#sebastain stan fanfic
Rich Mans World-Chapter 4
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Chapter 3 | Series Masterlist
Should I make a tag list? Here goes Chapter 4 everybody, let me know what you think!
“Wow marriage sounds awful, well, Happy three month anniversary!” Marie walked with you, the loads of shopping bags full of new dresses, shoes, clubbing outfits, a few new purses, and some nice dress clothes. You smirked, “Seb called you yet? Figured you’d like a good lay every once in a while” you laughed as she gasped smacking your arm. “Shut up! You gave him my number?!” she whispered glancing over your shoulder at Sebastian who was about 10 feet behind you guys. 
“Hell yeah, he's cute, get it girl, besides we all know that you’re gonna end up married off like me, you might as well have fun before it happens.” you shrugged as you both climbed into the car. Seb got into the front, he smiled at you both before putting up the partition. “So….he doesnt follow the rules huh?” Marie asked as you looked down. “I hate my life…I hate it so much. You’re the only person I get to be normal around and let everything just….relax. I get to be me…” you whispered, biting your lip. Marie moved over hugging you into her side. “I know, hopefully things begin to change.” she sighed, laying her head on yours. 
Sebastian dropped you off first, you smirked at him as you gathered your bags, “Make sure you wrap it up cowboy,” you whispered before walking off after telling Marie goodbye. 
The house was mostly quiet which was unusual’ you set your bags on the stairs, to take them up after letting Chris know you were home. “Hello?” you called out. Nothing, silence filled the ticking seconds. You furrowed your brows as you walked through the foyer, past the turn for the kitchen and dining room, and turned to go toward his office. You walked down the hallway, seeing the light shining from a crack in the door. You slowed your walk as you neared and peeked around the black door frame into his lavish office. 
“Ah! Fuck Chris!” his assistant, Meghan, was sprawled out on his desk, his hands pulling down her tank top and exposing her breasts as he hammered into her. He squeezed her tits in harsh grips as she moaned louder. “Fucking like that dont you bitch?” he growled between teeth. “Yes! Yes! Fuck me harder!” She cried out arching off the desk. 
You bit your cheek as you backed away, turning and made your way back to the stairs, gathering your bags, you hefted them upstairs, pulling out your phone and dialed the all to familiar phone number as you shut the bedroom door. 
A few hours had passed when you came walking downstairs, you wore a very short, sparkly, strapless dress, a pair of 6 inch black sparkly heels. Your hair was down, curled on the ends and your makeup looked flawless. As you walked down the stairs, you were on the phone, laughing. “Yes! I’m grabbing my bag then I’ll be headed your way! I can’t wait!” you said as you grabbed your clutch off the table in the foyer. “What are you doing?” Chris asked as he came into the foyer. “Oh! Marie, I gotta call you back! Love you!” you made a kiss noise into the phone before you ended the call. 
“Chris! Hey! Going out, I’ll be home….gosh I don't know a time for you, so don't wait up!” you giggled and turned walking toward the door. “Where the hell are you going? It’s Wednesday, we’re having dinner together.” he snapped, following after you. You turned to look at him. “Well, I'm going out to celebrate my birthday.” you shrugged and turned back, opening the door walking outside before you slammed it shut with force. 
“Thanks for the ride Seb, just let me enjoy a drink or two before you call him okay?” you asked Sebastain softly as he helped you out of the car at the club. Seb sighed , “I can’t make any promises Y/N…Chris will be pissed about this.” He said quietly. You knew the situation you put Seb in wasn’t right, but you couldn’t help it. Chris broke the rules ON PURPOSE.It was all off the tables now. 
“I owe you Sebastain, if you help me this once….I’ll put in an extra good word for you with Marie.” You smiled before a small giggle came out. Sebastian couldn't help but chuckle and smiled at you. “15 minutes…that's all the time I can buy you sweetheart.” he smiled. You grinned and kissed his cheek. “Thank you Sebastain!” you took off inside the club as he watched after you. 
Gathered around the bar were a group of your closest friends, You all laughed and got drinks instantly. As you did shot after shot you decided to have as much fun as you could before Chris showed up. Marie grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the bar a bit, she got in your ear and smiled “Happy Birthday,” and pointed you toward someone walking toward you. 
The gasp that left your lips didn’t go unnoticed by her, “Mark!!!” you grinned and began walking toward him. “Oh my god!” you were instantly wrapped up in his strong arms on the dance floor. “Y/N! Happy birthday!!” he said, smiling down at you. His lips inches from yours, the song ‘Heaven by Julia Michaels’ blared over the speakers, as your eyes traveled his features. “Still wearing that Cherry lipgloss I see,” he smirked, his Boston accent thicker than you remembered. “Yeah….It was always your favorite,” you said gently biting your lip as you both made eye contact. 
“The sexual tension between the two of them…Holy shit,” Marie told Jamie as they watched the two of you dance and grind against each other from across the club. “Fuck….can you imagine the sex between the two of them?” Jamie asked, taking a shot. 
It felt like it was just you and him on that dance floor, his hands traveling your body, your arms around his neck, your bodies moving together smoothly. You felt his stubbled cheek against yours, his hot breath against your ear. “Why don’t we get out of here?” you nodded against his cheek before he pulled back and gripped your hand pulling you toward a side exit. 
“Find her now.” Chris growled at the entrance of the club. Sebastian spotted Marie by the bar with a large pink drink in hand. He nodded to the guys and walked over to her. “Marie.” he called out, in which she turned and eyed him with wide eyes. “S-s-s-sebastian. Hi,” she squeaked out quietly. Sebastian smirked, “Where is she?” He tried to be gentle with her, it wasn't Marie's place to know the problems you and your husband were about to have. “Uh……” she wrapped her lips around the straw in the drink and swallowed a couple of drinks. “Ha-ha-havent seen her,” she said nervously. Sebastian tilted his head before he looked around. 
Jamie appeared beside Chris and smiled some, “Hello…..i guess you’re here for Y/N? Such a shame….she looked like she was having so much fun with…..oh shoot…I forgot his name,” she smirked at him. Chris turned and glared at her, “where did they go?” Jamie grinned, biting her bottom lip “Side exit….about 2 minutes ago,” she smirked before writing her number on Chris’s hand and dipped back into the crowd. Chris glared toward the side exit, adjusting the gun in his waistband as he moved through the crowd. 
You were pressed against the brick wall, Mark's lips on your neck, his hands running down your body to pull up your dress, you moaned softly, your head thrown back against the wall, your hands were pulling his shirt up. “Maybe we should-” Mark's voice was cut off when he was pulled off of you, and thrown back into the dumpster by the door, across the alleyway. “Get the fuck off my wife!” Chris stood between you and Mark. He wasn’t wearing his normal suits, he was in jeans, and a black cable knit sweater. You tried to move past Chris who grabbed you and shoved you back into the wall. “Dont fucking move.” he growled before walking over to Mark and began punching him. They fought for a few moments, and when you went to break it up, Sebastian grabbed you and held you against the wall. He gave you eyes that told you to stop, almost begging you to stop. 
