#thank you dustin
taylorswiftshipsbyler · 4 months
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kaleidoskuls · 2 years
Dustin: are any of you straight ?
Mike: *raises hand slowly*
Will: *grabs Mike's hand, interlocks their fingers and brings it back down*
Mike: *raises hand slowly*
Will: *walks in* hey, everyone
Mike: *lowers hand slowly*
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rotisseries · 1 year
every fandom has the found family cuddle pile picture but can you believe ours is official?
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 8 months
give me more fics where Eddie runs into Steve and Robin, running around after being drugged (and tortured) by the Russians at Starcourt. Steve, dopy and sweet and acting like dumbest puppy- and did i mention his face was beat in? Robin, flailing all over steve and giggling with him as they sway, more intertwined than humanly possible, eyes unfocused. and Eddie, faking calm as he tries to herd them to a bathroom and planning to kill whoever drugged his these loopy sailors that he’s been annoying all summer.
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sirpogzly · 2 years
The male urge to pick up any random object and turn it into a gun
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lengthofropes · 1 year
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"another gifset of those idiots..." commission for Nat 💙 HOLIDAYS 🎄 COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN!
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yabakuboi · 1 month
you ask for ficlet prompts, and a prompt you shall receive:
merman Steve please and thank you 🙏
blows you a kiss, i would do anything for you also im mixing a lot of lore here im so sorry
He grew up lonely. Nereides live solitary lives mostly, only gathering when called, when there is need. He spent many years roaming and exploring deep oceans, only seeing his kind in passing moments of trade and exchange. It is a very lonely life, and he never understands why he was so different from the resst, when all of his kind are perfectly happy in their solitude.
The ocean is vast, and there aren't many nereides in this part of the world. But there are a lot of humans—humans who are never alone, he finds, always accompanied by others in their boats and their swims.
He loves to watch them. They are fascinating, these land people who throw themselves into the ocean with excitement and joy and curiosity. He watches from a distance, filled with longing and envy, as these creatures leave the safety of their home to touch the sea.
It's how he finds Dustin, as its little body struggles as a rip tide pulls it from the shores. He knows he shouldn't, knows how dangerous humans are, but still, he rushes to it as the tiny thing wanes, stills, and brings it to the surface.
They float there together, the human and the nereid, just above the water, the human gasping for breath, trembling against him, until finally it speaks. Or screeches really. "HOLY SHIT!"
He doesn't understand the words, but he understands the meaning. "Holy shit," he says back to the human, because he's kind of feeling the same way.
The human begins to babble a whole lot of other things, and he has no idea what any of it means. He knows a little of human speech, things overheard, but he knows none of these words. This goes on for a long time, the two of them floating in the water alone, until finally the human points at itself and says, "Dustin."
"Dustin," he repeats.
"Dustin!" the human says again, gesturing at itself.
Ah, this is a Dustin. "Dustin," he says, agreeing, and uses his free hand to pat the human's head. Dustin then points, its little finger wagging in his face.
The Dustin says something again, but he doesn't understand it, distracted by a human boat shooting across the water towards them now. The Dustin is saying a lot of things still, but it's quickly approaching.
"Good-bye," he says to the Dustin, hoping that's the correct word. He ducks under the water and releases it, waiting a moment to make sure it floats, before darting back into the depths—only so far as to not be seen from the surface, even when the little human sticks its head underwater and looks around. Soon, the boat is beside it, and the Dustin is pulled from the sea.
He tries not to be sad about it. Dustin was wiggly and warm, and it was nice to hear it talk so loudly and so much. Nereides rarely speak like humans do, and he wishes that Dustin could teach him a few more of his words.
"Holy shit," he says, alone in the water, and decides to come back again tomorrow. Maybe he can see Dustin again.
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Dustin Nguyen Art
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asbealthgn · 1 year
(the thrilling conclusion. also posted on ao3! here's some art of the kitten i did. part 1, 2, 2.5, 3)
The Corroded Coffin fan base find out about Steve entirely by accident.
It starts, of course, with the kitten. After Eddie’s had her for a few days he decides to make an official post on his Instagram, which is a big deal because he normally just lets his PR people handle posting. All he normally does is post shit to his story, but the kitten deserves more formal recognition than that.
