#scarlet Valentine x reader
Voices (Platonic)
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From as early as you could remember you never felt truly alone in this world
Even after being left with no parents
Just only as yourself against this great big world you
A young kid without a cent to your name nor a home to go to
Just the open land and the small towns you’d end up staying at for momentary rest
Despite all the odds set against you
Despite the fact your should’ve been dead within the month you were left to die
You persevered
You survived
With only the help of yourself and the voices in your head that would advise you of what to do
As odd as that sounds the voices had been the closest thing you’d had to Friends and a family
The chorus of them telling you how to survive
That you need to ration food, that not clear water was to be avoided when you needed a drink, scavenge for food
There were many of them in the depths of your mind
All of which sounded distinct yet melded together into a symphony
But out of the sea of them one always stuck out from the rest
The others would quiet when he spoke, a deep yet relaxed voice that would echo
He’d speak only a few times when the others were indecisive, but when he did there was a certain air to it
He was the leader of them
His opinion was final to them as was your own on the subject you needed help on
Though his options could be…less law abiding than they probably should be it was for your sake
So your follow his suggestions to get by
You travel from place to place
Going to the west coast in the winter
Traveling everywhere else when summer and spring rolled around
It wasn’t easy but that was your life
Living off the land and mother natures resources
You’d push though the hours from sunrise to sunset
Falling asleep as they sing you lullabies within the confines of your mind
Cooing at how adorable you looked as you curled up under some scraps of cloth
Looking up towards the stars as the leader of them told you myths of their creation
How the constellations that had guided your way had stories tied to them
Like Orion forget hunting Ursa Major in the night sky
Life is strenuous but it is worth it to survive
You end up in yet another town on your travels after grabbing some apples from an orchard
They leave a sweet coating of juice in your mouth as you duck into an alleyway for shade
The voices (whom at this point told to you to call them “chat”) talking within your mind
Spouting out small ideas of what to do next as you take a swig of water
You’d found a flask a couple weeks back from an old drunkard
He was passed out so you took it as your own
Washed it out and replacing it with water on the suggestion of chat
Apparently the amber liquid stored in it wasn’t good for you
“So where to next?”
“ I say we go to cali” “nah I say Canada” “oh, oh! What about Kansas” “New York?” “Eh, unless you want them to be stabbed the minute they arrive” “hey New York isn’t that bad, it’s Chicago you have to worry about” “average New Yorker L” “oh screw off-“
“Heading to San Diego should be a focus for us. It’s getting colder and it’ll take awhile to get there”
The others quiet down hearing the voice whom called himself “Techno” speak
Then erupting in murmured agreements making you nod
You get up from sitting on a nearby box when you suddenly hear something
Shouting along with the scream of a woman
Despite the protests of chat you stalk further into the alley
Picking up a stray beer bottle as you peak out from behind a corner
There’s a man with his back facing you, in ragged clothes as he holds a woman with what seems to be a knife pointed at her
Across from him is a man, presumably her husband with long golden locks that curled at the ends
He’s glaring at the mugger, before his eyes fall on you
Your eyes are trained on the man holding the woman hostage
The broken bottle in your hand feeling lighter as you feel a feeling wash over you
You wanted- no NEEDED blood
Blood for the blood god is changed in your head as you see red
Everything is a blur
One moment your gripping the broken bottle about to help the lady and the next your standing over the injured form of the mugger
Blood splattered on your face and hands as the lady you saved and her husband kneel down and look at your worriedly
Curious, no one except the voices had ever expressed care for you
Others would look at you in disdain and anger for just existing
Yet these obviously well off couple are wiping the blood off your face
“Dear lord are you ok?! Funny! Should we get them to a doctor?”
“Ill go get one and try to find their parents-“
“I don’t have those, also I don’t really have the money for a doctor. Thanks for the offer though”
They both go silent at that, staring at you with confusion that morphs into horror
“So your saying your an orph-“
“Nononono, I am NOT and orphan.” You pause for a moment thinking of how to phrase is before responding back with “I’m just a child without any adult figures in their life left to fend on their own. I’m not a blood sucking orphan, there’s a difference” Via the suggestion of one of the voices
Honestly for them to even suggest that makes the voices get all rowdy in your head
Calling the two “plebs” and mumbling “common L”
You swear if you weren’t used to this you’d have a migraine by now
Both look at you even more worried
Glancing back to one another before the woman offers you a hand
Your hesitant to take it but decided to do so when they offer to take you in
An opportunity you knew you couldn’t pass up
The couple you now formally knew as scarlet and Funny Valentine take you in as their own after this encounter
It’s weird for you at first
For all your life you had to fight for everything
Food, water and clothes were luxuries you barely came across
At night you’d almost freeze and in the days you’d be baked alive by the sun
So now having all resources without so much as a word is confusing
It’s certainly nice…but still something you need to get used to
Both Scarlet and Finny are understanding though
They seem to know that this a process for you
And are understanding when you don’t initially trust them or seem confused when they tell you to have a brush your hair in the morning
You can’t eat a lot at first, your body not being able to handle it
It’s still hard getting used to having a full stomach rather than empty on the point of collapse
Funny is especially empathetic though
Handing you the foods in which you desire as you take small nibbles
Slowly and slowly filling yourself up and upping the amounts you eat as time progresses
Chat helps ease you into this as well, telling you to take things slowly
Telling you when to up the proportions slightly as your meals get bigger
In this time you find yourself often talking to the man whom had taken you in
His conversations with you are warm-hearted
Often tinged in a certain sweetness as he sits beside you on the countertop
Munching down on an apple as you talked of the stories told to you
Odysseus and his journey home
The fate of Jason and the karma of it
Or the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice
To your surprise he finds himself interested as you regale these tales
No one but chat had ever really listened to you
So you enjoy these small moments with him as he tells his own
Particularly of his father and philosophy of the napkin analogy that he uses on a day to day basis
You grow into a routine and the normality of your new home
Fresh meals, hot baths and comfortable clothes
Being able to have the privilege to be able to say you have a loving set of parents
One’s who helped you with your education and let you run free
A year or two later you began gardening after seeing the large estate seeming rather empty
Just an empty lot of greenery, not even used for flowers
Scarlet and Funny let you begin your garden that slowly grows in size
You grow many vegetables and Berries but more specifically potato’s
Techno had extensive knowledge due to something he called the “potato war”
So your in particularly good hands when you begin to grow the crop
It is during that time that you begin to see a figure
It starts off as small glances at first
In the corner of your eyes as a translucent figure momentarily catches it
But then you see it…well rather him more consistently
Until finally one night you fully interact with the figure
It’s another late night that you find yourself laying awake in bed
It is dark yet your not afraid
You were used to pitch darkness by now, your eyes adjusted to the lack of light letting you get up and navigate out your room
The long hallways creaking quietly beneath the weight of your footsteps
Wool socks cushioning the sound ever so slightly as you sneak through the olds halls
By now you know the house by heart
Knowing where all the loose floorboards are and how the last step of the stairs bended too much into the hardwood ground so you had to be slightly careful
You end up in the kitchen like usual
Picking up a small snack of an orange
Turning around to see the figure
Long pink hair, a crown placed upon his head, red cape lined with soft fur and a mask of a pig
Tusks poking out giving him a more intimidating look
Your hand grabs a nearby knife holding it out to him defensively
“Easy kiddo, it’s just me”
Your eyes widen at that familiar voice as Chat begins yelling in your mind
“Holy shit!” “Plot twist of the century” “look at him! Our boy!” “Damn he be looking stylish” “the drip fr” “the blood god and the blood messiah”
“Blood messiah?”
“Yeah…so here’s the deal kid”
He tells you about how he is what’s called the “blood god” and that your his “blood messiah” or aka his chosen human to carry his power/his apprentice of sorts
It makes sense to you now why he taught you so much growing up
“What’s with chat though?”
“Eh, their just a package deal with me unfortunately. Like an extra freebie in a deal”
“Bruh did we just be called an extra” “L” “the disrespect”
“Shut up guys, we can still hear you all”
As his blood messiah you are gifted his strength along with his guidance
But with that comes the price of those perks
To use his power you needed blood of some sort, and with that came a bloodlust that will occasionally overwhelm you
A small price to pay for his power
“So when that mugger…”
“Yeah that was a taste of it. Not the best thing to deal with, but I’m gonna teach you to deal with it”
“So uh…what now?”
“Focus on you, What you want in the moment. Some big stuff is happening, war and death brewing as we speak. So you have to make use of the time you have now to enjoy life, be a kid”
You nod, watching as he smiles and ruffles your hair
“There’s a lot you need to learn but for now we’ll take it slow.”
“Chin up kid, don’t let your crown fall”
After saying this he flicks your forehead and disappears
His laughter filling your mind as your left staring in the spot he once stood
Moonlight casting a dim glow in the kitchen
A week after this occurred you end up asking at dinner if you could have horseback lessons
It is out of nowhere and it leaves both your parents stunned for a moment before both eagerly with excitement assure you that your more than welcome to do so
You’d never really asked for much whilst in their care
Clothes and toys never on your list of wants
Hell, it took a whole interrogation for them to try and figure out that you like books
Most specifically (and somewhat oddly) the art of war
So having you just openly ask for something is a big thing for your parents
A day later Funny and Scarlet are taking you out to a ranch with several horses lined up in their stables
You make a B-line towards the end of the stables to find a lone horse
An Andalusian, with a mainly grey coat that has speckles of black and a light coloured mane
A beautiful stallion that seems to call out to you
“You sure you want her?, she’s not the most cooperative”
“Even better. She has stubbornness, I like that”
The man gives you an odd look but shrugs as you enter her stall
She’s even more beautiful up close
And her personality is more apparent when the horse gives a loud gust of a sigh out her nose
You have a feeling she’s the perfect choice
The next coming months you slowly learn the basics of horseback along with getting to know the mare who was named “cure”
At first the horse was resistant to the idea of letting you be her rider
And there were many scuffles that had left your bruised and bloodied
None of which phased you and just left you with a smile as you whipped away the blood
But with the course of time she began to warm up to you
Because you hadn’t saw her as below you
You were her equal
For as rider and steed there had to be mutual respect of each other
It is gradual but you get better
Get more comfortable with Cure running to her hearts content
Techno and the voices once again help with some tips
The blood god talking of his own steed named Carl who resided within his realm
Her saddle was exclusively for you and neither of you would have it any other way
Riding her and feeling the wind scrap across your face was a feeling you now didn’t know how to live without
Watching you speed past the other horses as she jumps over a fence and just keeps going
It turns out to be something that Funny and Scarlet end up watching as you blindly smile
It is perhaps one of the happiest they’d seen you
Just running free as you were so many years ago
You are happy and content
But that can’t last forever
Especially as your father brews something
It comes to you like a slap to the face when he reveals he’s gonna run for president
The voices, but especially Techno rousing in anger as he talks of his plans to run the country
You couldn’t help excuse yourself as the yelling in your head caused a small migraine
For all your life till this point Techno had taught you of how power pollutes
That anarchy was better than government because of the factor that no one person was in power
It couldn’t fall into a dictatorship is no one was in charge
That these appointed leaders thought themselves to be god and looked down on their subjects
Until they are brought down from their pedestal via a guillotine
It leaves you conflicted because this was your father
The one who had taken you in when no one else would
Feed, clothed and made sure you had a roof over your head
The man who proudly proclaimed that you were his child despite no blood being shared between the two of you
A man who smiled proudly when you rode atop Cure and worried himself to death when the horse stubbornly bucked you off her back
Your left conflicted
It only gets worse as his campaign is seeming to prove successful with the people
Whilst your left to try and act happy for him despite the yelling in your mind
It is a difficult time for you, more difficult than your early years on the streets
Cause at least then there wasn’t the emotional turmoil you felt ripping apart your insides
There wasn’t the divide between your morals of hating government and loving your dad
You hope he somehow doesn’t win but no god answers your prayer
At his inauguration your left standing near him and Scarlet
An empty reserved smile plastered on your face as you hold back tears
The voice shave stopped screaming
They are remorseful as is Techno who try to comfort you when seeing you break down internally
Your heart fighting against your mind
Being left in a stalemate, a limbo of confusion
You try to spend more time with mom after that, using the excuse of not wanting to bother your dad
It works but there’s a noticeable sadness you see in his eyes when you excuse yourself from his presence
Scarlet is more than happy to spend time with you though
She takes you shopping with her
Buying you the latest blouses of your desire along with jewelry that catches your eye
Apparently due to Techno you have some weird fascination with gold, something he says has transferred to you
With spending time out with her though you begin to notice how her eyes linger
You know for a fact she loves your dad
But you see her looking intently at women
A stare that not of just of the friendly type
No, it’s deep and intense
Tinted with a undertone of something else that you don’t wish to think of
Her seeming attraction is none of your business though
So you ignore it and spend time with her at cafe’s as squads of guards flock to your sides
Not knowing you were likely the most dangerous person in the room
You find it annoying to now constantly have people flanking you whoever you went
The guards themselves are fine but you wanted to be alone when planting potatoes
Or riding Cure
Well…at least your potato business has been booming as of late due to your dad
But that leaves a bit of a bitter taste in your mouth that people are NOW interested in your delicious crops
Damn trend hoppers
In the house during the late nights you find yourself now more restless than usual
That feeling of bloodlust that was managers now getting worse and worse as time progressed
Sometimes it was bad enough you found yourself on occasionally blacking out and finding yourself standing in the kitchen or by your dads office
It leaves you terrified
So terrified that your mom seemingly caught on and your dad one day asked if you were alright
You say that you are but you really aren’t
He can see through the lie as clear as day
He’s left somewhat hurt, offering you help that you vehemently deny
The bags beneath your eyes only seem to get worse as the days progress
Yet another restless night your left awake
The gnawing hunger for blood feeling as if it were pulsating within your veins
Just the thought of crimson makes it worse
The feeling of the hunger not going away
“Kid just focus on me. Gets some fresh air, alright?”
Techno’s translucent form appears once more
He’d been doing that more often but never in front of anyone else
Apparently there were people called “stand users” who could possibly hear and see him
He didn’t want to risk that
You stumble out your room
Hand scraping against the wallpaper as your walk past several familiar doors
There’s darkness expert for a sliver of light coming out from the door of your dads office
…strange he’s usually not awake at 4 am even though he’s been staying up later than usual
You end up highjacking your original goal and heading for his door
Being careful not to hit any loose floorboards as you listen to him speaking…to himself?
You can hear his speaking aloud and his voice also responding back
It leaves you confused along with Techno and the voices who all chime in with the thought of him being crazy or cracking under the pressure
But you know your dad well enough to know it isn’t either
You decide to bend down and stare through the keyhole
“Do you think this could really work?”
“It has to, plus it’s more convenient as a cover story. People interfering can be eliminated and be written off as weather conditions or incompetence.”
“There will be people watching though”
“It’ll get the countries spirits up. Things will only get better when we get the corpse parts, it’s only uphill from here”
There in the office is two versions of your father conversing with one another
Oblivious to your spying as your left shocked at whatever the fuck This revelation was
“Stand user, and it doesn’t sound like he has something good planned if I’m honest”
Techno’s words seem to reverberated in your mind
As your left jaw agape just staring
No, your father was a kind man
He would never-
“Sacrifices will likely need to be made. I’m willing to make them though for the greater good of my country, for my family”
You feel sick, stomach swirling as you walk back
And then you step on a creaky board
You hear both of them still whatever conversation that we’re having
Your left momentarily frozen as the door opens
Whatever hostility in his eyes fades, they soften at the sight of you
“Dear are you ok? What are you doing up so late? You need sleep, those bags under your eyes are worrying me and your mom”
Time to bullshit your way out of this
“I…I had a nightmare. I went to get my mind off it and saw you were awake so..”
He gives a soft smile, ushering you in
You do so with some hesitance as he guides you to the plush seat his clone? Was sitting on earlier
“What was it about?”
You pause to think of an answers after a moment
His eyes widen ever so slightly before he presses and asks “what exactly about me?”
“I…had a dream that you changed. That when you became president you weren’t the same person, that you became…” you Try to find the right word “corrupted”
His eyes become gentle once more as he ushers you into a hug
It is warm and you wish to revel in it more
His hand weaving it’s way into rubbing a comforting motion of circles into your scalp
“You have nothing to fear. Nothing like that would ever happen, because I do, I do for you and our people”
Perhaps that is what scares you the most in this situation
The lengths he would go in doing what he believed was right even if he couldn’t see the harm he was truly doing
It was a pipeline
A downward spiral he would not see
It sets in motion what you know that you need to do
You enjoy in the last time you’d likely feel the warmth of his hug
For in the morning you’d be gone before they even knew it
You had to stop whatever he had planned
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Her Valentine
Stepsister!Wanda x Male Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
Valentines Day Special
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“Are you crazy?” Your stepsister Wanda asked you but it was playful and with a slight giggle. She grabs the pillow on your couch and playfully smacks you with it.