The gunshot that rang out made your heart drop, you hadn’t realized you’d closed your eyes until you tried to see who was shot. Slowly opening your eyes, Chris stood there with his chest heaving, Sebastian had his gun pointed at Mark who was lifeless on the ground, Chris’s gun in hand still. You swallowed nervously and moved away from the two of them, Chris and Sebastian looking after you, tears in your eyes, fear all over your face. You couldn’t believe they killed him. You turned and darted out of the alley, Chris yelling your name as you ran.
You didn't stop running for a couple of blocks, having kicked off your heels and snatching them up in your hands, your feet were sore and dirty, some cuts from rocks and fencing you’d run past. You were officially terrified of living another moment in this life. Who knew what you’d face when you went back to his house. You walked to the park and found a bench to sit on, Mark was gone. You let out a sob, one you didn't realize you’d been holding in until now. Sobbing into your hands you didn't know what to do anymore, did you go back to your father and mother, who would just abuse you, beat you senseless because you couldn’t make your marriage work and the deal would be broken causing your father to lose everything? Or did you go back to Chris who for all you knew just ordered for the only person you’d ever have feelings for to be killed? You cried harder until you felt a hand on your bare shoulder blade. 
You jumped screaming out as you flew up off the bench. Anthony stood there, black suit, black shirt, calm demeanor. “Let’s get you home Ma’am.” he said softly, removing his jacket and placing it on your shoulders as you shook. He took in your state and wrapped his arms around your shoulders and under your knees, lifting you with ease as he carried your back to the car. You curled up into his jacket on the way home, tears streaming silently down your cheeks, as the alcohol pulled you into a steady sleep. 
Chris was pacing the foyer as Sebastian hung up the phone. “Anthony found her at the park and is driving her home now. Says she's asleep in the back of the car.” Chris felt relief flood his brain. How stupid could you have been to take off like that? You didn’t realize the enemies he had, what if one of them found you before his men did? You could have been killed. He tensed his jaw when he heard commotion near the front entrance. He quickly walked to the front door and threw it open to see Anthony lifting you out of the car, his jacket over your body as you lay passed out in his arms. “Her feet have some injuries that need to be seen to,” he told another guard who radioed to someone else within the house. “Is she alright?” Chris asked courtly as Anthony walked into the house with you. 
“She should be fine, passed out drunk,” he pushed you off into Chris’s arms. “I’d suggest a glass of water and some meds next to her bed, advil, and if I were you I’d see to it that her feet get looked at before long, she has a few cuts on them.” Anthony nodded to Chris and turned walking back out.
Sebastian looked at Chris, who looked at you uncomfortably. “I can take care of her for you sir,” he said, breaking the heavy silence. Chris nodded quickly, “Yes, that’s fine. I have work to do in my study,” he said as Meghan bit her lip giving him a soft smile. “So I assume Sara is out of the picture?” Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow as he took your limp body from Chris. 
Chris looked at him, smirking, “Sara is of no use to me anymore.” he said before turning and walking away. “She can sleep in those clothes, just put her to bed.” Chris called over his shoulder as he walked away. 
Sebastian watched him go before he carried you upstairs, once he made his way into your bedroom, he closed the door, slowly locking it. You stirred in his arms, before a soft snore came out of your lips. Sebastian smirked and gently laid you on the bed. He moved around the room effortlessly, grabbing supplies to clean your feet, applying a bandaid over a puncture in your right foot, and removing a small piece of glass from your left foot. He finished your feet and slipped your dress off of you, putting a long black satin nightie on you, it was floor length. He swallowed, avoiding drinking in your naked body before him as he pulled the material over your head, and then moved you up the bed. He put you on your side, and set your glass of water on your side table, along with two advil. 
Sebastian cleaned up your items, placing your phone on the charger, the contents of your purse was placed gently on the island in the closet, along with your shoes for you to put away in the morning. He looked back at you once more, staring longingly at you, your lips pursed, your cheek still flushed from the alcohol, he sighed looking down. You deserved better than the life you’d married into. As he left your room, he turned the lights down and quietly closed the door. When he came downstairs, he could hear Meghan moaning from Chris’s office and he clenched his jaw. 
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
Ignore it if you're uncomfortable💕
Reader catching Steve eating um... "meat" or put suspicion on foods he cook cuz it's a little different from usual meat😔
Idk choose one or maybe both or maybe none
This will be a story told in infrequent, anachronistic snippets, as I love the story idea but don't really want to commit to another WIP. I hope you enjoy!
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📖"Amuse Bouche"
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Steve Kemp x Reader
Tags: cannibalism, held hostage, basement wife, captor/captive, dark Steve
Summary: Amuse-Bouche (/əˌmuːzˈbuːʃ/; French; N.) : to delight the mouth.
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You feel your ears buzzing as you sit across the island, frozen in place. The soft sounds of Steve's knife against the cutting board drumming in your ears inordinately loud, warring with the drum of your own thundering pulse. You lick your lips nervously, biting your tongue to keep from saying anything.
"Everything okay, Hon?"
You blink, startled out of your thoughts and surprised to find Steve staring at you from where he's working, his eyes boring into you, rather than the raw meat under his hand, the chef's knife in the other. Your heart pounds hard in your chest, and you're sure he can hear it, can tell exactly what you're thinking.
What are you thinking?
"Y-yeah," you stammer, forcing a smile. Oh god, he can tell. He knows what you're -
"Good." His smile is sweet and honest, unsuspecting, and he goes back to his work on the cutting board. You swallow, your mouth horribly dry. "Just hungry, huh?" Steve smirks down at his bloodied hands. "Really worked up an appetite this afternoon."
You chuckle nervously, shifting in place on the barstool. "Haha, yep. Yeah."
"Mm. Well I know how to fix that," he says. Eyes still on the meat.
You look down nervously to it again, and away again before he can catch you looking and see the thoughts going through your head. You avert your gaze around the kitchen. - the beautiful kitchen.
It'd seemed like such an easy mark. Middle of nowhere, no visible security. Single occupant who went away for hours at a time. It'd been easy to case. You'd thought you'd make out good on this one. Just one more job. A little more money to get you in a good spot. Then you'd go straight.
It hadn't worked out that way.
The links on your cuff make a quiet sound as you shift. You reach for your wine glass and take a big sip. It slides over your tongue in a burst of flavors: fruity and lush, decadent yet light. It's red wine, a Beaujolais, your favorite. Steve always pours it for you before dinner, and you always drink it as you watch him cook.
Lately you've been drinking it faster.
Your eyes are back on the bloody cutting board when Steve's amused voice jars you back to attention,
"Need another pour already?"
Your eyes jerk up to him in fright, and it must show on your face, because he sobers. "Hon? What is it?"
You fake another smile - something you've gotten quite good at, ever since you woke up one day in a carpeted cell. "Nothing," you assure him, batting your eyelashes and drinking the last few sips from your glass. You set it back down on the counter. "I think I would like some more, please."
