#still trying to figure out how to draw this little gremlin
crystal-moon-101 · 2 months
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A while ago I had made up a Zak for each day of the week to match Zak Saturday and Monday for fun, and because I wanted to give Zak some more AU similar to how Ben gets a lot of them. So not only do they all have different last names, but each have their own backstories and colour theming! So I hope you enjoy my little AU concepts.
-Zak Saturday-
Classic original Zak. I decided to draw them all when they're 11, start of the series vibes. So that's why he doesn't look like the ways I normally draw him currently, since those are when he's 14. Nothing different with his design here, beyond still giving him those vivid orange eyes.
-Zak Sunday-
Also known as Zak Argost, having been taken in by the man after he had a certain encounter with Zak's parents, resulting in their deaths. When Argost found the young toddler, seeing the start of Zak's power, he was happy enough to take the child with him and use his powers to his benefit. Due to being taken when he was very young, Zak doesn't remember his parents at all, fully believing in anything Argost tells him, the only family he has. So he happily helps his guardian in keeping cryptids tamed during Weird World shows, or during trips to learn about them, even if Argost puts Zak in more danger than he should. Due to his appearances on Weird World, Zak is a celebrity of sorts, even if he doesn't get to go out often. Argost also gives him a lot of gifts, keeping the child in a positive mood to keep him under his thumb. So Zak truly believes that Argost cares about him.
Though things start to turn when Argost finally decides it's time to hunt down Kur and take his powers, hiring Van Rook and Doyle on the mission. This leads to Zak and Doyle getting to know each other, with Doyle feeling protective over this random kid for some reason. Eventually this leads to him taking Zak away when this whole Kur business gets out of hand. While Doyle can't seem to convince Zak that Argost doesn't care about him, the pair do at least agree to try and find Kur first, Zak worried that even Argost shouldn't handle such powers. However, only time will tell if the pair discover the truth behind their unknown family history.
-Zak Monday-
The good old twisted gremlin of a child, Zak Monday and his family were a result of the smoke mirror. They come from a world that twists the very nature of people, a poor reflection of their negative aspects. If you're naive, then your mirror self is incredible dumb. If you're a bit of a perfectionist, then your mirror self is a control freak. And Zak Monday represents the twisted doubts of Zak feeling like a monster, so why have any doubts when you can be the monster?
I decided to change Zak Monday a bit to have the green eyes and green shirt with his own logo, cause I liked the idea that after his first appearance, they switch back to what they're suppose to look like. But other than that I kept the concept of him looking just like Zak, minus the inverted hair colour.
-Zak Tuesday-
The young naga is the son of Rani Nagi. Born solely to have Kur's soul enter and be a host, but whoops! Looks like Kur's memories aren't there, but that wasn't going to stop Rani Nagi, who thinks if she keeps at her plans, eventually her son will become the old cryptid king she once knew. Even going as far as to solely call her child Kur, who secretly calls himself Zak due to him often watching humans in the shadow, curious about them and wanting a name for himself. Zak Tuesday has a lot of identity issues, not helped by his mother's teachings towards him, ignoring all his dreams and personal thoughts. Eventually he just got really good at lying rather than convincing Rani Nagi.
However, the young cryptid prince is suddenly kidnapped by Argost one day, as he figured out where Kur's soul was currently living. Zak knew he would have died that day if not for Drew and Doc recusing him, having been chasing Argost over this Kur situation. Though they're a little surprise that upon meeting the new Kur, they find it's just a young naga who really doesn't know who he is. At first Doc and Drew didn't know what to do with him, but Zak begged them to not send him back home, and let him stay at their place until he could figure things out. He wasn't foolish, he knew the nagas were planning a war, and he wasn't keen on being the face of it all. So now the Tuesdays just have a snake living around the house, but they can't exactly complain as he is a well mannered guest at least. And perhaps the house doesn't feel so lonely with him around either.
-Zak Wednesday-
Some of you might recognize this one, but this Zak is from my old Zur AU, where Kur was reborn via the Kur Stone due to it being an egg, and Zak is a dragon that shapes between human form and dragon form. I decided to update him, making him Zak Wednesday now, with a pink theme! I also decided that instead of Kur being reborn, I wanted to shake things up a bit and have it that Zak was directly Kur's son. His mother is unknown, and as Kur saw how the world was at the time, he put Zak's egg into a stasis situation until it was discovered again. After saving it from Argost, the egg hatched among the secret scientist, leading to them chasing the child of Kur. But upon using his shapeshifting abilities to look like a child of Drew and Doc, they just couldn't help but adopt him on the spot, siting there was no sense in blaming Kur's son over what happened years ago.
The growing dragon is very playful with a cheeky personality. He exhibits a lot of draconic behaviors, with a wild and free spirit. He is aware of his family history, but he doesn't like to think about it, unsure in how to view his father based on the stories he's heard. Besides, Doc and Drew are his parents, and that's all that matter to him. Though perhaps this sudden appearance by Argost, claiming he was going to far Zak's father, has been a bit rattling to deal with.
-Zak Thursday-
When Kur knew he was going to die, and also knew his soul wasn't able to live the mortal realm, he made plans to make it so his reborn self would both be born in hopefully a better time, and be without his memories. It was better that way, so that his new self could live a lovely life without the sins from his past. But that didn't exactly pan out properly, as Kur was reborn and sadly remembers everything. It took him a while to understand this growing up, his young human mind not processing it until he was roughly 7-8, and even then he needed time to think about it. And now he's a depressed 11 year old who now has to be stuck with the fact his plan didn't work, unable to run away from the person he once was. Doc and Drew found out the truth when Zak tried running away one day, their son sitting them down and telling them the truth in hopes they'd just leave him, it would be better that way. But to his surprise they disagreed, as he was still their son, Kur or Zak, and it would be too dangerous to leave him alone.
So now Zak lives with his parents? Are they really his parents? The family keeping this dark secret to themself, even from the other scientists. Doc and Drew still reach out to their son, doing their best to connect with him, but he can't help but push them away. He doesn't deserve this, and they deserve better. However, their secret might come out after Argost stole the Kur Stone and now hunts for Kur, not realizing the truth right in front of him. So now the family tries to get the stones back, wanting to protecting Zak/Kur from others finding out. Doesn't help that he has to go through being a child again with such dark memories lingering in his head, feeling tired and overwhelmed with the world. Hasn't he suffered enough?
-Zak Friday -
In a world where Kur and cryptids successfully wiped out humans, the king ruled the lands for a while after, before one day he mysteriously vanished. Many concluded that he had died somehow, the details unknown, but this lead to a prophecy that one day their king would return, leading to many claiming to be him, or praying that they will be him for the power and wealth. In this universe, Zak and his family are all cryptids, with Zak being a a Chuvash Dragon, Drew and Doyle are Epimeliads, and Doc is a Gargoyle (Other characters are also cryptids in this timeline). Zak is a serpent like dragon that breathes fire, as a very twistable body, and can freely shapeshift. He's heard about the legend of Kur returning, but frankly he thinks they don't need him, even if the cryptid world has been shattered without a king for years now.
But when a yeti named Argost claims that Kur is back, being backed up by the Nagas, everyone starts to gossip and run around trying to figure out who the new Kur is. So maybe it's best that Zak doesn't tell the whole world about his sudden new powers to control and communicate any fellow cryptid is walks by.
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spicyspiders · 1 year
Hi!can I request Ghost x short male reader who bites and literally a gremlin and ghost is ok with his gremlin's biting until he got fed up and bite back,only to find out his s/o has a thing for it?😳
Thank you!(belated happy new year👺✨)
This is a little different from what you asked, but I hope you still like it.
Ghost knew how to be quiet when he wanted to. Sometimes you wondered if he did it on purpose to try and sneak up on you. 
You could hear his quiet steps behind you before you felt his arms wrap around your waist, “come back to bed,” his voice was rough as he spoke the words into the back of your neck. 
“I will,” you answered back quietly. You set the nearly empty glass of water into the sink before leaning back onto his chest. 
Ghost moved his head so he could nip at the skin on the side of your neck and as if on instinct, you moved to give him more access. 
“We won’t be sleeping if you keep doing that when we go back to bed.”
Ghost pulled away after a few seconds to let out a dark chuckle. He pressed a soft kiss to the same spot on your neck. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes thinking about how you probably now had a fresh mark you would have to figure out how to cover up. 
“You deserve it, you know,” he rested his chin on the top of your head and snuck one of his hands under your shirt to draw lines on your stomach with his fingers. 
You let out a soft laugh of your own, “do I?” You questioned. 
“You bit the hell out of me the other day,” he answered.
“You said you liked it,” you said, not being able to keep the edge of guilt from your tone. 
“I do, but I don’t like wearing your teeth marks on me,” Ghost pulled his hand from under your shirt to turn you around until you faced him. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood up on your toes to press a chaste kiss to his mouth, “I’m sorry,” you whispered when you pulled back. 
Ghost raised a hand to lift your head. His other hand found that same spot on your neck where he ran his fingers over it softly. That same hand then moved to your mouth, and he pressed his thumb down until you parted your lips so it met your teeth. 
“Price should register these as weapons,” Ghost murmured before pulling his thumb from your mouth. 
“Fuck off,” you said. You shouldered past Ghost, ducking away before he could see the smile slowly making its way to your face. You turned the light out in your kitchen on him before heading back to your bedroom, Ghost’s soft steps echoing behind you as he followed.
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i'm outta my head over you Pt. 7
prologue (Pt. 1) | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | AO3 | playlist
this is the last chap of my steddie week fic!! i have a little blurb i may do for tomorrow's open ended prompt, but for now, here's the last @steddie-week prompt: misunderstandings
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Robin stops him as they’re herding the gremlins into their respective vehicles. You’d think that after nearly five hours of spending the four barely adults’ money would be enough time at the arcade. But no. They’re all fighting them on leaving. As if they all won’t be asleep by the time they get home.
“Once you get it done, you may want to get up early.”
“Steve always goes for a run at like ass o’clock in the morning.” she’s speaking low and fast to try and not draw attention to them, but their normal level of volume with one another is normally 100 times louder than this, so she’s really doing the exact opposite. “If you get up early enough, you can leave it for him while he’s gone.”
“Okayokay, I got it! Now stop making this weird.”
She looks around to find Steve already staring at the two of them questioningly.
“Oh shit… OKAY, YEAH, GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR DATE EDDIE.” she practically yells.
“What the hell, Robin? I don’t have a date!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure it’ll be great!” she’s walking away already, shrugging like even she doesn’t know why the fuck she said that. “Call me when you’re home!”
Eddie smacks his palm against his forehead and turns to his van, not even daring to look at Steve again.
He finally does dare once he’s in his van and has started moving, giving Steve a ‘nothing wrong or weird here’ wave as he pulls away.
The expression on Steve’s face is indiscernible. Somewhere stuck between totally blank, and the most devastated look he’s ever seen.
Damnit, Robin.
He only ended up with Max in his van on the way back, so when they get back, he helps her inside, and resigns himself to staying up all night to finish the tape.
He pulls in next to Wayne’s truck at the same time his uncle is coming out the front door, a dufflebag in hand. 
“You off to work early old man?” and he asks as he gets out of his van, it’s only about 9 PM now and his uncle doesn’t usually go in until near midnight. 
“Yep, gettin’ some dinner with the fellas before we head in. Gotta leave shift early to go visit yer aunt.”
Ah. “That time of year is it?”
“Yep, I’ll see ya tomorrow evenin’, son. Don’t be getting into any trouble, y’hear?”
Eddie just shrugs. “You know me.”
“That’s exactly my point.” Wayne says with a crinkly smirk.
He gives his uncle a short hug, and Wayne kisses the top of his head with another ‘be safe’.
Then, because he’s agonizing about it, Eddie spends the next couple hours cleaning the trailer instead of picking the last two songs that will go on his side (listening to said tape while he does).
He’s still got some ideas from before, but only a couple good ones..and not all of them will fit in the time he’s estimated is left on the B side.
It isn’t until he gets to Be My Baby on his second listen through that he knows which one he’s going to add next.
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After he’s got that one figured out and recorded, there definitely isn’t enough room left for the rest of the picks, so he adds the one he thinks says the most about how he feels about Steve, the one that says everything he needs to say.
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“Robin did say ‘ass o’clock’,” Eddie says to himself, glancing at the clock in his dashboard.
5:13. Yeah, that sounds right.
Eddie lets out a huge cracking yawn. Okay, he’s definitely gonna crash once he gets back to the trailer. He was so wired after finally finishing the tape, he couldn’t sleep even though he wanted to.
He makes it to Steve's street and parks up the road a bit (not wanting the rattle of his van to alert Steve to his presence if he hadn’t left yet), and walks the last leg. The tape in his pocket feels like it weighs a million pounds.
When he finally rounds the bushes at the front edge of Steve’s yard, Eddie feels every cell in his body seize up at once.
Nancy’s car is in the driveway.
What the–
Suddenly, the front door opens. He dives back behind the bushes, peeking through the leaves. You know, like a sane person?
Why the fuck is Nancy leaving Steve's house so early
Why is Steve only wearing those tiny fuckin’ shorts?
Oh no..
Oh shit.
There’s only one fucking reason
This is all wrong! Nancy knows he has feelings for Steve, was that not what that was at the arcade?
She’s with Robin, she didn’t refute it.
Oh fuck, he’s gonna have to tell Robin.
Eddie debates making himself known, let himself barrel over whatever awkwardness may arise, but he’s still got his heart in his pocket, addressed to Steve.. What’s he supposed to do with that then?
“Oh hey Steve, didn’t see you there! Just came by to drop off your very personal property that your best friend stole for me to defile! Nancy? Oh hey, you’re here! What’s up with tha–”
He’s startled out of his thoughts when the door of Nancy's station wagon shuts, the engine turning over. 
She pulls out, thankfully heading away from where he’s hidden.
Eddie watches until she’s out of sight, then jumps again when he hears Steve’s front door close.
Steve does a few hops in place from foot to foot on his front stoop (still shirtless), and starts off on his run the same way Nancy had gone. Had he been able to see shirtless, sweaty Steve whenever he wanted?? He just goes for runs like this every day? Why had no one told him??
‘Oh fuckin’ hell, shut up, shutup!!’ He yells at himself.
Now what?
Eddie sits in the grass in Steve Harrington’s front yard and stares at the back of his mailbox.
Does he still leave the tape? Of course he should, it is Steve’s tape afterall.
But what about the songs? Steve’s not gonna want his bullshit now…
He could go back to his van and re-write the note then come back and leave it. No, he wouldn’t have time now, Steve’s athletic, yeah, but Eddie’s been frozen in his front yard for a while now. He’d be back soon.
Fuck it. 
He’ll drop the tape on the front step, go back home and pack up his shit. Yeah. Good a time as any to get the fuck outta here.
Confessing your feelings to one of your closest friends who very obviously just got back together with his ex not even ten hours after you’d seen him and were very obviously flirting with each other?
Yeah. Not ideal.
Does he have the funds to get the fuck outta here? No. But he’s got enough for gas and he’s got a van. He’ll just load his mattress into the back and be gone before the rest of the town fully wakes up.
Good plan, Eddie’s brain. Thank you, rest of Eddie.
Steve slows to a jog once he can see his house, cooling down from his run on the last little bit of his road, and stopping in his driveway to do some stretches back to the door.
He’s sinking down into his last lunge when he sees the little square of…something…sitting on the front step.
“The hell?”
He stoops down and picks it up, turns it over. There’s a piece of lined paper rubber banded around it.
Peeling off the band, Steve steps inside and unfolds the letter, leaning back on the now closed front door to read
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“...oh no…” Steve looks down at the case in his hand. Now he sees why the rubberband was necessary, there’s another folded wad of papers shoved into the cassette’s case, now popped open without the band holding it together.
His heart, previously calmed down from his run, now beat wildly in his chest as he unfurls the short stack of paper.
He reads the first line, ‘8. I Was Made For Lovin’ You...’
“Holy shit.”
Steve books it up the stairs, he’s gotta get showered, he’s gotta get changed, he’s got one more song to add to the tape.
Eddie’s just finished packing up his clothes when his alarm clock radio goes off, the 7am alarm still set for when he has to get up for school.