So he picks his favorite pictures of her (his camera roll is filled to the brim at this point) and posts them with the caption meet the light of my life, Lemon Verbena Deathclaw Goblikon Munson (Lemon for short). It’s like kicking a wasp’s nest, but, like, the good version: everyone and their dog shares the post to their stories, edits set to any number of Corroded Coffin’s hit songs are spread across TikTok, coffintwt is in an uproar.
Several hours later, Eddie posts a video to his story. He films Lemon on the couch and asks her, “Miss Lemon, how does it feel to be the best, most famous cat in the world?” She responds by meowing loudly and trying to bite his camera. Steve is sitting on the couch, so part of his thighs end up in the video.
Aside from having great thighs, the odd sliver of Steve’s legs or torso or arms showing up in various photographs and videos that Eddie puts on his story over the next few days does not draw a lot of attention from the Corroded Coffin fanbase. If Eddie were to guess, he would probably say they assume it’s just Eddie or one of his bandmates. It’s not until Eddie posts a video of Lemon trying to climb onto the couch on her own and Steve’s hands make an appearance steadying her that people take notice. More specifically, the Twitter account that’s dedicated to posting close-ups of the members of Corroded Coffin’s hands posts a screenshot of the video with the caption those hands do not belong to our boys.
From there, it becomes a wild source of controversy on Twitter as coffintwt tries to figure out for sure if those hands belong to anyone in the band. There’s a lot of back and forth, but ultimately they seem to agree that the original poster is The Authority on the matter. Then it becomes a game of going back through other pictures of Lemon and trying to figure out if the guy showing up the background of so many of them is also someone outside the band. A lot of screenshots start flying around with captions like none of the corroded boys would wear yellow or the rest of the band other than eddie were in LA when this one was posted and so on and so on. 
A consensus is reached: Eddie has been spending a lot of time with someone not in the band, quite possibly a boyfriend.
On a rainy Tuesday three weeks after they met, Eddie lays back on his couch with Steve laying on his chest and Lemon laying on his chest. “They’re onto you, Stevie,” Eddie says. 
“Who’s onto me?” Steve asks, not looking away from the basketball game on the TV. He’s terminally offline and has been blissfully unaware of the saga unfolding. 
“Twitter,” Eddie explains. “My fans have noticed you in the background in a lot of pictures of Lemon and they’ve started putting the pieces together.”
Steve scratches Lemon under her chin and she purrs happily. “Why are they looking at me instead of her?”
“Hell if I know,” Eddie says, reaching around Steve to rub Lemon’s head. “It’s not like you’re super drop-dead gorgeous or anything.”
Grinning, Steve turns his head to kiss Eddie. “Thanks, baby.”
Before Steve can turn his attention back to the game, Eddie hooks his finger under his chin to keep Steve’s eyes on him. “I have a question for you,” he says, “Well, two questions.”
“What’s up?” Steve asks. 
“First, do you want to be my boyfriend?” Eddie knows that three weeks is kind of ridiculously fast, but Steve has practically moved in already, spending all his free time here and sleeping in Eddie’s bed most nights. So Eddie’s not super worried about what his answer is going to be.
Sure enough, Steve smiles. “Yeah, I do,” he says. He kisses Eddie before asking, “What’s the second question?”
“Well, since you said yes, do you mind if I post something about us to stop the speculation?”
“I don’t mind,” Steve says, “But can I tell Robin first so she finds out from me?”
Eddie nods. “Yeah, of course. Do you want to go ov—?” But oh, Steve is already pulling out his phone and calling Robin. Okay then. 
“Hey, Robbie! Just wanted to let you know that Eddie’s my boyfriend now….No, he wasn’t already….Well, we hadn’t talked about it….Okay, that’s kinda mean….No, it’s okay….Yeah, Lemon is great! Do you want to talk to her?” Steve holds the phone up to the kitten and she bites the microphone. Steve puts the phone back to his ear. “That was her….Okay, I actually have to go. I just wanted to tell you….Bye, love you!”
Steve puts his phone back in his pocket and then grins at Eddie. “Alright, I’m ready.”
“If there’s one thing about you, baby, you’re a go-getter,” Eddie says, laughing. He gets his own phone out and holds it out to take a picture of them. Lemon, who is fascinated by phones, looks up at the camera as he snaps the photo. Perfect. 
Eddie posts the picture with the caption the rumors are true, Lemon has two dads. she gets her looks from Steve’s side. Then he puts his phone down and wraps his arms back around Steve. He can worry about his fans’ reaction later. Right now, he has other plans.
