#steve has an abusive ex
pendinganchor · 2 years
i’m always skeptical of sharing ideas online but then again i never end up writing them so fuck it! maybe read the tags first for this one cause there’s some trigger warnings and a very important disclaimer.
- this is an everyone lives/nobody dies because I SAID SO (not sure of the canon timeline but that’s something i can figure out if i ever actually write this)
- eddie and steve are dating and eddie makes a joke about being steve’s first
- “eddie, you are not the first boy i’ve dated” (unrelated but my phone autocorrected boy to big FOR WHAT)
- then eddie becomes obsessed with learning who else steve has dated. steve refuses to tell him. so he looks for clues in steve’s room, which leads to a whole lot of nothing
- some time later, they get into an unrelated fight that causes steve to react in a way that freaks him out a little (as in eddie gets a little too loud and close and steve recoils like he’s about to get hit)
- steve had told him about his parents and how “they aren’t abusive, eddie. they never hit me.”
- so eddie’s mind reels because why would he react like that. sure he’d gotten into physical fights a lot but never like that. and he never coward from a fight either
- he stops pestering steve about his past relationships and for a while forgets he was even curious about it
- when the kids learn about their relationship, dustin says “better than the last guy” under his breath. which steve shuts down immediately. eddie is hurt because “henderson knows but you refuse to tell me?” he completely misses max glaring at dustin then leaving the room
- they get into a fight again, this time related. the kids overhear it. steve storms out, max follows.
- it’s calm for a while, everyone trying to forget about the fight. their relationship is strained, they can both feel it, but steve still won’t open up about it
- a familiar smell smacks eddie in the face one day when he’s picking up max from her house. a cologne he had found in steve’s bathroom that he’d never seen steve wear
- “shitbird! can you at least acknowledge that i spoke to you?” billy yells from behind her, he then gives eddie a look that reads as hurt. but they had never really spoken. “yeah, yeah,” max yells back with a wave of her hand “i’ll be back before neil and mom get home.”
- the car ride is silent. “eddie, what the hell is wrong with you?” max asks while throwing her hands up. eddie plays it off but max isn’t stupid, he’s been tense the whole time. “just ask me the fucking question.” eddie is silent for a moment longer then asks her what cologne her brother wears. she blinks at him for a second before answering because that definitely wasn’t the question she was expecting
- so now eddie knew two things: steve has an abusive ex and steve used to date billy
- with how dustin talks about billy, eddie is instantly convinced they are the same person, but if he asks steve about it he knows it’ll lead to yet another fight
- he goes to the kids (like an idiot)
- dustin instantly starts shitting on billy, max then starts screaming at dustin while lucas tries to calm her down. mike is on dustin’s side and lucas is on max’s. “just because you’re dating his sister-” “shut up mike he’s fucking trying.”
- will stays quiet not sure he should butt into the conversation in fear of getting yelled at too but he’s definitely with max and billy on this, he knows the signs of abuse
- el quickly runs upstairs to get nancy
- “eddie you need to come with me right now” nancy says in her ‘i’m in charge and not listening to me means trouble for you’ voice. she drives them over to steve’s house. “i’m going to talk to him then you will go in after i’m done.” she gets out without elaborating further
- she comes back twenty minutes later and eddie totally didn’t spend the time trying to figure out if he should run away or not
- nancy sends him in and steve is pacing the floor of his living room when he walks in “i can’t believe this,” steve is saying. “i cant fucking believe this.”
- “steve?”
- he instantly stops at the sound of eddie’s voice. “you think that just because we’re dating now, you deserve my entire life story?” he doesn’t give eddie a chance to respond. “how could you possibly think billy was abusive when you don’t even know him?”
- “we’ll you were clearly abused by someone and if the shoe fits.”
- “billy wasn’t the abusive one in our relationship. i was.” eddie just stares at him. “god, i didn’t know it at the time and he held onto me for dear life even when i was being a jackass. why do you think he’s the only sibling that doesn’t hang around us? max still doesn’t fully trust me around him.”
- “dustin said-“
- “dustin is a child who doesn’t know any better and refuses to admit that i’m not always in the right.”
- “you still refuse to admit your parents are abusive because they didn’t hit you.”
- “because maybe i think i deserved it cause i’m no better than them.”
- steve tells eddie about what he did (which was verbal and emotional stuff that he honestly didn’t know any better about at the time but he also knows in hindsight he was in the wrong) and that his abusive ex was from when he dated a junior his freshman year and he didn’t like talking about it because it was a girl and he thought it embarrassing
and that’s really all i have atm
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ofknowlcdge · 1 year
The only way I accept Mrs harrington is if she's divorced Mr Harrington or just blatantly knows what Mr Harrington is doing but gives less shit about him and his affairs, only stayed because she loves her son and loudly complains about her husband and somehow has become the boss of the household and Mr harrington just sucks it up because he can't win against the wife.
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
Secret Underneath Part 3 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: A lot of this came from the rough week I had and desperately needing Daddy <3
Warnings: Warnings: Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, toys (triple stimulation ;) ), dirty talk, nothing too rough just passionate. ANGST, reader has a bad day and needs help feeling better, mentions of her ex (brief mentions of him hurting her and being verbally abusive during their relationship; comments on her weight but its brief), boys mention their fathers as well as touching on their own ex.
Word Count: 5367
You were having a terrible fucking day. 
One of the other teachers you weren’t fond of danced all over your last nerve as if it was her mission. You forgot your lunch because you had rushed out of your apartment late due to not hearing your alarm because you tossed and turned all night. Your AC broke around midnight and by 2am you were covered in sweat. Every time you called your landlord, you were either placed on hold or the line disconnected.
All you wanted to do when you got home was curl up in bed but as soon as you walked through the door you were immediately met with blistering heat. 
Usually you could handle all this, all be it with a bit more snark than normal but you didn’t want to. All of your energy was drained and the only thing your mind could muster was the need to throw things against the wall like a toddler.
You debated on calling them. So far the guys had just given you money willingly after every meeting but you had yet to ask them for anything. Oddly with them, you didn’t want them to feel used. Maybe because of what they told you about previous relationships doing just that or maybe it was because you genuinely enjoyed their company. 
Finally giving in to your brain, you reached for your phone and dialed the number they give you. 
“Hey, honey.”, Steve practically sings as his voice floats through. “How was your day? I was just about to call you.”
“D-D-Daddy…”, you cry, unable to stop the tears as they flow. 
“What’s wrong, baby?”, he asked, his tone changing to that authoritative one that made you feel safe. You told him what happened and how your day had progressively got worse. You could hear him moving around on the other line before the sound of a ding from an elevator caught your attention. 
“Are y-you at work? Fuck, I’m so sorry—”
“No, hey, don’t be sorry. I was going to leave early anyway. I just got ahold of Eddie and he’s going to meet me at your place. Do you feel comfortable sending us your address?” His heart breaks as he listens to you cry harder, his protective, dominate side now fully in the driver’s seat. “Baby girl, everything’s ok. I promise we’re going to get everything taken care of.”
After texting him your address, you wait by the open window as you fan your face and as soon as you hear the knock you run to let them in. The rockstar doesn’t even hesitate as he takes you in his arms. 
“Jesus, sweetheart, you are covered in sweat. Are you okay?” Your gaze kept shifting between him and the mogul as his fingers rapidly moved against the screen on his phone. “Hey, look at me, Y/N. How are you feeling? You’re not dizzy or dehydrated right?”
“No, Daddy. I’m sorry if I bothered you both. I didn’t know who else to call and I’m so exhausted—”
“Baby. Baby, breathe. It’s ok. Don’t ever be afraid to call us or ask for help, alright?”
Someone new knocks on your door, startling you but not them as Steve heads that way. 
“Ed, why don’t you get a bath going for her? Nothing too hot though.”
“Yes, sir.”, he salutes making you smile. “Boy talkin’ to me like he’s my Daddy. Come on, pretty girl, let’s let Stevie do his thing.”
In the middle of your bath, the AC abruptly clicked on and you sighed in relief. By the time Eddie had you in a long, oversized shirt and brushing your hair, you were completely at ease. 
“Ok, honey, I hired some of the best people to come fix your unit so it won’t break again for a long while. I also called your landlord and threatened to sue him into oblivion…so your next couple of months are free.”, Steve grins as a he takes a seat on the edge of the bed in front of you. “At some point, doesn’t have to be now or even this month, I would like to talk with you about getting you a new place. You shouldn’t have to argue before someone fucking comes to fix your necessities. I mean YOU pay THEM—”
“Steven, you’re doing that thing again.”, the metalhead chuckles as he places the brush on your nightstand. 
“Fuck. I’m sorry, Y/N. I just hate the idea of you struggling. You deserve all the good things.”
“Speaking of good things, what would you like to eat, babe? Harrington here said you had forgotten your lunch today. We want to make sure you’re fed and full.”
Your head hung as you silently stared into the mattress. 
“Y/N, sweetie.”, Steve coos as he lifts your chin. “It’s ok that you called. You weren’t bothering us and we’re happy to help.”
“I know you said people in the past used you for your money. I don’t want you to think that’s all I want. I DO like you.”
Eddie lightly tugs your hair, tilting your head back so he could kiss your lips. 
“We like you to.”
“This apartment really isn’t that bad, you know.”
“Baby, I just gave you a bath in that closet you call a bathroom and that’s coming from a man who grew up in a trailer.”
“I didn’t know that.”
As you lean back into his bare chest, a pleasant sigh leaves his lips and you rest your forehead on his cheek. 
“I don’t talk about that side of my life. I mean of course people find out but…”
“We grew up in a small town so people gossip.”
“That’s how you two met? Growing up?”
Both men grow silent and you promptly hang your head before crawling out of Eddie’s embrace to head for the kitchen. They follow and as soon as they enter the room, you throw a menu onto the counter.
“I like their pizza and beer special. Don’t worry, Steve, we can get you like a Voss water or something.”, you grin as he tilts his head and you stick out your tongue. 
“I feel challenged. Why do you think I can’t keep up with you and rockstar here?”
“I think you just answered your own question.”, Eddie joked as he leaned over the counter to look over the food options with you. 
“Ok…3, 2, 1, GO!”
As soon as the metalhead gives the go ahead, you and Steve puncture the beer can with a knife and hastily chug back it’s contents. You were the first to finish, throwing your hands in the air as the other man trails behind. 
“Jesus, I’m rusty.”
“Yeah, sure pretty boy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”, you sass as you lean forward to grab another slice of pizza. 
“So this is like your go to stress reliever? Sitting on the floor eating cheap pizza and beer while listening to crap music?”
“First off, rude. My music isn’t crap. Secondly, yeah. During the colder months I’ll put up Christmas lights and just lay here watching the snow fall. I love this city. It’s so beautiful.”
“Were you born here?”
“No, I’m from the south. I moved here because my boyfriend got a job and I wanted to be near him. Obviously, that didn’t end well.”, you chuckle as you take a sip of your drink.
“The asshole that hurt you?”, Eddie growls, his own protective nature slowly creeping in when you nod. “Was he always like that?”
“Verbally he could be a dick but he never got physical like that before. After we moved here it just got progressively worse. He’d say things under his breath or give me back handed compliments. Fucker could dish it out but never take it.
‘You know for how much weight you’ve gained, that dress actually looks pretty good on you.’
‘Aw, gee, thanks. You know, not many men can pull of jeans that tight but with a penis as small as yours I guess you don’t have to worry.’”
Both men laughed making you smile before it tapers off and they glance towards each other. 
“My father was a fucker to. He got in trouble with the law a lot and ended up in prison back home in Indiana. I grew up with my uncle in that trailer I mentioned.”
“What about your mom?”
Eddie sighed as he propped himself up on his elbow. 
“She died when I was really little. She, um, she was a good woman.”
Nodding, you decide not to pry further as you lean back against Steve’s stomach who was also on his side on his elbow.
“MY dad could verbally be a dick like your ex. He made comments like that all the time especially when I was in high school. I was surprised he let me take over his company. My mother isn’t a bad person, she just…I don’t know…her priorities are all out of whack.”
“I’m so sorry you guys experienced that. I actually get along with my parents and I hate being so far away from them.”
“Why didn’t you move back after you two broke up?”, the metalhead asked.
“My job. I love teaching here and I love those kids. They are all so smart and sassy, I love it.”, you giggle. 
Your eyes shift towards the window as you pleasantly exhale, closing your eyes as Steve’s fingers absently began playing with your hair. 
“When did you two decide to do this whole Daddy/Baby thing?”
“We’ve always enjoyed everything that comes along with being a Daddy and not just sexually. Perfect example, seeing your face light up when I told you I took care of everything with the apartment. I like seeing you happy.”
“I mean the same applies in bed to.”, Eddie chuckles. “We like seeing you unravel and tremble because of us. Why did you decide to do this?”
“I’ve always preferred more dominate men who could take control. I didn’t realize they would be so hard to find.”, you smile. “Maybe I was looking in the wrong age bracket. I needed two OLD MEN.”, you tease as the rockstar bites his lip across from you to stifle a laugh. “I’ve never cared about the money aspect that comes along with it.”
As they nod, you take both men in as they continue to relax. Because of the heat Eddie had removed his shirt so you could see how low his jeans really were as his blue boxers peaked out above the waistband. His hair was perfectly fluffed out, just barely resting on the top part of his smooth back. Any time you tried to run your fingers through it, he always made a joke about how tangled it was but you didn’t care especially when his eyes would close and he would hum lightly in pleasure when you did. 
Steve had showed up in his suit and you had yet to see him in anything else but at least in this moment he seemed relaxed. The first time you were with them, he appeared agitated which Eddie had explained it was because the mogul didn’t want you to feel used after your ordeal. The couple of times after, he constantly displayed an air of confidence which wasn’t abnormal with Daddies you met but in this moment when he put that wall down…he was adorable. Even his hair relaxed as the product began to fade, allowing it to move every which way. 
“You both are handsome.”
They had been in the middle of conversation you didn’t realize they were having until you blurted your statement making them pause as they turned to grin your way.
“Thank you.”, Eddie laughed, air hissing through his teeth. “I think it’s time to take away the booze, Stevie.”
“Pfft I’m not that drunk.”, you giggle. “Trust me, you’ll know when I am. I can be mean.” Both men chuckle and make mocking facial expressions as you playfully glare. “I know you don’t want to tell me what happened with your last Baby but… she’s a fucking idiot for not keeping you two around.”
You don’t see but their features falter for a moment before Steve finally collects himself. 
“You’re technically our first Baby.” Your eyes widen in shock and amusement as he nods before popping open another can of beer. “I know. Plot twist, huh?”
“Obviously we talked to other ones on that site but you were the only one that intrigued us and the first we’ve ever met with. Like Harrington said, we like the aspects of being a Daddy which includes taking care of the girl we care about. Individually and together…it just got exhausting after a while jumping from one date to the next trying to figure out their motives. At least this way…there’s some order to it. Another reason we like you is because you ARE up front.”
“So… your last girlfriend must have really hurt you then…if you decided to give up that scene to this.” They glance your way at your comment as a sad sounding sigh escapes you and you pull your knees under your chin. “I’m sorry.”
“Y/N, can we ask for one more favor?”, Steve asks in a serious tone that makes you face him.
“Yeah, Daddy, of course.”
“Have you googled us yet? Or did any kind of snooping?” Both men exhale in relief when you say no. “You wouldn’t lie to us right, baby girl?”
“No, I wouldn’t lie. I wanted to but you wanted privacy. I respect that. Plus, I’d rather you tell me things than for me to read it.”
“Good…good girl.” Eddie praises as you blush. “Can we keep it that way?”
“Yes, Daddy, I promise.”
“What’s going on over there, pretty girl? Why are you all shy all of the sudden?”, he teases eliciting a small squeal as you duck your head into your arms. 
“I’m just glad you two came over. I really needed this.”
“Yeah, honey? Is there anything else we can do for you?”
“Actually…”, you sing. “I got a new toy the other day. Would you like to see it?” After they nod, both men watch you rise to your feet and excitedly run towards your bedroom. When you return, you hastily open the box it came in and produce a pink vibrator for them to see. “I figured since I have two Daddies now I can use this if you both are away. This part is like the normal vibrators you see everywhere but this end here goes into my behind and this little part up here plays with my clit.”
“Have you tried it out yet?”
“No, Daddy.”, you answer Eddie’s question shaking your head. 
“Well, why don’t you, baby? Give it whirl and tell us how it feels.”, Steve instructs in a husky tone that has you biting your bottom lip. 
Tossing aside your comfy clothes, you sit naked before them as your eyes suddenly fleet between each man. 
“May I lean against one of you?” 
You can’t help but laugh when both men turn to each other and without any hesitation or prior conversation begin to play rock, paper, scissors. The metalhead wins, throwing his hands victoriously in the air as his friend rolls his eyes before lifting his body and crawling towards you to place himself behind you. Melting into his touch, you lean your head back onto his shoulder and kiss his cheek as he tilts down to kiss your neck. 
His beautiful large hands softly run up the back of your thighs and hooks them behind your knees making you giggle like a little kid as he pries your legs open. They watch with eager eyes as you squeeze a small amount of lube into your palm and your breath hitches slightly as you lather it between your cheeks. 
Eddie army crawls forward till he’s a few inches in front of your cunt, sighing as he lays his head on his forearm. 
“Fuck, you smell so good.”
Smirking, you glance down to make sure the toy is positioned properly before focusing as you insert all the pieces in their respective places. Your body tenses a bit as you lean your head back and close your eyes. 
“Everything ok, honey?”, Steve whispers.
“Y-Yeah. Fuck… just feels a bit…different.”
“For something about the size of a regular vibrator, it really blocks my view.”, the rockstar whines making you pout. “No, shit, hey. I didn’t mean that as a bad thing.” Quickly pushing up onto his palms, his fingers grip your chin, and tilt you so he can kiss your lips. “As long as I can see your face and hear those pretty sounds coming out of your mouth that’s all I care about.”
As he starts to pull away from you to lay back down, your free hand shoots out to grab his shoulder. 
“Wait…Can you…stay this close to me to. Please, Daddy.”
A shaky breath escapes Eddie at your needy tone before hastily collecting himself and clearing his throat as he tilts back to sit his heels.
“Yeah, baby, yeah. Of course, I can do that for you.”
After pressing the little button, the toy comes to life and your groan instantly hits their ears.
“How does it feel, pretty girl?”
You barely register Steve’s question as your body lights up with every kind of sensation, your mouth falling open as a soft uh falls through. 
“He asked you something, sweetheart.”
“Hey. Can you open your eyes and look at me?”, Eddie asks as the other man’s lips gently peck between your shoulder and neck. “Y/N, open your eyes.”
At his firmer tone you do what he commands, mewling loudly when you notice his hand had slid down his pants so he could ease the ache of his cock pressing almost painfully against the denim. 
“Good, good girl. Don’t…fuck, you’re so fucking sexy…don’t take them off me.”
Steve’s mouth grazed your ear and his low, husky whispers had you trembling against him. 
“There you go, baby girl. Make yourself cum. You deserve it after the long day you had. After you make yourself cum, your Daddies are going to take care of you, honey. We’ll fuck you till that little brain goes quiet. Fuck, I can hear how wet you are. Makes me so fucking hard.”
Your eyes rolled back as the coil snapped and you pushed back against him as you came. 
“No, hey, no, baby. Don’t run from it.”, Eddie lightly scolded as he grabbed the end of the toy and continued pumping inside of you at a rigorous pace. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Daddy, please.”, you begged as you pushed at his hand.
After delicately removing the toy, he tossed it out of the way, collecting you in his arms, and positioning you so you were straddling his waist. 
“You have to take off your pants.”, you breathily giggle when you feel the cold metal of the button on his jeans against your puffy lips. The rockstar’s eyelids flutter as he grunts in frustration and his arm grips your body to him as he uses his free hand to sloppily push them down his thighs. “Baby, you can let me go to take them off. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Damn right you’re not. You’re ours, princess. Fuck.” As you clung to his neck hovering over his lips, his eyes remained on your face as you slowly sunk down onto his cock. “Can you say that for me? Tell me who you belong to?”
“Mmm—I belong to Daddy. Oh my…so deep.”
“I know, baby, I know. There you go, that’s it. Just ride my dick just like that.”
His palms held the meat of your behind as he guided your movements while you bounced on top of him. Eddie’s gaze never faltered as he continued to take in every little movement that twitched along your features. Every time your bodies connected; your eyebrows scrunched in pleasure. When his length would roughly hit that sensitive spot inside you; your mouth fell open as you panted against his lips.
His favorite part was when either of you moved at a faster pace, you pulled him as close to you as you could. He loved feeling your needy hands pushing against his back to bring him to your chest or when your head fell against his shoulder as your fingers ran through his tangled mess of hair. 
If he could be this close to you all the time he would. 
“Fuck, Y/N.”, he practically growled as he lifted you up and placed you on your back underneath him. His lips roughly kissed yours as he rolled his lower half into your own. “You feel so fucking good. I need you to cum, pretty girl. Please.”
Your eyes opened at the word as his closed in focus, that little crease in his forehead as he thrust at a quicker pace had you swooning as you reached up to cup his cheek. A small smirk flickered across his mouth as he did the same; his thumb absently caressing your cheek. 
“Just like that, Daddy. I’m gonna cum. W-Will you cum with me?”
After nodding, the sound of skin hitting skin filled the room till it was replaced with your whimpers and his grunts as the coil snapped and you both came. 
Steve had been patiently waiting as he watched you both together, stroking his cock as your beautiful moans filled his ears. He desperately needed you but he knew how to wait; you’d be his soon enough. 
After removing all of his clothes, he tossed them to the side, wanting to feel every part of your skin against him this time. As Eddie backed away, the mogul beamed down at you as he took his place. 
“Are you ok, honey?”
He chuckled softly at your lopsided grin as you reached up for him to bring his lips to yours.
“Yeah, I’m ok. I want you.”
“I like hearing you say that. Can you say it again?” 
“I want you, Daddy. I need you.”
Falling onto his side next to you, he guided you to do the same with your chest against his and one of his arms under your head. 
“I just want to be really close to you, Y/N.”, he murmured as his large palm slid down your spine, over your ass, and along your thigh as he lifted it over his hip. Steve only released you long enough to guide his cock inside of you before placing it against your back near the base of your neck. “Fuck, baby, still so wet. Did Daddy make you feel good?”
“So good—mmm—I’ve never…”
“Never what? Tell me.”, he instructions as he continues doing little but deep thrusts into your core.
“No one’s ever fucked me like this…at this angle…”
He can’t help but lightly laugh making you sigh as you smile and lean your forehead onto his.
“We told you, baby girl. You’re with men now. We know how to take care of a beautiful woman like you.”
As he finds a steady, firm rhythm, you feel like you’re going to melt into a million tiny pieces as he stretched you open. Steve’s palm continued to roam your skin as his other remains firmly positioned behind your head, keeping your face as close to his as possible feeling your pussy clench every time he moans into your mouth. 
“That’s it—fuck—just hold on to me, Y/N. Don’t let go.”
You didn’t even realize you said it but they both heard as it fell from your lips. Feeling his pace falter, he pounds into you hard and fast trying to get you over the edge before he cums. Tears streak your face as you tremble against him and while your cunt quivers around his cock he warms your insides as he spills inside of you. 
“Fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck…”, Steve pants as he lifts your head and pushes back the hair sticking to your face. “Are you alright?”
A wide toothy smile greets him as you tilt back and giggle. 
“Yeah, baby. That was perfect.”
“Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you into a quick shower.”
“Nooooooo, Daddy.”, you whine making Eddie laugh as he jumps to his feet in only his boxers. 
“Come on, ya big baby.”
He starts to tug on your arm like he’ll drag you if he has to causing your smile to grow as you rise to your feet and let him lead you to your bathroom. After putting on his own boxers, Steve trailed behind taking in the things around him. 
Even though the majority of people had music on their phones, you had a small shelf filled with records and a record player. Along your walls were pictures of you with different people he assumed to be your family and friends. As he entered your bedroom, there was a bookshelf filled with reading material and he couldn’t help but smile when he notices a book hanging out that pertained to his business. 
You were trying to learn and understand; he appreciated that. 
What he didn’t like was when he placed the book back down a picture that was nestled in the back binding tumbled out. 
It was you with another man’s arm wrapped around your shoulders. 
Steve heard your laugh as you and his friend exited the bathroom and he held it up in your direction. 
“Where did you get that?”, you asked as your face fell.
“It fell out of this book here.”
Your eyes closed as you sighed, taking the book from his hand and placing it on your dresser. 
“I didn’t know it was in there.”, you mumbled. 
“So you could hide it?”, Eddie asked with a tone filled of accusation. “Who the fuck is this?”
You try to control your anger as you watch the rockstar snatch it from the mogul’s hand as the other man stares at you waiting for an answer. 
“My ex.”
“Yeah, that’s going to require some more explaining.”
“He let me borrow the book. Look, it’s not what you think! I asked a friend to ask him for it. I didn’t even think the asshole would put his fucking picture in there. I don’t even know why he’d do that.”
“To manipulate you and make you miss him.”, Steve growled. “Why are you taking anything from him at all?”
“Can we talk about this later, please? I’m so tired.”
“No, we can’t, Y/N. This is the second time this man is popping up suddenly and after what happened the first time I don’t like it.”
“What part? The part where I still went on a date with him or the part where he assaulted me?”
“Does it matter?!”, Eddie yelled. “Both were fucking awful. Nobody should be putting their hands on you and you are ours. We’ve made that very fucking clear!”
“And it’s crystal clear to me, Eddie. I don’t want to have anything to do with him!”, you scream, grabbing the image and tearing it up. “I try to avoid him as much I can but it’s hard! Fuck, this day sucks so much.”
“Why is it hard, Y/N?”
Folding your arms, you feel your heart start to break as you prepare for the worst. 
“Because we work together! That’s how we met. We went to school together back home and when he got a job here in New York I followed him. He suggested I apply to and to my surprise I was hired to!” You shrug as you wipe the tears that began to fall. “I thought we were going to be together forever. I was a fucking idiot.”
Taking a seat on your bed, your head hangs but after a few seconds the mattress dips on either side of you as Eddie pushes your hair behind your ear so he can see your face. 
“Usually, he just ignores me until he wants something…like last time… Since I started seeing you, now I ignore him and according to idle gossip it bothers him.”, you explain as you roll your eyes at the end. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?”, Steve inquires. 
“Why don’t you about your last girl?”, you snap. 
As he exhales in frustration, Eddie rises angerly off the bed and stomps into your living before coming back with his phone in his hand. Falling to his knees in front of you, he flashes you the screen but when you try to take it from him he pulls it back. 
“Gina Frost, daughter of 90s film star, suing guitarist and business tycoon for palimony.”
Your gaze shifts up to meet his with confusion. 
“H-How have I never…”
“Our lawyer managed to put a lock on our information and we don’t actually go into a court or anything. Not yet anyway…”, he sighs. 
“Can she…I mean…palimony is for a couple not a—”
“Yeah we know.”, Steve cuts you off a bit harshly. “Add that twist into the knife she stabbed into our backs.”
“I’m so sorry. I really am… I didn’t tell you about my ex because I felt stupid and I thought…maybe you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore if I told you. I swear, Steve, Eddie, I don’t have feelings for him. I like you two. I mean I know this is just a…I don’t know…a thing right now but I do enjoy talking to you. I feel safe with you and even though we can’t put a specific label on it I at least consider you my friends. You know…my old man friends that fuck me from time to time.”
They both laugh at your joke causing you to smile as you relish the sound. 
“We felt the same.”, Eddie responds first, guiding you against your pillows as he follows and climbs in beside you. “She took advantage of us and it took us forever to even catch on. We like you to...”
“Very much.”, Steve added as he curled up beside you as well. “We’re not that old, ya brat.”
You giggle as they pull you closer to their sides. 
“Are you safe? From him, I mean?”
“Yeah, he won’t do anything while we’re at work and if he did I would knock him out. That’s what happened last time. He yanked on my blouse and I turned around to punch him. He told people in the school he got in a bar fight defending a girl.”
“Jesus Christ. What a dick.”, the rockstar chuckles. 
“Thank you both for coming over. I really need this…needed you.”
That makes them softly smile as you slowly begin to drift off to sleep. Eddie’s eyes scan his friend’s demeanor as he absently plays with your hair. 
“Steve Harrington, whatever you’re thinking about doing, you can’t.”
“I don’t like him being in the same building with her. What if he hurts her again?”
“She said he won’t. Ah, ah.”, he tuts as the mogul starts to argue. “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like it either but… that’s not part of our deal. We have to trust her. Unless she asks us to deal with him, we shouldn’t bringing that kind of attention our way.”
“Eddie, I don’t care about that kind of attention. Fuck Gina and fucking popular opinion.”, he growls. “What if…what if we can’t get to her or what if he does something worse… She said he changed after they moved. It just makes me nervous especially with us going out of town soon. I want to know she’s ok.”
“She’s a strong girl and if she needs anything she’ll tell us. We can’t control her like that. We aren’t those kind of men… we aren’t our dads.”
Steve glances his way, exhaling as he reaches over to pat his best friend’s arm. 
“You’re a good dude, Munson.”
“Aw.”, Eddie coos. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, Harrington.”
@aol19 @paradisepoisons  @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
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Steve came home from work one day pissed as hell. His coworker had made three of his little ones cry, the service dog that was supposed to visit the long-term patients was cancelled last minute, Dustin texted him to cancel their weekly phone call because he and Suzie were fighting, Hopper had to postpone his monthly check-in because El caught a stomach bug at school, and Mrs. Ryans stopped him in the lobby to tell him that she's praying his "no good devil worshipping roommate" received the damnation he supposedly deserves.
So Steve burst into his home, fuming, face flushed red in his anger, and startled poor Eddie out of his armchair. "I called Mrs. Ryans a stupid old hag and I'm not apologizing!" He announced, practically throwing his shoes into their proper place. "She's stupid and I hope she breaks her other hip."
Eddie started his usual task of making brownies (he's a firm believer that chocolate can make anything better, and he knows that Steve's got an almost pavlovian response to the smell of brownies now) while Steve changes out of his scrubs and into something more comfortable. He'd completely bypassed his own closet, instead stealing one of Eddie's prized Iron Maiden tees to go with his threadbare pajama bottoms. Eddie opened his mouth to ask what had happened that day to make Steve so upset, but Steve didn't let him.
"Seriously, why does she hate you so much? You're like the sweetest person ever. So I told her to stop talking shit about you, and she was like, 'why should I,' so I told her that my baby sister would slap the wig off her bald little head if she kept being shitty to my boyfriend, and I might have actually given her a heart attack. Should we go check on her?" Eddie froze at Steve's admission; first of all, a baby sister?? But, more pressing, boyfriend. "Oh, my god, I might have killed our elderly neighbor. El wouldn't actually slap her! Wait, yes she would. She's still learning social norms and I don't think Hop told her that hitting old people is frowned on. I don't- does Hop know not to hit old people? Eddie, my dad might abuse the elderly."
"Stevie, honey, slow down," he finally settled on. Eddie bypassed their little dining table to sit Steve on the couch. "One thing at a time. Mrs. Ryans is not dead, we'd have heard all the munchkins singing by now."
"I'm not going to prison for shocking our neighbor to death, Eddie, I'd rather be melted into a giant flesh monster," Steve piped up. Eddie didn't have time to unpack whatever that meant, so he ignored it.
"You're talking about your sister like she's not used to humans."
