#she also gives kisses STRAIGHT on the kissy spot
kissmyspaceace · 2 years
Hello! Just wanted to say, it makes me so happy when I see a notification on an upload, and I enjoy your writing very much! However I hope you are taking care of yourself! Thank you for bringing you creativity here!💛
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Thank you thank you THANK YOU
That's so sweet!! I'm so so glad you people enjoy my writing so much! It really keeps me going 💜
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Harry was looking forward to bringing Ezra to the field with him today.
It was just a day of light stretching and game planning with the team - only about a three hour day before intensive training tomorrow.
The two older boys are up at Anne’s - YN is out of town for the day to go to a friend’s baby shower with Briar and won’t be home until later.
Ezra was super anxious this morning and absolutely refused to be dropped off with his nana.
He had already woke up disgruntled when it was his father and not his mama - out of his normal routine off the start.
Easton and Cash automatically go running into Anne’s house, chasing off the cat before getting distracted by the cookies she had left baked on the kitchen counter.
He has Ezra on his hip and when he leans down, trying to set his feet on the floor - his son adamantly refuses to stand.
“No! No daddy, no!” Ezra protested, scrambled to hold onto his father with a angry screech.
“Whoa, okay. Okay, bubba,” Harry replies, picking him back up and rocking him a bit, “Feelings? Happy, sad, mad?”
“Mad,” He huffs without elaborating, small fist gripping his father’s shirt to guarantee he won’t be put down.
“Come to Nana?” Anne suggests, reaching out her arms for him.
“No no no,” He lisps, other hand moving up to tug at his father’s hair gently to get his point across, “No daddy, don’t leave me.”
Yeah, well Harry can’t say no to one of his babies asking him to not leave them.
So here Harry is, walking through the stadium hallways with his youngest son on his hip - dressed in an adorable dinosaur tracksuit *** and his current favorite doll ***.
When people wave and greet them, Ezra nuzzles into his father’s chest to hide shyly unlike his older brothers who would be going up and high-fiving everyone.
When they get onto the field, a few people try to come up to make conversation but anytime his attention is elsewhere - his son’s hand comes to pat his face as if to remind him that he’s there.
“Alright, where going to start with butterfly hamstring stretches,” Chris, one of the trainer, orders.
All the players oblige, including Harry who sits down and Ezra stands next to him - looking around curiously.
While all the men are laid on their backs with their arms and legs straight up and down, Harry loses sight of his son.
He sits up, sees Ezra toddling through the players, away from him - baby doll dragging in his hand as he looks around with wide curious eyes.
“Ezra,” Harry calls over the blasting rap music and the trainer yelling, “Ezra Duke.”
His son turns around to meet his father’s gaze.
“Get y’bum back to daddy, please,” Harry asks, patting the grass next to him.
“No no no,” His favorite word right now and he starts toddling away faster like it’s a game.
Harry has to leave his stretching position, takes a few long strides, and scoops up his mini-me, “Y’gotta listen to daddy, don’t tell me no.”
“Mama,” Ezra whimpers, “Want m’mama.”
“I know, sweetheart. Mama’s out with Briar right now,” He simpers, kissing his temple and carrying him back to his spot.
As Harry is stretching by having his legs spread and leaning over to touch his toes when Ezra pats his shoulder and tries to hand him his baby.
“Feed the baby,” Ezra demands, brow furrowed and lip pouted out as he presses the toy into his father’s chest.
“Can’t play right now, Ezzie,” He murmurs to his son but soon realizing this means a meltdown.
And he was right.
Ezra plops on his bum, throws his doll at his father, and begins to sob hysterically.
“Hey, we don’t throw things when we’re mad. S’not nice? Y’understand?” Harry says firmly, gently gripping his son’s chin.
He ignores his teammates who are chuckling because Harry is notorious for breaking bats and throwing things when he’s upset.
Ezra snatches his doll back and makes a run for it, his little feet taking him as fast as they can as everyone watches on with humor.
“Son of a -“ Harry mutters, springing up and chasing after him before grabbing him and lugging him up onto his hip again, “I’m sorry, I have t’go. I’ll see y’guys tomorrow.”
With that, Harry is toting his crying son through the hallways and out to the car. He can’t be upset with him, knows that he hates his routine changed and not having his mom.
“Daddy, daddy,” He whimpers as Harry ticks him into his car seat, “Want m’mama.”
“I know, honey. Soon, okay?” He assures his son, about to close the door when Ezra squeaks.
“Y’gonna tell daddy tha’ y’sorry for throwing y’baby doll?” Harry asks, kissing his son’s forehead and then an extra one to his nose.
“Sorry f’throwing my baby,” He repeats with sad eyes, knuckling at them as they get heavy with drowsiness.
Ezra refuses to go to bed until his mother walks in the door.
He usually goes down at seven but it’s currently eight and constantly looking at his father and asking, “Mama?”
“I miss y’mama too,” Harry laughs, knowing she’s about to walk in any minute with their baby daughter who he’d also missed terribly.
“Hello?” A voice calls from the entryway, door opening and then shutting quietly.
“Mama!” Ezra squeals, his voice cracking as he starts blubbering, “Mama mama!”
“Oh hush, why the tears?” YN smiles softly when Ezra runs into her shins and begs to be picked up.
Harry excitedly goes over to the carrier where Briar is looking up at her dad with wide, bright eyes and when she sees who it is - she gives him a wide smile and babbles, “Daddadada.”
“There’s my lil’ mama,” Harry coos happily, heart melting when his daughter giggles when he picks her up and nuzzles her cheek, “And there’s m’baby mama.”
They kiss for a quick moment before she asks, “Why’s the bub still up?”
“Absolutely refused to go to bed without his mama,” Harry tells her, wincing when Briar nibbles on his finger, “Can’t blame ‘em. I can’t sleep without y’either.”
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gleamglows · 3 years
Ask for a sirius request and you shall receive. I've been thinking about this idea for a while (and your writing is perfect for it ily) but how about a ravenclaw reader who is friends with james or remus and they introduce them? The one in my head was remus going to her dorm for a sleepover and bringing sirius and just being like "isn't she neat :)" and sirius immediately falling in love 🥺 no pressure if you dont vibe with it 🥰 ily bunches
i went to ravenclaw tower and all i got was this lousy stained shirt
pairing: sirius/reader
word count: 3.9k
summary: james and remus play matchmaker for you and sirius
content: ravenclaw!reader, fluff, it gets awkward (some of this was hard to write... 😭😭), dialogue heavy, you and sirius are very back-and-forth-y and witty (you’ll see what i mean), i know the title is long but i thought it was funny and i can do what i want
this was such a fun request!! i hope you don’t mind i took some liberties because i just immediately imagined remus and james secretly trying to match the two of you up for a while!! also i turned the sleepover into a party at ravenclaw tower!! (also also i came up with some cute ravenclaw girl ocs just for this, they were supposed to be minor but ended up having their own sideplots because i get carried away with everything. but they were fun to write! i gave them backstories and everything so if anyone wants to know more about them just ask :)
warning: mentions of alcohol!!
“You should meet Sirius.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, do you know another Sirius?”
You stick your tongue out at him and Remus smiles.
“What is it with Sirius, huh?” you tell him, adding a few drops of rain water into the potion before handing Remus the spoon to stir. He takes it and immediately gets to work.
“You and James,” you continue, idly counting Remus’s counterclockwise stirs in your head. “Not a day goes by where you don’t tell me I have to meet Sirius.”
In truth, you’d seen Sirius a few times. And he’d seen you, but neither one of you had actually spoken more than a few words to the other. Especially not since sixth year. Sirius had dropped Potions and Astronomy as quick as he could - the only two classes you’d had left with him. And seeing as you were in different Houses, bumping into each other in the common room was off the table as well.
But you had Potions with Remus and Astronomy with James, and whenever they could, they would always mention how you just had to meet Sirius. You sometimes wondered if Sirius was always being told he had to meet you.
“I just think you’d get along,” Remus shrugs, halting his stirring before you can even tell him to do so.
You both work in tandem for a bit after that, dropping ingredients into your potion and stirring when needed. You liked partnering up with Remus for this exact reason. You’d both fall into a comfortable silence and develop a good rhythm - you just flowed well together.
Once the potion is nearly finished, Remus speaks up.
“What about tonight? Isn’t there a party at Ravenclaw?”
“Robin says not to call it a party.”
“Well, that’s what it is.”
“Yeah, but we can’t call it that. At least not out loud,” you insist, not wanting your dorm mate’s wrath to come back later and haunt you. “It’s a quiet get-together,” you correct him.
Remus scoffs, knowing damn well that Ravenclaw parties are anything but. “That, then. You can meet him there.”
You raise an eyebrow in complete disbelief. “You’re gonna get Sirius Black to come to a Ravenclaw party?”
“What happened to quiet get-together?”
Damn it.
You quickly spare a glance at Robin, but she’s all the way across the room, scolding her partner for something he did to their potion.
“Good luck with that,” you continue, pretending to ignore his quip.
“We’ll convince him!” Remus assures you, as if it’s the least of his worries.
“Okayyy...” you sing, entirely unconvinced.
You’ve never seen Sirius Black at a non-Gryffindor party. He has way too much House pride to ever be caught partying in another common room. You’re almost positive you’ve seen him root for Gryffindor at Quidditch matches even when the team isn’t playing.
“Okay? So you’ll meet him?” Remus presses.
You laugh. “Okay! I guess!” you tell him, resigned. “But you and James have been hyping him up for a while, so don’t be surprised if he doesn’t live up to my expectations and I end up hating him.” You shrug a shoulder as you turn down the fire under the cauldron.
Remus just grins. “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
Despite your nonchalant attitude with Remus earlier today, you actually find yourself feeling a bit nervous.
“Hey, do you guys know Sirius?” you ask over your shoulder as you straighten your outfit in the mirror. “Black?” you add quickly.
“Did you just ask us if we know Sirius Black?” A shrill voice cuts through the air and you know immediately that it’s Robin.
You groan, “I know, I know, everyone knows-”
“Everyone knows him,” Robin talks over you, and then sprays a copious amount of hairspray into her already voluminous blonde locks.
You move out of her way so she can use the mirror and she gratefully takes the opportunity, stepping in front of you to fluff up her roots.
“Yeah, how do you not know him?” Bea calls from the bathroom, where April is helping her into her dress.
“I mean, I know him,” you say, flopping down on your bed. “But I don’t actually know him. You know?”
“He was April’s first kiss!” Bea taunts. She makes several kissy noises and then you hear her say ‘ow!’
“You’ve got to stop bringing that up,” you hear April scold, “It was second year!”
Bea giggles and then skips out of the bathroom, April trailing closely behind.
Bea has on a stunning yellow sundress with long, belled sleeves - going all out, as usual. The color compliments her dark skin beautifully, but you know she’s really only wearing it to lure in that Hufflepuff boy she’s had her eye on.
April has still yet to get dressed, always waiting until the very last minute, but her straight black hair has been flawlessly curled - presumably Robin’s work.
“So what is it? Why do you wanna know about Black?” April asks politely, leaning against your bedpost as Bea sits on her trunk to slip on her shoes.
“James and Remus... They’re gonna get him to come here.”
Bea nearly drops her shoe, and Robin spins around to face you.
“Here?” The two say at the same time.
“Is he really?” April asks mildly, voice much gentler than the other two.
You shrug and nod your head at the same time, giving them an uncertain look. “I think so? Maybe? If they can convince him.”
There’s a beat of silence and then the hissing sound of Robin’s can of hairspray fills the air once more as she frantically tries to get her hair to cooperate. At the very same time, Bea starts to rummage around her wardrobe, muttering to herself about how ‘I think I have a red dress in here somewhere...’
It’s clear they’re both doubling their efforts, hoping to catch Sirius’s eye.
You laugh a bit and then turn to look at April, whose eyes are stuck on Robin’s reflection. She has a solemn expression on her face, but quickly snaps out of her trance when she notices you watching her.
“So,” she starts, putting on a small smile, “You’ve really never met Sirius Black?” she asks, sitting down beside you and crossing her legs beneath her.
“No, but I hear you have,” you tease, and she rolls her eyes.
“Yes, the first and only boy I’ve ever kissed.” She rolls her eyes.
You hear Robin fumble with her can of hairspray but think nothing of it.
April continues, “Anyway, that was second year,” she waves it off. “I do have muggle studies with him.”
“What’s he like?” you find yourself asking.
April shrugs a shoulder. “He’s nice, I suppose. Funny. Asks the professor a lot of questions about motorbikes.”
You tilt your head. “Motorbikes? Why?”
“Who knows. I think you two would get along, though.”
“Why’s that?”
April observes you for a few beats and then laughs a bit. You expect her to say something more but she just gives you a slight nudge with her elbow and then walks off, most likely to go get dressed.
Well that was pointless. You didn’t really learn anything useful. But then again, you’re not sure what you expected out of a conversation with April, who tends to keep her talking to a minimum (She claims it makes her more mysterious) (And she’s right, too).
Oh well. Perhaps you could find a way to strike up a casual conversation about motorbikes with Sirius.
Yeah, right.
It’s a few hours into the party when the door opens up, letting in James and Remus. Trailing behind them, looking unnecessarily wary, is Sirius Black. He traipses around as if at any moment something in the common room is going to jump out and bite him, and you struggle to stifle a laugh.
You quickly wander off before any of them can spot you, fleeing towards where the drinks are. You figure that when they find you, you may as well be doing something instead of just lamely standing around. So you pick up the ladle and start to refill your cup.
April had transfigured her cauldron into one made of glass, and Robin had used it to concoct her famous sickly sweet, lavender colored drink that she’d aptly named ‘Robin’s Brew’. It was made up of a mixture of muggle and wizard liquors, as well as a myriad of different fruit juices. The taste itself was actually semi disgusting, but you get used to it after the initial few sips.
You ladle some more of the drink into your cup and then spin on your heel, ready to resume the search for your friends.
That is, until you crash face first against a broad chest, effectively spilling ‘Robin’s Brew’ all over whoever you just bumped into.
“Oh my gosh!” you blurt out, setting the now empty cup down. “I am so sorry, I-” Your words catch in your throat when you finally look up to see the person’s face.
So much for a good first impression.
Sirius waves you off, looking down at his now purple stained white shirt. “Don’t worry ab-” he stops in the middle of the word as he raises his gaze to look at you.
His lips are still slightly parted as if his voice had simply escaped him mid-sentence, and his expression is stunned and mesmerized all at once.
“I, um...” he tries again, but it’s as if he’s been put in some kind of trance just by looking at you.
“Oh, great! You’ve met!” A cheery voice cuts through the tension, and you both turn your head to find James beaming at the two of you.
Trailing behind James is Remus, who takes in the state of the two of you and grimaces.
“Met?” Sirius voices as he looks at James, sounding a bit dazed.
“Yeah, remember? Y/N!” James reminds him. “She’s great, right?” he grins, and you cringe.
“Oh, this is...?” Sirius slowly turns his head to look at you again. “Hey...” he says faux-smoothly, as if attempting to salvage your very first meeting.
“Hey...” you say back a bit awkwardly. “Um... Look, there’s towels in my dorm, we can all go?” you suggest, looking to the others for approval.
“Why don’t you two go?” Remus proposes instead, and you shoot him an alarmed look.
“Yeah!” James nearly shouts, looking at Remus as if he’s a genius. “Yeah, you’ll find us later!” he’s quick to agree, and they both start to walk away.
You let out a nervous laugh. “Oh, I don’t know if-” you start, not sure if comfortable enough to be alone with a man you just met after spilling your drink on him.
But Remus and James don’t wanna hear it.
“Alright! See you later!” James throws a finger gun at you as he walks backwards and then spins on his heel.
“But I-”
“Bye!” Remus calls, and then they both disappear into a small crowd of people.
You turn to face Sirius, whose shirt is still dripping and who’s watching you with rapt intrigue. He turns away the moment your eyes meet, clearing his throat awkwardly.
Soon enough you’re leading Sirius down the corridor that leads to your dormitory, trying desperately to remember whether or not you’d tidied up your area of the room.
The door swings open just as you arrive at it, and from out of it come April and Robin who seem to be having a serious looking discussion. They quickly stop talking as soon as they spot the two of you, and April is quick to storm off, leaving Robin behind.
“Oh, you’ll want to get rid of that,” Robin says with a wince, gesturing at Sirius’s shirt. “The stain actually gets darker the more you try to get it off... So...”
You give a heavy sigh. “Yeah, thanks Robin.”
She shrugs apologetically with both hands in the air and then starts to walk off. “Robin’s Brew! Patent pending!” she calls over her shoulder as she scurries off to catch up with April.
“What’s up with them?” Sirius mutters under his breath as you lead him inside.
“Well, aren’t you nosy?” you’re quick to reply.
You say it as a joke, but immediately wish you could take it back. What were you thinking?! You didn’t know Sirius enough to joke around with him like that! You didn’t know him at all! Hell, you’d just spilled your drink all over him, for all you know the guy hates you!
You spin around, ready to apologize, but then Sirius is laughing, and you nearly let out a massive sigh of relief.
“Uh-” your apology catches in your throat for a moment but you quickly recover. “Sorry, I-”
“No, it’s okay.” He shakes his head. “You’re right, nosy is my middle name,” he tells you with a shrug and a lopsided grin.
You find yourself smiling back. “Sirius Nosy Black, huh?”
He hums. “Rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, definitely.”
It’s silent for a moment as you both look at each other. Your thoughts leave you a bit as you get distracted by that strange way that he’s looking at you, but then you remember with a jolt that Sirius Black is in your dorm, shirt stained lavender and dripping ‘Robin’s Brew’ onto the floor.
“Um!” You scramble towards the bathroom and yank a random towel off the rack. “Here,” You toss it and Sirius catches it with one hand.
“You can, um...” You trail off but then realize you’re still standing in the doorway, effectively blocking his entrance. “Oh!” You quickly move out of the way, leaving a clear path for Sirius.
“Thanks,” he says with a slight laugh before disappearing into the bathroom.
Once the door closes you’re left alone, idly shuffling around, not really knowing what to do now.
This was horrible. All of this was horrible. You’re alone in your dorm with a man you’ve just met - sure he’s friends with Remus and James, but that doesn’t mean it’s not awkward!
You have to focus. You have to avoid any more tense silences. What would you say when he got out of the bathroom?
You suppose he did laugh at your quip earlier - he’d even added a little joke of his own. You’d gone back and forth a bit. It was easy to converse once you’d gotten started. But getting started was exactly the issue... You needed a good topic. Why can’t you think of a good topic?!
The door to the bathroom opens up and out walks Sirius, leather jacket now slung over his forearm and white shirt drier, but still equally stained.
You panic.
“Hey, do you like motorbikes?” You blurt out, and then have to resist the urge to hurl yourself out the window.
Sirius’s eyes widen and he opens and closes his mouth a few times, looking like a stunned fish, before saying “Motorbikes?”
You purse your lips. “Yeah, I was...” You shrug, trying to play off your very strange, very targeted question as just casual conversation. “I was just wondering... I dunno...” you say, leaning against one of your bedposts.
Sirius breaks out into a smile. “I have a motorbike.”
“Really! No way!” you exclaim, pretending to be shocked. Although you didn’t really know Sirius owned a motorbike, it wasn’t all that surprising considering what April had told you just a few hours ago.
Sirius’s eyes narrow slightly, looking at you as if he’s trying very hard to figure you out. “Yeah... I’m fixing it up right now...” he tells you, still grinning.
“Oh? Is it broken?”
He tilts his head back and forth a few times and then says “Not exactly.”
You cross your arms. “Then why are you fixing it up?” you challenge.
Sirius just rolls his eyes. “Well I’d argue that anything that can’t fly can definitely be improved.”
That startles a laugh out of you. “You’re gonna get your motorbike to fly?”
“Laugh it up now!” Sirius nods as you bring a hand to your lips, stifling your giggles. “No one’ll be laughing once I finish my flying motorbike!”
“Oh, I’d love to see it in action.”
“Sure, I’ll take you on a ride once it’s done,” he tells you, voice genuine.
That shuts you up. All of a sudden you find that you have no witty response. Apparently out of all the things that could have rendered you silent, the prospect of going on a ride on Sirius Black’s flying motorbike seems to have done the trick.
Sirius notices.
“I mean- If you want.” he quickly says, raising a hand. “I mean- Sorry. I know we just met, and I made you spill your drink, and I think I stained your towel with whatever that drink was - sorry about that too - but I-”
“Hey,” you cut him off, giving him a pointed but lighthearted look.
He gazes back expectantly.
“I’d love to,” you assure him, and he grins.
You don’t even remember what you were so nervous about. This was easy. Talking to Sirius was so easy once you got into a rhythm.
So you did.
You talked for a while, and when you got tired of standing you laid down on your bed, face down, head resting in your hands and legs kicking behind you as Sirius sat cross legged on your trunk in front of you. You talked about possible spells and modifications for Sirius’s motorbike, you bonded about all the times James and Remus had tried to get the two of you together, you even just talked about whatever nonsense came to your heads.
You were still talking (now both sitting on your bed) when the door creaked open, letting in April and Robin. April was asleep and Robin was carrying her bridal style. You notice they’re both barefoot, but Robin only has April’s shoes in hand - hers were probably somewhere in the common room.
“Oh, hey,” you say in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake April.
“Hey,” Robin responds, though she’s not quite as cautious with her volume as you.
Earlier today you’d have thought Robin would’ve freaked out the moment she saw Sirius, but if she cares about him being in the dorm, she doesn’t show it.
“She fell asleep on the couch. Thought I should leave her here,” the blonde explains as she pads over to April’s bed. She drops the shoes on the ground and then pauses to look at you. “Do you mind?” she questions, nodding her head towards the bed.
You quickly get up, striding over to April’s bed and pulling back the blankets.
“Thanks,” Robin murmurs as she gently sets the raven haired girl down.
You pull the covers up again and April stirs a bit but doesn’t wake up.
Robin finally acknowledges Sirius. “Hi,” she waves with a smile. Sirius smiles back. “Sorry, I didn’t-”
“No, it’s fine. We were just talking,” you assure her, and she nods a bit before turning her attention back to April, gazing down at her with a slight furrow to her brow.
“Where’s Bea?” you voice, curious.
“Went off with her Hufflepuff, I expect.”
“Mm. Is the party over?”
“Quiet get-together.” Robin corrects you without a second thought and you laugh lightly, sitting back down on your bed beside Sirius. “And yeah. I’m gonna go try to clean up a bit,” she says, sounding like the prefect she is.
You watch as Robin hesitates over April for a bit, smoothing the blankets over, brushing stray hairs from the sleeping girl’s face. It’s as if she wants to take care of her but isn’t sure how. In the end, she gives you a smile, bids a polite ‘goodbye’ to Sirius, and then exits quietly.
“We never went and found James and Remus,” you turn to look at Sirius once the door closes and he grins.
“I don’t think they ever expected us to.”
“You’re probably right.”
April stirs again and you get up to close the curtains of her four-poster.
“I should go help Robin,” you tell Sirius, and he takes the cue quickly standing up.
“Right. Sorry I kept you up.“
“No, it was fun. Sorry I spilled my drink on you.”
“No, it was fun,” Sirius echoes, and you give him a slight shove.
The two of you walk across the room and out of the door in comfortable silence, and once you’re in the corridor you speak up.
“So, hypothetically,” you start.
“Uh-huh,” Sirius assents immediately.
“If you wanted to... I don’t know... Have breakfast with me tomorrow...”
“How would you go about that?”
“Hypothetically?” Sirius raises an eyebrow, as if double checking.
“Of course,” you nod.
“Well in this completely made up scenario,” he starts, “I’d probably meet you here at seven and walk you down to the Great Hall.”
You fight a smile. “Well, great.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah. Hypothetically I’d definitely be ready by then.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
You’ve reached the door that leads out of the common room by now, and you open it up, leaning against the frame. The rest of the castle is dark as it’s well past midnight, and you can hear the quiet sounds of nearby portraits snoring. You’d be worried about him getting caught, but with all the pranks the Marauders have pulled throughout the years, you know for a fact that Sirius Black had plenty of experience sneaking about the castle after curfew.
You watch as he lights his wand with a quick ‘Lumos’ and starts to walk off, but then he hesitates.
“What?” you voice as he turns around, walking back towards you.
He stops right in front of you, looking at you very intensely, scrutinizing every inch of your face. For a brief moment you expect him to lean in and kiss you, but then he speaks.
“I know you brought up motorbikes on purpose. That girl April takes muggle studies with me, and she-”
You quickly shut the door in his face and press your back against it, eyes wide and smiling despite yourself.
You scurry off to help Robin and a few others clean up, spirits high with the promise of having breakfast with Sirius tomorrow morning.
And who knows, maybe by tomorrow he’ll forget all about the motorbike thing. At least, you hope he does.
(He doesn’t.)
Bonus, the next morning:
“There they are!” James exclaims as you and Sirius approach the table.
“Did he live up to your expectations?” Remus asks you pointedly as you sit down, and you poke your tongue out at him in response.
And then you shrug. “I’ve gotta say, right off the bat I wasn’t impressed.”
“You’re the one who spilled your drink all over me. My poor new shirt! Ruined!”
“Oh, boo hoo. Where will you ever find another plain, white T-shirt?”
“It had sentimental value!”
“And now it has a cute new design! So you’re welcome.”
“You want me to thank you for a stain?”
“It’s a fun souvenir from your first time in a non Gryffindor common room.”
“I should write on it. Big letters: ‘I went to Ravenclaw Tower and all I got was this lousy stained shirt.’”
“At least the stain is purple, it looked nice. Suits you.”
“Are you saying I look good in purple?”
“So you’re saying I look good?”
“I- I didn’t-” you stammer, and then groan.
“Ah-ha!” Sirius points a finger at you. “Outwitted by a Gryffindor! If only Rowena Ravenclaw could see you now.”
Across the table, Remus and James watch on in dismay.
“Are you already regretting getting them together or is it just me?” James voices.
In response Remus sighs, “Oh, it’s not just you.”
