#so feel free to click if you'd like to get a better look at details like that <3
kitnita · 1 month
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on tuesday the stars posted a picture of an exceedingly damp otter shaking water off himself, which compelled me greatly. at some point we should discuss why everyone's so obsessed with him when he's soaking wet but i am very much the pot asking if we can please talk about the kettle here
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ellemj · 6 months
Time & Temptation - Roommates w/ Benefits Pt. 2
Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Please read part 1 first if you haven't!
Summary: Living with Bucky Barnes just keeps getting more difficult, and it's been less than 24 hours. Now, he's unexpectedly sent out as backup on what was supposed to be your solo mission. What happens when you insist on putting yourself in danger, as you always do?
Warnings: profanity, mention of wet dream from part 1, teasing, strip club, mention of weapons (firearms), use of firearms, drive-by shooting, gunshot wound, jealous!Bucky, protective!Bucky, some use of y/n, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires any other warnings.
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: I'm sorry for the long pause since posting part 1 of this series! I got caught up with life and had a lack of inspiration for writing this, but I found some motivation/inspiration the last two days so here it is, finally. I'll be better about pushing out the next few parts of this in a more timely manner. If you'd like to be added to the taglist you can add yourself using this Google doc. Please use it responsibly.
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        You really thought an early morning run was going to clear your mind. You thought you could drown the details of the wet dream in sweat and pain and never think about it again. So, you were especially pissed off when the make-believe sound of Bucky making you ask for what you want began replaying in your mind with every step that you took down the chilly trails. Tell me what you need. As you continue along the dirt path, you can almost feel his hands on your thighs. Fuck. You know it means nothing. It was just a stupid dream. It probably only came about because you ran into him in the kitchen last night. If you’d run into a big, purple, infinity stone-wielding cretin in the kitchen you would’ve been just as likely to have a wet dream about that, right? Well, maybe not. But you can tell yourself that in hopes that it’ll ease your internal rage over having a wet dream about your new roommate.
         An hour later, you’re catching your breath in the elevator on the way back up to your floor. You tug your hair out of its snug ponytail and run your hands through it, massaging your scalp with your fingertips. You’re planning to take a nice, long shower, lock yourself in your room and do a little prep for the solo mission you have later tonight, and then meet up with Sharon for lunch. You repeat the plan in your head over and over as the elevator slowly carries you upward. It seems like a solid enough plan to help you avoid Bucky for at least half the day. Or so you thought.
         You’re as quiet as possible when you unlock the front door, unsure if Bucky may still be asleep or if he’s even home at all. Of course, the first thing you see when you step inside is Bucky, shirtless and in the kitchen yet again. He seems to love that little space beside the kitchen sink. The sigh that leaves your lips is a little more audible than you’d intended it to be, and the way Bucky lifts his gaze to your direction and raises an eyebrow at you lets you know that he not only heard it, but he wants to know what it was about. You didn’t mean to blurt the words out, you really didn’t. But the way he stood there both last night and this morning, looking so fucking hot that it makes your head spin and your cheeks feel warm…you just had to speak up.
         “Do you ever wear a shirt?” You ask exasperatedly. You push the door shut behind you and lock the deadbolt with a resounding click. When you look back at Bucky once more, he’s fucking smirking. You’re simultaneously annoyed and turned on, and all you want is a cold shower.
         “About as often as you wear pants.” He retorts. You don’t miss the way his eyes roam over your figure, taking in your slightly disheveled post-run look. He takes a sip from the glass of water in his hand as he wonders how the hell you still look so put together after a run. Your hair is down and somehow looks perfectly windswept, your cheeks and nose have the slightest pink tint to them from both the cold weather outside and the heavy exercise, and your leggings are hugging your legs and ass so tightly that you may as well be wearing nothing at all. His gaze makes you feel like your skin is on fire and it sets off alarm bells in your head. You need to get out of here. You make a beeline for the fridge, pulling it open and retrieving a cold bottle of water before quickly exiting the kitchen again, refusing to give Bucky a second look. Once you’re in the bathroom, you waste no time stepping into a cold shower as fast as possible.
         Bucky remains in the kitchen for another minute, almost laughing at his current living situation. The man has had only the most minimal associations with women outside of a professional setting for years now, and he sure as hell doesn’t remember any pleasurable interactions with women during his time as the Winter Soldier. Now, he lives with one. And not even just that, but he’s fucking attracted to the one he lives with. He created his own personal hell by suggesting you and Vision switch rooms, and now he has to deal with it. He tries to tell himself that you’re just physically attractive. He’d never like you on all of the levels needed for a relationship. He can’t stand the way you work in the field, you’re too unpredictable and too willing to put yourself at risk. It’s beyond frustrating. He could never like someone who doesn’t seem to give a damn if they live or die. So, he’ll focus on that. He’ll focus on that one thing until he finds enough things to dislike about you to make his cock start listening to his brain again.
         You shut off your cold shower and quickly towel yourself dry before wrapping the towel snugly around your body. You didn’t last more than three minutes under the icy stream of water, but it definitely did its job. Your stupidly attractive roommate is the last thing on your mind now. Or at least he was until you realize you were so rushed to get away from him in the kitchen a few minutes ago that you forgot to grab a clean change of clothes to put on after your shower. Shit. You’re freezing your ass off so you sure as hell aren’t going to wait around until you hear his bedroom door shut. Without giving it a second thought, you glance in the mirror to make sure that the towel at least covers your ass before pulling the bathroom door open and stepping out into the hall.
         Fucking hell. As Bucky stands in the hallway staring at you, he can’t seem to remember the one thing that he was focusing on to help dissuade his attraction to you. All he can focus on now is the way the skin of your neck looks so smooth and soft, the way your neck transitions seamlessly down to your collarbones, and the way your collarbones draw his eyes further down to your chest. He doesn’t let himself look any further once his eyes land on the cleavage that’s just barely peeking out over the top of the towel. His eyes flit back up to your face and suddenly, you don’t feel like the powerless one here. You’d think you would be feeling like the powerless one, given that you’re standing here in a towel and he’s between you and your bedroom door, but you don’t. You noticed the way he froze when he saw you, the way he couldn’t stop his eyes from tracing the curve of your neck and shoulders, and the way his eyes lingered on your chest a little longer than you would’ve expected. You have the power here. You straighten up a little and take a few slow, small steps closer to Bucky. He’s frozen right in between your two bedroom doors, so he’ll have to move out of your way or you’ll have to squeeze past him to get into your room. You’re sure he’ll move. You can feel your towel riding up your thighs and nearly exposing the curve of your ass with every step you take, but you fight the urge to tug it down, worried that the action would make you look insecure. Bucky stands firm in front of you, the eye contact between you two so intense that you wonder if he can see straight through you. God, you see why Sam calls him the bionic staring machine sometimes.
         Just as you expected, Bucky turns and walks up to his own bedroom door once you’re just a foot in front of him. What you didn’t expect was for him to say something to you as you wrapped your hand around your own bedroom door handle.
         “That’s twice now that you’ve tried showing me your ass in the past twenty-four hours.” His tone is calm and even but his words are taunting. You turn on your heel to see him standing in his doorway, facing you, and his blue eyes meeting yours instantly. You’re acutely aware of how short your towel is as it barely covers the curve of your ass, leaving little to the imagination. Apparently, Bucky’s well aware of it too.
         “If you were nicer to me, you might’ve made it to three times, James.” You tease, pushing your bedroom door open and walking through it, refusing to look over your shoulder at him. It’s safe to assume he stole one last look at your towel-clad form before you shut your bedroom door and left him standing there with his cock as hard as it’s ever been.
         Ah, fuck. Bucky rests his flesh arm on the inner wall of the shower and his forehead on his forearm, watching the water run into the shower drain at his feet. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees you in that damn towel. Every time you took a breath, your chest would pull the towel up your thighs in the slightest bit. It was practically torture standing in front of you when you looked like that. He shakes his head and turns his chin up with closed eyes, letting the warm water splash into his face, trying but failing to wash the image of you away. He clenches his jaw and looks back down at his cock. Fully erect, and from what? Nothing. You barely did a damn thing. You just happened to be walking down the hallway in a towel, surely not even intentionally. You just forgot your clothes. But shit, the view from where Bucky stood is forever ingrained in his memory. The view and the way you said his first name like you liked the sound of it. He’d never heard you say his first name before. Hell, he liked the sound of it. But your fucking teasing? He didn’t like the sound of that. The way you insinuated, jokingly of course, that you would’ve continued finding ways to nearly show him your ass if he was nicer to you? Bullshit. This is all bullshit. Bucky desperately needs either a new place to live or a fan-fucking-tastic new method of letting off steam, before he says or does something stupid.
         He wills himself to ignore his cock in the shower, and once he gets out and towels dry, he pulls on a clean pair of boxers and sweats. He utilizes the ages-old trick of tucking his boner beneath the waistband of his boxers so it won’t be as obvious when he inevitably runs into you again in the tiny apartment that you share. This time, he’s also sure to put on a t-shirt. Maybe him being fully clothed will inspire you to start wearing some pants. As he pulls the bathroom door open and heads straight for his bedroom, he thinks that maybe he should head out for the day, get away from here before he runs into you again and you have the chance to call him by his first name or nearly show him your ass for a third time.
         You’re sitting on your bed, scanning dutifully over a few electronic files that Fury sent you regarding tonight’s solo op, when you hear Bucky finish up in the shower and quickly shut himself up in his room. Your mind starts to drift away from the task at hand as you replay his words from earlier in your head. That’s twice now that you’ve tried showing me your ass in the past twenty-four hours. Of course the little shit was keeping count. And the best response you could come up with was a tease. You scrunch your eyes shut and shake your head, attempting to clear your mind so you can focus on the mission details before you. This is not the time to be getting distracted. Tonight’s op is serious, and you’re going in with only two backup agents strategically placed in the club’s staff, so you need to be as prepared as possible and as on your game as you’ve ever been.
         A not-so-innocent little black lingerie set adorns your figure, hugging your body in all of the right ways and accentuating all of your best features. You give yourself one last look in the tall mirror in your bedroom, making sure everything looks perfect, before pulling on a pair of black jeans, a black sweater, and then a black leather jacket over the top. You pull on a pair of sneakers before double-checking that your bag for the night is packed and ready. It holds a pair of black ankle-strap heels, body glitter, your most complimented perfume, your makeup bag, and a couple of choice weapons tucked away from prying eyes. You have everything you need to gain the attention of one particularly nasty underground vibranium dealer, Elias Leveaux.
         In less than an hour, you’re downtown at the most high-end strip club in northern New York. It’s known for wealthy clientele, and it’s on SHIELD’s radar specifically because Elias is known to drop in at least once or twice a month. You’ve read enough about the guy to wonder why someone with so much money and such an illegal, secretive day job would choose to go to a strip club that’s more or less open to the public. You’d think he’d hire a few girls privately and enjoy his free time that way, but it’s like he gets off on the experience of being the richest, scariest guy in the place. So he goes, at least once a month, always sometime during the second week of the month, like clockwork.
         The last thing you expected to see when you walk in the back staff entrance of the club is a text from Fury, letting you know that the plan for tonight has changed. It’s nonspecific and gives you absolutely no clue as to what might’ve changed, but you don’t have time to text him back and ask for clarification before you’re being directed to the dressing room and told that you’re supposed to be on the floor in less than five minutes. What the hell is Fury thinking?
         Bucky initially thought that being called out for a last-minute op was a blessing. He thought it was exactly what he needed to get out of the apartment for a few hours and get his mind off of you. At least until he found out that the entire op centered around you. He breathes a heavy sigh as he stands outside the club, adjusting his black gloves and glancing at his watch impatiently. Sam is never late. Walker, however, doesn’t know how to be anything but late. Of course, Sam wasn’t going to be the one to wait around outside for Walker’s arrival, so he’s already in the club, seated somewhere at a table near the back wall to keep an eye on things. As Bucky continues to wait in the cold, he begins to wonder what kind of role you’re playing here tonight. Are you a cocktail waitress? A bartender? Fury didn’t give him much information when he called earlier, he simply said that the possibility of something going sideways tonight had escalated enough that he wanted extra hands on deck. Specifically, the undercover hands of the new Captain America, a super soldier, and America’s most hated: John Walker. 
         “I’ve got eyes on Leveaux, he came in through the private entrance on the west side of the building.” Sam’s voice reaches Bucky through his in-ear monitor, right as Walker is approaching.
         “Sorry I’m late. Fury really doesn’t like to give us a heads up, does he?” Walker asks, clapping Bucky on the shoulder in greeting. Bucky shoots him a death glare and Walker quickly drops his smile and hand, remembering who he’s talking to. This is going to be a long fucking night.
         When the lights go off and the crowd in the club gets quieter than it’s been for the last forty-five minutes, Bucky follows the turning of everyone’s heads to the stage. A few dancers have come and gone so far, a couple had the crowd going wild for sure, but whatever it is that’s coming next seems to have sucked the breath out of everyone’s chests as they sit on the edge of their seats with anticipation. Even Elias Leveaux has waved his henchmen away and he sits at his table close to the stage with all of his focus trained on the dark platform. When the lights on the stage turn on, they have a deep red hue to them. The low notes of a sultry song begin rumbling through the speakers in the club and as soon as the first bit of skin is visible on stage, Bucky’s mouth goes dry and his heart begins slamming against his ribcage.
         Holy fucking shit. It’s you. You’re the girl that has the attention of every single man and woman in the club right now. You’re the girl dressed in the skimpiest little outfit that Bucky has ever seen. Even the bartenders across the room have their eyes on you. Bucky can’t breathe, he can’t move, he can’t think. You make it to centerstage and begin your routine seamlessly, transitioning from a suggestive dance in your heels to an all-out Magic Mike-level move that involves you crawling across the stage, perfectly in time with the music. When your eyes land on Elias, you maintain eye contact with him as you crawl forward, arching your back and flipping your hair over one shoulder. You watch as he adjusts himself in his seat and rests his right hand high up on his thigh, a tell-tale sign that he’s hard as a rock and it’s all because of you. You flash him an innocent smile before continuing your routine and scanning the rest of the club for his henchmen. You count two near the bar, and one near the main entrance. You’re two minutes in and nearly finishing up your routine, dragging your hands down your chest, over the see-through black lace corset that wraps around your ribcage, when your eyes land on the last person you need to be thinking about. Bucky Barnes. He sits at a table in the far back corner. You can’t even drag your gaze away from him long enough to see who else is at his table. Your eyes are locked on his as your skin heats up and the music fades away. He’s too far away for you to notice the way his jaw is clenched or the way a tent is forming in the front of his tactical pants. As soon as you’ve disappeared from the stage, Bucky stealthily adjusts his pants and composes himself before turning to Sam and Walker.
         “What the hell? If this is what she does on all of those solo ops Fury sends her on, sign me up. I’ll be back-up for every single one.” Walker says, clearly not caring to hide his own arousal. Bucky imagines his fist colliding with the side of John’s face and it calms him a little before he speaks up.
         “Say something like that again and watch where it gets you.” Bucky’s tone is like ice, sending a nervous chill through John Walker’s bloodstream and effectively softening the hard-on in his pants. Unfortunately, Bucky’s own hard-on isn’t going away. Sam isn’t paying any attention to the two men on his team, he’s instead focused on Elias Leveaux, who’s waving over one of his henchmen and whispering something to him. Bucky follows Sam’s line of sight and sees the same thing. The henchman quickly disappears backstage, going through a door labeled “staff-only.” This is either going to be exactly what you and Fury planned for or something that’s going to end badly, there’s really no in between. Your goal was to have Leveaux ask for a private dance, or at least approach you and make contact in some way. You need an in with him.
         You’re just stepping into the dressing room backstage when a tall man dressed in all black, one that you recognize as an employee of Leveaux that was standing near the bar earlier, approaches you in a surprisingly professional manner. He keeps is eyes on your face, even though you’re still wearing an outfit that bares nearly your entire body for everyone to see.
         “Miss, my employer would like a moment with you in private.” The man’s voice is low, and he keeps his tone hushed so the other girls in the dressing room can’t fully make out his words.
         “Your employer?” You ask, easily playing dumb.
         “Mr. Leveaux. He’s in attendance tonight and would like a moment of your time, if you’re free to meet with him now.” You pretend like you’re mulling over his words as you examine your makeup in the mirror.
         “Should I change clothes?” You inquire, meeting the man’s gaze in the reflection of the mirror. He gives you a small smile and shakes his head.
         “I don’t think that will be necessary.” His answer gives you plenty of information. Elias Leveaux is interested.
         Ten minutes later, you’re in one of the private rooms upstairs with the most ruthless vibranium dealer sitting on a couch in front of you. You’ve just walked in and already, his gaze is ravaging your body. He’s basically removing every little piece of your lingerie ensemble with his eyes alone.
         “Mr. Leveaux…” His name leaving your lips brings his gaze up to your face. You study him for a moment. It’s the first time you’ve seen him outside of surveillance pictures in SHIELD files. He’s characteristically attractive, with a chiseled jawline and perfectly manicured stubble decorating it. His hair is black, so black that it matches the tattoos you can see peeking out from the collar of his button-up shirt. Your job is always easier when the bad guys are hot as fuck. “What can I do for you tonight?” You ask, an air of confidence surrounding you as you play with your hair and lean against the wall across from him.
