#shaken not stirred snake
deadscell · 3 months
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herrscherofinsanity · 3 months
Bound by Darkness
Minjeong's journey to insanity with her loyal companion Venom.
Fluff and angst? Maybe.
Kim Minjeong (Winter) x fem!reader
Word count: 5.3k
Of course I had to bring Spider!Jimin into this.
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The night hung heavy over the city of Seoul, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light of the streetlamps. In the heart of the bustling metropolis, Kim Minjeong walked alone, her thoughts a tangled web of worries and fears.
Lost in her own world, Minjeong barely noticed the eerie silence that had fallen over the streets, the usual cacophony of sound replaced by an oppressive stillness that sent shivers down her spine. It was then that she saw it—a strange, pulsating light emanating from a darkened alleyway, beckoning her closer with an otherworldly allure.
Curiosity piqued, Minjeong approached cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest as she stepped into the shadows. And there, amidst the darkness, she found it—a creature unlike anything she had ever seen before.
It was black as night, its form shifting and undulating like liquid darkness given shape. And as Minjeong gazed into its glowing crimson eyes, she felt a chill run down her spine—a primal fear that threatened to consume her from within.
But as the creature drew closer, something inside Minjeong stirred—a flicker of defiance that refused to be extinguished. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hands.
The creature regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, its voice echoing in her mind like a whisper on the wind. "I am Venom," it replied, its tone dripping with malice and mischief. "And you, Kim Minjeong, are the one I have been searching for."
As the weight of its words settled over her, Minjeong felt a surge of power coursing through her veins—a power unlike anything she had ever known. And in that moment, she knew that her life would never be the same again.
As Minjeong stumbled through the door of her apartment, her heart pounding in her chest, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again. The encounter with Venom had left her shaken and disoriented, her mind reeling with a thousand questions and fears.
But as she tried to catch her breath and steady her trembling hands, Minjeong felt a strange sensation coursing through her veins—a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if something was stirring inside her, something dark and primal, waiting to be unleashed.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Minjeong realized that she was not alone. The symbiote that had bonded with her in the alleyway was still with her, its presence looming over her like a shadow in the darkness.
"Venom, what have you done to me?" Minjeong whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. But there was no reply, only the eerie silence of the empty apartment.
As Minjeong stumbled towards the bathroom, her reflection in the mirror seemed to blur and distort before her eyes. With a gasp of horror, she watched as tendrils of blackness snaked their way across her skin, wrapping her in a suffocating embrace.
"No, this can't be happening," Minjeong cried, her voice tinged with panic. But the symbiote's hold on her was relentless, its dark influence seeping into every corner of her mind.
With a desperate surge of strength, Minjeong fought against the symbiote's control, struggling to regain her sense of self. But the more she resisted, the stronger the symbiote's grip became, threatening to consume her from within.
In that moment of desperation, Minjeong realized that she was facing a battle unlike anything she had ever known—a battle for control of her own body and soul.
Alone in her apartment, Minjeong sat huddled on the floor, her back pressed against the cold concrete wall. Every breath felt like a struggle, the weight of Venom's presence pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. She shivered, not from the chill in the air, but from the fear that gripped her heart like a vice.
Her hands trembled as she reached out to touch the symbiote, its inky black tendrils writhing and pulsating in response to her touch. "Please, Venom," she whispered, her voice barely a whisper in the darkness. "I can't... I can't do this alone."
But there was no response, no comforting words of reassurance or solace. Only silence, broken only by the sound of Minjeong's ragged breathing and the pounding of her own heart. She felt like she was drowning, suffocating beneath the weight of Venom's influence, the darkness threatening to consume her from within.
Desperation clawed at her chest as she struggled to maintain her grip on reality, to hold onto the fragments of herself that threatened to slip away like grains of sand through her fingers. But no matter how hard she fought, she could feel herself slipping further and further into the abyss, the darkness closing in around her like a living, breathing entity.
Maybe if I just close my eyes for a second, I’ll feel better…
As Minjeong drifted into a fitful slumber, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and doubt, she was suddenly jolted awake by the cacophony of the city—the blaring horns of passing cars, the distant hum of traffic, the rush of wind against her skin.
Blinking blearily, Minjeong found herself sprawled atop a towering skyscraper, the cold steel beneath her fingers sending a shiver down her spine. As she struggled to make sense of her surroundings, her eyes fell upon her reflection in the shimmering glass of the building's facade.
And there, staring back at her, was a sight that took her breath away—a sleek, black suit that clung to her form like a second skin, its surface pulsating with an otherworldly energy that seemed to hum with life.
"What... what is this?" Minjeong murmured aloud, her voice barely above a whisper as she reached out to touch the inky black material, her fingers trembling with a mixture of fear and awe.
But before she could ponder the question further, Venom's voice echoed in her mind, his presence a comforting presence in the darkness. "This is who you are now, Minjeong," the symbiote assured her, its tone laced with a mixture of pride and anticipation. "Embrace it."
Minjeong's brow furrowed in confusion, her skepticism warring with her curiosity as she struggled to come to terms with her newfound identity. But as she felt the power coursing through her veins, the exhilaration of possibility coursing through her like wildfire, she knew that she couldn't resist the call of destiny.
With a newfound sense of determination, Minjeong rose to her feet, her eyes alight with a fierce determination as she prepared to test the limits of her newfound powers; so she leaped from the rooftop into the darkness below.
With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, Minjeong embraced the exhilarating rush of freedom that came with her newfound abilities. As she soared through the night sky, her senses heightened and her movements fluid and effortless, she felt a sense of liberation unlike anything she had ever experienced before.
With each leap and bound, she pushed herself to the limit, testing the boundaries of her newfound strength and agility. She scaled buildings with ease, her fingers finding purchase on even the most precarious ledges. She swung effortlessly from one rooftop to the next, the wind whipping through her hair as she danced through the darkness with grace and precision.
But it wasn't just her physical abilities that had been enhanced—it was her senses, too. She could hear the faintest whispers of conversation from blocks away, could see with crystal clarity even in the darkest corners of the city. And with each passing moment, she felt herself growing more attuned to the ebb and flow of the world around her, as if she were a part of something greater than herself.
As she landed gracefully on the edge of a towering skyscraper, Minjeong couldn't help but marvel at the vast expanse of the city spread out before her—a sprawling metropolis teeming with life and possibility.
It was all exciting, almost too exciting. Minjeong wanted—needed to see what else she was capable of, she needed to test her limits, use her powers to the fullest; and so, when she heard screaming from across the city, she knew exactly what to do.
With a smirk on her face, Minjeong made her way to her target.
So hungry…
What her new partner failed to mention was just how hungry she would be now, all thanks to him. Minjeong cursed Venom internally as she made her way to the kitchen.
As Minjeong rummaged through the cabinets in search of something to satisfy her newfound appetite, she couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at Venom's silence. "You could at least give me a heads up about this hunger thing," she muttered under her breath, her frustration mounting with each passing moment.
But to her surprise, Venom's response was swift—and unexpected. "I'm sorry, Minjeong," the symbiote chimed in, his voice echoing in her mind with a hint of contrition. "I didn't realize you would be affected like this. I'm still getting used to this whole... human thing."
Minjeong couldn't help but chuckle at Venom's admission, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them despite the strangeness of their bond. "Well, you better get used to it fast," she teased, her lips quirking into a playful smile. "Otherwise, I might have to find myself a new partner."
Venom's response was immediate—a playful growl that reverberated through Minjeong's mind like a distant thunderstorm. "Don't even think about it, Minjeong," the symbiote warned, his tone teasing and light-hearted. "You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not."
And as Minjeong chuckled softly to herself, the tension that had hung between them dissipating like mist in the morning sun, she knew that despite the challenges that lay ahead, she wouldn't have it any other way.
For in Venom, she had found not just a partner, but a friend—a companion to share in the trials and triumphs of her newfound life.
As Minjeong's bond with Venom deepened, so too did her descent into darkness. No longer content to tread the line between hero and villain, she embraced her newfound power with reckless abandon, heedless of the consequences of her actions.
One night, as she prowled the streets of Seoul in search of justice, she encountered a group of criminals preying on innocent civilians. Without hesitation, she unleashed the full force of Venom's power, striking fear into the hearts of the criminals and leaving them in a state of shock.
But as Minjeong stood victorious amidst the chaos, a sense of unease settled over her—a nagging doubt that gnawed at her conscience like a relentless beast. Was this truly the path she wanted to walk? To be feared rather than admired, to embrace the darkness rather than the light?
With a heavy heart, Minjeong turned and made her way back to her apartment, the weight of her actions bearing down on her like a crushing burden. But even as she struggled to reconcile the darkness within her, she clung to the hope that with Venom by her side, she could find a way to harness its power for good.
One day, Minjeong's solitary existence was interrupted by an unexpected visitor—y/n, her ex-girlfriend, accompanied by their beloved dog, Lennon. As y/n entered the apartment, a sense of unease settled over her, a gut feeling that something was amiss.
"Minjeong," y/n greeted her, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I... I brought Lennon. I thought you might want to see him."
Minjeong's gaze flickered to the dog, a pang of longing tugging at her heartstrings. Despite everything, the sight of their furry companion brought a flicker of warmth to her cold, hardened heart.
But before Minjeong could respond, Jimin, who had accompanied y/n, spoke up, her voice filled with concern. "There's something different about you, Minjeong," she observed, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Something’s... off."
Minjeong's blood ran cold at Jimin's words, a sense of dread settling over her like a suffocating blanket. She knew she had to tread carefully—after all, she couldn't afford to let anyone discover the truth about her symbiotic bond with Venom.
With a forced smile, Minjeong brushed off Jimin's concerns, masking her inner turmoil with false bravado. "You worry too much, Jimin," she replied, her voice tinged with false cheer. "I'm fine, really."
But even as she spoke the words, Minjeong couldn't shake the feeling that her carefully constructed facade was beginning to crumble, revealing the darkness that lurked beneath.
(“There’s something seriously wrong with that girl, y/n…”
“Trust me, Jimin, I’m well aware”)
As y/n and Jimin departed, leaving Minjeong alone with Venom and their faithful canine companion, Lennon, a heavy silence settled over the apartment. Minjeong could feel Venom's inquisitive gaze boring into her, the symbiote's curiosity piqued by the unexpected visitors.
"So, who were those girls?" Venom's voice echoed in Minjeong's mind, its tone laced with curiosity and intrigue.
Minjeong sighed, a pang of regret tugging at her heart as she thought of y/n and the life they had once shared together. "y/n is my ex-girlfriend," she admitted, her voice tinged with sorrow. "And Jimin is her best friend." At least I’m hoping they’re just friends…
Venom's response was unexpected—a low, rumbling chuckle that reverberated through Minjeong's mind like distant thunder. "Ah, I see," the symbiote mused, its tone lighthearted despite the dark mood that hung over the apartment. "A tale as old as time, perhaps? Love lost, regrets abound…"
Minjeong couldn't help but smile at Venom's attempt at humor, a flicker of warmth spreading through her despite the darkness that threatened to consume her. "Something like that," she conceded, her voice tinged with wistful nostalgia. "I… I regret breaking up with her, you know? She was… she is special."
