#rhodey and sam are DYING in the background
dxmerons · 2 years
tony stark HAS blasted the american dad theme from family guy in the compound whenever steve walked in the kitchen for breakfast-
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lilbabycee · 4 years
may we be blessed with a smutty birthday drabble w Steve where he has everyone pretend they forgot readers birthday when in reality there’s something big planned 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 never had a big bday so I will be living through this lolz
change of plans // steve rogers 
↳ pairing: steve rogers x reader
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i’m actually sorry this took so long and sorry that it’s so long too lol:
you don’t know if you’re ready to face today.
it’s your birthday and you’ve never done anything big or extravagant - you think that maybe you’d like to keep it that way, though you’ve never had a big celebration before so you don’t even know how that’d feel. maybe there’s something comforting about the predictability of how today is going to go, but you can’t help the part deep inside of you that longs for something new.
waking up to an empty bed, you brace yourself for some kind of over-the-top present from tony but as you head out of your bedroom, you find the rest of you and steve’s apartment entirely unchanged. you tentatively walk through empty hallways into the kitchen and everyone is standing around aimlessly, chatting to each other about insignificant things and attempting to make themselves breakfast.
“hi guys,” you smile at all of them and they return the sentiment. “what are you making?”
steve breezes by you to press a brief kiss to your forehead before shoving a piece of burnt toast into his mouth. his voice is muffled when he says, “mornin’ doll.”
“looks like it’ll be cereal cause none of these idiots know how to cook,” natasha sidles up to you, narrowing her eyes and shaking her head playfully at the group of men crowding the kitchen. “sam’s still working out and we don’t wanna have to wait until he’s done. we probably should’ve though: he’s the only one who knows how to make anything decent in here.” she nudges your shoulder, “any plans today?”
you’re momentarily thrown, blinking in confusion because natasha always remembers your birthday. 
“uhh,” you shake your head and plaster a smile on your face, “no, nope. not up to much really. how about you?”
bruce strolls by and waves at you while natasha plucks a grape from his bowl, popping it into her mouth. he gives her a look but she just smirks as she chews slowly, ignoring him and turning back to you. 
“actually, fury called not too long ago. he’s got some important mission lined up for us somewhere in alaska... surveillance or something.”
“oh,” you frown, brow furrowing because you thought that you would’ve heard about it. “should i go suit up or...?”
“actually,” natasha swallows her grape and stands up straight, “it’s only some of us going. sam and bucky are staying here with you: the rest of us are heading out in about an hour.”
your heart sinks at the thought of not being able to spend your birthday with the whole team, though it seems as if they’ve forgetten anyway so maybe it’s not that big of a deal. but the thought is fleeting because you realize that you’re going to be able to spend some quality time with two of your favorite people who will definitely have remembered your birthday. 
when the quinjet takes off an hour and a half later, sam, bucky, and yourself are all left standing on the launchpad, bucky’s hair blowing dramatically in the gust of wind that it leaves behind.
“so,” bucky rocks back on his heels and stares at you with a mischievous smile on his face. “what do you wanna do?”
“neither of you have any plans?” you look at them skeptically but they both shake their heads. you look down, disappointed because they always do something fun for you on your birthday. sam always bakes a cake and bucky always lets you win when you’re sparring but since neither have happened today, you’re assuming that they’ve forgotten... just like everybody else.
sam shrugs noncommitally.
“nope,” he adds, giving you a charming gap-toothed grin. “i mean, i’ve got some paperwork to do and i’m sure bucky’s got some knives to sharpen or something-”
bucky pins him with a glare but then looks back to you. “-but otherwise, we’re totally free...so, doll?”
“we could watch a movie?”
“yes!” sam exclaims excitedly, already sprinting inside. you and bucky are still staring at the door he burst through when you hear him call out: “i’ve got dibs on the first pick!”
that makes bucky’s eyes go wide and he quickly starts to chase after him. 
“fuck no- sam!”
you’re sandwiched between your two heavily muscled best friends, cuddled up on the sofa with your body spread across the laps of both sam and bucky. a thick blanket is draped over all three of you while die hard plays in the background, but none of you are paying attention because you’re all making each other cry with laughter which drowns out the sound of the movie. 
“we should go out tonight,” bucky casually suggests during a lull in the conversation, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the table.
“true,” sam agrees, nodding his head. you look at him in shock because his default state is to always disagree with bucky. “the others aren’t supposed to be back for a couple of days so i don’t wanna stay all cooped up in here. you down, sugar?”
“yeah, i’ll go,” you nod, playing with your fingers because you’re still so shocked that they’re just casually making plans like today isn’t your birthday. of course you’re not going to point it out to them - you don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but you think that it’d be nice to be wished a happy birthday at least once today.
hours later, you’re wearing your favorite outfit - “we’re going to dinner, darlin’,” bucky let you know earlier - and just touching up your face when bucky and sam pause their incessant bickering to call you downstairs. at this point, you’ve come to terms with the fact that not a single person in your life has remembered your birthday. you’d shed a couple of tears in the bathroom not because you are dying for a huge birthday celebration, but rather because it goes to show that you don’t hold a lot of relevance in these people’s lives. 
nobody on the team has ever forgotten a teammate’s birthday, so it cut deep this morning when they all went about their day as normal and barely even acknowledged your presence. you tried to brush it off but the moment you were alone, it all hit you like an oncoming freight train. 
ready to forget this disappointing day and move on, you come down the stairs as quickly as you can and head to the front door only to see sam and bucky dressed impeccably and... still arguing. they stop when you stand in front of them. sam whistles loudly which makes you roll your eyes playfully while bucky just nods his head.
“you look great, doll,” he smiles at you and not being able to take any more compliments, you clear your throat loudly and step in between them.
“let’s go,” you say and grab a coat, stepping into the garage. once you all pile into one of tony’s many cars, you take off into the night. 
you’re too distracted by your racing thoughts to notice the moment that you pull up outside of an extravagant hotel. you frown as you get out of the car because you thought you were going for dinner at the restaurant on the other side of town. 
“change of plans, lil bit. tony recommended this place to us a few weeks ago and we just never got around to going.” sam smiles at you, offering you an arm as bucky flanks your other side. when you step foot inside of the luxurious building after handing the car keys to the valet outside, a well-dressed usher leads you down a hallway to an entirely separate part of the ground floor. you don’t think much of it because you’re used to private dining when tony’s involved, but you manage to lose both of your friends by the time you’ve made it through the labyrinth of hallways. 
“excuse me, have you seen the two men i was with just a second ago?” you ask the usher kindly. he looks back at you and just smiles.
“this way, please,” he gestures for you to open the doors however, something doesn’t feel quite right. you’re on high alert but you tentatively push open the heavy gold doors anyway, hand ready to grab the knife that’s resting snugly in your thigh holster.
what you’re not expecting is a lounge filled with balloons and a chorus of “surprise!”, so loud that your bones threaten to jump out of your skin.
the room has been decorated in all of your favorite colors, lights strung up everywhere and banners in bold letters that say happy birthday, y/n!, as well as all of your favorite people with beaming smiles on their faces. sam and bucky are standing with rhodey in the corner and as you stare at them disbelievingly, bucky just throws you a wink.
“wh-what,” you stutter, teary eyes round with confusion, “what the fuck?”
“happy birthday, angel,” a very familiar voice comes from behind you and you spin around to throw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck in glee.
“all this?” your voice is muffled in his shoulder. “for me?”
“all for you, baby,” steve murmurs, rubbing his hand up and down your back. “you didn’t think we’d actually forget, did you?”
“i- i mean,” you exhale, shaking your head, “maybe? i just didn’t know how important it was to you guys-”
“y/n,” he takes your face between his hands and stares at you solmenly, “you are the most important thing in my life-”
bucky clears his throat in protest but steve ignores him.
“-and i would be a fool not to celebrate you everyday. it really got me thinking when you told me that you’ve never had something big done for your birthday. you deserve something extravagant and over-the-top because you deserve to be appreciated every second of your life because you’re so loved by everyone here. are we clear?”
you can’t help but kiss the stupid lopsided smile off his face because you love this man more than you’ll ever be able to articulate. to give the two of you some privacy, everyone else has started drinking and dancing, speaking to their friends animatedly as they avert their eyes from you and steve’s private moment.
when steve slips his tongue in your mouth and his hands wander down to grab your ass, you moan into the kiss only to pull away seconds later, blinking up at him as you both try to catch your breaths.
“steve, we’re in a room full of people,” you remind him.
“then let’s get out of here,” he presses you into his front and you can feel the hardness of his cock against your stomach. 
“but i haven’t said hi to anyone else yet,” you whine, not wanting to be rude. 
“we’ll come back, baby,” he brushes his nose against the curve of your jaw. “just a couple minutes. you look so fuckin’ good right now i don’t know if i’ll be able to last any longer without getting my cock in that tight little-”
“steve!” you gasp, swatting his arm and then looking around to see if anybody’s heard him, but he just chuckles low in your ear, soft lips dropping kisses on your even softer skin.
“c’mon, doll,” his teeth catch on your earlobe and your bite your lower lip, contemplating whether or not you should give in to your horny boyfriend. “they won’t even notice we’re gone-”
“uh, we definitely will,” tony strolls over and butts in with a smirk on his lips and a drink in his hand. “happy birthday, babe.”
“thanks, tones,” you give him a one-armed hug because steve still won’t let go of you. 
“your real present from me is over there,” he gestures vaguely to a huge pile of presents that makes your eyes go wide again, “but out of the kindness of my heart, i can also give you the gift of my wonderful storytelling so that people won’t notice that you guys have gone off to f-”
“thank you, tony!” you kiss his cheek quickly and proceed to drag steve towards a hallway that you assume leads to the bathrooms. you wave to your other friends briefly as you walk out, finding that the hallway you’ve gone down doesn’t lead to the bathroom, but rather a set of elevators. you and your boyfriend both pause, taking a minute to look at each other and you can almost see the lightbulb that pops over the both of your heads.
steve presses the up button and then his lips are on you, hands roaming your body eagerly against the closed doors of the elevator. slowly, his fingers travel underneath your clothes and start to massage your bare skin. you do the same, one hand gripping his hair and the other undoing the button to his slacks, shoving your hand into the band of his underwear desperately to palm at his manhood.
he hisses, stopping his assault on your body to throw his head back at the feeling of your deft fingers stroking him like that. you’re about to pull his lips towards yours again when you hear a chime and promptly stumble backwards, taking your supersoldier with you. 
you cry out a laugh as you fall into each against the wall, drunk on desire and your adoration for the flustered man in front of you. chuckling, steve stabs the first button on the panel and is immediately kissing you again, tongue delving deep into your mouth as his large hand tightly grasps your jaw. 
as the doors close and you start to move upwards, steve wedges one of this thick thighs in between your legs, pressing the muscle of his leg into your core. 
“ride it, darlin’, c’mon,” he breathes into your ear, leaving wet kisses down your throat and framing your hips between his hands. you do as you’re told, pushing your hips down onto his thigh to get some friction to relieve the heat that’s building in your stomach.
“so good for me, that’s it sweetheart.”
it’s a quick ride to the top but with steve rutting against your hip with your hand down his pants and you against his leg with his fingers in your underwear dancing over your center, the two of you gradually push yourselves to a climax, almost there until there’s that same chime again. your boyfriend swiftly picks you up and you squeal, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. his hands massage the globes of your ass as you walk across the roof, onto the edge of the balcony that overlooks the upper east side.
he rests you against the ledge and you keep one of your legs around him as he gets both of your clothes out of the way so that he can run the tip of his hard cock along your needy hole.
“shit, baby,” he spits right onto it, slapping his cock against your swollen skin, and you groan loudly, involuntarily clenching around nothing. “m’not gonna last.”
“neither am i,” you reassure him. “please steve, i need it.”
“i’ve got you, doll.”
he doesn’t say anything else because his eyes are glued at the mesmerizing way that his bulbous tip gets swallowed by your tight entrance. he rocks his hips back and forth, burying himself deeper and deeper into you until he bottoms out with a loud moan.
there are tears in your eyes from how good it feels; the open air on your nipples and the fact that someone could see you like this, vulnerable and open with a cock buried deep inside you, makes you shudder, trails of water spilling onto your cheeks. 
“oh my god, sweetheart,” steve murmurs reverently. usually he takes a minute to let you adjust to his size, but the two of you are so close that he just goes for it, the sound of your lovemaking echoing into the night sky. 
“yes, yes- fuck, steve, please,” you blink up at him and he uses his thumbs to wipe the tears off your face, pressing kisses to both of your cheeks. 
“i know, baby, i know,” he reassures you, his own skin slick and cool in the evening air as he continues to drive into you relentlessly. you ignore how uncomfortable the exposed stone on your naked body is because you’re almost there and you know he is too.
“m’gonna come, honey,” he tells you, hands coming up to pinch your nipples at the same time he bites into your neck. “you gonna let me come in you? give you my birthday present?”
you can barely speak, babbling incoherently as your eyes almost rolling to the back of your head but you nod eagerly, nails digging into his back as he uses you to chase his orgasm.
“come for me, baby - c’mon, milk my cock, s’all yours.”
his words push you over the edge, your entire body convulsing as your breath is snatched from your lungs. you contract around his length and he stills entirely as he spills his release into you, the guttaral moan that leaves his chest raw and animalistic.
“fuck,” he drawls as he presses his forehead against yours. 
“right?” you agree, looking right into his pretty eyes, brighter than the lights behind you.
he presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
“happy birthday, baby.”
“thank you,” you kiss the corner of his mouth and run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, “i love you.” 
as his chin rests on your shoulder, you take a minute to appreciate how thoughtful the big blonde man in your arms and you don’t think you’ve ever loved anyone this much in your life. 
“can we do this every birthday?”
you laugh at his suggestion and tug lightly on his hair, heart about to explode from adoration.
“sure we can.”
“hey, lovebirds!” tony’s voice makes the two of you jump in surprise. “i’m not gonna turn the corner because i know for a fact that you’re not wearing any clothes, but i should definitely warn you that bucky and sam are on their way up with their phones... so unless you want a pornhub feature, i’d haul ass and get back downstairs if i were you. happy birthday, y/n!”
you both look at each other and then the mess that is your pile of clothes, and in unison you both realize that you’re fucked either way. but you know that it’s worth it since you’ve had the best birthday surprise ever, but you still don’t know how much steve is gonna love having his ass on display for his best friends.
“y/n! stevie! wh- oh fuck, are you kidding me?!”
that’s bucky, sounding traumatized as he sees the two of you stark naked. 
“wh- damn, i didn’t expect you guys to actually be fuckin’.”
sam sounds genuinely shocked but simultaneously looks impressed. you close your eyes in amused mortification because steve’s body is shielding yours entirely and now, sam and bucky have a full view of his pale backside.
“guys,” he groans, blood rushing to his cheeks. 
a flash goes off and steve cries out in protest. you laugh in disbelief, staring at bucky holding his phone up with a grin.
“happy birthday, y/n.”
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steves-on-a-plane · 3 years
Spirit Of The Season
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Words: 1208 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Request: “Weeellll I had the idea as I was baking today. That Bucky has a German girlfriend but she doesn't feel like the other avengers accept her, so she starts making Christmas cookies and everything she knows from her home and brings them to the compound. Everyone loves the stuff and they make sure to tell her that they love her already (not only because of her cookies) and that they are happy for Buck as well and he gets really proud to call her his? 😊    - @tieddown-withbattleshipchains​ Summary: Bucky comes homes to find his girlfriend, Reader, has practically turned their kitchen into a German bakery. Reader explains to him that it’s very important that his friends like her and baking is her way of showing love. ❤️❤️ A/N: I’m a 4th generation French-American on both sides of my family. (There’s a nice mix of most Europe and a decent slice of Native American too.) So I didn't have much of a background for traditional German pastries. I tried my best to Google, and also did some rough Google translate for small sections. Hope everything is okay! 