         “Come closer.” He says, cocking his head and spreading his legs slightly on the couch. He oozes confidence and masculinity, in a way that nearly makes you blush. You obey his command, and as soon as you’re within his reach, he grasps your hand and pulls you down to sit on his knee. “Tell me your name.” You’re learning very quickly that he never ends anything with a question mark.
         “I don’t get your first name?” You ask, letting your left hand rest on his shoulder as his comes to rest on your bare thigh. He studies you in silence for a moment, ghosting his hand back and forth along your thigh as you stare back at him. The dim lights in the room and sultry music playing through the speakers only add to the tension.
         “Come home with me tonight and you get anything you want.”
         You made the decision on a whim. Knowing that Fury not only has an entire surveillance team watching everything that’s happening in the club right now, but that he also has Bucky and whoever is with him on site, you’re not very worried about what might happen. So, this wasn’t part of the original plan, so what? You were supposed to do whatever you needed to do to gain Elias’s attention because you needed an in with him. You needed to become someone he trusted so that you could eventually gain access to his phone. The original plan involved him noticing you tonight, maybe paying for a private dance the next time he sees you at the club, where you’d have the chance to drug him and access his phone to get the names and phone numbers of a few of his contacts. But as soon as he invited you back to his place, you knew that you could knock out the entire possibly months-long op in one night. So, you decided to take the chance. You stand on the curb now, with his long black coat wrapped tightly around your frame since Elias didn’t give you time to go back and put your clothes on over your lingerie. You didn’t want to risk bringing your bag anyway, not with your gun in it. Though you feel naked while not having a firearm within arm’s reach, you imagine this night would take a turn for the worse if he or one of his henchmen went through your bag and found a government-issued one.
         Bucky stands with Sam and Walker inside the club, near the exit, as Sam tries to decide what to do in this moment. Sam sure as hell doesn’t want to let you leave with this guy, but no one has come up with a good way to stop you yet, not without breaking your cover. Everyone knows how stubborn you are, but they also know how good you are at your job. If you’ve decided to go home with Elias Leveaux, it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to stop you, while simultaneously being likely that you’ll successfully finish the mission on your own tonight. However, by leaving with him, you’re going to be taking yourself far away from any backup, from any chance of rescue should anything go awry.
         After a few more seconds listening to Sam and Walker argue about a plan, Bucky sees the glint of a black car pulling up to the curb in the moonlight, and watches with silent rage as Leveaux’s hand dips down dangerously close to your ass before he reaches to open the back door for you. Fuck it.
         “Y/n!” Bucky’s voice reaches your ears so unexpectedly that you freeze. You hope that he knows that your cover name utilizes your real first name, otherwise he just attempted to blow your cover. What a fucking ass. You and Elias turn around at the same time, with Elias taking one look at Bucky and then immediately looking over at you, raising one eyebrow in question.
         “Ex-boyfriend.” You mutter to Elias, thinking on the fly. “Just give me a minute with him, then I’m all yours.” Elias glances back at Bucky one more time before nodding at you and sliding into the back seat of the car. You stalk over to Bucky, doing your best to mask some of your anger, stopping just a few inches in front of him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Barnes?”
         “Keeping you from getting yourself killed. You’re not leaving with him.”
         “You might be a sergeant, but this isn’t the army and I’m not under your umbrella of authority.” You pair the words with a contemptuous stare, crossing your arms over your chest in defiance. Bucky smirks at you and licks his bottom lip before shaking his head slightly.
         “So, what then? You’re going to sleep with him, drug him, steal the info you need, and somehow get out of his house unscathed? With no backup?” Bucky asks. When he puts it like that, you have to admit that your plan does sound a bit foolish. But still, you won’t back down.
         “Yeah, and you’re going to go back into the club and find someone else to take your orders, because it sure as hell isn’t going to be me taking them.” You spit back. You’re waiting for his next retort when his eyes flit away from your face, to the road behind you and a little to the left. He sees something. You’re about to turn your head to follow his gaze when suddenly his hands are on your hips and he’s spinning you around, slamming your back against the brick wall of the club. The long coat that Leveaux gave you earlier falls open just as Bucky presses his body firmly against yours, shielding you from the ricochet of bullets flying around the street.
         You’re holding your breath. Bucky hasn’t felt your chest rise or fall even once in the last three seconds since he slammed you against the wall. He glances down at you and sees your eyes scrunched shut and your cheeks flushed.
         “Breathe.” He whispers gently, his warm breath fanning over your face. You draw in a harsh breath at his reminder, and he feels your chest rise and push against his own. You both turn your head to the side as the dark car speeds off down the street, each of you quickly memorizing the make, model, and license plate number. Within a second after the first car has passed, Leveaux’s own car takes off after it. There goes your villainous one-night stand. “Are you hurt?” Bucky asks, still keeping you pinned against the wall. You shake your head, but feel something warm and wet against your right abdomen. When you look down, you realize it’s not your own blood turning your skin red, but Bucky’s, seeping through his shirt.
He’s been shot.
Next Part
TAGLIST (if there is a line through your user, Tumblr would not let me tag you)
@yourkenoughyk @charmedbysarge @gyokujyn @noonespecial90 @spngingerbread21 @sadeyes61 @edelweissbarnes @mayamacall @pigeonmama @imemeriebarnes @ladyvenera @buckbuckybuckaroo @torntaltos @urlocalpillowprincess @sagebarness @mrbobinskyfromcoraline @mrs-marc-spector @srlover40 @valhalla-kristin @lightsonnoonehome @sgtjamesbsdoll @charlottestarkey @phoenixstark1708 @samfreakingwinchester @claireelizabeth85 @mcumaniac @ordelixx @hellfirebabe @toasted-bones @dashis-posts @literaryavenger @ahlookatallthelonelypeople @fandomsfeminismandme @buckysbaby-doll @lissame @armystay89 @its-daydreamer23 @ziawbarnes @winterslove1917 @wintermischief @loveme121212 @mondaycomingdown @yujyujj @blackrigel @thescoons @violetwinterwidow01 @frombkjar @wheelsupkels @bubblevicioussss @mikisworls @itvy5601 @dawnissunnysideup @nevertrustapanda16 @obsessed-oops @coffeeshub
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wileys-russo · 6 months
idk if this is really boring but could you do a leah x alessia x reader where r isn’t a footballer but has to do some charity football match for work or whatever (u can work out the details idk😭) & her gfs get competitive over teaching r how to play and prepping her for the game then they go support her at the match and r does really good IDK feel free to ignore if that’s rubbish lmfao
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psa; just because i write this does not mean i ship these two irl! offence and defence II a.russo & l.williamson
you looked up from your book with a hum to meet alessia's raised eyebrow, leahs head in your lap as she lay down on the sofa dead asleep. "what is this?" your girlfriend questioned, turning her phone to face you as your eyes widened.
"where did you find that less?" you sighed, the snap of your book closing causing leahs eyes to flutter open as she mumbled something incoherent and rolled over, burying her face in your stomach.
"its all over your companies social media, i hardly had to go looking." alessia holding up a screenshot of a poster for an upcoming charity football day ran by the company you worked for. "i'm not doing it anyway so it doesn't matter." you rolled your eyes.
"and why not?" alessia scoffed, locking her phone and crossing her arms. "because football is your thing, not mine." you gestured between your two blonde lovers and back to yourself. "babe its for charity!" alessia pointed out and you groaned, knowing now she'd latched on there wasn't a chance she'd let it go.
"i'll still go and help out with the fundraising and the event itself, i'm just not playing." you chuckled, leah pulling her face out of your hoodie with a tired scowl. "shut up!" the blonde grumbled tiredly, fixing the two of you with a glare, annoyed at the interruption to her afternoon snooze.
"sorry lee." you apologized softly, running a hand through her hair and kissing her forehead. "no you'll wanna be awake for this, get up!" alessia smacked the back of her legs, taking a seat on the opposite end of the lounge as leah groaned.
"leave her be and drop it alessia!" you warned the striker with a firm look who only poked at the back of leahs legs repeatedly until she finally sat up with a huff. "what?" she spat toward the other blonde with an unimpressed glare as the girl handed her the phone.
"so?" leah questioned, not quite putting things together still half asleep. "she's refusing to play." alessia spoke about you as if you weren't even there as leah paused for a moment, cogs turning until it clicked.
"you're playing." she rounded on you, handing alessia back her phone and rubbing at her eyes, face still a little puffy as you exhaled deeply.
"no i am not, please just let it go!" you pleaded, your puppy dog eyes which normally worked a charm to get you whatever you wanted not working for you this time as both your girlfriends stared on unfazed.
"suddenly i feel a cramp coming on. oh this might be fatal!" you groaned, clutching your hamstring with a dramatic cry of pain, a smile tugging at alessia's lips as leahs remained pursed into a thin line.
"guess you better rest it tonight then, we start training tomorrow." "what!"
"come on love, training time." leah clapped the moment the three of you returned from a run as you groaned, laying down on the floor in protest.
you'd hardly ran far, only enough to keep the girls legs warm on their day off, but kicking a ball around your backyard was the last thing you felt like doing.
"i'll just watch some football games, study them. that's fine!" you waved her off as alessia watched on amused after chugging a glass of water.
"no you won't. you're dating two professional footballers babe this is our area of expertise. let us help you!" leah loomed over you, holding out her hands to help you up, wiggling her fingers impatiently.
"i didn't ask for help, thank you though." you slapped her hand in a lazy high five before they slumped back to your sides. "baby." leah now addressed alessia who raised an eyebrow. leah only clicked her fingers, pointing to you and striding off outside.
"hi gorgeous." alessia grinned down at you, blonde hair tied back in a messy bun as she chewed on gum, a habit which stressed you out to no end when she'd do it while playing or exercising.
"fine." you gave in with a sigh, knowing what came next as you held your arms up straight. alessia grabbed your wrists, hauling your body up and over her shoulder, walking the two of you out to the backyard.
"first lesson. kicking!" leah announced as alessia placed you down on your feet, leaving it to leah as she sat down on your back steps, leaning back on her elbows and watching on with a toothy grin of amusement.
"okay babe. kick the ball!" leah ordered, placing it down by your feet as you glared at her, poking the ball with your toe as it dribbled a mere thirty centimeters and stopped. "the more you fight us on it, the longer we spend out here." leah warned, tapping the ball back as it returned to your feet.
"kick it." she repeated as you wound up, this time booting it with all your force as it went sailing up and over the back fence. "oh we lost the ball...what a shame!" you shrugged, turning on heel and trying to return inside as alessia grabbed the back of your shorts.
with a shake of her head she pushed you gently back toward leah who'd already returned with another ball. "you're gonna make a perfect striker with that right foot baby." alessia smiled happily causing leah to scoff.
"she's gonna be an even better defender with that power in her kicks." leah rebutted with her hands on her hips. "okay my loves lets not-" you tried to intervene, knowing all too well where this was headed, cut off before you could even finish.
"striker." "defender." "striker!" "defender!" "she's playing offence leah!" "she'll be playing defence alessia!"
you gave up at that point as their bickering erupted, alessia jumping to her feet as you rolled your eyes and headed inside. you gave your boss a quick call, updating you were in fact available to play and wincing at he announced the only position left.
"baby you ran off." alessia appeared as you'd hung up, leah not far behind. "no! the two of you started arguing like children, so i took a leave of absence." you quipped, staring them both down as they smiled guiltily.
"doesn't matter anyway, there was only one position left." you sighed, both your girlfriends staring at you eagerly awaiting your answer. "well?" leah pushed impatiently as alessia shoved her with a look.
"okay baby we're gonna start slow. lee will throw it and you'll just catch it." alessia instructed as you exhaled but nodded, readying yourself.
"see? easy love." leah smiled happily as you caught the ball, repeating the activity for a while, leah starting to throw in different directions causing you to have to move to catch it.
"now we move onto kicking and saving." you'd moved in front of the small goal which took permanent residence in your backyard. "go easy!" you warned nervously, having seen many a time just how powerful alessia could kick.
"ready?" you nodded, readying yourself as the blonde took a step back, boots hitting the ball with a thud as it came sailing toward your head and you darted out of the way.
"you're supposed to stop it not avoid it babe!" alessia lectured as you fixed her with a glare. "i will stop it when you don't kick it at my head!" you growled, booting the ball at her as hard as you could as she was now the one to dart away.
"stop laughing!" you turned your glare on leah now whose chuckles ceased, holding her hands up.
"okay! i think that's enough for today."
"baby think fast!" you barely had time to lift your head before alessia's trainer came flying at you, smacking you in the side of the face as leah choked on her mouthful of food beside you.
"alessia mia teresa!" you yelled, the blonde sprinting out of the room as you hauled her shoe after her. "something funny?" you challenged your other girlfriend, her smile dropping as she shook her head and you huffed, moving to the sink to wash your dishes.
"why are you so grumpy this morning my girl?" leahs arms wound round you from behind, her chin resting on your shoulder.
"why do you think? all week the two of you have been throwing things at me, kicking stuff at me, hitting me with shoes and fruit and books!" you scowled, trying to push her body away from you but the taller girl held on tightly.
"it was part of training! and hey you caught most of it...the last couple of days." leah winced at the memory, her and alessia perhaps a little too passionate in their mission to mold you into the best goalkeeper they could.
"well i didn't ask to be trained!" you reminded firmly, placing your dishes in the drying rack and shoving leah away. "i am not a dog." you warned her seriously, poking at her chest and turning, barreling right into someone else's.
"good morning i love you?" alessia tried, holding your body tightly to hers with a guilty smile, ducking her head to repeatedly kiss the side of her face where she'd assaulted you with her shoe.
"you're lucky i love you too."
"baby! you did so so so so good." you laughed as alessia picked you up in a bear hug, spinning you around for a minute before leah whined it was her turn, tugging you into her body and peppering your face with kisses, mumbling how proud she was.
"okay okay i am still at a work event." you gently pushed her off, face flushed bright red both from the game you'd just won and the showering of pda.
"-then when you did the dive??" alessia gasped, the three of you now sat in her car and on your way back to your shared home. "yeah love where did you learn to dive like that?" leah asked, leaning forward with a curious frown.
"watched a bunch of videos of mary. i told you if you just left me be to study i'd have been fine! instead of assaulting me with a barrage of household objects all weeks." you rolled your eyes playfully, alessia squeezing your leg with a smile, other hand on the steering wheel.
"well we're exceptionally proud of you baby girl." leah beamed, pinching your cheek before kissing it, dropping back into her seat. "good! because do not expect that ever again, god i don't know how you do that every weekend i am exhausted." you groaned tiredly.
"not too tired i hope love, we still have to celebrate you." alessia smiled suggestively, meeting leahs eyes in her rear view mirror as the eldest blonde leaned forward again, placing a few gentle kisses to your neck.
"yeah baby, gonna make you feel like a winner. our winner!"
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
Take some of your time to read all of my works, if you'd love them please do follow me and reblog them.
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List of my pick-a-card reading.
love reading and future spouse series.
Future spouse details pt.1
Future spouse details pt.2
Your future home with your future spouse
How you will recognize your future spouse
Your romantic soulmate details
Your future spouse fashion style
What kind of love you are going to have
Random letter of messages from your future spouse
Who is your secret admirer
Your future spouse first impression to you
Your future spouse hobbies and their likes
Your future children with your future spouse
Who is your future next lover
Who is your twinflame
Your future spouse using ten words
Who is your significant other
What is the plot twist of your love story
When will you get married
How will your significant other fall for you
How i will describe your future spouse using one card only
Their quirks that you wanted to know about (new!)
A lovely letter from your future partner
What does it feels like to have your first kiss with them (new!)
Relationship dynamics with your future lover/future spouse (soon)
How the courtship phase will go between you and your future lover or spouse? (soon)
The romance trope between you and them (new)
What's your love story? (soon)
What's going on with this connection?(soon)
Their favorite part of you and how they will protect you?(soon)
Your future spouse good and bad qualities (soon)
A detailed reading of wedding day with your future partner + pictures. (—)
Who is your future husband with @.emprexxluxaic
what kind of man you will going to marry [ one , two ] with @.emprexxluxaic
How will your future spouse describe you if they were honest with @.alpha-axton
Glimpses of your greatest love (detailed) with @.thedivineart and @.krystiesees (new!)
How would a tarot reader describe you to your future spouse and their thoughts with @.ariesluvz (new!)
Who secretly wants to be your valentine with @.wisdomseeker02 and @.thedivineart
About your current crush
What will happen if you confess your feelings to your crush? (soon)
Is there someone else crushing on you right now? If yes who are they? (soon)
Let's talk about your first love? (soon)
What kind of best friend you are going to have for the rest of your life? (up next)
Is there a future between you and your crush? (soon)
Life a year from now
How your school year will be
Unlocking your hidden sadness
What is the messages of your spirit guides this scorpio season
What kind of positive blessings you will attract this lunar eclipse
What is the messages of your angels this coming january 2023
Messages from your inner child
Fairies message for you today
Who is she
What makes you hot to other people?
Why are you still single?
10 things about your April
20 things that May will brings to you (new!)
10 reasons why you should love yourself (new!)
