#so I just kind of nodded and went along with it despite having no idea what the hell she just said
Whumpers, what are your earliest memories?
Mine is from when I was about two or three. I was in a stroller, at my cousin’s Irish dancing recital. After the recital, my aunts were talking down to me in the stroller, and to each other. I was experiencing extreme anxiety because I couldn’t understand what they were saying, when I felt I should have been able to communicate with them like they were communicating with each other. I was also very tired and dazed. I did not cry though… I probably looked normal on the outside.
I also remember when I was about four or five, I went to the beach with my dad and one of his friends. I somehow found my way onto the dock, planted my little rear end on a jet ski, untethered it from the dock, and started floating into the sunset. There was an old lady lounging in a donut inflatable out some way; she said something to me, but I couldn’t understand what she said, despite trying really hard. I’m assuming it was something along the lines of “Oh my god get off that jet ski you’re going to fucking DIE, kid,” but again… couldn’t understand a word of what she said, and got frustrated because she was speaking English (without an accent) and I should know how to understand adults speaking English to me.
At this point, my dad is yelling at me from across the water, and a young lifeguard drags the jet ski back. On land, my dad lectured at me very harshly as he led me back to the car. I didn’t know I had done anything wrong, and was very confused. At some point this guy starts quoting the Bible at me, and the only thing I could pick out were the words (spoken very emphatically), “Your days are numbered.”
“My days are numbered?” cue a vivid mental image of a calendar, with dates listed for every day of the week, “What does that mean?” Later on I figured out this was the Bible’s way of referencing death at God’s hand which just made me even more confused as to what I did, until at age thirteen, I figured out, “Oh a baby who can’t swim floating on a jet ski is terrifying, actually.”
Tagging: @kaleidoscopr @redd956 @hereissomething @astudyinpanda @c0ldbrains @straight-to-the-pain
#tag game lol#I had a thing with not understanding people very well (or at all) as a child idk if that’s normal kid stuff or what lol#Like you know how in dreams people’s speech is a blur? That was how I (mostly) interacted with the world from ages two to six#My best friend at the time would talk to me a lot (she was a couple years younger) and she was still partly in the “babbling” phase#and couldn’t speak clearly at all#so I just kind of nodded and went along with it despite having no idea what the hell she just said#Which I continued to do with everyone else into adulthood; as soon as someone talks to me I zone out whether I want to or not lol#My life has been a perpetual cycle of: “Why can’t I do that; am I stupid or something?” > studying it intensely > excelling at it#Like humor. No one laughed at my jokes in my first year of public school; so I watched what made people tick…#By the time junior year online English class rolled around I had the teachers and students in stitches almost constantly#Likewise with understanding people: I zone out all the time; but I can quickly replay what I heard in my head and ask a question to verify#if that’s what they said; then give an appropriate response to it#Basically I repeat 70% of what people say to me during conversation to make sure I’m not missing anything#As a result I’m now pretty good at figuring out what people are saying if there are language barriers or speech abnormalities involved#But do NOT give me verbal directions; I can and will forget them the instant you walk away
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attapullman · 6 months
Robert From Next Door | Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Summary: You've lucked out with the perfect neighbor, a kind and overly helpful WSO. He puts up Christmas lights, lends his lawn mower, and grabs your morning paper. But what happens when he's out of peppermint tea one night?
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings & Notes: Robert "Bob" Floyd x gn!reader, extremely fluffy, food mentions, heavy making out, shirtless Bob, only referred to as Robert for the series, unrealistic expectations of next door neighbors, 18+ as always. This idea hit me like a bus while walking the dog (where I almost was hit by a bus) and has been fully unable to leave my brain since then. Cozy, sweet, overly helpful Neighbor!Bob is literally all I want for Christmas. And he's my holiday present to all of you!
robert from next door | if only the neighbors knew
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“I have a ladder you can borrow.” You look up from the box of Christmas lights you’re detangling in the garage to see your neighbor standing in the opening to the street. Coffee mug in hand as he watches you loop out another knot. He’d noticed your garage open that morning, too early for a Saturday, and came to investigate or possibly offer assistance. If there is one thing Robert Floyd does best, it’s help his neighbors.
You had moved into the tidy bungalow just under a year ago, placing a potted fern on the doorstep and painting over the dated beige walls. It was finally starting to feel like a home. Now with the holidays approaching (as reminded by the entirely too jolly Santas everywhere in town) you were excited to start new traditions in your humble home. And it started with putting twinkling lights on the house, lights currently tangled in the cardboard box you haphazardly threw them in twelve months ago. 
Threading out another knot, you give him a playful smile. “How do you know I don’t have a ladder?”
“Lucky guess?” He’s not going to admit he’s scanned and memorized nearly every inch of your garage.
The day after the moving truck came and went, you were thrilled when your first new neighbor rang your doorbell. While you had expected some middle aged woman with a plate of brownies and a plea for babysitting, you were pleasantly surprised at the man in a flight suit (Lt. Robert Floyd according to the stitching) with the striking blue eyes who stood there instead. He didn’t have brownies, but he happily gave you the lowdown on the neighborhood as you sat amongst moving boxes drinking lemonade out of paper cups. 
As the months passed, an easy friendship had developed amongst neighbors. In the morning before making his way to base, Robert would scoop up your morning paper and walk it up the seven steps to your porch. The paper boy always threw it short. And despite numerous pleas to leave it be - you didn’t mind the short walk - every morning when you went for the paper, there it sat neatly on your mat along with any misdelivered mail.
And when he wasn’t saving kittens from trees in his free time, Robert was a shining example of a great neighbor. Driving his truck for a trip to get plants at the nursery, lending his mower when yours broke in the heat of July, cleaning your gutters when the leaves fell…you shouldn’t be surprised he’s now offering up his ladder so you can enjoy your Christmas lights. Looking down at the tangled mess, you hadn’t even thought about how you were going to get them actually on the house. Nails? Did you even own nails?
Not even an hour later you’re standing on the sidewalk facing your home with a hot cup of coffee in your chilly hands. Propped up on a ladder with detangled lights in one hand - and a tool belt around his waist like your personal Mr. Fix It - Robert hums to himself as he hammers nails into the trim before wrapping the first strand of lights in place. 
You had accepted his ladder graciously, but mentioned you needed to hit the hardware store first for nails. With a nod of his head he left your garage and you continued on the lights. It was a tedious project, but rewarding once the final strand lay flat against the concrete floor. You were digging around in boxes for tools when your neighbor reappeared. He had a ladder and his tool belt, a full box of nails clutched in his large hand. Cheeks warm, you assured him you would buy your own. He let out a playful pfft.
“Nonsense. It’s Saturday, the hardware store will be packed. Consider them an early Christmas gift.”
You couldn’t help but smile. “Let me at least trade you for them? A cup of coffee?”
“Do you still have those Kona beans?” His ocean blue eyes are hopeful.
Your smile widened as you nodded. The overpriced beans you had expensively shipped every month were a favourite of the weapons systems officer. Last month you had hosted the homeowners association meeting (for the first and hopefully only time) and Robert had raved about the coffee you served. He was used to the basic stuff they made on base, his own home brewing not much better. Your coffee was the best.
When you came back to the garage after whipping up a carafe - hot mug in hand - you shouldn’t have been surprised to see your neighbor already up the ladder, deep into the project.
You holler up to him. “Robert, get down! You don’t need to do that!”
But he waves you off, insisting that he had already started and might as well finish the job. He would just drink your delicious coffee once he was done. And so you were relegated to the sidewalk to make sure everything looked straight from the street. 
From this distance you could admire him innocently. The military-issue wire frames that catch the morning sun. Broad shoulders under the neat canvas barn coat he recently replaced when the corduroy collar ripped. His strong hands shielded from the chilled wind under his workman’s gloves. Because someone like Robert Floyd follows safety precautions and owns workman’s gloves. 
At this angle you can see the slight smile on his lips as he strings lights along your porch. For the next hour you watch him put up lights, him occasionally turning back and asking you how they look.
“Are you sure they’re straight?” You promise him they are, but he meticulously checks his work anyway. He wants your house to look perfect. 
The wind has tinged both your cheeks a deep pink and the cold is starting to seep through boots. Robert has nailed the last of your lights to the trim and deemed them faultless. He comes down the ladder and walks to stand beside you to admire his handiwork. Hands on hips - with that damn tool belt still astride his waist - he turns to you beaming at a job well done. It’s impossible not to beam back, thinking how long it would have taken you to do even a job half as good.
“Thank you for putting up the lights. You didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.” He isn’t sure whether your cheeks are red from the cold or something else. “I’m so lucky to have you as a neighbor.”
His smile is permanently stuck at your compliment. He opens his mouth to make a joking comment about the coffee you owe him - anything for more time together - when he feels the telltale buzz in his pocket. Pulling it reluctantly out after shedding a glove, he sees it’s Phoenix and is only semi-annoyed. They have lunch plans, which he’s running late for. And while he’s sure his front seater would approve of him blowing her off for the neighbor he can’t stop talking about, he’s a better friend than that.
Turning back to you, where you’re enjoying your freshly strung twinkling lights, Robert rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “I have to head out…lunch plans. Rain check on that coffee?”
Nodding through your disappointment, you help him gather up his ladder and assure him that coffee is his whenever he wants.
The following morning you pad toward your front door, eyes bleary from a deep sleep. The house was cold and you pull your robe tighter around you. Through the glass panel in the door you can see your paper on the mat, as always, ready for you to consume over coffee and toast. As you open the oak door and scurry to shut it with the paper secured, something - or rather someone - catches your eye. 
Robert stands in the doorway of his own bungalow, calmly watching the neighborhood. The thick fair isle sweater covering his wide shoulders looks incredibly cozy, and he nurses a mug between both hands. He exists in that moment without worry, and you’re envious. 
His placid expression is broken when he feels your eyes, turning his head to see you, bedhead and newspaper clutched in your fist. His lips turn in a warm smile and he raises one hand in a slow, friendly wave. Your heart flutters, utterly taken away with how surely he carries himself, how sweetly he treats others. An emotion quickly squashed when you realize you are still standing in a bathrobe and knobby socks, flying back inside and shutting the door with heated cheeks. 
As you go about working on your Sunday chores, you keep picturing Robert’s face, that small happy smile you can’t get out of your head.
Later that night, after hours of tossing and turning in the sheets unable to find peace, you finally trudge down the hall into the living room, settling under blankets on the plush couch with a cup of chamomile. You’ve lost details of the plot of the movie you started, brain racing as your fingers fidget with the mug. 
The faint trill of your phone on the coffee table breaks you from your thoughts.
“Hi. It’s Bo-Robert…from next door?” You yawn a hello while checking the clock. It was nearly one in the morning. “I just wanted to check if everything was alright? Noticed your lights were on.” 
A warm feeling spreads through your chest at his concern. Picturing him peering out his kitchen window with the striped cotton curtains, filling up his own kettle, distressed that your house lights were on so late. You’d like to think he wore tartan pajamas, neatly buttoned. Those would suit him. 
You settle back into the cushions as you reply. “Everything’s fine. Just couldn’t sleep.”
His thoughtful nod can practically be heard through the phone.
“Better question is, what are you doing up so late?” 
The whistle and clink of boiling water and china crash over the line. A sigh pulled from his lips before responding. “I was going to make myself a cup of tea while I finished some reports, but appears that I am out.”
You glance down at your own mug of tea. It’s late, but not that late.
“What kind of tea do you like?” He muses on about his lack of preference - an equal opportunity tea lover - before admitting he was looking forward to a cup of peppermint. You make your way to the kitchen, phone pressed to your ear as you both open your cupboards. Your voice feels small as you offer, “I think I might have some.”
A silence lingers on the line. An unspoken late night implication that neither of you knows what to make of it. Your fingers flip through boxes of tea that take up too much cupboard space. Pomegranate, green, oolong. You don’t even drink tea that often. But right as you think you have too many white teas, you see the striped box of peppermint tea, one lone bag waiting for its turn.
You empty the box and walk to the window in your kitchen, where you can see the faint light on through his curtains. You clear your throat. “Look out your kitchen window.”
To your disappointment, Robert does not wear tartan pajamas to sleep. Although you are delighted to see his shirtless chest, defined from years of Navy training. He waves at you through your respective kitchen windows, holding up his mug of hot water. You lift up the tea bag, and his face splits into a toothy smile.
Before you can offer to bring it to him, he’s already turning toward his front door, speaking into the phone, “I’ll be over, just a minute. Need to find my coat.”
By the time there’s a soft knock on the door, you’ve turned on the kettle and gotten a fresh mug for him. You open the door, greeted by the tip of his nose and ears a merry red, the cold kissing his features. He’s been outside all of a minute. You usher your neighbor in, watching him observe how you’ve put up garlands and festive knickknacks in the entry since his last visit.
He slips off his boots, bare feet settling on the cold hardwood, and fingers the collar of his canvas barn coat. In his rush to come over he’d thrown his coat on forgetting his bare chest. It feels obnoxious to be half naked in your home, so he keeps his coat on and follows you to the kitchen. 
“Peppermint still good?” You tease, the packet of tea leaves in your hand. He nods, slightly distracted by how cozy you look in your soft loungewear and the robe from this morning. Dunking the bag into the hot water, you search for a topic to pass the steeping time. But when you turn to talk to him, words catch in your throat because he’s right there.
Eyes so blue the sky is jealous. Shy smile so friendly it warms the room. Your thoughts dirtily flit to the tool belt around his waist on the ladder, fingers adeptly wielding a hammer. Fingers that brush yours in the proximity. He’s so close and your brain blanks as bodies simultaneously take action.
Your mouths find each other effortlessly, bodies pressing together as if they know the moves the two of you were just figuring out. The low-lying tension building for the past year breaking the surface as the dark of the house gives you both the bravery needed. His hands are cold as they find your waist, your hands too warm on his chilled jaw.
His mouth is all soft lips and hard pressure, the faint hint of toothpaste in his taste. It’s exactly as you imagined, but better.
Lips become more desperate the longer you connect, your back suddenly against the counter as he presses into you. This moment has been building since he’d watched you first walk up the front steps with that too big moving box. A hand slips into his sun-bleached locks he always has so perfectly combed. He moans into your mouth, a sinful noise in the quiet kitchen. 
Before sense can interrupt, you’re reaching for the zipper of his coat, revealing every inch of his toned pale chest as the zipper slowly comes down. You slide a hand over the skin, a low gasp slipping out at the strong muscle. You’ve been attracted to his mind for so long, it feels unfair his body should be attractive too.
He shrugs out of the barn coat and follows you to the lowly lit living room, where the couch is softer on your back than the counter edge. Sitting side by side, knees knocking, he’s more hesitant to touch you in this context. Despite his body screaming to explore every inch of his pretty neighbor’s mind and body, he knows he’s basically barged into your home and immediately stuck his tongue in your sweet mouth. You get to set the pace. 
“This okay?” His hand encompasses your knee, thumb rubbing smoothly through the fabric. You nod, tilting your head toward him to continue kissing. He’s warmed up now, your home and body bringing him to temperature. Robert smiles into your kiss. You can’t get enough of him, wanting to consume him fully. He’s delicate with you in the most delicious of ways; gentle kisses pressed to your soft lips before sliding his tongue across to politely ask for access.
Your mouth can’t open fast enough.
You place you hand on his hip, enjoying the warm skin and lean muscle beneath your fingertips. Groaning lightly into your mouth, he blindly reaches for your hips to bring you into his lap. His tongue takes its time to taste you, learn every intricacy of your flavor. Administration so thorough your eyes roll back in your head. The sounds escaping you music in the darkened room.
Fingers dance across skin, finding purchase on thighs, shoulders, chests. You can’t get close enough to him, resting one hand on the back of his neck as your swollen lips press harder to his. Robert loves the way your thighs straddle him as he leans against the couch cushions, his warm, large hands along your back bringing you closer to him. Your sharp inhale as one hand toys with the waistband of your lounge pants.
When his lips trail down your neck, praising the delicate skin, you can’t hold back your declaration any longer. “I…I’ve wanted this for a while.”
His lips pause, brow furrowed. “This?”
That gratified smile will forever be imprinted along your neck. “I’ve wanted you since the day you moved in.”
The whimpers that rip through you when he nips the thin skin behind your ear have him grabbing your chin and swallowing your sounds. Reveling in the shared passion you’ve both had simmering beneath the surface. Can’t help his hips rutting up into yours, glorious friction he’s been craving satisfied. You giggle through a moan against his lips.
“So, we could have been doing this all year long? What a shame, lieutenant.” 
You ground down in his lap, running your own tongue along his lips and savoring his taste. Thoughts of what he tastes like after his peppermint tea have you wrapping your arms tighter around his bare shoulders. Behind his head, outside the window, the faint glow of the Christmas lights he strung up shines in the winter night. How did you find this perfect man, and how is he your neighbor?
You express your gratitude for him with your mouth along his jaw, licking along the skin while he deliciously whimpers in your ear.You can only take so much before you’re sealing your lips over his again, inhaling his every breath.
As lips finally reach exhaustion - brains well past tired as the clock strikes a new hour - Robert and you pull apart with content smiles. Already cold without his warmth, you immediately lean back into him. He’s practically a furnace now under your ministrations. Unspoken words pass between as you invite him to sleep on your couch with you. A throw blanket produced from the nearby chair as the two of you tangle your limbs. There’s something comforting in the way he rests your head upon his arm, your knee upon his thigh. Again, it’s like your bodies know the actions like they’ve been waiting for you to finally figure them out.
You’ve just settled your head upon his warm chest when a thought strikes you, prompting you to lean up to look at those sleepy cerulean eyes. The small curious smile he gives you melting your heart.
“Did you still want your tea?” 
He shakes his head with a chuckle, using the last of his energy to tuck the blanket tighter around your body. “It’s okay. I got what I really wanted.”
Your heart feels two sizes too big as he presses a kiss to your temple before sleep takes you both. 
When the winter sunrise streams through your curtains the next morning, you refuse to get up. Perfectly warm wrapped up in the thin throw and your neighbor’s arms, you are purely too content. When Robert blinks open his eyes and gazes at your face, he sees the same placid smile he wore the morning before. The same one he’s had since you moved in next door. 
Despite both being all too happy to remain entangled on the couch, sharing small kisses on any skin within reach, the responsibilities of Monday morning dawn and you must get up. Reluctantly you release him, watching him fold the throw neatly upon the sofa arm before helping you stand. Warmth blossoms down your spine the more you’re in Robert’s presence, the little things he does meaning so much to you. Especially as he strides through your home shirtless, musing about the whereabouts of his coat on the kitchen floor.
Your eyes flit to the cold mug of abandoned peppermint tea as you offer him coffee. But he’s intent on getting home for his flight suit, the drive to base longer than he’d like. Of course, he would ideally spend the morning drinking your expensive delicious coffee and listen to you go on about the neighbors down the street with the atrocious holiday decorations. If you’d let him, he would spend every morning like that for the rest of time. But his admiral would put him in drills all week if he was any later.
You walk him to the door, robe pulled tight across your chest to keep out the cold. He’s pulled on his boots for the short walk and wraps his arms around you in an intimate embrace, disappointed this perfect night must come to an end. You bury your nose in his jacket-covered chest to enjoy the last of his herbal and citrus scent, hands reluctantly slipping from his middle. He turns to leave and both your hearts pang.
When Robert reaches the end of your path, he bends down and picks up the paper, thrown too short as always. He turns around and retraces his steps, walking back up the steps and straight up to where you reside in the doorway still. Fingers brush as he hands you the newspaper, saving you the walk as he always does. Only this morning he tips his head to press a kiss to your lips.
You’re already adding peppermint tea to your shopping list as you walk back into the house. Just for him.
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see what antics happen at the next HOA meeting
taglist: @callsign-mongoose
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bitchiswild · 3 months
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President’s Daughter
GP Yujin x F! Reader Warnings: choking, squirting, cream pie, etc. Word Count: 2.7k A/n: This has been in my drafts for so long FINALLY ITS OUT UGH
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Being the president's daughter has its good and bad sides, especially when you're a target. Right after your dad became president, he insisted on getting you a bodyguard, just in case. You didn't like the idea at all—having someone always watching you, being bossy, and all that. But your dad wanted you safe, so you went along with it. That's when he introduced you to Yujin.
"Y/n, this is Yujin, your bodyguard. She's here to keep you safe," Dad said, a hint of exasperation in his voice.
I rolled my eyes as I glanced at Yujin, sizing her up with an air of superiority. When I looked back at Dad, I made a show of sighing dramatically. "Fine, whatever," I muttered, reluctantly extending my hand towards Yujin. "Hi, I guess. You're supposed to be protecting me or something."
Yujin gave me a once-over before shaking my hand, her expression neutral as if she had dealt with bratty kids like me before. She simply nodded in response, clearly unimpressed by my attitude.
As the days passed, I made it abundantly clear to Yujin that having a bodyguard was more of an inconvenience than a necessity. I would often complain about her presence, insisting that I didn't need someone constantly watching over me.
One afternoon, while walking through the crowded streets, I grew increasingly irritated by the way Yujin hovered protectively beside me. "Seriously, Yujin, you don't have to follow me everywhere like a lost puppy," I snapped, earning a disapproving glance from her.
Ignoring her silent reprimand, I veered off the path, determined to shake her off. But no matter how hard I tried, Yujin remained steadfast, never letting me out of her sight.
Frustrated and feeling rebellious, I decided to test her limits. "I'm going to grab a coffee. Don't follow me," I declared, darting into a nearby café.
To my surprise, Yujin didn't budge from her position outside. Despite my attempts to push her away, she stood her ground, unwavering in her commitment to protect me.
Defeated, I begrudgingly returned to her side, my earlier defiance replaced by a begrudging acceptance. It was clear that Yujin was more than just a bodyguard; she was a force to be reckoned with, determined to fulfill her duty regardless of my protests.
Reluctantly, I conceded defeat, realizing that perhaps having Yujin by my side wasn't such a bad thing after all.
As you spent more time with Yujin, something changed inside you. Despite originally resisting her, you started to feel drawn to her in a way you couldn't explain.
You discovered that behind Yujin's serious exterior was someone who genuinely cared about you. She didn't judge your flaws; instead, she supported and guided you as you opened up to her.
Through your conversations and shared experiences, you learned to let go of your pride and embrace vulnerability. Yujin became more than just a bodyguard; she became a trusted friend who made you feel accepted and understood.
One night, after drinking too much at a party, you found yourself in a vulnerable situation. Yujin, always watching out for you, came to your rescue, guiding you safely through the crowded streets.
In that moment of vulnerability, you saw Yujin's unwavering dedication and kindness. It made you realize how much you cared for her and appreciated everything she did for you.
From that night on, your feelings for Yujin continued to grow, fueled by gratitude and admiration for the incredible person she was.
As the day of your date arrived, you felt a mix of excitement and nerves. Meeting at a cozy café, you were greeted by Yujin, who surprised you with her casual yet stylish outfit.
Sitting together in a quiet corner, you found yourselves engrossed in easy conversation, punctuated by shared laughter that seemed to light up the room. Yujin's usual serious demeanor gave way to genuine smiles and laughter, and you couldn't help but be charmed by her warmth.
As the evening progressed, you found yourself drawn to Yujin in a way you hadn't expected. Her laughter was infectious, and you couldn't resist joining in. Despite her typically reserved nature, she seemed relaxed and happy in your company.
