DABC Transcripts - Moving from Tumblr to Facebook
Hello DABC Tumblr community. We are excited to announce that we have transitioned from Tumblr to Facebook for the DABC transcripts. Effective immediately you can find the 2024 transcripts there.
Here's a link to the DABC Transcript Facebook page. Looking forward to seeing you there.
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1/8/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription
Job 17 - 20
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. Today is the 8th day of January, welcome everybody. it's so good to be here with you so glad that you made your way here. We have indeed turned the Page and the story of our lives and then the story of God's word, the story of God's word Keeps Us in Job again today. quite a bit of dialogue back and forth between Job and his friends and that's going to continue today and throughout this week as well. Today we're reading Job chapters 17 through 20, and this week we switched with last week and that has us in the New Living Translation, Job chapter 17.
Before this dialogue is done, we're going to see just about everything you can humanly possibly say, when you're spinning back and forth. it's sort of like when good meaning people say all of the wrong things, and then it gets sideways so fast, and then it gets twisted and then there's the far reaches, the blame for sin, and that this loss that Job has suffered is the consequence of some sin that he must not know about. So many times this is a very familiar scenario of when God's people speak on behalf of God without allowing God to speak for himself. and so this dialogue that I used the word yesterday gets cringy, as it's going to continue and you're going to be like are we still in Job, listening to his friends go on and on and on, and the answer is yes. and the point is to consider our own words in seasons of loss, pain, sadness, and death. and to mirror ourselves and pull from it maybe and consider what are the most helpful words out of all of these words to be spoken. so we will continue this tomorrow and pause for today. 
Father, thank you for your word. Thank you for how it shows us a reflection in the mirror of your words. if we are looking in that perspective and not looking at everybody else around us to show them and pinpoint and focus on what everyone else is doing wrong but you only look Within to apply what needs to be applied, to change what needs to be changed, to move forward without shame into repentance, and into a new way so that all that might see us would come to know you. I thank you for this day for this community and for your word. and I pray now in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, amen. 
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1/7/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription
Job 14-16
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill today. Today is the seventh day of January. Welcome everybody. It's so good to be here with you. We're starting a brand new week this week which means we're starting a brand new translation. And this week we will be in the New Living translation. We're continuing the story of Job and today we are reading Job chapters 14 through 16. Job 14.
Jesus we thank you for another week here. We thank you for the representation of a brand new beginning- new life as we turn the page and start a new week. And I pray father that we would feel your presence, your love, despite our circumstance, despite the darkness, despite whatever hard thing that we are going through. You will be with us and we will know that to be true. We consecrate this week to you. Have your way. Do what you will. We thank you and praise you and pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 
Looking forward to a beautiful week together. We'll turn the page together tomorrow. I'm Jill, until then love one another.
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1/6/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription
Job 10-13
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill, today is the 6th day of January and well done that you have made it on your sixth day through the Bible. And I hope you just sit with what it's doing, what's coming up, what it's making you feel and making you think about, and and maybe even causing you to stop and consider how you have already been challenged by your beliefs, by your convictions and by your perception of who God is. We're continuing it in the book of Job today reading chapters 10 through 13. And this is the last day in the New International version. And because we're flipping them we're going to begin a brand new translation tomorrow and I will begin the translation that I was supposed to read this week- Job chapter 10. 
Jesus we thank you for this first week we've had together in your word. And as we end one to begin another and turn the page, I thank you for this time, for showing up and being present with us through your word. Continue to reveal the truths of our hearts, things that we have hidden, things that we have ran from, shameful things because they're hard. Purge them so that you can come and heal us from the inside out. I look forward to the new week ahead and the representation of a new beginning. Thank you that we can simply begin again any any time we lose our way. We pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 
I'm Jill- look forward to turning the page with you tomorrow. Until then love one another.
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1/5/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription
Job 6 - 9
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. and Today is the fifth day of January. It's so good to be here with you. welcome everybody, if you are brand new, we are here welcoming you, no matter who you are, no matter where you've been. if you just don't know anything about this but you're here just taking a look around, come on in. welcome, I hope whatever brought you here, that you will know God, more deeply, more intimately, through his word. it just seems to be the thing that happens for so many people, who find a relationship with the word. they find a deeper, more intimate relationship with God, and think about it. If you had a spouse, had a son, had a daughter, mother, father, whoever a relationship and you never spoke to them, you just knew things about them, you wouldn't be in a relationship you would just know some things about some people. but knowing them directly, walking with them, asking questions, talking and making space and room to listen and to hear and to know, that is what I hope that we all achieve here. we allow our hearts to be open to receive all that God would do and say. we're continuing in the Book of Job today, reading chapters 6 through 9, and this week we switched the translations on my part because I missed it the first day we're reading, The New International Version, and we'll switch back next week. 