“What do you say, boyfriend?” he murmurs in Steve’s ear. “Should we go put Lemon in the bathtub?”
tagging: @nburkhardt @stargyles @csinnamon-fox @manda-panda-monium @silly-jellyghoty @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @starquirk @lightwoodbanethings @dramaticwriter @adaed5 @freyaforestafay @roaringgoodshow @sherrylyn628 @stevesbipanic @stevethehairington @henderdads @artiststarme @softboisteve @gregre369 @korixae @kokoshka67 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @piningapple @iwouldsail @thesuninyaface @aftermidnightwriting @hamiltonsteele @brassreign @bitchysunflower @homosexual-having-tea @adelicioustragedy @trashpocket @dramaticwriter @eddiemunsonswife @blackpanzy @bitchysunflower @adelicioustragedy @thegingerrapunzel @overhillunderhill @beckkthewreck @glittergluekintsugi @elyondelannoy @somegirlsomewhere @pluto-pepsi @shinekocreator @goodomensgurl @savory-babby @blues-tunes @babyblender @221b1tch
(tagging is having issues so i'll tag the rest in a reply)
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kedreeva · 2 years
On my computer I found a folder titled "AHHHHHH" and I opened it and inside was a bunch of still frames and another folder named "AHHHHHH" and I opened THAT and it was just. this image:
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slavicviking · 1 year
prompt from @slashify!! thank you for sending it in 💖💜💙
For prompts, how about something where Claudia Henderson notices Steve has neglectful parents when he’s young and takes him in?
Saturdays is when Claudia Henderson does her shopping. Once a week, like clockwork, ten past noon, she drives to the store with a list in her front pocket, her worn wallet in her purse. Melissa greets her at the entrance, a pack of Honey Nut Cheerios – Dusty Bun’s favorite of the month – already within her reach.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Claudia greets other cashiers with a polite nod. Instantly, though, she feels her smile chipping at the sides.
Saturdays is when she sees the boy.
Not always. Sometimes. Often enough.
He can’t be older than ten, though the wiry frame, she knows, can be misleading. There’s a bright-red store plastic basket balanced on the child’s forearm, imitating with a laughable yet concerning accuracy all the adults that pay him little to no attention. He’s determined, she can tell, in the way he trudges on through different aisles, sliding and swerving among different families that tend to travel in packs.
“Poor kid,” Miss O’Donnell sighs to Claudia’s left but makes no move to help the boy grab a can of food from the higher shelf, his fingers wiggling just out of reach.
The familiar song and dance. Stuck on repeat to the sound of her breaking heart.
“Would’ve thought the Harringtons’ would not let their child wander around like that,” scoffs another woman, older, before turning back to the fruit stand, touching and picking at different apples. Claudia’s stomach churns at the sight, as it always does, and there is a familiar prickling at the back of her eyes, she knows. If she ever saw her Dusty-bun treated this way- she wouldn't. She would never because she loves her son and-
“Here you go, sweetie,” she hands the boy the can and her heart gains another crack of many when the wide eyes turn to her, a confused pout replacing the determined look from before.
Steve, that must be the boy’s name, if she recalls correctly. Claudia has heard about the Harringtons - but who hasn’t? Not many good things to hear either, not now, not ever. Janette Hopkins, turned Harrington, has imprinted herself in Claudia’s memory ever since high school. Her husband soon followed. Despite all this, she holds out hope. They may be petty and self-centered but the Harrington are not cruel, are they?
Are they?
She ends up tentatively asking him where his parents are and when he tells her they're right outside, waiting, she wants to believe him, wants it badly enough to throw her common sense to the wind for a moment. Guilt entraps her mere moments later when she exits the store, bags of groceries in hand, and the Harrington BMW is nowhere to be seen, the boy still inside.
Claudia sees Steve Harrington again the next day. And again. And again. As though her senses became attuned to the mere closeness of the boy, her maternal instincts checking over him before she even notices him herself.
He's not always alone, and that helps lift the weight off her shoulders a little, if not by much. Most of the time, though, the boy is seen with the Hagan boy - at the park or by the streets in Loch Nora. She's glad he's not alone. But the glaring absence of Steve's parents remains and however good of a friend Tommy Hagan could possibly be, he’s a kid himself.
