#rwby vol 9 head canons
everafterfrisk · 1 year
Rwby isn't Pandering to the Audience's Desires
Whether it's youtube,reddit or Twitter,it's always the same thing
So let's go through each of them one by one
Bumbleby discourse
Claims I've seen thrown around are
"Blake and Yang only became Canon because of its toxic Fanbase" and queerbaiting
This conclusion has no real leg to stand on. While there have been toxic fans of the ship, not everyone who supports it acts this way.Also these people just completely ignores the clear slowburn love trope is prevalent with these two after the multiple hurdles the girls went through before coming back together.
•Like Nora compares her relationship with ren to Blake and Yang
•Adam claims "what does she even see in you" to yang
▪︎ Weiss's About time in Vol 9 Chapter 2
▪︎ In Vol 8 C10, Yang and Blake are shown with a soft blush before putting their heads together
If yall think that's queerbaiting
Then I guess the Earth is flat I suppose
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The show only cares about Shipping
This is simply untrue
Especially when we go through so many different plot threads outside of that
Just to name a few
▪︎ Nora finding her self worth
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▪︎ Qrow's Crippiling Depression
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▪︎ Blake's self depreciation and discrimination
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▪︎ Penny's themes of Choice and choosing it for herself
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Jaune's the Show's Self insert
I've seen this being claimed alot within the reddit community.
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What's my thoughts?
This has like zero merit
Just because one of the showrunners voices him doesn't automatically mean he's a self insert.
If anything Fanfiction make him as such as Battling Gods with ease or hell even being connected to them.
What would the show look like if the Series did what the fans want
White Rose becoming a thing in Vol 4 and onwards(No shade to people who ship it, just that the Narrative paints them more as friends compared to say bumbleby or Renora)
Ironwood would be excused for letting mantle's citizens live and perish in dangerous conditions
Adam would get redeemed in the way I've seen most people write it
[Blake talk no Jutsu Adam into giving up via because he had a hard live then redemption is viable which just doesn't sit right with me]
Ruby would kill Cinder or something and go on this whole "The world sucks and I was wrong to think there is any good" type mentality
Roman becoming a Good guy and Become Oz's Host as well [and yes I checked out the rewrite, the execution is lacking]
Pyrrha comes back from the Dead and everyone just acts like nothing happen
Ozpin wouldn't be held accountable by the Rwby gang and will suffer zero repercussions
Cinder would get killed off for being "a idiotic villain"
The Everafter Plot would not exist
Yang would rush through her recovery Arc and "act like her old self as she's now grumpy and an asshole"
Ilia,Maria and Oscar gets erased from the Narrative entirely
Jaune gets the most overpowered Semblance in the show and sidelines the main girls
Weiss would have made up with whitley immediately without build up cuz "Weiss should know that he suffered too"
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fcllxn-stcr · 30 days
Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why?
Canon questionnaire || Accepting
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Guide my way - Casey Lee Williams
//This is a fairly newer song. It's from RWBY Vol. 9. Honestly, several songs could come to mind, but this was the first that popped into my head. The lyrics, to me, also connect in a way and I absolutely love it. Especially, "I'm what inspired the fairytale."
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osir-ethria · 3 years
Okay but hear me out-
Winter’s, Whitley’s, and Willow’s Volume 9 outfits have the Schnee symbol representing Weiss. They’ll probably also add some red, not because of Ruby but they saw Weiss have it and Nicholas was big on red before so they add some with the whites, blues, and such. Whites, blues, and light pastel purples aren’t worn because it’s ‘Atlesian’ but rather because that’s their color scheme. I’d say Atlas colors where grays, white, and more grayed blues.
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I'm fucking crying
Because just imagine when yang and blake meet again and hug each other.
They say this (JUST IMAGINE):
"I thought I would never see you again"
"I promised that I would never leave again"
They look at each other flushed and then confess and kiss.
This hiatus is very hard to me ... maybe I'm delirious but fuck that scene is looping in my mind
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
I just want to hear your opinions on the usual RWBY ships 👀
Lets Do This
WhiteRose: I like it, but I don't need it to happen. Weiss I feel like does not need to "End Up" with anyone tbh, and I lean more into Nuts-and-Dolts currently.
Bees: My Beloved. Favourite RWBY Ship. 2nd Favorite "Beauty and the Beast" after the "Belle" anime. Probably in the top 10 of my favourite ships. "Black the Beast Descends from Shadow, Yellow Beauty Burns Gold". I think about the deeper meanings of this and I go feral. I also feel RT waiting for "The Right Moment" for the kiss is the right move.
Arkos: Tragic Beauty. Also I feel Jaune should end up with someone else by the end of the series, even if it is a "Pair the Spares". It is what Pyrrha would have wanted. (I do feel vol 9 will have RWBYJN encounter her ghost or whatever in the afterlife.)
Renora: This Is Not a "Straight Ship". This is the embodiment of Healthy Queer MF pairings, more so then Arkos. (Also Renora Arc is like, the ideal endgame).
Other Important Ones:
Nuts and Dolts: I unironiclaly think/hope this is Ruby's endgame. T4T excellence.
Happy Huntress Polycule: The Best.
Raven/Tai/Summer: I can't wait for the 3-way Bisexual Romance to HURT ME during the STRQ flashback season.
Ones I Like
Victor Stone (RWBY/JL version) and Weiss: Tbh my favorite ship for these 2?
Lancaster: I like the specific version of Lancaster that lives in my head, and their canon friendship. I wish to burn AO3 to the ground for all the terrible fic of it.
Qrow/Robyn: It Could Work, but I will respect RT for keeping them Platonic.