“...still don’t believe it, he was just leaving OH there must be some misunderstanding! There must be some kind of mistake…” blasts through the tinny speakers.
Nopenopenope, not dealing with that right now.
He slaps the clock around until it finally shuts off its maniacal teasing, and goes back to packing (and blinking away some wayward tears).
He’s just dropped the second bag of clothes and his sweetheart in her case by the front door and is contemplating if his mattress would actually fit in the back of his van, when there’s a knock on the door.
Eddie’s gut freezes mid-flip.
Oh no. Please n–
“Eddie, are you there? It’s Steve. Can I come in?”
‘Don’t move. Don’t make a single sound. Maybe he’ll think you’re not home and just leave.’
“C’mon man, I know you’re in there. You’re van’s out here.”
Eddie trudges his way to the front door and opens it.
Even with floppy, just-washed, hair and an inside-out polo, Steve’s still the most beautiful person in existence.
“What do you want, Steve?” Wow. Even he’s surprised at how morose he sounds.
“I uh, I got your tape..my tape? I got your note. I added one more song and I thought, maybe, I could–” Steve looks down. “Are you..” his voice pitches high so he clears it. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Mhm.” Eddie can’t look him in the eye. He stares at the porch.
“Where are you–”
“Just going, ‘kay Steve? No need to worry about me being around anymore.” Eddie practically spits, still not looking up at his friend.
“Eddie, what are you–” he cuts himself off, his voice going soft. “Did you not mean what you said?”
That makes Eddie look up at him. Steve’s gaze is now cast downwards, staring blankly at Eddie’s packed bags.
“...I meant every word. Every song, Steve. But that doesn’t matter now, does it?” he’s truly mad now, who does he think he is, trying to act all glum like he wasn’t the one betraying his best friend.
“B-betraying my best–Eddie, what the hell are you talking about?”
Damn! He said that out loud.
“Just go away, Steve. I won’t tell Robin, but you definitely should.” Eddie moves to close the front door and turns back towards his room. He doesn’t hear it close, but he hears the creak of the floor when Steve follows him in.
Of. Course.
“Tell Robin what, Eddie? I already told her how I felt about you, that’s why she stole you the tape in the first plac–”
“Not that! You–” Eddie clenches his fists at his sides and spins back to face Steve. “That you hooked up with her girlfriend last night.” Steve’s face pales and Eddie continues on. “Yeah. I came by to drop off your tape; Robin thought I could leave it there when you left for your run. But lo and behold, what do I see when I come by? Nancy Wheeler’s car in your driveway at ass o’clock in the morning.
“Now, I may be a third time senior, but even I know what the fuck that means. Especially when, not long after I’ve gotten there, the Lady Wheeler herself waltzes out the door with Tiny Shorts McGee following her like a lost puppy.” he gestures at Steve, who’s still frozen in place by the door.
“So yeah, you can just burn those notes for all I care, I don’t even know why I still left it. Whatever. I’m leaving today anyway so you don’t need to worry about me pining hopelessly after you, ‘kay?”
Eddie’s chest is heaving, his eyes are burning with unshed tears, and Steve…starts laughing.
“I fuckin’ knew it!” There are tears spilling freely out of his eyes now. “You’re really good y’know, had everyone fooled. Even me! King Steve is alive and well, everyone!” Eddie spreads his hands wide and yells to no one.” I can’t believe you got me to fall for your good guy schtick. Get the fuck outta my house, Harrington.” Eddie points to the door, stalking forward.
“Eddie! Eddie, wait, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed.” Steve puts his hands out and Eddie stops, crossing his arms and glaring. “Eddie, please, Nancy was only dropping something off for me.”
“Yeah righ–”
“She was! She came by that early because she’s driving to an interview this morning at a paper in Indy. She knew I’d be up for my run anyway, so she stopped to give me the revisions she made to my–you know what, hold on. I’m calling Robin.”
“Steve, I told you to get the fuck out of my house, not go further into it.”
Steve ignores him and goes to the phone, giving Eddie as wide of a berth as he can while he passes. He picks it up and dials.
“I’m not fucking kidding, Harrington, get the fuck out of here–” Eddie’s anger is multiplied tenfold when Steve holds out a finger to shush him.
“Hi Mr. Buckley, this is Steve. I’m sorry to call so early, but can I please speak to Robin? There was a last minute change to our schedule…thank you.’
Eddie watches Steve’s face morph from his customer service expression, to an admittedly frightening pissed off smile when Robin apparently gets on the line.
“Hey Robin! I found my Eddie tape! It’s the funniest thing, I came back from my run and it was sitting on my doorstep.”
Eddie can hear the muffled sound of Robin’s voice coming through the earpiece.
“I know, isn’t that crazy?” Damn, Steve’s passive aggressive voice is…something else. “He must’ve dropped it off while I was gone..why wouldn’t he give it to me in person?”
Steve waves at Eddie to come closer, and when he stubbornly doesn’t, Steve rolls his eyes and comes to him, stretching the cord across the kitchen as he does.
“Hmmm...maybe.. Or maybe something scared him off?” He takes in an over-dramatic sarcastic gasp. “Or maybe, my best friend and soulmate who stole the tape for him, told him to come by at the exact worst time! When she knew a certain ex of mine and current girlfriend of hers was stopping by before leaving to Indy and it scared him off!”
Steve tilts the handset out from his ear so Eddie can hear..there’s complete silence on the other end.
“That would suck, don't you think? Seeing your crush’s ex leaving their house early in the morning when you’re coming over to confess to them?” He continues.
“Oh. My. God. Steve!! I am so so sorry I–”
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Eddie.”
Steve grabs up Eddie’s hand and wraps it around the handset, forcing him to take it, then stomps off into the living room.
Eddie puts the phone to his ear and walks back to the receiver, Robin rambling in his ear the whole way. 
“--ddie, I’m so so sorry! I totally forgot Nancy was dropping off Steve’s paper this morning before she went to her interview! Please please don’t be mad at me, actually, scratch that. Be super mad at me, but definitely not at Steve, okay? I should have remembered, I should have told you, I should hav–”
It’s effective, he feels the anger draining out of him. “Robin, Robin! It’s okay, you’re okay.” Eddie glances over at Steve, who’s pacing up and down the short length of the trailer’s living room. “But now I have a very pissed off Harrington in my house right now…you got any survival tips for me?” he mumbles lowly.
“...Oh! I know, just go over there and kiss hi–her–stupid!” Eddie snorts through his nose, her parents must still be nearby.
“Got it, I’ll try that. Thanks Birdie…for everything.”
She sighs in relief. “You’re welcome, Doofus.”
Eddie slowly hangs up the phone, and turns to where Steve is. Now stationary, he’s got one hand on his hip, and the other is rifling through his hair nervously.
‘Yep. Buckley’s right.’
Eddie takes a deep breath and crosses to Steve in three short strides, grabs his face in both his hands, and kisses him deeply.
Steve responds immediately; he wraps one arm around Eddie’s waist, his large palm centered squarely on his lower back, and one around his arm, lacing his fingers into Eddie’s curls and cupping the back of his head.
Steve pulls their bodies flush and cants his hips into Eddie’s, tugs a breathy moan from Eddie’s throat when the hand in his curls tightens.
Eddie’s nose is pressed uncomfortably into the space between Steve’s nose and cheekbone with how close they’ve smushed themselves together, but Eddie can’t find it in himself to care. 
He’s kissing Steve Harrington. 
There’s a strong thigh slotted between his, and Steve Harrington is kissing him back. 
Eddie moves one hand down to clutch at Steve’s shirt, and pushes the other back, grabbing onto those short hairs on the back of Steve’s neck.
They finally come up for air after one too many teeth clashes, their foreheads coming together.
“Hi.” they breathe out at the same time, chuckling at the absurdity of it all.
“We’re kinda idiots, huh?” Steve says, looking cross-eyed between Eddie’s eyes. The hazel of his eyes sparkling with the movement.
Eddie chuckles. “Dingus and Doofus, remember?” he points to each of them in turn, only lifting his pointer finger out of the grip on Steve’s shirt to do so.
“Can I play you the last song now?”
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and then they low dance in eddie's living room
Yay!! that's it, thanks for following along with this one!!! here's the last tags :o) @hellomynameismoo, @messrs-weasley, @manda-panda-monium
Here's some notes since it's the last part:
this is the most I’ve ever written in such a short time, I literally wrote each of these chapters the day before their day to be posted….most of it while at work lmao
Steve used a Sony C60 tape. i.e. there’s 60-ish minutes of space on it. before At Last, the songs on the tape totaled 55 min 55 seconds, a perfect amount left for Etta James (ending up at 58 min 54 seconds in total according to my spoofy playlist).
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I know that the Eddie half of songs weren’t really…’Eddie music’, but in my head, Eddie likes music for being music. All music is good (like he said to Max in part 5). Plus, he wanted to put songs on the tape that he knew Steve would like/want to listen to.
steve asked nancy to make revisions on his nursing school application essay (he found he quite liked the process of taking care of eddie and wants to go to school for it!)
anyone else just recently realize that Take Me Home Tonight had an allusion to Be My Baby?? anyway, love that, wanted to make that a thing here :o)
and lastly, a couple of little things i LOVED about this fic that i didn’t see anyone else / only a couple people point out:
Steve singing the rubber duckie song to Eddie in part 5
Eddie literally giving Gareth the shirt off his back in part 2 when Tommy threw his pop on him (in my head, this is the same red buffalo check flannel that Gareth ends up cutting the sleeves off of and wears in S4).
that's all!! thanks for reading, friends :o)
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somethingsomeart · 1 year
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I'm back on my bullshit again~! A more proper view of Hunter!Tahir (where he's not suffering my memes for once) as I imagined him while I played through The Northern Passage IF demo @northern-passage And small scenes and interactions with the characters: Lea Chen, Merry Harlowe, Clementine and Noel Lykaon
Special appearances by Dot (the horse), a badly carved turtle, a little lucky bell and the Rot (and Tahir at the end of the demo)
Fangirlish rambling under the cut! It long
This honestly largely took this long cuz I could *not* figure out which scene I wanted to use for Noel! Xe has a ton of really great scenes but in most the Hunter wears their cloak (as per usual) and I really wanted one where that doesn't happen. Cuz, for Tahir, Noel is one of the people he's the most comfortable just being himself around rather than a hunter, cuz xe is hunter too but kind and he makes it easier. And since Tahir is an idiot who didn't even care to check for the wraith before going for Clem, he's kinda unconscious when they first meet!
So I ended up picking the scene in front of the door after the Hunter accidentally-on-purpose opens the Vel, where, to hide xirs fear and concern ('m guessing), Noel makes a joke that actually has the Hunter laughing. A short moment of almost normalcy surrounded by something that, of the group, only the two fully share.
Meanwhile Lea (he/him from a d3 toss) gets to be a gremlin! It was honestly a cute and really natural scene that I'd been itching to doodle for a bit so here it is! (Tahir's horse is called Dot cuz she has a dot in the centre of her forehead. She's a lusitano uwu I'm dating a horseboy, I gotta respect the horse) Tahir's favourite (non alcoholic) drink is actually coffee so Lea won himself some extra points right there! That he immediately lost for laughing at Tahir's suffering >:'(
Merry gets the scene with the little carved turtle cuz my thoughts were pretty much the same as Tahir's when I read the scene. It was really cute! It felt like seeing Merry rather than the pirate captain who is trying to protect her town, almost vulnerable and caring for just a little trinket that matters to her. Basically, Merry cute, cute Merry cute, I draw
Clem gets to tell a story! A story that, I'm sure, isn't going to be deeply meaningful nor anything. This is also a moment where Clem reaches out to the Hunter with an offer to protect them so I really wanted to include it. Despite how scared they seem, they still offer to come to the Hunter if he calls, and, ye, wanted to draw that!
And Tahir! As the Hunter. Tahir has brown eyes in the narration but he normally has amber ones, so I kept here even if it's hard to see ':D
Alcohol for his poison of choice. Favourite magic is sword. Touch starved as much as touch averse, no, he doesn't get it either.
He promised Jorah and he means to keep that promise, but gods if he’s not tired…
Very protective of his people: Noel, Lea and his dads mentors in particular, but Merry and Clem too (and whoever might need protection but these people most of all atm). In part thanks to that promise, and how it does help remind him to not hate others for… well, most of what being a hunter means, but it has led to him internalising a lot of that anger into a lack of care for his own safety that then leads to him being almost self-sacrificing when others are in danger. It’s fine tho! He’s fine!
He’s always fine, he has to be.
I haven’t figured out yet which romance path he’s gonna go for yet! Merry cute, Lea is delightful drama, and Noel is an absolute darling (sorry, Clem, you're not an option for Tahir, but at least that means less angst in your life??) so I am dying here!!
At this point in the demo Tahir’s managed to fight with Lea, but still agreed to talk, and lit his pipe (delicious scene btw, 5 stars~), was not kicked out of Merry’s ship cuz he kept away from the books but did get kicked out of her office when he went there to talk (yes, it hurt. A lot. He felt like such an idiot), been flustered by Noel and had a surprisingly not terrible conversation with him before they went to the isolation district, and made a blood pact with Clem, that came back to bite him in the ass (but also not really cuz wow! Keres hurts), he wants to have a little chat, Clem…!
He also got punched with the butt of a knife in the face by Duncan but paid him back in the final-current-demo-fight >:) (Duncan is awful in the absolutely best way possible! Had a lot of fun in his scenes and really enjoying hating the guy)
Really excited to get to find out what the hell Jorah is doing there, and working with/for Keres and Duncan?? In future chapters. (Also, Tahir would like to know where's Rodrick?? Where's dad, dad??) Also to find out more about the Hunter’s new “little” tagalong (aka, the Firstborn, I'm still going all in it's them!). Tahir actually doesn’t hate them, since they’ve only hurt him (as far as he knows) and not his people so there’s a good chance they’ll maybe be actually able to talk??
If you read this far, wow.
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luna-loner · 10 months
Day 1: Paint Tales From Their Childhood
Asano Gakushuu:
It wouldn't surprise anyone to know that Gakushuu was an expert in the many forms of art; and painting certainly was on the list. What they might not know is that he's been doing it since his diaper days.
Good Guy Gakuhou fawned over every single masterpiece his little Da Vinci made, believing that each one meant something important about his child's development. Each one.
"He already understands the concept of complementary colors!" He squealed when he Gakushuu used red and green.
"He's figured out how to mix colors!" He exclaimed when Gakushuu accidentally added blue to the red blob he 'drew' on the canva.
"Oh, he's practicing Kanji already." He smiled at the random brush strokes his infant son would make. He legit believed every stroke was his boy trying to draw a kanji he'd seen before.
It's safe to say Gakuhou has an album dedicated solely to Gakushuu's artwork, which he still keeps to this day, partly to subtly brag about his kid, and partly to tease said kid.
Sakakibara Ren:
After doing a finger painting at school, little Ren went home with a new goal in life-- to become a painter. His parents got him all the canvas and materials he needed. Ren mostly painted nature scenes since humans and animals were too complicated for his five-year-old self, plus he's always loved nature.
A week later, he was back to his books. He didn't touch his art supplies again until mother's day when he decided to author a short story starring his mom; and since it was going to be about his mom finding a magical rose garden (her favorite flower), he decided to add illustrations!
So he did just that. He folded the papers and used the strappler pins to make a book. He ended up with two extra pages, so he used one to write a short poem and the other to paint him and his mom holding hands (he wanted them to be hugging but it was too hard for him to do). His mom has the book to this day.
Araki Teppei:
Once, little Teppei was reading an article on renaissance artists with his dad when he suddenly decided he, too, wanted to be a famous painter. He got out a normal A4 paper and started painting random stuff since he didn't have a clear vision in mind, so he ended up using a lot more paper than he intended.
Eventually, he settled on a family portrait. Sure, the stick figures had disproportionate body parts and the colors were a bit messy, but his dad loved it nonetheless. Not only did he proudly hang it on the refrigerator, but he had his own surprise for his little artist the very next day: A news article on the famous painter, Teppei, was hung next to the artwork.
Years later, Teppei still has the artwork and the news article.
