#roy harper's sister
aalghul · 2 months
Okay, I’ve been emboldened by your recent assertion that you don’t bite and differences in opinions are okay. I also have a genuine question for you. Mine is re: Roy and Jason. It is my understanding that pre new 52 Roy fell in love with and made a baby with a literal assassin. I’ve seen so many references from Roy fans that given Roy’s pre new 52 characterization, he could/would never become friends with Red Hood Jason. I am unable to square the circle of that reasoning in my mind, given his history with Jade/Chesire. If you were interested on espousing on this topic, I would love to hear your thoughts.
Roy and Jade's relationship never lasted in the end (despite how desperately they've loved each other) because she would not give up that life and he could not compromise on someone that close to him killing. Roy is more than willing of working with and even understanding people who use lethal force (I think I've mentioned a few times that him teaming up with Jason temporarily would work for that reason), but he can't be heavily involved with that person long term, in any way. He's an incredibly flexible character when it comes to the types of people he can get along with, and he has more love and understanding in his heart than most. But Roy draws a line for himself. He couldn't even stay in the outsiders long term because he belongs where the traditional heroes are. You can see where the difficulty is in trying to make Jason and Roy best friends, or even in carrying out a team-up as long term as RHATO.
Separate from the morality conflict, Roy also has a specific dynamic with many people younger than him that I think we forget to take into account. His interactions with people noticeably younger than him (while he was in his mid-late 20s) generally seem to follow him trying to be a leader and guiding figure, with the younger person learning from him. His friendships with those people is rarely ever the same as the friendship he has with people his own age. Jason's ~7 years younger than Roy, and is around 19-21 in the years after UTRH. That would make 26-28. Roy's experienced fatherhood at this point, he had relationships and ups and downs and established a place for himself in the hero community. Jason is a teenager who's really only just now realizing there's a life ahead of him. Any dynamic they have will need to take all of that into account. This is a huge part of why they don't work as each other's best friends.
I know you didn't ask for that last bit, but I was thinking about it a while ago and I don't think we talk about it enough. It's just as much of an issue with Roy and Jason being best friends, or anything along that line, as morality is.
If you see more aggressive assertions about how Roy would hate Jason, then that's probably frustration more than anything. Roy's entire character has been replaced by for the sake of Jason and Roy's RHATO dynamic. It's not surprising that anger makes people exaggerate or believe that because they're so personally sick of seeing it. I understand that and honestly, if Roy was my favourite character, I'd never want to hear about Jason near him either lol
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queenmxkealson · 8 months
I’ve decided to change a face claim for my Elizabeth Wayne series….so Jason Todd’s face claim is now jenson ankles, he voiced Jason in under the red hood and he’s hot so a win win.
This pose screams Jason Todd
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Then this photo
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Also the voice, so for the rest of my fics he’s gonna be face claim, also for my Jayroy lovers im glad to announce that Jason and Roy will be together.
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
I was gonna make a post about how i wish the DC fandom would say Stephanie has a thing for mean but kind goths because of Tim and Cass(and also because i relate so much to her already so that would only add to it)like how they do with Dick having a thing for redheads because of Kory,Roy,Babs and Wally with my reasoning being that there actually is as much good writing and evidence for Stephcass as there is for Timsteph in the comics unlike with D/B and D/W but then i remembered Jason exists so he'd definitely get shoved into it and now ion wanna.Can't have shit in Gotham
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 month
Apparently I don’t talk about Roy Harper enough because my sister, mainly into dc cartoons and doesn’t know much about the Arrowverse unless listening to my rants, cut me off mid ramble to ask “where is Roy in the Arrowverse?”
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martyrbat · 2 years
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[ID: two panels talking about Lian Harper as she plays in the park. The narrative box says, "... but how many other kids have a superhero like Arsenal for a dad? Not to mention a nanny named Rose who's a master of martial arts." Rose is standing on the sidelines with the other guardians as she watches Lian play. She has her arms crossed and has a small, protective smile. END ID]
finished the rose wilson babysitting arc and i already miss it
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Young Justice was such a wild show. Like. It's based off a 90's comic by the same name. It contains exactly 1 (one) character from the source media, who they immediately change beyond recognition. It used Dick Grayson's Robin and Wally West's Kid Flash, but made Roy Harper the old jaded one. Instead of Wondergirl, they gave Martian Manhunter a niece. They invented a brand new Aqualad. A random 90's villain gets shunted into Arrowette's role, arguably gets the most compelling emotional story of the entire show, and turns out to be related to half the villains they ever meet.
