#plus I inevitably get a break from working out for 2 weeks so hopefully these shin splints get better….
doctorweebmd · 9 months
Going to Japan tomorrow 🙈
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megan-bopo-journey · 8 months
Coeliac chronicles part 2
-"oh this is the GF chicken" like WTF would you not say "hey this is NOT the GF chicken when you brought the first one out". I'm so fucking sick of it being a mother fucking facade every time.
Plus my hair is falling out in CLUMPS and I'm so scared it's because I've glutened myself in the past few weeks because my life has literally been chaos. Not reassuring when I'm TTC which OF COURSE is impacted by fucking coeliac which is simply the worst intersection of issues possible. This has to be my saturn return because sometimes I wonder how the fuck I'm meant to deal with managing coeliac as well as hormonal issues (and not to mention my shit body image).
I need to focus on what I can control - I can't really control the retreat thing and I'm hoping it won't be too bad - I can just prepare for the worst, do what I can to still be able to enjoy food with people (like maybe making brownies) but if I don't have the energy for that just bring my own food and get through it with answers ready for the questions and dumb comments. I can control not going to Emma's thing because I know that'll just be too much and the costs don't outweigh the benefits. I do want to be social but I just know I will likely leave the event pissed off and triggered in some way. I'll be seeing Fiona on Monday and she is one of the most healing people to be around because she's so accepting of doing what I need in terms of food -we will be doing the river walk so minimal food will be involved anyway. I'd rather go out to eat with Josh who is such a good protector in case the staff aren't understanding or be a little cunty with it. I'd rather go out with Navin because again she's so understanding and flexible with food. Or with Fiona Hayley and Grace for the same reason and it's not always a restaurant (asian restaurants nonetheless with language barriers and it being common place to share food). I think I'm just accepting that I can CHOOSE who I surround myself with and if I don't want to go out with people that are obsessed with doing things that just don't work with my disease I literally don't have to. It sucks my disease stops me from this but also..would I want to be going to Burwood anyway after working all day? No! I had to make this choice back when there was beef with the crossfit ~girlies~ so I can make the same choice again. I'm so so so grateful I have people in my life that I can actually rely on to accommodate me that it's enough for me.
I don't have anything planned next Sunday and then on Monday getting my hair done and I'm so excited. I hope it will be the end of constant battles and challenges with having coeliac and I can get a break. Before I then go to bloody Cairns and Lady Elliot Island....
Which I'm excited for but I learnt yesterday that there's no shops on the island, just an included buffet and cafe. Fucking hell.. it's going to be HARD and I really have to look after my body in preparation for inevitable cross contamination but I do hope it'll be worth it. There were GF options on the cafe menu and the FAQ said they cater for dietary requirements so hopefully I will be ok but I know I will be so exhausted from constantly advocating for myself. I might get those bloody coeliac cards to try and lessen the load even though that's pretty dorky but I'll do what I have to do. I have a few days I think once we're home to recover from it and most of the time will be in Cairns where we have an Airbnb so can make salads for the day pretty easily. I think if I bring some peanut butter, vegemite and rice cakes hopefully that'll get me out of a pinch. The biggest challenge and Josh's family going on about how ~sad~ it is but I'll just tell them it lessens my anxiety.
I just have to realise that just because people notice doesn't mean they continue to care about it, or that they are judging me for having dietary requirements and a restrictive diet but not being skinny. And if they are it means they would be kinda a cunt and that's a them problem...
Not to mention work got really busy there-but seems to have settled down again and work is very much a safe haven for me at the moment. And then of course dad but he seems on the mend but ugh last week when I thought I finally had a day to myself with no food planning required but its ok-family always comes first and I made do. Same with Navin's wedding, I felt shit those entire 3 days (and tbh I still feel kinda shit afterwards which makes me think I got glutened..) but I feel like it meant a lot that I was there for all 3 days. This will probably be the only Indian wedding I'll go to so I think it was worth the risk.
It will be ok, this has been a very tough few weeks and I've realised that it's ok to put in boundaries and be picky of what events I go to.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
A Bit Stir Crazy: Pt 1
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Summary: You’re bit of a hot head, so is Bakugou. So what happens when the two of you have to quarantine together for 30 days?
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, sexual tension, inevitable smut, slow burn.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader
Spring finally makes it way to the city of Musutafu, which also means spring break is about to commence. There was only two days left of school before the students endure a week break of relaxation and the possibility of illegal drinking. However, the sudden outbreak of a deadly virus isolates you and your best friend of five years , Katsuki Bakugou, to quarantine together. Tensions are high, and so are both of your sex drive.
It was your second semester here at Hero University, and so far everything was smooth sailing. You’ve been on top of each of your classes, and most of your classmates are pretty much family by now. Of course, no one can replace Kirishima and Katsuki. Those two have been in your life since the second you stepped into Aziwa’s classroom. 5 years of friendship gave them the role of being your protective brothers. Every guy you’ve dated over the past 3 years had to face the wrath of both Kirishima and Katsuki. In most cases, some would find this possessiveness tedious, but you found it quite comforting knowing they are looking out for you. They were also hard on you and your studies, but only because they care for you. Both of them know about your dream of being a combat medic for pro-heroes, considering your energy restoration quirk, so they were extra tough on you.
However, everything came to a halt the day before spring break. You were currently in Advanced Hero History class when the announcement happened. The teacher, mid lecture, put her textbook down and glanced at the speaker above the door.
“Testing...1 2 3... this thing is working right? AHEM, attention students of Hero University, we’ve been told there’s recently been a sudden outbreak of a virus that’s described as deadly as the plaque!” The speakers voice reverberated across the whole academy. He continued,” We want to make sure that everyone is safe and sound and takes precaution of this virus. The board of admissions at HU have decided to cancel classes and all events at the university tomorrow-”
You didn’t get to hear the rest of the announcement. Everyone in the classroom was busy celebrating and screaming at the top of their lungs. Seems like the issue with the deadly virus evaporated immediately. The thought of getting out early for spring break was more important apparently.
Ms.Leech informed the class to still read the assigned chapters and be ready for a test the first day after break.
You quickly shoved everything your messenger bag and made a beeline to the door. The hallways were far from deserted. Usually classes don’t get out at the same time, but today every student occupied the cramped halls in the building.
“Y/N!” Someone yelled amidst the crowd of loud students. You overtly looked around and spotted the all too familiar spiky red hair and angry looking blonde by the exit. You giggled and maneuvered your way over to them.
“Did you hear the announcement! We get an early spring break!” Kirishima giddily said as you guys all walked side by side on the strip to the apartment complex.
“No shit Sherlock, the announcement was broadcasted across the whole school.” Bakugou responded while rolling his eyes.
“I’m so excited though! That means I have more time to study for my exams!” You jumped with excitement.
“Exams? That’s not for awhile you fucking nerd-” Bakugou was cut off when you grabbed a handful of his hair and aggressively pulled it. “YOU SHITTY WOMAN DON’T TOUCH MY HAIR!”
Spring break flashed by quickly, leaving only a day left before classes begin again. Thankfully, you seem to have checked everything off your list of things  needed to be accomplished during break. The only thing you had left to do was finish your reading for adv.hero history. 
After an endless hour of reading, you decided to make a hot pot of coffee. When you walked into the kitchen of your shared apartment with Kirishima and Katsuki, you noticed a sticky note hanging from the fridge.
It read, 
Went to go pick up Kirishima from the airport. Get take out plz. The usual
You smiled and immediately dialed the noodle shop to go. Kirishima used his spring break wisely and went to visit an exotic island with his family. He would FaceTime you and Bakugo occasionally telling funny stories about his time on the island. Although the thought never occurred at the time, you now felt like you wasted your spring break doing boring mundane things. Yes you had Katsuki to accompany you, but he was gone most of the time hanging out with his other friends. Which hurt, granted, but you understand that he has other friends besides you. Needless to say, you didn’t do that much “relaxation” during spring break.
Suddenly, your phone started going off on the countertop. Katsuki’s name flashing on the screen. Confused, you answered his call anyway, not thinking much of it.
“Y/N turn on the news now,” His said with urgency.
You didn’t argue back, knowing something is off, and raced to the living room. The tv was already on, so you just changed the channels till it reached the local news station. With the volume at its maximum, you sat still and listened to the news anchor.
“This just in, Japan has issued a nationwide lockdown due to the spread of the deadly virus. We’ve been told to report for all citizens to please stay in your homes till further notice. And as for anyone who has left the country, you’ll be permitted to stay within the country you’ve flown to and wait till further instructions...”
Oh shit
“Hey hey guys don’t worry I’ll be fine. I mean, isn’t this great news! We don’t have to go to our scheduled classes till further notice! Plus, I think I can score my shot with the maid here at my hotel for the time being,” Kirishima gloated with pure positivity.
“Baka. You do realize there’s a fucking virus going around right? Not to mention there’s a possibility you could die from it.” Bakugou said, trying to throw some common sense at Kiri.
“Right right right. Yes I do know...but that’s not going to stop me from getting laid bro.”
That was one of the few FaceTime calls you got from Kiri. After the third, he stopped calling all together. You grew worrisome for your best friend. Even though he doesn’t show it, Bakugou was worried sick not hearing from Kiri either.
It’s been 5 days since the initial lockdown. So far, you and Bakugou have been doing each of your usual routines at home. First thing in the morning you always prepared breakfast and read a few chapters from your current book. Bakugo did laundry duty and did the dishes after breakfast. Afternoon was just recreational duties. Both you and Bakugou would reside in your rooms doing whatever to ease off the bordem. Evenings were mainly for eating dinner and watching movies.
However, after 10 days, you couldn’t keep up with the routine anymore. You skipped breakfast and didn’t dare to open up another book. Your bedroom became a reminder on how much you’ve spent cooped up in there. Not to mention how easily angered you’ve become.
One day you got angry at how Bakugou was chewing his food. Usually it never irritated you, but now the sight just made your blood boil.
“Who the fuck taught you how to eat?” You spat abruptly.
“Says the person who forgets to clean the tub after they shave their whole entire jungle of a body,” he retored back.
A faint gasp left your mouth, uaware that you completely forgot to clean the tub last night after your feminine duties.
“Don’t know who you’re trying to look presentable for. It’s not like you got a boyfriend, not with all that hair, tch.” he hit you with one last punch to the gut.
You got up from where you were sitting at and begrudgingly walked to your bedroom, locking it in the process. Not daring to leave your room, you open your laptop and started a movie without Bakugou.
Out of all days, day 15 by far was the worst. The air conditioner unit stopped working, causing y’all to wake up with drenched bodies. Your room especially was humid, since you had no access to a window. The colored coordinated folders from your book bag had to suffice, using them as makeshift fans. Eventually your arms grew tired of constantly doing the same motion repeatedly, so you finally left your room in hopes for the living room to be much cooler.
You stopped immediately when you caught a glimpse of Bakugou slumped on the L-shaped couch. Not to mention, he was shirtless as well. Heat flushed to your cheeks, making you glow a crimson red. You couldn’t stop staring at the view in front of you. Yes you’ve seen Bakugou shirtless before. Countless of times in fact. The boys would practically walk naked around the apartment, not caring about how you’d react. You were deemed as one of the guys.
But this time it triggered something within you. Something you haven’t quite felt in a long time. Maybe it was the quarantine getting to your head, but you couldn’t help but to wonder how it would feel to be flushed against his naked chest right now. Or if he was the type to snake his hands around your waist and pull you even closer. The thought excited you for a second, but quickly realized this was Katsuki you were thinking about.
Katsuki shifted uncomfortably in his spot, eliciting a whimper during the process. The noise alone made your lower stomach tense with a warm sensation. This was creepy. Watching Bakugou shirtless while sleeping would surly make him go ballistic, but the sight of sweat glistening on his abdomen made his abs more prominent. An image of you being underneath him kept flashing in your head like picture show. A crude and undeniably satisfying picture show. More explicit thoughts kept trying to barge into your brain. So, you ran back into your room and planted yourself headfirst on the floor. Hopefully these thoughts will go away by tomorrow
The thoughts never went away. In fact, they were the reason you didn’t get any sleep last night. A half naked Bakugou Katsuki kept interrupting your innocent dreams, filling them in with dirty scenarios involving the both of you. You knew you were fucked once you heard the faint sound of Katsukis footsteps in the kitchen. You’ve been up all night, with no pure dream in mind. There’s no saving your sleep schedule now. Maybe if you apologize to Katsuki for acting irrational the other day, the thoughts would go away.
Defeated, you got up from your comfortable bed and treaded into unsafe territory. There sat Bakugo, criss cross on the kitchen island eating cereal. It wasn’t an unusual sight, he was the embodiment of a fucking cat.
“Morning shit head,” you playfully teased.
Bakugou raised his head and looked expectingly at you.
Even just looking him dead in the eye raised the temperature throughout your body. This is going to be a nightmare.
“You alright Y/N? Your whole face is flushed...” He paused, eyeing you suspiciously. “You’re not sick are you? If so, I’m kicking you out. I don’t wanna fucking die because of you”.
How charming.
You scratched the back of your neck. “Uh no Katsuki, I just wanted to apologize for the other day. My behavior towards you was unacceptable. This whole quarantine thing has really made me-”
“Shut up. No need to apologize for some stupid quarrel we got into. Besides, we’ve gotten into worse arguments right?” 
You nodded your head, agreeing to how truthful his statement was. It was true. 5 years of friendship and not one time have you guys stopped being friends because of a heated argument. 
“Exactly, don’t sweat about it. I’m just glad you finally came out of your hole. I missed my movie buddy.” He gave you a lopsided grin, to which on cue, your stomach tied itself into a knot.
“Great, because I found a movie last night on my queue that I think you’d like” You beamed as you started making yourself a bowl cereal. Katsuki grunted as a response and leaped off from the island. 
You were too busy focusing on making the cereal that you didn’t hear the faint thump of footsteps behind you. Then, almost as some sort of harsh punishment, Katsuki rested his head between your right shoulder blade. He hummed once he felt your body tense up. His lips were merely inches away from your outer ear. Any other movement from him and you wouldn’t hesitate to throw the gallon of milk at his head. But what he said next caused your whole face to turn pallid. 
“Also, its kind of rude to watch someone sleeping don't cha think?” he whispered before throwing his bowl into the sink beside you. 
At that moment you knew, you were completely fucked. 
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starmieknight · 3 years
Plus One, Two, Three (part 1)
Pairing:  (poly) Jeongguk x Jimin x Taehyung x Original Character, [background OT7 implied
Summary: Hari attends a wedding with her boyfriends - a magical wedding. She’s excited, but still feels a bit out of place as she gets an idea of what her future with the boys might look like.
Contents: magic!au, college/university!au, a look at the more flirty side of this au, hari and jimin are doms, tae and kook are subs, hari has fun with that, worldbuilding, was supposed to be sweet and a look into magical culture but they’re all THIRSTY, part 2 coming soon (hopefully)
Related Work(s): Gray Morning, Golden Home
Hari and Jimin peered unhappily out of the window at the sight of the light snowfall that had just started.
“I’m going to bust my ass in these heels.” Hari said mournfully, shuffling her feet as if to steady herself already.
“And we’ll both freeze to death.” Jimin concluded, regretting his choice to forego his usual sweater for the sheer, charcoal dress shirt he wore under his blazer. It looked so good with that particular blazer though, the shirt a teasing shimmer beneath the matte black and gold accents.
He had chosen the combination specifically to match Hari’s dress. She wore an inky black, sleeveless turtleneck dress with matching heels that had shiny golden buckles. Hari and Jimin had both traded in their usual silver jewelry to match their gold theme. Hari had gone with more simple choices, thin rings and stud earrings, while Jimin wore thick, jewel encrusted rings and dangling hoop earrings.
They complemented each other while still being unique.
Their coven rings rested proudly on their right index fingers, the ever color changing metal matching their choices of the evening.
Taehyung snorted from behind them, dropping a pair of coats on their couch .
“You two knew this was going to be a winter wedding.” he reprimanded with a smirk. “You should have found some boots and a sweater instead.”
He was smartly dressed in a sharp black blazer and matching turtleneck. Taehyung matched Hari as well, but offset the effect by wearing pearl earrings instead.
He was dressed the most simply, but his natural good looks were shining through strongly.
Jimin and Hari ran their eyes over him appreciatively.
“Your hair looks so good,” Hari sighed appreciatively at the new color and cut. She left the window to steal a kiss. She couldn’t help herself when he looked that good. “And it may be winter, but it’s indoors. I’d burn up in my boots.”
“Not my little bird.” Taehyung denied, taking the chance to drape her coat over her shoulders. He tapped his earring. “I’d give you a warming charm. But I do like these heels. Sexy.”
Hari grinned, quirking a brow at the idea.
Jimin wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning over her shoulder to kiss Taehyung as well.
“Are we actually going to this wedding or was this just an excuse to get pretty and make out?” Jeongguk teased as he came down the stairs.
The older trio wolf-whistled at the sight of him.
He preened at the attention, ruffling his hair and striking a pose to urge them on. They didn’t disappoint, turning their wolf-whistling into raucous applause and shouted compliments at his sharp figure.
“Helloooo, Nurse!” Hari grinned, letting her tongue poke out of her mouth a bit in an impression of the old styled cartoons.
Jeongguk wore a white button up under a black leather jacket and topped it off with a black, silk tie around his throat.
His older lovers beckoned him over and he came willingly into their arms. Taehyung pressed a kiss to their maknae’s jaw while Jimin reached up to kiss his mouth.
Hari eyed that tie appreciatively, running a slow hand over his chest. The fabric was almost see-through and she could see the outline of his chiseled stomach, see the way his dark nipples peeked through the thin cloth, the way the crisp collar was just a teasing border to what was waiting beneath for her.
Jeongguk pulled away from Taehyung and Jimin, looking flustered and his mouth red.
All three of the boys fixed their eyes on Hari’s wandering hand as she made her way up his chest to grab that teasing silk.
She tugged lightly, pulling Jeongguk down to her level so she could kiss him.
He tasted like mint and Jimin’s chapstick and Hari loved the taste. The only way it could be better was if there was a hint of Taehyung there too.
“Let’s make a deal.” she suggested, trailing her lips over Jeongguk’s jaw to where Taehyung had kissed him. The maknae was left dazed and wanting by the loss of her lips on his. “When we get back from the wedding, you keep this tie on and I’ll keep the heels and we’ll have our own after party. I’m really liking the fit on you…”
“I vote we skip the wedding altogether.” Taehyung suggested hoarsely. His pupils were blown wide and his throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly.
Jimin made a displeased noise. “As much as I wish that we could now,” he gave Hari a pointedly annoyed look. “Soyul-noona would curse us with blue balls for a week if we tried.”
“Hari-noona is a Curse Breaker.” Jeongguk protested, attempting to kiss her again. “It wouldn’t last.”
“I don’t know.” Hari grinned, ducking away to tease him. “I think I like the idea. It’d be fun to see what ya’ll’d get like if you couldn’t get off for a week.”
The boys’ hands froze wherever they rested on her body.
“You-” Jeongguk swallowed thickly, looking wrecked already. “You’d make us beg, noona?”
Taehyung looked similarly affected by her teasing words and Jimin looked intrigued, but more for the effect it had on the younger boys instead of himself.
In their bedroom, Jimin and Hari were a pair of doms to be reckoned with. They fed off of each other’s energy and often left Taehyung and Jeongguk limp and dazed by their effect.
He couldn’t wait to see what their dynamic could be like when their coven was whole again.
He thought Hari might be more shy with the older boys, much like she had been with him at first before she found her confidence. And he knew she could play a slightly more submissive role, even if she liked being in charge. Or she just liked to let Taehyung act like he was in charge from time to time. She and Jimin knew exactly where they stood with each other, no playing the power game like they did with Taehyung and Jeongguk.
They liked to hold the power in their hands, unable to let go as freely as Taehyung and Jeongguk could.
Jimin tsked disapprovingly at Hari. “You shouldn’t tease them like that. They’ll be unbearable during the wedding now.”
Hari laughed at him. “My bad. In that case, we’d better hurry and get this over with.”
“Right.” Taehyung murmured, blinking slowly as if coming out of a deep sleep. “Are we ready?”
“We were just waiting on you two.” Jimin confirmed. He considered them for a moment. “Who has the wedding gift?”
“I went ahead and put it in the car.” Jeongguk sighed, disappointed at the turn of events. “We’re all good.”
“Then let's get going.” Hari hummed, heading for the garage like nothing was wrong.
The boys grumbled as they followed after her.
The boys’ mood lightened as they got closer to the wedding venue. They traded their frustration for light-hearted jokes and inevitable flirting, which turned to fondness as they watched Hari’s face go slack with awe at the magically decorated space.
Taehyung understood her best in that respect, having joined the magical community as a teenager instead of being born into it like Jimin and Jeongguk had. Even after nearly ten years of exposure to magic, he still felt giddy by its effect.
While Jimin went to park the car, Taehyung and Jeongguk helped Hari down the snowy path, watching her carefully in case she slipped.
She looked nervous about both potentially hurting or embarrassing herself if she fell.
However, the moment her legs wobbled even once, Jeongguk swept her off her feet and carried her the rest of the way inside.
Taehyung laughed as he followed, using his magic to float off the path a bit and just fly inside. He nearly bumped into the bride’s sister. He beamed at her.
“Soeun-ah!” Taehyung’s hair poofed around his face as he landed and hurried to take the girl’s hands into his own. “You look so pretty!”
“You charmer.” Soeun grinned, flushing a bit. “You look good, too. All of you.” She looked at Hari and Jeongguk appreciatively as the pair joined them.
“Hello,” Hari said shyly. She was tucked into Jeongguk’s side, almost hiding as she offered the other girl a tentative smile.
Soeun wasn’t having any of that and pulled Hari into a hug, “You must be Hajoon! It’s so nice to meet you - your boys talk about you so much, I feel like I already know you!”