it won't us very long to see some of the cringy things that are exchanged between Job and his friends. we have a tendency to, with a good heart from a good meaning Place, say all of the wrong things. and we saw at the beginning of the story of 7-Day period where Job's friends came and sat with him for 7 days, and they sat silence. this is a Jewish Practice, still in effect called sitting shiva. it is sitting with those that have experienced immense loss without words, trying to fix or comfort but offering the gift of presence and body. we could we take the lesson learned in that, I think sometimes we offer so many well-meaning condolences and words of comfort, that Comfort us because we're uncomfortable in the midst of grief and pain, and we also want to help that person get out of it as quickly as possible. sometimes it's just not the case, we have to allow people to feel what it is that they're going through, and that is difficult. if we are not willing to sit in the discomfort the ache of our own pain. so we're going to watch the dialogue go back and forth it's going to get redundant, I'll be honest with you and cringey at times, but let's stay present with the story and see how many things we might identify and our own words and the things that we say to others meaning well from a good place, but sometimes are not so helpful. 
so Jesus, we thank you for this day we thank you for this time together and I pray that the words that you would want us to hear, would Echo and reverberate in our ears, as we mean well we come from a good place, but maybe we could just hold our words our tongues at times and offer those the gift of presence, as we consider your gift of presence always being with us, never leaving us, never forsaken us, in times of trial times of Triumph and definitely times of tribulation. I pray that our words would be your words, as we seek wisdom and guidance from the spirit that is yours. I pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son, and holy spirit, amen.
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1/4/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription
Job 1 - 5
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I’m Jill. Today is the fourth day of January, and isn't it just like the new year at the beginning of the year to embark on a New Journey to find out you made a big mistake. I am so sorry I've been reading the New International Version, on the week that we were supposed to be reading the New Living Translation. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue with the NIV version for this week, and I'm going to switch them next week. We'll start the New Living Translation, but for now we're going to jump into a brand new book of the Bible. we're going to pause Genesis for a while, since we're going through in chronological order, and we're going to begin a brand new book of the Bible. Job chapter 1 through 5 today, and we are reading in the New International Version, Job chapter 1. 
we have examined this, and it is true so hear it and apply it to yourself. highly probable if you are around anyone of Faith, you heard some situations compared to Job in our own lives our own circumstances. This is the story of Job. we're going to be here for a while. There's a lot of dialogue and we're just getting into it. and so based on the few things that we've talked about these last couple of days, where are your questions, what are the things that come up that you're like, I didn't know that was a part of the story. I know I have mine and it's another day where there's so many different intricacies of what we just read that we could dissect a half a dozen or a dozen different things. but maybe a question that we sit with today, that happens early on in the story is, if we knew something that God took away from us that we really truly loved that we had that was ours would we be able to respond in the way that Job did, I came from my mother's womb and naked I will depart. the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised. could we honor him if we knew it was at his hands that he took something away from us? it might shift our perspective, it might cause us to look at things and hold them a little differently. it might really make us sit with our feelings and our thoughts towards God, how we've developed them, how we came to know them, believe what we have and maybe, it'll even cause us to let go of some of those things to embrace him in a new and different way. and so we begin this book today and we're going to be here like I said for for a bit. we're going to see the dialogue back and forth between Job and his friends, that are very well meaning that say things that are not helpful, and it will cause us to do a very deep look into our own selves of how we handle some of those situations, the things that we say out of our own discomfort, so we pause the story here today. we’ll turn the page and continue it tomorrow. 
Jesus thank you for this time together. Thank you for your word. thank you for the light that the Bible is, that illuminates the things that we so often glaze over, and even the things that we have very deep down, push down, stuff down in our hearts, that you long to purge out of us and he less cleanse Us From the Inside Out is only you can do. and so I pray that those places of our hearts that we would just skate over we would set aside time, allow you that space and allow you that work. Thank you for who you are. We are pray this now, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. 
