#she’s not really in danger or anything but he thinks she is because the basket showed up at the exact same time every day and it’s like ???
avionvadion · 1 year
I‘ve had this silly slice of life fic idea in my head for a while now where Irene is reincarnated into OoT, but Time has just been sent back to the past as Ganondorf is defeated/locked away, and it’s probably after Majora’s Mask.
She just kind of finds him hungry and cold in one of the alleys as he hasn’t gone back to the forest, and while he’s asleep tosses a blanket around him and leaves a basket of food next to him. This happens a few more times, and during one of them he gets a glimpse of her face as he hasn’t fallen asleep yet and watches as she walks away.
Years pass, he joins the kingdom’s knights, and his fellow soldiers will bring him a basket of food from an anonymous person. He knows exactly who it is, but doesn’t really understand why she’s trying to help him or why she doesn’t ever talk to him in person or anything like that. But because she doesn’t seem to have any intention of speaking to him, he doesn’t approach her.
It isn’t until one day the gift baskets stop coming that he goes looking for her. 👀
I dunno, it’s just a really cute idea that’s been in my head for a while.
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Part One | Part Two
TW: Mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts and actions, trauma
“You should be ashamed of yourself.”
A woman's voice caught your attention, making you look away from the aisle of noodles you were looking through. A middle-aged woman, maybe a little older than thirty, was standing close to you. Her vile expression made you cower.
“Excuse me?” You didn’t know the lady, and you weren’t sure if she was upset because you grabbed the last box of gluten free spaghetti noodles. You scanned the otherwise empty aisle, confused, before looking back at her still glaring at you.
“It makes me sick when kids like you show off your self harm like that, like you want the attention or something.” She shakes her head in disapproval.
Your stomach dropped, and followed her gaze to your exposed wrists. Today was the first day you decided to wear a short sleeve shirt, it had been weeks since the bandages had come off but you were finally comfortable with the scarring that was left behind after your suicide attempt. But now-
"Seriously, you are being a bad influence on others. Just because you suffered doesn't mean you need to show off!" The woman's words were making you tear up, and like you were being physically attacked, you wanted to retreat.
"Hey lady, why don't you fuck off," Katsuki Bakugou's voice startled both you and the woman, and you sighed in relief at the sight of the blonde.
He had a basket full of groceries in his hand, wearing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt but Bakugou was just as menacing in civilian clothing as he was in his hero uniform.
"Ya know, you blabbering your hate can cause someone to feel like shit," Katsuki moved closer to you, but his red eyes were trained on the rude woman.
"Do you want to be the reason why someone kills themselves?" He asked, tilting his head.
The woman is flustered, and begins moving away. "N-no Dynamight sir, there's been a misunderstanding!"
Katsuki scoffed, his glare still in place. "I heard you bitch, now why don't you fuck off!"
The lady didn't stick around the argue, dissapearing just as quickly as she appeared. You stood there dumbfounded, still holding the box of pasta in your hands.
"What a bitch" Bakugou said, scoffing before looking back at you.
He took in how frazzled you looked, and could immediately tell what the woman told you really hurt your feelings. Seeing you hurt like that made his chest tighten and the young hero wishes he would've spotted you sooner, to be able to save you quicker.
Wiping at your eyes quickly, you wave off his concern.
"Thanks," You took a deep breath before continuing when you felt a rush of tears, "-for sticking up for me. That was nice of you."
Now that the presence of danger was gone, Katsuki felt awkward just standing there like a loser.
"I wasn't following you or anything," He mumbled. You caught how he was looking away from you, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I just needed to get some pasta for dinner," Bakugou pointed to the shelf behind you.
"Right!" You moved aside so that Bakugou could make his selection, remembering how he was picky about where he got his groceries at. You felt a bit embarrassed that you wound up at the same store as him.
"How's Denki?" You asked to fill in the silence, watching as his eyes scanned over the boxes. He had a slight stubble growing on his face, and his hair looked like Katsuki forgot to brush it. Seeing him so close and so relaxed made you flustered.
"Fucking annoying as shit." That makes you laugh, and hearing your high pitched laughter made Katsuki crack a smile.
"We have a deal though, I cook dinner and I don't have to pay rent," He said, peeking at your expression through the corner of his eye. Your smile was wiped from your face, and the basket in your hold jerked as you tightened your hold on it. Dumbass, why did you say that? He thinks, griminacing.
You feel that it's time for you to leave, and you open your mouth to spit out a lame goodbye when Bakugou beats you to it.
"Hey, will you help me find a good dessert option? Denki is pretty picky," Katsuki said, lying straight out of his ass because his friend would eat anything. You knew that, but any reason to stick around was good enough for you to crack a smile and agree.
"I like your shirt," Bakugou said as the two of you browse the bakery section. He isn't looking at you when he said that, meticulously reading through the ingredient list of a cherry pie.
You glance down at your plain white shirt and cock an eyebrow, "Thanks?"
"Don't listen to what that old hag told you, you're braver than you think," He whispers, holding out the pie for you to take.
His words cause you to blink back tears, and you look down at the pie in your hands so that he won't see how his words impacted you. Katsuki notices anyways, because he knows you.
You're shocked when Katsuki pulls you in for a brief hug, but he couldn't help not console you after that shitty experience.
Both of you walk together to the register to pay, chatting about mostly nothing of significant, but it felt nice to just speak to one another like old friends.
Bakugou waited for you to finish paying before taking your groceries to your car.
"You don't need to do that," You try to argue but Bakugou wouldn't listen to you as he loaded up your car.
"I'm glad you're taking care of yourself," He said when he faced you again.
Katsuki's words made you feel happy, and you noticed how the sunset matched his hair, and how the sun peeking out from the clouds shined just as bright as his eyes.
"Thank you Katsuki," You said.
He gives you a small smile, and a three finger salute before walking with his groceries to his car.
You watch him as he walks away, and the cracks in your heart spread as you choke on a sob but you hold it in until you're in your own car.
Pressing the palms of your hands against your closed eyes, your tears feel hot as you let them fall. Your chest concaves as it struggles to breath, and you hiccup for a intake of air.
The lack of oxygen reminds you of the truth: Katsuki and you were broken up.
It was a mutual decision.
The discussion of marriage caused a rift between the two of you, and it felt like old times again, when Bakugou and you would fight without really listening to one another.
You felt like you were to blame for the end of the greatest relationship you've ever had, if only you hadn't let your stupid problems get in the way. You ruined everything and now you have to pay the price.
"Get out of your head." Bakugou is familiar with that look of frusteration on your face.
He was packing a bag of his stuff, mumbling about how he'd crash with Denki to give you space but just the idea of sitting alone in an apartment he paid for makes your skin crawl.
"You don't have to leave, I can visit my parents-" Katsuki scoffs at the idea.
"What? Just to give them more reason to hate me?"
"They don't hate you Kats," You reply, but when Katsuki catches your eye, he knows your lying.
An emergency call to the couple therapist helped you and Bakugou correctly share your ideas about marriage. Katsuki's argument was that he sees the two of you together for the long run so why not just get hitched now. You agreed with him on seeing the relationship continuing for a lifetime, but the idea of marriage now, after everything that happened seemed a bit rushed.
Stubborn in his way, Bakugou bite back his tongue as you tried explaining your reasoning but not really listening.
"I love you, and you love me. Why can't that be enough?" He said it so confidently that you broke down sobbing.
"I don't know why," You cry, because you're emotions are conflicted and it's leaving you a mess.
"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, why I can't just be happy with you and let myself be carried away." What little progress you made during your recovery seemed to be lost as your head filled with anxious, hateful thoughts about yourself.
Sensing your unraveling, Bakugou backed off on the topic of marriage. He doesn't want to push you, he doesn't want to hurt you more so he steps back and suggests time apart.
It's not an easy decision, in fact leaving you scares the shit out of him and he doesn't know what 'giving each other space' really means.
Days drag on without so much as a text from one to the other, and slowly time apart doesn't hurt as much anymore.
You're going to therapy, and returned back to work. There's a huge hole in your chest that Katsuki use to fill up, but now you were remembering who you use to be, who you wanted to be. Yet, you can't sleep in the bedroom you use to share with Katsuki, and you can't even look at the attached bathroom. It felt like a boogey man was waiting for you in there, where you decided that a razor would take all the pain away. It was better if you just slept on the couch, missing Katsuki but far enough away that the dark thoughts couldn't touch you.
The breakup wasn't easy on Katsuki. Crashing on Denki's couch wasn't where he imagined himself to be at the age of 25. He felt rejected, like he wasn't good enough for you to want to marry him.
His father was the one to help change his view.
"Katsuki, do you remember when you were kidnapped?"
The question and the memory puts him in a sour mood, but Masaru quickly continues his line of thought before his son could blow up.
"You were so scared, and even if you put on that tough guy act, you weren't okay for a long time," Masaru reaches to hold his son's hand that was laid on the kitchen table, the tea he made for them forgotten.
Katsuki grinded his teeth, but listened silently.
Masaru swallowed the ball of emotion that formed in his throat, sniffling, "We were so worried about you, your mother and I, but you kept pushing to put what happened to you in the past."
"Wait so you think I'm pushing (Y/N)?" Katsuki became defensive.
Marasu shook his head, reaching to push back the same blonde hair his son inherited from his wife away from Katsuki's forehead.
"I think you're scared Katsuki, and you're trying to bury what happened, but son you can't do that for (Y/N)," His father explained.
"She needs time to process what happened, what she did and why she did it. Marriage is a huge commitment, and I think you suggested it because you hope that a happy moment like a wedding would cover up the fact that (Y/N) tried to commit suicide," Masaru said.
Katsuki let himself cry in front of his father, and Masaru hugged his son as he let out all his fear, like Katsuki was little boy again that was scared of a monster under his bed. Only, how Masaru wished the tears his only son wept were still over make-believed things.
The day you decided to go into the bathroom where you tried to kill yourself was actually a good day. You were getting a promotion soon, your friends had invited you out for the weekend. It had been weeks since you ran into Katsuki at the grocery store, but news coverage showed how he was maintaining his second place in the hero ranks and you were proud of him.
You needed tampons because your period was coming soon, and you knew in the bathroom there was a new box of them. The only issue was that you hadn't stepped foot in the bathroom since that night, the night you tried to end it all.
"This is stupid, it's just a fucking bathroom," You mumble to yourself as you stand in front of the closed door, but your hand shakes as you turn the knob.
You weren't sure what you were expecting. It looked the same as before, black towels hanging from the rack, your jewelry and Katsuki's toothbrush left abandoned on the sink counter.
The spot you remember laying in as you bled out was cleaned up, not a spec of red on the white flooring. You imagine Katsuki having to come back from the hospital to clean up your blood, the thought makes your stomach twist.
Releasing a breath you didn't realize you were holding, you want to laugh at yourself for being so dramatic. Crouching to look through the sink cabinet, you see a piece of paper sticking out from underneath.
Curious, you pull it out and you feel all the blood drain for your face when you read the words scribbled on it: I'm sorry I smothered you.
Tears blur your vision, and you fall to your knees and clench your suicide note to your chest.
You don't know if Katsuki ever read it, you believe he didn't because he never brought it up and would have thrown it away if he did.
Reading those words you wrote as your last testimate did something to you, like opening Pandora's box where all the bad and dark thoughts that plagued your fragile mind made their way back in. You felt like you were suffocating, but now you were completely alone.
You pushed everyone away, the dark thoughts taunt.
Katsuki is doing absolutely fine without you, he doesn't need you. You can't stop crying, and you hate how your eyes found a pair of scissors laying on the sink counter, temptation making you shake. Your healed scars feel like they're burning from the inside, something wanting to be let out.
Finish what you started...
The ringing of the doorbell makes your jump, the black cloud that was hanging over you evaporating. Running out of the bathroom like a bat from hell, you run downstairs and open the front door without taking the time to see who it was.
"(Y/N)!" Mitsuki Bakugou doesn't wait for you to invite her inside, the woman barged into your home with a bag of groceries. You wipe your face with your sleeve, but she doesn't notice that you're crying, already onto the next thing.
"Have you seen the news? Katsuki is fighting a big son-of-a-bitch!" Her voice can be heard from the kitchen. Her husband, Masaru Bakugou smiles shipishly at you while he trails behind his wife and leaving you to close the door in confusion.
It's when Mitsuki turns the news on that it clicks in your head why they're here. On the screen is a live action shot of Bakugou and other pro-heros fighting the latest big-villian, with reporters giving a play by play of what's going on. It's become a rather unusual tradition you had with Katsuki's parents, they'd come over whenever a fight was broadcasted and cook dinner to help ease your fear of your boyfriend getting hurt.
"We'll make homemade ramen, does that sound alright?" Masaru asked you as his wife zones in on the TV.
You're not sure if Katsuki told his parents about how you're not together at the moment, and you're too shy to do so yourself so you just nod and help with preparing the food. You feel frazzled, having just been sobbing a minute prior and now eerily calm.
"How are you dear?" Mitsuki questions as you help her chop up ingredients. She's always intimidated you, with her loudness and steady attention, the same traits that Katsuki seemed to have inherited.
The Bakugou's know about your suicide attempt and have made it clear that no matter what happens between you and their son, they will always be there for you. The sentiment made you feel warm on the inside.
"I'm actually doing a lot better," You answer, half a truth and half a lie. You don't have the heart to tell them that you were close to relapsing moments before they showed up. Masaru and Mitsuki's eyes meet and they both smile.
"My son isn't causing you any headaches, is he?" Mitsuki is only teasing but your heart breaks because truthfully, you were the one causing all the troubles. You open your mouth to express your faults when Mitsuki screams in excitement.
"He won!" You're startled when Mitsuki pulls you and Masaru into a group hug, but nonetheless you can't help but also feel her excitement when the breaking news headline reads: DYNAMIGHT DEFEATS VILLAIN, VICTORY FOR HEROES!
You never doubt that Katsuki isn't capable of dishing out justice to those that cross his path, but like his mother, deep down there will always be a seed of worry. Yet, knowing he's okay, that he made it out fine and no one was badly hurt helped settle your nerves.
While the Bakugou's prepare the table, you slip away for a moment to text Katsuki for the first time since he left: Your parents are here.
Katsuki was just walking out of his agency when his phone rang, and reading your words made his stomach drop. Katsuki was conflicted, he told his mother to give you space but it seems the old hag went against his wishes.
Katsuki is apprehensive when he reaches the front door to the house, not knowing if he should knock or use his key. He hadn't come over since he left. Katsuki was worried you were mad at him, for his parents bombarding you when he promised to give you space. He has the idea to just text you, when the front door opens and there you were.
He's taken aback by how big you're smiling, a sight he hasn't been blessed with in such a long time.
"What are you doing out here weirdo?" You tease him, and Katsuki feels the tension leave his body.
"I-uh didn't know if I should come in," He begins to explain, but you pull on his arm and drag him inside.
"Don't be stupid Katsuki, this is your home," You tell him, squeezing his hand.
His parents greet him in the dining room, and he barely has time to set down his duffle bag before his mother is smothering him with a hug.
"Oh Katsuki, you had us worried there for a moment!" Mitsuki jokes, and the usual scowl on Katsuki's face returns.
"Shut it, you hag!" Masaru and you laugh at the mother-son antics, the yelling only ceasing when it was time to eat. It feels like old times, sitting at the dinner table with Katsuki telling what the fight was like with everyone soaking up every word he says.
The Bakugou's joke and tell funny stories about Katsuki, making him embarrassed but seeing you laugh and go along with their teasing makes it worth it. It's late when his parents decide to head home, and Katsuki nearly needs to slam the door in his mother's face to get her to finally leave the two of you alone.
He finds you in the kitchen cleaning up.
"You can just leave those," Katsuki argues, but you shake your head. "I don't mind."
Katsuki moves to help you, taking on the role of drying without a word but you notice how tired he seemed. "You don't need to help Katsuki." He looks at your face, red from all the laughter you spilled over dinner. "I don't mind."
Katsuki gets ready to head out for the night, groaning softly at the soreness spreading throughout his body after a day of saving the world. You notice his stiff movements, and check how late it was.
"Katsuki, you can stay the night," You said, anxious about being all alone again. Being with him for dinner brought such comfort to your broken heart, and even if you knew him staying didn't mean anything serious, you wanted him to stay.
Bakugou was glad you extended the invitation to spend the night, he was beyond exhausted to drive but he didn't want to push you.
He puts down his duffle bag, and gives you a genuine smile to show how grateful he is for your hospitality.
He's too handsome, you think because when Katsuki is looking at you like that, all soft and sleepy, it makes your fragile heart skip a beat.
"Sure, I'll stay," Katsuki said, and you imagine in another lifetime, he means forever and not just for the night.
If only you hadn't fucked everything up.
Taglist: @shortstoriesbyher , @distinguishedlight, @eijiandkatspebble, @atsushiki , @platrom, @valyblossms, @eclipsxntice, @itsroseally, @grass-frog, naturakaashi
A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to get out, but I'm glad I was able to get this out. Every chapter of this series is emotionally draining for me, and if I want to make a fourth piece it might be the last. I enjoy all your messages of encouragement, and I know this topic is heavy and I'm just happy that people are appreciating my writing. Thank you.
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keruimi · 1 month
Doubting Her Beauty
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Pairing: Shirabu Kenjirou x reader
Warning: Angst and Comfort
Note: I made this in a rush before I forget this idea so forgive me if he went out of character. I'll try to fix it tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy!
"Shirabu, your name has gotten famous around the campus again" I heard Reon spoke as I took a drink from my bottle after a brutal training of 8am to 6pm for the upcoming Interhigh.
"Well, Y/n mentioned his name for the third time today, didn't she?" Semi followed suit as I just sighed after hearing her name.
Katsumi Y/n, a long-time admirer of mine ever since we became classmates in our first year of junior high school.
She is a very beautiful woman, no denying that. She was always the school's contender for fashion contests and she mostly won the crown.
A woman who should have a higher standard in men, started to like me for a reason I never knew.
She just like me, that's all.
I can't even count how many times she has confessed to me with the help of her friends.
The confession that became the root of most of the school boy's hatred to me.
One of the reasons why I always hear rumors or dislikes of me.