Hari blushed, but looked pleased. “I think they just like to brag about their friends. Jeongguk went on for an hour about your photography portfolio the other day. I’m a little starstruck.”
Soeun laughed brightly and moved to hug Jeongguk too, her apparent fan suddenly as shy as Hari. “He’s too kind. I have a couple of stories about them I could tell you. Here, I’ll show you to your seat. I need a break and this is a good chance to make a new friend, too.”
Taehyung and Jeongguk were left in a stupor as Soeun swept Hari away, the girls’ arms linked like they’d known each other forever.
Hari shot them a sheepish grin over her shoulder.
“Well,” Taehyung blinked. “Jimin’ll be glad she’s making friends instead of hiding.”
“Yeah, but the ‘Hari Protection Squad’ is going to blame you if Soeun starts stealing her away from them.” Jeongguk pointed out amusedly.
Taehyung blanched at the reminder of Hari’s jealous best friends and their apparent vendetta against him.
They rarely went after Jimin or Jeongguk. Taehyung was their unfortunate victim since he was the first to openly date Hari and had a reputation as a ‘playboy’ when they first met him. Even if it had just been an exaggerated rumor.
Nothing he did ever seemed to get him on their good side.
Taehyung pouted.
Once Hari was in Soeun’s care, there was no separating the pair of women from each other.
Jimin rejoined his coven and was at a loss with the new friendship that had formed in his absence.
The trio of boys watched their girlfriend flutter around with their old friend, getting introduced to Soyul and Soeun’s family and coven before they disappeared into the back to meet Soyul herself. The boys were banned from the dressing room and resigned to greeting Soyul at the reception.
All three of them were pouting as they found their seats, jackets piled on Hari’s empty chair between Jimin and Taehyung. They didn’t trust her and Jeongguk to behave if they sat next to each other. They were both too mischievous.
Hari had been so reserved and polite when they first met her. She really had been corrupted by the boys.
By the time Soeun returned Hari to her coven, the boys were practically melting into their seats due to neglect and Taehyung’s hair had even begun to frizz as his magic grew restless. Jimin had begun oozing a mild slime on his fingertips that he kept wiping off on the bottom of his chair while Jeongguk began picking at his nails which were slowly turning into claws.
Hari snorted at the sight of them.
They were all so dramatic.
It was no wonder that the trio had gotten themselves reputations on campus if they behaved that way while the older members of their coven were gone.
Hari flicked Jimin on the forehead as she sat down beside him, smoothing down Taehyung’s hair as she went. Jeongguk reached for her, his claws receding as she held his hand over Jimin’s lap.
“Really,” Hari laughed lightly. “You can’t survive without me for ten minutes?”
Taehyung pouted. “Not when you get kidnapped like that.”
“We wanted to be the ones to introduce you to everyone.” Jeongguk whined, leaning over to rub their joined hands against his cheek.
Hari’s heart warmed at the gesture.
“Anyways,” Hari murmured, tucking herself closer to her boys. “I’m glad we’re together again. I’m feeling a little out of my element. There’s so much magic and I feel out of place…”
Taehyung rubbed a soothing hand over the back of her neck. “It’s not all magic - at least, the people here aren’t. Look, the groom’s family are mundane. They probably feel just as overwhelmed by it all.”
He nodded at the groom’s side of the venue, where most of the people gathered there were dressed more conservatively and looked like they were both in awe and nervous of the magical decorations and guests.
The children looked ecstatic at least.
Hari wondered how her own family would react to a magical wedding.
She flushed at the idea, then snorted.
Her family would probably be more concerned with her amount of lovers than the idea of magic.
It was fun to watch the groom’s family - Jiyong’s family, Jimin informed her helpfully - watch the ceremony with wonder. Hari tried her best to stay focused on Soyul and Jiyong as they made their vows, but constantly found her attention straying to the mundane humans present, her mind wandering to her own family, or the many fluttering baubles that flitted about overhead, like little shiny birds.
Hari was reminded of the golden Snitch from the Harry Potter universe and wondered if there was any correlation between the real and fictional worlds.
She caught Taehyung watching her with an amused smile and she guiltily tried to watch the bride and groom again.
“It’s okay to get distracted by them.” Taehyung breathed against her ear, lighting her skin up with goosebumps. Hari’s skin felt hot whenever his lips brushed against her. “They’re there to ward off evil. The idea is that anything that would wish the couple harm would be too distracted by the changshik to go after the actual people. They’re usually made of gold and jewels.”
“Oh, like the bridesmaids tradition.” Hari muttered, then frowned at the unfamiliar word. “Changshik?”
“Uh,” Taehyung frowned, making a small gesture around the venue. “All the stuff they set up? Like the flowers and ribbons? Gguk, what’s the English word for changshik?”
Jeongguk’s brow furrowed as he tried to remember. “Declaration? No… decoration! It’s decoration.”
“Oh!” Hari thought it might have been a formal name for the baubles. She repeated the word quietly to herself, memorizing it.
Jimin shushed them, but rested a hand on Hari’s thigh, rubbing circles against the fabric of her dress absentmindedly.
It was as soothing as it was maddening.
She liked the subtle show of affection, but every touch from the boys burned pleasantly against her skin and made her feel aflame inside.
By the time Soyul and Jiyong finally sealed their vows with a kiss, Hari was ready to explode. Once everyone began to rise from their seats, Hari practically flew out of her seat. Her ears were red and the ends of her hair were beginning to merge together into feathers. She combed through the unruly auburn locks to keep the boys from seeing how flustered she was.
“Time to see Soyul-ssi!” she announced, dragging Jimin out of his seat.
He looked surprised for a moment by her suddenness until he saw her red ears and realized that he’d managed to rile her up without even trying. Jimin grinned cheekily with pride. 
Taehyung and Jeongguk shared a bewildered look, not having caught on yet, and hurried after them.
“Payback time,” Jimin whispered against Hari’s ear as they headed to greet Soyul and Jiyong. “Remember, what goes around, comes around, Little Miss Tease.”
Hari let out a quiet moan of dismay as her grip on Jimin turned into him pinning her to his side, not letting her escape as the boys happily greeted their newly married friend.
Jiyong gave her a sympathetic look, understanding her exasperation with her lovers, even if he didn’t know the reasoning behind it.
“Magical people,” Hari sighed as she rested her head against Jimin’s arm. She shrugged in a what-can-you-do type way.
“It gets easier,” Jiyong promised with a laugh. He bent down to kiss Soyul on her temple, the bride radiating happiness at the simple affection. “The being in love part helps a lot.”
It was a cheesy line, but all four members of the BTS Coven swooned at the words right alongside Soyul.
“Please enjoy yourselves!” Soyul urged them as she ushered them towards the reception room. “And work up an appetite! We’ve got lots of food, so go dance your asses off!”
Taehyung laughed heartily at that and tugged Jeongguk along, trusting Hari and Jimin to follow. “What else can we do when you put it like that, noona?”
Jeongguk reached out and wrapped his free arm around Hari, caging her in between him and Jimin. “I can think of a few other things.” he whispered, his sudden boldness and reminder of their earlier flirtations making the older coven members’ blood run hot with promise.
All four of them wondered how long they had to spend at the reception before they could excuse themselves to their own after party.
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ikehorganics · 4 years
disclaimer: i am aware that binge eating is an eating disorder, but not a lot of people have access to professionals to help them, and this guide could help a number of people struggling with binge eating, it could be successful to some binge eaters but not all. i hope this assists you, and this all comes from a place of good faith not malicious intent. i am also aware that binge eating does NOT equate to bored eating or overeating.
skip the preface if you want to skip straight to the tips!
I have been in quarantine for nearly nine months, and I have struggled with multiple aspects of my everyday life that have had to be changed and adapted to the new rules of society. Since the beginning, I have always preached about staying in doors, social distancing, not going out to into open places without a mask etc because this is a direct reflection of the respect you have for yourself and the people around you. In this strong belief, I found myself struggling to juggle being a first year university student, my fitness, mental health, food and constantly being bored within my house.
Food was the hardest aspect, and with being surrounded by food 24/7, weight gain was inevitable. At first, I had not realised how I ate on a regular basis, I woke up at 6am, and would be at uni between 8am and 5pm from monday to thursday, where i would usually only eat one meal and a snack between that, whether it be left overs from dinner for lunch and an apple or piece of fruit for when i feel a bit peckish, and 2litres of water. My day consisted of four lectures ranging from 1 hour to two hours and walking around a lot because I hated sitting for a long time, and occasionally doing summaries or watching netflix between lectures. And when i got home, I had dinner and would go to bed. That was my routine and it was never truly surrounded by food constantly available at my every beck and call.
During quarantine, I was filled with procrastination and demotivation to attend lectures online or read my books. And all that extra time was filled with having an efficient workout routine and eating, but then that eating turned to eating quite frequently whether i was watching television, and mainly eating for the sakes of eating and in gross portion sizes because it was now available. Let's talk about how I broke out of that cycle of over eating and bored eating:
I needed some direction in my life, I forced myself to plan every hour of my day so I can do something productive for myself. I planned the times from when I would wake up at 8am, to the time it took to fix my bed, brush my teeth, workout, stretch, eat my meals, nap, spend time outside, spend time on social media and more. Not only did my eating habits straighten out, but I got more done with my day.
Setting eating times was the best thing I had ever done. Breakfast was always at 12 midday, lunch at 2 pm and dinner at 6pm, but these were my eating times, especially since i was intermittent fasting. These times helped me plan my day accordingly, between eating times I would usually fill my day with studying, and doing summaries, catching up with work I had missed. This helps especially if you have a restrictive diet or fast a lot! Restricting calories and fasting for extended periods of time only adds to the urge of falling into a binge cycle because your body feels the needs to refeed!
Listening to your body is so important. If you want to eat pizza for lunch, don't eat a salad, eat the pizza because it will be mor satiating than that salad or pasta that you might not want as much. Because that pizza might just pop into your mind late at night and you will have a little late night feast, this applies especially if you are counting calories. Having cravings are normal, and unless you are on a no bs diet that is extreme, you shouldn't deny yourself of something that you really want for something that won't leave your soul satiated.
I won't say much on this, but having water before, during and after your meal is so important. It aids in better digestion and adds to the feeling of being satiated when you are done eating, plus it's an easy way to get your water in. Replace that coca cola or soft drink with water, especially if you know you don't get enough glasses of water into your day.
A cup of warm water and a wedge of lemon juice squeezed into it is super refreshing, sip on it throughout the morning before breakfast, to aid in digestion. Lemon water is a thing that is constantly brought up, and shut down for being "ineffective" but it works for me, and I believe that it is a phenomena of the mind. If you believe lemon water can help, it will definitely help you because you have manifested its impact on your health. Lemon water and warm water is one of those things that 'curb' hunger, and if you are one of those people who sometime wake up hungry but can't bring yourself to eat so early because it could make you nauseous, then water lemon water in a glass is the drink for you.
Calories are a touchy subject, and they add up very quickly very surprisingly. A bowl of oatmeal will have a lot of volume, leave you satiated and keep you full longer than toast and nutella. No one is saying do not eat the nutella, but adapt it into a meal that will leave you full and satisfied for example, if you want something sweet, heave oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter or nutella inside of your oatmeal! Eat foods that will nourish you and give you enough energy to go about your day.
Portion sizes are all up to you as an individual and how satiated a portion size leaves you. Eat portion sizes that leave you satiated, but remember that being satiated does not equal to being so physically full that you feel uncomfortable as a result of eating too much. Being satiated is very difficult because sometimes you eat food that tastes amazing, and even though you are physically full, you feel like you could eat more and that becomes problematic because you've eaten past your bodies physical limit. Eating what you are craving ( number 3 ) comes into play with this aspect, as you have to be able to know when enough is enough. If you feel as if your portion sizes are huge and want to reduce them, then reduce it gradually whether it means you want to go from eating 4 slices of pizza to 2 slices of pizza, then begin with eating 3 and a half slices or eating one less scoop of pasta than you usually eat. If you have no idea how to stop eating past your physical limit, eat until you feel like you're just about to be physically full, do this for a week, and see how you will become satiated with the portions you are eating, gradually lessen the portion sizes overtime until you are happy with the amounts you are eating! This won't happen immediately, it is a gradual process.
A lot of the time, we do not realise how fast we eat and how we don't thoroughly chew our food. The food isn't running away, take your time to enjoy your meal and chew it instead of swallowing after a few times of grinding your teeth. Take in the flavour of your food and really enjoy it in the moment.
Nothing in life happens in a linear manner, everything is gradual and has its ups, its downs, its regressions and just general moments we are not proud of. If you find yourself in a binge cycle or overeating cycle for a day or a week, it does not meal all progress is lost. It means you are human, you are not engineered to be perfect constantly. Have a mantra for yourself that you repeat to comfort yourself: “it is okay, tomorrow will be better.” or “it was just one day, i can go back to normally eating tomorrow.” or “I shouldn’t be too hard on myself, it happens to everyone.”
Make your meals satisfying and as colourful as possible! Don’t just eat pasta or pizza, eat it with something healthy like a side salad or a side of fruits or a side of healthy carbs like roasted potatoes! Never just eat one thing especially if it doesn’t have any greens or vegetables!! It doesn’t have to even be a salad or anything fancy! It can be cut up tomatoes, or cucumbers or apples!
Your oven, grill or airfryer is your bestfriend. Fried food is delicious, but you feel insecure at times after eating something that was cooked in heaping amounts of oil. Remember an airfryer is just a small oven, and can do wonders too. If you want a burger and you have time, home made burgers are always amazing and tastier than their fast food counterparts! Make your burger at home so you can control what goes into it, or make your fries in the oven so you can have a much more healthy alternative for less calories, and have more of it! I’m not saying make your burger buns something like lettuce buns, but making your burger at home can significantly reduce the calories in comparison to ONE mcdonalds burger, and you can have two for less calories than once burger if you make it at home.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Hopefully these tips can assist you day to day, and you take them into consideration and even test it out! These tips worked for me, and I know they won’t work for everyone but some of them might be helpful to you!
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I’ve shared my head canon on how we go from Doomsday to Turn Left - your turn! What do you think happens??  - @loupettes
OK I’ve got no excuse for why this took me so long (other than complete lack of productive brain cells) but heyyy look part 3 is here! And hopefully it was worth the wait??? Anyone wanna place bets as to how long part 4 will take haha? I PROMISE it will happen though because I’m determined to finally finish this fic.
part 1 | part 2
A Brief Guide to Love and Defending the Universe
After a thorough talking to about her reckless actions and a mandated night of sleep (which everyone took advantage of), the team got right back to work with a lot more luck. Apparently the fractures just hadn’t been wide enough to travel through before, and now they were. For the most part, they took this as an absolute blessing and tried their best to ignore its solemn reminder that they only had so much time left.
For efficiency, both Rose and Mickey took on travelling through the cannon while Pete remained on base to keep track of the two. Plus, connecting Rose’s old phone to the mainframe, they had found a way to call the TARDIS’s number to every universe it could connect to, hoping at some point the ship’s owner might just pick up. On a good day, between the three of them, they could reach upwards of a hundred different worlds.
As powerful as the cannon was, though, nothing came as easy as they would have liked. For one thing, there was no way of knowing how close or far they were to their old universe, no way of knowing from this side of any crack where the Doctor was. It was a setback, but not a surprising one. What was even more frustrating, though, was the recharge time needed between jumps.
Most of the time it was extremely horrible just being stuck. All they had to do upon landing was a universal scan for TARDIS tech, wait a few seconds for a negative answer, and then… wait. Maybe if their own world wasn’t collapsing in on itself every day it might have been easier to enjoy, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case and each passing minute of not being able to do anything useful was quite stressful. And that wasn’t even accounting for the added trouble they’d face when they happened to be dropped right in the middle of an unwanted fight or war zone.
Other times, though, it could truthfully be amazing. Sure the entire multiverse was in a constant state of trouble, but sometimes it was nice to land somewhere that just needed a bit of help. Taking down local authoritarian regiments, solving mysterious disappearances, assisting on small scale alien invasions and such. It was just nice to help and feel properly useful. And sometimes it was these small victories that were just enough to get them to continue on through the next day.
Occasionally, though, very rarely, there would be an unexpected surprise waiting for them.
The first time it happened was to Rose. She had been running off from some strange alien hunting her, and just as she found a safe place to hide, there it was: the TARDIS. Her heart stopped and she didn’t believe her eyes. It didn’t make sense… the scanner said he wasn’t here… It wasn’t possible… Her mind was racing frantically, and then the door of the ship opened and… a blonde man with a piece of lettuce attached to his lapel stepped out. It was a man Rose recognized instantly from an album the Doctor had shown her. Except that her version of that Doctor had chosen celery as his accessory of choice… It wasn’t him, not her him anyways. Parallel universe, parallel Doctor. But before she could even think of how to react, the alarm telling her to jump back went off and she chose to go.
A few weeks later, Mickey had his own run in with the Doctor. He nearly didn’t believe Rose when she told him and Pete about seeing him, figured it was just her mind playing tricks on her. But then during one of his jumps, he had quite literally ran into a strange young man wearing a bow tie and tweed jacket.
“Oh, sorry there mate—” the man apologized as they both fell to the ground. Then just as the pair locked eyes, “Mickey?” The man’s smile grew and he excitedly jumped up, pulling Mickey up with him, and took him into a tight embrace. “Oh Mickey Smith! I can’t tell you how good it is to see you!”
Mickey just smiled and hugged him right back. “It’s good to see you too, Doctor.” It didn’t take an idiot to figure out exactly who that man was.
Since then, they both had a handful of other run ins with versions of the Doctor either they knew or who knew them. Most of the time it was alright. Mickey always seemed to enjoy the reunions, but Rose usually did her best to avoid them. Sure she wouldn’t mind a glimpse from afar every so often, but it was also difficult being so close yet so far from her own Doctor. And on the occasions she did run into a version of him who had clearly lost her… well, it wasn’t exactly easy to walk away from those situations. So she simply pushed forward, not letting herself get distracted.
But as time continued on, the team was facing more difficult problems than just running into people they didn’t want to see. If there were any stars left in the sky they were impossible to locate on even the clearest of nights, and the world was getting more scared and angry every day. Even Torchwood had been run down, the population blaming them for not doing more. Rose, Mickey, and Pete all felt even happier that they had decided to keep this project on the down low. Doing what they were trying to do was hard enough on its own, and they couldn’t imagine having to do it while putting up with angry protestors striking chaos.
Still, even with that obstacle out of the way, they couldn’t help but lose a little more hope every day. Some days the basement would be made a mess from a frustrated break down, and they believed no other room in any world had hosted so many nightmares or tears. They all knew they had a few weeks left- at the very most. A few weeks to get through enough of the infinite universes out there to find the right one. A few weeks to sort through whatever problem might be waiting for them on the other side. Every day it became harder to imagine finding real success. And as it turned out, inevitable universal destruction partnered with a lack of optimism and massive burnout wasn’t the motivation they had been looking for.
Pete chose to step back a bit to spend some more time with Jackie and Tony. It felt nearly cruel thinking everything he had just gained in the last few years was about to be snatched from him. And maybe it wasn’t responsible, but he was going to spend whatever time he could with his family.
Meanwhile Rose was simply running out of energy to keep going. After years of pushing and overworking herself, she had started taking the tiniest of steps back as doubt and hopelessness ravaged through her mind. Maybe this was as far as they got, she started to tell herself. Maybe she had been right all those years ago. Maybe without the Doctor she really wasn’t anything special. She remembered her young, naïve self. You don’t just give up. You don’t just let things happen. They felt almost like a stranger’s words now.
Of course if anyone knew that wasn’t true it was Mickey Smith, and he was determined to support her however he could. Most of the time this involved taking on some extra work, to let her have a moment of peace whenever she needed. With his gran gone (which truthfully he was thankful she wasn’t around to experience all this), he certainly had the time. And he knew if it had been Rose in his position, she would do the same for him.
Nowadays time seemed to bleed into itself and the gang never knew exactly when it was (they hoped that was just because of all the work they were doing in a windowless basement, and not a side effect from the whole multiverse ending thing). It felt like a very early morning though, at this particular moment. Pete was probably asleep next to Jackie or watching Tony. Rose was taking a nap on the cot in the corner. And Mickey kept working, taking full advantage of that autopilot function he wasn’t as judgemental at Rose for using anymore. As usual, he encountered failure, after failure, after failure. But he kept going, kept persisting, kept—
*beep beep*
Mickey looked down at his scanner on a planet which seemed to be made entirely of purple rock, a bit startled. His mind went through all the possibilities of what that sound could mean. Low battery? Interference? Surely it couldn’t have been…
But it was! The scanner had received a signal from the TARDIS. Their actual, real TARDIS.
A purely joyful grin spread over Mickey’s face and tears started welling in his eyes. He didn’t know which galaxy, which planet he was on. He didn’t know where Earth was, or wherever the Doctor happened to be at this moment. He didn’t know when he happened to land, 50 years in the past or 2000 years in the future. But none of that was important. Instead he chose to break out into a mad happy dance, hoping in the back of his mind that no alien was around to see him make a fool of himself.
After wearing himself out, Mickey couldn’t help but want to jump back. But then he remembered he still had to wait for his device to repower.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered under his breath. 25 minutes to go until he could jump, 25 excruciatingly impossible long minutes.
Finally though, after what really did feel like an eternity, Mickey’s alarm went off and not even a whole second later he jumped back. Once his feet hit the platform in the basement, he looked up to find a still sleeping Rose, prompting his grin to reappear.
“Rose, Rose!” he started calling her name as he stumble-ran towards her. Then crouching down by her side and shaking her, “Rose, wake up!”
“Mmm… wha’ is’t?” Rose shot up, but her mind was still caught in a sleepy haze. Mickey didn’t have the patience to wait for her to finish waking up, though, and started pulling her along.
