#the beans are so expensive lmao
teazzle · 1 year
ok tumblr is going vanilla extract crazy and it's delightful and i need to tell you about making your own.
it's easy, you just need vanilla beans and vodka (you can use other alcohol but if it's flavoured, it will flavour your extract. also i don't know which other alcohols because i've only used vodka.).
you put the beans in a jar and pour vodka over them until they are completely covered! i just chopped mine in half because i didn't know what i was doing and got nervous.
that's it. literally that's it. beans in vodka. screw on you lid (or snap it on if you got fancy like me and bought a weck jar 😅) then you let it sit for at least 6 months to a year before using it. i think mine sat for 10 or so months.
it will last indefinitely as long as the beans aren't exposed to air. so if the beans start to stick out of the alcohol, just add more alcohol. and you can use it continuously unless you're adding A Lot of new alcohol at once
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
well, this all looks rather familiar...
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Man I really fucking miss the local craft store chain that was near us
:( I think id love working there honestly like it was always so chill there
I used to get sticker books there for $1 and that's where we got Bean and all of The Bbs from
They had the best clearance sales it was wild
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borathae · 9 months
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“Weeks after you recieved flowers by one of your younger classmates for helping him pass his tests, your cute husband Jungkook still thinks that he is in a competition for your attention and shows everyone why he will always be the coolest husband ever. Note: He doesn’t have competition, so all his showing off is adorably unnecessary.”
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader 
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life, Fluff, College!AU 
Warnings: Kook and OC are the same age but because of her past life she couldn’t go to college till her early thirties, if anyone was wondering why she is in college lmao, Jungkook shows off in his sports car and expensive clothes because he is a jealous bean <3, lmao he is so cute istfg protect this pookie, she thinks that he is so annoying (fondly), he is a pouty boy, he also makes a lil suggestive joke, and they have such a deep and honest conversation with each other, they’re so in love!
Wordcount: 3.4k
a/n: this is a follow up to this drabble istfg i love him fjasjdf protect this lil nugget 😔💜 *whispers* the kook in the header ruins me, i lowkey miss this hairstyle of his’, it made me go brbbrbrb
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It was a rather productive day at the library today. There is a big exam coming up and you spend most of your afternoons studying at college. You and your college friends managed to get a good portion of the required material written down in neat notes. 
You are currently leaving the building, chatting with each other about what to do tomorrow. 
“I think we should start with the third chapter”, Jihyo says. She was a few years younger than you and currently had pink hair. 
All of them were younger than you. Some were fresh out of high school while others just passed the notorious twenty mark. And although they were younger than you, it doesn’t feel peculiar to hang out with them. On the contrary, you really enjoy having college friends. It sounds so exciting to you. “I have college friends!” The first time you could say that sentence to someone, you almost squealed in happiness. It feels as if you are finally catching up with years and years of lost opportunities.
“I also think that’s a good idea”, you agree, “chapter three is way too long, we gotta start on it soon.”
“Yeah, agreed”, Chaeyoung, another college friend who just finished high school, says.
“I think that we will manage really well. Especially you”, Mark says, looking at Chaeyoung with dreamy eyes. He is totally crushing on her, but way too shy to act on his feelings.
“Oh?” Chaeyoung blushes, “thank you.”
Even if it is so obvious that she reciprocates his feelings. Oh truly, young must one be.
You and your little group of friends have reached the main park by now. Behind you, the college buildings cover most of the skyline while in front of you, the walkways to the dormitories were busy with students. Jihyo and Chaeyoung live in them. They share a room and always complain about their annoying downstairs neighbour.
“Hey unnie, do you want to come with us to Bang Bang?” Chaeyoung asks you. 
“I would love to, but my husband’s coming to pick me up today”, you dismiss her. 
They look at you for a moment. You know that they still find it rather peculiar to hear you talk about being married. Perhaps that is truly the only indicator of your age difference. While they barely even think about commitment or marriage, you are very proud of being married. It is adorable, you’ll give them a few more years and then they will think the same as you. Or maybe they won’t, that is totally acceptable too. Not everyone wants to get married.
“Waah unnie, you’re so old”, Chaeyoung teases you. 
You chuckle, shaking your head.
“Just you wait, a few more years and you will be married too.”
“I don’t think I ever will. Marriage is nothing but prison.”
You laugh. She reminds you of yourself from a few years ago. 
“Well, I won’t force you to. You’re very capable of making your own life choices”, you say and snicker. 
Chaeyoung nods her head, looking very proud of herself because she just got support from someone so much older and wiser (that is how she thinks of you).
“Should we wait with you, noona?” Hyunjin asks, tapping your arm. 
“Oh you guys don’t have to, he’ll be here soon.”
“No, it’s fine. We will wait with you. Right, guys?” 
They all nod their heads. You give in with a fond smile. 
“Very well. He told me to wait by the running fields because the parking is safer.”
You are chatting as you wander to the running fields. They aren’t that far from the dormitories. Just a five minute walk through the dormitories’ own park. There are many students out and about, enjoying the warm sunlight and catching some rest before their next lecture. You love lounging in the park between classes and catching up on some vitamin D. Life feels so easy whenever you do.
You and your small friend group have to wait for a good fifteen minutes as traffic was terribly stuffy today. You don’t mind. You like chatting with them and sneakily witnessing how Chaeyoung and Mark send each other yearning gazes without noticing that the other does the same. Maybe you will have to play wing woman soon. Just give them a little push into the right direction.
John, he is studying in Seoul for two semesters and loves being here, is currently in the midst of telling a funny joke when the annoyingly loud sounds of a sports car interrupts him.
This is Jungkook’s car. You recognize the howling of it in an instant. You hate this car because of how loud it is.
“Woah guys, do you hear that? That car sounds so cool”, John exclaims. 
“It does, wow”, Hyunjin gushes.
You tighten your jaw. You can’t believe him. Jungkook really picked out his Ferrari for today. You know for a fact that he left work in his normal Mercedes, which means that he seriously drove home to exchange cars. Which in conclusion means that this stupid noodle is trying to show off. 
You sneak a glance at Hyunjin, who seems mesmerised by the black Ferrari coming closer and closer. 
You scoff. 
So he’s still not over the thing. A few weeks ago Hyunjin gave you flowers as a thank you for helping him pass his test. It was truly nothing more than a gesture of gratefulness, but your jealous stupid noodle of a husband felt so entirely threatened by it that he filled an entire room with flowers to show you how much better he is. And now he is going to pick you up with the loudest, most obnoxious car he owns. Fuck, he is such an idiot. 
“Wait. Why is that guy slowing down?”
The black Ferrari with its windows tinted stops.
“Why is it stopping?”
The window rolls down, showing a cockily grinning Jungkook.
“Yo, who is he? He looks so cool”, John gasps to which Jihyo agrees with a nod of her head.
Jungkook lifts his hand to wave at you. Their eyes shift to you and the slightly embarrassed expression on your face.
“Unnie, do you know this guy?” 
“Yeah, sadly”, you roll your eyes, “that’s my idiot of a husband”, you say, lifting your hand to wave back at Jungkook. 
They all seem too stunned to speak, looking at you with widened eyes. 
Jungkook turns off the car. It dies down with a purr so low you can feel it vibrate on the concrete. He gets out of it, making sure to look as cool as possible. 
“Hey, my love”, he greets you with a bright smile. You know that he is trying to make it look innocent, but that he is secretly gloating right now. 
“Hey”, you tell him, sending him a look.
He closes the car door and rounds the car in confident steps. 
You scan him up and down. He changed out of his normal suit into an obvious designer piece, wearing designer sunglasses as well. His sleeves are rolled up, giving view to his black steel, custom made Rolex. You know for a fact that he didn’t wear it this morning. 
To make the entire circus even better, Jungkook is chewing gum in the cockiest of ways whilst carrying a big, most definitely expensive, bouquet of flowers. He didn’t actually get you flowers. Oh dear. He is seriously such an idiot sometimes.
“Hey guys”, he greets your friends, striking a short, inconspicuous pose (they don’t see it as a pose but you know Jungkook well enough to know that his current standing position is not normal). 
“Hi, uhm, hi” 
They all stutter out their greetings, gawking at him with widened eyes. Everyone except John, who gives him a nonchalant nod of his head and a cool, “hey man”, he looks at your starstruck friends afterwards, making a mental note to ask who the cool looking man in front of him was.
Jungkook gives them a smirk then turns to you, stepping closer to press a quick kiss to your lips. 
“Hey love”, he says, caressing your cheek, “how was your day?” 
“Good”, you grumble, sending him a glare. 
“I’m glad to hear that”, he says, “I’ve got something for you.”
You accept the flowers with your eyes basically boring holes into his face. He seems unaffected by it, grinning confidently. You know for a fact that Hyunjin doesn’t think anything of it.
“Thanks”, you mumble, stepping closer for a small peck on Jungkook’s lips. 
But of course Jungkook doesn’t keep it at one peck. He slings his arm around your waist, pressing you close to him with his hand on your lower back and his lips claiming yours in a deep kiss.
Your friends react in a serious of teasing screeches of disgust and childish coos of encouragement. God, you are so embarrassed.
Jungkook even has the audacity to let out a small sound of contentment after pulling back.
