#thank you for readinggg
yuesya · 10 months
Twin AU is watering my crops and clearing my skin ngl. Could we maybe see the moment of realization for Satoru (and maybe Shiki) about her situation as a cursed spirit? Because there’s probably a period of time when they both were effective toddlers that Shiki wasn’t yet hosted inside Satoru yet right? Or what is the development of personhood like what you effectively don’t have your own body? And how did they discover that Shiki was Satoru’s murdered twin?
Satoru had always known that he wasn't alone.
... There's no grand moment of dawning comprehension leading up to this realization, or anything of the sort. He just... knew. It's kind of hard to explain. Sort of like how a person knows how to breathe without ever actually learning how to breathe? Except this is something that's entirely beyond simple bodily instinct. It's really hard to describe using words.
Satoru had always known that Shiki was there with him, long before he ever knew who Shiki even was.
Every day when he wakes up in the mornings in his too-large room, he'll touch his hand to the ground at his side Good morning. His shadow promptly reaches back to him, cheerfully answering him in greeting.
When Satoru is on the verge of dozing off during one of his elder's droning lectures, his shadow insistently nudges him beneath his legs, keeping him just awake enough to prevent him from toppling over and making a fool out of himself. Or, even worse, earning himself an hour-long reprimand from an displeased elder over the lack of decorum.
Sometimes, when Satoru is alone, he'll purposely make silly shapes with his body. And laugh, when his shadow doesn't copy them properly. Then he'll stomp his feet in frustration, when his shadow smugly gets back at him by contorting itself into shapes that are impossible for a human body to mimic in turn, the cheater!
... It takes an embarrassingly long time before Satoru realizes that your shadow isn't actually supposed to play games with you.
It's not a realization that occurs all at once. It's something that creeps up on them as Satoru dives deeper into his lessons as a sorcerer, when they learn more about jujutsu together.
"Are you a cursed spirit?" Satoru finally asks one evening. His shadow wiggles in a 'dunno, probably?' sort of gesture. "Y'know, you're pretty harmless, for a cursed spirit."
His shadow crosses its harms huffily; Satoru grins.
"Aw, don't be like that, you know what I meant." Cursed spirits are amalgamations of evil and hatred, and must be exorcised for the sake of peace and order. Or so their teachers kept saying. "How did you even get here, anyways? And why me?"
Another wiggle.
But it's a valid question -with all the layers of seals and protections slapped over the Gojo Compound, it's impossible for any cursed spirits to slip through the cracks unnoticed. And yet the cursed spirit living in his shadow has clearly done just that. His Six Eyes informs him that the cursed spirit's energies blends perfectly with his own, which adds another layer of oddity to the mystery.
Everyone's cursed energy signature is different; families are similar, but not even siblings share the exact same signature. Was this a cursed spirit born of Satoru's own overwhelming cursed energy, somehow?
... Logic says that it's plausible, but his intuition tells him otherwise.
Satoru doesn't put together the pieces until his younger cousins are born. A pair of twins, a dark-haired boy and a dark-haired girl, sleeping together on the same cot. The way that their cursed energies intermingle next to each other is exactly the same as Satoru and-
... Midori-oba looks scared, instead of happy. Why?
"Cursed twins," his aunt whispers, trembling. "An ill omen, oh no... My husband is furious with me. Hina-neechan gave birth to you, while I- I-"
Satoru tunes out his aunt's incoherent ramblings, and instead focuses on cursed twins.
An ill omen, cursed twins. For twins begin as one singular entity in their mother's womb, and despite coming into this world as two individual bodies, they are still One. Each is only a mere Half of their Self, an empty shadow and pale imitation of what they could've been. Neither twin will ever reach their full potential, unless preventative measures are taken.
Satoru frowns. He doesn't like the sound of these 'preventative measures,' because if the implications are true, and knowing what the elders are like...
Six Eyes. Limitless. The Honored One.
What if the honored one was born with a cursed twin? ... What would the Gojo Clan do?
But did Satoru really have a twin? There's no trace of it -his father had told him about his late mother before while reminiscing, but he's never mentioned a twin sibling. Discretely poking around among the servants also reveals several glaring vacancies (sudden deaths) for those who'd been present during Satoru's own birth, which is not a great vote of confidence.
"... Are you really my twin?" His blood feels cold, a chill that runs down to his bones. Did he have another sibling? Did the clan kill his twin?
His shadow wobbles sluggishly. Satoru bites his lip, concerned.
Despite their innate compatibility with each other, the only way a spirit can truly dwell within a person's shadow was if the person in question was a Ten Shadows user. The bindings holding them together are fraying, growing weaker by the day -Satoru doesn't know how to keep his sibling with him!
And if it breaks- The Gojo Clan-
I won't let that happen.
Satoru's eyes narrow, determined. "I won't let you die again. I refuse to let you die because of me!"
How does one keep a cursed spirit with them?
By providing them with a proper vessel.
How does one hide a curse in a family of sorcerers?
By hiding them somewhere sorcerers will never notice or think to look.
... Satoru knows what to do.
The solution is simple: He takes his twin into his own body.
It's like suddenly drinking a large mouthful of ice-cold water, and Satoru can feel them spreading inside his body. He gets exactly one second to remember that, despite everything, they are a cursed spirit and Satoru's body isn't exactly one suited to be a vessel in the first place, maybe this was a bad idea-
But there's no accompanying pain. Nothing of the sort. Satoru gets the sensation of a soft sigh from his twin, as they carefully curl themselves through Satoru's flesh and blood and...
... goes to sleep.
... Wait, goes to sleep?? Just like that? Doesn't he at least get a 'thank you' or something?!
That night, Satoru has a dream. There's a little girl his age who appears in front of him. White-haired and blue-eyed just like him, and the moment she looks up and catches sight of him, she smiles brightly.
Satoru catches his little sister when she throws herself at him in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he says. I'm sorry that it took me so long to figure things out. I'm sorry that you're dead, because of me. "I'm so sorry."
The girl tilts her head in confusion. "Why?"
Satoru chokes, "Do you really have to ask?!"
"Silly," his lookalike laughs, reaching up and patting his cheek in comfort. "Toru-nii has nothing to be sorry for."
Actually, no, but Satoru isn't about to let their first conversation together devolve into an argument. "What's your name? ... Wait, do you have one?"
"Shiki." They blink at each other in mutual surprise, and the girl -Shiki- scrunches her face in confusion. "My name is... Shiki?"
... She actually has a name. The clan even named her -then denied any records of her existing and killed her afterwards?? She's not even on the family grave! Were they trying to make his sister into a vengeful ghost??
Satoru breathes in deeply -even though this is a dream and he isn't actually breathing in deeply like this with his physical body right now, but, details- and firmly puts his hands on his sister's shoulders.
"Shiki," he says. "Do you know who killed you?"
His sister shakes her head. Well, it was a long shot -if Satoru had the timeline pinned down, then the clan would've ordered her death within the first few months after they'd been born. Children don't really start retaining conscious memories of their childhood until they're at least a few years old, so it makes sense that she wouldn't remember. In fact, it's probably for the best that she doesn't remember her no-doubt traumatic death.
"It'll be alright," he says. "It'll be alright. Toru-nii will protect you."
But first, he needs to know who in particular to protect her from. It takes Satoru awhile, over the course of a few years, but he's able to put together the minuscule pieces bit by bit. If Satoru hadn't possessed the Six Eyes and if it weren't for Shiki's own discerning eyesight, the investigation would've been a lot harder.
But the conclusion that they find at the end... it's...
Father? Really? Shiki had been killed by their own father?
Satoru can't believe it. Yes, Gojo Muneyoshi is another one of the elders' worthless puppets and only all-too-interested in polishing Satoru into the clan's sharpest weapon. But the man is a coward. Did he really have the guts to murder his own child?
... Only one way to find out.
The perfect opportunity comes one evening when both of them are awake, and going over Satoru's boring history texts. Muneyoshi gets up in the middle of the night, presumably to relieve himself or to fetch a glass of water, or something along those lines. Satoru deliberately turns on all the lights in his room.
As expected, Muneyoshi makes his way over.
“I guess it’s a good thing that at least one of us is interested in this rubbish, so we can at least get lessons over with quickly." Satoru sighs dramatically, and inside his head, his sister's giggles echo incessantly. "Counting on you for the next test, Shiki!”
Outside their room, Muneyoshi freezes. The man's cursed energy trembles with heavy, unspoken guilt. But there's no hiding anything from the Six Eyes, and Satoru has his answer.
So it really was you.
His fingers tighten on the edge of his history scrolls.
... It's not fair.
It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair. Why does Shiki have to die? Just because some elders think it means that it will curtail Satoru's power? There's no proof! And Satoru is strong. Even if his sister was a non-sorcerer -which she wasn't- it didn't matter; Satoru would be strong enough for the both of them, if that was what it took. But they wouldn't even give her a chance, and they just-!
... Don't worry, I'm fine, Shiki.
That night, Satoru resolves to himself that he'd rather see the world burn, before he ever let any of them touch his little sister again.
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fanta2y · 4 months
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Inherently Worthy Pt.Three
I dont know how I feel about it, I think i like it? but i mainly hope you guys like it.
cw: talk of self-worth issues, some description of blood and gore.
word count: 2.4k
part four
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Your recovery had been smooth sailing. Being told by a very stern and scary Shoko that you weren’t allowed on any missions, especially solo ones, for at least a month. And then after that, you could only go on missions with low-grade curses.
You were embarrassed to say the least, being stripped of your strength so easily. Forced to lay in bed all day, do minimal training so not to push yourself. You felt so weak, so coddled. It made you want the Earth to swallow you whole and never spit you out. 
The missions you were scheduled for were a little bit insulting to say the least, low class curses that could easily be exercised by first years were the only thing Sukuna allowed you to do. And it was always him that escorted you, he declined any and all solo missions just to be sure his schedule was cleared for you. 
It made the guilt increase tenfold, it ate away at you. Every night before bed you stared at the ceiling, sleep eluding you as you wondered and wondered. 
Everytime you closed your eyes you were met with the image of Sukuna crying, not eating, sitting by your bedside as you rested blissfully unaware of the pain you were causing. Just because you were too weak, too cocky, to exercise a stupid curse. 
The resentment, the annoyance, he must feel. Having to practically babysit you day in and day out. It irritated you that it was always him, there were plenty of other sorcerers who could accompany you. You were sure that he would much rather be off doing his own solo missions, earning the money you know he needs to take care of himself and his younger brother. 
Many nights you simply couldn’t sleep, you would find yourself pacing your room as the thoughts consumed you. You wanted to free him of you, since all you were doing was weighing him down. 
No matter how much you enjoyed his constant company and warmth, he would help you and guide you. Making sure you weren’t pushing yourself too hard and that your recovery was going smoothly. 
In any other circumstance, you might even think that he felt the same way. With the way he hovered over you, had cooked for you, even carried you home that one time on a mission where you twisted your ankle. No matter how many times you assured him you could walk just fine on your own, he insisted on carrying you all the way back. Not even thinking of letting you go until you were seated on the edge of your bed. 
It made your cheeks flush whenever you thought to hard about it, you were sure you saw a warm small smile on his lips as he took your shoes off. Gently rubbing the bruising skin on your ankle. 
But it was probably just a trick of the light. Had to of been. Too tired and your mind too muddled to properly process what was right in front of you. 
It was after that night that you had made the executive decision to avoid him. 
Every time you saw him in the halls, you would quickly move past him or simply turn the other way. You began training alone again, opting to do it within the hours when you knew he wouldn’t be awake or around. You were determined to show him that you were fine and that he was able to get back to his own life guilt-free. He didn’t need to pity you any longer. 
You currently found yourself sitting outside, just finished up an easy training session with some of the other second years. You could tell they were still going a bit easy on you, and it was probably for the best. Not that it didn’t still bruise your healing ego. 
Eyes closed, face leaned up towards the sun high in the sky. Soaking up the rays with an easy smile on your face. You stayed like this for a while, listening to the trees swaying in the wind, the birds chirping peacefully above you. It all felt serene, you could almost let your worries fly away for a moment. 
Until a shadow moved over your face, you peeked one eye open and saw the last face you wanted to see.