“Got somethin’ to show you, come on now. Here, take this,” he handed Rose his jump button and helped her onto the platform. Then, running back to the console, he paused for a second to carefully adjust the coordinates and recalibrate the cannon.
“Mickey what’s going on?” Rose asked again, now awake but still completely confused.
Mickey smiled at her once again. “See for yourself, in 3, 2…” and he sent her off.
“Mickey!” Rose tried shouting again, but it was too late. And before she knew it she was thrown into the street of another world. A world which looked a lot like London, Earth at night. Which maybe it was, but surely it wasn’t their old London. Rose wandered down the road a bit, enjoying the wind on her face as much as possible and wondering what Mickey could have possibly wanted her to have seen… then she saw a gathering crowd around the corner. Her attention piqued and she continued on towards it. There was a big building- a corporate office of some sort or another- surrounded by emergency services of every kind. She was in the middle of wondering what could have possibly happened when a red headed woman came up behind her.
“Listen, there’s this woman that’s going to come along. A tall blonde woman called Sylvia. Tell her that bin there, alright? It’ll all make sense. That bin there.”
Rose could tell something good just happened to this woman by her smile alone. For a moment she remembered when she smiled like that, and the one person who could always effortlessly pull it from her. But she pushed it out of her head. She almost wanted to warn that other woman to hold off on her joy, too. If only she knew what was just around the corner for them all. Rose was sure she wouldn’t have such a reason to be celebrating.
With a sigh, Rose decided to walk away. Whatever Mickey had found so interesting about this event had either passed or simply wasn’t getting her attention like it might have any other time. And frankly she wasn’t too invested in helping that Sylvia woman- or whatever her name was- find a bin. So she went off into the dark street, hoping to clear her mind.
But then… something strange started happening. Rose was still walking down the street, but the ground beneath her started to disappear and the world around seemed to fuzz in and out just slightly and there was a weird static-y feeling around her-
And then everything was back to normal. She was back on the same street. At night. With a giant web star in the sky-
Rose’s head jolted back up to notice the very interesting thing that had certainly not been there just a few moments ago. ‘What the hell is going on?’ she thought. But before she could think of any sort of reasonable answer, she saw missiles being launched at whatever it was floating overhead, blowing it up.
On pure instinct, Rose started sprinting towards the source of the shooting. The whole time wondering- praying- that somehow all of this meant exactly what she was hoping it meant. That he was here. Maybe the Doctor had somehow gotten wind of their interdimensional jumping, maybe the TARDIS had picked up on it and alerted him! Maybe that weird moment she had experienced just a moment ago had been the Doctor pulling her back to him! With each breath and dash forward she had to forcefully restrict every ounce of hope in her body from seeping through.
Finally, Rose arrived at the scene. It appeared things had calmed down a bit, but there were still emergency vehicles and men and women in camo uniforms and red berets all around.
“What happened, what did they find?,” she slowed down as she got close to the barriers. There was a woman- a red headed woman. Rose turned to her. “Sorry, but… Did they find someone?”
“I don’t know. Bloke called the Doctor or something.”
“Where is he?”
“They took him away, he’s dead.”
Rose froze. Any thoughts running through her mind just a second ago disappeared and her body filled with a heavy numbness. She could hear the woman still going on behind her, but didn’t register a single word of it.
“…I came so far,” she breathed out.
Finally, though, Rose forced herself back to reality. Her worst fear may have been coming true, but that didn’t stop the rest of the multiverse from imminent destruction. And there was something weird about this world, something off… and something familiar about the voice talking to her. Rose turned around and for the first time since running into her, got an actually good look at who she was talking to. This woman wasn’t just any ordinary woman. It was the same woman who had told her about that bin just a few minutes ago in that crowded street. Something weird was definitely going on. A dead Doctor, this woman showing up twice… with something very odd on her back unlike before…?
“What’s your name?”
“Donna. And you?”
“I’m just… passing by… I shouldn’t even be here. This is wrong. This is so wrong,” she rambled on, more and more of her focus being diverted to whatever was on this woman’s back. “What was it, sorry? Donna what?”
“Why d’you keep looking at my back?”
Rose snapped her eyes away to look anywhere else. The last thing she needed to do was upset the woman who might be able to give her some answers. “I’m not.”
“Yes you are. You keep looking behind me, you’re doing it now. What is it, what’s there? Did someone….”
But before Donna could finish her sentence and before Rose had any more time to investigate, the world around her started to fuzz back out. And she was gone.
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evywrites · 4 years
Elation (George Weasley x Reader) pt. 1
 summary : After pining after George for so long, your dreams finally come true warnings: none? oblivious reader word count: 3k (oops) writing date: Apr 6, 2020-Apr 8, 2020 a/n: i wrote this for myself to make me feel less lonely, but i thought i should post it to tumblr just incase. this is my first post to tumblr, so apologies if I’m doing anything incorrectly. also i lost the first draft of this. sad. part 2
     In true Hufflepuff fashion, you’d been deep in this hole for as long as you could remember. It had always been him. You’d tried to fall for other people’s yet it didn’t work. The way he lit up a room with merely just his presence. His ability to cheer up anyone who needed it. The caring side of him that was rarely shown, but was there. Words couldn’t describe what you felt for him. He just pulled you in and kept you there, despite never having talked too much. Plus, he’s super hot.       Unfortunately, he never seemed to pay any special attention to you. He’d occasionally talk to you about school, but not much more outside of that. Atleast you knew he didn’t despise your guts.      You were always baffled when others changed who they fawned over each week. One week it’d be a Slytherin girl, the next it’d be a Gryffindor boy. You didn’t know if you were the strange one for never changing your crush, or if they were the weird ones for not being able to keep one.
    However, over the years you’d find yourself wishing you could become like the others. Seeing him falling for others devastated you, even though he never stuck with anyone. No matter how many times you had seen him fall, it still had the same effect. You cursed yourself for being this way, falling headfirst into a hole you couldn’t drag yourself out of. You would go up into your dorm and break down, cursing yourself for falling for someone who would never like you back.
     It stayed that way up until your sixth year at Hogwarts. Your feelings remained, however, they became more bearable. You could go on about your day and studies normally. You still spontaneously got sad about the inevitably of moving on from Hogwarts and never seeing him again, but you just brushed it off and enjoyed the time you had left.
     You went on your year as usual, keeping up with your studies, hanging out with your friends. Everything was normal and dandy. However, something changed. You didn’t know if you were going insane or misreading signs, but George started interacting more, he started talking to you more.
    It started with brief, subtle glances that you had brushed off as just a coincidence. The possibility of him liking you was unheard of at that time, as you had practically given up. However, one specific incident started to change your mindset, maybe just a tad bit.
     You were on your way to the first period of the day, potions class, feeling and looking visibly miserable. No one liked first period potions, especially not you. Being yelled at while being half asleep was not fun. Potions in general, was not fun. Especially not for Hufflepuffs.
     However, there was one redeeming quality of first-period potions. You had it with the Gryffindors, and George was in that class. The only reason why you’d grown to tolerate first-period potions.
     You arrived at Snape’s classroom, bracing for the dark and moody atmosphere of his classroom. You entered, eyes instantly darting around to look for George. No sight of him. Crap. Whenever George wasn’t at potions, you felt absolutely miserable. All of the doom and gloom that George and Fred chased away instantly caved in on you.
     You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut momentarily. You’d survived other classes without him before, you’ll be fine. You had your desk-mate who you were slightly acquainted with due to short-small talk you’ve had before. You’d be fine.
     Setting your things down, you sat down, giving a brief nod to your deskmate on the left.  You turned your attention towards Snape’s direction, getting ready to space out to somehow make up for lost sleep whilst trying not to miss so much that you totally failed potions class. 
     Your deskmate’s head whipped around, something that wasn’t normal. However, you thought nothing of it. You were off in space, trying to get the period over and done with as quickly as possible.
     However, when your deskmate got up and moved, that piqued your interest. You came out of your daze, and glanced to your right. What you saw there, absolutely freaking shocked you.
     It was George Weasley, Sitting. Next to you. Not beside his brother. But next to you. What in Merlin’s name.
    So many questions were streaming through your head at a cut-throat pace. Your eyes grew wide with surprise for a split-second. Wrestling with your body language, you tried to suppress the pure shock and confusion that would be shown. Instead, you tried to subdue it to something nonchalant. You don’t think he noticed. Hopefully not. It was probably obvious. Oh no.
     He got settled in, shot you a smile that made you feel like you were gonna melt and die inside. You felt like your cheeks were on fire. What the heck was happening? Why was George sitting next to you?
     “Hello, I’m sitting here now if you don’t mind. My dear Freddie over there has pushed me to my limits and I can no longer tolerate him.” He joked, holding his hand out in greeting.
     You mustered up a small smile, sending him a small wave in response. To you, that was a majour accomplishment. Before, you could not have even come within his general vicinity without wanting to run away. However, you couldn’t win them all, as you had failed to process that he held his hand out for a handshake. Heck. Do you shake his hand or is it too late to be socially acceptable to shake his hand by now and it’ll be super awkward? Or- oh it’s too late. He awkwardly pulled his hand back. Crap. Why didn’t you shake his hand? Did you just ruin whatever the hell was going on? Oh no.
     You didn’t hear the snickering, nor did you see the look that George had sent his brother. You were too busy trying to sort out the thoughts that swirled aggressively around in your head. 
     Snape called for the class’ attention, preventing any further conversation from happening. Snape announced that it would not be a practical lesson today, which you would usually groan internally at, but this time you just thanked Merlin. You’d probably lose focus and end up splashing a defective potion all over yourself, which would not be fun.
     During the lecture, George occasionally leaned over to murmur a joke at the expense of Snape that made you giggle lightly under your breath, as his jokes always had. A side effect of that was your cheeks burning up even more than they already had due to the feeling of him being so close to you, but you were fine with that. You had only hoped that he didn’t notice.
     As the lesson went on, you found that you had been paying even less attention than usual, which you didn’t think was possible, but how were you supposed to pay attention when the George Weasley was sitting next to you? Why was he even sitting here anyway? His seat was on the other side of the room with his brother and all his friends. Why was he sitting here?
     You didn’t want the class to end, however, unfortunately, it inevitably ended. Students filed out swiftly, rushing to get to their next class.
     "See you later, y/n.“ George waved, getting up and walking off to join his brother and the others.
     You slowly stood up, still questioning what in the world just happened. Was this all some kind of bad dream? It couldn’t be, you would’ve woken up by now. You collected your stuff before walking out of the classroom, mindlessly heading to your next class whilst having an internal discussion about what just happened.
     It’s been many years crushing on one particular person, and that person just sat next to you out of nowhere. He told jokes to you like you were an old friend. What in the world was happening?
     There had to be a reasonable explanation. He wouldn’t just do this out of the blue. It must’ve been one of his pranks. You know what, he’s probably only done that to be nice. He probably noticed you staring at him and wanted to kindly reject you. That’s it. It means nothing. Why would he suddenly start liking you out of the blue? That doesn’t logically make sense. Either that or he got dared. Of course, it’d be amazing if he did it because he liked you, but those were the most logical answers.
     However, throughout the day, you kept looking forward to telling your friends and getting their opinion on the situation. You’d always went to them whenever you had false hope and they’d always give you their honest opinion to keep your hopes at a reasonable level. They’re the perfect people to keep your mind in check and not get your hopes up over something that was not genuine.
     When the last period ended, you darted over to the spot near the Black Lake where you and your friends usually hung out after school to wind down after a long day. Normally you would just walk, however you needed to get the morning’s events off of your chest as soon as you could. Unfortunately, your last class was Astronomy, so you had a long way to go before you could reach your destination.
     Severely out of breath, you made it. You raced towards your friends who’d been sitting in their usual positions, lightly chattering. At the sight of you, they stopped and had a concerned look on their faces.
     "You look like you just ran from the top of Hogwarts down, what happened? Did George kiss you or something?” Eve, your friend, teased. Your cheeks instantly flared up at the mention of George’s name causing your friends to laugh.
     "Sort of. Kind of, maybe.“ You answered, plopping down onto your usual spot with your friends. They stopped laughing then, looking intrigued at what you had to say.
     Then you recounted the story, all of your internal thoughts and confusion spilling out for your friends to analyze. You put an emphasis on the extreme confusion you were feeling, because that was the emotion that was dominant at that moment. No words would’ve ever explained the pure confusion, but you tried to the best of your ability. Once you finished, you looked up to see them all with wide grins on their faces. 
     "That’s definitely something. It can’t mean nothing. George has never done that to anyone before. You might have a chance.” Eve stated, the others nodding along to what she said. You tried to argue the points that you had mentally stated earlier, but they just shut you down swiftly, insisting that you were just finding an excuse to have a negative mindset.
     You felt conflicted, you knew that you could trust your friends and that they’d always give their honest opinion on the situation, but you were feeling a bit skeptical. Things like that didn’t just happen to you, especially not with George. He’d always been someone out of reach, someone so far from what was possible that you had taken the most pessimistic mindset.
     "You need to seize this opportunity. He’s definitely interested in at least becoming friends with you. We all agreed in the past that you’d rather be a friend than to be nothing to him, and he’s already made the first move, so just go for it.“ Eve continued, her Ravenclaw nature shining through.
     You slowly nodded, beginning to work on accepting this bizarre reality. The fear of it all just being one of his pranks still lingered in your mind, but you tried to brush it off and trust your friends.
     George continued throughout the next few weeks. It started with him passing you in the hallway and waving to you, then many more little things that made you feel like you were on fire. Him smiling at you whenever he saw you. Him always being helpful with your potion. Eventually, it turned into him resting his arm casually around your shoulder, reducing you into a bushing mess, but he never commented on it.
     To your amazement, you had instantly clicked as friends and had started to hang out more outside of class, which you were grateful for. You could have long discussions about literally anything. Occasionally, reality would sink in and you’d get extremely flustered mid-conversation, however you think he didn’t notice, thankfully. Hopefully, you were hiding your exponentially growing crush on him just as well. It was all so bizarre, but you were glad that it happened. You were glad that George miraculously decided to sit next to you in potions class and decide that you were mildly interesting enough to want to be friends with you. 
     Weeks went by, you and George became closer as friends. Your crush on him still raged on, however you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you two now had. It was a miracle that you didn’t think to be possible, you didn’t want to screw it up.
     The last period of the day had ended, you just began the walk down to the Great Lake. You were fully prepared to have a nice mental conversation with yourself about whatever, however that plan didn’t exactly go as planned.      "Hey,” George flung a casual arm around your shoulder as you tried to begin your walk to the hangout spot by the Black Lake. You went in whatever direction he led you in, forgetting about your initial destination. Your friends would understand if you were a bit late. “Fred and I are going to go practice and hangout at the Quidditch pitch. Do you wanna come and watch? You can do other stuff, of course, it’d just be nice to have you there. I checked with Freddie and he said it’s fine of course.” You nodded, completely forgetting about your plans with your friends
     You two strolled through Hogwarts, his arm still casually draped around you, making you blush. You talked about your days and other meaningless things while walking down to the Quidditch pitch. Time flew by, and before you know it, you’re there. 
     Much to your dismay, George removed his arm and told you to wait up a minute. You obeyed, sitting down on the pitch floor, peering up at the sky, thinking to yourself. How did you even get here? You’ve been pining after him for years and then this year he just suddenly starts talking to you. Don’t get you wrong, you were absolutely grateful, just confused.
     To be honest, you were also scared. Scared that he had noticed your crush on him earlier, and was just playing with your emotions like some kind of cruel prank. You weren’t prepared for the heartbreak if that were the case.
      Movement on your right snapped you out of your train of thought. You looked to the right and saw Fred. You’d talked to him before when you were with George, so you weren’t complete strangers.      “Before Georgie comes back, I just wanted to ask that you don’t be too harsh on ickle Georgie. He’s usually not like this and I had to bully him into doing this.” Fred smiled at you, patting you on the back before standing up to go greet George who was carrying their Quidditch equipment. George passed off Fred’s broom to him before taking off, sending you a smile.       You smiled a bit back, still dumbfounded and confused at what Fred had said. Don’t be too harsh? What did he mean by that? It couldn’t possibly mean what you thought. There was no way that would happen.      They proceeded to pelt the bludger back and forth, goofing off and doing the weirdest tricks. You were aware that George gave you the option to do other things, but you could watch those two forever.       They included you in their banter, somehow shouting loud enough so that you could hear each other. It was pure bliss, being able to just hang out and enjoy time with the two. It was still strange to you, but you weren’t going to question it anymore.
     Time flew by extremely fast, and soon enough, it was time to go back in. You were sad, but you enjoyed the time. George and Fred came down, sweaty but smiling. Fred headed off with their brooms and Quidditch things, leaving George and you alone.
     “Hey, uh.” George started, stopping you both in your tracks. Your heart rate sped up, oh no. Is this what Fred was talking about? You turned to face him, unconsciously admiring his eyes, a habit that you had not been able to shake even when you became friends.      “So um. I know it’s been really weird with me just coming out of the blue and wanting to be your friend, but uh. I think you’re really cool and would you fancy going out to Hogsmeade with me? As a date?” George looked extremely out of character, unable to hold eye contact with you. The confidence that he usually radiated when he was with his brother doing pranks was not there.       Holy crap. Did that just happen? You would need a full hour to process that. Unfortunately, you did not have that time. All of the insecure thoughts from the beginning of these events came flooding back in. What if this was just a prank? His body language said otherwise. You should probably just do it, it’s been what you wanted forever. Besides, he can’t know that you had a crush on him for forever, right? Has it been too long? You should probably respond.
      Before you could think any more, the words came spilling out of you, “Yes.” George instantly looked up, grinning widely       “Great. I’ll meet you, yeah? This great. Thanks!” He exclaimed, and without thinking, pecking your cheek quickly before running off toward Fred who you just noticed was lurking.      You stood there, dumbfounded. Did the George Weasley just ask you out on a date? The past weeks have been a blur of shockedness and happiness, but this just topped it. You did not know what was happening, but you loved it.
      You walked in a trance back to your dorm room, fully ready to explain this to your friends. They’d be so shocked. Oh, crap, your friends. Eh they’d understand once you explained. part 2 thanks for reading :)
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prismatic-cannon · 4 years
uhm sis (or bro or whatever u prefer i just call everyone sis) pls reblog more fics like i need some good ones and pieces was hella good
Ahhh i’m really glad you like Pieces!!! It deserves more love for sure and the feels are only going to get better I can promise you that hoho \o/ (and I’m good with both sis/bro, I don’t mind either or it’s cool)
So far I’ve been blindly going through the AO3 tags for jojo fics so I’m not sure if my fic recs would entirely appeal to you … but if you’re interested you could definitely take a look at some of these faves! (Do mind the fics’ tags if you’re sensitive to certain tropes) Most of these are going to be heavily skewed towards part 4 and 7 (absolutely no one is surprised), but there’s other parts under the cut too!
Part 2
see you again by efthemia (6k oneshot with background Part 7 ship) - A Caejose reincarnation fic! This is set in a modern day au where Joseph and Caesar meet in another life … by crashing vehicles into each other lol
Can You Ever Go Home Again? by alexclusive (4k oneshot, contains Part 4 spoilers but is mostly centred around Part 2 and 3 characters) - I don’t want to spoil too much for this fic so I’m just going to copy paste the fic’s original summary here: “A few months after his adventure in Morioh, Jotaro goes on another personal errand at the request of his grandfather, and ends up discovering yet another lingering ghost.” A lowkey fix-it with feels!
Part 3
Torture Me by Xyloto (nsfw 2k oneshot) - The SDC gang walks in on jotakak inappropriately using their stands lmaooo enough said
Young Flame by greenteafiend (nsfw 7k multichaptered) - More Jotakak! Takes place during the Devil-Yellow Temperance part of SDC where Jotaro and Kak share that hotel room in Singapore lol
Kiss With A Fist by nevermordor (nsfw 6k oneshot) - Tempers and egos flare between Jotaro and Kakyoin as they make the long tenuous journey to Egypt – Fistfights inevitably happen. I really like how much of a cold hardass bastard Kakyoin gets in this lol
time after time by dimolto (11k oneshot) - TIME LOOP TIME LOOP TIME LOOP!!!! God time loops are one of my favourite tropes of all time, I don’t think I could get sick of it. SDC canon compliant (kinda) – Jotaro is the only person that’s aware of the loop and has to work his way out of it somehow. It’s jotakak too!! Highly rec this fic
Part 4
No place where we can’t go by tjesje (4k oneshot) - Josuyasu! Two dudes slowly fall in love over the course of their summer break. OP really nails the friendship between Josuke and Okuyasu – the banter flows so easily you can’t help but get caught up in how close and in sync they are with each other. Also, the summer vibes are super strong in this fic! Always a big plus with duwang content lmao
electric word life by Fluffifullness (8k oneshot) - More Josuyasu mutual pining + confessions, suuuuper sappy and sweet with some light post DiU angst.
Just Let Me Know, How Do You Feel? by hushroom (6k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Set during their college years, Okuyasu meets up with Josuke for the first time in a while, and they work towards overcoming emotional distance caused by the strain of long distance relationships and misunderstandings. Aged up Josuyasu content is always such a treat and this one doesn’t let down!