Steve squints at you briefly, concerned, or maybe suspicious, but your smile seems to do the trick and he sighs good naturedly. "Okay, why not?" He sets the knife down on the cutting board and turns his back to you, going to the sink to rinse his hands. "I'm chilling a white for the main, and I thought we could have that honey wine with dessert."
"Oh." You can't keep your eyes off the cutting board - on the carefully trimmed hunks of meat that don't taste like anything you've ever had before ... and on the knife. "That sounds nice."
Steve chuckles. "My little woman loves her dessert wines."
You could reach it. It's within reach. If you just leant across the counter, you'd be able to -
Steve 's hand appears in your field of vision and you flinch. He's reaching to take your empty glass. He eyes you knowingly as he pours from the bottle of Beaujolais. You expect him to say something, but he just finishes pouring and slides the glass back across the countertop to you. "There you go," he says, staring at you.
You lick your lips and swallow heavily, feeling caught. He knows. "Thank you, Steve," you whisper.
The edge of his mouth twitches up. "You're welcome, Little thief."
Your guts churn at the words he's somehow turned into a term of endearment. Steve's no fool. He knew you'd look. He put the knife within reach to test you, and you've failed the test. Internally you sigh, and you meekly sip your wine. You've got a long time to go before you'll be able to get the better of him.
"What's for dinner?" you ask, resigned, eyes back on the mystery meat.
"What?" You look up at him, catching the tail end of something indecipherable in his eyes. "Rosemary?" you ask, heart beating faster.
"Mm." He nods and goes to pull something out of the fridge. He returns with a bundle of green herbs. Your shoulders slump. Oh. rosemary. Right. "I'm cooking it sous vide with herbs," he says, and starts plucking the needles off the stalk. "Rosemary, Thyme, bit of sage."
You nod vacantly, thinking of the Francisco Goya that Steve has hanging in the hallway: Saturn Devouring His Son. You used to appreciate his quirky taste in art, had planned to get rich off it. But now you're starting to suspect there's something else to it.
Still, you know it'll infuriate Steve if you refuse to eat the food he's prepared for you, so you focus on sipping your wine steadily, hoping to maybe get another pour in before the meal.
You don't ask what it is that he's cooking sous vide. But deep down, you think you know.
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This has been a fill for: @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky / sarahyellow
Square O4: Kidnapping
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roohuh · 1 year
“Did your bag grow wings?”
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary: Sebastian takes pity on a girl who’s bag has been stollen by bullies.
Warnings: angst kinda, hospital and chronic illness trigger
Word count 1066
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Sebastian eyes the girl as she awkwardly tries to scramble up a tree to retrieve a bag caught in the branches. After a few failed attempts she stands hands on her hips staring up at the bag, a forlorn look darkening her brow.
“Did your bag grow wings?” He asks in his most serious voice, scrutinizing the bag. Turning to Sebastian the girl seems to only now notice him.
“Oh just leave me be!” She pleads before bending over to pick up a rock.
“As you wish.” Sebastian chuckles, throwing his hands up, backing away. The girl rolls her eyes, then begins to throw rocks at her bag.
“You will never get it down like that.” Sebastian laughs at her struggling. “Where is your wand?” Whipping her head around the girl catches Sebastian off guard with a tearful face. She looks as if she is going to say something then turns around, running away with all of her might.
“Hey wait up!” Sebastian calls, whipping out his wand, retrieving the bag. The girl does not stop for his call, instead running back to her house. Standing there dumbly Sebastian grasps the bag, feeling the shape of a wand inside.
“Dummy, you need your wand.” Sebastian shakes his head walking in the direction the girl ran. He does not make it far before he hears soft crying coming from the girls bathroom. Wavering before the door, Sebastian tries to decide the correct course of action, knowing he could just give her bag to a house elf and be done with it. They would return it to the rightful owner, however the sound of muffled cries tugs at him.
“Merlin's beard this better not backfire.” Sebastian sighs before pushing open the door and walking in. The crying stops the second the door opens.
“I have your bag.” Sebastian offers, hoping he has not just stumbled across another different unfortunate girl. Sniffles come from the stall furthest from the door.
“Do you want your bag or not?” More silence. As Sebastian turns to leave a small voice comes from the stall.
“Please leave my bag.”
“She speaks!” Sebastian laughs as he gently sets the bag down in front of the stall.
“Thank you.” Her voice is small and shaky.
“Anytime.” As he turns to leave a thought occurs to him. “Who threw your bag in that tree?” There is a long silence then the girl lets out a shaky breath.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Yes it does.” Sebastian’s voice is firm.
“Then I did it.” She shoots back defiantly. Running his finger through chestnut hair Sebastian chuckles.
“You are a strange one.” Then makes his exit.
As Sebastian sits to dinner he watches with satisfaction as the girl's bullies shuffle over to where she sits. Sebastian easily tracked down the cuprates teaching them a lesson they would not soon forget. The group of thrashed malcontents cast fearful looks in Sebastian’s direction while they deliver their apology to the girl. She too keeps sending looks in Sebastian’s direction, and the looks do not stop after the dejected group of miscreants shuffled to their seats. Before Sebastian can finish half of his plate he notices the girl standing excusing herself from the table. Unable to contain his curiosity, Sebastian stands to follow the girl. At his friends sudden movements Ominis gives Sebastian a funny look.
“Going somewhere?”
“The toilet, I need some air.” Sebastian mumbles as he makes his escape ignoring Ominis objection,
“Oh yes, just the place I go for fresh air.” Sebastian follows the girl unnoticed as she leads him all the way up to the infirmary, then sits on a bed expectantly.
“Did those troglodytes hurt you?” Sebastian snaps. She whips her head around, surprised by his sudden appearance.
“I swear I’ll-“ Sebastian’s treats are cut off by a soft giggle from the girl.
“I thought I heard someone behind me.” Sebastian stuffs the floor with a shoe putting his hands in his pockets.
“I… Well, I was worried that maybe they had said something nasty to you. Never can count on a bully to give a good apology.”
“I don’t know what I have done to earn your protection.” She raises an eyebrow to the freckled face before her.
“I just can’t stand to see a pretty girl cry.” Again Sebastian is given an eyebrow. Before the girl can give her retort the nurse walks in. At the sight of Sebastian standing there the nurse pauses giving the girl a funny look, to which she just shrugs in response.
“And how are we feeling today?” The nurse asks, hovering her wand over the girl as a dim green light is emitted from the tip.
“Fine.” She replies dismissively.
“That bad?” Stopping her work the nurse study’s the girl's face. “How many fits did you have?”
“Goodness me child! You know you are supposed to come and see me the second you have more than three.” Thrusting a vile of a sweet smelling potion into the girl's hands the nurse hurries away.
“I’ll be back.” She calls. As she drinks the liquid, a chill causes her whole body to tense.
“Are you alright?” Sebastian’s worried voice brings her eyes back on him.
“That’s a broad question.” She teases.