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“Mmm so many smells!” Bucky Barnes followed the sweet and spicy scents through the apartment to the kitchen. It seemed you had turned the very small room into a one-woman bakery. Eggs, flower, butter, cinnamon and dozens of other ingredients were laid out on the table. “What exactly am I smelling?”
“Hello mein Schatz.”  You greeted your boyfriend with a large smile. “You may be smelling vanilla, cardamom, rum, chocolate…”
“Yeah, there’s a lot going on here.” He acknowledged. “Are we having a bake sale? I mean there’s cakes, cookies…What is all this, Love?”
“It is Christmas time.” You explained. You covered the dough that you’d just finished kneading so that it could rest.
“Not for another week and even then, we won’t be able to eat all this food.” He reached for a nearby springerle cookie. You lightly swatted at his hand.
“These are not for us!” you told him firmly.
“Are you mailing all of this back home?” He wondered, taking a mental inventory of the desserts. “Food doesn’t usually do well in the mail.”
“No.” You shook your head. “These are German recipes. Oma and Mama will make many of these dishes themselves. They’re the ones who taught the recipes to me. These are for your friends.”
“My…? Do you mean the team?” Bucky asked. “[Y/N], aside from Rogers and maybe Wilson, and that is a very large maybe, they’re not my friends. They’re like my…coworkers.”
“They are more than coworkers.” You disagreed. “Last week you and Clint spent an entire day at the theater watching all the Terminator films. Just yesterday Natasha asked you to help her create a new training plan, did she not?” Bucky nodded; he began to open his mouth to argue his point further, but you stopped him. “They are your friends Bucky. They are your friends which makes them your familie. It is important to me that your familie like me.”
“Like you? Why wouldn’t they?” He questioned.
“I am not strong like Steve or smart like Stark. What I can do is cook. I show my love by cooking. So tomorrow, we will bring all these things to the compound and your friends will love me.” You explained. “Now get out of my kitchen. I still have lots of work to do.” You began waving your hands trying to shoo him out of the kitchen.
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“I just want to state again for the record that you do not need to bring my coworkers and friends food for them to like you.” Bucky insisted as he parked his car in the compound’s parking lot.
“Yes, yes.” You ignored him as you stepped out of the car. “You have made your opinion very clear. Help me carry things.” You handed him a stack of Tupperware containers and a loaf of bread wrapped in foil. You loaded your own arms with the remainder of food. The two of you walked into the compound where you bumped into Sam Wilson.
“[Y/N! It’s been a minute!” Sam smiled as soon as he saw you. “I’ve been asking Barnes for a while when he’d take you by to see us again. Is that food? A woman after my own heart.” He placed a hand on his chest to emphasize his words.
“There is plenty for everyone. Will you tell the others?” You asked him.
“I don’t know if I can do that, [Y/N]. If I tell the others they’ll want some and that would mean less for me.” Sam explained. “Bucky brought in some leftovers of that pie you made last month for Thanksgiving, no way I’m willing to share this stuff with the rest of these guys if it’s half as good as that was.”
“You had some of my pie? And you liked it?” You smiled.
“Are you kidding me? That was one of the best pies I’ve ever had! I’m excited to see what else you’ve brought. C’mon,” he waved you on. “Kitchen is this way.”
“Buck! [Y/N]!” Steve and Natasha were heading towards the kitchen from another corridor and they came to meet you just outside of the kitchen door.
“Are those linzer cookies?” Natasha asked pointing to jelly filled cookies with heart shaped cut outs in the center that were visible in one of the containers.
“Well spotted!” You nodded.
“Please tell me those are for us, I would kill for a good homemade cookie and from what Rogers, Wilson and Barnes say your baking is the best.” Nat smiled. You continued to smile proudly.
“Ok, let’s let her at least put everything down first.” Bucky suggested. He stepped into the kitchen and the rest of you followed. Tony, Clint and Rhodey were all in the kitchen already. Tony was fiddling with his expresso machine. Rhodey was cooking bacon and eggs. Clint was leaning against the counter and eating dry cereal straight from the box.
“Oh hey [Y/N]!” Clint was the first to greet you. He popped a handful of cereal in his mouth before setting the box of cereal aside. “It’s been too long, Come here.” He stepped closer to you, holding his arms open for a hug.
“Oh.” You were surprised. You set your stack of baked goods down on the nearest surface so that you were free to hug Clint back.
“I’m glad you’re here!” Clint said as you separated. “The wife and I were just talking about how we’d love to do a double dinner date one night after Christmas.”
“You and your wife would want to spend time with me and Bucky?” You questioned him.
“Of course!” Clint insisted. “We loved hearing your stories about growing up in Germany and Laura has been dying to swap recipes with you. So just let me know when you guys are free and we’ll set something up. Now which one of these do I want to try first?” He gestured to the cakes, cookies and breads in front of him.
“The springerle are my favorite.” Bucky said, opening the container of the aforementioned cookies.
“Hey, [Y/N], never mind the baked goods. Tell Rhodey about the time you tried to steal a reindeer from the zoo!” Tony insisted, sipping from his coffee.
“I told that story at your Christmas party last year, you remembered?” Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“Of course I was paying attention. It’s every kids dream to take something home from the zoo.” Tony told you.
“Hang I have got to hear this. What happened?” Sam asked.
“I was very little.” You reminded them. “We were here visiting family in America and I thought that the reindeer would fly me back home.” As you recounted the tale of how you managed to remove a reindeer from the petting zoo and get to almost to the main gate of the zoo before anyone realized it, you watched Bucky’s friends. They were listening intently. They laughed and smiled at all the appropriate times. They asked you more questions and when your story was done they asked for more. They shared holiday stories of their own too. After a little while you began to think maybe Bucky had been right all along. The Avengers liked you just fine and already considered you part of their familie.
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thewidowsghost · 4 years
Fox - Chapter 29
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Previously on Fox:
"You're really good with a sword," Natasha comments as the two walk back to the house Sam had where their stuff was. "I saw you flick the sword out of the scabbard, that takes skill."
"I got into sword fighting after I graduated from college," (Y/n) explains. (Y/n) opens the door to the house and walks into the bedroom and grabs her uniform out of the closet and folding it and placing it into her suitcase.
The two finish and grab their stuff, and walk out to the Quinjet to go back home.
3rd Person POV
A year had passed since Natasha and (Y/n) had met, and it was hard to tell if either of the woman had ever been happier.
Natasha gazes affectionately at (Y/n) as the woman hurries around the room, throwing clothes haphazardly at a drawstring bag, her (H/C) hair fluttering behind her. (Y/n)'s had let her hair grow out over the year and it was about an inch lower than the small of her back.
The redhead grabs the clothes and folds them, placing the clothes into the bag.
(Y/n) turns around to fold the clothes and then smiles sheepishly at Natasha, who was sitting next to the bag, folding a shirt.
"Thanks, Nat," (Y/n) says.
"It's okay, you weren't prepared," Natasha says, placing the shirt in the drawstring and closing it, picking it up and handing it to (Y/n). (Y/n) takes the bag, a sheepish expression still on her face. Natasha pulls her girlfriend into a hug and (Y/n) relaxes into the shorter woman's arms.
"I love you so much Nat," (Y/n) murmurs tiredly and then she realizes what she said when Natasha tenses. The two  hadn't yet said those three words, just showing it by their actions and looks. "I'm sorry, it slip -" Natasha cuts her off by kissing her passionately. After a moment, Natasha pulls away, resting her forehead on (Y/n)'s.
"I love you too," Natasha says, meeting (Y/n)'s gentle - but exhausted - gaze.
In the time after the two had come home from (Y/n)'s old military camp, Fury had had the (H/C) haired woman working from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM on some sort of new flying base that was, as Fury had told her multiple times, classified. She wasn't even allowed to tell Natasha what it was.
The two women stand there for a little while, just enjoying being in each other's embrace when (Y/n)'s phone rings.
(Y/n) sighs before pulling it out of her pocket. "Hey, Dad. Yes, I had to pack. I'll be there soon." (Y/n) pauses for a moment, a look of confusion spreading across her face. "I guess so," (Y/n) looks down into Natasha's gaze, the redhead almost laughing at the confused look on her girlfriend's face. "Okay. Okay. Yes. I'll be there soon. Bye Dad."
(Y/n) ends the call, shaking her head and Natasha laughs, and (Y/n) leans down, kissing her softly again. "I'll be back soon," she promises. "Should be back by the end of the week."
"I'm coming with you to the airport," Natasha says and (Y/n) goes red with embarrassment.
"I knew that," (Y/n) murmurs, and Natasha laughs.
"Let's get you on that plane so you can come home sooner," Natasha says, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand and pulling her out of the room and down the two flights of stairs.
"Nat, that's not how that works," (Y/n) says, almost tripping down the second flight of stairs.
It's Nat's turn to looks embarrassed now but she hides her face as she pulls on her Nike's and (Y/n) pulling on hers. The two stand up, (Y/n) pulling her drawstring onto her shoulders and Natasha shyly takes her hand.
"Even after all this time, you still become shy when holding my hand?" (Y/n) teases, as Natasha closes and locks the door, pocketing her set of the keys.
Natasha grumbles something (Y/n) can't make out and (Y/n) stifles a laugh.
The two girlfriends walk to the airport instead of taking a cab so they could spend some more time together before (Y/n) had to leave.
"I'm leaving you the Quinjet in case you have to go on any surprise missions while I'm gone," (Y/n) tells Natasha, the two standing outside Tony Stark's private jet.
"(Y/n), you ready to go?" Pepper's voice comes from behind (Y/n). The (H/C) haired woman sighs and turns around.
"Just a minute, Pep," (Y/n) calls before turning back to Natasha.
(Y/n) wraps her shorter girlfriend in a hug, and whispers, "I love you, see you soon."
"I love you too," Natasha murmurs. "Don't blow your cover," she adds as an afterthought.
"I wont. I'll be back soon," (Y/n) pulls out of the hug, and walks backwards, waving to Nat before walking into the jet.
About two hours later, Pepper and (Y/n) land in Malibu and (Y/n) waits at another jet with her honorary uncle, James Rhodes, her hands clasped behind her back.
After about half-an-hour, her father arrives.
"Sorry, guys," Tony says. "Car trouble."
"I've been standing here for three hours!" Rhodes complains, (Y/n) practically seeing the steam coming out of his ears. "What the hell?!"
"Rhodes, didn't you hear?" (Y/n) asks in a sarcastic tone. "My father had car trouble."
The three board the plane and sit for a while, waiting until they arrive in Afghanistan, (Y/n) keeping her head down as the flight attendants pole dance and whatnot.
(Y/n) catches the conversation between her father and his old friend though as they sip their drinks comfortably.
"You don't get it," Rhodey explains. "I don't work for the military because they paid for my education, or my father's education. Don't cheapen it like that."
"All I said was," Tony says, "with your smarts, your engineering background, you could write your own ticket in teh private sector - on top of which, you wouldn't have to wear that 'straight jacket.'"
"'Straight jacket?'" (Y/n) asks, a frown on her face as Tony and Rhodes look up. "It means something. A chance to make a difference. A chance to do something right."
"She's right man," Rhodes agrees. "You don't respect that, because you don't understand."
Tony motions to one of the flight attendants with a nod. "See that on? Her I understand. Croatian. Hot-blooded, I'm serious. Must be those winters in Zagreb."
"You're not listening to a work I'm saying," Rhodey says, a frown on his face now.
"I am listening. I'm changing the subject. It's the same litany, every time you've had a thimble of alcohol. Drink one: reflections of the New American Century and related topics -"
"Something's seriously wrong with you, man," Rhodes responds.
"Drink two: a history of World War II and the Tuskeegee Flyers," Tony continues, ignoring Rhodey.
(Y/n) sighs loudly, rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone, and starts texting Nat.
(Y/n): Hey, what's going on at home?
Nat ♥: Nothing much
            I'm bored 😣
(Y/n): I'm sorry  😞
            I wish I could be there, you won't believe what I'm dealing with here.
           When should best friends fight for no reason over drinks? Like what?
Nat ♥: I don't know. We fought that one time.
(Y/n): Well, that was my fault, I kept driving. Anyway, I can't wait to come home. Dad is driving me insane over here. 😒
Nat ♥: I'm actually dying over here 😂
"(Y/n), come on, we've got to go," Tony says, and (Y/n) looks up.
"Okay," (Y/n) stands up, sending Natasha one quick text.
(Y/n): I've got to go 😑
           See you soon
            Love you! ♥
Nat ♥: See you! Love you!
(Y/n) smiles, slips her phone into a secret pocket in her leather jacket near her heart and walks off the plane with her father.
Tony exits the plane, fired up to greet the waiting press, (Y/n) reluctantly shaking their hands after Tony.
Then Rhodes exits the plane in his ABUs, weary, squinting in the stinging sun. He pulls on his sunglasses over his bleary eyes.
Three missiles are on a flatbed which had been unloaded from a military jet. They are brought under heavy guard, waiting for a convoy.
Tony is firing a N.R.F. 425 machine gun while the Generals, (Y/n), and Rhodes are sitting on folding chairs behind a safe-zone of Hescos and sand-bags. Afghani soldiers and Air Force security men patrol the perimeter.
The billionaire puts down the machine gun down next to the other weapons, and struts before the Generals like a carnival barker. "The age old question: is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?"
Tony nods at the Jericho missile, which is sitting on a mobile launcher.
"With that in mind, I humbly present the crown and jewel of Stark Industries Freedom Line. It's the first missile system to incorporate my proprietary Repulsor Technology. They say the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. I prefer the one you only have to fire once..." Once Tony finishes this part of the speech, the Jericho roars into the sky from the launcher.
"That's how Dad did it, it's how America does it, and so far its worked out pretty well," Tony continues. "Find an excuse to fire off one of these and I personally guarantee the enemy is not gonna want to leave their caves."
The Jericho divides from a single missile, into tons of mini-missiles.
(Y/n) looks up and watches as her father raises his arms as he continues, "For your consideration, the Jericho..." (Y/n) flinches a little as the mountains behind his outstretched hands explode, the shock-wave blanketing everyone with dust.
(Y/n) shakes her head as her father adds, "Now there's one last creation I haven't shown anyone yet. You might be interested..." He opens a silvery case, ice-smoke curling out. A bottle rises from inside the case along with drink glasses. As Tony pours, the Generals, (Y/n), and Afghani military officials exchange awkward glances.
Tony Stark raises his glass, "To peace, gentlemen, (Y/n)..." (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "And with every purchase of five hundred million, I'll throw in a free one of these."
After a little bit, the Generals get into their own Humvees and depart towards the east. (Y/n), Tony, and Rhodey walk to their waiting convoy, pointing west.
Tony's phone rings and Obadiah Stane pops up on the video phone.
"Hey, what are you doing up?" Tony asks.
"Sleeping," Stane asks, (Y/n) feeling uncomfortable. She had never been a fan of   Obadiah Stane. "How did it go?"
"I think we got an early Christmas coming," Tony answers.
"Sounds good."
"Hey," Tony asks accusingly, "why aren't you wearing the PJs I got you?"
"I don't do monograms. I'm hanging up now, bye-bye." Stane hangs up.
"All right, who wants to ride with me and (Y/n)?" Tony asks. "Jimmy?"
"Me?" Jimmy asks, psyched.
Dazed, Jimmy and the others jump into the lead Humvee, (Y/n) waiting for Tony.
Sorry, Rhodey," Tony says as his old friend walks up, "no room for my conscience in here. Or that dog look," he raises his glass. "See you back at base." Rhodey shakes his head and heads for a different Humvee.