Leaving the café with a promise to meet again soon, you felt a sense of hope and anticipation for what the future might hold—a future filled with more moments of laughter and happiness shared with Yujin, the woman who had captured your heart.
You still acted like a brat, clinging to your status as a daddy's girl, which seemed to define much of your behavior. However, everything changed when Yujin stepped in and challenged you, ultimately putting you in your place.
Yujin's firm voice cut through the tension, her hands gripping your neck as her movements intensified. "You've been getting on my nerves all day, princess," she declared, her thrusts becoming more forceful as you trembled beneath her touch. "I've had enough of your erratic behavior. If your daddy didn't set you straight, then I will." With each powerful thrust, she asserted her dominance, driving her point home with undeniable intensity.
The room was filled with the unmistakable sounds of your pussy squelching and your whimpers echoing off the walls. Your tightness enveloped Yujin's cock like a vice grip, eliciting moans of pleasure from her lips. Every vein on her throbbing shaft pulsed against your sensitive walls, sending waves of sensation coursing through your body.
"Y-Yujin," you whimpered, your body jerking with each powerful thrust. "What is it, princess?" She asked, her gaze intense as she looked down at you, her necklace dangling tantalizingly close above your face.
"F-Faster, p-please," you pleaded, your voice barely a whisper as desire surged through your veins.
With a wicked grin, Yujin increased her pace, driving into you with a relentless urgency that sent shivers down your spine. Her movements became more primal, each thrust hitting you with precision, igniting a fiery pleasure that consumed your senses.
As the intensity grew, so did the rawness of your desire, spilling out in a stream of dirty talk that only fueled the passion between you.
"You like that, baby?" Yujin growled, her voice husky with desire. "You like it when I fuck you like this, don't you? Tell me how much you want it."
Your breath hitched as you moaned in response, words tumbling from your lips in a fervent confession of lust. "Yes, Yujin, yes! I want it so bad. I need you to fuck me harder, deeper. Make me yours completely."
Her grip on you tightened as she thrust into you with an almost savage fervor, each movement pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy. With every gasp and moan, you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating pleasure of being utterly consumed by her.
Yujin flipped you onto your stomach, pulling your ass towards her as she thrust her cock inside you, eliciting a sharp cry of pleasure from your lips. Her movements quickened, driving deeper into you with each powerful thrust.
"You're gonna listen to me from now on, right, princess?" Yujin demanded, her voice commanding as she held you close. Your face buried in the pillow, you were too overwhelmed with pleasure to respond, lost in the sensation of being thoroughly ravished.
Noticing your lack of response, Yujin tightened her grip on your hair, pulling you closer to her as she whispered huskily into your ear. "I asked you a question, princess," she murmured, her thrusts never faltering as she asserted her dominance over you with each
"Y-Yes, I promise I'll be a good girl," you cried out, your voice trembling with arousal as the tightness in your stomach grew more intense with each of Yujin's powerful thrusts.
Your body quivered with anticipation, the sensations overwhelming as you felt yourself nearing the edge of ecstasy. Yujin's relentless thrusts only fueled the fire burning within you, pushing you closer and closer to the brink of release.
"My good girl," Yujin growled, her voice dripping with satisfaction as she felt you trembling beneath her. "You belong to me now, princess. Say it."
"Yes, I belong to you," you moaned, your words punctuated by gasps of pleasure as Yujin's thrusts continued to drive you wild.
"That's right," Yujin breathed, her grip on your hair tightening as she claimed you completely. "You're mine to control, to pleasure, to punish... however I see fit."
The mixture of dominance and desire in her words sent a thrill through you, amplifying the pleasure building within you to dizzying heights. With each thrust, you felt yourself surrendering more fully to Yujin's power, lost in the intoxicating bliss of being
The bed began to pound against the wall with each passionate thrust, echoing the rhythm of your pleasure-filled union. The sound of skin meeting skin reverberated through the room, punctuated by the occasional sharp slap that added an extra layer of sensation to the electrifying atmosphere.
"Shit, baby, I'm gonna cum," Yujin groaned, her voice laced with urgency as she felt the climax building within her. "I'm gonna fill you up so good."
The thought of Yujin releasing herself inside you sent a surge of desire coursing through your veins, pushing you closer to the edge of your own release. "Yes! Cum in me," you cried out, your voice a desperate plea as you welcomed the impending explosion of ecstasy that awaited you both.
With one final, powerful thrust, Yujin buried herself deep inside you, her body tensing as she poured herself into you. The sensation of her release triggered your own, sending you both over the edge into a whirlwind of pleasure that left you breathless.
As your body shook with the aftershocks of pleasure, Yujin turned you around, her gaze fixated on your abused pussy, still leaking with her warm cum. With deliberate movements, she reached down and pushed her fingers into your sensitive folds, eliciting a whimper of pleasure from your lips as you felt the familiar sensation coursing through you once again.
Removing her fingers, glistening with your combined arousal, Yujin brought them to her lips and sucked them clean, her eyes never leaving yours as she savored the taste of your shared cum. Then, without hesitation, she repeated the motion, pushing her fingers into your mouth, urging you to taste the evidence of your shared passion.
You complied eagerly, sucking on her fingers with a hunger born from the intoxicating pleasure you had just experienced together. The taste of her mingled with your own arousal only served to fuel the fire between you, igniting a newfound desire that lingered in the air long after your bodies had finally stilled.
The action reignited Yujin's hard on, so she pulled you close to her, her arousal evident as she positioned you with your legs folded, knees next to your ears. "I-I can't, too sensitive," you mumbled, your body still buzzing from the intense pleasure you had just experienced.
Yujin, undeterred by your protest, teased your entrance with her throbbing cock, the anticipation sending shivers down your spine. "One more, princess, give me one more," she demanded huskily, her voice dripping with need as she pushed her cock inside you once again.
The sensation of her entering you anew was overwhelming, and you couldn't help but scream out in ecstasy as pleasure washed over you like a tidal wave. Your moans filled the room, mingling with Yujin's own guttural sounds of pleasure as she thrust into you with abandon.
But amidst the pleasure, there were also whimpers of delight escaping your lips, the intensity of the moment threatening to overwhelm your senses entirely. Yujin's dirty talk only fueled the fire burning within you, each whispered word driving you closer and closer to the edge of oblivion.
"Fuck, you feel so good, princess," Yujin growled, her voice strained with desire as she ravished you relentlessly. "You're mine, all mine. Say it."
"Yes, I'm yours," you gasped, your voice a desperate plea as you surrendered yourself completely to her. "Take me, Yujin, fuck me until I can't think straight."
After your desperate plea, Yujin's demeanor shifted, her movements becoming rougher and more commanding. With a primal growl, she gripped your hips firmly, her thrusts gaining in intensity as she took you with a fierce determination.
"Yeah, that's it, baby," Yujin grunted, her voice husky with desire. "You're mine, all mine. Gonna fuck you real good."
Each thrust was a forceful reminder of her dominance, driving you deeper into a state of euphoria as you surrendered to the pleasure of being thoroughly ravished by her.
"Take it, princess," Yujin growled, her breath hot against your ear. "You're begging for it. Can't get enough of me, can you?"
Driven by an insatiable hunger, Yujin unleashed her desires upon you with unbridled ferocity, pushing you to the limits of pleasure and pain.
"Fuck, you're so tight," Yujin moaned, her voice thick with lust. "Gonna make you scream my name."
With each powerful thrust, you felt yourself teetering on the brink of oblivion, your senses overwhelmed by the sheer force of Yujin's passion.
"That's it, baby," Yujin encouraged, her words a mix of pleasure and command. "Cum for me. Let me feel you unravel around me."
And as she claimed you as her own in the most primal of ways, you found yourself lost in a whirlwind of sensation, completely consumed by the raw, unbridled ecstasy of being utterly dominated by her.
"Fuck, I'm gonna make you squirt," Yujin growled, her voice dripping with anticipation as she sensed your impending release.
“Y-Yujin” You whimpered.
As the pressure inside you reached its peak, Yujin's words spurred you on even further. "That's it, princess, squirt on my cock," she urged, her voice laced with desire as she drove you towards your climax.
With a primal scream of pleasure, you felt yourself gushing around her, your juices flowing freely as you reached the pinnacle of ecstasy. Yujin's movements never faltered as she milked every last drop of pleasure from your trembling body, driving you to heights of pleasure you had never known before.
As the waves of pleasure washed over you, you couldn't help but cry out Yujin's name, your voice a mix of ecstasy and desperation as you surrendered yourself completely to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you.
Yujin continued to thrust into you relentlessly, her movements driving you both to the brink of ecstasy. The sensation of her cock deep inside you, combined with the erotic charge of her commanding presence, ignited a firestorm of pleasure within you.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum inside you," Yujin groaned, her voice thick with desire as she felt her release building. "You're gonna take all of it, princess."
Your body quivered in anticipation as you felt the heat of Yujin's impending climax radiating through her. With each powerful thrust, you urged her on, craving the sensation of her hot release filling you completely.
As the intensity reached its peak, Yujin's control slipped away, and she succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her. With a guttural cry of ecstasy, she buried herself deep inside you, her cock pulsating as she unleashed wave after wave of her essence into you.
You cried out in pleasure as you felt Yujin's hot cum flooding you, filling you up with every drop of her release. The sensation of being completely filled by her only intensified your own climax, sending you both spiraling into a euphoric frenzy of pleasure that left you breathless and completely sated in each other's arms.
After the intense passion and pleasure subsided, Yujin gently withdrew from you, her movements tender as she held you close in her arms. The air was thick with the scent of your shared intimacy as you both lay entwined, basking in the afterglow of your encounter.
Yujin's touch was gentle as she caressed your skin, her fingers tracing soothing patterns along your body as she whispered sweet words of affection and reassurance. "You did so well, princess," she murmured, her voice soft with tenderness. "You were absolutely incredible."
Feeling utterly spent yet content in her embrace, you nuzzled closer to her, savoring the warmth and comfort of her presence. Yujin's loving embrace enveloped you like a protective cocoon, her touch a balm to your soul after the intensity of your shared passion.
As you lay together in the quiet intimacy of the moment, you felt a profound sense of connection with Yujin, a bond forged through the raw vulnerability and intimacy you had shared. And in that moment, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist of fate that had brought Yujin into your life.
"Thanks to my dad, I met you," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude as you looked into Yujin's eyes. "My bodyguard, my girlfriend... I'm so lucky to have you."
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buckyownsmylife · 22 days
out of the woods (chris evans x famous!reader smut)
the one where Chris watches an interview of you on the Ellen show
Warnings: mention of small stature in comparison to Chris, smut thoughts, Ellen Degeneres trash talking/thinking, cursing, mention of prescription medicine, talk of age gap (reader is younger than Chris), jacking off, daddy kink
WC: 3k
A/N: this doesn't really have an ending, so if you all like it, I might make a series out of it - the idea is that you are also famous (for acting, singing, writing) and have been friends with Chris but there's always this underlying tension between the two of you. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: no, he's not married in this story nor do I intend to feature Alba in any part of it whatsoever.
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Chris’ P.O.V.
I was scrolling through Twitter when I realized some fans were tagging me in a short video of Y/N on Ellen DeGeneres’ show. I knew she had gone there by herself, mostly to promote her new album, but also to give some publicity for our movie, so I was aware that she would probably talk about me at least a bit… Curiosity got the best of me and I clicked the link to check the video for myself.
She looked gorgeous as always, her hair down in that way I loved so much and her skin seemed to be as soft as ever under the mini dress she chose to wear, her legs stretching out and making her look taller than she actually was. I chuckled, remembering just how small she looked by my side.
I remembered one time when I lifted her up, bridal style, and spun her around the pub we had close to the set, after the Patriots had won a game. Despite not understanding the game, she tagged along and celebrated every time I got excited, like the cute person that she was. I got so transfixed by her giggles back then. They were the sweetest sound and the only thing I heard, despite the fact that we were in the middle of a very loud bunch of dudes. 
I found myself imagining again, as I had then, what it would be like to have her under me, trapped by my arms in bed, or better yet, against a wall, only my thighs securing her in place while I made her moan with my touch. How would she sound? Or, better yet, how would she feel?
Shaking my head, I tried to gather my thoughts so as to not let them stray too far in that direction, something I didn’t have much success in doing, despite the fact that I had been practicing that simple habit every single day since I met her. But it was proving to be a nightmare. She was just far too tempting.
Shaking my head once more, I focused on the video in front of me. My heartbeat had sped up as soon as it started, but I tried to tell myself it was because I was scared for her, since I knew how Ellen could get invasive sometimes.
“So, Y/N…” She started, eyeing my co-star. “You have just finished working on a movie with someone we’re very familiar with, isn’t it?”
Y/N giggled, nodding at the blonde woman. “I suppose so. We have just finished the promotion for it, maybe you guys have already seen it?” She asked the crowd, who went nuts at her. It was sweet to see this kind of feedback, I truly believed in our movie and the fact that I got to know her was just an added bonus.
“For those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about, it’s called ‘Be Here Now’ and it’s currently in a theater near you. Y/N stars alongside Chris Evans, who we love so dearly here, and they play brother and sister as they try to reconnect after their parents' passing.”
More applause at that. I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes at her idea of love. Last time I was there, she made me pretty uncomfortable, and I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.
“So, how was the process for you? We know you’re familiar with the filming process, since you star in your own series ‘Evermore’, that sent you to stardom, along with your songs, but you had said before you’d never act outside of it, since your true passion relies on music. What changed your mind?” Ellen sat back as she said that, already comfortable with the fact that something good would come out of this interview, since Y/N had been pretty vocal about what made her decide to do the movie, even with me.
“Chris did, actually. Or, in fact, the fact that he was cast in it.” A chorus of “aws” echoed around the room and there was no way to know if they were real or prompted, but they were quickly interrupted by the host.
“So, you were a fan?” She instigated, as to what Y/N nodded again.
“Of course. Well, my mom more than me, but I was the one who introduced his work to her, so…” She poked her tongue out at the camera, to which my heart (and my cock) jumped in response. “Ever since I got into this, when I first had the idea for Evermore with James, I told him time and time again I would never act outside of this, because I had no intention whatsoever on becoming an actress. I have always been in this for the music. Well, the writing. I’m a writer, I like writing scripts and songs, I’ve fallen into this performer thing by accident. But I’ve always been adamant about the fact that if I ever had the opportunity to act alongside Chris, I’d take it. It doesn’t matter that I don’t think I’m good enough. It didn’t even matter if the script was terrible, which thankfully wasn’t the case, I just really admire him and his work and I would never live with myself if I turned this opportunity down.”
Even though I knew most of this, I couldn’t help but to gloat at the fact that this incredible woman actually admired me. She was so much better than me in so many things, even acting, and she still thought I was great enough to get her to participate in a movie. 
“So, what I’m hearing is, you have a little crush, that’s right?” And there it was. The coup. Of course. That evil wench…
“That’s what you took out of everything I said? Jesus, Ellen, has anyone ever told you that you listen like a man?” Ouch. That one was perfect. Being the ambassador for females and lesbians everywhere, it couldn’t not hurt her, especially coming from someone as angelical, sweet and universally-loved as Y/N. I appreciated the quick second her smile faltered before it became plastered on her again.
“No, I haven’t heard that before… But tell me, have you met any of the other Marvel actors? I mean, granted, there are a lot of them now, but especially those who have worked closely with Chris?” Y/N shrugged at that.
“I have been friends with Elizabeth Olsen for a very long time, we’re very close, but other than that, no. I haven’t had the chance to properly meet, or rather, hang out with any of them.”
“Who’s first on your list?”
“Anthony Mackie,” Y/N promptly responded, getting a few laughs and claps from the audience.
“My, you had that answer ready” Ellen teased, to which Y/N simply shrugged again. 
“We talk through social media sometimes and I know for a fact he’s hilarious. I hope we get to meet sometime. I might just have to bug Chris about it.” She had already, in fact. I couldn’t wait to introduce them to each other and I was already planning my next party just to be able to make that happen.
“What about Sebastian?” Ellen asked, a glinter of something extremely suspicious in her eyes.
“Sebastian Stan? No, we haven’t met, but I’d love to get the chance to someday. He seems extremely sweet and I know he’s very talented and Chris loves him, so I think it’s a matter of time until it happens.”
“I heard somewhere you had a bit of a crush on him, right? Even if you don’t admit that you have one on Chris?” This fucking woman. I could fucking kill her right now. But, to my surprise, Y/N simply laughed.
“Truly, you have got to check your hearing sometime soon, because that is absolutely false.” 
“Really?” Ellen pushed, to which Y/N beamed even brighter at her.
“Positive.” A beat as the two women stared at each other down. “I think what you meant is that I have had a huge crush on his character, Bucky Barnes.” Y/N explained, laughing at the host. “I admit that only happened after I saw Sebastian’s portrayal of him, but my attraction to a fictional character can’t be really connected to him.”
Ellen nodded, obviously not paying attention to anything she was just saying. “Well, let’s figure out who do you actually feel attracted to, shall we? Let’s play fuck, marry or kill!”
The audience screamed and, to my surprise, Y/N didn’t even blink, a patient smile painting her lips as she calmly watched the interviewer. “So, Y/N, between Anthony, Sebastian and Chris, who would you rather fuck, marry or kill?”
Y/N shook her head, still smiling at the older woman. “I couldn’t possibly answer truthfully to this question, Ellen, mostly because I am not capable of feeling carnal attraction to people I have never met, but I can 100% assure you that I would marry Chris without blinking twice if there was a choice.” 
My heart skipped a beat at her words. The crowd went crazy, obviously satisfied with the answer.
“And you’re sure you don’t have a crush on him?” Ellen’s eyes glistened with mischief, as she stared at the younger woman.
“Ellen, I think the question here is… Are you sure *you don’t have a crush on him?” The laughs from the audience was the last thing to come from the video before it stopped, and I found myself echoing them in the silent living room. Oh my, how I missed this girl.
I tapped my fingers nervously on my jean-clad thigh, looking around the room. I had been staying in Boston with my family for the last few weeks, since the movie premiered and we had finished promotion, and I had found myself constantly calling her to share funny stories from my nephews or to hear about her day. I knew she wanted to meet my family, she had always said she admired the fact that we were so close, despite there being so many of us.
My mom obviously loved her, having been a fan of hers long before I even heard about her existence. So what if…? 
Before I could second-guess myself, I pressed call in the name of the woman I had been thinking about. The phone rang three times before she picked up, stopping me from giving up on this crazy idea.
“Hey, Chris! How are you? I missed talking to you, it’s so weird seeing you everyday for four months and then suddenly not at all anymore.” I know I was literally forty, but I literally melted at this girl’s words.
“Did you now? Is that because you wish we were married, so we could see each other everyday?” Her breath hitched as she realized I had seen the video and I could just imagine the cute little embarrassed expression she was probably sporting right now. I tried to ignore the fact that my words and tone of speaking had suddenly become way too similar to when I was flirting with a girl.
“Fuck, you saw the interview.” I had never heard Y/N curse before, so the fact that I suddenly had no control over my mouth could be explained by the unavailability of blood in my head, since it had all gone south.
“Come stay with me for a while,” I spilled suddenly. Silence was the only answer I got from the other side of the call and my heart sped up in a way that only happened when I was truly anxious. I was already cursing myself out for scaring the poor girl when she finally answered.
“Are you serious?” She asked, her voice barely over a whisper. It was obvious how vulnerable she was feeling, and a sense of overprotectiveness overcame me. “Please don’t joke about this, Evans. This better not be a prank. ‘Cause I really do miss you a lot.”
Fuck indeed. There was no way something good would come out of this idea, but there was no way I would go back either.
“Of course I’m being serious. Come to Boston. You can stay with me, but I think my mom is going to steal you before you even settle in.” A large breath came from the other side.
“Okay. Okay! I’m going to pack my bags. Yay! I’m so excited!” She was clearly jumping up and down with the perspective of what was to come, and I couldn’t help the smile that painted my lips not only at her cuteness, but also due to my own excitement at her arrival. 
“Great! I’ll be waiting.” My heartbeat still hadn’t gotten back to a normal speed. “Text me the details of your arrival, I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
“Chris, I don’t think that’s such a good idea…” I knew what she meant. If someone caught sight of us together at the airport, or even the fact that she was here in Boston, all hell would break loose in the press.
“Shhh, don’t worry about it, baby girl. I’ll take care of it.” I froze, only then realizing what I had just called her. A few seconds ticked by while I silently freaked out, wondering how I could brush this over, when she intervened.
“Thanks, Chris. That was pretty much the best thing I’ve ever heard. I just might forgo my prescription medicine while I’m over there, because you’ve been able to completely relax me with just two sentences.” She giggled and if I was at first leaning towards thinking she was sarcastically teasing me, just by the nature of her words, the tone of her voice made it clear that she actually meant what she had just said.
Once again, I was at a loss for words, especially because I couldn’t help but to allow myself to imagine that this was her, flirting with me a little bit. The blood I so desperately needed in my brain had once again left to pump another organ full of life. I was saved from having to answer, though, as Y/N quickly wrapped up the conversation.
“I’ll text you the details of my flight in a little bit. See you soon, angel.” She hung up before I could process the nickname she had given me. 
“Fucking hell,” I whispered, finally relenting and getting up from the couch to take a shower to rub one off.
I had found myself in this situation more times than usual after meeting Y/N. Normally, I’d only do it out of boredom, preferring to fuck someone whenever I’d get sexually frustrated. But the last few times I had taken girls from parties into my bedroom, I could only see her. Y/N. And I hated how disgusting I felt after it was done, the fact that I didn’t care about the girl I just fucked and the fact that I imagined my younger friend.
So now I resorted to this kind of activity. As the warm water started to hit my body, I allowed my right hand to travel the extent of my body until I found my hardened member. “Fuck,” I found myself whispering into the bathroom as I tugged on my cock. Images that I had spent a lot of time concocting in my head flashed in front of me, all of them starred by Y/N. 
I imagined her nude body here with me, under the falling water. How her breasts would heave with every breath she took. Would she be as filled with desire for me as I was for her? I imagined the path the warm droplets of water would run across her skin and how I wished I could lick its remnants. 
Maybe she’d fall to her knees before me, looking up from under her eyelashes with that coy expression that drove me crazy. Her lips would softly kiss the tip of my cock and she’d still be watching me, analyzing my reactions. I would do my best to restrain myself, allowing her to get accustomed to my member, but my hands would eventually find their way to her wet strands, creating a makeshift ponytail that would facilitate my vision of her work while I still managed to control myself and not use it to guide her.
She’d kiss the skin all around my cock, quick little kisses just to tease me before going further down to suck on my balls. I’d throw my head back, begging her to do what I needed, and she’d finally succumb, wrapping her lips around my tip before slowly sucking further down my dick. She’d be relentless, eventually being able to swallow my whole member down her throat, and I would look down again to see her looking up at me with a proud gaze in her eyes.
“Such a good girl,” I would whisper, just before I finally snapped, using my grip on her hair to pull her from my cock until just the tip remained tightly squeezed by her lips, until I pushed her all the way against me again. “Take this fucking cock like the little perfect girl you are for daddy.”
And she’d take it like a pro, a satisfied smile on her lips as I fucked her mouth, eventually breaching into her throat, making her gasp for air, tears in her eyes as her hands flew to my hips in an attempt to slow me down. But she wouldn’t really, opting for simply carving her nails on my flesh as she took every single rope of cum I’d deposit between her eager lips.