"She's not, really. She was ex- she was, um, bad home life. Before we met. She's Hopper's daughter now, but before, her dad fucked her up. Like, doomsday, raise the children in isolation, fucked up." Steve was marginally calmer, but his anger gave way to nerves as everything he'd said caught up with him. "I called you my boyfriend."
"Good to know you've got beauty and brains, sweetheart," Eddie cooed at him, smacking an exaggerated kiss to his cheek. "Not every day I have such a cute guy screaming at old ladies for me."
"J-just the one old lady. You're not mad I called you my boyfriend?" Eddie paused there, giving Steve the flattest stare he could manage.
"Steve. I've been flirting with you for two years. Bruce has been trying to get me to propose to you for one of those two years."
"Bruce just had a baby, he should worry about-"
"Bruce tried to explain to you that we're dating and you called him a funny guy, honey. Congrats, you're the last to know."
"We're dating?" Steve shrieked, and Eddie couldn't help but laugh. Steve's face was so incredulous, like he really had no idea, and as sad as it was to see that, it was just too funny to Eddie that they'd been dating in almost every sense for more than a year before Steve seemed to be aware of it. "Are you telling me I could have kissed you this whole time?"
"Well, yeah, obviously. Stevie, you really didn't know? I thought it was obvious how much I love you, sweetheart."
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rustedhearts · 23 days
every corner (steve harrington x fem!reader)
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summary: it's been 7 months since you said goodbye to steve. most exes that fell out of love move on and never speak. but you never really fell out of love, did you?
uses she/her pronouns and female anatomy.
♡ everytime (part one) ♡ the library ♡ the record store
tags: mention of past substance abuse; angst; hurt/not much comfort; pining and yearning; smut.
a/n: here we are, an entire year later. hope you enjoy. love you (and soft, sad everytime steve) forever!
ko-fi (because i graduated from college recently if you wanted to leave a tip!)
"nothing happened in the way I wanted, every corner of this house haunted. and I know you said that we're not talking...but I miss you."
— i miss you, i'm sorry, gracie abrams
halloween night, 1999
The familiar tune of Michael Myers' entrance has you clutching the knitted blanket closer to your chest, cowering behind your knees to shield the tv. The grainy picture glows through the living room, illuminating half-eaten Chinese takeout and four cherry Pepsi cans. You had a bucket of popcorn on the cushion beside you and a bag of Red Vines near your feet. A party for one, completely alcohol free.
It's been four months since you've had even a sip, and it pained you to say that maybe your friends were right. You did have a problem.
You were still gaining their trust and friendship back, tiptoeing around past mistakes and attempting to right them.
After that drunken night at Eddie's house over the summer—when Steve rescued you from stupor and tucked you into bed—your friends had an intervention. Sat you down—sober, grumpy, and lashing out—and fixed you with some tough love.
"Clinging to Steve isn't gonna help either of you move on," Robin said. "It's not gonna help you get better. And you need to get better."
You sat back on Eddie's couch with your arms crossed and your legs tucked up, glaring at the wall above her head. Back then, you took their stern attitudes as hatred. You thought they were being mean, coming down on you for your own heartbreak.
But they were ten steps ahead of you. They saw the spiral before you could even recognize it happening.
"You're not in it alone, Steve has some fault in this, too. But...I think you guys need some time apart. Real time, no contact. It's the only way I think you'll get sober."
You moved your eyes to Eddie, who was wringing his hands together and tossing you a furrow-browed look. Gwen massaged his bicep lovingly, and you turned your eyes away again.
"We love you," Gwen added. "But when you're drunk, or high...you're harder to love."
So you stopped drinking. Stopped smoking anything that wasn't nicotine, started sublimating with caffeine. It wasn't a complete cold break, but you had to start somewhere.
The only downside to sober life was the distance you felt from your friends. The parties and get-togethers didn't stop, but you had to stop attending most of them. Of course, you didn't expect your friends to stop drinking or smoking just because you did. Eddie Munson would always be a pothead—but he wasn't an addict. He didn't have to keep himself away from it, because he knew when to stop. That was the difference between you and your friends.
Your lack of control.
Which is why, when your phone rang every few weeks and Steve's voice came through the other side, you just...didn't tell anyone about it.
You figured they must've sat him down and had a similar conversation to yours. Told him to stay away, move on, find some other way to cope that didn't involve bothering you.
But they didn't get it. You grew up together. You can't just forget your first love.
And right now, you're sitting on the couch cushion closest to the end table where your phone waits. You find your eyes meeting the still and silent cradle every few scenes, and every time you get up to get another snack or use the bathroom, you're on high alert. Waiting for the shrill ring. Waiting for the call you know is coming.
Because Eddie and Gwen host a Halloween costume party every year, and Steve is always in attendance. Despite his distaste for getting drunk and stupid, he loves a competition—and he always wins best costume.
And right now Steve is 20 minutes away, sitting on a couch much like you are, nursing a lukewarm beer and staring at a couple cuddled in the armchair. He watches the man tuck her hair behind her ear, watches the girl kiss his jaw and nuzzle her nose in his neck. You used to do that. Used to tell him how good he smelled after working up a sweat, licking it from his skin without apology.
Steve pinches his eyes shut, inhaling sharply. He needs to stop thinking about you. He needs to stop remembering the way you touched his body, the way you loved him with your mouth and hands because you never knew how to use your words.
The blunt edge of his nail rips the soggy paper wrapped around his beer bottle. He's itching to call you. He quite literally feels sick about the thought of forgetting the way you pronounce his name, the way your voice wraps around words in their own special way. He can't remember which version of 'either' you used, and it's killing him.
He's forgetting you.
He can't forget you.
Eddie and Gwen are in the kitchen laughing and mingling with other couples. Robin's flirting with a girl in the corner, hand pressed against the wall above her head. They'll go home together, and Steve will go home alone.
No one's watching. So, he picks up the phone.
He dials your number with quick and eager fingers, gripping the phone with antsy hunger. His heel bounces on the carpet, fingers drumming his knee.
Your eyes slide to the phone a split second before it rings. Every nerve in your body began to buzz in anticipation before that first trill, and you almost knock over the popcorn in your hurried rush to receive the phone.
But you pull back. Sit back on the couch and retract your hand. You watch the phone shake on the cradle stand, rattle the lamp behind it on the table. It rings once, twice, three times. At Eddie's, Steve thinks about hanging up and grows sicker.
You pick up the phone before it stops.
Steve exhales, lets a smile touch his face. He focuses on the beer bottle wedged between his thighs to avoid seeming too giddy.
You slide back against the couch, turning the tv down. You fondle a sticky Red Vine mindlessly as silence passes between the pair of you. It's been two weeks since you last spoke—the longest you'd gone. Pathetic, isn't it? You haven't been together in almost seven months, yet you can't go more than two weeks without talking.
You tried not to let the thick, sick feeling in your throat at the thought mean much.
"You at home?"
You try not to giggle at the obvious. But he was just filling the space. He just wanted to hear you speak again.
Steve tears another rip in the beer label. "Which Halloween are you on?"
Your gaze moves to the tv again, where you grin at the movie playing. "The third."
"Blech," Steve groans. "That one sucks."
"I know," you giggle at his playful distaste. "But I don't like skipping through a series."
Steve waits a beat. He rotates the bottle between his legs to peel the back. The beer sloshes around, and he knows the next swig of it will be disgustingly warm.
"All the lights on, too?"
Your eyes bounce around the room at the various lamps glowing soft yellow light through the room. The light filtering through the hall from your bedroom, the one clicked on above the sink in the kitchen. Your lip turns upward.
Your chest squeezes at the thought of Steve knowing you so well. It wasn't that long ago that he was curled up next to you during a Halloween movie marathon, soothing you when you'd shriek, chuckling when you hid your face in his chest. He always took scary movies as an opportunity to cradle and baby you, because it wasn't often you let him.
Maybe that's why they were his favorite now.
Steve tugs the beer free from his legs and tipped back a swig. He winces as the warm liquid slid down his throat, face soured with disgust. His eyes slide toward the corner of the room where Robin and her current infatuation are giggling. He can hear Eddie's voice squawking in the kitchen, but it's growing closer.
He runs a hand down his face and shakes his head, knowing the next words to leave his mouth will be stupid and another space filler. "You scared?"
You snicker through your nose. He hears a soft snap when your teeth tear at a Red Vine. "Maybe a little."
He gnaws on his bottom lip a moment, gripping the neck of his beer bottle tightly. His stomach is in the knot of all knots, sitting somewhere between his chest and his throat. The next words are weighing him down and he spits them out before he loses the gall.
"Want me to come over?"
The line buzzes. Your living room vignettes, the top layer of skin under your sweatshirt littered with goosebumps. Swallowing down the candy comes with difficulty. You can only seem to stare at the bright light of the television, switching between pictures.
At Eddie's, Steve drops his head into his hands and tugs hard at the top of his hair, tapping the phone against his forehead in self-reprimand.
He puts the phone back to his ear quickly. "Yeah?" His voice is so much smaller, croaked.
"Is that...is that a good idea?" You trust his judgement more than yours.
Steve cranes his head over his shoulder, peering around the corner into the kitchen. Eddie and Gwen are leaning against the kitchen sink, the latter tucked under his arm. He has a polaroid at the bottom of his sock drawer of all four of you in that very spot when Eddie first moved into the apartment. It was July and you did all the heavy lifting yourselves.
"I don't know," Steve sighs. His hand is still in his hair, twisting at the roots until it hurts.
But it still doesn't hurt as much as the squeezing in his chest.
"I don't think it is," you whisper.
Steve lets go of his hair and scratches at his stinging scalp. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you're right."
He taps his finger on the other side of the phone. He tightens his grip on the beer bottle and it creaks under the weight. He imagines himself throwing it across the room just to hear the shatter, but he would never do such a thing. Not in his best friend's home.
"Would it be the last time?"
Steve perks up, lifting his head from where it's drooped toward his lap. His cheeks suddenly hold a heat that burns, and it's traveling down his neck.
"Y-yeah. Yeah, it...it can be," he fumbles, swallowing thickly. He doesn't want it to be the last time.
You pluck a piece of stray popcorn from your sweater and toss it back into the bowl. You eye the mess on your coffee table and wonder how long it would take you to clean up and light a candle to mask the fact that you haven't cleaned in over a week.
Steve hasn't seen your new place. He hasn't seen how well you've been doing.
If anyone asks, you were just showing him.
"Okay...grab some more cherry Pepsi on your way over?"
Steve leaps from the couch, tugging the phone cord with him and dragging the tablecloth askew. He curses under his breath, jolting to grab the cradle before it falls off the end table.
"Ye-yeah—yes! I will. I'll...I'll be there."
Your lips press into a smile. "Okay."
He can barely contain his grin as he slams the phone down and clumsily fixes the end table back into its original state. He snatches his jacket thrown on the back of the couch and rushes out of the room, toward the kitchen where his keys are sitting near the stove.
"Hey, buddy," Eddie coos as Steve scrambles for his belongings. "Where ya been?"
Steve shoves his keys into his pocket, jacket balled in his fist. He barely spares Eddie or Gwen a glance as he pushes past the bodies blocking the door.
"Uh...I gotta go. Gotta, um..."
Steve pauses, shoe squeaking on the kitchen tile when he turns on his heel to face his friends. Heat rushes to his face again, cheeks coloring a deep red. He hooks his thumb over his shoulder toward the door.
When Eddie and Gwen blink at him, Steve sighs defeatedly and drops his hands. He neglects any attempt at an excuse in his eagerness to see you.
"I gotta go, guys."
Before either can interrogate his vagueness, Steve is spinning around and rushing the door, nearly knocking everyone else over along the way. He fumbles over his feet down the stairs to the lobby, where he flings the front doors open to the parking lot. The BMW clicks open easily, and he's thankful for her reliability as he starts the engine and screeches toward the street.
At home, you're throwing all trash into the bin and spraying perfume to hide the smell. You rake through your appearance to throw it into something more presentable, but you know Steve likes a frazzled, "lazy" look more than anything. He always said he preferred you in your pajamas or one of his faded t-shirts.
You're bent over grabbing a piece of crust from this morning's toast under the kitchen table when the door rattles under a heavy fist. You jerk up, hurriedly tossing the toast into the bin before pushing it back under the sink. You stand in front of the door for a moment, fussing with your hair and adjusting the hem of your sweater. You can hear Steve's shuffling behind the door, and when you peek through the peep-hole, he's anxiously running his hand through the front of his hair.
It's shorter, a little lighter—but always handsome.
The door swings open just as Steve lifts his fist to knock again. He's holding a single can of cherry Pepsi in one hand and his keys in the other.
You realize as your eyes roam his appearance, that he isn't even wearing a costume.
"Hi," he breathes.
You smile, pushing the door open all the way. "Hi."
One foot enters the doorway, sneaker thumping on the linoleum tile. It crunches under his weight when he steps all the way in, keys clattering on the doorframe when he presses his hand there. He hasn't changed his cologne since sophomore year of high school and it sends you spiraling back to homecoming football games and prom night in his backseat.
Your teeth dig into your cheek, gnawing down the swirling in your stomach as Steve's eyes mimic yours and trace your body. They start at your shoulders, roaming down to your feet where your toes curl under a pair of fuzzy pink socks. In the other room, the television shrieks with a horrific scream. Neither of you even flinch.
Instead, Steve pushes off the doorway and takes another step into the kitchen. He swings the door shut behind him and you jump when it slams. He doesn't even move. But his keys skate over the countertop when he throws them, and the cherry Pepsi can hisses on its roll toward the other side of the kitchen when it falls from his hand.
And then they're on your face—those big, warm hands. Cupping your cheeks and propping your jaw, pulling you in with a familiar, firm grip. They're squeezing the back of your neck when he slants his mouth over yours and inhales sharply. Breathing you in—because finally, finally he can breathe again.
You whimper against his teeth when your back bumps into the counter, and he's pulling you off by the back of your neck to move his hold down to your hips, cushioning them from the hard surface. Always the giver.
When you pop away from his mouth, you bring your fingers to your own, slick with saliva and pulsing with bitten soreness.
"What if we made a mistake?" Steve rushes out, eyes wild and settled on your face.
"What if we made a mistake? We were kids, and maybe...maybe things would be better now—"
"Don't say anything. Not yet. We can talk tomorrow. Just...if this our last night, I don't wanna spend it talking."
You meet his eyes, softening once more. One hand leaves your hip to brush your cheek and trail down your neck. He ghosts them over the spot below your ear, where you shiver and giggle when he breathes hot air.
"Okay." You nod.
And then his mouth is back on yours. His hands are moving and squeezing and grabbing, and his throat is thick with moans and uneasy breaths.
This is the last night, you think, as he lays you down in bed.
The last time, you promise, when he leaves every inch of your body covered in spit-soaked kisses.
And when the phone rings as he's sucking on your neck and digging bruises into your hips, you let it go. You know it isn't him on the other line, because he's finally in your arms again.
For the very last time.
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alisaint · 1 month
guys, i have good news for once. i've found proof of intelligent life out here in these wastelands:
my favorite excerpts:
Will, Jonathan, and Joyce Formed a Special Trio
If Eleven is the main character in Stranger Things, the Byers family is the conduit through which she flickers. Will’s disappearance in the first season spurred the Hawkins community to rush to his aid. The tight-knit camaraderie between Will, Jonathan, and Joyce juxtaposes the stereotypical family composed of kids and teenagers. Parents and children are supposed to fight and bicker in television and other media, often to build the main conflict of the story, but the Byers family already underwent that trauma offscreen.  Lonnie Byers (Ross Partridge) makes a brief cameo in the first season, flexing his standoffish demeanor and abusive nature. It’s clear that the Byers patriarch doesn’t possess much empathy for his ex-wife or his sons. Jonathan valiantly steps into the father, husband, and big brother role, amalgamating into a combination of responsibilities that no other character on the show could dream of emulating. 
Jonathan Binds the Byers Family Together
Jonathan’s multifaceted arc in the first two seasons made him one of the series’ most easily dissectable characters. Stranger Things often differentiates itself from other shows by keeping the antagonists separate from the main characters. There are no Walter White or Tony Soprano-style antiheroes in which fans must compromise one part of their moral compass to appreciate the character. One might think this makes the series boring, but it’s the opposite. Jonathan was proof that a nearly perfect brother and son can still be fascinating to watch. After Will was found in season 1’s climax, he was taken over by the Mind Flayer in season 2. Jonathan again stood by Will’s side as his little brother felt outcasted by friends and society at large. Schnapp and Heaton’s chemistry often leads to tender, humorous exchanges like this one in which the boys remind the audience that being weird can be a human superpower in its own right.  These moments became few and far between in seasons 3 and 4. Will and Jonathan were relegated to minor supporting characters as the aforementioned new additions took center stage. Will at least gets to tag along with Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and the other younger friends. Jonathan often only appears in a few small scenes with his girlfriend Nancy (Natalia Dyer), and the writers even flirted with pushing Nancy back into Steve’s arms in the most recent season. Jonathan spent the majority of season 4 high on marijuana and frolicking around in a faux buddy-comedy routine with the one-off character Argyle (Eduardo Franco).  The decision to waste Heaton’s work from the first two seasons with a 180-degree personality change made no sense. Jonathan suddenly seemed careless, distant, and uninspired, but not in a dense way that could be unlocked by further character development. Little-to-no time was spent on him. While some fans might concur it is a necessary evil to take screen time away from older characters when expanding the world of Hawkins, it certainly transforms Stranger Things from a show about family into a show just about monsters and romances. 
Jonathan’s Enhanced Role in Season 5?
Many theories point to Will being one of the critical pieces to defeating Vecna (Jamie Campbell Bower) in the fifth and final season. His connection to the Upside Down and the evils underneath the surface should open up opportunities for Jonathan to lend his ears and counseling once again. Jonathan grows on an individual level when he aids others. When locked out of his family’s life, it stunts his ability to shine as a listener and an empathizer.  Jonathan’s best scene from season 4 again features a tear-jerking moment with Will. On the cusp of coming out of the closet, Will needs Jonathan more than ever before, and his brother responds supremely to the task at hand. The poignant conversation validates that the Duffers haven’t completely forgotten how to flesh out the Byers family. When the world gets too enormous for the characters and the audience, Jonathan serves as a connector to the most human elements of the series’ thematic thesis. He may not be as funny as Steve or as neurotic as Robin, but Jonathan symbolizes the good in all of us. In a show shrouded in darkness, Jonathan’s presence will be instrumental to forming a satisfying, optimistic conclusion in Hawkins, Indiana.
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madelynraemunson · 10 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club series)
𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐍 𝐀𝐔 18+ plz
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 002: Wing Man
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You start your first night of work. Eddie requests a private show. But not for him; for his friend — a rich and lonely bachelor who can’t seem to get over his ex.
* = somewhat smut
** = smut
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020
word count: 7.2k words
NSFW — lap dance, steve creaming his pants, abusive relationships, talks of trauma, steve and reader trauma dumping lol
pairing: lonely bachelor!steve x fem!exoticdancer!hargrove! reader (and lowkey eddie)
author’s note: yes we get with steve before we get with eddie, but we will get there okay??? 🫣🫣🫦 also don’t tell me you guys wouldn’t homie hop in hawkins because these men are SO FINE
tags: @changemunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n
“Let me see you dance I love to watch you dance. Take you down another level, and get you dancing with the Devil” -Wicked Games by The Weeknd
A sultry black set.
A hot pink set with bows. Caribbean blue. Army green for the military men. Some cuffs. Personal wet wipes. Sanitizer. And lastly, a stethoscope to play the part.
“I can’t believe you accepted a caregiving job,” Max scoffs as you both make your way out of Scrubs 4 Less. “Do you even have healthcare experience?”
Your stepsister loved to mask her prying with carefully crafted screening questions. Even if they sounded pessimistic.
“Sure I do,” you shrug. “Remember that summer I cared for Great-Aunt Dotty when she had Parkinson’s? Figured maybe it’d be similar.”
“I guess.”
You take it upon yourself to remind Max that you are certified in CPR. And with that cert, you saved numerous people from drowning as a lifeguard. Of course that was for one year during high school, but it was experience nonetheless.
"Well, what about the heavy lifting?"
"Easy. All in the legs." you pat your thighs. Despite being calm on the outside, you are getting nervous now. About everything.
"Takes a lot of core strength too. And upper body."
It's like she knows what you actually will be going to be doing. However, there are parallels between both professions, and you made sure you made a choice like that so you wouldn't have to lie as much about the physicality of things.
"You seemed to have gotten the job pretty fast,” Max notes.
"Nursing homes are really short staffed. Especially with the pandemic and everyone leaving from all the burnout, they’ll take anybody who qualifies."
"Did they even determine if you do?"
"Are you questioning my ability to take care of people?”
You know you’re being manipulative. You can spot a manipulator from a mile away. But this little white lie is for you and Max’s own good. Even if it means selling her a fake story. Even if it means lying. Living a double life.
“An abusive home life and all-timers isn’t comparable.”
“Have you considered that some people with Alzheimer’s are combative as well?”
“And you had to accept the graveyard shift?” she pries further, ignoring all your valid points.
“It pays more,” you answer sharply, readily. “Two dollar shift differential.”
“Oh my god, we’re practically millionaires.”
The sudden change in Max's behavior is really catching you off guard. She was optimistic on her birthday. A little withdrawn when the weekend was approaching. Now the pain is evident it is almost unbearable. Sure, Billy isn't a problem anymore, but with all of his chaos, Max has found solace in using her hobbies as coping mechanisms. Her body needs that adrenaline, and now you have cut off access to all of it.
Max can't go surf. She can't run around freely just yet because she doesn't know good routes and trails. She doesn't have friends in the area besides you, Robin, and Vicky. She misses Donovan.
Max is hurt. You know she is, but you don't blame her. Still, you’ve had it.
“Hey.” you snap.
Max halts. She knows she went too far.
“I know it's sucky... the situation we're in right now," you sigh. "But I'm doing this for us, remember? It’s temporary. We just need a soft place to land, and this is paving the way towards that.”
At least that’s something you didn’t have to lie about: It’s a sacrifice you were making for her.
Orientation day comes in a blink of an eye.
Eddie is giving you a tour of Hellfire while discussing how his particular ‘system’ works. You’ve got to give him credit. His system makes sense.
“I don’t ask my girls to pay to dance here,” he explains. “I just think that’s bogus. Also, it’s Hawkins. Not that many competitors, so if I let you dance here, you’re automatically staff.”
You two walk down the hall. Eddie shows you where you would clock in and out, promising you your punch-in code by the end of the week. You learn that everyone gets paid out every Friday, because in Eddie’s words, “fuck that biweekly shit”. Tips go home with you every night, but you are expected to help tip out staff members patrons don’t really see or interact with. Therefore: Jonathan’s girlfriend Nancy whose House Mom, Henry, and Argyle. The boys make their money from bussing and serving. Jonathan earns tips from POTIONS.
“I figured as much.”
You graze your hand along the kukris on the wall as Eddie talks. He stops to take note of it and gives you a boastful smile.
“You like ‘em?”
“Yeah, they’re pretty cool.”
“That’s the perk of owning your own business,” Eddie says exuding a lazy stretch to graze the kukris himself. “You choose where the money goes, when it goes, how it goes.”
He ponders for a while longer.
“Most of the time at least.”
Clearly a majority of the money also went to the chicken wings.
Eddie leads you to back of the house where he then proudly showcases his wing menu to you. There’s the Hawkins Hot Chick for Nashville inspired hot chicken. Chicken Strippers for the picky eaters. And the ‘Hot As Cluck’ buffalo wings with spice scales named after Metallica songs: Fuel (mild), Fight Fire with Fire (medium), Creeping Death (hot), and The Unforgiven (Extremely hot). All are served with one’s choice of carrots and celery or crinkle cut fries on the side.
“Crinkle cut fries are the best kind of fries,” Eddie states. “Ain’t that right, chef?”
“Ay ay!”
One chef. For the entire back of the house. Though that seems like the textbook definition of a staff shortage, the friendly Latino man with long, black hair that he concealed with a hairnet and baseball cap most likely had it covered. He flashes you a kind grin with kind, hooded eyes to match, quite possibly revealing to you that he’s likely stoned out of his mind. But if it helps him through the shift…
“Argyle’s the man,” Eddie explains. “Pitched the chicken wing idea to me when we were both blasted.”
Suspicions confirmed.
“Is it just Argyle?” you inquire waving hello to him.
“Sometimes Eds helps out back here too,” Argyle answers for him. “Like when we’re really fucking shlammed, he’ll come back here and help cook.”
Argyle turns to you. You smile at him.
“But most of the time I got it,” he says. “That man’s got enough on his plate.”
“Yeah, Argyle’s a beast,” Eddie confirms. “Don’t know what I’d do without him.”
While Eddie tidies up back of the house, you and Argyle converse with one another. He’s 28, produces music on the side, and learned how to cook from his mom at the age of three. California native as well. By observing the mini station he has set up, you notice that Argyle keeps a stash of Yerba Mate with him at all times, and some bud in his mini gym bag. You also learn that he and Eddie often take breaks together, hot boxing one another’s vans as if it were some sort of competition. But, as Argyle had mentioned, with how much Eddie currently has on his plate, those joint breaks (no pun intended) have been pushed to the backburner.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Hargrove,” Argyle concludes. “Excited to have you on our team.”
“Likewise!” you shake his hand with a smile. “Looking forward to bugging you for chicken wings.”
“You bug me all you want, mamas,” he insists. “I’ll make you allll the chicken wings in the world.”
“You a flats girl or a drumstick girl?” Eddie questions.
“Flats,” you respond instantly.
You receive a distraught gasp from the cook while Eddie cackles.
“Atta girl,” Eddie smirks patting your back. “I knew I liked you.”
“BLAS.PHE.MY!” Argyle screams. “Drumsticks are where it’s at bro.”
The three of you argue back and forth about chicken for the next couple of minutes, Eddie sticking beside you through and through. Though play-fighting with your new coworkers seems meniscal in the grand scheme of things, you reveled in it. It’s the first time in a while you felt a sense of community outside your sister. You wanted to savor it, especially since you know that this is temporary.
“You’re a red flag, Hargrove,” Argyle jokes, clutching his chest. “You were perfect in my eyes until you said you were a flats girl.”
“Well it’s a good thing she’s mine and not yours,” Eddie jeers.
Your heart flutters. Eddie and chicken wings. You’ve GOT to be in heaven.
“Alright, word,” Argyle calls after Eddie as he pulls you away from the kitchen. “Word. I’m still gonna spoil her with food like she’s mine though.”
“He’s such a flirt,” Eddie says to you once you’re both out of earshot. “Endearing and endangering at the same time.”
“All in good nature right?”
“‘Course!” he exclaims. “We’re all about respecting women at Hellfire. Everything’s lighthearted banter.”
And you’ll revel in that too. Especially since ‘respect’ and ‘lighthearted banter’ weren’t things you were able to experience at home.
“Also!” Eddie adds. “Respectfully… Wear something simple but classy on Friday.”
“Ooh,” you chime. “Simple and classy?”
“Yeah, I’m talking neutral tones. Red lipstick also preferred but you can do whatever you want. I’ve got something I need you to do for me on your very first day.”
I’ll do anything for you, Eddie. Your intrusive thoughts are starting to take over.
It’s Friday night now and everyone is in their respective stations preparing for the rush. Argyle is prepping the fryer while Chrissy flirts with him for nachos. She waves at you with her fingers and gestures that you can have some too. You smile and mouth a, “thank you” to her.
You really like Chrissy. Of all the dancers you’ve seen so far, she is the most memorable. She is charming and sweet, soft but firm with her boundaries. She has regulars lining up for her daily, all with different types of quirks and interests. But Chrissy somehow fits all of their molds, just by how fast she can switch from doe to siren depending on her audience. You want to be just like her.
You and Eddie stop by the kitchen before heading off to finish orientation. There are chicken wings — flats only, of course — on the line waiting for you with a note scribbled on the back of an old ticket order.
“Shy Girl&lt;3”
“Eat up, mamas,” Argyle encourages you. “Gonna need the energy for tonight.”
“Yeah!” Chrissy cheers. “It’s Fridaaay!”
You thank them before heading out with Eddie once again. Eddie steals a flat from you and flashes a thumbs up to the cook before you two leave.
“Mm,” he approves. “Fight Fire with Fire Buffalo.”
You are just about done with wrapping up orientation training and ready to start the first night on your own. That is until Mike Wheeler, Nancy’s younger brother and bus boy, comes along and interrupts Eddie’s train of thought. You walk with Eddie in silence, munching on your food while Mike relentlessly hounds him about bringing his girlfriend into the club. She is 18 but Eddie is refusing.
“But but-” Mike stammers. “The club is already eighteen plu-”
“But nothing,” Eddie interrupts. “This is Hellfire Club. Not babysitting club.”
“Well I’m 19 and you let me work here. Why does it matter if she’s 18?”
“Because you’re a dude, Wheeler,” Eddie hisses in return. “It’s different for the ladies.”
Not willing to risk any liabilities, he leaves Mike with just that. You follow Eddie, fiddling nervously with your hands as you watch him tsk and shake his head in disapproval.
“I can’t have teenage girls in here,” Eddie mutters. “That’s just blatantly obvious right? Or have I lost it?”
“No, right. Totally!” you agree.
Eddie has another rule. No strippers under the age of 20. Anyone under, including ages of 18 and 19 are children to him. He admits that he gets squeamish when guys bring their younger looking girlfriends into the club. You assume it pertained to his colleague’s girlfriends too.
You walk past the bar with Eddie, waving hi to Jonathan as you did so. Dustin is at the bar as well but is too busy to say hello. You manage to glance over and watch him fix his hair, trying to look his absolute best while FaceTiming his Mormon e-girl from Utah, Suzie. After eavesdropping for the past couple of days, you pick up that she insists on video chatting with Dustin every time he is at Hellfire to ensure his fidelity. Suzie wanted to be his “only wifey” to which ‘Dusty Bun’ assures her that she is.
“Uh oh,” comes a voice ever so soft it sounds eerie when it echoes through the club. “Someone’s in a bad mood today.”
Slithering into your periphery is the same tall, lean guy that you ran into earlier last week. Today he's sporting a white tank top that revealed a couple small tattoos scattered around his body, black pants that were tight enough to be yours, a loose wallet chain belt, and chunky work docs. His gorgeous blonde hair looks attainably messy by what you suspect is mousse. He smells of beer and cigarettes tonight, his tired eyes a precursor to his lust-filled gaze. A poster boy for all the men you wouldn’t want to bring home to your parents is none other than,
“Henry Creel,” Eddie says. “Mike’s just picking a bone with me. Have you met Hargrove? She’s our newest dancer.”
It’s seemingly Henry’s first day back. From the first day of orientation to now, you’ve only had run-ins with Jim, the older gentleman who is also a bouncer. Jim spent years with the Hawkins PD, but after a scandal that only Eddie and his peers seem to know about, Jim found a home protecting young women at the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club. The only place that gave him a chance.
You like Jim. You like everyone here. You are also ecstatic to see Henry again, this time as a dancer. You can see the excitement blooming in his eyes, with a steady increase in his pupil size by the second.
“Well, well,” Henry smirks. “Look who decided to join us.”
You two shake hands again.
“Henry’s my other bouncer,” Eddie explains, but you already knew that. “He’s my right hand man. He’s tiny but mighty. Could snap bones in an instant.”
You peer over at Henry with shocked eyes, to which Henry acknowledges with a dramatic bow.
“You’ll see it,” Eddie hovers a hand over your back. “I sure hope not anytime soon, but there’s always that one douchebag.”
