#rural queers
degenderates · 3 months
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Tim Miller, "GLORY BOX."
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rootin-n-bootin · 3 months
I wish more folks knew about the gay rodeo :(
Cool community, incredible history, and amazing opportunity to interact with queer elders
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serpentandthreads · 8 months
People are all about changing things and doing things to help low-income communities until they are reminded that this includes the poor rural communities that they've demonized.
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hyenabeanz · 1 month
This video is such a gift to the queers omg.
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razzek · 5 months
One thing that's starting to really get to me with the James Somerton stuff is a real strong undercurrent of disdain toward his fans. And yeah, I was one of them. A good scam artist isn't as easy to spot as y'all seem to think. You forget that you have all the information right now. Two days ago most of you had never heard of him and it would have kept going. Anyone can fall for a scam, nobody is immune. I would love to have had whatever resources you guys think we all should magically know about so I could have kept my sad $5 a month I really needed but thought was going to something worthwhile. Some of us can only devote so much energy into things and when you have no idea whatsoever that something is amiss of course you're not going to go digging for sources, why would you when everything is fine as far as you know? I really wish I could have seen the dissenting opinions on him but for many, many reasons that aren't just that the dissenting voices weren't widely circulating at the time all I had was the thought every now and again that "huh that doesn't seem right" and then go on with my day. And I think that happened to a lot of us. So yeah. Say what you gotta say about Somerton, he has more than earned it with the damage he's caused, but maybe don't shit so hard on his former fans because that is going to be you someday with something, it happens to everyone sooner or later.
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farmerlesbian · 11 months
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I just heard about this website called TransRural Lives which just went live! Go check it out! You can also find them on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.
"A digital storytelling project exploring and celebrating the lives of transgender older adults who live in or have strong ties to rural areas and small towns in the Pacific Northwest."
The stories are audio recordings from the trans elders themselves, and I find it incredible to listen to their stories and literally hear their voices. This is definitely worth checking out and maybe even getting connected and sharing your story. You will also find a variety of resources and archives on the website. Check it out!
If you want to get involved, they're taking volunteers, donations, help to spread the word, and stories from rural trans people. Here's some info from the website on who they are looking to hear stories from:
Who is eligible to participate in the project? 
Transgender* adults 50 years of age and older who live in or have strong ties to rural areas and smaller cities/towns in Washington State (outside the Sea-Tac metro). In 2024, we will be expanding the project to include transgender older adults who live in Oregon, Idaho, western Montana, and British Columbia.  
* We include and welcome anyone and any identity that falls outside the gender binary, including nonbinary, genderqueer, gender-diverse, gender non-conforming, and Two-Spirit folks. 
Edit to add: I am in no way associated or affiliated with this project. I simply came across it while surfin' the web and thought yall would be into it and wanted to share it with tumblr! If you have thoughts or feedback or want to get involved or just want to talk to the project, I encourage you to reach out to them. Check out the website! I have zero affiliation with it.
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sunny-rants · 3 months
ya know that thing where something is so hyper-feminine that it becomes a distinctly queer style? well I feel like there’s a new one where the rural or country or christian vibes are so strong that it circles around to being queer
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bitchwholoveslife · 1 year
The thing about being androgynous or gnc in a rural area is that...
You don't want the stares. Not really. But you do want to be the kind of person who gets stared at. So eventually, you come to equate being stared at with doing something right. And maybe it never stops hurting, the way that the locals eye you like you're some kind of spectacle. But it also becomes encouraging in its own way.