Winter/May: They are exes, but I ship them once Winter gets some therapy.
Freezerburn: Divorced Excellence. I actually have them as friendly exes in my X-men AU, and will actually have them date/break-up in my "Hero of Remnant" ongoing fic (though they will still be good friends).
Ladybug: I feel more supplementary material (comics, novels, Chibi) should delve into their friendship more. I get time/budget contraints limited mainline, but I feel there is possibility here.
Pyrrha/Ruby: They would have been good for each other.
Ones I don't like:
Anything involving Cinder: I am not a fan. I like Cinder as a villain but no one (and I mean no one) writes/draws any Cinder Ship art I like.
Clover/Qrow: Qrow deserves better then a bad-cop. Qrow will have better.
Rose Garden: Eh, I don't hate it, but if feels off to me.
Ones I have opinion on despite being Neutral towards:
Monochrome: Has potential, but I do not like a lot of the art/fic for it, especially art/fic set during vol 1-3. More recent fanart/fic of it is better though.
(Actually, lotta Weiss Fslash ships have this problem where the writer/artist will self-insert WAY to much into Weiss.)
Blacksun: Fandom kind of soured me on this one.
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 3: Separated Union Ch 4
Side White II: Catching Up
Welcome back to Separated Union! Here is Side White II, which will have Weiss talk with Winter and Ruby, as well as catch up with them...albeit over the phone.
I decided to upload Side White II before Side Red II...for reasons you will see soon. Prepare for some Whiterose goodness! ^^
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy.
Disclaimer: Still own nothing.
(2: 30 PM)
“So…” Winter started. “I assume things are more or less positive on your end.” Weiss nodded, “More or less, yeah.” She sighed into the mic, “Dad’s still being a pain in the ass.” The heiress’s sister sighed in agreement, “When is he not?” “When he’s gone or asleep.” The younger of the sisters said. The oldest Schnee sibling snorted, “Nice comeback… Got that from your friends?” Weiss chuckled, “Something like that. Though Klein’s also been getting more vocal about his frustration.”
Winter nodded, “Good. He, like Mom, Whitley, and us, deserves better than our father and his shitty ‘ideals’.” “Couldn’t agree more.” The heiress sighed. After a few moments of silence, the eldest Schnee sibling asked, “I assume Mom isn’t doing well?” Weiss sighed again, “She struggles from time to time, but she’s trying…” “ Verdammte hölle… ” Winter growled. “That son of a fucker…” The middle sibling nodded, “Isn’t he? I swear, he’s getting close to getting himself killed.”
“That’d be wishful thinking.” Winter sighed. “At this point, he’s going to have to be arrested. Though, given his position, it’s...going to be hard to convince authorities of his crimes…” The heiress groaned, “Why does that not surprise me? So what now?” There was silence for a few moments, before Weiss said, “You don’t know, do you?” The heiress’s older sister sighed, “No idea… Hell, it’ll be a miracle if we actually get him arrested… Let alone sent to prison.”
“I could try to get you all out of there and under protection.” Winter suggested. Weiss sighed, “You know our father WILL find out. And he will do SOMETHING to get you into serious trouble.” The older of the two attempted to protest, “What happens to me doesn’t mat-.” The heiress, however, interrupted, “Of course it matters! You’re the only one who’s remotely safe from him!” “He WILL find out and get you in trouble...” Weiss explained. “If that happens, then what? He will make sure that you can’t even see us again.” There was silence on the other end of the scroll.
"Schwester , I know you want to make sure Mom, Klein, Whitley, and I are safe…” The heiress continued. “But I want you to be safe as well. And if our father finds out, then NONE of us will be safe....” Weiss bit her lip, “Please, Winter…” After another few moments, Winter gave a shaky sigh, “You….really ARE sounding like Mom…” The heiress lowered her head, “I’m sorry…” “It’s okay, Weiss…” The young woman said, wiping her tears. “I’m so proud, kleine schwester…. ”
Weiss was sure that Winter was feeling like she had failed at protecting her and Whitley, not to mention their mom and Klein, from Jacques. However, the heiress would reassure her that she was doing the best she could later. Right now, she needed to distract Winter with happier news. “So….I’m...thinking about confessing to someone…” Weiss said. The elder of the two hummed, still sniffling, “Oh yeah? Would it happen to be a certain red clad teenager?” The heiress sighed, “That obvious, huh?”
Winter gave a small smile, “A little. Though those girls have changed you for the better. Ruby, most especially.” Weiss paused, before nodding in agreement. Yang, Blake, and especially Ruby have helped her become someone...better. Someone she could be proud of… “So, how will you tell her?” The young woman asked her younger sister, a soft chuckle emerging as she heard Weiss panic in embarrassment.
(9: 40 PM)
Weiss hummed into her scroll’s mic, “So, I assume you and Yang are doing well?” Her leader laughed, “Yeah, Yang’s been healing well. Both physically and emotionally. Blake’s calling her whenever she can to check up on her.” “Good!” The heiress said. “Is Gambol doing the same for Ember?” Ruby nodded, “Yeah. Though it’s...gonna be hard for them. Ember’s...been in a dark place since Beacon.” Weiss sighed, “I can’t blame her. Blake seemed to be having problems as well…”
“I assume...Pyrrha hasn’t returned yet?” The heiress asked carefully. She heard the younger teenager sigh over the scroll. “Still waiting. I’m sure Jaune is getting anxious...as is Nora and Ren.” Ruby said. Weiss nodded in agreement, “Nora and Ren saw her like a sister, right?” Ruby nodded, “Yeah. We know of Jaune’s relationship with her.” She then sighed, “Gods, I hope they get a second chance to express their feelings with one another.” “Agreed.” The heiress said. “Anything else on your mind?”