“I don’t see the big deal,” you say with a smirk. “Mom and Dad want us to bring dates for Valentine’s Day dinner and I want to bring you”
“Detka” she moans and groans, “you really want them to know about us?”
“I have had the most amazing time of my life with you,” you caress your thumb across her cheek. “And I want the whole world to know about you and me”
Wanda giggles and collapses against your chest. “You’re serious?”
You kiss her forehead, “Wanda you’re my friend, my love, my very soul. I’m ready when you are”
“Okay” she smiles at you, “I’m ready to tell them”
It’s now Valentines Day. You picked Wanda up from her college dorm. She stands before you, dressed in a simple red blouse and cardigan.
“Wow” you whisper, “you look amazing”
Wanda blushes and eyes you up and down, “I could say the same about you, detka”
You lead her out to your car, pausing to open the door for her too. The drive to your childhood home was one full of anticipation and a little bit of dread.
“What if my papa is not happy with this?” Wanda asks you a little worried.
“We’re responsible adults now. I guess they’ll just have to be okay with it.” You shrug, “but I want his approval. Even if he wasn’t my stepdad, he’s still important to me too”
You approach your childhood home and walk arm in arm with Wanda. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest. You couldn’t tell if it was from being in her presence or the anxiety of what was to come.
Your mother was the one to answer the door, “(Y/N), Wanda! Happy Valentine’s Day my loves” she giggles before hugging the two of you. “Where’s your dates?”
You tried to answer but Wanda spoke up, “right here,” she gave you a playful jostle, “had to get Y/N’s head out of the books sometime”
Your mom gave a little roll of her eyes. Your stepfather Django was kind of shocked that you and Wanda didn’t bring any dates with you.
“I’m surprised at the two of you,” Django says, “Wanda you were telling me that you were dating someone nice.”
“I am, Papa” Wanda says with a little smile. “I know they’re the one I can’t live without”
“And what about you, Y/N?” Your mother said, “what can you tell us about your girlfriend? She didn’t bother to come”
“My girlfriend is amazing,” you sneak a little glance at Wanda. She gives you the go ahead. It was the moment of truth.
“I’ve loved her for so long. I was content before thinking all we could be was friends, close like siblings, but I know she feels the same…” you feel your resolve weaken just for a split second but then it strengthens again, “I did bring my date this year. And I know that Wanda is the only woman I will ever love”
Django’s eyes go wide. And so do your mother’s. Wanda’s hand moves across the table and clasps yours.
“Y/N is my detka,” Wanda smiles at you, “papa this was only recent. Y/N’s been there for me through everything. I love him and I don’t want anyone else.”
Django looks to you and Wanda but he says nothing. Wanda takes a deep breath.
“I love him and if that’s not alright with you, then I…I…”
“I approve,” Django smiles. “Y/N is perfect for you.”
“Really?” You look to your stepfather, he gives you a nod.
Your mother embraces Wanda, she gently says, “You’re the most amazing young woman, Wanda. Seeing you and Y/N grow together…it’s beyond words.”
Django hugs your mom and looks at you and Wanda. “Just no funny business under this roof” he gives you a wink. You try to hide a blush of embarrassment.
Wanda giggles and hugs you tight. “Of course, Papa” she answers for you.
Valentines Day. You were never really one for it. But now you look forward to it every year. A time for love. A time for joy. A time to remember the day you were able to admit to the whole world how much you were in love with Wanda Maximoff.
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olsenmyolsen · 3 months
Giving My Heart To You
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Happy Valentine's Day!
master list
dark master list
MCU (Female Sorceress Reader X The Scarlet Witch)
Summary: It's Valentine's Day, and what better way to spend than with someone trying to kill you.
Word Count: 2.7K
Content: Scarlet Milf, Darkhold, Death, but it works out(?)
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It's February 14th, 2024.
You have been watching the witch formally known as Wanda Maximoff for the last few months.
You first took notice of her at the same time an old acquaintance of yours did. But she beat you to the punch, and then the hex and WestView happened.
Now you see who she is becoming or, better yet, what she is now.
The Avenger is gone.
The Scarlet Witch remains.
As you hold a leather-bound book close to your chest, you pray to your goddess that this works. That you can save the witch from herself. You know what she plans to do, and you feel for her. You don't blame her. She's been through enough, but you just know that the outcome of her future could happen differently.
So, as your bare feet step into the symbol you've made on the ground surrounded by candles and shrines from your past, are you ready to do what you NEED to do.
You're going to give your heart to the scarlet witch.
And if this spell works, the darkness in her will leave so she can find her children without killing a child.
You've done it once before, three hundred years ago for you in a different dimension. The spell worked, but the light power within sent you tumbling through the cosmos until you landed here.
Anyways, three hundred years later, you're prepared to do it again.
So, as your green dress brushes against the dirt on the floor do, you levitate the book away from your chest and start lifting your arms as you whisper the spell.
Your pink lips touch as your heart begins to glow. You lift your right arm and flick three fingers back before grabbing onto the air and pulling. You lift your head towards the sky as you feel the glow surrounding your body. It lifts you.
It's working.
But you're not alone, and you sense it too late.
A force hits you that sends your body to the floor as your book goes flying and your candles blow out. The white glow stops as she speaks up.
"Who are you?"
Your eyes go wide when you hear her voice. The accent is something you've always fallen for.
You close your eyes and bring yourself up to your knees.
"I asked you a question." The Scarlet Witch sneers as she takes a step closer to you. Now, standing behind your body.
You open your eyes and turn your head to face her.
The first thing you notice are her black fingertips. As your eyes move upward, you see how her suit has been cracked and turned black.
Finally, you lift your white eyes to her.
Your mouth falls open as you see her face—high cheekbones. Green eyes. Pillowy red lips with a face softer than wool.
She looks just like your Wanda.
"Your eyes are white." The Witch says to you as she begins walking around you. Her boots kicking away the symbol on the ground. You can't help but watch with your hands on your knees.
"Are you ever going to speak?" She says when she looks at you. Stopping next to your book. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N." The Witch hums as she looks you up and down. Her eyes roaming over the part of your dress that leaves more to be desired.
"Why am I in your book?" A red glow surrounds your book and lifts it to the woman across from you. "You wouldn't believe me." You shake your head. You know how this song and dance plays. "The Darkhold won't let you listen."
The Scarlet Witch tilts her head. "How do you know about the Darkhold?" Without giving you a second to answer, you find yourself being lifted and thrown several feet away—your body landing and tumbling. Thankfully, your magic cushioned the blow as you put your legs out and dug them into the dirt until you turned and stood up, surprising the Witch.
She watched your green dress turn into a suit similar to the one she wore.
Before the Darkhold showed her the truth.
You lifted your hands up as you prepared to defend yourself.
"You want to kill me and take it, don't you?" The Witch strutted towards you. "No." You shook your head as your eyes lifted to her face. "I want to help." A red ball of magic formed in the hands of the Witch. "I have all of the help I need." She threw the red ball towards you and another.
White shields extended themselves from your outstretched hands as you blocked her attacks. However, this didn't stop her as she started shooting lines of magic towards you. You effortlessly duck and dodge, but you know she won't stop.
You needed to get her to see what you knew to be true.
So, as you made counter moves and an effort not to fight back, you worked your way closer and closer to her. Until you found yourself close enough, and that's when the glow of your powers surrounded your body, and in a flash, you disappeared.
With the Witches arms raised, she looked around. You were gone, but she could sense you. The Darkhold was whispering to her that you were still present.
And just like what happened to you, Wanda sensed you when it was too late.
Your right arm wrapped itself around the waist of The Witch, making both of your mouths fall open at the touch, but you remained focused as you lifted her left hand with your powers to the side of your head.
She needed to see your memories.
At first, it was you and Wanda running away from chores and the labor forced upon you by others in your village.
Young adults trying to figure out who you were.
Slowly, it morphed into stolen kisses and nights of passion as Wanda's mouth worked it way across your body.
Followed by dates with a gold ring and the trials and burning of other witches... it became the final straw. The two of you knew you had to run away.
So you did.
But somewhere along the path, when you didn't realize it, your mind had succumbed to Wanda and her whisperings.
Your fiancée became more possessive. Not only of you but of the children Wanda grew inside of her.
Like magic, they were brought into your world. You and Wanda raised your boys with love and care for several years.
But what you didn't know wouldn't hurt you, right?
You thought the same thing about Wanda. You were certain the book was with her.
You needed to save Billy and Tommy... but...
The night it happened, you were on your knees. Bound by red magic as Wanda's black fingertips ran through your hair. Scratching your head.
"You're so good to me." She spoke in a hushed Sokovain tone. "So why do you disobey me?" Wanda moved her hands downward and pulled. Making you cry out as she yanked you to the floor.
She scoffed.
You looked up to her as she conjured the Darkhold into the air. "You're going to leave me. Betray me." She spoke as if she knew what she was talking about.
You shook your head. "I'm trying to save them. They need their mom." You cried out as a red line of magic wrapped around your throat.
Wanda smiled with a roll of her eyes. "Oh, please. We both know I could squeeze a lot harder, and you'll be fine." Wanda's attention left you as she grabbed your book. "The Darkhold was right. I am in here." She ripped the pages of The Scarlet Witch out.
They softly landed next to you.
Tears in your eyes as you read the spell one last time.
"Wanda, please..." Your voice was weak. She closed your book and let it disappear. "Please?" She tightened her jaw when your eyes looked at her. "You want to take MY children away from me?!"
That's when you knew she was officially gone.
Ours became Mine.
Plus, she didn't even remember...
You swallowed the hurt in your throat and let your heart quietly break before mustering up the courage to speak.
"Wanda..." That was the last time you said her name. "Billy and Tommy..." Your lips wobbled as you gently cried. "They're already gone..."
The Scarlet Witch froze. You took the opportunity to catch your breath and lift your hand to touch the red magic around your arm. "You're not supposed to know that..." She spoke before using her magic to pull you to her feet. Bringing you inches away from her face. "Their death isn't your fault." The Witch gritted her teeth, but for a split second, you saw her eyes soften as your words reached her.
The red around your wrist turned white and allowed your arms to break free of the hold she had on you. The Witch, in shock, dropped you and watched as you landed on your feet across the room.
Ready for combat.
"You're not going to stop me! I am their mother, and I am the only one who can save them! I need them."
The Darkhold had control. You knew that. But seeing your wife scream at you as tears ran down her face would always hurt.
But she was going to go take someone else's Billy and Tommy. She was going to kill you if she had to.
So you knew what needed to be done.
"I love you, and I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to do this." You looked into her green eyes and let out a white glow as The Scarlet Witch threw her hex bolts at you.
But in the end, it worked.
When the moment struck, you let your power course its way through your heart until it became too much, and it latched itself onto the next living thing.
Wanda Maximoff.
Within an instant, Wanda and her old memories came back. Her copy of the Darkhold destroyed.
But you were gone.
A copy of your leather-bound book fell in front of your wife. It opened to a chapter on multiversal travel. A study you had been working on since becoming aware of the Darkhold's influence.
Written in black ink at the top of the page was your writings: "Find our boys. The ones who need a mother. The ones who need you, Wanda. And don't worry about me. Just don't ever forget. I love you."
The Scarlet Witch fell to the ground in front of you as you panted from the memory.
You watched her wrap her hands into fists as she let out a muffled cry. "You're showing me lies!" She screamed out in denial as you caught your breath and stumbled. The memory taking it out of you.
It was your first time reliving it since it happened.
"I'm not lying, and you know it." The Witch shook her head and turned around, falling onto the side of her body—tears in her eyes. "You know about the other versions of you. You know about this one. I'm not lying to you. So don't lie to yourself." You spoke with a bite to your words as you could never forget YOUR Wanda. You closed your eyes and let out a sigh. "I'm trying to help you. Please let me."
You opened your eyes to see The Witch right herself onto her knees. For the first time, she looked defeated. Ashamed. Her head hung low. She was vulnerable.
Carefully, you took steps towards her and lifted your right hand to her face. She flinched, and it pained you to see. "Wanda..." The name quietly left your lips.
She looked up.
"I can't fight the Darkhold much longer." You nodded. "You can find them without killing America Chavez. Take my book when I'm gone." Wanda looked around and nodded as she sniffled.
You wiped a tear from her cheek and pulled your hand back as you once again let your heart glow white. The spell leaving your lips as your body lifts itself upward.
Wanda watches in awe of you, but at the moment, she blinks, and her burnt copy of the Darkhold falls in front of her as white sparkles flow through the air.
Once again, you gave your heart to Wanda Maximoff.
Once again, you were sent tumbling through the cosmos. Between universes and reaches unknown. You flew until you came crashing down within a shield of your magic on an old barn.
A dozen sheep looked at you before scattering away as you stood up. You turned back and saw the pile of hay and grass you landed on. "Sorry." You spoke to the sheep as you gingerly moved past them through the open barn doors.
You looked around and found yourself in an apple orchard.
To your left, there was a two-story house not far. You cracked your neck and began walking towards it.
As you got closer, only then did you see how worn out your green dress was. How destroyed it had gotten when your armor took hits- "Stop right there!"
That voice. You knew that voice.
"Lift your head!" The voice commanded, and only then did you notice the red wisps surrounding you.
Your breath hitched as you complied.
You did as you were told. You slowly lifted your head to find not one but three people looking at you.
Three Maximoffs. Wanda, Billy, and Tommy.
"Y/N..." Wanda lowered her arm, and the magic around you disappeared. Her mouth dropped before she recovered. But her lips shook as her eyes watered.
You tilted your head as the emotional toll started taking you over. "Wanda... My Wanda..." You stammered and felt yourself about to become a blubbering mess.
Was it her?
"Mom, don't!" The twins tried to hold their mother back as she took a step towards you. "It's alright." She whispered to them as she started walking down the porch steps.
You took a step back as you started to cry. Afraid of the false hope this could. It had been so long. "Is it you?" You asked, making Wanda chuckle. "Is it you?" She asked back.
You bite back a laugh as you choked on a cry. "I asked you first." You said. Wanda nodded.
From thin air, your leather-bound book appeared, and the pages turned to your writings at the top of the page.
You put a hand over your eyes as you fell to the ground and began to cry.
You found your way back.
In an instance, Wanda was wrapping you up in a hug as she cried as well. Wanda, overwhelmed, reached down and pulled your chin upwards to crash her lips onto yours.
You kissed her back and melted into the arms of your wife.
"How long has it been?" You asked through sobs. "Five years," Wanda said as her lips found the side of your face again. "For me, it's been three hundred." Wanda frowned and felt her heart shattered.
She couldn't believe it.
The twins carefully took steps off the porch and to the spot where their mom held a woman in a green dress. "Mom..." Billy spoke up, making the two of you turn your heads. "They look the same." You whispered. "I found them a year ago," Wanda whispered back.
"Who is this?" Tommy looked worried, and rightfully so.
Wanda smiled at you before looking to your sons. "Boys, you remember how I came into your lives?" The twins nodded at the memory of your Wanda being there for them when their Wanda died of cancer. "You found us when we needed you," Billy spoke up.
You brushed away a tear as you watched Wanda fill her role as Mom once again.
"Well, this is my wife Y/N Y/L/N. She, like me, was a mother to our boys, and she saved me when all was dark." The twins seem to be following along. "How come she wasn't with you then?" Tommy asked.
You placed a hand on Wanda's arm and scooted away from her. Closer to the boys. "Because..." You started. "My magic sent me away, and I'll explain when you're older..." Tommy rolled his eyes while Billy looked excited. "It took me a while to get back. But I knew I would come back. Do you know why?" You sniffled at the sight of your sons.
Tommy shook his head while Billy asked: "Why?"
You looked back to Wanda before looking at the twins again. "Because, like your mother, the both of you have my heart. And I will always find my way back to the ones I love."
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dividers by @/benkeibear & @/firefly-graphics
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Could you do True Love and XOXO with ler!Rika and lee!reader if possible? I'm so gay for her God I love women
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
God me too- I love woman so much kjarjejkarjkejrk This was so fun to write AHH! I've gotcha covered, friend! :D
XOXO- "Hey, do you like raspberries?" + True Love: "I could do this all day"
“Rika!” You yelled out as you raced to your shared bedroom, finding said woman lounging. “I’m home!”
“So you are- whoa!” She barely had time to put her phone down before you catapulted into bed, bouncing her slightly. “Excited to see me, are ya?”
