#steve rogers requests
ginnsbaker · 10 months
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Summary: You're the only Avenger who sleeps in a cell. | Series Masterlist
Word count: 2.9k+ | Tags: Mild Angst, Fluff, Sharing A Bed, Enemies to Lovers
Ship: Wanda Maximoff x Gender Neutral Reader
Requested by anon:
could i maybe request wanda x r where the whole team kinda mistreats them and wanda is especially bad. & r saving wanda on a mission, with this: wanda: “How'd you know you were bulletproof?" r: "I didn't. I just knew that you weren't."
Author's note: Thank you to the anon who requested this :) Not sure if this is exactly how you wanted it, but I had fun writing the battle (my first time!) Hope you don't mind I took some liberties ;) Takes place before Civil War.
“You don’t have to be so mean to them,” Natasha tells her. 
Wanda's eyes narrow as she continues to fixate on you, her glare seemingly willing the daggers to find their mark. You can sense the energy of her powers tingling in the air, but she maintains control, stopping the daggers just short of their target.
“They need to know what they’re up against,” Wanda retorts, her accent slipping through in a rare moment. “If they’re going to be one of us, they have to prove themselves.”
Natasha moves to stand between you and Wanda, her body language calm but assertive. “They will, in time. But not like this.”
You can feel your heart pounding, but you refuse to let Wanda see any fear in your eyes. Your choice to leave your former life and join this team wasn't made lightly, and you won't be intimidated.
“I'm right here,” you say, stepping forward. “And I'm not going anywhere. If you want to test me, do it properly.”
Wanda smirks, and the daggers drop to the floor, clattering loudly in the silence. “Impressive,” she says, almost as an afterthought.
Steve Rogers, observing from the sidelines, steps in to defuse the situation. His authoritative presence commands respect, and his voice is steady and even. “That's enough for today. We're a team, and we need to start acting like one.”
He looks at you, his eyes filled with understanding but also a hint of caution. “However,” he continues, his tone shifting, “You'll still be sleeping in the cells.”
Your heart plummets, each word from Steve feeling like a blade to your chest. Being sent back to that room, devoid of windows, with only a tiny bed and a comforter too thin to ward off the chill, feels like a betrayal every time. You've spent nights there, shivering and reflecting on your decision to join this team, yet still, you find yourself confined.
“After several months of captivity, even cooking your dinner, you still don't trust me?” you ask, trying to keep the hurt out of your voice.
Steve's expression softens, but his resolve remains firm. “It's not about trust,” he says quietly, his voice carrying a weight of experience and pain. “We've been crossed so many times before, mostly by former HYDRA agents.”
Like you, he doesn’t need to say.
You understand the logic, but it doesn't make the reality any easier to swallow. The sense of being an outsider, the cold isolation of the cells—it wears on you.
Wanda, who had been silent up to this point, suddenly speaks up. “Maybe you should just leave then. If it's so unbearable, why stay?”
The room goes quiet. 
A thousand retorts spring to your mind, but you swallow them down, unwilling to escalate the situation further. The temptation to throw back that it's rich coming from her, considering she's also a former footsoldier of HYDRA, is strong, but you bite your tongue. 
You look at her, stunned by the bluntness of her suggestion, but also recognizing the challenge in her eyes. 
Her words strike deeper than she may realize. Leaving isn't an option you've entertained, mainly because there's nowhere for you to go. No one left in your life to turn to. This makeshift “family” despite their reservation and distance, is all you have.
The days that follow are marked by a subtle but relentless isolation. 
In the training room, Wanda's partnership becomes more aggressive than usual. Her powers lash out without warning, her critiques sharp and cutting. You hold your own, but the lack of camaraderie is palpable. Each comment she makes stings, and with every barb, you feel more and more alone.
At meal times, the rest of the Avengers seem to be in their own world, deep in conversation, sharing stories, laughing. You sit at the end of the table, your presence barely acknowledged, a shadow among them. Your attempts to join in are met with curt replies or indifference. You try to brush it off, believing that you should be used to rejection by now. But no matter how much you tell yourself that you're accustomed to it, that you've developed a thick skin, the pain is still there, raw and fresh.
Mission briefings are no better. Your opinions and insights are consistently overlooked. You contribute where you can, but your ideas are dismissed without consideration. You are a tool, a means to an end, not a part of the team. The realization gnaws at you, festering in the pit of your stomach.
Casual encounters with the team become equally disheartening. Tony passes you in the hallway without so much as a glance. Natasha avoids eye contact. Bruce mumbles something noncommittal when you try to engage him in conversation. Steve's assignments are devoid of the warmth or encouragement he shows to everyone else.
Your cell becomes a constant reminder of your status, metaphor for how the entire team treats you. 
You’re both just a weapon and a first-aid kit at their disposal.
Wanda is relentless, her words sharp and her gaze cold. You have no idea why she treats you worse than any of them, why her manner towards you has turned so hostile. You don't understand why you get under her skin without even trying, why she seems to target you with a venom that feels deeply personal.
You were expecting that Wanda would be the one to understand what it feels like to be an outsider, given that you both share a common history as former HYDRA agents. 
As the days turn into weeks, the isolation wears you down. The walls of your cell seem to close in, and a growing determination to prove yourself begins to take hold. 
You'll show them all that you're more than just a disposable weapon.
But underlying that determination is a gnawing doubt, a fear that no matter what you do, it will never be enough to earn their respect, their trust, or their friendship. It's a lonely road, and for the first time, you begin to wonder if Wanda's earlier suggestion might hold some truth.
Perhaps it would be easier to leave.
It’s not like you know the extent of your abilities, but they bring you along the most dangerous missions for one thing:
Your healing ability.
On top of your martial arts training, you provide a sense of security to your teammates, knowing that you'll be there to heal them if they get hurt.
Now, you find yourself on one such mission, infiltrating a den of underground supers. These aren't ordinary criminals; they're mercenaries hired to carry out the dirty work of high-ranking government officials. It's a treacherous job, one filled with unknown risks, and you've been paired with Wanda for the operation.
As you and Wanda are attempting to escape, things take a turn for the worse. You find yourselves cornered in an alley, your escape route cut off by a group of armed thugs and a few individuals displaying unnerving superpowers.
Wanda takes on those with special abilities, her eyes glowing red as she unleashes her powers in a flurry of attacks. You, on the other hand, focus on the armed assailants, wielding two-handed pistols with expert precision. Bullets fly, and bodies fall as you both fight for your lives.
But in the midst of the chaos, you notice something that sends a chill down your spine. Snipers, perched on a nearby rooftop, taking aim at Wanda. Even with your healing abilities, you know that a precise shot to the head would be fatal.
“Wanda, get down!” you shout, but she's too engrossed in her battle to hear you. Your mind races, knowing that you have only seconds to act. 
Without a second thought, you turn and run towards Wanda, your body moving on pure instinct. Bullets whiz by your ear, but you keep going, your focus solely on reaching her before it's too late.
You leap into the air, positioning yourself between Wanda and the snipers just as they pull the trigger. 
You hear the distant release of the bullet, muted but deadly.
The world seems to slow down as you brace for the impact, only to feel the bullets bounce off your skin.
You land, unscathed, your mind reeling from the realization that you're bulletproof. But there's no time to dwell on it.
Wanda looks at you, her eyes wide with shock but also gratitude. “How did you–”
“No time!” you cut her off, urging her to keep fighting. “We have to get out of here!”
Wanda's eyes flare with a vivid scarlet as she zeroes in on the snipers in the vicinity. With a flourish of her hands, she uses her powers to locate each of their positions. A pulse of energy emanates from her fingertips, reaching out to the snipers' weapons, and within moments, the firearms disintegrate into dust, leaving the men defenseless.
Seeing an opening, you reach for Wanda's arm, your grip firm but not rough. There's no time to waste, and you start pulling her towards the exit, half running, half dragging her to safety. Her breath is warm on your neck, her body close to yours, as you weave through the maze of alleyways, your heart pounding in your chest.
Once you're at a safe distance, Wanda turns to you. “How'd you know you were bulletproof?”
“I didn't,” you admit, still in disbelief, and much to Wanda’s horror that you almost got yourself killed for her sake. “I just knew you weren't. And if those bullets got to you, I wouldn't be able to heal someone who's already dead.”
Wanda stares at you, her eyes searching your face as if she's trying to see something… deeper. Her lips part, like she wants to say something more, something that's just on the tip of her tongue but won't come out.
That's when you realize that you're still holding her arm, your bodies so close that you can feel her heartbeat. A flush of embarrassment washes over you as you become aware of the intimate proximity. Wanda clears her throat, a delicate, almost shy sound, and you immediately let go of her arm.
The silence that follows your sudden step back is heavy and awkward. You can't help but glance at the spot where your hand had been moments ago, still feeling the ghostly sensation of her arm beneath your fingers.
You look at Wanda, and she's looking back at you, her eyes wide and filled with something you can't quite name. 
And then, without warning, Wanda starts to laugh.
It's a soft, bubbling sound at first, almost as if she's surprised by it herself. Her laughter grows, becoming louder and more contagious, and you can't help but stare at her, your mouth agape, wondering if she's lost her mind.
“What's so funny?” you finally manage to ask.
Wanda wipes a tear from her eye, still chuckling. “I was just thinking,” she says, her nose scrunching, something you haven’t seen on her and you find it quite… adorable. “You're like a shield now. As effective as Steve's vibranium one, maybe even more so.”
The absurdity of the statement causes you to finally join in her laugh, and your heart seems to flutter at the sound of Wanda's glee.
“I don't know about that,” you say, trying to sound modest but unable to keep the smile off your face. “Steve's shield has a bit more style.”
“Oh, I don't know,” Wanda teases, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “There's something quite stylish about being bulletproof. And practical too.”
Was that a compliment?
You shake your head, still smiling, your previous awkwardness forgotten. You're not only pleased at the first light banter you've shared with a teammate but also smiling at something else, something that stirs deep inside you and that you're not quite ready to confront.
Your crush on Wanda Maximoff.
The toll of the day's event is weighing down on you and Wanda, but like every mission, you're required to report the details of the mission–successful or not. Your muscles are sore, your mind is weary, but the mission was a success, and you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.
Arriving back at the Avengers compound, you follow Wanda into the debriefing room where Steve is waiting. Wanda explains what happened, how you discovered your newfound ability, and saved her life. Her voice is filled with respect and something more, something warmer, as she recounts your bravery.
Steve's face lights up with pride. “You both did well today. I'm proud of how you handled yourselves out there.”
You exchange a glance with Wanda, waiting for something more, perhaps some acknowledgment of your change in status within the team, or even an upgrade to your sleeping quarters. But instead, Steve simply nods, his face turning serious. “Dismissed.”
Wanda's face falls, and you feel a sharp pang of disappointment. You start to retreat towards your cell, the cold, windowless room that's been your home for months, but Wanda's voice stops you in your tracks.
“Wait a minute, Steve,” she protests. “After all that's happened, after all Y/N has done for us, don't you think it's time for a change? A real room, perhaps?”
Steve looks between you and Wanda. You hold your breath, hoping for a reprieve from the isolation you've been feeling.
Finally, Steve sighs, his face softening. “Wanda, if it were up to me, Y/N would have their own room already. But it's not that simple,” he explains, his voice strained. “I still need to place an official request with Tony. He's the one who approves these things.”
You can hear the frustration in Steve's voice, and you realize that he's fighting for you, in his own way.
“Fine,” Wanda says, crossing her arms. “But this needs to be done quickly, Steve. It's not right.”
“I agree. I'll talk to Tony first thing tomorrow.”
As you turn to leave and retreat back to your cell, Wanda's hand on your arm stops you, and you look back at her, surprised by the action.
“Come with me,” she says. Without another word, she leads you towards her quarters. 
Your heart quickens at her words, and you follow her, trying to process what's happening. 
Is she really inviting you to stay in her room?
Once inside her quarters, the reality of the situation sinks in, and a nervous tension takes hold. Her room is filled with personal touches–little trinkets, photographs, her clothes all over the place–that provide glimpses into a life you've only seen from a distance. You feel like an intruder, momentarily paralyzed as you take in the intimacy of her space.
Wanda seems to pick up on your hesitation, her eyes narrowing as she studies you. A smirk plays on her lips as she teases, “Don't look so terrified. I won't bite.”
You chuckle at her remark. “Well, that's a relief.”
Wanda's eyes sparkle with amusement, and she moves further into the room, gesturing for you to follow. “Make yourself at home,” she says. She then goes to the closet and begins to pull out a spare pillow and blanket. “You'll be staying here with me until we sort out a room for you,” she says.
“Thanks, Wanda,” you say softly.
Without further comment, you move to make your bed on the floor, your movements deliberate and slow as you try to give her space and respect her privacy.
“What are you doing?” Wanda asks, her eyes widening as she realizes your intention.
“I'm just getting ready to sleep,” you explain, feeling slightly embarrassed. “I'm quite tired.”
“No, what are you doing on the floor?” she clarifies, a hint of disbelief in her voice. “You're sharing the bed with me.”
“I wouldn't want to impose,” you say, though the offer is tempting.
“You're not imposing,” Wanda assures you, her eyes sincere. “You've earned a proper bed, and I trust you.”
The word 'trust' hits you like a wave, and you feel tears pricking at the back of your eyes. 
Blinking them back, your voice cracks a little as you reply, “Thank you, Wanda. That means more to me than you know.”
“Good night, Y/N,” Wanda whispers, turning on her side to face you.
“Good night, Wanda,” you say, just as softly.
You both settle on the bed, and with a flick of her wrist, Wanda uses her powers to switch off the light.
The softness of Wanda's bed is worlds away from the harsh, unforgiving mattress in your cell. You find yourself sinking into the plush comfort, every muscle in your body releasing the tension from the dangerous mission earlier. The scent of Wanda on the pillows only adds to the incomparable comfort they provide. The difference is staggering, and it contributes to you falling asleep much more quickly than you have in a long time.
In the middle of the night, you're stirred awake by the feeling of Wanda rolling closer to you. Her arm finds its way over your stomach, and her soft snores fill the room. Being ever alert, the small action wakes you, but as soon as you realize it's just Wanda, a smile forms on your face.
You lie there for a moment, taking in the warmth and the gentle pressure of her hand. A soft blush creeps up your cheeks as you place your hand over hers to keep it there.
You've become more than just teammates.
You've become friends.
And maybe, just maybe, something more.
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kilibaggins · 2 months
Physical Affection Prompts
hi all! I just thought I'd make my own list of various physical affection prompts and since no idea is ever original some of these are 100% on other peoples lists but im not using other lists as reference or copying anyone. this list is for my own use and other peoples use and there's no need to credit me (though it's always nice).
reblog to have your followers send you these as prompts !! or just use them for your own writing.
all of these are meant as sfw prompts but some may seem a bit more intimate.
tracing someones face
tucking hair behind their ear
forehead kisses
desperate hugs
crying into their neck/shoulder
reversed little spoon & big spoon (the one who is normally the big spoon is the little spoon and vice versa)
holding their hand under a table
kissing their hand
kissing their collarbone
sitting with legs in their lap
morning cuddles where they're both mostly asleep and they don't want to wake up yet but they want to cuddle
petting their hair
head pats
sitting on the floor in front of them while they sit on the couch and their arms touch their legs.
holding both of their hands
hugs from behind
gently touching their waist to move past them (dont do this to someone you're not dating! dont believe I have to say this.)
grabbing their wrist or hand and turning them around
playing with their hands when nervous
slow dancing
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Cuddle bug
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PAIRING | Boyfriend!Steve Rogers x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader
WORD COUNT | ~ 900 words
SUMMARY | Steve comes home from a long mission, and all he wants is to be cuddled up in bed with his favorite person. However, your shared secret threatens to be spilled when your good friend walks in the door and finds the two of you in bed together.
RATING | Teen (T)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Established (secret) relationship, use of nickname (Doll).
A/N | This little drabble is written based on a request I received from a sweet Anon! As soon as I saw this prompt, I couldn't resist writing a little something, so I hope you will all enjoy it! This is proofread by the amazing @ccbsrmsf1, for which I'm forever grateful. I love you 🩷
EVENTS Masterlist | @marvel-smash-bingo | Secret relationship Masterlist | @seasonaldelightsbingo | Can't Warm Up Masterlist | @ultimatechrisbingo | "That is America's ass."
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Source
Main Masterlist | Steve Rogers Masterlist
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Steve has been away on an extended mission—three and a half weeks and counting—and you're missing him more than ever. The two of you started dating only a few months ago, though it mainly takes place behind closed doors. You cannot get enough of one another whenever you are alone. Still, when other people are around, it is strictly professional—apart from the occasional reassuring smile you give one another.
Within the Avengers, there is no opposition to team members dating. Still, Steve has specifically asked to keep your relationship a secret because he wants to explore the connection between you two. It is the perfect way to get to know each other personally, and the last few months have been amazing because of that.
Now, you find yourself in your bedroom, curled up in your comfiest armchair with a good book and Alpine beside you. Since Bucky is on the same mission as Steve, you have taken over her care, and she's purring away in her sleep on the windowsill, enjoying the warm spring sun.
Just as you're about to finish your chapter, you hear a knock on your door, and you look up, expecting Natasha or maybe Tony to come by, but when you see who walks in the door, you smile brightly. Steve is back from his mission.
"Hi, Doll. I missed you," he tells you as he walks into the room, and your book lies abandoned in your chair. He's still wearing his suit and the shield on his back, letting you know he came to visit you right away, and it makes the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
"Steve, you're back already! I thought you would be gone for another few days!" Your arms are wrapped around his waist as you plaster yourself against his chest. His heartbeat thumps against your cheek as he gives you soft kisses on the top of your head. His hands rub soothingly over your back as he inhales your sweet scent.
"Mission got wrapped up early, so I figured I'd come home to my girl as soon as possible," Steve says. You lift your head to meet his gaze, warmth spreading through your cheeks as he calls you his girl.
"I love it when you call me your girl; it makes me feel special," you say shyly, and Steve can't help but chuckle.
"I'm glad because I cannot stop calling you that," he tells you before kissing you in a sweet, soft kiss. You two take your time to bask in one another's familiarity, but he pulls away when he can feel a shiver run down your spine.
"I think it's time we had some cuddles, Doll. You're shivering," he whispers, and you nod.
"That sounds good. You know I can't warm up properly with you there," you tell him, and he smiles knowingly. Before you know it, Steve has put down the shield, and his suit is folded neatly on top. As he bends down to put his boots away as well, you happen to glance over, and you're met with the glorious sight of Steve's butt being wrapped perfectly by his light blue boxer briefs, highlighting it beautifully.
"Hmm, so that is America's ass," you say jokingly. You have seen it clothed and bare countless times, but you still can't help saying it. The bright red flush covering Steve's cheeks has you smiling wide, and you can't get enough of the sight.
You have also taken your clothes off, being left in your underwear as you crawl under the covers with Steve. Due to the super soldier serum, his body temperature is always warmer than a regular person's, so he makes a perfect cuddle companion during the nights and colder months.
"Welcome back, Steve. I missed you and your warmth so much," you whisper when you're lying in his arms, your leg thrown over his, his arm wrapped around you, and your head on his chest. The comforter is pulled up to your chin, and you're just about to fall asleep when you hear a few knocks on your door.
"Y/N? I'm here to pick up Alpine!" you hear Bucky's voice carry through the door before he swings it open, and you immediately sit upright in the bed, clutching the comforter to your chest, leaving Steve exposed in the bed in the process.
"B-Bucky, hi!" you say as embarrassment floods your body that you're caught in bed with your boyfriend. Bucky's face turns bright red as he looks at the two of you, his mouth opening and closing without words as he tries to understand what's happening. Without saying another word, he turns around and closes the door behind him, leaving you two to wonder what just happened.
"I should go talk to him, Doll," Steve says as he leans in for a kiss, which you happily give him.
"Okay, but only if you promise to come back soon. I can't miss you for too long again!" you tell him, and he nods with a smile before jumping into his pants. The rest of his suit and his shield are left behind as he runs after Bucky to explain what is going on between you two.
While you were embarrassed at first, you're also a little relieved that you can finally share the love between you two with someone. This is going to be the first step to telling everyone about your relationship, too. It won't be long before you don't have to carry this secret around anymore, and you're looking forward to that day finally being here.
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Did the reader ever used the safeword with Bucky and Steve? And how did they react/ deal with it?🥺
The Limit // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: Everyone has a limit, this includes Steve and Bucky. What happens in different situations where each of you felt compelled to use your safewords?
A/N: thank you for the request! this has actually been requested quite a few times so I hope you all enjoy!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, fluff, angst, threesome, safeword use, rough sex, anal, intense, overstimulation, restraints, blindfolds, punishment, spanking, anxiety attacks, protective steve/bucky, emotional hurt/comfort, aftercare, teasing, begging, subspace, pet names, everyone needs a hug, not beta read
Words: 5.1k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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During your intimate moments with Steve and  Bucky, there was nothing more important than communication. If you liked something, let each other know. If you wanted to slow down or pause, just simply say the word yellow or tap your fingers once. If you needed everything to stop immediately, whether it was to reposition or discontinue the action, then you’d say the word red or shake your head.
It was a good system to have, especially during moments when scenes would become more intense or rough, needing to know what the limits of the other are, how the fun could continue or the aftercare to begin. Communicating was key.
For example, on one occasion of using the safe word ‘red’, your wants and needs were more than your body could physically cope with.
You were absolutely and truly fucked, sweat coating your body, eyes dazed, the pupils so wide it gave the appearance that your iris’ were shaded black. You were deep into subspace, no thoughts making coherent sense other than the need to pleasure Steve and Bucky, saying anything the try and get more of them, even if it was pushing yourself over the edge. At that moment though, you didn’t care, having orgasmed so many times that your body was refusing to move of your own accord with how weak your muscles felt but luckily Steve and Bucky were more than happy to move you into whatever position you or they wanted.
Currently, you were bent over the desk in Steve’s at-home office, the sturdy oak rubbing against your stomach with each thrust from Bucky’s cock into your arse as your body writhed and pulsed through its unknown number orgasm. At this point, your mouth was permanently opening with the stream of pornographic moans coming out.
Even though you were completely exhausted and definitely should have had a break, or just completely stopped but all your spacey cock-drunk mind could think of was the fact that Steve and Bucky hadn’t cum yet and you needed for them to fill you up. Their stamina was sometimes the best thing but also the worst, when your desperation to get them to their own orgasms but your body was completely exhausted. Particularly in between your legs, your clit was overly sensitive that every touch had you jolting, and your pussy was puffy from the fucking from both men.
“Want you both at the same time, please…” you groaned, words slurring slightly as you attempted to look over your shoulder to Bucky who stroked a hand down your spine, his hips paused to allow your body to adjust to the orgasm but his cock was still very much deep in your ass.
“Think you can handle us, Doll?” Bucky asked with a soft gaze in his eye, trying to assess if you were actually ok to continue. To his right, Steve was doing the same thing, his hand moving up and down his shaft at a leisurely pace.
There was one thing you were good at and that was begging as you pushed your hips back against his, not really pondering on the discomfort that came with it. “Please daddies, want you both, wanna feel full”.