“I missed you today”, he says, stifling a snicker when he sees the way you lower your eyes at him. 
“I missed you too.”
Jungkook gives your lower back a small caress then finally steps back.
 “Come, give me your bag”, he offers.
“Thanks”, you mumble, handing it to him. 
Jungkook shoulders it coolly even if you know for a fact that he wasn’t expecting it to be that heavy. He plays off his little stumble by running his fingers through his hair. Truly, his entire act is so annoying that you want to squish his cheeks.
“Guys”, Chaeyoung says, “am I the only one currently losing her mind that ___ unnie is married to Jeon Jungkook?” 
Jungkook is growing even cockier, giving her a sweet smile. He takes his sunglasses off nonchalantly, earning himself a dramatic roll of your eyes. 
“You know who I am?” he asks. 
“Well duh? Everyone knows you? You’re Jeon Jungkook, CEO of Blue Electronics. Your company is the reason why our economy is as great as it is these days. You’re a literal celebrity.”
“Ah that. Yes, I guess, that’s me”, Jungkook says and laughs, sneaking a glance at Hyunjin. 
“Wow sunbae, you are a legend”, the poor, unsuspecting boy says, giving Jungkook a big thumbs up, “I wanna work in tech like you one day and make stuff the world has never seen before!”
“Thank you, thank you. I’m sure you will be successful”, Jungkook says and takes your hand, “now if you’ll excuse me. I have to take my wife on a shopping trip to Tokyo.”
“Wooooah”, your friends exclaim in awe. 
“You are so cool, unnie.”
“I wanna be you, noona.”
“Why did you never tell us you are married to Jeon Jungkook of Blue Electronics?”
“I did”, you insist, burning up in embarrassment.
“No, you just said Jungkook. There are so many Jungkooks living in Seoul.”
“Yeah whatever”, you dismiss them, turning to stomp off, “see you guys tomorrow. Go eat a snack in my name.”
“We will!” 
Jungkook says his goodbye as well, stunning your friends with a quick wink. He hurries to you to open the door for you, then rounds the car. He gets inside, sneaking a glance at the frown you are sporting. He ignores it for the sake of starting his car and then driving off loudly and obnoxiously.
He has just rounded the corner and officially left the vision of your friends when you finally explode. 
“Jeon Jungkook, you little shit”, you exclaim, turning to him. 
Jungkook cackles, “wasn’t I so cool right now?”
“No, you were being a snob.”
Jungkook gasps, opening his mouth widely. 
“Excuse me?”
“I know you changed cars just to show off. Also, designer clothes? Seriously?” you poke his Rolex, “get even snobbier.”
“Hey”, he complains, pulling his hand away, “I don’t know what you’re on about.”
“Oh, I think we both know that’s not true. You little shit were just trying to show off in front of Hyunjin.”
Jungkook smirks, “I really showed it to him, didn’t I?” 
“He is nineteen, Jungkook. Nineteen. He is literally more than a decade younger than us. You really think that I would really want to get it on with a literal child? Even if I wasn’t married to you doofus, I wouldn’t want to even think about dating him”, your voice became louder and squeakier as you continued your rant.
Jungkook sneaks a glance at you and pouts. 
“Why are you so pissy right now? I thought I was cool”, he mumbles, pouting harder. 
“No you weren’t”, you fall back into your seat, throwing your hand over your face to massage it dramatically, “fuck, that was so embarrassing.”
“No it wasn’t, it was cool”, he insists loudly, “who else can say that their scorchingly hot husband picks them up in his Ferrari to take them to Tokyo for a shopping trip?”
“Oh, ohohoho no”, you let out a laugh, wagging your finger at him, “you are not taking me to Tokyo right now, you are taking me home.”
“But my love”, he whines and pouts, “it’ll be fun.”
“It’ll poison the environment. Just take me home.”
“But love, I’ll take you to Disney World too”, he whines, fluttering his lashes at you.
“No. Drive me home.”
“Wah, you are cold as ice”, he murmurs and huffs out air.
You study his face. He is making cute puppy eyes at you even when he is focusing them on traffic. His lips are curled into the biggest, most devastating pout in human history and his cheeks are just the slightest bit flushed. Maybe he is being a little bit cute right now. And maybe he was also being cute when he gave you the flowers.
You let out a soft chuckle and reach over to nudge his cheek.
“You’re a stupid noodle”, you give up with a roll of your eyes.
Jungkook grins, glancing at you for a moment.
“No”, you laugh honestly, “home.”
“Fine”, Jungkook gives up and groans dramatically with his head thrown back, “no Tokyo.”
“Thank you.”
You fall back into the seat, looking outside at the busy city. Rush hour keeps the traffic tight and the sidewalks spilling over with people. You should have taken the bus home, it’ll take ages to fight your way through the streets. You glance at the clock. This has to take at least an hour, if not longer, and your stomach is protesting violently in starvation.
“Actually”, you say, “can we get dinner somewhere? I’m hungry.”
“Yes, of course. Where do you wanna go?”
“Croix. I want French.”
“I can also give you French later. If ya know what I mean.”
You glance at him, having to crack up the moment your eyes meet. He looks so full of himself, but in an adorable Jungkook kind of way.
“Just shut up, you stupid noodle. Fuck.”
He laughs and places his hand on your thigh, giving it a soft rub. He keeps it there as he makes his way through the heavy traffic, tapping his fingers to the melodies on the radio and giving you a small squeeze every now and then. 
You intertwine your fingers with him, studying his side profile. Jungkook notices after a few moments, looking at you because the traffic is currently passive. 
“What’s the matter?” he asks. 
“Please don’t continue seeing Hyunjin as a threat. If you do, I’ll think that I’m doing something wrong.”
Such conversation may feel like a threat to other people or maybe as if you were fighting, but to you and Jungkook this was normal. The topic may be heavy, so many hurtful things could be said, but you have mutual respect for each other and that means that whatever you may say will be met with eager ears and what you will hear will come from an honest heart. Being each other’s safe spaces means that conversations like this can happen as if they were just simple conversations about the weather or tomorrow’s lunch. You won’t be angry with each other afterwards, just healthier and brought closer together.
“What? Why would you do something wrong?” he gasps. 
“Because you apparently think that I’m capable of cheating on you.”
“Oh god, no my love”, he exclaims, shaking his head violently, “I don’t think that. I’m sorry, I just wanted to show off and be your cool husband. I wanted to impress them.”
“Did you really?” 
“Yeah, well maybe I wanted to be a jealous snob too.”
You let out a small chuckle. 
“A bit at least”, he whispers with his eyes lowering. They lift again as he continues, “I’m sorry, it’s just…” he sighs sadly, “we’re getting old. I’m getting old and I just…sometimes I worry that soon I won’t be handsome to you anymore.”
“Kook, we’re thirty three. That’s not old and you still look at least ten years younger. Besides, I’m not with you for only your looks, you stupid noodle. I literally fell for you while you were wearing a mask. I fell for you as a person, Bunny. You should know that by now.”
“I do. I know. I think I need to talk about my insecurities with my therapist. They’re not dragging me down yet, but I want to work through them before they become a problem.”
“That’s very healthy of you. You can open up to me too, you know? I get it, growing old can be scary, but I think it’s nice.”
“You do?”
You nod your head, “in the past I always told myself that I’ll probably die soon, but I never did and I’m growing old, which means I survived long enough that I can live these days. There were times were you saw no meaning in life, but now you are growing old which means that you survived your darkest times. And growing old with you, means that I can live with you and you can live with me.”
Jungkook spills tears instantly, pressing out the most devastating sob. 
“My love”, he squeaks out, “oh god”, he hiccups. 
“It’s okay. Gosh, my hopeless romantic”, you soothe him in a fond chuckle and cradle his face to wipe his tears until he doesn’t need to cry anymore, caressing his closed lids last. 
“I adore you”, he gets out, nuzzling into your touch, “I adore you so much. I adore you.”
“And I adore you”, you answer him.
Your eyes meet. He isn’t crying anymore, but his eyes are still terribly glassy. He is so gentle hearted. You love him so abysmally much. 
“How are you feeling?” you ask him. 
“Happy”, he whispers. 
“I’m happy too, Bunny.”
He kisses the palm of your hand and gives you a soft smile.
“I promise I won’t continue my competition with Hyunjin. I just thought that I have to nail the first impression.”
You snicker, pulling your hands back, “you definitely made a first impression, yeah.” 
Jungkook grins, “do you think that they’re talking about us now?”
“Don’t be a snob”, you say, booping his nose. 
“Sorry”, he smiles boyishly, “I do think that they’re cool. I’m happy that you have nice friends, my love.” 
“Thank you, I’m happy too.”
“I hope that I didn’t fuck things up for you now. I’d cry so much if I did.”
“I don’t think you did. Although I’ll have to answer a million questions tomorrow. God, so annoying”, you groan dramatically.
Jungkook snickers, blushing slightly.
“And if Hyunjin ever wants an internship, he can ask me. You know that I pay my interns and I think that he can learn a lot at my company”, he says.
“That is actually so sweet”, you say and lean in to kiss his cheek, “thank you, Bunny. I love you so much more when you’re like this.”
“Like what?” he asks, gazing at your lips. The closeness between you and him makes his heart flutter. 