“I guess it is.” He rubs the back of his head. The sight is so reminiscent of his own sister trying a slew of potions given to her by a nurse who always wore the same worried expression. At the thought Sebastian begins to feel queasy. He sits on the ground.
“Are you alright?” Now it’s the girls turn to look concerned.
“That’s a broad question.” He mocks her tone. Looking down at her hands the girl seems to say more to herself then Sebastian.
“My second year at Hogwarts. I was in an accident. Had to take a year off to recover.” Sebastian stands again feeling guilty, he knew she had not wanted to be followed here and by the way she is sitting now she still does not want him here.
“I’m sorry.” He stammers as he backs toward the door. “I will give you privacy now.” All of his usual suave demeanor gone, he fumbles with the handle.
“Thank you.” She calls after him. “For your help today. With those jerks and my bag. Thank you.” He nods before disappearing out the door. He needs to find Ominis.
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𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈...
SUMMARY: Sebastian Stan discovers about his girlfriend's 'problem' with food
PAIRING: Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
WARNINGS: This story might be triggering for people with ED
𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: PLEASE GUYS, THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO ME. I decided to write this because yesterday it happened to me again, and nobody asks me why but I thought "what if my comfort person knew this? How might he react? What might he say?" (And honestly I was just very sad and needed to be comforted). Now, I DO NOT have an ED, and I don't consider this as one (at least as regards my person and for what I know!). My purpose is obviously NOT that of minimalize any type of disorder, I just wanted to share my 'experience' and the feelings I have when all of this happens to me, simply because I know I'm not the only one.
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Crap. It was happening again.
You were staring at your still full plate and you didn't know what to do. Anxiety was starting to form and run through your body. Yet, a moment before it was going so well. You were normally and peacefully dining with your boyfriend at the restaurant. And then boom. It happened again.
Sebastian: "Hey babe? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Y/n: "Uhm, yeah it's nothing baby, don't worry"
You stared at the plate again. Then, you continued: "Actually...I just think I'll go to the ladies"
Sebastian: "Oh, ok. Do you want me to wait for you?"
Y/n: "Oh God! No! I know you're hungry. Just eat, don't wait for me. I'll be quick, ok?"
Sebastian: "Ok, thank you!"
You looked at him before getting up, and damn it. He gave you such a pure and kind smile, it almost made you cry.
You entered the restroom and locked the door. "OK y/n, calm down. It's fine. It's totally fine, just take a few moments to breathe" you said staring at your reflection in the mirror. You took five deep breaths, smiled and went out.
As you walked back at your table and as you sat back down, you felt calm. Confident, almost. You were convinced that everything was fine again. On the contrary, when you took the fork, you realized: nothing was fine.
Despite that, you decided to proceed: with the knife you cut a piece of the food in front of you and slowly put it in your mouth.
Fuck. You didn't want to do it, but you were literally starving.
Maybe this time it was even worse than the others. Usually it was enough to convince yourself you weren't hungry, in order to avoid eating between meals, but this time...this time it was different. It wasn't really the first time that happened, and you were completely aware of that, but just the thought of him noticing it...the thought of other people staring at you with those judgmental looks, ready to make assumptions. You were frightened.
You repeated yourself "I'm hungry, I need, I want to eat it" a couple of times before swallowing the food.
And then you took another bite. And another bite. Another one. And another one again. And another bite.
Another. Bite.
And to each one of them you did nothing but fight. You had to fight that strong and annoying urge to stop. You did nothing but fight against your stupidass conscience.
You had your mouth full but you didn’t want to swallow any of the food. The feelings of guilt were too strong.
"Stop eating"
"Do not swallow it"
"Stop it, you don't want it"
"Stop and spit everything"
"Come on y/n. Swallow. Swallow it" you said to yourself. And you finally did it.
With nausea, you stared at your empty plate for a couple of seconds. And then you looked up and saw him.
Your boyfriend, Sebastian, had this confused and at the same time surprised look on his face. Those- damned steel blue eyes, full of concern...
Sebastian: "Y/n..."
Fuck, you were about to cry. A tear fell down your cheek.
Seb: "Hey hey hey sweetheart, no, it's okay". He tried to take your hand but you pulled away immediately.
Y/n: "It's okay Sebastian" you said drying your face with your hand "I'm fine. Trust me, everything's fine" and you gave him a quick smile to try to reassure him.
On the way home it felt like you were at the cemetery. Neither of you had spoken a single word, and once back at his apartment, you tried to run and lock yourself in the bathroom but he grabbed you by the arm.
Sebastian: "What's wrong"
You slowly turned to face him without replying.
"Baby please" he grabbed your chin with two fingers and made you look right into his eyes "I'm begging you. Tell me what's wrong".
You broke down. You tried to talk but you couldn't stop yourself from crying out in fear and pain.
"Shh, it's okay baby" he embraced you in a warm hug and stroked your hair, in order to calm you down. "Don't worry, take your time".
After a couple of minutes, the two of you sat on the couch and you confessed.
Y/n: "I'm sorry Sebastian, I'm awfully sorry, I ruined everything, I-"
"You didn't ruin anything y/n" he interrupted you. "Don't worry about it, really, I'm not upset or anything, I know what you're thinking and going to say. I just want to know whether you're okay or not".
"I- I don't know why, but sometimes...it just happens. A moment before I'm happy and enjoying my life, and a second later- I just can't eat..." he had to get closer to you since you were practically whispering. "I mean...I can, but for some reason my- my mind and my body refuse to. I really want to eat something, but then I'm assaulted by this- sense of guilt. I feel my stomach closing and I don't wanna eat anymore, but-" you sobbed "but immediately afterwards, something clicks in my head and I finish all the food in front of me, almost...almost gorging myself...I don't know...what's wrong with me?"
Once you finished, you raised your face and looked at him. The room was immerged in the dark. The only source of light were the moon, the stars and all those small, yet to you so fascinating lights coming from the skyscrapers in the distance. However, even though you couldn't distinguish all of his features, you noticed a small reflection of light on his cheek. He was crying.
Sebastian: "Babe.." he gently pulled you closer and hugged you again. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" he asked with a trembling voice.
"I...I don't know. I mean, this is nothing serious, I do not have an eating disorder, probably it's just anxiety or even stress, I can't tell... Honestly I just thought you would have seen me as a- a crazy and stupid little girl seeking for attention..."
He pulled you away and cupped your face with his hands: "Darling, listen to me: first of all, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Understood? And second of all, I could never do that. I could never think of you as someone like that. Got it?" he smiled and kissed you on the forehead. It was a gentle, warm and long kiss.
"And even if you were trying to get my attention, I would never get angry, because it means that you love me" he grabbed your hand and slowly cupped his own face with it "and I love you too". He kissed your palm and looked you right into your teary eyes "more than anything else".
That words made your heart melt. You couldn't help but shyly smile at him. In that moment, he made you feel important. He made you feel valid. He made you feel loved.
"So, if you really love me sweetheart" this time he grabbed both your hands and placed them on his chest, right above his heart "promise me that next time, you will warn me when it happens, okay?"