“And they always underestimate me too,” Henry says. “I get a nice kick out of it. It’s a win-win.”
Henry is certainly not beefy, but judging by his muscle tone and sharp upright demeanor, he can put up a fight. Dude seems like he does a lot of the dirty work for Eddie. He can get away with it too.
After bidding ‘see you later’ to Henry, you continue walking with Eddie.
“So,” he starts. “Did you put together a cute simple outfit for tonight?”
“Mhm,” you nod.
“Good,” Eddie says. “I can tell it’s gonna look amazing. I dig the red lipstick and the choker.”
Eddie wanted classy so you gave him classy. Underneath the cloak, you are sporting a lacy black set with a matching black choker and classic red lipstick. Your hair is straightened tonight since beach waves are your signature.
“You want a sneak peak?” you smirk.
Eddie quirks up. “Oh man, do I? Let me at it.”
You take off your cloak to reveal what you have underneath.
Eddie stops in his tracks, taking in the sight in front of him. His gaze is both soft, yet lout. Delicate in the brows, yet carnivorous in the eyes. Slowly, his jaw lowers, uttering a silent gasp as he fully processes the sight of the vixen — you — in front of him.
“Jeez…” he strains. “You look…”
You blush. Electricity whirls through you as Eddie continues to relish in your beauty.
“Showstopping,” Eddie finishes.
He reaches his arms out and you take them, letting yourself fall into his chest as he pulls you to him. During the embrace, he sets his lips beside your cheek, brushing against them delicately as he gives you a verbal kiss.
“Mwah!” he exclaims, leaving you longing for a stronger peck. You feel like you’re on a cloud when he spins you to get a full 360 of your look. “I was expecting like a light color, or pastel…but black — black is your color.”
“Yeah?” you reply. “It’s not too edgy? Choker and all?”
“A lil rough around the edges won’t hurt,” the club owner approves. “He’s gonna love it.”
You follow closely behind. “He?”
Your first client. You had a feeling that’s what Eddie had planned for you today, but reality didn’t sit in until right now.
"Ever given a lap dance before?" Eddie inquires.
"Yeah, but not in this setting."
He seems amused with your answer. Eddie smirks as he gives you a nudge. "Perfect."
You two are walking down the corridor now, down to an isolated room at the end masked by a beaded curtain. You’re unsure if the goosebumps that form on your skin is because of the slight chilliness of the club or because you were walking into a seductive hideout with the boss you had the hots for.
You two stop just a yard short of the curtain. Eddie turns to face you.
"I've got a buddy named Steve. Not short for anything, his parents just... loved the 80s." he chuckles. “You’re giving him a private show tonight. One hour.”
Eddie’s buddy. The pressure is on. The name rings a bell, you believe Dustin was talking about him the first day you set foot in Hellfire.
“Oh,” you say. “I think I heard your friend Dustin talking about him last week.”
As if it were some inside joke, Eddie sighs and rolls his eyes.
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie mutters. “Don’t even get me started on those two.”
Eddie motions you forward, extending his arm to signal an “after you” gesture as you proceed into the private show room. The beads of the curtain carelessly clash into one another as Eddie saunters in.
"Anyway, Steve has been going through it lately. His lady left him for another dude, he lost his job because the city wanted another basic coffee shop instead of a place to rent cheesy B movies…and the last time he worked in the food industry he had to wear a sailor’s uniform, so he’s since opted out.”
You wander around what was going to be your office for the next hour as Eddie aimlessly takes his own path and furthers his lay-down.
“His folks want nothing to do with him because he doesn't wanna be nepotized by them. When he’s not working, he’s babysitting — you guessed it — Dustin and the rest of the boys when they’re not here or playing D&D with me. Oh yeah, and on the topic of girlfriend, he hasn't gotten laid in a fat minute.”
Eddie pauses.
"It's kinda depressing,” he says. “Now that I say it all out loud.”
He makes a sharp turn and walks toward the boombox he kept in the corner of the room.
"That is depressing," you mumble nonchalantly, as if you yourself had not been laid in a fat minute… contrary to your obnoxious brother’s popular belief.
“How do you sleep at night knowing you’re a fucking slut?” Billy’s voice haunts you.
You’ve only had one real boyfriend and Billy knew that. And that boyfriend, shortly after he left you for the girl he told you not to worry about, admitted that you were simply a placeholder for him. They’re happily married now and it tortures you knowing that being the first choice was never in the cards. Billy knew that too and used that backstory to fuel your insecurities. Billy knew you hated feeling used, yet brought it up every chance he got. Making his victims feel small, that was the source of his power. You shudder it off.
You watch as Eddie plays around with the boombox, ensuring that the aux chord was working along with all its other components.
"Tell you what," Eddie begins to barter. "You give him a good show, you can keep a hundred percent of your tips tonight. Consider it a sign on bonus."
“Wow, Eddie really?” you exclaim. “That…helps me out a lot. Thanks so much.
“Of course, doll,” Eddie grins. “Happy to help.”
Eddie finishes up tidying the room before walking back over to you.
“I can’t get over how amazing you look,” he adds one last time. “You’re gonna knock his socks off.”
“Thank you, Eddie,” you thank him one last time.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”
He lingers for a while longer before going outside to look for Steve. Meanwhile, heart’s-a-fluttering you try to acquaint yourself with the place, choosing a seductive song of your liking before getting prepped.
Wicked Games by The Weeknd.
More ruckus sounds from outside of the show room. You assume your client has arrived.
“That’s the boy,” Eddie confirms. “BRB-right back.”
You excuse your boss as he makes his way over to his friend. While you wait, your mind begins to race. Does your outfit look okay? Does your breath smell? Do you smell? Despite all the wardrobe and wellness checks you’ve done, your mind is insistent that something else was off. To calm your nerves, you decide to take a quick gulp of Bombay Sapphire, a gin Eddie had provided for the room, before Steve walks in.
Liquid courage. May help with the performance too.
“There he is,” Eddie cheers as the two men greet each other outside. “What took you so long?”
“There was uh, traffic,” a softer voice responds.
“I call bull.”
The two talk a bit more, voices too quiet for you to make out what they’re saying. That, or the sound of your heart pounding against your chest drowned out their conversation. Steve sounds friendly. Timid, but friendly nonetheless.
You listen in on Eddie’s spiel about you. He called you stunning, explained that you just moved from California, and that you are exactly Steve’s type. Whatever that could possibly mean. You then hear Eddie go over the rules. No touching you without consent. No verbal or physical harassment. No sexual intercourse. And to tip generously.
“She sounds lovely. Thanks for the run down, Eds.”
“‘Course. She’s all yours, Big Boy.”
The beaded curtains clash once more.
In walks a man around Eddie’s age, late 20s, early 30s with sleek mahogany hair and slight puffy eyes. He’s sporting a gray North Face sleeveless jacket with a plain black shirt underneath and denim blue Levi’s. He’s a lot more preppy than you thought he would be. Steve’s reaction to you was similar to that of Eddie, despite how different they seem from each other.
“Hi,” he greets you.
“Hi,” you smile. “You’re Steve?”
He nods shyly. “You’re who they call Shy Girl?”
“That’s meee.”
It doesn’t take a body language analyst to see that Steve is guarded. It takes another fragile, sullen demeanor to know one.
“Are you one of Eddie’s shy friends?”
The comment earns a laugh from Steve. “You think I’m shy?”
“Just a little.”
He attempts to mask a gulp. “I’ve just never gotten a lap dance before.”
“You think I’m supposed to believe that?”
You stalk towards him and rest a hand on his chest when proximity and Steve himself grants you permission. You sink your palm in deeper when you pick up he’s receptive to it.
Oh yeah, that’s all gin.
“With your handsome self?”
Steve’s blushing now. “Yeah…strip clubs are kinda not my thing. They’re starting to be though, cuz I always come and support Eddie.”
“What a nice boyfriend,” you joke.
“Eddie and I do have a budding bromance,” he admits with a laugh.
“Boy I’d love to be in the middle of that,” you tease him honestly.
Steve is left stunned and speechless while you grab his hand and lead him to the futon in the middle of the room. He attempts to relax, exhaling the tension out of his shoulders and manspreading as he watches you encompass him. You walked in a slow circle around Steve as the music starts and he peers up at you with curious eyes. Alas, you stop in front of him, cupping his face softly in your hands and synchronizing your hip movements to the rhythm of the song.
Relate to your customers. Talk to them. Build a connection with them, you think to yourself.
“So how’s your day been?”
Steve cracks a faint smile. "Good, how's yours?"
"Good," you chime as you slowly lower yourself onto his lap.
Steve sharply inhales, sucking the tension he had just released right back into his body. You shake your head in disapproval and stroke his face calmly.
“No, no,” you coo. “Just sit back, relax. You’re safe with me.”
“I’m safe with you, huh?” he responds in an is-that-so kind of fashion. “You seem like pure danger to me.”
“Oh, please,” you snarkily disregard his comment. “I’m an angel.”
“In a place called Hellfire?” he challenges you. “I find that hard to believe.”
Steve wants to touch you. So bad. But he refrains. You feel it in his levitating palms, resting just inches away from the small of your back. You start to lightly ride his thigh, hoping to catch his palm in passing as you move your hips about. Instead you’re met with something hard at the base of his pants, an outline and protrusion that wasn’t there before.
Steve looks down and acknowledges it with a shrug.
"Sorry," he chuckles. "It has a mind of its own."
You laugh faintly in return. "It's okay. I'd say it's responding appropriately."
"Given the circumstances," you say as you grind slower, deeper. "Yeah."
"Well, that's a relief."
Steve is cute. And a polite man who values your consent was sure to receive it. You two lock gazes before one of you dared to speak again. It all feels like a blind date, and you’re two giddy young adults.
"You..." you start. “You can touch me if you’d like.”
"Really?" Steve asks. "Usually dancers don't let you do that."
"It depends who you ask," you smile. "Consent is subjective...and you have mine. C'mon."
He obliges and starts to graze your ass softly with his hands. You run his hands through his hair, then along his neck without lifting them. A muffled moan is slowly released from his mouth.
"Shit," he sputters. "Feels really good."
He tosses his head back.
"You make me feel so good."
"Aww," you grin. "Me?"
"Yeah you," his voice is deeper now. Huskier. "All because of you."
His hand moves upwards towards your bra and he begins to fiddle with the straps, and then the clasps. You continue your steady grinding, rolling your hips to the beat of the music, tossing your head back for the full effect while Steve holds back the urge to cup your perfect breasts in his kneady hands.
A whimper escapes Steve’s mouth when you find the sweet place to roll, resting a palm over his abdomen for leverage.
“Needy, are we?” you tease him. “Needy for me, Stevie?”
“So fucking needy,” he breathes, a nervous gulp swallowing another sneaky groan. “You’re gonna be the death of me, woman.”
I’ve got my heart right here, I’ve got my scars right here.
Suddenly, you cease the grinding, going from cowgirl to reverse. Grabbing a hold of both his knees with the back of both your hands, you sink down to the floor, knees bent, slightly out turned. Your hands move from his knees to encompass his elbows, accommodating the playful headlock he abruptly decided to have you in, watching you squat down beneath him.
“Mmm,” he hums. “You’re so fucking pretty, baby.”
His arms creep from the sides of your face to the front of your face. You crane your head upwards, peering up at him and refrain from shivering when he brings an arm across your neck. His other hand rests on your face, stroking it tenderly.
“Get up here and, ride my thighs again, please.” he pleads. “It was feeling so good.”
“Okay,” you oblige before standing back up.
“Before you do though, let me get a good look at your ass.”
You stand there for him, bending down ever so slightly so he could run his hands across your back. He grabs a fist full of your hair gently with one hand and strokes your ass cheek with the other.
"Wow," Steve hums as he runs his fingers along the birth mark on your lower back. "I like this birthmark."
"Yeah?" you say. "Some people have said it looks like a tramp stamp."
"It's cute," Steve insists, pulling you onto his lap. “It kinda looks like a bat."
He points to where the wings would be and the fangs and you laugh. No one's admired your tramp stamp-esque birthmark the way Steve did.
"Thanks," you reply. "My brother has a matching one."
You pause.
"Sorry, that didn't sound all that sexy."
Steve tosses his head back and chuckles, hand resting firmly on your ass again. "You look sexy talking regardless, so I don’t mind.”
The chemistry between you and Steve feels so natural. You know if your nurturing heart felt like this with all clients you would be in big trouble. This profession isn’t for everyone and you realize that. But you decide to realize everything else later. Meanwhile, your focus right now is pleasing Steve.
You resume the thigh riding per his request, and chase your own subtle high as you did so. Steve whimpers and whines, seeming to long for you even more with every stroke of his hair, every brush against his cheek, every steady and calculated grind against his—
"Woah, are you okay?"
Suddenly you’re cut off by Steve abruptly pushing you off his lap. When you peer over at him, his face has gone completely red.
Did you do something wrong? Did you violate a boundary? Millions of thoughts race through your head. You can’t get fired on the first day of your new job…
"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I just..." Steve stammers, flushing a deeper red hue with every word. “I... uh, kinda came in my pants."
"Oh..." you begin.
"I am so sorry," Steve sighs. "Embarrassed is an understatement. I’m such a loser.”
You two start frantically talking over each other, one extremely apologetic, another sympathetic to the concerns. Again, it’s like you two are clumsy young adults on a blind date set up by your bold friends.
"It's been a while... so..." Steve stammers.
"Steve," you stop him.
"And..." he cuts out.
"It's okay," you reassure him. “It’s okay, Steve. If you need a break, we can stop.”
“Sounds good,” he agrees with a resigned sigh, the red colored flush migrating to his ears. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You go to put your cloak back on again and strut towards the gin. Perhaps offering the man a drink would help loosen up his nerves.
"What should we do with the allotted time left?" Steve wonders eyes following you. He’s rubbing his knees anxiously with his palms. “Eddie has this room booked for an hour. He needs to think you're doing splits on my dick or something or else he won't be satisfied."
Laughter erupts from the deepest parts of your belly at Steve's comment. Steve can't help but laugh as well.
"Hm, we can wait a bit and I can give you another lap dance?” you suggest. “Or a strip tease?"
You weren't used to those words coming out of your mouth, so you attempted to make it sound as normal as possible. Wow, you really just gave a lap dance. And someone came from it.
"Do you think..." Steve inquires. "That we can just... talk?"
So you and Steve do exactly that. You talk about your families, and your aspirations, your deepest fears, and your core values. Steve Harrington isn’t the loser he thinks he is. He’s a really cool guy. But deeply misunderstood.
“So you and your brother have similar birthmarks?” Steve questions.
“Yeah,” you confirm. “Except his is on his belly. We literally took the term identical twins to a whole new level.”
He laughs.
“Your brother sounds cool.”
“He was.”
Steve gasps in astonishment.
“Oh, my god. I’m sorry. Is he…”
“He’s not dead. Just an asshole.”
The color returns to his face. He exhales steadily and shakes his head. You find his reaction funny, despite how twisted that made you sound.
“Dead to you though?”
“Pretty much,” you giggle. “Dead to me.”
You two do a cheers to that with your alcohol-filled glasses and take another painful sip. It burns.
“Tell me about yourself now,” you prompt him.
There’s a dramatic pause.
“Well,” Steve begins. “I’m an only child. So eyes have been on me for as long as I can remember. What’s Stevie up to? This is what we expect of him and this is what happens if he’s not what we make him out to be. It didn’t take til young adulthood to realize that I have been living in my parents’ shadow. I don’t even know what I like.”
Steve spurs on about how he has struggled with his identity, going back and forth between if what he was pursuing was a desire of his or his parents’.
“And for a while I thought I knew who Steve was. Until I lost myself again in a girl named Nancy.”
“Aw,” you pout.
“A girl,” Steve pauses waiting for you to catch on. “Named Nancy.”
Your eyes widen. “House Mom Nancy?!”
Steve nods as you slowly piece things together.
“So Jonathan’s girlfriend is your…”
“Ex girlfriend,” Steve confirms. “Small world, huh?”
You suppose it wasn’t good that Hawkins is so small. You’d hate for someone to recognize you when you’re taking a casual stroll outside.
Nonetheless, you push that concern to the side and continue your conversation with Steve.
“What happened?”
“Some petty high school shit,” he explains. “But it’s always been her. She made me a better me. The closest to Steve that I’ve ever felt.”
“Wow,” you say. “So you saw a future with her?”
“Marriage, kids, everything,” Steve confirms. “Then she decided I wasn’t what — who — she wanted.”
It’s silent for a while. Steve shakes his head bitterly and downs the rest of his drink. You slosh yours around waiting for him to speak again. Besides, if you did, you’d end up ugly crying about your ex. And no one wants their stripper trauma dumping on them when they’re supposed to be performing.
Thankfully, Steve is the first to speak again.
“Yeah, Nance. She looks… she looks happy,” he turns to you with dismal eyes. “I don’t ever wanna get in the way of that.”
“Do you ever see her here?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, she’s in the back being House Mom, making sure all the girls are taken care of and all that. And I’m sure she doesn’t come up front because she knows Eddie has been trying to play wingman.”
You chuckle. “With a stripper?”
“With anyone,” Steve chuckles. “God that sounds awful. I sound like a loser.”
“Would you stop saying that?” you snap. “You are not a loser, Steve.”
“I know I’m not a loser. Just feel like it sometimes. Especially when it dawns on you that you’ve been living life for other people.”
“I kinda know how you feel.”
You two lock eyes again. Steve rests a hand on top of yours, intertwining your fingers briefly before he begins playing with each of your fingers one by one.
"I guess…going back to the previous topic…” he proceeds. “If I could change anything about myself, I would've done more of what Steve wants to do. Not what Todd and Marsha want Steve to do. Or what Tommy H. and Carol want Steve to do. Because maybe then Nancy and I would’ve been endgame. Or maybe Allison. Possibly Tammy? Who knows? See? Everyone’s world but Steve’s.”
"Steve," you start. "I hope you realize that I have no idea who any of these people are. It’s kinda hard to keep up.”
"And that is such a relief to hear that," he sighs again, this time in exasperation. "I just feel so free talking about them to someone who doesn't know who they are. Hawkins is small, you know. And it’s good that the only bias you can form is in my favor since you only know of me."
You offer him a consoling pat atop the hand, to which he responds by leaning his head on your shoulder. With how tender everything has been with Steve, there’s a temptation to plant a delicate kiss on his forehead. But you stop yourself.
"I'd like to know you, know you, though,” you find yourself saying.
He gazes up at you. You two smile at each other.
“I’d like to know you more too, Shy Girl,” he answers. “If you’d let me.”
“Duh, it’s what I just said.”
He chuckles. “You’re not saying that for the tips?”
“No. Just human to human.”
You stroke his cheek longingly, running your hand along his stubble.
"It's also been a while since I've gotten laid too," you admit. "And I've got a lot of pent up stress I need to release. You seem like a trustworthy person to do that with.”
The energy changes. Steve’s grip on your hand tightens.
"Oh yeah?" He rubs your thumb with his and soon you find yourselves holding hands.
“Sounds like we have a deal then, Shy Girl.”
Before Steve gets any ideas, you interrupt him.
“I don't wanna have sex at work," you admit. "Especially not on the clock."
"Oh, yeah I didn’t think it’d be now. Some people do find that hot though.”
"It's my first day. I can’t disappoint Eddie this early in the game.”
"You're kidding."
You shake your head.
"Wow, I would've thought you've been doing this a while."
You blush. "Thank you. But nope, you’re my Guinea pig.”
Steve continues to gawk in amazement. Then he reaches for his wallet, grabbing a huge wad of Benjamin Franklins and handing it to you.
"Tell you what," Steve bargains. "You buy yourself something nice, get your bills paid, and come through in a couple days. The roomie won't be home so we'll have the place to ourselves. We can get takeout or something too. Whatever makes you comfortable, of course.”
You bite your lip. "I'd like that."
“Good. I’d like that too.”
"So, how was it?" you hear Eddie ask Steve.
"Dude...I just about creamed my pants," he says as you hold back laughter. "You got yourself a good one."
"Nothing's ever too TMI for you, Harrington," Eddie says. "But thanks for the imagery."
"Yeah. I gotta get going now. I got laundry to put away at home. It's been piling so much I think it's going to tip over."
“Roger,” Eddie says before bidding him goodbye. “Oh, speaking of which, did you tip her good?”
“You bet I did. Woman like her needs to be spoiled rotten.”
You make your way back to the dressing room after saying bye to Steve and finishing the flats Argyle had specially made for you. At your locker, you subtly attempt to count the hundreds Steve gave you for his lap dance and talk session. The man left you 10 of them. A whole band.
You were stunned. What did King Steve do for a living anyways? It didn’t matter to you. You had enough for groceries, gas, and a portion of your rent, all earned in an hour’s work, and all yours to keep as Eddie insisted.
The realization makes your heart skip a beat. You and your sister were good for the next few weeks.
Knock, knock.
“Don’t freak out ladies, it’s just me!” Eddie shouts from the other side of the door. “Put your cloaks on I’m coming in!”
You watch as the girls scurry to get their covers back on. The amount of respect Eddie has for his dancers is insane. Perhaps it’s common decency but it was such a striking difference than what you were used to. It warmed your heart in a way, but also made you sad. You deserved this respect all your life.
When Eddie finds you, he starts towards you, a look of approval spread wide across his face. As deeply as you wanted it to be because he found you attractive, you infer that it’s because you’re bringing in good business — and that you’re good, given a small amount of experience with the pole.
You two are face to face now. Eddie speaks up first.
“Steve, uh,” he says. “Steve really likes you.”
“Oh really?” you smile. “I’m glad.”
“You’re just a natural, Shy Girl,” he compliments you. “Everyone’s just raving about you.”
“Based on what I’ve seen so far and what Stevie told me, yeah,” he confirms. “But I guess it’s no surprise. Shy girls are almost always the freakiest, huh?”
You try not to laugh while you’re witnessing the imagination of your boss running in the complete opposite direction of what really happened between you and Steve. Nevertheless, you let him. You didn’t mind taking up space in your dashing boss’s mind.
“You should come to work a little early next time you’re on,” Eddie says. “I’d like to take you to lunch.”
Heat spreads across your cheeks. “Really?”
“‘Course! I do it with all my dancers as a welcome thing. I’d like to know more about you. You’re more than just a pretty face and someone who simply works for me.”
‘I do it with all my dancers.’
Your heart sinks. Back to square one.
Eddie clears his throat.
“Anyway,” he says. “I’m gonna head out now. Gonna go see the lady friend. I’ve got Johnny boy, Argyle, and Henry holding down the fort.”
The tinge in your heart intensifies.
“Oh, sounds fun!”
“Yeah, I rarely see her cuz she bartends. Even though we work similar hours we work opposite days. But she got first cut tonight so I’m heading over.”
“Have fun, Eddie.”
“I sure will,” Eddie says. “Goodnight, Shy Girl.”
“Goodnight, Eddie.”
Eddie soon disappears out of sight and now your shift seems ten times longer. Regardless, you stuff your tips into your tote bag and prepare to meander around the club, enticing other bachelors for a dance.
Without Eddie around, it seems less exciting.
“Doing it for Max,” you remind yourself while fixing your hair in the mirror in front of you.
You reach for your phone to see the amount of time that has transpired since the private show with Steve. But the clock wasn’t your concern when your Home Screen lights up.
Your heart nearly sinks to the floor.
Billy Hargrove
1 Missed Call
Billy Hargrove
iMessage: 1 message
You open it.
What the actual fuck.
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whereireid · 1 year
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
pairing: dark!ex-boss!steve rogers x fem!reader
WORDCOUNT: 4.6k warnings: dubious consent ! - sexually naive reader, rough p in v, oral sex [m + f receiving] - height difference [6'6 steve, 5'3 reader] -, misogyny, sexism: breeding kinks -daddy kink, captain kink. choking, pregnant!reader: spanking, gaslighting- especially shein at the end LOL - emotional abuse, assimilation, kidnapping slight mention - steve gets his happy ending
PSA: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION. THIS CONTENT IS CONSIDERED MATURE. 18+ ! If any of these topics trigger you, please do not indulge in this content! This is a DARK!FIC, and is intended to come across as such. Minors, please dni - this content is 18+ and is under my #WOMNSFW tag.
summary: Once Captain America's assistant, you're now the up-coming mother of his child. After Steve's jealousy finally becomes out of hand, you snap at him, only to realise that's the very last thing you should do to a Super Soldier. He decides that your defiance lights a match to spark the fire of you being a brilliant mother.
It’s not like Steve to get this riled up. It’s just difficult watching you discuss initiative with a rookie rather than paying attention to him. He watches as your small hand falls down to brush over your stomach, wondering if your fingers splay over it as a means to reassure yourself that the baby growing inside of you is okay.
Jealousy isn’t a good look on Steve. He’s not a complete airhead - he knows dames usually don’t like it when a man gets stupidly possessive and starts trying to control them, but he just can’t help it. You’re his - literally. Not only are you literally his personal assistant, but you’re also his fiancé and the mother of his child.
“Sweetheart, don’t you think it’s time we get home now?” His voice booms across the training room, his thick hands coming up to massage your shoulders softly. “This much standing can’t be too good for the baby.”
You're terrible at analysis, Steve realizes. You hadn't even noticed he had approached you - evident by how his touch makes you flinch. He feels your nerves jolt beneath him, but to the regular human eye, nothing appears wrong. Steve admits that you’ve grown incredibly wary of his touch recently, only engaging in displays of affection when around other people. In the comfort of your shared home, though, it’s like when he touches you, your body slithers with disgust.
“I am growing slightly tired.” You throw an apologetic smile over at the rookie you were speaking to, all whilst leaning into Steve's touch willingly. He doesn’t miss the prickles of goosebumps that ripple up your skin, the fear which prickles at the back of your neck. He frowns - has his touch ever been unloving, unkind? “I think it’s best I go home and rest up."
Your mutter a few apologies, which forces an eye roll from Steve. Why are you apologizing to people who aren't even worth your time? Frustrated, he begins to steer you out of the compound quickly, irritated as you shuffle away from his touch as though his mere skin is poison.
The drive back to your shared home is silent. Steve is seething as he drives, his grip on the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are beginning to turn white. He’s tried to be patient and understanding - he really has. But he’s blessed you and he doesn’t understand why you’re so hell-bent on rejecting him and then repenting as though he's a curse. You’re throwing tantrums similarly to what a toddler would, sitting next to him in silence and stewing in unspoken anger, and Steve can’t help but feel slightly hurt by your actions.
Is he not good enough for you? Is that it? Or have you grown tired of him? He has been more than kind, allowing you to still attend work despite the fact you’re growing his child. He has bent and adapted so you do not break, shrugging away every single urge to force tradition upon you.
Perhaps what you need is a sense of tradition. Maybe that will stop the fiery defiance you display, both in public and at home.
“We’re home.” Steve’s voice booms loudly in the car, and you stir from your position, your eyes fluttering open at him.
“Good. I’m tired,” you sigh heavily, forcing yourself out of the car quickly before Steve could come around and open your door for you. “Today’s been exhausting.”
“How so?” Steve almost sneers, grabbing your bag from the car and slamming the driver’s side door shut loudly. “All you do all day is make appointments for me and flirt with other men. It can’t be that difficult.”
You groan, waiting for Steve to unlock the front door before following him into your home. “I don’t flirt with other men, Steve. Stop being so delusional."
You drawl his name out with such annoyance it makes Steve’s jaw twitch. “Really? So you weren't all over that rookie earlier today?” He turns away in annoyance, flicking the light to the living area on. The house keys sway in his fingers, and he chuckles dryly, “give me a break, sweetheart. You were practically begging him to fuck you.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing exasperatedly. “So what if I was begging him to fuck me, Steve?" Your hands fall to your stomach, holding it protectively whilst staring at him with furrowed brows.
Holding something he made.
He stills. “Excuse me?”
The calmness in Steve’s tone makes your blood run cold. You try to ignore how he stops still in the archway of the living area; how his large frame tenses and his fists clench. You suddenly feel as though all the air has been sucked out of the room, and you stumble out (in one last act of pitiful defiance), “so what if I was begging him to fuck me, Steve?“
The drawl of his name is what finally makes him snap. It’s like he sees red - like he can’t believe how you’re actually treating him, despite everything that he’s done for you. Steve’s palm is quickly splayed across your throat, and he growls, sounding similar to that of a wild animal as he begins to try and force you to your knees.
It's not like you don't go down without a fight. You try to resist, somewhat, anyway, but you can’t, because he is so, so much stronger than you are and it’s fucking scary. His hands are so strong that they diminish any force of fight you had within you, as trying to resist him makes you actually feel like your shoulders are going to snap. You whimper pathetically as you kneel before him, staring up at his pupils, which are blown and blackened.
You know better than to irritate him by now, so why do you keep doing it?
“You’re mine,” Steve snaps, his blue eyes icy as he pulls his zipper down. The sharp noise makes you flinch beneath him, trying to shuffle away, but the grip he has on the nape of your neck is tight and holds you in place. “You must be fucking crazy if you think I’d ever let another man touch you. If you think I’ll ever let another man look at you again without consequence.”
His fingers grab at your jaw, forcing your mouth open and you cry out. Steve is visibly angry - furious is perhaps a better word, given the fact he’s practically shaking as grips your face whilst also aggressively pulling his thick, hard cock out of his boxers. “You’re going to have to learn how to put that mouth of yours to better use, doll. It's wasted on those shitty opinions of yours, anyway."
Hands roughly grabbing at your hair, pulling your face towards his cock, you have not much choice but to take him in your mouth. It’s intrusive - terribly so, and Steve manhandles you so roughly it makes your tears prick with tears, but it shamefully sends a throbbing to your pussy. You clench your legs together as you take him, choking as he slides in and out of your mouth until you’re a blubbering mess below him, spit and tears painting your cheeks as he fucks your throat relentlessly.
“Who do you belong to?” He grunts out, pulling so hard at your hair your head pulses. Steve’s hips stutter as you choke around him, your eyes doe-like and wide, covered in wet mascara. “Who the fuck do you belong to?”
“Y-you, Steve,” you choke out as he pulls out of your mouth with an uncomfortable POP!, relishing in the breaths he’s allowing you. “I belong to you.”
Steve's cock is so big it's actually painful. Your throat constricts around his cock as he forces your head down again, grumbling out, “I bet that rookie couldn’t treat you like this. I bet he couldn’t fuck you full of his babies like I have, doll.”
You whine beneath him as he continues to use your throat. Steve is driven entirely by his own pleasure, tiring quickly of your pathetic crying around his cock. With angry thrusts of his hips, Steve watched you gag around him, his cock twitching in your throat as you take all of him in; every inch, and his length is actually somewhat visible in your neck. And it’s driving him crazy- so crazy that he can’t hold back anymore, his rough hands grasping at your hair as he finishes, painting your tongue with his cum.
Steve watches as you choke and thrash against him in an attempt to get away, because his cock and his cum is stuffing your mouth in ways it’s never been stuffed before. It’s suffocating you, and blackness pricks at the corner of your vision - you’re just about to pass out before you Steve mercifully pulls his cock out of your mouth with a disgusting squelch and delivers you a hard slap.
The stinging from his hand sends a sheepish insatiable throbbing to your core that you know will never be satisfied. The tingle which tickles your core makes you clench your thighs, knowing no matter how hard you repent, tonight he will not forgive you.
“This throat is mine to use,” he seethes, his tip still leaking as he presses his cock against your cheek, satisfied with the discomfort that flutters throughout your features. “Say it.”
