resisted him. “i want you to do it, YN, wash my car for me princess? please?”
scoffing, you cross your arms and send an apologetic look to the bumbling mess that is now hyeri. “book him a slot for me, love? i’ll let you help?” you ask softly to which she nods her head and runs off to take a note. hoseok smiles triumphantly but his win is quickly shot down by the glare you send him, and if looks could kill, he’d be six feet under. “you know it’s gonna cost you extra for even having me near you, right?”
“that’s an extra cost i’m will to pay...” the boy hums, smirk finding its way onto his lips once again, as he hands you another twenty before heading back to his car full of idiots. relieved that he’s gone ( for the time being ) you release a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding and head off to grab an extra bucket and sponge to clean hoseok’s obnoxiously bright yellow ferrari, but not before you take a second to reapply a layer of your favourite cherry gloss that had faded during the day.
you miss the recognisable sound of yoongi’s truck while your back is turned to the hustle and bustle of your event, so your skin jumps with goosebumps when a familiar pair of arms wrap around your bare waist. “guess who?” a soothing voice whispers into your ear, causing a light giggle to pass between your freshly glossed lips.
“let me think, is it mr. tall dark and handsome?” you tease, squealing as jungkook picks you up and spins you in his arms. before he’s even set you back onto your feet, your boyfriend attacks your face with soft kisses while tugging you into him.  “you came!” you beam, once jungkook finally allows you to pull away— using an inked finger to trace patters on the small of your back. hums of approval sound from the bottom your throat while your stresses melt away, your boyfriend’s presence easily calming you down.
jungkook nods, a small smile tickling the corners of his pierced lips as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear and presses your foreheads together. “i realised that i was being stupid,” the guitarist mumbles, lips only inches away from your own— you’re so close that you can feel the warmth of his breath against your skin and his own body heat radiating against yours. although your foreheads are growing sticky from sweat ( a result of the intense summer heat ), you don’t mind, loving being in close proximity to your lover.  “i shouldn’t let the fact that we have different friends stop me from showing my support, i shouldn’t be one to judge your events or say i think you’re exposing yourself— because this is your body and your choice and i’m so proud of you, sorry for being a dumb boy.”
you boop his nose, heart melting at your boyfriend’s words and even more when he scrunches his nose under your touch. “but you’re my dumb boy,” you add, teasing him slightly as you lean up to brush your lips against his. from the outside, it would appear that jungkook would always be the one to make you flustered— so it amused you when your larger, much more intimidating boyfriend blushed under the slightest touches from you. he puckers his lips, awaiting your kiss only for you to nip at his earlobe and whisper. “now how may i help you today?”
pulling away, you can see jungkook shyly curling in on himself— beyond flustered by your actions. his brown doe eyes avoid your gaze while his fingers slip into the sleeves of his black sweater as if he’s hiding. “i uh, also came to get yoongi hyung’s truck washed... he’s not happy with the state we left it in last time,” your lover mumbles quietly, and now you understand why he’s acting more shy than usual.
with bubbling laugher, you reach onto your tippy toes to ruffle jungkook’s long black locks— effectively moving them out of place. “i can help with that, koo,” you tease and pinch his cheeks as you return to your normal height. “but i can’t promise it’ll be any cleaner than last time—“ jungkook tugs you into his chest once more, opening his mouth  to speak, when a car begins honking from your left. you huff, pushing your head into your boyfriend’s broad chest while you grip his sweater. “it’s hoseok...i’m sorry.”
jungkook shakes his head, offering you one of his beautiful bunny smiles before he leans down and captures your bottom lip between his teeth. his deep caramel eyes are locked onto yours before he grasps your cheeks and kisses you fully, tongue slotting perfectly against yours as they battle in a light dance for passion. but as soon as the kiss comes, it’s over, jungkook releasing you while you stand dazed to process what happened. your boyfriend was never one for PDA but you definitely notice how he smirks and revels in the cheers you both get, sending heat straight down to your core and making a light slick pool between your thighs. cheeky bastard. the boy salutes you as he lets you go, allowing you to run off to hoseok’s car while someone else books your lover in, before he heads back over to the truck. you make quick work of building up the suds for washing the car, dipping your sponge into the soapy water as you work on the hood— deciding now of all times, would be an ample opportunity to tease him. in the meantime the guitarist makes himself comfortable in the drivers seat of yoongi’s truck, watching you get to work— and it’s not long before he notices little things about you, like how you lean over hoseok’s car a little more, drawing attention to the curve of your ass or how you purposely drench yourself with the crisp, clear and cool soapy water when you ring out each sponge.
suddenly, jungkook’s pants begin to grow tight and his senses kick into overdrive as he becomes increasingly aware of the show you’re putting on for him. the boy knows what you’re doing, from the way you look at him from over your shoulder, to the spark in your eyes and the way you lick your cherry gloss lips. jungkook’s body acts for him, hand sliding down to the buckle of his pants as he slowly undoes it— his cock is half hard in his briefs just from watching you. he hisses when he grabs his length, pumping it slowly. jungkook feels wrong, dirty for touching himself in public, let alone in his hyung’s van but he can never help himself when it comes to you— so he almost whimpers when you lean over to soap up hoseok’s window and give him a full view of your breasts in the little pink bralette  you wear.
the guitarist thanks his luck that his dark sweater covers his dirty work, thrusting he shallowly into his hand— imagining that it’s your cute little pussy clenching around him. the warmth of need bursting in his chest because god, you look so good and he knows you’ll sound better when you’re underneath him. squeezing his cock, jungkook let’s a low groan rumble in his chest— fingertips just brushing at his orgasm.
but the euphoria of his release is suddenly ripped away from him when another girl he recognises as your roommate, areum, from the nights he visits you at the house— knocks on his window. jungkook tears his hands from his pants and gives the girl a smile, driving over to get the truck washed just as you finish up with hoseok. you smile at the job you’ve done and the way the frat member’s car shines as you dry up your hands. right when you’re about to leave to find jungkook, hoseok slips from his vehicle and grabs your wrist so that your attention is turned to him.
“she looks great, YN... thanks for cleaning her up,” hoseok praises you, leaning back against his precious yellow ferrari that you’re sure is loaned ( because realistically what college student could  afford such a fancy car ), you blink, appreciative of his thanks and nod your head but your mind is too hazy from the looks your guitarist lover was giving you earlier. you know he’s beyond turned on at this point and your mouth almost waters from the thought of him taking you right there, right now. “is there any way i can repay you?”
you snap out of your thoughts, tugging your wrist from hoseok’s grip and smiling at him sweetly— hoping that it speeds up your interaction so you can return to your boyfriend. “you already paid.” you mumble bluntly, turning to leave once more before you’re pulled back into the taller male’s grasp.
“why so distant YN-ah? let me take you out to say thanks?”
“let me go hoseok.” you warn, growling out your words. it’s like he couldn’t understand, that he was incapable of realising that you just weren’t interested in him like that anymore. your eyes and heart were set on jungkook, your days flirting and messing about with boys from the neighbouring frat were over and you didn’t care what people thought of your new relationship. yes, jungkook wasn’t  your usual, conventional type but he was yours. your shy, emo, inked, pierced pretty boy.
“just think about it...” the boy pushes for you to consider it, pulling you into him by the hips as the pads of his fingers sink into your naked skin.