It all comes tumbling down one day in October, rainy and cold, when she finds herself driving back from a late shift at the plant. She barely notices him what with exhaustion seeping deep into her bones - just a small kid, sitting at the side of the road, drenched to the bone.
"Dear Lord," Claudia curses and jumps out of the car, her coat hanging over her head in a makeshift attempt at shielding herself from the pouring rain. Steve spares her a bland glance but nothing more than that, that is until she kneels by his side.
"Your skirt, ma'am," He tells her, eyes glued to the sleek fabric coated in mud from the small patch of perfectly cut grass growing by the Harrington doorstep. She blinks, taken aback for a brief moment. "It will get ruined."
"Oh, this old thing? Don't you worry about it, hm?" Claudia lifts the hem a little before she lets it slump back down against the ground. Her heart surges up when Steve rears back, wet hair plastered to the forehead and eyes wide, something akin to fear morphing itself on his face. She tries a smile. “What happened, hun?”
He looks confused, eyebrows drawn together. She adds, “why are you sitting out here, in the rain?”
“Oh,” Steve acknowledges “I don’t have the keys.”
It’s so simple, the way he says it. Nonchalant enough that even Claudia has to catch herself before her mind renders this as a plausible excuse as to why a child has found itself in this situation to begin with. 
“And - your parents, they have the keys, right?” Steve nods. “Do you know when they’re coming back?”
The child shrugs but it lacks the sadness, the anger it so rightly deserved. Claudia is filled with it though. The simple gesture, so innocent in his eyes surely, feels like a slap to her face, reverberating all around her body. 
Apparently, the Harringtons forgot to tell their only child they are leaving for a conference or a work trip, whatever it may be. Apparently, there is no phone number left to call. Apparently, it’s not the first time this has happened. 
All this Claudia finds out from the Hawkins deputies. Jim Hopper shoves a dump cigarette between his lips the second she turns up with thoroughly drenched Steve Harrington in tow. He seems no stranger to the kid himself and even though Steve stubbornly remains behind Claudia for most of the ordeal, he does accept the Three Musketeers thrown his way, mumbling a soft ‘thank you, sir’ under his breath.
That evening is the straw that breaks the camel’s back or so Claudia insists. She takes the boy  home, her home, makes him shower and put on dry clothes. Her old sweater hangs off his weary frame but it’s still better than trying to wrestle him into one of Dusty-Bun’s many T-shirts. Steve looks pretty miffed for most of the ordeal, half of the time trying to convince her to let him wait outside for his parents, half resigned. They both know they’re not coming back any time soon. 
Steve stays in the Henderson home for a week and a half. And then for a decade longer.
It’s a learning curve. What follows are stacks of paperwork and screams and tears and threats. The Harringtons fight tooth and nail and then sometimes it seems like they are not fighting at all. They do when people look and whisper but when the stares get too intense and the whispers turn into spoken words, all the mimicked fight is punched right out of them. In the end, the leave without a goodbye. They pack their house up, every cushion, every plate, every vase. The only accessory of theirs that they leave behind is their only son. 
The beginnings are hard. There’s tension in the house that Claudia has never allowed to enter before. Steve looks ready to bolt, vibrating in his seat every joined meal - something he’s not accustomed to, she’s sure, but Claudia insists. He’s cautious with his every move, eyes darting back and forth. He’s skipping classes.  
It’s her Dusty-Bun who turns out to be the perfect solution. Not at first, not within the first few days - weeks, actually – but they’re exactly what they needed, both of them. When she finds them on the bathroom floor one evening after work, seated one in front of the other, a row of hair products laid over the tiles, she sees the wall around the newest Henderson crumbling slowly. They seem to be joined at the hip afterwards - going to the arcade together, baking - or trying to, tentatively playing basketball in the afternoons. Her youngest may scrunch up his nose at the latter but she knows Dustin is enjoying himself. If not for the sport itself, then for the company he’s with, she has no doubts about it. 
Things settle within a year, more or less. They have a routine going, with Steve and Dustin morphing into true brothers. There is still pain in Steve’s eyes, blink and you miss it, it’s inevitable. But there’s joy in them now, too. There are smiles, wide and honest, shy at first but growing more confident with time. By the time Steve reaches his freshman year of high school, he retrieves the confidence she’s seen him with Before. It’s cocky at times, something she reprimands him for, but she can see him growing more alive as he makes more friends and joins the basketball team. She attends every game. Ruffles his hair and hugs him when he complains. She’s a proud Mama and she’s not going to hide it.
