#probably bc she's my mind baby and i wanna do right by her lol
aces-and-angels · 2 months
How does Enid play into the windverse? I started following you later in the game, and I didn't find an answer on the masterlist. I'm excited to get to know her better!
i cannot begin to tell you how stoked i was to see this pop up
enid, my beloved lady in law, acts as a sort of rival for the windverse as she works for an entirely different firm: park & davis. its founders have history with mcgraw byrne (which i've detailed here).
basically i wanted to put a spin on book 2's approach to competing w mcgraw byrne- instead of an mc (in this case, wind) starting fresh with gabe and co. to slowly dismantle mcgraw byrne, why not introduce an already established firm to the party? one who is particularly keen on capitalizing on sadie's sudden "retirement"
definitely makes more sense than martin being hellbent on sabotaging his very own subordinates (but we don't have to go there rn)
The Tale of Enid A major data breach at one of NYC’s hospitals threatens to shut its doors for good after victims file a class action lawsuit. Enid Mendoza, one of Park & Davis’ brightest minds, works her magic to keep them afloat.
^ her intro fic (still a wip 😭)- similar to magnus'- it details her rise to becoming partner (~1 year before the timeline of the windverse truly starts)
her initial relationship w/ wind/magnus is almost like a game of cat and mouse- each one trying to one up the other in gaining more power for their respective firms
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
i’m interest in allll the psychoanalyses on the guys if you wanna share 👀
i've answered asks like this before, where i kinda go into some detail about what i think on them, but i don't mind doing it again lol
but before i do, i just want to say that this is all just my assumptions about this. there is no definitive proof to what i'm saying, so take what i say with a grain of salt. they are real ppl at the end of the day, so i don't want to say too much or have you guys believing something that might not be true. this is just what i've noticed and what i think. but i also don't know them so…… you don't gotta listen to me.
so snc have a lot of overlap in some of their…quirks, so to speak. but i'm gonna try to just separate it into what i think about sam and what i think about colby. so if i end up repeating myself, you know why.
sam…. sam is an interesting cookie. see for years, this fandom (and me as well) have always thought that colby was the mysterious one, that he was the aloof one. and while he is in some regards, i feel like i can read him very easily at times. not to mention he ends up airing out a lot of things nonchalantly without even realizing it. but sam is an oddball. he almost never shows or tells so it's hard to really know what's going on in his head.
but that's the thing. i don't think even he truly knows.
i think both boys suffer with this, but sam especially: they want to be seen as a nice guy, the hero - so to speak. they never want to be seen in a negative light. and bc of that, they go out of their way to please everyone. and the thing is, you can't really do that. but sam does it differently than colby does. sam does this in his own personal life - he never wants to do the wrong thing, so he always tries to do what others deem as good or right. but i feel like he never gives it a second thought as to whether that's something he truly wants.
i know this will probably be a bit controversial, so no one try to come for me, but i fully believe that sam was never gonna marry kat. if for argument's sake colby didn't get sick last year and things would have worked out in their favor and sam and kat would have gotten engaged, i think they would have ended up calling it off or getting married but divorced not too long after. but it's not bc he didn't love kat, i just genuinely think he wasn't ready and probably won't be for a long time to get married.
sam has made it abundantly clear over the years that he doesn't want to grow up, that's he's scared of losing his youth, of getting older. and i think to him marriage was a sign that his youth is gone. that he no longer can be a boy, that he HAS to be a man. marriage is a lot of commitment, it's a huge step for a reason. and while i think he loved kat, i just don't think he ever wanted to get married. or he wanted to wait until he "had to" get married - when he finally felt like his youth was truly gone. but that's the thing, i think the only reason he was even considering it this past year was bc at that point in time, he had been with kat for 8 years, and enough ppl were telling him "hey, why aren't you two married yet?" and so i think he was literally just going thru the motions bc in his mind, getting married to her would be the right thing to do. bc otherwise…. you kinda look like an asshole for being with someone for this long, promising them marriage, but not fulfilling that promise in a timely fashion.
i think in the right circumstances he could have married kat, but she would have had to wait longer and that clearly just wasn't in the cards for them.
let's see, what else is there about sam lol
he's afraid of being alone. i think part of that is bc he doesn't know who he is as a person. he doesn't know what he wants, what he brings to the table, what stereotype he falls into, and bc he's unsure of who he is, he needs to rely on others to play off of. i think part of that is also being a middle child, but i don't know too much of that since i'm the baby of my entire family (like literally my entire last name ends with me as of right now). but he for sure has middle child syndrome. he wants to fit in so bad and be liked that he goes out of his way to do things that he doesn't even want in the end, and then ends up getting passive aggressive about it bc he doesn't know how to regulate his emotions. he relies on other ppl's words, other ppl's philosophies, to figure out who he is instead of just… listening to his own wants and needs and being upfront about them. and i think part of that issue stems from him being afraid to be seen as a "bad guy". bc hey, crazy concept here, sometimes the things we want are selfish and lack empathy towards others. that's just the reality we live in. and i think he does too much to try to circumnavigate that, but ends up just looking like a dick on accident.
he's also very much about self preservation and truly only respects like… himself, his dad, and colby. everyone else is second, if not last, to him in his mind. so that's why he doesn't take criticism well and just generally doesn't listen to anyone that isn't one of those three ppl lol
he's also a massive control freak with a bit of wet blanket personality. and i say that with all the love in the world…. as a massive control freak with a wet blanket personality myself.
there's probably other things i could say about him, but this is my general thoughts about him.
now… for colby. oh sweet baby colby sksksk
colby is the definition of a ppl pleaser. he wants to be loved and liked so badly by everyone, that he will literally turn himself into a floormat to do so. and i think part of that really comes from his lack of self esteem. idk who told him in his life that he was lesser than, or that he was weak and unworthy of love, but i would love to sucker punch that person. i think he has gotten better over the years, but i think there is a lot of shit deep down that he does not allow up. and a lot of this ppl pleaser energy can be seen with how he interacts with the fans. he does everything in his power to get back into our good graces when certain fans deem he isn't doing enough or did something wrong, even tho most times he hasn't.
like i said before, while colby likes to act like a mystery, he very much tells on himself without meaning to. idk if i've ever talked about this before, but i found old snapchats he made years ago, back when snc were doing the life project, and colby talked about "danger zones" and what these were were places/times when he would be left alone with his thoughts and would end up dwelling and spiraling into some negative things. he worded it in a slightly different way, but that's how he said it basically. and his whole thing to everyone else was figure out what your danger zones were and do your best to ignore those times/find ways get thru them quickly.
and the list for these was like… basically any time he was alone. and the solution to these things was just "try not to be alone". like one of them was when he was in shower, he apparently would start overthinking, and his solution was just to take faster showers.
now, respectfully, if you can't be alone with your own thoughts for as long as it takes you to take a shower……… i think something's wrong.
i'm not one to diagnose ppl. i'm no medical profession. there are just a lot of similarities to things he has said and things i once said before i got diagnosed with depression. i won't go into it, just bc again i don't want to lay that out there since it's none of our business anyway, i just truly hope i'm wrong.
more about colby… let's see….
also afraid to be alone/die alone. also afraid of getting older, but it doesn't seem as bad as sam's. i think part of that, weirdly, also comes from colby just being a more lighthearted person than sam sometimes. so i think colby will always be a bit more youthful even when he's older. a kid at heart, essentially.
colby's past relationship did him so wrong he is really holding himself back from finding happiness. i have a feeling that that relationship "proved" something to him in his mind and that's why he holds himself back from really putting himself out there again. and by prove, i mean, and you'll get this if you've ever felt terrible about yourself, you kinda have this idea in your head of who you are. for example, for years i always felt like i was ugly externally. i just wasn't attractive in my mind. and bc of that, i never tried to ask anyone out, bc i didn't want to be proven right. i didn't want someone to say "no i can't date you bc you're just not attractive to me". but i had that happen before the one or two times i tried, and all it did was validate my inner voice that kept telling me i was ugly. and i think in way, maybe something like that happened to colby. not that exact example, but something happened when that relationship ended that made him go like "i am right" to his deepest insecurities. that the shitty inner voice wasn't being mean, it was telling him the truth.
and i think part of that is that he fell for his ex really hard, came in a little too hot, and she just pulled back significantly. fell out of love for him. and i think that maybe that proved in his mind that he was too much, too unlovable. idk if this is true, but the way he only blames himself and never brings up any of her possible wrong doings (and mind you all of this happened to him when he was like 19 which would be the prime time to blame others lol) makes me think he feels he fucked up just by being himself too much.
and all of this has kinda lead him to do the whole "leave before you get left behind" thing with every past relationship since. it's why he hasn't tried to date seriously and only hooks up.
he has trust issues and abandonment issues, but weirdly has a terrible idea of who to trust. bc he continues to fall for those that love bomb him and say all the right shit, but then air out his dirty laundry (case in point being, shea).
there's probably a million other things i could say about each of the boys, but this is the general gist i have on them. again, none of this is confirmed. this is just my assumption so don't listen to me like i'm an expert. i'm just someone that observes shit and thinks i'm right most times lmao
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sisthatsthetea · 1 year
Naruto Team 7/Team Kakashi Tickle HC
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AN: I've seen all of Naruto and up to season 3 of Shippuden so just keep that in mind if I don't have all my Naruto facts right. Also I wanted to throw Sai and Kakashi into this one as a bonus since these boys don't get enough love in the tk community so thats why there are in there too lol
and also...
- 50% lee + 50% ler
- So like canonically this silly boy is tklish and has been tkled a bit through the show
- So like I hc that most of his friends already know his spots and when he’s being annoying they poke his side and are like “stop or I’ll keep going”
- And the poor dumb boy is just ignores the warning which ends in him getting wrecked
- His spots are his sides, his underarms, his neck, his little face whiskers, and his hips
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Iruka, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sasuke, and anyone else he happens to piss off from time to time
- His laugh is really breathy and giggly too so at first people would always tickle him a little bit then let him go bc they think he’s had enough
- But ofc Naruto has almost infinite energy so this would lead to…
- As a ler Naruto is ruthless
- Like if he needs to he’ll cheat and use shadow clones to help tickle his lee
- Naruto is def a rougher tickler, he likes to really dig into the lees spots
- Also he dosent rlly know how to tease but he does it by accident all the time
- “Gosh you’re so ticklish!”
- “You should smile like this all the time!”
- “You’re laugh is so silly it makes me want to laugh!”
- Like bro stfu you’re ticklish too
- Normally targets Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, Konohamaru, and sometimes Hinata
- 70% lee + 30% ler
- My mans is ticklish af
- So like when he was little I’m sure Itachi probably tkled him a lot before he had the whole killing spree
- So Sasuke knows he’s ticklish but never told anyone bc he was embarrassed abt it
- He sees tickling as a weakness so he never took part in it until he was put on Team 7
- Like he would see Sakura tickle Nartuo sometimes and so he would do it too
- Poor baby didn’t know what he was getting into
- And ofc Nars would go for revenge tickles so then they all found out Sasuke was tklish
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi, Kiiba, and Shino
- His spots are his knees, back, under arms, sides, and his abs
- As a ler he would start off shy then get more sadistic
- Like he would tickle Naruto and at first just stay straight faced but slowly he would start to smile with him
- Big teaser
- “You’d think a shinobi wouldn’t be taken down like this”
- “I wonder what would happen if anyone else found out about this… I don’t think you would last a day without being tickled like this”
- “This is so embarrassing for you huh? Would it be better if I had someone else help me wreck you next time?”
- “Sorry you’re laughing too much for me to understand you!”
- Likes to pin down his lees
- Can and will use Sharigan to find his lee’s spots
- Tickle fights with Naruto are a normal occurrence
- Targets Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi if Naruto and Sakura help him
- 50% lee 50% ler
- Averagely tklish
- Squeaky laugh
- Like a mouse
- She finds it a bit embarrassing
- Tickled by Naruto if she’s having a bad day or if she just need cheering up
- Sometimes Sasuke helps if she is feels especially upset
- Her spots are her sides, her back, her neck, and her ears
- When she was a kid Ino took advantage of her ticklishness by poking her every time she went to go pick up a flower
- As a ler Sakura is normally really soft and sweet
- That is of course if you aren’t on her bad side
- She saves her ruthless ler skills for a specific energetic blond teammate of hers
- With most everyone else she skitters and spiders her finger lightly over her lees spots
- (She’ll also throw in a few pokes here and there)
- Doesn't normally tease but if she does it's always soft and sweet
- "I love hearing you laugh!"