You nodded, burrowing under the blankets and snuggling close to your girlfriend, practically vibrating with glee. “I’m always excited to see you! You’re the love of my life, my sun and moon, the air I breathe-”
“(Y/N)..” She gently pulled the blanket back, watching you amused. “Did you have caffeine today?”
“....Maybe?” You offered, grinning when she laughed. “Can’t I be happy to see my girl?”
“Of course you can, you’re just really really hyped up right now. You’re like a Skitty with the zoomies!” Rika snorted as you buried yourself in the blankets once more. “I think I might have a way to help you release some of it…” “Oh?” You blinked as she sat up, eyes dancing. “Rika?”
“(Y/N), tell me something.” She grinned. “Do you like raspberries?”
That’s all she said before chaos erupted.
“Wait, wait wait don’t you dare- AHehahahhahahah!” You shrieked as she shoved up your shirt, taking a deep breath before blowing a massive raspberry into your skin. “Rihihiihihihikahahahhahaha!”
“Whaat~ I’m just helping you out!” She laughed against your skin, taking another breath and blowing once more. “God, I can do this all day, you’re so cute!”
“Ahehahahhahaha!” You didn’t have the words to respond, so you opted for squealing with mirth, loosely grabbing at her hair in your attempt to push her head away from your stomach. “Rihihihihika pleahhahhaase, I’m cahahhalm nohoohohoohw!”
“Are you sure?” She sat up to look at you, grinning at your giggly expression. “Alright, alright…well, maybe just one more-”
“RIHIHIIHKA!” You cackled when she blew one final raspberry, growing sleepy as she sat up and pulled you in her arms. “Ehehehe..ehheehhee..Iihi’m hahahpy to be home.”
“Hehe, yeah. Welcome home, babe.”
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writtengalaxies · 1 year
May i request that the reader smoochy kisses actor mark alot? To distract him from his worm , convince him to be the reader's valentine and lastly, He's such so swoonable. I mean look at him-
Actor isn't for me, personally, but oh boy, do I know someone who agrees with you a lot!
Spice Level: Lightly suggestive!
[Valentine's Requests are open!]
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The Actor had been focusing on his script intensely. For three days now.
You were losing your patience, wanting attention and affection from him, but it was also something you adored about him utterly: his devotion to the art. So, it was time to play into the dramatics he loved so utterly much.
As he sat on the couch, rereading over his script again, mouthing his lines idly, you made your move. You slid into his lap with a grin, wrapping your arms around his neck. He merely shifted, wrapping his free hand about your waist, making sure you had plenty of room and he could read the pages easily.
The kisses started innocently enough. You just wanted his attention for a bit, after all, just long enough for a single question. The soft press of your lips to his cheek, barely brushing carefully maintained stubble left him chuckling softly, quiet murmurs of "darling~" every so often.
Still, he didn't budge from reading his script, so you kept at it, pressing kisses along his jawline, leading down his throat. You felt his breath hitch as you press a kiss to his pulse point, and again when you gently nip at the same spot.
"Darling, please--"
"You've been focusing on that for days!" You sit back up, kissing his cheek again. You watch as the loving exasperation in his eyes melts into just tender affection, capturing your lips in the first proper kiss you've had from him.
"I'm sorry, my dearest~ You have my attention now~"
"Good, then you can be my date!"
"For Valentine's Day~"
You watch him soften further, taking your chin gently in his grip to kiss you with a tenderness that leaves you weak in his arms. "I'll be your date every year, my spotlight~"
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azzo0 · 3 months
Cookies and Flowers
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Summary: Bakugo doesn't like Valentine's Day. But this year is different. tw's: none. just a little cliché Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
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Bakugo Katsuki despised Valentine's Day. 
He wasn't a big fan of all the chocolate on his desk. He didn't want his teeth to rot anyway. He found it annoying how all his friends, sidekicks and workers kept popping by his office to leave him cookies, chocolate and other sugary delights. He'd just grumble and dump them into the stash in his desk drawers.
It wasn't just the sweets that annoyed him. Everywhere he turned, he saw lovers on dates, holding hands, hugging, doing what lovers did. Usually, he paid no mind to it, but pushing thirty, the thought sometimes crossed his mind. He longed for the feeling of loving and being loved. It annoyed him.
But this year was different.
This year, he was secretly hoping to receive something from a certain someone. That certain someone being his secretary he hired around seven months back- you. Ever since you started working at his agency, he's been buying an extra cup of coffee on his way to work, finding little excuses to barge into your office with silly questions he already knew the answers to. 
He loved the way you fussed around him, scheduling his meetings, making sure he was on time everywhere, getting his documents ready, and organising the files. Just you minding your business and doing your job made him a mush.
So this year, he was okay with Valentine's.
After the patrol, he made sure to pass by your office to ask if he had any appointments or meetings. You were giving out chocolate to one of the sidekicks, a bright smile on your face. You caught his eye, giving him that big grin of yours that made his heart ache for you. When the sidekick left the room, Bakugo stepped in, walking over to your desk.
"Good morning, sir." You greeted.
"Mornin'. Told ya to call me Bakugo."
"I keep forgetting." You tried not to blush under the presence of your boss, looking away from his scarlet eyes, diverting your attention to your laptop screen instead.
"Do I have any meetings or appointments?" He asked. 
"Let me see," you bit your lip as you opened the calendar, looking into Bakugo's schedule. 
Bakugo was preoccupied by your lip being attacked by your teeth. He put a hand on the desk, leaning over, the other hand reaching to free your lip. Your head snapped up to him, your jaw almost dropping when he smirked at you and crossed his muscular arms across his chest. You gulped, quickly looking at your screen again, feeling the sleeping butterflies wake up.
"Um- looks like you don't have any meetings for now." You told him, forcing yourself to look up at him and give him a shaky smile. He gave you a plain 'okay' and stomped out of your office. 
You leaned back in your chair, bringing your fingers to your lips where his thumb once was. With a sigh, you half-heartedly went back to working on your laptop.
Bakugo felt childish. It was closing time, and he received a ton of chocolates, cards and sweets, but none of them were from you. He was aware you gave out chocolates to everyone at the agency. Why not him? Not that he got to complain. He didn't have the guts to give you the roses hiding in his locker.
He felt like a whiny middle schooler complaining about not receiving chocolate. He muttered a curse at himself and got up from his revolving chair. He had to make sure everyone left and then close the agency. He swung the door open, not expecting to see you standing there. 
"What are you doing here? It's closing time." He said after a few seconds of staring at you blankly. 
"Well... I baked some cookies for you last night." You said shyly, holding out a decorative cookie bag for him. He froze in place, eyes darting back and forth between you and cookies. He finally took the little bag from your hand, undoing the ribbon to see heart-shaped cookies with white frosting and pink lines. 
"Thanks," he scratched his cheek. Just the fact that you went through the trouble of baking him cookies made his chest feel warm and fuzzy. 
"Anytime." You smiled at him, turning to leave.
"Oi, wait." His voice stopped you. He went to the lockers in the corner of his office, unlocking it and pulling a big bouquet of roses. You gaped at it, your lips parting in disbelief. You were receiving flowers from your boss, also known as the number two hero you had a crush on.
"For me?" 
"No, they're for the wall behind you." A roll of red eyes. "F'course they're for you, dumbass."
You took the bouquet from him, looking up at him with a blush, half your face hidden behind the roses. "Thank you."
"It was nothing," he said, bringing a hand behind his head. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, looking for the courage to say the words he wanted to say.
"We should finish closing." Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "I really love the flowers, by the way. Thank you again."
"Stop sayin' thanks over and over again." He grumbled, closing his office door and locking it, still holding the cookie bag. 
Together, you two switched the lights off and locked the doors before stepping outside the agency and locking the main door. The wind hit your face, bringing some of your hair onto your face. You pushed them back and glanced up at the tall pro hero, already looking at you.
"See you on Monday, then." You smiled.
"Are you free tomorrow?" He asked, cutting your question short. 
"It's the weekend, so yeah." You replied.
"Okay. I'm taking you out tomorrow." He said, savouring your baffled reaction, a smirk dancing on his lips.
You were trying to figure out if he was asking you out on a date because that definitely wasn't asking- that was ordering. Either way, you weren't complaining. "S-sure. I'll be waiting."
"You better." He couldn't fight the smile creeping up on his face.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 2 months
With New Eyes Every Time 🌊🪸🐚👁️
Miguel O'Hara x Reader S/O
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Synopsis: Aquarium date with Miguel! 😄💕 Not much else to say. Word count 2.6k
A/N: inspired by my amazing moot @huniedeux ! Thank you for making a post about wanting to go to the aquarium and inspiring me in the process! 🥰 All thanks to you! 🫶🏽 Also really need to thank @hikaru-sama for being so patient and amazing at helping me with Spanish translations! 🖤🫶🏽 I owe you my life lol 😫
Crocodile facts I used came from: Royal Society Publishing and Wildlife Sydney AU (I kept getting confused on the crocodile embryo fact and the Royal Society Publishing ended up being the correct one in regards to that fact)
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"Well, actually, it's your turn to pick the date spot this time." Miguel hums as he gently blows on his oatmeal before taking a spoonful.
"Goddamn it...I'm so bad at choosing." You drum your nails against your coffee mug, the motion generating small tinkles of sound against the white porcelain.
Miguel smirks, "Thought since I'm a Libra, I'm the one who's supposed to be indecisive?" 
"Doth mine ears decieve me?!" You clasp your hand to your chest, making a gasp of over exaggerated astonishment. "Astrology's #1 hater is reciting accurate lore of his own sign back to me?!" 
Miguel shakes his head, blowing air out of his nose in amusement. "Nah, I'm still the number one hater." He winks. "Just proving to you that when you talk, I do listen. Even if I'm bad at responding." 
"Bah." You wave your hand at him and sip your coffee, shifting your thoughts to where you'd like to go on your date with him this time. Truth is, Nueva York was huge. You hadn't been to all the restaurants and bars and every single spot just yet. You just had a few favorites that you kept on rotation. 
Miguel, a man of routine and structure, didn't mind that one bit. Actually, there was a place you did really want to go to, you just hope he'll be okay with it since you were just there together for Valentine's. 
"Mhmm?" Miguel turns the page of his newspaper, doing his best to be responsive to you while getting caught up on yesterday's news. 
"Don't be mad at me..." 
"Mad at you?" Miguel's eyes flicker from the newsprint to yours. Scarlet spotlights on you. 
"The aquarium." You say finally, your lips pull into a cheeky smile to indicate that you're well aware of your redundant choice but you don't care because you're dying to go anyway. 
The corner of Miguel's mouth tugs a little into a half smile. "That's the spot, huh? You think I was going to be mad at you for choosing the aquarium again?" 
You shrug. "Well, I do drag us there a lot. But it's so fun! I love seeing the fish and everything. You know me. I can't get enough of that stuff." 
Miguel gives you a warm smile. "Well, the aquarium it is then. And believe me, that's farrr from one of my least favorite places we go. It's actually one of my favorites, too." 
You echo his warmth, mixing it with some playfulness in your tone, "Oh yeah, I should've known, you love that under the sea, nerdy stuff too, huh?" 
Miguel chuckles. "Guilty." He stands up, picking up his empty bowl. "Vamos, los peces esperan." (Let's go, the fish are waiting) 
You can't help but smile giddily as you walk around the vast aquarium. It's dimly lit, and not very busy at this time, to both yours and Miguel's relief. The fact it was a Wednesday likely helped, since the rare occasion when Miguel's days off coincided with yours were quite sporadic and random. 
First, you started with the reptiles. As you walked in the more brightly lit section, you peeled off your hoodie and tied it around your waist as the humidity of the exhibit started to get to you. Moisture hung in the air and the spattering sounds of water hitting rocks from the waterfall that stood tall in the middle of the exhibit created the illusion you were somewhere tropical, a welcome respite away from the March wind chill of Nueva York. 
Frog croaks, monkey shrieks, and clicking and chattering of birds rustle in the exhibit, creating the ambiance of a rainforest. You look up at the large bird habitat in front of you, shielded by thin netting, groups of colorful birds hanging out in small clusters, rotating between perching and flying from one resting spot to another. A large smile breaks out on your face when your eyes land on a toucan perched on a twig garland hanging from the ceiling, busy cleaning his feathers. 
"Babe look..." You say in a hushed voice. Miguel follows your gaze and his face breaks out into a smile as well, admiring the cute little bird as he ruffled and stroked his black feathers and puffed up his white bosom with pride. 
Miguel nudges your side playfully with his hip. "He takes a long time to get ready, kind of like someone I know..." 
You try to nudge him pitifully back in response, but Miguel stays anchored in place with a chuckle. 
You move on to look at the geckos, lizards, snakes, and caimans as well. A baby crocodile sits with his belly dipped in a shallow pool of water, legs splayed out and mouth wide open, basking in the warmth emitted from the heat lamp at the top of his tank. 
"He's SOOOO cute!" You gush, leaning your head just a little closer to the glass. Miguel looks away from the yellow poison dart frog exhibit and follows your squealing noises, putting his hands in his pockets as he stands next to you with a smirk. 
"Not sure if cute is how I'd describe him..." Miguel tilts his head at the mini croc, its green eyes still unmoving. "He'll grow up to be an apex predator like his parents." 
"Look at you, Mr. Wildlife." You look up at him, impressed. "What else do I not know about Kenny here?" 
"That's his name, babe. It says so on the sign." 
"Oh." Miguel laughs. "Well... crocodiles have three eyelids." 
"Oh, you told me that one already, baby. What else?"
Miguel smiles and lists some more facts for you. You love it when he's like this. He was like a sponge, always absorbing knowledge that other people might have found boring or useless. He'd gladly tell you about it too, and he never ever made you feel silly or dumb for not knowing something. 
"The sex of embryos in crocodiles is actually determined by the temperature at the time of incubation. So, Kenny here was probably incubated at a higher temperature which is more associated with producing males, whereas cooler temperatures are associated with producing females." Miguel points.
You click your tongue in admiration. "I learn something new every day. Let's hear one more." 
Miguel purses his lips in thought for a moment, then says, "See those lumps and bumps on his back? Those are actually called, ‘scutes’. They actually enable them to be more stealthy in the water. They stop it from rippling." 
Your eyebrows raise, your eyes still on Kenny and then they move to the tank beside him with the bigger crocs. "Whoa..." you nod. "Well, that proves my point earlier." 
Miguel raises an eyebrow. 
"Crocs have scutes. So they are s'cute!" You cross your arms triumphantly and head towards the ocean part of the aquarium. 
Miguel thinks in his head that you probably wouldn't use that word for long if you knew how large crocodiles killed and ate their prey, but he doesn't argue. He smiles to himself and gives a curt nod in farewell to Kenny before he leaves to catch up to you. 
Your eyes get big as you enter the room with jellyfish tanks. Soft blue and pink globs glide effortlessly in the water, sinking down slowly before using their tentacles to propel upwards, bobbing hypnotically in dizzying movements. 
You and Miguel keep stealing glances at each other when the other isn't looking. You turn to look at him once more, the bioluminescence from the jellyfish mixed with the blacklights of the aquarium cast a soft glow on his features, the crimson in his eyes making him look just as ethereal as the beauty of the sea you're both gazing at. His full lips jut outwards subtly as he purses them in thought, his cheekbones sharp, framing that divine, sculpted face of his. 
He looks at you, catching you staring at him this time. You take his hand, wrapping your other hand around his forearm to pull him closer to you. His head turns briefly for a moment, making sure you two are the only ones in the room before he leans down and gives you a soft kiss, that jittery feeling in your stomach when one of his hands cups the side of your throat, pressing you a little harder against his lips. Before you pull away, you add a lingering bite to his bottom lip, making him blush. 
"Pórtate bien...." (Behave yourself) He murmurs, running his tongue along the slight puffiness on his bottom lip your teeth left behind, trying to calm the small flame you lit inside him. 
Your mouth curls into a grin at the mini rise you got out of him, and you walk into a new area, marvelling at the saffron-colored coral and dainty seahorses. 
Miguel moves to the other side of the exhibit where the largest tank resides with an assortment of fish swimming in and out of a large, fake shipwreck, but stops in his tracks when he sees the clownfish and regal tangs. A twinge of sadness pulls at his heart.
 After watching the seahorse disappear behind a seaweed stalk, you turn and notice where Miguel is standing and your eyebrows knit in worry as you take long strides to come stand by his side, squeezing his hand. 
He exhales at your touch and squeezes back in response, not needing to say anything because you can read him better than anyone. Sometimes this part could be rather hard for him. Clownfish and Regal Tangs were the species of Nemo and Dory. 
Finding Nemo was Gabi's favorite movie.
You both watch the colorful fish in peaceful silence, darting in and out behind rocks, speeding up and slowing down, jolting and occasionally bumping into one another as they weave and glide through their underwater habitat around the large sunken ship.