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1/3/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription
Genesis 8 - 11
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological I'm Jill. It's a joy and honor and what a privilege it is to be here with you on your journey through the word of God in chronological order. we're going to do it every day until we get through this year together, and get through the entire Bible in a year. You're on a roll you made it two days and you've shown up for the third and that is to be commended. if you are journaling as we talked about yesterday with your questions with your thoughts with maybe different themes that come up for the day or through an entire chapter. I want you to write these three words down right now, simply Begin Again. perfect timing with the music, simply Begin Again. and you can highlight it, you can darken it, you can put cute little asterisks by it this should be at the Forefront of your Journey Through the Bible, simply Begin Again. if you get lost, if you fall off, if life happens and you get just overwhelmed and you lose your way, don't throw it all away, simply begin again. no matter where you are and the journey of being in the word, and no matter where you are in the Journey of life, simply Begin Again. Now let me just expound on that a little bit further what that means. in the sense of reading the Bible is don't go back and try to make up 2 months, if you lose your way start with the day that it is when you come back to your journey, and the reason being, is it's so much easier to just get back in sync with where we are rather than trying to play makeup because makeup usually often doesn't work out. and it's just good intentions so simply Begin Again, under the terms of the Bible, begin with the day that it is today, but on a more far grander scale of life, it doesn't matter who you are where you've been what you've been through whose you are, you are welcome here no matter how lost you've been. no matter how lost you potentially get, you can always come back to this place and you can always simply begin Again. we're continuing in the Book of Genesis today reading chapters 8 through 11, and this week we're reading the New International Version, Genesis chapter 8. 
I think it's worth noting today that we see the first established Covenant between God and Noah. as we moved through this story of Noah, the flood, the devastation of humanity, at the work of God, but the saving of a man and his family who God found righteous in his sight. We will see other covenants established pretty quickly here in the Old Testament. and again don't get lost on the genealogy, it all builds and it's all telling a story within a much bigger story. and then finally we are introduced to Abram and Sarai. and they're going to become quite prominent figures in our story as we move through the word. 
Jesus thank you for this day. Thank you for this time. Thank you for being with us. thank you that whenever we lose our way, we can simply Begin Again. we can get back on track, we can turn from One Direction and go in another, if we need to. and so I thank you for that Grace and that Mercy that we'll see all throughout your word. I pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. 
Daily Audio Bible, That's home base. you can check us out if you haven't. take a look around. That's also the website. If you would like to partner with us, we thank you so much, each and every partnership furthers the mission of the word of God going forward, so thank you so much. if you are giving my mail DAB PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174, or you can utilize the give icon on your mobile device. If you need prayer, if you'd like to pray for someone utilizing your mobile device, you may call 800-583-2164. That's going to do it for me today, I'm Jill. we’ll turn the page together tomorrow. and I look forward to it as we begin a brand new book of the Bible and pause in Genesis for a little bit. until then, love one another. 
Community Prayer Line
DAB family business, Just got to work, week I'm just praying that you are doing well. I know your family is doing well and their health is doing well and that your spiritual life is doing well because that's the big thing that can affect everything. It's okay with everything else, but spiritual life can affect everything and I'm not here to preach. I'm just here to talk and what I want to talk about is I'm a little bit sad today December 31st and I had a tough year and 2023. I had a tough year I lost a I lost somebody and it hurt me a lot so I come here today to ask for prayer, not that I might get I actually know what let's do it I pray for Joy bomb of mine light up my own personal sky that may make me be able to light up other people's life and other people's perspectives and other people's situations. that I may be a joy to be around not just a happiness but enjoy to be around. I also have a podcast that I would like that to grow speaking about growing that's sort of my word for the year personally and I'm excited to grow hopefully not in the Weight Wise unless it's like good weight. but anyways I need it as much as always do so just left me up with my family up with my girlfriend They might not have too much of a mess to pick up after the end of the year all right bye love you prayer for Jennifer you called regarding Jacob we'll continue to pray for him LOL it's the best place to be even God when we most need your help Father I come before you to this top Jennifer the god that cancer has spread the name of Jesus please give her a long life please start to me healing her life give your Victory father visit her right now it doesn't mean why I pray alongside others there would be anything wrong father because you are a god miracles you are a God who cares and who loves us you are a God who heals us yes yes you are father and we believe that with all our hearts and we trust your word can you say when we trust you you will keep us safe father I ask you that you keep her safe father and that you please guide the doctors specialist for peace your garden in their lives and Vicky oh God and continue to touch Jacob father God thank you Jesus in the name of Jesus all my prayers go to you I love you my sister hello everyone happy New Year this is Catherine calling from Maryland and I just wanted to thank you Jill and China for the reading of the chronological this year of really enjoyed it and especially Jill I just wanted to say thank you for your year-end message enough about just the benefits of of going deep and God doing doing a work in you big milestone I think you turned 50 this year congratulations and and that's was a lovely vulnerability on your part without invading your privacy or that of your family so well done Jill and thank you for being a great example for us all I'm wishing you all the best in 2024 as well as every listener of the DABC love you guys 