The red clad teenager nodded, before saying, “I’m...beginning to think Cres MIGHT.... MIGHT be my mom.” The older teenager froze. ‘ So, she’s piecing it together on her own… ’ She thought. ‘ Better late than never… ’ “I see. Have you asked her about it?” The heiress asked. The young leader sighed, “I feel like I might offend her. Tried once before and...well…” Weiss nodded, “Gotcha. Yeah, you might want to both get her to be in a good mood before doing that and tell her that you’re serious about it.”
“Besides, there’s no need to be in a rush yet.” She explained. “Take time to think about it if you need to.” Ruby nodded, before asking, “So, how’ve you been?” There was a groan, before the red clad teenager giggled, “That bad, huh?” “Like you wouldn’t believe. My father is a total saftsack .” The heiress said, growling. “The bastard is beginning to piss me off…” The young team leader nodded, “Certainly sounds like it… From what your mom has said, he’s...not a good person, is he?”
“Not even remotely…” Weiss sighed. “Mom began to have depressive episodes and return to alcoholism thanks to him…” She swore she could see Ruby’s shocked face, even over the scroll. “Are you serious!?” The young team leader asked. “That damn connard !” While the heiress didn’t understand Ruby’s native language, she could take a guess that the young leader shouted a swear word… Which, as far she was aware, was very unlike her. Then again….it had been several months…
It was possible that Weiss had forgotten… The heiress nodded, “That he is. Not sure how long Mom, our family butler, or my brother, let alone myself, can handle him for.” Ruby sighed, “Well…. Bad idea, but MAYBE you two could run.” Weiss choked on nothing; her own breath maybe… “Are you crazy!?” She asked, in a hushed whisper as to not wake the household. “We’ll be in more danger if we do that!” The young leader cringed a bit. She knew that reaction was coming.
“Maybe… But I’m sure your mom can find you two a safe way to join us.” The young leader suggested. There was silence for a few moments, queuing Ruby to sigh, “Weiss, you know I want you two to be safe, right?” The heiress nodded with a shaky breath, “I know…” “Then please trust me. The only way for you all to stay safe from your asshole father…” Her team leader started. “Is to GET the hell OUT of that mansion…and join either Yang and Ember or...Cres and I...”
Weiss stayed silent for another few moments, before saying, “I need to speak about it with Mom and Klein first…” Ruby nodded, “Of course, take your time, but please don’t wait too long.” “I know.” The heiress sighed. “You stay safe as well, okay?” The young leader nodded, “Of course! I have Mo-...Cres and Uncle Qrow to make sure of that. We’ll be arriving at an inn soon.” Weiss nodded, “Call me when you get the first chance tomorrow, please.” “Aw~. You care about my safety~.” Ruby teased.
“Dolt. I need to make sure you aren’t getting into danger as well.” The heiress blushed. Even after several months, she was still a bit of a tsundere. “I know.” Ruby grinned. “Call me when you get a chance too, alright? Please tell your mom and sister we said hi!” The heiress smiled, “I will. Good night.” “Night.” The young leader said, before the two hung up. Weiss then put her scroll down, sighing, “Damn it, Weiss. You had one job and you blew it.” She was annoyed that she couldn’t say three certain words to her partner...
And that’s that. Yes, I know this didn’t have much, but in the show, I really wanted Weiss to reconnect with Ruby prior to Vol. 5. Same with Winter.
Though, I think I got Weiss’s thoughts down. Yes, Whiterose will be canon to this AU. Weiss just needs help confessing to Ruby.
Speaking of the young leader, Side Red II was out for Ruby’s birthday (October 31st)! That’ll be posted tomorrow. See you then.
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blackcatmanor · 4 years
RWBY V7 Ch11 Photo review (spoilers)
A really great episode showing a lot of good strides made by the crew as storytellers! Pictures below  
Story stuff that was good:
Fights- Both action and the fighting in Ironwood’s office was well done. So much, in fact they deserve their own mini-breakdowns: 
Combat fights:
Ironwood vs Watts- I appreciated the apparent disparity between their combat styles. Ironwood was clearly a stronger, more aggressive, and overall better fighter, but Watts used his smarts and ability to manipulate the anti-gravity fields to help gain an advantage (I called that- yay!). I am really glad how this fight played out because it shows that the crew really thought about it and didn’t just make it a generic match between two opponents. The setting and dynamics of the anti-gravity field were also great and I think this will end up being one of the top fights of all time in RWBY. 10/10 
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I hated watching the end, though but for the right reasons: Watching Ironwood peel his skin off to get free from the shield was excruciating and awful to watch, which really matches the tone of the scene. Watts just sort of standing there flabbergasted was even kind of appropriate, because you could tell he expected to trap Ironwood and did not expect the lengths Ironwood would go to in order to free himself. Some of the dialogue was a bit hammy, such as “You don’t want even MORE parts of your body made of metal,” and Ironwoods “I will sacrifice WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop her” but it wasn’t too distracting.
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 Tyrian vs the Qrow, Clover, and Robyn (aka the throuple). 
This fight was very well choreographed but it was overall a bit of a mixed bag, mostly good but unexpected when considering what was teased in the opening cinematic. The opening cinematic promised a lot more interaction of Qrow and Robyn, with Robyn engaging Tyrian hand-to-hand, but Robyn literally stayed on the sidelines taking pot-shots and just got the final takedown by chance. If Tyrian had just dodged that last arrow, she wouldn’t have had the takedown and cool one-liner moment at all. Clover similarly was somewhat sidelined but he definitely had way more involvement in the fight than Robyn.