Tony gets in the Humvee before (Y/n), the (H/C) haired woman leaning her head against the window.
The United States military convoy worms through the barren vista of Afghanistan, rock music swelling in the Humvee that (Y/n), Tony, and three younger people.
After a while of silence, Tony speaks, "Oh, I get it. You guys aren't allowed to talk. Is that it? Are you not allowed to talk?"
One of the Airmen grins, fidgeting with his orange New York Mets watch.
"No," Jimmy says. "We're allowed to talk."
"Oh," Tony says, glancing at his silent daughter for a moment. "I see, so it's personal."
"I think they're intimidated," Ramirez, the one in the passenger seat in front of (Y/n), says.
"Good God!" Tony exclaims. "You're a woman!"
(Y/n) frowns as the other try to stifle a laugh.
"I, honestly, I couldn't have called that," Tony says, and after a moment of silence, he continues. "I would apologize, but isn't that what we're going for here? I saw you as a soldier first."
"I have a question, sir," Jimmy says.
"Is it true you're twelve for twelve with last years Maxim cover girls?" Jimmy asks.
"Excellent question. Yes and no. March and I had a schedule conflict but, thankfully, the Christmas cover was twins. Anyone else? You, with the hand up?"
"It's a little embarrassing," warns Pratt, the man sitting beside Tony on the left side.
"Join the club," Tony says.
"Can I take a picture with you?" he asks.
"Are you aware that Native American believe photographs steal a little piece of you soul?" Tony asks, and (Y/n) shoots him an incredulous look. "Not to worry, mine's long gone. Fire away."
Pratt, excited, poses as another Airman takes the photo.
A second later, a massive explosion rocks the truck. Through the windshield, (Y/n) straightens, seeing the Humvee in front of them erupt into a fireball.
(Y/n) is flung aside and she sees through the side mirror, the Humvee behind them exploding.
Pandemonium erupts as the Airman are instantly in battle mode. (Y/n) wants to help, but Fury had told her not to blow her cover. No one could find out about her powers until Fury said it was okay.
The three Airman scramble out of the Humvee, shutting Tony and (Y/n) inside.
The father and daughter look at each other, (Y/n)'s eyes wide.
Then she pulls out her phone and calls Natasha, placing the phone back into her secret pocket, hoping Natasha would track the call.
Another explosion sends (Y/n)'s window blowing in, (Y/n) covering her face as glass and shrapnel showers over her.
Tony opens the door and (Y/n) is forced to jump out, (Y/n) taps the Bluetooth thing in her ear, hearing Natasha's frantic questions and flinching at her girlfriend's tone.
"Something's happening!" (Y/n) cries as the Humvee she and Tony were crouching behind blows up. Before it can land on them, (Y/n) pushes Tony out of the way, (Y/n) rolling with the momentum.
"(Y/n)!" Natasha's voice comes from her ear. "What's going on?!"
"We're under fire! Track the call!" (Y/n) tells her, keeping an eye on her father as he moves on, catching sight of an M-16, but the weapon is too hot and he drops it.
"I've got it!" Natasha yells.
"Good, send some -" (Y/n)'s cut off by a loud ping and it thumps into ground beside Tony.
It detonates, throwing Tony back into some rocks, shredding his suit and revealing his body armor underneath.
"Okay, that's not cool," (Y/n) darts over to Tony, his vision flickering in and out. (Y/n) places an arm under his shoulder and pulls him to his feet. "Shit!" (Y/n) curses as another ping sounds and she turns Tony away from the little bomb and (Y/n) gets blasted a couple of feet away, shrapnel embedding itself into her back.
The Bluetooth piece falls out of (Y/n)'s ear and she lands on her front, the impact ending the call.
(Y/n)'s vision fades in and out and she drags herself over to her father, finally passing out next to him.
About an Hour Before
Natasha is lounging on the couch, watching some random movie on Netflix. Sighing, she stands up go go grab something from the fridge, leftovers from the night before. (Y/n) had made burgers and had made a few extras to have some other time.
Taking her burger into the living room, she sits on the floor, her mind wandering over the last few hours.
"I love you so much Nat," (Y/n) murmurs tiredly. Natasha smiles at the memory and her phone buzzes.
(Y/n): Hey, what's going on at home?
Nat: Nothing much
         I'm bored 😣
(Y/n): I'm sorry 😞            I wish I could be there, you won't believe what I'm dealing with here.           When should best friends fight for no reason over drinks? Like what?
Nat: I don't know. We fought that one time.
(Y/n): Well, that was my fault, I kept driving. Anyway, I can't wait to come home. Dad is driving me insane over here. 😒
Natasha laughs, shaking her head slightly.
Nat: I'm actually dying over here 😂
(Y/n): I've got to go 😑            See you soon           Love you! ♥
Natasha smiles at her girlfriend's words. The redhead feels her heart swell as she stares at the two words she thought she would never hear or see from another human being.
Nat: See you! Love you!
Natasha relaxes into the bottom of the couch, a soft smile on her face and she pulls her plate into her lap and hitting the play button on the remote. About forty-five minutes, Natasha is finally getting invested in the movie, when her phone rings.
Feeling a little confused at seeing (Y/n)'s name, Natasha hits the answer button and her eyes widen at the sounds of explosions.
"(Y/n)! What's going on?!" Natasha asks frantically.
"Something's happening!" (Y/n) exclaims over another explosion.
"(Y/n)!" Natasha asks again. "What's going on?!"
"We're under fire! Track the call!" (Y/n) tells Natasha. The redhead darts downstairs and into (Y/n)'s lab, sliding into the desk chair and typing in the password and plugging in the phone in the call tracking app that (Y/n) had installed onto her laptop for emergencies.
"I've got it!" Natasha yells after a moment.
"Good, send some -" (Y/n)'s cut off by a loud ping that even Natasha could here, and a thumps into ground. It detonates, and Natasha's eyes widen in fear, hoping that the worst hadn't happened. "Okay, that's not cool," (Y/n) says, grunting and Natasha is able to breath again.
"Shit!" (Y/n) curses as another ping sounds and then the call ends, with Natasha staring at the phone in shock.
Natasha pulls her phone off the plugin and takes a picture of the call's origin, and dials Clint's number. "Clint, we've got a problem?"
Clint freezes at the distress in Natasha's voice. "Nat? What is it?"
"(Y/n)'s been kidnapped!" Natasha answers. Clint's eyes widen in horror, Laura turning to stare at her husband, the brunette having heard since the phone had been on speaker.
Word Count: 3225 words
Well... Here you go...
Was this the father / daughter time y'all were asking for?
No?  Sorry...
I promise I'm not heartless...
Anyway, I've got to go on to work on another book now.
See y'all!
Love - Did you catch that scene at the beginning?
            Kaitlynn ❤😍
Imma tag peoples now: @confusinggemini612, @gay-disaster826, @thelastavenger-3000, @osugahunnyicedtea, @night-howl199, @minicastle, @happilyeverafterfantasybooks, @billiebanner, @me-and-sweatpants, @scottjudah, @scarlet-raccoon, @whore-for-charlynch, @nyx-aria, @night-howl199, @brittanyrenne2004, @juegamiri29, @minicastle, @peggycarter-steverogers, @gay-disaster826, @guitargodme, @avengers-avenging, @natashadeservedbetter2​
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yconic · 5 years
The MCU as vines:
Tony, playing piano: Ooo, sucka dick, suck a huge or small diiiiick--
Stephen: Umm, that is not correct! Because according to the encyclopedia of ajdjszjdjdjsns-
Maria filming Tony on his first day of school: Fuck it up Anthony, Fuck it up!
Fury: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it doEs!
Sam playing the guitar for Bucky: I love you bitch
Bucky: omg
Sam: I ain't never gonna stop loving you *guitar note* bitch
Howard: Every time you yell at your kids put a quarter in your sock, and soon you'll have a weapon to beat--
Steve: You know what? I'm about to say it, , I don't care that you broke your elbow--
T'Challa: Listen, you can't sit with us
Killmonger: Ummm, actually, T'CHALLA, I can't sit ANYWHERE! I have Hemorrhoids
Peter: Dad look, it's the good kush!
Tony : This is the dollar store, how good can it be?
Tony: Hey, dad! Say 'who wants lasagna'!
Howard: Who wants lasag-- *hits his hip by the kitchen counter and falls*
Nebula: Hey guys, look at this new dress my dad bought me-- SIKE! IT'S A JUMPSUIT! YOU'VE BEEN FOOLED!
Ned when his boyfriend gets bullied: I said, 'whoever threw that paper, your mom's a hoe'!
Steve: hey Buck, What do you wanna eat?
Pierce's voice in Bucky's mind: The souls of the innocents!
Bucky: A bagel
Pierce: NO!
Bucky: TWO bagels
Friday: [Plays Nicki Minaj around the kids ]
Steve, desperately trying to stop it: No. No! NOOOOO!
Thor and Bruce when Steve and Tony were fighting: Sometimes when there's drama, all you gotta do is: Walk awwwAAaaaYyyy
Natasha : Next time you put your fucking hands on me I'mma fucking rip your face off BITCH!
Steve, shyly: H-Hey Tony
Tony: Heh. Sup, bitch?
Steve, blushing as the gay panic intensifies: Hehe, sup?
Tony: bITCH
Steve, falling off his feet: uGHHH
Morgan: DAD! Is that a weed!?
Tony, holding a yellow crayon: No, this is a crayon.
Morgan: I'm calling the police! [Sets the microwave at 911] 911,[ what's your emergency?]
Tony, staring into space as the x file theme plays in the background :
Thor, sobbing: Well, It's been a gReAt day today [sniff], , can't wait for MoRe!
Carol: Dude, I had a dream we fucked!
Maria: Dude, it's JUST a dream!
Carol: Ha, gay, I wouldn't fuck you!
Maria, in a small voice: You would't...?
Carol, completely serious: I mean, unless you want to--
Fury, while Carol and Maria chill in a pool: Two gals, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they're not gay!
Loki: Hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, sooo I'm starting a Kickstarter to put him down. The benefits if him dying would be that I'd get pushed way less.
Tony, getting ready to dance: Bring the beat in!
Steve/Peter, running with an actual beet: Anything for you Tony--
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
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TSB MIV Week 7 Roundup!
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Title: From the Heart (Literally)  Collaborator: newnewyorker93 Card Number: 4042 Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Strawberries Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: Iron Man 3 extended/missing scene, fluff & humor, light angst Summary: Tony gives Pepper the shrapnel necklace. Word Count: 1494
Title: On Wedding Planning Collaborator: pinkybitesu Card Number: 4106 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Laughter Ship: IronFalcon Rating: T Major Tags: Fluff, Tooth-rotting Fluff, Established Relationship, Wedding Planning; No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Sam and Tony take a breather while wedding planning to have a laugh and to snuggle a bit. Word Count: 1147
Title: friendship goals Collaborator: JehBeeEh Card Number: 4058 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Image: HumDrumVee Ship: Stony, IronBros Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: After being away for a while, Rhodey comes home and gets to meet Tony's new BF. Word Count: 1413
Title: Music Make You Lose Control Collaborator: Ducky Card Number: 4013 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - No Modesty Ship: IronHusbands Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Crack, Don't Try this at Home Summary: Tony gets himself a speaker buttplug. How long before the Avengers can tell where the sound is coming from? Word Count: 892
Title: Sleeping with the Enemy Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Card Number: 4003 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Adopted - Pseudo-villainy Ship: Gen Rating: Teen Major Tags: Endgame 2012 AU, infiltration, terrible plans, crack Summary: After a troubling conversation with Rumlow ends with the words hail Hydra, Steve, Fury, and the rest of the Avengers decide an investigation is necessary.Steve just really wishes this wasn't what they'd decided on. Word Count: 316
Title: One Song (My Heart Keeps Singing)  Collaborator: iam93percentstardust Card Number: 4012 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Misunderstandings Ship: ThunderIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Soulmates, Fluff and Angst Summary: When Thor is old enough to understand what a Heartsong is, he goes to his mother to ask her why he can’t understand the language his is in. He listens as she tells him about the first soulmates who couldn't understand their Heartsong until the day they meet, excited by the thought of a grand adventure, one that will take him across the cosmos in search of his One.He’ll search all the Nine Realms if he has to. Word Count: 6683
Title: Apollo’s Gift Collaborator: camichats Card Number: 4049 Link: AO3 Square Filled: R3 - Fortune Telling Ship: Sharon Carter/Tony Stark Rating: Teen Major Tags: None Summary: Sharon didn't tell anyone about her visions, mostly because she never knew when she'd get one. She'd done pretty well ignoring them for her entire life, but when she gets one of Tony dying, she decides that ignoring it isn't an option.  Word Count: 2293
Title: A Fairy Tale, This Is Not Collaborator: Fighting_For_Creativity Card Number: 4004 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Adopted - AU: Reincarnation Ship: WinterIron (endgame for the fic), Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Morgana, Merlin/Gwaine (due to the nature of the fic, bear with me folks) Rating: G Major Tags: Reincarnation, dreams, visions, Tony’s workshop Summary: Sometimes, unbeknownst to Tony, his reflection doesn’t show the man the world sees. Word Count: N/A
Title: untitled Collaborator: chel Card Number: 4011 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: IronHusbands Rating: G Major Tags: N/A Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: It Always Ends in a Fight Collaborator: poliZ Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - Wolf Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, shape shifting, collars Summary: Anthony watches over James as he shifts back to his normal form for the first time. Word Count: N/A
Title: Childhood Sweethearts Collaborator: camichats Card Number: 4049 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Magical Mishaps Ship: Sharon Carter/Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: "Exactly what does de-aged mean?" Sharon asked. "Adult Tony got shrunk down to being six." "Why are you calling me? Jim would probably be more help; he's good with kids." "You and Tony knew each other since you were born, didn't you?" Natasha asked. Sharon regretted the day she ever shared that detail.  Word Count: 1001
Title: From the Latin for ‘Distance’ Collaborator: poliZ Card Number: 4007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - Ridiculous Amounts of Tech Ship: Pepperony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Smut, Mutual Masturbation, Sex Toys, Fluff & Smut, Pepper POV Summary: Tony sends Pepper a package to make their time apart a little less lonely. Word Count: 1046
Title: What’s in This Coffee Anyway?! Collaborator: Faustess Card Number: 4059 Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - Free Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Bucky is a barista and Tony Stark is his favorite customer. Today is the same as any other day except the espresso machine makes a weird sound and... sends them both back in time. Word Count: 100
Title: This Is Not Gardening (You Can’t Fool Me) Collaborator: Faustess Card Number: 4059 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Shapeshifters Ship: IronWarHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: hapeshifters, sleepy cuddles, domestic fluff, Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: Civil War, Cute Ending. It's kind of salty re: CW Steve, but not overly so, I don't think. When CW is addressed, it's still in the process of being sorted out, but the characters weren't sure how anything would shake out. Otherwise no warnings. Summary: Tony and Clint are waiting for Rhodey to come back from his run. Tony's got an event later that day, but some things are more important than galas. Word Count: 1605
Title: It’s Not the Ritz, It’s the Four Seasons (Total Landscaping) Collaborator: deehellcat Card Number: 4028 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - Framed Ship: Stuckony, background PepperNat Rating: Teen Major Tags: Four Seasons Total Landscaping AU, Multi-directional Pining, Smol Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers is a Little Shit, No Powers AU, not Trump friendly, Veteran Bucky Barnes, War Injuries mentioned, Pre-Polyamory, Misunderstanding, Covid-19 Summary: three small businesses, three friends (who might want to be more than friends) and one very strange press conference. Word Count: 6765
Title: I die with variety - Chapter 3 Collaborator: simi Card Number: 4066 Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - More Than a Partner Ship: IronHusbands Rating: E Major Tags: major character death, immortality in a way but it will end at some time, explicit sexual content. Warnings for this Chapter: torture, body image issues, deaths in various, graphic circumstances, violence. Summary: The first time that Tony dies, he is four and he’s building his very first circuit board from scratch. He’s connecting the finished product to the multimeter to check the voltage, the current and resistance, when a lead slips, a shock ricochets up through his spine, and he sees black. He’s on his back, when his eyes flutter open, and he’s staring up at the ceiling. He gets up, frowning, rubbing at his eyes, and then, he sees the frayed wire on the end of the multimeter. Huh, he thinks and moves on almost immediately. Word Count: 12,110
Title: Acrobatics Collaborator: Ducky Card Number: 4013 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T2 - Anticipation Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: N/A Summary: Moodboard Word Count: N/A
Title: Bring the World Back Into Tune Collaborator: ceealaina Card Number: 4008 Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - Asking for Trouble Ship: Stony, background WarFalcon Rating: E Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Meet-Cute, Steve Rogers Has No Chill, Fluff and Smut, Blow Jobs Summary: Steve's just minding his own business when he spots the most beautiful man he's ever seen. So of course when he gets the chance to meet him, he manages to make a complete fool of himself. (Luckily, Tony kinda likes a guy who accidentally proposes at first sight.) Word Count: 4143
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ms-znodgrass · 5 years
Fuelled by Hope
In which Steve comes back after returning the infinity stones, but is soon lost again to the fabrics of space and time...