- "You're doing do well!"
- Targets Naruto, (sometimes) Sasuke, Ino, and anyone else who might be having a bit of a bad day
- 70% ler 30% lee
- Not very tklish but he has a few spots that get him laughing
- Tklish ears, neck, and knees 100%
- The first to find out was Naruto (by accident ofc)
- He isn't tkled often but when he is his laugh is quiet and deep
- As a ler though you should run
- Can and will use his paint brushes to tickle his lees
- Loves painting on his lees too
- If he invites you to be a canvas for him DONT GO
- or do
- 80% ler 20% lee
- Big big ler
- He'll tk his students if they are having a hard day or get back from a hard mission and need to relax
- Nars is normally his victim lol
- Like if everyone is bickering he'll ask Naruto to come up to him. then he like pins him down and tkls him
- The whole time he just keeps talking about missions and normal stuff while giving Sasuke and Sakura this look thats like "loosen up or you're next"
- He tries to go easy on them when it comes to teasing but if he needs to knock Naruto or Sasuke down a level he won't hold back
- They know he means it all in good fun though and he always makes sure to stop when his students have had enough
- Most people don't try to tickle Kakashi cause they fear his wrath
- Though there is one person who isn't scared
- Might Guy will tickle Kakashi after he loses to him if he feels sour about it or just if he thinks Kakashi needs a laugh
- Casual pokes to Kakashi while he's talking or reading is very common
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
Look who’s back, back again. Ree is back, telling my friends! Oh I’ve missed seeing you on my dash so much love. So, so much.
You want theories? I’ve got theories. I mean idk how realistic these are but I have THEORIES. So here, in no particular order.
Stella’s gonna be the one to get her and Kelly out of danger in Fire cause SHES OUR BAD ASS
Season 10 of PD is gonna be the season of Voight not giving a shit but also not willing to do something to harm everyone else and it’s gonna go sideways quickly
If we don’t have Burzek at least platonically living together in The House by like 10x10 I will be surprised. But also 10x14 is 200 so that’ll be Something.
And on a Burzekwater note if my babies don’t get to go for detective after that drug bust I WILL FIGHT. I know Adam didn’t want to in the past so if he says he doesn’t want to cool but LET KIM AND KEVIN HAVE THEIR PROMOTIONS
That’s everything off the top of my head but ugh it’s so good to see you 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Been back for only a few hours and already you're making me smile with an ask I've missed this 💕
Oh for SURE I completely agree! And I am so ready for it!
I'll be interested to see if this happens, because I'm actually thinking that Voight might go in the opposite direction. Like I definitely think something will have broken in him and that he doesn't give a shit, but in a more broken way? But idk if that's because that's something I'd rather see then me reading the character right
Oh we better fucking do! I have so many Thoughts and wants about this and how it should happen but I'm trying not to engage my burzek heart too much because I don't wanna cause problems for myself again. And I didn't know which episode number would be #200 but I had in my mind that's the episode number I want burzek to get back together in but I had it in my mind #200 was episode five and I was like damn that'll probably be too early in the season for that but now I've got my clown face on... (Although would not mind getting it earlier than that lol). But I should probably not try and think that too much, because #200 is most definitely gonna be about Voight's future and the ramifications and effects of her death.
YES EXACTLY!!!! Like so I was watching criminal minds right before I caught up with pd and i know it's not technically logical bc they're agents and burzekwater should be detectives but it gave me such whiplash when they referred to themselves as officer bc after that it just didn't seem right? And YEAH as soon as they did that bust, I was like, this HAS to be the thing that gets them promoted. Like unless they physically turn down being detectives after everything there's literally NO reason they shouldn't be now more than ever because it's literally the biggest bust. And if they don't that just really shows how little the show truly cares about them (and I'll honestly be shocked bc Gwen really is making this show so much better so I can't see her dropping this).
But ngl it'll be also kinda funny if they do get promoted, bc once Marina joked in an interview that it'll probably be in season ten that Kim finally becomes a detective.
But yeah, honestly, a big part of me is hoping that'll be the opening scene of 10x01 bc I'll make a good start, especially bc from that they can very easily transition into what's everyone up to. But yet again trying not to get ahead of myself bc I have so many Thoughts about how everything should go (esp burzek related) and I don't want to play that around in my mind too much bc I'll be inevitably disappointed by the actual thing then.
And about Adam not wanting to be-- I mean yeah at the very least burgwater should be, but also Adam's opinion very much comes from growing up around his father and being taught to be proud to be an officer. So him getting promoted would really truly mark a growth in Adam and mark how much he's grown; not that you shouldn't be proud to be an officer, but that he's putting pride in himself and his well deserved badge, and recognising he's done amazing work and that he really has grown and evolved from his childhood-- that he's a father and a good one and able and ready to have an adult relationship.
Anyway! Gonna quit rambling now before I go too into my feels!!! It's good to be back and thank you for this!!
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Friday, April 5th, 2024!
10:04am: I just unadded him from snapchat and I know that's just a baby step and probably could get reversed any day now. It helps not seeing the chat thread right there every time I open it up. He's just doing too much and everyone was right ig, once he loses her he's gonna realize he lost both of us because I don't see him the same way. Or he found his dream girl and needs to stop being a dick about me irdc. He didn't appreciate me and it's clear he doesn't appreciate her!! If he did he wouldn't be jeopardizing his relationship with her. They're both stupid and I'm tired of dealing with it. They both have miserable lives and obviously need to fill it with ridiculous relationship drama because they are unhappy with their lives and themselves. No sane person would do this dumbass shit.
11:31am: Also figured out that archiving the FB messages is basically the same as deleting in my brain 😂 feels guud to not see it every time I wanna text my mom n stuff ❤️ The hehe haha funniest part of this shit is I don't think he's even gonna notice for a while. I just can't deal anymore with a half-assed friendship, gaslighting toxic, treats women like shit total dumbass. Keeping in mind what F said, do I want my son to act like this? Absolutely the fuck not. Couldn't imagine raising a child WITH a not-grown man child 😭 WTH y'all will never catch me doing that shit.
6:52pm: idk why I still feel so burnt out oh wait probably bc.... I'm burnt out! Anyway I still think it's a good idea to start a X number of days since I've heard from him, today would be #2. I want to say, oh this time I think he's definitely gone! But Jesus fucking Christ we've been through so much and he still bothers me so I have no fucking Idea anymore.
12:16am: lmao I re-added him and told him off some more, like I've said previously, what do I have to lose? A guy who mentally incapable of being monogamous and does nothing to fix himself 🤷‍♀️ whatever he's fucking lucky I don't send his gf screenshots of his dick. 💀 Idrc but it's nice knowing I could. She's too much of a whore to care though so yeah they're really a perfect pair. Lol all this because I got frustrated from busy work today 😂 if I didn't have to do all that dumb shit today would've went really differently. But that's what's friends are for right the good and the bad so fuck him, he sucks as a friend and doesn't deserve me. He sucks so bad he doesn't even know about these messages bc he hasn't readded me yet 🙄 it's so hard to feel bad for him, he has done all of this to himself. Idc anymore. Jeez it's gonna take me so long to fall asleep wish me luck!
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zombies-aliens · 1 year
Sooo my crush transferred stores and I'm lowkey heartbroken. Ima be okay tho. I feel slightly depressed about it. Or bummed out about it I dont want to be dramatic. I'm really gonna miss her man. I just feel like something was there. A spark of some kind. I told her what was on my mind and she said I'm ok and things are fine.
... 🤷‍♂️
I wrote in her goodbye card at work. I said something like thanks for always being friendly and hope everything works out in your favor! and signed my name. Really thankful for my coworker for coming up to me and asking if I wanted to sign it.
I know im probably really sad bc it's still fresh. But don't get me wrong I'm not super depressed but man I get nostalgic thinking about everything in the past that involved her from beginning to end. The first time she said hi to me, the first time we introduced ourselves to each other, our first talk I had with her before I left work that one time, this makes me sad bruh lmaoooo and... our last talk 😔 she said we'll keep in touch since we have each other on snapchat. I hope we really do. We might not even talk much but I'd be happy if we talk AT ALL.
I'm holding tight to every memory I have with her. Big and small. I remember eating with her for the first time like she actually got dumplings for us to share together and IT WAS GOOD AS HELL. I felt the love tbh but maybe she was being a good friend. I'll miss seeing how cute and pretty she is. I'll miss it all man. I'm down bad bro I haven't even known her for a year smh lmao. But I had feelings for her.. instantly dude.
The worst part is that I'll probably never see her in person again. Unless by some coincidence. I'm reallyyyyy gonna miss seeing her in person. Her smile, her eyes. She was really cute man. And when she had makeup and did her hair she was stunning 😍!!!
I'm really.. gonna fucking miss her. But I know I will get over her and life goes on. But right now I'm really gonna be bummed out no seeing her name pop up in the roster on my work app. And not seeing her anymore at work. Man just saying these sentences got me feeling sad wanting to cry. I feel like crying but it's not strong enough to come out lol. Idk am I being a baby about this guys? I feel like I am lol
I'm not gonna move on to the next girl like that. I still like her and if she ever reaches out ill respond. I don't expect anything for some months since she lives her own life and I'll just have to respect that.. man ima miss her lol. Just wanna be over it already lol.
U know what I think I miss? I miss having a girlfriend. I miss having a reliable person in my life where I can have a good time with. Feeling loved. Just feeling GOOD in general. I want that again. I broke up with an online gf a while back in the beginning of this year, to see if there's a chance with this girl (obviously didn't work out lol but never say never right?..) and there's plenty of says when I wanted to just get back with her and things to go back to normal. I miss being called baby, I miss being called my love, I miss feeling cared for, and giving it back to my long distance relationship. But she was trans dude.. she has a penis. I'm not down with that. Im just not. I could just not have sex with her but I don't think u understand I don't want my girl to have a penis whether even if ill never interact with it. (I'm talking like I'm talking w someone irl in a way lmao just the way I write tho yall it's fun)
Umm but yeah :// I wonder how she felt about me. I wonder if she wondered anything about me?
I think I made an interesting insight tho. Do I just want to feel loved and cared for and feel happy? I mean I can't blame myself I think anyone would want that as well as other things too. But those are some of the main ones.
It's still crazy to me. I'm about to go to work and ima go in her department to get water and she just... won't be there. She wont be there tomorrow or next time i go to work ever anymore. Fuck man this shit makes me wanna cry. I'm acting like she died bruh 😂😂😂 why tf am I THIS sad, goodness 😭😔
Everything makes me nostalgic about her now man. 😢 ima just go to work and look ill be fine I'm not gonna bust into tears. But I'll be thinking of her when I have a moment of silence in the restroom or anywhere I get a quiet moment to myself.. she will never read this but I think I was falling for that girl.
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FUCKKKKKK. here are some quotes of me to my friend while reading
“Oh my baby, you’ve gone insane. You can’t handle the rejection from him so you’re blaming it on me and now my family too.”
friend: “not so girlboss”
❄️: “oh fuck its goin down” ““youre mine” STFU”
friend: oh nooo
You swallow down the ball of terror that occludes your throat. “I want to go to my room.” You request shakily, “Please.”
❄️: “shes scared-“ “this is not girlboss at all” “Omg we got a letter from the taehyun” “YUHHH IT FINALLY CAME THROUGH” “a maid smuggled it in”
friend: “LOVE THAT MAID”
my reaction to reader wearing a slutty outfit:
me reaction to soobin being scared off by beomgyu:
❄️: “so much for making friends🥲”
“I can do what I want.” You seethe, “You wanted me to be a whore so bad. Why are you mad now when I act like it?”
reaction to beomgyu saying the princess wont ever take y/ns place:
❄️: “EW THE SWITCH UP” and the most german reaction ever “IGITT” which means ew but worse “WE DONT FEEL NEGLECTED WE WANT YOU TO FUCK OFF” me @.beomgyu
him being all nice in town and helping the commoners
❄️: “hes being nice rn” “i dont wanna forgive” “remember ❄️ hes a dick” “NO BC IM A SUCKER FOR PPL WHO DO NICE THINGS” “also a sucker for manipulators so…well”
“You attack your father over that whore?” The king spits, slapping the prince across the face. “I have half a mind to let the guards take her right here in front of you so you’ll realize what she truly is.”
