#super top secret agent stuff
ily-fictional-women · 8 months
I can kinda imagine a part 2 that shows reader and nat starting a relationship and its all very slow and tentative and hesitant because nat’s never done this before and shes soft and shy and awkward or maybe reader and nat maybe in a relationship now and its just super cute and domestic and shows how soft nat is and how wrong the rumours about her are maybe things like she steals hoodies and likes to be the little spoon and stuff like that
I can kinda see this as like its own au with lots of little one shots if you can’t tell 😂
Secrets | Rumors part 2
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Summary: Secrets do more damage than good.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader + platonic!Maria Hill x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of but if I should add anything let me know
Word count: 1966
a/n: I’ve been meaning to write this part two. If you haven’t read the first part though it still reads pretty well by itself. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
Natasha tosses her bag to the side quickly closing the door behind her, “That was a disaster.” Y/n simply shrugs grinning, “At least you didn’t get stabbed with lab equipment this time.” Letting out a small laugh Natasha rolls her eyes at Y/n as she begins changing out of her mission clothes.
Y/n glances at her phone, “They’ll be here in about ten hours so we have a lot of time.” Natasha flops onto the hotel bed reaching out a hand to Y/n, “Come to bed then, it’s late.”
“Oh no, it’s okay Nat. I’m not that tired.” Natasha looks at Y/n seriously, “Y/n, we have been up and awake for 48 hours. Come to bed, please.” Y/n rubs her eyes, “Alright fine.” After changing her clothes Y/n climbs into bed holding Natasha by her waist turning the nightstand lamp off.
Feeling the warm light coming through the window Natasha starts to feel herself wake up. Sleepily moving her hand across the bed her hand lands on Y/n’s thigh. Remembering Y/n is usually the one to sleep in Natasha sits up squinting her eyes trying to wake up.
“When did you wake up? And what time is it?” Y/n flips a page in the book she’s reading, “It’s six o’clock so you still have about an hour before extraction gets here.” Natasha sleepily glares at Y/n.
“You’re avoiding the more important question Y/n. When did you wake up?” Not taking her eyes off the book Y/n simply replies, “I didn’t wake. I told you I couldn’t sleep. So I waited for you to fall asleep so I could read.”
Natasha bites the inside of her cheek hesitantly resting a hand on top of Y/n’s motioning for her to close the book. Y/n finally focuses her gaze on Natasha, Natasha kisses Y/n’s forehead quickly, “Just tell me when you can’t sleep next time okay?”
“Okay, I will,” Y/n smiles assuringly.
After finishing the debrief with Fury, Natasha and Y/n walk out of the office. “You want to get lunch?” Y/n glances at the clock on her phone, “I can’t I’m planning on doing the mission report right now. And after that, I planned on meeting Maria in the training center to spar. I’ll meet you up for dinner though, yeah?”
“Yeah that works,” Natasha looks down starting to play with Y/n’s hands nervously. “You’ve been awake for a long time though so just please get some sleep in between.”
Pulling away her hands Y/n quickly snaps at Natasha, “I’m not tired! Alright? Just please leave it be.” Not saying another word Y/n quickly walks off to her bunk. She’s hiding something and it’s obvious to Natasha.
Natasha peeks her head through Fury’s office door, “Do you know where I can find Agent Hill? I need to ask her about something.” Fury looks up from his file, squinting his eye at Natasha. “I’m pretty sure she said she’ll be at the firing range right now. Said she wanted to practice her aim for an upcoming stealth mission.”
“Thank you, sir,” Natasha quickly nods her head closing the office door behind her. The firing range was only about two stories below Fury’s office so it wouldn’t be a far trip. But the fact that Y/n was keeping something from her bothered her.
Did Y/n not trust her? What was keeping her up at night? Or more importantly what was keeping her up at night that Y/n couldn’t tell her about? The thoughts intruding on Natasha had swallowed her enough that she hadn’t realized she had gotten to the firing range so quickly.
As Maria fires off the last bullet she unloads the magazine to the gun almost startled by Natasha leaning against the dividers of the firing lanes. “Hey! Romanoff,” Maria gives the redhead a quick grin, “what’s up?”
Natasha crosses her arms, “It’s about Y/n. I’m worried about her.” Maria finishes loading the gun before putting it to the side raising an eyebrow at Natasha. “What do you mean worried? What’s wrong with her?”
“She refuses to sleep. And she just snapped at me a minute ago because I told her she should get some sleep.” Maria scrunches her brows looking down for a moment trying to rack her brain on why Y/n could be acting like this.
Her eyes quickly shoot back up to Natasha, “Wait. What date is it today?”
“May 21st, why?” Maria runs a hand through her hair letting out a loud sigh, “Shit.” Natasha's posture stiffens at Maria’s reaction, “Shit what? What’s wrong with her.”
“Um,” Maria hesitates, “that’s something I can’t be responsible for telling you. But the most I can say is that she doesn’t sleep well around this time and she hasn’t for years. And when she does she doesn’t like it.”
Natasha’s face gets serious, “Could you talk to her for me then?” Maria holds back a small smile, “I can convince her to talk to you. But you’ve been her girlfriend for about three months now. You’ll need to talk to her about this.”
Rubbing the back of her neck nervously Natasha makes her way toward the exit of the firing range, “That’ll work. Thanks, Hill.” Maria picks up the gun again aiming at the target, “Anytime Romanoff!”
Y/n hears a knock on the door to her bunk but she doesn’t get up to answer it. She was falling in and out of sleep every minute trying to finish her mission report. The creaky opening of the door wakes her up though.
Turning in her seat Y/n tries to blink away her sleepiness inevitably giving Maria a sleepy gaze anyway. Maria sits on the bed near Y/n, “You never met me for sparing Y/n.” Y/n’s eyebrows knit together as she glances at the tiny clock on the corner of her computer.
It was about two hours past the time she was supposed to meet Maria. “I don’t remember giving you a key to my room Maria.”
“It was last year, you were assigned on a mission that was supposed to be a week and ended up being four months. You gave me a key to your room just in case something like that happened again so I could give you a supply drop of more of your stuff.”
Silence fills the room for the moment, Y/n had honestly expected Maria to get on her for changing the subject. “She’s worried about you y’know.” Maria had filled the silence and Y/n had somehow wished for it back.
“The nightmares. Are they coming back?” Y/n can feel a lump grow in her throat at Maria’s question. Pressing her hands against her face Y/n lets out a frustrated groan, “Yeah, they just started a few days ago. She wasn’t there for the first one so I was able to get away with not talking about it.”
“Haven’t you been awake for a few days Y/n?” Y/n’s eyes wander her room not wanting to make eye contact with Maria while talking about something like this. Her jaw tightens, “Yeah. Figured I could try and avoid it this year.”
“Y/n…” Maria’s voice is soft. “Talk to her tonight. You know you can’t just avoid this. You need to sleep at some point.”
“And if I don’t?” Y/n’s voice was quiet but bitter. Maria stands up ruffling Y/n’s hair a bit, “Then I’ll tell Fury to put you on probation until you’re deemed fit to come back to work. So talk to her tonight and get some sleep. She cares about you.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to her tonight. You still up to spar though?” Maria laughs out loud at the question, “No, you can’t fight right now. Plus if we did, I’d kick your ass. Then your girlfriend would kick my ass. And that’s a fight I wouldn’t win.”
As Maria makes her way out of the room Y/n manages to smile a little, “I would still kick your ass.” Maria laughs out loud again, “Whatever you say Y/n/l.”
Managing to power through dinner pretending to feel awake Y/n follows Natasha back to her room. With the tiredness weighing Y/n down even more though the need to talk to Natasha slipped her mind.
Closing the door to the bunk Natasha sweetly kisses Y/n on the lips, “You ready for bed?” Rubbing her eye little Y/n nods, “Yeah, I could go to bed right now.” Slipping under the covers, feeling Natasha’s warm body next to hers, Y/n falls asleep for the first time in days.
But that's the catch. She fell asleep, so the nightmares followed. The old memories came in flashes. First the ringing in the ears. Then that closing-in feeling. Then the screaming. Then the blood. Then the- there’s whispers. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up Y/n.
Immediately Y/n gasps awake sitting up feeling tears start to stream down her face gasping for air trying to breathe. “Hey- hey. Detka, breathe. Slow breaths.” Y/n felt one of Natashas' hands come up and rest on her chest to feel her breath.
The touch itself started to calm Y/n’s nerves, and her breathing started to slow. But the tears didn’t stop, they just kept going no matter how much Y/n kept cocking her head back. Noticing Y/n struggling Natasha quickly pulled her into a long tight hug.
As the tears stopped Natasha pulled her away to look at her brushing away a few stray tears. “Y/n, what was that?” Y/n runs a hand through her hair sniffling, “It was just a nightmare, go back to bed.”
Natasha puts a hand on Y/n’s cheek having Y/n look at her, “It wasn’t just a nightmare. You were crying and thrashing around in your sleep. Just tell me what’s wrong.” Y/n moves Natasha’s hand holding onto it.
“Back when I was a Marine with Maria, uh, I had to go on a mission with some newer people I didn’t know. We were on our way back to base, but we had to camp out for the night. We were ambushed when we were sleeping though. I was the only one to make it out with injuries that didn’t kill me. Today’s the sixth anniversary of this happening.”
Natasha’s grip on Y/n’s hand tightens, “So is that why you don’t like working in teams?” Y/n lets out a dry laugh, “Yeah, you could say that.” Natasha inches closer to Y/n, “So do you get these nightmares a lot?”
Y/n shrugs drying off the last few stray tears with her free hand, “I used to for about the first two years. But now they just usually come back around the day it happened. In fact, the first year when Maria went on leave with me and slept on the floor next to my bed in my apartment at the time to make sure I was okay.”
“Then I’ll stay awake.” Y/n looks up at Natasha tears starting to well up in her eyes again, “What?” Natasha squeezes her hand, “I’ll stay awake. I’ll make sure you get sleep. You can lay your head on my chest. And if the nightmares come back I’ll be right here to wake you up.”
“Okay,” Y/n whispers. As Natasha hears the confirmation she pulls Y/n close, her head on her chest drawing shapes onto her shoulder whispering ‘it’ll be okay’ quietly over and over until Y/n fell asleep. And then the nightmares didn’t come back.
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hetalia-club · 2 years
The Cold War era was honestly the cause of so many hilarious things that sound fake but are 100% real. It’s one of the reasons the Cold war is my favorite history era. (I know a lot of horrible stuff happened in that time but let’s focus on the goofy stuff okay?)
Top funniest moments include:
1. Russia thought that they were building a top secret office in the center of the pentagon and pointed nukes directly at it but KGB spies confirmed it was actually a hot dog stand. 2. America was going to nuke the moon as a fuck you to Russia. But decided that might be a bad idea.
3. America had a plan to strap listening devices on cats and turn them lose in Moscow and try and get them to sit in windows and listen in on conversations but then after sinking 2 million into the plan someone was like. “but how do we get the cats to do that...” and they threw that idea out the window.