Bosozoku Boys by VulpesVulpes (nsfw 4k oneshot) - Takes place a few years after DiU. One night during a sleepover Josuke accidentally stumbles upon a porn mag under Oku’s bed – midnight confessions and feels ensue. This fic always has a soft spot in my heart just because of how vulnerable Josuke gets, argh my heart it aches
Crashing Waves by chamomilekai (7k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Josuke and Okuyasu deal with the lingering effects from the final Kira fight. It’s a slow burn romance with heavy feels where both bros find comfort and support in each other, very delicious part 4 h/c sob x10000
Part 5
the passenger by havisham (nsfw 5k oneshot, contains Part 6 endgame spoilers) - A Brugio fix-it …. of sorts. Ten years after Vento Aureo ends, mob boss Giorno somehow finds himself sent back in time with the opportunity to save Bruno and the others. I really like how desperate and jaded Giorno is in trying to save everyone, and how despite everything things still don’t go entirely the way he wants them to …
DIOmestic by writers_haven (4k oneshot) - Yep, it’s modern au mudad lmao. Some JonaDio here and there but the focus is mostly on Dio+Gio father-son fluff. It’s stupidly cute and there are little nods to canon material that I love to bits, like Hamon being reimagined as a fancy form of new age yoga ahahaha
Part 7
Riches and Wonders by etymology playground (8k oneshot) - A lighthearted gyjo fic that takes place during canon events – Two weeks after Sugar Mountain, Johnny and Gyro spend some R&R at a stand-powered onsen lmao. This was one of the first few fics I read right after finishing part 7, and it really helped to soothe the post SBR pain … not that I’m completely over it yet but then again would anyone ever be lol
Laundry by Petronia (2k oneshot) - Another lighthearted canon gyjo fic with lowkey ust lol – Johnny and Gyro take time between travels to do laundry. Idk, there’s something about gyjo domestic downtime that’s so comforting sob
i’ll see your face again by queenieofaces (2k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Oh boy this one … It’s a reincarnation au where Gyro experiences deja vu and misplaced memories from Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency during the events of SBR. 10/10 lots of feels bc reincarnation aus pair so incredibly well with gyjo gosh
nowhere to go; I’m already inside by librisdedita (31k multichaptered, major Part 7 spoilers all around) - A canon compliant gyjo fic – Johnny’s perspective on life is especially bleak in this one. OP tore my heart asunder by the end of this fic but oh man I wouldn’t have it any other way lmao
Cowboys Ain’t Easy To Love by jotarosgirl17 (36k multichaptered, Part 7 spoilers) - A series of interconnected slowburn gyjo canon compliant fics, suuuper heavy on angst and period-typical homophobia and internalised homophobia. Very good for a cry … or ten lmao
see you when the sun sets east by mourn (nsfw 2k oneshot) - Two cowboys sit five feet apart from each other not talking about their repressed feelings yeehaw. Jokes aside this is a quick but intimately tender glimpse into the beginning of Johnny and Gyro’s relationship
Spin This! by polyphenols (17k multichaptered) - A modern day office au where Diego works at a new tech startup named Steel Ball Run. Honestly, I don’t think I could ever properly articulate how much I love this fic – It’s full of sooo many nods and easter eggs to all the bizarre eccentricities that happen in part 7′s canon, and I think nearly every major/minor character gets featured one way or another, if not all (everyone works in the same horrifyingly open air office space after all). The witty banter and dialogue between characters are so snappy and succinct you can’t help but smile or laugh while reading along. Diego in particular stars as the long suffering Straight Man and audience surrogate into the madness that is SBR, with a lowkey crush on HP that slowly builds as the fic progresses (there’s background gyjo too!). While there’s more of a central focus on Part 7 at first, characters from other parts also make an appearance and gradually become more involved as well. I can’t rec this fic enough!!!
Diamond Ball Run by polyphenols (15k multichaptered, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - A gyjo fix-it of sorts … Johnny takes up Funny Valentine’s offer and asks for an Alternate Universe Gyro. The fic is mostly told from Alt Gyro’s perspective in the later half, and argh this makes my heart ache in so many ways I didn’t know were possible god help me –
happy new year, johnny by 3kanite (7k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Aaaah I just read this one today lmao – The fic is written from Johnny’s POV over the course of several new year celebrations – pre-race and during SBR canon. It really nails Johnny’s characterisations and personality shifts down nicely and makes the last year spent with Gyro that much more bittersweet and heartbreaking oh why won’t these part 7 feels stop coming for me
desperado by 3kanite (35k multichaptered) - Features missing scenes that take place during the events of SBR – Admittedly I’ve only read the first two chapters so far and haven’t fully processed things yet but I’m already so caught up in these pre-slash gyjo feels that I can’t help but rec this one catch me crying behind Owson’s @ 3am bc it’s just that good urgh I need an adult Could possibly be nsfw but I haven’t gotten that far in yet obvs
Aaaand that’s about it for now! Hopefully some of these interested you haha. Go show these wonderful OPs some love because they deserve it!!!
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stripper-patrick · 5 years
Lust🎱 Harry Styles
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Warnings: office smut, Harry styles being daddy dominant, jealousy (if you squint)
Relationship: Harry Styles x black plus sized reader
I wake up and lay in my bed contemplating on faking my death. I have work in about an hour and it’s not that I hate my job it’s just my boss makes me hate how sexy he is. I can’t focus around him which has been happening a lot. He’ll come around and talk to me while I’m working and I stutter like an idiot. If it’s not clear that I have a crush on him then he might be blind.
I get up and go into the bathroom with my phone in my hand. I tap it and hold it up to my face letting it unlock. I open the music app shuffling through my library until I land on one of my favorites Escape by Kehlani.
As the music plays I brush my teeth and swig some mouth wash. I turn on the shower and get in washing my body and shaving my legs and other areas.
Once finished I come out and dry myself off going into my bedroom where I grab a navy blue lace bra and some matching underwear. I matched so today’s gonna be a good day.
I start dancing to Beyoncé’s Baby Boy. A classic. I oil down my body and go to my closet for something to wear. Today’s casual Friday so I don’t have to dress up extra nice like the other days of the week that I’m working. I’m an office assistant which is pretty self explanatory. Basically I help Mr. Styles, my boss, around like scheduling his meetings and keeping everything organized. While thinking of an outfit I put my hair up into a big puff and do my edges real quick. I put in some earrings to give myself some extra flare.
Finally I choose an outfit and I grab my phone off the charger and turn off the music. I walk downstairs with my purse. I grab the keys off the counter and get it I my car driving off to work.
I walk through the large double doors and go straight to my desk. I set my stuff down but I don’t see Harry. Usually he’s walking around with a cup of coffee or tea. Danny comes over to me. He’s like my best friend.
“Hey you look gorgeous” he smiles
“Thanks so what’s the tea on junglejim4322” I ask. That’s his code name for Alex, a boy he likes.
“Me and him touched hands next well be touching tongues and later.. each other”
“You know I would’ve never thought you were gay by just looking at you”
“And I would’ve never thought you were a freak- oh wait yes I did” I laugh and sign into my computer.
“Where’s boss?”
“Hopefully between your legs” he whispers in my ear. Danny stands up and nods across me. I look over and see Harry staring directly at me. He’s dressed in a black and white striped button down that’s open more than usual, some black jeans and his usual boots. He’s so fine. Especially with his long hair in a beautiful bun.
A/N: I’m still not over long haired man bun Harry
He curls his fingers loosely wanting me to come over.
I look back at Danny and he shrugs. I stand up and walk over to Harry. He smiles looking at me up and down. I feel my heart sink to my stomach and I lick my lips.
“You look amazing today now I had some papers and I need you to put them on file for me”
“Ok oh and Mr. Styles-“
“Harry love”
“Harry um I’ll be staying after work and skipping my lunch to work on the other files I didn’t finish”
He looks puzzled “ darling you don’t have to”
“Nah I need to I’m a little behind from when I was sick but I just wanted to let you know”
“Ok” he nods. Harry turns on his heel and I go back to my desk.
“What was that about?” Danny asks
“He just needs me-“
“Y/N please go sit on his face he’s staring you down like he’s hungry” my mouth drops and I quickly glance over to Harry and sure enough he’s staring.
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“Jesus Danny” I shake my head “go do your work”
“Go ride his face” he winks. Danny stands up and walks away and I get to work.
It’s the end of lunch right now and I’m still working on the papers I have to file. I take a sip of my water and I see Harry come back with a bag. I don’t think anything if it until he sits on my desk.
“Hey” he sets a bag in front of me and I look to him.
“Oh and here it’s your favorite” he sets down a Starbucks cup in front of me.
“Harry you didn’t have to”
“I know love but you work too hard” he leans down to my ear “maybe it’s time for you to relax and play a bit” he winks before getting up and going to his office.
It’s about 4 and I would’ve clocked out about an hour ago but like I said I had to stay and finish. I wasn’t the only one who stayed late.
I’m finishing up my last paper and I save it to the file before exiting out if everything. I take a deep breath and stretch my neck before grabbing my bag and knocking on Harry’s door.
“Hey” he smiles “can you come in”
I nod and shut the door. “Is everything ok?”
“Yea I just noticed how hard you’ve been working for me and I wanna thank you personally”
“No worries and thank you for the food you really didn’t have to”
“Anytime” he looks like he wants to say more. “Can I talk to you about something?”
“Of course anything”
“Anything?” I nod. Me and Harry have a good relationship business wise and I don’t even really see him as a boss until he gets mad.
“Why do you always looks so good”
I blush “what do you mean?”
“I see you around here wearing those sexy tight clothes for me”
“They’re not for you” I lie
“Then who are they for?” He asks coming closer to me
“Danny in accounting. He says he likes the way my ass bounces in these jeans”
I knew that’d set him off. He’d been watching me and Danny get confetable around each other for the last couple weeks and I just knew he felt some type of way about it. Like I said just off of first glance you wouldn’t be able to tell he’s gay.
“Oh really” I nod pulling on his belt.
“Yea What are you gonna do about it?” I’ve heard about his little secret rendezvous around the office and I know he likes a challenge.
His once light green eyes go dark and he stands up striding towards me. I stand up out of anxiety. It’s not the fear part of anxiety... I don’t know what it is maybe anticipation. I want him.. bad.
Harry doesn’t say anything. In this instance silence wasn’t inevitable but he made it to be.
He picks me up by my thighs and I cling onto his waist like a child to a mother. He finally breaks the silence. “do you know what I’ve been waiting to do to you?” He sets me on top of him on his lap.
“Are you ok with this?”
“I want you” his plump lips fall to mine and I can’t help but immediately want him naked. I’ve been waiting for this since I first seen him and now that it’s actually happening I’m nervous.
“Condoms?” I ask
“Top drawer” I stop kissing him and I feel his fingers slide across my clothed clit.
I fumble around and grab one. I stand up and roll it on him tugging him around a few times before taking off my jeans.
“Ride me darling” he couldn’t have told me twice. Maybe he could in that deep sexy voice. I take off my underwear and swing my legs around his waist carefully sinking on his dick. Fuck he’s long. One I’m fully down and saddled up Harry takes hold of my hips and rocks me onto him.
“You know” I throw my head back while my hands lay on his chest. “I’ve been waiting to do this with you since we met”
“Really” he grunts “you know what I’ve been waiting for?”
“What” I look at him
“For you to ride my face like Danny says. If he even touches you. I” thrust “will” thrust “end him”
“Ugh” I moan “he’s touched me before”
This made Harry madder. Both of his hands grab my ass and spread my cheeks as he takes completely control over me.
“Fuck it up Daddy” he smirks
“Who’s pussy is this?”
I can only moan in response. He railing directly on my g-spot hauling my orgasm like a high speed train.
“Fucking answer me Y/N” he slaps my butt and I moan out.
“It’s yours fuck I’m coming” my body rocks against him and once my pleasure is over it’s time for his. I reach behind me and squeeze his balls slightly making him come in just a quick stroke.
“That’s it give it to me daddy”
“Fuck love” he holds my back steadying myself on him.
We come to a complete halt and look at each other realizing what we just did.
“Oh shit shit shit shit shit” I stand up freaking out. I’m trying to walk straight but that’s not working. I grab my underwear putting it on and next Are my jeans.
“What is it?”
“We just had sex Harry I’m gonna be labeled as the biggest slut here and not to mention your little escapades don’t go unnoticed around the office” I fumble trying to grab my shoes “son of a bitch”
“Y/N love calm down”
“Maybe this was a mistake Harry do you realize if word gets out we’re both screwed”
“We could screw again right here”
“Harry” I whine
“Ok I’m sorry look your gonna be ok no ones even here” just then we hear the main door shut and I see brown hair glide in the wind.
“Someone was here” I scream “that’s it everyone’s gonna think I fucked to get to the top”
“And if they do I’ll drag their ass through the mud until they get the point Y/N please don’t stress if I hear anyone talking about us they’ll be unemployed and you know how I am about keeping my word”
I slide on my shoes and nod grabbing my purse “I gotta go oh and by the way Danny’s gay” I leave him there to be puzzled at his unnecessary jealousy.
A/N:: Part 2???
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cyberkevvideo · 4 years
My Changes to “Way of the Wicked“, Extras 3: Extraplanar Hunters
I kind of had the first one in the back of my mind for a while, but always forgot to put it down on paper, but thanks to vlogger Dungeon Dad converting a bunch of old 3.5 and Pathfinder 1e monsters to 5e, I was reminded that these creatures were very different in 3.5 compared to Pathfinder, and why I had originally considering at least the inevitable for this adventure path.
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As always, for space reasons, I’ll be cropping the encounter build.
I do not have a Patreon or a Kickstarter, but I do have a Ko-Fi page (linked) for those who would like to support my work. There is no pressure or obligation to do so, however, but a like and a share would definitely be appreciated. Of this and my older work.
Just before get to it, I hope everyone’s staying safe right now.
There are three sets of stats this time around, and two of them are actually one NPC; a hound archon and his dragon mount. More on that later, including a description regarding how the concept exists. This is what I was talking in the last entry regarding this being something that was skipped over in the Pathfinder bestiary from its 3.5 version.
I’ll say for starters, I didn’t give the NPCs any traits. Those are for PCs, more often than not, but admittedly that was a staple of Gary’s builds to try make the NPCs able to stand up to the villains more. It also felt like an in-joke that the NPCs were the heroic PCs all along. If you want to give them one trait, that’s fine, but for these ones, I didn’t feel it was overly necessary to do so. The only one I even considered was the hound archon, and only to give him armor expert to negate the final armor check penalty to skills.
For starters, inevitables are the very definition of law. Each one has a specific mandate for how things should or shouldn’t be, and how everything interacts with the multiverse.
For starters, we have a zelekhuts are defined as “ bounty hunters and executioners all rolled into one.” The PCs were supposed to die or at least be judged and sent to the salt mines. They escaped. That needs to be rectified. By all means, you can use the standard CR 9 version and have it appear during Book 2, but mine is slightly different. More so because in Book 2, unless you’re doing this incredibly early, the villains may have already amassed a literal army, if only undead. A CR 9 inevitable isn’t going to cut it. My version would appear much later, and it’s also a little different from your regular zelekhut.
I’ll say now, that the reason Judiceye is a variant is because most zelekhuts would just arrive and rain down lawful smiting on their chosen to die. But this one is more crafty. Mitra has seen what the villains can do, and how devious they are, not to mention how large their ever growing army has become. This particular zelekhut’s duty is to show up at the end of Book 3, during the winter months, free any and all prisoners as best as it can, and cause in-fighting among the bugbears and other riffraff that have joined the 9th Knot. If it can take out some unwanted undead, all the better. The PCs are supposed to lose a portion of their troops at the end of winter anyhow due to them running away and leaving their minions high and dry, so this just furthers that plot line all the while putting the PCs on edge. There’s either a traitor among them or maybe the villains just can’t control their people, showing just how unfit they are. And if they start executing their own men for not listening when it’s really just the zelekhut? All the better to use as kindling to create riots and arguments, and really give the villains a run for their money. It’d make for a long winter indeed. And right before the king shows up, or whenever the time is right in the GM’s mind, and the Knot is near their breaking point (possibly when there’s the most confusion), the zelekhut can start a major brawl and try its luck in taking out the PCs. Even better, with its greater hat of disguise, it can change itself to look like whomever it needs to. Just needs Intel first. It can be a PC, a bugbear, a vampire, the medusa half-fiend, or whoever. Doesn’t matter. Because it start a fight, then leave, and turn into someone else. Whatever needs to be done to take down the PCs.
I will not that the DD for the elemental combat style is from  the Pathfinder Disciple's Doctrine. Normally I would go OGL and Core, but this time I need some extra damage, and this was about the only way to pull it off. Also, the reason the hat’s trapped is because these things aren’t supposed to normally have treasure. This will destroy the treasure and maybe do some damage to the PCs at the same time.
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JUDICEYE (CR 16; XP 76,800) Variant advanced zelekhut ranger (guildbreakerUI) 7 LN Large outsider (extraplanar, inevitable, lawful) Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, true seeing; Perception +25 DEFENSE AC 31, touch 17, flat-footed 23 (+1 armor, +7 Dex, +1 dodge, +13 natural, –1 size) hp 236 (21d10+121); regeneration 5 (chaotic) Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +15 Defensive Abilities constructed; DR 10/chaotic, DR 3/— (small ranged piercing weapons); SR 27 OFFENSE Speed 50 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee 2 chains +31 (3d6+10/19–20 plus 1d6 electricity and trip) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks favored enemy (goblinoids +2), favored organization (Knots of Asmodeus +4) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +18)   Constant—true seeing   At will—clairaudience/clairvoyance, dimensional anchor, dispel magic, fear (W-DC 18), hold person (W-DC 17), locate creature   3/day—hold monster (W-DC 19), mark of justice   1/week—lesser geas (W-DC 17) Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +8)   2nd—chameleon stride   1st—lead blades, resist energy STATISTICS Str 30, Dex 24, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 18 Base Atk +21; CMB +32; CMD 50 (54 vs. trip) Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, EnduranceB, Improved Critical (chains), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (chains), Improved Vital Strike, Inner FlameARG, Mobility, Power Attack, Scorching WeaponsARG, Step Up, Weapon Focus (chain), Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +25 (+33 jump), Bluff +15, Disguise +15, Diplomacy +17, Fly +19, Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +25, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +21, Survival +17; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Sense Motive Languages truespeech SQ chains, combat style (elementalDD), crowd stride, deep cover, favored terrain (urban +2), read the cityUI, track +3 Gear quilted clothUE, greater hat of disguise (trapped: maximized fireball; 60 fire damage, R-DC 19) SPECIAL ABILITIES Chains (Ex) A zelekhut’s arms end in long lengths of barbed metal. These chains deal slashing damage and 1d6 points of electricity damage with each hit. Constructed (Ex) Although inevitables are living outsiders, their bodies are constructed of physical components, and in many ways they function as constructs. For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), inevitables count as both outsiders and constructs. They are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Inevitables are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. They are not at risk of death from massive damage. They have bonus hit points as constructs of their size.
Catching up on a few posts from GMs and players who are going through “Way of the Wicked”, most groups are having no issue whatsoever with the AP because they have a necromancer and a cleric who are creating epic armies of undead. That said, there have been one or two groups that have found themselves struggling, if only because they never rescued Grumblejack, or he died on them back during Branderscar because they all bailed and abandoned the ogre. As such, they’re finding that as the game is progressing, they’re having issues. I’ve got something to help potentially counteract that, if only for one part of the book.
It’s a Book 5 add-on that I thought of. Marut inevitables go after those who artificially extend their life. Namely, lichdom. Now, depending on the PCs, this could be yet another encounter for them too. If they’re using the feat tree that turns them into a vampire or lich, or they all became vampires in the alternate version of the story where Thorn’s a vampire, this thing’s coming after them. There’s just no way around that. However, my initial thought for this, so as to help parties that are having troubles, is the marut came to take down the now ex-Cardinal Thorn, but was dominated and sent after the party. This encounter would take place on the main floor, probably as soon as the PCs entered the cathedral. If the PCs have the means, they could break the control and have it join them in the final battle against Thorn. But you’re asking, “how can Thorn use that spell? It’s not a cleric spell and it’s 9th level.” It’s also a 6th level summoner spell, so miracle would work to cast it. This would reduce Thorn’s 9th level spells by 1, and hopefully that’s enough for the PCs who are struggling. After that though, the marut would leave, its mission completed.
Finally, my last inevitable add-on, and this would be for whenever someone in the party broke a contract (or someone attached to the party, etc). It can even be someone the party is dealing with, who broke a contract, and they summon one to go after that person/creature. The kolyarut is all about negotiating bargains, and they don’t like it when contracts and negotiations break down. They punish all oath-breakers. As stated: “They care little for the terms of the agreements in question, only that promises are fulfilled, debts are paid, and balance is maintained.“ They are definitely someone that the PCs want on their side. Pit fiends and contract devils are great, but they don’t necessarily like to get their hands dirty. They just want souls and payment. Kolyaruts, on the other hand, will always make the time.
And now, the ultimate combo that’s just bonkers. I even did a small feat sink on this one despite it actually being something in the original edition that happens for free, and just adds to the CR.
As for where you would encounter this one, there’s any number of ways. 1) Could be a fight not long after they finish Book 3. Mitra might send the archon as an avenger for what happened. 2) Could right after Spring arrives and the villains are fleeing from the king and his army. This could either be an air battle or the very second they land, but before Tiadora arrives. 3) They could arrive with any other encounter, boosting the over all combat and aiding whomever else decides to attack the villains. You could even hold out until Book 6 with this one, if you really wanted to.
The monster info on this variant hound archon reads as thus:
Hound Archon Hero Mounts
In the course of their adventures, many hound archon heroes befriend bronze dragons, which may come to serve as their mounts. The relationship between these mounts and their celestial riders goes beyond even the special bond between paladin and mount. The dragon and the archon are naturally allies and friends, as can be expected of two powerful servants of cosmic justice. The juvenile bronze dragon mount gains 2 additional HD, 4 points of Strength, an additional 4 points of natural armor, improved evasion, and +10 feet to speed in all its movement forms. The dragon cannot, however, command other creatures of its type as other kinds of paladin mounts can.
Note: Under normal circumstances the Draconic Companion from the Dragon Companion Handbook would give you a dragon and have it go up as an animal companion, with the Dragon Companion Mastery feat giving you their full power. Hound Archon Heroes already get an equivalent ability for free so I’m revising the feat to instead give: frightful presence 1/day, +2 Dex instead of +2 Str (which is a swap option you can choose), SR 5 + paladin level, share spells, empathic link, and two of the four bonus dragon feats. However, I’m ignoring the other two bonus feats the dragon would normally gain, additional bonuses to Str/Con/natural armor, and standard ability score increases every 4 Hit Die. The trade off being that a standard bronze dragon has higher mental stats and spells, so it easily balances out.
