#personally i don't WANT to be in a car for longer than 2 hours but i don't consider it outrageous
liaswills · 10 months
Pick a card: Does your crush like you back?
Today we are asking 4 seperate energies what they think of you! It's important to know that any pick a card's are general energies and some messages are resonant to your crush and others might just be for other people. Generally this is my first pick a card on Tumblr but I've been in the tarot community for longer than today, since 2017 I read tarot.
Disclaimer: I haven't used any tarot cards for this reading, ironically. I'm channelling the messages instead.
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Take a moment, I understand crushes on anyone can be mind whirling and obsessive at times. But well I'm here to feed your obsession, aren't I? I will take the opportunity to channel their messages so every reply is written in the voice of your crush (general) and I'll give all four groups some extra information too!
Pick one of these four sentences from my favourite tommy shelby quotes!
1. "Why not?" — Thomas Shelby
2. "Do I look like a man who wants a simple life?" — Thomas Shelby
3. “We used to come here; she’d wait for hours for me when I couldn’t make it. And I’d wait for her if her family kept her in.” — Thomas Shelby
4. “A man needs to prove he is better than me, rather than show me his birth certificate.” — Thomas Shelby
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All readings are channelled letters from your crush s/o. Hope you enjoy these and follow my account for more tarot posts!
Pile 1: "Why not?"
First of all this is a person that thinks softly of you. They have kind eyes, might be more of an effeminate person. May have a beard, or look like a gentle giant. I'm also getting blonde/brown hair or shoulder length blonde hair. They have dazzling eyes.
My darling,
I have never called you that before. But why not, eh? Or maybe I do enjoy calling you that in my mind. You are like a fond thought my mind wanders to when I am sitting in the train or my car. Or when I walk or am riding my bike. I think of you softly. I'm secretly afraid, that whilst I think of you softly, you don't think of me that way. I might just be a hopeless fool thinking you'd be interested in myself. Or perhaps I am not a fool?
I kind of want to do fun things together. Take it slow. There are some people I think of. Some other people that might be interesting to me as well. I know you didn't expect to hear that but I'm sometimes too stuck in my daydreams that I wished I was anyone's person. I just want to think of love. I like to imagine my closest friends think me an idiot everytime I say I met someone because how could they not? I sort of just 'love' being in love, right there, in my head.
Telling you how I feel makes me question whether it's worth it. Should I take that step to ask you how you're doing? To ask you whether you'd like to walk with me? Get an icecream? I don't know how to date to be honest. I read often, I just thought that thinking of you in my mind would be easier than thinking of you and I actually going someplace to do fun things together.
I specically like your legs, your smile, your hair. I think you look like my dream person. I may not smile in person, or I may not say these things in person, or I may not even let you know how HOT I think you are but you really are my type. I just don't know whether you'd think of me as 'your' type.
Sometimes I fantasize too much. I think it all out. Us, together, marriage, maybe even normal things like grocery shopping together or finding out what kind of candy you eat or don't eat. I kind of want to know how you live your life. I really admire how you come off to me as a person and I just think that we could 'be' something. If only my mind wasn't so easy to wander to other scenario's and people and friends who could possibly become my person too.
If you like me, just tell me. Right now. I beg of you. It would make my day. It would be recipocrated, I already have chosen you in my heart but I can't keep my mind collected. I can't stop thinking about work or about how busy I actually am when in truth, I just want to get to know you better.
Don't be sad. I don't want you to be sad. Was I an asshole? I never meant to be one. Trust me.
Do you trust me?
Yours Forever,
Your hopeless romantic
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Pile 2: "Do I look like a man who wants a simple life?"
This is someone who has dark features. Might have brown hair. They come off as someone who has dazzling green/hazel or brown eyes. They are HANDSOME. You think of them in a handsome light. Their dress style might enchant you daily. Everytime you receive pictures of them or see them you might just think highly of their aesthetic. They're giving stronger masculine vibes or someone who has a dominant personality.
Look I never meant to fall for you. I think my guides never saw 'me' falling for you. But I did. I was thrown into this abyss of feelings that I had long forgotten or long thought I could not feel anymore. I keep being disappointed in life but you have never disappointed me. I like that. I like that about you.
You and I talk or we don't. It's like that. I know it is. Because I keep you far away from me when I need time to make a decision. When I need to fix my shit. When I need to fix my issues. I have many of them. I don't need an angel like you to come into that mess. I don't want you to see a mess or see me as a mess. I need you to understand that I'm getting better. Really, I am. I thought I told you that, before, didn't I?
My life can never be just us. It's everything. It's mostly my family, my job, my friends. It's everything. I am always at the center of it and sometimes that makes me anxious. My friends drag me into shit you may not like. I might hurt your ideas about me when I do stuff like that, or I might be repugnant but it's just who I am, all right?
I can't be with someone who will hold me back. I am not saying you do this, but I hope that you will understand I don't really know how to be in a relationship that isn't going to end in destruction so I will put this lightly: don't give me the steer. I need you to say what you need to say and be as expressive as possible to keep me there with you. Maybe I like you, maybe I don't, I don't even know this myself.
See my guides want me to stop questioning my life. They want me to stop being such a fuck, maybe I do too. When I talk to you or when I think of you, I think of what of a redemption arc that would be for me? I know that sounds weird, but I think of how I could do 'right' by you.
So, technically, no, I don't want you to crush on me because I would not deserve you. But I also want you to be with me because I want to have you. Does that make me an asshole? I suppose it does.
Look, I know how to get you on your knees. I know how to kiss you, I'm experienced, I know. I know where to push your button, what to flirt, what to say, I do this naturally. It's like god gave me one gift and it's flirting without actually intending to flirt.
I get in a lot of trouble for that.
Like you for instance. You're my trouble. You're my death. You are the one person I can't get off my mind and it bothers me because I can't come forward to you and give you this sorry excuse of a person that I am right now. I really can't. Will you forgive me for not saying anything? If you ask me about my feelings, my love, I will most likely just ignore it or just be rude. I know, I can't have you.
You do NOT deserve me. I'm so sorry. I don't want you to want me, yet I do. Yet I thrive on it. Yet I am so sick that I would get off on it. I want you to want me, it's a game, alright? It's a game. I thrive on the thrill. I thrive on chasing. I thrive on flirting. This is a mad world and you're making it worse.
If you'd give me a chance, if by some miracle you'd be able to tame the fucktard that I am, would you be able to put up with my non-commital energy? Would you? See, you don't want this. I know you do.
My guides don't want this for you.
I'm sorry,
Your idiot.
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Pile 3: “We used to come here; she’d wait for hours for me when I couldn’t make it. And I’d wait for her if her family kept her in.”
Your person is very feminine. I see someone who is shy, gives off introverted vibes or might just be a person who doesn't express what's going on with them all the time. They have a hard time texting others first, they might wait on texts instead. I feel like they are someone who thinks fondly of you.
Mr/Mrs *insert your name*,
I didn't know it could feel like this. Ha, who would've thought that, ME of all people would like you like some childish crush, though, the child in me still dreams of my shining knight. Are you that person? My shining hero, you might think I read too much fantasy novels or that I'm too obsessed with that one band, haha, I know, I am. I may talk too much about my one interest because It's all I think of. It's where I want to be, want to dream of, it's where my mind wanders and what keeps me occupied. I know you're not like that, or maybe you are, but you don't show it that easily.
I do like you. There, I said it. I want to be polite. I want to court you properly, when I do gather the courage to actually do that. I feel like somehow you might be the one person for me. Therefore, I find you irresistable. Because of that connection between us. We might already be friends, or well, we hang around one another, but I think you and I could be something more.
It had to be you. It just had to be you. That's what Barbra Streisand sings in the song "It had to be you" with Michael Bublé. I am on a cloud. Because I dream too much, I might seem like I am zoning out at times. That's what you do to me. You make me zone out and dream of many things. Sometimes my mind wanders back to those idols though, haha, or my favourite celebrities or games or book characters. But it mostly is you.
I would like to tell you how you inspire me. I am not an artistic person, but if I was, I would draw you. I would paint you. I would want to paint your soul. Does that sound too weird? Probably. See, when I think of you, I think of how you would be the most perfect thing to be laying beside me. To be holding hands with as we walk through an autumn world forest, to get a hot drink with in the cold winter, to meet up with for lunch or dinner. I think of you kindly, admiring and I hope you don't think I'm coming off too strongly on you because yes, I recipocrate this crush you have on me.
Even if you're not sure if you crush on me, I would not mind. Technically, I'm yours. I want to be yours. I might not be too responsible sometimes, I might not take the lead in things but I promise you that I can do that if you allowed me the time to adjust to you, to being around you, and not just you in my head.
I could ramble on and on about you in my head. I don't have many friends and the people I talk to I do mention you. Sometimes when I see something that reminds me of you, like something I see in a store window and I am like, you would like that shit, I'm almost tempted to buy it as a gift. I like gift giving. But I am bad with receiving it. I would really like if we could give each other book or song recommendations, maybe exchange poems. I secretly would give you a poem that explains my feelings for you, not going to lie about that.
Yeah, that's what it is. I sometimes feel like I have no appetite. I don't want to eat when I think of you. I can't get my head straight some days. And then I just focus only on stories. Books. My interests. I would like to get to know your interests too. Sometimes I worry that I am not good enough for you. Or that you would not want me. It keeps me silent. Truly.
It's stupid, I know. I might not come from a good background. My family life was not something that brought me joy and that kept me in my books and my internal world. Or it was my school but I hope that you might want to be my family.
Or is that too much? I'll convince you of how great that would be. :)
Yours truly,
*insert their name*
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Pile 4: “A man needs to prove he is better than me, rather than show me his birth certificate.”
This is a soft masculine energy. He comes off hard on the outside. I am getting a definite 'he' but it could also be someone that is considered a butch energy, has macho energy or a person with very masculine energy. Technically it doesn't matter but this person has a message for you and it's coming. :) They're a bit mysterious.
My Destiny.
You feel like my destiny. You know I am a religious person, I think a certain way about life that might be philosophical, it might be faith, it just is my faith. I want you to know that when you're not around, I think of you as special. The song, I am a Creep, by radiohead, you like that one don't you?
Why do I have the feeling that you're after the bad guy. That you're after someone who looks dangerous, could be dangerous and that I would be that person for you. Why do you give me those eyes? That stare? That smirk? You're playing coy but I know that you fantasize about me like I am some devil in the sheets.
I really am not. *Snort*. Truly, you'll think of me less than that. Sometimes I worry that you think of me in a way where you're making this up. About me, information just gets distorted or you make something up in your mind that doesn't truly fit my personality. I would say that I don't mind you doing this, I think it's kind off cute. I think you're cute.
Some days, I wonder what you're doing. Only some days. Like those moments when it's night, you're sitting on the couch or in the tub and I am contemplating what to do now that my phone died (I might just be addicted to my phone) and I think of you in those moments of disconnect. I can watch the moon or I can look up at the nightsky and wonder if you're my person.
I like witches. Eh, did I say that? Yep. You're like a witch to me. Not in a bad way, more like in the way that "I know my girlfirend is a witch" vibe. You are mysterious to me. Something about you that I can't pinpoint my finger on. Something mysterious. It draws me in, but at the same time I don't want to be drawn in by you.