Koyama Natsuhiko:
This boy grew up roleplaying as a heroic wizard in his own little world. One day, he decided he wanted to bring his magical world to life, and what better way of doing so than by drawing and painting background pictures and taping them to the walls? He was home alone that day, so little dude got to enjoy his fantasy as much as he pleased. The paintings, while simple, really made his adventure all the more immersive.
His folks weren't exactly happy with the mess that greeted them once they arrived home. Literally every wall was covered in at least a dozen paper! Still, they didn't scold him for it...because little Natsu was already asleep by then. Evil little gremlin
Suffice to say, cleaning was a pain, and it took them two weeks until they could no longer find anymore of these papers. (Seriously, just when they thought they've put them all in trash, they find one on the ground, under the sofa, or still tapped to the wall! How?!)
Seo Tomoya:
Unlike the rest, Seo seemed to use his art supplies for anything other than art.
Once, he decided to fake chicken pox to skip school after watching Tom and Jerry (in you case you don't recall, there's an episode where Jerry paints red dots on a sleeping Tom and convinces him he's sick) so he did just that and came 'crying' to his parents.
His parents didn't buy it, and a grumpy little Tomoya was sent packing to school.
When Halloween was right around the corner, Tomoya decided he wanted to be an alian and thought painting his skin green would be the perfect costume. Not only that, he also decided to "dye" his hair green as well.
Guess who spent his Halloween grounded? Yup, Marvin the Martian over here.
In a similar instance, Tomoya discovered something called something called food coloring and decided, "Cool! I can make a flame-colored cake with my paint!" Because if it's colorful, it's edible, right?
Fortunately for everyone, his mom arrived home just in time to stop him. He had such a field day helping her clean up the kitchen...
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ernelovesslashers · 2 years
Slashers w/ Children
(Includes the kids being theirs or not!)
Warning: Very mild suggestive implies, mostly fluff and no cuss words.
Michael Myers: 
Michael didn't want kids running around his house so you both compromised and you took the kids to live in another house
You actually also didn't want the kids to get hurt if michael blacked out and attacked
But every other morning they would tell you they saw a man either out the window, in their room, standing by your door and you knew it was michael
You would leave your door open most times and feel him get in your bed and hold you, thinking you were asleep
You would eventually tell the kids that he was their protector and would be watching over them, not wanting to tell them it was their dad (If you want michael to be the dad)
You could tell they weren't afraid of him and would ask more about him
He did watch them any time he was free just to make sure their safe and that you're safe
He does like the kids but obviously won't admit it 
When the kids would play outside the house, he would manage to get in and do his little imitation stance behind you  until you notice him
Sometimes it gets a little spicy
RZ Michael Myers:
Just like og michael, he would prefer the kids in a separate house but he does visit often and not just breaking in
He does wear his masks around the kids but they love his masks which lead them to making their own trying to be like him
That warms his heart and loves to see how creative they could get
If they were his or not, he did his best to be a good father figure and brought them gifts
You made sure the gifts were appropriate and not bones (it happened once but the kids loved it)
He does see the kids pick up his behaviors he had when he was a child and would inform you about it just so you're aware of the little monsters
Sometimes you catch them all playing, michael could have his mask off and be smiling
You adored him so much for giving them a childhood he wished he had
He loves the kids and will always protect them no matter how much he knows they're more than capable of protecting themselves
Jason Voorhees:
Jason couldn't have children because he's basically half dead but he does adore your children
He doesn't want to scare them so he keeps his distance with them
He does allow you to let them venture around the camp and into the cabins to find little surprises he left which consist of acorns and forage in jars
They believed a forest monster left them and that they were its little wish jars
Sometimes they would catch a glimpse of jason and draw pictures and left them in the camp building for him to find
This grew into a little gift exchange, jason would find their pictures of him and in exchange he leaves a item for them the next day
He loved every picture and kept them in a box or even hung some up in his cabin
He adores your kids and wishes he could approach them without being insecure
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas was a really good father figure to the kids, luda mae was overwhelmed with joy having grandbabies
Hoyt was still a grumpy old man but had a soft spot for the gremlins when they would fetch him his beer with big smiles
Monty likes when they accompany him to the garden and farm, loving the extra help and support
Thomas couldn't care if they were his or not, he loved them more than words could describe
He showed it by letting them rough house with him and he would pretend to lose and act hurt, he loved carrying them around and swinging them around, but he was always as gentle as he could be
The kids loved thomas just as much, cuddling against him when they were sleepy, even going out to find bones and giving it to him
Thomas definitely wants more kids and how he would show you is when you were alone, he would plant kisses all over you til it got to your stomach
“One more?” 
Bubba Sawyer:
He loves your kids but they stress him out
Being in a family like his plus kids would definitely bring chaos 
He’s just worried about their safety, they like to explore the house so he hovers over them to make sure they're not running with sharp bones or his tools
But he loves to have them around and plays with them though he wishes he could talk normally to them but they can pick up on what he's trying to say
His brothers who are usually rough with bubba never dare to be rough with the little ones, you made sure of that
Nubbins loves to take pictures of them holding animal bones or them making something with bone animal and human bones for the house
Chop top would entertain them with his stories 
Drayton loves to pick them up and talk to them but mostly when you're not around to see, any other day he’ll complain while picking up their mess
The Sinclair Brothers
It doesn't matter which brother you're dating, if you got kids they'll treat them as their own kids
They are busy men but they try to spend time with the kids
When you're tired they settle on whos gonna watch them for the day, most likely being Bo or Lester because Vincent doesn't want them in being burned when he's making the wax figures
Bos as gentle as he can be but Lester loves rough housing with the kid(s) to keep them entertained
While Bo is more reserved and doesn't show much affection he does a lot to keep them happy and gifts them small toys or a candy if you allow him
Lester just enjoys spending time with them showing them what he does for the town and his bones
You can count on him for driving them around while you nap or attend to chores
When the kids to see Vincent, he's showing them the new wax sculpture or his old sketches
He definitely encourages their creativity by letting them draw in his unused sketchbooks and makes them crayons to use
You always have a plan for when there tourists around, you have Lester take them back to his house to keep them safe while Bo and Vincent take care of the people
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Power Armor Punch Part Fifty Two
Teshteal: *going absolutely mad slaughtering the mutants at the plant. He practically blitzes the whole area and back then comes for the ones that escaped to the shore with almost deranged glee when he’s through he stands, tossing aside the supersledge and whipes his hands off and smirks like he didn’t just completely wipe out a whole Supermutant faction*
(Note: I love this little gremlin devil dude lol!!!)
Nick: *manages to get a worn white dress shirt and a steel chest plate from Dejen*
Gardio: Oh! You’re back in one piece! How do you feel?
Nick: So far so good. He even managed to get that annoying hitch in my wrist fixed.
Gardio: Well, good. You ready to head out then?
Nick: Yeah- wait. Where’s Teshteal?
Gardio: I sent him ahead to check on how Jas is doing. Figured once you were fixed up they could use the extra help. *realizes something and starts digging in his pocket* He said to give you this. *hands him the note*
Nick: *takes it* What is…? *eyes widen when it hits him. He frowns and nods before pocketing them in his own bag, next to his guns and old hat which he quickly puts on after* Ahem… well. Should we hit the road?
Gardio: Hit the road we shall. *with that they head upstairs*
DiMA: *relieved when he sees Nick walking around on his own again* Nick! Brother! I’m so happy to see you on your feet again. I was so worried for you.
Nick: Well you can thank Faraday for that. Really worked out every kink in the system. *content smile*
DiMA: I surely would be lost without him, as would all of Acadia.
Nick: *nods* Indeed you would. Well, so long, brother. We’re off to the light house for a case.
DiMA: Safe travels brother.
Nick and Gardio: *leaves*
Jasmine: (Goes partly limp from exhaustion. There’s another wound in her leg just below her knee aside from her side and shoulder one with the bullet also still lodged inside, luckily it didn’t hit an artery or shatter her bone. In total there are three wounds along with some wicked bruising from the close ranged bullets that hit her and her self harm cuts)
Donovan: (Quickly slings Jasmine’s arm over his shoulder and half drags her over to the bridge with his pistol raised, listening for any noise)
Jasmine: (Cries out in pain when she is moved, going back to fighting her childhood friend to get away)
Donovan: (Ignores her hits for the sake of getting somewhere safe despite the the fact that her swings sting) “I know it hurts Rosie, bear with me here….”
Jasmine: (Absolutely hellbent on getting away, she can’t think of anything else to do)
Donovan: (Gets them both under the bridge in one piece, arranging the girl so she’s restrained in his lap. It can’t be helping with keeping her calm, but he has to hold her back) “Shhh, it’s okay…”
Jasmine: (Throwing a hissy fit, mud and water flying everywhere as she kicks her legs to try and gain enough momentum to break free. They are seated in a large puddle of water that collected from the rain, so her splashing makes enough noise to draw attention)
Donovan: (Is again forced to pin her legs down with his, heart dropping when he hears how this makes her sob out with a scream of pure fear) “I’m not gonna hurt you Rosie-Posie, just tryna keep us from potentially getting eaten alive.” (Presses her head against his shoulder to keep the hysterical girl still) “I’m so sorry, I swear that I will make this up to you later.”
Ma: (Sweeping through the area with Joyce and the gang of fishermen, making sure the coast is completely clear. They poke at the corpses with the ends of their guns, looking at one another with confusion)
Pirate: (Running around with her nose in the air, trying to catch the scent of whoever was just here and slaughtering everything)
Teshteal: *already bolted into the water and ran into the woods on the otherside. He’s not taking a chance in hell with a strange dog- one’s enough with Dogmeat around. If Nick and Gardio make it there, first, fine, but Jas wouldn’t be able to vouch for him anyway.*
Nick: *walking along the path from Acadia and keeping an eye out for enemies in the fog* Did he clean my eyes too? Everything looks… crisper somehow.
Gardio: You know, I just get to forgetting you’re a robot and then you say something like that. *looks down at Nick with a chuckle*
Nick: I am what I am. *shrugs*
Teshteal: *running their way and comes skidding to a halt a few feet in front of them*
Gardio: Li- *shakes his head* I mean- Teshteal?! What are you doing here?!
Teshteal: I beat up a bunch of Super Mutants trying to protect Rosie and a bunch of people trying to help her. She’s badly hurt because she ran away and picked a fight-
Nick: *startled look at Gardio* She ran OFF?!
Teshteal: Why ELSE would she be out here this long after you sent Lucille out. Also Lucille’s no where to be seen.
Nick: *swears* I’m going to have a word with her-
Gardio: Rosie?
Nick: Yes, her, too, but also Lucille! Where the HELL did she go?! Why?! What was she THINKING?! *storming off down the road*
Gardio: *frowns and follows. That isn’t like Lucille at all to just leave someone. Wonders what happened*
Jasmine: (Takes in a sharp breath, whimpering as she finally gives in and stops struggling. Not that she wants to, she’s just so damn exhausted and fading out that she can’t fight anymore)
Donovan: (Sigh of relief, relaxing his hold on her. He gently gathers her so she’s cradled in his lap, giving her a moment to calm down) “There we go sweetheart…”
Jasmine: (Mewls weakly while she covers her face with her hands)
Donovan: (Gently rocks the girl) “Hush now….” (Both of them are soaked head to toe and caked with muck from the stream, that can’t be good for the young girls wounds or overall wellbeing. She’s so fragile and fragmented in his arms, far from the spunky gal with the big personality he once knew. Poor baby…)
Jasmine: (Croaks out when she feels a splitting pain throughout her body, seeing spots due to the blood loss)
Donovan: (Lifts her up bridal style and runs back to the trappers house to get cover so he can slow down the bleeding)
Ma: (Sees Donny running with Jasmine in his arms and comes over to guard the house with Joyce and the fishermen, still so confused on what just happened. But they have to stay diligent, they could’ve drawn in a Fog Crawler or some gulpers with all the noise)
Donovan: (Rushes inside and up the stairs, setting Jas down on a table) (Quietly) “Hold on Rosie-Posie…” (Lifts up the edge of both of her bloodied and soaked shirts to get a better view of her most dire wound. The meat hook dug into her flesh, but he doesn’t think it hit any organs)
Jasmine: (Screams out loudly, swatting in the air frantically)
Donovan: (Covers her mouth and strokes her hair. Luckily for them the thunder and rain drowns out the teens desperate cries) “Shhh, sweetie it’s alright. I have to slow the bleeding down or else you could bleed out, I’m sorry.” (Reaches into his bag for the emergency compression bandages he and Ma had scavenged from a military base. She’s too weak for a stimpak even if it’s a diluted one, using one would do more harm than good)
Jasmine: (Cries out for her Dad while Donovan maneuvers her so he can get the bandage in place, pain and fear erupting through her body when he has to move the waistline of her pants down so he can secure the pad of the bandage. She tries to remain still, telling her mind that’s made out of scrambled eggs that Donny won’t hurt her like that, but it’s hard)
Donovan: (Cleans off as much muck and blood as he can with a rag, strapping the bandage in place before moving on to her shoulder wound. He starts up the same process, unable to move away her shirt with how wiggly Jas is so he just straps it in place right over her shirt. They’ll do a proper cleaning when they get back to the lighthouse)
Jasmine: (By the time he’s strapping on the final compression bandage on her leg over her pants because they can’t be rolled up, she’s whimpering pleas and covering her chest with both of her hands)
Donovan: (Remembers how the note Lucille gave them said that Rosie had been sexually assaulted at one point, which explains her screaming. It shatters his soul to think of what horrible events could have transpired to their sweet little Rosalinda to make her act like this…) “I’m not gonna hurt you Rosie, you’re too precious to me for that to happen.”
Jasmine: (Just keeps crying for her Dad, trying to get off the table)
Nick: *letting Teshteal lead them to the place. They quickly come upon the trapper hut*
Teshteal: *stops short mostly because of the dog* There. I can smell Rosie in there.
Gardio: *still finds it so weird he can do that* Good job.
Nick: *takes the lead and jogs over to the trapper house, he frowns hearing Jas’s screams of terror. Panicked tone as he approaches and he can make out her cries more distinctly from the thunder* Rosalinda?!
Gardio and Teshteal: *following not far behind but giving Nick some distance so they don’t look like a group of mafia thugs and their underdressed boss… not that that helps much*
Donovan: (Scoops Jas in his arms so he can take her back to the lighthouse, adjusting her so she’s not uncomfortable and won’t be jostled)
Jasmine: (More than anything she wants to be with her Dad, but she can’t articulate her mind enough to ask Donny to take her to him. Hell, she’s still trying to get away from him but can’t really struggle much)
Donovan: (Presses his forehead against hers, gently lulling her by shushing her and rocking her) “Don’t worry, I’ve got you Rosie-Posie” (Starts going down the stairs, finding that Joyce is standing guard there)
Joyce: (Eyes widen when she sees the muddy and bloodied girl with several compression bandages on her body) “Oh my god! Is she alright!?!” (Sees that Donovan is also full of blood and muck) “Are you alright?!?”
Donovan: (Ignoring her last question) “For now she’s still kicking at it, we have to act fast if we want to keep it that way. She’s a tough cookie but she ain’t holding out forever.” (Walks outside and nods at Ma and the fishermen, ready to head back)
Pirate: (Starts barking like crazy when she sees Nick, Gardio, and Teshteal coming their way, baring her teeth while she snarls)
Donovan: (Eyes widen as he aims his pistol from under Jas’s legs straight at the Synth Detective) (Growling protectively) “STOP RIGHT THERE!!!”
Ma: (Cocks back her shotgun, pointing it at the strange and dangerous looking trio as well while she hovers by Donovan and Jas like a Mama Bear protecting her cubs)
Joyce: (Has her hunting rifle out, ready to defend the little girl who her friends seem to care so much about)
Fishermen: (Loyally follows their example, aiming their weapons and spreading out to surround the group)
Jasmine: (Wailing loudly and desperately. Has zero clue what is going on, she only knows that everyone is tense about something and she’s hurting all over)
Nick: *stops dead, raising his hands in the air*
Gardio and Teshteal: *follows his lead*
Dogmeat: *comes bounding forward, tail wagging like crazy as he jumps up on Nick, panting, just happy to see his beloved owner*
Nick: Dogmeat- pal- not now. *lifts his knee to get him to settle down*
Dogmeat: *does so*
Nick: *to Donny and the others* We don’t want any trouble. I’m just here for Rosalinda’s sake. I just got out of the shop and when I heard what happened from Teshteal, here, I came running as fast as I could. And from the looks of her she’s very badly hurt so you have a lot of time to waste, Donovan- that is you, right?
