#steampunk witches baby
esotheria-sims · 10 months
Hi Esotheria, can you help me finding small witchy zombie-related knickknack deco for shelves and bookshelves? Asking this for some of my normal Knowledge Sims with high interest for paranormal stuff, so I want to decorate their rooms with occult-related deco.
Hi there! I don't have much zombie-related clutter, but I can help with the witch side of the ask! ^^
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Buyable Reagents mod - so that even your non-witch sims can have reagents as deco. Best combined with Pineappleforest's reagents default replacement!
Buyable AL witch stuff by Hugelunatic (the little witch statues could probably work as shelf deco?)
Extracted in-game magic clutter (wands, crystal ball, books, witch hats etc.) by Shastakiss
3t2 Supernatural conversions I and 3t2 Supernatural conversions II by Shastakiss
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Gargoyle statue, spellbook, and jars by Chimerical (reuploaded by theatticbox)
Extracted TSM books and potions by lmhwjs (I love those old books so much!)
Steampunk conversions by lmhwjs (linked mostly for the quill and parchment deco that comes with the set; I use it on my witches' desks all the time!)
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4t2 Sabrina clutter set by Nikaonishko
TS4 to TS2 Realm of Magic deco by Gryning (the set contains a tombstone that might also be suited for your zombie clutter needs!)
4t2 Witchy clutter by Limonaire
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Various Harry Potter conversions by Decat
Various 4t2 objects by Decat
Realm of Magic conversions by Decat
Witchy goodies by Deatherella
4t2 Paranrormal Helping Hand deco by TheNinthWaveSims
I also recommend you check out all past supernatural/magic themes that were running on GoS! ^^ To name a few:
2022.07-08 That 70s Theme & Eye of Newt
2021.09-10 Baby On Board & In the Mausoleum (also for zombie-related stuff)
2020.05-06 HomeCrafter & Tea with the Queen
2019.09-10 Farm to Table & Danse Macabre (also for zombie-related stuff)
2015.07 - Fairy Tale & Fantasy
2011.06 - Magic and Fantasy
2009.10 - Halloween! (also for zombie-related stuff)
Hope this helps a little! ^^
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leefi · 9 months
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere Read-through | Part 1: Chapters 1-14
Part 1: 1-14 | Part 2: 14-22 | Part 3: 22-34 | Part 4: 34-64 | Part 5: 64-80 | Part 6: 81-90 | Part 7: 90-100 | Part 8: 100-127 (caught up here)
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Hi!!!! I've been reading through this webnovel after seeing @ot3's pitch for it and started writing down some thoughts on the characters and worldbuilding and imminent murdering. This story is very, very long and I only reacted up to about chapter 33, so most of my thoughts will involve the worldbuilding and less the murder mystery aspect -- so if you're looking for theorizing you won't find much of that here. Since I'll be continuing eventually, I wanted to post what I did make note of to revisit later!
Most of these are not marked by chapter/section because I was lazy and I'm not sure how easy it will be to follow as a result, but everything is chronological.
everyone here is hijabi mashallah
The visual I'm getting of the solar system/local system/dimension they inhabit is kind of a blend of steampunk and fantasy and uhh some secret third thing. With the walls of their "universe" painted in that puella dollhouse witch lair style. Does the sun bounce around like a screensaver. Does it orbit their earth or is it on a fixed axis flung out into “space”? Does “space” even exist anymore? I’m assuming they’re in an enclosed area that they've created. Do they actively use arcane resources to keep objects (ie star and planets) sustaining themselves, or have they made them self sufficient?
everyone is so mean to Ptolema leave her alone what the fuckk let a bimbo live i want to kill you all you’re so annoying. Ptolema I WOULD be your friend and not ask all these weird ass questions. and we would hold hands and skip and giggle
Yes shes an airhead nepo baby but you guys could try doing anything other than snickering and rolling your eyes whenever she says stupid shit. If she starts arguing back about government war crimes during the Revolution or something then you have my blessing to beat her ass!
I HATE kamsurepa i HATE her i HAYE Her and her stupid ass name
Ran and Su have no chemistry its insane that theyre always hanging out every conversation is like uhhh (awkward silence) (rude comment from Ran) *Su voice* wow she gets me so well. every time they talk im like what the fuck just happened.
Su’s internal narration is too self aware for me. it’s like she talks like she knows she’s a character? or something. it's self-deprecating in a very bizarre way
im sorry i don’t know if i can continue with this. i know too many med students irl and these characters are literally pissing me off. compliments to the author for realism you knocked it out of the park
Oh, thank you very much!" Kam said, reverting back to her smiley-diplomatic form for a moment before stepping away from the counter and continuing as she handed us the cards. "...as far as it seems to me, the desire to reproduce is essentially an immature form of pursuing life-extension - this idea that you'll 'live on through your children' that's patently pseudo-mysticism justifying what is ultimately an animal instinct." ⬇️ I’m going to grab her ginger head and swing her around like bowser in mario 64. SHUT UPPPPP SHUT UP please tell me shes the one that dies
You know," I mused idly, my eyes wandering. "I think this is actually the fourth glass ceiling I've seen today." "Mm, it's true that you don't see a lot of women working in Aetheromancy," ⬇️ I know this is a small nitpick but aren’t we really far into the future why do they keep using terms like this 😭 gendered stuff like this still exists billions? trillions? of years into the future?
Why has the disco elysium skill tree randomly started talking to su. Is this her future self nagging her. Is she pulling a han sooyoung. when do we get to the various utsushikome ego deaths
"prosognostic overlap"…do ppl repeat faces? Are most people cloned at this point? What triggered the need for cloning surely medicine is advanced enough that childbirth or test tube babies are feasible? Can bodies be cloned and reinhabited to inhibit aging? Is there some disturbing psychological element to seeing someone with the same face as you? Does it make your brain short circuit? Kam mentioned having children earlier which I assume means people still give birth or have test tube babies, so i don’t know if it’s the result of cloning…but it does sound like a sameface sort of thing. What else would it be if not that though?
Actually, if they’ve figured out teleportation (whatever it was called when they went up the aetherbridge) - let's say they can atomize a body and reforming it elsewhere (though we don't know for sure yet, could also be a fold in spacetime) - transferring consciousness to an empty clone of yourself (and therefore effectively doing away with aging or death wholesale) sounds a lot more efficient and technologically practical than maintaining an organic system that naturally decays. Why keep on finding ways to push the human body past its limits when you could simply transfer a person to a new, identical vessel?
I feel like the key to immortality isn’t maintaining an organic body, which naturally tends towards systems of entropy (being a biological thing, entropy=decay), but rather delineating and separating human consciousness from its host and replicating its original environment perfectly. I’m not talking about making a copy of consciousness, which is just glorified cloning - I’m talking about *transferring* a consciousness.
You could almost call dementia itself the mind's tendency towards its own kind of entropy?
Though if you transfer a consciousness to a younger body, the dementia issue could still potentially remain. Depends on if it the author sees it as a solely physical phenomena (atrophy/buildup of inhibitors of the brain) or there's some metaphysical anomaly about amassing too many memories/"existing" too long in general
The way spellwork is described is really cool and feels super believable. Optimizing multiple concurrent spells into one “function” is intricate and sophisticated, and you have to dedicate a lot of brainpower to doing the math in your head. It’s like they’re coding the real world. I love the way lurina describes this it's awesome.
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i'd love a director's commentary on Meetings in the Mountains, please? really anything you'd want to talk about, the writing, the idea, the lore, or even a particular detail :)
There is so much lore for that little ficlet.
It is a Writer's Month prompt fill, so it was never going to be a very long fic because there is limited time to write and many things to write, but had the idea struck at a different point I could definitely see it as a long fic instead. I've had a few related to that fic daydreams since, I haven't had any to write ideas for it, but it's also kind of tempting to use the wider concept for an original novel one day so it's just sitting in the back of my mind for now.