A/N: there’s been some really fab, inspiring, talented fanfics/au/imagines written about the MCU so I thought I’d contribute and try to help everyone else heal from the pain that was Endgame. (not my gif)
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On the day of Tony Stark’s funeral you were not only morning the loss of Iron Man, but Captain America too. Steve Rogers was teleported back in time in the late hours of the afternoon, with one sole mission to return the infinity stones.
He was due back approximately ten seconds later, and you feared this wouldn’t be the case. You knew Steve had seen Peggy on the day you collected the stones, his eyes were foggy and dull from the moment you returned to the Avengers base. It was then that you knew, if he were to survive the war, he would return to that exact moment and live his life and he always wanted to. It was then that you lost faith in him – or more so, how you felt for him.
Still, after ten seconds he hadn’t returned. You began to pace back and forth, your mind numb to the shouts of Bruce and Sam. He wouldn’t come back. Your Steve was going to spend the rest of his days with his Peggy. And he deserved it, he deserved to live a life without sacrifice.
You began to turn, walking towards an empty wooden bench which overlooked the green lake. A perfect place to mourn the death of a life you could’ve spent with Steve Rogers.
“Steve?” You hear a voice mutter. Instantly you turn, faced with Captain America – not a single hair out of place. Your knees almost give way, and your heart lurches so far into your chest you think you might choke on it. All those memories, all those worries… faded. Steve was back from his mission, a mission you never thought would end.
He stumbles down from the metal stage below him, eyes red and skin white. You walk towards him, reaching for his arms as he almost fell onto you. “Steve are you okay?” Bruce chimes again from next to you. Sam appears at his other side, holding his body up.
Steve nods, his eyes finding yours. His cheeks return to their normal colour, pupils dilating as he inhales. “I’m fine,” he smiles, eyes ghosting over each of you. Eventually the blue orbs land on Sam. “I have something for you,” he breathes, handing him a round leather case. Inside was the shield, Cap’s shield, in perfect condition.
“How did you-“
“Long story. But it’s yours now, you deserve it,” he grins breathlessly. Sam eyes him; confused, overwhelmed, shocked, unsure whether Steve was joking.
“I can’t take this from you, I…”
Steve pushes the shield towards him, handing over its history, legacy. Sam’s fingers touch the cold leather, taking it in his grasp as if it is the most precious thing in the world – which to him, it was. You see his eyes glaze over as he takes Steve into his arms and holds him tightly.
After that you decided to give him a chance to speak to Bucky. They hadn’t had the chance to be alone, to talk of all the stories they had yet to share. After all, you had all the time in the world to speak to him, a thought which warmed you.
So you take a seat on the desolate bench, looking out over the water. The sun was just beginning to set, casting an orange glow across the sight before you. You almost forget where you were, or more importantly, who you were.
“Hi,” Steve sighs, sitting beside you. You study his face carefully, his skin was tired and worn, eyes grey and grief-struck. He was every element of a broken man, but was still as handsome as the day you met him.
“You saw her again, didn’t you?” You ask softly, careful not to break him. He lowers his head.
“Yeah. I did,” he breathes. A moment passes, silence broken by the sound of birds chirping in the distance.
“Why didn’t you stay?”
“I couldn’t. The guy that went into the ice… he wanted a family, a marriage, a dance. I’m not that same man, and I think only now, I’m beginning to accept that,” he tells you, as if each word is both hurting him yet healing him, giving him a new leash for life. “Plus, I couldn’t leave you all. Especially you.”
You take your hand in his, sitting in silence. He brings the back of your palm up to his lips, and kisses your skin ever so lightly. Your best friend, your closest companion, had made another sacrifice – his happiness for yours.  
“You shouldn’t have to give everything up, not again. You had a chance to-“
“I didn’t want to go back. The Avengers are my family now, I’m happy here. As happy as I can be.”
You place your head on his shoulder, “what do we do now?”
“We learn to live again,” he sighs his head falling onto yours, “as Tony wanted us to.”
The wind suddenly feels cool, even with the heat of Steve’s body against yours. You stand, “I’m gonna grab us a blanket, I’ll be back.”
You stand between his legs, kissing his forehead. You hold his cheeks in your hands, holding your tears back. “Thank you,” you whisper.
You rush back to your car, grabbing the blanket you kept in your backseat, and return to Steve. Using your superspeed, your there and back in less than a few seconds.
But when you return, Steve isn’t there. Impossible. You shout over to Bruce, who is disambling the equipment. “Hey Bruce, where did Steve go?”
He looks over to you, shrugging. “Hhe was with you? Was he not?”
“He was… a second ago. Have you checked the background radiation levels? Perhaps the frequency of the air particles?” You tell him, running over to his location. He looks at you, a sudden fear spreading across his face.
“Oh god.”
  Autumn was slowly dying, the trees bare, ground dusted with orange and brown crisp leaves. It had been a few months since the funeral, yet you were returning to the Stark’s country home to celebrate Thanksgiving. You often hadn’t cared for Thanksgiving, but knowing you and a few other Avengers were requested to join Pepper and Morgan for a feast, well, you couldn’t refuse.
You were driving through the country roads with Bucky and Sam, all silently admiring the sad beauty of the woodlands. Unlike a few others, you had decided to stay at the Avengers headquarters, which now was almost a cold tribute to what you had lost. Still, it allowed you to continue your research on the limitations of space and time, or more specifically, time-travel.
Sam would train often, trying desperately to shadow the moves of the former Captain America, readying himself for the day that post-war peace would become an old memory. Bucky would flitter in and out of the HQ, but always seemed to return home. Bruce on the other hand was continuing his research with Dr Pym. You often met with them to see if there were any breakthroughs on Steve’s whereabouts.
There were none.
You were lost in thought when Sam announced that you had arrived. Upon exiting the car, Morgan rushes towards you with wide arms. “Hi little one,” you smile, picking her up and spinning her around. She squeals with excitement, her arms wrapping around your neck. “You’ve grown!”
“Soon I’ll be as tall as you,” she giggles as you carry her towards the door. Pepper emerges then, a small smile gracing her features. You put Morgan down, allowing her to tackle Bucky’s metal arm.
“Hi,” you greet, hugging her tightly. She embraces you openly. “It smells brilliant in here,” you tell her, inhaling some of the sweet scents drifting through the doorway. She rolls her eyes.
“I wish I could say it was all me, but we’ve had some help,” she laughs, leading you inside.
“So your research into mechanics is going pretty well,” you grin, eyes catching the table adorned with pies, potatoes, carrots, and the biggest turkey you’ve ever seen. She sighs.
“Aside from the kitchen fire, I’d say Tony would be proud,” she nudges you, hands on her hips.
“You really think Tony’s expectations were set so high?” She laughs then, and you fear that the sound of her laughter was a rarity in this house.
“Bruce, Wanda and Thor are all in the kitchen,” she tells you, “help yourself to a drink.”
You find the others in deep conversation. All of them seem happier, as if they’ve accepted what has happened and learned to embrace it. After all, they did save the world.
“Thor! Is that you?” You chime, eyeing his much slimmer figure. He steps towards you and squeezes you.
“Ah, young Y/N, it is good to see you again.”
“You too,” you chuckle, “though if you squeeze me any tighter, it could be the end of me.” He lets you go, hand patting your head. “Been hitting the gym?” You ask.
“Yes well, my travels with the Asguardians of the Galaxy proved to be slightly more strenuous than I first thought,” he smiles, with a sweet promise to explain all after you eat. You then speak with Bruce, catching up briefly. After all, you had only seen each other a week ago when he thought he’d found a breakthrough in forbidden quantum physics.
“Wanda, how are you?”
“I’ve been good. I’ve actually decided that it might be wise to return home to you all,” she sighs. You embrace her.
“Please, it’s been long overdue. Besides, the testosterone is choking me,” you joke.
“Dinner’s ready!” Pepper chimes, and you take Wanda’s arm, both walking through to the dining room.
The meal is wonderful, the room fills with laughter and joy. Happy sits at the end of the table, and looks really… happy. He and Rhodey begin telling tales of Tony, almost reminding you all that he wasn’t there. Almost.
Then it’s Bucky’s turn, he and Sam start bouncing back with stories of Steve and Natasha. Yet you, Wanda, Bruce and Pepper can’t seem to think of anything to say, instead enjoying the stories circulating around the room – some you’d never heard before.
“Did daddy really say that to the Queen of England?” Morgan asks mid-laughter, her eyes brimming with tears. Pepper nods, in stitches herself.
“That’s why he never went back,” Rhodey chuckles, winking at Morgan. Bruce excuses himself from the table, answering a phone call and you decide it’s a good time to help Pepper with the dishes.
“Allow me, honestly Pepper, it’s what I’m built for,” you smile. Using your super speed, you run into the kitchen, cleaning and drying the dishes before Pepper can even protest.
“I don’t know why I try to object,” she sighs, as you hand her a glass of red wine.
“Now sit, and put your feet up!”
The others make their way over to the couches, each close to sleeping their meal off. You’re about to join them, when Bruce appears behind you.
“Y/N, a word?” He asks. You follow him through to the other room.
“What’s up?” You ask, leaning against the wall. He looks at you, silent for a moment. “Bruce, you okay?” You ask, sitting him down on the stairs. He takes a deep breath.
“There’s been a large burst of energy radiating from the forest,” he starts, “in the same location where we lost Steve, the exact coordinates.” You’re about to leave but he touches your arm, “we don’t know what it is, Dr Pym is on his way, I’ll go get the others so just hold on for one second-“
“You’re telling me Steve might be in the woods, possibly injured, and I need to wait for Dr Pym? Bruce, I have to go. I’ll meet you there.”
It’s darker out, the woods casting large shadows across the woodland floor. Still, you would be able to navigate yourself in pitch black. You knew these coordinates off by heart. You had often visited the clearing, whether to conduct some studies or to just think. You knew this location like the back of your hand. And for once you weren’t running from anger or frustration, you were fuelled by hope.
You appear at the bench, frantically searching the area for any sign of Steve. Yet, there was none. You could feel the energy lurking in the air, but as far as you were concerned, that was useless. You sit on the bench, awaiting Bruce’s arrival, only to report nothing. A small part of you was hopeful. But that wasn’t enough to ride on.
Another empty dream. You face the clearing, a stray tear escaping yet again. You mentally reprimand yourself, you’d promised not to cry. Not today. And yet here you were, sobbing. It was almost as if you could still feel Steve’s presence, though it was all in your head.
It was all in your head.
You stand the second time you hear your name. The voice was too realistic, it was messing with your mind. He wasn’t In front of you. He wasn’t here.
A hand on your shoulder pulls you from your thoughts, and you turn to relay the news back to Bruce. Except you’re faced with a pair of blue eyes, instead of green.
“Hey,” he smiles, his legs buckling from below him. You catch him before he falls, placing him delicately on the floor. You prop his head into your lap, cradling his features. You softly run your fingers through his hair, as he blinks up at you.
“Bruce will be here soon, they’ll be able to look after you just stay awake, okay?” You tell him, brushing the stray hair from his face. He catches your hand in his, bringing your fingers to his lips. He kisses your knuckles delicately, the corners of his mouth picking up.
“I’m fine,” he says, as his eyelids close slowly. You consider leaving him for just a split second, perhaps to bring Bruce to you. But the sound of footsteps tells you to be patient. Be patient.
You kiss his forehead, continuing to comb through his blonde locks as you await for your remaining Avengers to assemble.
Part 2??
I take requests! Preferable MCU atm to fill the hole in my bleeding heart. 
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Just Into You (Three)
In which Tony is sick and Steve rides to the rescue, there is a storm and Steve has to stay over for fan fiction reasons, Sam is just... just Done and whoops there is (sleepy) dry humping and oh no Steve flails about in Gay Panic. 
“So you’re not into him, huh?” Sam folded his arms and leaned against the door jam, leveling Steve with his most judgmental look. “Which is why every morning for a month straight you’ve scampered your happy ass out this door to buy him ridiculously overpriced coffee and talk about what-- how you both have hard ons for terrible movies?” 
“Cut it out.” Steve scowled at him. “I think Tony’s right, you’re just mad because we’ve been friends for like ten years and all the sudden I’m branching out and making new friends.” 
“I’m wounded to my very soul.” Sam said flatly. “Yes. You caught me. That’s why I’m busting your balls about Tony. Because I’m jealous that you have a new friend. Damn it, you are my friend and I don’t want you having another friend. That’s exactly right. I’m mad because Tony is your friend.” 
“You’re being weird again, Sam.” 
“And you’re being dumb again, Steve.” 
“Tony and I are just friends. I’m not into guys.” Steve’s phone rang and his face lit up as he answered,” Hey! Tony!” 
“Hey Tony.” Sam mimicked and Steve winged a spatula at him. “Ack! Okay! I’m leaving!” 
“Tony!” Steve grabbed his keys off the counter. “I was just on my way out the door. Remind me again where this new place is? You said on 3rd?” 
“Steeve.” Tony sniffled loudly and coughed. “M’sick. Can’t have coffee. Pretty sure I’m dying of the plague.”
“Like... like the black plague?” Steve tried not to laugh into the phone. “You’re dying of the black plague?” 
“Look.” Tony sniffed again. “I googled my symptoms and it’s definitely either the plague or SARS. There’s a mild chance it’s the common cold but that seems unrealistic all things considered.” 
“All things considered, the common cold seems unrealistic?” Steve changed direction and dug through the fridge for the leftover soup from last night and then rifled through the cupboard for some bread. “Okay why don’t you get in the shower and get warmed up and I’ll come over with some soup and cold medicine.” 
“No no don’t come over, I’m fine.” Tony coughed again and Steve tsked sympathetically. “Plus I’m super whiny and purposefully obnoxious when I’m sick and you don’t want to deal with that.” 
“I promise I don’t care.” Steve jogged back to his bedroom and snagged his favorite worn blanket and an extra hoodie. “I’ll be there in just about an hour okay? Go get in the shower.” 
He hung up and turned around to leave and--
“Sam.” he sighed. “I’ve never seen anyone eat cereal so judgmentally in my entire life.” 
“Steve.” Sam returned. “School is actually cancelled because some ridiculously big storm is supposed to land tonight. Like hurricane force rains. They cancelled classes so the students and teachers with later classes wouldn’t get potentially stuck in the storm. And you’re going to drive forty five minutes across town to take your ‘friend’--” 
“--the air quotes aren’t necessary.” 
