#poem for sunday
jojo-the-bird · 2 months
I think that the meaning of life doesn’t have some profound reason behind it, no, I think it’s much simpler than that. I think it’s because god one day saw the sun rise and sun set and decided that this is something to be shared with because no matter where you are in the world the sun will rise and the sun will set and we all see the same stars every night. And I think that’s what makes us human. Not the overly spectacle things but the little ones. The ones you have to stop and admire just for this moment as you suddenly are aware of your surroundings and realize how lucky you are to be alive. To look around and see that your surrounded by life, no matter how lonely you are your never really alone.
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pink-heart-writes · 10 days
sunday mornings always taunt me
they remind me of the life i wanted
and how i am still not an inch close to it
they scream in horror with how i've lived
so far, nothing has gone to plan at all
i am still stuck at mom's
and every day it gets darker
i see myself in the mirror
and the girl i used to know is nonexistent
at this point i am not expecting much
other than just to breathe and hope it wasn't all
for nothing
all this hurt sunday mornings bring has to mean
maybe i am not there yet for a reason
maybe i am supposed to stay still for a season
that girl in the mirror
will soon love sunday mornings
but for now
she will sit this one out
and hope for the next one
to be better, somehow
- nick <3
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petaltexturedskies · 10 months
Cool, cool, all day that Sunday in July
when we were young and did not look into the abyss,
Anne Sexton, from the furies (the fury of sundays) in "the complete poems of Anne Sexton"
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virtuouslibertines69 · 4 months
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"There’s so much I haven’t told her lately, about how quickly my soul is aging, how it feels like a basement I keep filling with everything I’m tired of surviving." - Philip Schultz, from The God of Loneliness: Selected and New Poems; “It’s Sunday Morning in Early November,” Art by Jorge Mascarenhas
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dabiconcordia · 9 months
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A Cup of Tea Would it seem presumptuous, perhaps impertinent, of me to invite you for a cup of tea on a sunny Sunday morning at a small shop on a well- trafficked street? And, if you were to agree would you question me, over that cup of tea, or before, as to why I wish your company on a sunny Sunday morning? I might answer, before that cup of tea, that your interests interest me, and given what I see, you seem quite shy (and I have heard this is true) and I think you might be more inclined to reply over a cup of pekoe brew on a safe and sunny well-trafficked street on a Sunday morning. And, what would the object be, you might ask, of meeting over a cup of tea and what would a pertinent question be? The why and why not of what you know and what you do, the who and why and what of you cannot all be explained over a cup of tea on a sunny Sunday morning, but a small answer, say a cupful, with one who takes pleasure in interesting conversation with one who seems interesting is all the question and answer needed on a sunny Sunday morning and a cup of tea. by Robert Manchester
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Sea Fever
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking, And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.
- John Masefield
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Mini-event tomorrow as well lol? But early. Guy Fawkes Night the 5th Novemeber! But the event is 3rd!
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Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
#qsmp#qsmp twitter#i have an hour but I know if I open Pac or Fit's streams I'll miss stuff I have tonight#maybe it's so Phil doesn't need to stream seven days this week and can explain#given its a very UK thing#and tubbo's laptop is dying#and wilbur is never online#or maybe its because whatever is happening saturday prevents them using sunday#who knows!#them summarising this will be so funny lol#'some catholics tried to murder the government over a religious dispute#and now we burn an effigy of their ringleader and set off gunpowerder fireworks#in memory of the fact they failed to blow anyone up'#like... that's the summary lol#and for once this one was actually celebrated where I grew up!#I'm not sure I can post the whole poem either#an early version I was taught talks about hanging people (Pac would love that)#but even the less expilcate ones are a bit murdery#so just take the bit people remember lol#its been celebrated since at least 1607 when it happened in 1605#but um early versions were super anti-Catholic#which is bad#and it was protestant church thing with bonus sermons for a /while/#as well as blowing things up in controlled conditions#stopped being celebrated after the civil war came back again with the monarchy and more party#it was a national holiday for a while (not any more)#and people would sometimes burn other unpopular figures as effigies#and in the Victorian period the newly instated Catholic bishops#which um got them into trouble#now its mostly cool fireworks and warm bonfires and doesn't have the religious or rioting bits often
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iddstar · 1 month
I've forgotten how to friend
I've forgotten how to friend
How to share and be shared with
Now I'm here, starting again
And I've got so much friend to give
But I don't know where I should put it
Don't know how, who with, or when
I've lost the skill to do it 
I've forgotten how to friend
When I was younger it was easy
I could be friends with anyone
Just a round of introductions
And then straight on with the fun
Open hearts and open minds
Sincerely social, no pretend
But now those days are all behind
As I've forgotten how to friend
Now there are rules you're meant to follow
Certain things that you can't say
Interactions feel so hollow
As you fake being ok
Don't tell them that you're lonely
Dont be desperate, don't offend
Don't let them know you need them
Or that they'd be your only friend
Be cool, be smart, be charming
But don't talk about yourself
Don't be awkward or disarming
Leave your ego on the shelf
Make sure you have some things in common
And when the conversation ends
Don't be pushy, just be calm and
Act like you DO know how to friend
You have to put in effort
It won't just happen on its own
The contradiction makes my head hurt
How do you make new friends alone?