Venom's response was surprisingly tender—a gentle caress of darkness that enveloped Minjeong in a comforting embrace. "You are special too, Minjeong," the symbiote assured her, its voice filled with warmth and compassion. "And you are not alone. We will find a way through this, together."
As the night wore on and the apartment grew quiet, Minjeong found herself drawn to a familiar sight—a framed photograph of her and y/n, captured in a moment of happiness and love. With a heavy heart, she reached out to trace the contours of their smiling faces, her mind flooded with memories of the time they had spent together.
Beside her, Venom stirred, his curiosity piqued by the sight of the photograph. "Tell me more about her, Minjeong," the symbiote urged, his voice a low whisper in the darkness. "About y/n. What was she like?"
Minjeong sighed, her gaze lingering on the photograph as she struggled to find the words to describe the girl who still held her heart. "y/n... she was kind, and caring," she began, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "She had this way of making me feel... alive, you know? Like I could be myself around her."
Venom listened intently, his presence a comforting presence in the darkness as Minjeong poured out her heart. And then, unexpectedly, he spoke again—a suggestion that caught Minjeong off guard.
"You should try to win her back, Minjeong," Venom urged, his tone surprisingly earnest. "Life is too short for regrets. You deserve to be happy."
Minjeong considered Venom's words, a flicker of hope stirring within her chest. Could it be possible? Could she find a way to mend the broken pieces of her heart and reclaim the love she had lost?
Before she could ponder the question further, a soft whimper broke the silence, drawing Minjeong's attention to the door where Lennon stood, his eyes filled with longing. With a heavy heart, Minjeong opened the door, allowing the dog to enter the room and curl up at her feet.
But as she watched Lennon settle in for the night, a sudden chill ran down Minjeong's spine—a sense of unease settling over her like a suffocating shroud. For as much as she had grown to care for the loyal creature, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.
And then, to her horror, Venom spoke again.
"Can I eat the dog, Minjeong?"
Minjeong's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to comprehend what she had just heard. "What?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "No, Venom. Absolutely not."
As the city slept, Minjeong found herself drawn once again to the call of the night—the irresistible urge to don the mantle of the vigilante, to seek out justice in the shadows where darkness lurked. With Venom by her side, she prowled the streets of Seoul, her senses heightened and her instincts sharpened by the symbiote's presence.
But as the night wore on and the hour grew late, Minjeong's solitary vigil was interrupted by an unexpected encounter—a figure clad in red and blue, swinging through the darkness with an agility and grace that seemed almost otherworldly.
For a moment, Minjeong hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest as she faced off against the legendary hero. But as Spiderwoman drew nearer, her eyes narrowed with suspicion, Minjeong knew that she had no choice but to stand her ground.
"Who... or what are you?" Spiderwoman demanded, her voice echoing in the stillness of the night.
Minjeong's gaze hardened, her companion remained silent, his presence a reassuring presence in the darkness. "My name is Venom," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremor of uncertainty that raced through her veins. "And I'm here to protect this city."
Spiderwoman's expression darkened at Minjeong's words, her senses tingling with a sense of foreboding. "Venom," she repeated, her voice laced with skepticism. "I've heard stories about you. You're not exactly... friendly."
Minjeong bristled at Spiderwoman's accusation, her pride wounded by the hero's insinuation. "I'm not the enemy here," she insisted, her voice tinged with defiance. "I'm just trying to make a difference, in my own way."
But even as she spoke the words, Minjeong couldn't shake the feeling that Spiderwoman was right—that perhaps, in her quest for justice, she had become the very thing she had sworn to fight against.
And as the two adversaries stood locked in a tense standoff, the darkness of the night closing in around them, Minjeong knew that their paths were destined to cross again—and that when they did, the stakes would be higher than ever before.
As the time came for Minjeong to return the faithful canine companion, Lennon, to y/n, she couldn't help but feel a nervous flutter in her stomach. Dressed in the tightest dress she could find, she made her way to y/n's apartment, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts and emotions.
Knocking on the door, Minjeong waited anxiously, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to face the girl she had once loved with all her heart; when the door finally swung open, revealing y/n's familiar face, Minjeong's breath caught in her throat.
"Hey," y/n greeted her, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she glanced down at the dog at Minjeong's side. "You brought Lennon back?"
Minjeong nodded, her gaze meeting y/n's as she summoned the courage to speak. "Yeah, I thought it was about time," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she fought to keep her emotions in check.
But as she looked into y/n's eyes, Minjeong couldn't help but feel a surge of longing wash over her—a longing to reach out and take y/n in her arms, to hold her close and never let her go.
And so, emboldened by the warmth of y/n's presence, Minjeong took a step forward, her heart racing as she prepared to lay her feelings bare. "y/n, I... I've missed you," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I know things haven't been easy between us, but... but I still care about you, more than anything."
y/n's expression softened at Minjeong's words, a flicker of warmth sparking in her eyes as she met Minjeong's gaze. "I've missed you too," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But... but things are different now, Minjeong. We can't just pick up where we left off."
Minjeong felt a pang of sadness at y/n's words, a sense of loss threatening to overwhelm her as she struggled to come to terms with the reality of their situation. But even as her heart ached with longing, she knew that she couldn't give up—not without a fight.
And so, with a determined glint in her eye, Minjeong leaned in closer, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to make one last desperate attempt to win y/n back.
But just as she was about to speak, the door swung open behind y/n, revealing Jimin standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with surprise as she took in the scene before her.
Ugh, Jimin…
"Uh, am I interrupting something?" Jimin asked, her voice tinged with confusion as she glanced between Minjeong and y/n.
Minjeong felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at being caught in such a vulnerable moment, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find the words to explain herself.
But before she could speak, y/n stepped forward, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she addressed Jimin. "No, not at all," she assured the newcomer, her voice warm. "Minjeong was just returning Lennon."
And as Minjeong watched y/n and Jimin exchange a knowing glance, a sense of unease blossomed in her heart. There really was no way that there was more to Jimin and y/n’s relationship. Right?
(“Oooh you were cock-blocked by none other than your love rival”
“Shut up, Venom”)
The inevitable happened, sooner than it was expected.
High above the bustling streets of Seoul, two figures stood locked in a fierce battle—one cloaked in shadows, the other adorned in red and blue.
Spiderwoman, her eyes narrowed with determination, leapt into action, her web-shooters firing with precision as she swung through the darkness with the grace and agility of a seasoned warrior. And standing before her, a dark silhouette against the backdrop of the night sky, was Venom—a fearsome presence, her every movement fueled by a hunger for power and dominance.
With a roar of fury, Venom lunged forward, her claws extended and her teeth bared in a primal snarl as she sought to overwhelm her adversary with sheer brute force. But Spiderwoman was no stranger to combat, her reflexes honed through years of training and experience, and she met Venom's onslaught with a ferocity of her own.
Blows were exchanged with lightning speed, the sound of fists meeting flesh echoing through the night as the two combatants danced a deadly dance of death and destruction. Venom's symbiote writhed and twisted, its tendrils lashing out with deadly precision, while Spiderwoman's webbing ensnared her opponent with unyielding strength and tenacity.
For what felt like an eternity, the battle raged on—a symphony of violence and chaos that threatened to tear the very fabric of reality asunder. And as the dust settled and the echoes of their clash faded into the night, both Venom and Spiderwoman found themselves battered and bruised, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken.
With a weary sigh, Venom retreated into the darkness, her wounds a painful reminder of the price of victory. And as Spiderwoman watched her vanishing form with a mixture of exhaustion and relief, she knew that their conflict was far from over—that their destinies were intertwined in ways that neither of them could fully comprehend.
Minjeong’s head was spinning. The unexpected encounter she had with Spiderwoman left her seeing stars, her mind felt like a whirlwind, the only thing she could fully focus on happened to be her ex girlfriend.
“y/n…” Minjeong growled, “I need y/n”.
Minjeong's pulse raced as she navigated the labyrinthine streets of Seoul, her thoughts consumed by the singular desire burning within her—to be reunited with y/n, the one person who had ever truly mattered to her.
With each step, the distance between them grew smaller, until at last, Minjeong found herself standing outside y/n's apartment building, her heart pounding in her chest as she hesitated at the threshold.
Summoning every ounce of courage she possessed, Minjeong pushed open the door and stepped into the dimly lit hallway, the scent of y/n's perfume lingering in the air like a tantalizing promise.
"y/n..." Minjeong whispered, her voice barely above a murmur as she made her way up the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the silence of the night. "I need y/n."
And as she reached the familiar door at the end of the hall, Minjeong's resolve solidified, her determination unshakable as she raised her hand to knock.
But before she could make contact, the door swung open, revealing y/n standing before her—a vision of beauty and grace, her eyes alight with an intensity that matched Minjeong's own.
"Minjeong..." y/n breathed, her voice barely above a whisper as she took in the sight of her former lover standing before her. "What are you doing here?"
Minjeong's heart soared at the sound of y/n's voice, her resolve strengthened by the warmth of y/n's presence. "I needed to see you," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I couldn't stay away any longer."
And as she reached out to touch y/n's face, her fingers trembling with longing, she felt a surge of electricity pass between them—a connection that transcended time and space, binding them together in a love that was as powerful as it was undeniable.
Lucky for Minjeong, y/n's eyes sparkled with the same desire, her lips curling into a knowing smile as she closed the distance between them, her arms wrapping around Minjeong in a tender embrace.
"I've missed you," y/n whispered, her voice filled with longing as she pressed her lips to Minjeong's, sealing their reunion with a kiss that spoke of promises yet to be fulfilled.
Their lips met in a fervent embrace, their kiss a symphony of longing and desire—a testament to the unspoken yearning that had lingered between them for far too long. Their bodies pressed together in a fervent embrace, the heat of their passion igniting like wildfire, Minjeong felt herself consumed by a hunger unlike anything she had ever known.
With a primal growl, Minjeong's hands roamed over y/n's body, her touch possessive and demanding as she sought to claim her lover as her own; y/n responded in kind, her own hands tracing patterns of fire across Minjeong's skin, their connection deepened—a bond forged in the crucible of desire and longing.
Their movements were rough, urgent, fueled by a need that transcended mere physicality. And as they surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm of their desire, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace, they lost themselves in the ecstasy of the moment—a moment that seemed to stretch on for eternity, yet was over all too soon.
As they lay tangled together in the aftermath, their breaths ragged and their hearts pounding in unison, Minjeong felt a sense of peace wash over her—a sense of completeness that she had never known before. And as she looked into y/n's eyes, she knew that she had finally found her place in the world—a place by y/n's side, where she belonged.
As the soft glow of dawn filtered through the curtains, Minjeong and y/n lay tangled together in the aftermath of their passionate reunion, their bodies entwined in a tender embrace as they basked in the afterglow.
But as the tranquility of the moment enveloped them, y/n's phone suddenly rang, shattering the silence with its shrill tone. With a reluctant sigh, y/n reached for her phone, her heart sinking as she saw the caller ID—Jimin.