It's a push and pull with my feelings of my heart and my body and my mind. It's like this, I don't think you fit in my ordinairy life. You should do something with someone that fits your life. We might just be dating other people or you might feel unavailable emotionally to me, which is something I can't help but only you can, truly.
Still... I do think of you softly. In the quiet moments. My mind lingers on you. You're my favourite happy place where my thoughts can wander to. My favourite thing to relax, I don't know maybe your body is too. You know how I would love to relax with you, sweaty, together and being intimate in a way that makes you blush if I would ever talk about it nonchalantly in public day light.
I'd like to take you to a restaurant. You'd like that, huh? I know, I am smug when I think I know something about you but truly, i'm just a clueless fool wanting your attention when all but nothing you're just this goddess that could ruin me if you tried.
You don't even have to try, truly. I'm already broken, that's my secret.
I don't fear breaking my heart. So, if you do want to chase this? Chase me, darling.
I am ready.
But, let me say one more thing before I end this message. That dress, those trousers, that favourite clothing item you own, the one that looks comfortable, but isn't? Ehm, yeah, I have thought about you in that exact piece and eh- shamefully have fantasies about you wearing that fucking thing. Sorry, I get carried away when it's you, I really do.
You didn't expect this, did you? I know you think me the person you'd think is your type but you might need to re-arrange your expectations about me. I will disappoint you, I know that I will, I can't do nothing right in my life, why would I do right by you?
I sound like I hate myself. Perhaps I do.
Will you love me then, honey?
You know who I am.
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Thankyou for reading this pick a card! I hope the message resonates and that you're able to enjoy this little crush reveal or did not enjoy this crush disappointment. The energies were very different and some messages aren't entirely the same but take whatever resonates, not what doesn't, if your gut feeling says those words weren't from your crush or s/o then they're not.
All the love, elias.
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mylovelies-docx · 11 months
Sorry, I Love You - Part 5
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon, everyone.
:) Have fun
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Awkwardness, flashbacks, feels
Word Count: 1,950
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4]
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This wouldn't be your and Bucky's first undercover mission together, but it would be the first one where the tension between you is decidedly not sexual. You're not even sure how well the two of you can pull off this charade since you have no idea what your chemistry is like anymore. Used to, you could do anything together, be anything together.
Not so much now.
There’s an awkwardness between you. Silences pregnant with all the things left unsaid – or should have been left unsaid. You’ll catch Bucky watching you from the corner of your eyes, always with an unreadable expression like he’s trying to figure you out again without actually asking any questions.
You can't imagine that you've changed so much in the intervening months, but Bucky makes so much progress in therapy that his confidence in himself and his personality grow by leaps and bounds all the time. 
You don’t know this new Bucky, but you wish you did. You wish you had been with him to see his growth, encourage him on. 
You’ve missed out on so much of your life by staying away from the Tower. You’d had so many plans that never came to be – no walks in the park when the flowers started to bloom, no trips to the beach on the hottest days of the year, no ice skating when the first snow fell. You kept a tab on everything that should have been on the calendar in your mind, noting all the days that had significance in the past but went uncelebrated this year.
But what’s done is done, and you have to pay for your actions – half a year away is a small price to have Bucky back in your life, even as a stranger instead of your lover. 
You’re now trying to organize your new life on the outskirts of a small town in Russia, just a few miles away from a HYDRA base. Snow was falling thick and fast as the quinjet touched down hours ago, leaving behind a pristine blanket of white outside your new home. The small, two-bedroom cottage looks rustic, but it is still nicer than most of the surrounding homes due to Tony’s influence. There is hidden technology that will help the house to stay warm in this cold climate and random high-tech appliances, lights, and other things that look normal and are anything but.
With the HYDRA base going radio silent, you may be in this little home for longer than was initially expected earlier this year. Bucky is sure that the base is still active, though.  He spent a lot of time here as the Winter Soldier, but no one has received reports from the embedded spy in recent months. This inactivity is concerning since you're no longer sure what is going on inside the building anymore.  
It would be too obvious for Bucky to go undercover inside the facility, so that leaves it up to you to infiltrate as a researcher. The spy had assured last year that no one from the facility lived in the town you’ve settled in, so it’s safe enough for Bucky to remain close by as you work.
But the small town you’ve settled in is so traditional that the only way to remain inconspicuous as a younger woman is to be connected to a man in some way – be it living with family members or a husband.
And since you don't want to be labeled an outcast or worse, Bucky is here.
Bucky is going to be a mechanic at the small family-owned shop just down the road, and his prosthesis is covered in Stark technology that makes it appear as if he’d never lost it. Bucky used to spend a lot of time fixing up old cars and motorcycles between missions, so he should really enjoy spending his days in the garage helping out the Kowalds.
Unfortunately, your background isn’t as fun. You’re a whiz when it comes to biology, so Nat cooked up a false resume full of lab work that centers around eugenics and biomanipulation – things your spy had reported the facility was actively looking into. In order to get your foot in the door at the HYDRA facility, the Avengers had to create a background so disturbing that you're not even sure if you can interview for it properly.
 You're just zipping up into your thick winter coat when Bucky walks out of the kitchen drying his hands on a dish towel.
“You headin’ out now, doll?” He asks, a small worry line between his eyebrows.
“Yup,” you answer back with a comforting smile on your face. “I need to go meet with our contact to make sure that everything is still okay.”
“Just be careful, yeah?” he tells you, slinging the towel up onto his shoulder. Today is his first day at the mechanic shop, so he's dressed in blue overalls with a small name tag stitched onto his chest. The sun is just barely rising, but he's going to be late if he doesn't hurry.
"You know me, Buck. My middle name is Safe."
"Your middle name is Trouble and you can't convince me otherwise, babygirl."
You stick your tongue out at him and blow a raspberry, holding your middle finger up in the air as you turn around and head out the door. Once out of his sight, you smile and bask in the feeling of having your friend back.
You'd missed the banter and easy wit you used to share together, so this small exchange feels like a return to normal. The awkwardness might return in time, but you hope Bucky has forgiven you enough to power through.
You trek along the deserted streets. The early hour and layer of snow on the ground seems to be keeping the townsfolk within their homes, wrapped snugly under their warm blankets. You sigh heavily and watch your breath fog in the air, the mist condensing and freezing your skin as you walk through the cloud.
You pass house after house, noticing lights turning on and the sound of hairdryers, televisions, and conversations humming in the air. Everything has a vague, indistinct quality to it, lulling you into daydreams of what their lives are like. Is it simple? Do they enjoy this cold, snowy location? Or are they also dreaming of a warm day laying in the grass in nothing but a pair of shorts and a tank top?
A memory worms its way to the surface of your mind of a day spent just like that with Bucky. 
This was only a few weeks before your friends-with-benefits situation started. It was the hottest day of the year so far, the humidity heavy in the air and making the sidewalks and parks of New York City intensely uncomfortable. Even though Stark has the Tower equipped with the latest technology, he's incapable of leaving anything well enough alone. He'd been tinkering with the HVAC and somehow short-circuited the entire system. Everyone in the Tower was miserable and cranky, choosing to avoid one another in an attempt to stave off arguments and confrontations. 
You'd been sitting in the shade of the balcony, fanning yourself as you watched all the teeny tiny people on the ground maneuver the crosswalks and traffic to get to where they were going. It was no warmer outside than it was in your room, so you chose to people-watch instead of lay there and sweat miserably on your clean sheets.
Just as some bratty kid you’d been watching chucked the ice cream he’d been yelling for only moments ago onto the sidewalk, the sliding glass doors behind you whooshed open. The sound of metal knocking against the doorframe had let you know that Bucky was the one to interrupt your spying.
Regretfully turning your neck, you felt your skin sliding wet and hot against itself. A frown marred your features as you stared at Bucky as he stood behind you, his eyes alight with mischievous glee.
“What did you do…?” You question slowly, almost afraid to know what that look was all about.
He shrugged a shoulder and smirked. “Nothing too bad.”
“BARNES!!!” a voice roared from the depths of the Tower.
You quirked an eyebrow at him and a small, disbelieving smile graced your lips. “That doesn’t sound like nothing, Buck.”
Bucky hmm’d and glanced back into the building when a CRASH reverberated from where the voice had yelled moments ago. “I was going to get out of here for a while. You wanna come?” he questioned breezily.
“And why would I want to leave when Tony’s working on fixing the AC?” you replied as you continued to fan yourself. Bucky’s eyebrows had quirked ever so slightly.
Your hand had frozen mid-fan and your eyes widened so much that Bucky couldn’t help but laugh.
“Where’d you say we were going?” you asked as you rose quickly from your seat and bypassed Bucky at the door.
“You little shit!” You had laughed uproariously when Bucky finally admitted to the prank.
“What else was I gonna do?” he responded, turning his face to look at you.
Even with the intense heat that day, you and Bucky had decided to forgo the climate controlled vehicles in the garage and went instead with the fastest getaway vehicle – Bucky’s bike. The wind had whipped against your body when you held onto Bucky and watched the city fall into the distance behind you. 
He apparently hadn’t had a destination in mind, so you had ridden until cities and towns disappeared. He’d pulled off beside a barely visible hiking trail and jumped off his bike. You had followed suit and watched as Bucky pulled a blanket from inside the storage compartment on the bike. You hiked your eyebrows questioningly, but only got a grin in response. 
That’s how you had found yourself lounging on a blanket in the middle of a field with Bucky on the hottest day of the year. You’d chatted and laughed for hours until the sun had slowly faded from the sky. Out that far, the light pollution of the cities couldn’t touch the stars. You had gazed upwards, trying to draw the constellations as you remembered them.
You weren’t any good at astrology or astronomy, but the stories behind the figures in the sky captivated you nonetheless.
You laughed again and turned to face him as well. “And why’d you have to implicate me, huh?” 
“Figured it’d be more fun that way,” he had answered slyly. 
You had wound your arm up and smacked him on the stomach, your hand bouncing off of the toned muscles. He’d caught your wrist on the next swing and held it up and away from his body. You’d tried to tug it away, but his metal fingers held fast and didn’t let you go. You rolled over toward him and began trying to use your body as leverage, but you had only succeeded in pulling yourself closer to him.
You huffed and blew the piece of hair that had fallen over your eyes away and looked up at him. He’d had a look in his eyes that he hadn’t directed at you before, but you’d seen glimpses of it when he’d find someone to bring back for the night.
You can’t help but think that that moment had been the turning point in your friendship with Bucky, the moment he thought about asking you to be friends-with-benefits. Of course you’d found him handsome long before then, but that was a moment that really cemented your attraction to him. 
You didn’t have romantic feelings at the time, but you should have known they were inevitable.
Part 6
@jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch@stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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stxrvel · 5 months
i don't wanna live forever (4)
summary: with the winter soldier in action, you couldn't believe who the person behind the mask was
pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!f!reader
words: 5k
warnings: descriptions of weapons, wounds and blood. i'm not that good narrating action scenes but i tried my best! a russian word poorly translated i'm sorry if it's wrong :(, also English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes!
note: so we are finally here. the secret's out. i'm just figuring by now that this fic is probably gonna take longer than i expected, but i hope it'll turn out as we all want it! thank u as always for all the support and see u next time! if you guys ever have any questions or request feel free to dm me!
part 1 ; part 2 ; part 3 ; part 5
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Another two weeks went by and the wound was practically healed. It was uncomfortable to touch, and you could feel a little pressure inside from the contact with the vibranium. But other than that, you were able to live a normal life.