“--oh ho, the air quotes are necessary, my man. You’re driving forty five minutes to take him soup and your favorite hoodie.” Sam took another bite, staring balefully at Steve over his Fruit Loops. “Remember that year we went for Spring Break in Mexico and I got food poisoning and ended up in the hospital because of dehydration?” 
“Did you bring me soup and your favorite hoodie?” Sam shook his head when Steve tried to answer. “No. You didn’t. You got all handsy with which ever girl was drinking the most tequila and ended up passed out on the beach like a dumbass. All I’m saying is-- you’re doing things for Tony that you don’t normally do for your friend-- Steve?” Sam groaned. “Steve are you even listening to me?” 
“Hm?” Steve looked up from his phone. “No. I told him I was bringing him a hoodie and he said not orange because it makes him look like an Oompa Loompa.” His smile was just a hint past stupid. “As if. He probably looks good in any color.”
“I give up.” Sam decided to a now empty room as Steve bolted out the door. “I give up. The man is impossible.” 
 “Sam’s back on that whole ‘you hang out with Tony too much’ thing.” Steve said as he pulled soup from the microwave and stirred it. “I told him he was just jealous.” 
“Yeah, cos this is definitely well with in the boundaries of what friends do.” Tony had swapped Bucky’s hoodie for Steve’s and was nearly drowning in it, just the top of his head and eyes peeking out from folds and swaths of dark blue cloth. “What kind of soup?” 
“Potato and corn? Sam makes it with cream and its much better than mine, I promise.” 
“That makes it a chowder.” Tony scooted over on the couch and Steve sat close enough to hold the bowl so Tony could have a bite. “Cream base makes it a chowder.” 
“You know weird things.” 
“Yeah.” Tony slurped noisily at the spoon. “Yeah, I really do.” 
“So is it the plague or just the sniffles?” Steve fluffed up the pillow behind Tony and left his arm there across Tony’s shoulders. “Or something far far worse? How many days do you have left before I have to start writing a speech for your funeral?” 
“You might not need a funeral speech. Depending on how I type my symptoms into Web MD, it might actually be pregnancy.” Tony commented. “You ready to be a daddy, Steve?” 
“Ohhhh let’s not joke about things that give me heart palpitations.” Steve decided and fumbled around for the remote. “What do you want to watch?” 
“I’m going to take some cold medicine and go into a coma.” Tony poured a dose of NyQuil and tossed it back, grimacing at the taste. “If you’re going to leave, thank you for the soup. If you’re going to stay, be prepared to be used as a pillow.” 
“Oh.” Steve didn’t know why he sounded a little nervous or why the word came out a little breathy but he leaned back into the couch and opened his arms wider for Tony. “Come here, sickie. You can lay on me, come here.” 
“Kay.” Tony pushed and prodded at him until Steve was stretched out all the way, and then curled into his side. “Just push me off if my sniffling gets gross. Also I snore with NyQuil and it’s terrible. Rhodey has told me I talk in my sleep and Natasha has confirmed that rumour.” 
“Why do Rhodey and Natasha know you talk in your sleep?” That-- that didn’t sound jealous, right? No way. Sounded perfectly normal. 
“Because when I’m sick or just over tired I sleep on who ever is closest. Usually Rhodey.” Tony wound his leg through Steve’s and sighed happily-- or as happily as he could while congested and sniffling and breathing through his mouth. “Sometimes Natasha if Bucky is out of town and she doesn’t want to be alone. One terrifying time Bucky came over when Nat was out of town-- that guy is the most intense cuddler I was honestly scared for my life. Nat is a very brave woman.” 
“You’re rambling.” It was easy to press a kiss to Tony’s forehead and Steve told himself he was checking for a fever. “Close your eyes and get some sleep.” 
“But I want to talk to you about my weird friends.” Tony whined. “I told you I was purposefully obnoxious when I’m sick. You signed up for this.” 
“I did sign up for this.” Steve acknowledged. “And I’m not going to push you off even if you snore. Are you warm enough? Do you want another blanket?” 
“M’fine.” Tony sighed again and added with a giggle, “So weird how Sam thinks we’re dating, right?” 
“It is weird.” Steve agreed and Tony laughed against him. “I’ve taken care of him when he’s sick, I dunno why he’s being weird about me taking care of you all the sudden.” 
“Oh yeah, no this is definitely what friends do.” Tony was laughing harder and Steve felt like he was maybe missing the joke. “Definitely. I have no idea why he thinks we’re dating. No idea why.” 
Steve just smiled and hugged Tony closer to his side. “Get some sleep.” 
The day went by in a blur of Tony snoring on Steve’s chest, waking up to demand more soup and more medicine and then back to being basically comatose. 
The rain started around two pm and by the time Tony woke up for more soup and dinner, it was coming down in sheets, thunder rolling along outside the building and the occasional crack of lightning. 
“Holy crap.” Tony rubbed at his eyes and stared out the window in shock. “Did you know it was going to storm?” 
“Everyone knew it was going to storm, Tony.” Steve put his magazine down and motioned for Tony to come back to the couch. “it’s practically a hurricane out there. How did you miss the news?”  
“I’ve been in a Nyquil coma for most of the last twenty four hours.” Tony pointed out and when Steve frowned, he explained, “I wasn’t feeling good yesterday at coffee either so I called out of work and have been high off cold medicine ever since.” 
“Oh for goodness sake.” Steve motioned for him again and this time Tony came back and curled up on his side. “I might have to stay here tonight if that’s okay. Doesn’t look real safe to drive.” 
“Steve.” Tony blinked up at him. “Of course you can stay the night. I’d love if you stayed the night. Are you serious? Yes stay.” 
“Poor thing, need someone to take care of you?” Steve laughed and Tony rolled his eyes, “Yeah Steve, I want you to stay the night because I want you to take care of me. That’s exactly why.” 
“Are you ready for some more food?” 
“I’m ready for some alcohol.” Tony decided and clambered off the couch to head for the fridge. “Nyquil and Vodka is fine, right?” 
“Tony, NO!” 
(Sleepy dry humping coming up if you want to avoid it? Idk some people are weird about sleepy sexy times) 
Steve was dreaming. 
Something about rain and thunder, what sounded like a musical on the background which didn’t really make sense but hey, dreams were weird, right? The edges of his consciousness felt fuzzy, his limbs weighted down and he was holding someone soft and warm over his heart, someones breath puffing at his neck and soft fingers slipping under his shirt to press at his abs and into his sides. 
Mmmmm Steve was comfortable, so comfortable and perking up as his hands slid and up over the curve of a very very well rounded rear, the breath at his neck catching when Steve squeezed experimentally and oh look now things were perking up even more.
It had been a long time since he dreamed about this sort of thing and dreams were dreams so Steve didn’t worry when “Tony...” slipped from his mouth instead of.. instead of a girls name. 
Dreams were crazy. 
“I’m not sick enough you have to feel guilty about this.” Someone giggled and Steve sleep mumbled something back, rucking up a thick hoodie to dig his fingers into a lean back and encourage that soft warm body to wiggle further up on top of him. It was easy to fit his thigh into the vee of narrow hips, and oh god it was nice when their bodies lined up and he could rock up into the welcome weight. 
Holy shit had it been a long time since he’d dreamed about this sort of thing. 
“You feel good, oh my god, I can’t believe how good you feel.” A quiet whisper into his ear, accompanied by what could have been a kiss on his cheek-- who knew? Dreams were weird-- and Steve tightened his grip on what had to be the best ass he’d ever squeezed and thrust up sharply. “Oh fuck, yes.” 
Yesyesyes seriously how long had it been since Steve had had sex? Or even since he’d played palm pong by himself in his room? Was he really having a wet dream right now? Everything was warm and hazy and hot and hard-- oh he was so hard, so hard he was actually seeing stars or--dreaming stars?-- whatever. It was good. Sososososososo good. 
“Don’t stop.” Panting now, hands roaming his chest and brushing his nipples and then everything shifted and for just a split second before Steve madean embarrassing noise and ruined his jeans, he thought-- Huh, I feel like there are two dicks in this situation, I definitely feel another dick right now. 
“Steve.” a quiet moan that was so sexy, so breathless that Steve almost wished it wasn’t a dream so he could get up and at ‘em again, but the dream was already fading as he slipped back into deeper sleep, nothing left but lingering heat and the feeling that his head was spinning. 
Fucking storm dreams. 
When Steve finally did wake up all the way, Tony was asleep at his side still and embarrassingly enough Steve had in fact had a wet dream and boy howdy was he uncomfortable. 
“Tony.” he whispered and Tony just grumbled at him. “Tony let me up so I can use the bathroom.” 
“Mmmph.” Tony mumbled. “Blreghff. Lemme sleep.” 
“Okay, let me just scoot out--” Steve tucked Tony back onto the couch and waddled to the shower, peeling out of his ick jeans and getting into ice cold water. 
He hadn’t just-- he hadn’t just had a wet dream about Tony, right? He hadn’t done that. Definitely hadn’t just come in his pants thinking about Tony’s butt. Because that would mean that he was attracted to Tony, that he wanted Tony and that-- that was weird. Tony was his best friend and Steve didn’t like guys and--
“Steve?” Tony called through the door. “You woke me up when you got off the couch so I’m going to kick your ass later. But first I’m going to order food, do you want some?” 
“Just some extra of whatever you’re having!” he called back and then thumped his head on the shower wall. 
Oh no. He wanted Tony.
Oh. No.
“So then, he grabs soup and bolts across town like his ass is on fire.” Sam said and Maria’s mouth dropped. “Yeah. I KNOW.” 
“So wait. So Steve doesn’t think they’re dating?” 
“Nope. Thinks they are friends.” 
“And he just-- he’s spending he night there?” 
“Alright.” Maria shrugged. “Well when the sex starts happening he’ll figure it out, right?” 
“You’d think so?” Sam raised his eyebrows. “But you’re under estimating exactly how in denial Steve is.” 
“Oh for fucks sake.” 
“I’ve said that so many times in the last month, you don’t even know.” 
“Hey, the storm blew out.” Tony’s hand was warm at Steve’s back when he came up behind him at the kitchen sink. “Looks like you might make it home today after all. Damn shame.” 
“Damn shame.” Steve kept on washing plates. “I’m getting used to this high end apartment living. Going back to sharing with Sam will be a real downer.” 
“You could always move in here.” Tony took a dose of cold medicine and washed it down with a swig of coffee. “It’s big enough.” 
“Too far from work.” Steve decided and Tony smiled, soft and a little unsure. 
“Are you okay? You’re acting a little weird.” 
“It’s nothing.” Steve scrubbed at a non existent spot on the plate. “It’s just um-” 
“Yeah?” Tony’s eyes were very wide, his fingers clutching nearly white at his cup. “Steve?”
“I had a dream about you last night.” Steve said in a rush and he wasn’t sure what to think about the look that crossed Tony’s face. “Sure seemed real and I guess I can’t get it out of my head.” 
“Was it a good dream?” Tony sidled closer. “Hm?” 
“I uh---” Steve swallowed hard, tried to tamp down the panic threatening to choke him. “It really really was.” 
(I tried to tag everyone who requested! Remember, if I’m going to tag you be nice enough to drop a comment or at least a like and reblog!) 
@lovergyrl100 @pidgist @kimstark @fandoms-are-my-lifestyle @flowers-and-honey @the-winter-pirate @amethystquil @locjinger @adreamorawish @daniebell21 @daughterheir @fanfic-grok @sad-el @theblondebandit @ifihadstartedyesterday @caelusmeus @lovingtony @twelve-percent-of-three-thousand @boompowkablam @my-drowning-in-time @single-white-rose-of-wutai @aoifelaufeyson @itsmysticalmystery @aisu-hawk @pipskweak311
@izziebladez6-blog-blog @maddie-anderxx @shoooooooooe
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butmomilovepeter · 5 years
ain’t no sunshine
read on a03? 
hi i love sam wilson with my whole heart
“I wasn’t expecting Spider-Man to be so...baby faced.”
Peter was losing, and he was losing bad.
It was an easier mission than normal. He’s been through some rough battles before.
But even though it was about a year after the Aftermath, and he had gone on many Avengers missions after, he was still getting used to being without Tony Stark.
Rhodey always had his back, Strange always was there when he was stuck, Sam Wilson always knew just what to say, but none of them were Tony.
They didn’t have his wording, his intellect. They didn’t have the way he knew Peter, could tell his little mannerisms and knew just when he was in trouble.
So now, Peter laid pinned to the ground, gritting his teeth as the resurfaced Hydra member mocked him. He had short circuited his Iron Spider suit, revealing Peter’s pale and sweaty face.
“Get. Off.” Peter gritted his teeth even harder, as he attempted to free himself. But the man just pushed harder.
“A fighter, are we?” A knee to his chest. A punch. Another punch. There’s a broken nose, for sure.
There was no way to call for backup with his suit dead. The others were far off, attempting to blow up the Hydra base. And Peter? Peter was keeping watch.
And then, just then, the explosion.
The noise was loud, louder for Peter, and loud enough that the member stayed still just a moment. Peter saw his chance.
He kicked the man in the gut, using his knees to dig into his ribs and flip him over. Peter did this often. It was his best tactic in these situations, the best way to get the upper hand.
But something felt off. His senses pricked at the back of his neck; his brain buzzing slightly.
And that’s when a knife gets driven into his chest.
Peter sputtered, looking down at his enemy, who was grinning like a madman beneath him.
Peter was kicked off, watching as his blood mixed into the dirt.
“Where’s your hero now?”
And suddenly, the knife is ripped out. Peter screams.
“What-What the fuck?” Peter scolded.
The Hydra man stood up slowly. “Spider-Man has been compromised.” He spoke into his headset.
“So have we. Retreat.” The voice on the other end replied.
“Guess our little spider got washed out by the rain.”
Suddenly, he disappears into the shadows of the night, leaving Peter alone. Alone. Alone. Alone.
The stars look a bit different when you’re dying. They’re a bit brighter, a bit more coherent. Not so far away.
There’s blood in his mouth; he can feel it coat his tongue and teeth.
He placed a shaky, limp hand to his wound. He’s bleeding out. He’ll lose enough blood and he’ll pass out and wake up and--
And Tony will be there. He’ll see Tony, he’ll hug him and wherever they are, they can create in Tony’s lab and watch movies and eat pizza…
May. Ned. MJ. Happy. Pepper.
“Please--” he blurted, blood dripping down his chin. “Don’t take me, n-not yet.”
He’s speaking to no one. No one that wants to hear him, at least.
There’s faint music playing in the back of his mind, old songs that Ben or Tony or his mother liked. He wants to give in to the music, to the black and warmth and nothingness. But he thinks of his family and of his team, and he can’t. He can’t leave them. Not after those lost. This one would hurt them bad.
“Spidey! Where you at?” It’s Sam Wilson’s voice calling for him. He wants to shout for him, to alert him that he was here, but all that came out were gurgles of blood and saliva. He was aching all over, the pain flowing through him in waves.
Any second, he would be dead.
“Parker!” The voice was closer. He was going to be okay. Okay.
“Oh, God, Parker--” Sam’s voice above him sounded fearful as his hands hover over his chest. “Come on, kid, stay with me--”
He feels himself get picked up, and any other time he’d be embarrassed. But at the moment, he felt a little bit lighter, safer, and content. Sam slipped his arm under Peter’s armpit, keeping him up right against him. A cool hand pressed on his own against the wound.
“Jesus, Parker, you’re lighter than little Miss Stark,” Sam chided.
“Spider power...real strong...real light. Something like that,” Peter responded drowsily.