Meetings in the Mountains is set in a world that has spent most of its time as a high fantasy world, but it's slowly been changing to a steampunk sci-fi world (the steampunk is admittedly mostly for the Victorian style bicycle clothes). The cities have been leading that, and Iris is a city person, but she's heading out into the wilder mountains that are currently mostly untouched by this genre shift, which is where Cisco (a witch and a seer) and Barry (a werewolf) live.
This fic itself only goes into their first meeting, which is the only properly set thing I have, but it does end with them all agreeing to head to the city, where they will become urban fantasy protagonists in a sci-fi world, and if I ever do write anything else there will need to be lots of research via reading to have this almost culture clash and disconnect between the two genres because this world as its changing doesn't really have room in it for magic any more, or characters like Cisco and Barry. Barry especially- Cisco is very interested in science and magic and trying to blend the genres together, whereas Barry is content to fade away.
Which is where his rivalry with Eobard comes in. He takes offence to being mistaken for a familiar, and that's because of his history with Eobard, or as Barry calls him, his "little sorcerer". So, Eobard is a sorcerer and born with magic (all sorcerers are, it's caused by magic being used somewhere between conception and the baby's first breath, something that was actually banned after a particularly bad sorcerer around a hundred years ago at the start of the genre shift, Barry knows a little more about that), he's the sort of person who in the old fantasy world would have been very, very powerful, but his parents live in the new steam punk world and did resort to using magic when convinent, but it's a dying art and hardly something a Thawne should be pursuing, they certainly aren't going to encourage Eobard's natural talents.
Eobard is around ten when he first meets Barry- injured and stuck in his wolf form because of that- in the woods, and he brings Barry home because he's ten and his parents immediately refuse this, and Eobard yells and somewhere in this his wild and uncontrolled magic kicks in and he accidentally binds him and Barry together in a way usually reserved for witches and familiars. Things generally don't go well after this, and Eobard ends up living with a pack of werewolves, basically being raised by Barry (he's a older than he looks. That thing about dogs aging seven years for every one human year is reversed for werewolves. Or maybe not as many as seven, I didn't settle on that either, but Barry is Old).
And things are good for a while, and then Eobard gets older and he resents being shoved out, he wants to fight this genre change, and Barry does not, Barry is fine with it just washing over and slowly disappearing, and they clash over this, Barry's scars come from Eobard hitting him with a lightning bolt, Eobard has scars on his arm from Barry's claws, and Eobard leaves Barry where he found him, injured in the woods.
Where Cisco finds him, takes him home, and helps heal him, and they fall in love. Cisco's seer abilities he might have been born with, that I didn't decide, but witchcraft is learnt rather than innate, and Cisco is very keen on learning more about how to blend magic and science rather than the two fighting against each other, and Barry isn't sure about that either, but he loves Cisco enough to follow him anywhere, and if this S.T.A.R. Labs project sounds like something he's been trying to do for ages, Barry will go to the City with him.
But Cisco has been dreaming about Eobard as well as Iris, and this blending the two does not sound like Eobard's desired outcome...
I do know this would develop into Barriscowest, if it went further. I have a vague idea the evil sorcerer from before is Malcolm Thawne and the magic cast at his birth was the same that turned Barry into a werewolf, but who knows. I think Barry and Eobard are probably still bonded at this point, though it's strained after their fight, but they do both still care about each other even if they're both reluctant to admit it (Eobard especially). There is just so much room to play around in this world, and even if I do leave it as it is and never write anything else about it, I am enjoying the odd daydream.
Thank you!
[Director's Cut Ask Game]
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bookcub · 1 year
yesssss pls post the sapphic recs!
okay heres the whole list. i did not enjoy all these books and i loved some and liked others and disliked a few as well.
read responsibly!!
Books with sapphic relationships
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree (adult fantasy)
Planning Perfect by Haley Neil (YA coming of age)
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust (ya fantasy)
Sorry, Bro by Taleen Voskuni (adult fantasy)
The Holiday Trap by Roan Parrish (adult romance)
Princess Princess Ever After by Kay O'Neill (middle grade graphic novel)
A Spindle Splintered and A Mirror Mended by Alix E Harrow (new adult fantasy adventure)
The City of Dusk by Tara Sim (adult fantasy)
Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner (adult romance)
The Girls I've Been by Tess Sharpe (ya thriller/adventure)
Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stetz-Waters (adult romance)
I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston (ya mystery/coming of age)
Romancing the Inventor by Gail Carriger (adult historical steampunk romance)
Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake (adult romance)
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar (ya romance)
The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec (adult fantasy)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid (adult historical romance)
Knit, Purl, a Baby and a Girl by Hettie Bell (adult romance)
Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar (ya contemporary)
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M Danforth (gothic horror historical adult?)
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston (adult urban fantasy scif ish)
The Summer of Jordi Perez by Amy
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli (ya contemporary)
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins (ya contemporary)
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust (ya fantasy)
Not Your Sidekick by CB Lee (ya scifi)
Huntress by Malinda Lo (ya fantasy)
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst (ya fantasy)
Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult (adult contemporary)
Ash by Malinda Lo (ya fantasy)
Girl from the Sea by Molly Ostertag Knox (ya fantasy graphic novel)
Books with sapphic characters
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie (ya contemporary)
The Scapegracers by HA Clarke (ya urban fantasy)
A Line in the Dark by Malinda Lo (ya thriller)
The Tea Dragon Society by K O'Neill (ya graphic novel)
Star-Crossed by Barbra Lee (middle grade contemporary)
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland (ya horror)
Ben and Beatriz by Katalina Gamarra (new adult romance)
Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales (ya romance)
Untouchable by Talia Hibbert (adult romance)
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert (adult romance)
Run by Kody Keplinger (ya contemporary)
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann ya romance)
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray (ya satire)
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angsty-prompt-hole · 7 months
Not necessarily a new OC, but Fenris "Fen" Brim has been on my mind a little. He's Haven's best friend/enabler and a phoenix. In my lore, phoenixes are what happen sometimes when people touched by a specific entity die (in this case the Burgeoning Sunset, an eldritch manifestation of those super intense bright sunsets and also the existential horror of wildfires).
Recently, I've been developing his life pre-phoenix, and as it turns out he was a bit of a troublemaker. He was born into an eldritch family, so rather than being touched he inherited his eldritch traits from his parents. He spent a lot of his time traveling between different worlds, just exploring.
He was on the world of Aros when he died, in the city of Razias, which is like if the '20's and Victorian steampunk had a baby, and he decided to poke the wrong bear. He saw a trio of people (Patrick, my interdimensional serial killer, Cylensis who is a witch, and Haven before she took on that name) and decided to mess with them.
Well, he ended up getting murdered by them in a back alley. The process of becoming a phoenix almost always results in memory loss, so Fen doesn't actually know that Haven was the one who killed him. Haven, on the other hand, figures it out at some point and she's so terrified of losing him that she's never told him.
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I have An Idea for a new oc based around real world alchemy (NOT FMA) but with actual magic n stuff thrown in so I have some leeway and they're from a world kinda like ours but since magic exists its outstripped technology by miles so while stuff looks kinda dated/primitive, it really isn't?
They're 16 and currently have no name but they were left on the doorstep of the local alchemist as a baby and he decided to raise them and now they're old enough to be his official apprentice so if I gave them a blog this would be them starting their official training.