They're a secret black ops team made entirely of teenagers. At one point several of them die onscreen. The martian almost murders several people. There's kind of a pseudo incest plot. There is an episode that takes place almost entirely through mandated therapy sessions.
The show does actually bring in a second character from the original Young Justice, in an episode where Artemis almost dies only to be saved by Secret, the ghost of the villain's sister (who was a member of the original comics team). In the same episode, Superboy and Miss Martian trick a classmate into thinking there's an alien invasion using a Loony Tunes character. Neither of these events are ever mentioned again.
The timeline of the show means that Dick Grayson became Nightwing at 15. They accidentally create Beast Boy because Miss Martian has been impersonating his mom. Aqualad ends up as the leader of the Justice League.
Five years go by between seasons, resulting in a completely different show. I could make the argument that Young Justice was Weisman's OC fanfiction of the comic series. Everything after season 2 is unwatchable. This is the show that got me into fandom. I adore it.
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c-nstantine · 28 days
how would roy ask each of the batfam members for their blessing(s) to marry batsis? i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that jason is gonna get emotional bcs no matter how much that asshat acts like he’s all mr tough guy, he’s actually a sucker for gestures like these
"Mr. Wayne?"
"I wanted your permission to ask Y/N to marry me,"
"I understand your want for my permission but trust me when I say my daughter would do whatever she wanted with or without my permission. However, I am glad that she has someone like you in her life. Good luck."
"She's my sister!"
"We've been dating for like ever,"
"That's different,"
"So, can I marry her?"
"I guess, as long as I'm in the wedding,"
"I love her,"
"I know. If you hurt her any capacity, I'm no longer your best friend but your worst nightmare"
"So you wanna marry Y/N?"
"Happy for you and all but are you sure you want to be legally bound to this family?"
"Yes, I think,"
"Power to you,"
"I know everything about you. I will quite literally destroy your life, socially, physically, and any other way you can imagine."
"I haven't even asked yet,"
"I know,"
"I really wanna marry your sister. I love her "
" 'Kay,"
"How would you feel if I married your sister?"
"I don't care for you nor like you but you make Y/N the happiest I have ever seen her for some reason."
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starsapphire · 2 months
i can't even take jayroy seriously because roy harper has literally no reason to be even friends with jason. he's roy's best friend's really weird little brother who used to follow them around like a lost puppy and then grew up to become a giant asshole who creeps out roy's sister. he is NOT allowed in roy's house
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
Your opinions are sooo correct & sexy! I wanna know what you think about the switch of Roy being Dick's friend to (primarily) Jason's friend. Like in terms of both canon & fanon
(no pressure to answer though, just curious!)
ive talked about this before, so im not being facetious when i say that i don’t think there is anything remotely salvageable in the jason+roy relationship. i hate it.
when u consider current comic canon (that’s more or less tepidly reverted to post-crisis, pre-2011 canon), there is literally no reason why a freshly single father would be besties with his actual best friend’s 12yo brother. it’s profoundly unserious. even removing dick from the equation, in what world would roy be closer to jason than he is to ollie or donna or dinah or wally or jade or connor or mia or grant or vic or grace or literally any of the other titans?
i truly don’t think fans who like their relationship in that capacity care about roy, his history as a character, or his characterisation, because he is reduced to a demeaning, dehumanised depiction of any addict that is so totally divorced from his previous runs. how can u look at the roy harper that exists in rhato canon and not feel insulted that lobdell removed his family, his culture, his teammates, and his daughter in favour of making him swoon over jason? how is this a remotely egalitarian relationship when he exists to facilitate jason’s development and nothing else? how is roy treated with any respect by these fans?
the spiralling fanon vortex pulls everyone around roy in and ruins them by association. think about how unkind these interpretations of ollie are, or jade, or dick. how the actual important people in roy’s life, who love him and lian, are demonised to make room for jason. how unsympathetic the writing is to addicts, and how roy’s own addiction is switched as if different substances are interchangeable? how can u seriously engage with stories about sexual assault that posit roy as a slut-shaming, immature asshole who would seriously blame anyone for their own assault? it makes me so angry.