Overall, this not all that different from the 3.5 Monster Manual version, and should be considered a difficult CR 16 encounter. Also, their wealth is for a CR 16 NPC. Bartel shares it with his dragon mount.
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BARTEL, THE HOUND ARCHON HERO (CR 16; XP 76,800) Male Advanced variant hound archon paladin 11 LG Medium outsider (archon, extraplanar, good, lawful) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, low-light vision, scent; Perception +18 Aura courage (10 ft.), justice (10 ft.), menace (20 ft.; W-DC 21), magic circle against evil, resolve (10 ft.) DEFENSE AC 33, touch 12, flat-footed 31 (+9 armor, +2 Dex, +12 natural); +2 deflection vs. evil hp 229 (19 HD; 19d10+125) Fort +24, Ref +16, Will +21; +4 vs. poison, +2 resistance vs. evil DR 10/evil; Immune charm, disease, electricity, fear, petrification; SR 27 OFFENSE Speed 40 ft. Melee +2 cold iron greatsword +29/+24/+19/+14 (2d6+12/17–20), bite +22 (1d8+4) or   bite +27 (1d8+8), slam +27 (1d4+4) Special Attacks channel energy (W-DC 20, 6d6), smite evil 4/day (+5 atk & AC, +11 dmg) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +11)   Constant—detect evil, magic circle against evil   At will—aid, continual flame, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), message Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +16)   At will—detect evil Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 8th; concentration +13)   3rd—heal mount   2nd—bull’s strength, eagle’s splendor, resist energy   1st—divine favor, hero’s defianceAPG, protection from evil, shield of fortificationACG STATISTICS Str 24, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 20 Base Atk +19; CMB +26; CMD 38; +2 vs. evil Feats Blind-Fight, Draconic CompanionDCH, Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Ride-by Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Word of HealingUM Skills Acrobatics +14, Diplomacy +19, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Intimidate +15, Perception +18, Ride +18, Sense Motive +19, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +14, Survival +18; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth, +4 Survival; ACP –1 Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; truespeech SQ aura (overwhelming good), code of conduct, change shape (beast shape II), divine bond (dragon mount; Arlakaida), lay on hands (5d6, 7/day), mercies (cursed, dazed, fatigued) Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (15 charges), holy water (2); Other Gear +3 mithral breastplate, +2 cold iron greatsword, amulet of mighty fists +1, belt of mighty constitution +2 SPECIAL ABILITIES Aura of Menace (Su) A righteous aura surrounds archons that fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed on a Will save to resist its effects. The save DC varies with the type of archon, is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus. Those who fail take a –2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon’s aura for 24 hours. Change Shape (Su) A hound archon can assume any canine form of Small to Large size, as if using beast shape II. While in canine form, the hound archon loses its bite, slam, and greatsword attacks, but gains the bite attack of the form it chooses. For the purposes of this ability, canines include any dog-like or wolf-like creature of the animal type.
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ARLAKAIDA THE BRONZE (CR —; XP —) Female juvenile bronze dragon LG Large dragon (water) Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +25 Aura frightful presence 1/day (90 ft.; targets are shaken for 14 rounds; W-DC 21) DEFENSE AC 36, touch 13, flat-footed 33 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +2 deflection, +18 natural, –1 size) hp 161 (14d12+70) Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +15 Defensive Abilities improved evasion; Immune electricity, paralysis, sleep; SR 16 OFFENSE Speed 50 ft., fly 130 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft. Melee bite +25 (2d6+15), 2 claws +24 (1d8+11), tail slap +22 (1d8+15), 2 wings +22 (1d6+6) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon (80-ft. line, R-DC 24, 12d6 electricity), repulsion breath Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th; concentration +18)   At will—create food and water, speak with animals Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +8)   2nd (4/day)—mirror image   1st (7/day)—alarm, obscuring mist, true strike   0 (at will)—detect magic, light, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, resistance STATISTICS Str 29, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Base Atk +14; CMB +26; CMD 40 (44 vs. trip) Feats Ability Focus (breath weapon), Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Powerful BreathB, Quick Breath WeaponB, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Diplomacy +19, Fly +12, Handle Animal +16, Heal +16, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Perception +25, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +14, Swim +29; Racial Modifiers +8 Swim Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome SQ empathic link, change shape (animal or humanoid, polymorph), share spells, water breathing, wave mastery (40 mins) Gear +2 studded leather barding, amulet of mighty fists +2, belt of physical perfection +2, cloak of resistance +2, ring of protection +2 SPECIAL ABILITIES Dragon Senses (Ex) Dragons have darkvision 120 ft. and blindsense 60 ft. They see four times as well as a human in dim light and twice as well in normal light. Frightful Presence (Ex) This special quality makes a dragon’s very presence unsettling to foes. Activating this ability is a free action that is usually part of an attack or charge. This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice than the dragon’s. An opponent that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to the dragon’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Multiple uses of a dragon’s presence don’t stack. This ability is a mind-affecting aura. Paladin Mount (Ex) Arlakaida cannot command other creatures of its type (bronze dragons) as other kinds of paladin mounts can. Quick Breath Weapon (Ex) Arlakaida is able to unleash her breath weapon and deliver an attack before her opponent is the wiser. On her turn, Arlakaida can choose to use her breath weapon in place of her bite or one of her claw attacks. Repulsion Breath (Su) Instead of a line of electricity, a bronze dragon can breathe a cone of repulsion gas. Targets must make a Will save or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the dragon for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. Water Breathing (Ex) A bronze dragon breathes water and can use its breath weapon, spells, and abilities underwater. Wave Mastery (Su) For up to 10 minutes per age category per day, a juvenile bronze dragon, along with creatures or vessels within 50 feet, can move at twice its normal speed in water. ------------------------------------------------------------
And that’s everything. I don’t know that I’ll ever have more to add to this particular adventure path, but maybe I will. Just depends on how inspired I get.
In the meantime, I hope everyone who is running or playing “Way of the Wicked” is having a fantastic time.
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 5
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→ pairing: sehun x reader
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 3,396
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol​ @meryljill-111192​ @sehunscutiepie​ @hi-cupid​
note: I was asked about this story recently, but with the month of october being utter chaos in my work life, I didn’t have time to update. however, I finally managed to find some time for this chapter! Hopefully I can keep  posting every Friday for the next few weeks...
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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Time was supposed to heal all types of pain. Whether it was physical, mental, or emotional, the passage of time should have made it better. Yet, you had to admit, it was a slower process than you wanted. In the months following your breakup, all you could think about was Sehun. When something reminded you of him, your thoughts would be flooded with the way you remembered him reacting to it. On some nights, you would even dream about him. Your mind recalling his intense gaze as he approached you, or the way his voice would always send a chill down your spine. It remembered that smile that turned those eyes into two crescents.
However, every time that Sehun crossed your mind, everything would feel heavy. You were quickly reminded of why he wasn't in your life anymore, of those harsh and venomous words that he so promptly threw at you. You knew that it wasn't healthy to think of him, to be so emotionally attached to someone that didn't feel anything for you, but your heart had a hard time letting him go. Time wasn't healing your pain fast enough.
In a desperate effort to distract yourself, you found refuge in your work. Initially, it had been hard to shift your focus, to ignore the throbbing pain in your heart, but soon, it became easier. You engrossed yourself in the latest fashion trends, did research on what was currently popular as well as what was soon to be popular. You became active in the workplace, taking the initiative on specific projects. With this new mentality, you worked your way up the small company, bringing its vision to light.
Focusing on work meant that something had to give. You sacrificed the time that you used to spend with others to make it happen. You didn't go out like you used to, didn't meet up as often with the people that used to be a big part of your life. The only one that really stuck around was Baekhyun, and it was only because he made sure that he was present. He made himself available, whether it was by stopping by your office or deciding that the two of you needed to have dinner together. Other than Baekhyun, you became isolated, only focused on this world of work that you had built.
And before you knew it, two whole years passed in the blink of an eye.
After helping your current company reach some of their longtime goals, you felt like it was time to move onto something else. When a position to lead a new team at your parents' company opened up, you decided that it was time to switch over. However, your application there came with strict stipulations from you to your parents. They were in no way to interfere with your interview process. Of course, being your parents, they had protested, saying that they could get you in with little hassle. However, when you threatened to apply elsewhere if they didn't comply with your request, they conceded. Your parents were aware of how good you had become at your job, and they weren't willing to lose your expertise because they were too headstrong. In the end, you aced both the interview and the portfolio review.
It was inevitable that your relationship with your parents would change drastically after your breakup. Your parents noticed that their daughter no longer wanted to have a conversation with them. Before, you would speak up if it was necessary, but in the last few years, you were more likely to excuse yourself than to try and make your point. The change was jarring to your parents. What was even harder for them to get used to was that your weekly dinners no longer happened. You had cited work as the main reason for your absence at first, but it was evident to everyone that you no longer felt welcomed at that table. Being in that house made all of those memories come back, and you had a hard time being there without feeling a certain way.
To be fair to your parents, they had tried to apologize, in hopes that things could go back to normal, but any apology they gave fell short. They were unaware of why they needed to apologize, to begin with, and their words were hollow, just said to save face. However, no attempt to reconcile worked, and the three of you limited your interactions to the workplace. It was hard, but it felt like the right thing to do until you could all sort through how you really felt.
Though you had limited interactions with your parents, your communications with Sehun had been nonexistent. The only time you ever heard about Sehun was if Baekhyun brought him up. Every now and then, your friend would give you updates on how your old friends and ex-boyfriend were doing. And honestly, they seemed to be thriving. According to Baekhyun, the band managed to sign a contract with a relatively well-known label a little over a year ago. It wasn't a significant name in the industry. Still, they did reasonable work and gave their artists creative liberty with their work. They didn't become overnight celebrities, but from what Baekhyun had told you, they were slowly working towards their goals. The band had long since left behind the rundown buildings and small club shows. They now played at festivals and small concert halls. It seemed like a good start for the boys, and honestly, you were happy for them. You were glad that Sehun had proved your parents wrong, that his hard work and the hard work of the other boys, got them to where they were. There was always something special when they performed, and you were glad that others were realizing it too.
Sehun's success was not lost on your parents, either. They had heard that the band was signed, and though they still preferred for you to be with someone in their industry, they would lament that it was a shame that you couldn't keep such a hardworking young man by your side. Though you were courteous with your words towards your parents, their own commentary was like a thorn to your side.
At one point last year, with your emotions were in a better state, you had considered getting in contact with Sehun again. You were unsure where the two of you stood, but you at least wanted to congratulate him on all of his success. Yet, every fiber of your being had told you that it wasn't the right time. Every time you thought of speaking with him, you'd be reminded of his attitude that night. You would remember how cold he was towards you, how he acted with no regard towards your own feelings. Your heart would hurt as you thought of those razor-sharp words. No, he had made it clear back then. Sehun didn't need you in his life. You should respect that decision and not cross the line.
"You work too much, you know that, right?" Baekhyun inquired. He had seated himself in one of the many chairs that littered the usually busy office space. The walls were covered in first-pass designs and inspiration for the upcoming fashion line. Currently, everyone was out at lunch, taking a much-needed break from their work. Well, everyone except for you, of course.
"I hate to break it to you, Baek, but some of us don't have the luxury to take a long break after shipping a product. In fashion, you have to be constantly working," you shot back. Baekhyun looked up from his phone and stuck his tongue out at you in protest. This only earned him a light chuckle from you.
On his days off, Baekhyun would often hang around your office. You figured that it was his way of keeping an eye on you to make sure that you were okay. Part of you appreciated that he cared about you that much, but you also knew that his sudden appearance made some people at the office talk. They wondered about your relationship with each other, and though you had told countless people that you were just good friends from college, you knew that about half of them didn't believe it. At least you tried to clear up the rumor. "Why are you even here, silly? Shouldn't you be at one of those hot vacation destinations, partying it up with bikini-clad girls?"
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to party it up on some yacht while my ride or die is stuck in her office working," he pointed out, fingers sliding across his phone screen. "It's gotta be both of us, or it's a no go. Plus, it's no fun without you."
You scoffed, gently placing down your tablet pen as you looked over at your friend. "Baek, I haven't been fun in years," you teased. "Plus, if I remember correctly, years ago, when you were completely drunk out of your mind, you confessed that someone else was your ride or die. It wasn't me."
Baekhyun scrunched up his face, hearing you giggle in the process. "You remember it all wrong," he protested. However, a light sigh left his lips when he realized who you were referring to. "You really haven't spoken with him since, have you. Not even once after that night?"
You shook your head, eyes scanning over the design before you. "There's never been a reason for us to talk after that night. I think that he made it pretty clear where I stand in his life. Plus, he's doing well now. Sehun and the guys have a contract, they're actually making a name for themselves. He doesn't need me messing that up for him. Nor does he require my support or approval for anything..."
Baekhyun had grown quiet, aimlessly hitting his phone screen as he clicked through his mobile game. He had a lot of thoughts on everything that had happened between you and Sehun, but there had never been a good time to really address it. The one thing he did know was that it was weird seeing the two of you apart. Maybe... "Hey, they're playing at a small concert hall that's nearby tonight. We should go!" he suggested.
"Byun Baekhyun, what did I just say to you," you replied flatly, but your friend was already at your side.
"I know what you said. Look, I'm not suggesting this because I think that the two of you seeing each other will lead to something. We don't live in a drama. Just being in each other's presence isn't going to allow you to magically make up in an explosion of repressed feelings or something. What I'm saying is, it's been a while since you've seen them perform, right? Why not go and see them play again, for old time's sake? Chanyeol gave me two tickets to the show a while ago, and they're just sitting around. Come on, let's go support our friends, hm?" he insisted. "Plus, you really need a break. Let's do something fun for once!"
Though you were hesitant, you also couldn't deny that Baekhyun was right. You did work too much, and an evening off would do you wonders. Lately, you had been working, even if your off-hours just to make sure that deadlines were met. Taking a break for the evening could be your chance to recharge. And your friend was correct.  You did love to watch the guys perform. Maybe it would be good to see them play again? It's not like they would be able to find you in the crowd. Plus, you weren't obligated to hang out with them after the show. What harm could it cause?
"Alright, I'll go. But, I swear, Byun Baekhyun, if you dare to come up with some crazy plan, I will end you."
A giant smile appeared on his lips. "I would never dream of it," he said, though you were doubtful of his honesty in the matter, you let it slide, for now, returning to your work…
The initial plan of seeing the boys play had been exciting. However, now that you were home and getting ready, the reality of where you were going finally set in. You had agreed to go and see the person who had broken your heart. Sure, it was supposed to be about hearing the guys perform again, but you couldn't help but be wary about being in the same place at him. You wondered what he would think if he saw you in the crowd. Surely he had forgotten about you. He would just think that you were another face, right? There was no way he would act in any other way except full-on disinterest. At least, that's what you told yourself as you got into Baekhyun's car.
The drive was a relatively short one, and with much coaxing about how good the show would be, Baekhyun managed to get you out of the car and through the front doors. The concert hall was a good size, a bit bigger than you had expected. Still, by your estimate, it likely held a bit over a thousand, and that was a respectable amount of fans. And not only that, it was already packed when you and Baekhyun arrived. The stage was already crowded, people trying to find the best possible spot to enjoy the show from. Baekhyun took the lead as he usually did and meandered his way through the crowd with you close behind. When he found a suitable spot, he situated you in front of him, making sure that you wouldn't get jostled by others moving around.
The two of you talked while you waited for the show to start, your longtime friend reassuring you that you were going to have a good time and enjoy yourself. You managed to give him a small smile, but he was quick to notice how forced it was. Baekhyun reminded you to not overthink the situation. However, before you could reply, the lights started to dim, and the people around you began to cheer as the chords of the first song rang through the venue.
The moment the roar of the crowd and the guitar riff filled your ears, you had all but forgotten your earlier concerns. You were determined to have a good time, and as if a switch flipped in you, you found yourself jumping along with the people around you, getting lost in the music. Every now and then, there would be a push from the people around you. It was usually the result of fans trying to push forward to try and touch one of the members' hands as it extended into the crowd. Baekhyun made sure that you stayed in front of him so that he could mediate the shoving. All of that aside, the show was proving to be pretty amazing. They were always good at hyping up a crowd, even back when they had very little. But now that they were given the proper time to practice and better equipment, it only helped to amplify that natural charisma.
The show came to an end with a song that you were all too familiar with. You had heard it countless times. It was their encore song for every show they played, and it was one you had heard them practice over and over. You sang along from memory, cheering loudly with the crowd. However, when they came forward for their final bows, and the lights were turned on so that they could properly see the audience, you felt yourself sinking back. You hoped that if you made yourself small enough, the boys would overlook you. However, standing in front of Baekhyun did you no good. You could tell that his friends were scanning the crowd for him, and unfortunately for you, it didn't take Chanyeol long to find him. At first, the tall male threw his old friend a thumbs up, but when his eyes landed on your small form in front of Baekhyun, his eyes widened.
At the look of recognition spread across his features, you sank further back, hoping to obscure yourself behind the people moving forward to get a better look at the band.  You were extra careful in moving around when you saw Sehun's eyes scanning the crowd. On his first pass, his gaze went right over you, and you inwardly let out a sigh of relieve. However, on his second scan of the crowd, his eyes locked on Baekhyun immediately, and it didn't take him long to realize your small figure in front of his friend. There was no mistaking that he recognized you. Time didn't slow, but your eyes remained locked with, and it only took the band being rushed off the stage for that gaze to be broken.
As you followed the large crowd of people out of the concert hall, you felt Baekhyun swing his arm over your shoulders. "So, what did you think?" he asked as he led you along with the crowd.
You couldn't help but let out a small sigh. You knew that your friend already knew your answer based on his tone, but he obviously wanted to hear it from your lips. "Baek, they were amazing, just like they always were. Actually, if anything, they've gotten even better. What did you expect me to say?" you retorted, seeing that grin spread across his features. The pair of you moved out of the way of people exiting the venue as Baekhyun tended to some text messages. "It was good to hear them play again after so long, though..."
"I'm sure that they would appreciate hearing that from you," he answered, though, as the words passed his lips, a look of recognition did as well. "Though, I'm guessing you aren't ready to see them again, huh..."
Slowly, you shook your head. "I... I think it might still be too soon..." you confessed, and your friend nodded in understanding. You continued to follow Baekhyun, though you soon realized that you were headed down an unfamiliar hallway. Before you could bring it up to Baekhyun, you came face to face with a security guard. The man seemed to recognize Baekhyun and let the two of you through. What was your friend up to exactly?
"Well, I know that you're not ready to see them yet, but they did want to hear what I thought of the show..." he explained gradually. "But if you don't quite want to see them yet, maybe you could wait for me here? I promise no one will bug you. I'll make it quick, I swear."
A soft sigh left your lips. Of course, you were backstage now. You should have known by the number of ridiculous turns the two of you took. Still, though you felt unsure, you weren't going to stop Baekhyun from seeing his friends. Teasing him, however, was not out of the question. "I swear, if you leave me stranded here and sneak out to go drinking with them, I will beat you up in the morning," you warned, and though Baekhyun smiled, he promised he wouldn't do such a thing. He gave you a quick and reassuring hug before he disappeared behind the door, leaving you on your own.
You busied yourself with your phone, checking messages from work, as well as anything else that interested you. When you heard footsteps approaching, you had assumed it was Baekhyun and spoke up before your eyes even left your screen. "You're back a lot quicker than I had expected, Baek. You know that I was joking, right? You could totally go drinking with the guys if you want," you said with a gentle giggle, though the individual didn't answer.
Instead of giving you an answer, the person called your name instead. And that simple action was the one that finally pulled your eyes upward. That voice wasn't Baekhyun's. No, that tone wasn't even close to your longtime friend's voice. You knew it, though, and as soon as your eyes shot up and came face to face with the individual, you let out a slight gasp. He as the last person you were expecting to see.
"So it was you, in the crowd with Baekhyun…"
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darkzorua100 · 5 years
In works of fiction, one of the hardest things to do isn’t so much as writing a solid story but trying to find a way to end it with a satisfying conclusion. It could be a happy, sad, or all of the above as long as it fits the story that you have building up to at this point. After all, this is the last thing your viewers are going to be seeing. The last big take away before they have to move on. What is going to be the legacy of this fiction? A ending can make or break a series after all. Just look at Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V for example. Looking back at it, it was such a groundbreaking entry into the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise for being the first series to make all the Extra Deck Summoning Mechanics relevant to the story instead of pushing them off to the side for the newest one in Pendulum at the time. It was a huge nostalgia trip by paying homage to the past series that came before it from using their locations for the different dimensions to bringing back past characters, in a way anyway, to the forefront. There is just so much more I could say about that spin-off but to put it in a nutshell, ARC-V just did so much right at the time but of course we all can’t forget that damn ending. The way that ARC-V ended just left pretty much everyone who had watched it from the very beginning with such a sour taste in our mouths. I don’t think I need to explain why, anyone who has seen the final knows exactly what I’m talking about, but yeah, it goes to show that a finale leaves a lasting impression and is pretty much why, even to this day, a majority of people consider ARC-V to be the worst Yu-Gi-Oh series to date. 
So with all that being said, how did Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains finale do? Was it able to wrap everything up into a perfect little package with a nice bow on top? Well honestly, the package itself was a freaking mess and a half but I will say the bow on top wasn’t half bad for what it was worth. We all knew with Vrains ending way to early compared to the previous series that things were going to be getting rushed at the end but I will say that even if things were rushed, and it wasn’t the most satisfying ending they could have given us, what they did give us still left me feeling fulfilled and with Vrains being the absolute train wreck that it was, at the end of the day, I’ll call that a win. 