They've also got a vaguely iridescent chemical burn on part of their face from an accident when they were 4, it's bleached their hair/lashes in the affected area and turned their eye on the side a really funky color
The alchemist doesn't do a lot of grand things bc stuff in town gets handled by a lot of other people like
The Witch handles reproductive health, transition, childbirth, birth control, conception without a surrogate or donor for same sex couples or lonely widows, and anything else you'd be too embarrassed to go to a doctor for
The druid handles crop and livestock care, weather, and vet type stuff
The wizard handles everything else magical buy he's expensive and a jerk so
There's an actual hospital with actual doctors people can go to but it's expensive and owned by the church and the king so
And then there's the apothecary who you go to if you're broke/don't wanna deal with the other clowns, sometimes you just really need some tea and a nap and not All That it's ok
The alchemist makes lye and uses that to make soap using fat from the butcher, or color flame candles or logs, fireworks, gunpowder, spirits for the local tavern, tests the quality of ores and metal for the blacksmith, and the occasional humunculus as cheap labor/weird pets
Everything is really wobbly rn but I've got a very Ghibli vibe in mind with lots of steampunk overtones and "industrial magic"
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limey-writes · 2 years
Hi! I absolutely love your TF2 match-ups and stories, they're so cute! If you're not too busy, could I get a match-up as well? But if you can't and/or I'm too similar to someone else you've already done, don't worry about it. I hope your day is going well! :) /gen /lh
My names are Rowen, Arcade, Enzyme, Omni, and Charlie! I'm a comorbid (ADHD + Autism), genderfluid, and polyamorous person (so if you have a toss-up or think I fit with multiple mercs, I'd date more than one). My pronoun sets are (They/Them) and (Ze/Zer/Zem/Zey). I also kinda "collect" more names and pronoun sets as I go. If there's a cool name or word that I like, or if I feel that another set of pronouns describe me as well, then bam! Mine now bitch lmao! I'm 5'7, chubby, have brown and purple hair, and use contacts and black glasses. /lh
First up, my comorbidity sort of makes me who I am in a way. If I don't know you or I'm in a place that I don't go to a lot, I heavily mask my symptoms and am a completely different person; stand-offish, quiet, observant. Once I trust you though, I let down my guard down bit by bit until I know that you and/or the place I'm in is safe. After that, I'm the loudest, most fucking unhinged person you've ever met (unless you're a merc, then I'm slightly more tolerable lmao). But I can get overstimulated too if somewhere/something is too loud. It's a very fine line. Also, as you can see, I use tone tags so that there's as little miscommunication as possible. /lh
Unmasked, I vocal stim all the time, ranging from talking to myself, to making weird noises, to repeating phrases/singing a song over and over. Sometimes I make hand gestures as well, acting out little scenarios in my head by myself or whenever I'm in thought. I also think I'm one of the funniest fucking people to exist, making myself laugh all the time with references that I'm not sure the mercs would get if they're cut off from the internet LMAO. My "feral"/unhinged-ness comes from the fact that I have severe cute-aggression, where if I find something cute then I want to either squeeze/crush/destroy it. Also if I get excited about something, depending on what it is I either hop in place, get the zoomies, or quite literally start barking and/or do this motion while growling:
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For clothing/gender-presenting, I (would like to) have a bit of range. I love punk in general, as well as two sub-genres "steampunk" and "clownpunk", wanting to be threatening yet kinda soft at the same time. Think big platform combat boots with purple and yellow laces (bonus points if the mercs know lace code), black make-up, spikes 'n shit. I also love being camp and dressing in ways that absolutely set off even the most sheltered, white evangelical Christian/Mormon/Amish person's gaydar, especially if the outfit isn't stereotypical. And I *want* to dress and present feminine more, truly I do - it gets exhausting being only masc/non-binary at times. My only problem is that because I'm AFAB, people tend to not respect my pronouns and then make me feel dysphoric, so if my match(es) could help reassure me, I'd really appreciate that. /gen /srs
For my hobbies and interests, it really depends. I pick up and put down stuff so often, I can never tell if something I start to like is just another hyperfixation or if I truly want it as a staple of myself. What I *do* know is that I'm an artist, writer, and aspiring animator, even if I'm going through the world's longest creative block right now. I love video games and I'm also a spiritual person, being a baby pagan/witch. I do divination with tarot, I'm learning spells, and working with different deities to help me through my journey. Astrology plays a little bit into it as well, but only a little. I also love language!! I love the way people talk, and would love to learn more than English if I wasn't so burnt out. I know a little Spanish and Scots, and can replicate accents pretty quickly. I've also started cooking and baking, and would like to get into computer stuff, mostly software and coding but a little hardware wouldn't hurt. I also drink a bit and smoke Ms. Mary Jane, and would love to have a hotbox sesh with someone. /pos /gen
Last but absolutely NOT least, relationship stuff. My one big thing is: communication, communication, COMMUNICATION. I fucking hate it when someone gets broody/upset with me and then doesn't tell me what's wrong. How the hell am I supposed to know something if you didn't tell me about it? I'm very upfront and honest about what I want and who I am - and tbh I think that comes through in the fact that this ask is fuckin' ginormous LMAO. Some of this should probably stay private but whatever, I'm here for ACCURACY LMAO. But yeah, communication is my biggest thing and I'm super open to any discussion, serious, kinky, vulnerable, you name it. /gen /srs /pos
Along with that, I like to think of myself as a very affectionate person, even if the ways I show it are a little unorthodox. Sometimes I'm a bit more mundane; cooking, cleaning, spending time with them and doing various activities. Other times it can shine through in different ways, such as sending them videos/memes/posts I think they'd like, sitting in comfortable silence while we do our own thing, biting, and playfully bullying them with banter like "I'm gonna kick your ass!". I also do this thing where I hit my forehead against someone and say "Bonk". /lh /pos
So, uh, yeah. That's literally everything anyone would ever need to know about me, LMAO. Sorry for the long ask, I just like to be accurate. And I know that I'm a little hard to pin down, so just as a reminder, I'm polyamorous! I don't mind (and kinda prefer, but please don't stress yourself out) if I match with more than one. I hope you have as much fun writing for my match(es) as much as I did delving into my own psyche and writing it out!! But if you wanna/have to skip me, that's totally understandable. Please take care of yourself. <3 /gen /pos /lh
You've been chosen!!! Thank you for the detail, I hope you enjoy your new match and thank you for your patience!
I match you with...
Scout, Sniper, & Demo!
You fit perfectly amongst these three, of course they appreciate and love you for who you are and genuinely will fight anyone that misgenders you ofc. So lets break things down and give you a broader feel of the relationship! At first Demo might approach you, due to his friendly nature he just wants to do his best to make you feel comfortable and give you some sort of middle ground rather than you feeling out of place in a crowded spot. He'd start out complimenting your hair and strike up a conversation from there. Demo is the type of guy to somehow make friends with anyone so I'm sure he would somehow do his best to give you the best him he can muster. He talks to you about anything and everything, this man is the master of communication and will be upfront about all the things on his mind. Definitely gifts you flowers all the time and will constantly tell you how they ain't as pretty as your smile <3
Scout came soon after, the excitement riddled lad is ready to throw hands with anybody who tries dissing you, he's so full of love for you that he would gladly go feral along with you. He could walk in on you doing that image exactly and he'd root you on as the supportive man he is. Will remember each one of your names flawlessly, but will ask for help writing them just because he likes the way they look on paper, even if he can't read them too well. Oh man this man loves any sort of love you give him, he loves to bonk you back and gets very excited whenever any sort of banter comes up, this is Scout, of course he'd get super happy with any little loving bullying you guys did together. He tries to help a lot when you are cooking, though just be sure to keep an eye on him so he won't accidentally burn anything.
Now Sniper, we all know he likes to keep to himself, so it takes him a little bit to warm up to you. He's observant, and very blunt, so you can definitely trust he'll let you know if something is up! He can get when you need a moment for yourself or just need space entirely, he knows when to back up and give you a moment, and also when to swoop in and give you a lil smooch on the forehead bc he loves you (: he loves how different your styles are, and however you wanted to dress he absolutely hypes you up in his own ways. Anyone fucking with you either gets a bullet or a death glare by this lanky man, he plays no games when it comes to respecting you and your boundaries! Sniper definitely can relate to the feeling of needing to put up a front when first meeting someone, so he'll also take a bit to be able to come out of his shell and turn into the snuggly guy he is deep down and show you all sorts of forms of affection, he definitely does a lot of small things for you that he tries showing affection with but he's trying his best!
