#put that boy in a skirt tell ur girl take off her shirt
marsbotz · 3 months
obsessedw this trend of ppl being like “omgggg im so unhinged 🤪 the neighbours must think im crazyyyyy!!” and its just them like lipsyncing to a shitty song and flipping their hair or whatever
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havin-a-wee · 3 years
If Only She Knew
pairing: dad!harry x cheerleader!reader
word count: 4.2k
warnings: smut (fingering + unprotected sex), cheerleading position implies readers weight, 20 year age gap
hi! ive been having some really bad writers block but i wrote this and even though its def not my best work i like it enough to post it :) also, i totally didn't mean to imply the readers weight, i only realized afterwards, so im really sorry about that. also the age gap is kinda big, so if ur uncomfy with that you shouldn't read this <3
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“Geez watch where you’re going!”
You don’t even look up at the girl, recognizing her nasally voice easily from how annoying it is. You were nose deep in a book while walking down the school hallway, and of course your worst enemy had to be walking down the same hallway, at the same time, in the opposite direction. You are both at fault for the collision, considering Ella had her eyes locked on her instagram feed. But knowing the girl, there is no way in hell that she will take any responsibility, even though you are the one who has coffee dripping down the front of your white blouse.
Since middle school, Ella Styles has always hated you. You have never known why, but she seems to have a vendetta against you, and tries her best to make your life miserable. You never let her, always refraining from giving her the explosive reaction that she was looking for. And that makes her hate you even more.
High school is over in 2 months, and although you are going to miss the freedom of being a child, you most definitely won’t miss the people from the tiny town you’ve lived in since you were young. You’ve always been the type of person to have a small friend group, only 4 people in your circle. But that’s how you like it, because crippling social anxiety makes it difficult for you to meet new people.
“I- sorry.” You still don’t look at her, instead peeling the soaking wet top off of your stomach.
“You better be sorry.” She flips her blonde hair, ensuring that the fluffy locks hit you right in the face. You are lucky this time seeing as she didn’t take it further, because sometimes she would purposely embarrass you after small incidents such as this one.
Tears well at your waterline and you run into the nearest bathroom, pushing open the blue door and locking yourself in a stall.
After all these years of torment, Ella rarely was able to get to you. But sometimes, she does something that pushes you off the edge, leaving you with red, tear-stained cheeks. The final straw this time was her ruining your brand new shirt, the one you were anxiously waiting to debut at school.
But now there was coffee dripping down your chest and staining the bright white fabric. Your only saving grace is the cheerleading uniform in your backpack. In fact, you were walking to the locker room to change for practice, and then for the game at 6 tonight.
You had been excited for the game, knowing that Friday night games always led to parties and fun afterwards. You rarely go to parties of course, but the buzzing energy never fails to rub off on you. But now that stupid Ella had to go and mess up your day, you’re dreading seeing her smug face while she asserts her dominance as cheer captain.
You untie your top and rip it off in a haste, frustrated tears running down your face periodically. You could’ve put a jacket on and gone to the locker room, but Ella would be going there soon, and the last thing you want to do is run into her with teary eyes. She can’t know that you let her get to you.
You brush your hands down your uniform, pulling down the skimpy costume and stuffing your old clothes in your backpack. Once out of the stall, you pull your hair up into a high ponytail, reapply your lip gloss and walk back into the hallway, having already done your makeup that morning. You’re happy that it’s a home game today, because the home game uniforms are two pieces and the skirts are smaller than the ones on the away game uniforms. There is a certain someone you are looking to impress, and the way your tits spill out from the top of the outfit will most certainly help you in your mission.
It’s not like you need to impress him, because he’s shown time and time again that he finds you sexy no matter what you wear. And when he doesn’t tell you, he shows you, by pressing his hard on up against your ass after you just woke up, despite your messy hair and bare face.
However, he also loves when you tease him. And that’s exactly what you’re planning to do.
You sling your heavy backpack over one shoulder and trudge down the hallway, the old fluorescent lights practically blinding you on your journey. The locker room is dingy, smelling of cheap soap and Victoria’s Secret perfume. At least it doesn’t smell like the boys locker room, which smells like sweat and more sweat.
It's already bustling with people, your teammates scrambling to get ready in time as to not get yelled at by the coach.
“Y/N!” The familiar shout of your best friend Rose is like a breath of fresh air, and you bound over to her. She’s standing in front of your lockers, the two of you obviously picking ones next to each other. “Wait, why are you already changed?”
“The bitch spilled her coffee all over me,” you grumbled, your eyes shifting over to where Ella and her little goons are giggling.
“I keep telling you, anytime you want me to beat her up I will gladly do it.”
“Not that I doubt your abilities Rose, because I know you would have her on the ground in a heartbeat, but I can’t let you do that. She can’t know that she upsets me.” You lower your voice for the second sentence, irrationally fearing that she can hear you over the loud chatter echoing through the room.
“I still think you should let me beat her up, but you do you I guess.” Rose shrugged her shoulders and turned back to her locker, bursting out into laughter with you after a beat of silence.
The rest of the getting ready process goes smoothly, Rose distracting you from the girl side-eyeing you in the corner. Soon enough, the whole squad was in formation outside, and you have your hands on the shoulders of Rose and another girl named Bethany. You are a flyer, meaning that you’re the one who the bases support while you pose and flip in the air. Its a hard job, but you are one of only three girls on the team who is advanced enough at flying to be safe doing it in routines. One of the other three girls is Ella.
Ella is the flyer for the middle group, seeing as she is the captain. You are on the right and the other group is on the left. Luckily, Rose is a base in your group, so you feel a lot better putting your safety in the hands of someone you already trust with your life.
“ELLA! YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!” Coach Habbiths voice is piercing, her angry shrieks bouncing off your ear drums. Ella audibly huffs, displaying her frustration with the critiques she has been receiving since we learned the routine weeks ago. That’s one of the biggest problems with Ella, she believes that she's always right.
Every single practice she has done a needle instead of a scale at the end of the routine. It's aggravating for everyone, and that frustration is amplified everytime she makes the same mistake over and over. “Alright, everyone down. group 1 and group 3 take five, Ella and group 2 stay on the field.
The team obliged to her instructions, and you are brought down from the air.
“Okay Ella, I want you to watch how Y/N does the last move, because she’s actually doing it correctly.” Coach is standing in front of you now, and she emphasized the word ‘correctly’. This is much to Ella’s dismay, and much to your excitement.
Nothing brings you more joy than seeing Ella’s face when you one up her, and this time is no exception.
Aside from a few eye rolls and nasty looks, Ella corrects the move without much fuss. By now there's 15 minutes until the game, and the players have been warming up on the field for about half an hour.
“Did you see her face!” Rose tugs on your arm while you walk back to the locker room, water bottles in hand.
“I know! I should’ve taken a picture!”
“We can only hope that it knocked her ego down a peg.”
“I doubt it” Rose nodded in agreement and you continued your chatter, talking about the random things that best friends talk about.
“It’s go time ladies!” You jumped in surprise when Coach Habbiths yelling booms through the locker room, the hefty amount of metal in the room enhancing the echo.
In a blur, your entire team rushed out onto the field, the crisp air cooling your warmed skin. There was a huge crowd. probably the biggest the teams ever had. But that makes sense, because this game was against your school's biggest rival. Luckily, despite the huge crowd you were able to lock eyes with those piercing green irises you have gotten to know so well over the past couple months. Everytime you see him he gets more and more attractive, and this time is no exception.
At this point, the teams routine is muscle memory and you’re done with it before you can blink. Most people would think that being thrown in the air is memorable, but your main concern is the growing wet patch on your panties that spreads each time you squeeze your thighs together. Just the thought of the man is enough to turn you on, and now that you’re sitting on the cold metal bench your imagination has time to go wild.
The only thing that snapped you out of your daze was the eruption of appaulause from the audience, and the realization that the other cheerleaders were standing up and running towards the players. You breath out a sigh of relief, recognizing the cheering as a signal that the game has ended.
“Hey, you coming?” Rose tugs on your arm, looking down at you still on the bench.
“Um, actually I don’t feel so well, I think I’m going to go home.”
“I should’ve known. You know, one day you’re going to have to go to a party.” Rose places her hands on her hips, giving you a sarcastically annoyed stare.
“And today is not that day.” You grab your backpack and sling it over your shoulder, turning back to Rose for a second. “Have fun and be safe.”
“I always do.” Rose places a chaste kiss on your cheek before turning back to the gathering crowd on the turf.
Instead of heading to the sidewalk and walking home, you duck under the bleachers and walk down the gravel path, pushing open the fence that separates the field and the school. The contents of your backpack slosh around while you sway your hips as you walk. Finally, you make it to the back wall of the school, leaning your back against it and plopping your heavy backpack down by your feet.
And now you wait.
Much to your convenience, the wait this time isn’t long, only five minutes passing before you see the familiar man following the same path you did earlier.
He has a pair of brown slacks on, pressing against his waist courtesy of his black belt. A button up white shirt hides the tattoos on his stomach, but he's rolling up his sleeves as he walks over to you. He's walking with intention, hungry eyes zeroed in on you.
When he’s only steps away, you cheekily bite your lip and use your finger to push up your skirt a little bit more.
Your actions have the intended effect, his eyes blowing wide and hands grasping at your waist.
“Y’can’t do that.”
Before you have a chance to ask what he means, his lips collide with yours, his tongue slipping in only moments after the initial kiss. But as soon as he started, he pulls away.
“Y’can’t be teasing me on the field like tha’, had me hard next t’my friends.” His hand is on the wall above your head, and his other arm is wrapped around your waist pulling you into his chest. He’s panting, and you are too.
“Sorry Mr. Styles,” you push your bottom lip out in a pout, giving him the most innocent look possible. “Just wanted to wear it cause I know how much you like it.”
“Aw, my babygirl wore this f’me? Well I guess y’can be forgiven. Now let’s get t’my house before I fuck yeh right on this wall.” He places a soft kiss to your lips picking up your backpack from the floor and turning to the direction of his car.
“But it hurts!” He turns around again, giving you a sympathetic look and caressing your cheek. The rings on his fingers are cold, but you’re used to the feeling.
“I know sweet girl, but I can’t take care of yeh here, s’too risky.” He pauses for a moment, thinking of a solution to your not so little problem. “How bout I give y’my fingers in the car? Hows that sound hm?” You nod eagerly, pulling his hand down from your cheek and holding it. He takes the signal and begins walking to his car while you follow him.
You never planned to sleep with your bullies dad. But a few months ago your parents dragged you to a family friends housewarming party, and that friend happened to be a friend of Harry’s too. There were no other teenagers there, so your focus was on the attractive older man who had been checking you out since you first locked eyes, and after ending up in the upstairs bathroom together the two of you have been fucking at least twice a week. You only learned that he’s a dad when you saw him for the first time outside the party. He didn’t look the part, and you actually thought he was in his 20s until he corrected you. He’s 38, having become a parent at only 20 years old. Your relationship is a bit taboo, but you’re a mature 18 year old and you and Harry get along well. So well that your time together has developed from casual sex to a mutually exclusive relationship. (Neither of you like labels, but you’re basically boyfriend and girlfriend).
He makes you really happy, and when you have to face off against Ella, it helps knowing that you have power over her, even though she doesn’t know it.
“Did she do anything today?” Harry is walking beside you, hands still intertwined.
“Besides spilling coffee on my shirt, nothing much.” Harry sighs in frustration and squeezes your hand as a show of affection.
“M’so sorry, I wish y’didn’t ‘ave to deal with her.”
The thing about Harry and Ella is they can barely be considered family. Ella’s mom is, for lack of a better word, a bitch. She’s snobby, conceited, and rude, and those behaviors have rubbed off on Ella. Another thing that rubbed off on her was her mom’s hatred for Harry. Being young parents put strain on their already struggling relationship, and they split before Ella’s first birthday. Harry said he tried his best to make it work for Ella’s sake, but her mom was looking for someone to pay for her life, and Harry had just started working his way up as a businessman.
Now, he’s a CEO, but luckily Ella’s mom already found a new beau with plenty of money, so she didn’t come crawling back to him. However, the success Harry achieved only a few years after their breakup made her jealous, and so she instilled that anger in their daughter. So currently Ella spends most of her time with her mother, and when she is with Harry she doesn’t treat him kindly.
“It’s not your fault Harry, you don’t have to apologize for her actions.”
“I know, I jus’ hate tha’ she treats yeh like that.” He sighs again, reaching into his pocket to grab his keys. In a few more steps you’re standing outside the sleek black suv, walking around to the passenger seat and sliding in once you hear the click of the door unlocking.
You both take a few seconds to breathe, an unspoken gesture to prepare for the night's events. Harry turns to you, a sexy smirk plastered on his face. “What d’ya think about fixin’ that ache darlin?” You nod eagerly, sliding down a bit in your seat to give your legs room to spread. “Think yeh can take off y’skirt fo’me?” Your head bobs once again as you nod, hooking your fingers under the elastic waistband and shimmying out of the skirt. While you’re doing that, Harry turns the car into the deserted street, using only one hand to steer.
You toss the tiny skirt into his lap, giving him a signal without distracting his eyes from the road. He reacts immediately, his free hand coming down to squeeze your thigh. You mewl at the contact and bite down on your lip, trying to stop your hips from bucking up in search of relief. His squeezes move up your thigh, and finally his fingers press against your weeping cunt. Swiftly, he pushes your soiled panties to the side, swiping his fingers up your folds collecting your juices. You shriek and buck your hips up into his hand, but much to your dismay he removes it from between your thighs. The car comes to a stop at a red light, and Harry takes the moment to look at you, his eyes wandering your squirming body. He’s practically drooling when he places his fingers in his mouth, tasting your sweet wetness.
“Sorry pup, jus’ needed t’taste yeh.” He chuckles again, and you whine softly in desperation. In one quick motion, he dives his hand back to your pussy, pressing his thumb on your swollen clit.
“Fuck!” The pleasure shoots up your spine, goosebumps raising across your body as he rubs circles on the puffy button. “Harry- please,”
“What d’ya want puppy? Want m’fingers?”
“Yes, yes,” you breathe out, words barely comprehensible through your panting.
“Alright, alright, I gotcha.” And with that his two fingers press into you, filling your tight hole perfectly. There is no hesitation before he begins pumping the digits in and out of you and his thumb never lets up on your bundle of nerves. “Such a needy puppy, got yeh soaking f’me from out in the stands hm?” His eyes are still on the road, but you can picture the lust filled eyes that are undoubtedly on his face.
“Get so wet jus- just thinkin’ about you,” you gasp, writhing as his fingers slam in and out of you.
“Yeah? This is my cunt, m’the only one who can make yeh this wet, isn’t tha’ right?”
“Only Harry.” At your confirmation he speeds his hand up, your vision clouding with white spots as the knot building in your stomach grows tighter and tighter.
All of a sudden, he pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you empty. “Wha-” You begin to question him but you realize that he’s pulling into his driveway. Instead of complaining, you sit up quickly and unbuckle your seatbelt, pulling your skirt back up your legs to avoid being nude on his front lawn.
As soon as you feel the little jolt your hand yanks on the handle and you hop out of the car. Your brain is fuzzy with need and all you are focused on is alleviating the aching between your thighs. You hear Harry lock the car while you're on the steps, and you turn back to ensure that he’s behind you. And sure enough, he’s hot on your trail, just as eager as you to get inside and onto his bed. Your foot is tapping on the ground anxiously, waiting for Harry to unlock the front door. After what seems like an hour, he is next to you again, fumbling with the silver keychain in his hand, eventually unlocking and pushing open the door. You both practically run inside, hands roaming each other's bodies and lips locking as you shuffle through the hall.
You disconnect breathlessly when you reach the stairs, subconsciously wrapping your hands around Harry’s neck so he can pick you up bridal style. He does so hastily, barely a second passing before he’s plopping you onto the fluffy mattress. “Finally,” he pants, hands fumbling with his belt buckle. There’s a prominent bulge in his trousers, and although you’ve seen it plenty, you are always in awe at how thick and big he is. While he’s busy removing his clothes, you are practically drooling at the sight of his bare cock, full, heavy, and dripping precome.
He looks back down at you with his emerald green eyes, simultaneously dropping his recently-removed shirt on the floor. “Can I ride you?” The look he gives you is indescribable, a mixture of need, lust, cockiness, and beauty all rolled up into one.
“Whatever y’want puppy,” His hands scoop under your ass, and he lifts you up and switches your positions. Now it’s your turn to undress, and Harry makes himself busy by running his hands up and down your torso. “So gorgeous, y’know that?” You nod quickly then pull your shirt off of your head. “Most beautiful girl in the world I reckon.” You blush at the compliment, butterflies being added to the many sensations occuring in your body. You straddle his thighs, wrapping your hand around his length and tugging a few times. A loud groan rumbles through his throat, and you smile knowing you’re the one who made him feel like that. “Thought- thought yeh said y’wanted to ride me pup.”
“I do.” You keep your hand on his cock, sitting up on your knees and lining him up with your weeping cunt. All at once, your body is put at ease as his cock fills you up perfectly. He bottoms out inside of you, both of you moaning and groaning while you adjust. “So big-” Your words come out in choppy pants, the syllables being cut off by your heaves. You suck in one deep breath and move upwards, sinking back down onto him quickly. His large hands hold a tight grip on your waist, guiding you up and down his member. His lips attach to your neck, suckling on the supple skin just enough so that it doesn’t bruise.
“What a dirty little puppy you are,” he growls, eyes focusing heavily on where your bodies connect, watching himself disappear inside of you as you bounce up and down on his cock.
“Feel so full-” Tingles ricochet down every part of your body, and your legs are becoming weaker with each movement. Harry can feel your movement faltering, so his hips thrust upwards to meet yours, fucking you from underneath. “Harry!”
“I know pup, I know.” His thumb strokes your cheek and he leans in for another kiss, devouring your plump lips and swirling his tongue around yours. “So fuckin tight,” The words tumble from his mouth in a low growl, which sends the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. His cock twitches inside of you, encouraging you to muster all your energy and finish both of you off. Adrenaline kicks in and your strength returns, riding him faster and harder than before. “Let go f’me Y/N.” It only takes a few more thrusts for you to come undone, Harry’s orgasm following suit. The waves of pleasure roll through your body, and you throw your head back in ecstasy as you allow the feeling to overcome your body. Spurts of his hot cum cover your velvety walls and you ride out your orgasms together, resting your foreheads against one another.
You end up sleeping at his house, feeling safe knowing that Ella is staying with her mom today. It’s normal for you to sleep at his place, seeing as both of you are usually so tired that you pass out before you can leave. What isn’t normal is for you to be woken up in the morning by Harry’s phone ringing. Harry is a deep sleeper, and you laugh at the sight of him conked out while his ringtone blares on the nightstand just a few inches away. Carefully, you reach over his sleeping body and grab the phone, planning on hanging it up and going back to bed. However, when you saw that it was Ella calling, you changed your mind. Making a split second decision, you slide the icon to the right, holding it up to your ear.
“Hello?” Her whiney voice rings through your eardrum and you wince. Not the nicest thing to be woken up to.
“Hello,” you answer, your voice not reflecting the cocky grin that spread across your face.
“Who the hell is this!” she shrieks, and you make a mental note that she must not be a morning person.
“A friend of your dads.” Your response is once again calm and monotone, trying to stifle the laugh that is bubbling in your throat.
“Ugh! What’s your name?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N”
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bakugohoex · 3 years
hey😝😝🙇‍♀️ i love ur fics sm ur writing is so good oml🤭🤭🤭🤭 can i request a jean fic where they go out and jean Likes(😏) her outfit and then semi-public sex idkidk do with that what u will😌😌 TY and remember to drink water😌🥰🥰🥰
“get in the fucking back, now”
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pairing: jean kirchstein x female reader
cw: modern au, fluff, language, nsfw (female receiving oral, exhibitionism, degradation, praise, nipple play, biting, fucking (obvs), dacryphillia, dumbification and breeding), kissing and jealousy
word count: 2800+
a/n: thank you for this request and i will make sure to drink hella water, @katsuhera for out midnight simping and thinking of these kinks and ideas also i have a platonic aizawa request coming out later on so hopefully you guys enjoy them both
summary:  in which you and jean meet up for a date, instead of the coffee and cakes you find yourself in an empty car pack, bound in the back of his car ready to have his way with you
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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The smell of fresh coffee and cake filled the room, Jean sat on one of the corner tables playing on his phone as he waited for you to come. You had both agreed to meet after your lectures having not seen each other since yesterday.
You both were needy, needing to at least see each other once a day to be content. It was bad enough both your schedules had fucked your time together, but your friends always seemed to drag you both away from each other. 
Finally finding time for a proper date and not just going to each other’s apartments to cuddle and watch movies. Which you had to say was an amazing date in itself. But wanting to spend the afternoon together felt just how your relationship had been. I'm the first couple of months together. 
He heard the ring of the door to your favourite cafe, as he watched you on the phone with someone. You spotted him giving him a wave, but his eyes had turned to something else. The skirt you wore, the short black skirt that pressed against your ass and thighs, the way that it squeezed your whole body. It made his head go wild and worst of all the long-sleeved shirts you wore in the spring heat had a low cut allowing all eyes to fixate on the curvature of your breasts in your white bra. 
You had put the phone down walking up to the bot with a smile, seeing a server ready to come and ask you what you wanted. But Jean had an inkling the male server would be looking at you a lot more than he should be. 
“Sorry, I’m late, our professor kept us longer to talk about an assignment.” You leaned over kissing his cheek, his eyes not daring to look down to see your breasts. 
He had missed the simple feeling of your lips on his cheek, even if he had felt it yesterday. “That’s fine, I wasn't waiting long, who was on the phone?” 
You had perched yourself on the chair skimming through the menu as he looked at you. Almost admiring his girl, the way his head was planted against his hand just watching how perfect you were. 
“Oh, my mum wanted to ask if we’re still okay to come round on Saturday.” He nodded already knowing how your mum had been begging to see the boy who she already considered her son in law.
“Eren brought another fuck round last night.” You muttered unamusingly, you both ended up just talking about the events of this morning. You explained how your mutual friend Eren had brought what seemed like the fifth girl this week back to your shared apartment. You and Eren had been friends for a while and becoming roommates seemed like the best bet when you both had first been let free all those years ago. The idea of moving in with Jean had come up and you knew by the end of the year you’d both finally have your own place together.
“Eren doesn’t tell me shit about who he fucks, it doesn’t make you uncomfortable right?” Jean leant backwards on his seat eyeing you up again, you shook your head having gotten used to it and knowing Eren had had to handle you and Jean fucking before. “What made you wear this then?”
He needed to know if you were purposely making him hard or if it was just by sheer chance. “Why? Don't you like it?”
“Quite the opposite, baby, i think we all liked it.” He spoke the last part in a whisper watching as the server had come up to you both.
“What can I get you both?” He questioned eyes fixated on you alone.
Jean rolled his eyes, hating how others were looking at what was his. “We should share the pancakes, I’m not that hungry but I want some.” 
“Pick whatever you want baby” He looked coldly to the man; your hand had been resting across the table as he grabbed it softly. You smiled at the action before putting the menu down and looking at the server. 
“Can we get some chocolate pancakes and two coffees?” You asked politely, even in the outfit that looked like you’d just come out from a night out you were ever so respectful.
“Anything else…” Jean had interrupted due to having been ignored throughout the whole encounter.
“No.” The server left, and you went back to Jean.
You remembered his question and began explaining the events of this morning. “This dickhead ran into me with coffee so i had to wear whatever i could find in my bag.”