Fuck. I let the water wash away the sin I had just committed while sending up a prayer for better control when Y/N arrived. The last thing I needed was to be stuck in the bathroom, touching myself while she was at my house.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 months
𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 | Business Decisions
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He's not who people might think he is.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Yoongi, Human!Reader, Unstable AU, set prior/during the Jungkook storyline, dystopian AU, space/Sci-fi/cyberpunk-esque, strangers to lovers, Angst, Violence, Drama, romance, adult, eventual smut
Length: 3k Words
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Min Yoongi is, despite his looks and quiet nature, a very kind person. Or at least, that's what some very selected people will tell, if one was to ask them.  
His tail softly sways behind him as he keeps an eye on the main operational panel in front of him, while you watch. His cat-like ear snaps a bit irritated at something- when his eyes turn towards you, glaring. “can you.. stop staring?” He requests, and you nod, instead turning to look out the large window of the spaceship instead. You’re quiet, but not mute- having talked to him quite a bit before. Maybe you simply don’t speak much, or don’t put much value in.. smalltalk.  
That’s fine by him. He doesn’t either. 
He's found you- or rather, you found him- just hours earlier at an outpost, asking him to take you along to another location in exchange for a small amount of money. Where he went next you didn't care- you only needed a ride to get around, most likely used to this kind of life, since you'd obviously chosen him very specifically amongst all the other options at the bustling restaurant.
In hindsight, it made sense that you approached him despite his grim appearance- he was the shortest and least threatening looking species in that restaurant at the time, and was also one of the only one's there without any company at all. You're clearly smart about this whole process of finding a ride from one place to another-
otherwise, you wouldn't have lived like this for so long, having done this for years, according to you.
“There is.. Food over there. If you’re hungry.” He tells you, and you look over to spot the metal trunk in a corner, before you nod at him, not moving at all however. 
“I’m not.” You answer, though your stomach growls as if to disagree, making you clearly a bit ashamed of it, eyes widening at being betrayed by your own body like this. 
“Just eat. I wouldn’t offer it if I didn’t want to give it to you.” He mumbles to himself, resuming his task of checking the ship’s systems again while you stay seated where he’d last told you to sit. You still won’t move, and he’s unsure why not- but he’s also aware that he shouldn’t get too invested in you. You’re gonna be dropped off next stop, and that’s gonna be it- which is for the best, because getting involved with humans is never a very good idea.  
And he’s also still on a mission to get his revenge- and secure his place in the foodchain, to be no longer seen as nothing but a docile little pet. A mission that might as well kill him- and if he can avoid pulling anyone down with him, he surely will. 
When he notices your eyes blinking longer and longer, he walks to fetch a sleeping bag from one of the other metal trunk in the corner, to offer it to you. “Sleep. It’ll still be a few more hours until we’ve reached the next outpost.” He says, and you take the sleeping bag from him with a thankful nod, before you spread it out right on the floor where you sit, to crawl into it and lay down. He has a suspicion what your way of earning money had been until now, but with your behavior so obvious, it’s very clear to him now.  
It makes him upset. The fact that you’ve been driven so far just to somehow survive.  
Either way, he stays awake to both keep himself safe just incase he’s misjudged you and your intentions, and to make sure the old and very small spaceship keeps it’s course as it sometimes tends to deviate over time due to the old navigation system. And yeah, maybe he also can’t help his instincts as well- 
Unintentionally guarding you while you sleep, eyes always checking up on you any time you move in your sleep.  
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Min Yoongi was born on Zoldos- a small, cold and relatively poor planet, which had been industrialized for ages. He remembers his father making toys out of junk he found while working at the metal factory each day, turning trash into small spaceships for Yoongi to play with.  
Most of his time however was spent with his mother, and the many children she’d foster over the years of his childhood- many of them he’d see as his sisters, as all of them would be girls given up by their families, since in his culture, they’re said to just be expensive and too much work to raise. Maybe this way of growing up, helping his mother with the young kids every day while she taught him everything he needed for his future, made him into the man he is today.  
His father had always been described as ‘unusually soft’ compared to what is usually expected and seen in his kind- Xaqal people tending to be combative, easily irritated, and quick to escalate situations into physical violence to defend themselves from others. But his father was already uninterested in any of the usual past-time activities his coworkers would indulge in, like underground fighting, or gambling- rather spending his free time home with his son, foster children and partner, which was unusual in itself. Usually, partners of his kind don’t stay together after their children learn how to walk- but Yoongi remembers that even when his mother passed, his father would continue to live at the same house, to find new homes for the remaining children, before he moved away as well once Yoongi decided to leave the planet.  
Yoongi is still in contact with his father, and doesn’t believe that he should’ve been raised any different than how he was. 
But his now rather soft and kind character comes with a price to pay- with most people on other planets not taking too kindly to him and his friendly nature at first. Friendships don’t pay your bills after all, so the first lesson the young man had to learn back then, was to toughen up, and start thinking of only yourself first and foremost. Getting attached to others was a risk to take, and would most likely end in a burden one might think of unnecessary.  
Even so, Yoongi has made friends along the way. From a very, very charismatic guy named Seokjin and his mother on Cryon, or the stoic and self-admitted younger ‘Asshole’ human-Bolku hybrid going by the name of Jungkook. But other than that, he keeps himself independent- away from others.  
However, for some reason, he’s now sitting with you on a bench on the outpost while his spaceship is being refueled, having bought you some warm food to eat, despite your active arguments against that. Maybe because you’re obviously in need of protection, or because you’re not a threat whatsoever- but he feels like he should at least make sure you’ll be okay on this outpost, before he’ll leave you here.  
Deep down, he knows it’s not the question if you end up getting into a situation where you’ll be killed- but more so, when.  
“What are... your capabilities?” Yoongi asks after a moment, watching your hands as they tear apart a piece of bread to dip it into your hot soup he bought. A warm and filling meal was a good idea to him, since it’ll keep you energized for longer than just a snack or fast food.  
You look up at him, caught off guard, as you swallow down, thinking.  
“Hm..” You hum as you think. “I.. Can read maps pretty well. And I’m good at cleaning.” You say. “But I could probably learn other things pretty quickly, if needed. It depends on the job I could get.” You explain, and Yoongi nods.  
“So if you had to learn about another species’ health and how to care for it, you could learn quickly?” He asks, and you nod.  
“If.. Given enough recourses to teach myself.” You mumble, continuing to eat. He’s getting the feeling you’ve not had a filling meal in a while with how eager you are to finish all of it.  
“I will not offer you monetary compensation.” He says, and at that, you look up again. “But instead a place to sleep, regular food, and.. Basic protection.” Yoongi explains to you, and at that, you instantly nod.  
“I can do anything!” You chirp, desperate- and he carefully pushes you back down by your shoulder, calming you down again. “Really-” 
“I believe you.” He nods. “But Be aware that I am not just some traveler.” He remarks, and you nod.  
“I understand.” You say. 
“Hm. If that’s the case-” He starts, looking over to a small shop that sells different electronics. “-I’ll get the necessary equipment to finalize our agreement. Stay here- and don’t talk to anyone.” He commands, and you nod, continuing to eat while he gets up to walk into the shop. 
Many of the people inside this shop are wearing the distinctive blinking tiny tracker around their necks- either from a simple leather collar, something more sleek like a silver hoop, or even one with a chain. It’s to be expected, as most of what is sold here is equipment for ‘personnel’, as it’s called across the galaxy, after the term ‘slave’ had been outlawed and categorized as a slur.  
Yoongi can feel the eyes on him, since the tall, green-skinned lady at the counter most likely waiting just like the rest of them for another person to follow him to buy equipment for him, as it’s normal for his kind- but the second he picks out a combination of a tracker, and EID tag, and a simple, silver collar that wouldn’t stain or sit too tight around your neck, people become interested.  
“Size is a bit small for you, kitty.” The alien woman giggles, scanning the items to add the price of everything together. “You know how to set the EID up?” She says, clicking at the end of her sentences a foreign tone, similar to an insect. 
“I know how it works.” He tells her, voice stable and monotone, something he taught himself to never give away any sign of his actual emotions. Because showing them will show weakness- and Yoongi needs to keep up an appearance of indifference at all times, just so people can never quite figure him out.  
People naturally fear the unknown, down the line, no matter the species.  
“Alright. Just out of curiosity though..” She says, clicking sounding again as she narrows her dark eyes at him while he pays. “...who the hell wants to be under the command of a Xaqal?” She says, some people in the small store giggling to themselves as if a joke had been told.  
“Someone who will live a fairly comfortable life from now on.” He simply answers, payment confirmed by her system, before he takes the bag of items, and leaves- gazes following him long after he exited the store.  
He’s relieved to still find you right where he left you, no one seemingly having tried to take you away, or worse yet- so he taps your shoulder to gain your attention, nodding towards his ship in the distance. “Let’s go. I need to set up your EID after we take off.” He says, and you nod, getting up to follow him.  
“Are- are you sure I’m a good choice?” You ask, walking after him like some lost pet, eager to keep up with his rather fast pace. For a Xaqal, he’s surprisingly tall- not quite as tall as some of the other human’s you’ve met, which normally are considered a shorter species, but also not as short as some of the Xaqals you’ve seen in the past.  
“Are you trying to sway my mind?” He wonders, opening the cargo door to his spaceship, before he climbs in- noticing how you don’t follow. So he walks back, and has to swallow down a laugh- because you clearly struggle to somehow pull yourself up on the iron steps, which are too high off the ground for you to properly reach with your legs. “...well, at least you won’t take up too much space on the ship.” He mumbles to himself, before he holds onto one of the metal handles on the sides, before he pulls you up by your arm so that you can make it onto the steps, able to finally climb inside.  
He’ll adjust the steps in the future. Maybe add one. Or rather three. 
Back in the main navigation center of the ship, where your sleeping bag is still laying in front of the front windows, you sit down right there, as if you’ve accepted this spot as your place to exist.  
The ship calms after it breaks orbit, softly flying through the empty space while Yoongi sets up the EID tag for you. The electronic identification device opens a new window on his control panel as he places it on the scanner he has, asking for him to input the necessary information- and he looks over at you, where you sit, looking out the window.  
“Once I set this up, it can’t just be undone.” He tells you, and you snap your head towards him, before you nod. “Alright.” He mumbles putting in his own information and ID number as your set ‘Employer’- scanning the chip placed onto the bone of his forearm, before he waves you over. “Put your arm here.” He tells you, and you do- though nothing is scanned at all, no matter how you twist or turn your arm. Yoongi’s brows furrow. “Where’s your ID-chip?” He asks, and you perk up, before you turn around, pointing somewhat to a spot on your back.  
“My spine- it should be between my shoulders.” You say.  
“Spine?” He mumbles, unsure. The spine is not a good spot to place an ID chip, no matter how small it is- it could still dislodge and get in between important nerves or even the vertabrae, causing damage that would be potentially fatal. “Why is it there?” He asks, picking up the scanner to run it over your back- a beep signalling that the chip had been found, and sucessfully read by the device.  
“As far as I know, most humans and Yon get it there, because its harder to get out.” You explain, having turned around to curiously watch Yoongi tap away all the info into your future identification. “Because, you know, Humans and Yon are popular Personnel. People would just chop their arms off and exchange it for a prosthetic later after they'd take them and put them up for sale. So to combat that, we get the chip on the spine instead.” You say, and Yoongi cringes to himself, realizing now why he sees so many humans and Yon people with a prosthetic.  
“I’ll research any risks to make sure you’re not doing any tasks that might end up immobilizing you.” He mumbles as he finishes up the settings, the red blinking light on the EID tag turning a steady green, signalling that it’s ready to be worn.  
“Oh, don’t worry. The chip is attached to the bone, so it doesn’t move.” You inform him, and that reassures him quite a bit, as he nods, and uses quite a lot of force to clip the tag onto the silver collar- metal snapping into place, making it hard to get it off again.  
“Alright. Come here.” He tells you, and you almost proudly stand straight, offering your neck to him as he clips the collar around you- electronic lock clicking shut, never to open again for anyone else but him. “Is that alright?” He asks, and you nod, while he tests- slipping two fingers between the metal and your neck, just to make sure it’s not too tight. “Alright.” 
“Alright.” You mirror, getting only a mild reaction from him.  
“I’ll order some books and electronic information devices for you to study. We’ll pick them up at the next outpost.” He informs you, and you nod, taking this as a signal that you’ve been dismissed- so you walk back to the sleeping bag, sitting down on it to look out the window again.  
“Can I.. sleep a bit?” You wonder, and Yoongi nods.  
“I don’t need you right now, so you can rest.” He accepts, and at that, you eagerly crawl into the sleeping bag again to sleep once more, giving him a moment to think about what he’d just done.  
He blames his instincts, the fact that his kind lives in groups and usually prefers company at all times. Maybe it’s the fact that he actually does need someone to be able to help take care of his health if a job went south. Or maybe, he just can’t shed the way he’s been raised, even though he’s not that kind person anymore. Even still, he feels odd, looking at you asleep in front of those large windows.  
Like he just got himself entangled into something a lot more complicated than he believes right now. 
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smutstevington · 8 months
Resensitized (part 2) | Eddie Munson x Reader
(Find part one here)
Summary: Oh, how the tables have turned. Your porn star roommate is getting a little distant and weird after your night together. But don't worry - his attempts at avoiding you won't last long.
Word Count: 6.4K
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI!!! Smut (pwp), Pornstar!Eddie x Fem Reader, no use of y/n or defining characteristics, Eddie is a soft dom but has a kink for reader, grinding, pining, reader tempts Eddie and is kind of a BAMF, protected PIV sex, oral fem receiving, fingering, male self-gratification, hickies, communication/consent is sexy, things get very sweet at the end
A/N: Okay so you all loved part one and wanted more so...here we go! I tried to add what I saw requested - sub Eddie, some of his POV, the date, etc. By the way, I read ALL comments and tags, because they make me so happy. So, thank you to everyone who left feedback on part one and I hope this lives up to the hype?? xx
Wait, did he just say-?
“What?” you asked, your eyes wide. His face fell.
“Uhh, shit.” He let out a breathy laugh, then jumped out of bed to put his clothes back on. “That was, uh - I don’t know why I said that.” 
As you watched him hurriedly step into his boxers, face flushed and hair a mess, you couldn’t help but notice that you’d never seen him flustered like this before. Sure, during sex, his usual composure was blown to bits by the end, but this was different.
You’d heard about the concept of “post-nut clarity” before- men who think something is a good idea when they’re horny, then immediately regret it after the fact. But you weren’t offended by Eddie’s nerves, because you knew this wasn’t him regretting that he’d had sex with you.
It was him freaking out because he enjoyed it.
Let’s be real - successfully getting Eddie to bust after he’d insisted he wouldn’t be able to made you feel like a goddess. So, instead of feeling rejected or vulnerable, you were riding high. 
“You probably said it because you want to go on a date with me,” you teased, sitting up in the bed and swinging your legs over the edge. 
Eddie looked at you, but he didn’t respond. Instead, his eyes traveled to your breasts, lingered for a moment, then widened.
“Oh, shit,” he said.
He pointed at your chest, and when you looked down you saw several dark splotches on your skin. You chuckled.
“Well,” you responded with a sigh. “I think it was worth it. Any on my neck?”
“No! I was careful,” he replied. You eyed him accusingly. “I just got carried away at the end, there.” You smirked at each other, and you realized that despite the fact you’d had sex, the dynamic between you both hadn’t really changed. Not as much as you thought it would have, anyway.
“Well, luckily I stayed true to my word,” you replied, gesturing at his unblemished neck. He checked himself in your mirror to confirm, then nodded, impressed. You grabbed your robe from the floor and wrapped it around yourself, tying it until it was snug, then unintentionally began ogling the way his jeans hung low on his hips, his buttons and belt still undone.
“You see something you like, roomie?” he teased with a smirk. “My eyes are up here, you know.”
Your gaze snapped up to meet his as you bit your lip, guilty.
“Sorry, you’re hot,” you responded.
“And you’re drooling.” 
“Am not.”
“Are too.” 
Eddie took a step forward to close the gap between you, then dragged the pad of his thumb across the skin just below the corner of your mouth. Once again, you were mesmerized by him, your lips parting at his touch. After his thumb finished traveling along the curve of your bottom lip, his hand found a home against your cheek. 
“Eddie,” you said softly. “I would go on a date with you.”
His expression went through a series of small shifts - surprise, amusement, joy - then landed on cockiness, his lips pursed and brow raised.
“Good to know,” he replied. “We’ll, uh - We’ll talk about this more tomorrow, yeah?”
You were feeling incredibly sleepy, so you didn’t fight his avoidance of the subject. Besides, you lived together - you were bound to finish the conversation eventually.
“Okay,” you replied. “Night, Eddie.” He dropped his hand from your face, and you immediately shuddered at its absence
“Night, roomie.”
He didn’t kiss you, even though you very much wanted him to. You wanted him, in all capacities. As a roommate. As a friend. As more than that. You couldn’t quite comprehend it all in your tired state, though, so you let him leave. You heard his footsteps trail off down the hall, and you swore you heard a hesitation before his bedroom door creaked closed behind him. 
Fuuuuuuuucking hell. 
Eddie wasn’t supposed to feel like this. This wasn’t how he did things. He didn’t like this. 
Eddie closed his bedroom door and wished he hadn’t. He wished he’d instead stayed in your room and held you while you fell asleep and maybe fucked you a few more times because oh my god????
That was amazing. So amazing he’d nearly forgotten how the whole thing started.
He’d told you it wouldn’t mean anything. He’d told you that it wasn’t a big deal. That it was simply transactional and nothing else. 
He stayed there with his back against the door, breathing rapidly, hearing you walk down the hall and hoping you were coming to him. Instead, you went to the bathroom. He heard the toilet flush, then the sink running, then the sound of you brushing your teeth. 
You lived together. You were friends who signed a lease and who got along and had a good thing going and Eddie felt like he screwed it all up. 
He clutched his chest and let it rise and fall against his hand, his heart pounding beneath his ribs. 
Just calm down, idiot. You’re acting crazy.
He’d grown to care about you quite a bit since you’d moved in together. He loved any time schedules lined up and you got to spend time together. He loved joking around with you, and the way you let him be completely himself with no judgment. He loved how nervous you were around him after you watched his videos for the first time. That was probably his first clue that he kind of maybe liked you as more than a friend or a roommate. His second clue was less of a clue and more of a neon sign. 
Sex hadn’t meant anything to Eddie in a long time. Now it meant everything.
Unsurprisingly, you slept better that night than you had in months. You woke up with the sun streaming in through the windows, fresh as a daisy. 
You loved this apartment. You loved your room. You loved your roommate.
You didn’t love him like that. Actually, maybe you did. Or maybe he was just so good at sex you were getting your feelings confused. 
It was still early - Eddie would probably be asleep for a few more hours. It’s one of the reasons why you didn’t see each other much - you woke up early, made breakfast, then left to work or run errands, and he slept in until the early afternoon, worked or rehearsed with his band, then stayed up late practicing guitar or playing video games with online friends in his room. 
You walked into the kitchen to get a pot of coffee ready, then made yourself a bowl of cereal. You checked your phone to see that your horrible Tinder date had messaged you again. 
Had a lot of fun with you last night. Would you wanna do it again?
Hmm. What was the classiest and least hurtful way to say, absolutely the fuck not??
To be honest, you’d forgotten him already, even though it had only been about twelve hours since you’d hooked up. He was entirely irrelevant, now. Every other partner you’d ever had paled in comparison to Eddie. That was just a fact.
Then, you realized you’d never told your friend what happened. You had passed out so immediately you hadn’t had the chance. 
Naturally, she called you pretty much immediately.
“Tell me everything, spare no details,” she greeted. You looked down the hall to see Eddie’s door still closed. 
“I don’t want him to hear me,” you told her.
“Wait, are you still in bed? Did this happen just now?”
“No, it was last night,” you answered, holding your phone to your ear with your shoulder so you could carry your coffee and cereal to your room. You closed the door with your foot and set everything on your desk, then sat down with a sigh. “It was the best sex I’ve ever had, no contest.”
“I’m sooooo jealous,” your friend replied. You laughed. “So, how did it start?” You sipped your coffee and leaned back in your chair, happy to recount the memory. 
“Well, I - that guy from Tinder came over, and it ended up being extremely underwhelming, and Eddie picked up on it because - um, anyway, he wanted to help me out, I guess?”
There was silence on the other end of the phone for so long, you wondered if the call dropped.
“I have so many questions,” she finally said. “Why did he pick up on it?”
“He heard my fake noises through the wall,” you answered. 
“He was listening?” she asked, a flirtatiously quality to my voice.
“Said he was curious.”
“Hmmmm.” You already knew what your friend was thinking. “And then he wanted to prove he was better than Tinder boy.”
“Yes.” She waited for you to continue, so you did. “He was all about communicating and doing exactly what I wanted him to do.”
“Hot,” she responded. “Did you - I mean, did he get you to - you know?”
“Yup,” you replied. “Four times.”
“Oh my God!”
“I know!!”
You realized that you were raising your voice, and you didn’t want to wake Eddie through the thin walls, so you calmed yourself down.
“So, what happens now?” your friend asked. “You’re going to hook up again, right? You have to. Do it for me, if nothing else.”
“Trust me, it wouldn’t just be for you,” you replied. “And I think we will. I mean, I know we will, but - well, he kind of asked me on a date after.”
“He WHAT?!”
“I was confused too!” you told her. “We’re going to talk about it more today.”
“You absolutely have to go on that date,” she said.
“Duh.” You laughed, but were interrupted by a light knock on your door. You brought your voice to a whisper. “Shit, he’s at the door. Talk to you soon.”
You put your phone down on the desk, took a deep breath and walked to the door, then opened it.
Eddie was fiddling with his rings, one corner of his mouth raised into a smile.
“You’re up early,” you noted.
“You were yelling,” he explained, his smile turning into a smirk. 
“That was not yelling,” you replied. “God, these walls are too thin.”
“That is how we got into this whole mess, isn’t it?” he teased, walking into your room and looking around as if it had changed since the night before.
“It’s a mess?” you asked. He turned around and shrugged.
“I was up all night thinking about it,” he began. “I just - it’s not a good idea - you and me starting something, I mean. It won't end well.” You laughed and rolled your eyes. “What?”
“You were the one who asked!” you pointed out. “Way to dangle the carrot in front of my face and pull it away.” He ran his hand through his hair and smiled, bashful. 
“There’s a joke in there somewhere where the carrot is my dick.” You rolled your eyes again. 
“God, Munson, get your head out of the gutter for once,” you told him. “If it’s a bad idea, why did you ask me in the first place?” 
He looked down at you, and you realized that he was wrong. It had changed things, because he’d never looked at you like this before. In an instant, he snapped out of it - clearing his throat and shaking his head.
“It doesn’t matter,” he replied. “Look, I like you. I like living with you. And you’re kinda my closest friend right now.”
“I thought you were used to fucking your friends, though,” you countered, referencing a statement he’d made in what felt like eons ago. 
“I was,” he responded. 
Two words, and yet he’d said everything he’d needed to say for you to understand the rest of his thought - I was that way, but I guess I’m not anymore. Not with you.