Donovan: (Grasps his gun tighter and holds Jas closer, staring down the synth across from him warily) “How the hell do you know my name and Rosie’s?!? Who are you people?!?” (Looks behind Nick at the jumbo glowing one and the fun-sized devil man. What a day this has turned out to be)
Jasmine: (Hears Nicks voice and she whimpers like a baby crying out for her parent, taking her hands off her face to claw at her blood soaked shirt)
Ma: (Looks at Jasmine when she does this, then at Nick, putting it together. She doesn’t let down her shotgun just yet though, this whole situation still seems off to her and she wants to hear it from Nick to confirm who he is)
Pirate: (Gets in between Donovan and Nick while snarling ferociously, figuring she has to protect her dear owner who rescued her and the little girl he’s holding from the mysterious metal man)
Joyce: (Recognizes Teshteal as the guy who wiped out the super mutants while she keeps her guard up)
Fishermen: (Just following Ma’s and Donny’s lead, they ain’t firing or moving until they say so)
Nick: *glances at the two men behind him* These two are Gardio and Teshteal, friends of mine who came along to help fend off the more dangerous inhabitants of the island. *nods at the supermutant corpses scattered in piles of their own bretheren* I see you’ve met Teshteal already.
Nick: As for me, the name’s Nick Valentine and I’m Rosie’s adopted father and the detective who’s putting all the clues about her past together. Now we can stand here and glare at each other until one of us shoots first or we can get her to safety- preferrably before she passes out completely from bloodloss. What’ll it be, Donny?
Jasmine: (Can hear that Dad is nearby, yet he’s not coming for her while she is sobbing desperately and shaking all over from pain, fear, and the cold) “Dad! Daddy, help please!” (Reaching out blindly for him, still not understanding what’s happening. She just wants to be with Dad)
Donovan: (Takes two steps back, soothing the girl by rocking her slightly while he stares down the opposing group. For all he knows, these people could be making their poor Rosie’s situation worse, or even be the cause of it. He has no idea all that Nick went through to keep his daughter safe and as well cared for as possible)
Jasmine: (Crying out even more desperately, adrenaline pumping back through her weak body while she thrashes) “Daddy! Daddy! I want my Daddy…!”
Ma: (Finally has had enough and lowers her shotgun, turning to face her son) “Donny…” (Motions her head towards Nick)
Donovan: (Shakes his head) “We don’t know them or what they might’ve done!” (Remembers seeing Jasmine change so quickly and unexpectedly, going from sobbing and clinging to him to suddenly being coldly stoic and flinging him through the air. And then there’s the chems, Rosie wouldn’t take those! Nevertheless that savagely and hungrily! They aren’t being told something here…)
Ma: (Huffs impatiently, gesturing for everyone to lower their weapons while she brings up her mother voice and points at Jasmine) “Well obviously Rosa-Marie does! For crying out loud, look at the poor child!” (Face breaks into a somber one as she puts her hand over her heart at the sight of the little girl crying for her father to comfort her)
Fishermen: (Obediently lower their guns at Ma’s command, still alert and cautious of the trio and their dog)
Donovan: (Hesitantly takes a few steps closer to Nick so they are three feet apart, not handing Jas over just yet as he closely examines the detective while the girl cries in his arms and reaches out for him)
Pirate: (Sad whine while she stays right on her masters side, trying to lick his hands)
Nick: *slowly lowers his arms and sheathes his gun*
Gardio and Teshteal: *does the same, only Teshteal doesn’t have a weapon*
Nick: *dissapointed frown as he gets a better look* From the look of it she got into some chems. Again.
Teshteal: *face darkens when he hears about the chems. Whispers bitterly* Why…?
Nick: *sighs defeatedly- at this point it can’t be helped. Softly and sadly at his daughter* I’ll be there soon, Rosie… I’ll be there soon.
Donovan: (When Nick says that she got into chems like she’s done it before) “What- Again?!?”
Jasmine: (Wails and tries to grab her Dad who’s frustratingly just out of her reach)
Ma: (Claps her hands together angrily when she sees the desperation of the girl and her adopted son’s hesitation, startling everyone) “Donovan!”
Donovan: (Hurriedly takes two more steps closer to Nick and holds out his daughter to him) “She also got shot at least two times by trappers with the bullet still inside and got gored by a meat hook.” (Narrow his eye into the dense Fog) “Being soaking wet, freezing, and full of sludge ain’t helping, we have to get her back to the house, pronto.”
Teshteal: *whines like a frightened dog and clings to the back of Gardio when Ma claps*
Gardio: *winces*
Nick: *doesn’t flinch, too focused on Jas. He takes his daughter in his arms and holds her protectively to his chest. He takes one sad and apologetic look at her before looking up to Donny* Lead the way. *Looks to Teshteal* Get ready to break out your salve again. *makes a note to have him teach them how to make it*
Teshteal: *nods*
Jasmine: (Immediately quiets down and stops struggling when she is finally wrapped up in the safety of her Dads arms, still dripping tears from her eyes. She’s freezing cold to the touch, like a red icicle with the water, mud, and blood she’s coated in)
Ma: (Apologetically to Teshteal and Gardio when she sees their reactions) “Sorry, I had to get his stupefied self attention.” (To Donovan) “Run ahead so you can wash yourself up and prep the med room for me.”
Donovan: (Turns to look at her in protest, glancing at his broken and crying childhood friend) “No- but…!”
Ma: (Holds up a finger to cut him off) “Go now! We can’t waste anymore time dawdling and your no help if you are covered in mud.” (Snaps her fingers in the direction of the lighthouse) “No more arguing with me, GO!”
Donovan: (Points to Jas as he starts backing away, looking at both Nick and Ma) “Keep her safe! Pirate!”
Pirate: (Perks up, tail wagging with alertness)
Donovan: (Pats his side for her to follow) “Come along, girl!” (Takes off into the woods as fast as he can run with his dog close behind)
Ma: (Makes a gesture with her hands to round up her crew and Nicks) “Follow me, quickly now!” (Rushes off after Donovan, not moving too fast because they need to be careful about jostling Jasmine)
Joyce: (Running right besides Ma, giving the injured girl a sad glance)
Fishermen: (Spread out to guard the group from the sides, keeping a close eye on the newcomers as they are still wary of them)
Nick: *running steadily with the group* Hang in there, doll… hang in there.
Gardio: *still wondering where his own daughter is*
Teshteal: *stops briefly, picking up the slight scent of cobalt blue paint as they pass near the orphanage*
Gardio: Teshteal!
Teshteal: Coming, boss! *keeps running*
Jasmine: (Half conscious as she reaches up to wrap her arms around her Dad, clinging onto him despite being very weak and not having much of a grip)
Ma: (Leads the newly combined group through the woods, having to make several turns whenever she heard the gurgling of gulpers or howling of wolves in the distance)
Joyce: (Swears as she almost trips and falls, catching herself on one of the fisherman’s arm)
Ma: (Finally get to the clearing where her home resides, rushing everyone up to the front door to which she kicks open. She throws off her coat and hood, completely dry underneath as she swings open the other set of double doors that lead into the little med room she constructed out of the second entrance to her house)
Donovan: (Comes over with a large stack of towels to hand out, now freshly washed and changed into a simple T-shirt and slacks. He also brought some changes of clothes for everyone too, somehow finding shirts and slacks that fit each one of the three)
Ma: (Points to the infirmary cot that has been fitted with a sheet by Donny) “Set her down here, then you can dry off and change into something clean.” (Points to a nearby bathroom then starts prepping the supplies they will need, first by filling a bucket with water and grabbing some rags, setting them down on the table besides the cot)
Gardio: Thank you. *takes off his coat and hangs it near the fire to dry along with his hat*
Nick: *setting Jas down on the cot* It’s going to be okay, doll. They’re going to help you. Promise. *squeezes her hand once then quickly leaves*
Teshteal: Miss. *runs over and hands Ma his salve* This is a salve I’ve made- it’s been used before on her and seems to work well for preventing infection. Please feel free to use as much as you need.
Nick: *already took the opportunity to wash himself off and change in the bathroom*
Gardio: *washes what he can. And puts on his fresh clothes*
Teshteal: *doesn’t want to change. Suspicious of new clothes*
Jasmine: (Starts crying out for her Dad when he leaves, squirming on the cot to the point she almost falls off) “Daddy!!”
Donovan: (Rushes to be by her side, holding her in place with one arm by gently draping it around her waist) “Rosalinda, shhh…” (Strokes the teens muddy and damp hair to calm her down)
Jasmine: (Grabs onto Donny’s arm for comfort, quietly crying for her Dad to come back)
Ma: (Takes the salve from Teshteal, smiling down at him) “Thank you darling. Feel free to warm up by the fire if you wish.” (Sets it down on the table and continues to gather the needed supplies that includes tweezers for the bullets, wondering if the girl will need a blood transfusion. She has a fridge that’s filled with blood packs, both normal, glowing, and irradiated)
Fishermen: (Have settled in the separated dining room just in case. They are very protective of this household, Ma has saved them more than once by opening her home to them)
Joyce: (Had added wood to the fireplace then went to go check on the flock in the makeshift pen and the peeping chicks in the baby pool)
Pirate: (Chewing on one of her toys by the fireplace, staying out of the way)
Dogmeat: *lays on the fluffy bed with a sad whine*
Teshteal: *sits near the fire, staring intently at its flames*
Gardio: *slumps down onto the ground with a heavy sigh. He rubs his face* What happened to my daughter… she was supposed to be here.
Nick: Who knows. *walks into the med room* I can help with the bullet extraction. I may not look it but I have steady hands and a field medic protocol built in.
Lucille: *tossing and turning in the nucleus, trying to sleep more*
Ma: (Nods her head at Nick as she snaps on some gloves, offering some to everyone just in case) “Alright Donny, what are we working with here?” (Brings down an overhead light to shine on the girl so they can assess her better. She frowns deeper when she notices that her lips have no color to them)
Jasmine: (Reaches out when she hears her Dad return, clawing midair like how a kitten does while opening her eyes. She can’t see shit right now, everything and everyone looks blobs with a bunch of holes in them like Swiss cheese)
Donovan: (Keeps holding her in place so she doesn’t accidentally fall off while he puts on some gloves) “Two bullet wounds, one on her shoulder and one on her leg just below the knee. Both have the bullet still lodged inside so there’s no exit wound.” (Gestures to the teens side) “I think the most dire injury is the one a trapper gave her with a meat hook, I don’t think he punctured anything thankfully, but there was a lot of blood….”
Jasmine: (Whimpers from the pain, still reaching for Nick in her haze)
Donovan: (Rubs his hands together, looking down at her sadly) “And…. She has several self inflicted cuts on her sides and arms, along with some bruising from the hits she took.” (Closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, wondering how did it get so bad that the once little bundle of joy of a girl had sunk this deep)
Ma: (Puts a hand to her heart when she hears that their sweet Rosie had purposely cut herself, turning to look at her father to see what he wants to do) “We have painkillers we can give her, Calmex too…” (Knows that the teen will need stitches after her wounds are cleaned, she also has a cauterizer on hand that she got while trading with some caravans)
Donovan: (Sighs as he gestures to her dilated pupils) “She’s also under the influence right now, she took at least three jets and some other stuff that I couldn’t identify in the moment.” (Remembering all the PSA’s about drugs that they sat through with Jas nodding along wholeheartedly, she being the one to ward off any sickos who tried to get kids hooked on chems by offering them for free at first so they could eventually profit off the innocent souls who would easily succumb to the trick)
Nick: *grimly shakes his head at the calmex and pain killers* Even when she’s sober it rarely works as a means to treat her wounds. You can try but it might make her more agitated than she already is. *mutters as he peels back the bandage covering the meat hook* This wouldn’t be so much of a problem if those bastards didn’t get her hooked on chems. *more aloud* Treat this first. Cauterization would be cleaner and quicker than stitches but probably more painful. *has a flashback to when Lucille lost her arm and shivers*
Gardio: *really worried about Lucille. He knows she’s an adult but she’s still his daughter… he only recently got her back after years of thinking she was dead. What if something bad happened to her?*
Teshteal: *senses his worry and trots over to him* Hey, it’s alright. We’ll find her as soon as this whole mess is over-!
Gardio: Teshteal, I can’t do anything in this situation but wait.
Teshteal: Maybe while they’re working on Rosie we can go and find her together. It’ll be like old times. You and me. Just a detective and his lackey working a case! *smiles cheerily*
Gardio: Only this isn’t Boston. This is the national park of Acadia. She could be anywhere on this accursed Island and we wouldn’t know where to look.
Teshteal: *taps his nose* I have a theory. I caught a whiff of colbalt blue paint- the kind used on a specific limited edition power armor only Lucille uses in the fog on our way here. If we follow that, we might find Lucille. And if not… *shrugs* I follow the scent of earth, leather, motor oil, and nuka cola.
Gardio: I’m deeply uncomfortable you know what my daughter smells like.
Teshteal: Don’t take it personally. I pick up a scent profile every time I walk by a person on the street.
Jasmine: (Tries to grab onto her Dad when he starts peeling away her bandages, mewling desperately)
Donovan: (Gently knocks her hands away and helps Nick sit her up so he can get the tightly wrapped bandages off her midsection) “Sorry Ro-Ro, he can’t give you comfort cuddles right now.” (Strokes her hair again as he leans her up against him so she doesn’t fall. He has so many questions about what Nick had just said concerning these “bastards” and Jazzy’s addiction, but now ain’t the time. He just wants to see Jasmine get patched and washed up, then put into a nice and warm bed to rest in)
Jasmine: (Cries in protest when she can’t hold Nick and is sat upright instead, grabbing onto Donny and shivering close to him)
Ma: (Has several rags doused in water and others in disinfectant, ready to clean her side wound and the area around it as the girl is caked with mud and grime from her fight and fall into the stream. Not to mention her clothes are still soaked with ice cold water, maybe she should get out a sheet so they can remove them and cover her up so she doesn’t freeze)
Nick: *peels the new bandages and old ones away carefully and frowns at sight* Water? *extends a hand for a rag so he can start to clean the wound once she’s laid down*
Gardio: Alright. Let’s go find Lucille. Not much use if we sit here.
Teshteal: *nods*
Gardio: *stands and starts heading for the door*
Teshteal: *follows close behind with the energy of a dog that’s just figured out they’re going for a walk*
Ma: (Hands him a rag, holding a small basin full of them so she can give him more if needed. Her eyes land on the wounds, freshly done cuts, and the healing scars littered all over the teens midsection) “Oh dear….”
Donovan: (Carefully lays Jas back down, placing a pillow under her head for comfort. He takes both of her hands and holds them tightly, knowing this is going to sting her)
Jasmine: (Whines again when she’s moved, squeezing Donny’s hands while she trembles from the cold and the pain)
Donovan: (Softy) “Shhh, Rosie-Posie. It’ll be aright.” (Squeezes her hands back reassuringly) “You’re such a Braveheart, you know that, right?” (Keeps his eyes on her face, he can’t stomach seeing anymore blood or wounds on his little sister)
Ma: (Notices the girls shivering increases and gently touches her arm, feeling how cold she is) “If I grab a sheet to cover her do you think we could get these sopping wet clothes off her? Poor baby is freezing into a popsicle.” (Reaches behind her for an instant hot pack, popping and squeezing it until it heats up then hands it to Donny)
Donovan: (Takes it then clasps both of Jazzy’s hands over the warming pack, enclosing his hands over hers)
Jasmine: (Ends up bringing it to her face to try and help herself warm up)
Nick: *to Ma as he cleans the wounds, taking a new rag as soon as the current one gets too full of blood and gunk to be useful* I think that would be wise.
