#the locked tomb predictions
crestofshame · 26 days
Hey so because Tamsyn Muir said that Alecto is heavily inspired by [multiple works where everyone dies at the end] I am fully expecting Harrow and Gideon to revisit the “A final blurring of the edges between us, like water spilt over ink outlines. Melted steel. Mingled blood. Harrowhark-and-Gideon, Gideon-and-Harrowhark at last.” line. I think they’re going to die together (for real this time) and, as often as lines get repeated in this series, I have a feeling Alecto might close with this one.
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loverboy1717 · 6 months
It’s almost 2024 here are my Alecto wishes and predictions:
Nobody dies (not likely)
We see more of Gideon numero uno and Matias and Marta and Ortus fighting the RB in the river.
More flashbacks with the OG Lyctors while they create the trials.
Harrow and Gideon get happy endings with their souls and bodies in tact and their own and healthy and whole. (Also not likely)
Gideon confronts dear old dad about his whole…vibe.
More Jod. I hate him but god he is a compelling character.
I want an explanation about all the mellon imagery and all the mellons in general.
Judith and Carona fuck nasty.
Pyrrha and Gideon having a fucked up step mom/step kid vibe.
Cassiopeia is alive somewhere.
Pyrrha is probably not gonna make it (I hate it so much but context clues suggest)
Ianthe and Harrow did in fact meet BoE with Carona and Cam before the Harrow Labotomy and Jods appearance.
They go through the stoma into hell to fix what is wrong in the river. The ghosts of Dulce and Abigail help. Harrow is probably the one to have to do this and reckon with her war crime ghosts.
Wake comes back in some form
Alecto hates Gideon cus she’s Jods kid but then also loves her because she is so so human. They make ass jokes together and talk about swords.
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What do we know about Anastasia’s timeline?
Anastasia’s bones were in the Locked Tomb.
Do we know when she died?
(side note before anyone decides to read this that this is 100% me speculating about probably very insignificant detail, based on very spurious evidence for anything, simply because I can’t quite get it out of my head.)
It seems improbable that she had someone else in the Ninth House place her bones there after her death, considering the whole “I pray the Tomb is shut forever” thing. Which means that she died in the Tomb. Either (a) after the initial imprisoning of Alecto she lived for a while running the Ninth House and then decided to go walk into the Tomb and curl up by the door to die, or (b) she died when the Tomb was initially closed.
(a) seems improbable because, while she of all people should have been able to bypass the wards and traps, she would still have needed a way to bypass John’s blood ward and kill someone for a burst of thanergy. Not impossible, but unlikely.
(b) is the likely scenario, but I’m sad about it, and I’m confused by the timeline. This is supported by Silas’ comment in Gideon:
“‘They had one job-- one rock to roll over one tomb; one act of guardianship, to live and die in a single blessedness-- and they made a cult instead.’“ (page 320 of Gideon)
The thing is, Anastasia had at least one child, because her bloodline has been unbroken for the last almost 10,000 years until Harrow’s birth. And Pyrrha talks about painting a nursery on the Ninth House. So either (a) the Ninth House was founded during the construction of the Tomb, and Anastasia had a child while the Tomb was being constructed (side tangent: who did Anastasia have a child with?) in which case Pyrrha’s nursery-painting would have taken place during the construction of the Tomb, (b) Anastasia already had a child before the construction of the Ninth House who took over running the Ninth House after her death and who Pyrrha/G1deon knew well enough to visit to decorate the nursery for their child, or (c) Anastasia already lived on the Ninth House before the original Lyctoring, and Pyrrha visited in her own body to help her paint a nursery.
As far as (b) goes, I want to think that if Anastasia had an adult child during the timeframe of the construction of the Tomb, we would have heard about them already. Maybe not, but it seems like Pyrrha at least would have mentioned them if she knew them well enough to pay them a visit to help paint their nursery.
(c) is plausible, but it feels a little bit unlikely. Mostly because of what we’ve heard about the original Lyctor process, that everyone arrived at Canaan House as a kind of pilgrimage (or were invited particularly, in Cytherea’s case) and studied there to develop the Lyctoral process. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing where they were commuting back and forth between their home planets and Canaan House, or paying each other visits at their home planets. Additionally, the Ninth House was founded particularly to house and protect the Locked Tomb, so there doesn’t seem to be any reason that Anastasia would have been living there before anyone decided to build the Tomb in the first place.
So my current conception of Anastasia’s most likely timeline is:
The Resurrection
The original Lyctoral process - I think these might be as much as a generation after the Resurrection, because Augustine refers to Cytherea as being from the “second generation” of Lyctors at some point in Harrow but based on the notes and pictures from Canaan House it seems like everyone became a Lyctor more or less at once, or at least was working towards it simultaneously. The timeline of the original Lyctoring is something for another post.