That seemed to convince them enough that the comfort of the cool wood against your face was replaced with Steve’s shoulder as Bucky had wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you with simplicity due to his inhuman strength. Your back was flush against his chest as Steve pushed against your front, his hands firmly under your knees to help keep you upright as your heavy head lolled onto his muscular shoulder.
“Pleaseeee”, you whined, sounding out of breath with the exhaustion of the rough sex you’d been having.
“I’ve got you baby”, Steve encouraged, his cock brushing against your clit as he tried to position it at your dripping hole. With your face now hiding in the crevice of Steve’s shoulder, neither he nor Bucky could see your visible wince due to the discomfort but still you held on to his blonde hair that curled slightly at the nape of his neck.
However, as Steve’s thick cock slipped into your over-used pussy, your low grunt that you made to match the instant tensing of all your muscles, Steve and Bucky’s eyes blazed with concern as they looked at each other over your shoulder.
“Hot Mama, what’s your colour?” Bucky questioned for your safe word, having already half-deciding that if you said green he wouldn’t believe you, blaming the subspace for pushing yourself past the limit of pleasure.
You had felt fuzzy when they’d first picked you up, but now, the discomfort and stinging from between your legs seemed to push some clarity back. Of course, you felt bad that Steve and Bucky still hadn’t cum but you knew it would cause more upset if they continued and caused you any further injury so accepting defeat, shoulders dropping, words now sounding more clear, “red”.
Steve and Bucky both loosened their position so they weren’t so squished against their bodies but still carefully held you up.
“Take a deep breath in and slowly release”, Steve instructed and as you breathed out, both cocks were simultaneously pulled out of your holes and you instantly felt relief. “Good girl, thank you for being honest with us, we’re going to look after you, ok?” Steve’s voice was gentle, as he continued to explain what was going to happen. “I’m going to wrap your legs around my waist and we’re all going to go to the bathroom, whilst Bucky gets you something to drink”.
This was exactly what they did, Steve taking all of your weight, wrapping your legs around his waist and then holding underneath your thighs to keep you upright as your body still felt like it was made of jello. You weren’t sure what to say, only thankful that you could trust these two men that would stop getting their own pleasure, so you kissed his neck softly, showing that you appreciated him. Steve’s grip tightened around you as he began walking out of the office and to the en-suit bathroom in your bedroom.
“Shower or bath?” he asked, mumbling the question against your temple, kissing the hairline even though you were still sheeted in sweat.
You contemplated for a moment, scrapping your fingers through his hair and decided that you wanted to be weightless and have just a moment to sit back and process everything. “A bath please”.
Steve filled the excessively large bathtub with hot, soapy water, knowing you all needed the heat to help relax the exserted muscles. Still holding you, he settled down, into the water, releasing a deep moan that vibrated against your chest as his grip on your thighs relaxed as you both were submerged.
His touch however didn’t end as he instead wrapped both of his arms around your back, holding you close to his front still. You felt safe in the embrace and the heat of the water soaking into your body, soothing the ache in your muscles and stinging between your legs.
A tap on your head alerted you to Bucky’s arrival as he crouched next to you, holding out a glass of orange juice with a reassuring smile. “Drink up mama, let’s start building up that energy, I’ve got some snacks on the bed as well”. Gently, Bucky tilted the glass to your mouth, helping you to drink the sugary drink that instantly quenched the thirst you didn’t realise you felt but also made you feel slightly more energised as you snuggled back against Steve.
The water lapped against the sides as Bucky climbed into the spacious bath, sliding in close to your side and kissing your bare shoulder, hand stroking over your upper back and with the sheer size of both of your boyfriend’s hands, the entire span of your back was not covered by Steve and Bucky.
“Are you ready to talk about it?” Bucky asked in between kisses along your skin. You nodded in response, pushing up off of Steve’s chest, testing your own strengths, surprising yourself when you were actually able to sit back fully on his thighs, noting the soft cock that now floated between your bodies in the soapy water. A pang of guilt settled in the pit of your stomach as you now looked between both boyfriends.
Steve tilted your chin with a single finger, making you look into his crystal-blue eyes, “I don’t like that look you’ve got, I’m glad you used your safe word, it’s the reason we’ve got them and Buck and I don’t need to cum to have a good time, do you understand that?”
“Yeah, I do”, you responded honestly.
“Good. Do you want to explain to us what happened?”
The three of you talked through everything, discussing what could be done differently next time like saying yellow and having a break or not trying to do every single sexual act possible in one evening. You even cheekily blamed their stamina for being too strong which earned a hearty laugh from them both before cuddling back onto Steve’s chest for a couple more minutes.
“Let’s get out of here honey”, Steve decided, beginning to shift to stand.
Your legs were still incredibly unsteady so you held on desperately to Steve as Bucky dried you with a fresh, warm towel, being careful over tender areas before helping to slip an oversized shirt over your head.
“Come here!”, you squealed as Bucky enthusiastically picked you up bridal style, kissing your cheek as your arms settled around his waist. It always felt odd when you were the one semi-clothed and your boyfriends were in the nude, usually, it was the other way around but you enjoyed it nonetheless, even though you’d been getting fucked by both of them not that long ago, you still admired their beautifully structured bodies.
“Eyes up, baby”, Steve joked from where he walked behind you, drying himself as he walked, purposelessly flexing his arms so the muscles bulged, and you bite your lip to hide your grin.
Bucky gently lay you in the centre of the bed, next to the collection of randomly selected snacks that ranged from sweets and chocolate to fresh fruits. The brunette slide in closely beside you, reaching around the begin rooting through the snacks before feeding you a couple of raspberries.
It was a peaceful end to the day and the complete opposite of how you thought it would be. The way they both tended to your needs meant that you were lost in a fuzzy headspace and even though your body would undoubtedly ache in the morning, you were just glad that you were with two men that always put your needs above their own and made you feel safe.
The safe word wasn’t just for you though and there had been occasions where Bucky had to use it as well.
You were 10 spanks into a punishment, thrown haphazardly over Steve’s meaty thighs, your body completely nude and arse cheeks raw to the touch from Steve’s palm. You were thoroughly enjoying the roughness but Bucky on the other hand thought Steve was going too rough, ignoring your pleasured moans and sopping wet cunt to show your signs of arousal.
Internally, Bucky was panicking from where he watched in a chair opposite Steve. His fists were clenched painfully, not that he could send the pain from his metal arm but the gears creaked from how tightly he was tightening his hand. Bucky never enjoyed it when Steve was super rough with you, even though you were adamant that you enjoyed it, Bucky hated to see the pain that came with the pleasure. You were his sweet Doll, you deserved the best and he always thought it was counterproductive to do harsh punishments. This was also why it was Bucky’s job during these moments to make sure to say if things went too far as sometimes you would slip into a headspace that wouldn’t care for your safety and let Steve continue until you passed out, and this, they definitely didn’t want.
Most of the time, Bucky was fine watching, allowing Steve to do any of the rougher sides of things during sex but today, there was something that didn’t settle right within Bucky. Without processing what he was doing, he moved off of his chair and squatted down next to your face from where it stared at the floor. As soon as you felt his cool metal palm stroke your cheek, you reached to hold onto the wrist, keeping him there.
Steve’s hand continued to lay spanks against your arse, each one you gasped and then thanked him for it as per your punishment rules and if you forget, then he starts again.
Bucky wiped away the tears that always seemed to fall during these moments, “are you ok, mama?” he asks under his breath.
“Yeah”, you say with a quiver in your voice, another tear sliding down your cheek. Bucky looked up at Steve with uncertainty in his eyes, unsure whether you were actually fine to continue or it was just Bucky who was feeling anxious and unnerved. Steve raised a single perfect eyebrow, questioning Bucky’s look and this was where you sensed the silent conversation that was happening. “Please sir, I can handle it, I’m ok”, you reassured Steve to continue with a simple shake of your hips.
Steve glanced at Bucky one more time before continuing. Three more strikes later and you released a different sort of whine one that gave Bucky pure panic that rocked his core, not being able to hear it sounded like you were in pain as he suddenly shouted, “RED!”
Steve immediately stopped, his eyes filling with panic as he helped to lay you on the bed, careful of your sore arse but he needed to see your face. “Baby? Are you ok? Talk to me”, Steve encouraged as he stood over you.
Blinking back tears, your body was trembling with adrenaline but you were clearly confused by the sudden stop to the punishment, disorientated as you didn’t say to stop. “Im…I’m ok, I didn’t need to stop, m’fine”, you mumbled, your tongue feeling too big for your mouth.
Steve frowned, even though you were confused, he could clearly see she wasn’t at any point to stop, not showing any visible signs of being in significant pain or distress. Confused he turned to Bucky who had stood, breathing heavily like he’d just been for a run, his eyes wild and darting between his friend and you.
“I thought she- she sounded like she was in pain I… I didn’t-.. I couldn’t-”, Bucky hastily rubbed a hand over his face, struggling to fill his lungs with air as his panic continued to escalate. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the confusion of hearing you whimpering in pain or the realisation that he’d stopped something you were clearly enjoying or the disappointment that Steve was bound to feel for stopping a scene early, or just a mixture of everything.
In his panic, he didn’t see Steve standing to his full height, his face calm and understanding as he approached Bucky with his hands outstretched, “Bucky, calm down, she’s ok, she’s not hurt”, the mafia leader tried to calm his second in command, sensing the edge of composure that Bucky had was close to slipping.
“Yeah…yeah she’s ok…” Bucky repeated, trying to almost convince himself but it wasn’t much use as he was close to a panic attack, something he hadn’t experienced since his time in the war with Steve many years ago.
“Bucky?” it was you now to notice the distress of your boyfriend. Even though you still continued to feel confused, your own anxiety was beginning to creep up with seeing Bucky’s panic. With a weak attempt, you tried to reach for him, your hands still visibly trembling from the comedown of the punishment, your eyes now filling with tears as you didn’t manage to grasp onto Bucky.
“I’m- I’m sorry I just-”, Bucky turned away, running his hands over his trimmed hair, trying to get some composure, seeing you actually becoming distressed with seeing him like this. From your position on the bed, you watched Steve stand in front of his friend, so he was facing in your direction, his expression concerned as he placed a strong hand on Bucky’s shoulder. Steve leaned in close to Bucky, talking seriously but in a hushed tone “Buck listen to me, she’s fine, take a breath for me, she’s alright”.
You wanted nothing more than to be with Bucky and make sure that he was ok, rarely ever seeing him like this. Forcefully, you tried to shake your body from head to toe, attempting to snap out of the confused state you were in, your boyfriend needed you, so you needed to get a hold of yourself. With great effort and a heavy grunt, you rolled onto your side, swinging your legs in front of you to try and stand on them.
However, they were still very unsteady and you weren’t able to push off of the bed. Steve noticed over Bucky’s shoulder what you were attempting to do and quickly rushed forward to stop you from falling, “Baby be careful, we still need to do aftercare, stay on the bed”.
“But I need Bucky”, your voice wobbled as you looked at Steve with sadness and fear.
Hearing you say that seemed to snap Bucky out of his feared trance and he was kneeling in front of you in a couple of steps, but you still noticed the way he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, “I’m here Doll, I’ve got you”.
Finally having him close, you tried to wrap your arms around his shoulders, leaning close to hug him but it ended up being more than he was holding your body up but he was more than happy to do that. Repositioning the two of you, Bucky effortlessly manoeuvred your body into his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed, being careful of your sore arse cheeks as he positioned your legs on either side of his hips in a straddle.
Neither of you says anything as you continue to build more strength and hold onto his shoulders firmer, face nuzzling into his neck, trying to reassure him that you were ok. Your fingers still held a slight tremble but you stroked circled onto the back of his head, making sure you were feeling more aware before you began to speak, “I’m ok James”.
The use of had his sagging, the tension running from his body as Steve returned from the kitchen, carrying two glasses of water forcing you and Bucky to finish them. All three of you sat in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, allowing for the tension that had been thick in the air to disappear as you and Bucky regained composure.
It was Bucky who spoke first, wishing to explain himself even though this was unnecessary, “I’m sorry, I think you were in pain and I just couldn’t bare to listen to it-”.
You cut him off by leaning back, looking into his eyes with a sad smile, “It’s ok, you don’t have to explain anything, I’m sorry I distressed you so much Bucky”. Leaning forward, you closed the gap between your mouths, kissing him softly and letting him just feel you for a moment, helping his tense posture to relax further.
Steve sat beside his friend, returning his comfortable hand to his shoulder. “Sometimes we can all get a little lost in the moment but that’s why we have the safe words, it’s for all of us, to protect us, that’s what this relationship is about. I’m sorry it ever got to this point Bucky”.
“I know, thank you, both of you”, he sounded relieved and significantly more calm as he kissed your bare shoulder.
Steve nods, passing an affectionate hand on the back of Bucky’s head before standing, returning from the bathroom with the salve for your burning arsecheeks, asking with a questioning eyebrow, “Would you like to do it or shall I?”
Bucky contemplated for a moment, thinking it would be nice to be able to soothe your sore cheeks but he was also enjoying the embrace and decided he’d much prefer to stay like that, “You can do it, Steve, I want to stay right here”, his arms tightening around your body as your nuzzled in closer to him.
From the position you were being held in with straddling Bucky’s lap, it still meant that Steve could massage the salve into your cheeks and you tried not to wince at the touch but then the salve instantly soothed your hot skin.
As he finished, he looked up at Bucky who was watching his movements carefully, “You know, we didn’t manage to finish the scene - not the punishment, that’s finished, but she wasn’t given the reward and I don’t want her to go through a subdrop tomorrow, what do you say Bucky? Want to reward her for being such a good girl”.
Steve already knew the answer from the way Bucky’s eyes darkened, his throat bobbing as he swallowed harshly. There was nothing Bucky wanted more than to hear your sweet moans, especially after the panic of hearing you in pain, he wanted to make you feel good, “I would love nothing more than to do that”. You smiled against Bucky’s neck, looking forward to what was to come, planning your own reward to Bucky.
Steve held a significant amount of authority in his life, being the leader of his mafia gang, making all of the decisions to benefit others or take away their lives. So often in your relationship, you always joked about being in control for once and even attempted it on a few occasions by handcuffing Steve’s hands to the bed.
However, with his strength, he was easily able to snap out of them and regain control of the situation. It was Bucky who had the bright idea of using his strength that matched Steve’s to hold him down. This led to the current situation of Steve sitting in his office chair that was positioned in the middle of the room and his hands behind his back where Bucky held them with his metal hand.
All three of you were completely nude and you watched excitedly as Steve’s cock throbbed against his abdomen, desperate to be touched.
“Are you ready?”, you asked with giddy excitement, not bothering to hide your grin as you held the blindfold in your hand.
“More than ever, baby”, Steve responded with just as much enthusiasm, eyes taking in every inch of your naked body, trying to see as much as he could before he was blindfolded. With a seductive swing of your hips, you stepped forward in between Steve’s man-spread legs and placed the eyemask over his head, making sure it was secure and there weren’t any gaps that he could see out of. Steve was plunged into darkness, his arms flexing momentarily to check to hold Bucky had on him, only to find that it was very firm, there was no way he was getting out of it.
Grinning at Bucky over Steve’s shoulder, you began by placing a simple kiss on Steve’s lips, feeling him try and press firmer but you pulled back before he could try and gain control.
You thoroughly teased Steve for a bit, nipping and kissing the column of his neck before straddling one of his thighs, rolling your bare core against him so he could feel your arousal, watching his cock throb at the touch. It was exhilarating to see him in such a state and even though you never liked to really be in control of these moments, much preferring to be submissive, it was thrilling to hear the desperate groans of the most dangerous leader in all of Brooklyn, as you touched him everywhere except his cock.
Steve was both enjoying the dynamic and also finding it hard to adjust to not being able to see or touch your body with his hands. He always liked seeing you had a little bit more dominance but to take away his control completely was a different step he’d never taken before.
“Want to see you”, he admits, mouth hanging open to release a heavy breath as you stroked a firm line down his abs, once again skipping over his member. You don’t say anything but Bucky watches as you grinned, his own cock throbbing painfully hard as seeing the way you were teasing his friend.
“Please baby, I wanna see you”, Steve repeats, now realising just how much he missed your pretty face. You continue to not say anything, thinking that it added to the tension, especially as a bead of precum dripped from the tip.
The next part of your plan involved one of your favourite vibrators planning on holding it against Steve’s cock but as you stood to retrieve it, from the way you’d been straddling his thigh for so long, your legs felt slightly unsteady as you stumbled and accidentally stubbed your toe on the metal table leg.
You automatically squealed in pain, quickly smacking a hand to your mouth to stop any further yellow, looking back at Bucky with wide eyes as you tried not to laugh and cry from the pain at the same time. Of course, you still managed to be clumsy in such a sexual moment like you were currently in, silently thankful that Steve hadn’t seen otherwise he’d be teasing you endlessly.
Bucky was trying not to laugh as well, biting his lip as held in his chuckle, not noticing the way that Steve had tensed.
“Baby?” the restrained man asked, turning his head, not that he could see you. Your silent laughter to him sounded almost like you were crying with his heightened hearing, “Are you ok? What’s happening?”
You were still hobbling on one foot, massaging the pained toe with one hand whilst covering your mouth with the other hand, keeping in your increasing laughter. Because you were so distracted with easing the pain in your toe, you hadn’t noticed Steve going on high alert, spine straight, his arm muscles bulging from attempts to pull free of Bucky’s unbreakable grip.
It was only as he began to verbalise his panic, did you realise something was wrong, “Let go of me! RED!” Steve shouted with desperation causing both yours and Bucky’s hearts to hammer in your chests. Bucky immediately let go and Steve was instantly pulling off his mask as you rushed to limp over, arms reaching out to him.
“Are you ok? What’s wrong?” your hands cupped his distressed face, eyes wide with panic as he looked you over, seeing not life-threatening injuries before pulling you into his lap, forehead resting against your chest as you held him to you.
Steve doesn’t say anything immediately, just simply held you close as he tried to process what had just happened. Bucky walked around the chair, squatting down so he was eye level with the two of you as he asked, “Steve? What’s going on?”
Your fingers stroked gently through his hair, hoping that the touch was helping to calm him. “I’m sorry Steve, did we take it too far?”. You thought maybe it was the lack of control that had him panicking.
Steve’s voice was muffled as he spoke against your skin, “It… it wasn’t the control I didn’t like, I just couldn’t see you, I couldn’t get out... If someone came in, if someone came to get you I couldn’t get to you-”
He began to struggle with controlling his breathing again so you quietly shushed into his ear, holding him closer and realised that it wasn’t the lack of control with sex that he didn’t like. It was because he thought you were hurt and he couldn’t get to you and assumed the worst. You immediately felt guilty having caused him such distress.
“I’m always safe when you’re around Steve, I’m sorry I scared you”. The tension in his shoulders eased slightly as he finally pulled back to look into your eyes, taking a deep breath that filled his lungs completely before releasing it.
But then he notices something out of the corner of his eye, the panic returning once more as he stated, “You’re bleeding”.
You glanced down to where he was looking and finally noticed that where you’d walked into the table, you’d formed a small cut that had bled only a few drops of blood.
“Shit”, you say under your breath, looking back into his worried face as Bucky instantly held onto your foot, his metal hand helping to cool the hot skin. “I stumbled when I stood up and hit my toe on the metal legs of the table, it’s just me being clumsy that’s all, I’m not seriously hurt”.
Steve sighed, now understanding the noise he’d heard, his forehead dropping onto your shoulder as you nuzzled into his hair, holding him close. After a few minutes of him calming down, you asked, “Everything ok?”
The man in your arms leaned back, looking ashamed now as he began to speak, “Sorry for killing the mood-”, your hand was fast to cover his lips, cutting off his words.
“Nope, I’m not having that”, you say simply, giving him a stern look.
“Yeah man, we want you to enjoy times like this, remember? You always remind us that these words are there for a reason, if you feel unsafe then you have to use them no matter what”.
“It’s not my safety I was worried about”, Steve responded honestly whilst looking up at you.
Leaning forward, you kissed each of his cheeks gently, seeing his eyes close at the touch before you kissed his lips, trying to show how much you appreciated him with the touch. Leaning your forehead against his, you affectionately joked, “Always my knight in shining armour”.
Bucky stood beside you, catching both of your attention as he light heartened decided the next steps, “Let’s get dressed, get some take out and go home”. Gently he patted Steve’s shoulder and rubbed your back before walking over to the dumped clothes from earlier.
What you hadn’t been expecting was Steve standing suddenly with you in his arms still, “You can put me down!” you’re laughing as you say this, holding tightly onto his neck.
Steve finally smiled, “Not with your foot injury”, he jokes but you knew it was more than that with the way he was stroking your skin with his thumb and the intense gaze with which he looked at you. You knew he needed to feel you closer, even with the immediate danger having been explained to him, he needs to just make sure that you were safe.
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literaryavenger · 2 months
So I read somewhere that if the word ‘Sputnik’ is said to Bucky it knocks him out. Like it was a way for HYDRA to temporarily incapacitate him until they could control him better if he got out of hand. I’d love to see if you could write about how the reader and the team would deal with this situation. Maybe incorporate the satellite, as we know how much Bucky loves space. 💙✨ Maybe an established relationship? Again don’t need to do this, but I thought you’d appreciate a little help to get out of this writers block :)
Summary: Bucky's fascinacion with Space gives the team an interesting, emotional week.
Pairing: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Romanoff!Reader, Platonic!Bucky Barnes x Various!Avengers
Warnings: Language. Established relationship. Mentions of Bucky's past and trauma. So much angst, but tons of fluff too. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 6.4K. This one got away from me, lol.
A/N: Okay, so I heard about this too and did some research and found out it is a thing that the Red Skull uses against Bucky in one of the many universes of the comics, but it can only be used once. What I couldn’t find is how to wake him up, so that part is made up by me lol. Anyway, I hope this satisfies you, Anon, and to everyone that’s sent me requests already, I promise I plan on working on all of them, even if it takes me a little time. But keep ‘em coming! Also, I put a lot of MCU references and lines, so have fun finding them all, lol.
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Life isn’t always fair.
That’s something most people can agree on. But it’s especially never been fair for one Bucky Barnes.
Bucky has been an Avenger for years now, and sometimes he still feels like he’s made little to no progress. Other times even he can’t deny how far he’s come.
Like right now, he’s sitting on the couch with you, his girlfriend, sitting next to him with your legs over his as he strokes your thigh absentmindedly while he’s engrossed in a conversation with Peter about astrology.
That’s something that Bucky has always found interesting, and the young genius has been filling Bucky in on everything he’s missed on the subject since the 40s.
Most of the Avengers are away on missions and the rest of the team that’s at the Compound (Tony, Steve, Peter, Wanda, Sam, Natasha, Bucky and you) are all hanging out in the common room, the fading colors of the sundown coming through the window making for a nice setting.
Tony, Steve and Sam are talking about Formula One, Peter and Bucky are in their own little nerd world and you are talking with Natasha and Wanda about the latest tv show you’ve all been binging together.