What qualities do you bring in a relationship (up next)
What's stopping you to achieve self-love (soon)
Messages from your guardian angels using one card (soon)
People first expression and assumption when they first met you (soon)
What will happen to your summer? (soon)
A detailed reading about how does your past life affect your current life (soon)
What kind of blessing will come on your way? (soon)
Healing your mother wound issues (soon)
How can you love yourself more with @.beautifulyouthpost
A letter from your physical body to you with @.alaezasmystery
Your future finances
Your future career
How can you build your own prosperity
Why you should continue pursuing this career path? Are you on the right track right now? (new)
What is the best career pathway for you? (—)
What kind of mythological creature are you
Which greek god/goddess resembles or represent your future baby
Taking you to your dream birthday
Who is stalking your social media accounts
Mini pac : this or that edition
What is your unrequited love before you found your true love (new!)
Your future in-laws things they adore about you
Your life as someone who is well known (new!)
Which divine feminine archetype are you? (soon)
What if you join for a lottery slot (soon)
What will happen to your next birthday? (soon)
What kind of people do you attract in this lifetime? (soon)
Your superhero story (—)
What type of aesthetics are you (—)
Revealing your allies and enemies (soon)
The disclaimer view it here.
18+ readings
What is your future spouse greatest fantasy
Who has a strong intimate or sexual feelings for you
More, upcoming pacs reading soon...
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— 🦢 ꒰ danise update's [ 05/08/2023. ]
what can you say about my new masterlist layout? let me know by commenting it below or sending them through my ask box, thank you so much!
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ʚ oopsie you already reached the end. ɞ
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rachi-roo · 1 year
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My Hero Academia: Phantom Tickles!
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The poll has spoken, poor Bakugo. xD
Summary: Bakugo tries to take on a villain solo, Dynamite can do this alone! He soon discovers that this task might be a little tricky for one ticklish guy to tackle. Lee Bakugo, Ler villain
Tw: Swearing
Update (26/02/23): Just thought I'd add the details of my villain oc here, since some of you have be asking!
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"Oi! Stop running, bastard!" A familiar sound echoed through the back alleys of the city, Bakugos harsh, aggressive tone broke through the air as he was in pursuit of a crook who'd been spotted stealing people's purses earlier that day. Now that Bakugo was on the case, he was done for. "I said stop, damn it!"
The villain in question was a boy, a few years older than Bakugo, short in stature but nimble on his feet, ducking and darting around the narrow back alleys of the city streets. He turned, sticking his tongue out patronising the hot-headed hero before sprinting out of sight, earning an enraged growl in response.
Bakugo rounded the corner. The villain in his sights. Aim. Fire! He shot himself forward with a few powerful blasts, tackling the culprit to the ground quickly. "Hah! Not so smug now are ya, stupid?" He jeered, pinning one of the boys arms behind his back, keeping him in place.
"Oh noooo, looks like I'm in a spot of trouble here," The other sang in a sarcastic tone, leering over his shoulder at Bakugo. "Damn right you are, this ain't a good time for you to be smilin'." He retorted, pulling the boy to his feet.
"You're right, this is certainly no laughing matter. Oh me, oh my, whatever will I do?" With his free hand, the boy started tracing small circles in the air with a finger, small white lines following the pattern like a sparkler.
"The fuck are you- Hah!" Bakugo hunched over, one hand hugging his stomach as the other kept hold of the boy's wrist. What was that? It felt like, a finger, on his stomach but, there was no way- He shook it off, grumbling as he started to drag the boy back towards the main street.
Once again, the boy raised a hand, this time making a clawing gesture at the air as he grinned. Bakugos knees turned to jelly for a second, making him stumble and lean on the wall of the alleyway as he let out a random, short rush of laughter. "PffAHA!.... What-?" He looked around, bewildered by what just happened.
"What the matter, hero? I thought you said this was no time for smiling." The crook teased, raising a snarky brow at the ash blonde. That's when it clicked. It must be the teen's quirk, it's making him laugh. Bakugo cringed, remembering his encounter with that Mr Smiley.
"You-" Bakugo seethed, gritting his teeth as he roughly pulled both the boy's arms back, marching him further down the dingy walkway. "You'd better cut that out or you'll be s-! S-Sssaha!" He bit his lip, trying to stifle his giggling as he felt a set of ghost hands poking at his tummy in random patterns.
This was getting silly, and embarrassing. Bakugos walk became wobbly, drunken-like as he tried to keep his composure. He could see the boy side-eyeing him with a smile. "I don't see what's so funny, hero." He mocked, starting to twiddle his thumbs. Bakugo suddenly stuck his backside out, trying to lean away from the grip he felt on his hips, the feeling of soft thumbs pressing into the sensitive bone, letting out a shriek.
"Damn it! Stahap!" His grip loosened on his prisoner's wrists, allowing a split second for him to yank his hands free, taking a couple of large steps away from the giggling hero before turning back, looking at the big strong blonde as he started to loose his cool.
"Fuck! Listen here asshole!" Bakugo steamed, explosions firing from his clawed fists. "You're going to jail today whether you like it or n-Ahaha!" Another tickling sensation worked its way up Bakugos inner thighs, making his knees buckle beneath him.
"Poor hero, who would have thought that a few tickles would, quite literally, bring you to your knees." Pinching gestures made by the villain caused Bakugo to snort as he squeezed his thighs together, trying to block the unstoppable attack.
"Stahahap! I-I mehehean ihit!" Threats shrouded in giggling aren't very effective. The villain crouched by Bakugos side, chuckling as he watched him writhe. "Tickle, tickle, tickle~ C'mon hero, do something!" He teased, cupping his hands over his mouth, blowing a raspberry into his palm, sending it straight to Bakugos belly.
"AAAAH! Nononono! Nahahaha!" The blonde's head snapped back as he hugged his stomach, howling with laughter. "I'll kihill you! I'll kill you dead! FAHAHACK!" His legs kicked and spasmed, flailing helplessly as the attack moved to his feet. A scratching sensation made his arches tingle.
"Aawww, he's got tickly little feets. What about if we creep back on uuuup~" Singing again, the villain made his fingers walk in the air, Bakugo felt each step make it way up his thighs, over his tummy and towards the top of his ribs.
"No! Nonononono! Stop! DON'T!" He tried brushing off each step with panicked hands before quickly attempting to grab the villains. Too slow.
"Coochie, coochie, cooo~"
"NO-!" Then it hit, the awful, maddening sensation of tickling on his most lethal spot. Below the underarms, and above the ribs. "NAAAAHAHAHA! N-NOHO! SHIHIHIT!" He clamped his elbows to his sides, still trying to stop the tickling, to no avail.
"OH GOD- YOU'RE DEA-AHA!" His threats became nothing but a jumble of mismatched sounds, a snort acting as a punctuation in the endless stream of laughter.
"That's not very heroic of you, mind you, I am about to kill you with tickles. God my quirk is so fun. My victims say they can feel the tickling much worse than physical tickling." He grinned, not even sure if Bakugo was listening through his hysterics. "They say they feel it right down the bone. Like their brain is being tickled directly. Is that how it feels, Dynamite? Does it tickle that bad?" This villain was the worst.
Bakugo nodded, his face was red hot with blush, unable to respond verbally any more as his eyes filled with tears of mirth, dampening the edges of his eye mask. He arched his back, pressing his head into the ground as he wailed with laughter, the sound echoed down every street nearby.
"Aww, good. I like seeing you students smile. Although we're on different teams, I know you have it tough." He smiled, playfully wriggling his fingers in the air over Bakugos flailing body, a million little spider tickles tiptoed up and down his tummy, the hysterics dying down to breathy giggling. "Stahap! You're soho dead when I catch you! Hahaha!"
"Oop, rude. Back up we go~"
He wasn't sure how long the tickling had lasted, but the villain was gone. He had turned Bakugos mask around, blocking his vision before he bolted, leaving the hero in a sweaty heap on the ground, still giggling as he hugged himself. "Damn.... H-Hehe's so gonna.... hah.... regret that...."
Despite having his dignity stripped from him for the time being, Bakugo was looking forward to finding the villain again. He wanted to catch him, bring him to justice! Obviously. No other reason.
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kotorgiftexchange · 9 months
Sign Up Walkthrough (KOTOR Gift Exchange)
Signups are now open so here is a guide on how to sign up for the exchange. As long as you have an AO3 account, it's simple!
You MUST have an AO3 account to participate. If you need one, please reach out. I have several invitations I can give out.
To start your Signup, go to the Collection Page during the signup period and click on "Signup Form" or go to this link:
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We start the signups with what you'd like to receive as a gift. After a general blurb about how the signups work (please read this first so you understand), you will come to the form itself. You must choose at least two separate requests (each request must have at least 2 characters listed- this allows for better matching). Each "request form" allows up to 20 separate characters and 20 separate relationships. List as many characters and/or relationships you'd like. If you don't want a pairing, feel free to list characters you enjoy only.
Pairings can be platonic, romantic, multipairing, etc.
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The form above is what it looks like when you scroll to the first request. You MUST choose fandom (there is only one to choose) and then go down to characters and relationships. If you aren't particular about what you receive as a gift, you can click on "Any Relationship" or "Any Character".
Please be aware that if you do click either of those options, you are giving your gift giver the freedom to write or draw whatever they want as long as they adhere to your DNWs. Please be absolutely sure that is what you want before you click it.
Please be as descriptive as possible about your DNWs and triggers. They cannot be enforced if they are not explicitly stated.
You can choose to receive fanart, fanfiction, or both. But you must click at least one.
Links: Links are for letters, prompt ideas, more detailed DNWs, information or tags for your custom characters and ship dynamics. Feel free to link your Tumblr or anything else you think is necessary.
For your offers, this is where you will choose what YOU will be GIVING. This helps the mods and AO3 match you to someone that you will be happy creating for. You must list at least two different characters to be matched well. Again, if you click "Any Relationship/Character" in your offers, you are saying that you will make something for ANYTHING. Platonic, romantic or anything in between. Please be careful with using that option.
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You have to make two offers but can list up to 20 characters and/or pairings per offer. You don't have to do this many, but the minimum is 2 per offer. Please be descriptive with your DNWs again, this is where I will determine if you are matched with someone that won't upset your triggers. The additional tags are the most important part of your offers because it will determine what YOU ARE MAKING. Please, if you are writer, only choose fanfic. If you are an artist, only click fanart. If you do both, you can choose to offer one or both.
After you submit your signup, you can edit it up to closing day, Oct 8th. After the 8th, you will be unable to edit it as matching will begin.
Any questions regarding signups, please message a mod or the main exchange blog. Someone will get back as quickly as possible.
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azucarmorena97 · 6 months
Money Ties (Jungkook Love Story || Pt.5)
Pt.4 || Pt.6
Your parents have worked hard to get to the top and have made sure to teach you everything you need to know to be successful in this business: from tough but lucrative financial decisions, down to the right ball gown for any given banquet. A promising and extravagant future awaits you- that is, if you agree to one teensy detail...
Son of Mr.Jeon Sr. and heir to June Company, Jeon Jungkook is an immature playboy with nothing to offer a woman but good looks and a crap ton of money, and he stands to inherit much MUCH more, so long as you both enter into the arranged marriage contract that was drawn up before the pair of you were even born.
You're more than willing to try, but you're not sure you'll be able to stand each other long enough to inherit a single penny...
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Series Warnings: There will be smut in the near future and I will label those chapters as such. As I say before most of my pieces- I do not endorse any themes, ideas, or behaviors in this series. This is all purely fiction/fantasy! Feel free to inbox me suggestions/ideas/what you'd like to see in this series and I'll see what I can do! Enjoy <3
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Recap: The day is only halfway over, but your body feels so tired- as though all the stress that your mind wouldn't let you feel earlier has just flooded back to you. You need a nap- afterall, you're grabbing dinner with your fiance's family later.
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You sit in front of your computer, Zoom call already started on your end; you're just waiting for your parents to log into the meeting. You're nervous but expectant; you know they're going to chew you out, but you're ready for it. At the end of the day, what's done is done. You hear the ding of the notification that they're in the waiting room. With a sigh, you click to let them in. It takes a moment to connect, but when it does, you see a close up of your dad's forehead as he struggles to figure out how to use the Zoom, with your mom right behind him trying to coach. It's a miracle someone so business savvy to be so hopeless at technology. If it weren't for you being angry at them right now, you'd say they looked adorable. "Can you hear me?" You ask. "There, there- it's done," Your mom says, lightly hitting him on his shoulder to get him to sit down.
"H-How are you guys?" You ask, trying your best to sound casual. Your mom gives a tired smile, while your dad gives you, what seems to be, the silent treatment, "We're better now that we finally get to talk to you face to face," She leans forward a bit. "We?" You ask, glancing at your dad, "Doesn't seem like everybody on this call wants to be here." "Oh stop, we both want to be here. We miss you. We were just worried about the deal falling through and not being able to see the arrangement go the way we wanted it to." "Well, the deal went well. Far better than it would have if I'd used that original contract. I hope you both understand why I had to take things into my own hands." She nods slowly, "We...understand." We. We. We. "Dad? Is there anything you want to say?" He looks at you for a moment, and then crosses his arms and looks away. You purse your lips and nod, "Well, then there's nothing more to really say then, is there?" "Y/n-" Your mom begins to try to plead with you to stay but you're already putting your airpods back into the case, "I've got stuff to do before I go to dinner with the Jeon's. I'll text you later, mom." She looks genuinely sad, but you can't afford to let this call ruin the rest of your day, so you simply exit the meeting and slam your laptop closed.
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You pull up to the restaurant in the black car they'd sent for you, and as soon as you step out, you're in awe at the amount of people out and about. Lights everywhere, laughter, shouting- it's so much more alive than during the day. This location was such a good investment for the Jeons. You sling your mini purse over your shoulder and walk inside to the host's station. "Welcome to Juniper Two, do you have a reservation?" He asks. "Uhm yes, I'm with the Jeon party." "Ah yes, Mr.Jungkook has been expecting you. Right this way," He says, beginning to walk you to the back area where the tables are. Jungkook? He leads you to a table tucked away in a small corner, and there he is: sitting all alone, elbows on the table and playing with a piece of plastic, presumably from the straw in his drink. "Mr.Jungkook, your guest has arrived." Jungkook turns and he immediately stands to bow- though he does so in such an abrupt way, that he bangs his legs against the table, causing for everyone in your section to look over. You can see the blush in his cheeks as he bows profusely and apologetically, and you stifle a laugh. "Hello, Y/n," He says, looking a bit like a deer caught in the headlights. "Hello, Jungkook." "May I take your coat, Ma'am?" The host asks. You nod, "Yes, please." You slide it off with minimal effort, revealing a red dress with a slightly plunging sweatheart neckline, showing only the right amount of cleavage for what was supposed to be a family dinner. The host takes your coat and then pushes the chair in after you. "Are your parents running late?" You ask, leaning back in the chair. "Uhm, no- they won't be joining us at all tonight." "Oh?" "They thought it might be a good idea for us to...get to know each other better," He says, seeming quite different than the past few days: less aloof and more shifty. It's almost like it being just the two of you has him feeling...nervous. "Oh," You say, feeling slightly nervous yourself now. Way to apply the pressure. He nods slowly, "So..." "So..." You both sit in silence for almost an entire minute, trying so hard to think of what to say but it's like your own nerves are grabbing you by the throat and making it impossible. Finally, the waiter arrives with waters and it's almost like you both sigh in relief that there's something to distract you from the deafening silence. "Good evening, my name is Jimin, I'll be your server this evening. Will you be interested in hearing tonight's wine recommendations for tonight?" "Yes," You and Jungkook both say in unison, trying to delay making conversation just a bit longer. Jimin reads over the list of wines and then you motion toward Jungkook for him to pick since you're not much of a drinker yourself. He orders the wine as well as the appetizers, and then you're back to the silence.
After another minute, you can't take it anymore, "Okay, this is weird." He lets out a deep breath, "Super weird." "I just feel like it's like- a lot." He nods, "Yeah. I- I told my parents they should've come. I told them." "Well, it's not that- I think we just gotta start small, you know?" "What do you mean?" He asks, furrowing his brows. "Like...okay, what's your favorite color?" He scoffs, "You're asking me my favorite color? What are we, five?" "Just answer the question," You glare at him. "Black," He says without even a second's thought. "Black? Ugh, how boring." "Hey, you can't judge my answer- it's against the rules." "Rules? This isn't a game, there are no rules." "There are. It's like in school; there are no wrong answers. It's the rule," He says with a shrug. You snort and roll your eyes, "Alright, fine." "What's your favorite color? Dookie brown?" He asks, laughing slightly at his own stupid joke. "'Dookie brown? Now who's the five year old? My favorite color is..." You think for a moment, "pink." This time, he's the one to scoff, "Pink? Of all the colors for a girl to pick- don't you think pink is a little, you know, on the nose?" "Okay, and...? So I like to be cliche some times- sue me. And anyway, you just broke the rules." "I thought there were no rules," He says smugly, raising an eyebrow though you ignore him completely. "Alright next question-" You begin to say, though he interrupts you, "Hey, hey, hey- it's my turn." "No it isn't- you asked me what my favorite color is." "No, you asked me that, but you have to provide your answer as well. It's the second rule." "Okay, fine," You laugh. "What is your greatest phobia?" "Heights." "Damn, didn't even have to think about it, did you?" "Nope. Even on the way over to Korea, I felt queasy just glancing out of the window." "Wuss. Flying is easy work." "Okay then, what's your phobia, Mr.Tough Guy?" "I'd say the only thing I'm afraid of- with scientific backing, might I add- is a microwave." There's a moment of silence as you register what he's just said. You need the time to process it because you're not sure he really just said something so goofy. "Microwaves," You echo, an incredulous tone in your voice, "And I'm the wuss?" You burst out laughing.