"Semi deserves the setter position more"
"He has looks but comparing it to the school's countless heartthrob, don't you think he's too average"
"The world is too nice to him"
Those were the words I always hear but none of it really affected me unless I heard it from the person who they thought I hurted.
Semi did show how he is not happy with me taking his position, but he never bad-mouthed me like they did.
And I knew myself better than those students. So I never really cared how many bashers or haters came in my way.
In other words too, I could careless about Y/n's love for me.
Since she already knew how I felt. Love is not my thing and it's her choice if she will continue to pursue me or quit.
And she chose to try swooning my heart. It's laughable on how obvious their envy is, they think I'm turning to be a prideful person because she chose me over many men who like her.
But the truth is, the problem is never me in the first place. It was their jealousy.
One of the obvious reasons why Y/n chose to love me.
I would never stoop that low just to ruin somebody.
Her feeling was the reason why I never degraded myself for anything.
But those reasons never made me love her, but just an appreciation because she showed me too that someone can look at me the same way she did.
Someone can love a person like me.
I heard Taichi calling for me and that made me look up to him and saw him glancing at the gym doors, reminding me of the usual routine ever since she entered my life.
I nod before making my way there and saw her carrying a basket of snacks.
She was humming when I arrived before she greeted me the moment our gaze met.
She lent me the small basket along with papers I decided to read.
"I wrote down the lessons that you have missed. I just hope it's not that messy" she said followed by a chuckle as she clasped both of her hands together.
"You don't need to" I muttered before taking the things she brought for me.
"Let me, this is the only thing I thought I could help you with"
A beauty queen with a heart that is hard to read.
Including myself with one of the popular kids is quite a dangerous game to play.
I would never know whether I'm their next target or victim.
Those thoughts were created because I don't trust her.
Not even one bit. No matter how nice she is. No matter how much she shows how special I am.
Because everything feels like it's not reality when I'm talking to her.
She was too good to be true.
I was wary of her, one of the reasons why I can't return her feelings for me no matter how many men wanted me to.
I just don't know her well...
"Thank you again Y/n. I need to head back now, Break ends in a minute" I didn't prolong our conversation more and immediately closed the gym doors when I saw her nod in understanding.
"Eat well, Shirabu!"
Those were the last things I heard from her before I returned back to the bench, along with placing the small basket in the seat.
"I can't see why you can't return those feelings" Tendou exclaimed while muching on the muffins she bought for me as I sighed.
This is a question that I always need to hear everyday, worse, every hour or even minutes.
"I just can't"
"Then are you planning to reject her?"
"Already did"
"Then she is indeed persistent. Do you see yourself loving her even one bit?"
Questions after another, its never ending once begins.
Especially if Tendou is the one asking. No matter how much he enjoys seeing others in pain, that sadistic side of his only applies in the court.
Because the truth was he is the type of person who wants love and recognition from others, so maybe seeing Y/n never giving up on me seems to move his heart a little.
"Do you start to like her, even just one bit?" He repeated his question again in a different word that made me look at him.
"No?" I don't know if he's playing with me with his shock reaction or plain pure reaction from my answer which he should have expected in the first place.
"What?" I ask him so he can elaborate his reaction better, so I can at least understand what's so shocking about my answer.
"No? Not 'never'? Means there's a chance you would grow feelings for her right?"
I was taken back from his statement that made me bombarded my mind with different thoughts.
"I can't predict the future, right?" Those words left my mouth without further thinking as I heard him laugh.
Since who really know what fate lined up for me after all?
Her constant visit never stops unless she has an upcoming pageant.
Her loss of presence never bothered me much but my teammates constant loud gossiping, especially Tendou who leads those childish actions, did.
But somehow I'm thankful that he's constant nagging never fails me to remind me of her presence.
That's the only way left to show my appreciation to her for being supportive of me.
I cared, but it was never love on my part. Until that constant denying made me look at her like a sister.
Which I know is so wrong in her part when she saw me as a partner.
I sighed in annoyance after the awarding for qualifying for the interhigh tournament. My sigh caught the attention of my teammates.
"Oh someone is sad that their number one fan didn't show up?" Tendou started as I shook my head in denial.
"That's not it"
For real.
The reason why I'm so annoyed was because I'm confused of one thing.
I'm confused because I can't understand my feelings for her.
Others might think that I shouldn't think much about it since I don't love her and I already rejected her.
But damn, I really cared about other people's feelings too. Because I knew how hard it is when all their efforts go in vain.
I don't want to be the reason of someone else's tears.
It was already heavy when Semi decided to hid his from the eyes of others.
The more I think of her, the more I feel like I'm going crazy from thinking how to make it less painful.
I can't tolerate another heartbreak because I entered the picture.
But who would understand when I, myself is having a hard time.
I don't love her...
Until that night happened, a week after getting the ticket to the Nationals.
The late night that I saw her leaning on the gym walls, waiting for me.
Looking so lost like she didn't even hear me.
"Y/n? Why are you still here this late?" I didn't wait for her own greetings and just directly got to the point since the atmosphere is already cold now that the moon is shining brightly above us.
Especially when she has a home to return at, since she doesn't live in the school's dormitory like me.
"You're finally here" I barely got to hear her when she let it out in a murmur.
"Would you mind accompanying me to dinner?" She finally decided to ask me that made me glance at my wrist to look at my watch and saw it was already near 10 at night.
Dinner, at this hour?
Those were the words I wanted to ask her but decided not to and just let her lead the way to a restaurant where she wants to eat.
Walking behind her, I saw how her body, who was already thin, seems to be thinner.
I glance at the back of her head, contemplating whether to ask her or just let it be.
Since it feels like she just wants someone to accompany her right now.
We arrive at a restaurant and that's the only time she looks back at me to ask if we can be in one of the private rooms where there are tatami floors.
And again, I didn't question further.
The entire room is silent as I didn't bother speaking up first. A few minutes later, the food finally arrived and I saw how the table seemed to be almost full.
I thanked the waiter before we prayed for the food.
"Don't mind my appetite right now" she started with a small smile before I nod and just gave her some chopsticks.
I just watched her eat as I didn't bother taking food for myself since I already ate a while ago.
"Congratulations for still being the Top 2 from the pageant" I started and saw how her lips lifted in a small smile.
"Right..." She breathlessly whispered as she let down the food she was about to eat.
"That was already good enough"
Her question surprised me as I saw how tears build up on her eyes.
"Of course it is" that's the time I decided to put my entire attention on her.
I didn't know my voice could be softer than before. Especially when talking to a lady.
"Then why..." She trailed off as she prevented herself from letting her tears escape from her eyes.
"Why does it seem like it's not?" That's the first time she properly looks me in the eye like she is asking me.
"Why did she hate me for it? Why did it seem like I didn't even try in the first place?"
I didn't find the right words to tell her as I let her rant her feelings out.
This is the first time I would get to see who she truly was.
"Why does it feel like the whole world hates me for losing?" She sobbed out as tears finally left her eyes.
"Blessed with beauty but never fated to be with genuine people"
"Why is the world so cruel to me?"
I felt my hand move on its record as my fingers gently wiped the tears that started to stain her cheeks.
"How can you say that?" I gently asked her, my composure finally broke when the girl who boldly declared her love for me...
Is breaking in front of me.
"My mother scolded me for not winning the pageant. She told me I should have already gotten used to it because of my consecutive wins. But I messed up at this one" she exclaimed as I retrieve my hand so she can wipe her own tears.
"She told me that I focused too much on seducing you that I forgot my role in our world. Yet it's hard to say that I only do those things for you because you are letting me to" she lowered her head as her sobs never stop.
"The only person who let me express my own feelings without judging me. That person I could run to even if there's nothing between the two of us."
I silently listened to her words and can't even admit that I doubted her actions for me.
Am I wrong for it?
"You have friends. You can run to them, seek the comfort and assurance you need" My words seem to hit something on her as she just started laughing with the hint of bitterness present on it.
"Friends? You meant those people who laughed behind my back because I failed?" She focused her gaze on me and I saw the pain on it that made my chest tighten.
"The same friends who spread rumors behind my back then act like they are defending me?" She laughed before wiping her tears.
"The same people who stood beside me just to see me fail" she cried as her smile finally disappeared from her lips as I just looked at her figure.
I stood up before I decided to sit beside her so I could offer my shoulder to her which she gladly leaned on as she gazed at the moon through the window of the room.
"It is so tiring pretending to be happy" she whispered as I looked at her.
"How can I know that if someone is genuine towards me? Someone who would be happy just being with who I truly am?"
She ask while looking far away. Completely clueless on who are the true friends.
And I can't suppressed the ache in my chest seeing how she look so lost in this world.
Why didn't the world treat her right?
"When those people start to appreciate who you are, the 'you' who is already enough. Take care of you, assure you, support you, and accept you" I continued as I felt her lean more in my shoulder that made me put my hand on the side of her head so she won't fall.
"Do I deserve that?"
Her question almost broke the soft part in me that made me clench my eyes shut before letting out a sigh.
"No person should be deprived of that"
Silence surrounds both of our presence as I felt her touch my hand.
"Did you find those right ones? Where you feel like you belong?"
"I did" I told her as I remembered the volleyball team. Even though we are not close like the other teams, the team still makes me contented.
"What does Shirabu think of me" she finally asked me the question I can't answer.
Especially when I am one of the people who doubted her, judge her. The only difference between me and those people was I never treated her wrong.
But does that make me the right person to be with her right now?
"I won't blame you if you doubted my feelings" she spoke up before she decided to finally face the table, as she properly wiped her tears.
"In this world, finding a genuine person is really difficult" she lifted a small smile before turning her to look at me.
"But I really like you. At this moment, I feel like I admire you more" she took a hold of her chopstick and began playing with the food that was on her plate.
"Why?" I asked her and her smile grew more than I really saw how genuine her happiness is right now.
"Because you accompany me. Agree with my invitation without further thinking because you know I needed someone with me." Her tone was full of contentment as she looked down.
"I am glad that you are the man I fell in love with"
My heart warmed at her words and unknowingly, a small smile lifted from my lips.
Right now, being with her doesn't feel wrong at all.
Somehow, I felt glad that I was the first person she ran to. Even though there is no connection between the two of us, other than her feelings.
Right now I feel like it's okay to finally stop denying. Stop making excuses that became a hindrance to my feelings for her.
I see her more than an admirer. I see her as a woman who chose to love me, even without seeing the good side of me.
Even if I'm not giving any effort yet, she chose to cherish me.
I didn't notice the way I looked at her with a small smile on my lips as I watched her eat to her heart's desire.
I guess it's my turn to treat her right.
Because she chose to love me.
And I'm confident...
That I can treat her better than anyone else.
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
Fall Of Empire
Girl in the Woods ' 1 '
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Summary :𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 . 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 . 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓭𝓮𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼.
Disclaimer - this is pure fan fiction it's not real. I mean no disrespect to any of the members.The stroy is fictional it's doesn't have anything to do with the real life members of bts.
Warning - this chapter doesn't have anything but later we will reach the depth of story and there will. Abuse , degradation of women, sexism, men doing awful things, assault maybe more. (Not by the boys)
A/n : the fic take place as you can tell during mediaeval era or sort of it how would be a life of a girl that time from my perspective. Im not really good at and i don't wanna spoil it so that's it .
WC: 2132
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“You are charming, you are everything any women would love to have. You are going to walk up to her and tell her that you like her that’s it.” Hoseok gives himself speech feeling proud of himself, he picks up his bag flung it over his shoulder and march towards where his horse was standing patiently for him.
Upon seeing his companion, the horse let out a happy noise greeting him. Hoseok smile brightly, a contagious smile that made the sun himself feel a little insecure. He pets the horse affectionately.
The sound of footsteps reaches his ear.
 hoseok take breath preparing to hear what he heard a thousand times “son, be careful when go there and if the crazy girl tries anything use the weapon”
He turns to his mother “why is it so hard to believe that she is simply just like living in the woods?”
“You are too young and innocent my son” his mother cup his cheeks squishing them making him whines at display of affection “I don’t know who is your companion but everything he sell you make us good living so I will let you go”
Hoseok pauses for a minute “yeah …. he is private man?” he said with hesitation
“Come before celebration start, will you?”
Hoseok node at his mother and start navigate his hose with a soft grip on its neck.
Unlike everyone hoseok didn’t fear the woods, he often find himself yarning to take a walk round the forest. The trees standing tall and proud, sun light gilding through the branches of the trees. The sound of birds and squirrels is something that made hoseok smile something that lots of his villagers find uninteresting. The lake was always crystal clear, remanding him of the tears of mermaid tales that he heard growing up. The silence of woods never frightened him either because he knows there is nothing out there that could harm him.
He always coming up with reasons to go there, maybe the reason behind that is he simply love the forest or maybe because your home is in the forest and it’s the only way, he can see you. He used to think that it was the first one but as the time goes, he realized it might be not.
How the two of meet was fresh in his memory. Teen hoseok was rebellious and reckless, as teenager always curious to find out new things and his curious nature resulted in him find the hunter that lives in the woods. His grandmother would gather him and his siblings to tell the story of wild hunter that lives in the wood. He was most dangerous man the town, no one would dare to walk or look his way. He was taller and stronger than an average man. He would come town at beginning of the month and middle of it each year to collect things and then he would go back to the woods. His grandma would say that the woods is his home and no one was allowed to go there. He partially believed that his grandmother was lying so they don’t wonder off into the woods.
To test his theory, he went to woods he was happy to find no man was there but what stunned him was you kneeling on the ground plucking wild flowers beside a basket that was too big for your little arms.  He felt like creep for watching you do your thing, the way your hair was kept showed someone did a poor job the cream color ribbon tied just keep the hair falling on your face, dress that fit perfectly but mud stain at the bottom, boots that too big for you, but his insides were glowing warm making him tingle all over his body. You were in your own world and when he walked towards you startling you at unexpected visitor. When hoseok smile pushed his hands towards to greet you all you did was start to cry and throw the basket at him hastily before running away.
He was only seconds away running after you to explain he didn’t mean to make you cry but the sound of his parents’ voice calling his name made him change his path of running. Yeah, it wasn’t a good first impression.  
He parents were so furious at him and banned him for going to the woods again, everyone kept an eye on him and he wasn’t allowed to go alone for couple of years he was always accompanied with cousins or siblings. Sometimes he thought that you were just his imagination that proved wrong when he saw you again.
He was helping his father at the market when the hunter came to the usual routine, he no longer intimidated them but he surprised when a little girl trailed behind him her little hand securely kept in the mans calloused one.
You were clearly amazed by the market eagerly looking around the innocence and pure happiness radiated from you. Your clothes were neat but it’s worn out, someone really tried to make your hair more presentable as if you spent hours on it.
When his eyes meet yours this time toy didn’t show any fear just curiosity unknowingly a smile made its way to his lips and that made you smile as well. He remembers the hunter taking to buy clothes that’s fits you. The people casted him suspicious glances thinking what a young girl doing with a hunter. Clearly, he wasn’t the father judging by the appearance but he didn’t question it. As he tries to follow you his father pulled by his shirt denying his wish to meet up close. He watched from afar as you and the man collect thing from various shops before starting to leave.  
From there on you and the man would come and collect things and leave. Hoseok would try to walk up to you but always there will be someone preventing him from doing so and you never spent time longer than needed but you always looked at him some times even smiled at him.
But after one day you didn’t come at all he waited for but you never came later the hunter also stopped coming, it worried him. Are you ill? Why did you stop coming? Did something happen to you? There aren’t wild animals that could hurt you, he concluded that you were just ill and prayed the gods that you will be better. It annoyed him to no end for feeling that way, you’re just a stranger that he doesn’t know anything about, but something in him hurts thinking about you in pain, maybe its in his nature, he one of most empathic one in the village.  
His worries only increased when you nor the hunter never came, the people didn’t indulge in what happened to you. As he grows his responsibility grow to slowly, he starts to forget about you. Hoseok grown into fine young man everyone loved him young men envied him, but he was humble and kind to everyone.
Surprised would be understatement when he saw you again years later, just like the first time you were in your own world as you washed fresh fruits in near lake. He was starstruck when he saw you but this time you didn’t run away. With a titled head a small smile graced you face.
“You are not going to throw me in the water this time, are you?” he asked with a teasing smile on his lips
“Perhaps I will” there is no menace in the words its was light and playful, that’s made him laugh
From that a beautiful friendship was born and along the way he fallen for the girl in the woods. When everyone thought that she is witch that killed the hunter now living the woods controlling the woods.
His eagerness made him reach his destination faster, he smiles unknowingly when he sees your home, it radiates a sense of calm and warmth. A deer walks around the front of your home with no fear of his presence along with couple of rabbits and swans. Wild birds preached on window a total sense of safety indicated.
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He calls out your name.
“In here” you yell from behind the house where you arrange different kind of fruits and wild flowers for him to sell at his shop. After the two of you become friends, you have been helping him find new flowers and fruits and vegetable that grow in the woods. The partnership had helped him and his family in more than one way.
But to him you were just simple girl that live in woods, there is no evil magic in you even if there is he would gladly let you use him. He learned that the hunter was like father to you and like him you also content with living in the woods.  
Washing the fresh fruits that you find couple of days ago, you answer him. Hoseok didn’t tie his horse as the it knows the routine, simply walks towards where you kept water and fresh leaves for him to each along with some fruits.
“Did you go deep in without me?” he asks after seeing buddle of flower that was, he never seen. He frowns at the thought of you running around the woods without him even if you lived your entire life in the woods he woods
“Yeah, I felt like walking after couple of hours I came across these beautiful flowers” you said with smile on your face not knowing his inner thoughts.
“Well wait for me next time”
It was time for him to go home you send Hoseok a smile “have lovely day Hoseok”.
You nodded your head before continuing Hoseok starts to tell you about how things back in his home, how you occasionally node and listen silently without making any attempt to talk. He never took that personally because he knew that you are used stay in silence and rather listen to him and you love that about him for not judging you or pressuring you to talk to him.  
He node at you, glancing at you he inhales slowly, oh heavens you are just captivating just by standing there in without realizing how mesmerizing your presence is, in worn out clothes here there is dirt and stains visible but that somehow made you more alluring he don’t know. Maybe someone else don’t agree with his statement but to him you’re the prettiest and most beautiful girl he know.