(hey ps for the sake of my sanity let’s just pretend there was no easy simple drying spell they could’ve used)
also: about robin & april
taglist <3 // @isxfisticated @l-adysansa @tomshollandz
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
settling a bet
im choosing not to think too much about if this story idea is weird or not. im just going to throw it out there and see what happens. also i think it is a little possible that f+g would get into an argument like this and make their bestie settle it.
notes: george x reader, a little fred x reader technically, kissing, fluff, besties w the twins
words: 1.5k
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“Ah! [y/n]! She can help us,” Fred exclaimed when he spotted their friend on the couch in the Common Room. Her head spun to see Fred and George striding toward her from the portrait hole.
Closing her book, [y/n] raised her eyebrows, not even trying to guess what shenanigan the twins were going to rope her into this time. Fred sat on her left, George on her right, and Harry and Ron came over from across the room, eager to abandon their studies for a moment or two.
“We’ve made a bet…” Fred began, tilting his head playfully at the girl beside him.
Her head snapped the other way as George spoke, “... and we need someone to settle it.”
“And it has to be me because...?” She trailed off and her eyes narrowed, looking between the twins before giving Harry and Ron a confused look.
Fred clapped a hand on [y/n]’s shoulder, “Georgie here reckons he’s a better kisser than me. We made a bet and now someone has to settle it.”
“Oh?” [y/n] raised her brow at Fred, then turned to George, who was giving her a knowing look.
Harry piped up from the diagonal couch, his voice incredulous, “You’re gonna make [y/n] snog you?”
George wore an exaggerated grin, “Not a full snog… just a light one.”
“For science!” Fred held up a finger to emphasize his point.
[y/n] rolled her eyes. She knew the twins would bicker and pester her about this all weekend if she didn’t give in, and, from the looks on their faces, it looked like all the boys around her knew it too. It was just a quick kiss anyways, no big deal.
The twins both looked a bit surprised when [y/n] gave in so easily. “Okay fine.” She threw her hands up in defeat and turned her head to give both Fred and George an exasperated look, “Who’s first?”
Ron looked disgusted as Fred waggled his eyebrows in George’s direction.
George was shaking his head but smiling, “Freddie can go first? Save the best for last.”
[y/n] turned to Fred, who was wearing a smirk. Before he could move towards [y/n], Ron cut in, “Are we meant to watch or just pretend this isn’t happening?” His face was scrunched up as if he’d just sniffed a clove of garlic.
“You two watch as back-up judges,” George suggested, then his hand flew to cover his eyes, “I don’t think I’ll watch… seems fairer that way.”
Harry groaned and Ron’s face seemed frozen with disgust, but they were a bit too invested in the bet now to leave. And they didn’t exactly want to go back to their revisions.
With that, Fred lightly cupped [y/n]’s chin and brought his lips to hers. It was a hungry, heated kiss—it was evident Fred had something to prove—and not earth-shattering, but not altogether unpleasant. It might’ve been a bit better too if Ron and Harry weren’t watching the interaction in the same way one might watch a car crash. [y/n] pulled away when George spoke from behind his hands.
“Is it over yet? Can I look?”
Fred raised both eyebrows as [y/n] studied his face for a moment. Fred broke the tension by extending his hand and smiling coyly, “Thank you for your cooperation.” [y/n] took his hand and shook it firmly, giggling with relief as she joked back, “Pleasure doing business with you, Weasley.”
Then, she shifted to face George, who looked less sure than his brother had. His eyebrows dipped ever so slightly, silently saying “Are you sure this is okay?” [y/n] just smiled reassuringly and kissed him. George’s lips were softer, warmer than Fred’s. The kiss was altogether gentler, less concerned with the audience, and more focused on just the two of them. Caught up in the moment, George teased his tongue quickly along [y/n]’s lips. She bit back a moan and instead pulled away hastily.
George gave her a sympathetic look as they parted.
“Oh, she’s more flustered after that one,” Harry commented playfully. [y/n] shot the younger boy a death glare, which stopped Ron from sharing his observations.
Fred nudged [y/n], who’d shifted back to her original position between the twins, “Alright, love. Who’s it gonna be? Who’s the better snog?”
She hesitated, considering the effects of either choice.
“Go with your gut,” George urged, “We won’t be offended.”
[y/n] spoke slowly, “Hm… Okay… I’m going to go with…” She took a moment to enjoy having all four boys silently focused on her. It was so rare that she had the floor entirely to herself. “I’d say Fred.”
Fred’s arms shot straight up as he whooped victoriously. George put his hand on his chest as though he’d been seriously hurt by the loss. [y/n] rolled her eyes again and picked up the book she’d been reading, resuming as though the whole ordeal had never happened.
“Huh…” Ron said thoughtfully, “That’s not who I would’ve put my money on.” But his eyes widened as everyone stopped to look at him, and he realized what it sounded like. Everyone’s eyes were bright with amusement as Ron tried to explain that he hadn’t meant to imply that he’d considered which of his brothers was a better kisser.
Ron and Harry stood to return to their table across the room, and Fred stood as well. “C’mere then Ronniekins,” Fred spoke through pouted lips, “You can decide for yourself who’s a better kisser.”
Harry gathered his books as Ron hurried up the stairs before Fred—who was making kissy sounds now—could say anything else. “Well, this has been a strange evening,” Harry said, following Ron to their dormitory. Fred and George headed to their room too, but not before Fred blew [y/n] a kiss from the bottom of the stairs.
~ ~ ~
[y/n] was still reading on the couch an hour later when she heard footsteps coming from the boy’s dormitory stairs. George was wearing striped pajamas with mismatched socks as he padded back into the Common Room. He sank into the couch beside [y/n], wrapping an arm around her and pulling her practically onto his lap.
“Did you have to pick Fred? I’ll never hear the end of it.” George pressed a kiss to [y/n]’s temple and she set the book down on her lap. She shimmied so she was fully on George’s lap before responding, “Felt suspicious to pick you… and biased.”
George chuckled into her hair, catching whiffs of her shampoo as her head rested on his chest. “Be honest. I was the better kisser right?”
“Mmm… yeah, but, again, I’m biased.”
George’s hand found her chin and tilted her head up towards him. His lips latched onto hers for the second time that evening, but this time [y/n] let George’s tongue swipe across her lips. And George relished the sweet sound she made when he gripped her hips with his strong hands. [y/n] rested her hand on his bicep as she slowly pulled away from the kiss.
“Wouldn’t it have been easier to just have told Fred we’ve been seeing each other?” [y/n] whispered. She was enjoying keeping their relationship a secret, but it seemed like George could have avoided making her kiss his twin.
Sheepishly, George responded, “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t know Fred was going to ask you to actually do it. And I didn’t know you were going to agree.”
Now [y/n] felt a bit guilty. It seemed like George was okay with it at the time, but maybe they both could have avoided the whole awkward situation. Seeing her concern, George broke out into a reassuring smile, “It’s alright. All that matters is that I know—in my heart—that I am the better snog.”
[y/n] smiled up at her boyfriend as he continued, “And, honestly, I’m glad you went along with it because I’m really enjoying things the way they are. We can tell everyone eventually, but, for now, I like that it’s just me and you.”
His words made [y/n]’s heart swell and she nuzzled her face into his chest to hide her uncontrollable grin. George continued leaving small kisses on the top of his girlfriend’s head as she let his comforting presence fill her senses.
“I like that it’s just us too.” [y/n] murmured sleepily, “It’s like I get to love two Georges: my friend most of the time and my boyfriend when nobody else is around.”
George, who’s eyelids were growing heavy, felt his heartbeat quicken at [y/n]’s words, “You love me?”
Her face was still out of George’s view, but she scrunched her eyes shut for a second as she realized what she’d said. It wasn’t that she didn’t love him—she absolutely adored George in every sense of the word—but perhaps it was too soon to say it out loud. The whole reason they were keeping their relationship from their friends was so they could be sure not to ruin their friendship, but she worried that saying those words too soon was exactly the type of thing that could wreck everything.
[y/n]’s racing thoughts were interrupted by George’s hand traveling up from her hips. The hand glided slowly up her side before cupping the nape of her neck and scratching gently in her scalp. At the sensation, her head lifted from his chest and bent up towards his gaze. George leaned down slightly so he could look her in the eyes when he spoke, “I love you too.”
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toorusquill · 4 years
Hiiii can I pls have a scenario or headcanons of Tsukishima and Kageyama having a cheerleader s/o but they go to a different school and when reader comes visit them everyones so shocked that they had a girlfriend
tsukishima and kageyama with a cheerleader girlfriend
summary: two of karasuno’s moodiest first-years surprise the team with a special someone.
pairing: tsukishima kei x f!reader, kageyama tobio x f!reader
genre(s): fluff (?)
warnings: -
a/n: i love cheerleader! s/o asks! it makes me miss cheer even more. also, i assumed that you know yamaguchi personally in tsukki’s scenario, hope that’s alright. enjoy!
your feet hit the pavement in a steady rhythm as you make your way inside the campus of your boyfriend’s school. you manage to gather the attention of a few students who were still there with your eye-catching uniform. the colors you were wearing certainly weren’t karasuno’s, but you strode in through the gates with such a quick pace that no one really bothered you.
you ask someone for directions to the gymnasium, and they tell you to take a left turn by the tree. you thank them hastily, and head over to where they pointed at. you feel your phone buzz inside the pockets of your skirt, and you take a look at the recent notifications.
“y/n are you done with training?” - kei 🦕💕
“i’ll come pick you up if you are. i just have to change, and i’ll be free.” - kei 🦕💕
“hello? you alive over there?” - kei 🦕💕
you grin, knowing that he wasn’t expecting you to come for him today, and put your phone back in your pocket. you find yourself at the entrance of the gym, and you take a deep breath as you creak open the door.
you step in, lights flooding your figure, and you see two of his teammates, one with bright orange hair, and the other with a black fringe, bickering over a volleyball. a few people are trying to stop the duo, but you don’t spot tsukishima, or even yamaguchi anywhere. you notice tsukishima’s things laying on top of the bench, and you’re about to make your way over there, but you’re interrupted by a very soft, and gentle voice.
“hello, may i ask who you are?”
you turn to see a beautiful girl wearing glasses, presumably the manager, and without missing a beat you reply,
“oh, hello! sorry to intrude, but i’m y/n, and i’m here for ts-”
the interruption of two boys brought all the attention upon you, and you’re suddenly being interrogated by the whole team. in the midst of you explaining, questions are thrown at you left and right. you find it hard to keep up, and they find it even harder to understand your answers. 
“are you here for someone??? is it for sugawara-san?”
“why would you think she’s here for sugawara-san, you dumbass!”
“because he’s probably the only one who can have a girlfriend!”
many of them take offense at this, and the bickering becomes even louder. someone roughly pokes you in the middle of your back, and you glance over your shoulder to see who it is.
“kei! oh thank god, i was looking for you!”
tsukishima scoffs, “what brings you here anyways? you weren’t replying to my messages.”
“i wanted to surprise you! aren’t you happy to see me?” your face falls into a pout and you pull him into a hug, and he turns away so you don’t see the blush forming on his cheeks. “come on, grab your things, and then we can go visit that shop you wanted to see. you know, the one with the vinyl CDs?”
unbeknownst to you, the team had stopped their arguing when they heard tsukishima’s voice respond to you. they stare at the two of you in shock and confusion, but sugawara immediately makes the connection.
“oh wait, you must be the one tsukishima keeps texting? it’s nice to meet you! sorry for all the commotion, you must’ve been pretty overwhelmed. are you really his girlfriend?”
you exchange pleasantries with the boy, and assure him that you were fine. you answered that yes, you were indeed in a relationship with the blond-haired boy. tsukishima keeps tugging at the sleeve of your uniform in an attempt to get you to stop talking, he fears that your conversation with sugawara will cause his teammates to act out. again.
unfortunately, his touchy actions with you only spurred the boys to start yelling again. they question how easily he seems to accept your touch, and how easily he seems to reciprocate it. you loosen your grip around him to answer, but tsukishima firmly keeps your arms around him, and beats you to it.
“because i like y/n, you idiots. now, please, let us go. i want to go on our date.”
if all the screaming and shouting didn’t deafen you before, it definitely did now.
you give a hum of contentment as kageyama pressed another kiss on your cheek. you reach up to stroke his hair, but you immediately feel his lips brushing the nape of your neck, and you gasp.
“tobio! t-that tickles!”
“mhmm, sorry y/n.”
you wriggle your way out of his grip to turn and face him, his usual brooding eyes twinkling with mischief, and something a little softer. he reaches out for your wrist this time, stepping a little bit closer to you. he brings your hand up to his face, and you understand what he means. you close the gap between you two, and when your lips meet, kageyama presses you even closer to him. he feels you shiver a little when a gust of wind passes by, and he pulls away, tripping over his words a little as he asks you,
“you- are you feeling cold? your uniform, it’s short.”
you give a slight nod in response while saying, “just a little. it’s alright, tobio. you should just go. your teammates are probably waiting for you inside the gym.”
“go on, i’ll meet you after practice. i have to go soon too. as short as the walk is from here to my school, i stayed for too long,” you peck him quickly on the lips. “i think my captain will kill me if i’m late again.”
kageyama doesn’t listen though. he shrugs off his team jacket and adjusts it to wrap around your shoulders. he’s about to tell you to stay safe, when you’re interrupted by the slam of a door, and a voice yelling out,
“KAGEYAMA! did ‘ya know windows in the gym are one-slided?”
“it’s called one-sided, you short ass.”
“nice one, tsukki!”
kageyama sputters in shock, his face turned a striking red hue, and he barely chokes out a retort to counter what his teammates said. said teammates turn to you, looking at you with knowing eyes. you duck your head shyly, and you bow as you introduce yourself. 
“uh, hello. i’m y/n. i’m kageyama’s girlfriend,” you stand up straight once more, “-and i’m sorry you had to see all that. he’s not usually that clingy.”
“i’m more sorry that i didn’t get it on camera,” the blond one quipped.
kageyama recovers from his blunder, and protectively shields you away from his teammates, mumbling a  “go to hell, tsukishima.”
his glare basically tells them to go back inside the gym, and  you pat his arm lightly, signalling him that you really have to go this time. he sighs, and he reaches for your hand to squeeze it. 
“stay safe, y/n. see you later.”
“thank you tobio, i love you!”
when you leave karasuno, and when kageyama gets back inside the gym. he’s met with mocking voices, and various kissy noises from his teammates. he would mind, but honestly, he’s still in a love-sick daze from when you told him you loved him.
for the first time in his life, he couldn’t wait for practice to be over.
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
note from denise: TAGLIST CLOSED
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter seven
“Alrighty give mommy kissy.” You squatted down. Both of your kids tackled you in a hug and they kissed your cheeks. You kissed them back and pulled away. You watched as they walked to the bus.
Even though they’re homeschool, they offered a program where your kids can still go to class in person once a week so they can socialize and it won’t affect their mental health. After talking to another mother who put her kids in the same program, she recommended it and you decided that it was best.
Your kids already socialized in their volleyball practice but it wouldn’t hurt for them to talk more with other kids.
You saw as Rini helped his sister up the bus first and blocked the back of her skirt from showing her shorts underneath and you lowkey wanted to cry because he was such a gentleman. He then got in and they sat together on the right side of the bus and they waved you goodbye. You waved back and the bus began to leave.
You sighed and turned back home. You washed this morning’s dirty dishes and cleaned a bit around. After you were satisfied with the presentation of your house, you made your way to your small studio office and began answering more emails and writing topics for the new podcast episode you and Jamie had to record.
You took another sip of your barley warm tea and finally you heard the doorbell ring. You glanced at the time on your watch and realized it wasn’t 12 yet, it was probably Jamie.
You carried your laptop and placed it on the dining table and ran to the door. “I’m coming!” You yelled as Jamie rang the bell again. You opened the door revealing your two best friends and you were shocked to see Hana. She’s your best friend from highschool, the one who blocked the boy’s numbers and let you spend the night when you got kicked out.
She was also the one who was rooting for you and Suna but she was more than furious when she found out what happened. You called her on New Years and started balling your eyes out.
You told her to never date boys cause they sucked but little did you know she had a big crush on you. You were her first love.
I guess you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. So when Rin started to take your attention, she felt jealousy and loneliness but your happiness mattered more than her selfishness.
She became a fashion major in University but dropped out because she didn’t like what they were teaching. With the bit she learned and already knew, she turned into art. She made beautiful leather pieces of lingerie with straps and belts and lace and the models needed dramatic makeup and hair. And you happened to know an amazing makeup artist.
That’s where Jamie came in.
And eventually they fell in love.
Hana is always busy with her lingerie company since everything is hand crafted and not made in a factory like Jamie’s makeup products. So that’s why it was a shock to see her here during the day at least. “Come in come in. Mi casa es su casa.” You said in broken Spanish and they laughed.
Jamie sat on the dining table and sighed. She rubbed her baby bump and you asked if she wanted something to drink. You got her water as well as some wine for Hana. “So they’re really coming over?” Hana asked as she opened Jamie’s laptop and set it up for her wife.
“Yeah I hope so. If they flake I’m not gonna give him another chance. I already told the kids he’ll be here and they’re excited.” You said and she nodded. “Good.” Hana replied. You and Jamie began reading eachothers notes and topics regarding the podcast. “I think Hana is gonna have to take my place on the podcast if I pop.” Jamie mentioned randomly.
“Hell no.” Hana immediately said. “That’s a you two thing I’m not getting into it.” Hana said sternly. “But Hana, since Jamie got pregnant. You didn’t have a face for your spicy lingerie line. So I temporarily replaced her. Surely you could do the same!” You exclaimed and she rolled her eyes. “Speaking of lingerie I have something I want you to try for the next photoshoot. I’ll go get it after my smoke.” She said and you rolled your eyes with a nod.
“It’s pretty hot, like a harness thing on your wrist that connects to your thighs.” Jamie spoke up as Hana left. “Where does Hana come up with these things?” You asked and Jamie made a smirky face. “Nevermind I don’t wanna hear about your guy’s sex life.” You shuttered and she snickered.
Hana got out your front door, walked to her fancy Mercedes and took out the gift wrapped box as well as her favorite pack of smokes. She sat on the small bench in the front of your house and she lit the lighter, breathing in the nicotine. She sighed and wondered if you’re going to be okay with your ex seeing his kids.
If it was her she would refuse to let him see them and take it to court. But you weren’t like that. You always had hope and patience that you’d meet Suna again someway somehow.
She heard a car door slam and looked up to see the three tall figures get out of a car. She exhaled the smoke and they looked up to see her. “It’s been a long time, huh?” She tilted her head to the side and Suna scratched the back of his neck as he neared. “Hana I—I’m sorry for everything.” He said. “I trusted you with my best friend and you hurt her. I don’t think I could ever forgive you for hurting my first love like that.” She spoke bitterly and put out the cigarette in the small froggy bowl turned ashtray that the twins made.
“First love?” Osamu asked and Hana stayed quiet and motioned for them to follow her. Suna didn’t know what to say, after you left Hyogo Suna began bugging her for answers and she went off on him once and that’s when he realized that Hana was gay and in love with you the whole time.
Immediately when the door opened they heard yelling and singing. Obviously confused the boys looked at eachother but Hana seemed unfazed, she’s used to her wife’s chaotic nature and even though you’re pretty quiet and collected you make a complete 360 with Jamie around. You were both like Yin and Yang.
“Shh she’s been trying to get this song down for weeks.” Hana whispered as the boys followed through the small hall. They looked at the photos that adorned the wall and they saw baby photos of Suna’s kids and they truly looked like him. From the corner of his eye, Suna saw a photo of you with Shawn Mendes and smiled that you finally had a chance to meet your celebrity crush.
Suna nor the twins didn’t know what to expect when they saw you again. But they were shocked to see you in your true nature with studio headphones over your ears as you sang each note higher and higher. Jamie was yelling and slamming the table with her palm encouraging you to keep on going. Jamie used to do that in parties, drinking games were her favorite.
You finally finished the song and you took off your headphones and started screaming. “SIX WEEKS IT TOOK ME SIX FUCKING WEEKS TO COPY IT TO A T! I DID IT OH MY GOD!” You yelled and Jamie yelled again too. “BITCH I TOLD YOU YOU COULD DO IT BUT YOU-“
“SELF-“ punch
“DOUBT-“ punch
“ALL-“ punch
“THE-“ punch
“TIME!” punch
“Alright alright I get it goddamn—if you weren’t pregnant you know I would punch you just as hard.” You scowled as you rubbed your arm. “Sorry y/n.” She apologized and chuckled. “We’re not interrupting right?” Hana spoke up causing you and Jamie to turn. The three men stood behind her and your face fell. The air shifted and you suddenly felt cold.
“No just work stuff.” You said and you quickly stood up. “Welcome to my home. You’re welcome to sit at the table.” You said and closed your laptop. “Would you like anything to drink..?” You asked, trying to be hospitable and Hana scoffed. “Give them water, you don’t have to be nice to them.” Hana said and she sat by Jamie. You bit the inside of your cheek and looked at the three men. “Water is fine..” Suna spoke up and the twins nodded.
“Sit.” Jamie said and motioned to the dining chairs. They all sat awkwardly while waiting for you to come back from the kitchen. You had your tray with their water, more tea for you and Jamie, and a glass of wine for Hana.
“Alright where do we start..” you said as you sat down next to Suna since that was the only empty spot. “The beginning.” Jamie shrugged. “I already explained what happened. I told her everything.” Jamie told the boys and immediately Atsumu scowled. “Knowing you you probably made yourself sound less bad.” He muttered, immediately Hana was about to say something but you interrupted. “Did you make the bet?” You asked the blonde, “Y..Yeah..” he frowned and shifted in the seat awkwardly, “Did you accept the bet?” You turned to Suna. “Yes..” he said guiltily. “Did you think Suna would win?” You asked Osamu. “Yeah.” “Jamie Did you think pissy— I mean Atsumu would win?” You asked her and she sighed a yes. “And did you all bet with money?” You asked. They all replied with yeahs and yes’s.
“Did you guys agree to quit because it was wrong?” You asked and they all nodded. “Then that’s all that happened. I don’t need to know anything else.” You explained.
“Look guys.” Jamie spoke up and she tapped her manicured fingers on the table nervously. “It took a long ass time for Y/N to forgive me and trust me, I ruined her life and I’m blessed to have met her. Without her I’d probably still be in an abusive relationship. Without her I wouldn’t have learned how to be humble and grateful for even waking up in the morning. She’s my best friend and I’m telling you straight up if you truly want to be her friend again. You need to work for it, Suna if you really want to be in the kids lives and earn Y/N’s trust you truly need to work for it.” she said almost desperately.
“If you ever disrespect her again. I will not hesitate to sock you in the face and I’ll call up Tobio if I have to. That goes for all of you.” Hana told the three men.
“Do you guys have anything to say?” You asked. “I would apologize but I’d rather let you see it than hear it.” Suna spoke up and you nodded. “Alright.” You said simply.
“I’m sorry, Y/N-cha—I mean Kageyama.” Atsumu said. “I’m sorry Kageyama.” Osamu finished and you nodded once more.
“Okay this is awkward. I forgave you guys a long time ago but I don’t trust either of you. Atsumu, Osamu you are not obligated to be my friend. Suna you aren’t obligated to be my friend either but I would appreciate it if we were civil with one another for the sake of the kids. If you ever have any questions regarding the kids I’ll be happy to answer.” You told him as you played with the tea bag in your cup, and they all stared at you.
Like that’s it? You forgive them? You’re not going to throw your tea at them?
“Um I kind of want to ask about the ya know..”
“Pregnancy?” Hana raised a brow and Suna nodded awkwardly. “Like when did you find out....and is that why you left?” He asked. “If its alright can we talk about that in private?” You asked and stood up. “Y-yeah sure.” Suna stuttered and he stood up as well. “Hana, Jamie you don’t mind—“ “The bus honks at 13:30 we know. We’ll be able to hear it.”
“Yeah and we have a lot of catching up to do.” Jamie fake smiled and you wanted to snort at the her disgust and their awkwardness. “Alright follow me.” You motioned down the hall. You opened the door to the kids room and you took a step in. He followed you and closed the door. You both released a sigh and you sat on Akira’s bed. “You can sit there.” You motioned to your sons bed.
He nodded and sat on the small bed. “Okay so..the pregnancy..” you started. “Mhm.” He nodded. “I found out on January 25th, I wasn’t feeling the best for a while and I couldn’t handle the discomfort anymore so I went to the hospital with my mom. The doctor asked me the basic sex questions and tested my urine. My mom came into the room when I was told the news and I was basically disowned.” You sighed and leaned back against the wall.
You hugged your knees to your chest. He could already feel the shame you must have felt in his chest. “I had to walk to the pharmacy in my school uniform to get to prenatales since my mom told me to walk home. When I finally arrived home, my room was trashed and they were asking if you happened to be the dad. I told them no. He even threatened to kick me out and I told him I didn’t know so I was kicked out and I left. I spent the night at Hana’s and the next day I resigned as the team’s manager, and gathered all my papers to transfer.” You said and he rubbed his face and sighed.
His birthday.
You found out on his birthday.
He patiently listened and asked a few questions here or there and before you knew it you barley heard the faint foot steps and the door bursting open. You both turned to see your guy’s kids standing there. “See I told you they were talking.” Akira mumbled. “Aunt Hana said something about them making out.” Rini huffed.
“She said making up not out! Are you an idiot or an idiot?!” Akira said slightly frustratedly. “I’m older than you, don’t call me an idiot.” He said and shoved her. Before you could scold your son, you saw Akira’s whole demeanor change and you knew Rini was fucked. “How many times has mom said to stop shoving girls and pushing women! If you keep at it than you’re going to be a bad husband to your future wife someday you stupid Rabbit!” She yelled as she tackled him and began smacking him around. “Get off me you nerd!” He yelled and you quickly pulled Akira away.
Rini began crying and Akira did too and you sighed and turned to Suna.
