#protect lgbt
infinititia · 4 months
Stop these people, huskerdust shippers please, we don't stand for this.
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But please, sign, share, or donate please.
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crystalsandbubbletea · 4 months
Their name was Nex Benedict.
Nex Benedict, not whatever name the news keeps saying.
Nex used He/Him pronouns according to friends, not whatever the news keeps saying.
Nex was the victim of a hate crime. Nex's death was because of a hate crime. Nex's death was not an accident, it was a hate crime.
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raynedayys2 · 4 months
TW: Transphobia, including mentions of deadnaming & misgendering
Misgendering & deadnaming a trans child after they were killed is another level of disgusting. At this point, y'all know they are nonbinary & that their name is Nex. Y'all are intentionally doing this to spite them.
I don't care what their mother says, I don't care what the school says. I don't even care what the news says. Their name is Nex & they're an indigenous nonbinary person. Hate like this is literally what ended their life. You can't give your condolences & misgender the kid in the same sentence. Literally all of y'all need to grow up & put your bigotry to the side for like 2 minutes to acknowledge this shouldn't have happened.
[EDIT 3/15] Sources have stated that Nex went "he/him" & "they/them". At the time of posting (February 24) all news sources said that Nex was nonbinary and went solely by "they/them". (And there are still new articles that state this) From what I've seen he went by "he/him" with friends/primarily at school, but "they/them" with family.
I've addressed this in my reblogs, and comments, but obviously most people won't see that so I'm putting this here. Regardless, my original point still stands. His name is Nex. And Nex did not go by his deadname or "she/her". You are still childish if you're intentionally deadnaming & misgendering him or intentionally using feminine labels for him. (Because we've known since February that he never identified with terms like those)
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djarin · 4 months
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Gwen Stacy + Protect Trans Kids 🏳️‍⚧️
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cock-holliday · 1 year
“If republicans REALLY cared about children they—“ stop. Shut up. They don’t. It’s not about protecting children. It never is. It’s about exercising control over their children. Stop humoring their arguments, liberals. You can’t defeat fascism with a witty gotcha, this isn’t a marvel movie.
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i met a queer high schooler today, at my job
throughout the interaction i had with them, i watched them become more relaxed and open, simply seeing me as a queer adult doing my job
i sort of feel like i served as an example for that student, of a queer person existing successfully in society.
i could pick up on their habits mannerisms and fashion, and related my own experiences to that. they were visibly disabled, so i wanted to ease their mind about accessibility concerns in the building, so i mentioned my heart condition and trouble with walking up stairs. they were immediately more comfortable. we used the elevator
i complimented their nonbinary pride flag bracelet, and pushed my hair aside so they could see my name badge with my pronouns, and they smiled.
it's so freeing to be seen without the expectation for any explanation, and i know that so i wanted to give them that peace of mind. i wanted to show them that the world outside of high school is survivable. hope is not crushed, i am here, i am visibly queer, and so it is possible for them too.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I love you, trans people with intellectual disabilities. You deserve to have the same opportunities as everybody else, and that's because you are a person. You deserve to be happy. Intellectually disabled trans people deserve the exact same respect, recognition, and love that (should be) afforded to everybody else.
Intellectually disabled trans people, you deserve to make your own decisions about your transness. You are allowed to want for transition or to change your name, clothes, hair, pronouns, or anything else. You deserve support and understanding. I hope you are able to receive that. You belong in this world as your true self. Your transness and your disability/disabilities are not bad things - they are good, and they are important.
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Reblog if you're part of the LGBTQIA+ community, a supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community, or want to punch Ron DeSantis in the dick.
Update 6/21/23: Gonna add Greg Abbot on the "punch in the dick" list 😊
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boob-gremlin · 26 days
Hey, so I’ve been seeing quite a few of those posts that are something along the lines of: “if I get x notes I’ll come out to my homophobic/transphobic/bigoted in some way parents/family/friends/etc”
This is for the best. Put your safety over your wanting to be out. As someone who came out because they felt obligated to in a not-so-safe home environment, don’t do it unless you’re sure you’ll be safe and supported. I (and many other folks) want the best for you.
Stay safe out there, and good luck. I wish you the best.
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your-queer-dad · 7 months
Hi. You. Yes you reading this. I'm proud of you. You haven't done anything wrong. You can let go of the thing you're worried about. You can breathe and take a break. You can rest. Love you <3
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transgender · 2 years
“Oklahoma has released one of the worst anti-transgender bills I have seen in any state legislature yet. This bill, HB1011, would make it a felony for a doctor to provide gender affirming care for transgender patients up to the age of 21 years old. Not only would this bill forcibly medically detransition transgender youth, but it targets transgender adults as well. We are witnessing the Overton window on gender affirming care move in real time - whereas just a few years ago, all of the transgender bills were about bathrooms and sports, now they have become increasingly eliminationist in attempting to forcibly detransition all transgender people.” - via ErinInTheMorn
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handsomegentlebutch · 2 years
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I saw some dumb shit on reddit and after being down voted to all hell made some memes to express myself
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Good News This Week!
We are kicking off this week by celebrating good news from New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Missouri! Learn more below.
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midnights-dragon · 4 months
Nex Benedict.
Say their name.
They were 16 years old. That could have been me, or you, or any of us. They want it to be all of us, and they’re starting with the most vulnerable. The child who was only trying to use the restroom. Not even the one that they told them not to use. They were using the restroom that their school made them use, and still, they were attacked and killed.
No one even called an ambulance.
Nex loved nature, and cooking, and going for walks, and Minecraft, and The Walking Dead, and their cat Zeus. They were Choctaw. They had lived on the Cherokee reservation. They were an Indigiqueer youth. They had so much life to live. So many other things to love.
They were only in 10th grade. They were only 16.
Say their name.
Nex Benedict.
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sooooo we all agree that gwen is connonically trans right. like i'm sorry this cannot be a coincidence.  
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ryan-sometimes · 6 months
I absolutely hate the conservative misconception that LGBTQ people want to turn their kids gay or trans. Truly, we don’t think about your kids at all. We don’t care if they turn out straight or not, we don’t want them to become trans. All we want is for the kids who ARE queer to be loved and safe. We’re not worried about making sure your kids turn queer. We’re worried about making sure your queer kids turn into adults.
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