“You just happen to have a tight skirt and low-cut shirt in your bag.” He chuckled watching you gleam out to him.
You pout at his teasing before continuing, “it’s for special occasions.” 
“Aww, is this a special occasion.” Jean teased again.
“I hate you.” 
Jeans grip around your fingers tightened, “shouldn’t I be the one hating you, coming in here looking like that, how could any man not want you?”
“Jean.” You whispered slowly.
He checked his watch, he wanted something else, something more from you and prayed that you both would eat quickly so he could let himself have you. “What do you want to do afterwards?” You questioned just as the food arrived, the same server lingering trying to hear the conversation.
“I have some ideas in mind.” Jean smirked out as he took a fork and started eating the food.
“Ooo tell me?” You pleaded hating being kept in the dark.
He looks at the server who remained close by, “walking in wearing that, what else could it be?”
Your eyes widened at the thought that your outfit could really have caused him to get this horny. “Where?”
“Don’t worry about that baby, you eat your food like a good girl.” You didn’t speak, taking a bite of the chocolate, Jean watched as you licked your lips from the stray syrup, for a man with a horny girlfriend it seemed like he had finally reached your level of horny. 
He understood all those nights he’d come home wearing a shirt and trousers. How in an instant you’d be on him, due to being, in your own words a sex god he hadn’t realised but you riled him up the same way he did too you. 
“Jean.” You had been repeating his name to get him out of his trance. You were hiding a lot more than he had realised, at his previous words a slick had formed between your walls and worst of all there was a lot more limited clothes then Jean realised.
He looked up meeting your seductive gaze, “yes baby.” 
“Come closer.” You beckoned, he obliged feeling his trousers tighten at how you moved forward. This time his eyes grazed your chest, seeing through your bra at the already hardened nipples. Your breath fanned his neck before you went to his ear, “the coffee went through my jeans, i didn’t have any spare underwear.”
His breath hitched, feeling himself unable to talk at what you had just said. You were bare between the skirt, the thought that you had been walking with your cunt on show. Worst of all he knew that if you were as horny as he would, the slick would be seeping down your thighs. “Get up.”
“But-” You were interrupted by him grabbing your hand.
“We’re going now.” He looked at the server who looked between the two of you. “How much is it?”
Jean was in a hurry; he passed the credit card impatiently tapping at where the register was. He could see eyes fixated on you, he hated how empty the place had been, with mainly uni students coming through. But in this moment the way their eyes seemed to undress you, he hated it and now knowing the extra information all he wanted to do was show you who you belonged to.
The server passed the card back. Jean in an instant pulled you out of the cafe, he walked ahead as you had been pacing yourself quicker to even keep up with the taller boy. “You’re lucky I brought my car.” He muttered as you went to the underground car park. 
There were barely any cars, being the afternoon and people still at work, the parking lot seemed more secluded than you had ever realised. Being at the furthest end, Jean looked at you seeing how you pulled your skirt down. “No point doing that now, baby, everybody already saw that pretty cunt of yours.” He mocked before unlocking his car.
“Get in the fucking back, now.” He had opened the door, waiting for you to get in. With your back across the backseats, you were in perfect view of his own body.
He moved inside the car, locking the door and car behind him. It was in these moments you were glad he had tinted windows. He gave a smirk watching as you sat upright, one leg beside his body and the other dangling to the ground. “Spread those legs.” 
You moved your leg to go onto his shoulders, feeling how his hands moved the skirt up to your hips. Your cunt dripping in wetness for his mouth to devour. “Baby.” It was muffled from your end as his hands had gripped your thighs. 
His fingers leaving indents, his mouth bite at your inner thigh. The feeling of the speckles of his hair on his face brushing against your thighs before you felt him closer and closer to your clit. “If you touch me, I’m going to stop.” It was a punishment for showing yourself off, it was a punishment, but he knew it masked the reward of being eaten out.
“Yes, Sir.” You breathed out heavily. The feeling of his hairs across your thighs sent a shock wave, his tongue gliding across your clit tasting and feeling the slick in his mouth.
He groaned at the taste of your wet cunt, his tongue doing laps inside of your blushed cunt. His hand had travelled to your shirt having pulled it to reveal your breasts in the bra, his hand went underneath groping your left boob as his mouth was at work.
“Baby…I…” You could barely think with the feeling of him giving you so much pleasure. The way his mouth would leave soft kisses against your cunt before he went back in with his tongue. 
He had told you after the first time you both had slept together how much he enjoyed eating you out. How much he loved the feeling of your cunt across his lips. He needed to feel your cum in his mouth and how it had become a mission to always eat you out before fucking you.
“Such a dirty little girl, getting this wet.” His breath was heavy, but he wanted more, pressing further into your cunt, his tongue swirling inside, the saliva mixing with your slick. His chin grazed your inner thighs, you always loved the feeling of the hairs brushing against your body. Often grabbing his chin when you both kissed just to feel the hairs brush against your palm. 
“I...I...cum.” You could barely form words through the moans and groans that filled the car. 
“Cum in my mouth baby, let me taste you all.” He whispered his hot breath against your cunt as he continued to lap his tongue in your folds. His hand had been moving along with his tongue, fingers pinching and tugging at your hard nipples.
“Jean.” You gave a final moan feeling yourself climax at the sheer power his tongue had inside of you. Cum dripped from his mouth, you saw him lick his lips to get rid of the cum that encased his lips. 
“Such a good little cumslut, want me to fuck you now?” He teased already undoing his belt, your legs remained above his shoulders, but in a quick instant he moved them to his side waiting for your answer.
“Please, fuck me sir.” Tears had welled up in your eyes, the feeling of his tongue making your cunt throb for more. How could he resist those tears, the mascara dripping down to leave a black stain down your cheeks. 
He gave a cocky grin, letting his belt fall to the ground before taking the hoodie he had worn off. The way his trousers were kicked to the front seat and he was left for you to admire sent a sensation through your body. He removed your skirt entirely, leaving soft kisses up your thighs to your stomach, before taking the shirt and pulling it over your head. “My pretty little thing.” He toyed undoing your bra to let your breasts spill out. 
His mouth attached to your right nipple, his left hand still massaging the other. You felt him swirl his tongue against the hardened tit, arching your back to make more of your breast fit inside of his mouth. “Baby, fuck me please.” You were out of breath and could feel his hardened cock brush against your thigh. 
“Are you begging, slut?” He moved his mouth to your neck, his hot breath fanning your breath waiting for an answer. 
You looked down your hands moving to his hair and back, “please Sir.”
He smirked cockily, pulling his boxers down, letting his cock curve upwards ready to skim it past your folds. His hand lazily pumped back and forth to get him harder before you felt him direct his cock between your clit, sliding up and down your cum filled hole, “Je...Jean.”
“Come on baby, moan my name for me.” Your hands had reached for his hair pulling him towards your face.
“Jean.” You gave a lewd moan into his ear before feeling his cock slam into your velvety walls. 
“You’re so tight even after I've gotten you to cum.” He mutters feeling suffocated within your walls. He brought his body down onto your own, your legs by his side as he began to move out of your cunt in a slow pace. 
“Faster.” You breathed out.
“Sluts, don’t get an opinion.” He wanted to edge you till you felt dumb, he wanted to see those tears and watch as you begged for more. He may have moved slowly out but the noise of you moaning in his hair and pulling at his hair had made his slam into you quicker. He repeated it a couple times before seeing how your chest heaved under him, his bite marks cascading across your boobs and neck. You looked bruised and broken but the moans and look of your eyes rolling back had made him realise just how much you loved it.
With a quickened pace, he felt himself go deeper and deeper inside of your cunt, the cum that had been left inside of you, helping him slide back and forth. “Doing such a good job, baby.” 
The praise was something Jean always came back too, the first time you both fucked you were unable to walk just at the sheer size of his cock. He knew to always praise you for doing so well with him, to make sure you knew that you could use his cock however you wanted too. “I… love you.” It was muffled through how Jean and you had been face to face, his mouth across your jaw, feeling the wetness still around his chin and face. 
Looking into your eyes at the comment, he saw how truly in love he was, even with the quickened pace of him fucking you raw, you truly were in love with the man. “I love you too.” He spoke capturing your lips with his own, you had missed his mouth on your own. His tongue sucked on its own, allowing for more of your cum to mix inside of your mouth, you could feel yourself coil up inside, ready to orgasm for a second time. 
He could see how your hands had stopped tugging as forcefully on his hair, how your nails had stopped scratching his back and instead skimmed across his skin. “You going to cum for me.”
“Ye…” You could barely speak at his pace increasing, wanting to fuck all the cum out of you in a matter of seconds. His mouth went to your neck, hand moving to take your own, he felt your fingers lace between your own as he sucked on the skin. 
“Cum for me.” He ordered feeling you gush on top of his blushed cock, he felt himself cum from the feeling of being able to slide even more into your body, feeling his cum shoot inside of you. A bulge being prominent through your stomach of being filled up, “such a good girl.” 
He kissed the top of your head with praise, sweat and cum filling the car, you only nodded unable to speak at the pleasure you had just encountered. He took you in his hands, letting you lean against his body. Moving the strands of hair that stuck to your body, he looked at how pretty you looked, even with the dishevelled hair and cum seeping out from your sore cunt. You looked as pretty as always, his pretty girl.
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wifeboys · 3 years
Third Time’s the Charm // Wilmon
Summary: Wilhelm kisses Simon three times before he gets the hint.
Word Count: ~2600
A/N: A little in-universe fic to tie us over. Based on prompts from this prompt list *shamelessly plugs my prompts blog @deity-prompts *. Also I haven’t written fanfiction is a while so I’m a little rusty.
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gif credits: @princewilhelm
Wilhelm kisses Simon three times before he gets the hint.
The first time is at Rosh's soccer final. The pair (and Ayub) had gone to every single game of the season, rain, or shine. They stood at the side lines. The night air gripped them through their puffy coats. Flood lights illuminate their breaths. Wilhelm and Simon pressed shoulders to 'help keep them warm'.
The game is intense. The ball is sent over and back again and again. Fouls are left and right. Fights even break out. The crowd hold their breath, each moment electric. Simon is so focused on the game that he forgets where he is. He forgets who he's with and who he is. All he can concentrate on is Rosh.
The whistle blows, once, twice, three times. Rosh punches the air with a victorious scream. The crowd erupts. Everyone rushes onto the pitch. They clutch each other into hugs, exchanging "congratulations!" and kisses on the cheek. Simon sprints to Rosh, grabbing her tightly. She slaps his back and yells something he can't hear. Ayub pushes him out of the way and hugs Rosh. Simon staggers back with a laugh. Wilhelm is in front of him. His eyes sparkle with happiness and Simon can't help but smile. Before he can hug him, Wilhelm places his hands on Simons cheeks and quickly kisses him. The kiss barely lasts two seconds, but time seems to freeze. Simon short-circuits.
Before he can process or kiss him back, Wilhelm is already hugging someone else and Ayub is grabbing Simon. "SHE DID IT! FUCKING YEAH!" The night moves on. Everyone goes out to celebrate, still full of energy until they part in the early hours. As Simon celebrates, he can't help but think about Wilhelm kissing him. Did he kiss him or did he imagine it? No, it definitely happened. He can't imagine the electricity pulsing through him. He can't imagine the rush and heat he felt.
But that doesn't mean Wilhelm wanted to kiss him. It was an intense game. Everyone was celebrating. It was probably just a "hey bro, we did it! let's celebrate!" kiss. Wilhelm would've kissed anyone, Simon just happened to be there.
That's what Wilhelm is acting like. He's hugging everyone he comes across. Simons not sure if that's because Wilhelm is a hugger or because he's buzzed on celebratory drinks. Either way, he's not treating Simon any different. He's still talking to him like they're regular bros who like regular sports and other regular things.
It was nothing, Simon decides.
• ❤︎ •
The second time is at Felice's birthday party. She spares no expense. The common room is decked with streamers, balloons, and stocked with alcohol. Everyone is wearing the most extravagant outfits they have. The birthday girl has braided her hair short as a boys, and wears a purple robe that reaches her heels. Simon wears a black, glittery blazer over his bare chest with waist high black trousers. The lack of shirt was probably a good idea, considering people keep bumping into him and spilling their drinks.
The music is practically deafening. You can't walk two steps without knocking shoulders with someone. Simon keeps to the back of the room, fiddling with the hem of his blazar as the party unfolds in front of him. Sara keeps him company, chatting his ear off about something he can't hear. The only thing he can focus on is a certain prince across the room.
Simon barely notices when Sara tugs at his sleeve. "Si! I'm going to find Felice. Don't just stand here for the whole night. Go talk to someone"
She disappears into the sea of drunk teenagers. There's no way Sara was telling him to go talk to Wilhelm specifically, but that's all Simon wants to do. Actually, he wants to skip the talking and pin Wilhelm against the wall.
But Simon can't do it. He's glued with his back against a wall as people make out around him. He can't mess things up with Wilhelm. He can't scare him off. He can't lose a great friend on the tiny chance he might get a boyfriend. Simon repeats this like a mantra to the beat of the music.
None of this stops him checking out Wilhelm, the crowd acting as a safety buffer. His simple yellow shirt is plain considering the occasion. He made up for it by covering his hair with glitter that has fallen onto his face and shoulders.
He watches as an already tipsy Wilhelm finishes his drink. He's surrounded by people (probably his friends). He suddenly cracks up at some joke they say. Glitter explodes into the air with the quick movement of his head. A shiny halo illuminates his face. God, he's beautiful when he laughs.
"Simon! Simon Simon Simon" Felice nearly falls on top of him. "I'm so glad you're here- and you look amazing"
"Thanks, so do you- and happy birthday" Simon has never been good at taking compliments.
"You're too kind. I'll admit, I can't get enough of my cape. Hey, you should try it on! Purple is definitely your colour"
"Oh no I couldn't-"
"Oh yes you could. Let's swap jackets. I promise I'll give it back"
Next thing Simon knows, Felice is slipping off her cloak-y thing to reveal a white blouse and black skirt. She takes Simon's jacket, even giving him a spin. "We look stunning" she says as Simon wraps her robe around him. It looks a bit weird on him, but it's soft and smells nice. Felice sips her drink, and frowns. "My cup is empty. Can I get you a drink?"
"Uh- sure"
Felice disappears into the crowd. Simon goes back to looking for Wilhelm, but he's nowhere to be seen. He scans the crowd carefully. Wow, there's a lot of people here. A lot of bodies. The air is thick. The music is too loud. The room is too small. Simon needs to get out.
He excuses his way towards the door, not stopping until he's breathing in the night air. He leans next to the door, careful to keep Felice's robe clean. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Simon can only handle parties for a short while before he needs a break.
He stares up at the sky. Deep breath in, deep breath out. The stars are like glitter. The moon shines brightly at him. Deep breath in. He can't find Wilhelm, but at least he can spot the Man In The Moon. Deep breath out.
He's grounded again. He knows he should go home soon, but he figures a bit longer inside wont hurt. He gets up to go inside and find Felice when the door swings open. A yellow shirt stumbles into the night, glitter sparkling in the moonlight.
Simon finally found Wilhelm- or, rather, Wilhelm found him.
Wilhelm finds his footing, looking around. He finally spots Simon by the door.
"There you are!" He exclaims. There I am?
If Simon moves fast enough, he can slip back inside before Wilhelm even notices him. He can grab Sara and pretend he never came to the party. Before he can put his plan into effect, Wilhelm is cupping his face again.
Wilhelm kisses him. Simon is quicker to react this time. He kisses back, his plan to escape already forgotten. Wilhelm pulls back for a moment to tilt his head to the side. Simon holds the back of his neck, running his fingers through his hair. Glitter falls around them.
Wilhelm's hands slip behind Simon's robe, pulling him closer. Simon shivers as his hands run up and down his back. He drowns in bliss, finally getting to kiss Wilhelm the way he always wanted to.
When Wilhelm finally pulls back, his eyes stay closed. "Oh" he sighs softly. "Oh . . . I'm about to throw up. Excuse me"
Without even looking at Simon, Wilhelm turns and staggers around the corner. Simon hears retching. His escape plan kicks in. He practically runs back into the party, nearly knocking people over as he finds Felice.
He finds her giggling with Sara, who's cheeks are blushes deep red. They swap their clothes back, re-completing Felice's outfit. She truly looks stunning, tonight more than ever. Up close, her hair is woven more intricately than he realised. It's as short as his but looks ten times better.
Oh God- with the short hair and purple cloak, he probably looks just like Felice. Especially to someone who's drunk. Wilhelm didn't mean to kiss him. He meant to kiss Felice. Now Simon feels like he's going to throw up.
• ❤︎ •
The third time is after Parents Day. Simon spent the days leading up to it avoiding Wilhelm. He probably doesn't remember the kiss at all but Simon wont chance it. He won't give Wilhelm the opportunity to reject him. This doesn’t stop him from looking at him for a little too long from across the room. This doesn’t stop Wilhelm looking back.
His ingenious “if I ignore him he can’t reject me” plan fails, however, when Wilhelm sits with his family as they eat. Simon can't take his eyes off him as he chats with Simon and Felice's family. Wilhelm combs his fingers through his hair, licks his lips, laughs along to jokes. Simon soaks up every minute of it.
Dinner plates empty. Belts are loosened. Waiters come around to collect dishes and Simon starts to panic. Wilhelm has been glancing at him again and again throughout the dinner. He's definitely going to corner Simon and let him down. Tell him to forget all about the kiss (if he even remembers it). Simon pulls out his phone.
Simon I need you to pick me up
Ayub Thought you were at the parents dinner Cant ur mom take u home?
Simon I'll explain later If you pick me up right now I'll be forever grateful
Ayub I'll be outside in ten You owe me one
Simon I love you more than life itself
Simon rests his phone on the table, slightly less panicked. As soon as people start getting to their feet, he bolts. Out the door. Our of the school. He only slows when his feet crunches on the front road's gravel.
Ayub arrives right on time. Simon jumps on his bike before he can ask what's going on. It isn't until the next day that Simon comes to a shocking realisation: he left his phone at Hillerska.
• ❤︎ •
"Didn't think I'd be back here so soon" Ayub says as he drops Simon off.
"I'll be in and out, I promise. Everyone's gone home so I'll be able to find it and grab it"
"Here, call yourself on my phone. You can follow the ringing"
"Where would I be without you"
Ayub tosses his phone and gestures for Simon to go. He pushes open the doors. Hillerska feels haunted without students bustling through the halls. It's like a museum. Simon opens Ayub's phone and calls himself.
It's probably in the dining room where they ate. He walks towards it, listening intently for his ringtone. What he doesn't expect is for someone to pick up.
Simon stares at the phone for a moment before pressing it to his ear. ". . . Hello?"
“Simon? That you?”
“Wille!" Perfect. The one person he was trying to not talk to. "Sorry, I didn’t recognise your voice”
"Don't worry about it, I don't think you were expecting me to answer"
"Yeah, uh, you have my phone. That's why I was calling it. I must've left it here yesterday"
"Where are you? I can drop it off"
"I'm already at Hillerska so I can just grab it. Want me to come to you?"
"Just start walking, we'll find each other"
Simon decides to go in the general direction of Wilhelm's dorms. It really does feel like a museum. Each alcove is like a display he can't touch. His footsteps echo.
“So . . . what’re you doing with my phone?” Simon asks.
“I actually didn’t know it was yours. It was left on one of the tables, so I took it in case the owner came looking for it”
“And here I am”
“And here you are”
Simon can't help but smile. He's sure he can hear Wilhelm smiling too.
Wilhelm takes a deep breath. “I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you”
“Talk to me?”
“Yeah. Um . . . it's about Felice's party"
Simon stops. Here it is. Everything has backfired and now the one thing he didn't want to talk about has come up.
"Simon? You there?"
"Yes! Uh yes I am." He rubs a hand across his face. Play it cool. "What about her party?"
"I'm sorry that I was so drunk that night. I figured I'd need some . . . liquid courage but I guess I had too much"
"Yeah. It was a uh, a wild night" Simon feels like he's choking on his own heart. He distracts himself by looking around at the hallway. He's not even sure where in the school he is. He's more focused on not throwing up.
"Do you remember that night?"
Play it cool. "Anything specific you want me to remember?"
There's a moment of silence. Simon can hear Wilhelm's footsteps through the phone. "If you want to forget that night and move on like nothing happened, we can definitely can"
Simon doesn't want to forget. It's all he can think about.
"Do you want to forget about it?" Simon asks, swallowing.
Wilhelm's walking slows as he thinks. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable"
"I don't . . . I wasn't uncomfortable"
There's a beat. "I'm glad. That-that you weren't uncomfortable"
"I'm a little uncomfortable now" Simon laughs awkwardly. His tension eases a little when Wilhelm laughs too.
"I'm sorry. I just don't know how to talk about this" Simon kicks his feet against the floor.
"I have to say, I didn't think I'd be talking to you about this over the phone"
"I didn't think you'd want to talk about this at all. I thought you were going to avoid me forever"
"Hey, you're the one who was avoiding me"
"Yeah yeah I know" Simon smiles.
Wilhelm takes a deep breath and exhales. "I really wanted to kiss you that night. That's why I got so drunk I needed a confidence boost. It uh, it didn't help that you ignored the kiss at Rosh's game"
Simon's jaw drops in a smile. "I didn't ignore it! I just panicked. I figured it was a spur of the moment celebration"
"None of it was spur of the moment. I've wanted to kiss you for a while"
"You have?"
"You didn't notice?"
"Not at all. If I did, I probably would've kissed you"
Simon hears him stop and smile. “Simon, you are the smartest idiot I ever met”
He hangs up. He hangs up? Simon looks at the phone as if it holds the answer. His brow furrow as a hand grabs his shoulder from behind. He turns, that there he is.
"Hi" they say in unison.
Wilhelm's hands are on Simon's shoulders. He holds his gaze with a smile. Simon completely forgets how to breathe. All he can think about his Wilhelm being so close to him and his lips being right there because really they're right there-
"Can I kiss you again?" Wilhelm asks. Simon nods.
Wilhelm kisses him for the third time. It's hesitant- like he's testing the waters to see if Simon is willing to swim. Before he can pull away, Simon yanks him back in. His hands thread through Wilhelm's hair as Wilhelm wraps his arms around his waist. They pull each other impossibly close. It's their third-first-kiss and it is perfect.
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ftmbitch · 3 years
okok ok ur writing is really hot, uhhh so if ur up for posting more my prompt is: being slowly forced to detransition by my trans roommate during lockdown
i love me some t4t forced detrans so you’ve asked the right guy haha 
warnings: forced detransition, dubcon 
1.4k words (sorry, my hand slipped) 
you met your roommate through some friends. a lot of them are gay, or trans. you didn’t actually know your roommate was trans at first, he passed so well. actually, you thought he was the one cishet in the group, since you knew he was only into girls, and you figured he was cis. eventually, you were looking for a place, he was looking for a place, and you ended up living together. separate bedrooms, but only one bathroom. you didn’t find out he was trans until you went into the bathroom after he had unpacked his toiletries and you saw his testosterone stuff on the shelf. you hadn’t started hormones yet, but you still recognized that stuff from your other trans friends. you asked him about it, and he was kind of surprised. “oh. yeah, i thought you knew i was trans. i mean, i came out like eight years ago, so i guess i just don’t think about it much anymore.” you were a little surprised, but it didn’t really change anything. it did make you a little more dysphoric, though. you had other trans friends close in their transition to you, and some who’d been out for years, but living in close proximity with a guy who passed so well, and had hormones and top surgery like you dreamed of, it just made you feel a little sad. you were happy for him, but you were jealous. you knew he was just living his life, and that one day you’d be just like him. 
or, so you thought. 
within your first few months of living together, you felt a little put down by him. he’d make these passing comments about your voice, your soft, hairless face, the fact that you didn’t have to shower as much as him because girls- i mean, you know, dudes who aren’t on t, don’t sweat as much. in quarantine, you couldn’t get away from it. you couldn’t go see your other pre-t friends. you just had to stay here, with him. his comments made you a little uncomfortable, but not enough to say anything. he wasn’t trying to be mean, he was just at such a different point than you were and wasn’t quite as sensitive to the pre-t struggle as he once was. that’s all, right? that’s all, you told yourself. 
one day, you walk into the kitchen to grab a snack without your binder on while he’s in there cooking. when you turn around from the cabinet, you catch him staring, mouth slightly open, at your chest. 