Eventually, you pull Miguel gently by the hand leading him to one of the empty benches behind you. You sit and watch the fish together some more, enjoying the serenity of the buzzing undersea ecosystem before you, smiling when you see the comically large sea turtle next to all of his smaller fishy cohorts, dodging them and spinning like a rotisserie above your heads like it was second nature for him. 
After a few more minutes, you turn to Miguel, "Well, last up is the shark exhibit." You try and brighten the mood a little, "That one's your favorite. You ready?" 
Miguel turns and looks down at you, his arm still resting on the top of the bench behind you. His hand comes to give your shoulder a squeeze. "You sure? This one's your favorite. We can take our time." 
You try to shake your head and play it off, "No, really I've seen it a hundred times, plus I think there's a new tank with stingrays or something..." 
Miguel knows when you're trying to be too nice, a not uncommon behavior of yours. "We have all afternoon, really. I want to make sure you're having fun." He reassures you. 
Your eyes melt as you sit back in your seat, indulging in staring at the fish for just a while longer like you wanted. Once you're satisfied, you let him know with a nod of your head and a squeeze of his hand and you two make your way to the escalators that run to the lower level, taking you to the shark exhibit. 
As you do, you can't help but think about the times when you invited your friends and they practically rushed you through the whole experience, asking if there was anything new you could look at instead or passing up on going to the aquarium altogether, saying they've seen it all. 
Miguel was one of the only people in your life who didn't make you feel bad for revisiting places you loved because it made you happy to re-experience it all over again. Hell, he was eager to and even expected an invite each time you did. 
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Source: Google search, from Las Vegas Magazine
You press your lips together in anticipation and your eyes go wide as if you're looking at it for the first time as you enter the large, underwater tunnel, dozens of sharks swimming in every direction, the shimmery reflection of the water and aqua light of the exhibit immersing you into a whole new world. It takes your breath away and you slow down, pausing in one spot right in the middle of the tunnel, losing yourself in the oceanic beauty above your head. It's one of those no camera moments, a time that requires silence, appreciation, and the person you love right next to you. 
Miguel's watching you with sheer admiration, slightly envious even that something else could make you that speechless with adoration. He wants to make you feel that way all the time. It's memories like these with you that he's so glad he lowered the gates of his heart all that time ago. Never guessing when you crossed his path, it would lead to moments as blissful as these. The best part of the whole thing is that they won't end anytime soon. As long as you'd let him, he'd continue calling you all his. Could now be the time to make it permanent? Perhaps. No, you deserved something more planned out, something really special. He hadn't even gotten you that ring that you liked so much, sending not so subtle hints by texting him the link to it every so often while he was at work. 
When he feels it's a good time, he approaches you from behind, touching the corner of your elbow, curious to know what's been on your mind. "¿En que piensas, mi alma?" (What are you thinking, my soul?)
You hum and turn around, following that low, mesmerizing voice of his, and you look up at him, the face of your lover looking down at you, warmth dominating his countenance that pulls you right in. 
"Just thinking about how much I love coming here with you. You never make me feel bad for wanting to just take my time and see everything, you know? Even if it's my quadrillionth time seeing it. I just love the beach and the ocean, you know? It's like a brand new experience every time." 
Miguel smiles down at you, then his eyes briefly wander, the group in front of you starts moving on so you two are left alone once again. He takes a deep breath and turns you back around so you're looking at the sea life once again, keeping his hands on your arms as he gives them a little love squeeze. "Kind of like how I see you, hmm?" 
You chuckle, leaning backwards into him. His cologne enveloping you in that embrace that made your heart flutter and your knees grow weak every time. "What do you mean, Mig?" 
"Con ojos nuevos cada vez." (With new eyes every time) 
You close your eyes with your head against his chest and his arms wrapped around you for several moments. You bring your own hands up to his, sliding your fingers underneath his jacket sleeves in search of the warm skin of his forearms to which he softly exhales into your hair at the sensation. 
You murmur to him, "Can we get smoothies on the way home?" 
"Hmmm, you don't like my green smoothie recipe?"  Miguel asks with a teasing grin. 
"It had.. too much kale for my liking." 
"Sorry, baby." 
"Ha, ha...well, I suppose we could. In that case we might as well get lunch. You need real food too, not just a smoothie. You're ready to go already?" 
"Just a little longer?" 
"Of course, sweetheart." 
You smile and lean back into him once more, letting your bodies lean against each other in familiar, loving solitude as the sharks swim around you in the tunnel of the aquarium, white flashes of light shimmering against the glass every so often that the water hits the sunlight that's slowly begun to peek out from the afternoon skies above. 
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author-morgan · 4 months
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Title: Daylight Rating: M Pairing: Arthur x fem!Reader Summary: Arthur always knew you and he would make a fine match. ...hiding all of our sins from the daylight... I've now collected all(?) your husbands for my infinity gauntlets. a late merry christmas and an early valentines for you boo. @mrsragnarlodbrok.
“SORRY,” ARTHUR MUTTERS, “hands are rough.” He noticed how you pulled away from his calloused touch as he pressed the stained damp cloth against the bloody wound on the back of your shoulder—remnants of an arrow after Bedivere and the Mage helped him dig out the bodkin point. It’d likely been meant for him in the heat of the battle and he cursed himself seeing you fall nigh feet from him, pulled away to shelter by his kingsguard. Even with the power of Excalibur, he’d been unable to protect you—an age-old promise broken.
You lift your gaze from the charred stone floor, looking at your reflections in a fogged-over mirror on the opposite side of the room. Focus has his brows furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line. “You always say that,” you tell him, words slurred from the pain, exhaustion, and strongwine, and voice rougher than normal. This isn’t the first time Arthur Pendragon has tended your hurts and woes, and at this rate you doubt it’ll be the last.
Dried blood and sweat washed away, Arthur picks up the piece of tree bark with a salve prepared by the Mage to stave off the pain for a while and keep the wound from festering. Then, Arthur binds the wound with fresh linen and wipes his hands, kneeling in front of you—hands resting on your hips. You lay your hand on his cheek, thumb sweeping across his cheek, marred with dirt and soot. Leaning toward him, he meets you halfway, and you set your lips on his—a soft, fleeting kiss like the touch of butterfly wings.
“Thank you, Arthur,” you tell him, fingertips mindlessly combing through the scruff on his jaw. He straightens to full height but does so with a grimace. “You’re sure you’re not hurt?” You ask again.
“Just bruises,” he assures you, and this time, it seems like he’s being truthful, besides the few scratches on his hands and the slim, already scabbed-over, cut on his forehead. 
Arthur sits next to you on the edge of the bed, looking toward the open balcony. You both can hear the joyous shouts and chants. Bedivere and the others will only be able to satiate the men for so long. They will want to hear from the one who led them to victory. From the Born King. “They’ll be waiting for you to give a speech,” you tell him. 
“They’re waiting to go headfirst into the barrels of grog,” he amends, but if the out-of-tune songs are anything to go off of...  
“Sounds like they already have,” you laugh. Tonight, there will be revelries for the victory against Vortigern and his forces. In the following days, there’ll be feasts to honor the fallen and growing lists of preparations for a coronation. But right now, Arthur Pendragon doesn’t want to be a king just yet. Right now, he’s content just to be Arthur the street rat, especially when you lean your head against his shoulder and link your fingers through his—and then he’s certain there’s no one else in all of England for him except you.
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“HIDING FROM ME? Or everyone else?” Your head quickly swivels to the side, only to relax at the sight of Arthur approaching. You cannot help but wonder how he isn’t cold. He's not dressed anywhere near as layered or warm as he should be for the winter evening, but somehow, he manages to look cozy even in just a scarlet linen-and-wool doublet. Stepping back, your eyes flit up to the scarlet-tinged leaves, still clinging to the branches of the white-bark birch, before looking beyond to the fresh falling snow. 
He stops at your side and looks up, too. “Was just thinking about what a bad influence you’ve been on my person,” you tell him, a small half-smirk creeping onto your features. Arthur tilts his head back in amused question, then stares up at the leaves and the silver sliver of the moon peeking through the winter clouds. “As I recall, I was an innocent girl before you came along and ruined all that.”
His blue eyes narrow, arms crossing over his chest. “You’ll have to refresh my memory on how I did that, darlin’.” He moves a little closer, and you sense his ploy, twisting and ducking when he moves to grab you. 
You face him with brows raised, smiling. “Such a brute,” you taunt, “grabbing at innocent girls in the castle courtyards at night. Is that any way for the King of England to behave?” 
Arthur only rolls his eyes, trying to smother another smirk, and this time, he catches your arm as you move around him. It takes little strength to move you how he wants—pressing you into the trunk of the great tree at the heart of the courtyard. His hands press against the smooth bark beside your head as he leans in enough to look down at you. The glint in his eyes is mirthful, but there’s something else shining in his gaze too—you’ve seen that look a dozen times now, and you’re almost afeared to think about what it can mean. “Maybe you have a point,” he drawls, wearing that crooked, boyish grin that makes your heart flutter.
Your laugh almost catches him off guard. His hand slips down to run gently along your waist, the other toys with the hair at the side of your head. You lean back into the tree more, relaxing as your hands find his waist to rest on. “My father sends his kind, innocent daughter to study in Londinium, and what does this strong, noble boy do?” Arthur raises his brow. “He shoves her against a wall in an alleyway because he has no reasonable way of expressing his feelings with words.” He was just a street rat orphan and you were the daughter of some fancy lord from far away—opposites in nigh every way but more alike than you ever could have imagined. “I was never the same after that.”
His head dips down into the crook of your neck, nose training across your throat and inhaling the scent of roses and lavender. “No,” he smiles, voice low—more of a muttering husk—lips twitching as he pulls back, glancing to your lips and up, “but you’re more fun now.” Your expression falls flat, and Arthur laughs. It’s nigh impossible not to grin or melt at the sound and how little it seems you’ve heard it of late—and by Merlin’s beard, he’s impossibly handsome with laugh lines crinkling the edges of his eyes and a lopsided smile. Leaning further into him, his breath dances across your cheek, the back of his fingers brushing along your neck. 
You exhale shakily, and Arthur teases you again with light presses of his lips along your jaw and neck—hands smoothing up and down your waist as he does. For a moment, your hands find their way to his chest before you remember how open the courtyard is and that anyone can happen upon the two of you like this. Glancing around, you breathe his name in a flustered whisper, hand pressing against his chest—the last thing a new king needs is rumors to turn into scandal. 
Arthur takes a step back, giving you both room, but then there’s a new glint in his eyes. The playful mirth disappears from his cornflower eyes, replaced by something more serious—kingly, even. It’s something he’s been thinking about for years. Maybe even since the two of you first met by happenstance in the streets of Londinium and struck up an odd friendship. But over the years, Arthur thinks he cannot just call you a friend, not anymore. What he feels runs deeper than that, and given his newfound title and responsibilities...“I’ve been thinking,” he starts.
“And does it pay well?” You quip in a poor attempt to lighten the now solemn mood.
He rolls his eyes, exasperated, unable to hide how his lips quirk upwards. “Would you let me finish?” And so you do, unsure what he must say or ask that warrants such a dramatic change in his usual demeanor. Arthur reaches for your hand, the rough pads of his fingers curling around and into your palm. He stoops forward, lips brushing against your knuckles—reverent. “I’d like you to stay,” he breathes, straightening back to full height. Your brows furrow. “Here,” he adds, “with me.”
You know what he is asking of you—marriage—and it should be an easy answer. Yes, of course. You’ve loved Arthur since before you knew what the word truly meant. But given the events of the last few months and the precipitousness of his proposal, you’re left speechless, heart beating in your throat until all you can do is run to the haven of your chambers with tears pricking your eyes.
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A LOUD KNOCK on the great wooden door echoes in your bedchambers. You rouse from sleep, righting the oversized tunic hanging off one shoulder in an attempt to appear decent at the late hour. Part of you already knows who will be waiting on the other side, but when you crack open the door, it still surprises you to find him standing before you—wearing only a loose, nigh threadbare tunic and pair of dark britches. “Arthur,” you greet, rubbing the sleep from your eyes before motioning for him to come in.
There’s still an uneasy air between you after the earlier events and conversation in the courtyard—his proposal. “I shouldn’t’ve….” he starts as you do. “I should not...” You both fall silent, eyes searching the other’s face for an indication of who will be the first to speak, the first to act, but there’s only silence. 
“Yes,” you quickly tell him—the shock of his initial proposal has faded, and now you’ve never been more certain about something in your life. You still can’t say what it is that caused you to react in such a way—Arthur’s the only man you’ve ever loved, the only person you could have ever thought of having a life with, even before all this Born King shite. The answer is ‘yes.’ It had always been. 
“Yes?” He repeats with furrowed brows, not sure he’s heard you correctly.  “I’ll stay” —you reach to comb your fingers through his close-shorn beard, and he leans into the touch— “with you.” Forever.
He smiles, and it’s as though a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Arthur cradles your face in his hands, thumbs running over your cheekbones. You smile for him, and he leans toward you, closing the distance. His lips are on yours in an instant.
You answer his kiss, slowly at first, then with more fervor when you settle your hands on either side of his neck, drawing yourself closer. Parting, you press your forehead against his and meet his heated stare. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that?” Arthur asks, breathless.
Then he’s kissing you again and again—hands straying to your waist and backside, pulling you closer, tighter. And it fans the embers burning low in your belly to flames. Arthur breaks the kiss with an anguished groan—fighting a losing war with himself. He brushes back the hair falling in front of your face, the rough pad of his thumb running over your lips. “Tell me to stop,” he mutters—it’s almost a plea. And then he’s adrift in your soft and dark gaze, knowing if you do nothing to stop this, he’ll be acting on countless years of love and pent-up desire.
“No,” you breathe, catching his wrist and sliding his hand up from your neck—peppering his fingertips with gentle kisses. He watches you, lips parted and heart aching. Closing your eyes, you draw in a slow breath, and with a final kiss to his palm, you guide his hand to rest on one of your clothed breasts.
“Arthur.” You speak his name as though it is a quiet prayer. “I want you.” He pulls on the string at the neck of your nightshirt, loosening it until the gauzy material falls off your shoulders—puddling around your ankles, 
Though bare, you still hold his clear blue gaze. He goes silent as he draws in a sharp breath—eyes dart over the length of your body. His eyes darken, though, a mix of lust and adoration. “Think this is the longest you’ve been qui–” He cuts you off with a kiss, and one of his hands rises to cradle your cheek—the side of your neck again—and his lips coax yours open.
You sigh into his mouth, hands instinctively dipping under the hem of his roughspun tunic, fingertips trailing over the taut muscles of his abdomen and the scar on his ribs. Arthur breaks the kiss, quickly shrugging off his shirt, and lets the undyed piece of wool fall to the floor.  
Then, suddenly, he lifts you off your feet effortlessly. You hastily grip his shoulders for balance until he lays you on the bed—standing back to take off his trousers, and you watch him with a weird mixture of hunger and wistfulness as he strips. Arthur kicks aside his discarded clothes, then crawls onto the bed, making room for himself between your thighs—his clear and cold gaze burning with the warmth of the Sun and never once straying from yours.
You gaze tensely at his face as he studies you. His expression is greedy and appreciative, and the firelight glowing in his eyes just makes him look all the more ardent, and the longer he stares at you without doing anything, the more restless you are for him to act. You want his touch, his cock, his lips on yours, and all he’s giving you is this appreciative greedy stare, and it’s not enough.
Arthur kisses you again, and then he leans away from your lips and kisses the angle of your jaw. His mouth travels to the side of your neck, and your pulse flutters in your throat. His lips are surprisingly soft, and as his mouth trails from your neck to your collarbone, the delicacy of his kisses makes you feel lightheaded —a mix of pleasure and disbelief. 
He nuzzles your collarbone, then places a kiss just above the swell of your breast, and you arch helplessly toward his mouth. The heat of his breath wafting over your breast, making your nipples go taut with anticipation, and when the scruff of Arthur’s beard brushes over your nipple, you jolt and make a helpless little mewling sound. You twine your fingers into his golden hair, trying to hold him in place against you. But Arthur shoots you a quick smile, then shuffles lower on the bed still and kisses your breast —and you twist your hips, hands slipping from his hair to his shoulders.  
A sob leaves your throat—not a crying kind of sob, but an instinctive noise tore from your throat without your permission. He lifts his mouth from your breast and smiles at you, and you stare stupidly at his handsome face—the spark in his clear eyes and the boyish smirk twisting his lips.