Your attention is brought on Bucky when he taps on your leg gently to signal you to get them off of him so he can get up, never breaking his conversation with Peter.
“What’s a satellite?” Bucky asks with furrowed eyebrows as he gets up from the couch.
“It’s an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth, or moon or another planet, in order to collect information or for communication.” Peter explains like the cute little geek he is while Bucky goes to the kitchen to get another beer, still concentrating on their conversation.
“You know,” Tony interjects, the whole team’s attention now on their exchange. “The first artificial Earth satellite launched in 1957, it was called Sputnik and it was-”
“Bucky?” You interrupt Tony in the middle of his fun fact when you see your boyfriend freezing as he’s about to sit on the couch where he was a minute ago.
He doesn’t say anything but you can see his eyes rolling back into his head and then he falls to the ground unconscious.
“Bucky!” You yell as you kneel beside him, everyone else rushing to his side, just as worried as you.
You grab him by his shoulders and shake him a little, but the man doesn’t move a muscle. You look around at the team, but everyone is equally as clueless about what’s happening as you are.
“Should we try slapping him?” Sam offers, earning a glare from both you and Steve and a slap on the back of his head by Natasha.
You look back at Bucky, but you can’t think of anything to do to help him, your mind completely blank. You feel a hand on your shoulder but you pay it no mind, your eyes focused on Bucky.
“We could try the book…” Steve’s voice is quiet but to your ears those words feel like a scream and your eyes snap up to his just to find him already looking at you.
You know what book he’s talking about, of course you know. The Winter Soldier’s red book, the one Bucky gave you to keep safe because he trusts you with his life.
You’re the only one that has access to it, but you’ve never even opened it because Bucky trusted you not to unless it was necessary. He chose not to destroy it for this exact reason, in case something inexplicable happened to him. 
He himself has never opened the book, so it stands to reason that there are a lot of things he doesn’t know about the Winter Soldier’s programming.
You promised him you’d keep it safe and that’s what you’ve done so far, but you also promised yourself you’d never open it and see the horrors even Bucky doesn’t know they did to him. You certainly never thought it would be necessary, that’s why you agreed to it.
But right now, as much as you hate to admit it, it’s your best option. 
You leave Bucky in Steve’s care and go to your and Bucky’s room. You go into the closet and remove the hardwood plank in the far corner and reach into it to take out a small safe.
It’s Stark Technology, even Bucky wouldn’t be able to get into it, if he even knew it was there. But he doesn’t, he was very insistent on you being the only person that knew the book’s hiding place.
You scan your thumbprint, then your retina and lastly say the voice command ‘Jamie’ and the light turns green. The safe opens and you reach into it, moving away the files about yourself you recovered from the Red Room after you and Natasha escaped, then the Hydra file Natasha found on Bucky and some other documents you have there before spotting the red leather at the bottom of the safe. You pull it out and hesitate before sighing. 
This is necessary. 
That’s what you keep telling yourself over and over as you open it and start looking through the pages for anything about Bucky passing out.
Thankfully it doesn’t take long for you to find it, and you’re careful to put everything away the way it was before going back to Bucky.
While you were looking for an explanation, Steve and Sam moved Bucky to the medbay where Tony hooked up some machines to him to make sure he was still healthy, even if he’s unconscious.
You enter the room and hesitate before walking up to the bed. You can tell everyone’s worried, most likely because even the shuffle of bringing him here didn’t wake him up.
“Please tell me nobody slapped him.” you say quietly, half joking and half actually worried someone tried to slap him awake. When Steve shakes his head no, you let out a relieved breath and cross your arms in front of your chest. “I think I know what happened.”
“You do? What is it?” Steve asks hopefully, although the tone in your voice doesn’t prompt anything good.
“Apparently, Hydra planted a failsafe in Bucky’s subconscious.” Everyone’s attention is on you, and you look at everything but Bucky. “It was made in case the Winter Soldier rebelled and they needed a quick way to shut him down.”
“I don’t get it, why didn’t Shuri take it out with his trigger words?” Sam asks with a frown.
“She didn’t know about it.” You answer simply. “Bucky didn’t even know about it…”
“If she didn’t know it existed, she didn’t know to look for it…” Tony elaborates and Sam nods.
“Does it say what the word is?” Steve asks you.
“The word is ‘Sputnik’.” You say while looking at Tony with a tight-lipped smile. You know it’s not his fault, he obviously didn’t do it on purpose and you know he understands you don’t blame him, and neither would Bucky. “Good news is, the failsafe can only be used once.” Everyone relaxes a little, at least there’s the bright side that this won’t ever happen again.
“And the bad news is…?” Natasha prompts while raising her eyebrow, making everyone tense again. You sigh, damn her for knowing you so well.
“Since it’s never been used, there’s no saying what will happen to him, how long it’ll last or how to wake him up…” You trail off, looking down at your feet while biting your lip before finishing your sentence. “If he even wakes up.”
You hear Wanda gasp at your words and the room goes silent. You don’t have the courage of looking anybody in the eye at the moment, so you just keep looking down.
“What do you mean, if he even wakes up?” Peter is the one that asks the question, his voice quiet and a little unsteady.
“It’s Hydra we’re talking about, I doubt they cared about the consequences their actions would bring on Bucky’s psyche…” You say bitterly, wishing you had any Hydra agent at hand so you could snap their neck. “That trigger word could’ve done anything to him.”
“T-there has to be something else, maybe you missed something.” Steve mutters and it takes everything in you not to roll your eyes. You know this is coming from a good place, he’s worried for his best friend, but it’s still annoying that he’s doubting you.
“All it says in the book is that it’s supposed to knock him out long enough to provide an opportunity to move him somewhere where he can’t do any damage or even put him back into Cryo if necessary.” You recall word for word what you read in the book, making it clear that there’s nothing else to be done. “All we can do is wait it out…”
You glance at Bucky and something inside you snaps. You know you can’t look at his still, angelic face any longer or you’ll lose it, so you turn around and walk out of the room, leaving everybody perplexed at the wake of your actions.
“Wait!” Steve says from behind you, but you don’t turn around until you’re at the elevators.
“We can keep watch on him one at a time until he wakes up.” That’s all you say while entering the elevator, giving him no chance to say anything back.
He understands this is a lot for you, so he decides not to push it. Instead he sighs and turns around, walking back to the rest of the team to tell them your, admittedly simple, plan.
Day 1
Steve volunteers to be the first one to watch over Bucky, hoping that he’ll wake up within a day and then everything will go back to normal.
“Hey, Buck.”  He says quietly as he sits down on the chair next to Bucky’s bed. 
“This is weird…” He says more to himself while studying Bucky’s face. “Should I talk to you? What should I even say to you? I don’t know, man…”
Steve sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “You’ve known me my whole life. My entire, overextended life… Is there really anything you don’t know about me yet? Well, maybe…” 
Steve knows there’s something he hasn’t told Bucky. It’s something he hasn’t told anyone, really. But he needs to get it off his chest, so he takes a deep breath and decides to go for it.
“It’s hard, Buck… This whole hero thing.” He says quietly while looking at his lap. “I got into this life to help people, that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, but… I never thought it’d be this hard.”
Steve plays with his fingers as he talks. He knows Bucky probably can’t hear him, he can’t even see him at the moment, but he still feels guilty about what he’s saying. 
“Remember during the war, how we used to think about going home after it was all over and find a nice gal, settle down, have a family…” Steve can’t help but smile at the memory of all the times they spent in bars between fights with the Howling Commandos, just fantasizing about what their lives would be like after the war was over. “I know what I have with Natasha is real, and I love her, and you got pretty lucky too.” He smirks at Bucky while thinking about his relationship with you. 
“But this isn’t really the life we imagined, is it?” His smile falls. He can’t help but feel like saying these things out loud make him look selfish. But who better to understand him than his best friend, who went through something very similar? So he keeps going.
“This job, man… People depend on us to keep them safe, and that’s a lot of responsibility on its own, but being Captain America…” Steve scoffs, just the title he was given all those years ago now carries a weight he can’t escape. “It’s exhausting.” 
Steve finally looks up at Bucky, half expecting him to be looking at him with an irritated expression, but Bucky’s still unconscious, his face still and peaceful, almost as if he’s merely sleeping.
“I try to be perfect all the time, but, outside this team, no one wants me to be myself… They want me to be the version of myself that they like. The version that serves them better.” Steve leans in, resting his elbows on his knees, his eyes focused on Bucky’s face. “But I’ve always known I could be myself with you. ‘That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight’, right?” 
Steve laughs. That’s how Bucky described him. Even after the serum, that’s how Bucky always saw him.
“That’s me… You’ve always seen me for who I was, not who you needed me to be…” He takes Bucky’s hand in his. “Even when I had nothing, I had you… And I know what you’d tell me if you were awake,” 
Steve chuckles, knowing his stubborn best friend would insist Steve would be fine even without him. “I have the Avengers, I found myself a family, I’ll be okay…” He pauses thinking about the team, but then he gets to you and his smile falls again. “But her.” 
He knows he doesn’t have to say anything more. If Bucky were awake, he would immediately understand Steve’s talking about you. “For her it’s different.” Steve says quietly. Everybody knows how much Bucky means to you. “You’re everything to her, Bucky.”
Day 2
Bucky still hasn’t woken up, but you can’t bring yourself to watch over him and Natasha can see it on your face when Steve suggested you’d be the next one on Bucky watch, so she offers to go instead of you like the good big sister she is.
“Hi, Barnes.” She says when she sits down on the same chair Steve spent the day on yesterday. “I think we both know I’m only here for your little doll.” Natasha teases with a small smirk before she gets more serious.
“She can’t face this yet…” Natasha says quietly, thinking about your face just moments ago. “She doesn’t believe she’s as strong as we both know she is.”
Natasha knows you haven’t slept much, the darkening circles under your eyes give you away.
“But I get it,” she sighs “you mean so much to her.” She’s never seen you as happy as you are since you started dating Bucky, and she knows you’d do anything to protect that. Hell, Natasha herself would do anything to protect something as pure as your relationship with Bucky.
“Our whole lives, all she wanted was what she has with you now.” Natasha smiles sadly at Bucky. “And now that she’s found it, it’s hard for her to face reality and admit to herself that she might lose it…” 
Natasha sighs and shakes her head, thinking about everything organizations like Hydra and the Red Room took from all of them, and how they’re still managing to hurt them even after all these years.
“You know,” She says after a moment of silence “I’ve never been homesick. Because there was no place I belonged to.”
She knows Bucky felt the same way for the longest time, and she wants to give him the same hope she had. “And then I got this, this job… This family. And you’re part of that family too, Bucky.”
She leans in and scans Bucky’s face, looking for any signs that he might be conscious, but she finds nothing. 
“None of us are ready to lose that. To lose you.” She tries to drive home the point by taking his hand. “You have a family again, a family that cares for you.” 
“And you can’t do this to her… You know you can’t.” She adds after another moment of silence. “All our lives, she’s been looking for a home… You are her home, Bucky.”
Day 3
“Hey, man.” Sam sits down on the chair next to Bucky’s bed. 
“I know, I know, I’m probably the last person you want here…” Sam chuckles. “But that’s too damn bad for you, because I’m gonna be here anyway.”
Sam looks at Bucky, it feels kind of weird for him to see him without the scowl that’s usually directed at him. “Oh, how I wish I could know what’s going on in that big cyborg brain of yours…” Sam says with a small grin. 
“If you were awake you’d be glaring at me. Is it weird that I kind of miss it?” He wonders out loud. “Two days without your annoying staring problem is two days too long…” 
Sam chuckles again. He knows Bucky would be threatening his life at this point if he were awake. Not that he’d ever follow through with his threats, though. Sam sighs.
“I know you don’t want me getting all sappy on you, but… I never did tell you why I tease you so much, did I?” Sam says quietly as he sits back on his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. “You’ve asked me repeatedly why, but you don’t really expect an answer when you do…”
A lot of the conversations between them end with Bucky asking Sam why he’s such a pain in his ass while Sam, and anyone else witnessing the exchange for that matter, just laugh. Even you.
“But here I am, giving you one anyway.” Sam says with a grin. At this point he’s almost hoping that if he annoys Bucky enough, he’ll wake up just to kick his ass. 
“You know how they say ‘we accept the love we think we deserve’? Well, I know how little love you truly believe you deserve.” Sam has never said these things out loud, especially not to Bucky because he knows that wouldn’t end up well for anybody. But now he feels like he has to.
“Thing is…” Sam says quietly, taking the rare moment where Bucky is not rolling his eyes or glaring at him to be honest. “You deserve so much more than you care to admit, Bucky.” 
He looks out the window for a moment before looking back at Bucky.
“And I’m gonna mess with you, and make fun of you, and tease you like friends do.” He says defiantly, almost challenging Bucky to stop him. “Because, whether you like it or not, I am your friend.”
Sam grins at Bucky, wishing he was awake just so Sam could see Bucky’s face as he annoys him. “You have people that care about you, Bucky. You have a whole team that does.” 
Sam says sincerely with an easy smile, but then he sighs. He knows, if Bucky could reply, he wouldn’t want to believe what Sam’s saying. Ever the stubborn one, that man.
“Look Bucky, I know you believe you’re hard to love…” Sam says quietly, thinking about his next words carefully with you in mind. “But she loves you like it’s breathing, man.”
Day 4 
“Good morning, Bucky.” Wanda says as she enters Bucky’s room in the medbay. “How are you feeling?”
She sits down and sighs. “Yeah, I know, I could easily just look into your mind and see for myself, like Tony has been bugging me to do since all this started, but…” She pauses and smiles softly at Bucky. “I made you a promise.”
Bucky didn’t trust Wanda when he first met her. He knew she had ties to Hydra, he knew she could control his mind and he had enough of that for a lifetime.
“I’ve never entered one of our friend’s minds on principle, but I know how important it was to you that I willingly promised you outright.” She says softly while remembering the look on his face when she seeked him out to relieve his worries. “It didn’t take a mind reader to see the weight being lifted off your shoulders when I actually said the words…” 
After that Bucky seemed less guarded around her, they even had some conversations about their experiences with Hydra, and Bucky came to understand where Wanda was coming from.
“And I get it, you’ve had no control over your own mind for the longest time, you don’t want anyone else in there.” Wanda says quietly “You trust me not to, and I’d never betray that trust.” 
She’s proud that she was able to gain Bucky’s trust, and she’d never do anything to lose that.
“You and I both know what it’s like to have nothing,” She sits back on her chair, her eyes on the window. “and we both value trust above all else, having had no one to trust for the longest time.” 
“After I got these… These powers…” She looked at the red energy coming out her fingers while they played with it. “I knew people saw me differently. I knew they feared me…”
Her Sokovian accent comes out more as she gets emotional, her eyes leaving her hand as she looks back at Bucky. “And Hydra conditioned you to expect people to fear you, too.” She says sadly. “But we can’t control other people’s fears. Only our own.”
That’s a lesson that took her a while to learn, but it’s an important one for both of them.
“We’re not monsters.” She says with conviction, like she’s trying to convince him more than just remind him, before adding. “We are all born so beautiful… The greatest tragedy is being convinced we’re not.”
Wanda smiles, that’s another lesson that was hard to learn, but luckily for them they had someone to help them believe it.
“You know who taught us that, who helped us really believe it…” Wanda chuckles softly, thinking about how you went above and beyond for both her and Bucky. Even before you started dating him, you wanted to make him see himself the way you saw, and still see him. 
“She believes wholeheartedly that you’re beautiful. I don’t need to use my powers to see the way her eyes, her face, her whole soul lights up when she looks at you…” Wanda feels like he needs to remind Bucky what he has. If he’s fighting, he needs to know what he’s fighting for. “You’re her hope, and her peace… You’re her whole world, Bucky.”
Day 5 
“Hello, Mr. Barnes, sir.” Peter says shyly as he hesitantly sits down on the chair, almost expecting Bucky to look at him and tell him not to do that because Bucky always insists Peter call him by his nickname like everybody, but Peter never does.
“I’m sorry, I know you hate it when I do that.” Peter scratches the back of his neck nervously. “You always say ‘just because I have a few decades on you, it doesn’t mean you have to call me sir’.”
Peter chuckles. “I know that, but I can’t help it… It’s not because you’re older,” Peter quickly reassures him. “It’s because I respect you. I admire you, really…” Peter blushes a little at the admission, but after all Bucky is a war hero and a role model.
“Everything you went through, even before Hydra…” He trails off, glancing at Bucky with a pained expression before continuing. “It made you stronger. You’ve always been able to help people, even without being a supersoldier.” 
Peter remembers the conversations he had with Bucky, after the man got used to the 16-year-old’s enthusiasm and energy, where Peter’s curiosity and genuine interest of what he had to say brought them hours of Bucky recalling what it was like to live in the 40s and through a war.
“You had a duty back then… To protect your country, your family and your friends… It was a responsibility, albeit a terrible one at that.” Peter says admiringly, recalling how shocked he had been when Bucky told him he got drafted and didn’t enlist like it says in his exhibit at the Smithsonian. “But you know what it’s like, to do what you have to do because it’s the right thing…” 
“I know you look at me and see a younger version of Mr. Rogers… Young and small and in need of help…” Peter says after a moment of silence, chuckling at the similarities he felt he shared with the pre-serum version of Steve before Peter got his powers. “And I get it, I spent my whole life like that… And then I got this opportunity.”
Peter looks at his hands, knowing what he can do with them alone is extraordinary. But he didn’t feel like he deserved it when it first happened.
“It was an accident. A fluke, a mistake…” He said quietly, words he’d never said out loud but he’s said to himself countless times. “But it gave me a chance to help people.” He says, now very proud of the opportunity he’s been given.
“When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t… And then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” He says while smiling at the memory of telling Tony that when he first recruited him. “And I know fighting is the right thing to do, but it’s also a lot for me to take on…” His voice gets quieter.
“And it took me a while to get the hang of it. I still struggle with it sometimes…” He admits sheepishly. 
“But, ‘just because you took longer than others, doesn't mean you failed.’” He says before smiling at Bucky. “Remember that, kid.’” he says imitating Bucky’s deep voice with a chuckle.
“You told me that, sir. And I always remember that.” He says, proud of himself. “I’m doing my best, and that’s what matters…” His smile falters when he then sees you pass Bucky’s medbay room, like you do a few times a day even if you still can’t bring yourself to enter it.
“She’s doing her best too, Mr. Barnes.” Peter says quietly, looking worriedly at you. “To keep herself together, to not break down… To not lose hope.” 
Peter looks back at Bucky and leans in, like he’s telling him a secret. “But I can tell it’s getting harder. She can’t sleep, or eat, she can’t stop thinking about you but she can’t bear to see you like this…” 
Peter almost hoped that telling him this would be enough to make Bucky wake up, but he understands that it’s more complicated than just willpower. Peter sighs and leans back in his chair, his eyebrows furrowed with worry as he looks at Bucky. “You have to come back to her, Bucky.”
Day 6 
You almost shove Tony into Bucky’s room. Everybody else is busy, most of the team being out on missions, and you still can’t bring yourself to see him.
“Hey, Terminator, how’s the coma going?” You groan loudly enough for him to hear while yelling ‘Tony!’ from outside and he chuckles. “Kidding, kidding…” 
Tony reluctantly sits down on the chair next to Bucky’s bed. It’s not like he hates him, they have slowly developed a relationship. It’s not quite enough to call it a true friendship, but it’s enough for them to get along when they’re in a group setting, they just don’t spend any time just the two of them. 
“Fine, let’s level, Barnes.” Tony says with a sigh after several minutes of silence. “I know we’ve had a rocky relationship from the start, but you have to see where I’m coming from.” 
Tony thinks back at what happened in Siberia. He feels guilty about it now, but in the moment he was in the eye of the tornado. He couldn’t see a way out.
“Seeing you do those things on camera… It did something to me. And then that’s all I could see, your hand around my mom’s throat…” He trails off, swallowing hard as the memory comes rushing back. “But that wasn’t your fault.” He concedes after another moment of silence. 
“You know how they say that villains deserve to have their stories told from their own point of view?” He asks rhetorically, knowing Bucky can’t answer. “I never believed that. I thought it was just an excuse for bad people to justify their actions… A ‘you don’t know what drove me here, so you can’t judge my actions, as bad as they may seem to you’ type of thing.”
He glances down before looking back at Bucky with a small smile. “And then I met you. And I tried to kill you…” He chuckles awkwardly, then sighs. “But I’m glad I didn’t succeed. I’d never been able to get to know you, to understand your side of things… You’re a pretty badass dude.”
Tony smiles at Bucky. Even he has to admit that Bucky has made so much progress. He’s opened up more than anyone would’ve expected, he cares about the team, he laughs and jokes around with everybody. He’s not as guarded as he used to be, he’s truly a part of their evergrowing, eccentric family.
“I know I should’ve told you this a long time ago. It’s always been kind of implied, but…” He takes a deep breath. “I don’t blame you for what happened to my parents. Not anymore.” 
He pauses, he’s never actually said the words out loud, but right now he needs to.
“But I will blame you if you leave her like this…” He says playfully before adding more seriously. “She needs you, Bucky. More than you know, maybe even more than you need her.”
He’s never actually called him by his name, but he knows this is important and doesn’t find it in himself to come up with some funny nickname.
“Everybody wants a happy ending, and you’re hers.” He adds after another second. “And I know, part of the journey is the end, but… It’s not time for your end yet. Don’t leave her like this.” 
Day 7 
You can’t put it off any longer.
The team is out on various missions, you’re the only one in the compound along with a still unconscious Bucky. You take a deep, shaky breath and enter his room.
For a moment you stand in the doorway, tempted to run out as far and fast as you can. But you need to do this.
You walk to his bedside and bite your lip as you look at his peaceful face. Steve was right, he looks like he’s just sleeping. But you know better.
“Hi, baby…” You say quietly as you run your fingers through his hair softly. “I know, I’m sorry I haven’t… I haven’t been here.”
You feel guilty that you haven’t been taking care of him like you should. “But seeing you like this… It just hurts so bad.” You know it’s selfish. He’s the one that you should be caring for, but all you can preoccupy yourself with is your own feelings. “I want to be strong for you and I’m sorry I can’t…” 
You sit down on the chair next to his bed, gently taking his flesh hand in yours, and it’s as warm as it’s always been. For a few moments you do nothing more than just look at him, the beeping of the machines becoming background noise. You almost hope he’ll wake up out of sheer willpower, but you know it won’t happen.
“I need you to wake up, Bucky. Please…” You say quietly, almost pleading with him as tears start to come to your eyes, but you try your best to hold them back. “I need to see your smile, and your beautiful blue eyes, even if they are rolling in annoyance at some stupid pun I made.” 
You chuckle at the thought of all those times that he rolled his eyes at you when you made bad puns and dad jokes, only to laugh a second later. 
Not even because he found them funny, but because of the look you’d give him. Like you were doing everything you could not to laugh, because to you those silly jokes were the funniest thing ever, and he loved how much joy they brought you. 
And that was nothing compared to the way your eyes would light up when he’d laugh, like your greatest accomplishment in life was bringing him joy, even when both of you were entirely aware that it’s not the jokes that he enjoys. 