However, despite my criticism that Robyn and Clover were somewhat sidelined, I actually liked how Qrow was the main force behind the fight, because it gave him a chance to get revenge for his poisoning in Vol. 4, and he landed a lot of really good punches and kicks. It’s a nice callback even though the fight was slightly muddled by the different tone previewed by the opening cinematic, which promised a lot more cooperation rather than a Qrow vs Tyrian re-match.
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Fights (verbal)
The fight in Ironwood’s office was great. Some of the dialogue was a bit wonky at times but overall it had the perfect impact: I felt re-invigorated in rooting for our girls and I wanted to punch the Ace Ops in the face! The clash of ideals was awesome and shows a great juxtaposition between our idealistic huntresses who never back down from a fight even if they may not win and the  Military/Strategic and Tactical style from Atlas, with Huntsmen and Huntresses willing to sacrifice lives for a greater victory (losing the battle to win the war). 
I think they did a good job of showing subtle differences in Ace Ops, as Vine and Harriet seem more in-line with Ironwood, Marrow seemed super conflicted (bordering on miserable), and Elm was somewhat in the middle. However, as they are the military, all of them fell in line at the end, showing a possible struggle between RWBY and the Ace Ops. 
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The conflict between ideologies carried into the Throuple as well, and it was a great show vs tell moment where Qrow and Robyn are allied in the idealistic paradigm, with Clover literally on the opposite side. 
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Ruby is Captain America, Yang is the Hulk, Weiss is Ironman, Blake is Spiderman. 
The cliffhanger in this volume is much more natural than volumes 5 and 6. In the previous two volumes, the last few episodes simply chopped up existing fights and stretched them out, pausing the combat to just resume a week later. This episodes’ cliffhanger was spectacularly done. The two main combat fights of the chapter are finished, but there is still plenty of conflict set up for later, and the ideological battles seem like they will escalate naturally in the next part. I expect the next part to have a Cinder vs Winter fight, and Neo vs Oscar/his team, but I am honestly more excited to see how the ideological conflicts escalate, with RWBY/Qrow/Robyn conflicting with the Ace Ops. 
Interestingly, this style of cliffhanger also fits well with the Military style of combat, which ties into Atlas as our setting: The battles of this chapter are over and won, but it’s clear a greater war is still raging, and the next batch of battles are just around the corner.  
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Story stuff that was bad not as well-executed:
Overall I have a few minor complaints- one larger than the other
Oscar’s shopping spree: Oscar has a serious addiction to take out that many robots just to disappear and go shopping again. In all seriousness though, it would have been nice to see Oscar fooled and taken, since it was teased that Neo would use her semblance to disguise as Ruby to get to him. We already knew explicitly that Neo was going after him, so the “reveal” of him being gone at the end wasn’t a reason to skip the cool part of Neo tricking him and overwhelming all the robot guards. The amount of stuff that happens with Oscar off-screen is maddening.
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Ironwood’s plan has a pretty big hole in it: This one is my larger complaint. Ironwood wants to take Atlas into the sky, but everyone knows Cinder is there on campus, and Ironwood even explicitly says “For all we know Hazel’s here too.” So, why would you try to get yourself high away from Salem’s forces when possibly two of the strongest foes are hanging out right there? (ok from what we’ve seen Cinder is not the strongest, but in-canon with the Maiden powers she is supposed to be one of the strongest).
I suppose Ironwood wants to get them high enough before reinforcements can arrive, because it’s better to deal with a few saboteurs in your city than wait for Salem to show up, but the fact that they don’t address this is kind of odd. You have an unknown number of people who are actively trying to interfere with your plans and you know they are in your school- so how are you going to mitigate that threat?  
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 Character stuff that was good
Ironwood- This volume has done a much better job of establishing a morally gray character, whereas the Writers totally face-planted with Ozpin in the past. You feel for Ironwood because he has good intentions, but he has been driven nearly-mad with PTSD, which has given him a hair-trigger and causes him to make irrational and objectively bad decisions. I think the story can go further with his character, with his development arc being his struggle to reign-in his fear and paranoia and redeem himself. Ironwood’s V/A is also one of the strongest, so I think he can handle the possible complexity of the character’s arc going forward.
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Ruby- Ruby was really good this episode. The episode had her trying to be a confident leader by telling Salem she will fail, but her speech wasn’t cheesy or ham-fisted. It was also great to see her confidence immediately crumble seconds later with the reveal that Salem was behind Summer’s death. Ruby’s anguish was a highlight of the episode, as it was well animated and pretty well acted (the animation carried most of the weight. Lindsay’s performance was pretty good, but I think it was hard for her to play Ruby’s kid-like voice in anguish. This is another reason why I hope the Ruby kid-voice thing becomes less prevalent in the future). 
I was also super stoked on getting a better idea of what happened to Summer. This scene was great and I hope it will have a huge impact on Ruby going forward as she learns to cope with this information and overcome her grief. 
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 Character stuff that was bad:
Watts, we hardly knew ye- RIP To Watts. It was nice to hear Watt’s somewhat deranged motivations, but I’m bummed he’s gone. I think he was an interesting character and it would have been great to delve into his madness more- maybe a conversation with Pietro once they knew Watts was still alive. Pietro could have been a great vessel to explain Watts’ past to the group, and establish his villainy even more. Overall, it’s unfortunate the interesting villains keep getting killed off or sidelined (Hazel where art thou?). That being said I don’t think Tyrian is done yet. I think that Salem coming means she will spring Tyrian out of custody once again, as a poetic reference to his backstory we got earlier in the chapter.