"Hey, Jimin," y/n answered, her voice tinged with concern as she listened to the urgency in her friend's voice. "What's wrong?"
And as Jimin explained that she had been injured and needed help, y/n's heart went out to her friend, her mind racing with worry and fear. "Of course, Jimin," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Come over to my place, I'll take care of you."
But as she hung up the phone and turned to Minjeong, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her heart, a feeling that only grew stronger as the minutes ticked by, each one stretching on for an eternity as they awaited Jimin's arrival.
And then, with a soft knock on the door, Jimin appeared, a vision of vulnerability and strength as she stood before them, her eyes clouded with pain yet filled with determination.
"Hey, y/n," Jimin greeted her, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced between y/n and Minjeong. "I hope I'm not intruding."
But as she stepped further into the room, her gaze fell upon Minjeong—and in that instant, the world seemed to stand still as their eyes locked in a silent exchange of recognition and understanding.
For in that moment, Jimin realized the truth—that Minjeong was Venom, the dark presence that had haunted the streets of Seoul in recent weeks. And as the weight of that realization settled upon her, she felt a surge of fear and uncertainty wash over her—a fear of the unknown, and of the darkness that lurked within Minjeong's soul.
But even as Jimin struggled to come to terms with the truth, Minjeong's own revelation dawned upon her—a realization that sent a shiver of fear down her spine, and left her trembling with uncertainty.
For in that moment, Minjeong knew the truth—that Jimin was Spiderwoman, the heroic figure who had dedicated her life to protecting the innocent and upholding justice. And as the implications of that revelation sank in, she felt a sense of dread and foreboding settle upon her—a fear of what the future might hold, and of the inevitable clash that lay ahead.
As y/n's concerned gaze flickered between Minjeong and Jimin, she couldn't help but sense the palpable tension that hung heavy in the air—a tension born of secrets and revelations, of hidden truths and unspoken desires.
"What's wrong?" y/n asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she searched their faces for answers.
But both Minjeong and Jimin quickly schooled their expressions into masks of indifference, their eyes betraying the storm of emotions that raged within.
"Nothing," Minjeong replied smoothly, her voice laced with an undercurrent of defiance as she reached out to caress y/n's cheek, her touch gentle yet possessive. "Just a little misunderstanding, that's all."
And as she pressed a tender kiss to y/n's forehead, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her at the sight of Jimin's simmering rage—a satisfaction born of knowing that she had succeeded in getting under her rival's skin.
"Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other from now on," Minjeong remarked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she glanced at Jimin, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Now that y/n and I are back together."
Jimin's gaze darkened at the taunt, her jaw clenched with barely suppressed anger as she met Minjeong's mocking stare with a steely glare of her own. But despite the fury that burned within her, she remained silent—a silent promise to herself, and to the world, that she would stop at nothing to bring an end to Minjeong's reign of terror.
And as the tension in the room thickened, the air crackling with the promise of conflict yet to come, Minjeong and Jimin locked eyes in a silent battle of wills—a battle that would shape the destiny of Seoul, and of all who called it home.
A/N: And it's finally here! I rewrote this like a million times, but oh well. I hope it was worth the wait, I hope you guys enjoy it. I start a new class this week and it seems it will take much more of my free time than the past one. Feel free to request something but keep in mind that I will take my time with it.
Spider!Jimin will be back on her own, there's also a wife!Jimin reuqest that I got that I want to get to.
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mcflymemes · 9 months
THE GREATEST MOVIE QUOTES OF ALL TIME *  assorted dialogue from famous films, adjust as necessary
[name], i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn.
i'll have what she's having.
i have a feeling we're not in kansas anymore.
i'm as mad as hell, and i'm not going to take this anymore!
you're gonna need a bigger boat.
nobody puts baby in a corner.
well. nobody's perfect.
you can't fight in here! this is the war room!
get away from her, you bitch!
houston, we have a problem.
when someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes!
i am no man!
i love the smell of napalm in the morning.
you had me at "hello."
i'm also just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
don't call me shirley.
i feel the need... the need for speed!
i'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.
i know it was you, [name]. you broke my heart.
just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in.
you can't handle the truth!
i can do this all day.
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
snakes. why did it have to be snakes?
clever girl.
what, like it's hard?
you shall not pass.
that's my secret, [name]. i'm always angry.
i wish i knew how to quit you.
get busy living, or get busy dying.
ugh, as if!
i'll be back.
there's no crying in baseball!
some men just want to watch the world burn.
take your stinking paws off me!
screws fall out all the time. the world's an imperfect place.
life moves pretty fast. you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
i'm sorry, [name]. i'm afraid i can't do that.
a strange game. the only winning move is not to play.
are you crazy? the fall will probably kill you!
i see dead people.
if you build it, he will come.
with great power comes great responsibility.
roads? where we're going, we don't need roads.
go ahead. make my day.
say hello to my little friend!
are you not entertained?
i'm not bad. i'm just drawn that way.
i've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
i have a bad feeling about this.
you talkin' to me?
what's in the box?
your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
that rug really tied the room together, did it not?
you cut the turkey without me?
i'm not even supposed to be here today.
you'll shoot your eye out, kid.
boy, that escalated quickly.
you don't wanna get mixed up with a guy like me.
i know kung-fu.
now i have a machine gun.
what is your damage, [name]?
what we've got here is failure to communicate.
here's looking at you, kid.
fasten your seatbelts. it's going to be a bumpy night.
love means never having to say you're sorry.
there's no place like home.
why don't you come up sometime and see me?
i'm walkin' here!
i want to be alone.
round up the usual suspects.
you know how to whistle, don't you, [name]?
we rob banks.
we'll always have paris.
well, nobody's perfect.
a boy's best friend is his mother.
keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into.
what a dump?
[name], you're trying to seduce me. aren't you?
is it safe?
i have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
hello, gorgeous.
a martini. shaken, not stirred.
seize the day. make your lives extraordinary.
snap out of it!
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2af-afterdark · 2 years
Give and Take
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Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/M Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me! Relationship: Main Character/Lucifer Characters: Lucifer, Main Character Additional Tags: afab!MC (you/your), use of safe word, mild nsfw, trauma Summary: Sometimes, it’s the dom that needs to drop the safe word. AO3 request: “I would love to see it in a scenario where Lucifer the Dom drops the safe word. I know they have safe words too but never seen anyone do it. For me this would be a new thing to read and experience.” Word Count: 1155
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“And what are you planning, my troublesome little minx?”
“Not much,” you slide into his lap, cuddling up to him, “Whatever gets me pushed onto the bed sounds good though.”
“My, you are quite forward tonight, aren’t you?” He put his thumb and forefinger against your chin, tilting your gaze up toward him, “Though, if that is what you want, you may be disappointed. After all, this position is quite lovely already.” As he spoke, he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, gently nibbling the flesh there and listening to the little mewls that escaped your throat.
“Luci- ahh.” Words left you as he snaked his hand into your pants, rubbing his finger over your underwear.
As he toyed with you, however, he noticed that something about your underwear was not normal. The texture around the edge was different and they felt small on you, “Are you wearing something?”
The way you shift in his lap is all the confirmation he needs. He knew you had a large stash of lingerie lying around and he appreciated how readily you wore it for his amusement.
“I believe I would like to see what this little surprise is,” he said as he dipped his hand beneath your panties and sunk a finger into you, “Take off these other things. They’re in the way.”
You nod, using shaky fingers to carefully undo the buttons of your shirt and cursing your decision to wear something so time consuming. For the love of everything good in this world, you just wanted him to rip it open already, but you were sure he was making you do it and rubbing you all the while just to torment you. That’s what you got for for attempting to be seductive.
Eventually, you undid the last button and slid the shirt down your arms. Underneath, he found the little surprise you had been hiding; a white nightie with delicate trim.
“Is this for me?” He chuckled, running the finger of his free hand along the edge of the outfit and tickling your skin.
“Yes, Sir.” Well, it was also for you. You looked so cute in this particular set and you were glad you got to wear it, “Do you like it?”
“It is quite beautiful, though it would look better on the floor.”
Now that he got a closer look at you, something inside of him felt strange. White was worn for many reasons in many different contexts; birth, weddings, funerals, to signify innocence and purity… And many of those reasons stirred something feral inside of him. It was natural for a demon to want to defile and corrupt something innocent and claim it for themselves and Lucifer was no exception. It didn’t matter that you were already his.
More than any of those things, however, was the way the fabric draped over your frame and hugged your curves. It looked so… familiar, in the worst way. Looking at you was like seeing a small piece of heaven anew. It was a sight and feeling that he couldn’t and didn’t want to handle.
His breath hitches in his throat, trying to find something to say to you but only drawing a blank. There was only one phrase that was coming to mind as he withdrew his hands from you, “Lost lamb.”
You froze on the spot, “Lucifer?” You’d never actually seen him use his safe word before, so it had caught you off guard. You look back at him, seeing how distant his eyes appear to be; like he’s trying to compose himself but each time he does his nerves rush back in again.
“I apologize. I didn’t realize…” He wasn’t distressed, merely shaken at his own thoughts, but it was enough to end the entire thing for him. He could not safely continue in his current headspace nor did he particularly feel the desire to, “Give me a moment.”
It was hard to focus on much else at the moment, but you knew the rules when someone tapped out of play, “What do you need from me?” You had to ask, because Lucifer had never been in a position where he had to tell you before.
He looked you over once more, “Would you mind changing into something else?” Literally anything else, even if it was nothing.
“Of course.” He didn’t have to ask twice for you to get up and venture over to his closest where you grabbed the largest, baggiest shirt you could find and changed into it.
The entire time, he didn’t dare look in your direction as he tried to compose himself. You were so beautiful, but when he looked at you in that moment… you looked too similar to memories he would rather forget.
“Lucifer?” You called out to him as you approached again, trying not to startle him.
He took a deep breath before turning around to look at you, smiling at the comically large shirt you were now wearing, “You look lovely.”
“Thank you for the compliment, but this isn’t about me.” You step closer to him, running your hands along his biceps slowly, “How do you feel?”
He smiles down at you, but it feels hollow, “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Don’t lie to me,” you squeeze him slightly, “You don’t just drop the safe word because everything is perfectly fine.”
“I suppose that is true for others, but it was simply a spur of the moment decision for me. I shouldn’t have been so quick to use it.” He could have tolerated the feeling. It was only a passing moment, after all.
You stick your lip out in a little pout. Clearly, he was trying to downplay what was bothering him. Was he self-conscious about using it for the first time?
“Well, I think it’s really admirable that you are so in touch with your emotional state. Knowing when you need to stop is attractive.” It was the least you could do to make him feel better about it. And, since he used it, that means you needed to take care of him, right? Though you doubted he would appreciate being coddled, “How would you feel about snacks? I hid some of that tart from yesterday so Beel didn’t get it all. I could also make some coffee or tea, but that may take a while.” And you weren’t sure that being alone at the moment was good for him.
“If you want,” which you knew was Lucifer’s way of asking you for something without saying he wanted it. Maybe you would spoil him and hand feed him as a surprise. After all, he must really be shaken if he wasn’t being forthcoming with you in his usual, prideful way.