“sorry! sorry. i just...sorry. i didn’t mean to.” you brush it off. you sit down to watch tv, and you figure he’ll just keep cooking. then, he comes and sits next to you. “hey,” he says. “i really am sorry.” he’s sitting awfully close. “it’s just...” he takes your snack and moves it to the table. you cower back a little bit, and he gets closer. “it’s hard, you know? being in quarantine. i haven’t fucked a girl in so long. i mean, i know you’re not a girl! and i’m not trying to fuck you, it’s just...” your face drops. he licks his lips, and reaches out, and gropes you. 
“what the fuck?” you shout, pushing him back, and getting up. you walk out, but as you’re walking away, you catch a glimpse of him. he’s staring. 
you avoid him as best you can for the next two days. then, he comes into your room while you’re masturbating. “dude, get out!” 
“i just wanted to talk about...um...wow. you shave down there?” you swallow hard. for some reason, you don’t cover up. “that would make me so dysphoric. why do you do that? don’t you want to look as masculine as you can?” you don’t say anything. “i mean, listen. i know you’re not on t, and i get that, it’s a pain in the ass to get referrals and shit, especially with all the regulations right now. i just- i don’t know. it’s hard for me to respect trans guys like you. i mean, you shave your pussy, you don’t ever wear your binder in the house, and don’t think i haven’t seen your skirts in your hamper. like, why even transition if you’re gonna do girly shit?” you have nothing to say. you want to argue. everything inside you is telling you to argue, to tell him to leave, to cry, to call someone for comfort. but you don’t. 
“you grabbed me the other day,” you say. he doesn’t say anything. “i thought you were straight.” 
“i am straight. and i think you’re really hot, okay? i know i’m supposed to see you as a dude, and i try, but when you’re all...you know, like this...i mean, your tits are so nice! i kinda like it when you don’t wear your binder. it makes me horny. but, it makes it hard to see you as a dude. like, either wear your binder or i’m gonna wanna fuck you.” 
you talk a little more, and he leaves. that sticks with you. either wear your binder, or he’s gonna wanna fuck you. you’re gay. gay, right, when a trans guy likes guys. you’ve been stuck in the apartment for the past two months with this guy, and stuck in your old place for months before that. maybe some sex would do you good. but you have to pretend to be a girl? 
you don’t wear your binder after your talk with your roommate. in fact, you come out wearing a thin t-shirt in place of your normal “dysphoria hoodie” and one of those skirts he mentioned, that you only have because sometimes you need to think about gender, and visuals help. no underwear. your roommate sees you sitting on the couch, and he sits next to you. you don’t move. 
“hey. you look pretty like that.” you don’t say anything, but it feels so good to be called pretty again. all your friends call you handsome. you like that because it makes you feel masculine, but it feels fake. it feels like they’re forcing it out. this...this felt real. he really, truly thinks you’re pretty. 
he kisses you. he gropes you. he puts his hand under your skirt. you let him. you like it. 
“what’s your real name?” he whispers in your ear. 
“please,” you whisper. “please, you can touch me, but please don’t call me by my deadname. i hate it so much, i-” 
“what’s your real name?” he demands. you’re so wet. you tell him. he repeats it. he says it a few times. “yeah,” he says. “yeah, that’s what i’m calling you from now on. that’s who lives here now, okay? she’s my new roommate. and she’s so pretty...” 
things escalate. you end up in his bedroom. after you have sex, you want to call your friends and tell them what just happened. tell them you had sex with your roommate, and he was deadnaming you the whole time, and he was misgendering you. but you don’t call them. 
he keeps doing it. you never hear your boy name out of his mouth again after that. you get used to it. you like it. he makes you feel pretty, and wanted, and he’s so different from you that you feel silly for ever trying to be like him. you know if you were around your other pre-t friends you might feel differently. but you’re not. you can’t be. you’re stuck here, with him, with this masculine, bearded, flat chested, huge t-dicked man, who calls you pretty. 
this goes on for weeks. weeks turn into months. soon enough, he’s helped you buy a whole new wardrobe to wear around the house. in the house turns into online. he has you change all of your social media to your real name, and all your pronouns to she/her. he takes your phone after that, so you don’t have to talk to any concerned relatives or friends who might try to talk some “sense” into you. he likes you when you’re a girl. you fucks you when you’re a girl, and you’ve needed that since quarantine. if being a girl can make somebody make you this happy, then it must be right. 
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cocobutnochanel · 3 years
Roommates | 18+
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Genre: slight fluff, smut, roommate!Chanyeol
Main Characters: Park Chanyeol x Reader (oc: fem)
Summary: Your brother's bestfriend, the wrong pill and empty threats could never be good news. Your life turns 180 degrees around when you drink medicine impulsively.
Warning: profanity, sex scene, drug intake
Kink List: unprotected sex, bondage, restraints, drug intake, verbal degradation, creampie, aftercare, daddy kink, daddy!Chanyeol, dom!Chanyeol
Word count: 3.3k+ words
You wanted to bang your head against the wall. Integral calculus was so goddamn hard to learn and you hated how it's included in your courses when you majored in political science. It didn't make sense and the book in front of you didn't too.
You let out a huff and try to comprehend it since you aimed for a perfect GPA this semester.
The door swings open "Hey, dumbface." A familiar voice disrupts you. "What do you need, frat boy?" You hiss, not even bothering to turn around to look at him. Even his presence alone annoys you.
"Stay out tonight." He snickers, shutting the door behind him. "Can you not have sex while exams are going on? I'm trying to study." You whip your head and glare at his smirking face.
"Don't test me, I can tell eomma you're dating someone in uni." He was threatening you with bullshit like this again. What more, you know your mom loves him so much and she'll believe him.
You roll your eyes at him. "Eomma? She's my mother, Chanyeol, not yours. I'll tell her you're fucking with the entire population of Seoul instead." You look at him incredulously while he smiles with amusement in his eyes. He loved pissing you off, you had no idea why your oppa and eomma let you share a dorm room with him.
"You wouldn't do that to your oppa." He cooed at you mockingly. "Oppa? You? Fuck off, Yeollie." You flip him the finger while he cringed. He hates his childhood nickname.
He finally heads out of your shared dorm room and you return to reading the book. Park Chanyeol was a rodent who never left your family alone ever since he met your big brother, Jongin, in pre-school. Like Jongin who was his best friend, he loves pissing you off too. He even has his own room in your house and calls your mother 'eomma'.
You finally resumed studying after he heads out. After a few hours of reviewing calculus over and over again, you decide to sleep for your last day of exam tomorrow.
You wake up and notice Chanyeol's top bunk empty and unslept in. He must be with his whores, you assume. You hurriedly get ready and head to your first exam of the day.
The day passed by idly, occupying you with three exams and integral calculus being the last. The moment you got out of the classroom, your head ached. Fuck math, honestly.
You get back to your dorm room and see that Chanyeol still wasn't home despite it being 2 in the afternoon already. You shrug that thought off and text him instead. Your headache bothered you more than your brother's manwhore best friend not coming home.
'frat boy do u have tylenol ?' You text him.
'aww, uri dongsaeng is sick xx' He responded in a heartbeat, dying to tease you since exams were over.
'fuck you where are ur meds' You reply as your vision blurs even more. You couldn't afford to deal with his bullshit. Your head was killing you now.
'my nightstand. be home in a sec w/ food' He finally texted you back. You groan as another pang hits your head, telling you to let go of your phone. You curse integral calculus for giving you this pain.
You pull the drawer in his nightstand. You see condoms of different variations and that disgusted you to the core. Safe sex should be practiced but to need this amount of condoms? He sure does love sleeping around.
You see a white bottle with a red label in the far corner. You couldn't read the label but your head throbbed even more, making you grab that bottle out of impulse. You take it and drink a glass of water.
The sound of the door opening reached your ears as you laid on your bed, trying to rest. "Hey, you okay?" Chanyeol's voice was worried but the pain you were feeling made you snap at him. "Don't talk to me. I'm about to die." He laughs about what you just said and teases you with "That's good news."
A few minutes later, you were expecting the drowsy feeling to take over but unfortunately, it didn't. Your head was still in pain and it wasn't letting you sleep. You wince at an intense pang again.
"Are you sure you took Tylenol? You should be knocked out right now." He comments when he sees you still suffering. "I don't know anymore, fuck. All I know is that the pain is going away." You groan but now, the pain was slowly diminishing.
Few more minutes again, the throbbing stopped but you felt kind of hot. "Holy shit." You hear him mutter.
"What now?" You ask him with a grimace, fanning yourself. Heat now taking over the pain you felt earlier. "You took the wrong bottle! You're so fucking dumb, I swear." He shrieks. You never saw him freak out before which is why I was alarmed.
He holds up a bottle and you cover your mouth as soon as you saw it clearly. "It was my horny pills, you dumbfuck." He said with a flabbergasted face. Well, that explains the heat.
You didn't know why or how but you were aroused when he called you 'dumbfuck'. It wasn't the first time hearing this insult from him but it set you on fire right now. The pill made you feel things you don't feel when you're not having raging hormones.
"B-But, w-why do you even have them?!" You tried to distract yourself from the feeling but it only heightened. This was wrong on all angles. He was your brother's best friend! There was a reason why your mother trusted him to be your roommate! You weren't supposed to feel things like these!
You feel yourself get wet down there. "Fuck." You breathed out, his eyes glued on you while you lay in your bed with a defeated face. He sat across you with knitted eyebrows and an angry face.
"Yeol, get out!" You scream at him before you lost your sanity. You were getting wetter by the minute. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Even his concerned voice sent you over the edge.
Without thinking, you stand up and sit on top of him. "N-No.. Jongin's gonna kill me." His voice was raspy and sitting on top of him made you feel the growing bulge between his legs.
"What happened to the brave frat boy?" You whispered against his ear, your hormones getting the better of you. You start dry humping on his thigh as he closed his eyes in frustration. "Y/N, you know we can't do this." Desperation dripping in his voice.
You roll your eyes at what he just said. "Yeollie, be responsible. This was your fault." You purred, the libido inside you growing. He bit his lip in response.
"God knows how much I want to but Jongin will kill me. You know that, Y/N." He pleaded but you knew he couldn't resist seeing you like this, like a thirsty bitch for him. "Please don't make this harder tha-" You cut him off with a hungry kiss.
He was stunned and he couldn't move but your hands travelled down to the hem of his shirt. You took it off, your lips still on his. He was defenseless under your kiss. Soon, he kissed you back gently too.
His tongue ran down on your bottom lip and you moan his name. His erection was now as hard as a rock and you liked it like that. Especially when it was between your legs too.
His mouth hungrily darted down your neck. You knew he was leaving marks but you couldn't care less. He was finally returning the passion you were feeling. This was his fault, all along.
Your hands held onto his locks as he devoured you on top of him. He couldn't meet your eye. He knew he wanted you but it was wrong. Jongin was your brother and he was his best friend. It was wrong but it only made the two of you want it even more.
His hand clutched your thigh as he nibbles on the sensitive skin of your collarbones. "Yeol." You call out to him, desperately wanting for more. You take off the pullover you had on and he couldn't help but stare in awe.
"Beautiful." He breathes out, his face meeting your hot chest. He unclasps the bra from your back and as it fell to the floor, his hands immediately replaced that warmth.
He massaged your sensitive breasts as he let his mouth play with your chest. You could only moan in agreement.
He managed to slip hand inside your miniskirt. His fingers found your wetness, your back arching at the contact. "Yeol!" You scream in surprise the moment he slipped a digit in. "Wet enough.." He whispers.
He gets up and throws you on the bed. He pulls his belt out of the skinny jeans he was wearing. You gasp when he ties your hand above your head, tightening the belt around it.
You were left in your skirt and that turned him on. You and you were good girl ways, he thought. He pulls your soaked panties down with a satisfied grin, his eyes never leaving yours.
He goes down on you, his hot breath on your pussy. You writhe under his warmth as you buck your hips forward to meet his lips. "Nah-uh. Wait." He whispers breathily.
You exhale in frustration. He felt your desperation and flipped you around, positioning your knees on the bed. "I said wait." He growls as you feel his palm smack your buttcheek.
You bite your lip as the impact made you wetter. You were sure you were dripping down there and the pill you took didn't help either.
Another smack hits your bottom and the sting it inflicted made you moan out loud.
"Jesus, Chanyeol, put it in already." You begged desperately. He puts two digits inside which made you hungrier.
You feel your insides clench around his fingers as he scissors his way in. He was a cruel fucker and you loved how he likes you at his mercy.
"Beg for it." He bellowed above you, fisting a handful of your hair.
Pride wasn't your priority right now. Your priority was your need for him inside you. "Please, daddy, put it in." You sigh, letting all your pride go down the  drain. You hated him but now, you're begging while calling him daddy.
You turn your head around to see him but his erection was now out and it tensed at your nickname for him. It was itching to be inside you too.
He finally pulls out his teasing fingers. Positioning his 9-inch cock on your entrance, you moan audibly. "Daddy, please." You beg once again.
He slides it in as you felt your insides stretch at his size. Tears welled up in your eyes as pain intensified down there. “I’m not even fully inside. Wipe your tears, slut.” He hisses, his fingers diving into the sides of your hips out of frustration.
“So fucking tight.” He comments, feeling up every inch inside you. You could only groan in response as the belt on your wrists restrained you from moving.
He pulls out a bit and starts thrusting in a rhythm. “Yeollie.” You moan out loud as he took you from behind. “What did you just call me?” He spat, thrusting stops abruptly.
“I-I’m sorry, daddy.” Your voice was powerless. Just like how you are right now, kneeling as you call your brother’s best friend ‘daddy’.
“Good.” He starts ramming it inside you again. Your eyes deliriously rolled as he thrusts into your G-spot again.
You weren’t a virgin but you didn’t sleep around as well. You only had sex with the guys you were in a relationship with, hence, why you were so tight. Despite lacking experience that Chanyeol had, it was a no-brainer that this was your best fuck.
After simultaneously hitting your spot, you notice his pace quicken. He was about to come. “D-Daddy!” You screech as his hot liquid filled you to the brim, your own juice gushing out of you too.
You were weak as you slump back on the bed. He wipes you down there, making sure you were clean. He was a monster while doing the deed yet he was so domestic when it was over.
He took his belt off your wrists as you lay on your back, bare and sore. He plants a soft kiss on your lips as if it’d make up for how he tired you out today.
You thought you were through but another wave of heat hit you again 10 minutes later. He plops on your side after that and tries to cuddle you but that only ignited your desires once again.
“Yeol...” You moan into his ear as his arm drapes over your bare waist. “Do you want to go at it again?” He asks like a puppy as if he hadn’t made you beg a while ago.
“How long does it wear off?” You ask, referring to the pill. “I don’t know but usually half a day, I guess?” He shrugs, still cuddling you.
“Are you serious?! Does it mean I’m gonna be like this for twelve fucking hours?!” You grit your teeth. “Relax, I’m willing to help as long as you let me. Also, I’m sorry for that earlier..” He says with sincerity dripping from his voice.
“It was the first time I was ever like that. I just got carried away cause it’s you, I guess.” He looks at you with puppy eyes while his hands inch down towards your pussy that was now wet again. For him.
“What do you mean cause it’s me?” You ask him with a shaky voice, feeling his middle finger against your clit now. “You know you’re attractive. I just didn’t make a move cause I know Jongin would kill me.” He chuckles.
“Hmmm.” You hum which makes him look at you. “I guess I’m flattered, daddy.” You mischievously grin as he bites his lip at the nickname.
You wake up with sore thighs and a cooking Chanyeol. You lost count of how many rounds you had with him and he had the guts to look like a husband the next morning. He looked so domestic in a plain white shirt and an apron. He didn't look like the frat boy that he was and it was the first time you saw him in that light.
You get up and he whips his head around. "Good morning.." He greets you with a bright smile as if he wasn't the reason you could barely walk now.
Your feet meet your dorm room's cold hard floor and you walk to the dining table. He serves the breakfast he prepared: fried eggs, pancakes and bacon.
"You look so domestic, it's disgusting." You comment on his bright toothy smile when he placed the food in front of you as if he was some husband serving his wife. "You wish. As if you didn’t beg last night to be cuddled." He winks at you, pulling the chair across.
"There's the frat boy I know." You roll your eyes at his laughing figure. "By the way, eomma texted me the train schedule for today. You have to get ready by 9." He reminds you, his mouth full of pancakes.
You only nod at him, sipping the coffee he prepared for you too. You two finish breakfast while bantering about little things. You wanted to ask him about last night but then, you were afraid it'd make things awkward.
You dismiss that thought and get ready for your trip back countryside. Exams were over which meant it was already summer. Suncheon was only 3 hours away from Seoul but you only went home during school breaks.
You change into comfortable travelling clothes. Chanyeol has a designer hoodie on as if he was some idol in airport fashion. "You picking up girls from the train too?" You snicker judgementally.
He lets out a hoarse laugh. "You jealous?" He smirks and runs a hand through his blonde hair. "You wish." You glare at him and head out of your dorm room with a luggage in hand.
He follows you, his luggage with him too. You two head out to the train station nearby and buy a ticket to Suncheon.
You settle in beside him and sleep for the rest of your 3-hour ride. Last night's strenuous activities tired you out. Drowsiness took over you as Chanyeol leaned his head on your shoulders, slowly getting addicted to your natural scent.
You wake up to Chanyeol drooling on your shoulder. You were now near so you decide to wake him up. You were reminded of your question earlier too.
"Yeollie, you’re drooling." You tease him but he only hummed in response, trying to rub his eyes. But suddenly, you wanted to ask him about last night. Were you just an easy fuck? Or were you dating him like how you did with your exes? You weren’t really one to sleep around, you remind yourself.
"W-What does last night mean? Should we act like it never happened?" You ask with a thumping heart. You were scared that he'd say you were just another fuck. Despite your denial of ‘liking him’, rejection scared you.
"We're here." He grabs your hand and lets you up when the train comes to a stop. "Wait, Yeol. Answer me." You say in a weak voice while he dragged you out. Instead, it looks like he just shrugs your question off.
You spot your eomma and oppa waving. Jongin was smiling when he saw you and his best friend. You had no idea he was gonna be here but you were happy. You haven't seen him in so long.
"We missed you!" Your eomma runs to you and Chanyeol, hugging you two. You only smile at her and Jongin who was behind him too.
"Dude!" Jongin greeted Chanyeol with a man-hug. You roll your eyes at their bromance. "Dumbass." Jongin ruffled your hair while you only whine in response. “Oppa, cut it out!” You shriek at him.
"Did you eat already?" Your mom asks the two of you, linking her arms around yours. "Nope." You answer timidly, still not over the fact that Chanyeol dodged your question earlier.
"Let's go to Kyungsoo's place! He opened a new pizzeria." Jongin chimes in. Chanyeol could only nod. Did he lose his energy because you asked him that? Was it wrong to clarify whatever it was between you two?
You sensed the tension in the air when you saw Chanyeol walk so stiffly behind you.
"How's my sister in Seoul? Did her dumbass get a boyfriend, no?" Jongin sneers. He knew you had minimum experience in dating and he loved teasing you about it. Chanyeol clears his throat. "She's seeing someone." You and your mom stop walking the moment he announced this. Suddenly, you were reminded of the empty threat he made when you refused to leave for his hook-up. Were you two back at that again? Just.... roommates?
"What? Her? Are you joking?" Jongin laughs at you and you wanted to smack him in the face but you were too busy overthinking. "Yeol, if this is about the threat you made-" You assumed this was about that night but he cut you off with a bold statement.
"She's seeing me." You let out an audible gasp. Your eomma covered her mouth in surprise. "What did you say?" Jongin sounded like he was challenging his own best friend. The danger in his voice scared you but it didn't affect Chanyeol in any way. Instead, he confirms it again.
"Dude, I said she's seeing me." Before you could deny it, your oppa lunged forward and tackled Chanyeol to the floor.
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adorethedistance · 3 years
Something to Lose - Luke Patterson X Covington!Reader
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Requested: luke imagine idea so Luke’s old gf is dead and she’s calebs daughter and is trying to get him to stay with her instead of cross over and then he doenst show up in stand tall . I just had this idea and near had a fit trying to get it down love ur writing also 💖
Warnings: angst, a lot of crying, I don’t even think there’s swearing in this one.
Words: 2293
A/n: I hope I did the request justice. This was kinda stressful the entire time writing it just bc of all the ideas that came. Like I’d be writing and then my brain would be like ‘hey what if this happened’ and then I’m like ‘oh that’s evil. put it in the fic.’ you know?
I begin nervously playing with the tulle skirt of my above-the-knee length party dress. I wanted a mini but dad refused to let me be visible to ghosts and lifers in anything ‘revealing’, so we compromised on above the knee. It’s a pretty dress, the black long sleeves are sheer and the back is completely open, and that’s as scandalous as dad would allow. Ironic considering his dancers’ costumes are cut out fringe leotards and nude tights.
And speaking of dancers,
“Who was that?” I ask Francesca as she comes to stand next to me by the black music stands, branded with the infamous Hollywood Ghost Club logo.
“Who was who?”She takes a tiny sip of water and readjusts her massive blue and purple feather headdress. Dad always chooses the most extravagant costumes. Sometimes I wonder how they’re able to dance without falling over from being so… top heavy I guess?
“That guy you were dancing in front of in the denim coat?”
“What are you talking about? I was dancing in front of Willie.”
“Nice try, I know that was Angie. Maybe next time.” On the first day the girls set foot in the place they were such amazing dancers, dad invited them to perform front and center if they wanted to join the club. The downside was he could never tell them apart. I don’t know how though, they’re not indiscernibly identical. I made it my goal to always be able to tell them apart, and they made it their goal to get me to mix them up just once.
“We’re gonna get you one of these days.”
“Yeah, sure. But, uh, do you know who he is?”
“I don’t but maybe you will?”
“What?” Glancing up to Fran’s face she gives me a look and directs me with her eyes before smiling smugly and walking away. I follow her gaze to see my dad standing on the far side of their table, talking with the attractive stranger. His excitement makes his every movement animated and he can’t even seem to string a coherent sentence. Inviting them to sit down, dad starts saying something about Willie and magic? The conversation doesn’t last long and once he leaves, I debate whether or not to approach the handsome stranger.
“Who are we looking at?” I’m startled when I hear Angie’s voice in my right ear.
“Oh. The one at the front table in the denim overcoat.”
“You mean the one Franny was dancing in front of?”
“She already tried that.”
“Dammit!” I laugh at yet another failed attempt.
“I don’t even know why you guys bother anymore.”
“Whatever. Why are we staring at him?”
“I’m debating whether or not I should talk to him.” Angie sends me a look that says ‘have more faith in yourself’ which I gleefully ignore.
“Shoot your shot. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“My dad could interrupt and say something totally embarrassing. He wasn’t done talking to them, he just had to do rounds.”