4. After a big ‘ol woopsie Russia ‘accidently’ ‘allegedly’ almost nuked the USA because someone read the screen wrong and said that the US had fired 5 nukes onto Russia and they were on the way. Luckily the guy in charge was like ‘nah, that ain’t them they wouldn’t do us like that.’ He basically diverted a nuclear war on a ‘gut feeling’. Because the computer systems said it was a go.
5. America built a bunch of rail ways that went nowhere and spent a ton of money on advertising for them basically saying how important that these railways were. They let the info slip to Russia incase they did nuke them they would nuke the useless railways. I can’t decide if that’s a 200 IQ plan or stupid. because Russia of course took the bait.
6. Russia at the same time had the exact same plan and built a couple fake cities in Russia and let some advertising slip about how cool and groovy(it was the 60′s) and also very important these cities were. America of course took the bait. EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD THE SAME PLAN!
7. Russia commissioned America to make fake maps and the only difference was that Russia was bigger on the map than usual. Wow amazing truly astounding.
8. The time America tried to train bears to fly planes... Because they thought it would be super sick and the Russians would be so jealous of the bear pilots. Didn’t work out. 
9. Russia tried to use psychics yes you read right the were looking for someone with psychokinetic powers to train to divert missiles. Yes really, they were doing this. America got so jealous of this that they wanted their own super hero program and they also started looking for someone who could make objects float and also read minds they sunk about 20 mill into that one.
10. (don’t remember who) In the 50′s the current leader of Russia came to America for a meeting which was in California. He toured the Hollywood studios ad really really wanted to go to Disney Land like so fucking bad. The current president of the US was like ‘dude that is a horrible idea you are the leader of Russia you can’t just go to Disney. He flipped his shit he was so fucking mad. He was like ‘why can’t I go? Is there some secret launch base there? Is there something I can’t see? This is so stupid I want to go!’ he even threatened to unalive himself at one point. I don’t think they ever did let him go because they would of had to empty the entire park for him because it was a crazy security risk for him to even be on his GT of Cali in the first place. Apparently the CIA agents with him had a 70+ page book on how to keep him safe. Frank Sinatra was even there to try and keep him happy. though i don’t exactly remember how he got roped into being there.
That is just 10 things there is so much more. So much bonkers shit. I didn’t even get into things Germany and England did. 
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eeteernity · 1 year
Gekko x reader
im witting this bc when i was on the gekko x reader tag i was in the top blogs and i felt like an imposter so now i have to write one
cw: fluff
you want an indie boyfriend who skates and introduces you to music, clothes and overall just loves you? Gekko is right there in the corner staring at you in adoration
You were quite new in the protocol, you joined right after neon, so only 2 more people joined after you. You pretty much got along with everyone there, even being tolerated by viper and reyna. (you think reyna only didnt hate your guts because you were a radiant)
though you did like to hang out with neon, raze, jett and phoenix a lot. Those 4 you seemed to mesh really well with, very loud and outgoing people. Which is why it was such a shock when another agent joined.
“Everyone this is gekko, The new guy who will be joining you guys on missions, make sure to treat him well.”
Brim said sternly, while gekko just gave a bit of a goofy wave. It was love at first site.
“he’s so fine omg.”
“i know…”
you and neon whispered to each other. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, he was just so different to most the people here, he looked more relaxed and chill. Sage then took him off to show his room.
“yo (y/n) you should get to know him, he looks so cool.”
neon said with a sly smile.
“honestly I will.”
reyna looked over to you and neon and just rolled her eyes muttering ‘kids’ under her breath before walking away.
you decided to leave him alone for a bit just for him to get settled in. Sitting in the common room you switch through channels trying to find something interesting to watch. However you didn’t have to wait for long to talk to the new guy.
“hey you’re (agent name) right? sage told me your name by the way. im not a stalker or anything!”
he said putting his hands up defensively with a small smile.
“oh hey! yeah I’m (agent name) but you can call me (y/n), I don’t keep my name a secret here. It’s nice to meet you! are you liking it here?”
“yeah it’s super chill, i’m loving the vibe here. my name is mateo by the way”
he says as he sits near you on the couch.
“anything i can help you with? or did you just want to talk to me?”
you say in a teasing tone, causing his cheeks to go slightly pink.
“oh yeah i was actually wondering if you knew any places to eat around here? specifically chinese im really in the mood for that right now! But i also wanted to talk to you!”
he again said defensively.
“oh yeah i know a shit ton. you want me to go with you or just give you directions?”
“oh sí that would be great if you came along, you could help me order!”
“okay let me just go put on some shoes”
you and gekko went off to a near by street that had many food places, on the way you engaged with the usual first meeting talk like ‘how old are you?’ ‘favourite colour?’’where you from’ just the normal stuff. You got to the food place and decided to eat it there instead of takeaway. it was a small place, a family owned business. it was quaint
“so (y/n) what do you plan to get?”
“hmmm i’ll go with this one”
you point to your usual oder on the menu.
“i’ll get that too!”
you and gekko order and just keep talking. its nice, he’s really nice, and chill, and good looking and you’re staring at him again.
“so you wanna tell me about the people we work with? por favour.”
“oh yeah okay so, everyone’s really nice. Maybe not viper and reyna but they’re nice deep down… i think.
“ohhh reyna is actually the one who trains me!”
“really?! that’s cool as. Omen was the one who trained me when i first arrived. but anyway, keep your eardrums safe around raze she can be a bit loud.”
“veo, veo.”
you two keep discussing everyone until your food arrives.
“woah this looks good as, great pick (y/n)!”
“yeah, also i’ll pay for you if you want. I got spare cash”
“really! thats so nice!! gracias!”
eventually you get back, completely stuffed from the food.
“yo (y/n)! Gekko! you’re back. You guys want to watch a movie with me, raze, killjoy, sage, jett and omen?”
neon asked as soon as you walked through the door.
“yeah im down, what about you (y/n)?”
“yeah same! what movie are we watching?”
“a horror! its going to be so fun, just come to the common room when you’re ready.”
neon says before sprinting away. You look over to gekko and see him slightly frozen.
“you scared of horror movies or something?”
gekko nods his head slightly.
“don’t worry you can grab onto my arm if you get scared!”
gekko blushed a little at this.
“haha thank you (y/n)…”
the two of you walk to the common area and the movie starts. Everyone is sat in twos, Killjoy and raze, omen and sage, jett and neon.
the movie starts out well not too many scares but then the first jump scare happens. Making neon and Gekko jump
“oh shit!”
he says as he grabs onto your arm.
“sorry, didn’t mean to grab onto you.”
“its alright mateo-“
jett shushes the both of you.
the movie continues. With gekko basically clinging onto you for dear life. so like a good person you rub his back for him to clam down. he shivers at your touch. The movie ends, and killjoy and raze are giggling to themselves about how bad it was. omen and sage thank everyone for watching the movie as they walk to go do their own thing. while jett is comforting neon.
“neon it wasn’t that bad!”
“yes it was jett! what if that weird thing is going to come for me!!”
“come on lets go get you some water…”
which leaves you and gekko alone.
“you feeling alright?”
you ask him concerned.
“yep… yep. i’m alright. Man how do you not get scared?!”
you just shrug your shoulders.
“anyway i’m going to get ready for bed. If you get scared i don’t mind you waking me up or anything. I’m here for you.”
“okay, thanks for spending the day with me (y/n) it was really nice to get to know you!”
you leave.
He’s so cool..
i really like her..
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thethirdmaulertwin · 3 months
why Cecil and Donald are either besties or gay (an essay)
Fyi I'm only talking about the TV show. They can be platonic homies in the comics - though I am using evidence from both.
⚠️ Spoilers for Invincible, both the show and comics ⚠️
In the Invincible comics, Donald is shown almost entirely as a field agent, doing combat and all that fun stuff. (Note that he knows about his being an android when the series starts). But in the show, he's done primarily intelligence work, only fighting when his life is on the line (spoiler: he dies.)
It's the same in Brit (three oneshots by kirkman and moore, set in the same universe as invincible. Also, a series but I'm not taking abt that rn). Donald is never in active combat unless it's absolutely necessary, or when he thinks Brit can't handle himself. (Spoiler: he can, and Donald gets fucking exploded. Again.)
Only after he learns he's an android in Brit does he start to do field work. And it's really anticlimactic, too, but that's not the point.
In the Invincible comics, it's shown that Cecil was like a top notch field agent before he got super old, and he died from poison gas. He was rebuilt in a similar way to Donald, with the difference being that the director of the GDA at the time was someone else that I'm too lazy to find right now, that Don wasn't a field agent and Cecil was, and that Cecil was told what had happened while Donald was definitely not.
They did a similar thing with Rex, replacing his arm after his old one got torn off, but they never show anything about intelligence operatives being rebuild in the same way.
We can assume from common sense that rebuilding a person takes billions of dollars, and giving them the crazy amount of bionic enhancements that Donald has in Invincible and Brit is probably even more. (His hand can turn into a flip phone, his neck has rockets and/or spider legs, and he shoots webs out his mouth like what the hell Cecil.)
All this to say that Don seems to be a special case. He's not a field agent like the others, and seems to be close with Cecil, as shown by these panels (which also happen to show that Cecil is really bad with spending taxpayer's money, cough cough.)
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Okay so it's just one guy offering to drive another home. Shut up.
Anyways, my biggest point has been that Cecil didn't tell Donald about the whole "dying" thing - he had to figure it out himself. Cecil is the type of guy to keep secrets from people to protect them. My evidence: the entire franchise.
Anyways, Cecil was told that he was an android. Why wouldn't he tell Don?
After Cecil realized that the Old GDA Director™ had hired those who'd originally killed him, he was pissed off and shot them both. He then adopted the same practice and hired assholes like Sinclair, despite their objectively terrible actions. So it would make sense that Donald would do something similar if he found out... Except for the fact that in the show, he was killed by Omni-Man, and right now, Cecil is totally convinced he's a bad guy. So that's not the reason.
The only other thing i can think of is that he understands how much of a mindfuck it is and he didn't want Donald going through the same thing. (Spoiler: he does).
Essentially Cecil used billions of tax dollars to bring back a technically replaceable (I hated typing that) agent, and then didn't tell him about it.
Meaning he did it because he missed his bestie.
So. Yeah.
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I remember there was a headcanon about Luis attending a school that had secret connections with Umbrella. Now I can't help but think if Leon and Luis have a kid, they would do extensive background checks on schools their kid would attend, because they'll want to make sure none of those schools were associated with Umbrella/have ties to corrupt companies/organizations.
Thank you so much for sending in an ask!!!!!!! But yesyesyesyesyes I know the headcannon you’re talking about!!!!!! From memory I think either @geddy-leesbian or @hamartia-grander made some pretty extensive posts going into this idea??? Either way its really fascinating to think about!!!!
For those of you who don’t know, the headcannon/theory basically revolves around the fact that Luis was able to graduate school seemingly pretty quickly/was considered a ‘child prodigy’, and that in-universe theres a few characters who attended schools created specifically by Umbrella to essentially indoctrinate them; one of the most notable being the Umbrella Executive Training School that William and Wesker attended.
