#pyrrha is on the other side taking the picture
tiffanyachings · 9 months
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i got so possessed by this silly meme that i taught myself how to draw which honestly tells you all you need to know about me
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enigma2meagain · 24 days
RWBY Relic Pieces in Volume 1, Symbolism of the Pieces, and How It Ties To the Broader Narrative.
Did a quick searchup on the symbolism of chess pieces, and taking what I saw into consideration (note that this is very abridged, and possibly not entirely correct):
CRDL and the Black Bishop
Bishops are representative of religion, as well as spirituality, morality, and wisdom, and a direct reference to Cardin's mythological reference, the Cardinal of Winchester. In regards to the broader narrative that RWBY sets up, he can be considered V1's partial representation of the institution of Huntsmen, more specifically the deeply flawed and darker side standing opposite to the better/neutral aspects of Huntsmen that RWBY/JNPR represent, due to being a racist bully who stands against Grimm, yet also willfully persecutes and harms the people he's supposed to fight for, such as minority groups like Faunus and (given Jaune at this point is basically a civilian in huntsmen's clothing and training wheels) the people depending on the circumstances. Also acts as a form of foreshadowing to the other deeply flawed or outright bad huntsmen we'd come to see later in the series, as well as highlighting the lack of wisdom and morality that can blight the institutions that Huntsmen are supposed to be, represent and protect.
The Black pieces in chess always move second, which highlights how the Huntsmen are a highly reactive organization, and how this severely limits their ability to truly tackle the bigger problems regarding threats like the Grimm, Salem, society's deep internal problems, and in the bigger picture, Ozpin's divine mission.
JNPR and the White Rook
Rooks are representative of the land, being symbolic of the fortress that guards a city or land and its royalty, and how they essentially "guard" the other pieces, as well as representing stability. The majority of JNPR come from civilians compared to the likes of RWBY, with this becoming completely the case after Pyrrha's death and Oscar's inclusion, and they're shown consistently throughout the series as having the strongest connections to civilians on a personal level. They also frequently as the bedrock and stabilizing influence, through Jaune, Nora and Ren's friendships and roles as supporting characters. Being white pieces also highlights how as time goes on, they would develop an increasingly proactive role through the questioning of the narrative told to them by the metaphorical "royals" (in this case, Ozpin's secret circle) and the latter's failure to actually protect them.
This is especially notable in regards to Jaune, Nora, and from a story perspective Ren, given how the former consistently questions Ozpin and his inner circle's shadier actions throughout most of V4 - V8, and Nora and Ren were failed miserably and made orphans due to the lack of huntsmen and the society around them failing to protect them, while putting them into a situation where their only recourse is to become part of the system that failed them.
RWBY and the White Knight
Knight pieces are representative of the medieval military, fitting given the status of Huntsmen, as well as being considered adventurous, valorous, and unpredictable due to their unique fighting style allowing them a level of unpredictability that other pieces don't have, fitting of how RWBY are the main proactive force to pushing Ozpin and the true nature of the secret war against Salem out into uncharted territory, forcing them to actually change and grow.
Knights are also often historically drawn from nobility, much like how every major character in RWBY has some kind of tie to Remnant's most illustrious groups or some kind of major player (Ruby and Yang being part of major Huntsmen lineages, Weiss being a rich heiress to the most powerful corporation in the world, and Blake being effectively the Princess of the Faunus, as well as having ties to the most prominent civil rights activists and movements in all iterations of the White Fang).
Much like JNPR, they are far more proactive compared to the royals they serve, actively pushing the latter outside their comfort zone in a two-pronged attack alongside JNPR, but the series also strives to highlight and deconstruct the messier aspects of their relationship as huntsmen (and thus a form of warrior caste/mercenary, with the following tension in that relationship with the people they are trying to protect) and how the unpredictable nature of their changes results in as much positive and messier forms of change, for better or worse.
This got way longer than I thought it would.
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novankenn · 2 months
A Side kept hidden... (7)
( Table of Contents )
Cloaked in a ball-cap, a large hoodie, sunglasses, and a pair of carpenter style jeans, Pyrrha rode the bullhead back to Beacon. Hidden behind her glasses she eyes wandered. Male, female, slim, built, chubby... it didn't matter to her. All she saw was delicious subjects to unleash her urges upon.
Her hidden emerald eyes spied Russel Thrush, a member of team CRDL. She had to resist the growing need with in her, as she visualized the ministrations she could visit upon his slim form. Her mind trying to work out how quickly she could break him, and how delicious it would be to cast him aside once he was completely destroyed.
"It's only fitting." Pyrrha whispered to herself, "For all the misery you've heaped upon my Jaune."
The bullhead docked at Beacon shortly after those thoughts and Pyrrha pushed those thoughts and so many others into the shadows of her mind. It was time for her public mask. Without any effort she became that version of Pyrrha. With who she really was suppressed she made her way towards JNPR's dorm... for a well deserved rest.
On the return trip Jaune's mind was working overtime. He had two invitations to other Fight Nights, and he was slightly concerned. His opponent in his last match was not highly skilled. They had talent, that was without question... but they lacked the indicators of a life of training.
"That was a testing match." Jaune muttered to himself. "They wanted to test me, make sure I'm not a waste of time..."
Taking a detour from his route towards his team dorm, Jaune entered the locker area, and stuffed his pack into his locker, before grabbing a change of clothes he had stashed here. With questions and concerns still rolling about his mind, her set about to have a nice hot shower to easy not only his muscles, but also his mind.
Pyrrha was a little disappointed that Jaune wasn't in the dorm when she returned. That disappointment grew slightly into annoyance when Ren and Nora admitted they didn't know where Jaune had gone, and hinted that it might have been Vale.
Pyrrha's true persona threated to emerge, but she kept it restrained, though she did allow the images of Ren and Nora bound and enjoying her ministrations to filter to the front of her mind. She fought hard to keep the twisted smile in check as she pictured Ren restrained and locked in place as a seat, from which Pyrrha could torture Nora's sizable bust to her hearts content.
"They would bounce, jiggle and sway so deliciously." Pyrrha whispered to herself.
Jaune arrived back to the room about an hour later. He gave all his teammates his trademark goofy smile before dumping his soiled clothes in his hamper and moved to his bed.
"Jaune?' Pyrrha spoke up, her voice soft, and with a strong hint of affection.
"What have you been up to today?"
"Nothing much, just out in Vale enjoying the day." Jaune replied as he got comfortable on his bed and pulled out his scroll.
"Should we go up and train tonight?"
"Can I get a rain check?"
"Is something wrong?" Pyrrha asked concern tinting her tone. Ren and Nora had gone off to the cafeteria for supper, so Pyrrha didn't feel the need to keep her voice from echoing her feelings.
"No, just a little tired from my day out." Jaune replied shooting Pyrrha another one of his smiled, causing her heart to flutter. "I mean if you really think we should I could probably scrounge up the energy to do it..."
"No that's okay. You get some rest." Pyrrha smiled back. She used a true smile, and not the fake plastic one she reserved for everyone else. "I'm a little tired to from my day out, so it's for the best."
"You were out in Vale?"
"Yes... I had some... meetings to attend to."
"You gotta slow down Pyr." Jaune commented, real concern in his voice. "Don't push yourself so hard."
"I'm going to be stepping back for awhile, so don't worry Jaune." Pyrrha responded. Jaune nodded and smiled again, before settling in on his bed and playing with his scroll. Pyrrha watched him for a few moments before deciding herself to have an early night.
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lipeg · 2 months
Jaune is a terrible character
I like him but he had a terrible development.
Now that RT has closed and the question remains who will want to take the risk, stay with Rwby and still have to pay Warner.
Warner is in bad legs, full of debts to pay.
It was revealed by a profile that Rwby is not making a profit unfortunately he didn't give data which would be very important but said that volume 9 had no money to be made and that it was a loan... Well the studio closed.
I believe it has already happened that good studios have closed but... are usually closed because of greed or "Woker"
Japan studios Play Station
About Jaune, he has a lot of problems.
His past is non-existent, we will not have any information about his parents or your other sisters.
He forged documents to get into Beacon, but there's a big problem with this story called Glynda, she would have noticed something wrong with it.
The worst part is that we don't know how big the Arc family was. Why are the only known family members Saphron, who has nothing to show, and Jaune.
V4 and V5 showed almost everyone's family.
It showed Ren's family who died and Nora's mother who died.
There was also "Pyrrha's mother"
But we didn't have a picture of his family.
That drawing showing him and his sisters doesn't count.
He is taking too long to evolve and I still don't see reason for him to go to Mistral and Atlas.