that’s even ignoring that roy would objectively not be cool with the things jason does, whether it be dealing, murdering people, or attacking roy’s own sister. roy has a moral backbone and isn’t afraid to be loud about it. there’s never been a team he was on pre-reboot where he hadn’t spoken up against shitty leadership or bad decisions — especially with dick. the difference in respect between dick and jason, where roy is allowed to be an adult with the titans and the outsiders and the league but is the team pet of the outlaws who can’t advocate for himself, is very stark.
it’s literally like if they decided to change kon to be damian’s best friend instead of tim’s, ignoring the age difference and their history together and any pre existing relationships. that’s how absurd the change was. that’s how much kon would have to be mischaracterised in order for that relationship to “work.”
jason could exist as an interesting contrast to roy, the same way he does to dick, but that would rely on roy being written well. it would have to mean they weren’t friends, that they weren’t close, and that jason wasn’t an actual part of his life, because that’s the only way they could exist together without roy being thrown on the fire to keep jason warm.
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celaenaeiln · 27 days
Hi! Hope you're having a good day.
Also, first time asking someone😅. And also, I love how you explain a lot of Dick Grayson's character!
So, I'm still pretty new to the DC fandom, got into it by watching Teen Titans 2003. And there are a lot of opinions about who Dick's Best Friend is. Sometimes it's Victor Stone, sometimes Rachel Roth, or Roy Harper, or Wally West, Donna Troy, maybe Jason Todd.
So, the question is, who is Dick Grayson's Best Friend?
Hello!!! You too and thank you so much!! ❤️💕💕💕!!
Dick's best friends are Donna Troy and Wally West. I'm gonna put Donna Troy aside for a moment and say it's Wally only because Donna is Dick's sister. Yes, he views her as his bestfriend but she's closer than that. I'll even go as far as to say she's closer to him than he is to the batfamily which - phew. Whatever word you can use to describe that, then that's what they are. So in that sense, she's a whole separate category of her own.
Therefore, Wally West is Dick Grayson's best friend. The nice thing about this is that Dick comes right out and says it which makes my life easier lol
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Titans (2008) Issue #23
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #90
Dick is Wally's best friend too. They're so close that no matter what their year has been like, no matter what they've gone through, they ALWAYS make room in their busy schedules to go on yearly bro-cations.
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Flash Plus
lmao these two 🤣🤣
As Dick mentioned before, Wally brightens Dick's life. Dick is constantly stressed and working and kinda sorta depressed all the time but Wally forcefully drags him out of work just so he can have fun. He convinced Dick to put the Titans together again in Titans (1999) just for the mere fact that he wanted Dick to be happy. He wanted Dick to be with his family since Titans are family.
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Titans (1999) Issue #1
"What do you want, a mission statement? Fine. My mission is to keep you from turning into your guardian. Batman may be a loner, but you need a family around you."
"You'd really join another team just so I could have a social life?"
yes, dick, he would.
He and Dick were childhood best friends. They hung over at each other's places for fun aside from being on the og titans team.
So in the end, Wally is 100% Dick's best friend.
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royharperism · 2 months
Seeing Jayroy as a ship exist outside of the confines of N52 is weird. Not only was Roy 8 years older than Jason, but Jason canonically kidnapped Mia Dearden, Roy’s sister than threw her SA trauma as a child sex worker into her face before blowing up her school. Yeah that’s exactly who Roy Harper wants to date.
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theodorecanaryhood · 1 month
Roy’s brother
Jason Todd x Roy Harper x Male! Reader
Jason (top right) Roy (bottom left) and reader (bottom right)
Author note: Hello 👋 took a short break to meet my little nephew, my brother and sister in law are doing great and I’m ready to entertain you all again!
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It was a long night for Roy as he found his body aching, his arms tired and shaking and his head pounding.
The hot water hit Roy’s skin as he took a deep sigh, soap cleaning him up as he stood under the shower.
The nights sleep was a great one, Roy slept deeply as the sun rose against his freckles.
‘Morning’ Jason spoke gravelly as he sipped his coffee.