Umbrella has a few random facilities like this (like the Rockford Prison) And considering the fact that Europe seemed to be a relatively big hub for Umbrella, it DEFINITELY wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say that they’d have a similar school with the intent of training/indoctrinating ‘child prodigies’ to work for them in the future, and it’d be even less pf a stretch to assume that Luis, who came from a VERY sheltered religious background, would be a very easy subject to pick (cuz! yippee!! capitalist grooming am i right or am i right!!) It’d also absolutely lend a hand to why Luis grabbed as many items as he could and just BOOKED IT immediately after finding out what their plans for Nemesis REALLY were (I could talk about that part of his life/that realisation for HOURS oh my GOD)
EDIT I FORGOT TO ADD: Umbrella on some level does work quite like a cult. I’ll link a post that does a MUCH better job explaining it than I could in the replies of this post, but creating facilities for the sole purpose of indoctrinating already vulnerable young people into being on board with your project and isolating them from friends and family is like. Cult behaviour 101 BFNEHENDJDJ which is VERY painful to think about how Luis got roped into cults THREE times. Valdelobos before Saddler showed up wasn’t EXPLICITLY a cult, but considering it was isolated from modern society and heavily Catholic theres a strong argument to be made- then of course theres Umbrella- then of course he was blackmailed into working with Los Illuminados. I’ll make a post going deeper into that SOMEDAY, but like,,,, just the tragedy of his life being one big cycle he cant break is just. So devastating man are you KIDDING ME
I’m not like. SUUUUUPER knowledgeable on super obscure lore stuff like locations/facilities etc, so if you have a question about that specifically @highball66 would probably be a better person to ask!!!!
But again we know like. NOTHING about the inbetween time between Luis running away from Valdelobos as a child and him popping up as one of Umbrella’s top scientists other than the fact that he was a child prodigy and he excelled in college- hell even the dates/ages get kinda wonky at times BHFNEHENEUDNSIS but also this is Resident Evil where things get wonky a lot of the time so!!! Eh!!!!!!!
I have my own personal theory on what he did during that time inbetween I would be SO MORE THAN HAPPY to ramble about HDNEHENDJDN
BUT TO THE POINT OF YOUR QUESTION!!! YES!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!! Plus just in general with Leon having a lot more enemies than friends, doing background checks on teachers or whatever would probably seem like paranoia to an outsider but to them?????? Nah you can NEVER be safe. Plus Leon’s like, a government agent- he obviously doesn’t have a TON of autonomy but I can imagine he at least has SOME power to dig up information on people. AND, the both of them literally went through hell and back to save Ashley, who was kidnapped right under the presidents nose- So like!! Hell yeah they’d be paranoid abt where their kids going man!!!!!!!! Rightfully so I think!!!
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Captain America
Steve Rogers x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Fandom: Marvel
Requested: Yes, by @flowers-and-fichte​ ! Thanks so much for your patience with this one queen, it took me forever (I completely underestimated my April schedule when I opened requests), but I’m happy with how it came out! Hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Steve Rogers was supposed to get the serum and become Captain America. An enemy agent was supposed to shoot him and Erskine, keeping the Allies from ever getting a weapon like that. Y/N was supposed to be in the room, supporting her boyfriend and keeping an eye on things along with her fellow agent, Peggy Carter. None of them end up with the roles they'd expected.
Word Count: 5,667
Category: Fluff, Angst
A/N: I haven’t watched tfa or what if? in a hot minute so this ended up as a kind of mix of all of those with some other fun stuff thrown in there
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
I couldn't help the question escaping my lips as I sat at the bar with my boyfriend, Steve Rogers. He looked even paler than usual as we sat together for our last night before Steve would risk everything in an experiment to become a supersoldier tomorrow morning. We'd both been given special leave from camp and our regular duties to spend tonight together, both of us mentally preparing.
"I'm sure," he said, after taking a long breath in and out. He looked at me with a calm smile, confidence written in every line of his face despite the massive uncertainty that followed us through every minute of this war.
His answer didn't surprise me one bit.
I'd only met Steve a short time ago, when he showed up at camp for training along with tons of other recruits. Despite the fact that he was clearly nowhere near healthy enough to be here without the support of Doctor Erskine, and that General Phillips clearly didn't like him very well, he never let any of that stop him or slow him down.
I'd fallen in love almost at first sight.
Despite the mountain of obstacles in his way, Steve had fought to be part of the war, to defend justice and freedom, no matter what barriers anyone put in his way. From the US military to the enemy, he did everything in his power to stand for what was right, no matter who stood against him. What more could I ask for in a partner?
"You're coming with me tomorrow, right?" he asked, looking at me with a touch of uncertainty breaking through his expression. It was the first and only sign he'd shown of fear for tomorrow and what it might bring.
"Of course, Steve," I said, smiling as I reached out to take his hand. I'll be there with you every step of the way, both before and after."
He nodded, giving me a tight smile which I returned. Neither of us was willing to entertain the possibility that there might not be an after tomorrow.
We finished our drinks, taking our time and enjoying the moment together, then left hand-in-hand to return to our separate army bunks for the night. I knew sleep would be difficult, but I did my best to drift off quickly, since I'd need to be as rested as possible for the morning.
The drive to the facility and all the procedures that went with it passed in a blur when the time came. I stayed by Steve's side as much as I could, both of us resolute and determined as we entered the top secret facility where Steve would become the world's first super soldier.
"Don't worry, he's going to be fine."
I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of Howard Stark's voice behind me. I'd been lost in thought and hadn't noticed his approach, and couldn't hold back a slight glare when I turned to face him.
"You're strung as tight as a live wire."
"I don't think that's a real expression, Howard."
He shrugged. "What makes any expression more real than another? If you say it often and with enough confidence, it becomes one."
With that settled, at least in his mind, he headed off towards the waiting machines and instruments he needed to tend to. I just shook my head as I watched him go.
"How are you feeling?" asked the much more calming voice of Peggy Carter from my right. I sighed as I turned to her, arguably my best friend in the world, and she gave me a sympathetic look.
"I've felt better. I just... I hope he's okay. Howard says he will be, but Howard's a maniac, so what does he know?"
Peggy gave me a soft smile as I turned to look at Steve, who stood across the room talking to Doctor Erskine.
"He will be fine, Y/N. And once this is over, the two of you can keep fighting the bad guys and saving the world even more than you already have."
I sighed, at last turning my attention back to my friend and willing myself to believe her words.
"I'm sure you're right, Peggy."
Time seemed to fly by and move at the pace of molasses somehow at the same time as Howard made the last adjustments on the machines and Steve had a last few words with Doctor Erskine. I waited a few steps from the machine with Peggy by my side as Steve finally approached. The time had come.
And then a shot rang out.
I whipped my head around in horror towards the source of the noise, to find Doctor Erskine lifeless on the ground, a man with a gun hovering over him. Officers all around the room ran to take him down, but not quickly enough.
He fired off another shot. It hit Steve right in the chest.
"No!" I screamed, surging forward to try to get to my boyfriend, my best friend, the love of my life, but my progress was stopped by an even greater force pulling me backward. I whirled around, ready to throw off whatever was pulling me backward, and to my surprise found Peggy.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm so sorry," she said, continuing to drag me nonetheless. Then she turned, shouting across the room. "Howard!"
Somehow, amidst the screaming and chaos in the room and the gunshot that still seemed to ring everywhere and drown out everything else, Howard apparently heard her.
"We're a go, Peggy! Now!"
I finally caught sight of Steve then, laying on the floor without moving despite the flood of movement happening around him. My heart leapt into my throat, and I was about to shove Peggy off me and go to him again when, somehow, I was looking at the ceiling instead.
Peggy hovered over me and I moved to get up, but restraints slapped me into place as, finally, I realized what was happening.
I was in the supersoldier machine. Instead of Steve, Howard and Doctor Erskine's concoction was being pumped into my bloodstream while the one it was intended for, my wonderful boyfriend, lay dead or dying a few feet away.
For better or worse, the despair welling in my chest didn't have the chance to overtake me as a pain like nothing I'd ever felt completely took over every thought, sense, and feeling in my body. Somehow, I was on fire, and the metal box around me was closing in. My limbs were being ripped away one by one, my skin was stretching to the point of breaking, my blood was boiling-
I screamed, but it felt like a faraway version of me that did it. I wasn't in my own body anymore, rather looking down from somewhere else as my brain short circuited with every nerve ending screaming.
And then suddenly, I was back. The pain started to ebb, and I grit my teeth and focused on breathing and hanging onto survival no matter what it took. I would do it, I would survive this world-ending pain, and I would do it for Steve. And hopefully, by some insane miracle, he would do the same for me.
At last, the rest of the pain drained away, leaving me breathing heavily but otherwise feeling better than I ever had in my life. Slowly, I felt the contraption Howard had built tip upright, and my porthole viewing window revealed the room I'd just left.
I had no idea how long it had taken, but based on the chaos that still dominated the slightly more empty room I guessed it hadn't been too long. At last, the metal door opened, and I stumbled out. I looked down, intending to finally run to Steve, but he wasn't there.
"How do you feel?"
I turned to find Peggy and Howard, their voices respectively concerned and curious, then found I had to look down a little further than I ever had before. I blinked a few times, the world briefly spinning, and realized, somehow, I was taller than I'd been a few minutes ago.
"Do you think she can speak?" I heard Howard ask, leaning around me to talk to Peggy. "Maybe some of the muscle growth impacted her vocal cords-"
"Where's Steve?" I managed to ask, overcoming my shock and inadvertently answering Howard's question. He looked at me in surprise, then started dancing around me with scientific instruments and taking measurements, so I turned to Peggy.
"Y/N, are you alright? I-"
"Where is he, Peggy?"
She hesitated, then seemed to realize I was stubborn enough not to let this go until I got an answer. "A few of the soldiers we still trust took him to the hospital."
"Take me to him."
"Y/N, I really don't think-"
"Peggy." My best friend and I stood perfectly frozen as we held eye contact, Howard still moving all around me but neither of us paying him any attention. "I need to see Steve."
She sighed, then gave an abrupt nod. "Howard, if anyone asks, tell them where we've gone. And keep me updated on anything you find out."
"Hold on, I still need to-"
"You can do experiments on our friend later," she snapped. I gave her a grateful smile as I followed behind her, out of the room where the world had just upended itself completely. I loved Howard, but sometimes he didn't know the meaning of the word "boundary".
Still half in a daze, I followed Peggy to a car outside. She went around to the driver's side while I went to climb into the passenger's seat. I tried to pull the door open, something I'd done a thousand times before, but the door ripped off its hinges in my hand like it was made of paper. I stared at it blankly, trying to fight off the wave of shock threatening to totally overcome me.
I shook myself out of it, looking back up at Peggy.
"I'm fine."
We got a new car, and for the first part of our drive, I tried quietly testing out a few of my new limits. I could bend metal like it was nothing, and I was clearly stronger and more muscled than I'd been before the serum. Erskine's serum was a success; I was officially a supersoldier.
As we made our way through the busy streets of New York to the hospital, my mind wandered to other things. I glanced over at Peggy, white knuckled on the steering wheel while otherwise projecting outward calm.