The soft whisper of his name falls from your lips bring him back from his blissful thoughts, sees you stand a little closer to him with a confused look on his, everything in his body scream to embrace you, take away the wariness of your bones, give his warmth to you, to love you. Without even knowing he caught up in his thoughts again. Making you worried even more at the lack of his response
A soft touch on his arm made him come back and he wish your touch stay like that feeling like it’s the only thing that connect him to reality.
“Are you feeling unwell? You look flustered and red like berries” you touch his forehead to feel his temperature making him go redder if that’s possible
He removes himself from you before he melts into a puddle of honey “I’m fine” his voice come out too rushed and out of breath he walks towards his horse, he stops for moment before fully turning to you, you tilt your head at confused when you start to walk towards you.
“I know it’s been a while but I was meaning to ask you……….” He pauses you silently encourage him to continue “wouldyoulikebeminefortherestofmylife” he blurred out so quickly.    
That was bad how can she be yours she is her own person
“Hoseok, I did not understand any of that” you said with a playful annoyed jest.
“I was asking if you would like……to come with tonight’s celebration I was looking forward to have you there with me”
“I do not think that would be a good idea…” you trail off but seeing his defeated look on you face you falter a little and he never asked you to do something for him, if the celebration means that’s much to him, you’re willing to indulge in it “but I think we can give it a try” that made him light up like a sun in the early morning.
“Good…. Great even… then I will come to get you be prepared by dust”
With a bright smile on his face, he walks backward still smiling like teenage boy towards his horse.
Maybe he can tell you tonight how he feels.
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Note : that's type of dress what I have on mind if you want you can change it I'm only showing the typical one. There won't any other description of what you'll wear.
Thank you for reading, comment, likes and reblogs it's help to write 💓🙏
Masterpost here
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mangoisms · 11 months
i'll be the dangerous ledge (you be the parachute)
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━ chapter eleven: atlas: heart | read chapter ten
━ pairing: tim drake x f!reader
━ word count: 5k
━ warnings: none
━ masterlist
━ a/n: this is the final chapter! thank you guys for reading <3
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In the morning, you feel a little bit better.
Still shaky, still weak, the back of your head achy and sensitive with the knot there, but better.
Probably because Tim is there.
Curled around you, breathing slow and deep in his sleep. Relaxed, not weary from the weight of the world for once. Once again, you find yourself thinking you’ll do anything you can to carve out this space for him. Anything.
You two get up eventually, though. 
You have questions, questions about the men, about whether anyone else found out you’d been kidnapped.
To your relief, you find that no, the news did not make it to anyone other than him and the Bats. The men who kidnapped you had preexisting charges, too, so they were taken away. 
It makes sense, you learn. All the times Tim or anyone else got kidnapped for ransom, only occasionally did the news break to the public. But most of the time, no. Because by kidnapping anyone in the family… well, you learn, for one, they’re all vigilantes, and two, it cuts out the middleman because the kidnappers are trying to ransom money from the Waynes, not knowing that the Waynes are, well, vigilantes, so the chances of them getting that money are astoundingly low and the chances of them getting found out by Batman and the others are exponentially higher.
For the most part.
Depending on the skill level.
Your kidnappers, like Tim said, were stupid about it. Risky. They did it in the daytime and they did it in a fairly public area. You learn that Oracle, not another vigilante but a helping hand to them nonetheless, was able to find the CCTV footage of the moment it happened and track everything else. 
You ask if you can send her a fruit basket or something in thanks. He says you don’t have to. You disagree, quite frankly.
He (and the others) may be used to it but the fact remains — Oracle is one of the main reasons you are curled up under your blankets with your boyfriend’s arms around you. He knows you appreciate what she did and you want to make sure she knows, too.
Sensing you refuse to budge on this, faintly amused, he agrees.
You sadly lost your phone, too, but that can be replaced. Your stuff from the school and the bike was taken care of as well.
So, really, nothing has changed in the outside world.
You are glad. You wrestled with it a bit, but… you don’t think you can tell your family about this. Not unless you wanted them to freak the hell out. Tim doesn’t have much of an opinion on it. Just says he’ll support whatever you do.
But you think telling them will reset all the progress you’ve made, for as little as it seems. 
You’ll recover from this, physically, and he says he can get you connected to a therapist who you can be honest with. Someone local he and the others know, or someone employed to the Titans or to the League. 
That’s enough. 
Of course, it’s only the first day, so who really knows, but right now, you don’t want to tell them.
There is, obviously, the other thing you’ve learned.
That is, that Bruce Wayne is Batman, Damian Wayne is Robin, Cassandra Wayne is Black Bat, Duke Thomas is Signal, and Stephanie Brown is Spoiler. Oh, and Dick Grayson is Nightwing. 
It’s the kind of thing that seems hilarious, the thought of it, that is. Like if you’re conspiring on their identities, it’s a joke to say Bruce Wayne is Batman.
Then you think about it a little longer, piecing in the knowledge you’ve gleaned about them from Tim and, oh, yeah, that… that kind of makes a lot of sense. 
It just takes billionaire eccentricity to a whole other level.
But it’s not that easy, isn’t it? Why Bruce Wayne does what he does? The thing that turned Park Row, a previously ‘nice’ neighborhood into one riddled with crime? 
The death of his parents. At the shy age of eight-years-old.
It’s… certainly a way to handle your grief.
You stew about it in the shower. Then after, when Tim is showering. You’re curled up on the couch, Ice Age: Meltdown playing on your TV. You checked on the boys when you stepped out. Tim said he fed them when you two got back last night. You feed them again, their breakfast this time. Then you sit down and try to compartmentalize everything you just learned.
Hopefully you’ll have it handled by the time you meet them.
Almost as if on cue, someone knocks on your door.
You jump at the sound, staring at it, your heart starting to pound faster and faster and faster because you are not expecting anyone and neither is he but what do you have to panic about it’s not like potential kidnappers or killers are going to knock on your door —
You hear your name. “It’s Steph! Don’t worry, Cass and Duke are with me, too! We’ll be quick, promise!”
Relaxing and shoving away other anxious thoughts about whether you’re being tricked, you stand, hesitantly opening the door.
Attackers do not ambush you. 
Instead, you get three apologetic smiles. 
Steph lifts two heavy-looking reusable grocery bags. “I come bearing gifts?”
You give her a small smile. “Thanks. Come on in. Just, if you don’t mind, take your shoes off.”
They agree easily, shuffling in one by one. 
Duke is the tallest of them, lean and muscled, with dark brown skin and short black hair and warm dark brown eyes. Cass is the second tallest, lean and muscled, too, with short black hair, pale skin, and dark eyes. 
Duke extends a hand, shooting you a small smile. “You already heard but I’m Duke. It’s nice to finally meet you. Though the circumstances could probably be better…”
“It’s alright. It’s nice to finally meet you guys, too,” you say, shaking his hand. His hands are calloused in a similar way to Tim’s and when you shake Cassandra’s next — Cass, she tells you, gently but firmly — hers are the same, too. You imagine if you felt Steph’s, they’d be like that as well.
The one in question drops the bags onto the small table in the kitchen. “This is all from Alfred. Meal prepped, so it can just go in the freezer and be taken out when you want it. Have you eaten?”
“Ah, no…” You don’t have much of an appetite. 
“That’s okay,” she says easily. “Maybe in a little while. Do you mind if I put it away?”
“Not at all. Thank you. Please tell Alfred I said thanks, too.”
“We’ll pass on the message,” Duke promises.
You sit back down on the couch and gesture for him and Cass to do the same if they’d like. In the kitchen, Steph hums under her breath, moving gracefully as she puts things away. She’ll have to play Tetris with the contents of your unfortunately small freezer.
“We just wanted to come by and introduce ourselves,” Duke says after a moment. “I have class in a little while, at two. But until then —”
“I’ll be here,” Cass says, nodding. “In the area. The danger is gone but…”
“Can’t be too safe,” Duke finishes. 
You frown. “Am I… gonna have to move?”
“Maybe,” Cass says. “Maybe not. We’ll have to see. We’ll watch around here for a while.”
“If things seem good, most likely not. If not…” Duke trails off and you understand.
Yes, you would have to move.
“Would Tim have to as well?”
Amusement flickers over Cass’s face. “Probably not. But he’ll do it, anyway. Just to stay with you.”
“And it would be safer, too,” Duke adds. “He’s your first line of defense, so to speak. We’re more of the preventives.”
You snort. Something about it is funny to you. 
Duke glances around and his eyes land on your tank. “Oh, hey, he mentioned you had pets.”
“Hermit crabs,” Cass says, looking, too, curious.
“Take a look if you’d like.”
They do, bending to peer inside.
“Wow,” Duke says, appearing fascinated. Cass looks the same. “What are their names?”
You get up. Steph, somehow managing to fit everything in the freezer, joins you, shooting you a smile as all of you come around the tank.
You point out each of them, giving their names. “Manny, Diego, and Sid.”
Duke’s smile turns incredulous. “Wait, are those —”
Steph cackles. “From Ice Age?”
Your cheeks warm and you shrug, smiling, simply gesturing at the TV where the second movie is still playing very lowly. 
Cass’s eyebrows furrow. Duke catches it.
“Cassie, don’t tell me you haven’t seen Ice Age.”
“It was never on the list.”
You can’t help yourself. “Have you seen Mamma Mia?”
“Great movie,” Steph says emphatically, Duke nodding in agreement.
“I just saw it,” Cass tells you. “Tim told me to watch it.”
Steph grins. “I wonder why…”
She and Duke grin pointedly at you. Cass snorts.
You just flush, laughing nervously. “He liked it enough. I’m not sure it’s ‘cause of me entirely…”
“No, it is,” Cass says in a matter-of-fact way that you don’t know how to deal with. 
In the bathroom, the shower shuts off. Tim’ll be out soon.
Steph waves you back to the couch. You go gladly, limbs still shaky and weak. She drags over a chair from the table, while Duke and Cass take one side of the couch and you curl up on the other.
“It’s true,” she says, bringing a leg underneath her. Her socks are mismatched. So are Duke’s. Cass’s, matching, have the Batman symbol patterned on them. 
“He was pretty concerned,” Duke says lightly. “Last night.”
Cass makes a noise of agreement.
Steph huffs a laugh. “Well, not just concerned. More than a little pissed off, too.”
You pause. The fuzzy memory of last night, when he came in, plays in your head.
You wonder… No. Do you want to know that?
“What is it?” Cass asks, head tilted, dark eyes on your face.
“How many… how many guys were there?”
“A fair few outside,” Duke says, glancing at the others. “But inside with you? Five of ‘em.”
“It was just him,” Cass informs you, already knowing your next question. “He ran in before any of us could.”
“Totally ignored our basic safety protocols,” Duke interjects. “Most likely this one’s influence.” He jabs a thumb at Cass, who simply smiles and shrugs. 
“All we had to do was make sure he didn’t get hit doing it,” she says. “We did. We usually do.”
“Because you like to do the same,” he points out, amused. 
“You do it, too.”
“Not as often as you do.”
Another shrug. Another smile. Duke rolls his eyes fondly. 
“And all five of those guys are in the hospital,” Steph says next, looking at the TV, almost bored. “In the ICU, I heard. Broken ribs, a few collapsed lungs, shattered bones. He did a number on them. I would, too, if it was my girlfriend in there.”
Duke and Cass look like they agree.
You just nod and murmur your thanks, grabbing the remote and raising the volume.
While the three of them watch the movie, your mind is elsewhere. But before you can get too deep in your thoughts, the bathroom door opens and Tim steps out, hair damp, cheeks flushed, dressed in a new t-shirt and sweats. 
“There he is,” Steph says teasingly. Cass waves. 
Duke grins over at him. “Running up your girl’s water bill right after she gets kidnapped? That’s just messed up.”
You snort. 
Tim grins, too, shrugging. “She owes me.”
You roll your eyes, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. A weak attempt, since he catches it as he nears you, bending down to kiss your head. 
The other three make gagging noises.
He straightens, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling as he wedges himself beside you on the couch. “Alright, children. Thank you.”
You laugh and he smiles, tugging you closer. 
The other thing bothers you a bit, but you push it away as Steph teasingly asks him how he’s going to make up for your missed first date and he tells her to mind her own business. 
You can think about the fact that Tim put five men in the ICU for you later.
Much later. 
For now, you’re just… honestly happy to be alive.
Your rescheduled date comes two weeks later.
There is no rush. Mostly because you are… tetchy about going outside. About walking around. 
After all, you had been unceremoniously snatched while walking outside. There is little anyone, even Tim, can do to alleviate that fear, short of teaching you to fight. Not self-defense, but actual hand-to-hand combat skills.
For you, it’s too much too soon.
Maybe later, you can revisit the issue.
But for now, you slowly get acclimated to it. Tim helps. What with being a vigilante and all. The others hang around, too. 
It’s not always going to be like that, though, and you know that. You’ll handle that, however, another time.
For now, two weeks later on a Saturday, you and Tim have your first date.
It helps take your mind off things. Injects a certain normalcy as you fret about what to wear, what to do, the bundle of nerves in your belly refusing to go away even though you’ve faced far worse circumstances.
But it’s that fact that you are worrying — nervous — over something normal that helps.
And of course, you have nothing to be truly nervous about. 
Tim’s initial plans were dinner and a trip to the botanical gardens. He asks if you want to change them.
You don’t.
For one, like you said, it won’t always be like this. It can’t. 
If there is anyone you want to cross that bridge with, it’s him.
So, that’s what you do. 
He brings his camera and snaps pictures of the blooming flowers and thriving trees. He sneaks a few of you, too, despite your embarrassment at it, but you get him back when he lets you steal it from him and take some pictures of him, too (and make him promise not to delete them or critique your photography skills).
But the highlight of it is the white flowering dogwood tree, white flowers in full bloom, healthy and beautiful, where you stand beneath it and share a kiss and think to yourself that you want this, him, forever.
The revelation follows you to dessert. Compounded, actually, by the thoughts that have niggled at you for the past two weeks, about what he did at the warehouse (that’s where you were found, you learn; you didn’t ask that for a while, it never occurred to you, honestly). 
“You look like you have something on your mind,” he says, scooping mint chocolate chip ice cream into his mouth.
The two of you hang out on the patio outside the ice cream place, in a corner away from the others, leaning against the brick of the building. The sun has already set but he told you that Cass — Black Bat — was just a block away, hanging out. 
You swirl your melting chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Mid-June weather calls for brutal heat and humidity. That’s why you two did this later in the day, to avoid the brunt of it. 
“The others told me what happened,” you say hesitantly.
Tim blinks, confused. “About?”
“Sorry. The, um, warehouse. The… guys.”
That you put all five of them in the ICU.
He composes his expression carefully. Not a blank mask but just as good as one. 
“I see.”
Quiet for a moment. He shifts, tossing his cup and spoon into the trash several feet away. They both make it in perfectly.
 He leans back on the wall, like you, hands tucked into his pockets. A slow breeze ruffles his dark hair. The light from inside the parlor casts shadows over his face. Cornflower blue eyes are intent on your face. 
You easily guess what he must be thinking and in the next second, when he speaks, you know you are right.
“Do I scare you?”
You can’t help it.
You scoff. 
He tilts his head and you turn away, finishing your ice cream, then going over to the trash to toss it. You aren’t him. You couldn’t make that throw. When you were in high school, maybe, but your softball skills are basic these days. Enough for a game of catch. When you finally played a match of tennis with him, you were pitifully bad at it. 
Tim, you are starting to realize, is also pitifully bad at realizing how much you love him.
But you can’t blame him for that. Not with the life he has had.
Tim is frowning as you return to him, leaning your shoulder against the wall with a sigh.
“You don’t scare me, Timmy,” you say quietly. “Nothing about you scares me. I’ve been thinking about it ever since and… I know you’ve scaled it back. I know that. But you’ll always have a responsibility to Gotham. I accept that. I do.”
You shrug and smile. “But despite that, the truth is, I’m jealous. Not in a way that I want you to put a complete stop to it, because I don’t. I know this city will need you sometimes. I know the others will need you sometimes. I know that. But I still feel what I feel and believe me, you haven’t made me feel second best or anything, I just… I guess in some horrible roundabout way, the fact that you put all five of those guys in the ICU helps it. A little bit.”
A lot.
You shouldn’t let yourself think this way, because it was horribly, horribly violent, but… you are selfish and it means something to you, what he did. 
What he would do for you.
He understands, then, in an instant. 
Tim straightens from the wall, reaching for you, hands cupping your cheeks. His gaze is a shade darker. Your stomach flutters. 
He brings you close, nose brushing yours, lips only a scant few inches apart. He whispers your name in a way that has your knees weak. 
“If you want a list of things I would do for you, just ask. Because that was just the tip of it. Whatever you want me to do, it’s yours and I would do what I did that day a thousand times over with double — triple — the men. I don’t care.”
Maybe it should scare you.
Maybe it should disgust you.
Maybe you aren’t as good a person as you like to think you are.
You don’t care.
All you know is that the thought pleases you. All you know is… you would do the same for him. 
And you know he knows by the way he kisses you, slow but wanting in a way that has heat searing up your spine, in a way that is decidedly not appropriate for this public space you two are in.
“I love you,” you breathe against his lips.
Tim kisses you harder, taking the breath in your lungs, until it burns, but you don’t care, because he doesn’t ever ask for much and if that’s what he wants, then he can have it. 
He pulls away in the next second, clearly restraining himself, forehead leaned against yours. 
“I love you,” he says and it’s not just a declaration of feelings, it’s a promise, it’s a vow.
It’s one you whole-heartedly believe in.
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“You’re kidding, right?”
The red that settles high in Tim’s cheeks tells you he is very much not kidding.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time, okay!”
You can’t help the laughter that rises out of you, even in spite of the embarrassed groan he lets out, burying his face in his hands.
Your breakfast plates sit stacked to the side. Crepes, courtesy of you. Only the best for the birthday boy, after all.
In between you, the unwrapped figurine of the duck you made, accompanied with what you’re sure will be a core memory of Tim, thoroughly embarrassed, telling you how he once went by ‘Drake.’