Fury had informed you in a phone call that you would be on your way back to Washington that day. The agents had no news about the soldier, neither about the places you had visited, nor about the purchase of vibranium in the vicinity of Siberia. With the strong possibility of an assassin on your trail, you were back to square one.
Steve had returned three days earlier, having gone on a mission with Natasha Romanoff, and Fury had left the Helicarrier the day after Steve left, assuring you that he would arrange for you to return to the mainland once the doctors had cleared you.
Of course, you hadn't reckoned on the fact that on your arrival at your apartment, just across from Steve's, everything would be a mess.
Your friend hasn't answered your phone calls, despite your insistence for about twenty minutes, nor has he answered your constant knocking on his apartment door. His inability to reach you puzzled you. The last message you received from him was that he would be waiting for your message to pick you up, which never happened, even though you called him for an hour.
Worried, especially when Nicholas didn't answer your calls either, you found yourself on your way to the Triskelion looking for answers when the burner phone you always carried in your jacket or one of your pockets rang as you were about to walk out of the building.
“Hill,” you answered immediately, relieved that someone was finally trying to get in touch with you.
“Act natural. I want you to leave the building and go to the black van on the left corner. Get in the passenger seat.”
You obeyed, the strange absence of Steve and Fury making more sense in the light of the events of the last few weeks. It had to be him.
You quickly spotted Hill's van and walked towards it, shielding your eyes from the sun with one hand, not bothering to look elsewhere. You got into the car in silence, Hill started the engine and drove down the avenue in silence.
“What's going on?” you asked after several minutes of tense silence.
You noticed Maria's disgruntled face, something that is not usually very clear unless the situation they are in is insurmountable.
“Is it him?” you spoke again at her silence, a layer of cold sweat settling on your hands as you saw her pursing her lips.
“Yes,” Maria nodded, never taking her eyes off the rearview mirror. “He's here.”
“Where's Steve?” your voice almost came out on a thread, fearing the answer was worse than imagined possible. You knew this was coming, but so soon? You felt nauseous at the thought of meeting him once again.
“He escaped with Romanoff,” Maria took a turn, accelerating the car's speed. “They're fine.”
“And Fury?”
“The soldier tried to kill him. Twice.”
You let out a choked exclamation, covering your mouth with both your hands in surprise.
“He's alive,” Hill tried to calm you, when you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your throat. You tried to feel the relief her words brought, but the choking sensation kept growing as the seconds passed. “Steve and Natasha don't know, though. We have to let them think Fury is dead, only then can we get some leverage.”
“God, all this happened in two days?”
“And whatever else is coming. We don't know where he's at or who he's moving near,” Maria shook her head, realizing just barely that you'd left a bit of the suburbs behind. “Fury wants you here.”
A sort of abandoned dam gaped through the trees. Hill pulled the car to the left, hiding it between long logs and bushes.
“What's this supposed to be?”
“You can call it another secret section of SHIELD... or Fury's,” Maria closed the trunk of the car, where she'd been rummaging through something as you climbed down, handing you a bulletproof vest that you didn't hesitate a second to adjust around your torso. “How's the wound?”
“It only hurts to the touch. But I can move fine.”
“Who knew the Supersoldier's weakness would be vibranium.”
Maria opened an unlocked metal fence, mentally wondering if this was really such a safe place to have no security of any kind. A long hallway stretched out in front of you, which felt eternal under the yellow lights, until you turned at the bottom right and there he was. Nicholas Fury.
“What the fuck happened to you?”
“Whatever you did to the soldier, I already made it worse,” Fury coughed, the slight movement of his body causing him to grimace in poorly disguised pain. “Now he's looking to kill us all.”
“And what did you do?”
“Alexander Pierce,” was all he answered, sharing a look with Hill that you didn't know how to decipher.
“The... secretary?”
“Remember Peggy's theory that we could never prove?”
Fury spoke again, your attention completely directed at him. Of course you remembered that. And of course you remembered the way you had flatly denied that possibility out of fear of what that would mean for your friends' legacy. To Steve's legacy. To Bucky's legacy.
There was no need to elaborate, with one look from the Director you knew exactly what he meant.
“Alexander Pierce tried to kill you?”
“It's him, Y/N. The Winter Soldier was the one who killed Howard and Maria Stark in order to get the serum to HYDRA, to create more supersoldiers.”
“We're infiltrated by double agents, that's why it was always so hard to uncover them,” Maria continued, her words barely echoing in your head, never breaking your gaze from Fury.
Eyes crystallizing, you never felt so helpless as you remembered that you had it in your hands to avenge their deaths and didn't. And now he was here, seeking to claim more innocent lives for the benefit of a nefarious organization. No, no, that wasn't going to happen.
“Let me go.”
“No, Y/N. You just barely recovered from that vibranium wound, and you want to risk being face to face with that monster again?”
“I wasn't ready at the moment, but I am now. Nicholas, please. I can't sit idly by when Howard's killer is out there,” you frowned at him, your anguished, desperate voice nothing more a reflection of everything you felt in your chest. But Fury was shaking his head once again, ready to give way to no excuses.
“I can't risk you like this again,” Fury barely murmured, your ears catching the words clearly.
“But I won't be alone. Steve and Natasha are there.”
“And they're hiding, too,” Fury assured, clasping his hands over his abdomen.
You frowned, your back slumping against the back of the chair. Hill's sympathetic look on the other side of Fury's gurney angered you. How could they think the best decision was to leave you behind? You weren't the one lying prostrate on a gurney with a bunch of broken bones.
“They're closer to the lion's den than I am right now.”
“But them the soldier doesn't know yet,” Fury pointed at you accusingly, rearranging himself on the bed with a grimace.
You looked at Fury, his one eye daring you to contradict him. It was probably true, you weren't going to deny it. But that didn't give them too much of an advantage, if it was true that many SHIELD agents really were part of HYDRA. Natasha and Steve wouldn't be able to do much if, in addition to the soldier, a hundred double agents showed up to stop them. Maybe even the three of them wouldn't be enough, but you weren't willing to stand by and do nothing. Not when you had the opportunity so close. Fury might not see it the same way, but you couldn't demand it of him when he hadn't gone through what you had gone through so many years before. He didn't see the blank stare of a young Tony, regretting and chastising himself for what had happened, for something completely out of his control.
Fury wasn't going to accede to your wishes, that much was certain. But the good thing was that as a protected subject of SHIELD, you had your own wild cards within the agency, like bypassing the Director's orders when you saw fit, as in the case of anything deemed an emergency.
“Well, try to stop me.”
You stood up, turned around and started walking in the direction of the exit, the expansive hallway welcoming you once again.
“Y/N,” Fury exclaimed, his body leaning forward as if he had truly believed he could follow you with so many wounds on his body. “Hill.”
As Maria approached you, you raised your hand, her feet stopping almost instantly.
“No,” you looked at her and then looked back at Fury.
“Fuck, Agent Carter really has no idea what she did giving you those powers.”
“You know damn well I can take good care of myself, just as well as she can. I'm not going to let him get away this time.”
“That's what worries me. You're so consumed by this idea of revenge that you'd sacrifice anything.”
“And you wouldn't?”
Fury frowned, the words he intended to counterattack with dying in his throat.
“If you'd had to go through the death of one of your best friends, knowing it had been a murder that would never be investigated as such and go unpunished. When after spending years and years trying to seek justice, life brings you home empty-handed. Do you have any idea how that feels, Nicholas? Maybe I'd be willing to sacrifice anything to punish the killer of Tony's parents, yes, but I swear I'm not leaving this world if I don't take him with me.”
The man on the gurney sighed, sharing a look with Hill to which she responded by lifting her shoulders. The defeated sigh Fury let out was enough of an answer you needed, but he added:
“Let me tell you something first.”
You were trying to follow the black car that was moving at high speed across the bridge. You had no way of communicating with Steve because he clearly didn't have his burner phone with him and neither did Natasha, as Hill had tried to contact her before meeting you with no result.
You had identified four people in the car, one of them being Natasha's reddish hair, before an armored van completely blocked your view. Steve must've been with her in the car, but you had no idea who the other two people accompanying them were.
That is, until you saw him.
The Winter Soldier, getting out of the armored van and moving to jump into the black car where Steve and Natasha were, the panic that ran through your body forcing you to press the accelerator to the maximum.
Despite the armored van blocking your path, you could tell from the left as the soldier smashed the back door glass, your blood freezing for a minute until you recognized Jasper Sitwell flying out through the window, courtesy of the tug the soldier gave him until he landed in the opposite lane of the bridge.
The sound of gunfire alerted you, moving to try to pass the van once again, when you heard a car brake followed by the screech of metal against the ground. The van suddenly sped up, clearing a path for you now that it didn't seem focused on blocking your way, and you caught up to its pace by the time it slammed into the trunk of the car Steve was in. The pickup took the car over the front, with the soldier gaining momentum to get on the roof of the car and not resting until he was able to wrench off the steering wheel and turn back to get into the armored truck.
You kept pace with the van, trying to catch up with the black car, when a second hit on the trunk caused them to lose control of the car. You slammed on the brakes when, before your heart could leap out of your mouth, you saw three people roll against the road using one of the car doors. You didn't have time to react when the soldier threw a grenade in the direction of your companions, Steve pushing Natasha and the impact pushing him so hard that he ended up flying under the bridge.
You opened the car door, getting out as quickly as possible and impacting Natasha in the process. Neither of you had time to say anything as the hail of bullets began.
“Run,” you exclaimed over the noise, pointing to the opposite lane of the bridge. “I'll cover you.”
You pulled out the dual pistols you packed in your belt, using your car as a shield as you fired in the direction of the soldier and his henchmen, hoping Natasha hadn't wasted a single minute. However, with the grenade launcher at hand, it was hard for you to get far. The moment Natasha jumped off the bridge, you didn't waste a second running in the direction Steve had fallen when the shell hit him, the sound of the bullets barely grazing you, the soldier in your peripheral vision walking in your direction.
You found Natasha the moment you hit the ground, the serum helping you keep your balance and she wasted no time in grabbing your arm to pull you into the shade.
“He's a fucking lunatic,” Natasha pointed at his shadow over the bridge at you, moving in stealth for both of you to shoot when his gaze was on a bus that had overturned.
If you hit him, there was no time to know, running straight for cover behind the bus. When the sound of bullets returned, a mutual nod between Natasha and you was enough for both of you to aim directly at the soldier, firing repeatedly.
“Run,” Natasha exclaimed, her pistols steady in her hands.
You wasted no time, instantly moving in the direction of the sidewalk, firing sporadically backwards to get Natasha to your side.
“How did you get here?” the overloaded, muffled voice of Natasha startled you, finding her crouching next to a car activating the voice engine of a holopad.
“All SHIELD cars have a tracker,” you barely replied, trying to keep your breathing in check, glancing over your shoulder in the direction they had left the soldier.