Gardio: *leaves with Teshteal leading him on, following the trail of the scent of cobalt blue paint*
Jasmine: (Whimpers when Nick cleans her wounds, trying not to squirm around as she clutches the heating pack to her chest like it’s a teddy bear)
Donovan (Holds her down so she doesn’t fall off or get in Nicks way)
Ma: (Momentarily walks off to grab a sheet and some towels from the cabinets, returning quickly) “Donny honey, switch places with me please.”
Donovan: (Takes Ma’s place in aiding Nick with the rags, dumping the dirty ones in a bin to be washed later)
Ma: (Gently moves Jasmines arms from her chest so she can start shuffling her shirts off. One of them is lined with a light weave so she figures Jas will want to try and salvage it instead of cutting it off)
Jasmine: (Cries in alarm when Ma sits her up again so she can get them over her head, swatting her arms out of reflex)
Ma: (While she works the girls sleeves off her wiggly arms, having to be cautious of her shoulder wound) “Shhh, little Rosalinda.” (Stops so she can cradle Jazzy and pet her hair to help her calm down. She gives a sad smile down at the teen when she recalls baby Jas coming into her cafe and bolting across the small building to give everyone who worked there a quick hug before she picked up her free cookies then bolted back outside so she could get home before they cooled)
Jasmine: (Not fighting much, she just seems scared and keeps reaching for her Dad whom she knows is nearby)
Nick: *very focused on cleaning the meat hook wound. Once it’s sufficiently cleaned, he moves onto one of the bullet wounds, not yet extracting the bullet for fear of her losing more blood*
Teshteal: *comes accross her powerarmor* Lucille?
Gardio: Lucille, are you in there? *looking into the eyes. He knocks on the helmet* Hm…
Teshteal: *finds her sentry bot helmet on the ground. For some reason this sends a chill up his spine- Lucille hardly ever takes it off. At least, not since he’s met her. Softly* Dio…? *turns to him* She wouldn’t take this off in the middle of the woods… would she?
Gardio: *takes the helmet* No. I don’t think she would. *looks around* And there’s no sign of struggle. What was going through her head when she did this?
Teshteal: *shrugs* We won’t know until we find her, I guess.
Gardio: *hands Teshteal her sentry helmet and climbs into the power armor* Lead the way.
Teshteal: Yes sir. *starts running to the spring*
Ma: (Keeps gently hushing the girl until she stops crying out in alarm, then finishes slipping her shirts over her head and tosses them with the dirty rags to wash later. She takes a towel and starts patting her down, trying to get off as much icy water off her hair and body. Worry fills her face again when she sees the marks over Jazzy’s heart and upper chest and the bandage over her shoulder wound)
Jasmine: (Kicks her feet a little like a toddler, then reaches out to grab onto Ma by putting her arms around her neck and snuggling on her shoulder. She’s so woozy and desperately wants her Dad to hold onto her, but shes got a memory of Ma picking her up as a child and swinging her around, shoving a surprise cookie in her mouth while her baby self giggles)
Ma: (Softly smiles down at her again, gently rocking her while she scrunches her mangled hair with the towel. She missed this kid barging in and giving the sweetest hugs and smiles to her and her workers)
Donovan: “I couldn’t get her shirt off enough or roll up her pants so I don’t know how bad the bullet wounds are.” (Brings out bandages and more rags, refreshing the bin) “Will she need stitches for the meat hook wound…?” (Not looking at the wound as he doesn’t want to invade Jas’s privacy now that her shirt is off. He instead nervously glances at the cauterizer and the needle on the table)
Nick: *not giving the same consideration to that- modesty becomes second place in a dire situation such as this* Depending on the depth of the bullet, she might need a few, yeah. *very carefully moves to cleaning the other bullet wound*
Teshteal: Here’s the spring. Still no Lucille.
Gardio: *trudging through the water to make sure she isn’t dead and weighed down with rocks* No. Nothing here.
Teshteal: *sniffs the air then the ground then stands and points in the direction of the Nucleus* She’s that way. Sure of it.
Gardio: Who needs a bloodhound when you have a Teshteal…
Teshteal: Ha! All fun and games until you’re surrounded by rotting meat of all sorts!
Gardio: That sounds like hell…
Teshteal: It IS! Fresh blood smells much nicer.
Gardio: Okay, please never say that again.
Teshteal: Why?
Gardio: Because you sound deranged.
Ma: (Helps him remove the bandage on her shoulder before she moves on to getting Jas’s soaked cargo pants off) “Rosie, sorry sweetie but I have to remove these.” (Covers her torso with the sheet except for her shoulders then starts shuffling her pants off, frowning at all the blood and grime that comes off)
Jasmine: (Full on screams bloody murder when she does this but stays mostly still with a few kicks while tears well up in her eyes and she sobs for her Dad)
Donovan: (Jumps back in alarm at her sudden burst of energy, but quickly recovers and rushes to her side) “Hey now, It’s alright Ro-Ro, we aren’t going to hurt you.” (Gently dabs away her tears with his handkerchief while petting her hairline, looking up at Nick sadly)
Ma: (Quickly stops again to hold the girls hand and quietly assure her that it’s alright, a pang going through her heart at the realization why she’s screaming so much)
Pirate: (Whines and heads to the closed med room doors, sniffing through the cracks to try and figure out what’s going on)
Nick: *apologetic nod as if to confirm what they’re both thinking. Pained look just thinking about what he saw in those memories* I wish it wasn’t so… *to Jas* I’m still here, Rosie. You’re safe. *keeps gently cleaning her up*
Gardio: *gets to the Nucleus*
Child of Atom guard: Who goes there!? *pointing a gamma gun at them*
Teshteal: *recognizes the place* Psst. Get out of the armor.
Gardio: Why?
Teshteal: Just do it. It’ll get us in.
Gardio: *climbs out*
Guard: *notices what Gardio is* A messenger of Atom’s will! *lowers the gun* I’m so sorry, anointed one. I hope I’ve not offended you.
Gardio: I’m… sorry? Wait- is this one of those Atom cults I’ve heard about over the past two centuries? *always considered them to be pretty deranged*
Teshteal: *jabs his partner’s side with his elbow* Just go with it.
Gardio: *frowns* I’m looking for my daughter-
Child of Atom guard: We are all children of Atom in his light-
Gardio: Lovely of you but I’m only here to find one person.
Guard: And we will guide you to them to speak his will.
Teshteal: Yes, praise be to Atom.
Gardio: *raises an eyebrow*
Guard: Praise be to Atom! *lets them enter*
Gardio: *after climbing back into the powerarmor he walks in and gets blasted with irradiated water*
Teshteal: *nearly screeches hits head off, getting flashbacks of the water torture he endured in the vault. He scrambles past Gardio* HELP! AAH! I’M SORRY! *sits in a fetal position at the end of the hall* I don’t know anything! I don’t know anything! I don’t know anything! *keeps repeating that*
Gardio: *freezes at the reaction* Teshteal? *walks over and crouches* Do you know where we are?
Teshteal: *looks up at him then around at the area* A hallway?
Gardio: Sort of. What did we just do- before we got blasted with irradiated water?
Teshteal: We… got into the Children of Atom headquarters. *nods* Yeah. Because you’re a Glowing One and they consider you a prophet of some sort.
Gardio: That’s good. What are we here for?
Teshteal: To find Lucille. *stands and smiles gratefully at him* Thank you, Dio. I was about to get lost there.
Gardio: No problem. *walks on ahead*
Jasmine: (Suddenly grabs her Dad arm and clings to him tightly, halting his cleaning process on her shoulder while hurting herself with the harsh motion)
Donovan: (Sadly) “Rosie….” (Tries to pry her off but finds that she has Nick in a death grip and she screeches whenever he touches her with the intent to pull her off)
Ma: (Gets the teens cargo pants off and tosses that in the dirty bin too, going straight to patting her dry while she’s partly distracted with holding onto her father)
Jasmine: (Wails and grips Nicks arm with surprisingly more strength when she feels this, kicking her legs which makes the sheet covering her fall off)
Ma: (Halts drying Jas off and pins down her ankles so she doesn’t accidentally kick her in the face) “I’m almost done sweetie…” (Resumes while pining Jazzy down with one arm while the other dries her off. She’s had to switch out towels as the last one was completely soaked through) “Well, at least she still has some fighting spirt left…”
Donovan: (While rubbing the girls shoulder, trying to coax her into letting go) “You’re gonna tire yourself out even more if you keep screaming and kicking…”
Nick: *takes his other arm and resumes cleaning, not even minding her death grip*
Gardio: *walks out*
A follower: Wh- who are you? *looks at Teshteal* Was that you who screamed? What is the meaning of this? *notes the armor* Is that… Sister Lucille’s armor?
Teshteal: It is but you’ll never guess who’s wearing it.
Gardio: *sighs at his cue to leave. He gets out and stands before the curious follower*
Follower: Oh! *falls to their knees* An anointed one! *clasps their hands in front of them* What brings you here? What teachings do you bring from Atom’s Devine light? Why have you chosen Sister Lucille’s armor as a vessel to walk in? Is this a sign?
Gardio: Please. Stand up. I’m simply returning what was lost. Lucille-
Follower: Return what was lost- what profound wisdom!
Gardio: No- I mean I’m returning Lucille’s armor to her. It was left in the middle of the woods. Where is she, anyway? I need to see her.
Follower: To convene with you would be such an honor for a mere follower. I’m lucky to be in your presence! I’ll take you to her now! *leads them up the walk way and runs into Ware*
Ware: Is that…? An anointed one? By Atom’s light, I never thought I’d see one in person that wasn’t so… overtly blessed.
Gardio: Yes, well I’m here to see Lucille.
Ware: This must be divine providence- she hasn’t been well. I found her at Atom’s Spring, ready to end her life and knew she had to be saved. *smiles* With you here, Atom must have plans for her- *finally notices Gardio’s expression* What’s wrong?
Gardio: *devastated look at the fact that his daughter nearly committed suicide*
Teshteal: *covering his mouth in horror*
Gardio: I… That’s my daughter. Let me through- *pushes past Ware* Lucille-!
Lucille: *sitting in the hut on the mattress, staring at her hands. Looks utterly defeated*
Gardio: *lips tremble* Lucille…?
Lucille: *sounds distant as she looks up* Dad…? Why did you come here…?
Gardio: I was worried- so extremely worried for you. *sits next to her* Lucille… why? Why did you do it? What happened…?
Lucille: *goes quiet*
Jasmine: (Snuggles up to her Dad with all her strength going to holding onto him as she quiets and settles down, not wanting to let go. She only yelps whenever it stings, closing her eyes tightly)
Ma: (Tosses aside the towel, finally finishing off drying the girl although she’s still stained with streaks of blood and grime. She frowns again when she sees the self made cuts on the girls thighs, but doesn’t say anything while she rebandages her leg wound until Nick can get to it) “Do you want me to properly wash her off when we’re done here? We have a shower and a tub, her hair definitely needs a good scrub down and detangling.”
Donovan: (Reaches back to grab another sheet, tossing it over Jas while still keeping his eyes adverted. He tucks it in wherever she isn’t being worked on in hopes it’ll help warm her up)
Lucille: *looks away, staying quiet*
Gardio: Honey, talk to me…
Lucille: *softly, quietly* It doesn’t matter…
Gardio: It does… *puts his arm around her and pulls her close* It very much does. Tell me what’s going on.
Lucille: It’ll just make things worse…
Gardio: No, I think it might help… *pleading almost* Please, Lucille…
Lucille: …I blew up. I absolutely lost it. It seems that everytime I speak lately… *tearing up* It causes more harm than good, no matter how well intended it is. So I shut up for a while.
Gardio: *senses that isn’t all* And it ate at you…
Lucille: *nods, sniffing* I’ve been trying to help Jasmine ever since that day. Trying to rebuild trust but… *sighs* It’s been hard. She won’t talk to anyone but Nick and Teshteal- *pauses* And now I guess Donovan. *closes her eyes* It feels like Nick’s completely shut me out, even if he hasn’t.
Gardio: I see… *frowns at that admission, holding her close. He hesitates, wants to ask why she nearly killed herself but doesn’t know how*
Jasmine: (Whines from the pain, nuzzling into her Dads arm for comfort. She’s feeling faint again, her eyes are drooping shut and it’s getting harder to stay awake)
Donovan: (Cringes a little whenever she cries out, because if Rosie is crying from the pain then it has to be really bad and intolerable)
Ma: (Took another rag and is cleaning the cuts on the bottoms of Jasmines feet that she got while running barefoot)
Donovan: (Pops Jas’s Pipboy off her arm and sets it on the table so she’s more comfortable. He blinks at it, suddenly remembering something that probably would’ve been useful earlier) “Oh my god, I’m an idiot…”
Ma: (Looks up at her adopted son) “Hm? What do you mean?”
Donovan: (Holds up a hand, turning out of the room) “I’ll be right back! Don’t go anywhere!” (Throws his gloves into the trashcan and rushes out the double doors)
Pirate: (Barks from the hallway, following her owner up the stairs while she sniffs his hands)
Nick: *looks to Ma in confusion then gets back to work on Jas* To answer your question, yes. Unfortunately, you’re probably gonna need me there for comfort.
Gardio: *trembles a little just thinking about it. Carefully and softly* … Why did you try to do what you did at the spring…?
Lucille: *eyes widen when what he asks hits her. Tears start to fall from her face as she turns to bury it in his chest* I’m sorry-! *feels selfish* I felt so tired and I just- I broke-! I know it sounds selfish! It was selfish to try and take my own life- *sobs* So many people depend on me-! And I’ve killed so many others- And everytime I help more just get hurt-! *clinging to his shirt* I’m sorry-! I’m so sorry, Dad!
Gardio: Ssh… *pulls her into one big hug and rubs her back*
Teshteal: *feels terrible for her seeing this usually quiet (and kind of terrifying) woman break down so heavily in her dad’s arms. Quietly to himself, remembering all the times he fxcked up as a cop, as Linus, and then the lives he took in the vault* I know how you feel…
Ma: (Nods in understanding, quickly going through her head on what soft pajamas will fit Jas from her stash as she takes some of Teshteals salve to put on the cuts on her feet)
Jasmine: (Kicks her legs wildly again when it starts to sting her, whining in protest)
Donovan: (Returns after a few minutes holding a holotape in his hand) “I’m back.”
Ma: (Recognizes the holotape and smiles) “Ah, good thinking Donny.” (Holding Jas’s ankles down again so she doesn’t get knocked out)
Donovan: (Takes Jasmine’s Pipboy and pops the tape in, waiting for it to start. Soon the soft notes of a lullaby for babies starts playing on a loop)
Jasmine: (Settles down the moment she hears the familiar music play deep in her haze, not relaxing her death grip on Nick but she stops kicking and relaxes so she’s not so tense)
Donovan: (Smiles when he sees that it still calms her) “She had the exact same one that her mother would use to keep us all asleep as babies, but we continued to use it as background noise during the day and night even after we got older.”
Ma: (Wants to point out that Donny still plays it for himself at night but she just chuckles to herself and continues to work on caring for the girl)
Donovan: (Puts on some new gloves and gently strokes Jazzy’s tear stained cheeks)
Nick: Alright. Are we ready to start working on the more dire wounds? *glancing at the meat hook wound already*
Gardio: *holds her until she stops crying her eyes out*
Lucille: *pathetically* I’m so tired, Daddy…
Gardio: *pets her hair* I know, little star, I know… You took on a lot for one person-
Lucille: *breath hitches in a panic* There’s still so much I have to do-
Gardio: Sshh… *kisses her forehead and keeps slowly petting her head* And it can be handled in due time… when’s the last time you’ve had time to really sit back and relax…?
Lucille: I can’t- the settlements need me-
Gardio: They are capable of building themselves up and defending their own. It sounds like you’ve overworked yourself to the point of mentally breaking and what happened with Jasmine was the tipping point. *sighs sadly* You need to rest…
Lucille: I’ve been trying-
Gardio: No- not here, I mean in a real bed.
Ma: (Quietly nods, looking at both the cauterizer and the needle and set of different sutures laid out on the table) “Which shall we use? And would you like to do it or should I?”