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1/2/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 4
Daily Audio Bible.com, that’s the Website. That is our home base. If you want to know anything about anything to do with the Daily Audio Bible, that's where you will go take a look around and check it out. there's a store, there are products created to enhance your Journey Through the Bible. that there is a wonderful brand of wind farm coffee and tea’s and you can conveniently sign up for a subscription, and they will be roasted fresh and delivered to your doorstep as much or as little as you would like to sign up for. you can do all of that there at the Daily Audio Bible store on the website. If you would like to partner with us here at Daily Audio Bible, thank you so much. if this has been life-giving if this is life giving to you know that we cannot do this without you, and we are so grateful that we do not have to. if you're giving by mail, PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174. or if you're utilizing that mobile app, look for the give icon, it's located up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device. and lastly you can look for the give icon on the website. if you need prayer, if you have heard somebody and Jesus is just hugging at your heart compelling you to pray for that person, of course you can do that silently, if it's important for you to let that person know that you are praying for them there are several different ways for you to do so, 800-583-2164, that’s for Chronological. or once again utilizing the app, you can hit the red circle button that is located at the top right hand corner of the app as well. The prayer line is equipped for a 2 minute message. when you are finished with your prayer and it will get to the right place. I am so glad that you're here we are well on our way and I am looking forward to maybe a less difficult year the last year, but a beautiful and exciting journey and Year together in community as much as you want to be together through his word there is no better way to go through the year then daily in the word of God. to allow him to speak to shape to guide to challenge , encourage and to spread the love of Jesus to all who are in need. am I going through his word everyday. I'm honored, humbled, humbled to my knees to be any part of this journey with each and everyone of you. I look forward to turning the page together tomorrow until then, I'm Jill, love one another. 
Community Prayer Line
Good morning DABC, I wanted to lift up Sam and pray to heavenly father. I come to the throne little guy. I'm asking father for you to do a new thing and say I'm Lord God I want to thank you Lord for allowing the most of them to be removed father. but Lord God we know that you are the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end so father you know what's going to happen from the beginning right now with the radiation for God to take the desired effect Lord that it needs to keep his blood pressure Pay a piece upon that as well and I pray that you all have a Happy New Year I love you all and once again continue to be encouraged and have a wonderful day. 
this is Kevin from Illinois this is my first time calling and I just want to say Praise Jesus for bringing us all together and guiding us through a year together this is by my first year with the daily audio Bible and I don't ever want to turn back and I want to follow Jesus with my wife and I want us all to do that together so I want you all to know I've been listening and I've been praying for you and I want us all to pray together as we move forward into the next year Jesus thank you for bringing us all together as a family and showing us what life should be like and what life can be like help us go out into the world every day wearing your full armor of God so that we will be protected and we will have your peace that transcends all understanding happy New Year Jesus father in Heaven thank you for being there to guide us and bring your spirit into our hearts to circumcise our hearts and change Who We Are we love you Jesus amen from Pennsylvania her brother Sam who's in the hospital with the blood pressure and he needs radiation also I pray that God's hand is all over y'all and your family I pray that he gives you Tina peace over the whole situation and I pray that the doctors are able to figure out Sam's blood pressure and get him on the right medication I pray that God's healing would be upon him and I pray that no matter what God's will will be done and be rejoiced by you and your family in Jesus name I pray amen thank you Lord God for answering the prayer and for Tina's face Tina from Pennsylvania for her face and Divine Healing for her brother Sam thank you Lord God for answering that prayer and thank you for her faith being the only offering that you need and may be done according to her belief and according to her word we thank you for 100% recovery for Sam in Jesus's name amen
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1/2/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 3
if we don't really believe that to be true anymore, and all of a sudden we are rejected kicked out of the organization of belonging for a difference of beliefs, this is a place where you are safe to present your questions, to ask your questions to have questions and to wrestle through those questions that may come up. I can't speak for God but I can speak for myself. with God, and I can tell you that I have had many questions over the course of my time here at chronological, and every single question that I have wrestled through, God has so gently been present with me never shaming me despite the fact that sometimes his people can do that. so what to do with questions, if you're listening alone and you have no one to bounce them off of, great question I suggest that you Journal I keep a notepad right next to me, Of a couple of days sometimes over the course of a couple of months I go back and those questions get answered. and sometimes I have to process them with a man who is far more intelligent than I could ever pretend to be, just to bounce them off of. so I wanted early on, in case these questions start to come up very early on, to welcome your questions to reassure your questions into validate the fact that, yes if we are reading and listening there are things that will come up that might cause some distress, or questions or an easiness and I also wish to extinguish the stigma of questions are not welcome to in our faith, and present a place a questions are absolutely a part of our faith. and we will see this all throughout the word of God. and we will see this especially as we get to direct relationship with Jesus. and that's going to take us a minute so if you've heard about him and you're like when is he coming you're going to have to Buckle in and settle in it's going to be a while but I promise you it will be worth it. 