Natasha made an affirmative sound, leaving the holopad with a voice recording right at the bottom of a car tire.
“This will give us enough time to take him by surprise. Come on,” she moved to the other side of the sidewalk, moving between the altered bodies of civilians to camouflage herself before finding cover behind one of the cars, her feline gaze fixed on the approaching soldier. “If Steve finds out you're here, he's going to fall on his ass.”
“I've been in worse battles.”
“Girl, you have no idea what we've seen.”
You frowned at her, the mystery behind her words leaving much to be desired. Before the soldier got any closer, when he was distracted falling into Natasha's trap, she signaled you with two fingers to move to the right, down the path they had taken to get there, and you knew she was expecting she couldn't hold him off for long and needed you for support.
When the bomb behind the car exploded, Natasha jumped over the car and took the soldier by surprise falling on his shoulders, both struggling hard until he threw her against a car ready to shoot her, when Natasha threw a small shock device at him that neutralized his arm and gave him enough time to gesture a run in your direction.
Natasha took the lead, alerting the civilians and trying to get as far away from the soldier as she could, when one of his bullets hit her and you cursed between your teeth. You watched him move to the right, looking to shoot Natasha from behind and didn't think twice before you took momentum and jumped on him, crossing your legs around his torso and using your right arm to cut off his breath.
He dropped his weapon, the thud attracting the redhead's attention. You barely managed to make a running gesture with your hands as the soldier slammed into your side until your legs gave way from his grip and, grabbing you from torso height, flipped you over until you crashed your back against the hood of the car you two had been struggling over.
When you saw him pull one of his knives out of his pants, you arched up quickly, jumping out of the car and taking a defensive position in front of him, who had remained kneeling in front of the place you had occupied.
Just at that moment you noticed that part of his mask had fallen off, finding yourself face to face with blue eyes that almost made you lose your balance.
God, those eyes felt so familiar. If it wasn't because you knew he had died you would believe it was him, because you would recognize those eyes anywhere in the world.
The soldier stood up, getting out of the car and approaching you as if you were his prey.
“Zhivoy,” he muttered, moving the knife between his fingers and cocking his head to the side without taking his eyes off you. You recognized the Russian instantly, barely having a second to process it when the fight started.
You heard a curse behind you followed by quickened footsteps that you quickly recognized as Steve's, and that was enough of a distraction for the soldier to pounce on you.
You narrowly dodged his first attack, managing the speed to your advantage, ready to block it when he lunged a second time. His blade grazed your forearm, but the pain was nothing and you didn't let it distract you from attacking him, sending a strong kick into his torso after you neutralized one of his arms.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Why don't you have your fucking burner phone?” overly concerned for your friend's well-being, you could barely process what he had told you, trying to pull more bullets from your belt to load one of your pistols, finding the cartridge completely empty. You both stared at the soldier, Steve ready to leap into action the moment he stood up.
“You shouldn't be here,” was what Steve said, before lunging at the soldier the moment that one put his feet on the ground.
You seized the moment to go to Natasha, pulling out of your pockets a spray painkiller that you knew you would need to apply to Natasha's shoulder.
“You really are prepared for anything.”
Around the chaos, you managed as best you could to move Natasha as far out of range of the mess as possible, and turned just barely to see the soldier throw Steve's shield at him, who dodged it just barely without stopping running. When you saw the knife in the soldier's hands, a scream almost left your throat.
Steve and the soldier began a hand to hand fight that you could barely follow, looking in every direction for anything that might help your friend. But with nothing but your own strength to defend him, you moved in his direction as the soldier lifted him by the neck and threw him.
About to fall with the fist of his metal arm, you pushed him to the side causing him to lose his balance, helping Steve to his feet before resuming the hand to hand.
The soldier passed his furious glare over you before heading straight for Steve, the same blond pushing you aside and meeting the soldier fist to fist.
You stepped in between the two once again as the soldier pulled out a blade and you intercepted his arm midway, hitting the weak spots necessary for his hand to open and release the blade. His blue eyes met yours for a second, before he furiously grabbed both of your hands by the wrists, which held his right hand, with his metal hand, to raise them above your head and send you to the ground with a kick to your entire torso. He didn't walk away without first exclaiming again, “Zhivoy.”
Steve snarled, once again taking possession of his shield and closing in on the soldier before he could approach you once more. Retrieving the blade from somewhere on his belt, you heard them struggling against each other, but only one thought kept running through your head, racing your heart in a panic.
His eyes are so like Bucky's.
But that couldn't be possible. Bucky's fall was not to survive, how could he have survived? Worse, how could he have survived to become that?
How could Bucky be the one responsible that you had been looking for for so many years?
Hating to allow senseless emotions to take over your rational side, you rose once more raising your legs and landing on your feet, just for the moment when Steve slammed his shield into the forearm of his metal arm and turned to grab the soldier on his back, pushing him with his own back so that he fell off the other side of the road.
But your breath caught in your throat as you heard his voice, barely a whimper before Steve sent him flying across. The blond turned to look at you in concern, for the sound you had let out almost sounded like a groan of pain, when your horrified gaze met his among the masses of air.
For a moment, it seemed like everything around you stopped.
Steve frowned and in a split second turned his head away, tears making their way into your eyes without you being able to take a moment to fully process what you were seeing. Everything sounded a little slower, Steve's defensiveness soon faltering as he understood why you had sent him that look.
The soldier's mask on the ground, his head turned in your direction, that face you never thought you'd see again.
“Bucky?” Steve was the one who spoke, in stupefaction, and the soldier's face contracted in anger.
“Who the hell is Bucky?”
With tears rolling down your cheeks and Steve's frozen stance, neither of you reacted when the soldier raised the gun in your direction, you for a split second regaining your consciousness and moving towards your friend when the sound of metal and a man appeared behind the soldier, large metal wings standing out behind the man who had just pushed the soldier out of the way.
You froze midway through holding Steve's arm, your hand sliding down his pants barely catching his attention.
The frightened look on the soldier's face, on Bucky's face, which he returned to them as he stood up, didn't stop you this time from reacting as he raised his gun at Steve once more, pulling your friend behind you, leaving your back exposed until you heard an explosion and noticed the pale Natasha a few steps behind, the missile launcher in her hands. You wanted to thank her, but you were too overwhelmed to think too much about it, to process fast enough what was happening. You had barely noticed that Steve had put the shield right behind you, holding you tightly against his chest.
When the explosion dissipated, the soldier was gone.
The sound of sirens and cars too far away, as Steve released his grip and looked in every direction he could to see if he could see him again. But the cars surrounded them with ease, Steve's clear eyes falling on yours, his expression a replica of yours, stupefaction and sadness reigning in them.
You didn't quite remember the journey or what had happened to make you end up back at the abandoned dam in front of Fury, Natasha finally having her shoulder tended to. They must've been talking for a while, because you felt their gazes on you, as heavy as the overwhelming pain that had fallen on your shoulders.
It couldn't be hard now. No. You couldn't back out after all these years… You really couldn't…
You couldn't even look Fury in the face.
When you felt a squeeze on your shoulder, even though you knew it was Steve, you couldn't find the strength to lift your head to look at him.
The conversation had moved to a nearby table and you were almost surprised to see Fury sitting there as if he didn't have some broken ribs, but you tried to pay attention because you couldn't risk failing at this plan.
“What's that?” the man standing to the side of Steve, who had introduced him to you as Sam a couple of minutes earlier, turned to Fury, who was showing the programming cards you were to use on the mission.
“Once the helicarriers reach nine hundred meters altitude, they will triangulate with the Project satellites and be weapons,” Maria explained to them, flipping her computer to show the plan visualization.
“Intercept those transporters and replace their targets with ours,” Fury complemented, the images becoming clearer on the blue screen.
“One or two won't be enough,” Maria spoke again, her eyes sweeping over those of everyone around. “We must intercept all three of them, because if one of those ships keeps running, a lot of people will die.”
Steve's hand found your shoulder again, apparently noticing how hard you were trying to stay present in the conversation, moving your intertwined hands on your lap tirelessly. Your head kept coming back to that moment in the road, his frightened look enlarging the hole in your chest, the uncertainty of not knowing what had happened to him after that, where he was at that moment, if he was even okay.
But at the same time the rejection, the sadness, the heaviness? How could you stand there and blame him when he didn't even seem to remember who he was? You had spent years looking for that culprit, looking to bring peace to the memory of Tony's parents, and now that you knew who he was, why didn't you feel calmer? Why did the pit in your stomach feel deeper and deeper? Why was your heart pounding with fear because you didn't know where he was?
“Look, I didn't know about Barnes,” Fury's words made you raise your head, his sorrowful gaze directed at your friend and momentarily passing over you. Steve's hand on your shoulder tensed slightly, leaning forward a little, his attitude more hostile than you remembered in the few minutes you'd left the conversation.
“Even if you had known, would you have told us? Or would you have compartmentalized too?” Steve's hard expression gave way to no claim, his hand firm on your shoulder. “SHIELD, HYDRA… it will all go away.”
The green views from the dam's high trail were pretty enough that you could distract your mind for a moment, the weight of Steve's presence at your side keeping you anchored to reality.
“Y/N,” Steve was the first to speak after spending several seconds in silence, his arms resting on the railing with his hands clasped together. “There was something I heard about and I… I don't know how to process it, but I think you have the answer.”
Your body didn't bother to react to his words, barely shaking your head in a subtle nod prompting him to speak.
“With Natasha we used a flash drive that led us to the coordinates of some… old SHIELD facility. There, at the time, Zola was alive,” Steve paused, your brow barely furrowing as the information caught your attention. “Well, his brain was alive because of technology. Everything was a machine. But the point is, he said something, that HYDRA makes a lot of things look like accidents when they're not, and he showed us a picture of Howard and Maria's accident.”
You half-opened your lips, taking a deep breath, too emotionally drained to care too much about what you knew he was going to ask.
“Maybe I wouldn't have made the connection if I hadn't stayed in that room to listen to you and Fury, but those mystery accidents you said were connected to the Winter Soldier, was theirs one of those?”
You felt his gaze on your profile as a lone tear ran down your cheek. There was nothing more you could say to him, at that point it was more than fair for you to give him a concrete answer.
“That's why you stayed after Howard's funeral, besides Peggy. She told me you had spent a lot of time investigating something you couldn't tell Tony. That's why you're running away from him everytime.”
Surely it was because you felt guilty, but more tears ran down your cheeks as Steve beside you only sighed.
“Why didn't you just… tell me?”
“I don't know, I didn't… I didn't want you to carry that around. You'd barely been back, knowing about his death had to be too much already, and I couldn't add to the fact that it hadn't been an accident. You have no idea how long I've been carrying this weight on my shoulders trying to find the culprit… and now… now this…”
“I wouldn't have minded sharing that with you,” Steve frowned. “It would've helped either way.”
“I'm sorry," you whispered in the middle of a sob, his deep breath sounding close as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “I'm so sorry, Steve.”
“It's okay, it's okay,” his soothing, comforting voice sent you spiraling, not understanding how he could put it all aside and accept your apology without further explanation. His hand running up and down your back caused emotions to explode inside you, your body breaking into a sob that Steve was already expecting, his arms holding you tightly as you cried your soul out.
