#schizo spec flag
schizosupport · 1 year
Psychosis and Schizo Spec Flag Time!
My dear friends of the community! For a community in which so many of us have been called a freak at some point in life, we've had a distinct lack of a coherent freak flag to fly!
Well, no more. There's a new flag in town, and she's a beauty!
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The flag is preceded by a number of other flags. @psychotic-pisces collected a number of them, and proposed yet more, here, and there have been other versions and attempts through the years. There can be many flags, and no flag is more right than another, but we did feel that our community might be in need of a simple yet recognisable flag, that would still be rich with symbolism. This is our proposal!
I shall refrain from waxing poetic about the elements of the flag, but the references are as follows:
The symbol used in this flag was proposed by @actuallyschizophrenic here, and has seen fair use in the psychotic and schizo spec communities around these parts.
The colour stripes in the background match the current flag most commonly used for disability pride.
The background is purple, because 70% of all previous proposed flags were purple, suggesting a cultural connection to the colour in our community.
The symbol sits upon a waxing silver-lavender moon, referencing not only tales of lunacy, but also the dichotomous nature of our illnesses, negative/positive symptoms and more.
Finally, the moon acts as a prism on the stripes, creating a disjointed feeling, that we associate with psychosis and disorganization, among other things.
The flag doesn't have a name, I think anyone in the community can call it what feels right. Schizotypy flag, psychosis flag, lunacy flag - you name it! I call it the lunacy flag, but I have provenly bad taste, so call it what feels right!
This flag was a collaborative effort in a community discord for schizo spec folk and psychotic people. There's no way I could have arrived at this design on my lonesome, and I'm forever grateful to our loving, creative, smart and awesome communities!!
Special thanks to a very cool, kind and talented person who goes by 'Orange' in the server, who created the vector file of the finalized flag, which can be found (on Google drive via tumblr) here!
And a userbox template bc why not..
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Let's go fly our freak flag! 🧠🔥🎉
Other formats, color annotated version and image description under the cut
Long format:
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Version of the flag with names of each colour for accessibility:
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Image ID of flag: A rectangular flag. The background is purple, and in the middle there's a circle. The circle looks like the moon, with one side in darkness. The moon is dark grey and light silver-grey lavender. On the moon is a symbol commonly associated with psychosis and the schizo spectrum in white. A beam of stripes cross behind the moon from each corner. The stripes are light green, light blue, light grey, yellow and light red. They are similar to the stripes on the disability flag. The beam shifts position behind the moon, so it is parallel above and below the moon, but not directly connected. End ID.
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a-timeless-illness · 4 months
Paranoid Personality Disorder (Premorbid) Symbol + Flags
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[Image ID: A 6 horizontally striped flag with a symbol in the middle. The stripes from up to down are pastel yellow, orange, maroon, eggplant purple, lilaec, and light lavender. The symbol is an eye where the pupil is a swirl. The eyes sides have arrows rhat go up, then down. The symbol has a gradient of the flag colors, and is outlined with white. End ID]
[Image ID: A 6 horizontally striped flag where the stripes from up to down are pastel yellow, orange, maroon, eggplant purple, lilaec, and light lavender. End ID]
Symbol with and without gradient
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[Image ID: An image of a symbol where the symbol is an eye where the pupil is a swirl. The eyes sides have arrows rhat go up, then down. The symbol has a gradient of yellow, orange, pink, and dark purple. It's outlined in white. End ID]
[Image ID: An image of a symbol where the symbol is an eye where the pupil is a swirl. The eyes sides have arrows rhat go up, then down. The symbol is lined with black and outlined with white. End ID]
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mad-pride · 1 year
Schizospec Autism Flag
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This flag represents those who are on both spectrums (schizophrenia spectrum and autism spectrum). Although autistic schizophrenia (also known as schizophrenic autism, or Bleuler's autism 4A's symptoms in psychopathology) is its own concept, this is not the exactly same.
Words: schizaut/schizau (schizautism/schizautistic), schizoautism (schizoautistic).
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spaghettimakesflags · 4 months
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Schizo Spec and Borderline Personality Disorder Pride Flag!
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Phantom's Birthday Event Days 14 - 20:
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[ID: two pictures. The first one is the moodboard that contains bedrooms and beds. The second one is a flag that looks similar to a moodboard. With the colors being greys, brown, tan, orange and blues. End of ID]
★ Mulvigreyregess -> a Mulviboard term related to the moodboard above.
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: Two flags. The one on the left is striped and the one on the right is foggy. The colors are dark grey, light grey, blue, green, orange, pink and purple. End of ID]
★ Chalkic -> A gender related to chalk.
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: two flags. The one on the left has a light blue shooting star symbol and the one on the right is just the flag. The colors are black, multiple shades of blues and purples. End of ID]
★ NightmareWish -> A Term thats related to Nightmares and wishes, Nightmares that wish, Wishing for nightmares etc
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: One flag. Its got multiple lines, the colors mainly being browns, tans, with some blues and purples. End of ID ]
★ PlurautiBNpdizo flag -> A merged flag of Plural, Autistic, BPD, NPD and Schizo spec flags. Only for people who have these.