Arthur palms your breast and squeezes gently. He shuffles lower still on the bed and places a sweet, open-mouthed kiss on your navel, and your sense of surreal disbelief ratchets to a nearly unbearable degree. His mouth drifts lower now, the scruff of his beard tickling your belly as he presses his lips to the skin below your navel and eases your thighs further apart.
Arthur places a kiss between your legs, and your mind goes blank with pleasure. 
“You alright, darlin’?” He smirks. You stare at him, too stunned by pleasure to find a clever response. Instead, riled by the teasing sparkle in his face, you spread your knees wide. His gaze drops between your legs, and his expression darkens with interest as he places his hands on your knees—stroking up to your thighs. He places another firm, wet kiss between your legs, and a helpless moan leaves your lips, and he hums with approval, a smug, half-growly little hum.  
You gasp in a breath, realizing you haven’t been breathing at all. Arthur lifts his head to look you in the eye. “Relax, love,” he croons, smoothing his palm over your belly as he laps at your cunt with slow hot sweeping strokes of his tongue. It’s not long before a finger presses into you, working you slowly open.
Your hips jerk softly along with his movements, and there’s unspoken interest in his gaze as he stares down at you, relentless in his efforts to see you come undone. His tongue and lips are at your clit, fingers stroking and curling deep within you. You jolt, and then he moves slower, dragging over the sensitive spots he’s discovered inside you and leaving your nerves tingling with every touch.
Pleasure washes over you in waves, making your calves twitch, your fingertips feel numb, and that high-pitched mewling noise leaves your throat. Overwhelmed—enraptured—you buck your hips toward his face and clench your fingers convulsively in his hair, and he keeps licking and kissing you until you can’t take it anymore. You pull on his hair to stop him, and he finally pulls away, lips glistening in the moonlight and fading glow of the firelight. “Enough,” you groan. “Need you.” It’s nigh a broken plea.
You shudder as he moves, situating himself between your thighs, calloused fingers dipping into your cunt to gather your slick and spread on his hard cock as he strokes himself. “Arthur, please,” you whimper, impatient, and he won’t keep you waiting.
He slides his cock through your folds before his angle changes just slightly, and on the next pass, your breath stutters as his cockhead presses just inside you—barely splitting you open. Arthur’s hand grabs your hip and angles you up just a bit so he can slide deeper inside you, and you cling onto his biceps—feeling his scars press into your palms and admiring the way his muscles flex under your touch. 
Arthur hisses through his teeth when he fully seats himself inside your warmth, then releases his breath slowly and smiles at you. “You’re lovely,” he murmurs, twining his fingers through yours, pressing the back of your hands into the mattress. From the moment Arthur first saw you in the Londinium streets, he knew your fates were intertwined—just as your bodies and hands were now. He trembles at this personal heaven, then draws his hips back, starting to move.
You laugh breathlessly, mindlessly. “Charmer,” you pant, hooking your legs around his waist. You roll into his thrusts, pulling him deeper. His ragged breaths and grunts mingle with your sighs of pleasure—panting scarcely keeping up with your racing heart. 
He huffs in amusement. “Can’t say that’s something I get called often,” Arthur says as he pumps his hips slowly, teasing you and pleasing you almost more than you can bear. Then he lowers his lips to yours in a kiss—there’s something sweet on his tongue, like honey wine. 
His whole body begins moving, surging, and writhing against yours. One of his hands releases yours and caresses your cheek before he slides it down your body. Without thought, your body arches into his hand as it moves, ripening under his touch—thoughts clouded by lust and love. His fingers find your clit at the same time his mouth latches to your neck.
Another guttural cry bursts from your lips. He’s pounding into you now, and he’s still holding your hand while his other grips your hip. Your breathing is loud, and so is his, and his hand is tightening on your fingers. He drags in a breath, then expels it in a strained groan.
He shudders, then pounds into you hard, twice, thrice, and then he pauses with his cock deep inside of you. His jaw clenches, and his grip on your hip is so tight that it’s almost painful, but you like it—just as much as you like the guttural sound he makes as he shudders in completion. A few long seconds later, he gasps in a breath, then sighs and releases your hand. “Fuck,” he groans, holding his weight above you on shaking arms. 
You beckon him to lie atop you, his golden head pillowed on your breasts as his breathing steadies, sighing when you kiss his hair and whisper a quiet, I love you, for him to relish. He stays sheathed inside your warmth, unwilling to part just yet. “I love you,” he murmurs in turn, never tiring of how you smile when he says the words. Sighing, he rolls to the side, and you whine at the loss of him and the empty feeling between your thighs.
He lays on his side, and you pillow your head on his outstretched arm, nuzzling close against his chest and threading one of your legs through his. Arthur presses his cheek to the crown of your head and strokes your hair as the first dregs of daylight break over the horizon, shining upon England, Camelot, and his future wife and queen.
[Forever taglist: @certifiedlittleshit / @erzsebetrosztoczy / @hereforreadandwrite / @mrsragnarlodbrok / @rigshak ] if your name is italicized, tumblr would not let me tag you. if you’d like to be added to my forever taglist, or any other character/fandom taglist, just let me know with this Google Form!
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calmcoldevening · 3 months
Can you do a Valentine's day themed thingy for slashers x reader please?
Happy Valentine's day, kitten ♡⁠ I hope you spent this day with your love)
Slashers x reader, Valentine's Day headcanons
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Michael Myers
• Michael basically doesn't see any special importance in this day, it's not Halloween. But seeing how you fuss that day, Michael just gives up.
• He returns home from hunting, and you meet him in the kitchen with a bright smile and a delicious dinner on the table. It causes a strange, mixed feeling in his chest. He doesn't know what it is, but it's something warm and pleasant.
• You have dinner together in almost complete silence, only sometimes you tell something about your day. Michael doesn't give this dinner that much importance, after all, you often have dinner together.
• After dinner, you sit on the couch together and watch a movie. This time you chose some kind of romantic melodrama, after all, it was in the spirit of today's holiday. And even though Michael didn't give you the special attention you wanted, you just liked that he was with you tonight. Michael liked horror more, he didn't particularly like movies with feelings other than fear. But it made him put some kind of puzzle together in his head.
• In the morning, as usual, you woke up alone. The sheets on Michael's side were cold. It left a painful feeling in your chest. When you came downstairs, you found a large bouquet of scarlet roses on the table. Next to the bouquet was a small note with an inscription on it, written in a sloppy handwriting: "Sorry ♡⁠".
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Jason Voorhees
• Before meeting you, Jason didn't really know much about holidays, but now he wanted to please you on such special days. Valentine's Day was no exception. And although he didn't have much money for this, after all, Jason lived in an old camp, which was quite far from the city, and he didn't like people, the guy tried to make this day as romantic as possible for you.
• You did not return to your cabin until late in the evening (perhaps you were at work or studying). You were very tired and your mood was almost at zero. You just wanted to go to bed and forget, this day wasn't anything special. You slowly opened the door to your bedroom.
• What was your surprise when you saw Jason sitting on the bed. Your whole little room was filled with various, mostly red candles. Maroon petals of some flowers were scattered on the bed.
• Jason was sitting facing you, his cheeks flushed scarlet even through the cracks of the mask. He looked up at you nervously and pulled out a pink box from behind his back. You carefully picked it up and opened it. It was a big postcard with lots of pages and cute inscriptions on them. Everything was bright, although a little messy, but it looked nice. Hearts and seals were painted, compliments and words of love were written. Jason shifted uncomfortably in his seat, clearly nervous.
• You carefully put the postcard on the desk. As you got closer, you climbed onto Jason's lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. A nervous mutter escaped from the man's chest. You smiled, "I love you." Jason blushed visibly. A nervous "I love you too," Jason signed, wrapping his arms around your waist.
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Bubba Sawyer
• Bubba was very worried. He knew about the upcoming holiday and didn't know how to please you. Besides, his brothers made fun of him because of his excitement. This made Bubba completely discouraged.
• And yet, the brothers understood his excitement, after all, you were the first and only person Bubba ever loved and who loved Bubba back. They are in no way going to interfere with his romantic plans.
• Bubba asked Drayton to do some shopping, which he agreed to, wanting to help Sawyer Jr., although not without a little joke. But not wanting to make the guy blush any more, Drayton and the twins left the house that day for 'important things'.
• You returned home after a little work in the city and were greeted by a pleasant romantic atmosphere. All the lights in the house were turned off, and the dining room was lit with wax candles. You walked in, smiling softly and looking around the room. Bubba couldn't hide his excitement and fear, he was nervously biting his lower lip. Finally, he looked up at you and handed you a big teddy bear. You smiled happily as you accepted the gift and hugged Bubba. He was overjoyed. After a sweet kiss, Bubba showed you the dinner he made just for the two of you.
• After dinner, you lay in each other's arms all evening. Bubba held you gently to him and covered your face and neck with kisses, whining softly. He was overwhelmed with emotion. He was happy to love you and be loved by you.
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Hannibal Lecter
• This man will spend the best valentine's day of your life with you.
• Hannibal will bring you breakfast in bed first. It will be something light but delicious, like a classic American breakfast and a cup of your favorite coffee.
• Later in the evening, he will take you to a nice expensive restaurant and ask you to wait. The man will return with a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and a small gift bag. Inside was an expensive necklace with a bright stone that accentuated your eye color.
• If you prefer something simpler, Hannibal will suggest you take a walk after the restaurant. Gentle kisses under the night sky and caring hugs. Hannibal will offer you his jacket to keep you warm.
• This day will be full of tenderness and love on his part, Hannibal will try in every way to show that you are really dear to him. "Even in a room full of art, I would still only look at you."
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Harry Warden
• This is a pretty difficult situation, because for Harry, Valentine's Day is a reminder of that tragedy in the mine, so it's unlikely that he will decide to cancel it, even with you.
• But the next night, he'll just decide to spend romantic time with you. The man will cook some simple but delicious dinner, and then offer to watch a movie. You will be sitting on the couch in the living room and cuddling. His arm is around your waist, your head is on his shoulder. This is a moment filled with pleasant silence and tenderness.
• A few hours earlier, Harry gave you a beautiful piece of jewelry, a box of your favorite candies (not in a heart box, no) and a neat bouquet of beautiful flowers. It's his own way of apologizing to you for ruining the holiday.
• You will also sleep in an embrace. Harry always falls asleep much later than you, but today it was especially noticeable. You were already snuffling in his arms, while Harry held you protectively in his arms and stroked your hair. His gaze is entirely focused on you and only you. He's just surprised how your wonderful angel agreed to be his soulmate. Harry is so happy. The man leans closer and kisses you briefly on the lips. "Sweet dreams, my love."
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mandoalorian · 10 months
Pairing: High honour Arthur Morgan x F!Reader
Summary: When Arthur and the gang are out in Valentine, you can’t help but notice that he left his journal by his bedside, unattended. You’re aware that Arthur is never careless enough to leave something so valuable to him in camp and see you see it as an opportunity. Upon reading his journal, you discover something that changes everything…
Word count: 2,000
Author’s note: My first Arthur fic! It’s been a long time coming. This is also cross-posted on my AO3. I do not consent to my fics being posted anywhere else, or translated without permission. If you enjoyed this fic please reblog as it helps increase support!<3
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You saw it as an opportunity.
Arthur, John, Micah, Javier and Sadie were out in Valentine, following Dutch’s well-convoluted plan to rob the local bank. They’d been gone for three hours already and with Micah part of the team, you dreaded to think how they were getting on. Dutch and Hosea had gone to scout out a manor northwest of Lemoyne, in Scarlet Meadows. Hosea was following a lead he’d heard from a guy at Emerald Ranch – that apparently, a well-off family were residing over there. An excellent opportunity for a cash grab, Dutch was also sure. Lately, any possibility of getting money, Dutch got excited over. You didn’t understand why because the ledger appeared more filled out than ever. Perhaps it was merely nothing more than a sin of greed, although you were in no position to question it. 
Mary-Beth, Tilly and Karen were doing laundry as Miss Grimshaw supervised, and Miss Molly O’Shea was napping in Dutch’s cot. She’d been sleeping a lot recently, you’d noticed. Uncle was nowhere in sight, probably sleeping or drunk or getting himself killed by Raiders. And Abigail was with Jack, nursing him back to health as influenza he’d developed after your time in Colter hadn’t yet subsided. The camp was empty. Not a soul in sight.
There was a small crate in the corner of his tent and organised neatly atop was a framed photo of his mother Beatrice, a small vase of flowers that were native to New Hanover, and a beat-up leather journal that he kept close to his bedside. Arthur was so protective of his journal, you’d often tease him for it. Sometimes, you’d admire him from afar. After a hard day, he’d often sit by the lake, slumped against a tree, jotting down his thoughts or filling the pages with doodles of his ventures. 
And this time it was calling out to you.
You wondered why he hadn’t taken it with him. Had he really just ‘left’ it at camp? Forgot to put it in his satchel before he left this morning? You were hyper-aware that you’d more than likely never get this chance again. The curiosity was begging to be explored and you took one final glance around camp before slowly inching towards the crate by his bedside. Arthur’s tent was really just a canopy and once you were under you felt a pang of guilt in his heart. You shouldn’t be snooping around his business like this. He had done nothing to warrant you doing that.
It wasn’t malicious. It was harmless. Just a little peek…
You sat on the edge of Arthur’s cot and picked up the journal, feeling the worn leather between your fingers. Undoing the clasp, you pulled it open midway and were greeted with an illustration of a girl. It was the back of her, so there was no way of making out her face, but as you took a closer look at the pattern on her ranch boots, you couldn’t help but recognise the embroidered swirls and shapes. They were your ranch boots, and Arthur’s illustration was a depiction of you. It was dated noon, 5th July 1899, just a few weeks ago. It appeared to be a drawing from observation, and you were pictured helping Pearson put away an assortment of canned goods. 
It took a moment for it to dawn on you. He’d drawn you.
Now you were invested. You turned to the next page to see a verse of words:
‘Sometimes I wonder when she sleeps
Is she ever dreaming of me?
Sometimes when I look into her eyes
I pretend she’s mine all the damn time’
To the left of the words was another illustration of you but this one had a lot more detail. A delicate flower was placed in your hair and this time, you could see your face. You could see the shape of your nose and the creases in the corner of your eyes when you smiled. It had never been so clear. Your gaze flicked back towards the words as you reread them over and over again. Could they have really been about you?
Surely not. Arthur had never done anything to suggest that he’d had these feelings for you. As far as you were aware, he was still hung up on Miss Mary Linton. You’d never met her before. You’d only heard tales from Hosea, how Arthur was sweet on her and she broke his heart to the point he didn’t want to leave camp for days. You couldn’t imagine Arthur that way. You supposed that since then, he had changed, and maybe since meeting you, he’d changed again.
On the outside, Arthur was rough. His skin was sun kissed and his clothes were old, his boots were muddy and he could go months without shaving. You’d heard stories of his questionable temperance but with you, he was patient and soft and gentle. You’d seen him be kind around little Jack too, and that relationship spoke volumes since John was mostly absent from his son’s life. Arthur was a good influence on Jack. Hell, you could argue he was the best influence around camp in general. Although he was often gloomy and he would, on occasion, pick fights with Micah or Bill, you saw through that. He had a good heart, wether he believed it, that didn’t matter.
A loud cough interrupted your thoughts. You froze, and it was like you could feel time moving. Arthur’s journal was still in your hands and you could feel the eyes of a cowboy bore into your back. You hoped and prayed it was anyone but Arthur. At least then you’d be able to potentially mangle yourself out of the fact you went behind your friend’s back. You wanted to put the journal down, hell, you needed to, but it was like your feet were glued to the ground and your hands were locked in place.
“What you doing snooping through my stuff, girl?” 
Oh, it was Arthur. You winced under his question and took a deep breath. You carefully placed the journal back on his bedside, just as it was before you took it. Perfect. Like it hadn’t moved an inch. Not that it mattered anymore…
Fuck. You cursed under your breath. Say something. Anything.
“Now, why you talkin’ like that? Like I’m holdin’ you up at gunpoint? Turn around and look at me.” He cut you off, his question was rhetorical and his voice stern.
You immediately obliged and spun around on your heel. Your stomach was in knots. You wish you had never looked. Never betrayed him like this. Arthur’s eyes were a piercing blue like you’d never noticed, and his lips were curled into a frown. But still, he remained stoic. It’s like he was trying to appear unbothered, but you could see right through him.
“You know now why I let nobody look in here?” Arthur muttered, leaning over you and snatching the journal from his bedside.
You nodded apologetically and watched as he stuffed the journal into his satchel.
“I’ll be on my way now.” Arthur tipped his hat to you before turning around. He paused and when he was looking away he muttered, “’Am sorry if… you thought it was weird, miss…” 
Your mouth felt dry as you watched him walk away.
Weird? He was worried that you thought it was weird.