❄️: “mom please pick me up im scared😀😀😀😀😀” no srsly i was abt to shit my pants the part with the king scared the f outta me
your eyes fly open in apprehension to see him holding a dagger.
❄️: “BRO FOR A SECOND I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA FUCKING CUT Y/N” like carve his name into her or smth- I TOTALLY WOULDVE EXPECTED HIM TO DO THAT “this was traumatising” “fucking dickhead” “i wanna hug y/n and tell her everything will be okey ☹️”
i am now traumatized for life and miss tae and want him to safe and accept us more than ever but he also sounded sus in his letters so IDK ANYMORE
beomgyu has absoltely lost it tho and the fact EVERYONE in the castle was in on it???? WHAT THE FUCK
this broke not only y/n but also me FUCKKKKKKK
one thing this goes to y/n if she was real and i could talk to her
baby virginity is a social construct, no man will EVER be able to take something from you and make you be worth-less NEVER is anyone gonna do that, he took you forcefully which means if virginity means something to you… you are still a virgin, if something gets stolen from you its still yours. baby i love you do NOT let him break you
i am so done this was amazingly written seriously you have such a way of getting me immersed? into the story the way you write is amazing and this def was a emotional roller coster
ill out myself by saying i read loser lover many times and also the latest ch. of yamqn probably 3-4 times… and yeah i can see myself reading this ch again as well and then crying some more😭😭😭😭
not you traumatizing your friend with my story 😂
i love the live reaction! i sometimes write lines and think "ohh i wonder what my readers will think of this" lol thanks for the german lesson could always use a more powerful form of ew 😂
sometimes the people who appear the most charitable can be the most evil ✊🏼😔
ngl the king scared me too lol imagine being oc in that moment
ahaha a repeat of iyym felix nooo
tyun does sound a bit sus. it's the hint for his flaw so good on ya for picking up on that
and yes all you said about virginity. unfortunately in a society like where yamqn takes place virginity is a real currency. men won't take her as a wife now that she's "ruined" 🤢
0 notes
justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
h dry humping the reader until he cums
Hi!!! I had a bit of extra time today, so I banged out this one-shot in one go!!! I didn't expect to finish it bc I usually can't write everything at once, but I guess I was really on the writing grind today lol!!! It honestly got a bit fluffier than I imagined, but of course, there's smut as well :) Hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: smut!! 18+ only!! dry humping, mentions of periods (idk if this is triggering or not but just in case), also lots of fluff
WC: 1025
Harry couldn’t help himself.
She just looked so perfect sitting across from him, lifting her wine glass to her cherry red lips. The short, red dress she wore for their date night clung to her curves in the most perfect way; she fit right in with her fancy surroundings. Her brilliant smile enchanted him, and the twinkle in her irises put him under her spell. His wife was absolutely radiant, and every day, he felt lucky to be in her presence.
That’s why he really couldn’t be blamed for the tent forming in his trousers.
In his defense, it was a love boner. He got them quite often when Y/n was doing the simplest of tasks, whether it was driving, folding the laundry, or cuddling him on the couch. And she was always willing to help him, though of course, she teased him every time.
In response, he would always say, “It’s because y’ my special girl. Jus’ love yeh t’ much.”
It would always make her giggle, and it would always make him blush. He was just so in love. Right now wasn’t any different. Y/n was an absolute vision, and he just really wanted to get her home. Luckily, they were almost done with their main course. Harry was just hoping he could convince her to skip out on dessert.
“You okay, Har? You kinda zoned out there,” his wife asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.
“Yes, ‘m fine,” he hurriedly replied, “jus thinking abou’ somethin.”
His wife raised an eyebrow as he reached over to fiddle with her wedding ring, “And what exactly were you thinking about?”
“You,” he answered, delighting in the way her face lit up.
“You’re too sweet, baby,” she said with a smile.
He didn’t want to explicitly say what he was thinking since they were in public, so he asked, “Would yeh be willin t’ skip out on dessert?”
She looked shocked, “You want to skip dessert? Who are you and what have you done with my husband?”
He laughed, but then a sheepish smile spread across his face, “Well, ehm, ‘ve got a bit of a situation.”
Immediately, she understood, a small grimace appearing on her face, “Oh. Well, I’d love to help you, babe, but I’m on my period.”
He leaned really close to her and whispered, “I mean, I don’ mind fuckin yeh on y’ period, but if yeh’d rather not, we could have dry sex?”
“That would probably be better. Less mess,” Y/n agreed.
“Then let’s get out of here,” he murmured, throwing more money than what was needed for the bill onto the table.
She chuckled, “Eager, are you?”
“Yeah,” he replied, “jus wanna get y’ home.”
“Well,” Y/n mused, “since we took the limo, we don’t necessarily have to wait.”
He grinned, holding his hand out to her, “What did I do t’ deserve yeh?”
“Must’ve done something good in a past life,” she replied, taking his hand.
Harry guided Y/n through the throngs of people in the restaurant with a gentle hand on the small of her back. Soon, they made it outside and to the limo that the two had rented for their rare night off. Harry rapped his knuckles on the window, and the driver unlocked the door. Swiftly, he opened it, ushering his wife inside before slamming the door shut. Y/n laid down on the leather seats and pulled her husband on top of her. He immediately pressed his lips to hers. She giggled into the kiss, but they quickly turned into moans as her husband groped her hips needily. His rough touches contrasted perfectly with the softer movement of his lips against hers, but soon, his lips detached from hers and moved to kiss her neck delicately.
“Harry,” Y/n gasped, rolling her hips against his.
Harry moaned at the contact, finally getting what he had been needing the entire night. He responded in kind, grinding his cock into her covered cunt as he sucked dark marks onto her neck, always enjoying tracing over the bruises the following day. No words were exchanged except for the soft whimpers and moans falling from their lips. They had been together for so long, no words needed to be spoken in order to know what the other wanted. The heady whine falling from Y/n’s lips prompted Harry to pay attention to the sensitive spot behind her ear, and the desperate groan sounded from Harry’s chest told Y/n that he enjoyed the yank of his hair in response. Sooner than he had hoped, Harry was extremely close.
“G-gonna cum, love,” he moaned against her skin.
She pulled him back by his hair and slammed her lips against his, sliding her tongue into his mouth. Kissing her always seemed to do the trick for him. Even if he wasn’t turned on, one kiss from those pretty lips made him weak in the knees. In moments like this, it was all he needed to cum. He whined into her mouth, cum staining his boxers. The slow grind of his hips against hers worked his through his orgasm, but he sped up his motions again in order to bring about his wife’s.
“Need yeh t’ cum f’ me, darlin,” he murmured against her lips.
“Please,” she whimpered, extremely close to her impending release.
He returned to kissing her neck and collarbones while his hands rose from her hips to her chest. His fingers dipped under the neckline of her chosen dress for the evening and pinched her pebbled nipples. He rolled the nubs between his fingers, delighting in the way she cried out his name and came against him.
When Y/n came down from her high, Harry gently pulled her up and positioned her on his lap. They were grinning like a pair of lovesick fools (which they were), and Harry couldn’t be happier. His wife was literally perfect in every way.
“I love you, Harry,” she said, staring into his jade eyes.
He beamed, “I love yeh too, m’ darlin.”
In his opinion, date night couldn’t have turned out any better.
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kireimarkeu · 3 years
To You; l.dh
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+another repost! did not make any changes to this work :) p.s this is one of my fav fics i have written :)
summary; bored in quarantine, your boyfriend decides to film himself telling you how much he loves you.
3k words
this was like… ½ edited LMFAO so there might,,, be mistakes…??? this was so tiring to make omfg, enjoy!! lol 
also i mixed the name donghyuck and haechan bc i couldn’t choose one lmfao ok!!! bye gn enjoy!! :)))))))
warnings: there’s a word f*t in it
+Day 1 3:34PM
Haechan adjusted the camera, making sure he could be seen. Once he was sure the camera was reflecting him properly, he leaned back against his gaming chair. 
“Um,” your boyfriend started, looking everywhere but the camera. “This is awkward,” he says, looking back at the camera.
“I started this, since we won’t be able to see each other for a month- because of quarantine,” he explains, “I honestly have no idea what I’m doing right now,” he laughs. 
After a few minutes of pure silence, your boyfriend opened his mouth to continue speaking, “I just feel like— I never really show much love to you?” 
There were times where your boyfriend would purposely avoid saying ‘I love you’ or avoid holding your hands whenever the both of you were outside. Honestly, you didn’t really mind, knowing Donghyuck was never the type to show affection. 
“It’s hard,” he says truthfully, “The boys knows how much I love you, and it sucks that I don’t know how to show you— or tell you, that I love you.”
Haechan bit his lips nervously, “and, I think this video is- or will prove that I love you?”
He wasn’t sure if he was even making sense at this point. 
Your boyfriend groaned, throwing his head back, covering his face with his hands. After a while, he looked back at the camera, “you know what, babe? Just watch the whole thing, okay?”
+Day 4 11:47PM
“Hi,” he smiles, letting out a huff, “this is kinda late, I spent the whole night playing games,” he says guiltily, playing with his fingers, looking away from the camera.
He knows that you didn’t like it when he would stay up until ungodly hours just to play games with his friends. You hated how he would put his health aside just to play games. 
He brings his hands up to brush his wet hair. 
“Uh,” he sighs out loud, pouting. “I feel bad for staying up late last night, so I’m going to spend the whole night with you today,” he laughs. 
Another moment of silence pass. 
“I don’t know what to say,” he whines. 
He sat there in silence, staring at the ground, figuring out on what to say. Should he tell you about his day?
“Well, I woke up at 5PM today,” he tells you, “I ate dinner with my family— mom cooked chicken today!” he says happily, “Then, I went to call you for a bit because I missed you a little too much,” he pouts. 
He scratched his head, “then I showered and now this-“ he says, pointing to the camera. 
“Um, it has been 4 days and I miss you too much,” he says truthfully, “facetiming isn’t working, I think I’m going crazy,” he laughs. 
+Day 5 7:38PM
He was talking halfway, talking about how much he admires you when his phone started ringing. 
“Oh?” he turns around to grab his phone from his bed. A smile formed on his face when he saw you facetiming him. 
He turned to the camera to show his screen, “Baby, you’re calling me,” he giggles before quickly answering to your facetime. 
“Channie~” you whine cutely when your boyfriend answered your facetime, “what are you doing, hyuckie?”
Usually, your boyfriend would complain whenever you would speak in a cute voice, but he secretly likes it. He secretly likes being babied. 
He looks at the camera that was recording the both of you. 
“Nothing,” he lies, “why did you call me, loser?”
You huff, raising your arms so he could see you laying on the bed. “I’m bored, hyuckie~ entertain me~”
He leans back on his chair, “wanna play games with me?”
Your face beam at his words, “Okay! I’ll get my X-Box ready now.”
Your boyfriend was the one who bought for you the X-Box. Well, it was an old version, but you loved it, nonetheless. It wasn’t like you played daily— you only played with boyfriend. 
“I’ll call you in 5, baby,” he tells you, already walking over to turn on the tv. 
“Kay, bye-bye, love you, Hyuckie,” you say in a baby voice, bringing your phone closer to press your lips on the camera. 
Donghyuck scrunched his nose in disgust, “yeah, yeah,” he says before ending the call. 
He quickly grab the camera that was still recording, he moved the camera closer to press a kiss, “I love you too, y/n.”
+Day 7 3:01PM
“Do you remember when you gave me the teddy bear— Oh my gosh, I feel like a youtuber,” he cackles. He shook his head, focusing back to what he was saying. 
“So, do you remember when you gave me the teddy bear?” he asks, “wait,” he says, standing up to grab the tiny teddy bear that was sitting on his bed. 
You had bought him the bear during your 200th day with him. Donghyuck didn’t really give the reaction you wanted. 
“Do you not like it?” you had asked him, disappointment laced in your voice. You didn’t dare look at him, upset with yourself that you had bought something that he didn’t like. 