At seeing it was him, you shut your eyes again. Humming noncommittally to his presence, hoping that if you didn’t entertain him that he would get bored and leave you alone. You didn’t really want to get up from this spot. 
“What have you been up too?” He asks, a certain strain to his voice that you wouldn’t let yourself think to much about. 
If you truly wanted him to be free of you, than you had to detach yourself as well. No matter how much effort it took you to swallow down the question of what was wrong. No matter how much you wanted to simply tug him down next to you like you would have done before. 
But this was better, this was what he deserved. 
He deserved someone better than you. 
You willed yourself not to wince outwardly at your own thoughts, “Training, resting, you know the usual.” You replied, hoping to sound bored. 
He sighed, and you could hear his eyebrows pinching together from where you sat. Didn’t even have to open your eyes to vividly imagine the look on his face, the emotions in his eyes. 
Everyone else thought he was a tough cookie to crack, a hard person to read. But you never understood that, his emotions always showed on his face. And if not there, then you just had to look in his eyes. And in those pools of red, you would find them swirling around in the colors and flecks of gold. 
You were always able to tell what he was feeling, how he was doing. You figured no one else looked hard enough to see him like you did. 
The shadow moved from your face, the sun pouring down on your skin once again. You had released a deep sigh at his departure, but then you felt his presence shift next to you.
He had sat down, leaning on the very same tree you were. Your shoulders brushed together, and It had been almost a week since you guys had said more than 3 words to each other. Let alone been this close. 
You almost recoiled at the shock that ran down your arm, the goosebumps that erupted along your skin. 
You felt pathetic.
“Are yo-..” 
“Im fine.” 
This time you did recoil, you cut him off with harsh words. The irritation you felt at your own patheticness spilled out onto him. Yet again pushing your issues and making them his. 
You wanted to scream. 
“What is your problem?” He asked, the anger he felt bubbling in his own stomach showing. Sukuna was always a blunt person, never had a problem telling people off when they made him angry. He always had the fire power to back up what he was saying, so he never saw a problem with it. 
“I dont have one.” You kept your eyes shut, hoping to force down the annoyance you felt. God, does he not take a hint? You were trying so hard to just push him away and he was making it the most difficult task on planet earth. 
He scoffed, “Clearly.” If your eyes were open, you would be rolling them. You and Sukuna had always got into little spats before, your kind nature and his lack there of tended to butt heads more times than not. But you both had never been mean to eachother, not intentionally. You knew Sukuna was blunt, but never harsh. Not unless it was true. 
“What do you want from me, Sukuna?” Your voice was cold, and his last name felt foreign on your lips. 
You felt him freeze next to you, clearly not expecting your words. Before you could even regret what you had said. He left without another word. You heard his stomping feet, betraying his anger, as he became further and further away from you.
The hot tears pricked at your eyes, guilt and regret pooling through you. You couldn’t even make up your mind, him hating you made things so much easier. He didn’t have to hide behind pity and obligation to take care of you. 
Then why did it hurt so much?
Why could you feel your heart shattering into sharp edges, cutting through your lungs and up your throat. Making each shaky breath feel like nails scrapping down your insides. You could almost convince yourself that you tasted blood as it pooled in your mouth, but you knew it wasn’t there. It should’ve been. Maybe it would be a proper punishment for all your failures. 
You are sitting on your desk, papers strewn about as you attempt to finish the work that Gojo had assigned. Some stupid essay on techniques or whatever. You knew he didn’t actually grade them, and you were pretty sure you were the only one that did them. But the perfectionist in you that preened at the praise couldn’t stop yourself from pouring in hours of your time. 
Typing away idly at the computer, flipping through books and articles. You heard a harsh knock on your door before you could even really respond, the door was forced open. 
Your head whips back to catch view of your intruder, and at the sight of bubblegum pink hair, you felt your heart sink into the depths. You attempted to school your reaction, return your pristine poker face that you had been attempting to prefect in his presence. 
The door slammed shut behind him, and despite your best efforts you felt your body flinch. Tensing muscles curling in tight on yourself, you looked up at him with the best glare you could muster. 
~His eyes softened at the display, he intentionally softened his movements. Quelling his anger if it mean’t you wouldn’t be scared of him.~ 
“You’ve been avoiding me.” 
At that statement, your eyes flittered from his face to the hands in your lap. You tried to get yourself together and put on the show you’ve been performing for weeks at this point. 
“I haven’t.” You kept your words short, knowing that if you talked for long enough you would just spill all of your secrets. Everything you had shoved deep into a box, only letting the emotions that had formed and shifted into thick tar that coated your mind, only letting it show in the darkest of nights. That was for your eyes only. 
In the moment of your unfocus, you didn’t realize how close he had gotten. Quickly swirling your chair around to face him, a yelp of surprise leaving your lips. His arms caging you into the chair you were sitting in, his face mere inches from yours. 
You could feel his breath billowing over your face, his fingers curled around your chin. Forcing your eyes to meet his, wide with shock as the pink dusted your cheeks. The proximity of your bodies getting to your head. His eyes were calculating, searching. He was searching your face for something, you couldn’t tell if he found it or not. 
“You have.” His voice was softer, lower. It sent shivers down your spine to hear it so close, you were stunned into silence. Trying not to choke on your own saliva. 
“Not my name.” 
You were attempting to force down the blush that was crawling up your neck, turning the tips of your ears a shade of pink. A sigh bubbling past your lips, fighting with yourself on your next move. You had always called him Ryo, ever since he gave you his first name. The nickname had rolled off the tongue, and when you first said it you weren’t met with a fist in your face. So you considered that a win all on its own. 
Ever since this whole “distance” thing, you had opted to call him Sukuna. This first time you did it, in the training field. He stormed away, clearly upset at the distance he didn’t understand. His anger confused you, but you figured that if you wanted this to work then trying to figure him out wasn’t your job anymore. 
His last name leaving your mouth had always left a lingering bad taste, it felt wrong in every sense of the word. And you could tell that every time it graced his ears coming from your lips, his scowl deepened and he rarely gave you a response. Not that you were speaking to him directly much these days anyway. 
“Ryo.” You whispered, eyes wanting to look anywhere but his. Darting around the walls behind him, even focusing on a piece of dishelved hair. Your fingers itched to put it back in place, to run your fingers through the surprisingly soft locks. 
He hummed at his name, a small smile gracing his features. 
“What’s been going?” His voice still that soft timbre that made your bones feel like jelly beneath your skin. His eyes filled with so much care, so much worry. 
You felt the low voice in the back of your mind, the one you had been entertaining more and more these past few weeks, “It’s pity.” It says, its voice like tendrils curling around your mind. 
“He could never love someone like you.” It reminded you, like it had every moment since that fateful day. Since that wretched curse sunk its filthy claws into you. It almost felt like it had left a piece of it with you, taking refuge in your mind. Plaguing you with thoughts of your own uselessness. 
But you knew that the voice had always been there, always reminding you to go that extra mile in training. To do that extra set, to take on that extra mission. To ask Gojo for private training sessions every weekend, leaving you with no rest. 
It had just gotten louder, and you had started listening again. 
You attempted to push him away, trying to pull the seat out of his strong grip. But of course, you were too weak. He was stronger than you, always had been always will be. 
It was the pitiful show of strength. Him speaking to you soft and sweet, which in any other circumstances would have made you spill. It almost had. 
This time, it filled you with frustration and anger. You wanted to bite and claw and tear, you wanted to feel your nails sink into flesh and feel the warm blood pool through your fingers. Even just to prove that you could, that you were strong enough. 
But instead, all that anger, all those boiling and bubbling emotions poured into one statement. 
“Stop pretending like you care."
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tag lists: @moonmalice (if anyone else wants to be added then just comment!)
authors note: OMGGG THINGS ARE GETTING TENSEEE. I wanted to characterize this Sukuna as also being a bit confused about his feelings for you, but after that moment by the tree, he figures it out. which is what prompts him to come find you in your dorm ;) but yeah, i hope you guys enjoyyyy, im thinking of doing like 2 MAYBE 3 more parts depending on how it writes. yeah thank you for readinggg!! much love <333
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iwaasfairy · 7 months
dude u write tension so well it’s insane. throughout the fic it’s like this buildup of unimaginable pressure that feels so heavy it’s like being on the ocean floor, before the band just snaps and you’re sitting there with your mouth open at what’s happening in the story. megumi is actually one of my least fav in jjk, not bc i don’t like him but i actually just find him the least remarkable in the story and not a character that i resonate with or gravitate towards. but this story, wow… it’s like u took a lot of his base characteristics: his stoic nature, his irritability, but this quiet almost obsessive devotion to the people who he grows to care about and transform it into something so primitive and.. consuming. megumi is this character where on first glance u would think he *does* hate reader, he pushes her away and when he allows her to get close enough it’s like he wants to press her under his thumb until she pops. but really he’s so devoted it’s almost religious, and the reason he pushes her away is bc when she gets close, it’s not enough and he needs more until they’re one. when i read megumi picking up the glass shard my hand went into my mouth bc i already knew where it was going but i was still so shocked to watch him take it there. i read this in silence so i could really feel and hear the blood pumping in my ears and something about that made this story so much more uneasy to read and added to the ambiance. so im guessing reader was “impregnated” or incubating essentially, a cursed womb? and when she healed herself at the end it’s because of the cursed womb or is she herself healing herself with reverse curse technique. OH MY GOSH sorry this is so long and im rambling but wowowowowwo amazing story and amazing writing 😭💓
AAAAAAA IM GOing to actually cry fr fr fr I’m goINg to cryyyyy at this message Idk but something about you relaying how you felt actually reading it n mirroring it to how I felt writing it juST mAkES NE feel a liTTLE BIT SOFT N GOOEY ANd I’m just super super glad you liked it and yoUUUU enjoYED megumi in this fic aAAAA †=”Ⴛ̸ ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) my liTTLE writer heart has been fed ITS SO FAT N FULL WITH YOUR COMPLIMENTS RNOOOWWWW
And yes In my head reader didn’t change right away like Yuji because she was incubating the curse and bc curses can use Reversed cursed energy more easily than humans, I think that’s what happened (¶⁋ ▾ ¶⁋) my liTTLE GROSS HEadcanon is that Megumi being nasty and cutting into her is what caused the curse to “hatch” in the first place so ♡♡ trUE LOVE PERVADES PeOPLE
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kitten4sannie · 6 days
blinding faith (1)
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fall in line now, bow your head
pairings: cult leader! yunho x disciple! reader (fem) x elder! mingi feat. husband! seonghwa
genre: twisted religious romance (if you can even call it that), smut, late 1970s setting
summary: when it’s revealed that you and Seonghwa are having trouble conceiving, the founder graciously offers his own divine solution.
bend your knee, Child of God
w.c: 4k
warnings: aged up dom! yunho, switch! mingi, subby innocent (?) reader, corruption kink, pet names (for mingi too <3), light pain kink, perversion, major sacrilegious vibes and behavior, heavy mxm, mingi sucks cock, breath play (m receiving), light spit/sweat kink, oral (receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, implied marathon sex, breeding kink, cum eating, squirting, an attempt at impregnation
a/n: this is dedicated to my loveliest lily @bunny4yungi <333 tho this is just part oneee i hope this helps you see the light if ykwim~ happy birthday baby 💕 so yeah this is pure filth,, like idk something must’ve happened to me when i wrote this but it’s prob bc i’m a yunwhore what can i say 🙂‍↕️🫶🏼 oh and thank you all so very much for getting me to 4.6k followers ;; it means the absolute world to me >< anygaysss happy readinggg and please do lemme know if you’re excited for the second part 🖤
song recs: sunshine of your love by cream - starboy by the weeknd - judas by lady gaga (i’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby, it’s so cruel, but i’m still in love with Judas, baby~~)
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As a broke, faithless runaway, especially during such a turbulent decade, you didn’t have many options, to say the least. There was no phone that you could use for miles, not a single soul in sight that you could ask for directions or for a dime they could spare, no map to look at to familiarize yourself with your surroundings — not that it mattered. Why would God provide you with what you needed when your existence itself was an accident? Your own flesh and blood didn’t want you, instead dropping you off at some rundown orphanage while you were still coated in your mother’s vernix caseosa, and crying incessantly for her, for someone, to feed you. 