“hoseok.” you repeat, your tone much harsher this time as you push him back by his shoulders.
“just let me—“
the wind is knocked out of you before you have a chance to retort, as you’re yanked free from hoseok’s burning grip into a warm and familiar embrace. you immediately recognise jungkook’s sweet, floral scent and cast your gaze upwards, his sharp jaw is clenched, pierced nose is flared and skin shines under the sun from his light perspiration. you’ve never seen him so angry before, at least not in public. jungkook has never been one to start fights or initiate major PDA in front of anyone, so his attitude today... shocks you. “are you dumb, stupid, or is it both?” your boyfriend spits, anger at hot as the sun that beats down on you. his large palms that hold onto your waist tighten and his possessiveness starts to make you light headed with want. you don’t know if it’s the fact that you’re both angry or that jungkook never gets this pissed but you feel the same wetness from earlier begin to gather in your panties. “shit man,” jungkook continues as a crowd begins to gather. “when a girl says to fuck off, you fuck off, especially when she’s taken.”
your pupils blow wide, gaze flickering over to hoseok who’s chest rises and falls with a mix of embarrassment and anger. you can’t tell which is the more domineering emotion. “and what if i don’t ‘fuck off’ what are you gonna do about it freak? we both know she deserves better than you.” hoseok goes for a low blow, eliciting a chorus of ‘ooo’s and ‘fight! fight! fight!’s from the group that surrounds you and his car. your boyfriend clenches his teeth ready to to spit out another comeback when you detangle yourself from his grip and knee hoseok in the dick before giving him a good old sucker punch— watching with a satisfied glossy grin as he doubles over in pain.
“YN, you bitch!” he cries out in pain, and you’re about to swing again when jungkook lifts you by your hips— legs kicking and arms flailing just to get another taste. once you’re a fair distance away, your boyfriend sets you down as you shake out your hand— knuckles barley bruised from the punch and you know that your lover is impressed ( and maybe just a little more turned on ).
hoseok’s frat brothers help him clear up his bloody nose while girls fawn over the poor thing. you’re not surprised when hyeri gives you a disappointed look, punishing you with the task of cleaning the interior of the douche’s car whilst the sorority takes a lunch break. something about repaying him for almost breaking his nose. you don’t mind though, you were far too hungry for something else.
“that was hot,” jungkook mumbles against your neck after everyone’s gone, he’s got you pressed against the door of yoongi’s truck— thigh between your legs and lips barley touching your neck. you moan lowly, feeling your hips naturally grind down against the meat of your boyfriend’s thigh whilst slick gathers at your entrance.   the combat jeans he wears are a rough polyester, only adding to your stimulation but you’re beyond turned on at this point, not caring if anyone sees. not that they will, the car wash is closed while everyone’s on break, so you have time to kill. “the way you sucker punched him like that, god i don’t think my dick’s ever gotten that hard that fast...”
your laughter falls into an airy moan, as your fingers dance their way down from jungkook’s sweaty hair to push at his sweater. you wonder how he’s not burning in the thing with how thick it is, not to mention how black clothes attract heat but you don’t question it, only knowing one thing and one thing only. that you want it off. “don’t lie to me googie,” you whine when he pulls away to rid himself of the ghastly article of clothing— a different type of heat building in your core. “saw you watchin’ me wash hoseok’s car earlier, bet you were painfully hard just sitting there knowing you couldn’t touch me,” you breathe, enjoying the way he twitches in your grasp as you yank him up for a blazing kiss. his strawberry tongue swipes over your lips to taste the cherry they have painted on and the flavour bursts in your mouth as he forces your lips apart and tangles his tongue with yours. when he pulls away, only a trail of saliva connects you both, making you both groan in unison. “were you touching yourself, baby?” you ask breathlessly, forcing your head back against the cool surface of the truck.
“fuck, angel face...” jungkook hisses at your lewd words, hips stuttering when you grab his growing bulge through his jeans. “h-how’d you know?
“i just know you.”
your boyfriend presses his lips to yours once again, fingers diving down to pinch your clit over the panties of your bikini— making you squeal with pleasure. jungkook swallows each and every one of your noises, hands trailing up and down your body until the slide under your bralette where inked fingers pull at your nipples and squeeze at your breasts. the peaks harden under jungkook’s touch, which is surprisingly cool despite the weather and you arch your back into him— desperate for more.
“let me feel you,” he finally says, sounding just as desperate as you and you nod, letting jungkook drop your feet to the ground gently and shove his shirt into the front of yoongi’s freshly cleaned truck. the guitarist is about to open the door for you when an idea pops into your head. pulling jungkook’s arm, you point over to the piercing yellow ferrari on the other side of of the lot outside of your sorority’s house and his face falls. within an instant, the key’s of hoseok’s car are back in your hand (after an hour of cleaning it) and jungkook is lowering you onto it’s hood. “want me to fuck you here, dollface? for everyone to see?”
you nod your head, a series of incoherent babbles falling from between your lips as you stare up your boyfriend with a hazy look in your eye— a look that drives him wild. jungkook strips you of your bralette and takes a breast into his mouth, sucking and licking and biting like a man devouring his last meal. you have no choice but to take what he gives you, closing your eyes to the melody of wet, sloppy sounds as his warm tongue swirls around each bud— contrasting with the cold metal of hoseok’s car beneath you. his freehand tweaks your other nipple before dancing down to between your legs as he pushes your thighs further apart. wetness pours from your burning entrance, causing your panties to stick deliciously to your pussy and jungkook groans around your second breast ( having switched between the two ) before he slides his two fingers past the flimsy pink material to circle your dripping hole.
“please koo, finger me...fuck me!” you cry desperately, writhing against the expensive car that your pussy drools onto.    he groans, wasting no more time as he pushes his tattooed digits into your tight cunt, you whimper as he grinds his palm against your clit with every thrust of his fingers inside of you— dragging his finger tips against your needy walls as your eyes threaten to flutter shut from bliss.
your boyfriend tuts from your breast, standing straight to lean over you while more of your juices splatter lewdly against the hood of hoseok’s car. “nonono, angel, eyes open, want you to look at me as i stretch you open on this fucker’s car, yeah?” he pants, curling the fingers he has buried in your pussy so that they catch deliciously on that one spot. your bleary eyes focus on one thing and one thing only, your lover. the way that his lips shine under the sun with smears of your cherry lip gloss, and the way that his dark eyes shift to lighter shades of coffee brown in the sunlight— the way his strawberry lips are caught between his teeth as he pleasures you and your heart bursts with adoration. “that’s my good girl...” he mumbles, voice gravelly with need when he notices your open doe eyes.
with uncoordinated movements, you manage to tackle the buttons of jungkook’s pants, pulling his painfully hard cock free from its material confines. he practically whimpers when your burning palm comes into contact with his weighty length, his tip bright red and glistening with need. “feel good baby?” you ask him while doing your best to pump him in time with the thrusts of your fingers, creating the illusion of him being inside of you. jungkook leaks endless amounts of precum, eyes scrunching shut as he grows closer to his orgasm.
jungkook buries his mop of midnight hair into the crook of of your neck, kissing at the skin there. “d-didn’t finish earlier...” he stammers, thrusting his length into your grip. “if you don’t stop i’m gonna cum before being inside you...” he wastes no more time, pushing your pretty pink panties aside and slapping is leaking tip against your glistening pussy— teasing you both even though you’ve been craving each other all day. his strong, tattooed arms hook around your legs, bringing you closer to him as he finally pushes his cock past your entrance— you hiss in unison as his weighty length sits within you and you dig your heels into the small of his back to prompt him to move. “shit...angel, dreamed of this pussy all day...”