It’s you.
“I need to hear your voice and feel your touch… You’re everything to me, baby… Everything I need, everything I love…” You pause and bite your lip.
Love. That’s a word you two haven’t said yet. You feel it, you show it, you both know it. But you don’t say it.
Is this the best moment to say it for the first time? Probably not, but, with some hesitation, you say it anyway.
“You are love. When I think of love, when I hear it, when I say it… It’s you, just you, filling my head.” You reach out to caress his cheek. “It’s just you. I love you, Bucky. I’m sorry I’m telling you like this, and I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner… But I need you to wake up  so I can tell you. I need you to hear it, I… I need you, Bucky.” Your tears start to fall without you even noticing. 
“I can’t lose you… I’m not ready… No one ever is, but I can’t…” Your voice breaks and you try to stifle a sob but fail miserably. “I can’t do this without you, Jamie... Just please wake up...” 
You wrap your arm around Bucky's, your other hand holding onto his like it's the only thing keeping him, and you, alive. Like you almost expect to hear the monitors flatlining if you were to let go. 
So you don't, you lay your head on his arm and allow yourself to break for the first time all week and your voice becomes a whisper. “Please…”
Day 8 
Somehow you managed to fall asleep, the first time you’ve slept in a week, still holding onto Bucky’s arm. 
When you wake up the next morning there’s a few moments where you forget everything that happened. You try to get up from the bed, but feel a weight on your stomach and when you look down you see Bucky’s arm holding onto you. 
Suddenly everything that happened in the past week comes rushing back and, at the same time, you realize you’re no longer in the medbay but instead you’re laying on the bed of yours and Bucky’s shared bedroom.
Confused as to how you ended up here and still a little sleepy, you look up with a frown to see Bucky already looking down at you with a goofy grin.
“Bucky!” You all but yell while throwing yourself at him, pushing him onto his back and straddling him. You hug him tightly as he chuckles at your more than enthusiastic reaction.
You feel his arms wrapping around you as he hugs you back. You want to look at him, but part of you is terrified that if you were to let go he'd disappear. You'd wake up and realize this was just a dream and Bucky is still unconscious.
“Doll,” That simple word, his deep voice was all you needed to confirm this is indeed real and he's awake “you're kind of crushing me here, sweetheart.” Bucky teases you playfully, but he doesn't mean it and you both know it. 
Even though you are clinging to him like a koala bear, it doesn't bother him in the slightest. He just wants you to look at him.
You reluctantly pull away from Bucky’s neck just enough to look into his eyes. He brings his hand up to stroke your cheek softly and you instinctively lean into his touch. 
You close your eyes for a second before they snap open again as you realize there’s something you need to tell him.
“I love you.” You take his face in your hands. “I love you so fucking much. And I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I ju-”
Bucky interrupts what he’s sure it’s gonna be a long rant that ends with you unnecessarily apologizing a bunch of times by placing his hands on yours on his face and squeezing them softly, bringing you back to the present.
“I know, doll.” he says simply and you frown a little.
Sure, you’ve both always known you had deep feelings for each other, but he seems pretty sure when you have never actually said the words.
Bucky can see the wheels turning in your head and, chuckling, he decides to solve the mystery for you. “I heard you. I could hear everything while I was unconscious.” 
“You could?” you ask, blushing a little now that you know he heard you breaking down. You’re glad he now knows the depth of your feelings for him, but it’s still a little embarrassing.
“I could,” he says with a smirk. “It's gonna make for a lot of interesting conversations with the team.”
You can’t help but laugh, you’re not sure what the rest of the team talked to him about, but if they were all as emotional as you then Bucky’s gonna have a field day discussing all of that with equally embarrassed Avengers.
Suddenly, Bucky brings your face down to his and kisses you. You make no attempt to resist and actually whine a little when he pulls away, which makes him chuckle at your antics.
“I love you too, baby.” He says softly while stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. “You’re everything to me. My best friend, the love of my life, my very reason to live.”
You feel your tears starting to gather again but, even if this time they’re of joy, you still don’t let them fall.
Before you can say anything though, the door of our room slams open and you can barely understand what’s happening before Steve, Wanda, Peter, Natasha, Sam and Tony throw themselves on the bed, crushing you while they all yell at the same time, the chorus of joy being along the lines of ‘Bucky’s alive’.
Bucky’s arms around you tighten while he tries to protect you from the team’s attack as best as he can while the two of you laugh at your friend’s antics.
You may have had the worst week of your life, but it’s over now. And while you’re looking forward to having some time alone with Bucky, right now you’re happy to be squished under a pile of shouting Avengers.
This just feels right. As weird as your life, and your family is, you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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beheworthy · 7 months
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Thor looking out for his mortal friends
(requested by anonymous)
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inkedreverie · 8 months
Hiiiii, can I request fem reader losing her virginity to protective, Nomad or End Game Steve please??? tysm!
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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: steve rogers x girlfriend! reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After a few months of dating, Steve's return home and newfound stability have created the perfect opportunity for you to consider taking your relationship with him to the next level.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, loss of virginity, little use of y/n, p in v sex, unprotected sex, established relationship. vaginal fingering (fem rec), oral sex (fem rec)
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫❜𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I couldn't really make mind. So technically this is nomad!steve without the beard. I hope you like this anon. Haven't written this trope in awhile!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐈𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐀𝐎𝟑
“I miss your beard,” she whispered against his lips, straddling his lap as she played with his longer hair, letting her hands run through the soft strands. “I know you had to grow it out when you were on the run but, I don’t know. I think you should grow it back, for me.” She pulled away slightly, pouting as she looked up at him.
Steve’s hands rested at her sides, rubbing soft little circles on her hips as he listened to her talk, a small smirk curling at the corners of his mouth.
“You like the beard, huh?” His smirk grew into a mischievous grin. “Why? Think it would feel good between your thighs?”
He caught her in another kiss before she had the chance to reply. His question made her stomach churn with butterflies as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She whimpered against his mouth as one hand traveled upward from her hip and stopped right on top of her left breast.
Steve grinned as he gently massaged her breast through the thin fabric of her t-shirt and the cotton of her bra. With his other hand, he gripped her hip again and firmly brought her closer to his lap, pressing himself flush against her warmth.
He ran his tongue over her bottom lip and moaned low when she parted her lips so that their tongues could swirl together. They didn’t get many nights like this alone, being the only two in her apartment since James had been called away by Natasha on some super-secret mission, but when they did finally have each other all to themselves, it was always mind-blowing.
Steve slowly began rocking his hips forward as they continued to kiss, making them both moan into each other’s mouths as friction built up between them.
He kissed across her jaw until he reached the base of her neck and sucked gently. She moaned softly before pulling away to look down at him. “Steve, I think I’m ready.”
When Steve looked up, the glazed lust had been replaced by sudden apprehension in her boyfriend’s baby blues. “Ready?”
A slow smile spread across her face. “Mmmhmm. All the way this time.” She leaned down to nip at his lips before kissing him deeply.
Steve returned the kiss slowly, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her body even closer to his. His other hand left her breast and slid underneath the hem of her t-shirt. It traced soft patterns on her back before working its way higher, fingers skimming along the strap of her bra.
Steve pulled away again, his hand cupping the side of her cheek. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? I don’t want to pressure you.”
She nodded with a small smile, leaning forward to kiss him briefly. “I’m ready,” she reassured him, her hand gripping at the short hairs at the nape of his neck.
Steve hummed into the next kiss, and then he stood suddenly, picking her up with him. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, feeling dizzy from the change of position and from his kisses. He kept a strong hold of her and carried her through her bedroom door.
As soon as they entered, Steve sat on the bed with her in his lap, not parting their kiss for a single moment. She grinned against his mouth, loving when he displayed his super soldier strength and just picked her up without effort.
She rocked her hips, rubbing her heat over the front of his pants, causing them both to groan loudly. He smiled against her lips before pulling away. “I love how eager you are. But before we go any further, tell me what you like?”
Y/N stared at him blankly. Steve pressed a sweet kiss to her lips.
“What do you like? What do you want me to do to you?” He kissed her nose as her expression softened. “What kind of touch do you like? Do you like soft or rough? Gentle or hard?” A soft chuckle escaped his throat. “Tell me how you want it, sweetheart. I’ll give it to you however you like.”
Her cheeks burned, knowing there was no option but to be honest with Steve. Her boyfriend wasn’t known for backing down until he had gotten the most information possible on a subject; she had always appreciated his dedication to preparation and research when they were in situations where it could cost them their lives.
But having sex with Steve Rogers was on another level of anxiety-inducing. “I, um... I like it hard,” she mumbled bashfully, looking away.
Steve kissed the side of her head tenderly before reaching up to tangle his fingers into her hair and bring her gaze back to meet his. “Hard?” he asked, an amused grin lighting up his face. “That can mean lots of things. Tell me more.”
Her cheeks heated even more, creeping down onto her neck and chest, and Steve kissed her sweetly once again, nibbling on her lower lip before pulling away. “Well, I’m not sure since this is my first time...” she replied awkwardly, letting the sentence hang in the air.
“So, I’ll show you,” he murmured in her ear, sending shivers down her spine as she clung tighter to him, her hands gripping his shirt. “It doesn’t have to be a big deal, you know. We’ll figure out what you like. Alright?”
She nodded, relaxing slightly as she looked at him.
Steve’s gaze seemed darker than usual as he leaned forward to brush his lips against hers. “If you’re nervous, we can start slow. I’ll keep going, okay?” His voice was soft and reassuring. She felt butterflies stir once more as she thought about him continuing whatever he had in store.
She wanted so badly to let herself just let go and enjoy his attention, to give all of her to him without any barriers between them. Her entire body was quivering in anticipation and the desire for release, and she didn’t want to waste any more time. She trusted him so much that she felt like she was on cloud nine. “Okay,” she finally said.
His lips grazed against her jawline again. “Then relax,” he breathed against the sensitive skin there before nibbling lightly on the flesh, drawing out an involuntary gasp.
“You’ve already loosened up so nicely. Just feel.”
And then Steve began his ministrations, his mouth traveling slowly down her neck before leaving open-mouthed kisses along her collarbones and chest, alternating between light sucks and gentle bites as he worked his way from one shoulder to the other. He leaned back slightly, taking off her shirt as his eyes met hers.
When he did, she swore she saw sparks dancing in his gaze as they scanned her body. She tried to stay calm while watching his movements closely, though she couldn’t help shivering under the intensity of his stare.
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He gradually slipped out of the rest of his clothes until the two of them were just in their underwear. “Let’s begin.” His voice sounded smooth and controlled, but he was smiling devilishly up at her. She whimpered at the loss of contact and buried her face into his chest.
“Trust me.”
He gently pushed her back on the bed as he hovered above her, his lips trailing kisses down her neck once more. As if he was trying to memorize every dip, curve, or mark on her skin. His hands stroked up and down her sides and over her hips as his kisses continued down her chest, past her breasts and towards her navel.
He paused when he reached the line of her panties before dipping lower to pepper kisses at the tops of her thighs, using his teeth to scrape over her soft skin lightly, which made her legs twitch slightly. He smirked against her skin and repeated the action a few times until her leg trembled involuntarily again. “Steve,” she breathed.
Steve chuckled softly as his hand brushed across her clit. “I like the way you say my name, sweetheart,” he mumbled, before continuing to leave burning kisses on her skin. “Say it again.” His hand slid beneath the material of her panties, and his fingers spread to cup her completely, holding her heat right there.
She couldn’t stop a soft gasp from escaping as his middle finger slipped between the folds, rubbing slow circles around the sensitive bud.
“Stevie!” she moaned softly, arching her back up slightly against the touch of his hand, and his breath fanned over her hot, slick center. He dipped his tongue between her folds, licking broadly at her clit.
Her hands gripped tightly at the blankets underneath her as she gasped. The pleasure was intense, overwhelming, and completely unlike anything she had ever felt. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself, so she stayed perfectly still.
The sensation continued to build as he licked and sucked her sensitive flesh into his mouth, sucking her clit between his lips, applying the slightest amount of pressure against the bundle of nerves.
He curled his finger inside of her, stroking over her g-spot before adding a second finger. She bucked her hips upwards against his face.
“Oh god... oh god, Stevie! I’m... oh god I think I’m gonna c—” Her words cut off in a loud cry as a wave of ecstasy swept through her body, sending goosebumps along her limbs.
He smiled against her soaked heat as he licked up and down her slit, tasting her wetness before pressing a kiss to her swollen clit. “That’s it, baby. Give me all of it,” he encouraged with a sly smirk before lowering his face between her thighs again and lapping eagerly at her soaked entrance.
After she came down from her high and her body relaxed, his lips pressed another kiss to her sex before pulling away. “Do you want to continue?” He crawled up the bed until he hovered over her.
She nodded, wrapping her arms around her neck. “Yes. I want you inside me,” she whispered, biting her bottom lip. Steve gazed at her for a long moment, his eyes dark and predatory as he looked her up and down, seeming to decide whether he should deny her wish or give her everything she wanted. She hoped he would give in because she definitely needed him at this point. “Please,” she begged. “I need you.”
Steve gave her a soft smile, reaching out to trace his finger down her nose gently. “Okay.”
She sighed contently and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers together, letting her thumb stroke the side of his palm. “I promise to go slow. Let me know if I’m hurting you, alright?”
She nodded again as she stared up at him, taking note of how beautiful he was in this lighting as the soft yellow light of the sunset washed over his skin and shone in his bright blue eyes. The shadows danced along his face, accentuating his jaw and cheekbones. She reached her free hand up, cupping his cheek. “Thank you for this.”
He turned his head to press a kiss to her palm, his eyes locked on hers as he smiled. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
Her heart thudded excitedly, and she tugged on his hand, pulling him closer to her until their bodies lined up together and her bare breasts brushed against his chest.
Their mouths met again, kissing slowly, exploring every inch of the other person’s mouth. When they finally broke apart, they were panting heavily as their eyes met, gazing hungrily at each other.
“I want you, Stevie. Please.”
Steve nodded once, leaning down to brush his nose against hers. “My pleasure,” he murmured softly.
Y/N shifted slightly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he aligned his length against her dripping core and sank his cock inside of her slowly, inch by delicious inch. She squeezed around him, desperate for friction, as he buried his face into her neck and groaned.
His thrusts started off shallow, keeping the pace slow and steady. She clung tight to his body, nails digging into his skin, wanting so badly to make him move faster. “Fuck. Oh fuck. Faster please, I wanna feel you.”
Steve grunted as he lifted his head up from her shoulder. “Patience, baby. I got you.” He kissed her again and quickened the pace of his thrusts. His tongue stroked lazily over hers and she couldn’t help but whimper against his mouth at the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of her wet heat.
Her toes curled. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of her as she met each thrust with her own hips. His breaths were heavy and hot on her neck and cheek, making her shiver at the feeling.
His rhythmic movement and the constant stimulation had her walls pulsing around his hardness, clenching down on him like a vice. The feeling was almost overwhelming, almost painful, but unbelievably incredible all at once.
She moaned, throwing her head back as she dug her heels into his lower back, pressing him forward, urging him to go even harder. He obliged with ease, slamming into her repeatedly, his hips moving with a fluid motion. She felt another orgasm building fast within her as he kept pounding against her G-spot. She cried out, gasping as she clung desperately to his shoulders.
They both moaned as they climaxed together, bodies writhing and shuddering together while waves of bliss crashed over them. Steve rested his forehead against hers as he panted, peppering sweet kisses across her face.
Once they caught their breath, Steve pulled out of her and rolled off of her, lying next to her on his side. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer so she could now feel his body heat against her skin. “How do you feel, honey?” he whispered, pressing a chaste kiss on her temple.
“Happy,” she replied immediately, snuggling into his embrace. Her chest felt like it was full of helium and about to float away. It was such a satisfying feeling; this contentment, this relief at finally having done something she’d been wanting to do for months. Finally, being intimate with her boyfriend after all this time. A satisfied smile spread across her lips. “I love you.”
Steve placed a hand under her chin, lifting her head up to meet his gaze. They locked eyes, their breathing heavy and ragged as they stared deep into each other’s souls. “You’re amazing,” he sighed. “Beautiful. Perfect in every way.” He captured her bottom lip between his teeth, gently sucking on the swollen flesh. “And I love you too.”
As their eyes closed, his arms wrapped around her, cradling her body tightly against his, holding her protectively and securely as he whispered sweet praises to her. “Perfect, sweetheart, perfect... absolutely magnificent.”
He ran his hands down her sides, gripping her hips tightly before bringing one of them to cup her ass possessively. Her eyes shot open as she gasped in surprise at the sudden gesture, his words only further exciting her.
“What are you doing?” She asked, laughing softly.
Steve didn’t reply. Instead, he simply stared deeply into her eyes, his pupils blown wide with lust. His gaze flicked between her face and her chest, seemingly torn between which part of her he wanted to look at more intensely.
His nostrils flared slightly, a small hint of pink coloring his cheeks as he watched her intently. His eyebrows furrowed slightly, furiously blinking away whatever thoughts crossed his mind, struggling to regain control.
As he watched her carefully, his jaw clenched as if fighting a primal urge to take her once again. She squirmed in place, feeling self-conscious under his intense gaze, wishing he would stop staring so fiercely at her.
Slowly, he inched closer to her until his forehead touched against hers. His eyes fell closed, his breathing steady as he inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of her perfume, her sweat, her musk. Her fingers found themselves threading through his golden locks, tracing delicate patterns through them as his warm breath tickled her nose and cheeks.
“I’m glad you’re my first,” she mumbled, voice husky with sleep, breaking their silence. Steve chuckled lowly, raising a hand to caress the side of her face.
He pressed a tender kiss to her lips before laying his head back down on his pillow. “Me too, sweetheart. Go to sleep. We can talk in the morning about what just happened here.”
She giggled tiredly before burying herself into the crook of his neck. “Just promise me one thing, okay? Promise you’ll consider growing back the beard? I miss it.” He laughed.
Steve held her close, running his fingers through her hair soothingly. As the minutes ticked by, Y/N found her eyes growing heavier and heavier until they eventually fluttered closed.
And as she drifted off to dreamland, she swore she heard Steve whisper something softly in her ear before slipping into unconsciousness. “Anything for my darling.”
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worksby-d · 8 months
Can't Wait That Long
Pairing: senator!Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Request: “I love your senator Steve drabbles.😍 Could you do one where Steve realizes he wants kids so he wants to start breeding you, like IMMEDIATELY.”
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Warnings: AU, kind of public sex, unprotected sex, 18+
Word count: ~1,000
a/n: I didn't realize how much I missed Steve until that lil prompt request the other week 😩 So I dug through the absolute depths of my inbox and found this request from almost two years ago 💀🙏
Steve can’t stop his gaze from constantly drifting toward you as you play with some of his team’s kids on the other side of the glass panel dividing the meeting room. You quickly—too quickly—volunteered yourself to keep them entertained, much more interested in sitting on the floor with a group of kids than listening to any more campaign talk from your husband. 
As the afternoon winds down, he’s able to slip away while everyone is finishing up and sticking around to eat lunch. 
He walks into you helping the kids build a block tower and knows he better not startle anyone, standing in the doorway until you notice him out of the corner of your eye. He waves, a gesture definitely meant for you, but the kids have spotted him now and wave back, shouting at him to look at their tower. 
“That’s taller than you guys!” He marvels and they laugh at him. “Can I steal Y/N for a little while?” 
He asks kindly, but they don’t want you to go, moving closer to you to trap you in place. 
“I promise you can have her back later.”
He holds his hand out for you to help you off the floor and you repeat his promise, telling them the block tower isn’t done so you can’t possibly leave for good yet. They believe you more than him, so they reluctantly let you get up. 
He barely gives you the chance to fix your skirt once you’re standing up before he’s making a beeline with you for the farthest away office in the building.
Locking the door behind you, he’s on you instantly, pushing you against the wall gently, but hard enough to elicit an oof out of you. 
His kiss is passionate and deep, and it takes your breath away. 
When his lips move to your jaw and to your neck, you’re able to catch your breath and let out a laugh. “What’s gotten into you?”
You’re no stranger to sneaking off with him, but admittedly, it has been awhile. 
He lets up for just a moment, pressing a much softer kiss to your lips as he composes himself the best he can. 
“I can’t stop watching you out there with those kids. I don’t want to wait any longer…”
You narrow your eyes on his, pretty sure you know what he’s getting at. “You mean…”
“I wanna have a baby with you,” he blurts out. “I know we discussed waiting until the election is over in the fall, but I can’t– I can’t wait that long.”
He waits until he sees your smile to let himself break into one. You hold his face in your hands, pulling him back in for a kiss. Your quiet moan into his mouth as it becomes more heated has him snapping back into control. 
“Turn around,” he instructs, stern voice sending a shiver down your back. 
His hold on your waist loosens so you can obey, turning to face the wall, placing your hands in front of you as you arch your back. You know the drill. 
“Good girl,” he coos, leaning closer again to kiss your neck. “Can you be quiet for me?”
“Yes,” you nod, gasping softly, feeling his hard cock against your ass. 
His hands are on your hips keeping you in place, but he slips one around to your stomach. “You’re gonna look so pretty pregnant.”
You moan as his hand drops lower, pulling your skirt up around your waist so his fingers can slip under the waistband of your panties. 
“Steve,” you whimper. He brushes a finger along your slit, applying pressure to your clit. “Stevie–”
“You told me you could be quiet,” he chides teasingly. 
“Sorry.” Your quiet laugh turns into biting your lip to keep your moan silent as he moves his hand to pull your panties aside and you hear him unzip his pants. 
He’s become an expert at quickies, thrusting his cock into you before you have a chance to become a desperate, begging mess, knowing that would risk you getting caught for sure. He saves the teasing for when you’re at home.
“Fuck,” you curse, letting your eyes flutter shut. “Feels so good.” 
“I know, baby.” His steady pace becomes quicker, knowing the whines you’re letting out mean you want more. 
You drop a hand from the wall to hold onto his on your waist, linking your fingers together. 
“Wanna make you a daddy, Stevie,” you whisper.
He can barely hold himself back, letting out a groan as he leans into you, fucking you deeper and whispering against your neck. 
“Need you to cum for me, sweetheart.” He has you right on the edge. “Come on.” 
He knows you well enough to know he has to bring a hand up to cover your mouth, just in time to stifle your moan as you cum. Your knees go weak and you’re thankful for his hands on you keeping you up. 
“That’s my girl,” he grunts. He’s no better than you, having to hide his face against your neck to muffle his own moans as he works you through your high, coming undone at the same time. 
His hold on you becomes softer as you both work to catch your breath. You instantly miss him when he carefully pulls out and steps away to grab a box of tissues for you.
You’d make fun of him for how unromantic the gesture is if you weren’t still numb with pleasure. 
Once you’re both cleaned up, he pulls you back into his arms and you happily rest against him, head on his chest. 
“I was serious,” he says quietly, rubbing your back. “That wasn’t just a spur of the moment thing. I don’t wanna wait if you don’t.”