So let’s start off with the final part of the Playmaker vs Ai duel. These two really were just full on neck and neck that it literally came down to their aces (because yes, Decode Talker is Playmaker’s true ace monster of show) batting each other, once again like from the opening, with Yusaku only being able to pull out the win in the end because Ai wanted to make sure that he was going to be able to finish him off during his turn. If his greed didn’t get the best of him, he would have actually won. That is actually really crazy to think about. At one point, just before Playmaker summoned Accesscode Talker, I seriously thought he was going to summon a Link 8 since he had the total Link Rating on his field with his three monsters plus Darkfluid being a Link 5 but nope, he summoned basically his new combination of the six Ignises in the form of a Code Talker (which all seem to be model after an Ignis anyway). I mean how he was actually able to summon out Accesscode was kinda BS but that’s just normal BS when it comes to the final duels in a Yu-Gi-Oh final. I’m still questioning how in the actual world did Yusaku not deck himself out during this duel. Seriously just how many cards did this boy go through? Way to many from the looks of things.
Now let’s talk about Playmaker and Ai scenes. My god, those shouldn’t have hurt as much as they did. Just at the beginning when Yusaku was telling Ai about how the bonds between others were the things that created the future, not predetermined simulations, and how Ai just couldn’t understand it just hurt right off the bat because I can understand why Ai can’t think that way. Just like he told Yusaku, he is data. To find a situation to a problem is all he knows. To base something with nothing to support it makes no sense to him especially when he can’t chance it. He has seen the alternative and my god, Ai. We didn’t even see the full simulation play out (but what we did see is definitely getting censored in the dub no questions there) but I could already tell what exactly played out. If Dr. Kogami was right about anything, it is that it is inevitable for humanity not to turn against artificial intelligence out of fear that they would one day surpass humanity and try and take us over or just kill us on the spot. I think the future we saw in that simulation was just that with Yusaku trying to convince them that Ai was no danger to humanity and well....we all saw how well that ended. Honestly I lowkey wished we got to see more of that simulation just to see the moment that Ai snaps and murders anyone. Because lets face it, Yusaku literally is the only family that Ai had left at that point. If something happened to him, Ai was actually going to snap. And it wasn’t even if something terrible would happen to him. Yusaku is still human while Ai is an artificial intelligence. If nothing happened to him, Yusaku would have just aged over time and eventually pass away while Ai would always remain immortal which once again would probably lead to a snap. I honestly don’t blame Ai for picking the path that he did in the end. Even if Lightning never showed him the first simulation, I don’t think it would have been long before Ai would have put the pieces together and start doing his own simulations. Ai was just a goner since the moment he was created as a A.I. with free-will. As for his death scene, I almost did start crying because things shouldn’t have had to have ended this way. I don’t care what Yusaku said. You should have took the fusion deal, young man. It worked out pretty freaking well for Judai and Yubel. Heck, regardless how stupid it was, the Yuu Boys and the Bracelet Girls were all still their own individual people too. I don’t see how that would be any different for you two, especially considering that Ai came from you, Yusaku. I have a lot of feelings about this but I will say that the moments that really hurt for me was when Ai asked Yusaku if he was a good partner, to which Yusaku answered “yes”, and when Yusaku explained to Ai that his name meant “love”. I actually didn’t think they were going to explain the meaning of Ai’s name in the show but I’m so thankful that they did but damn, that freaking hurt! Also Aiballshipping is canon. I actually find it hilarious that Ai stole Yusaku from Ryoken at the last second XD
As for everyone else’s endings. As much as it is still the most convenient bullsh*t ever, I am happy that Jin was able to move on after freaking years of being tormented by his PTSD and by Lightning in season 2 and is now happily working with his brother at the hot dog truck just like Kusanagi always wanted. I’m glad that they are slowly starting to make up for all the time that they have lost together because of this one incident. Aoi seems to be doing okay but I won’t lie, I was bit salty that Miyu wasn’t with her when she was visiting the brothers since it seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to be together and to show that their friendship is still strong after all of these years. Like what the heck? If they are going to force this stupid storyline on us, at least commit to it damn it! It has been three months and wait? Is she still in the damn hospital? Like we literally don’t know what happened to Miyu after all of this and I just find that infuriating but what’s new there? Akira is now CEO of SOL Technologies and I’m kinda mixed on how to feel about this. I mean we all were expecting this since the very beginning but again it is one of those things like what happened to Queen? Vrains threw away the rest of the Chess Pieces long ago but Queen was still a character. I mean I like to think that Queen just up and give Akira the company out of fear of being attacked again by someone else in the future but it is still one of those things that you wished you knew what happened to her as to how Akira got this position. It seems that Vrains has continued to grow and expand during this three month time skip and I don’t know if it was intentional or not but all the connections make it look like The Arrival Cyberse @Ignister and if that truly was the case that was a really nice detail to add, Vrains. Emma and Kengo seemed to have teamed up as a brother and sister bounty hunter team in the network which is fitting. Go is back to being his entertainer self to please his younger fans. I’m planning on giving my full thoughts about Vrains sometime later this week hopefully so I’m get into more detail about him and everyone else there. The Knights of Hanoi are taking Takeru’s declaration to heart and are watching over Link Vrains from Ryoken’s freaking cruise ship apparently while Ryoken and Spectre are watching over everything inside of Link Vrains. Now that Vrains is over, I officially have to ask. Where the actual hell is Ryoken getting all of this money from? Correction, WHERE IS HE GETTING ALL OF THESE BOATS FROM?! Geez and I thought we as a fandom were the shippers. This boy has a freaking navy of them in hiding.
No but seriously, before they showed the duel disks and just them sitting on the bed, my brain went places. The dialogue did not help. Yes my brain is extremely dirty but that’s besides the point. 
I like to think that wherever Flame ended up in the A.I. afterlife, he is looking down at Takeru with a proud smile during this moment. I also just find it fun that since Kiku doesn’t have an avatar, if anyone knows her in real life sees her in Link Vrains with Soulburner, they are obviously going to put the pieces together real quick about who Soulburner actually is. I’m in just such amazement right now over this even though I had any idea that something like this was going to happen. During the closing interviews from the VAs, Kaji Yuuki made a comment about how we were going to be seeing Takeru getting “unmasked” during the finale and I just knew that something like this was going to happen and I was not disappointed at all. I’m sorry but I just have such a huge sh*t eating grin across my face because of this. 
How is it that Kiku, a freaking SIDE CHARACTER, ended up being my favorite female of Vrains? I don’t know, I’m just going to move on before I start freaking out again about these two being so freaking adorable. 
I do like how Naoki, as soon as he saw these two, makes it his new goal to get himself a special someone of his own. I don’t know how that’s going to work out for him but hey good for him.
And as for Yusaku, the shows ends with him going on some kind of journey, leaving his final fate obscure which is pretty normal for a Yu-Gi-Oh series as they did the same in the past with Judai and Yusei. My guess he’s going around the network to try and find a way to bring back Ai and maybe the rest of the Ignis.
Speaking of which, the last scene we get of this series is that Ai is apparently alive. Maybe. Who actually knows. He could be in A.I. heaven for all we know but if that’s the case I feel they would have shown us a scene of him being greeted and welcomed by the rest of the Ignis but what we got of him instead was him in his eyeball form looking to be restored. Man Ai is literally like a cockroach and I am saying that in the nicest way possibly. He gets his data eaten by a dragon, tore to pieces by a Data Storm, destroyed by a powerful program, and even kills himself by his own hand and yet he still lives. I am very curious to know if anything is going to come from this reveal, such as if YGO 7 actually is a crossover series, or if this was just the writers giving us a break and letting us know that Ai is still alive and there is hope of him returning. I mean I’m happy he is alive, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like it would have just been fine keeping him dead with the rest of the Ignis. Because if he is still alive, won’t Ai just try and kill himself again? Seems kinda counterproductive but I digress.
So yeah, I very much enjoyed the final episode of Vrains. The series had a lot of problems, and I mean A LOT of them, but it had its shining moments, such as this. Like I said, I’m planning to go into more detail about my full thoughts about the series but when it comes to its ending, I think it delivered what it needed to. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains. You were a freaking struggle to watch at times but you were a joy to have around all the same. I guess the best compliment I can give you is that you literally are Ai. You are insufferable at times but you had your charm that kept me coming back for more and I’m sad to see you go just like I was with Ai.
Now it is onto Yu-Gi-Oh 7th and who knows. If it actually is a crossover series, Vrains might just be back sooner then we expect. I hope so because I’m not ready to say goodbye to my meme-lord and my fire child and his new girlfriend yet! I don’t think it has fully hit me yet that Vrains is actually over and it is going to suck when next week comes around and there is just no more episodes.
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Fate Changes, People Don’t
Pre-serum Steve Bucky Barnes X Reader She waited until they arrived back at her home to attack him with hugs and kisses, praising him for getting the tickets and promising cookies and other treats when they got inside. a/n:i absolutely ADORE preserum Steve, so I’ve been wanting to write a fic like this for a while, feedback is much appreciated! warnings:anxiety, depression, sassy af Steve
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Steve wasn’t entirely sure how he’d managed to end up at the bar, it definitely wasn’t his own idea, and it wasn’t Y/N’s either.  Bucky, of course.  If it ever involved either of his friends, Steve would jump at the chance.  Only now, was he seriously regretting ever saying yes to going out to the bar.
“C’mon, Stevie, just one drink!” Bucky was pleading with the smaller man, holding out a beer to him.
“Buck, I’m the one driving us home, I can’t really drink.” Steve was adamant that he stayed sober, every single time they went out.
He wasn’t having it though, insisting the blonde have at least one drink before the night was over.  Steve sneakily pushed the beer over to where Y/N was sitting, who pushed it down the bar towards Clint.  He happily took it, drinking down the hoppy taste without a care in the world, while Bucky was none the wiser.
“Alright, I think it’s time we all went home.” Steve stood up from the chair, pulling on his jacket while Y/N pulled on her own.  
Bucky was off flirting with a girl up at the bar, using his charm to get her back home in his bed, so typical.
“Can we please get going?  I have to work in the morning, and Y/N’s going out to visit her parents.” Steve stared over at Bucky, rolling his eyes as the other man ignored him.
“Sorry doll, seems I’m being requested to leave for the night.” The blonde pouted, placing her hand overtop of Bucky’s bicep.
Their words were much too quiet for either Steve or Y/N to pick up, but neither were dumb, they could tell she was trying to get Bucky to go home with her instead.
“I will leave you here James, so help me god.” Steve only ever used Bucky’s true name when he was pissed, and right now was pushing his buttons to the limit.
“Alright, fine, let’s go.” Bucky slipped a piece of paper to the girl, promising to call when he got the chance.
Steve knew that was a lie, he never called the girls he flirted with, or even slept with for that matter.  He used them for his own pleasure and moved on to the next flavor of the week, it made Steve sick to his stomach.  He couldn’t say anything though, not unless he wanted to get on Bucky’s bad side.  Y/N acted like a mediator, getting in-between the two when it seemed like their egos were too big to fit inside the room.
“Y’know, you didn’t need to drag me out of there, I could’ve easily just gone back to her place.” Bucky was trying to keep his tone casual.
Steve’s teeth gritted hard enough to lock his jaw for a brief moment, before he released the tension, glaring in the rearview mirror.
“And have her find one of us at work to scream that you didn’t call?  Cause the last time that happened I almost got fired.” Steve’s grip tightened on the steering wheel, eyes focusing back on the dark road.
Bucky muttered under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest as he got comfortable in the back seat.  Y/N was relaxing quietly in the passenger seat, soft humming echoing in the nearly silent car.  What Steve wouldn’t give to tell her how he truly felt, to bare his soul out for everyone in the world to see.
He couldn’t do that though, not unless he wanted everyone to laugh at him for being in love with his best friend.  She was out of his league by miles anyway, beauty that rivaled that of Hollywood’s most beautiful actresses.  She had an ethereal beauty about her, something that Steve couldn’t really put his finger on.
“We’re home guys, let’s go.” Steve put the car in park, looking up at the building they call home.
Bucky grunted, pushing himself out of the car with a long groan, Y/N tiredly slipped out, holding onto the door to prevent from falling onto the ground.  Steve helped them each inside, handing over bottles of water and aspirin to help ease the inevitable hangovers they’d have.  It’s mainly why Steve constantly chose to be the designated driver, that, and he hated the taste of beer.
“Thank you for tonight Steve, it was a lot of fun.” Y/N smiled softly, slipping into her room before Steve could respond.
The hallway was empty, the door to Bucky’s room shut tight, while Steve’s stood wide open, enticing him inside.  He couldn’t fight the feeling anymore, he was exhausted and sleep was going to do him more good anyway.  Plus, if Tony was at the office, Steve would need to be on his best behavior.  He’d trained well for this job, the least he could do was play nice in front of the boss.
2 Weeks Later “You can do this, just go out there and ask her to accompany you to the gala that Tony’s hosting, she’ll hopefully say yes.” Steve was doing his best not to tremble, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose.
Gathering every last bit of hope, and courage he had, Steve walked out to where Bucky and Y/N were sitting.  It sounded like they were laughing at some comedy special Bucky had turned on, it didn’t look all too familiar to Steve, must’ve been new.
“Hey, Y/N, could I umm, talk to you?” Steve’s palms were sweating, hands shaking as he sat down in the chair closest to where she was.
“Of course, what’s up Stevie?” Her eyes were sparkling in the light, breaking Steve’s focus for a second.
“I uhh, I wanted to ask if you’d like to accompany me to the gala my boss is throwing this weekend?” The words slipped out easily, as if Steve hadn’t spent the better part of the last hour freaking out.
Her smile turned sad, gaze flicking down to where her hands were folded on her lap.  Steve knew that look, it meant rejection was on his way.  
“You don’t have to if you don’t want, I just thought I’d ask.” Steve pushed out of the chair, heading back down to his bedroom before Y/N, or Bucky, could stop him.
He hadn’t told Tony he was going to ask Y/N, so at least there wasn’t the promise of taking a guest now.  God, how embarrassing would that have been?  Promising to take someone to the gala only to show up empty handed.
Steve wasn’t sure when the tears had built up, spilling down his cheeks, collecting in the frames of his glasses.  Shit, he’d have to clean those before anyone else noticed, especially since Bucky noticed those things like a hawk does with its prey.
“Steve?  Can I come inside?” Steve yanked his glasses off, wiping them on his shirt to dry the tears, running a hand over his cheeks to hide the tear tracks.
“Yeah, come in.” He hoped he looked somewhat presentable, enough where no one would know he’d been crying.
Y/N pushed the door open slowly, leaving it open partially as she walked over to sit beside him, hand resting overtop of his.
“I would’ve loved to go with Steve, it’s just that Bucky asked me to go to his companies Christmas party.” Oh, of course. “No, it’s fine, really.  It’s probably just gonna be boring anyway, a bunch of my coworkers just standing around and talking until Tony announces whatever charity he’s donating to this year.” God, what Steve wouldn’t give to be able to have her there.
Y/N smiled, apologizing once more before leaving his room, shutting the door on her way out.  She’d known how much he hated when people left his door open, especially if they were the ones that had gone in their in the first place.
“Maybe I can ask Nat, she likes going to these things.” Steve reached for his phone, sending a quick message to Natasha, asking if she’d like to go.
She agreed immediately, asking what time it started so she could get a dress and be there at a respectable time.
Stevie:you don’t know how much this means, thank you so much Nat. Natsha:How come you didn’t ask Y/N? She didn’t want to go? Stevie:Buck’s taking her to his works x-mas party Natasha:You need to tell her the truth, one of these days he’s gonna ask her out, and she’s gonna say yes. Stevie:I know Nat, trust me, I know. Steve threw down his phone, falling back onto the mattress with a soft sigh.  Natasha was always telling him to talk to Y/N about his feelings.  It wasn’t that easy though, he wasn’t her type, and her type were guys like Bucky.  Tall, strong, gorgeous to anyone that looked at them, and then there was Steve.  He had bad vision, was much too short, and too small for anyone to ever fall in love with him.
She loves him, it’s obvious that Bucky’s making moves on Y/N right now. Steve knew the truth, she’d be curled up in his side while they watched a movie together, his arm wrapped around her waist.
Let her go, she deserves someone who can appreciate her fully, someone to truly love her.  Someone that isn’t you. She never loved you, she knows her worth, that isn’t some scrappy little punk who can’t guarantee her a future. Her parents want someone that can give their daughter a better future, give her children when the time comes. Kids that will be able to survive their childhood. Tears streaked down to his temples, wetting the hair as he stared up at the ceiling, vision going blurry as he took off his glasses.  Setting them down onto the nightstand, Steve curled up on his side, pulling a blanket over his body.  Steve truly had no one, not in the end.
Friday Steve glanced over to Natasha who looked stunning in the deep crimson dress, hair pinned up in a style that reminded him of the 40’s.  Tony was mesmerized by her the moment they stepped inside, pulling Steve over so they could talk.  He was respectful of course, his wife, Pepper, standing by his side the entire time.
“I wanted to actually talk to you about a promotion.” Tony placed his hand on Steve’s shoulder, who was too stunned to speak. “You’re one of the hardest working employees I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, and I think you deserve to be moved up in the building.  I was thinking of Vice President.” Steve had completely lost it, this was a joke right?  They were going to pull the rug from under his feet any second.
Except, Tony’s smile was sincere, there was no sense of humor in the expression he wore, or the way his hand gripped Steve’s shoulder.
“Oh my god, you’re serious?” Steve was breathless, staring at the man he’d worked for since he was barely eighteen years old.
Tony nodded, laughing as Steve threw his arms around the other man, hugging him with every amount of strength he had left.  He wanted to run home and tell Bucky, and Y/N the good news.  Steve was patient though, letting Natasha enjoy the party while he practically vibrated with excitement from the news he’d gotten.
Natasha bid him a quick goodbye, telling him not to be a stranger and to text her a little more, especially since he just received a promotion.  He ran up to the apartment, suit jacket held tight in his hand as he pushed open the door.
“Guys!  I have some...news.” Steve stopped abruptly, watching the scene in front of him unfold.
Bucky and Y/N were kissing, actually, they were making out on the couch.  Her hands were clutching his shirt.  The promotion seemed like a distant memory to the horror he was currently witnessing.
“Oh, we didn’t think you’d be home so early.” Bucky carefully extracted himself from Y/N’s embrace, who was blushing furiously.
“Tony has an early flight, needed to end the party a little early.” Steve’s voice was barely a whisper, fingers barely holding onto the jacket.
Bucky cleared his throat, pushing off the couch and helping Y/N to her feet.  Her dress looked slightly wrinkled, which meant they’d been doing more than just kissing before Steve had gotten home.
“You said you had news?” Bucky turned to face him, lips pulled up into what Steve assumed was a friendly smile.
“Oh, it doesn’t matter.  Night guys.” Steve turned and headed down to his bedroom, locking the door as soon as it was shut.
His fingers shook as he reached for his phone, opening the text chat he had with Natasha.
Stevie:I was too late, Bucky already got to her. Natasha:Oh my god, Steve I’m so sorry. Stevie:I should’ve known it was coming, she doesn’t want someone like me, she deserves someone like Bucky. Natasha:Do you want to come over to my place?  At least for the night? Stevie:Please. Natasha:I’ll be there in ten, pack some clothes so you don’t have to sleep in your suit. Steve grabbed the duffel bag from his closet, tossing his pajamas, and clothes into the bag, enough to last a few days if need be.  His toiletries were next, stuffed on top while he waited for Nat to show up.  The living room was quiet, which meant Bucky and Y/N must’ve gone into his room.
Natasha:I’m coming up, dropping something off, meet you in the living room. Steve wanted to argue that he wanted to get out while he still had some sanity left, but you didn’t argue with Natasha, he knew better.
Sighing softly, he threw his bag over his shoulder, stepping out and walking down to the living room right as Natasha stepped inside.  Her hair was still pinned up, makeup making her look extravagant.  Hell, she could still be a runway model, even with the sweatpants she had on, and what looked like one of Clint’s hoodies.
“Tony wanted me to give you the paperwork you have to file before they move you, did you want to file it at my place?” Steve could see Bucky and Y/N staring at him, the urge to look over strong.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Steve held the strap tighter, following Natasha over to the door.
Bucky stood up, the sound of his footsteps catching Natasha off guard for a second.
“Excuse me?  What the hell are you talking about?” Bucky had changed into sweats, it seemed as if Y/N had changed too. “I got a promotion, that’s what I was going to tell you guys when I got home.” Steve kept his gaze, wavering for a moment before righting himself.
“A promotion?  Steve, that’s amazing!” Bucky had never really been happy for Steve, he always thought he could do better, and now he was.
“Yeah, thanks.” Steve pushed passed him, stepping out into the foyer with Natasha.
She looped her arm through his free one, leaving the building with Steve.  He could hear Y/N trying to call his name, Bucky following suit.  Natasha didn’t wait for either of them to get outside, slipping inside before they could get to the car.
Steve watched as their figures disappeared, the building become smaller, and smaller as Natasha drove away.
“I have chocolate chip cookies at home, the ones from your favorite bakery.” Natasha knew the way to Steve’s heart, then again, no one else had ever asked him what his favorite dessert was. “The one’s from Murphy’s Bakery?” Steve asked meekly, watching the road in front of them.
Natasha smirked, like the cat that got the canary.
“The very ones.  And some of those blueberry muffins you seem to love so much.” God, if Nat wasn’t dating Clint, Steve was sure he’d of kissed her.
“Thank you, really.” Steve didn’t want to deal with the tragedy that was his sad love life, but the thought of homemade baked goods worked for him.
Natasha turned on the radio, keeping the volume low enough where they’d be able to keep a conversation if needed.
“There’s a show, next weekend.  Black Swan, if you and Clint are interested.” That seemed to catch Nat’s attention.  
Her and Steve loved seeing the ballet, but with work contrictions it got tough at times.  He wanted to thank her for doing all of this, for being such an amazing friend.