“then take it jungkook, take me like you mean it,” you almost scream, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to pull him impossibly closer. your nails dig crescent moons into his blemished, freckled skin as he circles his hips and drills is cock into you, tip rubbing against your fiery walls while you clamp down on him. your cunt selfishly sucks him in as you find the strength within you to lift your hips and meet his thrusts— loving the way he feels and the burn of his fat cock stretching you open. the air between you seems heavier, hotter as the sun shines brightly above you— your perspiration clouding the glimmer on the hood of hoseok’s car as mix of your arousals smear across the honey yellow paint. you’re messy, dirty, tainting hoseok’s car as jungkook fucks into you with wanton— chasing the release that’s been building in his stomach all day.
you love it though, the way he wrecks your little hole out in broad daylight for everyone to see if they wanted— the sounds of his hips slamming against yours filling the empty lot in front of your sorority. anyone could come back now and see you taking his cock, and the thought makes your pussy gush with sweet, hot nectar. “your cunt is so greedy, swallowing my cock whole,” jungkook reminds you, pushing his cock into your womb until he reaches the hilt. “you must like me taking you in public huh?” he speaks your thoughts, moaning heavily as you squeeze around his length with every word, your juices wetting him more. jungkook presses down on your tummy and you watch with awe as it bulges slightly— his hips never easing up as he pushes himself impossibly deeper inside of you. “god angel face, would you look at that, look at me inside of you.”
“you’re so big,” you praise from underneath him, gasping as he grinds himself into you— harsh material of his jeans brushing against your sensitive clit. you play a game of back and forth, pushing your hips against each other with every turn until jungkook picks up the pace again, a knot in your stomach begins to form— your orgasm sneaking up behind you as your pussy weeps and cries, painting the front of jungkook’s jeans as well as your pretty thighs. “wanna cum on this thick cock of yours koo, make me cum please please...”
“you’re driving me insane dollface,” jungkook comments through gritted teeth, pounding into you now at a relentless pace— you can feel every vein and ridge of his cock against your walls, causing your jaw to go slack as you drip endlessly. he shuts your pleas up with the two fingers in your mouth letting you taste the remains of your essence. your boyfriend only manages a few more thrusts before you’re falling limp against him with new colours flashing behind your eyes as cream against his cock. jungkook rides out your high, hitting your g-spot over and over and almost reaches his climax when you hear someone’s footsteps against the gravel. eyes widening jungkook pulls your weak frame into his chest, using the discarded keys to open hoseok’s car door before bringing you inside. your heart thumps as you spot a sister from your sorority in the side mirrors, she seems to be looking for something but for now, you remain out of view.
with that in mind, you push yourself out of jungkook’s iron grip— knowing full well that he still hasn’t cum. ignoring your boyfriend’s nervous and confused expression along with the thumping in your chest, you drop to your knees, paying no mind to the burn the gravel causes against them. “YN, what are you—?” jungkook never finishes his question as you brace yourself on his thighs, giving sweet kitten licks to his tip before taking him into your mouth. you won’t need to do much work, he’s already close and you can tell from the way his abs clench and his fingers weave their way into your hair. your free hands pump what doesn’t fit into your hot mouth, as you drool on his cock and spit gathers on your chin.
your boyfriend whimpers quietly in the front passenger seat and you slap his inner thighs when the girl walks past. you spare a glance to the mirrors once more, swirling your tongue around your lover’s length as he strains to hold in his moans. he whispers ‘pleases’ under his breath, begging you to let him cum...so once the footsteps retreat and disappear completely, you tap his thigh once and jungkook immediately bucks his hips. your jaw falls lax as he thrusts into your mouth as if it were your tight heat, desperately chasing the release he’s been waiting for all day. “fuck, fuck, shit!” he curses as your throat tightens around his length, causing him to spill his seed into your mouth. you swallow gratefully, only pulling away to show him the mess he made of your tongue before letting him pull you onto his lap. “such a dirty girl, sucking me off like that with people around...”
“you loved it,” you tease, twirling his long hair between your fingers as he kisses down the valley between your breasts.
“would have loved to cum inside you, more.”
you straddle jungkook’s lap, letting his half hard cock brush against your soaked panties as you grind down on him. “then let me make you cum again; let me ride you.” you state more so than ask, taking his hands into yours and intertwining your fingers. jungkook looks up at you with bright starry eyes, and you lose yourself within their constellations— you loved him, you knew that and no one would change that. the mood slips into something softer and you’re no longer in a rush to ruin hoseok’s car, instead you take your time easing yourself down onto your love’s length as it hardens with each stroke of your hips.
neither of you will last long this time, sensitive from your previous releases but that doesn’t stop you from slowly lifting your hips and bringing them back down to start a steady pace. the length of jungkook’s weighty girth, drags along your velvet walls with each rock of his hips into yours, sending tingles of pleasure down your spend. he lets go of your right hand, using his large inked palm to grab at your waist, guiding you into him in away that makes him whine. he moves onto your ass, squeezing the peachy flesh as you bounce on him, launching you both into new realms of pleasure.
“love that ass baby, how good it looks in this little set,” jungkook whimpers against your sweat slicked skin, closing his eyes to tune into the sounds of your angelic moans and wetness against his dick. “always so pretty for me...”
you swivel your hips in soft circles, clamping down on your lover with each word of praise as he sucks blues and indigos and violets between your breasts, his mouth salivating from watching them bounce with every thrust into your tight heat. he worships you under the golden sun, heated bodies moving together as you both work towards release. “it’s all yours, koo,” you cry, biting your cherry lips— bitten red and swollen from kisses your lover used to soothe your cries of wanton. “i’m all yours.” you add before he’s wrapping an arm around your waist and you’re pulling him by the hair to yank him into another sweet kiss, tasting traces of your gloss on his pinkish lips.
“mine.” jungkook claims your mouth as his, as you squeeze and clench and clamp around his girth, tears beginning to roll as your high approaches. the guitarist doesn’t up, letting you swallow his whines as the sensitivity grows too much, the tip of his length hitting that one spot over and over again while you push your hips down to meet his every thrust.
“look me in the eyes when you cum with me.” you growl to him, freeing your hands to cup his cheeks— lips tingling and cunt spasming. jungkook can barely nod but he obliges, deep brown eyes pulling you in as his warm breath fans across your face. you drown in his eyes, falling under as the knot in your stomach finally snaps— your hips falter as you cling to jungkook with all you have, release glazing his cock until he fills you with his creamy essence. your fingers massage his wet scalp while you bury your face into his neck, hearing him whimper and cry out as he fills you over and over again.
eventually, the sensitivity grows too much and jungkook pulls out of you with small moans, fingers finding your messy entrance as a mix of your arousals drips onto the leather seats. “i love you, angel face...so fucking much,” he finally says with glossy eyes and a tiny smile, dipping his finger into your leaking hole and smearing the evidence of your rendezvous against your lips.
“and i love you, more than anything.” you hum back, licking the sweet and salty sheen from your lips before mirroring your lovers smile because all though he’d rubbed of your cherry gloss, jungkook’s cum was the next best thing.