"Why did you do it, Peggy?" I asked, unable to help the question from bursting out of me.
Peggy glanced over to me, then back to the road. She was silent for almost two full blocks before she finally answered.
"You were always our contingency plan," she started, her voice a little gravelly. "While you and Steve were having your last night of drinks, Howard and I had drinks of our own. He was worried about the serum falling into the wrong hands, especially after Colonel Phillips pushed for that absolute prat from training camp. We talked about it for some time, and neither of us could come up with a better option than you."
I didn't respond, instead opting to stare straight ahead as I tried to process everything Peggy had just told me. She gave me a few seconds, then continued.
"I'm sorry we never told you, Y/N," she said. "We didn't have much time, and honestly, it was never supposed to come to this."
I nodded, mostly to let her know I'd heard her. My brain was working overtime, but one question kept ringing through my mind.
"Why me?"
Peggy glanced at me a few times, splitting her attention between me and the road.
"Why you? I thought that would be rather self-evident."
She briefly turned her attention away from me as she at last pulled into a parking spot in front of the hotel. I started to shift in my seat, ready to just let the question keep echoing in my head while I ran to find Steve, but Peggy put a hand on my arm to stop me.
"Y/N, listen to me. You are just as good a choice for this serum as Steve. You're strong, kind, and a fundamentally good person- not only are we lucky to have you as the world's first supersoldier, but I'm lucky to have you as a friend. I know this must be overwhelming, and I'm sorry I put you in this situation without warning. But I need you to believe it when I say you are up to this task."
I took a deep breath as Peggy held my stare, willing myself to take in her words. I wanted to, but honestly now that we were at the hospital, I couldn't really think of much beyond Steve.
I gave Peggy a tight-lipped smile, then pulled my arm out of her grasp and moved for the car door. I nearly pulled this one off its hinges too, then remembered to be much, much more gentle than I'd normally be.
Peggy gave me a look as we got out of the car together and headed towards the hospital, but I pretended not to notice. Thankfully, she just let it go, and helped me get to Steve as quickly as possible.
When we arrived at his hospital room, he wasn't there. We'd been told he was in emergency surgery, and the doctors were currently fighting to save his life. I plopped down in the chair next to his bed and resolved to wait.
"He's not going to be back for some time, you know," Peggy said gently from her place by the door. "You might be waiting here for a while."
"Better than waiting in a lab while all the military execs talk about what to do with me now."
Peggy pursed her lips, but didn't voice whatever she was feeling. She just nodded, and came to take a seat by my side.
"Then I suppose I'm in for the long haul too."
When they finally brought Steve back in, he was unconscious. Alive, to my massive relief, but unconscious and still not safe as he was fighting to recover from his injury and the resulting surgery. I didn't move an inch from my seat by his side.
Peggy stayed with me for a while, but eventually had to start working with and talking to various generals and officials again. None of them wanted to let me out in the field anyway, so I didn't have anyone challenging my decision to stay by Steve's side.
When I was alone with him, I talked to him, telling him about everything that had happened after he'd been shot and working through my own attempts at processing everything that had happened. I started exploring my powers in my own time too, within the confines of the room. I could bend the metal instruments left on the table in one corner, and could do more than double the number of pushups I'd been able to do before without breaking a sweat.
I was in the middle of testing whether I could jump high enough to touch the ceiling (yes) and then with how much of my arm I could touch it with when Peggy came back into the room. She grinned when she saw what I was doing, but I quickly stopped to look at her instead.
"Not going stir crazy, I hope?" she teased. I rolled my eyes.
"It's for science, Peggy. Come on."
She snorted, but didn't challenge my statement all the same. Instead, she crossed the room to take a seat beside Steve, next to the chair I usually sat in.
"How is he doing?" she asked softly, staring now at Steve instead of me. I sighed and went to sit next to her.
"Still fighting through his coma, as I'm sure you can see," I said. It had been just less than a week now, but Steve still hadn't woken up. "The doctors say his injuries are healing well, though, and they're hopeful that he'll wake up soon."
Peggy nodded, keeping her gentle stare on Steve for another minute longer, then at last turned to me. Her expression became much more serious, and I tried to brace myself for whatever she would say next.
"We need you back," she said bluntly, not bothering to beat around the bush. "I've worked with Howard to get permission for you to join us–meaning Howard and myself, under General Phillips–in the European theater. We don't have permission for more than just you being there yet, but this is the closest we've come to getting you cleared for active duty. If you stay, we may never get you out of a lab or off a stage again."
I frowned, processing her words. I hadn't realized there'd been a risk of being trapped in a lab or on a stage for the rest of the war, although if I'd given it a second of thought, I probably would have.
"I know you don't want to leave Steve," said Peggy, turning to look at him one last time. "I can't say I really want to either. But he wouldn't want you to be cooped up in here, when there's so much you could be doing out there."
I sighed, staring at Steve as I felt Peggy's eyes drilling into me. I knew she was right; Steve and I hadn't gone through everything we'd been through so far, both alone and together, just to stand by and do nothing if the opportunity came up for us to make a difference.
"Alright," I finally said, tearing my eyes away from Steve and hardening my resolve. "Let's do this, then."
Peggy smiled, and I didn't let myself look back as I followed her out of the room.
The next few weeks were an absolute blur. Peggy (and Howard, whenever he was around) kept pushing for me to be allowed into combat, and just about every other top brass officer pushed back. Despite the fact they refused to clear me, I'd been kept plenty busy, running around with Peggy doing all the codebreaking, organizational, and action-coordinating duties we'd done before and then some. Whenever I finally collapsed onto my bedroll for a few hours of sleep at the end of the day, I basically slept like the dead.
Still, I jolted up quickly enough when Peggy shook my shoulder just past two in the morning.
"What do you want?" I mumbled, the words only half-intelligible thanks to the sleep slurring my words. After the initial adrenaline that I was being attacked had faded, the drowsiness had swept back in with a vengeance.
"Some soldiers just returned to camp," she said, her voice a hissing whisper. The urgency and the secrecy made me sit up a little straighter, some of the sleepiness fading away. "They're what's left of a regiment captured by Hydra, the rest of whom are currently being held at a base some distance into enemy territory."
"Since Steve's talked to me about Bucky, I'm assuming you know about him too?"
"...Of course. Obviously I never met him, but... Steve talks about him all the time. Why?"
"His regiment–him included–is the one being held by Hydra."
I shot up, finally fully awake. "What?"
"Bucky, along with most of the other soldiers in his regiment, are being held at a Hydra base not far from our current position. While this is obviously awful-"
"If anything happens to him, Steve-"
"I think it could also prove exactly the opportunity we need."
My eyes snapped to Peggy, not even bothering to hide how crazy I thought she was as I looked at her.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Y/N, you are being wasted sitting in this camp doing behind the scenes duties, even more than you were before you took the serum. Neither of us wants to risk everything and get court-martialed for something ridiculous, no matter how tempting it may be. But going after Bucky and his regiment, going on a mission to save them... that might be worth it. And it might be everything we need to get everyone to stop second-guessing your importance in combat."
"Are you suggesting we go rogue, somehow sneak across enemy lines, and that I then go single-handedly into an active Hydra base to free almost an entire captured regiment?"
"And destroy the Hydra base in the process, yes."
I sighed, staring blankly at a spot on my blankets for a minute, then swung my legs out of bed and looked at Peggy.
"Alright, I'm in. It's been a little too long since I've done something stupid and reckless anyway."
Just under three hours later, I found myself jumping out of a plane towards a Hydra base, in the middle of enemy territory. Famous last words, I guess, saying I hadn't been doing anything reckless and then jumping straight into the most reckless thing I'd ever done.
I landed in the Hydra base behind a cluster of tanks, then managed to sneak my way inside. Thankfully, I knew enough about interior layouts to make a pretty good guess of where prisoners might be kept, and it wasn't long before I found the men from the missing regiment in a series of cages.
One of them was talking to a guard, thankfully the only one in the room, until I knocked the guard out.
"And who are you?" asked the man behind bars, sounding pleasantly surprised.
"Captain America," I said simply, standing tall with my shoulders back. That had been the planned name for Steve, and the name Peggy and I insisted on keeping, despite the number of male higher-ups who didn't like a woman having that title.
"Well, Captain, any chance you could get us out of these cages?"
"That's what I'm here for," I said, quickly setting to work. "Do you know a man named Sergeant Barnes?"
"Yeah, but he's not here. Some of the guards took him away not long ago. They've been running experiments in rooms on the other side of the compound."
I swore under my breath, then stepped back as the cage door swung open. I looked the man in the eye as he met my stare with a new respect.
"What's your name?"
"Tim Dugan."
"Alright Dugan, do you think you can get these men out of here and on the path back to friendly territory?"
"With the door wide open like this? Not gonna be a problem, sweetheart."
I narrowed my eyes at him, but he just grinned back, no hint of the condescension usually associated with that nickname anywhere on his face. Instead, he looked excited, the wild gleam I'd seen in my own and Steve's eyes before shining back at me. I sighed.
"Alright, good, then get on it. I've got a sergeant to save."
"See you on the other side," he said with a nod. I nodded back, then turned and sprinted deeper into the base.
After ducking and dodging lots of armed guards, as well as knocking out a few when I accidentally barged into the wrong room, I finally flung open a door to find a man strapped on the table in front of me. He was alone in the room, and to my relief, he matched the appearance of the man I'd seen in almost every photograph Steve had before joining the military.
"Sergeant Barnes?" I asked, not waiting for an answer as I moved to start unstrapping him from the table. He looked up at me, bewildered and clearly exhausted.
"And who are you?"
"Y/N Y/L/N, otherwise known as Captain America. I'm Steve's girlfriend."
Bucky's face lit up at that, the suspicion that had been building in his eyes disappearing in an instant.
"Steve has a girlfriend? Now I know you're lying to me."
I glanced back at him to find a crooked smile on his face, and I couldn't help returning one of my own. I undid the last strap, then moved around the table to help Bucky stand.
"Come on, let's get you out of here. Then you can give Steve shit to his face."
Bucky chuckled, but it quickly turned into a wheeze, which made me incredibly nervous. I subtly shifted him so I was taking more of his weight, but before we could make much progress to the door, it came flying open on its own.
"A valiant effort at a rescue attempt. Too bad it is going to be in vain."
We both froze in our tracks, looking up to find ourselves face to face with a man with goggles and a lab coat, standing tall in the doorway and towering over us, one of the biggest guns I'd ever seen in his hands leveled right at us.
"We had heard the Allies created a supersoldier, despite our best efforts to stop them. We hadn't realized it was a woman."
He scoffed the last word, and I scowled, more than ready to put this punk in his place. Before I could, however, he pushed a setting on the weapon, and it began firing up.
"Fortunately, now that you have come right to us, there will be plenty of time for us to figure out just what made the Allies decide to send you into combat."
I frowned, mostly ignoring him while I looked for any way out of this situation. Punching this guy straight in the face felt like a good option, but despite my super strength and speed he could probably shoot me before I got to him, and since this was my first combat mission I had no idea just how well my new super-self held up against bullets, let alone whatever the hell this thing would fire.