“How the hell did you manage to get tickets?  I’m pretty sure that’s been sold out almost the entire time.” Steve felt his lips quirk up.
“Tony was going to go with his wife, but I guess something came up and he offered them to me first.  I know how much you love going.” She looked ready to cry, something Steve hadn’t see her do often.
She waited until they arrived back at her home to attack him with hugs and kisses, praising him for getting the tickets and promising cookies and other treats when they got inside.  Clint didn’t seem bothered by her displays of affection, instead continued to nibble on his pizza.  Lucky sat by his feet, waiting for a piece to drop so he could eat it.
“Clint!  We’re going to the ballet next weekend!” Natasha ran over, jumping onto the couch excitedly, pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek. “We haven’t been in forever, what’s the occasion?” Clint pushed himself up a little, keeping his gaze on Nat.
She looked over to Steve, smile widening as he held up his phone, indicating that the tickets were already in his email.
“Stevie boy, got promoted, and his boss can’t go so he offered them to us.” Clint seemed surprised at that, more shocked that they were a gift from Tony than anything.
It was settled, they were going to see a show, and Steve was finally going to get to say thank you for all the times Nat helped him.
3 Years Later Steve stepped inside the ballroom where the reception was being held, Natasha’s arm wrapped loosely around his own.  Clint was in the wedding party, so he wasn’t able to walk around with Nat, unfortunately.
“If anyone says anything to you, I’ll kick their ass.” Natasha, raised a brow, smirking as she pressed a soft kiss to Steve’s cheek.
“Nah, if anyone has anything to say they’re gonna find out exactly who I am.” Steve had taken over Stark Industries after Tony stepped down.
He wasn’t running it by himself entirely, Pepper still came by most days with Tony, but they were enjoying being a family.  And as for Steve?  He was able to donate more money than he physically knew what to do with.
“How’s it feel to be a CEO though?  You earned it.” Natasha stopped by the bar, ordering herself a drink, and a glass of water for Steve.
Even after so many years, he was still hurt by what had happened, but in the end it was for the best.  Y/N wasn’t ever his, and he knew that she didn’t see him that way, there was no reason for him to pine.
“You look better anyway, and I’m not saying that because you can actually afford to buy yourself dinner.” Natasha sipped her drink, scotch.
“It’s what happens when you do what makes you happy, you’ve always been the gorgeous one out of all of us, I just happen to own a company now.” Steve smiled, drinking his water.
Natasha laughed, head thrown back slightly as other people began to file into the room.  The wedding party were still outside taking pictures, which meant Natasha would be his for most of the night.
“Do you think Clint will get jealous if I ask you to dance tonight?” Natasha turned to stare at him, shock written all over her face.
“I doubt it, we’re married.” She held up her hand, showing off the wedding ring that Clint had slid onto her finger a little over a year ago.
“I meant, because he won’t get to see you much today.” Steve rolled his eyes, fixing his glasses.
They went off to find their table, a little shocked to see how close it was to the bride and groom’s, each taking a seat as they made their way inside.  
Bucky was grinning, arm wrapped around Y/N’s waist as they walked over to the dance floor.  Y/N looked around until she caught Steve’s eyes, jaw dropping open when she took in how good he looked.  Bucky hadn’t seemed to notice Steve yet, wrapping his arms around Y/N’s waist as they began their first dance as a married couple.
If you’d asked Steve if he was happy three years ago, he’d lie, say that he was doing just fine when deep down inside he was broken.  Watching the couple today though, Steve knew he was better off doing what he was.
He didn’t have to deal with Bucky’s obnoxious friends, the way they would pick on him because of his stature, or how much he’d struggled.  Bucky was born into money, and it reflected in the way he acted towards everyone, whereas Steve didn’t have that.  His mother worked hard to give him a decent life, and when her sudden passing happened, he did everything he could to make sure her death wasn’t in vain.
And here he was today, sitting at his friend’s wedding wearing a tux that most likely costs more than the brides wedding dress.  Hell, Natasha’s dress probably cost more than her dress did, and Steve was smug about it.  He worked for this, and he earned that position.
“Not gonna lie, I’m even surprised they invited me, seeing as I left them with my portion of the rent.” Natasha rolled her eyes, pulling Steve’s hand so it rested atop her exposed thigh.
“We all know his parents paid that rent, he can kiss my ass.” Steve squeezed her thigh gently, being careful not to leave any marks.
Clint was laughing silently to himself at the table, trying not to cause a disruption or catch Bucky’s attention.  It wasn’t until Y/N was facing Steve and Natasha once again, that her eyes darkened, glancing down to where Steve’s hand was.
“She probably thinks there’s something going on between us, and as much as I love Clint, I’m not sleeping with him.” Natasha’s snort was clipped, hand coming up to cover her mouth.
“I seriously hope someone makes a comment now, just to watch their whole life come crashing down when they realize who you are.” Natasha leaned down, pressing another kiss to his cheek as Y/N watched.
Her lipstick was transfer proof, so it wouldn’t even leave so much as a smudge, but the satisfaction that both Steve, and Natasha got was worth it.
Their dance ended quicker than Steve expected, but he wasn’t about to complain as they brought out the food.  It was delicious, but he was sure that Y/N would make sure the food was nothing short of perfect.  The cake was nice, kind of bland to Steve’s standards.  The man had a sweet tooth, so he knew how to make a cake.
“Why don’t we go and find your husband, save him for a few minutes.” Steve pushed away from the table, taking Natasha’s hand as they headed off to find Clint.
He looked miserable, standing with Bucky and a couple more of his groomsmen, acting cheery whenever someone looked at him.
“There you are, we’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Natasha stepped over, pressing a kiss to Clint’s lips.
“Hey, I was wondering when you two were going to come over.” Clint wrapped his arm around her waist, smiling over at Steve who was grinning as well.
Sam Wilson, Bucky’s best man, raised a brow as he caught sight of Steve.
“I didn’t think you were friends with the lollipop kids from the wizard of oz Buck.” Sam snorted into his drink, causing the person beside him to laugh too.  Steve didn’t care to know who that was.
“Names Steve Rogers, nice to meet you.” Steve smiled, holding out his hand for Sam to shake.
The recognition seemed to suddenly dawn on Sam’s face as he reached forward and shook Steve’s hand weakly.
“I assume you buy things from Stark Industries?” Sam nodded slowly, same as the man beside him who currently stunned into silence. “That’s what I thought, I’ll have to write that under my name at the company, CEO, Lollipop Kid, Steve Rogers.” Steve slid his hands into his pockets, grinning up at the other man.
“Look, I didn’t know.” Sam looked as if he was trying to figure out how to backtrack the last few minutes. “Nah, don’t worry about it, not everyone can run a multi billion company any have as much compassion, it’s probably why you don’t run one.  Have a nice day you guys.” Steve tipped his head, heading off to the bar.
Clint’s responding laugh was loud, only slightly obnoxious but Steve was happy to put someone in their place.  Bucky hadn’t moved a muscle, eyes following Steve as he ordered a seltzer.   Steve merely shrugged.
Maybe get some better friends, he mouthed to the groom. 
Natasha was talking with Clint, ignoring all the men that were ogling her inside the room.  The dress may have been a touch slutty, but her wedding ring was a giveaway that she was taken.
Y/N made her way over to him, holding up the bottom of her dress so it didn’t drag across the ground and get dirty. “Steve, so nice to see you.” Y/N reached over to touch his arm, as Steve stepped away so she couldn’t touch him. “You too, lovely wedding.” Steve sipped the drink, looking around at the other guests.
“Look, I want to apologize.  Bucky told me about the crush you had on me, I’m sorry if I ever lead you on.” Steve’s throat tightened for a brief moment, before he composed himself.
He’d spent nights wondering if it was his fault that they’d gotten together, if only he’d said something sooner, told her how he felt.  Except that’s not how life works, and Steve knew that he couldn’t force her to reciprocate his feelings.
“You don’t need to apologize, you get to spend your life married to the man that spent his entire teenage and early twenties using as many women and men as he could, let’s hope he doesn’t get bored with you.” Steve set down his drink and headed off.
Natasha’s jaw dropped open as he walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist as they headed out to the dance floor.  It was a slower song, something easy for them to dance to.
“I gotta give you credit Steve, you aren’t the same man as before and I think it’s for the best.” Natasha had been there when Steve’s dark days got the better of him, when he was unsure of whether he wanted to continue living.
“They deserve each other, and that’s all I have to say on the matter.” Steve kept his grip loose, in case Clint wanted to dance with his wife.
The other guests would occasionally whisper, asking if Steve was the real deal or a doppelganger.  He didn’t bother to correct them, his suit was usually a dead giveaway that he was who he said.
“I’m just glad that you’re happy Steve.” Natasha tightened her hand over his, raising a brow when he shrugged.
“I can’t let people like them dictate how I should live my life, if I did I wouldn’t of become the CEO of a company that makes me happy.” The song ended, Natasha stepping back as Bucky walked over to them.
Steve could see the difference in him, the way he seemed to try and stay composed, even though Steve knew he was about to be thrown out for upsetting the bride.  Was what he said a lie?  Not at all, and Steve was a little petty.
“I think you need to leave, Y/N told me what you said to her.” Steve merely shrugged, looping his arm through Natasha’s. “Sorry she doesn’t like hearing the truth, have a nice honeymoon James.” Steve turned with Natasha and left the ballroom.
The night sky was lit up by the full moon, and that made Steve grin even wider.  
“I give it two years, they’ll try for a kid after six months, she won’t get pregnant, and Bucky will end up cheating.” Steve lead her down the steps, keeping a grip in case she stumbled.
“You’re probably right, I’ll have to keep you updated.” Natasha pulled off her heels when they reached Steve’s car.
He threw one last glance back at the building, saying his final goodbyes before he got into the car.  He was done being walked all over.
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bthenoise · 4 years
Q&A: Silverstein’s Shane Told Talks ‘A Beautiful Place To Drown’ Plus Celebrating 20 Years Of An Amazing Career
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Can you think of one thing you’ve consistently done for 20 straight years? And no, eating and sleeping don't count. 
Try and think of a hobby or profession you’ve been doing for two whole decades where seemingly every year you continue to get better and better and better. 
Anything? Well, guess we can’t all be Silverstein. 
Gearing up for their biggest year yet as they celebrate the big 2-0, the Canadian noisemakers will be hitting North America performing three sets (Discovering The Waterfront in full, an acoustic set and a greatest hits set) and preparing to release their ninth full-length album A Beautiful Place To Drown.
In order to get a feel for Silverstein’s busy yet exciting year ahead of them, we caught up with frontman Shane Told to talk about everything from their new record to his love of the Toronto Raptors.
To see what Told had to say about one of Silverstein’s most experimental releases as well as his story about how “My Heroine” almost never made it on Discovering The Waterfront, be sure to see below. Afterward, make sure to pre-order the band’s new album before it hits stores March 6th and grab tickets to see them out on tour with Four Year Strong and I The Mighty here.     
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You have a lot of exciting things coming up with the 20-year tour and your new album A Beautiful Place To Drown. Which do you think you’re most excited for?
Shane Told: Oh, that's hard! That's a hard question, man.
Yeah, we're starting with the tough ones first [laughs].
It's not easy to pick a favorite there. To be completely honest, I think it's the tour I'm most excited about because there's this excitement to go do this thing and spend a lot of time in the live environment going to all these different cities and playing these epic sets. We're playing like almost two hours a night and just to have those songs sang back to us, that's a pretty amazing feeling. Obviously, the new album is super exciting too because everyone's gonna hear this thing. But you know, we recorded it six months ago. So it's like, for me, I've heard the songs a billion times already. It's always funny, by the time a record comes out -- not to say I'm sick of it -- but you know, you poured over it so much that it's like, “Okay, finally it's out.” It's more a sense of relief than it is excitement sometimes with new records.
Was there any part of you guys that wanted to release the record later in the year so you could focus more on the 20-year tour first?
No, not at all. In fact, it's always been something we've thought was important. You know, to have that great balance between our legacy and all the things we've done in the past that we're proud of and records we put out and the milestones we've achieved such as 20 years of the band and 15 years of Discovering The Waterfront. Those things are great. But at the same time, we’re a band that never broke up. We never went on hiatus, we never took a break. We've been doing this the whole time. And you know, our fans and critics tell us our last few records are our best records. So for us, it's always important to push forward and have new stuff come out at the same time we're celebrating the old stuff and the milestones we've achieved. I remember when we did the Discovering The Waterfront 10-year-anniversary tour -- I guess it was five years ago. We had our album I'm Alive In Everything I Touch coming out and it was really important for us to play “Midwestern State Of Emergency” and show people “Okay yeah, 10 years ago we put out this record but we're also making some of our best music now.” And since we made that record, we've put out maybe our two best albums. So it's really important for us to do those things, I think, together. Rather than say, “Okay, yeah, here's this 20-year-anniversary tour” and like, “Oh yeah, by the way, in a few months we're going to work on the new stuff.” I think it makes sense to do it together so our fans are aware of it.
With you guys playing your longest set ever, will you be able to fit new music into the setlist?
Yeah I mean, we can't play half the [new] record. But that's just the challenge that happens when you've been a band as long as we have and put out so much music, you know? This is our ninth record. So when we're playing Discovering The Waterfront in full, if we played it all the way through without talking, that's like 45 minutes right there. So it's interesting as you go on with a band and a career, your sets have to get longer or you have to inevitably start cutting songs out and it gets more and more difficult. So people coming out can expect us to play a couple new songs from the new record but then a lot of it's going to be the classics and a few deep cuts in there. You know, a few curveballs just for some people that have seen us a million times and haven't heard a specific old song. We try to do that, too. I think it's really just, we're trying to encompass the whole career. Not super heavy on the new record yet. We're really just celebrating how we've gotten to this point with two decades.  
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For you personally, how do you prepare for such a long set?  
I won't lie to you. There definitely was some concern from -- I'm not gonna say me -- but from just everybody kind of on our team when we decided, “Okay well, 20 years is coming up, what are we gonna do?” Like, it was my idea to do the three sets. It was my idea to put together the longest show ever and I was excited about it. That's when our agent said, “Are you guys sure? Are you guys good to do this? Like, a two-hour show?” And our drummer, he's also our manager, he's like, “Are we okay to do this? Like, Shane can you do it?” And I'm like, “Yeah, I'll be fine man. I believe in myself, I can do it.” And then as we got closer and closer and the tour routing got put together, our agent put a few more days off in there. Our drummer/manager, he put in a couple extra days off in there. And I said to him, I'm like, “I'm okay. I'm going to get through this, I always do.” And he's like, “Well, you know, for the rest of us it's not easy either.” [laughs] So we have a few extra days off in there, just to I guess maintain a little bit of sanity and have a little bit of a breather. But you know, we already did the European leg of the tour. The North American run starts on Friday but we already did seven days in Europe. So we did two shows and then we had a day off and then we did five in a row and I got through it just fine. My voice held up great. In fact, some of the guys in the band thought I sang better than ever before. So that's pretty exciting. We haven't really done any touring in like six months [since] we were making the new record. It is a lot to bite off but I think I can chew it no problem.
We mean, you guys are celebrating 20 years as a band. You're a professional at this point, you can handle this no problem! [laughs]
Yeah, and you know, [the shows] have gotten longer and longer. Like I said, you kind of have to, otherwise, you're just going to be cutting out more and more songs. So, I think the last show we did was still like over an hour and a half, probably 90 to 100 minutes. And this one's going to be like 120 minutes. So it's not that much longer. You know, for me, once I'm up there and I'm in the zone and I'm feeling good, I feel like I could sing for hours. So hopefully, [everything] holds up. 
Going back to A Beautiful Place To Drown, it's certainly one of the best Silverstein records and it definitely feels like a Silverstein record in the year 2020 as you guys tried a few different things on this record. One of them being all the amazing features. Where did some of those ideas for the features come from?
Well first of all, thank you for saying that. We feel really good [about this] record. I'm glad you noticed we took a few different approaches and a few chances. When we were putting this record together, we weren't completely ignorant or aloof of the fact that some of the stuff was a little out there for us. There were definitely discussions about songs like “All On Me” and just some of the ideas we had like, “Okay, are we really doing this?” In our career, we've played it safe a lot and that's fine. But every time we have taken a chance, it's paid off. So I think with this record, we were still careful and we still worked hard but we definitely did go for it. You know, and we did say like, “Fuck it, let's go for it.” I think that at the end of the day, at the end of the record, we feel good about it and we think that the product is better too.
So how that ties into your question about features is interesting too because, in the past, we would always think about features and we would say, “Okay look, we have this song, whose voice would be cool here?” And it's worked out a few times. We've had some great features over the years whether it's Lights on “The End” or Brendan Murphy from Counterparts on “The Artist.” We've always had people come in and do great parts but there's been a lot of them that haven't worked out. The reason that happens is because usually, we're so far along in the recording process by the time we say “Hey man, this could be cool to have a feature” [and] we figure out who the perfect voice is, we contact them, time has gone by, then they're on tour then they can't do it and we're like, “Okay, fuck it, no feature.” That's happened so many times. But with this record, we had most of the songs put together earlier on so we had a lot more time to give people to do it. 
Oh, perfect. 
For example, with “Infinite” and Aaron from Underoath -- he's a great buddy of mine -- I called him and I was like, “Hey man, I think your voice would be perfect on this song. Are you into it?” And he's like, “Yeah, I can't do it for like three weeks or a month” and I'm like, “No problem! We can do that.” And three weeks or a month later, he sent it and it was perfect and it was great. Same with Pierre from Simple Plan, he had some time [to work on the feature] and that was great. He's a buddy of mine, I just texted those people because they’re friends. Princess Nokia was a little bit different. She's a huge fan of our band. We met her in New York City. She came out to our show and she was just so lovely and after she came, I became more familiar with her music and her style and everything that she does. So when we were putting together “Madness,” the track she's on, we just thought having a female voice would be so great. And with the style of the song and the tempo we were like, “She'd be perfect!” Luckily, she was into it so that was great. And we had never done a guest guitar solo before, so [“Bad Habits”] with Intervals was fun. He's a friend from Canada. Canada is small, we all know each other. And Caleb from Beartooth is obviously one of our best friends. So those features all came together great but another thing I want to stress: all those features are first choice features. We don't do second choice features. We don't say, “Oh shit, Aaron from Underoath is on tour and can't do it? Okay, who's the next best we can get?” Like, the feature is either going to happen or it's not and once we've set our minds on somebody, that's the perfect person for the song, for the art and that's it. We're not going to go down some list and list and list until we end up with someone that wasn't the vision. So it was really cool we ended up getting all this to actually happen because so much of the time with other records we ended up having no features or just maybe one or two because some of them didn't work out.
It's so awesome to hear your enthusiasm for this record because sometimes when bands experiment, they might be a little unsure of things. But with you, it sounds like you got literally everything you wanted onto this album.
Yeah, I think so. I mean, we don't go into things with this like “eh fuck it,” [attitude] you know? This is our band. This is our career. This is important to all of us. One thing that's happened more and more as we've gotten to this point in the band is everyone's words and everyone's voice holds a lot more weight than it used to. It used to be, “Okay, I wrote this song. Here it is. It's my fucking song and here's how it's going to go. It's called ‘My Heroine’ and there it is.” And everyone's like, “Okay, fine. I guess.” Obviously, that did great. When you go with that approach for a long time and it works, it's fine. But then at some point, you realize sometimes there needs to be more cooks in the kitchen. Sometimes, when it's just you and the producer or you and the songwriter and the producer -- like a songwriter in the band and the producer and the singer are there -- they're missing something. They're so into the nuts and bolts of it, they don't see the big picture of the song. Then somebody from the back of the room that's maybe only even half-listening jumps in and goes “hey, what about this?” and it just opens a whole new thing for the song. That’s something we never used to approach the same way. But we have so much respect for every member of the band and everyone in the band's opinion that I think it really helps the record be what it is. But it was never like a “eh fuck it, whatever, let's put a saxophone solo in here. Who cares?” It was never that. Everything is as calculated as you can imagine.
For all the fans reading this thinking “Oh my god Silverstein's going to put out this crazy experimental record” A Beautiful Place To Drown is still very Silverstein. “September 14th,” sounds like something you could have released 10 years ago. 
I think you're right, for sure. There's something about my voice that just screams Silverstein. It doesn't matter what I do, what I sing on, what we write. The second it's me singing over top of it, all of a sudden it just reverts to sounding like our band which is interesting. I think a lot of people when they listen to music, they don't really listen to much else other than the vocals and then everything else is just an accompaniment. So a lot of people don't hear it as much, some of the layers and layers of experimental things we've done. They just hear my voice and then they say it sounds like every Silverstein record. So there will be people like that and then there'll be other people who hear an 808 or some kind of clap sample or anything like that we haven't done before instrumentation-wise and it's really going to freak them the fuck out. So, you know, we'll see what happens. But I thought “Infinite,” the first single, I thought that was one of the freakier songs which is part of why we went with it for the first single. And like everybody loved it. So, it's great when you can read YouTube comments and not want to kill yourself.
One song we found ourselves listening to over and over again is “Say Yes.” It's not your typical Silverstein song by any means and almost feels like “The Afterglow.” It's a great example of you guys exploring and expanding your sound.
I think so. That's another reason we feel so good about this record. We put out “Infinite” as the first single, “Bad Habits” as the second single and “Madness” will be the third single. So you know, it's crazy that before this record's out we've left off, in my opinion, maybe two of the strongest songs that work as singles which to me are “Where Are You” and “Say Yes.” So it's really cool to be able to have the label pick the singles and then leave out two of the songs that you thought were a hit. That's a good sign you have a strong record. So yeah, “Say Yes” is a funny one. And again, that's a great example of what I was talking about with my voice. Paul Marc [Rousseau] wrote that song and he sent it to me and he was singing lead on the demo. I remember hearing it in the car and going “Oh god, I don't think this is Silverstein. Like, I don't think this is us. I think this is too poppy.” Then of course, Paul [Koehler] played drums on it, beats the shit out of the drums. We get real fuzz bass on there and then when I sing it's like, “Oh yeah, this is kind of just like ‘Afterglow’ part two” or it's in that realm and it totally works. That was another thing in the studio we definitely were hyper-focused on of how do we make songs the best it can be and something that our fans are going to be like, “Fuck yeah, I can't wait to get to track eight” or whatever.