With the three together, you get a big bundle of love wrapped in a pretty bow for you! The trio love to plan together ways just to make you happy, Sniper ending up being the one that has to pull the other two out of some sticky situations that they may or may not pull you into. Scout loves to take lead and show off how great you are to anyone that's out in public, holds your hand and happily uses any pronouns you give him, in fact he even gets Demo to also join in telling anyone just about how wonderful you are as a partner to them. Can and will talk anyone's ear off about it, they are always ready to shower you with love and affection! Sniper is also very affectionate while the two are yelling their love, he on the other hand is much more subtle about it, holding hands, putting his hat on you, he's really sweet and gentle regardless so its always the best of all worlds! They'd definitely partake in cuddle piles, Sniper builds a pillow fort for everyone to enjoy time inside of, no one else allowed without the password that Scout made up on the spot...and forgot when he went to get snacks. Regardless, you've found yourself in a big bundle of love and support!
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Good Day!
Tomorrow will mark Darqkraft's 1000th Sale!
Both online and off, our reborn Baby Bat Business has spread its wings and took off!
To celebrate my birthday, I am taking some time off just to catch my breath! Its been a hecka year!
To all the members of Darqlings , our replacement for the Vampire Court of Houston, made of amazing people who are part of the subversive subcultures, thank you!
To Secret Oktober who has been helping us for years, our sincere gratitude and thanks!
To Gin Keel and Spooky Galveston who were partnering with to bring you amazing things, many many thanks!
Sonia Spaw Chelsea Avi Santos Nick Santos Leslie, Holly Feray Amy Hiniker Fanning Gray Dales Kelly Langner El Airiachi Tiffany Wilken Ginger Simon Janet Nicole Gregory Contesa Mircalla Karnstein and just so many others who sent a kind word of support, encouagement, business idea, or event plans! I know I am missing people and grateful for you! My mind is mush!
To Galveston Steampunk Festival and Witches Night Out Conjure Market many thanks for allowing us yo be part of your fun!
Now for the future and what adventures it holds!
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himbonotes · 3 months
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So ala this Drawfee episode, me and my art friends decided to do our own Redrawing Our Childhood Art sesh over discord, this was the result of mine!
Here's the original, drawn in 2009 by a 14yo Saskia:
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So the backstory behind the original image is I was drawing this comic about a regular anime high school goth girl who befriends the new girl who turns out to be a witch, as you do. Then slowly all of her other witch and wizard friends start rocking up and enrolling at the school too and they form a nakama
But also enrolled at this school was like a crimson haired Shinigami Boy, who wants to thwart this gang of roving teen sorcerers for convoluted reasons I don't fully remember, chief of which involved forcibly marrying the protag???
Anyway about three chapters in, the girlies get themselves into a battle where it looks like Shinigami Boy is gonna win once and for all, when suddenly the male love interests previously never before mentioned older sister Matsuri (blonde homegirl in the centre) CRASHES onto the scene to save the day. And she's like a magic cop? And is part of a Shinigami Task Force and they all get gimmicky weapons (but for some reason she didn't have one)
And Matsuri is like hey to aid you in your quest against this Shinigami Boy, I'm going to become a teacher at your school! And then she just does that and nothing else.
So when their plan of doing nothing doesn't work, Matsuri is like I'll call in my other Shinigami Hunter friends from The Magic World as backup, whomst are Rosetta (left) and Vira (right). Rosetta was a "yangire" (cause baby me was obsessed with getting ALL the anime tropes that I didn't fully understand the implications of into my stories) who had at first I think a hatchet that at some point became a sycthe? And Vira ran a magic gun shop, where you could buy magic guns, which as far as I can tell were just regular guns
They also did basically nothing.
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I wanted updated Matsuri to actually look like a high school teacher rather than just an Anime High School teacher, like I gave her a lanyard and practical trousers, I wanted her to look a little tired and frazzled too
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I translated Rosetta into like a cottagecore girlie as all the old art I can find of her seems to have her in either puffy sleeves and a corset or like a steampunk get up? Idk when she got these orange goggles, god these designs are so painfully noughties
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As for Vira I just wanted her to be a cool butch, there was no way to update her b-list PS2 game female player character design that wasn't gonna look deeply 2000s so I just had to roll with it. The magic gun is just a sparkly gun idk
This was super fun honestly and I deffo wanna do it again soon!
0 notes
shopofthemoment · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Deadstock: new Wildfox ☻ Grunge Rainbow Irish Festival Cami Tank Top ☻ BBJ OG ☻.
0 notes
Witchless Familiar; Familiarless Witch; part 4
CW: Stress position; sensory deprivation; spitting; deshumanization; pet whump; no-con (non-sexual) touching;
 She walks back into the fairy ring, where Circe’s wagon is hidden. There, the magic will keep them safe from any eyes, Circe said. At least as long as the faeries don’t come back to claim their mushroom ring, the little sparkly name-stealing bastards.
As she steps inside and the secrets reveal themselves, she sees a colorful figure in the center and she almost drops the firewood she was carrying, immediately turning around and keeping eyes on the floor.
“I’m so sorry Fern. I didn’t knew you were transformed”
She hears a tongue clicking as Fern approaches. She only turns to them when they touch her, with their cold hand, spotted with tiny scales that mixed with their human-like skin.
Alright. She has their permission, then. Good. It even seemed like they were waiting for her.
“Thank you, Fern”
The chameleon-person nods, huge eyes staring at her, colors on their skin and hair shifting from red-warm tones into blue ones. Fern moves around their ragged coat, looking for something.
They click the abnormally longue tongue in satisfaction once they find it, and lick their eyeballs. That looks very disgusting in this humanoid shape, especially because they do have eyelids now… but she does her best not to react. It already means a lot that they are letting her see them like this.
Fern raises a rag doll, for her to see. She frowns, taking a closer look… and drops all the firewood in shock, placing her hands over her mouth. She grabbed the doll, a little doll of her Roots, with tiny yellow button eyes and sewn ears. Her hands shivered, the doll gleaming on the fire.
“-W-why? How?” She looked back at Fern, holding back tears. Fern licks their eyes again, in satisfaction “Did you make this?”
The familiar nods, sitting crossed legged near the fire grabbing a piece of the firewood she brought and throwing it in, watching the flames revive and poking them from time to time. She lets herself fall there too, by the side of the fire, and gently pets the rope-hair the doll has. It smells like ginger.
“Alright… Thank you Fern” she hugs it tight, petting its hair, illuminated by the flames, as they wait for Circe to return.
He hears nothing and sees nothing, feels only the intense burning on his muscles, strained for hours in the same uncomfortable position. He has his teeth carved onto his lips to prevent him from sobbing, the lashes of the whip on his back making the ache even more unbearable.  He wouldn’t give them – no, him. It’s just the general now – that much yet.
He wouldn’t call him master. No, he was part of nature and nature is owned by none, respects none, follows only the rules it created for itself. And cats – cats were born free. Lady, lord or masters, no cat should ever recognize.
But… He was about to collapse. And nature wouldn’t save him now, because it was as free and wild as it was uncaring and unfair. Pain, sorrow and shame were risks he took when choosing to assume a physicality. But he had no clue of how hard it could be.
And that same physical body, it was source of conflicts he never found living as a spirit. That body couldn’t truly merge with the essence of the world like he did before, so it craved to feel the world around it on the only ways it could: to see, to hear, to smell and taste and feel.
That body collapsed under pain, and it melted under gentle touches, no matter how unwanted. So when a hand ran through his hair, face, his back, the body relaxed just a little bit. In amidst the numbness, the awful pain of its muscles, the darkness of a blindfold and the awful, awful silence … the body wanted that warm touch, because it was so grounding, it was so real.
Even as his soul fought to be set free from the chains that bound it to earth, his body now wanted nothing other than find things that meant he was still there, after being deprived from them for so long.
The headphones were pulled slightly down, and he heard the breathing of the human. Disgusting.
“So… are you ready to obey now, little cat?”