You chased after him and caught up pretty quickly, placing the palm of your hand flat against the broadness of his back. “Arthur, what you wrote in there was the sweetest thing… not weird at all, I promise.”
Arthur stopped and looked down at you, still frowning. 
“I just had no idea you felt that way,” You continued, shaking your head. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I overstepped your boundaries and we can just forget about it if that’s what you want…”
To clarify, forgetting about it was the last thing you wanted to do, but alas, this wasn’t about you anymore. You would do anything for Arthur’s forgiveness and if that meant pretending like today never happened, then so be it.
“Forget?” Arthur whispered. “You really expect me to forget about this?”
You pursed your lips together, holding back a sigh. “I don’t think you should. I know I’d struggle to forget what I saw in there… but also, I don’t want to forget. I… I’ve been sweet on you since the moment I met you, Arthur. Tilly and Mary-Beth would always tease me for it. Abigail knew too, but she said you’d never be interested in pursuing someone in camp. Hosea made it seem like you were still hung up on Miss Linton, and so I never said anything. Oh Arthur, you’ve always been so kind to me. So gentle and soft, you’re different to the others…” You placed a hand on his bicep and Arthur practically softened into your touch.
“I’m a bad man,” Arthur shook his head gruffly. “I’ve done bad things.”
“Haven’t we all?” you snapped back, exasperated. “I may just do the chores around camp but you forget my history, Mr Morgan. All of us are Van Der Linde’s and we are not good people. Hell, I struggle to even tell the difference between good and bad anymore. But when I’m with you, I feel good. Really good. I feel safe and protected and God, Arthur. When I saw you felt the same way… that you think about me in the same way…”
Arthur cut you off with a kiss. His lips were soft and plump and contrasted with the roughness of his stubble and quick-growing moustache. You let out a small gasp when his lips crashed atop yours but quickly melted into it, bringing your hands up to his head and running your fingers through his dark blonde hair. His tongue tasted like fresh mint and other herbs you couldn’t quite recognise, and you had never been closer to his musky familiar scent. Arthur’s big arms wrapped around your body and he held you tight against him. When he finally pulled away, he nudged his nose against yours and lingered for a moment, staring into your eyes.
“Forgive me for saying miss, but if it wasn’t already clear, I think I’m in love with you.”
The revelation made you giddy, your heart racing in your chest with the thrill of it all. You couldn’t believe it. Abigail…. Hosea…. They were all wrong. Arthur actually felt the same as you.
“I’m in love with you too,” you squeaked, tears filling your eyes as Arthur enveloped you in a hug.
When you finally pulled away from him, it was only to ask him another important question.
“Do you forgive me for what I did, Arthur?” you asked him sadly. Arthur could see the guilt; it was written all over your face.
“If you didn’t do that, none of this would have ever happened,” Arthur smiled, pressing his index finger to your chin and picking your face up so you were looking at him in the eyes. He was smiling. He was okay…
“I s’pose that’s true,” you shrugged. “I’m still sorry, and it won’t happen again.”
“I believe you,” Arthur said, lacing his fingers with yours. “Now let’s go grab some of Pearson’s broth and we can take it to the lake. I think we have a lot to talk about…”
You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up. You and Arthur walked side by side to the campfire and the entire way you felt yourself bubbling with anticipation over what was to come next.
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queensharotto · 5 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 3: Early 2023)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs.
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January 2023 ❄️
• “Molded, Battered, Whole”
Featuring: The Five Dragons
• “Y/N Cookie getting Injured”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie, Mala Sauce Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, Financier Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “Foul Play” 💗
Featuring: The Cherry Stars
• “Seize the Spin”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Face the Music!”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, B.A.D 4, Manager Scarlet and Producer D.K.E.C
• “Two Sides of a Coin”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie
• “New Time Balance Department Cookies”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
• “Sands of the Sale”
Featuring: Yogurt Cream Cookie and Lilac Cookie
• “Memories”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Coworkers Delight”
Featuring: Maple Taffy Cookie
• “Spared No Expense 2”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Valentine’s Day Experience” 💝
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “A Fish in a Barrel”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Good Day for Walks”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie
• “A Handycookie’s Expertise”
Featuring: Coffee Candy Cookie, Baguette Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie, Maple Taffy Cookie and Marble Bread Cookie
• “Chaos and Control”
Featuring: Twizzly Gummy Cookie and her Gang
• “House is Where The Heart Is”
Featuring: Raspberry Mousse Cookie
• “The Serenity or The Charismatic”
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Eternity”
Featuring: Snow Sugar Cookie
• “Interactions with Milky Way Cookie during Episode 15”
Featuring: Milky Way Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Dislikes People Yelling”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Carol Cookie, and Caramel Arrow Cookie
• “No Deed Goes Unnoticed”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “At Your Beck and Call”
Featuring: The Pearl Legion and House Custard Soldiers
• “Ayo, Their Pouch Responses”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “No Dice” 💗
Featuring: Clotted Cream Cookie and the Ancient Cookies
• “Undeserving”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie’s Disciples, Dark Cacao Cookie, Adventurer Cookie, and Captain Ice Cookie
• “But the Dance is Today!”
Featuring: Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Y/N Cookie’s Tailoring Hobby”
Featuring: The Tailor Cookies
• “Lost Amidst Matrimony” 😞💗
Featuring: Pure Vanilla Cookie and White Lily Cookie
• “Sweet Heartmender” 💝
Featuring: Blue Lily Cookie and Lilybell Cookie
• “Burger Chain Backfire”
Featuring: Reporter Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
February 2023 💝
• “Antagonized”
Featuring: Almond Cookie, Truffle Cookie, Butter Pretzel Cookie, Lollipop Cookie, and Melon Bun Cookie
• “Even More Heartbreak”
Featuring: Black Pearl Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie, and Seaweed Cookie
• “Star of the Industry” ⭐️
Featuring: Dumpling Cookie (debut), Reporter Cookie, Rockstar Cookie, Parfait Cookie, DJ Cookie, Popping Candy Cookie, and Shining Glitter Cookie
• “The Sugar Swan’s Treasure”
Featuring: The Sugar Swan
• “Y/N Cookie Blurbs”
Featuring: Various Cookies
• “Pet Times”
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, and Baguette Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s First Encounter with Stardust Cookie”
Featuring: Stardust Cookie and Moonlight Cookie
• “Moon Pie Cookie”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie
• “Tales of Sweetness” 💝
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Beet Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie and Light Cream Cookie
• “If Y/N Cookie Hated Someone”
Featuring: Dark Choco Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie and Cocoa Cookie
• “Movie Star Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie, Eclair Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie and Shining Glitter Cookie
• “Duel of Hearts”
Featuring: White Choco Cookie and Rose Cookie
• “A Very Much Invited Guest”
Featuring: The Cookies of the Hollyberry Kingdom
• “Fashion Week 2?”
Featuring: Cheesecake Cookie, Chestnut Cookie, Pastel Meringue Cookie, Currant Cream Cookie, Chocolate Bonbon Cookie and Sour Belt Cookie
• “Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to”
Featuring: Carrot Cookie, Beet Cookie, Spinach Cookie and Rambutan Cookie
March 2023 🌱
• “Artist Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Butter Pretzel Cookie, Cheesecake Cookie, Truffle Cookie and Pastry Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie’s Costume Concepts”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Drawings for the Little Cookies”
Featuring: Lollipop Cookie, Walnut Cookie, Onion Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie
• “Ya Like Raisin Buns?”
Featuring: Black Raisin Cookie
• “Sweetheart Timekeeper Cookie” 💝
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “Stress from a Job”
Featuring: Baguette Cookie, Almond Cookie, Pizza Cookie, Dr. Bones Cookie and Kumiho Cookie
• “Ancient Y/N Cookie’s All Nighters”
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie being part of a Royal Family”
Featuring: Madeleine Cookie, Financier Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Chocolate Bonbon Cookie and Rougefort Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie having a Nightmare”
Featuring: Moonlight Cookie, Milky Way Cookie and Stardust Cookie
• “Downstream: Part 1”
Featuring: Affogato Cookie and the Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom
• “Group Findings”
Featuring: Cauliflower Cookie and Peperoncino Cookie
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 1)”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Sea Fairy x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie
• “A Jammed Heart” 😞
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie
• “Croissant Cookie vs. Timekeeper Cookie”
Featuring: Croissant Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie and Dark Fondue Cookie
April 2023 ☔️
• “A Forced Hand” ⭐️
Featuring: Salsa Cookie (debut) and the Ancient Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in Scovillia”
Featuring: Scovillia Headmaster, Capsaicin Cookie, Parfaedia Principal, Prune Juice Cookie, Creme Knights Preceptor and Kouign-Amann Cookie
• “From Afar”
Featuring: Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Sour Belt Cookie and Lime Cookie
• “Kindred Souls”
Featuring: Milk Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Comforting Centipede Cookie”
Featuring: Centipede Cookie, Lilac Cookie and Scorpion Cookie
• “Chocolate Frosting Cookie trying to redeem herself”
Featuring: Chocolate Frosting Cookie, Croissant Cookie, Coffee Candy Cookie, Dark Fondue Cookie and Timekeeper Cookie
• “The Pudding Cup Circus”
Featuring: Banana Cookie, Ice Juggler Cookie, Licorice Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie
• “Cookies of Darkness Go to the Movies”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “Volunteering to be a parent to Y/N Cookie’s child (Part 2)”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie
• “Exiled from their Kingdom: The Darkness’s Offering”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “No Simp September”
Featuring: Hollyberry Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Blueberry Pie Cookie and Princess Cookie
• “I’ll Miss You” 😞
Featuring: The Ancient Cookies
• “The Incorrect Quote Cookie Jar #2”
Featuring: Numerous Cookies
• “Y/N Cookie in the Crème Knights”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Vanilla Sugar Cookie, Kouign-Amann Cookie, Prune Juice Cookie and Capsaicin Cookie
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Vision: Wanda will you be my valentine?
Wanda: sorry but I’m already spoken for
Y/N walks in strumming on their guitar…
Y/N: 🎵oh Wanda your lips are like the sweetest fruit on Earth🎵
Wanda blushes…
Wanda: I knew I chose right
Y/N: happy Valentine’s baby!!
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nickfowlerrr · 1 year
ciwyw - when plans fall through
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pairing: neighbor!bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: no smut but still 18+ only.
notes: i’ll get back to these guys soon but here’s this little way late valentines piece in the meantime (this isn’t part two, but it’s the same bucky and reader!) 💗 thank you in advance for reading, and as always - comments and reblogs are more than welcome and always appreciated.
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You sighed heavily as you once again pulled down the hem of the snug, scarlet red dress. The body con material was rising up your thighs every time you moved and you were already irritated knowing you’d be dealing with this annoyance all night. Maybe you had time to change? Checking the clock, you realized you were actually already running late. Well if you were being forced to go out, at least you looked good. The discomfort would be present no matter what you were wearing when all you truly wanted was to be home. Huffing, you checked your makeup one more time in the mirror before heading to your front room, slipping into your heels and grabbing your shoulder bag - briefly looking around to try and remember where you’d put your phone.
Your original plan for Valentine’s Day was to get pizza from a place down the street and spend the night at home, probably watching Bob’s Burgers on repeat, or some other show you’ve seen in its entirety for the thousandth time. You had just gotten home from work, only running in to drop your stuff off, namely the bouquet of roses you’d been gifted that morning, before going to grab dinner. But you were interrupted by a call from your sister. She was fighting with her boyfriend over something trivial and ridiculous and long story short, they weren’t going on their date tonight, but she didn’t want her plans, or her outfit, to go to waste. She wanted you to go out with her instead. You refused at first, telling her repeatedly you didn’t want to go out, especially not to a fancy dinner when you’d have to actually get ready to go, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. After ten minutes of back and forth with her, you finally just caved and agreed to go. After being subjected to a victorious “Ha!” sounding loudly in your ear, you hung up on her with a roll of your eyes and begrudgingly began to get ready, all the while mourning the plans you’d been looking forward to all day.
Spotting your phone, you walked over to pull it off its charger before you made your way out of your apartment, closing the door behind you with one hand and fiddling with your keys in the other. Your head was down trying to find the right key until the sound of your neighbor’s door caught your attention. You looked over to find Bucky at his door, but you couldn’t tell if he was just getting home or if he was on his way out, too. You were rather distracted by his presence, not even realizing your mouth had parted slightly as you took him in. He was dressed the nicest you’d ever seen him, a perfectly tailored suit and matching tie, and… and a bouquet of gorgeous flowers in one hand as he ran the other through his hair. You caught yourself staring and forced your gaze away. That was a really nice bouquet. He was probably going out on a date. You found yourself deflating slightly at the thought, but quickly made yourself snap out of it. It was none of your business, and absolutely none of your concern. It didn’t affect you in the slightest. That’s what you told yourself.
As you peeked back over to him, you were slightly surprised when you found him staring at you. You felt the weight of his heavy stare as his eyes raked up and down your form before they flitted up to your face. Swallowing hard, you gave a weak smile as he looked surprised to find you already staring back at him. He couldn’t hide the pink rushing to his cheeks, but quickly schooled his expression and gave a small smile back to you.
The distance between you, though no more than a few feet, somehow felt infinite in the moment. You both were just staring at each other, idling by your doors, waiting for the other to.. Well, you weren’t sure exactly what you were waiting for the other to do, but the limbo was finally broken with the unexpected ringing of your phone. You looked down, brows furrowing as your sister’s name and photo took over your screen.
You turned slightly as you answered it, and from your peripheral, saw Bucky starting to walk over toward you.
“Hello?” you answered.
“Hey, you haven’t left yet, right?” she asked, sounding almost nervous. Her tone had you agitated already.
“No, why?” you asked sharply.
“I’m sorry,” she dragged out, as you rolled your eyes. “Jacob called and we talked and we’re all good now so,”
“So, you just derail my night again,” you snapped as she tittered on the other end. “It’s not funny, I just wasted two hours getting ready for nothing. I put my good heels on for you,”
“I said sorry! But it’s not like you wanted to go out anyway,”
“That’s not the point, ” you responded, ready to argue about it before deciding it really wasn’t worth it, and she was kind of right. You were absolutely not looking forward to having to go out as it was. But you wouldn’t admit it to her out loud. “God, you’re so fuckin’ annoying,” you huffed.
“You’ll live,” she responded flippantly. “And I know you’re doing a little happy dance on the inside right now, anyway,” you could hear her grin as she spoke, so sure of herself.
“I hate you.”
“Love you, too,” she sang.
“Yeah, yeah, love you. Have fun, I’ll see you Saturday.”
“Ooo, speaking of, can you pick me up? I think Jacob’s gonna be working,”
“Yeah,” you agree.
“K,” she said before popping her lips. By the sound of it, you were sure she was still at home, barely finishing her makeup, and definitely going to be late for her reservations. You rolled your eyes again but didn’t say anything. “I’m gonna text you later,”
“Bye,” you spoke at the same time before hanging up.
“With the way you’re dressed, I was thinking you were going out on a date, but after hearing that I’m…very confused,” Bucky said as he stood in front of you.
“My sister,” you informed him, looking up from your phone to meet his eye. “Also, it’s incredibly rude to listen in on other people’s phone calls.”
Bucky smirked at you, a glint in his eyes that you couldn’t name setting butterflies a flight in your belly as you looked away. “Her boyfriend bailed and she begged me to go out with her, but seems they’re back on, which is…typical,” you finished with an exasperated sigh and a light chuckle. “What about you?” you asked looking back up at him.
“What about me?” he asked.
“Lookin’ pretty dapper there, Barnes,” you shrugged. He huffed a laugh, looking down at himself with a nod.
“Yeah, well, believe it or not, my plans for tonight fell through, too.”
“Don’t tell me you got stood up,” you joked lightly, not even considering the possibility it might have been true because who in their right mind would stand up Bucky Barnes?
“Eh, I’ve been through worse,” he brushed it off as your eyes rounded ever so slightly, feeling bad for having said anything to begin with. Before you could say anything else, he continued unperturbed. “So, what are you gonna do now?”
“Uhhh,” you exhaled as you mentally considered your options before finally deciding, “...pizza, I think,” you said with a nod, agreeing with yourself. “Yeah, definitely pizza.”
“Wanna get Sal’s?”
“That’s exactly where I was thinking,” you confirmed.
“Great, let’s go,” he said, inviting himself and starting down the hall to the elevators as you breathed a laugh.
“You wanna put those flowers somewhere first?” you asked, eyeing the bouquet he still held in his hands. You watched as he stopped in his tracks, looking down at the flowers like he’d forgotten he had them. Mentally, one side of his brain was busy thinking up an excuse to give Steve on why he couldn’t make the date he’d set up for him tonight - he really hadn’t wanted to go anyway, he was just humoring his friend. And running into you right now, it seemed like a sign he couldn’t deny. You’d been on his mind a lot today…and god, the other side of his brain really couldn’t even bother to focus on anything that wasn’t you right now, either.