An hour so goes by and you've both gotten halfway through you food and almost an entire bottle of wine. You're laughing, cracking jokes, keeping it lighthearted and it really feels like the night is turning out to be quite pleasant- which you never thought you'd say about time spent with Jungkook. "Alright, how old were you when you had your first boyfriend?" He asks, raising a brow at you. You take another sip of your wine, cheeks getting hot from embarrassment. You have always hated this question... "Pass." He blinks a few times, "Pass? Like, you pass the question?" You nod, giving a sheepish smile. "Nope. Against the rules," He says, crossing his arms. "Oh, come on- enough with the rules." "Nope, without rules there is no rhyme or reason- it'll be chaos," He says exaggeratedly, "And besides, if we're literally gonna be married, I have to know this question." "This question, specifically?" You scoff. "Yup, quite important information. Might be on the test," He shrugs. You swish the last bit of wine in your mouth before finally swallowing, "Alright, I...I've never... I've never had a boyfriend."
For a moment, there's only silence as Jungkook is now the one to process your answer. "Never?" "Nope," You laugh nervously. "But how?" He asks. "What do you mean how?" "I mean, you're educated, successful, pretty-" It's like the words catch in his throat as he says them, because he abruptly stops talking, but his mouth hangs open. You smirk, "Go on, don't stop." "I- I- don't start getting a big head," His face flushes and he immediately reaches for his wine glass. You laugh, "It's not that I can't get a boyfriend, it's that I... I never wanted to get attached to anyone, because of..." You trail off, though he nods his head, knowing exactly what you're referring to, "I just never wanted to hurt anyone or to get hurt, myself, when it would have to end." "I...I understand." "Have you ever?" "Oh yeah, like seven of 'em." Of course. "Any of them serious?" You ask, the picture you'd seen of him and that model girl, Lisa, pops into your mind. He whirls the wine in his glass and looks away, "Nah, none of them." You narrow your eyes at him, taking in his avoidant expression. You know he's lying but you decide not to press. He stretches out, his long arms seeming to never end as he reaches upward. You check the time and figure he's probably going to end dinner here. "You wanna go take a walk to get dessert?" He asks. He's caught you by surprise with his invitation, though it's definitely a pleasant surprise. "Sure."
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The distance from the restaurant to the ice cream parlor is only a short walk away. The air is nice and cool, which is perfect because you've completely forgotten your coat at the restaurant. "You'll love this place, it's great," He says excitedly. It's a cute, tiny-house looking parlor: pretty flowers planted alongside it, with a walk-up window for customers where a short line is already formed. The atmosphere is quite nice, string of outdoor lights hang over an area with wooden picnic tables. You approach the line that is now only one person long. "Which flavor are you getting?" You ask. "Red bean. It is, hands down, the best ice cream flavor." You purse your lips, "Agree to disagree." "Agree to disagree? Are you insane? I'm almost willing to bet you're gonna order something super basic like 'cookies and cream'," He scoffs, mimicking a high-pitched female voice. "Try mint-chip." "Mint chip? That's somehow worse." "Next!"
You carry your ice cream cones to one of the nearby tables, sitting across from each other, and it isn't until you settle in that you realize that his ice cream is almost finished. "Dude, it's been two minutes since we got these- how are you already almost finished?" You ask, your full cone still looking perfectly round after a few licks. He shrugs, "I'm just a fast eater, I guess." He then proceeds to take a bite of the ice cream. You're horrified. "You bite your ice cream?" "You don't?" He asks. "I'm not a monster, Jungkook." "Oh shut up," He laughs. Another silence falls, though it's much different from the silence from earlier when you'd first sat down at dinner; it's a comfortable silence, like when you'd sat together at the bar that night. "Did your dad threaten bodily harm on you when my dad told him about the contract changes?" "No," You laugh, "I mean, he isn't speaking to me right now. but that's about it." You feel a little sting in your heart at the thought. "How do you feel about that?" He asks, his face falling slowly from a smile to a more serious expression. You think for a moment, contemplating whether or not to answer honestly. "I'm fine," You shrug. "You're lying." "I'm not- Okay, fine. I am. I just...I don't know how to talk about that." "About what? Your parents?" "Yeah..." "Me either," He sighs, "I could write books about the multitude of issues I have with them." "Same... I just...don't really know where the issues came from, I mean- we used to be so close and then it's like, once I hit my teen years, he got more and more..." "Distant?" He finishes. You nod. "Yeah...seems to be a common theme in both our dad's personalities, huh?" He snorts, taking a bite of his cone. "Guess that's why they're besties," You sigh. "Do you think maybe your dad-" Jungkook begins, though he's interrupted by a male voice coming up from behind you. "Jungkook!"
You both turn to see a tall, slender, dark-haired guy coming up to your table. Jungkook's face goes from fairly relaxed to visibly more tense. "Jungkook-a, where you been at?" They say, giving each other that lazy handshake that all 'bros' do. "Eh, you know. Been here and there," Jungkook says. "And how is this?" The guy asks, a sly smile growing on his face. "This? This is- this is my- my uhm," Jungkook struggles to get the words out. Understandably so, as it feels strange to call each other anything other than your first names, at this point in time- though it does bother you just a tiny bit. "I"m Y/n, nice to meet you...?" "Seokjin. Kim Seokjin," He says, swiftly grabbing your hand and giving the back of it a kiss, "at you service." Jungkook rolls his eyes, an annoyed expression visible to you even behind his fake smile. "What are you up to tonight, Jin," Jungkook asks, his feeble attempts at conversation working, though only on Seokjin. "You know me, always out on the prowl," He smiles, glancing at you once more. It's in that moment that you smell it- the distant aroma of booze, masked under whatever cologne this guy's wearing. "Are you drunk?" Jungkook asks, face twisting slightly in disapproval. "Not at all. Just a little...buzzed, is all." Right after he says this, he stumbles slightly, "Buzzed, my ass," Jungkook sighs, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Aw, don't do it," Seokjin whines, though it's lost on you as to why. "I have to." "Aw man," Literal tears start to fall out of his eyes. What the hell is happening?
Only about ten minutes go by, and a black car is pulling up at the curb by where you're all sitting. Seokjin has been leaning on Jungkook's shoulder, switching back and forth between mumbling and crying. The door to the car swings open, and out steps a very beautiful woman: heart-shaped face, shapely legs, and long hair draped over her shoulder like some kind of Rapunzel. These girls only exist in music videos, how is this even possible? "Jin! Get your ass in the car, right now!" The woman yells. "I'm sorry baby," Seokjin cries. "Don't 'I'm sorry' me. Get inside." "Rosie, baby, please. I wasn't gonna do anything, I promise. I was just having a little fun." "Like I believe that crock of shit," She scoffs. By this point, everyone's looking over at all four of you, though Jungkook seems completely unfazed. Almost like he's used to this. Seokjin looks like a lamb headed for slaughter as he walks over to the car and gets in. She slams his door shut and then walks over to where you and Jin are. "Thanks for letting me know," She says to Jungkook with a sigh. She sees you standing next to him, but just looks you up and down without a word- like she's sizing you up. You're immediately on guard, staring her down right back. "No problem," He says simply, "Don't bring him to my party." "Oh stop Jungkook, he's my boyfriend. I can't not bring him- he won't get fucked up." "Yes he will, and I'm not having him puking on people like he did on New Years." "He won't drink. I'll make sure of it," She says, about to turn around though before she does, she turns to look at Jungkook, "Oh, and Lisa says for you to text her back," She glances at you and you swear you see a smirk on her face. Jungkook doesn't respond; just looks away with a lazy nod.
When you both sit back down, Jungkook is quiet- like he's lost in thought. "So...who's Lisa?" You ask, pretending to be completely oblivious. "She's...just a mutual friend between Rosé and I." Again, it seems like a topic he'd rather avoid. "Alrighty..." You say, pursing your lips. "You don't with your ice cream?" He asks, pointing to your now half-eaten cone. "Oh, yeah." He takes it and walks over to thee trash can nearby. "Ready to go?" "Yeah, I am." You're not sure what happened but the vibe is different. Completely off from what it was before Seokjin walked up earlier. "We'll take the sam car- I'm staying at the hotel tonight," He says. You nod, "Alright."
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Initially, the car ride is quiet too, though after only a few minutes, it seems like Jungkook loosens up again. "So, what's the verdict?" He asks. You furrow your brows, "On...?" "On me. Am I...marriage material," He smirks. You chuckle, "Oh, we'll have to keep seeing about that." "Will we, now?" He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a little pink box with a very pretty white bow. "What's this?" You ask. "Just open it," He says with a gentle smile, handing you the box. You swallow hard, taking it from his hand and slowly removing the lid. Why is your heart beating so fast?
When you finally see what's inside, you gasp. Sat in a little white cushion is a delicate gold ring, an oval cut diamond in the center with smaller diamons surrounding it. It might just be the most beautiful ring you've ever seen. "Am I marriage material now?" He asks, his expression soft as he watches you admire the ring. "Jungkook- where did you get this?" "It was my grandmother's ring. You look at him, "Jungkook, I can't accept this. This is too- too grand. A family heirloom," You protest. He shakes his head, "It's nothing, really. My parents saved it for me for when I get married, and we're already pretty much there. And I...didn't feel right not giving you an engagement ring." You could cry, honestly. It's beautiful and completely unexprected. "Thank you so much, Jungkook. I- I really do love it."
After twenty minutes, you pull up to the hotel, both of you stepping out of the car and walking into the lobby. Inside the elevator, you turn to him, "I had a nice time, Mr.Jeon." "I did too...Mrs.Jeon," He says, and for some insane reason, hearing him call you that sends your stomach doing flips. You look away, hiding your blush, though he doesn't seem to notice. When you finally pull up to your floor, you both step out of the elevator, though he stays standing just outside of it. "Alright, well...good night," You say, giving him a sort of awkward wave, to which he laughs, "Good night, Y/n." You walk down to the end of the hall and when you approach your door, you slide the card key in. When you look back, you see he's still standing there, watching to make sure you're in. You wave once more, and he nods and heads into the elevator, and then you close your door behind you.
Once inside, you feel almost like you're floating on a cloud. You look down at your hand and can't help but smile. Oh, how easy it is to get carried away and forget that none of this organic....but is it so bad to dream?
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Hii!! Hopping on the request train for Eddie munson x ftm!reader, do u think u could do a smut fic with a dom!eddie?? Like either a hot messy lead up or some action? I love ur writing so honestly just have fun with it ^^ thankkk uuuu :))
Hi, thanks for this request. I hope I did you justice!
Requests have resumed. You can submit yours here!
Currently writing for Eddie Munson. I write for a variety of reader inserts (male, female, gender neutral, readers of color too).
The more details you had to your request, the better it is for me. EX: “What about some fluff for Eddie after he’s had a long day?”
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
Eddie Munson x Trans!Male Reader
CW: Smut/Smut Adjacent (18+ only please);
It's one thing to say that you'd been asking for it--because it's not wholly true. You haven't physically put the words together. But Eddie sees it all happening.
The way you sulk just a little in the corner of Jeff's garage. The way you respond to Eddie, but it is clipped and just enough words to get the point across. Eddie's not sure what you're looking for--comfort, release. He's think for a moment something might've happened earlier in the day or week. But you hadn't mentioned anything prior today.
You were slightly the type to old things tight lipped until Eddie made you confess. He definitely had his own way of getting the truth out of you. Sometimes a simple puppy dog eye look would work. Sometime he really had to work it out of you, bringing over the edge of your own orgasm again and again and again until tears slipped down your cheeks, body shaking beneath his tongue and fingers.
Eddie slings his guitar to the back. He walks--eyes searching your body. You looked fine, maybe slightly tired but not overly so that your eyes drooped. Eddie and you had eaten before practice. It wasn't anything fancy. But it was something.
"You okay?" Eddie asks.
He watches, your eyes slowly move up his frame. "I'm okay."
It's the most level you've sounded today. Maybe it's an improvement. "Eat enough?"
"Lunch was good," you answer.
"I'm glad it was good. But was it enough?" Eddie presses on.
"It was enough," you supply.
Eddie hums, eyes narrowing. Gareth's sticks click--they'll be resuming practice again soon. They only have another 30 minutes left for Jeff's parents return and want their house noise free. But Eddie only watches. You settle back where you'd been and just as you sit, your leg shakes.
There it is. Eddie grins. "We won't be much longer, sweetheart. Can you be good? Just thirty more minutes."
Your lips purse and you look everywhere but Eddie. You nod. "Yeah, yeah I can."
"What was that?" Eddie leans in, ear pressed in your direction.
"Yes, I can be good, sir."
Eddie takes another step forward, cupping your left cheek before pressing a kiss to the right one. "That's what I wanted to hear."
The rest of practice flies by. It's easy to pump out the two songs--they're covers and really just for fun. But it's nice to take the moment to let their hair down--figuratively--and let the music take over. It leaves a thrum in Eddie's veins. He takes you gently, fingers threading through yours.
There hasn't been a quip out of you, but Eddie knows the buzz that crawls under your skin. He's learned all too well the way that you can withdraw when you don't want to impose. It may be a polite demeanor but like everyone need consumes. It refuses to anything in the wake of its fire.
The trailer is empty and a relief falls to the pit of Eddie's stomach. "Want water?"
It's a game. If Eddie pushes the limits of your patience, you will push back. Ss much as Eddie likes being able to provide comfort to you, be able to anticipate your needs and provide the assistance to help you with those needs, he likes it when there's a clear directive from you. When you have a moment of spark to light the match, Eddie loves the way your touch sears his skin.
He loves too to watch you writhe beneath him. He loves to make you cry out. But when you push him to push you it proves all the more just ow well teh two of fit together like puzzle pieces. So Eddie continus on. "We've got grape juice too. Soda."
"You," you state.
"What about me?" Eddie questions. He tries to keep his tone level, ct as if he's not aware of what he's doing. He toes out of his shoes.
"You,"you emphasize.
"I'm sorry, my dear. But I'm not a mind reader. What about me?"
Eddie can see it, the way the words keep dancing on your tongue but your mouth doesn't fully come together to form them. This happens. When everything in you is focused on just one thing, just release. But he still needs the verbal consent. Still needs to know that what he is seeing and reading accurate.
"Want you," you push out from your teeth.
"Hurts, right?" Eddie asks, taking steps to close the distance between the two of you. "When you just want something so desperately, but you can't articulate it or can't get it out. It hurts, doesn't it?"
You nod. "Yeah."
Eddie takes your chin into between his thumb and rest of his fingers. "But it helps, right, sweet boy. It helps when someone else gets it. Can pick up on what you want."
Your nod is eager. "Yes."
Eddie cooes, stroking his thumb over your chin. "Yeah, it helps doesn't it?" He leans in, pressing in close until his lips seal around yours.
Your exhale becomes Eddie's favorite sound. He swallows it down into his chest, and prays to all the gods in existence he can hold that sound there. It vibrates against his ribs and he loves it. He loves how you cling to him, kissing back into his mouth. There's the taste of what you had for lunch earlier and the soda you had dancing around the taste of Eddie's earlier cigarette.
You curl your fingers into the cotton of Eddie's t-shirt, but you don't pull him in any closer. Eddie's hand moves from your cheek to cupping the back of your head. He doesn't move to pull you in closer. The two of you are touching but not consuming. You want a taste, a nibble, but not the full course meal. It feels like cheating to hold something so close and to taste it, but not let it take over. It's like having dessert before the full course meal.
The thing about this--the hovering, the kisses and touches that don't take--is that there will be a break. Someone's control will snap first. Someone will becomes so desperate first and when that happens, the flood gates have been opened beyond repair. There's nothing to do but let everything rush out until there's only dribbles left.
You cave first. It's not surprising. Eddie could feel it happening, the tightening in your jaw before you broke the kiss first and tugged his body into his. Eddie's never been insecure about his masculinity. In fact, some of his own personal beliefs--shown by his immense desire to not cut his hair--helped you define what masculinity means for you. But there are moments, like right now where even your own desire and dominance makes Eddie a little weak in the knees.
He likes when you manhandle him too because it reminds him he still something and someone you desire. You whine over his face when you break the kiss and Eddie doesn't give into the exposure of your neck to him. He inhales the cologne you dabbed on this morning, but kiss like he knows you want him too.
"Touch me," you beg into his ear. "I'm literally going to explode if you don't."
Eddie laughs. "No, no, don't explode. Well, unless it's on my tongue and fingers. Then you can."
You shake her head. "Won't be enough," you whine.
"No, my tongue and fingers won't be enough? Baby boy, what would be? What would be enough?" Eddie swallows down his own pang of fear. Is this you saying he's not enough?