‘Morning J-Dog’ Roy smiled a little as he poured himself a coffee.
The two best friends were in a comfortable silence, waking up from the hit of caffeine. Patrol was rough for the two, but the day was going to be filled with adventures.
Jason sprayed his cologne as Roy came out of his room, Jason smiled a little.
‘Nice outfit’ Jason winked as Roy laughed.
‘Thanks, you too. Great choice of fashion by the way’ Roy complimented his best friend.
‘Well, gay guys don’t spend all that time in the closet for nothing’ Jason joked.
The two strolled the streets, got lunch and got a few drinks at the bar across town. The day turned later as Jason started to feel hungry again.
‘Grab us a table, I’ll meet you there. Y/n just pulled up’ Roy said as Jason went into the restaurant.
Roy hadn’t seen his little brother since graduation, you’d moved once you left education and saw the world.
Jason hadn’t met you before as you weren’t on the scene, you’d visited Roy over time but it was always just the two of you.
Roy walked in laughing as Jason looked up from his phone, he saw two red headed men walking towards him.
‘Jay, this is y/n, my baby brother. Y/n this is my best friend Jason’ you two were introduced.
Jason seemed a little shy as he spoke to you, the couple of times that Roy took a bathroom break Jason would seem shy to talk to just you.
You’d been there for a week already, time had flown by. You decided you wanted to stay where you were.
Travelling was done, now it is time to settle and work. Live in one place and see where you go.
‘So, celebrity crush?’ Jason asked the table as the three of you sat drinking.
‘Emily Blunt and Margot Robbie’ Roy said with no hesitation.
Jason rolled his eyes at the obvious choice for Roy, you chuckled.
‘Y/n?’ Jason asked as you thought, mostly because you didn’t know the reaction you would get.
‘Vinnie Hacker and Kaden Hammond’ you answer, Jason raised his eyebrows.
‘Tattooed and bad boy type, it’s hot’ you finished.
‘I guess mine is a guy with red hair’ Jason smiled a little, as he blushed.
Roy felt the need to make a comment as he saw Jason had been checking you out.
‘I bet his big brother would beat the fuck out of you if you hurt him’ Roy said sternly as Jason nodded.
‘Am I missing something?’ You asked, both men shook their heads.
A few more days, you decided to wake up early to clean and cook for Jason and Roy. They’d been having hard patrols.
‘Morning handsome’ Jason whistled as he walked in, wearing just his briefs.
‘Hey’ you almost gasped as you saw Jason’s tattoo filled, rock hard abs.
Roy walked in the door as he saw you handing Jason a cup of coffee, noticing that you were now checking out Jason.
‘Morning you two’ Roy announced his presence, you handed your brother his coffee.
The three of you sat and had breakfast as well as watching movies together in the afternoon.
‘Right, patrol time. Behave yourselves’ Roy said as he stood up and went to get ready.
Jason didn’t know how to approach his new attraction to his best friends brother, he went outside for a smoke break - only to be approached by you doing the same thing.
‘You smoke?’ Jason asked you, you nodded a little.
‘Yeah, Roy doesn’t know’ you revealed as Jason chuckled.
Jason placed his and your cigarette in his mouth as he lit them both, handing you yours.
You inhaled the smoke deeply as Jason checked you out, admiring your presence. Feeling calm and wanting only to grab hold of you.
‘You ok?’ You asked, Jason nodded, still not sure how to tell you.
He’d been picturing you in his head, lying next to him in his bed. Your bare body pressed against his, it made Jason spend nights having to relieve himself plenty of times. You in his head.
Jason threw his cigarette end on the ground, the orange tip fell to the floor as you did the same.
‘Beer?’ You asked as Jason smiled a little, with a slight nod.
It was a slow night as the two of you got to know each other better. The two of you smoked and drank together.
Jason felt himself burning as he saw your red hair flop as you ran your fingers through it. Roy knew from the start that Jason liked you, Roy knew you probably did too.
‘Jason?’ You said his name for the fifth time as Jason zoned out.
‘Sorry’ he replied as he caught you staring into his eyes, your e/c eyes burned through his.
Jason caught himself reaching for your hand across the table, surprised to see you greeting his touch.
Before long, Jason’s lips were on yours in a passionate kiss. Your bodies tangled together as you both shed your clothes.