“Right,” he laughed under his breath at himself. “Why don’t you take ‘em,” he offered them to you and couldn’t stop the way his eyes scanned up and down your figure yet again. “They match your dress,”
“Wow,” you said with faux excitement, “you mean it, really? You want me to have the pretty leftover bouquet from your canceled date? That’s so sweet. You’re too kind, truly,” you finished, the “earnestness” dripping in sarcasm.
His tongue jutted out as he watched you in amusement. “Beggars can’t be choosers, doll,” he teased, earning a scoff from you.
“Who exactly is begging?” you challenged, taking a step toward him as you cocked your head. “You’re the one inviting yourself to join me, so, seems like you might be the beggar in this situation,”
You weren’t expecting him to close the distance between you with a step of his own, but you refused to back down as you invaded each other’s space, closer than you’d ever been to one another before. One small step from either of you and you’d be right up against the other. His bright blue eyes bore into your own as you waited for his response. The smell of his cologne must have started to cloud your thinking as your gaze fell to his pink lips, it was so brief you were sure he hadn’t noticed as you flicked your eyes away. But of course he had. There was a fuzzy feeling in your chest - warm and suffocating, but so light at the same time. And the heat radiating from Bucky was no help, either. You couldn’t take being this close for much longer, but he showed no signs of moving. In fact, the same moment you finally took a step back, he’d taken one forward, just missing you. His eyes followed the way your tongue poked out as you nervously licked your lips while looking to the side, trying to ease the tension you felt mounting.
“I guess I am,” he said, his voice smooth as honey as he spoke, his flirtatious tone never faltering while he stared down at you, quirking his lips in another effortlessly charming smirk that sent that warm fuzzy feeling through you once again. “No reason they should go to waste. And what’s that saying about pretty girls deserving pretty flowers?”
“There isn’t one. That’s not a saying,” you said unimpressed, all the while trying to ignore the fluttering that seemed to be restless in your belly, the slight uptick of your heart, and the bit of warmth you could feel rushing to your cheeks. This man and his non stop teasing would be the death of you one of these days.
“Should be,” he said, maintaining eye contact.
You rolled your eyes, inhaling sharply as you grabbed the bouquet from him, and turned to face your door.
“I’m only taking them because they’re pretty. I don’t need your pity, Barnes. If I wanted a date for Valentine’s Day, I’d have one,” you explained as you unlocked your door. As you walked in, Bucky behind you, you suddenly spun around, nearly chest to chest as you both stopped in your tracks, him quirking a brow at you. You pointed the bouquet at his chest, “And let’s get one thing clear,” you asserted, “I don’t beg for anyone.”
“Understood,” he nodded, that damn smirk never leaving his pretty face as he raised his hands in faux innocence. Though his thoughts were far from it.. He’d make a mental note of that “begging for no one” comment, sure he could get you to backtrack on it one day.
You narrowed your eyes at him before turning back around and heading to your kitchen counter where a vase of a dozen red roses already sat.
As Bucky approached, he spotted a card still nestled among the flowers.As he reached for it, your hand came out of nowhere and snatched the card before he could read it.
“Why are you so nosy?” you admonished.
“Not nosy, just curious.”
You didn’t respond as you filled up another vase with water before preparing the bouquet to go inside.
“So, who are they from?” Bucky prodded when he realized you were done talking.
Your eyes flashed to him before falling back down to the task at hand. “No one,” you answered, brushing him off.
“No one gave you a dozen roses for Valentine’s Day? What, did you steal them from someone’s front door on your way home?” he taunted, trying to goad you into giving him a real answer. Of course it worked as you shot daggers his way.
“If you must know, they were given to me,” you answered, annoyance clear in your voice.
“Just a guy at work, okay? It’s not important. Can you drop it, please,” you glowered.
You quickly went back to arranging the flowers to fit nicely in the vase and didn’t notice the tick of Bucky’s jaw at your answer. Just a touch of jealousy at the thought of someone else being around you, flirting with you, trying to court you. He knew he didn’t really have any right to be jealous as he still hadn’t just come out and asked you out himself yet, but he had a process. Times may have changed, but he had his way. And he was waiting for the right time. He didn’t want to ruin what he had with you by scaring you away too soon. But that didn’t mean he liked the idea of other people trying to get close to you in the meantime. And he was planning on bringing you flowers today, too, he reminded himself bitterly. Flowers specifically for you, but he was worried it’d be too much. Right now he was very much regretting his decision.
“Okay, done,” you announced, holding up the vase to show him with a proud look on your face before setting it back down and sighing. “Ya know, since I’m already back inside I might as well change now,”
“Why would you change?”
“Why would I go to Sal’s looking like this?”
“You were just about to anyway. Besides, I’m wearing a suit,”
“That’s not my problem,” you stated. Bucky scoffed lightly as he shook his head.
“Let’s go,” he redirected firmly, walking over to you and ushering you to the front door, his hand on the small of your back affecting you more than you’d like to admit.
“Don’t push me,” you complained, shooting him a petulant glare as you stopped at the threshold, once again having to shimmy down your dress. He took your keys before you could protest and stepped around you to lock your door.
When he turned around to face you again, he paused and took a moment to really admire you as you stood before him, beautiful as ever as his eyes roved over you, head to toe - lingering on the soft curves of your waist..
Suddenly a daydream scene of you two in his place was playing out in his head; him wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close and swaying with you to smooth tunes of the 40s while you’d rest your head against him, completely at peace.. So caught up in the vision, he didn’t even realize how long he’d been staring at you. Meanwhile, your eyes had fluttered down to avoid his intent gaze when his cerulean blues wandered to your face, your hands nervously tugging at your dress before smoothing the fabric over as you grew more fidgety under his stare. The movement of your hands caught his attention, pulling him back to the present as he cleared his throat.
“You look really great tonight, doll,” he complimented as you nervously met his eye, swallowing hard before you offered an awkward, tight lipped smile to him.
“Thanks, Bucky,” you spoke, your voice quieter than you intended, before taking a deep breath and willing the butterflies away, “Not lookin’ too bad yourself,” you offered, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible as you let your own gaze wander over him. He’s just being nice. He’s being friendly. You’re friends. Just friends, you reminded yourself before you could fall down that rabbit hole of unrequited love you were sure was awaiting you the second you’d admit to yourself that maybe, just maybe you were falling for him. No ma’am. Not you. Not with him. Not here, not today.
“Pizza,” you prompted with another deep breath to try and reign in your thoughts and flurry of scattered nerves.
“Pizza,” he affirmed with a grin, taking a step toward you as you began walking to the elevators side by side.
You glanced over at him and as he flashed that boyish smile your way once again, that same glimmer of something you couldn’t quite bring yourself to name shining in his eyes as he looked back at you, you considered, for the briefest of seconds, maybe not today…but who ever really knows about tomorrow.
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imagineredwood · 3 months
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3. Roses 🌹
Summary: Miguel always spoils you, but especially on Valentine’s Day.
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x female reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI Sexual content. CONSENSUAL drunken sex,
Word count: 1.2K
A/n: I know these were supposed to be drabbles but my fingers had a kind of their own and kept typing 🤐
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“Jesus. How much did this cost??”
You looked over at Miguel incredulously, still in shock by the what looked like hundreds of roses all bunched together neatly in the round case. The bright scarlet petals were dusted with a gold shimmer on the very tips, something that made the arrangement look even more expensive. Loose petals scattered on the tile leading out to the pool. Miguel grinned, his hand coming to snake around your waist as he kissed the very tip of your nose.
“Don’t worry about that. You’re priceless, and your gifts should be priceless. I have much more set up for us.”
With that, he squeezed your side gently, ushering you to follow the petals. You walked behind the trail out to the pool, finding that the usual warm white lights that were strung up were now in soft shades of pink, the entire backyard having a pale pink hue. The table was set up elegantly, an ice bucket right in front with chilled bottles of your favorite champagne and wine. A long charcuterie board with all your favorite cheeses and fruits, candied jams and specialty nuts. A tray of glistening chocolate covered strawberries sat off to the left, some with drizzles over top and others with sprinkles. There was a fondue machine towards the back and Miguel motioned over to the side where the outdoor kitchen was, two chefs moving around silently as they cooked.
“The main course will be done in half hour. Sit down and let me pour you a drink.”
You smiled, smoothing your hands over the back of the dress Miguel had picked out for you to wear and took a seat. He held up a wine glass and a flute, letting you choose which you wanted first, pouring one for you and one for him before he came to sit down beside you. He held out your glass and you took it, your mouth curling into a smile as you took a sip. Miguel’s smile mirrored yours, always loving to see you enjoy something, regardless of what it was.
“Only the best for my girl.”
Your eyes crinkled in the corners as you settled into his side, his hand coming to rest on the knee of your leg that was peeking out through the slit in your dress.
You both drank and ate and talked and laughed, well once the table was nearly empty and everyone save for the guards had gone home. You were both tipsy and giggly, as well as touchy. The wine and champagne had made you feel flushed, but Miguel’s wandering hands the entire night had served to do the same despite the soft chill of the night air. You swallowed down the last of the wine in your glass, eyes glazed as you looked at your husband.
“You always treat me so well. You spoil me.”
The cartel leader smiled softly, hand leaving your thigh to instead gently take hold of your chin.
“You deserve all of this and more.”
It was true. He viewed you as if you had been the one to hang the moon and all of the stars in the sky. You were everything to him. The only woman for him. People had said that once he was married, the novelty would die down. That you both would get comfortable, and the spark would dwindle. ‘Happens to every marriage at some point.’ People said. And Miguel was determined to make sure that didn’t ever happen to the two of you. So, he made it a point to always shower you in love, attention, affection, and gifts, never wanting the honeymoon phase to go away. And so far he had been successful, much to your appeasement.
Your eyes fluttered in your tipsy state, lashes heavy and seductive as you looked at him, a perfectly manicured finger running down the buttons of his white shirt.
“Maybe we could take a shower now.”
Miguel nodded, hand reaching for yours so he could bring it up to his lips, pressing an adoring kiss to your knuckles.
“That sounds like a great idea, mi amor.”
You were both up and off then, gaits a bit messy from the alcohol, giggles and snickers being shared amongst the two of you as you bumped into walls and corners in your haste to get upstairs. By the time you had, you both were sure there’d be slight bruises to your hips from all the edges you wandered into. That was the last thing on your mind though as you both stumbled into the bathroom, lips locked, hands wandering. It didn’t take long for your dress to be unzipped and discarded, Miguel’s button up tossed somewhere over in the corner. Your mouths were messy, hands even messier. A few bumped teeth and bent back thumbs earning laughs from the two of you.
The giggles remained even when he was inside of you, the air light and fun. When he pinched his finger putting you up on the counter. When you threw your head back and knocked it against the mirror. Miguel’s life was dangerous, as was yours by default, so carefree moments like this were what made it all worth it. It was the coil in your stomach that brought about more seriousness as you clung to him, legs locked around his waist as he pounded into you, the vase on the counter wobbling and rocking slightly
“God, you feel so good, Miguel.”
He grunted, cock twitching within you at your praise.
“So perfect. Just for me.”
He cursed, willing himself to hold back, never liking to be the one to come first. Granted, he had already made you come twice, once with his fingers and another with his mouth, but he still wanted you to be the one to come first. Your words weren’t going to make it easy for him though.
“You always know how to get me, preciosa.”
You laughed, Miguel shuddering as your walls clenched and tightened with your chuckling.
“Fuck, stop that.”
His words only served to make you laugh more, your drunken brain not able to understand.
“Stop what? I thought you liked my laugh. You always said it was cute.”
He nodded, a small laugh of his own leaking out.
“I do. And it is. But not when I’m trying not to come.”
It clicked then and Miguel shook his head as your lips formed an O, now understanding.
“My apologies.”
You had meant to stop laughing. Truly, you had. But now you had the giggles, and they didn’t seem to be going anywhere or stopping any time soon. So, you laughed, and laughed more at Miguel’s clenched jaw, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead as he struggled, cursing as he spilled within you. Your giggles died down as he settled, your eyes enamored as they looked at him with not an ounce of disappointment, only love.
“Sorry. I couldn’t help it.”
Miguel nodded, understanding.
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me one.”
At that you quirked a brow, leaning up to tease him.
“I’d think you owe me one, actually.”
With a shake of his head, Miguel pulled out and nodded, a worryingly mischievous look in his eye as he agreed then sunk down to his knees before you, his breath chilling the mess that was spread over your lips and inner thighs.
“You’re absolutely right.”
General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl  @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast  @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114   @destynelseclipsa  @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben  @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters @myakai13 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lyly00 @kaystacks17 @cole-winchester  @alexxavicry  @savagemickey03  @fanfic-n-tabulous   @gangstaliciou06
Mayans MC taglist
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rin-fukuroi · 3 months
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 [𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: dom!Blade x sub!fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, unhealthy relationships, BDSM dynamics, detailed descriptions of bloody wounds, references to: suffocation, spanking, loss of virginity, masturbation, physical violence.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Architects - burn down my house
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have or will definitely have someone with whom you can be crazy together~
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art: @tiredceles_
Being obsessed with someone is so wrong and scary, but who decided that it really is?
To depend on a person so much that you deprive yourself of sleep waiting for the cherished rumble of the door to be heard in the corridor and you'll hear footsteps that make your heart ready to burst your chest and jump out. To devote yourself only to him so much that you are ready to stop breathing as soon as he give you an order. To be ready to betray and destroy the whole world for him, if necessary.
Is there anything wrong with that?
You feel so elated and indescribably happy when Blade says your name. It's like all those days, months, years that you spent with him didn't exist at all. You always look at him as if you've met him for the first time. A deity that you are ready to worship and follow his will for the rest of your days. You feel so wanted and loved when Blade touches you. It's like there's only you and him in the whole world, trapped in your bubble, cut off from everything around you. Only his sharp, overwhelming gaze, only the cool breath that blows over your face as he leans over you, teasingly touching his lips to yours, but never leaving a kiss on them. Only the metallic smell of blood that exudes from Blade's clothes and pale porcelain skin. You love all this so much, so why then should your affection be labeled wrong?
You like the fact that Blade keeps you locked up. It's like you're his treasure, which only his hand can touch, and only his scarlet flaming eyes can see. You like that sometimes Blade is rude to you. His possessive words and addresses, reminding you of your place, are always so exciting that you even caught yourself periodically pissing Blade off just so that he would punish you. After all, punishment always means that he will touch your body.
He can squeeze your throat so hard that you almost immediately lose consciousness, clinging so desperately to reality to see his face transformed into pleasure at the sight of you pitifully gasping for air with your lips. But you never show that you like it, even though Blade probably knows. He can slap you in the face, leaving a burning red mark from his big palm on your cheek, but all you want after that is to lock yourself in your room so that you can touch this possessive mark before it takes on the shade of your skin again. Blade can flog you. At first, he was amused by beating your soft flesh with his hands, but once he heard a satisfied moan escape from your chest, he decided that this was probably not enough to make you obey. And since then, your buttocks are decorated with long bloody stripes, which are left by a leather whip that ruthlessly collides with delicate skin dozens of times, but you never ask Blade to stop.
You liked his hand better, but these painful sensations that stay with you for many days… If these terrible wounds disfiguring your body are left by him, you don't mind. You even want more.
You're getting so greedy that even you're embarrassed by how many times you've imagined Blade kissing you. No matter how much you love the pain he causes you, sometimes all you want is just to feel wanted. And he skillfully uses it, driving you crazy with just a touch to your bare thigh or shoulder, after which, Blade knows, you get wet as quickly as you start fidgeting on his lap.
In fact, he wants to fuck you, but watching you suffer day by day, really trying not to touch yourself even in those moments when he is not at home, is much more exciting. Blade likes the idea that one day he'll take pity on you and give you what you so desperately want. How many times will you cum your first time? Oh, Blade's sure that the first time will be when he tells you that he'll finally take your virginity, as you dreamed.
He knows that you belong to him.
Not because he said so, you want it yourself. If not Blade, then what else can your thoughts be occupied with? You'll never leave him and you'll never betray him, just like an obedient, devoted dog who happily wags his tail at the sight of his master returning home.
Blade is cruel, cold-blooded. Mad. But you're mad too, aren't you?