"Want all of you," you beg. "Cock, god, I need it."
The fear dissipates a little. "Oh, I can do that." His words come out with a slight tremble, but when you kiss him again, fervent and hot, the fear disappears fully.
The two of you carry yourself from the living room into the bedroom. Eddie leads the way. But the entire time, he holds your face close. "Does this mean I get a taste though, right? If I don't get a chance to taste you and jerk you off too, then I think it's pointless. You get to be stuffed full the least I can get is the taste of you."
You snort, even when you're far gone Eddie's incessant rambling always manages to break through the haze of desire just enough to make you laugh. "I like you better when your mouth is full and working. Your much less ridiculous," you whisper back. It's not that Eddie is less quiet. Not even the removal of his vocal cords could make him quiet, but he's less of a rambling fool.
"Then let's get you out of this delicious looking pants and let me get my mouth to work then, huh?"
"Thank God," you whine.
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caguaydreams · 2 years
A fellow Jotahan enjoyer is DESPERATE for the crumbs. The time has come, I shall unveil my true nature in order to lend you a hand. We'll survive this together, Anon!
Ohhh boy, where to even begin. I know the bewildering absolute lack of fanart out there and my comment about crumbs might sound discouraging, and could make it seem like a worse situation than it actually is. But do not fret! AO3 got ur back! (I must apologise in advance for rambling, but honestly many of these fics are amazing and I owe their writers my life. Feel free to scroll down to the bit where I put the links to fics, lists, and authors that sometimes carry this ship on their backs).
I'm gonna list a bunch that I've recently been bookmarking in the website, as part of my months long personal crusade to read every single Jotahan work up there, and I'm kinda halfway through now I think, so I've got the stuff. Currently, there's a total of 393 Jotahan fics on the Archive, not all of them are the best quality, naturally, but that's okay, because the good fics are— and I'm gonna stress this out— The. Shit. Some Jotahan writers are wonderful masters of their craft, to the point you'll most likely eventually forget that, canonically, Rohan and Jotaro barely even exhange a few words in the first place! There is utterly delightful, suuuch delectable material here; fics that made the ship for me and elevated it from lol funny crackship to one of my top tier favorite romances/relationships of all time, in all of media, period.
You'd think, initially, that authors have to do some crazy acrobatics to settle on how they'd go about fulfilling the task of feeding dying starving suckers like me; how they'd go about making a relationship between these characters believable and feasible. But! surprisingly, there have come to be actual tropes in Jotahan narratives, stemming from how oddly natural their dynamic flows when you just give it some thought. My brain decided to conclude one day, that this is sorta like stepping into different possibilities of how Rohan and Jotaro would hit it up, because some fics can be quite similar in their approaches, but nonetheless distinctive and remarkable all the same. These characters can work SO well together, for better or worse, that there's no questioning it anymore for me. You'll understand, or maybe not (maybe you already do) but regardless I think you'll have fun checking these out!
So without further ado, and before I go on an errand of an essay about how this ship deserves more love and attention than it gets, I'm gonna drop the links. I know AO3 can look messy or be intimidating for people who are not familiar with the interface, but the first thing that will come in handy is knowing about pairing tags: your typical character/character tag that is often the first one you see following the title of a fic. If its got the characters of your preference, click on it, and you'll be sent to all the works in the Archive that feature that tag . You can start browsing for goodies from there! here's the tag to the huge assortment of fics starring the couple of mildly disfunctional adults that we want to see together.
And here is a lil bit of my latest (on-going) effort to build up a personal list of favorites and must-reads:
Underneath Perfection by Shorktooth ; I'm gonna be biased, because this one right here is my absolute. favorite. Nothing comes close. I'm even getting a little emotional by barely thinking about it. Actually, not entirely sure, but it was the fic that first sold me on this pairing when I wanted to give it a chance. Get-together fic, fairly long but definitely worth it. Not tedious, very fun, lots of variety, lots of incredibly sweet moments, it's a good deal all around. Of course there are little details here and there that keep it from being perfect, but they're minor and insignificant when viewing the whole picture. Much respect for how the author handles these characters, the progression of events, the story's pacing, and overall how organic everything feels; how natural. There are a bunch of scenes that have been embedded in my mind for months, and bits of dialogue I even reference and feel are strongly akin to what Jotaro or Rohan would actually say, even if this is fanwork. Okay, okay, I'll stop here because I'm saving my final thoughts for when I finish reading this story; Stone Ocean's animated adaptation must reach its end first. This fic follows Rohan and Jotaro across parts 4 to 6 of JJBA, so if anyone's avoiding spoilers they might have to be wary of those, skip this fic, or put it on hold like I did. Can't wait for part 6 to be over so I can get back to this work lmao. Its ending will probably crush me and be painful as hell but I don't care
How Soon Is Now? by Morioh-Cho-Radio (crimsonherbarium) ; Listen, one cannot talk about Jotahan fanfiction without mentioning "How Soon Is Now?". Underneath Perfection is my personal favorite no questions asked, but this series??? this is a must-read. Mandatory almost. Fuck, I haven't even gotten past the first three or four works in this collection but I tell you it's amazing (forever saving the rest for when I have the time to sit down and immerse myself into it because it is that special). It's got 10 single chapter stories in total, varying in lenght. Crimsonherbarium is one of those authors that manage to rightfully appropiate these characters and what they're about; nothing feels out of place, and the writing is just *chef kiss* it is thoroughly polished and hooks me in instantly, every single time. This fanfic even has its own playlist! and the songs selection, both for it and the fic titles, I think is fitting as hell for Jotahan, what else can I say?? read this series. go go go!!! have a feast!!
oh i know (it goes on, it gets old) by theultimateburrito ; Oh man... this one is something else. Is its own thing, I believe. Single chapter, kind of a long read, but you'll be enthralled. Feels like a novel, and it's not ncesarily out there, romantically speaking. The words I'm looking for to describe it are subtlety, and patience. It's a very unique short story that features comfortable company, familiarity, introspection, Rohan being his insatiably curious self, and one intriguing mystery that sounds straight out of Araki's work. I won't spoil it, but there's a particular place that I didn't even know existed irl until I read this fic and that on itself is maddeningly funny to me.
Now, some improvised picks of mine, done in speedreading fashion, because I've read too many works by now and can't actually think of what to put in here (keeping this list relatively brief and simple was more difficult than I thought). A list consisting of short stories to pick up on the go, separated by the general feeling I get from them:
Short and sweet:
Art Kids by anarchaick ; mild parallels made between Rohan and Noriaki, as well as Jotakak mentions are quite common. How these affect the mood of the story or the nature of Rohan and Jotaro's relationship is up to the fic, but in this one that is simply heartwarming
old recipe, new need by bishounen_curious ; this one's a sickfic, and it encapsulates some aspects of their dynamic SO well. I love this ficlet. It's all in the details, and the Domesticity
Ecotone by kujo (curricle) ; please read this one. That's it just read it. It is plain, bitesized perfection
the loneliest whale by pinkdarkboy ; wholesome, cute, and works as a comfort story
Short and steamy (not necesarily explicit):
Falling In Love by Kinda sad this one's by an orphan account :') regardless, it is a great read
Short and angsty/bittersweet:
It Is What It Is by illmoure ; .... sigh. Conflicting feelings about this one, but because it is an incredible work expertly written to achieve that purpose. Also, last Jotahan fic (yet...?) by one of the BEST writers for this ship. I'll later just drop a link to them directly
Save the speeches, flowers are for funerals by Morioh-Cho-Radio (crimsonherbarium) ; Hanahaki disease, I eat that shit up. It is the perfect combination of angst and romantic yearning, and as it is to be expected from this fic's writer here, this is another banger.
Short and funny:
useless questions by bishounen_curious ; weed shenanigans. It's pretty humorous, but that isn't mutually exclusive with tenderness, or physical intimacy. Therefore, I was torn between putting this one under the Short And Steamy category, but the first half is fairly hilarious on its own right so, yeah.
the death of kishibe rohan (1999, colorized) by oredatte ; Rohan being ridiculous, give it a read if you're looking for pure absurdity. Just satire here, and a bit of second-hand embarrasment
Short AU ficlets that are really nice:
A Sort of Homecoming by Morioh-Cho-Radio (crimsonherbarium) ; Japanese folklore inspired, in which Rohan is a yokai inhabiting a long abandoned place that belongs to Jotaro's family. I JUST noticed the fic was temporarily removed, but I read it long ago and still remember how beautiful it was. Actually, anything written by Morioh-Cho-Radio is absolute gold. ... pssst, you can still find this story via the Wayback Machine, but you didn't hear it from me—
Beyond the Sea by illmoure ; Mermay fic :) Marine Biologist Kujo Jotaro has a fascinating encounter. This one's just straight up lovely and refreshing
tears of heliades by pinkdarkboy ; inspired by the tale of Pygmalion and Galatea from Greek mythology
I was planning on listing authors who deserve way more than a honorable mention, but the post was getting too long, and I simply find it hard to rush a selection like that. Maybe some other time? Although, definitely do check out some of the writers whose work has already been featured above!
Oof.... Being honest, there are many more titles I wish I could just gather in one place but I haven't had the time yet. This pairing has provided me with an endless amount of comfort, besides being mostly a what-if scenario, but it quickly turned just as important to me as the source material it came from. Fanfiction can feel just as valid and impactful as media published by conventional means, and I'll think about these stories from here on out, long after I found them. I'll think of these characters, and the silly little made up reality in my head where they're genuinely happy, finding comfort and a safe space with each other, growing and developing with time, and it'll make me smile like a total fool. I really don't mind that in the slightest 🎶
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swtorsummerexchange · 11 months
Sign Up Walkthrough (SWTOR Summer)
Signups are coming up soon so here is a guide on how to sign up for the exchange. When it's time, a post will go out with the link to the signup form and from there (as long as you have an AO3 account), it's pretty simple to sign up!
You MUST have an AO3 account to participate. If you need one, please reach out. I have several invitations I can give out.
To start your Signup, go to the Collection Page during the signup period and click on "Signup Form".
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We start the signups with what you'd like to receive as a gift. After a general blurb about how the signups work (please read this first), you will get to the form itself. You must choose at least two separate requests (each request must have at least 2 characters listed- this allows for better matching). Each "request form" allows up to 20 separate characters and 20 separate relationships. List as many characters and/or relationships you'd like. If you don't want a pairing, feel free to list characters you enjoy only.
Pairings can be platonic, romantic, multipairing, etc.
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The form above is what it looks like when you scroll to the first request. (I filled one out as a sample for you to look at). You MUST choose fandom (there is only one to choose) and then go down to characters and relationships. If you aren't particular about what you receive as a gift, you can click on "Any Relationship" or "Any Character".
Please be aware that if you do click either of those options, you are giving your gift giver the freedom to write or draw whatever they want as long as they adhere to your DNWs. Please be absolutely sure that is what you want before you click it.
Please be as descriptive as possible about your DNWs and triggers. They cannot be enforced if they are not explicitly stated.
You can choose to receive fanart, fanfiction, or both. But you must click at least one.
Links: Links are for letters, prompt ideas, more detailed DNWs, information or tags for your custom characters and ship dynamics. Feel free to link your Tumblr or anything else you think is necessary.
For your offers, this is where you will choose what YOU will be GIVING. This helps the mods and AO3 match you to someone that you will be happy creating for. You must list at least two different characters to be matched well. Again, if you click "Any Relationship/Character" in your offers, you are saying that you will make something for ANYTHING. Platonic, romantic or anything in between. Please be careful with using that option.
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You have to make two offers but can list up to 20 characters and/or pairings per offer. You don't have to do this many, but the minimum is 2. Please be descriptive with your DNWs again, this is where I will determine if you are matched with someone that won't upset your triggers. The additional tags are the most important part of your offers because it will determine what YOU ARE MAKING. Please, if you are writer, only choose fanfic. If you are an artist, only click fanart. If you do both, you can choose to offer one or both.
After you submit your signup, you can edit it up to closing day, July 31st. After the 31st, you will be unable to edit it as matching will begin.
Any questions regarding signups, please message a mod or the main exchange blog. Someone will get back as quickly as possible.
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
💖 first time reader click here 💖
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A little bit of plot, but mostly ironstrange x reader filthy porn. Bukkake stuff. Stephen finally opening up a lil bit, I mean... I've slept through a 1/3 of a hospital and lemme tell you, doctors are kinky bastards. On the same note, there's definitely going to be a chapter where all three men are involved after the plot shit is resolved.
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There was something big brewing. I had a hunch... which was more like a strong sense of doom... hanging over me and the rest of the world. Peter also had noticed the sudden spike in anxiety, quoting the sudden disappearance of many low-tier mutants from the streets. Usually, Peter dealt with at least a few enhanced enemies during his patrols but the closer it got to Christmas, the less enhanced bothered with small-time crimes, the more intense the buzzing of his Spidey sense became.
Now that my immediate lack of income wasn't a problem anymore, I set business onto that damn mercenary. I was no spy, I was no SHIELD operative but... I could be very clever.
First things first, I had to make sure I would stay alive no matter what. A subdermal tracker was a good guarantee of security and I spent many hours making one - having to keep it a secret was incredibly hard, I hated lying to my loves and I hated avoiding Wanda even more - I was constantly on the edge around the telepath, hyperfocused on keeping up the pretense of normalcy.
I wouldn't be me if I couldn't successfully pull off a whole ass façade. Unfortunately, the continued failures of the people searching left and right for the mercenary only fueled my strength for the inevitable fuck-fest that I would have to create in order to make sure my people get the peace they fucking deserve. The web of lies grew in size every damn day.
Subdermal tracker, an implant that reports directly to Friday upon activation. It hurt like a bitch - I had cut myself open, an inch wide gash on the inside of my forearm - and put it in without any anesthesia in my own bathroom, not even thinking twice before making up a lie that I had been careless in the lab and hurt myself.
An antidote to common tranquilizers, creating it gave me a headache the size of Moscow but I'd been successful; Tony assembled the whole team when he found it out, offering me a ridiculous amount of money for the formula. It was weird. SHIELD was interested, too, and I had to witness Tony and Coulson argue. Apparently, the agency wanted to recruit me and Tony was adamantly against it, totally forgetting the promise Natasha had given me. In the end, the spy and Coulson shared a quiet conversation and the man left, respectfully complimenting my skills.
I sold the formula to Stark Industries, unable to get rid of the weirdness of the situation. I had to shake hands with my own boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend... In a business setting. What. Just what. Bucky and Stephen couldn't stop laughing at the face I made all throughout that day - and Clint even went as far as to bake me a gag cake, a cartooney handshake drawn in frosting on top of it. I hit him with a spatula, Loki smiled in his direction for the first time in, like, ever. It was a trip and Tony had way too much fun with the incident.
Perhaps, turning myself into a cyborg stew wasn't the best plan that was possible to think up in a few weeks' time but I've never claimed to be exceptionally intelligent; if anything, I've always considered myself to be a moderately educated idiot. It is common knowledge that there are two halves of a whole idiot: my second half was on his way from California, having had received my very detailed e-mail about the whole cursed box fiasco and the consequences that followed. I could barely contain my excitement at the prospect of seeing uncle Eddie and his symbiote again.
Tony wasn't even half as excited; if anything, he bordered on outright hostile, bickering, and sassing everybody left and right. It could have been the situation at hand finally getting on his last nerves. It could have been his jealousy, the same that appeared every time I paid extra attention to someone that wasn't him, Bruce or Stephen. Either way, Bruce was sighing all the time now and Stephen's remarks began to fill with poison once again.
Just like the good old times, I guess. I was forced to pull a Me over and over, interrupting their petty arguments with increasingly absurd remarks. I felt like everybody was laughing at me these days, which ended in only one way it could have...
"Brat," Stephen's patience was paper-thin and, being forcefully distracted from yelling at Tony, he directed his angst at the nearest person - me. "I oughta put you over my knee. I swear to Cosmos..."
"Blah, blah, blah. Don't you ever get tired of listening to yourself talk?" I raised my eyebrows, tone deceptively calm. "You're talking too much for someone who can't even..." I didn't get to finish my sentence, suddenly finding my mouth firmly glued shut. It was magic - the sensation was pulling, but not unpleasant. Reminded me of a ball gag Tony had used on me in the early days of our relationship.
"Now, Dumbledore, hold your horses..." Tony interjected looking none-too-happy. The engineer placed a warning arm on the sorcerer's bicep, their little spat seemingly forgotten.
"What, Tony? She's been nothing but a mouthy urchin the past few days, I can't stand it anymore," They shared a meaningful look; no matter how much Tony wanted to argue, he knew Stephen was right. What he didn't know was that there probably have been a magic versus science altercation... Or worse. Humiliation was a small price to pay for some (relative) peace.
I did what I do best. I annoyed them further, throwing up a juicy middle finger to the two men and turned around with a huff, mind set on finding Loki to undo the mute ban Stephen gave me. Needless to say, I didn't make it very far.
In mere seconds, I was sandwiched between the two men, Stephen's finger delicately holding my chin to force me to look into his eyes. Tony was holding onto my shoulders from behind me - I could feel the tension, my engineer was almost buzzing with it. I was pretty sure my eyes were laughing anyway because Stephen's frown slowly transformed into a coy smirk once his stormy blues focused on my face.