Donovan: (Kinda wishes Jas was a ghoul right now because then they would just have to wrap her up and give her an irradiated blood pack then wait for the radiation to heal her. But she’s not, and no matter how much of a tough face she puts on she’s still a human with a breaking limit that this kid keeps pushing)
Jasmine: (Still has her Dad in a death grip, slowly slipping in and out of sleep due to the blood loss and overall mental and physical exhaustion. Of course, she’s still determined to stay awake enough to be aware of what’s going on)
Nick: *assessing the wound* Cauterize. Allow me, I’ve done something… *glances at his right arm* Similar to this before.
Lucille: You mean back to the lighthouse, don’t you…? I don’t think they’ll take me after my outburst.
Gardio: They’re good people… just very concerned. Please try, sweetie.
Teshteal: May I recommend going as yourself instead of the power armor?
Gardio: *wonders if this is us the same troublemaker he worked with over 200 years ago* That’s a good point. They might take to you better, then.
Lucille: *softly* Okay…
Ma: “Alright then…” (Removes the sheet that’s still partly covering the girl so it doesn’t get in the way as she gets everything ready on the table. She wishes she could give Jas something for the inevitable pain that’s to come…)
Donovan: (Softly) “Rosie-Posie, you have to let go now…” (Gently tugs on her arm to try and get the teen to let go of Nick so she can lay flat on her back instead of the awkward twisted position she’s in)
Jasmine: (Only holds her Dad tighter, curling in her legs while she cries and fusses like a toddler) “No! No! No! No!”
Donovan: (Heavy sigh as he glances up at Nick)
Nick: *sighs* Rosalinda, I need my arm so I can treat your wounds. *tugs and pulls it away. Quietly to the others as he preps the cauterizer* Hold her down as best you can. This is going to get rough. *waits until they’re holding her down*
Lucille: Can I have my helmet back?
Teshteal: Sure! *tosses her her helmet*
Lucille: Thanks. *puts it back on*
Gardio: *gets up to leave and finds a bunch of the children of Atom gathered in the walkways to see him* Please, I’m just a man. I’m no messenger or prophet. I just came to find my daughter, Lucille. Please let me leave.
Ware: *nods, still being a man of reason* All, the anointed one and Sister Lucille have to make a pilgrimage elsewhere and must do it alone. Please let them through!
The followers: *disperse enough to let them out*
Gardio: *gets back in the power armor and leaves the way they came*
Teshteal: *hides behind Gardio in case the water starts*
Jasmine: (Immediately starts sobbing for her Dad when he pulls his arm away from her grasp) “Daddy! No! Don’t go!”
Donovan: (Gently presses Jasmine shoulders back down on the table while stroking her hair, still making it a point not to look down and keep his eyes mostly on her face. After knowing what he knows, he figures the less men that look at her partly unclothed body will give Jas a better sense of security and safety)
Ma: (Gives Jazzy a piece of leather to bite down so she doesn’t accidentally bite on her tongue or lip then arranges her so she’s flat on her back, holding down her legs)
Donovan: (Brings the Pipboy closer and cranks up the volume so the lullaby can be heard better over the girls sobs. He plants a reassuring kiss on her hairline before wiping some tears away and pressing his forehead against hers) “Shh, Ro-Ro… Everything is going to be alright in the end…” (Takes her arms and holds her down, nodding at Nick while bracing himself for this next part)
Jasmine: (Mewling and whining in protest to being held down, trying to kick her feet while waterfalls stream down on her cheeks) “No! No! No!”
Nick: I’m sorry. *starts cauterizing the wound carefully*
Lucille: *remembers she only has Kellogg’s gun as she walks behind her Dad and Teshteal in the woods* Hey, dad. Can you pass me the Ripper and the plasma gun?
Gardio: Hm? Sure. *hands her both*
Lucille: *feels much more secure. She spends the next half an hour just admiring her ripper as she walks*
Teshteal: What’s with the Ripper fascination?
Lucille: Oh- nothing. It’s just one of most dependable weapons in a fight. I was admiring that fact since we’re out here.
Teshteal: Why’s it so dependable?
Lucille: It shocks people while cutting into their skin.
Teshteal: Gruesome-
Gardio: Teshteal you like the smell of fresh blood. I wouldn’t be talking.
Teshteal: I never said I liked it! I said it was better than rotting flesh!
Gardio: *rolls his eyes*
Lucille: He is right, though. Ever smelled stale and rotting blood? I have. It’s horrible.
Gardio: Why are we talking about this…?
Teshteal: Because we get covered in blood on a daily basis-?
Gardio: You barely had blood on you when you came back from killing a bunch of Supermutants.
Teshteal: I’m very clean with my kills. *confidently looks up with a smirk*
Jasmine: (Starts screaming bloody murder from the pain, begging her Dad to stop between gasps while she tries to squirm around)
Donovan: (Quietly hushing her, keeping her still to his best ability)
Ma: (Tearing up as the girl cries and begs, swallowing a lump in her throat. She has to lean forwards with her weight on Jas’s legs in order to keep her from kicking)
Fishermen: (Had been sent to the top of the lighthouse where they have been staying by Donny when he went for the holotape)
Joyce: (Looking to the med room with concern, holding a plump chicken under her arm)
Pirate: (Whines while she paws at the med room doors, again trying to sniff through the cracks)
Nick: *keeps his focus on the wound* I know doll. I’m sorry. I have to do this… it’ll be over, soon.
Dogmeat: *worried bark at the door*
Nick: *hears it* It’s alright, Dogmeat. She’s okay, boy.
Jasmine: (Keeps sobbing oceans and pleading for her Dad to stop, the pain being too much for her to think straight. She thrashes harder, trying to break free so she can get them to stop) “No! No! No! No!”
Donovan: (Looks to Ma sadly as he continues to softly comfort the girl with hushed words)
Ma: (Blinks on her tears, the teens heartbreaking cries eating at her)
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restinsodaroni · 1 year
Hello I made my own small little thing in a google doc since I have to wait until I get approved on archiveofourown.org on the 23 , thanks for inspiring me ,I'll write more as time goes on thanks for making my interest alive again:))
Fic here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/11vCXbCxQDAWwiUpXUSno6wucNAhc2GXBD_d5b9hgFM4/edit?usp=drivesdk
Those who can't access it and still wanna read:
Familiar surroundings Au
Chapter 1: A new friend in the village ! :O
Note:this is my first ever fanfic ,after I saw "come be lonely with me" which inspired me to make this along with some other that I don't know the names of anymore,grammar things will be corrected along the way, also don't expect it to be too long, or updated daily, see the end for more notes:) also don't expect it to make sense;-;, and if restinisodaroni sees this idk what to think… (P.S. she is my favorite) .
Tags:sun(fnaf:sb), moon(fnaf:sb), reader is mentioned with nicknames only once with y/n, this contains some anxiety from me, sun/moon x reader, sun and moon are separated, sun is protective and careful, moon is soft but still a gremlin sometimes, your close to management of this place, this is called " familiar surroundings Au".
You just arrived at a village with a big daycare that somehow hosts animatronics? Ehh you don't really question it, looking around while in your car trees surrounding the road, you're nearly there. ____________________________
You are in a small grass field that cars appear to park in, so you do as well. You see the big house that has a sign reading" Superstar Daycare" it has a playground and lots of toys scattered around. Inside it seems dark. _______________________________
You enter the daycare and leave your bag on the near counter outside at the entrance then go in. It's very silent, the roof is filled with stars and a big moon, this place is really big for a small village. _______________________________
You wander around the daycare if you can even call it that, at first it looks bigger than expected, it has lots of clouds on the side and the floor is green like a field in the dark. You wonder where the animatronics in here are, you saw at the entrance two celestial-like cartoony figures that looked like a sun and a moon.
Some time later as you wander around you hear creaks from the other side where the structures are and something lurking in the big area with bars. Later on you decide to go through a hallway with the sign saying "Naptime Corner", huh that is convenient if you wanted a quick nap as well from all the long driving.
You step in and see some children sleeping on the floor, and try to be quiet to not wake any of them… Putting the phone away was a mistake, you could've used its flashlight right now.
You hear a creek and turn around to meet with white eyes on a slender figure, before you yelp it wraps its arms on your mouth. "Don't be scared friend, we won't hurt you! ", it says in a low tone, you observe it has some rays around its head ,some fluff pants, and green bracelets on it's arms,and some leaves attached to its body in random spots,with some drawings on his face, then it has to crouch down to your level, of course…
After some time you calm down, and then it lets go of your mouth, finally. " Sorry for scaring you, heh, wasn't expecting you to come here so early, your job says that it's not time yet, why are you here? "It tilts its head to the side waiting for your answer.
You sigh and say" Wait, wait, waittt, who are you? "Your question brings him out of his endless gaze" Oh how rude of me, I'm Sun, but you can call me however you want! " Sun… . Interesting not like it's original…. (-_-) .
"Well, Sun…..I'm y/n ,nice to meet you, " you pause then rub your neck"I'm just here to see this daycare before being your good ol' new kind of… management's helper? I don't know what to call myself, but please don't think I'd say something mean! ".Then there was silence…
"Oh don't worry ,I won't take it like that Sunshine! I already know you won't be mean! You look so cute you can't be mean! " Sun says to break the awkward silence, you then stare, never got a compliment, huh? . _______________________________
After a few moments another shadow appears behind him, must be Moon "Sun what are you doing? -" Moon growled then looked at you and chuckled "Oh they're here already? So early too? Must be really worried not to be late then! " it holds back its laughter to not wake up the children.
"Well what can I say, I'm only here to check everything out and make sure nothing's wrong" they looked at each other then at you again.
"You... You think we need your help? " Moon chuckled, "hey don't be like this! They're trying to do their job like us! " Sun added scolding Moon, but he just wandered off leaving you with Sun.
Sun turned to you "Sorry he's just really grumpy meeting new people, but he'll warm up to you in no time" he said looking rather awkward having to crouch. "And I'm sure you'll be good friends with everyone here! Even Moon! " he added. _________________________________
After some time you settled in, naptime was over and the kids woke up as Sun handed them energizing candy, then they started the fun for Sun to clean afterwards, tho just for like a few hours(3-4 hours) before naptime again since they tire out easily.
"Hello, Mr. Y/n! " Hearing a girl ,of course you introduced yourself already, you straightened up from the desk after you tried to read your book, "Hey kid? What is it? " you crouched down and patted her head "Can you draw with us? Pleaseee? " she begged you literally, you couldn't refuse "Okay I will! " You chuckle and follow her to the kids tables, the chairs are too small so you cross your legs. "So what do we draw today? " you say as you wait "Whatever you want Mr. Y/n! We just wanted to include you too! Celestia said she saw you looked pretty lonely, and also my name is Maria! " she said ,quickly handing you some crayons.
"Well Maria I'll draw something with you ,but after I'll go back to my shift, okay? " she nodded, you start to think about what you'll draw. Got an idea, you draw a Sun over a cliff and some ocean waves. ___________________________________
"Okay I'm done, let me see yours too! " you say and she nods, then you flip them to each other to see, she drew you and Sun holding hands"Look Mr. Y/n I drew you and Mr.Sun together! " she chuckled and you did as well, how cute that is.
You see Sun being tackled by some kids, then excuse yourself and get up, approaching him, you hear kids saying things like "Yeah, put it there too, and that one there! ".
You stop a few feet from him, he is full of stickers all over his body, you sigh and raise your finger "Now, kids, that's enough, I'll take care of it, now go play something not including this! " you scold them, and they all go in different directions, you see Sun has stickers over his eyes too, heh. "Hey, there bud, need some help? " You say and peel off some stickers from his face plate, he looks confused, you're pretty close, how doesn't he mind?...
"Oh, yeah thanks Sunshine! You're really kind! " he says, making you feel some butterflies, after a minute you snap out of it and get up.
"Oh, no problem Sunnyboy, just don't let them put stickers on your face again, it looks bad , heh" you say as he gets up.
"Oh dear, I'm not the one to ruin the fun! They just wanted to! So I let them! " oh so that's why huh? "Well it's still no excuse, it's hard peeling them off, even from your rays" you added, seeing the stickers on one of the sunrays.
Note:yes cliffhanger ,sorry but I don't wanna go over 8k words from the first chapter as it's just a plan for now, but next chapter will have 7k-10k words so no worries.
Also Sun is pretty silly ngl, and yeah next chapter you meet Moon!;)(during naptime ofc) How will that turn out huh?
Also this takes inspiration from my village house that is also big , and had to write it to get it off my mind as I've been preparing it for a month now, bye! Have a good night/day!
Awww this was a cute read!! Thank you so much for sharing your first chapter with me!! Sun just being super sweet is adorable lol. Hahaha Moon already trying to be difficult 😂 that's nice of you to say I inspired you (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) I hope you have lots of fun creating your fic! Ao3 is a funny place where you have to wait to get on lol. In the meantime, happy writing!! 💫
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sinful-huntress · 1 year
Hades klaus and Persephone reader, he’s the gentle giant and their the chaotic gremlin. A damned soul is trying to beg for their life to the reader thinking they’re the merciful one. Only for them to whisper that the soul was begging to the wrong person.
Love the aesthetic, but we both know Klaus would never steal anyone... ever. At the Throne
The Underworld felt so much emptier without his beloved Persephone, but Klaus knew you'd be back in a few months' time. Despite having lost track of said time, he continued about his duties tending to the lost and forgotten souls. Whether that be the long-lost plants, unfortunate animals, or the wayward human souls he had to judge for their lives on Earth. Klaus had plenty to occupy his time whilst he waited for his love.
Stepping out of a cloud of rose petals, you set a small suitcase down in the shared bedroom. It might be a few days early, but you needed to get your mind off things quickly. Lest Ares' latest attempt to steal you from Hades became more of something Zeus would pull.
"[Name]?" Klaus stood in the doorway, "Aren't you early? I could have sworn you weren't due to return for a few more--"
"Days?" You were a little surprised by the solemn head shaking, "It's roughly time for my visit Klaus. I know I'm a little early, but..."
Stopping to figure out how you wanted to say this, if you wanted to say this at all.
"I just needed to arrive a little early. Things were getting too hectic at Olympus."
Approaching slowly, Klaus raised both arms. A subtle gesture, offering you comfort in his arms. Comfort and solace you desperately wanted, burying your face against his silken robes as his arms tightened around your back.
"It's quite alright Liebling." His voice surrounding you like this made everything fade like a distant memory, "I'm delighted to have you back."
Slowly nuzzling against one another, it didn't take long for both of you to ease backward toward the bed. Klaus's hands slid down your back, careful as ever trying to position you on the bed. Whether you two would simply cuddle, or get more intimate was yet to be seen.
Not that you were going to remain subtle in your intentions.
Slow, tender kisses numbing Klaus to how eagerly you were pulling open the front of his robes. Even with the obvious hands running all over his chest, Klaus couldn't help himself. Pulling you closer in a tight hug, his large hands rubbing your back in soothing circles.
You all but melted under his gentle grasp. Being overtaken by your massive husband, just barely. Klaus was more or less following your lead after all, giving into your desires as he swung up over top of you.
That loving gaze never failed to make you blush, his bright emerald eyes scanning your half-nude form. One slow hand slipped under your robe, gently tugging the article away. With the first sudden movement, Klaus pressed a firm kiss against the taunt muscle of your neck. Every motion of his mouth felt as if he were attempting to massage your neck, moving across your skin.
Trying to return his affections was becoming increasingly difficult, the weight of how he missed you fully setting in. Gentle shivers raced along your spine, and your skin with every slight brush of his fingertips and lips. As embarrassing as Klaus found it, his fully erect member was starting to press against your thigh. Driving you mad with longing and desire.
You barely managed to pull away, "Klaus, please..."
Studying your flushed face, he knew he couldn't draw his ministrations out any longer. Though he still wanted to make sure he wouldn't hurt you in the throws of passion, taking his time to ensure your comfort. Almost ignoring your hips bucking up, the desperate attempts to get Klaus to hurry up.
Not for very long however, as Klaus didn't want to torment his beloved. Sheathing himself as deeply inside you as he could, pausing for a moment so you could adjust under him.
Every slow thrust was dizzying, soft grunts and groans filled the air. The bed creaked under both of you as Klaus sped up little by little. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you could feel just how warm Klaus was getting. The simple gesture in the midst of intimacy turned him on in ways you'd never fully understand.