“Tender hearted, helpful and kind. You’re so much more like yourself this way”, you say and pinch his cheek gently, “no more obnoxious rich snob yeah? I want my sweet husband back.”
“Yeah okay. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Now drive, the traffic’s moving.”
“God, I can’t wait to get to Croix and kiss you. I love you so much right now.”
You chuckle, “food first, Frenching later.”
He smiles, nodding his head obediently. Seconds later, loud honking lets him know that he needed to hurry the fuck up.
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ultralightpoe · 4 months
High Infidelity - Coriolanus Snow
Authors Note: Yup. I wrote for him. Hate me for it. (This was also the first time I wrote him so it’s not the best characterization, but hey. It’s been sitting in my drafts foreverrrrrr)
Word Count: 5642
Warnings: Prostitution. Lmao. And really bad writing so be prepared for that.
Apart of the Midnights Album Event
My MAIN Masterlist is here!
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(Thank you for the gif @youremyvioleta )
Lock broken, slur spoken
Wound open, game token
I didn't know you were keeping count
Rain soaking, blind hoping
You said I was freeloading
I didn't know you were keeping count
Your mother had always warned you away from him, warning you of the terrible terrible things that came from his family, she used to sit you at the table and plead with you to stay as far away from Coriolanus Snow as you could.
“Everything with that family ends with bloodshed.” She had warned you, telling you to stay away.
You hadn’t, and you never would….. well at least you never thought you would.
You had grown up with Coryo, known eachother since you were just children and had survived a war together. Had gone through starvation together. Back then you hadn’t understood why your mother was so afraid of him, this was the boy that had shared a can of beans with you when you had nothing. And now that the Capitol was back you were still as thick as thieves.
“I’m sorry.” You rush out, staring at your best friend right now, tears sliding your cheeks. “I don’t understand Coryo.”
It had been months since you last saw him, his hair was shorter and whiter now, and his face set into a grim glare. But it was the eyes that were different, they were cold and dark, just making eye contact made you shutter.
You had rushed to the train station to pick him up, an expensive flower in your hand and a wide smile. That had promptly been wiped away the second he got off the train and snapped at you.
The words fuzzed a bit, but it was something along the lines of “I’m warning you to stay away from my family, you freeloading wretch.”
“Do I really need to repeat myself?” The smile he gives you is anything but warm. “What? Now that I’m back you want to tag along all the time? Steal my family's fortune and pretend you’re not a starving leech?”
“Starving Leech? When have I ever taken anything from you?” You bite back, hands curling into fists.
“I can give you an entire list of everything you have taken from my family.” He laughs. “And I promise you that there will be no more favors.”
“You….. I hadn’t realized helping eachother from not starving was a favor. You ate from my table to need I remind you.” You snap, a heat crossing your skin, casting eyes towards a pair of on lookers.
You didn’t have time for this, you had a shift at the med wing.
You said as much to him, enjoying the way his eyes narrowed as he finally took in your medical garb. “We’ll talk later.” He scoffs, and you walk off after that, set on never talking to him again.
High infidelity
Put on your records and regret me
I bent the truth too far tonight
I was dancing around, dancing around it
High infidelity
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
I was dancing around, dancing around it
It was nothing but sobs the night your mother passed away, cuddled on the floor of Coryos floor with his arms wrapped around you, trying to keep quiet just in case his grandmother woke up.
She hated tears, always thought them a sign of weakness.
“Shhh.” Coryo whispers, petting your hair back. “It will be okay.”
“What will I do?” You sob, feeling like your chest was caving in. “How will I survive?”
“We’ll find a way.” He whispers, using the pad of his thumb to rub the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sure Tigris can get you a job, and you can move in here if you need. Just take a moment-“
“I can’t. I can’t breathe.” You panic, hand snapping to his jacket as if he could keep you planted to the earth, your breathing ragged panting as your vision begins to blur.
“No. No.” He breathes, fingers snatching your jaw to make you look at him, digging into your skin. “Focus. Breathe. You’re stronger than this. Take. A. Breath.”
You listen, breathing in the same time he does, deep and open, breathing out when he does. Your nerves calm a bit, and you close your eyes as the tears keep falling. He pushes your head until it is laying on his chest. “Your mother just died. Don’t focus on the future, just let the pain settle. You’re safe here. I promise.”
And so you did, letting the sobs free as he held you all night.
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
“Did….. did you see her?” Tigris asks, keeping close to the doorframe of his room, hugging her arms close to herself as she watches him work at his desk.
He feels himself tense, spine stiffening so much a wave of pain passed over him, doing his best to seem natural about it all. “She will not be coming around anymore if that is what you want to ask.”
He would make sure of it, he would make sure no one took from him or his family ever again. Not that bitch from 12, not Highbottom and not….. you. You whose face filled his brain with sunlight and warmth, you who made his chest melt and hands shake from nerves.
He loved you, always had.
But that couldn’t be anymore. He was set for a pristine life now, he could not let his weakness get in the way. He already risked it more than he should have.
“She missed you. A lot.” Tigris sighs, moving a little closer. “And she…. Well she helped us scrap together money for care packages and rent.”
“I’m sure there was something she could get from it. Don’t worry.” Even as he says it his gut clenches. He didn’t believe it for a second, but this needed to be done.
“She….. Coryo she-“ Tigris seems to stutter over the words, closing her eyes as if just thinking about it dragged her into a wave of pain. He tries not to laugh because what did she have to hurt about? Living the plush life here as he fought for them in 12, fought for them in the games. Risked his life to make sure that girl survived.
“She. What?”
“She….. well once she found out we were short on rent and she had nothing to offer she…. Slept with someone…… for us.”
“How would whoring herself out help us?” He already knew, his heart beating through his chest as his hands began to shake, clenching them into fists so it wouldn’t show. He was going to be sick.
You wouldn’t have. No.
“For money. She made us-“
“GET. OUT.” He sneers, standing quickly. “Get out right now.” He watches his cousin dash from the room with tears sliding down her face, his own kings constricting at the news.
You couldn’t have. You couldn’t have.
Regret laces through his stomach, your face flickering through his mind. Of course you would. You would do anything for him and his family.
Storm coming, good husband
Bad omen
Dragged my feet right down the aisle
At the house lonely, good money
I'd pay if you'd just know me
Seemed like the right thing at the time
It had been a fools dream long ago that you would marry for love, nothing but a dream of a child that didn’t know better, hadn't let the world destroy her yet.
Now, you knew better. Staring at your soon to be husband, Festus Creed, with a small smile playing at your lips. You were trying to make it seem like you actually loved him, like you actually cared what he was saying as cameras flashed at you both. The light of it blinded you a bit, and you tried not to flinch while he merely laughed and gripped your hand tighter.
He saved your ass and the Snow’s asses. Playing pretty little fucking wife is a small price to pay. You remind yourself when he kisses your cheek. Just pretend. Smile and pretend.
You had sold yourself to Festus in the months that Coryo…. Coriolanus was gone. When you were barely making ends meet and his cousin and grandmother weren’t making it. You had known that Tigris sometimes sold herself to people that wouldn’t really know her last name, but she hadn’t ever been able to get the primary houses due to her family's nobility.
You could.
So, you offered yourself to Creed, a classmate of Coriolanus’ and one that he had warned you to stay away from. “A viper wearing human skin.” How ironic how things turned around.
You tried not thinking about Snow at all, tried to get his face out of your mind, but every time you got close to winning against your memory, he somehow managed to pop up. Every. Single. Time.
It had been months since that initial argument the day he returned. You had been a fool who planned on confessing your love to him, planning on asking him to marry you. Then he called you a gluttonous leech, and Festus proposed a week later. It should be history.
And yet, right on cue, you spot a light blonde head of hair making his way through the crowd quickly as you and your fiancé stand quickly, the crowd of cameras dispersing at the engagement party resumes its flow.
You tried not to sneer about the sheer amount of money these people threw at everything. Just a couple months ago you had been starving, and now you can only watch as dozens of tables were set up with ludicrously decorated desserts that wouldn’t actually be eaten. “Never eat the food in front of them. Makes us look bad.” Festus has told you before your first party with all of them.
“Might I go to the restroom really quick?” You ask him, trying to move around with his arm tightly wrapped around you.
“Of course.” He smiles, giving your hip a tight squeeze before his eyebrows pinch together. “Let’s greet Snow first. I’m sure your old best friend would love to see you.”
Wish I could say the same. You bite back the remark on the tip of your tongue with a pleasant smile, allowing Festus to lead you to where your old friend was finally cutting through people. He had a grim look on his face, he always did these days, and if you didn’t know better you would assume he was upset.
“Snow.” Festus smiles, “glad you can make it. I know game keeping has been keeping your attention these days.”
Something in your stomach clenches at the words, no matter how many times people spoke of it you still could not believe that he was helping with the games.
You feel his stare in the side of your head, but you keep your eyes firmly on Festus, playing with his hair a bit as you play the role of lovestruck girl. Festus glows at this, eyes lighting up as he looks at you.
Whether or not he knows you’re using him as an excuse you can’t possibly care, he likes that you’re rubbing it in Snows face all the same.
“How could I miss this…. Joyous occasion?” Every word is clipped, and you try not to roll your eyes. “It’s wonderful that you’re family is able to take the young medic in.”