"Brat," He repeated once again. "She's doing this on purpose."
"I can't say I'm surprised," Tony's breath tickled the nape of my neck. "That does sound like our little Princess," Apparently, it took all of a 0.1 second for Tony to switch from annoyed to horny. Men, they were so easy to play. "Baby, if you wanted our attention you could have just said so," He chastised me, hands sliding down to my waist.
I hummed, and then aggressively hummed some more until Stephen removed the magical gag. "Not like you'd notice it, being occupied with tearing each other's hair out," I pouted.
The sorcerer briefly averted his eyes, leaning down to softly kiss my pout. It was very unlikely I'd get an actual apology but a kiss I won't be complaining about either. "So, your best tactic was to annoy us even more? How does that work out for you?"
I pulled on the tied fabric around his waist, bringing him closer to me. "Pretty good, if I'm being honest. You're exactly where I wanted you to be," Carelessly, I began untying the layers of silks and cotton I had become intimately familiar with over the course of the past few weeks. Most of the time Steph wore his wizard garbs and while figuring out how to undo them was a trip at first, I had gotten him desperate enough a few times, for him to show me a few tips and tricks for easier access.
Tony snorted somewhere behind me. "You just want us for our bodies," His hands wormed their way under my shirt, brushing the underside of my breasts. Bra? Hardly know her. "Our beautiful, sexy bodies." Yes Tony, very humble.
"When will you learn, people?" I asked rhetorically, simultaneously leaning into both Tony's and Stephen's touch. "Why fight each other when you could be fucking me into oblivion instead?"
Stephen snorted, still not completely used to the at times crude things that left my (and occasionally Tony's) mouth. I had a hunch the sorcerer was holding back somewhat - for whatever reason - and I was eagerly waiting for him to get comfortable enough to reveal that special part of himself. Whatever it was, I just knew it was delicious and sinful and-
"Do you really think I will be giving you what you want after your little... Stunt?" Steph went balls out; his voice dropped and the intensity of his stare left me breathless. The hand that was stroking my face wrapped around my throat as he had some sort of a silent conversation with Tony.
"Yeah," I emphasized the word with an inaudible 'duh' behind it but obediently trotted along as Stephen backed up towards the couch, leading me by the throat like a pet on a leash. I was steadily going into 'no thoughts, head empty' territory.
"I like it when you get all bossy," Tony remarked casually but he was close enough for me to hear the strain in his voice. Every time we fucked, Tony eagerly gave up the control to Stephen. I definitely saw the appeal. Stephen Strange demanded authority effortlessly, his stern but fair attitude simply demanded to kneel.
That's just what I did. As soon as Stephen made himself comfortable on the Italian leather couch, I dropped to my knees, looking up at the man with big round eyes. Just like Tony and Bruce, Stephen had his own weaknesses when it came to moi and I wasn't ashamed to exploit them. Steph's stroked my hair, carding careful fingers through it, slowly unbuttoning his pants with his other hand.
"If you insist on being mouthy, I have a better task for you," He husked, pulling me closer towards him. I called it his doctor voice. Honestly, I don't have a clue how his surgical team could be around him with their pants on back in the day... The man was a snack on a silver platter.
Steph's erection sprang free. I didn't hesitate to wrap my hand around it, stroking the underside of his glans just like he liked it, looking to the side where Tony landed on the couch next to Stephen, a curious look on his face. Yeah, Tony liked to watch. Me and Stephen or me and Bruce... Me and Stephen and Bruce? That's an idea for later.
"Don't mind little old me," Tony smirked his trademark Stark mischief, getting comfortable, ditching his oil-stained shirt and unbuttoning his pants to lazily palm himself through his boxers. "Carry on," The smirk only grew when Tony noticed both me and Steph eyeing him with amusement.
I hid my grin, nodding my head, before wrapping my lips around the tip of Stephen's cock, relaxing my throat to prepare for the intrusion. Sweet and salty, the slit on his cockhead was mercilessly teased by the tip of my tongue.
Stephen murmured encouragements under his breath as I began to bob up and down, him controlling the pace with a hand in my hair, just the right balance between cruel and gentle. The sorcerer was always too good to me, bringing me to the point of overstimulation and instantly soothing the ache afterward; "Fuck, darling, your mouth feels like heaven," He groaned as I snuck a look upwards to see his lips parted and a steady flush crawling up his neck.
"She knows how to work a man, doesn't she?" Tony's lust had him panting, hips moving into his own hand. He leaned closer to Stephen, brushing my hair behind my ear with a tender hand. "Merlin needs to share," Tony began pulling me in his direction. I reluctantly let go of Stephen's cock, keeping up the pace with my hand as I scooted closer to Tony to be able to mouth at his stiff erection.
Watching me suck cock always got Tony hard enough to pound nails with. I couldn't blame him, I knew what I could do and did well; by the time I made my way down his thick flesh, drool was dripping down my chin and the make-up around my eyes was surely smeared by tears. My engineer was much less gentle than Steph, pounding my face without reservations.
"I know you can take it, baby girl, fuck," My face was held in his strong grip, thumbs digging into my jaw. "Such a good girl," The two words went straight down to my pussy and I had to squirm and clench my thighs together, whining at the lack of friction.
The air was pierced by a low moan - Stephen was fisting his erection almost desperately now, almost as desperately as I was humping the air, whining like a bitch in heat at the taste of Tony's cock in my mouth. I knew neither of the men would last long, not with all that pent up tension running through their minds and bodies.
"Fuck, come here, baby girl," The engineer yanked me off his cock, gripping the base of it so forcefully his knuckles turned white. I was all but dragged into the space between them; still kneeling, barely seeing with snot and tears smeared all over my face, I couldn't hold in the broken moan as the realization set in.
"Keep your eyes open!" Steph instructed furiously, scooting to tower over me. Tony followed in his steps as I obediently lifted my eyes to their cocks and then their faces; nearly identical furrowed brow expressions stared back at me, lips moist and eyes wide. Both men stroked themselves with renewed vigor.
I hummed softly before sticking out my tongue; their reaction didn't let me wait long. Strings of pearly white cum landed in my hair, on my face; I felt the warmth on my skin and tasted their salt and musk on the tip of my tongue, reflexively swallowing each and every drop that landed in my mouth, savoring it just like I savored the sinful groans that left their mouths.
"Fuck, you're so good to us," Tony panted, gracelessly falling backward onto the couch.
Stephen, however, didn't hurry to catch his breath, giving me a thoughtful look. His fingers shook more than ever but he paid no mind to the discomfort, gathering the cum dripping down my face with two fingers and offering it to me, holding them up to my lips as I gently cleaned them off. And he did it again, and again, until Tony gave a weak moan of recognition, throwing an arm under his head.
"Be polite, Princess," Stephen's voice hadn't lost the lust in it just yet.
"Thank you, sir," I mumbled, utterly captivated by the way he was looking at me. Stormy blues radiated a strong sense of intensity, devotion perhaps, that I wasn't ready for.
Stephen smiled at me, almost coyly, before kneeling right next to me and bringing me over the edge with a few sharp, clever movements of his hand. I held onto his shoulders for dear life, barely noticing Tony's reaction - if there was one - my other lover seemed to be as surprised as I was, choosing to hang back and observe the unusual situation.
I had a feeling that whatever it was, it would make another appearance during our playtime. It wasn't just sex, it wasn't making love - it was... Something. I loved every second of it.
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@another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95 @gladiosamicitias @toomanyrobins @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming
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prettyblfan · 3 years
Coffee Shop Boy
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Chapter Four
Today started a little differently for Sorawit than his Monday and Tuesday had.
It began when he spotted none other than his brother Bun down stairs preparing the coffee shop. This was rare in two senses one being Bun almost always worked the early morning shifts at the hospital so Sorawit almost never saw him in the morning, and the second being the rare occasion he had the day or morning off he definitely wouldn't be spending it doing this.
"P'Bun?" Sorawit called out, the confusion in his voice very evident.
"Ah Sorawit you're awake, if you want you can go back to sleep i can take over for today." Bun said stopping what he was doing to smile at Sorawit.
This was weird. Definitely weird. Bun was broken.
"P'Bun are you sure? Did something happen at work?" Sorawit questioned cautiously.
Of course it wasn't bad that Bun was home during the mornings, quite the contrary this was good for him between working at the coffee shop and the hospital he almost never had a break. The worrying thing is that Bun loves doing what he does so he'd never be home willingly.
"Umm, everything's fine just thought I could do with a bit of a break" Bun hummed brushing off Sorawit's questions.
Sorawit wasn't buying it. Not one bit.
Could most things get past him. Yes. But definitely not this.
In the end Sorawit decided not to push any further and rather than returning to his bedroom he opted to instead help Bun set up, after all there was still a small chance That would show.
Speaking of That Sorawit pondered briefly about the text that he had sent him last night.
You see it was only when he woke up this morning that he had seen not only That's message but also the message he sent.
Sorawit: Night That sleep well 😴 💓.
'Why did he send him a heart???'
Sorawit screamed internally as he forced himself to stay focused on wiping down the surfaces.
This wasn't a big deal, nor was it weird.
So, Sorawit had no idea why he was freaking out over something so small. He had sent hearts to practically everyone, like Bun and Nam so why was That any different.
Sorawit tried to reason with himself but in his heart he still felt very unsettled.
How was That any different?
Being so absorbed in his thoughts, yes his thoughts, 4:30 had finally rolled around. And to Sorawit's disappointment? there was no sight of That.
The table by the door was left usually empty.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Bun asked teasingly as he poked Sorawit on the cheek.
"No." Sorawit replied quickly.
Why was he expecting him to turn up in the first place. That had said yesterday he most likely won't make it.
"You were staring at the door so intensely, so it looked like you were" Bun continued only to be met with no responsed.
Sorawit pouted.
That was strange. 100% strange. Why is it that he managed to make Sorawit feel so... weird.
Sorawit head whipped around to the door, his heart pounding. That made it. Sorawit forced himself to breathe as the door opened further.
"YOU!" Bun yelled out pointing towards the men in the door way.
And so it was like that Sorawit's hopes had vanished, none of the men standing in the door way was That.
They were all well dressed men. That in itself was very apparent, Sorawit had no idea what brands they were wearing he just knew they had to be expensive.
"P'Bun" Sorawit called completely baffled, how did his brother know these people. Sorawit was pretty sure he knew all of Bun's friends, it wasn't hard he didn't have very many as he rarely focused on anything other than work.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Bun questioned glaring intensely at the trio in the door way.
The man in the middle and objectively the most handsome made his way to the centre of the coffee shop smiling playful as the men that came with him remained by the door.
"Well you're open right?" The man replied raising his eyebrow teasingly at Bun.
Now Sorawit was completely and utterly confused. His eyes flickered between the two before it finally clicked, or he had atleast made a reasonable guess.
Judging by his brother's hostile nature this was the man that had picked a fight with him on Monday.
"Not for you!" Bun huffed making his way over to him.
"Why?" The unknown man briefly paused before continuing, his eyes gleamed with something Sorawit couldn't really identify.
"Aw Bun~ are you still mad about your suspension, remember it's only temporary" The well dressed man smiled.
Sorawit could practically feel the ridicule in his tone, he quickly glanced at Bun. The tips of his ears were red and his body had completely stiffened.
"You got suspended?" Sorawit questioned.
None of this made sense. There was no way in hell that Bun would ever be suspended.
"Get out!" Bun yelled glaring at the man infront of him before shooting Sorawit an apologetic look.
"This is a really nice place you've got here, you know what I think we might stay for a coffee right M" The man completely ignored Bun's outburst making his way over to a table and sitting down.
"If you keep on teasing him a vain might pop." The man known as M spoke as him and the other man sat down.
"Sorawit you should head up stairs and study I'll handle this shift today" Bun sighed as the man seemed to pay no attention to his words.
"P'Bun, you sure" Sorawit asked raising his eyebrow questioningly in the direction of the men sat in the corner.
"Umm, go" Bun replied picking up the note pad used to take orders with.
"You better explain later" Sorawit warned playfully.
Bun nodded with a light smile before making his way over to the table to take their orders.
Sorawit didn't really want to leave Bun alone with men like that but Bun didn't leave any room for argument.
And maybe a small part of Sorawit couldn't wait to text That. Like a really small part.
As he was heading up the stairs he heard Bun yell.
"Tan don't push your luck"
Tan... Wasnt that the man Ploy was talking about before. Sorawit paused before reluctantly continuing up the stairs, he knew for a fact that his brother could hold his own but he'd have to remind Bun to stay away from this Tan guy. He seemed like bad news.
Pouncing on his bed Sorawit grabbed his phone smiling brightly as he opened his contacts.
His fingers lingered on the call button.
'Would he even answer, maybe I should just text him' Sorawit thought as he rolled over onto his back staring blankly at his phone.
The loud noise of his phone startle Sorawit to the point that his phone had dropped flat onto his face. Sitting up and grabbing his phone Sorawit stared at the caller ID looking completely surprised.
That had called him, That had called him first.
Sorawit answered the phone without hesitation.
"Sorawit" That called, his voice echoing from the phone.
Sorawit flushed, That had never really called his name before, even if he had this time felt different.
"Yeah." Sorawit responded softly.
"I didn't think you'd answer" That said just as softly.
'This feels strange'
"Well my brother is at home today, so I didn't have to help" Sorawit replied.
"You have a brother?" That questioned.
"Umm i do, he's older" Sorawit said.
For some reason this whole conversation made Sorawit feel queezy. Maybe it was because That's voice was a lot softer than usual, whatever it was it was definitelythrowing him off.
That rarely talked so softly to him.
"You couldn't come today?" Sorawit asked.
"Umm i worked late yesterday and I had something to do this morning." That said before yelling out to someone in the background.
"Tell Por that I'm not doing it I don't take orders from him, he can asked Pued if he's so desperate"
It was moments like this that reminded him how long he'd exactly known That, since they spoke to each other so comfortably it made him feel as if he had known him forever. But in reality he had only known him for two day, so of course they were still getting to know each other. It was just that Sorawit hated not knowing these little things.
"Sorry" That said letting out a sigh.
"Are you busy you seem busy, we can talk later if you want." Sorawit asked.
"It's fine just tired... honestly I'm slightly surprised that you haven't bombarded me with questions yet" That teased with a light laugh.
"What's the point you never answer them" Sorawit spoke his tone completely sour.
"I answer at least one of your questions, so what's today's one" That said.
"Where do you work but you have to also include what you do as well, I won't let you rip me off with these hardly detailed answers" Sorawit responded, the corner of his lips pulling into a soft smile.
Sorawit likes That a lot. Apart from Nam he hadn't made very many close friends since moving here, so That was a very nice addition. (Friend, I mean okay Sorawit😂)
"Haha, I work as a security guard at The Mist" That laughed keeping his response short even despite what Sorawit had said.
Sorawit huffed before mumbling into the phone upset.
"And, I said no short answers"
"And... I've worked there since I moved here umm" That paused struggling to find anything else to say.
Just as That was about to continue a voice in the background cut him off.
"That Por said he wants to see you now. In his office"
That sighed before speaking to Sorawit, the annoyance was clear in his voice.
"I'll call later"
And just like that before Sorawit could even complain That had hung up.
'What was he going to say' Sorawit pondered.
Sorawit glanced at the time on his phone before getting up and making his way over to his desk.
He let out a huff before pulling out his text books. He couldn't help but think every time he got close That would pull away intentionally or unintentionally.
Glancing away from his books he quickly sent That a text.
Sorawit: Are you free this afternoon. Let's hang out 😊
Did I take my sweet time yes, yes I did but don't worry, actually do worry as since I've now officially started school again these updates might be a bit slower but I shall try to procrastinate less. No promises ☺
But any how we love Bun and Tan going from enemies to lovers as well as both Bun and Sorawit falling for shady men and being kinda of oblivious about it. 😂
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I loved this scene.🥰
Trigger Warning ⚠️ i don't proof read that throughly so feel free to point out mistakes and correct me.
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deliciously-yeeted · 3 years
I was in desperate need of some beel fluff, so i wrote some. As one does. Uh, ive never done this,(posting fanfic, i normally jus write small things for myself tbh😅) before so please have mercy lol
I hope ya like it though, it put a smile on my face so im hoping it does the same for you♡
You started filling the hem of your shirt with snacks, as many as you could fit in the scrunched up fabric that is, a tired but playful grin on your lips, as you thought over what you planned to do, mentally prepping yourself.
Normally, you're not so bold about seeking out comfort and such, feeling shy about showing vulnerability...but today, ugh, today had you particularly worn down. You needed something, affection preferably. You'd settle for a warm bath and some melatonin if you had to. Though, you really didnt want too.
You were tired of self soothing all the time. And Asmos care packages could only help so much. But you knew how to make it all magically better. There was only one option in times like these .
You worked quickly, excitement bouncing around in your gut, making your hands a little shaky.
Having grabbed all you could you carry, you practically dashed from the kitchen. Your mind set on finding a certain big demon. Last you heard, he was headed to his room for a bit. You hoped he was still there.