In time, you would have to ask him what had upset him, but for now you just wanted to take care of him and make sure he was going to be okay.
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It's Always Been Us - Michael Kinsella x Reader (Chapter 1 - Michael)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x F!Reader
Story Summary: The continuing saga of Michael and Reader from Michael's PoV, starting with the morning after It's Always Been You.
Warnings/Tags for entire story: S2E7 & S2E8 AU, Oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v sex (like... a lot of it -- these two have 20 years to make up for), non-graphic allusions to attempted non-con (if you've seen S2 you know what's up), other additional tags to be added as we go along.
Word Count: ~2950 for this chapter
A/N: Welcome to the sequel to It's Always Been You! This will be told from Michael's PoV and will follow the morning after IABY until the end of season 2 and possibly slightly beyond (with certain plot details being changed/eliminated, of course).
Fuck, wha' an amazin' dream, Michael Kinsella thought as he woke up.
He blinked his eyes open and smiled to himself. 
He was naked in his best friend's bed, Y/N's fast asleep in his arms with her back pressed to his front. Not a dream, then.
The previous night had actually happened -- what had started out as Michael simply needing some comfort from his best friend of more than 20 years had turned into a night of passion. He and Y/N had finally confessed the feelings they had both felt towards each other since they had met as teenagers, and what followed had definitely been the best sex Michael had ever had. After they had made love for the very first time, they had taken a shower together, during which Michael had fucked Y/N up against the shower wall, and after they had returned to bed, Y/N had returned Michael's earlier oral favor before he had fucked her again.
He grinned at the memory.
"Fuckin' hell, feels so fuckin' amazin', love," Michael had groaned out as Y/N had licked and sucked at him. "Thought about havin' those pretty lips of yers on me fer years, Y/N, suckin' my cock like it was yer fuckin' job. Fuckin' perfect, ya are."
He had hissed in a breath as Y/N had hummed around him, his hand snaking into her hair and gripping it tightly. "Gonna fuckin' cum, pet," he had warned, trying to pull her off of him. 
Y/N had shaken her head and taken him as deep as she possibly could, swallowing around him as he had come down her throat.
"Fuckin' hell, love," Michael had groaned after he was spent. "I think ya sucked me soul out'a me cock."
Y/N had giggled, kissing her way back up his body before lying next to him. "Jus' wanted ta take care of ya, Mikey."
Michael had shaken his head. "It's goin' ta take me a bit to get goin' again, so in tha meantime yer gonna sit on my face until ya can't remember anythin' except fer my name."
Michael had kept his word, repeatedly teasing her to the edge with his mouth before fucking her until she came screaming his name. 
He couldn't help but wonder if Y/N had also fantasized about him and wondered if her fantasies had been similar to his own -- sneaking off to his bedroom at a family event, not even making it to the bed before Y/N was dropping to her knees, her hands frantically working at Michael's belt in order to shove his pants and boxers down to his ankles, Michael gripping her hair as he watched her swallow him down and work him to the edge before pulling her off of him with a groan and helping her stand so he could hike her dress up and pull her underwear to the side, testing her readiness with his fingers before sliding his bare cock into her, his hands gripping her thighs tightly as he fucked her up against the door until they were both spent, then heading back downstairs together, Y/N's cunt still stuffed full of his cum…
He bit his lip, cock starting to stir. There was something about the knowledge that he was the only man who had ever been allowed inside Y/N without a barrier -- and furthermore, being the only man who had ever been allowed to come inside Y/N without a barrier (and multiple times, at that) -- that awakened something primal in him. He wanted to press his lips to every inch of Y/N's skin, marking her as his. 
He slowly ground his hips against her, hissing in a breath as his rapidly hardening cock slotted between her ass cheeks. Fuck. 
His arms tightened around her as he carefully slid his cock between the soft, round globes of her ass, the feel of her smooth skin making him groan quietly in pleasure.
"Ya gonna keep humpin' my arse or are ya actually plannin' ta fuck me?"
Michael froze, cheeks flaming as Y/N turned in his arms.
She blinked at him sleepily, a soft smile on her face. "Mmm. Good mornin', love."
Michael smiled back, relieved that Y/N didn't seem to be annoyed with him for waking her. "Good mornin' ta you too."
Y/N gave him a kiss. "Wha' time is it?"
Michael turned and reached for his phone to check. "About 6:30."
"Mmm. 'Kay."
"Are ya workin' today?"
Y/N shook her head. "Nah, I don' go back in until tomorrow evenin'."
Michael grinned. "Good, 'cause I'd like ta take ya out tonight, ya know, all proper like ya deserve."
Y/N let out a light laugh. "Wha', do ya wan' ta court me, Michael Kinsella?"
Michael smiled nervously. That wasn't exactly the terminology he had in mind, but yeah, he did want to date and eventually marry Y/N. "If tha's what it takes fer ya ta be mine."
Y/N hummed playfully. "Mmm, I believe tha' we already established tha fact tha' I'm yers, didn' we? Or were the marks ya left on me last night not proof enough?"
A smirk flitted across Michael's face. "Mmm, I might need ta leave a few more, ya know, jus' fer good measure."
Y/N hissed in a breath as he gently pressed his thumb against one of the marks he had left on her hip. "Can't say I'd mind tha' too terribly."
Michael reached up and caressed her face. "I just wan' ta do this right, Y/N. I've loved ya fer so long, and now tha' I finally got a chance ta be with ya I don' wan' ta fuck it up."
Y/N shook her head. "There are very few ways ya could fuck this up, Michael Kinsella. I know who ya are and wha' ya've done, and I love and accept ya not because of or in spite of any of it, but because a' this."
She pressed a hand to Michael's chest. "This is wha' I fell in love with."
Michael placed his hand on top of hers. More than once she had taken his heart -- bloody, bruised, and broken -- and mended it back together with surgically skilled precision, leaving her name stitched in multiple places along the seams. "It's yers, ya know. Always has been."
Y/N nodded. "If ya really want ta take me out tonight, then I would love ta go on a date with ya." 
Michael smiled in relief. Since he never got his chance to have a normal relationship with Y/N when they were younger he wasn't going to squander his chance now. "Grand."
Y/N leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Of course, tha's as long as ya take me back ta yer place fer a 'nightcap' afterwards."
Michael huffed out a laugh, his cock stirring once again at Y/N's insinuation. "Ya drive a hard bargain, pet, but I think I can agree ta tha'."
Y/N leaned in to give him a soft kiss, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "Good. Now, why don' we continue wha' ya had started when ya woke me up this mornin'?"
Michael trailed one hand up her bare back as he wrapped the other around her waist. "Mmm, gladly, love."
He pulled her in for another kiss.
Y/N slid her hands from his cheeks to his neck as she wrapped a leg around his, rolling her hips upwards.
Michael groaned as her cunt slid along his cock, coating him in her wetness. "Fuckin' hell, wet fer me already, pet?"
Y/N nodded as she reached down and lined him up with her entrance. "Want ya inside me, Mikey."
Michael hissed in a breath as he sank his cock into Y/N's warm, wet core. As many times as they would make love (and he hoped it would be thousands, if not tens of thousands more in his lifetime), he figured he'd never get used to the feeling of being buried deep inside Y/N, hearing her breathy moans in his ear as he claimed her over and over, the way his name sounded on her lips while he spilled inside her trembling cunt…
He withdrew until just his tip remained, then pushed back in. "Christ, love, yer cunt feels fuckin' incredible. Wish I could spend all day buried inside ya. Ya'd like tha', wouldn' ya, pet?"
Y/N nodded. "Mmhmm. Want ya ta keep fuckin' me until I'm full of yer cum, Mikey."
Jesus. Michael's hands made their way to Y/N's pert ass so he could drive even deeper into her. "Oh really? Wan' me ta fill this sweet cunt up, love? Wan' me ta pump ya so full of my cum tha' it's leakin' out around my cock?"
Y/N whimpered. "Uh huh. Wan' ya ta keep fillin' me 'till I can't take anymore, Mikey." 
Michael growled. "Ya wan' ta be my little fucktoy, is tha' it, Y/N? Wan' ta be used for my pleasure, fer me ta come in whenever I wan'?"
Y/N gasped. "Yes, Michael, please. Use me however you want, love, I'm yers."
"Fuckin' right, yer' mine." Michael pulled out of her. "Turn around and lean into me, pet."
He waited as Y/N turned facing away from him, then he lined his cock back up and pushed inside her, hands grasping her hips as he rolled them onto their backs. 
"Oh, fuck, Michael," Y/N gasped as he continued fucking into her, his balls slapping up against her cunt with every thrust. "So good, love."
Michael hissed. He had learned very quickly the previous night that Y/N was close to an orgasm when she started using his given name rather than his nickname. "So fuckin' beautiful, pet, look at yerself takin' me so well. Ya gonna come for me, love? Gonna take my seed deep inside ya, show who ya belong ta?"
One of Y/N's hands gripped the sheets tightly while the other reached up to grab her headboard.
She nodded.
"Ah ah ah." Michael gave a gentle slap to her cunt. "Use yer words, pet. Let me hear tha' pretty voice of yers."
Y/N huffed out a breath. "Yes, fuck, yes, gonna come, Mikey, please don' stop."
"Tha's it." Michael sucked a mark on her neck as he began to thrust even harder, one hand snaking down her torso to rub her clit while the other wrapped around her waist. "So fuckin' lucky yer mine, love, gonna spend every day showing ya just how much ya mean ta me, how much I cherish ya."
Y/N whimpered, the sound sending shockwaves straight to Michael's cock. "Michael --"
Michael hummed, his own release quickly approaching. "Tha's right, darlin', let go fer me. I'm righ' behind ya."
He placed another kiss to Y/N's neck. "I love ya so much, Y/N."
Y/N came around him with a cry, the hand that had been clutching the headboard suddenly burying itself into Michael's hair.
Michael thrust into her a half-dozen more times before emptying himself into her quivering cunt, relishing in the feel of Y/N's body taking everything he had to give her.
Y/N relaxed against him, her hand loosening its grip in his hair in order to caress his face. "I love ya too, Mikey."
Michael eased his way out of her. "Mmm. I'm glad ta hear tha'."
Y/N shifted to lie next to him, then turned and snuggled into his side.
Michael turned to face her and pulled her to him, tangling his legs with hers.
Y/N buried her face in his chest, nose nuzzling right where Michael's heart was. "Mmm, wha' a way ta wake up. I could get used ta tha'."
Michael chuckled, running his fingers up and down Y/N's bare back. He wanted to wake up next to her every morning for the rest of his life. "Mmhmm. Me too."
Y/N pressed a kiss to his chest. "Have ya figured out wha' yer' gonna do about Bren?"
Michael sighed. He had honestly hoped to avoid that conversation altogether. "Yes, but yer' not gonna like it."
Y/N shook her head and leaned back to look up at him. "Actually if yer' thinkin' about gettin' rid of him, I agree tha' he needs ta go."
Michael looked at her in surprise. "Are ya serious? Wha' happened to savin' lives?"
Y/N sighed. "I am savin' lives by agreein' ta this. Bren's done caused too much hurt and pain ta be allowed ta continue unchecked, and besides, I'd kill the bastard myself if I ever found out he had actually touched Anna."