Silently spurring him on as you were cradled against his chest, not helping in the slightest as you kissed along those large muscles. Every motion became more erratic, lustful thrusts and deep-throated groans echoed in the air.
The feeling of soft throbbing as the two of you panted heavily was its own brand of ecstasy. Feathery soft kisses pressed across your shoulders as Klaus continued to gently rub your waist and legs. With your attempts to massage his body being much weaker as Klaus was simply too large to do more than just cling. Rubbing his shoulders and chest was the best you could muster in your happy exhaustion.
"I missed you..."
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sindumpster · 1 year
Hey Wiggs idk if you have any experience in storywriting but i really wanna introduce my own characters to the world but have no clue how. I can't draw to save my life and i'm too insecure about my writings i always delete the drafts. H e l p
Like I mean this in the kindest way, but how are you going to share anything you make if you delete it? Especially drafts, because the whole point of a draft is to serve as a stepping stone. How are you going to improve upon a story you no longer have? At the very least, make yourself a hidden folder and save it to that so you can pretend it doesn’t exist without actually deleting it. Or make a burner email or private account somewhere you won’t check often and copy-paste your drafts to it. There’s a butt ton of ways, but I recommend picking one until you’re comfy letting your drafts stay.
Cuz yeh I do have a bit of experience as a writer. I consider myself more of a visual arts person, but I do write a lot, both for college and for myself (and RPs with friends, which is also a practice option). And I started with writing stories years before I pursued art. Neither of which I was particularly good at when I started out. I’m not a savant-type lol, I had to practice and keep working at it. It’s like learning to play an instrument—nobody expects you play Bach the first time you pick up a violin, but if you stick with it, you can learn how to play Bach.
But you’re also gonna be your own worst critic, and you’ll also have to learn how to fight the gremlin in your brain that says you suck. Like if you think I’m a good artist/writer/whatever, know that I still have that voice that tells me I suck, and that I can’t draw or write for shit. There’s artists and writers out there that make me look like a baby by comparison, and they have to fight that gremlin too, because you can always do something better. There is no point at which you can no longer improve. But that’s also kinda cool because it means there’s no limit to what you can make, and no cap to how good you can get if you stick with it. As a creative, it’s both a blessing and a curse, but it takes time to appreciate the blessing side of it.
…weird ramble aside tho, I think you should also lower your expectations when it comes to drafts. Like I mentioned before, drafts are stepping stones. Sometimes my drafts are incoherent word vomit where I just throw up sentences and words as they come to me, or lists of things I want to have in a story. Drafts will never be perfect, and may not even be good, because they’re for sorting out your ideas and trying things. The point is to fuck around and find out. Give yourself permission fuck around. Maybe it’ll go somewhere, maybe it won’t. If you stick with it though, you’ll eventually start revising and honing it down, and it’ll sound more like complete story. Trust the process and give yourself permission to make mistakes. And if your end goal is to post it, figure out how to get it to a point where you’re okay putting it out in the wild. But ultimately, let yourself enjoy the process of creating, even if you think it’s flawed. Perfection is an illusion, so fuck perfection, and have fun instead.
Another thing I’ve found is that sometimes you just need to let a project sit (writing and drawings). I usually let art age a few days where I don’t do anything, and I don’t post it. It lets me come back to it with fresh eyes so I can spot anything I want to fix. But also I’ll dislike it less. Sometimes you just hate something because you’ve been staring at it for too many hours/days/weeks, and need to NOT look at it. Writing especially, sometimes I just need to walk away from a draft for a while, so that instead of being like “THIS IS ALL GARBAGE >:[” I can instead be like “I like the idea, and that last line is 👌, but this dialogue feels a little stale”.
Also if it helps, I’ve rewritten this ask 4 times now. I’ve been drafting, if you will I’mnotsorrylmao. And I’m certain there’s a better, more concise way to say what I want. But if I fixate on that, I’m never gonna post an answer to this ask, am I? And that would suck so much worse that this imperfect response lol.
PS: I know writing and drawing are super complicated and nuanced, along with all the feelings related to them, and there’s a ton I didn’t even touch on cuz otherwise I’d never finish writing this. But if you need any pointers or more specific help on how to start, feel free to ask or reach out.
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tobybells · 2 years
Hey, hi! Toby here. Here’s my first CrimeBoys fic rec list! This is my first time doing anything like this lol, so do forgive me if i make any mistakes - criticism and such is welcome :) (Summaries don’t include excerpts! Tell me if you’d all prefer I included them.)
Toby’s Personal Recs!
Tommy Makes Divorce 1000% Funnier by SneakyToni [T, 5k+, 1/1 || Tommy Videos AU.. I think.. // Crack Treated Seriously, Light Angst, Fluff, Kid!Tommy, Parental!George] George and his husband are going through a divorce and a custody battle, leaving Wilbur to babysit their little gremlin while they iron things out.
Because dreaming costs money, my dear by eneliii [T, 15k+, 2/2 || Hybrids + Modern AU // Kid Fic, Fluff, Angst, MCD, Hopeful Ending, Violinist!Tommy] Tommy wants to be a violinist.
Let's make clay figurines together by orphan_account [G, 16k, 1/1 || Modern AU // Fluff, Humor, Light Angst, h/c, Artist!Tommy, Teacher!Wilbur] After two months of art lessons, Tommy very much regretted choosing it as a GCSE. Not because he was bad at it or anything—no he loved drawing—but it was his teachers. It was how his school taught art. Everything about it sucked the creativity out of it. It took away his choice of expression, forced him to write coursework about overrated, dead artists and their dogshit contemporary pieces. But then he got a new teacher to sub into his Friday lessons. He didn't think someone whose last name referred to the stuff in chimneys could make him love art again. Yet, Mr Wilbur Soot did.
under the brine by bonesandthebees [T, 29k+, 4/4 || Modern AU // Angst with a Happy Ending, Horror, Temporary MCD, Memory loss] Wilbur finds a dead body at the beach, and that's only the start of his problems. or or, crimeboys enjoyers just trust me on this I gotchu
Waisting Your Time by shutupanakin [T, 33k+, 9/9 || Modern AU // Angst, h/c, Healing, Bittersweet Ending] Tommy planned on dying. He meets Wilbur instead.
Black Honey by birdfeet [T, 39k+, 5/? || Modern AU // Road Trips, Angst, h/c, Dysfunctional Relationships/Family, Minor Violence // Underage Alcohol & Drug Usage] Being alone isn't lonely, but sometimes having someone else there is
vanderlyle crybaby cry by bonesandthebees [T, 41k+, 7/7 || Modern AU // Angst, Wilbur-centric, Mental Health, Dysfunctional Family/Relationship // Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts] Wilbur is only a few months away from getting his degree when he has a mental breakdown and is unwillingly pulled out of his classes. With nothing to fill his days, Phil gets Wilbur a part time job at a local bookstore, where he finds himself getting trained by a loud-mouthed teenager who hates his guts right off the bat. Great. All he wants to do is graduate, but now he has to deal with a seventeen year old trying to get him fired. Thanks Phil. But somehow, this kid ends up being exactly what Wilbur needs.
I'm Still An Ugly by AlliRose09 [M, 66k+, 29/29 || Superpowers/Superhero AU // SBI, Heavy Angst, h/c, Manipulative!Dream, Villain!Tommy // Abuse, Amputation] A new generation was here. One filled with heroes but also with villains. A group, which the heroes call The Uglies, were rumored to have been making a plan to wipe out the capital. The heroes, also known as P.o.G need a miracle. Instead they got Tommy. Or Tommy is apart of an evil group and gets taken by P.o.G after an accident. Soon he learns that his supposed enemies might not be that bad.
His Curse Of Binding by orphan_account [T, 144k+, 30/30 || Foster AU + Greek Mythology // SBI, Angst with a Happy Ending, Immortal!Tommy, MCD (sort of), Reincarnation] In which Tommy Soot, originally born in 1509, is cursed to be reborn, to never reach adulthood unless he figured out the Greek myth of his lifetime. He had one rule of not allowing himself to get attached to people but he would have never guessed that a foster family of the creator of Minecraft, an anime stan and a Soundcloud musician would break that rule. ~ SBI Foster AU but with Greek mythology.
Well, that’s most - if not all - of my favourite CrimeBoys fics! Some of these are popular, and you may recognise them or their authors. Hopefully, you find a new fic from this list. Feel free to drop into my Ask Box or request a list! See you darlings soon. 💙
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parttimepuff · 2 years
There had better be a family portrait with the matching outfits
"A family photo…." Reverie murmured, picturing it in his mind wistfully. "Well, you wouldn't turn out so well in a photo, but that would be so cute." Gremlin pointed out. "I think it would be! It would definitely be memorable…" Rose agreed. The little family would be perfect for a portrait like that. The dream fae sighed. "Even if you wouldn’t be able to really see me in it, I’d treasure it." He promised, both to the other two and himself.
His brother's expression softened. "Awwww, I know ya would. And heck, maybe one day we could get someone to paint it. Like with our IDs." Gremlin said. "Yeah…" Reverie trailed off, still thinking about the possibility fondly. Rose tapped her chin, thinking it over herself. "Maybe you could even make one yourself, until they figure out how to make actual pictures work." She suggested.
Reverie turned his attention to her. "Myself… I, uh, I’ve never tried drawing before. Or painting." He admitted with a shrug. "Really, never?" Gremlin asked. In response, his mirror simply held up his wings. The dream demon chuckled a little at that. "Pft, fair point, but I dunno. Still seems like something to try at least once."
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theslowesthnery · 5 years
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tiny forest gremlin
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fozmeadows · 3 years
race & culture in fandom
For the past decade, English language fanwriting culture post the days of LiveJournal and Strikethrough has been hugely shaped by a handful of megafandoms that exploded across AO3 and tumblr – I’m talking Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Dr Who, the MCU, Harry Potter, Star Wars, BBC Sherlock – which have all been overwhelmingly white. I don’t mean in terms of the fans themselves, although whiteness also figures prominently in said fandoms: I mean that the source materials themselves feature very few POC, and the ones who are there tended to be done dirty by the creators.
Periodically, this has led POC in fandom to point out, extremely reasonably, that even where non-white characters do get central roles in various media properties, they’re often overlooked by fandom at large, such that the popular focus stays primarily on the white characters. Sometimes this happened (it was argued) because the POC characters were secondary to begin with and as such attracted less fan devotion (although this has never stopped fandoms from picking a random white gremlin from the background cast and elevating them to the status of Fave); at other times, however, there has been a clear trend of sidelining POC leads in favour of white alternatives (as per Finn, Poe and Rose Tico being edged out in Star Wars shipping by Hux, Kylo and Rey). I mention this, not to demonize individuals whose preferred ships happen to involve white characters, but to point out the collective impact these trends can have on POC in fandom spaces: it’s not bad to ship what you ship, but that doesn’t mean there’s no utility in analysing what’s popular and why through a racial lens.
All this being so, it feels increasingly salient that fanwriting culture as exists right now developed under the influence and in the shadow of these white-dominated fandoms – specifically, the taboo against criticizing or critiquing fics for any reason. Certainly, there’s a hell of a lot of value to Don’t Like, Don’t Read as a general policy, especially when it comes to the darker, kinkier side of ficwriting, and whether the context is professional or recreational, offering someone direct, unsolicited feedback on their writing style is a dick move. But on the flipside, the anti-criticism culture in fanwriting has consistently worked against fans of colour who speak out about racist tropes, fan ignorance and hurtful portrayals of living cultures. Voicing anything negative about works created for free is seen as violating a core rule of ficwriting culture – but as that culture has been foundationally shaped by white fandoms, white characters and, overwhelmingly, white ideas about what’s allowed and what isn’t, we ought to consider that all critical contexts are not created equal.
Right now, the rise of C-drama (and K-drama, and J-drama) fandoms is seeing a surge of white creators – myself included – writing fics for fandoms in which no white people exist, and where the cultural context which informs the canon is different to western norms. Which isn’t to say that no popular fandoms focused on POC have existed before now – K-pop RPF and anime fandoms, for example, have been big for a while. But with the success of The Untamed, more western fans are investing in stories whose plots, references, characterization and settings are so fundamentally rooted in real Chinese history and living Chinese culture that it’s not really possible to write around it. And yet, inevitably, too many in fandom are trying to do just that, treating respect for Chinese culture or an attempt to understand it as optional extras – because surely, fandom shouldn’t feel like work. If you’re writing something for free, on your own time, for your own pleasure, why should anyone else get to demand that you research the subject matter first?
Because it matters, is the short answer. Because race and culture are not made-up things like lightsabers and werewolves that you can alter, mock or misunderstand without the risk of hurting or marginalizing actual real people – and because, quite frankly, we already know that fandom is capable of drawing lines in the sand where it chooses. When Brony culture first reared its head (hah), the online fandom for My Little Pony – which, like the other fandoms we’re discussing here, is overwhelmingly female – was initially welcoming. It felt like progress, that so many straight men could identify with such a feminine show; a potential sign that maybe, we were finally leaving the era of mainstream hypermasculine fandom bullshit behind, at least in this one arena. And then, in pretty much the blink of an eye, things got overwhelmingly bad. Artists drawing hardcorn porn didn’t tag their works as adult, leading to those images flooding the public search results for a children’s show. Women were edged out of their own spaces. Bronies got aggressive, posting harsh, ugly criticism of artists whose gijinka interpretations of the Mane Six as humans were deemed insufficiently fuckable.
The resulting fandom conflict was deeply unpleasant, but in the end, the verdict was laid down loud and clear: if you cannot comport yourself like a decent fucking person – if your base mode of engagement within a fandom is to coopt it from the original audience and declare it newly cool only because you’re into it now; if you do not, at the very least, attempt to understand and respect the original context so as to engage appropriately (in this case, by acknowledging that the media you’re consuming was foundational to many women who were there before you and is still consumed by minors, and tagging your goddamn porn) – then the rest of fandom will treat you like a social biohazard, and rightly so.
Here’s the thing, fellow white people: when it comes to C-drama fandoms and other non-white, non-western properties? We are the Bronies.
Not, I hasten to add, in terms of toxic fuckery – though if we don’t get our collective shit together, I’m not taking that darkest timeline off the table. What I mean is that, by virtue of the whiteminding which, both consciously and unconsciously, has shaped current fan culture, particularly in terms of ficwriting conventions, we’re collectively acting as though we’re the primary audience for narratives that weren’t actually made with us in mind, being hostile dicks to Chinese and Chinese diaspora fans when they take the time to point out what we’re getting wrong. We’re bristling because we’ve conceived of ficwriting as a place wherein No Criticism Occurs without questioning how this culture, while valuable in some respects, also serves to uphold, excuse and perpetuate microaggresions and other forms of racism, lashing out or falling back on passive aggression when POC, quite understandably, talk about how they’re sick and tired of our bullshit.
An analogy: one of the most helpful and important tags on AO3 is the one for homophobia, not just because it allows readers to brace for or opt out of reading content they might find distressing, but because it lets the reader know that the writer knows what homophobia is, and is employing it deliberately. When this concept is tagged, I – like many others – often feel more able to read about it than I do when it crops up in untagged works of commercial fiction, film or TV, because I don’t have to worry that the author thinks what they’re depicting is okay. I can say definitively, “yes, the author knows this is messed up, but has elected to tell a messed up story, a fact that will be obvious to anyone who reads this,” instead of worrying that someone will see a fucked up story blind and think “oh, I guess that’s fine.” The contextual framing matters, is the point – which is why it’s so jarring and unpleasant on those rare occasions when I do stumble on a fic whose author has legitimately mistaken homophobic microaggressions for cute banter. This is why, in a ficwriting culture that otherwise aggressively dislikes criticism, the request to tag for a certain thing – while still sometimes fraught – is generally permitted: it helps everyone to have a good time and to curate their fan experience appropriately.
But when white and/or western fans fail to educate ourselves about race, culture and the history of other countries and proceed to deploy that ignorance in our writing, we’re not tagging for racism as a thing we’ve explored deliberately; we’re just being ignorant at best and hateful at worst, which means fans of colour don’t know to avoid or brace for the content of those works until they get hit in the face with microaggresions and/or outright racism. Instead, the burden is placed on them to navigate a minefield not of their creation: which fans can be trusted to write respectfully? Who, if they make an error, will listen and apologise if the error is explained? Who, if lived experience, personal translations or cultural insights are shared, can be counted on to acknowledge those contributions rather than taking sole credit? Too often, fans of colour are being made to feel like guests in their own house, while white fans act like a tone-policing HOA.