As my brain ran through possibilities searching for options, the man turned his gaze to Bucky, an expression of mock-sympathy on his face.
"Now that we have her, Sergeant Barnes, we unfortunately no longer have use for you."
Bucky tensed beside me, and my full focus snapped back to the situation at hand rather than ways to get out of it as the crazy gun before us started heating up, whirring like it was about to fire. It was leveled right at Bucky's head.
I swore, time slowing down as I came to a conclusion. My only real option was to push Bucky out of the way and take the shot for him. I'd just have to hope my super-metabolism also equalled super-healing, and try to take it in the shoulder instead of the head or chest. Then, I'd have to find a way to get up and keep swinging, and hopefully Bucky had enough energy left in him to help me get the gun. Otherwise I'd just have to figure it out myself.
I started to move, ready to block Bucky and hopefully come up swinging, refusing to dwell on how often the word "hope" appeared in my plan, but then the gun went flying across the room all on its own.
For half a second, the only thought in my head was: Do I have magic powers now too?
Then, a metal fist appeared in the doorway, absolutely creaming the guy who'd been blocking it before, dropping him unconscious to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
Bucky and I looked up in sync, confused and (on my part) ready to fight a new threat, only to see a metal man step into view. His eyes glowed blue, and it looked like a big suit of armor come to life. I shifted on my feet, trying to determine whether this was a friend or if I needed to attack this thing, and then its face lifted up, revealing another, human face beneath.
"Oh great, you two have met now. I don't know whether to be happy or brace myself for just how much more shit I'm about to take as a result."
"Steve!" I cried, rushing towards him and wrapping him in the tightest hug my supersoldier strength would allow. Thankfully, the metal suit meant he was fine, despite the enthusiasm. Behind me, I heard Bucky thump into the table as he caught himself after my support disappeared, but I couldn't bring myself to care.
"Hey, sweetheart. I missed you."
"I missed you too," I said, pulling back from the hug to kiss him, hard. For the first time in our relationship I had to get up on my toes to kiss him, even with the extra super-height, which felt incredibly weird. After a second I pulled back, giving his suit a once-over and raising an eyebrow.
"So what exactly is this?"
"A supersuit," he replied with a grin. "Howard's apparently been working on one for a while, but after I got shot he made it more of a priority."
"After you got what?"
I turned to see Bucky behind me, still leaning on the table, looking at Steve with a mix of concern, fury, and exasperation. Steve moved past me to go wrap his friend in a bearhug, and I caught a grin on his face as he went. Bucky didn't look amused, but he also didn't have the strength to do anything about Steve in a metal suit hugging him for dear life.
"Don't worry about it, Buck," he said, still grinning, before turning back to me. Bucky kept frowning between the two of us, but Steve and I both ignored it. "So what now?"
"Now we get out of here, and destroy the base on our way out," I said simply. Steve beamed, and even Bucky's expression turned slightly more pleasant at the thought. "Let's do this."
Like we'd spent our whole lives working together, we moved out of the room in perfect sync. Steve supported Bucky, following right behind me as we moved through the base. We threw stealth out the window now that we had everything we needed, and whenever we came across someone who might try to stop us, I knocked them out before they could so much as reach for their weapon. When the occasional guard got past me, Steve easily took care of them on cleanup.
We planted bombs on support pillars and in power rooms as we gradually made our way towards the exit, then pushed the button to start the short timers once we made it outside. We sprinted for the treeline, Steve in his suit keeping pace with me and my superspeed even though he was carrying Bucky, and made it about a hundred yards into the woods before everything behind us exploded.
The three of us stopped, turning back to watch the wreckage we'd just caused. I couldn't help smiling, since the destruction of that base not only meant the destruction of a terrible Hydra facility, but also a successful mission under my belt we could throw in the face of anyone who doubted me.
"Damn. That's sure a pretty sight."
The three of us whirled around as one to find Dugan, the soldier I'd met earlier, and the rest of the regiment standing behind us. Steve got into a fighting stance, but Bucky and I just smiled.
"I let you out and you only got this far? You might have some skills to work on, Dugan," I said, beaming at him nonetheless. He smiled right back.
"Unlike your trio, I had to get the whole regiment out without being caught. Besides, I can't say I mind how this timing worked out."
"Yeah, me neither."
After Bucky was welcomed back into the relieved arms of his regiment and we got Steve introduced, our group slowly started making our way back to friendly territory and the familiar camp waiting beyond. It took a little over a day, and I had to step into the action a few more times to deal with barriers trying to keep people moving between sides of the war, but eventually, we made it back.
As soon as we came within sight of the camp, we could hear cheering. People flocked out to see us, beaming as we staggered in triumphantly, arms around each other and heads held high. Steve stood on my right, Bucky on my left, Dugan and the rest of his squad right behind us. I smiled as Peggy approached, and I swear I could feel puzzle pieces falling into place.
"Let's hear it for Captain America!" cried Steve, smiling at me as he let up the shout. Everyone cheered, and towards the back of the crowd I could see General Phillips with his arms crossed but a smile on his face nonetheless. It disappeared the second he caught me looking, but I'd known it was there.
Steve wrapped his arm a little more tightly around me, his suit currently off and hidden somewhere safe, and I leaned down to kiss him. The crowd cheered even louder, and in that moment, I knew for certain that nothing Hydra or the Axis powers threw at us could touch us.
Captain America, the Iron Man, Agent Carter, and the Howling Commandos were about to turn the world on its head, and no one would ever be able to stand in our way.
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate​
58 notes · View notes
The problem is that MCU is willing to show the system is flawed but not willing to admit it's wrong. Either wrong in what the system did or does or that simply the system in itself is wrong in extending at all.
Few bad apples excuse. Say it needs to be better but never show how it needs to be fundamentally changed to stop the rot from spreading
It's like they think we're too stupid to understand complex storylines, and they have been doing this for a while now. TFATWS was the worst offender along with the Loki series as they had the audacity to demand that Bucky make amends to the victims as if he wasn't a victim himself. All that focus on his actions and feelings of guilt and not a damn second spent on trying to hold the government accountable for Hydra.
TWS did a part of it right with Steve deciding to take down all of Shield, but that story was quickly forgotten and CW even had the guts to try and paint the heroes in a bad light as if the government had any moral superiority here (it's still mind-blowing to me that Ross showed the NYC invasion and the helicarriers and those two were framed as arguments against the heroes and not the government).
It's super status quo-friendly which is a little insulting given that superhero movies should be the exact opposite of that. And it winds up hurting the characters as well: Steve wouldn't have left the Raft after getting his friends out, he would have done something about the prison itself. Loki would never feel amazed by the TVA, he's the god of outcasts for crying out loud, he'd be horrified by them. Sam would never tell Bucky to man up and go to the victims, he would have stormed the freaking White House to have a word with the President himself and tell him off for trying to blame it all on Bucky.
I get why we have that speech in TWS when Steve calls out to the good agents inside Shield and a lot of them stand up and fight off the Hydra shills. But damn... something should have been done regarding the "good" people who agreed with Hydra's methods without knowing it and let them grow strong enough to almost put 3 helicarriers in the air. Marvel wants us to believe those were all Hydra but that's not true... and that's the scary part!
Too bad Secret Invasion was too scared to go that route. Every single one of these movies and series are always the same: this new organization is super fucked up and all the agents are doing stuff that is shady af but don't worry, we'll kill the guy on top and everything will be alright 🤦‍♀️
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ask-carmenpondiego · 2 months
Chapter 21: No Place Like HQ For the Holidays
Once back at VILE HQ, the jet lands and the team disembarks, M procuring a wheelchair with his shadow powers and strapped Carmen in while he started to hum some carols. The mare sulked having to stay seated and not walking on her own. She did want to get up and about with these new augments so it wouldn’t slow her down. Deep down she knew it was for her own good and health to stay off her legs so they can heal properly within the cybernetic casing. “Can I at least have crutches?!” She had asked before they departed. “What? No! You put pressure on your arms the same way as your legs? You’ll blow the sutures and start bleeding all over my equipment!” She remembers Skyggja scolding her.
Blendin had already opened the double doors for the moving to begin. It didn’t take long for the HQ to be swarmed with flying and crawling drones carrying crates and boxes. Kiros went on ahead to help direct the drones with Skyggja’s help after Carmen explained which parts of the top floor was theirs. Carmen wheeled herself out of the way and into the living room, next to the big screen tv which blipped on by itself, 079’s face showing up rather annoyed. It took one look at Carmen and sighed. “Oh great. One of you is broken. This is why we cant have nice things..” She raised an eyebrow and smirked, “Good to see you too, 079. I’ll be adding two names to our household and they will be setting up a lab upstairs on the penthouse floor, so there may be another computer system connecting to ours. PLEASE behave and cooperate with these new agents. I don’t doubt they will attempt to delete you somehow if you start shit with them.” The ai rolled its eyes. “I’ll highly doubt they can but I suppose I can see what I can do to assist. I make no promises.” Carmen smiles and gives an awkward thumbs up, still getting used to the feel of the augments. “Thats all I ask, just a solid attempt in peaceful coexisting. I’ll even give you more monitors if you wish for around the HQ~” 079 gave a deadpan look with confetti and balloons on the screen. “Hooray. Now I wont have to squeeze into those abhorrent tiny screens on your mobile devices. Some of you really need to clear the phone storage from all that porn..”
Blendin hops over with a tablet to show his mother, “Hey Mom, I had some help with M and Kiros and.. 079? Anyway, we came together and we are working on a present for you! I am trying to share the knowledge of the ley line door travel system to your system so you can do what I do! Now, this stuff is super top secret so I could get in a whole lot of trouble for this if I’m caught BUT Kiros insisted that 079 will keep it under lock and key so no one else can track it! And there may be a way to even hook it up to your time machine! M said he’ll tinker with that later.”
Daring had wandered in and stayed a fair distance away and watched the two discuss the travel system. She scoffed as she saw Carmen get excited and hug Blendin, perhaps a little too tight. She didnt realize the added strength she had due to the new blood and augments, that is until he yelped. Daring was still trying to unfluff her feathers as she watched. She was glad a life wasn’t lost, even if it was one she still didnt trust. Perhaps she could tolerate her mother but she certainly kept her opinions known.
As far as she could tell, her brother had fallen right into his mother’s trap and just handed over the ability to steal everything from under everyone’s noses. There must be some way to stop it all. Her thoughts were jarred to a stop as striped arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind, picking her up and twirling her around, “Adora!!! This is a wonderful surprise!! Welcome home!! Lemme give you a big hug! Rrrrrrrr!” Waldo had snuck up on her in a way he would describe as very dad-like. Daring shrieked and flailed in his grasp, “Let me go! Help!” Carmen turned quickly, hearing the screech and instantly relaxed when she saw Wally try to be silly. “Wally!! Let her go, she’s not in the right mood right now.” He let her go with a playful pout, “Aww alright. I was just excited to see our baby girl again. You grew so tall! Look at you! Pretty soon you’ll fill out and be even more like your mom. She sure did give the attractive and smart genes to you, kids.” Daring huffed and straightened her clothes and tried smoothing out her feathers once again from puffing up “I am NOTHING like her! I may be glad she’s still here but I still think she’s up to no good!” She pointed to her smirking mother.