When you were old enough to make rash decisions, you decided that anywhere else was better than that hellish place, tired of waiting for a new pair of faceless parents to force you into their life like a misshapen puzzle piece, instead taking your fate into your own trembling hands. 
That was what led you to come across the small, seemingly abandoned town that was located within the forest that you had been wandering inside for so long. All of the quaint, hand-built houses and buildings surrounded a tall, white picturesque church — one you had recognized from the various postcards that you and some of the other orphans had been handed by someone in a long white robe outside of the orphanage, listening intently to their promises of the love and acceptance you would feel if you joined their cause. 
And that was when you met him, the man that would alter your life forever, taking away what could’ve been, and instead molding it into what He wanted, what God wanted.
He was hammering in the very last nail into the very last board of wood that kept the church together when he heard the sound of your dirty feet shift through the forest foliage behind him. As if he had been waiting for your arrival, he hummed softly and headed into your direction, not giving you the opportunity to escape when his sweaty, calloused hands enveloped yours, inviting you in with his friendly honey brown eyes, his cracked lips twisting upwards into a smile that sent a wave of instinctual fear into your heart, before his soft, warm words lured you in, forever holding you captive. 
“You’ve finally arrived, my child. Welcome home.” 
Over the years, you were taught by Yunho, your beloved leader, your savior, your everything, that God allowed those he loved the most, those that remained tied to their earthly bonds, to endure deep suffering and endless tribulations — because within that pain, within that humiliation, laid pleasure. Unimaginable pleasure that sat just below the surface. Yunho took great satisfaction in reaching into the darkness, into the depths, and ripping it out with his silver trimmed talons, always willing to graciously bestow it upon his followers. 
There was no greater joy than to witness the moment his dear flock began to walk in the truth. He savored the sweet sounds of ecstasy that tore out of their sweat-ridden throats, longed for the moment their rosy faces ceased their contortions, their lips, wet with saliva, their unfocused eyes, wet with tears, knowing that another one of his beloved disciples had seen the light. And they would always look up at him with delicious desperation, begging for another chance to catch a glimpse of heaven once more. And, only because of his unending benevolence and boundless love, he brought them back, expecting nothing in return, except for their undying loyalty. 
Yet, none of them were ever as loyal as you, even after you met a lovely man within the congregation to wed. You were still his angel from above. If only he had clipped your wings sooner.  
There you were, sitting inside the garden with the other couples, the prettiest flower of them all, just waiting to be plucked, with your husband’s arms wrapped around you from behind, his hands resting gently against your stomach, your hands over his, your head hung downwards, a small, sullen frown gracing your lovely face. Why was his sweetest lily wilting the way she was, instead of holding herself high, closer to the sun, to his everlasting love?
As soon as Yunho made his presence known within the bountiful garden that he had planted with his own two hands so many years ago, his followers grew quiet and offered him their full attention. He basked in it as he made his way in your direction, offering his touch to many of the people nearby, allowing them the privilege of bringing his jewelry-adorned hands up to their cheeks, which he caressed, or their trembling lips, which he brushed gently with his thumbs. 
The warmth and light of the sun on your face suddenly disappeared, causing you to look up, your reddened eyes growing wide upon the sight of your savior standing before you. You watched with bated breath as he reached his hand out from behind his back and brought it up to your face, placing a small flower behind your ear. “Savior…”
“Savior, what have we done to be blessed with your presence?” Seonghwa asked, nuzzling his cheek into Yunho’s rough palm once he offered it to him. 
“I wanted to check on the progress of your union.” Yunho smiled kindly down at Seonghwa, before returning his attention to you, who continued to gaze up longingly in his direction. “Are you with child, my dearest Y/N?” 
You bit down into your bottom lip, your eyes brimming with tears. “I’m so sorry, Savior….We’ve been trying our hardest to contribute to your beautiful congregation, yet I remain barren.” You shook your head out of frustration, a stream of tears spilling down your cheeks. “We don’t understand why God has not graced us.” 
“Oh, my sweet child. Do not ever allow yourself to cry for sorrow, or pain, but out of joy, of pleasure,” Yunho taught, angling his head down further to gaze at your deliciously distraught expression, unable to keep himself from running his tongue across his bottom set of teeth, pressing one talon underneath your chin, so that you obediently angled it upwards without him having to tell you.
“Yes, Savior…” you whispered, gasping softly at the feeling of the cult leader’s sharpened fingers carefully wiping your remaining tears away, your admiration and love for him sprouting more and more within your beating heart. 
Humming, Yunho lowered himself to his knees in front of the both of you, pressing his hands into your stomach through your thin garments. His benevolent smile deepened, his eyes displaying a darkness neither of you could see, not with the allusive veil he had placed over your own. “I will assist you in bearing offspring, my dear. Please come to my bedchambers after supper, and I will show you the true meaning of faith.” 
“We offer you a thousand thanks for your grace, Savior…” Seonghwa bowed his head to Yunho, just before he pressed his lips lovingly against your cheek, which you reciprocated without hesitation. Your dear husband sighed with great relief, resting his temple on yours, his long, curled locks tickling your face, his hands returning to your stomach, placing them over Yunho’s this time around. 
Despite the tranquility you felt, the sun still shining, a gentle breeze cooling your warm skin, the comforting smell of earth and flowers keeping you grounded, the sound of birds chirping in the trees above your head — there was still something else that you couldn’t quite shake off, something that sat just below the surface of your distorted mind. If you truly wanted to see what it was, you would have to get your hands dirty and dig it up yourself. But, for now, you would live in bliss, in heaven, feeding off of the love and mercy your savior offered you.
Yunho tilted his head to the side, reaching up to adjust the flower that began to fall from your ear, pushing a few strands of hair behind it. He studied your suddenly unreadable gaze from underneath his wispy lashes, his tongue just barely slipping past his curled lips to lick at them. “Is there something on your mind, my lily?”
You simply smiled back at him, your eyelids lowering, batting your own lashes at him. “I’m just admiring my savior and the safe haven he created for us. Makes me want to cry those tears of joy.” You briefly mirrored the perversion he had let slip out only a moment ago. “Of pleasure.” 
It was then that Yunho began to grow stiff from beneath his heavy garments, biting at his lip as an attempt to keep himself grounded. This was why you were his favorite. You were his flower to water, to grow, and to tear away from your roots as he pleased. Everything in the garden was his, after all. God told him so. 
“My love, my heart, my dearest angel, why do you look at me this way?  With those tears in your eyes? With such devotion?” Yunho sighed out against your flushed cheek, his body flush against yours, the cold metal of his rosary splayed across your hot skin. You simply couldn’t speak, not with the way he was spilling inside you yet again. 
The corners of his lips quirked up into a sadistic smile, his warm, uneven puffs of breath hitting the bottom of your jaw, as he clutched your slick, trembling thighs, holding them farther apart to ensure that he could continue accessing the heaven you kept in between them, the hot, wet haven you allowed your savior to access. “Is it because I’m filling you with my own devotion? Does knowing that my seed will soon grant new life inside of you bring you to tears, Y/N?”
You gazed up at your savior past your wet lashes, reaching down to press your hands into your stomach, feeling the outline of his pulsing cock that twitched inside of you and dribbled a few more beads of cum into your womb, a lust-struck expression carved into your flushed features. “It would be an honor to carry your young, Savior. I’d do anything to carry on your legacy of love.” 
“Anything, my dear?” Yunho whispered carefully near your ear, as though he were testing you, before running his tongue along your jaw to get a taste of your essence, slowly making his way down your body, unable to keep himself from tasting your salty skin along the way. “Even though Seonghwa is your beloved husband?” 
“Anything. I might be his wife, but you’re my savior, Yunho,” you sighed lovingly as a delightful shiver shot down your spine, not a single doubt present within your meticulously molded mind. Your ideas of the world, your life, its purpose — your saving grace had always been Yunho. How could he not be? Considering he built you himself, with great precision and care. You were the intricate tapestry he painstakingly sewed together year by year, each painful jab of his silver needle acting as a reminder of his divine love for you. 
“Say my name again,” Yunho exhaled, his lips ghosting along your abdomen to your navel, unable to keep himself from tonguing it for his own pleasure, his talons leaving red streaks along your skin. 
“Yunho,” you repeated, watching as the older man settled in between your thighs, his lips and tongue already exploring your slick entrance, gasping at the sensation of him lapping up his own release once it dribbled out of you.
“Again,” he commanded, his sharp eyes boring into yours from below, pinching your clit in between his teeth, his talons digging into your thighs. 
“Yunho..!” You looked down at him with such sincerity, it had the potential to touch Yunho’s corrupted heart, your fingers sifting through his sweat-soaked raven locks, tugging on it once he filled you with his long tongue. You were growing feverish, losing sight of why you were there in the first place. “Don’t stop, Savior…Need more...”
Yunho dragged his tongue over the entirety of your cunt, blowing on it just to make you shudder. “Is that what you tell your husband when you want his cock? What else do you tell him?”
You chewed on your bottom lip, feeling your cunt pulse. “Am I selfish for wanting more of your love? Am I a sinner for wanting you to fill me? I’ll go to hell a thousand times if it means I can have my savior’s love inside me once more...”
The seasoned cult leader’s long-lasting poison was far stronger, far more potent than your sincerities, especially when he administered it to his favorite prey in the most pleasurable, most effective way — with his sweet, saccharine lies that poured out like honey past his shiny, pointed teeth and rough, curled tongue that continued its ministrations on your puffy, used cunt.  “Oh, please don’t say things like that, angel. You’ll ruin me for everyone else.” 
In reality, you were the one he was ruining, corrupting, defiling — and all in the name of God. It made the cult leader so stiff, he could hardly keep his composure. 
You whined softly, shuddering underneath his touch, your hand forming a fist, gripping Yunho’s hair tighter and tighter, the longer he licked at your slit and sucked on your clit like a starved man. “Yunho, please…I won’t last much longer….” 
“Would that be such a sin, angel? If you released onto my tongue?” Yunho asked in between lingering licks, his tongue hot and heavy against your leaking cunt, using two fingers to keep your fluttering hole on display for his viewing pleasure, his silver talons gently pressing into your soft flesh. He wondered if he should continue admiring the mess of cum he painted your walls with, or use his saliva-streaked tongue and lips to slurp it out of you, his free hand attempting to milk his slick, throbbing cock. Decisions, decisions. 
Yunho wouldn’t have the time to make one, because just then, the cult leader’s most trusted confidant, Song Mingi, knocked on the door and entered without being granted permission, very aware of the privileges he had as a respected elder. The white-haired man saw the nude, disheveled state you were in, your white ceremonial garments laying in a pile on the floor, the love-struck look in your teary, doe eyes, your trembling, marked-up legs still obediently spread open wide for your savior, knowing you’d let Yunho fill and abuse your poor cunt until he saw fit. 
“Elder Song, are you going to continue standing there drooling like a dog or are you going to come here?” Yunho asked gruffly, rubbing the pad of his thumb relentlessly into your clit, all while he glowered at the younger man over his shoulder. 
Mingi quickly strided over to his leader’s side, sinking to his knees, looking up at him with his apologetic, round eyes. “I…have news, sir. It is of great importance.” 
Yunho shook his head slightly, letting out a small chuckle. “The news can wait, Mingi,” the cult leader began softly, reaching over to caress the other man’s cheek, making sure the younger man’s gaze was fixed solely on him. “Can I ask you for something?” 
Mingi nodded intently, his lips parted, taking short breaths, as if he was waiting with great anticipation. “Anything, Savior. What do you need from me?” 
It was then that Yunho brought the tip of his reddened cock to Mingi’s mouth, drops of pre-cum getting onto his plump, parted lips, his once softened gaze contorting into one of pure perversion. “Can you be a good boy and open up? Hm, princess?” 
Mingi closed his eyes, as an attempt to hide the way they rolled underneath his eyelids and the influx of arousal that had spread throughout his body like a virus, his sudden heavy breathing and flushed cheeks betraying him. “Yes, savior,” he moaned out, just as Yunho’s stiff cock filled up his drooling mouth, trying his best not to choke as he repeatedly took it down his tight throat. 