“Girl, have you seen how many people are here tonight? He’s not gonna be done any time soon, so go while you still have some time!” Angie punctuates her sentence by gently pushing me forward, and I stumble in the direction of the cute stranger. The sudden jerky movement seems to catch his attention and his eyes soften once they meet mine. He smiles softly as a greeting and when I return the look, he takes that as an invitation to walk my way. I’m standing in the middle of the dance floor, frozen partially out of fear and partly out of curiosity.
“Hey, I’m Luke,” denim extends his hand politely and… extremely flusteredly? He sounds breathless and a touch fearful. I’m used to the energy as the club intimidates first-timers. I take his hand,
“Y/n.” Omitting my last name tends to do me a lot of good.
“Wow. That’s really pretty,”
“It’s nothing special.”
“You’re really pretty.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
“So, uh-“ he trails off in search of a conversation starter, “What brings you to the Hollywood Ghost Club?”
“Oh, you know... just uhm- just a night out.”
“Do you come to the Club a lot?”
“You could say that. It’s pretty much a second home.”
“Y/n, darling. There you are!” Luke watches my face drop from its pleasant ‘chatting with guests’ expression, to a relaxed almost-frown.
“Here I am.”
“And I see you’ve met Luke.”
“Yes sir.”
“I trust my daughter is keeping you in good company?”
“Your daughter?” Luke nearly chokes on the mystical air of the Hollywood Ghost Club.
“I did not choke!”
“You choked.” Luke and I argue over the details of how we met, in the backstage/dressing room area of the Club. It feels like lifetimes ago, but it wasn’t. And yet in such a short time, we had become completely infatuated and comfortable with one another. So much so that me wearing a floor-length evening gown and jewels doesn’t make me feel out of place with his jeans and flannel shirt.
Despite my light laughter, Luke’s face is fairly flat. He’s beginning to stare off into space, inattentive from our lull in the conversation.
“Hey, you okay?” He snaps back into reality.
“Uh, yeah.”
“You don’t sound so sure.” After a long moment of hesitation, he begins to speak, not looking up from the scuff on the linoleum flooring.
“Y/n, I have something to tell you.”
“What’s up?”
“The boys and I… We… we have unfinished business…”
“Of course you do. That’s why you’re here- why all of us are here.”
“We’re gonna play the Orpheum tonight. At seven.”
“That’s so cool! Tha-” I feel my words trapped in my throat. “That’s your unfinished business... Play the show you never got to before you died.” I feel a well of tears flooding my bottom lash line. They’re not tears of sadness. “That’s your unfinished business. And you’re playing there tonight. Why didn’t you tell me as soon as you found out?!” I cry out in anguish. Luke’s face falls from a somber reluctance to break the news, to utter heartbreak.
“Y/n, I-”
“I thought we had something.”
“We do!”
“Then why would you wait to tell me until,” I check the analog clock on the wall behind him, “An hour before you go?!”
“I wanted to enjoy our last day together without having to think about it. I didn’t think it’d make you this angry.”
“Well, I am angry, Luke!” My sentence is punctuated by Luke getting zapped by a jolt of electricity. He groans as he tries to remain standing upright. The tears streaming down my face slow from a mix of anger to extreme worry.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Your dad gave us a ‘club stamp’ that first night we left.” My face falls slack as I register what he’s just said. Without another word, I furiously push out of my chair and out of the dressing room. Each stride is larger than the last as I let my legs carry me into the wings of the Club’s circular stage. When I have the familiar silver tinsel entrance in sight, I stop cold in my tracks. In front of me stands Alex, in a dazzling pink coat and diamond-covered oxfords, and Reggie, in a luxurious red vest and coat covered in black floral detailing. In front of them stands my father in his extravagant purple number that’s reminiscent of his outfits he wore when performing.
My frustrated steps carried me into his sight and the volume of my strides drew the two boys’ attention behind them. Luke. Luke stupidly followed me out here, and father merely looks at me and blinks authoritatively before redirecting his gaze onto my boyfriend.
“There you are. I knew I was missing a third musketeer.” With a snap of his fingers, dad has poofed Luke out from behind me and poofs him back in between his bandmates. When he reappears he’s wearing a deep blue suit with a black, tiered chiffon collar and bowtie.
“Isn’t it nice that you’re all here together?” Dad launches into his huge speech, seemingly convincing them to stay at the club. He mentions everything they want can be theirs here like Willie, the glory of performing, connection with an audience. As he speaks, he steps forward and reaches up. I go to yell and reach for Luke, but nothing comes out. There’s no sound coming from my mouth, and the undersurface of my black heels feel frozen solid to the ground. Dad notices my movement and shoots me a look to knock it off. Luke sees and as he moves to turn his head, dad reaches up to keep his focus forward before adjusting Luke’s collar for him. He continues with his big speech as another jolt graces all three boys at once.
“I suggest you accept my offer because the clock is ticking,” he downs one more sip of water, preparing to perform, “Ouch. You know where to find me.”
When he disappears onto the stage, I’m released from my spot and the momentum of my struggling launches me forward. Luke turns around just in time to catch me and once he does he doesn’t release me from his arms.
“Luke, I didn’t-”
“Shhh. It’s okay. You’re okay.” He holds me in his arms, one hand on my head to cradle me close to his chest and the other wrapped soothingly around my waist.
“He’s right,” I choke out my words through heavy sobs, “You don’t know that the Orpheum is really your unfinished business. What if it’s not? These jolts could kill you, Luke. For good. My dad may be powerful, but he doesn’t have the power to bring you back from this.”
When I look up, Luke has a heartbroken expression painted all over his face. Before I can speak again, Alex poofs out from beside us. Sharing a worried expression, Luke and I look out onto the stage where dad has him soloing front and center.
“I-I-I, I made a-a promise-”
“To Julie, I know. But if she’s really as wonderful, and as kind, and understanding, and loving as you describe her to be, won’t she understand?” Luke’s expression softens in realization.
“You’re actually considering staying with Caleb?” Reggie asks Luke incredulously. Before he can receive an answer, he, too, is poofed out onto the stage in Alex’s previous spot, to play a jazzy bass solo. Luke looks all around the backstage area, at the audience, between his band members, and at my dad. Finally, his eyes settle on mine. I can’t read his expression; I wish I knew what was going on inside his head.
Luke and I run out of time when dad calls his name. He’s poofed us apart so I’m frozen against the downstage wall, out of sight from the audience, and Luke is struggling his way onto the stage.
Dad has him soloing for the audience, to create a musical dialogue between the two of them. Luke, conflicted, looks between me and my dad unsure of how to feel. The performer side of him must be loving the high that comes with performing in the club, but the loyal side of him, I can tell, is yearning for Julie.
When the song ends, the three boys share a single look of concern and remorse, no doubt for Julie. I can’t help but feel selfish asking him to stay. It’s not fair for me to ask him to choose between me and her... But that’s not what I’m asking. If all three of them stay here, they don’t risk dying for good. Surely Julie can understand choosing life, or the afterlife rather, over freedom is a rational trade.
Coming to his senses Luke runs off stage.
“It’s selfish of me to ask you to stay-”
“I’m staying.”
“I don’t want to die, Y/n. If that means I have to play in your dad’s band, fine. But at least we can be together.” Luke runs the pad of his thumb across my cheek to wipe away the tear shed out of joy. Our moment is ended when Alex and Reggie have also returned backstage.
“Boys, if we stay here, we’ll get to live and make music for as long as we want.”
“You said it yourself, we made a promise. To Julie.” Reggie almost looks like he wants to cry.
“If this is what you want- to spend eternity playing jazz solos behind Caleb -I can’t stop you. But I’m not gonna let Julie down. Not again.” Alex searches Luke’s face for any hesitation. When he doesn’t find the change of heart he’s looking for, Alex nods and fidgets with his drumsticks in one hand. The sudden swell of emotion leads the two of them to hug each other tightly; I can’t imagine their pain of knowing they might never see each other again. When they let go, Luke and Reggie share in a hug and the heartache pulls Alex into their hug.
“Can you do me a favor?” Luke asks, sniffling away a few tears. Reggie and Alex nod,
“Will you tell Julie she’s a star for me, one last time?” A sharp jolt hits the three of them in unison once more; a signal that it’s really time to say goodbye. With sorrowful smiles, Alex and Reggie poof out of the Hollywood Ghost Club for the last time.
When he turns around, Luke’s face is red and puffy from crying and the sight breaks my heart clean in half. I pull him into a hug and press a lingering kiss to his cheek.
“I love you, Luke.”
“I love you, Y/n.”
A/n: YOWZA this really made my heart hurt for Julie sm. I love her and if this were canon I’d have actually kermit.
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13 @kaitlyn2907 @itz-jas @crybabyddl @kcd15 @kinda-really-lost @calamitykaty @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever @dream-a-little-bigger-x @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys @amazinggracy @kaitieskidmore1 @asdfghjkl-fanfics @ghostlygreenbean @juliefromaustralia @merceret @jemimah-b99 @ifilwtmfc @thesweetestsinner @imsydneywalker @lovesanimals @thebloodthirstyvampress @bumbleberry-pie @losers-club6 @tefilovesreading @dmcfarland1@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz @talk-on-the-street @phantompogues @konciousdreamer @sunsetcurvej
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
was thinkin about gnc billy & like. what about trans gnc billy? 👀
when he was hitting puberty things started to feel weird and wrong so he went hard with the masculinity thing, trying to make up for it. when he was like 14 he buzzed his hair and only wore baggy clothes, got angry and aggressive and was always trying to prove himself. but then as he gets older, starts hrt, gets more comfy in his own body, he realizes that he misses some stuff he used to let himself like. having long hair. wearing jewelry. it starts small, with growing his hair out, "masculine" rings and his mom's old st christopher pendant.
but eventually, when he's happy, living with his boyfriend and in a good place, he takes that next step, worried what steve will think, what max will think. but two days after he casually saunters over to the women's section while he and steve are clothes shopping (his palms sweating, and feeling like he was gonna vomit, but he managed it, and steve didnt say a word about it, he wasnt sure if that was good or bad) he finds the skirt he was eyeing, in his dresser all folded up like it'd always been there. and three days after that max asks if she can braid his hair.
turns out she's terrible at braiding, and he teaches her a thing or two instead. but the skirt works out good. it ends up being his favourite thing to wear, cuz not only do his legs look amazing in it, but it makes for easier access when him and steve have a quickie in public
(hope ur migraine clears up soon 💕)
I’ve thought about this too!!!
billy knew something was wrong as soon as they all started puberty. suddenly all the boys at school started turning their backs on him because “boys and girls can’t be friends” and that felt wrong for two reasons. a.) of course they can what? and b.) billy suddenly felt like he was stuck on the side of a wall that he didn’t belong on. the girls his age leaned heavily into their femininity ditching their jeans and t shirts and instead wearing skirts and dresses and billy figured if he wanted to break through that barrier, he couldn’t look like the other side. so he refused the skirts and dresses and stuck to baggy jeans and oversized t shirts. he took his dads clippers to his hair and gave himself a buzz cut so he would look more like phillip or danny or the rest of the guys he watched play basketball from the sidelines, changing himself little by little just waiting for the day that he looked the part enough that they would finally let him join in.
the day they finally did was the day he leaned into the masculinity hard. he started to mimic the aggression of his dad because to him that was how men were supposed to be. he picked fights and tried to prove himself every day. at home and at school he was still just a tomboy, but to random strangers in public he was “young man” and each time someone used a male identifier for him, it made it just a little bit easier to shake off the feeling that the long dress sitting in the back of his closet gave to him.
because the thing was, he didn’t dress the way he dressed or wear his hair the way he did because it made him feel right, he did it because it had him be perceived the way he wanted to be perceived.
when he finally put a name to everything at the age of eighteen, he went in full force. he left his home and started a new life with his new name and he threw out all the dresses and skirts because he was told by another trans man that it was very therapeutic.
but it wasn’t like that for him.
he sobbed when he set fire to the clothes.
but he brushed it off. he brushed it all off because he was a man.
he started hrt and slowly became very comfortable in his body and comfortable in the fact that he was really a man. every step in the process was an “I can do that?” kind of thing.
the day he learned he could still wear dresses and skirts and makeup and his hair long and still be a man was one of the most enlightening moments of his life since he first heard the word transgender. and he was finally in a position where he felt like he could because his voice was deep and he was more muscular and he had facial hair and him having long hair wouldn’t make someone automatically assume incorrectly anymore.
so little by little he changed things. he let his short cut grow out into long curly locks, he wore jewelry on his fingers and had his ears pierced. he doesn’t do much. he wears the hair in a mullet and keeps the rings more “masculine” and has only one ear pierced because “having both would be too feminine”.
but when steve comes into his life he becomes a dampener for all that noise in his head telling him to push away all those urges to buy that skirt he saw on display at the mall. and one day, despite everything telling him not to, despite worries over how steve might react, he does just that. while steve is searching for his size in a pair of jeans he casually moves over to the other side of the store where the short flowy black skirt was hanging prominently.
and steve doesn’t say one word about it. he doesn’t even make a face when billy adds it into the pile of clothes for purchase. he just hands over the cash and they continue on with their day.
what billy didn’t know, what billy wouldn’t find out until two days later when he finally got the courage to put the skirt on and show it off, was that steve was only trying to hide every bit of excitement while they were in that store.
because the skirt looked fantastic on him. not just in the way it showed off his legs and his ass, but he just looked ten times more confident and ten times more himself. billy was finally able to look in the mirror and not see a stranger looking back at himself.
showing max was almost more terrifying because unlike steve, she’d known him before. it was a lot harder for her to grasp onto the concept of having a brother and it was an unfortunately slow process of getting her to finally see him as a man, and he was worried that this addition might destroy all that progress.
but it doesn’t. she doesn’t ask him the questions he expects to hear.
instead she asks him if she can braid his hair.
and of course he says yes.
and she’s shit at it but still, he likes it. it might be messy and have pieces flying everywhere but it’s still a braid and the purpose of the act wasn’t superficial like that, it was her way of showing her that she supported him.
so he kept wearing the skirt. and they slowly added more and more to his closet and the denim and leather didn’t take over as much anymore.
and the best part. of course. was that especially easy access.
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d0llhousess · 4 years
unexpected sight
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⇢ pairing: Momoharu Hanazono x f!reader
⇢ requested?: yes
Anon Requested: Hope ur havin a great day.but um i was wondering if i can request momoharu peeping on the manger of the girls basketball team on accident.And whenever he see her all he thinks of is her in her bra and panties.Then he just snaps at her telling her to leave him alone but at the end he apologized.Also reader is a first yr and Madoka sister. But he never tell her that what he did. I feel like this is weird if it is just ignore it. This is also my first time requesting something.
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⇢ warnings/tags?: strong language, light nudity, light angst, slightly nsfw?
⇢ word count: approx. 2.2k
⇢ summary: Momoharu doesn’t make it a habit to peek in on others, yet somehow the one instance where his eyes land itself on an unknown peep hole, he is met with the bare vision of a friend, you. Now he doesn’t know how to even be in the same area as you. 
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⇢ a/n: listen, this gave me so many issues, and was a struggle to write because I’m so not comfortable writing Momoharu yet. I hope this is what you hoped for, Anon, and despite the issues, I did have a fun time writing it! I really do hope you enjoy and thank you for reading! Also I am so sorry for the wait!!
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⤆ Back to the Masterlist                     ~                crossposted on ao3  ⤇
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Momoharu has shit luck. 
Well, He believes he has shit luck, and with the way his life constantly plays out, why wouldn’t he? 
It just seems like with each complete turn the Earth makes, his luck just gets shitter and shitter, and today appeared to be the shittiest. Teachers seemed to be getting even more annoying, and his classmates were grating. 
Hell, by the time he made it to the boy’s locker room, a steady headache was surely starting to pound away at his last bit of patience. So, who could blame him for not thinking straight? 
He didn’t put the hole in the wall. 
Shit, he forgot that it was there, and that unfortunate failure of his brain caused him to place his eye right over the hole because, hey, what’s the worst that he could see?
Apparently the universe decided to, bless,curse him with the sight of a smooth, bare skin of a young woman’s stomach.
Of course, the hole was a clear gateway to the girls’ locker room. 
He should’ve reared back, snapped his eyes away from the small eye-sized hole and forget the smooth display of skin he’d just witnessed. Yet, he didn’t. He was frozen. Eyes non-blinking  as he watched the young woman tug a baggy gym shirt over her out of sight head, and then drop her regulated uniform skirt, exposing thighs that he was fucking sure would be soft to touch. 
With a bated breath, he watched as the girl stepped father away from the  unknown peak hole, her face slowly coming into his view and suddenly it felt as if someone sucker punched him right in the gut--because holy fuck that girl was you. 
You, the manager of the girls’ basketball team. 
You, the person that was the first to volunteer and help Nano out, even though he was sure you already had your hands tied with the girls’ team. 
You, a girl who somehow was a daily fixture of the boys team despite not formally being involved with any of them and who was also a year his junior. 
Momoharu damn near stopped breathing. 
His body finally reacted, eyes breaking away from the sight of you slightly  bending over to tug your gym shorts over your smooth, naked thighs as he retreated to the other side of the boys’ locker room, far from the offending peep hole. 
His heart was racing faster than it ever had during practice. Fuck, he was going to have to face you in just a few short minutes. How was he supposed to look you in the eye knowing he’d just seen you in an intimate, private moment.  Shit, how was he supposed to look at you without imaging your damn near perfect breast, and smooth thighs that his hands were practically shaking to grasp.
Plus, it wasn’t as if you weren’t attractive to him before. 
Hell, he had to hear from his brother damn near 24/7 about how they somehow managed not to get one cute girl to help out with the team, but two--and he somewhat agreed. You had sweet almost doll-like features, an insanely helpful and caring personality and apparently a damn near sinful body to match.
Momoharu let out a deep, heavy sigh. His eyes shutting for a brief moment before immediately blinking back open because all he could see in the forefront of his mind was you. Inhaling slowly, he turned to his locker and began to slowly prepare for practice, ignoring his teammates and friends‘ loud chatter as they slowly filled the club room. 
Once he was in the gym, he tried to ignore your light voice as you spoke to the girls on the other side of the gym. He tried to not let his gaze wander to your place on the sidelines as you timed the girl’s wind sprints. He definitely did not allow his mind to wander, his gaze to linger. 
One could even say he was flat out ignoring your existence. 
Even once the girls were done with their practice and you migrated to the boys half of the court, eagerly speaking to your sister and Nano, he did not acknowledge you. Instead he kept his focus on the task at hand and frankly, it didn’t seem like you noticed anything abnormal. 
Well, until you began to hand out water to each of the boys towards the final minutes of their practice.  
You approached Momoharu with a soft smile on your face as you offered the cold beverage to him, and the moment his eyes met yours, he almost choked on his spit. Simply because his brain was a fucking traitor and decided to flash that alluring scene from the locker room, the scene he was not supposed to be a witness to. 
Rather than accepting the cold beverage with his usual placid expression and small talk, he practically snatched the bottle from your hand and stalked out of the gym. He didn’t see the mixture of confusion and hurt on your face. No, he was too occupied with fleeting images of your body in a state of undress. 
He could feel a sense of guilt begin to make its way onto his traitorous mind. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking of you in this manner, to be allowing his mind to sullying the image of you with lewd thoughts about a moment you, yourself wasn’t even aware of. 
It was dirty, and a bit despicable. Well, at least to him it was. 
Yet he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Even after he’d gotten home, and attempted to close his eyes to rest, images of your curves fluttered to the forefront of his mind. His dreams were plagued with your soft, playful voice, beckoning him to run his hands over each curve and contour of your body. Fuck, his morning routine was even cursed with images of you bending over once you’d dropped that damned skirt. 
There was no way he could face you, not when his brain seemed set on imaging every scenario that involved you in a state of undress. 
So, he began to avoid you. 
It was a simple enough task. The pair of you were in two different years so it wasn’t as if you shared classes. Plus, you were busy with the girls’ team so it wasn’t like you were actively seeking him out often.  The only problem was when you helped Nano out. Then he had to brush away any interaction with you. 
If Nano asked him to take something to you, he’d ignore her, causing her to turn to another member of the basketball team. 
If you approached him with that damned soft (teasing his mind tried to convince him) smile, he’d immediately retreat the other way or all around escape to the boys’ locker room. 
Shit, even when you offered to help him improve his shooting by acting as a resident ball girl (fetching and catching the ball so he didn’t have to stop his shooting motion every time his shot didn’t go in), he snapped at you simply because he could not manage being alone with you for a lingering period of time without the safety net of the others around. 
He tried to not pay attention to the looks of hurt you sent him, to ignore the way your lips twisted into a pout every time he blew you off. It wasn’t like it was his mission to hurt you, he just needed to purge his mind of every impure thought that kept entering his mind at the mere sound of your voice. 
This went on for weeks, the two of you falling into such a tense and awkward dance that the people surrounding began to notice the unspoken tension in the air. 
It wasn’t until a rainy day when practice had been canceled due to an upcoming storm, and Momoharu approached the gym for some time to practice alone did he come to face the hurt he caused you. 
Pausing on the concrete steps to the gym, he hesitated as he heard your soft voice accompanied by the familiar sound of a basketball hit the waxed gym floors. Of course, Sora would be practicing and you and Nano were helping him. Stopping at the entrance of the gym, he caught a diagonal view of your face, a pout on your lips, arms crossed over your chest as you spoke to the blonde just out of his view. 
“Do you think I did something to him?” He heard you ask, voice riddled with confusion as your brows furrowed. It didn’t take a genius to guess who the two of you were discussing, and he felt a slight pang sting through his chest. 
“No,” He overheard Nano say, “Maybe he’s just going through something right now, ya know? It probably has nothing to do with you.” 
Momoharu watched as the pout on your lips twisted into a small frown, and from your expression he could tell you didn’t believe a word that’d escaped Nano’s mouth. You thought you’d actually done something to offend him. That you were the cause of his short answers, and avoidance. When to him that really wasn’t the case. You weren’t in the wrong, he was. 
Now, he felt even more like a piece of shit. 
He exhaled before stepping into the gym, both your head and Nano’s turning his direction once they heard the squeak of his sneakers against the waxed floors. 
“Yo,” He stuttered out in a greeting, as he watched the frown on your face deepen. He expected you to ignore him, because he’s been on the other side of a cold shoulder from a Yabuuchi before. Yet, you face his gaze head on, and returned his greeting. 
The gym was quiet beside the familiar sound of Sora bouncing the basketball down the court, and Momoharu let out  a tentative sigh. 
“Can we talk?” He questioned, watching as you tilted your head and narrowed your eyes as if you were trying to look for some sort of double meaning in his words. 
He was sure you would deny his request because of the way he treated you for the past few weeks, but you nodded, and even followed him back outside of the gym for some sort of privacy away from Sora and Nano. 
You didn’t speak, obviously waiting for him to say whatever he had to say, and Momoharu found himself at a loss. His hand came up to rub the back of his neck as his eyes avoided you, because fuck what was he supposed to say? 
That he’d been so short with you and avoiding you because he caught a full strip show of you in your underwear? That the reason he didn’t speak to you was because his dreams had been filled with your enticing form, and soft voice. That every time he laid his eyes on you, his mind was immediately sent back to him looking through a fucking peephole at your unsuspecting form? 
Fuck no, he couldn’t say that. 
He lets out another deep exhale, before looking back at you, “Sorry,” He manages to say without stammering, and a singular eyebrow raises on your face. 
“For?” You simply question, your gaze still hard and un-moving as your head tilted to face him fully. 
