#please that is indicative you may be going through something and you deserve better than to feel like a dead man walking tonight
edge-oftheworld · 2 months
okay i know youngblood (song) is super popular and we love the shuffle beat and the bass line and all the other funky sounds they put in there but. can we talk about it lyrically for a second. 'i'm just a dead man walking tonight'/'i'm just a dead man crawling tonight' like. how exhausted (by this relationship, and everything i guess) you'd have to be to feel like this. the way it captures the process leading to that feeling in the verses. of this relationship, was it really ever that because it's sounding more like a concept you long for and idealise and keep coming back to to your own detriment like an addiction, dying and just being unable to accept its death. in fact the whole album is like that. and it feels like your life is ending or has ended that's how much you've attached yourself to it, when it's gone, walking around in a daze you might as well be dead yeah your body is going through the motions but you're not there. dissociated to who knows where. and then. there's another chance. crawling in desperation, dignity all gone, and you'd think you feel alive but no, you're still dead, too dead to realise this is bad for you your body is just crawling back to this person on its own accord. so much pushing and pulling away has left you so shaken there's nothing left that can see the bigger picture and decide more than one thing into the future. holding onto the hope of this failed relationship which isn't even a hope it's just an illusion, the connection you think you want but it's never going to be that. it's not capable of ever being what you need. this relationship is dead. and when you attach your whole self to it, so are you.
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"Fools! Don't you see? I have the power of god and anime on my side! You have no hope in defeating me!" ✨
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Hello, people of the surface! I'm Donatello, but you may call me Don. I am a fifteen-year-old mutant turtle who likes anime and vocaloid. I'm the youngest of my brothers, wielder of... a wooden... stick... (at least it's fun to swing around), and the reason why New York is still intact! And dad said anime was useless! Hah!
Meet the artist!
My playlist
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Details are here, feel free to participate!
Closing these for a while. I have quite a few stocked up and I want to go through them before I get any more. (Mutuals can still request things tho)
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- MM Donnie (Me)
- MM Mikey ( @no1-pizza-lover )
- MM Leo ( @blue-masked-simp )
- MM Raph ( @aggraphsive )
- MM Splinter ( @dojoratdad )
- MM April ( @aprilthejournalistt )
- 2k12 Donnie ( @dotbot2012 )
- 2k12 Raph ( @red-rage-machine )
- 2k12 Leo ( @hestheleaderinblue )
- 2k12 Mikey ( @mikeyeatsyou5000 )
- 2k12 Ice Cream Kitty ( @thechillestcat )
- 2k12 Casey ( @thatslikesupergnarly )
- 2k12 Karai ( @lesbiansnakeswithknives )
- 2k12 Mona ( @rokkawaii )
- 2k12 April ( @apriloneildoesart )
RISE of theeee-!
- Rise Raph ( @wrecking-it-raphie )
- Rise Mikey ( @magicmike5000 )
- Rise Donnie ( @thefunniestturtlepurple )
- Rise Leo ( @neon-leonardo )
- Rise April ( @april-o-nimbus )
- Rise Casey Jr. ( @thatfutureboy44 )
- Rise Draxum ( @maddaddraxum )
- 2003 Mikey ( @i-like-goldfish )
- Sensei! AKA Adult Rise!Donnie ( @bbgtech-9000 )
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INTERESTS Feel free to talk to me about these things!
Splatoon and the Splatoon Manga (aka coroika). It's my favorite video game EVER and I am more than ready to gush about it.
Pokemon. I'm not as well versed in the later games, but I do know quite a bit of it!
Legend of Zelda. Specifically BoTW, TotK, TP, and SS.
Kirby. I am I HUGE fan of the eldritch horrors in this game.
Haikyuu, SpyxFamily, Kuroko no Basket, Dungeon Meshi, and Kusuriya no Hitorigoto.
Vocaloid. It's all I listen to, actually.
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BOUNDARIES (taken from my main account)
Tcest, incest, and proshippers DNI
I make suggestive jokes (I'm a teen. What dost thou expect of me), but I won't be drawing NFSW, nor will I accept me or other minors being sexualized. We are not child molesters.
Please be nice! I'm not exactly the best at wording things (tone indicators save my life), but I will never, EVER be mean to someone on purpose (unless they deserve it. Then I'll go ham). While interacting on my blog, please refrain from being toxic. Some thoughts are better left to yourself
NO STEALING MY ART!! I don't know why you'd want to steal it in the first place (it sucks ass), but don't do it anyways. You can use it as long as you give credit.
I don't do commissions, but I take requests! If I see something in my ask box I like, I'll draw it. So, if you have any ideas, feel free to share them! I like having motivation boosters.
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That's all! Like I said, remember to be nice! We're all here to have fun, and I'm more than willing to make some friends.
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turtlecleric · 3 months
assumption - others have said in need of a hug (yes true) but also,
may not have been praised in the way that you deserved growing up and instead others tried to dim your light because they were envious or wanted to see you fail (->im here to tell you they suck ass. you're everything and more; skilled; determined; worthy; and i love you so so much and i am so so proud of you)
Did you know that I would die for you? Did you know that I love you so goddamn much? Did you?
This is way too much personal info that no one actually cares to know, probably, but. I'm sort of avoiding work on purpose at the moment and I'm having a really rough day. Who needs therapy when you have asks on Tumblr to rant in? (I'm joking, to be clear. Actual therapy is so valuable and important if you manage to find a competent professional who clicks well with you. The only reason I stopped going is because of Covid, time, and money.)
Warning: VERY long vent ahead, please do not feel obligated to read or respond
My dad was really good about praising me in ways that felt genuine, actually, though that made the times he /was/ upset with me all that much worse. My dad isn't perfect, and he's done some things and said some things that I'll never forgive, that I'll never be able to forget, but I would also do anything for him. I know he's there for me when I need it, I know he'll answer when I call, I know that he actually cares about me. He and maybe like two cousins are the only family I would never be able to cut off.
My mom... I guess it was just sort of the baseline bare minimum expectation that I would do things well, so when I /was/ praised it was just like... oh, good job sweetie! Proud of you! But it didn't feel... I don't know how to describe why but... I don't know. Now, when people tell me I do things well I always have that voice in my head that's like "they're just being nice, they don't actually think it's all that great, they expected you to do a much better job than this, actually, why did you even bother sharing? Why did you think this was something to be proud of?" I read way too far into things, interpreting neutral reactions, or even positive reactions that aren't as enthusiastic as I might have hoped for, as proof that people are simply being nice and don't really like what I do or make or say all that much. I always get stuck in this mindset that I'm not allowed to create mediocre content, like it all has to be Excellent or else it's Terrible.
I also remember in high school, posting some drawings on Facebook that I was really proud of. Two drawings, one with hands in chains and cut up and the other with healed hands glowing with holy light and cradling a cross. It was supposed to show the difference between life without God and life with God (I was... VERY religious as a teenager. I am now agnostic.), but she saw the first picture and freaked out, super pissed, yelling at me to take it down, to not embarrass her like that, because people were going to see that and think I was abused or depressed or something (haha... me? Depressed? Nahhhhh). And that was the moment when I knew I could never ever ever share anything even remotely dark with her, that if I ever were to express something that indicated I was anything other than good and happy and perfect then she would react similarly. She's also very judgemental regarding mental health, often made comments about how "people who are/do x are sick, there's just something wrong with them, make sure you stay away from people like that" while I'm sitting on the couch like... oof. That's me. So all my venting went to Tumblr where she couldn't see, and even now I mostly only vent on Tumblr and through writing. I have many wonderful friends that would gladly allow me to vent to them (I love you all so much I love you I love you I love you, thank you for being so kind), but I simply Cannot. I've had a friend before where it felt like all they did was complain, they were always so goddamn negative, and it became a chore to talk to them. I started to get angry every time they said or did something defeatist, I stopped enjoying talking or hanging out with them, and I refuse to be that person. Even if I'm told over and over that I don't come across that way, I'm so terrified of it that when I think about reaching out I start to think of that friend and about how I shouldn't bother people and I panic. Unless I've gotten to the point where I truly believe that nothing I do or say will ruin the friendship, then it's really hard to push through that fear. But that's so much harder than it used to be because I /did/ lose a friend that I thought I would have literally for the rest of my life, I was so 100% confident that we would be 80 years old still hanging out with each other and goofing around, so sure we could go through anything together and stay friends, I knew in my heart and soul that we would be friends until we died, and I was wrong. I was wrong. I also had a different friend who was always there for me, always praised me, always listened to me when I needed it and told me kind things and made sure I felt welcome and loved and viewed positively, and then he fucking assaulted me one night when he thought I was asleep.
Anyway. When I /did/ fail at things growing up, it was either punished more severely than necessary or straight up laughed at. Mom was very hot and cold, too, you could never tell what kind of mood she was going to be in that day. (She is still like this. It's well known in my family that you never know which version of her you're going to get.) Things are fine one moment and then suddenly I'm in trouble for something I didn't even realize I did wrong (like with the drawings), so I'm just. Terrified of not doing well enough at things, of disappointing people, of people being annoyed with me or upset with me over something I didn't even realize was rude or mean or wrong to begin with.
"Don't overstay your welcome; don't bother people" was pounded into my head. I can't express how often I start to say or type something and then think, "No one cares. Stop bothering people. You're being too much, you're being annoying, they're tired of you, just keep it to yourself." I'm working on it but. Yeah. Half the time I still just stop talking or backspace and stay quiet. Even typing this, I'm like... you should delete this. You're basically just begging for attention, and if anyone says anything about this to you then it'll only be because they felt obligated to and they're going to start seeing you as a whiny, pathetic, manipulative person, and they're going to get tired of you and roll their eyes every time you say anything, even if it's not you venting, or they'll see this and think about how stupid or weird it is for you to put this information out on the internet, and even this sentence right here is proof that they'd be right because you're aware of all these thoughts and you're still doing it.
But then another part of me thinks that if I can't even vent on my own blog on a post that literally no one is required to read that is also hidden under a readmore and clearly states that it's a vent post, then where /can/ I vent? And if someone else posted this, would I be this harsh on them? And what's so wrong with seeking attention and comfort? Why is that unforgivable in yourself but admirable in others? Why are you crying at work? Why aren't you doing your job? Why aren't you better? Why aren't you better?
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
Hi um sorry if this is something you won’t write for please ignore it and I’m not trying to be inconsiderate. Recently I accepted that I was very likely groomed online in my preteen years. I’m a young adult now so it’s been years since it happened but it haunts me almost every day. I completely thought it wouldn’t be taken seriously or I’d be blamed if I told anyone (still do) and was wondering if you could write something for it? A headcanon list with Lucifer, Simeon, and Barbatos (and any others) or just a drabble with Barbatos if you are willing? Some sort of comfort or assurance that it’s not MC’s fault…? I hope this makes sense…
OH yes! I can write for this! I am so sorry you had that experience. I hope you know that it’s not your fault and that person who groomed you deserves a fate worse than death. Take care, anon <3
How they react to Mc being groomed as a child
Genre: hurt/comfort, Headcanons
Characters featured: Lucifer, Simeon, Barbatos
Written for a GN!MC (they/you pronouns)
TRIGGER WARNING: grooming, vague illusion to abuse, things associated with online pests who groom children. 
Scenario: Mc has had a tough week filled with triggers to past experiences with past grooming, and decides to confide in him about it. Their speech is tearful and they are visibly distraught throughout their telling of the experience. This is how they will comfort them. 
Note: Though I do have a masters degree in Psychology and clinical training in treating survivors of abuse, I am not your therapist, nor is this fic intended to take the place of professional help. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, please seek support from a professional. Utilize the Victim Connect Resource Center to get connected to the appropriate helpline.
You find him in his office, of course. It’s late at night and you’re alone with your thoughts, so who better to seek out who would be awake at this hour. 
He knows something is wrong the minute you ask if you can come into his office. Right away, he hears the timidness in your voice and sees your dour stance. 
He will sit down on his soft leather couch next to you and pour you some demonus, telling you to take your time in saying what you need to say, because he can already tell it will be hard for you.
The minute you start telling him about your experience, his usual firm and cold demeanor drops and he intently focuses on your every word. 
He will patiently wait until you’re done expelling your story before offering any thoughts, knowing its best for you to vent at your own pace, but he will provide indicators that he is listening (lots of eye contact, and expressions of grief for your experience)
He honestly can kind of relate, given his experience in the celestial realm will probably resemble some of the things you say. It may trigger something within himself that may make him particularly empathetic to your experience. 
When you’re done talking, he will ask if you would like any physical comfort.  If you say no, he will keep his distance. If you say yes though, he will pull you onto his lap and hold you gently, brushing your tears away and hushing you softly. 
He will be adamant in convincing you it wasn’t your fault, and that you were not stupid for falling for any abuse tactics. 
He may also ask for the individuals name...just for reference- I mean, a name can tell you a lot about a person, right? He definitely isn’t going to take a detour on his next trip to the human world to teach the person a lesson. 
He will offer to stay with you through the night, either sleeping next to you or providing a distraction (like playing chess or a board game of your choice, or listening to music).
He will be much more protective over you after this, as he knows some demons have a tendency to manipulate humans into doing what they want, and he doesn’t want you to relive that experience. 
A slumber party at Purgatory hall sounded fun, so you couldn’t back out now- not when Luke was so excited to have you over
But as night falls, the small angel goes to sleep, Solomon returns to his potion brewing, and you are left wide awake with only your thoughts, and Simeon’s bright smile.
He had noticed something was wrong when he had seen you earlier in the day, but he was waiting for you to come to him (or anyone really, he just hoped it’d be him) at your own pace.
So when you decide to open up to him, he turns his full attention toward you. He can tell your serious, and clearly it’s something that has created a wound, so he preemptively takes your hand gently in his and strokes your knuckles with thumb while you speak. 
He will interrupt every so often to tell you how sorry he is about your experience, and remind you that you don’t have to give more detail than you are comfortable with. 
He will also give consistent reminders that you aren’t to blame for being trusting of others, and that the other person was to blame for taking advantage of that trust. 
After you’re done, he will pull you into a tight embrace and let you cry. If you express your displeasure in that, he will let you go and ask what you do want. If not, he will grip you firmly. 
He will also give you soft expressions of how grateful he is to have you in his life, and how much he cherishes you. 
He will also apologize for not having been there to help you during that time, but remind you that he’s here now and wont let anything like that happen to you again.
Simeon will thank you for trusting in him to talk to him about such a terrible experience, and remind you that he is always around for you to rely on.
He will also give a silent promise of watching you more closely from now on, and recognizing signs you may be experiencing a trigger. During these times, he will pull you aside and ask if he can take you somewhere as a distraction. 
Frankly, Barbatos is shocked at first when you decided to trek all the way to the castle to talk to him about something. 
He immediately assumes the worse, thinking that you’re struggling with the brothers or are going to try to convince him to send you home. 