“Welcome to parenthood.”
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Idk if this is allowed but like a sub Hermione and a dominant gf is what gives me air
this is most definitely 😈 allowed😈
welcome to the dark side then
Hermione gives me major brat vibes let me tell you
obviously we know she's not afraid of using her voice to get what she wants or put someone in their place 
it’s no different in the bedroom
she has a bit of an attitude especially if she is frustrated 
but other than that as a sub Hermione is eager to please
aw she's so cute
she’s really good at oral
like really good 
would absolutely LOVE to make you feel good
such an over achiever 🥺
you know she loves rules so there would be quite a few 
she loves to follow the rules cuz then you’d tell her how good she was being and it would immediately go straight in-between her legs
l i s t e n
major praise kink
i feel like everyone just assumes that Hermione would be the dom 
and you don't argue 
but we all know the truth 
she likes her hair being pulled 
10/10 would get herself off on your thigh
“I just don’t know how I’m going to remember all this information for NEWTS.” she huffed plopping the book down on the table and sitting next to you. 
“Cmon, Mione, I know you can.”
“I can't.”
“I thought we agreed good girls don't say that they can’t do something.”
she’d freeze before smirking to herself
“maybe there's a way...”
study sessions most definitely turn into snogging sessions
Hermione in sub space is very floaty and she mumbles out the most random things and just wants to be touched or touch you
ok after doing the deeeeeeed hehe
so you’d find out pretty quickly that Hermione’s preferred form of aftercare was really just holding her and telling her how great she did.
hermione is also very kissy during this time 
kisses everywhere 
she spends so much time taking care of everyone else sub space lets her be the one getting taken care of and she just really loves it 
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lumos-solemn · 3 years
Potty & Wheezy
Summary : Harry Potter has kissed Ginny Weasley, the sister of his best friend and when the rumors spread about Harry Potter kissing a Weasley, People couldn't help but wonder how did they not see that coming considering Harry Potter always hang out with Ronald Weasley. {Hinny}
Before your Read : This drabble is set in an alternate universe where Harry is just a normal teenage wizard who is friends with Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger and is doing his sixth year at Hogwarts. He is neither the boy who loved nor the chosen one.
"Ha..Harrryy...!!", Ginny's hoarse voice ringed in Harry's ears as he trailed down her neck peppering soft kisses there.
"Hmm..", He hummed in response as he stood straight and caught her lips again before pulling her more into him if that was possible. Gosh, She missed her! With Ron hanging out with him all the time, They scarcely had some time to spent alone. All those quick pecks he received when he is alone for a second didn't do any good on him.
"Haa..rry..Stopp..", Ginny pulled away as Harry groaned. She looked at him and saw his eyes full of desire and felt guilty.
"I have to leave..!!", She spoke as if getting angry on herself.
"What? Why..?", He asked frustration clearly visible on his face but still holding her tightly in his arms. "Ron won't be back any time soon. And Hermione's in library."
"No..!!I have to study. Its O.W.L.S. Hermione has arranged a time table for me and I am supposed to see her right now!", She sighed.
Harry was really getting angry now. They scarcely spent time together since he asked her out during the first weeks of his 6th year. Since, James and Lily had to go for a secret mission, Harry spent most of his summer in the burrow and kind of developed an odd friendship with Ginny especially because of her Quidditch skills. Not that, they weren't friends before. But his feelings for her were entirely elder brotherly till that summer. He always saw her as his best friend's little sister. But as she started spenting more time with him by playing Quidditch, he couldn't help but notice how his heart beated faster when she is near or how he felt goosebumps when she smiles at him. After so many negotiations about considering his feelings, He finally found nerve to ask her out when they got an alone time.
"We hardly get to spent time together! You cannot do this when we finally find some time alone.", He tried to keep his anger in control not ready to ruin the moment.
"We would have if you just found the nerve to tell my stupid brother about us!", Ginny spat back. It was clear she was frustrated too. He wanted to tell Ron but he was afraid of risking their friendship.
"After seeing his reaction when you were dating Michael? I don't think so!", Harry spoke.
Ginny sighed, "Its different. Ron never liked him. But you! You are is best mate-"
"And how will he feel when he finds out his best mate has been snogging his sister all this while behind his back?", He asked.
"So you are never going to tell him that? We have to do this for our whole lifetime?", Ginny didn't even try to hide her anger. Harry knew Ginny's temper well enough to know that it is not to meddle with.
"No..No..I will..I will tell him tomorrow. Okay?", He asked softly and saw Ginny smiling at him too.
"Anyhow, I have to leave now Harry! Hermione must be waiting for me.", She spoke sadness definitely visible on her voice.
Harry nodded and she turned to give him one last kiss before leaving. The moment her lips touched his, Harry felt the world spinning. It was always like this. She can make him go wild just with a small kiss and he didn't complain.
"Potty and Wheezy...!!Ehhee..Kissie Kissie...!!", They jumped apart hearing the voice and found Peeves hovering above them with a smug expression.
"PEEVES...!!!!", Harry never felt more hatred towards Peeves than now. Why does everyone want to ruin his moment?
"Harry, I am leaving!", Ginny said and he saw her leave with a swish of her hair before adjusting her dress one last time. Harry let his shoulder fell and walked towards his common room. He saw Peeves zooming out muttering something which he didn't bother to listen. Ron wouldn't be back from his detention. And Hermione must be waiting for Ginny in the library. Sulking he approached the fat lady, "Balderdash!", He said and she swung open.
He walked into the room and saw, to his amusement, Hermione sitting on her usual spot with some parchments in her hand.
"Hermione?", Harry called her out and she looked up from the parchment. He was about to ask about Ginny when he suddenly remembered he shouldn't be so stopped himself and fell on the chair near her.
"Where have you been Harry?", She asked.
Harry looked at her, trying to find a convincing lie, "Huh..? Ahmm..Just taking a stroll. Nothing!", He tried to lie. Though she seemed not really satisfied, she asked, "Have you seen Ginny? I asked her to come so that so that we can study. Her O.W.L.S are nearing!",
"No..No..She must be in the library then if you asked her to come for studying!", He tried to sound innocent and it seemed Hermione took his suggestion.
"Right! Okay Harry. See you later.", She stood up taking the parchments and left.
Harry was sitting alone there. He saw some of his classmates and a few other students sitting there completing homework and chatting. Harry too took his essays thinking of completing it but nothing came into his mind except him kissing Ginny in a lone place with no one to disturb. So, He put away his essays and decided to go to bed though it is a little early. Also, he have to find a way to tell Ron about him the next day.
The sun was bright and Harry struggled to open his eyes as the sunlight peeped into the room. It is Sunday and they had no classes. Harry's hand travelled to his bedside table to find his glasses and put it on. He finally managed to sit straight and saw Ron already sitting looking like just woke up.
"Gummong..!", Harry muttered yawning and stretching himself.
"Good Morning!", Ron said back.
"How did the detention go?", He asked remembering the previous day.
"Couldn't be worse!", Ron said sulking.
"Why? What happened?"
"I had to arrange old stacks of files with Filch Harry! How can that possibly go fine?"
Harry fought back a grin seeing his expression and got out of the bed followed by Ron.
When they reached the great hall, There was a whole lot of murmuring. People were looking at them and was giggling. Ron and Harry exchanged some glances and shrugged not having any idea what was going on. They settled themselves on the Gryffindor table when they saw Hermione coming towards them. She finally took a seat beside Ron and smiled brightly at them.
"Is there any new matter going on?", She asked observing their surroundings and seeing people murmur about it.
Ron shrugged helping himself with some toast and Harry spoke, "No idea! It must be some really good one seeing People murmur like this."
Hermione nodded and then she looked again, "Harry! I think it has something to do with us. They are looking at us and giggling!", She pointed out and when Harry and Ron looked around, they couldn't help but feel a little conscious about themselves.
"Buthwatvedn", Ron spoke, his mouth full of food and when Hermione looked at him pointly, he gulped it hard and spoke, "But what have we done?"
"I don't know! There must be something!"
Harry saw Ginny moving past them and saw her giving him a mischievous smile which confused him more. He saw her taking a seat a little away from them and Luna accompanied her.
They saw Dean and Seamus coming to them with a smug expression and plopped themself beside them. "Congragulations..!!", They said looking at him and Ron and both gave a confused smile at them.
"I have always wondered this possiblity but was never sure!", Dean said and looked at Harry mischievously.
"We are so happy for you Bro! But try to keep things low, you know..we are sharing the dormitory too!", Seamus spoke sniggering.
Both Harry and Ron shared a look! Hermione looked between them and then her eyes suddenly widened as she clasped a hand to her mouth.
Harry looked at her, "What? What's going on?", He said looking at them.
"What do you mean to keep it low?", Ron asked following Harry.
"Harry? Ron? Is it..is it true?", Hermione asked them quietly choosing the words cautiously.
Harry was going frustrated, "What is true? What's going on?"
"You and Ron?", Hermione spoke after a while looking at him and Ron.
"Me and Harry what?", Ron asked who is clearly offended by People's behaviour.
"Uhm.....You..both.. dating?", Hermione asked.
It took some time for Harry and Ron to sink in what she was saying and the moment it did, Both broke into laughter much into the confusion of the other three.
"Me and Ron?", Harry asked in between laughter.
"Seriously?", Ron asked following him.
"Who put that idea into your head?", Harry asked.
"Some fifth year Ravenclaw told me. You guys were kissing yesterday!", Dean said and Harry who was drinking water splattered the whole water into his plate.
"What?", He asked looking at them.
"Well, I heard something like that when I was going to library last night. Peeves were shouting something like Potty and Wheezy kissie and all. I thought I misheard it then.", She said looking between them.
Harry had an idea what is going on and tried to find a convincing lie but his mind was blank.
"So you guys were not?", Seamus asked looking at them.
"No...!! Its rubbish. I was at detention with Filch yesterday. How can I kiss Harry?", Ron asked.
"So the whole students are thinking we both are a couple now?", Harry asked.
"Yeah, It seems so!", Dean shrugged.
"But..But why did you think like that? Me and Harry? Have you lot lost your senses?"
"Well, You cannot blame them for that!", Seamus said.
"What do you mean?", Harry asked.
"Hmm..You and Ron were best friends since first year. You both are always together. You won't let anyone say bad about each other. So...You know?", Dean shrugged!
"What? But Hermione's also always with us. Why did she not in this?", Ron asked.
"Who said she is not in there? You three are always a piece of gossip in this school, mate!", Seamus chuckled. "Its just that you guys don't know it!"
Harry and Ron looked at each other and then at Hermione who was thinking something so hard! "Hermione?", Ron called her out.
"Where are you?", Harry asked.
"Huh? Nothing..I was just wondering if Harry and Ron weren't kissing"- Ron snorted- "then Why would Peeves say like that?", She asked and Harry's face went white as ghost. This is it. There's no escape. Hermione will find out now and soon will Ron. He felt his throat damaged. Hermione looked at Harry and maybe seeing his face like that, her eyes widened and she clasped her hand to her mouth looking at him.
Ron looked between them and then suddenly his expression changed as if someone dropped a bomb on his head. Harry looked at Ron trying to make an apologetic face but Ron was sitting still.
"Ron?", Harry called out somehow managing to find his voice. Maybe sensing it, Ginny came towards them and sat beside Harry. Ron's eyes travelled from Harry to Ginny. Dean and Seamus, who only grasped the thing now, looked at them wide eyed. Through the corner of his eyes, Harry saw Hermione sitting shocked looking at him and Ginny, her hand still clutched over her mouth.
"Ron..?", Harry called him out once more hoping to receive at least a groan but he was still looking at them as if calculating something in his mind so hard.
"Oh..Come off it Ron. I am old enough to decide my boyfriends!", Ginny intervened fed up of the drama and that finally knocked some sense into him as he spoke, "Since when?", He asked looking at Harry. Hermione was looking with fear now.
"Start of the term..", Harry answered. "But I can explain! I tried to think of every possiblity in which I can stop myself from looking her in that way and there were many, one of it, she being your sister but I couldn't. I really like her. I was going to tell you this today. I had no idea this will turn this way!", Harry tried to explain.
"Ron, You can't possibly blame Harry or me. And also you can't find any problem with this. He is your best mate!", Ginny tried to reason.
"But I didn't say anything!", Ron said his lips slowly twitching into a smile. Harry looked at him confused but suddenly heard a loud gasp and saw Hermione has finally removed her hand from her mouth and is beaming gleefully.
"That's alright Mate..!I kind of saw this coming!! But not this soon though!", He smiled.
"What?", Ginny asked in disbelief. "So, You are not gonna point out the different scenarios in which this can turn bad?"
Ron looked at her incredulously, "No..Hey! Harry is my best mate! Why should I say those?"
"So why did you behave like that?", Harry asked not being able to contain his smile.
Ron smirked, "Nothing gives you more pleasure than taking the Mickey out of your friend!"
Harry laughed and turned to Hermione who was literally jumping out of her seat and he couldn't help but chuckle at her, "Ooh..This is so exciting..!!", She said as she hugged Ginny.
"Congrats Harry!", Seamus said followed by Dean.
"Gotta go! But must say, You and Ron would have made a great couple though!", Dean winked at them and left leaving Ron and Harry looking at each other before bursting into laughter.
"Ron, What did you mean you saw this coming?", Ginny asked in between and Harry too looked at Ron curiously.
"Well, For the starter, You couldn't take off your eyes off my sister due to which you received 2 bludgers back to back during our practice!", Ron said and Harry felt himself going red while the others laughed off.
"Aww...!", Ginny said before kissing Harry softly.
"Whoa..whoa..!!", Ron's voice broke them apart. "I am alright with this and all okay? But not before me!"
Harry chuckled as he raised his eyebrows enquiringly at him. "How will you feel if I kissed Hermione in front of you? Huh?", Ron asked making Hermione go pink.
"Well, I don't mind you kissing Hermione which I think you should've done long before but yeah, not before me!", Harry winked at both of them and stood up before running taking Ginny's hand leaving a stunned Ron and Hermione. Both determined not to look at each other!
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Pairing: Unknown x CMC Uyu (hey 2 ‘U’s 💗)
This lil piece was written for @official-rfa ‘s request for some Unknown lap kissies, which I just had to do because that is already such a solid chunk of my brainrot
It’s still the 25th for me TT my time zone is just wacky and behind so I promise this addition is on time! I apologize for portions where my writing abilities fall through as it’s late and I’m falling asleep while writing jfjfjd
Unknown was the type of man Uyu could easily say she’d never let herself care for, let alone fall for, at least initially.
It wasn’t that she found his looks unappealing, being as gaunt and lacking in strength as he was, unlike the conventional standard most held for a man. It also wasn’t because of a lack of intelligence or his style of dress, nor was it necessarily about personality.
It was simply because he was nothing more than her kidnapper day one, which to those with sanity, does not equal the perfect spark for a new relationship.
Letting the ‘Stockholm syndrome’ take over took its time, but eventually it won that battle over her screaming consciousness.
To her, Unknown is undeniably dangerously attractive. He’s as alluring as the cheesy myth of a beautiful vampire: tempting. Tempting you to join him and leave your world far behind you to live in his paradise for all eternity. And well, with the way he lets himself live, he may as well be a member of the undead.
Those mint eyes are the secret to his trance, a shivery coolness washing over her second she feels them lurking. When they capture hers, that’s when she’s done for, swallowing what feels like her entire heart caught in her throat.
And that’s not even mentioning the touches.
Uyu knows he does it all more frequently now to have his fun provoking a reaction, feeling cocky enough to test her now that she won’t get violent and swat him away. It can be something as simple as brushing her hair away to expose one side of her neck, and then lightly putting his fingertips to it, tracing up and down.
His hands are always cold without fail, but when one simply does as much as caress her cheek, she knows her body temperature is the perfect contrast to his.
He has her caught right where he wants her, but in some ways, she’s got him too. She’s not blind to his reactions when her warm hands massage his aching shoulders or fiddle with his coarse hair, feeling him lean into the sensation and soon expect more doting. The secret to getting “back at him” is affection he doesn’t ask for, being quite obviously touch starved.
Unknown, who very much like herself was so closed off at first, has grown used to a new presence in the dismal work room. That tiny woman’s existence now fills up the silence which previously engulfed his; from the sounds of her breathing, to her nagging, to her lips casually brushing against his skin for a soft peck. He rationalizes that Uyu is useful to him like this, since she can’t code worth a darn and refuses to, she can at least keep him going. As annoying as his assistant can be, forcing him to break from his many duties, he’ll admit he feels less lethargic now, although never aloud.
He’s survived on so little everything for so long, it’s irritating that she can’t understand him from her point of view, being so much weaker than he is. Quite frankly, with how strong he’s become in the powerful position he holds, he lets her get away with too much.
Almost daily, he’ll catch himself wondering why he does so.
She’s allowed to be so close to him, touching him and speaking to him without the same terror held in the lusterless eyes of the believers. Perhaps this is where the biggest shake up in his life lies, fear seeming to be the only thing those around him are capable of, unlike her. They all equally tremble in wake of the bark and bite of the savior’s guard dog.
Even now, as his lovely assistant rests in his lap, melatonin pouring from within her hands hard at work on getting out the knots in his back; she touches him with comfort and familiarity.
Uyu earlier shifted positions to sort of awkwardly wrap around facing him, head down resting on him to keep from blocking his vision of the monitor. In response to this, Unknown untensed and slumped forwards with his chin on her small shoulder, snaking his arms past her to type.
Dan understands she’s doing a decent job acting as his masseuse, not because he verbally praises her, but instead because when she finds a good spot, she’ll earn a gentle grunt from him.
Her ‘boss’ isn’t much for words, but actions and reactions make his truths readable. That is how she knows he likes it when she sits with him in the dead of night like this, even if she nods off doing so, which she’s already beginning to do.
If she can just get him to relax a bit more, perhaps dragging him to bed won’t be a challenge today.
She picked up her head and arms slightly, fingers finding their way to the back of his head to tangle in his locks and pet him with a soothing rhythm. She spoke in a whisper by his ear.
“Come now, let’s get some rest.”
No response.
Calling his “name” (which he still refused to tell her, thinking it was so cute that she’d refer to him by a silly unchanged username in the first place), earned a low grumble this time. He was actively ignoring her, as well as his need for rest, which just wouldn’t do.
If he wanted to play stubborn, so be it.
She moved in to bring herself down to his throat, this time calling for his attention in a hush he could warmly feel against his skin.
He shifted in his seat, but Uyu wouldn’t stop there. Next came a kiss to his sensitive skin, and then another, and another, trailing from his throat up to the side of his neck and back down momentarily to go over spots that made him shiver, including his collar bones.
She wasn’t stopping her game of testing and he wasn’t ending his silence, although he was stiffening up a lot. This man surely was damn headstrong.
The next brush of her lips came to his earlobe, then moving to string along his jawline, soft and delicate as butterfly wings fluttering on each part of his cool skin. This time she finally earned a flinch.
“Feeling a bit kissy now, are we?”
He pulled away a tad, ending the little contest by taking her cheeks in one hand with a small squish, forcing her to meet his eyes.
“If your goal is to wind me down or seduce me into falling asleep, it’s not working.”
He smirked witnessing the red tinge he brought to her face now giving her the time of day. Without fail, she could act confident until he stepped in to change that, and Unknown quite liked the feeling of control over situations it gave him.
“If this isn’t working, then what will?”
“Not teasing me, that’s for sure.”
She gave him a fake pout.
“So you’re telling me just go straight for the lips next time, then?”
“Next time?”
His gaze changed to linger on her lips as he released her cheeks.
“Correct the mistake now, doll. Then we’ll talk.”
And with that, Dan went red as a ripe strawberry on a sunny day, but no amount of stuttering and stammering would wipe away his smug look. Knowing her awkwardness, she’d just make a fool of herself trying to stay calm and collected.
With no room for arguments, she just captured his sugary tasting lips as he had asked within a pleasurable kiss, hoping the oxytocin would do the trick and knock him down a peg.
Their kiss was tender and long, him moving his hands down to hold her by the waist with her legs straddling him to his rolly office chair. He was the one to pull her in deeper, making it more intense as his round cheeks flushed up to his ears with a burning heat. It felt more natural to do now, their eyes both shut as they untensed and melted together. Uyu pressed into his chest to feel closer, winning an escaped muffled groan from him.
He felt tense at first, maybe not 100% expecting the collision to happen so immediately, solid before he warmed up like butter in a microwave. She too let out a soft “mm”, hands then working down his arms with a ticklish motion to fuss with the clasp of one of his spiked bracelets, removing it from his wrist. This made him pull away gently, catching his breath before speaking.
“And what are you doing now, princess?”
“Well you can’t sleep with that on, can you? It might poke you when you roll over in bed…and now that I’ve corrected my mishap, that’s exactly where I’m dragging you. You need to get some sleep.”
For now, Unknown will let his good little helper believe she’s in the clear for taunting him and pulling him away from his duties. For now.
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brokutosan · 4 years
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Title. Before The Snow Falls, I Would Love to See You
Pairing. Hinata Shouyou x Fem!Reader. Very slight mentions of Yamayachi!
Summary. In which after two years, he’s finally coming home.
Warnings. Manga spoilers up to chapter 379. Super short, but fluffy. Title is a line from ‘An Early Winter Letter’ by the Korean poet Kim Yong-taek.
Being in a relationship with Hinata Shouyou meant being in a relationship with his love for volleyball as well. But when that love led him to Brazil, on the other side of the world of all places, Y/N had nearly gone ballistic.
Working around his tight volleyball schedule in highschool was one thing, but having to accommodate to him being in a whole different country was a whole different matter all on its own! Making a relationship work was hard enough with the other at your side, but putting an ocean between that bond makes it that much more challenging. Besides, Hinata had only grown the balls to confess to her long after their highschool graduation. Meaning when Hinata left for Brazil, they’ve only been dating for a few weeks, maybe a month or two at best. Preparing to fly across the world three weeks into their relationship was a minor setback, Hinata once said.
Though Tsukishima argued that the mere fact that they were actually dating deserves a recognition all on its own. “Like two lovesick idiots that were too blind to notice their mutual feelings for three years,” He said. (Hinata hates how Yamaguchi and Kageyama wholeheartedly agreed, feeling betrayed by his own friends for never telling him his feeling were requited).
And the beanpole was correct. Hinata took too long to confess and he couldn’t find it in his heart to blame Y/N, who was probably just as clueless as him. Had he sucked up the balls to do it literally anytime in his highschool years, then maybe having a highschool sweetheart would have been another thing he could lord over Kageyama (he’s only half joking).
Though at the end of the day, Hinata still confessed and his feelings were returned, or even better, she pined after him all of highschool too! (“Yeah, that’s not something to be proud of.” Yachi told him with pure sympathy in her eyes the night Hinata told her he confessed). And despite thousands of miles between them, his relationship with Y/N is still far stronger than Kageyama’s relationship with his stupid milk cartons. (God, he really needs to help that guy get a girlfriend).
Anyways, emotional whirlwind and memories over dating his dream girl aside, Hinata is finally coming home! Two years of texts, calls, and the few handful of weekend visits led up to this moment when Hinata, in all his sun kissed glory, can finally properly announce his homecoming to all those he’s missed while living alone in Brazil.
His mom, Natsu, the Karasuno boys, even Kageyama and Tsukishima (those slimy bastards), Yachi, and most importantly, Y/N. No longer does he have to crave her presence during the lonely nights, tossing and turning until Pedro yells at him to go to sleep. No longer does he have to wish he could slip into his cellphone where the pictures of them together has helped him survive long days spent without her. No longer does he have to worry about crossing oceans to have her in his hold again, because he’s finally coming home.
Hinata lets his excitement get the best of him and sprints towards the airport exit, where, lo and behold, he spots her standing in the crowd. Granted it’s easier to spot her next to Yamaguchi, who’s about six feet tall. Oh, and also there’s that hideous poster in his hand, which looks like the work of a toddler. He tries not to let out a laugh as he approaches them.
“Shou!” Y/N screeches, momentarily dropping the bouquet of flowers in her hands as she bolts towards him. Hinata simply laughs as he lets go of his bags in order to catch her in his arms. In one fluid motion, he tightens his hold on her back, supporting her legs that are wrapped around his waist.
“I knew you couldn’t keep it cool.” Yamaguchi chuckles as he watches the event unfold. Y/N sticks out a tongue from over Hinata’s (much broader) shoulders as she tightens her hold on her boyfriend.
“You’re not allowed to leave me, ever.” She pouts. Hinata gushes while Yamaguchi cringes at the couple in front of him.
“Wouldn’t even dream of it.”
“Okay! Let’s get out of here, I’m starving!” Yamaguchi exclaims, clapping his hands together before reaching out for one of Hinata’s suitcases. “There’s this ramen place that recently opened up, and I can’t wait to try it! Oh, Hitoka-chan said she’ll meet us there!”
“Did he ever grow the balls to confess?” Hinata whispers to Y/N after setting her down. She shakes her head ‘no’ and adds, “No, he’s much worse than you.”
“I can still hear you two!”
“Woah, Hinata, you got so tanned!” Yachi says upon arriving at the table. She sets her bag down in front of her before taking a seat beside one blushing Yamaguchi. “You look good!”
Hinata says something that can’t be understood, mostly because his mouth is full of food. Y/N smacks his arm for being gross, Yamaguchi proceeds to wipe down everything that was in the ‘splash zone’ and Yachi laughs at her friends.
“Ew, say it don’t spray it, moron!” Y/N scolds, taking a napkin and wiping Hinata’s mouth. The scene reminds Yamaguchi of his little cousin.
“It’s a shame Tsukishima-kun and Kageyama couldn’t make it.” Yachi sighs, reminiscing her highschool days. “It’s fine, I’ll see those jerks eventually.” Hinata responds, this time with an empty mouth.
“Ah! Speaking of, mind giving this to that Four-Eyed-jerk face for me?” Hinata reaches for his backpack and pulls out something shockingly pink and equally sparkly. All three eyes turn to the horrid thing he’s holding up so proudly, a ‘Rio de Janeiro!’ shirt that looks like it straight up got shit out by a unicorn.