Well, fuck. He had a point, as much as you hated it. Hooking up with your roommate was a recipe for disaster, usually. It was why you’d resisted the idea for as long as you had.
“Okay,” you sighed. “So, I’m your closest friend, and you don’t want to mess with that.” 
“Exactly,” he agreed. You both stood there awkwardly, not really knowing where to go from there. Finally, he puffed out his cheeks and exhaled deeply. “I’m gonna go smoke.” You crumpled your face in disgust.
“Cigarettes are a bad habit,” you reminded him.
“Yeah, but I’ve got an oral fixation,” he replied.
“Oh, I know.”
He was stunned for a moment, and then you caught him fighting a smile. His tongue grazed across his upper teeth, and then he nodded.
“I guess you would,” he responded at last. He went to leave, but paused with one hand grasping the door frame and the other giving you a halfhearted salute. “Catch ya later, roomie.”
Then, he was gone. The conversation didn’t go at all the way you’d wanted it to, but whatever. It was for the best, probably. When you returned to your desk, you saw that your friend had never hung up. You brought the phone to your ear and shook your head.
“You’re too nosy for your own good,” you told her.
“He likes you,” she said.
“Yeah, but you heard him,” you continued. “It’s not happening.”
“Bullshit,” she argued. “That man is obsessed with you. You’ve totally got him hooked, but he’s pushing you away because he’s scared. It’s a tale as old as time, babe. You live together. Any attempts he has at getting over you are doomed to fail.” You laughed, then resumed eating.
“I don’t want to make him do anything he doesn’t want to do,” you said.
“You’re not,” she assured you. “You’re reminding him that he should do the thing he very much wants to do.”
“Please,” she begged. “For me. Otherwise I’ll just hear you pine about it some more, and it’s entirely avoidable.”
“Fine,” you agreed. She squealed into the phone.
“Yay!” You smiled against your coffee mug, then realized you’d actually taken one of Eddie’s this morning. “As always, keep me posted.”
“I will.”
She was probably right. Okay, she was right. Relationships and dating were things you had long given up on, ever since your horrific breakup. But one thing you knew about yourself was that, once you found someone you liked, you weren’t able to just…stop thinking about them. 
So, you decided to be a little sneaky. You wouldn’t do anything crazy, you’d just give him a few reminders on what he was missing out on. He liked you, and you liked him, and you knew with 100% certainty that you could get him to break. 
You had this in the bag.
Eddie was losing his mind.
For a few weeks, everything went back to normal. You were extremely level-headed, and things were how they’d always been between you. As if that one night had never happened. Which, granted, is exactly what he’d asked for, but he didn’t like it.
He thought about you all the time. He lingered in the kitchen and kept his door open on the off chance that you’d want to talk to him. He felt like a goddamn fucking idiot, honestly. It wasn’t even about the sex, he just wanted to be around you. He wanted to make you laugh. He wanted to make you blush.
But, more often than not, you were doing those things to him instead of the other way around.
He would walk into the kitchen and see you wearing an oversized t-shirt and no pants, reaching for something on the top shelf enough for the shirt to lift and reveal your cotton panties. He’d try not to stare, but he would anyway, and he’d fight the urge to fall to his knees and sink his teeth into your skin. 
He wanted to literally bite you on the ass. What the actual fuck was that about.
You’d sense his presence and look over your shoulder to confirm your suspicions, then smirk. 
“Good morning,” you’d say. 
“Morning,” he’d respond, already fighting a hard-on.
And you knew exactly what you were doing. You knew that it killed him every time you asked him to zip up your dress. You knew it made him blush when you’d come home on hot summer days and walk around in a sports bra and shorts. You knew his heart skipped whenever your playful banter turned flirtatious. You knew why his eyes focused on the edge of your coffee mug after you took a sip - because your lips had just been there. You had to know.
And then, one fateful night, he dreamt of you. 
He was at work, except you were the only other person there. He was confused at first, but then you told him that you were the one he was paired with that day. He nodded, but it felt different than all the other times he’d been told the same thing about other people. He took his shirt and pants off and tried to touch you, but you backed away, tutting and waving your finger at him. 
“Not this time,” you said. “I don’t want you to do anything unless I tell you to. Lie down.”
So, he did. He swallowed and felt his heart rate skyrocket when you climbed on top of him and rocked yourself against him. You were moaning, your eyes closed and lips parted. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you, but you weren’t going to let him. You kept your hand on his chest, holding him down, biting your lip. 
“Can I -?”
“Shh,” you cooed, focused on what you were doing. “Don’t talk.”
His cock stiffened as you continued to grind on it, and the feeling was indescribable. Your motions picked up, your hips rocking faster and faster, your moaning turning higher pitched and less controlled. 
He watched you - beautiful, sexy, incredible you - and felt the familiar feelings of his own orgasm building within him. Any moment now and he would -
“Fuck!” you cried out, your composure fully unraveling and your movements stuttering. He spilled onto his stomach immediately, feeling the warmth of that and himself and you all around him. You crashed down onto the bed, still breathing heavily, and pulled him into you. 
“Thank you,” you said, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. 
Suddenly, he jolted awake in his bed, eyes wide. 
He was sweating a little bit, but thankfully hadn’t jizzed in his boxers. He was grateful to keep up his streak of no wet dreams since his teenage years, especially since he shared a bathroom and washer/dryer with you. That would have been mortifying.
Seriously. What the fuck were you doing to him???
He decided he needed yet another cold shower - he’d been taking a lot of them recently. One would think that him still having sex with other people through all of this would have helped his situation, but it was actually quite the opposite. He didn’t want them, he wanted you. Besides, the sex he was having was for work. He did try once to hook up with one of the other actors after hours, but even that didn’t curb his desire for you in the slightest. 
He probably should have anticipated running into you on his way to the bathroom, considering you lived together and all, but somehow it took him by surprise.
“Hello,” you called to him casually from the kitchen. 
“Uh, hi,” he said, awkwardly standing in the hallway. He saw you sitting there, fully clothed and doing literally nothing remotely sexy, but he blushed anyway as if you were. 
“If you’re about to shower, just know there’s something wrong with the water heater,” you informed him.
“That’s okay,” he replied, perhaps too quickly. “I, uh - I don’t mind.” You put your phone down and looked in his direction, suspicious.
“Okay, weirdo,” you teased. “Anyway, I tried to talk to the landlord but I think he likes you better, so -”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll give him a call,” Eddie said. He pointed at the bathroom awkwardly and nodded. “I’m gonna - uh - yeah.”
Way to go, idiot. She totally knows something is going on with you.
He couldn’t worry about that yet, though. By the time he shut the bathroom door, his dick was so hard he had no choice but to deal with it. He hadn’t been this out of control horny since he was going through puberty. His face was red and his bottom lip was chapped from biting it so much. He stifled his grunts and groans to the best of his abilities, leaving the water running to mask the sound of him jerking off. 
It didn’t take long. It never did when he was thinking about you.
The shower was in fact cold, but he was too busy trying to figure out what he was gonna do to notice the temperature that much. He didn’t come up with anything by the time he was finished washing up, or even after drying himself off. He put a pair of pants on and opened the door, just to jump at the sight of you waiting for him by his room.
“You’re being weird,” you told him.
Yeah. There was no denying that fact.
“I know.” You continued, taking a step closer to him.
“You’re acting like I did when -”
“I know.” You eyed him with a smirk, then gestured for him to follow you to the kitchen. He did so blindly, even though he wasn’t sure why you needed a location change. Honestly, he would have followed you anywhere. 
“Okay, let’s talk about it,” you said, drying off the last of the dishes beside the sink. Ah. So that’s why you needed to be in the kitchen. “Did something happen? Did you find one of my videos?”
“Do you have any?” Eddie asked. He didn’t mean for it to sound desperate. He honestly was curious. But, combined with everything else, that’s how it came off.
“No,” you answered. “Not yet, anyway. So, spill. What happened?” Eddie took a deep breath and leaned with his back to the counter beside you.
“I had a sex dream about you.” You burst out laughing, your eyes squinting so much he could see the crinkles around them. He smiled, joining in with your laughter. “Don’t laugh at me!” You calmed yourself down and shook your head.
“It’s cute! That’s all,” you said. “We’ve all been there, Eds. Was this last night?” He nodded. “First one?” He nodded again. “But you’ve been acting weird around me a lot lately.”
“Woah there, detective,” Eddie replied, his hands up in defense. “What’s with the interrogation?”
“You told me I could ask you anything,” you responded. Eddie groaned, realizing he had in fact said that. Fuck. “Does the dream have something to do with the moaning that was coming from the bathroom just now?”
Eddie’s eyes widened. Fuck these paper-thin walls. This was worse than the time he popped a boner in math class. You stared back at him, smug, and he narrowed his eyes at you. Making people flustered like this was his move, dammit.
“So, what if it was?” he asked with a shrug. You rolled your eyes.
“Just admit that you have a crush on me.” Eddie couldn’t believe how bold you were being. Once again, that was traditionally his move. The tables were turning, and it made his heart race in a way he hadn’t experienced before. Your eyebrows furrowed at his silence. “Um, sorry. Maybe I had this all wrong -”
“I absolutely, 100% have a crush on you,” Eddie answered. “That’s not a secret though. I’ve been down bad since we - I mean, you know. And it’s fucking annoying. I feel like an idiot for telling you I didn’t want to go out with you. I thought that repressing it was for the best, and maybe it is, but at this point I reeeeally don’t think I can hold out much longer. No help from you and your refusal to wear pants around here anymore, by the way. It’s like you’re trying to rile me up.”
You looked down at your oversized sweater and exposed legs, then smiled. 
“That’s exactly what I was trying to do,” you admitted. “I’m glad it worked.”
“That’s mean,” he replied, smirking. “You’re mean.”
“Yeah, but you have a crush on me, sooooo….” He chuckled, then shoved you playfully against the arm. 
“Yeah, whatever,” he responded. “Congratulations, roomie - you’ve ruined me. Let’s go on a fucking date.” You smiled, big and bright, then bit your lip. Eddie realized he’d do anything to make you smile like that any chance he got. 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
You settled on going out to dinner. Nothing groundbreaking, but a date’s a date. Eddie originally suggested going to the arcade and playing laser tag, but you told him that was more of a third date kind of thing. 
Secretly, you both already knew that a third date would happen, so you didn’t stress the first. It was all a formality, anyway. A symbol instead of a step. Like, you already were close friends who lived together, and you’d already had sex. So it felt like you were going in reverse more than anything.
At least that’s how you thought it would feel. Instead, it felt perfectly natural - as if this was a normal situation that went in a normal order. You laughed, you people-watched, you flirted, and all was well. 
“Your place or mine?” he teased after he’d paid the check.
“Mine,” you answered. “I don’t have sex on the first date, Edward.” Eddie snickered.
“Bullshit,” he replied. You smirked, then got your purse as you both stood up from the table. He took your hand to walk you out of the restaurant, and neither of you even really noticed you’d never done that before. 
“I’m serious, actually,” you responded. “I mean, I used to be that way. Before I moved here and had that one night stand.”
“That godawful one night stand,” he reminded you. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, well it led to us hooking up, so at least something good came from it.”
“Yeah, you did,” he said with a grin. “Four times, if I recall correctly?” You blushed, biting your lip at the memory.
“Has anyone ever told you how humble you are?” you joked. He laughed, nudging his shoulder into yours.
“Not once,” he responded. 
It was a quick drive home, and conversation continued to flow easily. You were talking about some movie you’d both seen as a kid when you walked through your front door, and you’d nearly forgotten that you had just come from a date. None of it felt new, somehow.
“Well, I’d say that was pretty successful,” you said once there had been long enough of a silence. You went to grab yourself a glass of water at the sink, when Eddie said something behind you that sent a chill down your spine.
“Do I get to kiss you goodnight?” 
You spun around to face him, then nodded. He closed the gap between you and put a hand at the small of your back, then laid his other hand against your cheek, his fingers wrapping around to the back of your neck. He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours - slowly, gently, respectfully.
The moment you kissed back, his composure broke. He breathed you in, parting his lips to deepen the kiss, tightening his grip on you. Your arms went over his shoulders so you could be even closer to him. His tongue grazed your lower lip, then dove past it to lick the roof of your mouth. You moaned unintentionally, then broke from him just enough to speak.
“Woah,” you said, your head spinning. 
“Sorry,” he replied, putting his forehead against yours. “Too much?”
“Not at all,” you answered. “How long have you wanted to do that?” 
“Too long,” he responded, breathlessly. “Too goddamn long.” You gave him another peck on the lips, then cherished the way he chased you when you didn’t go back in for more.
“You want me again?” you asked him, softly. He nodded.
“Now?” you asked, as if you didn’t already know the answer. You could already feel him stiffening against you.
Within moments, his lips were on yours. His hands quickly tangled in your hair and pulled you deeper into him, your bodies flush with one another. He walked you backward until your ass hit the kitchen counter, then wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and lifted you up so you were seated. His hands abandoned the small of your back and went to your thighs, spreading them apart so he could stand between them. All the while he kissed you and touched you and and breathed into you. 
“I want to make you feel good,” he said. He was so close to your skin, you could feel the vibrations of his words. “Please let me make you feel good again.”
He nipped at your earlobe, causing you to shudder. Your eyes flashed up to the ceiling, all other thoughts fading away.
“You are,” you responded breathlessly. “You do.”
The confirmation seemed to only motivate him even more. His fingers began trailing up your skirt as he dropped to the floor, a frenzied desire in his eyes.
Ohhh lord. Seeing him on his knees for you turned you on more than you could have ever anticipated. 
“Please,” he begged, placing a quick kiss on your thigh. While it was tempting, you didn’t really want to have sex in the place where you prepared food.
“Yes,” you permitted. “But not here.”
“Why not?” he whined. “I eat here all the time.” You kicked him playfully, rolling your eyes.
“That’s gross,” you said. He stood up, grinned, and held his hand out for you to take.
“Tell me it’s gross in two minutes when I have you screaming my name again.” Your breath hitched as you took his hand and followed him to your room - you might have gone to his room instead this time, had it not been ten feet further away. You didn’t want to waste a single moment. 
“You’re dangerous, Eddie Munson.” 
“That’s what they tell me,” he replied with a smirk. “Now, take off your clothes and pick a number.” You were confused, but did as told anyway.
“Uhh, 7?” you said as you lifted your dress over your head. His eyes bore into the newly revealed parts of you - your stomach and chest and legs. 
“Pssh, easy,” he said, his gaze still fixed to you. “Let’s get this out of the way, too.” His arms went around you to unfasten your bra.
“What’s the number mean?” you wondered, shivering at his touch. Your bra fell to the floor beside your feet.
“Oh, it’s the number of times I’m gonna make you come,” he replied casually. Your eyes widened.
“What?!” In an instant, his hands groped at your breasts while his lips went back to your neck. “Eddie, I - mf,” you murmured, already succumbing to his influence. “What if I’d chosen a higher number?” Eddie broke away from your neck to look into your eyes with a smirk. You jolted when his thumb and forefinger flicked across your nipple.
“Then we would have to be here for a while,” he said. “Do you wanna change your answer?”
You stared at him, dumbly, unable to comprehend how you’d found yourself in a situation this perfect.
“Just shut up and kiss me,” you replied.
So, he did. One hand grabbed and pulled at your hair while he kissed you passionately. Then, he kissed down your jaw, to your collarbone, between your breasts, on your stomach. He left a trail of fire all the way down to your panties, your core already throbbing for him. Once he was back on his knees, he yanked your underwear down to your ankles and lifted one of your feet so you could spread your legs apart. 
His mouth was on you in seconds. No time for teasing. As he licked up your slit, you searched for something to hold onto. The only thing around was him, so you grabbed a hold for dear life, gripping a fistful of his hair. He groaned in pleasure as he tasted you, and you felt your knees buckling. He slipped a finger into you as his tongue swirled circles around your clit. He pulsed in and out of you, and your eyes rolled back into your head. You felt yourself cresting over the edge as your fingers tangled in his hair, and before you knew it you were losing your balance and falling to your knees across from him. While his head had separated from you, his finger remained buried inside you, undulating against your g-spot.
“Oh, sweet Jesus,” you muttered. You could tell that your first orgasm was just prefacing your second. “Don’t stop.” You shifted yourself until you could lie on your back against the floor. Eddie threw one of your legs over his shoulder and continued eating you out as he fingered you. Your hips grinded against him of their own accord as you moaned and squirmed beneath him. 
And then you felt that tightening deep in your stomach - just as you’d suspected - and all of a sudden you were shaking and exploding with pleasure, tears springing to your eyes.
“Fuck!” you shouted, quickly slapping your hands over your mouth to keep quiet. Eddie used his free hand to tug your arms away from your face, tutting in disapproval. 
“Don’t censor yourself, sweets,” he cooed. “I want to hear you scream.” He added another finger inside you, stretching you out. You gasped in delight. “I’ve wanted to hear it ever since that first night,” he continued. He kept his hands on you but crawled forward so his mouth could reach your breasts. He kissed one, gently. “I was hearing that pitiful excuse for sex through the walls and all I could think about was how I could fuck you better, and how you’d sound when you weren’t faking it.” He sucked right beside the last remaining hickey from the first time he’d done this. Your back arched, your heart beating so fast you were practically vibrating.
“Eddie,” you moaned. “I need you inside me right now.”
“I am inside you,” he said, flexing his fingers in a way that made your hips roll against his hand. You shook your head and reached down to his jeans, grabbing his cock and running your hand up the shaft. He stiffened, his eyes closing and motions stuttering. 
“This,” you clarified, tightening your grip. “I need this.” He groaned, then nodded.
“Fuuuuuuck, okay,” he said. He pulled his fingers out of you, licked them clean, stood up, pulled you up, then started stripping as you got a condom from your bedside table. By the time you’d retrieved it and turned around, he was fully naked and waiting eagerly to put it on. He ripped the foil open with his teeth and rolled it over his length, then sat you on the edge of the bed and lined himself up with your entrance. The corner of his mouth twitched into a smirk, his eyes dark and pupils blown out. With a final nod of your permission, he thrust himself inside you all at once.
You whimpered, your mouth falling open at the feeling of him completely filling you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, your heels crossed under his ass. He pushed himself in and out of you, guided by your feet, falling into a steady rhythm. You bit at his shoulder and neck, drawing groans of pleasure from his lips. You could feel his body getting warmer to the touch, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. You leaned back and laid down fully on the bed, and he quickly followed you. You both crawled further onto the bed until his body was stretched out and hovering over yours. You tightened your legs around him again and threw your head back, enjoying the way he continued pumping himself in and out of you. 
“Tell me that nobody else fucks you like I do,” he said in a husky tone. Your eyes were closed to keep yourself from being entirely overstimulated.
“N-nobody,” you stuttered. “Nobody fucks me like you.”
Suddenly, he was kissing you, and you were kissing him back, and he was fucking you, and you were rocking your hips against him, and his thumb rubbed at your clit, and you were coming again, and he was coming with you. Your mouths were open against each other, gasping and shaking, and then your eyes opened.
He was looking at you, really looking. As you returned his gaze, you got lost in it all. His hips stalled with his cock buried deep in you, but neither of you dared to move. You just kept looking into each other's eyes, breathing deeply, and that’s when you realized that one of your hands was interlocked with his. You kissed him again, slowly and leisurely, before sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and biting it. He moaned softly, appreciatively, then sighed.
“I lied before, about having a crush on you,” he said. You raised your eyebrows, mind still reeling from the sex.
“I think it might be more than that,” he explained. “I mean, it is more than that.” Your eyes widened.
“Oh.” He waited for you to respond. “Just - give me a minute. I’m still in outer space.” He flashed a small, crooked smile, then pulled out of you slowly. After he settled back into bed, you instinctively curled up next to him, which he happily accepted. 
This was nice. This was better than nice. This was perfect.
“I know that because of my work -”
“It’s more than that for me, too,” you interrupted. You angled your head to look up at him. 
“Yeah?” he asked. You nodded.
“And I don’t know how I’m gonna feel about dating someone who has sex with other people at work,” you continued. “But right now, I don’t care. Usually, I’d be jealous, but - but I’m not.”
“You really wanna give this a shot?” he wondered, desperately trying to hide his excitement. You nodded again, smiling.
“I don’t think we have much choice,” you replied. 
“Fuck yeah,” Eddie said, grinning from ear to ear. “Let’s do this, then.”
You kissed him on the cheek, then went back to cuddling up to his chest. He hummed, content. 
He was pretty sure he loved you, but that was for another night. This night would be spent making you come another four times, as promised.
Eddie was always true to his word.
(Next part)
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kenjakusbrainstem · 8 months
Always Staring (Yuuta x Reader)
Contains: Breast fucking, awkward first kisses, Yuuta being strange and off putting, reader probably more of a pervert than Yuuta though.
Hello! Day 2 of kinktober and I chose to do titfucking, despite having never written it before! I also have never written Yuuta despite him being one of my favorite characters. Always too afraid of mischaracterization. No fear of that now though! Crossposted to Ao3 under the same name and shared to twitter as kenjakusbrain. Comment or like if you have any thoughts!
This wasn’t the first time you’d caught Yuuta staring at your chest. It had become something you expected when the two of you went on missions together, at some point you knew you’d look over and see him lost in thought, eyes affixed on your cleavage. You never pointed it out, knowing he’d be far too embarrassed if you said anything. Plus, you didn’t mind the attention from him, as your crush on him had been steadily growing the more time you spent together. 
You were both seated in the back of Ijichi’s car, returning to campus after another successful mission. Only, this time the curse you’d been sent to exorcize had been near a lake, which had led to the two of you falling in at one point. Not the worst thing to happen and you hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now that you weren’t preoccupied with fighting you could tell he was distracted. It was late so perhaps he felt safer looking in the dark, but you could feel his eyes glued to your now nearly see through white button up.
Not that he was in much better shape, his own shirt stuck to the skin in a way that let you get a better look at his nice chest. Though it was different, you supposed, trying to avoid looking at his shirt. You felt your cheeks flush as you noticed how he was gripping his thigh. He looked lost in thought but you could tell he was exerting some kind of self control the way his nails dug into his slacks.
Without thinking, you reached out and grabbed his hand. The motion startled him and his eyes quickly jumped from your chest to your face. You could see the mix of fear and anxiety mounting on his face, the near permanent worry line on his forehead forming. 
Smiling softly, you tried to diffuse the tension by shaking your head at him. You didn’t want to talk about this in front of Ijichi of all people, you were just hoping to calm him down in some way. The stressed look didn’t quite leave Yuuta’s face, but he nodded back at you, allowing you to take his hand and move it from his thigh. 
You had expected him to pull his hand away, not to leave it resting awkwardly in yours.
A half formed idea made its way to the front of your mind. Perhaps Yuuta wasn’t the only one feeling bold in the dark backseat of the car. You brought his hand over to your own thigh, pressing his palm down onto the bare skin above your knee. You could feel him freeze up, more anxious now than when he’d realized you caught him staring. Moving your fingers along his, forcing him to apply more pressure.
Once you felt him knead your thigh on his own, you moved your hand up, caressing his wrist with your thumb. A half hearted attempt to soothe him after you were the one to stress him out. You weren’t entirely sure what your goal was, but it felt nice to have his warm hand on your skin. Part of you wanted to show him in some way that you wanted his attention, but it's harder to say things out loud than it is to just use your hands. You knew Yuuta well enough that you were sure he’d have a heart attack if you brought this up in conversation.