The first attack by the Resurrection Beasts, followed shortly after by the decision to build the Tomb - this must take place only shortly after the original Lyctors were made, based on things that Teacher and John say in Harrow.
“’But when the work was done-- when I was finished, and so were they, and the new Lyctors found out the price-- they bade him kill the saltwater creature before she could do them harm...’” (Teacher, page 328 of Harrow)
“’She lived to see what happened at Canaan House. Not that she took much interest... And when the cost of Lyctorhood was paid, when the emotions were at their peak... we found out the price for our sin. The monstrous retribution. To be chased for our crime to the ends of the universe, to have our deed stain our very faces and follow after us like a foul smell. She died after that first terrible assault.’“ (John, page 346 of Harrow)
Anastasia moves to the Ninth House to begin construction of the Tomb?
Anastasia has a baby, possibly? G1deon, with Pyrrha in residence, visits to help her paint a nursery.
John Cask-of-Amontillado’s Alecto, putting her to sleep (as described in the poem at the start of Nona) and tying her up with chains. He closes the Tomb over her, seals all the wards, and leaves forever. Anastasia stays, to die in the Tomb.
But why would she stay? It wasn’t an issue of keeping Alecto in there while it was closed, because Alecto was asleep and chained up. Did they need a burst of thanergy to initially close the Tomb, as they do to open it? Or was it part of her vow to Alecto?
I expect a lot of these questions to be answered in Alecto, but Anastasia has been fascinating me since I finished Nona. I can’t wait to see her backstory explained, and I fully expect it to be absolutely heartbreaking.
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Harrow, at some point in AtN:
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gaycicada · 6 months
Wait hang on you guys, you know when Nona dies in Ntn how her body and organs split at the seams and her skin kinda starts to slough away? That’s like strikingly similar to what happens to people with acute radiation poisoning i.e. nuclear weapons. Irradiated soul Alecto causing Harrow’s body to fall apart?
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unreachedgalaxy · 6 months
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hey griddlehark nation! do you think that this random throwaway line in harrow the ninth may have something to do with the fate of our favourite tower prince who currently lacks a heart?
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mayasaura · 8 months
See, the ending I see for John and Alecto is. They're not going to both die. No one is going to kill Alecto just so they can kill John. Talk about reenacting the cycle of violence. Nah, I think they're gonna do the Paul thing. The lyctor thing. Complete the eightfold word. but instead of a merging of two equal souls, John will be subsumed by and become a part of something greater than himself. absorbed completely into the world he loved and fought for and changed and killed and resurrected. I'm not sure he'd even fight it. On some level, I think he's wanted it for ten thousand years, just as badly as Gideon wanted it from Harrow
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thecooler · 6 months
One of my favorite things about The Locked Tomb is the diversity in gender identity and presentation, which got me wondering
*as in you look at them and feel some sort of comradery on a gender level / "same hat" etc
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dmsr-art · 7 months
HELPP why did I read chussy enthusiast as chussy euthanasia
oh no....
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gideonslut · 4 months
in the wake of tazmuir's recent panel, I wanted to share with everyone the Alecto the Ninth predictions bingo sheet I made! I made it last month when my friend and I descended into alectopause-induced madness in which we started coming up with a million semi-serious/semi-joke/very niche predictions for Alecto the Ninth.
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I always love seeing other people's predictions for these kinds of things, so I figured I'd throw mine out there for the lols.
BLANK BINGO SHEET UNDER THE CUT!! feel free to use it (and tag me if you do!), it would be so fun to see everyone's insane predictions.
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I feel pretty confident about griddlehark at this point, but
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mysticallilac · 6 months
do you ever finish a book and just know you'll never be the same person again. yeah.
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alectothinker · 2 months
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Alecto Prediction #7
On the Ninth, there is a very specific face paint design that is only used when you’re gonna go fuck someone. Harrow wears this one day in front of Gideon. And the scene goes as thus:
Gideon: “huh. Never seen that design before. Lame.”
Harrow: “if you ever attended to your studies of the Ninth’s traditions, you would know that this, the Skull of the Penitent Taken to Church, has a very sacred and specific purpose.”
Gideon: “wow, so interesting. Maybe you go tell Paul about it and let me get back to polishing my sword.”
Paul, who recently read the Ninth’s new postulant hand book and has popped up out of nowhere: “it means she wants to fuck.”
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svenghouly · 6 months
Harrow wakes up and is now haunted by the constipation induced by 200 erasers that Nona consumed over the last few months.
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