Yunho tossed his head back, a few drops of sweat sliding along his straining jaw and staining the bed below, gripping the back of Mingi’s head to make sure he didn’t stop worshiping his cock. “That’s it, princess. You’re taking it so well.” 
Mingi groaned wantonly, beginning to grind his own leaking cock against the side of the bed, not even caring that his knees began to ache from being pressed into the hardwood floor below. He found himself gazing down at you, his body on fire from being watched by his savior’s favorite angel, beginning to gag around Yunho’s thick length once he began ramming it down his throat with abandon. 
When you let out a small whine from witnessing such a visceral display of power and submission taking place right in front of you, Yunho reminded you with shaky words, “Don’t worry, my angel, this is all for you. Mingi here is going to transfer my love to you once I…Oh, God–”
Mingi’s gaze returned to his savior above, a few tears slipping down his flushed cheeks, his jaw aching from the way Yunho bottomed out completely inside his bulging throat, only to find his oxygen supply suddenly being cut off when the older man pinched his nose. 
“You trust me, don’t you, princess?” Yunho asked in an eerily calm tone, not bothering to hide his sadistic tendencies in that moment, throbbing inside the young man’s throat upon seeing his small nods and hearing the tiny, breathless squeaks he made. It was then that he held Mingi completely still until his face began to grow red. 
Just when he thought he might pass out, his vision sporting a fuzziness around the edges that reminded him of the television set Yunho had put inside the community room, his throat had finally become unblocked. As he gasped for air, he watched Yunho’s eyes roll into his skull, hot, white ropes of cum splattering onto Mingi’s lolled-out tongue. Before he could swallow, Yunho grabbed his chin and guided him in between your legs. 
“Impregnate her, princess. For me,” Yunho whispered into Mingi’s ear, his digits forming a V against your pulsing cunt, spreading you open for Elder Song. 
Not letting a drop go to waste, Mingi pursed his lips and sent a wad of cum directly into you, before shoving his tongue in as deep as it would go. He fucked the warm milkiness into you, with sloppy desperation, like the demon dog he was. He looked up to you for approval, which you gave, through your cries of pleasure and your fingers suddenly tugging at his snow white hair. He didn’t even realize he had lost his own composure, until he was whining and whimpering against your slick cunt, soiling his once pristine garments with his sticky load.   
Once Yunho watched Mingi pull his tongue out, a few strands of milky saliva connecting his plump lips to your cunt, the cult leader tapped your puffy pussy. “Good boy. Can you fill her up with those thick fingers of yours now?” 
Mingi huffed and puffed, trying to catch his breath, his pupils blown wide when he looked to Yunho for guidance. “Two? Three? How many, sir?” 
“As many as you need to make sure my seed reaches her womb,” Yunho reassured in a gravelly voice, watching as Mingi hovered over you, drops of saliva falling from his open mouth and onto your pleasured face, easily slipping in three fingers up to his knuckles. 
Yunho leisurely flicked, squeezed, and rolled your puffy clit, admiring Mingi’s relentless pursuit in finger-fucking you into a state of pure ecstasy, throbbing at the sight of his precious loads dripping down along the other man’s straining wrist and along his veined forearm. “Very good, princess. She’ll be nice and round soon, thanks to your support. Your hard work won’t go unnoticed.” 
Mingi bit down into his bottom lip, a few groans slipping out, despite his effort to conceal just how much his leader’s praise affected him. “Thank you, Savior. Now, I’ll make your angel cry out to the Lord,” he began breathily, locking eyes with Yunho for a moment, their digits working in tandem to send you over the edge, their focus returning to you. “Let it be done.” 
“Amen,” Yunho sighed, bringing his precious rosary up to his mouth to kiss, the metal cold against his warm lips. 
When you began to writhe around, your focus shifting to the various crosses that were nailed to the wall, your forceful release causing your bruised body to seize up, the cult leader suddenly grabbed your chin with his talons, the tips of them stabbing into your skin, drawing blood, making you whimper. His crazed eyes bored into your barely open ones, looking as if he was about to come undone himself, despite not touching himself. “You see it, don’t you, Y/N? Heaven? Isn’t it beautiful?” 
It was all too much. The pain. The pleasure. Elder Song watching closely as your squirt soaked his tan skin and the mattress underneath your jolting body, a demonic smile painting his sharp, seraphic face. Your savior clutching you so tight that you bled, his seed blossoming within your womb. It was then that you fell unconscious, your body falling limp against the feather-filled quilt. 
Yunho ran his jewelry-adorned fingers along your jaw, letting them graze your neck, down to the cross necklace that laid against your chest. “What did you need to tell me, Mingi?” 
Mingi pushed his sweaty bangs back, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, trying to find his composure. “We have two new visitors. They mentioned Y/N by name, and claimed that they grew up in the same orphanage as her. They were hoping to find her here, so that they could…” 
Yunho turned his head to glare at Mingi, his gaze alone making Mingi cower. “They want to take her away from me, don’t they? From us? From God?” 
Mingi began to scratch at his neck, leaving red streaks behind. “They believe that they can provide her with a better life.” 
“And what life could be better than one of enlightenment? Of purity? What could those heathens possibly offer my Y/N that I can’t?” Yunho suddenly erupted, his anger being directed towards Mingi, who lowered his head down, staring at the cross that hung past his chest. 
Yunho’s face twitched slightly, his once rage-filled expression dissipating as soon as it had surfaced, as if it had never been there in the first place. It was a simple trick of the light. He placed his hand on Mingi’s shoulder, squeezing it gently, until the unusually timid man found the courage to meet his gaze. “Mingi.” 
Yunho hummed to himself, catching onto the way your breath hitched, as if you had suddenly held it, his honey brown eyes gleaming with pride, and something else, something indistinguishable. “Offer them a room and dinner, oh, and invite our guests to the annual communion on Sunday.” 
“Right away, sir,” Mingi replied, getting up from the bed and exiting the room. He pressed his back into the mahogany door and shut his eyes, carefully sliding his fingers into his drooling mouth to savor the taste of his savior’s seed and his angel’s release. 
Once he was alone with you, Yunho reached down to brush a few strands of hair out of your eyes, smiling knowingly at the sight of them opening. “How much did you hear, sweet girl?”
“Enough,” you whispered carefully, as if you were testing him. You might have been the flower inside his clutches, but you still had thorns. 
Yunho began to chuckle softly, before it grew louder and louder, his pleased laughter ringing out through the halls. 
One of your threads was beginning to come undone. Nothing a little stitching couldn’t fix. 
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© kitten4sannie, 2024.
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c0llisiion · 20 days
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Pairing : min yoongi + f!reader
★: drabble, corruption kink, fingering , fellacio mention , lots of nicknames, virgin!reader — lmk if i missed any!!
W/C: 585
A/N: IM BACK. FINALLY. This took longer than expected cus i was slacking off a lot 😭 but here ya go! Tysm to anon for rq this! It’s my first time writing corruption so please. Have mercy on me.
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ This is strictly fiction. Any scenario or situation should not be taken seriously. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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Yoongi is a big fan of corruption kink. There’s literally no doubt.
He loves watching your innocent eyes look up at him, all glossy and bright, as he slowly sinks you down on his lengthy cock. He breathes out heavily. The way your soft lips and tongue wrap around him and the way you look at him for guidance. “Thats right.. just like that doll… taking me in so well.. you’re doing such a good job f’ me…” You couldn’t help but blush at his remarks, immediately feeling yourself pool in your panties. 
When he found out you were still a virgin, he couldn’t help but get excited. He loved the idea of molding you just the way he wanted to.
Your back rested against his chest as his slender fingers guided your own tiny fingers down your glistening slit. Soft whimpers and whines escaped your lips as yoongi teased your needy cunt. “How does it feel, baby? Doesn’t it feel good..?” You nodded while breathing shakily. “Gonna make you feel good , ‘kay? Thats why im here.. gonna make you feel so good, you wouldn’t need anyone else..” he whispered lewdly in your ear before licking your lobe.
He pushed your fingers inside your sopping hole, and you couldn’t help but gasp at the contact. Your virgin hole stretched out to the size of yours and yoongis fingers combined, making you writhe and whine. “Behave yourself doll..” he said, landing a small slap on your sensitive clit making you buck your hips. “…or else im gonna leave you right here and not touch you ever, got that?” You gulped before nodding, holding onto his arm that was wrapped around your shoulders as you closed your eyes and let the feeling take over. “Relax baby..” you exhale softly as you feel his fingers inch inside your cunt.
Loud squelches bounced off the walls, indicating how needy you were. “nasty little girl… you are so fucking wet..” he whispers in your ear before his hand drops to your throbbing clit and starts drawing small circles on it. You gasp and shiver as he continues playing with your clit and you can feel yourself getting wetter with each tug. Your fingers feel a spongy mound on the wall of your vagina. You throw your head back as yoongi curls your finger into the mound. “Feel that doll..? Thats your gspot… it’s supposed to make you feel even better.” Yoongi pressed onto the mound more, as well as stimulating your swollen clit. You moan lewdly, earning a dark chuckle from the older man. “Y-yoongi… feels weird..” the small circles turned into rough tugging and pinching as he heard your words.
You couldn’t help but whimper at the action. “T-too much..!” You try pushing his hand away. “No no baby… that means you’re almost there.. dont you want to come around my fingers? Dont you want to make me proud? Aren’t you my big girl?” You whine and nod. “Dont worry.. i will help you through it, Do you trust me?” You look up at him before giving him a big nod. He smiles at you before increasing his pace.
Your combined fingers went in and out of your sloppy hole as you almost reached your high. Your breathing started faltering, and then all of a sudden you see stars as a stream of warm, clear liquid leaks out of your cunt. Yoongi smirked at the mess you made and placed a kiss on your head. “My nasty girl.” 
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A/n : THANK YEW FOR READINGGG might be a little rusty so please excuse it 🙇🙇🙇🙇 this was supposed to be a blowjob drabble but i changed my mind 💀 BUT I JS LOVED THE IDEA OF THE BJ THING SO I KEPT IT. might write more on that hehehe
Masterlist! :3
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bueckersstrap · 25 days
paige bueckers x reader
synopsis : your roommate, paige, walks in on you after coming home a little too early.
an : kinda just absolute filth if i’m being honest!
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the keys at the front door jangled as you looked up from your phone, the couch you were on in perfect line with the front door. paige was leaving, to go where? you had no idea. she was dressed so causally but fuck did she look good.
“where are you going?” you questioned the blonde, “target with kk. be back in, like, an hour?” she responded, looking back down at the keys, unlocking the door and smiling before her exit.
the heat between your legs jolted to your pussy as you pictured the attractive blonde in that outfit from earlier. it was no surprise that being paige bueckers’ roommates was bound to come with even the slightest of feelings.
you got up from the couch, swiftly going to your room and opening up that drawer. you were met with the beautiful sight of your vibrator-dildo contraption you ordered off amazon ages ago.
whenever you felt like you wanted to be absolutely filthy, you would use it. an example was when you were in paige’s room, sprawled out on the purple comforter, your eyes contently beamed from her fingers to the slight reflection of her focused face in the screen of the monitor. she looked so good you couldn’t resist. so instead of crawling onto her lap and grinding on the material of her pants until you came or going underneath her desk to finger-fuck the shit out of her, you walked to your room to deal with the throbbing sensations you had on your own.
you turned it on and the buzzing was slightly louder than all the other times, due to it now being on the highest setting. the top attached to your clit and the bottom was being sloppily pushed in and out of your soaking wetness.
“oh, that’s so good, paige. fuck!” you cried out as you fucked into yourself harder and faster. the thought of it being paige’s hand fucking into you and not a cheap piece of vibrating plastic made your body shutter.
your arm started to numb right as you tried to catch up to your climax. it was ghosting away from your body as you whined due to the orgasm loss.
you cooled down then got right back at. you could’ve sworn you heard the keys jiggle through the door but you disregarded it and marked it off in your fucked-out brain as your imagination, it’d only been around 20 minutes, anyway.
“fuck, paige! faster, mommy, please!” you whimpered louder than planned right as you heard the door knob click as it opened.
you swear you felt your soul leave your body. you weren’t imagining, it was paige, and she was standing right at the doorframe of your room as you laid there, naked and half fucked out mid moaning her name.
you were so fucked.