The man always emphasized that last part, as if being a cat was somehow disgraceful. Being an animal was normal. That divide between mankind and the rest of the physical-life forms… It existed only in mankind’s ego. And they wanted him to feel ashamed.
Ashamed of being an animal. As if he hadn’t chosen that shape... And didn’t wish so bad to be back on it, instead of stuck on this imitation of a human, a shape familiars reserved for their most dear companions, when words would need to be exchanged.
And cats… Cats were all born free. Lady, Lord or Master, no cat should ever recognize.
The slap was strong enough to make him loose balance. Of course, he didn’t really have room to move, strapped like that, so fell a little to the side, shifting the weight, his body hanged against the ropes that were tightly digging on his skin. He couldn’t contain a whimper, and the fingers that until the moment were soft grabbed his jaw painfully.
“Do not ignore your Master, little cat”
He spit and hissed. He had no clue if it hit the man or not but… He let go.
“Fine. I guess a few more hours will do you good.”
The headphones were put back.
…Panic rose in his chest. A few more hours? He could barely stand. He whimpered, sadly. He could beg. That’s what the man wanted to hear, right? He didn’t have to mean it. He could just say the words… Just tell him…
No. No. He breathed, deeply. That was the physical shape, his corporeal prison speaking. He couldn’t do it. If he begged once it would be all too easy to make him do it again. And then… Then he was scared of what he could become.
Lady, Lord or Master, he would never recognize.
tag: @talk-to-rock (I.. just noticed you are a rock. Cool :) )
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ggukkieland · 3 years
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2021 July
Sharing all the fics read and loved the month of July! It was a busy month for me and I actually just realized I am so late in posting my usual monthly reading list. I also read more ongoing fics I am subscribed to (which means I reblogged more on 🌹ggukkieland than 🌷ggukkiereads).
If you are a reader like me and you stumbled upon this list, please reblog author’s fics and share these stories too =)
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Note: if link doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist
🥕 Ongoing - most recent chapter [as of date this list was posted] 🥕 Completed - completed one shots | series 🥕 S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
↳ ALL Members listed  (60+ fics)
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🥕 [Ongoing Series]
↬ Seokjin
Make it Right @eatjeanjin​ - series [1/?] | 1.6k+ | Time Travel AU, Cursed!OC, feat Taehyung (best friend) | a
↬ Yoongi
Let Me Love You @meanyoongi​ - series [2/?] | 14.9k+ | fwb, secret relationship, kind of enemies to lovers | a, s, f
Monachopsis @personasintro​ - series [2/?] | 8.6k+ | husband’s brother yoongi, OC and husband trying to have a baby, sort of sperm donor!yoongi | s, a
Need to Know @minyfic - series [4/?] | 13.2k+ | CEO AU, Sugar Daddy AU, softdom, age gap | s, f, a
Set Me Free @secretum-scriptor​ - series [4/?] | 27k+ | arranged marriage, heiress!oc, rich au, fake relationship, CEO Yoongi | a, f, s
Stuck @joonscypher​ - two shot [1/2] | 11.2k+ | part of the Sons of Midas Collab, chaebol au, heir au, rich au, arranged marriage | a (so far)
Your Voice @burningupp​ - 📱 SMAU | music au, cafe au, yoongi heard her sing | a, f
↬ Hoseok
Kitsune @kpopsithereasonihavenolife - series [5/?] | 82k+ | demon hunter au, feudal Japan, enemies to lovers, action | a
↬ Jimin
Half-bitten @eureka-its-zico​ - series [5/?] | 30k+ | Vampire AU, Witch!OC, Supernatural AU, eventual poly on Ch 5 (heavy smut this part 🔥💦 - Jungkook x Reader, Namjoon x Reader)
Into It @xpeachesncream​ - series [2/?] | 15k+ | grad school au, idiots to lovers, strangers to lovers, fake dating of some sort (couples counseling but they are strangers) | a, future s
Lose Myself to Find You @jinpanman​ - series [1/?] | 4.4k+ | ex-villain!jimin, fairy tale keeper!oc, enemies to lovers (sort of), fantasy | f, a
The Misadventures List @kimvvantae​ - series [2/?] | 14k+ | convenience store worker!oc, rich/chaebol Jimin, fake dating au, comedy | f, future s
↬ Taehyung
Bloom @1kook - series [1/?] | 4.3k | regency era, historical, princess!oc x knight!taehyung | a, f, future s
Flavours @jjkpls - series [9/?] | 18k+ | coworker au, enemies to lovers (like toxic and they trash talk each other type of enemies), fuckboy!taehyung | s, a
Gossamer @aroseforyoongi - series [6/?] | 63k+ | Hybrid AU, Taehyung is experiment 1230 | a, s (this is a repost/write)
The Island @taestefully-in-luv​ - series [10/?] | 99.4k+ | strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, soulmate au, roommate au, slow burn, two people thrown in an island for research (according to research they are soulmates) | f, a, s (please go to author’s masterlist for the rest of the chapters)
What The Water Gave Me @snackhobi​ - two shot [1/?] 8k+ | God AU, Fantasy AU, with steampunk elements, vigilante reader
White Lies @yoonia - series [4/?] | 20.6k+ | childhood friends au, best friend au | a, s (I remember reading bits of this years (???) ago and thank you for revamping this =))
↬ Jungkook
All that Glitters @minyfic​ - series [7/?] | 41.4k+ | Fuckboy AU, College AU, Jungkook used to be a sweet dude turned fuckboy, unrequited love (for OC), heavy angst (not expecting nor wanting Jungkook for OC honestly), eventual series sequel for OC!! | s, a
Candy Cane Ache @monvante​ - two shot [1/?] | 4k+ | The Proposal AU, fake dating, boss au, editor au, assistant au | a, eventual s
Code of Conduct @go1denjeon​ - series [8/?] | 38k+ | mafia au, yandere-ish, godfather references (the movie, yes), oc’s brother yoongi  | a
Concentric @gingerpeachtae - series [26/27] | 236k+ | fantasy enemies to lovers, dark fantasy | a, s, f
Devilman @koo1uvr - series [1/?] | 12.7k+ | Devilman AU, Bestfriend AU, Track Runner AU, Horror/Gore | a, s, f (this is part of my past reading list but author reposted in a new blog and I had to re-read =)
In Another Life @lil-meow-meow-goes-rawr - series [8/?] | 28k+ | fantasy, pirate au, time travel, magic | f, a
It Was Always You @namjooningelsewhere​ - series [2/?] | 4.7k+ | College AU, Strangers to Lovers, Exes AU | F, A (no masterpost yet, check part 2 here)
Live Through This @starshapedkookie​ - series [1/?] | 22.5k+ | Exes AU, Enemies to Lovers, Punk AU | A, S
Mean Girls Finish Last @herherteartear​ - 📱 SMAU | fuckboy, stuntman!jungkook x mean girl!oc | f, suggestive pics
Nerve @adonis-koo - series [1/?] | 9.5k+ | thriller, mystery, memory lapse (OC woke up in mysterious room), dark | a, eventual s
Not His Type @writerforkpop - 📱 SMAU | College AU, enemies to lovers, kind of bet au (jungkook is a player and OC/friends made a bet they can make him notice her) | a, eventual f
Nuisance @seokahwrites​ - series [2/?] | 12.8k+ | enemies to lovers, lawyer!oc, lawyer!jungkook, vacation au (they got stuck in the cruise, only one room, thanks to OC’s assistant Seokjin), humor | f, future s (? not really sure)
Only Fools @yonkimint - 📱 SMAU | College OT7, unrequited love (OC), she’s the best friend’s nerdy cousin, costume party, catfish, crack | f
Platinum Panther @arcticmarshmallow​ -  series? [1/?] | 27.4k+ | Rich AU, spoiled!reader, single dad!jungkook, boss jungkook, age gap (but it’s only three years so it’s not really that muchof an age gap) | s, a, f
Puddle of Love @btssmutgalore - series [3/?] | 30.2k+ | Rocker AU, Singer!OC, Band AU, Bad Boy AU, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn | a, future s, future f  02 03