“Being shitty towards you, “ He responds, and he watches as you stare at him, feeling as if you were peeling back every layer of his tone and expression, like you were figuring out exactly why he’d been shitty towards you. Yet to his surprise, you just shrug, a small grin appearing on your lips. 
“Well it took you long enough,” You stated, head shaking slightly, “I thought you were going to stay in your little asshole funk forever.” 
Momoharu snorted, hands going into the pocket of his gym shorts, “Well I’m over it now,” He mumbled out, and your grin widened even more. 
“Good,” You say, a playful tilt to your voice, “Because a week more and I was gonna have Chiaki kick your ass for me.” 
 A chuckle escaped him, and he reached out to ruffle your hair before passing you into the gym. You follow, still informing him that even if you didn’t enlist his brother to help you, that you probably would’ve just beaten him up yourself, causing another chuckle to leave his lips as he walks in front of you. 
Sure his brain isn’t quite over seeing you in such a state of undress, but it was truly unfair of him to just ignore you because he decided to peak in on an unknown hole. 
He was just glad that you were understanding enough to not poke him for more information about his distance.
Yet, even with the now dissipated awkward tension gone, there was still something tense about the air surrounding the two of you, and Momoharu prayed to high heaven that you didn’t notice the heat behind his dark gaze from now on.
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Quiet In The Library 3
Request: Pretty please can you do a quiet in the library part 3 ?? 😁your writing is Top Notch I looovve the way you write roger! Congrats on 1000 followers you deserve them all!!! 💕💕 
Please can u write more about quiet in the library ? This is so fucking good I’m super fan 🥺 maybe reader can be a little cocky for once like teasing him at a show or something then Roger get his revenge visiting her again 🥰 if you don’t feel it that alright, I love ur writing anyway !!! (Probably one of the best at writing smut especially) 
Pairing: 70s!Roger Taylor x Reader
Warnings: SMUT (18+), dom!Rog, sub!Reader, public sex, library sex, spanking, unprotected sex, 
Words: 2777
A/N: Written as part of my 1000 follower celebration, I got 2 requests for this one! I’ve been meaning to do a QITL 3 for a while and actually planned to have dom!reader in it but that was before I felt comfortable writing dom!reader and I kept putting it off so maybe I’ll write a QITL 4 at some point 🤷‍♀️
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Taglist:  @laedymoon​​​​  @dtfrogertaylor​​​​   @ezmina98​​​​  @vee-ndetta​​​​ @atomic-watermelon​​​​ @kellypenac​​​​ @labessieisallama​​​​ @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr​​​​ @drowseoftaylor​​​​  @hannafuckingsucks​  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming​ @queenmylovely​
When Roger called and invited you to watch him play you were excited for two reasons. Number one, you genuinely enjoyed the music and watching the boys play was always a good time, especially now they’d found a slightly larger audience to play for. And, number two, you felt like you could get a little payback. You’d spent weeks of work unable to think of anything but the ways Roger had used you among the non-fiction shelves. There was a small stain on the carpet in the back row, a lingering souvenir from Roger’s last visit, and every time you saw it you were hit by a flurry of memories and the sudden need to get off. It was only fair for you to give him a taste of his own medicine and after all, this was essentially Roger’s workplace, unconventional is it was. So, with that in mind, you got ready in an outfit that could only be described as the complete opposite of your workwear. There was no room for knee length skirts or smart ponytails. Instead you opted for a short skirt and a plunging neckline. You let your hair down and did your makeup, anything to make Roger hot under the collar. 
They were still setting up when you arrived and headed backstage, but you caught Roger’s eye and blew him a kiss.   “Well look at you. Very different to last time I saw you,” he said as he came over and hugged you in greeting.   “Yes well, that’s what you get for visiting me at work. I told you that was the least sexy outfit I owned.”  “And what does that make this outfit?”  “Well I thought it was definitely one of my sexier options, wouldn’t you say?” you twirled a strand of hair around your finger as you spoke.  “I might go so far as to call it slutty.”  “Bit rude –”  “I said might!”  “But not completely incorrect.”  At that moment Brian walked over, “Rog c’mon we’re- oh Y/N! Hi,”  “Hey Bri,” you gave him a quick hug too, hoping Roger was looking at your short skirt riding up as you pushed yourself onto tiptoes.  “We were just discussing Y/N’s outfit. Seems out sweet little librarian is in the mood to pick up,”  “Thanks Bri for telling him about my job, by the way, so glad he knows now.”  Brian rubbed his neck sheepishly, “Sorry. I was drunk and it slipped out.”  “How’d you even find out? I never told anyone,”  “Saw you there a few months ago. Kept meaning to ask you about it but it always slipped my mind.”  “Yeah well, this one,” you jerked your thumb at Roger, “has been a right shit about it,”  “You love it,” Roger said with a grin, “anyway Bri, what’d you want?”  “Oh shit, yeah. We’ve gotta go get ready. Are you gonna be here after the show?”  “Course she will be. Unless she finds some poor bloke to take home,”  “I’ll be here, front row the whole time. Wouldn’t miss your show for the best lay in the world.”  “That’s cause the best lay’s up there playing,” Roger winked at you and then he and Brian disappeared behind a door leaving you to head out to the crowd and take your spot up front.  
It was useless to try and get Roger’s attention while he played. Between sitting at the back of the stage, his shithouse eyesight, and his complete focus on playing, there was no chance in hell he’d even be able to see you let. Instead you got yourself a drink and settled in to watch the show, chatting occasionally to a excited girl beside you. She’d snuck out for the night just to see them and maybe try to hit on Roger.  You looked her up and down, “Roger is very cute. Shame really,”  “What’s a shame?  “You haven’t heard? Roger’s already got a girlfriend. Hopelessly devoted to her apparently,” you sighed for dramatic effect, “I heard he’s been looking at rings and everything. Shame the rest of us can’t have a shot with him, but at least the other three are still single.”  “Oh,” she looked disappointed but you saw her eyes flick from John to Freddie to Brian and back again as if she were comparing her options, “Thanks for the heads up.” She turned back to the stage, her eyes now glued to the bassist. That was your competition taken care of, although there was bound to be more of them out there. 
As soon as the music stopped you made your way backstage again and latched onto Roger’s arm. For the rest of the night you were basically glued to him, making it very obvious you wanted him. You even went so far as to sit on his lap at one point, intentionally wriggling your arse against his crotch in an attempt to make him hard.  “Thought you wanted to score tonight?” he asked you while the others were distracted, “why’re you hanging round here?”  “Maybe I want something specific, something I don’t think just anyone could give me,”  “Alright love, I know what you’re doing,”  “Other than trying to get you alone?”  “This is a shitty attempt at payback, isn’t it?”  “I don’t know what you mean,” you hoped you didn’t sound too obvious.  “You made it so obvious,” he laughed.  “All I’m trying to do is get laid Rog. I have a late start tomorrow cause I’m on locking up duty and I thought I might have some fun,”  “You think you’re being clever but I’m on to you,”  “Ugh fine. I should have just let that slut from the crowd have you,”  “What slut?”  You waved your hand like you were shooing away a fly, “Just this chick I got talking to. She came here wanting to fuck you but I convinced her to go after Deaky instead. Told her you already had a girl.”  “Are you kidding?”  “Nope,” you laughed, “might have also told her you were looking to propose to your girlfriend.”  “Y/N! Christ you’re going to ruin my chances with every girl that comes to our shows. If that rumour spreads I swear to god.”  “Oh it’ll be fine. There’ll be plenty who don’t care how married you are.”  “Thats not the point! God you’re really in for it now.”  You rolled your eyes and stood up, “Well, I guess I’m gonna go home then since you’ve ruined my fun. I’ll see you next time, say bye to the others for me.” 
The next day work went without a hitch. There was no sign of Roger at all, although you were so busy all day he completely slipped your mind. It wasn’t until you were getting ready to lock up that you remembered his promise to get back at you. You moved to flip the sign on the door to CLOSED and managed to reach it just as Roger pushed it open.  “We’re closed Rog,”  “You talking the library or your legs?” he said as he barged inside.  You stepped out of his way, shutting the door behind him. As soon as you turned away from the door he had you pushed up against the wall, one hand beside your head so he was leaning into your personal space.  “Told you I was going to come back,”  “You did,”  “Was that what you were trying to get last night? Missed being a dirty slut for me and decided to get all dressed up to remind me you’ve got a cunt with my name on it?”  “No, I got all dressed up to try and fuck you in your workplace,”  “Didn’t turn out that way though.”  he dropped his other hand towards your thigh, “lift it up for me.”  Without thinking you grabbed your skirt and pulled it up.  Roger laughed, “I swear you get easier every time I come here. Undo those buttons I wanna see your tits.”  His fingers landed on your pussy and you hurried to do as he asked, letting your skirt fall over his wrist as you pulled each button loose until your shirt was open to your midriff, the bottom of it still tucked into your skirt.  “Good girl,” he said softly, moving both hands to your chest, pushing your shirt aside and teasing your nipples, “but being a slut for me now isn’t going to change last night. You need a lesson in who’s in charge here. Bend over your desk.”  You whined as he tugged your nipples before letting you go and pushing you towards your desk.  
You placed your palms flat on the desk, bent at the waist, and waited.  “No. Down,” he pressed on your back until you buckled, your chest pressed against the smooth surface as your moved your arms to hold onto the opposite edge. There was a rustle of fabric as Roger pushed your skirt up again, exposing your arse to the room.  “You’re already wet,” he didn’t sound surprised. He didn’t touch you, either. It was what you wanted most, just a light touch on your hip even, but he refused, instead running his fingers along the edge of the desk. Over the pamphlets about the Dewey Decimal System, tapping lightly against the jar your pens were standing in, until he came to rest on a book left there earlier. You weren’t sure what it was but it seemed to interest Roger. He picked it up, flipped through a few pages, examined the hard cover, tested how well he could hold it in one hand.   “Keep count,” was the only warning you got before he brought the book down against your arse.  “Shit, one,”  “Speak up. You’re closed remember, no one around to hear you except me.”  “Two,”  “Who’s in charge here?”  “You are Sir. Three,”  He kept spanking you with the book and you kept counting, the sting only getting worse with each one. You hissed through your teeth at a particularly hard smack, trying to remember which number you were up to when you heard a noise outside. A woman’s heels clicking against the concrete pavement.  “I thought you were closed,” Roger said softly, dropping his raised arm, the book falling to cover the bulge in his jeans.  “We are. Fuck Rog, hide,” you stood and tugged your shirt back into place, though there was no hope of getting all the buttons done up. Roger straightened the back of your skirt just as the door was pushed open and a woman wearing the same uniform as you stepped inside.  “Y/N, you’re still here?”  “Just finishing locking up, Kathy, what are you doing back?”  “Oh I just finished the groceries and realised I left my book here,”  “You mean this one?” you took the book from Roger, stepping in front of him in the hopes Kathy wouldn’t notice his dilemma, “I wondered who it belonged to. Lucky I didn’t chuck it in with the rest of the returns,”  “Y/N, who’s this?”  “I’m Roger,” he said sticking out his hand from behind you. You could have hit him as you tried to remember which hand he’d used to touch your pussy.   “He’s a friend of mine.”  “Was in the area and thought I’d off Y/N a lift home since it’s already dark out.”  “Well that’s nice of you,” Kathy’s eyes flicked from your unbuttoned and ruffled shirt to Roger, half standing behind you, to you flushed cheeks to the book she was holding, “At work Y/N? Kinky. Just don’t leave any stains or anything.”  “I don’t know what you mean Kathy,”  “Mmhmm, you can explain it to me tomorrow then, I’ll leave you to it.” She left with a last look at Roger and a chuckle.  
As soon as the door was shut behind her you turned around and slapped Roger’s shoulder, “you knob! Louder there's no one to hear but me,” your shitty imitation of his voice made Roger laugh, “almost got caught with my arse out.”  “Well at least you still had knickers on.”  “Gee thanks. Kathy totally knew what was going on though, and now she’s going to badger me for details and I’m going to have to make her swear not to tell anyone.”  “Geeze you’re secretive. So what if she knows?”  “So what? I don’t want my co-workers to know about my sex life thanks. Especially not about us having sex here. I hope your happy,”  “Not really. In case you didn’t realise I’ve got this boner that needs taking care of.”  “Even after nearly getting caught?”  “Love, nearly getting caught only made it harder.”  “Jesus,”  Roger laughed, “oh c’mon, don’t act like you weren’t turned on by it too. Remember when you gave me head and the person was on the other side of the shelves?”  “Vividly,”  “I bet you do. I bet you think about it while you finger yourself. Maybe think about that person coming round the shelf and watching while I fucked your throat,” he backed you up against the desk as he spoke, the edge of it pressing into your arse as he pressed his hard-on into your thigh.  You whimpered, unable to resist his demanding tone.   “You want me to fuck you?”  “Please,”  “Hop up on the desk for me. Gonna fuck you right here where you sit every day. Where your co-workers sit Where your boss sits.” His hands were on your waist as you wriggled back onto the desk, “I know how blushy and wet you get from being in the back rows where I’ve used you before. But those places are too easy to avoid. I want you to think about what I do to you from the moment you get to work to the moment you leave. I want my cock to be on your mind constantly. I want to be able to walk in here and know that you’re already wet for me.” Once more he pushed your skirt up, exposing you completely when he impatiently tugged your underwear off, “I want you to sit down in the morning and remember how good it feels,” he quickly undid his fly and pushed his pants down, “to be full,” he dragged his cock along your folds making your breath hitch, “of me.”  You let out a squeaky, “oh!” as he entered you, one hand slipping behind your back to hold you up as his other grabbed your leg. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hooked your ankle around him as best you could when he pulled back and sank into you again.   “Fuck,” you whined as he thrust into you again.  “Louder.”  You shook you head, trying not to moan.  “C’mon, I know you want to. It’s your one chance to be loud here, not going to waste it are you?”  “Rog,”  “Louder. Want you loud enough to draw a fucking crowd.”  You gave in, moaning wantonly as he fucked you harder.  “That’s it, let everyone hear what a whore you are,” he was panting, “rub your clit.”  Your breath hitched as you followed his direction and found your clit, circling it with your thumb. You could feel the pressure building, only strengthened as Roger leaned into your neck and began sucking at your skin. A string of moans and whined expletives tumbled from your lips and you weren’t sure you’d have been able to turn the volume down even if Roger had demanded it. All you could do was cry out as you hit your release. Roger continued to pound into you, half to keep your high going and half to reach his own. Even as your orgasm subsided, leaving you with a few lingering aftershocks and a heightened sensitivity, he kept going, his breath coming in rough pants. It took you whining his name for him to finally cum, biting down on your throat. 
“Jesus Rog,” you said softly when he finally let you hop off the desk, “what are you, a fucking vampire?”  “God could you imagine how hot I’d be?”  “Alright Dracula, calm down. Can you hand me those tissues over there?”  “How come?”  “So I can clean up the mess we’ve made,” you pointed at the desk where a small puddle of evidence remained.  “What do you have to do before you’re finished closing up?”  “Umm, make sure the windows are shut and back room is locked. Then I’ve just gotta get the lights and lock the front door. Tissues?” you impatiently stuck out your hand.  “You don’t need tissues because you’re going to lick it up like a good little slut. And then, if you’re lucky, I’ll take you back to mine and make you beg for more.” 
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evietheninja · 4 years
It’s on site, Bitch.
Side story to a fan fic my friends and I are writing. They wanted a fight, they got one lmao. 
New Message!
Pikachu 2.0: Yo, what do you guys think of this?
Evie glances down at her phone, reading the message out loud to the guys accompanying her in the living room. Attached to the message is a poster for an event happening tonight. "2000s night huh?" Kiri asks sitting on the couch. "Sounds MANLY!" He practically yells, excitement in his voice. "When was the last time we all went out anyway?" He asks, looking over at Bakugo and Evie who are sitting on the floor. "It's been some time, that's for sure." Evie says, closing the picture and typing out a reply.
Glowstick: Sounds like fun!
BigTittieGothGF: YESSS
Evie laughs as she looks over to the boys who are staring down at their screens as the messages come through. "What the fuck babe, you kicking us out?" Bakugo asks, a smirk across his face. "No, dumbass. I may be getting ready at someone elses place." She says looking back down at her phone.
PoisonIvyWHO?: Evie's?
BigTittieGothGF: YEah! Evie, you okay with that?
BakuBITCH: Really? We JUST got this fucking place and you're already kicking us out?
DaddyShark: That's not very manly of you guys.
Glowstick: Kiri.. We're not men..
Kiri laughs. "Why the fuck are you texting me that I'M RIGHT HERE." Evie and Bakugo laugh. "You fucking texted us instead of SAYING IT." She says, leaning on Bakugo as she laughed.
PoisonIvyWho: I'll be there in 20.
BigTittieGothGF: Too bad, Bakugo. We're already going. Get whatever ur wearing and GO TO DENKI'S
Pikachu2.0: Yeah... Cal already told me you guys were getting kicked. Sorry lmaoo
Bakugo rolls his eyes. "Well FUCK Kiri, I guess we're getting kicked out of our own place." He says, standing up. "Let's go pick what we're gonna wear and get out of here before the girls get here. I'm not trying to fight with Cal when she gets here, and lord knows Nina will tell me some shit and they're gonna piss me the hell off before the night even starts." Bakugo finishes, holding out a hand to help Evie up. She laughs, making a loud HUMPH as she gets up. "Babe, seriously suck it up stop being such a baby." She says, laughing.
"Shut the hell up, dumbass. I'll fight your ass too." He says, pulling her in for a kiss. "UGH GET A ROOOOOMMMMM" Kiri says, tossing a ketchup packet at them. "Oh my GOD Suki when did we adopt a CHILD?" Evie laughed pulling away from Bakugo. She picks the ketchup packet up and throws it back, casuing Kiri to swat at it. It hits the wall, splattering. "BRO WHAT THE FUCK" Bakugo yells, walking over to Kiri and grabbing him. "BRO SHE FUCKIN THREW AT ME WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?" Kiri yelled back, attempting to put Bakugo in a headlock.
Evie takes her phone and snaps a picture, sending it to the group chat.
Glowstick: Alright, who had two weeks?
Glowstick: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
BigTittieGothGF: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
Pikachu2.0: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
BigTittieGothGF: Here's Shota's piece.
BigTittieGothGF: *Paid PoisonIvyWHO? $20*
Pikachu2.0: You bet your ass you are. ;)
Glowstick: BROOOO
Evie laughed, watching the boys continue to wrestle. "Damn a little less clothing and I'd be questioning if I was just a cover up." She says, walking over to the hall towards her and Bakugo's room. Eventually, she heard the boys stop and she assumed one of them looked at their phone, because next thing she knew the boys were at the doorway, glaring at her.
"What?" Evie said, looking between the boys. "You fucking bet on us?" Bakugo says, his hands sparking lightly. "Hey, calm down. I wasn’t the ONLY one who bet. Even fucking Aizawa was in on it! You can't put that on me alone." She says, keeping her distance. "What were the lengths of time?" Kiri asks, genuinely curious. "Uh, Cal said 2 weeks, Ni said a week, Aizawa said an hour, Denki said 3 days." She says. "And YOU?" Bakugo asks. "Me? I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt and said a month. But nooooo." She says laughing. "ANYWAY. You two need to get the hell out.” She says, pushing the boys out of the room. “Wait, dumbass! I kind of need clothes to wear.” Bakugo says, pushing past her to get into the closet inside their room. Kiri laughs and walks over to his room to get some clothes to change into. 
Bakugo packed a WHOLE ASS BAG of clothes, a few shirts and a couple pairs of jeans because he wanted to make sure he looked really good. Kiri did just about the same, a whole backpack with clothes inside. What the fuck? Are they spending the night? Why the fuck. Evie laughed lightly as they made their way to the door. They may be men, but god DAMN they take forever to get ready. 
“Alright, we’ll be at Denki’s. Text me if you need anything.” Bakugo says, planting  quick peck on Evie’s lips before leaving. “:Yeah yeah, have fun I’ll let you know when we leave.” She says as she opens the door. “Wha- why the fuck are you guys taking backpacks? I thought you guys were going just to change not spend the week there.” Nina’s voice echos through the hall after seeing the boys. “FUUUCK I thought we’d be gone by the time you guys got here.” Bakugo complains, nodding at Cal and Nina as they enter the apartment. “Shut the hell up, boom boom boy.” Cal says walking past him. He tugs at her sprout on her head, causing her to yelp. “Stop it, asshole! i’ll get Frank on your ass.” She warns, rubbing her sprout as he lets go. 
“Who the fuck is Frank:?” He asks, Kirishima laughing next to him. “None of your business,  leave! You take any longer and we’ll be fucking late.” Nina says, closing the door as they walk in. “I thought we’d never get rid of them.” They joke as they smile and hug Evie. Cal jumps onto them, laughing and giggling as they regain themselves. 
The next hour and a half consists of the trio getting dressed, comparing outfits and making sure they looked really good for the night ahead. Cal is wearing a green lace bralette, with gloves to match. Shes got a tight black skirt, with thigh high stockings with guarders with heels. Her hair is down and tame, the black skirt and green top complimenting her every feature. Nina is wearing a black and white cheetah print tube top, with leather shorts, thigh high platform boots with her chains rearranged in a choker fashion, with a loop in the middle for an attachable leash, her mullet slick back. Evie is wearing a green long sleeve crop top that ties around her stomach, with a deep v cut, ripped skinny jeans and thigh high heel boots. Her hair is half up, the other half tamed beautifully to compliment the outfit. She puts on her favorite black choker with a silver heart in the middle. She only wears it when she wants Bakugo to replace it with his hand, which she was sure he would do later. 
The group looks at each others outfits, gushing on how ridiculously good they looked. After a very long photo shoot, the group locks up the apartment and heads out. They meet up at the club, excited to get the night started. They are (not surprisingly) the first  ones to make it. They stand around, waiting to hear from their significant other’s and Kirishima. Denki, Bakugo and Kirishima show up next, Denki walking up dressed from head to toe in black, a silver chain on his belt loops and black and silver jewelry complimenting his outfit. Kirishima has on red cargo shorts, a white t shirt on with a windbreaker jacket that says “Riot” in red letters on the back. Bakugo is in black jeans with an orange tee shirt, with orange converse to match and a black blazer. He, for once, slicked his hair back and hot DAMN he looked good to Evie. Cal and Evie couldn’t help but gawk over their men as Aizawa finally made his way to the group. Aizawa is dressed in a grey v neck t-shirt, skinny jeans, a loose fitting leather jacket with his scarf covering his neck as it always does. His hair is half up in a bun on the back of his head. He probably looks the most comfortable than every one in the group. 
They gather in their group, Denki pulling Cal closer as he looks her up and down. Bakugo smirks as he watches Evie approach him, eyeing her figure. “You... you are SO lucky we didn’t get ready at the same place.” He growls as he throws an arm over her. “We would’ve never made it to this damn club.” He finishes, hearing Denki and Kirishima laugh in agreement. “I wouldn’t have heard the end of it.” Kiri says under his breath. They laugh and enter the club.
After a few drinks, dedicating drinks to their accomplishments ranging from graduating college and getting their own places, to them just being happy they were all finally getting to hang out. Feeling the light buzz, Evie urges Bakugo to go out and dance with her. He complains, although in actuality, she knew he loved to dance with her, able to show the girl he was with. 
Cal and Denki were laughing and talking amongst themselves for a bit before finally heading out to the dance floor. Lets be honest, they were only a few drinks away from starting their dance battles, and everyone for once was ready for it. 