You didn't deserve someone like him in your life. You seemed to be doing him more harm than good.
tag: @rubyxx16
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fatphobiabusters · 9 months
I explained to a fatphobe today the documented fact that has been known for decades of how there is no scientifically-proven way to lose weight long-term and that dieting doesn't work. His response was to tell me that I need to try for "longer than a week."
I did. I tried for years, probably longer than he ever managed to keep a single friend around to listen to his assholery. The only time I ever had any "success" had also been due to me dieting for longer than a week. Two weeks to be exact. Where I lost 20 pounds.
That's over 9 kilograms, if you measure weight that way.
I lost the same amount of weight as a watermelon. A car tire. A lawn mower. An office chair. The weight of an entire patio table.
In two weeks.
If you want more numbers, that was 2 and a half hours of exercising on exercise equipment at levels dangerous for my body. Every day.
14 days of a self-imposed famine. A salad here or there when I couldn't take the pain in my stomach anymore. And then, of course, going right back to starving.
My mom who had helped teach me to hate my body for not being the width of a pencil had even managed to notice how much weight I lost and how fast. She forcibly weighed me, not that weighing me accomplished anything. She didn't know my previous weight.
I saw my childhood friend for the first time in quite a while after losing the weight of two newborn babies in half a month. The first thing I asked her is if she noticed I was thinner. I had always compared myself to her growing up. She was naturally thin, needed no effort at all to stay barely thicker than her bones. She would only eat a few bites of food, slowly, and only if it was to her taste. For many years as a kid, she was the single person I knew who ate baloney, let alone as one of the handful of foods she was willing to consume. I grew up thinking thin people ate nothing more than a bowl of steamed broccoli for dinner because nothing I did ever made me as small as her.
When she told me she noticed, I smiled. I was proud that I had so severely abused my body, that I had lost an extremely alarming amount of weight in such a short amount of time.
The only time. The one instance I had ever managed to lose a noticeable amount of my body. My fat genetics and PCOS don't really help in that regard.
I'm now nearly double the weight I had starved to as a teenager. My story follows the research studies to a T.
By the end of high school, I had already gained back the whole 20 pounds. And after high school, I gained that "and then some" so many people experience. 95% of people who try to lose weight end up gaining the weight back within 3-5 years, most becoming bigger than the weight they started with. I didn't "willpower enough" into that 5% success rate. Abusing my body those two weeks so I could be an entire shopping cart lighter and then obsessing about my weight throughout my high school years wasn't enough "willpower" it seems.
I gained more weight afterwards due to medicine, mental disability, untreated PCOS, a pandemic, more attempts at starvation, being bedridden in a tent for two years, and my body, like many bodies, wanting to grow into those fat genetics of mine now that I was no longer a teenager.
I did, in fact, try longer than a week. Now it's time to reciprocate and try treating fat people like human beings for a mere seven days. Here's an app for you to log all of the fat people you didn't tell to die, and make sure you use all your willpower. I have a neighbor whose sister's boss managed to not tell fat people to die for two whole years! They're still refraining from doing so today. All her boss needed to do was stop drinking sodas and have the willpower to succeed.
Have you tried that?
-Mod Worthy
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 22, Untold - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, rudeness to animals, Pocket and Tony committing adorable crimes.
Word Count: 364
Previously On...: Just another night at the strip club, until you met the one and only Tony Stark.
A/N: Super short section, which is why you're getting two today! Yay! Also, I don't remember if they had 24-hour Walmarts in 2002 yet or not, so don't come for me. Let's just say Earth-518 absolutely did. Please enjoy the use of printed directions off of MapQuest. That was a fun mental flashback -_-
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
Tumblr will not let me directly tag the following: @marcswife21 @erelierraceala @jupiter-107 @doublejeon @hiqhkey @unaxv @brookeleclerc
Twenty minutes later, you and Tony were pulling out of the parking lot of a 24-hour Walmart, a pair of garden shears in the back of Tony’s Audi A8 and directions to the nearest sheep farm that you’d printed out from MapQuest in the club’s office in your hand.
You had changed into an oversized MIT hoodie and pair of ultra low-rise bootcut jeans before leaving the club, and you were grateful, as the pre-dawn air was cool. You’d been driving for over an hour and a half and were nearly at your destination.
“Okay, make a left right here,” you told Tony, pointing toward a lonely dirt road. The Audi bumped along until you smacked Tony on the arm. “There!” you shouted. There was just enough light from the car’s headlights to make out a clump of shadows meandering near the fenceline. “The sheep!”
Tony put the car in park and got out. “Let’s do this,” he exclaimed, grinning like a lunatic as he got the shears from the backseat. Cautiously, the two of you climbed between the wires of the fence keeping the sheep from the road, Tony using his suit jacket to prevent the barbs from catching on you.
“Ok, now what?” he asked once the two of you had made it into the sheeps’ pasture.
“Now,” you said, rubbing your hands together with glee, “we catch ourselves a sheep!”
It was much easier said than done, and before you knew it, the two of you were running around like madmen, trying to corral just one sheep into position so you could grab it. But the little rectangle-eyed bastards were on to you, and they weren’t giving up without a fight. Soon, you were both in fits of laughter after the third or fourth time one of you fell into the mud.
You were having so much fun that you didn’t realize you weren’t alone, until a bright spotlight was upon you. “Hold it right there,” a gruff voice shouted.
You and Tony immediately froze and threw your hands in the air at the sound of a gun’s safety coming undone. “Don’t move,” said the voice behind the spotlight. “The police are on their way.”
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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jayden-killer · 11 months
what would happen if your favourite fictional character appeared in your bed..?
Part 2
A/N: finally came back! Exams period is almost done, so I can mainly focus on writing fan fics and replying to your comments. Thanks to everyone who never stopped giving me support during these months.~ For this story I was heavily inspired by the "Reality" song by Richard Sanderson. Last night I watched "La Boum" and something clicked in my mind the moment the movie titles came by. I highly recommend that movie (and its main song!).
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Fantastic. Another day gone bad. Not only I lost my notes taken at university with great effort (who knows where they flew thanks to the wind...), but it had rained until the end of the afternoon and a careless car passed by at great speed, soiling me with rain and migo mixed together.
«Ugh! You fucker!» My feet stomped hard on the dirt, realizing that what had just happened was just the beginning of a long evening. I'll just open the front door, walk into the kitchen, and throw my comfort on the sofa that I look forward to.
It seemed like an eternity would pass on the way back, and my body barely even managed to walk, almost like a dead weight. Don't walk on the ground. That would have been the last straw.
«Shit,» I thought aloud, the moment my eyes saw my house from afar, «Finally home». Taking the keys out of the backpack was also, a real pain in the ass: a real tangle of wires and metal had formed there since my headphones had not been folded properly. A sigh escaped from my lips the moment I walked through the front door, searching with difficulty for the light switch. I didn't waste any more time removing the ruined clothes (and placing them in a water bath) and letting a hot shower melt my nerves. It was just what I needed.
I knew I had a smile as I lathered my body thoroughly. Now the scent of lavender was something calming.
``I should make some tea too``.
«Oh, now that's what I am talking about! ». My smile didn't leave my face, as I excitedly opened the book I had left hanging a few days ago, due to my exam period. Being under stress didn't help me find the concertation and desire to identify myself with the main character of the book. ``That's enough``. This thought flooded my mind. ``Now you can rest, because you deserve it, so enjoy your reading``.
``Thanks, other me, maybe you're right`` I replied to the little inner voice that I assumed had a satisfied grin on her face.
Yet my eyes fell on the mega poster that took up most of my bedroom wall: Miguel O'Hara. This man was going to be the death of me one of these days. I remembered the day when my heart wanted him only for me: in the new Spiderman, starring Miles Morales, many would have said that he was the perfect villain, even if I kept countering, claiming the opposite. Of course, his anger issues didn't help get people on his side. He was perfect in every aspect: tall, muscular, intelligent, thoughtful. My god, where do I have to sign to have him next to me?
«Too good to be true». I sighed aloud again as I pulled my attention away from the poster and back into my book. I think it wasn't long after I started reading and my eyes started to get heavy. I might have let go of the book, and fallen asleep with it on my chest. It had been a bad day in every way. Perhaps that is the reason I imagined hugging Miguel more than once. Maybe that's why I also felt my mattress getting heavier under my back.
I was awakened by the sun's rays penetrating through the curtains of my room. I loudly grunted at the thought of getting up early to do my daily cleaning chores around the house. But what harm would it have been to stay in my warm bed for at least an hour longer? Turning over, I had the feeling that my bed had gotten much heavier. Or was I still dreaming of hugging Miguel?
Slowly my eyes opened and focused on an unfamiliar figure lying next to me. I had a moment of confusion. Why...was there a person in my bed?
Only when I fully focused on who was in front of me I almost fainted on the spot.
"AAAAHH!" I grabbed the first pillow nearby, slapping the stranger hard several times, and leapt out of bed, the pillow still in my hands. The man, taken aback, tripped on the ground, and a great thud resounded in the bedroom. I hugged the pillow tightly to my chest. Oh, holy god. What was happening at that moment? I was so confused I could have sworn my face was as just as confused.
The man grunted aloud and scrambled to his feet, throwing his hands in surrender.
«What the fuck did I do?!» he yelled, in sheer confusion too. Maybe at that moment, I could have passed out, I swear to whoever you want! Because whoever I had in front of me was a real dream.
«Holy shit...»
I swallowed hard. «You are Miguel O'Hara. Miguel O'Hara was in my room, in my bed!»
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surfinminhos · 11 months
especially in love with you ♡
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hwang hyunjin x female reader (fluff)
requested! ---- Lrei
!! fluff au, kissing, mentions of stress, work. 2ND PERSON POV, cuddling, clingy bf, tiny fake text part, everything fluff! microscopic angst part !!
word count: 1,073
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synopsis: You and Hyunjin have been dating for 8 months, The two of you haven't parted ways since. One day you went home exhausted from work. He was clearly worried about you and let you sleep for the rest of the night. The next day you woke up to see your boyfriend out of sight. Little did you know, he was planning a little gift to remove a little bit of your stress from work. It was the best gift you'd ever received from anyone. You both love each other dearly, but this day was really 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭.
-author's note: this is my first time writing something like this, ever so you can spot a lot of mistakes throughout my posts. I would love some tips on writing on Tumblr, overall tysm for reading.-
It was a scorching hot day and you were with your boyfriend that was going to drop you off to work. You two usually walked to your workplace every morning but considering the intense heat outside, you both decided that he'll just drop you off to work in his car. It was a pretty short and quiet ride. You both liked the comfortable silence that comes every once in a while. You two reached the workplace, wiping a little sweat dripping down your forehead from the hot temperature. You said goodbye to your boyfriend and kissed his cheek."Why can't you just take the day off and spend more time with me and Kkami?" he asked, frowning. "You know I can't do that Hyune, I have to work. Speaking of work, I gotta go, I don't want to be late. Bye," you kissed his cheek again and sent him multiple flying kisses on the way to your office's entrance. You walk inside your office as a bunch of your colleagues greet you and you greet them back. "Omg, I love you hyunjinnie baby mwa mwa mwa" your best friend, (y/f/n) stated mockingly. "Oh shut up (y/f/n), you're just jealous I dated someone longer than 2 days." you scoffed, making her blush a little from embarrassment. "Whatever, I still don't trust that guy." she ranted. "Well you should 'cause I don't think I can ever leave him," you stated. You organize your stuff as you mentally prepare yourself for a long day of work.