When you finally reached his bedroom door, you found yourself in a tad bit of a pickle. Your eyebrows furrowed, the realization that you wouldn't be able to open the door making you frown at the closed door briefly. You cursed yourself slightly, for not thinking that far ahead. You forgot in all your excitement.
Briefly you considered trying to use you feet before dropping the idea. Guess you've got no choice.
Dang it! You felt kinda bummed that you'd be losing the element of surprise, but the grin soon returned, thinking about seeing Beel always you happy, regardless of the circumstances.
"Beeeeellllllllllll!" You called out, letting a bit of a whine into your voice, hey, who knows? Maybe it'd get him in front of you faster?? He tended to be on the slower side of answering his door, sometimes he simply didnt hear it. Especially if he was working out or watching tv.
Apparently, whining his name did not speed him up:(
You were about to call out again, worried he hadn't heard you, when the door clicked open. The mere sound making you feel slightly giddy. Your eyes snapping up to meet his briefly. You soaked in as many details of him as you could, without just straight ogling him, before flicking your eyes back up to meet his.
"Y/n?" He seemed pleasantly surprised, dressed in a black tank top and grey sweats (you were happy to see him wearing them, because while he looked like a whole ass meal in them, it also meant he had no plans of leaving the house tonight).
His eyes were quick to find the odd lumps wrapped up in your shirt, as well as the bit of tummy peaking out. The position you held your shirt in had caused the bottom of your stomach to show, something you had worried about on the way here, anxious about a different brother catching a glimpse of you. You could feel his stare burn against your skin, he was about to say something, but then his nose twitched, and his eyes fixed on your bundle of snacks instead.
Not that you minded his staring your stomach, not with Beel.
The others...maybe.
Your tummy was one of his favorite parts about you, he's hands finding their way under your shirt to touch and squeeze the soft flesh more often than not. Always gentle and non intrusive. I think he'd full on cry if he accidentally upset you somehow tbh.
Boy had absolutely no shame about it, once he learned you didnt mind much.
Especially when you seemed to be a bit shy about showing your stomach, with the others, or just in general. He made sure to let you know how much he loved your squish. Be it at RAD or just casually in the house.
The only person who ever raised a fuss over it was Mammon, although, he tended to fuss over everything you did anyways;; His protests did absolutely nothing to deter you or Beel, much to his dismay.
Sometimes, if Beel was hungry and needed a distraction or a quick 'pick me up', he'd scoop you up and just shove his face into your tummy. (Much like what I do with my cat when I'm bored and/or sad) Then he'd just hold you there until he absolutely had to let you down.
Relishing in the feel of your softness and you heart racing under your skin, fluttering so delicately under his lips, pressing his face against you was an instant mood lifter for him.
You loved it, a surprised but delighted laugh always ripping from your chest, almost subconsciously. You couldn't hide your happiness in his affections, not that you would want to (thats a lie, you cant help but be embarrassed at the end of the day by the intensive joy you felt whenever you looked at him). Which only seemed to motivate him even more, and soon each time he scooped you up, he'd kiss all over your tummy, making you giggle because it tickled, before hugging you close with a small sigh.
"I brought snacks, and some cuddles. So uhm, can I nap on you for a bit? 'M tired. Unless your busy or something..." you beam up at him, starting to hesitate toward the end, suddenly a little unsure.
"Pretty please?? I wont bug ya, I promise." You plead, pulling your best puppy dog eyes, shifting from one foot to the other nervously. His eyes widened as his brain processed what you said, and the cute sight in front of him. If he was being honest, it made his brain stop for a split second.
He chuckled at you and lifted you up by the back of your knees, holding you carefully to his chest, mindful of your full shirt. A small startled squeak coming from you as he did so, a sound he never got tired of hearing.
You glanced in the room as he closed to door, he had papers sprawled over the small coffee table in the middle of the room, and a few (you spotted more in the trash bin in the corner) empty food wrappers around his work space. He plopped down in front of the table again, taking only a few steps to reach it. You were kind of jealous, your short legs never being a fair match against his. Luckily he enjoyed carrying you, which solved that issue right quick.
"You can keep me company while I finish my homework." He says, shifting you into his lap and keeping a loose hold on your lower stomach, fingers splaying out to get a small feel of your exposed skin. Glancing around, you dont see belphies mop of hair in his bed, he was probably sleeping in the attic or the observatory, you quietly hum to yourself, abit happy to have Beel all to yourself for the moment. Shifting forward, Beels hands refusing to let you go and setting on your waist, you hold your shirt above the edge of the table, and let the snacks spill from your shirt before smoothing the garment back down, missing Beels frown as he looses sight of your tummy. Quickly moving to organize the snacks a bit, so that they were within reach and not scattered all over his papers and in the way.
"Thank you, your the bestest!!" You say, the dull ache in your arms more than worth the effort in your opinion.
You tilted your head back so you can look up at him. Making eye contact with him made your brain kinda just...mush. Your hands slowly squeezing his on your waist, lifting them so you move a bit.
You tore you gaze from his, before turning around and wrapping your arms around his nack and your legs around his torso,(like a koala in his opinion).
Scooting as close as you could get away with, (your not as stealthy as you give yourself credit for, he knows, he just too nice to tease you for it, and he doesn't want you to stop), so you could snuggle up to him and be comfy at the same time. Which wasn't all that hard to do with him, being the teddy bear he is.
Your eyes glazed over slightly, and you were distracted as you mind pulled your attention away.
Ah, you were in pure bliss, you could die happy like this~
You had grabbed plenty of snacks, being sure to vary in your choices, knowing Beel would like to have options, and hoping to be able to buy some extra time with him and a cute Beel smile as a reward for your effort. Tho, youd do it anyways.
Not that you'd ever admit to that. Nuh uh, no way. Unless he asked nicely, you'd give in embarrassingly fast if he ever did, the realization making your face heat up.
Embarrassment be damned, youd never tell Beel 'No'.
He looks down at you, face going all blushy and soft at your slightly dazed and flushed expression. Your thoughts getting the best of you for a moment. Shaking your head slightly and letting out a resigned sigh.
"Of course you can," you snap out of it when he speaks up, looking up at him, quick to give him your full attention. "I love when you cuddle up with me, it helps me focus a bit. You didn't have to bribe me, though, as long as its you, my cuddles come free-" wrapping his arms around your shoulders, giving you a snug hug, he moves to continue. "Not that I'm complaining-" you cut him off, feeling slightly guilty about it. You were already flustered, and his sweet words weren't helping your predicament one bit. That was until your eyes actually focus on his face, oh sweet hell, hes so precious!!! Your heart thumps nearly painfully for a moment, nerves biting into your thoughts.
Your face was definitely beat red now, you could feel it at the tips of your ears even. Yet you refused to move, your eyes locked on his. A rare occurrence, one you could tell he was basking in, his eyes were glued to your face, studying it. His flush deepening slightly.
Squishing his cheeks and "shushing" him gently. Your basically cooing at him, to tired suddenly to care much about how your words or actions came off. The nervousness slipping away from your voice and movements. "Its not a bribe hun, I just felt like seeing you smile before I fell asleep on you. Heh, your smile is my goodluck charm for good dreams, ya know?" You tiredly rub his cheek with your thumb, eyes lit up happily and content. Giving him a small breathless laugh at the end.
He really did calm you down, your mind slowing down as the excitement started to fade, a fact you became overly aware of quite suddenly, your eyes feeling quite heavy now that you felt safe.
You yawned, your weariness catching up to you.
Beels quick to notice, taking note of the bags under your eyes. Dont worry, he'll make sure you get some good sleep, no bad dreams were gonna plague you on his watch. He glances over at the snacks you brought, unbelievably happy. Seeing you so cutely curled up to him, the fact that you brought him as much food as you could carry(a sight he nearly died from when he saw it) and your sweet sweet words, it definitely warmed his heart to say in the least.
He loved that you actually came to find him, just so you could cuddle. His adoration for you is bottomless, just like his hunger.
So, Beel wraps you inna big bear hug, pulling you closer and peppering the top of your head and face with kisses. He gives you a big grin, his eyes sparkling happily. "Nap, I'll wake you up when I'm done and we can hangout till dinner."
You tiredly nod, relaxing against him.
Grabbing a baggy of chips, he smooches your forehead, before tucking your face under his chin so he could munch, and see his work(not like that was much of an issue, beels a big boy after all👀), without completely covering the top of your head in crumbs (you'd told him you didn't mind, especially since he always ruffled your hair to get then out, and you loved that...but he still feels bad about it and tries to avoid it to some extent) and being able to rest his chin on top your head was just the cherry on top for him.
💗Happy beel mode activated💗
Sighing happily, you close your eyes. Beels cuddles making all your stress melt away, just like they always did. Slowly, you start to drift off, listening to the soft scratch of his pen as he starts to work and his deep breathing, letting it lull you into sleep.
I dont know why my brain wanted me to got all out on this. I literally jus couldn't stop tweaking with it. Imma post if before i decide to change it. Imma just conveniently forget i wrote this now, maybe ill like it more after a week or two... :/ also if theres any spelling or grammar issues plz tell me, its like 2am rn so im sure i missed something
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getitinbusan · 4 years
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Jungkooks full sleeve photo is the most coveted and valuable picture in the industry. Every photograper is waiting for him to slip up and show some skin. Hired by Dispatch to catch him when he's most vulnerable, will you be able get the money shot? 18+ Smut
Scheduled to go last, Jungkook nervously stood watching Taehyung finish his session. Not only was the concept of the shoot strange for him, the photographer was also really sexy,  the guys had spent the day texting back and forth about her. Of course Tae had nailed it, they were looking for raw sex appeal and vulnerability but Jungkook was afraid all he could pull off was cute baby bunny. 
The next comeback was supposed to be about ego and personal identity, basically them stepping out of their fan assumed contrived personas. A more grown up take on their image was in order, and Jungkook just hadn't been able to figure out who he really was yet, let alone how much of himself he was ready to reveal.  
"Thanks Tae, you're a superstar" you high fived him as he gathered his stuff to leave. Jungkook apprehensively approached introducing himself.  His hair was long and wavy and his stylists chose a wardrobe of a loose fitting button down with ripped jeans and black combat boots. He looked delicious but it was a look you'd seen a million times on him in every other magazine spread.
"You look nervous Jungkook, what can we do to fix that?" His shy smile made him look so young. "I'm just not used to this type of shoot, I don't know if I can do sexy," he giggled at his own words.
Perhaps pulling him out of his shell would be harder than you thought, "I think we're going to be ok." You pushed his hair back a little and stared at him, "It's not the sexy that's lacking here, it's your confidence Guk. Sorry, is it ok if I call you that?" He nodded, "So where do you want me? You knew exactly where you wanted him but didn't want to make it look calculated.
Looking around the set you mused out loud, "I shot Tae on the couch and Jimin felt comfortable doing his in the shower so why don't we get you to take the bed" his eyebrow raised and his lips pursed together. "I heard you may be a bit shy so I ordered a closed set. It's just us okay? Why don't you go and just hang out on it and I'll get the lights set up." 
You looked over and he was laying on the bed texting, taking your time you wanted him to relax.  
Group Chat 
J.K: She is HOT. Her skirt is so short, holy shit. I have to shoot on the bed, should I make a move? Did anyone? 
Jimin: I made sure to "accidentally" splash water on her white shirt while I did my shower shots. She seemed immune to my charms 😞
Jin: We had to do ours outside too many people watching to openly flirt. 
Yoongi:JK, I'll give you a million won if you can get through your shoot without cumming in your pants. 
RM: So disrespectful, she's a professional. Those tits though 👌
"Are you ready to start?" You asked trying to pull his attention away from his phone. "Yeah,  I think I'm ready now." Moving around the room with the camera you tested several angels as he posed, laying back, leaning over, grabbing the pillow.
Shaking your head you weren't satisfied, "Jungkook, when you're at home relaxing do you wear combat boots?"
He laughed, "No, especially not while I'm laying on the bed." Walking over to him you bent down and started undoing his boots, "What about that shirt? Does it need to be buttoned right up? Maybe we could lose a few?" You threw his boot across the room, "May I?"
You asked tugging at the toe of his sock. "Ahhhh you're one of those foot people" he chuckled. "Well I'm not, but if I was, your feet are actually pretty nice." He blushed turning his attention to his shirt, "is this better?"
Leaning over you crumpled the sheets around him, it was 100% intentional that your breasts just happened to be in his face while you propped the pillow under his head. His hand moved swiftly to pull his shirt over his growing hard on, he was fucked and he knew it. 
"Looking better," you coached his posing as you snapped off a few more shots. "Just better?" he sounded disappointed that he couldn't pull sexy off for you.
"Will you trust me Guk?" You asked him as you stood up on the bed over him. Gulping hard he nodded, he wasn't sure what you had planned but being as he could see your panties he was sure he wouldn't mind. 
You set the camera down beside him and leaned down to unbutton his shirt the rest of the way. Exposing his chest and abs you let out a subtle hiss, "well, that's something. Close your eyes okay… trust me, this is going to make the shot incredible."
Closing his eyes his brain went into overdrive trying to figure out what you were up to. Goosebumps took over his body when he felt you straddle his lap, your hands moved through his hair disrupting the perfection and your chest pressed softly against him as your mouth connected with his. His lips were soft and his tongue worked quickly to gain entry into yours. He was about to wrap his arms around you, when you stood up and grabbed the camera.
Snapping just as he opened his eyes in wonder, "What the fuck was that?" holding up the digital screen you smiled proudly. "This Jungkook, is sexy.  Look at your face, you look totally needy and unravelled. "Taking the camera out of your hands he inspected the photo and smiled. It certainly wasn't a side of himself he'd ever seen before. "Shall we continue then?" you asked. "I'm yours, use me however you see fit," he conceded.
"I was really hoping you'd say that," resuming you stance over him you took control. "Let's show them you're a man now, it's time for everyone to accept that you have desires, I'm going to put my leg in the frame and I want you to run your hands over it like you want me." Closer than before, he could now see your panties had little pink polka dots adorning them, "shouldn't be a problem" he muttered under his breath.
You egged him on, the camera clicking frame after frame, he was getting totally lost in the moment. Sitting up he wrapped his arm around your thigh and brought his face as close as he could to nestle beside your mound.  "Fuck Kookie, stay just like that but move your other hand so it's resting on the bulge in your jeans."
His mind was swimming with dirty thoughts as you spoke so frankly. You'd gotten him into a zone, was he just posing or was he just as turned on as you?
The answer came soon enough as you felt his hand move under your skirt. His fingertips ran over your wet panties and you could feel his breath on your thighs, "Is this sexy?" He asked while brushing his nose into your clit, "It's amazing Guk," Hooking his finger into the elastic he pulled your thong to the side and his warm tongue lapped against your folds. "That feels really good baby but we still have to get a few more shots. Let me take care of you okay?"
You tried to back away from his mouth but he got in a few last greddy sucks before detaching his lips and wiping off his chin. "You should have left that there, it would have made a great addition to the pictures."
He grabbed you around the waist pulling you on top of him  "Let's put it back then." You had to stay focused, "Can we take some with your shirt off?" You began running your hands over his chest, kissing his abs. He was hesitant, 
"I'm not supposed to show my tattoos, management won't let me." Moaning you sat up and took your shirt off, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
He couldn't help but stare at the metal piercings that ran through each of your nipples. "I don't care what anyone thinks about my piercings, I did it for me and for my pleasure, who gives a shit about anyone else's opinion. These tattoos represent you, you should be proud to show people who you really are."
He sat up with you still straddling his lap and let you push his shirt off down his arms. Your fingers traced over the details as you admired the artwork over his bicep.
"This is sexy, you having the confidence to do what you want with your body." Kissing your breasts he was lost in the empowerment you were giving him, "Do you know what I really want to do with my body?" You couldn't help but smirk, "I want to fuck you and I want you to take pictures while I do it." 
"That's one way to get the shot, fuck Jungkook I didnt think you would be so into this." Grabbing him away from your chest you pushed him flat on his back. You let your hands and fingertips admire his body before they made their way to his zipper.  Pulling it down slowly his cock strained against the elastic of his black boxers. Palming him gently you grabbed the camera with your free hand and took some pictures of him, "These are phenomenal Kookie, why don't you take the camera while I put your cock in my mouth." 
Pulling his boxers down just enough to free him, you smiled, "how the hell do you manage to look so innocent when you're walking around with this in your pants?"
His dick was a smooth honey brown that curved upwards, thicker than you thought he'd be with a beautiful cut tip. You saw the flash and looked up at him, "This ones for me." You weren't often the subject of photos but Jungkook was a photographer too and he'd decided two could play the game of directing the shot.
"Wrap those lips around me and fucking suck it," God you loved dirty talk. He wrapped your hair around his hand pulling it off your face, "that's beautiful, eyes up here,  look at me while you're choking on it."
Abandoning the camera to get lost in the pleasure, he fell back on the bed. Popping him out of your mouth he whined at the loss of sensation, "You want more Kookie?" he nodded. Laying on top of him you sucked marks onto his neck, "You want me to ride your beautiful cock?"
He still had his pants on, laying vulnerable, bare chested with his dick out begging for attention. Pulling your panties to the side you lined him up with your entrance and sank him deep inside you. The gutteral moan he let out was animalistic, he was so far gone in pleasure that you'd never seen a more beautiful surrender. He was calling out your name as you snapped pictures of his ecstasy,  sweat making his skin glisten under the set lighting.