Sam chuckled tightly. “Just stay awake, ‘kay?” There’s moments that pass, but for Peter it’s hours. Until Sam yells, “Strange! Get us home, the kid’s looking a little too pale for my liking.”
“Is he alright?” Strange asked, a slight frantic tone to his words.
“No.” A pause. “Like, if we don’t leave now, Pepper might literally kill us.”
“Is he coherent at all?” Rhodey chimed in over the coms, sounding like he was trying not to keep the others calm.
“Um…” Wilson snapped his fingers in Peter’s face. Peter fought back a flinch, but eventually winced and groaned. Sam looked somewhat satisfied. “More or less?”
Peter can see Strange appear in his peripheral vision, but it’s accompanied by white spots. The music in his brain gets a bit louder. It’s nothing him can make out; mixes of lyrics and melodies he can’t place. But they get a bit clearer, and clearer, and-  
A flash of orange and he’s back on the quinjet.
“Are you humming there, Queens?” Sam sounded a bit amused.
Peter was brought back, feeling the vibrations in his mouth stop.
“Was’n’ tryin’ to.” Peter slurred. Everything hurt. Blood was everywhere. When Tony died, there was no blood. There was power in Tony, too much and it coarsed through him, and it probably hurt. But there was no blood. That’s all Peter could see.
“Ain't no sunshine when she's gone,” Sam sang. “It’s not warm when she’s away.”
The singing catches Peter ears, making his own music fade into the background.
“What’re you doin’?” Sam lowered Peter on to a bunk, places bandages against the hole.
“Singing. Keeping you awake.” Something in Sam’s face cracks for half a second. “Always worked with Cap--Steve. The man got caught into too much trouble.”
Peter offers a sloppy, sad smile. “You ‘an keep goin’.”
“Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, and she’s always gone too long…” Sam’s singing is doing the opposite of keeping him awake, but there’s no strength in Peter to stop him. “Anytime she goes away.”
He’s got too much to live for to give up now. He doesn’t want to leave them all like Tony did.
“Hey, hey, Sam?” Peter said suddenly, grabbing the other man’s arm.
Sam’s singing faded as he cautiously looked between Peter eyes and his bloodied hand. “What is it?”
There’s rustling as the quinjet starts moving. Peter can hear snippets of Dr. Strange and Rhodey’s conversation, He’s losing too much blood and Pepper will kill us and Poor kid has been through enough, and it makes him feel worse than before.
He turned his thoughts back to Sam. “I can’t die.”
It come out in a small sob, cracked in all different pieces. Sam gave him a look of sympathy and guilt.
“Oh, Kid,” Sam started. “We’re not letting that happening.”
He added a new bandage as he slowly pushed Peter back down onto the bunk. The blood was slowing, there was less of it escaping him, and for some reason, that alarmed Sam.
“Fuck.” Sam placed a cool hand on Peter’s sweaty forehead. “Fuck.”  
Peter didn’t want to panic--if he knew anything, it would make his situation worse. But the tone of Sam’s voice as he pressed towels into Peter’s wound scared him.
“Rhodes, you better step on it!” Sam shouted to the pit.
“I’m going as fast as I can, Sam! Don’t let him fall asleep.” Rhodey shouted back.
Sam looked afraid, an emotion that he didn’t normally show.
“Sam?” Peter squeaked.
Sam turned back to him, hesitantly pushing back Peter’s hair from his sweaty face. “You’re okay, alright? You have to promise to stay awake.”
“Or Pepper and May... will kill you.” Peter finished sleepily.
Sam gave him a small smile. “Exactly. So you keep those eyes open, okay Spidey?”
Peter gave him a nod, trying to place eyesight on one thing. “I don’t want to die. Um, again.”
Things were getting too fuzzy. The pain was fading into static. The music came back slowly, rising in volume as the seconds passed.  
“You’re not, alright? You’ve got a lot of people to live for.” Sam spoke in a soft tone.
“Morgan,” Peter breathed.
Sam agreed. “That’s right. She’s counting on her brother.”
Brother. Peter smiled. “Yeah. Gotta...do it for her.”
And then Peter’s head drooped. Sam’s hands grabbed his face and shook it sharply.
“Hey, hey, none of that, Parker! Rhodes!” Sam yelled. “Kid, I know it’s easier to fall asleep, but you can’t.”
Stay awake. Stay awake. Stay awake.
“You hear me?” Sam continued. “I know you can. You’re stronger than all of us, kid. You’ve got heart that some don’t.”
The music was drowning him. He was breathing in it. It was cold. And bloody, and--
“Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone. It’s not warm when she’s away.”
Sam wants him to hang on. The singing brings him closer to Sam and farther from the music.
“Sam…” he whispered.
“Right here. Just listening to me. Were almost home.” He assured. “Wonder this time where’s she gone. Wonder if she’s gone to stay. Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, and this house just ain’t no home, anytime she goes away.”
“Don’t wanna...I don’t.”
He can’t, he really can’t, keep holding on.
“Please, Peter--”
There’s desperation in Sam’s voice.
Peter feels them start to land, but Sam’s voice fades into the music.
There’s a beeping. A slow, steady, even beeping. No music. Just beeping. And breathing. His chest hurts. It’s duller, but it’s there. He doesn’t have the strength to open his eyes just yet, but there’s a pressure on his side. And breathing that isn’t his own.
Slowly, he cracks his eyes, grateful to find the lights dim. From his bed in the medbay, he realized, he could see that the clock read 11:56pm.
Morgan was curled into his side, her brown locks draped across his chest, which while covered by the hospital gown, was wrapped in bandages.
“Are you awake?” She whispers sweetly.
Peter’s voice feels unused. “Sure are. Should you be?”
There’s a small giggle and then, “No.”
“Then how’d you get here?”
“Uncle Happy let me in. Wasn’t hard.” She said.
“It’s never been very hard.” He teased. A wave of pain crashed through him, and he tried not to show he. He guessed he did a bad job because Morgan picked her head up to look at him.
“You were hurt real bad. Mommy and Auntie May said so.” She looked a bit frightened, a bit sympathetic, a bit angry, and exactly like her father.
Peter lifted a lazy hand to stoke the hair out of her face. “I’m alright now, Morg.”
She shook her head. “You slept too long. And you were all white. I could see your face bones.” She poked her finger at Peter’s cheek.
“Sorry if I scared you. I didn’t want this to happen.” Peter said shamefully.
Morgan moved up closer, laying her head on Peter’s shoulder. “That’s okay, Pete. It was Uncle Sam and Rhodey that were really upset. Mr.Strange saved you.”
“Um, Strange might have closed your chest up, but I’m the one who carried your bleeding ass here.” A new voice arrived. Sam. He was dressed in the same clothes Peter had seen him wear the last time he saw him, the ones under his Captain America suit.
“Hey, Wilson,” Peter smiled.
Sam gave a smile back. “Hey there, Spidey.”
Peter’s face faltered as he rubbed Morgan’s back. “I fell asleep.”
“Yeah,” said Sam. “You did.” He looked a little put out.
“At least I got to hear you sing.” Peter joked. Sam rolled his eyes playfully. “How long have I been out?”
“Two days!” Morgan chimed in.
Sam chuckled from the doorway. “She’s right. And she should be in bed.”
Morgan pouted. “But Uncle Sam--!”
“Ah-ah, no buts. Your mom said so.” Sam gave her a parental look. “Give Petey here a kiss goodnight, and maybe you can have a cookie.”
She perked up and nodded, before giving Peter a light kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight Peter!”
“Goodnight, Morg.” Peter replied.
She jumped off the bed and ran passed Sam, who ruffled her hair as she did.
“How you feeling, kid?” Sam asked when she was gone down the hallway.
Peter sighed. “Sore.”
Sam gave him a light laugh. “Yeah, getting stabbed will do that to you.”
“Sorry. About. All that.” Peter said, avoiding eye contact.
“Don’t sweat it, Queens. I’m just glad you’re alright.” Sam said sincerely.
“I thought I was a goner for sure.”
“Not gonna lie, so did we.” Sam admitted. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to Peter. “But you pulled through. Strange did a good job.”
“Remind me to thank him.” Peter paused. “And thank you.”
Sam smiled. “No problem, Parker. Just stay out of trouble. That’s all we’re asking.”
Peter smirked. “We’ll see.”
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radioactivespidey · 4 years
So… what is the Ace Tower AU?
So. The beginning to this AU is that Tony doesn’t actually die, the Infinity Gauntlet just takes a lot out of him.
Steve and Bucky get together, there’ll be more on both of these alternate endings in the next section.
And then the Avengers all kind of go their separate ways, and it’s truthfully a rather sad goodbye because they had bonded so much and they truly are a family.
So they’re apart for a couple months.
Until Tony finally, finally is able to go out in the world again. And he realizes he misses his family. Not Morgan and Pepper, but his family of a bunch of idiots who have laughed together, cried together, and fought together.
So. He buys a building.
He calls it Ace Tower and spends the next couple weeks designing it carefully and lovingly, and then he calls up the Avengers. And he asks them to move in with him.
He even chokes up a bit when he tells them how much he misses them, and then they’re all kind of sniffling and laughing into the phone with teary eyes and Scott is the first one to speak: “I think I speak for all of us when I say hell yeah.”
The next couple weeks are busy and insane, with the Avengers gradually moving in, showing up with boxes of stuff and their family behind them (Tony made it very, very clear that family was more than welcome) and huge smiles on their faces and each of them hugs Tony tight when they see him. And in three weeks they’re all there and they get a tour of the absolutely huge building with Pepper guiding them and you can hear kids laughing and wine glasses clinking and the soft murmur of significant others conversing and Tony just grins to himself and thinks- yeah. This is home.
Below is an image of what I like to think Ace Tower looks like- maybe a little fancier and shinier and it’s in the middle of nowhere, not surrounded by other buildings.
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How do Endgame and Far From Home fit into this?
Literally everything in the MCU storyline up until Tony’s snap is the same. (Actually, that’s not true. I love Loki with my whole heart so let’s just say he’s still alive and it turns out he faked his death the whole time or something. This might not even be a headcanon, I have literally no idea if he’s still alive or not but his series makes it seem as if he is?? Who knows.) This whole AU starts with Tony not dying (yay!!). He does the snap and it takes a lot out of him and he goes unconscious, and everyone seriously thinks he’s going to die, but they manage to get him to a doctor in time and his severe wounds are treated.
So he is basically shoved into bedrest for weeks, and he heals and decides to retire from being Iron Man- he just wants to spend time with his family and friends.
Steve returns all the stones but comes back and as soon as he steps out of the portal he kisses Bucky, and the latter is shocked because he totally thought that Steve would spend the rest of his life with Peggy. But they both confess their love to each other literally right in front of everyone and it’s mushy and happy and they’d be lying if they said they didn’t cry.
That’s basically it for Endgame. FFH is about the same, but Tony isn’t dead, he just is not Iron Man anymore. This keeps the whole thing in FFH about who the next Iron Man is going to be, with Peter feeling pressured and missing Tony’s advice the whole time. Tony still gives EDITH to Peter (but would it be called EDITH if he’s not dead? ERITH? Even Retired I’m The Hero?) and Peter still makes the dumb mistake of giving the glasses to Mysterio, but it’s alright because it’s all resolved in the end. Basically right after FFH, maybe a couple weeks later, Tony asks the gang to move in.
We’re gonna pretend the mid-credit scene of FFH didn’t happen because… that is a major anxiety stressor. Or if it did happen, everything got fixed in a matter of hours. I’ve heard that this happens in the comics and Dr. Strange swoops in and somehow everything gets resolved and Peter’s identity is intact- I have no idea how true this is, but let’s say that it did happen for the sake of my sanity. I just. I worry over Peter, okay? He’s been through enough.
What headcanons and ships are in this AU?
The main ships are Peter/MJ and Steve/Bucky. There’s a little bit of Thor/Bruce (because it’s an absolutely underrated ship) but it’s not central at all. There is also Tony/Pepper, but that doesn’t count because it’s already canon. To be honest, none of these ships are that important to the AU, if you take them out it would still be about exactly the same, I just really like those ships.
The headcanons aren’t that many, it’s mostly just me desperately trying to make up for the queerbaiting/lack of LGBT+ rep in the MCU lmao. I am a fierce lover of trans + bi Peter, so that is included in the story, as well as Steve being bi, Bucky being gay or bi, Nat being lesbian (why do I love that so much?), etc. Just like the ships, they aren’t central or that important to the AU, I just enjoy envisioning the characters that way. I’m just really really really hoping Marvel gives Valkyrie a girlfriend, at least.
I also headcanon Bucky, Steve, and Peter to have PTSD and/or anxiety, as well as Tony of course. I just really need my mental health rep, y’all. Peter has been through so much, you cannot tell me he doesn’t have PTSD and anxiety because I’ll sigh extremely deeply. And it might come off this way, so I just want to say that I am not romanticizing mental illnesses, I just cope with them myself and having my favorite characters share some of that burden with me would be really cool. So. Yeah. I like to think that the four of them help each other out when they’re having depressive episodes or panic attacks or such.
But yeah. Those are most of the headcanons and such in this AU. I have quite a few minor ones but I am not going to waste anyone’s time by listing them. And if you want to hop on this “I hate the Endgame ending and since Marvel isn’t fixing it by God I’ll do it myself” bandwagon with me, feel free to come up with your own ships and headcanons. This AU was made to fill in all the gaps and come up with alternate endings for the characters. It’s a place to let your imagination run wild. If you want Natasha to run away and become a world-renowned chef, go for it, you know?
Ace Tower Layout:
It’s on this huge isolated field that has plenty of backyard space for stupid shenanigans, soccer goals and balls shoved up in one corner and ten barbecue grills and a vegetable garden that Bruce takes care of lovingly. There’s even a pool where a lot of crazy things happen.
There are ten floors, and there is a very helpful and speedy elevator to take them places. It is big and strong enough that Bruce doesn’t have to take the stairs, which he is very thankful for.
- Level 1: nothing much, just a sitting area and a scanner so only authorized people can pass through.
- Level 2: the labs, where all the nerds spend time. There’s plenty of high-tech gear and lab equipment to play around with and when Peter can’t sleep and wakes up with panic attacks he and Tony go down there and just tinker with things while Aunt May sits down with a good book and watches them with an incredibly fond smile on her face.
- Level 3: the gym and training room. There’s exercise equipment and also just a huge mat to spar and train. Natasha beats almost everyone who steps on that mat with her. Sometimes they have competitions where they’re allowed to fight dirty and use their powers and that is when it gets really chaotic.
- Level 4: the living room, it’s basically like a home theater and it’s stuffed with couches and pillows and blankets. They have a projector that shows the movie on an entire wall and they have movie nights with all the Avengers every Friday. A huge stack of board games is in one corner and there are five microwaves and hundreds of microwaveable popcorn packets and when someone brings in M&Ms all hell breaks loose.
- Level 5: the kitchen. Everyone has a kitchenette in their little apartment but they like spending time in the kitchen because there’s always someone there. It’s truly gigantic and sometimes they hold actual baking competitions, where they split into teams and have like three hours to make a giant wedding cake and it is insanely chaotic but by the end all of their stomachs hurt from laughing so much. They have dinner together every night, and it’s a time that they all look forward to.
- Level 6 and on are where the Avengers live. Each floor is separated into about 2-3 apartments (depending on how many people live on that floor), each one made especially for the person/family that lives there (Tony really outdid himself).
- Level 6: Apartment #1 is occupied by Scott, Hope, and Cassie (Cassie spends time with Jim and Maggie every two weeks, they are all a very happy family and Cassie loves Hope to death). Apartment #2 is occupied by Clint and his family. The two families actually get along very well.
- Level 7: Apartment #1 is occupied by Rhodey. Apartment #2 is occupied by Doctor Strange.