“I -” Yamaguchi speaks up first, reaching for the shirt with trembling hands.
Yachi is the first to snap out of her trance, and giggles out, “I’m surprised you didn’t get one for Kageyama.” Hinata’s response is a shit eating grin, all while reaching in his bag for a matching shirt, this time a shocking shade of red. “First thing I’m doing in Tokyo is recording his reaction.”
Y/N gives him an unamused look, somehow not surprised at her boyfriend’s childishness. Hinata turns to her with a familiar glint in his eyes. “Y/N! I got you one to-”
“I’m shipping your ass back to Brazil if you so as much take that thing out.” Hinata gulps, shoving his hands back in his bag and nods his head vigorously. Their two friends laugh from across the table, reminiscing about the very familiar scene in front of them.
“Nice to know some things never change.” Yamaguchi lets out a dreamy sigh. Yachi simply nods in agreement.
“By the way, what’s your plan Hinata? What team are you thinking of?” Hinata’s mouth is stuffed, but Y/N pinched his thigh before he could even think of talking with his mouth full again. He swallows everything in his mouth and answers, “The Jackals!”
“Is there a particular reason why? Oh! Is it ‘cus Bokuto-san’s playing there?” Yachi asks.
“Wait really?!” Hinata’s leaning over the table, a bewildered look in his eyes. “Oh man! I didn’t even know that! I was just gonna go ‘cus they’re the best team holding tryouts right now!”
The pair, Yamaguchi and Yachi, once again look at him out of disbelief. “Wait, why does that totally sound like something you’d do?!”
“Because it is.” Y/N answers, not as surprised as her friends since she’s heard him blabber about this for the past month leading up to this day. Still, it was nice to see him get so excited for something.
“Yeah - and I, being the perfect girlfriend that I am, even did research on all the V.League teams and made a powerpoint about their strengths and weaknesses. And then this idiot tells me he already had his mind set on the Jackals because they’re the only team holding tryouts within the same month he’s coming home.”
Hinata fiddles with his fingers a bit, before speaking up, “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that babe. If you told me beforehand I would’ve checked out your presentation!”
“Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise!” Yachi and Yamaguchi simply watch their friends with smiles on their faces.
“They’re totally forgetting we’re still here.”
The four friends finish their meal, heading out into the night and going their separate ways.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow! I’m gonna go walk Yachi home!” Yamaguchi calls out. Hinata has a cheeky grin on his face and Y/N is making kissy faces while connecting her hands into a heart. These idiots are perfect for each other, Yamaguchi thinks to himself.
The two immediately halt their motions when Yachi turns around to say her goodbyes, fake innocent smiles adorning their faces. “See ‘ya next time, Hitoka-chan!” Y/N smiles, sending one more wink at Yamaguchi’s direction for good measure. Her and Hinata laugh as he flips them off the moment Yachi turns the other way.
“Ah, young love. Remember when that was us?” Hinata muses like an old man. Y/N snorts in response, “Yeah, I remember pulling all my hair out wondering whether or not you liked me back!”
Hinata chuckles, reaching for her free hand. “I think it’s safe to say that you were worth the wait.” Y/N blushes as he brings her hand up to his lips, placing a light peck on the back of her hand. God, the things this guy can do to her.
“Yeah, yeah.” She mumbles, a soft smile on her face as she’s finally all alone with the man she’s been missing for the last two years.
“Shouyou.” She calls out. He stops in his tracks, looking at her with those beautiful brown eyes. He looks back at her beautiful form standing under the street lights, and wonders how in the world he got so lucky with her. He notices her eyes are a little teary, and before he can voice his worries, he’s interrupted by a,
“Welcome home.” The sentence is simple enough, yet conveys so much emotion he just knew she’s been holding in this whole night. With his other hand, he cups her face and wipes away a stray tear with his thumb.
“I’m finally home.”
A/N. Another reupload! Originally meant to be a contribution to Hinata’s birthday, but either way, I love him. - chuu
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deadlyaffairs · 4 years
After You Left [8]
previous //
Dad!Tom AU
Summary: y/n finds out she’s pregnant, but she and Tom get into an argument about moving to America. 3 years pass and Tom finally comes home where he finds out his parents and ex-girlfriend have been keeping a secret from him.
a/n: This series isn’t discontinued or on hiatus, I just suck at updating. I do apologize but college sucks plus I have really bad coping mechanisms for life and problems. 
Word Count: 1.3k
 Tom felt his throat begin to swell up as panic rose throughout his body, his heart felt like it was beating a hundred miles per second. Ben was patiently awaiting an answer looking right up at him and Tom swore that there must have been a spotlight on him at that moment. 
“I can- Uh Yeah I can hold you.” Tom finally answers, his insides mushing together. He let out a small breath of air as Ben smiled and scooted to the side, making room for Tom. 
A smile made its way across Tom’s features as Ben held an innocent look, his tiny hand patting the empty space gesturing Tom to take it so Ben could easily crawl into Tom.
y/n watched as Tom almost turtle-like made his way onto the hospital bed, it looks as if Tom was trying not to frighten the boy. She knew she should not have felt a pang of jealousy course through her, but skin-to-skin was her favorite thing after Ben was born. However, she pushed aside the feeling since the overall feeling of glee was stronger. 
“I’ll get a nurse in here as soon as possible for the test.” The Doctor cuts in as he makes his getaway. 
y/n catches Tom’s eyes as she turns back to look at the two in the bed. Tom wants to call her over to take Ben’s now vacant spot beside him, but he feels like that could be too much. 
“Mama... Peppa, please?” Ben asks as he made himself comfortable on Tom’s lap. Ben turns to look up at Tom. “You hold me, member?” his head leaning into Tom’s chest
Tom laughs a little, “Sorry bud.” Tom places his arm loosely around Ben, an odd sensation at first. Ben is tiny but skin soft and warm. 
“Yes or no?” Ben asks and y/n sighs. 
“Ok baby, only until the Doctor comes back alright? Then you have to say goodbye to Peppa.” 
Ben pouts but, nods his head ultimately agreeing. A young nurse walked in shortly after and smiled at the three. “Hi, there I’m here to see Benjamin Thomas Holland?” 
Tom glanced at y/n who stared straight ahead, avoiding his gaze. “I think that’s for you bud,” Tom says gently, Ben tucks himself into Tom his eyes glazing over as tears filled his eyes.  “I got you. I promise.” Tom whispers and squeezes Ben to reassure. 
The nurse smiles and leans forward. y/n watches suddenly aware of just how close she has become to Tom and her child. Their child... From where she stands she moves to sit on the bed next to Tom. 
Tom tries to hide the small grin but looks at the nurse. “Where are you going to- um you know.” 
“Just his arm, painless really. May hurt you two more than it does him.” She says trying to ease some of the tension. She rolls Ben’s sleeve up and wipes his skin where she’s going to place the needle to take some blood. “We never need too much from children, and since we’re fairly certain this is just common flu-” she drones on distracting the three of them as she sticks the needle in, retracting blood, removing it all before she finishes. “We don’t want to cause too much distress.” 
Ben winces but does not react other than that. Tom let out a breath of air he had not realized he was holding and y/n nods listening, knowing all too well how these procedures work in order to keep children from throwing tantrums mid-shot. 
“And we’re all done, you’re a real trooper Benjamin. I’ll be sure to let the Doctor know what a great job you did letting us take care of you.” She smiles as she packs everything before walking out. 
y/n grabs Ben’s hand “Was that scary?” 
Ben shakes his head, and y/n smiles pressing a kiss to the top of his head before taking her phone out and letting him grab it. She leans back and looks at Tom. “I’m really sorry about... everything and I’m really happy you decided to come even though you said-” 
Tom shakes his head, “I’m scared, I’m really scared.” y/n nods and looks down. knowing he was deadlocked on what he said. 
“Give him a chance.” 
It’s a plea, gentle and low but loud enough that Tom feels it in his chest. 
Days have gone by and it seemed like everything was back to normal. Ben was beginning to feel better, things at the flower shop were breezing by and y/n was ahead of her assignments. 
It was refreshing, to say the least. It really had only been a couple of days or close to two weeks that the whole Tom coming back and revealing Ben to the people she had kept in the dark for so long. 
“Hey... you doing ok mama?” Serena asked putting the broom away. 
y/n nods but sighs, “I don’t know why I even asked him. Why I even called him, I mean I do, but I hate myself for it.” 
Serena shook her head “But you shouldn’t, look you helped me through my whole relationship with Damien and I’m going to tell you what you told me. You’re going to feel how you’re going to feel about it and you shouldn’t hate yourself for still caring about him. Accepting that you still love him but can’t be with him is going to help you get over him.” 
“I hate when you use my words against me.” 
They share a laugh before Serena sighs and places her hand atop y/n’s, looking her straight in the eyes. “I don’t want to give you false hope... but who says you can’t?” 
“You did just now.” y/n jokes 
Serena tilts her head with a raised brow, “y/n... really. Why are you so hellbent on it. It’s clear that there are unresolved feelings there, not just on your part. He came to the shop and then the hospital? Maybe he’s not ready to be a dad today or tomorrow but that doesn’t mean he won’t ever be.” 
“Rena... the walls I’m building aren’t to protect me...” 
It’s silent for a beat, only a beat before Serena speaks up “You can’t protect Ben from this. He needs a mom and a dad.” 
“Who says I can’t be both?” 
“No one is saying that you’ve done so well by yourself. But he has the chance to have it, don’t you want to give him that?” 
“Of course I do.” 
“Then what’s a little pain.” 
The conversation with Serena really left y/n in a bigger turmoil than before. She knew that there were points made but it didn’t stop her own fear. She glanced back at the living-room where Ben had built a fort and was in his own little world, so innocent to what is going on around him. 
“Bedtime baby.” 
“No mama I’m not tired.” 
“But you need to sleep before school, don’t you want to see your friends?”
“I miss Nan.” 
“We can see her after school tomorrow.” 
Ben is quiet for a bit before he comes out of the fort, he’s holding his box of toys that carry a variety.” 
“You say goodnight to them?” 
He sets the box on the ground before taking off in the direction of his bedroom. Suddenly very eager. y/n giggles and follows after him. When she reaches the doorway he’s pushing the button on his nightlight. “Otay, night mama.” He says as he crawls into bed. He touches his mouth as he makes a kissy face. 
“Goodnight baby.” y/n leans down and kisses his lips, nose, and forehead. She stands and turns the light off, she stays there for a moment as she watches him look up at the ceiling catching the night lights shades of different shapes. 
Once she enters her bedroom, she changes into more comfortable clothing. She bites her bottom lip as she glances at her phone. There are no notifications and she wasn’t expecting any, however, she could feel her pulse spike at the idea she was having. 
She unlocked it and opened messages, her fingers began to type out a message, and before she could really even think about it she pressed send.  
sent 9:43PM 
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The names with lines through them aren’t letting me tag you! Also please let me know if you’ve asked to be on the taglist but aren’t! Thanks for reading! And just to let ya know to give me feedback even if it is grammar checks gives me the motivation to do better in future parts!
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Welcome to the Universe (Jammy) - The Final Chapter:  “The end of the beginning”
We hope this piece gives a little deserved closure to our beloved Jammy and where they are now. Sammy has a few surprises in store, familiar faces and old friends paying a visit! Thanks for reading and all the support. x T&C 
**Welcome to the Universe
Epilogue:  “The end of the beginning”**
“Dear Diary, where to begin? 10 years ago I was given the unique opportunity to work with a talented band and travel the world. How can I put into words all the experiences and emotions I've gathered through the years? I've started this journey with you all on April 9th 2010 when I was 25 years old, I was engaged at the time, with a long-term vision of the life path I was supposed to follow. Until a certain rock band crossed my path and, changed my entire life for the better.
During my life on the road I love meeting up with each and every one of you. I was embraced right from the start, welcomed straight into the warm yet crazy dysfunctional family also known as The Echelon. I'm forever grateful for all you have done for me and how you entrust me with your stories, now it’s our time to give you a rare insight in ours. It’s been a while since our last interaction, and a lot has happened. Life is not what you expect, it’s made up of the most unexpected twists and turns.
April, 2011 Cussing underneath my breath I slam through the doors leading into the venue’s foyer, crowded with fans still buzzing on their concert high. Hitting speed dial again I bring my phone to my ear while making my way across the venue.  Rounding the corner I smack into a fan at high speed, making us both bounce back. Picking up her bag, her piercing blue eyes meet mine, midnight black hair pulled back into a pony tail “oh god, I’m so sorry” I exclaim “It’s okay” she assures me with a smile. “Nice tattoo!” I say pointing out the Mithra tattoo on her upper left arm, peeking from underneath her slipped cardigan. “Thanks” a cramped smile forms her plum tinted lips while shrugging her cardigan back on her shoulders. Continuing my sprint I can’t help but ponder she looks familiar. “I’m sorry I’m late” I gush out of breath breaking through the doors finally reaching their dressing room. Shannon throws a bottle of water my way which I eagerly accept and take a big gulp. “Can’t believe you haven’t broken an ankle wearing those killer heels around the arena.” Tomo laughs. Tugging the hem of my shirt dress I fake a bow. “We need to get to the meet and Greet” I point out matter of factly “You’re actually late” Jared eyes me as it trails from my lips “Isn’t that going to be your fault?” Pulling up a brow I hurl the water bottle back at Shannon who’s started laughing at the remark. Throwing me a kissy face Jared passes me with a slap on the ass. “Instead of throwing a fit, we should go, we don’t want to be even more late.” “Oh you-” slapping him across the back I roll my eyes and lead them to the meet and greet lodge. Luckily the fans were still all excited to meet the guys despite the delay. Shannon instantly turned into a goof spreading himself out on the floor while Jared started telling tales. Since time was cut shorter they quickly start their picture moment. I smile noticing the little boy that caught one of Shannon’s drumsticks. “Oh seems like you’re taking home a treasure from this gig” blushing he nods his head “Can I take a picture of you holding it out in victory?” glancing up in excitement he seeks approval of his father. “Sure” the young man squeezes the kids shoulder and I quickly snap his picture as it soon is his turn to have his picture taken with the guys. Obviously Shannon notices he’s caught one of his sticks and picks the boy up planting him up on his shoulders striking a triumph pose. I laugh at the display and shake my head. Jared high fives the boy and watches as he jolts to his father beaming with joy. As his eyes cross those of his father I notice Jared tense up, looking startled. His gaze wonders to Shannon next to him, who’s busy admiring a trinity skull seal tattoo on a girl’s neck. It takes a split second and he composes himself quickly. When the meet and greet is over Jared slips from the room immediately “Jared” I walk after him but he keeps on walking “Hey” grabbing his arm he stops and looks at me “What is going on? Earlier you looked like you’d seen a ghost?” wiping his brow he sighs deeply “I’m sorry Sammy, I’ve got some unfinished business I need to attend, I won’t be long.” Sucking my lower lip between his he kisses me short but deeply. “be back soon.” And without further explanation he marches off. Deciding to skip the party for one of the crew’s birthday I head to the busses and start my draft for tonight’s entry for the tour diary. “I can’t believe you kept this from me. From us.” Jared’s voice is tense as I hear the bus door open. I hear him fling his phone across the bus and hiss a curse. “Jared?” startled he turns around, obviously not having expected someone to be on the bus. “Is everything alright?” I arch a brow as he pulls me close. A deep groan escaping his lips. Lacing my arms around his waist he captures my lips in a wet and greedy kiss. "yes, knowing we’re alone on this bus, everything seems perfect" he grins, extracting a soft giggle from my lips as his hands slip underneath my oversized shirt dress cupping and squeezes my ass.  Tangling his fingers through my messy locks I chuckle resting my hands on his damp chest. Scrunching his nose his fingers start unbuttoning the shirt to cup my boobs firmly while stealing a kiss. “Let’s take advantage of this alone time" smacking my ass once more he pulls away and hurls me over his shoulder stalking me upstairs.
I nervously twirl my lanyard between my fingers making Shannon laugh while I walk off the stage. “Such a fangirl” he nudges my arm with a grin as I  just announced ‘Best Female’ at the MTV Video music awards. “I think I’m gonna be sick” I mumble turning around holding my hand against my mouth as I dry heave “You’re adorable, shouldn’t have had those dumplings before the show!” he laughs handing me his water bottle for a sip. As the next performer is announced we head to the side of the stage. “I’m very curious about this act, apparently there’s a mystery guest.” Shannon comes to stand next to me crossing his arms and huffs “Eminem is legendary, he doesn’t need a guest.” he says as the light dims and the venue goes dark. A white beam illuminates a piano, sat at it a busty blonde wearing a sparkling silver and black leather bodysuit with plunging neckline, fishnet stockings and leather knee-high stilettos. * ‘On the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright. Then this thing turned out so evil - I don't know why I'm still surprised’ Finishing the first verse she pauses for a minute ‘Even angels have their wicked schemes, And you take that to new extremes. But you'll always be my hero, even though you've lost your mind.” Whipping her blonde locks from her face she gets up from the piano and walks across the stage. It is then that I recognize her tattoo’s, more precisely the Mithra one on her upper arm. “hey I think she was at a gig” I mumble enthusiastic turning to Shannon who’s gone pale observing the scene in front of him. * “Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, well that's alright because I like the way it hurts” “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Shannon curses under a breath. “Did you know about this!?” he asks with a fixed stare. “Know what?” I ask confused pulling my vibrating phone from my pocket, taking note of Jared’s name and answer it backing away to a quieter spot while the song erupts as Eminem joins her on stage. * ‘Hush baby, speak softly, tell me I'll be sorry. - That you pushed me into the coffee table last night,So I can push you off me - Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me’ “Is Shannon with you?” his voice is tense and edged “Yes, why?” as the song peaks its finale and the arena falls dark. Shannon stalks over to me and without any explanation yanks my all access badge from the back pocket of my blazer dress “What the fuck Shannon” I sneer at him grasping hold of his arm but he shrugs out of my grip. “Sammy. Don’t.” he hisses, eyes blazing like I’ve never seen them before. Ending my call to Jared without explanation I run a hand through my hair and stalk after Shannon through the catacombs of the venue. Finding him stood in front of a backstage dressing room he looks lost, hurt and most of all confused. Drawing in a deep breath I compose myself, steadying myself with the palm of my hand against the door and hold my finger out at Shannon who turns to me. After a few seconds and without granting him a word I slap him hard across the cheek, yanking my lanyard from his hand. “Shannon what the fuck.” I demand an explanation. Right in that moment the door opens and a young guy stares me right in the face, the look in his eyes reading like a deer caught in headlights as his eyes fall upon Shannon. I remember him, long blonde locks tousled into a messy man bun, two impressive full sleeves across his muscled arms. He was at the meet and greet a few weeks back. Behind him the girl that just took the stage sat on the couch, holding her head in her hands.  “Kristie.” Shannon breathes, his voice broken. Her head shoots up hearing her name, teary eyes connecting with his. Pulling the blonde wig from her head she reveals her dark locks. The young guy places his palm against Shannon’s chest “Can we talk for a minute?” Shannon huffs eying him, not impressed as he pushes past him. Kristie sighs “Alec, it’s okay.” I stumble a little to the left as an energetic boy runs past me towards her. “Mommy don’t cry, you were amazing!” Jumping onto her lap the boy smothers her with kisses and wipes her tears. She smiles and runs her hand through his hair “Oh my number one fan!” Planting a kiss on his lips she motions Alec who in responds takes the little boy’s hand and moves outside to watch the live feed. “You fucking ghosted me Kristie” Shannon walks over to her looking defeated “I know- i’m sorry” she sighs deeply standing up, a painful look on her face “Sorry!? Thats all you’ve got to say?” grabbing her arm firmly he shakes her and pushes her against the wall “SHANNON.” I bark at him marching over and push him off her. I never encountered this side of him before and to be honest, it scared me a little. She sighs deeply burying her face in her hands “What did you expect Shannon?” her voice is but a whisper as she wipes her tears and sits down on the couch. “The night we had our fight, I hated you, I hated myself, I… I was ready to take my own life.” She takes a gulp from her bottle of water. Shannon sighs, uncomfortably fidgeting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Kristie I regret every word I said that night. I...” he shakes his head. She looks up, regret touching her eyes as they meet his. “This thing we had, it was unhealthy, it was violent, abusive, sex-driven...”she falls silent and a soft laugh escapes her lips as she rolls her eyes “We fucking loved it, shit , there’s even proof of that.” My eyes grow wide as realization sinks in, the kinky tape. It’s her.  “Shannon, I don’t regret us… I regret what we became..” She shakes her head softly, her eyes closed and exhales a breath “But I don’t regret the decision I made after recovering from the overdose”  nervously she rubs the palms of her hands together and rethinks her words. “Our beautiful mistake, my biggest blessing” her eyes wonder up to find the little boy roaming the halls. It takes a split second for Shannon to register her confession as he goes pale. Jared bursts through the door, eyes scanning the situation in the room, a breath leaving his lips as his eyes land upon Kristie. Shannon looks broken and defeated and silence falls upon the room “You told me she lost the baby” he hisses at Jared. “I needed a stable and safe environment, not only for my sake but most importantly my child’s sake.” “Kristina why did you cut us out of your life, we could have h-” Jared asks but she interupts him “I’m not proud of my lies.” She shakes her head while Shannon paces around “I loved you Shannon. I still do…” Getting up from the couch she walks over to him, touching his shoulder “I’m sorry” A flash of anger washes over his face as he turns to face her. His composure tells me he’s doing all he can to hold himself together. “So why now then, after all those years? He’s five. You need a famous daddy to milk?” A sour smile touches her lips as she pops several pills to her lips and swallows them with a gulp. Crossing his arms Shannon cocks his head unapprovingly “I want to learn from my mistakes. I know we’ve both changed...” “And you’re forgetting to mention you’re sick.” Jared crosses his arms. “Ah yes, demons from my past have come to haunt me. I’m enjoying my little fucked up party for as long as I still can” She falls silent and shrug “I’ve got no one but myself to blame for this mess.” “Fuck Kris.” Shannon swallows hard “You should have told me sooner” She tilts her head tucking a strand of hair behind her ear “I know. Can we- can we start over? Learn from our mistakes? For our son’s sake? I know I’m asking a-lot and this is overwhelming... But he’s been asking questions about his father lately..” Shannon swallows hard as she touches his arm “Please, I’m not expecting nor demanding you to take up your responsibilities as a father. I just want him to get to know you.” cupping his cheek Kristie presses her lips soft yet passionate against his. Shannon gazes into her eyes with tears of his own and whispers an apology brushing his finger along her lower lip before pulling her in a tight embrace. “I’m sorry things when the way they did” he whispers and swallows hard as Alec walks in with the boy. Placing her finger on his lip she silences him. “Let’s look at the future now, the past is behind us. Let’s make better mistakes from now on.” He nods and she motions towards the boy. “Shannon, this is Ryder.” It is then that I match the little puzzle in my head. Alec and Ryder were at the meet and greet, Shannon had already met his son without even realizing it.  
There are two sides to every story and you need to hear both to know all the facts. We may not always agree or like what we discover. Some secrets are deep and sometimes they are filled with regret. Shannon’s relationship with Kara had to endure a few storms dealing with the revelation of his son and rekindling his relationship with Kristie on and off tour. He wanted to make up for his mistakes and rebuild the lost trust and their friendship, for the sake of their son. He voluntary filed a declaration of Paternity taking up his parental responsibilities. Kristie had started working an album independently, filled with powerful, painfully honest songs about toxic relationships, battling addiction, accepting herself and her demons. One night when Shannon invited Kristie over to talk about collaborating on one of her songs their passion reignited, triggering suppressed emotions, seeking solace, coping with intense grief over past and future. Their intimacy was intense, raw and emotional. They didnt regret their actions that night, but they agreed it would be the last time, focusing on a healthy, stable and amicable partnership in raising their son. His relationship with Kara crumbled under the pressure as she already battled her way through her own insecurities dealing with Kristie and Ryder.
When dating a 'celebrity', you never choose the public opinion that comes with it, and you’re never ready for it either. ‘Real love doesn't meet you at your best. It meets you in your mess.’, that quote sadly hits close to home. Jared guided me through my mess, my own battles. ‘Pain shapes a woman into a warrior' the quote traces my spine. Jared has never been a celebrity to me, I never had heard of Thirty seconds to mars nor him, till the day I signed on for the tour diary. I never intended to fall for the celebrity lead singer/actor. Working together 24/7 we established a friendship, that eventually blossomed and we developed a greater depth of love. It stands for the terror I went through experiencing domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking by the man I once loved. It reminds me of my fight for the truth, my fight for freedom and my fight for survival that nearly killed me and my unborn child.