It's so sweet that you think Blade doesn't notice how you hold his shirts to your face, savoring his scent before bitterly sending his clothes to the laundry. It's so cute that you hide his bloody bandages under your pillow, burying your nose in them every time before going to bed when he leaves you alone, not letting you into his bedroom. But even more charming is the way your face shines with undisguised happiness when Blade lets you sleep with him. He knows how you watch him until sleep gets the better of you, because he himself never really falls asleep before he hears you start to snore softly on the next pillow. Blade always opens his eyes, taking a short look at your figure, frozen in the same position in which you looked at his long hair scattered on the pillow, and eyelashes slightly trembling on pale cheeks.
So relaxed, devoted. Naive.
He could kill you at any moment, but you sleep next to Blade as if his bed is the safest place in the universe. Or as if you're willing to let him do whatever he wants.
— Come here, — Blade's deep voice is so dark and cold, even when he speaks to you, standing in the doorway of the living room and watching the viscous scarlet drops trickle from the tips of his long fingers onto the carpet. But you like the sound of his voice even like that.
Ah, that sweet shiver goes through your legs again, as it always does when Blade lets you get closer. He needs you today, he wants to see you. You are so happy that you can barely contain the joyful squeal that is stuck deep in your throat, while slowly, trying not to break into a run, you approach the chair. Your gaze lingers on the tangled bandages on the table for just a second before switching to Blade himself. His shirt is open, revealing a bandaged voluminous chest and a seductive torso peeking out from under white patches. The man is bent over, leaning on his own widely spread knees, and your eyes involuntarily stop at the muscular thighs in black trousers, the very sight of which makes the blood rush to your cheeks.
How much you would like to at least admire Blade's perfect body for a longer time, as if it was created by the very Deity of Beauty, but you obediently cover one of your palms with the other, slightly bowing your head before looking into the flaming bloody eyes.
— Sir… — you hesitantly almost whisper, looking away in embarrassment.
— You just like looking at me, don't you? — Blade grins crookedly, almost burning through your head with his piercing, sharp gaze. — But I see that you want to ask for something.
— If you'll excuse me, can I… — you blush even more, glancing at the man's bloody palm. — Can I help you?
For a moment, the silence that hangs between both of you is interrupted by Blade's sharp short exhale. You notice how he stretches his hand a little further along his knee, and you enthusiastically meet Blade's indifferent gaze, not saying a word. But there is no need for that.
You obediently hold the hem of your short skirt before kneeling in front of the man's outstretched palm, gently wrapping your trembling fingers around the cut wrist. Your fingers are instantly stained with blood, which doesn't stop oozing from deep cuts, which you carefully cover with your miniature palm before rising from the floor to reach your lips to the tips of your fingers, from which heavy red drops fall. Your lips slowly open, and the eyes rush to Blade's face in search of at least the slightest hint of displeasure. But he just watches in silence as you stick out your tongue, pressing a slippery muscle against his index finger before plunging the bloody phalanges into your mouth. You lick his finger so greedily, as if you don't feel that heavy metallic taste on your tongue, without taking your eyes off Blade's eyes, enjoying the show you're putting on. Burgundy viscous drops run down your lips as soon as you turn your attention to your middle finger, plunging it deep into the warmth of your mouth.
Every drop of blood is swallowed by you with such pleasure, as if you are drinking magnificent wine, unable to stop until it fills you to the last drop. These are all the pieces of Blade that can continue to live inside you. Isn't this wonderful, isn't this the highest degree of manifestation of your love and devotion that you can show to Blade?
— You make me sick, Y/N, — Blade grins, grabbing your chin with the tips of his free hand and forcing you to look up from your spontaneous meal.
You awkwardly look away before looking back into the iridescent, like molten metal, scarlet irises.
— Don't you like it, sir?
— You know what happens when you do something I don't like, — the man frowns, leaning closer to your face. — Are you really willing to do anything for me, huh?
— Yes, — you answer immediately, looking at Blade with eyes full of pure devotion and adoration. — I'll do whatever you say.
— If one day I get tired of you, — cold breath caresses the skin of your face as Blade slowly opens his mouth to lick the remaining drops of blood in the corner of your lips with his tongue before looking at you again. — Will you die for me?
Your heart felt as if it was being squeezed by a ghostly steel grip, driving sharp claws deep into the throbbing muscle.
— It's even more than anything I can only dream of.
A gentle smile touches your lips, and you lean towards the touch of long gloved fingers, dreamily closing your eyes.
— You're crazy, Y/N, — Blade's lips stretch, revealing a snow-white grin.
You're the only one who can share his madness with him. And this is the truth.
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chuuyrr · 1 year
bsd characters receive love letters from scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader — a valentine's day special
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungo stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs and jujutsu kaisen, fluff/comfort content
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungo stray dogs & jujutsu kaisen x child! reader
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which our beloved bungo stray dogs characters, especially dazai osamu, receive valentine's day love letters and discover that they came from you, the dimensional traveling scarlet witch who happens to come from a world of curses and sorcerers they knew and loved like a little sister or niece. click to view the full request here !
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there wasn't much work in the armed detective agency office, but dazai, being dazai, was exaggerating how it was february 14—a day of love and romance while also throwing in some comments about having someone to commit double suicide with, much to atsushi's dismay.
being the armed detective agency, they just weren't ones for holidays. duties calls given their line of work. it just so happened that today was miraculously not loaded with investigations and such.
while everyone else was just getting through the day, kunikida had returned from his own work, much to everyone's and dazai's surprise, carrying a large bag in one hand and a smaller bag in the other. it was quite amusing to see the young blonde man was struggling.
"woah, what'chu got there kunikida-kun?" ranpo inquired, poking at the large bag on the floor next to the blonde man.
"t-they're.. letters.." kunikida managed to say as he gasped for air with hands on his knees.
"letters? you mean work for us to do?!" exclaimed atsushi, whose mortified expression was mirrored by tanizaki.
"huh? no!" kunikida exclaimed, furrowing his brows, "they are love letters to dazai!"
everyone in the armed detective agency froze and practically screamed, "WHAT?!"
dazai's eyes lit up as he clasped his hands together, watching kunikida practically shove the massive bag of love letters towards him, "they're all for me? really?!"
"ugh, even until now, i still have the charms to lure ladies and gents!~" dazai exclaimed as he leaned back dramatically.
"that's an unusually large number of love letters," yosano's sweat dropped as she watched dazai open the bag to reveal more of the letters that were peeking out.
dazai chose the first envelope in the bag that had a "read me first!" note attached to it, and just by looking at it, he noticed that the handwriting was quite messy, which was appropriate for a child's handwriting.
he opened it right away and found his eyes widening in surprise, which somewhat alarmed everyone.
"what is it, dazai-san?" atsushi furrowed his brows in concern.
"it's from [name]-chan!" dazai exclaimed, his face bright and happy, waving the letter in the air as if he had won a million dollars.
"letters from [name]-chan?" kenji commented with a closed-eye smile, "aww, how sweet!"
"h-how?! [name]-chan wrote all of that?!" atsushi was in complete disbelief.
"happy valentine's day dazai-nii! sorry for not being able to go there to greet you and everyone myself," dazai read out the letter with a smile, everyone smiling in awe, "i've got you everyone letters though! the big bag is all yours dazai-nii, while the small bag contains everyone else's. all of the letters are written with love!"
"wow.. talk about favorites.." tanizaki chuckled softly and held the nape of his back as kunikida opened the smaller bag he was holding to reveal ten envelopes, each sealed with a barbie, baby shark, or pokemon sticker.
"of course, dazai-san would get more letters..." atsushi commented and patted tanizaki's shoulder as kunikida handed out letters to him, tanizaki, kyouka, kenji, yosano, ranpo, fukuzawa, naomi, and kirako.
"what else does the first letter say, dazai?" ranpo inquired, peering over dazai's shoulder with the others.
"[name]-chan said that the reason she couldn't come here was because her father had given her a temporary ban," dazai explained, his sweat and tone of voice dropping at his next words, "apparently [name]-chan had accidentally teleported to a world of human eating giants."
"is she okay?" kyouka clenched her fists, clearly worried about you, her little sister figure.
"[name]-chan is safe," dazai reassured the young girl as he read the letter, "her father just made her promise not to use her wiggly-woos magic for a little while, so she just sent us love letters instead."
"that's a good to hear, dazai," fukuzawa sighed in relief and placed a closed hand on his chest.
you expressed your heartfelt gratitude to dazai for looking after and loving you in the same way your adoptive father, gojo satoru, would, and as a result, you've always felt at ease with him and the rest of the armed detective agency. as dazai read your special valentine's day message for him, he couldn't help but giggle in delight.
dazai opened another envelope from the large bag meant for him and read its contents to the others, "hi dazai-nii! i'm at school today again but daddy's training gumi-nii, yuuji-nii, and nobara-nee today so i'm watching from the sides. i just saw gumi-nii faceplant and i can't stop laughing about it! it was really funny!"
"gumi-nii?" naomi cocked her head at the mention of an unfamiliar name.
"oh, that's [name]-chan's actual older brother," dazai explained, remembering you telling him everything about your family. "his name is megumi, but [name]-chan likes to call him gumi for short. yuuji and nobara, on the other hand, are megumi's classmates whom she sees as older brother and sister."
"oh! i didn't know [name]-chan had an actual older brother," atsushi commented, blinking.
dazai picked up another letter and read it, laughing, "hi dazai-nii! something funny happened today! i accidentally made yuuji-nii butt naked in front of the higher-ups with my wiggly-woos. i got in trouble though, but it's not too bad. daddy didn't give me kikufuku as usual for dessert after dinner as my punishment."
"she what?!" atsushi screamed as yosano, ranpo, and the others laughed and snickered.
"sometimes i forget just how powerful and funny [name]'s abilities can be," yosano continued to giggle at the story.
"but that is quite unfortunate however.." fukuzawa's cleared his throat, his sweat dropping at the mere thought of it.
dazai kept opening more of the letters you'd given him and reading them to the rest of the armed detective agency.
the next one after the wiggly-woos magic error was you telling him about the mama duck and her baby chicks you saw while strolling through the forest part of the school, or more accurately, running away from the sight of gojo satoru and his students because you did mention that everyone was frantically looking for you while you were simply watching the ducks. you even drew those ducks on your letter, or at least attempted to. it was completely unrecognizable, but you tried, okay?
"are you sure those are ducks?" kunikida squinted his eyes and adjusted his glasses, his sweat dropping.
"hey, now! don't shame [name]-chan's art! they're ducks if you look closely, kunikida-kun!" dazai elbowed the young blonde man before turning to kyouka, "it's a very good drawing, right kyouka-chan?"
"mhm," kyouka gave dazai a thumbs-up as she hummed in agreement.
"ah, kids," kunikida sighed, stifling a soft chuckle as he shook his head.
the following letters followed suit. you told dazai about the cartoon shows you watched, the food you ate, and the toys and clothes you received from your father and family members.
in fact, you told him everything that happened in your life, including you tripping and using your magic to help people in secret, and as dazai opened and read through them all, he soon realized that the reason you had sent him so many letters was because you'd been writing for him since the beginning of february, and it was exactly as you quoted,
"it's not everyday that i get to be in your universe to know yours, so i want you to get to know what being in mine is like," was what you wrote in the last letter that was in the bottom of the bag, "i've read your mind once dazai-nii, and well, i figured it would be a good try if i were to show you what living is like through my eyes. to get you to know what life is like for me here."
the next words at the bottom of the letter softened dazai's eyes, which were accompanied by hearts and a doodle of you and him together.
"it's the little things that makes life worth living, and i hope you know that me learning i can travel and going to your universe, meeting you and everyone there, and the rest of your other selves makes life worth living because i got to meet a family i never thought i'd have. it makes me feel like i'm never alone and that it is fate that made it happen. oh, and dazai-nii? i love you in every universe. happy valentine's day!"
dazai would be lying if he said he wasn't emotional. as expressive and comical as he was, it was unusual for him to be emotional, just as it was rare for him to be caught off guard.
nonetheless, dazai leaned back further in his seat, closing his eyes as he smiled and took in your final message in the last letter, and softly whispered, "happy valentine's day, [name]-chan. i love you too in every universe."
it wasn't just dazai who was overcome with emotion. the rest of the armed detective agency was, too, as they opened the love letters they received from you next.
as you thanked fukuzawa for looking after you, he was soft with how you see him as an uncle or grandpa figure. you even drew cats on his letter and told fukuzawa about the cats you saw in the park when you returned to your world. he did, however, started sweating with worry when you told him you would summon an army of cats if he so desired because you love him that much!
yosano thought it was very sweet that you saw her as a very cool auntie figure with whom you enjoyed hanging out and talking about girl-stuff. you also thanked her for tending to your minor injuries while visiting and playing in their universe, and you expressed your love with doodles of butterflies because they remind you of her.
ranpo, like dazai, was smiling the entire time he read your praises for him being the best uncle detective you ever had and how much you enjoyed solving mysteries with him. you even sent ranpo some of your favorite candy and chocolate with the letter he received from you.
the tanizaki siblings were in awe by your valentine's day letter. naomi and junichiro were both happy to read your appreciation for them caring for and loving you as if you were their little sister.
kyouka became shy when she discovered your letter for her littered with doodles of bunnies and hydrangeas. even if it was barely recognizable, she still loved it because you remembered her, and most importantly, she's extremely glad you see her as an older sister figure whom you admire and look up to. kyouka became timid of your compliments about her beauty and coolness too, however.
kenji thought it was very sweet of you to look up to him as an older brother figure you admired. you drew a bunch of farm animals like cows and chickens on his letter, similar to kyouka's letter, even if it was barely recognizable due to your exceptional drawing abilities as a child.
kunikida was flustered, caught off guard by your sweet words of love and gratitude for him, but he was extremely proud of being the uncle figure you could look up to and rely on.
atsushi was beaming brightly as he read your valentine's day letter to him. you thanked atsushi and expressed your love for him by drawing a tiger and many hearts on his letter. he reminded you of your yuuji-nii, so you told him how grateful you were to have a yuuji-nii in this world, and not than just a gumi-nii :)
last but not least, kirako was surprised that you gave her a valentine's day letter despite not being as close to you as the others and was merely a clerk there, but she was extremely grateful that you acknowledged her presence and her caring for you alongside naomi.
the armed detective agency fell in love with your personal letters for them and couldn't help but wish you were here with them so they could personally thank you and tell you how much they love you, their little sharpest detective.
however, it wasn't just the armed detective agency that got love letters.
the port mafia was no exception.
"uwaaah! a love letter from [name]-chan, my best friend!" exclaimed an ecstatic elise as she admired the pink envelope chuuya handed her.
as amusing as it was, the port mafia truly believed they were receiving death threats from an organization when a bag of letters was mailed. they were shocked to learn that you had sent them love letters—as if they weren't already criminals. goodness, you truly were an angel sent from above.
"i've got a letter from [name]-chan, too?" koyou cupped her mouth with her kimono sleeve as chuuya handed her an envelope, blushing.
"apparently so, ane-san," said chuuya, shrugging his shoulders and casting a glance at the siblings under the black lizard who was in the office with them, "chibi also wrote letters to tachihara, hirotsu, gin, and akutagawa, even higuchi was no exception."
"my, my, isn't that sweet of her?" koyou's eyes softened and she smiled as she opened the envelope and read your letter towards to reveal your valentine's day message for her, which was you thanking her for looking after you when chuuya was busy—for being an older sister or mama-figure you could look up to and love.
as they read your letter, the akutagawa siblings remained silent, not daring to say anything. gin was blushing behind her mask. she clearly wasn't expecting your kind and sweet words. in contrast, akutagawa ryunosuke was more surprised than impressed by the revelation that he resembles your actual older brother, fushiguro megumi.
"whaaat? all of you received letters from [name]-chan?" mori inquired in a dramatic tone as looked at his subordinates, "i don't have one!"
"serves you right, rintaro!" elise laughed as she pointed at mori mockingly.
chuuya shrugged off the port mafia boss and turned your letter towards him, and it wasn't long before he began to smile in awe. you wrote him a poem, or rather tried to because some words didn't exactly rhyme, but it was very sweet—how much you looked up to him and loved him as your chuuya-nii! what really made chuuya happy was when you declared him your favorite over dazai. chuuya was going to blackmail that idiot vagabond with this.
"happy valentine's day, chibi," chuuya murmured to himself, his blue eyes softening and adoring the doodle you made of him and you, "heh, i'll make sure to give you a small bouquet of your favorite flowers and chocolates when you get here as my thanks."
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[ author's notes ! happy belated valentine's day everyone. hope you enjoyed reading this, i had fun writing it even though it took me a while due to my hectic schedule lol. PLEASE i literally have midterm exams tomorrow and had to insert this fic in my schedule since it's no longer february 14 and i have to get it published soon. thank you for requesting dear anon, i hope you didn't mind me bullying mori here 😆]
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