He is relieved when you say you just had something held inside you needed to talk to someone about, and will take you out into the garden (with home made refreshments, of course).
He will listen intently while you speak, not saying much of anything but nodding along and making facial expressions that indicate his sympathy for what you have gone through. 
When you’re done talking, he will simply ask if he can give you his thoughts on what you said. 
(at first this sounds scary but trust me, you’re gonna want to say yes)
He will then proceed to tell you how abhorrent the person who did this to you was, and how sorry he is that it was you who had to suffer such a fate. 
He will be firm, but gentle in his assertion that it wasn’t your fault and that you harbor no responsibility in being a child who was manipulated by an adult.
He will remind you that abuse techniques work for a reason, and that the goal of abusers is to convince their victims that they are the one at fault. 
He will reach out and offer you his hand to hold and take you on a walk through the garden to clear your head, giving gentle squeezes along the way to reassure you that he’s here. 
Barbatos will offer to lend an ear to whenever you feel like you’re needing to vent, and will also ask information regarding specific triggers or things he and everyone else should be aware of. 
After, he will sift through your life memories to find out who the person was and everything about them. 
Let’s just say that the individual may end up in a cell below the castle where he answers to Barbatos for a very, very long time. 
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admhawthorne · 1 year
“I understand why this won’t sound sincere,” she said as she slowly sat upon the throne set upon the dais of the giant, expensively furnished throne room, “but my intention wasn’t this.” She gestured toward her rounded stomach.
His jaw clenched as he stared angrily at her. “You expect me to believe that you, the Demon Queen, didn’t plan out a long game to entrap me so that I couldn’t defeat you without killing my own child? You’re a tyrant. Of course you force this upon me thinking I would spare you for the sake of my prodigy.”
She sighed heavily as she struggled to find a comfortable position. “Nicholas, you know me better than anyone. Do you really think…”
“Do I?” He glared at her as he held his sword defensively, trying to keep an eye on the guards stationed around the hall. “I don’t know you at all. This was all a rouse!”
“It was,” she admitted with a groan, running her hands under her stomach to give some relief to the pressure there. “I fully intended to trick you into doing something that would prevent you from making it this far into my kingdom. It could’ve been you settling down with someone, not me, or it could’ve been your death. I really didn’t care. My main concern was keeping you from following your orders because, if you killed me or took over my rule, you’d surely give it to your king, and he is the true evil.”
“Don’t be absurd. King Henry is a just ruler who doesn’t terrorize his people or rule them through fear.” He took a step closer and wasn’t surprised to see the guards move a bit closer to him.
“Is that so? Have you really stopped to consider this fact? Who, exactly, is telling you that I rule through fear? You’ve been traveling through my lands for months now. How often have you encountered someone fearful of me?” She rolled her shoulders and winced as one popped loudly.
He scoffed. “Just two weeks’ back, we encountered that man who had been mutilated by you. It’s a wonder he didn’t recognize you.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure he was thrown off by how very pregnant I am.” She waved her hand to dismiss the thought. “Do you remember why he was treated thus?”
“He said it was because he refused to relent and give up his property to you.” Nicholas shook his head. “You’re a thief on top of everything else; he said you took his property even after mutilating him.”
“Let me show you his property.” She nodded toward a young woman who was clearly working as a low-level servant in the hall. “This is Sarah.” She leveled the hero with a solid, determined look. “Sarah was that man’s so-called property. Shall I tell you what he was doing to his ‘property?”
The young woman blanched. “Please, Majesty, I can’t bear to even think about what that demon did to me. You’ve given me a safe place and good job; I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but…”
“It’s alright, Sarah. You may go.” The Queen turned to the hero. “I’m called a Demon Queen by those who would use, abuse, or otherwise hurt my people. Those who choose to do so and think they will get away with it never do. That’s part of my powers. I’m able to know when my people are being severely abused and by whom. I bring swift justice to those who deserve it. Sometimes, I allow them to stay in my kingdom as a warning to others who might think of doing harm to my people. Often, I banish them from my borders. You only hear from those banished because they are the loudest, and, because your king wants my lands, he quickly erases any indication that I am doing as a good ruler ought; I am actually protecting my people from the truly evil.”
“The King wants us to kill you so your magic will no longer protect your borders?” Nicholas slowly lowered his sword. “I want to believe what you’re saying, but that would mean my king is…”
“The evil one? Perhaps. If anything, he’s ambitious.” She shifted again, and the throne creaked beneath her. “Nicholas, I’ve never lied to you. I am who I’ve presented myself as for the length of time you’ve known me, and I love you very much, but I won’t force you to stay here. I also won’t keep you from your child. If you want to leave, you may, and you may come visit so long as you do so with peaceful intent, but I will not allow Henry to take over my lands and hurt my people.”
Nicholas looked around as he thought over his journey through the Queen’s lands. It was true the people prospered, and it was equally true that very few actually feared her so much as respected her. He’d seen her be compassionate, brave, funny, and cunning. She was amazing, and he truly adored her. He’d also seen his King in action, and rarely was he ever compassionate or this adamant about the protection of his people. Perhaps, it was time to realign.
“I don’t want to do that.” He dropped his sword and heard the guards take a cautious step backwards. “I don’t want to leave you or our child.” Moving to stop in front of her, he dropped to his knee and bowed to her before reaching out to grab one of her calves, which he began to rub. “I love you as well, Regina. I choose to stay, and, together, we will protect this land and our child.”
The Queen moaned in appreciation and nodded to her guards to stand down. “Good. Now, help me up so we can bathe and rest. I’m tired of smelling like three days’ worth of dirt and horses.”
Chuckling, he did so and then happily followed.
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9/13/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Joel 1 - 3
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm China. Today is the 13th day of September. Welcome. So great to be here with you today as we continue our week together. I love the middle of the week, to just pause and reflect and just to check in with yourself, especially if like you've had a really busy week. And any ailment and to just like take a deep breath and just ask yourself, like, how am I doing? And to sit with it for a second. In our culture, you know, just as like a common greeting, we ask like, hey, how are you? And it's just a robotic answer good. Or someone in the Chick-fil-A line last week told me better than I deserve and I was like, OK. Umm, But I think it's important for us to to genuinely sit with that and to and not that. You know, we tell people in the Chick-fil-A drive through, I'm really suffering, you know, Could she actually pray for me? You know, it's like, hey, dude, I'm just here to get some French fries, you know, Like there's a time and a place, you know? And so, but I think to start with being honest with ourselves and to check in with ourselves and to say, OK, I actually don't know. OK, well, do I need something? Hmm, man, I really could use like, extra sleep tonight. How do I prioritize that? Man, I really need to, like, prioritize eating more, More nutrient dense foods. Man, I should probably go outside and just like sit in the sunshine put my feet on the ground for a second. Or maybe I need to like have a friend over or make an appointment with the therapist. You know, like all these things that we can just check in with ourselves. And you know, I think if this is new to you and sometimes this, like I practice this a lot. And honestly sometimes my answer is still, I don't know. And that means it's a pretty good indicator that we're pretty wound up and we need, And just slow down. And so I love to use Wednesdays, Really,  We can do this any day. I just personally choose Wednesday to be like it's the middle of the week. How am I doing? How my feeling OK like? OK, I've been pretty snappy, like I'm just at the coming to the very end of pregnancy and Everything. Like there's a huge transition that's about to happen for our family. My 2 year old's feeling it. I'm feeling it and it's it's interesting just because in pregnancy, like your body starts to feel it before your mind can understand it. And so umm, yeah, all this to say, just check in with yourself, be Honest and give yourself permission to have needs. It does not make you needy. Having needs doesn't, That doesn't equate to being needy. Umm, We all have basic needs and then we have further needs and I believe that when we ask the Lord To take care of us and to partner with us that he shows us how to have those taken care of and You never know how he's going to show up to care for you as well. So all of this to say, Be honest with yourself. What do you need today? If you don't know that's OK, Take a couple deep breaths and whatever is feeling the most overwhelming, Like if you are feeling.Very busy. You might need a walk. Alone in nature, feeling very tired. You might need a nap or or to prioritize rest later. So that may mean not watching your show that comes on live tonight. It may mean that you Allow yourself to sleep in 10 minutes in the morning or a little bit longer.Just taking those practical steps, so With that, let's jump into the word of the Lord. Today we are in the book of Joel. We are in chapters one through 3, continuing with the New International Version for this week.
I love that this is talking So much about who the Lord is, and that even in the midst of the Lord's judgment, even in the midst of like what is going to happen and the army of locusts, I'm like gross, makes me think of the plague of locusts and I always joke that that would if I was fair that one right there I'd be like Yep whatever you want please go get out of here and but please make sure you you are God who I will now adopt as my God that these locusts stop because I'm. I cannot handle them.To read about an invasion of locusts. It was not like that. But anyways, I just love that we continually see who the Lord is and it's like, you can't forget it. It's in almost every scripture, and if we're in the Word daily, we literally cannot Forget who he is and what is being Shared and spoken about in the testaments of his goodness and of his glory. And I I love reading it because it just reminds us as the refreshment to our spirit that he is good and he is king. He is sovereign and he is Lord, and he is a God who's gracious and merciful In ways that we think, oh, I'm being kind, I'm being gracious, or this person was being gracious. That it's like the word actually doesn't run out of it. And he's got the full meter filled at all times and we don't.
And so, Father, I just thank you so much for your word. I thank you that we can delight in your word, and that we can seek you and know you and we can find you. And I just pray that this would be Our Daily Bread, we would have a daily hunger for it, and that you would continue to do, only you can do, which is satisfy our souls. And so, Lord, I pray that we would continue to have hungering and longing for your word. And it's in your name we pray, Amen. 
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primofate · 3 years
Smile for Me (Part 5) Zhongli x fem!reader
Summary: Zhongli never smiled at you the way that he smiled at his memories of Guizhong. Thinking that the only way Zhongli would ever be happy is for Guizhong to come back again, you secretly set off on a journey to bring her back to life. But it comes with a price: Your life.
Warnings: pining, angst, one-sided (at first), hurt, angst again, drama, some Guizhong x Zhongli, hints of Xiao x reader, MAY NOT FOLLOW THE ACTUAL LORE, not proofread.
Notes: This took longer than expected too. It’s just that I didn’t want to take too long explaining what happened and everything, I didn’t think that was the main focus, but my OCD self still wanted to include an explanation so...
Read: (Part 1)   (Part 2)   (Part 3)   (Part 4)   (Part 6)
“I told you not to do anything reckless,” was the first thing you heard when you opened your eyes. You hadn’t even processed anything yet. Not where you were. Not who was talking. Not even who you were. It came back to you very slowly as the ceiling started to become clearer. You rolled your head sideways to see Xiao, arms crossed and glaring at you.  You blinked. As if missing pieces of your brain slowly coming back and you shot up from the bed, gasping. In alarm, Xiao stands as well and places his hands on your shoulders out of instinct. “What’re you doing?!” he hisses and you only look up at him, horrified. “Rex Lapis found out?” you whispered, eyes not hiding the fact that you were crestfallen. 
If you were back, it only meant one thing. Someone took you back and you knew who it was. Xiao’s lips turn into a tight line, but he urges you to lay back down on the bed. Wangshu Inn. You recognize the decorations.
“Rex Lapis found out,” he confirms, but his fists ball up tight. Xiao himself had forgotten about you too, and the guilt he felt at that seemed to have increased his burdens. “...and he was enraged, Y/N, more so than normal,” Xiao explained and your shoulders slump, head down towards the hands on your lap. 
“...and so was I... I warned you not to go to Wuwang Hill!” You winced at Xiao’s tone, but he had said nothing after that. You fell into silence as well. The only sound between you two were the birds chirping outside. “...I thought...” before you knew it the droplets were landing on your hands. Xiao stiffened up at the realization you were crying. “I thought it’d be better if she came back and I left,” your voice is barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how to take care of him, Xiao. I don’t know how to serve Rex Lapis for him to be at ease, the way he was with Guizhong. I don’t know how to make him smile the way Guizhong makes him smile. I--” and your sobs are soft, because you hold them back, because the last thing you wanted to do was to come back and face Rex Lapis and his questioning gaze. 
Xiao suddenly stands. Your eyes dart over to him in question. He’s looking at you with guarded remorse, and yet, his face is stiff. You blink up at him, and watch as he walks backwards off to the side and bows towards the door that you hadn’t noticed had opened.
Your eyes widen, amidst your tears you can see the unmistakable blur of Zhongli standing there. Expression unreadable. 
In the next moment, Xiao has left the room. 
You cannot process what just happened. He continues to stand there, as if a statue, the only indication that he was living was the soft rise and fall of his chest. A shiver runs down your spine and you wipe the remaining tears you had left, reduced to just sniffling under his gaze.
“You must be wondering what transpired,” Zhongli starts, but doesn’t make a move to come closer. Not really, you think. You didn’t really care about what happened. There was only a deep set embarrassment in your stomach.
“It turned out to be an evil spirit residing in the tree for millennia. Trapping lost souls...Chongyun and Xiao had to help me restrict her.” He seemed to take in a ragged breath. “It’s nothing short of a miracle that we got you safely out of her realm,” here his voice changes. The tone hiding a type of anger that was slowly boiling over, like a volcano about to erupt.
“I could not imagine what would force you to go through such lengths, Y/N,” you could see the bits of lava spurting out now. “and to discover that I was the reason. Xiao is correct. I was enraged in the process,” the volcano was rumbling, and you didn’t know how to escape it’s wrath, you only fiddled with your fingers. As if a child being scolded.
Surprisingly he ended his speech there, and the volcano had simmered down. Rex Lapis was not one to lose his cool, specially after hearing what you said, and finding out the reason for it. You could hear the unmistakable sound of his shoes walking over, but you refused to look his way and look him in the eye. You didn’t have to though, because his fingers touch your chin and gently moves it towards him.
“...But I was more unsettled because of my own shortcomings. My lack of ability to see through you and stop you,” he drops his hand when he was sure you were going to hold his gaze. “You have misunderstood, Y/N. Guizhong is a past memory, I’ve long since accepted it. But of course, no matter how much time has passed, I still cherish those memories,” He takes the chair that Xiao was previously on and even sitting, he’s still a tad taller than you who is on the bed. “And so how do you imagine I felt when I discovered you’d chosen to erase all memories of you? Those memories that I cherish?” 
Your head moves to try and look away from him but he catches it yet again with his hand and levels a gaze on you. He doesn’t want you to look away. “There was nothing to grasp at,” he starts and you notice his voice descends into a whisper. “Nothing to remember you by, it was by sheer luck that I found out,” you see that something shifts in his gaze, an emotion you’ve never seen in his eyes before. “Despite remembering your face I could not recall your name.” He doesn’t say it but you can see the frustration in his golden orbs and your lips part in wonder. “I had only realized it then but forgetting you completely is...” he pauses, searching for the right words to say. “...is like losing myself,” 
He takes his hand away from your face and fresh tears start to pool around your eyes. “...I’m sorry,” you croak out but he shakes his head. “The apologies...should be coming from me,” his hand then slips into a back pocket, and retrieves a small rectangular box. A golden one, something that you seemed to recognize but not completely.