Jesus we thank you for this second day of a new beginning, a fresh start. I thank you that you are with us and in it in a fresh start, and you are in it and with us when we fall off and lose our way and that will only ever happen as human beings walking imperfectly. but I thank you that you meet us, you pick us up, you safely put us back on the right path and you walk with us. I thank you that our questions are not off limits to you. You welcome them, and you reveal yourself to us through our uncertainties, through our doubts, our questions. I pray for refreshed hope to every person in need that needs hope, that only you can provide. I hope that is only you and I pray that somehow God you make that hope tangible, you make it real. That we have something to cling to, to hold on to, to walk forward, to face another day, amidst the darkness, in a world that can feel like it’s over taking us, the wickedness of man. May we be reminded of this, and that we are the light of the world, and may we shine bright. We pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, amen.
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1/2/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 2
So at the very beginning, I told you that we were going to move through these events and stories of the Old Testament fairly quickly through Chronological, and today is proof of that. Let me say a couple of things about where we're at and the Old Testament. There is a lot of genealogy and genealogy can feel so unimportant or irrelevant sometimes to the story. and then sometimes it just gets long and redundant, and it's really easy to just start glazing over names and numbers and who is who and why does this matter, why is this relevant. the events of the Bible build on one another, we see how far we've come in the first eight chapters. Seven chapters of the Bible already we went from nothingness to God create, the first murder between siblings, genealogy of people we're just meeting for the first time. We quickly learn the wickedness of man, God's Own creation without an establishment of commands, or even just general rules of murder is not good. but yet no one stated not to do so. so it may lead you to questions such as, so does the wickedness of man really really cause God to wipe Humanity for everyone besides Noah and his family? I'm presenting this question as an example of, your questions are valid. whatever they are, especially if this is your first time through the Bible. in fact my sort of dissection of everything I was taught and believed my entire life, started happening the first year Through the Bible in chronological order, but it didn't really come bully apart until the second time through, and I presume that similar things will happen this year as what I'm learning in life is the more I learned, the less I actually know. I say this as a witness to Christian culture, sometimes our questions are met with shame, or met with concrete answers that we recite, because it's always been a part of our systemic beliefs. but we recite it without even exploring the question and the answer for ourselves so many times what we believe it's just been handed down to us. we've not held it in our hand, we have not pulled it apart, we've not dissected it or even looked at it too slowly, and then we just pass it along to the next person. We can even follow organizations as a sense of belonging. and then once we do explore the questions when we find our own answers and it produces more questions and we then take those questions to the place where we have felt as if we belong in, all of a sudden there's a question.
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1/2/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 1
Genesis 4 - 7
Welcome to the second day, Of a brand new year. welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill, so good to be here with you. If you are brand new, welcome. We have scooched over we're making room on the ends for you to come and have a seat and not have to walk all the way through the aisle and step on somebody's toes. I hate it when that happens, hopefully you made it through day one and second day here in Chronological. The stories move rather quickly in chronological order because we are taking on full chapters of the Old Testament. lots of activity happens really fast so stay with the story. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I realize that could have come in handy years ago, so I have to I'm a little techniques that help me stay focused. Sometimes I bite the inside of my cheeks. Sometimes I have candy in my mouth and I jump on it really loud to help me Focus. sometimes I grab the inside of my skin on my hand and rub, I just whatever it is that you need, slurp hot coffee like my husband. maybe if you want to. Let's jump in today, our reading is Genesis chapters 4 through 7. This week we're reading the New International Version, Genesis chapter 4.
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1/1/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 4
Jesus as we embark on a brand new year, give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to receive, all that she would say and do in us, Among us, and through us, through your word. have your way we pray this now, in the name of the father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen. 