No, really.
There, you suppose, is the true story behind the few times Steph called him Duckboy. You just thought it was his last name but no. It’s not just that. 
You laugh for a little while at that.
He gets fed up eventually, dragging your chair closer to his and unceremoniously lifting you into his lap, grumbling all the while as he presses his face to your shoulder. 
You press your nose to his hair, trying to hold in your giggles. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just… my god, Tim. Maybe I should change your contact name to Duckie.”
“If you do that, I will never talk to you again.”
“You stink.”
“I love you.”
He sighs and you can hear a smile. “Unfortunately, I love you, too.”
“Alright,” you say, clearing your throat, throwing an arm around his shoulders and squeezing. “Come on. There’s one more.”
“Is it also going to embarrass me?”
“I don’t imagine you have any embarrassing stories connected to this one. Unless you do. I don’t know. You’re not exactly a normal boyfriend.”
“Alright, alright,” he says, pretending to be put out, lifting his head and reaching for the final box. Bigger, this time.
You help him, since he refuses to pull his arm from around your waist. 
Opening the flaps, just one piece of wrapping paper lays over the top, with more stuffed around the sides. He pulls it away, eyebrows furrowing as he leans forward to get a look inside.
You hold the box steady while he pulls it out; you try to calm your racing heart, nerves rearing their head once more as you gauge his reaction.
It seemed like a good idea at the time. All his grouching about imperfections while making your mug. The one you are currently using, last dregs of OJ still in there, sitting near your plates. Its iridescent glaze winks at you from the light above. 
But perfection isn’t everything. 
That’s what inspired you here. 
The pearly blue glaze, the closest approximation that you got to the color of his eyes, gleams under the light. Along with it, the gold that spiders through the surface.
“This is…”
“Kintsugi. It’s not completely authentic, since I broke it on purpose, but I don’t know. I thought it was close enough to the real thing.”
The awed look on his face makes your chest squeeze. Even more so when he pulls his arm from your waist to grasp the mug with both hands, fingers smoothing over the surface.
He murmurs your name, eyes meeting yours, the warmth there making your breath catch.
“I guess you don’t hate it?” you try to joke, mostly to cover for yourself.
He sets it down carefully. Too carefully. You’ll have to tell him it’s as durable as yours. No need to be gentle. After all, if it does accidentally break, well, then you’d have some authentic kintsugi to show for.
“I love it,” he tells you earnestly, arms sliding around you. “Thank you, honey.”
Ooh. Double-whammy. You kiss him just to try and regain your composure. A girl can only take so much love.
(And by the way he smiles against your lips, you know he can tell.)
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An indeterminate amount of time later
“No running, boys! Be careful!”
“Sorry!” come the excited voices of the boys, no doubt already halfway down the hall and doing exactly what you told them not to do.
The rest of your kids file out in a much more calm fashion under your careful eye. 
Well, you don’t blame them. It is Halloween after all. Gotham is only safe enough for it during the day and with it being fall, the days grow shorter and shorter. Not much time left to trick-or-treat.
You bid goodbye to your ninth period, telling them to be safe. They respond affirmatively. 
You easily notice Riley lingering behind. She’s dressed as a ladybug. 
You send her a smile as the last kids step out, halls now bursting at the seams with costumed kids, all of them vying to get out and get home.
“What’s up, kiddo?”
She seems a tad embarrassed about something as she digs through her Spoiler themed backpack. It was the first thing you ever spoke to her about — second week of school, most of your kids had warmed up to you but she remained quiet, though you knew from her assignments she had a lot to say. You complimented it at the end of class and that warmed her up to you pretty quickly. 
This is your first batch of kids on your own after the previous seventh grade social studies teacher retired. You were a little scared. Seventh graders aren’t as easy to sway as six graders, but at the same time, they aren’t quite as impenetrable as the eighth graders can be. And by now, by the end of October, you love your kids dearly and you think they love you, too.
(Though they annoy the hell out of you sometimes.)
“Parker wanted me to give you this.”
She hands you a folded piece of thick orange cardstock. 
Opening it, you can’t stop the big smile that spreads across your lips.
It’s you, to be sure, with Red Robin. Drawn with all the fine motor skills of a four-year-old but no less of a treasure to you. 
You remember little Parker easily.
Teacher-student conferences were last week. Riley had come accompanied with her father and little brother, four-year-old Parker who was particularly cranky that day. You had managed to turn his mood around by engaging him in conversation about the Batman symbol on his t-shirt. Only after gauging his father’s reaction, of course. Some parents are disapproving of it and would not like the thought of their kids’ teacher being approving of them.
Even if the Bats are technically recognized figures. After all, Batman was one of the founders of the Justice League. It didn’t get more official than that, did it?
In any case, while ascertaining that Batman was his favorite of them, you easily divulged that while Batman is very cool, you prefer Red Robin yourself. He took that to heart. What a cute kid. 
“This is great, Riley.”
She shrugs, scuffing a shoe on the tiled floor. “I think he’s got a crush on you. I tried to tell him you were married but he was not having it.”
You carefully set the drawing on your desk, then send her a conspiratorial wink. “Mr. D won’t mind, I promise.”
She laughs.
“Tell Parker I said thank you very much. It’ll go up on the fridge as soon as I get home.”
“Sure thing, Mrs. D. Thanks for putting up with him last week.”
“No thanks necessary. Get home safe, okay?”
“I will. Bye.” She waves, then steps out, joining the last trickle of students in the hall.
Smiling, you tuck the drawing into your binder of assignments to be graded tonight, then start packing up. Much like the kids want to get home and get their trick-or-treating out of the way before the sun sets, you, too, would like to be in the safety of your shared apartment with your husband before it gets dark. 
Half an hour later, you are there, unlocking the door and stepping in. Dinner is already cooking, by the savory smell that hits you, along with a few pangs of hunger. 
Tim is closer to you, though, at the washer and dryer next to the storage closet. He tosses a smile over his shoulder as he dumps clothes into the washer.
“Hey, honey. How was your day?”
“Excellent. I know you and the others usually have your work cut out for you on Halloween but today was great for me. I even got a gift,” you say, shucking off your flats, then bending down to pull out your binder from your bag. 
Orange cardstock in hand, you pad over to him as he sets aside the laundry basket, reaching for the container of pods. Your arms slide around his waist as he tosses one in, shuts the lid, and starts the cycle. 
The washer and dryer were wedding gifts from Dick, who found your story of how you met far too hilarious. The apartment — penthouse, really — was from Bruce. Paid off in full, furnished, along with the most expensive security system known to man. Seriously, like some Justice League level shit; like, actually Justice League, specialized security systems designed by them for members and for friends of the members (which is Bruce here; Tim could have a place in the League but he is too loyal to the Titans).
He once told you the names of the tech protecting you — Thanagarian, Martian, Apokoliptan, and Kryptonian — and you only recognized half of those. That doesn’t include the other more unnerving kinds of security protocols Bruce and Tim came up with. 
But the security isn’t all that. The apartment is also only a mile from the school. 
You drive there now these days, though. Just to be safe. 
You pass him the cardstock. “Remember Parker from the conferences last week? I got this today from Riley after school.”
Tim lets out a delighted laugh as he sees the drawing. “Well, that just has to go on the fridge.”
“We’re in agreement there, Mr. Drake.”
He turns around, arms sliding around you, too, raising an eyebrow as you smile mischievously. 
“I was also told that he has a crush on me.”
He sniffs. “Well, he can get in line.”
You sputter a laugh, partially ruining the kiss as he leans down but he just smiles, too.
“Though, from where I stand, I have much better prospects.”
“Oh, really?”
“Really, Mrs. Drake.”
And that speaks for itself, doesn’t it?
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waywardstation · 11 months
Bad Habits
[SEQUEL TO LEARNED BEHAVIOR] Akari thinks it’s funny that she’s essentially trained Lady Sneasler’s kits to tickle Ingo for food. It starts to lose its humor when it progresses to less playful methods, though.
It's been a while since I got a fic out, hasn't it? Long Covid's taken it's toll on my ability to focus and organize, and sadly write, but I still enjoy doing it just as much as before!! It just takes a little longer to pull things together for now ^^; I wrote this after my friends speculated on a possible sequel to the previous minutes fic I wrote.
OR read here on AO3!
“Ah-hAh! Powder!”
Ingo jumped up from the dojo’s bench with an uncharacteristically-high shout, jerking as if he had been tasered in the back; Powder inadvertently came tumbling out of his coat with the movement, and sprawled onto the ground. The runt seemed unbothered by the jostling; she leapt up and scrambled under her favorite hiding place, the battlefield’s wooden platform, with a plump bean pod between her teeth. 
“Good job, Powder!” A fit of giggling from the bench behind him gave away who had orchestrated this, having once again slipped a bean pod into his coat. But this incident had repeated itself enough times by now that Ingo didn’t even need the hint anymore - how did she keep managing to sneak them in?
“I am… aware you find these situations humorous, Miss Akari,” Ingo fixed his crooked cap and smoothed his coat back down, his face flushing somewhat - he was not fond of such an embarrassing weakness of his constantly being exploited. And Akari’s constant incitement encouraged them to start tickling with intent now, rather than doing so incidentally while searching for food. “But I am afraid I must repeat myself; I really must implore you to stop going down these tracks. Do not positively reinforce this, please.”
“Oh come on Ingo, it’s funny!”  Akari popped open a pod and munched on one of the beans, brushing it off. His tone sounded a little annoyed or exasperated if she was being honest, but he always got a little defensive after a surprise tickle attack. “They’re just playing with you a little! I mean, it’s not like they’re hurting you or anything, right?”
Ingo remained stern, his expression not one of amusement; it appeared as if he viewed tickling to be just as unpleasant as getting hurt. 
“While that is technically true at the moment, I must remind you that they are steadily growing bigger.” He glanced over at Powder momentarily. “This continued behavior is unacceptable, not only because it is inapplicable for wilderness foraging and survival, but because it can also become dangerous for myself, and possibly even other people, as their venomous claws develop.”
The last point especially seemed to put a stop to Akari’s antics; with a look of contemplation, she seemed to consider his words. She was well aware the kits were growing - she got to witness the process almost every day - but she simply had not considered the long-term consequences.
The teen glanced over at Powder beneath the platform, still tearing at her prize with her claws. She knew it would eventually happen, but it was still hard to imagine they wouldn’t always be that size, and of their more subdued temperament.
Ingo’s stern reaction made more sense now.
“I didn’t really think about that.”  Akari turned the empty pod around in her fingers. “Yeah, I guess I should stop then. Sorry.”
But by then the damage had already been done, even if Akari herself did stop slipping beans and berries into his coat; the next time Ingo found himself under attack by the kits about a week later, it was entirely unprompted by the teen.
“We’re back!” Akari announced as she entered the training grounds, a basket held securely in her grip, and Zisu and Rei following behind her. Ingo looked over, away from all the sneasel kits he had been entertaining for most of the afternoon - the group had asked him to bring all the sneaslets to work today, so they could see how much they’d grown. The answer was… noticeably.
At the trio’s arrival, all nine kits scrambled towards them in a hurry to greet them, yowling as if they had been separated for thirty years, not thirty minutes. Rei and Zisu happily knelt down to pet them all, but Akari stepped around the tiny sneasels to approach Ingo.
“I take it you all had a pleasant lunch?” The warden questioned, seeming relieved to get a short break from the kits as he watched them swarm his companions. Though, Akari caught the quick glance he threw at the basket in her hands. 
“Yeah, it would have been nicer if you had joined us though.”
“I would have if I could.” Ingo’s frown pulled at the mere thought of attempting to bring nine sneasels along, or leaving them unattended at the training grounds to join her, Zisu, and Rei at The Wallflower.
Another glance at the basket. Akari mistook his trepidation for interest.
“I know, I know,” she brushed it off, before holding up the basket. “That’s why we brought you something back!”
Ingo’s expression immediately gave way to worry; it was exactly what he dreaded. “Miss Akari, you really didn’t need to-”
“-No, Zisu insisted!” The teen had expected him to resist. “We know you said you’d be fine, but you’ve been here all day. So we went to Floaro’s, which is why it took so long-”
Akari opened the basket and rooted around inside. She pulled out a Jubilife Muffin, and held it out to him. “-But we got one of these for you!”
Akari made the mistake of presenting it for all of the sneasel kits to see as well. Behind her, Ingo could see a few kits turn their heads towards her, forgetting all about Rei and Zisu in a second. His gratitude was pushed down deeper under another layer of alarm.
“Miss Akari, I appreciate the gesture, but I really couldn’t,” An attempt to prevent the inevitable.
“Really? He added oran berries to these ones, and it’s really good!” She tried to hold the muffin out, in hopes he’d take it.
Ingo barely processed her sentence. His gaze was locked past Akari’s shoulder. Four kits’ eyes were now focused intently on her back, along with Rei and Zisu’s own curious looks going between her and said kits.
“Perhaps later, I will try it,” The warden held his hands up, clearly not accepting the muffin. He wanted her to just put it back in the basket.
Another glance over her shoulder. Akari now had the attention of all nine sneasles. They stalked, approaching her carefully with a few more calculated steps. 
“Fine, but it’s not as good when it’s cold,” Akari shrugged, seeming to finally accept his rejection. But by then, it was too late - all nine kits finally took off, racing towards her. 
They were actually going to attack Akari.
Her hand still holding the muffin out, Ingo grabbed it and held it for the sneasels to see their original target no longer had what they desired. The horde immediately diverted from their route. They rushed around a surprised Akari, pouncing to instead latch onto Ingo’s pantlegs.
“Mochi, Duchess! Nettle! No-!” Ingo attempted to correct all the eager kits before they could climb any further up his legs. But his stern voice did nothing to stop the sneasels as they continued to knock into him and pile up.
Together, the tiny sneaslets felled their caretaker. With combined tugging on the pant legs and the collective weight of nine sneasels putting him off balance, Ingo was pulled backwards onto the ground. The moment of vulnerability cost him; the sneasel pile swarmed on top of him in seconds, like a flock of hungry staraptor on a single unfortunate cherubi. 
The kits got to work immediately; it only took seconds for Ingo’s demands to crumble into hysterics. 
“Hey, hEy-! Gh- nOho!” Ingo’s awkwardly-stifled bouts of laughter overtook any attempt to put authority in his voice as the group of sneaslets ganged up on him, pestering his most ticklish spots in hopes that he’d let go of his food. Nudging muzzles, nibbling teeth, and scritching claws - by this point, the kits had learned quite well how to quickly wear Ingo down. It took considerable effort for him not to roll over defensively, his fear of crushing them barely overpowering his desperate reflexes to protect himself. “Please! C-ceASe-! Before one of you- gaH!”
Before anyone could even move to help him, Ingo cut himself off with a sudden exclamation that sounded genuinely surprised, and not in a good way. The horde of sneasels abandoned him as quickly as they had pounced on him, leaving him behind to lie on the ground in front of a stunned Akari.
It only took a moment to become apparent why; their efforts had quickly been rewarded. Balm had managed to pry the muffin from Ingo’s weakened grip and had whipped around to bolt off with his prize as fast as he could, greedy as ever. The siblings’ cooperation instantly dissolved, and the rest of them raced after him in an attempt to steal the prize away, yowling excitedly.
Ingo quickly sat up to defend himself in case another attack would be imminent. But when it was clear the sneasels were too focused on chasing each other, he let out a sigh of relief and reached over to situate his hat back on his head; it had been knocked off in the squabble.
Akari stood there, trying to process what had just happened. Any amusement she normally would have felt gave way to confusion from being caught off guard, then slight concern as she realized Ingo was focused on his hand that previously held the muffin. “…Are you ok?”
“I am alright, but Balm appears to have bitten me… quite hard.” Genuine surprise in his voice overtaking any irritation Akari was expecting, Ingo inspected the soft part of his palm, now peppered with tiny red tooth marks. A few clearly had broken the skin, where new droplets of red began to spring up across his red-smeared palm.
“Here, here,” Akari hastily reached into her satchel for a few scraps of bandaging, handing it to him. The sight of Ingo’s blood dripping down his hand sent a sudden pang of guilt through her. And then that sent another pang when she realized it took Ingo getting hurt to feel this bad about it. “They’ve bitten you before?” 
“Yes. However, they have never drawn blood like this.” Ingo wrapped his hand securely, making sure the bandages covered every puncture.
Akari didn't know what to say to that. She glanced back over at the sneasel kits, now roughhousing over mere crumbs by the training ground’s fence, as Zisu helped Ingo back to his feet.
If the kits had ever used their teeth, they always nibbled on him gently enough to just tickle him. They never bit him hard enough to draw blood. And if any kit was going to bite that hard, Akari had expected it to be excitable Chomp, not mild-mannered Balm.
This wasn’t as playful as it used to be. 
Ingo’s warning of the kits’ development and all the problems that would come with it popped up into her mind again. Was this happening every time he had any kind of food out around them anymore? Ingo hadn’t wanted to accept the muffin from her at first; was it because he knew this would happen? She had stopped slipping food into Ingo’s coat to encourage them, but had she done it to the point of teaching them to do it independently?
…Perhaps, Akari realized, Ingo’s reason for skipping lunch today had extended further than simply wanting to babysit the kits attentively.
Ingo was not at the training grounds. He had been expected there early that morning, but he never showed up.
Akari only waited a total of fifteen minutes before telling Zisu she’d make sure he was ok, and had set out to go look for him. He had promised her an early-morning battle the day before, and he always made a point to follow through with his promises. If he didn’t show up, that meant he either came down with a debilitating illness overnight, he had gotten seriously injured on the way to Jubilife, or the Miss Fortune Sisters had decided to try and roadside rob him… again.
All three were situations he’d need help with though if he still was yet to show up, so Akari had set out immediately, backtracking on his usual route to Jubilife from the highlands. 
It had both relieved and worried her that she had made it all the way to the base of Mount Coronet without finding a trace of him. Where was he?
Surely he wasn’t still in Lady Sneasler’s den; it was almost noon by now. But, she had to be thorough. So Akari trekked up the mountainside, taking care to make sure no predatory pokemon were watching her as she deviated from the worn trails, and climbed up the cliffside to the entrance of Lady Sneasler’s den.