She bit her lip. "Maybe it won' hafta come down ta tha', but if it does, jus'... Be careful, okay? I can' lose ya."
Michael nodded. "I will."
Y/N cupped his cheek in her hand. "And I'll talk ta Anna today."
Michael nodded again and softly pressed his lips to hers. "Actually, can we talk ta her together? I owe her an apology fer shoutin' at her."
Y/N smiled softly at him. "Of course, love. I'm sure she'd appreciate tha'."
"...And while we're a' it maybe we can tell her about us, too?" Michael bit his lip. "I don' wan' ta hide our relationship and I think Anna might handle it better if we tell her ourselves rather than her havin' ta hear about it from Anthony or someone else."
The bright grin that bloomed on Y/N's face was enough to power all of Dublin. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like tha'."
Michael leaned in to kiss her again. "I got ta get goin' in a bit. We're all meetin' ta talk about what ta do about Bren and after tha' we're meetin' with a new supplier, so I got ta get home ta shower and change."
Y/N nodded. "Got time for some breakfast before ya need ta leave?" 
Michael nodded. "Mmm. With you? Of course."
"Sounds perfect." Michael could picture future mornings waking up next to Y/N -- carefully climbing out of bed in order to not disturb her while he snuck off to the kitchen to make her breakfast in bed, returning to wake her up with gentle kisses and caresses, basking in the warmth of Y/N's sleepy smile as she roused, laughing as she pulled him to her and pressed her lips to his, Michael's hands wandering across her bare skin, breakfast be damned…
Y/N stretched. "Okay, I'll get tha' goin' then."
Michael watched as she got up and pulled on the robe he had bought her as a Christmas gift the previous year, the Japanese silk gliding smoothly over her shoulders. 
"Mmm," he said, climbing out of bed and walking over to her. "Never thought I'd actually get ta see ya in tha'. Ya look beautiful in it."
Y/N smiled. "Keep playin' yer cards right and ya jus' might see me in it more often… or out, as tha case may be."
Michael chuckled as he wrapped his hands around her waist. "Oh I definitely plan on it, love."
Y/N gave him a kiss. "I'll go get breakfast started while ya get dressed."
Michael pulled his boxers and jeans back on, then fetched his shirt and shoes from Y/N's living room before joining her in the kitchen. "Need any help?"
Y/N looked over at him from her stove. "Actually, if ya want ta bring tha plates over and fix some juice that'd be grand."
Michael nodded. "Sure thing, love."
He grabbed the plates that Y/N had set out on her kitchen island, setting them near Y/N so she could plate their eggs before pouring them each a glass of juice from the bottle in Y/N's refrigerator.
They sat down at Y/N's island to eat. "Mmm. Amazin', as always, love," Michael said after his eggs were cool enough to take a bite. "Even better considerin' the circumstances of me bein' here durin' breakfast."
Y/N leaned over and gave Michael a kiss on the cheek. "Thank ya. And I agree, I definitely like the circumstances of ya joinin' me fer breakfast."
She took a bite of her own eggs. "So I was thinkin', maybe I can text Anna and ask her ta meet us around lunchtime at tha park near her grandmother's house? Think ya will be done with yer meetin's by then?"
Michael nodded. "I'll let ya know if something changes but yeah, tha' should work."
"Okay, grand."
Y/N picked up her phone and sent Anna a text, waiting a moment before her phone chimed with a response. "She said okay."
Michael nodded. "Grand."
They finished eating, then Michael stood and put his plate in Y/N's sink. "I should get goin'. We're supposed ta be at Amanda's in an hour."
Y/N nodded, standing up as well. "Here, I'll walk ya out."
They walked to Y/N's front door.
Y/N reached out and gave Michael's hand a squeeze. "Got everythin'?"
Michael checked his pockets for his phone, wallet, and house keys. "Yeah, I think so."
He cupped her face in his hands and gave her a soft, slow kiss, still unable to believe that he was now allowed to do that. "I'll call ya later?"
Y/N nodded. "I love ya, ya know tha'?"
Michael grinned, pressing another kiss to her lips. "I love ya too."
He opened the door and walked out, turning to look at Y/N standing in the doorway one more time before heading back home, smiling softly to himself.
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tired-reader-writer · 4 months
A jumbled, possibly out-of-order compilation of my thoughts about the new chapter!
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The only time we see Andragoras' speech bubbles tremble, I believe. The only time he's been shaken to this extent.
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But it very soon turns into anger and aggression anyways because anger is easier than fear. Anger is easier than disbelief. Anger is easier than shock.
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Shrimpteresting that he includes Osroes in this, because as far as we know, Osroes never really relied on them the way his father did, the most we know about the matter is that Osroes was a little superstitious even if not as much as Gotarzes, and that he was humoring his father. He didn't seem to take it as seriously.
So it makes me go 👀👀👀 at the Master mentioning Osroes in this conversation. Did Team Zahhak worsen his hatred towards Hilmes, perhaps?
Or perhaps this is him just... stirring shit to shock Hilmes. That too is possible.
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Glad they addressed this at least! It's a risky endeavor, one that has the potential to endanger other people as well.
The thought still occured to me, “Do you have to, Arslan? Couldn't you just keep it under wraps and proceed as you have before?” but I think I understand him a little bit. His entire life had been doctored by people who manipulated the truth, to the point of killing innocents off to “tie off loose ends”. These were people connected to him. Some he held dear. I can understand why he wouldn't want to walk a similar path of deception and lies.
There is also, of course, the distinct possibility of someone else finding it out and trying to get him off the board, in which case the Rukhnabad would grant him good legitimization.
Am I 100% about this venture? Ehhh, not really, but I think I'm at least 90% convinced. Better than what we know of the novel version at the very least.
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That seems... more than a bit lacking in regard for yourself, Arslan. I do get his logic, though! No way of knowing until you try— and gods you have to try if you do want a better tomorrow.
He's doing it for his ideals, the people he wants to save, and the ones who fought and died for him. In a way, he's putting himself at risk for them. In a way, this is him stepping up to meet their hopes even if it meant great danger for himself.
It would be easier to shy away, I think. Not pursue the Rukhnabad. The prospect of being deemed unworthy, especially in front of people you're leading, would be enough to send me running.
He's making an informed choice, knowing full well what may come. Godspeed, my child. Nobody can stop you now.
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Hilmes, my durian denka!
Also interesting that not even Andragoras knows where his own child is now. Less chance of Tahamenay knowing if not even you yourself know, amirite?
(Seriously though, the lack of regard for his own child this guy has... HOW DO YOU LOSE AN ENTIRE CHILD)
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Gieve in this scene came across as a whole lot more earnest than he tends to be, he's like a school kid retrieving something belonging to his little brother that got snatched by another kid, lol 😭 Or like a doting brother of sorts, I suppose, like “this belongs to MY lil bro prince!!!!”, even if I wish his doting didn't come in the form of bullying poor Don Ricardo, LOL.
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Ominous. I shuddered when I got to this part.
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deezeyrabbidy · 1 year
Nature's Biggest Mistake: Daphne's Tale (AU Lore Stuff)
(This is my currently written backstory for Daphne in my Edge and the Spark Hunters AU. I finally got around to posting thanks to some encouragement from @pastelprince18! ^^ I hope you, and everyone else, enjoy this.........) (Also, cw for mentions of nudity)
Daphne never had a mother in a traditional sense, though she did technically have a birther. Deep in the forests of Terra Flora's more obscure corners lay a large, monstrous bloom, a flower looking like the unholy beast version of a gorgeous pink rose……vines surrounded it's delicate petals, mobile and connected to parts underground unknown to man.
They say a weary traveler wandered through the think underbrush and documenting sights unknown. And then he came across the mother, and the mother took interest in him…… the specifics are best left unsaid, but the man did survive. Shaken, but he vanished from the forest, never to be seen again, and to this day his identity remains largley unkown, even today.
It took months upon months for anything notable to stir, but a second blossom was budding just below her gorgeous petals……It grew like a pimple or a boil, sagging and drooping and twitching more like a disgusting starving animal than that of an incoming blooming bud. But grow it still did, almost reaching it's mother in size, and dragging her down with it's weight. Finally the bud was as flush and bright as the plant that stood above it. But yet it wouldn't bloom, despite it's flourishing. Strange!
At long last, after it seemed like this bulb was nothing more than a dud parasitic offspring, the petals unfurled with little real splendor…
Sending a slimy, writing infant tumbling face-first into the muddy, marshy ground below. Miracle it didn't hit a thorn on the way down.
The flower was blooming at full capacity, but even now it showed signs of beginning wither. The intrigue anyone could've had over this spectacle of nature was given way to a rather pathetic sight indeed. No goddess of the forest or even a cloned, asexually produced monster resembling it's parent. Just a sputtering slimy Rabbid with root-like strings still attached like dried up umbilical cords. It was quite literally just an ugly, crying baby already covered in mud and filth.
Despite the rather sad state of it all, the baby was not as left for dead as one might think. For the mother's tendrils draped on down and dripped a bitter saplike fluid, which provided the newborn abomination with the nutrients in order to survive. It was a fucked up version of a bàby's bottle of milk, and I dare say most babies would rather starve than deal with mouthfuls of bitter, honeylike sap pouring down their throats.
While this need for food was fulfilled, the mother made no further moves to interacting with the baby she had brought into the world. The flower from which she fell from wilted and withered as the child grew, the petals falling away like nothing had grown there to begin with. Daphne had no name. No parents to give her one. And no guidance or care from any fauna around her.
Hell, not like she knew anything different. She was ,in essence, a wild animal, who only knew her mother as a source of sustenance, even as she began to enjoy the taste of…..fauna……small fauna, but protein is protein. She hardly even encountered another being that even looked like her own image. Her home lay far from the desirable, organized flower farms and gardens that Terra Flora was famous for. And even those who dared to venture into the woodlands would usually not come anywhere near her area, she lived so deep within the brush. And she wasn't even a perfect facimile; her tongue was like a smooth, ridged vine that snaked from her maw. Her fingers ended with smooth, plantlike skin rather than the oddly silky fur that were actually strand of plant fibers that grew from her skin. Her seemingly Rabbid disguise was easy to pick apart once one got up close. Her eyes, though hidden by her unkempt locks of pale blue hair, were little more than membrances on her face, that simply were good at detecting light, color, and shapes like a normal rabbid's eyeballs. And neither of these things even compared in jarringness to her 'tails'; they acted like semi-independent appendages that could stretch far beyond Daphne's arm reach, and their lethally sharp spines could inject a powerful nuerotoxin into her hopeless prey......by all accounts, she was a freak. A freak to rabbidkind and a freak of the nature she was birthed from.
However, she had reached adulthood after a while, and nearly a year after her eighteenth birthday, a strange ship landed amongst the dense forestation…….