Point being: fandom and ficwriting cultures as they currently exist badly need to confront the implicit acceptance of racism and cultural bias that underlies a lot of community rules about engagement and criticism, and that needs to start with white and western fans. We don’t want to be the new Bronies, guys. We need to do better.  
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characteroulette · 2 years
Okay in a truly unhinged fashion I have made my s4 Moominvalley pitch because I am obsessed gremlin with IDEAS
placed under a read more because it's a lot
Comet in Moominland Arc
-Ep 1-5 are standard fare. Change from Autumn to Winter to spring. Always a hint of weird going ons, always a little background detail of the star w/a tail, but nothing in the foreground yet. (The charas notice, but they've got episode concerns to deal with.) Maybe like one episode dedicated to Little My trying to figure out what's up with Snork Maiden and Moomin, who haven't been as sappy lately, only to find out that the two are content in being just friends for now. (Still soul mates of course who love each other a lot, but not dating.) (Little My like SNUFF MAKE YOUR MOVE!! And Snuff like ??? What are you talking about??)
-Ep 6 transitions to Summer and we get some heavy rains. Not enough to flood, but enough to drive off Snuff. While Moomin + fam muse over storm, Muskrat starts philosophising on the nature of the star w/a tail. (Pappa mentions it's something one of his old friends would draw.) In the morning, the kids go down to the beach! (OH also, rains make Moomin remember when his family first arrived in Moominvalley. He and Sniff were scared, Mamma was desperately searching for Pappa, and their house had washed here from the flood. Also how Moomin First met Snuff by following the campfire trail to arrive at his site!)
-Ep 7 starts w/the world awash in ash. Everyone is freaking out that the world's lost its colour, but calms once the ash is revealed. It's weird, though. And Moomin decides someone ought to look into it. He writes a note for Snuff, who had yet to return, then gathers his crew (Sniff, Little My, + Snorkmaiden; Snork is busy examining the ash thing) and strikes out down the river to the observatory up in the Lonely Mountains. (Muskrat or Pappa mentions this.) They get into some peril, of course, but are rescued by a flute-player who calls himself the Joxter.
-Ep 8, Snuff returns only for Mamma to give him the note. He panics just a little, going straight after the crew. (Snork asks to join? Snuff lets him?) Cut back to Moomin and co. w/this new character. Moomin + Snork Maiden kinda getting Snufkin vibes off him, Little My disagrees whole-heartedly, Sniff just likes his carefree attitude. He notes that his forebodings told him of the danger the signs (star w/tail) brought with them + was looking for higher ground to escape it. Otherwise, he's been living in a fruit tree. (Sniff likes this.) The gang run into a Hemulin bug collector + Joxter pranks the man into releasing all his specimen (??), which is definitely a Snuff thing to do (Moomin decides, much against Snork Maiden + Sniff's opinions). Little My decides this Joxter's aight and the crew keep ascending them Mountains.
-Ep 9 starts w/the crew finding the den of garnets. Sniff is too entranced to walk away, so they all take a detour to look around. (Joxter laments the lack of use pretty gems have? Maybe? You can't eat 'em and they're too heavy to keep!) Right as they discover the lizard who's made this den its home, Snuff + Snork arrive for assistance! Everyone safely out of the den (though their supplies halved due to the backpack getting torn), introductions are made. Snuff doesn't really like Joxter, or that Moomin's grown fond of him (seemingly), but Joxter seems as nervous about Snuff.
-Ep 10, the crew have made it to the Observatory! Though none of the scientists are willing to give Moomin or Snork Maiden the time of day, they are willing to answer Snuff + Joxter's inquiry. That star, which has been growing more + more visible in the sky, is a comet. And it's hurtling straight for Moominvalley. Its impact is estimated for 4 days, 17 hrs, 23 mins, give or take 5 mins. The crew gotta sit with this knowledge a minute, terrified + upset, then Moomin breaks them out of it by saying they gotta warn the valley. They gotta get Mamma + Pappa to safety. Start the scramble down the mountain! In which they land in some peril by a flesh-eating plant! (Snork Maiden + Moomin both get caught, leading Snuff to work w/Joxter to free them. Snork also helps!)
-Ep 11, the world is growing noticeably redder. The water's drying up at a pretty steady and rapid rate. Meaning they can't get back home via that way. Before Snuff can chime in, Joxter professes to knowing a shortcut and leads them to the dried-up sea. Return of stilts! Moomin offers to carry Little My, which she refuses at first. (Snuff is trying not to freak out about this Joxter fellow.) They come across one particularly interesting shipwreck and look inside. Moomin + Snuff get caught by the octopus inside, unfortunately, trying to keep Sniff out of mischief again. This time, Snork Maiden + Little My to the rescue! Everyone glad to be safe, we continue on. (Little My offers to carry Moomin on her shoulders lol, but then accepts him carrying her.) We end at the shores of Moominvalley, just one day left until the comet strikes.
-Ep 12, pandemonium. The Valley folk are in hysterics over the red world of the comet. Moomin rushes home w/crew to find Mamma + Pappa. Unfortunately, tornado strikes at that time + the crew end up getting caught + saved by Mymble and the hot air balloon. Moomin laments that it's a terrible birthday gift, this comet, while Mymble and Joxter are more than shocked to see one another again. (Little My like is THIS my dad?? And both like nope!) Due to some tiff, Moomin ends up getting knocked overboard + plummeting to the forest below. Snuff + co are uhhh pretty upset by this! (Little My calls him bro oop) Thankfully, Moomin's okie, just a bit bunged up. But now he's even more despair and cries for his Mamma and Pappa. Who find him! Surprisingly! Mamma reassures him that even grown adults will need help from their parents from time to time and Pappa asks after the adventure, but no time for that. They've got a comet to take cover from.
-Ep 13, finale! Mymble and Joxter flew off together to escape comet. The rest of the crew comes to help Moomin family move their things to that cave on the beach. (Hang curtains on the outside and use the rest of Snuff's sun oil! Yeah.) Though a bit disorganised at first, they all come together as a team in the end! Although once everything's settled, sniff bolts out because he forgot something! And Moomin + Snuff chase after him. Now is Not the time,but Snuff ends up asking after Joxter any way. Moomin answers distractedly, more focused on finding Sniff, until he notices Snuff just being real upset + they have to pause for that talk. (Meanwhile, Mamma can't find Moomin's b-day cake. Looks like the Muskrat sat on it whoop.) Let Snuff be the jealous one for once is all I'm saying. Moomin reassures Snuff that they're best friends, that nothing could change the way he feel inside, then Snuff blurts out that he wants something more than just friendship. (Let Moomin show off his growth is all I'm asking pls.) Moomin approaches cautiously and Snuff is in panic 'oh shit I have to say this now' mode. Snuff admits tha the loves Moomin, he's always loved him, but it scares him. Such a big, selfish desire isn't right after all. It isn't freeing at all. Moomin steps in and bumps his snoot to Snuff's, saying that love doesn't have to be selfish. Take it from a Moomin who's had to learn the hard way! Sniff finds them (w/Toffle the plush bby) and the gang quickly head back to take shelter.
"It's frightening, of course. It might be something so big that you're sure it would change the whole world. And maybe it will. But if you keep your paw in mine and we weather this together, then it will pass. And though we are changed forevermore, we'll still have each other. From there, we'll just have to take things as they come, step by step."
-Comet descends, but only grazes the surface. Soon enough, daylight breaks into the morning and the sky is blue once more. Everyone piles out and sees the sea returning in big, choppy waves + celebration! Singing, dancing, and hollering gallore! Snuff + Moomin dance together, paw in paw, a sort of excited anticipation about them. They have survived, and they're going to make the most of it as they can.
(Listen,it either ends this way or w/Winter arriving + Snuff gifting his harmonica to Moomin before leaving on his travels. That shit SLAPPED the 90s anime knew what it was doing!!)
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hello!💙💙i hope im not bothering you but may i get a tsukasa or mitsuba x reader where their s/o loves to draw but never lets them see and one day they steal their s/o sketchbook and dont see any drawings of them and the boys are a lil dissapointed but their s/o has a secret sketcbook that they always keep with them filled with the boys portraits?? it would be rlly cute!!(feel free to ignore tho!)💙💜
tsukasa yugi x gn!reader, mitsuba sousuke x gn!reader
a/n: no worries, you aren’t bothering me at all!! This is a super cute prompt, so thank you so much for requesting! (i love writing mitsuba too,,, just gotta love the sharp-tongued, short-tempered characters <3)
word count: 1,471
Tsukasa Yugi <3
He thinks the fact that you can draw is super cool!! Probably more so than you do, to be completely honest- he’s extremely enthusiastic about it, but that also means he’s extremely annoying about it.
Lots of “let me look, let me look!!” “I wanna seeeeeeee,” “(Y/N), pleaaaaseee, what’re you drawinggggg?”
“Tsukasa, I love you, I love you very much. But, I promise you, if you don’t shut up and let me draw in peace-”
So, of course, if you don’t let him see it, our gremlin of a boy is going to look through it one way or another. Pestering you relentlessly didn’t work, trying to slip it casually into a conversation didn’t work, so! You leave him no option!
One day, when you’re minding your business in class, Tsukasa checks your locker. Maybe, just maybe, you left it in there?
Hmm… empty- next stop!! Bookbag!
His eyes practically lit up, his expression excited, practically screaming “found it!!”
Tsukasa would open the sketchbook, silently wondering what on earth you could have drawn. His only experience in art was… well- with things that weren’t intended for art. It wasn’t ever proper “art” either. Just a lot of smearing. But anyway-
A part of him sort of hoped it would be something with him. Maybe even a little doodle, it didn’t have to be a fully colored, lined, amazing piece. Just little doodles, cos you loved him so much, and he infested your mind like the little parasite he is… y’know….
So, as he flipped through the pages, admiring your style- amazed with every little doodle, every little pencil marking, every little detail- he kept an eye out for anything that could have even vaguely resembled him. Yet, once he reached the end, he was rather certain that there was nothing. Tsukasa felt a bit disappointed, pouting despite the fact that you weren’t there to see it.
“Tell me how I knew you were up to something,” You sighed, looking at the boy seated next to your bookbag, the last pages of your sketchbook flipped open. He ignored the comment, placing your sketchbook to the side, then hugging you. You returned the hug, giving him a confused glance.
“What? It’s nothing incredible, but was it that bad-? I don’t even know everything that’s in that, so-”
“You didn’t draw me :(((“
“You didn’t ask me to???”
Still, you couldn’t help but laugh, well aware of the other sketchbook you had stored in the more secure part of your bookbag. Patting his back, then letting go of the hug, you bent down and grabbed your sketchbook and bag. Replacing the sketchbook he had flipped through, you then reached in and grabbed the other.
Somewhat embarrassed, yet know he already found out about your artistic abilities and would probably be glad to see himself, you handed him the sketchbook. “I’ll have you know, I’m not exactly overjoyed with you right now. But, since you’re a sneak, I’ll let you look at that one.”
Tsukasa opened the sketchbook with renewed energy, excited to see what was inside it. Was it him?! Did he actually infest your mind?!! Was he a good model??
Uncharacteristically, his face was slightly warm as he looked over the first page. It started off with a fully finished drawing of him- a very strong start, if he did say so himself. Not only was it him, it was awesome.
He flipped through the rest of the pages, happiness and excitement practically radiating off of him. You could have sworn you saw his eyes sparkling.
“THAT’S SO COOL, (Y/N)!!” Tsukasa would yell after shutting the sketchbook, throwing his arms around you happily, making sure that the sketchbook didn’t get damaged as he did so. “You did draw me! You drew a lot of me!!”
“Ahah- yeah. You’re… cute, after all. Why wouldn’t I draw my boyfriend?”
Mitsuba Sousuke <3
Nosey little dude, but on a more casual level than Tsukasa.
“I’ve shown you my pictures, so you should show me your drawings.”
“That makes sense,”
“So, show me.”
Though amusing, Mitsuba will start to pout after a while. “Tch- it’s not like I wanted to see it anyway. It’s probably lame.”
“Awesome then! That doesn’t make me want to show you any more than I previously did~!”
Insert Mitsuba sticking his tongue out at you-
Still, Mitsuba does understand where you’re coming from. After all, he never shows you pictures he’s taken of you. Therefore! It’s only logical that you wanted to draw his cute face!! He muttered this, crossing his arms, yet pretending that it was no big deal to him. Nope, those little comments and attempted glances were nothing-
“Mmh? You’re cute, yes.”
“That’s not what I- whatever, pervert. It’s clear now. You don’t want to show me, ‘cos there’s raunchy art in there! Pervert! Creepy, you’re so creepy-”
“Then aren’t you a pervy creep for wanting to look in my sketchbook?”
Mitsuba may have not talked to you for the rest of the day- but it’s fiiiine, he’s fiiiiiiine.
Especially since, by the end of the next day, Mitsuba passed your locker, planning on returning to the class from a bathroom break. As he glanced over at your locker, not fully shut because of your bookbag shoved into it, an idea crossed his mind. It wouldn’t take long… a little peak wouldn’t hurt. Just to make sure his s/o wasn’t a pervert, of course! Not out of personal interest!
So, he grabbed your bag, rummaging through it until he found a well-used sketchbook. His interest peaked, as he grabbed it, opening it up and flipping through the pages.
Some of the pieces were similar to pictures he had given to you, but he didn’t spot anything of him. Sure, your art was impressive, and he was rather content finally getting to see it, but-
But where was his cute face?? Not even his name??? No dreamy “(Y/N) Sousuke” written? Nothing.
Well, it’s not like he cared anywa-
“Really, Mitsuba? You needed to use the bathroom?”
“AH-” He yelped, shutting your sketchbook, as if that would make it seem like he wasn’t just flipping through the pages in slight awe. “Shut up, pervert! I went to the bathroom, I just- you were being suspicious.”
“By drawing?”
You laughed lightly, though embarrassed as you took the sketchbook from him, putting it back into your bookbag. To be completely honest, your heart was beating a bit faster, slightly nervous that he found your art ugly. It wasn’t anything in comparison to his pictures, you thought..
And, when you turned around and caught a glimpse of his slightly disappointed face, your heart beat even faster. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” He said, somewhat defensively- well, that much was normal.
“Sorry, it’s probably disappointing- I know my art isn’t the greatest, but it’s definitely improved over time. There are things I need to study, but-”
“Hey, don’t assume I’m upset with your art, dummy. It’s…” He blushed slightly, looking away from you and shoving his hands in his pockets, “it’s really cool. I’m impressed.”
“Then why are you pouting?”
“I’m not pouting.”
You raised your eyebrows, making Mitsuba flush further, opening his mouth as he thought of what to say in response to that expression. “I just- well, you were weird about it, so I figured there was something about me- something weird or suspicious. But, it’s all perfectly normal.”
It took a moment for you to get behind his words- but, after getting behind Mitsuba’s extremely indirect way of saying things, you understood what he meant. He wanted you to draw him. After processing that, you bit your lip, wondering if you should actually show him your other sketchbook… a glimpse at his slight pout, though it was now confusion at your conflicted expression, you turned around, rummaging through your bookbag.
Then, you pulled out another sketchbook, and pushed it against his chest. “Since you’re so insistent. Just go ahead and look through it, I guess.”
It was Mitsuba’s turn to raise his eyebrows, as he took the sketchbook, and opened it up. His face burned, as he flipped through the pages. They were… filled with him. It genuinely made his heart pound, looking at the array of doodles, line art, and fully finished pieces- occasionally, a small heart or smiley face would be doodled alongside them. If he didn’t find your art incredible before, he definitely did now. Of course, he’d never admit it to your face, but his expression was enough for you to understand.
“A-ah… gross- idiot. Of course, I should have known a pervert like you would draw such a cute face. It’s obvious.”
“Right, right. Honestly, just give me a penny each time you call me a pervert, I’ll be rich in no time-”
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