“I don’t either.” A sense of relief washes over him hearing you say it. “But I do kinda want to wait at least until we’re home next time,” you chuckle, lifting your head to wink at him. “This isn’t at the top of my list of places I want to conceive our child at.” 
He laughs, looking around at the dark, cold office he drew you into. “Agreed.”
Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby
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anonymousmink · 10 months
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Art request for an anon of some Avengers with their pets! I went for TEAM CAPT (Bucky + Alpine, Nat + Liho, and Sam + Figaro)
Bonus Art: Steve did not get the memo!
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Reblogs are loved but please don’t repost this art! Commissions are open! 💜
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assembletheimagines · 3 months
was thinking about steve and a shield agent also avenger living in the compound but having like lots of sexual tension so both make goofy jokes about hook up and then they do but hard and dirty :)
A/N: Omg yes please. Also, if people don't realize I publish without proofing first- apologies!
Warnings: Oral (f. r), dirty talk?, a smidge or hint at a dom!Steve? (like squint and turn your head- it's a little vibe)
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The air in the room fills with electricity when the words fall from your lips. Your inner thoughts winning in the moment when Steve and you were lounging in the library of the compound. You two had been relaxing, going back and forth with teasing smiles and lingering looks.
The energy in the small room building as you talked innocently as friend and coworkers normally do before diving into more mature topics. Toeing the line, before your tongue became a little too loose and you admitted you've never orgasmed from someone else.
Steve’s blue eyes darken at your confession the same time your cheeks color red. "It's fine, it just take a moment for me to climax, it's just easier to do it myself, y'know?" The words falling from your lips in a jumble as you try to back pedal but only dig your grave further down. He doesn't say anything for a moment, the silence thick in the air as you wish the couch you were sitting on opened up and swallowed you whole.
"I bet I could," Steve finally murmurs, his voice deep and rough as he licks his bottom lip with his tongue. His gaze already gliding down your body and causing you to blink at the super soldier in confusion.
"Excuse me?" You challenge, eyes wide as you watch the handsome blonde man lean back against the library desk, crossing his arms over his chest confidently. His smile curving into a seductive grin.
He doesn't stop looking you in the eye as he answers, "I can make you cum." And then takes it a step further by beckoning you to him with a teasing curl of his fingers. “C’mere.”
And you have no time to think as your legs move on their own accord. You can feel a wetness pool between your thighs by just the one word, crossing the room with four easy steps. You feel like your body is on fire already and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
His eyes are hooded as he gives you a knowing smirk. “Such a good girl, you follow orders so well.” He coos and doesn’t miss the whimper you let out in response nor the way your thighs squeeze together from his words. "Do you want me to make you cum?" He asks, reaching out for your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Hmm? Want me to show you how good it feels to cum on my fingers, my mouth, on my cock?" His voice low and soft as he dips his fingers under the hem of your dress for a moment, his fingers brushing over the back of your thighs making a shiver run down your spine.
And your nodding your head, the lust taking over. A quiet and breathless, "please," the only permission he's needing before he's moving. Forcing you to take his place against the desk. His warm big hand pressing between your shoulder blades, making you bend over the desk and presenting your ass to him.
You hear him suck in a breath before groaning as your dress rides up and exposes your panties to him. You feel your pussy clenching around nothing in response, knowing he's groaning because he can see the wet spot on your panties. Your thoughts confirmed when his knuckle brushes over your wet folds, the panties being the only thing separating his fingers from your dripping cunt.
"Did I make you this wet, baby?" He asks and your eyes squeeze shut, your legs being knocked further apart by his leg as he keeps a consistent press on your back. Keeping you pinned over the desk. "Fuck, can't wait to taste you. You're going to let me, right? Want to cum on my mouth, right?" He prods, fingers still stroking you over your panties as you try to think and speak.
"Yes, fuck, yes," you press back onto his hand and earn a laugh from him.
"So eager," he hums and you whine as his fingers disappear before reappearing on the back of your thighs. You take a chance to look back over your shoulder and gasp as you see Steve on his knees behind you, his hands rubbing up your legs and pushing your dress up to around your waist. "Don't move from your position." He orders and you stay bent over as he slides your panties down your legs in one slow motion.
"Steve," you grip the edge of the desk, desperation filling your voice as you realize this is really happening. A new wave of arousal forms and Steve's fingers wrap around your ankle, lifting it up momentarily and discarding your panties.
"Fuck, you're dripping down your thighs," he rasps and you keen, blushing as he moves your thighs farther apart. Finally feeling his warm breath fan over your wet folds, his fingers exposing you further as he finally gets a taste of you. His tongue giving a long broad lick, collecting your slick with a low groan.
And that's the final straw, his face eagerly pressing into your dripping cunt after he get his taste. Moving your leg, making you hook it over the desk edge as he sucks your clit into his mouth reverently.
Your at his mercy, crying out as he eats you out like a man starved. His one hand keeping your leg on the desk as the other holds your waist. Tongue swirling around your clit before dipping into your entrance, slurping up your arousal with each lick.
The library quickly fills up with your moans, your hips rolling backwards to press into his mouth more. You can already feel a familiar knot build in your abdomen as Steve works you up.
You didn't know you could be so turned on by hearing him slurp and groan between your thighs. But you're getting wetter with each lick. Thighs tensing as you squeeze your eyes shut in pleasure. "Oh, just like that," you gasp stomach clenching as you feel his tongue thrust in and out of your cunt and his hand that was once on your waist, now stroke your clit.
The pitch in your cries, increase as he rubs the bundle of nerves in swifts circles. His groans muffled but deep as he brings you closer to the edge. You can't help but think, no wonder no one's made you orgasm, no one's eaten you out like Steve. Your walls clenching around his tongue as you feel it fast approaching. Your hips wiggling back in desperation, you need to warn him, you-
And then your body seizes, a broken gasp echoing in the air before you cry out. Your thighs shaking violently as your orgasm consumes you and makes you see stars.
Steve takes everything you give. Tongue stroking over your twitching pussy, thumb firmly pressed on your clit as he helps you ride out your orgasm.
He only stops when you whine in overstimulation, your breaths coming in quick pants as you slowly drop your leg off the table. Your thighs still shake, but you slowly turn around to face him; and the sight before you makes your cunt throb, a new wave of slick rushing between your thighs again.
Steve's still kneeling on his knees. His bottom half of his face a shiny mess with your arousal smeared on his nose, lips, and chin. His lips puffy from the heavy make out he did with your pussy only moments ago.
He's licking his lips savoring your taste as he stands up. He doesn't hesitate as he nods his head at you, "lay back on the desk. You still need to cum on my fingers before you cum on my cock, baby."
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elixirfromthestars · 6 months
Here For You
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader
Summary:  After being injured on a mission, you try your best to hide it from the team to continue fighting alongside them. However, one very perceptive super soldier makes hiding your injury an impossibility.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warning(s):  mentions + description of injuries / a bit of hurt—comfort / does not follow the canon timeline in the mcu / mentions of near-death encounters (from civilians) 
requested by @marigoldreamer
a/n: hello everyone! i started off on here as solely a Bucky writer, but it seems like i cannot get enough of Steve when I write about him ✨ this originally was much shorter and then I got carried away lol (which is one of the reasons why it took so long to get out, sorry 🥲) thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! ❤️❤️ feedback is much appreciated! ❤️❤️
birthday bingo masterlist 💙 // main masterlist 💙
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“Oh, that does not look good,” you muttered under your breath, grimacing at the sight of your swollen skin. You were standing in front of your bedroom mirror, your shirt lifted, exposing the bruise coloring the area around your ribcage. You knew you had injured yourself on yesterday's mission, but you avoided visiting the infirmary, not wanting Friday to alert the team of the extent of your injuries. 
You knew it was bad—the persistent discomfort you felt with every breath you took told you so. However, the team was already spread scarce with multiple threats around the world, so they needed everyone available. 
The team couldn’t afford you not being available right now.
So although your body was telling you desperately it needed attention, you decided to push through the pain and help out as best as you could. You had a meeting with your team in about half an hour, so you had until then to figure out how to lessen the after-effects of your injury—and how to hide it for the time being. 
You went into your closet and scanned the rows of clothing searching for the perfect item. You ended up choosing an evergreen knitted sweater. It was big enough to hide something underneath it without raising suspicion—which is exactly what you needed right now. 
Lifting the sweater over your shoulders and through your arms caused an excruciating raw ache to reverberate within your chest with every movement. You mitigated your motion to lessen the toll this simple task was taking on your body. 
You didn’t want to think of how your condition could worsen within the field. 
You pushed those thoughts into the back of your mind and with your sweater on, you made your way over to the kitchen in the Avenger’s compound. Thankfully, no one was there to question why you were taking out a small bag of frozen peas from the freezer, wrapping it in a hand towel, and placing it under your sweater. 
You flinched at the sudden change of temperature, but quickly eased into it as it numbed your injury. This would have to do until you could sneak into the infirmary later and get your hands on painkillers. Then you could properly rest from the nagging discomfort in your lower chest. 
You interlocked your hands and lightly hugged them to the injured area to keep the frozen peas in place. Rarely did anyone ever show up to the team meetings early, so your next step was to get in there before everyone else and then ultimately leave after everyone else with no one noticing a thing.
A simple task of course. 
You made your way down the hallways of the compound slower than usual. You avoided making brisk or swift movements as it caused your chest to constrict more than it was capable of, causing a shooting jolt to go through you. Every time it did that you had to suppress a string of coughs that only added to your pain. 
At this point, your mind ruminated on the thought of you potentially not being able to make it through the meeting. It was a doubt that was now weighing heavy on your shoulders.
When you finally made it to the conference room, the beeping of a screen caught your attention. Taking a quick peek inside, you notice Steve is already there. He was tapping away at the large presentation screen, getting mission reports together for the meeting. 
Well, this just got a bit complicated.
Steve is a super soldier—a highly perceptive super soldier. He was going to notice your presence sooner or later, so you needed to get into the farthest seat from him before he noticed. This would be the seat at the other end of the table from where Steve was standing. Thankfully, this seat was a quick dash away. 
A quick painful dash away. 
Steve opened up a file on the screen and a video of a building falling to ruins began playing. The audio of the destruction echoed in the room and you took this chance to scurry over to the seat. You plopped yourself down just as the video finished, almost rolling away with the wheels of the black office chair. Your hands scurried to keep the frozen peas hidden beneath your shirt. 
Due to your injury, your movements across the room weren’t gracious. You had fumbled as you plopped down onto the seat causing your chest to contract and tighten more than it should have. This ignited a burning sensation to burst within your chest. You inhaled sharply before biting the inside of your lip as hard as you could to stop yourself from making any further noise. 
Steve’s head shot back to look at you in confusion.
“ Y/n? Everything okay?” Steve’s brows were furrowed, as he slowly turned his body around to face you. You cleared your throat before answering, “ Yeah, everything’s fine. I was just shocked at the destruction of that building. What happened to it?” You changed the subject of the conversation to something that wasn’t you. 
Steve’s eyes stared into yours for a few seconds before answering,“ I’m not sure yet. We received this video from the CIA and we’re being sent there to investigate. They think it was an attack by one of the terrorist organizations that worked closely with Hydra.” He finished explaining, his brows relaxing from their furrowed state. 
Steve handed you one of the mission reports before placing the rest in the middle. You opened the file and pretended to look through it. In reality, you were adjusting with one hand—as quietly as you could—the frozen peas beneath your shirt in a better position since the bag had slipped away from the injured spot when you sat down. It was now chilling your stomach, leaving your injured spot unattended to. 
“ Y/n, are you sure everything’s okay?” Steve was looking at you with a puzzled, yet concerned gaze. He was standing only a chair or two away—a little too close for comfort.
You locked eyes and paused for a moment to think of what to say. Steve was your team’s captain and your close friend. You knew, without a shadow of a doubt, you could trust him. However, trust in this case meant him taking you out of the field at a time when the team needed you most.
As you were contemplating on what to tell him, Sam, Bucky, and Natasha walked into the room bickering over what to order for lunch. Their entrance saving you from having to answer Steve. He shot you a quick look letting you know this conversation wasn’t over. 
Now you would also have to find a way to evade any future conversation about your well-being.
“ So, Bucky and I are craving some Japanese food right now, but Nat wants Greek food. What’ll it be guys?” Sam explained their current predicament as they all approached the table. The three of them stared back at you two in anticipation. 
“ Greek sounds nice,” Steve replied, sauntering over to the front end of the table. Natasha smiled in amusement as the voting was now at a tie. She sat closest to Steve while Sam and Bucky sat across from each other in the chairs directly to your left and right. Their proximity consequently causing your nerves to spike up. 
“ It’s up to you to break the tie. Don’t let me down, Y/n.” Sam pleaded in a lighthearted manner. If you were completely honest, appeasing your appetite was the least of your worries. However, your body was begging for some warmth as the frozen bag continued its icy attack on your skin. You thought maybe eating something right now wasn’t such a bad idea. 
“ Sorry, Nat. Sorry, Steve. Some miso soup sounds really good right now,” you smiled at Sam who basked in this small victory. Bucky was beaming beside you as well. Natasha playfully scoffed and shrugged at the loss while Steve put his hands up in a playful surrender. 
“ I knew we could count on you,” Sam turned to you and gave you a friendly pat on your shoulder. This caused a stinging prick to shoot through the left side of your chest. You winced, a small yelp escaping your lips.  
Everyone froze and stared at you worriedly. “ Are you okay? I didn’t pat you that hard did I?” Sam asked guilty, taken aback by your reaction. You shook your head profusely, “ No, Sam, it’s okay—I’m okay. It’s just I got a sunburn on one of our last missions and it still hasn’t healed fully.” You lied through your teeth, giving everyone in the room a reassuring smile. 
Everyone looked relieved—except for Steve whose suspicion you assumed was getting stronger by the second. 
“ Sorry about that, I didn’t know. My Titi always swore that soaking in a cool bath of baking soda and oats would soothe any degree of sunburn. You should try it,” Sam suggested. His thoughtfulness warmed your heart, “ You’re fine, Sam—really. I’ll have to try that out and let you know how it works out.” You send him another reassuring smile. You mentally cursed yourself for your outburst. Another slip-up like that and anyone on the team was sure to find out about your injury.
In no time, Sam was ordering everyone food and Steve began debriefing you all on the next mission that you all had to leave for in a couple of hours. You weren’t paying attention as the stinging in your chest worsened. The frozen peas beneath your shirt had melted and were adding to your discomfort instead of aiding it. By the time the meeting ended, and Sam told everyone to meet up in the kitchen for lunch, lifting yourself off of your chair felt like an impossible task. 
Everyone had gone off to eat except for Steve and you. Throughout the whole meeting, you felt his eyes watching you. You avoided looking in his direction and focused solely on the files and the screen behind him the entire time. You felt if you had looked into his pretty blues at any point during the meeting, your resolve would have crumbled. 
“ This time I’m not going to ask. I know you’re not okay and I know it has to do with yesterday. We need to talk about what happened last night,” Steve’s voice was gentle, yet serious as he approached you. The exhaustion of suppressing your pain was getting to you and his presence brought you much-needed comfort. Your determination to act like nothing was wrong was slipping away from you with every passing second.
“ What—do you mean?” your voice broke, swallowing hard to find the courage within you to admit you needed assistance. Steve took the seat next to you, “ Last night when we were rescuing civilians from the burning rubble, you went into the collapsing building against orders,” he reminded you. 
“ And saved the three people who were trapped inside,” you added. He sighed, his lips forming a tight line, “ Against orders. The instructions were that I was supposed to be the one to get the trapped civilians inside—not you,” his tone was heavy with frustration. 
You shook your head, “ You weren’t going to make it in time. I was the closest one. As soon as you arrived the building collapsed completely. If I hadn’t gone in they would have died. I might not be a super soldier, but I can do my job pretty damn well, Steve. ” You were getting defensive, feeling as though your abilities as an Avenger were being questioned. 
While your actions may have been defiant, they resulted in three lives saved. That had to count for something.
“ I’m not doubting your stance as an Avenger. You are amazing at what you do and we need you here. But that gets put into jeopardy when you jump into dangerous situations without thinking and get yourself hurt,” he further explained, your eyebrows shooting up at his words. “ All of the situations we jump into are dangerous,” you pointed out.  
His eyes narrowed, his exasperation at your stubbornness growing, “ We don’t bargain our lives out in the field, Y/n.” His tone was disapproving, making you feel like a scolded child. Irritation crawled its way up your spine. This coming from Steve of all people made it even worse.
” Okay, Mr.I-jumped-on-top-of-a-grenade-to-save-everyone,” you shot back at him. Steve would constantly make self-sacrificing calls on the field to save other people. Why was it okay for him to do it, but not you? 
“ That was different,” was all he managed to come back at you with. 
“ In what way?” you asked, curious to know the real answer. 
“ Well for starters, it was a world war. The mentality of everyone at that time was different. In the beginning, I was outcasted. No one worked as a team with me. The only person alive who cared for me was miles away on the battlefield. It was everyone for themselves,” he paused reminiscing the past with a solemn look before continuing, “ We’re a team here, Y/n. There are people here that care about you. We look out for each other and keep each other safe. That’s how it's supposed to be,” he stated with sincerity. 
You took a moment to gather your thoughts and let the weight of his words sink in. Steve had opened up about his past to you before, but the way he spoke of it now gave you a deeper perspective on things. 
“ I’ll stop if you do,” you proposed, tired of the arguing and understanding where Steve was coming from. A small smile fell on his lips,“ Okay, it’s a deal. Come on, let’s get you to the infirmary so Friday can scan the extent of your injuries.” He stood up bending down slightly offering his shoulder and arm as support. 
You reached out and let him take the brunt of the effort of getting you out of the seat. The more you leaned on his support, the less it took a toll on your own body. You kept one arm on his shoulder and the other on the now-melted bag of peas beneath your sweater as you lifted yourself off of the seat. The slight twist of your torso intensified the pain within your chest for a second before mellowing out to its usual tempo. 
Steve couldn’t hide the emotions behind his intense stare. His voice and touch were gentle, yet strong in the way they guided you out of the room. He was doing his best to keep you calm but by the look on his face, you could tell your injury had to be more serious than you previously thought.
The walk to the infirmary was easier with Steve by your side. When you arrived Steve helped you prop yourself onto one of the infirmary beds, calling out for Friday’s assistance. He then went over to one of the storage cabinets and grabbed a few white pillows to place behind you. He adjusted them so you could sit in a position that was easy on your injury. 
“ How’s that? Does that feel alright?” Steve asked as a blue robotic arm scanned your body. You nodded in appreciation,“ It’s perfect, Steve, thank you.” He sent you a small smile, his eyes still reflecting a worrisome look. You took out the melted bag of peas from your sweater and unraveled it from the hand towel. Steve let out a small chuckle of disbelief at the sight of it. 
“ What? I’ll have you know this little bag was a lifesaver,” you informed him. Steve’s eyes twinkled with amusement, his smile getting wider, “ Oh, I bet it was. You’ll have to explain to Nat why her Olivye salad will no longer have peas in it though.” 
Your eyes went wide, “ Oh no.” 
He held in a laugh, “ Oh yeah.” 
Friday’s Irish robotic voice suddenly spoke up interrupting the two of you,“ Body scan complete. Moderately bruised ribs detected. Rest is recommended for the next three to six weeks or until the injury is completely healed. Medication is on its way.” She informed you of your diagnosis causing you to let out a sigh of relief you didn’t know you were holding. For a moment there you thought you might have fractured your ribs or maybe even bruised your lungs. Those injuries were more severe and so was their treatment. However, having to rest for the next three to six weeks wasn’t ideal either. 
“ Steve, I’m so sorry. I didn’t listen and now I’m out of the field for weeks and I know the team was counting on me—” Steve interrupted your rambling by placing his hand on yours, “ There’s nothing to be sorry about. Our job is dangerous and this kind of stuff happens all the time. If anything, I should be the one that’s sorry.” You frowned not only confused at his words but also at how comforting the sensation of his hand on yours was. 
“ Sorry about what?” you tilted your head, unclear of what he meant. 
“ I'm sorry I wasn’t able to protect you,” he clarified, his voice full of regret.
Your mouth opened to form words, but nothing came out. Why would Steve be sorry about that? Did he shoulder the responsibility for everyone’s well-being because he’s the captain? Did he feel this way about everyone on the team? Your thoughts jumbled together, causing you to be unsure of what to think. 
“ Steve, please don’t put this on yourself. I made a call against your orders and while I did save a few lives, I took a hard fall, injuring myself in the process. There’s no need to worry or care beyond that. I’ll be fine,” you couldn’t take his crestfallen expression and did your best to dismiss your current situation. Steve was not happy about that.
“ Don’t say that. We all care about you—I care about you. I worry about you and I hate seeing you like this. I feel responsible for not protecting someone who means a lot to me from getting hurt,” there was a vulnerability in his voice that caused your heart rate to elevate and your features to soften. A new sensation was inching its way into your heart, and his words yielded you to see him in a different light. 
“ Steve I…” you trailed off not knowing what to say. Steve gave you a shy smile,“ You don’t have to say anything,” he removed his hand from yours and grabbed the bag of peas from beside you, “ I’ll go take this back to the kitchen and get you that miso soup you really wanted.” He left the room, giving you a chance to process what was going on. 
There was always something about Steve that was different in the way you interacted, but until a few minutes ago you had never thought of the possibility of Steve seeing you as anything more than part of the team. You were always partnered up on missions and got to know each other on a deeper level than you had with any other Avenger. Apart from a few playful exchanges here and there you had always assumed Steve only saw you as a friend. 
Not to mention he had a history with a CIA agent named Sharon, and you genuinely believed they would end up together. The thought of Steve having feelings for you was never on the table. 
Except now it was and that caused your feelings toward him to emerge from a place you didn’t know they had been hidden.  
Two red robotic arms appeared on your left, breaking you from your thoughts. One arm was holding a small cylindrical tin with a couple of pills and the other held a cup of water. You took it eagerly and consumed the medication hoping the pain would subside enough to get some sleep. You barely got any last night and the sleep deprivation was starting to get to you. 
Steve came back into the room, moments later, as the medication began to take effect—along with its side effects. 
“ Hey there…” you greeted Steve in a sluggish voice. The medication had increased your drowsiness, making it harder to stay awake. He approached your bedside, a bowl of miso soup in his hands, while Friday updated him on your current state. 
He placed the bowl on the nightstand next to the bed,“ Hey there, sleepyhead. Guess the miso soup is going to have to wait. Get some rest, the food will be here when you wake up.” You tried nodding as your eyes fought to stay open. Your mind was clouding, but what was clear to you was that you didn’t want Steve to walk away again without telling him how you felt.
“ No, don’t go, please,” you pleaded, your hand reaching out to him. He looked at you fondly, finding your actions endearing. “ I have to go soon, Y/n. I have to prepare for the mission before we leave in under an hour,” he explained to you. You yawned, your fatigued state making it harder to understand what he was saying. 
“ You can’t because I have to tell you…” your eyes were starting to close.
“Tell me what?” Steve asked you, entertaining this conversation a little longer. He couldn’t hide the affectionate grin you provoked on him.  