Aizawa and Nina stood close together, Nina dancing to the music while Aizawa watched, almost entranced by her movements. God, the way he looked at her, the way he undressed her with his eyes. Anyone who’d watched them grew jealous of the love they had for each other. Every so often, he would pull them in and says something that would physically cause Nina to shudder. It always entertained Evie. She’d always laugh watching the way just words would make Nina squirm. 
Evie looked up at Bakugo, urging him again. He laughed and nodded over to Kiri, inviting him to dance with them. Many people questioned the relationship they shared, were they all in some kind of relationship? Was it just as simple as Bakugo and Evie were just comfortable with Kiri? Pretty much. Nither Evie nor Bakugo saw Kiri in that way, and Kiri just really loved to dance. 
The trio makes their way to the dance floor as the music bumped through the speakers. Evie let the music take over, feeling Bakugo behind her, molding to her body with ease. Kiri does the same, only in front. Nina had stopped dancing for a sec to watch her friends dance, and smirked at the three. They knew Bakugo wouldn’t hold his composure long, and would claim Evie in about a song or two. 
The song Goodies bumped through the speakers, with it being Evie’s favorite song, she danced harder feeling the boys match her tempo. Every so often, because Bakugo couldn’t make his mind up about how comfortable he was with Evie facing either towards or away from him, he would turn her. She laughed, feeling the drinks work their way into her system, giving her a good feeling. 
The song Me&U begins to bump through the speakers. Evie starts to sing the lyrics, the front of her body facing Kiri. Kiri begins to sing as well, looking Evie in the eyes while doing so. Bakugo takes notice, and whips her around, glaring at Kiri from over Evie. She laughs, noticing Kiri pick up his hands in apology and decides that’s the time for him to go find another dance partner. Evie grabs Bakugo by his cheeks, forcing him to look at her as they grind. For a while, it feels like they’re the only two in the room. 
Sweat drips, their bodies bumping to the sound of the base. Evie smiles up at Bakugo and kisses him. Then, she jumps, feeling a cold, wet feeling run down her back. She whips around, seeing Ururaka looking her up and down smirking. “Oops, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” She says smugly in a monotone voice over the music. Ururaka then turns her attention to Bakugo, her smile turning sweet. “Hey, Kachan, how are you?” She says, taking a step closer to him almost pushing Evie out of the way. Evie looks to her left, seeing Nina already making their way to her with Cal close behind, a worried Denki behind them and Aizawa looking from the distance. “Don’t fucking call me that, one. And two we’re in the middle of something, so if you could, you know, fuck off that’d be great.” Bakugo says, bumping her shoulder and returning to Evie. 
“Oh, you’d rather be with that? HA, okay.” Ururaka says, scoffing as she looks at the couple. “Listen here you broke ass bit-” Cal starts, ready to lunge at her. Nina stops her for a second, looking Ururaka up and down before speaking. “Is there a problem?” they ask. “Oh, can’t fight your own fights?” Ururaka says, turning her attention back to Evie. “Oh, I can fucking fight alright.” Evie says, rolling up her sleeves and removing her earrings. “Hold these baby please.” She says, handing them to Bakugo who takes them and places them in his pocket, taking a step back to watch Evie do what she did best. “Oh you got the wrong bitch” Nina says, cracking their knuckles. 
Ururaka pushes Evie. She stumbles lightly, and recovers quickly. Ururaka looks at her in confusion. She’s...not floating. Evie looks over to a golden eyed, floating haired Aizawa, who’d activated his quirk, disabling Ururaka’s. Evie smirked, returning her attention to Ururaka who was already on the floor due to Nina using her chains to restrain her, and Cal straight out kicking her on the ground. She laughed, bending down as Cal got in another kick. No one around noticed, nor cared about what was happening to Ururaka. 
“Oh honey, you should’ve known better.” Evie says in the sweetest way possible as she stands and gets her kick in. Nina unrestrains her and they step over her, turning to return to Aizawa when Ururaka gets up, grabs Nina by the shoulder and throws a punch. Before the punch even makes contact, Cal jumps on her, throwing punches as Ururaka turns her attention to her. Somehow, she manages to get a hold of Cal’s sprout on her head, making her even more mad. Evie grabs Ururaka by the hair, pulling her off of Cal and punching her a couple times before Bakugo steps in. He grabs Evie, stopping her from injuring her anymore. “It’s not worth it, babe.” He says, attempting to calm her down. 
“She isnt worth it!” Ururaka screams, getting up because this girl STILL hadn't had enough. Nina uses her chains to grab Ururaka, throwing her to the ground and planting a platformed boot on her chest. They lean in real close, speaking loud enough for her to hear. “Listen here, bitch. YOU, are a piece of shit, and if we EVER see you trying it again, it’s on site.” They say before getting up. Cal walks up, kicking her down as she tries to sit up. “Oh, the 99 cent store called, they want their dress back.” Cal says, spitting on her before leaving as well. Evie calms herself enough for Bakugo to let her go, and they turn back once more before laughing and walking off. 
Before any kind of authorities are called, the group leaves the club, making their way to their favorite after club place, a 24/7 boba tea place just down the street from the club, They order drinks, and all make another toast to a great night. “I’ve really been wanting to do that shit since the situation.” Cal says, beaming. “Same” Nina says, clinking cups and laughing. Bakugo walks over to the table, with drinks in one hand and his phone in the other. The fact they’d forgotten Kiri was fucking hilarious to him. Kiri slams through the door, asking about what’d happened. He was SO upset he’d missed it. 
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ladynestaarcheron · 5 years
hello! so this is a mostly-nessian fic, ah, au, set in modern times, told via text and group chats. available here on ao3 as well. enjoy:)
Feyre Archeron to The She Musketeers: So you’re both coming to dinner this Saturday night?
Elain Archeron: Yes! Can’t wait!
Nesta Archeron: Yes
Feyre: Great So I’ll send you the address but you still have to call me when you get there because getting into Rhys’ apartment is kind of a hassle
Elain: What should we wear?
Feyre: Oh I know it sounds fancy but we’re totally casual
Nesta: Elain, when did you choose this God-awful group name?
Elain: ?? what’s wrong with it?
Feyre: I like the new group name
Nesta: Did you even read The Three Musketeers?
Elain: I saw the mickey mouse one
Feyre: I saw the barbie one
Nesta: Why does it have to say she instead of three?
Nesta: There was a Barbie one?
Elain: so that we know we’re girls
Feyre: Yeah barbie and the three musketeers
Elain: or any she/her individuals
Nesta: If Barbie doesn’t need to specify she then why do you?
Elain changed the group name to Three/3/III/...--
Feyre: Since when do you know morse?
Nesta: Elain, for God’s sake
Nesta Archeron to Little Feyre: So is Barbie a part of the three? Because it’s not exactly clear from the title.
Rhysand Setareh to Cass and the Machine: which one of you stole my good jacket?
Cassian Razmande: u have no good jackets
Azriel Sayeh: Cassian did.
Cassian: all ur jackets are lame
Cassian: wow, traitor much??
Azriel: I think he left it at Mor’s.
Rhys: cool, thanks
Rhys: thanks @Az I mean
Rhys: if it wasn’t clear I was not thanking you for stealing my best jacket
Cassian: so i think this is a betrayal on two accounts, one thinking i would steal a lame jacket and two ratting me out
Rhys: why’d you even take it? you only ever wear your leather one anyway
Cassian: i d i d n o t t a k e y o u r s t u p i d j a c k e t
Azriel: He had a date with a woman named Charlotte Reddon. She’s a senior actuary for Helion at Day’s Savings.
Rhys: wow, really?
Cassian: honestly the idea that i would ever date anyone who works in insurance counts as betrayal number 3
Cassian: no!!!
Cassian Razmande  to Razzmatazz: how did you find out??? she literally just made senior actuary this week??
Azriel to Cass and the Machine: [Screenshot image]
Cassian: WOW
Rhys: well congrats to Charlotte!!!!!
Cassian changed the group name to Cass and Rhys and Traitor Joes
Azriel changed the group name to Cass and Rhys and Traitor Joe
Azriel: It’s only Joe’s if you mean to assign ownership to the establishment.
Cassian has removed Azriel from the group chat.
Rhys: so, how did it go??
Cassian: Not Well Thanks For Asking
Rhys: ah, well. you just need to get out more.
Cassian: i go out all the time?
Rhys: i mean like... go out and talk to someone who is not me or az or mor or amren or Feyre
Cassian: whyd you only capitalize her name?
Rhys: she deserves it :)
Cassian has removed Rhys from the group chat.
Feyre Archeron to Rhys <3: Seating arrangements are too much comma right question mark
Feyre: Not like that exclamation point
Feyre: Oh my God I hate this text to talk
Feyre: I give up!!!!
Rhysand Setareh to Darling Feyre My Love and Life<3<3<3: bit early for a break down, i think.
Feyre: It’s never too early for a break down
Feyre: Seating arrangements question mark
Feyre: I mean seating arrangements punctuation question mark
Feyre: J E S U S
Rhys: don’t hurt yourself
Feyre: Too late already walked into a pole
Rhys: what??? are you okay???
Feyre: Fine just tell me what you think about seating arrangements
Rhys: unnecessary
Rhys: we’ll just tell everyone where to sit ahead of time and your sisters won’t have to decide where to sit
Feyre: But I don’t know where they should sit!
Feyre: Oh that’s how you do it!
Feyre: Reece I got it to work!
Feyre: Oh it’s got your name wrong
Rhys: i really think you’re overreacting
Feyre: Can I like register your name?
Rhys: i’ll do it when you get home
Rhys: also don’t worry about it. you’re sitting next to me and your sisters will be across from us and the other will fill in the spots
Rhys: oh we should keep cass and amren away from elain
Feyre: Yeah, but we need to keep Cassian away from Nesta, too.
Rhys: i think nesta can handle herself
Feyre: Cassian can’t.
Nesta Archeron to Little Feyre: Okay we’re outside
Feyre Archeron to Nesta, PhD: Okay, the doorlady’s name is Nuala, tell her you’re coming to see us
Nesta: There’s no one here named Nuala?
Feyre: Maybe her twin Cerridwen?
Nesta: You have twin doorladies?
Feyre: It’s really not as weird as you think it is
Morrigan Liolle to Fey: Survived the night?
Feyre Archeron to Mor: no
Feyre: Nesta’s never speaking to me again, I think.
Mor: She’ll come around. How’s Elain?
Feyre: Pretending like nothing happened which is good I guess?
Mor: How is that good?
Feyre: Well, she and I are still on for Saturday night.
Mor: Huh. Well, that is good.
Morrigan Lilolle to Idiot: You owe Nesta Archeron a new shirt
Mor: And skirt
Mor: And shoes
Cassian Razmande to Mor: i’ll thank you not to tell me how to dress nesta, thanks very much
Mor: You didn’t say anything in that vein to her, did you??????
Mor: Cassian answer me
Mor: Cassian
Mor: C a s s i a n
Mor: I guess I never did sit you down and teach you how to talk to women.
Morrigan Liolle to Rhys: We may be in need of some damage control.
Rhysand Setareh to Mor: but Feyre and elain are still on for saturday?
Rhys: and i don’t think she’s mad at Feyre?
Rhys: oh
Rhysand Setareh to Cass: What Did You Do Now.
Cassian Razmande to Rhys’s Pieces: nothing????
Rhys: to NESTA
Cassian: oh
Cassian: what do you care?
Rhys: if you have fucked this up for Feyre even more is2g
Cassian: i haven’t!!!!!!!!!
Azriel Sayeh to Cassian: Did you try and come on to Nesta after ruining dinner last night?
Cassian Razmande to Mor: what are you OBSESSED with getting me in trouble??????????????
Amren to No Drunk Strip Karaoke Allowed At The Penthouse: @Cassian Razmande, why don’t you clear up exactly what you said to Nesta Archeron?
Feyre Archeron: Yes I’d be thrilled to hear
Rhysand Setareh: i think we all would be
Cassian Razmande: jesus
Cassian: well since her clothes got all messed up at dinner
Cassian: as i was gallantly walking her out
Morrigan Liolle: you messed up all her clothes at dinner
Azriel Sayeh: You locked her out.
Cassian: i offered to buy her some new clothes and wash the ones she had on
Azriel: Jesus, Cassian.
Mor: g o d feyre i’m sorry
Cassian: what is so bad about that??????
Amren: Cassian. Do you think we’re all convinced you offered to reimburse Nesta for her troubles and drop off her outfit at the dry cleaner’s?
Feyre: she said it was the worst way she’s ever been asked out on a date
Cassian Razmande to Feyr Bear: she said it was a date?
Cassian: because she sorta said yes.
Cassian Razmande to Nesta;)PhD;): so i hear you’re spreading rumors about us? ;)
Nesta Archeron to Cassian Feyre’s New Idiot Friend: Who is this?
Cassian: aww don’t be like that;)
Cassian: come on nes;)
Nesta: Don’t call me Nes, you ass.
Cassian: so you do have my number;)
Nesta: What the hell is up with all the winking emoticons?
Cassian: i heard you got a little worked up after yesterday
Nesta: Oh, you mean when you poured dinner all over me?
Nesta: Or before that, when you insulted my career?
Nesta: Or after that, when you locked me outside?
Cassian: no after that
Cassian: when we made plans for our date
Nesta Archeron to Little Feyre: I don’t know where you find your strays, Feyre, but you keep them out of my life.
[One call from Feyre Archeron to Nesta, PhD]
[One call from Feyre Archeron to Rhys<3]
[One call from Rhysand Setareh to Cass]
Cassian Razmande to Nesta;)PhD;): so i’ve just been informed that you did not actually agree to come along with me on a clothes-shopping date.
Nesta Archeron to Cassian Feyre’s New Idiot Friend: Oh do you think?
Cassian: in my defense your sarcasm is too subtle
Nesta: Sarcasm is only worth it if it’s subtle
Cassian: we can debate the merits of too-subtle and overtness over breakfast after tonight
Cassian: DON’T call feyre to tell on me to rhys again that was a joke
Cassian: but dinner?
Nesta Archeron to Ellie: I don’t like Feyre’s new friends. Do you?
Elain Archeron to Nesta My Big Sister<3: i think i liked them
Nesta: You think you liked them? What does that mean?
Elain: well i got the feeling they were performing
Nesta: Oh, you think that was them trying more than usual?
Elain: come on it wasn’t so bad
Nesta: You left dry
Elain: did cassian ask you out for real?
Elain Archeron to Feyre My Little Sister<3: :)
Feyre Archeron to Ellie<3: ....yes???
Elain: nesta’s got a crush:)
Feyre: Oh?
Elain: she can’t stop thinking about him:)
Feyre: In fairness that could be her spitting rage
Elain: no one in this family understands love.
Cassian Razmande to Feyr Bear: look, am i taking your sister on a date or not?
Feyre Archeron to Cass: ???????? Idk?????????
Feyre: Are you????????
Cassian: like. i don’t know. that’s why i’m asking you
Cassian: i have asked repeatedly and i believe she has said yes but someone is planting seeds of doubt in my mind
Feyre: Is someone Nesta or Rhys?
Feyre: Because if it’s Nesta I think it’s safe to say you’re not actually going out
Amren to Nesta Archeron: Just put the boy out of his misery.
Nesta Archeron: Sorry, who is this?
Amren: Amren. We met at dinner the other night.
Nesta: Oh, Feyre’s friend.
Amren: From dinner. Anyway, he’s an idiot, sure, but torturing lesser beings is still generally frowned upon.
Nesta: How am I torturing him, exactly?
Amren: Just let him know if you’re going out or not.
Nesta Archeron to Little Feyre: [Message deleted]
Nesta Archeron to Ellie: [Message deleted]
Nesta Archeron to Amren: What do you think I should do?
Amren to Nesta Archeron: Regarding?
Nesta: You know
Nesta: Him
Nesta: Cassian
Amren: Trust your instincts, girl.
Nesta Archeron to Cassian Feyre’s New Idiot Friend: It really was the worst date-proposal I’ve ever received
Cassian Razmande to Nesta;)PhD;): was it really???
Cassian: at least i offered to pay
Nesta: It is 100% the initiating party’s responsibility to pay for the date
Cassian: is that your professional legal opinion?
Nesta: It is
Nesta: So hypothetically, Tuesday lunch would be on me
Nesta: If you were free
Nesta: And I were asking you out
Cassian: hypothetically i would be free for that
Cassian: well, dr. archeron?
Cassian: are you asking me out?
Nesta: Yes.
Cassian: then i’ll see you tuesday
Cassian: ;)
Cassian: see? the winking emoticons are necessary. look how un-into our date i look without it
Cassian: v v much into our date btw
Nesta: Quit while you’re ahead
Cassian: if those are the doctor’s orders:)
Cassian: what’s your stance on regular smilies?
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bakugohoex · 3 years
"When he put the what in where" but shinso, please 😩❤❤ ur writing is 😤👏👏👌
“you guys did it where?”
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pairing: hitoshi shinso x female reader
cw: fluff, slight NSFW, kissing
word count: 2100+
a/n: thank you so much for the support i really enjoyed writing shinso so if you guys have any other requests for him send them in
summary: in which your in a secret relationship with shinso until at his party celebrating his first day in the hero course he can’t keep his hands off of you
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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His lips left open mouthed kisses on your neck, his hands travelling up and down your waist kneading the skin as you let out small moans. He bit and sucked at your neck as you wanted to feel more of him.
You had only come to his room to see how he had thought his first day in class 1A had felt, you had already been in that class and had been secretly dating Shinso. What led to you asking if he liked the class had made him tower over you pushing you onto his new room.
His body on top of your own feeling his heavy hungry breath pleading for more, “They’re decent, I did meet them at the sports festival y’know.”
He spoke as he let go of your neck, still touching your sides as soon as he stopped talking his lips attached to your own, to stop you from speaking. His tongue in your mouth moving with your own, he let out a moan himself, taking your shirt off as he smirked watching as your boobs laid perfectly in the purple bra he had bought you. It cupped your chest perfectly as his mouth travelled towards your chest.
“I just want you to like them.” You giggle feeling his lips on your now exposed chest.
“I have you kitten, that’s all I need.” You let out another chuckle, your hands wrapping around his wet purple locks, him sucking at the skin on your chest before both hearing your phones go off.
He got up leaving you high and dry as you whimpered to feel his touch, he sat on his bed as you wrapped your arms around his body, trying to tug his shirt off as well. He showed you the message that had been sent to the group chat that he had now been added too.
‘Shinso we’re having a celebration for your first day in class 1A, it’ll start at 6.’ Is all Iida said in the text, laughing at your now horny boyfriend, who would rather celebrate with you alone instead.
“Guess we’ll have to reschedule for tonight.” You mutter standing up and picking up the bra that was on the floor, it was already half five and you wanted to look at least decent for the celebration.
“Can’t we have a quickie?” He questioned.
You raised an eyebrow as he remained seated on his bed, you moved towards him just in your bra and UA skirt from not having changed yet. Your legs in between his own as his face was in direct contact with your stomach, “I wanna look nice for you.”
He rolled his hands gripping your waist so you couldn’t move, “you always look nice though.” His eyes looked solemn and tired but still when he looked at you he saw love and happiness.
You both countered each other perfectly and so nobody had ever expected you to be dating. When Aizawa had introduced the class to him and he sat in front of you, he turned around smiling at you as you shook your head in a laugh. The class coming up to say hi to him so that some sorts of friendships could occur with him, he replied with his bored appearance, remembering their first encounter where he called them ‘egomaniacs’.
You had made him apologise for including you in the group but even then his sour look prevailed, he hadn’t thought of making any more friends than the ones he had, but even then you were all he really needed.
“Ugh okay but if you don’t wear my favourite stuff on you then we’re leaving early.” You chuckle as you put your shirt back on, he opens the door for you as you give him a small kiss before leaving his room up to yours.
On the way to the elevator you spot Ururaka coming out of her own room, “Hey, you haven’t changed yet, did you see the group chat?” She questions wearing a skirt and long-sleeved green shirt.
“Yeah I saw, I’m about to get ready now actually.” You pause thinking, “before you go what do you think of Shinso”
“Oh, I like his quirk, he seems a bit a cold though, hopefully the party will make him warm up to us.” You nod as you agree, Shinso needed to try and make friends he couldn’t spend the next three years just with you.
You went up to your room, quickly putting on a skirt with a purple long sleeved shirt as you put some make up on to hide the marks Shinso had previously left scattered along your neck. You made sure to check that you had worn Shinso’s favourite lingerie set, the V neck of your shirt allowed the bra to be visible but just hidden so it would make Shinso somewhat happier.
You stepped out of your room walking towards your elevator, Bakugo grumbly waiting inside, “don’t be a baby Bakugo.” You laugh as you see him complaining.
“I could be sleeping soon.” Is all he mutters.
“It’s only 6, you still have two hours, let loose Bakugo.”
He glares as you give a chuckle, “shut up extra.”
You cross your arms looking at him, “You’re soo angry just have some fun, for Shinso and the rest of the class.”
He leans against the wall as he had probably been made to wear the button up maroon shirt and black jeans, “Why should I care about brainwashing boy? He’s just another person to crush to get to the top.”
You hit his arm as he looks at you wide eyed, “Don’t be mean, be nice.”
The elevator doors opened as you and Bakugo continued to torment each other, “just because you and purple hair are dating doesn’t mean I have to be nice.”
You stop in your tracks grabbing his arm, “W…What?”
“Y/n I have seen purple hair go to your balcony at night, I do sleep next door.”
You face begins to flush red as you give an embarrassed look, “Please don’t tell anybody?”
“Yeah, Yeah I could care less about your relationships.” You both continue to walk your face still bright pink as Bakugo scoffed at your embarrassment.
The class was already there with Shinso next to Momo who was explaining what everybody’s quirks were, “This is Bakugo and Y/n, he blows stuff up with the sweat and she’s able to (insert any quirk you want), late per usual you two.”
“They were probably making out.” Your eyes go wide at Mineta’s comment.
You glare as Shinso gives a glare to Bakugo, “Grape boy I’m going to kill you.” You turn to the rest of the class, “Bakugo was complaining about not wanting to be here.”
You go over to Shinso as he stood up to meet you half way, “let’s get some food.”
You both walked towards the kitchen separating you from everybody, “Bakugo?”
“He knows we’re dating.” Shinso gives a silent glare as you sit on the counter top, he stood in between your legs as nobody had noticed the top of you. “He said he wouldn’t tell anyone though.”
You swing your legs as Shinso grabs your exposed thighs, he had worn some jeans and a purple button up, matching your outfit in a way, “you’re wearing my favourite set?” He notices your bra peeking through your shirt and your skirt had ridden up your thigh to see the visible underwear underneath.
“I said I would baby.”
“Such a good girl for me aren’t you, kitten.” You let out a soft moan as he rubbed your thigh with his finger, leaving a purple bruise as he did so.
“Where did Shinso go?” You hear Iida say as he removed his hands off your thighs and moved away from between your legs.
Iida came running in seeing you both talking, “There you both are, Sato made a cake for you.” He left as swiftly as he came as Shinso held your hand as you jumped off the counter.
“It’s no fair for you to be that tall.” You pout as he ruffles your hair laughing at your small frame against his own.
“There you two are, is Y/n making friends.” Mina laughs out as you stick your tongue out playfully.
“The cake looks amazing Sato.” You compliment him as Shinso goes to see it,
“Thank you.” Is all he says as you give a smile, he was trying at least, “Thank you all for this whole thing.”
He would never admit it but he was having fun, even talking to Denki and Izuku, you had seen Mineta trying to get a view from the girls skirts, as you rolled your eyes about to kick him so he could hopefully go away forever. Shinso had spotted you standing up as he excused himself knowing what you were about to do.