Right Here @shukakoo​ - drabble series [4/?] | 3.9k+ | Best Friend AU, Jungkook recently broke up with GF, kind of slow burn? (JK fell out of love with GF but not exactly in that I’m in love with my best friend yet) | a, f, eventtual s
Risque @mercurygguk​ - series [1/?] | 9.2k+ | Age Gap AU, kinda spoiled/tease OC, Office AU, Jungkook is employer of her dad | s, a
Shadows of Euphoria @cinnabun-faerie​ [5/?] | 9.5k+ | Demon!Jungkook, feat. Taehyung, part of the Your Eyes Tell OT7 series, Soulmate AU | a, f
Stream Simulator @minloop - series [1/?] + drabbles + time stamps | 6.6k+ | streamer au, gamer au, established relationship | f
Superblood Wolfmoon @ironicarmy​ - series [4/?] | 18k+ | werewolf au, a/b/o dynamics, alpha!jungkook, soulmate au, fantasy, mystery | a, future s
Sway Me More @hoseokmylovesworld​ - series [2/3] | 22k+ | enemies to lovers, mafia au, continuation of their story | s, f
Tail as Old as Time @yoonjinkooked - series [1/?] | 4.8k+ | Mermaid AU, Fantasy | f, s, a (note: this was part of previous reading list but author reuploaded the fic since the original link got deleted)
Day by Day @hansolmates​ - drabble series? [4/?] | 6.5k+ |  single dad!jungkook, bestfriend au, baby Haru calls OC ‘mom’, slow burn | a
The Sexual Awakening @xotoosweet​ - drabble series [1/?] | 1.6k | college au, best friends to lovers, compsci!jungkook, economics!reader, oc on a journey of sexual awakening | f, future s
To Build a Home @soft4gguks​ - series [6/?] | 53k+ | single dad!jungkook, ceo au, nanny!oc, strangers to lovers | a, f, s
Waiting Game @tteokggukk​ - 📱 SMAU | soulmate au, ex-friends to lovers, humor, slow burn | f, a  
Yo-ho-hoe And A Bottle Of Rum @yoonjinkooked​ - series [1/?] | 2.8k+ | enemies to lovers, pirate au, fantasy, crack/humor | a, f, s
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🥕[Completed Fics/Series]
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cliche drabbles: friends at grocer and mistaken as a couple @hueseok - drabble | >1k | friends to lovers, best friend au | f
Open When It’s… @an-exotic-writer​ - one shot | 3.5k | epistolary (some parts), Dad!Namjoon, but he passed away and his son is reading his letters at certain stages of life (example: open when you get into the worst fight ever with your mother) | a
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Lesson Learned @silhouetted-beauty - one shot | 10.8k | Married!Seokjin, Teacher!OC, DAD!Seokjin, infidelity, questionable morals | s, a
Puns @heartkook​ - one shot | 1.8k | strangers to lovers, humor, a fic about puns! | f (really cute!)
Sensucht @johobi - one shot | 7.4k | CEO AU, new hire OC (who’s not exactly a model employee yet), dom/sub undertones | S (pwp)
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Bitter @heartkook - drabble | 1.9k | Bartender!OC, Yoongi recently got dumped, sort of rebound AU (that isn’t) | a, f
Mic Drop @ve1vetyoongi​ - one shot | 29k | rapper!yoongi, photographer!oc, composer!oc, star-crossed of some sort, rival of her brother, secret relationship, music au | s, a, f
Signed in Black @yoon-kooks - series [7/7] | 21.1k | Soulmate AU, Bad Boy AU, Barista!OC, BTS as Bulletproof Fairies, Fake Dating (sort of but not really?) | F, slight A
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Eclipse @baepsaesbae​ - one shot | 3.3k | fantasy, Fae AU, Day Fairy!Hoseok x Night Fairy!OC, summer solstice, idiots to lovers | a, s, f
Love; Always @yeoldontknow - one shot | 7.3k | 100% epistolary, reincarnation au, soulmate au, pen pals, letters au, pining, long distance relationship | f, a, s
Myosotis + Chrysanthemum @03mistress30 - two-shot | 7.8k | demi-god!hoseok, rescued OC from a thief, OC let him stay, reunion in part 2, fantasy | a
Synchronized @idroppedthesope​ - drabble | 900wc | soulmate au (timer), unrequited love with bestfriend!hoseok, but check until the end 🥰 | f
Strip @your-daily-biaswrecking​ - one shot | 7.9k | established relationship au, jealous Hoseok of the female stripper x OC action 😁 | s, f
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Blackthorn Creek @randombtsprincessa​ - one shot | 23k | Beauty and the Beast AU (OC is the beast), fantasy, curse au, also shifter au (there’s a part she shifts), fairy tale au | a,f, s
Equinox @crystaljins​ - one shot | 7.2k | King of Spring!Jiming x Queen of Winter!OC, arranged marriage AU, fantasy, royalty, talks of seasons | f
Touched by a Fallen Star @cutaepatootie​ - one shot | 37.2k | Prince Jimin, Fantasy AU, royalty, star-crossed, use of magic, OC is a celestial being | a, s
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An Unexpected Kindness @heartkook​ - one shot | 2.1k | creepy guy won’t leave OC alone, Taehyung pretended to be the boyfriend, strangers to lovers | a, f
Catch My Ghost @smaubts​ - 📱 SMAU (short) | supernatural au, ghost hunter!taehyung, crack | f
Drabble: taehyung as brother’s best friend @1kook - drabble | >1k | secret relationship, brother’s best friend au, pwp | s
Louder Than Bombs @moononthejoon - 📱 SMAU (discontinued but with complete outline) | writer!taehyung, fan!oc | f
Peculiar Taste @gashinabts​ - one shot | 2.8k | Roommate AU, OC found out her foot fics on a fetish page 😂, humor | s, f
Pink @ggukcangetit​ - drabble | 511wc | friends to lovers. Prompt: “kissing to prove there’s no chemistry, even though it’s a lie, the kiss proving it” | f
Relentless @alpacaparkaseok - one shot | 5.9k | spin off of the Lost & Found fic (Jimin story), this is Taehyung’s story with the “string cutter” (who isn’t his soulmate, ouch), Soulmate AU | a, f
Rival Heirs drabble @yoonpobs​ - drabble | >1k | enemies to lovers, rich au, ceo au, star-crossed lovers, extra load of angst T_T | a, s
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🥕 One-shots | Drabbles
Addicted to You @ughcore - one shot | 5.4k | enemies to lovers, feat clueless Taehyung, went to a bar (jungkook just got back), sexual tension | s, a, f
Can I Sleep in Your Bed @ddaeng-181338 - one shot | 4k | Roommate AU, insomnia AU, best friends who are in college, OC couldn’t sleep and crashed in JK’s bed to help her sleep, talks about love which led to something more 🥰 | s, f
Cherry Glosses N Car Washes @softlyjiminie​ - one shot | 7k | goth!jungkook x cheerleader!oc, college au, established relationship, sorority au, opposites (they don’t like JK for OC even though he’s a nice guy 😢) | s, f
cliche drabble: bar and jungkook saves you @hueseok​ - drabble | >1k | strangers, bar, some knight in shining armor kook, prompt: "a drunk dude tries to seduce you at a bar and you start to feel uncomfortable then a cute stranger, jungkook, saves you by saying she's with me" | f
cliche drabble: dramatic wedding objection @/hueseok - drabble | >1k | wedding au, star-crossed lovers, OC to marry someone else (arranged)  | f
drabble: camping trip with bestfriend!jungkook @rmverse​ - drabble | 1.1k | bestfriend au, oh there’s only one bed trope (only it’s a sleeping bag), camping | s
Drabble: single dad jungkook e2l with kid’s teacher @1kook - drabble | >1k | single dad au, kindergarten teacher!oc, enemies to lovers, really cute | f
Fireflies @impossiblewriter - one shot | 20k | epistolary au, prince!jungkook, princess!reader, best friend AU, childhood friends, war au, fictional country, kinda angsty| a, f
Fuck You, Ana. Sincerely, Jungkook @jamkookies​ - one shot | 30k | Barista!Jungkook, strangers to lovers, hurt/comfort fic, themes of eating disorder/anorexia, humor (OC is actually funny but in a sarcastic way), coworker AU, coffee shop | a, f, implied s