The two of you remained like that, slowly touching one another in the darkness until the car came to a stop. His hand didn’t leave your thigh when the overhead light came on however, nor when the door opened. You found yourself grabbing his hand again, threading your fingers together this time as you drug him out of the car. He allowed you to pull him, not letting go even as he bowed to Ijichi while you thanked him for bringing you back so late. 
Silently, you both made your way to the dorms, hands still clasped tightly together. It was late, so everything was quiet, you wanted nothing more than to return to your dorm and change clothes.
Passing Yuuta’s room, you noticed that he barely acknowledged that he should have stopped there, following you almost like a lost puppy on a leash. 
Maybe he just wanted to walk you to your room? Yuuta had always been very considerate and polite, so it would make sense. You didn’t want to bring it up and chance him getting nervous, you wanted to show him you cared after all.
Once the two of you made it to your room at the end of the long hallway, you paused. Turning to Yuuta, you opened your mouth to speak, to thank him for the mission and for walking you to your room. But you couldn’t speak, something was off about the look in his eyes. He looked like an animal at the shelter, begging for adoption. His eyes pleading, a strange loneliness in them mixed with something you couldn’t recognize.
“Do you want to stay here?” You asked, unsure on whether it was against the rules to stay with a classmate. You wouldn’t mind letting him sleep in your room, you’d slept in Maki’s after missions before, so it wasn’t entirely too strange to just want to not be alone. 
Thinking of how bold you felt in the darkness of the car, perhaps being alone with him could be good for both of you. The thought had your heart racing as you waited for him to answer.
“Please?” Yuuta’s voice was soft as he spoke. Quiet, as if he thought being too loud might ruin whatever was going on in this moment.
You squeezed his hand tighter and opened the door, letting him follow you in before turning on the light. Fortunately, your room wasn’t much of a mess, just some open textbooks on your bed as clutter. 
Awkwardly you both stood, looking anywhere but at each other. You were about to offer him a seat on your bed, but then you realized he was also still in wet clothing. 
“Our clothes are too wet to sit anywhere, did you want to go back to your room and change? You can still come back,” You offered, feeling a little unsure of yourself now. You had almost forgotten how wet you were, but looking at Yuuta in the light you could clearly see how his shirt clung to his skin. 
Yuuta had noticed as well, eyes once again stuck on your chest. You could clearly see the outline of your black bra against the white cotton. Your cheeks flushed again, part of you wanting to take your hand back from him and cover up. A different part of you, perhaps the same one that urged you to take his hand earlier, wanted you to change clothes right here in front of him and see what kind of reaction you could pull from him.
“No, I don’t want to leave,” Yuuta said, shaking his head at your question. He was a quiet person, usually due to his shyness, but however awkward the situation seemed, you didn’t sense any of Yuuta’s normal shyness. 
“Because you’d rather stare at my tits?” The question left your mouth before you had a chance to fully think about it. You weren’t upset, you enjoyed having Yuuta’s attention and the thought that he didn’t want to leave your side was perhaps what added to you being so forward. 
An undignified sound came from Yuuta, as if the question had smacked him in the back of the head. His eyes flew up to yours, worry now taking over any other emotion that swam in them earlier. There was the Yuuta you knew, stuttering to try and come up with some proper apology. His hand dropped yours as he stepped back slightly, trying to put some space between you.
“Did you think I didn’t notice? You’re always looking at them, how could I not notice?” You asked, more out of curiosity, did he really think he was being discrete?
He shook his head, his cheeks red with embarrassment. 
“N-no, I mean yes I do notice sometimes, but you, you never said anything so,” Yuuta struggled to get out a sentence, tripping over his words as he spoke. 
You felt bad for teasing him, the guilty look on his face making you want to hold him and apologize even if you had done nothing wrong.
“Maybe I like that you look at them,” You confessed. Your words made him freeze, the look of panic on his face turning to one of confusion. Slowly you brought your hands up to the collar of your damp shirt. “Do you want to see more?”
Yuuta blinked at you, still unsure if he was hearing this right. He figured he may have actually failed the mission today because this had to be some sort of heaven. He nodded, eyes drifting down to your fingers, eagerly awaiting what would happen next.
Without a word you slowly began to unbutton the shirt. It wasn’t hard, but you were still a little embarrassed, you’d never exposed yourself to another, let alone the person you’ve had a developing crush on! As your fingers reached the last button you shrugged the damp material off of your shoulders, baring more skin to him.
“Can I?” Yuuta asked, voice eager as he reached both of his hands out, gesturing at your chest. You weren’t completely exposed, bra still on. For some reason, you had a feeling it wouldn’t last long.
Nodding, you held still as Yuuta’s curious hands cupped your breasts. He squeezed them gently through the material of your bra. The pressure felt okay, but you knew that it would feel much better with his warm hands on your skin. You wanted more, and you could tell he did too.
Hands sneaking behind your back, you undid the clasp on your bra with a practiced ease. Yuuta’s hands froze as he felt the material come loose, falling to the floor. 
The look on his face was one you would never forget, his eyes wide and face red, it was cute how amazed he seemed to be. You leaned toward him, shivering as your nipples brushed up against the palms of his hands. 
His hands, rough from using his sword, kneaded your soft breasts. The pads of his fingers teasingly rubbing against your sensitive nipples, it felt so much nicer when he touched you than when you touched yourself. Yuuta didn’t know what he was doing, you knew that, but that didn’t matter when it felt so good.
Wanting to make him feel good too you let your hands fall to the front of his black pants, making short work of his belt before he could stop you. Pushing them down wasn’t hard, but he was trying to keep them up, moving his hips to try and move beyond your reach. He was still too fixated on kneading your breasts that he didn’t even think to use his hands.
While he was distracted, a thought crossed your mind, a bold one not unlike the thought you had in the car. Quickly you decided that you’d rather push this night as far as it could go than wait for Yuuta to make more of a move.
You pushed on his hips just hard enough to send him falling onto your bed. Softly bouncing in surprise as he hadn’t expected that. Yuuta looked up at you, wondering if he had done something wrong. You watched his eyes grow even wider as you got on your knees before him. Reaching out, you looped your fingers into his waistband and pulled his pants and underwear down, revealing his cock, hard and curving up toward his belly button.
Wonder and lust mixed inside you as you moved to feel him, your hand wrapping around him slowly. A gasp left his lips as you felt just how soft the skin on his hard cock was, it felt so perfect in your hand.
Before you could do anything else, a hand tightly wound in your hair, pulling you up just enough to meet Yuuta’s lips in a desperate kiss. The kiss was messy, your teeth bumping together as your tongue brushed up against his. Both of you were wound tight with excitement and a yearning for each other's bodies. 
As messy as the kiss was, it was your first kiss. Sloppy and frantic, but it somehow felt like you both were just excited to be intimate with one another. You felt Yuuta’s hand leave your hair, allowing you to pull back enough to breathe. Looking up at him made you want to kiss him again, his lips wet and mouth open slightly.
“I, figured we should, you know, have our first kiss before, well before whatever you're doing,” Yuuta’s nervousness could be felt as he spoke, tripping over his words as you continued to kneel before him.
Yuuta’s lapse back into shyness from his demanding kiss made your heart swell. No matter what was happening, he was still just as adorable as always. 
You smiled up at him before returning your eyes to the leaking cock in front of you. You could tell just how excited he was, and you couldn’t deny you were excited too.
“Ever since I noticed you staring at my tits so much, I’ve thought about how much you probably want to feel them,” You explained, nervousness making you feel awkward as you spoke. “I thought you’d like this too.”
You cupped your breasts in your hands, adjusting the way you sat until you were at the right angle to lean forward and envelop his cock with them. A needy whine left his throat as you squeezed Yuuta’s cock in between your soft breasts. You could feel his thighs tremble as you slowly moved them up and down, enjoying the feeling of his throbbing cock between them.
Yuuta didn’t know what to do with his hands, lifting both of them to his mouth to try and keep all the sounds he was making inside. Neither of you wanted to wake anyone that would stop this. With every pass of the head of his cock in between your soft flesh you could feel him leaking all over your chest.
The noises you pulled from Yuuta had devolved from soft moans to whimpers the longer you stroked his cock. You weren’t sure how much longer he would last, but if his strained cock was any indication, he was close. The flushed head stood out against the skin on your bare chest.
Your movements felt euphoric to Yuuta, your skin so much softer than he could have imagined. The way your flesh cradled his cock made it hard for him to keep going. You just made him feel so much better than his hand could. 
Yuuta’s hips moved, following your lead. After a few shallow tries he was thrusting earnestly into your soft breasts. You tried to match his pace, but his eagerness proved more impatient. Slowing your motions, you allowed him to fuck himself until he couldn’t any longer.
Yuuta came suddenly, release hitting you on the chest and face. Neither of you had expected it to happen yet. His thrusts slowed as he settled back on the bed, allowing you to keep up your movements, milking every drop from him. 
Reaching behind you, you grabbed your discarded shirt and wiped the mess off of your face and chest. He had laid back on your bed as you cleaned yourself up. Crawling up next to him, you kissed his cheek, there would be more time to explore each other later.
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mavsstar · 1 year
。・゚𝐎𝐡 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Summary︱Ransom comes to spend the holidays with his twin brother, Andy and his fiancé. He can't stand her at all despite her being one of the sweetest people on the earth. Turns out all they needed was to bond.
Pairings︱Ransom Drysdale x Virgin!Fem!Reader, Andy Barber x Virgin!Fem!Reader
Warnings︱It's Ransom, that a big warning in itself, cursing, kissing, pet name: kitten, manipulation, slight coercion (if you blink you'll miss it), oral (f!), cheating, daddy kink
Author's note︱It's been too long and now I'm finally back! This was fun to make and I've had this idea in my head for weeks now! Have fun reading :) Feedback is appreciated!
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You adored your fiancé Andy, he was a kindhearted gentleman that loved you with his entire being. You couldn’t ask for more in a man. Everyone around him approved of you and liked you quite a lot.
Well most of them. 
The only person who couldn’t get on board was his twin, Ransom. Though the feelings were mutual. You thought he was too crude and he thought you were too much of a prude. Unlike him, you’ve never vocalized your dislike towards him, preferring to be kind to him even if you wanted to sew his mouth shut. 
The good part was you rarely got to see the man. You were safe from seeing his face anywhere you went. That was until Andy came home with a surprise. 
“Ransom is going to spend the holidays with us this year.” 
You froze. “Excuse me?” 
“There’s too much going on and I won’t be able to make it home this year and Ransom doesn’t want to go spend the holidays with the family,” Andy began to explain, “I don't want him to be alone so I invited him to stay with us.” 
“Which holidays?” You asked, hoping it would just be Thanksgiving. 
“All of them.” 
It felt like someone dropped an anvil on you. He was going to spend at least a month with you in your shared house, day and night. “And he said yes?” You questioned, surprised he even gave Andy an answer. 
“I was surprised too,” he answered. “He’s coming on Thursday.” 
It was Tuesday, meaning you only had a day to prepare. You dropped your shoulders in defeat. “I better start preparing the guest room,” you said as you got up from the couch. 
Andy grabbed your arm as you tried to walk past him, pulling you into his chest. He rested his chin on the top of your head. “Look I know you two aren’t the best of friends and it’ll be difficult but I want him here with us. Maybe after he really gets to know you, you’ll get along.”
“There’s a better chance of me growing another inch than us getting along.” 
Thursday came a little bit too fast for your liking. One moment you were talking with Andy about Ransom and within a blink of an eye you were at the airport, waiting for him. His flight landed 15 minutes ago and most of the passengers were already off. But he just had to make a fashionably late entrance. 
“There’s my little brother!” Ransom exclaimed. 
“You’re older by a minute,” Andy said as he got up from his seat. 
“A minute and 10 seconds.” Ransom’s answer made Andy playfully roll his eyes. Ransom then turned his attention to you, flashing you a fake smile. “Look who’s here! Did you shrink while I was away? I almost didn’t see you.” 
It was early in the morning. Even more so to be dealing with Ransom’s remarks. You resisted the burning urge to roll your eyes at him. “It’s nice to see you Ransom, I hope you had a nice flight.” 
“It was the absolute worst actually-” He began to complain but it all became white noise to your brain. You just nodded your head as he complained, occasionally saying that must’ve sucked just to make it seem like you were actually paying attention. 
For the first couple of days Andy was able to keep him busy and out of your way but he had to go back to work, leaving you with him all day. At first he would stay for only part of your day, often going out to do something other than being in the house with you. Eventually he just stayed around the house more and more. 
“Are you seriously reading again?” Ransom asked as he plopped down next to you on the couch. 
You quickly tore your gaze from your book to look at Ransom. “Mhm,” you hummed in confirmation, going back to reading your book. 
“Weren’t you just reading this morning?” He asked. 
“I was finishing the last couple of pages. Andy doesn’t like it when I lose sleep to finish reading,” you answered. “This is a different book.” 
“Can I see?”’ He asked with complete sincerity. You then handed him the book only for him to throw it across the room, earning a small ‘Hey!’ from you. “Well stop reading, I’m bored.” 
“What do you want to do?” You asked him as you fully turned your body towards his. 
“If I knew what to do I wouldn’t be here, telling you I’m bored.” 
You decided to ignore his comment and pretend like he never said it in the first place. “Well…we could go grocery shopping.” 
“Grocery shopping? Really?” He questioned, unamused at your suggestion. Much to his dismay, he saw that you were 100% serious. “Fine, let's go.” 
The drive to the grocery store was longer than necessary. Ransom refused to let you drive, part of you figured it was an ego thing but he claimed that a man should always drive. Never the woman. He also refused to use a map, claiming that he knew where he was going. 
After 25 minutes of driving in circles, you finally got to the grocery store. It was practically empty, not a lot of people wanted to do their weekly grocery shopping at 7:27 pm. 
“Now that I’ve been thinking about it, you’re always at the house,” Ransom commented. “Do you not have a job?” 
“Not anymore,” you said as you pushed the cart towards the dairy section. “I used to be a secretary.” 
“Why’d you quit?” 
“Andy said I didn’t have to work anymore and he would take care of me.” You grabbed a gallon of milk and crossed it off your mental grocery list. You started to push the cart down the section towards the produce. “It was too overwhelming for me and Andy didn’t like that I was so stressed out.” 
“How hard can that be?” Ransom scoffed. 
“It’s a lot harder than you think Ransom,” you replied. “It didn’t help that I was one of the few women there. I had a terrible boss.” 
“What do you do all day then? Just sit there and look pretty while you wait for Andy to come home?” 
“I clean, run some errands, go out—I do the same things you do but you don’t seem the type of person to clean or run errands.” 
“Why would I?” He scoffed. “That's why I hired a maid and an assistant to do all that for me.” 
“Not surprised trust fund baby,” you muttered under your breath. 
“What did you say?” Ransom asked, having fully heard you. 
You looked up at him, “Oh nothing,” you lied, you even went as far as to pull out doe eyes. “Oh we need bread!” 
 “No, no, no,” Ransom repeated as he grabbed your upper arm, halting you from moving any further. “Repeat what you said.” 
“I said we need bread.” 
“Before that.” 
“I said nothing,” you answered, unknowingly pushing his buttons in the sweetest way imaginable. 
His hand traveled up your upper arm to your cheeks, slightly squishing them together as he inched closer to your face. You could feel his breath fanning over your lips.
“Kitten, repeat what you said, I’m not going to ask again.” 
Your lips parted open but no sound came out. You felt heat pooling from the pit of your stomach rising to your face. You tried to peel your eyes away from his only for him to chase after them. 
“I-I said, not surprised trust fund baby,” you mumbled loud enough so he could hear it.  
The corner of his lip tugged into a sly smirk, “See now was that so hard?” He asked as he dropped his hand. “Good girl.” 
Ransom evoked a spark inside him that night. He noticed how your body went hot under his touch and he loved it. It was as if you have been untouched and you’re just now tasting a man’s touch. You would grow shy under his gaze if he stared at you for too long. You would jump every time his hands brushed your body. 
Ransom’s favorite part was when he would inch his face close to yours and your eyes would dart to his lips right before going back to his eyes. 
Though part of him couldn’t help but think it was all an act. There was no possible way a woman like you could be so innocent. That you would pretend to get flustered everytime he made a sexual innuendo. That you would get uncomfortable and squirm in your seat everytime a sex scene came on. 
It had to be an act. 
Like right now, you were in the kitchen cooking food for you and Ransom. You were wearing Andy’s sweater with a pair of small pj shorts and Ransom had made a crude comment. 
“You and Andy must've had crazy kitchen counter sex if that’s what you wear to cook.” 
“Oh my,” you squeaked out. “We don’t–uh–Andy and I-” 
“Oh please drop the act,” he scoffed.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “What act?” 
“That!” Ransom exclaimed. “The pretending you’re all innocent and being such a fucking prude. Everyone has sex, it’s normal.” 
Except you haven’t had sex yet. You always wanted to wait until marriage for personal reasons and Andy didn’t mind one bit. He completely respected your decision and liked the idea of waiting, it’s building tension the two of you would unleash on your wedding night. 
“It’s not an act Ransom,” you answered. “I just don’t feel comfortable talking about…it.”
“You’re kidding me right?” He remarked. He took your silence as a no. Then the realization slowly crept in his mind. “Unless…” 
“Unless what?” You questioned. 
“Unless you’re a virgin? But that’s impossible…right?” His tone was teasing and almost humiliating. 
You felt the shame burn your cheeks and you imagined the words ‘virgin’ written in big red bold letters across your forehead. People have assured you that it’s okay to be a virgin and everyone takes life at a different speed. You were just getting comfortable with it. 
“Answer me kitten.” 
“Yes,” you whispered, looking down at your feet. 
Ransom swallowed the last 4 steps that were between the two of you. His right hand went under your chin, softly lifting it up. “So he’s never touched you?” Ransom asked as his left hand slowly began to graze your body. 
“No.” Your breath hitched when his large hand rested on your hip, pulling you flush against him. You bumped into his chest with a soft grunt. His hands went to your back when he felt you shift backwards, caging you against him.
“Please let me go Ransom,” you softly pleaded as you tried to pry him off. 
“No,” he said as his head dipped to your neck, placing fervent kisses. “You want this and you know it.” 
“No–ngh–I can’t do this to Andy.” 
Ransom stopped the attack on your neck. You could see it in his face that he was bothered at the mention of his twin brother. “We’re not doing anything bad, kitten. We’re just having fun, you want us to get along, don’t you?” 
“This is bad Ransom, I’m cheating on my fiance,” you protested. “I can’t do this.” Ransom had you in his grip and he wasn’t going to lose you. He refused to. 
“Andy’s cheating on you,” he blurted out. 
“What?” You questioned him. 
“It’s obvious, kitten. How else was he going to stay with you? He’s a man after all and men have needs.” 
"You’re lying,” you argued. “Why should I believe you?” 
“Because I’m his brother and I know the type of person he is.” His hands went underneath your sweater, slithering their way up to your breasts. “So I think we can have some fun. It wouldn’t be fair after all.” 
Ransom’s lips crashed onto yours before you could give an answer. You tasted like the strawberries you were eating just mere minutes ago. With every passing second, his kisses grew hungrier. 
“Jump,” he whispered against your lips. You obeyed and lifted yourself off the ground, wrapping your legs around his waist. He blindly stumbled into your bedroom. Carefully, he set you on the bed and unbeknownst to you, he had taken off your shorts and panties in one swift motion. 
His warmed calloused hand went to your thighs, spreading them as fast apart as he could. You were completely soaked. Ransom bit back a moan. “Oh kitten,” he purred. “I can’t wait to ruin you.” Ransom planted open mouth kisses on your ankle, working his way up to your inner thighs. Your head felt dizzy and your body was high off of his touch. When you felt Ransom kiss your cunt, you knew you were a goner. 
“Ransom,” you moaned out. 
“That’s not my name kitten,” Ransom murmured. He looked up at you through his eyelashes as he licked around your pussy lips. “It’s daddy. Now say it.” 
“Please daddy,” you whined. 
“If you stop saying it, I stop. Got it?” 
You rapidly nodded your yes, not trusting your own voice. You let out a strangled moan as Ransom licked a broad stripe against your pussy. 
“You taste so fucking sweet,” Ransom let out a moan of satisfaction, sending vibrations through you, making it more pleasurable than you ever imagined. 
Incoherent babbles left your mouth as he made precise, figure eights on your clit. You couldn’t help but lock your legs around his head, never wanting him to leave. You lazily propped yourself up on the bed to watch Ransom but it all went out the window when his lips sucked on your clit. 
“Oh my god!” You shrieked, your head falling back on the mattress. “Daddy! Feel s’good!” 
Ransom momentarily lifted his head, watching your blissed out state. “I know it does kitten,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. “Andy could never make you feel like this huh?” 
“I wonder how he would feel that I’m eating his pretty fiancé’s pussy? Making her scream daddy.” Ransom dipped his head back down and went at it again.
 His tongue goes through your fold, licking all your sweet wetness. You felt a familiar sensation only this time it was coming faster and harder. This felt nothing like this when you would play with yourself. 
“Oh daddy!” You screwed your eyes shut as you gripped the sheets. Your lower half took a mind of its own as you began to rock your hips against his face, chasing your high. A gasp fled your lips as you felt your orgasm wash over you. Suddenly the only word you knew was daddy, repeating it as if it was a prayer. 
“How was that, kitten?” Ransom teasingly asked. “Did daddy make you feel good?” 
“Mhm,” you blissfully hummed out. “S’good.” 
“That’s my girl,” Ransom praised as he pulled your shorts back up. “You did so good for me.” Ransom enjoyed watching you, you were spaced out and he didn’t even put his all into it. He could only begin to imagine how you would react when he really got done with you. 
“Now let's go finish cooking before Andy comes home.” He kissed you lips one more time before helping you off the bed.
Andy surprisingly came home earlier than he said he would. Usually would come home at 12, it was currently 10:06 pm. You had barely finished washing the dishes when you heard the door unlock.
“Hi honey!” Andy greeted you as walked over to kiss you. You turned your head to the side and his lips collided with your cheek. “What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned at your behavior. 
“Nothing,” you answered. “I’m heading off to bed, I’m really tired. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Goodnighttt,” Ransom sang as you left the room. 
“Goodnight Ransom.” 
Andy waited until you left the room to talk to Ransom. Once he saw he was in the clear, he turned to Ransom. “What the hell did you say to her?” 
“Nothing, why?”  Ransom asked, playing the innocent. “Trouble in paradise?” 
“Drop the act Ransom.” Andy stepped closer to him, placing his hands on his hips. “We were fine a couple days ago and now she’s acting weird. What did you do to her?” 
“I did nothing,” he said as he raised his hands in defense. 
Andy knew he was lying. If he really was telling the truth, he would’ve told him off and stormed off cursing at how his own brother doesn’t believe him. 
“Stay away from her,” Andy seethed through gritted teeth. “Don;t even think about laying a finger on her.” 
“Or what? You’re going to kick me out?” Ransom scoffed. “I saw her first and you took her away from me. I’m simply getting back what’s mine.” 
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helloitstsyu · 9 months
TikTok Tease | Tom Cruise 18+
My masterlist
Summary : You did a tiktok video in front of Tom and teased him with it.
a/n : saw something on tiktok and just can't stop to think about this. here's the link . Also i tried smtg different, this is on reader's POV.