May 8th, 2011 Intense lightning wakes me early in the morning, the sound of thunder growling and rain drizzling down the window breaks the silence of the night. It's 5 am. Reaching for my cellphone it buzzes in the palm of my hand "hey stranger" I smile at the screen. "good morning Samantha" Jared smiles "did I wake you?" I shake my head adjusting my pillow as I sit upright. "GOOD MORNING SAMMY!" the screen shakes and a very chipper Shannon appears on screen. "morning Shan" I chuckle adjusting my Cami top and pull the sheets a little higher. "even this early in the morning you look beautiful" he exclaims "oh you charmer" I chuckle rolling my eyes. "shan-give... Ugh.. Shan" I gaze at the screen amused as both brothers fight for the phone. "as much as I love facetiming with you both, I'm getting nauseas watching this." getting up from the bed I put on my robe and head downstairs into the kitchen. As a flash of lightening illuminates the entire room startling me, I nearly drop the phone out of my hands, much to both brothers amusement. "oh you know how I hate these kind of storms" I glare at the screen. "repeat after me Sammy 'fuck you thunder you can suck my di-'." "can she not repeat that?" Jared mutters and I laugh "thunder buddies" I wink at Shannon. Making myself a nice steaming cup of cocoa, I softly blow the hot substance in the cup before taking a sip. "is that.. hot cocoa?" Shannon throws me a very judging look. "you bet it is!" I grin "Home-made, I may add. With Belgian chocolate." Shannon grunts deeply, an unimpressed look on his face. "how. could. you" I giggle licking my lips after another sip. "mmm, so, soo good." "alright enough with the cocoa sex, Shannon can I talk to Samantha?" Jared snatches the phone from his brother. "hello again" I smile "can't wait to be home in a few hours" Jared smiles. "I hope your flight doesn't get cancelled" I sigh admiring the storm through the kitchen window. Jared shrugs "at the moment we're delayed for about an hour. I'll keep you updated." the video call lags and I sigh waiting for the video to stabilize. "So how's my girl doing?" "starting to regret that hot chocola-" a wave of nausea washes over me and I drop my phone on the counter, making a sprint for the bathroom. Dropping to my knees I heave above the toilet, pulling my hair back in a messy tail. Rinsing my mouth with mouthwash I pick my phone back up. The video lags as Jared puts his stuff in the trunk of their cab and ask me if I'm okay, wandering from the group. "Morning sickness" I smile annoyed. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and finally developing the cutest small bump. We've been able to keep it a secret, only Emma knows since I confided in her asking to buy me a test after the VMA’s, since I was too scared to get one myself. I eventually took the test a day after when we arrived in Chicago surprising Jared at the hotel with the news, having my test and a litte “hello daddy” romper placed on his pillow. I haven't joined the guys on tour for the past 3 weeks due to extreme morning sickness, they think I had the flu. Today is the big revelation, I'm picking Jared up at the airport when they return from Canada wearing a grey curve hugging dress emphasizing my small bump. He has only seen my early pregnancy bloat evolving to a bump in pictures. Today is the first time he's actually going to admire our little bump. It's not only a surprise to him, but the rest of the crew and Shannon are still unaware of the pregnancy. This afternoon my mom and Constance are coming over for lunch and we're going to surprise them with the pregnancy news! The storm passes quickly and while rain still trickles down, rays of sunshine seep through the clouds. Planning on leaving home an hour before his estimated arrival, to avoid Los Angeles' famous morning traffic jams, I'm in a hurry to find my keys. Cursing underneath my breath I sigh deeply checking the pockets of my leather jacket with no luck. "Damn pregnancy brain. Think Sammy, think." I check my purse a third time before throwing it on the table. "fuck." There's a soft knock on the door jamb behind me and I spin around in shock "oh no, did I get the time wrong, Jared I'm so-" my breath hitches in my throat as my eyes lock with his "You." I swallow hard. "Hello Samantha." my eyes catch glimpse of the silver keys dangling from his index finger, my keys. I swallow hard "how-how did you get.." "Love is a scary thing babe" tucking the keys into his pocket he strides over and I back up. "Caleb , I need you to leave." I plead. He smirks softly "Did you like all the gifts I sent you?" I stare at him in shock when the penny drops and all the flowers and fucked up gifts are from him.  "I'm calling the cops." I warn him, fingers rummaging my purse but I'm unable to trace my phone. "no you won't." he states pulling my phone from his other pocket. In that moment fear and panic wash over me, paralyzing me as within a few strides he's right in front of me, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I miss you" he calmly breathes, hand tracing my curves. Suddenly he tugs at my leather jacket, a deadly glare peering into my eyes. It happens in the blink of an eye but before I can register it I've slapped him hard across the face, it takes him off guard stumbling back, phone falling from his hand. Before I have time to respond and grab my phone or my alarm button his hand violently slip around my throat while he backs me up against the wall, eyes blazing with rage. "a fucking baby?" His grip on my throat tightening. I gasp, digging my nails into his hand and arm trying to get him to ease pressure. “In our 5 years you never felt ready, and with him it takes you less than a year?” he breathes angrily in my face, angry tears in his eyes "Today is the price you pay for having such a good life" his voice is short, clipped and cold. Feeling dizziness set in I scratch my nails across his face to which he releases me. I fall to my knees and cough deeply trying to catch my breath. I want to run, to hide but he's too fast. As I want to grab my phone from the floor he grabs me violently by my hair and I scream loudly.  "If I can't have you, nobody will" he spits flinging me to the other side of the room, crashing into the glass table, shattering it on impact. I feel numb, pain surging my entire body. He kneels next to me and brushes my bloodied cheek. "why do you make me do this. This is all your fault Sam." He rubs his temple frustrated. Tears escape my eyes as the person in front of me is a ghost of the man I used to date. "you once promised to keep me safe-" my voice trembles as I speak "And then you decided to fuck Jared Leto" he hisses hunched over me while grabbing my belly. Protecting my baby I backhand him in the face while kicking him in the nuts and spot my phone. "you cheated on me first, shit head" I crawl over as fast as I can, crying out in pain. Trembling and with blood stained hands I grab my phone. "put it down" he barks angrily. Pressing and holding the side button along with the Volume button I activate my SOS setting. The next few seconds pass by in a blur. I'm fighting him off, kicking and screaming until he has me pinned against the couch, my arm twisted behind me, tearing the phone from my grip. "I told you not to" he yanks my head back, gripping my hair and in that moment, I felt trapped, vulnerable and so hopelessly lost. "HELP ME" I kick and scream, hoping the emergency call was activated. "FUCK!" Caleb screams out tossing the phone away "why do you always make things so complicated babe? Why!?" he frantically rubs his face backing up. Afraid to move I slowly press myself up, ribs feeling sore. "I.. I'm sorry" I apologize, slowly crawling away from him. "please, Cabe, I'm sorry" I whisper pulling myself up with the help of a chair. His eyes lock with mine, tears staining them. "Lies!" he cries "LIES." my heart sinks and I freeze on the spot as I register the gun targeted at me. "Don't do this Cabe" I whisper in a plea. "If I can't have you, nobody can." he yells again, a tear falling from his face. "you're mine. You belong to ME."  blue and red flashing lights illuminate the room, police sirens filling up the background. "it's over" I whisper "it sure is. I love you Sammy, im so sorry" his voice is soft, his intense yet soul-less stare sends chills down my spine. And then the penetrating sound of a gun being fired echoes the room, my ears ringing, the sound of glass shattering. Caleb collapses on the floor in front of me as police officers storm into the room. It is then that I feel the sharp sting in my abdomen. Looking down, blood stains my dress, trickling down my leg. Caleb had pulled the trigger, he shot me right in my stomach. Cradling my belly I sink to the floor and pass out in shock. Jared received an emergency text upon his arrival at LAX, he immediately knew something was wrong when I didn't respond to his or Shannon's calls. He arrived home, at the horrific scene when they rushed me out on the stretcher, a paramedic straddling me while performing chest compressions. My body limp, pale and covered in blood, face bruised and cut with marks around my neck where he tried strangling me.
Shreds to some of the darkest periods of my life I've unwillingly lived publicly. Paparazzi are vicious, they'll hound you around invading and violating your privacy until the very last drop of juicy information is shared. Media loves dramatizing, But sadly, a picture doesn't show the entire story and is easily manipulated into telling something different. It's an ugly world, one I decided I wanted to take control over.
Caleb was shot into the chest, 7 days post-op he presented signs of a stroke, leaving him in a vegetative state. My healing started the moment they turned off life support, his life support. I got to witness the ventilator being turned off and removal of his breathing tube. In that moment I experienced conflicting emotions, liberating relief but also sadness. It felt wrong to grieve someone that caused me so much pain, his death gave me closure, but I refused to forgive him. I'd been to hell and back and my road to recovery was long, I had to be strong and find myself again while navigating a high-risk pregnancy, yes our miracle baby survived the trauma.
At 34 weeks, unexpectedly early, a beautiful baby girl made her appearance into this world. Our little miracle was small and fragile, weighing in at 2.250kg and 43cm.
October, 2011 Shannon looks up from his computer in shock, his face going pale as I enter the studio. "Oh God, what happened," he breathes pulling the headphones from his head and strides over to where I'm standing, my pajama pants covered in blood. In a heartbeat he is in front of me, holding onto my trembling hands. Cupping my face he calms me "breathe Sammy, breathe." his voice is soft as he looks me straight in the eyes "hey, look at me. You're both going to be okay." I felt like I was going to throw up, falling from one emotion into another. Earlier Jared and I finished up a maternity shoot shot by Shannon. My first pregnancy should have been easy, but since the attack I had been terrified of complications, Caleb robbed me from enjoying the miracle of bringing life into this world. "We're going to the hospital right now" his voice edged with determination. "But your busy with Kristie’s al-” “Sammy don’t you start” Flipping his phone to his ear he ushers me up the stairs and to the garage. “I don't even have my bag." I stumble my words as he pulls the door open and sits me down. “This can't be happening" I close my eyes caressing my bump feeling some sort of tightening cramps.
Arriving at the hospital they immediately take me for an exam and place a heart rate monitor on my belly. "Hang in there little peanut" I whisper to my bump and close my eyes praying. Feeling a hand atop of mine I open my eyes exchanging a glance with Jared. Even though he looked calm, I read panic in his eyes. "I'm here." Things happened so fast from that point on. We were totally unprepared to give birth this early. The baby was in distress, the exam showing a placental abruption and they took me straight in prepping me for an emergency C-section. Lots of people swarmed the OR. It felt like I was trapped in a chaotic nightmare. "It's going to be okay" Jared’s lips brush my temple and wipes away the tear that escapes my eyes. He's sat next to me in yellow scrubs, calm through it all , my rock. I was scared and nervous, this pregnancy has been all but a dream. "I'm sorry" I whisper apologetic "what for?" "not being able to keep this baby safe" he caresses my cheek and shakes his head "I'm so proud of you. You're such a strong woman, you’re such a great mother". Light cries fill the room and I sob in relief hearing our baby crying for the first time. "It's a girl!" after a few long minutes we finally get to meet her briefly, before she's taken up to NICU, as she is placed on my upper chest, swaddled in a blanket. My entire heart fills with love as I admire our little girl. Jared gazes lovingly at us "welcome to the world, Willa"
Becoming parents was extraordinary. Watching Jared settle into his new role as a daddy, his priorities changed so much more than I expected. The first weeks were challenging as we divided our time between visiting our premature girl at the hospital and our new home in Malibu. Jared's Studio City home held too many unwanted memories, too much negative energy, so we relocated to a gated family orientated community in Malibu, leaving the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles behind us. The moment we got to bring our baby girl home, our wonderful journey started and brought Jared and I even closer together. We introduced her to her extended family at the Vyrt streaming of the 300th show touring ‘This is War’. We settled into a 'normal' life the upcoming years as the band took a break from touring. Shannon took time to focus on his son and even made several guest appearances on Kristie’s ‘Dancing with the Devil’ tour.
The celebrity lifestyle, partying and fame, we traded for a modest family life, trying to get as close to ‘normal’ as possible. I put my on-screen work with MTV on hold indefinitely and decided to work more behind the scenes. Time out from the spotlight was liberating, focusing just on our little family. Jared dedicated time to his other career, acting, he filmed a new movie, introducing me to my new girlfriend Rayon. It was quite a shock at first, to be honest I didn’t even recognize him when he had walked into the house wearing a floral dress, blonde wig, false lashes and fuchsia lipstick. It took me a while to get used to the fact she also borrowed some of my dresses and panty hoses. As much as I came to like her, I was glad her appearance was limited.
After the 2 year gap since we last took the road, juggling between life on the road, family and promotions for his movie, our fairly stable life got turned upside down. Kristie’s condition took a turn for the worse and Shannon spend more time with Alec and Kristie in Hospice care, promising he’d never abandon his son. Ryder became the most important person in his life. A few months later I took on another edition of the tour diary as the band lined up a new tour for their brand new album.
January, 2014 A small golden globes pré party was held at our house. Jared had transformed our patio in a private backyard cinema with an outdoor projector. My mother, Constance , Shannon and Kara, Emma and the kids would be watching the show from home. Tucking some strands of my hair back in my dramatic, voluminous pony I glance in the mirror and smile approvingly, touching up my bold burgundy lips. And winged eyeliner. "woaaaaaaah" an enthusiastic Willa sprints down the corridor, coming to an abrupt stop at the sight of me, her eyes big with wonder and mouth open wide. I giggle twirling around making my dress fly up "does mommy look pretty?" her eyes squint shut as she breaks out in a big smile. I laugh squatting down in front of her and tap her protruding belly "shall I take that as a yes?" nodding her head fervently she leans in for a hug "mommy you're so pretty!" kissing the top of her head I stand up straight "let's go find your daddy!" turning around her giggles bounce off the walls as her little feet run down the hall towards the patio. "here's my little princes!" Jared picks up his daughter and twirls her around extracting even more giggles as he tickles her belly. "Am I dressed okay for the occasion?" His gaze lingers on me as I step outside, an elegant long white fit and flare dress hugged my curves, with an off the shoulder neckline and billowing sleeves in organza material. Mesmerized Jared takes me in "A classical beauty" he muses and leans in for a kiss "you're handsome yourself too" I whisper capturing his lips much to Willa’s dismay who pushes me back "yuk" both me and Jared burst out laughing. "oh Samantha" my mother gushes, tears staining her eyes "you look absolutely stunning" I twirl around again and huff in doubt "really? Isn't this too much?" biting my lip I meet Jared's, his brow pulled up in ponder "Samantha you look amazing" he speaks assuring "picture time!" Constance exclaims making me laugh as both mothers are pulling out their mobile phone. "thank god we've got the good camera here too" Jared mutters under a breath motioning at Myke, who's following Jared around the entire day before and after the Golden Globes for 'A day in the life of'. After our short photoshoot it's time for us to head out to the red carpet, but before all the celebrity glamour we experienced some family drama as Willa did not want mommy and daddy to leave throwing a dramatical tantrum. Jared, being the slick negotiator he is, managed to keep a second round of tears and screams at bay. A soft sigh escapes my lips and Jared squeezes my knee softly. "ah the terrible two's, I'm sure she's all forgotten about it already" his blue eyes look at me in a comforting way "she was already playing hide and seek with Shannon and Ryder when you made your way towards the car. " placing my hand atop his I nod softly. Nearing the venue I feel butterflies flutter my stomach. I felt nervous, it had been a while since I graced a red carpet alongside him. "ready for the madness?" Jared's lips grace my temple "thanks for joining me tonight." I turn to meet his loving gaze and nudge him softy "always, I'm so proud of you. You're already my winner" I wink and he laughs deeply "that's all I'll ever need, what am I even doing here?" opening the door for me he extents his hand and I take it. I had forgotten about the buzz on the red carpet and to be honest I had missed the glamour, it felt good to be back. Jared and I posed infront of the photographers but the atmosphere was different around us, he was much more relaxed and affectionate than he had ever been. I caught him fixing the train of my dress so it looked good on pictures, he lovingly embraced me and stole kisses, I even noticed he had stopped posing for pictures and was admiring me from afar, snapping a personal picture with his iPhone. The night passed by quickly and soon enough the announcements were made for the category he was nominated in.   Placing my left hand atop his I lace our fingers and squeeze it softly. All air leaves my lungs as his name gets called. Standing up I cup his face and kiss him lovingly "I'm so proud of you".
You don’t always need a plan, sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens… And that’s exactly what happened on our special day in 2015. After a very busy and rewarding award and touring season, Jared whisked me away for a romantic getaway at Glen Oaks Big Sur, staying in a secluded cabin tucked away in a redwood grove near a river.
Outstretching my arms above my head I tangle my fingers into Jared’s hair as he leans down for a kiss. “Are you enjoying your bath?” “Very much so, so relaxing after that long hike” I nod approvingly slipping lower into the claw foot bath tub on our secluded porch. “Emma send me a mail regarding some hotel issues for Europe-" “Ugh say no more, be gone” I sigh splashing some water his way making him laugh “I’ll be back in time for dinner” “Oh you better” I mutter closing my eyes relaxing and enjoying the silence. After my bath I head back inside our cabin and find a box and a card on the bed. Closing my robe I sit down and pick up the envelope, Jared’s handwriting addressing me. ‘I love you, will you marry me?’ holding up the card between my fingers I eye it confused. A proposal? But he proposed to me 4 years ago in Paris? “Tonight?” his soft deep voice breaks the silence in the cabin and it startles me slightly. “Jared what- what is this?” he’s stood leaning, admiring me, from afar, his tender blue eyes locking with mine. Pulling his hands from his pockets he pushes off from the wall and walks over to me, kneeling down on one knee. “Jared what are you doing” I roll my eyes mockingly as he shushes me with a finger against the lips. “The past years have been very eventful.. our baby girl, movies, gigs, all the awards... I- I don’t want to waste any more time trying to find an ideal moment away from the madness.” He shakes his head and tilts my chin, thumb grazing my cheek lovingly “The biggest win in my life is having captured your heart, you are my most valued prize. No award can ever compare. Marry me, here, tonight.” I swallow hard trying to find my breath again “I- Yes” A loving smile curls his lips while he leans in and kisses me passionately. “But I… I don’t have a dress, shoes,.. what about-”with a quick peck on the lips he silences me again “Open the box” fumbling with the box my fingers tear of the lid finding the perfect pair of strass crystal embellished Christian Louboutin pumps ‘It was and always will be you’ engraved on the red sole along with today’s date. I sigh his name admiring the pumps a hint of doubt to detect in my voice. “I know you’ve always dreamt of a big ceremony with the entire family and I promise you, we’ll still do one. I promise.” Taking my hand he leads me to the bathroom, there on a hanger is the most stunning dress I have ever laid eyes on. Sparkly and sexy, consisting of white sequin embellished tulle with full skirt, plunging V-neck and low-cut back with fitted sequin tulle sleeves. Grazing my fingers along the tulle I stare at him in shock. Jared grins “Willa picked it out, I guess it must have been the sparkles. But I did agree on it being a marvelous dress” “You took her to a bridal Boutique?” I smack my lips and chuckle at the thought. “Yes, she has an eye for design of fashion, guess she has that from his mother” Jared winks making me break out in a laugh. “Yes, I do hope she doesn’t inherent your sense in style.” Mimicking a hurt expression Jared embraces me close to him and brushes a strand of hair from my face. “So, shall we get married?” he beams “Let’s do this.” My heart skips a beat as I take in my reflection in the mirror. The all over sparkling sheer fabric looks luxurious yet elegant against my tan bodysuit, Jared customized pumps matching perfectly with the gown. My hair is kept loose in subtle curls along with subtle makeup. Exiting the cabin and walking down the steps I call out his name. Jared turning as I do so and as his eyes land on me while tucking his phone into his pocket, he pauses, struck in awe. Soaking me all in, he’s overcome by raw emotion fighting back his tears as they fill up his eyes. Jared looked sharp in his all black tuxedo, hair tuck in a sleek man bun. Exhaling a deep breath he  regains his composure “wow” is all he can bring out. Taking my hand in his slightly shaking one, he pushes me backwards a little looking me up and down and then twirls me around. Capturing his cheek with the palm of my hand I rest my forehead against his. He was nervous, and for him, that was rare. “I keep falling in love with you, over and over, each day.” His voice is pure, a soft tremble “when everything is falling apart, you’ll fuel me to keep going on, the best part of me is you. You became the mother of my children and now you’re about to become my wife. I will always stand by your side with unconditional love” I could tell his nerves eased away as I captured his lips with mine in a sweet caress, his tongue sweeps between my lips indulging into a long emotional heartfelt kiss. His hands resting at the small of my back inching me closer to him. Breathless I break from his hold, wiping some smudged lipstick from his lips. It is then that I notice a young brunette and tall guy capturing every moment of our first look with professional camera’s. Clearing my throat I run a hand through my hair “You’re in luck this didn’t turn into an R-rated version” Bursting into a chuckle they introduce themselves as our photographer and videographer for the evening. “I want to capture every single magical moment celebrating our love.” Jared says lacing his fingers with mine. Since then sun was nearly setting Tricia and Rob advice to go for pictures first at the cliffs of big sur. Standing in Jared’s embrace along the rocky coastline, the setting sun reflecting off the beads of my dress and a romantic fog rolling in over the ocean, it feels surreal, as if I’m moving in a dream. I could not feel more beautiful and more happy as in this moment.
With the last of the fading sun through the foggy redwood forest we arrive at the hotel and I shiver when the cool evening breeze hits my skin. Reaching out Jared drapes a fluffy fake fur wrap shawl around me. I halting letting my fingers roam the fur collar “This… this is my mother’s?”  there is a hint of mischief and mystery to the grin forming his lips as he leads me down the path of the enchanted looking forest. We reach an outdoor deck with heathers, decorated with a hundred twinkling fairy lights, blush and white baby’s breath and pampas grass and a long formally set table. "Surprise!" startled I turn around to meet my mother, Constance, Shannon & Ryder, Tomo & Vicki, Tim, Gisella & Andrea, Dean, Mason, Kara, Myke & Kellen and Emma holding Willa standing at the end of the deck. I glance at Jared, whom lovingly brushes an escaped tear from my cheek. "I've had this all planned out, you wouldn't honestly think I'd have us married without the most important people near?" Shannon stalks over and spins me around making the sequin tulle skirt fly up "Sammy you are looking mighty fine".  "Hello there, sexy momma" Tim laughs and I slap his chest. "Oh Timmeh, I missed you!" pulling me close he kisses my temple “Gis!” I shriek flinging my arms around her “I can’t believe you’re here! YOU KEPT THIS A SECRET FROM ME!?” laughing through her tears she glances at Jared “He’s the mastermind behind all of this!” caressing her belly I glance at Andrea “You’re going to have your hands full when this little one arrives” he grins and kisses Gisella’s temple “I’m coming back home” she pipes. “You’re moving back to Los Angeles?” I stare at her in shock, a second stream of tears filling up my eyes. “Yes!” she exclaims. Drying my tears I crouch down as Willa stalks over to me wearing a bright pink dress, princess crown in her curly locks. “you look so pretty” pulling her into a hug I kiss her and run my hands through her curls “Thank you for picking my dress, I love it” she smiles widely “mommy you’re a real princess!” Jared's hand lands in the small of my back as he crouches down next to me and kisses my temple and taps Willa’s nose “This Prince wants to marry his Princess.” He smiles with a wink and turns to me “Lets get hitched?" he asks me "Finally” I giggle capturing his lips and brush a tear from my mom's cheek while passing her.
It's been one hell of a journey the past decade. I've been hurt in monumental ways and made major life decisions.  At 35 I don't regret any decision I've made in the past, I wouldn't trade this life for the world. I'm right where I want to be, where I need to be. I've transformed from a broken, timid girl into a strong, confident woman. Happy and in Love. Until we meet again!  Love and miss you all so much!!!
Xoxo Samantha”
I glance up from my laptop, a beautiful rich shade of magenta painting the sky, reflecting off the ocean as the sun sets. Running a hand through my soft curly blonde hair, I place my glasses in my hair and close my eyes breathing in the fresh air. Two arms slip around me pulling me into an embrace from behind, his lips warm against my temple. "Happy Marsiversary baby" he muses and I smile turning on my chair. "So you remember" I smile bringing my arms up to cup his face as he sits down next to me and leans in "oh Sammy" his brows arch up "would I ever forget the day this angel walked into my life 10 years ago? Never." his voice is soft and a soft smile tugs his lips. "forever grateful" he muses pressing his lips gentle against mine. I smile and caress his cheek “The kids in bed?” He nods "Still working are we?" Jared asks glancing at the laptop behind me. Chuckling I pat his knee "Some things never change." "What's the latest?" he asks nudging my shoulder and I smile "actually...-" I pause and take my laptop on my lap turning it to him "-I took a trip down memory lane... The latest blog post is... the final excerpt for the Tour Diary." Jared's brows arch up as his eyes scan the drafted blog post in front of him "it's...my…our, honest closure on the chapter" leaning back in my seat I take a sip of my glass of water and run a hand along his shoulder. "If that's okay with you" I reach out, brushing an escaped strand of hair that slipped from his messy man-bun behind his ear. His eyes lock with mine, a soft smile touching his lips. "Fans rarely get a glimpse in our private life, even after acknowledging our relationship all those years ago. We have always been very selective in the family moments we share online and during interviews...” he smiles, hands landing on my growing baby bump. In a few months our family would be complete, after a struggle to get pregnant again, suffering several miscarriages and going through a lengthy adoption process a few years back, we’d be a happy family of five soon. Chuckling slightly feeling a soft kick I place my hand atop his. Jared smiles “I’m ready to share part of it all.” placing the laptop next to him he ushers close to my belly planting a soft kiss “I can’t wait to meet you little Alexander.”
-The End-
(*)  Lyrics taken from : Skylar Gray ft Eminem : Love the way you lie pt2 Visual credits to resp. owners
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whatissleepeven · 4 years
Devildom's Spooks and Scares (Obey Me!)
For my wife @sevensins-stuff because we both share the same fear 😌💕💖💞💖💕💞
*This fic contains her mc Aqua and my mc Musashi. Both of their pronouns are she/her, so read at your own discretion!*
(And can someone show me how to do the "read more" option because I for the life of me have no idea how to do it and this post is LONG)
Lucifer placed a hand on Musashi's shoulder, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "Are you ready?"
Musashi glanced up at him before sweeping her gaze over the other brothers, Barbatos holding the way to the other side open. This would mark the first time they were going to visit Aqua's universe, and needless to say they were all looking forward to being with her and the brothers' counterparts again.
She smiled. "Of course I am!"
She was stoked to finally talk to Aqua in person rather than over text all the time. A few weeks had passed since their fateful encounter, and it was a hassle to see when their schedules lined up so they could go visit.
The eldest brother removed his hand with a small smile of his own, nodding towards the open door. There was a myriad of colors swirling in its maw, but they all had confidence that it would lead them to the right place.
"Then let's go."
Once they landed on the other side, they looked up at the House of Lamentation. Much like when they met Aqua's group, they were situated near the front door.
"Well, what're we waiting for?!" Mammon said, marching up and (to his credit) knocking on the door.
He only got two knocks in before the door swung open, Aqua's wide smile being the first thing to greet them.
"You're here!!"