‘You a top or bottom?’ Jason asked you, you chuckled.
‘Verse’ you sighed as Jason threw you on the bed, crawling on top of you as you kissed him again.
Jason’s body was on top of yours in seconds, his length buried deep inside you.
Jason was an animal that night, he had you in positions you’d never heard of. He was gentle with you, making sure you were ok.
Jason made you feel things you’d never felt before.
The sun rose strong this morning as your red hair was messed, your naked body splayed on the bed next to Jason.
You saw the time, realising that it was morning. You’d fallen asleep and realised Roy was probably home.
‘Shit’ you whispered as you rolled out of Jason’s bed, searching for your underwear.
You snuck to the shower, seeing marks on your body from your wrestle with Jason last night. Some you wouldn’t be able to hide as well as others.
Jason appeared in the shower behind you, placing his hand over your mouth.
It wasn’t too long before Jason was inside you again. The hot water hit your skin as Jason found a rhythm inside you.
With Jason’s hand over your mouth, you let out muffled moans. Feeling Jason empty himself inside you once again.
‘Good morning’ Jason whispered in your ear, you kissed him as you smiled.
You finished in the shower as Jason shaved and brushed his teeth at the sink, watching you get out of the shower.
‘Hand me the towel’ you pointed as Jason handed you the towel. Very reluctantly.
‘Think Roy’s awake yet?’ Jason asked, you shrugged as you dried yourself off with the towel.
Breakfast was awkward as Roy was none the wiser about the events of the night before, he sipped his coffee sleepily.
‘You guys get along?’ Roy asked, you saw Jason shoot you a wink.
‘Yeah, you could say that’ you replied, Roy nodded.
‘Get upto much?’ He followed, Jason smiled, standing behind Roy as he poured his coffee.
‘No’ Jason replied, as deadpanned as he could.
Over the next few nights, the two of you would sneak into each other’s bed. Have nights of passion, and sneak back early morning before Roy got up.
You began to feel bad, lying to your older brother wasn’t how you wanted this to go. But damn, Jason was with the thrill.
After a month, Jason was becoming more intense, not liking when Roy came up with the bright idea of setting you up with someone.
Jason was a little rough that night, he became very possessive. Some would say, protective.
Jason rested his head on the pillow as you lay your head on his chest, the two of you sharing a cigarette as you waited for the heat to rush back down again.
‘Y/n, I have to tell you something’ Jason broke the silence.
‘Mmm’ you hummed, turning your head a little to look at Jason.
‘I love you’ Jason stared into your eyes, you smiled brighter than you ever had.
‘I love you too’
Another shared kiss as you both celebrated a revelation, celebrating the love you two shared.
‘What the fuck?’ Roy almost screamed, standing in the doorway.
You jumped as Jason bolted out of your bed, standing in nothing but his underwear.
‘What the fuck Jason? My little brother? You and my little brother? I can’t believe this, the two of you’ Roy raged, his skin colour matching his red hair.
Jason stayed where he was, even though Jason is much bigger and taller than Roy, he’s seen what he can do when he’s angry.
‘Roy, I can explain’ you tried to reason.
Roy was fired up, ready to hit someone and you didn’t want it to be your boyfriend.
‘Roy, we’re in love, please. Don’t be angry, we both wanted it’ you said, walking slowly to your older brother.
His heart began to feel less heavy, his eyes turned back to emerald as Roy felt himself calm down.
‘Is that true? Do you love my brother Jason?’ Roy asked sternly, Jason nodded.
‘I do, I love him’ Jason confirmed, Roy sighed, running his hand through his red hair.
Roy would never be ok with his best friend dating his little brother, but he also would never be ok hurting either of you.
‘You break his heart, I’ll break your fucking kneecaps’ Roy pointed to Jason.
Jason nodded, believing it, you smiled a little as Roy shook his head a little.
It was a rough night as Roy didn’t sleep, thinking everything in his head. He never asked the gory details, he figured you two had slept together.
Roy smiled when he saw Jason kiss the top of your head, it was the next morning in the kitchen.
Jason kissed your head, you held onto Jason’s hand. The two of you shared a quick kiss as Jason walked with you to the table.
‘You ok?’ You asked your older brother, who was smiling a little.