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1/1/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 3
The Beauty and the details is that God went back to create something that was not yet found amidst his creation, and woman was not an afterthought. She had an intention. She was an intentional part of the addition of creation. the more the what was not yet there to be found suitable so let's get those complexities of the story out of the way because they could all be elaborated on. and we could just stay there for a while but we have to talk about the fall. this affects everything after this part of the Bible until the very end it's a really important line in the reading in the second chapter the 25th. and they felt no shame. Let's just sit with those three words for a second, naked and unashamed. boy, wouldn't that be nice to stand naked and unashamed. we could spend the details back and forth of who's to blame was Adam's passivity that he didn't stand up to the serpent to blame was the night of Eve to blame and the crafty cunning Or can all things be true? Here we know that according to scripture, Eve does give instruction from God to not touch the fruit in the middle of the Garden or they will die. The serpent then deceives her that if she does her eyes will be open and she will be like God knowing Good and Evil. they already were like God they were in perfect intimacy with God naked and unashamed. after the fall after the act of eating the fruit that God specifically said not to their eyes were opened and they realized their state of nakedness which causes them to cover themselves in shame they covered the state in which God created them to be because they responded and reacted to the very instruction God told them not to because of deception. naked and unashamed how many masks do we wear in our own lives to hide our own shame to hide our own Disobedience to hide our own sin to hide our truest selves in hopes to please people that we are not even in relationship with. it is a heavy question and the answer can be crushing and this this is what the word of God should do for us it should cause us to look inward at our own selves instead of take the word and beat someone over the head that you want them to see what it is that you want them to see when what we really need to do is pull from scripture. Today Adam and Eve's eyes were opened to their own disobedience. if we look at the Bible like a mirror you look down we look inward we see what it pulls from our own selves to apply knowing that these scriptures were written in a certain time for a specific people in a specific place, but they are applicable when we allow space when we pause and give and listen and let our ears be opened and our eyes to see that which God belongs to show to each of us individually. and if you have an issue with shame like I have had a very unhealthy relationship with shame, then you know that shame can be crushing, crushing but know that the voice of the Holy Spirit comes to convict not condemn. The instruction of God is to guide us so let's not get stuck in shame. not yet it's too soon and if you're struggling with that in this moment I want you to think and say this out loud I was made in the very image of God. what God breathes life into will live, and what is dead he will bring to life again, when we allow him to. 
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1/1/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 2
Which complexity of this story do we take on today? There are so many, there's not enough time. Do we tackle the fact that God created the entire heavens and earth, and if you've ever stopped to just consider the beauty and the natural state of creation that God stood back and called it good, not amazing, not perfect, good. Let's not underestimate the power of good. Secondly he rested on day 7 but there seems to be seven days as a part of the whole plan of creation. point being how much are we resting, how much are we implementing rest into our lives. are weak or Sabbath the end of our day or are we going doing more trying to be more can we just see that God modeled rest as part of the very beginning. but let's go to the complexity of man and woman. Let's first note that God created man in his own image in the image of God he created them. We bear the image of God since the very first creation of man is made in the very image of God. after man is Created from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into, God planted a garden with very firm instruction you can eat anything, anything in this Garden but do not touch the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. and then God declares it's not good for him to be alone. he'll make him suitable helper. Here's the interesting thing, Adam finds nothing in creation thus far suitable for himself so God gives one of his greatest gifts, a nap, and Eva's created from Adam. let's get the complexity of this, God creates the heavens and the Earth. he creates man, he plants a garden, he creates animals, calls creation thus Farm very good, allows Adam to find a suitable Helper and he cannot find anything amongst creation thus far suitable, so God goes back to his handiwork and creates woman from man. I love the dissection of this part of the story so much, because women have had to fight in society to find their voice, their rights, I'm saying just maybe a hundred years or so ago, women didn't have the right to vote in the United States.