The spark hunters were on a stakeout. Some fortunate sparks had taken refuge amongst the deepest corners of the unknown forests, and even disregarding that, the isolated woods were devoid of other Rabbids…….right? It was the perfect hiding location for the then group of three. Daphne experienced an animalistic sence of wonder and joy; After so many years, there was a thing, a new thing, that had arrived in the woods! It smelled odd, it felt surprisingly smooth! What was this bizarre, massive behemoth of a structure, thought the plant hybrid. It also felt warm inside too, if the weird things in the back expunlging filthy dust into the air was any indication…..perfect for a nap if she could get within.
The forest HAD been getting rather chilly given the many recent rainy days……
It's her lucky day, it seems! Since this location was so far from any sane rabbid's dwellings, the door to the Spark Hunter's spaceship had been completley left unlocked…….As Daphne had been watching from the underbrush, a still-alive Midnite had exited later than her colleagues, allowing the plant rabbid to get a good idea of how the door kind of worked…….
Still, it was like seeing a cat or dog pathetically paw at the lever knob on a door handle. but, like those cats and dogs, eventually, she found success…….and was met with almost instant confusion and bewilderment at quite literally everything about the inside. No flowers, no trees, no dirt or rock walls, even. And the only plant that seemed to be present was made of a rather artificial shiny material. Suddenly it wasn't looking so comfortable……..but it was still new! And still so warm........
……It had been hours, and it seemed like what few sparks that were actually present were still too slippery through the complicated forest layout for even the deft and nimble Edge to catch. THey had decided to call quits for this area early, as Midnite was clearly catching some sort of bug from this damp, soggy weather anyhow. Better preparations were needed.
But when they finally returned to their ship, all three were mortified to see that their door had been opened, complete with a filthy trail of mud and leaves leading up and past it…….The inside did not fare much better than the pathway. Whoever had intruded had clearly not had a single care for any form of hygiene or tidiness; more mud caked the corners and walls, even the control panels had sloppy prints all over it, And almost anything in the main living area that hadn't been pinned down was overturned, thrown about, or even torn to some extent. What sort of wild animal had managed to barge in?…..Still,they could find no such animal anywhere they looked. For all they knew, whatever had been through the ship had already left, likley at hearing them approaching. As if this day could not be any more of a failure, now they had to clean up all this muck.
Hoop de doo.
After what took almost an hour and a half of tidying alone, the Spark Hunters were all too eager to set a course to home. It'd be a few hours, but overall they were greatful to finally be flying home. All three, with the ship set on autopilot, retired to bed for a nap……..
And then, just as they were falling into a semipleasant sleep, loud BANGBANGBANGs were heard from somewhere in the ship.
Everyone feared the worst as they clambered out of the cramped sleeping quarters; had the previously mentioned intruder, in fact, stayed aboard the vessel after all? More banging ,and even some noises resembling screeching, was heard from the boiler closet, and there was the added fear that whatever was in there would somehow damage the water boiler, possibly causing a catastrophic meltdown of the ship's waterworks, and bringing about a flood could even prove deadly so far from any planets or rest stops.
A blaster at hand, Midnite led the group to the door…….she warned them to stand guard, as they had no clue who or what was lingering in such a small, cramped closet…….. And then, she opened the door, and what a sight to behold! A naked woman with filth covering her from head to toe! Her hair filled up as much of the room as she did, and she hissed and wailed as she clung to the wall, crammed between it and the warm metal of the boiler. What's more, her tail was not just a ball of fur and bone, but two wriggling, thrashing tendrils, tipped with odd, mouthlike splits, almost like two wicked snakes trying to keep her protected from the sudden, bizarre rabbids who now had her cornered.
She lunged at Edge, almost managing to bite her right on the forearm, only stopped by Bedrock's quick acting, as she pushed out her arm to shove the intruder against the wall of the ship. They had just been sleeping a quarter of an hour ago,and now they had to deal with what seemed like a bizarre exhibitionist who wasn't responding to anything they were yelling and behaving more like a frightened mangy dog than any proper, sentient being.
It took another half an hour until they had finally managed to improvise somewhat of a prison for this intruder; Bedrock slid the hefty weaponry crates on board in front of a locked closet door (obviously not the boiler closet, shoes and jackets were a LOT safer to leave with this madwoman.), on top of thedoor being thoroughly locked and checked repeatedly. Well, now they had a mystery woman on board, and they were a good distance away from home…….the hunters discussed in the dark living area, and eventually agreed it would be best to dump her back in the filthy forestland she probably came from……..until a message ping suddenly blared from the terminal.
It was Cursa. The room suddenly felt so much colder as it sunk in that she had been WATCHING. She NEVER usually bothered to watch them from the ship, they were too petulant and meek of beings for her to care for their wellbeing during travel. What could compel her to peek in now, of all times to do so?
…..How in the name of Cursa would some blue-haired forest nudist be of any sort of use to hunting sparks? Midnite, Edge, and Bedrock all looked at each other, sure that Cursa had gone completely mad, or was fucking with them on purpose…..But orders were orders. It wasn't like they were being asked to murder puppies or throw themselves off a cliff, what was the worst that bringing this bitch home could do?………
A lot, it turned out.
So they reluctantly obliged, bringing the lass home. The first thing they attempted to do was get this rabbid at least somewhat clean so she wouldn't leave muck and filth all over their own home………
That was a FAR MORE diffuclt task than any of them could ever imagine. This bitch wailed and shrieked like they were putting a knife to her skin, and, even when they managed to get her hands and feet bound tight togetherm she still thrashed and screamed and screamed some more, and the outdoor lake they used for bathing was soon dirtied with who-knows-how-much mud and leaves and dirt. Her hair was it's own immense nightmare. Almost every inch seemed like it had tangles, knots, and mats, on top of the pounds of assorted filth and even bugs that dirtied it. Nearly an hour went by and still they were nowehre close to done with her hair alone………
And then, with mutual agreement from the others, Bedrock left for the house. And soon returned, with a sturdy knife from the kitchen in hand.
Now, thankfully this knife was not to be used for a sudden mutiny/murder. Though, given how Daphne howled, you'd swear that was what happening. Bedrock was the only one who could both feasibly hold her entire width of hair in her hand, and also strong enough to cut right through it, just above her scalp and forehead.
For Daphne, it felt like complete torture. Here she was surrounded by people she simply couldn't understand in any meaningful way, all who seemed angry, upset, and frustrated at her. And now they had gone ahead and cut what felt like pounds upon pounds of weight from ehr head, weight she had been so used to and even comforted by on cold nights. And they were rubbing and scrubbing and prodding at her body with smelly lumps of an odd, bitter-tasting substance, and also what seemed to be this same substance in even stronger-smelling liquid form. The natural scents and fragrances she was so used to were being stripped from her, and she has absolutley no idea where she even was on top of this. She was scared. She was scared, seperated from mama. Mama never showed her love but she so wanted to see her now. Her hissing and yowling turned to loud, ugly, defeated sobbing as her strength left her body, her muscles tired and aching from her persistent struggling, her wrists and ankles bound and hurting even more. She wanted mama. She wanted her home. She wanted to get away from this place.
Finally, after a group effort that took a little over two hours of washing, scrubbing, soaping, soaking, rinsing, drying, and an attempt at even brushing, Daphne was sat, still naked and limp with defeat, on a ratty old sofa in the unnoffical 'storage room' the base had. She would be kept here for now, except for when 'training' would be attempted in some way, shape, or form with her. She truly looked, and felt, like an animal right now; kept in a room like a dog in quarantine, with only her leg cuffs being removed after her arduous bath. She used her bound hands to distraughtly feel the top of her head; she felt naked, she felt WRONG, she felt so different from what she had been like just a day ago, happy in her own woods………though, her shoulders did feel less strained……..her eyes felt nice, no longer being covered with mucky, itchy bangs anymore………
…..After an hour or so finally being left by herself, late at night, she was starting to feel less and less bad.
The end for now, I have more stuff written for her, but this is the majority of the coherent stuff I wrote. I'm so sorry that this is so long, and I also apologize for any grammatical errors I forgot to correct.
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sewerfight · 1 year
A lot of people would describe James Bond as this consistent character, pretty much steadfast with his love of women and his drinks taken shaken and not stirred. But the thing is: in the books he's wildly fucking out of character depending on what the author wants for the plot. Sometimes he's nearly hysterical. In Dr No, he's what I would call absolutely feral. Unable to tolerate conversation, desperate for violence. In Moonraker, he's a weird fanboy who for some reason idolizes the villain and believes he can do no wrong for a huge portion of the book. Sometimes Ian Fleming says he's scared of spiders. Sometimes Ian Fleming says he's not scared of spiders, he's actually scared of snakes. Sometimes he finds seashells fascinating, other times he thinks they are very boring and anyone who collects anything is foolish.
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soulrendr · 1 year
Life and death are always so closely intertwined, a morbid constant in one’s life. And yet it had remained, until that moment, something entirely straightforward.
You kill to survive. You kill to earn your keep. You kill because it’s what you do best, it is the only thing that gives you a facsimile of meaning to your existence.
And yet, this moment is so different. 
It’s not the act of killing that heightens your senses and makes you see movement in the shadows- The only enemies to be found exist solely in your distressed mind’s eye. 
You have never killed quietly. Subversively. You have never cared to involve yourself in courtly politics and scheming, never employed manipulation nor deceit. Never once had to justify your actions, nor hide the evidence of your brutality.
Little to no one would miss Count Julius, save for his sycophants and political allies. His death might even be cause for celebration. So, why does your heart pound so, your fingertips itch unpleasantly?
You’d agreed to this, wanted revenge against the cowardly snake who tried to poison your comrade. The so-called warrior who couldn’t be arsed to get his own hands dirtied.
Blood, a common sight, now cause for a violent roiling in your stomach. Anxiety reaches a hellish crescendo and your first instinct is to silence any and all witnesses. You must, if you are discovered, then his dream would be shattered irreparably.
You tell yourself you’ve prepared for the possibility of more casualties, but none of them had been children. None of them had stirred something painfully familiar in your soul, an old ache that never healed, witnessing a mere boy take up the sword only to be struck down in cruelty.
He’s dying. Slowly, but he was dying.
You reach out, the only thing you can offer to him in his last moments. This shaken, haunted expression and a hand unaccustomed to gentleness fumbling at his smaller, bloodied fingers. You can barely even grasp anything before he’s just... gone.
You’ve seen death in so many forms and faces, but not like this. 
Never this.
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wvrlock · 8 months
For the first time in many, many months, falling asleep comes easy. Laying beside a man he’d not held in his arms for nearly as long as he’d been trapped in the Abyss, Valas finds comfort in the embrace of his lover. It hadn’t been his intention to end up here in Fallahan’s bed, naked body tangled up in that of the man beside him, but impulse often guided his actions and Valas had been unable to resist Fallahan’s allure — even as the high elf insisted that he not act at all, that his foolishness would send them to ruin just as it had initially, Valas couldn’t seem to stop himself, but he regrets nothing now. His tired eyes drift closed, his breathing settles, and the peaceful lull of slumber follows shortly thereafter . . .
. . . he’s unsure of just how much time has passed before he feels the prick of Lolth's fingernails as they work their way up the length of him, tight grip snaking its way around his throat. Valas hears her mocking laughter and she wrings the life from him. In shock, he jolts upright, hands darting up to grab at his neck, but nothing greets him save for the feel of his own skin. Where his breathing had once been calm, it is erratic, panicked, as is his quickened pulse. No matter how much time he’s spent on the surface, the Mother of Spiders’ image still haunts his dreams. Valas wonders if he’ll ever be rid of her.