Wally looked over at Carmen for the first time since she came back and stopped short, worry plastered across his face. “My light! Are you ok? I heard there was an incident but it wasn’t specified how bad! What.. your hair, your arms.. legs.. your color.. what happened?!” Carmen started to explain, then when she heard the words coming from her own mouth, the realization of everything started to hit. Her eyes suddenly were pouring tears, and her new hands shook. She finally had a moment to truly process. She reached up to Wally who knelt down and embraced her so tightly, crying as well, “Please.. my light, please take this as a sign to stop. I know you are trying to help cure me but let’s.. just try to find a doctor or something. You’re risking your life to save mine, the accidents are getting more frequent and more dangerous… I want you to stop stealing. Please.” Carmen wiped her eyes, pulling away as she calmed down, making herself push the panic aside, “I can’t. I still have to try. Its what I’m good at, its what I do. Its not like they’ll accept me back into the detective programs..they’ll just throw me back into that horrible place to forget about me.” Blendin hugs his mom around the neck from behind the wheelchair, nuzzling comfortingly, “We wont let anyone take you or any of your agents away from us! And we’ll find a cure, Right Dad?” Wally smiled a little worriedly, “You said it. Now lets get you cleaned up and settled from that trip, maybe some relaxing time in front of the tv or something..” Carmen scoffed with some tears still brimming her eyes, “Relaxing in front of the tv? So I can get lazy and fat you mean?” She teased, wiping her eyes.
Daring crossed her arms and stood brooding from across the room. Ninoga and Kiros were lifting a heavy piece of furniture through the doorway and had to pass in front of Daring. She caught a glimpse of the muscles on both agents and blushed, looking away. “Excuse us, little snack. Don’t want to squish you.” Kiros chuckled with a low teasing rumble, winking at her. She turned scarlet in the face and hurried over to her family, “Guys, where’s the bathroom?!” Wally pointed just down the hall as Carmen looked at her and then at Kiros having a belly laugh while the young pegasus rushes off. “So THATS why it smells like Teen Spirit on Prom Night in the jet! Kiros! You are a scoundrel!”
Kiros shrugged as he held the furniture while Ninoga was pivoting, “I didn’t do a damn thing but I know you wouldn’t have me any other way!” He grinned, now on the move to set the furniture to its proper place. Lekir set a box down, which was picked up by a crawling drone and scuttled off, the vesk stepping out of its way with a bit of a gruff. “Its already like an infestation of these drones, you sure you wanna bring them here?” Carmen nodded, “I can tell this is the break they needed, just like they gave us a break. We have the room and they can be very helpful to us.” Lekir crouched beside her as Wally was busy looking through the tv channels. “How are you feeling? Any pain or anything?” She brushed her fingers through Carmen’s hair as Carmen put on a smile, “I feel great, I cant wait to try to get back on my feet. Wally wants me to relax… and to stop thieving.”
They look over to Wally who had been channel surfing and was currently dancing to some up beat music, occasionally singing along, before changing the channel again, “Mum!….Dad!…..Bingo!…..BLUEY! Man, Kid shows are so fun these days!… Ooooh baking competition! Thats not a cake!!… IT IS A CAKE!! Blendin! Are you seeing this?!” Lekir dropped her face to deadpan, “You? Stop thieving? Heh, thats not going to happen, is it?” She watches Wally pretty much jostle his son in excitement of a purse being sliced and revealing cake. “I will never be able to fathom what you see in him..” She stands up, her hands on her hips. Carmen smiles, “I dunno, he makes me laugh like theres not a care in the world.”
That night, after all the moving had calmed down, they all gathered around the dining room table. A couple stacks of pizza were on the kitchen island nearby, half already emptied. Carmen looked around as they all chattered, dishes and cups clinking, and all she could think about was that she had spent so much time trying to get to this point. But she found it was all worth it. She finally had connections with her family and made new family along the journey. She actually felt complete for once in a very long time.
The sounds of the gathering played over a speaker for a few moments more before a hand reached and switched it off. “This does not sound like a funeral dinner, does it?” A lower ranking gentleman in a suit lowered his head, “N-no sir. It does not.” The one in the chair facing him turned, picking up the umbrella that was placed onto the desk between them, inspecting it closely. “What does it sound like to you?” The younger rank, gulped, “A..a happy celebration, sir?” The blade sliced out from the tip and back in with a press of a button. “A happy celebration. Now. Your task was simple. I see no malfunction in your equipment so the failure rests with you. You told me, no. You ASSURED me that you would have this taken care of.” The lower rank stammers, “I made sure she was gravely hurt, at the very least, if she had a big enough injury, she would not continue.. we wouldn’t need to resort to eradicating her..” They look at the expressionless form of their higher rank. “It seems like you have forgotten what we stand for. Therefore, I will rectify your errors and put you on a path of clarity.”They press a few buttons on the console as a swarm of nanites suddenly covered the lower rank for a split moment and then returned to the opening they had come through. The lower rank just collapsing to the floor, all signs of life removed without cause nor damage or anything, as if every bit of life force was simply consumed and destroyed right from the source, without so much of a sound from the victim. Within moments, two workers came in and took the body to the incinerators. They press the intercom, “Send Mali Negatta into the field, we have a holiday gift to give the thief on this naughty list.”
A voice came over the intercom in return, “Hey all, this is Mali, I’m not available right now but I will return to accept any jobs starting in the new year! Otherwise, stop calling. Byieeee” The higher rank sighed and sat back in the chair. “What a christmas miracle. Well, all things come to those who wait..”
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seffien · 1 year
yet another au: 'deep cut'. you'll see why the quotes are there in a second, and the reason is worse than you think.
small warning: big fan of body horror and horror stuff, so body horror and horror stuff will be present in this post.
basically, mr. grizz suckered deep cut into being on his side during RotM (which took place over, what, ~2 1/2 weeks in this au) with the promise of treasure. this isn't me trying to make deep cut look stupid btw. considering the demeanor of the actual mr grizz, i think he's just a Master Manipulator who took advantage of good people.
anyway, after deep cut joins his side, he gets them to come to a location hidden deep within alterna, then gets armed fuzzy octolings to ambush them. shiver somehow manages to fight them off, but is left weakened and on the floor.
she catches a glimpse of the actual mr grizz (just his eyes) and immediately tries to crawl away, but one claw swipe takes her out. they end up in his super secret science lab (which exists TO ME) and the results are...not pleasant. instead of fighting deep cut, agent 3 has to fight the following.
Eel It In: Eelthing
eelthing is Frye fused with her eels. not just combined, fused. together. frye isn't frye anymore.
eelthing's arena is like frye's, but the dome's screens are glitchy, the giant TVs are smashed, the graffiti/stickers on the ground are
torn, and everything is either gray or yellow.
stunning eelthing is just like stunning frye—just hit the masked eels. when that's done, the eels will explode into, uh...ink? and that ink that isn't really ink will recombine and form eelthing. it's like yellow devil but worse.
during phase 1, eelthing will separate into mutated eels, and those eels will perform eel downpour. the attack basically is eel downpour, just freakier.
during phase 2, eelthing will transform into a cylinder of eels that will spin rapidly and move around the arena. it's armor-breaking on contact, too. the move from phase 1 is there too
during phase 3, eelthing will actually stay in 'inkling' form for more than 3 seconds for once. this isnt good though, as when they stay in inkling form for this long, they will sprint straight towards you. when they get fast enough, they're invincible, and they create a path of ink as they run, but hitting the edge of the arena (which they do almost every time if you dodge correctly) stuns them. hit them when they're stunned out of every move, and you're golden.-
when defeating eelthing, they literally just...melt. and thats it.
2. The Fishy Foe: Sharkthing
sharkthing was supposed to be like eelthing, with shiver being fused with master mega, but something went horribly wrong. while sharkthing is fighting you, shiver is fully concious and aware of everything, but they can't do anything to stop it. all they can do is watch.
sharkthing's arena is like the octomaw's arena combined with shiver's regular arena. the water around the arena is murky, with giant rusted metal pipes in the background. the cage that covers the arena is also rusted and broken at the top. also, the entire arena starts out covered in sharkthing’s ink
for phase 1, sharkthing will dive into a puddle of ink, swim around, then swim up, attempting to bite the player. if you’re unlucky enough to get hit by it, it’s a OHKO. however, you can hit the puddle or throw a bomb on it and stun them.
for phase 2, a pillar of ink will form in a random part of the stage (read: wherever you’re standing) and sharkthing will leap onto it. they’ll spit globs of ink that explode booyah bomb style (but smaller) when they hit the ground. like master mega, when they do this enough, they’ll be left in a position where you can throw a bomb into their mouth
for phase 3, sharkthing gains 2 more attacks: summoning an inkstrike at your current position that looks like the pillar from phase 2, and diving into ink and reefsliding towards your current position and exploding when they reach it. they stun themselves after performing the second attack, giving you a chance to hit them.
when sharkthing is defeated, they collapse onto the ground. they do not get up.
3. Lean, Mean, Fuzzy Manta Machine: Fuzzball
fuzzball is just big man and fuzzy ooze. he looks like big man covered in fuzz, with the ooze part dripping from the bottom of his fins. he has glowing eyes (like someone we know) and his little hat is replaced with a tiny grizzco hat. specifically that one from splatoon 2
his arena is inside a mechanical dome, like the boss domes in splatoon 1, except it’s decorated to look like the inside of a spaceship.
fuzzball still dives into the ground like big man in phase 1, but will sometimes pop out of the ground and fall back down, spreading a good amount of ink in the surrounding area. if he falls on you, then your armor gets broken.
in phase 2, he swims around faster, and the arena suddenly sprouts walls that fuzzball can swim along. he will start to throw various bombs (fizzy bombs, torpedoes, splat bombs, n suction bombs) on top of popping out of the ground or off the wall if you're trying to swim on.
in phase 3, the arena kind of falls apart. five circles of the arena raise, like phase 3 of big man's fight, but the rest of the ground sinks, revealing a pool of fuzzy ooze. while fuzzball is more visible in the pool, you obviously can't go in it like he does. he still throws bombs, but when he's in the pool, he'll dive under and throw bombs from there, then resurface. there's also a new move for the third phase, of course, which involves him collecting a substantial amount of fuzzy ooze from the pool and tossing it at your current location. he also gets to throw another bomb: burst bombs. they don't do as much damage as regular burst bombs and aren't thrown as much, but when they are, they're thrown three times in a row.
when defeating fuzzball, he becomes extra fuzzified, then explodes, showering the arena in fuzz.
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starsunderwaterr · 2 years
Sleeping with the Idols + Agent 8 + Cap’n 3! (pt. 3)
Here is the third part in this series!! I decided to do both the female and male Agent 8 because I feel like the two of them both have different personalities despite being the same person...but anywho!