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 Overall 9/10. The episode was really good with a few minor issues. The fights between people are becoming a lot more thoughtful again, with efforts to showcase individual strengths and weaknesses. Ironwood’s extreme measures are a good way to paint someone with good intentions making the worst decisions, something they failed to do in the past. The cliffhangers are much more thought-out and organic rather than just slicing big fights into chunks.   
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Is her model’s giant head pasted onto a smoke body?  >,<  I kind of lol’d when Salem first appeared because of her floaty head but it becomes less distracting as her dialogue goes on. 
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imqueenofthecastlle · 4 years
I’ve got a final battle// Ruby v. Salem theory that the more i think about it,the more plausible it becomes...
Okay bare with me, I need to lay some facts down first and some other theories might get included too (and please correct me if I get my facts wrong but be nice about it and acknowledge the time point of the original post (all info is based on canon up to vol.7 ep.7) CONTAINS NO SPOILERS for ep. 7))
Okay so Ik we have RWBY vol. 8 & 9 in our future but eventually this ultimate battle is gunna take place (as much as I love the show, it’s gotta end right... right?) And I think it’s safe to say that Salem and Ruby are gunna face each other at one point (however based our friends over at rooster teeth and their creative writing, no one can’t make assumptions like that). But when that happens, shits gunna hit the fan.
But here’s what we know or what you need to know:
We all know Jin states Osma/Ozpin can’t destroy Salem (vol6ep2)
Silver eyes > Grimm (vol3ep12,vol6ep6, mostly vol6ep7)
Ruby is a (if not the) main character
Salem and her back story (see vol6ep3)
Osma/ Ozpin (Oz) and his backstory (^)
To summarize my theory is to say this: Ruby will be the ultimate cause of Salem’s defeat.... which honestly should be expected or at least hoped by any fan; but it’s why and how that in my opinion, is interesting.
Straight up, Ruby is the first character ever introduced (it’s also the name of the show..duh) you can bet your ass she’s gunna be apart of the final battle that’s self explanatory. Pretty solid theory foundations so far huh?
Ruby’s defining physical trait are her silver eyes (a trait she inherited from her late mother Summer) which is the first thing Oz points out and says to Ruby. We’ve seen what silver eyes can do and the history/tales behind them (vol3ep12). But it’s when we’ve met Maria (aka Grimm Reaper) that we learn the most about silver eyes, what power those who have them poses, how to use it and most importantly the target it paints on ones back. (Vol.6ep 6-7)
Grimm ‘fear’ those with silver eyes, and rightfully so, for those eye reflect the light of life turning them into stone or vaporize them completely. However everything else is unharmed/uneffected. -> when Ruby used her eyes in the battle of haven (vol.5ep11) cinder’s Grimm!arm was damage but the rest of her is not. (This is brought up by Ruby in vol.6ep.7 although we know she had a Grimm!arm... little red does not).
Can you see where I’m going with this?
Cut to Salem’s back story, Salem is immortal. (She’s cursed to be immortal until she understood the meaning of life and death.) thus y she didn’t die when she nose dived into the black pool that creates Grimm. THUS MY OTHER THEORY: Grimm are born, created, attracted to negative emotions and since Salem is immortal and can’t die, when she crawled out of the pool, all of the that pain, anger and sadness she felt inside of her became visible to any on looker as she became a Grimm (or mother of Grimm) herself. (Ie: the Grimm pool intensified her negative emotions creating a Grimm and since it couldn’t kill her she became a host) in other words immortal Salem -> immortal Grimm! Salem. (What she felt on the inside became visible on the outside: physical appearance)
Thus is why Salem being part Grimm had Maria hunted and most likely Summer along with others. Silver eyed warriors are the only thing Salem is helpless against. She can’t defend herself from them so she had them hunted, killed.
However: one thing that confuses me is that Salem knows about ruby and the power she’s unleashed but she has strictly forbidden any of her followers to kill her. Salem wants Ruby brought to her alive.... that’s... why? She couldn’t risk it and let any of the other live to see another day (excluding Maria cuz well the ep explains it). Why is Ruby different especially with all shes actively done against Salem’s forced (yah Ik Salem want to torture Ruby, and make her watch the world she’s been fighting so desperately to save fall to pieces under Salem’s control but that’s like pulling the pin on a hand Grenade then going on a dinner date with it)
Ruby is the biggest threat to Salem, she can quite theoretically destroy her with one look. And I believe she will, HOWEVER that’s not where i think it will end. Salem is still an immortal human. I think Ruby will vaporize Grimm!Salem, and left in its place I think will be (probably unconscious) Salem before she went Grimm dipping. In vol 6 ep 3 in the Battle between Salem and Oz, while Oz is bloody and crawling away, we see Grimm!Salem reappear (cuz she probably died right before), but in my theory I think Ruby will end up destroying all of the Grimm /attached/created/apart/essence of Salem, but bc the “evil” is gone we wouldn’t have witnessed Salem understanding/ learning the lesson the gods wanted her to learn (aka shes still immortal for the time being) and so she lays in the wake unconscious but I imagine her regaining consciousness like a person who was underwater for too long -> spitting out water but in this case the black Grimm gunk.
In the end no one will be able to destroy Salem, only Salem can bc she has to learn her lesson however I think Ruby will be the one who in theory saves Salem (I don’t want to say “save the day” or “destroy Salem” bc neither would be tru)
It makes sense in my head but explaining it words made it so difficult.... so lmk if you don’t understand something
Ps. I’ll probably go into a rant about the unimportance of Oz completing his mission or at least why I find it unimportant
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acoupleofbravedorks · 4 years
19, 16, 9
Thank you for asking!  I assume this is for RWBY, but will also answer for HTTYD as well since both are my main fandoms.  This turned out a bit long, so kept most of it under the cut.