“Let me handle this, Kitten.” He softly whispers in your ear as he went up to Mineta who had tried to look up Momo’s skirt. She was about to kill him herself.
“What you doing?” Shinso said it quiet enough for Mineta to question him.
“Huh, what did you say?” As soon as Mineta spoke, Shinso’s quirk activated you crossed your arms rolling your eyes at how easily it was for Shinso’s quirk to work.
“Go to bed.” Is all he muttered as you and Momo watched as Mineta started walking away.
Momo and you smiled at the indigo haired boy, Momo patting his back for helping as you smiled at him, “look at you helping us out.”
“I didn’t want the perve anywhere near you, kitten.” You smiled softly as he came to your ear, “Let’s go find somewhere private.”
You knew he didn’t want to leave the party entirely but still wanted to be alone with you, you grabbed his sleeve taking him into one of the storage cupboards, his hands instantly attached to your own.
“Your so needy, kitten.” He laughs as you start to unbutton his shirt, his hands already having taken yours off leaving you in his favourite bra of yours.
“I want you.” Is all you could say through the kiss his body pushing you onto the door as his own pressed against your exposed skin, his shirt finally coming off as your hands circled his chest an abdomen.
“You’re so pretty.” He whispers again making soft moans come from your mouth as his hands cupped your breasts, massaging it as instant pleasure went through you.
Whilst you and Shinso had been making out, Kirishima had knocked into Jirio making her spill her drink, Kirishima offering to help wipe the floor went into the storage cupboard which was currently pre occupied with you two.
He walked towards the door, hearing soft muffles, ignoring it as he opened the door. As soon as the door opened, your back was no longer leaning against it, Shinso grabbed you quickly to stop you from falling as you had both fallen out.
Kirishima giving a shriek as he hadn’t thought you two were in there, the whole class ended up coming to see the commotion, instead seeing a shirtless Shinso and you trying to find your shirt. “Guess your secrets exposed Y/n” Bakugo laughed as he leant against the door.
“I fucking hate you.” You mutter as you hand Shinso his shirt, both your hairs dishevelled, and the marks scattered along your neck more visible now. “It’s not what it looks like.”
“You two weren’t about to fuck in the cupboard.” Todoroki spoke trying not to laugh at the embarrassing face you held.
Shinso gave a small chuckle as you looked down, “that was exactly what was happening.”
You hit him stomach as you glared at him, “I thought some of you were smart enough to have seen the signs.” Bakugo paused as he looked at your reddened face, “they’ve even fucked in our showers.”
Your face fell as your eyes widened, “you guys did it where?”
“You heard that.” You whisper to Bakugo.
Bakugo grinned at seeing his friend blushing as he rolled his eyes, “Y/n you should’ve told us about you and Shinso dating.” Ururaka said as you looked down.
“You guys know now at least.” You look up as you look at their faces.
“Yeah, yeah now you have to tell us everything.” Mina grabbed your hand as she made you come with her and the girls, the celebrations continuing.
Shinso smiled watching you as he talked to Izuku and Kirishima about something, you stuck your tongue out at Bakugo who was talking to Denki, still pissed off that Bakugo exposed you both. But at least now you didn’t need to hide your relationship and as Shinso looked at you all he saw was law and affection. Even with the friends he was making you would always be the first person he loved and cared about in Class 1A.
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If you guys want to be a part of a tag list, just reply to any post and I’ll add you xx
@samusimp @alaina-rose13
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9uk · 5 years
Let Me Stay Close To You : part 6
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⌲ summary : you were finally free from the worst nightmare of your life in high school. the doors of college welcomed you with open arms, you were set on living your best life in here, away from the toxicity back at home. that shimmer of hope in restoring your life, was somehow effortlessly crushed by a tap on your shoulder. “Hey Y/N, why don’t you say we catch up for a moment?”
⌲ pairing : bully!jungkook x reader
⌲ word count : 5.6k
⌲ genre: angst
⌲ warnings : mentions of abuse, snakes
⌲ a/n : i’m so so sorry this is unedited and written at 4 am & i just wanna thank you guys for waiting and please give me all the feedback i need to improve so bad. idk sometimes i think my writing is little draggy but it is lacking lots of info as well, or maybe i don’t like to read long descriptions or something idk lol just tell me ur opinion.
part five >  part six  > epilogue
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It is a feeling long gone but never forgotten.
It must be the most cruel joke of the year—Jeon Jungkook in the arms of Y/N.
He feels breathless, like the infinite darkness has consumed all the oxygen in his lungs, sucking every last bit of him out of his body like the blackhole. He hated it. He absolutely detested it.
The dark. It was something that reminded him of the times he hid in the corner of his bedroom, praying with bleeding lips —that he had bitten down onto so hard out of fear—and trembling hands, as he awaited the lashing he was going to receive. 
He started to think that it was happening on a daily basis now, how at any point in time at night he father would bust into the room with a cane, his dark figure looming by his door and Jungkook would shudder away as the tears involuntarily slip from his eyes.
 At 3 am, he would sit by his window and watch the moon with much resentment, silently as he sinks into the abyss of the night. 
The deep cuts and harsh bruises on his body was painful. But nothing could compare to the betrayal he felt when he sees his mother happily chatting over tea with a friend—all this while, when he was locked up in a random room—almost getting beaten to death with a thick rod away in the late hours of the night.
Jungkook doesn’t care if he gets caught loitering in the open hallway like that, he had nothing to lose and was ready to risk it all if he was granted just one look of his loving mother. 
He missed her a lot. 
The quiet times he spent in the suffocating room made him think about how much he took her love for granted.
 Was love supposed to be earned? 
He didn’t know that love—something he thought was the warm embrace of his birth giver, the extra marshmallows she would pop into his hot chocolate, the peonies she picked and tucked into his hair, the voice as smooth as silk aiding him into a deep slumber—would too, consist of a unimaginable amount of lies after lies, betrayal at its finest, and the revelation of the ugly side of it all. 
Her eyes fall onto his frail figure, one that has been tortured physically to a point of plain damage.
He was a hundred percent sure it was his mom—from the way she habitually blinks with her right eye a couple of times between normal blinks, from the way her fingers wrap around the entire teacup rather than the mini handle. Yet, instead of her eyes widening and growing with worry for her child being abused beyond the line of humanity—she furrows her brow, and her gaze turns into a glare, one he always faced when he picks on his vegetables, and she storms to him, grabbing him by the sleeve of his shirt, dragging him back to the room where he’d belonged.
She aggressively shoved at his shoulder, “You’d better dare not come out of here again. If father sees you, I don’t know what he will do to you. And I won’t be able to help you.” She wipes at her skirt, as if she had just laid her hands on a piece of garbage.
“Mommy!” He can’t help but cry out at her entire change in attitude towards him,
before her face contorts in disgust, slamming the wooden door in his face followed by a locking noise at the keyhole.
Jungkook refuses to believe what had just happened, so he screams as loud as he could, not caring about how piercing the shrills of his voice were—hoping that she would hear his expression of his misery through the seperation and feel at least a tinge of pity for him.
 He sucks in a deep breath, tears successfully rolling down his face a waterfall, and he screams even louder if that was possible—he wants her to have his yells of plea engraved in the back of her head, appearing every so often to haunt her in her sleep and taint her with guilt. He wants his mother to snap back to her old self, the one who would be carefully placing bandaids over the tears on his skin.
Unfortunately, her footsteps fades into the distance, and she returns to teatime with her acquaintance, shredding all of her last bit of conscience for her son.
A piece of garbage he was.
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Freedom shined like a butterfly crawling out if its cocoon bathing in fresh sunlight for the very first time. 
Jungkook was released from his room like a convict when the grim news of the passing of his brother arrived to the household. He wasn’t even allowed to attend his biological brother’s funeral, like he was a bad omen or something of the sort.
During this period of time, he was frequently left alone in his room with his usual three meals and toys he grew bored of. The monster didn’t visit at night, for the grieving over his brother was too much to bear apparently. It gave him enough time for his injuries to heal, a skin forming over them barely covering anything except to provide protection against infections honestly.
However, after a several days pass the door unlocks and he trembles in pure terror. Was this his fate?
That there would be no end to the treatment his own family gave him, that he would have to spend all his birthdays along with his Ironman plushie as he sang himself to being an age older.
He prayed, for it was all he could do.
To his surprise, he never knew the bedroom door opening this time, was to a whole new world for him. Jungkook begin going to school, being able to eat meals at the main dining table, put his foot up on the couch if he wished, enjoy hot showers and roam freely—even out of the estate.
A unfamiliar yet eye-opening concept of life.
He wasn’t complaining.
His father remained cold as ice towards him and he couldn’t bother much about his mother, after seeing the way she left him to drown on his own in a pool of misery and despair. He was no longer desperate for parental love or attention, they ignored him but kept him in check when needed and he enjoyed life more than he could have ever imagined.
‘Study hard’ and ‘Take over the company’ were two phrases he heard a lot coming from both freaks and he just did as told, knowing how his grades would get him whatever he wanted now.
He didn’t even have to ask, and the poshest car or the latest limited edition pair of shoes would arrive at his doorstep. 
His life seemed almost perfect now, except that he still hasn’t learnt how to sleep with the lights off. 
And that is because he simply can’t. The absence of light would bring him back to those days where he tossed and turned with nightmares swirling in his mind, worries overtaking his pounding heart and his father showing up with a potential weapon in hand. 
He doesn’t see his father often, assuming he is coped up at the office with work and his mother still endlessly mourning over the loss of his brother, finger tracing over his smiling features in his middle school portrait. The boy was long gone but never erased from his mother’s heart.
 While he was at the brink of death and she did not even bat an eye.
 He was smart—he just had to be obedient and he would get whatever he wanted, no more bad treatments anymore—he was now treated like a king. Sometimes he thinks that he owes his life to his brother. 
It was like a sacrifice made to save him from his predicament.
A really, depressing and tragic sacrifice.
One that switched the initial plan of the Jeon Family and their business—one that his parents decided to use and groom Jungkook to become the heir.
One that made the girl stop visiting ever since.
One that changed the destinies of the two children who met at the company dinner.
Jungkook has never fallen asleep with the lights switched off before. 
That is, until he did exactly so in your bedroom.
 He is unable to comprehend how he actually managed to do just so, fall asleep peacefully in complete darkness. Nonetheless, he did wake up after a couple of hours breaking out in cold sweat with his arms clutched around your stiffening form. 
Jungkook hates how the feeling of holding and pulling you close to him is so comforting in an unexplainable manner, and how you felt nothing less than home. Jungkook is beginning to doubt why the hell he started these petty grudges with you—when you were a fibre away from the woman he used to love wholeheartedly. Keyword : used to. However, it was a tad too late for regrets.
 He was only left with two choices of compensation and reconciliation. They were undeniably difficult to carry out, especially having hurt someone to an extent that far it’s almost outrageous. He thinks what he has done in the past to you is absolutely unforgivable. 
Because if he was asked to do the same for his father’s mistakes, there would be only one option.
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“You’re back early today. No dates or parties to attend tonight?” You cheekily tease as Sooyoung walks through the front door.
 A few moments later, she doesn’t reply as she settles her bag down onto the couch and toss the car keys onto the table.
 There was resentment written all over her face, she looked annoyed and in an extremely bad mood. You decided to keep quiet, considering that it isn’t the best time to speak when she felt this way over god knows what.
Sooyoung fumbles around some clothes, before she is heading for the door again, completely ignoring your existence.
  No, please just Jungkook ignoring me would suffice.
You couldn’t let this slide and worry about what you had done to offend her for the whole night.
Just as she slings her bag over her shoulders, you open your mouth again. 
“Sooyoung-ah, where are you going?”
She barely even looks over her shoulder to face you, before replying, “To meet Seulgi and Wendy.” 
She was brushing you off so casually.
 You felt like this more than the number of fingers on both hands could count, when people offered you help after Jungkook threw your pencil case in the bin or poured your lunch over your papers, you would think there would be a chance in making proper friends with them and escape this cruel torment. It wasn’t until you tried to sit with them in lunch and the whole group of students suddenly went quiet, the feeling uncomfortable to beyond. It’s like your presence made them stop discussing about anything, they awkwardly scratched the back of their necks before hurriedly placing the food trays back and scurrying off to class, leaving you alone at the table.
 It was silly of you to think that people have begun to accept you just because they offered you a piece of tissue paper.
That day, you looked at your food and watched the tear drops fall into the gravy.
And from then on, you never went down for lunch ever again.
You’re thinking about why you weren’t invited, especially when it was always the four of you, no more or less. You didn’t want to lose this precious bunch of friends, and you surely weren’t overthinking when you felt that they were leaving you out on purpose.
“Uh, I’m not invited?” 
The words came out way more obnoxious than you had intended, it had an aftertaste of bitterness and spite. You regret it immediately as you witness her face fall even more, into an irritated frown.
“You want to be invited after what you did at the party?”
Kiss Taehyung? Scold Jungkook? What was it?
“What... I did at the party?” You genuinely question, scanning every small action or word you had done or said back then.
“Oh c’mon. Let’s quit playing dumb. You clearly knew how much Seulgi liked Taehyung and you had the audacity to make out with him?”
Your lips parted in shock. Sooyoung was clearly the one who suggested to go over and converse with Taehyung, as well as the one who left you alone with him. 
Why was she being so pretentious about the whole situation?
Did she like him?
But you had to admit Seulgi totally slipped your mind when Taehyung wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and kissed you hard.
“I just-“ You try to explain yourself. Only to face a dead end. 
It was your fault, and all the fingers were pointed at you right now. You exhaled, “My mind wasn’t in a clear state when that happened, and I just went with the flow, I really did not mean to hurt Seulgi or anything-“
Wow, you sounded even more pretentious than Sooyoung.
“Do you know how upset Seulgi got, when Taehyung was filling her up with details of how you practically threw yourself at him like a whore?” ‘And disappointed’ She mumbled softly to herself, but it wasn’t missed by your ear.
 “I never knew behind this facade of obedience and innocence lied someone who was so sly and disloyal.”
Your friends felt betrayed. 
You had no words to retaliate or argue with what Sooyoung had just said—because you think it’s true, you see yourself as that kind of a person too.
 You ignored the fact that Sooyoung kept complimenting Taehyung right in your face, that nothing really happened between the both of you that night thanks to a certain someone, and that Taehyung deviously lied about you throwing yourself at him. It happened because of both parties’ consents and desires. 
And despite all these facts that they never went to consider before labelling you as a whore, the damage has been done. 
The true colours have been revealed.
She swipes her car keys off the countertop when you’re left speechless and guilty, heading out once more. 
You felt like crying, but for some reason you couldn’t.
It was something you should have expected from the very start.
Losing the people you hold close to your heart was something you were beginning to get so used to. This felt worse, because you chose to hurt them.
People would comfort you by saying that it is unintentional and that you didn’t have the need to feel bad or upset, but you’re starting to feel like a monster yourself. You are rather thankful for your first ever friends after so long to leave your side, because it’s what an asshole like you deserves. 
A new chance had already been granted to you, and yet just so easily and quickly—you screwed everything up. Maybe a person like you did not deserve to live a normal life. 
You were meant to be alone, you always have been and you always will. 
The loud slam of the wooden door is a finger snap to your face, and you realise why all those years you had shut yourself off from people—you don’t think you are able to handle the kind of pain that squeezes tightly at your heart and constricts your chest when they leave. 
If people come and go so easily, you had might as well not let them enter at all. You think it saves a few more heartbreaks and opportunities of getting hurt.
Your whole body is stinging with numbness as your mind is nothing but a blank, you walk over to the coffee table—one which you and Sooyoung had shared the local pastries over a season of Friends for one too many a times—and ur heart clenches at that. 
Sly and disloyal. 
You don’t think you are able to forget those words that callously shot like daggers at you—for it was done by someone you loved and cherished a lot since you offered to share that damn kettle.
Picking up your wallet, you flip it open only to be met with the genuine smiles—something that the both of you often shared when you were younger. 
The old photograph was taken in the middle of summer, when two carefree kids hung out at the beach with silly floats and fancy swimsuits, rainbow popsicles in their hands. The glaring sun light as seen in the picture reminded you of how your childhood was filled with nothing but fragrant flowers and fresh sunshine, that made one feel young, wild and free.
You never saw that sunlight again.
Instead, you choose to view the moon in the darkest shade of night now, admiring how celestial and full it looked—to replace the emptiness you felt in your heart. Junghyun is someone you would rarely forget, for the round shining whiteness in the sea of black was always there as a constant reminder of the boy who played a major part in your younger years.
“Look at the moon, if you ever feel sad. Then think about me,” Your best friend nudges your elbow with a playful quirk of his brow, he turns to look at your tear stained face with something close to adoration. “And always remember that no matter where I will be,”
“…I will always love you.”
You chuckle at how stupid you must sound, reciting something as small as a foolish promise between two kids to comfort yourself. You’re laughing and yet, the tears never seem to stop falling from your eyes. 
The memories of that fateful day was sewn into your mind—the two of you were kicking water in the shallow pool, only for you to carelessly drop the Tamagotchi you have in hand into the water. Junghyun immediately dives in forgetting about any form of hesitation, fishing out your sinking device like a lifeguard. ‘It’s okay’ he says, ‘I’ll get you something even better.’ When your pet is glitched out and doesn’t respond to your commands anymore, you began wailing like the little brat you are. After he wipes your tears causing an unbearably cute pout is formed on your tiny features, he said those words you’d never thought you would cling onto for life. That night, it was the first time he ever asked for something from his parents.
Both adults were initially confused by the sudden request, but compiled to it anyway without further questions. And when Junghyun woke up to a brand new Nintendo DS placed on his study desk, his face gleamed with satisfaction.
There’s a knot forming in your throat and your lungs are deprived of air as you attempt to cease the relentless sobbing. 
The illumination of the moon—for some reason—seems extraordinarily fluorescent tonight.
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The anatomy project has long been finalised and submitted. The grades of it would even be released by the end of this week. It’s been over weeks since Jungkook and you have ever spoken a word to each other. Since the complicated yet warm hug had taken place between the both of you, you detached yourself from his body after your breath steadied and your mind clear of the drunken, built-up frustration—only muttering an excuse to hurriedly leave before he could say anything else to you. 
You left him standing there feeling more peculiar than ever. 
The hug, the party. You words slap him across the face once more as he recalls the exact thing you had said to him. 
You were never more right.
 He was this horrible, sick-minded and sadistic piece of trash—was he any better than the man who beat him to death on a daily basis?
Taehyung wasn’t the best for you, but he had no right to interrupt whatever was going on at that point in time between the both of you.
 Simply because he wasn’t any better. 
In fact, he feels like he’s much worse than his friend—who sticks his dick in every living thing—Jungkook is a dick himself.
At least Taehyung was nice without trying and he knew the correct things to say or do, even more so he knew how to control his emotions and temper. Maybe that’s how he gets all the girls hung up on him even after he uses them like rags of clothes.
Jungkook wasn’t good at any of that. 
Properly communicating and interacting with people just wasn’t his forté.
 If he’s angry, he lifts his hand. If he’s happy, he says things that cross the line. If he’s sad, he converts that to anger and resort to violence to shield that one bit of vulnerability from anyone, not wanting to seem weak at all. 
That is why his circle of friends is small, and he feels like he doesn’t even truly know and understand any of them. But you? Damn, you knew his temper like the back of your hand, you’ve seen him in his angriest form, you’ve witnessed fear overcome every cell of him and undergo a panic attack, you’ve watched him on the brink of tears as he ventured through another nightmare—and yet, he knew nothing about you.
You would forever remain as this mysterious and unpredictable person to him—and that, never failed to make him feel exasperated by the overpowering need to explore every millimetre of you, inside out. 
He was unable to identify your soft spots or pick on your weaknesses—you were typically unreactive to anything that he does. 
The time he spent in college with you was nothing but an emotional rollercoaster, an absolute train-wreck. 
In class, he wouldn’t even notice your presence for you snuck in five minutes late in a dark hoodie and black jeans, lurking in the corner of the lecture hall, before hastily leaving the second the lecturer ended the lesson.
He realises that you were becoming similar to the girl in high school, he notices that your group of friends at the cafeteria had one person missing and it was always you. He wonders if you have “left the squad” or aren’t on talking terms anymore. He wonders what had happened to cause the falling out between you and your friends. Or maybe you were just being yourself, avoiding contact with humans in general. Like a shadow, you loomed in the secret spaces, disappearing and reappearing as and when you wished.
It wasn’t until that day he roamed the streets around town, exploring the people and places a little with his giant camera. He felt like a tourist in a foreign country when he was actually studying and living on this land.
 For him, everywhere felt foreign, even the posh villa (and many other more estates) he owned didn’t even feel like home. Nothing was close to the feeling of his mother’s fingers intertwined with his own—aforementioned lady long gone and burnt to ashes in the back of his mind.
Home—a feeling he cannot grasp despite the fountains of cash and power coming his way, the throne at the very top of JEON entertainment hungrily waiting for him to take over—Jungkook only felt it again after what seemed like decades, in your fucking bed, hugging you to sleep. 
The thoughts of you are shaken away violently when he—whether by fate or luck— decides to enter a fast food restaurant wanting to grab some fries. Not only did he get the strips of potatoes he craved for, he also managed to spot you just behind the counter, eyes wide and brows raised. It was adorable to see how you acted like you didn’t notice him at all, clearing your throat and blindly meddling with the smoothie machine.
Jungkook simply snickers at your obvious reaction.
It was almost as if the sight of you effortlessly stuck a smile to his face.
The joint only had customers leaving one by one after dinner time, the queue to the cashier nonexistent and he made good use of that matter of fact.
He confidently strides up to you—acting like he didn’t recently get yelled at by you, then hugged you, and at the very same time get ditched by you—and you quickly whisper to one of your colleague’s ear, begging him to take Jungkook’s order for you. Judging by how you were speedily undoing your apron, he takes the hint and waits for a while before backtracking and joining you in the bathroom with a smirk plastered on his face.
He had you trapped and not even your shadow wouldn’t be able to escape this time.
“Hello.” He greets lowly with his palm of the wall and his legs crossed, taking up the whole doorway when you emerge from the cubicle.
“Oh my fuck-“ You jump and his heart does little somersaults.
“Long time no-“
“Is there something you need?” He is cut off short in the speed of light, your dumbass face looking unbothered to the point where it’s scary.
Your tone is dead and dull, lacking any sort of energy and emotion, but the prompt sounds snarky coming out of you.
Your gaze was in all directions other than in his, you seemed uninterested and distant.
He shrugs it away, before answering, “Yes actually. I will wait till you knock off.” 
You want to argue and tell him that it’s a bad idea, and that he was the last person you want to see—but he spins to leave leaving you no choice.
Jungkook emitted a stench that leaks of a strong sense of dread and burning infuriation inside of you. The whole restaurant smells of Jungkook and you want to shun away from his incessant staring at your working form.
 “Is that handsome dude your boyfriend?” Kihyun points to the culprit of your everlasting dread and the persistent sighs coming out of you with his chin and he pokes your side with a side of his lips curling upwards. 
You squeak and smack his hand away, “Is not.” 
He scoffs at the firm denying of yours and continues, since number of customers were at minimum and there was nothing much to do left with a quarter to closing.
“As if. Why the hell is waiting for you then?” You roll your eyes.
When he obtains silence, he proceeds to press at your buttons.
  “To hold hands and smooch on the way home together!” He purposefully sings aloud for Jungkook to hear and you kick his butt trying to shut him up.