“Ingo?” She called out tentatively into the cavern. “Are you in here?”
There was no response.
But… she heard something quiet inside.
Were those the kits she heard? Akari shuffled a bit further in.
Squinting hard as her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, Akari bore witness to a massacre.
Nesting material was sifted about in uneven heaps, as if there had been a struggle. A multitude of shining eyes stared wide in the darkness, catching the dull light from outside as several faces kept focus on her. A motionless foot could barely be made out in the dimness underneath them, sticking out of a mass of indistinguishable, furry forms. The familiar black shoe that was expected to cover it was nowhere to be found amongst the site, most likely lost in the nesting layers.
Something had certainly happened here.
“Ingo?” Akari repeated with both a bit more alarm and certainty this time. The small forms with bright eyes collectively went stiff in the darkness, and a muffled groan sluggishly responded. The form beneath the kits moved ever so slightly.
“…Mmmiss Akari..?” The familiar voice slurred, as if half awake from a fever-induced sleep.
A short yet incredibly heavy stretch of silence, as Akari’s mind stalled on what to do. 
Was he hurt? How bad was it? Why wasn’t Lady Sneasler here? Did a wild Pokémon try to get into the den, and did it maul Ingo in his efforts to protect the kits? She still couldn’t see all that well, what if he was bleeding out, or-?
One of the many pairs of bright eyes flickered out of view as one of the indiscernible kits lost interest in Akari and lowered their head, presumably back towards Ingo. A second later, a subdued jolt of almost-laughter was heard, and the foot sticking out of the sneasel pile jerked suddenly.
“Taro, no-”
Akari knew what had happened now. She let out a sigh of relief as Ingo continued to chuckle listlessly into the nesting material.
“…S-some assistance, please-“ 
Ingo bit into the pecha berry, wiping away the juice with the back of his hand (which still felt quite sluggish and heavy) as he chewed thoroughly. 
At least he could somewhat feel it on his tongue now, and his fingers were beginning to tingle. That was a good thing; it meant the berry was finally starting to lessen the venom’s numbing effects.
Ingo sighed through his nose as he chewed, and rested his head back against the cavern wall; with stiff nerves and muscles, it still took a lot of effort to hold his head up at this point. 
He remained there like that for a few moments, until he became aware something had entered the den. A lethargic glance over, and he met eyes with Akari as she approached to sit down next to him. 
She had returned from taking all of the kits outside the den, both to wait with them for their mother to return and hear what had happened, and to give Ingo some time to eat his pecha berries in peace, without fear of them attacking him for it.
“Um, Lady Sneasler just got back.” She reported after a moment of silence. “I told her what happened. She’s scolding all the kits right now.”
Ingo could hear her yowling from outside, muffled by the cavern walls. The tone was very upset, even more so than he had expected, if he was honest.
“So they just… attacked you while she was out hunting?” The teen’s eyes flitted away from the cavern entrance back to Ingo, who’s own eyes were still closed. With his gaze off of her, she freely observed the tiny scratches peppered around his skin. They were tinged purple around the edges, faded compared to earlier but still noticeable. 
“You’re on the right track.” Ingo paused eating to respond. “I believe they had simply become impatient for Lady Sneasler to return with breakfast, and thought they could instead awaken and pester food out of me as they always do, despite carrying none myself. Yet when I unsurprisingly relented nothing, they grew more aggressive with their efforts, until, well…”
Ingo trailed off. He didn’t have to say anything else, Akari knew the rest of it. He bit back into his berry, static still on his tongue.
“Ugh,” the teen leaned forward, hugging her knees. “Look Ingo, I feel really bad about all this. Like, really, really bad. I’m sorry, they wouldn’t be doing this to you if I hadn’t kept encouraging it.” 
Ingo didn’t exactly jump at the chance to defend her as he chewed on his pecha; while he usually took care not to speak with his mouth full, she had a feeling he was more so agreeing with her, but saving face by not voicing it.
And she couldn’t blame him, he had told her to stop more than once. 
“…I believe things simply derailed slightly more than you intended.” He summed up instead.
She would accept that. “Yeah, they did.”
Ingo swallowed down the last of his pecha berry and relaxed into the nesting materials, now just waiting for the pecha to continue doing its job. “But, this cannot continue; I must set them back on the right track. As Lady Sneasler’s caretaker, I am also responsible for the development of her young, and their success will reflect my abilities as a warden. They cannot sustain themselves on this method in the wilderness. And if anyone is harmed by this behavior, I will be at fault.”
Akari did not really know what to say to that. “So, um, do you know how to get them to stop doing this?”
It felt incredibly awkward - if not humbling - asking if he knew how to essentially clean up her mess.
Ingo simply shook his head. “I will be honest; a problem has developed that I am unsure how to surpass. This is Lady Sneasler’s first litter that she’s had under my care, and I admit that raising Pokémon entirely from adolescence is a different track from battling alongside them, the latter of which I can only faintly recall explicit experiences with. And they ignore any of my attempts to dissuade them. I am… not entirely sure how to conduct corrections to this specific behavior.”
Akari didn’t quite know either. It had progressed past the point of controlled incidents where it would only happen when she initiated it with a well-placed berry or bean pod, and developed into relentless attacks when food wasn’t even present, but simply desired.
She had no idea how to properly correct something as specific as this. But she felt obligated to at least try and figure it out. She put Ingo in this position, and felt he was being incredibly forgiving by not berating her for doing such a thing in the first place.
Though maybe, he suspected she was already doing that to herself enough. 
“Well, look. I kind of did this to you. I’m the one that taught them it was ok to attack people for food.” Akari fiddled with the end of her scarf. “So it’d only be right for me to help, uh, un-teach them. I know Irida’s coming next week to check on them all, and I don’t want to hear you got in trouble because they all attacked her or something.”
The mental image of that disaster seemed to make Ingo chuckle a little bit. She knew he was still under the effects of the poison then, because normally he wouldn’t have considered something like that humorous enough to laugh at.
“The tracks to their desired destination may be long, but help may shorten it. Your assistance in their correctional training would be greatly appreciated,” He finally responded to her offer. His general acceptance eased her guilt somewhat.
“Great. Tomorrow then, we start?” Today would be better, but she didn’t think Ingo would be in any state to start that today.
“Tomorrow fits my schedule just fine.”
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redbayly · 1 month
Kya Headcanons
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So, I've been thinking a lot about Kya (Katara and Sokka's mother), lately, and started brainstorming a ton of headcanons for her that I want to share because she does not get nearly enough love. Some of them I've had floating around in my head for a while, but others I came up with only recently or just today. Also, I included some of my Southern Water Tribe headcanons. So, take a gander and tell me what you think of my ideas for Kya's story.
Personal Info:
She was a member of the Polar Leopard Clan, one of seven sacred clans that are believed to be directly descended from the Southern Water Tribe’s founder.
Kya was always an adventurous soul. From a young age, she was interested in exploring and even traveled to parts of the South Pole that were considered especially dangerous. She always hoped to one day travel the world.
She wanted to be a waterbender more than anything. Since she was little, she would try to waterbend and practiced the moves for it that the elders remembered. Even when everyone told her she wasn’t a waterbender, she kept trying. And even after she came to terms with the fact that she wasn’t one, she still practiced the few moves she knew in case any waterbenders were born and because she found she just enjoyed it.
Her favorite food was seal-jerky. She would always eat it aggressively and people who saw her eat it would say she looked like a ravenous wolf as she tore into the salty meat strips.
She had a beautiful singing voice and taught Katara and Sokka traditional Water Tribe songs.
Despite her vast knowledge of Water Tribe songs and stories, she was terrible at poetry. When she and Hakoda were courting each other, he would come up with beautiful poems and truly creative ways of flirting while Kya fumbled with her words and got all tongue-tied and awkward.
Kya was the worst at hunting in her family because she always had trouble keeping quiet and sitting still for long periods of time. She was easily bored and would start talking or fidgeting and would alert prey from all the noise she made.
Kya loved doing creative projects like carving, weaving, beadwork, basket-making, etc. She was especially skilled and could spend hours focusing only on whatever thing she was working on and would forget to eat or do her chores because she was so into it. It’s from Kya that Sokka inherited his love for art and handicrafts.
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Early Life & Family:
Kya’s mother was in her forties when she had her, leading many people to speculate that Kya was actually the child of her older sister and that her parents were trying to cover up an out-of-wedlock pregnancy. The rumors weren’t true, but her mother was embarrassed about having a child later in life and claimed her pregnancy was actually a tumor right up until Kya was born.
Her relationship with her mother was very strained and cold. Kya sometimes wondered if her mother even loved her at all. She was never physically abusive, but she was also never kind or nurturing and seemed indifferent to her children and often gave the impression that she regretted having them. Her mother was a capable hunter and the main provider of food for the family. Her mother died on a hunting trip while fighting single-handedly against an arctic wolf-bear; she managed to take the creature down and, with her dying breath, asked the warriors to serve the animal’s meat at her funeral dinner and give the pelt to her family. Kya’s mother had a brother and a sister who were both waterbenders that were taken by the Fire Nation.
Kya’s father was an angakkuq (something like a shaman or medicine man in real-world Inuit culture) who was the main spiritual leader for their clan. He was kind to his children, but was often distracted by his vocation and wasn’t really in the right headspace to properly raise them. It’s not entirely certain that he’s dead. When Sokka and Katara were still very young, he wandered out onto the tundra one night, claiming to hear the spirits calling to him, and never came back. There were tales from the hunters, though, that they’d seen him walking the tundra when the winds picked up, chanting prayers to the tribe’s guardian spirits to watch over them.
Kya was the youngest of six children. She had four older sisters and a brother.
Iara (eldest sister) – She basically raised her younger siblings and became a mother figure to them. She sacrificed much of her own happiness to look after her family, even turning down a marriage proposal from the man she loved because she felt responsible for looking after everyone and wasn't sure she could manage raising her siblings and starting her own family. Kya adored Iara and later felt guilty for how much her sister had given up for her sake. Iara ended up dying from heart failure shortly before Kya gave birth to Katara.
Nuvua (second sister) – A sociable people-pleaser. Nuvua always tried to make friends with everyone and soothe ruffled feathers within her clan and with other members of the Water Tribe. She did try to help Iara with their siblings, but ultimately left her behind when she married young and had a family of her own. She ended up becoming elected the clan mother (a type of matriarchal figure in charge of managing the village) of the Polar Leopard Clan over the wife of the clan chief. She and Kya were never especially close, but she was still devastated when Kya was murdered.
Asiri (third sister) – A wild troublemaker. She was always pulling pranks and laughing at other people. She could be a bit of a bully, at times, and often picked on Kya, leading to a difficult relationship between them as they grew up. Asiri later ran off with a young man from a clan that was enemies with theirs, claiming it was true love and that they were defying a stupid feud. It turned out the guy was just using her to humiliate her clan; after he got her pregnant, he abandoned her and started mocking her publicly, claiming that all women in her clan had no sense of decency. Asiri returned home in shame and was nearly thrown out by the clan chief, but Kya spoke up for her and convinced the clan to stand by her. Asiri ended up struggling with depression for a number of years afterwards and developed serious trust issues. She ended up spending most of her time as part of her clan’s hunting party, as she was the best hunter of all her siblings. After Kya’s death, Asiri cut off contact even more and rarely spoke. When the men left to fight in the war, Asiri became the primary hunter for the Polar Leopard Clan and has had to also train the kids in her village to hunt.
Atka (fourth sister) – A quiet, spiritually-minded woman. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became an angakkuq. She fell in love with a young woman and had a “half-moon marriage” (a euphemism for same-sex couples). She and her wife adopted Asiri’s child, a boy, because Asiri had no interest in keeping him after what his father put her through.
Nuka (brother) – A wide-eyed dreamer. He was always goofing off as a kid and never took anything too seriously. Despite being older than Kya, he followed her around a lot and joined in her hijinks and adventures. He was still a very casual guy when he grew up and got a reputation for being a shameless flirt. He became more serious and responsible, though, after Iara died and later when Kya was killed. He didn’t smile or laugh much after that and began to really train as a warrior. He became a trusted member of Hakoda’s war council when Hakoda was elected chief for the whole tribe; a lot of other warriors dismissively refer to him as “Chief Hakoda’s idiot brother-in-law,” but he is a very capable guy when push comes to shove. He’s one of the men who greet Sokka when he shows up at Chameleon Bay in “The Guru.”
Kya carved a set of rings from whale ivory, one for herself and each of her siblings. Despite whatever ups and downs they faced as a family, none of them have ever taken those rings off.
In addition to her actual brother, Kya had “clan-brothers” (male friends close to her age from her clan who were not necessarily related to her but who were considered family). Her clan-brothers really did not like Hakoda and sabotaged many of his efforts to court Kya. In one incident, they grabbed Hakoda and Bato (who was only involved because of his friendship with Hakoda), tied them in a fishing net, and tossed them onto a ship headed for a month-long fishing trip. Kya later chewed her clan-brothers out for their stupid, overprotective bullshit.
Despite how distracted Kya’s father could be, he was attentive enough to take her ice-dodging when she was fourteen. She earned the mark of the brave.
She always took her father’s lessons about spirits and religious traditions seriously. Even little things like always facing northward while eating blubber, never lingering in doorways, never whistling at night, always thanking the souls of the animals when she ate meat, never wasting any part of an animal, etc.
She nearly drowned once while saving another kid who had fallen out of a canoe while fishing. Then she nearly died of hypothermia from the freezing water.
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Adult Life, Marriage, & Children
She had several romantic relationships before she married Hakoda:
She had a childhood sweetheart who became her best friend/honorary brother when they were older.
She was courted by a very handsome older boy when she was a teenager, but she caught him cheating on her and dumped him. She and the other girl also beat the living hell out of him.
She had a long-term relationship that led to an engagement. However, a couple months before the wedding, she and her fiancé both realized they really weren’t right for each other and broke up amicably.
There was a guy who was interested in her romantically whom she turned down because he gave her red flag vibes and he refused to accept ‘no’ for an answer. He kept following her around and trying to pressure her into a relationship, but she always rejected him When she and Hakoda announced their marriage, the guy tried to challenge Hakoda to a fight for Kya’s hand. Hakoda bluntly told him that Kya’s not a trophy and that, if he had a problem with the marriage, he would just have to deal with it. Hakoda then told Kya what had happened and watched in satisfaction as she stormed over to the creep and verbally eviscerated him.
Kya proposed to Hakoda. She gave him a hunting knife she hand-carved herself as a betrothal gift. Her clan wasn’t happy about the marriage because Kya chose to marry into Hakoda’s clan (the Wolf Clan) instead of him marrying into hers.
Kanna gave Kya her necklace as a legacy gift. In the Southern Water Tribe, when you marry into another clan, your in-laws have to give you a “legacy” gift to pass on to one of your children that is not strictly a practical item (no combs, knives, needles, etc.). Legacy gifts are usually things like jewelry, decorations, or ceremonial attire of some sort. When a woman marries into a clan, her legacy would pass to her daughter or her daughter-in-law; when a man marries in, then his legacy goes to his son or son-in-law.
While Kya was delighted to pass Kanna’s necklace to Katara, she did miss the familiarity of wearing it. So, Hakoda put his carving skills to the test and made a new one just for her; it wasn’t particularly good and his hand slipped a lot while making it, but Kya still loved it and wore it proudly.
Kya addressed Kanna as ‘Mom’ after getting married to Hakoda. She’d never felt comfortable using that term for her own mother or for her older sister. People who didn’t know the family would sometimes assume that Kanna was Kya’s mother rather than Hakoda’s.
Kya thought she wouldn’t be able to have children. She had several miscarriages and then no indication of pregnancy for a number of years before she had Sokka. In memory of her unborn children, she carved small figures of bone to commemorate them and pray for their safe return to the cycle of death and rebirth. When she was killed, Hakoda buried those little carvings with her.
She referred to Sokka as her ‘miracle’ when she delivered him safely and latercalled Katara her ‘blessing.��
When both Sokka and Katara were young they came down with terrible fevers from a sickness that was tearing through the South Pole. Kya stayed awake for days tending to them and praying to the spirits to save them.
When Katara was discovered to be a waterbender, Kya was overjoyed and convinced Hakoda to launch a search for a waterbending master. When no one could be found in the South Pole, she tried to talk her husband into them all going on a family adventure to the Northern Water Tribe to find Katara a teacher.
She was deeply compassionate towards people who were treated unjustly. During a gathering of the clans, the Whale-walrus Clan chief was brought before the council of elders for trying to beat his daughter, Tuktu, to death for “profaning herself with another girl.” Despite the man being publicly censured for his inexcusable actions, he threw his daughter out of the clan. Kya was the first to step up and offer Tuktu a place in their home. After this, little Katara, who had witnessed everything, asked her family if they would hate her if she grew up to like girls instead of boys, to which her mother responded that it didn’t matter if she like girls or boys or both or neither, her family would always love her. Tuktu later moved in with a girl in another clan, with whom she is still happily living by the time the show’s events roll around.
Kya was going to be named the clan mother for the Wolf Clan once Kanna stepped down, but she was killed before the official installation took place.
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
Hi lovely! Hope you're doing swell!
I'm coming in hot with an unsolicited Pats question for you - because I literally cannot think about anything but how BAD he has it for Preciosa - so I hope you don't mind.
I've been wondering about his other clients. What is he like with them and how does it compare to what he's like with his #favoriteclient ? Do any of them notice anything different in the way he is with them since he's started letting himself get closer to Miss Thursday? And while I'm here... Do any of them ever communicate with Shell after she sends them to his door, or is that a hard line she doesn't cross?
Hello, bby. Thank you for coming in hot. It is so very cold outside right now that I live for any kind of heat. ANY.
I recognize that you sent this ask before the great "Let's Try This" thing they've started up, but it still applies. The short answer is, it doesn't change much in the way you'd think, but so much more in other ways. And the long answer is down below.
And while I have YOU *huggle*...Shell gets her fair share of gift baskets and special perks, some mysterious VIP treatments and really grand bouquets. But once she's sent a potential client his way and they've been accepted and treated, if they ever run into her again to thank her, well. She generally just gives them a sly little half smile and tells them, "That sure sound's wonderful, hon, but I'm sure I don't have any idea what you're talking about."