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an : hii it’s late nd i didn’t proofread it’s also shit so uh yeah! love u all thanks for readinggg ! - celeste 💋
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stvrniclo · 2 months
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hi hi <3 this is just a lil dad!matt drabble bc he's so cutie patootie ughhhh ✧₊⁺
૮ ․ ․ ྀིა dad!matt x mom!reader ୭ 🩰 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ
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you look at yourself as you stand in front of the mirror, contemplating whether or not the white dress you were wearing would be suitable for an outing with matt and your daughter blaire.
"mm.. 's okay, i guess," you mutter to yourself, pretty much. matt sat across from you on the other side of the room, with blaire sat in his lap as he watched her in adoration. "what'd you say, baby?" he asks, suddenly looking up at you through his pretty blue eyes, eyebrows slightly raised.
"oh, i was jus' wondering if this dress is okay," you say, doing a little twirl to show it to matt. "you look so cute, mama bear," matt grins shyly at you. you could see the faintest shade of pink in his cheeks.
"thank you," you giggle, flattered. you finish fixing your dress from the front, but you clearly struggle with zipping it from the back. matt noticed, though, and gently placing blaire on the bed, he makes his way over to you.
"i'll do it for you, baby," matt says, placing one hand around your waist and the using the other to hold onto the zip as he pulled it up carefully. "'s done," he says once he's finished.
"thank you, matty," you say softly. matt plants a kiss on your neck before returning his attention to blaire, who sat with one of her toys in her hand, giggling as she examined it closely. it was a fuzzy sheep, with rounded pink ears and blue eyes.
"you like snowy, sweetheart?" matt said softly, sitting down next to your daughter. "snowy makes you happy?" blaire nodded, overcome by the most adorable fit of giggles. matt looked up at you now, saying, "babe, look! our baby's so fuckin' cute!" the happiest smile played on your boyfriend's lips. seeing matt so happy made your heart melt, so much that you didn't even care to tell him off for swearing in front of the baby.
"you're mommy and daddy's pretty little baby, hm?" matt cooed, softly pulling blaire back into his lap. "you're so fuckin' precious, you know that?"
"matty, cut down on the swearing, love," you finally say playfully, hooking your necklace from the back and slipping into your shoes. matt ran a hand through his hair. "sorry, angel, i keep forgetting."
"it's okay, baby, jus' remindin' you," you giggle, padding over to give matt a kiss. he stands up from the bed, blaire carefully tucked under one arm, the other he wraps around you. one of your hands is placed over matt's chest and you interlock the other with blaire's. you press a soft, swift kiss to his lips, and then you and matt, blaire in his arms, make your way outside, to have a little day out, as a family.
🪞𓍢ִ໋🍓♡ as always thank u for readinggg ( and i hope u liked it hehe ) !! lots more drabbles / fics / whatever coming soon !! ty for all the likes and reblogs lately, love u all to bits ♡︎
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luckylzclerc · 1 year
unexpected ii | cl16 x model!reader
previous part : unexpected pt1 !!
notes : hii!! this one is a little bit short since its literally unexpected as i thought this would only be a 1 post thing but oh well!! enjoy guyss ⭐😵‍💫❤️
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yourusername added to their story!
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seen by charles_leclerc , francisca.cgomes , mickschumacher and many others
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liked by missusipy77 , lilymhe , francisca.cgomes and 821,892 others
yourusername am i doing this thing right 🤭
view all 720,802 comments •
sialovestheseaa UH OH
sainzcrossedlovers its the end for u😭😭
francisca.cgomes YESS BABESSSSS U ARE
lilymhe I'm not even surprised 😂😘
landonorris how did YOU pull?
yourusername excuse me??
landonorris you're excused.
yourusername shove off.
maddi3.._ LMFAOO THESE TWO 😭
sialovestheseaa imagine if they dated
sainzlovebot GIRL STFU
kingkimi.antonelli has anyone else noticed how Charles stopped interacting since Y/n has been spotted w the "mysterious" man😦
st4r_girl OMG LITERALLY...
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liked by charles_leclerc , lilymhe , francisca.cgomes and 902,629 others
yourusername from that one crazy girl on twitter that spotted me wearing Charles' sweatshirt to my apparent 'wife' threatening to kill all turtles.. Yes it's Charles mf leclerc that I'm dating and its been 7 months so SURPRISE...?? Je t'aime😘😘
tagged : charles_leclerc
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charles_leclerc 😂😂😂je t'aime amour ❤️❤️
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sialovestheseaa a moment of silence for the ones who doubted in me..
francisca.cgomes U DID IT!!! finally oh my goshh pierre literally can't keep his mouth shut i swear!!
pierregasly oh mon dieu, it was once!!!
lewishamilton congratulations guys
sainzlovebot GOING BALLISTIC
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notes : tysm for readinggg and thank you anon for requesting!! I had so much fun creating this and i really hope u guys enjoyed it too. My requests are always open so please don't be afraid to request anything🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'll try my best of course!! lmk what u guys think abt this and as always, likes, comments are reblogs are so very much appreciateddd⭐⭐
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loveephia · 1 year
Hii it’s me again!! I was just wondering if I could ask for some Haikyuu boys Hc’s for a really sleepy and cuddly gf?? Thank you so much!! 😊🫶🏽
some of the HQ boys with a sleepy girlfriend. (atsumu, bokuto, akaashi, kageyama, and iwaizumi.)
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, osamu is featured in atsumu's, bokuto thinks you're like a kitten.
⚠ warning/s: none.
part 1 | part 2 coming soon!
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absolutely discombobulates once he learns about this
you're already cute enough as it is, why do you have to be even cuter when you're sleepy???
when you hug his arm in your drowsy state, atsumu doesn't even have half the heart to tease you right now
you're just so :((( tired :(((
"she looks like an angel when she's asleep.. s'unfair."
"when yer asleep, you snore like a tyrant. guess sunarin was right when he said opposites attract." - osamu miya's famous last words of 2023.
the way that you slowly blink is enough to tell bokuto that you resemble a bit like a little kitten
"y/n is so cUTEKEKDKWKDKLEM?@($?@"
is what he wants to say,,
but since you're worn out, he's going to pipe down the loudness a bit
"hey, little owl. want to rest on me for a bit?"
you nod and make a beeline for bokuto's chest and arms
he's like your warm fluffy pillow 😭😭😭😭
"keiji, hug, please.." you dopily ask
and because of how adorable you are, trying to keep yourself awake right now, akaashi would drop anything and everything to give you that very hug.
akaashi finds it endearing how you trust him enough to be this vulnerable
so he is not making a single sound.
eating snacks? the crinkle of the wrapper might be too loud.
studying? flipping through the pages of the textbook might be too loud.
and bokuto? is staying ten feet away.
he doesn't want ANYTHING to disrupt your sleep.
"y/n has been working hard. she deserves to rest every once in a while.." he thinks
once you're asleep on him, he's as stiff as a board.
bro's not letting himself breathe if that means you can peacefully sleep on his shoulder.
sugawara sees this and teaches kageyama basic breathing exercises bECAUSE HE IS LITERALLY TURNING PURPLE.
kageyama feels you shift against him, and suddenly, he's forgotten everything sugawara taught him.
"how many fingers am i holding, kageyama?" sugaware holds up four.
"we've lost him!"
the superiority of being a third year has never been more useful than it has right now
you're asleep on his lap, and he's quietly scolding his teammates to pipe down the bickering
and they listen to the ace because once you're awake, he might send a heavy hit to their heads.
oikawa, on the other hand, takes advantage of the current situation, and he teases iwaizumi about how protective he is
"hey maddog, get a good hit on oikawa's head, would ya?"
and, of course, kyōtani obeys
so now oikawa is knocked out on the floor while you're still cuddled up to iwaizumi's thighs
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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jayjj7 · 18 days
chapter 45. end
prev. | next | masterlist
a/n: THANK YOU GUYS FOR READINGGG I HOPE YOU ENJOYED erm sorry the ending was lowkey rushed i am BURNT OUTTTTT
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taglist: [ @haerinsloverr @mym1na @greenniee @gayforalll @r4cjh @masuowo @herlv3r @bristadc @hwmhyun @cine-cult @technicallyimportantsweets @blue4hour @modanisgf @sunshinez4 @pandafuriosa60 @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @lovepjohootoa @imahallucination11 @frenchyypoo @seunghancore @airicestala @ssamchu @multiliker @mushroom-main @wlauvers4ever @addorations @inosfavgf @yeetaberry127 @emotionallyrin @sixflame438 @gtfoiydlyj @xszn]
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lilystyles · 4 months
when not in rome.
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a @lilystyles blurb!
my masterlist & no strings attached masterlist & blurbs masterlist
authors note idk this was a random thing i wrote at 2AM because i just missed them, i am still working on style so don't worry that should be out soon. also this is set way before no strings, i love writing about them in their previous moments!
brief description harry surprises y/n at her graduation (also listen to love of my life by h whilst readinggg)
warnings! angsty? fluffy? drunk y/n and harry (2.1k)
younger!lhh!nostrings!h x reader
* * * * *
University has a funny way of making you feel like you might never cross the finish line. Y/n like everyone else had multiple days where she would just sob and scream from the stress of it all. Exams were totally a torture device.
When Y/n graduated with her first degree before deciding to write her thesis Harry surprised her.
He’d been touring the world with One Direction for months now and she hadn’t seen him since Paris the year before, when he’d surprised her by flying her to join them in their Paris show and they’d had a wild few drunken nights that she felt blurred the lines of friendship into something more.
But after their few days, when the champagne ran out, and she came back home, she sobered and realised that nothing would ever happen between them. And if you spent a few nights with Harry in a limo drinking champagne and dealing with his wandering hands you too would fall for him. Just a bit. It's only natural.
She missed him, though, loads. He was one of her best friends after all.
Around a month ago they phoned each other, it was late for her and the morning for him, she’d been studying and they talked for hours catching up till the sky turned bright for her and her eyes drooped shut. The time between their phone calls had grown longer and longer now, and she missed him. She’d mentioned that she was graduating soon and that they were both supposed to be graduating if he’d stayed in Uni. She remembers them staying up late at parties discussing their futures and how post-graduation Harry was insistent that they’d still be roommates. She realised now that their dream definitely wasn’t a possibility anymore.
He’d told her that instead of being there graduating like they’d suspected he was going to be, he was in Rome at some fashion show gala thing, and his date was this sexy model named Rosalie who had her sex tape leaked a couple of months ago. She was happy for him, but a part of her couldn’t help but be disappointed. She felt like he was drifting away from her every day, but she couldn’t find in herself to be cross with him. He was swept up by the fame of it all, and how on earth could she be mad that he was literally a rockstar? She knew that he was still Harry and she was still Y/n but they weren’t Harry and Y/n anymore. Not like before.
And honestly, she’d probably leave everything and everyone behind, party all night, and sleep with sexy models too if she had the chance to be famous. But she couldn’t sing for shit. So instead she did what she was doing, and shoved her nose in a book rather than in lines off a bathroom sink, and she was rather content with the peacefulness of it all.
All thoughts of Harry were swept away from her mind when she walked across the stage in the grande hall. She was finally graduating! Thank god! She thought. She had a sash that showed she was an honours student, and she was blooming with pride, when they called her name her list of achievements was longer than the four painful years she’d spent studying in their grande libraries. She was so glad to shake the hand of one of her favourite professors and leave, the next year ahead she planned to travel and work overseas, she was excited about that.
But honestly, she was even more excited to get absolutely shit-faced at the graduation after-ball party. She found herself a few pints down, sitting by the edge of one of the fountains, when she nearly fell in at the absolutely shocking sight in front of her.
There was just no way it could be true. I mean he was in Rome, and she was drunk in London. She’d seen photos on her Twitter of him wrapping his tattooed arms around that Rosalie model girl, so how could he be here in London just like that? It was not real, surely. She must be hallucinating and the second-hand smoke of all the spliffs had finally got to her brain. But suddenly the man turned around and Jesus Christ it was him. It was Harry. His eyes were pinched as he searched the crowd and when he finally saw her they lit up, all green like a forest, and his mouth kicked up into that devilish grin of his.