Update: this part was supposed to have Cap’n 3 in it but their part was getting so damn long that I had to give them their own part #girlboss
I hope you all enjoy!! 
(Y/N) — your name
(N/N) — nickname
All characters involved are 18+
Minors DNI
Warnings: swearing
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Agent 8 (Eight)! [female]
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The babeyyyy,,,,the absolute wholesome babeyyyy
Coming from Deep Sea Metro and never really having much knowledge of physical contact before it takes her time, but she grows to love cuddling and snuggling as you introduce her to it, even if it’s been almost 6 years since Octo Expansion
Don’t get me wrong, she knew of hugging and things like that, but never really had time because she was so busy being controlled :’<
Take it slow,,,,pls!
Baby girl isn’t used to so much at once, so it’s best if you just ease into it and let her come to you
Starts out by letting her stay in your apartment after Pearl and Marina get too busy with Off the Hook stuff
You let her take the bed at night, and for the first few nights, it seems like she’s doing okay with it
But then, on maybe the fourth or fifth night, you heard faint whimpering from your bedroom, which soon escalated into a scream
Right as you were about to get up, Eight came bolting out of your room, frantically searching for you
You managed to grasp her hands, but she rejected them, instead flinging her arms around your torso in a vice grip. She needed all of you right now
“It was so scary, (Y/N). I did not make it...” She cried, clutching your shirt tightly
You frowned, feeling immense guilt. You were there that day, and you did everything you could to try and help. You and Eight had become really close along the way as you traveled with her and Cap’n Cuttlefish
You hugged her back, resting your head on top of hers, rubbing her back with one hand, “It’s okay, Eight. You made it. You’re safe.”
She looked up at you, teary-eyed, “Please stay with me.”
After that night, she had to have you there with her at bedtime
She was so scared of waking up and you (the most important person in her life) being gone forever, as so many loved ones had disappeared in DSM
Keep in mind, this is also her first time living with you, so you spend more time together, which means that her fears escalate more than they did in the past when you lived separately
She likes to lay facing you, oftentimes holding onto your torso or even just your hand and tangling her legs with yours
For her, the more contact, the better, as it comforts her
Even if you’ve kissed her a million times, she still gets flustered when you give her a goodnight kiss, even if it’s only on the forehead or the cheek
Will always say “I love you” before falling asleep because she knows the weight of the phrase
The two of you were getting ready to rest for the night, laying down on your side facing Eight
She grabbed your hand, holding it tight with her adorable smile
You pressed a kiss to her lips, and right as you were about to speak, she beat you to it
“I love you!” You giggled, repeating it back, “I love you, too. Goodnight, Eight”
Girl can sleep happy now :’>
She’s so grateful for you...like fr fr
Agent 8 (Eight)! [male]
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Ugh this little lad
You met him three years after Octo Expansion, being introduced at a very not-so-secretive-but-secretive-because-Pearl-said-so agent meeting at her house 
You had caught on and knew too much, and Pearl and the rest of the Splatoon finally realized and trusted that you would hold this information secretly and confidentially 
Instantly fell in love with how sweet he was
Is super affectionate with you and loves to give you hugs and kisses, especially on your cheeks
Is obsessed with your cheeks
His words, man
“Your cheeks are so...squish”
Needless to say, you had a good laugh and had to teach him how adjectives work
Would give anything to hold you awake and in his dreams (double happy, as he calls it)
When it’s time for bed, he actually isn’t all over you like it sounds he is
He likes his space just as much as you do, but he still makes sure to have at least one body part touching you so he knows you’re there
Will search for one too it’s so cute—
Will not say no to snuggling if you want it, though, because if he wasn’t already affectionate, octolings as a whole are super affectionate towards their loved ones
Nuzzles his face against yours and will sleep like that with you
Expect a lot of kitten pile esc sleeping with him
Loves when you get more needy and want to hold onto him bc he thinks it’s the cutest thing to see you snoring into his neck
Is a literal space heater I swear—
Now, I’m not gonna shy away from this man’s bad days
Of course he gets nightmares and panic attacks over his past, but he’s very good at downplaying it and hiding it
But sometimes, he’s not, and that’s when you can finally step in and help your partner
You guys were hanging out, dozing off on each other when a segment of a show you were watching struck a cord in him
It was a comment mentioning the word “tartar” and immediately he piped up, the drowsiness gone, and his eyes glazing over in a daze as he started to breathe heavier
You took notice, waving your hand in front of his face, trying to get him to respond
“Hey...Eight...? Are you okay?”
It was almost like he snapped out of a trance, because he instantly calmed down, breaking a smile “Yeah, I’m okay…I…I promise”
But you could still see the fear and could feel him shaking against you
Knowing that he was stubborn, you tried your best to help him, even if he wouldn’t admit it
“Eight, hey, it’s okay. You’re safe.” You grabbed his face, gently, and looked into his eyes, trying to gain his attention
This poor baby tried to keep it together so bad bro
His eyes filled with tears, and he let out a laugh to try and stop, but you hugged him close, and he spilled
It took a long time, and luckily, this episode wasn’t bad (not like some of the others), so he was receptive to your touch and took the steps with you to calm down and stay grounded
It always ends with him being the little spoon in your arms, his tear-stained face being cradled
Mumbles the most adorable, quiet “I love yous” after flashbacks because he’s exhausted beyond all belief but needs to tell you before passing out
Loves you so much man 🥺
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Trying to figure out how the Psychonauts can be both a spy organization and have comic books about there top agents?
My only explanations are:
1: they cover there faces during missions/ are able to alter people perception of them so there not seen on missions
2 true psychic tales are somehow only given to psyich children and not distributed widely. And or are comically unpopular
3: they are drawn wrong in the comic books so much so that terrorists won't recognize them
We can rule out 3 at least bc Raz can recognize everyone from the comics like instantly
I could see #1 being a possibility through the use of illusions
and considering the psychonauts' financial issues im sure the comics don't sell super well, raz's love of them be damned
I always think of the comics as a publicity thing, like look at how COOL and HELPFUL psychics are!! folks like Sasha/Milla/The Psychic 7 might feature in the comics the most bc their exploits are high profile. and it's easier to just market that thru comics rather than try covering up every single thing the psychonauts do
bc while they have secret government stuff to keep from the public, they're not "top secret no one knows abt them" levels of behind the scenes. people seem to look up to the psychonauts! the psychonauts are on the world stage.
This all reminds me of my dear partner, who said they thought spies weren't a real thing growing up bc "if they were such good spies we wouldnt know about them"
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duckapus · 9 months
So while I was at work today I finally figured out how to transition from the setup phase of the Haltmann Meme Guardians AU to the second, more action-packed and properly story focused half of the arc.
Basically, Lag notices that there's some extra, unaccounted-for activity with the SMG commands, and when he asks the System why it didn't report this latest case of the False Positive glitch it insists that it isn't the glitch this time, just the new kids seeing what they can do. Now, that immediately sets off alarm bells in his head, since there isn't a new SMG universe, or even a plan to activate one anytime soon, and considering exactly which universe Lag used to be in charge of he's really not liking where this seems to be going.
He informs the rest of the main Admin group, they investigate, hoping beyond hope that it's not happening in the universe they all know it's going to be, and YEP, there's the newly rebuilt Access Arc sitting right on the edge of the SM64 universe's Solar System, practically marinating in Anti-Meme energy.
Unfortunately, as beings of pure code they can't go down and deal with this themselves. Well, technically they could, but that much Anti-Meme energy in that high a concentration would tear all but the strongest of them to shreds, and even those who could survive that would both be weakened enough to be completely at the mercy of whoever or whatever is in that station, and would need a month-long intensive detox treatment if they managed to get back out alive.
Meanwhile, all the mad scientists in the Mushroom Kingdom have disappeared, which includes Iggy Koopa and Eggman so BJ and Sage are freaking out, and given how the science fair all the way back at the start of the arc went down, not to mention the few times HWC has caused problems for them lately, the Crew does have one suspect in mind. So when the USBs tell them about the extra guardian/Anti-Meme space station thing, there's no doubt in their minds that the two situations are connected. And while the Admins can't directly investigate for the reasons stated above, and the Crew can't either since none of them are any good at subtlety, Mario, 4, Meggy and Saiko happen to know a certain semi-aquatic secret agent who can. And considering who one of the names on the list of missing scientists is, he's probably investigating already and would appreciate the lead.
So Perry infiltrates the new Access Arc while in contact with the Crew, and while he doesn't find everything he does find out some pretty important stuff. Obviously Susie's plan and the fact that her replacement Avatar/Guardian set are in fact children, and the fact that she's been very very exposed to the God Box fragment she ended up with and is absolutely not in her right mind (according to SMG1 it's a miracle that she hasn't turned into an Anti-Meme herself by now, let alone that she's as coherent as she is). But also the presence of Movie Mario, A.S.Swipe and the Salmonids, The Goomba, and a bunch of weird, fully purple Octoling Troopers with rough tentacles that Meggy finds oddly familiar.
There's also the fact that she kidnapped the mad scientists so she could give them front-row seats of her plan in action, partly to make up for how badly her last presentation in front of her peers went but mostly to rub it in E. Gadd's face.
Unfortunately for everyone, she's still missing one last thing to make the plan work; Elanore may be an Avatar, but she's not Super Mario 64's Avatar, and since neither the God Box nor The Goomba know how to fix that, she'll just have to reverse-engineer Mario's code and figure it out herself. To that end, she sends Yoshi to capture him, which manages to work.
With that new problem on top of all the other ones, it's actually Peach who comes up with a plan. Basically, if Haltmann wants a war, they've got one, but it'll be on the good guys' terms. The assorted militaries and superpowered beings of the world all band together, setting up to protect various key places around the globe, mainly the Mushroom Kingdom since that's where all the SMGs live but also various places that either have strategic value or one of the Crew and their extended friend group has some sort of connection to. After those preparations are complete, an armada of all sorts of weaponized space-faring vehicles will launch an assault on the Access Arc, both to force them into conflict before they're ready and provide a distraction for the Crew(plus Kirby since he's taken down an Access Arc before and is reasonably confident he can get through to his currently corrupted friend) to sneak aboard, extract Perry, and rescue Mario and the scientists(and whoever of the bad guys they can manage to get through to).
Melony specifically isn't part of the rescue team since she, Desmond, Steve, Super Sonic, Waluigi in his ultimate form and Ultra Instinct Shaggy, along with a few others, are going to be outside fighting Movie Mario so they don't have to deal with a crazy demon plumber tearing their entire armada apart or getting impatient and killing their Mario before it's safe to.
The kids also aren't going to be in any of the main battles, instead being kept safe in Primp Town...except Sage because she's Literally The Eggnet and the leader of the Eggman Empire in her dad's absence, and is thus in direct control of about a fifth of their side's collective firepower. Don't worry, just because they're not involved in the main conflicts doesn't mean they won't see some action of their own.