Handwritten @jeonocho - one shot | 2.5k | epistolary, soldier!jungkook, war au, one day Jungkook stopped writing | a, f
I Can’t Wait to Tell You, I Told Ya @moon-write​ - one shot | 16.2k | single dad!jungkook (who is kind of a player), bestfriend!OC, cute relationship between OC and the daughter, unrequited love from OC, idiots to lovers | a, f
I Hate That I’m In Love With You @prkchimins - 📱 SMAU with written parts  | Fuckboy AU, College AU, Enemies to Lovers, Jungkook as a ticket to get invited to parties (Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and OC) |  A, F, implied S
Intense Desires @kookscrescent​ - drabble | 1.2k | boyfriend au, just pwp about kook going feral and just going at it like there’s no tomorrow | s
It Should Be Me @you-know-bts - one shot | 4.3k | brother’s best friend au, overprotective!jungkook (and brother yoongi), abusive boyfriend!Minho | a, f
I’ll Love You Until You Love Yourself @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue​ - one shot | 3.4k | Exes AU, Noona!OC, OC got called by friends when Jungkook was so drunk, toxic methods of coping with breakup | a
Jeon Husband @breakiebunny​ - one shot | 8.7k | Arranged Marriage or Contract Marriage, CEO AU, OC wants out and Jungkook is suddenly threatened, jealous!jungkook, feat Yoongi | s, f
Knight in Distress @jimilter- drabble | 2.5k | chaebol!jungkook, heir au, enemies to lovers, co-workers, CEO!Jungkook, OC high position too, shirtless jungkook in water | f, a
Liars and Fire @kpopfanfictrash - one shot | 3.1k | Exes AU, ex-husband!jungkook, turned FWB | a, s
Love You Like a Love Song @dat-town - drabble | 1.8k | Best Friend AU, friends since high school, College AU, Jungkook’s birthday, OC baked a cake, fluff ensues 🥰 | f
Not Like You @oureuphoria​ - one shot | 28k | single dad au, boxer!jungkook, enemies to lovers, childhood acquaintance, childhood enemy, slow burn | f, a
Old Friends, Warm Eyes @xiaokoo - drabble | 979 | Hurt/Comfort, both got cheated on 😢, met at the park, ex-classmates | f
Stoic + Redemption @blue-jade​ - one shot | 4.2k | CEO AU, cheater!jungkook, angsty ugh, OC would rather take fake love/gestures than admit he’s cheating  | a, s (there’s a sequel! please check author’s mtl)
Stress Reliever @imaginethisbts​ - one shot | 2.6k | domestic au, established relationship au, boyfriend!jungkook after a very stressful day at work, pwp | s
Sweet Apology @unbeli-bubble​ - drabble | 1.8k | established relationship, domestic au, Jungkook ditched OC for time with friends, soft dom!jungkook | s, f
Which, as They Kiss, Consume @banqdanfnfic​ - one shot | 4k | tattoo artist!jungkook, established relationship, boyfriend au, OC’s first time to get a tattoo and asked boyfriend jungkook to do it (their relationship is not sexual yet so skdjskl the tattoo scene is just full of sexual tension) | s, f
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Thank you dear authors for your stories! It was a seriously exhausting month for me with all the changes at work and I’m glad I have these stories to escape to 😢.
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posted: 2021 Aug 05
link to other reading lists
other fic rec lists (by theme)
I love to read so feel free to message me about fics! 🌷
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881 notes · View notes
Webcomic Recommendations
1) AVA'S DEMON [Supernatural Horror/Sci-Fi Horror, Mythology, Magic, Reincarnation, Self-Hatred, Growth, Chaos, Space, Running from a Cult, Adventure, Drama, Confusion, Potential Romance, LGBPTQA+]
Ava Ire was born with an unwanted passenger, who could take over her body and ruin her life. A close brush with death changes their relationship, and sets her on a quest to find others like her, to take on the ruthless dictator holding the galaxy hostage.
There's even musical scores and videos interspersed in the comic.
2) HOTBLOOD! [Urban Fantasy, Western, Chaos and Centaurs, Conmen]
"A centaur in the Old West. Originally drawn 2013-2016, revised and updated for tapas."
[There's a second series called ZARCO as well]
3) WILDE LIFE [Urban Fantasy, Supernatural Chaos, Friendship, Found Family, Romance, Chaos]
Oscar Wilde, an author like his namesake, finds himself in a small town called Podunk... where apparently every supernatural secret in the entire country is just chilling. If you love Urban Fantasy... read it.
4) MONSTERKIND [Urban Fantasy, Dork Human Protagonist, Mystery, Found Family, Friendship, Conspiracy]
Wallace Foster is a human social worker sent, for reasons he doesn't understand, to a monster-only district. The monsters there are hurt, they're afraid, and there are secrets no one wants to talk about. He meets a series of dorky, fun friends who straight up adopt him and this is almost as chaotic as his job.
5) NO END [Post-Apocalypse, Zombies, Found Family, Disabilities, LGBPTQA+, Friendship and Conflict, Conspiracy, Running towards a better future]
After the zombie apocalypse, all that is left are a handful of fortified outposts that the military tend to hold onto with an iron fist. There are people who move between them with messages, and can guide you, but there are still free roaming undead. Into this chaos, two parties travelling through meet and forge a chaotic found family trying to hide from the military who want them eliminated.
6) SISTER CLAIRE [Urban Fantasy, Magic, Religion but Odd, Ninja Nuns, LGBPTQA+, Supernatural, Heartrending, Found Family, Check each panel carefully]
Sister Claire is a novice who has a visit from an 'Angel' one night, before she has the chance to larn Nun-fu. Things snowball into a chaotic adventure that involves magic, witches, warrior nuns, underwater adventures, and making family through killing prejudices.
7) NAMESAKE [Fractured Fairytales, Magic, Found Family, Friendship, Love and Sorrow]
Are you an Alice? A Dorothy? A Jack-be-Nimble? Then your name qualifies you for a potential trip to a fictional realm where the same tale plays out over and over with small variations each time.
The good news is that there's an agency who can help you understand what happened afterwards, they are former namesakes, who lived through their own tales. Except... this time, a new name has entered an old story and things are going very wrong.
8) LOVE NOT FOUND [Affection, Futurism, Other Planets/Space, Robots, Alien Life, Slice of Life, LGBPTQA+, Romance]
In a future when humans are among the stars on all manner of planets, there's been a change for the worse. Humans don't Touch, it's considered odd. Babies are made with machines, intimacy is done through machinery, dancing is done with protective forcefield barriers...
What then, when someone decides this isn't enough?
9) The GLASS SCIENTISTS [Jekyll & Hyde, Chaotic, Science, Steampunk, Mental Health, Romance, LGBPTQA+, Oblivious Himbo]
A new take on the tale of Jekyll and Hyde, the good doctor runs a whole cabinet of chaotic scientists, and this often ends explosively. Hyde has just as much trouble, and their bickering is bringing them both down.
10) ZOMBIE ROOMIE [Urban Fantasy, Zombies, LGBPTQA+, Weird Roommates, Slice of Life, Magic, Supernatural]
Ever wondered what it would be like to room with a zombie? Wonder no more.
11) WITCHY [Magic, Dystopian Society, Hidden Conspiracy, Rebellion, Adventure, Drama, Family and Love, LGBPTQA+]
In a world where the length of your hair equates to your level of magic, and if it is too long, can result in your death... the most terrifying thing to be is someone with rapunzel-length hair and no control of your powers. [Is also being published! I have book one, and #2 is coming soon].