Pairing : Tom Cruise x Fem¡reader
Wc: 2k ish
Warning : smut. do not enter if you're minor
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I saw this video and I'm itching to do it to Tom. He's upstairs right now in his office having his last phone call meeting for the day. Meanwhile I'm just down here in the kitchen preparing for our dinner while i jammed to A Gangester's Wife by Ms Krazie.
"Darling?" his voice shoots in between the upbeat tune.
Looking up, Tom's walking down the stairs. Donning a casual navy polo shirt and a pair of jeans, he looks just as ravishing as he always is.
"Hi babe, dinner's almost ready.." i smile to him as he walks closer and joins me in the kitchen. "Everything okay with the call?" I ask.
"Yeah..." he nods with a smile. "It went well. We still have to call the studio and ask for the greenlight, but yeah, everything sorted out one by one— is that my favorite pesto?" He leans to the stove and takes a look at the food that I'm cooking. Tom takes an inhale deeply at the smoking food on the stove. "Ahh.. smells amazing," he grins.
I chuckle, "Two more minutes, and I'll be done,"
"Okay.." Tom sits down on one of the stool right in front of me. He he stares at me with glimmering eyes, kid-like kind of stares. He props his chin with both hands. His big smile never leaves as his eyes glued on me.
"What are you a five year old?" I laugh and shake my head.
Tom chuckles. His eyes dart down to see what I'm wearing. Suddenly, those cheeky grins turn into a dirty smirk as he furrows his brows. His glimmering eyes turn darker.
"Is that a new apron?" Tom cocks an eyebrow.
Looking down at the blue stripy apron on my body, i remember i just ordered this a couple of weeks ago since i get bored with the other basic black apron. Blue is Tom's favorite color, i thought it would be appropriate to buy it in this color. Seems like he likes it.
"Uh-huh." i nod.
"Hmm," Tom squints his eyes and smirks. "Looks good on you, darling," his voice suddenly changes, drops an octave deeper.
"Is that so?" I tease him with a slight head titl as i turn off the stove. I lick the spilled pesto on my finger while i look up to his eyes with that sireny-spelled gaze.
Tom chuckles, he shakes his head, "Baby.. no! I'm hungry. We're gonna just eat this delicious dinner you made." His smile is wide despite the stern in his voice.
"Okay!" You laugh, "What else are we gonna do– it's done. Stop gawking at me and help me plate,"
Tom laughs, "Gawking at you?" He repeats as he stands up and turns around the island. Tom captures me, his hands around my waist, and he pulls me closer to him. "How am i gawking at you, huh?" he tickles me.
I giggle and try to stop his attacking tickles. "Tom! Tom, stop!" I laugh and try to hold down his tickling fingers. Tom grabs me and pulls me to his chest. He places a deep kiss on my temple.
"Go on, help me plate, please," you ask nicely. He finally lets go of me and takes some plates from the cabinet.
Remembering i have a bright idea of how to tease him (again). I set my phone against the oil bottle. He doesn't even see me setting up my phone. Tom just focuses on scooping the pesto pasta to our serving plate. I take off the apron i wore and undo my messy bun.
Then i just pressed the record button.
The song plays, and he noticed I'm recording. He stops, and he looks up at my phone screen.
Daddy let me know that I'm the only girl. The only man that i need in this gangster world.
I mouth along the lyrics as it plays. Tease him a little by leaning down a little bit too seductively cause i was feeling the song. His mouth drops open. His eyes widen in a surprise to find my little tease. I can't help to get out of character and laugh at his shocked, stalled-breath expression. Tom's blushing, and he's absolutely stunned. Tom laughs and quickly hoists me off the screen.
"Darling!!" He laughs, Tom picks me up like my bodyweight is nothing, setting me to sit on top of the granite top island.
Hooked in. Nailed it. Just the right thing to do to turn him on.
I just can't stop laughing. Tom keeps giggling, and his face turns even a brighter shade of red. His eyes flickers lightly. "Did you call me daddy, love?" Tom asks.
"Hmm... Maybe.." i shrug my shoulders.
He shakes his head, he's smile never seems this wide. The earlier tiredness on his face seems to be gone. "You little minx," he whispers as he pulls my chin and kisses my lips.
"Say it again," he demands.
Chuckling, I shake my head.
"Darling... say it again," his voice is low, and sexily hoarse. The way his demeanor shifted as he commanded me, it struck a tingling heat inside of me straight to my toes.
"Daddy." I whisper.
"Mmmhmm.." Tom grins, showing his satisfaction from hearing me say the new nickname. "How did the song go again?" He asks. His nails are clawing on my thighs. He knows i like it when he does this. I muffled a whimper, my head rolling, and falling back. "Tommy..." i murmur.
Tom uses the advantage to place a kiss on my neck. He grips my hips and pulls me closer to him. He gradually picks up his pace, erotically sucks and nibs my sweet spot, earning me to moan lightly into his ears. "Tom..." i whimper, my fingers gripping the collar of his shirt.
I feel warmth tingling inside of me. Excitement rushing in my veins. I feel myself pooling under there.
His heated kiss moves down to my collar bone as his hands never stop to explore my body. He cups my tits. Kneading them and his finger circling my erected nipples.
"I thought you said you were hungry?"
He lifts his face off my breast and looks back to me. He gives me a wild smirk. "I am. Starving right now."
His hand slips underneath my tanktop, shifting it up to reveal my naked breast underneath. He passionately kneading one in his hand while he's busy sucking roughly the other. I moan, fingers running through his soft brunette strands, the feeling of his warmth slick tongue on my nipple starts to bring tingling pleasure throughout my body.
Opening my eyes, i look back straight to his eyes. His eyes darken with lust. He looks amazingly intoxicating. Sometimes, it still hasn't kicks in that i have him for real. That I have the sexiest bachelor of Hollywood all for myself.
I pull him by his shirt and kiss him again. Tongue hungrily meeting his. I desperately pull him even closer to me. His fingers tucks on the waistband of my shorts. He takes my shorts off and toss it onto the floor. Spreading my legs apart widely, Tom chuckles at my submissive display.
Tom shakes his head and takes a step back. "I ask you something, darling. I won't continue if you're not going to answer me." He cocks an eyebrow.
"Wha... Tom!" I exclaim in disbelief. "Kiss me," i mewl. I try to pull him closer to me again, but Tom laughs. He grips my hand and holds it down. "Try me, darling," he challenged me to disobey him. He meant what he said he wouldn't continue till he heard what he wanted to hear. Such a dominant of him.
"What? What do you want?" I chuckle.
"Remind me how the song goes again?"
"Daddy, let me know—" i start to sing the lyrics. A wild smile appears on his face.
"Good girl," he cooes, then he squats down, face to my needing core.
"Ohh--" i moan as i feel his tongue flicking on my clit. "Tom," i purr. He sucks me passionately. His eyes look up to mine. He notices i stopped singing and enjoying the sensation of his oral expertise.
"Finish the song," he commands and eats me roughly again.
"Oh.. fuck—" i moan.
My breath starts to ragging. Feels like my voice is stuck in my throat. I feel the ecstasy starts to forming inside of me, needing for it to be released. My mind buzzing from the pleasure. I buck my head back, fingers tucking on his hair. "Ngh.. Ah! Tommhh," I helplessly moan.
"Sing." Tom tells, and sucks me again.
"D-daddy... let me know that—  oOH!" I lost it again when i feel his fingers entering me. He pumps his fingers in and out of my cunt, coaxing me closer to the edge of spilling all over for him.
Climbing, climbing, pleasure keeps adding: He curls his fingers and make that deadly beckoning movement. He knows my body front and back. He knows exactly how to get me easily falling apart.
"F-fuckk! Yes! Right there!!" I moan, and moan, and moan.
All of a sudden, once I'm nearly gonna cum, Tom stops.
The feeling of unfinished pleasure makes my mind buzz. I whimper and squirm uncomfortably. How cruel is he. "Wha— why'd you stop?" I look down to him.
Tom shoots me an innocent look, he slightly shrugs his shoulders as he brings his coated fingers to his mouth. "You stop singing." He licks his finger clean.
I can't believe this man sometimes. "Oh my God— Tommy!"
Tom can only laugh at me. "That's not my name!" He titls his head to the side.
"Right—" I climb off the island and push him back till his back crashes the other counter. I roughly kiss him, hands circling to the back of his neck, i desperately kiss him.
"Daddy." I say in between the sloppy kisses. Tom smirks against my lips, hearing that nickname. Guess i manage to pull a new kink outta him.
"Daddy, let me know that I'm the only girl."  I whisper to his ear as i place a wet kisses on his neck. "The only man–" i nibs on his neck. "The only fucking man," my hand explores his toned abs, i pull the polo shirt over his head, toss it down to meet my shorts on the floor.
I look up to his eyes. "You're the one that i need in this gangster world, daddy,"
Tom chuckles darkly. He cups my face and pulls me closer to him again. "That's right, I'm the only one," he cooes. He then continues to hungrily kiss me again. His kisses move to my neck, quickly finding my sweet spot, and erotically he nibs it, leaving his mark of ownership on me. I can feel his buldge pressing against me.
"Ouhh, daddy please..." i murmur, practically begging him
"Please? Please what, darling?" He cocks his eyebrows. The excitement is way too apparent in his tone and gaze.
"Let me have you,"
Tom chuckles darkly. "Have me?" He shakes his head, "Oh, I'm having my way with you tonight, darling," He throws me over his shoulder like my bodyweight is a feather. A playful slap lands to my cheek as he brings me to the couch and both of us falling onto the fluffy couch. Tom unbutton his jeans. He doesn't bother to take the whole thing off but just enough to free his cock. He aligns himself to my entrance. His tips rubbing against my opening. Tom instantly bottoms up, his cock fully enters me, stretching me to the brim. I yelp and squeal to his chest.
"You're gonna beg for me to let you cum," he darkly whisper into my ear. Tom starts to fuck me in a relentless pace.
I moan.... hard. My brain rattling with the immense amount of pleasure he's giving me. Tom looks down at me with intense, lustful eyes. His cock went deep inside of me as he have me folded in half with my knees to my chest.
My head falls back, eyeing the ceiling, my vision of the light blurs. "Ohh... god–" my eyes rolls to the back of my head.
"Nonono, eyes on me!" Tom pulls my neck back straight for me to face him again. "Oh you feel so fucking good," he moans. His eyebrows knitting together but his eyes still darkly looks down at me.
My nails dig on his shoulder. Tom leans closer, rest his forehead against mine, eyes still locked on mine. He fucks me so hard that I'm sure I'd be sore tomorrow. But it feels too good that it'll be so wrong to tell him to slow down. And I'm too overtaken by the pleasure. Too drunk with the taste of him.
"F-fuck— Tom!" I moan and panting hard.
"Yeah? Yeah, you wanted this? You think you deserve to cum after you tease daddy like a little slut, huh, darling?"
I can only helplessly nod.
"Tom... don't stop... p-please!" i beg feeling myself getting closer to cum.
"Not stopping, darling... You feel so good, all nice and tight for daddy,"
"O-oh! Tom let me cum please... please!" I cry out begging to him. He just smirks at me, dark lustful eyes looking down at me and still he's fucking me hard.
"Daddy please.. daddy let me cum!" I beg. My walls throbbing around him. I feel fire burning inside of me. My fingers gripping onto the couch hard.
"No! Wait!" He pants.
"S-sshhiit, Tom!" I squirm all over the place, trying my best to hold it.
"Wait baby! Cum with me," Tom leans closer holding me tightly. His forehead resting against mine. His panting breath meeting mine. I cry, couldn't bear the overflowing pleasure needing for the snap to occur.
I can feel his cock throbbing inside of me. He's close. He's holding onto me hard. His thrust starting to get sloppy. And just like that i lose it. The moment i feel him throbbing inside of me i can't help to hold it anymore.
I breathlessly scream daddy over and over again, moaning hard as i make a mess and squirm all over him. The sight of me falling apart got Tom spilling too. "Akhhh! FuUCk! Darling!" Tom groans. He remain freezes as he stills himself empty inside of me.
For a moment, he takes a breather and just rest of top of me. What's better than sex with him is what happened after the sex with him. It's like our soul intertwined, and i just feel a deep connection with him. Tom rolls me over so I'm on top of him, his arms instinctively hugs around me. He kiss me deeply. Still with a messy breath, he look deeply into my eyes with that shimmering after sex glow.
"You okay?" He softly asks.
Still panting i just can smile and nod. Tom kiss me deeply again. "I love you," he whispers softly.
I smile and kiss his cheek. "I love you too, daddy,"
Tom laughs and kisses me deeply again.
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skzhua · 1 year
Episode eight.
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pairing: XO, Kitty's Min Ho x Female Reader
genre: Fluff, angst, enemies-to-lovers, slow burn, coming-of-age.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: Swearing, that's it. This one is cute as hell, y'all.
summary: Transferring to KISS was the last thing you had asked for and, yet, a certain tall boy made it seem both worse and better than you expected.
note: Bold - Korean, Italic - Over the phone
a/n: So I got productive and wrote this in under a few hours only... I hope you'll enjoy this!
(let me know by filling the form in my bio if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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You looked at your two friends in surprise. While Kitty was smiling widely as she held Dae's arm, the latter gave you looks of pleading. From that, it wasn't hard to get that he didn't want you to speak about the fact him and Yuri were fake. A shame, you were thinking that this would give you the chance to be free of lies.
"I'm happy for you too." you grinned and raised your coffee cup. "Long live Kitty and Dae."
"And not us?" Min Ho huffed as he sat next to you.
Us. A term with which you were still quite unfamiliar. It had only been a day since what you and Min Ho started whatever that was happening. You weren't sure what you were or where it was going but you preferred it that way. Putting tags on it honestly frightened you.
"Us?" Kitty frowned. "Did I miss something?"
Min Ho put his hand on your thigh, squeezing it gently. "More or less."
Dae coughed. "Well, while you two do your thing, we'll go do ours. Kitty, let's go?"
He brought her along behind him, grabbing her purse for her in the way, and left the dorm. Q having gone to the Outdoors Club already, you and Min Ho finally had some time alone. Approaching you, he laid a quick kiss on your lips before stealing your mug.
"Dude, come on! I didn't finish it."
"You had one sip left." he said and then drank the rest of your beverage. "And now it's empty."
You shook your head in disapproval. "You're kind enough to make me coffee but evil enough to steal it away from me."
He walked to you and got you off your stool before wrapping his arms around your waist. "You'll have to admit, it kind of turns you on."
You held onto him by the neck and frowned. "Being both a gentleman and an asshole?" you asked and he nodded. "You're way too confident in yourself."
"You said I was a gentleman, I'll take it and ignore the rest." he laughed.
You exchanged a long-lasting kiss, and he positioned himself to help you up so he could hold you by the thighs. He was still kissing you as he walked to his room but the door just had to open at this exact moment. Min Ho dropped you as horror plastered on your face.
Widening his eyes, Q nearly screamed. "What is this? When?" he asked but stopped himself. "You know what? I don't want to know. I'll just grab my water bottle and let you finish your business."
He hurried to do so and slammed the door behind him. Looking back at each other, Min Ho let out an awkward chuckle.
"We can continue..."
You rolled your eyes. "Get ready, we have class in a few."
But class didn't seem so important as the days went by. Making out in the library, cute dates in Gangnam district, more kissing in his room with a disgusted Dae on the side (as if he wasn't any better with Kitty)... This thing you two had was going strong. You were hoping that he might not see it as a simple casual thing. Because you were falling, and deep. There wasn't going to have any turning back at that point.
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Q packed some last minute items in his bag. At the same time, you were debating whether it was a good idea to bring cute outfits despite the fact you were going in the middle of nowhere for two days.
"Oh, that dress is dead gorgeous." Q commented as he checked up on you.
"Not this one, too revealing." you said and pushed it aside.
He took it and put it in your bag. "And that's exactly what we are aiming for."
"What? No, Q." you complained while letting him zip it all close.
"Min Ho is going to lose his mind over this."
You suddenly got shy. "Min Ho? Why would I dress for him? I don't need to do that, it's stupid."
He laughed. "You'll thank me later." He went to the kitchen and you followed him behind. "Okay, time to go. Bus leaves in twenty." he told the other couple.
Just then, Min Ho got out of his room and was bringing with him a huge ass luggage. Plus one of those luxury bags of his.
"Gosh." he mumbled to himself, struggling a little.
"Dude, the class trip is camping. In tents. In nature. For two days." Kitty told him, unimpressed.
"I know." he rolled his eyes. "That's why I packed light."
You laughed and walked up to him. "Right, you did. Let's go."
The five of you headed outside to where the bus was waiting for you. You stayed with Min Ho and he exchanged a few things about Kitty with Dae. And that made you rather uncomfortable.
"She wants to go over everything that happened with Yuri." Dae explained.
"Don't, it's a trap." Min Ho advised right away.
You shrugged. "I don't know. Honesty is always the key, don't you think so?"
Dae sent you a glare, visibly not wanting you to reveal you knew all about his fake relationship. Meanwhile, Min Ho shook his head in disapproval.
"You're right about honesty. But in this case, they say they want to know all the details to move on, but then they obsessed about them."
You let out a huff. "You really know women..."
"Is that how it is with her?" Dae asked Min Ho, nodding his head to your direction.
"Y/N?" he said before he slung his arm around your shoulders. "No, she's totally uncomplicated and chill."
You looked at him. "Really?"
He sent a smirk your way. "Really. You're quite great, actually."
Growing more embarrassed, you broke away from his grip as soon as you came closer to Yuri. She was already with her other friends but didn't seem to mind your presence. In fact, she seemed reassured.
"You've kept yourself busy this week." she said, referring to your few make-out sessions she had accidentally stumbled upon.
"And you have been moving on quite well from Dae."
Her face became serious. "Not a word, please."
The girls suddenly started to scream and Madison came closer to show you a video on her phone. There stood the famous actor Ocean Park. He was explaining how his grandmother's village had been ravaged by a flood and was thanking Madison and your school to come help them out. She squealed at the mention of her name, jumping up and down.
"He said your name!" Eunice exclaimed.
"I know! And we owe it all to Min Ho and his famous mom." she replied before running to him and giving him a hug, almost making him fall.
"Whoa..." he let out before breaking away from her.
Leaning on him, she went on to explain about how his mother had worked with Ocean Park before. Apparently, Principal Lim agreed to cancel a ski trip to go to the village instead. But you weren't listening, you could only focus on her arm that was on top of Min Ho's shoulder.
"Your mom is really good with pulling strings." Madison finished off with telling Yuri that.
"For evil, usually."
You choked out a laugh and Yuri followed. You, then, proceeded to get seated in the bus. Analyzing the places, Madison and the other girls had already took the back seats. Kitty surprisingly sat with Finnerty, leaving Dae stuck with another student. Florian and Q together, the others with their friends... That left you a two-seat spot that you could share with Min Ho. However, the image of Madison being glued to him from earlier still fresh in your memory, you hesitated.
"Hey." Yuri said. "Sit with me?"
You ended up agreeing and got yourself comfortable with your friend. So when Min Ho got on the bus, he was more than confused to see you seated with Yuri instead of keeping a spot for him next to you. He stopped where you were with a perplexed look on his face.
"What is this?"
You shot your head up as you heard his voice. "Hey. I'm sitting with Yuri if you don't mind. We'll see each other when we get there."
He seemed disappointed but acquiesced nonetheless. "It's okay."
You watched him getting to a solo seat and started to feel bad. At this point, though, who could blame you for being mad? First off, you had never brought up the subject of Madison in the last week and, second off, you were now wondering why the hell she went to hug him after telling everyone he helped her with organizing this trip.
After a while in the bus, you were growing tired more than you'd liked to be. Yuri had shared a ballad playlist with you and that only made you more sleepy. After some time, she shook you out of your daze and told you she was going to speak with Dae and that she'd switched places with the guy next to him. As she left her seat, Min Ho took the opportunity to go beside you, sending the other guy at the singular seat he was previously at. You let out a scoff at him.
"Excuse me but I believed we agreed last night that we would sit together." he justified himself.
You shrugged. "That was before I learnt you were still hooked on Miller."
He sighed. "Is it about this morning?"
"I don't know, Min Ho. You tell me." you answered, growing frustrated.
"Jealousy kind of looks good on you." he joked but you slapped him across the chest.
"I'm not jealous. I don't want to be in your collection of women, that's all."
"You hid your trip arrangements with her very well, though."
"I have spent every second of my free time with you this last week. You would have known way sooner if I was seeing another girl at the same time."
"Exactly. It was trip arrangements."
You plugged in your earphones again, not wanting to hear any more of his unclear answers. He did look at you for a bit afterwards but he ended up getting the message. That didn't stop him from taking your hand in his, and neither did it restrain you from liking it.
You arrived at the camping site soon after and joined Eunice outside. She and the others were still scrolling through social media as they wanted to see more pictures of Ocean Park. You weren't necessarily a fan, but you had to admit that the man was fine as hell.
After Professor Finnerty gathered everyone together, he asked you all about the rooming arrangements. You were taken aback when Yuri told him she'd be with Kitty. That wasn't even the best... What followed shook you even more.
"Y/N and I, sir!" Madison shouted.
Barely having any time to process what she had just said, Finnerty noted it down and she took your hand to head towards your tent. She started to talk about how excited she was and all about the whole trip, ignoring completely the elephant in the room.
"I'll take the left side and you can take the right. Does that work for you?"
"Yeah." you confirmed. "Why did you pick me?"
She hummed. "What?"
"For the room. We barely know each other."
"Ah." she smiled and invited you to sit with her. "I have noticed that I might be creating some tension between you and Min Ho. No hard feelings about him choosing you, by the way. I would've picked you too."
She continued. "I want you to know I was only looking for a casual fling that night at his party. And he only kissed me back because he told me you went all out on him so he got sad."
You smiled in guilt. "I did, yeah."
"And the day after, I thought he was still on with the casual dating but he obviously told me off and went to you instead."
You were still in doubt. "That does not change the fact he's Min Ho. He'll go after someone else in a week at most if I'm lucky."
She exhaled. "Well, you are more than lucky, then. He wants you, I can see it. And, by the way, the trip thing was because I begged him to do so. And the hug was just friendly, I swear."
"It's fine." you let out a laugh. "I appreciate you for telling me all this. I was barely getting anything out of him when I asked."
"Men are like this." she shrugged.
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You could do it for an extra hour before curfew but nothing was going to make you like cleaning up. You did enjoy having a clean personal space and cleaning a village for a good cause was good too. Still, you were not having the most fun. You and Yuri being similar on that aspect, you helped each other as one raked the branches together and one put them away in a bag.
Min Ho watched you from afar. Considering you were still not acknowledging him, he took it as in Madison told you something that put you off. That was the last thing he wanted. The night before, he called his mom to tell her about you. He wanted to know her opinion on the situation and it made him realize a lot of things. One of them being that he wanted something more with you, something real. Not a close friend he'd kiss whenever he'd want to. No. He wanted to try and date you.
"You're looking at her again." Madison snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I know."
"She's not mad at you, I told you I cleared things off with her."
He scoffed. "Explain why she is still avoiding me, then."
"From what I got, she feels like a fling to you... which she is so-"
"Not." he corrected. "She's not."
"Then, show her."