“No, no!” he quickly replied, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you into his chest, the other holding the tiny bear. “I love it,” he says. 
You knew it was a lie. He didn’t seem to like it. 
“I love it,” he says, “I know I didn’t show like I did at that time, but I need it with me every time I go to bed.” 
He scratches his head, regretting his actions that has had happened months ago. 
“No one has ever bought me a bear before,” he explains, “and when you bought it for me, it just felt— I felt, I felt happy? I felt fulfilled? Do you know what I mean?” 
“I really wanted to tell you that I loved your present, especially when you had bought me another present a few days later,”
‘it was to make up for the previous present’ was your reason. 
It broke his heart when you said that while handing him a couple bracelet. He wanted to tell you how much he loved your gift, but it was so hard for him. 
“I hated myself for not being able to tell you the truth, it’s hard—and it still is,” he sighs, “I hope by doing this, I can assure you that I love you..?” 
+Day 10 9:34PM
He was in the middle of filming himself when his mother comes in. 
“Donghyuck-ah, what are you doing? Do you want some fruits?” his mother asks, looking at his son, not noticing the camera perched on the dressing table. 
Instead of answering his mother’s question, he grabs the camera to film his mother. 
“Eomma, say hello to y/n,” Donghyuck says. 
His mother raised her eyebrows in surprised, “hello my dear y/n~ how are you?”
Your boyfriend giggle from behind the camera, “tell her how much you miss her,”
“I think I miss you more than Donghyuck does,” she jokes. “What is this for, Donghyuck-ah?”
Haechan placed the camera back on the dressing table, turning to look at his mum.
“I’m making a video for y/n until quarantine is over,” he explains as his mother walks in, wrapping her arm around her son’s shoulder. 
His mother’s heart warmed at his son’s words. 
“You’re growing up way too fast, our Donghyuck~” she cooed, pulling your boyfriend’s cheeks as he whined in pain. 
You would also pinch his cheeks almost every time the both of you are together. Whenever you had Donghyuck’s cheeks between your fingers, he would whine, pulling away from your grip.
“Eomma! I want strawberries!” he shouts after his mother left his room. 
He turns his attention back to the camera, “Anyways—”
+Day 17 2:35AM
“I really like your eyes,” Haechan confesses dreamily, “your eyes are the colour of shit,” he jokes, “but they’re so shiny, baby,”
The first time he realizes he’s in love with your glimmering eyes was when he brought you out on a date to star gaze. You were staring at the sky, a smile plastered on your face, amazed at how beautiful the sky was. 
When you noticed your boyfriend staring at you, you turned to face him. Your eyes captured his heart. How could someone have such bright eyes?
“Oh! And when you smile, you make my heart beat like crazy!” he chuckles. 
The first thing that caught Hyuck’s eyes when he had a crush on you was your bright smile. He believes that was the main reason that he fell for you. How you would always have a beaming smile plastered on your face everywhere you go. 
He thinks it’s adorable. 
The small dimples that was on the side of your lips whenever you smile. 
And your adorable little laugh he adores so much. 
Or the little birthmark you had on the corner of your mouth. 
After talking about you for a while, he let out a satisfied sigh, “I’m so whip for you, you know?”
After 17 days of making videos for you, it started becoming easier for him to show his love for you. 
“Everything you do makes me go crazy, do you realise that?” he asks you, “do you realize that everything you do makes me happy? No, you don’t have to do anything, your presence makes me melt.”
He laughs at how he was flirting, “you’re probably laughing too,”
His laughter died down, letting out a tired sigh, “well, it’s late and I’m going to go to bed before you nag at me some more,”
He let out a yawn, “goodnight y/n, I love you so much, you don’t know how happy you make me,”
+Day 20 2:56PM
This time, it was different. 
He was filming himself at McDonalds drive-thru. 
“Guess who’s this for?” he asks the camera, his gaze on the road. “Yes, you.”
He turns to look at the camera for a second before paying attention on the road, “you didn’t ask me to get you anything but I wanted to get something for you,” he explains. 
He was lying, this was just an excuse to see you, even for a second. Even if it’s 6 feet apart. Even if there was a glass between the both of you. 
“I think you know the reason why I’m buying this for you,” he says, referring to the food. “To make you fat! You’re right, y/n,” he jokes. 
That was also a lie. You tend to eat less whenever you’re stressed. 
After he found out that you had a project, he knew how stress you would be, and decided to get food, making sure you eat healthily. 
Your boyfriend would never fail to remind you how much he loves your body. No matter shape or size. He has always made sure you feel loved with who you are. 
“I think you know the real reason why I’m coming over,” he adds. When he reaches a red light, he turns to look at the camera with a pout, “I can’t help it, I miss you too much, y/n,” he says in a baby voice. 
He grimaces at his actions, shaking his head disapprovingly, “I am never doing that ever again.”
A few minutes later, he reached your house. He had texted you to that he was waiting for you outside. 
It took you a while to come out, but when you did, you had one of his hoodies over your body. 
He loves it when you wear his clothes, it makes him feel all giddy. 
‘One day, I’m going to wear all of your clothes’ he would say whenever you steal his clothes. 
You walked over to his car, “what the hell are you doing here, dummy,” you ask him, maintaining the distance. 
He grabbed the bag of food from the passenger’s seat and passed it to you from the window of his car. 
“Brought you food, you unappreciative bitch,” he tells you while you walk up to grab the food from him. 
You open the bag to see your favourite food, “my favourite food, too?!” you squeal, “Haechan best boyfie~”
He rolls his eyes, “yeah, yeah, go and finish your project,”
You nodded, the smile not leaving your face. 
“I’ll facetime you later?” he asks. 
“At 11,” you confirmed. 
He nods, signalling for you to go back in. You blow a kiss to your boyfriend before turning around to go back in. 
He quickly fishes out his camera, filming you walking back in your house. 
“Look at my baby all happy because I brought her food,” he says, “enjoy your food, pretty,”
+Day23 6:07PM
“Day 23,” he breathes out. “I didn’t expect it to go by so fast,” he blurts out. 
He puffs his cheeks out, “I don’t want to stop making videos for you, but you would just make fun of me for being soft,”
He had started growing content on making videos for you every day. 
“But at the same time, I can finally see you after a month, babe!” he says happily. “I can finally hold you in my arms, we can kiss until the world ends, we can also do it,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Well, he can’t lie he did miss doing it with you. 
He sighs, “anyway, when we can finally get together, we can watch movies, then come back to my place and we can cuddle!”
He missed that. 
Personally, Donghyuck preferred going over to your place but you preferred going to his place because he had games and a huge bed, and it was just comfortable. 
“Ahh,” he groan, “I miss you like crazy! I think I have to end this video early because I wanna facetime you right now,”
He grabs his phone on the table to call you. 
“Okay, bye babe, I love you, I’m going to talk to you now!”
+Day 25 4:03AM
“Hi,” donghyuck greet the camera. 
Anyone could realise he wasn’t in the best mood. 
It took Donghyuck a while to start talking, “we had a fight earlier today,” he says, his voice lace with disappointment and… hurt?
You had texted him just an hour ago, ranting about your homework. When Donghyuck replied to you a minute later, you got angry at him because he was staying up again at ungodly hours. 
He didn’t understand why you were so angry because you were awake at the same timing as he is. 
“I’m going to give you space, because it’s what you need right now,” he says. “I hope you know I still love you no matter what,”
He bit his lip hesitantly, “I know you don’t like it when I stay up with the boys, but I don’t like you staying up to finish your work either, baby”
He closes his eyes shut for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I hope you don’t get too stressed over school, eat healthily, and make sure you rest from time to time, babygirl,”
He lets out another sigh before reaching for the camera, “I love you,”
+Day 28 7:36PM
 Haechan purses his lips, staring at the camera, “today is a bad day,” he starts. 
Today he had woke up a little earlier than normal after talking it out with you a few days ago. He decided to get up early and help his mom with cooking, which only resulted him in getting scolded by his mother for making a mess. 
After that, he decided to play games with his friends, however despite playing for 5 hours straight, he didn’t get a single win. 
Now, he has tried to contact you, but you have not replied to him. Probably busy with school. 
He let out a huff, “take a break y/n,” he whines, “focus on me too~”
Letting out a pout he shakes his head, “kidding babe, get those A’s!”
“Well, now I don’t really have anything to do so I’m going to facetime you again, bye babe!”
+Day 30 10:18AM
“Hyuckie!” you call out, running to your boyfriend. When you reached him, you threw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, making him stumble back a few steps as he grabs on your waist. 
You hid your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. He smells so good.
“You’re not going to let go of me until I say so,” you mumble, tightening your grip around his neck.
He chuckles at you, “I won’t let go of you until you say so,” 
Donghyuck was satisfied with having his arms wrapped around your waist, his face covered in your hair. 
After a few moments of the both of you just holding each other, you finally pull away from your boyfriend. 
“Y/n,” he says, making you hum.
“Wait,” you stop him, making him stare at you with wide eyes as he froze on the spot. 
“Can you kiss me first?” you ask. His eyes soften at your request. Your fingers trace his bottom lips, “I miss your pretty lips.”
He smiles at your words and nodded. Pulling you closer by your waist, he pressed his lips against yours. Your hands rest on his chest while you both share a needy kiss. 
After a few minutes, you pull away, breathless with crimson red cheeks.
Haechan raised his eyebrows as he resumed, “I made something for you,”
You gasped, “what is it?”
He fishes out a CD player. The CD held videos of him explaining how much he loves and appreciates you throughout the whole month. 
He passes you the gift. 
“Watch this at home?” he tells you. 
You grab the CD from his grip, “okay? What is this all about?”
“Just promise me you’ll watch it at home?” he asks again, staring down at you. 
“I will! I will!” 
After making videos of himself for 29 days straight, Donghyuck have concluded that he was so utterly in love with you. He was so in love with you that he didn’t know how to express how much he adores you.
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sxftkxssxs · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoy reading your takes on the main 6.
Anyways could I request the main 6 with a MC that is a adrenaline junkie? Just loves to do anything that makes their adrenaline start pumping?
If you can't it's fine and thanks for making these hc!
it’s no problem! i’m glad you like my blog <3
(i hope this is what you imagined?? i’m writing this when i’m very tired so—)
M6 with an s/o who is an adrenaline junkie
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slight adrenaline junkie themselves but it’s not that bad yk
now if ur a crazy adrenaline junkie then whew
they mostly just laugh and tell you to be careful
if it’s absolutely too dangerous he just kinda…holds you by the waist
it’s almost like when you tell a dog to stay-
if you manage to escape i give you a farewell and congratulations
faust is always on your side, i mean, we know she’s the one who convinced asra to jump off the docks ships with her 🥰
at the end of the day as long as ur having fun and safe they don’t really mind <3
10/10 ur support and slight adrenaline junkie buddy
oh my god mazelinka wants to hit you both
you’re both adrenaline junkies. and sometimes it worries people.
cough cough mazelinka cough cough
niether of you really cares though, you both get to do exciting and crazy stuff together so <3
and omg it’s the best feeling ever when you’re right in the middle of doing something crazy with him
he’s so- ugh, he’s one of the best people to do this with lmao
tl;dr no you don’t have any brain cells but you both love everyone ach other and do it anyway
hmm 8/10 bc hes bound to be more of an adrenaline junkie than u and drag you places after ur tired
my dear don’t do that. we don’t need another vulgora in the palace
she’s like a mom with her toddler
if it isn’t anything that’ll hurt you or something she’s gotta do absolutely perfect, you can do it
just- don’t break anything-
“NADIA LOOK AT WHAT I DID HAHA” “Yes that’s very wonderful dear, anyways-“
she doesn’t mean to shrug ur clearly important duties off but she’s very busy
catch her at a less busy hour tho and she’s much less distracted
she does like a bit of adventure though, so if you manage to convince her, she’ll do something exciting with you 👀
tl;dr nadia is very busy but loves doing thrilling things with u
8/10 bc she’s busy but also very fun
it’s- hes complicated
it’s like he just knows what is too dangerous and what’ll just make you feel alive man
inanna joins you everytime though, you could almost swear she enjoys it more than you do
you probably won’t ever convince him to do much, but i’m betting you tried to convince him once and he did it bc of u and inannas puppy eyes
muriel: 0 Mc: 1
don’t actually try to do something when he tells you it’s too dangerous bc he just- picks you up like a mom cat does
and then you really can’t do that thing you really wanted to
tl;dr big honker man doesn’t like adrenaline rushes at first but does it anyway for the person who loves the thrill (and ends up liking crazy things)
7/10 bc he was hesitant
you thought julian was bad? think again
the devoraks are so similar but so different
portia will absolutely do dangerous things and it’s gonna end up a mess if you both join in
no one can stop the combined 0.005 of a braincell you two share
pepi joins along sometimes <3
ur little adrenaline junkie family is so cute and scary
every date is a thrilling one with her 🥰
you will not regret being with her at all lolol
very thrilling 10/10
so sorry ur gonna be alone on every adventure if you don’t count melchior
Mans is literally the biggest baby unless it’s a battlefield
he tried to come with you once and literally felt like jelly after
if you wanna spar or do something of that sort hes all for it though
sparring with him is always exciting- hes always trying new things and ur most likely not as experienced so-
you either get pinned or a sword to your throat LMAO
will scream like a little girl if you get him dragged into something other than sparring
just give him a kiss and hold him after and he’s good as new lol
very good at sparring but nothing else 4/10
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cultgambles · 3 years
Yeah She Bad Ain’t She
Why would I wanna keep her to myself
Dabi x Reader x Hawks
Wrote this in Hawks’ POV bc try new things. Enjoy! Also got inspired by some audios on gwa lol but what’s new.