Why did he lose trust in Ozpin, Lion betrayed his kingdom and sold the hunters' location. Of the 4 Headmaster, Ozpin is carefree and paranoid, Lion is a coward, James he went crazy but still wanted to save the world, Teodoro... I don't know much about.
If it weren't for him, Weiss would have died, but I still don't see a reason for him to go, he's terrible in battle. It's still bad but he's not terrible.
I find it incredible that his parents never came after him.
IT'S YOUR SON WHO IS MISSING! They probably knew where he was.
V9 already been "confirmed" that has not been paid. They took out a loan to make the V9 and apparently they didn't pay it.
I wish, I had the data, but I don't. It was the same thing Sony did with the sales figures for Marvel Spider-Man Miles Morales, they only came because of a leak.
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Proving that Peter Parker sells more than Miles.
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Rusted Knight... The idea is cool, I read a little of the book and at the end and the idea is cool.
A warrior trapped in his own armor, obsessed with the desire to be a knight.
As I said, the idea is good but... Excursion is bad.
None of my experiences were surpassed, in fact they were all frustrated. As much as I liked the idea of an older Jaune, I wish he was more serious, even angrier. He looks like an idiot and a crying baby.
I want the Rusted Knight and Jaune were two separate figures.
Rusted Knight appeared because Jaune's armor was cursed and he couldn't take it off and he had no control over his body and his conscience got stuck in his own head.
In the final battle, he would free himself with the help of Team WBY and show his berserker side.
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It would be a big change to the character.
But unfortunately it didn't happen.
About revenge against Cinder.
The only ones who came close to killing her were Jaune and Winter.
Those damn silver eyes don't help, and Cinder has a damn Grimm arm that makes her suffer a lot.
I just hope whoever buys RWBY develops more other characters.
Sun, Velvet, Glynda, Tai Yang, fuck even Cardin. They have the potential to be good characters.
Avatar Last Airbender. The episode The Storm develops Aang and Zuko at the same time but from a completely different point of view. Aang tells his past to Karata and Iroh reveals Zuko's past to his soldiers who understands Zuko's point of view.
And famous episode Zuko alone.
No, because the work is called RWBY, the world revolves around them.
Just take the Baki work, in many Baki sagas secondary characters get a lot of prominence. Sumo Saga Oliva has been humiliatingly defeated and is back for revenge.
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Jack Hanma has his own saga in Baki Rahen. Where the protagonist of the work is called Baki Hanma.
It is ridiculous to say that just because a work or series has the name of the protagonist, it must focus only on the protagonist.
I'll wait for what happened with RWBY and I had the V10, I am going to pretend madness and pretend that the V10 never happened like the remake of Avatar the legend of Aang.
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gigawatt-conduit · 1 year
More actor!AU headcanons for RWBY, continuing off from part 1
• much of Ruby's blowup took shape the day of shooting. Jaune wrote the episode with some of her edits and she was hitting it, but something felt off to both of them+the director. she eventually was like, "hey, this feels like a speech, right?" and it clicked for all 3 of them. It couldn’t be a speech, it had to be rambling, like she was angry and finally let it out. With that in mind, she nailed it in two takes
• to go along with that: J+R's argument was improv'd. Jaune generally wrote "they have a fight," and they kicked ideas back and forth over text. There's a version shot where she hits him at the end, but they pulled back cuz it didn't feel like Ruby
• training for the RWBY/AO fight of V7 was done in the same room as ORNJ v Neo, and sometimes Nora would heckle them (or Ruby/Harriet doing the heckling). One time Nora and Jaune did fighting game commentary and made Weiss burst out laughing as she hit Marrow w her play sword
• from V2-onwards there's at least one point in the season, usually towards the very end, where Blake just takes her ears home with her and doesn't even realize it until she's halfway back to her place.
(B: not every sea--
W: every. Season. Sometimes it happens twice!)
• Ren had to braid his hair in V7+8 because it kept blowing in his face during 5+6, and he also lost a bet with Yang
• as each season is airing, the gang texts Weiss video compilations they find online of her eating shit, and she saves them on a playlist for when she's feeling sad
• Neo+Ruby took acting classes together and were actually good friends. Ahead of V9's back half, Neo texted Ruby saying "I'm gonna fuck you up" and Ruby said, "yaaaaaaaay :D"
• Pyrrha shot her V9 scenes+her RWBY/JL cameo in the same day, and was utterly geeked to find out she got to emotionally devastate her good friend and her boyfriend hours apart from each other
(J: the morning before shooting, she texted me, “I’ll ruin your day later babe! Kbyeeeeeee”
P: *nods while smiling*)
• Jaune tried to do his best to grow out his hair and beard for Old Man Jaune to make it easier on the makeup dept. they eventually had to get a beard because his wasn't properly "old" in time for shooting
• reading her segments of V9's back half made Ruby cry. She showed up to Summer's scenes and cried harder, and they got a picture together. Yang also got one w summer+raven individually, then all of them+Tai
• RWBY's mirror convos were shot as such: first, they'd do the scene in their current outfits, then again in their old ones. One of the other girls would stand in as the other version
• Nora turned out to be pregnant towards the end of V8's shooting, which kinda prompted her being on Vacuo side of things/her+Ren not being in 9 p much at all
• the scene where the Paper Pleasers "die" and Jaune goes "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" had to be reshot like 3 times because Yang broke and cackled at his anguish over paper people
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mayasaura · 2 years
Everyone thinks Nona is Alecto but I think the fact it seems so obvious she is Alecto is proof she isn’t. Tamsyn muir wrote this. Also pyhrra met Alecto and if Alecto and Nona were weird in the same ways I think she would have mentioned. Also, side question: ianthe as a lyctor has babs eyes, mercymorn and augustine have their cavs eyes, John has Alectos eyes and Alecto has johns eyes, g1deon has pyrrhas eyes when he’s in control and Pyrrha has g1deons eyes when she’s in control, Camilla has Palamedes’ eyes when she’s in control and Palamedes has Camillas. But Harrow as a lyctor has her own eyes and when gideon takes over she has her own eyes. What?
I'm personally leaning toward Nona being Alecto, but I'm open to being surprised. I don't think "we guessed it so it must be wrong" is any more reliable as an assumption than "we guessed it so it must be right". The story doesn't do random plot twists with no groundwork. It makes sense, and builds logically on itself by connecting what seemed like minor mysteries and details into a larger picture. Tamsyn Muir is very very clever, but she's not completely inscrutable. I've scruted her before.
Pyrrha did know Alecto, but unless the Sixth has broken Gideon's confidence, Pyrrha doesn't know that the Tomb is opened. And no one in their makeshift family knows that Alecto has been haunting Harrow. They don't have all the pieces that make it seem obvious to us, and honestly I don't think Pyrrha is trying very hard. In the breakfast scene Nona says that Palamedes would accuse Pyrrha of skewing the data by deliberately making ass jokes to make Nona laugh, and that's the only interaction Pyrrha has with the deduction process at all. While she obviously cares about them, Pyrrha doesn't seem to be invested in the same goals as the Sixth. She and Palamedes have different baggage about souls inhabiting bodies not their own, Pyrrha's baggage could easily push her in the direction of refusing to see the problem. Her endgame is to take all three of them with her to a hidden moon with arable soil and make a life there. She sees a future with Nona, exactly as she is.
As to the eye stuff, yeah. What the fuck? Pyrrha said that her necromancer "took more from [her]" than Harrow took from Gideon, and Ianthe's eyes were changing back and forth while Naberius fought her. Harrow's eyes had just started to change when she cut Gideon out of her brain, and she didn't have access to most of the neat tricks that come with having vored your special someone's soul, so presumably Harrow stopped the process before it reached the stage of integration that triggers the eye change.
What's very interesting is how Gideon does get access to the perks (and then some!) of lyctorhood when she surfaces in Harrow's body, but without any further integration of their souls. Her eyes still don't change. Whatever is fueling Nona's body, whatever lyctoral connection Gideon and Harrow have, it's different from any other connection we've seen.
There are some interesting parallels to Anastasia's attempt. John said that the "right way" she discovered was slower, and more methodical. Harrow held the process back as long as she could. It took her two days to get as far as her eyes changing, a step that seems to have taken Ianthe about twenty minutes. John also said that Anastasia got it wrong because she "panicked midway through" and "hadn't got his soul inside her all the way". Harrow also stopped midway through, and it sounds like she never fully integrated with Gideon's soul. And somehow, it eventually still worked. It makes me wonder if, had John not interrupted her, Anastasia's second thoughts might have led her to discover a entirely new way to be a lyctor.
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Hera wearing her Mama's Red Sash and tiara
Ooooh Pyrrha.” Said huntress in training rolled over to her other side in her bed at the sound of Jaune’s voice to look at her boyfriend. She had just been about to go to bed for the night when he said her name. Jaune was standing in front of their bathroom door, holding the door slightly closed behind him. “I think Hera would like to show you something. Go on Hera, go show mama.”
Jaune stepped to the side and pushed the door inwards, letting it slowly swing open and reveal the surprise. Hera waddled out from the open doorway. One might think that she was strutting out if her steps weren’t so quick on account of her short legs. 
Pyrrha shot up in her bed, a bright smile on her face and was practically bouncing on her butt when she saw her little girl. And what was on her.
Hera had her mama’s golden circlet hanging loosely around her neck since her head was far too small to wear it as it was meant to be worn. Her red sash was also tied around the base of her tiny neck underneath her circlet. It was folded up and trailed behind her on her left side. Jaune closed the bathroom door and knelt down to scratch Hera on top of her head. "She's just like mama don't you think?"
Pyrrha tried to muffle her squeal as much as she could before darting oven and snatching Hera up into her arms, kissing her fluffy head and face repeatedly. She pulled away and took another good look at Hera before saying, “She certainly does! It looks even better on her than it does on me! She looks like the cutest champion ever! Isn’t that right Hera~? Aren’t you just the floofiest little champion ever!” Pyrrha then went back to nuzzling her face into Hera’s floof, careful not to disrupt her new attire.
Hera barked excitedly, seemingly answering her mama’s statement. She felt her mama nuzzle her head and she was all too happy to nuzzle back. And sneak a few kisses of her own in where she could.
Jaune just snapped the picture and enjoyed seeing both his pup and girlfriend being so happy over something so silly. He was honestly kind of glad that he had caught Hera dragging Pyrrha’s sash around their dorm room earlier that day now, even if he had been a little annoyed at it at the time. She knew she wasn’t supposed to take the clothes out of the hamper, but she still did it sometimes. However, since it did end up giving him the idea to do this cute surprise after all, Jaune thought he would let it slide this time.
He put his scroll away,, he had plenty of pictures now to show Nora and Ren in the morning when they woke up, and walked over to pet Hera in Pyrrha’s arms, getting some kisses on his hand from Hera. This got one more muffled squeal from Pyrrha before he led them back to the bed to get some sleep, letting Hera keep on her mama’s outfit for the night.
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It’s been a minute since I’ve gone into the Ironwood tag and oh boy did I miss some things. The big thing I am going to focus on today though is the idea that James being wrong was the point of the office scene. 
This take just makes absolutely no sense for a lot of reasons. For me, the biggest issue is that the whole scenario is an extremely morally gray situation. (Yes this is ONLY regarding volume 7 NOT 8. Volume 8 James did some shitty stuff but I also find it extremely ableist and out of character for him) We have an immortal witch hellbent on ending the world heading straight towards Atlas which is currently holding two of the 4 relics she needs to end the world while also controlling the maiden who can eventually access the third of four. We have a floating city with the power to send it so far into the atmosphere said immortal witch can’t get to them. On the other hand, we have a lot of civilians trapped beneath the conveniently floating city and not enough time to get them to the floating city. If Atlas does leave, it is extremely likely everyone left behind would die. 
The solution being offered to deal with this issue is instead to use the communications tower, that was just confirmed to not be operational yet, to try and call for help. The tower isn’t ready yet, but it could be. But they are in the middle of a massive battle with a large army of souless grimm and it is unclear how easy or how much time it would take to get the tower up and running and their is no guarantee help would come and if they don’t come or take to long to get to Atlas their is a high probability everyone would die and Salem would get both the relics. 
Their is no perfect answer that guarantees no one will die. If they flee, everyone in Mantel dies, if they try and stand their ground an exhausted army that’s already been fighting all night would realistically struggle against another massive army of grimm and likely die leading to unprotected civilians dying. Both plans have a high risk of people dying. One plan guarantees a certain number of people will survive while the other has the chance of saving everyone with the risk of losing everyone and everything. The two plans really showcase how thr trauma of Beacon affected them differently, James feels helpless against Salem who so easily turned his army into her puppets to use to further harm Beacon and kill the person he looked up to, while Ruby feels a deep need to make sure no one ever dies again like she had to watch Penny and Pyrrha die. Both plans are fueled by trauma in different ways. Both have pros and cons. Neither is a bad person for their plan and neither person’s plan is “wrong”. All either side is trying to do is to in one way or another keep Salem from destroying the world. Ruby’s plan is more focused on the smaller things while James’s is focused on the bigger picture. 
The other major issue is the writers themselves said back in volume 7 their was no right or wrong answer. The writers themselves at one point believes ad acted as if both sides had good points. Obviously they backpaddled on this hard in volume 8 because they decided too many people agreed with James’s point but the main thing here is when volume 7 was being written and aired the writers wanted it to be viewed as a morally gray situation. So why are we suddenly supposed to change our minds on that?
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What do we know about Anastasia’s timeline?
Anastasia’s bones were in the Locked Tomb.
Do we know when she died?
(side note before anyone decides to read this that this is 100% me speculating about probably very insignificant detail, based on very spurious evidence for anything, simply because I can’t quite get it out of my head.)
It seems improbable that she had someone else in the Ninth House place her bones there after her death, considering the whole “I pray the Tomb is shut forever” thing. Which means that she died in the Tomb. Either (a) after the initial imprisoning of Alecto she lived for a while running the Ninth House and then decided to go walk into the Tomb and curl up by the door to die, or (b) she died when the Tomb was initially closed.
(a) seems improbable because, while she of all people should have been able to bypass the wards and traps, she would still have needed a way to bypass John’s blood ward and kill someone for a burst of thanergy. Not impossible, but unlikely.
(b) is the likely scenario, but I’m sad about it, and I’m confused by the timeline. This is supported by Silas’ comment in Gideon:
“‘They had one job-- one rock to roll over one tomb; one act of guardianship, to live and die in a single blessedness-- and they made a cult instead.’“ (page 320 of Gideon)
The thing is, Anastasia had at least one child, because her bloodline has been unbroken for the last almost 10,000 years until Harrow’s birth. And Pyrrha talks about painting a nursery on the Ninth House. So either (a) the Ninth House was founded during the construction of the Tomb, and Anastasia had a child while the Tomb was being constructed (side tangent: who did Anastasia have a child with?) in which case Pyrrha’s nursery-painting would have taken place during the construction of the Tomb, (b) Anastasia already had a child before the construction of the Ninth House who took over running the Ninth House after her death and who Pyrrha/G1deon knew well enough to visit to decorate the nursery for their child, or (c) Anastasia already lived on the Ninth House before the original Lyctoring, and Pyrrha visited in her own body to help her paint a nursery.
As far as (b) goes, I want to think that if Anastasia had an adult child during the timeframe of the construction of the Tomb, we would have heard about them already. Maybe not, but it seems like Pyrrha at least would have mentioned them if she knew them well enough to pay them a visit to help paint their nursery.
(c) is plausible, but it feels a little bit unlikely. Mostly because of what we’ve heard about the original Lyctor process, that everyone arrived at Canaan House as a kind of pilgrimage (or were invited particularly, in Cytherea’s case) and studied there to develop the Lyctoral process. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing where they were commuting back and forth between their home planets and Canaan House, or paying each other visits at their home planets. Additionally, the Ninth House was founded particularly to house and protect the Locked Tomb, so there doesn’t seem to be any reason that Anastasia would have been living there before anyone decided to build the Tomb in the first place.
So my current conception of Anastasia’s most likely timeline is:
The Resurrection
The original Lyctoral process - I think these might be as much as a generation after the Resurrection, because Augustine refers to Cytherea as being from the “second generation” of Lyctors at some point in Harrow but based on the notes and pictures from Canaan House it seems like everyone became a Lyctor more or less at once, or at least was working towards it simultaneously. The timeline of the original Lyctoring is something for another post.
The first attack by the Resurrection Beasts, followed shortly after by the decision to build the Tomb - this must take place only shortly after the original Lyctors were made, based on things that Teacher and John say in Harrow.
“’But when the work was done-- when I was finished, and so were they, and the new Lyctors found out the price-- they bade him kill the saltwater creature before she could do them harm...’” (Teacher, page 328 of Harrow)
“’She lived to see what happened at Canaan House. Not that she took much interest... And when the cost of Lyctorhood was paid, when the emotions were at their peak... we found out the price for our sin. The monstrous retribution. To be chased for our crime to the ends of the universe, to have our deed stain our very faces and follow after us like a foul smell. She died after that first terrible assault.’“ (John, page 346 of Harrow)
Anastasia moves to the Ninth House to begin construction of the Tomb?
Anastasia has a baby, possibly? G1deon, with Pyrrha in residence, visits to help her paint a nursery.
John Cask-of-Amontillado’s Alecto, putting her to sleep (as described in the poem at the start of Nona) and tying her up with chains. He closes the Tomb over her, seals all the wards, and leaves forever. Anastasia stays, to die in the Tomb.
But why would she stay? It wasn’t an issue of keeping Alecto in there while it was closed, because Alecto was asleep and chained up. Did they need a burst of thanergy to initially close the Tomb, as they do to open it? Or was it part of her vow to Alecto?
I expect a lot of these questions to be answered in Alecto, but Anastasia has been fascinating me since I finished Nona. I can’t wait to see her backstory explained, and I fully expect it to be absolutely heartbreaking.
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lunatriense · 2 years
OH MY GOD STOP WRITING SO WELL AND BREAKING MY HEART (i know i requested the sad crimson tide headcanon but still)
Crimson Tide 30
I'm sorry anon, but tysm for the compliment!!! 🥰 Hopefully this will stitch it back together.
One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Neptune lies on his bed, flicking through photos on his scroll. Photos of Pyrrha — many with him as well — taken over the years, each of them a memory. She's smiling in those pictures, so happy… she wasn't smiling when he saw her last. He sighs… he took her smile away; that's the last thing he ever wanted to do. He flicks to another photo.
Scarlet hair streams behind her like a banner, shimmering in the evening sun. He follows, drawn onward by her melodic laugh through the streets of Argus, weaving between pedestrians and vehicles and the kiosks set up on the side of the road, all the way down to the wharf. She's so fast! He can't keep up, but every now and then she looks back and slows down to offer words of encouragement for him, and they drive him forward.
When they reach the wharf, fear grips his heart. So much water… he can go no further. She knows he won't go further, not out onto the piers, not where he might fall in. She gives him a smile and darts out without a care, to the furthest docking post. Without hesitating, she scampers up onto the post to watch the battle beyond.
This is why they've come. When the sirens sound, when the rest of the city looks out with trepidation, the girl knows only excitement. She runs toward the danger, not away. She wants to see it for herself, not hear the reports later. He doesn't quite get it, but when he's around her he feels like he can do anything… anything except go out to the water, that is.
She watches from her perch as the airships clash with the Grimm, tracer fire and smoke trails crisscrossing the red-gold sky. Among them are a few hunters, either fighting from the airships themselves or leaping out to engage the creatures in aerial combat.
The sight is breathtaking — the little girl gazing up to the battle above. He fumbles momentarily to pull out his scroll and capture the image.
"That's going to be me one day," the girl tells him when she finally comes back in after it's finished, more excited than he'd ever seen her. "I'll become the greatest huntress ever. I'm going to save the whole world!" Crazy as it sounds, he believes her. She's Pyrrha Nikos, and she can do anything.
A little smile comes to Neptune's face — he remembers that day well. "You were right," he murmurs to himself. "You're gonna save the whole world…" His smile falters, then fades. "And I won't be there by your side…" He thumbs over to his messages and opens the one Pyrrha sent him this morning. Even if he'd given up on her, she hadn't given up on him.
He clenches his teeth, then opens up his contacts to call her. No service; she's already out of range. "Damnit…" He backs out and swipes down to Sun's icon, hesitating briefly before tapping it and waiting for the connection.
"Hey man, what's up?" Sun looks to be playing some sort of game and munching on snacks.
"Hey, you know that friend of a friend you told me about?"
"Uuuuh… oh yeah, the band girl? Sure, what about her?"
"No dude, not her, the other friend of a friend."
Sun's eyes widen and the cheese puff he just grabbed falls from his fingers before it reaches his mouth. "Wait… you don't mean the guy with the-."
"Yeah, that's the one."
"Whoa…" Sun is obviously gobsmacked, and why wouldn't he be after hearing that? Honestly Neptune can barely believe it himself.
"I made a huge mistake and I gotta fix it, so I need a favour. I don't know who else can help, so… you think you can convince him to be ready in an hour?"
"Dude, come on, it's me. Of course I can!"
Neptune gives Sun a grateful — if nervous — smile. "Thanks man, I owe you."
Pyrrha sits against the wall, the same melancholy looming over her that has since yesterday, since Neptune had… She squeezes her eyes shut and takes a deep, shuddering breath. She never thought he would leave like that. They were supposed to stay together forever, that's what they'd always said ever since they were children.
Of course she can't really blame him. He's right, she did leave him first, did run off to Beacon; she hadn't realised at the time that the application deadline would already be past when she found out if she was accepted, and he'd seemed so supportive, but it's no excuse. And now with everything… maybe it's for the best that he's staying home, away from all the danger that this life — the life she dragged him into — entails, and all the more for recent revelations.
At least she'll always have her memories. She withdraws her scroll, ignoring the little stab of pain upon being reminded that Neptune saw her message this morning only minutes after she'd sent it — long before she'd left the range of Argus' communication tower — but never sent a response, and instead opening her photo gallery. Inside are countless precious memories, many of them shared with Neptune himself; she taps one of them to enlarge, and it brings with it both a small smile and new tears.
The boy turns, a little awkward-looking in his suit, and blushes. "Pyrrha! H-hi. What're you doing out here?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing. I didn't think you'd want to miss a second of a party like this."
"Oh, yeah, it's pretty great huh? I, uh, I just needed some fresh air."
She smiles and nods. "Well then, shall I keep you company?"
He returns her smile. "Sure, that'd be great."
She steps closer to lean lightly against the wall with him. "You know, Melanthe is looking for you. She said you promised to dance with her tonight."
His smile wavers. "That's not-! I didn't promise, I told her maybe we could dance!!"
She giggles, lifting a hand to cover her mouth. "It's alright, I don't mind. Although," she steps away from the wall and in front of him to face him, leaning forward just a bit, "I may be a little jealous if you dance with her before me."
"N-no, never! Besides…" He goes beet red, looking away and shoving his hands in his pockets as he mutters something under his breath.
She blinks. "Hmm? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."
He mutters again, a little louder. "I said… I don't know how to dance…"
Her eyes widen a little. "Oh… is that…" She takes a half-step closer, straightening as she does and lifting a hand to gently turn his face to meet her gaze. "That's why you were avoiding me last time?"
He nods, obviously embarrassed.
She smiles. "Neptune, it's alright. I don't know how either."
He blinks and snaps his head up, looking at her as though she's grown a second head. "… What? No way! I saw how you moved in the tournament – how you always move for that matter. There's no way you can't dance!!"
She giggles again, but blushes this time as well. "Those are very different than dancing."
He gives her a sceptical look in reply.
She glances to the door of the auditorium she'd exited a few moments ago, from where the music can be heard. "It's just the two of us out here, you know…"
He freezes. "What about it?"
She smiles and extends her hand. "May I have this dance?"
He looks down to her hand, blinking momentarily before blushing and lifting his gaze to her face. "But I don't know what I'm doing."
"Neither do I."
"I'm gonna be clumsy."
"We'll be clumsy together."
"I'll probably trip over your feet!"
She giggles. "Then I'll catch you." She tilts her head and lifts her hand a touch. "Please?"
After a few heartbeats longer, he nods and takes it. "Okay."
He wasn't exaggerating, and neither was she. It only takes a handful of steps before he trips over her feet. She catches him, and for a moment that seems to stretch far longer than it actually lasts she holds him up, her hair spilling down over her shoulder and his. Then the grass, damp from the afternoon's rain, gives way beneath them and sends them both tumbling to the ground where, after rolling a few times, they settle laughing in a heap… just in time for Auric, who's also come looking for Neptune, to find them and snap the photo.
Pyrrha is roused from her memories by the sense of Yang approaching. She looks up to her friend, who stops a few steps from her with a concerned air about her.
"We have company."
Pyrrha blinks and pushes herself to her feet, putting her scroll away as she moves. "What kind?"
Yang motions for her to follow. "It's not Grimm."
Pyrrha nearly misses a step at that. "Atlas is patrolling this far out?"
"Nope; we don't know who it is yet, but someone's coming up on us from behind. In a boat."
Sure enough, once they emerge onto the deck of the ship, Pyrrha looks astern to find that a boat is quickly gaining on them. It's a small and fast island hopper, but far further to sea than such a craft would normally be found.
Yang climbs up the stairs running around the outside of the bridge to shout up to her sister. "Can you tell who it is yet!?"
"It's just… some guy!," comes the response from Ruby on the roof, staring down the scope of her rifle. "He's not wearing a uniform or anything that I can see!"
The rest of the group is arrayed on the deck below, armed and ready, and so Pyrrha leaps down to join them.
"-old you guys we shouldn't have gone by sea. I knew my plan to steal the airship was better!"
"It definitely wasn't, Jaune." Pyrrha gives him a look. "Even if it didn't get us shot down, it would've crippled Argus' sensors and defences, and we're supposed to be protecting people, not endangering them."
Ren joins in with an 'I told you so' look, then they turn their attention the the fast-approaching boat. Pyrrha draws Miló and transforms it into rifle mode, aiming at the craft to get a closer look herself… and her breath catches in her throat.
He trembles, staring at the wall across the room, seemingly unaware of the steaming mug in front of him or the blanket draped around him.
"He's really not looking too hot."
"Do you think he'll be okay?"
"Maybe… we should give him some space?"
"That's probably a good idea."
"Go ahead, I'll stay here to take care of him."
Eventually he becomes aware that someone is holding his hand. His vision is horribly blurry, so he can't tell who; he blinks a few times and finds that his eyes burn badly from dryness, so he squeezes them shut.
He knows that voice. That confirms what he thought — it's Pyrrha holding his hand, now squeezing it gently.
"Neptune, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I… I'll be… I'm fine…" It doesn't sound the least bit convincing even to him. When he opens his eyes and blinks away the tears, he finds Pyrrha frowning; clearly it wasn't to her either.
"What are you doing out here? I thought… You said you weren't coming…"
"I wasn't, but.…"
"But I… I realised I was being an idiot."
Pyrrha shakes her head softly. "You were just doing what's best for you, that's not-."
"Please don't. Don't do that. I was, I was being stupid. Really stupid!" He sighs. "Because… I was afraid." He hangs his head a bit. "I'm still afraid."
Pyrrha leans a little closer and gives his hand another squeeze. "I'm afraid too, Neptune. We're all afraid, you'd have to be crazy not to be."
He scoffs. "Yeah right, I know you better than that, Pyr. You're the bravest person I've ever met. You're fearless."
She blushes slightly. "Bravery isn't being fearless, it's being afraid but facing your fear and moving onward anyway."
"Huh…" He considers a moment. "Anyway, I thought about it and… and as much as all this scares me, as-," he chokes up, and it takes a moment and a shuddering breath for him to continue. "As terrified as I am that walking this path with you is going to get us both killed, I realised I'm even more terrified that if I don't… if I don't, it'll still happen and I won't be there beside you. That I won't have been there when you needed me."
Pyrrha's eyes glisten with unshed tears and her voice quavers a bit as she speaks. "But we're in the middle of the ocean. The water… how did you…?"
"I had to face my fear, like you said." A small smile spreads on his face. "It turns out I'm a lot more afraid of losing you than I am of the water." He glances toward the door. "But please don't remind me where we are. That's the stuff of nightmares."
She gives a little half-laugh, half-sob but smiles and nods nonetheless, then leans in to kiss him, wrapping her arms around him in a close embrace, both of which he's all too happy to return.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
My nyaster) Jaune is annoyed because of blake's constant attempt of taking naked pictures of him but what is more disturbing is the fact that her teammates are the one support her. It would be funny is jaune discovered it by walking into rwby's dorm without knocking just to find out that each member has her own personally modificated body pillow with picutre of almost naked Jaune.
My Nyaster 4
Jaune was tired of Blake always trying to take compromising photos of him and maybe more. He tried to stop her by force, but it seems that it opened a new chapter of Blake's perverted behavior towards him. Thank God, Prof. Goodwitch was there. Anyway, I've decided that maybe the rest of Team RWBY can help him stop her. It will be difficult to explain them.
Jaune: *Knock on Team RWBY's door* Hi girls, I need to talk to you.
He goes silent for a second and can only hear romantic music on the other side.
Jaune: *knock on the door again* Girls, can I come in?
Still no answer. The right thing to do is try again later, but as direct as Blake has been so far, there's no way he'll be safe in the next few minutes. So he decided to take a chance and open the door.
Jaune: I'm sorry but it’s an- OH MY GOD!
In front of Jaune was Ruby Rose kissing a body pillow that has a picture of him in a bunny suit. And it looks like they had a make out session that went on for quite a while. Why do I say this, well it's because Ruby has saliva all over her mouth.
Ruby: *Embarrassed* It is not what you are thinking! I-I was cleaning some cookie crumbs off my face!
Jaune: So you kiss a pillow to do that?! Look at him, *points to the pillow* my face is all wet! And where did you get this? I don't remember wearing that costume!
Yang: *from her bed* Can you shut up?! I'm trying to sleep with my husbando.
In her arm she was hugging another body pillow of him, but this time he was wearing the school uniform but he was in the middle of undressing.
Jaune: You too?!
Yang: *Realizes it's Jaune* Jaune! Didn't know you were coming? *tries to hide body pillow*
Jaune: This can not be happening. First it was Blake and now you two.
Weiss: *She comes out of the bathroom with only a towel on* Can you two stop yelling? I'm trying to have a romantic bath with my Jonathan. *Looks at Jaune* Jaune! What are you doing here?!
He looks past Weiss and sees another pillow of him in the bathtub, but this one is wrapped in a protective plastic bag. She has lighted candles around the bathtub and a glass of wine. The image on this body pillow is him in an open dress shirt, unbuttoned pants, and was wearing reading glasses.
Weiss: *Blushing* I can explain!
Jaune: What is there to explain? That all my friends from Team RWBY are perverts? What next, that Pyrrha is too?
Pyrrha: *On the phone* Yeah I would like a body pillow.... Yes, the Jaune Arc one. Can you all add the lower attachment?... The real size. Wait, How long is it?... Oh my~, please add it to my order. Thank you
Back to Jaune
Jaune: Who give you the pillows?
Weiss: *looking away* Well....
Yang: About that...
Ruby: You see...
Jaune: *Deadpan* Whoever tells me who did it, I'll give them these pictures of me in my underwear. *Show the back of a couple of photos*
Weiss: Do you think you can bribe us with that?
Yang: Yeah, vomit boy. You'll have to offer something much better if you want us to talk.
Ruby: IT WAS BLAKE! Now give them to me!
Weiss/Yang: *Surprise* Ruby!/Sis!
Jaune: Wait *Put the photos out of her reach* Why?
Ruby: *Stretching her arms up* She gave it to us as payment!
Jaune: Payment? Payment for what?
Weiss: Don't tell him Ruby!
Yang: Don't do it!
Jaune takes another stack of photos.
Ruby: She gave it to us as payment for helping her start a business. Now give them to me!!!!
Jaune: A business? What kind of business?
Blake: *From behind* You wanna know?
Jaune got scared and jumps forward. He dropped the photos on the floor and Ruby quickly picked them up.
Jaune: *turns around to face Blake* Shit, Blake! You scare me!
Ruby: Wait a minute, these are photos of pancakes. You lie to me!
Jaune: And you have a sexualized body pillow of me.
Ruby: Okay, yeah. But look at those pillows! They are a work of art. Can you blame us?
Yang/Weiss: Yeah!!
Jaune: The fuck? They're just body pillows.
Blake: It's not just a body pillow. It is the greatest treasure the world has ever seen.
Jaune: How?!
Blake: It's obvious? People need to know about your greatness! You were born with a glorious body, you must share it with the world!
Jaune: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Blake: *Points to her team* They told me the same thing, until I show them the way. Now, we share the same dream and our numbers are growing every day!
Jaune: You need professional help.
Blake: I don't need help when I have this. *She pulls up his shirt showing off his abs* Oh yeah~ This is what keeps me going.
Jaune: *Gives her a cold look and slaps her hand* Don't touch me pervert. I told you before, if you keep doing this, I won't be afraid to get physical.
Blake: Mmm yes~ I love it when you act like that. Look girls, this is what I'm talking about, his true potential on display.
The other girls just blush and stay quiet.
Jaune: Whatever, I didn't give my consent for you to have my image on a body pillow. You have to stop your business right now!
Blake: Hehehe... but you gave me your consent. *shows him a piece of paper*
Jaune: Give me that.
He picks up the page and puts on his reading glasses. Weiss had a nosebleed for a few reasons.
Jaune: This document blah blah blah legal right to blah blah blah Blake Belladonna have the right to use Jaune Arc's likeness for monetary gain? And do you have my signature? How? I never saw this contract.
Weiss: Umm... I can explain. Remember those papers you and Ruby got. The ones that need to be completed in order to take our teams on missions outside of the academy?
Jaune: Yes....
Weiss: Well, I kind of add that page there.
Jaune: *Angry* So that's why you offer to deliver the papers for me! So you can take the page back and then give it to Blake! you tricked me!
Ruby: Now you know how I feel!
Jaune: Shut up Ruby! I came here to get help from my friends and found out that they are working against me with that pervert!
Blake: YES!~ I love it when you degrade me.
Jaune: *Disgusted* Ok that's it. I'm telling Prof. Goodwitch about this
Jaune walks towards the door but one glyph blocks his exit. He stood there looking at the door.
Jaune: Girls, what are you doing?
Ruby:I'm sorry, but we can't let you go yet.
Jaune: Why not?
Weiss: We like the pillows and we try to keep it a secret...
Jaune: *Nervous* What does that have to do with me?
Yang: And now we have the real one here...
Blake: *smiles like a pervert* We should enjoy it.
Jaune: *Sighs* I see, I knew something like this could happen. So I prepare myself for this.
Jaune turns around, tears off his shirt, and strikes a sexy pose. The girls did not expect this and it hit them hard.
Weiss: *Covers her eyes but gives a few glances* What are you doing! So indecent!
Yang: *Holding a weak Ruby* Stay with me Sis!
Ruby:I'm sorry, Yang, but he's too hot for me. Goodbye *plays dead*
Yang: Noooo!!
Blake: *On the ground on top of her puddle of blood that came out of her nose and with her thumbs up* Marvelous!
Jaune: You guys are a bunch of weirdos.
Jaune took the opportunity to escape and later the contract was canceled for being a scam. Unfortunately, the body pillows that were already sold have already been shipped.
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moistmailman · 3 years
genderswap arkos part ??
*Pyrrhus walks into the weight room in his work out gear and a bottle of water*
*Suddenly on the other side of the room Pyrrhus hears multiple people laughing, causing him investigate*
Pyrrhus, walking: Uhm...hello? Anyone else in here— what the?
*in the corner of the room RWBY and JNR are all there, Nora lying down stomach first while Ruby gently pushes a weighted barbell towards her*
Pyrrhus, awkwardly: Erm....what's going on?
Yang, smiling: We're doing a test.
Pyrrhus: About....
Yang: To see our thicc levels.
Pyrrhus, nodding: Oh, okay— *chokes* wait what?!
Yang: We're trying to see if our asses can stop the barbell, and we make the weights bigger after each round after elimination.
Pyrrhus, beyond confused:......why?
Yang, shrugging: Cause we’re bored. Why not?
Pyrrhus: Is this even allowed?
Yang: Idunno. Probably not. Not like anyone gonna tell on us though. *eyes suspiciously* You aren’t gonna blab, right?
Pyrrhus, slightly blushing: W-What? N-no. Of course not.
Yang, smiling: That’s the spirit, P-Money! Anyway, currently only me, Blake and Nora are in still. Others got eliminated. *whispers* Don’t talk to Weiss. She’s kinda crabby that she went out first, even though she went pretty far.
Pyrrhus, trying to find a way to leave the conversation: Riiight. I’ll...keep that in mind. Anyway, I gotta— Wait Wait Wait. Everyone here is doing this?
Yang: Yep.
Pyrrhus, raising an eyebrow:.....Everyone?
Yang, nodding: Yepporoni.
Pyrrhus: Huh.....*eyes not to subtly glance over at Jeanne, whose watching the events*
Yang, smirking: Oh, I see.
Pyrrhus, our of his stupor: Huh?
Yang, smirking wider: Wondering where your little girlfriend ranked in this, huh?
Pyrrhus, instantly blushing: W-What?! N-no!
Yang: Then why did you look at her?
Pyrrhus: I-I didn’t! I-I just looked at her general direction!
Yang: A little bit lower than her general direction if you ask me!
Pyrrhus, blushing even more: T-that’s not true!
Yang: Hey man, you should be kinda happy. She went pretty far. She was the last one eliminated so far actually.
Pyrrhus: I don’t ca— Wait really?
Yang: *smirks*
Pyrrhus, face becoming as red as his hair: I-I mean, I don’t care! W-why would I care?!
Yang, crossing her arms: Honestly you should be proud. You crafted that ass from scratch.
Pyrrhus: Please stop talking.
Yang: Was that you goal when you trained her? Sculpture her ass into perfection?
Pyrrhus: N-no!
Yang: Really? Cause Jeanne did tell me that you two do a lot of squats on the roof.
Pyrrha, face atomically red: T-that’s because leg muscles are extremely useful! Especially if you need to stand your ground with a shield!
Yang, smirking: Riiiight.
Pyrrhus: I’m serious!
Yang: Hey look, Jeanne’s up next.
Pyrrhus, with a crazy look in his eyes: Really?! *looks past Yang to see Jeanne still sitting idly*
Yang, snorting: You idiot! I told you she was already eliminated! How did you fall for that?
Pyrrhus, feeling like he just got caught committing a crime: I-I—
Yang: You know, if you want, I could always just ask Jeanne redo her round for you cause you missed it. You seem pretty eager to see it.
Pyrrhus: For the love of gosh, stop talking.
Yang: Hey Jean— MMF.
Pyrrhus, putting his hand over her mouth: Please stop talking! I’m begging you! I can’t— what do I need to do for you to drop this already?
Yang, shrugging: You can join in with us?
Pyrrhus: What?
Yang: Yeah. Just join us. I’m quite curious how the legendary invincible boy’s ass goes against ours.
Pyrrhus: If I do this then will you finally drop this conversation?
Yang: Yeah, duh.
Pyrrhus, sighing: Fine. I’ll go after the next person.
Yang: Great!
*later that day*
Pyrrhus, blushing with his face in his hands: I regret ever waking up today.
Jeanne, chuckling while trying not to stare at his ass (and failing): Man uhm....you really don’t lose, dontcha? *awkwadly chuckles more*
Pyrrhus: *groans in his hands*
Yang: Like seriously, man! What are you doing with all that ass?! Are you stockpiling or some shit?! Did you buy some ass stocks and the prices skyrocketed?
Pyrrhus: *slams his head against his desk*
Yang: And whatchu doin’ hiding all that cake in your armor?! Flaunt that shit! Be proud of it! You have any idea how betray Coco will feel when I tell her this?
Blake: Coco only likes girls.
Yang: Yeah, doesn’t mean she cant admire a guys ass. It’s just not horny administration, more like looking at art administration. Like I doubt there’s anyone who wants to fuck a Picasso painting but there’s a shit-lot of people who would take a picture of it in awe.
Pyrrhus: I wanna go back to bed.
Yang: I can hear Coco now. *mimics Coco’s voice* Damn boy, the fuck they feedin you in Mistral?
Jeanne, still trying and failing on not staring at Pyrrhus’ ass: J-just ignore, Pyr. W-we should probably make p-plans for tonight’s training anyway. I-I heard it going to be hot tonight too, so you might wanna wear shorts for it......
Yang: Jeanne’s licking her lips while staring at your ass, P-money.
Pyrrhus: *blushes even more*
Jeanne, blushing madly: SHUDDUP!
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osir-ethria · 3 years
.... Debating on whether or not I should do something other than the Schneeblings...
Well here’s another thing about them anyway.
Whitley loves fashion and designing with a much more creative aspect to clothing. Jacques however found out and called it far to feminine and that he should be focusing business and other things (minus fighting).
Winter would always let Whitley choose the dress she would wear to business meeting with Jacques and tell him about the guests reactions and how many compliments she got because of his choice. She did this in the form of a letter that Klein would hand Whitley because if she was seen anywhere near Whitley he would be reprimanded by their father. She’d first give him a list on what the event was about, how she was to be represented, and if Jacques was there to enjoy himself a little or purely just business.
This helped Whitley with his look when he went out on formal events and got to choose. (This is me saying please change his outfit for once. Maybe inspired by Weiss?)
Even though Winter never directly told Weiss but Whitley was the one who designed her outfits minus the Volume 7 one... I’d have to say Weiss looks good but like, the pounds of hair in that braid is unnecessary. She has a lot of hair but why make it not proportional to the rest of the head. Other than that she actually picked up a few things from Whitley just by studying what she’s been wearing.
After the half of the group that got to Vacuo arrives at the main kingdom they need new gear. The Atlas gear is going to give them a heat stroke. They are trying to decide what to do and they see an obviously emotionally unavailable Winter write a few things down, hand it to Whitley, and tells him to go all out.
Later she explains the whole fashion thing with them and tells them that if they’d trust him with their outfit designs to just list necessities, color schemes, any requirements that’ll help with how they fight, and what style of clothing they are comfortable or uncomfortable with. When Whitley receives these papers from the group he starts crying, they aren’t seeing it as weird and actually trust him with it. Remember, Jacques hated this side of Whitley.
Whitley works with Pietro to design the new gear and everyone loves it. Comfortable, looks good, and does its job. I also remember that the Schnee dust company doesn’t only have dust mines in Atlas even though it was the majority, there are some all over Remnent. (This is from the World of Remnent episode Rooster Teeth did about the Schnee Dust Company.) The Schnees however stay with the refugees instead of going somewhere else so they can help them. They also have enough money to help provide for the refugees like buying tents, getting food and water, and any other necessity. Whitley gets a good feeling from helping and not keeping it all to himself.
Whitley better ask Winter to train him or Winter forcefully teaches him because she can’t handle losing another sibling. This is just with a sword he hasn’t gotten his semblance yet.
He’s smarter than a lot think he should be, the only thing that’s stopping him from being a huntsman is how young he is, like I would prefer if he was around Oscar’s age, and he’s not of the physical or aura capability of a huntsman. You could argue Jaune was like that but Jaune was of the age to go to beacon, had a weapon, and was physically fit to the point he could play it off as maybe going to the school. The only thing he was lacking was skill which was remedied by Pyrrha.
Whitley hasn’t had any of that but I wouldn’t doubt that he’d be a good fit. I can imagine him trying to use his left hand but it doesn’t work out so he forces himself to switch and it works but he wanted to use his left hand for that. He’s not as nimble as Weiss but more so than Winter so he’s slowly forming into a mix. Best part would be he keeps his sarcastic attitude and teasing only being serious in serious situations.
I think all Schnees are brutally honest with everything but understand and feel bad when they hurt someone who hasn’t done anything bad to them or has gotten on their nerves. If they are misunderstood for what they say and they know it wouldn’t be easy to understand said topic they go soft and attempt to explain, Winter and Penny at the Schnee manor in Vol 7.
I also like to think that each of them are slightly gifted in the others area of art. Whitley is better with design, art, and visual concepts.
Weiss is better musical and hearing as well as being able to take quickly to anything she was forced to learn by Jacques or genuinely wanted to know. Weiss and Whitley also share common interest in design from a mathematical stand point because it gets their motors going which was derived from Jacques trying to control them and force how they think, what they do, and what’s going on.
Winter is more about art through movement. She taught Weiss how to dance and is probably the only person who could stand a chance against Yang with Martial Arts. With her being the most controlling of her emotions she could easily do acting which she was forced to do while in school before Atlas Academy.
Whitley learnt how to play the piano from Weiss with videos Klein recorded where Weiss explained how to play. This was an assignment by Jacques to prove she was practicing but Whitley caught them once and asked Klein if he could see the videos. Jacques thought he had the natural talent for the piano, nah he just practiced a lot with Weiss’s help.
Winter hasn’t listened to any of Weiss’ personal songs. By personal I mean the RWBY soundtracks. I head canon that those songs are Weiss describing their journey and how she believes their friends, enemies, and family feels.
I like the idea that Weiss’s songs were used as protest. Now Winter has heard a few she just never put two and two together that that was Weiss singing since she always had a soft pitched opera voice. Well not until she heard someone in the refugee camp blast This Life Is Mine which included the more opera segment. That broke Winter. The idea was on a head canon post but I forgot the name and I’ve liked to many posts to the point I doubt I’ll find it.
Whitley got two copies of Weiss’s songs, using a bit of money for himself and Winter there, and as a bonding activity between them and if they ever feel stressed listen to her music and voice. This is how Whitley realized that Jacques had been lying to him about his sisters just abandoning him and not caring for him at all that they left him, but rather Jacques pulled him away from Winter to ensure he wouldn’t end up like Weiss. This Life Is Mine hits close to Whitley as for Winter as much as she agrees with Whitley that it hits close she knows that Weiss’s song Path to Isolation hits more for her.
Weiss had managed to submit War, Until The End, and Fear to the people who published her songs before everything the evacuation using Pietro. Pietro questioned why and she just gave a quick summary, not explaining everything but just enough. Those publishers got though the portals and with the help of Whitley and the Schnee money got Weiss’s ‘final’ track out.
The songs are played everyday which was new for the Atlesians that survived compared to the survivors in Mantle. No one expected Weiss to be so defiant and see how abusive Jacques was to her and which they can assume the rest of the family. How they weren’t picture perfect.
......... I should stop now. Written to much again. I’ll most likely try to find the post with the idea that Weiss’s song were used as songs of retaliation in Mantle. If I do I’m going to reboot it so here me go, deep diving.
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secret-engima · 3 years
School is currently planning to murder me through deadlines and like a respectable human being I decide to ignore it and go on tumblr. Would you mind sharing some non-angsty headcanons since I mostly see angsty ones now?
Ouch, sorry about the deadlines. *winces* and yeah I’ve been on an angst run but I can do non-angsty! Here lemme just break out a chapter 3 plot twist.
-So here Sondor is, wandering around Anima looking for his puppies, and this is after he saved Summer and possibly after he’s encountered Oobleck (definitely after weirding out Huntsman and civilians in general) when he hears sounds of Child Distress™ and, like any reasonable sentient Grimm who adores puppies, goes into Murder Mode™.
-One angry slaughtering of normal Grimm later and he is surprised because hello. He knows these pups! These aren’t “his” pups, because they died in the war before he got to really know them, but he recognizes their scent and he knows that Oscar Pup adored these two. Yes. It’s- oh what were their names. He can’t remember.
-He shall call them Flower Pup and Hammer Pup and by the moons they just disappeared where’d they go. Pups??? PUPS?????
-Oh wait he can smell them. He doesn’t have conventional eyes and his “sight” is reliant on Aura and sensing negativity (because fun fact I only learned/realized the other day was that unlike most Grimm SONDOR DOESN’T HAVE EYES), but he can still smell them and hear them pattering away. Pups get back here he needs to adopt you and take you back to Oscar Pup because that will make Oscar Pup happy.
-After reclaiming his pups and dealing with the requisite crying, escape attempts, wiggling, and ferocious but fruitless attempts to fight him off, Sondor is happily trekking through the wilderness again in his more bipedal mode, a child tucked in the crook of each arm.
-Nora and Ren, recent orphans and new best friends, are understandably having a ... very weird and stressful day. Not only are the orphans trying to get to another village on their own, but they were attacked by Grimm while Ren was tired and then they were saved BY a Grimm that attacked other Grimm, and when Ren mustered enough energy to use his Semblance one more time the Grimm got angrier and then FOUND them again somehow and now won’t let them go. And ... isn’t hurting them. Or killing them?
-Also this Grimm can talk.
-Nora adapts more quickly to this new information, particularly after the Grimm gets them food with his weirdly long, stretchy, “can pluck fruit out of high trees from the ground” arms. Ren takes longer, for obvious reasons, but escape attempts prove fruitless and this Grimma actually hasn’t harmed them and being scared all the time is exhausting so eventually Ren just achieves a childish sort of Zen about being kidnapped and doted on by a giant monster that talks.
-Sondor is pleased. His new pups are easily trained. Now he shall enforce the Laws of Bedtime. Even if it’s inconvenient to no longer be able to search for Oscar Pup day AND night.
-This is probably relatively close to Sondor figuring out that Oscar and the others must be on Sanus rather than Anima, so soon enough Nora and Ren get to fly to Sanus on Grimm Back but after he arrives in Sanus there is still some traveling to do and pups to train and also Huntsman to freak out because now not only is he an oddly calm, strange looking Grimm but he has TWO ACTUAL CHILDREN riding on his back like a glorified horse. CHILDREN ARE YOU OKAY?
-Nora, waving cheerfully as Sondor leaves any huntsman in the dust: HI BYE NICE SEEING YOU WOO-HOO!
-So anyway yes, Sondor brings Ren and Nora to Oscar when he finally finds them, which means our beloved ninja child and hammer-happy castle queen are going to be raised by one Roman Torchwick and his pack of time-travelers. The chaos is gonna be *real*. And hilarious. And fluffy. And also angsty but we aren’t here for that right now.
-Picture these two going to Beacon down the line (because they so will), and they are so excited, and Oscar has probably been a Mystery Wizard over the years enough that as soon as Nora sees Pyrrha she’s like HIIII NEW TEAMMATE IT’S NICE TO MEET YOU AT LONG LAST! :DDDD
-Ren: Nora no. We don’t know for *sure* who our teammates will be.
-Nora, holding a bemused Pyrrha by the shoulders: BUT LOOK AT HER. SHE’S PRETTY AND SWEET AND RED HAIRED. SHE’S PERFECT.
-Pyrrha: Um. Nice to meet you?
-On a side note Ren and Nora are low-key absolutely terrifying in this verse because they, despite being orphans and never touching a combat school, have had the most thorough combat training ever. Because no way is Roman (and Team MEOWN) letting these two go “legal” while unprepared. They can be Huntsmen if they really want, but they WILL know how to take down enemies human or grimm with nothing but paper cuts and toothpicks, let alone their weapons that are made of the finest metals he could steal for them.
-Ren and Nora getting to participate in the Emerald City circus as kids! It’s so much fun for them, they love it.
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the-wayward-arc · 3 years
How did the Legion react to Jaune and Pyrrha having their first child?
The Kingdom. No! The planet was in a frenzy! It wasnt an attack! The Emperor of Mankind was not coming to see his son. No! The Matriach, Pyrrha Arc-Nikos, was finally going into labor! Their first child was on their way! The young doctor had been selected by the Primarch Jaune himself for this delicate operation. He made his way towards the delivery room, passing not only nurses and other doctors but Remnant knights as well. Paladins to be exact, the Remnant Knights honor guard were the body guards to not only the Primarch but to the Matriarch as well. Dozens filled the hallways and even more stood guard outside her room, bolsters at the ready. Dyson couldn't help but gulp, the deer faunus steeled himself as he neared Pyrrha's room, stopping when the two Paladins blocked his path.
"Identification." One commanded, Dyson nodded, presenting his ID as a servo skull floated down, scanning the card before floating back to the shoulder of the Paladin.
"You may enter Doctor." Dyson respectfully bowed before heading in. The room was large, of course so was everything else to accommodate the space marines and the Primarch but it was still some getting used to.
"Dyson, is everything prepared?" Dyson looked up at the one speaking, Jaune arc, Primarch of the 11th legion and one of the Emperor of mankind's sons. Standing at an impressive 9 feet bordering 10 feet tall, the Primarch was no longer in his power armor but wore clothes made to fit onto his large muscular frame.
"Yes my lo-"
"Dyson....you know that's not needed." Jaune chuckled as Pyrrha smiled, it was strain but still genuine.
"I'm sorry Jaune, been doing that all day. Not used to being on a first name basis with a Primarch you know!" Dyson stated, laughing a bit. "But it's time we move her to the delivery room, and get ready!" With that, both nodded as Jaune gently held Pyrrha's hand in his own large one.
-Gloriana-class Battleship, Juniper, bridge, hours later-
Deery stood close, having been made a Remembrancer, she was to document everything of importance and right now, she was busy. She took pictures and had her servo-skull record everything she said or heard. Pictures of the battle fleets protecting Remnant at this most important of times! Ships from both the thousand sons and Salamanders fleets were here alongside some Remnant battleships as well! At first it was only a small force of Remnant knight ships with juniper protecting the world, since most were still needed for the great crusade but when a small faction of rebels had tried to make landfall by coming out of the warp away from the Juniper, only to be stopped by the timely arrival of Photep, Lord Magnus the Red's personal Gloriana battleship. The Crimson King had a premonition of something happening and such sent forth some ships he could spare. Lord Vulkan followed suit and as such, Deery could see enough ships here to level a star system! She gulped as she wrote down what she heard from the various voices on the ship. She looked up to Arael Drarax, second in command of the Remnant Knights and his Primarch's most favored son, he was given command of the Juniper and he took it seriously. He stared intently into the void of space, his skull like helmet may hide his face but the aura he gave off told all she needed to know.
"Remembrancer Deery, hear this. My Primarch is to have a child, not one take from his mother but one born of his own blood. Created by him and the Matriach together, she is to be the heiress to his bloodline and to the Remnant Knights." He looked at her, she felt so smaller than she actually was as he stared at her. "Do you swear loyalty to not only the Primarch but his bloodline as well?" He asked her.
"Y-yes! My L-lord! I do!" She stated, he looked at her longer before looking back the voidness, satisfied with her answer. His cape waved a bit as he turned around.
"Many see this as an abomination, that the Primarch shouldn't have a child. That it will cause issues, fools." He stated as he sat down, "My father may do as he pleases, those "nobles" on terra have no say in the matters of our home world and what he does. His Bloodline shall be strong, his child shall have the full might of the Remnant Knights at her side." Deery wrote, not wanting to lose any of this!
The sound of crying filled the bridge and the dozens of crew members fell silent. On the massive screen where the darkness of space was was now gone. Replaced by a video of the Primarch stepping forward, "My people, my legion, and my brothers!" He spoke loudly, "may I present you, mine and Pyrrha's first born daughter, Artemis!" He stated, moving away to show a tired but smiling Pyrrha holding a small baby wrapped in a blanket. The infant had a mop of red hair with a hint of blonde, she yawned as she snuggled into her mother.
"The first of the Primarch's heirs is here!" Yelled Arael, roars of approval and excitement from the various Remnant knights and crew filled the bridge and most likely the rest of the ship.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I didn't realise this until now but Vine having a martyr's death is also the same propagated nonsense military's use to glorify being a soldier. We see this with the Huntsmen too with Ozpin and Pyrrha, but the show isn't being critical of the academies. "No more Gretchens"? Pyrrha was a Gretchen. Penny was a Gretchen. Twice. And now, Vine was a Gretchen. What is this show trying to say?
There’s no clear message here. Or rather, we have this perpetual double standard depending on whether the story (and fandom) is looking to criticize a particular character. Vine is allowed to give up his life to save his friends, but Pyrrha isn’t allowed to give up her life to help save the world. Why do we honor the choice of one but not the other? “Because Pyrrha was too young to make that choice.” Pyrrha was as young as Ruby is now, so is Ruby also too young to be making such decisions? “Because Pyrrha didn’t have all the information about this choice.” So what do we make of the secrets that our heroes continue to keep? How was JNPR meant to approach their team dynamics when Jaune kept his lack of credentials a secret? How is Ironwood (and later Mantle) meant to approach tackling Salem when her immortality is a secret? How is the group meant to approach dealing with Maidens when Raven’s status is still a secret? How are they meant to approach Ironwood if him shooting Oscar is a secret? Few ever have a fully informed picture when making their choices, either due to secrets or simple ignorance, so how do we know when we should support their choice? Me, I air on the side of supporting them all. I might criticize - Pyrrha was foolish to tackle a Maiden alone when Ozpin warned her not to - but it was still her choice. I can’t support Ruby’s near identical decision to go running after a Maiden, but make broad claims about Ozpin “manipulating” Pyrrha into (at the time) taking on the far less dangerous task of simply holding the powers. Neither knew about Salem, neither understood the extent of this war, neither was fully prepared for such a task, but they each ultimately said, “Yes, I want to help.” 
We don’t even know what “Gretchen” means to RWBY anymore. We know what it means to Hazel: that simplistic idea that Gretchen had no say in her own life and her death was not a tragedy, but the orchestration of another. But Hazel is shown to be wrong. Ozpin tells him Gretchen made her own choices. More importantly, Oscar, our innocent, tells him that Gretchen made her own choices. There are specific times in the show (such as Qrow and Jaune’s campfire talk as well) where the story has unambiguously said, “This person made their choice. Respect that” and it’s one thing if the fandom chooses not to believe it... but then we have these weird moments where the story backtracks and seems to not believe it either. “No more Gretchens, boy”? What does that mean? Hazel is now a Gretchen! Hazel, in this moment, is making the exact same decision his sister did, to give up his life to help others, and he even says as much! In the same scene a character refers back to their biased worldview in a manner that implies he was right all along (Oscar had best heed this warning, no more loved ones sacrificed in this war), yet then immediately commits the act he says can’t happen anymore. By Hazel’s logic, Ozpin and Oscar manipulated him into fighting Salem too. And if the response to that is, “No, Hazel decided for himself he wanted to help them”... then congratulations, that’s the takeaway for everyone else too. Amber, Pyrrha, Penny, Vine... all of these characters accepted an incredibly dangerous job and paid the ultimate price for that. If RWBY has anything to say about their agency within those structures (schools, the military, what it means to carry a license with no one to report to), they’re not saying it clearly. At all. The story can’t uphold the heroes who are currently alive, celebrating their status as huntsmen and praising their choice to put themselves in harms way to help others, only to turn around claim that this same celebration and praise can’t apply to those who died on the job (which, in Volume 8, technically includes our entire title team who “died” in this fight). If everyone still alive is making their own choices, everyone who died made their own choices too. Agency doesn’t only exist when there’s a good outcome. 
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