“I had one made for you,” and hands it over. Your hands grasp around it delicately, and the front flap opens up to reveal a fa-zan hairpin, the crystal design at the end of it were...blue Forget-Me-Nots. The type of blue that usually matched your qipao. Your eyes widen a fraction, and your lips upturn at the irony and thoughtfulness of it all the same. At the corner of your eye he seemed to relax at the expression on your face, but he covers one of your hands with his and you look at him curiously.
“Please do not think that I have done this out of pity,” Zhongli, in some ways, knew you quite well. “It’s something...that I should have done a while ago, but my own inadequacies and hesitance had prevented me,” he takes your hand, and as his eyes close, his lips presses on your knuckles briefly. 
“But there is no rush, Y/N, I will gain your trust back, as it deserves to be gained,” 
His lips part from your hand, and his eyes gaze upon yours. 
“I will protect you, as you deserve to be protected,” 
and then there’s an unmistakable fire of determination in his eyes.   
“and if you allow it... I will court you as you deserve to be courted.”
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dark-green-line · 2 years
Intermittent Existence
Ingo watches the space time distortion form with trepidation and anticipation in equal measure. The phenomenon were dangerous to the surrounding area if the pokémon within wandered out of the circle. A hassle which he would surely be given the task of wrangling.
However, they always fill him with a sense of excitement. Strange, considering he can’t remember what happens inside of them.
He knows he’s stepped inside dozens of distortions. He remembers the first step every time, yet cannot recall a single thing he does once he has fully crossed the boundary between normal space and distortion.
His mind is always swept elsewhere until the mini-rift closes. Ingo has a sneaking suspicion though, of where it goes, or rather- where it returns. He doesn’t just stare blankly into space the whole time, otherwise he would not blink into awareness with new items, new pokémon, and new feelings which never last-
The point being, Ingo believes that in the overlap between realities, he becomes a real person; whose memory is not more tattered than his sleeves, whose emotions do not feel so suppressed and disconnected. In the place where everything else is twisted wrongly, Ingo is bent back into shape. The man he used to be.
The air around him compresses, becoming denser than mountain air ever should be. There is a shimmering ring on the ground indicating time and space could warp any moment now. Ingo composes himself as best he can and steps forward, crossing the boundary.
Ingo holds a hand over his heart as the swell of his memories returning hits him. Like being buffeted by waves on the beach, the process is painless, yet still unbalancing, irresistible. He sways on his feet at the force of it as if trying to keep his balance on the subway rounding a turn, fervently wishing for a ring to hold.
Every time this happens, it’s a relief to remember himself. Every time, it is also frustrating, the realization that his sense of self won’t last.
Ingo finds a spot, too narrow for the distortion pokémon to spawn there, and too high for those who pop up elsewhere to reach him. He settles in and takes a deep, steadying breath. He needs to be his best for this. His brother deserves that much.
Ingo pulls the xtransceiver from his coat pocket. The intention to carry it around once more strong enough for the urge to have carried over to his amnesiac self. He turns it on and starts scrolling through his contacts, stalling on the picture next to his brother’s number.
He doesn’t know if this will work. He has to believe it will. He presses the call button next to Emmet’s name; he doesn’t have any time to waste.
“Come on,” he mutters. Time and space themselves are thin and broken around him, his phone can complete the comparatively simple task of picking up a signal. “Please.”
The call connects. His heart soars. Then, I am Emmet. I am busy. Leave your name and a message and I will probably call you back. Dammit.
The voicemail bot begins explaining how to leave a message, and while Ingo wants to crack he also considers… that this may be better. He so desperately wants to hear Emmet’s voice, but he had, in a way, hadn’t he? There is something he needs to say to him. He has so little time.
Ingo makes sure he is recording. Then he speaks, loud and clear and as genuine as he can, “Emmet. It’s Ingo. There are- so many things I wish to tell you, but I don’t have much time, so I will say the one thing I need you to hear. I love you.”
Ingo can’t help the crack in his voice. Unacceptable. Emmet deserves the sentiment unbroken. “I love you so much, and I haven’t been around to tell you, so I’m going to say it again. I love you. Please, please remember that. No matter whatever else happens, whether or not we ever end up at the same station again, I loved you, Emmet, and that has not changed.”
The bubble of miasma which denotes the distortion is starting to thin. There’s still so much to say, this might be his only chance, he wants to tell Emmet everything but there’s just no time.
If he wants a snowflake’s chance in hell of his message arriving at its destination he has to give it time to save while the distortion is still active. Ingo hangs up.
He allows himself one last mournful glance at the xtransceiver in his hands before turning it off. He tucks it back into his tattered coat and opts to look at the hole in the sky instead. Swirling, sparkling; it’s beautiful, if one lets themselves forget the damage displacement can do.
Ingo keeps his eyes on the tear in reality while he thinks about Emmet. About Elesa. About Nimbasa.
There are no cities in Hisui. There may not be any cities anywhere, from how far back Ingo seems to be. At least a few hundred years in the past, but probably many more, if he’s willing to be honest with himself about just how impossibly far away he is from everyone he loves.
Ingo longs for home, for his family, and stares at the mini rift until it closes, taking his hopes and his sense of self with it.
Ingo blinks. He seems to have made his way onto a cliff’s edge somehow. The distortion is gone, and he feels nothing but a muted sort of sadness.
He stands up, stretching out his stiff muscles in the process, and tries not to worry about whatever he was thinking about before.
He then starts on his safety check, beginning to sweep the area for any distortion pokémon that may have accidentally remained.
This is a standalone piece, but if you would like to read the expanded version of this concept, you can find the chapter fic version here. I love you <3
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merakiui · 3 years
Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, and Childe Finding out That You’re Being Abused HCs
cw: mentions/descriptions of (physical and emotional) abuse, injuries, depressive mood/thoughts, implied violence **please proceed with caution and do not read if this is triggering! note - submissions are confusing for me, so I wrote it in this format. I hope that was okay! 
@tuestika said: Hi! Sorry that I send my request through submission, tumblr has sometimes eaten my asks either wholly or have omnomned whole ask xD Usually my requests sent through submissions arrive intact so…. I saw that you had done Scaramouche reacting finding out their s/o is being abused headcanons, may I request headcanons for Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao and Childe finding out their their s/o is being abused? Keep up good job! <3
🔥 Diluc 🔥
Diluc might not be the most vocal person in the world, but he’s definitely observant. He’s gotten rather skilled at picking apart your social cues because he’s spent a lot of time with you. 
So when you barge into his tavern one evening, looking absolutely disheveled and asking for one of the Knights, he’s feeling two emotions: confusion and irritation. 
For one, you shouldn’t even entrust your issue to those inadequate Knights. Nevertheless, you are his friend and he isn’t going to kick you out just because you mentioned them. 
He waves you over to the bar and is thoroughly shocked when you beg him to let you hide behind it. Then he notices your split lip and the fresh injuries on your face and forearms, and he wastes no time in getting to the point.
“Why were you out so late fighting hilichurls? I hope you haven’t led any here. We don’t need that sort of trouble right now.”
“Sorry. No, that’s not it. I just—you’re the only one...” You’re struggling to piece a coherent statement together, too busy looking over your shoulder to keep track of your thoughts. “I didn’t know where I could go. I mean, I thought of you and—“
“Please slow down. Start at the beginning.”
More concerned over your safety than professionalism, Diluc allows you to slip behind the bar counter, where you cower on the ground to avoid being seen. 
You gesture for him to come down to your height and he sighs, silently complying when he finds there aren’t any new customers to serve. Bending down to your level, he holds onto the countertop to keep his balance and then he locks eyes with you. 
“What exactly happened?”
You inhale a shuddering breath, wrapping your sore arms around yourself for comfort. Tears are gathering in your eyes as you recall the event. Your abuser had found you after you’d left to get some fresh air, they’d cornered you in a secluded alley, and—you can’t finish the rest of the story.
Diluc doesn’t expect you to continue. He nods as he lets the information sink in, already harboring a deep resentment for this despicable individual. 
“Wait here. I’ll close the tavern early. In the meantime, we should see to your injuries and then we’ll look for that person.”
“I really think we should tell the Knights...” you mumble, knowing he’ll disapprove. “They’re more suited to these types of cases.”
“The Knights are incompetent. The investigation will take days, if not weeks. What happens if your abuser knows they’ll be coming for them? They’ll try to escape and then there’ll be no telling where they’ve gone.”
“I know, but it wouldn’t hurt to—“
“I’ll take care of it.”
You try to object because it’s dangerous and you don’t want him to get injured on your behalf. But he’s insistent in his decision, claiming that if the Knights can’t help you no one can. And you really wouldn’t feel safe if your abuser was still roaming free, so you have no other choice but to allow him to carry out the investigation himself.
And Diluc can be quite clever at times. It won’t be hard to traverse the interior of Mondstadt at night, where his identity melts away into that of the sneaky Darknight Hero. 
He’s going to protect you no matter what. Your abuser won’t receive an ounce of sympathy from Diluc. All he feels is cold hatred when he catches them. Someone as precious as you does not deserve to be put through such torment, and he’ll see to it that your abuser pays a hefty price to make up for all of the damage they’ve caused.
🧊 Kaeya 🧊
Kaeya can’t understand why you’ve started isolating yourself from everyone. In the past, you were always such great friends with the Knights, always catching up to talk to one of them.
He’d spent a lot of time with you and has since gotten to know you through lighthearted conversations and gossip from the people of Mondstadt. 
For someone so appreciated and well-known, he can’t wrap his head around why you might want to suddenly disappear, hiding yourself away as if you didn’t exist. 
And then he happens to catch you in town one day while you’re out running some errands. It’s so like him to pop in with a few flirty lines, but the words stick in his throat when he notices the bandages stuck to your arms and legs. 
“That can’t be good,” he says as he approaches you, leaning ever so gracefully against a wooden support beam. “Why don’t we find Barbara? I’m sure she’ll have you patched up in no time, my dear friend.”
You don’t think you’re worth it so you shake your head, nervously hoping he’ll take the hint and go away. 
“I hope you’re not accepting those dangerous commissions again,” he adds, half teasing and half serious. You can’t tell whether he’s trying to sound chiding or not. 
“Please just...leave me be. I’m a little busy right now.” You try to leave the stall you’re at, walking stiffly to avoid limping in front of him. “I’m not feeling well, so if you’ll excuse me—“
Kaeya pushes off from the beam, standing in front of you with a posture that appears immovable. “By order of the Calvary Captain,” he’s saying, a playful glint in his eyes, “you aren’t allowed to move from that spot until you tell me what’s bothering you and why you’re covered head to toe in bandages.”
You can easily object to such an order, but you figure it’s better to answer instead of arguing over your physical condition. So you explain a modified version of the story, telling him that you simply got into a disagreement and it ended in bruises on both sides. 
Kaeya hears the tremble in your voice when you say it; you’re lying. His expression softens at once and he steps away, indicating that you’re free to leave. But you don’t; you’re looking at him with such a helpless, pleading look. It breaks his heart.
You break before him, lips quivering as you beg for his help. You’re so scared and alone, and you’re not sure how long you can suffer through this before it seriously hurts you. 
“This is the first time I’ve gotten out in weeks.” So that explains your sudden isolation. “Please... I don’t want to go back home anymore. I’ll do anything. Just don’t let them hurt me again.”
Kaeya’s absolutely stunned to hear the silent revelation in your words. You’re awkwardly reaching to undo one of the bandage wrappings to prove your point, but he stops you short. That’s all the proof he needs.
You’ll be brought back to the Knights of Favonius’ Headquarters to be tended to while he gathers a team to search for your abuser. Since you gave him a solid description, it shouldn’t be too hard to find them. 
And once they’re apprehended, Kaeya will subject them to a grueling interrogation. There will be no gentle punishment; it’s going to be as unforgiving as the abuse you had to suffer through. 
☁️ Xiao ☁️
You’ve never really been keen on physical touch and Xiao understands that completely. He usually avoids any sort of interaction to begin with, unless it’s absolutely necessary, so it’s not a surprise whenever you shy away from large crowds.
He has grown rather fond of you, which has lead to the two of you meeting at Wangshu Inn for some Almond Tofu and relaxed chit-chat.
During one of your many conversations, you bring up a few alarming statements. They’re just personal points you’d like to change, such as your weak fighting spirit or the way your joints brokenly click when you stretch. 
Xiao wonders why you’d want to change yourself. You’re not usually this doubtful of yourself. In the past, you would always play the role of his smiling friend, putting on a positive face even when he was in a disagreeable mood. 
Xiao is examining your movements as you awkwardly explain yourself and when your arms move he catches the sight of a rope burn etched into your wrist. 
“What happened?” He gestures to your sleeve, to which you react in a nervous manner, shyly pulling your sleeve down to hide it. Xiao frowns a bit. “Did you get into an accident?”
“No, of course not! I’m fine. It’s just a result of my clumsiness.”
It really doesn’t look like that to Xiao and when he truly looks at you again he finds that you appear abnormally tired and exhausted. He isn’t going to sugarcoat anything and he could be making a giant assumption, but he still asks.
“Is someone hurting you?”
Your eyes widen for a split second and Xiao catches that movement like a cat drawn to a laser pointer. He won’t force you to explain unless you feel comfortable doing so. The last thing he wants is upsetting you or pressuring you into something you don’t want to talk about.
Eventually, though, the story will come to light and he’ll hear all about the horrors you’ve gone through. That rope burn was just one of many punishments you’ve had to endure, and Xiao’s just about ready to snap. How dare someone lay their filthy hands upon you in such a violent way?
Xiao will calmly tell you to stay at Wangshu Inn or anywhere else in Liyue where you’ll be safe. He’ll watch over you while you take time to recuperate and heal. He’s going to make sure you’ll never have to go through something like that ever again.
Having Xiao by your side makes the healing process all the more comforting.
And when you fall asleep in a soft, warm bed, Xiao slips out into the night to search for your abuser. It won’t be a pretty sight once he gets his hands on the human trash who dared to hurt you.
💧 Childe 💧
He’s very perceptive when it comes to your health and overall well-being. After all, he’s got brothers and sisters to care for; perception is absolutely necessary in order to keep them happy and healthy.
So it doesn’t take long for him to realize your behavior is uncharacteristic. You’re jumpier than usual, always apologizing for the littlest of things, and you’ll look over your shoulder whenever you sense something.
It’s almost as if you expect someone to suddenly come at you, which isn’t all that odd. Childe has been known to keep you on your toes when he’s looking for a fight.
But on one particular day he manages to give you a spook when he comes up beside you, grinning and showing up in your peripheral so suddenly that it nearly gives you a heart attack. 
