spookytrashy · 2 years
great tweets great threads and great theory
By @panxramic on Twitter!
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spookytrashy · 2 years
I'd like to put your attention on these videos, as the first one (CHASE) has him literally glitching out of the forest and into the streets, as we've seen in Jack's 5000th video, and the second one was formerly called Don't make eye contact, and where it stated
"Please use Argentum Inanis with caution.Inform an AIMC immediately!Don't make eye contact."
I just wanted to add that to any lore seekers ^^
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spookytrashy · 2 years
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This is what I saw after enhancing and retracing. Could be wrong, but to people who have trouble seeing blurred images, this should clear it up
Some things my friend picked up from the ending of the 5,000th video!
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"Did you know... ALTR 5914 IS A TIME THEIF!"
Broken hourglass with a red circle and line through it
ALTR sounds like Alter, soo... Alternate Jack? or is this IRIS's prefix like SCP?
Also my brain saw the number and immediately jumped to thinking it was a date, so that's something
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This one is harder to read, and I can only make out the top (with help from my friend)
It could say "Know your ALTRs" at the top, but I have NO CLUE what the bottom could be
Edit: Thank you to @draconicdervish for telling me the bottom parts! It says "Keep eyes ON objects, Keep eyes OFF subjects"
The images though give us a hint at what they deem dangerous, I think at least.
First image is an eye looking at.. a banana? with lines coming off of it, while the second is a closed eye and a humanoid figure with lines coming off of it.
I'm fairly sure it's to differentiate inanimate from animate and their protocol for handling them
Feel free to add your own thoughts!
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