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1/1/2024 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 1
Genesis 1 - 3
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, today is January 1st, and maybe you are in need of a brand new start, maybe you're in need of a reminder of a brand new start. Today is your day. I'm Jill, it's so good to be here with you on another Journey Through the Bible in chronological order. if you are brand new, welcome what does chronological mean? It's such a great question. The Chronological Bible is written in historic events as best as Scholars and theologians have gathered over the years. It is not laid out book by book chapter by chapter but rather broken books and chapters, kind of Jump Around in order of historic events. so if you are new and trying out chronological I'm so glad that you are here. my daughter China, tonight usually shares the space, China is on maternity leave for the next few months. She gave birth to her second daughter. And China is the founder of Chronological. She began reading the New Testament for kids when she was 11 years old, and she's no longer 11. She has grown with the Bible, and the changes of her life taking it past kids to teen years, and then moving on to Chronological, so she will be back later in this year and we will alternate week after week. that is the plan as of right now. Anytime comes you may find that you prefer one of us more than the other, that's okay we are not in competition with each other, we are here for you to be in an intimate relationship with God through his word. that is our goal that is what we care about that is the objective and we thank you for your grace and understanding, and allowing us to be who we are and who God created us to be, I will give you some tips as we go if you are brand new and how to maximize your experience Through the Bible, and kind of what this community is all about, if you are not new welcome back, it's so good to have you on the journey with me through God's word, and how beautiful that the word for this year is truth. and so I pray that we will all lean into that as God reveals truth to us in a whole new way. these words can be scary of what they mean and how they will be walked out throughout the year and I can promise you that if you really embrace it and lean into it it will be nothing nothing as you expected, and there is some good in that and there's some hard in that, but I don't think hard is bad it's just hard. Back to my first timers we will read scripture. There's usually a short explanation of the reading for the day. We pray together there's small announcements from the people, the community, the people that listen to the Bible, who either need prayer or want to pray for someone in this community. It's a beautiful piece of art and I will give you instructions at the end of how to do that. so that's the format some days there's a song to reiterate the message of what was just spoken, and some days there's just room for reflection so we listen and are Guided by the spirit of God as we read as we listen, and as we hear so here we are at the very beginning let's jump in today we're reading Genesis chapters 1, 2, and 3 and this week will be reading in The New International Version. We will read one translation per week and start a new translation in a brand new week. We do this because sometimes you just hear things differently. They have different meanings, different perspectives through different translations that we would normally never pick up and read again. you may find preference for a certain translation and you may not like certain translations. we ask for your grace there too. Grace she will have to be present with us all year long and that's okay. Genesis chapter 1 in The New International Version.
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12/31/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Revelation 19-22
Today is the 31st day of December. I'm Jill. This is Daily Audio Bible Chronological and it's the final day- the end of a journey. Well worn, well traveled and well it's the final day. And that is very surreal- bitter and sweet. We hold the finality of that for those of us that have been here and shown up nearly every day or every day, or if you just got here, welcome to the final chapter- the final day before we get ready to turn the page and start a brand new journey. We will spend some time and reflect at the end. Right now let's finish this day and this year as we begin a brand new week today. We are reading Revelation chapters 19 through 22 and this week will begin a brand new translation and be in the New International version. Revelation chapter 19.
This concludes the reading of the word for Daily Audio Bible Chronological 2023. Over the last couple years my time here at chronological at this place in the year I like to look back over the year and sort of give reflections on my personal journey through the Bible and what the year has meant to me. And what it has meant for me to get to this moment. And by the way, if you're not so you haven't journaled at all, I would encourage you to do the same just even a piece of paper, a sentence or two or paragraph of how the Bible has transformed you this year- your takeaways, what overall theme you've learned, just anything that you can resort back to.
I don't know if I could do that personally this year as this has been the hardest here of my life bar none hands down. I have had to do the deepest inward look of my life. And Brian and I have spoke about this on the family Christmas, so it's not a secret. We have done this in our marriage- to go back to the very beginning of our story and I'm still going through my own personal story- pulling things apart and counseling, intense therapy, because isn't it just like God to pull absolutely everything apart when you think you might finally have it together?