Voyeurism, exhibitionism, public, threesome, mutual masturbation, one (1) gay joke, they/them pronouns for reader, afab tho
WC: 1794
Masterlist | Requests? open
The first time you step into the dingy bar of the LOV, you scrunch your nose at the smell. Cough into your fist, and scan the room with careful eyes. You see Tomura Shigaraki nursing a whiskey at the bar, Kurogiri behind it, Spinner chatting up Twice. Dabi is laid back on the couch, his arm slung around someone you don’t recognize.
“Hawks, our newest member!” Shigaraki says to the team. “Give him every hospitality.”
“Hey-yo!” you say, saluting leisurely as a greeting. Shigaraki introduces everyone, as if you don’t already know who everyone is. Except one person, the one cozied up to Dabi. They introduce themselves as [Y/N]. Someone you’ll have to research on later before you report back to the commission, which makes you sigh silently.
“Come sit! You’re in luck because tonight is movie night!” Twice says.
“Just tonight?” you ask, watching the rest of the members find seats around the small TV.
“Every Thursday!”
“What are we watching tonight?”
“Catch Me If You Can! About that American con artist,” [Y/N] says. “Pass me that blanket, would you?”
“Sounds interesting. And sure,” you say, tossing the Christmas themed blanket at them. You watch as they fluff it out on themselves and Dabi. You push over one of those lounge chairs and flop onto it. Shigaraki queues up Netflix and hits the play button.
About thirty minutes in, you hear [Y/N]. “Dabi, stop,” they whisper, smacking him on the arm lightly.
“What, I’m not doing anything at all.”
“Don’t act all innocent.” Out of your peripheral vision, you swear you see Dabi’s hand move under the blanket, ​​[Y/N]’s hand gripping his forearm.
“But don’t I make you feel good, baby?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions. The problem is everyone is here.”
“Not like we haven’t done something like this before,” he scoffs. “Look, we even got an audience.”
Your face flushes as you listen to their conversation. You barely hear a low groan from [Y/N]’s lips.
“Can y’all shut the fuck up? I’m trying to see what Frank’s gonna do!” Shigaraki fumes, whipping around. A look at Dabi. “Oh.”
“C’mon, boss, don’t pay attention to us, watch the movie,” [Y/N] says.
“This is free entertainment right here.”
[Y/N]’s hips jolt upwards. “You perv.”
“More moaning my name, less talking,” Dabi growls, ripping the blanket off [Y/N]. [Y/N]’s wearing a yellow sundress, that by now, is hitched up above their hips. Their panties are pushed to the side, showing their glistening sex. Dabi’s middle finger and ring finger disappear inside of them, his palm pressing against the clit roughly as he fingers them.
“I-Is this a normal occurrence?” you stutter, face turning the same color as your wings.
“P-pretty normal, yeah, oh, Dabi, right there!” [Y/N] trails off, grinding up for more friction.
“What can we say, we like to have fun here.”
By now, the other league members have turned around, movie be damned.
“How are y’all so casual about this?!”
“Don’t be like that, you’re having a good time too, bird brain,” Dabi smirks, eyes drifting to your growing erection.
“Shut the fuck up,” you snap. But he’s not wrong, both of them have got you so enamored. You hear the squelch and squeaks, the quickening of breaths.
“Dabi, I need you, need your cock,” you barely hear them whisper.
“Of course, doll. Lay down,” Dabi smiles softly, planting a kiss on their lips.
You don’t know if you’d rather be him or [Y/N].
[Y/N] slips down, horizontal on the couch. You eye Dabi as he stands straighter, nimble fingers unclasping his belt and pulling his cock out. It shimmers slightly in the TV light. He drags his cock along their folds, gathering wetness. He taps it against them. Without warning, he slams into them, both letting out a guttural sound at the sensation. His pace is slow, he’s gripping [Y/N]’s hips as a smack smack smack rings out as their bodies meet.
Somewhere behind you, you hear a zipper unzipping. You’re tempted to too, but would that be too soon? Must be, since this is basically your first official day here.
But you don’t deny how good [Y/N] looks taking Dabi’s cock. Hair splayed out, breasts moving under that sundress. You want to rip the dress off of them. Tt hold, knead at the flesh, and lick at the pert nipple. Your eyes travel down their body, where [Y/N] takes him in so nicely. How would they taste, you wonder.
And what about Dabi? Just the size of him could choke you out.
Dabi’s voice snaps you out of your reverie. “C’mon, man, if you’re just gonna stare at them, why don’t you play?”
“Nothin’ wrong with lookin,’” you trail off.
You so want to. Badly.
“Hawwwwkkks,” [Y/N] moans. “Let me taste you. Taste me. Whatever.”
“You heard them,” Dabi drawls.
One beat, and suddenly you’re up, fast as lightning. “[Y/N], let me take your dress off.”
“Okay,” [Y/N] lifts their arms as you pull the dress up over their head, revealing the tantalizing and smooth skin. You toss the dress somewhere to the side of you and rip off your gloves. You kneel beside them on the floor, slotting your mouth against theirs in an open mouthed kiss. Your hands sneak up, massaging their breasts and pinching the nipples.
You feel [Y/N]’s hand snake down your chest, and whimper as their hand grips your clothed cock. You pull away to bring it out. The tip is flushed red, a bead of precum forming at the slit. You stroke your hand down once, and move so your hips are flush with [Y/N]’s face.
“Nice dick,” [Y/N] and Dabi mutter at the same time.
“Jinx!” [Y/N] barks a laugh that soon turns into a moan at a particularly hard thrust.
[Y/N]’s tongue slides on the underside of your cock, massaging the vein there. Soon enough, it’s enveloped in their mouth and you fight to suppress a moan.
“Your mouth feels so good, baby.” [Y/N] hums, taking you in deeper. Their nose nuzzles the hair at the base of your dick slightly. They barely have to do any work as Dabi basically pushes them forward with each thrust. Dabi looks up at you with lazy eyes.
“Kiss me,” you plead, leaning in.
“That’s gay,” he says as he captures your lips with his.
You’ve never kissed a man before. He tastes like old cigarettes and mint. Your tongue slides against his teeth, and finally meets his tongue.
He’s got a tongue piercing.
How many piercings does this dude even have?
You jerk away without warning as [Y/N] does a particularly hard suck.
“Wanna feel their pussy?”
“I couldn’t.”
“Just because you’re new I’ll
let you.” Is this a trick?
You so want to.
[Y/N] pops off of you. “Dabs likes watching.”
“Does that even count since I’m also partaking?”
“I think so. Just get over here, I need your fat cock in my mouth. Not that yours wasn’t also good, Hawks. Just needs to be somewhere else,” [Y/N] says.
“Do it!” you hear.
Damn. You’re so wrapped up in these two, you forgot there was an audience. However, it seems that was the push you needed. You give the a-okay. Dabi nods, clearly pleased by your decision, and pulls out.
You trade places, [Y/N]’s hole flexing against nothing. You bring two fingers down to swipe at the wetness and run your tongue along the digits. You guide your cock in, letting out a satisfied moan at the warmth. [Y/N] squeezes your cock deliciously, and you almost want to come right then and there. You tell them so.
Your pace isn’t as brutal as Dabi’s but still elicits those sounds you're beginning to love out of [Y/N]’s mouth. A sick part of you hopes you’re better than Dabi, and that they will leave him for you.
Or maybe they’ll let you in again? How often do they do this sort of stuff, you wonder to yourself.
[Y/N] and Dabi are holding hands sweetly, their fingers brushing against his charred skin rhythmically.
Your hand moves to rub tight circles on their clit and you're squeezed impossibly tighter as a response.
“You gonna come, [Y/N]?” Dabi asks. “Getting sloppy there. Don’t bite, baby.”
“I’m so close,” [Y/N]’s voice dips off info nothingness at the end, mouth agape. They throw their head back as they move their hips against yours when your body meets theirs. “I want both of you to come inside of me.”
“Wasn’t gonna do it anywhere else,” Dabi chuckles.
“You want me to?” you ask.
“Yeah, fill me up good, Hawks.”
You glance at Dabi. He shrugs. Hope he doesn’t kill you for this.
“Oh shit,” you curse, feeling [Y/N] spasm around you and shudder.
You think Dabi comes at the same time you do. You slow to a languid pace, letting [Y/N]’s walls milk you.
“Good job, doll face,” you watch him lean down and peck [Y/N] on the forehead. “You too, bird brain.”
“Uh, thanks.” You pull out of [Y/N], and they wince at the loss. You tuck yourself back into your pants and [Y/N] wraps the blanket around their shoulders.
“Good show!” Twice says.
“Now let’s finish the movie,” Shigaraki huffs out.
“You have such a one track mind, Shiggy,” [Y/N] says, ruffling his hair.
“I’m just really invested.”
“Yeah, you were invested in us, too,” they say, looking down briefly.
“Oh shut up.” You catch a glimpse of his cock as he scurried to shove it back in his pants.
“See ya round, Hawks,” [Y/N] says, blowing you a kiss. They take Dabi’s hand in theirs and walk up the stairs at the back of the bar.
“Probably gonna fuck some more,” Spinner snickers.
You’re lucky your mic on the inside of your jacket just happened to die before you got up to some frisky business. This has got to be the weirdest thing you’ve been a part of: League of Villains just fuck as bonding activity.
Maybe you’ll keep this one to yourself. You wonder if they would ever invite you again.
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saintobio · 3 years
Gen is doing exactly what I think a lot of us wanted to happen pre-redemption arc 😅
She clearly loves her sister to bits and knows her well, so it makes sense that she's setting up plan so the second things go south, her sister will be just fine
She also hasn't seen Gojo's redemption like we have and she wasn't there for the whole rollercoaster, so it makes sense she's super wary that her kind, soft-spoken sister announced that she wants a divorce and takes it very seriously. She loved Gojo like a brother of blood relation, but she's also made very aware recently that there is a side to Gojo that she needs to be worried about. And that's not to start the "she doesn't know him like y/n so she shouldn't judge Gojo like that" argument. This is me saying that there was someone who is the kindest and most patient person that Gen has probably ever met (and probably will ever met) fucking snap, Gen has every right to be on high alert of that person
Even if we're worried that her research will cause problems, we gotta remember that her steps are actually logical and loving. If I see someone I love so dearly standing over a pit of fire, I'm gonna wanna pull them far away from it. If they say they know what they're doing and I wanna trust them, I'm not gonna just shrug and leave I'm gonna wanna stay close and think of ways to save them if they fall in.
Either Sera is terrified because that's the first time she's tried to kill something or someone (glances over that Eula) told her that if the baby no longer exists, she can steal Gojo back. Then they handed her a box of tea and winked so hard their eyelashes fell off to signal what they really meant.