“This throat is yours to use,” your bottom lip quivers, your eyes spilling tears, some of which fall on Steve’s cock. And it’s shameful how wet you are - how the heat between your legs has grown uncomfortable and how you’re certain your pussy is slick with arousal because somehow it’s all you can focus on. You melt into a weeping puddle, your hands tiny compared to Steve’s cock, desperately trying to push his length away during your tantrum.
It doesn’t work. If anything, it makes him much so much harder - his cock throbs against the skin of your face, and you sniffle as he speaks. “Good girl,” Steve’s praises, his fingers curling in your hair, watching as your eyebrows contort in pain as he tugs gentler than you deserve. “Look at your pretty little face. Covered all over with cum and tears.” He coos, smoothing your hair down gently, a soft pang of love throbbing within his heart.
Your face flushes red, and you blink up, your wet, long lashes batting up at him ridiculously. “I’m sorry,” you murmur, your throat incredibly sore from his invasion, your hands desperately clasping at his thighs, and he watches you in amusement, unable to bite back the excitement as you brush your lips over his length meekly. “Please forgive me, Steve, I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know if I can, honey,” he tells you, his big hands making gentle, loving motions in your hair. It’s a sharp contrast to the aggressiveness of his touch moments beforehand, but you bask in it nonetheless. “You were flirting with that rookie, baby, you said you wanted to fuck him. How am I supposed to forgive you for that?”
“I didn’t say I wanted to fuck him!” you whine, and Steve shakes his head.
“That’s what I heard, baby.”
You sniffle, and Steve shakes his head. Why do you have to lie to him? He doesn’t like making you upset - he certainly doesn’t like hurting you. His pretty girl, sitting in front of him with raw, red knees and an even rawer throat, whose ass is yet to be spanked until the pain renders you unable to move. He hates it, and he wishes this pain on nobody, especially not his little girl. Steve is meant to protect you, not hurt you. He’s your saviour, the one man in your life you can rely on and trust with all of your secrets, and yet you lie to him, again and again and again.
Steve hates making you upset, but he loves watching you cry. Conflict tugs at him from the inside, his thumb making gentle strokes in your hair as you speak to him. “I’m sorry, I really am,” you finally say, sinking beneath him obediently. “I didn’t mean any of it. It’s - its probably just the hormones.”
Steve hums in agreement. “It probably is, doll, but just in case it isn’t…I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.” He sucks in a breath, muttering, “let’s see how sorry you really are, doll.”
It takes everything in Steve not to finish all over again when he pulls you atop of him and you gasp in shock, his big hands forcing your hips down, and before you’re even aware of it, your walls are sheathed around his cock. Tight - so tight, and wet, too: ridiculously so. Shameful squelching sounds flood the living room as Steve fucks up into you with long, even thrusts.
The mewls that escape your throat as your small fingers dig into Steve's frame makes him want to impregnate you al over again. If he could, he would - your pussy is addicting, gripping him just right. You’re like Goldilocks. Your walls are so tight that you're practically milking his cock for his cum -, and he bites your neck slightly as you shake and tremble against him, your first orgasm crashing over you like a wave. Hot flashes come over you as your core tightens, the coil inside of you snapping- your little legs shake and you hold onto Steve for support, who rides you through your orgasm.
“This pussy is mine,” he practically growls, his fingers clawing around your throat, palm splayed against it uncomfortably. You thrash wildly when he squeezes, but Steve doesn’t care: you don’t deserve him, not at all, not one bit - he is Captain America! He can do what he wants!
“This pussy is yours,” you rasp as his cock nestles against the spongy spot inside of your pussy, your hips desperately rolling to get any source of friction. “Please, Steve! It’s all yours! Wanna cum again! Wanna cum!”
As you cry desperately, your frame pressing up against his, Steve grins, thrusting up into you painfully slow. The motion is enough, though. It sends sparks of pleasure shooting up your spine, and your coil tightens - it grows tighter every single time he moves, the brush of his cock against the insanely sensitive spot inside of you making your legs quiver.
“You love it. I know you love it, sweetheart. Being filled with my baby. It makes you real wet, doesn’t it, doll?" His voice is gentle, and he peppers soft kisses against your neck, eradicating the pain he had left behind earlier.
"Mhm. I love it and I love you, Steve," you agree eagerly, your hands digging into his shoulders, your timid body taking every slow, dragged thrust of his. “I’m so close.”
Your whimpers make his cock twitch inside of you. You sound heavenly - angelic, the gentle moans that slip past your lips making him wish he could just give you his baby all over again. And he will, after you’ve had this one - god, he can’t wait to pump you full of his babies again and again and again. Steve's hands grip your hips gently, his eyes fluttering shut as your velvety walls squeeze him again, so soft and perfect, and he lets out a hearty moan which makes the knot inside of you tighten.
"I want it," you whimper, your nose brushing against his, and you gaze up at him through wet lashes. “Please.”
Your begging makes Steve bloom with pride, and at your words, he thrusts up into you harder. It's not long before you're bouncing quickly atop him, mewls and cries of pleasure slipping past your lips. Your curls fall messily in front of your eyes, and he sucks in a breath at the ecstatic state of you: you’re desperate - so close to your edge, again. Your cheeks are warm and messy, and the sounds of slick bouncing off of the living room walls makes you feel more cockdrunk than you already are.
And then you begin to come undone atop of him.
He does, too. Steve loves it. Your velvet walls squeeze him so tightly that you’re milking him - you take in every drop of his cum, and as his hips still inside of you, Steve places gentle kisses against your nose.
Your big, beautiful eyes stare back at him, your hips juddering against his. You pant, your nails digging into his chest as you steady yourself atop of him. For a second, you can’t believe it - you really let Steve use you again.
But he loves you. And then conflict tugs at you all over again, because he is a good guy, incredibly so! He’s Captain America, his job is literally to protect you - and hasn’t he done exactly that? You’re the most protected person in America right now, considering the fact you’re pumped full of his babies.
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?”
You nod. “I- I do, Steve.” Your voice trembles, leaning your body weight against his, unable to hold yourself up.
“Good girl.” He brushes his nose against yours, smiling as you tremble against him. “That’s all you’ll ever have to do.”
As Steve carries you to bed, tucking you in tightly, he smiles down at you. He’s glad he’s finally changed the locks, and he’s glad that you don’t have one of the new keys.
He can keep you here now until he thinks you’re ready to go. Until you’re ready to accept your place as Mrs. America.
What you used to call kidnapping, Steve called assimilation.
You’re not locked in his house, unable to go home, unable to contact any family or friends. No, you’re just in an educational program, learning how to be a perfect housewife. That’s what Steve says, anyway, snickering away to himself as he does.
It’s lonely, and it’s scary. Yet you have nothing to fear, especially when Steve comes home. He wraps you in his arms, engulfing you in his scent, pressing you against his brawny body as though you’re his world. You breathe him in, clutching at him desperately, thankful that he’s coming home safe and sound.
It’s been so long the thought of escaping no longer even brushes your thoughts, but still, Steve wonders if you have realised your place. He can’t risk letting you out if you haven’t - but then again, who would believe you? A pregnant woman whose husband represents all of the stars and stripes?
Still, he can’t help but worry about you. Have you assimilated? Have you learnt? It’s a question that Steve isn’t sure of the answer, but as you curl into his big frame, he believes that you have. Perhaps you’ve finally learnt it’s easier to comply with the Captain’s orders than to defy them.
“How has your day been, Steve?” you ask, nudging your head into the corner of his neck as he presses his palms against your stomach. He’s big and warm, comforting and strong, peppering gentle kisses against your face, praising you for being such a gorgeous girl.
You’re bulging now. Practically ready to give birth at any second. It sends a gentle ache to Steve’s length, his lips pressing lovingly against your stomach. He loves coming home to you. He always has, even when you defied him and cried and begged him to just treat you like a colleague again. It’s selfish - Steve knows it’s selfish - but he just couldn’t ever go back to not knowing you. Now that he has you, he can’t let you go. Ever.
“Work was fine. Buck and I had to do introduction training with some rookies. They didn’t even leave a scratch.” Steve laughs, hooking his fingers in your sweatpants, tugging them down slightly so your entire stomach is on display. “How was your day, mama? Productive?”
It is slightly distracting as Steve kisses your belly. You scrunch your eyebrows in concentration, your fingers resting in his blond locks. “I painted some of the nursery.” You say shyly, face flushing as he begins to murmur sweet nothings to your stomach. “Just did the trims. There was a few deliveries that came, too, but they were too heavy for me to move. Didn’t wanna hurt myself.”
“Good girl.” Steve’s breath fans against your stomach, his head nestling against you, his hands tugging your sweatpants down some more. “I’ll move them after dinner, get ‘em all sorted,” he tells you, eyes eagerly trained in on your panties as your sweatpants drop to the floor.
It takes everything in him not to let an audible groan crawl out of his mouth. The panties you’re wearing are lacy and baby pink - similar to the ones you wore the first time he fucked you, and it sends another terrible ache to his cock. You squeal as Steve presses a soft kiss to your clothed pussy, and he can hear how quickly your heart begins to race in your chest.
“Steve - Steve, stop, I have a question. Steve, it’s serious!” He stops, looking up at you with his big blue eyes which glisten with mischief. You almost don’t want to ask because he seems so giddy - but then you have caught him in a good mood, so you’ll risk it anyway. Your heart tightens in your chest, and your lips set into a frown when you ask, “I was wondering - uh, when I have our baby - could I - could I go back to work?”
Steve reacts like you’ve just slapped him across the face. His smile drops, and his eyebrows furrow. Just when he thinks you've learned, when he thinks he’s finally flushed you out of this ridiculous twenty-first-century feminist bullshit, it drags you back in.
A woman’s place is not at work. It’s in the home.
"Why do you need to work when you have me?" Steve's voice is eerily calm, and his stubble brushes against your inner thigh. You still against him, tense as your fingers stop in his hair, and he can hear your heart gently racing in your chest.
"It's - it's just something I'd like to do. To keep myself occupied."
Steve groans, rubbing his nose into your skin. "You will be occupied, doll. You'll have a baby to raise."
You gnaw at your lip. Steve’s eyes are intense, and he tries not to bark out an order for you to stop. gnawing on your lips. He despises it when you do that. “We could always get a babysitter so I could go back to work,” you suggest, voice faltering when you notice his eyes darken slightly.
"No. It is your job as a mother to look after our children, sweetheart.” He shakes his head. “Besides, I don’t trust anybody else to raise them.”
"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Steve grunts from below you, his blue eyes darkening as he gazes up at you. "In fact, I don't want this mentioned again - ever - do I make myself clear?"
“Do I make myself clear?”
You pout, nodding silently, and Steve lets out an exasperated sigh. His cool breath fans against your thigh, and his thumb doesn’t stop brushing your stomach. He wonders where he ever went wrong with you. You’ve been so good recently, and he ponders on why you have to ruin it. Steve thinks you do it on purpose, rile him up as a way to show one last act of fiery defiance.
He’ll be the bigger person today.
“I can work for us. I can provide for us. Your job as my personal assistant is irrelevant now that you’re carrying our baby.” Steve peppers another gentle kiss against your clothed pussy, and you shudder, your eyes fluttering shut slightly as his fingers hook around the waistband of your underwear, gently beginning pulling them down. “You’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted. Everything you’ve ever needed. Put your faith in me, doll, that’s all I ask.”
“Okay, Steve.” Your throat feels tight when you swallow, your knees buckling slightly as Steve’s tongue licks a stripe up your pussy. It sends you by surprise - a hot white flash shoots up through your spine as you tighten your grip in his hair.
“You're soaking, doll,” he murmurs as he parts your thighs with his hands, pressing gentle kisses against your heat. It does feel good - Steve's entire focus is you, and he gently rolls his tongue against your nub, circling his tongue from your clit to your hole and then back up to your clit. "Do you just love the thought of having my babies and taking care of them, baby? Does it get you as riled up as it does me?”
It's embarrassing that Steve's words make your pussy throb. It's even more embarrassing that he knows, a satisfied smirk painting his lips as he dips his tongue into your sweet nectar again. His tongue darts around your clit, and your knees wobble slightly at the action, your hands gripping onto him for support. "Roll against my face, baby, it's okay. I know you want to." His words of encouragement make you mewl, and you do just that - roll your hips against his face, your vision going starry as his tongue swirls against your clit perfectly, the stimulation making the knot in your stomach tighten.
"Steve," you whimper out, your eyes fluttering shut as your legs wobble, his large hands coming up to hold them in place. The feeling of his fingers darting across your thighs sends butterflies to your stomach, and you whine as his tongue keeps flicking against you, making sure to hit every angle of yours he knows that you like.
You hate how much he knows you. You hate how he knows that you're about to cum as your legs give way. Steve hums, the vibrations sending shocks to your pussy, your fingers curling in his hair, the grip tight. You see stars, and hot flashes shoot through you - the knot inside of you tightens and tightens until you feel it snap, to which you cry out, flooding Steve's face with your wetness. And he loves it - he fucking loves it, soothing praises escaping his lips as he quite literally licks your clean, his fingers rubbing soft circles on your thighs.
It's terrible how much you ache when he pulls away from you, how much you miss the feeling of his hot breath fanning against your pussy. Steve stands, his head nestling in your neck, his hands rubbing smooth circles against your stomach. You pant against him, still coming down from your high when you hear a timer ding in the distance of your kitchen.
"Dinner's ready," you murmur, looking up at Steve, flushing as his deep blue eyes stare down at you.
"Dessert before dinner. Not my usual go-to," he comments, to which you laugh.
When he enters the kitchen, the table is already set. You both eat with no mention of your old job - it’s like all defiance within you has melted away, opting to believe that Steve is right. Opting to believe that Steve will do right by you.
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splendidreads · 1 year
‘Take The Trash Out’
Just a blurb about Bucky catching your POS ex boyfriend being abusive.
Warnings: Abuse, cursing, mentions of sexual interactions, possessive/protective/angry Bucky Barnes, two idiots who finally realize they love each other. Oh, and Steve.
Word count: 1167
My first little blurb. Idk if I like it, but oh whale.
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“How did you even get in here?!”
John scoffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed the room to Y/N, “What, you think that just because you’ve got some supers in your corner, means that I can’t get to you?” He shook his head, going ‘tsk tsk tsk’.
“You need to leave before I call said ‘supers’ to my room. Tony won’t take kindly to someone like you breaking and entering.” Y/N crossed her arms on her chest, her words loud and strong, but then John’s hand came up and grasped her face. A bit too hard.
“Let go of me!”
“No. You will shut that mouth of yours, and come back home with me.” His words were sharp, and threatening.
“No!” Y/N smacked his arm away from her, her cheeks red from how hard he held her, “We broke up over a month ago John, I don’t want you in my life. Now get out!”
Before Y/N could even blink, a painful smacking sound echoed through the room. A loud gasp came from her lips, her hand rising to hold onto her now throbbing face. Her eyes were wide, staring at the man in front of her.
Her eyes darted to her open bedroom door, seeing both Bucky and Steve standing there.. Seeing the look on her face was enough evidence for both men to realize what had just happened. Bucky’s jaw clenched as he and Steve both walked into the room.
“You need to leave.” Bucky walked up behind John, and John’s eyes narrowed.
“It wasn’t exactly a request.” Steve said, crossing his arms on his chest.
John tried to stand up straight, puff his chest out.. But he still looked small compared to the two super soldiers in front of him. Bucky’s eyes went to Y/N, who was standing there completely shocked, holding her face.
“No. She’s coming with me.” John said, crossing his arms on his chest.
“Look, either you walk out willingly.. Or I drag you out, in which case, you might not be breathing anymore.. you choose.” Bucky’s words were strong, deep, and quite threatening.
Y/N finally snapped out of her shock, and moved away from John, walking to stand behind Bucky and Steve. John’s eyes glared at her, his jaw stiffening. “Get. Out.” She said to him, putting her hand on Bucky’s lower back.
Bucky noticed it, and did his best to hide a smile.. but John noticed it as well.
“What, him? Really?” John’s laugh came out like a cackle, “HIM? Really, Y/N? He’s a murderer!”
“Don’t even get me started John. Fuck whatever you have to say! You have no words that would make me ever want you back. What I chose to do, is none of your business.. But, if you wanna talk about it, at least Bucky would treat me right! He’d sure as hell treat me better than you ever could!” Y/Ns words came out strong, staring up at John.
“But I know you, Y/N. I know what you like.. what you don’t like…” John eyed her up and down, a smirk forming on his face.
A chill ran through Y/Ns body, “No, you don’t. You wouldn’t have a single clue.”
“And you think he would?” John rolled his eyes, “He’s a hundred something years old, Y/N! He probably has problems getting it up-“
Those words were quite the mistake, and John was quick to learn that.
Bucky’s vibranium hand was on his throat quickly, lifting him up into the air, “John, I don’t like you. Never have. Y/Ns too good for you.” His words were deep, his eyes piercing through John’s while he wriggled in his grasp.
“Buck…” Steve’s voice warned, but Y/N shook her head.
“He deserves whatever he’s got coming to him.” Her voice said, crossing her arms on her chest.
A low growl emerged from Bucky’s throat, his hand tightening on John’s neck, “Just so you know, and I really want you to know this…” He lowered John down just enough so that he could speak into his ear, “If Y/N ever decided she wanted me, she’d make me the happiest man alive. And, just because you brought it up..” He chuckled, “I’ll make sure to let you know what it’s like, to actually satisfy her. I guarantee to you that I’ll hear sounds from her that you couldn’t even dream about.”
John gasped against Bucky’s hold, trying to fight against him, but his face was starting to turn the wrong shade..
Y/Ns eyes were wide, trying to process Bucky’s words.
“Buck, let him go.” Y/Ns voice came out soft, her hand reaching up to rest on his shoulder.
Bucky turned to look at her, his gaze softening. His grip on John however, did not. He moved him over, almost tossing him to Steve.
“Take this trash out, would ya?” He asked Steve, and he simply nodded.
“Let’s go.” Steve said to him, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt.
“Fuck you Y/N!” John shouted, as he was dragged out of her room.
“Never again!!” She yelled after him.
The room was silent for a long moment, Bucky’s eyes glued on the doorway, making sure that John was really gone. Y/Ns hand went to her cheek, finding that it was actually really sore, a soft gasp of pain escaping her lips. Bucky snapped out of his angry trance, and moved towards her.
“Doll.. Are you alright?” His eyebrows furrowed together, a look of worry in his eyes.
Y/N looked up into his eyes, his icy irises staring down into her own, “What you said…” She paused, searching his eyes, “Did you… I mean..”
“Did I mean it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Y/N nodded her head, and his answer surprised her.
In one swift motion, Bucky’s flesh arm wrapped around her waist, pulling their bodies together. He lowered his head so that their foreheads met, his orbs staring into hers.
“I meant every word.” He said to her, his voice deep, yet comforting.
“Thank god.” Y/N barely finished her words before she wrapped her arms around his neck, and closed the distance between their lips.
It was a strong, passionate kiss, both of their mouths moving in sync with one another. Steve had actually come back to tell them that John was taken care of, but seeing them in each others arms like that… He smiled, and silently left.
Y/N slowly parted the kiss, breathlessly looking up at him, a grin on her face. Bucky chuckled softly, his vibranium hand coming up to gently caress where John had hit her. A shiver rolled through her body, the coolness of the metal was comforting against her hot flesh.
“Now… Since that’s out of the way.. how ‘bout we go put my words to good use, and see what kinda pretty little sounds that mouth of yours can make.”
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King of Hearts
Chapter 1 - Long Live the King!
A Mafia!Steve Harrington AU (featuring Mafia!Eddie Munson)
Chapter Summary: The Mafia world is on edge when Steve Harrington comes back to town to take over for his father. His presence sets off a whirlwind of emotions that you'd thought you'd buried long ago.
18+ Only! Minors DNI! (Future smut and mature themes!)
CW: Slow burn. Exes to lovers. Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is referred to as "Dove." Angst. Pining. Reader is married to an abusive asshole (this will get worse as the story progresses). Reader is assaulted. Talk of death. Funeral. Drug use/abuse.
WC: 6.1K
You crept through the foyer, hoping the small sound of the door closing wouldn’t rouse anyone in the large house.
Removing your heels from your stocking clad feet, so that you could silently move through the room and quickly check your surroundings, pausing, listening. You were met with nothing but the sound of your heartbeat reverberating in your chest.
You thought you were in the clear, but your false sense of security was quickly shattered, rounding the corner only to be met with your husband’s steely glare. A cigarette and stiff drink in hand. He was home early.
Nikolai was a large, intimidating man with broad shoulders, sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that threatened to set anyone aflame that came near.
He was sitting in front of the large fireplace in the study. When you caught his gaze, he bid you to come forward as he set the drink down. Brining the cigarette to his lips, taking a long inhale before resting it alongside his drink.
Dressed in his usual suit, his jacket left on the chair behind him, leaving him in a white button up with the sleeves rolled up on his forearms revealing an expanse of black ink beneath.
You shuffled forward slowly, crossing your arms behind your back with your heels still dangling from your fingertips.
“Tough day, my love?” he cooed, in a sickly-sweet voice that would almost sound sincere to anyone else. His lips turned up into a cruel smirk as he turned to look at you.
You hated it when he called you that. There was only one man that said it and ever truly meant it.
“You know exactly how my day has been.” You hissed, already over his little games.
“Now kitten, a little birdie told me you were seen with him. Though, it doesn't come as a surprise.” Calm tone, but you knew that was about to change. The literal calm before the storm.
“Nik,” you started, his palm met your cheek with a sharp smack that echoed in the otherwise quiet space, along with the thud of your heels that fell from your grasp. Your eye instantly welled, unable to control the tears forming from the force of his blow. Pain instantly searing the skin.
You could taste the familiar metallic tang in your mouth, as you reached up trying to soothe the discomfort. Yet another bruise to hide in the morning.
Ever defiant, you raise your head slowly, to meet his cold, indifferent gaze.
He gripped your chin, forcing your face closer to his.
“Now, kitten,” no feeling whatsoever behind those words.
“This kind of behavior just won’t do for my reputation. I can't let you go whoring around with him out in public, making me look like a fool in the process.”
He removed his hand slightly, only to cup your cheek engulfing it with his large palm. It was tender, a stark contrast to the pain he had just inflicted. Raised welts beginning to form under his touch.
Playing this same game a dozen times over, you know how it ends. One moment an enraged monster, the next a doting husband.
He pushed your face a little harshly, putting some distance between you to take his leave.
“Clean yourself up and get ready for dinner. Your father will be joining us.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, catching the back of your head pressing you closer to his larger frame. You made no attempt to push him away, knowing it would only spur his anger.
He released you, grabbing his jacket and turning back one last time before he spoke.
“And kitten, end it. Or I will.”
Your father, the head of the crime ring. Your husband, a marriage for alliance. You, an heiress to the proverbial throne.
You didn’t want any of it. Caught in the middle and destined to forever be separated from the man you loved.
You thought you were being careful. You both should have known better.
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8 Weeks Earlier
The gallery you managed downtown was your escape from all things family or business related. Here you could be your own person, not feeling bound by duty or marriage. It was your grandmother that instilled a love of art within you at a very young age taking you to art exhibits or museums around the city. You fell in love with the beauty and feeling of it all.
A new piece had just been delivered that you were examining, thoroughly ignoring your surroundings as usual, much too focused on the matter at hand.
You hadn’t heard him enter, as he came to stand directly behind you, pressed in much too close.
Tiny glasses perched toward the end of your nose; he watched the way you were so intently focused on nothing else in the world carefully focusing, stopping only to write small notes on the clipboard in your grasp.
“Little Dove,” clearing his throat slightly, startling you a bit.
You whirled around, only to be met with golden caramel mossy framed eyes staring back at you. The nickname uttered from his lips like soft silk.
“Steve?” you asked, almost breathless. You thought it would be a cold day in hell before you saw him again.
“In the flesh.” He grinned softly, holding his arms out as if showing himself off. Dressed in a navy-blue pinstripe suit and gray turtleneck that you were sure came straight from Italy just as he had.
“What… What are you doing here?” your tone more whispered as you looked around to make sure no one was watching.
“It’s ok, I made sure to slip past them. Your tails… uh… aren’t that great.” He whispered back in a mocking tone, chuckling lightly.
“You look…” you studied the man before you. “You look different, good.”
The last time you had seen Steve he still had his boyish features, but a man stood before you now. Rugged, but clean cut, sporting shorter, more tamed hair with slight stubble lining his jaw. He was even more handsome than you remembered. Italy seemed to be treating him well.
There was an air about him that commanded attention. When he entered a crowded room, he knew everyone would fall in line. A far cry from that party boy years ago. A boy that only ever had eyes for one girl, the woman stood before him now.
“Tesoro, leave it to you to find a job surrounded by beauty but you are the most beautiful piece here.” He smiled that crooked grin that always made you melt, his words syrupy sweet, cheeks heating at the praise.
You clutched the clipboard in your hands closer to your chest, face casting downward as an attempt to hide the blush that crept across your face.
You'd been told you were beautiful by countless men your entire life but when it came from the one man that mattered you turned into a shy mess.
His attention suddenly made it feel like all those years ago, hiding away in a dark corner as he spoke sweet nothings into your ear. Trailing kisses down your neck. Telling you the endless things he'd do for you, or to you.
Two young lovers hidden away from the world with nothing but dreams in their heads and stars in their eyes. Still naive to how cruel and unfair the world could truly be.
Eight years since you've seen him and yet staring at him before you it's as if not a single day has passed. It would be so easy to pick up where you left off, if only…
You snapped out of it, suddenly realizing the only reason he'd be back, shifting your gaze back to him.
“I'm sorry to hear about your father.” His smile fading as he nodded. “I know you two never saw eye to eye, but…”
“It’s okay Dove.” He slid his hands into the pockets of his trousers, eyes casting downward. “It was only a matter of time. He'd been hiding the cancer diagnosis for months now.”
So, it wasn't a rival family or hired hitman that took him out. It was cancer. Everyone had been wondering when the news had come.
“I was still sorry to hear it, Steve.” You hesitantly reached out and rested your hand on his arm, squeezing lightly. “How's Pip holding up?”
Steve's younger sister, never seeing the cruel side of Richard Harrington the way he had. Pip was his Princess and she never let anyone forget that. She went to live with her mother when she was very young, only seeing Richard on holidays and birthdays. It was only natural she was devastated from his death.
“About as well as you'd expect. She uh…” pausing to scratch at his brow. A habit he always had when he was trying to find his words. “She's not doing well. I'm not sure how she's going to get through it tomorrow. I’m sending her back to live with mamma. I think it'll do her some good to get out of the city for a while.”
You didn't pry, knowing Pip was a little reckless and wild. She always gave Steve a run for his money when they were younger. Seems things hadn't changed much for her.
“I'm surprised she's listening to you.” You laughed out.
“I'm not giving her a choice.” You nodded in understanding. Steve was already taking his new role as head of the family very seriously, but you'd expect nothing less.
He was born to one day take over for his father, trained and taught all the ins and outs of this life from a very young age. He would, no doubt in your mind, lead the entire city one day, especially hearing the rumors from across the sea about how ruthless he could be, but you couldn't quite imagine the Steve you once knew to be anything but the kind, caring gentleman before you.
In this world, those kinds of assumptions are what get you killed, and you knew full well Steve had changed. You were unsure of just how much.
As comfortable silence fell between you, he allowed himself to let his eyes linger over you once more. Your back stiffened as you looked from the entrance back to him, shattering this moment of peace as reality settled back in.
“Well, Mr. Harrington it's been nice seeing you, but I must get back to work before those two idiots do their walk through to check up on me.”
“Ms. Alexander.” He smiled, nodding his goodbye.
“It's Mrs. Alexander-Petrov, but you know that.” He did know, but his jaw tightened when he heard it spoken aloud. To imagine you and Nikolai Petrov together made his blood boil.
Little Niki had been a vile womanizer. He and Steve knew each other from boyhood and their father’s dealings. He just hoped he was good to you and worships you the way he himself wishes he could.
“Right. Apologies Mrs. Alexander-Petrov. I'll see myself out. Take care, Tesoro.”
“Tell Eddie I said hi.” You called after him.
“Of course, Dove.” Stopping to look at you one last time.
You watched him exit out the back, through the alleyway.
There was still something there. That spark you couldn't deny. Maybe it was just you looking for closure but deep down you knew it would never truly be over between you. He
was your first love, always hoping he would have been your last.
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It was a somber affair with a huge turnout. The Church was packed full of mournful guests.
For a funeral, it was still lavish. Old world money mixed with new. Women flaunting their Gucci or Louis Vuitton came second nature. Men with their expensive suits and gold watches. Any excuse to flaunt the wealth they had accumulated.
Family and business associates mingled, sewing together their tales and fond memories of the late Richard Harrington.
If you looked closely at the crowd, you could spot a few enemies mixed within, come to see the bastard exactly where they'd wished him to be.
As is tradition, you didn't necessarily come to pay respect to the dead, but you still paid respect to the family.
Steve and Pip, at the head of the church, accepting well wishes from each person that passed by. Eddie stood a few feet away giving them space but if anyone truly knew him, he was just as much family as the Harrington siblings.
Steve was stoic. From the moment you spotted him, you could tell he was trying to be strong. You couldn't help thinking of how handsome he looks, even in this setting. Pip could never hide her emotions, every person she talked with sent a fresh wave of tears flowing.
You had accompanied your father, David Alexander. Nikolai had excused himself from coming at the last minute, saying he had an emergency to take care of at the club. You didn't buy his lie but didn't bother arguing.
You had dressed simply, all black like the rest of the crowd. Knee length, quarter sleeved dress. Tight, but not suffocating. Modest compared to Pip’s attire. That girl never knew how to do anything simple or modest, her flamboyant personality would never allow it.
You both stood in line to see them, your eyes darting back up to Steve every few minutes.
“You're too quiet. What's eating at you?” Your dad leaned over to whisper.
“Hmm?” Your eyes shot up to his. “Nothing, just a lot on my mind.”
He squinted down at you as your head drifted toward the front once again. He followed your gaze, softly smiling to himself.
“Steven’s looking well, no? That boy has really grown into his own.”
You placed your arm around his when he extended his elbow, comfortably settling your hand to his forearm as he led you down the aisle.
“Yes, he looks well.” You hummed and nodded.
Your father grinned to himself as your eyes traveled back toward the front. He patted your hand and sighed as the line in front of you began to dwindle.
The couple ahead of you peeled themselves away from the siblings. Revealing you and your father to them.
Steve's eyes lit up immediately, but he held his solemn expression trying not to give himself away.
Your father spoke up first.
“Steven, my boy,” holding out his hand to greet him. “It's good to see you. My condolences, to you and your sister.”
Steve shook his hand, “Thank you, Mr. Alexander.”
“Please, call me David, son.” It made your heart warm faintly at the thought of your father seeing Steve for not only the man he now was but as an equal, first name basis was usually left for business partners or family only. Your father commanded an air of respect, especially from other families.
Their small talk faded from you as you looked over at Pip. She was so different from the last time you'd seen her. Her frame appearing thin with a sickly pallor accompanying dark sunken eyes.
When she spotted you staring at her, she smiled sweetly, reaching out to hug you.
“Dove!” She almost shrieked.
Your arms hugged her tightly to your chest, confirming what your eyes had seen. She was thin, strikingly so, filling you with worry.
“Pip, I’m so sorry sweet girl.” You soothingly rubbed her back, as a sob racked her body. You let her shed a few tears as she sniffed and leaned back up wiping at her cheeks.