You abruptly got off him, "why do you keep stopping?" You laughed at his desperate voice, "I want you completely naked Jungkook, I'm not done with you yet." He eagerly moved to get the rest of his clothes off and grabbed you so your bodies were pressed together.
He stared at you for a minute, tucking some hair behind your ear, "Why are you staring at me?" He smiled, "I want to capture this picture with my memory," he kissed you softly on the lips. Just as you started to blush at his tender response he smacked your ass and said "flip it over, I'm using the camera for this one."
Grabbing your waist firmly you laughed and squirmed as he wrestled you onto your stomach. "All fours babe," he commanded as you complied wiggling your ass at him, "I'm really into the bold side of you Guk." Positioning himself behind you he gave you a hard squeeze as he stuffed his dick back inside you.  He was rough with his thrusts and little cries left you every time he bottomed out. The curve of his dick had his head rubbing into your g spot perfectly, the pleasure and pain brought you to orgasam quickly as you clenched around him milking his cock as he came hard inside you.
"Hold still," he demanded, grabbing your camera you could hear the clicks, "so fucking beautiful." Laying down together spent he pulled up his final shot, his cum was dripping out of your pink abused pussy. "I think this one's my favourite."
As much as you wanted to lay here in post coital bliss, you still had a job to finish. "This is it, the final shot, Jungkook all fucked out." You arranged the top sheet to just cover his tired cock, pubic hair peeking out, muscular tattooed arms on display, sheets disheveled, hair wild and a grin that could only be caused by one thing.
"That's a wrap" 
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skiedotutoring · 3 years
With technology creeping into almost all aspects of our everyday lives, more people are now taking classes online. The advent of Covid-19 even emphasized the need for virtual classes, and teachers are now harnessing this opportunity to make money from the comforts of their home.
Fortunately, you see yourself as someone with relevant knowledge or skills to do the same. But your problem is, how do you become an online tutor? What are the things you need to do to start teaching online?
The good thing is, you can become an online tutor even when you currently have a regular job.
Whether you’re a teacher or a retired one, a professional in any industry with sought-after skills such as music, or even an undergraduate, becoming an online tutor is an excellent way to make money online simply by sharing knowledge.
This blog post, therefore, discusses the steps you need to take to become an online tutor.
Determine what to offer based on your strengths
Knowing where your strength lies is vital to being optimally impactful to your students. You may be knowledgeable in diverse areas, but you want to choose a subject of which you can deliver to your best capacity. This will help you stand out more among other tutors in that given field.
Pro tip: Having a certification on your chosen subject is often required to build credibility, but it’s not a conclusive determinant. You could become an online tutor even while in school or just newly graduated. To start teaching online, what’s essential is that you have the requisite subject knowledge, some level of experience, a passion for learning and imparting knowledge, and a cordial, professional attitude.
Know your target audience
Perhaps, you’ve chosen to teach math or guitar online. The next step to becoming an online tutor is identifying your potential students and the challenges they face in that subject matter.
So you want to ask yourself the following questions:
Who is my target audience?
What are their needs?
How do I persuade them to choose me as their teacher amidst the competition?
How do I express myself as an expert in this given field?
Choose an online tutoring platform
You may be tempted to create your own website as an online tutor, but it’s far easier to sign up on an online tutoring marketplace like Skiedo.
At Skiedo, you can become an online tutor with or without any certification, as long as your knowledge can be an asset to someone else. Sign up for free, design your course according to your schedule, set your own price, and get paid 100% of the fees due to you.
Interestingly, Skiedo has a live video chat feature in addition to text messaging. With the video chat, you can discuss with your students face-to-face, get a more personable experience, understand their needs, and hold your online classes.
With Skiedo becoming an online tutor is fast and easy, and registration is free! You can register right away and become an online tutor in minutes by login to skiedo.com and following the instructions below:
Click on Become a Tutor. On the drop-down menu that appears, click Register.
A page will open where you get to type in your name, email, and password. Read Skiedo's Terms & Conditions, Agree, and then click Next.
You will then receive a verification email to verify your email ID.
Once verified, you can log in back by entering your email ID and password. Then click LOGIN.
Now you need to fill in your basic information on the page that opens. Kindly fill in the data at your convenience and to your best knowledge.
Click Next and select the subjects you wish to teach. You can choose multiple subjects but are not advised to choose more than three subjects in which you're best versed.
Once you're done filling your subjects, complete inputting your information and ensure all fields have been filled. Kindly select your hourly rate as well. Then click Next.
Time to personalize your profile. It's always best to use a smiling picture to express friendliness to your students. On creating your profile, click Next.
You will then arrive at the Terms & Conditions Page. If you've read it, click Accept,  which then takes you to your tutor profile. Here you will find all your information. You can edit and update at your convenience. Also, include your bank details where you'll receive your payments.
Add your 'slots of booking,' which tells students about your availability. Each slot should be an hour each.
If the subject you wish to offer is not on the list of subjects, you can 'suggest' a subject by clicking on the left bar of 'teaching subjects'.
Once you Register, your profile will appear when students search. When they book the class, you will receive a notification to approve the class. It's best to do so as soon as possible.
Once you've accepted the booking, you need to Initiate the Class on your dashboard on 'My Schedule'.
Once a class is finished, click Complete the Class.
You can also watch the video on how to become a tutor on Skiedo here.
Get your technical requirements set
As an online tutor, you will conduct your classes on a computer via the Internet. Hence, you need the following technical requirements to ensure you and your students don’t suffer glitches in the middle of an exciting course:
A fast and reliable computer: Although you may already have a computer, ensure it has at least a 1 GHz processor and 2 GB of ram for optimal speed. Skiedo works on Windows, Android, and Ios, so you can easily download the app. If you're using a web browser, however, ensure it's up-to-date.
High-speed Internet of at least 1 Mbps: You do not want your video conversation cutting off every minute. To know if your Internet connection is up to speed, go to www.speedtest.net.
HD Webcam: Being able to hear each other is great, but seeing each other brings that deep human connection that creates a whole new experience. Fortunately, Skiedo comes with a video chat feature. To get an optimal experience, ensure your webcam is HD. If yours is of a lower quality, purchase and install a better one.
The following are not mandatory but can give you a better experience:
Microphone: This is most especially important for music classes. However, if you want your students to hear you more efficiently, you'd need to get one if your in-built microphone isn't that great. Plug it into the microphone slot in your computer and set it up just beside the computer, with the mouthpiece close to your face. Blue Microphone Yeti and Rode NTK are some of the best microphones for online classes.
Set up your course outline
As an online tutor, your course shouldn’t be bland. Ensure you design your course to be engaging and different from those of your competitors.
Additionally, structure the outline and direction of the lesson based on the subject matter, number of students in the session, and how much you want them to gain during the course. If it would be best to teach students individually, then do so.
Depending on the niche you’re into, you can also create written materials to back up the live video session.
And most importantly, it’s always a great idea to include interactive and gaming sessions to keep your students engaged. This fun environment helps to build a personal connection with them (many students complain of lack of personal connection in virtual learning).
Spice up your online course with quizzes, instructive videos, and other interactive activities. Make your learning more engaging, and users will rush to become your students.
Set your price and payment system
Setting an hourly rate is often a daunting task for online tutors. You may not want to set a price that looks too high, neither do you want to charge something unworthy. One way to go is to browse through other tutors in your chosen field. Notably, online tutors can charge anything between $20 and $100 per hour, depending on the course.
On fixing your price, you should then decide how you wish for students to make payments. PayPal, Google Pay, and Payoneer are some fast, reliable methods.
But Skiedo makes it so much easier. On Skiedo, you can enter your bank details and get your fees straight into your bank account.
Time to have your first class!
You’ve covered virtually all you need to do in your journey to becoming an online tutor. Now for the exciting part: your first class!
You will most likely have some worries and may even feel nervous, but preparation is key!
Have a game plan ready. It’s helpful to write out your introduction and the order of things for that particular session so that you always know what to do or say.
As you have your technical requirements all sorted out, you also need to make sure your students have theirs. Ask questions to know if their system is up to speed and what learning pattern they’re most comfortable with. It’s also a great idea to prepare a written material for your students to go through before the first class.
Putting your students on the same page with you is imperative for success as an online tutor.
If you feel nervous, rehearse with a friend or family member. This can help put you at ease before the actual class.
Pro tip: Be flexible. As an online tutor, you must be flexible. Your students may live in another time zone entirely, so you want to be available when you’re needed.
Now you know the steps to take to become an online tutor and start teaching online. It’s time to take action and start. As you move on, you will find your teaching skills getting sharpened.
Teaching online is an incredible way for you to make extra money doing the things you love. Take charge of this digital learning revolution, and the sky’s your limit.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Gimme Love, 8/9 (Miz Cracker/Blair St Clair) - Grinder
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AN: Oof! After this part, we have one more chapter. Things start to look a little bit better for Brie in this part of the story. Not completely, but she's getting there. Enjoy!
TW for this chapter: mental health mentions
A week later, still no change on the Ed Sheeran thing. Launch day was just around the corner, and my nerves were wrecked. And Jujubee still hadn't spoken a word to me.
It was only morning time, and I hadn't even been awake for 5 minutes. Already so many things were playing in my mind.
I still hadn't reinstalled Messenger. So I had no idea whether Blair had replied or not. I really wanted to just forget about her already, but it was slow. I probably should have applied for counselling sessions with HR. I hired a lady a few years prior named Dela, and apparently, she was brilliant.
But therapy could wait until after the launch.
I had seen Jujubee at work a few more times, either making eye contact and looking away just as quick or trying to say hello at least. She'd just brush by.
I tried texting her but never received a reply. As much as she had pissed me off, I missed her. A lot.
"Hey, this is Jujubee. Leave a message."
"Hey, Juju, it's me." I paused, struggling to figure out where to go from there, "Look, I...I know things are bad between you and me. But I...I don't want to lose you."
I couldn't think of what else to say.
'Please, talk to me?'
'You mean a lot to me.'
My silence was going on too long. "I...hope to see you at the prelaunch party...OK. Bye"
I hung up, burying my face in my pillow, feeling very pathetic. And because I was impatient, I thought to try reinstalling Messenger and try there.
Or was that too much? And did I really want to risk seeing a reply from a certain someone?
...Fuck it, I was doing it. I'd just ignore her. Yeah, I'd do that.
Blair: Wow. I didn't think…
I never clicked a message quicker. I sat up with my back against the headboard, eyes already reading the message.
Blair: Wow. I didn't think you'd actually reply! For sure, girl, we need to hang out! I'm in New York for two weeks anyway. Perfect timing, right? Give me a call as soon as you get this. TTYL.
"Oh my God." I let the phone slip into my lap. How was this real? How the fuck hadn't she found that message creepy? Were things starting to look up? I couldn't just leave her on read. It was sent last week, meaning she was still in New York.
Good. This was good.
But still, why didn't she address the confession to my feelings? Why was she avoiding the subject?
Sorry, you have to hear my innermost thoughts, all these questions. It just goes to show the whirlwind my head was experiencing.
Make a move, Brie.
My thumb hovered over the phone icon in the upper right corner. Do I just...do it?
I clicked the button. It rang for a few seconds, the nerves telling me to just give up.
Why the fuck do the people on the other end always say 'hello' like they didn't see who is calling them?
Why was I even thinking that?? Focus, Brie.
"Hi," I said.
"Wow, I didn't think you'd call." She sounded surprised.
"I'm sorry I keep doing this," I said too quickly. "Anyway, yes. Let's hang out."
There was a moment of silence, and I realised how panicked I sounded.
"Brianna, are you OK?" I heard the concern.
"What? Yeah! Of course, I am." I cleared my throat, "Just a bit...stressed out. Trying to...deal with this launch thingie and...deal with Ed Sheeran, I don't know," I laughed nervously before almost slapping some sense into myself, "I'm not majorly stressed out, though. I can still hang out."
She laughed. And fuck I realised just how much I missed it.
"You always made me laugh. You wanna grab a coffee?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Great! When are you free? I would say today, but I'm stuck with this thingie…" She replied.
And a thought hit me. "Actually... there's gonna be a party for my thing. It's for that project I told you about...back on Prom night, I don't know if you remember."
"Of course I do, Brie. I've been following all the media coverage. It's pretty awesome."
"You have been?" I sounded a little too excited and then reminded myself to not sound too desperate, "I mean, that's pretty cool. But yeah, there's a party the night before the launch. I could add you to the list."
"Yeah, of course! I'd love to come."
"Fantastic. I'll send you the details."
"Well, I'll leave you to it then."
"I can't wait."
"Me too."
"Bye, Brianna."
"Bye, Blair."
She did the awkward half-spoken "bye, bye, bye," and hung up.
I threw my phone down onto my duvet and puffed out a breath of air.
"Yes!" I punched the air, "Yes. Fucking yes."
Shit was definitely looking up.
I found myself loading up my emails. "Dear Ed Sheeran, I appreciate your enthusiasm about participating in our project. However, after some thinking, we would love for you to perform at the event instead. This is strictly for your safety and the safety of everyone else. Sorry for the inconvenience. Kindest regards, Brianna Caldwell and team."
Sent. Easier than I thought.
No matter what the reply would be, I felt strong. Two problems down in less than ten minutes.
All that was left was Jujubee and Mom.
Fuck...the Mom problem.
It wasn't that I didn't love her. I adored the woman with all my heart. But I was still afraid of that recurring conversation, the memories of how I was a problem child. And if it wasn't that, it was my Grandpa.
Funny how those were always the recurring topics, things I didn't want to address. And now, on top of things, we were going to have to talk about Piggie's health.
I sent her money for his medical bills, so maybe things were different for him.
But still, the other topics of conversation I just wish we could avoid…If only there was something else to talk about...
I stared at my phone and instantly became very still.
There was one subject that had gone unaddressed for so long - too long. Oh, God.
Half an hour later, I was in the kitchen, shaky hands pouring a cup of coffee. I couldn't call Mom immediately. I needed to will myself, build up my willpower.
After two cups, I found Mom's name in my phone book, hesitated to hit call but forced myself.
I breathed deeply, taking a seat at the breakfast counter and put the phone to my ear.
She answered but was silent.
"Mom?" I spoke.
"Hey, honey." She sounded deflated.
"Did you get the money?" That was all I could think of to start with.
"Yeah. It's actually really helped. He's already showing improvement." She paused. "Thanks, baby."
It was painful how thankful she sounded, yet so miserable.
"Mom, I'm gonna come see you," I confirmed.
"Yeah." I smiled upon hearing how she lightened up. "I'm sorry about last week. My phone just...cut off, I guess."
I heard a sniff before she spoke again, "It's OK. When are you coming around?"
"Well, I got the launch this week, so maybe not now. How about 2 weeks?"
"Yeah, that's perfect. I have a job interview to prepare for anyway. I applied to this new boutique that opened in town. My interview is next week."
"That's great!" I was actually excited for her. Things weren't just looking up for me, it seemed. "I'm really happy for you."
"Yeah, me too. I'm not even nervous. Just ready to start working again. Anyway, how about you?"
"Actually, Mom…" I paused, squeezing my hand into a tight fist.
"What's wrong, Brianna?" She lowered her tone.
How did she know? I didn't even sound sad. Mothers intuition? Because I always thought that was bullshit. Like, if I was a Mom, I'd be the worst in picking up on things.
"You there?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, I just…" I licked my lips and swallowed. "Mom. Why was I adopted?" I sighed. "Why did they give me up, Mom?"
She was silent for a moment. I could practically feel how she turned cold. "It's time, isn't it?"
I nodded, not that she would see, "Yeah. I...I need to know."
"OK...How about we talk about that when you come here?" She asked.
"No. I...wanna know. I need to know." My voice cracked. "Or I won't be able to move on."
She's silent again…just for a moment. And I felt like I crossed a line.
But she spoke. I hadn't crossed any line.
"OK...Brianna? I just want you to know that I love you, and I always will. No matter what, I'll never stop loving you." Her own voice was cracking now. "When you came into my life, I never realised I could be so happy, how I felt when I met you. You were this...little light that brightened the dark...a reminder that life wasn't so bad. And I promised I'd give you the best life. I'd be the best parent you'd ever have." She paused again. And I knew she was crying. "Brie, it wasn't that your parents didn't want you. I'm sure they knew that they would have been the luckiest parents in the world." She was crying. "Brie. They...they went for a drive one night. And it was raining really bad. And they…"
She was silent. But I nodded slowly, my eyes just staring at the counter, glassy with tears. "I-I understand."
"I'm sorry, baby." She whimpered. "I should have told you this years ago. I...I didn't know it would affect you for this long. I'm such an idiot."
I held my forehead in my hand. "No. No, Mom. You're not. You had no idea." I sniffed.
"I know. I know. But I just...I...How do you tell a child something like that?"
"Don't worry about that, you idiot. I know now." One of the tears finally slid down my cheek. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Brianna."
I smiled, wiping the tear away. And then a quiet laugh escaped. "OK, I can't lie. I don't wanna leave you like this right now. Let's talk some shit or something."
She laughed in return. "God, you and your potty mouth."
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