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⇢ taglist !
@periminkle @singular-itae @ggukkieland @preciouschimime @ultraanonymousey @aishots @yiyibetch @luvrssunrise @uyyugukkie​ @10cm​ @4gustdx​ @codeinebelle​ @itssmarla​ @http-je0n​
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violetnotez · 3 years
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Its Chirstmasssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!! I finished this up all last night, so I hope this is at least coherent! 
This is for the BNHA Hangout Christmas Collab! Here is a link to future masterpost for the fics for the event!
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Shoto x reader | one shot
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warnings: cussing
Synposis: When Shoto realizes you’ve been particularly lonely without him during the holiday season, he decided to get you an extra special gift
the music collection | buy me a ko-fi! | requests open for haikyuu+jujutsu kaisen
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“Shoto-do you really have to go?”
You asked, a pout on your lips as you gazed at your boyfriend.
You were still cuddled up in your shared bed, the heat from Shoto’s skin already dissipating out of the sheets.
You pursed your lips, sitting up crossed leg as You watched him slide each button of his shirt sleeve into their slots, his washed, bi colored hair slightly wet from his shower.
“You know it’s not fair to look that good and then just leave,” you gave him a fake, stern look, earning a small smirk from the man.
He continued working up the shirt, looking sleek yet-well-delicious.
Shoto was just too handsomr for his own good-sharp jawline, perfect skin, piercing bi colored eyes, not to mention his amazing body….sometimes you had to wonder how you were able to get such a flawless man to end up with you.
He finished with his other sleeve, peeking a look at you as he slicked his hair back with his right hand, the strands mixing and framing his face perfectly,
why’d he have to look that good?
“It’s not as if I want to leave, dear-but I do have work,”
You cuddled deeper into the sweatshirt you were wearing, your hands dissappearing in the sleeves.
“But you’re always working-you cant take one day off?”
Shoto chuckled at your obvious neediness, making his way over to where you were sitting. He leaned across the bed to be in front of your sulking form, brushing a piece of your bed head from your face as he laid a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Evil doesn’t take a day off love,”
“Why do you always have to be so-so stoic all the time,” You giggled, playfully placing your hand on his chest and pushing him back.
Even though you and Shoto had been living together for over a year now, it never ceased to amaze you how much the man worked. After working at an agency after UA, Shoto had been incredibly busy-and being the #3 hero, you could see why. If it wasn’t a late night call, he was patrolling, interviewing sidekicks, training, teaching students on their hero studies, interviewing with magazines….he always had something to do.
You couldn’t get mad at him though-he had warned you in the beginning, but you were also accustomed to the hero life as well- well, somewhat.
You had gone to UA to be part of the hero suit course, and had become suit designer for the top heroes (hence how you met Shoto). You witnessed day in and day out how difficult it truly was to be a hero, even if you weren’t one yourself, so you didn’t mind when Todoroki was gone all the time. Yes, it got lonely at times, especially during the holiday season, but you made sure to keep a smile on for him.
“Don’t forget, I did take Christmas off,” Shoto gave you a small grin, his bicolored eyed searching to please you.
You smiled back, your heart thumping out of your chest as you poked him gently in the chest.
“After I asked you too,” you corrected, a teasing tone in your voice.
-And thank god too, I would have so lonely by myself,” you tried to chuckle at your remark, making the situation light.
Shoto knew you too well though-something about your voice didnt sound as happy and light as before. When you joked with him, your laughs were more cheerful and your smile was brighter-but something about you right now felt strange...as if you were holding something back from him.
Shoto’s grin turned into concern, his digits cupping your cheeks gently and guiding your eyes to look at his.
“Have you been feeling lonely lately?” He asked bluntly, your eyes growing wide.
Man-you couldn't hide anything from him.
You chuckled nervously, looking to the side, guilt beginning to fill your chest.
“I-I, no, it’s fine, really, I was only kidding,” you chuckled, your voice taking on a higher pitch.
“You don’t seem to be kidding,” Shoto bite the side of his lip, trying his best to make eye contact with you, “if you want to tell me something, you don’t have to be afraid.”
“Be afraid of the number three hero-“ You rolled your eyes playfully, a soft smirk on your lips, “-never.”
Shoto gave a small grin, worry still in his eyes. He knew something was strange about you lately, the way you seemed to be always craving for him. He hated to admit it, it boosted his ego somewhat to have you were so desperate for his touch- but he knew it wasnt healthy for you to be always missing him.
With him being a pro hero, he had quite alot more duties than most could imagine- which sadly left little for him to indulge in his own personal life. Shoto felt deeply lucky to have someone like you who understood his busy schedule, never batting an eye when he had to cancel yet another date or leave you by yourself on countless nights...but it still left a gnawing sensation of guilt sitting in his stomach.
“Im fine Shoto,” your voice broke into his thoughts, your tone gentle and sweet like a sun kissed cloud, “really.”
Shoto sighed, his thick lashes fanning his cheek. You were stubborn at times, especially when you wanted to reassure him-which only affirmed that you really werent feeling all that great as you said you were. But Shoto didnt want to push it any further- maybe you were really okay, and he was overthinking it….and he was going to be late if he didnt leave soon-
“Go kick some ass for me, kay?”
you gave him a wide smile, placing another quick kiss on his lips.
Shoto blinked a few times, a rush of adrenaline filling his body as he felt your skin against his. His lips tingled from the agonizingly quick touch-he took it upon him to give you a deeply intense kiss, the rush making you breathless.
Shoto pulled away, his eyes having the rarest glint of mischief as he stared back into yours
“Of course love,”
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“Ya ready Shoto?” You grinned, your body snuggled into your comfiest pair of pajamas and your fingers warmed by a hot cup of cocoa.
Christmas Day has finally came, and thankfully, Shoto kept his promise-he would be staying the whole day with you with no interruptions.
You were just so excited to finally have one day to selfishly love your boyfriend, and on a holiday too!
The room almost felt surreal-it was early morning, the Christmas tree you two decorated light up like a Star, class Christmas music playing in the background, homemade cookies littering the apartment in a sweet aroma and the room in a romantic warm haze of lights.
It just felt so unbelievable perfect and comfortable, Shoto looking sheepishly excited and nervous.
“I think you should go first,” you smiled up at him as he sat down next to you, black coffee snuggled into his hand (in a DynaMIGHT mug, of course gifted to him by the hero himself).
Shoto bit his lip, seemingly trying to hide a smile as he set his mug down on the coffee table.
“Not to be rude love,” he grinned, his hands gently grabbing a large box from under the tree. The paper was a shiny golden hue, snowflakes on the paper reflecting like glitter from the lights on the tree. He slide the box against the wooden floor, being strangely gentle with the contents.
“But my gift cant wait.”
Your eyebrows were knitted together, a confused grin on your lips.
The box was pretty big-what did he get you now?
Shoto never seemed to give you endlessly expensive gifts, having no concept of what was considered fancy or exorbitant- trips to places you could only dream of, hefty amounts of clothes and jewelry, merchandise from your favorite shows...hell you had to talk him out of buying you a car one time-this guy would drop anything to get you whatever you wanted.
And that made you guilty as hell whenever he did-so what did he give you this time around?
Your mind was racing as you looked at the box, trying to read whatever he was thinking about on his face.