It's all he can do to huff out a shaken sigh, burying his face in his hands. Sleep is hardly a lasting or restful event for the drow these days, and waking up alone makes that fact hard to handle. Of course, he's not alone, but, in a state of distress as he is, Valas all but forgets that Fallahan is laying right next to him.
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What is the worst thing a man can experience in but a few months? For one who had traveled to the merciless plane of Avernus and back, Fallahan was not as creative in his response as it befitted a bard who prided himself on his composition skills.
Truthfully, he thought the worst thing that had happened to Valas was him.
Sure, believing as much was nothing if not an extraordinary exercise of arrogance, beyond whatever self-loathing the belief might also carry. Perhaps there was also a feeling of protectiveness. He had never seen Valas so weary and broken, but he had never seen him heartbroken before either. Perhaps a part of him really thought if I am the worst that's happened to him, it cannot be that bad — he will live, he will move on — and clutched onto that hope.
Valas' peaceful expression when he felt asleep next to him almost made him forget about that incertitude. How has he missed this man... this brave, stubborn man. Patient with him and loving beyond reason. Too much for his own good, he has made sure to tell him.
Fallahan had no time for last thoughts of regret in Avernus, but after Lulu brought him back to life, and he had a moment of respite to wrap his mind around what happened, he thought of Valas. The one person he regretted letting down, that he still could apologize to. He wrote a letter, that he still preserves. He took the hollyphant aside, and described the drow to her, so she could find him if things went wrong. He created a small illusion of his beautiful face, and forced himself to look at him, and fought back tears.
"Is he important to you?" "Yes. Very." "And you miss him?" "He was the best thing I ever had." "What happened?" "I hurt him." "Zariel hurt me too. She has hurt many people. But she was my best friend... and I would do anything to get her back."
"Valas. Valas, dear."
Movement and noise stirs him out of his trance, only to see his lover panting and shivering. With a snap of his fingers, he lights up one of the candles in the room to see more clearly, and places a hand on his bare shoulder. He, too, is naked, and more concerned about the dark elf than he is about the blanket that slides down his body as he sits up, he forgets to hide the scar on his waist from sight.
"What is wrong?"
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thebarefootcajun · 1 year
Josef and AsianCajun
Around midnight, there was a knock on the door. Wondering who might be calling at my place on an isolated three quarter acre of land on L’anse Trois Filles. I have an open door policy at my place, never lock a door or a window. Friendly folk live on and around L’anse Trois Filles.
Named so because a family had three girls one year after the other starting in 1959. These girls all became farmers and never married. They farmed cotton on thirty acres of land. Each of the girls was responsible for ten acres of land; however they pooled all of their resources together. The three girls with the last name of Dijon, yep like the mustard.
However, these three girls have nothing to do with this short story other than to explain the uniqueness of the name Trois Filles.
Now, readers, back to our story. The knock on the door. I sleep early; my house is a tiny cottage, all made from recycled woods and unpainted. Screens on the windows for mosquitoes, slithering snakes and the like.
Not alarmed, thinking maybe a family member or friend had come for help or with an urgent announcement. I had no phone.
I rose from my bed and walked towards the door, a screened door as well. There I saw a boy whose siblings I had taught, not a stranger. Not a problem since I’m open to drop-ins . Whatever I have is to be shared: shelter, food, drink and a will to listen.
My estimation is that he was about thirteen years old, just a teenage kid in trouble or lost. Right up my alley, I was a retired math teacher and part time coach at the École de Français junior high school where all studies were still conducted in French.
The Louisiana State Department of Education had tried to close them down, but the village of Francois was not backing down. A resilient community with a desire to keep the mother tongue of French. Actually, Francois was a rather progressive community; staying true to their French language was passionate.
Okay, back to the kid who showed up at midnight to my house.
His name was Joseph, pronounced Josef. An eighth grader, he was rebellious about education carried on in French. Joseph had befriended a guy from New York. And this guy had told him that French was out and English was in. Josef saw himself as a hipster. He wanted to bust out of Francois, go places, be trendy and modern. Now before we want to be hard on Josef, we’ve all been there. Grass is always greener in another pasture; either we want to be in a city or we want to be in the countryside. It’s good to experience both and find your heart.
As Josef chatted about his woes with being trapped in Francois, I just listened. BTW, my name is Jerry, pronounced Jere. I’d gone away chasing my dreams, too, at a much older age. Eventually, I made my way home to the prairie again where my soul is at peace. Josef told me that he was running away from home. I asked him about his plan of sustenance and he said that he had none. After leaving he freaked out and decided to come to my place. He knew me, I had taught his older siblings.
I fed Josef some cool food. I decided in his mood a sauce piquant might just push him over the edge. We did a stir fry using yard eggs, green onions from my garden and a bit of fermented soy that I had been working on for some time. I had married a Japanese woman that I had met in the war. She adored the Cajun culture and its food. Often we cooked AsianCajun infusion. I wanted Josef to experience something different. Maybe give him a glimpse into
another culture married with Cajun.
Josef and I chatted way into the morning, and then he crashed on my front porch til noon. After a cup of very strong coffee milk, better known as a shaken espresso, he was feeling better and ready to face his parents. Little did Josef know that I had ridden out to his house on my old bicycle to let his parents know that he was with me sleeping the night away on my porch swing on a full stomach of AsianCajun fried rice. I had a good history with that family and they trusted me.
Together, Josef and I walked home to his parents. They were thrilled to see him and mom bought him a bowl of chicken and sausage gumbo. For dessert she brought out a huge slice of blackberry pie with two scoops of homemade vanilla ice cream. Josef looked like a little boy tucked into a big wicker chair on the screened-in porch with his pie and ice cream.
His dad joined us on the porch and gave Josef a big bear hug. The two lingered in that embrace, both smiling, and I think I noticed wet on their shirts, I think their joy spilled over into salty tears. After that I excused myself so that the family could have some reunion time.
The next day I heard from a colleague, a peer of mine still in a classroom at École de Français in the village of Francois, teaching science. She said that Josef was laughing and in good spirits after his mini runaway.
Josef graduated from Francois High School. After spending several summers on a rural farm in Iowa helping a veterinarian, he decided that farm living was the life for him. He was committed to coming home to work with the aging veterinarian in Francois at the Hôpital Français des Animaux de Francois.
Josef found his place and his calling after a night of AsianCajun cuisine!
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herrscherofinsanity · 3 months
Bound by Darkness [Teaser]
You guys loved Spider!Jimin so here's Venom!Minjeong.
Kim Minjeong (Winter) x fem!reader
Word count: 596
Hi, hello! It's been a while but I've been very busy. I got this request short after I first posted Spider!Jimin and I thought it was very interesting sooo here's the first look to it.
The night hung heavy over the city of Seoul, casting long shadows that seemed to dance in the flickering light of the streetlamps. In the heart of the bustling metropolis, Kim Minjeong walked alone, her thoughts a tangled web of worries and fears.
Lost in her own world, Minjeong barely noticed the eerie silence that had fallen over the streets, the usual cacophony of sound replaced by an oppressive stillness that sent shivers down her spine. It was then that she saw it—a strange, pulsating light emanating from a darkened alleyway, beckoning her closer with an otherworldly allure.
Curiosity piqued, Minjeong approached cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest as she stepped into the shadows. And there, amidst the darkness, she found it—a creature unlike anything she had ever seen before.
It was black as night, its form shifting and undulating like liquid darkness given shape. And as Minjeong gazed into its glowing crimson eyes, she felt a chill run down her spine—a primal fear that threatened to consume her from within.
But as the creature drew closer, something inside Minjeong stirred—a flicker of defiance that refused to be extinguished. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hands.
The creature regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and amusement, its voice echoing in her mind like a whisper on the wind. "I am Venom," it replied, its tone dripping with malice and mischief. "And you, Kim Minjeong, are the one I have been searching for."
As the weight of its words settled over her, Minjeong felt a surge of power coursing through her veins—a power unlike anything she had ever known. And in that moment, she knew that her life would never be the same again.
As Minjeong stumbled through the door of her apartment, her heart pounding in her chest, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again. The encounter with Venom had left her shaken and disoriented, her mind reeling with a thousand questions and fears.
But as she tried to catch her breath and steady her trembling hands, Minjeong felt a strange sensation coursing through her veins—a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It was as if something was stirring inside her, something dark and primal, waiting to be unleashed.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Minjeong realized that she was not alone. The symbiote that had bonded with her in the alleyway was still with her, its presence looming over her like a shadow in the darkness.
"Venom, what have you done to me?" Minjeong whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. But there was no reply, only the eerie silence of the empty apartment.
As Minjeong stumbled towards the bathroom, her reflection in the mirror seemed to blur and distort before her eyes. With a gasp of horror, she watched as tendrils of blackness snaked their way across her skin, wrapping her in a suffocating embrace.
"No, this can't be happening," Minjeong cried, her voice tinged with panic. But the symbiote's hold on her was relentless, its dark influence seeping into every corner of her mind.
With a desperate surge of strength, Minjeong fought against the symbiote's control, struggling to regain her sense of self. But the more she resisted, the stronger the symbiote's grip became, threatening to consume her from within.
In that moment of desperation, Minjeong realized that she was facing a battle unlike anything she had ever known—a battle for control of her own body and soul.
A/N: So, I'll finish working on this during the week, but I wanted to share a little something with you guys.
I have ideas to keep going with Spider!Jimin and some other requests I've gotten once I finish with Venom!Minjeong. I hope you guys look forward to all of it.
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concept: hero in the villain’s limo, forced to drink a drugged drink because they’re going to the villains lair.
The hero had never been in a limo before.
The villain's limo was all sleek black seats and tasteful decor, along with what looked like a literal bar lining one wall.
The hero would have grabbed a glass, or several, and started hurling them at the villain's head if they could. Regrettably it was difficult for the hero to even pick up one of the glasses, let alone weaponise them with any accuracy, with their hands secured firmly behind their back. They couldn't even get up off their seat. They twisted their hands behind their back, searching for a way out.
The villain moved over to the bar instead, humming quietly to themselves as they grabbed two martini glasses.
"Such hospitality." The hero's mouth felt dry with fear, with the need to distract. "What next, are you going to ask me if I want it shaken or stirred?"
"Mm. Would you prefer your brains shaken or stirred? I can accommodate, if you really have a preference. I'm not a monster."
The hero swallowed. Their heart lurched uneasily. Was that supposed to be a joke? A threat? The silence stretched between them.
"I love cocktails," the villain said instead then, as they began mixing ingredients with a startling and showy expertise. "So many different names and variations! It reminds me of being back in the lab, you know? This one." They held up one of the glasses. "Is called a Rattlesnake. It's whiskey, lemon juice, absinthe, simple syrup, a dash of angostura bitters and an egg white."
"Sounds disgusting."
"Apparently, or so the myth goes, it will either cure a rattlesnake bite, kill rattlesnakes, or make you see them. Delightful!”