You’re so frightened as you back away, practically folding in on yourself in an effort to protect yourself from an imaginary blow. Childe pauses, that silly grin fading when he realizes you’re shaking.
“Hey, it wasn’t that scary. Come on, comrade!” He’s approaching you warily, not entirely sure why you’re acting the way you are. He’s always been spontaneous; you should be used to this by now.
But you refuse to let him come any closer, having to distance yourself so that you can ease your racing heart and hyperventilating lungs. Once you’ve calmed down, embarrassment floods through you at the fact that Childe just witnessed all of that. 
Childe will ask if you’re okay with him stepping closer and if you nod he’ll be on you like a hawk, pulling up your sleeves before you can stop him. 
For once, you catch an expression you normally don’t find on Childe: surprise. He’s genuinely shocked at what he sees: dark bruises and shallow lacerations from something sharp. 
Either you got these in your many sparring matches or there’s another factor at play here, and Childe is almost certain it’s the latter.  
His voice is gentle as he asks you to explain what’s going on and once you do he’s already set on finding the one who did this. He seems to forget all about his Fatui work, wanting to capture your abuser and give them a piece of his mind—and subject them to more than a few pieces of his strength, too. 
He’ll have you protected in no time, offering to take you to the best healer. You’ll be treated wonderfully and he’ll even lay off on your sparring matches for a while. 
In the meantime, once he gets his hands on your abuser, everything becomes fair game. After all, someone has to handle the brunt of his anger and pent-up bloodlust from the lack of a fight. And your abuser is the perfect match to pummel into the ground. Childe shows absolutely no mercy for them. 
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luimagines · 3 years
In lieu of what happened yesterday with Wolfie... may I raise you with Bunny Legend?
He despises the form. Why, of all the things he could have been, had to be a bunny? A tiger or even a dog would have been better than that a fluffy, weak... pink mammal! It's not fair that Twilight get a cool one instead of him, which is completely stupid since he is one of the oldest, and far more seasoned in salt of the group. On top of that, how dare he stealing your attention like that!? How is he supposed to make a move if Twilight is always hanging around you as Wolfie? He wants you to be the only one to hear how he feels about you...
...And, maybe, is also because he is terrified of you turning him down, the ache in his heart would be worse than a stab with Twilight watching him get rejected...
But this is why he have been named as the "Veteran" and not something else; he has dealt with a lot of situation before with far less objects at his reach to help him, but he always manages to get through it. He's very cunning and is quick to think on his feet...
...Or at least, almost all of the time he is. Erring is most common when you aren't at your most calm, isn't it?
Legend admits that he acted out of desperation: you had him at his wits end! But it's hard to feel frustrated with himself when you are nuzzling your face on top of his head, little squeaks of happiness and a high pitch voice while you baby talked to him, gussing about his very soft fur and really cute vest. You even called him handsome! You never do that when he is in his human form, you don't even spare him a glance when he rolls his sleeves, making a big of a show of flexing his arms, stretching out and pushing out his chest and arms back, all so you can see how muscular he, too, is. But the only thing you do is oogle at Twilight-- as if he isn't enough of a menace to him-- and that idiot of Mr. Captain when they wrestle together, shirtless. He just wants your pretty eyes on him, those plump lips, cherry from how you are bitting them, shamelessly devouring the two men with your gaze...
...Ugh, just pay attention to him, okay!? He will shower you with all the love and adoration you deserve and more! So please, direct that intensity to him, and only him.
A poke to his furrowed brows broke him out of his mind. Legend cautiously looks up at you. He mentally kicks himself as he is met with your worried eyes, the last thing he wanted was for you to feel any type of negative emotions, so that glint spurred him on rubbing his furred cheek on your free open palm, wanting to change the expression out of your face. It seem to work, you opened your eyes more and even giggled a little before scratching under his chin with two of your fingers.
"Got lost for a second there, buddy?" You whisper. Even if your tone was soft, the vibrations travelled from your chest pressed against the back of his small form engulfing it in a warm and pleasant feeling.
Legend closed his eyes and let all of his weight rest on you, not that you minded, of course. Being the sunshine that you are, you giggled cutely once more and tugged him closer to you, to the point of almost being curled around him. It was a rare sensation; he felt protected for once instead of being the one providing said feeling, he must admit that it was quite comforting, but Legend will forego ever feeling like this again in exchange of you being safe forever, you will always be his priority.
"Hmm..." you pecked his head. "Y'know, you remind me of someone that I like a lot"
His long ears fell flat on either side of his head as his heart stilled.
Like a lot...?
You... already have someone that you hold dear?
You seem to miss how his body grow stiff between your arms as you continued in drowning him in affection. What used to be a delightfull experience, now, it hurts him more than any wound he have ever sustained in his life, more than any burn from fire lizards or the cold, prickly bite of exhaustion of his tired body as he dragged himself through every and more corners of Hyrule.
Your hands played with the small tuff of fur on his head, but Legend's mind was far too gone to properly feel the touch. In its place, his heart dropped and shattered, somehow still beating as he felt the fastening Thumping in his stomach. How foolish and naive of him, to ever believe that he got an opportunity with you. Even the people that you two are travelling with can barely stand him, and they are supposed to be the same person.
Is he really that despicable?
"It's actually funny."
Funny how stupid he is, isn't he?
"He came back a few nights ago, very upset."
Well, that guy clearly doesn't now a thing about suffering. He isn't the one getting his heart demolish while in the arms of the love of his life like him.
You pinched the tip of his left ear and softly lifted it up. "He came back with his hair the same shade of pink that you have! In my opinion" you lean down a Little, as if you were about to share a secret "He looks very cute like that. A shame He will never let me say that to his face..."
Pink? Like the rose tinted glasses he have been wearing all this time-- Uh? Hair?
Are you... Please, don't give him hope like that. He can't take another loss in his life, because if you don't mean it, he would be devastated for good.
He felt your body shifting a little before you let go of him to instead hook your hands under his armpits, slowly lifting him up then turning around his body so now the two of you can be face to face. His tiny nose twitched as you leaned in a poked the tip of your own nose to his pink one, rubbing a little before you leaned back again. Legend layed his pawns on top of your chest, eagerly following your movements when he saw you opening your mouth to continue, he didn't want to miss anything that you are about to say:
"He is a big dork, with an even bigger ego. Very handsome too and... Ugh, Legend, why you have to be such a cactus all the time?" You finished with a tinge of frustration in your voice.
In a normal scenario, he would have argued about that last statement, but he couldn't because of two good reasons: one, he is still in his dark world form, it would be very weird if this bunny you found in the Forrest acted as if it was personally insulted by your words. And second...
You actually like him.
Him, With all of his flaws and bad attitude, you still found and assigned a space in your heart for only him, Legend.
Just as how down he got, his spirit raised up again with vigor, his heart soared from the dark pit of grief that held it a couple of minutes ago taking its rightful place at the peak of the shrine dedicated to your whole being. He didn't even noticed that his skin was ice cold until a burst of heat shot from his feet to the tip of his ears that acted as a catalyst as he threw himself towards your chest, his body felt light as a feathe, he tried his best to fight off the desire to laugh or shout out this waves of overwhelming energies.
Oh, how your chuckles were like the tunes from the most rich instrument in the entire universe being played by the goddesses themselves, more revitalizing than any potion or fairy pond.
"Do you think I should say something, buddy?" You returned his hug.
Legend furiously nodded his head, not think if it will appear weird that he could understand you. You squeezed the tiny bunny between your arms before putting him at arms length:
"Thank you, buddy. Somehow, now I have the confidence to talk to that prickly bitch--"
...Uh oh.
Even the common noises of the Forrest fell silent at his outburst.
Legend didn't had a second to try and amend his mistake as, suddenly, his vision was thrown into a spiral; everything looked blurry and the wind on his fur was a clear indicator of how hard you launched him away from you. He felt slightly proud at you quick reaction time but...
...No amount of fur can soften the crash on the hard forrest floor, just his luck that he didn't fell on the conveniently batch of dry leaves right beside him. It hurt, not as how bad his heart was hurting, but painful nonetheless.
He just really hopes you won't tell the group about the weird, pink bunny that can talk, or else he won't ever heard the end of it from Sky and Twilight.
AND IT'S DONE CKSKFJEJCUC IT TOOK ME A LOT OF TIME JUST TO SAY "Legend tried to pull a Twilight and got yeeted out of existence"
I think that Legend has self esteem problems! With what happened in A Link to the past, it's hard to overcome a whole nation hating your guts when you only wanted to help.
You really just said "If no one will provide me with Legend simpage, I'll do it myself"
I'm grinning so much right now. I ended up biting my lip a bit harder than I intended to because I almost screamed at the end when he finally spoke up.
The whole time I was like "But Legend can speak? Why is that not- Oh that's why."
Also, describing how Legend tries to peacock as he stretches to catch the Reader's attention *chef's kiss*.
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
Hii can I request a deleted scene for "if I could keep cool" that tells chapter 2 from Shouto's POV? I would absolutely love to c what was going through Shouto's head when he figured out that Y/N was just a cleaning lady and what was the moment that made him want to ask her out when he saw her at his house afterwards! Thank u!!
I accidentally got carried away, so this bad boy is 1.9k!! My apologies lol. I hope you like it!!
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It wasn’t every day that someone told Shouto Todoroki to go fuck himself. 
Particularly not quirkless civilians, and never those he’d rescued. 
There was usually a lot more breathless gratitude, some bowing and scraping, and—mystifyingly—a lot of phone numbers, handkerchiefs, and very unsubtle attempts to get a hand or two around his biceps. Shouto didn’t really know what his biceps had to do with it, but he’d seen the same thing happen to Midoriya and Kirishima as well—and Bakugou once, before he’d nearly gnawed the woman’s hands off—so he assumed it was just another social cue he’d never understand.
As little as he cared for social cues, however, he was certain that there was usually a lot more thank you and a little less go fuck yourself involved in the whole rescuing process.
But then, he’d also never told off a civilian for having been kidnapped before. 
A civilian who, he’d come to realize almost immediately afterward, hadn’t deserved it.
When he’d asked his mother her advice over the phone, she’d told him the best thing to do was to be honest and try to start fresh. “White flowers mean forgiveness—tulips new beginnings,” she’d advised him.
So Shouto had ducked into the nearest florist and brought back an apology in hopes that you would accept it. 
He might have known, however, that you’d manage to turn even a simple apology completely on its head.
The clatter of cleaning supplies in his kitchen on Thursday afternoon told Shouto you’d let yourself in for your usual shift. He followed the sound, only for it to halt at his approach, the kitchen seemingly empty as he drew nearer.
He stopped short, fighting down a surprised swell of amusement when he realized you’d ducked down, hiding yourself behind his counters as if anyone, especially a pro hero, might be fooled by that.
“I know you’re there,” he said, keeping his tone even.
He heard a muttered swear word, and then you were rising slowly to your feet, wearing a sheepish expression, and clutching a bottle of windex like a weapon.
You looked just as you had the day of your rescue, though obviously a little less harrowed by a kidnapping. You were dressed casually in jeans and a simple shirt, no indicator that you were an employee of a cleaning service—Shouto felt at least a little justified in his mistake from last week.
You were clearly a college student, the backpack dumped at his kitchen island was evidence of that much, overflowing with textbooks and notes as it was, and you looked just slightly disheveled, like you might have come straight from class.
It was part of some nebulous, unassuming appeal to you, now that he had occasion to notice. He’d remembered your features twisted up in disdain, but they were open in surprise now, your eyes wide, fixed on him. His own eyes were drawn to the scrunch of your nose, a little curl of embarrassment that he suddenly found himself unable to tear his gaze away from.
“I, uh, thought you weren’t supposed to be here,” you admitted to him with a visible cringe.
Shouto almost laughed. He didn’t know much about you, but it was clear to him now that you weren’t anything like a crazy fan. You looked like you’d rather be anywhere but here at the moment. In fact, you looked rather like you might bolt any second.
A strange feeling shifted in his chest, and Shouto cut right to the chase.
“I owe you an apology,” he said simply.
You startled so violently that you dropped the windex. “W-what?”
Shouto sighed, admitting, “My manager schedules the cleaning days. I didn’t realize that you were—that is to say, I thought you were a fan who had broken in and managed to get kidnapped while you were at it.”
You gaped, another confused little expression that Shouto found himself fixating on with an intensity that surprised him. The weird feeling in his chest shifted, burning a little hotter. 
He wondered absently what other expressions he could get you to make.
“Oh, I, um...nope. Not a fan,” you said, and the feeling grew more insistent. 
He paused over the phrasing—not a fan. 
It had never bothered him before, when someone was a bigger fan of a classmate than they were of him, or weren’t really a hero fan at all. Shouto honestly did not quite understand why hero work was so tied up in fandom in the first place, and only attended fan events because his manager’s temper was not a thing to be trifled with. 
He wanted to be a hero who put people at ease, but ease was the last thing he felt with people clamoring all over him. Fighting villains was infinitely more preferable.
So why did your admission that you weren’t a fan of his niggle at his brain, like a particularly insistent parasite?
Who were you a fan of, if not him? 
“...Well, glad that’s cleared up now. I’ll just, uh, go then,” you said, grabbing an armful of the cleaning supplies and shoving it back under the sink hastily.
Shouto had moved before he knew what he was doing, getting himself in between you and the door out to the hallway. 
“Wait,” he said, feeling uncomfortable. “I want to make up for what I said to you. You...didn’t deserve that, especially not right after you’d been kidnapped by a villain.”
He watched you eye the space between his hip and the counter, like you were considering making a break for it. As he watched your face, he felt some strange hope that you might try it, a certainty he would catch you. 
...Why did he want to catch you?
You waved a hand. “It’s fine. You saved me, we can call it even.”
Shouto’s mouth turned down minutely. He’d behaved badly, but surely you’d credit him better manners than that. “It’s my fault you were taken in the first place. I’d like to apologize properly.”
Your face did something weird, then, another distracting little curl of the nose. “You don’t actually have to go fuck yourself,” you blurted.
Shouto stared at you, caught off guard.
“Uh, I mean. You saved my life,” you babbled suddenly. “And yeah what you said to me was super rude, but what I said to you was also super rude. So, um, I’m sorry too. And I really would just like to call it even and forget about it because it’s super embarrassing for both of us and I could literally die thinking about it.”
You stopped suddenly, looking self-conscious like you’d realized you’d been rambling. Shouto almost wished you hadn’t.
“I hadn’t really planned on it,” he said quickly.
“Hadn’t planned on what?”
“Fucking myself,” he clarified. You choked on a shocked laugh, and he let a small smile tug at his mouth—there.
Finally you looked a little more comfortable with him. 
Shouto tried hard not to look too pleased with himself.
“Oh, well that’s good, then," you said. Then you puffed up a little, adding, "That’s probably a job for your actual secret lover.”
Good lord. “Not you, too.”
You threw him a smile, and Shouto’s heartbeat tripped over itself. “But I have evidence. I saw that homemade soup in your fridge once with the love note attached.”
It took him a moment to focus on what you were saying, but Shouto recalled the soup in question. It had been quite good, even if Bakugou had spent almost a half an hour ranting about what a weak ass little bitch he was for catching a cold. It had almost been worth it, the soup was that delicious. “Ah yes. That secret lover.”
“Cute pet name, too,” you said.
Shouto let out a low laugh, recalling the note. “You fucking fuck, was it?”
You laughed too, tension easing from your shoulders. Shouto’s eyes hungrily traced even that small movement.
A dawning sense of what was happening finally settled over him as he pronounced, “As it happens, however, I did already plan more of an apology.”
You looked up at him, your brow furrowing. “You planned...more of an apology?”
He gestured to a tall vase of white tulips on the kitchen counter. Your eyes went a little rounder as you observed them. You looked like you weren’t sure if they were for you, as if there were another previously kidnapped cleaning girl lurking about, who might be in need of an apology.
What a fascinating thing you were.
“I’ve been told that they mean forgiveness and new beginnings. I had hoped that we might...start over,” Shouto explained. He couldn’t help but feel self-conscious.
“I didn’t bring you any flowers,” you blurted.
He covered up a surprised laugh with a cough, the feeling in his stomach burning hotter. “I hadn’t expected them.”
He watched you turn back thoughtfully to the bouquet, certain now.
Over the phone, his mother had also said white flowers carried connotations of honor and purity. Two notions, Shouto realized with a growing sense of curiosity, that may be entirely inapplicable to his feelings about you.
He didn’t know much about you, but he knew for certain that he’d like to know more. And as he watched you reach out to pluck at a petal, wearing a shy little smile, he thought that yes, honor and purity had very little to do with his intentions at the moment.
You thanked him for the flowers, and Shouto made it clear to you that he hadn’t meant what he’d said about you being unwelcome here. He wanted—no, desired your return now. 
“That’s good to hear, thank you,” you said. Then your smile went a little mischievous. “As you can see, though, it didn’t really deter me.”
Shouto let himself smirk. “If I hadn’t seen the cleaning supplies already on the counter, I would be concerned that you’d come back for revenge.”
“There’s still time,” you joked. “Maybe I was going to play the long game and fill all the bottles with Sprite.”
The mulish statement surprised him into another laugh. “I hope the flowers are enough of a deterrent.”
You looked over the flowers again, then smiled up at him. His eyes caught on your mouth.
“The bribe has been accepted. Your countertops are safe from me.” You paused, then added, “For now.”
The hot feeling was everywhere now, simmering just underneath Shouto’s skin. He left himself lean towards you, relishing in the way your breath caught in a tiny hitch. “Be warned that I will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of my countertops.”
You complained that he hardly used them, but complied nevertheless. Then you bullied him out of the kitchen, that tiny little scrunch back on your nose.
Shouto let you have your way, making his way over to the couch and settling on it with a book he had absolutely no intention of reading. Instead, as he watched you clean, he considered things.
He had always been straightforward about his goals. Once he’d chosen heroism as his dream, he’d let nothing stand in his way, working diligently all through UA, shooting nonstop through the ranks before breaking into the top five this year, one of the youngest to have ever done it. 
He was deliberate about what he wanted. He worked hard for what he wanted.
And as he wandered back towards the kitchen, questions ready in his mouth, he knew what else he wanted.
He wanted to know more about you.
He wanted to spend more time with you.
He wanted…
Well, he rather thought he wanted you.
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I was going to edit this but every time I went to touch it, I made it worse. I hope you liked it anyway!
Garbage Fest masterlist & schedule.
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heyitsdoe · 3 years
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One Piece Bachelorette Round 3: The Gift of Giving + Question Submissions
In addition to your bachelor vote, send in a question you'd like to have answered by one of your prospective partners in Round 4! Make sure to indicate which bachelor you wish to ask it to and keep the contents SFW. Please submit as a separate ask to your Round 3 vote.
Round 3 Voting Deadline: Sunday, August 8th @ 8:00 PM (MT)
(Named accounts only! Anon votes will be deleted and uncounted. One vote per person, per round.)
Trafalgar Law
The sound of someone clearing their throat behind you made you turn, and with a start, you see Law standing inside the door frame of your bedroom. You welcome him inside with a smile, putting a bookmark into the spine of your book. So late into the evening, you hadn't been expecting him, but it was a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.
The wrapped box in his hands is even more surprising, especially when he extends the gift to you. A gift? How kind of him...he didn't have to go to such trouble for you. Your curiosity getting the better of you, you open the wrapping and lift the lid from the box.
Sitting inside is a pair of white, fuzzy earmuffs. You lift them out to inspect them closer, seeing the small panda faces on either side. The fur is soft to the touch, and they fit perfectly when you place them on your head to try on. They instantly warm your ears.
Law clears his throat, looking away as he went to explain, but you didn't miss the way he tried hiding his cheeks.
"I saw them while I was running my errands today, and figured you'd appreciate them. I remember you saying that you liked soft things. Don't feel obligated to wear them, it's just a silly gift...ah, um...yes, you look...very cute in them. Ahem. I'll let you get back to your reading now."
Eustass Kid
You nearly fall over from fright as you round a corner, only to be confronted with the larger form of Kid right in front of you. You gasp, stepping back from the unexpected person in the way. He looks surprised to see you too, but he recovers his shock much quicker than you. A wicked grin lights up his expression.
Holding up his hand, he shows you a small figurine, and insists you take a look. He explains he'd been looking for you to give the small trinket to, and upon further inspection of the metal figurine, you notice it's in the shape of an animal. Your favorite animal, in fact.
When he confirms that he indeed made it himself--his skills with welding were top notch--you thank him for the time and effort he'd put in to make this for you. The attention to detail alone must have taken him awhile, and the idea that he'd put all those hours, hunching over a desk as he slowly molded it into the little figurine was so touching.
He gives a satisfied 'hmph,' looking rather pleased with himself.
"That's nothing. You should see what else I've made! Be sure not to lose it, alright? I put a lot of work into it. Just...don't tell anyone you got it from me. Especially Law. I'll never hear the end of it if he finds out I made you a gift myself..."
Roronoa Zoro
Eyes closed as you concentrate on your yoga pose, you hear a commotion somewhere in front of you. You crack an eye and notice Zoro wandering around the garden section of the lawn. He appears to be looking for something, and so you call out to him, just in case it was you he was after. By now, you'd grown used to his terrible navigational skills.
As he approaches, you realize that instead of his typical 3 sword, there is a fourth in his hand, and when he stops in front of where you're sitting on the grass, he holds it out for you to take. When you appear confused, he admits that he purchased it for you, and that it was a gift.
You inspect the weapon, but given you've never had a sword or knew much of them, you feel like you aren't sure what sort of quality it was. Either way, you smile up at Zoro and thank him for considering you when he was out and about.
His arms cross and he looks at you with a tiny spark of excitement.
"I don't expect you know how to use it, so come to me when you're ready and I can teach you. It's important for one to be strong enough to defend themselves. You'll do fine, trust me. I'll be right there with you to make sure everything goes well."
Vinsmoke Sanji
You smell Sanji's approach before you actually see him, the heavenly aroma of something delicious reaching your nose first. He spins into the room with a flourish, finally kneeling on the floor before you and extending a small box to you. Through the tirade of compliments he sends your way, you gather that he's crafted a special bento box just for you to have for lunch.
You invited him to eat with you, and dig in to the meal he'd provided. The perfectly seasoned meat melts in your mouth, the fruit ripe and juicy, and tied up with just the right amount of cake as dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth. In all your life, you could possibly say with accuracy that you've never had something as delicious as what he'd served you.
You thank him for the delicious meal, and then praise further when you discover that he'd cooked it all himself and had been working tirelessly all morning to ensure its perfection. Such a thoughtful gesture, you're honestly very touched.
He clasps his hands together, pleased smile fixed on his face.
"I'm so happy to know you enjoyed my cooking, Y/N! Everything is made with love, and I have so much of it for you, sweet mellorine~! You can ask for anything you'd like at any time, and I will make it for you."
Portgas D. Ace
You're startled out of your thoughts as something is placed on your head. Looking away from the birds that had caught your attention high in the sky, you noticed Ace standing beside you with an amused grin. He apologizes for scaring you, but says that he just couldn't wait any longer to give you the gift he'd gotten for you.
Tilting your head, you reached up and took off the hat that he'd placed on your head, noticing that it looked extremely similar to the one that adorned his own head. The only difference was the color and accessories that adorned the front. Instead of his faces, yours had abstract pictures of birds in two varied positions.
You felt the soft material, confusion clearing as you grasped the meaning of his choice of gift. You thank him, placing it on your own head again. It fit just perfectly. How he would have known your exact hat size, you couldn't even begin to guess.
He beams, standing beside you at the railing.
"Now we match! And you won't get sunburned standing out here in the sun. Do you like it? It looks really nice on you, you should wear it all the time. What? Of course it goes with everything! It's the perfect accessory!"
The call of your name made you turn away from your task, and with no surprise, Sabo came bounding up to you with the widest grin you'd ever seen. Ever the happy man, he asked you the status of your day, engaging in idle, polite conversation. He's in such a good mood, and it's infectious.
You noticed he kept his hands behind his back, and upon being asked why he wouldn't move them, he gave a chuckle and finally brought them forward, holding a wide rectangle in front of him. Upon closer inspection, you saw them to be chocolates!
You quickly opened the top and grabbed one, popping it into your mouth. It was sweet and melted in your mouth, and exactly what you needed right when you needed it. The whole time you savored the taste, Sabo was beaming at you. Mouthful of chocolate, you thanked him for the lovely gift.
He finally set his hands on his hips and cocked his head.
"Like them? I knew you would! I tried some earlier and thought to myself, 'Y/N would love these.' Their sweet just like you. Just don't eat too many at a time, or you'll feel sick. Trust me, I learned that the hard way...I'll get you more later if you want, all you have to do it ask!"
You cock a brow at Usopp, asking not for the first time where he was taking you and why. All you received in reply was a mischievous chuckle and a grin, and the insistent plea for you to keep following him. Curiosity getting the better of you, your feet keep going until the two of you are standing in your living room.
You immediately notice the giant-sized plushie sitting on one of the cushions of your couch. The giant penguin plush was of a much higher quality than you would expect, and when you feel the soft fabric used and feel the plush pillowy texture when you squeeze it's beak, you can't help but smile.
It's adorable! Giving the huge plush a hug, you tell Usopp that you really appreciated it, and that you hoped it hadn't cost him a fortune. He waves away your concerns, before helping you move it to your bedroom where you would like to keep it permanently.
Seeing it propped up against your corner, the perfect place to serve as a giant plush chair, he ruffles your hair.
"It was hard getting that penguin in here, but it's all so worth it! It's cute, just like you. Wanna take a nap on it together? Looks big enough for the both of us, and after all that moving, I'd say we both deserve a break, yeah?"
You had opened the door to leave your room, when you were faced with an equally surprised Killer standing on the other side. You hadn't heard a knock, nor had you heard anyone approach in the past few minutes, so you concluded that he may have been standing there for a time before you'd unexpectedly opened it.
You smiled and asked if there was anything you could do for him. Instead of answer, he held out the square package in his hands, prompting you to take it. With a quirked brow, you sent one last glance his way, before unwrapping the brown wrapping to unveil the contents.
A small glass bottle that you recognized to be perfume sat inside. The delicate item was brought up to your nose, and with a small whiff, you identified the scent as a combination of sweet and citrus. Touched, you thanked him for thinking of you and purchasing the gift in the first place.
His hand reached up to scratch the back of his neck, as if embarrassed or uncomfortable.
"It's nothing...I just remember you mentioning it, that you liked the scent. And I figured since I saw it in the market...well, I'm glad you like it. The smell suits you. Oh, that sounded weird, didn't it? I'll, uh, get going now."
Charlotte Katakuri
There was no noise to indicate that someone had approached you, but you sensed something amiss from your place on the garden's bench. Looking up from your novel, you saw Katakuri standing, almost surprised that you'd noticed him, perhaps. For a moment, you wondered if he would try to leave given his expression, but he did ultimately stick around after apologizing for interrupting your reading.
You told him that he was not interrupting, before asking if he needed something. His eyes closed briefly, before reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small square box. You quirked your head to the side, curiosity getting the better of you. With a glance up at him, you lifted the lid of the tiny box.
Inside were a delicate pair of earrings. But instead of silver or gold as one would expect, two donuts adorned them, complete with frosting and sprinkles atop one side. You smiled up at him, thanking him for his thoughtfulness.
You could see the beginnings of a blush from over the top of the scarf hiding his face.
"Our time at the cafe was a memory I won't soon forget. I felt it fitting to give someone as...sweet as you the donuts I cherish so much. Would it be too much to ask for you to try them on for me?"
Marco The Phoenix
As you passed through your home's living area, you spotted Marco sitting and lounging around with his eyes closed on your couch. He looked relaxed, but the nervous bouncing of his knee indicated he was still awake and perhaps a little excited or nervous? You bid him a wonderful morning, causing him to open his eyes, and he suddenly stands with a smile.
A box you hadn't noticed sitting beside you is set into your awaiting hands, and with a sly smile, he requests you open it. Matching his expectant smile, you tear apart the paper wrapping and lift the small lid, gazing upon the gift inside.
A beautiful bird pendant upon a silver chain stares back at you, the wings lifted as if caught mid-flight. Small gems decorate one of the wings, blues and yellows meshing together to create a mottle of color. It's truly beautiful, and you tell him so with much gratitude.
He gives a shrug, leaning against the wall beside you with his usual casual disposition having returned.
"I'm not sure if you like jewelry, or necklaces, but I wanted to give you something. Maybe it'll remind you of me? I'd hope so, but if you never wear it, that's alright. I'll still be happy that you have something I gave you, yoi. Oh, you'll wear it? You know just how to make a guy feel special, Y/N."
Dracule Mihawk
With Mihawk being as much of a gentleman as you perceived him to be, it really shouldn't have surprised you that he presented you with a gift. It seemed just like something he'd do, at least when it came to the efforts of wooing someone he had set his sights on. But when you rounded a corner and noticed him there, and then when he revealed the large bouquet of roses from behind his back, you were still caught off guard.
They smelled delightful, the fully flowered roses a deep, crimson red and the petals silky smooth to the touch. Tied together with a white bow around their stems, you noticed that they had also had the thorns removed, leaving no chance that you'd be pricked with their spikes.
You flashed him a grateful and appreciative smile, saying that he was such a charming man to bring you the flowers, and that you hoped to repay his kindness in some appropriate shape or form.
He simply shook his head.
"Gifts require no repayment, Y/N. Knowing you enjoy the scent of them in your spare moments is enough satisfaction for me. I only hope a gesture so simple can properly communicate how much I value our time together. And if one bouquet isn't enough, I'll bring as many as needed to convince you."
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blackbat05 · 2 years
Whirlwind (Part 2)
Rick Flag x Reader
A/N: Wasn’t actually planning to do a part 2 but @lacontroller1991 actually ignited the inspiration in me? More Rick! Part 1 is here! Prepare for the long ride! :D
Genre: PG-13 (Indications of harassment, please read with care)
Notes: Inspiration from K-dramas, more than happy to have conversations if you want to know more! Use of OC and stronger words - all for plot purposes.
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You exited the arrival hall, pulling your luggage with you.
You should have been happy, finally coming back home. It was a well-deserved break.
Why did your heart feel heavy?
‘Rick?’ You knocked on his door a second time. There was still no answer. You decide to give him a call.
You turn around to see Daniel. ‘Are you looking for Colonel Flag?’
You nod, wondering if his student would have some answers.
‘I ran into him earlier. He looked like he was in a hurry. Said it was an emergency or something.’ Daniel recalls.
‘Did he mention what it was?’ You didn’t want to be that person, but after what had happened, you couldn’t help but to feel concerned for Rick.
‘No.’ Daniel looks at you with concern. ‘Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.’
Sighing, you made your way out of the airport. Even the weather was messing with you as it just so happened to be an extremely hot day.
Humidity beating you down, you prayed for your taxi to come quicker.
A week later,
Running to the tunes of bubblegum pop in your playlist, you appreciated the sensory feeling of your shoes hitting the gravel ground.
It was uneven, but it was beginning to become one of your favorite paths to run. Focusing completely on where to land next ensured that your mind was not preoccupied about other things.
You also appreciated the lush greenery that surrounded the trail, providing the coolness that you so desperately needed these past few days.
Seeing your usual ending point in sight, you mentally encouraged yourself to give it your all.
Heart still racing from the sprint, you briefly closed your eyes to appreciate the hard work that came in the layer of sweat that covered your skin.
‘Y/N! Hey, Y/N!’
Pausing your music, you were less than thrilled to see your former high school classmate strolling up to you.
‘Becky!’ You greeted her, faux happiness dripping from your tone. Honestly, you didn’t care if it showed.
‘Heard you just came back in time for our reunion!’ Typical Becky, going straight into business.
Unfortunately, you weren’t quick enough to conceal your confusion, giving her an opportunity to pounce on it. Becky gasps.
‘You mean… you didn’t know? This time, it’s at my hotel!’ She brags loudly, earning a few scathing looks from fellow joggers and cyclists. ‘And this time,’ she pauses dramatically, ‘everyone is invited to bring their partners!’ Becky claps in excitement at the sheer thought of the event.
You could only stare blankly, for a million things were running through your brain.
High school wasn’t exactly fun for you. All you could remember was being repeatedly excluded from groups and being ignored countless of times.
The instigator? None other than the haughty woman standing in front of you.
What had made it better was your love for tennis, volunteering with young kids at the community sports centre and your best friend, Sindhi.
That was exactly why you couldn’t squirm your way out of this reunion.
‘You better not ditch me again Y/N!’ Sindhi warns you. She sees your troubled expression and softens.
‘Look. Becky may be a bitch, but you need to show her that you overcame it all! That is the sweetest revenge.’
‘Don’t tell me…’ Becky pretends to tap her chin thoughtfully. ‘You were too busy with work? What are you even working as? A volunteer?’
Oh how you wanted to throw her into the reservoir.
Gnashing your teeth, you willed yourself to remain calm. You were already sweaty from the run, you didn’t need burn up even more because of unsavory comments.
‘Yes I was.’ You replied confidently. ‘I was on a business trip to Korea as a visiting professor.’ You enjoyed the change in Becky’s expression, her smile sliding off like gunk.
‘And I was in youth rehabilitation services before this. Apparently the university needed an experienced social worker.’ It was your turn to have the last laugh.
‘Then again, you would never really understand this, seeing how your dad just gave you the position at the hotel.’ The satisfaction of seeing her face turn tomato red was too good to be true.
And that’s where your over confidence had landed you in the mud.
Starting you playlist again, you delivered a final blow. ‘Oh, and if you think I didn’t have time to find a date. Well, you’ll see him at the reunion. He’s a real looker.’
Reunion Day,
‘I MUST HAVE BEEN CRAZY!’ You screeched, pacing back and forth in your room as Sindhi can only look on.
‘Girl, would you stop moving! You’re giving me a headache.’ Your friend forces you to sit on the bed where countless of outfits from your closet had been spread out.
‘In less than five hours, Becky’s going to find out that I’m a colossal liar!’ You take the nearest pillow, stuffing your face in it. You could handle overbearing parents, rebellious youths and overwhelming paperwork.
This wasn’t in your expertise.
‘How about that hot army professor that you met in Korea?’ Sindhi suggests, innocently opening a can of worms in the process.
‘Don’t even mention him.’ You groan. It had been a month and there was still no contact from him. So much for love at first sight, you think.
You see Sindhi staring at you expectantly, so you bring her up to speed on your supposed whirlwind romance.
‘I can’t believe it!’ Sindhi is indignant and sorry for you. ‘What a jerk! So he leaves you this sweet note and the next thing he abandons you?’
You cringe, ‘Abandon is a strong word Sindhi. His student said he did have something urgent. Besides, we only knew each other for a week.’
‘No!’ Your friend wags her fingers. ‘Don’t stand up for him now! This is not your fault you hear me!’ You crack a small smile at her attempt to hype you up.
‘You will go to this reunion with me and Raul! You will hold your head up high youngest professor at Gotham University! You worked so hard and now it is time to show those losers who is truly the girl boss!’
You giggled at Sindhi’s choice of words. It was a timely reminder as to truly how blessed you were.
It was time to get the show on the road.
‘Thanks Rick!’ Robert claps him on the back as they left the hangar. ‘Fucking Smith messed up the shipment details for the new weapons and you were the only one I could think of that could get us out from this mess.’
‘Its cool DuBois.’ Rick accepts the gesture, fatigued setting in from having to negotiate with pushy clients. A common occurrence as a private contractor.
Rick doesn’t tell Robert how he wants to throttle Christopher at the throat for making him leave you so abruptly. He feels like an asshole for leaving out the part that he had another job apart from being a guest lecturer.
In this line of work, this was standard procedure. Absolutely no civilian was to know of their movements.
Sure you were a civilian, but you meant so much more to him.
Rick’s military background allowed him to read people when he needed. He trusted himself when he knew that you weren’t a loose lip individual.
You were also easygoing to chat with - Rick could throw out any topic and he would be knee deep in conversation with you.
And now, he found himself waist deep in the waters called love that he could no longer ignore.
Rick needed to find you. Hopefully you were still open to listening to him and maybe forgive him.
Entering the address into his GPS, he sped off, not wanting to waste another second.
‘This is terrible.’ You muttered to Sindhi as you see the crowd materializing in front of you. ‘I’m leaving.’
Before you can take more than three steps, two pair of hands grab you at each arm, pulling you back to where you were.
‘Come on! Where’s the Y/N that I talked to earlier? Besides, you love a good buffet don’t you?’ Sindhi pleads, earning a glare from you.
‘Raul, sometimes I think your girlfriend thinks I’m a ravenous crow.’ You complained to his amusement. He knew better not to step in this back and forth banter from previous experiences.
‘Don’t worry Y/N. We’ll be here if you need us. At least Sindhi’s ready. She’s been watching WWE for this moment with Becky.’ He jokes, breaking the somber mood.
‘Just try to enjoy ok? I’m a text away.’ Sindhi assures you before she and Raul are pulled away by several other classmates. You didn’t want to be that party pooper, so you put on your big girl boots, walking into the lion’s den that was formerly known as high school.
Bless Sindhi’s fashion sense, you inwardly thanked her belatedly. Decked out in a muted rose-colored long sleeved high neck shirt and denim jeans that bought out your curves, you definitely attracted attention as you walked to the pizza section. If only you could stop stumbling in these heels.
Your attention was torn away from the delicious pepperoni pizza on display. In front of you stood Edward Nakamura, another reason for your nightmares.
The former tennis captain in the male’s team, you had your suspicions that he did Becky’s bidding in an attempt to impress her.
Not that he was doing particularly well as of late anyways.
He gives your outfit a glance, making you uncomfortable.
‘You look good.’ You weren’t sure if he was just messing you.
‘Uh… thanks…’
The only trait that still screamed Edward was his inability to read the room. He moves a little too close for your comfort.
‘So, I heard your a pretty big shot now Y/N.’
You didn’t like where this was going. Focusing on your breathing, you blindly grabbed your for your phone in your bag, hoping to call Sindhi or Raul.
Your phone slips out from your hand, resulting in your breathing to quicken.
‘Whoever looses the bet has to be paired with Y/N for doubles!’ A young Edward whoops as you stand behind the vending machine, trembling in anger.
‘What’s wrong?’ Edward notices your discomfort, reaching out. You squeeze your eyes shut, but the contact never came.
You can’t believe this.
Rick, dashing as ever stands in between you and that bully, not looking the least pleased. At six foot three, Rick was certainly not to be messed with. Especially not when he was angry. Like now.
‘Who the hell are you?’ Edward demands.
‘I could say the same for you.’ Rick shoots back, grey eyes narrowing in on his prey that didn’t know what was good for him.
‘I’m… I’m her friend!’
You couldn’t believe your ears. Rick notices that your shaking badly. A crowd starts to form, with Becky and her posse pushing their way to the front.
‘What is going on!’ Becky shrilly cries, immediately putting on a business like smile as she sees Rick. You see Raul and Sindhi trying to get to you, only to be pushed back by the crowd.
That’s him? Sindhi mouths. You nod numbly.
Stepping on Edward’s foot, Becky extends a manicured hand to Rick who remains impassive. She’s smart enough to take a hint.
‘And who may you be?’ Becky’s girlfriends stare at each other nervously, with every right to be. Her tone was unmistakable - make one wrong move and I’ll have security throw you out.
Rick looks at you, body language absolutely defeated. Heck, I’ll deal with the consequences later.
‘I’m her boyfriend.’
You swore you could have heard a pin drop in the restaurant, mouths hung wide open, including Becky’s.
‘Anything wrong?’ Rick challenges, daring anyone to say a word.
‘Well, I didn’t think you could be Y/N’s boyfriend.’ Becky bats her eyelashes at him.
Sindhi grabs a baguette, about to plough her way through. ‘Raul let me go! I’m about to teach this bitch a lesson!’ She hisses.
Rick takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as if to tell you, chin up.
He turns to Becky and an ego bruised Edward. ‘You’re right. She’s one hell of a woman. Bigger than every single one of you in this room combined.’
‘DAMN RIGHT! YOU TELL HIM BROTHER!’ It was Raul’s turn this time. Rick gives you an amused look but was grateful for the support.
‘I don’t even know why we’re here. Let’s go baby.’ He takes you by the hand, escorting you out of the restaurant. Once you were out of sight, you removed your hands from his.
‘Do you think I’m some kind of joke? You play with me and you just leave me like I’m some kind of fling?’
Rick doesn’t move away so you take the cue to land punches on his chest, becoming weaker by the second.
‘I waited for you! I fucking waited for you!’ You were an unconsolable mess at this point. ‘I thought you were probably different from the rest but I see I was wrong.’
‘Thanks but no thanks. I don’t want to see you again.’ You turn away from him, wobbling on your heels. You wanted to leave this place with the last shred of dignity you had.
Rick doesn’t let go of your hand. Grabbing your waist, he spins you towards him, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.’ Rick whispers. ‘I didn’t mean to.’
You struggle, but he only holds you tighter. He’s not going to fuck up again this time. Coming face to face with your tear stricken face, he promises to tell you everything from the top.
His job as a private contractor for the most secretive clientele. The last minute call from his partner. How he had tried to find you the moment he landed back home.
‘Please believe me Y/N. I wanted to come back with you. I looked for you the moment I came back.’ Rick shows you the evidence - text messages between him and your colleague at Gotham University.
‘How did you?’
‘I have my ways.’ Rick responds, glad that you were willing to listen.
Staring at your heels, you needed a while to process the events that had just happened. Rick slips two fingers under your chin, tilting it up to meet his gaze.
‘I know I’ve been a dick.’ You snort at his choice of words.
‘It’s ok if you don’t want to forgive me, but I hope you can let me stay by your side to earn your trust back.’
Before Rick can say another word, you pulled him by his tie towards you, tip toeing to meet his lips. Rick is momentarily taken aback, but it fades away as quickly as he deepens the kiss.
The smell of vanilla and shaving cream was simply intoxicating, resulting in any bad memories to be almost non-existent.
You wanted this to go on for a little longer…
The two of you breakaway, breathless from the kiss. Remembering where you were, you see Raul hurrying up to you and Rick.
‘Raul? Where’s?’
‘Sindhi’s having too much fun dissing Becky. She told me check on you guys but I think she’ll be happy to know that you’re alright Y/N.’ He turns to Rick, briefly introducing himself.
‘Um Raul…’ you start. But Raul is already one step ahead of you, dismissively waving a hand.
‘Go! This party’s pretty useless anyways. I’ll tell Sindhi everything. Expect a call from her in two days! Don’t want her to intrude on your time with Mr Flag here.’
He gives a jovial laugh at the sight of your embarrassed look. Thanking Raul, Rick leads you to his SUV, switching on the GPS again.
‘So, where to darlin?’ You had to get used to that beautiful southern drawl of his and that charming grin of his.
As you interlocked your hand with his free one, you entered in the address that was already in the history.
‘My place.’
A/N: I apologize if this was long but I had too many ideas and actually wrote this in one sitting🤣 Replayed Little Mix’s (Touch) a bit too much😜
Lovely Tags: @loverhymeswith @weallhaveadestiny @lacontroller1991 @torchbearerkyle
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gubler-me-up · 3 years
Have Fun With It (MGG Request)
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Request: Can i request a fic? Giggly sex with mgg? just being so comfortable around each other and making love but then joking throughout and hdjsksksl🤤
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I hope this is cute and giggly enough for your need of cute smut!! I know it’s a shorty but I promise it’s a goody 🥰
Couple: MGG/Fem!reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Penetrative sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, swearing, unprotected sex
Word count: 2k
It was a beautiful, warm spring day in May and you couldn’t wait to do absolutely nothing for the day. It was your self-care Sunday for you, so you had no plans of moving a single finger unless it benefited you. What made the day extra special though was Matthew was home to be your right-hand man whenever you needed something.
You had informed him you wanted to start taking better care of yourself by having one day out of the week to focus on yourself. Whether that be doing a lavish skincare routine, deep conditioning your hair or indulging in sweets for the day. Maybe a combination of both. He assured you he would make your Sunday as relaxing as possible.
He let you relax and indulge in yourself while he cleaned around the house. He even asked you here and there if you needed anything. He never forgot to give you a kiss every time he did something for you before he left to continue cleaning the house. However, you wanted to see how far he would help you relax on your self-care Sunday.
You were sitting in the living room watching your favourite show on Netflix as you waited for your clay face mask to set. You turned your head to look down the hall to see Matthew putting away the dishes. You smiled deviously as you watched him bend down to take out the dishes from the dishwasher. You thought it was about time his cute ass was near you again.
“Matthew, can you come here please?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he replied.
He turned around to see you smirking at him. He raised an eyebrow at you but still approached you with a smile. You could feel your mask hardening quick so you had to tell him what you wanted quick. He stood in front of you waiting for what you wanted from him. He couldn’t help chuckle as he saw how expressionless the face mask made you.
You placed your hands on his thighs. You slowly rubbed them up and down as you looked up at him. You thought regardless of your mask you could seduce him with your eyes. Obviously you had thought wrong. Matthew tried to hide his laughter by covering his mouth. You sighed.
“I’m trying to seduce you,” you mumbled.
“Oh?” He chuckled.
“Is it not working?” You asked.
“No, I’m very seduced,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “I’d suck your dick if my mask hadn’t hardened.”
“How about you sit back, relax and let me treat you on your self-care Sunday?”
You leaned back on the couch and looked up at him with excited eyes. He smiled as he showed you his fingers and gestured you to open your legs. You spread your legs immediately. He kneeled down in front of you and pulled down your shorts along with your underwear. He pressed his tongue between your folds.
You let out a deep moan as his tongue ran up and down your folds before he stuck two of his fingers in you. You broke into a wide smile as he pleasured you. The pleasure you felt was short-lived as you realized you cracked your mask. You let out a deep groan of frustration. Matthew shot his head up to look at you to see what was wrong. He couldn’t help letting out a chuckle as he saw how annoyed you looked about cracking your mask.
“I guess that means I was doing a good job,” he said.
“Unfortunately you did. Ugh, I guess I have to wash it off now,” You said.
“I don’t know about that. I think the crack look fits you,” he joked.
You giggled. “You’d have sex with me while I look like a mess?”
“I’d have sex with you no matter what,” he said.
“Aw, you’re too sweet, babe, but I think I’m gonna wash it off and then we can start having some real fun,” you said as you got up.
As you walked towards the powder room you could hear Matthew’s footsteps close behind. You giggled as you just knew his eyes were glued to your bare ass. You slapped your ass to let him know you had an idea as to where his eyes were lingering. You stopped in your tracks to look back at him with a smirk. His eyes immediately bounced up from your ass to look you in your eyes.
“Think you’re slick?” You asked.
He chuckled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever, you know you were looking.”
He playfully gasped. “I would never do such behind your back.”
“So you’d look at my ass from the front someway somehow?”
“I wouldn’t look, I’d grab.”
“Oh, spicy talk. Now I definitely have to wash off this mask so we can get it on.”
You walked into the powder room and wasted no time to wash off your mask. You could feel his hands wander up and down your hips as he waited for you to finish washing your face. As you finished, you used your shirt to wipe your face dry.
“Look at me,” he said.
You turned around to look at him with a wide smile. You brushed your hair out of your face and turned your head both ways to show him your clear face. He chuckled as he stroked your freshly washed face.
“No more clay face,” you said.
“I think I miss her already,” he said.
You giggled as you kissed him on the lips. You could feel him smiling through the kiss and soon felt his hands slither up your shirt. He distanced himself from the kiss to pull your shirt off.
“How come I’m always the first one to be naked first?” You giggled.
“Because you’re better to look at naked,” he said before embracing you in another kiss.
You smiled. “No fair.”
“I don’t think you’ll be saying that once we start having sex,” he said.
“Well, I guess my self-care Sunday can be interrupted by sex,” you said.
“To be fair you can consider sex self-care,” he said.
“I think that would be masturbation no?” You questioned.
“Not on my watch,” he said.
He grabbed your hand and started to lead the way back to the living room. He led you all the way to the couch and you laid down. You pulled him down with you so he wouldn’t dare try to tease you. He chuckled as he kissed you while his hands lingered up and down your sides.
“I think it’s your turn to get naked,” you said through the kiss.
He broke the kiss to lean up to take off his shirt. You groaned as you pointed at his pants. He looked down and then looked back up at you with a smirk.
“I thought you wanted me naked and now you’re being picky?” He questioned.
“Your pants have the real gold,” you said.
“Just because I don’t have breasts doesn’t mean my chest isn’t of any value,” he joked.
“I mean it is nice,” you said as you traced his chest with your finger.
He imitated your actions by tracing his finger around your breasts. You giggled as you shooed his hand away from your chest. He laughed as he leaned back down to kiss your neck all the way up to your ear.
“I bet the clay mask version of you wouldn’t be so hypocritical,” he joked.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You can take that up with her next time you see her,” you said.
“I don’t think she makes as much noise as you do though,” he said.
You then felt his fingers back in you, stroking your g-spot. You moaned loudly as your head tilted back. You heard his chuckle ring throughout your ear as he teased you with his fingers.
“Yeah, she definitely wouldn’t moan like this,” he said.
“If you want to hear real moans put your dick in me,” you said.
“Is that a dare?” He asked.
You giggled. “It’s a double dare.”
He leaned up and smirked at you as he pulled down his pants to reveal his hard dick. You bit your bottom lip as you reached your hand out to grab it. He gave you a taste of your own medicine as he shooed your hand away. You chuckled as you retracted your hand.
“I guess I deserve that,” you said.
“Do you know what else you deserve?” He asked.
You raised a curious eyebrow. “What?”
He held your legs back as he slid his dick inside of you. You let out a moan and tilted your head back. He leaned down to kiss your neck. You started to giggle as he continued to kiss up and down your neck.
He chuckled. “I forgot you’re ticklish on your neck.”
He didn’t stop kissing your neck though which made you squirm and smile. He leaned up from your neck and kissed you on your lip instead. You grabbed his head to deepen the kiss and to prevent him from kissing your neck again. You didn’t want to get distracted from the pleasure he was giving you.
As he continued to pump his dick in and out of you, you couldn’t even kiss him back anymore. You continuously let out moans as you wrapped your legs around him to bring him deeper into you. He went back to kissing your neck and you instantly flinched. He soon stopped but you heard his soft chuckle in your ear.
“Sorry, it was too easy,” he whispered.
“You’re so annoying sometimes,” you giggled.
“Is this annoying?” He asked as he started to go faster.
You moaned louder and found yourself not even forming words anymore. You scratched your nails up his back as he didn’t slow his pace at all. You heard his groans grow louder in your ear which indicated to you he was close to cumming. You wrapped your legs around him tighter before grabbing his face to embrace you in another kiss.
As you two made out, you could feel his pace slow. You then felt his cum release inside of you. He leaned up from the kiss and took his dick out of you. He looked down at you to see a little pout form on your face. He smirked before giving into you. He leaned down to give you another kiss which instantly made you happy. He leaned up from the kiss and transferred a few to your forehead.
“I think you sound pretty hot when you giggle,” he complimented.
“Maybe I’ll giggle more when we have sex than instead of moaning,” you said.
He leaned up and laughed as he put on his pants. He grabbed the blanket from the couch and covered you with it. He got up reached for the remote on the coffee table to go back to Netflix. He looked back at you with a smile as you cuddled up in the blanket.
“How about for now we watch something on Netflix and I can make us something to eat?” He suggested.
You smiled and nodded. “I think that would be the perfect end to my self-care Sunday. Well, almost perfect.”
He chuckled. “What would make it perfect?”
You made an exaggerated thinking expression with your hand on your chin and flickering your eyes around the room. He laughed as he watched you being the dramatic actress you were. You finally looked at him with a sly smirk.
“I think a round two would do me good for the day,” you said.
He smiled. “I think I can make sure that happens.”
You clapped your hands. “I love that for us.”
“But for now what do you want to eat?” He asked.
“Hm, I think I’m feeling for a grilled cheese sandwich,” you said.
“I should have seen that coming. Consider it done,” he said.
He gave you another kiss on your forehead before giving you the remote and leaving the room. You watched him walk out of the room. You smiled as you looked at him strut out with his engrained model walk. You had to admit you were looking at his ass again.
“Nice ass,” you yelled.
He laughed. “Thanks, babe.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection, @slutforthegubes, @pinkdiamond1016, @spencerreidsthings, @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto, @slutforsr @bxtchboy69, @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @tclaerh @agentadhd @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @blxckhearthood @jesspavlik0vsky @katexrichardson @keniaasf @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @keniaasf @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @laneybobeczko-g @littlewierdalien @cynbx
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wolveria · 3 years
Inside Your Wires - Chapter 1
Pairing: Human!Connor x Android!Reader
Summary: Assigned all cases involving android-related crimes, saddled with a prototype that follows him around like a plastic puppy, Detective Connor Anderson knows this must be karma for all the bad shit he’s ever done.
He thought he'd hit rock bottom, that he didn't have much left to lose, but he's proven wrong by the android sent by CyberLife. And Connor learns just how much further he can fall.
Prompt: For the @dbhau-bigbang​ 2020 challenge!
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, fantasy bigotry, violence, brief noncon elements, angst with a happy ending
(Story moodboard by @uh-kitty-got-wet​​)
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November 5th, 2038
Friday 11:21PM
The whiskey was harsh and burned like liquid fire as it slid down his throat. He dropped the shot glass onto the bar top and closed his eyes and savored the bloom of the cheap booze warming his chest. The music from the old jukebox behind him belted out tunes that would have been considered outdated when the place opened.
It was like this most nights. He was alone, exhausted, and well on his way to a pleasant buzz. The one thing Connor had going for him was that he hadn’t started in on his third drink until 11 PM.
That had to be some kind of record. On a Friday night, he was usually shitfaced by 10. Call it the long hours he’d been working, or maybe the fact he felt more self-loathing than usual, he’d somehow managed to hold off on spiraling until nearly midnight.
Definitely a record. And Connor deserved to celebrate.
When he tipped the glass with one finger and caught Jimmy’s eye, he nearly looked away in shame. The bartender had never given him shit before, at least in a verbal sense, but the cool stare he gave Connor now made him want to crawl into a hole and die there.
But Jimmy didn’t say a word, just gave him another dose of poison and turned away, leaving Connor in relative peace to enjoy the game. Denton Carter was kicking ass tonight, so at least there was that.
It was all going beautifully until the door opened and the sound of rain echoed throughout the tiny bar, along with a distinct smell of wet asphalt and dirty concrete. Out of the corner of his eye, Connor saw two of the other regulars shift in their seats to stare at the newcomer.
Not another regular, then. And by how lengthy the stares were and the sudden shift in atmosphere, Connor guessed the barometric pressure had taken a drop due to a pair of long legs and pretty eyes.
Turning his body only far enough to get a glance for himself, Connor was not disappointed, eyeing the stranger from their black dress shoes, up their shapely legs clad in dark jeans, past curvy hips and—
Connor turned back in his seat, hunched over and grimacing in disgust, put there by the sight of a blue triangle on a lapel and a glowing armband around one arm. He hadn’t even needed to look higher for the LED to know what the fuck had just waltzed into the joint like it actually belonged there.
He nursed his whiskey, praying the thing would pass him by and leave him the fuck alone. Or better yet, Jimmy would throw it out.
No such luck, of course.
“Detective Anderson,” spoke a smooth, raspy voice to his right. “I’m the YN800 model sent by CyberLife.”
He elected to ignore it. Maybe if he did so for long enough, it would take the hint and go away.
Again, Connor’s luck was not holding out.
“I called your cell phone, but you didn’t answer,” the voice continued, unimpeded. “I then looked for you at the station after checking your home, but you weren’t there either. Your colleagues indicated you tended to frequent the bars in the area, and I was fortunate to find you at the fifth one.”
His eye twitched. This thing had gone to his apartment?
“Well, here I am,” he answered, dry and caustic as he stared straight ahead at the wall of bottles. He calculated how angry Jimmy would be if he took out his service pistol and shot it through the head.
Pretty angry, Connor decided. It would probably leave a stain. Also, he didn’t want to compensate some asshole company for property damage.
“What do you want?” he finally growled, scratching his nail into the bar top already marred with various scuffs and dings.
“You were assigned a case earlier this evening. A homicide.”
Already, a headache was forming between the eyes at the sound of the android’s irritatingly friendly voice.
“Yeah, and?”
“It involved a CyberLife android,” it said in that same smooth inflection. “In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators.”
You have to be shitting me.
Connor grit his teeth and clenched his glass tighter, a flush of heat moving through him that had nothing to do with his blood alcohol content. A fucking android was sent to help cops do their job?
Fuck that, and fuck this hunk of junk.
“Good for them,” he answered as he tipped the glass up to his lips. “I couldn’t give less of a shit. Now get the fuck out of my face. We don’t need any help, especially from a plastic pair of tits like you.”
He should have known that wasn’t the end of it. The android spoke again, adopting a tone of what it had probably been programmed as “sympathetic.”
“I understand you may be experiencing reluctance to having an android’s assistance in this matter, but I am—“
“—ruining a perfectly good evening, butting your nose where it doesn’t belong and sure as fuck isn’t welcome.”
Connor put his glass down harder on the bar top than he meant to, nearly spilling his drink.
“I suggest you leave before I void your warranty.”
Connor thought the machine got the message when it finally went silent. He could even see its mood ring spinning yellow out of the corner of his eye before it settled on that annoying placid blue.
He’d just brought the glass halfway to his lips when it said, “I’m sorry, Detective, but I must insist.”
Connor set the glass back down and started to count to ten. He couldn’t lose it now, he’d promised Jimmy he wouldn’t break anything else after the last brawl he’d gotten into.
But the fucking thing just kept on talking.
“My instructions stipulate that I have to accompany you.”
“You know where you can stick your instructions?” Connor growled before downing the glass of whiskey.
It was a good thing he had, because its next words made him choke on spit.
“No. Where?”
Connor set the glass down, and for the first time that evening, fully turned toward the android and stared at it.
The damn thing was staring back, head slightly tilted like a curious puppy. It had large eyes to match the image too, earnest and innocent and entirely too sincere. Its attire at second glance wasn’t the typical android faire. A smooth grey android jacket and a dark, patterned tie marked it as something different. Unique.
And just a little too pretty. Every designed, group-focused imperfection on its face made it that much more appealing. Its hair was neatly coifed, pulled up and pinned behind its head, exposing the smooth curve of its neck.
Hanging down the left side of its face was a strategically-placed lock of hair that Connor immediately want to twirl his finger around. He suspected that was the point.
The further down Connor’s eyes traveled, the more he lost his train of thought. The perfectly sensible tie was lying on the slope of its breasts, something even the jacket couldn’t cover. Why the fuck androids had breasts to begin with, Connor couldn’t begin to fathom, and it seemed even more ludicrous now seeing them on a “specialized model.”
The android hadn’t moved apart from its artificial breathing, another thing about the machines that was uncanny. They weren’t human, and the fact CyberLife kept trying to pass them off as such was a goddamn insult to humanity.
He met the thing’s eye, gave an unimpressed huff, and went back to nursing his drink. If the fucking tin can didn’t understand a dirty innuendo, he certainly wasn’t going to ruin its pristine, virginal programming.
Connor doubted everything that had just gone through his head as those unnecessarily realistic tits were pressed against his elbow, without warning or any sense of decency or a concept of personal space.
“How about this, Detective?”
Connor fumbled, nearly spilling his drink, a massive what the fuck! warning flashing in his head as the machine pressed closer.
“I’ll buy you another drink, on the house. Surely that’s worth a few minutes of your time? And if not, you can send me on my way.”
Connor couldn’t speak with that voice right into his ear like a close confidant, sultry and low and borderline pornographic, so it was a good thing the android didn’t bother waiting for a response.
Instead, it turned to Jimmy and said in a louder, more normal tone, “Bartender, another round for the detective, please.”
Jimmy turned from where he was cleaning glasses on the counter, eyebrows shooting upward as he looked from the machine to Connor. It had backed up a few inches, but there were a lot of reflective bottles on the wall. Connor wondered just how much Jimmy had seen.
Connor gave a little helpless shrug as if to say, Don’t look at me, I don’t know what the fuck it’s doing!
But when the damn thing actually brought out real paper money and set it on the counter, Jimmy got moving. Seemed he wasn’t picky about where his money came from, and Connor almost resented the fact he hadn’t thrown the android out on principle.
Who the hell gave it money in the first place? CyberLife? What, did they hand it a few bucks of allowance before letting it off its leash?
Despite all his reservations, and there were a great many of them, Connor was not about to turn down a free drink. Or two.
“Make it a double,” he grumbled, purposefully avoiding the android’s focused gaze. He could practically feel the thing staring into the side of his head, but at least it remained at a distance and wasn’t pressed against his side like a drunk, horny badge bunny anymore.
“Thanks, Jim.” Connor took the glass and tipped it back, drowning it in one go. The slide of the familiar burn down his throat, spreading throughout his limbs, did quite a lot to help ease the tension in his muscles.
He released a heavy exhale, pushed away from the bar, and got to his feet.
“You want to play plastic cop? Okay, then. Keep up,” he said, tilting his head in its direction without actually looking at it. “Or I’m leaving your ass behind.”
Connor didn’t wait for a response, only raised his hand in parting to Jimmy, and pushed open the door to let the rain-drenched Detroit night swallow him whole. But even through the sound of the rain pinging off the hood of his nearby car he could hear the even footfalls behind him, just a little too close for comfort.
Fucking androids.
Next Chapter
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stardust-kenobi · 3 years
Obi Wan Kenobi x Fem!Reader
Summary: Obi Wan is stressed about the war, and you offer him some relief in more ways than one.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: fluff, smut, riding 
A/N: I feel like this is kinda similar to the mando fic I wrote with the whole “oh you’re stressed, wanna fuck?” scenario but it sure is a good scenario so let’s go with it 🥰
I have been so MIA, but I hope this was worth the wait!!
Requested by anon; hope you love it ❤️
gif cred: @coredrive​
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His chin rested in the crevice between his index finger and thumb. He was absent for his words. The foggy rays of light that beamed onto his face illuminated the crystal blue in his eyes. His brows were furrowed, pressing against one another with intense thought and pondering. His body leaned forward with his mind racing faster now. You couldn’t read his thoughts, of course, but his body told you everything you needed to know.
Sitting on the sofa next to Obi Wan provided you with a view to observe his position and the way he so clearly was lost in his mind. You wanted to speak up, but you needed to read him further. Your sight traced the curve of his lips and the golden glow of his hair in the suns light. A stray lock of hair rested on his forehead, so delicate and light. He must have known you were staring at it, as he quickly ran his fingers through his hair, taking the loose lock with it.
“Obi Wan” you called to him gently.
He was unphased and still, refusing your call unintentionally. You speak up again, with no reciprocation.
“Obi Wan” you said firmer this time, and placed your hand on his knee, hoping your touch would snap his attention away from himself.
His body jolted slightly, and he blinked himself right out of the funk inside his head. He shook his head before turning to you, visibly traveling back to reality.
“Darling, I’m so sorry” he sighed, looking into your gaze.
“Are you alright?”
“Just have a lot on my mind. Nothing you should worry yourself about” he smiled, playing off his obvious distress. His smile said more to you than most people would recognize. To you, it meant that no matter the mood he was in, looking to you brought him instant happiness.
“You can talk to me. You know that right?” You consoled him.
Obi Wan’s expression changed. He appeared confused.
“Oh no, it’s nothing serious, I promise you” he assured you.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am sure. You care too much for me” he tried to hide a flustered smile at how much you worried.
“Of course I care for you, Obi Wan” you said, displeased at his doubt. “I care quite a lot about you”
“And what did I do to deserve compassion from such a wonderful woman?” His voice grew softer while he placed his palm on top of yours that still laid on his knee.
You tried to hide your smile but you were unsuccessful in your attempt. You were without words but your expression said it all. Obi Wan looked into you for a moment before releasing a deep sigh and turning his attention to your hands.
“If you truly wanted to know what’s on my mind, I’ll tell you, but it would only bore you”
“Of course I want to know, hush” you scoffed.
“Well alright...” he began. “Anakin and I have been instructed to think of more effective strategies for our battles in the war. The council told us we need to direct our troopers better. Really, I don’t...I don’t even know what that means. We’ve been incredibly successful, especially recently. We aren’t sure where this is coming from.” He paused to think “Anyhow, its been plaguing my mind to create new plans but I’m just lost with it. Anakin is, as well” he rambled, but you listened to every word he said. Even if you didn’t fully understand what your boyfriend was saying, you were there to support him.
“That doesn’t make sense, Obi Wan. You’re the best general that they have” you praised him. He raised his eyebrows, indicating that he wasn’t so sure of that.
“I hardly think so. But thank you”
“Maybe you should rest. It may help you clear your mind” you suggested warmly. He smiled at you with affection.
“Oh no that’s alright darling. I’ve been doing plenty of resting and meditation. It hasn’t helped much” he began, sounding defeated. “Don’t you worry”
“I’ve been quite distracted as well. That’s only made it harder to relax” he blurted almost hesitantly.
“What’s distracting you?” You pried.
“Just...certain things.” He sounded as if he hinted at something.
“What kind of things?”
“I’ve been thinking of you, a lot, and...its becoming...very distracting” he spat out quickly, hoping that the faster it left his lips, the faster he could pretend he never said it.
Butterflies danced in your tummy and your cheeks were flushed red. He thought of you. To think he thought of you with the extent of being a distraction made your heart skip a beat or two.
“I distract you? What kind of thoughts of me could possibly distract you to this extent, Obi Wan?” You subtly teased him, and hoped he provided the answer you wanted.
“You’re just so...breathtaking. Just watching you walk in a room drives me crazy” he danced around what he wanted. Your breath hitched in your throat.
“I see” you purred.
“I just, stars, y/n, I need you” he pleaded softly. A warmth grew inside of you. It had been a while since you two had any intimate time together, you’d both been so busy. It was still a new relationship, and his affection was still very unfamiliar to you, which is why you were so nervous.
You responded without words, but simply a repositioning of your hips into his lap. Straddling his his thighs spread widely on the couch, you pressed yourself into him firmly. His slight arousal was already apparent through the thin of his robes’ fabric.
“I’m all yours, Obi Wan” you whispered against his lips before locking them with his mouth. He vibration transferred from his lips into yours, so eager for your touch.
“Show me that you’re mine now, my love” he breathed into you. You shivered at the seduction of his gruff voice. You grinded into him instantaneously, feeling him grow against you while you did so.
“I can relieve your stress, Obi Wan. If you’ll let me”
“Maker...do as you please with me” he begged of you, his fingers digging into the curves of your waist and pulling you into him. Obi Wan’s words of encouragement turned you on immediately and you noticed the bulge that continued to grow against your heat.
“Just relax my love” you gently breathed as you wrapped your hands over his tensed shoulders and he rolled them back into your grip.
Your hips shifted backward to allow yourself access to his desperate and sensitive core. Your fingers pulled at the hem of his pants in order to release him. Obi Wan gladly lifted his body to shimmy his trousers down slightly. You watched in eager anticipation as his cock was revealed to you. You bit your bottom lip, and you could feel Obi Wan looked intently at you, observing how you watched him and admired his most private region.
“Please...” he whimpered. Impatient for your hands on him, starved of touch beyond comprehension.
“Whatever you wish, Master Kenobi” you whispered against his lips, before pressing them into his again, and slipping your tongue into his mouth. With your eyes closed, your hand navigated to his cock, completely stiff and awaiting your caress.
His body jolted as you wrapped your fingers around his length, applying only slight pressure. As you stroked him gently, Obi Wan pulled away from your lips to release pleasurable sounds from his throat. His head laid back against the sofa and his took in the sensation of your touch. You continued to pump him firmly, responding to how his body leaned into you and the moans he produced.
“Stars, y/n, let me have you, now” he pleaded for the warmth inside you. You could feel the pooled wetness already formed within you, knowing you needed no foreplay to continue with this. Nothing out of the ordinary with him, it never took much to arouse you with Obi Wan, sometimes you questioned if he was subtly using the force on you.
You lifted your gown to your thighs and pulled the thin lace of your panties to the side. He watched you, mentally preparing himself for you and eyeing you like you were his next meal. Inching forward and hovering yourself over his cock, you breathed deeply, heart racing as if you’d never loved him in this way before.
You lowered yourself slowly, never breaking your gaze into his eyes. He whimpered for you to continue and bury him within you. The walls inside you wrapped around him gracefully and a blissful sound escaped you, throwing your head back at this first feeling of being filled for the first time in so long.
“Wait a moment” he requested, pulling your attention from pleasing him. “I just want to look at you” He says before swallowing hard in attempts to continue his patience while your hips are sewn together. “I want to feel you--just like this”. You felt the gentle twitch of his cock within you, as he cherished being warmed and comforted by your body.
“You’re so beautiful” he whispered as if there was anyone else in the vicinity. 
Man he knows how to make you putty in his hands, doesn’t he?
Obi Wan nudged you with his fingertips to indicate he wished for you to carry on with your intentions. It was heaven for both of you while your bodies rolled together with unity you formed. Obi Wan breathed out tenderly and his hands trembled against your hips as you guided your sex up his length, adding motion to your effort.
“Oh, darling” he groaned. The sunlight moved into position to highlight his features. Stars, you thought, he looks like an angel. The soft illumination of the evening sun peeking through the windows painted a vivid picture of his facial features, and the expression he displayed as a result of your touch. His eyes shut gently to take in the sensations you provided him. Your palm explored the texture of his robes, still clung to his skin on his chest, never given to chance to be removed.
“Obi Wan” you vocalized sweetly. His eyes peered open to meet yours. He was melting for you while you overtook him. You always made sure to be vocal and responsive in bed with Obi Wan. He often showed you how much he adored your whimpering by pulling you into him or fucking you harder. Today was different. It was your turn to take care of him. Nonetheless, his cock pressed against your most delicate and sensitive spots inside you while you rode him, your moans would be anything but quiet.
“Yes, my love, don’t stop. You make me feel so good, y/n” his hands glided up and down your curves. An array of chills shot down your spine at his caress and you grinded your hips in the same motions that you lifted up and down onto him. You switched to a rotation of your hips that you knew drove him crazy every single time. It was simple, really, but you always used this technique on occasion. You’d raise your hips swiftly, and lower yourself slowly at an angle while grinding down onto him.  His breath hitched suddenly and he grabbed you firmly, pulling you forward and pressing you against his chest. Obi Wan was never great at letting you take over, even when he wanted you to. He liked to take you as his.
Next, Obi Wan made a quick motion that you were unable to process before it was already happening. He lifted you and placed you down onto the sofa, and hovered above you.
“I’m sorry, darling but-” He started “In order to relieve my stress, I want to have you like this...is that alright?” He checked with you, always, never to leave you uncomfortable during your intimate moments. You smirked and nodded your head in approval. Returning his cock to bury inside your pussy, he began to thrust quickly. A moan created by the sensation of this new angle became trapped in your throat finally released with a blissful sigh.
“Obi Wan, I love y-...you” you whispered, piercing your gaze into his eyes. His thrusts halted at your sentiment.
You’d never said that to him before.
But you did. You really did love him.
“Y/n...” his voice broke. His eyes were hopeful.
You wondered if now was the best time to tell him that, but you couldn’t take it back now. You didn’t want to.
He cupped your face with his hand that wasn't supporting himself above you.
“I love you” he smiled through his words. You smiled back, your face pressed against his palm. “More than you know, my darling”
He resumed his thrusting, jolting you both back into a different mindset. Obi Wan’s hips slapped the inside of your thighs repeatedly, putting himself as deep into you as possible, but still barely fitting. You let him set the pace he desired, after all, you still wanted this to be about him.
His moans were so rough and breathy as they crept from his throat. Something about your body causing him to sound so beautiful aroused you tremendously.
You felt the pit of your belly tense while Obi Wan curled his hips into you faster. You were so close to your orgasm.
“Mm, Obi...yes, right there” you pleaded for him to keep his pace.
“Does that feel good, my love?”
“Y-yes it feels so good. I’m gonna cum” you whimpered, desperate for your release.
“Not yet, darling. I want us to cum together”
It would be a challenge to hold it back, but you did, for him. Thankfully for you, it was only seconds later that you heard his moans and whimpering grow louder and choppier, indicating that he was close to his release.
“Stars, y/n, I’m so close”
“Cum inside me, Obi Wan” you purred.
“Are you sure?” He barely managed to say.
With your nod of approval, Obi Wan spilled himself into you followed by his unmuffled sounds that released his sexual buildup as well as his stress buildup. Your close peak reached your core, and washed over you, contracting your walls around him while he came inside you.
“Fuck yes!” You cried, seeing stars with your head thrown back against the sofa.
Obi Wan gripped the back of your neck firmly, but was careful not to hurt you. He was trembling softly as he floated back down. He smirked at you while the two of you attempted to catch your breath. A small chuckle escaped you.
“What is it?” Obi Wan curiously pried into what humored you so suddenly.
“I just...maker, I..I really do love you Obi Wan” you felt the need to repeat these words to him. He needed to know, and you never wanted to stop saying it. He smiled in the way he did before, so warm and inviting.
He sat next to you and placed your head on his lap.
“I love you, too. I always will” 
“Let me know the next time you’re feeling...what was it that you said? ‘Distracted’? or ‘Stressed’?” You teased him.
“Believe me, I will” He giggled with you, before you both drifted into a peaceful sleep.
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