“ I have to tell you…” this time your voice was only but a whisper. If Steve hadn’t been a super soldier with heightened hearing he might’ve missed it. 
“ Get some sleep. We can talk later, okay?” He assured you, a softness in his tone you hadn’t heard him use with anyone ever. As much as he was enjoying this, he was adamant about you getting your rest.  
You lazily shook your head,“ No…you have to know how much you mean to me too…” you managed to coherently mumble fighting off the heaviness of your eyelids. Steve was pleasantly surprised by your response, his pulse quickening as yours had done in your previous conversation. 
This time he needed a moment to figure out what he was going to say. To know that maybe even a sliver of the feelings he felt for you were returned in any way was more than he had hoped for. He wasn’t sure how you felt about him, and while Bucky and Sam had profusely encouraged him to ask you out on a date, there was always something stopping him. The fear of ruining the friendship you two have was enough to hesitate from ever confessing anything to you. 
However, if what you said was true, then maybe he should be completely honest with you. 
He gathered his thoughts, taking a deep breath ready to speak them to you. That was until he realized you had fallen asleep. The time he took thinking was all you needed to drift off into a peaceful slumber. 
He laughed at himself, although albeit a bit relieved he would be able to have a heart-to-heart later with a more conscious you. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to pour his feelings out to someone who might think it was all a dream when they woke up. 
“ Sweet dreams, Y/n,” he whispered into the air, planting a small kiss on your forehead. He then exited the room and that afternoon while on the mission he was more enthusiastic than usual. This caused the rest of the team to speculate on the reason why. 
Interestingly enough all the reasons why involved you.   
Unbeknownst to him, your dream that same afternoon had revolved around a handsome blonde and blue-eyed super soldier. 
It was a very sweet dream indeed.  
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🎧Elle the Space Unicorn's Masterlist🎧
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Reader inserts will have no descriptors, OFCs will be black and plus-sized(unless otherwise stated). I love being able to give girls/femmes who look like me the chance to romance some of their faves.
🎧Bless my current muse...🎧
I love to write fanfiction. Right now, my main muse is Henry Cavill. But I also like some Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan characters (see below who I will write for - send prompts or requests to @ellethespaceunicorn HERE).
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Buy Me A Ko-Fi? | AO3 | Author Recs | Fic Recs | Headcanon Recs | Fic Prompts | Fic Title Ideas | Words to use instead of ‘said’ | WIP List | 2023 Fanfiction Wrapped | 2023 Character Wrapped
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Masterlist is under the Cut...
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Bright Like The Moon (ongoing)
Love, Napoleon (ongoing)
Scrapbook (finished)
Daddy Knows Best (possibly on hiatus)
Don't Take My Sunshine Away (possibly on hiatus)
Touch and Go (possibly ongoing)
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest (ongoing)
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What Are You Doing, StepBro?
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Humphrey x Stepsister!Reader
Summary: You and Humphrey don’t have the best start, but before long you will reach an arrangement.
Hold Me Til I Scream For Air To Breathe
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sub!Clark Kent x Domme!Reader
Summary: Clark needs to give over to his submissive urges, specifically he yearns to be tied up and owned.
I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Napoleon Solo x Reader
Summary: Napoleon wines and dines.
Make That Kitty Purr {DARK FIC}
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU
Summary: Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend.
Make That Kitty Purr [Director's Cut] {DARKER FIC}
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU
Summary: Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend. This is the darker pre-edited version.
Some Things You Just Can’t Refuse
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dom!Clark Kent x Sub!Reader
Summary: A collection of first times with Clark Kent, and one last time.
Happy Birthday, Cupcake
Rating: General
Pairing: Clark Kent x PlusSize!Reader
Summary: Clark surprises you for your birthday.
Treat Me Like A Slut
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: August Walker x Reader
Summary: August has had enough of your antics, and you’re going to pay for it.
Sometimes The Silence Guides A Mind
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Summary: As you were getting close to Sherlock, he stops visiting. You pop over to Baker Street and share an eye-opening moment.
Don't Take Your Eyes Off It
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!Reader 
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you have a surprise for Steve!
Don't Kill My Vibe
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Clark Kent x BestFriend!Black!Fem!Reader
Summary: You help Clark ease the pain of his broken heart.
Forever And A Day
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Geralt x Black!OFC
Summary: Geralt and Lavinia share a passionate reunion.
An Angel Without Wings
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Frank Castle x Unnamed!Black!OFC
Summary: When she needs him to take control, he’s there for her.
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Fifteen Minutes
Character: Walter Marshall x Unnamed Black!OFC
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What Walter does with 15 minutes of his time.
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Pairing: Syverson x Reader 
Rating: Mature
Summary: When an unexpected pregnancy rocks your already uncertain world, you decide the best option is to run. Apocalypse AU.
Pretty As A Picture
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What started as a hobby day in the park turns into Lloyd Hansen showing you why taking photos of strangers is a bad idea.
Something Old, Something New
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Nick Fowler x Reader
Summary: Your childhood best friend invites you to your old vacation spot for her wedding, and you have been catching up with your first crush: her recently divorced big brother Nick.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Older!Black!Fem!OFC
Summary: At a New Year's Eve party, Ransom Drysdale's life is forever changed by a chance meeting with Ivy Kensington.
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My Little Strawberry
Pairing: Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches)
Rating: Mature
Summary: A follow-up to Shape Up. Sy has a conversation with his baby girl while she’s still in your stomach. 
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Doing Something Unholy
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Charles Brandon x Reader
Summary: This is a prompt fill for some teasing of Charles Brandon and then him taking over.
Praise You
Rating: General, pure fluff
Pairing: Clark Kent x Insecure PlusSize!Reader
Summary: Clark Kent loves everything about you, especially what you think are your flaws.
Get My Pretty Name Outta Your Mouth
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Reader
Summary: You hate everything about Detective Walter Marshall. He feels the same about you. Now, kiss!
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Cpt Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches)
Summary: Syverson and his girl, Peaches, try and trim his beard without causing a ruckus. Spoiler alert: they fail.
Follow-up to Shape-Up: My Little Strawberry
The Paganini Problem
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Wife!Reader
Summary: Being Sherlock’s wife proves to be difficult when a case stumps him.
Power Play: After Hours
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Assistant!Black!Reader
Summary: What happens when Lloyd sees you, his assistant, in something other than what you usually wear? Well, you should be worried about what he does when he sees you.
No Good Deeds
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Landlord!Ari Levinson x Reader
Summary: Moving out on your own is challenging, but your landlord, Mr. Levinson is kind and helpful. But he may want more from you than your tenancy.
Executive Temptation
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: CEO!August Walker x Employee!Reader
Summary: You’ve caught the eye of CEO August Walker. What happens when he asks you to go to his private office?
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Walter Marshall - Hobbies
Lloyd Hansen - Family, Quirks/Hobbies, Sleep
Lloyd Hansen - What happens when reader starts dressing to match lloyd?
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Walter Marshall (Night Hunter)
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Clark Kent (Man of Steel, BvS, Justice League)
Humphrey (Stardust)
Charles Brandon (The Tudors)
Mike (Hellraiser: Hellworld)
Napoleon Solo (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)
August Walker (Mission: Impossible - Fallout)
Will Shaw (The Cold Light of Day)
Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes films)
Captain Syverson (Sand Castle)
Evan Marshall (Blood Creek)
Melot (Tristan and Isolde)
Thomas Apreas (Hotel Laguna)
Chas Quilter (The Inspector Lyndley Mysteries)
Stephen Colley (I Capture the Castle)
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Lloyd Hansen (The Gray Man)
Andy Barber (Defending Jacob)
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
Steve Rogers (Avengers films)
Curtis Everett (Snowpiercer)
Ari Levinson (The Red Sea Diving Resort)
Nick Gant (PUSH)
Jake Jensen (The Losers)
Frank Adler (Gifted)
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Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Charles Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Steve Kemp (Fresh)
Max (Sharper)
Nick Fowler (The 355)
Lee Bodecker (The Devill All The Time)
Chris (Destroyer)
Justin Capshaw (Law & Order)
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Let me know if you wanna be added and for what plz, so far only these categories 😁 Let me know if you ever want to be removed!
General Fanfiction (Everything)
Henry Character Fanfiction
Chris Character Fanfiction
August Walker
Bright Like The Moon
Love, Napoleon!
Daddy Knows Best
Don't Take My Sunshine Away
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest
~Please DON'T ask me to tag you in a series that you've never 'liked' or 'reblogged'. It's just kind of rude. Also, don't ask for an ETA on the next chapter.~
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*Blog Header, Cover Art for fics, Masterlist Header/MDNI 18+ Banner, Support/Reblog banner and Masterlist Dividers made by me in Canva*
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
You Belong To Me // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: These girls knew you were dating Steve and Bucky, so why is it that they thought it was ok to have their hands all over them?
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome, smut/angst/fluff, Dom/Sub, role reversal, possessive sex, jealousy, threats of violence, size difference, car sex, rough sex, riding, multiple orgasms, cum shots, creampies, breeding kink (kinda), handjobs, oral (m and f receiving), body worship, praise kink, marking, begging
Words: 8.9k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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“A strong woman may remain silent when people talk behind her back. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t notice. It simply means she chooses not to waste her energy on foolishness. She has more important things to do”. ~ A quote by someone much stronger than you that was for damn sure.
Anger was an emotion that you didn’t experience often and why would you? You were in a happy and safe relationship with two of the most powerful men in Brooklyn, the biggest inconvenience in your life was whether you had pasta or potato for dinner.
Today however, you felt an unstoppable rage that curled in the pit of your stomach, your blood pumping violently through your veins as it felt like you hadn’t blinked in over 10 minutes, jaw now aching from how hard you were clenching it.
“You look like you’re about to rip someone’s head off, Boss Lady. Do I need to be worried?” Sam Wilson asks as he leans against the bar next to the stool you were currently sitting on.
You didn’t rush to reply to your bodyguard, instead lifting the glass you held firmly in your grip to your lips, sipping the alcohol that was strong enough that it burned as it passed down your throat and into the infernal rage in your stomach. Your nostrils flared as you rested your glass back into your lap, trying to take a deep breath as you watched the scene in front of you.
There were two of them. Two women that knew that Steve and Bucky were both your partners, in fact, you’d been introduced to them as Mrs Rogers-Barnes as per Steve’s request, even though you weren’t married, it was just his way of showing who you belonged to. Especially as you were in public and there was nothing more public than the party you were all attending as guests for Steve’s good friend and ally Thor.
The blonde, long-haired giant was very much a lady's man and seemed to have invited half of the female population of Brooklyn. Not that this was an issue, it was actually nice to spend some time with women as you spent so much time around dangerous men and you also felt confident with Steve and Bucky around women, they never even glanced away from you, EVER.
So this was why you had left with Sam to go and get another drink, already enjoying the alcoholic buzz in your veins and wishing for it to continue, however, this gave the perfect opportunity for these two women to flock to your boys.
It had been funny at first, seeing them being completely ignored by your two hulking boyfriends, their back turning as soon as the two girls approached. But this didn’t seem to affect their confidence, persistence and audacity to then lay hands against Bucky’s arm and Steve’s back. This was where you had reached your limit and then when they physically pushed between your boyfriends so they had to look at the girls, well now you were seeing red.
Steve and Bucky were YOURS. Even though you could see them continue to try and move away, how dare these girls, - who knew that the boys were taken - continued to flirt and talk and touch what was yours and just how far they would actually go to get the boy's attention, you didn’t want to find out.
Finishing your drink in a single swig, you placed your glass back onto the bar, slightly surprised that it didn’t smash with the force in which you placed it, before sliding down from the stool. However, a firm hand wrapped around your upper arm, halting your movements as you turned your violent gaze away from the girls and up to Sam.
“What?!”, you asked, voice dripping with poison and promises of fury. Sam’s eyes widen slightly having never heard this tone from you before and you instantly felt remorseful, muscles in your shoulders relaxing slightly, “sorry”, you apologised for your tone.
“I know you’ve got some evil mastermind plan to go over there and whack them one, but don’t do anything out of anger. I’m more than happy to shoot my way out of a situation for you but we’re in a room half filled with gang members that won’t hesitate to shoot if there’s suddenly a fight”.
You released a heavy sigh knowing he was right as you glanced back at the girls, seeing them laughing obnoxiously whilst trying to push their bodies closer to your boys who still continued to try and step away. “Fuck, I want to punch them so badly”, you huffed under your breath.
Sam chuckled deeply, having never seen you this angry before, usually in these sorts of situations you’d be completely overwhelmed, anxious and upset. Clearly, the alcohol was acting as a liquid courage, your anxieties were pushed to the back of your mind.
“Yeah, I’m sure you do”, Sam continued, feeling uncomfortable with the way the girls were acting, noticing the way Natasha was now trying to move them away as she was the boy’s bodyguard. “I’m sure that Boss and Bucky would love nothing more than to see you be their knight in shining armour but I’m just saying - be careful for me… please? Make my life a little easier”, he joked, not letting go of your arm as he tried to catch your eye.
The corner of your lip quipped up slightly, looking up at him, his kind eyes meeting yours, “And what do you suppose I do? Let them continue to touch MY boyfriends? They’re mine!”
You’d never been this verbally possessive, never having been in this mindset before.
“You can do whatever you want Sweetheart and I’ll be there to back you up, no matter what, I’m just saying to take a breathe and think about what you’re doing”.
Sam was right, he always was so you took a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth and straightened your spine. Sam seemed to believe that you’d calmed enough as he released the grip on your arm.
“You good?” he asked, resting his hands on your shoulders, giving you a little shake.
“Yeah, I’m good”, you responded.
Turning on the spot, you looked back towards Steve and Bucky who were now looking at you with a quizzical expression, eyes brightening as you finally approached where they were. However you didn’t stop directly next to them, no, you strutted straight for the girls who were a few feet away now thanks to Natasha’s perseverance but they still looked over towards your boyfriends.
You hoped you looked as deadly as you felt, a sly smirk on your lips, shoulders rolled back as you stopped in front of the two girls who were taller than you but this didn’t knock your confidence, as you spoke loud enough that your voice cut through the music, keeping it in a sickly sweet tone. “I see the way you’re looking at them”, you pointed your head in the direction of Steve and Bucky who were watching the exchange intently, Natasha to their left with a proud smirk plastered to her beautiful face and you could feel Sam close behind you still.
The girls looked up and down your body, their eyes full of judgement and disdain, one of them sucked on their teeth, tilting her head to the side, “And who are you supposed to be?”
You looked her directly into her soulless eyes, “Oh you know exactly who I’m supposed to be”. This confidence was something you’d never experienced before, gone was the timid, highly anxious girl, when it came to your boyfriends, no one would get in the way of your protection even if they didn’t necessarily need it. To be disrespected in front of you with the lack of shits given by the two girls, you weren’t going to let them get away with it.
One of the girls, who sucked her teeth stepped forward so you were only a foot away from each other, “and why the fuck would we give a shit about that?”
You didn’t back down, stepping close enough that you could smell her rancid cheap perfume, the tips of her shoes grazing yours, “Because then you’d know that they are taken. Do you both understand what the means? Get. Fucking. Lost. They are mine”.
The girls both choked on a laugh, “You don’t fucking own them, maybe they want a taste of us, I can guarantee they’d be begging for more”.
Now it was your turn to laugh at the sheer audacity of these girls. It wasn’t a dainty laugh either, no, it was one that you had to hold your belly because of the ache, drawing other people’s attention from around you. Trying to take a deep breath to gather yourself, wiping away at the corner of your eye to the tears that had gathered there, you could see that your laughing had hit a nerve as both of their girls’ jaws were tensed.
Good, you thought. It wasn’t the part about ownership that had you laughing, in fact, Steve and Bucky had made it more than clear that you had their whole heart but it was the part about begging for more. All it would take was a single look and you knew your boyfriends would be begging for more, to touch your body, to kiss your lips, to hear your moans, these girl's naivety was truly baffling.
Returned to look them both in the eyes, your orbs flicking from one face to another as you returned to your natural calm, words spoken lowly with every ounce of promise that you could muster. “If you touch or even look at either of them again, I’ll break your fucking hands. You don’t know what the fuck I’m capable of”.
Turning on the spot, officially finished with the conversation, not allowing the fear of actually threatening someone to take over and thankfully the girls didn’t shout anything back. This was a small blessing because you were one more word away from upsetting Sam and punching the one closest straight in the throat.
The two bodyguards and more important, Steve and Bucky were watching with expressions you hadn’t really witnessed before. Nat and Sam looked almost proud of you with gleaming eyes and smirks across their faces. Whereas your boyfriends, well from the obvious tents in their suit trousers, there was lust as you’d never seen before, mouths gaped open as you approached them all.
“We’re leaving”, you stated matter of factly.
“Why?”, Bucky asked, his voice soft and he looked almost like he was in a trance.
Catching his eye as you replied, “Because if they look at you like that again, I’m going to fucking kill them both”.
Not waiting for anyone’s reaction, having made the decision for them already, you reached to grab your boyfriend's hands, pulling them with ease as they stayed by your side as you all made towards the exit.
Natasha was by your side in a second to open up the doors for you all, she glanced in your direction, whistling lowly, “I like this side of you, Sugar”.
A heated flush encompassed your body at the compliment but it didn’t falter your steps as Sam now too rushed in front as you all arrived at the large SUV. Sam held open the car door for you as Natasha climbed into the driver's seat, Steve and Bucky following in close behind you and then finally Sam was in the passenger seat.
As soon as you were in the car, you were taking off your heels, needing some freedom from them. Your body was still trembling with anger and adrenaline, not even thinking of normal thoughts as you felt Steve’s warm body slide next to yours into the middle seat, followed by Bucky.
The car was only just starting when you were climbing into Steve’s lap, already having decided this when you had approached those girls, they were your boys, you needed to feel them.
“Baby”, Steve began hands on your body to help as you straddle his lap in the limited room, your leg awkwardly slotting between his thigh and Bucky’s. Any words he was planning on saying were cut off as your face smashed into his, lips moving against his in a bruising manner, almost violently.
Steve kissed you back with just as much passion, one of his vast hands cupping the back of your head and the other hand resting on your hip, helping as you ground your hips against his, the material of your thin dress riding up over your thighs with the movements. The mafia leader groaned deeply into the kiss, especially as your warm, wet tongue slipped into his mouth as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss further.
But you weren’t waiting another minute, pulling back, hand blindly reaching out to Bucky, feeling his rough facial hair beneath your fingertips and pulling him closer just for him to meet your lips as you moved your attention to him.
The car began moving but you didn’t care, or the fact that Natasha and Sam were in the car, they’d already seen the three of you fucking plenty of times before.
As Bucky’s tongue brushed against your lips, you opened yours just as eagerly as you had with Steve, groaning at the taste of him. Your hips continued to rock against Steve, who had moved his sinful mouth to your neck, his teeth nipping along the sensitive skin.
In all honesty, you were not thinking clearly, it was almost like the little devil on your shoulder had taken over your body. All that kept spiralling through your thoughts were those stupid girls’ faces as they looked at your boyfriends. THEY WERE YOURS. You needed to feel them, taste them, hear them, everything you possibly could just to soothe your inner demon, and insecurities, wanting to prove that they only wanted you.
However, as the car continued to move, Steve tried to regain some stability to the moment, his mouth removing from your jaw, “Honey, you need to put your seat belt on”.
Now it was your turn to remove yourself from your boyfriend, lips tingling as you also sucked in air greedily, looking at Steve and not missing a beat as you demanded, “Take out your cock”.
Steve also matched your speed, eyes flicking to the front of the car, “Nat, find somewhere to park right now”. Then his hands were pulling your face back to his, nose squishing against his cheek as he wrapped his two muscular arms around your body, trapping you in almost like you were his seatbelt.
Your own hand was still holding onto the side of Bucky’s head, the brunette was kissing your palm, the sensation tickling your skin and then his lips were wrapping around your thumb and sucking it into his mouth in a highly erotic move that sent heat straight to your cunt.
Pulling back from Steve momentarily and looking at Bucky, admiring the view and the way in which his usually bright blue eyes were almost black in colour with his blown-out pupils. “I want your cock out too”, you requested to Bucky.
“Yes ma’am”, he replied after releasing your thumb, swiftly undoing his belt and zipper, his hips lifting so his suit trousers and boxers could be pushed to his midthigh. His flesh hand automatically wrapped around his length moving steadily up and down to try and ease some of the tension that he was experiencing ever since he saw you stand up to his girls.
Thankfully the car pulled to a stop, Natasha and Sam didn’t waste any time before getting out of the car and you didn’t even check out of the window where they’d stop, only really realising that they’d found somewhere because Steve’s secure arms loosened around you.
This gave him the opportunity to reach for his own zipper but you needed to feel someone now and Bucky was already sitting there looking pretty and ready.
“Too slow”, you teased Steve with a huskier voice than usual as you began to climb over him to straddle Bucky’s lap, lifting your dress further around your hips, giving you the perfect opportunity to pull your underwear to the side and sinking down onto Bucky’s cock.
“Holy fucking shit”, Bucky gasped at your abrasiveness, having never seen you like this before, your pussy walls fluttering as you had to stretch and adjust to his size quickly. Luckily you were already drenched with arousal and need that helped you to slip down his length.
Bucky’s nibble fingers reached for your underwear, easily tearing the material into two and removing it from your person and discarding somewhere in the SUV. With your hands clutching the nape of his neck, fingers teasing the shaved hair as he massaged your hips, both sucking in a deep breath before you seemed to snap out of any restraint you’d been holding back.
As your mouth once again frantically found him, you began to ride him, hard and fast like it was a race to the finish line. The noises he was producing only encouraged your fucking, the vibrations from his moans, seeping into your chest from where it rubbed against his. You were both breathless but didn’t stop the kiss, almost like you were trying to prove a point, which in a way you were, just how far you could go to pleasure him.
The car was shaking with your momentum as you chased Bucky’s high, not your own, you didn’t care about cumming right now, you just wanted Bucky to feel good, needed to see him orgasm.
Feeling slightly dizzy from the lack of air, you finally pulled away, lips swollen slightly and shiny from the shared saliva, the atmosphere warm from being in a contained space, the sweat-coating body of your bodies. Your mouth wasn’t finished with its pleasuring though as you tilted his head back and hungrily kissed and nipped his neck, harder than usual, making sure to leave teeth indents and purple spots.
You were never one to mark up the boys, they always needed to remain professional looking and you did feel slightly like a loved-up teenager frantically fucking in the car but it was just one more way that you could show that he was yours.
“Tell me you’re mine”, you demanded, and his first response was to moan in such a way it was almost pornographic.
“I’m yours”, Bucky responded gruffly, hands squeezing your hips harder. It was your turn to moan, purposefully clenching your cunt around his cock tighter. “Fuck!” Bucky cursed into your ear, his grip now painful and sure to leave bruises beneath the skin but you didn’t care, it was motivating you more. “If you keep this up Doll, I’m gonna cum before we even get home”, he admitted, eyes closed in concentration.
This was like music to your ears, as you pulled back, leaning your forehead against his, your hips still frantically moving up and down. “Good, I want you to cum, right now! Please Bucky”, your voice was pleading to him as once again you squeezed your cunt around him, almost suffocating his length.