You can't just tell them that you like them
You must meet up, get on, and then
Agree unspoken that it's mutual, and hope
THEY'VE not forgotten how to friend
I've grown so tired of the pretence 
Don't want to play this silly game
I want to make new friends and keep them
Call my purpose by it's name
And not apologize for trying
This is me, and to that end
I'm not hiding and not lying
I'm rediscovering how to friend.
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sheilababi · 16 days
There is nothing to hold on to.
There is nothing to resist.
There is nothing to deny.
Falling into peace.
Falling into acceptance.
Falling into ease.
Allowing with every breath, sensation, and thought complete surrender
into what is… what is love.
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cpmhew · 3 months
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letsbeapoemtogether · 5 months
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The sun has risen just for you. Happy 🌞 day
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And here’s a little excerpt from my new book which you can purchase here 👇🏾☺️
Hopeful Nets: A collection of poems, essays, musings, and streams of consciousness. https://a.co/d/2RgbI67
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therealgchu · 9 days
Snippet Sunday
today was busy day with chores, taking care of friend's cat, and stream. but, it's still sunday! i made it on time. go me!
thanks for the tag, @fangbangerghoul! i'd have prolly forgotten.
imma doing something different today. i'm putting up a snippet of an original poem i wrote years ago. i've been trying to get back into the habit of writing poetry. bits of poems float through my head all the time. i'd like to publish them somewhere, but i'm not sure where. my understanding is that ao3 isn't the right place. if anyone has any ideas, besides tumblr, LMK.
so, here's a bit of poem i wrote a long time ago. some mature themes, but nothing explicit? metaphors are fun.
...amber eyes, the color of a winter fire slowly eating away at the logs like they were the most delicious pussy they’d ever tasted
I listen to the wind rustle the leaves of the big oak tree outside your window drinking in the taste of your kisses and the scent of your heated skin
I taste the salt and the burning on my tongue as my chest feels as if it’s made of helium to float up like a demented balloon but the demons are still there stomping their little feet to get my attention
I thought the salt was from sweat but I’m under the bed again waiting for the hand to strike and claw to drag me into the darkness where I’ll never leave...
(I walk up to the priest "this is my body this is my blood" my tiny hands out cupped like a baby bird’s mouth and i see blood and flesh coming apart between my legs "What did i do wrong this time?"
waking silently trying to be invisible choosing my words like choosing a diamond thinking they are the hardest things to protect me from shattering with the next blow)
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ipessimist1 · 3 months
You make me feel like 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac on a fresh Sunday morning
11:19 AM 4/2/24
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krash-8 · 5 months
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2001hz · 1 year
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“Sunday is gloomy, the hours are slumberless Dearest of shadows I live with are numberless Little white flowers will never awaken you,
Not where the dark coach of sorrow has taken you,
Angels have no thought of ever returning you Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?”
— Gloomy Sunday, a Billie Holiday Cover By: Björk (2010)
Björk's 'Gloomy Sunday' tribute to Alexander McQueen which she performed at his memorial.
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