Madison had shifted her attention elsewhere by then. A car pulled over in front of the camping site and everyone – meaning every fangirl – rushed to see what was happening, Madison being the first. Min Ho followed lazily as Ocean Park stepped out of the car, greeting his fans.
You joined out of curiosity. It wasn't like he was a nobody; you were getting to meet a celebrity. You stood next to Min Ho. Not on purpose, it was only because he was close to the front. After Madison introduced herself, Min Ho did the same but with much less enthusiasm.
"Hi. My mother, Dami, says 'hello, Mr. Park.' "
Ocean looked up dreamily. "Ah, Dami... Your mother is an incredible woman. Did she ever tell you about the time I ran into her at Sundance?" Min Ho gave him a very clueless look. "She kept me warm on a very cold night."
Min Ho was baffled. "Excuse me?"
"And who are you?" Ocean smiled at you.
"Park Y/N." you bowed.
He held his hand up. "No need to be so formal. Are you with him?" he asked, pointing at the man next to you.
"Oh, we're not-"
"She is." Min Ho cut you off while bringing you closer to his body by your waist.
Ocean nodded his head at him in acknowledgement. "You got yourself someone as beautiful as your mother." Clasping his hands together, he then addressed the crowd. "Let's take a selfie."
You pushed yourself away from Min Ho while Ocean Park and his groupies went to a spot to take photos. "What is it with you?"
You walked off to continue your task. You didn't get why he acted all possessive when, clearly, Ocean was only being polite. Nor did you get why he felt the need to keep you so close to him. It made you feel things and you hated feeling things.
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An hour was added to your time before curfew as a reward to the hard work you had done all day. Yuri had briefly told you what happened so far. You felt much better now that Kitty finally knew the truth and that Yuri didn't forget to tell her that she asked you to keep it shut for her. Kitty texted you later on to tell you she forgave you and understood that it was not your place to tell. Overall, a weight had come off your shoulders.
Exhausted from the day, you didn't plan on doing much other than watch some shows you downloaded before leaving and staying in bed in your pyjamas. You were going to have the tent to yourself since Madison was going to Ocean Park's grandmother's house for dinner. You were more than okay with finally getting some time for yourself. Well, for a few minutes at least.
Min Ho: Come to my tent.
Min Ho: I've got a bit of a surprise for you.
Y/N: No. :)
Min Ho: Do you want me to beg or something?
Y/N: Maybe...
Min Ho: Please, come to my tent, my sweet puppy?
Min Ho: Get all ready too, it's a formal occasion.
Y/N: I'm in my comfy fit, so it's still a no. I'm not coming out.
Min Ho: I have strawberries dipped in chocolate.
Y/N: Coming in ten.
Most people would tell you that this was a bad idea. And usually, you'd say that it was, indeed. But, hey. Strawberries and chocolate couldn't be a better bait for you. You loved food, he knew that and he got you just how he wanted. You honestly didn't care, as long as you had something to eat in the end.
You thanked Q mentally for forcing you to bring the tight off-the-shoulders dress. You picked it to go with some golden jewellery and did some waves for your hair. Once you determined you were all good – which was more than ten minutes after you told Min Ho that you were coming – you finally left your tent.
You weren't sure how to react when you saw him in a suit, standing in the middle of the room he had decorated with candles, petals and all. On the table were the strawberries with a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne. You stepped closer, growing more confused.
"What is happening here?"
"Surprise." he said. "I was hoping this could help me for you to not be mad at me anymore."
You acquiesced slowly, still scanning the room. "I can't say that I am not impressed."
"Want some?" he offered you the treat and you happilly took them.
"I never thought I'd see you do something like this for anyone. Even less make a heart out of petals." you teased.
"Can you appreciate my effort instead of mocking me?"
You laughed. "Alright, I'm sorry. This is a very nice surprise, thank you."
"You're welcome, beautiful."
He came closer to you and wiped off the chocolate that smudged on your lips. With a single look down your lips, it was just enough to make you melt all over again and press your lips against his. He let out a gasp, startled by your move.
"I'll take it as we are good now?"
You nodded. "Yeah, we are. I'm sorry, by the way. I was overthinking things and you have the right to see anybody else because it's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything." you laughed nervously.
He bit his lip. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about with you."
And, of course, your little insecure self had to start thinking about all sorts of negative thoughts. Was he about to tell you this thing was over? Would he still want to be friends? Was he only playing with your heart?
"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but..."
And it was coming, you knew you were going to get your heart broken.
"... I think I want more."
And just like that, everything stopped. Your brain short-circuited as you attempted you comprehend properly what he had just said.
"You, what?" you said in a whisper.
"I think I'm ready for a real relationship and, honestly, I don't see it happen with anyone else other than you."
You said nothing, you just couldn't physically speak. So you kissed him, slowly and passionately. In all the times you kissed, this felt like the most intimate you had ever been. It wasn't physical intimacy, it was emotional. Without even noticing, teardrops came out of your eyes. Just a couple as Min Ho brushed them off with his thumb.
"Are you okay?" he asked once he pulled away from your face, but still kept his forehead to yours.
"What... Why the change of heart?"
He sighed. "You really want me to tell you how special you are, don't you?"
"I actually do, yeah." you admitted without any shame.
But the evening went on like this. There was some friendly teasing, kissing here and there, talking for what felt like hours. You wanted to stay forever there with him.
"I could kiss you forever." he said softly after lifting your chin up to make you look at him.
You held onto him even closer. "Me too." And you kissed him again. "I should really go."
He shook his head and placed a couple of pecks all over your face. "Or you could stay."
"No." you laughed. "Curfew starts in five minutes."
He pouted but still help you up on your feet from the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, you will."
"On the bus, this time."
You sighed heavily. "Yes."
"Good. Then sleep well." he kissed you one last time for the night.
"Good night."
As soon as you got to your tent, Madison was already sleeping. You lost no time in dialing Kitty's number but she didn't answer. The next person in mind was Yuri but she did not respond either. Last person was Q who, thankfully, picked up.
"So? How was it?" he asked.
"It couldn't have been any better."
taglist: @nanaspalette | @schniti-is-in-the-house | @bakugou-katsukis-wife | @soobin-chois | @honeydewpie | @snoozeagustd | @justemalove | @n1ninunwo0 | @loislucky | @kuromomomi | @lysira340 | @lenilla15 | @upsidedownjill | @woozarts | @hy-eins | @olivetheoryx | @b1tch1macow | @dreaming-hope25 | @jiaant11 | @melsunshine | @sincerely-aaronette | @wonyofanclub | @jaehyunicecream | @zucchinimalfoy | @beeomgui | @jinxwhore28 | @mimisamisasa | @gordorio | @honeyisnotreal | @melonshifts | @itsnotino | @tyigerz | @idkhowbutifoundyou | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @emmeyli | @rodcfgh | @gayandfairycore | @suzzie63 | @purplelandsworld | @nyenye | @ilovewonyo | @vinwinxt | @tocupid | @sparkysparking101 | @yeojoongiee | @bangtanstrayz | @smugrogerina | @liviaxgc | @flyxfall | @hehet-ateez
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
806 notes · View notes
pedgito · 2 years
I NEED to see brat tamer!Eddie and bratty!Reader. Like every little thing reader is a brat about. “can you do that for me?” “I don’t know, can I?” Vibes yk? Also I love the idea of Reader getting needy and bratty and she starts tugging on his belt loops to get his attention while he’s working on hellfire stuff. Okay thank you, love you🫶
author's note: uh...yeah i have no words. sorry for this.
cw: 18+ (minors dni), bratty!reader, dom!eddie (sorta), degrading language, rough foreplay/sex (slapping, hair pulling, ect), unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), lots of manhandling, dom/sub dynamic (sorta), reader loves teasing eddie at any and every opportunity, this is just completely self indulgent dirty smut
word count: 3k
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It started at the Hellfire meeting that night, just as you two slipped through the door and waited for others to file in a few minutes later. His searches for the light in the dark of the room, mumbling over his shoulder toward you.
“Can you grab my stuff?” He asks monotone, turning his head to glance at your before successfully finding the switch and flipping it on.
And normally, you’d do it without question. But, Eddie had been insufferable for the better half of the day and most of the morning—finding every way to tease you throughout the day. Small touches, snide remarks, all the stuff he knew got under your skin the quickest and then it all went dead, focusing on the big event for the night—too you, just another D&D session.
So you turn it up, dropping your things on the table as you spoke, “I don’t know, can I?”
Eddie scoffs softly, rounding on his heels to turn in your direction. “Excuse you?”
“You heard me.” You reply sharply, standing straighter as Eddie walked your way, “Can I?” You repeat yourself, dragging the words out.
“Are you already starting this?” Eddie asks, eyes narrowing slightly as his eyebrows crease in frustration.
“Oh—so it’s fine when you mess with me all day, but the moment I flip it back on you, it’s a problem?”
And maybe it was a little bold, but you’ve never been one to hold back when it came to defy Eddie—you never backed down from an argument, even when you knew you were fated to lose.
Eddie crowds you in, hand drifting along the column of your neck until his thumb can press against the underside of your jaw, titling your face up to meet his.
“Not here,” He says lowly, “—you want to act like that? Save that shit for later.”
Later—out of the watchful eyes of others, in private, somewhere Eddie could deal with it the way he wanted to.
You grimace slightly, wiggling away from his grip, but it only tightens further, his jaw clenching at your moment,
“Got it?” He asks, expecting only one answer.
You’re nice enough to play along for the moment, giving him a subtle nod. Unfortunately, it was only the beginning.
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Eddie’s sat near the end of his bed, feet planted firmly on the floor and his elbows digging into the rips of his jeans, leaving small indentations in the skin—and Eddie’s so lost in his own scribbling and jotting down of notes that he doesn’t even notice the faint tugging at first. He thinks that maybe your foot skimmed him on accident, turning over in bed as you napped. He’d watched you fall asleep in the passenger seat of his van after Hellfire and he was kind enough to carry you inside—because despite the risky and powerful dynamic between you two, he still loved you as he would any partner and it was a small way to show his affliction toward you and just how much he cared, but the adoration you had for it was short lived, remembering how sweltering his words had been earlier in the evening.
The days weren’t always like this either—you could go days, weeks even, another normal and healthy relationship, but there was always that deep, dark underbelly that lingered when things got too tense or one of you went to far.
You crawled forward slowly, eyes still hazy from sleep as you curled around him, fingers looping into the loops of his jeans, belt forgotten and the button of his jeans spread open. It gave you less resistance, tugging and tugging until he sighed with a long, heavy breath.
“Stop.” He complained, though it was lightheartedly and didn’t seem at all threatening, the dull pencil flipping between his fingers absently.
You make a small noise, a groan of disapproval as you tightened your fingers and tugged harder, nearly forcing him backwards, papers slipping from his hands as he tumbled back against you, palm barely able to catch himself.
“God—do you ever listen?” He asks, turning over his shoulder to flare up at you, your mouth turned up in a salacious grin.
You shook your head slowly, a slow hand creeping under the collar of his shirt and beyond the chain of his necklace, blunt fingers dragging against the pale, alabaster skin of his chest and through the stubbly patch of hair there. Eddie tenses, using his free hand to grab your arm, yanking it out his shirt.
“Hey,” You pout, tossing your hand to the side as Eddie’s face morphs into annoyance, shoving himself back up and away from you, “I’m bored.” You tell him, voice soft and pleading.
“And you were asleep five minutes ago,” Eddie counters, “you know I need to get this campaign finished and you always think this is the most convenient time to ask for sex.”
You laugh softly, watching as he departed the bed and stood on his feet, unbuttoned pants leaving little to imagine as the hard line of his cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans. “Is it working?” You inquired teasingly.
“No.” Eddie doubles down, how shameful of him.
Your eyes flick down to his dick pointedly, smirk growing on your face. “Oh, so we’re lying now?”
“What’s with the fucking attitude all day?” Eddie avoids your line of questioning, bartering his own.
You shrug, walking on your knees toward the edge of the bed, leaning back on your heels as you looked up at him, his face devoid of any emotion, eyes eerily hollow.
“It’s been a while,” You tell him somberly, despite the teasing hand on his cock, palm rubbing against the front of his jeans. He doesn’t move away, but he doesn’t react positively either, “and you’ve been mean all day, Eddie.”
“Like you haven’t?” It’s redundant, but you respond anyways.
“Only because you started it.”
“That’s a weak fucking argument.” Eddie chuckles lowly, raking a hand through the crown of your hair, shoving the lose strands away from your face—you were expecting a gentle touch, but that’s quickly diminished when the hand winds in your hair, pulling snug until you can’t help but react, you whine softly.
“Eddie,” You respond, “that hurts.”
“Then tell me to let go.” He answers.
You shake your head stubbornly, letting his other hand pull you up from under your arm until your forced to stand before him, eyes never lingering away from his own.
“Get in the bathroom,” Eddie urges, shoving you toward the door with little force, knowing you’d go easily, “now.”
Well, maybe you were biting off a little more than you could handle, but everything with Eddie was exhilarating, never a dull moment in between—his face was still plain, not a hint of smile or any sign of anger.
“You’re so easy,” You remark sweetly, calling over your shoulder, "can’t even admit how badly you want it.”
You leave without a word from him, slipping down the quiet and dark hallway, trailer empty aside from the both of you—the bathroom door is already wide open, a tiny cramped room with not nearly enough space. There was only a few seconds of limbo before Eddie was right there, startling you at his ability to remain completely silence as he clicked the door shut behind you. You can only assume why he ordered you in here, face scrunching up in amusement.
“Huh, no—“ You laugh, “you have a perfectly sized bed—fuck, even a couch. We are not—“
“Turn around,” He interrupts, shifting his loose pants further down his waist, tucked under the expanse of his ass—and when you don’t move, he shifts your body for you, “—are you gonna fucking listen or not?”
“Why should I?”
Eddie knew you'd keep this game up as long as you had the energy and power over him—and he could admit it, you were very well capable of doing it, now being a perfect example.
The only solution was fucking it out of you, leaving you as speechless as possible. That's one thing Eddie was capable of.
“You want to act like brat, I’ll treat you like one.” He remarks snidely, pulling at the thin material of your shorts until they drop to your ankles, helping you out of them wordlessly. “Keep talking—it’ll only make it worse.”
Eddie drops to his knees in an instant, lifting you up on your tiptoes as you leaned over the edge of the sink, hands grilling the porcelain tight. His mouth is hot and wet as his tongue licks a broad strip up your cunt, the vulgarity of it sending a jolt of surprise through your body, gasping at the suddenness of it.
Your mouth hung open slightly, sounds dying in your throat as you tried to focus, refusing to give Eddie the upper-hand that he wanted—he’s got you spread wide, his face stuffed up against your cunt as he licks into you, the angle frustratingly pleasurable as his tongue glides over your clit in quick fleeting movements, your hand shooting back to sink into his curls, pulling harshly as you bury him deeper and deeper into the ache that was growing between your legs.
But, Eddie isn’t having it. He grabs the idle hand on the sink and the one buried in his hair and holds them tight, stopping momentarily to dig into the back pocket of his jeans—you know it’s coming and you can’t be bothered to stop it.
“You don’t get to have things your way,” He warns, finding the handkerchief stuffed in his pocket and wrapping it around your wrist, tying it loosely—part of him was hoping you’d play along, not wanting to leave any visible marks. He wanted you to give that power over to him willingly, “not tonight, sweetheart.”
You nod slowly, feigning innocence for the moment.
Eddie stands then, body dragging against yours as he speaks, “You think you can take me like this?” Eddie asks, “I don’t really think you deserve my fingers.”
“So I don’t get your fingers, but I get your dick?” You counter, earning a subtle smirk in return. “That doesn’t seem like a fair trade.”
Eddie snakes an arm around your front, forcing your chin up to look at him in the small mirror, squeezing at your cheeks until your mouth was forced open, “It’s a yes or no question—I don’t need your smartass remark.”
You laugh daringly, “Sorry—can you repeat yourself?”
Eddie doesn’t appreciate that, hand slipping down to your neck to pull back with force, body held tight against his. You couldn’t see in the mirror anymore, only his face as he glared down at you.
“Yes or no?” Eddie asks again, slower and much more menacingly. You breathe harshly against his grip, realizing he wasn’t going to let go until you answered.
“Yes,” You say weakly, “I can take it.”
“Good,” He replies softly, the grip on your neck loosening until you fall forward, his hand stabilized on your shoulder to help keep you upright, “don’t think I can wait much longer anyways.”
And despite Eddie’s vicious approach, he enters you slow, watching your face for any signs of pain—the stretch was welcomed and normal, a breath of relief when he was finally settled into you fully, giving you a moment to adjust.
“Shit,” He curses, “—messing with me all day just to have me fuck you like this?”
He doesn’t need you to answer, doesn’t want it, speaking his thoughts out into the charged air between you.
“Always have so much to say until my cock is inside you,” He can see the twitch in your expression, begging to respond, and he laughs, fingers dragging up along your face as his thumb drags along your bottom lip teasingly, “—you think it’s cute to berate me?”
It’s a double-edged sword, so you don’t respond in any way. But, Eddie doesn’t like that either. He’s squeezing at your face again, hips thrusting slowly in comparison to his rough grip. “So does that mean I get to do the same to you? Treat you like a whore?”
You moan softly at the feeling of his cock twitching inside you, but the word is like a trigger, face turning up in amusement as you laugh.
“Yeah? That’s what you want?” Eddie asks with a condescending tone, earning an eager nod from you. “God, you’re so fucking predictable.”
You shrug slightly, shocked by how quickly he releases your face, dropping suddenly until his hand wraps into your hair, pulling your face back up to stare at him through the reflection and it feels like you’re being transported—looking at a different version of yourself.
He’s barely even done anything and you already look wrecked, embarrassingly so. He leans in closer, breath ghosting over your ear as his eyes make contact with you through the mirror, “And you’re gonna watch while I fuck you. I want you to see how desperate you look.” He says lowly, hips snapping sharply, “Every,” another rough thrust, “fucking,” a harsh tug at your hair, “time.”
You moan out loudly, feeling Eddie bury himself deeper and deeper with each thrust, eyes squeezing closed on instinct, only shooting back open when there’s a sharp slap across your face—it’s quick and doesn’t really sting, but it’s gets your attention. “What did I say?”
“To—to look,” You stammer, an endless soundboard of noises as Eddie didn’t relent, free hand gripping your hip tightly, bringing your ass back against him with every thrust, the loud sound of skin against skin drowning out any other noise in the trailer, “—while you fuck me.”
Eddie nods slowly, eyes dragging down to his dick, the sight nearly enough to make him come then, groaning at how perfectly you gripped him, soft velvet walls like heaven to sink into, again and again.
“And to remember who makes you feel this good,” He reminds, the hand gripping your hip sliding up the front of torso and under your shirt, squeezing gently at your bare tits, the outline of his hands and rings visible through the thin material—the rings were always cold compared to his warm hands and it was never something you got used, gasping at the way they bit at your skin, “say it, baby.”
Your eyes roll back slightly from the sheer pleasure consuming your body, his hips an overwhelming and unfaltering pace as he sunk into you with fervor. You try to say it, but it dies on your tongue, eyes falling shut again as you strained against the hold he had in your hair, begging for relief. Eddie notices, breaking the act for a brief moment to switch his hold, hand caressing your face in a loose grip, just enough to hold you upright to see in the mirror, his gaze still as permeable as ever.
“Say it,” He reminds, rubbing at heat growing in your cheeks, “fuck—say my name.”
“Eddie,” You gasp softly, “it’s you, Eddie.”
Eddie nods proudly, his pace faltering slightly, facade slipping as his jaw clenched tight, breathing sharply through his nose as he tried to hold out.
“Please,” You beg, “please—“
You’re not entirely sure for what.
“Oh—can’t find the words now, huh?” Eddie teases, the hand that’s stuffed under your shirt guiding down until his fingers can drag over the sensitive bundle of nerves, an instant relief when he finally touches you, you sigh sharply, eyes squeezing shut in concentration. “No, eyes open—“ Eddie urges, tapping at your face with his finger lightly, stopping his movements until you did just that.
“Use your manners, baby.” Eddie reminds, “Ask for it.”
“Can I—can I come?” You ask softly, “Eddie, please—“
Eddie laughs quietly, “Apologize.”
If it weren’t for how desperately you wanted to come, you would’ve ripped him a new one and told him off, but you needed this.
“Fuck—I’m sorry.” You force out.
Eddie snaps his hips roughly, on the edge of his own undoing, barely able to keep himself together too.
“Being mean,” You gasp out, “and teasing you.”
“And being a complete fucking brat?”
You nod weakly, his fingers gliding over your sensitive clit with an intensity that brings you tipping over the edge quickly, fingers gripping into the trip of Eddie’s shirt from where your hands are still bound behind you, nearly ripping the material at the seam. Eddie pulls out quickly, urging you to turn around. His eyes are pleading, a stark difference from his earlier demeanor as he tugs at his dick swiftly, mumbling a quick, “Can I?”
And you can only assume he’s asking for one thing, quickly undoing the binding as you sank to your knees, hands gripping his thigh for leverage as he gripped your face with his free hand, your tongue slipping out carefully as he rested the achingly red and leaking tip over it, giving you a feeble groan of warning before he’s coming with a visceral, “Fuckfuck—“ and letting the milky white of his orgasm drip out of your mouth slightly, urging it closed with a tap at your chin, watching you swallow without question.
Eddie falls against the wall in exhaustion, watching you do the same as you leaned against the sink, still naked from the waist down. You laughed into the silence, a small giggle that bubbles from your chest.
“Too much?” Eddie asks, bracing for your retort.
You shake your head honestly, “Not enough, in my opinion.”
“God, you’re a masochist—I swear.” Eddie replies with a smile, grabbing at the hand that lingered around his thigh, pulling you against him with practiced ease.
“You just fuck really good when you’re upset,” You admit, open mouth gliding against his, pressing a soft kiss against his lips, “like, really good.”
“Yeah?” Eddie laughs.
You nod confidently, “I’m pissing you off everyday if it results in that—well, maybe without the bathroom next time.”
“I didn’t want to mess up the organization I had going with the campaign stuff.” Eddie defends weakly.
You snort in disbelief, “Organization? You know what—no, I’m not even gonna touch that one.”
You tug at his pants until get he gets the message pulling them over his hips before you’re ushering him out of the bathroom without a word, closing the door behind him.
Eddie stares on in disbelief at the closed door, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Unfortunately for Eddie, he’d never know.
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
✮ 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲, luke hughes
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betty, i'm here on your doorstep and i planned it out for weeks now but it's finally sinkin' in betty, right now is the last time ── yeah, i showed up at your party will you have me? will you love me? will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? if you kiss me, will it be just like i dreamed it? will it patch your broken wings? ── the only thing i wanna do is make it up to you so i showed up at your party
♡ ─ word count | 1.5k
♡ ─ summary | a small incident at luke's draft party causes a whole lot of drama you never expected to happen.
♡ ─ warnings | unedited lol, angst!!!!!!!!!!!! so much angst, slightly asshole!luke, let me know if i missed anything.
♡ ─ taglist | tbd
♡ ─ ev's notes | yayaya, my first piece of writing published on tumblr!!! please let me know your thoughts, i'm very open to (respectful) criticism.
ALSO desperately want some hockey (or literally any lol) moots so please send in an ask to become moots!
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You had no idea know why you were here, sitting outside his house.