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You went home, exhausted. You plopped down on your couch, not wanting to stand up, maybe it was because of the extreme heat, or you were too tired to do so. "Hyune! I'm home!" you exclaimed as you watched your boyfriend run down the stairs to check on you. "Hey jagi, how was work?" he asked as he sat down beside you, looking like a disaster compared to him, it seemed like he had just got out of the shower an hour before you arrived, you were lying down, limbs everywhere. "It was the most tiring 5 hours of my life," you answered. "Missed me?" you asked with a cheeky smile, trying to cover the fact that you were really tired yet failing miserably the moment you heard your boyfriend's response. "Of course I did," he cupped your cheeks as he kissed you. "I know you're tired, stop trying to cover it up jagi, I've made you food, eat up and change into your pj's and I'll get ready to cuddle you to sleep," he instructed."Alriiight, help me get up first," you blurted, causing both of you to laugh as he pulls you out of the couch. After you did everything he told you, you rushed to your shared bedroom and saw Hyunjin laying down in his pj's. He was shocked seeing you've done everything he asked so swiftly. "Staring is bad y'know," you said jokingly. You ran over to the bed and lay down beside him. He tucks you in the blankets, legs intertwined as he cuddles you tightly, while you smile at his actions. "Go to sleep now, dream of me cutie" he smirked, causing you to smile and blush even more as you drift away to sleep.
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*bzzzt, bzzzt* you woke up to your phone buzzing loudly, you picked it up and glanced at the time, it was 7:23 in the morning. You grunted as you stretched your arms and saw the empty space on the other side of the bed, your boyfriend had woken up earlier than you. You wonder where he could've gone as you stand up and walk lazily to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After, you hear a sudden *ting!* from your phone, indicating a message. You check your phone and see it was from your boyfriend.
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"Hm, I wonder what his surprise would be" you mumble, running down the stairs. Just as you said that, you saw what he meant in the text. He made a lot of paintings, of you. He made a cake for you with something written on top "I love you jagiya!", He made a whole interactive card origami filled with letters for you and your pictures together which takes hours to make. You swore you were going to cry 'cause of all the efforts he gave making all of this. You truly didn't deserve him. He was beside the cake, he flashed his smile at you and you smiled back. "You made all this? For me? Why?" you asked, feeling flustered. "Because I saw that you were exhausted from work yesterday and I wanted to make you feel relaxed since you've been stressed the whole week," he answered. Feeling butterflies in your stomach. You two spent the whole weekend together. If only you could live in this moment forever. Night came, and you two were on the balcony, enjoying the view. "I have told you this a billion times already, but I'll say it again. I love you. So much." you stated, breaking the silence. He smiles at you and lifts your chin up to face him with his thumb, "I love you too, so, so, so much. You're my favourite person ever. 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲." he says, and kisses you under the moonlight.
-author's note ~ IT'S FINALLY DONE! I sacrificed my sleep for this. send some requests! sorry if it's kinda cheesy, I tried. Stream 5 Star for 5 days of luck-
133 notes · View notes
kasagia · 1 year
Our little game pt. 5
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: Klaus is making a major, huge mistake of his life, for which you are paying the price. Will you be able to forgive him? Or maybe it's too late for everything. Warning(s): angst, talk about death, Klaus fights and suffers because of Mikael, family drama, blood, violence, curses, I used some famous lines from TVD and TO Word count: 6,9k
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Third person's POV | 2 hours earlier
The original hybrid left the party in a hurry, loosening his tie as he practically ran towards the parking lot. His younger brother was right behind him, barely catching up with him.
"Nik! Wait a minute!" Kol screamed, grabbing his brother's elbow and stopping him halfway. He completely ignored his hostile, stern look and continued. "We need to think it over."
"All we need to do is get rid of him from our lives once and for all!"
"We can't do it alone. We need Freya…"
"Freya will never stand against him! We're on our own unless you're a coward." the man cut him off, yanking his arm out of his grip.
"Well, let's at least take Elijah…"
"I'm not going to ruin our brother's wedding day! I already killed him once; I can do it again. We have to hurry before he calls for backup. Will you help me, or should I rely on myself?" Kol sighed as he studied his brother's determined face. If they had attacked out of the blue, they might have been able to defeat him together while he was still weakened.
"All right. But we're keeping Davina out of it."
"As well as Y/N." they nodded to each other and walked hand in hand towards the parking lot.
Klaus had to do it quietly. His little witch needed a break, and a fight with the Mikaelsons' psychopathic father wouldn't help her at all (or convince the woman to stay in New Orleans much longer than she planned). Elijah deserved a respite from his problems, and so did Rebekah. Nor could he rely on Freya's strength and power forever. After all, she wasn't immortal like them; she had her limits like any witch. Kol and he had to deal with it on their own. For everyone's sake.
"Do you even know how he managed to get back to the surface of the earth? I thought you killed him for good last time."
"Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are."
"You think it's the mother's work? She has regained her powers and is resurrecting all our enemies from the other side?"
"You tell me. You spent a few months there before we finally begged your witch to help us bring you back. What were our parents' moods?"
"You know, I tried not to get too close to them. But I met your father; he's actually a nice guy."
"What did you say?" he asked in shock, staring at his brother in pure surprise.
"Yeah, I was surprised too when he saved me from Mikael and introduced himself as your dad. We had a bit of a fight at first, but he turned out to be a good guy."
"You met… my father."
"Maybe it's not a good time, but I think you should know that. If he somehow magically appears here, and I'm pretty sure he'll do it; he's said many times that he'll get the fuck out of here as soon as he gets a chance, you shouldn't hurt him. Hope deserves at least one normal grandpa. Ansel would be a good fit for this; he was babbling about her all the time, and my head was bursting as he raved about her. You know I love her, but how much can you talk about a baby? Hey? Nik?" he shook his brother's shoulder as he sat silently in the driver's seat, not bothering to start the car.
"How did he know about Hope?"
"He's been keeping an eye on you since… you know. He probably knows everything about you, which is actually as scary as it is cute."
Klaus continued to listen to Kol's story in silence. As he drove the car, he pondered the new message. His father watched over him.
His real father.
The one who supposedly abandoned him and didn't care for him...
Could that be true?
Could he believe it?
Allowing himself to live a boyish fantasy of having a father who truly cares for him? He could believe that Esther would be able to lie to him about his real father's feelings toward him, and it was hardly possible that Kol could be so cruel. So, could Klaus have been so lucky after all?
Could he have had the love of his true father, the beloved daughter who was the light in his dark life, and the love and devotion of a woman he wanted more than anything in this world?
Could Klaus, after so many years of pain, sorrow, and fury, be given such enormous blessings?
He found out a few hours later.
He found out a few hours later, when he and Kol were returning as fast as they could to their family after Mikael nearly killed them two. However, it wasn't just the two of them in the car on their way back...
"Father! Come, come wherever you are!"
It was supposed to go fast and smoothly. Klaus was supposed to act as bait (after arguing with Kol for several hours, they played paper, rock, scissors, and he lost… 10 times), and Kol was meant to heroically step in with a white oak stake and try to kill their father.
Piece of cake. Nothing possible could go wrong.
But it did. Very, very quickly.
They underestimated Mikael's ability to win people over. While Klaus was able to single-handedly take down his father's band of minions and come out of the fight uninjured, the fight against Mikael proved to be more of a challenge. Especially since he had a bit of an advantage over them...
"You're alone, boy? Did your siblings finally abandon you?"
"Don't worry about them. I don't need anyone else to help me send you back to hell."
"Very courage from your side to assume you can kill me all alone. Or stupid. I think the second one suits you much better. You didn't change at all, Niklaus. Thousand years, and you're still a quick-tempered, impulsive boy seeking the approval of others. I guess you've never learned from your mistakes. But it's even better for me. It'll be so easy to finally end your miserable life."
"Thousand years of trying, and you were never close enough. What makes you sure this time will be different?"
"This time, I know your weakness." Klaus' heart stopped for a moment in fear. He couldn't talk about Hope. His daughter was safe with Hayley, the pack, surrounded by Freya and Y/N with all sorts of protective spells.
"I don't have any."
"Don't you?" he looked at him carefully with a sinister smirk on his lips. "Then let me remind you. The blonde one, powerful witch you've met not so long ago. Y/N, right? Her blood must taste ambrosial with such magic running through her veins. She would make such a beautiful corpse, don't you think? "Klaus' composure dropped to zero, and his and Kol's plan went to hell. No one will threaten his witch, especially Mikael.
Without thinking, he lunged at the man, trying to punch him in the face. Mikael braced for his outburst, grabbed his fist, and twisted his arm. Klaus shouted, twisting his hand out of his grip, and pushing him to the boxes behind him. Mikael staggered, trying to regain his balance. The hybrid took advantage of this by throwing a metal rod at him and speeding towards him with the intention of snapping his neck. The older man grabbed the object flying towards him, pierced Klaus' side, and pushed, sending him crashing to the floor.
Klaus pulled the metal out of his body, but the wound on his side wouldn't heal. Suddenly he felt as if his whole body was on fire; every nerve in his body shot through with unimaginable pain. He felt as if his mother had put a curse on him, cutting him off from his werewolf side.
Suddenly, a circle of fire formed around him, and none other than the mother of the originals emerged from the shadows, muttering a familiar spell that began the 1,000-year search for the doppelgänger and the moonstone. Panic rose in him, along with the pain he felt.
NO! He couldn't go through it again!
"Who'll fight for you now, boy?!" Mikael shouted, walking slowly over to him and pulling a white oak stake from his coat pocket, patiently waiting for his wife to finish her spell and get rid of her unwanted son from their lives once and for all.
"I will." Kol stepped out of the shadows, pushing his father away from the circle where his older brother was trapped. Mikael laughed, looking at his son with contempt.
"I was wondering which of you would come to rescue this abomination. I never expected you'd be the first one to protect him. Wasn't he the one who locked you in a coffin for centuries? Will you defend him after what he did to you? You know best of all what he's capable of. Don't you want revenge? To see him suffer for all his sins against you? Join us, my son. Let's do justice to him together."
"Forgive me, father. I'm not on the retirement team." Mikael's smirk fell, and an ominous, dark look returned in its place.
"So you will watch your failure."
Mikael threw himself at his son in an instant, overpowering him. He turned his back to him and clamped his hand around his neck, forcing him to watch as his brother writhed on the floor in pain, occasionally getting close enough to the fire to sear him. Kol shuddered.
"In a moment, your mother will finish reciting the spell, and your treacherous brother will become nothing but a vampire again, and then... I will pierce him through before your eyes, son, so that you will remember once and for all how those who oppose me end up. Maybe then you'll join us."
"I'd rather die." Kol growled, trying to wriggle out of his father's grip.
"So you will."
And then, when everything seemed over for the two siblings and all hope of survival was lost, the appearance of one person changed the fate of the originals.