You closed that little distance between your faces and kissed him on the lips "promised. I love you with all my heart Sebastian"
"I love you with all my heart too, y/n".
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stanfanfiction · 9 months
Working on chapter 6 + a commissioned Seb Stan fic. Today is all about relaxing and writing before the busy weekend. I am kinda loving the Seb fic and I asked the buyer if she would be okay with me posting it and she said yes, sooo…if there’s any Seb fans out there, you might be getting a little one-shot soon.
Sending everyone hugs and I hope you have the most wonderful day.
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ivybird · 2 years
It's always the quiet ones - Part One -Her.
Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader.
Summary: You don't mess with the Queen.
Word Count: 1671
Warnings: Swearing, angst, crying, a hint at physical abuse, toxic relationship, blood, smoking, alcohol consumption, shouting.
A/N: Hiii! Okay, so...PART ONE. MINORS DNI. Proofread so all mistakes my own! GIF isn't mine!
Series Masterlist.
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James Buchanan Barnes. The most feared man in New York. No one dared to upset him, or they’d be met with the barrel of his gun, and yet, here he was sat pouting in the back of an SUV because Bucky was somehow convinced to do business with Walker. He shuddered at the thought. John fucking Walker, the man who thought he was above everybody, thought he was above the Princes of New York…thought he was above Bucky. Walker wanted to offer him a deal, something to do with guns and grenades, but Bucky wasn’t listening when Steve filled him in, he was focusing on not losing his shit and smacking Steve upside the head with the butt of his gun. The car behind them contained the other three princes. Loki, Sam, and Thor. They insisted on coming along for “protection”, but Bucky knew they were being nosey bastards. He clambered out the car and picked a cigarette out of his holder, brought it to his lips and lit it, and Bucky couldn’t help but think the flame from the lighter resembled the fire bubbling up inside him.
“C’mon man, don’t wanna go in there stinkin’ of smoke”. Steve appeared beside him, wafting his hand to get the smoke away. They both leant against the side of the car waiting to be beckoned to Walker’s door. “Why’d you bring me here Steve? I told you, no business with Walker, Pierce, Rumlow and Stark. They’re off limits, and look at me, waiting to be called in like a dog whose been let out for a shit”. Steve chuckled and placed his hand on his friends shoulder. “This could be good for you, stop acting like a goddamn baby”. As Bucky flicked his cigarette away and turned to give Steve a snarky remark, they were beckoned forward by a man in a tux. “Mr Walker is ready for you”. Bucky gave the man a curt nod and walked past him through the threshold, leaving Steve to apologise and thank the poor guy. The foyer to Walker’s mansion was grand, if it wasn’t his, it would’ve took Bucky’s breath away. The accents of gold against white marble was far too pure for a man like Walker. Bucky’s eyes landed at the bottom of the staircase and there he stood, in all his so-called glory. A white button down, black slacks, and a tumbler of whisky sitting in his hand. Bucky managed a small nod in Walker’s direction. “Walker”. A smirk flicked at the corner of John’s lips. “Barnes. Rogers. Surprised you agreed to meet me”. Bucky scoffed and turned his head to Steve with his jaw clenched. “Not like I had a choice”.
“Buck”. Few could get away with talking to Bucky like he was a petulant child, but Steve was different. “Let’s get started, gentleman. Office is this way”. The pair were lead through a series of corridors and some stairs before they reached the office. John sat in a large leather chair and beckoned the men to sit across from him. “Please, sit”. Bucky and Steve made themselves somewhat comfortable, the air was thick with tension, and nothing could seem to ease it. “Before we get started, there’s someone I’d like you both to meet”. Steve and Bucky locked eyes before returning them to the man in front of them. “Who’ve you got locked away? No one I know would willingly wanna spend time with you, Walker”. A dry chuckle escaped Steve’s throat at Bucky’s remark but quickly covered it with a cough.
“Lucky you don’t know her then, Barnes”. Bucky rolled his eyes and scratched at his beard, his patience was wearing thin, and Steve knew if they didn’t get to business soon the office was going to turn into a blood bath. Without taking his eyes off Bucky, John raised a hand towards the door and beckoned with two fingers. “Y/N, darling? Come here. Some friends of mine like I’d like you to meet”. Steve furrowed his brows and glanced towards the door as Bucky leant forward. “We’re not friends”. Walker laughed at him. Bucky didn’t have time to respond. There she was, hovering in the doorway. Her hair flowed around her waist in soft waves, her figure was wrapped in a light blue sundress and her feet were clad in white ballet slippers. She was magnificent. Bucky couldn’t tear his eyes away from her as Walker grasped her hand and pulled her into his lap. The girl shrieked at the sudden movement and looked uncomfortable, but quickly fixed her expression when she saw Bucky staring at her. “Gentlemen, this is my fiancé. Y/N”. Bucky was snapped out of his trance by Steve clearing his throat. “Fiancé?”. Walker’s arm was wrapped around her waist so tight Bucky was sure she’d burst. “What? Didn’t think I’d have it in me? Pretty little thing isn’t she?”. Bucky didn’t say a word, he refused to feed into the man’s ego. Of course, he found her beautiful, he felt a pull to her he couldn’t quite explain, but he wasn’t going to tell Walker that. “Go on, don’t be rude, say hello”. She stood from his lap and cautiously reached forward offering the men her hand. “Hello”. Steve offered her a smile, whereas Bucky’s dumbass stood up and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Miss…”.
A blush crept up her cheeks as she retracted her hand, feeling her fiancé’s eyes burn holes in her head, so she offered him a polite smile. “Y/L/N”. Bucky returned to his seat, his eyes still on her, a smile tugging at his lips. “Y/L/N”. He repeated it slowly, the taste of the name on his tongue like honey. Walker hummed in what sounded like disapproval behind her before yanking her down onto his lap once more. “John, I shouldn’t be here. You’re talking business”. Walker placed a sloppy kiss against her cheek, Bucky could see her visibly cringe but plaster a sweet smile onto her face when he looked at her. “Nonsense pretty one. You’re gonna be my wife, you need to know everything”. She nodded at him and readjusted herself so she was comfortable – if you could call it that – in his lap.
The men talked…and talked….and talked. She zoned out, her only focus was Bucky. His arms bulging against his jacket, a hint of an accent she couldn’t make out, his fluffy hair, his beard, his ocean eyes…his plush lips. She felt herself squirming every time his tongue darted out to wet them. Bucky’s eyes flickered to her every minute or so, getting lost in her Y/C/E before tearing himself away. “Come back to us, Y/N”. John’s now slurred voice pulled her out of her revere as his fingers clicked in front of her face. “Sorry, got lost in thought”. He patted her back and pushed her off his lap handing her his half full tumbler. “Be a darling and take this to the kitchen while I see our guests out”. She nodded at him frantically before attempting to scurry away. Her foot caught on the leg of the desk, sending her flying. Steve and Bucky were quick to react, standing to catch her. Steve’s large hands caught her before she hit the ground, but the whiskey flew and landed all over Bucky’s crisp white shirt. “Oh my god! Mr Barnes I’m so, so sorry!”. The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. Bucky chuckled as Steve guided her to stand straight. “Hey it’s okay! Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?”.