Well that was a lie ─ you knew why you were here. You didn't know what you would say, not in the slightest. You knew you had to make some kind of plan in your mind before you went in, led completely by adrenaline and impulse.
There were a few familiar cars outside the house. You knew the red Kia was his parents' and the Quinn's gray Ram. Your stomach was filled with slight dread as you thought about how this entire thing happened.
You shook your head to snap out of your thoughts ─ it didn't matter now. You were gonna fix it and get your best friend back, no matter what you had to do.
You knew tonight was Jack's birthday party. Before this whole thing happened, you were invited to the party ─ it wouldn't have been right to not have you all here with them. Well, until the fight.
You took a deep exhale before turning off your car, looking up at the familiar house. You got out of the car and shut the door, walking up to the house. Before you even had gotten on his front porch, the door swung open and you immediately paused, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
You were met with him and suddenly all the memories of the past month came flooding back.
The loud cheers from everyone around you would've been distressing if not for how happy you felt. You were screaming along with them, cheering.
You knew that Luke would've been drafted to the Devils for a fact but it didn't dissipate the happiness that filled the room. Luke turned to you and you couldn't help but hug him tightly, as the whole room shook with excitement.
For a moment, it just felt like time stopped and it was just you two in the whole world ─ despite the 20 people who were surrounding all of you, it didn't matter. As you let him go, it seemed like you weren't the only one who felt that way as you locked eyes with Luke. He had a true, authentic smile on this face.
Every time he smiled, your heart leapt out of your chest. This time was no different; the same smile you sported on your own lips, playing off each other's emotions, and the heat you could feel rising on your cheeks. Everyone patted and tugged him around in excitement but his eyes were locked on you, your arm perched on his shoulder.
Once the celebrations died down, you set off for a quick drink break in the kitchen. As you turned around from the fridge, drink in hand, you were met with Luke's gaze. Your cheeks glowed, the familiar rush of excitement tingling through your veins. His smile was just as contagious as yours you begun talking.
"You excited?" You spoke. You hadn't talked to Luke the whole night because he was the man of the night. You were happy for him, of course ─ you missed him, though.
"For what?" He was joking of course. He usually hated being the center of the attention but this time it felt different ─ he felt deserving of it.
You rolled your eyes playfully, laughing. "Moving to Jersey, being close to Jack again."
Luke nods, a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I missed him. But I don't know, it would feel weird not playing with everyone else. And you not being at every home game." He whispered the last part out, almost sounding ashamed of it.
You felt the smile on your face get brighter and bigger. "Well I'm gonna miss watching you play live, Lukey."
He winced at the silly nickname, but couldn't help but smile as he looked down at you leaning against the kitchen island, comfortably close to him. "You could always come out to Jersey."
"Yeah, maybe."
A still silence hung in the air between the two of you, but it was not uncomfortable. There was a subtle switch in the air as Luke's eyes remained fixed on you. Neither of you spoke, content to soak in each other's company in the warmth of the moment, aware that there was something more to be said but not ready to be said quite yet.
You could almost see his thoughts racing, the wheels turning, trying to decide what to do next. "Y/N?" He asked softly, the smile slowly slipping from his face. He wanted to speak up, to say something, but the words were stuck in his throat. He could only let out a whisper, his expression growing more uncertain with each passing moment.
A sense of anxiety crept in but even so, you knew exactly what was about to happen. He leaned in and let his lips brush softly against yours in a quick peck. It didn't feel wrong, not even a little bit — it actually felt perfect. You could tell he had been thinking about this for a while and you'd also contemplated it in the past. However, despite the fact that it felt right, it was wrong — not just wrong, but completely off limits.
"Y/N?" You heard another voice echo in the kitchen and you both whipped your heads.
Luke folded his arms and averted his gaze from you. You felt your heart crack a bit from his bitter expression. The sound of laughter coming from inside filled you with a sudden sense of clarity and the realization that you could be ruining his night crept in. It was sobering and the thought of how his family would be disappointed, upset with your presence there. It made the guilt and shame that you felt sting all the more.
But you had to. You had to get him back, no matter what.
You opened your mouth to speak but before the words could come out, he started speaking first.
"Why are you here, Y/N?" Your name felt like a curse when he said it, like knives piercing your heart. He always spoke to you with such kindness and care, but now it felt almost spiteful. He looked at you through narrowed eyes, and there was no warmth left in his voice, only cold accusation.
"I wanted to talk to you, Luke." You answered, your eyes moving to look down, shamefully. "Can we talk?"
Luke scoffed; typically a playful sound, but this time it cut like a knife. "Y/N, I just… not now, please." There was hurt in his voice, a sharp contrast from his usual sweet nature. The atmosphere was tense, heavy with unspoken words.
"Luke, I can't stand this! I miss you!" You finally snapped and he looked taken aback. "What did you expect me to do? You just kissed me and─and I had no time to process it when Morgan had walked in!"
"You're blaming me, now? You never told me that Morgan liked you─"
"Luke! You're not listening to me." You sighed loudly, moving closer. "It doesn't matter, I just want to talk to me again. It's not my fault. And─and it doesn't yours, either." You explained anxiously, playing subconsciously with your rings.
Luke licked his lips, his gaze flicking up to the the ceiling in thought before looking back at you.
“I know you don’t want to talk about this, Luke, but I really need to.” You paused, feeling your heart rate speed up.
"There's nothing to talk about, Y/N." He said, plainly. "I like─" He paused, his thoughts dying on his tongue. "─liked you."
Your heart broke. Liked? "Luke..."
"We're gonna be leaving for Jersey the day after tomorrow, Y/N." He sighed. "I'll be out of your hair then. You won't have to worry about me."
"Luke, you're my best friend!"
"No, you're not my damn best friend, Y/N!" Luke shouted, his voice trembling with rage. "You're more than just my best friend and I don't know how you could be so clueless! I never wanted you like a best friend, I liked you, and it's been right in front of your face this whole time but you've too oblivious to notice it." Luke yelled, his frustration and anger boiling over.
You taken aback and felt paralyzed, your mind scrambling to form a coherent response. Your mouth was dry, your heart racing a hundred miles per hour. You desperately wanted to say something, anything, but your words were stuck in your throat. The moment dragged on, as if time had paused just for this.
Luke had never blown up on anyone, especially you. His voice echoed and you could feel everyone from inside was now listening in. This suddenly felt a like a mistake, you shouldn't have come and ruined his night.
Finally, she managed a strangled out reply. "Luke-" she breathed, her voice shaking as she spoke. "I knew that, I-"
"No you didn't." His anger had dissipated, now he just seemed tired. "It doesn't matter now, okay? I'm done with this." He pointed between them.
Again, you opened your mouth to speak only to be met with the slam of the door. You stood there, in the cool March air as you finally let the tears fall.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
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ssshh-im-a-secret · 1 year
An Obey Me X Twisted Wonderland Prompt
So, if MC went from Obey Me to Twisted Wonderland, I think it would be very funny if no one believed them when they started to open up about their time in the Devildom.
Like, they tell people they lived with the Seven Deadly Sins, they know the Crown Prince of Hell, etc. but no one believes them. They just kind of brushed it off as them trying to either get attention or to claim that they do know a thing or two about magic, but it's just different, when they are all under the assumption that MC doesn't have magic at all.
So, a bit frustrated, I would love it if MC would just start making shit up. They think they're probably never getting home, and even if they do get home, there's no way the people here will ever actually know anything about the Devildom because it's in another world.
They start making up random holidays, random trends, random career paths, random foods, and various other things. It's all fake. They know that it's fake. But they don't care, at this point it's entertaining. It would be super funny if they had an entire notebook dedicated to their lies so that they can keep them straight. Or if they had a datebook and just filled out random dates with various holidays.
(Bonus points if they end up convincing a few people, or letting the Adeuce duo in on the secret and they began treating it like MC was telling the truth and they believed them word for word)
And then the Obey Me Boys come, and everyone realizes, "Oh my god, MC wasn't lying. We need to learn more."
They start questioning all these crazy things because, even if these people and that place are real, all these facts can't be, right?
Everyone, despite not knowing about this prior, immediately agrees with whatever MC said. Lucifer and Beelzebub are probably a bit more ambiguous with their answers, Lucifer because he doesn't want to lie about the Devildom, and Beel because he doesn't want to answer in a way that may contradict, what MC has said.
Random Twst character: So, do you guys really have a weeklong Chicken Dance Day Festival?
Diavolo, who has no idea what they're on about: Of course, it's a week after our two-day Macarena Day Festival.
Random Twst character: Do you guys really eat fire?
Satan, just hearing this for the first time: Most of us, but there are certain colors of fire that the lower-level demons can't stomach.
Belphie: *Gets woken up by Random Twst character*
Random Twst character: Do demons really hibernate for three decades after a few centuries?
Belphie: Yes.
Belphie, deciding to add onto whatever the fuck they're talking about: But I'm a special case. I hibernate whenever I want for however long I want because I'm the Avatar of Sloth.
Random Twst character: Is it true that you once held up Lord Diavolo's Castle with one finger because there was a rat?
Barbatos: Of course. Mc could never have killed the rat if I hadn't.
Random Twst character, looking judgingly at Lucifer: Do you really breathe fire?
Lucifer: *Raises an eyebrow, but gives no actual response*
Random Twst character: *Is intimidated and drops the subject*
Random Twst character: MC says that you once gambled for five days straight and held a winning streak that entire time.
Mammon, feeling his ego grow ten times larger: Course they did! MC should want all of ya' to know about the Great Mammon.
Random Twst character: MC says you can talk to fish.
Levi: Duh.
Random Twst character: Is it true that you once knocked out an entire banquet of demons with one soup?
Solomon, suddenly feeling very hurt: Wha-
Simeon and Luke: Yes!
Beelzebub: *frantic nodding*
(MC didn't actually lie about this one, but maybe exaggerated a bit)
They probably confronted MC after a few days, and they all had a good laugh about it.
If MC did have a notebook or a datebook filled with whatever they've made up along with when these things supposedly take place, they would probably make more for the Obey Me boys who are now in on it.
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stararch4ngelqueen · 7 months
Hi! I have been obsessed with your Jason fics for a couple of days. They are just so sweet and incredible. I simply love them and I think that thanks to you I have a new comfort character 😊
I kind of had a little 🤏 anxiety attack in a situation similar to the one I am going to request yesterday. But, somehow imagining Jason recomforting me and thinking about your stories helped me to ease my mind for a while. So thank you so much 🫶🏼
If you have time and like the idea, could you make a fic in which Jason and fem!reader at a Gala in the Wayne Manor and the reader kinds of stress out because people keep asking her questions and looking at her (maybe because that it's their first event as an official couple 🤔) and Jason helps her and assures her that everything will be fine
Hope you have a good day!
Aww I’m sorry to hear that. I get those a lot with my job. Sorry it’s so short, but I hope this helps!
“I’ll say it as much as I have to,” Jason’s voice rumbles comfort in your ear, his hand settling snug along your back.
“You look stunning, babe. Don’t worry.”
His words became a temporary balm to your rising concerns, causing a nearly endless bubbling in your tummy.
You weren’t like this when you arrived, fiddling with the skirt of your dress in the back of the limousine. It began when you caught various flashes of photographers along the manor gates, attempting to catch evidence of tonight’s Gala attendees.
Of course, Jason’s commentary from how you’ve done your makeup, to this gorgeous… gorgeous silk dress you picked out for the event, was ever such an ego boost.
A rich, merlot color, complimenting the collar of his button up under his tux jacket. All of Gotham knew just how extravagant Bruce Wayne’s galas were, ranging from charity events to holiday celebrations.
Part of you was excited to attend, despite it being out of your comfort zone. Lots of important people, plenty of snobs looking to get on Wayne’s good side. You imagined that one scene from The Devil Wears Prada; the main character himself strolling along with an aura of charming confidence as he greeted his guests, while his sons lounge around the stairs in absolute boredom, adorned in their secretly signature colors.
Jason usually avoided these events, but just for tonight, he wouldn’t mind attending as long as had his lovely girl by his side.
The dress made you look like complete eye candy. He wasn’t afraid to say that. His girl deserved to look her best, as long as people knew who you arrived and were leaving with at the end of the night.
“What if they ask a bunch of personal stuff?”
“Tell ‘em a bunch of personal lies,” Jason shrugs. “S’what I do all the time.”
Lying seems the most reasonable. Rich, important people do it all the time. What’re they gonna do, fact check you on the spot?
“Ah ah,” he holds up a finger the second he sees your lips open, shaking his head after another sip of champagne. “Look, if they were that desperate to look for truth here, then what’s the point of secret identities?”
After nearly an hour of gentle symphonies accompanying a handful of introductions at a time, your polite smile grew a little more strained. Shaking hands of many faces you didn’t care about, politely nodding your head towards patrons you accidentally made eye contact with and so on, had you clutching Jason’s forearm just a little tighter.
He remained by your side, offering you some soda water or champagne to settle your nerves after finding you both a semi-quiet retreat in a slightly vacant corner.
You weren’t sure why your mind began focusing on the outer talk of guests around you, but you begin to hate yourself for it.
Questions varying from who you were, hushed mutters of if you were simply bribed by lavish gifts to attend. Was another son of Bruce Wayne following in his playboy footsteps, going from girl to girl?
Such comments even went as far as to compliment your hair and makeup. You even heard a woman say this shade of red didn’t suit your skin tone. What does that even mean??
Soon enough, the music grew as loud as the chatter, making your chest swell and burn with irritation for the mental overstimulation.
Jason takes a fresh drink from a tray before leading you out from the stuffy crowds, striving into the courtyard patio. A warm, natural floral breeze helps wipe your senses clean after breathing in a cloying concoction of expensive fragrances all in one room.
A few well dressed patrons were scattered about, smoking cigarettes neatly tucked in slick metal cases. Jason didn’t stop there, leading you down a short set of curved stairs leading into the gardens.
“Breathe, babe. I gotcha.” He holds your hand at first before reaching for his jacket buttons. “All this liquor didn’t get to your head, did it?”
His teasing nearly fell on deaf ears as he draped his coat over your bare shoulders, making his smile slowly fade from your silence.
“You sure you don’t just wanna dip? We can stop at a diner and tell the waiters Batman crashed our expensive, high school prom.”
“Bruce won’t get mad?” You question after a short smile, watching Jason’s lips purse with a firm head shake.
“I mean, we showed up,” Jason clarifies while balancing his empty glass along a nearby stone bench. “No one’s really telling us to stay here.”
A faint air of defeat floods your shoulders, even when your favorite person offered the solution to your anxieties. You thought you’d be more confident, holding the aura of poise and elegance so many women held at these events.
Overall, it was too much. The music, the people, the cologne.
Somehow, a late night diner sounded a whole lot better the more you thought about it. Bustling bells ringing for hot plates, palate cleansing coffee flooding your nose, greasy bacon, and orange juice lacking any expensive champagne.
“Keep that pretty head high, princess.” Jason gently gives the bottom of your chin a gentle nudge with his thumb, gifting you a handsome smile.
“You showed up, that’s all that matters. I’m proud of you.”
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marsnovaa · 7 months
hello !! do u mind writing something with megumi dating the reader but no one knew (except gojo) because she’s from another jujutsu sorcerer school ! she’s very kind, pretty, she’s also a talented sorcerer but she’s kind of an airhead haha ; and he sees her unexpectedly in shibuya with his classmates and teachers and he’s afraid something happens to her so he just stick around her !! and we could get the reactions of his classmates and teachers
Hey, thank you for the request, this was a lovely idea. sorry for how short it is, ive been experiencing writers block and I struggle writing multiple characters in one story but I hope you enjoy this.
By your side (≧◡≦)
Megumi Fushiguro x reader
Notes: technique not specified, body type not specified, Doesnt entirely follow the events in Shibuya, f!reader, 551 words
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Your distinctive outfit caught Megumi's attention, complementing your remarkable technique flawlessly. The sight of you surprised him, given that you attended different schools, but it also brought him joy. It became evident to him that he had an obligation to safeguard you during your time in Shibuya, considering the circumstances. Megumi was fully aware of your strength, talent, and occasional absent-mindedness, which he found quite endearing as a charming aspect of your personality. However, he could no longer resist the intense desire to protect you.
The moment his group realized he was missing and witnessed him walking alongside you, their astonishment was beyond words. They made futile attempts to call him back, but Megumi casually dismissed them with a mere wave of his hand. Nobara and Yuji immediately delved into discussions, pondering over what kind of relationship you and Megumi shared. Little did they know, your connection remained hidden from everyone except Gojo, who always had an insatiable curiosity. Your initial encounter occurred during an intense one-on-one battle in the exchange event. Your skills and strength were almost evenly matched, but in the end, Megumi emerged victoriously. Despite Megumi's typically reserved nature, which often kept people at arm's length, you found him irresistibly intriguing. Summoning your courage, you boldly asked for his phone number. Much to your delightful surprise, he willingly shared it with you. And from that point onward, a clandestine romance between the two of you began to flourish. Megumi absolutely adored your kindness towards others and held your impressive skills in the highest regard. You were captivated by the way he effortlessly maintained a stoic and reserved manner when dealing with others, but with you, he was able to unreservedly reveal his true self. The connection between the two of you was irresistible, as if fate had conspired to bring you together.
Because you both went to separate schools, you didn't have the opportunity to see each other frequently. However, the times you did spend together were truly treasured.
Nobara couldn't help but praise your uniform, expressing how remarkably stunning you looked in it, and she also admired your hairstyle. Yuji wholeheartedly concurred, echoing her sentiments. Despite Nanami's attempt to discourage the gossiping, his resistance was futile, as he eventually found himself joining in on the conversation, trying to unravel the mystery surrounding your relationship with Megumi.
Naturally, everyone was taken aback when Megumi chose to be with you instead of them, but they found it rather endearing. Nobara playfully held onto Yuji's sleeve, exclaiming something along the lines of, "How is it possible for Fushiguro to find a girlfriend before I even have a boyfriend?!" Yuji nodded in agreement, provoking Nobara to jokingly question his own romantic inclinations. To outsiders, it was an amusing conversation, and in the end, both of them were left doubled over in laughter, their stomachs aching from fits of giggles.
Ino also had a role in the conversation. Initially, he was engaged in the discussion, but as it prolonged, he made an effort to persuade Yuji and Nobara to maintain their focus on the important task at hand and to refrain from fooling around, considering the gravity of the situation. Eventually, the two did pay attention, once their bout of laughter subsided.
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vex91 · 9 months
Kim Gaeul - Forget her
Pairing: Kim Gaeul x Female Reader (Bar AU)
Fandom: IVE
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: G!p gaeul,smut and plot is up to you
Summary: After your girlfriend left you without any reason you went to the bar to drink away all your worries. One bartender decides to stop you from it and makes you forget about your ex in another way.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Gaeul
A/N: Special thanks to the discord person who gave me an idea.
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3rd's POV
This definitely wasn't your best day. Not only were you late to work that day but you also messed up the papers you were working on for the past few months and on top of that your girlfriend who you were planning to marry left you without giving you any reason as to why. Her leaving was the final blow for you to go drink away your sadness in a bar, something you stopped doing after you got into a relationship with her.
The bar was pretty empty, something rare especially at time like this. Mostly all locals were meeting up during evenings to have fun, just casually talk or just like you right now, to drink away all their life problems. You weren't at this bar for a good year now and nothing really changed, except for the barista. It was a girl with short hair, pretty cute one at that. She was in the middle of talking with who look like one of her friends so she didn't noticed you observing her for a good few seconds.
You slowly walked up and took a seat in front of the bar. Noticing that, the girl who you found yourself observing not that long ago came over to you "What do you need?" You looked behind her to see all kinds of different alcohols standing neatly on the shelfs. After thinking for a bit you decided on what to drink "Anything is fine, just make sure it's strong" Nodding the girl started preparing your drink, she observed you before speaking up "A rough day?" You laughed dryly "Rough is an understatement" You took of your jacket and placed it on your lap.
"Want to talk about it? A lot of people finds it good to talk about their problems" You looked up at her with a small smile "You're technically a stranger" She smile back before putting your drink in front of you "My name's Gaeul. See now you know my name so I'm not that big of a stranger now. What's your name?" After thinking about it for a while you decided to just go along with it. You took a sip of your drink before answering her "I'm Y/N" she took a sit in front of you and that's how you found yourself venting to some stranger in a bar. Despite thinking about drinking your problems away at first, talking with Gaeul gave you more comfort than drinking so you didn't drank much.
"Sounds like a bitch behavior to me" Gaeul's words made you laugh a little, something you thought you weren't going to do today. Her presence was calming even though you didn't knew her much. Your talk continued but this time you talked about each other, getting to know one another more. At some point the atmosphere changed into something more heated. Gaeul's eyes wandered around your body and you even caught her licking her lips a few times. Finally having enough Gaeul looked around before leaning in.
"Want to come to the back? There's not much people and my friend can cover for me for a while. I can help you forget her" You didn't thought about it much before nodding, you were just as desperate for her as she was for you after all. Gaeul switched places with her friend before gently pulling you to the empty room at the back. As soon as the door closed her lips connected with yours in a heated kiss. She tapped your leg a few times to signal you to jump and when you did, she helped you sit down on a drawer that stood not that far from you. The kiss continued until she pulled away and started kissing your neck, leaving marks here and there. You whimpered at the feeling making her chuckle against your skin.
"It's hard to believe that some girl had the guts to leave someone like you. She lost a treasure" Your heart skipped at her words, she definitely knew what to say to impress a girl. Soon she kneeled in front of you, pulling your skirt and panties down after getting an approval from you. She smirked at the sight of how wet you were already. She took a long lick of your clit, a moan escaped your mouth at the feeling. She continued licking and sucking on your clit until you came all over her face. After cleaning you up she came back up and kissed you, making you taste yourself on her.
Your hands unzipped her pants and pulled it down along with her boxers, freeing her cock. You observed it with amazement, it wasn't the biggest cock you've ever seen but it definitely was the thickest "On your knees" Her voice was demanding but somehow soft. Honestly she didn't had to tell you twice, you quickly sank to your knees before starting stroking her cock up and down. Gaeul caressed your hair, watching as you put her dick in your mouth. The feeling of your mouth made her moan loudly, you took it as a sign to start sucking more and more until you started bopping your head up and down on her dick. Gaeul helped you move better by your hair and when she started getting close, her moves became faster and soon she came in your mouth.
She pulled out of you and pulled you up. She aligned her dick with your entrance before looking at you one last time for an approval. It was cute how after all of what you did right until now she still made sure to see if you're comfortable and alright. Your nod was enough for her to pushed in until she was fully in you, both of you moaned at the feeling. She waited a bit to let you both get used to it before she started moving. Her lips attached themselves to your neck again, leaving even more marks that you already knew are going to be a pain to hide but you didn't cared right now. It felt too good.
The way she knew where to hit and at what speed to make you see stars was incredible and you just wished to feel like that forever. She made you go crazy with how skilled she was and you didn't regret any of that even one bit. Soon your walls started clenching around her cock before you came all over it. Gaeul followed soon after, filling you up with her cum. Both of you shook from the intensity of it all, she didn't pulled out yet, letting you both rest for a bit after everything.
The silence that took over was quickly broken by Gaeul.
"So I will be able to get your number right?"
"After all of that, you better get my number and take me out on a proper date"
Going to the bar was definitely a good idea.
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