Suddenly, a wooden bolt shot out of the darkness of the building and pierced Esther's stomach, causing her to break her spell. The woman fell to the floor, screaming. Another wooden stake flew towards Mikael, who was forced to let go of Kol and catch the flying piece of wood before it hit him.
Klaus stopped shaking in pain, taking quick, heavy breaths. He used his remaining strength to look at his savior.
It couldn't be true…
"Get away from my son!"
Ansel jumped off the container, falling right in front of Klaus and shielding him with his own body. He held his crossbow high, aiming it at an angry Mikael. Kol stood beside him, handing him a white oak stake, which Mikael dropped and took out their weapons himself.
"I've already killed you once!"
"And I can already tell you that this time the ending will be different. Now, get out of here, or I will skin you for what you have done to MY SON."
"What can you do to me?! I'm a vampire, the original! Some weak werewolf can't kill me!"
"Be careful. That weak werewolf has many friends, and some of them..." Mikael and Esther cried out in pain as they fell to their knees on the floor. "Are very powerful witches. Touch my son again, and I'll kill you right away, without a blink. But for all of this, you've already done to him..." more bolts fired from his crossbow, wounding the parents of the originals. Most of them were aimed at the seething with anger Mikael.
"Kol. Take your brother out. I'll join you in a second."
"Are you sure, old man?"
"Yes. Just give me a few seconds." Kol nodded uncertainly to him, not wanting to leave Ansel alone with his parents at all. But the younger original carefully took his exhausted brother into his arms and carried him outside at vampire speed.
The werewolf took a few steps towards the kneeling two, firing the few bolts he had left at the man. Esther screamed shrilly beside them as the witches continued to torture her with their magic.
"I'll make sure you suffer in ways even your cruel, psychopathic mind can't imagine and believe me... a thousand years on the other side teaches great creativity and patience, Mikael." Ansel drove one of the stakes through Esther's heart and watched with satisfaction as the woman who had kept his only son away from him fell to the floor dead. "He'll suffer one more time because of you, and I'll make sure you don't get any peace even on the other side. I hope you understand."
"This whore of his will die before he gets to her! You won't protect him from that."
"We'll see. Again, please!" Mikael howled louder in pain as the witches strengthened their attack. Ansel smiled slightly.
Ansel left the warehouse, leaving the vampire writhing in pain behind him. He had more important things on his mind than torturing him. His son needed him, and he wasn't going to spend a single minute doing anything other than helping him.
After all, family was the most important thing. For always and forever.
Kol drove the car, watching the two men in the back seat in the mirror. Ansel told him to get back to their siblings as soon as possible, especially Y/N.
The original had already learned on the other side that it was better to follow his orders. Ansel usually knew what he was doing, and after saving Kol countless times, he had the younger vampire's full trust.
Klaus could be a little more like him.
"What are you laughing at there, jester?" Ansel asked, looking up from his sleeping son and noticing the smirk on Mikaelson's face.
"Don't get offended, but he is nothing like you."
"I know, and I'm proud of him. He's his own person."
"Elijah will be delighted when you tell him that. Another believer in Nik's redemption."
"He is my son. Of course I believe in him and want the best for him." Kol's face morosed as he remembered how, just an hour ago, his father had tried to kill him and nearly ended his brother's life. "Don't make such a face. He is not your father. No father would make his child suffer. He doesn't deserve your attention, thoughts, or anything."
"But he's right about one thing. We are monsters."
"No. You're all lost. You may be a thousand years old, but really you are like children who have not been taught how to be adults. You know no other way to deal with your emotions than to succumb to this bloodlust. The worst of all is that you've allowed yourselves to be told that you are monsters when everything you do is out of your will to survive or strong feelings."
"A living ticking time bomb, eh?"
"If that's what you want to call it." Ansel murmured, shifting his gaze to his only son. Kol glanced at the two men in a car mirror.
Klaus will be damn surprised to see such a caring and tender look in his biological father's eyes. But he deserved it. After everything Miakel and Esther had put him through—what they all went through because of their parents—they deserved a normal, healthy relationship.
Kol would give anything to have someone like a werewolf for a dad.
"He needs you. Don't fuck it up." instead of admitting this childish desire to himself, he decided to warn Klaus' father. 
"I'm not going to waste my chance, Kol. This is rarely: to come back from the other side."
"I'm still going to keep my eye on you. Especially around Hope."
"I would expect nothing less from you."
"Good. Wake up our princess. We're almost there."
They expected it to be hard. Some hidden group of vampires and witches ready to attack at any moment, maybe a few deadly traps await them.
They wouldn't have expected the house to go up in flames. Vampires didn't usually die from fire... but humans did.
Klaus got out of the car the moment he saw the burning building. He didn't care that Kol hadn't stopped the car yet or that his newly found father was sitting right next to him.
All the original hybrid had on his mind was getting to Y/N as fast as he could.
He screamed her name and ran like a madman through the collapsing house. She had to be around here somewhere, unless she evacuated. The man did not allow even the slightest thought that his beloved could be trapped in the building, dead from the fire. He had to find her, lock her in a safe place, defeat Mikael, and return to his love, only to finally reveal his feelings to her and keep her with him where she belonged. There was no other way out of this situation.
However, Klaus, despite his best efforts, found someone completely different.
Katherine Pierce-Mikaelson lay unconscious among the collapsing ruins of the hall. Klaus stopped. Dark thoughts flooded his mind. How easy it would be to leave her here once and for all and let some stray plank fall and pierce her stoned heart. He shook his head.
Whether he wanted it or not, she was part of the family now. And he never left them behind. (Also, Y/N wouldn't approve of him leaving her friend to die. Elijah wouldn't be too pleased either.)
He took her in his arms and carried her out of the building. He laid her down on the grass, checking to see if she was injured.
"NIKLAUS! KATERINA!" Klaus raised his head, turning his gaze to his brother, who was running towards them. "Is she okay?! Where is Kol?! KOL?!" the elder brother rushed home after making sure his wife and Klaus were okay.
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The hybrid caught up with him and grabbed his jacket, stopping him from entering the building.
"He is fine. Have you seen Y/N?" Elijah fell silent, looking away from his younger brother. Klaus grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to look into his eyes. "WHERE IS Y/N?!" he shouted, shaking him.
"Niklaus..." the hybrid didn't even bother to listen to him.
He let go of the lapels of his jacket and ran towards the collapsing building, but before he could get close to the fire, his brother caught him. Klaus tried to break free from his grip. They both fell to the ground, fighting until the younger original snapped the older's neck.
"NIK!" his sister's scream stopped him from going home again, he ran towards her. Rage and fear shone in his eyes.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" he shouted at the jittery blonde. He had to get to Y/N, and his sister's tearful, devastated face didn't show she was safe. His anxiety and panic only increased as he searched Rebekah's eyes for any answer.
"She... she is in our house." Klaus had never felt such need and blissful relief flood him so quickly. Unfortunately, it left him as fast as it came. "She is in transition."
The original froze. He felt as if the whole world stopped around him for a moment. The one thing Klaus wasn't sure how Y/N would take in their (then very likely) future relationship was her possible transformation into a vampire. Now that it was actually happening, Klaus worried what his beloved's reaction would be.
"What? But... how?"
"Our father's minions attacked the building. Elijah and I managed to escape in time and evacuate Freya. Katherine was supposed to join us with Y/N, ​​but they never showed up. We went back into the building and found her with a metal rod in her chest. We thought she was dead, but Freya did some weird tricks on her, and it turned out she had vampire blood in her system. Your blood, Nik. I'm so sorry."
"They attacked Katerina. They snapped her neck when she tried to help Y/N. We need to find them and Mikael. They will die for what they did." he growled, preparing a very savage plan of attack in his head.
He would destroy those who hurt his love. They will be begging him to send them to hell quickly.
"Klaus! You knew that, right? That our father returned. Is that why you disappeared with Kol? You went to kill him on your own and you lost. You provoked him, so now it's our fault that Y/N is dead."
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MY PLANS WERE!" he shouted furiously. Rebekah had no right to say that when all he was doing was trying to protect Y/N and his family.
"THAT'S THE PROBLEM, NIK, IT'S ALWAYS YOUR PLANS AND NEVER OURS! And now Y/N is dead and it's all your fault!"
Her sudden statement restored complete silence, broken only by the sound of the burning house. Klaus quickly came to the conclusion that the sound of the fire burning in the fireplace, instead of bringing him relief and peace as before, would become the cause of his anxiety, a memory of the fear and horror he felt today. Another trauma for the collection.
"She won't be one of us. She will die, Nik, and you will have the blood on your hands of the only person who has ever truly loved you."
"YOU'RE LIAR! SHE WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME!" he shouted, feeling the tears start to gather dangerously in his eyes.
"Are you sure?"
Klaus screamed, rushing furiously at his sister, but a strong hand on his shoulder stopped him.
"Be calm, son. Don't do something you'll regret. We'll go in turn. We'll kill Miakel first and then deal with Y/N, right?"
"And who the bloody hell are you?" Rebekah asked, eyeing the newcomer suspiciously. Especially when her brother hadn't ripped his arm off or maimed him after he touched him.
"Rebekah, this is my father... Rebekah!" Klaus screamed as the blonde vampire walked over to the older man and slapped him across the face.
"It's okay, Niklaus. I think I deserved it." Ansel groaned in pain, clutching his sore cheek.
"What do you want from him?" she growled, shielding her brother from him with her body. The Mikaelsons' experience had taught them to be careful in their dealings with their parents. They didn't have a very good experience. Klaus, on the other hand, rolled his eyes at his sister's protectiveness. If Ansel wanted to hurt him, he would have done so long ago; he certainly wouldn't have saved him from the clutches of death. Which didn't mean he trusted his father. He would have to deserve it and prove his good intentions to the sibling.
"I want to protect him. He's my son."
Klaus' heart beat faster. His son. It had been a long time since anyone had said that about him (he doubted he'd ever heard those words spoken with such pride and feeling). After all, Klaus wasn't made of stone. He could pretend his father's attitude didn't bother him, but he guessed they all knew how it affected the cruel hybrid. But before their big family meeting about Ansel could take place, they had to defeat their parents. And nothing unites and strengthens family bonds like hunting down their enemies.
"I threw the newlyweds in the car! If you've finished this dramatic scene, get your ass to the car before we all burn up from this fire, behind you, idiots!"
Maybe Klaus would have taken his father into the family after all. He would make a great replacement for his annoying little brother...
I groaned as I slowly began to regain consciousness.
My head was bursting like hell, my throat felt like a desert, and the lights of the New Orelan lanterns that flooded into the room blinded me, causing me additional pain.
I felt like I had a huge, unforgettable hangover.
However, I don't remember much from last night. I guess I got drunk at the wedding faster than I thought and ended up in Klaus' bedroom again. At least he cleaned up after our recent… activities.
I slowly got out of bed. The world seemed to spin in my head. I closed my eyes, trying to compose myself. Suddenly, I heard an awfully loud jazz band playing in the streets of New Orleans. I swallowed, wondering who normal plays at night under other people's windows.
Someone entered the house with a bang, slamming the door mercilessly behind them. I hissed, clutching my throbbing head in pain. I've never had such a big hangover in my life.