19. What is one thing you hate most about your fandom?
For RWBY... there’s a lot I dislike.  I think the biggest issue, however, is how generally dismissive if not outright hostile subgroups of the fandom are to others.  Be it for how people feel about certain characters, whether they consider post-vol 3 personally canon, and especially what ships they like.  I know these are issues with many fandoms, but holy fuck, it feels like RWBY ramps it up to eleven sometimes.
For HTTYD, this was a bit trickier, but I think... it’s the massive divide that happened after Race to the Edge, and to a lesser extent, The Hidden World.  I’m not a fan of the latter and don’t regard it as canon, and there have been many that have argued RTTE isn’t canon either, but gods I recall the big feuds and how many people ended up leaving just because people were butthurt about what they considered as having happened.  I kinda wish we all just... got along and talked about what we liked about each part of the franchise more and bonded over that... though, I guess I should also do that as well... ^^;
16. What would you change in the show?
Easy, I wouldn’t have killed off Pyrrha.  Others have gone on about why her death doesn’t really do much in the grand scheme of thing instead of being the big event that was totally necessary, especially with Penny being back and having zero negative impact from being cut to pieces on accident.  Instead, I’ll just say that there would have been a lot more potential having her get through the fall of Beacon, injured but alive.  We could have seen her deal with the fallout of her actions, her status as the ‘invincible girl’ stripped away in the worst possible manner, and have her reflect on destiny, what she wants out of life, and what she is willing to do and give up to get it... but instead we have ashes in the wind with only a sliver of hope that she is somehow brought back.
For HTTYD... I guess for starters, I’d give Astrid have more of a role in both the TV show and HTTYD 2.  I’ve stated before that I dislike that Astrid is more or less relegated to the sidelines in the second film, and it’s a bummer that she has a paltry handful of episodes that focus on her, especially with how many we got just on Fishlegs and him dealing with his cowardice for the umpteenth time.  Additionally, would have developed the romance betwen Astrid and Hiccup in the show more instead of having them not be a couple until the third quarter of the series when they were already shown to be a couple prior, but that’s more nitpicking than anything.  Oh, also, would have ended the third film with many of the dragons staying or otherwise living outside of the Hidden world, if not just only make Toothless go.
9. Most disliked character(s)?  Why?
Cinder, Cinder, Cinder, FUCKING CINDER!!  ASIDE from killing off one of my favorite characters of the show and generally fucking everything up, I just hate this character’s general personality and how they carry themselves.  I also hate how they keep coming back.  At this point it’s kind of a joke, especially since she’s both one of the most powerful characters with her maiden powers, and at the same time one of the most ineffectual.  Her only personal big victory was killing Pyrrha off, and after that she can barely manage to do much of anything aside from being an annoyance.  What bugs me even more are fans that clamber for her to have some manner of redemption, like... no, no she doesn’t deserve one, not after everything she’s done and tried to do.
For HTTYD, I hate to say it, but it’s Fishlegs.  I don’t straight up hate and despise him like I do Cinder, but he’s easily my least favorite of the primary cast.  Think part of it is his design.  It’s not that he’s a chunky lad, Gobber is also heavy set and he’s up there with some of my favorites, but Fishlegs has these weird proportions and shapes.  No neck, his head basically jutting out of the top front of a blocky torso, giaaaaaaaaaaant arms that nearly touch the ground, and teeny wheeny legs.  It also doesn’t help that his character can be surmised as ‘cowardly bookwarm/nerd’ and his episodes usually revolve around the same handful of issues.  It would be a bit better if he had less of them, but gods he gets a bit too much screentime in the TV series.  Also, he rides probably the least interesting dragon species to me, so that also doesn’t help.
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#RWBYAC Day 9: Character 10 years in the future While I have tons of future AU ideas, they're sort of bland and domestic, I guess. Characters getting married and reproducing, finding work that lets them continue fighting monsters and terrorist while still being present for their spouses and families. I also don't have many specific events happening exactly 10 years after what's going on in canon (everyone is 18-19 except Ruby who is 16, probably close to 17 at the end of Vol. 6) More practical outfits, simpler hairdos, sprinkle in a few kids. Cute, but not that interesting. And then there's Cinder. I really dislike her as a character. That calm, imperious façade of hers is just grating, and we still don't have enough backstory to explain why she's so damn vicious, so her whole schtick has just gotten old. I stopped finding her interesting in Volume 6. But she's definitely tenacious, so I thought I'd draw her after 10 more years of getting into wild scrapes that really should have killed her. 😂 In addition to her Grimm arm, Cinder has lost her right hand and leg, her *head*, and a nifty chunk of her torso (ever seen Death Becomes Her?), and she's gotten a cool replacement robo eye. She's still the Fall Maiden, though, and she'll still mess you up without hesitation even though she has to carry her head around in a Futurama jar. 🙃 @roosterteeth pls make this happen in Volume 20 or whatever #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #cinderfall #rwbycinder #cinderrwby #rwbygrimm #rwbyfunny #rwbyshitpost #rwbycomic #futurama #rwbyau #rwbyheadcanon #drawing #art #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #traditionalart https://www.instagram.com/p/By5kKF0j6NI/?igshid=cz3z82nao66h
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praevarumlucem · 6 years
Muse Info
!Canon Divergent: 
Based off of bits of gathered info from Vol.1 through 9. ( (Originally made in Volume 3-5, now contains info spanning from vol.1 through 9.) 