“I swear to god Shoto if you bought me that expensive gaming system-“
He chuckled at your obviously guilty face, shaking his head as he smiled.
“No, no it’s nothing like that-“ he said, giving you a mischievous grin, “I think you’ll like it much better than that.”
You blinked a few times, your mind going completely blank.
What could be better than a PS5, Xbox, or Switch?
You looked down at the box, feeling strangely nervous as you obeyed Shoto’s wishes, slowly opening the top lid….until it rustles.
The box.
Moved on its own.
You squeaked out in surprise, your hands slamming the barely opened lid back down and looking at Shoto for help.
He had never seen you look so adorably confused in his life, a rosy hue on his cheeks as he looked at you with a loving expression.
“It’s okay,” he whispered reassuringly as he wrapped his hands nervously around yours.
You felt him guide your hands up, you both now lifting the lid off the large box.
Shoto took it and placed it gently on the ground, sitting back to watch you look into the box.
The box rustled again, your mind so utterly confused….what could make a box do that?
“Shoto I-“ you tried to ask, but all he did was nod to the box, signaling for you to just look.
You did as you were told, getting on your knees to peer inside…
A gasp left your lips, your heart beating out of your chest as you looked inside at the sweet little baby kitten playing with their bowl of yarn in the box.
“Hi baby,” you cooed in awe at the little baby, your hands scooping them out and snuggling them to your chest.
They were so soft and warm, their fur as white as a snowball with rosy pink paws.
“Oh my god-Shoto-you really didn’t- are they really-?” You were in such a state of shock, you couldn’t seem to form any coherent words as you looked at your sheepish boyfriend.
“I-I didn’t know exactly what to get you...but after seeing how much you missed me throughout the day, I thought it was fitting to get you a companion for when I’m gone,” he smiled, his digits nervously fidgeting in his lap as he waited for your approval.
You petted the little creature on your chest, it’s big doe eyes staring at you with such confusion you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Shoto…it’s perfect,” you smiled at your boyfriend, leaning in to plant him a kiss on his lips.
You giggled at his expression, clearly not expecting your show of affection as his cheeks turned a fiery red.
“I-I’m glad to here that,”
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 4 years
Missed Connection - Shinsou Hitoshi
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​ Rating: NSFW 18+ Warnings: Unprotected sex, blowjobs, dirty talk, poking fun at fakes who shop at UO and wear band t-shirts for bands they don’t listen to, terrible poetry, Kaminari is a weirdo. Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/F!Reader Words: 4,554 AN: This is for the bnharem server collab, the theme is pen pals! We were able to write basically anything as long as there was some kind of communication/writing/texting etc! This is the first time I’ve written for Shinsou and I head cannon him as a fucking closet goth so don’t at me. Collab Masterlist (Please go check out everyone else’s contributions!) My Masterlist Buy me a Ko-fi -- When his phone started ringing, Shinsou was tempted to throw it halfway across the room. Whoever thought it was okay to call him at - he turned to squint at the clock on his bedside table - 10 in the morning on his day off, better have a good excuse. He frowned at the screen once he’d found his phone, and sighed.
“The world better be on fire, Kaminari.” His palm rubbed over his face as he pressed the phone to his ear, his eyes closing again.
The blonde chuckled, full of energy as usual. “Aw, come on ‘Toshi! It’s not that early.”
A million ways he could kill his friend and make it look like an accident flashed through his mind. “You know I like to sleep late on my days off.” He left it at that, no further explanation needed. Kaminari knew he stayed up impossibly late on his off days, crawling under the covers only when the sun started to rise.
“You want to hear this, I promise. I wouldn’t call this early unless it was important.” Shinsou listened to the sound of a keyboard clicking through the phone, waiting impatiently for his friend to continue. 
“So, you know how I sometimes like to fuck around on the internet?” This was a rhetorical question. Of course he did. “Well, occasionally I like to browse through Craigslist, and this morning I was in the missed connections section, and I found something interesting.”
“Why do you look through missed connections?” He didn’t really care, he just thought it was kind of...weird. But, then again, this was Denki, so he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Kaminari huffed. “Dude, sometimes it’s so sad to read how they saw someone and thought there was a connection. It makes me wonder if they ever find each other.” He was quiet for a moment like he was deep in thought. “But then sometimes, it’s like ‘You farted in the produce section and I’d still date you, let’s go out’ and it kind of loses the romantic appeal.”
“You’re a sap. Also, gross.” He found himself drifting off, bored with the conversation already. “Do you have a point?”
“God, you’re impatient! Listen, I was scrolling through the ads and I found this one, I think you should hear it.” Clearing his throat, he began to read. 
“You were the sleepy purple-haired man in the cat cafe on Main, I was hiding behind an orange tabby by the window. I was staring, but I wasn’t trying to be creepy. You just looked kind of lost, and the black and white short hair on your lap seemed to have all your attention. Oh, I think his name is Socks. Isn’t that unoriginal? Anyway, I’ve seen you there a few times and I want to know more about you. If you see this, please respond.”
Shinsou sat up in his bed, ignoring the sharp pain of his muscles protesting at the sudden movement. “What the fuck?”
“This is about you, isn’t it?” Denki’s excitement was clear. “You’re the only sleepy guy with purple hair I know who frequents that cat cafe on Main Street.”
“How long ago was that posted?” Hitoshi felt strange, restless energy flowing through him. Someone had noticed him and decided that he was interesting enough to want to get to know? He wasn’t anything special, and he kept to himself mostly. What did this even mean?
“Last night! When did you go to the cafe?” He didn’t even wait for a response. “I’m forwarding this post to you, and you better send them an email! It’s been too long since you’ve dated someone, ‘Toshi, and I’m concerned.”
Unfortunately feeling more awake than he wanted to be, Shinsou shifted until his feet were on the floor. “Yesterday afternoon. And it hasn’t been that long.”
“It’s been like a year, dude.” Kaminari sighed. “Okay, I sent it. Please write back to them. Let me live vicariously through you in this weird turn of events.”
Shinsou sighed and said goodbye, ending the call and staring off into space for a minute. He needed coffee before he could even think about reading it for himself and then maybe responding.
Uh, hello.
 I can’t help but feel like this was about me? I’m not even really sure what to say. This feels weird. You could have come over and said hi, maybe. I don’t bite. I might have stared at you and made things awkward but I feel like it would have been a surefire way to talk to me instead of posting this on craigslist of all places and expecting me to see it. 
You’re lucky I have a friend who likes to scour the dark recesses of the internet for entertainment purposes and happened upon this post.
How do I know this is really the person I’m talking about? What were you wearing when you went to the cafe? That’s like the only way I can be sure you are who you say you are. 
The only reason I didn’t come over and talk to you was that I had Oliver on my lap and he is a grump and didn’t want me to get up until he was good and ready. (That’s the orange tabby’s name, by the way.) By the time I was able to coax his fat ass off of me you had gone. 
Honestly, I’d let those cats climb all over me like their own personal cat tree all day long and not complain about it, but I digress. 
I didn’t expect you to find this or reply, it was kind of my way of convincing myself that I’d given it a shot, even though I really hadn’t done much.
I was wearing the following:
A Joy Division t-shirt depicting the cover of Unknown Pleasures, which is arguably the most cliche t-shirt I own. It’s become one of those shirts that people wear who have no idea who Joy Division is, they just like it for the aesthetic. (I’ll have you know I happen to know who they are and like their music very much.) This shirt was more than likely covered in cat hair.