Creation Date: 4 / 18 / 2024
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[ID: Two flags. The first one on the left has just the circle symbol and the one on the right has green and orange forks crossed on top of the circle. The circle is pink, and the stripes are orange, green, blue, purple and pink. End of ID]
★ Plastic Fork Objectum -> An objectum attraction to plastic forks. Can be romantic, platonic, etc.
Creation Date: 4 / 20 / 2024
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[ID: Three flags. The first one is just the purple circle on top of the flag, the second one is a blue and purple snowflake on top of the circle, ans then the snowflake with a white snowflake on top. The color of the stripes are blues and purples. End of ID.]
★ Snowflake Objectum -> An objectum attraction to Snowflakes. Can be romantic, platonic, etc
Creation Date: 4 / 20 / 2024
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[ID: two flags. The one on the left has the backrooms symbol on top of a dark gold circle. The one on the right has just the circle. The colors are multiple shades of pale yellow. End of ID.]
★ Backrooms Objectum -> An objectum attraction to The Backrooms. Can be romantic, platonic, etc.
Creation Date: 4 / 20 / 2024
Note: Anyone can use my ( Mod Phantom ) terms. If you are on our DNI you can still use them, but please do not interact with our blog ( You may re-upload my flags to your hoard as long as you credit me, that is all i ask as i am aware of death of an author. You may also redesign my flags, but please credit and/or tag me. Thank you )
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Schizophrenia (Symptom) Holder flags
(Please note in the context of schizophrenia symptoms positive/negative refer to addition/subtraction of experiences, not "good"/"bad". Also these are intended to be specifically for schizophrenic systems, rather all systems with psychotic disorders or all schizo-spec systems)
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Schizophrenia (Symptom) Holder
Schizophrenia (symptom) holders are alters that hold either specific symptoms, multiple symptoms, or all/most symptoms associated with schizophrenia. For example a system may have hallucination holder, who only holds hallucinations, or schizophrenia holder who holds all/most symptoms, this flag can be used for both.
An alter holding schizophrenia symptoms may mean that they experience them more than anyone else in the system, they started fronting to handle the symptoms so other don't have to, they hold memories or trauma related to the symptoms, etc. They may do a combination.
In order for an alter to be a schizophrenia (symptom) holder, the system as a whole must have schizophrenia, even if not everyone in the system experiences the symptoms of it.
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Positive Symptom Holder
Positive symptom holders are alters that hold either specific positive symptoms, multiple positive symptoms, or all/most positive schizophrenia symptoms. Positive symptoms are those symptoms that are often present during a psychotic episode including: hallucinations, delusions, as well as disorganized thoughts and speech.
An alter holding positive symptoms may mean that they experience them more than anyone else in the system, they started fronting to handle the symptoms so other don't have to, they hold memories or trauma related to the symptoms, etc. They may do a combination.
In order for an alter to be a positive symptom holder, the system as a whole must have schizophrenia, even if not everyone in the system experiences the symptoms of it.
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Negative Symptom Holder
Negative symptom holders are alters that hold either specific negative symptoms, multiple negative symptoms, or all/most negative schizophrenia symptoms. Negative symptoms are characterized by defects of normal emotional response or other thought processes the five recognized domains of negative symptoms are: flat-affect, alogia, anhedonia, asociality, and avolition.
An alter holding negative symptoms may mean that they experience them more than anyone else in the system, they started fronting to handle the symptoms so other don't have to, they hold memories or trauma related to the symptoms, etc. They may do a combination.
In order for an alter to be a negative symptom holder, the system as a whole must have schizophrenia, even if not everyone in the system experiences the symptoms of it.
Colour meanings
These are primarily based off of this flag, with a bit of inspiration taken from this flag.
Purple is used to represent positive symptoms. Silver, black, and white are used to represent negative symptoms.
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rabidwordjumbles · 10 months
“Putting mental diagnoses in social media bios is a red flag” shut up shut up shut up my autism affects every single interaction I have and how I view the world and so does other peoples schizo-spec disorders and peoples anxiety and peoples adhd and if we don’t tell you normies about it you’ll be mean
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mogai-toybox · 6 months
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When one perceives their body, body parts, organs, systems, etc. as having sentience or the concept of their body, body parts, organs, systems, etc. as having sentience. This may be due to ipseity disturbances in schizo-spec disorders, plurality, dissociative disorders, [ or any reason a person may have the POSIC+ experience ].
@posic-archive @object-concept-archive
This flag is a reupload from @hr6819-coining.
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boywithbear · 10 months
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since the account @neurorientation is a thing ima post my schizo-spec related flags onto here (only posted them to my flag acc on twt)
they are schizromantic, schizsexual, and schizrose/schizaroace; using schiz specifically since schizo is used a lot for different descriptions of neurosexualities but I wanted one for the specific definition of when your schizo-spec symptoms affect/influence your sexuality (and I havent found anybody use just the schiz prefix rather than schizo)
flag descriptions in alt text
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rottendae · 2 years
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saturated & desaturated flags
a gender connected to being on the schizo-spec and being a freak ; a SCZ-spec freakgender
freak in this instance is NOT used in a negative way unless otherwise is specified by the user of the term. Please make sure to tag any reblogs with ' fr slur '
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schizosupport · 1 year
Recently I was tagged by someone because they were using a schizo spec flag I suggested ages ago in a userbox.