Talking about “The Afterglow” and how it helped open doors for songs like “Say Yes,” was there any hesitation writing and releasing that song on Dead Reflection?
You know, I think I did a little bit. I remember that being a demo we had and it was just, to me, it didn't really sound like Silverstein either. It was still really driving and really fast like, the tempo of it. To me, it was still kind of a punk song, you know? So I was like, “Okay, this is cool” and I just thought it was a great song. So we weren't sure what was going to happen. Again, that song wasn't released before the record came out. It wasn’t a single. It wasn't until the album came out that people started freaking out about the song when we were like, “Oh shit, we should probably maybe play this live” because we weren't playing it live either! So I'll never forget the first time we played it live was in Germany. We were doing this kind of underplay tour -- usually in Germany, bands play like four or five shows -- we played twenty. So we were driving like 25 minutes and playing a show in like in 500 cap rooms and we played that song for the first time and the place just exploded. We were like, “Oh, we have to play this every show. Like, we have to.” So we did and every time we play it, it's insane. Everyone goes crazy for this song. So it's interesting how you never know really until a record comes out and maybe “Say Yes” is going to do that again. Maybe it's going to be “Where Are You” or maybe I'm wrong and maybe I don't know. But I mean, it was the same thing with “My Heroine.” “My Heroine” almost didn't make the record. Like, the producer didn't like it, the band wasn't sure about it and I thought it was like the best song I'd ever written. Then the record came out, there was no talk of making a video for that song, no talk of it being a single, and then about two weeks after the record came out everyone's like, “Okay well, we better learn it.” I'll never forget Josh practicing that intro/clean guitar part in the dressing room over and over again because it's a hard part. That's again, that's a song, where would we be without it?
Wow, that's interesting. It must be cool 20 years later, you still have songs you're excited to experiment with and see what the fan’s reactions are going to be. So many bands in your position could just play it safe and put out songs like ones people have liked in the past. So to have that opportunity to give your fans something new and fresh is awesome.
Completely, man. That's the thing, we could write another -- I don't know, pick a song, “Smashed Into Pieces” -- like we could write [another] song like that. I could definitely go into my little home studio and I can bang out a demo right now and I think people would really, really like that. We're still capable of that but we also have eight albums that have done that. Eight albums that we really like and we still play. That's the side of our band we enjoy. We don't retire songs. Like, we just played our entire first record from start to finish last year. We did the tour and then we extended the tour. We did more shows and we loved every second of it. Some people love our old stuff, we love that style and we could do that. Maybe we will do that again or something but right now we're having so much fun experimenting with things, trying new stuff, collaborating with people. It's cool to see some of the people come out of the woodwork just being like, “Who is this band? What? They've been a band for 20 years? I've never heard of this band. This is amazing. I love it.” So it's cool to have that and I know our real fans still hear, like when you talked about “September 14th” or a song on the record like “Stop” or “Bad Habits” or the bridge on “Coming Down” is the most Silverstein emo -- like that could definitely be on Discovering The Waterfront, that part. So there's always going to be those things for our fans and we're never going to turn our back on our fans. Like, we're never going to stop playing our old songs or anything.
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Lyrically, since a lot of Silverstein’s records have concepts around them, was there anything conceptual about A Beautiful Place To Drown?
Not intentionally. It's interesting because we didn't write the record like that. A lot of our past records have been written [where] we get all the music together and then it's kind of my job to put together a story, a concept, a bunch of lyrics, you know, whether it's This Is How The Wind Shifts or Shipwreck In The Sand or I'm Alive In Everything I Touch. Those records are all concept albums and they lean heavily on an idea and a concept but this record wasn’t written like that. If Shipwreck In The Sand is one concept, this record is 12 concepts. I think once we started putting all these songs together -- Paul Marc did a lot of the writing lyrically on this one -- we started to see some commonalities between the subject matter of the songs and how much it was about the current state of the world we live in and how things like politics and mental health and relationships and the way your phone seemingly controls your life, all of these things are really, really tying together. And there's so much progression and there are so many beautiful things happening out there in the world, like there really are, things are getting better and easier. But then why are so many people struggling and feeling so [bad] mentally? You know, why are so many people struggling? So that's kind of where I think the title came from, you know, with A Beautiful Place To Drown. There's a lot of water references in the band. I mean, we've always been a kind of water band so that just works for us and our whole M.O.
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That's definitely a really interesting concept to think about. A lot of fans are really going to be able to, no pun intended, but dive into the record and kind of explore those themes.
Well, you know, I hope they cannonball into the record. Like Ron Burgundy style.
[Laughs] that's a good one. You know, we wouldn't have been surprised if you were to say, conceptually, the record is somehow about the Toronto Raptors winning the NBA Finals.
Well, what's the drowning? That Kawhi [Leonard] left?
Oh, possibly. That's a good point.
Well hey, [the Raptors] got what the second-best record in the NBA right now? They've won like 19 out of 20 games or something crazy. They're hot, man. Don't rule them out for a repeat. Everyone's rolling their eyes when I say that, but hey, the only team with a better record than them is the Bucks. Maybe the Lakers. It was exciting up here when the Raptors pulled it off. It was like nothing the city had ever seen before. I'm a huge Raptors fan. I'm wearing a Raptors hat right now.
Did any part of you want to put references to the Raptors or the championship in any of your songs?
You know, it's funny because Paul Marc, he's a hockey fan. He's a Montreal Canadiens fan. And with basketball, he's more of a newer basketball fan than I am. You know, I was rocking the Raptors in '95 even when they played in the huge baseball stadium. I've been a huge fan since the first season. So you know, once the Raptors started getting good, we started watching it together on the bus and talking more about the game. Then [Paul Marc] writes “Say Yes” and he writes the line about “I'm a half-court shot after the buzzers gone,” and I'm like, “Dude! You’re writing lyrics that I should be writing. Like, I'm the basketball guy here.” But now he's such a diehard Raptors and NBA fan, so it was cool that he came up with that line.
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weaselsnotrodents · 4 years
This is a post that my best friend and I wrote to help spread awareness of the abysmal level of care that Petco gives its ferrets, and hopefully catch the attention of the corporate office.
This is the link to the original post on facebook.
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Dear #Petco,
I have attempted to reach out to you on multiple occasions to address my concerns regarding your ferrets and each time I have been ignored. To add insult to injury I am not the only person in the community that you have brushed off. I am now reaching out to you in a more public way because these problems are serious and need to be seen. I will be addressing several things in this post, all of which are widely known about in the ferret community, some of which are mentioned in the Petco ferret care sheet.
I want to make sure that I am clear on the fact that this is not an in-store employee problem. You have some amazing employees that are doing their absolute best to care for these animals and you have some employees that are just trying to do their jobs. These employees need your help to provide decent living conditions for these ferrets. Your policies and lack of employee education are preventing that progress. I beg you to release updated training videos that teach them how to perform basic care as well as notice injuries and illnesses. While your care sheet does include this information, your employees are not trained to actively spot these problems and make sure that prospective owners understand how to identify them as well. By better educating your employees (all of your employees) on the animals they are working with, you could improve the in-store care of your animals enormously.
As stated in the Petco ferret care sheet, ferrets are obligate carnivores. As you know, this means they cannot digest anything other than meat. Their digestive system is more sensitive to plant matter than cats. Unfortunately, Petco does not carry any food that is healthy for a ferret’s digestive tracts. Honestly, there is no perfect kibble. Marshalls premium, for example is mid quality and meets only basic needs. However, there are better options with higher quality ingredients that could also be sold within the store:
Wysong ferret epigen 90 digestive support
Nature's Gold ferret food
Young Again ferret food
Stella and Chewy's Freeze dried raw cat food
These are all wonderful options to have available in-store for a variety of owners. I guarantee owners including myself would happily buy any of these options from you. Currently, your stores only offer options known to cause many health issues. These options are not only readily available in your store, but recommended by employees:
Kaytee – Advertised as a blend of fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains. The opposite of what a ferret should be eating.
ZuPreem – Wheat and potato are in the top 4 ingredients.
Mazuri – Brown rice and soybean meal are in the top 3 ingredients.
Sheppard & Greene – Rice and corn are in the top 5 ingredients. (corn is in there twice)
Sunseed Vita Prima – rice, corn, and wheat in the top 5 ingredients.
These foods are causing more harm than Petco realizes. Many of the ferret foods on your shelves(including those listed above, and others) contain ingredients like Peas, chickpeas, lentils, and sweet potatoes; which are known to cause (potentially fatal) bladder stones in ferrets.These foods unfortunately include Tapioca, malt, and molasses as well as other forms of sugar, which are all known to cause insulinoma and diabetes and more. It is a horrible, shocking thing for a first-time ferret owner to think they are feeding their pet a healthy food, and watch their ferret have a seizure because of that food. Many foods also contain BHA, BHT and Sodium Benzoate, which are preservatives that are known causes of cancer. Petco has removed cat and dog foods from its shelves with these ingredients, and it seems unethical that these foods with the same ingredients are still stocked and recommended just because they are for ferrets rather than cats or dogs.
Petco has taken great pride in carrying a wide selection of high quality foods for many species including cats and dogs, but ferrets are not included in this store expectation. I have been told several times that Petco products are expertly tested and backed by veterinarians; I cannot believe this, knowing that your only options for ferrets all lead to serious health issues and ultimately death.
Most often, ferrets and their related products are displayed in the rodent section of your stores. There is a common misconception that ferrets are in the rodent family, though in reality they are more closely related to a cat than a mouse. Being housed in the rodent section perpetuates this issue because prospective owners think they are purchasing a low maintenance pet that will be happy to stay in a relatively small cage and run on a wheel. The idea of ferrets being low maintenance pets is wildly inaccurate. It causes thousands of ferrets to end up with owners that unwittingly put them in situations that cause their health to decline and ultimately, die much younger than they should. As it stands, you have the ferret care level labeled as average. If you were to label them as at least intermediate, this could inform the potential owner that these animals are higher maintenance and require more care, attention, and dedication. They also require an exotic veterinarian, which incurs a higher cost to be seen. Because ferrets health can decline quickly, taking them to an exotic vet is not a possibility, but an inevitability.
Living conditions are very important to the health of a ferret.The amount of space, type of bedding, as well as how they are fed and watered, can drastically affect the health and happiness of a ferret. The display cases that available young ferrets are kept in are not ferret safe. For example, the Petco ferret display cases usually have paper bedding, which is known to cause upper respiratory infections, due to breathing in the dust from the bedding. Unfortunately, many newly adopted ferrets go home with URIs for this reason. Also, ferrets will sometimes eat paper bedding, risking deadly bowel obstructions. There are bedding options that do not hold these dangers, such as Marshalls paper pellets, Purina unscented yesterday's news, or even straw. Plus, they are just as easy, if not easier, to maintain.
Another problem is that the display cases are overcrowded, creating a breeding ground for illness for young ferrets. With overcrowding comes ear mites and (again) upper respiratory infections that easily pass from ferret to ferret in those cramped living conditions. Many ferrets are leaving your stores with both of these ailments. If you are going to be housing 7+ ferrets for any amount of time, an acceptable amount of space would be about 17sqft. A single ferret, would need an enclosure at least 3ft L x 3ft W x 2ft D. These size requirements are extreme for a store display, but these current cases are barely large enough for one ferret. By adding more levels and having less ferrets at a time in these cases you would allow safer conditions for their stay. I understand the display cases are only meant to hold ferrets for a week or so at a time, but it is not uncommon for ferrets to be in these display cases for months at a time.
There is a common problem with the food in Petco ferret displays; not getting switched out often enough, or being taken care of properly. Often, they are given [Marshalls] soupies; which are ground up kibble with water. Soupies are great for ferrets, because it helps prevent prolapse in young ferrets! However, soupies(or any wet style food) should only be left out for 2 hours maximum. If they are left out longer, (which is not advised) they need to be rehydrated properly. The soupies in Petco display cases tend to be left out until it is old and crusted over with paper bedding mixed into it. Leaving them out for so long causes upset stomachs and diarrhea- leading to malnutrition and dehydration - or even worse, starvation. These health concerns are only magnified by the exclusive use of hanging water bottles in the displays. These bottles do not allow enough water for the amount of work it takes for a ferret to use, and are causing your ferrets to get (and remain) dehydrated. The combination of hanging water bottles and old, crusty soupies can be deadly for young ferrets.These bottles are also widely known to break the teeth of young and very old ferrets. Hanging bottles are an unnecessary risk, bordering on inhumane when used as the only hydration source. They should be provided with bowls, which are much easier for ferrets to drink from, and less hazardous to their teeth. Your store carries a wide variety of auto waters that will be just as easy to fill as the bottles.
Outside of nutrition and living conditions, customers(in most stores) can simply ask to interact with these ferrets and they are handed over without a second thought. Ferrets are susceptible to many illnesses that are easily passed around (flu, colds, strep and distemper, to name a few). Handling a ferret in a public space should be done with caution.
It is my understanding that Petco is phasing the severely outdated Marshalls pamphlets out, and they are being replaced with the Petco ferret care sheet, which are significantly better, but still concerning. In these care sheets, paper bedding is recommended. However, while some bedding can be used, soft fabrics are often preferred by ferrets, such as small fleece blankets.
A very big concern in the Petco care sheet is the recommendation of monthly baths with shampoo. Bathing ferrets at all is only recommended when absolutely necessary, and never with shampoo. The shampoo strips their natural oils, making their skin itchier and their musk even stronger. Even with these concerns, the Petco care sheet is far superior to the Marshalls pamphlet.
Unfortunately, Petco does not uphold the standards and recommendations advertised in the care sheet within their own store. The care sheet recommends having a large, multi-level, wired habitat with good ventilation. However, not only are the ferrets at Petco kept in plexiglass enclosures that do not allow proper ventilation, the recommended cages are not readily available in store, and need to be ordered online. Because of this, many ferrets being adopted are leaving the store in unsuitable enclosures, such as guinea pig cages. The first exposure to the care of a ferret any potential new owner has, is the care given by the store selling them. The ferret care sheet says to scoop the litter boxes in a ferret enclosure daily or as often as necessary, and to change the bedding once a week. There are many accounts of customers observing enclosures that have not been cleaned in so long, that they are infested with bugs. The care sheet also recommends trimming ferrets claws every few weeks. A ferret that I adopted from Petco myself, had claws so long they were digging into the pads of her paws. She had been at the store for 4 months. If Petco doesn’t hold itself to its own standards for pet care, how can any new pet owner be expected to meet those standards? Teach by example; actions speak louder than words.
These young ferrets deserve better care and their future owners deserve more information before adopting. So many new owners learn the basic care of a ferret from the standard Petco employee. By giving your employees the proper education; Petco has the ability to make a huge difference in ferret care and stigma. But as it stands, they are only adding to the serious consequences of our society being undereducated and assuming ferrets are stinky, rabid, savage rodents. These young ferrets deserve more, and as the Petco ferret care sheet shows my requests are the bare minimum for their health and safety.
I want to be clear. This is a problem that has continued for far too long. The conditions that Petco ferrets are kept in are unacceptable. I've included pictures and videos from Washington, Texas and Massachusetts. This is a nationwide problem and the nation is watching. This is not a cause I am taking lightly, and I am not going to go away. I don’t quiet down; I will only get louder.
#PetcoDoBetter #WeaselNotRodents #StopPretendingThisIsOkay #AVoiceForTheFerrets
Online Sources
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
Brooks, W. (2010). Insulinoma. Veterinary Information Network. Retrieved from: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=3181
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
Brown, S. (2014).Ferret World. Veterinary Information Network. Retrieved from: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=2774
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
Rhody, J. (2006).What ferret owners should know about insulinomas. Veterinary Information Network. Retrieved from: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=2427
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
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makeste · 5 years
oh shit you guys I finally caught up
I feel simultaneously accomplished and noooooo-why-did-I-do-that-now-I-gotta-wait-a-week-for-each-new-one-like-a-damn-sucker lol.
here are some rambling thoughts and impressions, since I’m not gonna be able to just refrain from commenting on all this for the next 4-5 weeks or however much longer it takes for me to get the recaps all caught up.
I’m so fucking glad this (221) is the chapter I caught up on. it just worked out really nicely. I didn’t have to end my 7-month (!!) journey through this series on a chapter as momentous as this one. but things just so happened to line up in such a way that my slow burn binge ended on a chapter that felt (to me) like a goddamn event. it was just very satisfying.
we are like four chapters into the Detnerat arc and already this is like a top 3 arc for me. not exaggerating. we’ve got worldbuilding for days, character development I’ve been waiting for like 100 chapters (provisional licenses! KACCHAN JOINING THE ONE FOR ALL SCOOBY SQUAD), League of Villain character development, fucking Dad for One all over the damn place, and to top it all off, insanely ominous plot developments that are hinting at huge things to come. I don’t even know where things are going to go from here but honestly this arc would have to drive itself straight off a fucking cliff from here out to not still end up as one of my favorites. there’s so much hype it’s ridiculous.
having seen a glimpse of what’s in store for our heroes in the near future (11 more Hi-C Noumus! that could potentially be unleashed all at once! when merely one of these things -- and it’s safe to assume it was the weakest one at that, since it was a test run -- nearly took out both the #1 and #2 heroes at the same time! literally the two strongest good guy characters we currently have on retainer! all this, plus All for One’s personal bodyguard who fucked up Naomasa and Gran Torino and damn near killed the entire Shigaraki Squad! oh, and I almost forgot, potential mass production of Overhaul’s completed/perfected Quirk-Be-Gone bullets. all this plus AFO’s inevitable jailbreak! more at 11!), I would now like to weigh in once more on the "is Deku overpowered” debate: no. no he is not. if anything this poor sonnovabitch is grossly underpowered. can we maybe get him like a dozen more quirks, just to be safe. jesus christ.
continuing with this train of thought, I’d actually argue that at this point, Katsuki and Shouto might be more prepared to take on the new Noumus than Izuku currently is. the reason being that both of them possess attacks that might actually stand a chance of incinerating these things, which is the only way we currently know of defeating them. Izuku probably has a quirk locked away somewhere within his OFA Spirit Vault that would do the trick, but the kid doesn’t even have a handle on Blackwhip yet. and not Blackwhip nor Air Force nor even 20 or even 30% Full Cowl is gonna cut it against these things. the past Avatars are literally trying to save his fucking life here. Let Deku Power Up 2K19. I fully trust Horikoshi to avoid the boring and suspenseless tropes that everyone is so wary of. looking at how painstakingly he’s set all this up, I think he’s earned the benefit of the doubt.
it’s probably too early to say, but it’s looking like this will end up being our first League of Villains-centric arc. just, so far there doesn’t seem to be much tying Deku and the other U.A. kids to all this Detnerat stuff. on the other hand, there has been a ton of set-up to have this CEO guy be someone that Tomura ends up taking out instead. so right now I’m anticipating that we’ll continue to focus more or less on the LoV, and only occasionally cutting back to the U.A. kids to see how their December is going. there’s a lot of potential there for the kids to have little character development moments and to explore Deku unlocking more of OFA, while Tomura temporarily takes on the role of main protagonist just for the duration of this arc, much like Endeavor briefly did. which should be very, very interesting.
lastly, a quick rundown of some theories and their current likelihoods as estimated by me with no scientific or mathematical basis whatsoever:
AFO’s doctor is Izuku’s childhood quirk doctor/Kacchan���s friend’s grandpa = 100% CON-FUCKIN-FIRMED, FUCK ME. MY JAW DROPPED YOU GUYS.
Dabi is Todoroki Touya = 99%. just waiting for that canon confirmation. but I feel like at this point this is basically fact.
Dad for One = solid 50%. there has been some heavy foreshadowing lately. Izuku staring at his fucking hand and thinking “All for One’s power...” while his face is half in light and half in shadow give me a fucking break Horikoshi. we’ve reached the point where this is being deliberately hinted at, and if it doesn’t pan out, it’s at the very least intentional misdirection on Horikoshi’s part.
“Kacchan” is Kacchan’s hero name = 30%. I was so fucking sure of this one, and then he went and got his fucking provisional license off-screen. (which, by the way, congrats there kiddo. and you too Shouto.) and this is the kind of thing which I feel requires at least a little emotional build-up first (because Horikoshi is always good about making his character development feel like a logical progression, even when it’s sudden), and so that means that either they’re still going to hold off on the hero name reveal somehow, or we’re gonna get some really quick build-up/context for it, or else it’s going to be a different name. and I mean, I’ll get over it if it is. but damn it I hoped.
weird as-yet-unrevealed silhouettes in background of Deku’s OFA Avatar State dream are Kacchan and Kirishima = not sure. tbh when I first heard this I was like “lol what” and it sounded like crazy talk, but the more I think on it and look back on the panels, the more I wonder. well I don’t think the one is Kiri though, but the other being Kacchan is like a solid Could Be, Who Knows, I Sure As Hell Don’t. but I’ll go more into depth on this one in its own post pretty soon.
and that’s all the theories I can think of right now. aside from the traitor stuff, but we haven’t gotten anything new on that in a while. (but it’s Hagakure though. one day the shit is going to hit the fan and it’s going to be devastating, but I’m pretty sure we’ve got a while to go yet before that becomes a thing.)
anyway so I think that’s more or less everything I wanted to weigh in on for now. recap posts will hopefully resume on Sunday, it’s looking like? this week hasn’t quite gone how I hoped thus far but it could be worse. at least there aren’t 11 Noumus floating around in tanks waiting to wake up and unleash the fucking apocalypse on me or whatever sob.
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