Musashi brightened at her appearance, taking a running start and tackling her into a hug. "Aqua!!"
Aqua stumbled back from the force of her hug, laughing at her energy as, this time, she didn't hesitate to hug back. "Long time no see, Musashi!"
Musashi's version of the demon brothers entered from behind, most looking on in amusement at the two humans before seeking their respective counterpart. It was surreal that they were all gathered again (and in such short time to boot), and quickly the House of Lamentation filled with laughter and shrieks (courtesy of the Levis, who found out that they had enough power to defeat a difficult boss level in one of their games).
"How have you been?!" Musashi asked Aqua excitedly, releasing her from the hug.
The taller human smiled at her energy, giving her a pat on the head. "Oh, you know...about as well as a human can do in a house full of demons."
Musashi laughed as Aqua's face scrunched up, the latter no doubt thinking about something one (or more) of the brothers had done recently. "That bad, huh?"
"...You could say..." Aqua answered cryptically, which caused Musashi to burst out laughing again.
She wiped a stray tear from her eye, giving Aqua a side hug. "I've missed you."
The way Aqua's eyes twinkled let her know that she felt the same. "I need a sane person in my life right now."
Musashi linked their arms together. "Unfortunately, I don't think either of us are "sane" either, but hey; at least we're staying the night!"
Aqua's answering laugh warmed her heart, and the two retreated to her room to catch up. They found that it was indeed Solomom who had brought them back, and even shared their similarities with the Golden Hellfire Newt Syrup Fiasco.
"Did you kiss Lucifer?" Musashi teased, lightly pushing Aqua's arm. She was privy to all the late night conversations about how her own Lucifer was hot, and how Musashi's Lucifer was subjected to her endless teasing due to his height. Musashi found it incredibly endearing and cute, so sometimes she asked her own Lucifer what he thought about Aqua.
Lucifer's brows furrowed, a scowl setting on his face as he stared into the distance. "There is nothing to talk about," he'd say, but Musashi knew better as she saw a tiny of red to his cheeks.
"Mm-hm, okay. Thanks Lucifer!"
"What does that mea- hey, no running in the halls!"
Judging by the light flush on Aqua's cheeks, she had hit the nail right on the head. "Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, goofball."
Musashi grinned, proceeding to make kissy noises like a five year-old to further embarrass her friend. "Aqua and Lucifer, sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N- "
Aqua pushed her shoulder, her body shaking with laughter. "Shut up you dork! How about you and a certain white-haired demon, hmm?"
Musashi's mouth clamped shut, red spilling onto her cheeks. She forgot that she in turn told her about her (hopeless) crush on Mammon one fateful night, her sleep-deprived brain turning wax poetic as she gushed about his eyes or the rare, bright smiles he sent her way.
She averted her gaze, sweat rolling down her cheek. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Aqua's smirk was piercing. "Did you two kiss, or no?"
Musashi buried her face into her hands, letting out a noise of embarrassment. "I-I could never, you know that! I'd just be taking advantage of him...I hugged him instead."
She didn't mention how warm and soft Mammon's hug was, nor how she practically melted into his hold as she hugged him back just as tightly. She also didn't mention how she couldn't muster up the courage to even ask him for another hug, but the amusement in Aqua's eyes let her know that she was in the process of coming to that conclusion.
She opened her mouth to tease some more, but a brief knock on the door followed by Satan's head poking in interrupted her.
"Dinner's ready, you two." The blonde said in an amused tone. A shorter Satan also peeked into the room, gesturing for them to get up.
"Hurry and grab your plates before the Beels eat it all."
Aqua and Musashi shared a glance before they were running out of the room, the Satans barely having time to get out of the way.
"Last one there's a rotten egg!"
"Wh- hey, you've got longer legs than me!"
Dinner was, as always, loud but peaceful. There was more of a surplus of food than usual due to there being two Beels, the Belphies sliding some food onto their plates whenever they caught them looking at someone else's food (read: the Levis'). It got a little hectic once both Lucifers reached for the same piece of food, their staring contest masking the clash of wills that Musashi could've sworn caused electricity to spark between them.
"Hm? Mammon, what's that?"
Asmo's questioning voice had them turning to the demon in question, who was polishing a bottle as Musashi's Mammon looked on with intense focus. He pointed out if the other missed a spot, and Musashi marvelled at how efficient their team up already was. Isn't this only the second time they met in person?
"I bought this at a shop not too long ago, and I plan on sellin' it for a higher price on Akuzon." He explained, wiping the cloth over the smooth surface of the object. "I jus' gotta polish it a bit, is all."
Aqua's Satan hummed, eyeing the vase with a troubled look. "Where have I seen that case before...?"
"Ah! Gotta clean the inside, too." Aqua's Mammon murmured, faltering once his hands reached the cork. "Why the hell's this on there?"
Aqua's face shifted into one of unease. "Hey, Mammon, maybe you shouldn't - "
"Too late!" He cackled, pulling it off in one go. The lights flashed as seven apparitions flew out of the vase, their chilling laughter shaking Musashi to her core.
Aqua's Satan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Now I remember. That case is home to seven particularly pesky poltergeists. Luckily, we should be able to reseal them again using the vase."
Musashi tensed. Poltergeists...as in ghosts?
She couldn't handle ghosts.
"Haha, that's funny Satan." Aqua's laugh fell short as she rubbed her arms, glancing around the room. Musashi scooted her chair closer to offer her a bit of comfort despite being scared as well.
The taller Satan frowned. "I didn't make a joke?"
Musashi's Lucifer sent a glare at the Mammons, who were already tense enough as it was. "And now they're roaming the House."
The other Lucifer sighed. "In any case, they don't pose a threat. All they pull are small pranks."
"Wh- we're just leavin' em?!" Musashi's Mammon yelped, Aqua's Mammon shifting from foot to foot as he eyed the ceiling warily. Musashi's heart went out to them both; everyone knew about Mammon's fear of ghosts and things that went bump in the night, and they were always teased about it.
"Why not?" Aqua's Asmo shrugged, a smile on his face. Musashi marvelled at how calm he was being; then again, her mind was running at 150 miles per hour and double-checking every corner covered in shadow. "I think they're cute, pulling harmless little pranks. Don't you agree, Aqua?"
Aqua had yet to loosen up, her back straight as she replied in a cautious tone. "Yeah...cute."
Asmo's eyes widened, an amused smile spreading across his face as he connected the dots. "Why, are you - "
Levi stood up from the dining table, the shorter Levi following in tandem. "Well, we're gonna go game. See ya."
Both Belphies stood up as well. "Going to bed sounds nice right about now, so we're leaving. Beel, are you coming?"
The Beels stopped sneaking food from Asmo's plate, nodding. "Yeah. Goodnight, everyone."
One by one (or in this case, two by two), they all dispersed until only the humans and the Lucifers were left.
Aqua's Lucifer nodded at them both. "We'll be retiring to my-...our room as well. Is there anything you'd like to say?"
Musashi felt like laughing, hysteria building in her throat. How was anyone (save for the Mammons and Aqua, who was turning paler by the second) calm about this? Have they not watched The Conjouring? Insidious?
The Exorcist??
"Nope!" She said, voice strained, "All good here! Everything is good in this hood! Happy hunky dory!"
Now both Lucifers were looking at her strangely. Aqua's forced laugh turned their confused gazes to her, the taller human pulling Musashi away.
"Don't mind her, she's just tired. We're gonna go to sleep now too so BYE!!"
Once they made it to Aqua's room, Musashi closed the door behind her and slumped to the floor.
Aqua flopped against her bed, a stressed sigh escaping her that seemed to stem from her very soul.
Musashi worked her way over, resting her back against the bed. "How screwed are we on a scale of one to ten?"
Aqua shifted, turning to face her. Her expression was apprehensive, and she ran her hand through her hair as her brows furrowed. "Try a twenty."
Musashi fiddled with her hands. "...I guess we sleep it off, somehow?"
Aqua's voice came out dry, her humor tumbling straight to the floor. "Ah yes, sleep off the fact that we're going to be experiencing Paranormal Activity in real life."
Musashi was really hoping she wouldn't phrase it like that, but she was right.
There was one thing left to do in a situation like this. It was a fail safe they had come up with over text: Contingency Plan P on Page 117 of their book What To Do In The Event Of A Paranormal Experience.
It was one of the most powerful weapons they had at their disposal, and it worked 98% of the time: It was the foolproof -
"Blanket fort?"
For the first time since Mammon opened the vase, Aqua smiled.
"Blanket fort."
They didn't mean to fall asleep.
One minute they were talking, and the next thing Musashi knew was that she was being shaken awake by a very distressed individual. She tensed under the touch, the thought of the ghosts had breached their impenetrable blanket wall and were coming to steal their souls and possess them being the only one that ran through her mind as the shaking got rougher. Her fear was made worse by the fact that she didn't have her glasses on, making the world around her out of focus and leaving her mind to fill in the blanks with its imagination.
Her fight or flight instincts kicked in, and the flight won over as she shied away with a primal startled cry. "Aqua!"
She was relieved to see that Aqua was alright, her blurry figure rising up almost immediately as she punched the form closest to her purely on reflex.
A familiar, brash yelp of pain shook them back to their senses. "Ow! Whaddya have to do that for, huh?!"
Aqua's surprised voice answered. "Mammon? What are you doing in here, so late at night?"
Musashi couldn't really see, but Aqua's Mammon suddenly retreated, bashful. "...What if I just wanted to visit ya? I am your first man, after all!"
Aqua leveled him with a stare. "...Uh-huh."
Her Mammon scowled. "Alright, alright, stop givin' me that look! We were sleepin' and out of nowhere, my radio started playing this horrible sound. Ya gotta come see this, 'cause no one else will believe us!"
A hand touched Musashi' shoulder, and she involuntarily flinched. Her Mammon immediately backed away, raising his hands in defense.
"Woah, chill! It's just me, Musashi!"
Musashi forced herself to relax, groping for her glasses. Where were they...? "Yeah...Yeah. I'm sorry for scaring you, Mammon."
He scoffed, crossing his arms. It was too dark for her to see, but there was a blush on his face as he averted his gaze. "The Great Mammon doesn't get scared, ya hear?! And here; you lookin' for this?"
She felt him gently slide her glasses onto her face, causing her to blink as his face became clearer.
She smiled awkwardly, red creeping onto her cheeks. "Thank you."
He leaned back on his heels, tripping over his words. "Y-Yeah, whatever...it was nothin'."
Musashi could practically feel Aqua's amused stare as the other human got to her feet.
"Save it for later, you two. We have to check out the noise."
Musashi made a mental note to get back at her whenever they encountered Lucifer next as she scowled at her. Just wait until Lucifer comes into play. Then, it's no mercy from me.
"C'mon already!" The taller Mammon urged, grabbing an already hesitant Aqua's arm. Musashi could tell that she was trying to put on a brave face for the Mammons, and brushed shoulders with her both to comfort her and herself.
"Cheer up, Aqua! What's the worst that could happen?"
"Less talking, more running!" Aqua snapped at her, the two turning a corner just in time to hear a plate crash where their heads used to be mere moments ago.
The poltergeist chasing them snickered, a hollow sound that was reminiscent to the wheeze of a dying animal. It had popped out of Mammon's stereo and set its sights on the two humans, collecting every object it could levitate and throwing it at them. Musashi could see that Aqua was getting annoyed the longer they ran, but the fear was still on her face as they bobbed and weaved.
The ghost let out a haunting wail. "OooooOoOOHhHH!!"
"Oh fuck off, you Boo Berry looking see through dumpy son of a - " Aqua was cut off as she ran into a solid chest, letting out a small oomph in surprise.
Musashi could've weeped tears of joy upon seeing the two disgruntled Lucifers, clad in pajamas and their hair tousled. Musashi may not be attracted to them, but even she had to admit that they looked hot in casual wear. (Aqua's blush as her eyes widened confirmed that yes, she did in fact agree with her.) "And what exactly are you two doing, running around the House of Lamentation like madmen?"
Aqua backed up immediately, trying for a smirk that unfortunately fell short in the wake of her fear. "Can't we just enjoy a casual run through the house at night?"
Musashi's Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose. She saw him count to ten slowly, trying his damndest to reign in his irritation. "Which is exactly the problem: at night."
Aqua looked around her Lucifer at him. "Ah, sorry about that Luci...I didn't see you there."
The shorter Lucifer tensed as Aqua's raised his eyebrow, giving them both a look of amusement. "As much as I would like to see this play out," the taller one said with some humor seeping into his voice, placing steadying hands on Aqua's shoulders, "That still doesn't answer my question. What is the real reason for this?"
He didn't need to wait for an answer. The poltergeist rounded the corner, hurtling a lamp towards them with an unholy shriek.
Musashi's eyes widened as she saw the path the lamp was taking. "Aqua, look ou- !"
- But Aqua was pulled into her Lucifer's hold, the eldest brother wrapping a protective arm around her as he caught the offending object with ease.
Annoyance seeped into his tone. "...It seems I don't need to look further. You have the vase on you still, yes?"
The other Lucifer stepped forward, vase in hand as he directed the opening at the apparition. There was a scowl of his own on his face, irritation seeping into his frame the longer he looked at the ghost. "It's a good thing I hadn't dropped it off after taking care of the one in our room. Let's take care of this nuisance."
"OooOoOoohhhhH..." The ghost let out a guttural moan as it was sucked back into the vase, the floating objects trailing behind it dropping to the floor with a thud before silence returned to the hallway.
Musashi gaped. "Wh...How did you do that?! That was so cool!"
Her Lucifer preened at the compliment, a small smirk on his face as he set down the vase. "It wasn't too hard; remember, Satan had mentioned earlier that all you need to do is point the vase at them and they immediately return to it."
"So it's like Ghostbusters? That makes it a little bit less horrific!"
He regarded her with another look, Musashi realizing too late what she said. "Are you saying that you were scared of a little poltergeist, Musashi?"
Musashi didn't usually throw her friends under the bus, but she didn't want to be the only one suffering under Lucifer's judging yet amused gaze. "W-Well, I'm not the only one!"
"Musashi!" Aqua hissed at her, no doubt remembering her betrayal for a later date.
Musashi looked around frantically in response, the weight of Aqua's glare growing heavier by the second. "Well would you look at the time, it seems like Beel found one in the kitchen! Let's go, Lucifer! Ghostbusting awaits!"
She tugged on his arm, and he barely managed to secure the vase in their grasp before they were off.
It seemed like it was just Aqua and Lucifer in the hallway, now.
Aqua's Lucifer looked down at her, a teasing lilt to his voice as a smirk adorned his features. "Afraid ghosts, are you? I never expected you to be the type."
Aqua scowled, red blossoming on her cheeks as she refused to look at him. "It's not like I wanted you to know about it. I can't help what I'm scared of."
She was too busy looking away to notice how his expression softened at her words, only startling when his hand reached up to brush a lock of hair out of her face.
He leaned in, his breath brushing against her cheek as he whispered in her ear. "I'm merely insinuating that you can get behind me if you are scared."
Oh, he was playing dirty and he knew it. Aqua lightly swatted his arm, her scowl gone as she raised the back of her hand to her mouth in an attempt to cover it. She didn't exactly trust the facial expression she was making right now, and most of all she didn't want her Lucifer to see it. "Asshole."
The insult fell flat due to her shaky voice. A chuckle escaped him as he rested his head against hers, hands moving to brace himself on her shoulders as his lips twitched upwards in poorly concealed mirth.
"I don't hear a no from you."
Aqua snorted, a soft smile forming on her own face as she drank in the sight of a laughing Lucifer. It seemed that he was loosening up more and more around her as of late, and this was an expression she wanted to commit to memory.
"Alright Lucifer, I'll humor you. I'm counting on you protect me from all of the remaining poltergeists in here."
The gentle smile he sent her way nearly made her heart stop.
"I wouldn't dream of anything else."
"Well, I guess this is it. Again."
Musashi said jovially as she stepped up to Aqua, a bright grin on her face. With the vase in their possession, it hadn't been long before all seven spirits were rounded up and properly sealed inside once more.
To be honest, the highlight of the entire adrenaline-filled night was when they all crashed in the living room, making a blanket for on the floor (per Musashi's and Aqua's request) and falling asleep together.
...At least, it was either that moment or the one where Aqua and her Lucifer had trailed into the kitchen to check up on them shortly after sealing the first ghost, the eldest demon holding her hand in reassurance as she looked like she was going to drop from sheer embarrassment.
"Say nothing," Aqua merely stated the second Musashi opened her mouth with a mischievous twinkle in her mocha orbs, narrowing her eyes at her. "You have no room to talk."
(She really didn't, not with how she had grasped Mammon's hand after a particularly bad scare later on in the night and gave it a squeeze. She couldn't help it; it was a reflex she didn't know she had, and she nearly combusted once he squeezed back.)
"I'll be visiting you next time," Aqua said with a smile, holding her arms out wide.
Musashi sprang into her arms, wrapping her own around the taller woman's waist. She looked up at her, a grin on her face as she heard Aqua laugh at her actions. "Hopefully soon?"
A nod. "Of course! We need to have movie night at your place, remember?"
They reluctantly let go once Musashi's Lucifer called her over, the brothers having already said their goodbyes. She turned to leave, then stopped and threw a heartfelt smile over her shoulder.
"Despite my soul wanting to leave my body on multiple occasions, I had fun this time, too."
Aqua's smile widened as she raised her hand in a wave. "Don't be a stranger!"
Musashi waved back, and before she knew it she was back home.
"I'm going to go sleep off that entire experience," Belphie groaned, dragging his feet towards the entrance of the House of Lamentation.
Satan smiled, glancing behind him at where the portal used to be. "Overall, it was a rather...thrilling experience."
Now it was Asmo's turn to groan, throwing his hands up as he followed the blonde through the door. "Ugh, who let you near the pun books again?"
Levi tapped away at his D.D.D., no doubt texting his counterpart. "This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Mammon."
Mammon let out a noise of offense. "What makes ya say that? Oi! Where d'ya think you're going, Levi?!"
Lucifer walked after the two, no doubt going to wring out the location of the vase from Mammon so something similar doesn't happen in their timeline.
Beel also made to go inside, but stopped and turned to her. "Musashi, are you coming? I want to try the homemade brownies you promised to bake once we came back."
"Hm? Oh!" Musashi startled, glancing down at her D.D.D. before pocketing it. "I'm sorry for the wait, Beel! Let's get baking!"
The device showed one sent message to Aqua before it shut off on its own.
Did you kiss Lucifer in the hallway too on top of him practically manhandling you to safety?
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Warning! Personal Post because I’m feeling extremely nostalgic. 
Stories about romantic relationships seem to always be about “the one” or “the one you never should have dated because the dynamic was so toxic”. So seldom do we talk about romances that were short and sweet, but never meant to last. 
I just blazed through @cellsshapedlikestars wonderful story, “love's not a competition (but i'm winning)”, which was wonderful (everyone read it), and it drummed up so many memories about the boy I dated my sophomore year in college, let’s call him Jesse, that I wanted to write about him…
The rest of my self-indulgent memories are after the break. 
I’ve found myself thinking of Jesse more often years later, than I ever did in the immediate aftermath of our relationship. It’s not because ours was a burning love, or that he was the one who got away or anything like that, but because my relationship with him set the stage for what I came to expect out of even the most casual romantic relationships I had afterward.  
I’m thinking of him now, because that story I ready is about a girl who doesn’t realize she is dating a boy (though it's obvious to everyone else) until the last possible moment. It’s funny and sweet, and kind of how Jesse and I got together. 
I went to a really small liberal arts college, where the ratio of heterosexual or bisexual men to heterosexual women, does not favor women. That was pretty much fine with me. I was not what you would call relationship-seeking and I liked an uphill climb when it came to my romantic interests. I liked to pine after someone just out of reach, while randomly hooking up with other people on the side (that’s something to unpack on another day). 
Anyway, Jesse was my friend David’s best friend from back home, who took a gap year to bike the Pacific Crest Bicycle trail and then bum around the city where they were from. He came to visit a few times during the spring semester of our freshman year, but he didn’t start attending our college until the start of sophomore year. He entered the fall semester with a ready-made friend group and a flock of thirsty girls clamoring for a single, straight guy who was in great shape from his trip down the California coast. While Jesse seemed great, I immediately placed him in the friend category. He was sporty and tan and gregarious, while I tended to fixate on the brooding intellectual type. Plus, I had no interest in throwing my hat in an already overly full ring. 
Still, we were in the same circle of friends, so very quickly I got used to him being around, and Jesse was easy to love. He was affable and always up for new adventures. Soon, he was my go-to for many things. If my bike got a flat tire or we needed an extra player for a pick-up game of soccer or a racquetball tournament, I’d text Jesse. And he’d text me too, inviting me along to off-campus dinner parties, bike rides, and sometimes just to lie in the hammock he strung up outside his dorm room and smoke weed. He worked at the sailing club, and there were many afternoons I’d skip out on a necessary study session because he invited me out on the catamaran. 
I didn’t read anything into it. Everything was easy with Jesse. Everything was light. Was I attracted to him? Yes, but so was everyone. I knew he was into casual sex because he’d shared a few funny stories from his gap year, one involving breaking someone’s sink, and at least in the first weeks of school, he seemed to very much enjoy and embrace the attention he was getting from the opposite sex. 
While I felt a slight bitterness when I thought about how easy it was to get laid if you were a dude, I didn’t hold his good fortune against him. In fact, I went out of my way to be a good wing-woman. If we were at a party, and I realized we had ended up in a corner with only him, myself and whatever girl was clearly angling for him that night, I’d duck out and leave them alone. 
Early in the semester I had already picked my impossible romance; a senior year philosophy major who lived off campus and was rarely spotted at the parties we attended. The odds were very much against me, but that was fine by me. It kept me from being too distracted, and when we did cross paths, something about the slim possibility lit me up. 
Well, one night the stars aligned. Mr. Philosophy was at a friend’s party and somehow he and I ended up engaging in my favorite type of flirtation; a spirited debate about something theoretical and completely irrelevant where we could both be smug and disagreeable and walk away thinking we had won. We were drunkenly pontificating and probably about two drinks and one late night playlist change away from maybe getting somewhere when Jesse swooped in and completely cock-blocked me!
He just grabbed me by the arm, mid-sentence, and said, “Let’s take a walk.”
Well, of course, I was indignant, and I spent the entire stroll down to the bay explaining why. I could not understand why he was pulling me away from my conversation with the hot senior, when I had been crushing on him all semester. I don’t think Jesse had known that, but when I made it clear, a pained expression crossed his face, but he stayed silent as I continued my tirade. Why did he pull me away? It wasn’t like I was too drunk or anything, and I never pulled this kind of shit with him. When Megan or Rachel or whatever girl seemed into him, I didn’t interfere, even when Jesse was mucking it up by talking too much to me instead of them. Like a good friend, I’d make a graceful exit and leave them to it. So again...after all that, why was he fucking up my love life now? 
As a man of action and not words, at some point Jesse ended my stupid rant with a kiss. A very good kiss that led to more kissing, on the beach and then a stumbly, kissy, messy walk back to my dorm where we kissed and kissed and kissed some more in my bed until finally we fell asleep. I suppose at this point, I should explain that I was still a virgin. I’d fooled around enough to be pretty comfortable with other things, and I wasn’t waiting for any particular reason other than wanting to have sex with someone that I liked enough not to make it a one-time event.
The next morning, after Jesse left, I realized we had spent more time kissing than talking and I still had no idea what to make of the previous evening. Was it a one night dalliance, and we’d go back to being friends? Plausible, knowing his seeming aversion to relationships. Still, it seemed a strange thing for him to seek me out like that. What if it strained our friendship? I didn’t want things to get weird just because we spent a night making out. 
That didn’t happen with other people I had hooked up with that semester and I’d gone farther with most of them... but the others weren’t Jesse. 
And that’s how I realized that I actually liked him. I didn’t really care if things got weird with the others. I didn’t really like them. I liked Jesse. I liked him a lot. 
Cue an entire day of me freaking out while he seemed to disappear off the face of the planet. By the next morning, I had convinced myself that it meant nothing to him, and I should never bring it up ever again. Right when I was resolved to this course of action, I ran into him at the campus cafe, with his parents. They had come for a visit the previous afternoon, which was why he wasn’t on campus and why I’d heard nothing from him. But now, he hugged me and introduced me and even invited me to get lunch with them, and acted like everything was totally normal and still I had no idea what was going on. 
So I joined them and assumed Jesse’s play would be that the night of making out never happened, and that we would slide back into being good pals, and I was ready to swallow my tongue and slide back with him. I think we went to a concert after that and I was still with them when Jesse’s parents left and suddenly it was just he and I, and while I’m sure I stood there, totally awkward, Jesse just scooped me into another kiss. 
We didn’t have a conversation about what any of this meant. We just...started a relationship. A few nights later, we had sex...in a tent, down on the beach, after attending a ribald school tradition; a sex panel led by the most popular students and faculty, more funny than educational, with plenty of condoms and beer for everyone. 
Our first time was messy and a bit awkward but also lovely and fun and then we just kept doing it...all semester. I didn’t need to ask what we were. It was obvious we were a couple, but there was also a clear expiration date on our romance. 
Around the same time we hooked for the first time, I had decided I was transferring at the end of the semester, to another college in a much larger city, across the country. I told Jesse, a few weeks after we started sleeping together almost every night and it didn’t really change anything. Like I said at the beginning, Jesse was not the one who got away. Even as he became embedded in my life and opened me up to a very active (and I really mean active. To this day, Jesse is the most athletic and experimental person I’ve ever slept with) and very fun sex life, we didn’t connect at a level I knew that I wanted to connect with someone...someday. 
It wasn’t until my last week or two at school that he even really opened up about why he pursued me in the first place. Ironically enough, he liked that I never seemed that into him. He knew he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship, and he kept getting signals from other girls that they were looking for something more. This is when he admitted that it drove him crazy when I’d walk away at parties. Apparently he had been trying to send the signal for weeks that he was into me, but like a loon, I missed it. Even so, he liked that I didn’t take him into consideration when I decided to transfer and that I didn’t expect too much from him. 