“I’ll be okay, it's just hard knowing he's truly gone. But it's so good to see you. Let's catch up soon.” You nodded, squeezing her hand gently. She didn't let go immediately, grasping a little harder.
“Dove, will you please sit with me during the service?” Her eyes softly pleading, reminding you of your days as children when she would beg you to play a game or watch a movie instead of hanging out with her brother. She was by all accounts your little sister too.
“If it's alright with Steve, I…”
“Steve doesn't care. Do you, Stevie?” Her hand flew up, batting his chest as he gritted his teeth releasing a harsh breath.
“Not at all, Dove. But only if you're comfortable with…”
“She's fine Steve. Thank you, Dove!” She hugged you once more as you heard Steve mumble, “anything for the Princess.”
She shot him a glare before releasing you as you turned your attention toward him.
“Steve, I'm so sorry.” You wound your arms around his neck. His stiff demeanor immediately deflated and melted with your soft touch as his arms found their way around your waist, pressing you further into him. His scent enveloped you, smelling of the warm, spicy cologne he wore.
You held each other for a moment too long, getting lost in the warmth of his embrace, finally coming to your senses and easing back.
“I guess I'll see you up there.” Taking a step further back, seeing him nod.
“I…” He was about to speak before someone cut him off with more condolences as you shied away searching for your father who had already taken a seat in the back, speaking with some men that ran in his circle.
You weaved your way in and out of the crowd. Chatting with familiar faces and being polite to those you didn't quite know.
As the music began to play, everyone found their respective seats for the service to begin. You made your way to the front, feeling eyes on you as you went.
Pip was seated right beside Steve, but once she spotted you, she scooted over. Patting the space between the two of them.
You sat closer to her, trying not to crowd Steve into the corner.
“Thank you, Dove.” She whispered, taking your hand in hers. Black gloves covering her dainty fingers.
“Of course.” You stared ahead, trying not to cut your eyes over to him. The small space between you didn't shield you from the heat that radiated from him.
He remained quiet, but you heard him sigh softly. You wished you could hold his hand and bring him some sense of comfort. In another time and place you could imagine taking your seat beside him without the judgmental looks and hushed whispers.
The service went swiftly, Pip leaning on your shoulder and clutching your hand the entire time as she sobbed and sniffled. Steve maintained the same level of stoicism throughout.
You lost your mother at a very young age. The loss of a parent is something you never truly get over. You could relate in some sense, though you never truly knew your mother.
“Dove, you can ride with us to the cemetery. There's more than enough room.” She leaned over to whisper while they were finishing up, garnering Steve's attention as well.
“Pip.” He hissed, throwing her a warning glare.
“What?” She whispered more loudly, looking past you then.
“I'm sure she doesn't have all day to babysit you.” He said it without looking back at her.
You could see the sadness slowly subside on her face, as it was replaced with anger.
“Fuck you, Steve.” She spat, getting up from her seat, loud in the relatively quiet space while the priest was finishing his last prayer, momentarily causing him to pause, as she stomped down the aisle.
You were taken aback by the outburst but not surprised. Pip was a loose cannon, especially when it came to Steve. Two such domineering personalities that always clashed.
He was about to get up, but you grabbed his forearm stopping him, as he looked at you with a furrowed brow.
“Hey, don't worry. I'll go after her. You stay.” You reassured him.
“You don't have to do that. She's just…” he whispered.
“No, it's okay. Let me go talk to her.”
He nodded, as you slid from the seat. Holding your head high as you followed her, avoiding sideways gazes thrown your way.
You found her sitting on the steps outside the church, smoking a cigarette. Her mascara had begun to run but she hasn't bothered trying to wipe it away this time.
“Hey, you.” You lowered yourself down, knocking your shoulder into hers as you sat.
She took a long drag, exhaling toward the sky as the smoke curled away from her lips, letting the ashes fall to the concrete beside her.
“He doesn't have to treat me like a child. I know I've got issues but I'm not a fucking child. Mr. I don't show my emotions so you shouldn't either. Our dad died. You think the least he could do is show me a little compassion or act like he gives a shit.” She released a tagged sigh, taking the cigarette to her lips once more.
“I don't think he necessarily means to make you feel like that. Steve has a lot on his shoulders and your dad, well… he and Steve never saw eye to eye. I know he's hurting too, but he has to be strong. You know how it is with these men.” You rubbed soothing circles to her back as you spoke.
She sniffed, pulling a tissue out to wipe her face.
“I can ride to the cemetery with you. I don't mind.”
“That'd be nice.” A faint smile crossed her face, as you wrapped your arm around her waist. “I'm going to get cleaned up. Wait for me?”
“Of course.” You helped her up, following her back into the lobby as the service ended, watching her disappear into the restroom.
You caught your father on his way out, letting him know you were going with them, and he could head home if he needed to.
“If you're sure.” He kissed your forehead, before leaving you to stand by the door waiting for her to exit, when Steve strode up beside you.
“Where's Pip?!” He asked, a little breathless.
“She's in the restroom.” As soon as you got the sentence out, he began to bang on the door, twisting the knob.
“Steve, what're you doing? For God's sake, give her a little privacy.” You pleaded.
“Pip, open the goddamn door.” He rushed out, pounding his fists harder than before, looking worried when he was met with silence.
“Steve?” You looked around, a crowd slowly gathering around at his outburst.
“Just step back, I'm knocking the door down.”
You did as you were told, with your heart beginning to pound in your chest at how worried he seemed.
“Pip, I'm coming in!” He shouted, before his shoulder slammed into it, knocking it open as he rushed in.
You turned the corner to see Pip, slumped over against the back wall passed out. Your mind didn't comprehend what you were seeing at first.
He knelt down beside her, pulling her face up and lightly slapping her cheek.
“Pip! Wake up! Goddamnit!” His fingers flew to her neck, checking for a pulse.
It all seemed to be happening in slow motion as you watched the scene unfold. Eddie rushed in beside you, as Steve yelled at him to bring the car around, lifting her up with him from the ground, moving aside as he passed you.
It was frantic, the sea or people parting to let them go by as you stood there in shock. Watching Steve run with her lifeless body in tow.
Only coming to your senses when you hear someone close by seemingly laughing at the scene. “Pip, always the life of the party.” They sneered.
You looked around the small bathroom, spotting her purse on the floor, quickly picking it up and taking it with you avoiding the gazes of onlookers but keeping your head held high all the way.
Richard Harrington was buried while colleagues and friends looked on. None of his children were there to see him interred.
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You were ringing your hands in the back seat as your chauffeur took you across town the next morning. Nerves getting the better of you.
It has been years since you've seen the Harrington residence but as soon as it comes into view memories begin to flood your mind.
There were the sweet moments when you were young children. Playing in the garden or swimming in the pool. You, Steve and Pip. Much simpler times when a game of hide and seek could keep you all occupied for hours.
Isabella Harrington had finally had enough right after Steve turned 10, leaving Richard and taking Pip with her back to Italy. She didn't leave Steve to fend for himself intentionally but given the option of losing both her children or taking Pip, she has no other choice.
Suddenly, the play dates were dwindling, and you began to see less and less of Steve. Separate schools made it even harder but despite it all you remained close.
You'd been in love with Steve since you were 12 when he told you that one day he was going to marry you and gave you your first kiss behind the pool house.
So caught up in your thoughts you hadn't heard the driver or noticed the car had stopped.
“Miss? Are you alright?” He said a little louder, catching your attention and thoroughly pulling you from your daydream.
“Hmmmm? Yes, fine, thank you.” Replying quickly.
“We’ve arrived, Mrs. Petrov.” He said as he exited the car, coming around to get your door.
“Thank you,” you whispered as you removed yourself, neck craning upward. The house seemed bigger, more intimidating than you remembered.
Immediately clocking several security personnel stationed in various positions around the yard, no doubt already alerting him to your arrival as you stepped across the cobblestone drive, heels a little unsteady against the uneven stone.
Reaching the few steps to the large front door, it opened before you had the chance to knock.
“Hi stranger!” Eddie beamed down at you. Curls tied back into a low bun, still dressed to impress. Burgundy silk dress shirt thrown over his frame, tattooed forearms on display. He was handsome in his own right.
“Hi Eddie! How have you been?” You stepped closer to him, pulling him in for a quick hug. “Sorry we didn't get to chat yesterday.”
“Doing well, and don't sweat it. There was a lot going on.” He laughed, albeit a little nervously as he pulled back. “He's in the office, you can follow me.”
You remembered the layout fairly well, the office was at the back of the house on the first floor. A large space, with windows overlooking the expanse of the back garden.
Eddie walked quietly ahead of you, as you looked around the house. It was exactly as you remembered. Dark walls with marble flooring leading to the ornate door at the end of the hall.
He didn't bother knocking, as you followed him in. The curtains were drawn back from the windows letting the natural light illuminate the space.
Steve leaned against the far wall staring out the window. He was dressed down in a sky blue short sleeved shirt and cream-colored trousers. He turned, chestnut locks a little unkempt with a thin gold chain resting against his chest.
He turned in time to see you both enter, pushing off the wall to meet you halfway.
“Dove! What a pleasant surprise.” He flashed you a warm smile, turning to dismiss Eddie as he closed the door behind him.
“I brought Pip’s clutch.” Holding out for him to take.
“Thanks, I'll let her know. Though I'm not sure she even missed it.” He sighed, easing it from your hand, tossing it to the desk beside him.
You'd heard she'd barely made it to the hospital. Apparently, the coke she had ingested was laced with fentanyl. Pip was a party girl, she hadn't intentionally tried to overdose which was a relief, all things considered.
“How is she?” You asked.
“I honestly don't know. I thought she…” His face flashed with momentary worry, before shaking it off. “She's going to rehab before I send her back to Italy. I think this might have actually scared some sense into her even though she's pissed at me.”
“You're doing the right thing. She needs you to be there for her.” Reassuring him.
He nodded before you both fell into a comfortable silence as your eyes took in the room. He had already begun renovating it to his liking which made you smile.
“I thought it could use an update.” He said, as if reading your mind.
The wallpaper was being taken down, replaced with a fresh coat of paint. Steve has always hated his father's gaudy taste, as if he needed to remind himself of his wealth in his own office. Steve was humble, he didn't need to flaunt and inflate himself to others. You admired him for that, always staying true to himself.
“I'm sure it'll be perfect. Doing the whole house, I hope? The medieval dungeon theme is so last year.” He chuckled.
“You don't like it? I thought about adding some chains and cuffs in the hall to really set it off.” You both laughed.
“But, yes I'm planning an overhaul for the entire house.” For a moment he wondered what you would do with the place. He could imagine the way your eyes lit up knowing you could make it your own.
A place for you and him to raise a couple of kids, have family dinners every Sunday and eventually grow old together. Or would you want to move out of the city altogether? Sell this old house and start anew?
If only he knew the similar thoughts that swirled through your mind but you couldn't allow yourself to dwell.
You suddenly checked your watch, clearing your throat.
“I'm sorry to cut this short, I've got a client coming by in a few.” Sighing to yourself.
“No worries. I'll let Pip know you brought this by.” Holding her purse up for emphasis. “Let me walk you out.”
He followed closely behind you down the hall, just shy of reaching his palm out to your lower back, into the foyer as one of the security guards opened the front door.
You turned once more to bid him farewell but it was he who spoke first.
“Dove, you're welcome here anytime. Please, stop by. I'll even show you my fancy cooking skills sometime.” He grinned, the smile reaching his eyes, boyish and bright.
“Steve Harrington cooks? This I'll have to see.” Mirroring his smile, as your driver opened your door. “Bye Steve.”
He waved, as you got in and continued to watch your car exit the drive.
He couldn't explain it. The inexplicable need to be near you. Wishing for another life. A once upon a time he could have had with you.
Alone in his big house, with no one to share it with, he sighed heavily making his way back to his office.
Fairy tales, he thinks. Meant for much gentler souls than he. Someone deserving of it, brave and pure of heart, just like the stories his mother used to read to him and Pip when they were still children, still room to believe in such notions as soul mates and true loves first kiss.
Eddie was waiting there, sitting behind his desk.
“Call for you.” He stated, getting up from the chair extending the phone towards him.
“Take a message, I'm not in the mood right now. I'll call them back.” He crossed the room, pouring himself a drink.
“Steve, I think you're going to want to take this.”
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You hated lying but you had to get out of there.
A whole lifetime's worth of memories seemed to overtake you when you stepped through the threshold of a home that you practically grew up in.
You dreaded going back to your own home. A home that you'd hoped one day would have been filled with love that never came to fruition.
Such high hopes in the beginning with Nikolai.
He was the perfect gentleman. A whirlwind romance that had you so swept away you didn't see his true colors until it was too late.
So caught up with what he was, but it was truly only what he showed you. What he wanted you to believe.
Soon after your marriage, it was late nights at his clubs coming home smelling of liquor and sweet smelling perfume that turned into not coming home at all some nights.
You'd wanted white picket fences and children laughing down the hall. He gave you heartache and crying alone in your empty king sized bed.
Almost five years later and you're left to question if he ever loved you or if it had all been a strategy to gain his power.
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Later that night you were in the study reading on the large sofa, room lit softly by the fireplace. Cozy in silk pajamas and your favorite blanket, it was the perfect end to the day as you sipped some wine.
Nik slipped in, late as usual, loosening his tie as he stomped into the room.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” He hissed.
“Well, nice to see you too, dear.” You didn't look up, only rolling your eyes. “It looks like I'm reading, no?”
“Why the hell did you go to Harrington's today?” He stepped in front of you, crossing his arms.
“I was returning Pip’s clutch. She left it at the church.” Shrugging and returning to your book as if it should be the end of it.
“You expect me to believe that?” He leaned down, arm caging you in, as he swiftly pulled the book from your hand tossing it in the empty space of the couch beside you. Closing in, almost nose to nose, as his imposing frame hovered over you.
“It's the truth, Nik. I really don't care what you choose to believe.” You spat back at him. Not at all in the mood for his little games or vile attitude.
You knew the only reason he skipped the funeral was because he had a bone to pick with Richard. Now it seems he's trying to take it up with Steve.
You pushed his chest, getting up from the couch as you started to cross the room now done with the conversation but he grabbed your arm, wrenching you back around to face him.
“Let's get one thing straight, YOU, under no circumstances, are to see him again.” His grip tightening as he spoke. He'd never laid a hand on you, but the way he was squeezing you now was surely going to leave a mark.
“Nik, let me go. You can't forbid me to stay away from my childhood friends. You're being ridiculous. Steve is not Richard. You have nothing against him.” His grip only grew tighter, shaking you just a bit as you tried to pull yourself free. “Nik! Let go of me!”
“No Y/N! I mean it. You are not to see him again!” Screaming in your face, droplets of spital flying toward you. “Do you understand me?”
You finally nodded. Worrying if you tried to push the issue further it would only make things worse.
“Say it!” He shouted.
“I understand. Now, let me go!” He did so, pushing you slightly away from him.
“Good.” He sneered, smirk now donning his face as he brushed past you on his way to pour himself a drink from the small bar in the corner of the room as you quickly grabbed your things.
You passed one of Nik’s security details, whose gaze fell away from you as you rushed out of the room, he'd overheard the entire thing. You were mortified at his behavior. Nik was a grade A asshole but he had never been physical.
Your feet carried you swiftly to your room, heaving a sigh of relief as you locked the door behind you. Glad to have some kind of barrier between the two of you tonight.
Running into the bathroom, you slid your robe from your shoulder to examine your arm. It was already starting to form finger shaped bruises.
You could easily hide them, wearing long sleeves, which you did most days. It was horrifying to think you had no choice but to hide them. HE had done this to you.
You washed your face and slid into bed, crying softly to yourself as your mind began spiraling. This was a life you had never wanted.
A husband that never looks at you, unless it's with disdain and contempt. Now seemingly hell bent on keeping you in line the way he sees fit. When words don't work, he'll easily use brute force to bend you to his will.
Telling Steve would be completely out of the question for both of your sakes, but in the coming days you would soon find out how difficult it would be to avoid him completely.
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bettyfrommars · 9 months
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I'm on Fire
biker!eddie x fem!reader x biker!Steve
Chapter 15: Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
summary: tensions are high as the last few chapters come to a head. Now that Craig has you, and none of the gang knows where you are, panic ensues. Eddie has to deal with an unwanted interaction with an ex, while Steve finds out the truth about Charlene. Astrid gets a bad feeling and thinks Steve might be hurt, meanwhile you decide to take matters into your own hands and deal with Craig in order to escape. wc: 10.7k
masterlist playlist
WARNINGS: 18+ONLY, angst, a gun, typical series violence, gunshots, reader being held against her will, abusive ex, stabbing, hand to hand combat, some violence toward women (which I do not condone under any circumstances), manipulation, dark themes, reader fights back, revenge, hurt and comfort, sex with someone other than reader (not Eddie), premonitions, murder, being chased, aggression. protective!eddie, protective!steve, slightly gigolo!steve. Header photo is not meant to be reader.
author's note: In this chapter, I'm making up for the fact that 90's tow truck driver Eddie and the rest of the MC would've had beepers, but, alas, I failed to mention them before. I've been staring at this for so long now, I need to post it. Really hope you enjoy, and I look forward to hearing what you all think.
"It ought to be easy, ought to be simple enough Man meets a woman and they fall in love But this house is haunted and the ride gets rough you’ve got to learn to live with what you can’t rise above If you want to ride on down in through this tunnel of love."
Tunnel of Love, Bruce Springsteen
(This chapter starts of exactly where part 14 ended)
Just as Robin was about to reach out and catch Steve’s elbow, the bride, Daphne, jumped in front of her. 
“You made it! I’m so happy I could cry!” Daphne hugged her tight and, over her shoulder, Robin watched Steve and Charlene disappear into the crowd, helplessly. The wedding was packed, but she was sure she could find him as soon as she was done with a polite chat.  
She figured there wasn’t anything too bad that could happen in five minutes.  
A minute or two into acting interested in the conversation Daphne and one of her bridesmaids was having, Robin turned around to gesture at you—to make the introductions—-but you were nowhere to be found.  Daphne talked for a bit longer and Robin pretended to listen, but she was distracted, and the bad feeling in her gut was making her fidgety.
Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch ended, quickly to be replaced by What I Am by Edie Brickell, and Robin excused herself to go and look for you, apologizing to the bride profusely.  Telling Steve that Charlene was an obsessive psycho didn’t feel as important in that moment—-she knew Steve could handle himself.  But you? You were being stalked by a notoriously abusive ex and now Robin had no idea where you were. She should not have run off like that without you, and now she was kicking herself.
As Robin turned on her heel trying to spot you in the crowded lobby, Steve and Charlene were about to bypass the people on the dancefloor and make their way up to the hotel room.  Steve didn’t know what was happening, at first, when she made the bold move of grabbing his hand in the crowd and pulling him closer.
“Hey, hey now,” he said in her ear over the twang of the music.  “Should we be doing that where people can see us?”
Charlene sent her hand down to massage his cock, and then she leaned in and licked his earlobe.  “I don’t care anymore,” she replied, leading him out of the low-lit reception hall and down the hallway. 
Steve didn’t really know what that meant, and he hoped she wasn’t getting the wrong idea.  If she wanted to flush her marriage down the toilet—-awesome—-but Steve didn’t want to be the reason.  He had no intention to continue to see her after that evening, unless she was paying him, and he had every intention of making that clear in the elevator, but then she was on her knees with his cock in her mouth and he forgot what he was going to say.
Eddie rumbled into the parking lot on his chopper, ignoring the valet as he tried to tell him which way to go.  He parked as close as he could to the building, sliding in next to a limousine, even though there was no parking space there, and gave a blank stare to the guys who were about to try and ask him to move it.
He yanked the main door open, eyes darting around the people in the lobby.  He had no idea where to start looking for you, and that filled him with a frustration that made a growl escape his chest. The crease in his forehead softened when he felt two arms go around him from behind, but then one glance down at the hands, and he knew it wasn’t you. 
“What the—” the relief he felt at the idea of turning around to kiss you was abruptly stifled.
“Hey baby,” Melanie cooed.  She reached up to brush his bangs off his forehead like she used to in the old days, but Eddie moved his head away and blocked her hand.
He looked around before leaning forward to whisper curtly, “you just can’t take a hint, can you?”
Melanie settled back, bracketing her hands on either side of her hips.  She had on an impossibly short, sequined lime green dress with dark red lipstick and it looked like she should’ve been on a stripper pole, not at a wedding.  “Why do you hate me so much, Eddie? I gave you the best years of my life, the least you could do is be civil with me.”
Eddie frowned, moving to walk by her.  
“Please, Eddie!” She screamed it, catching his arm.
Eddie hitched his shoulders up to his ears in frustration, cringing at the way so many people turned to stare at him.  He moved in a circle, checking the crowd for you as he went, and then came back to face Melanie with weary reluctance.
“What do you want from me, Mel?” He asked, hoping it would be a quick fix so he could continue on with his night.  
Melanie slid the tip of her tongue along her top lip.  “Listen, I know I hurt you, okay? I know it was bad.  But I’m a totally different person now, I’ve changed.”
Eddie cocked his head. “Good for you.  What does that have to do with me?”
“Let me prove it to you,” she reached for his arm again and he let her hold it this time, hoping to speed things along.  “Have a drink with me and let’s talk.  I really miss you, Eddie,” she could tell he was about to interrupt and she put her hand up to stop him.  “You told me once that I was the love of your life, that you’d never love anyone more than me, and I know a part of you meant it.”
Eddie cringed at the memory of the young, impressionable boy he was back then, so pussy drunk that he didn’t know which end was up.  Did he mean it when he said it back then? Yes, from the bottom of his horny soul.  Did a part of him still feel the same way? Not a single drop.  What he’d felt for Melanie all those years ago paled in comparison to the level of devotion he had for you.  He was a man now, determined not to make the same mistakes that plagued him in his boyhood.
Eddie took a deep breath, eyeballing the crowd again.  “Okay, listen to me,” he took hold of Melanie’s bare arm, holding her firmly, and tilted his chin down to look her directly in the eye.  “What we had has been long over for years now.  I don’t know what I’ve done to possibly lead you on to believe there could ever be anything between us ever again, but I need you to get it through your fucking head that I don’t love you anymore.  Things will never be like they were.  I wish you well, but I don’t want you in my life, even as a friend.  I need you to respect this. Nod if you understand.”
“Do you not want me in your life because your new girlfriend will get jealous?” Her mouth fixed in  a mischievous grin, as if she’d completely missed the point of everything he just said.
“Fucking, goddamn it Melanie,” Eddie hissed, and then he ran both of his hands through his hair and gripped his fingers in at the roots, snapping his eyes shut to try and calm his frustration.  “I can’t do this right now, I’ve got more important shit going on,” he shook his head and dropped his hands, turning to head in the opposite direction.  “We’re done, totally done.  Forever.  I don’t want to ever see you again, Mel.  Don’t call, don’t show up.  Just go back to wherever and stay there. Have a nice life.”
He was a few steps away when she shouted to get his attention again.  “I know where your girl is, if that’s who you’re looking for,” she had her arms crossed and a bored expression on her face when he turned to regard her again.  “She left with some dude, if that means anything to you.  They were holding each other pretty close and if you ask me—-”
But the last word got caught in her throat as Eddie barreled down on her, gripping her arms so tight, his rings pinched her flesh. He shook her a few times, making her eyes go wide.  “You’re hurting me!” She balked.
“Tell me where they went,” he spoke with so much force, he accidentally spit on her.  
Robin caught sight of Eddie and started to make her way to the other side of the lobby, relieved, but then she saw who Eddie was talking to.
She made a face and stopped in her tracks for a beat.  “Melanie?” She asked it to herself, under her breath.  Robin knew she was the last person on earth Eddie would want to see, let alone be standing in such close proximity to.  Eddie started to walk away, but then he turned back around and grabbed Melanie with a force that made Robin gasp.  He could be a violent person, sure, but never with women, and it worried her to think of what she might’ve said to him.
Everyone was getting drunker and more oblivious to the people around them, so she worked hard to maneuver her way through the clueless party goers as What is Love by Haddaway jolted from the dance hall.
“Hey, Eddie!” She cupped her hand over one side of her mouth to shout it, but then she watched helplessly from a distance as Eddie and Melanie went down the hall and disappeared from view. What the hell was he doing with her—where the fuck were they going?
Craig had a room in the hotel, and that is where he took you.  
As much as you were afraid of Craig, you also knew how to handle him in situations like this.  To fight him, to argue with him, would only make things worse.  He wasn’t the type to feel much empathy for any of the pain others felt; his pain and emotional distress were the only things that mattered. If you fought him, or if you tried to run, he wouldn’t hesitate to terrorize your friends.  The thought made you shiver—you couldn’t let him get his hands on anyone else.  He could take whatever he wanted from you in exchange for their peace.
Craig was also extremely stupid, and as long as you placated and went along with him—you’d have more time to think about your next move instead of struggling and wasting your energy.  You didn’t put it past him to drug you and throw you in the back of his SUV, so you put on your Academy Award winning “this is fine” face while your mind raced for a plan.
Once he closed the door to his hotel room and put the deadbolt on, he took you in his arms, pulling you in for an embrace.  “Ahh, now–isn’t this nice?”
You nodded against his shoulder as your eyes darted around for something sharp.  “It really is.  I’m glad you came to find me.”
He pulled away to smile down at you; thin lips stretching to expose perfectly white teeth. “See, now, there’s my girl,” he tipped your chin with the crook of his finger and then planted a kiss on your forehead.
You were sure he brought you up there to have sex with you, and the thought made your stomach churn—-you were prepared to rip his balls off before that happened.  Craig was really strong though, and he could kill a man twice your size with his bare hands, so you had to find a way to battle with your wits.
“Have a seat,” he motioned to the bed in front of the TV, and then he grabbed the remote.  “You wanna check and see what is on pay per view? We can order room service.  Are you hungry?”
Such normal questions for such an abnormal and unfortunate situation.
You sat down cautiously, keeping your back stiff and straight.  You noticed a huge black duffel bag sitting on the floor, and it looked like the type of thing he usually carried all of his weapons in. 
“This is okay,” you gestured to the episode of Three’s Company that popped on.  
He handed you the remote as he bent down to kiss your temple. “I’m going to wash my hands.  Stay here, alright?”
You gave him a wink.  “Of course I’ll stay here, sugar plum.  There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
He sighed, offering a dreaming expression. “I’ve missed you so much, it hurts.”
“That’s sweet,” you offered, turning your attention back to the tv as he went around the corner to the bathroom.  You got up and walked slowly to the window to see what you could see, talking to him all the while to keep him satiated.  “I could definitely eat.  Maybe room service wouldn’t be a bad idea.”
You held the rod and slid the curtain open a few inches, realizing you were above the middle section of the parking lot.  Could you see your car from there? You didn’t have time to check; it was too dark and you heard the water shut off in the bathroom.
“Tsk, tsk,” he said, stepping back out into the hall so he could see you as he dried his hands off.  “Step back from the window, honey, I don’t want you to ruin our fun with one of your clever ideas.”
“Oh I was just curious,” you were casual about it, making a point to leave the curtain open a bit. “If any of my friends were looking for me.”
“Oh they might try,” he undid the buttons on the cuffs of his white dress shirt and rolled up each sleeve, exposing faded military tattoos on his forearms.  “But I booked this room under an alias.  Plus, no one saw us leave, so your friends will be scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off.” He emphasized the word “friends” in a sarcastic way, as if they weren’t that at all.  
“I’m sure they’ll just think I went home,” you said, which was the furthest from the truth.  You thought about Robin going crazy trying to find you.  You wouldn’t be surprised if she worked her way up every floor, knocking on every door.
He sat down on the bed next to  you with a bounce and took your hand, lifting it up to kiss the back of it.  “Have I told you yet how beautiful you are tonight?”
“A few times,” you couldn’t help but lean away when he came in closer. “You told me downstairs and in the elevator.”
He wrapped his arm around the side of your hip and pulled you to him.  “C’mon now, give daddy some sugar,” he cooed, diving his lips in for another attempt.  
But you dodged him again.  You could feel yourself blowing it, and you knew you needed to comply in order to find a way out of this, but the thought of being intimate with him made you want to dig your own eyes out with a spoon.
“I don’t know if I’m ready…for that,” you managed.  “Too soon, I think.  Just give me a little time…to get used to you again.”
Craig grabbed your jaw, squeezing your mouth together so tight, your lips puckered, yanking your head to make you look at him.  His eyes were dark now, narrowing on you.  His tone was ice cold, “Oh but you’ll kiss him won’t you?  That filthy dirty biker?  You make me sick.” 
You swallowed hard, and in your mind, you considered the ballpoint pen next to the pad of paper on the desk.  If you could get a hold of it, you could stab him in the side of the throat.  
But, if you made the decision to wound Craig, you had to be willing to go all-in.  
You had to be willing to end him.
Steve waited to cum until he was back in the hotel suite.  Charlene got on the bed and sucked him off the rest of the way while she came using the vibrator she carried around in her handbag.  It turned Steve on to know that she always had it with her—he’d never been with a woman who was so incredibly sexually charged before.  
He came on her face, and then she licked it up and rubbed it down her breasts.  They got in the shower together after that, and the thought crossed his mind that he should go down and have a drink with you and Robin, but then his dick took over again and he forgot.  
The suite was huge, and while Steve lounged on the sofa in one of their complimentary robes looking over the room service menu, Charlene sat down on the bed to rub lotion on her legs.
She smiled over at him.  “The life of leisure looks good on you.”
Steve lifted his arms up and glanced down at himself.  “You think? Yeah, I could definitely do with some more of this.” The fridge was fully stocked with booze and sparkling water and other goodies, and Steve had raided it like a little kid at Charlene’s urging.  He was on his second fancy beer and third bag of pretzels.  
“You should come with me to Greece this winter,” she worked the lotion down around her manicured feet, feeling suddenly too shy to look at him.  “My friend has a house there, and we could charter a yacht, play on the beach, eat and fuck until we pass out. And then do it all over again the next day.”
Steve flipped the page on the menu, eyes glancing over the seafood section as he plucked at his bottom lip thoughtfully.  “Sounds good.  I’ll have my secretary clear my schedule.”
“I’m serious,” she laughed, rolling over onto her stomach to face him, kicking her feet up behind her.  “Wouldn’t you like to spend more time with me?”
Steve shut the menu and met her eyes.  “Well, sure, I mean, but I can’t just take off for a week to wherever, sweetheart.  This man of leisure is living paycheck to paycheck over here.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t have to worry about that,” she assured him, resting her chin in her palm. “I’ll pay your rent and whatever else you need. Give you some spending money. You won’t have to pay for anything, unless you want to buy me something pretty.”
“Yeah?” Steve smirked. “What’s the catch, angel? You gonna sell me to the highest bidder for some black-market organ donation once we get there?”
“No catch,” she shook her head.  “It’s just hard to find good companionship these days.”
He sucked his bottom lip through his teeth. It all sounded a little too good to be true, but he would be lying if he said the offer wasn’t tempting.  Fucking Greece? He’d only been out of the state a few times in his whole life, and it had all been for MC related stuff.  
“You could even bring Oliver,” she continued, looking down at the bedspread.  “I could pay for a nanny to travel with us, so we could have time alone.”
That made Steve frown, and he searched his mind for how she would know that he had a son, but then the moment passed.  He must’ve mentioned him at some point, accidentally.  
But Charlene seemed harmless enough.  Just a bored housewife with a smoking hot body.  