“Ah mama- fuck”, Bucky was almost delirious, unable to form a full sentence with how good he felt at that moment. Not only did he get to see you looking fucking sexy as hell standing up to those girls at the party but now you were riding his cock like a woman on a mission.
Your mind was still only on the end goal of him cumming, needing to see the pleasure in his face which was hard with the blurred motion of you riding him but as his mouth gaped open as he released a recognisable little noise that he always did just before he came, you slide of his cock and sat back on his thighs.
Both of your hands quickly wrapped around his soaked, throbbing cock, squeezing tightly and moving up and down at the same speedy space, paying particular attention to his tip, thumb stroking over the underside that was most sensitive.
Bucky looked almost feral, his entire body leaving the seat, lifting your body with it as he shouted, “FUCK! Just…right there! That feels so good!” With the momentum of both of your bodies, as he began cumming, the spurts of white globs shot up both of your bodies, coating his shirt and your dress and you didn’t stop, not until his cock finally stopped throbbing in your hands.
You were both breathing hard, particularly Bucky who looked shocked to the core, his hands releasing their grip on your hips to massage the tender area.
“I’ve never cum that quick before”, Bucky admitted, his head falling back against the headrest.
You felt almost powerful at this revelation, you had done this to him, only your body and words and caused such a reaction.
Glancing over at Steve who was lazily stroking himself, watching with half-lidded eyes, you were nowhere near done, using with an authoritative tone, “Take your clothes off”.
As Steve does as instructed, you leaned in close to Bucky, kissing his puffy lips softly, trying to have a tender moment as he whispered, “I love you”, against your lips.
“I love you too Bucky”, you replied with just as much sparkle in your eyes.
“An I am yours”, he reminded, stroking your cheek briefly as Steve finally settled next to you, now stark naked from head to toe.
Spending amount to appreciate his perfectly sculpted body, the muscles that flexed in the subtle light and the trail of hair that surrounded his red, veiny dick. Your mouth filled with saliva as you wanted nothing more than to wrap your lips around him but there would be time for that later.
With as much grace as you could muster, you climbed back over to Steve, straddling his thick thighs and a thought dawned on you. Realising that this might have been the first time you had been fully clothed whilst both Steve and Bucky were naked and it felt incredibly empowering.
Steve’s hand cupped your jaw, thumb brushing over your lip as he admired your beauty, “I like seeing you like this”, he complimented, his breath fanning across your face with the close proximity.
You don’t respond to his praise, knowing that if you did talk it would most likely be a pathetic moan and you needed to keep this persona up so once more, you raised higher on your knees, guiding his cock to your entrance and sank down his length.
Once again, you didn’t want to waste time and began slamming up and down his body, hips rolling with each slap. Now you moaned deeply at the sensation between your legs and at the sight of Steve’s naked chest being covered with smears of Bucky’s cum from where it was still weight on the front of your dress.
Steve’s head dropped back at the feeling of you riding him, exposing the beautiful length of his skin and once again something took over your body, the possessive little demon that wanted to mark and claim him as your own. You sucked a path up the side of his neck, biting harshly on the junction where his shoulder and throat met, making Steve sigh in pleasure.
Against the side of your leg, you could feel Bucky’s slacks rubbing against your skin, still all trying to squish into the back of the car so as you finished leaving a particularly dark purple against Steve’s collarbone, you looked over at Bucky.
“Take your clothes off too”
“Yes, hot mama”.
You loved how they both were doing everything you instructed without a moment's hesitation, only spurring you on more with wanting to see Steve cum just as hard as Bucky had. With your fingers delved into the slightly damp hair at the name of Steve’s neck, you held his head in place, making sure that he watched you ride him.
“I want you to cum too, fill me up with your seed, wanna feel you dripping out of me”. Steve’es eyes rolled to the back of his hearing such dirty words leaving your lips. You did want him to cum inside of you, but not yet but he didn’t need to know that just yet, as mentioned, you were only just getting started.
Steve’s hips suddenly started fucking into your harder, planting his feet firmly onto the car floor so he could push up to meet your movements. “That’s it, I want you to cum Stevie”.
Your boyfriend shouts loudly, enough for anyone nearby to hear, holding your hips down with plans to cum inside your cunt, but once again you managed to roll off just in time, only moving your hands up and down his shaft twice before he's coating the two of your fronts in his white hot seed, much like Bucky.
His body twitches and jolts as he tries to come down from his high before he all but collapses into the seat, looking at you with a dangerous smile, “I thought you said I could cum inside of you”.
Looking at him through half-lidded eyes, you replied in a sultry voice, “You will. You both will”
You’re looking at him and then Bucky. Both naked and there was nothing you wanted more than to carry on the fun games but you needed more space, needing to be out of the cramped car. Steve’s fingers drifted to your upper back, grazing over the zipper of your dress but you stopped his movements by pulling his arms away gently.
“I want to go home”, you explained to his quizzical look.
“We will baby, but I need you to cum first”. The way he said need, had your pussy throbbing more and you were aching to find some relief with your own orgasm but that still wasn’t your priority, still planning to make them both feel good.
“No, I want to go home”, you whisper, looking into Steve's eyes and he gave in almost immediately with a huff at not being able to give you the relief he knew you wanted. Bucky banged against the window as you sat back into your seat beside Steve who helped you to pull your seatbelt over your body, whispering in your ear how much he fucking loved you before pulling his own safety restraint across his naked body.
Now you could look out the window, you saw that Natasha and Sam had parked in a random, dark alleyway in an area you didn’t recognise. The two bodyguards returned to the car and didn’t comment about the lack of clothing or the thick scent of sex in the car, both just casually chatting with each other as the journey home continued.
Steve’s hand stayed on your thigh the entire journey and from the corner of your eye, you could see them both getting hard again which thrilled you massively. Finally, the gates to your home were in sight and then you were bidding your friends/bodyguards a good night and walking into the house.
You were still fully clothed except for your panties and shoes, whereas Steve and Bucky were stark bollock naked, erect cocks bobbing in the air for all of the guards and security to see but they didn’t care, neither did you.
Your steps stopped in the entryway to your home, hearing the soft click as the door shut and the flick of the switch as Steve turned on the overhead light. Glancing around at your home, you breathed in the homely scents and let the familiar setting calm the little nerves that were beginning to push to the forefront of your mind.
You began to feel embarrassed by your out-of-control behaviour, shoulders dropping as the confidence seemed to seep away into the wooden floor below. A solid, warm body stepped into your line of vision, a finger was crooked under your chin to force you to look up into Steve’s eyes which were calm and twinkling with love.
“You know we don’t want anyone else right? I have always, and will always just want you”, Steve spoke softly and earnestly.
“Yeah…Yeah I know”, and you did know this. In fact, it was probably the main reason why you hadn’t cried today and let the anger come over your body. Your boyfriends had gone above and beyond for you, to keep up their affections and remind you daily of your importance to their life, you did not doubt it for a second that these girls were ever truly a threat to your relationship.
Another warm body was touching yours to the right, Bucky now taking control of the direction in which your head pointed whilst also raising his little finger, “Just us until forever right?” Your smile reached your eyes now at his little saying, something he’d recently begun saying when you were feeling doubtful and you were quick to hook your own much daintier little finger around his, squeezing them together.
You still felt somewhat embarrassed by your behaviour though and felt the need to apologise, beginning to form the words, “I’m sor-”.
Steve didn’t want to hear this though, cutting you off with his lips and kissing yours feverishly before pulling back when you were breathless. “Don’t you fucking dare apologise for today, I’ve never been so fucking turned on seeing you so possessive and jealous. Like Bucky said in the car, I’ve never cum so quick before”.
“Really?” you ask tentatively, looking up into his face, making sure that he wasn’t just saying this to make you feel better but with the intense way his eyes bore into yours, you knew he was very much telling the truth.
Steve had another way of showing you just how much he meant it though as his fingers slide around your wrist, bringing your hand up to touch just how rock-hard his cock was. “Yes really”.
Your hand circled around his length, moving up and down slowly, feeling the soft skin beneath and the ridges from the veins and a drop of precum forming at the end as you moved up his cock. Steve shuddered at the sensation, eyes closing as he leaned into your touch, hips rolling in time with your movements.
You admired him closely, from his parted lips to the rosy hint on his cheeks from his flushed arousal, to the sprinkly purple marks across his throat that you had left earlier in the car. It made you feel powerful. Yes, he was your boyfriend and you saw him every day but knowing that he was also the leader of the Rogers Mafia gang and here he was, shuddering at a simple touch of your hand, it was elating.
Bucky was now desperate for your attention as his lips lowered to the shell of your ear, “Let me make you feel good, wanna taste between your pretty thighs”.
You wanted that too, in fact, you were almost desperate to be touched like that but you also didn’t think you were done just yet with making them feel good so you simply shook your head softly.
Bucky frowned, pulling back to look into your eyes, “Why not Mama?”
“Because I want to make you feel good”.
Your hand was still leisurely wanking off Steve who was breathing heavily through his nose, nostrils flaring before he choked out as your thumb brushed over his tip, “And you have made us feel good, baby”.
Bucky once again pulled your attention as he continued talking, “Seeing you today stand up to those girls like someone had taken over your body, that you were willing to go out of your comfort zone just to stand up to those girls, was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. I nearly came over and fucked you in the middle of the party if you didn’t drag us out of there anyway. I know you’re soaking for us Mama, let me make you feel good like you’ve done for us”.
Your thighs rubbed together at his words about fucking you at the party, sort of wishing he had just so you could have seen those girls’ faces but then you would have missed out on the fun in the car. The thought of both of their faces as they climaxed had you reaching for Bucky’s cock, joining in with tossing him off at the same pace as Steve, not quite ready to give in yet.
The brunette’s eyes closed at your touch, sighing as he felt the same tension rolling away as you pumped his cock with your hand. There you were once more, pleasuring both of your boyfriends. Both of whom towered over you, and you could spend a minute admiring the way they let you touch them and the power that you held causing a small smile to form on your face, especially as Steve grunted, hips jerking again.
Even though your hands were aching with how hard you were squeezing them both, your movements became more enthusiastic. Steve and Bucky were so exposed, not even in the living room, just standing in the chilled entryway, being wanked off by you.
They deserved this, you decided. Of course, they did, they always made it their mission to worship your body thoroughly and you wanted to replay the favour.
Your mouth opened as you were about to ask if you could suck them off but you decided against asking, the alcohol buzz had worn off in the car but the adrenaline was enough to keep you thrilled.
“Hands behind your back”, you suddenly demanded, still keeping your voice soft and deciding to try and keep up the control for just a little bit longer. Steve and Bucky were instantly placing their hands behind their backs, their chests broadening and feet spreading a little bit to help their centre of gravity.
Both of their eyes were on you now, the various shades of ocean blue staring down at you, waiting for your next instruction, but you didn’t give them one, instead you dropped to your knees.
There was an audible suck in of breath from men as they watched you descend. The wooden flooring was cold against your knees and you had to rise to your fullest length on them to reach both cocks with the length of their powerful legs. You began with Steve this time, licking the underside slowly, holding his eye contact and tasting the salty goodness of his sweat and cum and even a hint of your own juices from where they’d dried on him.
Kissing the tip of his cock and swirling your tongue around the sensitive area, your one hand gripped his base to stop it from bobbing around, whilst your other hand continued to move along Bucky’s shaft.
You couldn’t help but smile around Steve’s tip as you noticed that his shoulders and upper arms were flexing as he tightened his grip behind his back. He wanted nothing more than to stroke your cheek but he was good and kept his arms behind his back as you moved further down his cock with your mouth.
His girthy dick was heavy against your tongue and as it grazed the back of your throat, stroking the area that was your limit. But you made sure to start slow, now wanting to push yourself too much as you could only take half of his length into your mouth.
“Your mouth is always so good baby girl”, Steve praised, a hint of red flushing across his face with his increasing arousal. You hummed in approval, the ache in your jaw and knees worth it to see him slowly bit by bit losing control.
But then, you’re moving over to Bucky who steps closer instinctively to help you reach him and it was an automatic response for you to praise him, the words whispering across the tip of his cock, “Good boy”.
Bucky let out the smallest whine from the centre of his chest and there were notable goosebumps that spread across his thighs, nipples perking as he shivered with the sensation. It was the most beautiful sight you’d ever seen and you didn’t waste another second before pulling him into your mouth, pleasuring him thoroughly.
You spent your sweet time moving between them both, saliva coating your mouth as they teased to push further down your throat. You were surprised just how well they were following your instructions as well as they both kept in that stance with their arms behind their back, their eyes not moving from yours as you moved from Steve’s cock to Bucky’s and vice versa.
Their sweet moans were so beautiful, especially as you slipped further down to suck a ball or two into your mouth, your tongue lapping against the sack and enjoying the way they hissed at the touch.
“You look so good on your knees like that”, Steve complimented at one point as you sucked your cheeks harshly around Bucky’s dick. Looking up at the blonde man and removing yourself with an audible pop before moving back over to Steve and pleasuring him.
It was fun going from one to the other and being in complete control, knowing you were slightly edging them before going to the next boyfriend. Your knees were starting to hurt more now with how long you had been on the floor but you didn’t let this stop you, contemplating if you should get them to finish in your mouth or a different body part.
It also dawned on you that this was the first time you’d been in charge in any sort of intimate moment, both Steve and Bucky being the definite dominants in the relationship. But in truth, you were enjoying this little role reversal and with how feral you were feeling after the interactions with the girls, you were glad to have the liquid courage in you to go through with it.
However, being this dominant with two powerful men was also slightly tiring, trying to decide what to do next when all you really had planned was that you wanted them to feel good. But you also couldn’t deny just how horny you were, in between your thighs uncomfortable with need and soaked enough it was leaking down your thighs.
As you gagged slightly around Bucky’s cock, you could feel it hardening slightly against your tongue and hand as he grunted, “Please, mama”.
“Please what? Talk to me Bucky”, you encouraged, wanting to hear more sweet words coming from his mouth.
The man shuddered once more as your voice vibrated against the tip of his throbbing cock, and as he opened his mouth, you truly took him in and just how desperate he was. His metal arm was whirring at the shoulder with how much he was holding it back with his normal hand, knowing he wanted nothing more than to hold the back of your head in place or cup your face.
“Say my name again”, he asked breathlessly, eyes closing for a breath second as you smiled up at him, one of the most beautiful sights he’d ever seen.
“Which name?” you teased. “Bucky? Buckaroo?”, with each name, you kissed along the length of his member, still tossing him at the base though for stimulation, the same with Steve. “What name do you want me to use? What about James?” He hissed at this name, cock throbbing more and you made a mental note of this and continued. “What about punk? Barnes?... Good boy?”
Steve’s cock also throbbed in your hand at the last name but it was mostly because Bucky suddenly came and you quickly had to swallow the tip and drink everything he was willing to offer, the substance thick and salty as it slide down your throat.
Bucky’s knees wobbled momentarily, frantically praising your name like a song until the last drop of cum was being sucked out of his member. You made sure to pull off of him fully, not wanting to overstimulate him, amazed slightly as he didn’t soften, it continued to stand up proud between his legs.
Smiling up at Bucky again with accomplishment, you then looked over at Steve, squeezing his length harder as he grunted down his own chiselled body at you readjusting on the wooden floor to remain only facing him, giving him your full attention.
“Are you still comfortable down there?” he asked, licking his lips whilst checking in on you.
Holding his eye contact, you licked his thick tip, nodding to his question. Steve chuckled and then sighed into the stimulation, closing his eyes for a second to savour the feeling before looking down at you with a single eyebrow raised.
“I don’t believe you baby”, his voice was full of confidence. In truth, you were very uncomfortable, our knees screaming for some relief from the solid floor but also your pussy was desperate to be touched but you didn’t want to make it about you just yet.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Bucky squatting down to be eye level with you, his arms still behind him, “let us make you feel good”, he asked with hope laced into every word.
Pulling off of Steve, and leaned into his warm thigh, nuzzling into the hair that covered the muscle, “But I want to make you both feel good! You’re my boys and not anyone else’s, it’s my job to make you feel good”.
“And you’ve made us feel good but this goes both ways, you don’t understand just how much I want to be in between your legs right now” Bucky admitted, his eyes wandering over your still-clothed body, his cheeks just as pink-tinged as Steves.
Looking up at the man whose leg you were leaning on, you asked, “What do you think Steve?”, before risking a quick nip to his sensitive thighs with your teeth, admiring the way his cock bounded in the air as he jumped slightly.
Steve’s voice came out in a growl, “I fucking NEED to touch you, even if it’s just a kiss. I need you up and off your knees, I know they hurt and I don’t want you in pain, there’s only so much time I can let you worship me before I get on MY knees and fucking beg to touch you, baby, so please, let us touch you.”
Heat flooded through your body at the intensity at which he spoke, you thought you were desperate, but that seemed to not be as severe as the mental game going on in Steve’s mind right now.
Biting your lip to try and hide your grin, you finally succumbed, “Seeing as you asked so nicely. Do whatever you want to me”.
You weren’t exactly sure who had grabbed you first. All you were aware of were hands picking you up and instant relief for your poor knees and then the sound of ripping as your dress was easily destroyed. Then you suddenly found yourself staring at the ceiling of the living room, the soft material of the couch beneath your now naked spine.
Lips were crashing into yours, a hot body crowding over yours, pushing you further into the cushions, their lips completely dominating yours. Matching the urgency in which they moved, you felt the rough scrap of facial hair and could taste Bucky, smiling into the kiss as your fingers gently ran over his body, spending extra seconds of love over the scars that he’d accustomed during his life.
As you opened your mouth to moan, Bucky’s tongue swallowed the noise, not relenting with his movements. You were so lost in the body hovering over yours that you were unsure as to where Steve was until you could feel him on one of your legs, kissing the sore knee cap, massaging the area before straightening your leg, and then circling around to the back of the couch to do the same with the other leg.
The relief was unbelievable at being able to extend your legs fully now but there was even more relief as Bucky began to explore your body, sucking on each of your nipples greedily, an action you watched closely. With each in further down your body, he made sure to lick and kiss every area of skin in his path, leaving the skin tingling with arousal.
Both of your legs were then being pushed towards your chest, giving Bucky the perfect view of your cunt, presented to him like it was dinner and with the hungry way in which he was admiring you, you knew that was basically what had been offered to him.
“You’re so beautiful”, he praised, kissing your inner thigh. Steve then sat next to your head, finally able to stroke the pad of his thumb across your cheek, something he had been internally begging to do since getting home and seeing you drop to your knees.
“We’re always just yours”, Steve reminded you, needing the tender moment.
“I’m always going to be yours too”, you responded with love before glancing down at Bucky who was watching with a softened look in his eyes, “and I’m always going to be yours as well,” Bucky mumbled the words back to you, his warm breath teasing the wet area soaking your cunt. Glancing down his body, you caught sight of his cock, still fully erect and pulsating. “How are you still hard?” you asked honestly, he’d already cum twice and hadn’t softened a single bit.
Bucky smirked at your question with quiet arrogance, “I’m always hard for you”. As soon as he finished his sentence, his tongue was pushing into your folds, tasting everything you had to offer. He didn’t bother with teasing, immediately delving his warm muscle into your cunt a few times, before finding your clit and rolling it around with the tip of his tongue and sucking it into his mouth.
Your moans were animalistic and finally had some stimulation after being horny for what felt like hours. Steve’s fingers drifted over your lips as he admired your pleasured expressions, just like you had been doing to the two of them.
“Kiss me. Now!” you demanded urgently.
“Yes, ma’am”. He was leaning down without hesitation and you realised just how much you’d missed his lips since coming home, feeling the freshly shaved cheeks against yours that were such a different sensation to Bucky’s facial hair. They were both so different and yet so similar and they were both yours.
It didn’t take long for Bucky to have you clenched your thighs around his head, frantically feeling the orgasm building in your core. A couple of minutes of clit stimulation from Bucky’s tongue and two fingers grazing over your tender spot within your hole and you were cumming with heavy breaths and moans.
Steve pulled away from the kiss to watch your pleasure, and also allowed Bucky to hear your unfiltered moans, then you were heavily breathing, hands falling onto the couch with relief of finding your peak.
Steve drops to his knees beside the couch so he can whisper into your ear, “I’m going to take you upstairs, lie you in the middle of our bed and I’m going to fuck you until you’re full of my cum. Then after I’m dripping out of you, Bucky here is going to do the exact same thing. This night isn’t ending until you’re full of both of us”.
You’re pathetically mewling at his words, reaching for him and he quickly scoops you up into his arms. You knew your dominant persona was slowly fading as they both scrambled to make you feel good and you didn’t mind that as much, wanting what he said he was going to do, more than anything else in the world.
As the three of you enter your bedroom and Bucky turns on the side lights, you realised you were nuzzling into the side of Steve’s neck where you’d left the scattering of marks. Stroking a finger over the bruised skin, you whispered, “So pretty”.
Steve smirks at your words, liking the thought of you marking him to show that he was yours. Laying you back into the centre of the bed, Steve is quickly on top of you with as much urgency as Bucky had downstairs on the couch.
Hiking your legs up and around his waist as his face dropped to hide into your neck, he's pushing his pulsing cock into your quivering cunt. You were thankful that he didn’t wait, wanting your bodies to be moulding together, his hips slapping into yours and his mouth was now moving against your neck, sucking and biting to match the moves you’d been doing in the car.
You could feel just how possessive and frantic his touches were, reciprocating how you had felt and it only made your heart beat harder, moan louder and hips rocking faster to try and match his dominant pace.
“You’re mind”, he suddenly grunts, against your lips, biting your lower lip and letting it snap back a second later. Sitting up slightly on his knees, he holds your jaw firmly in his grip, making you watch him as he shifted his angle up, hitting directly into your g-spot and he moved with such speed that all you could do was hold onto his wrist and scream out his name.
Your orgasm had you seeing stars, cunt desperately squeezing in pulses around Steve’s cock, so tightly that he too couldn’t hold back as he came, pushing his length all the way in so you could milk him properly, your walls convulsing in time with his throbs. You could feel the wetness and warmth of his cum filling you up and as he pulled up, some of it spilling out and running down your perineum.
Steve sits back to admire his handiwork, pushing your legs apart, and watching his cum at your entrance. “There’s my best girl”, he praised, reaching down with a finger to scoop the drips that had escaped and attempting to push them back inside of your body before moving out of the way for Bucky.
Bucky was more than ready to fill you up, helping to turn you onto your side, sliding an arm under your head and resting your leg up on his hip as he spooned in behind you. Much like Steve, Bucky didn’t waste any time before sliding in, the two of you moaning at the sensation of having Steve’s cum there, it causing extra squelching noises.
Your tits bounded on your chest with each fuck of Bucky’s hips into yours, his mouth attack your neck with just as much aggression as Steve who was now sitting and watching the two of you with a content smile.
You were absolutely fucked out of your mind both from emotions and physically being exhausted, a faint hum settling in your mind and body.