- Level 8: Apartment #1 is occupied by Steve and Bucky. Apartment #2 is occupied by Sam. Apartment #3 is occupied by Natasha. They absolutely love their floormates (is that even a word) and Sam and Bucky have the best rivalry with each other. They usually end up arm wrestling with Steve and Natasha watching in the background, the former with a look of horror and the latter with a huge smile on her face.
- Level 9: This level is kind of weird. Bruce almost has the entire floor to himself since he is a very big guy, but there is also a guest room section for when Thor and Loki decide to drop by (Loki and the people of Asgard never died OKAY they just relocated). Bruce is always super happy to see Thor and eventually he becomes good friends with Loki once he stops turning himself into a snake.
- Level 10: Apartment #1 is occupied by Tony, Pepper, and Morgan. Apartment #2 is occupied by May and Peter.
What am I going to do with this AU?
Honestly? I have no clue.
To be honest, chances are that this idea is not original at all and there about a hundred other variations of this exact same AU. If there are, I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I just want these characters to be happy.
I highly highly doubt that this AU will get attention anyway. The only reason why I’m making a Tumblr page for this is just to keep all my ideas in one place and to have a site to direct any friends to if they ask about this.
I might write some fics for this (shameless plug: my ao3 user is coffeebiscuits and I have only one MCU related fic up there [it’s Stucky- big surprise, right?] but I am working on others alright?) or maybe write even more headcanons. I might just never touch this AU again and revisit it in 5 years and cringe. We’ll see.
But- whether you are one of my poor friends that I dumped this AU on or some random person that stumbled upon this- if you have any ideas or suggestions for this AU or where to go with it, please please talk to me! Either on here or on insta, where I am @radioactivelatte (I gotta stop with this self promo). Just talk to me about any ideas, or just Marvel, or your day. I don’t know. My dm’s are always open, though.
So that’s it! That’s the basic information for this AU. I have a ton of headcanons and little storylines for this, and I might put them up here just for fun, who knows? Or if I ever write a fic that’s based on this, I’ll put a link for that up here as well.
Stick around for more news if you want. Or don’t. I don’t control you.
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ironstrangeao3 · 5 years
The Iron Asset
by Stark_Raving_Strange
Tony Stark Is dying
At the hands of his once former teammate, he's left to die at a former Hydra base in Siberia. Following the events of their so called "Civil War", the world comes to find out something surprising.
Tony Stark is dead...
The world moves on from the loss of the famous billionaire and the former superhero. Though 3 years later, after the wounds have healed, Iron Man is supposedly spotted in a Sokovia.
Iron Man is back.
But at what cost...?
Words: 1470, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Harley Keener, Wong (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel), Karl Mordo, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Scott Lang, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hydra Agents, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Chewie | Goose (Marvel), Hope Van Dyne, Mjolnir (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Hydra Tony Stark, Assassin Tony Stark, Hurt Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Feels, Tony Stark-centric, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Friendship, Tony Stark & Thor Friendship, Precious Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Cloak of Levitation (Marvel), Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark Friendship, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Protective Avengers, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Canon Divergence - Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Depression, Torture, Psychological Torture, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Super Soldier Serum, Memory Suppressing Machine | The Chair (Marvel), Trauma, Car Accidents, Post-Doctor Strange (2016), Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Slight Not Steve Rogers Friendly, But Only What Is Canon, Things Get Better
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/21059528
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lbibliophile-mcu · 5 years
Teamwork in the OG6 Avengers... or the lack thereof
I finally worked out why I get so frustrated with the MCU, or at least the main sequence / OG6 movies (and why I gravitate so strongly towards the 2012-era fanfics).
The Avengers are supposed to be about a group of powerful and slightly broken individuals coming together to be something better. It’s about teamwork, friendship, hope, and beating impossible odds. Except, in the MCU, it isn’t. There ‘the Avengers’ is a dream that is doomed to fail and fall apart.
The main-sequence movies, graded on exhibited and potential for OG6 Avengers teamwork:
IM1: Good origin story. Excellent Iron-fam bonding and cooperation with Coulson (although mostly through Pepper). Fury introduces the idea of the Avengers at the end. 5/10
IM2: Again, excellent Iron-fam. Supernanny is amusing and has potential. Natasha is introduced and swings between betrayal/subterfuge and helping; could lead to an interesting starting dynamic. Then there’s the final scene, and ‘Tony Stark not recommended’; that’s a complication. 4/10
Thor 1: Thor’s introduction, he learns to see Midgardians as potential allies. Introduces Clint, their only interaction at a distance sighting along an arrow, but vaguely positive. Overall, solid character-building background for Thor, and setting up the potential for teamwork. 5/10
Cap 1: Introduces Steve, and in-universe superheroes. Time gap reduces opportunities for interaction, but shows that Steve has the potential to lead the team. Steve waking in the future is met by Fury, his displacement demonstrating why he needs the support of the other Avengers. Immediate lead-in to Avengers. 5/10
Avengers: This is it; their coming together, and the start of their journey as a team. Initially it doesn’t go so well, but then Coulson dies, spurring them to work together to save the day. Then… they separate.  Ok, so they need some time for the dynamic to settle down, but this should be the beginning of the team, not their peak. 7/10
IM3: More excellent Iron-fam… no Avengers or Fury. Only a cameo by Bruce at the end, where he utterly fails to provide the emotional support Tony is asking for. Rhodey is looking like a good Avengers-candidate. -3/10
Cap 2: The only main-sequence Phase 2 movie that really gets it right. The main plot is one of betrayal; Hydra hidden inside Shield and manipulating Bucky. But among the core characters, it only draws them closer together. When Pierce turns on Steve, Natasha is the one he trusts, and together they bring in Sam (Avengers trial-by-fire); Hill saves their lives, and Fury shares the secret of his survival. That cooperation allows them to take down the helicarriers, then they plan together to go find Bucky. The overall theme is that you can’t trust organisations, but you can trust people. This would be an excellent message to then lead back into the rest of the Avengers; so much potential wasted. 9/10
Thor 2: No other core Avengers-characters present. Some nice interaction and bonding with Loki… who then ends up (apparently) dying. Thor gets his happy ending on Earth with Jane… who is never heard from again. 0/10
Ultron: The first 10 mins or so of the movie are peak Avengers. The team is together and fighting bad guys, sassing each other the whole time. Even the awkward developing Natasha and Bruce/Hulk romance is an attempt that could have worked. Then they start officially falling apart. Wanda’s spell brings up all their insecurities, which they aren’t close enough to trust each other with. They play the blame game, fight with each other, and barely hold it together long enough to defeat Ultron. It still ends with Bruce vanishing, Thor heading back to space/Asgard, and Tony and Clint retiring. -2/10 (‑6/10 without the first 10 mins)
Civil War: Enough said. The team gains some new members, but only because the original group split down the middle. No-one seems to want to actually talk to each other, although there were a few good lines during the airport battle. It was probably salvageable, up until the Siberia fight. This marks the end of the Avengers, even if the team name continues on. -­8/10
Thor 3: Actually not too bad on the teamwork. Thor reconnecting with both Bruce and Hulk , Thor and Loki betraying each other but in the minor ways they always have, the inclusion of Valkyrie; even if it did flippantly kill off Thor’s first team (the Warriors Three). For the only time other than Cap 2 (and sort of Avengers), two of the Avengers end a movie together and as better friends than they started. 8/10
Infinity War: So, mixed results here. Characters from the other MCU movies are all brought in for a massive team-up, but Clint is still missing, and Tony and Steve and Thor are in different groups. Then, most of the extras are Dusted, even if all the OG6 survive. Overall, nothing much changes. 3/10
Endgame: Finally we get some team dynamics happening again (even if they seem to spend most of the five post-Snap years avoiding each other). Steve and Tony finally meet again, and Tony unloads. Then Scott comes back, and it is the OG6 and a much reduced cast working together again to save the day, including a visit to their 2012 selves. Unfortunately, Endgame marks the end of the main sequence, and the farewelling of the OG6 characters. Natasha and Tony die, Clint retires (again), Thor goes to find himself in space (again), Steve goes back to the past, and Bruce… does whatever he does as a human/Hulk hybrid. It should feel significant – the passing of the torch, and dispersing of the OG6 – but really, their potential to be a real team was gone long ago. 6/10
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the-canary · 6 years
Sleepless Rainy Nights - B.B
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Summary:  It’s on these types of night that’s he lets himself dream that he’s closer to her than he should be, where he allows himself some happiness. (Implied!Reader/Bucky Barnes) 
Prompt: She’s contagious. A sickness I’m dying to catch.
A/N: this is for @marvelous-avengers‘ writing challenge. welcome to that rare weekend update! i imagine something completely different for this one-shot (and i really don’t know how to feel about it now), but i hope you enjoy it? the gif isn’t supposed to be the reader/mc, i just liked the atmosphere to it! heavily inspired by sleepless rainy night by iu.  
Feedback is always welcomed.
He writes the names of the people he has fallen in love in the most beautiful cursive he can manage.
Steve Rogers.
Natasha Romanoff.
He lets her see it in a drunken stupor once, too engrossed in memories to notice the the faded smile on her lips and the broken heart he has left on the floor that night.
The rain patters softly against the large window in his bedroom. It’s one of those nights where Bucky just can’t sleep with all the static and demons shaking in his head. However, that isn’t exactly the problem this time around -- it was more a person, one that had smiled and waved at him before entering the meeting room. Soft smile, bright eyes and Bucky can’t help but wonder when he started daydreaming about them.  
She knows Tony the longest, a kid that wouldn’t leave him alone whenever their fathers met and then as a young CEO in her mid-twenties with too much in her head and struggling to keep her company from failing. It’s easier now though, she comes when she’s in the city to catch up with Tony, having meetings and lunch dates with Pepper over partnerships and the couple’s upcoming nuptials.
It’s how he meets her the first time.  
Bucky, through the years had passed since Siberia, always tried to maintain some level of distance between Tony and himself outside of missions. Things were amiable between them, but there were just some lines --for both their saninites-- that the other man just didn’t cross, though there was one that often happened when Tony worked through the night on the Iron Man suit and Bucky couldn’t sleep due to whatever haunted him. They don’t talk, usually commiserating in silence over their strange choices for breakfast until the other leaves or Steve comes in from their morning run.
It’s 5am when Bucky moves into the kitchen, though there is another voice that grabs his attention before anything. He walks into the room to see three boxes of styrofoam with Tony sitting on one of the highchairs, eating one of his trial mix with a woman standing just a few steps away from him in a dark business suit.  
“I even brought you a big breakfast,” she motions to the boxes, as Bucky’s stomach growls, “And you can’t even do one little favor for dear old me?”
Tony doesn’t answer, as the both of them turn to look at the former Winter Soldier dressed in sweatpants and a white tank top. She gives him a tight smile, but her mind is on something else as Stark goes back to looking at her.
“Who exactly are you meeting with?”  
“ Donovan ,” she states with a serious look in her eyes, though her smile never seems to fade. Bucky hears Stark curse to his left, before getting up from his seat and moving towards the elevator. She stands there for a moment until Tony motions her to hurry up.
She grins and only spares a glance at him, “It was nice meeting you, Sergeant Barnes. Please enjoy the breakfast.”  
Bucky does end up enjoying the breakfast left that morning and thinks of nothing else connected to the mysterious woman.
One of these you’re gonna get tired of hanging with a bunch of old men.
Bucky knows that it’s supposed to be a rib between you and Rhodey, that you have spent too much time --too much of your life-- with men older than you in order to understand your company and the world that was handed to you at a young age. Bucky overthinks on why he hasn’t seen you in days. Maybe, you had realized what your time spent with him was really worth. Maybe, he wouldn’t hear that subtle laugh that followed Rhodey’s comment anymore.
And the raining keeps coming down from outside, as if matching his dark and bitter thoughts.
With knowing Tony, it only seems natural that she knows Rhodey as well in some capacity. The second time he sees you is in the medical building after the check-up he has every once and awhile for his Vibranium arm. She’s talking to Rhodes this time as he seems to be trying new prosthetics for his legs - thinner and certainly looking less clunky than the last model he was wearing. There’s a frown on his face for a moment, as he gets used to the change in the equilibrium -- unsteady steps become steady as she pump her fist in delight, as the man just shakes his head.
“So, what do you think?” she starts with bright eyes and excitement filtering in her tone of voice, “Give me all the details.”
“Please don’t sound like Tony,” Rhodey laughs, as he starts to go over what feels like an improvement  and what could be changed, as she nods taking everything in with him adding as an afterthought, “And you haven’t been sleeping again.”
“Maybe,” she lets out bashfully like a scolded child and Bucky can’t help the shake his head, “But, it was for good cause -- look at you now, Rhodey!”
“But, how long has it been since you’ve last eaten or slept, kiddo,” he comments in that fatherly or even older brother tone of voice that has her groaning, “Remember what happened last time.”
“Yeah,” she can’t help but state sullenly before going through some more minor enhancements, as Rhodey just shakes his head and murmurs something about idiotic genius.
It isn’t until much later that he comes to learn that her company heads most of the medical prosthetics and enhancements that are done and given away by Stark Industries -- and that is changing more one ghost with her life’s work, but for now he keeps moving forward. Though, Bucky’s curiosity is piqued even more when he finds her in the library sometime later in the afternoon, sleeping with multiple books surrounding her that he can’t help the chuckle at the sight.
Bucky stares at the guitar left untouched in the corner of his room, untouched by the person who mainly used it and he didn’t want to touch the last remnants of whatever was left of you there. Sam had always been getting him into trouble in all different sorts of way, but it had been the birdman that had tipped the scales in his interactions with you, though it had been by accident.
If he closes his eyes hard enough, he can still hear the echoing of the guitar.
Loud, unfamiliar laughter echoes through the walls, as Bucky comes into the kitchen with the smell of eggs and bacon cooking, though it doesn’t seem right as Sam is standing on the opposite side of the countertop watching her cook. The two of them are too caught up in her story to notice him enter, it takes him a while longer to notice that there is music playing in the background.
“I just don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say the Beatles are overrated and has all their albums at the same time,” Sam shakes his head, as she keeps laughing.
“Okay, okay,” she states while sliding the sunny-side eggs into a plate, “In my defense, I have them all because some guy in college thought he could woo me with his guitar the whole semester.”
“I learned every Beatle song I could,” she starts chuckling a bit at the memory, as Bucky watches the sun hit her figure in the right way giving her a warm glow with her eyes full of happiness, “Dressed up as him for Halloween and serenaded any gal I could find. He never bothered me again and I got a lot of phone numbers that day.”
She winks, as Sam starts laughing louder than before adding, “I am going to have to see that.”
“I would like to see that too,” Bucky finally interjects as Sam gives him a cheshire cat like grin, as her eyes widen for a moment before nodding.
“Sure, I can bring my old guitar and show you the marvel of the Beatles,” she shrugs as if it's the easiest thing in the world, never telling them that she hasn’t played in years. It becomes a habit whenever it’s the three of them, until Bucky timidly asks her if she had any more songs under her arsenal -- trying to catch up with modern day music.
He never tells her that his favorite is her rendition of Norwegian Wood .
Bucky thinks it would be easier during the daytime, there are so many things and people to distract him from the thoughts and wondering that he did when he thought of a certain person. He’s wrong, especially in the mornings after his run with Steve and Sam -- a certain type of music plays from the kitchen as Wanda makes another attempt at making a full blown “American” breakfast. Though, unlike him, she doesn’t seem to mind that you have been gone for close to a month now.
Sometimes, he can’t help but laugh at the memory, he played the genuine pig to your horrible food experiments.