She got off the bed and slinked over to stand next to him.  He ran his hand up her leg under her robe until he was able to grab the apple of her ass, and then he spanked it.
“Did you decide what you want from the menu?” She asked, mussing up his hair. “Or we can still go out to dinner if you want.”
Steve tilted his head all the way back to look up at her, letting the menu slip to the ground. “Are you on the menu?” He asked, moving his hand around under the robe until his fingers found where they could sink in.
“For you? Always,” she said, and then she bent down to catch his mouth with hers.
Eddie had Melanie by the arm, and she tried to jerk out of his grasp, but he was way too strong---way too pissed off.  
“And then where did they go?” Eddie was scowling at the numbers on the three different elevators.  “Which floor?”
“I SAID I DON’T KNOW,” Melanie hissed, finally wiggling her arm away.  “Jesus. I never saw you worry about me like this before.”
“Fuck,” Eddie started to pace.  He was losing it, and he didn’t know where to start looking or how to find you.  He wanted to rip the whole building down with his bare hands.
Another man’s voice stepped into the equation.  “Hey, what the fuck are you doing to her? Leave her alone, you freak.”
Eddie spun around, eyes like daggers.  It was some douchebag he didn’t recognize in a tux, even taller than Eddie, with a lime green bow tie and cummerbund, clearly there for the wedding.  From the looks the guy was sharing with Melanie, it was probably her date.  
“Just stay the fuck out of it, whoever you are,” Eddie warned.
Melanie stepped back with a little smile on her face, enjoying the tension over her that was building.
“I asked you a question, man,” the guy in the tux with the short blonde hair said as he came up behind Eddie to jab his palm into the back of his shoulder.
Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, Eddie turned and swung on the guy.  
Robin came into view and screamed, covering her mouth with her hands.  
Eddie’s fist was like a brick, and the guy went down hard. The elevator opened and the four people inside yelped as he crashed in, with Eddie in hot pursuit.
Two people rushed out of the elevator, but another couple stood huddled in the back corner, afraid to move.  Eddie lurched forward to grab the guy by the front of his coat and yanked him to his feet to pull him out of the compartment just long enough to send a jab to his ribs that made him double over, and then he pushed him down.
The elevator closed again with the frightened passengers still inside.  The rest was a blur for Eddie as he got on top of the guy and started wailing on his face.
“Eddie, stop!” Robin tried to grab his arm on the back swing and the force almost knocked her over, but she did not relent.  “DINGUS STOP!”
Somehow, the nickname seemed to snap him out of it, and, with a few sharp intakes of breath, Eddie got to his feet, panting, standing over the guy.  The dude on the floor was somehow still conscious, but he probably wished he wasn’t one side of his face was mangled where Eddie’s rings broke the skin and there was blood dribbling from his mouth.  
There were people gathered at the mouth of the hallway now, watching with slack jaws, and Robin was worried someone had already called the police.  “Nothing to see here, people!” She called out, waving her hand, begging them to disperse.  
Eddie was about to drop down and punch the guy again—just because—but Robin used all of her strength to forcefully push him back.
Eddie snapped his attention to Melanie and pointed at the guy on the ground.  “Is this yours? Both of you get the fuck out of here before I—-”
Robin had only ever seen Steve like this—never Eddie.  Normally, he possessed the most patience and composure out of everyone in their friend group.  
She slapped him softly on his cheek to get his attention.  “Hey, listen to me.  I need you to fucking focus right now,” and then she snapped her fingers in the air in front of his face.
Eddie huffed a few heavy breaths out his nose and adjusted his Coffin Kings leather over his white tee.  There was a sheen of sweat on his face and a few pieces of his hair clung to his cheek and forehead.  Melanie was able to help her date to his feet, and Eddie watched them go with hard eyes and flared nostrils, silently begging the guy to throw him a dirty look or say something stupid.  Thankfully, for Robin’s sake, the guy wobbled away with his arm over Melanie’s shoulder without a single glance back.
“Focus,” Robin repeated, snatching his chin. “Your girl is here somewhere, and I can’t find her.”
“Yeah, I know,” Eddie jerked his head to evade her grasp.  “She’s with that fucking psycho and I have no idea where to start looking.” He shut his eyes tight and winced.  “I fucked up, Rob.  I should’ve killed that guy when I had the chance.  Now he has her.  If he hurts her, Rob….”
“Hold on,” Robin frowned as she took in the information, her body flushing with guilt.  “You know she’s with that Craig creep? How do you know?”
Eddie didn’t want to talk—he wanted to move.  
Outside, through the glass front of the building, he watched a police cruiser pull up through the crowd. It did have its lights on, and whoever was driving didn’t seem to be in a hurry, but all the same, he hit a button on the panel and took hold of Robin’s arm, ready to pull her in when the doors slid open. She followed his gaze to the two cops that were now heading into the building, and panic seized her.
It was taking too long for the elevator to come, so when the one across the way opened, they darted there instead.
A woman got out of the elevator as they stepped in and quickly hit the button for one of the higher floors.  A delivery driver carrying Chinese food was about to get in with them but decided against it at the last moment.  
Once they were alone, Eddie answered her question.  “Melanie saw them,” he breathed, falling back against the wall. “The description fits, and she said he had his arm around her,” Eddie cringed.  The thought of him touching you made him want to punch something.  
“Shit,” Robin said under her breath, feeling the thick weight of uncertainty hang in the confined space around them.  “You don’t think he’d actually do anything to her, do you?”
Eddie eyes glazed over and shook his head, concentrating, unable to form words.
“Nice dress, by the way,” he said, referring to the strapless blue number that she now regretted ever buying, let alone wearing.
“Shut up.” She returned.  
The doors opened at a floor that wasn’t theirs and Eddie told the two people waiting there to take the next one before he slammed the button again with the side of his fist. 
Robin started to gnaw at her thumbnail.  “Steve’s here somewhere too,” she let him know.  “He came with that Charlene woman, the one you used to bone.”
Eddie froze, giving her an incredulous look.  “And you let him?”
She held her arms out, raising her voice.  “I just realized who she was a little bit ago.  What am I, his fucking keeper?  Besides, she offered him so much money to take her to this stupid thing, I don’t think he would’ve cared.”
Oh, Steve would care if he knew the whole story, Eddie thought to himself.  And he’d really care if Charlene started targeting his family when he tried to end things with her or move on with someone else.  
When the elevator finally dinged and opened at the floor they chose, there stood Steve.
In a white bathrobe carrying a bucket of ice.
With his sunglasses on.
After being scolded by Craig, you disarmed the situation by pressing your lips to the side of his mouth. “Baby, why don’t you get comfortable so we can snuggle? Like we used to.”
He crawled on top so that you were both on the mattress.  You needed to build a decent level of trust with him in a small amount of time and letting him have some intimacy was the quickest way to do that. 
He got on his back, with his head on the pillow, and pulled you up alongside him so that your cheek was on his shoulder.  He lifted your chin to give you another kiss.  “Isn’t this nice?” He asked, rubbing his nose on yours.
“It really is,” you lied.
It took a lot not to try and scratch his face and knee him in the groin right then for what he’d done to you, for what he’d done to Jester.  For the pain that Eddie would go through when he couldn’t find you.  
But you found your center and took a cleansing breath.
You had formulated a part of a plan, but you had to be patient.
When Steve came back into the penthouse with the extra ice, he didn’t have the patience to wait for room service to bring, he was different, and Charlene noticed it right away.
She could see it in his face, the way he refused to make eye contact with her when she dropped her magazine to her lap to greet him and tell him their dinner was on the way.
Without a word, he grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom.
“Stevie?” She called out to him, anxiety tightening in her chest. “What took you so long? Is everything alright?”
Steve shut the bathroom door first, and then he mumbled, “yeah, I’ll be right out. Just need a second.”
He let his robe fall to the floor and braced his hands on the edge of the sink, naked, letting the information Eddie had just shared with him in the hall absorb.  He tossed his sunglasses on the counter, so they skid across and landed against a hand towel folded in the shape of a swan.  
He ran the sink and splashed some water on his face, letting himself peek in the mirror at his reflection over the tips of his fingers.
As close as he was with Eddie, they weren’t in the habit of swapping partners, and if Steve had known that Charlene was that “rich, older woman he hung out with once in a while” a few months ago, he never would have gone that far with her in the first place.  
Water dripped cool down his tattooed chest as he looked down at his cock, lolling out at the triangle base of the muscular indents at his hips.  He patted a finger on the shaft so that it bounced.  “I hope you’re proud of yourself,” he whispered to his dick.  
Not only was Charlene someone that Eddie had fucked, but she’d also tried to make Eddie’s life a living hell when he tried to move on with you.  She’d paid a private investigator to stalk Eddie, tried to break the two of you up, and was the reason you got fired.  Eddie warned him not to trust her, and to not let her sink her claws in and try to keep him like a pet.  
He put his pants on and wet his fingers to run them through his hair, squaring his shoulders at his reflection, wondering how he’d get the rest of his money out of her.  She’d paid half up front, but now he needed the rest, and then he wanted to get the fuck out of there.  Eddie and Robin were headed to do some investigating, and he said he’d meet them in the stairwell in about 20 minutes.  
Charlene was hovering near the bathroom door when he opened it, and she searched his face for a trace of the person he was before he went to get ice—but it was no longer there. 
Her Stevie was gone.  
“Hey,” he said as he brushed by her to put his shirt on.  He left it unbuttoned as he turned, fixing the collar.  “It’s late, I need to get going.”
“But,” Charlene looked around, her mind racing with ways to keep him there. “The food will be here soon.”
He’d been trying not to meet her eyes, but when he did, his stare was frigid.  “I’m not hungry anymore.  I just need you to pay me the rest of my fee, and I’ll get out of your hair.”
He went to the couch to put his shoes on.
“Steve, please tell me what is going on? I thought we were having a good time, I thought—”
“You thought what?” He asked snidely. “That I’d do all this for free? Out of the goodness of my heart?”
He was about to be a real asshole, but then he remembered that he had enjoyed his time with her, and under different circumstances, he would’ve stayed to fuck her all night even if he wasn’t getting paid. But he had to end it—he needed to cut ties before things turned into a shitshow like they had for you and Eddie. He couldn’t afford that level of drama in his life, not with Robin and Oliver at risk.  
She rushed up to him and started kissing his chest.  “Can you just stay a few more hours? I don’t know what is bothering you, but I know I can take your mind off of it,” she sank lower, kissing his stomach, about to get on her knees.
“I said no,” he repeated, grabbing her arm to pull her back up to face him.  
“But, why—”
“Why didn’t you tell me you used to fuck Eddie?” He blurted, scowling at he ground.
A hard swallow clicked in her throat as she searched his eyes. “I-I didn’t think it would matter.  Eddie and I aren’t—”
“Is that why you bailed me out of jail? Was it all part of your maniacal plan to get back at him or some shit?”
“Absolutely not. Steve, I really care about y—” she reached out to touch his face, but he moved away, stepping further back.  He looked hurt and confused and disgusted all at once.  
“Don’t act like you give a shit about me,” he warned. “I don’t think you’re even capable of caring about other people.”
At that, she bristled, and her cheeks burned red. She froze so still that, if not for her blinking, one might have thought she’d turned to stone.
“You know what? Forget the rest of the fucking money,” he walked to the nightstand and put his wallet in his back pocket. “It’s not worth it to me anymore. I’ll chalk it up to a couple orgasms and a free meal.”
Charlene did not respond, she only wet her lips as her eyes stayed fixed on one spot on the carpet.  
He went over and paused his hand on his jacket that was hanging over the back of the couch. “Actually, I could probably sell this suit and makeup the difference so yeah—we’re even.”
When Charlene finally spoke up, her voice was different; it had an edge to it.  “You’re awfully ungrateful for someone who should be on their knees thanking me.”
Steve chuckled a low laugh. “Listen, baby, the sex was great, I’ll give you that, but it wasn’t that great.”
“I’m not talking about the sex,” she turned and tilted her chin up at him. “I’m talking about how you still have custody of your son and he’s not several states away with Tina right now.”
Now, it was Steve’s time to turn to stone.
When he finally blinked, he made a face like he was staring into the sun. “What the fuck did you just say? How do you know about my son? About Tina?”
Charlene would’ve said anything to make him stay, and she was oddly pleased that this did the trick.
She shrugged. “I know that it didn’t take much money at all to get Tina to come here and cause some trouble.  Shame she signed her parental rights away, but there are always ways around that, considering how much blood you have on your hands.”
Steve reeled back, almost knocked off his feet at the weight of the confession. He had to grab onto the back of the chair at the writing desk to steady himself as his head swam. Bile rose in his throat as if we were about to puke.
“You’re the reason I almost lost my son?” He whispered it, overwhelmed with the realization that Charlene was to blame for all of it:  Every disaster that had befallen them since the day Eddie met you.  All of the pain, all of the worry, all of the sleepless nights.  
Charlene folded her arms over her chest.  “If you think I can’t prove you have blood on your hands, try me.” Her eyebrows darted up a few times. “Eddie too.  He left a bloody fingerprint at the crime scene when he killed a man in my driveway.  All I ever do is try to keep the two of you safe, and this is the thanks I get?”
Steve’s mind barely had time to register that his body was moving—-he knocked the chair to the ground and lunged after Charlene.
His hands were around her throat so fast she could barely take a gasp of air at the end of her sentence.  He took her to the ground, slamming her into the floor.  She coughed and her eyes bulged.
“You tried to take my son away from me?” He was shaking; his eyes bloodshot with rage, but also wet with emotions. His lower lip trembled, and his face was beet red.  
She held onto his wrists where he was choking her, sputtering, trying to catch air.  She squirmed underneath him, but if her knees made contact with his stomach or groin, he couldn’t feel it.  
"Kill me," she gasped, and Steve released his grip a little but did not relent.
“I should kill you,” He hissed, searching her face.  He realized then that she had her hands locked on his wrists to keep him there, not to push him away.
“Please,” she wheezed.  “Please…kill me.”
With a string of curses, Steve pushed off of her and jumped back, planting his arm on the edge of the coffee table to steady himself as he tried to collect himself.
Charlene sucked in a few gulps of air and stayed on the floor where she was.  
Steve wobbled and stumbled a bit as he stood, trying to catch his footing. He looked down at his trembling hands, and then over at Charlene.  
“I'm sorry,” he breathed.  It took a few sold moment to find his composure. “Listen, stay away from me, stay away from my family. Stay away from my friends.  I won't tell you again.”
It had taken all of his strength to not crush her windpipe just then, and he hated that about himself.  He hated that, on top of everything else, Charlene was the reason he’d laid hands on a woman in anger for the first time in his life.  Wayne and Robin would be very disappointed in him, no matter the circumstances.
His son would be disappointed in him.
“Steve,” Charlene rolled over onto her side. “Please don't go."
He fixed his collar again and left the jacket.  He grabbed his smokes, and fumbled the lighter, trying to compose himself.  The thought occurred to him that he should go over and help her up and make sure she was okay, but then he remembered…then he remembered all of it.  
Without another word, he left.  Once he was out, and the door clicked shut behind him, she continued to shout his name and tell him she was sorry.  He could hear things being thrown around the room; the sound of glass breaking as it hit the wall.  Steve kept a quick pace, only faltering once to shoulder check his balance against the wall, dizzy, but was already in the stairwell as her declarations of remorse echoed down the hall.
Craig ordered Chinese food from the restaurant up the street and had it delivered.  For a second you thought you might be able to get word to the delivery driver that you were being kept there against your will, but what would the delivery driver do? Get himself killed, probably, or pretend like he never saw you because who in their right mind would want to get mixed up in that?
It may have taken 20 minutes to eat your meal, but for you it might as well have been hours.  He liked to coach you on how big your bites should be and how long you should chew your food.  If you chewed too loudly or too fast, it would agitate him, and he’d stop you to make you start over.  
It was all you could do to muscle down each bite when you weren’t even hungry, and it took every ounce of your willpower not to scream.
The fortune cookies were interesting because the paper inside yours said “this too shall pass”, while Craig’s was blank.
“I’ve never seen a blank one before,” you said nonchalantly, closing the lid on your take-out container.  You could see the inconsistency was bothering him; he kept turning the paper over as if he’d missed it somehow.  With his obsessive personality, you expected him to call up the restaurant and ask for another cookie.  
But, he decided to let that one go and tossed the blank fortune into the pastick sack that the food came in.  
You knew he’d want to clean up the area right away and sanitize the table again, so you took your opportunity.
“Can I use the bathroom?” You stood up, picking a piece of sticky rice off of your dress.  
“May I,” he corrected, pushing his chair back exactly where it had been before he sat down. He lifted his eyebrow at you.  “May I use the bathroom is the proper way to ask that.”
Your throat was tight as you swallowed, biting back a rage that was surely bubbling in your eyes.  You forced a smile that cracked your cheeks.  “May I?” 
“Of course you may, silly goose,” he walked over to brush his finger along your cheek just before he leaned in, and your nostrils flared at the unwanted touch. “Don’t take too long.  I’ll miss you,” he cooed after he pecked you on the lips.  
Safely in the privacy of the bathroom, you locked the door quietly and gave a long, silent scream into your palms. Tears jerked at your eyes and mouth, but you sucked them back, squaring your shoulders. 
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, wondering if you had the guts to do what needed to be done.
If you didn’t already have the guts, you needed to find them—fast.  
You’d asked Craig earlier what the plan was, and he’d made it very clear that he was taking you back to your place the next day so that you could pack your things and then return with him to Michigan.  He casually mentioned that he knew where Oliver was spending the night—-just throwing out small details he thought you should know.  In case you fought or refused to leave with him.  
You realized now that he would never stop coming for you, not while he was alive.  
You turned the faucet on so that the noises you were making wouldn’t be so obvious as you went to work unwrapping the soaps and scattering things around the countertop.  You flipped all of the towels on the wrack around and unfolded them, making them as messy as possible.  You got the bottoms of your shoes wet and made a bunch of dirty footprints around the floor tile.  You relieved yourself quickly on the toilet, but then yanked some off the toilet paper down so that it pooled on the floor.
“Hey, pumpkin?” You called out to him over the sound of the toilet flushing.  “Do you have some toothpaste I can borrow?”
He came over to the door and tried the handle.  “There’s some in that black bag by the sink.  Why is this door locked? Please put the cap back on properly when you are finished.”
You waited a few beats before unzipping the small, black bag, quickly eyeing for anything else you could use but, toenails clippers and a toothbrush weren’t great weapons.  Unless you had time to widdle the end of the toothbrush into a shank like they do in prison.  You put the cap of the toothpaste back on, but you left everything on the counter.  
Before you opened the door, you moved the bathmat so it was crooked as it hung over the side of the tub, and you unhooked the shower curtain from two of the rings.
“Ahh,” you said as you exited, looking refreshed.  “Much better.”
He was just walking to put the trash outside in the hall when you took the initiative to hug him.  “I think I made a bit of a mess in there, baby.  Sorry about that.”
When he shut the hallway door again, he came to flick the light on in the bathroom and his shoulders fell, his face pinching tight.  “This is unexceptable,” he mumbled. 
You took note that he forgot to dead bolt the front door in his haste.
You could hear him cursing you under his breath, but also knew that he wouldn’t be unable to function until he tidied up that room and put everything back exactly the way it was.
“Sorry lover,” you yelled, sweetly, turning the sound on the tv up.  It was an episode of Golden Girls this time. “I was going to take a shower but decided not to.”
He had to shut the bathroom door in order to fix the shower curtain, and that was when you hurried to grab the red lipstick out of your purse.  With your heart racing so fast you thought it might explode, you eased back the curtain to the window over the parking lot and wrote on the glass with the lipstick, and then you gently pulled the cream colored curtain back in place so that it didn’t make any sound as it skidded along the rod.  
Craig opened the bathroom door again, but he would be cleaning and organizing for a while—so you forced a fake laugh over something that happened in the show, to make him believe you were just chilling, and then you grabbed the ball point pen you’d noticed earlier and put it in your back pocket.  It wasn’t much, but it would have to do.  You made a mental note to always carry at least a pocket knife or pepper spray with you at all times.  
You suddenly remembered the travel-size can of aerosol deodorant you’d put in your clutch for Robin because it wouldn’t fit in hers.  
You took that out, and tucked it under the covers.  
At the last second, Craig stuck his head out to see where you were, and you just happened to be relaxing on the bed with your head cradled in your hand, face lit up with amusement at the screen.
Alone at her place, on the way from the kitchen to the living room with a mug of tea in her hand, Astrid felt a pain shoot through her heart that was so sudden, she dropped the mug and it shattered to pieces on the laminate floor.  She clutched her chest and swallowed back the taste of bile, trying to steady herself, bracing her hand on the stove. 
After a few deep breaths, the flash of agony subsided, and a glance up at the clock told her that Steve was probably still at the wedding.  
Her head swam, and her ears went blind as if her head was submerged in water.  
A gun shot? 
The thought occurred to her, but then it passed. 
Was she experiencing another one of the symptoms of the strange connection she had with Steve ever since they were kids? Or was she having a panic attack of her own? She’d been thinking about the tarot reading she’d done for him; the warnings she’d been moved to share with him.
And then that charming, goofy grin he’d flashed her as he came in for a kiss, making light of her sudden and deep concern.
Driven by some type of inexplicable instinct, she stepped over the broken ceramic, toed into her shoes, and grabbed the keys to her old truck, hoping the engine didn’t fail her this time. 
She also hoped, for some unspecified reason, that she wasn’t too late.  
Too late for what, she wasn’t sure.  
“First things first,” Robin paced in the stairwell between the 3 and 4th floors while Eddie gnawed at his lip, his arms crossed stiffly over his chest.  “I’ll go down and see if I can find out from the front desk which room Craig is staying in.”
“They’re not just gonna hand that information over to you, Rob,” Eddie bit, trying not to take his frustration out on her.  His own mind was racing, not only because of you, but also at the thought that Charlene had crossed yet another line and was trying to fuck with his friend.  He couldn’t worry about Steve though—he had to trust that he would take the information he’d given him and do what needed to be done for that situation. 
It was then that Eddie’s beeper went off, echoing off the walls.  
He unclipped it from his belt to check it and found that it was from Wayne.
Alerts on his beeper from Wayne that were not during business hours always made his heart stop for a second.  
“Shit, I gotta find a phone,” he mumbled.
Robin started taking the stairs down, motioning for him to follow. “We can sneak around to the payphones in the lobby. This way.”
Turns out, the cops weren’t there for Eddie, they had just been strolling by to check on the event. Robin batted her eyes at the guy at the front desk and asked for a peppermint while Eddie checked out the scene.
Wayne wanted to let him know that Bones and the rest of the Coffin Kings were on their way.  
Eddie leaned against the payphone as Wayne advised him to wait for the rest of the MC before he made a move; it wasn’t safe to go up against a guy like Craig alone.
“Be careful, son,” Wayne told him.
“Take your meds and get some rest,” Eddie returned, which was just another way to say ‘I love you’.  
“You need me there?” Wayne asked.  “You need me to go and check on the boy?”
Eddie looked across the lobby at Robin who was on her way back with a handful of red and white peppermints wrapped in plastic and her tongue out in a goofy expression.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Eddie murmured.  “Check on Oliver just in case. He’s with his friend Paul at Raina’s.”
He also knew that Wayne was much like him, and in a situation like this—he needed something to occupy himself so that he didn’t go mad.
He hung the black phone back onto the receiver and let Robin feed a round candy into his mouth; he started chewing right away instead of sucking on it, crunching down so hard his jaw clicked.  He didn’t want to think what Craig was capable of now that he had you all alone, all to himself.
What if he put his hands on you? What if he….what if….
Eddie growled in frustration and punched the cement wall.  
He hissed in pain, knuckles zinging, and then flapped his hand in the air.  
“I need to go slash that fuckers tires so he can’t go anywhere,” Eddie told Robin, and she nodded; agreeing.
They told Steve to meet them down in the parking lot, and now they’d have more muscle as the rest of the kings rolled in.
But Eddie was losing patience, and—even worse—he worried he was losing you.
Craig was in a bad mood when he was done cleaning the bathroom, and you knew he would be—but it was a price you were willing to pay. 
He turned the TV off and stood in front of him, glaring down his nose at you.
“What have you been up to while I’ve been busy cleaning up your mess?”
You sat up and batted your eyelashes a few times.  “I’ve just been missing you, that’s all.”
His open hand slap came hard and fast across your face and it stung like hell. 
Your eyes were watering as you slowly brought your head back to face him again. 
“Are you done being a little pig?”
You sucked in your bottom lip, nodding. “Yes.”
You winced, because you thought he was going to slap you again, but he grabbed your chin like he’d done before and squeezed, making your mouth pucker. “Say you promise.”
“I promise, baby.  I promise.”
“Good,” he released you.  “Now we can finally enjoy our evening.”
You sank from the bed and got to your knees in front of him, and his hooded eyes followed your every move.
“If I can’t be a pig, can I be a whore?” You purred, moving to unfasten his belt buckle.
“You are such a fucking whore,” he hissed. “And you know how much I hate whores.”
You undid the button and pulled down the zipper. He groaned a little as he watched you reach inside his boxers to pull his cock out. He tilted his head back, feeling your warm breath on the tip as you stroked him and he pushed his pants further.
“Fuck yeah,” he said to the ceiling. “Suck me dry like the whore that you are.”
You spit on the tip and jerked him a few more times, unwilling to touch him with your mouth, as you reached around for the pen in your back pocket and clicked the point out.
“Yes, baby,” you whispered.  “Let me take care of you.”
On the next breath, you jabbed the pen up into his balls as fast and as hard as you could.  
In that first second or two, while he was still in shock, wailing, you stabbed him with it a few more times. 
Jab jab jab
Blood gushed out and he fell to the ground whimpering screams that could not be fully formed inside the crushing pain.
He clutched his wound and rolled over, giving you enough time to scamper away.  He lurched for you as you darted across the bed, thinking you wanted to grab for the deodorant spray, but then you just said fuck it and let out a feral yell as you dropped down with your knee in his face, and then you brought the pen down again....
You were aiming for his eyeball--hopefully his brain---but it stabbed into his cheek instead.
His scream was so piercing, you thought it might break the window
Was he dead or going to die? Probably not, but this was your only chance to get away and you had to take it. You ran as fast as you could, fumbling at the handle of the door as you heard his shrill, gurgled moans behind you.
Steve found his way down the stairwell and stopped to take a breather.  He’d been walking awhile, and his adrenaline was through the roof, so he paused to lean against the railing and light a cigarette.
“Son of a bitch,” he said on the exhale as smoke billowed out, and then he wet his lips. The worst part about finding out what Charlene did, was that Steve had honestly started to like her. He felt like he’d been tricked into dubious consent because he never would’ve let himself have any feelings if he’d known even half of the truth.  He put two fingers to his throat to check his pulse, certain that he was in the middle of a panic attack.  The nicotine did its job to calm him down, it also got him to slow down and breathe, if only to support his habit.
His attention perked up again when he heard a scream and a thump coming from the floor above, and then more screaming, as if some dude was being murdered.
On the highway, Astrid struggled to catch her breath, and the constriction in her chest made her swerve into the gravel and fishtail before she righted the truck again while the duet Jackson by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash played through static on the radio.  
She could see the lights of the hotel up ahead through the trees.
Eddie found Craig’s SUV in the parking lot and stabbed its tires with his utility knife, thinking he should have one of the guys bring the tow truck around and impound the fucker. Robin tried to open the doors and cupped her hands around her eyes to see what was inside.
Behind them, a car was pulling in off the highway; the headlights behind them cast their shadows over the pavement.
they heard the brakes squeal to a halt and a woman yelped.
Eddie’s attention went to the side of the building and he caught sight of something scrawled in red on one of the windows.  
You turned a corner at the end of the hall and ran like the devil was on your heels, passed several vending machines and a pool, until you broke through into a dark stairwell and made your way down on foot.  
You were afraid to look back.
The fear of hearing him enter the stairwell behind you had you in such a hurry that you tripped twice and caught yourself.  You were barefoot, and you were pretty sure you’d stepped on a thumbtack or some glass because the pad of your left foot stung like hell, but it did not slow you down.  
You wiped something wet out of your eye with your arm, assuming it was blood, and regretted that you didn't stay to make sure you killed him like you knew you should have.
In that moment, as you stumbled down the stairs afraid for your life, you felt like going to prison for such a thing would've been worth it.
You finally shot out into the night air and took a deep breath.
You came out around the backside of the hotel, where there wasn’t much illumination but for three lights up high on a ledge.  You only paused for a second, but kept going, passing dumpsters and an employee entrance before you caught sight of the highway and headlights making their way onto the property.  
Charlene darted from the hotel and out into the street, desperate to find Steve to explain, to let him know she regretted all of it, without looking where she was going. Before one of the valets could stop her, she almost got hit by an old truck cruising in at twice the speed it should have.
Only a hair away from the grille, she turned to throw the driver a dirty look.
Astrid was startled as well, but with her foot on the brake, and her eyes locked on Charene, she revved the engine.
When Craig stumbled into the elevator with a dark stain seeping through the crotch of his denim and a punctured face oozing blood, everyone in the compartment cleared out, muffling their screams as they went.
He heaved and grunted and thumbed the button for the lobby as he scowled down the hall at nothing while the doors slid shut.  
He had two loaded guns shoved in the waistband of his jeans and he intended to use them.  
Eddie stepped closer to read what it said on the window with a tilt of his head. It read: “Eddie I love u” and it was written backwards so that it could be legible from out where he was, not inside the room.
“Baby,” he whispered with a catch in his throat.
Forgetting about everything else he was doing, and the chaos that was going on, he took note of which floor that was and started to book it back inside, but then that was when you came into sight, limping around the shadowy corner.
You had blood spatter on your face, and your dress was ripped.  It also looked like you hurt your foot somehow and your face broke into a sob the moment you saw him.
Astrid parked her truck right where it was, with the headlights still on as she got out to find out where the boys were. She grabbed a shovel out of the bed in case she needed to use it as a weapon.
She was about to say something to Charlene when they heard the gunshot and both women ducked down, shoulders pressed together behind the side of the truck.
Craig exited the building on a rampage—not caring who saw him or what it looked like as he shot a bullet into the air.
He stepped out between you and Eddie, and you called out to him.
“I’m right here, Craig,” you said, stepping further into the light from the shadows.  “Please just, leave them be.  I’ll go with you wherever.”
Craig turned to give you a sneer of a grin, his white teeth now pink from all of the blood in his mouth.
“Oh, honey, it’s too late for that.”
You locked eyes with Eddie across the way and he started towards you, ready to breech the gap, regardless of the consequences as Craig turned the gun on him.
Eddie kept his pace, getting closer.  “You better be ready to use that, man, before I get my hands on you.”
With Craigs finger hot on the trigger, there was a sudden yell from somewhere in the bushes as Steve flew out of nowhere and tackled Craig to the ground. Eddie took that split second to get over to you, to hold your face and make sure you were okay.
The gun went off again, but the two were a tangled mess on the ground.  Steve beat Craig’s skull into the pavement a few times, and jammed his thumb into the once good eye, but Craig clocked him with the butt of the gun and it stunned him for a second.
It all happened so fast.
Steve was able to crack Craig’s hand against the ground and he lost his grip on the gun, and it skidded away, out of reach.
There were motorcycles thundering near in the distance as Craig yanked the other gun from his waistband and shuffled back to take aim.
Eddie spread his arms out and moved in front of you to act as a shield..
And then there was a gunshot from somewhere else, but the bullet only skimmed Craig’s shoulder. He yowled, but he did not faulter.