You know the underlying meaning beneath the words, snapping to glare at him. A smirk slides onto his lips as his eyes spark with excitement, it takes you a minute bro realize you had just fallen into a trap he laid out. To get you to look at him.
“Well I’m no freeloader.” You bite out. “I’ll obviously keep working in the hospital.”
Festus barks out a laugh at this, hand tightening on your hip as his other moves to hold his stomach, pure humor on his face. “Oh darling. How outrageously funny that was.”
“How was that funny?” You ask, blanching a bit.
“You’re not going to work! How would that make my family look?” Festus laughs, leaning to kiss your lips. You try to kiss back, something tightening in your throat as a sharp sting begins to form in your eyes. Do not cry. Do not cry.
“I’m going to go grab a drink. Keep our friend entertained will you?” Festus smiles, squeezing your hip once more before moving to walk away, leaving you with Coriolanus.
You risk one look to him, already seeing that he was staring right at you, and take a small sip from the Champagne in the flute as you think about how to get away. You decide on “I do hope you enjoy the party. I’m going to make my way to the ladies room.”
And for a second you think you’re brilliant, turning on your heel to walk away quickly but he is fast, taking three easy steps and cutting into your path.
“I was hoping we could talk.”
“We just did.”
“Did we?”
“What do you call that whole conversation with my fiancé if not talking?” You put on an airy smile, and fear freezes at you at the sheer anger in his gaze. Panic settles in, and you stand straighter, choosing to play offense. “Besides. You’re the one that warned me to stay away. What was it you said? ‘Or suffer the consequences’, wasn't it?”
His eyes shutter but otherwise he does a good job of playing calm, using one hand to pull imaginary lint off his jacket. “I believe so. But maybe I’ve decided I was wrong.”
“You weren’t wrong.” You snipe. “I was a freeloading wretch and now I’m not. Problem handled. We can go our separate ways and never speak again-“
“Festus was the one that paid you, wasn’t he?” His voice is low, but his eyes are screaming at you as he leans closer. “To help pay for rent. It was Festus.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” You did. And he knew it, which was answer enough.
“I’m sorry you-“but you’re gone, dashing to find the bathroom.
You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
The slowest way is never loving them enough
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
The door to the Snow Mansion caught a little, letting some of the winter air in with you, your teeth chattering as you did your best to shut it. Managing to push all your body weight into the door to finally get it closed before you puffed hot air into your palms, the sack you carried heavy in your hand as you hear someone call your name.
Then he’s there, surrounding you in what little warmth he had, arms wrapped around you as you try to ease the shivers.
“Come in. We are burning some of mothers old romance novels for warmth.” He smiles, grabbing your hand and leading you to the fireplace where there were indeed pages from novels burning quickly.
“I brought this-“ you smile, holding up the bag of the goodies you managed to smuggle out of work. “It was someone’s anniversary and they had tables of food. I grabbed what I could before they threw it all out.”
A smile breaks out across his face as his cousin and grandmother both gasp and move to surround you. Before you know it you are all huddled close to the fire, eating quickly to try and ease the hunger, Coryo sitting close to you.
Once all the food is gone his grandmother retires to bed and Tigris goes to heat up water, leaving you with Coryo by the dying fire.
“I…. I always imagined small family dinners. Always wanted it for my own family, eating close together rather than a large table.” You admit, pulling your legs close to yourself. “Never did I imagine this though.”
“One day I’m going to get us out of this.” He mumbles, one hand reaching to hold onto one of your own. “And we will have that.”
There was that feeling of happiness rising in your chest as you looked at his determined face, leaning to kiss the corner of his lips softly. “I look forward to it.” And you believed he could make it happen, you truly did.
High infidelity
Put on your records and regret me
I bent the truth too far tonight
I was dancing around, dancing around it
You could learn to love him, you were sure of it. Somehow someway you would fall in love with my Festus, provide him a child that would inherit his families vast fortune and you would see to it that your kid never had to worry about starving.
You would rake yourself over coals before letting your child do any of what you had to do.
Like right now, fake moans filtering from your lips as Festus had his way with you on a random desk in a study room you did not recognize. Not that it was surprising, this family liked their secrets.
Once he was done he smiled at you, kissing you quickly as he fixed his pants and tucked in his shirt. “Fix yourself up. We have an engagement party to get back to.”
And with that he was gone from the room, leaving you to fix the skirt and sink to the floor, using the side of the large oak desk to lean on.
The sound of the door opening barely draws your attention, sighing out as you stare at the bookshelf, trying to piece your nerves back together as you always did after Festus.
“Are you alright?” The tone was a mix between your old friends comforting voice and the new Snows voice, and you tried not to roll your eyes.
“I’m fine.” You snap, your spine stiff. “Go back to the party.”
“I should be saying that to you.” He mumbles, moving closer and sliding to sit next to you. “It is your party after all.”
“Yeah? Is it?” You mumble, scooting over slightly to get away from him. He merely follows you, sliding right next to you once more.
Before you can yell at him he is holding out a cloth napkin, filled with those crème cookies that filled the tables out there. Macarons, Festus had called them. But you hadn’t had one. Rich people liked to starve.
“Come on. We both know you want one.” He smiles.
“Does it have poison?” You snipe, remembering the reason he had been sent away in the first place. He had given that Lucy girl an advantage in the games. Poison.
“No, not for you.” He smiles, like you hadn’t just completely tried to chase him off. Then he grabs one and shoves the entire thing in his mouth, making a small laugh slip from you before you bite it down, rolling your eyes. “Do you remember my 13th birthday?”
“No.” Yes.
He had stolen sandwiches from his school lunch and you had somehow managed to steal chocolate chip cookies from some party you had been working at. You ate together in the park, huddled by a tree so no one would see you, whispering all the things you wanted to see in the world.
“It was by far one of the best birthdays I had ever had.”
“One of?”
“Well my favorite birthday was the one before the war. I got so many gifts my parents made me a playroom.” He smiles.
You try not to let the words sting, what were measly cookies to a playroom. That was the life he belonged in. Luxury.
“You won’t be working then?” He asks after a moment of silence. “I always thought you liked being a medic.”
“I haven’t been an actual medic for long.” You sneer, you had only earned the honor while he was gone. Before that you simply volunteered every morning before your actual job, taking lessons whenever you could scrounge up money.
“A short lived career then.”
“What do you want me to say? My husband won’t allow me to work then I won’t work. It’s simple.”
“I would need my wife to work.” He shrugs.
“Why? You wouldn’t want a freeloader?”
“No. I would be running for president of Panem. And I believe that a medic for a wife would help my votes.” He states bluntly, eyes catching yours as your own widen.
“I’m sorry?” But he doesn’t respond, instead he holds out that damned napkin of cookies again. And you snatch one quickly, turning away the slightest bit to eat it.
“You’ll think about it?” He asks, eyes never leaving you.
“Think about it? There is nothing to think about.” You laugh, wiping sugar from the corner of your mouth before using the desk to help you stand and stepping over him.
Before you could fully escape his hands snatch your calf, pulling you down until you unceremoniously fall into his lap. “I told you to stay away from Festus. His family is not-….. he won’t give you what you want.”
“He’s paying my rent Snow. I’m just fine.”
“What happened to family dinners? Or the 6 kids running around.”
“I can have that with him.”
“Can you?” He lets you go then, knowing his words hit the mark when your face falls.
You leave the study, trying to pretend things are fine for the rest of the day, but his words cling to you like a skin of a snake.
High infidelity
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
I was dancing around, dancing around it
You would have loved the atmosphere of District 12’s underground space, the dancing and music, laughter falling through your ears and the best of their dancing jolting down your spine with every stomp and clap.
Though he never understood your fascination with the districts back then, during the games he was beginning to understand slowly, and seeing this he could.
“Let’s go get a drink.” Sejanus laughs, pushing him to the bar as he imagines you twirling through, stomping and clapping at the right times.
It’s that night, drunk and a bit out of it that he lets the words he had been holding back for years slip. Sejanus had been grousing on and on about how he knew Snow was a good guy by the fact that his closest companion had been a young student healer rather than a Capitol clone and Snow tried not to bristle as how easy Sejanus laughed off your history.
You had worked for everything, and yet the man in front of him made it seem like you had chosen the healer life out of pity, rather than your hardwork and dedication.
Then the words slipped, “She’s a rare one and that’s why I love her.”
His friends eyes widen, and so does snow, both breathing in for a second before a wave of laughter fills them as Lucy’s voice fills the room.
Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
The slowest way is never loving them enough
It had taken you 10 minutes to sneak out of the Creed mansion, and another 15 to walk to Snow mansion where he had asked to meet you.
He being Coriolanus, through a telegram sent directly to you earlier in the day.
The door sticks a little, just like it used to, but the rest of the place had been professionally cleaned and you kept to the front rug in the entrance so as to not drag mud in.
“What are you doing?” He asks, coming around the corner to look at you in the entrance. “I’m in here, let’s go.”
He doesn’t wait to see your panic at the clean floors, so you rush to take off your shoes before tiptoeing to the main sitting room he was in.
“You said it was urgent.” You mumble, looking around at all the papers strewn about. Some designs of outfits and dresses, some of creatures and set ups. “What is all this?”
“This, my dear, is the 11th annual hunger games.” He smiles, and you try not to shudder at how easy he says dear.