Also kinda random bc Sera makes my blood boil: (you wrote these characters so well omfggggg), when dealing with.... Unfavorable people, more often than not, you gotta really analyze the person and situation. Some people fear you if you yell or speak harshly and directly state your hatred for them, but people like Sera and several other people in this fic, hoooo boi. It pisses me off so much that in this society (or at least in my position) I always gotta play the "nice" card. I don't yell or speak super condescendingly to anyone. It's like fucking mind games. Even if I really really wanna slap someone for being Awful, I play nice to make sure no one can pin something on me. If you're always """"nice"""" then no one can say you've wronged others. It takes me forever to write messages to some people I used to work with because of this. I always gotta word it in a way where it doesn't sound like I'm blaming them or I'm being rude in any way, but if you read the message, you can clearly tell that I'm not the one at fault whatsoever. If for some reason a higher up had to see those messages they'd go "aw you've been trying so hard but your team just couldn't pull it together" and not "wow maybe if you asked nicely then you wouldn't be in this mess
I'm legit falling asleep, waking up to continue writing the ask, falling sleep and repeae bc it's really late, I really hope my ask is mostly readable😏🤣
no that’s okay you made really great points !!! <33 and as someone pointed out, it will be ooc for gen to be impassive. gojo himself knows gen is built different which is why he’s scared of her lol. also yeah i get what u mean w playing the nice card!! it exists a lot in hierarchical corporate setups (for me) unfortunately
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honeytae · 3 years
My heart is yours.
hi bubs! so basically this is just about the reader experiencing some jealousy, and jungkook is pretty confused lol. i’m gonna be honest i don’t know how good i feel about this bc angst just isn’t my thing but i hope you all think it’s okay! this is totally not based on real events enjoy! tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy genre: angst, fluff word count: 3.0k
This was not how you wanted the night to go. 
Tonight had started off well; Jungkook had picked you up to arrive at Jimin’s birthday party together, and you had spent the first few hours dancing with him and his friends. You were having a really good time. Emphasis on were.
The fun had ended almost as soon as Jungkook left the table to get another round of drinks, leaving you to converse with some of Jimin’s friends you hadn’t met yet as he made his way to the bar.
In between conversations, you’d taken a brief glance over to the full bar, recognizing your boyfriend as the last one in line as he ruffled a hand through his hair. Smiling fondly at the sight, you’d turned back to one of Jimin’s friends from school, engaging in a conversation about how he knew the birthday boy. 
But the next time you looked over, your whole body seemed to set aflame in a blinding rage. 
Jungkook was no longer at the back of the line, in fact you had to boost yourself up taller in order to see the back of his head. But what you saw next to him was what really set you off; some pretty girl latched onto his arm as if she belonged there.
The chattering voices and pulsing music all seemed to fade into the background as you watched the woman continually push herself at your boyfriend. Clenching your fists, you caved into your seething anger, standing from your seat and stomping out of the room before you could think twice about it. 
He wanted to let that shit happen? Fine. But you sure as hell weren’t going to stick around and watch.
The rational part of you knew that you were acting ridiculous, much like a child throwing a tantrum with the way you’d just stormed off. But the rational part of you was not in control right now. The rational part of you had disappeared as soon as you saw her put her hands on your boyfriend.
Your heels clicked along the floorboards as you made your way toward the door, harsh breaths escaping your flared nostrils at the vision replaying over and over again in your head. 
You were so distracted that you didn’t even hear the footsteps coming toward you, nearly jumping out of your skin when you suddenly collided with a body. 
“Whoa, where are you going?” Jimin asked after steadying your body with his hands on your shoulders, seemingly walking back from the bathroom before you nearly trampled him on your fast paced trip down the hallway. 
A frown appeared on his face as he studied your reddened cheeks and overall shifted energy from only a few minutes ago, ducking his head as his eyebrows knit together in concern.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, your mouth gaping for a second as you considered what to say, knowing you could not possibly state the actual reason you had attempted to storm out of the party without being seen as crazy by your friend.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?” He lowered his voice, your eyes widening at the sudden excuse before you shook your head no.
You felt horrible lying to Jimin as he looked at you with a sympathetic frown, the back of his hand going to your forehead with a concerned furrow of his brows. But it was the only option you had; that or looking like the jealous maniac you were at the moment.
“I-I was just going to get some air.” You explained weakly, Jimin nodding before looking back at the flashing lights of the dance floor. 
Was that what you were trying to do? Honestly, you didn’t know. The only thing going through your mind while walking out through the hallway was simply getting as far as you could from what was going on at the bar.
“You want me to come with you?” He offered, making you smile slightly before shaking your head again. 
“No, Jimin, I’m fine. This is your party and I want you to go have fun. If I don’t see you again, happy birthday.” You faked a smile, the man nodding before pulling you in for a hug. 
It was then that you heard the quiet thumping of footsteps down the hall, pulling away from your friend’s embrace to find none other than your boyfriend approaching behind Jimin.
“Feel better, alright?” Jimin gently squeezed at your shoulder, you nodding in response before he walked away, leaving you alone with Jungkook in the otherwise empty hallway.
“You’re not feeling well, baby?” His brows knit pulled together, having overheard the last bit of the conversation in his stroll to find you after returning to your empty spot in the booth, drinks finally in hand. 
“Not really. Just need some air.” You sighed, your boyfriend stepping forward with a press of his palm to your spine to lead you outside, no hesitation in his actions as he concentrated on getting you out of the building. 
Despite the goosebumps pricking your arms, the cold air that met your skin when Jungkook shoved the door open felt nice. You didn’t even realize how overheated you’d gotten in your rage, only realizing then how sickly you’d probably looked to Jimin.
Well, at least that excuse would work out for you.
“Fuck, it’s cold.” Jungkook mumbled, interrupting your thoughts as he slipped his jacket off of his shoulders to drape over your own, taking a seat beside you on the sidewalk. 
You thanked him quietly at the polite gesture, sighing out as you placed your elbows on your knees, resting your forehead in your hands. Honestly, at this point, you did have a headache. But it wasn’t from alcohol or the pulsing music in the building behind you. 
It was entirely induced by the way the blood had rushed to your head when you’d seen that girl push herself at your boyfriend, shamelessly giggling at him in a high pitched tone that had you clenching your fists, the crescent moon imprints from your fingernails still dug into your palm.
It really wasn’t his fault; he hadn’t done anything in return. But at the sight, you couldn’t hold back the fiery monster inside of you, the feeling that you just wanted to slap whoever tried to steal this man from you.
You hated yourself for feeling this way, knowing that Jungkook deserved someone who didn’t make a fuss out of these silly little things. The anger had now almost completely faded, manifesting itself in frustration with yourself and your own insecurities.
Now you were just projecting, taking feelings that were in no way his fault out on him.
“What are you doing?” He spoke up, interrupting your thought process as you continued blinking down at the pavement beside your feet.
Jungkook had been sitting next to you this entire time, observing you with wide eyes as you seemed to completely dissociate; something not all too uncommon for you to do when you were upset about something. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, suddenly alert when he noticed your lower lip tremble a bit, big doe eyes staring back at you as he tried to figure out what was going on with you. 
“Nothing, Kook. I just want to go home, I think. I’ll get a cab so you can stay-” 
“Baby, if you want to leave, I’m coming with you. C’mon, let’s go home.” Jungkook said as he pushed himself up from the ground, reaching his palm out to you, a bit of relief washing through his body when you let him hold your hand and tug you up from the ground. 
Fuck, you wished he wasn’t so sweet. It made it even harder to be upset with him.
You didn’t let go of his hand once you were standing, Jungkook not taking the initiative of letting go either. The touch provided a bit of comfort to the both of you, his touch grounding your anger and your touch reassuring him that it was maybe not him that you were upset with. Maybe.
“You don’t have to-”
“I want to.” He stopped you again, studying your expression with a slight pout. With a silent nod, you let him lead you down the sidewalk, footsteps in tune with his own as you made your way down the street.
Jungkook kept sneaking glances over at you, lost as he tried his best to navigate the clues your body language was giving him.
Your head was cast downward, eyes never meeting his even as he looked over at you. Your hand held his tightly, most likely subconsciously as you seemed completely in your own head at the moment. 
With a deep breath, he paused to interrupt your trudge along the sidewalk, his sudden stop causing you to pause as well, barely even registering the action as self deprivating thoughts continued to swirl around your head.
“Hey,” he softly called for your attention, your eyes meeting his at the sound, “what’s going on?” 
His question had you diverting your eyes again, instead focusing on a passing car as you bit the side of your cheek in angst. He was going to get it out of you sooner or later; he was persistent, always had been.
“I’m fine.” You responded, not knowing what else to say as the wind blew your hair back from your face. 
You watched as Jungkook’s face morphed from confusion to absolute sadness, his fingers gently soothing over your cheek to confirm what he’d thought he’d seen in the glow from the headlights of the car passing by seconds ago.
“Baby, you’re crying.” 
With a confused hum, you lifted your hand to your face, swiping your wet cheeks and cursing under your breath. You truly hadn’t felt it happen, but you supposed it was no wonder with the growing lump in your throat.
“I think it’s the wind.” You mumbled lamely, Jungkook scoffing before pulling you into a hug, guiding your head to the crook of his neck as you easily complied.
“If you think I’m buying that for a single second,” he sighed, “can you please tell me what’s wrong?” He asked sadly, awaiting an answer as you sniffled into his neck. 
“I don’t wanna say it. I already feel like an asshole.” You responded, feeling more tears prick your eyeballs at the mere thought of bringing up your doubts to him. The last thing you wanted was for Jungkook to take your own stupid insecurities and blame himself.
“What?” Jungkook asked, confusion lacing his tone as he slightly pulled away from you to glance at your face. 
“That girl fucking pissed me off. And then I stormed out like a child. I ignored you because I didn’t know how to approach the conversation like an adult. I hurt you, so now I’m crying.” You explained, sniffling as Jungkook swiped at your tears with his thumbs, confusion etched into his features at your scattered thoughts. 
“What girl pissed you off?” He cocked his head, making you widen your eyes in disbelief.
“At the party.” You stated obviously.
When his face still didn’t change, you sighed, biting your lip out of nerves before your boyfriend undid the action with his finger.  His eyebrows were still bunched in confusion, fumbling to figure out the cause of your emotions.
“At the bar, Kook. She was all over you.” You specified, the wheels slowly turning in Jungkook’s head as his mouth gaped open.
“Are you kidding?” He asked in disbelief, making you huff before crossing your arms over your chest, turning away from him with a plastered on smile.
“Yep, I guess I’m just a dumbass.” You shrugged, beginning to walk away before Jungkook caught you with an arm around your waist, pulling you back to him.
“No, no, no, stop. That’s not what I meant. I just, I can’t really believe you’re so upset about something like that.” He explained, you remaining silent as you adjusted your gaze down to the top button on his shirt.  
By now, the jealousy had almost fully faded, leaving you feeling ashamed and embarrassed of your previous actions influenced by your momentary rage.
“I can acknowledge that she wasn’t exactly being appropriate,” He spoke slowly, “but I wasn’t engaging with it, was I?” 
You shrugged at that, blinking at a nearby telephone pole as you nervously fiddled with your fingers tucked into Jungkook’s coat pocket.
“What does that mean?” He asked at the action, causing you to sigh as you looked back at him.
“It means I don’t know. You weren’t exactly pushing her off of you.” You explained, causing Jungkook to raise his eyebrows at you in a deadpanned stare.
“No, I didn’t push her off of me. That’s a step too far, don’t you think?” He asked, inhaling deeply in an attempt to ground his building frustrations, grabbing your hand in his and soothing his thumb over the skin of your knuckles.
“You have to trust me, love. I would never do anything to hurt you.” He spoke softly, you nodding in reply as his eyes implored yours to believe him.
“I know that. I do trust you, Kook. I’m sorry.” You sniffled, Jungkook pulling you into his chest again and stroking his fingers through your hair at the back of your head. 
“I’m not upset with you, baby. Just a little confused, is all.” He pulled back slightly to look at your face, tucking some loose strands of your hair behind your ears as his eyes studied your own puffy ones.
“Why did you get so upset?” He asked, making you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion at the obvious answer to his question. 