Speaking of other clients...
Kiss and Tell: It's Still About You (GTTT PATS)
FANDOM: Calls - Apple TV (PATS is a character from ep. 3. “Pedro Across the Street.” This is not RPF.)
As with all of my PATS installments, warnings abound for explicit content.
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He can feel his eyebrows pulling together at the blue and purple blemish that’s interrupting the precious dimples in his client’s thigh. His fingers trace around it for a moment before he circles the table to her other side to the bruise he noticed on her knee a few minutes ago...and a couple near her elbow. These have more green in them, further along in healing.
Running his hands over her soft, bare belly, pushing gently to move and work the holding muscles there, he watches her face. Jaw relaxed. Eyelashes feathering over the apples of her cheeks. She’s got nice, ample breasts and he’s gentle as he works his oiled hands around them. She doesn’t flinch, just relaxes into his touch, total trust.
That’s a good sign. Still. Just to make sure he asks, “You feel safe at home?”
“Hmm?” Her mermaid blue eyes drift open in wakening confusion.
“You have some pretty heavy bruises today and I noticed a few on you last time. Just wanna check in.”
Smiling and letting her eyes drift closed, she melts herself back into the table. “Eh. I’m just a danger to myself. I bruise easily and have no idea where half of them come from half the time. I’m a walking billboard for the Klutz Lifestyle.”
“Okay…” his voice isn’t as confident as his hands, but he has to trust her.
“But thank you,” she laughs lightly, punctuating her self-condescending remarks, “Really. I promise you, Mitch questions them too. He keeps threatening to make me a suit out of bubble wrap and duct tape. I told him gray’s not my color.”
This makes him chuckle as he dips his fingers between her legs. “Looks like you’re good and ready for hour two. Wanna move on over to the bed?” Holding her hand as if she’s a princess descending a carriage, he guides her, taking note of her hazy, relaxed smile. “Sounds like you’ve got yourself a good husband.”
“Yeah. He’s playing online with his buddies tonight. Sends his love. And his thanks. He likes the things you teach me.”
“On your stomach, legs together. Gonna try something new. Show you a few ways to take care of those knees when they’re bruised.”
As she slides onto the sheets, he takes note of the bruise on her thigh so he won’t grab it accidentally when he’s in his throes, pushing gently at her skin and curves, sweeping her pink and green hair off her back, just making a final check to make sure he didn’t miss any other sore spots. He runs his hand lightly down to pat her soft ass, bringing forth the most satisfying jiggle from below and her pillow-muffled giggle from above.
Sliding a condom out of the bedside table-drawer, he prepares it and sheathes himself as he explains, “My girlfriend gets mystery bruises too. Happens when she’s in a hurry. Instead of slowing down, she just keeps moving and says ‘that’ll leave a bruise’ out loud. Says it helps stick the moment in her brain so when she finds the bruise later she’ll remember where it came from. If she slows down for a second then it’s in the forefront of her mind so she can grab something cold to ice it as soon as possible. Cuts down on the severity and the duration of the bruise. I recommend trying it.” Rolling the condom down to his base, he mounts the bed and straddles her legs, pulling her cheeks apart and exposing her more sensitive parts, blowing gently and smiling when she clenches. “After you recognize the pattern of how you’re getting hurt, you can start protecting and correcting your actions. I’m not a doctor, but I might also recommend talking to one about getting more sun and more vitamin K. Water’s your friend. I’ll mark your chart.”
She giggles low and pleasingly in her throat. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. Is that new?”
“Does she know you do this?”
He lines himself up, her breath hitching a beat as he slides his tip around her opening. This one’s a talker, loves chatter in bed, but he always likes to see what can throw her off her game. “She’s very aware.”
“Mmmmm. That’s nice. She must be pretty cool. Lucky you.”
Without answering, he slides in and she gives him a silken moan. When she turns her head to the side, he can just make out her smile through her splayed hair. The client is happy. Melting. She clearly feels better than when she came in. And she’ll go home to her husband and show him these techniques and they’ll enjoy them. She’s come so far since her first session months ago. He did that. Does that. Is doing it. It makes him rock hard. He’s so fucking good at this and he knows it.
And you know it. You know it and you don’t ask him not to.
He refrains from speaking further about you. There are private lines he doesn’t cross for the good of everyone. It’s fitting for some of his more trusted clients to know he has his own attachments and that everything is open and honest; that they themselves and their sessions aren’t a cause of any possible trouble. But they don’t need to know anything about him or about you beyond that. You are his treasure, his alone. He’s going to keep your understanding and your trust like a jewel tucked in close to the chest, handle you preciously, take joy in your generosity.
He does not answer the client. Not out loud. But as he takes in her satisfaction and triumphs in his own skills, he closes his eyes and angles his chin to the ceiling, sighing a silent prayer, “You have no fucking idea.” _____
Your phone rings as you’re putting a load of laundry into the dryer.
“Hey there, loverboy. I thought you had a client tonight.”
“I do. She’s sleeping. What are you up to?”
There’s a confidence in his voice as he speaks that sparks something in your core, an easy, non-apologetic tone, a man talking to his girl with nothing to hide. It’s not exactly easy yet, knowing he is intimate with so many others, but he doesn’t speak about them with regret or shame, only the professional respect and demeanor you’ve spent so many months admiring, and that helps immensely.
It’s the first time he’s called you immediately after a session though. And you find that you like it. A lot. Just because he was servicing someone doesn’t mean he’s not thinking of you.
“Laundry. Not as fulfilling as your evening. But hey, clean sheets are always very relaxing.”
“Sounds nice. Those the floral ones?”
“Uh..” How did he…oh. That time he took care of you when you were sick. He must have seen them then. “Yeah.”
“Hmm.” He’s silent for a moment, you can tell he’s gearing up to ask you something. You’ve learned to wait, although it’s still hard to anticipate the best case scenario. “I…don’t mean to invite myself over, but would you mind if I mess them up a little this weekend?”
And you laugh. Another win for the best case scenario. “I mean, you could mess them up a lot this weekend if you wanted.”
“Yeah? There a time that works best? Or should I just pull in the welcome mat and have my neighbor watch for packages?”
And you smile, remembering that it’s only been a couple of days since your first weekend together, wandering his house in nothing but togas made of rumpled sheets, spending much of it wound up in his arms, on your back, curled up napping on the couch with the tv on, sipping coffee sitting side by side on his kitchen counter….
“I’d tell you to pack a bag, but you’re not really going to need clothes. This time you’re mine, loverboy.”
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hi hi lillyyyyyyyyyyyy~ so hear me out a nice picnic with xiao, kaveh, ayato and ayaka~
Ahhh yes! It's such a cute idea. I want to spoil all of them so much. Please enjoy nothing but fluff~ More notes at the bottom!
It's honestly going to take a lot to convince him that going on a picnic is okay
Lots of soft little moments and gentle coaxing to show him that taking a break is perfecting fine, there's nothing wrong with it
He appreciates what you're doing and will agree in the end so long as he picks the place
A lovely mountain view is where you're gonna get because he loves showing you the secret but gorgeous views Liyue has to offer
You bring a nice basket of food and drinks, he brings the blanket and view
It's the calmest and most at peace he's felt while outside and it fills him with warmth that becomes more then welcomed with you around
There will have to be almond tofu there but also something a little more hearty to help stave off the cold from being so high up
Though he always keeps an eye out for danger Xiao plans to spend the day beside you, soaking up the sun light and enjoying your sweet affection
It's gentle and soft love all day and though it might have taken some time to get him to agree he's glad you both did this
" Maybe we could plan this again sometime. I don't mind taking a break with you."
The easiest to convince, he just loves getting to spend time you and he'll do anything to do it
Kaveh adores any time spent with you be it at work or just a nice day out it's always a joy with you
Though he seems like the type to be over the top with his love I think it's the total opposite
Yes he wants everyone to know you're together but his love is or you and only you so others don't need to see or hear it, though his drunk ramblings have ratted you out many times
Still a picnic is right up his alley, its cute but simple and lets you both just relax away from the city
He'll want to help you prepare it but understand if you want to be a full surprise
If he can help then Kaveh will want to join you in make the meals, you can make one thing and he'll make the other
Of course he'll bring one bottle of good wine and some fresh fruit juice
The day is long awaited by him and nothing will stop him from making the most of it, he's over the moon for this little outing
Nothing but good feelings and joy, lots of love and comfort to be a sweet cherry on top
" Oh my love! Inspiration always comes so easily when I'm with you, my dearest light thank you for inviting me to this~"
The second hardest to convince but not for any bad reason it's just that he's so busy it's hard to put work down
With everything being so hectic in Inazuma and how much work he's always given indulging in romance is hardly easy but he does try
Honestly he wants to say yes right away when you mention wanting to go on a picnic but he knows it's not so simple
You'll have to get Thoma and maybe even Ayaka involved to help make sure he has the time and since you're going that far just make it a nice surprise
Finding a beautiful and secluded spot is really easy in Inazuma but it still takes some time to prepare everything
From food to drink and of course the soft blanket and even a pillow or two
While Ayaka distracts him you'll have to rush around to set everything up but after that its smooth sailing
This man swoons at seeing everything you set up for him and be prepared for the most clinging version of Ayato you'll see
All the kisses and cuddles you could ever want, he's gonna feed you and let you have his milk tea and just everything you want
It's the most wonderful thing in his eyes, getting to take a break and just enjoy a day with the one he loves is nothing but bliss
" You're everything I could ask for and more, I promise to give back just as much next time."
She would love a picnic but once more she's a little busy bee sometimes, still much easier to work with then her brother
Honestly if you just get everything prepared and then ask her to come along she has the brightest smile while asking for a break from work
She dress in a pretty spring outfit and will want to walk around with you first if possible
It's just a full on day out now and she loves getting to be with you
The picnic is just as sweet of course, Ayaka will help you set up everything and then just relax
Sipping on fresh juice, feeling the breeze and watching the sakura blossoms fall
It feels so perfect and she'll take this chance to nap peacefully with you while soaking up the sun
Ayaka just feels so loved right now, sure she always feels loved thanks to you but when you do things like this its just feels all the stronger
" You never cease to amaze me! Thank you for planning all of this for us. We still have some time so let us enjoy the sunset for a little longer."
So I really wanted to get this out right away but as you can see I did not. Still I had fun and truly I love Kaveh so much. I've already maxed him out and gotten him nice things, he's in the teapot and everything. Just the bestest boy with Ayato and Xiao. Ayaka is also very cute tho and I like writing for her, she's just so sweet. Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great night or day~ Lilly
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
For 5 hcs: Steve/Natasha, some sort of fantasy AU with dragons?
Great news! I can make even the most capable of characters stupid! I've been really feeling The Enchanted Forest Chronicles lately. We're leaning in to unhinged Steve falling in love with dangerous people.
A dragon saves her. Natasha just doesn't understand it until later, after she's stopped hissing and spitting like a cornered cat. Her parents had been about to marry her off to a prince. Someone with ties to the wizards that were a plague on the entire valley. She would have been a captive in her own home. Killed, maybe, if she tried to stop them. "Well I don't fucking wanna be here," Natasha exclaims angrily. "I may be a princess but I'm not going to be your captive either!" "Humans are so annoying," the dragon says, turning to stomp away. "Fine, go then, I don't care. Die." "Well now I'm not going anywhere," Natasha decides, stomping after it, and they hate each other a little, probably. Love each other, too, though, if they allow themselves to acknowledge their feelings, two lonely souls finding comfort in piles of books and baskets of apples. The dragon has been alone for a long time. Natasha's been alone for her entire life, it feels like. The dragon feels like a sibling, though who's older one seems to depend on who's winning at bickering. Natasha makes pies. The dragon bakes them between its teeth. They taste sweeter, she thinks, because she got to help make them. She hadn't gotten to, before.
Steve is the king of the enchanted forest. He normally minds his own business, because the forest is enough for him, but there are these weird wizards that have evil octopuses embroidered on their clothes? Apparently they're a huge problem. For other people, anyway. The magic of the forest is old. It takes care of itself, mostly. Then he hears that another princess was kidnapped by a dragon, and he sighs, and he puts on his magic sword, dons his magic shield, and goes to the mountains that the dragons call their homes. "You have to stop kidnapping princesses," Steve says tiredly as soon as he has an audience. "I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING," the dragon bellows, then turns and flees back into its cave. "Yeah, he doesn't have to do anything," the princess, probably, adds, and then throws a rock at him. Steve yelps and puts his shield up to block it. When he drops the shield down to see what's going on, the princess is hurtling at him at high speed, foot extended to land on his face. He squawks. Squawks louder when a scaly tail whips out to catch the princess around the waist and drag her back into the cave with it just before she can make contact. Steve thinks it's probably best the dragon has kidnapped the princess, if how combative she is is any indication. He is also wholly and irrevocably in love with her, and if her flying kick had landed, he would have proposed immediately upon regaining consciousness.
Steve is a menace, the dragon says. Natasha thinks the dragon is just sulking because apparently the king has a handsome friend and that handsome friend has not been by to visit in a while. She does not say so, because it feels like kicking it while it's down. "I'm not sorry you kidnapped me," she tells the dragon instead. She's felt that way, but she's never said it before. The dragon blinks slowly, frowning, before it says, "You were worth whatever retribution the wizards wanted to bring upon me." "Huh?" Natasha says, and then learns what it means another week later, when purple smoke starts filling the cave and the dragon lets out something she can only describe as a scream before falling into wheezing unconsciousness. Natasha wasn't aware of just how much violence she was capable of until she broke through the smoke, found a couple wizards burning dragons bane, and after the red haze faded from her vision, the wizards were dead and she was holding one of their swords. Then she remembers the dragons bane, and she stomps the fire out frantically, shouting for one of the other dragons for help. Steve arrives instead, takes one look at the smoke still filling the tunnel to the dragon's cave, and lifts his sword, sending a wave of billowing wind into it which makes the smoke dissipate instantly. Natasha gapes at him, stunned. He gapes back at her when he realizes she's covered in blood. Then they both seem to remember the dragon at once and rush inside to find it, wheezing, tears pouring out of its swollen eyes, but alive. "I'm going to declare war on the wizards," Natasha says solemnly. "Okay," Steve agrees, smitten.
Natasha is powerful and terrifying. Steve didn't know it was possible to fall more in love with her, except that was before she used her thighs to snap a wizard's neck right in front of him. He almost dropped his shield on his foot. "What do they even want?" Steve grouses, kicking the boot of a fallen wizard. He thinks they're making headway. The spells that have been aimed at them are declining in number and quality. A spell that might have killed him a few months ago has just turned his gloves purple, and they smell kinda like grapes. "What do they have to gain?" "Don't know. Don't care," Natasha huffs, pulling some weapons off a body. She prefers hand-to-hand combat to magic. Her boots also look purple, but Steve doesn't mention it. "How many of these guys do you think are left?" Steve looks at his gloves. Considers biting into one. "I don't know. They're surely scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. Do you think they turned my gloves into grapes?" "If they're as squishy as my boots, yes," Natasha replies. Steve hates that answer, but it's also what he asked for, technically. "How long are you willing to fight?" Natasha actually takes a moment to think about it. "The dragons bane incident has instilled a blood lust in me, so until I die, probably." "So... like, are you putting off marriage until your desire for revenge is fulfilled?" Steve asks innocently. "Really?" Natasha asks flatly, turning to him. "You're probing about marriage while I'm covered in blood? My boots are grapes." "Especially because of that," Steve says, deciding to go for honesty. He loves her, even when she doesn't look perfect. Natasha stares at him for a long moment, then finally answers, "It would piss off my kingdom probably so let's do it." "Yes!" Steve shouts, pumping his fist, and his glove squelches in his fingers.
They get married. It's the happiest day of Steve's life. Natasha is beautiful and terrifying, lace dress decorated with shiny red scales, tiara adorned with twisting, thorny horns. Steve knows there is a dagger in her garter in case they're attacked by Hydra and he nearly swoons each time he remembers it. The dragon gives Natasha away and dabs at its eyes with a teeny tiny hanky. Bucky ribs Steve about his taste in women ("Scary and efficient really does it for you, huh?") and then gets choked up during his best man speech. Natasha is smug because the dragon has commissioned a portrait done to be sent to her kingdom. Natasha tosses her bouquet directly to the dragon, and the dragon swats it back into the crowd with its tail. "Why did you do that?" she complains later, after the cake is cut and the main dances are done, the forest dwellers and the other dragons and their 'captive' royalty filling the field to dance as well. "I'm... fine being alone," the dragon says, as if she had not found it weeping and eating pie after pie after she'd announced her engagement. "I'm glad you found someone who likes you. Steve is... annoying," it adds in the kindest tone possible. "But only because he's right a lot. Not all of the time! Just a lot." "You think you're not likeable?" Natasha asks, frowning. The dragon scoffs to try and act like its not embarrassed. "Well, I'm three hundred and still alone, so. Natasha, it's your wedding day. Don't worry about me. Shoo. Go dance." Natasha does, but reluctantly. "Our next point of order is getting my dragon married, too." "Okay," Steve agrees. "Why?" "He needs someone to eat pie with," Natasha says with a firm nod. "I'll have to teach whoever it is how to make them." "Okay," Steve agrees, expression softening. "Of course."
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morgana-artt · 8 months
Romeo x Mechanic!Male!Reader (Part 1)
Spoilers for LoP
Notes: So I kinda went a bit off the rails on this one and wrote a lot more than I wanted to (especially in part 2 that I'll post tomorrow), my brain kinda went blank but I think (and hope) its still decent enough of a read. I suppose its a bit of a slow burn at first but I hope you Enjoy!
Reader is similar to Sophia and can channel ergo like she can.
You ran and you ran FAST. What were you running from? Oh, just a group full of puppets that decided to make you their target and that wasn't fair, you were just some guy who enjoyed tinkering in mechanics! You could ramble on that for a while but you needed to get to safety, you were at the hotel but didn't stay for long as you were on your way to what was called Alchemist's Isle for answers to your past and had to go through the Opera House in order to do so.