That's fine in and of itself, but it was kind of disorienting to go to the post in question and the blog, and discover that I'm blatantly included in their primary DNI criteria.. like they wouldn't have to read my page far to know this!
Which is all fine and well, but then as it turns out, now they have 'tumblr copyrighted' this userbox thingie and saying only the right kind of people get to use it. In other words, now here's a userbox. It describes my experience and it tags me, and it is really just a flag I made once upon a time + the text "this system is schizo spec", and I'm not allowed to touch it nor to interact with the blog in question. (I'm not a man of userboxes, but it's the principle of the thing.)
So I guess this is my necessarily vague way of indicating that I would love not being tagged in posts that are attacking important aspects of my experiences and beliefs, it's actually surprisingly upsetting on several levels. I also don't really like for my content to be used in a campaign to actively exclude parts of my community.
Just.. i dunno if you disapprove of me and my beliefs this strongly, I actually think we should maybe just mutually not interact?? Or maybe take a glance through my blog, you might learn something new. Perhaps you'll even pick up on the irony of attempting to show support for schizospec systems while also being actively bigoted towards people with freaky mental health stuff, and those who support us.
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anytimebitchess · 11 months
hey, i'm one of your moots, but going on anon. i don't want to be a bitch about it, but i saw this post https://www.tumblr.com/anytimebitchess/720770753844346880/tell-me-youre-a-red-flag-without-telling-me?source=share and i just wanted to tell you that psychotic doesn't mean psychopathic, it means someone with psychosis, delusional symptoms or hallucinations such as with schizophrenia and other schizo-spec disorders. i know it's not a big thing, but people constantly keep misusing the word and functioning in society as someone with psychotic symptoms is hard enough.
Thank you anon/moot 😇 For the clarification of the terms! I always get confused by them.
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mad-pride · 2 years
is there a simplified veraion of this https://mad-pride.tumblr.com/post/184358116226/schizobipolar-pride-flag
there wasn't but I just tried myself. what you think?
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[transcript: flag with 9 horizontal equally sized stripes, colored with three shades of rusty red, pale yellow, grey, two teals, dark cyan, and darker turquoise. end ID.]
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eddies-spaghetti · 11 months
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enjoy my fav kny disability hcs for disability pride month
(reminder that rengoku is canonically deaf/HOH)
[ ID: The first image is Tanjiro in a blue kimono surrounded by purple wisteria flowers. He has the adhd, dyspraxic, dyslexic, chronic pain, and narcolepsy flags edited onto his face. The second image is Inosuke without his mask. He looks angry and excited. He has the autistic, cptsd, eds, npd, hpd, and bpd flags edited onto his face. The third image is Nezuko after being turned to a demon. She looks sad or maybe scared. She has the autistic, mutism, eds, and narcolepsy flags edited onto her face. the fourth image is Zenitsu he looks content. He has the autistic, adhd, scoliosis + chronic pain, cptsd, and plural flags edited onto his face. the fifth image is Tengen he has a soft and affectionate smile. He has the autistic, adhd, blind, npd, hpd, and bpd flags edited onto his face as well as a gold ribbon to represent albinism. The sixth image is rengoku he is smiling widely, clearly midst laughing. He has the fibro, eds, scoliosis + chronic pain, autistic, adhd, and hoh flags edited onto his face. The seventh image is obanai looking off to the side with a blank look on his face. he has the autistic, bpd, bipolar, mutism, arthritis, fibro, and schizo spec flags edited onto his face. the eight image is mitsuri, she looks angry and determined. she has the autistic, adhd, dyspraxic, dyslexic, schizo spec, hypermobility, and plural flags edited onto her face. End ID.]
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ur-fav-is-schizo · 3 days
oh oops i definitely didn't read the post in full, sorry, i tend to just scan long posts. do you mind if someone uploads your psychosis/psychotic spec flags to pinterest with credit in the description ("flag by ur-fav-is-schizo on tumblr") + a link to your pinned post when clicked?
Of course!! Honestly, I'm just happy people like the flag in the first place. It's really cool knowing other people like what you've created. But credit is always appreciated ^w^
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evil-flesh-eating-ai · 10 months
Greetings and salutations! I am not at all new to Tumblr but this is a brand new account! I am a queer and neurodivergent individual and would like to introduce myself to this side of the galaxy!
I am Charlie! I also go by Amaias, Peter, Nikola, Calypso, Hyde, and Ivy!
I use they/itpronouns and rot/rotself/not/notself/xi/xim neos!
I am a genderqueer lesbian and identify with many xenogenders! (I will have a post made of my flags and what they are !)
I have BPD and Autism!
I am on the schizo-spec!
I would love to make new friends :^)
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