She rushed to the table to pull some tissues and began blotting his shirt. “No, I’m alright, thank you. I’m so clumsy!”. Bucky pulled her hands away from him and he swore he felt sparks in the tips of his fingers. “It’s alright”. Walker cleared his throat and the two whipped their heads towards him. “Are you kidding? I invite my friends over for a business meeting and you embarrass me by throwing my whiskey all over him?”. “John, I’m sorry. It was an accident. I tripped; I-I-I’d never embarrass you on purpose”. Bucky stood in front of her. “Walker, it was an accident. Leave it, man”. John walked around his desk and pushed himself in between Bucky and Y/N. “I think you better leave, Barnes. I need to have a chat with my fiancé. You”, he turned to face her. She recoiled, the rage in his eyes only meant one thing. “Upstairs. Now”. She nodded and ran.
“C’mon, Buck. Let’s go”. Steve pulled him out. Once they reached the car, Bucky pulled out a smoke, his hands shook as he lit it. “What the hell was that?”. Bucky looked at his friend, anger spread across his features. “What?”. Steve paced back and forth, his arms flying everywhere. “That! I saw the way you were lookin’ at her, man. Those puppy eyes, the smile, kissing her fucking hand. Are you insane? Do you want a war? Because Walker’ll start one”. “Yeah and did you see the way she fucking flinched every time his hands were on her? She looked like she wanted to hurl. I’m telling you Steve, there’s something not right here”. Steve stopped in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s none of our business, man”. Bucky wrenched the car door open and slipped inside. “Somethin’ isn’t right, Steve. I’m gonna find out what it is. That girl’s in trouble”.
Steve huffed and made his way around to the other side. Once settled he ran his hands over his face. “What’dya wanna do?”. Bucky turned to his friend, his mind going a million miles an hour. “I don’t know yet, but I need to find out what’s goin’ on. She looked so scared, man”. Steve just nodded, he wasn’t going to be able to stop Bucky and he wasn’t going to try. The way he looked at her…Steve knew he was going to fall in love with her…and he was playing a dangerous game.
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barnesboo1967 · 1 year
Dating Bucky Barnes Headcanons
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 He would never want to fight with you after all his years of fighting 
If yall do fight he comes and makes up within an hour 
 Would be like a koala at night 
If he has a nightmare he is laying on you, but if you have a nightmare he pulls you to him no matter what even if he is dead asleep 
 Try his very hardest for you no matter when or where 
 He never wants to hurt you and if he does he is distant for a day at least 
 Nat or Steve has to knock some sense into him cause you know not to approach him first or he would shut down 
Is very old school with how well he treats you but knows how to also treat you by today's standards 
 Will bring you flowers on the first date and take you dancing but will stay home and clean while you work and come with you to protest 
 Keeps a list of all your favorite things in his book and you have no clue 
 Sets out his favorite snacks, anything you need, and his hoodies when you start your period 
 Will watch any of your favorite shows with you and will cuddle with you the whole time you are on your period
Wants to take you on a date every week and if he doesn’t he tries to make it up the next week
You and he switch who plans the date every week
He tries not to but can't help to be all over you all the time
 Everyone in the tower hates it 
Calls you every night when he is on a mission without fail
Will let you do his makeup and paint his nails 
Will punch anyone who says anything about it 
Yall are always watching a show or movie that he’s never seen and he gets so into it 
For the finale of a show, he makes a whole night of its decor and food included. 
More will be added
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mypalbuck · 3 years
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↳ in which you and Mickey were the definition of right people at the wrong time.
warnings: none for this, angst maybe?
pairing: Mickey Henry x fem!reader
a/n: I hope you liked this little blurb, just a little insight to everything before chapter one! I hope to get that out soon, I’m just trying to figure out how to make things interesting but still keep to the themes of the movie.
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The Ancient Greeks believed that at the beginning of time when humans were created, their forms were different to what we see today.
The form was both man and woman with four arms, four legs and a single head made of two faces. These humans were powerful creatures who became a threat to the gods. Seeing this, Zeus came up with the solution to split the humans in half, punishing them for their pride and leaving them to yearn for their soul’s other half, what we know to be a soulmate.
According to this myth, when the two halves find one another there would be a silent understanding from eachother, their souls would connect and there would be no greater joy than that.
In the past, if someone were to say the names Mickey Henry and Y/F/N Y/L/N, no matter who was talking the sentence would always end with “...are soulmates, they are each other’s better half. They are connected.”
To poke fun at this, you and Mickey used to squeeze into one shirt and joke that you were one body just like the myth. “What are you two doing in Mickey’s shirt?” they would say to the two of you, looking at Mickey and having a silent conversation between you, Mickey would smile before replying “It’s not my shirt, it’s OUR shirt.” you really were each other’s better half.
The day you met Mickey you swore you wouldn’t let yourself fall for him. Your trip to Greece was all about bettering oneself and letting loose. But one look at those baby blue eyes and you were a goner.
But life happens and things don’t always go to plan.
Nowadays, if the name Mickey Henry and Y/F/N Y/L/N are brought up, the sentence always ends with “...were the right people at the wrong time.”
This is the story about how you found and lost your soulmate.
next chapter
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Taglist: @blackberrybucky @vespereveninglynd @gnveraas @strangesbitch @clownerlyluv @aliceaddellheidde @cherryblossomskye @pez3639 @cari1bunny @lharrietg @starrystarkey93 @danyhollandsharman @hailmary-yramliah @themaddies-obx @justareader @bizarrebarnes @hesvoid34 @figlia--della--luna
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stucky-hoe · 2 years
(steve and bucky in the kitchen making breakfast)
bucky: hey stevie...
steve: mhm, what is it, buck?
bucky: *calmly* what is it that i'm hearing about you jumping off a plane without a parachute?
steve: *sweating* uhh- what?
bucky: *lifting up the knife calmly*
steve: *backs away slowly*
bucky: how about we have a small talk?
steve: *runs*
bucky: *chases him while clutching knife*
sam: ... good morning?
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 month
Writer Things: deciding when to use names vs. pronouns in the narrative
I've almost entirely gotten away from the amateur writer's habit of using epithets ("the other man," "the blonde," etc.) unless it's two characters who are strangers to one another/have just met.
But does anybody else angst over hitting that just-right balance in your fic where there's a sex scene action scene going on, and with the two characters who're interacting you want to make sure the reader knows who is doing each action and speaking each line, thinking/feeling each thought; but you don't want to overuse "Steve" or "Bucky" if a simple "He" will do from previous establishment in the paragraph?