“You’re doing so well for us, Sweet Mama”, Bucky praised against your cheek as he reached down your body to roll your clit in circles to match the rhythm of his pounding hips. The stimulation was almost too much but it was also exactly what you needed as you held onto his arm desperately moaning out his name.
“Buc-Bucky… gonna cum”.
“Cum for me then Doll, want you to cum on my cock, so pretty when you cum”. His praises were like magic for your cunt, as it squeezed tightly in arousal. Those, matched with his tight hold on your body, his fingers playing with your clit and cock fucking you hard, you easily found your pleasurable high.
He didn’t stop, chasing his own orgasm which you were glad about, reaching down to grab the hand between your legs, your clit becoming a little sensitive now so you bought his hand up to your face and nuzzled into his palm.
“Mine”, you mumbled, feeling a little bit subspacey now.
“Yours, all yours, only yours, FUCK!” Bucky felt like he was in heaven as his thrusts stuttered slightly as he finally found his release, pumping his hot seed into your core. Your eyes were struggling to stay open with how exhausted you felt, but you watched as Steve approached, just in time for Bucky to slip out of your raw cunt.
“How beautiful does she look?” Bucky asked Steve as he held up your leg. Steve’s eyes cleaned as he looked at the mess between your legs, both his and Bucky’s cum were leaking from your hole, mixing with your own juices.
“So fucking beautiful”, Steve whispered lightly, kissing your ankle.
Your eyes closed fully now, sighing into the mattress as Bucky kissed your cheek one more time before untangling himself from your body. It was Steve who was touching your body next but this time with a warm cloth, carefully cleaning in between your legs but cum continued to trickle out so he just left it at that, discarding the material and moving to the top of the bed, dragging you easily along with him until you were laid out on his chest.
You felt happy and content as Bucky joined you both in the bed, watching as Steve turned on the TV attached to the wall. Distantly, you could hear Bucky and Steve discussing what take out order to get, making sure to get everything you would usually get and saying they would wake you once it was there, you needed a rest.
Your heart swelled with love, happy to be surrounded by two men that absolutely adored you and no other stupid girls were going to ever change that.
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literaryavenger · 1 month
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Series (3+ parts)
Broken - finished
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Bonus Part
2-part shots
I love you and I hate it
Part 1 | Part 2
Meet the Guardians of the Galaxy
Part 1 | Part 2
Sargeant Grumpy
Part 1 | Part 2
On Thin Ice - Figure Skating AU - requested
Mornings Like This - requested
Love Is A Battlefield
New Year's Eve
Back To You - alternative ending
Happy Birthday
Birthday Kiss - 40s Bucky
Can I Be Him?
Not So Bad
Sputnik - requested
166 notes · View notes
Thunder shield, that’s it that’s the request. You can do it/ have it anyway you want haha 💗
.⋆。Just A Warm-Up。⋆.
Thundershield x plus size reader
Steve wants to play while Thor’s away and you’re just along for the ride
Warnings: this isn’t full on smut but it’s still smut, cockwarming, d/s dynamics, sub!reader, switch!steve (he’s also a bit of a brat), dom!thor, little degradation, implied m/m smut
WC: 889
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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When Steve raised a single dark blond eyebrow at you an hour ago, you knew that your simple afternoon of doing laundry and watching your favourite trashy reality show was going to be thrown out the window in favour of his devious idea.
“You know we’re gonna get in trouble right?” You had told him as his thick fingers pulled at the waistband of your sweatpants after he made himself comfortable on your couch.
He looked up at you with a smirk. “Not if you listen to what I tell you to do.”
So now here you were, on one of your boyfriends’ lap, trying as hard as you could to watch the documentary he had put on but with your mind already going fuzzy around the edges, it was incredibly hard. 
You shifted on his lap but suddenly, Steve’s large hands were on your hips, keeping you completely still. “I told you not to fidget.” He chastised you. A shameful heat crawled up your neck and you could only whine.
“Sorry Captain.” He smiled at you and granted a single kiss to your cheek.
“Good girl. Now, Thor should be home soon and I don’t think he would appreciate that we’re playing without him so stay still.” You nodded and forced your body to relax back into his strong chest, laying your head on his shoulder where the smell of his cologne was most prominent.
Steve readjusted the blanket that was draped over both your legs, pulling it up so it now lay across your waist, completely concealing your lower half. 
And right on time, the front door opened and a booming voice called out- “My loves! I have returned!”
Steve gave you another firm warning in the form of a pinch to your naked thigh before he called back. “We’re in the living room!” 
Thundering footsteps echoed through the house as Thor hurried to get to you. “You would not believe the day that I have had, first Loki tricked me… again! But do not fret, my wound shall heal soon- what are you doing?”
His massive body easily filled the doorframe, his blue eyes squinting at the pair of you. While you were scrambling to find some excuse as to why you were in this situation, Steve threw his arm over the back of the couch, a smirk still painted on his face. 
“We’re just having a cuddle and watching a movie, isn’t that right doll.” You nodded eagerly in response, letting out a sigh of relief as Thor’s eyes brightened once more, seemingly content with his answer.
“Well, then the Spider boy showed me this new trick he learned and I-“ But his words went in one ear and out the other as Steve readjusted below you, forcing his thick cock even deeper inside you and it took all of your willpower not to moan.
He hissed through his teeth as you clamped down on him. Your fingers curled into your palm in some desperate attempt to keep yourself from moving or moaning or even breathing wrong but evidently, it wasn’t enough.
Before you could stop it, a whine escaped your lips, immediately silencing your godly boyfriend and making the man beneath you inhale sharply. The game was up.
The blanket easily slid away from your laps, exposing exactly what was happening to your shared boyfriend. Your soft legs were spread apart by Steve’s thick thighs, keeping you open enough for his cock to be comfortably nestled in your dripping cunt to keep him warm. Already, his blue jeans were stained almost black from your wetness and a ring of creamy white gathered at the base of his cock.
Neither of you moved, the gravity of the situation now making itself apparent as Thor’s expression darkened and his own jeans grew considerably tighter as his cock came to life.
“I will give you both one chance to explain yourselves before I start to think of ways to punish you for playing without my permission.” Steve’s cock throbbed inside of you and you shot him a glare.
“Masochist.” You hissed under your breath but evidently, both men heard you.
Thor’s eyes locked onto you. “How about you start princess- tell me the truth.”
But before you could answer, Steve had decided that he wanted to play even more. “She’s just warming me up so that I could fuck you when you got home. I mean, that is what she’s here for.” You curled into yourself, not because you were hurt by what he said but because you knew what was coming next.
Moving too quick to comprehend, you were suddenly suspended in the air and then tucked into the chest of your god. And with barely any time to wince at the emptiness you now felt, Thor’s fly was open and his own cock prodded at your entrance. 
“Yes you did have a warm-up, but not for you.” You cried out as he sank you down onto him, easily taking him to the hilt even with his massive size considering how Steve had already stretched you enough to take him. “She’s going to get the fucking of a lifetime while you just watch. And then-“
Steve swallowed thickly, his hand now inching towards his own aching length. “Then, I’ll be warmed up enough to take you.” 
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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inkedreverie · 8 months
im thinking smutty thoughts abt tipsy lil s.r. after an avengers party (that asgardian mead tho)…needy, affectionate, super sensitive, just can’t keep his hands off you 🤤🤤 maybe a little subby streak showing through when you get home and ride him on the couch 🙈
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𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: steve rogers x female reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After consuming several shots of Asgardian mead, Steve can't keep his hands off of you.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, unprotected p in v sex, steve being a flirty menace ( yes, that's a warning), fluff at the end, little use of y/n
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3k+
a/n: Hey! Thank you so much for requesting this. I've been wanting to write more Steve fics. I hope you like this!
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐈𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Laughter resonated through the air, blending with the clinks of glasses within the walls of The Avenger’s Tower. By tradition, it was Tony Stark who orchestrated these extravagant soirees, yet this time, the honor had befallen Thor. A grand feast adorned the buffet table, showcasing Asgard’s most beloved delicacies, but the centerpiece of it all was an immense pitcher brimming with Asgardian mead.
Remarkably potent, even for a super soldier like him, the alcohol proved to be Bucky’s undoing. After merely three cups, he succumbed to its intoxicating embrace, collapsing right beside Natasha on the couch across from them.
As she surveyed the room, taking in the array of assembled Avengers, Steve’s interjection abruptly interrupted her thoughts.
“Let’s go home, please?” he whispered, his hands roaming over the soft fabric of her dress. Throughout the party, Y/N noticed the mead had affected each person differently. After only two drinks, Steve had become very horny, touching her and kissing her neck.
A small smirk curved on her lips before she turned to face her boyfriend. “Why? I thought you were enjoying the party?” she asked, taking a sip of the mead, allowing the warm sensation to travel down her body as it hit her stomach.
His cheeks heated as his blue eyes stared back at her, and Y/N realized how good he looked in a suit. Even though she did not care for parties or formal affairs, Steve had put much effort into making sure that she looked the part.
Steve’s hand found her waist, bringing her closer to him as he leaned down until their foreheads touched. “We can stay if you’d like.” He whispered, and the smell of liquor on his breath made her smile grow wider.
Her hands traced the outline of the muscles along his chest. She could see how dark the blue irises of his eyes became, dilated by the drink, and she noticed his arousal growing against his slacks.
“Actually,” he said in between kisses on her bare shoulder. “Maybe we should just find a bedroom so I can take you now...”
She chuckled as he nipped lightly at the sensitive flesh beneath her ear, causing a pleasant shudder down her spine. “I think I need to get you home.”
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“Sounds great!” He pulled away, grinning from ear-to-ear and placed another kiss upon her lips before guiding her toward the exit with an arm around her waist.
The alcohol had made Steve unusually enthusiastic about leaving the party, especially since this was one of Thor’s infamous shindigs.
However, as soon as they got in the elevator, he found himself pinning her against one of the walls, his tongue hungrily devouring her mouth. It took all of Y/N’s power to pull herself away and push him back.
As soon as the elevator reached the ground floor, he grabbed hold of her arm and began dragging her behind him, practically running toward their car.
“Are you forgetting we still have to drive home?” she joked, giggling softly as their footsteps reverberated off the cement and throughout the parking garage.
She unlocked the vehicle with her key fob and before she could open the door; he turned to kiss her once more. His lips pressed passionately against hers, making her almost forget her purpose. Finally pulling away, she laughed loudly, pushing at his broad chest. “Hop in!”
In response, Steve released a long moan as she pushed him harder until he landed on the passenger side. She quickly went around and jumped into the driver’s seat before buckling herself. But before she even managed to start the car, she felt him run his fingers up her bare leg, starting at the top of her thigh and tracing his way toward the hemline of her panties.
She groaned but not in annoyance, and glanced briefly over to Steve, who sat there patiently smiling mischievously as though he’d already guessed correctly what would happen next.
“Just hurry home, will you?” he teased playfully, removing his hand and placing it on his knee. She shot him a mock glare and placed her foot on the accelerator, driving faster than she usually did, careful to stay within the speed limit.
A few minutes later, he placed his palm atop her knee and slowly trailed his touch upwards, sliding beneath the bottom half of her dress while moving along the skin of her thigh. Immediately, goosebumps rose upon her flesh, and her whole body trembled violently despite the fact he had yet to reach anything remotely dangerous.
Her breathing quickened as her heart rate increased dramatically, and she sucked in a shaky breath when she noticed he still continued traveling upward until, finally, he halted.
She clenched her teeth when he ran two fingers gently over the area where her thighs met her pelvis, right above where she desperately needed friction.
When she refused to react, he chuckled lowly, leaning forward so that his lips hovered near her ear, then nibbled at the outer shell before whispering huskily. "You know, you look so good wearing this outfit, but I can't wait to tear it off."
They stopped at a red light. She looked over at him, shooting him another warning glare. “Steve,” she said between breaths. Then she realized it was pointless because he was clearly enjoying torturing her.
“Yes?” He asked innocently, arching an eyebrow, although she suspected he knew exactly what she was going to say. In response, her entire being shook with arousal once more as she tightened her grip around the steering wheel, willing the damned traffic light to change soon.
When it did, she pressed her foot down firmly, her car racing down the highway. All she wanted to do was make it home, but he made that impossible.
She’d been so busy staring at the road that she didn’t notice how his fingers slid past the silky fabric of her panties and into the drenched valley between her legs until she heard him growl, satisfied.
His fingertip brushed lightly across her slit before he drew them back out and slipped the digit inside of her aching core. She gasped loudly, losing all concentration on the task at hand.
Instead, she focused solely on the feeling of his fingers circling around her entrance, spreading the moisture from her pussy as far as possible and coating every inch of her cunt until everything burned deliciously with need.
Steve’s voice broke the silence once again. “Don’t worry, we’ll be home soon.”
“S-Steve, you’re gonna make me wreck the car,” she whimpered, and she thought to herself, damn the alcohol. He withdrew completely, pressing down on her clitoris hard enough that it caused another wave of intense pleasure to flow through her body.
He remained silent for the rest of the journey back to their apartment. When she finally parked outside of their building, she let out a deep sigh of relief before grabbing hold of the keys and shoving them into her purse.
Her hands shook as she grasped hold of the bag strap and made haste to get out of the vehicle as quickly as she could. As she stepped onto solid ground, he yanked the keys from her hand before locking the car doors.
She spun around to glare at him as he tossed the keys back inside of her bag before throwing it over his shoulder and wrapping an arm tightly around her waist. His other palm grasped firmly onto hers as they hurried up towards the floor of the complex.
Upon reaching their residence, she nearly slammed the door behind them while he leaned against it. She breathed heavily as she watched him remove his suit jacket, folding it neatly before hanging it over the knob of their closet. Then he proceeded to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt, removing his belt before slipping off his shoes.
“Never tease me like that again,” she growled before leaning up and kissing him roughly.
A sly smirk formed on his lips, revealing perfect white teeth. “You loved it, sweetheart, don’t try to lie.”
His words elicited a low moan as she tugged him back down for a searing kiss. Her hands wrapped themselves around his neck and into his hair, tugging harshly as she dragged her nails down his chest. He shivered against her touch as he kissed along the exposed flesh of her throat.
“I need you. Badly.” His hands gripped at her hips as he stumbled back near the couch. With one swift movement, he sat down, pulling her down on his lap and straddling him.
Y/N whimpered into the kiss while wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning closer to his firm muscles. She felt his bulge brush against her inner thigh, sending shivers down her spine as she ground her body against his groin.
A groan escaped from his lips when she began thrusting her pelvis into his abdomen, causing her wetness to spread against the front of his pants, making him groan louder in frustration. Suddenly, he pulled away, holding her at arm’s length.
She immediately whined loudly, feeling deprived, but when he brought a single finger to trace her lips, she ceased protesting. She glanced at him curiously, noting how his pupils dilated with lust as he stared deeply into her eyes.
Slowly, he moved both hands to rest atop either side of her ass before squeezing firmly. When she gasped in surprise, he grinned devilishly.
“I need you.” Steve whispered, hands trailing up her sides as if he was trying to memorize every curve and dip. He leaned in to suck a mark upon her jawline, licking a stripe down her neck that sent chills racing up and down her body.
He hummed softly into her ear, enjoying the reaction he���d gotten, continuing his exploration, mapping out every inch of bare flesh he could reach, savoring every little moan that came tumbling from her mouth. She closed her eyes, biting her bottom lip, unable to stop the moans erupting from deep within her chest.
Her body seemed to respond on autopilot, arching itself against him in desperate desire, silently begging him. She slowly reached down to unzip his slacks, and he moaned appreciatively, leaning back, watching her movements intently.
He smiled up at her, looking much happier than he should considering how much mead he’d ingested. The expression on his face warmed her heart, making butterflies flutter in her stomach, even though she tried not to let them overwhelm her.
She bit her bottom lip softly as she slowly tugged down his pants, leaving only his boxer shorts. His erection was extremely noticeable under the soft fabric, and she couldn’t resist palming him gently through the thin material.
“Please,” He whined into her ear, bucking his hips upward against her hand. His head tilted backward, and he sighed softly as her fingers dipped below his waistband and began stroking his thick cock.
She couldn’t believe how smooth and soft it felt in her hand, and how hard he really was underneath all that silkiness. His tip leaked pre-cum, which coated her fingers.
She wrapped her hand around the base of him, twisting her fist slightly as she pumped up and down. His breathing grew labored and his chest heaved erratically. “Ugh, baby, I can’t- please..” Steve moaned, his fingers gripping the edge of the couch cushions.
With another stroke, his whole body spasmed, and a small cry escaped his parted lips. His eyes squeezed shut as his face scrunched together, appearing strained. It appeared he struggled to hold himself back, yet she felt his muscles flex involuntarily every time she stroked him just right.
After several strokes, she let go entirely, much to his disappointment, and crawled up closer until her knees pressed against his legs, bringing their bodies flush against one another.
He opened his eyes lazily and gazed at her adoringly before leaning up to kiss her passionately, his tongue plunging into her mouth and exploring eagerly. She moaned into his mouth before she pushed her panties to the side, positioning his cock at her entrance.
She sank down until he bottomed out. They moaned simultaneously as he filled her completely, stretching her tight walls with his girth. She braced herself on his chest, giving herself leverage to rock her body back and forth.
He gripped her thighs, helping to keep her steady as she rode him. The sensation of his hands rubbing against her heated skin excited her. Each stroke sent tingles throughout her entire being, making goosebumps erupt across her arms.
Steve didn’t know if it was still the mead coursing through his veins or if it was her, but he needed this. He needed her. He needed more, and more, than he currently had.
His arms wrapped around her waist, holding onto her like he was clinging for dear life, and maybe he was. He pulled her tightly against himself, burying his face in her neck as he thrust upward, pumping furiously into her. He groaned into her neck as he licked and sucked at her skin.
His body trembled, straining, as he fought back the urge to release too early. He clenched his jaw, concentrating solely on pleasing her instead of focusing solely on his own pleasure. He loved hearing the sounds she made, gasping for air, mumbling incoherent things. “Steve, baby. Come in me. I need you to fill me up.”
“Fuck,” Steve groaned, thrusting his cock hard against her cunt. His fingers dug into her hips, holding her down as he pumped frantically into her wet heat, chasing after her orgasm. He felt it building within her as well. He could tell by the way her breath caught in her throat every time he plunged deeply into her pussy.
The way her back arched perfectly when he brushed along her sensitive spot. She whimpered, crying out in ecstasy as her muscles tightened, milking him for everything he could possibly give her.
And finally, when she threw her head back and screamed out his name, he let himself cum deep inside of her. He shuddered violently against her chest, filling her completely. He grunted as he emptied his load, coating her inner walls. After riding out his climax, they both collapsed onto each other.
Her forehead rested upon his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat as he struggled to regain his normal breathing pattern.
She snuggled close, resting her cheek against his strong shoulders as they both basked in their post-orgasm high. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head affectionately.
After a few moments, he spoke, breaking the silence, “I love you.”
The three words held meaning, yet there was something new about them tonight, as if they had transformed somehow, becoming deeper and fuller than they usually did when spoken in everyday conversations.
She lifted her face to look at him, a smile playing across her lips.
He studied her features closely, noticing how hot and sweaty her skin glistened with the aftermath of sex. He admired how beautiful and angelic she appeared lying upon him, looking down at him with such intense love radiating in her eyes. “What?” She asked curiously.
He cupped her cheek and caressed her tenderly. His expression softened into an affectionate grin that warmed her heart. She could hear the fondness in his voice as he uttered, “You are perfect.”
A soft chuckle escaped her mouth before she nuzzled against his palm lovingly. She turned her attention towards their tangled limbs and whispered, “No...not quite perfect...”
His brows knitted together as he furrowed his brows. “I disagree.”
“Hmmm, care to elaborate?”
He pressed a gentle kiss against her brow, then brushed aside stray strands of hair behind her ear. He gazed upon her face, taking in every detail; his hand trailed down her temple.
“Perfect beauty.” He murmured softly as he stroked his fingers along her jawline, causing Y/N to giggle. She kissed him, allowing herself to be lost in the warmth of his embrace. “I think you’re still drunk on Thor’s mead,” she teased, making Steve chuckle.
“Maybe so,” He admitted before lowering his lips to her ear, brushing the lobe between his teeth and sucking lightly. “But you, my gorgeous girl, are most definitely the definition of perfection.” She sighed softly, melting into his touch as he trailed his fingertips across her back, massaging her tense muscles.
“What if I wasn’t perfect?” She mumbled into his shoulder.
His fingers paused as they stroked over the curve of her ass, pausing as he contemplated her question.
Her body tensed as she felt nervousness rise within her, wondering whether or not he’d truly accept her imperfections.
A low rumble of laughter escaped from deep within his belly before he released her from his grasp and sat upright. He took her hand between his own and gazed deeply into her eyes. “If that were true, I’d still love you,” He stated assuredly before he leaned forward, placing a delicate peck against her lips.
“And no amount of liquor would ever change my feelings towards you, Y/N. Because if perfection is unattainable, then I wouldn’t want it. And neither do I need it, because nothing is worth being without you.”
Y/N sniffled, swallowing back tears, fighting desperately to keep her emotions from pouring out.
Steve cupped her cheeks between his palms before he brushed his thumb softly beneath her eye, wiping away stray droplets.
She inhaled deeply and smiled shakily, “I love you so much,” Her voice cracked as she spoke, but he didn’t seem to mind, returning her warm gaze with one of equal affection.
She rested her forehead against his, inhaling his scent and savoring the closeness. The room filled with the aroma of musk and sex, which she found comforting despite the fact that it reminded her how filthy they’d become.
Steve ran his thumb across her lips tenderly before he captured her mouth again, kissing her deeply, tasting her sweetness on his tongue. She moaned softly into his embrace, tangling her fingers in his hair as she pulled him closer, letting him engulf her entirely.
His tongue explored her cavern thoroughly while his hands traveled down her torso, resting at her hips, feeling the outline of her curves beneath her dress.
When they broke apart, he rested his forehead against hers before whispering hoarsely, “Let’s clean up and get ready for bed.”
She nodded in agreement, and with his help, she managed to stand up on wobbly legs, stumbling towards the bathroom. He chuckled lightly and steadied her, holding her firmly by the waist as he guided her towards their bedroom. She collapsed upon the bed, exhausted, barely registering when he disappeared into the bathroom, returning several minutes later with a damp towel in his hand.
He crawled onto the bed, straddling her body as he wiped away the remnants of their passion.
She lay motionless, allowing him to clean her thoroughly before tossing the towel aside and pulling back the comforter. He scooped her up in his arms and placed her gently under the covers, snuggling beside her.
She gazed up at him adoringly, admiring how his blonde locks fell across his forehead, framing his face perfectly. He smiled sweetly at her before leaning down to kiss her forehead tenderly.
As her eyelids grew heavy and she felt sleep creeping in, she whispered softly, “I love you.”
He smiled back at her, his blue eyes sparkling brightly. “I love you too, baby.” He whispered back, stroking her hair lovingly.
Y/N sighed in contentment as she snuggled deeper into the warmth of Steve’s arms, the feeling of his body pressed against hers, making her feel safe and loved. She smiled softly as she buried her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne, her heart fluttering with happiness.
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dividers: @.cafekitsune
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