“Oh I see, you’ll be making the tributes wear extravagant gowns in the arena then?” You hold up a sketch of what looks to be an evening gown designed for district 3.
“Tigris will be styling and dressing them before the games now.” He explains, moving closer to you. “For if they wish to be performers then we shall let them. Give them all a fighting chance.”
“Like Lucy?”
He doesn’t answer, instead moving to pick up another sketch. “And now, once they are in the arena they will all wear the same uniform.”
“They won’t die in their own clothes?”
“They’ll die at the Capitol wills it.” He sneers, taking a second to regain his composure. “But this isn’t why I have brought you here today.”
“Okay….” He grabs your hand, pulling you to the desk and showing you plans and sketches. “I need your medical advice.”
“For a poisonous sea creature.” You rear back at that, but he is quick to snatch your hand. “I just need to know how to prolong the death.”
“I’m not helping-“
“Please. I need you.” He admits, his hand still on you. “I always need you.”
“Coryo-“ it’s the first time you’ve called him that in forever, and he can’t help but rush to you, pressing his lips to yours quickly.
You kiss back, although your common sense is screaming at you to stop. And soon enough the kiss is deepening, and he’s shoving all the documents off the table to place you upon it, making quick work of stripping you down while trying to keep his lips to you at all times.
And you were ashamed to admit you found pleasure for the first time that night, allowing him to pull that pleasure from you over and over and over.
High infidelity
Put on your records and regret meeting me
I bent the truth too far tonight
I was dancing around, dancing around it
“He’s a mad man….” Festus mumbles, hand clenched on your knee. “A mad genius but a madman.”
He was right of course, you could do nothing but blink as the games unfolded before you, surrounded by his peers and coworkers as they all cheered and booed at the tributes.
You couldn’t pay attention, the gore beginning to get to you as well as the fact that Coryo kept glaring over at you and Festus from his podium in the center, eyes narrowing as a sneer coated his mouth.
You hated these moments, when you were anxious about the affair and when Festus was in the same room with the two of you. Don’t do anything stupid, you silently plead.
But when has Coryo ever played stupid? No. Everything he did was smart, three moves ahead.
“How about a wager?” He smiles to his friends, and you bite your lip. That scheming look not good.
“Yeah?” Festus smiles. “My moneys on district 2. Girl.”
Vivi, was her name. She had 2 sisters at home and was playing viciously. She would not win though, she had been bitten by a snake with slow killing venom, you would know since you helped Coryo make it.
“No. Money is far too boring.” Coryo smiles, ever the Capitol player. “How about we wager…… the healer.”
Festus freezes, hand tightening on your thigh in a searing grip that you know has Coryo seething under his calm exterior, those blue eyes lighting with a challenge. He hated when Festus was rough, which was more often than not.
Coryo preferred to be…. Rough in the sheets and gentle every other moment.
“You want my fiancé? Don’t you have whores for that?” Festus laughs, but there is no humor behind it.
“I don’t want a whore. I want a wife.” Coryo smiles, holding out his hand. “District 4, Mags.”
People begin whispering and smiling at the challenge, and you realize why Coryo had been talking too loud then, because Festus would look weak to back away now.
Festus risks a look to you, narrowing on your shocked look before taking Coryos hand. When the blonde walks away your fiancé leans in, “we will be discussing this later.”
After he won, if he won. He would make your life hell.
High infidelity
Put on your headphones and burn my city
Your picket fence is sharp as knives
I was dancing around, dancing around it
“Your mood swings make my head spin,” you admit, laying on the mattress lazily as Coryo sits leaning on the headboard, tracing his finger across your exposed back. “One moment you’re rutting into me like you hate me, the next your murmuring love sonnets.”
“Do the Creeds actually have money?” He murmurs, fingers dancing across your ribs. “Or are they pretending just as I had been for awhile?”
“They have money, loads and loads of it. So much that they burnt some of it for fun the other day to see how long it took to burn.” You mumble, keeping your eyes closed.
“Then why do you still look starving?” He asks, moving closer to curl around you.
“Because they only eat one meal a day, and it’s more of….. well they don’t like gluttonous people.”
“Surviving is gluttonous?”
“The rich have never made sense.” You admonish. “They starve themselves to prove they can, no sugar or dairy. No this or that. They don’t know hunger like we did.”
“I thought you were marrying him to stop that hunger.” He mutters, a bit of anger in it.
“I also have a roof over my head and warmth. There is more to it.” You sigh, not wanting this to be another argument as it was every week. “There’s nothing we can do Coryo. I get married after the games.”
“They talk about you like you’re a pet.”
“To them I am.”
Oh, there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love
And it's never enough, it's never enough
“So this is what he does now?” Festus sneers, whipping his tie off as he storms into his room, dragging you in with him.
The games would last another night it seemed, and Snow sent everyone out as he was getting ready for the big finish.
“He is making it all one big game. Placing wagers and gambling. It’s bullshit!” You try not to roll your eyes at his outburst since he had been all about it before Coryo called him out.
But apparently you still somehow rolled your eyes and his face falls into pure rage as he begins charging for you. Fear coats your system as his hand latches around your neck, cutting off oxygen.
Before it could get worse there is a knock on the door.
“YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!” His little sister calls, turning on his screen to reveal the games, where many of the players are fighting a very large creature in the body of water.
“What is that?” Festus gasps.
“A sea monster.” You breathe out, watching with a small amount of excitement mixed with disgust as Mags plunges her spear into its eye.
Lock broken, slur spoken
Wound open, game token
I didn't know you were keeping count
Rain soaking, blind hoping
You said I was freeloading
I didn't know you were keeping count
But oh, you were keeping count
You married him on April 29th, a year later he ran for president and to no one's surprise he won.
You became First Lady of panem. And would of course bear tons of children.
He kept his promise, eating close together every night, making sure all his kids were well fed and never knew the hunger you both did. And when your youngest was blasted in the tabloids for her ‘pudginess’ Coryo made sure to send the writer and his family to District 7 and the very next year the oldest daughter of the family was chosen in the reaping.
You lived in constant disgust and amazement, the battle never ending.
You helped him come up with ideas for creatures and implemented healing and medicine into the games to at least give some of those kids a fighting chance.
“Remember when I warned you to stay away?” He asks one night, watching you from his spot on the bed as you get air at the window.
“Quite vividly.” You laugh, breathing in the night scent in his shirt as he lay naked save for a sheet. “Said I was a freeloader.”
“I was trying to push you away.”
“Gathered that.” You nod, watching him extend a hand before shuffling across the floor and climbing across the bed until you reach his hands where he pulled you in for a warm kiss.
“You are a freeloader.” He teases, his lips still against yours. “You owe me so much.”
“Oh do I?” You laugh.
“Yeah! You owe me a can of beans, never got paid back for that.” He smiles and you can’t help but laugh.
“I’ll go get the dirtiest can of beans, expired, and it will be just like old times.”
Before he can say anything else you are pushing to kiss him again, falling into his warmth with a hum and letting him drag you under the sheet.
(Yeah. It stayed in the draft because I never quite liked how the story worked….. something always seemed off. I rewrote this 10 times back then, but since I am releasing my old drafts this baby is out now. )
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shotmrmiller · 1 month
Toni, imagine the 141 at an all you can eat buffet. The owners only make losses that day. Simon and Johnny are inhaling everything in sight. Kyle loads up his plate with only the expensive items like the sea food. John figured out how to stack a food tower on his plate so he doesn’t have to get up as much.
kyle would honestly be so picky. if he's not eating it with his eyes, he's certainly not eating it with his mouth.
john being lazy makes so much sense. like once he's seated, don't expect him to get up so yeah, he's getting lunch and dessert in one sitting. rip the warm bowl of melted ice cream.
and since simon and johnny can't stop eating, john's the dad of the group he's always telling them to get him the sautéed green beans he annihilated earlier and some rice and soup and--
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soralymystaken · 4 months
My headcanons on the ninja’s favorite foods / diets because I am so normal about these characters.
Cole - Cake. I don’t think I have to explain this. It couldn’t be more canon lmao. If I had to pick a particular cake as his favorite, he’s definitely one of those people who adores chocolate lava cakes. I think that and red velvet are is favorites. I also feel like he has a very high spice tolerance.
Zane - In my headcanon, nindroid!zane does not need to eat, so he doesn’t really have a favorite food. For human!zane, I feel like he would have very expensive taste. I think my pick for his favorite would be lobster. No reason why, just my thoughts.
Jay - Jay was easily the hardest to pick. I faintly remember him saying he liked Chen’s Noodles, so I could pick something like ramen as his favorite food, but while I think that fits, I think all of the ninja really like Chen’s Noodles. The food that comes to find for me, although it has 0 basis in canon, is burritos. I feel like he loves the amount of food there is, the fact that it is “easy to eat,” and the fact that “there are so many different configurations that it’s practically a different food every time.” Oh, and dino nuggets. No explanation needed.
Nya - Nya loves sushi, and you can fight me on that fact. While this makes things kind of hard as Jay is kind of scared of the concept of eating raw food, Jay still will eat it with her and Nya is still obsessed. Also enjoys mac and cheese when no one is looking lol.