It’s a pity Kihyun is a young father of twins and the most fun and easygoing manager you could ever have. To tell the truth, he’s part of the reason why you’d stay working at this shitty place. You’d think he would make a great bestfriend if not for his age and family responsibilities. His personality also sadly resembled your late bestfriend a lot—funny, selfless and wise.
It was the first time you couldn’t even bear to clock out, because that would mean it was time to deal with Jungkook.
He excitedly leapt up from his seat, making his way to your side as you hooked your bag over your shoulder. It had been a long day of school and work, and Jungkook was there to extend it even more. Your shoulders visibly slouch at the thought. 
Stepping out of the restaurant, Jungkook stood beside you with a takeaway in hand, looking like he’s been dying to ask you stuff. You didn’t feel like interacting with anybody though, just wanted to be on your bed as soon as possible after standing for what seemed like ages past the clock.
“Are you hungry?” He is looking at you with those big round eyes again, and you shift your gaze to the floor, afraid to meet his brown orbs.
What the fuck.
“I bought this for you.”
Your head shoot up, then flicked to the plastic bag he’s carrying with one hand.
No fucking way. Wasn’t that his supper or something?
“W-What.. you didn’t have to-“ He throws the bag of burger and fries into your hands without blinking and you struggle to catch it.
“It’s actually okay.” You couldn’t accept his kind gesture or some reverse psychology effect he was trying to make you feel. 
The grumble in your stomach comes on cue, roaring louder than thunder.
You nervously laugh before helplessly stealing a fry from the bag, contradicting your earlier sentence.
“Great. Now you’ve accepted my offer, you have to answer three of my questions.” He shoots you a winning grin. You were already shoving the fifth fry into your mouth, munching away without any care in the world.
Fuck it, three questions it is. The fries tasted too damn good for you to give it back or run away from the golden crispy and fluffy treat.
Jungkook bites on his lips and contemplates for quite a while. Like the question was a hard one to raise. You tap at your feet in a bit of anticipation. Just a bit.
“Why does it seem like you’re avoiding me?” He finally gets it out.
It wasn’t just him, you had practically cut off all contact with any ape that was intelligent enough to speak and alienated yourself from this world. You wouldn’t even greet the birds in the morning like you always do, you just suffocated in the haze of self-pity and hatred.
“I’m just busy working.” You kept your words to minimal, not wanting Jungkook prying into your personal thoughts and feelings about yourself.
Lame excuse, that’s what Jungkook thinks of your short answer. But he is popping out his second question mark. 
“Hmm, seems fair.” He fakes and cocks a brow up. 
“Then what happened to you and Sooyoung or something,” 
The fact that he remembers your friend’s name almost lets a chortle slip from your lips. Your expression remains stoic—you were a professional at concealing the display of your real emotions—and even though you’re pretty upset at how the topic of the friends you once had was raised after so long, you reply from the bottom of your heart, “I don’t want to be associated with anyone right now.” 
It was the truth, and it wouldn’t hurt Sooyoung or you in any way.
He hums in understanding before, “Then... are you alright?”
You want to cry.
 Why does Jungkook, number one asshat and jerk towards you your whole life, have to act so sweet and caring when you’re at your lowest? It makes your heart want to give in and succumb to him completely. You had rather die.
The affection and concern Jeon Jungkook is showing you is too much for you to handle, and you don’t know what to make that of. 
Why does he even fucking care if you were okay or not?
You instantly turn on your heel—a copy of your actions back then when you first met Jungkook again—ready to escape the conversation and rush home—like you should have done ever since he stepped foot into your workplace. Jungkook has been recently making you feel things and all sorts of things—from the first time you bumped into him at a party, or when he laid over you and fell asleep like a baby, and embracing you after he made you cry— the last thing you want is to even feel anything.
It doesn’t take longer than a second before Jungkook is stomping towards your leaving form. He wasn’t going to be left hanging off a cliff by you, twice.
Being asked about your wellbeing was like mishandling an unpinned grenade, causing a spark in a room filled with methane and running through a minefield.
A wrong move and instead of exploding, you would vanish into thin air in a snap.
“What the fuck is up with you?” Jungkook grabs your arm in time to halt you and narrows his eyes sternly at you.
“One moment you’re cuddling with me, and then you’re scolding me, and another you’re hugging me back, and now you’re trying to run away from me.” The confrontation sounds like something that would happen within a couple and an inevitable blush grows on his cheeks as he tries to stay as fierce as ever. 
You look surprised upon his rant, but there was no response.
You were at a loss of words until, “If you can answer this, then I won’t distance myself anymore.”
You’ve had enough, and closure is what you both needed most.
“What are we? We’re not friends, nor are we acting like enemies, and we’re not together either.”
You put the truth out in the open like a glass ball handled with butter fingers , exposed and fragile to touch.
“Maybe this is what it feels like when you go against, to try and change something that’s meant to be, what we’re meant to be forever–” His features softened and his grip loosens as the realisation dawns upon the two of you, allowing your hand to fall by your side. 
You huff in a deep breath, sparing a brief moment to collect every thought and reach your conclusion.
 “Bully and victim.”
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lildirtbike-blog · 6 years
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At least you're not my problem any more I don't care bout you so why you worried about me Starbound You niggas ain't got shit on me You can leave but you can't forget You can't forget us It's 3 AM and im thinking about you My niggas been with me since day one My nigga I been a1 since day 1 So pretty but but so hard to catch Shooters on deck all of em boba fett yah I wanna bih I just want a bitch Got ny shades on in the club All of my shootas wearing camo so you won't see shit coming I honestly just wish I could be, like you I make money not friends Bih we do not play pretend I wouldn't have you any other way I swear I love every single inch of you Like why you worried bout me hoe mind ya own damn business Id love you any fucking way You was rubbing your fat little ass on my dick I let you be you and you let me be me She cuddle me harder, I gave in With her i never win She the only one that knows my sins Fuck what they say i'm the best Truth is I always liked you more I know I fall in love too quick, but this time I think it's real I see a little bit of me in you and a little bit of you in me I wanna play with you I done waited way too long for this You niggas played enough it's my time Feeling fine I'm feeling Feeling fine I'm feeling myself I'm feeling myself Homeboi a shooter Tagteam on my tutor Shawty go down for the team Touch her you gon bleed I want us to be something more Get off work so I can love you We could've got caught but that only makes shit more fun You might be the one Tear down her walls I kinda feel bad for the next nigga I gave you my heart now it doesn't even beat I'mma have to pick up every broken piece I'm with my bae she so poppin Hop out da coupe everybody stopping I wanna spoil you Ou damn she like sneakers more than me Got yo bitch on lock With my glock You're my heaven You make everything seem alright For s moment until I open my eyes I just wonder how high we can gouuo I don't just wanna fuck I also just wanna make you mine I know this shit take time But just rolllll with it But gooo with it I still see you when I open my eyes And I swear, these niggas talk to you just to talk about you All they want to know is how much you are of value I'm in the mood for taking a nigga bitch He don't care about you He don't treat you right You don't know what you do to me So nice to look at even better to touch/fuck I'd give you the world if I could too I'd give you everything if I could too I'm sorry if I upset you We ain't getting any further Fuck you/blow out your back and kiss on her freckles After cuddle the fuck out you and eat fruity pebbles I wanna cuddle the out of you I just wanna know you Fuck them other niggas they don't deserve you Stomp a nigga out in my Jordans shit I let my girl get too thick I mean there's just something about her What's happening to me unknown powers We talked for hours Hide n seek They/you don't even know my like that I won't cry over you I want you now I miss you so fucking much I'm so damn impatient But you're so damn important Leave that nigga he a loser and you know that It's wrong but it feels so right I'm sorry I'm too indecisive I can't choose Is it you or is it you I do it all for you So what you wanna do Do you even love me anymore? A lot can change in a year I wonder were we're going from here He don't even deserve you I got a lot on my mind She said she was thinking about a kid I'm like shiit Then she said she wanted to know what it would be like I'm like psych You get me/ the most You're the only one that gets me Sorry in advance if I get clingy Don't give a fuck about what they say they say I chase bags not bitches Rags to riches I chase money not bitches cuz all that shit will come later I wish I never opened up to you because you're just going to use it against me anyways I don't wanna wake up from this dream Now I gotta clean up the mess you made Fuck trying to fit in/ fitting in Why does my heart still beat for you when you destroyed it? Why you so worried bout me mind yo business You live in my head You live in my head Even though you probably want me dead I need you to pray for me cause nobody else is Whats it like on the other side Fuck them other guys Being with you is bliss even in the silence Tell me is there a bright side to all of this? I don't think I'll ever get over you Why do I feel this way You make my bad days better Strangers - Accin like you don't know me that was my fear Now we're just strangers Back to square one I was just a fool in love It wasn't even love You were my angel Now you can burn in hell You really weren't shit Going my own way Doing shit my way fuck what they say She said be gentle I said I'll try Oooh she make me nervous I'm tryna make you mine I'm running outta time You know better than to come around here Bitch niggas on my back Get the strap She knows what she's doing Killing it with my bestie/best friend I'm tryna be my best me Iloveeverythingaboutyou You know how to get under my skin I miss you already I'm trying I really am I'm holding on Hold on Bear with me I'm picking up the pieces Just let me know how you feel Be real I see/saw you in my dreams You were the only one for me It just keeps on going and it never stops Life's what you make it Don't take shit for granted I'm just tryna make it out alive I just want a bitch that get my vibe She's trouble/ but I don't mind Hate only makes me go harder All we know is bands can you really blame us? Keep a thang up in my camo pants bitch you can't tame us She sat on my lap She jumped on my dick almost bent that shit She gave me head relieve me from my stress For a little while, straight outta work and she undress (Daddy's bday flow hook) I go hard for you you go hard for me I can be anything you want me to be I want to kiss ur freckles She sent me nudes ion even know her tho Bitches talk and talk I'll be here when you come home Don't know why she got so wet Ion even think I did shit All she did was see me Split her like a kiwi She called me her husband Shawty I ain't buying no ring Kill4me Would you kill for me? Keep it real I miss/the smell of your skin I need someone who's on my level You moved on but im still here Still ain't gonna waste my tears You was just using me to pass the time You was just using me to fill a void You're my favorite part/the best parts Cuz mama told me no no no no I fucked her first you was kissing Dip on a bitch and go missing I got some Molly she itching Young Ramsay with the wrist in the kitchen Girl don't play with me Bitch don't play with me yah I'm trying not to get to used to you Cuz they always leave Just/not for you And I forget how to breathe when I see/with you Ooh you make my mouth water I can't explain it I just can't explain it Just love me honestly Love me responsibly Keep it real Im hungry for you I'm hungry need some food What do I gotta prove You cannot come to the crib I want more I want more I want more You know I gotta have it Bad habits I love her flaws and all She love me flaws and all You never tell me you love me anymore They think I'm crazy for loving you But I don't care / Jason Joseph Password : lilnibba666 Apple ID : [email protected] Password : lilnibba6 / Eyes - Brad Pitt, X Nose - Billie Eilish, Cindy Kimberly Forehead - Mehki Alante, X Jawline - / Eyes - Brad Pitt, X Nose - Billie Eilish, Cindy Kimberly Forehead - Mehki Alante, X Jawline - / Shorty gave me top in the movies Put frosting all on her boobies Reach under the seat grab the toolie For any nigga tryna act a foolie Fuck what they say I'm doing shit my own way I could do this shit all day Tear that ass up when we stressed Straight outta work made the biggest mess Fuck what they say I'm the best Well these niggas plottin i know that I ask () where the fuck that pole at You don't got cheese but you still a rat I'm doing shit my own way Nigga get fold like clothes / You can't catch me Nigga you can't catch me ( 21 Savage - X melody) Oh that's your girl she fuck with me Oh that's your girl think imma keep Pull up mobbin 30 deep Talk your shit send you to sleep Hop straight out the fucking jeep Hit up yo bitch then i dunk Bitch im dualied up, pop the trunk Nigga you lame you a chump We got lotsa bricks, we got lotsa skunk Its not for the using tho Shawty be a lil hoe, but she always stay ten toes We smoked dope then hit the store Dicked her down she want some mo Bitch ill flex on the pope Chop a kilo McDonalds I feel like Pablo / You know my boys gon go all out You niggas gonna know Pull up you home alone Air force 1s on my toes Whipping foreign like im grown Whipping foreign like im grown Main bitch whip the stove Side bitch whip the pole Whipping foreign like im grown Whipping foreign like im grown / White converse white socks Plaid long sleeve shirt down to shoulders Black spaghetti strap crop top Black shorts or skirt Dark skin Asian or Hispanic White Nike tennis shoes Long white Nike socks Black shorts Black hoodie Black Nike hat Pink hat Blonde long kinda wavy hair Black shorts White label shirt White Nike tennis shoes / Them drugs hit the spot Kiss me in that spot Them drugs hit the spot Kiss me in that spot Pull up finnesse on the whole lot Some feelings were caught Won't hold back on you tonight Get at my baby you might meet yo plight Won't hold back on you tonight Get at my baby you might meet yo plight / You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed Nothing will ever be the same If you don't love me no more you could've just said it I made you happy at least give me some credit We ain't getting further Cuz I ain't tryna hurt her Your love was just a lie Do you got better niggas on the side? I can see it in your eyes You switched up you changed sides You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed you don't love me in the same way You changed We don't fuck just like we used to You changed Nothing happens when I touch you there Shit got cold I can feel it in the air / Remember when we stayed up all night That was the best night Promise ill always be by your side But baby will you be by mine Ijusthopeshitwillturnoutright
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
Request: “Hi i would like to request isaac lahey from tw pls. Reader is his childhood friend. They r both so unpopular at school. She has a crush on him but never said. Then he got himself turn into a werewolf n kinda become a jerk. But eventually he come around n try to befriend her again. Hes also very protective of her. If ur in a mood to write pls do this.” 
Ship: Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, Isaac being a little douche, minor kissing, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. 
Your P.O.V
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Screw him. I thought angrily to myself. Screw him and his perfect tousled dirty blonde hair. Looking back at him, the sight before me made my stomach churn and my blood boil. His muscular back drenched in a leather jacket two sizes too big for him along with equally as dark clothes. He looked like a knock-off greaser. Isaac’s smile was no longer the one I had fallen for. Before, it was crooked and clumsy, just like him. Now it projects a dirty smirk, one that made him seem cocky and the center of attention. The sight alone made my skin crawl. His once endearing twinkle was gone, ripped away from not only him, but from me as-well. 
Across from him sat Erica, a girl I’ve always been rather kind to and has been respectful towards me in return. She too, looked different. Sporting all black, a low-cut shirt and a skimpy skirt that showed off her killer thighs. I wouldn’t have cared how she dressed. What did bother me though was her drastic behavior change. Much like Isaac, she stood tall, almost intimidatingly. Erica was short with everyone, ready to fight anyone and everyone who got in her way, especially when it was over something not to get mad about. What worried me most of all though, was her confidence, a.k.a, her flirting. Though I didn’t want to admit it, I hated how close she had gotten towards Isaac. 
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She was always brushing his arm, her touch lingering on the skin I once adored. Tearing my eyes away from them, I glance back down at my barren table. Sure, I had spoken with Erica a few times but Isaac was my best friend. And now I’m all alone. Sighing to myself, I shove my ear-buds back into my ear before stalking out of the cafeteria. Even though we were no longer in the same room, the only thought I have is about him. Seeing him so much different, so much happier without me made my heart break. Before he changed, it was just us. We never needed anyone else as long as we had each other But now? Now I don’t even recognize him. 
Not that I was counting or anything, but it had been a few weeks, maybe a month since Isaac changed, and things have not gotten better. I thought maybe I could put my guard down and make some new friends. but the only ting I’ve done is put more walls up. How could I let him do this to me? Before Isaac changed, we were loners. And though we were loners we had each other. But now I’ve never felt so abandoned. I felt broken, like glass. Nobody would be able to put me back together. I guess that’s why I have to do it.. I have to pick myself up.. The second I had that thought, a large body shoved into me. On impact, I drop all my books that I worked so hard to keep organized. 
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I didn’t have to glance up to know it was my bully, Jackson. He was the biggest douche-bag of the century. Looking down at my disheveled books before glaring p at him. His two friends, along with his girlfriends, Lydia, laugh obnoxiously at my broken state. Except there’s one thing they didn’t know. I am not broken. “HEY!” I shout, catching their attention. The strong-ness in my voice surprises the both of us. “Pick. It. Up.” Jackson scoffed, genuinely offended. “Ha! Now why would I do that?” I take a step forward, making sure to doge my books as I challenge his authority. “Because you pushed me, you pompous arrogant prick.” My honesty makes his jaw drop and the sight alone made me almost laugh, but I was too angry to be even remotely happy. 
Since losing Isaac, I too, had become short with people. I use to let Jackson walk all of over me. Not anymore. “Excuse me?! What gives you the right to talk to me like that?!” I scoff which only sparks his ever growing flame. “Right?! I have every right to tell you off because it’s the honest to god truth! You think you’re the center of attention! You think you’re all that but I am very happy to tell you that is not the case! You are nothing without your money, Jackson Whittemore! Nobody really cares about you because you don’t deserve it! You are a self-absorbed, heartless dick! And another thing! You remind me of a Russian doll, full of yourself.” 
I hadn’t noticed the pack of people surrounding us, watching the interaction carefully. Not so patiently waiting for Jackson’s response. But what came next not only shocked me, but literally knocked me off my feet. Before I knew it, he had hit me dead center of my cheek. Brushing my bloody nose, I already felt the side of my face growing purple. When I look back up at him, his nostrils flair with rage, his eyes looked like an untamed fire. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a terrifying sight. I’m fully ready for him to strike again, flinching. I shut my eyes closed but his fist never makes contact with my face instead though it catches a hand I once was familiar with. Isaac’s hand. “Leave her alone.” 
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Though that is his voice, it sounds completely unrecognizable to me. Jackson rips his hand out of his grasp and walks away with his clique with a huff. The crowd at the sight of Isaac starts to disperse, returning to their designated class rooms. Without looking up at him, I painfully gather my belongings before leaning against the wall for support. When I finally look up, Isaac reaches forward to help me up but I push his hands away, full of rage. I didn’t want his sympathy. There were moments since he changed and just watched Jackson and his gang rip on me. Now was no different. Just because he stepped in this one time to stop the fight didn’t mean I would fall into his arms again. Though that’s exactly what I wanted to do. 
When I push his hands away, I notice his touch was the same, warm an calloused. Just as I remembered them to be, and though I wan to touch him, hold him, and even console him. I don’t succumb to my inner desires. Instead, I give him the dirtiest look I can muster. But I can’t hold it for long. His eyes are the ones I fell for, and the longer I look, the more it hurts. It’s a constant reminder of what he did to me. Sucking in a deep breath, I push past him and head towards my first block class. “(Y/n)! Wait!” He calls after me from behind. I almost stop. Almost. I thought I wasn’t strong. However, I proved myself wrong as I ignored his strained voice. 
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It was the one voice of a broken boy I still very much loved. All I wanted to do was hold him close and never let go. I longed for his embrace. But the more I thought about it, the curious my mind became. Why did he want to talk to me? Weeks without any remote contact, and now this? What could he possibly want after abandoning me? Did he want to ridicule me further? For the rest of the day, I sported a rather dark purple bruise and thought furiously about Isaac. The next day, Isaac actually tried to talk to me. Emphasis on tried. It all started when I walked through the door of the cafeteria. I felt multiple pairs of eyes watching my movements but I was too preoccupied with my book I hadn’t bothered to look up. 
“Hey, (Y/n).” A voice said from in front of me. Isaac. Just the guy I was trying to avoid. God, he looked so good in that jean jacket. (Y/N)! NO! STOP IT! Glaring up at him, I spat in a monotone voice. “Isaac.” His smile which once made my head spin ripped away from his face. But despite my cold shoulder, he kept going. “You look nice today.” Baboom Baboom. My heart leaped at his compliment which should mean nothing to me but it means everything. Not trusting my voice to carry on, I resort to just staring ahead. If I don’t look at him, I’ll be fine. “You always looked good in that shirt.” He says in the voice he use to compliment me in. Soft, but full of genuine meaning. After he pays for his food, I pay for mine and smile kindly at the lunch lady who now seemed to be my only friend. 
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When I turn over my shoulder I don’t expect Isaac to still be standing there. And because he didn’t move, I almost run right into him. Inches from his face, I rip my gaze away from his blue eyes. One problem avoided. Nice job, (Y/n). Just as I was about to give myself a pat on the back, Jackson came out of nowhere with his two jockies, minus Lydia, which kind of surprised me, and dumped my food all over my favorite shirt. Him and his friends laughed at me, their voices were like nails on a chalk-board. This time I was fully prepared to punch the living daylights out of Jackson. But before I could watch his face turn purple with my bare fists, Isaac took a good swing at him. The force so powerful, he fell over a table, falling flat on a piece of lunch pudding. 
The sight made me laugh. Jackson was seething with anger. However, before anything could progress further, a few teachers walked in, watching the area but not really caring about the damage that’s already been done. They walk back to their seats, not at all ready for the fight to be over with, but they couldn’t change that. Me on the other hand, had to change. There was no way in hell I was going to sport this for the rest of the day. On the way out of the cafeteria, the lunch-lady gave me my favorite sandwich. I thanked her before changing into a tank-top and jacket that very much showed off my chest. I mean, if it was something else, I would’ve been fine. But considering I didn’t want to cause any more attention than I already had, I was forced to wear it. 
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The moment I sat down for art class, I noticed multiple pairs of eyes watching me. Boys watching me. I could have sworn I heard a low growl come from the opposite side of the room. Looking up, I see the person I was hoping to ignore. Isaac. Pulling my eyes away from his, I focus on my painting. But the whole class period, I fell his gorgeous blue eyes staring into my soul. Every time I looked up, he’d be staring, watching me intently. I wasn’t entirely sure how to react. I was still angry, livid even, with how he treated me. But that didn’t stop my heart from aching for him. The second the bell rang, I bolted out of my seat, ready to leave and never come back. 
But as I make my way to the exit, a strong arm pulls me into a nearby closet. Isaac looks down at me, shyly. God, dammit! Not again! “Isaac, get out of my way.” I try to say with as much strength but it came out as a strain, almost of exhaustion. He shook his dirty blonde hair. “No. (Y/n), I need to talk to you. Please just listen.” Rolling my eyes, I take a second to think about it. If I don’t let him talk, he’ll annoy me until the bitter end. He will show up at my house in the middle of the night, in the middle of class, or lunch, trying to make his case. And that was something I didn’t need. Huffing exasperatedly, I nod. “Okay, talk.” He sighs, his voice exactly how it once was. It was as if he’d never changed. “(Y/n), after my dad died, I didn’t know how to cope. I went through something I don’t ever wanna bring up. 
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I felt strong for once without him in my life. I felt like I could be myself. I changed in more ways than one and I hope, with time, I’m able to tell you all about those things. But right now, I want to apologize for ever hurting you. I picked on you and let Jackson walk all over you. We were loners.. But we always had each other. And I can’t possibly live without you. You were always there to pick me up. You are my everything, (Y/n). I love you and I am so sorry..” In that moment, I don’t care about anything more than just hugging him. And so I do just that. I pull him close and never let go. “I’ve always loved you, Isaac. It’s okay.. I’m just so happy you’re back..” When I pull away, he presses his lips to mine. 
They were always how I’d imagined them to be. Moist, soft, yet passionate. I rake my fingers through his tousled hair, earning a groan of pleasure. “I love you so much.” He mutters against my lips. I can’t help but grin into the kiss. “I love you, too.” 
(I hope you liked it!!) 
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