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kennedysharper · 1 year
I have some uh.... Opinions™ about some people being like "omg claire has a gun this time finally ID sucked bc she didn't use guns" etc etc but idk how to word them properly but mainly it is that we have this... misguided? vision that characters and specially women characters are only Cool and Badass™ when they are Tough and literally kick ass and use weapons and stuff and like... no...
also it's like people missed the part where claire chose the PACIFIST way instead of becoming a super agent soldier???? like???? obviously in a game she'll use weapons bc duh do I really need to explain but in the movies there is the opportunity to explore her Terra Save side more and I for one always look forward to it and I get upset tbh with the amount of people screaming to the void about how it sucks that she's not using a gun bc that's not what she wants to do??? that's not the path she chose??? ofc if she has to she will but claire is NOT an agent/soldier so yeah.....
also people complained so much about her not having a gun in ID that they missed the part where she uncovered top secret government corruption BY HERSELF with zero help or the resources the DSO or the BSAA have for example she did it mostly in a cheap motel room but somehow most people do not think that's fucking awesome and badass bc she didn't use a gun to do it....
anyways yes ofc it's very nice to see her kicking zombie ass but I just wish people would appreciate her pacifist side more you know? :|
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agentnico · 5 months
The Beekeeper (2024) review
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Now we just need a spin-off where Jason Statham’s beekeeper takes care of Jerry Seinfeld’s bee from The Bee Movie and they go on a murderous rampage where Statham is punching folks and Seinfeld is making terrible one-liners after each swing. Hollywood - make it happen!
Plot: One man's brutal campaign for vengeance takes on national stakes after it's revealed he's a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as Beekeepers.
Imagine if one of those money scammers from The Wolf of Wall Street bankrupted John Wick’s mother. Oh, and instead of the baddies killing a puppy, there’s bees involved. That’s the starting point of this new action thriller that comes from the director of Suicide Squad. Nope, not THE Suicide Squad where John Cena and Idris Elba are measuring dick sizes, but the original Suicide Squad. The one with the tattooed Joker and where Cara Delevingne still thinks she can act. Yep, not the best one to have on your resume, but still director David Ayer perceives and brings us this 80’s inspired cheesy action flick, and you know what? It’s worth buzzing about.
The Beekeeper is exactly what you expect it to be. It’s Jason Statham mumbling in a 75% British and 25% American accent, going all Old Testament on a bunch of scumbags. Harkening back to the old-school Bruckheimer/Michael Bay flicks featuring ridiculous high concept that is on every level stupid and ridiculous, yet Ayer understands the assignment and directs the action sequences impeccably and yet playing to the movie’s more sillier nature. Look, Statham is an unbeatable force in this, who by the end is being chased by the FBI, the Secret Service, CIA and evil gonzo goons, yet no one can stop him. How is he so skilful, you may ask, besides the obvious fact that it’s Jason bloody Statham? He belongs to an ultra-secret network called The Beekeepers, who exist to keep the powers that be in check – via whatever means necessary. No one is above answering to the Beekeepers. Yep, the obvious nod to John Wick’s High Table is ‘hidden’ in plain sight. It’s super entertaining stuff. Jason Statham is on top deadpan form, being genuinely awesome as an unstoppable Rambo-type. Josh Hutcherson is terrifically cast as the annoying bratty billionaire, and Jeremy Irons is there literally to spill out exposition after exposition, but it’s Irons so it’s still entertaining to watch him.
Granted, The Beekeeper may not be for everyone. It’s so over-the-top and unapologetic that it may not be for you if you prefer action movies grounded and straight-faced. The B-plot involving an FBI agent daughter also doesn’t completely work, but otherwise this B-movie (or bee-movie?) knows exactly what it is and is one of the better Jason Statham-led action vehicles. As a January palette cleanser I had a solid good time. My only complaint? Not enough bees.
Overall score: 6/10
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dsmpsupersecretau · 5 months
Can you at least tell us what the deal is with tubbo! Cause I know he’s hiding something! just give us the basic story of what you were planning!
tumblr keeps giving me ghost asks on my main and apparently, it's cause of this blog
so I might as well answer this ask, albeit extremely late (Sorryyyy)
If i can recall, Tubbo was planned to be like, a secret agent that was tasked to keep track of Wilbur/Phantom. That ended poorly as you can see.
Now he's stuck in a miserable little secretary Job working under Schlatt.
So uh, basically what I did have planned for the rest of the story (what I can remember of my plans), in list form:
- Wilbur, a very not dead, not kinda alive, was gonna be introduced in the second chapter, a very unpleasant meeting for Tommy and Ranboo
- Ranboo actually works in a library owned by Techno (who's a vigilante/retired hero known as the Blood God)
- Oh yeah Techno also holds anarchy book club meetings, with Niki and Phil (niki is also another retired hero turned vigilante/villain) (Phil is still a hero)
- Ranboo happens upon the actual truth of said book club, gets offered to join, yay :) anarchy club (he accepts mostly out of fear cause well, i mean, being in a room with two violent vigilantes and the top hero is going to be terrifying)
- Tommy worked at a balery owned by Bad, the bakery is definitely just a façade. Every single motherfucker there is in a cult lead by Bad. They keep trying to get Tommy in. He's blissfully unaware and thinks they're all weirdos.
^not super serious, they were planned to be a minor threat and mostly funny/incompetent villains. Generally ridiculous shenanigans.
- Nightmare was going to be this dangling threat over the entire thing. Not really appearing "on camera", just sort of There.
- Wilbur was brought back by Nightmare. Then got kicked. But he was going to be threatening but more of a "you just don't know what he'll do" sort of way. A walking false alarm.
^ He's also just genuinly kind of threatening to Ranboo. Belittles Tubbo low key.
this is over a year old and this is most of what i can recall. Eh.... if i had enough interest I'd rewrite stuff. But I already have plans for original comics and I've overall lost interest in mcyt-anything so ehhh...
(I had like entire huge arcs planned cause i tend to do that, bad habit that that ends up overwhelming me to the point of losing interest. Wanted to add Aimsey, they were going to either be a secret agent (like tubbo)(bubble coworker) or a rabbit themed vigilante.)
Some of the ideas ended up being rehashed into something more original (i have some sketches on this blog pf that lol), but the idea is in the backburner for now, probably would end up making it smaller than the au idea cause it would be overwhelming otherwise.
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chaosverseline · 5 months
Imu likes and dislikes
Bubble baths (surprisingly to a lot of people , but yes, Imu enjoys bubble baths because it’s relaxing.)
Gardening ( they grow a lot of flora from all over the one piece world.)
Raising butterflies ( their favorite butterflies species are the poisonous ones, their top pick are the zebra long wing butterflies because they have black and white wings.)
trolling in laws (I don’t need to elaborate any further)
Spoiling their descendants with gifts (there are yachts full of gifts “ yes, I know you don’t need any extra clothing but they just jumped into the cart on its own.”-imu)
xebec (in their own weird way)
trying new things ( Hey, they are like 800 something years old, 800 years to kill boredom, you might a well as have done everything at this point.)
collecting things ( what else they can do? So far , Imu has collected: coins, gemstones/jewels and precious metals , art pieces, luxury magazines, books, stamps and heck, even real estate and bounty posters. All of this is nothing compared to imu’s one mansion-like building dedicated and full of their collection of their designer wardrobes and outfits. There are wings for shoes, dresses ,coats , tops and bottom wear, and various accessories and jewelry. The building is connected to the main residence ,that imu lives, by a corridor skyway.That is not counting the clothing and outfits in the main residence and in imu’s vacation homes, they are the doubles of the clothing in the wardrobe building, the ones that imu actually wears.
their free/personal time ( the main reason why Imu kept their existence and identity as absolute secret from the world ,is not to maintain the lie that there is no singular ruler of the world.(even though that was debatable) but really so they can have their own privacy. It would be terribly annoying to have cameras flashing at them at every second of their life. They are also quite paranoid of their life. However, contrary to this, they still like looking cool and wanting to show it like a typical fashionista, so they run a luxury fashion magazine called lady N in secret, it is easy since only a handful of cipher pol agents, the world elders , some world nobles and relatives knows what they really look like. )
spas and pampering themselves with various spa stuff. (Same thing with the bubble baths, dealing with celestial dragons is super tiring and stressful )
having the power ( to do whatever they wanted and as a get out of jail free card, Imu did a lot of crazy wild stuff on their vacation days)
finding new entertainment (800 years can get people pretty bored out of their minds)
gourmet food and drink ( it can be tea time, coffee, multi courses meals , going to restaurants and critic them, and… there is a basement full of alcohol barrels and bottles.)
playing games (whether it’s sports or board games. If arcades,video games or mobile games existed, they would play those too and troll other players. They have a lot of time to kill.)
99% of the current generation of the celestial dragons. ( imu thinks of them as annoying, whining and stupid children. They hated the fact the celestial dragons can’t control themselves and their behavior. Imu think it is because of the inbreeding problem of the celestial dragons since they can only marry each other to keep the bloodline “pure.” Another thing they dislike is slavery, contrary to what everyone thinks, no,imu does not like it. It makes their skin crawl.they are still joyboy’s child after all. However, this was only made possible by imu’s colleagues (the ancestors of the celestial dragons) during the void century war. imu just have to tolerate it and follow the motto of “mind your own business”)
the taste of alcohol gone bad ( what a waste of wine!)
the smell of cannabis in cigarettes (it stinks -imu)
in-laws (despite this, Imu doesn’t want them to die.)
Bad taste in fashion (imu is appalled at most of the people fashion choices)
marshal d teach (now this time ,imu really hates him enough to personally execute him)
pirates (this is due to hatred of xebec running off to continue his career as the main factor, along with other reasons.Imu was disappointed when yraif ran off to join the rocks pirates and furious when she married a pirate. They are only mildly disappointed when crocodile wants to be a pirate and they finally gave up when their great grandsons wanted to be a pirate.)
the incompetence of majority of the marines (we do not need to elaborate,just look at the one piece marines and now see how many actually captured criminals, sengoku is on the thin ice for not arresting teach right away.)
spoiled brats (ex. Celestial dragons)
absolute justice and passing sins of parents to children (it makes no sense to imu, by that logic, imu would have to kill themselves for being related to joyboy )
Discrimination (it’s pointless in their opinion)
psychopaths (ex. Doflamingo, it still ironic, since one can argue imu was one themselves )
sociopaths (ironic, since they are one themselves)
hypocrites ( arguably ironic)
potential in laws( people who seemingly to have a crush on one of imu’s family)
people who don’t work for their dreams and expect everything to be handed to them. (Ex. Celestial dragons)
will of the d? ( that is what it appears to be to separate themselves from the d clan, they personally don’t have a vendetta against them, unless you are Blackbeard)
nefertari family? ( no grudges against them, only tears up vivi’s poster cuz they thought vivi can be a potential in law , only mad at queen lili for writing embarrassing stuff about imu in the poneglyph and her actions causing poneglyphs scattered around the world, one of them contains the embarrassing stories of imu as a baby all recorded by dad joyboy. Imu is not happy with cobra for helping crocodile’s plan that got crocodile landed in jail (to get the world government to stop spying on the netfertari family and off of cobra’s back with out asking imu for assistance) but crocodile and cobra are still friends, so imu have to let it go.)
shirahosi? ( no personal vendettas against her other than her being a potential in law to worry about.)
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