“Because that girl was all over you an-”
“That’s not what I mean. Why did that girl bother you so much if you know I only want you?” He interrupted you, watching as you sighed knowingly, gulping the fresh lump in your throat down in an attempt to bury your emotions. 
“It’s not you. I trust you.” You assured him, the man nodding at you as he patiently waited for your elaboration. 
“It’s not you that’s the problem. It’s me.” You said shakily, face crumpling into tears once again making Jungkook step toward you to hug you once again. 
“Okay, we don’t have to talk about it, it’s okay.” He soothed you, running his hand up and down your spine comfortingly before you pulled back slightly to look at him. 
“Me crying isn’t a reason to avoid this conversation, Jungkook. I’m being ridiculous and I’m sorry.” You wiped your tears with the pads of your fingers, swiping them away in frustration that you couldn’t express your thoughts and feelings without bawling like a baby.
“I know it’s not, it is a conversation we need to have, I know that. But you’re upset, I’m upset, we’re tired, and it’s fucking cold out here.” He finished with a slight laugh, making you chuckle as well.
“Let’s just go home, change into some comfortable clothes, and then we’ll talk. Calmly. Okay?” He asked, you frowning as you looked back at the building you’d tried to leave in a huff.
“You don’t want to stay? I’m fine with staying.” You assured him, the man chuckling slightly as he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I just want to go home with my favorite girl.” He mumbled against the skin, pulling back to raise his eyebrows at your skeptical expression.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” He nodded, smiling gently at you when you nodded in agreement, taking his hand in yours once again as you let him lead you to the car. 
“Hop on in, m’lady.” He gestured with a nod, holding the passenger side door open as you slipped past him to sit in the car. 
You expected him to close the door and round the vehicle to get into the drivers side, but you were surprised when he instead leaned over your body, placing his hand on your jaw to press his lips to yours in a searing kiss.
Taken aback at the way his lips hungrily captured yours, your hand instinctively came up to support the back of his head as you allowed his tongue to push its way past your lips. 
The pads of your fingers soothed over the hair on his nape as his soft lips melded with yours, tiny puffs of air escaping from his nostrils and hitting your skin as he continued his dizzying ministrations.
Pulling back, he pressed a gentle kiss to your bottom lip, looking down at you with fluttered eyelids as he stroked his thumb across your cheek.
“My heart is yours. I‘m in love with you. And that will never change.” He reminded you, your eyes glued to his pretty features in awe as you soaked in his words. 
“I know that, Kookie. I do.” You responded quietly, the man nodding in satisfaction before leaning in to peck your lips one last time, pulling back and withdrawing himself from the car.
When he shut the door, you were surrounded in silence once again, but this time your mind wasn’t making it so loud.
It was eased even just the slightest bit at the man’s reassurances, comforted by the way his hand held your own, resting upon your thigh as he started the car.
Your insecurities would not vanish overnight, that was for sure. But with the tender patience Jungkook never failed to provide you with, you had no doubt that it was an issue that could be worked through.
Leaning over to press your lips to Jungkook’s cheek, a smile quirked his lips at the action, turning to you with a shy grin as your eyes traced his features in the dark.
“What was that for?” He asked, smile widening when you shrugged your shoulders.
“I just love you. Thank you for putting up with me and all my crazy bullshit.” You said, Jungkook scoffing in response, lifting your joint hands to kiss at your knuckles.
“I love you. Along with all your crazy bullshit.”
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meltwonu · 3 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 17]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, intercrural sex, lots ‘o teasing, dirty talk/the absolute tiniest bit of degradation, some cum play/cum eating, seungcheol having a kink for thighs/thigh highs 😳😗 welcome to the weekend my bbys!! I hope yall are having a good day/night!! Also again, another inbox roundup tomorrow(also an updates post)!! 💕 Might be a regular thing for the next 4-ish weeks ‘cause I have been so busy this month 😭 and I can’t believe there’s only 3 more chapters of CB left!! 😭😭 some bangers on the way tho LMAO 🤣 As always, thank you so much for the love and support!!💕💕 Have a great rest of your weekend and enjoy ch 17![cheol voice] seventeen right here 😌💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - x - x - x
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Seungcheol doubles over in laughter, tears blurring his vision as his laughs turn into quiet wheezes.
“God, this is so embarrassing.” Seokmin mutters; cheeks burning crimson when he glances over to Jeongguk who shrugs back. “Maybe I really should quit…”
Jeongguk scoffs jokingly, “Maybe you shouldn’t have lied. No offense, but all the staff here probably have at least seen her before and you just so happened to lie to her actual boyfriend. That’s honestly really lucky if you ask me! You should buy a lotto ticket!” Seokmin whines back, shifting on his heels as he watches Seungcheol start to wipe the tears away.
“Hyung, can you please take this Edible Arrangements I got you so I can go ask Namjoon-hyung to fire me?” This only causes Seungcheol to laugh harder and this time, Jeongguk can’t help the giggle that bubbles past his tightly pursed lips.
“Please!” Seokmin begs, shaking the basket of skewered fruit at the older male. “I heard the diner across down is still hiring, I can still save the rest of my dignity if I leave now!”
Seungcheol shakes his head, eyelashes wet with tears when he takes the gift from Seokmin’s hands to place it on the countertop of the concession stand. “Hate to break it to you but she works there and one of the staff is also one of her regulars so I think your best bet is workin’ here. Embarrassment and all.”
“So, okay… But you’re not mad?”
Jeongguk peels the cellophane off of the basketed fruit, looking to Seungcheol for permission before he takes a skewer. “Go ahead. And no, I’m not mad. If anything I should apologize too, I shouldn’t have let you keep lying when I already knew. But also, to be fair, we weren’t really… official ‘til recently.” Seungcheol shoots the younger male a sheepish smile; cheeks a pretty pink of their own. “And it’s kinda been nice meeting you guys too. It’s great to know you’re not all weirdos.”
Seokmin laughs lightly, breathing a sigh of relief. “Okay, cool, ‘cause this place pays really well and I’d hate to stop working here and you guys are a lot cooler than the coworkers I had before.” He rolls his eyes jokingly, leaning up against the countertop as he picks off a strawberry from the basket.
“Don’t even get me started on this coworker I had at the last place. His name was Mingyu, I think? Suuuuuch a kissass. I had to move to manning the register at all times just so I could avoid him pickin’ his nose in the backroom and then pretending like he was doin’ shit.”
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“Hey, Seungcheol-hyung?”
Seokmin’s inquisitive voice has Seungcheol turning; setting the rollerskates in his hand down onto the bench. “Yeah?”
“Do you think it’s weird that we’re, like, watching your girlfriend?” He tilts his head in thought, eyes blinking up to the ceiling. “I don’t want to overstep or something if it’s weird, y’know? I’ve been thinking about what Jeongguk said earlier...”
Seungcheol grins back at him, eyes twinking. He’d also thought about that before too, when he first found out that Jeongguk had also watched your streams.
“I don’t really mind ‘cause at the end of the day, it’s you watching me fucking my girlfriend.”
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“Well, I’m glad he took it… well?” You giggle, tugging the white thigh high up your leg.
Seungcheol pulls off his shirt as he sits on the edge of the bed; tossing the wrinkled material onto the floor as he laughs under his breath.
“He did give me an Edible Arrangements while I laughed so hard I cried. I think he’s learned his lesson.”
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xcaliburDK: good news, i didnt quit!!
chwenon: i was gonna say
chwenon: u literally started like last week
universe_WZ has donated $75
angelhan has donated $75
therealchan99 has donated $50
therealchan99: u look rly pretty in ur white set!!!
“Aww, thank you! It’s one of my favorites~ And ‘xcaliburDK’, I’m glad you didn’t quit!” You wink at the camera, giggling softly in Seungcheol’s lap as he peppers kisses along your shoulder.
A shiver runs up your spine at his gentle touches and you easily melt under his soft kisses and roaming fingertips. He ghosts them across your breasts, teasing you through the thin lace as you mewl and squirm against his cock that’s pressed firm against your ass. “A-ah, S--Seungcheol…”
tangerine_kwan: she looks so happy now that she can call ur name out lol
alphagyu97: now i cant pretend its me tho
gentleman_josh95: i mean i guess but are u even built like him
alphagyu97: well
Your body slowly starts to fill with warmth; soft stuttered breaths falling from your lips when he drags his fingers down your torso until they play with the hem of your panties. “M-more… tease me m-more…” He grins against your shoulder; hooking a finger around the waistband of your panties and tugging it away from you before letting it snap against your skin.
“‘Cheol!” Whining, your legs snap shut on impulse as you feel a gush of wetness soaking into your panties.
“Ah, ah, ah, part those legs, princess. Don’t make me have to punish you.”
kitty_junjun: no thats what the shibari stream is for right? Right? 😩
artist8hao: is that really happening bc i want to see it
alphagyu97: u guys should do it and think of it as like a rebrand of the channel ykwim
hoshi_tiger_xx: jdfkjhf like a grand re-opening under new management
therealchan99: what is this, a restaurant?
chwenon: u guys should come up with a new channel name too or sth
Seungcheol manages to read off a few of their comments; committing some to memory knowing that your eyes were still sealed shut as you focused on his soft touches.
He drags his fingers down further, humming when he can already feel how wet you were getting. “Hmm~ Already soaked through your pretty panties, baby~” Your head rolls back against his shoulder, nodding gently as you start to grind against the fingers that he uses to press into your clothed, wet folds.
“F-feels good w-when you, ah, t-tease me…”
Unbeknownst to you, Seungcheol smirks, eyes twinkling at the camera. “You really like it, huh? When I just touch you gently like this. Not enough to get you off but just enough to get you soaking wet until you’re begging for my cock.” He pauses; pressing a soft kiss to your skin. “I wanna try something with you, pretty baby~”
You gulp as you raise your head from his shoulder and he retracts his hands from your body as you shift your body and slightly turn to the side to face him.
Seungcheol’s eyes are blown wide with lust and you can already feel his cock throbbing against your lower back as he smiles dreamily at you.
“I think you’ll like it too.”
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A stuttered moan falls from your lips as Seungcheol’s cock slides past your tightly clasped, yet shaky, thighs.
“O-oh, ‘Cheol, this--this is…” The words die on your tongue as your head falls forward and Seungcheol is quick to reprimand you, just as he draws his hips back.
“Baby, I want you to watch yourself on the screen. I want you to see your cute face while I tease your pretty body.” He moans; thrusting between your wet thighs as your hazy eyes peer at the laptop’s screen. Your lips are swollen and your pupils are blown wide when you catch yourself and you can see the head of Seungcheol’s cock only just breaching past your clamped thighs when he thrusts forward.
You let out a guttural moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head when he alternates between thrusting between your thighs and letting his cock slide against your soaked, panty-clad mound. 
He hadn’t bothered to undress you at all, but you didn’t mind. The material of your panties only added onto the pleasure with every drag of his cock against you.  
Seungcheol teases you even more; dragging his hands down to your thigh highs and letting his fingertips play right underneath the hems before pulling the material away from your thighs and letting them snap against your skin, much like he’d done with your panties.
“Ah, fuck, m-more! P-please…” He repeats the action a few more times, playing with the sheer fabric of your thigh highs before he draws his hips back. Except this time, when you expect him to thrust back between your legs, he wraps a hand around his cock instead, guiding himself until the head of his cock is rubbing up against the sheer fabric.
“Fuck, you’d look so pretty with cum all over your pretty thighs. I should cum all over your panties and your white ‘lil thigh highs and get them all soaked. Don’t you think they’d be cute? Sticking to you like a second skin? Translucent ‘n soaked through with my cum?” He laughs under his breath, watching through the laptop screen at the way you bite your lip and furrow your brows at the thought.
“I--I want t-that… I want S--Seungcheol t-to make, ngh, a m-mess…”
angelhan: i kno we say this all the time but can u upload some pics of that later
angelhan has donated $75
universe_WZ: seconded cuz thatd look so fuckin hot
universe_WZ has donated $50
alphagyu97 has donated $75
alphagyu97: fuck, like a lil angel covered in cum
Seungcheol teases you and himself at the same time; rubbing his cock against your fabric-clad thighs. He spreads precum onto the material, licking his lips when it already becomes translucent and sticks to your skin.