I think that's exactly what has transpired in my life. I have been humbled to dirt. Humbled to eat dirt, to strip everything away so that I could stand before my own self and before God naked and unashamed when shame has been one of the most familiar voices in my life ever since I can remember. And I remember an intense moment in therapy where I had to pull something apart that was extremely painful and my body started to roll over the floor to hide my face. And my therapist said why don't you roll halfway and I said no, I am fighting, fighting to be here in all of my shame and not run and hide. And I did and I am still doing and I am still working. And I say all of that to say this- God will stop at nothing to reveal his truth to the hearts of those who truly seek him. If we submit to his ways we will find healing if we want healing. And I have had to learn this year the meaning and the definitions of words in my life that I have taken for granted and I have looked to the word of God for those definitions of truth according to what God says about it and applied it to my own personal beliefs, my own personal convictions and I'm grateful that as I pondered those things as I sat with the- meditated on those words, in the definitions, the word was hidden in my heart and I knew, I knew where to look. I knew where to find the things that would help me define values and definitions of unconditional love and acceptance and the things that God truly hates. Not the things that we hate and say God hates with us. And I'm grateful, I'm so grateful for the work that I have been doing this year and I am so grateful that in the work God has been with me every step of the way and what I have learned is a heart of gratitude- not a word of gratitude, not a day of gratitude, but the difference between being entitled to the things that we think we are owed and looking at the most pure things from a different lens and leading from a heart of gratitude. I value more than anything my relationship with God, my intimacy with Jesus, the love from my spouse- my husband Brian, my marriage. I value my children's love and acceptance, my children's spouses love and acceptance, my children's purest love and acceptance. I am grateful everyday from a new heart that sees a new perspective and grateful for the word of God that I've hidden in my heart so that I may not sin against him. I'm grateful that I hear music differently as if it's the first time I've heard a song and a Tennessee sunset painted against a winter sky can buckle my knees. I'm learning contentment and leading from a heart of gratitude- a mind focused on thanksgiving. I'm grateful for a community of believers that love each other and like anything I have ever witnessed before. I'm thankful for the rescue of my heart- for my husband Brian who has truly, truly loved me the way that Jesus said for a husband to lay down his life for his bride. I'm grateful for the message of endurance that is all throughout the Bible to keep persevering, keep going, keep enduring well and I am thankful, I am grateful for the unconditional love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit.
So as I close out the final chapter and the final day of this year and end I guess, I did have words after all as I close this year out I end one chapter ready to begin another knowing my core values, knowing my definition of God's love, knowing the mission at hand is to live an ordinary life filled with extraordinary moments showing extraordinary love to those in need. And when I take inventory of all that I have in life's most purest and natural states I'm grateful. Turning the page with you tomorrow as we begin another journey together. Until then love one another.
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12/30/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Revelation 12-18
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I'm Jill. Today is the 30th day of December, welcome everybody. We are counting just a couple of days down until we celebrate, acknowledge, sit with, recognize and honor the newness of a brand new year and that means here a brand new journey through the word of God starting from the very beginning. And we're going to do that in a couple of days, but right now we're here and we're going to center ourselves around the word of God. We're reading Revelation 12 through 18 today and just a couple days left in the Evangelical Heritage version. Revelation chapter 12.
Jesus we thank you for your word. I thank you that as we get ready to end this journey in this chapter of this year that we have had together in your word, we would turn the page, we would know the hope and welcome the possibility of all that it is you long to do in us through your word as we take the next step forward. In this journey we have lost some along the way- they have fallen off, or got tired, got discouraged, got distracted. I pray that you would bless them. I pray that you would bless all of those as we scooch over and make room for the newness of people souls stories whose lives will be transformed through the power of your word. Thank you for this final week that we have shared together before we end one journey and begin a new one. I pray this now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.  We'll turn the page together tomorrow and we will end one thing and commemorate that together as we look forward to beginning something brand new. Until then love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hello DABC family, this is Diana from Florida and I want to pray for Ashley from Texas and baby Genesis so that they can see God's hand in bringing baby Genesis to full development and eating properly and speaking. Dear God we thank you so much because you are never late and you know the developmental milestones that baby Genesis needs to meet Lord God and you know baby Genesis' timetable. I pray Lord God in The Name of Jesus that you would help aid baby Genesis and development that she would begin eating solid foods, that she would begin speaking babbling words, that she would grow properly according to your willing and righteousness. Pray oh Lord God in the name of Jesus that all developmental delays would be squashed and that by Genesis' 2-year-old birthday she would have developed more words and she would be eating solid foods. God you are a miracle working God and we trust that you are going to do a mighty work in this child- you protected her since the womb, brought her to this point and we trust you Lord and love you and we know Lord God we will continue to pray for baby Genesis' development and growth in Jesus name. Amen. 
Good morning my DABC family, this is Tina from Pennsylvania AKA his hand is on me...I'm calling to request prayer for my brother Sam. Sam had surgery on November 15th we discovered that he had a a tumor- a mass tumor on the back of his brain which connected to the spinal cord and we found out that it was cancerous. He has recovered glory be to God. He is speaking, he is eating but the only issue that we're having right now that's preventing him from coming home is his blood pressure when he stands up, when he sits up, the blood pressure drops- when he's laying down the blood pressure elevation to try to correct what's going on. He also needs to have radiation because they weren't able to remove all the tumor, but they were able to move the majority of it so I'm just asking you guys to keep my brother and I'm believing God for his...
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