Black jeans, which were probably covered in cat hair as well.
Black boots, a staple of mine.
I am a closet goth. I don’t know what else to say. I won’t deny it. I’ve learned to embrace who I am. I happen to know that Oliver is a grumpy shit, so I am not surprised he kept you pinned down for so long. That cat has been known to knock people over and purr loudly while “making biscuits” on their chests for hours at a time. I’m glad to know that you survived his assault.
So what are you going to tell me about yourself now? I have confessed to you about my goth status, so I demand something in return.
Yeah, it was you.
I was hoping that you actually liked Joy Division and you weren’t one of those Urban Outfitters aesthetic people. I can now rest easy. I like them too, but I really like New Order more? I hope this isn’t the end of our budding friendship.
I will not say that I am a goth, though I have goth-like tendencies? Or I just appreciate the music. Whatever. I don’t have, like, a pet bat or anything. I own a pair of Doc’s, though.
I have been on the receiving end of one of Oliver’s attacks before, so you don’t have to tell me about them. I have experienced his pushy demeanor on more than one occasion.
So, something about me? I don’t know. I spend a lot of time in that cafe because I love cats, but that’s kind of a given, isn’t it? I usually bring my laptop and make an attempt to work on my homework, but it’s usually futile. I’d rather pet the cats. 
Oh, I guess that counts as something right? I go to college. I’m an English major and taking a fuck ton of creative writing courses. What about you?
An English major? That sounds like fun. I think if I had a need to go to college I’d have liked to take something like that. I have a friend who writes ultra depressing Gothic poetry, that would be right up his ally as well.
I’m a pro hero, hence why I didn’t need college. Saving people is something I’ve always wanted to do, especially since I was always bullied about my quirk as a kid. It kind of made me more determined, I always wanted to prove those assholes wrong, you know? So, here I am.
I’m glad to know we can wear matching Doc’s together, and that you don’t keep a bat as a pet. As cute as their faces are, they’re not very easily domesticated. 
New Order is fine. The real question is, The Smiths or The Cure? Your answer to this question will be what determines the longevity of our friendship.
This is the worst question you could ever ask me. How could you do this? I could never choose between them. Both? The answer is both.
I hope your next email will not be your last.
Bats are cute but they always seem to dive bomb my head when they’re around. Not that I go places with bats often, but I used to go camping as a kid and they always did that. It was not a good time.
I think it’s amazing that you’re a pro hero! You’re really out here, fighting the bad guys and saving people and then coming into the cat cafe and petting kittens and drinking coffee like a normal person. I think it’s admirable how hard you worked to achieve your dream. I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m proud of you. Why were you bullied for your quirk? You don’t have to answer that if it makes you uncomfortable.
I wish I could write ultra depressy Gothic poetry. Here let me try:
The night is black like my soul Clove cigarettes burn slowly My life is Meaningless
How was that? Do I get a gold star? Or a black skull? Which is appropriate?
I’m printing that and sending it to Tokoyami. Thank you for making my entire existence with that poem. I’m breaking out the red wax candles and putting on “How Soon Is Now?” right now.
You get a star, but it’s a pentagram. We have to keep with the theme.
My quirk has to do with mind control, so I was always told I was meant to be a villain. You can imagine what that could do to a kid’s psyche, being told by peers and adults alike that you weren’t hero material, when that’s all you wanted. It’s okay though, I did what I wanted and they can eat my ass.
Sorry if that was too raunchy, but it’s how I feel.
If my earlier comment wasn’t proof enough, I prefer The Smiths, but I cannot deny the impact of Disintegration. Lullaby is a really great song.
That being said, this will not be my last email, so you can breathe easy. 
On a semi serious note, I really enjoy talking with you. We have a similar sense of humor, and you like cats which makes you automatically better than most people. Would you like to get coffee sometime? I know a nice place that’s quiet and filled with fluffy kittens...
I’m glad I haven’t lost your friendship due to my opinion. I know how important that feud can be to some people. People get very passionate about it. Kind of like with Blur versus Oasis, or Brand New versus Taking Back Sunday. I hate that these are the only examples I can think of. 
It wasn’t too raunchy. Those people can most definitely eat your ass. I’m glad you have decided to use your powers for good. You’ll have to explain to me how your quirk works sometime. 
I shall treasure my shiny pentagram sticker with my entire heart.
Isn’t Tokoyami the Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi? He looks like the type to write Gothic poetry. I am not even mildly surprised. 
Even though the way we met was unconventional, I’d like to think I’d have gotten up the courage to speak to you the next time I saw you in the cafe. Somehow this is better, though. It makes for an interesting story, you know?
I’d love to get coffee. I think I know the place you’re talking about. Let me know when.
Shinsou was nervous. It was stupid really. He’d been exchanging emails back and forth with you for a few days, and even though you’d barely revealed much about each other, the easy banter through your messages was comforting. He felt like the two of you would be compatible. He just hoped that he was able to keep the conversation going in real life. 
When he entered the cafe, he ordered his usual and picked his normal table towards the back. Socks, his favorite black and white companion, was at his side almost immediately. He let his hand drift down to scratch behind her ears, his gaze fixed on the door as he waited for you to arrive. 
Out of habit he was a little early, but he figured it would be easier this way. He had no idea what you looked like, but you knew him, so he knew you’d come over when you got there, and it would make things less awkward. 
A few minutes later he saw the door open, and he immediately knew it was you. Black Doc’s and thigh high stockings, a black skirt and an oversized deep red sweater adorned your body, a leather jacket over your shoulders and your hair tucked under a black beanie, cheeks pink from the chill of the autumn weather outside. You were pretty, and he felt his nerves increase tenfold when your eyes met his, a smile gracing your face. 
He watched as you ordered a drink at the counter, the paper cup clutched in your hands as you made your way to his table. He stood up when you approached, letting himself appreciate you up close. “Y/N?”
“Hi, Shinsou.” You were so much shorter than he was, and he found himself having to gaze down at you when he was standing at his full height. 
“It’s nice to put a face to all those emails.” The way you blushed under his attention made his heart flip. “Please, sit.”
You nodded, sliding into the seat across from him. He sat back down, his hands moving to grip his coffee cup. 
“This is kind of weird, isn’t it?” You looked down when Oliver made his way over, rubbing himself against your boot. “I almost feel like I don’t know what to say.”
“I know what you mean. We could just sit here and email each other, if that would make you feel better.” Your laugh was like music to his ears. “I’d rather hear your voice though.”
Your face was red when you looked back up at him. “I have to agree.” You leaned your elbow on the table, your cheek cradled in your palm. “Tell me more about yourself, Shinsou.”
“It’s Hitoshi. You can call me Hitoshi.”
If anyone would have told him that the night would end this way, he’d have said they were insane, and should probably get themselves checked into the nearest institution. 
But here he was, his face pressed into the spot where your neck and shoulder met, lips ghosting over soft skin, his calloused palms sliding underneath your sweater. You were purring, your head thrown back and your fists clenched in his t-shirt, your back pressed against the wall in the hallway that led to his bedroom. 
“Fuck, ‘Toshi.” You mumbled, pressing yourself closer to him. “Bed?”