Klaus came in covered in blood. Instantly, I felt the excitement flooding into my body, and my tongue moved to wet my chapped lips. I felt hotter in the room. My god, I fucked him only 24 hours ago, I couldn't be such a whore to him.
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"Y/N." he sighed, standing stunned in the doorway. Well, he probably wasn't expecting me in his bedroom again.
"After all the noise outside, I can tell you didn't get rid of those musicians after all. Who did you fight? And please don't tell me it was Elijah." I asked, trying to control my sudden and unexpected turning on by the hybrid in the blood. Fucking hormones before a period.
"Do not change the subject. With your super-hearing, there's no way you can't hear it." the man gave me a concerned look as he approached me. "Okay, I'm starting to worry. What happened to you?"
"Y/N..." he whispered, reaching for me, but I took a step away from him and wrinkled my nose.
"There's no way I'm letting you hug me or even touch me when you're covered in blood. Know my good heart, I'll clean you." I made a familiar flick of my wrist, but to my surprise, nothing happened… my magic didn't even move in my veins. I tried again, but nothing happened. I transferred my annoyed, hostile gaze to the original. What right did he have to lock me up in his house and block access to my magic?! "What the hell have you done to my magic?! Why did you keep it from me?! What kind of game are you playing right now?!"
"Y/N, I need you to calm down..."
"DON'T TOUCH ME! What did you do to me?! Why can't I feel my power?!"
"I'm so sorry, love."
"No… you can't just imply that… No." I shook my head in disbelief, unable to accept what he was trying to tell me. He must have been making cruel fun of me. But his painful, worried expression indicated otherwise.
"You're in a transition, Y/N."
"No, no, no. I can't! I didn't even drink a vampire's blood or die!"
"You drank from me last night, and today at the wedding, my father's minions disrupted the party. They started a fire and…"
"NO! You're lying! I can't be a vampire!"
"Y/N, please just listen to me..." he took a step towards me, but I backed away from him in panic, afraid to be so close to the man covered in blood... I could smell the wonderful, intoxicating smell of the red liquid on him.
"DON'T come closer. It is impossible. Are you playing some sick game, or is that some fucking plan of yours? A way to get me stuck here?"
"You think I'd stoop so low that I could do something like that to you? One of the few people I care about more than myself?!"
"You tell me. I don't know you."
"Do you really want to argue the same thing over and over again? When do we both know the truth?"
"I'm in transition, I'm scared, I'm angry, and I feel like my whole body is on fire with pain, and you're still able to bring everything back to our fucked-up relationship? You are an unbelievable narcistic psycho."
"Well, I know a very simple solution to your problems." he walked over to his desk and opened a drawer, leaving a bloodstain on the wood. He turned back to me, tossing me a bag of blood. "Drink."
"Are you crazy?! I'm not going to turn into that bloodthirsty thing that you are!"
"I've never heard such a beautiful compliment, love. Now. Drink. Before I pour it down your throat."
"You can't fucking make me!" I screamed, throwing a bag against the wall, which wasn't a good idea at all as its contents started to run down the wall, creating a small puddle on the floor. My gums involuntarily itched. My stomach rumbled as the delicious smell of fresh blood hit my nostrils.
I closed my eyes, sighing as I tried to control the overwhelming hunger. Klaus took advantage of my moment of weakness, coming over to me and enclosing me in a tight, strong hug. The smell of blood that covered him attacked my senses.
It was funny how his arms were both the only place that could bring me peace and make me fearful of the inner need caused by the vampire blood in my system.
"I can see how you are struggling and how persistently you are trying to overcome it. But why fight it? Why when you can get so much? Have you ever thought about the benefits of being a vampire? Your lovely, pretty face will never age a day, being able to dazzle others with its unimaginable beauty forever. All human diseases and ailments will disappear. You will be able to enjoy eternal life, discovering the mysteries and wonders of this world, even if not with me by your side, then with someone who will worship you until the end of this world. All you have to do is drink some blood and let us take care of you until you learn to control yourself. Is that such a big price to pay for eternal life?" he let me pull away from him a little so I could look into his eyes as he held me tight, desperately trying to convince me to stay alive.
"Who said it would be a happy life? That I'll learn to control myself and not go crazy or become a ripper? That I won't come back covered in the innocent blood of humans every night like you?"
"I must admit I'm a little offended, but I won't blame you for making such vicious accusations against me." he said it in such a tone that I laughed involuntarily, bringing a tender smile to his face. He could always make me laugh, even in the darkest of times. "It's the blood of Mikael and his minions; they definitely weren't innocent, love. Besides, I know you. You will not attack an ordinary man for your own pleasure. And even if you want to, I'll make sure you don't do anything stupid."
I got out of his grip, walking away from him to a safe distance. I might have been in transition, but of the two of us, the man was still the more impetuous. His reaction to my final decision may vary, and I prefer not to risk an untimely death by suffocation.
Besides, Klaus would never forgive himself for that.
"I can't, Nik. I won't feed." his calm facade dropped, and the desperation in his eyes and fear became more evident.
"Y/N just listen to me..."
"It seems like the only fair way out, you know? I helped you plan that stupid wedding; now, at least, you can return the favor by giving me a big, epic funeral."
"Don't even joke like that."
"You know, when Bonnie became sort of an anchor for dead supernaturals to find their way to peace or whatever it is, I couldn't believe at first that the dead actually went somewhere. It seems logical that after you've lived so many years with all these super powers, you just… die. No special effects, no second life, or another reality where there are other dead people. Now, I wish I believed in an afterlife, but I just don't buy this peace story."
"Vampirism is by definition an afterlife."
"I'd rather go into the unknown than live in pain." as if on cue, a sudden, painful spasm seized the left half of my body, causing me to double up... I thought I was beginning to decay from the inside out.
Klaus was near me in no time, holding me up. Fear and despair were painted on his face so clearly that I had to look away from him to chase away the remorse.
"The longer you wait, the more you'll suffer."
"Yeah. I think it's better this way. I mean, look at me. I'm gonna make a super-hot corpse. Perfect for an open casket..."
"I want a huge party. Everyone has to drink themselves into oblivion and reminisce about all the happy times, funny jokes, or God knows what else. And don't let Kol officiate my funeral, because he'll definitely bring up that stupid story about drunk me flirting with you in a wedding dress or that you were my last fu..."
"STOP IT!" he shouted, interrupting me."I'll not entertain this kind of talk any longer. You must feed. I need you." he growled, glaring at me madly as if that had ever impressed me or worked on me.
He wanted a furious lovers quarrel? Here we go, I'll give him a fucking, last argument.
"This is not about you, this is about me! I liked who I was! I've spent my entire life being that exact version of myself! Years of hard practice and experimentation with my magic went for nothing. I'm nothing! I will never be who I used to be. It is better if I die as someone I'm proud of than live as someone I despise!"
"NO! It is better to live a flawed life than to waste it rotting in clay!"
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"But that's not your decision to make." I whispered with tears in my eyes.
He thought I wanted to die? Leaving the love of my life when our story was just beginning? That I didn't want that fucking fairytale ending where the princess got her prince charming?
But I was never a Cinderella, and Klaus was no cut-off to be a prince on a white horse. And we had to accept this.
"I HAVE NOTHING, KLAUS! Without my magic, I am a meaningless shell of my former self. I will always be just a shadow of the person I used to be, unable to cast even the simplest spell or feel the fucking energy of plants! My immortal life will be one big void that nothing can fill!" I walked over to him, taking his hands. I didn't want him to leave. Since I was about to die, I didn't want to do it alone. But I knew full well that he wouldn't stay with me to watch me die, because if I were in his place, I wouldn't be able to watch him go away forever either. "I don't want to live like this, Nik. I can't stand such a pain, and certainly nothing is worth it."
"If you want to go back to the arms of death so badly, I won't stop you. I only hope the bugs will eat your rotten body soon, love." he growled, pulling his hand out of my grip, and he stormed out of the room.
"Klaus! Wait!" I shouted after him, trying to take a step towards the door, but I was too weak to move. I slumped to the ground, letting all my heightened emotions come to light and burst into tears as I listened as the hybrid left the house, slamming the door angrily.
This wasn't how it was all supposed to be.
Everything was meant to fall into place after the wedding, but my life was coming to an inexorable end, and my epic true love left me alone and ran away, hurt by my refusal to accept eternal life by his side.
Suddenly, I felt arms pull me into a comforting, firm embrace as someone began to stroke my hair reassuringly. I looked up. It was Klaus' father.
Klaus told me about it several times and even showed me one of the most traumatic memories for him—finding his biological father, pierced through and through by Mikael's sword. I spent half the night with him then, trying to distract his mind from his memories about his true origin.
Apparently, Ansel must have returned with the parents of the originals. He must have trusted him to let him into his mansion.
"All right. He will calm down a bit and come back to you, darling. He will not waste the last hours with his beloved on pointless wandering in anger around the city."
"I... don't want to hurt him. I just can't... I... was never supposed to become... It's all so fucked up." I sobbed, letting Ansel move me to Klaus' bed, so we were sitting next to each other.
"Try to understand him. The love of his life is dying, and while he could shove blood down your throat and save you, he can't do anything without your permission. He's powerless, and that's one of the few feelings my son doesn't take well."
"I don't think I can do it, Ansel. I don't want to be a vampire, but… I want him to be okay. He finally has some happiness and peace in his life, and I'm taking that away from him, making him unhappy again. If only I could turn back time and…"
"And do what? Never met him?"
"That would be best for him and his family."
"I think my son knows what's best for him. And I think..." he got out of bed, rolled up the carpet to get to the floorboards, and pulled out one board. He put his hand into the hole and pulled out a huge bundle of papers. He put everything back in its place and came over to me, handing me the package. "He discovered it himself a long time ago."
"What is it?" I asked, wiping tears from my cheeks, and (after wiping my hands on my dress) I took it from him.
"Something for you. Ah, these postmen! They always lose something or don't deliver it on time, don't they? I'll leave you with that for a while. I'll make sure you have some privacy." Klaus' father went out of the room, closing a door behind him.
A werewolf left me with the strange envelopes alone.
I looked at them distrustfully, not certain if I really wanted to open them. But my innate curiosity made me ask myself one important question all the time.
What was in them?
With trembling hands, I opened the first sealed envelope.
I'd recognize Klaus' practiced, beautiful handwriting anywhere. It's been haunting me since he sent me an invitation to Mikaelson's ball. After every little note he gave me, I could tell I was an expert at his refined handwriting. Thanks to this little obsession, after the first glance at the letter, I knew it was written by him.
Y/N, I have to admit, I'm a little offended that you're not answering my calls. Are you so busy with Mystic Falls stuff that you don't have time for old friends? It'd be nice to know you're alive, Klaus
My malicious witch, my nuisance, It's really awful of you to torment my poor soul. What have I done to deserve such a cold shoulder? Have your little friends turned you against me? If Rebekah and Katherine deserve weekly video calls, what do I have to do to have the honor of hearing your irritating voice? Stop with that attitude, or I'll show up in this musty hole myself, Klaus
A thorn in my side, a waking nightmare, I see you're ignoring me on purpose. I have to admit, I didn't expect such a game from you, but here you go. Want to play games? