#plural singlet
Here’s some positivity for systems who are closer to singlets than fully separated!
Plurality is a vast and diverse spectrum that covers a huge variety of multiples and their experiences. There is no one way to be plural that is more valid or correct than another! This post is for systems, plurals, and multiples who are closer to the singlet side on the plural spectrum!
🌈 Shoutout to median systems whose members are not fully separated!
☁️ Shoutout to those who identify as mesosian or plural singlets!
☀️ Shoutout to systems who questioned their plurality for a very long time due to how close to a singlet they are!
🌿 Shoutout to systems who go through large periods of headmate dormancy, leading them to feel like a singlet most of the time!
🌙 Shoutout to those who used to be systems, but have since reached final fusion!
🍄 Shoutout to systems who struggle with fear of faking because of how their system works!
⭐️ Shoutout to systems who are unsure if they belong or will be accepted in the plural community due to how close to a singlet they are!
🌺 Shoutout to systems who feel unrepresented in and isolated from plural spaces due to the nature of their system!
☘️ Shoutout to systems who are close to singlets and struggle to tell each other apart or attribute thoughts and ideas to certain members due to how close to each other they are!
Remember that even if you’re the tiniest bit plural, you are plural enough and you belong in this community! Recognizing that plurality is a spectrum means acknowledging that some systems will be closer to singlets than others. There is absolutely nothing wrong with experiencing plurality in this way!
Know that you are special, cherished, and beloved just the way you are. You don’t have to change, mask your plurality, or pretend to be more separated than you are in order to be treated with kindness and respect by those around you! Rest assured, there will always be a place for you here!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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lethally-hedonistic · 8 months
so I just saw the term "singlet walk-in" and now I'm trying to find any further reading materials on it because it sounds close to my experience of what I call "a plural singlet"
does anyone happen to have any info on it?
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
I'm not sure if you are able to help me out here or not but I have a question about the label "plural singlet" in regards to my own experiences.
I feel like I am (all at the same time): between plural and singular, both of them and neither of them. I feel like I am a very fragmented person, but all of those fragments are me. They are undoubtedly me, even though they can be incredibly different. I've questioned having facets and being a media system, but it just doesn't feel right.
All my life I've felt very seperated, but still alone in my body and brain. Idk if this really makes sense, idk how else to describe it.
Would all this be "evidence" (?) enough for me to identify as a plural singlet?
Again, I don't know if you're super knowledgeable on this, but I didn't really know who else to ask. You were the only person I could think of in the plural community who is generally excepting of all plurality.
My best advice is probably just to pick the label that feels most comfortable to you.
I wish I could give you more here, but I've never been quite able to wrap my mind around the differences between "plural singlets," "median systems" and other labels for people who feel in the middle.
There aren't exactly hard rules for these labels from what I've seen, so if you want to use one, just go for it. The worst that can happen is you decide that it doesn't fit later. 🤷‍♀️
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tuneford · 2 years
Being a plural singlet to me just is a way for me to communicate ‘a complex combination of plural + singlet that isn’t just a plural system nor is a singlet.’
It’s a solution to how people present plural/system or singlet like two binary options (where you either have headmates or you don’t). How if I say I’m plural, 9 times out of 10 there will be people who hear that and immediately label me as a system (especially in spaces explicitly supportive of non-traumagenic plurality and/or systems). Wording here is specifically done because many people treat ‘system’ and ‘plural’ as the same thing, even when they’re not.
Maybe I’ll feel different about this once people stop treating ‘having headmates/alters that you can communicate with’ as a universal plural experience. But I honestly don’t know.
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deadeyedfae · 1 month
Plural Systems! This is a comic for my plural friends and i hope it helps any singlets reading understand a little more about them ^^ for the record I'm not plural, im not an authority on the subject but I'm trying my best to learn more and wanted to share!
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I had some help on this one from @welldrawnfish and @ralathehuntress
This whole comic came from someone in our community that im very close with but im not sure if they have officially stated they are Plural here so ill not tag them, needless to say if it wasn't for them and thier amaizng headmates i couldn't have made this comic, thier experiences have helped me understand a whole other type of experience in a way that im sure i wouldn't have been able to understand without them!
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the-alarm-system · 16 days
if i had a choice to be reborn as a singlet or be apart of a system, I'd choose system over and over and over
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tempus-serpentes · 5 months
I don’t think singlets (especially those unfamiliar with plurality) are aware of how loved and trusted you are when a system comes out to you. There’s so much stigma around systemhood and yet, you know someone’s most vulnerable aspect. How amazing is that.
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sysmedsaresexist · 4 days
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I scammed someone off Facebook marketplace for mine, how about the rest of you?
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thestarpletsystem · 10 days
"The future is plural means traumatising people"
Okay, reading comprehension quiz.
Does the phrase "the future is plural" mean "the future will have more systems in it" or "the future will be more welcoming and understanding of systems"?
Does plurality necessarily involve trauma, or do other less-known forms of it exist? Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed sources.
Even if a self-described endo system does turn out to be partially or completely adaptive, does insisting that they cannot exist without trauma help them at all to process said trauma in a healthy way?
Increased awareness of plurality, particularly non-disordered forms, will naturally give people ways to describe their experiences that they did not previously have. Were these people plural prior to finding these communities and terms? If not, should they be able to choose to be plural? (See section on Dæmonism and Tulpamancy.)
Following on from question 4, explain in 200-300 words whether or not you think this is a good thing and why. (Bonus: compare and contrast to similar anti-trans arguments.)
Has exclusionism ever helped anyone?
Will this be on the final??? 😧
Seriously though, I am currious to the answers the "The future is plural means traumatising people" croud has for answers to this?
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Hello! Would you happen to know of any terms for midcontinuum/median systems who are closer to the singlet side of the spectrum? we have BPD that has impacted us as well, if that can help specify a bit more. TYSM!
hey, as we understand, median is a sort of umbrella term that refers to any system who is in between plural and singlet. so those who are closer to singlets could still call themselves median or midcontinuum if those terms work for them.
we’ve also heard of plural singlet or plurallet, which as far as we know are terms for someone who is much closer to the singlet side of the plurality spectrum. as far as y’all’s bpd goes, bordergenic is a term for systems whose origins have to do with their bpd.
all links to pluralpedia. if anyone reads this and knows of a better term that might help anon, please share it by all means :)
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
About Ghost's response to the criteria of plurality and their own personal criteria.
How would you (assuming you agree to an extent) feel about plural singlets?
I am a plural singlet and the definition I use for it is "The spike, spontaneous influx or period of time where a singlet is also plural." It doesn't count for all singlets of course, that would be a nightmare.
But from my personal experience, I have a headmate who leaves my headspace and this world for a period of time before returning. In that period of time, I am basically left a singlet or by myself with no inner dialogue and I technically have less dissociation and derealization. But when he returns, both symptoms return as well.
Now,, would a plural singlet fit that definition? As they are both plural and singular. I'm also thinking that trying to fit into another person's definition gets me nowhere but the information that I am giving to you is more of the focus of this ask.
I think we would still consider that plural by our definition. It would meet the recurrent criteria which seems the main point that might be debatable.
If this were a psychological headmate, I would say that this is just an example of extended dormancy. For spiritual systems, I would hold them to a similar same standard. If the same agent is conscious multiple times, I consider that plurality regardless of whether the agent is leaving by going dormant leaving through spiritual means.
A gateway system where additional headmates are only present part of the time by our definition is still plural.
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tuneford · 1 year
I am simultaneously myself and not myself. To speak about previous ‘headmates’ is to speak about ‘myself’ - like how “I used to be able to talk to myself internally (via thinking) but it also was something not of me.” This is because if something internally is able to respond to me and I perceive it as autonomous, then it is not me (it’s hard to describe what ‘me’ actually means though).
I have no idea if that makes sense, but it’s somewhat like parts language but one based in semi-unreality. Knowing that “I will never be myself, I will never own this body” is a core component to this perspective. ‘Me’ in this case is a nebulous stand-in for acknowledging that I technically can function in this body. “I will never be able to fully function in this body” is also an accurate statement - not due to this plurality I describe, but due to chronic pain and injuries that weren’t properly healed. Existing feels clumsy and confused, similarly to how my selfhood feels (like ‘do I even have one?’ is a valid question).
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infernal-collective · 3 months
Hey! This is a message to singlets who know they are singlets:
Hey, we know you like making jokes about having"multiple personalities/ other yous / multiple personalities for different situations". But please if you are not a system or questioning system please...dont joke about it. Especially if you don't believe systems exist or think systems "are weird and/or evil".
Why do we say this?:
A women we were in group therapy with was talking to me (as I was pretending to be the host). She said
"I don't know its just like...at night I'm a whole different personality, a different person even."
We suck at tone and context so we assumed it wasn't a over dramatization or joke. We stupidly took this as a sign she was a safe space (we knew her about a week) as she seemed to acknowledge "different personalities" exist.
So I the cohost, told her that I was in fact not the host, that we were a trauma formed system, and I was just pretending to be the host. ( a huge mistake, but not a costly one as we only knew her for a week before we left the group therapy)
Believe me when I tell you she looked at us like we were a horrid abomination, disgusted and looked at us like we were a horrible thing deserving of hate. Her response was...
"Okay....? 😐🤢😒"
Like??? Huh??
We share our honest experience with you but you act disgusted and horrified at the fact we aren't a singlet. Not only that but you base your perception on systems on the movie SPLIT.
Just don't make jokes like that, you just end up looking uneducated and someone who finds systems either non existent or freaks. And we both feel awkward at the end.
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The future should be plural.
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You know he's a keeper when he happily babysits the littles when they front
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alethonym · 10 months
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its okay to be confused by your own masking.
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