You didn’t have to ask twice, his hands sliding down to lift you up by the backs of your thighs, his cock hard and straining in his jeans as you rutted against him. He turned himself and began walking toward his room blindly, his eyes still shut as he sucked a mark into your neck. 
He pulled back so he could peer over your shoulder and maneuver your bodies through the doorway without bumping into anything, laying you back on the bed. 
The events of the night were a blur, your coffee date turned into him taking you out for ramen at the restaurant down the street, and then he asked you back to his apartment to show you his record collection. 
It was mostly a ruse though. You’d been flirting back and forth, the both of you getting bolder as the night went on. He was only half surprised when you’d entered his apartment, barely removing shoes and coats and hats before you spun around on him, pressing him against the door and kissing him like your life depended on it.
He rested on his forearms, poised above you, looking over your flushed face and kiss bruised lips. Your legs wrapped around his waist and pulled his hips closer, making him groan. “Impatient?”
Your hands moved to cup his face, pulling him down toward you. “Very.” 
He wasn’t expecting your strength, caught off guard when your lips crashed into his, your body pushing him over until he was on his back and you were straddling him, knees on either side of his hips. You ground down against him, moaning when his hips snapped up reflexively. He was happy to give you control for a while, especially when you sat up and grabbed the bottom of your sweater and pulled it over your head. The view was spectacular.
He let his hands wander, tracing along the lines of your thigh highs from under your skirt, and up to the lace at your hips. Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath, the devilish glint in your eye was not lost on his as you shifted down his body, fingers swiftly working to unclasp his belt and undo the button on his jeans. 
You slid off of him, and he lifted his hips to aid you in pulling his pants down his legs, his boxers following. His cock was achingly hard, the tip angry and red as it sprung free from it’s confines, nearly slapping his stomach. You eyed it greedily, and he was lost for words when you surged forward, delicate fingers wrapping around his length and stroking him, your tongue peeking out to taste him.
Amethyst eyes rolled back when you took the tip in your mouth, tongue swirling around the head, a low moan sounding from the back of your throat. The warmth and wetness that surrounded his cock when you closed your eyes and bobbed forward had him breathless, his hand threading through your hair, and his palm resting on the back of your head. He kept himself steady, fighting back the urge to buck his hips and push you down further on his length. 
Shinsou bit down on his lower lip, his stomach muscles tensing as he tried to keep it together. Kaminari had been right, it had been a while since he’d been with someone, and he wanted this night to last as long as possible. The sweet and innocent look in your eyes as you looked up at him through your lashes, your mouth enveloping him all the way to base, was nearly too much for him to handle, his hand tugging at your hair gently to pull you off of him. “I’m not going to last if you keep that up, kitten.”
You visibly shivered at the pet name and he grinned, loving the feeling of being able to invoke that reaction from you. He scooted forward when you sat back on your knees between his spread legs, his arms circling your torso as he worked at the clasp on your bra, pulling the straps down your arms when he unclipped it. Strong hands gripped your waist and moved you to the side as he stood up, reaching under your skirt to tug your panties down your legs.
He took a moment to consider what he’d do next. He wanted to taste you, it was only right for him to return the favor, and he was almost certain you would taste as sweet as you looked. Another part of him wanted to hike up your legs around his waist and slam inside of you, desperate to hear you moan his name as he pounded you into the mattress. As he contemplated what to do, reached back and pulled his shirt over his head, and then let his hands wander up to the apex of your thighs, digits sliding through your folds. You gasped, falling back onto your elbows, back arching as he toyed with your clit, letting his long fingers slip inside your heat. “So wet. Just for me?” Eyebrows raised, he teased you.
“Fuck, Hitoshi, please.” Breathless and panting, you gazed up at him, biting your lip.
“Please what? Tell me what you want.” You would make the decision for him. “Would you like my mouth or my cock? I’ll let you choose.”
Huffing, your hips rutted against his hand impatiently. He kneeled on the bed between your legs, adjusting his arm and adding a second finger in with the first, his thumb finding your bundle of nerves again. He listened to your breath hitch, and your quiet mewls, pride filling his chest that he was the one coaxing those noises out of you. Finally, you breathed deep and answered him. “Fuck me, Hitoshi.”
Ignoring the protesting whine that left your lips when he removed his fingers, he brought them up to his mouth, maintaining eye contact with you as he sucked on them, tasting you. “You’re delicious, kitten. I’ll have to make sure to taste you properly later.” 
Wasting no time, he lifted your legs up to rest your legs over his shoulders, one hand on his cock. He lined himself up with your entrance, grabbing at your hips and pushing himself inside you. If he thought your mouth was hot and wet and basically everything he thought was heaven, he was mistaken. This was it. This was everything. He wasn’t even inside you all the way and he was fighting back the need to cum again, cursing himself and breathing deeply. He leaned forward, forearms on either side of your head as his mouth crashed against yours, all lips and tongues and teeth, his need for you growing tenfold as you wiggled your hips in an attempt to feel more of him.
Groaning, he bucked forward, filling you up, the both of you sighing in relief at the feeling. He gave you a moment to adjust, lips moving down your jaw and tongue laving at the mark he’d left on your neck earlier. “You feel so good, kitten.”
“Toshi, you can move…” Your hands were gripping his biceps, nails leaving crescent shapes in his pale skin, breathing ragged as you clenched around him.
Hissing, he followed your instructions, hips pulling back until he was almost completely out, before sliding back in. Your arousal made the glide easy, your back arching underneath him. He started a steady rhythm, grunting quietly and letting the feeling of you pulsing around him keep him grounded. He let one of his hands wander, shifting his weight so he could ghost his palm over your side, fingers pinching your nipple and rolling the hardened bud between them. You keened, chanting his name like a prayer, the sound of blood pounding in his ears almost masking the sound.
It spurred him to move faster, his chest tight, sweat pooling at his temples and between his shoulder blades, purple locks sticking to his forehead. His gaze was locked on you, and it stole his breath. Your chest and neck were flushed, the most beautiful sounds spilling from your lips as he fucked into you. It became clear to him that he wasn’t going to last much longer, and neither were you.
“Hey, kitten. You gonna cum for me?” He shifted back to his knees and trailed the fingers on his left hand down your stomach, coming to rest between your parted legs. “I want to hear how pretty you sound when you come apart.” He kept a firm grip on your hip to keep you from sliding away, rolling his hips and rubbing tight circles on your clit. 
“Fuck, Hitoshi!” The effect was almost immediate, your body and lungs seizing, eyes rolling back as you fell over the edge, your cunt clenching around him like a vice. 
Falling back over you, his thrusts became sloppy as he chased his own release, barely able to move with how tight your pussy was gripping him, your orgasm still rolling through you. He felt your hands on his face, guiding him to kiss you again, fingers carding through his hair and down his back, your nails raking red trails down his back. He felt like he could barely breathe, lost in you. “Y/N…”
He felt his muscles tense, and moved to bury his face in your neck, his hips stilling as he came hard, filling you up with his release. You squeezed around him again, and he sighed into your skin, eyes closed as he tried to regulate his breathing.
Rolling over to the side, he hissed when he pulled out. You chuckled, and he turned to look at you, a lazy smile on his face. “What?”
“Is that what you call showing me your record collection?” 
Snorting, he propped his head up on his palm, leaning on his elbow, his free hand reaching out to push a piece of hair away from your face. “You attacked me, remember?”