And then it gets even trickier when they're touching each others' body parts and you have to also make sure it's clear whose what is being touched when! Gah! (And it's soooo much worse with gay fanfic too, because you've got two he/him/his and two penises 😭)
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mutifandomkid · 3 years
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geminixevans-stan · 2 years
Hello. It’s me, your adorkable sis wife. Just wanna say yay for 2K I’m glad I could be of service. Ready for more pornstar!Ari by the way I miss him a lot lol
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Also, this mans is peeved at you and is asking you to kneel so he can reprimand you for being a bad baby girl.
Okay I love you bye bye
This picture is sinfully rude sis wife... But you're right, daddy is a teensy bit mad.
Pairing: Mob!Sebastian Stan x Female Reader
Words: 962
Warning: 18+ Minors Dni, mentions of murder, explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut (fingering, spanking, choking)
I do not consent to my works being plagiarized in any shape, form, or fashion.
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“Leave us,” is the first thing you hear after being brought into his office. The look on his face was unreadable but, you knew you were in deep shit. You were a firecracker when he met you and that wasn’t gonna change.
He knew that when you weren’t afraid to put a bullet in his shoulder. Knew then that you were gonna be his and how right he was.
Which is right now, he knew his firecracker better have a good fucking reason why you just ruined the biggest deal that he could have made.
Joining forces with the Renner family would have been the talk of the town, making him the stronger of the two. No one would have even dared to try him then.
Sebastian watched your stoic frame. Blood still spattered at the top of your dress — blood that belong to the head of the Renner family.
He knew there was a good reason. Hell, he knew the reason before you even stepped foot out the house, alerting security a little too late.
The silence was deafening as Sebastian leaned against his desk, crooking his ringed finger at you to come closer. There were a few things that command you. Your body and him. He owned your body and she listened whenever he called to her.
You wasted no time making your way over to him. You didn’t even dare try him tonight, not after what you just did.
“Dragosta mea… îngenunchea (Kneel)”
Your kneels feel right where they belonged — at his feet. The only man you would ever kneel for. He more than earned that right over and over again. Sebastian showed you what being his meant in more ways than one and in return, you gave him everything.
His steel-blue eyes, lowered to yours, his perfect lips set in a thin line. Sweet little firecracker you were. But only for him. How could he be mad at you? Not when you looked like pure sin. But there were rules and his baby girl broke the ultimate one.
Never interfere in Daddy’s business…
And you interfered at the highest level.
It wasn’t normal for him to be mad at you and there wasn’t much you could do to get yourself out of whatever punishment was about to be given. To test the waters, you poke your bottom out just a little bit, earning a growl and a strong hand around your throat.
You gasp in his hold, now eye level with his piercing eyes, “Nice try Dragostea mea. Don’t fucking try it,” he says squeezing the sides of your throat a little tighter.
A smile spreads across your face, showing that you weren’t sorry for a damn thing. Sebastian huffs, letting you go and straightening himself back up.
“What’s my number one rule baby?”
With a slow tilt to your head, you recite his rule word for word, “Never interfere in Daddy’s business.”
Sebastian cups your face with one hand, prodding your lips open with his thumb as you happily wrap them around the thick digit.
He hums contently, “That’s right and you did that didn’t you?” you nod pathetically, swirling your tongue around his thumb, hearing that noticeable hitch in his throat and watching a tent form in his slacks.
His eyes darken instantly, removing his thumb from your lips and wrapping his hand back to your throat, and pulling you up roughly. To say you were turned on was an understatement. The minute you put a bullet through that double crosser’s head, the thought of what your daddy was going to do had you wetter than ever before.
Sebastian could smell the arousal the moment your knees hit the floor. He knew you weren’t remorseful for a damn thing.
And why should you be? You were only protecting his legacy. Little did you know — He was so fucking proud of his girl. But rules are rules.
Sebastian slides his other hand up the front of your dress, slipping past the drenched material finding your aching clit, swirling his fingers around the swollen bud.
You falter, leaning into his touch as he keeps your neck taut, making you look at him, “I know you’re not sorry Dragostea mea.”
You shake your head from side to side, “Not. One. Bit. D-daddy”
He turns your face to the side not letting up on bringing you to the edge. You feel the warmth of his breath first and the heat of his tongue sliding up the side of your face.
You shudder, feeling the pleasure bloom in your core. You’re close.. So… close.
Sebastian adds more pressure, swiping your clit back and forth, “How many bullets did you use my love?”
You lean your head against his, your breath coming out in short spurts, “S-six, Daddy. Two in the chest and head, one in each hand.”
He crashes his lips to yours, slipping his tongue over yours as he speeds his fingers up. You knew better than to come but the sweet release was near. You both growl into each other’s mouths, letting him win this battle.
Your breath quickens, he knows you’re close. If you thought he was going to grant you something so easy…you knew better.
Sebastian snatches his hand from between your legs, laying a harsh smack to your ass when you let out a whine.
You were so…. Close.
He gives you a grin that you knew too well, “Well my love, it’s only right to edge you six hours then? One bullet equals an hour,” You try to protest but he lands another smack to your ass, “I got all night, Dragostea mea. Go to Daddy’s palace.”
At the mention of that place, your scramble away from him and towards the door.
“Oh and firecracker? I’m bringing some help…”
Join the freaknik!