It takes time before she allows herself something good but selfish. She’s wary, truthfully, about bringing Wayne around to dinner for her boys to meet him. Since Dustin’s biological father - she wishes him nothing but the worst - there hasn’t really been a man in her life. There were her boys and they needed her as much as she needed them for a long time. Now they're older, more independent, and so she lets herself feel this way. Lets Wayne in. 
Wayne’s nephew - Eddie - walks inside, trailing behind his uncle like a caged animal and his eyes immediately snap to Steve. Her eldest is no better, eyes trailing after the other boy, a shy spark of something new and exciting on his face. And she can’t wait.
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kidovna · 1 year
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i was actually looking for this!
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except now i’m more confused because i think that’s meant to be will the wise but he was never in hellfire club lol
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gmaybe666 · 8 months
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🎃 the party's halloween costumes after season 3!!! 🎃 
a little character concept design
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Eddie never asks Dustin to convince Steve of anything. No, if Eddie thinks Steve needs some persuasion (like getting him to play DnD or taking them all to Indianapolis), he asks Max and El. Aka, Steve’s girls (sure Robin could be included but they are just one person at this point, morphed together). Dustin would annoy Steve into saying an even harsher no, but Max and El? Ooohhh, they give him one look and he absolutely crumbles.
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quietbatperson · 1 year
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"Rocky Romero tricked me into coming all the way to DC, that son of a gun."
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artiststarme · 1 year
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 9
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Finally, a happy chapter! Thanks to everyone for your suggestions in the comments of Part 8. You all seem really mad at the kids (you're not the only ones lol). What do you guys want to happen next? I have a couple ideas but would love to hear your opinions!
As soon as Steve passed the Welcome to Hawkins sign, a thrum of anxiety made its way through his body. When he left not so long ago, he couldn’t imagine himself going back so soon, if ever, really. At the time, he had thought that no one wanted him here and that no one would even notice his abrupt departure. Eddie had changed his mind. While the others may not have cared about him, or at least didn’t display it in the right way, Eddie did. Eddie wanted him around to talk to and had fallen in love with him despite his many faults. 
Steve carefully drove through the sleepy town before pulling up to Eddie’s new trailer at Forest Hills. With a deep breath, or two or three, he turned his car off and walked up to the door. Before he could even knock, the door swung open. Steve was met with the view of his very relieved, very upset, and teary-eyed best friend. As he stood there, very confused, Robin shook her head and threw herself into his arms with an affectionate, “Dingus”.
Steve let out a bewildered chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her, “Hey Robs. What’re you doing here?”
Robin didn’t move from her position with her head resting against Steve’s chest as she tearfully answered him. “I was paying a visit to Eddie to tell him off for not telling me that he was talking to you. Where have you been, dingus?”
Steve shrugged his shoulders, his arms still circling Robin. “Downtown Chicago. I found a nice coffee shop and the owner offered me a job and the upstairs unit. Seemed too good to pass up, you know?”
Robin hummed and leaned back from him, “That makes sense. You look like a city boy with the hair and the polos.”
“Was that an insult?” Steve grinned at their usual banter and lightly pushed her shoulder. “How are your shifts going without me? Mr. Brown making you want to stab yourself in the eye with an ice pick yet?”
Robin grimaced, “oh my god, yes! He was talking to me for thirty minutes the other day about the merits of monochrome television. I don’t know how you were able to deal with him every day to be honest.”
Steve smirked, “mostly with my unending patience. But tuning out and nodding every now and then helped too.”
She smiled at him, “I’ve missed you, Dingus. What’re you doing back here so soon?”
Steve looked over her head to see Eddie vigorously shaking a decorative cushion before karate chopping a dent into the now-plopped pillow. He shook his head, this is the weirdo he fell in love with. Still, he turned back to Robin and sighed, “I’m here to take him on an emotional support road trip. We’re going to see the sights, eat the food, live it up, you know?”
He could tell she really didn’t know but she still nodded and pulled him through the doorway of the trailer from which he had been standing for the past several minutes. Eddie was gazing at the pair with a soft expression. Steve would gander a guess and say that was love. Robin looked between the two and decided that the mutual looks were disgusting, in an insufferable but completely loving and understanding sort of way. Steve took a step closer to Eddie and gave him an enthusiastic, albeit awkward, finger wiggling wave. 