“I couldn’t help it!” Protesting, you blushed. “I wanted to kiss you from the moment I walked into the cafe.”
It was his turn to blush. “Yeah?”
Shrugging, you turned on your side to face him. “Mm. Can you do me a favor?”
His body was still buzzing, muscles loose and pliant as he shuffled closer to you. “Anything.”
“Can you thank your friend for being a weird internet troll and finding my post?” 
Shinsou coughed a laugh, leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. “Please, I can’t do that. It’s all he’d ever talk about for the rest of our lives if I did.” 
You leaned up and kissed him, your fingers pushing back his hair. 
He hummed against your lips, feeling content, shifting himself on the bed and wrapping his arms around your waist, tugging you into him. “Maybe I’ll send him a text later. For now, I have other plans.”
Kaminari’s phone buzzed on the coffee table, and he picked it up, eyes widening at the message that appeared on the screen.
Toshi: I owe you a crate full of Pokemon cards and my eternal gratitude for being a weirdo meme king who trolls the internet.
Denki: Oh, you’re in a good mood. Did you get laid?
Toshi: Fuck all the way off. 
Denki: That’s a yes. You’re welcome.
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Ok so... I know I already have a fic going on right now, But... me writing Harley and Ivy as moms/parents to Marinette got me thinking about other fics I could write, so hear me out.
Either Harley or Ivy as Marinettes bio mom... (or both due to a crazy person's experiment...) it will also be a Damianette fic so yeah.
Ok, here are the options:
A. Harley is with Joker... they have a 'special' night or something, and then Joker tried to kill Harley for the something-ith time, and she finally leaves him thanks to Ivy. Ivy and Harley have been friends for a little over 3 years, and Harley may have started feeling happier around Ivy for awhile, and only realized after being free of the Joker that she really loves Ivy, and they start dating like a week or so after that realization.
After some time Harley will wake up with morning sickness, she gets cranky not wanting to go to the docter, but they go anyway, and that's when she finds out she's pregnant. They get back and Harley is in and out of horror, excitement, and all the weird moods a soon to be mother goes through. After a talk with Ivy, they decide to keep the child, and then Marie Quinzel-Isley is born 8 months later. She will still have midnight hair and stunning vibrant light blue eyes, and she'll grow up learning tricks like slight of hand, gymnastics stuff, self-defense, the proper technique to use a bat, and the other usual child of rogues things... (like love for the environment, and extremely exotic pets...).
B. Harley is long over the Joker, and is with Ivy, they are known for their environment protectiveness, and the occasional theft thanks to something Selina drags them into. During two separate occasions, one with Harley getting kidnapped, and then like a week later Ivy, some villain gets their blood, and fusses both their blood, and with plot magic and unknown science, they create a child, when the vilian steels some sort of plant Ivy really loves (and can enhance the baby's meta-powers) Ivy and Harley stumble in on the villian preparing to give the baby some sort of weird something in a needle, they beat the life out of him, asking what the hell he's doing with some random kid. said villian will then tell them it's not just any random child, it's your child (insert some crazy laugh) he gets beat up more, because wtf? who makes a baby out of people's DNA without their consent?(ehem, Talia ehem!!)... anyway they see this child, and it just so happens that in the moment, the baby opens her eyes, and they fall in love with her, effectively keeping her and naming her Mary Quinzel-Isley.
Now for her powers:
For option A. She can just be born with abilities that are a good chunk above the average person. She will learn how to fight with anything and everything, and will be great at reading people.
For option B. She can have both above average physical abilities, and plant manipulation/communication, and will still be good at reading people to some extent. She will learn how to use anything to fight, and will be a little chaoticly creative ball of joy to be around.
and for either option she can also learn magic and stuff, or just have a natural affinity for it, and is also taught by the Riddler so she can kick butt and Riddle me the f-ck out of anyone.
Now on to the Miraculous part, which can be in either option A or B:
Marinette will spend most of her life in Gotham until the Bats start getting a little to curious as to why a mini Harley/Ivy is running around fighting both wannabe villians and on occasion some Teen Titans hero (Beastboy, they become buds after she kicks his butt for the 10th time. and will later be friends with Raven). Selina is also dating Batman so when Selina tells them the Bat is looking for Marinette, she gets stuck with taking care of Marinette until the heat dies down. So when Marinette is 10 she and her Antie Selina go to Paris, where family friends of Selina own a small yet wonderful bakery. Marinette is then introduced to Tom and Sabine, she later meets a crazy girl that lives on her skates named Alix Kubdel and they become friends, since she is kinda board with the school system there, she starts to take up hobbies, like Sewing, more gymnastics, and fencing, where she meets and befriends Kagami Tsurugi. The three are joint at the hip, and are always daring each other to do stupid and or silly things. Marinette always goes back to Gotham on both summer and winter break, but is alsmot never allowed to go out just in case the Bats find her... (almost) she sneeks out sometimes to hang out with Beastboy to see how he and the Titans are doing.
When Marinette is 12 thats when things get a little weird... as in she starts feeling extremely creative/(more)Chaotic at the same time when she's doing something. During one of her Creative/Chaotic moods/feelings she goes out for a walk, noticing a man that fell in the middle of the road, she instantly goes to help him up, leading him to the sidewalk. When she handed the man his cain, she gets a VERY sudden feeling of power, when she looks the man in the face she sees he is also slightly shocked. She wished him well and darted back to her house not looking back at the shocked man. on the way back she starts seeing things... like seeing the dark thoughts of everyone around her, as well as their life energy/force it overwhelms her, and when she gets back to the Bakery where her and Selina are staying she quickly greets everyone and goes to her room. She thought her room would be safe from the weird energy she was seeing but no. There on her desk would be a small box of either Chaotic energy or Creative energy (I'll let you decide which Kwami She gets, 🐞 for Tikki, and 🐈‍⬛ for Plagg(if you choose Plagg Selina will be happy, and Plagg will cackle with Marinettes' mom Harley...just saying)) anyway, she doesn't touch the box until the next day, most of the weird energy looking stuff is gone except for whats surrounding the small box. The Stone heart thing will still happen, (I can see either Alix or Kagami weilding Tikki, but more Kagami. Alix can still get Fluff if she doesn't get Tikki, but I'm not sure what Adrien will get in the future... Maybe Roar(So he's still a Catboy, or Tiger boy)) So they'll face Stone heart and so on, the rest of spring is crazy, she quickly realizes the old man was the one who gave her the box, found out where he was (due to the crazy energy around his shop, which for convenience is maybe 15 or so blocks away from the Bakery). She has a talk with him and tells him she leaves Paris every summer and winter break, and is then given Kaalki... (permanently bc... plot, and bc she is a special f-cking girl that could rule the whole world if she willed it damit!). So she becomes a hero, and she blows it during her visit to Gotham, and ends up telling her moms and antie about the tiny cat god ("OMG Kitten! I knew it!No wonder you started using more Cat puns around me!" - Selina at some point) and the tiny horse god ("Dey're so f-ckin' cute!" - Harley) So more shenanigans ensue.
So these are my Ideas for a Harley and or Ivy Bio moms to Marinette fic, please let me know whether you want option A. or B., whether you want Marinette to have either Tikki🐞 or Plagg🐈‍⬛, and whether you want her to be called Marie, Mary or just Marinette Quinzel-Isley. Hope you're all having a wonderful day, stay safe, and saty positive. !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
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