In hindsight, I find this an amusing sentiment, because whether I gave him the expectation or not, he was giving me what I’d guess any of those other girls were looking for in a college relationship. He was there when I needed him, spent almost every night with me, and we shared the same friends. I never said he couldn’t, but I knew that he wasn’t sleeping with anyone else when we were together. He was funny and the sex was good, and he made me feel beautiful and funny and free. 
He was the last person I saw when I left that semester. I stopped at his parent’s house on my way home for the holidays. We didn’t talk about what to do. We knew our relationship was over, but I let him press me up against a wall one last time and enjoyed every minute with him until I drove away for good. 
We didn’t really keep in touch after that, though a few years later, when I went back to see my other friends graduate, we had a cocktail together by the bay. He was in love then, to a dancer who was as vibrant and as adventurous as he was and I was so happy for them both. I had just ended a relationship with a guy who in many respects was Jesse’s polar opposite; a repressed, overly-analytical intellectual (another philosophy major) who talked everything to death. Our relationship was fraught and intense, and seeing Jesse again put a lot of things into perspective for me. 
I never fell in love with him like I had begun to with my more recent ex, but I had enjoyed my time with Jesse far more, and I felt better about myself when I thought about our time together, and that seemed important somehow. Seeing him reminded me that actions could mean just as much as words, if not more, and that any relationship, no matter the scope or intensity, for me, still necessitated a certain level of respect and regard and fun between both parties. 
I’m not sure I have the capacity to fully unpack all my thoughts on the topic, but I do know that I will always look back fondly on my first adult relationship. It was short and sweet, but I know there are a lot of women who have bad memories of their first time, and for that alone I will always be grateful. 
Cheers to Jesse! Always a laugh! Always a good time! And the only person I ever fucked in a tree.
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clericbyers · 5 years
[ based off this prompt on the topic of Mike realizing the crush he has on Will when Will returns to Hawkins with a new style and confident air about him ]
Will is more confident, more outspoken, more stylish, more himself than everyone ever knew before. Well, besides Mike. This is the Will he’s always known existed, the confident heartfelt smiling boy they had rarely seen since his disappearance all those years ago. 14 months away from Hawkins let Will be that person for the world instead of just Mike in the privacy of just the two of them. Mike isn’t sure how to feel; he’s happy that Will is happy—how could he not be?—but there’s a sizzling pond of jealousy blocking him from making the leap into complete satisfaction about this “new” Will.
He also hates how Will’s smile has got his heart doing laps in his chest. Oh, and how warm Will’s hand is against Mike’s bicep when he grips him while laughing. Also, how deep his voice has gotten, and how he glows a little when they make eye contact and Will states again how much he’s missed Mike.
Mike though has always been surprisingly transparent with his friends when it comes to his emotions, so when Will leaves to get changed into more comfortable winter clothing for their Party stroll, the rest of them turn on Mike with the speed of vipers.
“What got lodged up your ass and died, Wheeler?” Lucas scoffs with shock in his tone. “I thought you’d be more, well, excited to see our best friend back.
“I’m fine,” Mike spits back but his hands are fidgeting at his side and his cheeks are going pink. “And I am excited, Lucas.”
“You could have fooled me,” Max snorts from his side. The two are linking arms and Mike’s eyes linger for a moment before darting back to the door Will currently resides behind. “Are you and Will okay?”
“We’re fine. Peachy. Dandy. Why are you acting like this?”
“Because you’re acting like this,” exclaims Dustin. “You’ve been brooding since Will walked through your front doors, Mike, and you can’t say you’re not because it’s very obvious.”
Mike sputters. “Brooding? I’m not—I mean, seriously it’s just—no, I’m perfectly happy and satisfied right now.”
Dustin and Lucas exchange a look and Mike cries out in anguish. Max laughs heartily and then suddenly cuts herself off with a whistle. Mike whips around so fast his neck hurts a little but he can barely notice the pain when he spots Will standing in his bedroom doorway. Mike’s lips unconsciously part and his brain melts in his skull before any complete, coherent thought can be drafted.
Will’s wearing a soft beige sweater that’s a little big on him and pools over his shoulders and arms into sweater paws hiding the rings on his fingers. A golden necklace sparkles on his neck and Mike is struck with the sudden thought that perhaps it’s a necklace his girlfriend gave him and that swamps Mike with emotions he doesn’t want to parse ever. What he does remind himself though is that Will never mentioned having a girlfriend over the phone so it’s probably just Mike’s lizard brain jumping to conclusions.
Mike’s eyes trail down the dark wash jeans that seem really long—Will’s grown a lot, still shorter than Mike, but a lot taller than before—and look nice on him paired with the sweater. His sneakers look pretty new as well, not hand-me-downs like he’d been wearing for years. Mike pulls his eyes back up and takes in another deep breath when he locks eyes with Will. The bowl cut is gone, his forehead and ears are visible and he looks so—well, Mike can’t find a word for it because handsome is too formal and cute is for girls, but the quiff and trim haircut that’s so perfect for Will’s face has Mike’s hands sweaty and his mouth dry and he really can’t think straight.
“How do I look?” Will asks and he’s got that voice, his Mike voice as El put it once after a call a few months back. Even if Mike didn’t already assume Will was asking him and not the group at large, that voice would have confirmed it.
“Uh, you look,” and Mike’s brain cycles through hundreds of words from vocabulary tests over the years and yet, he still settles on, “pretty.”
Silence consumes the hallway outside Mike’s room and Will turns bright pink with a squeaky, “W-what?”
Mike is quick to shut his mouth and cough into his fist in an attempt to regain control of the conversation. He crosses his arms and leans against the wall with a huff. “I said you look shitty.”
“Shitty,” questions Will with a knowing smirk and Mike might actually die if Will does that again. “I’ll take it.”
The confidence raidiating from Will makes him far more touchy than ever before. Mike doesn’t even realize until Will’s return how much he himself always initiated contact between the two of them. Now that Will is the one reaching out to grab Mike’s arm, or patting his shoulder, or standing close enough that their pinkies might brush, Mike doesn’t know if he still has any brain left to compute the fact that Will is quite possibly flirting with him.
The more frightening part is that Mike really doesn’t mind it at all.
“I, uh,” stutters Mike when Will steps to his side and faces the rest of the group. “We should go? Before more snow falls. You know, uh, the weather said there would be more snow. Which makes sense because it’s winter. December. Snow season.”
“I can’t tell if brooding Mike or flustered Mike is better,” Lucas stage whispers to his girlfriend who giggles in response.
Mike sends him a dirty look before letting his gaze dart to Will beside him. The other boy is looking up at him and when they make eye contact, Will smiles, Mike’s heart flips, and Dustin makes kissy noises from the other side of Max. Mike flushes terribly and storms down the hall yelling at his friends to make their way outside. He gets stopped by his mom at the door where she forces his hands into gloves, wraps a scarf around his neck, and slaps a beanie atop his curled locks.
“Cute,” laughs Will when he passes Mike on the way out the door. He pats him on the arm on the way and Mike kinda stands in the doorway watching everyone else and wondering why in the hell he can’t stop thinking about Will.
El makes her way behind him and slips her hand into his own. Mike turns to share a smile with her before they both close the door and head over to the others. He definitely doesn’t let go of El’s hand once he notices Will watching them, it’s just that his glove is a little loose and he needs to adjust it. He definitely doesn’t find a way to stand next to Will while the Party crunches through fresh snow just to be near him and possible let their shoulders brush every few steps, he’s just falling into old habits from their younger years. He absolutely does not laugh a little harder at Will’s dumb jokes and stories about his new friends, and he certainly does not keep mentioning that he and El are friends now as if everyone doesn’t know that already. He just wants to make it clear to everyone that he’s very much single.
At some point during their stroll, Will and Mike end up behind the others chatting about simultaneously nothing and everything. It’s so familiar hanging out with Will like this that Mike can almost forget that he was gone for over a year. Will suddenly sneezes and Mike pulls them to a stop with concern. “Are you good?”
“It’s just a sneeze, Mike,” he huffs with a roll of the eyes. “I’m fine.”
Mike scowls and unwraps his own scarf. He loops it around Will’s neck, ignoring the thumping in his chest from being so close and, well, intimate with this act. Will won’t stop looking up at him, big colorful eyes swimming with something Mike can’t decipher but it keeps his gaze when he pats the scarf down. It keeps his gaze when his fingers trail up the scarf to caress Will’s pink-cold cheeks.
“Your nose is red,” whispers Will and the comment should have broken whatever this moment is but he’s using the Mike voice so Mike only smiles and hopes he doesn’t look like some lovesick fool.
“Yeah? Your’s too.”
Will grabs at Mike’s biceps and steps a little closer. Mike feels his heart leap into his throat. Will’s eyes are so green and there’s snowflakes on his lashes—oh, they should head back before the snow starts falling too hard. Mike opens his mouth to tell Will that maybe they should get to the others but Will closes the gap, leaning up on his toes, and Mike is shocked into silence.
Mike wonders if the snowflakes falling on his face are melting from the pure heat in his cheeks brought by Will’s kiss. His eyes flutter shut before he can think about the fact that he’s kissing Will, he’s kissing a boy, he’s never been attracted to boys before but it’s Will Byers, so it’s okay. This is okay. Mike does love Will, always has, and this kissing stuff is new, but it also feels so inevitable as the next step in their friendship. So Mike leans in, tightening his grip on Will’s face as he melts into the kiss and takes what Will is giving him.
They only break apart when Mike gets smacked in the back of the head by a snowball. He cries out and spins on his heel to glare at Dustin, who is cackling and doubled over in laughter. Lucas and Max are smiling and El is grinning at Dustin’s side with a happiness Mike hasn’t seen in a long time. Will laughs and Mike turns back to him, a question in his eyes that Will answers with a soft smile. He takes Mike’s gloved hand in his and pulls him forward with a call for the others to follow his lead.
Mike is a little dazed for the first minute or so, but once his brain comes back into his body, he tries not to have a complete breakdown before they make it back to the Wheeler house. Will gives him a glance and then squeezes his hand in comfort.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for years,” he comments casually. “Never had the courage to do so and then, well, El came into our lives and I never had the chance.”
“Will,” Mike croaks into the cold air. He watches his puff of breath and then sighs. “I—I didn’t know.”
“How you felt. How I feel.”
Will hums. “Sometimes it takes being away from the situation to realize what’s there.”
They walk hand-in-hand through the streets for a few minutes before Mike speaks up again. “I, uh, I didn’t say you looked shitty back at the house.”
“I know.” Will grins up at him. “You called me pretty. I’m honestly flattered, Mike.”
“Hey! I just—you look so cool and awesome and you. Just, you.” Mike’s voice faulters. “I missed you in more ways than I thought I guess.”
“Yeah? I guess that explains your brooding.”
“I wasn’t brooding!” scoffs Mike. “I was just surprised seeing you so open with everyone else. It’s weird.”
“Jealous much?”
Mike shoves Will and grins when the boy laughs happily and turns to shove Mike back. Mike grabs him by the arm and pulls him in, taking an arm to his waist before spinning him around. Will yelps once his feet are off the ground but then giggles once he’s brought back to the ground. Mike is so overwhelmed with emotions—he’s never been good at keeping a good reign in on them—that he kisses Will so desperately as if the moment might slip from his fingers if they aren’t kissing.
Mike laughs as he pulls away, Will a little discombobulated but still smiling despite the sudden kiss. He knows that they have to talk things through at some point, what with Will living far enough away and Mike himself coming to full terms with, well, liking Will and wanting him this way, but for now, under the slowly falling snowflakes with twin smiles on their lips, Mike can only think about keeping Will at his side for as long as possible. Preferably forever and then some.
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peter-parkouuuur · 5 years
Chapter 13: Peter “Whipped” Parker (Spider-boy - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader)
Apologies for the late update! Just wanted to make a really long chapter and was finally able to write one, yay!
Also, I’ve been mourning for the whole Sony-MCU thing so it kind of took me a few days to recover.... Sadness Everdeen :((((
Enjoy! Xx
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12
“Great job today, Peter.” Mr. Harrington, the Academic Decathlon and Science Club coach & mentor pats Peter on the back the second they walk out the classroom.
Peter just nods weakly. He’s been feeling more drained than ever. It’s been 3 weeks since his trip to Madrid with the Starks and he hasn’t seen his girlfriend in person since they arrived. Mainly because of Tony Stark grounding Y/n for all the PDA action they did in Madrid.
“So I was thinking, maybe you want to help me finish my lego Millennium Falcon set. It has over 7500 pieces.” Ned suggests as the two of them begin to walk along the hallway.
“I’m kinda not in the mood to build legos right now, Ned.” Peter sighs.
“You’ve had the same look on your face for the past 2 weeks, Parker.” MJ who’s standing right behind him, says with a straight face.
“Sorry about that, I’ve been having trouble with uh, personal stuff.” Peter rubs the back of his head.
“Did Y/n break up with you?” Ned asks.
“No! Nothing like that.” Peter clarifies.
“Did she dump you for a taller, cuter guy with a trust fund?” Mj chimes in.
“No, she’s still my girlfriend! I just… I haven’t seen her in almost 3 weeks that’s all.” Peter replies.
“You make it sound like you didn’t have a life before her.” MJ scoffs.
“I did. I just….. It’s my first real relationship, you know? I don’t know how the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing works.” Peter reasons out.
“Did I hear it right? Penis Parker just said that he has a girlfriend?” Flash runs across Peter and sticks his middle finger out.
They walk out the school door but Ned halts to a stop all of the sudden.
“I also don’t know how relationships work but is the girl designated to visit the boyfriend after school on a Monday?” Ned looks at Peter skeptically.
Peter just furrows his eyebrows at him. Ned points to Y/n who is standing beside a black Audi A8.
You wave at Peter with a huge smile on your face.
“I have to go?” Peter looks at his friends before running towards Y/n.
“What are you doing here?” Peter asks you, slightly panting from the short run.
“I came here to surprise you!” She giggles.
“Best surprise ever.” Peter grins at you and pulls you in for a kiss.
Tony isn’t known for being a strict dad, but seeing Peter and Y/n together triggered him to go full on-Dad mode. He grounded Y/n for 3 weeks, locked the windows in Y/n’s room, and only allowed texts and phone calls as a means of communication between the two teenagers. It’s been difficult, but it makes a moment like this, sweeter and more exciting.
Peter wraps his arms around you, pushing you slightly against your car, attacking you with his kisses. His tongue makes his way to your mouth as the two of you kiss as if… well, as if, you haven’t kissed one another for three weeks. You pull your head away as Peter kisses your jaw and your neck.
“Peter, your friends are looking.” You hold your boyfriend by the biceps.
“Let them. I haven’t seen you in three weeks. I need some Y/n Stark loving.” Peter whispers in your ear before kissing you on the lips again.
“You are so cheesy. We have all the time in the world, Peter Parker.” You pull him away from you.
“Let me go say hi to Ned.” You tell him.
“Yeah, I’ll come with.” He grabs your hand and entwines your fingers together.
“Hi, Ned! Haven’t seen you in a while.” You reach out to hug Ned but Peter won’t let go of your hand.
You look at your boyfriend weirdly but he just gives you a sweet smile.
“Side hug would do.” Ned hugs you with one arm.
“You must be the girlfriend.” A brunette-haired girl smiles at you weakly.
“You must be the famous MJ Peter’s been talking about. Nice to finally meet you, I’m Y/n.” You put your free hand out for her to shake.
You shake hands for a brief second before Peter could pull you in his embrace.
“Peter, you need to calm down.” You kiss him on the cheek.
“I can’t help it.” He smiles down at you, kissing your nose lightly.
“How’d you get here without Happy anyway?” Peter inquires.
You show him your driver’s license attached behind your phone.
“I got it last week. Dad is in Berlin on a business trip with Pepper and Happy, and I have the rest of the week free to spend with you…. Well, after class that is… unless you don’t want to, that’s coo-” Peter shuts you up with a soft kiss.
“Look who’s rambling now.” He chuckles, wrinkling his nose at you.
“Oh shut up. You sound like that in every phone call we’ve had for the past 3 weeks.” You stick your tongue out at him.
“Are they always like this?” MJ asks Ned.
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen Peter like this since….. since never.” Ned replies.
“Remind me never to date anyone from Manhattan island.” Mj tells Ned.
“Where do you plan on taking me?” Peter puts one hand behind your head, playing with your hair, the other on your waist.
“Wherever you want to go. I should give your friends a ride home too. I don’t want to be rude.” You tell him.
“Yeah sure.” Peter nods in agreement.
“Hey guys, Y/n wants to offer you both a ride home.” Peter tells his friends.
“Yeah, why not?” Mj shrugs her shoulders.
“I get to ride in Y/n Stark’s car?!” Ned fanboys.
“Yeah, the car’s open, just hop on in.” You smile at Peter’s friends as the two of them rush inside your car.
You move slightly, signaling Peter to let go, instead, he pulls you in further into his arms, crushing you in his embrace.
“Peter, we’re gonna have to move eventually.” You hug him around his waist.
“I know, I just missed you so much.” Peter sighs.
“Me too.” You whisper.
“Sup Penis Parker, is that the imaginary girlfriend?” A car roars into the background as Flash passes by with his fully-repaired sports car.
You pull away from Peter just in time for Flash to see your face.
“Ah-what?!” Flash furrows his eyebrows.
Peter just shrugs his shoulders before pulling you in for a hug.
“God I miss annoying him.” Peter chuckles.
“Want to go back to my place?” Peter suggests.
“Is that code for make-out?” You raise your eyebrows at him.
“Maybe.” Peter plays with the ends of your hair.
“Alright. Let’s go bring your friends home.” You kiss your boyfriend on the cheek one last time before finally sliding in the driver’s seat.
“May?!” Peter calls out to his aunt the second he opens the door to their apartment.
“Looks like she’s not home.” You tell your boyfriend.
“Hmm, what should we do to kill some time then?” Peter smirks at you before pulling you to his room.
“I don’t know, maybe build some Star Wars lego set?” You joke.
Peter just rolls his eyes before pulling you in his embrace, locking his bedroom door in the process.
“Let’s make ourselves comfortable.” He whispers in your ear as the two of you land on his bed.
He moves on top of you, your legs wrapped around his hips.
“Can’t believe it’s been three weeks since I got to kiss you.” Peter licks the nape of your neck, sucking and nibbling all around until he finds your weak spot, the area below your ear.
“If you’re not careful, you might leave a mark.” You remind him.
“Good, now everyone will know you have a boyfriend.” Peter chuckles lightly before attaching his lips with yours.
“Mhm, my dad won’t be as happy when he sees it.” You laugh.
“Can we not talk about your dad while we’re making out?” Peter suggests.
“Sorry…. My turn.” You hold him by the head and motion your legs to move sideways as you shift right on top of him.
“Where’d you learn that move?” Peter gasps.
“Nat may have taught me a few moves while my dad wasn’t around.” You wink at him before dipping your head to his neck.
You kiss his neck gently before nibbling and biting on the area near his jaw. Your hands holding his head as his fingers stroke your back.
“I’m not the only one who has to walk out of here without a mark.” You giggle, moving back to kiss him on the lips again.
“I won’t be ashamed to have your mark on me.” Peter replies.
“Hmmm, we should make-out more often then.” You bite the top of his ear.
“That would be a definite yes.” Peter growls.
“Peter! Are you home?” A voice interrupts the two of you.
“Shit.” You remove yourself from Peter as he covers his lap with a pillow.
“You alright there?” You look down at Peter’s situation.
“Help me think of something that might turn it off.” Peter pleads with you.
“Peter!! Are you in here?” May knocks on the bedroom door.
“Think of Happy doing a kissy face or something, I don’t know.” You whisper-yell.
Peter breathes in and out deeply.
“That helped, thanks.” Peter laughs.
“Yup! I’m home, May.” Peter replies.
“Come on, let’s go see what she wants.” Peter grumbles before opening the door.
“Oh! Y/n, you’re here? I thought you were grounded?” May inquires.
“My dad is out of town and I have my driver’s license now.” You answer.
“Oh! Well then, I bought a can of cookies if you guys are hungry. By the way, you might want to cover that.” May points at the fresh hickey you gave Peter in the middle of his neck.
You snort out a laugh but Peter just gives you a cold-hard glare.
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“Everyone take 5! After this let’s take up balancing chemical equations. If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go call my wife and beg for forgiveness.” Mr. Harrington announces before walking out of the chemistry lab.
“I see you and your girlfriend don’t waste time when you’re together.” Mj stares at Peter blankly.
“What?” Peter furrows his eyebrows at her, closing his notebook in the process.
“The big mark on your neck that’s been sticking out like a sore thumb… Yeah, it’s noticeable.” Mj clarifies.
“Oh…” Peter tries to lift the collar of his top to try and cover the mark Y/n left.
“No way! Penis Parker has a hickey!” Flash announces and the everyone in the room stops what they’re doing to look at Peter.
“It’s a spider bite.” Peter lies.
Ned snorts lightly and Peter just glares at him. A knock on the door interrupts everyone’s attention on Peter. The door opens to reveal Y/n holding a box of cookies.
“Oh hi. Sorry to barge in, I just want to drop these off for Peter.” You smile at the students who are gaping at you in bewilderment.
“Don’t mind me. Carry on.” You add, stepping inside and walk towards your boyfriend’s table.
“Hi there.” You grin at Peter and put the box of cookies in front of him.
“Hey…. What are you doing here? I won’t be out for another 20 minutes.” Peter tells you.
“Well, I wanted you to try Helena’s world-famous cookies. Better than the cookies May bought you.” You tell him.
“You came all the way from Manhattan to deliver cookies?” Mj asks you.
“Well that, and I wanted to see my boyfriend.” You reply.
“You guys are sickening.” Mj grumbles before moving to the chair beside Ned.
“Thanks for this.” Peter smiles at you, looks around and notices that nobody is paying attention to the two of you.
He motions for you to sit beside him and you giggle before moving to the seat Mj left available. Peter leans in to kiss you lightly.
“And to think, you complained that I was making you fat with a churro.” Peter laughs, opening the box to eat a cookie.
“Yeah but I was already full and we don’t want to waste food.” You defend.
“These are so good! How have I only tasted these cookies just now? I’ve known Helena the same time I’ve known you.” Peter looks at the cookies like they’re gifts from up above.
“Cookies never really came up in our discussions. Plus, you don’t get to be the only sweet one in this relationship.” You giggle, kissing him on the cheek.
“I may have to keep you around just so I could have more of these cookies in the future.” Peter takes a few more cookies from the box and eats them in large bites.
“I’ll let it slide because you’re hungry, but I will remember that comment later so we could argue about it.” You sneer jokingly at him.
“Oh come on? I was joking. You’re the best.” Peter smiles innocently at you.
“Okay! Let’s start with Chemistry, can anybody- oh.” Mr. Harrington walks in and notices you sticking out like a sore thumb beside Peter.
“May we help you Miss?” He looks at you with widened eyes.
“Stark…. And carry on. I was just about to leave.” You reply, standing up from your seat.
“Oh wow… You’re Tony Stark’s daughter….. Your mom has been a crush of mine since the ’90s, I followed her around Columbia for years…. Of course, I didn’t go there, I just wanted to see her face… Cool alright! Balancing chemical equations! Let’s begin.” He claps his hand and tries to look away from you.
“I’ll go wait in my car.” You whisper in Peter’s ear before walking out of the lab.
You and Peter stop by Delmar’s to buy sandwiches before heading to Peter’s apartment.
“So this is the famous Delmar’s you’ve been telling me about?” Y/n looks around the quaint deli-grocery store.
“Yeah, come on, there’s someone I want to introduce you to.” He grabs your hand and pulls you to the cashier.
“Hey, Mr. Delmar!” Peter greets a middle-aged Latino.
“Hey, Peter Parker! Haven’t seen you in two weeks. What? Did you find a new sandwich place?” Mr. Delmar asks.
“No, I just uh, I didn’t feel like eating sandwiches that’s all. Anyway, this is Y/n Stark. Y/n, this is Mr. Delmar, the owner of the exquisite store.” Peter points around the place.
“Whoa, you’re Tony Stark’s daughter? Wow! I’m a fan.” Mr. Delmar shakes your hand and you can’t help but laugh.
“Yeah. It’s no big deal. He’s okay.” You retort.
“So are you two dating, is that why you introduced me to her?” Mr. Delmar questions.
Peter is dumbfounded and just nods.
“Y-yeah. Y/n is my girlfriend.”
“He’s uh, my boyfriend.”
The two of you reply in unison and just look at one another, flustered.
Mr. Delmar just looks at the two of you in amusement.
“What will it be, Pete?” Mr. Delmar asks.
“Two hotdogs with no condiments.” Peter takes out his wallet to pay for the sandwiches.
“Ba-Peter, it’s fine I can pay for my own sandwich.” You tell him.
“I know.” Peter just smiles at you but still hands his money to Mr. Delmar.
Within a few seconds, Mr. Delmar hands Peter the hot-dogs.
“Take care, you two. Tell May I said hi.” Mr. Delmar states.
“I’ll try.” Peter retorts before opening the door for you.
“You didn’t have to pay for both of our hotdogs. I could’ve paid for mine.” You take the sandwich from his hand as the two of you begin to walk.
“I know, but you’re my girlfriend and I want to feed you and spoil you because I can.” Peter smiles at you.
“You’re awfully sweet, Peter Parker.” You sigh, smiling back up at him.
“That’s what I’m known for.” Peter shrugs before stopping to look around.
“What?” You also stop and look around the area.
“Nothing. Can you hold my sandwich? I need to do something.” Peter hands you his hotdog before grabbing you by the waist.
“Oh my god, Peter no!” You squeal in protest but he’s already hoisting the two of you up.
“Don’t drop our hotdogs.” Peter reminds you, holding you by the waist as he lifts you to the top of their apartment building.
“Don’t drop me.” You retort.
The two of you sit on the edge of the building and you give him his sandwich.