‘I will be’ was all he said in response.
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queenmxkealson · 11 months
I’ve seen people use Taron Eagerton as a Roy face claim
OooOo I like him, this him tho? Usually people use Colton Haynes, thanks for responding 。^‿^。
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Roy:Awww,you don't think i'm the coolest ever anymore?Is it because i'm gonna be your big brother in law one day?
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rockingthegraveyard · 9 months
Notable kids Jason knew in his childhood.
In no particular order. Realized I did kind of put them in order from post to pre Robin era.
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Rena (Detective Comics 561 / 563-565)
Pre-crisis Jason's girlfriend. They met in high school after Jason was adopted by Bruce. They were both the new kids and found companionship with each other.
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Numbers (Batman: Gotham Nights 11)
Briefly lived together at Ma Gunn's. Numbers took punishment in Jason's stead because Jason was kind to him. Jason saved him in return, as an adult, from an assassin.
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Gabby Christensen (Red Hood / Arsenal 4)
Homeless kid, along with Jason, who looked out for Jason before he was adopted by Bruce. Would comfort and try to tend to his injuries despite him lashing out.
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Max Dawkins (Truth & Justice 10)
Ran with Jason when he was homeless. Jason notes that Max looked after him like a brother and Jason considered him he best friend. Jason would leave money for Max to find after he was adopted. Lets just ignore the fact he was created just to be murdered, he is still alive, fuck you DC.
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Dana Harlowe / Strike (Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) 51-52)
Possibly Jason's oldest friend. Dana's father seem quite familiar with Jason, recognizing him as an adult and remembering him fondly. Dana took up the name Strike to help defend her neighborhood during the Joker War and later fought with Red Hood to save her sister, Denise
Jason was also friends with Edward Bloomberg (Kid Devil) who he was pen pals with, mentioned in the Blue Devil comics. And Roy Harper (Speedy ((at the time)) starting from the New 52 series. Didn't add them because I was focusing on friends outside of the hero life but they deserve the mention.
These are all the ones that I know of. If I missed anyone, feel free to add them!
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 3 months
A Kent And A Wayne (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Effects Of The Toxin (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Motherly (Diane Prince X Teen!Reader)
Family Visit (Diana Prince X Daughter!Reader)
Snow Day (Diana Prince X Reader)
Washing Up (Diana Prince X Male!Reader)
Little Gifts (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Anyone But Him (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Another Speedster (Barry Allen X Reader)
The Wayne Mystery (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Sorry!(Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Cancelled Plans (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Please Stop (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Actual Flirting (Barry Allen X Male!Reader)
Caught Red Handed (Barry Allen X Fem!Wayne!Reader)
How Did It Come To This? (Barry Allen X Sibling!Reader)
Would You Kindly? (Justice League X Male!Reader)
Hidden Scars And Memories (Justice League X Male!Reader)
New Start (Roy Harper X Male!Reader X Jason Todd)
A Mostly Successful Mission (Jason Todd X Male!Reader X Roy Harper)
Keeping Secrets (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader X Wally West)
The Quiet Son (Bruce Wayne X Son!Reader X Justice League)
Father's Day (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
No More Joker (Harley Quinn X Fem!Reader X Poison Ivy)
City Siren's Daughter (Harley, Ivy & Selina X Daughter!Reader)
Nightmares (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
Their Redemption (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
One Of Us Hurt (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
Penguin's Friend (Ed Nygma X Male!Reader)
Waiting For You (Jerome Valeska X Fem!Reader)
My Responsibility (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader)
There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Never Going Back (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader)
We Could Be A Team (Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader)
Colleagues (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
What Happened?! (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Close Your Eyes (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Nothing Else (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Secret Meetings (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
We're Having A Baby? (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
She's My Sister! (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Letting You Go (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Future Child (Leonard Snart X Daughter!Reader)
Saving Up (Harrison Wells X Trans!Male!Reader)
Stubborn And Injured (Raven X Fem!Reader)
Not Fireproof (Raven X Reader)
Blues Music (Teen Titans X Reader)
A Little Help (Batman X Scarecrow) Pt 1 / Pt 2
Finally Married (Rip Hunter X Reader)
Cant' Wait (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
Sneaking Out (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
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