Charlene tried to aim at his skull for a second one with trembling hands, but Craig turned the gun on her and Astrid before she could, and he got a shot it, just before Steve reared up to take him to the ground again. The struggle turned them over several times, but then in a blink, Steve was on his back again, but he was able to wrestle the other weapon from Craig.
Craig reared up to bring his fist down into Steve’s face just as Astrid was about to bring the business end of the shovel down on his head---
but then there was a shotgun blast from out of the dark.
You ran up behind Eddie and put your arms around him.
Craig’s body spasmed in the air where he knelt above Steve as the power of the shots knocked him back.
There were smoking holes blown through his head and his chest.
With one final, open-mouthed pause against the beam of the headlights, and a choked gurgle, Craig’s dead body slumped to the ground.  
Panting, Steve unsheathed his knife and got to his knees; ready for more just in case.
Everyone’s eyes followed the line of fire to the source.
And there was Wayne.
He stepped out of the shadows in his Coffin King's denim kutte with “Uncle” on the front pocket, lowering the double barrel.  He tipped his chin to both of the boys and squared his shoulders.   
A crowd had gathered from inside, including the bride, and the woman who had just caught the bouquet, and Melanie. Even Erika was there as someone’s date. They whispered to each other as Craig’s blood pooled into a little river on the uneven pavement and made its way to the gutter.  
From inside Astrid’s truck, the chorus to the song I’m on Fire by Bruce Springsteen was eventually drowned out by the fierce rumble of motorcycles as the entire MC entered the parking lot and flanked the scene.  
Part 16
whoa, who knew this would be such a family affair when this fic first started? This world has come to mean so much to me, and I'm so grateful to those of you still riding along.
As always, your comments mean the world, and, if you enjoyed it---reblog it---because it's the only way this fic will ever be seen by anyone but us 🧡
Taglist: @notsobubblybaby @eighty6babyyy @unfocused81 @aysheashea @etherealglimmer@manicmagicmayhem @dream-a-little-nightmare@chaoticgood-munson @ms1oftheboys @emxcast @rhirojo@bexreadstoomuch @micheledawn1975@falling-solar-system @secretdryrose@kurdtbean @whatwedontdointheshadows @miarosso @seventhlevelofhell @corrodedcoffincumslut @lofaewrites @goldyghoul @chloe-6123 @kelsiegrin @chelebelletx @stylesxmunson @dandelionnfluff @lilpotatobean2-deactivated20230 @clincallyonline17 @tlclick73 @eddiemunson95 @sidthedollface2 @hideoutside @truffleshuffle12 @tenthmoon @texasblues@emilyslutface@mmunson86@onegirlmanytales@layla-loves-ed @dashingdeb16 @eddiiiieeee @michellecrusher
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This is going to be ranty and I've touched on this subject before. So if you're a Steve worshipper look away. For the record, I love his character but I cannot stand the constant mischaracterization of him. It turns him into a joke. He's not a mom and the comparison is frankly sexist not to mention shows how much people are willing to overlook with regard to his character. Joyce does triple the amount of work and is an actual mom, so if you want to praise someone for being a mom look to the real one. Instead she gets practically ignored by the fandom. Steve does the bare minimum compared to a lot of people and gets worshipped, and the result of this is that people end up turning him into a 1 dimensional version of himself. He has flaws and it's important to acknowledge them. He's far more interesting and relatable this way. Without doing that he gets turned into a god-like figure who is infallible. But the worst of this is the constant erasure of Jonathan. I keep seeing posts saying that Steve would be such an amazing mentor to Will and how wonderful their relationship will be next season. Be for fucking real. They don't have a relationship and never will and Will doesn't need him. Not to mention the fact that Steve isn't a mentor. He is a peer. And only to Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Erica who are the only kids who are shown to have any kind of relationship with him. And honestly Dustin is the only one that isn't superficial. It's especially notable in the case of Mike that they never developed a relationship. It shows that not only are Mike and Nancy not that close, but her ex-boyfriend never bonded with him. Mike tends to respond to Steve with the same contempt he has for his father in the brief moments we've seen between the two.
It's Jonathan who is an ally to Will. It's Jonathan Will and Mike trust. It's Jonathan Mike has known since he was 5. And it's Jonathan who has constantly protected them. Neither one of them have a relationship with Steve. All of these characters have been on the show since the beginning. If Steve had a major impact on any of their lives they would have shown it by now. And yes, Steve is no longer the bullying asshole he once was. He has gone through a great character arch that has shown him growing and changing in a realistic way. However, he still has a lot to learn and this was demonstrated through his shitty advice to Robin early in the season. Him dismissing her fears of asking Vickie out was not ok and shows he doesn't fully understand her point of view. Just because he ended up being right at the end doesn't excuse the fact that he told her to just ask Vickie out simply because she paused a movie at a certain time. He could have very easily been wrong and it was valid that she was hesitant.
Steve used to bully people for being gay, and again, it's good that he doesn't do this anymore and has grown. But this is the version of Steve that Will, Mike, and Jonathan know. They know the version of him that called Jonathan the f word and said his brother deserved to die. They know the version of him that said their abusive father was right. Mike and Will are not coming out to Steve.
In fact, people should expect them to be afraid of him and expect Jonathan to immediately be on guard and protective. Because this is the only version of him they know. Steve was known around town for being a bully and he still has this reputation - Eddie says this season he is surprised Steve wasn't an asshole even though Dustin insisted.
Mike and Will are two scared kids who live in a town that behaves the way Steve used to. They expect this kind of reaction. It's Jonathan's calm, empathetic support they need. It isn't the guy who used to be homophobic - and honestly has no patience for the kids - to help them out. Quiet, sensitive Will does not need someone loud and impatient who used to act like his abusive father in his life. And it's not on Mike and Will to absolve Steve of his past crimes.
And I absolutely cannot stand all the headcanons that I see of how Steve is going to start a LGBTQ support group around Hawkins for Robin and Will. It's utterly ridiculous. We absolutely do need Robin bonding with Will (and Mike and Vickie) but there is honestly no excuse for the constant insertion of Steve into this narrative. It is not a place he belongs. As an ally, it's important for him to recognize there are spaces that aren't for him. They do not need his permission or approval to talk to each other.
And bonding with Robin does not automatically come with a close bond with Steve. It isn't required. She is her own separate person who has her own separate experiences that Steve does not always need to be apart of just because they are friends. It's far more impactful to see a moment between Will and Robin (including with Mike and Vickie) without Steve randomly being there saying pointless shit. And they aren't wasting a moving coming out moment with Steve and Mike and Will instead of with people they are actually close to. Inserting him into this narrative changes the focus from the LGBTQ character to Steve. It makes it entirely about him and his response instead of them. In fact it's not outside of the realm of possibility that he just never finds out or it's a very quick moment that happens in passing. But erasing his characters actual role on the show completely misses the point of why he's still in this narrative. The cool guy isn't the focus of this story for once. It's not his story. That doesn't mean he isn't important. It means that for once the straight, white dude who's conventionally attractive is taking a backseat and not only that, but he's not resentful about this. He doesn't act bitter that he isn't the focus. And this is such an important role to see.
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andvys · 1 year
We'll burn the sky | part five
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Warnings: 18+, smut at the beginning, angst, mentions of drugs, substance abuse and readers dad's death, cheating (not on reader)
Pairings: Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Rockstar!fem!reader | Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: Things are going great on tour— maybe a little too great.
Author's note: Get ready for some agonizing pain, my friends
series masterlist
Eddie woke up to an empty bed and cold sheets.
Furrowing his brows, he stares at the empty spot for a moment. Anxious thoughts fill his mind and he wonders if you regret what happened and escaped before you had to face him again. The smell of your shampoo and your strawberry scented body wash lingers on his pillow, it’s comforting. 
The images of the previous night come rushing back to him. His hands tingle as he remembers the way he touched your bare skin, the way he made you moan with just the touch of his hands, the way you begged and asked for more before he flipped you over and gave you what you wanted. 
The tension was growing between you from the first moment you met. And so were his feelings.
He didn’t touch you out of temptation, he touched you out of love. All these feelings that he has been pushing back all these months finally boiled over and there was nothing he could do but to give in. 
He knows it’s wrong to feel this way when he still belongs to someone else and he hates himself for it, he turned into something he used to despise; a cheater. He did something that was done to him before, he knows how much it hurts to be betrayed like that and yet it didn’t stop him from doing all these things. 
Chrissy was his first girlfriend, his first love. 
She was the one he always wanted, the one he used to daydream about, the one he used to pine after but she never saw him. He was nothing but thin air to her for the longest time and when she did notice him, he felt as though he was on top of the world but Chrissy wasn’t what he thought she was and deep down he knew that but he only saw the obvious things. 
Eddie was a freak and Chrissy was the queen. 
Eddie was bullied and she was dating his bully. 
Eddie was poor and selling drugs to help his uncle with the bills while she didn’t even have to lift a finger. Not only did she grow up rich but she was also surrounded by wealthy people, including her ex boyfriend; Jason. 
Eddie treated people with kindness, even the ones that didn’t deserve it and she.. Well, to Eddie she always seemed like a kind and sweet girl but the poor boy was always blinded by his love for her. He didn’t see the way she looked down on his friends, he didn’t notice how rude she was being to his uncle, he didn’t realize why she never brought him to her place. 
He was blind to so many things when it came to Chrissy. He was blind to the way she stared at Steve for a little too long, laughing at his jokes a little too loud. 
Eddie was just happy to be with the girl of his dreams– or what he once thought was the girl of his dreams but his feelings already started to change when he picked her up after her best friend’s house party, one night. She was crying, holding her jacket close to her chest as she stared down at the ground with tears streaming down her face. Eddie had never been more worried in his life than he was at that moment, he thought that something happened to her, that someone hurt her but when he jumped out of his van and ran towards her with a concerned expression on his face. He grabbed her face and wiped her tears as he asked what happened. 
All she did was look at him with a guilty look in her glassy eyes, ‘I’m sorry, Eddie.’ is all she had to say for him to understand what had happened before she called him. 
Eddie swore that his heart broke that night. 
The girl he loved with all he had, betrayed him in the most painful way. 
For the longest time, he stood frozen in place and stared at her with a shocked and heartbroken look on his face. He didn’t hear her voice, he didn’t feel her touch, all he felt was the pain that took hold of his heart. And when he looked over her shoulder and found Jason staring back at him, his heart hurt even more. Not only did she cheat on him but she also did it with the guy that made his life a living hell. 
His eyes were filled with tears but he didn’t say anything, he only took a step back and looked away from her. She took a step forward and reached for his hand, ‘it didn’t mean anything… Eddie, please.. I’m sorry.’ He should have pushed her hand away, he should have left her there with Jason. ‘Please, forgive me.’
The fool he was, he forgave her. He even took her home that night and took care of her, he wiped her makeup off and held her in his arms as she dozed off like nothing happened. 
He blamed it on the alcohol, he blamed it on the weed, he blamed it on Jason.
But Chrissy wasn’t drunk and she wasn’t high either, she knew exactly what she was doing. She knew that she was hurting him. 
While she was having sex with her ex boyfriend, he was at home writing a song for her, something that he did out of love, excitement and happiness– the happiness that she had ruined in him. 
Sleepless nights followed that awful night and Eddie realized how much love truly hurts. 
He should have left her, he shouldn’t have given her that second chance, he deserved better but he was a fool.
His feelings changed more and more when he moved to California. 
He learned more things about himself, he got to know himself in a different way, he has grown in character after leaving Hawkins. 
Chrissy stayed the same. Still caring about the meaningless things in life. The perfect clothes, the perfect status, the perfect friend group, the perfect future, gossip.
Deep down he knows, they aren’t right for each other. There was not even a single moment where he had a genuine and deep conversation with her, all they ever did was movie nights, getting high and having sex that wasn’t even exciting to him. She talked about her future, about her dreams and her wishes, not even caring about what he wanted. Not even caring about the pain she put him through that night. 
A moment of realization of what his future would be like made him panic. He didn’t want to live her life. He wanted to live his life, he wanted to fulfill his dreams. Perhaps that is why he abruptly made the decision to leave Hawkins. 
He should’ve left more than just the town he grew up in, he also should’ve left her but he couldn’t, not when she was looking at him with those big and sad eyes of hers as she watched him pack his bags. He should have broken up with her but back then he believed that he still loved her and that she loved him. 
He was never one to break someone’s heart but look at him now. He is not just playing with her heart, he is also playing with your heart and he is setting himself up for a big disaster. 
But can he stop? No. 
Could he have stopped the loss of his feelings for her? No. 
Could he have stopped himself from falling for you? No. How could he? 
How could he be in your presence and not fall in love with you? 
“Fuck…” Eddie mumbles under his breath as he slaps his hand over his face. He hates himself for doing all of this. He needs to stop, he needs to come clean about everything, he needs to tell you the truth and he needs to tell her the truth. He needs to break up with her but he doesn’t know how. Doing it over the phone would be a shitty move but waiting till he gets to Indiana is even worse. 
You will find out about her when you get there and that thought leaves him feeling scared and anxious. 
The moment he steps into the kitchen area and finds you standing with your back to him as you fix yourself a cup of coffee, he forgets about everything he wanted to say and do, though. 
His mind is blank and his heart flutters as he watches you. He can’t even stop himself from walking towards you and wrapping his arms around you. He pulls you back into his chest and kisses your neck, “good morning.”
You flinch a little, surprised at his affection. 
You didn’t know what to expect but for some reason you didn’t expect this. You felt a little guilty and ashamed for what you did the previous night. 
If there was one thing that you promised yourself before you joined the band, it was not to sleep with any of your band mates but here you are, 20 days into the tour and Eddie already made you cum around his fingers twice. 
A smile appears on your face as you turn around in his arms, “good morning, Eddie.”
His eyes light up and he has to restrain a groan as he sees the way you look at him. 
“Did you sleep well?” you ask as you move closer to him, pressing your chest against his. He might have had the upper hand last night but today, you will have it. 
Eddie’s eyes widen and a surprised look crosses his face as he feels your hand sliding down his stomach. 
“Y-Yeah,” he whispers, looking around the empty area, he figures that the others are still sleeping, thank god. 
“Yeah?” you smirk as your fingers reach the band of his boxers. You can feel him, his dick is already hard. You didn’t get to touch him the way he touched you last night and you were dying to return the favor. 
He nods, eyelashes fluttering as a sigh escapes his lips when you start to palm him over the thin material of his boxers. He places his hands on the counter behind you, caging you against it as he leans into your touch. 
“F-Fuck, y/n,” he sighs, “what are you doing?” 
For a moment, you admire him and how pretty he looks. His messy hair falls down his shoulders, his eyes almost black, lips plumper than usual in the mornings. The little moans and whimpers that fall from his lips so beautifully make your stomach flutter. 
You stand on your tippy toes, mimicking his actions from the night before. Your lips finally touch the sensitive skin on his neck for the very first time. 
Eddie’s eyes flutter closed, his heart begins to pound heavily in his chest, his breathing stutters and he moans your name like it’s the only thing he is meant to do. Your touch, your lips, your smell, your voice, you, you drive him crazy. 
“Returning the favor,” you whisper against his neck, “is that okay?” 
“Mhmm,” he mewls as he holds onto the counter tighter. He forgets about everything, “more than okay, baby.” 
You chuckle at the pathetic moan that left his lips after those words. 
Your hand slips into his boxers and you grab his hard and aching dick. 
“F-Fuck… oh fuck.. baby.” 
Eddie doesn’t even remember anymore what it feels like to feel someone else’s touch but his own. The fact that it’s you who’s touching him like this, makes it all even better. 
You brush his hair back with your free hand and Eddie tilts his head to give you more access to his neck. Another moan echoes through the empty area as you begin to jerk him off. 
“Shhh, you gotta be quiet,” you mumble, “or do you wanna get caught, pretty boy?” 
He repeats your name over and over again as you jerk him off faster and kiss his neck harder, as you bite and suck on his skin, marking him as yours. 
“F-Fuck,” he sighs as he bucks into your hand, “your hand feels so good…” 
“My pussy would feel even better, Eddie.” 
He whimpers at your words, dick twitching in your hand. 
Smirking, you grab his cheeks and force him to look at you, “you want that, huh?” you ask him. His eyes shot open, surprise flickering in his pleading eyes, “you want to fuck me, don’t you?.... I know you do. I know you jerk off in that little bathroom after every show, I hear you moan my name. I know you watch me change, you fucking perv.” 
His eyes widen, cheeks growing red. 
But the smirk on your face tells him that you enjoy it just as much as he does, “it’s okay, baby,” you whisper as you lean closer to him, lips brushing against his, he whines pathetically as you move away again after he tries to connect your lips, “uh-uh… no kisses for you.” 
He wants to question it, his brows furrow and his lips part but before he can even form a sentence, he feels himself getting closer and closer and he can’t do anything but shut his eyes and hide his face in the crook of your neck as his lips find their way to your shoulder.
“Please…. please..” he mumbles. 
“You wanna cum, Eddie?” you ask as you hold him tighter, “you wanna cum all over my hand like a desperate little slut?” 
He nods, whining and whimpering at your words. 
“Cum for me then,” you order as you nibble on his neck, “be a good boy and cum for me.” 
That’s all it takes for him to cum, painting your hand white with his seed. He moans and whimpers against you, body slumping against yours as he breathes heavily. 
“Oh my god,” he whispers, kissing your shoulder.
You giggle, rubbing his back with your hand as you let go of his softening dick. You slip your hand out of his boxers and he groans at the sight of the mess he made, “shit..” he says, blushing. 
He turns on the water, grabbing your hand, he pulls you off of you and holds your hand under the running water to clean it. 
You can’t even help but laugh at the sight of him. He gives you a side eye, knowing that you’re laughing at him. His cheeks are red, his hair messier than before, his boxers are sticky, he is a mess and if anyone is about to join the two of you in this area, then they’ll easily figure out what just happened. 
“Shut up,” he mumbles with a small smile on his face. 
You bite down on your lip and look down as he begins to dry your hand off. 
“Didn’t expect your morning to go like this, huh?” you whisper, giving him a teasing smile. 
No. Not at all. If anything, he would have loved to have a repeat of the previous night but this? This was too good. 
He shakes his head and he leans closer, annoyed at your dominance– no matter how hot it is, he wants to be the one in charge. 
Eddie throws the towel on the counter and places his hand on the small of your back to pull you closer. Leaning down, he moves your hair back, “next time, I’m gonna make you scream.” 
His husky morning voice sends shivers down your spine. 
“Yeah? How so?” 
“I’m gonna eat your pussy, fuck you with my tongue and fingers until you squirt all over my face.” 
You gasp, squeezing your thighs together in an instinct. 
He kisses the spot he covered with hickeys, “you’d like that don’t you?” 
Your eyes flutter closed as he pulls you flush against his body, you nod, mewling at his words. 
“You know what else I’d do?” he mumbles against your skin. 
He gives your neck a soft peck, “I’d split you open with my cock, I’d fuck you so hard that you’d remember nothing but my name.” 
“Eddie–” you rudely get interrupted by the sound of a door opening. You jump away from him and lean back against the counter as you reach for your mug. 
Eddie chuckles as he sees your flustered expression. 
“Good morning–” Gareth halts in his tracks and his words get caught in his throat when he lays his eyes on the two of you. There is nothing obvious about the two of you, well aside from the flustered expressions on your faces and your awkward cough but Gareth seems to figure it out pretty quickly. He keeps it to himself though and smirks to himself as he runs his hand through his messy hair that looks like a bird's nest, “why do you look so flustered, y/n?” he asks as he walks closer.
Eddie chuckles to himself as he takes a step back, subtly trying to hold his hand in front of his boxers. 
“I’m not flustered,” you mumble before you take a sip of your coffee. 
Gareth snorts, “right.” 
He tries to reach for the coffee pot but you slap his hand away. 
“You stole my room again, asshole!” 
Tour day 30 
I never thought that I would love being on tour so much but it’s amazing… Well, it’s amazing when Gareth isn’t stealing my room to hook up with his groupies in my bed. 
We arrived in New Orleans today! I’m so excited to be here. We’re going out for drinks tonight and tomorrow we’re having a concert before we leave for Miami! Eddie if your future self is reading this, I hope you know that I’m very excited to see you shirtless at the beach ;)
You close the diary and throw it on the bed before you walk towards the big mirror to check your outfit one more time. The leather pants hug your hips perfectly, that red cropped top that you bought yesterday goes well with the rest of your outfit. You run your fingers through your waves and adjust the necklace around your neck.
Turning away, you’re just about to reach for your boots when a knock on your door interrupts you. 
“It’s me,” Eddie announces on the other side. 
A smile tugs on your lips as you walk towards the door, opening it, you lean against the wall, “hey there.” 
Eddie’s eyes widen as he takes the sight of you in. He sees you in your sexy little outfits all the damn time and yet he still feels like the wind gets knocked out of him whenever he sees you. 
You giggle to yourself as you turn around after inviting him into your hotel room. 
Eddie blinks as he follows you inside. His eyes widen even more when they fall to your ass, the leather pants are made for you. 
“Fuck,” he sighs quietly as he clenches his jaw. 
“You ready to go?” you ask as you bend down in front of him to put on your shoes. 
A groan falls from his lips as he stares at your curves. Tearing his eyes away from you, he clears his throat and nods, “y-yeah,” his voice shaky as he speaks. 
He wants to touch you again, he wants to feel your bare skin beneath his body, he wants to kiss your neck, mark you up all over again but after that night and the next morning, you gave him no sign of wanting a repeat. You continued to tease him, giving him those eyes, touching him subtly, whispering suggestive things into his ear but whenever he made a move you pulled away. 
You are teasing him, playing games with him and he can’t say that he hates it. 
“You look good.” 
“Thank you, so do you,” you smile as you face him again. 
He smiles at your compliment, “yeah?” 
You nod and walk towards him, eyes meeting his, you reach your hands up to his hair, running your fingers through his curls to smooth them out more. Eddie smiles at your action, unable to keep his hands to himself, he lays his hands on your hips and pulls you closer. 
You continue to fix his hair, furrowing your brows as you do so. 
A loving smile appears on his face, his eyes flicker with happiness. His heart feels warm and safe when he is around you. 
“You know, I’d rather stay in tonight,” you mumble as you pull your hands back. 
“Really?” he asks, “why? You were excited to go out earlier.” 
You shrug, placing your hands on his forearms, you look back into his eyes, “I always get way too excited and I find joy in getting ready but the moment I’m supposed to leave the house, I regret making plans.” 
Eddie chuckles, dimples appearing in his cheeks, “I know that feeling all too well.” 
“Mhmm,” he nods as he rubs circles into the bare skin on your stomach, “I’m a homebody too, Sweetheart. But we’ll go out, you were so excited to be here, we’re here now, so let’s go out, just for a little bit, okay?” 
You pout. 
He looks at your lips, your very kissable lips. 
“And then we can have a sleepover and watch movies, how’s that sound?” 
“Sounds very good,” you smile, “oh and Gareth can’t steal my room tonight,” you snort. 
The menace that he is, Gareth continues to bring Groupies on the tour bus without you noticing until it’s too late. At this point, the only private room there that was meant for you doesn’t belong to you any longer. 
“Let’s go.” 
The night was eventful as always. Between concerts and sleepovers with Eddie whenever you made it to one of the hotels, nights out with the band are your favorites. You’ve been with the boys for months now and you have already formed bonds with them but even more so on this tour. 
Gareth is more like the annoying younger brother to you, always pranking you in some way and annoying the ever living shit out of you but also being kind and sweet when he wants to be. 
Jeff seems to be the wise and protective friend, distant at times, especially when he sees Eddie acting affectionate with you but an amazing friend nonetheless. 
Johnny is the fun and careless one, just vibing along and not caring about a single thing. 
Eddie, he is the special one. There are no words to describe your relationship with him but special or magical might come close to it. 
A frown settles on Eddie’s face when he sees a guy coming up next to you at the bar. A hungry gaze in his eyes as he eyes you up and down before he taps your shoulder. You turn away from the bartender and look at the man next to you. He hopes that you’ll turn away, get your drinks and come back to him but instead, you smile at the stranger and accept his hand as he seems to introduce himself to you. 
Eddie swallows harshly, a weird feeling settles in his chest. 
Jealousy. That is what he feels when he watches you talk to the guy. That’s what he felt when he saw you kiss that fan in Dallas. Hot rage, jealousy and possessiveness. 
“You can’t keep doing this, man.” 
“Do what?” Eddie asks over the loud music, still not looking away from you. 
Jeff sighs, “whatever you do with her.” 
Eddie clenches his jaw, eyes burning and heart aching in his chest the longer he stares at you. 
“It’s not fair to her, it’s not fair to either of them but especially y/n.” 
Jeff was against this from the start, not only because of the relationship Eddie is still in but because of the mess it’ll get all of them into when you and Eddie fall apart. 
Eddie blinks, chewing on his lip, he reaches for the beer bottle as he turns to look at his friend, “I know, Jeff.” 
“Then why do you keep doing this?” Jeff asks with a confused expression on his face, “why do you keep leading her on?” 
“I’m not leading her on,” Eddie objects, shaking his head. 
“Oh yeah? Did you break up with Chrissy then? Did you tell y/n the truth? Does she know about–” 
“No,” Eddie hisses, interrupting his friend, “she doesn’t know anything and I-” he hesitates, rubbing his chin, he looks down. Drowning out the loud voices and the music in the background, “I didn’t break up with her yet.” 
“Jesus,” Jeff sighs, shaking his head, “what the fuck, dude?” 
He can’t believe that Eddie is doing this. It’s not like him to do something like this. He knows how much he suffered when he found out about Chrissy’s infidelity. For the longest time Eddie thought that Chrissy was just using him to spite her parents and Jason or that she was using him for the drugs, he cried about it to Jeff and now here he is, doing the same things that hurt him. He cheats, he lies and despite his protests, Jeff believes that he is using you. 
“You are using her.” 
“No, fuck, no!” Eddie shakes his head, looking at his friend in anger, “I am not using her.” 
Jeff can only laugh at his words, “right,” he mumbles, “then why are you still with Chrissy?” 
Eddie avoids eye contact, he looks down at his hands again, ignoring the way his heart aches in his chest when he thinks about the way you will react when you finally find out the truth. 
No words leave his mouth. 
Realization crosses Jeff’s face and he scoffs angrily, “you’re doing it to spite her? To get back at her?” 
Eddie furrows his brows, head snapping up and eyes meeting his, “what–” interrupted by your angry voice as you slam the new beer bottles on the table in front of Eddie. 
He looks up at you, concern and worry appearing in his eyes. The look on your face is angry, disgusted and downright pissed as you look back at the guy, you just left at the bar, flipping him the bird before you sit down next to Eddie again. 
Jeff raises his brows at your action, watching the way you drink your beer in an almost aggressive way. 
“Uh, you okay?” he asks. 
Eddie stares at you and then back at the guy, glaring at him already. 
“That guy,” you pause, pointing at the blonde asshole with your manicured fingers, “that asshole, flirted with me, was all nice and sweet and tried to get in my fucking pants.” 
You don’t notice the angry look on Eddie’s face as you speak. 
“Not the first time that happened but okay, keep going,” Jeff laughs with an entertained look on his face. 
“And then he mentions his girlfriend,” you exclaim, “his fucking girlfriend, Jeff! What a piece of shit does that?”
Eddie pales at your words, he turns away from you, eyes widening and heart pounding in his chest. 
“God, I hate men like that.” 
Jeff glances at Eddie. 
“I hope he gets his heart broken or something, stupid bastard.” 
Eddie swallows harshly, blinking, he feels his throat tightening, his chest aching and his eyes burning. 
He is screwed, so so screwed. 
Tour day 31 
Y/n, if you’re reading this. I’m sorry for everything that happened and that is going to happen. -Jeff. 
Forgot what day it is, oops. 
I hate hotel rooms, the beds are comfy and the rooms are nice but I hate them. I can’t sleep and it’s driving me crazy. 
I prefer the bunk in the tour bus. My pillows and blankets still smell like strawberries, I think it puts me to sleep or something. -Eddie
Tour day whatever.. 
I never loved life the way I do right now, everything is just so perfect! Oh and by the way, you guys made my life better. I love you all :) -y/n 
November, 30th, 1988
So Gareth accidentally fucked someone’s girlfriend and got into a fight with her man. Fucking idiot. Y/n and Eddie got drunk and got matching tattoos, idiots part 2. -Johnny.  
The light from the tv illuminates the darkened room, the faint voices from the movie echo through the room. The smell of weed, alcohol and clean sheets linger in your nose. Eddie’s finger trace the skin under your shirt, leaving goosebumps everywhere on your body. 
Feeling Eddie’s eyes on you, you turn away from the tv, you glance at him and a smile appears on your face. His doe eyes lighten up when you move closer to him, “hi,” you whisper. 
“Hi,” he smiles as he places his hand on your lower back and pulls you closer. 
Unlike the night in his bunk, there is nothing sexual about tonight, no heavy tension is lingering in the air, just comfort and safety. 
You reach for his hand, sliding your fingers through his, you intertwine them with his. Eddie gives your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers as he continues to look into your eyes.
Blushing, you smile and close your eyes as you try to hide your face behind your hair. 
“Hey, don’t hide that pretty face from me,” he chuckles as the hand on your waist leaves to brush your hair out of your face. His palm lingers on your cheek and his face grows serious for a moment as his eyes flicker down to your lips, the lips he has yet to kiss. 
You stare at his lips the way he stares at yours. 
You want him and he wants you, it’s simple and yet it isn’t. 
“You make my life so much better,” you whisper, unaware of the pain he will put you through. He is gonna ruin your life and you don’t even know it yet. 
“You make my life so much better too,” Eddie whispers with the urge to break down and cry. 
You smile at his words, you’re too high and too drunk to notice the pain behind his voice. 
“When I came to California, I never thought that I would get here and I never thought that I’d meet someone like you.” 
Someone so special. 
“I never thought that my life could be this good.” 
“I feel the same way,” you whisper. 
Eddie closes his eyes as he feels your hand touching his cheek, enjoying the feeling of your touch. 
“I’ve never met anyone like you before.” 
Eddie feels like home to you and that is something you struggled to accept for the longest time. It’s not easy for you to be vulnerable around someone else or to let feelings in.
Love is a complex and painful thing. You’ve seen what it did to your dad, it put him through agonizing pain, through suffering and through the darkest times and eventually he couldn’t take it any longer and put an end to it. 
That is what genuine love does to you and you never wanted that for yourself, you never wanted to fall in love but now it’s a little too late for that. 
You look into his dark eyes, your heart skips a beat and all you can think is that this is gonna hurt. 
December 5th, 1988
We’re in New York, baby! And we have two shows here, I’m so excited. -y/n
You have never seen a bigger crowd than there was tonight. People were screaming, cheering and calling your name. Your heart was pumping wildly in your chest and the smile on your face just wouldn’t fade away. 
Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off of you, his heart swelled and he felt proud of the band, of himself but especially of you. 
This was his dream. 
To perform in front of large crowds, to sing and play for the people and celebrate with them. To be here, perform in New York City. 
He made it, all he ever wanted is right here in front of him and he can’t even begin to describe the happiness that is flooding through him. 
But as he watched you sing, as he touched your body when you came closer to him, as he looked into your eyes and sang the song that you have written together, he realized that his dream just got so much bigger. He doesn’t just want this anymore. He wants you in his dream, forever and not just by his side as his band mate or his friend, he wants so much more than that. 