He saw her dumb-struck expression and laughed softly walking toward his best friend. He was dressed in a suit jacket like everyone else, and since they were all drunk none of them noticed it was the Harry Styles of the One Direction AKA the biggest band in the world. To them, he was just some random twat who just graduated too.
His hair had grown all long and curly, and he just looked so much more like a man than when he’d left. Had he gotten taller? More strong? The arms of his jacket strained and Y/n sighed at the sight of him.
She didn't think she'd changed much, but Harry thought she looked even more beautiful than before, if possible.
When he stood right in front of her, her mouth was still wide in utter shock. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He laughed. “Is that all you hafta’ say? Come on, hug your best friend!”
She sprang up from her seat and the silky long dress, which was a teal blue colour. All smooth and tight on her skin was hiked up slightly. Her gown and cap were long gone, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders. He lifted her up off the floor and spun them around. 
She smelt like peaches and sweetness, and God, he could've stayed holding her for weeks.
She giggled and felt her face hurt from smiling so big. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you!”
When he placed her down, his hands did not leave the curve of her waist. “Surprise, babe.”
“What the- shit- I thought you were in Rome! How’d you even get here?” She asked 
He smiled. “I was, got a flight this afternoon. It was the only one coming home, sorry for missing the graduation part.”
She just smiled up at him. “You’re crazy.”
He shook his head landing a hand on her shoulder. “I knew how important it was to you, and I missed you. Sue me.”
She laughed, eyes welling with slight tears. Maybe he wasn’t drifting too far from her after all. “Oh, god, don’t make me cry, you know how I get after a few pints, H.”
He laughed, arms outstretched for her to cuddle him. “Aw, pet, c’mere.”
She smacked his chest playfully but cuddled him nonetheless. “Let’s go get royally fucked, mate,” She whispered and they pulled apart, hands interlocking as she lead him off to one of the pubs where everyone was buying drinks.
It was called The Ducks Nuts.
A few of her mates were inside. Ones Harry didn’t know, but she’d already spent a good portion of the night with them. So she told them her old friend had surprised her and they’d be here and there.
Harry ordered them some shots and eventually the night was just a blur of hands touching each other, as they got so drunk Y/n felt her world spinning. They’d hopped around multiple different pubs and bars and Y/n was so tired. Her heels itched her feet with pain and she ripped them off, along with her bag. As they walked with little purpose she threw her things at him and began to dance in the middle of the road.
Harry was holding her things as she danced in the street showing her best Elton John impression, and he silently decided that was what made her so perfect. She was just herself. And he loved that about her, he loved everything about her.
He laughed and told her what a realistic impression it was, and how they’d met at some award show to back up that comment. She was infinitely jealous, she loved Elton.
On her way back toward him she landed in his arms after losing her footing he shook his head at her.
“You are very drunk, Lovie. Aren't ya'?" He said, in a soft tone one that made her tummy turn in flips.
She sighed as they walked in a direction with no destination in mind. “You aren’t drunk enough, you need to get on my level.”
He noticed her shiver under his arm and quickly ripped his coat off. It swallowed her form and she smiled gratefully hugging the coat around herself. It felt like a warm embrace, and that smell filled her nose and suddenly she was home in her old flat with him, home in Holmes Chapel, home with him. Just home.
“Smells good.” She giggled as she sniffed the shoulder pad, her cheek brushing against the soft material all dog-like. “N’ soft too.”
“Why thanks, it’s Gucci.” He replied. 
She rolled her eyes. “Come on then, money-bags, let’s get you as drunk as me.”
They strolled into a tavern near her flat and drank so much tequila that they had to practically carry each other home.
As Harry looked up at the stars and moon, feeling the cool air nip her skin he sighed. He hadn’t gotten this drunk, and been this happy in such a long time. He was giggling contently, as she leaned into him and he silently wished that the night would never end.
He never wanted his time with her to end either. He loved spending time with her, whether they were on an adventure or doing nothing at all. Y/n made it worthwhile.
When they reached the shitbox of a flat she lived in Harry followed calmly behind her, and when one of her neighbours spat a comment about drunken youths he sighed, “I wish you would’ve taken up my offer,”
She looked up at him as she played with the jammy door that never seemed to open on the first try. Shoving her shoulder into it as she managed to finally wedge it open, stumbling inside ungracefully.
And with a roll of her eyes, she ushered him inside. “There is zero chance I’d let my all-of-sudden bazillionaire rockstar friend buy me a flat, just cause he can afford shoes worth more than my entire life savings. Anyway, how could I ever pay it back? I have two p to my name and a packet of noodles in my possessions, Harry.”
He laughed. “Think of it as a graduation present then,”
She sighed. “Just shut up and sit down, and I’ll get some wine.”
It was almost 4AM now, and neither cared. They were beyond drunk, but Y/n missed him and if force-feeding him wine would get him to spend a whole 24 hours with her, she totally would.
When she sat down with two mugs spilling with a cherry red wine, that was the cheapest shit she’d ever bought, Harry laughed. Her wobbly legs forced her to land awkwardly on one thigh practically on top of his. He smiled, one that showed his kind eyes. 
Green pools of emerald she wished to swim in for eternity. She laughed at the thought, she really got poetic when she was drunk, huh?
“God, remind me to get you drunk more often.” He whispered.
She sighed. “Oh shut up, and fill me in on life then. Who are you shagging?”
He looked at her pointedly. “Who are you shagging?”
A blush crept up her neck, and suddenly the only secret she had kept from him was threatening to slip past her drunken red-stained lips.
“None of your business, but there’s this hot guy in my physics who I would totally shag,”
He laughed, but underneath it, he felt a jealousy creep up his spine, he knew he had no right since he’d been balls deep in two Italian models this morning, turns out threesomes are a really good cure for hangovers by the way. But despite that, he felt an itch he couldn’t scratch that resembled something pretty close to jealousy.
“What’s he like?” Harry asked.
She shrugged. “Dunno, tall, glasses, got that whole nerdy silent thing going for him.”
“That’s what you like then, silent types?” He asked, running a hand through his long curls, and she reached out to play with one.
She shook her head, and said distractedly, “I don’t know.”
“Makes sense why you never dated me then.” 
During primary school, Harry dated every girl in their class including Daisy and Penny, except Y/n who told him she didn’t fancy him. It was an ongoing topic of discussion between them. Why wasn't he good enough? He always asked.
She laughed at that comment. “I know you too well for that, and I get the unfiltered you, and I lived with you which was basically like being married to you. We bickered too much to ever date, Haz.”
He looked at her with hooded eyes, and for some reason that stung, but trying to be light-hearted he said. “Never say never, what if we needed to repopulate the earth?”
She looked over at him and placed a hand on his and kissed his cheek, all soft and slow, and for a moment he thought she might actually kiss him for real but instead, she said. “There’ll be no hope for humanity then.”
He sighed, fake pouting before a couple of minutes of silence passed and he turned to her and said. “Come with me to Brazil.”
Her eyes widened, “What?"
“I leave tomorrow night, come with me.” He said.
She frowned. “What? Come with you? You can't be serious.”
He nodded. “Please? I miss you! And we can party for a whole week together, or sleep, or do whatever the fuck you want! Just come, pack a bikini and something sparkly, and I’ll take care of the rest.”
Y/n and Harry did end up going to Brazil but that’s a story for another time.
She stood up from the couch holding her hand out to him, and he slid his into hers. Cool rings grazing the soft skin of her palm.
“Let’s just go to sleep, you're talking like a crazy person.” She said, softly pushing a lock of his hair away from his eyes.
He sighed at her, “But m’ serious, Love.”
“Alright, ask me again tomorrow. That is if you even remember...now come on, let’s listen to Fleetwood Mac and sleep until tomorrow evening.”
Y/n's room was cosy and welcoming. Harry felt his eyes droop at the sight. A tiny lamp shining over them in an orange glow, her cot-like bed covered in blankets and the scent of her likely covering those sheets.
That night they slept in Y/n’s twin bed, cuddling, with Stevie Nicks serenading them to sleep. Cheeks plump and pink from too much alcohol, hands wandering scandalously, and the love in air was thick and obvious.
Before Y/n fell asleep she pecked his lips, in a quick kiss, one that it barely even touched him and said, “Night, mate,”
His lips burned like wildfire, and from that night on, he did think humanity had a chance if it was up to them. Whether or not she believed that.
“Night, Love.”
i have been a bit slack with updates lately...second year of uni is crazy and im already soooo busy, but i missed them and i wanted to write a lil sum for y'all until my next proper update :) BIG LOVEEEE
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nanamisonholiday · 5 months
Dbf!Gojo x fem!reader
TW: pervyness lol, daddykink, panty stealing ;)
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Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who is so aware how wrong it is to even have the faintest bit of attraction to Getos daughter. He's watched you grow up. It's vile yet he can't help the rampant thoughts of seeing you crumble beneath him. You just do something to him
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who has too much money for his own good. Spending as much and too much as he can on his bestfriends precious daughter- he's always been like this and nothing will stop him. "Toru you can't buy me that- it's 200,000 yen" only to be followed by a non negotiable "Watch me"
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who has to be told to keep you out of trouble. "keep an eye on her Satoru, I trust you" ah those words. a dagger to the heart. Because when he gets the chance to take you far away for a quick trip, he can't help himself but act like you're the couple he dreams you could be- hand holding, kisses that borderline wrong. Touches that scream more than just 'her dads bestfriend'
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who sneaks into your room at any given point so he can steal your dirty underwear. He's the worse, his dick throbbing in hsi pants when he knows he has a fresh pair tucked in his pocket as you happily sit in his lap legs kicking idly as you chat casually with your family. Blissfully unaware that he has pocketed half of your underwear collection
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who can't help himself, but fuck his fist in the bathroom when you keep calling your father 'daddy' he's sick in the head, but he's accepted it at this point.
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who takes advantage of your trust when you ask him 'does this swimsuit look good?' his eyes glossing with hunger at your exposed body. He thanks whoever is listening to his dirty prayers. 'fuck yeah baby' snapping photos of you in all sort of postions he can get away with you doing for him.
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who jerks off to those photos.
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who lets his hands linger and move closer to your intimate areas each time he visits. No protests heard from you only spurs him to become more risky with his moves. Large hand slipping inbetween your thighs one time as your perched in his lap at the table. You don't move too absorbed in your phone to notice how close he's inching
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who's got a rock hard boner the moment he finaly cups your pussy under the table. He feels the jolt of surprise of your body and relishes in the way you shyly clamp your legs together to trap his hand- he smirks as he finally doesn't feel bad when you start not so subtly rub your legs together to get his hand to create some friction
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who deprives you of such a pleasure when your father is staring him right in the eyes- "I think we should go visit that castle in the week" Satoru is barely listening when your rocking in his lap as discreetly as you possibly can, hiding your movements behind the notion that you just need to pee. pouting when your father gently asks "Go pee then darling" - Fuck. Funs over.
Pervy!Dbf!Gojo who's fucked women who scarily look like you over and over again more times than he could care to count. He imagines your voice screaming out Satoru! rather than....who was it again under him? eh- He's so consumed by you he can't even get off to the women that do resemble you- his resolve crumbling when he realises he needs to fuck you. desperatley. and soon
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Thanks for readinggg
feel free to msg/ask whatever- or don't <3
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liliewrites · 5 days
a/n : hallo! part 3 of the worship series, and i am glad to announce that this series was a success!! yay, now that it's done. i hope you all look forward to my next one about to be released next week:)) thank u for readinggg hihi:)) again, big thanks to haddy for editinggg:))
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-warning/s ; somewhat religious motifs(?), NSFW, fingering. furina might be a little ooc.
-pairings/s ; furina x fem!reader
- where in; these three women worship you, their lover, when hundreds and thousands, even millions of followers would drop on their knees to ask for blessings, for mercy, for prayers - and yet for you, at your beck and call, they would do anything you ask as they kneel for you at the same time, as proof of their devotion to you.
(men and minors dni utc!)
”Mon amour.."