“Hey Eddie! So, I’m kind of beat from driving here so do you mind if we stay here tonight and take off in the morning? I’ll take you out for breakfast once we get outta town.”
Eddie just straightened his posture, resolutely nodded to himself, and moved toward Steve. He put both of his hands on the sides of Steve’s jaw and gently pulled his face to his. Their lips met in a gentle kiss that caused sparks to shock both of them. When the short kiss ended, Steve felt dazed and content. “Wow. That was, that was just… wow. I’m happy to see you too, Eds.”
Eddie shyly smiled before leaning back and pulling Steve into a bruising and all-encompassing hug. “I missed you, man.”
Meanwhile, Robin stared at the two in shock. What the hell had happened in such a short amount of time? Last she was aware, Steve was straight. But it seems that Steve had no preference for gender when it came to cute individuals with curly hair, angular features, and big eyes. She loudly cleared her throat and with another hug to her platonic soulmate along with a promise for him to call and a sticky note with his new number on it, she made her way out of the trailer and to her own car, a graduation present from her parents. 
She’s sure both of them had plenty to talk about without her looking over their shoulders.
To absolutely no one’s surprise, Steve Harrington was a great kisser. The best, in fact, if one were to ask Eddie. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t spent much of his high school years helplessly pining for Steve, hoping against all hope that the younger boy would one day develop an inkling of interest. Now here they were and Eddie had never felt so delighted. 
They didn’t do anything more than that on this night. Eddie was still wrought with guilt and horror from his encounter with the kids. Meanwhile, Steve was exhausted from driving so far and from the whiplash of emotions he’d gotten throughout the day. And so, both boys brushed their teeth and stumbled into Eddie’s room for some much-needed rest. 
They held each other while they spoke in hushed tones about their future endeavors in Chicago and mundane information such as each others’ favorite colors (Steve’s favorite was blue while Eddie’s was green). Then they held each other throughout their sleep in which Eddie’s face found the junction of Steve’s neck and shoulder while Steve’s arms wrapped around Eddie’s shoulder like a vengeful octopus. While it may seem uncomfortable after the fact, it was the best sleep that either boy had ever had. 
When they woke up in the morning, they had a moment of peace just staring into each other's eyes and feeling as though everything was right in the world. But once Steve saw the time on Eddie’s alarm clock, 11:27 AM, everything commenced in a rush. Steve yanked Eddie out of bed, forced him to get dressed and finish packing, and hopped in the shower for all of two minutes before borrowing Eddie’s clothes. And that put them even more behind schedule because Eddie couldn’t focus on any of his tasks when he saw Steve wearing his clothes. How could he? It was like the vest incident times a thousand. 
Unfortunately, Steve clued into this fact quickly and made his way out to have coffee with Wayne. He and Wayne chatted about Chicago and some of the reasons Steve had left Hawkins, mainly the kids that had deposited themselves firmly on Wayne’s shit-list after making Eddie cry. Steve tried to alleviate his anger a little bit but Wayne was not to be assuaged. Those kids had some serious ass-kissing to do before he even considered forgiving them for messing with his boy. 
Once Eddie finished getting ready, he joined them for coffee and anecdotes. After two cups each, they were out the door with not another minute to waste. Chicago had no idea what was coming for it. What they didn’t see was Max rushing out of her trailer just seconds after the Beemer pulled away from the Munson’s trailer. They didn’t notice her jumping and trying unsuccessfully to run after the car to flag them down. And they weren’t aware of her frantic walkie message to the other Party members, not that it would affect them much. No, instead they hit the open road with enthusiasm and Iron Maiden blasting through the car’s speakers. There was no way they would rather have it. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Taglist:@nickavalens@conversesweetheart@themostunoriginalpersonever@swimmingbirdrunningrock@eddiethegreatteddybear @call-me-big-eyes @cornwallisandkerley @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove@thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt@luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy @yearningagain @darkwitchoferie @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era@newtstabber@bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd @ohlook-afrog@00biscuit @grtwdsmwhr @oxidantdreamboat @the-witch-forever-lives @estrellami-1 @whatthemeepever @a-simple-gaywitch @imzadidragonfly @freddykicksasses @krimsonsimp @delta-piscium @anaibis @tinynebula
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