Kai - Okay, this section is gonna have a lot of angst and I’m not apologizing for that. Kai and Nya never had much to eat, but Kai always made sure Nya had food on the table. In fact, one year on Nya’s birthday, he surprised her with by going with her to get (albeit cheap) sushi. He claimed he felt sick, though, so he didn’t eat any. In reality, though, he had only saved enough for Nya, and seeing her happy was a million times better than the food itself. As for his personal taste, Kai isn’t very picky when it comes to food. Growing up, almost everything he ate was rice, as that was what was grown where he lived. This has led him to really disliking rice, due to its unsavory memories. One of Kai’s favorite foods, funny enough, is pizza. This is primarily due to, when Kai had some extra money and Nya was unfed, he would order himself a pizza as a treat. This basically never happened as Kai always felt guilty spending money on himself when it could have gone to Nya, but it’s led to pizza being very important to Kai now that he has enough money to afford it.
Lloyd - I have a lot of thoughts on Lloyd. Firstly, as proven by canon, Lloyd has a major sweet tooth. I wouldn’t give candy as his favorite food since I feel it is too broad, and I don’t have a specific candy to give him because he likes all candy equally. I also feel like he quite likes junk food. Similarly to Kai, Darkley’s didn’t have a ton of food options, so fast food was the cheapest and easiest option for Lloyd. However, unlike Kai, he still finds comforts in the foods he ate as a child. Finally, when I was drafting ideas for this post, for some reason I had Lloyd’s as green bean casserole, and I have no logical explanation for this, but I cant unsee it. My explanation I’m giving is, whenever there was a potluck/bring your own food type events, he always brought really bad green bean casserole just to annoy people and still has some fondness for it because of that. Oh, and dino nuggets for him too. Again, no explanation needed.
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What do you think each of the Gotham rogues smell like?
"Smells and Scents" Rogues Party
For the sake of my own fun, I'm going to put what they actually smell like vs. what a perfume based on them would smell like. Please note I am in 0 way an expert on what pairs well for scents, so some of these might actually be terrible LMAO.
TW: None
Actually smells like: Motor oil/grease, whatever take out or food he managed to cook, and, if he's been working long hours, body odor.
Perfume: fresh apples, matcha and narcissus.
Actually smells like: He wears a woodsy smelling aftershave. On good days, he smells like that and and freshly cleaned laundry. On particularly bad days, he will actually smell like fish he's eaten.
Perfume: Seawater, amber and cigars.
Mad Hatter
Actually smells like: various plants and herbs he uses to make his concoctions with a chemical undertone.
Perfume: Black tea and freshly made biscuits. Faint hint of hookah smoke.
Actually smells like: Sterility- chemicals used for his practice and disinfectant. Another subtle vague scent difficult to pick up... it's fear toxin.
Perfume: Dried funeral flowers, moss, anise.
Music Meister
Actually smells like: Mothballs and antiques. Theater kid smell.
Perfume: Strawberry lemonade and cedar wood.
Victor Zsasz
Actually smells like: Sweat, dried blood and sometimes the rubbing alcohol that he threw on a fresh cut or wound.
Perfume: Leather and blood oranges.
Killer Croc
Actually smells like: Better than before. There was a time he'd straight up smell like sewer because it was easier to travel down there instead of risking people seeing him. These days he has a eucalyptus body wash he really likes.
Perfume: Mustard seed and tea tree oil.
Harley Quinn
Actually smells like: the smell of cosmetic face powder and whatever body spray she threw on that day. There's multiple and several are sweet/food smells like vanilla.
Perfume: Raspberries, lychee, and fresh custard cream.
Poison Ivy
Actually smells like: Her pheromones, a flower bouquet and fresh dirt.
Perfume: Ivy, lily of the valley and rosewood.
Actually smells like: gunpowder, steam pressed suits and a sage scented cologne.
Perfume: dark chocolate, tobacco and clementines.
Black Mask
Actually smells like: Some fancy, stupid expensive cologne that he'll dab on his neck when he's been working for 48 hours. Doesn't overdo it, so there's that at least.
Perfume: Dark roast coffee beans and bourbon.
Mr. Freeze
Actually smells like: Nothing. He doesn't even smell like sweat because all bacteria on his body is long dead. Sometimes you can smell the coolant if there is a small leak somewhere.
Perfume: pine, bergamot and fresh snow.
Ra's al-Ghul
Actually smells like: A plant that's long been extinct. He revitalizes the petals for personal use and they are washed in his clothing.
Perfume: Jasmine, parchment and dragon's blood resin.
Actually smells like: On a good day- it's dove soap bars and leather. On a bad day, he smells like gym mat.
Perfume: myrrh and sandlewood.
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cherrywhipped · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter character scent hcs 🌬️
This is kinda for laughs but also I tried to make it reasonable, hope you enjoy♡
Tumblr media
XX Gon: maple syrup or a chuck-e-cheese playhouse. no in between
XX Killua: some fresh expensive laundry smell 🙄 (gain fireworks beads), or sweat + campfire/burning smoke⚡️
XX Kurapika: faint pine needles & vanilla (😀??) hard to tell but whatever it is always smells the strongest right below his ear towards the back of his neck kiss
XX Leorio: hot cologne I just KNOW bro smells MMMM (more specifically maybe a mahogany teakwood type of delicious 👏)
XX Kite: my beloved. His smell is so comforting, it’s like wrapping yourself up in a blanket of honeysuckle and dewy grass.
XX Morel: yes obvi smoke but tbh… a hot whiff of that rich & refreshing incense smell that makes your head all cloudy 😵‍💫 [China rain, anyone?]
XX Knov: defeat. Probably wouldn’t have a defining smell, maybe something really light like mint
XX Knuckle: manly, gotta be like sweat and old spice deodorant 🔥
XX Shoot: absolutely nothing. It is bizarre how scentless he is
XX Palm: an unsettling dark berry candle
XX Biscuit: marshmallow fluff
XX Melody: smells like a friend. A friend that smells of citrus fruit.
XX Illumi: I bet he smells intoxicating but it’s eerie, similar to how some people like to sniff gasoline. This is so specific but y’know the heat residue smell when you flat iron your hair or iron clothes? That plus a deep forest musk or red wine note idk it smells good but gives u the creeps
XX Hisoka: I can’t imagine him not smelling like blood or at least somewhat metallic underneath. But he covers it up with some flower bomb type of perfume 💀
XX Chrollo: god he smells sexy. Sandalwood, rose water, maybe some vanilla bean or cinnamon or other deep spice in there? It’s the perfect blend of sexy musk and spicy with a little sweet on top. scent will put u on ur knees
XX Feitan: straight up smells like Hot Topic. musky & musty <3
XX Nobunaga: smells cool tbh, reminiscent of stormy weather, or how hot asphalt smells when it starts pouring rain (I rlly like that smell)
XX Machi: very clean like white tea, lemon, or lavender. You have to be super close to her to actually catch a whiff
XX Uvo: weird. Not good or bad necessarily, just the combo he has going on isn’t working with him like ginger or black pepper and salty ocean body wash
XX Shalnark: kinda basic but at least it isn’t bad, smells like clean linen tbh
XX Paku: a refined, strong scent. Amber or black cherry balsamic vinegar (trust me) something unique and a lil sensual
XX Phinks: icyhot. The icy hot muscle pain reliever stuff. (Peppermint, menthol) and honestly… it smells pretty good
XX Shizuku: grape jelly. That’s it. Idk how she smells like she spilled the whole jar on herself every day but somehow she does.
XX Ging: ……… literally dust. I feel like he smells like whatever the hell he was around that day, (a swamp, animals, fish, the sewer 🗿) never smells the same two days in a row, even his sweat smell doesn’t repeat 😖
XX Pariston: Irish spring soap bc the best liars and manipulators I knew always used that shit LMAO but yeah pariston would smell clean + good as to not offend any nostrils unlike ging
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koffing-time · 10 days
So… What would you say is your best espresso. I’ve been searching for alternatives after my favorite local spot closed.
Hmmm, sorry for the late answer, i had to think about this a bit.
I can give you a few nods and infos, but it depends on your taste and preferences.
Well, let's start at the beginning. I'm not that much of an espresso kinda person, i'm more into standard coffee, but espresso is (genuinely) not much more than concentrated coffee. You have to be more careful when preparing it, but in the end, you have the same flavors, just more concentrated. (I promise, i can do that, i know how to make a banger espresso)
And, well, the flavors mostly depend on the coffee you're using. Obviously there are different grades of quality, but i'm assuming you want some high quality stuff, right? Now, i do have some standard beans for normal ass coffee, and you can do a lot of different things with that alone.
Depending on the place your beans come from, they'll have a slightly different taste, but i won't go into that rn because that would go WAYYYYY beyond the scale of this post lmao.
Something more managable is the color (or roast level). Rule of thumb: darker roasts give you more bitterness, a more full and earthy aroma and some chocolatey hints. More lighter roasts are sweeter, less bitter and the more nuanced aromas come out more.
Secondly, there are two different kinds of beans (for the most part. you can probably get some exotic shit as well, but i usually don't have that around). Arabica and Robusta. In general, Arabica is more popular bc it's more... light? i wanna say? It's gentler with its flavors, but the Robusta has more punch, more caffeine and will make overall stronger coffee (espresso). I don't actually have pure Robusta, because, if we're honest, pure robusta coffee (espresso) is REALLY bitter and kind of bland. Something more interesting is a blend between the two. Depending on the ratio, you can get a lot of different profiles. (there are pure arabica versions of course)
Third is the freshness. Of course, the fresher the beans, the better the coffee (espresso). Well... there are a few exception, but they always exist. That part is more important when you make it at home, check the roast date and go to a good shop to buy your coffee.