You panted as you zig zagged bewteen swipes from puppets to alleyways before finally reaching your first destination, you leaned against the statue in the garden out of breath. "This... sucks! All because I need to find- ugh...hopefully it'll be better inside" you spoke to yourself as you stood up straight and made your way into the big building. Opening the large doors you saw how huge this place actually was and despite it seeing better days it still looked beautiful, you looked around not hearing anything before making your way up the stairs and saw a door way further into the building, "This looks like it goes through the main part...'suppose I'll go through there..." you mumbled to yourself before going through the doors.
You gulped as you saw a swinging chandelier, "Are you fucking kidding me? One hit and I'm screwed..." you cursed to yourself as you watched the giant fire basket swing side to side, you took a deep breath before getting ready and once it swung to the left you bolted just in time but as you did the one wooden pole that helped you cross snapped in half and broke into the hole. You stared at it, "Well...no going back." you said as you turned to the double doors in front of you plated with gold. You walked towards it pushed the heavy doors and you were met with...a sad disaster.
What would've been a beautiful ballroom of somesort was instead a burnt down ruined stage, you frowned at this something clearly went on long ago judging by how rotten the wooden had gotten but what you also noticed was a body propped up against a giant rundown puppet- or you hoped it was runned down. It had been a year or so when the puppet frenzied calmed down but that didn't stop the few puppets around Krat from attempting to hurt anything that passed them just like yourself.
With very careful steps, at first you throught you were approaching a dead human but no...it was a puppet. It looked badly burnt with half it's face broken off, it had blonde hair and despite the state it was in you could tell it- or he you should say- was quite a handsome puppet. Almost prince like. You shook your head, now was not the time to admire the puppet, you saw his head down and eye closed and crouched to his level. "You look like you went through hell..." you mumbled to yourself, now despite knowing how dangerous these things can be you couldn't help but feel sorry for them as you did stumble upon a few puppets that were friendly and even helped repair a few. This one really interested you but it was a gamble- was this puppet friendly or mad crazed like so many others? You decided to take the risk.
You walked around the puppet and analyzed it, didn't seem TOO bad...yeah he was burnt to shit but none of his internal scraps had been broken. Now you had a power that not many people knew about, you could give ergo to puppets and understand them, you can't remember much but it started to develope later in your teens- it was probably why you felt so intune with puppets you could LITERALLY feel their 'souls' give or take.
Using your handkerchief that was tied around your belt you dusted the soot off the puppet and began to rummaged through your bag, you only had a few tools with you and tighened some lose parts on the puppet next to you. You kneeled in front of him and moved some of his hair away from his face, he really was a handsome fellow but it made you sad at the state of his face maybe you could repair it? If he hasn't killed you yet.
With a deep breath you placed your hand where your heart was, ergo began to twist around your hand before you placed it against the chest of the puppet. You waited. and waited. and waited.
Nothing. You furrowed your eyebrows as usually this would work within seconds, guess the poor thing really was damaged. You began to tinker around him a little longer.
Romeos P.O.V
Something in you had awaken, how? Gepettos puppet had freed you so why did you feel you had awaken from a deep slumber? You heard ruffling and breathing...? You opened your good eye, it was blurry at first but you noticed a moving figure in front of you, talking to itself...a human? Your eyesight cleared up as you were faced into a chest, the person you saw the chest of was bent a little over you looking at your back as you felt a few tugs. You didn't dare to move. What if it was that bastard Gepetto again?Wasn't being brought back to life in a puppet not good enough? He had to be brought back again? No...he can't go through with that...the responsiblitlies...the pain...the desperation. If he could cry he would, he couldn't go back to that. He watched as the person in front of him moved back to look into their bag, Romeo took note of a soft looking man in front of him. It was a human but thankfully not the one he hated but how did you bring him back? He lost his ergo so how could you...were you special? Maybe. He watched you in curiosity as you mumbled to yourself about him not working. The young man in front of you had soft (H/C) and piercing (E/C) eyes, and despite looking like a cat that ran through a hedge head first you were pretty nice looking to him.
The man in front of you turned his gaze to you before jumping following up with a little yelp, "You're...awake? It worked!" you watched the man puff in pride, "Ah...My names (Y/N). Do you have one...?" he asked, you slowly lifted your head a little but it immediately went back down- you had little to no energy in you right now apart from your eye. "I-I-I....R-R-" you tried to speak but it came out so statically and robotic, the guy in front of you smiled softly with encouragement, "You don't have to tell me now, I'm guessing you went through a lot judging by how burnt you are" the man spoke, were you really that damaged? "R-R...Rom..eo" You managed to get out, the person smiled at that. "Well, Romeo. It's nice to meet you, I've only given you enough ergo to start up hence why you're only able to move barely. Of course I can take it out if you no longer wish to live" the man gave you a choice, something you didn't get at first.
You glanced at the one in front of you before trying to lift your arm towards the persons face- you struggled and before your arm fell, the stranger- who himself called (Y/N)- grabbed it in time. He felt soft and warm...you hadn't felt that in a really long time. It was nice.
Your P.O.V
You took a hold of the puppets- now named Romeo- hand into yours, You felt pity and it was clear as day he was conflicted on whether staying alive or not. "How about this- You stay here and I'll gather more ergo which hopefully will give you more strength with it and you can decide later, hm? Of course you can ask me to piss off" you laughed dryly. The puppet stared at you making you feel a little flustered, you weren't used to such things and what made it worse was how Romeo had a hold of your fingers and was staring at them, "Ahem, well...I should be off to get some more ergo, yes? Don't worry, I'll come back" you whispered but felt the tightened grip on your fingers, "N-NO...no...fragile..." Romeo spoke, you frowned. Fragile? Was he scared for you? "Romeo, If you want to even lift your head up I'll have to give you more ergo and I can only give you so much from myself" you tried to reason with the puppet. Romeo was confliced but softly nodded. He let go and you stood up, "as to show my promise I'll leave this with you!" you then gave him a necklace, "it belonged to a dear friend of mine...it means a lot and I'm putting it in your possession till I come back!" You looked down at him. "I'll come back...promise" and with that you walked off to hopefully find enough ergo for your new friend.
As Romeo sat and waited he inspected the necklace, what you had said felt familiar to him- with the dear friend...a promise...it felt sort of like a Déjà Vu for him. He surprised himself with the hope he felt of wanting you to come back, he hoped you did you were...nice. He liked you, you seemed like a good person. Like someone else he knew but has long been forgotten.
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pooka167 · 2 years
PLA Dad Ingo and Uncle Emmet AU part 2
so here's part 2! I have such PLA brainrot its unbelievable...I blame my weakness for found family, especially the accidental child acquisition variety XD You can read part 1 here! I have also decided that Akari is not Dawn. I'm also aware I should probably name this au but I honestly cannot think of anything.
Back in Hisui Akari throws herself into the pokedex research, helping Volo along the way by capturing the likes of Heatran, Regigigas, Cresselia and receiving their plates as well. It's slow going but Akari is determined to get it done.
Those around her such as Rei and Laventon worry she is overworking herself in order to distract herself from Warden Ingo's absence. Akari denies this when asked but deep down she knows they're right. However she still refuses to listen to their urging to take it easy.
Akari rarely rests, running herself into the ground over the weeks to get closer to completing her goal. Volo who in the poor girls mind is one of the few people she can trust plays the perfect confidant, subtly manipulating Akari so that her attention shifts less on finding pokemon and more so on finding the plates. Two months after Ingo's departure there's only two plates left to find the ghost plate and the fist plate.
Of course Akari doesn't know Volo has had the ghost plate all along, the man in question is very pleased with their fast progress and thinks to himself perhaps he should have gotten rid of Ingo himself earlier if it meant Akari would listen so easily to him. Not that there's much to be done now Warden Ingo is gone and isn't going to be a problem anymore (That's what he thinks)
In fact the only way Akari properly rests these days is when Lady Sneasler finds her if she's in the highlands (Sneasler finds her every time). The noble will find Akari put her in her basket and carry her to her den and promptly depsoit her amongst her newest kits who excited to see one of their babysitters shower her with affection and then fall asleep on her. This leaves Akari with no choice but to stay there so as not to disturb them. She knows Sneasler is trying to look out for her in Ingo's stead so she can't be too upset when the noble tricks her into resting.
Due to Ingo's absence Akari not wanting to potentially cause tensions between Jublife and the Clans Akari is forced to return to Jublife more often. She knows she could still use Ingo's tent but finds herself unable to stay there because she misses him so much. She does however take one of his spare tunics and keeps it in her house in Jublife.
Sometimes when the whispers get too much or after she's forced into a meeting with Kammado (Rei, Cyllene and Laventon refuse to let her be alone with him, Akari is very grateful) she'll hug it close. As much as Akari misses him she can't regret sending him back to his brother.
Its two weeks later Akari finally works up the courage to face Kammado at Volo's urging. The crafty merchant gently tells her that she needs to face her fear so she can prove to herself Kammado can't pull a stunt like he did again. Akari while not entirely convinced agrees if only becomes Volo has always been kind to her and the fact he promises to stay nearby just in case.
Volo smirks to himself as he watches Akari face and defeat Kammado and subsequently receive the fist plate, it really has been too easy to manipulate the girl while she's missing the Warden. He tells Akari to meet him at the Temple of Sinnoh and she agrees saying she'll meet him there in two days time. Not knowing his true intentions and just how much danger she is in.
Meanwhile back in the present Emmet and Ingo after a hasty call to Elesa about Ingo's return and a request for her to ask Skyla when the next flight to Sinnoh will be the two begin to prepare for their Journey.
This of course means not 10 minutes after his call Elesa is at their door and sweeping the two of them into a hug before yelling at Ingo for disappearing and worrying them all for so long. Emmet leaves Ingo to explain himself to their best friend and sister and continues to prepare for going to Sinnoh.
Elesa at first wants to come with them but the twins gently remind her that Nimbasa city cannot be left without all of them for long and they do not know how long they will be gone for. Elesa reluctantly agrees on the condition the twins keep her updated as much as possible. They agree and spend a few days with Elesa as they make arrangements for the battle subway and such. Elesa agrees to take care of the pokemon they're not bringing and also agrees to manage the press while they're both away.
The two make their way to Mistralton City to meet Skyla. The gym leader is ready to go on their arrival and the twins waste no time. During the flight they learn all they can about Sinnoh's legendary pokemon and agree the best place to start is with the legendary lake trio after Ingo reveals that an item called the red chain was made from items received during trials with Lake guardians to help tame Dialga and Palkia. The two however are unable to find anything about the Temple of Sinnoh but agree to check out Spear Pillar on Mt Coronet due to the location.
It's through their research they learn about the story of creation and how Arceus and the world came to be. Based off what little Akari told him about her 'mission' and coupled with the presence of her Arc-phone in the past Ingo concludes that Arceus is most likely responsible for Akari ending up in Hisui. Though Ingo is still unsure of how exactly he ended up in Hisui. Emmet on the other is downright gleeful that they are potentially going to fight a god(he deserves to work through all his emotions due to past and current events and beating a god would be very good catharsis for him).
Once landing in Jublife the two get to work making their way to Lake Verity first. They stop to rest in Sandgem town and this is where Ingo and Emmet meet Lucas on their way to the pokemon centre. Ingo is struck by how much Lucas resembles Rei and while at the pokecentre the two end up striking up conversation with him. When they find out he is helping out professor Rowan the two ask if he knows anything about Mespirit, Azelf and Uxie. Lucas is happy to help them when they explain they are simply researching Legendary pokemon and their interest has brought them to Sinnoh. Of course it helps that the twins in turn tell Lucas the tale of Reshiram and Zekrom, who is enthralled and thanks them profusely.
After talking with Lucas and resting for the night the two make their way to the lake and to Ingo's surprise find Mespirit waiting for them. The two stick close to each other while Ingo explains why they are here. Mespirit is the being of emotion and questions Emmet on his feelings during is brothers absence and reappearance. Emmet answers freely and Ingo feels awful for putting his brother through all that with his unscheduled departure but it's Mespirits final question that catches them both off guard, because they thougt the answer was obvious.
Mespirit asks Emmet why he seems to care so much for a girl he's never met. To the twins who before Ingos abrupt disappearance had always been together its a very innocuous question. Emmet simply responds "I am Emmet, my brother is verrrry important to me, of course I would align my tracks and care for someone he does" Ingo is touched nonetheless that his brother already cares greatly for Akari. They do not receive a piece to make the red chain but they do leave with Mespirit's approval. That has to count for something. The brothers don't let a small change in tracks derail them. They press on.
The two head to Lake Valor next in search of Azelf and this time its Ingo who is put to the test. Azelf is brutal in its endeavor to test Ingo's will, Ingo however is unyielding nothing is stopping him from getting back to his daughter and bringing her home, mission assigned to her by Arceus or not. She was a child his child, Akari was coming home with them no matter what. He pours all his frustration at the situation that he and Akari were forced in into passing Azelf's trial and it pays off. He passes the trial with Emmet applauding him and that only leaves one guardian left Uxie. Again they do not receive Azelf's piece for the red chain but leave with its blessing.
So they begin to travel to Lake Acuity intent on facing the final guardian before the try to track down Dialga or Palkia. At this point they've been in Sinnoh for around a month. Emmet can see the toll this taking on his brother, can see the urgency in his brother's actions as he rushes through safety checks and does his best to comfort him. Emmet has never been great at talking that had always been Ingo but he does know how to put his brother at ease. So for most of their journey he goes into detail about his strategies to beat Arceus into the ground, cheerfully citing that since his wonderful Electross has the levitate ability (I know abilities aren't a thing in legends but this my au and I say they will) and therefore has no weaknesses for Arceus to exploit unless the damn thing has mold-breaker. It has the intended effect and soon he and Ingo are bickering good-naturedly about type matchups and strategies as they travel.
Ingo knows what his brother is doing and is very thankful for it. It makes their long trek up the snowy path to Lake Acuity pass by quicker, though when they rest for the evening there are some nights where Ingo lays awake worrying. Is Akari resting enough, are the villagers leaving her alone, is she eating properly? A million worries zip through his mind like a runaway train. There's a sinking feeling in his gut that tells him she needs his help and Ingo would be dammed if he didn't get to her in time.
When they finally arrive at Lake Acuity they've been in Sinnoh for just under two months and meeting with Uxie confirms Ingo's worst fears. Uxie is the guardian of the mind and is able to communicate with Ingo and Emmet with it taking less of a toll on him. Uxie has no trial for them instead the pokemon explains why they have not received the items from its counterparts.
"The rulers of time and space will come when you call for them at the top of spear pillar, the lost one is in need of you. Their are powerful forces at play. The creator and the banished each have their own agenda. The lost one has been betrayed once more."
The guardian's words alone are enough to send Ingo into a deadly rage, the conductor spits out countless threats about Kammado and Beni, promising hell if they'd dared harm is child once more.
This leaves Emmet to be calm collected twin for once (he isn't sure he likes it). His own anger accumulating inside but Emmet shoves it down, Ingo and his niece both needed him to keep a level head, there would be a time to work out his own anger just not now. While Ingo is busy going feral, Emmet decides to ask the million dollar question of who exactly has betrayed the niece he has yet to meet. Uxie's reply is simply "The merchant" it tells them.
Ingo goes still and feels mouth go dry. His mind playing back to the times Volo appeared to ask questions about both his and Akari's experience beyond the rift. His weird fixation on the rift and the events surrounding it in general. How he was always around to conveniently help when it was needed. His vested interest and need of Akari even after the rift was shut. It makes Ingo's blood boil to the point his pokeballs are shaking as his pokemon respond to his volatile emotions as he snarls. "Volo you bastard"
Emmet is worried for a moment his brother may fully lose it then and there taken aback by his cursing, but after a few moments Ingo takes in a shaky breath and releases it. Then in voice contorted with a carefully controlled fury he looks his brother in the eye and says. "All aboard Emmet we make our tracks for Mt. Coronet and nothing will derail us from our destination."
Emmet can do nothing, would do nothing else but follow his brother as Ingo whirls around to make for the exit of the cavern, his black coat billowing behind him. This Volo character won't know what hit them when the two of them show up. Emmet doubted there'd be much of a person left if Akari was hurt when they got there by the time Ingo and himself were done with them.
The journey to Spear Pillar is a blur to Ingo, his barely concealed rage is simmering just beneath the surface held together only by the thought of getting to Akari on time and Emmet's reassuring presence at his side. He is grateful to find both Dialga and Palkia waiting for them within what is now Spear Pillar. They are both stamping at the ground seemingly agitated in response to Ingo and Emmet's own emotions and summoned by their urgency. Without needing to ask the two legendary beasts roar and power surges through the temple. A portal appears as wind whips around them and neither twin hesitates to step in.
"Hang on Akari we're coming"
Phew, man I thought my last post was long...this one is even longer I feel. There's definitely going to be another part to this. I originally planned to end this with them arriving and like an epic line by Emmet. I'm still including the line in the next part but if I got to that point here it'd be a mile long. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this!
Part 3 can now be found here!
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bratprinced · 7 months
The fact that Lestat absolutely adored Claudia & thought of her as his own daughter really broke me today. He really believed that she was just like him . . . come to find out that they were a little too alike.
Lestat loves buying things, he is a strong believer in retail therapy. I do not know how he has endless pits of money but he does. He will buy people gifts to get out of an argument. He will also buy himself something right after said argument to make himself feel better. He enjoys online shopping as well as going to the stores, filling up those little baskets that stores have available at the front, and window shopping. Modern technology is dangerous for someone like him because of all the adds. If he sees something he likes; ( ex. a pair of shades or a blanket ) he'll buy it.
Lestat is uncomfortable when he's not the center of attention. He also laughs when he is nervous & or uncomfortable. ( which happens all the time. Do not ask him anything serious, he'll just laugh . . . well for the most part. ) As an actor, he is also extremely dramatic, as everyone knows . . . . but considering he must be the center of attention he shows himself in a theatricality & exaggerated way. Even with his story telling !
buuut I do think he believes his looks are mid. Not that it's a bad thing, he does have a coincided personality trait & extreme vanity but despite that he think he's one of the most conventional looking vampires. He believes that there are much more interesting & beautiful vampires out there, he may just never admit that is all.