12) INTERCOSMIC [Celestial Powers, Elemental Guardians, Humanity in Space, Chaos, Found Family, Loss of Mentors, Friendship]
Guardians of Space and elements, they stand to protect the universe against threats. As their mentors were destroyed milennia before, two new elements have passed their training to take over; but could not have anticipated their first task... babysitting a human girl who fell through a rift in space.
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Obey Me! as types of goth (like trad goth, romantic goth, witch goth, etc...)
YEAH BABEY ok sorry I just really like the goth subculture ♡ hope you like it!
Lucifer : Corp Goth - formal clothing, Gomez from The Adams family inspo, CEO looking ass smh
Mammon : Trad Goth - Punk inspo, 80s music, Leather + Jeans, bad boy aesthetic
Leviathan : J-Goth - Visual-Kei, Lolita inspiration, late 1800s inspo
Satan : Fairy Goth - Mythical themes, Elemental music, the aesthetic lovechild of Romantic and Hippie goth
Asmodeus : Pastel Goth - Light colors, Kawaii, early 2010s pastel goth
Beelzebub : Casual Goth - skulls, comfy-er clothing, all black type of clothing
Belphegor : Emo Goth - early 2000s, eyeliner, mom-its-not-a-phase kind of aesthetic
Diavolo : Romantic Goth - Roses, Romance, Vampire kind of aesthetic (think the Adams family)
Barbatos : Medieval Goth - Medieval themes, Magic, Witch who lives in the woods kind of aesthetic
Solomon : Steampunk Goth - Sci-Fi themes, Gadgets, Mad scientist of victorian era type of aesthetic
Simeon : Bubble Goth - Lighter Colors, Corsets, Cute-but-scary type of aesthetic
Luke : Baby Goth!!!! - black T-shirt with skeletons on it (cute!!!!♡)
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murder-senpai · 4 years
Oh, hello there!! My name is Murder-senpai! I’m new here to tumblr sooooo don’t mind me being awkward n’ stuff. So this is gonna be like, what fandoms and characters I write for sOoooOoOo
AU’s and other stuff I’ll do: ABO, genderbend, hanahaki, soulmate, supernatural/power, soft yandere/ stockholm syndrome, coffee shop, modern, fantasy, baby/kid versions of characters, babysitter, neko, inu, kitsune, post apocalyptic, zombie, flower shop, book store, dragon, fairy tale, high school/college, mafia, pregnant, steampunk, merpeople, pirate, pirate/merperson, prison, reincarnation, famous, vampire, werewolf
There is more shit I’ll do but I can’t really think anymore so just request
(reader insert crap)
I will NOT do nsfw. This is a christian minecraft sever 
You CAN request multiple character/poly and platonic stuff
If your not specific, I will choose between headcanons or a fic/drabble
If you request angst, I will give it a fluffy ending unless requested otherwise
Please be specific in your request   ex: reader gender (fem, male, gender neutral)
Edit: I will now take character x character, character + character platonic stuff, aus (like, medevil bnha, or a story about friendship or enemies to friends or adoption, anything really), and stuff like that
Current hyperfixation (aka, what I will probably write better for/ do more): dream smp
Will probably put the scenario in a non specific arc
Fairy Tail:
ty lee
sir nighteye
Harry potter:
Black Butler:
real ciel (I refer to him as astre tho)
charles grey
charles phipps
adrien/chat noir
AU’s- underfell, mafiatale, mafiafell, underswap, swapfell
Gravity falls:
AU-reverse falls, monster falls
angle dust
literally any pokemon but those are my fave(and human versions ofc either is fine)
tom nook
dr. strange
The hobbit:
literally JUST smaug
apple jack
Maid sama:
the three idiots
aoi (totaly gives off a ciel/lizzy vibe don’t even lie)
both twins
Cells at work:
white blood cell
red blood cell
killer t cell
Little witch academia:
Glitter force:
Glitter force doki doki:
aster bunnymund
Soul eater:
death the kid
black star
bowers gang
losers club
kamisama kiss:
The outsiders:
Diabolik lovers:
king george
george washington
Tokyo mew mew:
Fran bow
mr. midnight
Steven universe
Haven't you heard i'm sakamoto
Gargantia on the verdurous planet
Over the garden wall
Snow white with the red hair
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts(manga)
Jeff the killer
ticci toby
BEN drowned 
eyeless jack
laughing jack
homicidal liu
Jason the toymaker
Seto Kaiba
golden freddy
toy freddy
toy bonnie
toy chica
mangle (male and female ver pls specify)
marionette ^
william afton/ purple guy
funtime freddy
nightmare freddy
nightmare bonnie
nightmare chica
nightmare foxy
nightmare mangle
nightmare fredbear
king dice
Bendy and the ink machine
Duck tales
Scrooge (aged down tho)
Dream smp
everyone (all platonic. Will do reader stuff, but would prefer more character +character interactions, specifically, SBI. PLSSS give me sbi stuff, ill marry you)
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aflamethatneverdies · 3 years
14 for Fantine, 20 for Giliatt 👀
14. Ingrained habits/force of habit
1. For a while after she lost her long hair she would still get up and think of brushing her long locks before remembering she had sold her locks. She would then take some little comfort in the fact that Cosette was at least warm. Although it did make her deeply unhappy to lose the little beauty she cherished and the book also says she grew bitter after this. 
2. She liked to wake up early even during her grisette years because she had worked on a farm and that had trained her to wake early and make sure everything is fine. When she had Cosette she would wake up early to talk to the baby and fuss over her, singing her songs and lullabies to soothe her crying, since Tholomyes barely acknowledged or interacted with the newborn child. He was only interested in spending time having fun despite becoming decrepit as a 30 year old. 
3. She has a habit of thinking of past events for a while, for instance she may have thought of the dead horse for a day or two and was heartbroken equally about it as well as the situation Tholomyes left her in.
4. She gestures while talking out of habit and is also used to people not taking her seriously at first but she is able to charm them and endear them to her when she wants.
5. She had been apprenticed as a farm hand from a gamine due to the fierce bravery of life that she is known for, and probably had a somewhat happy farm life. Her way of trusting people and thinking they are telling her the truth and not taking advantage of her, did not hurt her for the duration of the time she was working on the farm. She made enough to be able to reach Paris from the farm near MsM at 15.
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Look, we agree that Hugo’s characters are touched by the fatality and Romanticism. Some of them have to die, and Gilliatt died when the thread connecting him to the society was severed by Deruchette marrying Ebenezer, the very hot priest. But, Gilliatt and Deruchette would really really have been a not a great marriage, on account of they don’t know each other at all and Gilliatt is doing massive massive projections, creating an ideal in Deruchette. So, alternatives, Gilliatt’s mom and him are treated kindly by the Guernsey folk from the start and the rumours about her being possibly a witch or Gilliatt being able to talk to witches does not start/does not threaten the fact that the people still are kindly towards them.
Or, and we discussed this, Mess Letierry marries, hires Gilliatt to work for him managing his ships and treats him like a son and heir of his business, and Gilliatt slowly comes out of his shell and starts making connections with the people who think he is a hero for saving Durande. He starts getting more and more involved in the town and its affairs, and probably becomes the kindly Mayor. I can’t help comparisons to Valjean. Anyway, he can still die, death is very Romantic, just not walking into the sea because a projection of his crush that he had built up ended up not working out, (just a word of advice) talk to the girl, Gilliatt, next time, instead of playing bugpipes for 4 or 5 years with her favourite tune.
Maybe he becomes successful and invents a better ship and then is lost at sea/drowned (Drowning metaphors are a thing with Hugo, poor Leopoldine;_;). Still, at least Deruchette got her happy ending, she deserved it. I can see that this is very much about Hugo’s second daughter, Adele II.
Also because we’ve been talking and watching a lot of Steampunk, Steampunk Toilers is such a perfect way to adapt this book. I need that adaptation, like yesterday.
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