The Hydro Archon sighed happily as she stared at your sleeping face. The both of you lie on the bed you both shared, with her holding you in her arms. she tucked the strands of hair behind your ear for she cannot help but ponder, have you ever realized how dazzling you are? Oh, for every moment she spent with you, each one not only ingrained within her mind— but burned within her soul. How could she forget? No, for she cannot. With every script she reads, for every poem she recites, for every song that she sings, if it relates to love that she feels for you then she cannot help but yearn for you. If she was deemed the star of Fontaine, then you were the muse of her every work.
To the people of Fontaine, she is the god of splendor and justice and with it, a heavy burden comes along and hides itself beneath the flamboyant façade she puts on whenever she bears the title. To her lover however, she was no more than herself— none more than a woman in love. The only time that she can ever recognize herself, was not when she held Fontaine within her hands, but when you held her within your own. She knows that she has a duty to fulfill, a prophecy to honor, an oath to her people— but sometimes she cannot help but wish that things had gone a different path, where she could just be herself with you. She sighed wistfully, nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck as an unnerving feeling of longing sank into her chest. 
Unbeknownst to the Archon however, her actions caused you to slowly awaken. You don’t move for a while, trying to grasp your senses for a moment. She only realized that you were conscious when you wrapped your arms around her waist as you let out a giggle, feeling ticklish at her nuzzling her face in your neck. “Mon amour, what.. oh, oh! I'm sorry, did I wake you up?” she worriedly pulled away from you, a feeling of guilt for interrupting your slumber.
However, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel her heart flutter at your gorgeous smile. “It is fine, cheri, I… don’t mind.” You yawned, leaning in to kiss her cheek with a wide smile. Oh, Celestia, her fiancé was both adorable and handsome even with bed hair and tired, morning eyes. However, you cannot help but noticed the melancholic stare Furina bore upon you and it worried you. “Is there something troubling you, cheri?” You ask, raising your head from her chest to take a better look at her face. The Hydro Archon seems surprised that you had seen through her, but this was not the first time you've had done so, you know her too well. Besides Neuvilette, it was only ever you who came to know her without her famous façade. She looked away, avoiding your gaze, not knowing exactly what words to say to you for she cannot admit her troubles.
You no longer press on, no longer wanting to make her feel uncomfortable or sad. So you leaned in to kiss her, causing her to be surprised once more but with a flustered expression this time. “Mon amour?” she asked, confused from your sudden shift of mood. You smiled at her, said no more, before pulling her in for a kiss. As you pulled away however, you couldn’t help laughing at the look on her face. Her cheeks a maddening red, her gaze flustered as she lay beneath you. “My Furina, you look so... baffled.” You chuckled, sitting up on top of her.
Furina was a woman of many words, but at the sight of you, it was as if she had became illiterate. It frustrated her that she couldn't find the right word to properly describe you, for your radiance was far more beyond than simple words. All you were doing was sitting on her lap with a messy button on, and you had already taken her breath away. “Mon amour...you look so...” her words laced with an obvious ache you couldn’t find the reason of, but she pulled you in to press her lips against yours and you could feel the yearning from her kiss.
Needy kisses turned into needy hands, the Archon’s hands slowly leaving your neck to settle on your thighs at her sides. you could feel her gentle caresses become needy grips, hands full of flesh, wanting to feel more of you as her sighs turned into whimpers. “Mon amour…I need you.. .” she whined against your lips, breathing heavily as you pulled away a little. 
“Then take me, ma cheri..” you mumbled, making Furina’s mind go hazy with the thought of only you. She looked at you with an enamored stare with her hands fumbling with the buttons of your button up. She was way too focused on her newfound intention to please you to feel embarrassed, but you found her trembling hands extremely adorable.
With your front exposed, her eyes froze at the sight of your bare body. Oh, gorgeous, gorgeous you. She immediately leaned in to press her lips against your tummy, loving the taste of your skin. Her hand went in to grab and squeeze your hips, completely addicted to the warmth that radiated from the fibers of your every being. You, you, you– her heart only wanted you and she could only hope that you wanted her the same way too. 
Whimpers left her mouth as she continued to kissed and sucked on your body, too lost in the feeling of drowning in the feeling of you to realize how your moans were slowly increasing in volume. Her lips met your ample chest, a gentle kiss. “Mon amour, I want to…  I want to hear from you, please?” She pleaded, looking up at you with pleading eyes that bore into you, making you unable to say no. You answered her question with your hands finding its way around her neck, hands pressed against her nape with your fingers tangled in her hair.
With your approval, Furina had let herself loose with her desire to please you and abandoned all restraint from doing so. Her hand moved to caress your lower back, pulling you in closer to her as if she wanted you to melt into her. Her mind was only filled with you, the sounds you make and how you shiver with every touch of her hand. Gently, gently, she thought, you were none but a gentle briar to her. She felt as if you’d fall apart with one wrong touch and that was against the best of her wishes. She only wanted to make love to you, to make you feel the enamor that you’d sparked within her. Right now, she was not a god, but a slave to your rapture.
Her hand crept up to the middle of your thighs, softly kneading at your flesh. “Mon amour, if only you could witness the sight you behold, then you’d come to know the desperation that you had invoked in me.” She mumbled, not louder than a whisper as she slid her hand higher. Your breath hitching, eyes closing, it made Furina question whatever had she done that deserved to see such breathtaking wonders. Her hands tugged off your panties, wanting to uncover more of you despite the fact that you had shown more than she deserved to see. Her heart fluttered at the sight, your slick dripping down your thighs and onto her hand. To Furina, it was a blessing endowed upon her by Celestia above- no, for you were the blessing itself granted to her by Celestia, and she was more than honored to call you as hers, and to have been the object of your affection.
As if to test the waters, not wanting to startle you, she gently ran a finger along your slit. her actions caused you to let out a shaky breath, tickling against Furina’s skin. “Ma cheri, please- don’t tease...” You moaned in a pleading tone and Furina's heart couldn’t handle the sound of your begging, no, she didn’t want that. She wanted to hear your blessed sounds of pleasure, to have it ringing in her ears endlessly as you writhe above her. 
“Mon amour, I’m not trying to tease...” She whined, sounding like a dejected puppy. Her fingers repeated the same motions from earlier, before finally complying to your wishes. 
“See? I’m doing my best to please you…” She mumbled in a whiny tone, wanting to prove to you her words, ending it with a kiss to your shoulder. She pulled you into her, as close as she could, as two of her fingers moved in to slowly feel your walls constricting around her. she couldn’t help but let out a whine of her own at your moans, wanting and needing more of it— of you and the blessing of witnessing you. 
“Mon amour, you sound so beautiful..” she whispers against your shoulder, kissing it once more as her fingers increased its speed, trying to find the perfect pace to make you feel the same delirium she feels just from looking at you. 
“Ma cheri- you’re doing great, more… more...” You pleaded in her ear, your hips bucking as you found yourself wanting more and more of Furina. Furina happily complied, absolutely delighted to see you immersing yourself in the pleasure. Her fingers pressed harder against the spots she knew you loved the most, her fingers settling on the pace that she was sure to drive you crazy.
Endless moans of her name spilled from your mouth, one after another, Furina.. Furina.. Furina, you kept repeating in her ear and with every mention of her name, you held onto Furina tighter and tighter. You toppled on top of her, completely leaning into her with your face buried into her neck as you felt your whole body weaken and tremble with pleasure, much to the Archon’s delight. 
“Furina- ma cheri.. I can't- I'm..”
You couldn’t even find it in you to form proper words, so Furina pressed reassuring kisses upon the crown of your head, as she was unable to kiss your face even if she wanted to. Your nails were digging into her back and she could feel it through her clothes. A little whimper leaked out her mouth but her movements didn’t falter. She kept going, wanting to see you reach your high and be immersed in it.
A loud cry left your lips as you completely reached your high, you could feel your insides throbbed around Furina’s fingers and she could feel it too. She watched you as you basked in your own euphoria, her mind capturing this moment like an eternal painting in her memories. You were far too out of this world, and as your follower, her belief in your enchanting allure remains firm and constant within her mind.
As you tried to catch your breath, Furina held you in her arms as she did before. It was only then when she realized that it was raining outside and as the fervor melted away, she could feel the cold air within the room and brush against her skin. Upon knowing that you were barely wearing anything, she immediately pulled the covers upon the both of you, cradling you against her to keep you warm. 
“Mon amour, are you feeling cold?” she asks, concerned about your well being. You let out a content sigh, not budging even a little bit, just wanting to sink into her warmth. 
“Ma cheri, if I may ask now, what was it that was troubling you?” You gently pry, but Furina knows she can’t tell. instead, she presses a soft kiss to your cheek. 
“Nothing, mon amour. when the deed has been done, I promise you...” She whispered lovingly into your ears, closing her eyes as she relished in her warmth- fearing that she may never once again, but she hopes that wouldn’t be the case. “I will find my way back to you, always. Mon cheri, even if Celestia forbids it.”
You no longer questioned her words, instead choosing to trust your lover. To the people of Fontaine, she was their god, their savior— you knew that she held many secrets of her own, a world that you cannot pry into yet to you, she was your lover. She was your Furina, the silly girl you had come to love and wished to hold. The woman on stage that you wished to kiss and yearn to be with for as long as you could. Alas, you couldn’t help but sigh at the implications of her words. “If you say so, ma cheri. I love you.” You answer and Furina feels as if all her burdens were taken away with your words. 
“Thank you for understanding, mon amour. I love you too…” She replied and she does love you- she really does. All she had to do now was find a way to fulfill the promise to her people so she could also fulfill her promise to you, wanting to experience more of life's greatest joys beside the woman she loves most.
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c0llisiion · 4 months
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★Pairing: bang chan + f!reader
★genre: smut
★: drabble , shower sex , dom!chan , unprotected sex , name calling — lmk if i missed any!
★W/C: 442
A/N: like I promised a short drabble 🫶 quickly finished this up bcs i didn’t want to starve my pookies </3 i will try posting more fics like these during this month! Anyways enjoy!
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ MDNI. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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Shower sex with bang chan would be one of the best experiences of your lifetime. This man doesn’t hold back.
He has your face smooshed against the shower wall. One of his strong hands is on your hip, and the other is tightly wrapped around the nape of your neck as he pounds into you from behind. Warm water flowed down his body. The bathroom was filled with the loud sounds of wet skin slapping together, along with your ungodly moans and the running shower. The way he held onto your hips was so tight that it definitely resulted in bruises.
“C-chan…! Its … too much!” You whined out. Chan slowed down , pulling out till the tip of his thick dick before slamming into you with great force, sending your body flat against the shower wall. “Take it.. Wanna be a whore? I will treat you like one..” His thrusts became harder and harder each time. You couldn’t think much.
The feeling of his big dick abusing your soft, warm walls was your only sense. Choked-out moans escaped your mouth with each thrust. His fingers found your sensitive clit. He flicked and drew rough circles on the bud, making you buckle your knees. “Fucking look at you… pussy, so fuckin good.. its made for me and me only ,got it?“ you nod incoherently at his words as the overstimulation was making you hazy.
He moaned at the sight of your ass rippling every time it made contact with his abdomen. A thick ring of your cream coated the base of his cock. “Fuck chan! Im so close…” you whimpered. “You wanna cum? My pretty little slut wants to cum?” Chan whispered in your ears, a harsh spank landed on your ass, sending shock waves of only pleasure throughout your body.
You gasped at the impact. Holding onto Chan's wrist that was on your swollen clit. His other hand grabbed a handful of your wet hair before increasing his pace, abusing your sloppy cunt over and over again. You clenched around his length as his fingers on your clit worked swiftly to help you reach your orgasm. “Fuck baby… gonna cum.. gonna cum in your sweet little pussy…” You shut your eyes tight as a loud moan left your mouth. You gasp and cum around his length. Chan threw his head back, and with a loud groan, he filled you up with his seed. Rope after rope of his creamy white cum filled your womb full. He pulled out with a shit eating smirk as he watched a gush of yours, and his mixed arousal dripped down your pussy and thighs.
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A/N: thank you 4 readinggg <3 lmk who I should write for next!!!