He actually really loved the Monastery school & really enjoyed himself. He spent hours upon hours in the libraries reading nothing but old books, rituals, attempted to learn other languages too. He loved the cleanliness & enjoyed how things were kept in a good repair only to carry that on to how he lives now. He appreciates things clean & tidy. He was not good at learning how to become a priest but the least he could do is be good at reading, writing, & keeping himself clean. He even spends hours polishing his coffin & I also think he spends hours cleaning / washing his motorcycles.
Lestat is a dad. I mean he loves puns, he finds them funny. Knock Knock jokes are hilarious. The worse the joke is the better. He even has those stupid joke books around his home so he can pick them up when he is bored & have a good laugh.
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eirwensbook · 7 months
I was just thinking that I've seen very few works in which Tav is a man, that's why we're here. I suppose this is only one part of the few, so... 1/?. I also want to say that English is not my native language, so if you notice any mistakes, please tell me about them!
Warnings: Fighter!Tav, soft on his own way!Astarion, suicidal thoughts, mentions of disordered eating, selfharm.
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This day was really crazy. Tav and his companions survived an attack by a horde of evil goblins, during which he was hit on the head. He also broke his beloved bow, lost the ring carefully stolen by Astarion, accidentally bumped an elf woman with his shoulder and she dropped a fruit basket because of this. And now, barely standing on his feet, Tav was chopping wood for a fire and listening to Gale's next whining.
Tav didn't really listen to his friend's words, concentrating on the axe and the log. His strong pale hand wrapped around the wooden handle of the axe, skillfully and deftly cutting large logs in half. It was clearly not the first or even the tenth time he had done this. Gale didn't seem to care that his leader wasn't listening to him at all. He just needed to talk it out, to get the burden of emotions off his shoulders. And Tav was perfect for that.
Tav was perfect for everything, actually. He will protect, if necessary, warm up, offer a strong shoulder and a handkerchief to wipe away tears, comfortingly pat on the back, give good advice, lull, play the role of a cook, healer, hunter. And, what is most remarkable, he will not ask for anything in return.
Astarion was sitting near his tent, reading another book about herbs and their properties, occasionally looking up and watching Tav. There was really something to look at: a tall, strong half-elf with an excellent muscular body was concentrating on chopping firewood. His movements were precise, and his face was serious and thoughtful. Tav never had his head in the clouds, however, he always thought about practical things like the safety of his companions, for whom he was responsible, about their health and well-being. Astarion, to put it mildly, was mesmerized... it was just beautiful - Tav, this strong man, was beautiful. And it was nice to watch, that's all.
Astarion's gaze shifted to Gale. He couldn't hear what he was talking about, but it was clear from his facial expressions, gestures and active articulation that he was complaining to Tav again. Astarion chuckled, gently touching the image of herbs on an old battered book page. Gale could really be annoying sometimes... but Tav didn't complain, so it's okay, right?
Soon, when the firewood was chopped, Gale's problems were listened to, the fire was lit, and all the companions were sitting around firecamp cooking dinner, Tav, smiling delicately and apologizing, left towards the lake under the pretext of feeling unwell. The man's face became darker with every step that brought him closer to the pond. The body, which was not wearing armor, felt uncomfortably light and as if naked. No security, no safety, no imaginary support... right now he doesn't have a shell at all.
Tav sat down on the ground by the lake, pulling his sharp dagger from his belt. He had such a game - he had to throw a dagger and catch it by the blade, trying not to hurt his fingers at the same time. However, the problem was that it was impossible not to hurt his fingers — Tav always sharpened his dagger so much that he could easily cut a sheet of paper from one of these endless books of Astarion. "This is how I hone my mastery of edged weapons," the man justified himself, inside perfectly aware of what kind of tendencies this is.
His calloused, scarred fingers began to play with a dangerous toy, the gaze of his gray lifeless eyes stared into the slightly trembling water of the lake. Tav's head was stupidly loud. The demons of the past were literally screaming, sending impulses into his tortured mind. The man thought about how wonderful it would be to be in silence, where no one would bother him. Where there are no people getting into trouble, where there are no companions who, like blind kittens, mindlessly follow him, where there is no pain, cold and hunger. Tav thought about what would happen if he took this blade and cut his throat. Or what would happen if he undressed, entered the icy lake water and drowned himself there to hell.
Astarion will be worried, that's what will happen. That was the only reason Tav didn't finish... all of this. This man, full of sarcasm, mock selfishness and constant little giggles, was his moonlight in the dark. He wanted to save his life at least in order to hear this rare sincere laugh again and again, to see this even rarer smile. Not a smirk, but a smile. He wanted to hug him and not let go, he wanted to bury his nose in white curls, he wanted... Gods, he just wanted special someone next to him, next to someone with whom he could be a little more vulnerable. Next to someone with whom he could unclench his jaw and exhale. Next to someone with whom he could just be himself. Not a famous fighter, not a fearless leader, not a skilled hunter, but just… Tav. Who loves hugs, the smell of pomegranate and coolness. Who loves Astarion.
Quiet, cat-like footsteps were knocked out of Tav's thoughts. With careful tread, someone was coming closer and closer. Someone was standing right behind Tav, not daring to move. Someone with a quiet sigh still sat down next to Tav, carefully removing a dagger from his bloody hand. Someone wiped the blood off with the sleeve of his new silk blouse, which fit him just perfectly.
"How many times have I asked you not to do this to yourself!", Astarion sounded annoyed, but worried. His voice was not even and sometimes moved to high notes. "Darling, talk to me. Please", the last word was uttered so softly that it could be compared to the sound of the leaves of the trees in the forest in which they were.
Tav couldn't answer. He couldn't explain why he was doing everything he did. He couldn't explain why thoughts of death were ringing in his head like a tocsin. He couldn't explain why he was half-intentionally harming himself. He couldn’t explain why he systematically avoided meals, writhing from hunger pain — such a familiar feeling since childhood. He also couldn’t explain why now his iron impenetrable nature craved ordinary human affection and care. And maybe a kiss on the temple. Only if he's lucky enough.
Tav covered his face with his hands. His shoulders tensed and his lips tightened into a thin line. He tried to hold back the shameful, in his opinion, tears.
"I don't know...", the man muttered on the verge of hearing. "I just… I want to disappear, you know?".
Astarion knew. He knew too damn well. He didn't think for a second. Astarion crawled a little absurdly on his knees to Tav, pressing his big body to his own. The man's hot cheek touched the cool silk fabric of another man's blouse.
"Cry. Let it out", there was no usual sarcasm or mockery in Astarion's voice. Only sincere concern. And something else. Something so unusually warm. "You told Gale yourself that it's okay to cry."
Tav shook his head, gently stroking the fabric of his blouse. Damn pragmatist.
"I can't", Tav's voice was firm and didn't require any objections. "It’s okay for others. Not for me."
Astarion pressed the shaking man closer to him, slightly pulling a lock of his long curly hair. "Damn you...", his voice was full of despair. He knew it was more than useless to argue. Therefore, all that remained for Astarion was just to hold this obstinate man in his hands and rock him imperceptibly for him.
Astarion sincerely wanted Tav to break down. To grab his expensive blouse so furiously that he tore off a piece of it. To burst into tears, sobbing ugly, so that tears would flow in waterfalls down his beautiful and eternally frighteningly calm face. Maybe it's bad, but Astarion really wanted it. After all, it gets easier after that. He knows that it gets easier after that.
But now all Astarion had to do was just hold this obstinate man in his hands and rock him imperceptibly for him.
The moon was full that night. It shone on two broken men who found comfort in each other. They clung to each other as tightly as a drowning man grabs a cherished lifeline. The cool night wind blew Tav's long curls. And lips as cool as the wind touched a noticeable vein on his sweat-soaked temple.
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whoslaurapalmer · 11 months
what are lemony and ernest doing right now?
lemony and baby bea are staying at the hotel ernest and frank are running post hotel denouement and lemony and ernest are pretending not to recognize each other but the tension is slowly and steadily building and any moment now, one of them is going to snap, and they’ll have a dinner date, because they are classy.
(this is not my best, but i tried!!)
GASP!! no no this is perfect. of COURSE they have a dinner date; both of them ARE so classy it is no less than pretentious and candlelit. babybea picks out lemony's tie. (it is green. lemony is too touched to tell her he's never been one for green. more pressing is, in fact, where did she find the tie?) (lemony, you think your niece leaves home without a bag prepared for any event?? she's probably got a broadsword in there somewhere. it's foldable. she made it herself and she's very proud of it. don't tell violet.)
but first, let's backtrack a little --
lemony and ernest have not spoken since lemony's research for the books, which was, oh that's always a hard timeline to pin down no matter what theory you roll with, but let's say a few years ago at minimum, and it was probably very slim communication anyway. neither of them were probably in a great place to say anything more? it was very formal, barely anything, mostly confirming details. and before THAT, it was many, many years previously, when beatrice and bertrand were still alive, and of course everything was very dicey for a whole host of reasons, nearly half of them schism related. and nothing, special ever happened between lemony and ernest. nothing really at all ever happened between them, nothing like a friendship and especially not a relationship. but they looked at each other and had an understanding, back then. there was a respect, for what they stood for, even if they were not necessarily standing in the same place. and that alone was enough to make even an idle look across a room complicated. and to see each other now is -- it's a lot of things.
neither of them have ever forgotten each other. not just because they're some of the few left of their generation of vfd. how do you forget someone like lemony, especially because, no matter what lemony has done or how he's tried to hide, he's also made it so that no one could ever forget him, or what he tried to do? how do you forget someone like ernest, suspicious and untrustworthy and forgettable to the wrong eyes, but to the right ones, to the people who looked, clever and aware and charming, someone also trying his hardest to do what he thought was best? they were both very dangerous people, once. to other people, to each other, to themselves. but now most of the people that danger mattered to are dead. things are so different, so many people they knew and loved are dead. and now they're -- just two men, older than they ever thought they'd get to be, enjoying a fragile freedom neither of them thought was possible either, pretending not to recognize each other, lemony because he doesn't know if he should say anything, even if the only thing stopping him now is his own eternal anxiety, ernest because he is waiting to see how long it will take lemony to stop overthinking. and both of them are very good at waiting.
frank: why do you keep bringing that lunch table bread baskets? don't they have enough bread by now? ernest: i'm waiting for lemony snicket to stop being stupid frank: frank: wait, w h a t ernest: what do you think? five dollars for another hour, at minimum? ten? frank: w h a t ??????????????? ernest: don't tell me that's steep, you can afford it.
now, babybea poses a minor problem -- if she hasn't met the denouements at this point, this is terribly awkward, because she has not two but three total uncles engaging in a severe lack of eye contact over her head while she and one out of three uncles eat a nice hotel lunch, and eventually SOMEONE is going to go, hold the FUCK up there's a child there, but if she HAS met the denouements at this point, this is very frustrating for her, because she has three uncles engaging in a severe lack of eye contact over her head and she wants to know WHY.
babybea: uncle lemony, why does uncle ernest keep bringing us bread baskets? lemony, thinking babybea is still too young to understand the intense psychological warfare between old, friends?, while picking up a breadstick: you should never pass up an opportunity for bread, beatrice. babybea: why don't you just say hi to him? lemony: oh, well -- he's much too far away. i would not want to bother him. ernest, standing five feet away, casually leaning against a sideboard, going through the afternoon paper: hmm, might rain later.
babybea, who at this point has been given A Phone, texts sunny to tell her what's happening, and sunny sends back '🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖' which babybea interprets as 'please bring the bread home'
violet: sunny, what are you laughing at? sunny: stupidity klaus: i KNEW we should've gone with them.
lunch passes, with little else happening. babybea asks frank if he's finished any new ships in bottles, his current meticulous control-based hobby of choice. he has, and they spend a nice afternoon together talking about tiny craft hobbies and different types of ships. she shows him her foldable broadsword, and he is both impressed, and concerned.
frank, on the phone: violet do you know about the -- violet: oh yes, i know about the broadsword.
so that leaves us with lemony and ernest, now engaging in what could be called high stakes hide and seek, only without quite, hiding, or, seeking. at this point, they, or just lemony in particular, i guess, have passed the 'should i do something' point and now it's more a matter of pure principle, keeping up this not talking not looking game. and ernest will never pass up a good game. they while away the afternoon wandering about the hotel, spending time in the same rooms just not interacting with each other at all, individually reading more of the paper or commenting on the weather or the food or the books in the hotel library (because of course it has a library.) (i've been in a hotel twice in my whole life. i am not. entirely clear on what they could conceivably contain.) (but also, OF COURSE they'd put a library in the hotel, for lots of reasons), just waiting for the other to break first. it's so. goodness, these two.
(let's also assume it's a slow hotel week. i did have a joke in here about other guests watching this go down, but i think it's pushing it a little.)
of course, it does start to wear on them after a while. all the not-looking. it does get silly. they wind up looking at the other when the other one isn't, looking. eventually, they find themselves in the same hallway, looking at the same painting of a frog lamp.
lemony: it's very well done. ernest: had enough, have you? lemony: i do mean it. i am afraid i don't know a great deal about art, but i think the brush strokes are excellent. ernest: ........thank you.
(i think ernest's own hobby of choice is painting. idk, i think he'd find it nice. calming.)
what is there to say? what other games are there to play, really? what do you gain by that? how do you exist as Just Two Guys At The End Of The World, When The World Is Still Going? there's a lot in here. there doesn't have to be. but there is. and it doesn't even matter to talk about it anymore, but it's still There, you know? some habits and old fears die very, very hard.
babybea, from down the hall: uncle lemony, uncle frank gave me one of his ship in a bottle kits!
but there is still so much else in the world, somehow! isn't it something.
ernest: dinner? lemony: that would be nice, yes.
SO, THE DINNER DATE. yes, lemony's green tie. ernest actually thinks it's charming, but fully agrees, it's not lemony's color. but they both look stunning in well-cut suits. they don't eat at the hotel, but go to a restaurant. again, pretentious and candlelit. wine is involved. they share a dessert. it is very much a date and also not a date, because it's a little strange, to think of it as a date, when you've just started talking to someone again. ..........but it's a date. there is a great deal of eye contact. it's very thrilling for both of them to keep looking up and finding the other still sitting there. it's one of the most terrifyingly normal things lemony and ernest have ever done. they can do normal things, now! what a world. wow.
(sunny: update babybea: they went to [restaurant name redacted] sunny: ❗❗❗😡😡😡😡😡🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐🥐 frank, looking over babybea's shoulder, because now he has to babysit, and you KNOW frank eavesdrops on anything. can you eavesdrop on a text? you know what i mean: oh, that's unnecessary. (frank, do you even text. do you even know what an emoji is. frank.) babybea: sunny likes bread.) (anyway, sunny wants the restaurant bread too. that's a fancy restaurant.)
oh, they do bring home the bread. it is reprehensible to not take any leftover bread from a restaurant. they do have a bit of a time trying to sneak it in their suit pockets, until their waitress just hands them a bag for it. sunny gets to eat a great deal of delicious bread, the next day.
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Aeon identical twin girls
The older one (by 15 mins) has Ada's personality & the younger one has Leon's.
Ada loves dressing them up in matching outfits. Sometimes red dresses, other times, mini leather jackets.
Leon loves taking afternoon naps with both his baby girls on his chest.
A hc: Leon with baby1 strapped on his front & baby2 strapped on his back arriving at the DSO office after being asked to report during a vacation leave. Everyone becomes curious as to who the obviously Asian mother of the babies can be; meanwhile, aunt Helena is totally unsurprised and over the moon.
omg little half asian babies
they would be SO CUTEE I CAN'T STAND IT
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here's the cutest comic about leon and his daughter hehehehehehe
the older one HAS TO HAVE ADA'S PERSONALITY and the younger one has Leon's. the older one looks more like Leon, and the younger one looks more like Ada. (with the way they dress when they're teenagers hehe)
Ada and Leon would be out shopping and Ada's just piling clothes into a basket, and Leon's pushing the carriers with both of their babies in them hehe. also they HATE WHEN THEY'RE SEPARATED (leon and ada, but also the twins)
i kinda headcanon that ada can tell them apart very easily, and leon struggles sometimes when he's extremely tired lol. but i really would like it if one of them had a slightly different eye colour or something. at some point they have very clear personality differences and that's how they can tell them apart
leon loves sleeping in the middle of the day with the twins, but also taking care of them and letting ada nap. they take shifts during the night, with leon taking the brunt of it since ada needs more sleep than him anyways. he also is more likely to get up in the middle of the night to help with the girls.
ada would love getting them dressed for the day hehe
i think about them wanting to maybe homeschool the girls but also maybe wanting them to have the school experience. like ada would be afraid but would want them to be socialized and have the school experience that she (probably never had), and leon would also want them to go to school and have the most normal life they could have
i still feel like he would refuse dangerous jobs when ada get pregnants with the girls. both of them would never work a dangerous job again after they have the girls.
leon would have the girls with him whenever he can, and also because he knows how hard pregnancy can be and especially since i headcanon that ada would already be in her 40s by the time that they have the girls, that it would stress them out a bit.
i also headcanon that leon would be in his 40s by the time the girls are toddlers so at that point the people at the DSO would just be like HE HAD KIDS??? WITH WHO??? (also because maybe they never saw him with a wedding ring)
or maybe he'd hide his wedding ring or not even wear them. (i don't really know how i feel about them getting married tbh. i feel like leon would want to, and ada wouldn't care much. leon can't ask ada's father for her hand in marriage or anything.. but i feel like the principle of it would matter to leon. i also see them doing a double proposal or ada proposing to leon very casually since she knows that he would maybe not ask her)
i just love the idea of leon coming into work on like his day off to grab some things and he has his two little babies with him.
not being racist lol but people would def notice that they're asian looking and maybe be like ??? who's kids are these? are you babysitting?
but helena is UGH WE LOVE HELENA
helena would gush over them so much and just play with them and wanna steal one from leon lol. also the girls love helena and would be so comfortable with her also.
also helena would 100% be like "leon, you didn't dress the girls today, did you?" and leon's like >:| what's that supposed to mean?????
and it's cause the girls are like perfectly dressed, little matching bows or something in their hair, little socks and shoes.
and helena's like, one of them are always missing socks when you dress them LMAO
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