BUT something that is wayyyy more interesting imo than just... color and arabica/robusta ratio, that is... roast style. You can roast coffee beans in a variety of ways. You can just put them in the oven, you can put them on the grill and smoke them, you can deep fry them, there are tons of ways, and all influence the flavor of course.
One more thing i wanna mention is the fermentation: i love love love coffee that is fermented with the cherry. It makes the coffee (espresso) a lot lighter and actually gives it a fruity and fresh note. Those kind of beans are usually little bit more expensive, but trust me its worth it.
And, lastly, you can blend your coffee with a ton of other stuff to enhance your experience. Mix it with cinnamon, occa berry, cheri berry, chilli powder, i have so many blends here that are really really great. The italians hate me for it, but i again, i usually drink standard coffee, not espresso. That doesn't mean its bad in espresso though.
And to conclude, specifically for your question about our BEST espresso? Well, we do have an assortment of homemade coffee blends, and one is called the "Tix' Mix". It's got a little spice to it, but is mainly sweet and has a full flavor profile between chocolatey and herby. There's also "Olivia's Original" of course (and more varied ideas), but for integrity reasons i have to insist that my personal blend is better lol.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
I know there aren't as many public schools as private schools but do you think there's token rich kids on those teams?
this is one of the FUNNIEST asks i've ever received and i am VERY happy about it because YES i absolutely DO think there are token rich kids on the nonrich public school teams so let's go!!
karasuno: kageyama. like . . . i imagine his parents have demanding work that make bank, which is why he was primarily raised by kazuyo. also, i've looked at the brand he uses for his bag - le coq sportif is CRAZY expensive. he's probably the only student in the whole school with something like that. if we want to go even further, kazuyo is a shiratorizawa alumnus, so his family's money or prestige or whatever could theoretically stretch pretty far back. and honestly? it's hard, switching to karasuno. kageyama feels like a fish out of water here where everyone seems to understand each other except him. but they try, and he tries, and he loves them so, so much, and he wants to be better than he was before. so he starts with gifts - little things like a spa day for everyone, or maybe a pile of quality snacks (he got the idea watching daichi treat them all the time), a new set of towels, whatever he can do to help them, to let them know how much he appreciates what they've given him.
nekoma: okay so uhh i did not mean to take it that far with karasuno LMFAO, anyways for nekoma i honestly think it's lev. like man something about his arrogance and confidence and how he doesn't seem to get connection the way everyone else does because he really never experienced that sense of community growing up as a rich kid. nekoma is where he learns and grows outside of that and comes to be a better person than he was before
dateko: hmm kind of tricky but i think it might be sakunami honestly. the money itself doesn't mean much to him he just wants to do what makes him happy. also i wholeheartedly believe he's a weird little bean and part of that weirdness comes from having had a childhood funded very differently than your average nonrich kid. he's quiet about it and doesn't flaunt it and is pretty self-aware, which is why futakuchi doesn't tease him for it the way he normally would.
johzenji: oooooh let's see . . . i think it'd be REALLY funny if it was, mmm, numajiri. i adore jiri and i bet sometimes he thinks the rest of johzenji are absolute heathens for how they act which is why he gets that look on his face sometimes LMAO. he's another one who's quiet and doesn't flaunt it and blends in with the others REALLY well, if not for the slightly haughty resting face he usually has.
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dartducks · 2 days
Get to know me!
tagged by @jonassiegenthighler thank you <3
Do you make your bed?
Nope, I slept in a bunkbed for most of my childhood so it was inconvenient to do and also you couldn't see it and the habit stuck
Favourite number?
Either 3 or 26! 26 for my birthday and 3 because that's how I group things mentally, it's a very nice number
What's your job?
Unemployed student at the moment. we're working on that.
If you could go back to school, would you?
Not to any level lower than this, but honestly there's enough I want to learn about that if it weren't for money i'd probably stay in uni for a while
Can you parallel park?
I can't even drive lmao. never felt there was much reason for me to learn and it was super expensive
Do you think aliens are real?
I mean probably, that's not my business though yet
Can you drive a manual car?
Not legally
Guilty pleasure?
I don't think there's anything I feel particularly guilty over?
Not yet!! I would like to get one but I've never gotten around to it lmao
Favourite colour?
Favourite type of music?
Haha well. You guys won't believe this but. Country music.
Do you like puzzles?
Love a puzzle!!
Any phobias?
Baked beans (or similar object) in my belly button. Awful, bad, genuinely scared of going into the sea incase this happens
Favourite childhood sport?
Sailing if that counts? I grew up next to a lake so I went to a camp for it every summer or rhythmic gymnastics
Do you talk to yourself?
No, i've gone a few days without speaking outloud sometimes because I just don't do it unless there's another person
Tea or coffee?
Coffee!! I've never really even tried to drink tea, just started with one and stuck to it
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
I think horse trainer??? I was so into horses for a while. It was either that or like. Volcanologist, cause we knew a volcanologist and I was deeply obsessed with volcanic eruptions for a good good while. That one carried on until I was 14
What movies do you adore?
Does the 2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony count as a movie. I'm saying it does. I watch it at least once a year and weep. This year I cried so hard at it I got a stye
Thank you so much again eliot for tagging me <3 I think you've tagged all the gc members who usually do these but if anyone else wants to do it consider yourself tagged!!
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apanthropypeach · 1 year
TF- 141 Tea and Coffee HCs
Had to write this myself because so many non brits just assuming everyone drinks only green tea or earl grey was sending me to oblivion lmao.
Milk and one sugar
Not usually fussed about brand but will absolutely refuse to drink PG Tips
(the monkey gives him the ick)
Doesn’t have a preference for what cup he has it in while on base
But while at home, Soap bought him a Scotland Rugby cup as a joke and it’s his favourite
Doesn’t mind drinking coffee but it’s usually just instant no milk no sugar
Milk and no sugar
Prefers Tetley
Refuses to touch Yorkshire Tea. no elaborations.
Has a “world’s best dad” mug that Soap bought him from gaz as a joke (poor gaz had no idea) that he exclusively uses now.
Used to have one that Soap had drawn little doodles on but the pictures started washing off so now he uses that one as a pen holder.
At home this man goes full coffee nut.
Catch him in the kitchen at 4 am weighing his beans out and using a thermometer to check the water temperature so he can get the perfect brew.
Has the swan neck kettle and everything.
Milk and three sugars
This absolute psychopath swears he can’t taste the difference between brands so will drink literally anything.
Three sugars might seem quite sweet but soap exclusively drinks his tea out of a Sports Direct mug so it kind of balances out.
Sometimes gets a ribbing from Ghost and Price about how much milk he has in his tea, but doesnt get it anywhere near as bad as Gaz
Doesn’t like coffee, will absolutely rail a hot chocolate though
Milk and one sugar
Will only drink Twinings English Breakfast.
Is literally the most insufferable about his preference.
Has his tea so milky it's lukewarm.
Gets SO MUCH shit for it.
Doesn’t have a preferred vessel of choice,
Does enjoy a nice quality instant coffee but lets be real Gaz is a Costa Girlie through and through.
Bonus HC’S:
Upon arriving at base and finding out their HQ would only have a zip tap, Price immediately expensed a decent water filter and a kettle.
The filter was Soaps idea cause the tea at his nans was fucking elite because the water there was so soft.
Ghost will occasionally have a cup of earl grey at night while he's reading in bed or finishing up reports. Helps him relax and he knows no one else (except maybe Gaz) is going to touch the stuff.
There are constant arguments about the best biscuits for dunking.
Ghost once mashed and then put the hot spoon on the back of Soaps arm, there's still a mark to this day and Soap constantly holds it against him
As a joke, the gang bought Gaz a tea set one Christmas, but it's somehow become a weekly ritual to sit down and use the set to have a cuppa while catching up about non-work related stuff.
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emerald-truth · 11 months
favorite flatbreads (Plenty O’Toole/Tiffany Case)
REPOST because I forgot the tags oops! I’m writing f/f double drabbles for the food prompt table! (I will post them on ao3 when they’re all done). Plenty has Native family I’ve decided. Her character is so flimsy she really could use more developing in general since she’s not even in the book and is treated as mostly the stereotypical dumb pretty woman. Perhaps that’s for another fic  . . . Plenty O’Toole background development lmao
Plenty sidles up to a pretty redhead with an expensive looking necklace and tries on one of her stock opening lines. "You're not from around here are you?"
"Not around this casino, I'm not," says the woman in an accent and tone of voice that's definitely from around here. Damn. 
 Plenty bats her eyelashes, never out of cards in her hand. "Let me show you the building then, at least? I'm Plenty." 
"Tiffany." The redhead extends a hand. "Why don't you show me some place to eat, I'm famished!" 
There are places Plenty would take most people, but for a local, she'll do better. "Follow me." Plenty grabs Tiffany's hand and drags her through a back door to a street vendor selling frybread. "This is my uncle." 