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Navigation - ** = implies smut or is smut, *a = angst, f* = fluff
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DM me to join taglist, please also include certain character(s) if you only want specific one(s)
Buck Barnes
Secret relationship** pt.2 Bucky Barnes x Fem! Reader
How It feels to be replaced*a. Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter! Teen! Avenger! Fem! Reader, Avengers x Fem! Stark! Teen! Reader, Bucky Barnes x Teen! Stark! Avenger! Reader (kinda setting up a Father-Daughter bond)
How It feels to be replaced pt. 2*a - Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter! Avenger! Reader, Bucky x Fem! Stark! Avenger! Reader, Avengers x Fem! Stark! Avenger! Reader
Peter Parker
Study Hard*f - Peter Parker x Fem! Reader
The Switch pt. 1*a pt. 2*f pt. 3*a - Pairing: Avengers x Teen! Avenger! Fem! Witch! Reader, Peter Parker x Avenger! Fem! Witch! Reader
Not so sweet sixteen (special birthday fic) - Pairing: Avengers x Teen! Fem! Reader, Loki x Teen! Fem! Reader (strictly platonic)
Yelena Belova
Daddy Daughter Dance*a Avengers x Potts! Pre teen! Fem! Reader
Sneaky Sneaky*f Avengers x child! Fem! Reader
How It feels to be replaced*a Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter! Teen! Avenger! Fem! Reader, Avengers x Fem! Stark! Teen! Reader, Bucky Barnes x Teen! Stark! Avenger! Reader (kinda setting up a Father-Daughter bond)
How It feels to be replaced pt. 2*a - Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter! Avenger! Reader, Bucky x Fem! Stark! Avenger! Reader, Avengers x Fem! Stark! Avenger! Reader
Not so sweet sixteen (special birthday fic) - Pairing: Avengers x Teen! Fem! Reader, Loki x Teen! Fem! Reader (strictly platonic)
The Switch pt. 1*a pt. 2*f pt. 3*a - Pairing: Avengers x Teen! Avenger! Fem! Witch! Reader, Peter Parker x Avenger! Fem! Witch! Reader
Peter Maximoff
Snowball fights and bets*f Peter Maximoff x GN! Reader
Study Hard Brutasha (Bruce and Natasha) x Fem! Adopted! Daughter! Teen! Reader
Daddy Daughter Dance Tony Stark x Step Daughter! Pre teen! Reader
How It feels to be replaced*a Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter! Teen! Avenger! Fem! Reader, Avengers x Fem! Stark! Teen! Reader, Bucky Barnes x Teen! Stark! Avenger! Reader (kinda setting up a Father-Daughter bond)
How It feels to be replaced pt. 2*a - Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter! Avenger! Reader, Bucky x Fem! Stark! Avenger! Reader, Avengers x Fem! Stark! Avenger! Reader
In The Works
The switch pt 3 - Pairing: Avengers x Teen! Avenger! Fem! Witch! Reader, Peter Parker x Avenger! Fem! Witch! Reader
MCU Cast
Violent pt. 1 *a - Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Adult! Daughter! Fem! Reader, MCU cast x Adult! Stan! Fem! Actress! Reader, Tom Holland x Fem! Adult! Stan! Actress! Reader (platonic)
Sebastian Stan
Violent pt. 1 *a - Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Adult! Daughter! Fem! Reader, MCU cast x Adult! Stan! Fem! Actress! Reader, Tom Holland x Fem! Adult! Stan! Actress! Reader (platonic)
Violent pt. 2 *a - Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Adult! Daughter! Fem! Reader
Flowers & Sex** - Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Fem! Reader
Kiss *f - Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Fem! Co-star! Reader
Tom Holland
Violent pt. 1 *a- Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Adult! Daughter! Fem! Reader, MCU cast x Adult! Stan! Fem! Actress! Reader, Tom Holland x Fem! Adult! Stan! Actress! Reader (platonic)
In The Works
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Birthday H.C. - Tate Langdon x GN! Reader
James march
Birthday Surprise - James March x GN! Reader
In The Works
Icons Masterlist
Billy Loomis Icons
Wanda Maximoff icons pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4
Klaus Mikaelson icons
Carol Danvers icons
Loki Laufeyson icons
Darcy Lewis icons
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qu1etwolf · 2 years
Not me sitting here working on a 40s Bucky one-shot. Just look at how pretty this boy is. *swoon*
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basicallybarnes · 2 years
i don’t know who’s cuter
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andiwanderer · 3 years
Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
Rundown: You asked a question, Bucky asked one too—chaos ensues.
Word Count: 892
Warnings: fluff, kissing—lots of 'em
a/n: so random.
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"It's beautiful."
You nod in agreement, eyes looking down at the scenery before you.
"When I look at you, you better not stare at me, I swear." Bucky chuckled lightly when you called out what he was doing. "It's so cliché," Turning your head to face him, you met his mouth, capturing yours in a fierce, passionate kiss. His hand is on the back of your head, deepening the kiss. His tongue swiped across your lips, asking for access which you pliantly rewarded him. Your tongue clashing, tasting mint in his wet muscle making you moan. Eyes closed feeling the sensation brought by the kiss. Tongues molding into one, it courses through your whole body.
"It's called romantic, sweetheart, in case you didn't know."
"Bucky," you managed to say between your heavy make-out. Whimpering, your hand braced to his arms, trying to steady yourself. Pulling yourself from him, you tried to catch your breath. However, his perfect lips didn't leave your skin. He let you take a breather as he left open kisses tracing from your jaw down to the sensitive part of your neck. Biting your bottom lip at a sudden idea, "We're outside, honey."
"That wouldn't be a problem." He gruffed, countering what you are insinuating. "We've done that, plenty of times now."
"Yeah, Bucky. In the dark." Pulling his face off of your cleavage, where he had been licking a marking bruise he left. He lets you, pressing a loving kiss to his forehead. Your eyes meeting, you found yourself being lost in his beautiful eyes. The sunset making a beautiful effect on it, it glows. You can't help but say, "I love you."
A grin breaks from his admiring face, "I love you so much, sweetheart."
"I like this." You leaned your head on his chest, glancing at the beach. "Let's do this again, but I'll drive the big bike."
He pecks your temple, "No complaints here, darling, I get to feel your body all the way." Surrounded by his strong arms, his hands rubbing up and down your back, soothing you.
"I want to ask you something." You pulled back from his embrace.
His eyes held question, but when you knelt in front of him, realization hits him. Showing the box you hid in your jeans.
"Will you marry me?"
"No!" he snatched it from your hands and he pulled you from your feet. "Baby girl I should be the one doing this." Fishing from his pocket an identical red box just like the one you were previously holding. Mimicking what you had done prior. You were surprised at this—
"Marry me—"
"Damn you, no."
Bucky felt his world still, his heart fell to his stomach. He was left gaping at you, trying to gauge if what he heard was right.
"I asked you first!"
You were glaring at him.
"What? Sweetheart, you're breaking my heart here!"
"No." That's when you see his eyes start to get glossy, without any thoughts you got down on his side, cupping his stubbled jaw. "Oh, no Bucky don't cry! I love you so much! But I asked you first!" you whined, "I just want it to be special for you! Me asking for your hand in marriage, we'll think our memories together..." You were rambling on how you're picturing this moment to ensue. "But I made you cry..."
In Bucky's eyes you were so adorable, he notices you were about to cry, he coos, "Yes, I will marry you." His thumb grazing your cheek, your face lightened with his answer, he gives back the box of ring you were offering him, and with that, you slipped the band to his vibranium finger.
Offering him your left hand, he immediately did the same thing to you with the ring he got you.
Your forehead met as you stared lovingly at your hands with a band that signifies a new chapter in your life. "For the record, whatever you ask of me, I'll always say yes. But I'm your stubborn baby so deal with it."
"I got that now, no cliché moments because you treasure extraordinary moments. I'm so lucky to have you." His gaze at you was loving.
You leaned into his hard-rock chest. "And I am lucky to have you—and this mouthwatering bod." Your hands traveled to his well-defined abs. Bucky chuckled.
You looked up at him from the crook of his neck, "You still up for it?"
His brows raised as if it was needed to be asked. "Every time." Lips molding once again, not minding that you are at the most obvious part of the road, so when a vehicle passes by, the two of you will be caught with what miracle you are performing.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." Breaking the heated kiss, "I'm pregnant."
There was a deafening silence between the two of you.
"I'm gonna be a dad?—I'm gonna be a dad..." the words rolling onto his tongue, still sinking into him. Wide eyes, swollen lips agape as he held you on your shoulders. "Y/N were gonna be parents!" Bringing you back to his warm embrace, he whispers, "I adore you so much, Y/N M/N L/N."
"I adore you so much too, James Buchanan Barnes."
He suddenly breaks the hug, "I'm so happy I think I'm gonna have a heart attack—"
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