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hearts4youz · 5 months
The Captains Daughter- Chapter 18
A/N: Thank you all for readinggg!! this one took awhile to come out so thank you for being patient with me :D
Word count: 1.3k
Taglist: @abbiesxox @n30n-j3lly @weird-katthing @kayoyamamegame @kroowonderemporium @astro-ghoul99 @darkravenqueen98 @gaylilangelbaby @yuunnnaaaa
Ghost's pov It's been a few days… I have not spoken to Y/N once. I feel terrible as she spends less time with me. Occasionally offering a sad, guilt filled smile in the mess hall or at meetings. I haven't shown up for training in days, I wonder if she still waits for me at the gym. I hate to say it but I miss her. Even though I feel so bitter and cranky this time of year. I've never felt this for anyone. Being around Y/N makes me feel good. It makes this job feel less like a job. It sounds cliche but it's true. This morning, I find myself walking to where Y/N and I usually train. I straighten my shoulders and put on a serious face as I walk in. I expect Y/N to not be there, but Instead I am greeted with the sight of her pretty face breaking into surprise as I enter. I try my best to keep my eyes void of emotion, although I want nothing more than to hold her and whisper apologies into her ear. "Good morning Lieutenant," she says respectfully as she stands at attention. My gaze softens. "Y/N…" "About the other day, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I just…" I can't believe I'm about to tell her this "I don't know how to deal with this… your kindness." She looks up at me questioningly. "The guys don't usually question my behavior because that's just how dude's are, but you… You're changing me Y/N." I pause "I really enjoy your company, you don't piss me off… well, not as much as other people I guess," I smirk. She giggles. "I want to be a better person, I don't like how people are scared of me," I sigh as I finish. "Can I give you some advice?" She asks. "Mhm" "This might not make sense to you, but I think you should save Ghost for the battlefield and just be Simon for everyone else," "I don't follow," I say, confused. "Well, when I think of Ghost, I think of you in a fight. The huge guy with the skull mask and a gun. But Simon, Simon is you when you let loose. I haven't seen it much, but I like that version of you a lot better." I nod. "Okay… I think I get it." She changes the subject, "So, what do you have planned for training today?" "Hm, I think that's more of Ghost's thing, I'm Simon today," She beams at me with that radiant smile of hers, "You mean it?" "Yeah, It's time for a change," I say solemnly. Her and I walk out of the gym and into the hallway surrounded with a comfortable silence. We walk past the mess hall and break area and I notice something unusual. "What are they setting up over there?" I ask. "Oh, It's New Year's Eve so everyone who's off duty tonight is going to throw a party," She says softly, knowing the holiday topic is still sensitive. I surprise her with my answer, "Ah, I see… are you going?" "I guess so… why not?" We continue to walk in silence for a few moments. "You know… I think i'm going to go as well," I say finally. Her head tilts to the side and she raises her eyebrows, "Really!?" "…You know you don't have to go just because I suggested that you come out of your shell more often. I don't want you to get too overwhelmed." "I want to go, I should be getting out of my comfort zone more often." Y/N purses her lips, seemingly contemplating it. "Good, i'm glad," she smiles.
That night, I stood with Gaz and Soap having a beer while scanning the room for Y/N. "I wonder who Ghost could be looking for," Gaz joked to Soap, who snickered in response. I only rolled my eyes and looked down at my half empty drink. "Y'know LT, i'm glad you came, this is nice," Soap confesses. "It is, I like this more laid back you," Gaz agrees. "You can thank Y/N, she inspired it," I tell them. "Psht, of course she did." "You could get some action tonight… if you play your cards right," Soap says leaning in closer and lowering his voice. "Wha- I'm not… she wouldn't…" I sputter out, rapid fire. "Not like that, get ya head out the gutter!" I blush and chuckle. "What is it then?" "The captains on duty tonight, he won't be here to supervise his daughter, you could make a move," Soap shrugs. I bite my lower lip, realizing that this is the perfect opportunity to confess to Y/N "But, what if she rejects me, I still have to be able to look her in the eye in the morning," "Oh, for fucks sake! would you take a risk for once? live a little?" Gaz says, shaking his head. "Hey, I've never done this before! i'm nervous," I try defending myself. "LT's nervous? Ha! that's a first," Soap blurts, clapping me on the back. I ignore the rest of their gibes because I notice Y/N entering the room. Time seems to slow as she makes her way towards us in a sparkly silver mini dress. I feel my cheeks heat up beneath the mask as she flashes her signature smile when she sees us. I take in her hair and makeup, done to perfection. The heavenly scent of her perfume lingers in my nostrils when she stops and stands beside me. "Hey everyone," she says casually. I find myself lost in her beauty as she joins in the conversation, but as the night goes on, our group splits off. Gaz and Soap mingle with other people, I try to stick next to Y/N and talk with her, but she gets whisked off by someone every five minutes it seems like. Eventually I get overwhelmed, stepping outside and pressing my back up against the cold stone building. I fish around in my pocket for my cigs and a lighter. I put one in my mouth and thumb the lighter until I get it lit. I exhale deeply and watch my cold breath swirl up and away with the smoke. Maybe this was a bad idea after all… I think to myself. I watch the twinkling stars shift in the sky for awhile, It seems to calm my nerves. That, or the nicotine. I hear the sliding door open and close and peer at the person out of the corner of my eye. "Simon…?" the voice says. Y/N "Yeah, It's me," I gesture to her with my cigarette. "Is everything alright, I've been looking for you," she says softly. "Yeah… it's just a lot to take in I guess." "The party?" "The party, the people, the mindless, drunken talk." "Yeah, I get it." I turn to face her and she still looks beautiful as ever, her mascara smudged slightly onto her upper eyelid. Lipstick worn off, the remnants of it staining the glass of the drink in her hand. Her breath has a slight tinge of alcohol to it as she speaks. I notice the redness in her face, I can't help but think it could be me for a moment but then I look down at her. "Ah shit, you don't even have a coat on… here, take mine," I insist. "No, it's alright… I just got out here. Besides, wouldn't you be cold." "Just take it," I say, holding it out to her. "My father only taught me a few things that were worth a shit, being a gentleman is one of them." She reluctantly takes the jacket and slings it over her shoulders, thanking me. The heavy fabrics envelop her frame, her legs are still exposed. I have half a mind to bring her inside but then she starts talking. "Happy new year," she says quietly. I check my phone and see that it is indeed past midnight. "Happy new year, Y/N."
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larvaem1lk · 1 year
library meet
ellie williams x reader
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🦋 hey hi it’s me again. sooo i wrote this a while ago and saw it in my drafts & i wanted to finish it! i didn’t know what to title this so just. yeah. anyway ellie sees a pretty girl in the library and ends up getting her number. (ellie has no rizz)
🦋 no warnings, just cursing and that’s it ! thanks 4 readinggg <3 also this is not proofread so sorry if some sentences don’t make sense or there are errors….. i’m just gonna post and dip
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pretty girl.
there was a pretty girl in the library, sitting at a table by herself, reading a book. or… studying. or maybe she was falling asleep. ellie didn’t know. all she knew was that there was a pretty girl existing and now her heart was beating fast as hell the more she stood there like a deer in headlights.
ellie had seen a hell of an amount of pretty girls, but now that she thought about it, the pretty girl wasn’t just pretty — you were beautiful. more than beautiful, actually, with the way your skin glowed under the honey colored light fixture that hung over you so perfectly you nearly resembled an angel. with the way your eyes scanned over the tiny words of the large book—okay, so you were reading. with the way you so curiously lifted your head up mid read to look at ellie with a smile, the shadow of your lashes sitting on your cheeks as you— wait, what the fuck?
you were looking at her. you were looking at creepy staring ellie williams, and you were smiling. or maybe, wait, was there someone behind her? yeah, that was probably it. that was always it. when you think someone is looking at you but they’re really looking past you at somebody else, somebody they know, not the confused person that was in the way. so when ellie so curiously turned her head around to be met with the never ending aisle of books, she was confused. or rather, embarrassed. so you were looking at her. why?
ellie keeps her head turned for a minute longer, hoping you were playing hide and seek with whoever you were possibly smiling at to pop out and confirm the game. but nobody did, and it was far too quiet for any suppressed giggles to indicate anything.
so when she turns her head back around and you’re right there, smelling sweet and looking even prettier up close, she almost feels like shrinking into a tiny bug and scurrying under the shelves to hide from you and your bright intimidating presence.
“hi!” you chirp, and ellie doesn’t know if she’s confused, or excited, or hell, fucking aroused at the way you’re smiling at her. what does she say? what does she do? a pretty girl just said hi to her, does she say hi back? yes. definitely say hi back.
so she does, and it’s weird and awkward and comes out quiet and hoarse so she has to clear her throat and it’s so embarrassing, but you don’t seem to mind one bit, eyes on the spines of books now, sliding a finger across them.
“i’ve seen you around,” you comment, and what the fuck. what is happening, what are you doing, why are you here, right beside her, talking to her? but then your comment processes in ellie’s mind, you’ve seen her around?
“you’ve seen me around?” she questions, and you nod, turning to look at her now with a sparkle in your eye.
“yeah, i have.” you giggle, “ellie williams, right?” ellie williams. yeah, that was her. creepy stalker staring ellie williams, caught red handed for her biggest crime: ogling at pretty girls in libraries. was it a blessing or a curse?
“uh, yeah, that’s me. i, what are you—”
“i never have the opportunity to come by and say hi, y’know. you’re always drawing something or hanging out with your friends, and—i think you’re really cute. so… you wanna go out sometime?” your eyes are desperate now, pleading for her response. you thought she was cute. okay, wow. so the feelings were reciprocated, good to know.
though ellie feels like the roles should be reversed, being that it was rare that anyone asked her out, especially not in a random aisle in a college library. this was new. you were new. how could she refuse? it was like love at first sign upon seeing you, and ellie’s been in miserable need of a girlfriend. or maybe she was just touch starved.
so she replies, “yeah, sure.” yeah fucking sure. she slides her hands in her pockets, palms uncomfortably sweaty.
you perk up, and pull out your phone. aw, shit. we’re exchanging numbers. obviously. how else would you schedule your date ellie?
ellie fumbles to pull out her own, patting her jeans down before retrieving the device. you already have your keypad up, ready than she’ll ever be. her hands are still sweaty, fingers struggling to type in her password, phone begging to be slipped from her hands—
fuck. it actually dropped.
ellie sighs a dreadful sigh, but all of her stupid actions are completely overlooked by you, as her obvious nervousness was cute to you.
she finally manages to get into her phone, and the two of you exchange numbers. she types her name as plain and simple “Ellie” in your contacts while you typed in your name with a heart and a book emoji for the context.
it’s like you’re here and then you’re not, because then suddenly you’re waving ellie goodbye, whisper yelling “i’ll text you!” as you walk back to your table and pack your things, sliding what looked like a heavy ass book into your bag before you throw it over your shoulder, disappearing into another aisle of books.
ellie doesn’t know what the hell just happened, but hours pass, allowing the situation to marinate in her mind for a while. her thoughts for the rest of the day consist of you, you, and… you. how you were so confident and excited to talk to her, ellie, that nobody knows or looks at. well, you were looking at her, and just thinking about that makes her so excited to know that you might just become her girlfriend soon.
when she returns back to her dorm that evening, tired and ready to knock the fuck out, head nearly about to hit the softness of her pillow, her phone buzzes. twice.
she’s irritated, and exhausted, because who the hell is texting her this late? if it was dina or jesse, she was prepared to curse them out, but her eyes widen at the name on the screen. it wasn’t dina or jesse, or anyone else but you, with a heart and book emoji by your name. ellie hadn’t noticed it before, but it made sense, since you two met in the library. corny, but sweet.
hi if you’re asleep, i am so sorry :(
just wanted to say i’m really glad we talked today… andddd i can’t wait to hang out w you!! coffee tmrw @ 3 sound good?
ellie didn’t drink coffee. she did once, but it was too bitter and had her stuck on the toilet for what felt like hours. but coffee with you, sounded great. maybe it wouldn’t stir up her bowels somehow being in your presence, and maybe she wouldn’t get straight black coffee after seeing your order. so she typed up a quick response, almost falling asleep mid text before she sends,
Cofe soynds goof! See you ther.
her text looks like a bot typed it out, and ellie feels her phone buzz again, but she’s already drifting into a deep sleep, your face appearing in her mind.
maybe staring at pretty girls in the library was a blessing.
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