“I’m starting to love your afternoon visits by the way. I think you should stop by more often.” Peter smiles at you.
“Yeah sure, I’ll have my dad drop me off every afternoon because he is that supportive.” You respond.
Peter just rolls his eyes and nudges you slightly.
“So, do you still want me around or do I have to bring you cookies so I can hang out with you?” You start, raising your eyebrows at him.
“Oh come on, I was joking. You know I like having you around.” Peter pulls you closer to him and you lean against his shoulder.
You both eat in silence and look at the mundane sight of Queens.
“By the way, something just came in this morning.” You take the invitation out from your jacket pocket.
“What is it?” You hand Peter the invitation to Le Bal des Débutantes.
“I was invited to become one of the debutantes and I want you to be my partner.” You purse your lips, not exactly sure of Peter’s reaction.
“Wow, I uh-I’m honored but, I don’t… I don’t think I can uh…” Peter looks at you, ready to reject the invitation but remembers Tony’s threat about breaking your heart.
“I don’t know how to dance the waltz.” Peter chuckles nervously.
“That can be arranged! We have a meeting with the organizers at my place on Saturday. We’ll have our fitting done there as well, courtesy of Dior. My dad will be the one escorting us to Paris for the event and of course, ask for May’s approval if she’ll allow you to be my partner.” You explain.
Peter feels his head spinning all of a sudden. This is what he’s always been scared of, the overwhelming contrast of both your lives. It’s always been a huge factor for him, but you’ve never really cared for the whole thing. You just want Peter.
“I’m sorry, I’m overwhelming you again, aren’t I?” You look down at your hands.
“What? Hey no! I’m fine. I just need to get used to the fact that I’m dating a Stark. You know, I’m falling for you right?” Peter inquires, taking your hand in his.
You gasp slightly and look up at him.
“You are?” You whisper.
“Yeah…..” Peter mutters.
“The feeling is totally mutual.” You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him to your embrace.
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“Peter, it’s been 40 minutes, she might not be able to visit you today.” Ned sits beside Peter as the two of them sit on one of the benches in front of Midtown Tech.
“I know but last night, she told me she’ll see me tomorrow. Which I took as a hint that she’s coming here.” Peter replies.
“Or maybe she’s expecting you to come to her in Manhattan?” Ned suggests.
Peter looks at him, dumbfounded.
“That makes sense.” Peter nods his head.
“Alright. I’m gonna go stop by my place, drop my backpack off, and swing to Manhattan.” Peter stands up and fixes his hair.
“You’re just gonna swing around Manhattan as Peter Parker?” Ned questions.
“No, of course not. My suit’s at home. I’m just gonna surprise her at her place.” Peter puts on his backpack.
“Not if I surprise you first.” A voice behind him startles him completely.
“Oh, crap.” Peter jumps slightly and sees you smiling up at him.
“What? Did your spider-senses not work on me?” You laugh, wrapping your hands around his neck to give him a kiss on the lips.
“Well, you’re not so much of a threat considering that you’re my girlfriend,” Peter smirks down at you and hugs you tightly by the waist.
“I’m flattered.” You giggle before pulling away to say hello to Ned.
“Hey, Ned! What’s with the lego box?” You point to his Star Wars Millennium Falcon set.
“Peter and I were gonna build this today but he told me you guys already had plans for the entire week. So, it’s nothing.” Ned replies.
“What? Peter ditched you for me? You’re hanging out with us today. I can help you with your lego set.” You sit beside him.
“You will? I didn’t peg you as someone who plays with lego.” Ned looks at you inquisitively.
“I’m not. I was more of a Polly Pocket kind of girl, but my brother was addicted to lego and he let me build stuff with him. Come on, let’s go to Peter’s place and we can play then.” You stand up and hold your boyfriend’s hand.
Peter smiles down at you in amusement.
“What?” You ask him.
“Nothing, you’re just very cute.” He shrugs his shoulders before kissing you on the nose.
You roll your eyes before motioning them to follow you to your car.
“So, are you going to tell me why you’re late today?” Peter asks the second he slides inside your car.
“I was only like 40 minutes late.” You reason out.
“Yeah, but you were 30 minutes early yesterday.” Peter clarifies.
“Well, I didn’t have a Model UN meeting yesterday. Why are you so freaked out?” You question, turning the car engine on.
“I’m not, I just thought you expected me to swing by your apartment instead of coming here.” Peter replies.
“If we stay at our place, F.R.I.D.A.Y. will alert my dad that you’re in our apartment. He installed the AI in our elevator and foyer. It’s better that I come to you.” You state.
“Oh. I didn’t know that. Is that a new update?” Peter asks.
“He had it installed the day we arrived from Madrid. You know, me being grounded and all. He’s been so unreasonable lately” You grumble.
“I just think Mr. Stark doesn’t know how to deal with her teenage daughter having a boyfriend.” Peter defends your dad.
“I get that you worship the ground my dad walks on, but you have got to stop defending him. He’s just being overbearing.” You drive away from Midtown.
“I’m not defending him, I just don’t think he’s used to you being in a relationship.” Peter responds.
“You say it like I was the biggest relationship virgin before I met you.” You scoff.
“It’s not like you didn’t act all innocent when we met.” Peter argues.
“I could say the same thing to you! Happy told me you rented an adult film at the hotel in Germany.” You look at him with a scowl on your face while driving.
“Wh-What are we even fighting about?” Peter questions.
“I don’t know!” You grip tighter on the steering wheel.
“Oh! That must be our pizza.” Y/n stands up from the floor and runs to the door.
“So….” Ned mumbles, looking at Peter questioningly.
“What?” Peter furrows his eyebrows.
“Are you guys going to continue not talking to each other while building lego? Don’t you want to go say sorry to her?” Ned asks.
“Why should I apologize? I didn’t do anything wrong.” Peter shrugs his shoulders, grabbing a lego block.
“Peter, for someone who’s in a committed relationship, you sure are clueless when it comes to the female brain.” Ned retorts.
“Ned, all I’m saying is, she’s just being overdramatic when it comes to her dad. I was just defending him because he wasn’t there to defend himself.” Peter responds.
“Spoken like a real hero. Dude, just tell her you’re sorry. We both know she’s not going to budge.” Ned advises him.
“What should I say?” Peter panics.
“Tell her you understand how she feels and that you’re sorry you blamed her for overreacting and that she has every right to feel the way she’s feeling.” Ned answers.
“Okay okay.” Peter mumbles.
“What’s taking her so long, anyway? I should go check on her.” Peter stands up and heads to the door.
Peter walks to the door and sees the pizza delivery guy flirting with Y/n.
“I swear you look so familiar…. I think I’ve seen you in magazines before.” The pizza delivery boy smiles at you.
“Um, you got the wrong girl. Now, how much are the boxes in total?” You reach for your wallet.
“They’re free if you give me your number.” The delivery guy smirks at you.
“Wow. Does that work on every girl you’ve delivered pizza to? I don’t need you to pay them for me.” You take out 20 dollars and attempt to grab the two pizza boxes from him.
“I told you, they’re free of charge if you give me a chance.” He moves the boxes away.
“Listen here, buddy…. I carry my taser around with me to avoid men like you. Now give me my pizza or I’ll call your store manager and report you.” You hiss.
He scoffs off your threat.
“Babe, what’s taking so long?” Peter stands beside you and puts his arm around your waist.
“This guy won’t hand me our pizza.” You reply, looking up to your boyfriend, silently thanking him for swooping in.
Peter grabs the pizza boxes from the pizza delivery boy.
“You come near my girlfriend again, and I’m going to kick your ass.” Peter threatens. Peter takes the 20 dollars from your hand and throws it at him before closing the door on his face.
“Thank you.” You smile up at him.
“Who says Iron Man is your only superhero huh?” Peter wraps his free arm around you.
“You’re so good to me.” You sigh and wrap your arms around him.
Ned comes tiptoeing in and grabs the pizza boxes from Peter’s hand.
“I’m sorry I didn’t take your feelings into consideration.” Peter wraps you tighter in his embrace.
“I’m sorry I got mad at you.” You reply.
“You know, that was our first fight as a couple.” Peter looks down at you.
“I don’t like fighting with you. You’re a good man, Peter Parker… You’re so good to me.” You tell him.
“Hmmm.. likewise.” Peter leans down and gives you a light kiss.
“That felt weak, can you do it again?” You raise your eyebrows at him.
“Hmmm, I think you need to beg me first.” Peter teases.
“Okay, I’ll go eat with Ned now.” You attempt to escape from his embrace.
“Okay okay! I’m sorry! Come here!” Peter pulls you to him tightly and kisses you hard.
Your fingers tangle in his hair as the two of you kiss one another passionately. Just as he opens his mouth for your tongue to touch his, he pulls away.
“Come on, Ned might finish the whole thing if we don’t go back there.” Peter takes your hand and pulls you to the living room.
“I’m back to hating you again.” You mumble.
“We can make out when we’re alone.” Peter whispers in your ear.
“Alright. I’ll hold you to it, Parker.” You reply.
“Ned!! 3 slices already?! We were gone for like 3 minutes?” Peter looks at his friend who is about to finish his fourth slice of pizza.
“I told you I was hungry.” Ned shrugs his shoulders, too busy watching Tony Stark’s self-made documentary about himself.
“Even when he’s in Europe, he’s still here.” You grumble, jokingly.
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Peter opens his locker and looks at the photos of him and Y/n in Spain as well a photo of him and Ned from Bar Mitzvah they attended 3 years ago.
“So that’s what Peter Parker’s locker looks like.” You stare at Peter’s back, leaning against another locker.
Peter turns around and sees you with a huge smile on your face.
“You have a knack for surprises, Stark.” Peter shakes his head before pulling you in to give you a kiss.
“Please, you love it.” You reply kissing him back.
“Get a room.” Mj passes by briefly and stares at the two of with a blank expression.
“Shall we?” Peter raises his eyebrows, flirtatiously.
“How about…. You walk me around your school?” You suggest.
“Really? There’s nothing much to see here apart from your adorable boyfriend.” Peter raises his head proudly.
“More like a-dork-able… Let’s go sit by the field then. I brought snacks. They’re in my car.” You grab Peter’s hand as the two of you walk towards the school exit.
“Is this your first time to see a high school football practice?” Peter asks as the two of you sit by the stands.
“American football? Yeah. I didn’t realize how large you have to be to play the game.” You stare at the bulky shoulder pads all the football players are wearing.
“I don’t pay attention much to it either. I don’t find the whole tackling thing, fun.” Peter responds.
“Says the guy who fought Captain America and the Vulture.” You raise your eyebrows at your boyfriend before taking a bite of the doughnut you brought.
“That’s Spider-man talk. Peter Parker prefers the company of science nerds and intellectuals…. And his girlfriend.” He puts his free arm around you.
“Wow, I’m touched.” You sigh, jokingly.
Your phone begins to ring and see that that it’s your dad calling you on FaceTime.
“Crap.” You mumble removing Peter’s arm around you.
“He doesn’t know I’ve been visiting you every afternoon for the past week.” You tell Peter before answering your dad’s call.
“Hi, dad!” You greet him and notice that his background is Berlin’s dark skies.
“Hi, sweetie! How’s Peter doing?” He asks.
“Uh, I don’t know. Why are you asking me?” You furrow your eyebrows.
“I know you’ve been going to and fro Queens for the past 3 days, so don’t lie, Y/n Stark.” Tony glares at you through the screen.
“Go easy on her, Tony.” You hear Pepper scold your dad.
“He’s doing okay. See?” You point the camera to Peter who is in the middle of eating a doughnut.
“Hi, Mr. Stark!” Peter greets him with a full mouth.
“Charming.” You scowl at your boyfriend playfully before looking back to your phone screen.
“We’ll be back tomorrow night so you better be home by the time we arrive or you’re grounded again.” Tony threatens.
“I just got out from being grounded.” You protest.
“That’s what you get for not updating Happy where you’ve been for the past week.” Tony replies.
“Wow, all I need now is a long blonde hair and captor named Gothel and I’d the real-life version of Rapunzel.” You mutter.
“Tony, you’re overreacting. Y/n, come straight home after school tomorrow. Peter and his aunt May can come over and have dinner with us. No more driving to Queens for a little while. Just have Peter swing by when it’s okay for your father. Are we good?” Pepper appears on the screen and looks back and forth at me and my dad.
“I’m okay with that.” You shrug your shoulders.
Tony rolls his eyes before agreeing.
“Fine. I guess have no choice. It’s better that I get to be there than to have you two hide and make out behind my back.” Tony grumbles.
“You only walked in on us twice… and they weren’t anything serious.” You reply.
“Still. I made it perfectly clear that you can only do that thing you do for 5 seconds when I’m around….” Tony responds.
“Thing? You mean kiss?” You raise your eyebrows at him, trying to hide your laughter.
You and Peter look at one another, giving each other a tight smile.
“Yeah, whatever. I don’t like seeing it. Anyway, we have to eat. Love you kiddo.” Tony smiles weakly.
“Love you too, Mr. Stark.” Peter replies happily.
“I was talking to my daughter.” Tony mutters.
“Oh right.” Peter awkwardly laughs.
“Love you too, dad.” You giggle lightly.
Tony ends the call and you look at your boyfriend, bemusedly.
“Did you just tell my dad you loved him?” You chuckle.
“What? He’s Tony Stark. If it means I get to hang out with you more often, I might have to tell him that every time I see him.” Peter retorts.
“You’re such a fanboy.” You shake his head before eating again.
“I’m your biggest fanboy.” Peter kisses on the cheek.
You look at your boyfriend and notice doughnut icing near his lips.
“You’re a sloppy eater, Peter Parker.” You laugh, wiping off the icing from his mouth.
“Is May home?” You ask, looking back and forth from Peter’s lips and eyes.
“She is.” Peter answers, mutteringly.
“There’s a parking lot nearby.” Peter suggests.
“Is that another code for make-out?” You play with his curly hair.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” Peter smirks.
“Let’s go then.” You wink at him, grabbing the empty wrappers in one hand, and Peter’s hand in the other.
“Eager, are we?” Peter laughs.
“Only for you.” You purr.
Peter’s eyes widen and he gulps nervously.
‘Is she planning on doing more or something? What if I get too happy too soon? She’s seen how our make outs usually affect me afterward. She might want to do more.’ Peter thinks to himself.
“Are you okay?” You stare at your boyfriend’s blank expression.
“Y-yeah.” Peter stutters.
“Peter, we’ve made out a couple of times now…. What’s eating you?” You question.
“Oh… so we’re just going to make out, great.” Peter lets out a sigh of relief.
“Look, if you don’t want to, that’s fine. I can just go home and watch a movie.” You release his hand.
“No-no. Let’s go make-out.” Peter grabs your hand as the two of you walk across the middle of the football field.
The football players stop what they’re doing and stare at you and Peter… mostly at you, probably knowing that you’re Tony Stark / Iron Man’s daughter.
“Hey, Parker! You’re gonna have to teach me your moves with the ladies.” One guy calls out.
“Me too! How about a date with the Black Widow or something?” Another one chimes in.
“Oh yeah! I hear she’s feisty, that one!” You move your head and glare at the direction of the guy who said it.
“Careful! She might call Captain America on you, dude.” The guy beside him, warns.
“High school boys are such jerks.” You mutter as you and Peter walk across the field at a fast pace.
The two of you reach your car and you let out a huge sigh of relief the second the two of you slide in.
“Baby, are you okay?” Peter asks.
You stare at Peter, dumbfounded.
“What did you just call me?” You raise your eyebrows.
Peter’s eyes widen, the second he realizes what he’s done.
“You just called me baby for the first time.” You whisper.
“Oh… Shoot, I did. I’m sorry, I won’t call you that again if you don’t like it.” Peter looks down before you can even reassure him.
“No, I kinda like it.” You reply.
“You do? Alright then. From now on, you’re now my baby.” Peter smiles at you.
“Can I call you baby as well?” You ask.
Peter just nods before pressing his lips against yours.
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“I can’t believe I was invited to dinner with the Starks! Do I look okay?” Aunt May asks Peter.
She is wearing a beige, A-line dress while Peter is wearing a white button-down and khaki trousers. The of them enter the private elevator that only opens to the penthouse.
“I love your outfit. This Y/n girl is really prepping you to look like one of them.” Aunt May smiles at Peter.
“When we were in Madrid, she snuck in a few tops and pants in my luggage as if I didn’t notice. I didn’t want to reject them because she might cry and Mr. Stark will kill me. It still feels overwhelming but she’s been really good to me…. And she’s my first official girlfriend which is nice.” Peter shrugs his shoulders.
“Your first girlfriend is Iron Man’s daughter and you’re Spider-man….. This all feels crazy to me.” Aunt May shakes her head.
“Thanks for not ripping my head off when you saw me with the costume, by the way.” Peter laughs.
“I would have, but I know you’re tough. I still get scared every now and then, knowing that you’re Spider-man and you get to fight bad guys, but I know you’re brave enough to fight your own battles.” Aunt May pats Peter on the arm.
The elevator door opens and Peter sees his girlfriend waiting for him nearby in a pale pink dress and kitten heels.
“You’re here! Welcome to our um… humble abode.” You point around to the foyer as Peter and his Aunt May walk in.
“Wow! The place smells and looks very nice.” Aunt May looks around before giving you a hug.
You move towards your boyfriend to give him a kiss but Tony’s timing stops you.
“The Parkers are here! Hi May, Peter!” Tony walks in and shakes May’s hand and puts an arm around Peter’s shoulders.
“You look different today, Spider-boy….” Tony looks at Peter with a curious expression.
“You mean, he looks like he’s all dressed up?” You suggest.
“Hi! You must be the famous Aunt May.” Pepper walks in and gives her a handshake.
“That’s me! I’m sorry we weren’t able to bring anything for dinner.” May tucks her hair behind her ear.
“Oh, non-sense! We’re happy to host. Peter, hello again!” Pepper hugs Peter and she gives you a slight wink.
You just roll your eyes and intertwine your hands with Peter’s.
Pepper stands beside Aunt May as the two of them stare and smile at you and Peter looking at each other with smiles on your faces.
“They grow up so fast, don’t they?” Pepper asks May.
“I can’t believe my little girl is dating before 22. When she was 8 and I tucked her in bed, I asked her to make a promise to never have a boyfriend before graduating college.” Tony explains. “Like you never had girlfriends while you were at MIT.” Pepper rolls her eyes at him.
“Really? Dad never told me about his past girlfriends.” You raise your eyebrows at your father.
“That’s because it’s irrelevant.” Tony replies.
“Dinner is ready.” Helena announces.
Tony signals Aunt May and Pepper to walk ahead. He faces his daughter and Peter.
“Behave.” Tony reminds you before walking away.
“You look very pretty.” Peter smiles down at you.
“And you look so handsome!” You respond, kissing him lightly on the cheek.
Pepper and Tony sit on one side while you, Peter, and May sit on the other. Helena and the rest of the helpers walk in carrying Porchetta, mashed potatoes, and various kinds of sauces.
“Wow! That looks delicious.” May stares at the porchetta.
“It’s one of Tony’s favorites. He only eats this when there’s something important coming up.” Pepper states.
“I didn’t know this dinner was important.” You look at your dad and Pepper.
“Well, this is the first time we’re having dinner with your boyfriend and his aunt. Better this, than tenderloin steak.” Tony replies.
Peter grabs the serving fork and knife and puts a slice of pork on your plate as well as a spoon-full of mashed potatoes.
“You didn’t have to do it for me.” You laugh at your boyfriend’s chivalry.
“I know, but I wanted to do it.” Peter grabs your hand.
Tony lets out a fake cough, staring at the two teenagers.
“So I hear Y/n has been spending her afternoons at your place for the past week?” Tony looks at May who is more lenient when it comes to you and Peter.
“She has! We love having her around! Whenever they’re not doing stuff that teenage couples do, they study or watch a movie. It’s refreshing to see Peter so happy whenever she was around.” May answers.
Tony had the idea to scold the two in front of Pepper and May, but he couldn’t find it in himself to be mad at them after May’s praises.
“I hope she wasn’t much trouble. When she was little, we used to call her the ‘queen of destruction’, everything she touched turns completely to shreds, that includes important files from my office.” Tony states at you with a sly smile on his face.
“Like Peter was any different. He was a curious kid, he drew on the walls, threw boxes around pretending it was Captain America’s shield. Little did I know, he actually turned out to be Spider-man.” May looks at his nephew, adoringly.
Y/n, Tony, and Pepper’s eyes grew large, not knowing that May already knew Peter’s secret.
“I walked in on him when he was having a Spidey moment.” May clarifies.
They all begin to eat and talk about the two teenagers’ most embarrassing moments, it lasted on until dessert.
“So Tony, I hear you graduated summa cum laude at MIT?” May asks, digging into the bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of her.
“I did. I was hoping all three of my children would follow their dad’s footsteps and become a legacy but my first-born is at Dartmouth and this one already has her eyes set on either Princeton or Yale.” Tony points the dessert spoon at you.
“Peter’s been studying hard so he could get a scholarship at Empire State University. It’s been his dream school since we passed by the campus when he was 9.” May puts her hand on Peter’s shoulder proudly.
“You know, I can help you get into MIT. It’s one of the best schools in the country… or you know, you can also take the Stark Industries scholarship.” Tony states.
Pepper looks at him in bewilderment. There was no such thing as Stark Industries scholarship. This was Tony being overly-generous towards Peter…. again. He hates to admit it, but Tony sees Peter as a protege more than just his daughter’s boyfriend. He knew Peter was capable of being the best in his field.
“That would be nice, Mr. Stark, but I’ll be okay.” Peter replies.
You grab Peter’s free hand in yours and smile at him.
“Oh, by the way, did Peter tell you about the ball that we invited Peter to attend?” Tony asks May.
“No, I think he forgot that little detail.” May coughs lightly before looking at Peter.
“Yeah. There’s this debutante ball that my daughter was invited to and she wants Peter to be her escort. I hope that’s okay with you?” Tony inquires.
“Oh how nice! Is this one of those high society debutante ball here in New York?” May questions.
“See now that’s the tricky part. It’s going to be in Paris this November. Of course, you’re also welcome to join us so you could see the whole thing. Y/n will be in a gown, Peter will be sporting a tuxedo, the whole enchilada… yada yada yada…. We really do want Peter to be the one to escort Y/n to her first ball.” Tony chokes up a little, looking at you with a weak smile.
“Wow! Now that’s something….. As long as I get to see Peter off at the event, sure, why not?” May smiles at Tony and Pepper.
“Great. You and Peter come here again tomorrow after lunch for the fitting and preparations.” Pepper replies.
The helpers all come in at the same time to take the dessert bowl away.
“Dad, Peter and I are just going to be in the living room. Is that okay?” You ask your dad who lets out an annoyed expression.
“Fine.” Tony crosses his arms as the two of you leave the dining room.
May’s gaze follows the two teenagers as they walk out hand in hand.
“They’re good kids.” May states.
“They really are.” Pepper smiles.
“Yeah. I just love giving them a hard time.” Tony chuckles.
You and Peter sit on the white couch, facing each other.
“Are you okay? You were kinda quiet back there.” You ask your boyfriend who is looking down on his fingers.
“I’m fine…. I just get anxious when we talk about um….. things such as debutante balls and college.” Peter replies.
“This is what we get for having intrusive family members.” You joke.
“I knew the whole ball preparation will freak you out, considering there are tons of protocols to follow…. But you can always tell me if you’re feeling overwhelmed.” You say, moving closer towards him until both of your noses are pressed against each other’s.
“But do we really have to dance?” Peter groans moving his head against the couch in frustration.
You just roll your eyes at him.
“Yes, we do! That’s the whole point of the ball.” You reply.
Peter sighs before leaning in to give you a light kiss. He tries to pull away knowing that your dad is just a few meters away, but you don’t let him.
“Uh uh, we’re not done.” You mumble against his lips, caressing the back of head, kissing him passionately.
“Okay then.” Peter laughs, his hands moving to your waist, completely pulling you against his chest.
He coaxes your mouth open for his tongue to tangle with yours. You moan slightly, twisting your head a little as the of you continue to make out. He grabs your legs and slides you on his lap and you move a bit to wrap your arms around his shoulders. He moves his head below your ear.
“Is this what you want?” Peter whispers in your ear, biting it lightly before leaving kisses and nibbles on your neck.
“Mhm.” You whisper back, trying to hold back a loud moan.
You hear the faint steps of Pepper and May’s heels and quickly pull yourself away from Peter.
“What the hell?” Peter mumbles as you accidentally hit him in the groin in the process.
You stand up and see your dad, Pepper, and May, still engrossed in a casual discussion.
“What happened to him?” Tony points at Peter whose face is red.
“Oh, he just uh…. Hit himself by accident. It’s been happening a lot lately… he’s fine.” You reassure them.
You look at your boyfriend who looks like is barely recovering.
“Score.” He mumbles.
“Alright then…. Peter, shall we go?” May suggests.
“Yup. I’ll be right up.” Peter grumbles, standing up carefully.
“You okay?” You chuckle, looking at your boyfriend with an amused expression on your face.
“You’re lucky I lo-like you a lot.” Peter retorts.
“Come on, I’ll walk you to the elevator.” He puts an arm around you, as the two of you follow the adults walking ahead.
“Happy, my head of security will be bringing you two home. He’s waiting downstairs.” Tony states.
“Happy’s driving us? Sweet.” Peter laughs.
May walks inside the elevator. Peter takes the short seconds left to kiss you. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiles down at you.
You just nod before giving him another peck. He waves at Peter and Pepper before walking inside the elevator. Just before the elevator door closes, Peter sneakily gives you an air kiss which you pretend to catch.
“Cute.” Pepper smiles at you.
“He is so whipped.” Tony shakes his head as the three of you walk out the foyer.
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@capandbuck @multifandom-slytherin @accio-rogers @nerdywitch @founding-fuck-bois @bookgirlunicorn @spidey-boio @antaraxy @tom-hollands-eyelash @saturn-aka-six @sebbystanlover-vk
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