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Shout out to sleepy femmes, femmes that are libra suns or taurus suns, cozy femmes, femmes that sew, black and brown femmes, femmes who love autumn and winter, autistic femmes, strawberry and cinnamon femmes, softhearted femmes, sweetheart femmes, sensitive femmes, bunny and mouse femmes, femmes who love pink and brown, femmes that drink tea and hot cocoa, baker femmes, femmes with gardens, femmes who love animals, crybaby femmes, femmes who love romcoms, femmes that do yoga, femmes who love romance, gold jewelry femmes, femmes with brown eyes, grandmacore femmes, teddy bear femmes, femmes who read fantasy and poetry, femmes who love pearls, femmes who love thunderstorms, femmes who love candles, mom/parent friend femmes, outdoorsy femmes, fuzzy sock femmes, midwestern femmes, pastel femmes, cuddly femmes, deer femmes, vintage femmes, brown mascara femmes, femmes that sleep with stuffies, femmes with pets, femmes who’s feelings are too big, ditsy femmes, big sweater femmes, princess femmes, femmes with speech impediments, femmes with ocd, southern femmes, femmes with sensory issues, strawberry femmes, lactose intolerant femmes, shy femmes, sweater paws femmes, femmes who like cleaning, femme wives, pink autumn femmes, and pinterest femmes
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roxisucks · 6 days
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deutsche-bahn · 5 months
Ich habe gerade den letzten Zug vom bar crawl in der Großstadt meiner Wahl nach Hause erwischt. War nur leider der Zug, den sich auch die größte, betrunkenste Geburtstagsparty-Gruppe der Republik für ihren Heimweg ausgesucht hatten. Fick mich ins Knie, Vorfreude kommt auf.
Die Herren sind alle relativ jung, tragen bei sechs Grad Außentemperatur nur Tshirts und singen Geburtstagslieder mit einer Lautstärke, die ich sonst nur von der Hauptbühne des Hurricane-Festivals gewohnt bin. Dabei kennen sie meist nur die erste Strophe der Geburtstagslieder. Danach zerläuft sich der Gesang kläglich, zumindest für ein paar Sekunden, bevor das nächste Lied mit neuer Begeisterung angestimmt wird. Repeat for 20 minutes.
Irgendwann wird das Singen scheinbar doch langweilig. Die Jungs pöbeln das Geburtstagskind an, dann sich gegenseitig, dann schubsen sie sich durch den Raum, der eigentlich zum Abstellen von Fahrrädern gedacht ist. Irgendwer wirft eine Flasche nach mir. Sie landet zwischen den Sitzen. Ich bin irgendwie selber zu high und betrunken um zu realisieren was gerade passiert ist. Dann brüllt einer den Flaschenwerfer an: "Ey, spinnst du, da ist Pfand drauf!" Jetzt nehme ich es ihnen übel.
Der Zug entleert sich an der Endhaltestelle auf den Bahnsteig, einer von ihnen murmelt mir zum Abschied eine homophobe Beleidigung zu. Cool. Ich freue mich auf die vier Kilometer Heimweg.
Ich bestelle mir lieber ein Taxi, stehe zwanzig Minuten am Bahnhofseingang herum und rufe dann erneut bei der Taxizentrale an, frage nach, wann besagtes Taxi denn bitte komme. "Kommt noch nicht, is keiner frei". Auf Nachfrage erfahre ich, dass so schnell auch niemand frei werden wird. Ich liebe Kleinstädte. Währenddessen sehe ich erneut meine allerliebste Geburtstagstruppe, die gerade einen Abstecher zum Döner-Fassen gemacht hat und jetzt wieder Richtung Bahnhof wankt. Großartig, cool cool cool cool. Ich verpisse mich in die andere Richtung. Nach Hause laufe ich. Der einzige Vorteil ist, dass ich somit um vier Uhr morgens bereits mein Schrittziel erreicht habe (bitte öffnet an dieser Stelle nen Sekt für mich).
Ich komme nach Hause, schlecht gelaunt, irgendwie desorientiert. Idk, ich würde gerne ne witzigere Anekdote daraus zaubern, aber irgendwie fehlt mir da die Energie für. Keine Pointe, nicht mal 'ne Pfandflasche, ich gehe jetzt schlafen.
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rootin-n-bootin · 3 months
I wish more folks knew about the gay rodeos :(
Cool community, lots of history, and it’s been fantastic getting to interact with my queer elders
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serpentandthreads · 1 year
This is your reminder that telling rural queers to move to bigger cities or different countries because they are often more "queer friendly" is not a solution. There will always be queer people in rural towns, and not all of us want to leave our small towns. Those who do are probably stuck financially because, in case some of you don't know: relocating to a different city or country is fucking expensive.
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redtreedraws · 5 days
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2024, digital art. Finished print size 9x12.
I grew up in Appalachia with the periodic cicadas. My great grandmother believed that we would have 13 years of war or 13 years of peace based on their wings. While I’m not in the area that gets to experience the double brood this year, I really wanted to make something to commemorate it.
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1unpunishable1 · 6 months
Sun Bleached Flies
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fettfleisch · 8 months
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Countryside is nympho pride
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