He positions his cock back between your thighs once he’s had his fill and quickly finds himself doubling his pace when he sees how wet you’re getting his cock without even having taken your panties off. “God, look at you. I don’t even need to fuck you to get you this wet. You just need to rub your ‘lil cunt against my cock and it’s enough for you, huh? I should make you sit on my lap, rub your pretty ‘lil pussy on my cock ‘til you’re cumming over and over again.”
“Ngh, yes! Fuck, Seungcheol! I--I can feel your c-cock throbbing between my l-legs… Please, please c-cum, mmh, all over my s-skin…”
“That’s right, baby. So fuckin’ desperate to be covered in it too. And always so fuckin’ pretty when you are.”
You let out a whimper as you try to focus on watching yourself just like Seungcheol had asked you to. Your lips are parted in soft breaths and you can’t seem to unfurrow your brows as Seungcheol chases his pleasure behind you.
angelhan: what if
angelhan: seungcheol in thigh highs lmao
universe_WZ: sub.cheol
sleepy_wonu: sub.cheol
universe_WZ: jinx
sleepy_wonu: fuck u 
You lick your lips at the thought; although you knew Seungcheol would have a hard time relinquishing his dominating nature.
But your mind wanders as you continue to think about it; various images of Seungcheol tied up underneath you while you fucked yourself on his cock running through your mind. You let out a shaky moan, to which Seungcheol hums.
“What are you thinkin’ about, princess?”
“Um… ah, n-nothing…” He thrusts between your legs hard, making you jolt forward as you yelp.
“I--ah! J-just thinking a-about… y-you tied up, ngh, to--to the bed and m-me fuh--fucking myself on your c-cock… ‘n me u-using, mmh, my toys o-on you...” Seungcheol smirks, pulling his cock from between your shaky thighs as he slightly pushes you over until you're on your back.
He spreads your legs as you look up at him and he’s quick to wrap a hand around his cock as he jerks himself off above you. “Oh, I bet you’d love that, wouldn’t you? I bet you’d be so cute trying to be the domme for a night.” Seungcheol teases.
You find yourself clenching around emptiness as you think of the possibilities. You definitely wanted to try it if Seungcheol was willing.
“Fuck, but first, gonna cover your pretty body with my cum.” He groans; thrusting up into his palm as he chases his high.
“C-cum all over me, Seungcheol…”
The donations and comments sound off in the back as you maintain eye contact with Seungcheol who’s brows furrow when he starts to feel himself about to cum. He scoots back a little; growling when his cock throbs in his grasp and he cums all over your, already, soaked panties.
You let out a moan when rivulets of cum hit your lower abdomen and you’re quick to reach down and scoop some up to bring to your mouth, smearing the warm substance against your puckered lips before licking it off. Whimpering, you dip your fingers into your mouth; this time pretending they were Seungcheol’s instead of your own.
He guides his cock until the head is aimed at your thighs; streaks of cum settling into the sheer material of your thigh highs. “God, you’re so damn pretty...” Groaning, he milks his cock for every drop of cum before he’s stopping to catch his breath.
“You came so much but I didn’t cum yet, ‘Cheol~” Pouting, you turn your head to the side to face the camera. “Tell him he has to make me cum now~”
kitty_junjun: well u heard the lady!!
hoshi_tiger_xx: make her cum and let her cream her cute lil panties even more
therealchan99: oh fuck yeah, get her off without fucking her cute cunt
Seungcheol leans over your body until the two of you are almost face to face, eyes twinkling with playfulness when you feel his sticky hand playing with your thigh highs again.
“D’you hear that? Let’s give them what they want, baby.”
The sounds of donations and comments once again get lost as Seungcheol finds himself on his knees between your legs.
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When you slide into bed after your camshow’s ended and Seungcheol has properly taken care of you, he’s quick to tug you into his chest. 
The two of you let out soft sighs at the warmth that envelopes you both as you finally start to settle in for the night.
After a few minutes, Seungcheol clears his throat, catching you just before you drift off to sleep.
“This is so random but have you considered, I dunno, rebranding your channel… with me? I was thinking about it and kinda wanted your opinion...”
You blink up curiously at him, urging him to continue. “I mean, yeah, of course! I don’t really know where to start though since it’s always just been me. And to be honest, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to either so I never brought it up.” You snuggle into his warmth, yawning as the sleep threatens to take over.
“But let’s talk about it later, ‘cause ‘m tired now, ‘Cheol. You really didn’t have to make me cum twice…” You mumble, “I can still feel my legs shaking...”
His soft laugh reverberates in your chest and he’s quick to press a kiss against your hair as he tugs you in closer.
“It’s ‘cause I like to spoil you. And okay. I’ll remind you when you’re more conscious.”
“G’night, ‘Cheol...”
“Goodnight, baby.” 
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keiarchived · 3 years
how about some headcanons or a one shot of yan!hawks and y/n going to the beach as a price bc y/n was really obedient and submissive; hawks pretends everything’s fine and even let’s her wear a bikini and all, she’s really happy and even made some friends but uh oh sike hawks uses all that as blackmail for her when they’re alone 👀 “I didn’t know you where such a whore with people you just met” “I saw you with your so-called-new-friends, you where all over them, is this why you were so obedient this pasts weeks? So you could be a slut for others” he fucks her while degrading her and calling her names 😳💦 “look at you cletching on my cock, I bet you’re pretending it’s your new friend’s dick, I bet you’re pretending he’s fucking you, you’re a filthy whore” he edges her and only allows himself to cum inside her and fill her up so she’s knows who she belongs to 🥴 they later go home and he keeps her cuffed to the bed so she never leaves again, no matter how good she is “are you being a good girl so you can go out and flirt and fuck other guys? Yeah I don’t think so baby” 😩 and oh,,,all the dudes she met on their vacation? Yeah they’re dead 🤪 but she doesn’t know that,, that got long I’m sorry 😔😔
Omfg this is hot 🥵 if it was me is it bad that I’d do it on purpose just to rail Hawks so he can punish hard and use me later 💦 also don’t ever be sorry for sending long ask because I love reading them 🥺
Also I promise drabbles are coming soon my brain just dead the last couple of days lol
yandere!Hawks x f!reader
warnings: yandere, possessive, degradation, name calling, mention of murder, dumbification, toxic relationship
A treat outside is rare when it comes to Keigo since you know how possessive and protective he gets
If anyone were to give you a look, Keigo will give them one back. Twice as deadly.
But since you’ve been good lately, he decide to take you out on the beach since the weather is lovely too.
As long as you stay within his sight and keep his feather necklace on you should be fine, technically
Want to wear bikinis and all? Fine, just this once but do expect a lot of marks on you. Bite marks and hickies. Gotta show them who you belong to after all.
Expect Keigo to be watching you like a fucking hawk, most of the time you guys would go swim together before his wings gets all heavy and yucky
So he decide to sit back on the beach, watching you from afar but that’s when those guys came and talk to you.
Seems like a nice bunch, a mixture of guys and girls and asked if you would like to come play volleyball with them since they’re missing one player so you thought yeah why not Keigo wouldn’t mind right? Just one gam, plus you’ve been good so you deserve this little treat
But oh boy are you wrong, that possessive grew as he watched you from afar. Teeth gritting as he tried not to come swooping you off your feet now and just take you right home
Since this is one of those rare occasions where you guys get to go out, as much as he wants to punish you right there Keigo decide to punish you when the two of you get back instead
But of course his eyes never left you, not until you came back to him after the game with your new friends.
“Had fun birdie?”
Tugging you closer when you bend down to get something and Keigo whispers with venom laced in those words.
“Didn’t know you’re such a slut. I saw you with your new friends, is this why you’ve been good past week? Hm? So you can go and throw your pussy at someone else?”
As expected, he gets you all hot and bothered. Flustered before sending you off to your so called friends again, only to wait for you to come and beg to go home since you want him. It didn’t take long till you came crawling back like Keigo expected.
He will probably fucks you behind some rocks before finally heading back, just to get skme furstration out. No one is cumming until you guys get home.
“What do you mean no? Look your friends are there, don’t you want them to see how pretty you are?”
Keigo will edge you so close before stopping and slip out of you, tell you to go pack your things. “We’re going home.” No doubt he would tease you along the way.
Expect a rough fucking when you get home, tired from swimming? Tough luck
Keigo needs to remind you who you belong to as he fucks you silly and breeds you.”
“Do you really want to be someone else’s cumdump that bad? Look at the way you’re clenching around my cock, bet you’re imaging it being that friend of yours aren’t you?”
“Maybe I should just breed you, fill you with babies so you wouldn’t look at anyone else. Hm? You like that?”
Putting you into a mating press whilst chasing his own orgasm. Oh honey, you’re not coming today. Not when you were swaying your hips at some other dude.
After Keigo cums and fill you to the brim, he’s gonna go fetch a plug to make sure every last drop is kept in. Gotta make sure you know who you belongs to.
You’re not going anywhere either, a collar around your neck with a leash so he could keep you here. Hands behind you so you can take that plug out either, don’t worry though Keigo is just gonna be in the other room.
“Wanna try and flirt with some random dudes again? Yeah I don’t think so baby.”
After your punishment is over and the two of you are cuddling at night, Keigo is gonna go pay your new friends a visit ♥️
Apparently the building they lived in burnt down last night, I wonder why.
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uno-writing · 2 years
How do the main cast simp??? 😶
Hundo p Arlo tries to hold it in but it doesn't last and it just kinda explodes out all at once :) before his arc, I imagine he had difficulty admitting to it and it came out in unhealthy ways bc he didn't know how to communicate w out feeling embarrassed
John just becomes horny, periodt. This never changes, ever. He'll be like 35 and if he has a partner at that point they immediately get assaulted by him whispering the dirtiest things in their ear 🤭
And omg, which state do u live in??? Don't answer if u don't wanna even a tiny bit
Bye luv u drink water next time I don't sign off on an ask u can block me bc I would deserve it
- Boba anon 🧋
Omg candy anon ur iconic I just realized that I used emojis in my ask
I live in Virginia!😋
I feel like someone's gonna use this information to narrow down where I live and send a hitman to my house bc I wrote their favorite character wrong lmao
“The person who hired me said you wrote John wrong in your blah blah blah HCs💁.” - The hitman probably (idk why but I imagine the hitman's a bit fruity)
Drink water as well friend!! I can’t block you bc how else will I get boba to the masses??? 🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇🍩🥖📦
And right??? Like I even barely used emojis even in like personal texts and now it’s just so many emojis
Seraphina: I think she’d accidentally slip back into her perfectionism mindset just bc she wants to be validated and loved by her partner. I think she’d also compliment her partner a lot, but not verbally? I don’t know how to word it lol Like she’d constantly be complimenting her partner, it just doesn’t really come out John: Very bold. Barely has a filter and he has just enough audacity to proudly say whatever’s on his mind when it pops up. Doesn’t matter who’s around. And it’s kinda out of pocket stuff like “Babe, your ass looks really good in those pants.” and everyone around him (including his s/o) are just like wtf??? He’s also very touchy and has a bad habit of leaving lots of dark hickeys on his partner’s neck.
Arlo: I think Pre-Arc! Arlo would get possessive. Current! Arlo probably would still hold back but on his really clingy days he just kind of pours out compliments. Like he’ll be cuddling with his s/o and like give them some kisses and such and between kisses he’s just gives quiet lil “you’re gorgeous” “i love you”, ect.
Remi: I think I’ve mentioned it before but I think she has major cute aggression. Like to the point that she feels the urge to just chomp on her partner whenever they’re around. Her partner most likely has a good number of bite bruises from where she bit too hard. I also think she’d buy little accessories for her partner. It doesn’t matter if they wear it, she just thinks they’re really cute and wanted to give them to her partner.
Blyke: Number 1 simp here. Like this guy very obviously worships the ground his partner walks on. I’m talking instant grins as soon he sees his s/o, constantly staying near them in public, offering them his arm if they’re wearing shoes that are difficult to walk in so they don’t trip, ect. He also feels the need to show off around them and he likes to carry them bc of this just to show that he can.
Isen: He shows his simping with really really shitty pickup lines. Like he could be married and he’d still greet his partner with a “Hey baby, this shirt is made of boyfriend material” or some shit like that. Isen also writes SO MANY love letters, but they’ll never see the light of day.
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