"Rick is your uncle?" 
"You know him?" 
"Tiffany? And Plenty?" 
When the commotion of their mutual acquaintance has died down, Tiffany orders her usual frybread with beans, and Plenty asks for sugar on hers. "It's a wonder you two hadn't met already, you'll get on just great with my Plenty," Rick assures the pair. 
"With my uncle's blessing . . ." Plenty turns Tiffany away from the stand by the elbow. " . . . Wanna come back to mine?”
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
This is embarrassing but...I really like your stories with plus-sized readers and as a plus-sized gal (300+) could you maybe write something about The Riddler (specifically Paul Danos) being into a bigger girl? I've seen a few floating around but they kind of focus on the rogues defending their girlfriends from mean comments? And I would rather just see a positive interpretation of them being into a bigger lady?
baby i GOT YOU 💜 please there's like 300lbs of me for that bean pole man to wrap himself up in and i fully believe he would adore every single bit of a bigger body
i wrote specific things for each riddler BUT i think they all apply to all of them because they would all simp for a plus size partner, trust 💚
also pls i haven't read much else with plus size characters but i HATE that trope it makes me so sad ;-; and shout out to my husband for listing what he likes about sex with my plus size body lmao
minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff and language and kinks etc
my thing here is that he has a mommy kink SO BAD which i feel lends itself to a plus size babe who can smother him with their breasts, belly, thighs, arms, WHATEVER and he will apologise for fetishizing you but he won't stop lmao he loves LOVES being held by soft arms. he loves looking at you on his sofa while he streams and imagining curling up into you when he's done trying to change the world/commit acts of domestic terrorism. his favourite thing in the whole world is when you wear shorts, because then he can see every bit of your thighs, and a big t-shirt that he painted his logo on to for you. will fall asleep on your stomach because he says it's softer than any expensive pillow and he loves to hear and feel you breathing he's a desperately clingy man, which extends to sex. he loves grabbing onto you and holding you. favourite things to grab, even above tits and ass, are love handles/chunky hips while he's pulling you on to him, a waist dent that he can really sink his hands into and run them over any adorable chubby bits, and inner thighs. loves to pull out and cum on your stomach.
the mechanics of everything intrigue him, especially your body. he's actually quite shocked by how hypnotic/erotic he finds the way you move. his two favourite positions are having you on your back, watching your stomach and breasts move as he thrusts, and having you bent over, so he can see your ass jiggle when he slams into you GOD you're like the opposite of every medium he usually works with. you're like clay, you're like clouds, you're like liquid almost. where his hands are used to rough textures, metals and wires, you're a treat for his calloused hands. you're soft, pliable, and he fkn loves touching every single bit of you to make sure it's as soft and cushiony as the last time he touched it, which was probably five minutes ago going back to mechanics, if you wear something with buttons down the front he will spend the entire day admiring them for taking the strain but willing them to give up and just burst already because fuck that would be hot
young justice:
will show you off at every available opportunity because the boy is happy to have someone thick as all hell who is willing to be seen with him in public. he's a sucker for losing all control to you, and will state multiple times with strong conviction that being smothered by you as you sit on his face would be a heavenly way to die PLUS he's a nervous and self-conscious kind of guy and is worried about how well he performs, so having you on top is a PLUS because your weight and how hard you can press down on him makes him feel like he's deeper inside of you freaks out about the way you look in high-waisted jeans and no he can't put his finger on it, but it probably has something to do with your ass because that's his BAG. if you at any point bend down near him, the whole rest of his day is wasted because all his mind can think about is whatever fabric was covering you stretching tight against your thighs and your butt under his bed you will find quite a few magazines with spreads of plus size lingerie models, man knows what he's into y'know?
capullo/zero year:
i don't know if he has a specific thing for plus size women, or even a specific thing for women, he's an any hole's a goal kind of fucker and i love him for it. seems like he could charm his way into your pants by telling you how gorgeous you are and how hot you'd look wrapped around him. if he told me he liked a lil meat on his women i'd be his, anyone else would get their dick punched he absolutely loses it for your thighs smothering him while he eats you out, loves a pussy he can grab and smack too because he's VULGAR. he uses the term bbw way too much but the enthusiasm he has for your body makes up for it loves LOVES making you wear tight dresses, he's a sucker for sins of the flesh and the more flesh there is, the more sin there is too. he's obsessed with how your body looks when it's squeezed into something and all of your curves and rolls are accentuated and very obvious. and if you feel shy and embarrassed honestly that's all the better because he takes it as a challenge to loosen you up and make you feel absolutely thirsted over...or perved over
"did you know that women were more often portrayed as being thicker and curvier in art from the renaissance period as this symbolised true beauty and power? i understand this fully now, having been allowed to appreciate your body" he is a complete sucker for a soft, warm body pressed into him and takes appreciative to a new level. is gentle and slow with his touches, like he's taking in a masterpiece at an art gallery. which is funny because he does kind of act like he's about to get caught touching the art sometimes, embarrassed and flustered by how long he's just been stroking you and taking you in. sticking with the art form theme, he also loves ropes, is all up in the business of shibari and kinbaku and is OBSESSED with how your skin looks, pressing out over the ropes where they're tightest against your biggest parts. the texture and the look are enough to drive him wild and photographing you for research is a must
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saunne · 7 months
Mom found back in her pocket one of those little papers to test the perfumes that she had made me smell last week. The perfume in question already smelled amazing last week and it still smells amazing now and holy shit I have a physical need to own this perfume. I'm normally quite loyal to a "small" French brand that makes fairly simple perfumes (things that are too complex or too strong tend to give me migraines + they make small bottles for 10 euros, which allows me to change fragrances regularly without breaking the bank) but there. THERE.
"Un bois vanille" by Serge Lutens. Mexican black vanilla, sandalwood and licorice. The fucking best thing I ever smelled.
This perfume just ticks all the boxes in terms of satisfying smell in my brain and I have never wanted to smell a perfume on myself so badly. Cause, like, I like perfumes. I LOVE perfumes. I have a sensitive nose so smelling good/having things that smell good easily accessible helps a lot in everyday life. I usually wear perfume more for my own comfort than for that of the people around but damn this smell is just right.
Just. It smells fucking sexy, okay ? My ace ass doesn't even have the need to feel sexy, but this smell is just. Ugh. This is the kind of scent I would want to have to make people around swoon if the world was a fucking Omegaverse. We've reached that point of toddler-brain screaming "WANT WANT WANT".
But fuck it, next sales or if I see it in a second-hand resell, I'll buy it. It's very, very far out of my usual price range but for now, when it comes to expensive perfumes, I'm like my mother: if we find one that we like and we stick, stick, stick to it. Mom wore the same perfume for 20 years until production was discontinued.
Fortunately, I was able to secure two full replacement days in the coming weeks and with my birthday and Christmas coming up, I should be able to put a nice nest egg aside to pay for at least 50 ml.
Anyways, if you have time to loose, I had fun listing all my perfumes under the cut with what they smell / what I think of it.
Montblanc Legend : My very first perfume after starting my transition, it's what helped me the most to feel good about myself when I had really bad dysphoria. It's a very, very rich fragrance, with a fougere/lavender/citrus top note, a floral rose/jasmine heart and an end note of oakmoss. Now that my nose has become even more sensitive, I have difficulty wearing it, but I still like it.
After that, all hail Adopt Perfumes lmao
At The End Of The World : Lavender, tonka bean, coconut wood and incense. Very "warm" and a little sweet, it is quite heady and a more “autumn” scent.
Blue Suit : Grapefruit, Apple, Violet Leaf, Vetiver. Very sharp and fresh, my mother hates it (she can't stand violet leaf) so I tend to avoid it around her. More of a spring scent.
I bought these two at the same time, for my first birthday after starting testosterone if I remember correctly. The first was my daily perfume for a very long time while I rather used the second, more lively and fresh, for more specific moments, like job interviews.
Hypnotique Incense : Pepper, Frankincense, Cistus Labdanum. Worn quite rarely, mostly when I'm in a witchy mood. Best smell to have around when I do my oracle readings. Very, very heady unfortunately, tends to cause me headaches and even a nosebleed once.
Vanilla Bourbon : Vanilla, Almond and Iris. One of my favorites from last year and what I wore almost all summer. Very very sweet, I smell like candy. Got a lot of compliments on that one.
Ravaging Vanilla : Amber vanilla, cognac and oak wood. I smell like a prohibition style bar with this one lmao. Much more intense and marked than my other vanilla perfume, I wear it on my most "masc" days. Smelling kinda like alcohol draws funky looks though.
Marrakech Royal : Cinnamon, orange blossom, tobacco and amber. My most recent purchase, because I wanted to smell spices because 🍁fall🍂. Very soft and sweet, I smell exactly like the gazelle ankles my roommate baked which is hilarious.
Since my birthday is coming up and I have a 1 bought, 1 offered, I'll probably end up with those two in addition.
Dubaï Palace : Saffron, black cherry, oud wood, vanilla. The one I was hesitant with when I bought Marrakech Royal. Also spicy, but more pronounced and I liked the saffron/oud wood combination.
Eternal Osmanthus : .... ZHONGLI HERE I COME LMAO. Osmanthus and cedar wood ? Empty brain no thoughts, sign me in babe.
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