Sometimes, she comes when even Sam and Tony aren’t around, though she is more subdued, stays within certain parts of the Tower that she knows too well -- the library, the lab, Tony’s floor like she doesn’t want to bother the other Avengers, though they could have been family by now. Tight nods and polite smiles are what she gives Steve, Natasha and by extension Clint most of the time whenever she sees them. Bucky has to wonder what makes them so different from everybody else, but he never asks that question.
He comes to slowly realize that the only time she comes out of her cubby holes is when Wanda is trying to learn how to cook. Maybe, it’s because they are around the same age or because they share some similar interests that she is quick to open up with Wanda and visa-versa. Bucky watches from afar as she gets used to cooking what Wanda has eaten most of her life and the Wanda does the same. They laugh and talk, though sometimes the food isn’t the best -- he can see it from the grimaces they share with each other.
Too soon, they run out of things to share with one another. They start asking for other people’s recipes, mostly Sam’s, and then one day bright eyes look in his direction -- and Bucky Barnes is stumped.
“Okay, Barnes,” she asks one sunny morning, leaning onto the kitchen counter top that smells of sunshine and oatmeal, “What’s your favorite food?”
Bucky blinks, not really sure not to answer since he doesn’t really know. He’s lucky enough to be eating and living the way he did now after living through the Great Depression since everything has a taste to it now and didn’t involve hot dogs and dried beef.
“I really don’t know, doll,” he shrugs and she blinks for a moment at the new nickname before giving him an eager smile.
“Well, looks like we’re going to have to work on that,” she says with a loud laugh, as Wanda just shakes her head in the background.
He doesn’t believe her until two days later until he sees a large dish being set down in front of him, and while Bucky hates Corn Beef Hash with a vengeance -- it seems to be a little better when she makes it and the meals just get better from there on. And soon, anything she makes him becomes his favorite meal.
It’s after that in which he feels himself sinking, that old sticky feeling that clogs up his heart -- a telltale sign that he might be falling in love again. Because deep down, Bucky Barnes also falls in love too easily with people -- with their will to survive, with their tenacity and smiles that bloom the right way when all their defenses are laid bare. It had happened a hand full of times before, something that clearly hasn’t gone away even with him losing himself to HYDRA and all the testing he went through in Wakanda.
Bucky Barnes falls in love with people too easily, but it never has a happy ending -- cracked what-ifs and passed moments shared too late.
He should be used to it -- the moment you stopped visiting the Tower as often and smiled less when he was around. He should have known, but he had the heart of a stubborn old fool and thus he kept dreaming of you long after you were gone.  
Bucky heard it from Bruce first, well more like the scientist talked to Tony Stark over the comms. They found you and it sends his senses into overdrive -- he hadn’t even known that something that happened to you. Tony lets out sigh of relief, but the rest of the team aside from Steve is confused and full of questions. His heart catches itself in his throat when he sees Stark bringing you into the jet. There are cuts and scratches all over your body and your right arm can’t seem to move without you wincing. You don’t look at anyone, preferring to murmur everything you knew to Tony. Of course, you would -- he had known you the longest and was the most protective of you.
However, that isn’t right when his enhanced hearing picks up the familiar name of   Donovan and how the now  deceased man had been working with some former HYDRA scientists. Bucky’s heart hitches and deflates and somehow it’s stuck between it’s my fault and let me protect you. Bruce pushes you gently, wrapped in a dry blanket, onto one of the seats as the jet takes off and you end up falling asleep -- blue eyes never letting you out of their sight.  
Even though he isn’t that type of doctor, Bruce is the one that was checking her vital signs as some of the Avengers (Steve, Bucky and Tony) sit around her in the medbay. She gives him a tired smile as he goes over the usual check before gives her a clean bill of health besides her arm being on a sling for a few weeks. Tony can’t help but smile at her tenacity and stubbornness, especially when she had told him how she had taken down Donovan with her own hands, though he knew that the adrenaline was just masking the aftermath that might come to her later -- the nightmares and guilt.  
“Are you going to be alright?” Bruce asks, as she gives him a tight nod but blue eyes can already see her shaking, but she’s not going to bother anyone of them with it -- she’s just that type of person.
“I’ll be fine, Bruce,” she sighs out softly, as the man nods, “Thank you.”
She looks at Bucky, who gives her a smile, but quickly moves towards looking at Steve because she knows what he wants already. She runs her free hand through her hair in frustration.
“I only want Tony and Bruce in the room right now,” she pleas softly with Steve, as her voice breaks in the end, “They can give you the details later, but please.”
Bucky wants to say no, that he wants to stay with her but the words don’t come out. Instead, he just watches her shoulders tremble close to crying as Bruce comes in silently trying to comfort her like a good friend and his heart drops. He isn’t what she needs at the moment, as he just ends up nodding numbly.
“We understand,” Steve’s voice resonates through the murkiness of his thoughts, as they leave the medbay, “Let’s go, Bucky.”
It isn’t until they are out and he keeps glancing through the glass at just how she collapses into the doctor’s body that his heart lerches like crazy.
“She’ll be okay, Buck,” Steve states, trying to console him in some way. Bucky knows that, but he just wishes that he was there to help her along the way.
Tony lets you stay that the Tower for as long as you need to with your own personal room and you take him up on the offer as you recuperate from your arm trouble. It’s take you awhile, since you end up sleeping through the first three days okay, to form a cohesive routine throughout the day. You do some of the same things as before and at the subtle instance of both Pepper and Tony, you end up taking some counseling to deal with the whole event, as you end up an insomniac afterwards.
However, you haven’t talked to Bucky, much less interacted with him since you started living in the Tower -- the wounds from the last time you had talked were still engraved too deeply, even if he might not remember. You just didn’t know he was dealing with his own wounds in regards to you as well.
The rain is pattering against the large windows of the Tower, as Bucky makes his way through the hallway and into the recreation room where he hears an old Disney movie being played. There is a figure sitting on one corner of the couch. He had seen her waking up and moving around for some time now, though he never moved into her personal space since he was unsure of whether she wanted company as she watched old movies and ate whatever she had made for the night.
“Are you going just stand there or watch the movie with me?”  she states, the movie on pause, as she looks over the couch with a timid smile.
“Yeah,” he moves forward without another word. She pats the seat next to hers like there hasn’t been anything awkward between them for awhile now, like they are just friends.
It’s how they watch the rest of the movie, while sharing a trail mix of pretzels and chocolate that she had quickly whipped up. She wipes the tears out of her eyes due to the ending of the movie, but it sends Bucky in overdrive, as he leans into her side and cups her cheeks.  
“Are you alright?” he whispers softly, as she confused for a moment,  “Is it the dreams?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she mutters, suddenly to aware how close he is to her as she can’t help but pulls back in curiosity, “Oh, but what have you’ve been dreaming about, Barnes?”
He pauses for a moment before taking the chance, before laying out in front of her what he has been thinking about for weeks -- probably since he had meet her.
Wide eyes and a confused smile is all that he is meet with, as he tells her --gathering all the courage in him and with the rain gently falling in the background-- that there is a new name half-written in his list.
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by Stark_Raving_Strange
Tony Stark Is dying
At the hands of his once former teammate, he's left to die at a former Hydra base in Siberia. Following the events of their so called "Civil War", the world comes to find out something surprising.
Tony Stark is dead...
The world moves on from the loss of the famous billionaire and the former superhero. Though 3 years later, after the wounds have healed, Iron Man is supposedly spotted in a Sokovia.
Iron Man is back.
But at what cost...?
Words: 1470, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Harley Keener, Wong (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel), Karl Mordo, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Scott Lang, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hydra Agents, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Chewie | Goose (Marvel), Hope Van Dyne, Mjolnir (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Hydra Tony Stark, Assassin Tony Stark, Hurt Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Feels, Tony Stark-centric, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Friendship, Tony Stark & Thor Friendship, Precious Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Cloak of Levitation (Marvel), Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark Friendship, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Protective Avengers, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Canon Divergence - Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Depression, Torture, Psychological Torture, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Super Soldier Serum, Memory Suppressing Machine | The Chair (Marvel), Trauma, Car Accidents, Post-Doctor Strange (2016), Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Slight Not Steve Rogers Friendly, But Only What Is Canon, Things Get Better
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by Stark_Raving_Strange
Tony Stark Is dying
At the hands of his once former teammate, he's left to die at a former Hydra base in Siberia. Following the events of their so called "Civil War", the world comes to find out something surprising.
Tony Stark is dead...
The world moves on from the loss of the famous billionaire and the former superhero. Though 3 years later, after the wounds have healed, Iron Man is supposedly spotted in a Sokovia.
Iron Man is back.
But at what cost...?
Words: 1470, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Harley Keener, Wong (Marvel), Ancient One (Marvel), Karl Mordo, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Scott Lang, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Hydra Agents, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Chewie | Goose (Marvel), Hope Van Dyne, Mjolnir (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds
Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Hydra Tony Stark, Assassin Tony Stark, Hurt Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Feels, Tony Stark-centric, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark Friendship, Tony Stark & Thor Friendship, Precious Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Cloak of Levitation (Marvel), Stephen Strange Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark Friendship, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Protective Avengers, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Canon Divergence - Post-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Depression, Torture, Psychological Torture, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Super Soldier Serum, Memory Suppressing Machine | The Chair (Marvel), Trauma, Car Accidents, Post-Doctor Strange (2016), Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Slight Not Steve Rogers Friendly, But Only What Is Canon, Things Get Better
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izazov · 6 years
So. I haven’t been able to finish a story in a while. Start one, yes. Finish, not so much. This ficlet - my version of a post-credits scene in Avengers 4 - is the first completed fic I have written in ages. It isn’t much. But it is *something*. 
A year has passed since Thanos’ defeat. Since the deaths he had caused were undone.
A party is in full swing at the Avengers’ Compound, the sound of voices and laughter rising over the background music.
Tony stands in the background, leaning against the wall and watching as Thor and Quill bicker on the other side of the room as the rest of the Guardians watch them with varying levels of exasperation and amusement.
“Boss,” FRIDAY announces in his ear. “Everything is set.”
Tony’s mouth twitches into a faint smile as he catches sight of Rhodey and Sam by the bar, immersed into a discussion.
Probably another one maneuverability vs. firepower discussion Tony has early on learned not to get involved in.
Even if the answer is blatantly clear.  
“Okay, FRIDAY,” Tony says, pushing himself off the wall and rolling his shoulders. “Time to get this show on the road.”
“Boss,” FRIDAY interjects. “Are you sure about this?”
Tony hesitates for a beat. He’s known this moment was coming for months. He’s been preparing for it just as long. But now, he finds himself reluctant to take those final steps.
“I-” Tony starts, then trails off as his gaze sweeps across the room, lingering on each familiar face, a bittersweet ache unfolding beneath his breastbone.
It has been an entire year and the sheer relief of having all those people alive and whole again still has the ability to steal the air out of Tony’s lungs.
Tony shakes his head, the corner of his mouth tugging up. “I’ve been preparing for this for the last six months, Fry.”
It is the truth, but Tony cannot stop his eyes from straying to Peter one last time, the bittersweet ache inside him going sharper. Peter is listening to Shuri explain something and even from the distance, Tony can make out excitement and awe on kid’s face. As well as the glances he keeps throwing over his shoulder at T’Challa, standing a few steps away.
Two years, numerous sleepless nights filled with grief, rage and guilt, failing and fighting and failing again, almost dying but somehow winning… and finally, finally, Tony can look at Peter without seeing him crumble into dust.
“Maybe six months wasn’t enough,” FRIDAY says. “Maybe you need more time.”
Tony snorts, amused and wistful, and not only a little tempted. Still. He knows better now. “Yeah, how long? A month? Two­? And how much after that? No. It’s time.” Expelling a long breath, Tony steals another glance of the gathered people. People he’d come to consider as family. A strange, slightly dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless. “Besides, the world is in safe hands.”
“You sure about it?”
“Yeah,” Tony replies softly, and for the first time in eight years, he actually believes it. “I am.”
The world will never be without danger but there is nothing in the back of Tony’s mind where Thanos’ shadowy presence used to dwell.
If this is how content feels like, well… Tony could easily get used to it.
Turning to leave, Tony catches Natasha’s gaze and holds it for one brief moment.
She is standing on the far side of the room, partially hidden by the width of Barnes’ shoulders, but there is no mistaking the flicker of a soft, knowing smile - there and gone in an instant - in the corner of her mouth.
Tony feels his own mouth curve upwards in an answering smile. Then, with a short nod, Tony turns and leaves the room.
He doesn’t look back.
When Tony steps outside, Steve is already there.
“You know,” Steve says, lips quirking upwards. “I was starting to think you stood me up.”
Tony stops in his tracks, his heart picking up speed as it always does when Steve is near.
As it always has done.
It has taken years - and a whole lot of mistakes and fights, and having to watch Steve walk out of his life - for Tony to admit to himself the reason behind it.  
Tony slides his hands into his pockets and takes a moment to fully appreciate the sight of Steve Rogers, dressed in dark jeans and a leather jacket, standing next to his bike.
It is a quite a sight.
“And what were you planning to do?” Tony asks, arching an eyebrow.
The curve of Steve’s mouth turns playful. “I can be persuasive when the situation calls for it.”
Tony snorts. He moves forward until there is only a few inches of space between them.
“Persuasive, huh?” Tony says as Steve wraps his hands around Tony’s waist and pulls him near, closing the distance between their bodies. “You want to elaborate further?”
Steve leans down, brushing his lips against Tony’s in a brief kiss. “I might.” Straightening, Steve glances pointedly around them.  “Somewhere more private than the Compound’s driveway.”
“You lack imagination, Rogers,” Tony says. He traces the line of Steve’s jaw with his thumb, watches as Steve’s eyelashes flutter briefly, his throat working as he swallows. “You know, sometimes I miss the beard.”
Steve’s eyebrows go up. “You do?” Steve says, his eyes lighting up in a way that spells trouble. “Well, if you really miss it, I can-”  
“I don’t miss it that much,” Tony interjects quickly. He manages not to roll his eyes at the smug expression that flickers across Steve’s face, settling instead for a quick kiss.
Only the kiss is not quick at all. The moment their lips touch, Steve takes control of the kiss, turning it hard and heated, with just a hint of something sharper and darker, his fingers digging deeper into Tony’s flesh, as if trying to bring them even closer.
“I thought you were against public acts of indecency,” Tony says when they break apart, voice a little unsteady.
“I got carried away,” Steve says, looking completely unabashed. A beat later, his expression softens, as does his grip on Tony’s waist. He cups the back of Tony’s neck, bringing their foreheads together, something brittle and uncertain shadowing his gaze. “Tony… Are you-”
“Yes,” Tony replies before Steve has a chance to finish the question. “Completely, one hundred percent sure.” He huffs out a sound that is halfway between fond and exasperated at the way Steve’s eyes light up. “Dumbass.”
Steve chuckles, low and amused. “And that isn’t even the least romantic thing you have ever said to me.”
“Well, you deserved it,” Tony says. Then, softer, “You’re a bright guy, Steve. It cannot have escaped your attention that I love you.”
“With our history?”
Tony gives him a flat look. “Now you’re just being an ass on purpose.”
Steve’s mouth twitches in a poor attempt of holding off a grin. “I thought you liked my ass.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “I can’t believe there are still some people that think you’re an innocent wallflower.”
“Not my fault,” Steve replies, smiling. He leans in for a soft, almost chaste kiss, before pulling back a step. He keeps his hands on Tony’s waist, his fingers stroking idly against the Italian silk of Tony’s shirt. “So. Where do you want to go?”
Tony looks at the bike then back at Steve. “You know what? I don’t really care. As long as we’re-”  
“Together?” Steve cuts in, voice soft, his eyes glinting with an emotion that cannot be mistaken for anything but what it is: love.
“Yeah,” Tony says, gaze firmly caught on Steve’s. “Together.”
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