#the video is a goof that i made after a looong night of cooking lmao
teazzle · 1 year
ok tumblr is going vanilla extract crazy and it's delightful and i need to tell you about making your own.
it's easy, you just need vanilla beans and vodka (you can use other alcohol but if it's flavoured, it will flavour your extract. also i don't know which other alcohols because i've only used vodka.).
you put the beans in a jar and pour vodka over them until they are completely covered! i just chopped mine in half because i didn't know what i was doing and got nervous.
that's it. literally that's it. beans in vodka. screw on you lid (or snap it on if you got fancy like me and bought a weck jar 😅) then you let it sit for at least 6 months to a year before using it. i think mine sat for 10 or so months.
it will last indefinitely as long as the beans aren't exposed to air. so if the beans start to stick out of the alcohol, just add more alcohol. and you can use it continuously unless you're adding A Lot of new alcohol at once
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