"Me being the snake in this scenario, I presume," the hero said.
The cuffs refused to give. They bit at the hero's wrists, so who was really the snake out the two of them?
"You are quite venomous." The villain took an appreciative sip, before offering the glass in the hero's direction. "Want to try?"
The hero kept their mouth decidedly shut.
The villain smiled, and set the glass back down on the side.
"The rattlesnake is not for you though, no. That one's mine. Your venom is one of a sweeter variety, is it not? Much like your taste in drinks." They turned back to the bar, once again moving swiftly as they talked. "This one's yours. It's called Apple Pie. Vodka, apple schnapps and cinnamon liquor. Wholesome and lethal, just like you."
The hero eyed them, warily. They'd hoped, when the villain coerced them into the car, that they'd at least be able to escape with valuable information and their full faculties once they learned where the villain's lair was.
The villain sat back down beside them with an irritating grace, and held the cocktail glass towards the hero between slender fingers, tipping it slightly in toast.
The hero wondered if they could spill it over the villain's lap. Probably. It would buy time for their team. All they needed to do was lurch forward and -
"Be a sweetheart and drink it," the villain said. "Or I'm going to have to turn this car around and go back for those friends you can't stop thinking about. I don't think either of us want that, do you?"
The hero's stomach dropped. Their gaze darted between the drink and the villain. They swallowed again, and did their best to speak lightly. "Just vodka, apple schnapps and cinnamon? You haven't poisoned it?"
"No," the villain said. "I have no desire to poison such a special guest as you." They flashed the hero another smile. "It's merely drugged."
Right. Right, right, right. The hero released a steadying breath.
"You don't have to drug me, I'm cooperating. I got in the car, didn't I?"
The villain reached for the intercom to talk to the driver.
"I'm cooperating!" The hero leaned in, stomach twisting, to take a sip.
The drink was heady, sweet, delicious and...just slightly wrong. Like some haunted version of home.
"You got in the car for your friends, not because I asked you to. But don't worry. We'll work on that." The villain's hand returned from the intercom, cupping the hero's jaw tenderly, holding them steady. "All of it, now."
The hero drained the glass under the villain's watchful stare.
The villain patted the hero's cheek once they were done, and put the empty glass back on the side. They plucked up their rattlesnake, and took a sip, settling once more with a contented sigh.
"Are you sure you don't want to taste?" the villain asked. "It really is an experience. Vicious. It might knock you out if you'd like some mercy. Last chance!"
"You're already knocking me out." The hero's tongue felt thick already. How quickly did drugs usually take root? Their vision swam. "That's what drugs normally do."
The villain laughed. The sound echoed like it was coming from underwater. "Would I have caught you..." They pulled the hero down, so their head rested on the villain's lap as the world swayed. "If anything about me was normal?"
The hero's vision tunnelled further, until everything went black. They were not...unconscious, though, at least they didn't think so. They couldn't see. They couldn't...the sound of the car engine, smooth and close to silent as it had been, had vanished too. They could hear the villain's breathing, the occasional sip of their drink, but nothing more.
"Wha..." It wouldn't come out right. Nothing in their body wanted to cooperate with them. They felt the villain's hands in their hair but couldn't so much as twitch away.
They couldn't see. Couldn't hear. Couldn't feel the comfortable seat beneath their body or the aircon brushing over their skin. There was only the villain.
"Now," the villain murmured. "Do I at last have your full attention?"
It was a long drive.
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peakyscillian · 2 years
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Summary: 'agreeing to sleep in separate beds but sneaking into each other's to snuggle' & 'letting your lover know you’ll always be there for them no matter what' writing prompts. Warnings: Usual Peaky violence, language. Pairing" Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader Part: 1/1 Requested: Yes by the lovely @cloudofdisney - thanks love! A/N: Requests are open - for Cillian & Tommy.
Tommy couldn't even comprehend the feelings rippling through him, you were in the other room probably sound asleep now after the events of the evening.
He couldn't believe he'd been so stupid to bring you along, to put you in harms way, he always just thought he'd be able to protect you.
Tonight he didn't get the chance, Kimber's men had surrounded him you were on your way back from the bathroom of the club, all he could do was watch as they held the gun to your head.
They'd ushered you from the premises and then beat him before he even had a chance.
Arthur and John had been quick to find you to bring you back to Arrow House, you were shaken, bruised and the blood that stained the hem of your dress made his heart break.
Polly had cleaned you up as he clung to your hand, whispering how sorry he was in your ear, peppering the lightest kisses to your cheek, vowing to make those men pay. *** You stirred in the bed, it was empty without him beside you, without his fingers caressing your skin as you both drifted to sleep.
You hadn't spent a night apart since you'd found each other, you'd stumbled into the garrison trying to escape a man who had no business treating you the way he did.
Ada an old friend had spotted you and you hadn't looked back. Tommys men dealing with your old lover and promising you no one would ever touch you in such a way again, promising you he'd only touch you with love and security.
The door creaked, you know instantly it was him.
"Tom?" You spoke voice cracking with hope.
"It's me, I couldn't sleep away from you, but I'll go if you need me too" he was stood in the doorway.
"No, please I can't sleep without you here" you shuffled in the bed winching at the discomfort.
He was across the room in seconds, lifting the covers snuggling close, would you even us the word snuggle in a sentence about Tommy? but that's exactly what he was doing, sneaking into your bed to snuggle. "Fuck, I'm just so sorry y/n" he spoke after a few minutes of silence, of you both taking in the feeling of being next to each other. "Tommy, please its fine you didn't know" You were curled against his side. "I should fucking protect you, y/n" he was watching you intently "you can leave, you deserbe so much better than me" he spoke softly.
You sat up, not even bothered by the pain ripping through your thigh "Better than you? better than a man who makes sure i have everything I don't deserve, makes sure I'm safe ever-" you shook your head as he went to disagree. "What do I deserve then Tom? because what I had before you was killing me and not having you would be just as worse" you could feel the tears pressing at your eyes.
"I should have kept you safe" he sighed out, you shook your head "it was one time, and if I know the man I fell in love with I know that they will regret every moment of listening to Kimber" Your hand was cupping his cheek "but he needs to sleep before that happens and just know I'm here for you, no matter what I love everything about you Thomas Shelby" Tommy couldn't speak, could even believe his luck that he had found you and managed to get you to fall in love with him and all his demons.
"Jesus Christ I love you so fucking much, y/n" his lips were inches from yours.
You smiled arms snaking around his neck "and I love you just as much" you sighed pressing your lips with his. That was enough to settle Tommy's buzzing mind, to slip benearth the covers with you tight to him, his body slowing from the adrenaline of the evening. "Aunt Pol, would be so mad at us right now" you giggled, the words of Polly ringing in your head, the way she had demanded you sleep apart for rest and recovery. "She should know I need my rest to kill those men in the morning" he stated, you rolled your eyes pressing a kiss to his chest. "Good night Thomas" *** Taglist
@missymurphy1985 @janelongxox @queenshelby @heidimoreton @being-worthy @cloudofdisney @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni @otterly-fey @magicalpieex @uchihacumdump @alreadybroken-ts @anotherhitandrun @inkandpen22 @pocket-of-possibilities @ysmmsy @lovemissyhoneybee
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myers-meadow · 2 years
Ambrose Boba Tea Shop: Vincent x Reader
Title: Mango boba
Word count: 623
Content and warnings: None. Fluff. Gender neutral reader
Summary: Stepping into the boba shop is like a different world, and you have grown fond of the people who run it. One day the owner has a small surprise for you to show you how he felt since he met you.
I'm normally not the type to write coffee shop AUs, but after a chat with Krakersy it was difficult to stop myself. This is short, just a fun little crack fic.
For @krakersy. Thank you for being so wonderful and for continuing to inspire me to write and for cheering up my routine days. It may not be much, but I hope you like it regardless.
Lester/Black milk tea here
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The bell above the door chimed as you stepped in the Ambrose Boba Tea Shop. The café was pleasantly chilly after the humid outside, and it smelled heavenly of sweetness and baked goods. Your mouth watered, wondering if you should also get a snack with your order. Paintings of landscapes and a few portraits lined the walls and gave the establishment it’s endearing rugged charm. When you found out it was one of the owners who made all of them himself, you were amazed. Since then, this café was a staple in your weekly routine.
The joint owner and baker of the café greeted you from behind the counter with a wave. He didn’t speak, or at least not to you, but the mask had become such a familiar sight that you couldn’t help but smile warmly at him. He knew your regular order by heart, but still wrote it out on the eraser board to make sure it was what you wanted that day.
“Good morning Vincent!” you greeted. “Yes, the usual is fine.”
Underneath the order he wrote, in pleasant handwriting: ‘we have new mango boba, want to try?’
“Yeah, that’d be nice,” you nodded, darting your eyes over the new figurine that sat atop the fridge. “Is that one new? Can I see it?”
Before you had finished your sentence, it was already in your hands. Behind the counter the masked man busied himself with making your order. The figurine was a siren, half snake, half woman, with gills and a long fin at the tail. Vincent’s work always had that haunting quality to it, and an absurd level of detail. You were shaken from your thoughts as Vincent set the cup down on the counter in front of you.
Quickly you handed back the figurine. “It’s incredible, Vincent, as always. Your eye for detail is unmatched. I love her expression too.”
He wrote out the total on the board, and you pulled out your wallet to pay. Before you reached for your drink, he held up his hand, and put down a pre-wrapped muffin next to it. He gestured to the display of the muffins, strawberry. Large chunks of fruit stuck out of the frosting and he nodded kindly at you.
“Thank you,” you said, throat suddenly dry, “you’re so generous. I have to go now… There’s class in a bit. See you next week!”
The heat was suffocating as soon as you stepped out, the drink cold in your hand. Beads of condensations wet your palm. The sweet taste of milk tea and mango accompanied you on your way to your car. You reached your car and climbed in, setting the drink in the cupholder and unwrapping the muffin. A slip of paper fell out onto your lap.
It was Vince’s neat handwriting, and you picked it up to read it.
‘Thank you for brightening my day whenever you stop by. There’s something I need to say, if I don’t, I feel like I could burst. Instead of writing my feelings, I decided to show them and ordered the new boba while thinking of you. Here is my phone number: 56***65 and if you would like, there’s this lovely park we could visit. See you soon, Vincent.’
Your heart thumped in your chest, heat rising from your neck up to your cheeks. Reaching for the cup, you stirred the drink with your straw and sure enough, the mango was heart shaped. You pressed your hand to your forehead, unable to stop the silly grin from forming, and started the car. The rest of the day you could barely focus. With each sip of milk tea you felt the irregular shape of the chewy hearts and thought of him.
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dolores-hazy · 2 years
Grabby grasping
Gotcha gasping shared
Air, heavy breathing in time
Sweat beading on brows raised
Gazing down on one kneeling
Aquiver in quiet anticipation
Hands snaking their winding way
Lips clamoring for a climactic taste
Savoring like they have starved
Until this delicious moment
Deep dish best served
Steaming hot
Shaken and stirred and
Slammed on the rocks
Diligent derring-doer
Don't stop
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