The love you have described to him all these months ago, the night at the beach is exactly what he feels now, what he feels for you. 
He wants it, he wants it all with you. 
So as you stand beneath the night sky, leaning against the railing on the rooftop as you stare at the bright city lights. Eddie thinks of all your moments on stage, of the nights you spend together, of all the hours you have spend working on the album you are performing in front of thousands of people now, of the smiles you give him, of the way it feels to touch you, of the way you make him feel so safe and at home. 
He realizes just how deep his feelings really are. There is love and then there is something deeper than that and that is what he feels for you. 
Your eyes twinkle, a content look is resting on your pretty face, you took all the makeup off after the concert. You’re wearing one of his hoodies and he can already feel the excitement forming when he gets to wear it after you and smell your scent on it. 
The wind blows through his hair and his bangs fall in front of his eyes. 
You turn to look at him and chuckle, the sound leaving butterflies fluttering in his stomach. 
You take a step towards him and brush the curls out of his face, fixing his bangs too. Eddie stares at you and suddenly he feels his heart racing, his breath hitches in his throat. He blinks, eyes flickering down to your lips again. He wants this, he wants you so bad. 
The shift of energy isn’t very hard to miss. 
The air around you two feels different tonight and leaves you feeling vulnerable. 
Eddie can’t hold himself back any longer. 
He cups your cheeks, lips twitching when he sees the surprised look in your eyes, you know what he is about to do, it’s what you’ve been waiting for all this time, it’s what you have both been waiting for. 
“Eddie,” you whisper as you bring your hands up to his wrists. 
Before he can change his mind, he grabs you harder and leans down and for the first time, his lips touch yours and Eddie kisses you the way you have never been kissed before. 
The little gasp that tore from your throat only makes his heart race even more. He kisses you gently, softly and slowly at first. 
You melt so easily into his touch as you start to kiss him back. Your smooth lips move against his so perfectly. 
Eddie’s knees almost give out as he feels all kinds of emotions rushing through him. 
No one has ever made him feel that way before. No one has ever made him feel these things just from kissing alone. 
He savors the moment, he savors your touch, your kiss, your scent, your taste, you. 
And as you pull away from each other, you stare at one another with big eyes. His thumb lingers on your bottom lip, his brows are furrowed in confusion. 
How can a kiss make him feel such things?
How can it feel like the first time that he has been touched? How can he feel so whole from an innocent and gentle kiss? 
You become more and more perfect to him. 
Eddie can’t even help it, he pulls you in for another kiss but this time, he slams his lips against yours and kisses you roughly and passionately. 
You whimper at the feeling, once again he caught you off guard but you quickly start to kiss him back. You wrap your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer and closer until your chest is pressed against his. 
He deepens the kiss and moans when he feels your hand disappearing in his hair, tugging and pulling at his messy curls. 
His hands slide down to your waist and the small of your back. 
Your tongues meet and you both moan at the feeling as the kiss grows rougher and rougher. 
Your breathing becomes heavy and you both get breathless but neither of you care, you just want this moment to last forever. The kiss grows more desperate and rough the longer it lasts. 
Eddie whimpers and you smile into the kiss at the sound. 
Kissing you feels like heaven. 
Kissing you feels like a drug that he can’t live without, like he will die if he stops doing it. 
God, he loves you. 
That night and the kiss was only the beginning. Once he got a taste of it, he was unable to stop. He used every chance he got. He kissed you before each show, after each show when you were both running on adrenaline, using the changing room backstage to make out with each other. 
You slept in his bed, in his arms, after making out for the longest time. 
On your off days, Eddie takes you out to eat or to get drinks and each night it ends with the two of you tangled in the sheets, kissing each other like your life depends on it. 
You are happy and so is he. 
Both you and Eddie are too blinded by the excitement and the happiness to feel the storm brewing. 
December 12th, 1988
We just left Pittsburg and we’re in Cincinnati now. I don’t know what to say but, life is fucking good. I can’t wait to go back to Hawkins and show all those assholes that we fucking made it. -Gareth. 
A gnawing feeling settles in your stomach and you don’t know why, maybe it’s because of all the Christmas decorations and the fact that each day that passes brings you closer to Christmas or maybe it’s because something bad will happen. 
Either way, you feel awful and you can’t even explain why. 
“Hey,” Jeff nudges your shoulder, “are you okay?” 
You look up at him and give him a small smile, “yeah, I’m good.” 
“You sure?” he asks, knowing that he won’t get a genuine answer anyways. You hide your feelings, all the time. 
“Yes, I promise. I’m just tired.” 
He nods, he looks over your shoulder, glancing at Eddie who talks to Rob, the tour manager. 
“Well it’s a good thing that we’re here now,” Gareth grins as he comes up next to you, throwing his arm over your shoulder, he holds your hotel keys out for you, “I can keep Eddie’s keys since he’s gonna stay with you anyways,” he says, wiggling his brows. 
You roll your eyes at your friend, not noticing the disapproving look Jeff gave to Gareth. 
“Shut up,” you mumble, snatching the keys out of his hand, “I’ll give those to Eddie.” 
“Because those are his keys?” you mumble, raising your brows. 
Gareth smirks at you, “yeah but you share your room all the time. I hear those giggles and your screams ‘Eddie stop!’” he mocks you with a high pitched voice. 
You shake your head, slapping his shoulder, “I don’t sound like that!” 
He snorts, “uh, yes you do!” 
Jeff shakes his head and walks away with a sigh, taking his suitcase on the way to the elevator. 
“Wait up for me, Jeff!” Gareth yells out to his friend with a frown on his face. He grabs his bag, “see you at soundcheck, rockstar,” he says to you as he follows Jeff, “hold the doors open asshole!” 
You shake your head as you watch him almost trip over a small dog, mumbling an apology to the owner of the dog. The woman gives him a disapproving look, especially when she sees his attire. Leather jackets and plaid shirts must be a rarity at these fancy hotels. 
You turn around to find Eddie and Rob walking towards you. 
“Sam wants you to give him a call, kid.” 
You nod, “I will.” 
“He was worried,” he says as he takes his sunglasses off, the ones he doesn’t even need considering there is not a single trace of sunlight outside. 
You frown at his words, “why?” 
Rob gives you a pointed look, flipping through the magazine that he’s holding in his hand. 
You give Eddie a questioning look but he only shrugs, looking as clueless as you do. 
“Here,” Rob mumbles as he holds it out for you. 
Raising your brows, you sigh and take the magazine. A collection of pictures of you and Eddie at different bars and after parties with drinks and cigarettes in your hands are all over the page. 
You laugh as you read the headline, “is the fame and the rockstar life too much for the young, rising star?” you mockingly say, “will she carry on the legacy of her father by following the same footsteps and get lost in drugs and alcohol?”
You hold the magazine up, “really?” you scoff. 
Eddie raises his brows, eyes filled with uneasiness as you continue to read the article that mentions your father’s death. 
You hide your feelings well, another person wouldn’t even see the pain or the anger and the sadness in your eyes but Eddie can see it. 
He can see right through you. 
“Really, Rob?” 
Rob shrugs, his dark eyes looking back at you with concern. 
“This is bullshit, man. You know they always come up with some dramatic stories. Do you even see any drugs here?” you ask, pointing to the pictures that were taken of you. 
He shakes his head but the worry stays in his eyes, something that concerns Eddie. Rob looks as though he knows something. 
You roll your eyes, “whatever. I’m gonna get some rest.” 
He nods, “alright, and don’t forget to eat, you got a long night ahead of you.” 
Eddie takes your bags before you can even reach for them, “I got it, Sweetheart.” 
You smile at him, “thanks.”
“Soundcheck is at 4pm!” 
Eddie gives him a nod before following you to the elevator. 
He feels uneasy and worried about the article and he doesn’t even know why. He knows that you don’t take drugs, except for the occasional joint you both share. You’re not exactly a drinker either, only having one or two beers whenever you’re out. You’re responsible and careful, despite what is written about you. 
There is nothing to worry about, right? Yet, the weird feeling stays as the day drags on. 
You spend the day together, just as Gareth said, Eddie didn’t really need his hotel room. He stayed with you, showered in your bathroom, took a nap with you in your bed and you both got ready together as well, the way you usually do before a concert. 
Eddie painted your fingernails red and you painted his black, giggling as he kept kissing your neck. 
“Stop,” you giggle as you hold the little bottle in your hand, trying to prevent the nail polish from spilling all over the couch in your backstage area, “I’m gonna get this everywhere.” 
“It’s okay,” he murmurs against your skin as he continues to pepper your neck with kisses, “you smell so good, baby.” 
Your eyes flutter and a breathy sigh escapes your lips as he finds your sweet spot. 
“And you look so good,” he whispers, placing his hand on your bare thigh, his fingers brushing the hem of your short leather skirt, “I could just eat you up.” 
“Eddie,” you whisper, biting down on your lip. 
The way you say his name will never not make him melt. 
You put the bottle away, pushing him back, he gives you a confused look. 
You smirk at him, laying your palms on his shoulders, you straddle him. 
His eyes widen and a smirk tugs at his lips as he stares at you. Your top pushes your boobs together nicely, he licks his lips, groaning as you grind down on him before you slam your lips against his. 
“Mhmm,” he mewls, grabbing your waist tightly as he kisses you back. 
You moan into his mouth as his hands move down to grab your ass. 
A knock echoes through the room but you ignore it, you keep kissing each other. 
“Guys, we gotta get out there in 10 minutes!” 
You giggle as he groans in annoyance. 
“10 minutes, he said?” 
You nod. 
Eddie smiles at you, “that means we still got 5 minutes.” 
You yelp as he gets up with you in his arms, tightening your arms around his neck as he carries you over to the door. He places you on your feet and pushes you against the door, sliding his thigh in between your legs. He stares at the hungry look in your eyes. 
“Fuck,” you mumble, biting your lip, you slide your hands down to his chest, grabbing his necklace, you look at him with big eyes, “you’re so hot, Eddie.” 
He cups your cheek, placing his thumb on your bottom lip, his dark eyes bore into yours with an intensity that leaves you squirming beneath him, “so are you, you are the fucking hottest.” 
He moves closer, leaning his forehead against yours, “I’m crazy about you.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat. 
“You do things to me, Sweetheart,” he murmurs as he pecks your lips again. 
You can’t tear your eyes away from his. 
“There’s no other like you.” 
The look is one of love and adoration but you don’t see it. 
“I fucking adore you,” he mumbles against your lips before he kisses you again until you’re nothing but a moaning and squirming mess, he leaves you breathless the way he always does, he leaves your skin feeling on fire, your heart racing and your stomach fluttering. 
A small smile lingers on your face as you walk out of the room with his hand in yours. 
He smiles down at you, stopping you with a gentle tug on your hand. Just as he is about to reach out to brush a fallen strand of hair behind your ear, he gets caught off by a loud voice, calling out his name. His smile falls, his body tenses up and the look in his eyes is one of terror and shock, before he can even react, his hand is ripped out of yours and he stumbles back as a pair of arms are flung around his neck and lips that don’t belong to you meet his. 
Confusion is written all over your face as you stare at the unfamiliar girl in Eddie’s arms. For a moment, you think that it’s some crazy fan that sneaked her way backstage to meet her idol, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened but that usually only happened to Gareth with his crazy fangirls. 
But as you watch Eddie wrap his arms around her waist in a way that he would only do to you, you realize that she is not a crazy fan and she is not a stranger to him either. 
She places her feet back on the floor and wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at him with a big smile on her face, “hi baby.” 
You furrow your brows as you stare at the pair in front of you, heart already dropping to your stomach, eyes burning as you blink. 
Eddie looks over her shoulder, his guilty eyes lock with yours. The fear and the worry is so clear in his brown eyes, he looks pale and scared. He glances at her and then back at you and that’s all it takes for you to understand. 
taglist: @prettyboyeddiemunson @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @cry-for-u @mysticmunson @aftermidnightwriting @eddielives1986 @1paire2vans @poisonedluv @sherrylyn628 @aysheashea @kaitebugg03 @lma1986 @miarosso @novelnovella @magenta-moon @strawberries-n-lavender @bibieddiesgf @michaelfuckinglangdon @tlclick73 @maystecc @hazydespair @veravee-blog @lfaewrites @saayanaaa @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @munsonsuccubus @stylesxmunson @bejeweledmunson @utterlyinsanity @littlepotatobeansworld @tvserie-s-world @moonflower1387 @micheledawn1975
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shieldofiron · 6 months
They’ve already told everyone. Max just scoffed and said she already knew. Dustin groaned that he owed Mike $5. Even Steve’s parents, who reacted to his coming out with stiff smiles, which is all he could have hoped for.
Well… they told everyone but one person.
“Lucha!” Billy clapped hard, “Lucha no!”
The thing with cats is that Steve always heard they could be unfriendly. But he hasn’t been prepared for how unfriendly they could be.
Lucha looked up at Billy from where he was attacking Steve’s foot with razor sharp claws, and then bounded away suddenly to the bedroom.
“I’m sorry, babe,” Billy rubbed the back of Steve’s neck, “He’ll get over it.”
Steve could hear Argyle speaking soothingly to the cat in the next room.
But when he tried to go to the bedroom that night Lucha arched his back and hissed.
“Amigo, what is up,” Billy scooped up the little black ball of rage, “It’s just Stevie. He’s gonna sleep over ok?”
All Billy got was a slow blink, a sign of affection according to Argyle.
And then Lucha turned in Billy’s arms, and looked at Steve with his ears pulled back, giving him a single, deliberate hiss.
“I don’t have to sleep over,” Steve muttered.
And now he has to deal with two people looking at him in abject betrayal.
“No, Lucha can sleep with Argyle tonight.”
“It’s crazy that I have an apartment, and my boyfriend won’t even sleep over,” Billy frowned, “He’s just a cat! He’s seven pounds!”
But it’s not the cat part. Lucha is Billy’s little guy. He sleeps on his chest most nights, head nestled in the crook of Billy’s neck. They’re best friends. And yeah, it’s a cat. But Steve is just a guy.
He doesn’t know what to do. And maybe it’s just him falling back on bullshit, but he pretends it’s ok, even as he puts on his shoes and kisses Billy goodbye surreptitiously, behind the door.
He feels sick for being jealous of a cat. Maybe if he hadn’t been so jealous all the time his past relationships wouldn’t have been such disasters… not that he wants things to work out with anyone but Billy. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he shut a cat out of their bedroom? What kind of asshole would do that?
The whole thing has him feeling sort of small and mixed up.
“Hello people of Family Video!” And it’s the worst time in the world for Eddie Munson of all people to walk through the door. Like yeah, they’re friends now, but sometimes Eddie’s voice just grates on his nerves.
Also he’s Billy’s ex. So. Jealousy. But he’s pretty sure he wouldn’t feel as bad shutting Eddie out of their bedroom.
“Hey,” Steve scowls, “We didn’t get that Japanese movie in yet.”
“Damn,” Eddie frowned, “What’s wrong Stevie, my man?”
Steve knew his face was contorting all kinds of ways.
“You ok? Bad burrito?”
Steve scoffed, “No it’s… Billy’s cat.”
“Lucharito? Aw man I miss that little guy,” Eddie grins, toying with a big shiny cross necklace that Steve’s never noticed before, hanging right where his guitar pick used to be.
Steve frowns, “Yeah, well, he hates me so feel free to visit. I won’t bother you.”
Eddie just laughs, “I mean, of course he does.”
“Excuse me? Most animals actually like me, Munson-“
“No, I mean Lucha doesn’t like people with short hair,” Eddie shook his head, “Never has.”
Steve freezes, “What?”
“When Billy and Hopper picked him out from the shelter, they said he’d been abused,” Eddie shakes his head, “I guess it was a guy with short hair, clean shaven. Because Lucha about lost it when Hopper shaved the beard.”
Steve just blinks at him, reaching up to touch the nape of his neck.
“Don’t take it personal,” Eddie shrugs, “He’s just a cat.”
But he wasn’t just a cat. Steve thinks of the time he’d tried to be a little rough in the bedroom and grabbed Billy’s lapels. Billy had backed up into the wall, eyes wide with fear. He thought about Lucha when Billy would text him photos, perched on Billy’s shoulders, hands pawing in Billy’s curls that spilled down his neck, or napping next to Argyle, on a bed of dark hair.
He wasn’t supposed to see Billy for a few days, the mechanics shop was busy putting on snow tires for the holiday season, so by the time they saw each other again, he only hoped it would be enough.
“Looking scruffy there,” Billy cocked his head to the side when Steve walked in the apartment, kicking off his sneakers.
“Yeah,” Steve rubbed the back of his neck, “You don’t hate it, right? Trying to grow it out.”
It was just scruff, but Steve’s hair was dark enough that it showed up strongly.
“I like it,” Billy’s tongue swipes his bottom lip, “I like it just fine, but what brought this on, Pretty boy?”
Lucha slid across the hardwood, looking up at them with wide green eyes.
“Hey,” Steve said softly.
Lucha didn’t move, just staring at him. But he didn’t arch his back and hiss immediately, so that was something.
Steve knelt down, “Hey, little guy.”
Lucha leaned forward and sniffed the tip of Steve’s fingers, and then turned, sleek black tail curling into a graceful question mark.
“Whoa,” Billy laughed, “Lucha, he’s my guy, ok?”
“The curly tail, it means they like you.”
Steve stood, sliding a hand softly around Billy’s waist, how he liked to be touched, “I have room in my life for both of you.”
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Thinking about a coffee shop au where Steve works at Joyce’s coffee shop and I’m ngl It’s a little unhinged.
So Steve stays working at Joyce’s coffee shop, and when he starts he learns one of the resident regulars is a young pre teen girl named Max. She never orders anything, she just comes in, waves to whoever’s working (says “hi Jon” and “hey Joyce” by name but doesn’t seem to know the rest of the baristas like that), and sits herself down at a small table and starts her schoolwork.
By the second time Steve sees her and sees (what he realizes is a daily routine) Joyce bring her either some fruity sweet iced tea lemonade concoction, a matcha, a chai latte, or a mocha and give her a kiss on the cheek, he understands there’s some kind of relationship there. Which is confirmed when he watches Jonathan go sit beside her on his break and crack jokes, catching up with her (and bring her a snickerdoodle) the second time he sees her.
And he knows Joyce’s 3 kids, will, Jonathan and el. By name by story by photo. So he knows this isn’t Joyce’s kid.
So he asks Robin, one of his new co workers he’s become fast friends with.
And so he’s slowly filled in.
“The red head- Oh, max! Yeah. She’s Billy’s sister”
“Who the fuck is Billy?” Steve asks, even more lost. They don’t work with a ‘Billy’.
Robins eyes look uneasy, before they come back.
“Okay, so max is el- you know Joyce’s girl- els best friend. Her older brother is a guy named Billy”
Steve’s even more confused. Joyce’s younger kids- the twins- don’t spend much time in the shop. So why does Els friend hang out here? Well-
“Well, billy works a lot. He’s in college-the one a few blocks away- and he has a full time job and he has a part time job on the weekends and sometiems he even helps out here if joyce needs it, so he’s really busy and not home alot. And because Billy’s a broke college kid with a kid to raise he’s pretty broke so they don’t live in like, the best part of town. So Billy worry’s about her being home alone all afternoon. Sooo she comes here after school. Usually billy picks her up, sometimes Joyce takes her home, but she’s a really good kid. She stays here just so joyce can keep an eye on her and give Billy some peace of mind.”
Steve’s still confused. “Okay… but like where’s their parents? Weird situation don’t you think?”
That uneasy look is back.
“So um. Billy’s actually her step brother, ex step brother? I don’t know. But he’s got full legal guardianship and custody of her at this point and that’s the big thing that matters. Maxs mom kinda fucked off and started drinking herself to death, and Billy’s dad-“.
Robin took a deep breath. “He’s serving a few decades for domestic violence, domestic abuse, child abuse, battery and attempted homicide charges. Most of that shit on billy.”.
Him and max don’t really talk to much. It’s not that he has beef with a 12 year old he just doesn’t know her. And it would be kinda weird to go around making friends with little girls.
But one day he’s making a grilled cheese in the back, and he turns around to green eyes boring into his soul.
“Hey max. You okay?”
“Yeah. Whatcha making? It smells good?”
Steve chuckled.
“Mozzarella, Swiss, bacon and cheddar on sourdough. Fancy grilled cheese. Do you want half?”
And her eyes light up.
“Yeah, of corse”.
And just like that Steve is her best friend. And he makes her a sandwich every day. He understands joyce and Jonathan now. It’s very easy to just adore this sweet kid.
And when els around?
They’re the cutest thing. Young, 12 year old puppy love. It’s the cutest thing on earth. Just all giggles and smiles.
But it takes months for Steve to meet Billy. Usually he either clocks out before Billy arrives (and he now says goodbye to max by name) or when he closes it happens to be Joyce’s nights bringing her home.
So when he first meets Billy, he simply doesn’t know he’s meeting Billy.
A gorgeous, but exhausted looking fella comes in one evening, Steve’s breath is taken away.
“Can I get an americano with a pump of caramel and an extra shot”.
Steve nods. “Any dairy?” “Still have oat milk or out for the day?”
Steve looks in the fridge. “You’re in luck, handsome”
The man looks up with surprised blush.
“Anything else?”
“That’s it. What I owe ya?”
“Don’t worry about it” Steve winks.
“I told Joyce to stop doing this; she does too much for us” the pretty man chuckles and sighs and a moment of confusion hangs before Steve’s eyes light up.
Joyce? He knows- us? Too much for- oh-
“Oh my god! You’re Billy-“
And Billy looks confused. “Maxs brother, yeah? “
“Yeah yeah that’s me. Um-“
“Sorry- sorry had no idea. Sorry wasn’t a joyce coffee on the house thing that was me trying to flirt with you. I’m sorry-“
“Don’t be sorry- you were hitting on me?”
They’re both taken away from the conversation by maxs voice as the girl walks out of the bathroom.
“Billy?” “Hey shortstack” he greets, welcoming her hug. Or her flinging herself onto his back. Oh. Aww.
“What are you doing here?”
“Night class got canceled, figured I’d come getcha as a little surprise and we’d have a girls night, some scary movies anddddd some Mac and cheese?”.
And it’s kinda sweet, you know. Billy’s canceled class was clearly a surprise. To max and Joyce too. He coulda taken the night for himself. Go to a bar, a club.
But he’d rather have quality family time with his kiddo.
Steve’s a goner. He knew from those big blonde curls the second they walked in the door but now he really knows.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 8 months
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: tw: rape, tw: talk of being raped but not the act itself, tw: verbal abuse, tw: emotional abuse, john is a really bad person, super sweet bucky, relief and being free at the end
Summary: Ever since your failed one-night stand with John, you two have been in a "relationship". He won't let you leave and treats you like less than. Will you ever find your way out of this abuse cycle?
Squares Filled: romania (2021) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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The person staring back at you in the mirror is someone you don’t recognize. How did you get to this point in your life? You used to be so full of life and loved going out with your friends. Now? You’d rather stay in and not see a single person in fear they’re going to see who you really are: a weak bitch. At least, that’s what John tells you daily. Your eyes used to hold so much light but now they’re sunken in. Your skin used to be glowing but now is pale.
Thank God for makeup.
You paint your face to make yourself look happy, to conceal the tear stains away, and to make your skin shine like how it used to. Just as you put the final brush down, John walks in with a scowl on his face.
“You take fucking forever to get ready. The boys are waiting on you. You’re either ready in five minutes or I’m gonna leave you here and I’ll punish you when I get home.”
“I’m ready.”
You turn to him with a fake smile plastered on your face.
“Fucking finally. Come on.”
As soon as John leaves the room, your smile drops. This is getting to be very exhausting and you’re not sure how long you can do this for. Still, you grab your purse and meet John at the car. One of his good friends is hosting a small party with drinks and dinner, so he doesn’t live far from you and John. John has his hand on your thigh the entire ride as a sort of reminder. His touch makes you want to throw up, everything about him you hate, and he’s not a good person. 
Not only is he mentally, verbally, and emotionally abusive toward you, but he crosses the line into physical abuse almost every night. He’s only hit you once out of anger but the physical abuse is sexual. One night a year ago, you were looking for a meaningless hookup to get over your ex and John had taken you back to his place. Everything was going great until the point where you two got into it. You backed down at the last second because you didn’t want to do that to yourself, but John didn’t take no for an answer.
He ended up raping you that night and has been almost every night after that. He became obsessed with you and had been for months before that, and now that he got his hands on you, he didn’t want to let you go.
He won’t let you leave, and you don’t know how to break this cycle.
You and John arrive at his friend’s house just as Bucky and Sam get there. It was John’s idea to invite them as a sort of “get to know my neighbors” type deal. He wants to prove to them that he’s just as capable of being Captain America as Steve was. Bucky isn’t going to go for his bullshit but Sam made him come here.
Bucky smiles when he sees you. He’s always thought you were too good for John but he’s kept his mouth shut because it seemed like you were happy in the relationship. However, when you pass by him to get into the house, he can see how terrified you are in your eyes.
“It’s good to see you two. I’m glad you could make it,” John smiles.
The worst thing about John is that he’s super charming and can convince a town full of people that he’s the good guy.
“Sam made me come.”
“Hush,” Sam says and whacks Bucky on the back of his head.
All four of you walk inside and greet the men who are already here. The only other woman who is here is one of John’s friend’s wife. You’d much rather go off on your own with the wife and make small talk but John keeps you by his side all night. Even as he’s talking to Bucky and Sam about his plans regarding Captain America, his arm is tightly wrapped around your waist. Bucky looks at you briefly and sees the look in your eyes. You’re smiling and agreeing with what John is saying but your eyes are telling him a different story.
Something is wrong here but he doesn't know what or how to help you.
Eventually, dinner is served and you’re seated next to John and the other woman. Bucky and Sam are on the other side of the table but Bucky’s eyes haven’t left you since you walked past him. It’s bugging him that he knows something is wrong without knowing exactly what it is. Everyone is eating and having a good time while you pick at your food cautiously. You can eat only what John approves of you to eat since he’s told you constantly that he doesn’t want you getting fat on him. If you look a certain way, he’ll force you to lose weight until you can fit into the clothes he buys you.
It’s your fault for eating too much anyway.
You’re not sure how the conversation ended up on languages, but John is always looking for an excuse to talk about this. You’ve pretty much tuned out this entire evening.
“I don’t know if you guys know this but Y/N can speak five languages, Romanian being one of them. It’s the one I find the most romantic.”
“Yeah, I grew up with it,” you nod.
“Tell them how great I am in Romanian,” John chuckles.
The only other person at this table who can speak Romanian is Bucky. This is your chance. This is your chance to ask for some real help without alerting John you’re doing it.
“Am nevoie de ajutor. John nu mă lasă să-l părăsesc. Mă violează de câteva ori pe săptămână. Este abuziv fizic, verbal, mental și emoțional. Mi-e teamă că mă voi trezi într-o zi să-l văd cu un cuțit în față. Vă rog să mă ajutați. Nu mă va lăsa să plec.”
I need help. John won't let me leave him. He rapes me several times a week. He's abusive physically, verbally, mentally, and emotionally. I'm scared I'll wake up one day to see him with a knife in my face. Please help me. He won't let me leave.
You can’t look at anyone in the eyes, especially Bucky. Still, you peek a look at him to see shock written on his face. He understood every word you said but John is still smiling next to you as if you told everyone how loving and kind he is. John reaches over and grips your thigh gently to let you know he has all the power here.
“What did you tell them?”
You look at John and smile at him.
“How much you love me and how much you treat me like a princess. How much I love you.”
“See?” John chuckles. “She’s a keeper.”
John goes back to eating and chatter resumes as normal. However, Bucky can’t stop looking at you. You lock eyes with him before looking down and finishing your meal. The rest of the dinner goes by without a hitch and John is saying goodbye to his friends.
“I’m going to run to the bathroom real fast. I’ll be quick.”
John can’t be his usual self around company so he kisses the side of your head and allows you to do that.
“Hurry back.”
It’s a simple request but it holds so much threat behind it. You leave his side and head to the upstairs bathroom since that’s the only one working. As soon as the door is closed, you rush over to the toilet and throw up everything you ate. You want to cry until there is no more water in you but you have to remind yourself that John is waiting and he’ll get meaner the longer you make him wait.
Someone knocks on the door and the panic and fear in your body spike to a high level. You wipe your mouth with toilet paper and flush the toilet to make it seem like you’re done.
“Who is it?”
Relief replaces your panic but the fear is still there. He knows what John does. He knows everything. What is he going to do? You open the door carefully and he pushes his way inside with determination.
“Is what you said true?”
“I can’t do this here, Bucky.” If you talk about it openly, then you’re going to cry and John will know for sure something is up. “If I talk about it, I’ll cry and I won’t be able to stop.” You look at your reflection to make sure your makeup isn’t ruined. “I have to go. John is waiting.”
“Wait just a minute,” Bucky says and prevents you from leaving.
“Bucky, please. John will get angry. I need to leave now.”
“John is no longer going to hurt you.”
“Stay here and wait for my return.”
Bucky leaves before you can say anything else. John sees Bucky come back alone and he’s getting a bit frustrated with you. He can’t do anything in front of his friends but just wait until he gets you home.
“Where’s Y/N?”
“In the bathroom. It sounded like she was washing her hands when I passed by. Can I talk to you for a second outside?”
John looks confused but follows Bucky outside nonetheless. John passes by Bucky while he stares at his vibranium arm. The metal flexes with power and Bucky is trying so hard to contain it.
“You want to know an interesting fact about me?” Bucky asks and looks at John.
“Vorbesc fluent Romana.”
“What does that mean?”
“I’m fluent in Romanian.”
John immediately gets nervous. You told him you told everyone how much you love him but based on Bucky’s reaction, he knows you said something else.
“That’s cool, man. You and Y/N have something in common.”
With his vibranium arm, Bucky sends what’s supposed to be a deadly blow to the face. It would be deadly if the person he is punching didn’t have the super soldier serum in him. John crashes into the car behind him and sets off the car alarm. Everyone inside rushes outside to see what the commotion is.
“Never lay a hand on her again!” Bucky yells angrily.
Bucky sends another hard blow with his flesh hand to the side of John’s face. This is when the fight or flight response in John kicks in. He starts to fight Bucky back but there is no use in stopping the Winter Soldier. They both have the serum in them but Bucky has always been and will always be stronger than John. Bucky grabs John’s collar and pulls him up to his feet only to slam him to the concrete down below. Bucky punches John’s chest so hard with his metal arm that John’s ribs break and he coughs up blood.
“Hey! What the hell is going on!” Sam yells and pulls his friend off your abuser.
“He’s a fucking abuser and a coward! He’s hurting Y/N, and it’s gonna stop now. Don’t fucking go near her or I’ll do more than break your ribs,” Bucky threatens.
Everyone looks at John who just groans in pain with his eyes closed. Bucky pushes past everyone to get back into the house and to the bathroom where you are. You’re sitting on the toilet biting your nails nervously. You have no idea what is going on out there or what Bucky can do to help you. The bathroom door opens and Bucky enters without a second thought. You stand up to greet him when you smell blood. Your eyes trail down his body until they land on his flesh hand which has open wounds on it.
“What did you do?” you gasp.
“I should have killed him.” The realization that you’re free, at least at this moment, hits you and the floodgates open. The tears come flowing out and won’t stop, and Bucky pulls you into his arms. “He will never hurt you again. Sam and I have an extra room you can use.”
Your grip on him gets tighter.
“Thank you,” you cry and shake in his arms.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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