This follows the events of Vol.9, Episode 10- as well as a headcanon on the RWBY Wiki. After Team STRQ is given the knowledge of Salem, the Grimmified Witch; Summer is given the mission that is widely regarded as a “Summer secret”, and could only be done with the power of her silver eyes. Summer leaves in the dead of night. After her and Taiyang’s heart to heart, she rendezvous with Raven, before going off. She leaves her badge behind- a testament to her promise to come home. Summer and Salem clash, with Raven giving as much help as possible. Summer manages to strike Salem down- but before they have a chance to celebrate, Salem regenerates; which sends Raven into a fit of disbelief. In order to live to fight another day, Raven yells for Summer to escape. Summer shakes her head, and stands her ground; but Raven grabs her foolhardy and stubborn leader- and uses her semblance to open a portal to Taiyang back on Patch. Raven and Summer barely escape with their lives- as Raven flies off, only ever seen once in a blue moon. 
Name: Summer Rose
Age: 41 (approx.) 
Gender: Female
Team: Team STRQ (formerly)
Aura Color: White/Red
Weapon: Sundered Rose
- An dual form weapon whose melee form is that of an Axe, with the ranged form being that of a hunting rifle- pandering to her and her daughter’s moon phase naming scheme with their weapons. 
Semblance: “Thus kindly, I scatter” (see here for the base concept I am using.) 
Summer’s semblance allows her body to disperse into two-toned rose petals; giving herself intangibility, and nullifying her mass for quick instantaneous movement from place to place. Since her return, Summer has trained her semblance to the point of it being second nature. Due to mass being a non-factor- she is able to carry more than just herself- like her daughter. 
Personality: Summer, now alive- becomes more of a presence. She retains her sweet nature, while being a brave, yet sometimes foolhardy leader. She tries her best to protect her team and her family, uncaring of what happens to her as a result. 
This blog is a HEAVY diverging point from the canon.
Summer Rose; leader of the legendary Team STRQ, partner of the scythe master, Qrow Branwen; and mother to Ruby Rose. She was referred to as a “super-mom” and a “slayer of giant monsters” by Yang, and was known as a great leader by her teammates. Summer lived on the island known as Patch, having to leave almost regularly for missions. As she took on a threat that could possibly mean her death, she set off willingly with Raven in tow- hoping to spare her daughters from the danger that may soon come for them. She had failed, and barely managed to escape the clutches of Salem with Raven’s help. Her promise to return home was not broken- but she failed to stop Salem... Summer now helps in the efforts to rebuild Beacon, and tag along across the regions alongside Qrow and the rest of Team RWBY, giving insight wherever possible.
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osir-ethria · 3 years
.... Debating on whether or not I should do something other than the Schneeblings...
Well here’s another thing about them anyway.
Whitley loves fashion and designing with a much more creative aspect to clothing. Jacques however found out and called it far to feminine and that he should be focusing business and other things (minus fighting).
Winter would always let Whitley choose the dress she would wear to business meeting with Jacques and tell him about the guests reactions and how many compliments she got because of his choice. She did this in the form of a letter that Klein would hand Whitley because if she was seen anywhere near Whitley he would be reprimanded by their father. She’d first give him a list on what the event was about, how she was to be represented, and if Jacques was there to enjoy himself a little or purely just business.
This helped Whitley with his look when he went out on formal events and got to choose. (This is me saying please change his outfit for once. Maybe inspired by Weiss?)
Even though Winter never directly told Weiss but Whitley was the one who designed her outfits minus the Volume 7 one... I’d have to say Weiss looks good but like, the pounds of hair in that braid is unnecessary. She has a lot of hair but why make it not proportional to the rest of the head. Other than that she actually picked up a few things from Whitley just by studying what she’s been wearing.
After the half of the group that got to Vacuo arrives at the main kingdom they need new gear. The Atlas gear is going to give them a heat stroke. They are trying to decide what to do and they see an obviously emotionally unavailable Winter write a few things down, hand it to Whitley, and tells him to go all out.
Later she explains the whole fashion thing with them and tells them that if they’d trust him with their outfit designs to just list necessities, color schemes, any requirements that’ll help with how they fight, and what style of clothing they are comfortable or uncomfortable with. When Whitley receives these papers from the group he starts crying, they aren’t seeing it as weird and actually trust him with it. Remember, Jacques hated this side of Whitley.
Whitley works with Pietro to design the new gear and everyone loves it. Comfortable, looks good, and does its job. I also remember that the Schnee dust company doesn’t only have dust mines in Atlas even though it was the majority, there are some all over Remnent. (This is from the World of Remnent episode Rooster Teeth did about the Schnee Dust Company.) The Schnees however stay with the refugees instead of going somewhere else so they can help them. They also have enough money to help provide for the refugees like buying tents, getting food and water, and any other necessity. Whitley gets a good feeling from helping and not keeping it all to himself.
Whitley better ask Winter to train him or Winter forcefully teaches him because she can’t handle losing another sibling. This is just with a sword he hasn’t gotten his semblance yet.
He’s smarter than a lot think he should be, the only thing that’s stopping him from being a huntsman is how young he is, like I would prefer if he was around Oscar’s age, and he’s not of the physical or aura capability of a huntsman. You could argue Jaune was like that but Jaune was of the age to go to beacon, had a weapon, and was physically fit to the point he could play it off as maybe going to the school. The only thing he was lacking was skill which was remedied by Pyrrha.
Whitley hasn’t had any of that but I wouldn’t doubt that he’d be a good fit. I can imagine him trying to use his left hand but it doesn’t work out so he forces himself to switch and it works but he wanted to use his left hand for that. He’s not as nimble as Weiss but more so than Winter so he’s slowly forming into a mix. Best part would be he keeps his sarcastic attitude and teasing only being serious in serious situations.
I think all Schnees are brutally honest with everything but understand and feel bad when they hurt someone who hasn’t done anything bad to them or has gotten on their nerves. If they are misunderstood for what they say and they know it wouldn’t be easy to understand said topic they go soft and attempt to explain, Winter and Penny at the Schnee manor in Vol 7.
I also like to think that each of them are slightly gifted in the others area of art. Whitley is better with design, art, and visual concepts.
Weiss is better musical and hearing as well as being able to take quickly to anything she was forced to learn by Jacques or genuinely wanted to know. Weiss and Whitley also share common interest in design from a mathematical stand point because it gets their motors going which was derived from Jacques trying to control them and force how they think, what they do, and what’s going on.
Winter is more about art through movement. She taught Weiss how to dance and is probably the only person who could stand a chance against Yang with Martial Arts. With her being the most controlling of her emotions she could easily do acting which she was forced to do while in school before Atlas Academy.
Whitley learnt how to play the piano from Weiss with videos Klein recorded where Weiss explained how to play. This was an assignment by Jacques to prove she was practicing but Whitley caught them once and asked Klein if he could see the videos. Jacques thought he had the natural talent for the piano, nah he just practiced a lot with Weiss’s help.
Winter hasn’t listened to any of Weiss’ personal songs. By personal I mean the RWBY soundtracks. I head canon that those songs are Weiss describing their journey and how she believes their friends, enemies, and family feels.
I like the idea that Weiss’s songs were used as protest. Now Winter has heard a few she just never put two and two together that that was Weiss singing since she always had a soft pitched opera voice. Well not until she heard someone in the refugee camp blast This Life Is Mine which included the more opera segment. That broke Winter. The idea was on a head canon post but I forgot the name and I’ve liked to many posts to the point I doubt I’ll find it.
Whitley got two copies of Weiss’s songs, using a bit of money for himself and Winter there, and as a bonding activity between them and if they ever feel stressed listen to her music and voice. This is how Whitley realized that Jacques had been lying to him about his sisters just abandoning him and not caring for him at all that they left him, but rather Jacques pulled him away from Winter to ensure he wouldn’t end up like Weiss. This Life Is Mine hits close to Whitley as for Winter as much as she agrees with Whitley that it hits close she knows that Weiss’s song Path to Isolation hits more for her.
Weiss had managed to submit War, Until The End, and Fear to the people who published her songs before everything the evacuation using Pietro. Pietro questioned why and she just gave a quick summary, not explaining everything but just enough. Those publishers got though the portals and with the help of Whitley and the Schnee money got Weiss’s ‘final’ track out.
The songs are played everyday which was new for the Atlesians that survived compared to the survivors in Mantle. No one expected Weiss to be so defiant and see how abusive Jacques was to her and which they can assume the rest of the family. How they weren’t picture perfect.
......... I should stop now. Written to much again. I’ll most likely try to find the post with the idea that Weiss’s song were used as songs of retaliation in Mantle. If I do I’m going to reboot it so here me go, deep diving.
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osir-ethria · 3 years
What do,you think the schnee’s would get willow for Mother’s Day?
Depending on how she is mentally really. I mean she’ll get a lot of love and support from her children as she is recovering but they’d need to hold back a little after evaluating how she is.
Weiss would probably make her breakfast, with or without the help of Klein. If you think she is bad at cooking period then with but I’d like to think that she got Ren and Yang, or even before that Klein himself, to help her learn how to cook. She’d also summon her arma gigas for Willow since that is really one of the only visual representations they’d have left of Nicholas. Other than that it depends on how Willow is, she’d probably make a song for her but that may stretch it a bit.
Whitley would go all out on designing the perfect clothes for her. I mean, he does already but this day is special. He’d just get really creative. Most likely help Weiss out with cooking, the boy just wants to be helpful. He’d be the one making the Schneebling’s Mother’s Day card. I make a card, dunno if anyone else does. If Willow was mentally prepared for something really big he’d design a picture of their family, minus Jacques as he is replaced with Klein, and try to find some place to turn it into a puzzle.
(I think Willow had insane mental motor skills and really enjoyed doing puzzles or activities that required her to think, that of which was suppressed when she started drinking but is what probably let her realize that she’d be the only one to get away with putting cameras all over the house.)
Winter is hardest for me. I head canon her form of art being movement, martial arts, fighting, dance, despite her fighting style not really incorporating it. But I’d like to think that as a requirement by Jacques Winter was required to learn how to... sword dance? Not really sword dance but a mesmerizing ceremonial dance that was most likely preformed in Mistral. As much as Winter hated it because it was forced by Jacques, Willow really enjoyed it. Her mother was able to see a lot of the world before being stuck in Atlas so I’m sure it’d bring some happier memories. Winter would have to step out of her comfort zone as well for this, she’d have Whitley design the proper attire and she’d preform for her mother... in front of everyone else - the entire refugee camp. Afterwards she’d get back in her regular attire and wish Willow a happy Mother’s Day.
Hope you liked that... I just want better things for the Schnee Mother. For her to finally experience love by her family for at least actively trying to be better for them. I’d like to think they can see she’s getting better, dropping alcohol entirely until they are in a better situation/when the fight against Salem is done. Even after that I’m sure she’d make she Klein moderates her drinking, she really does like wine but it got her in a bad place so she’d make sure not to drink much of it.
I added some headcanons of Willow in there but I think that’s what makes it better, and thanks for the early Mother’s Day question!
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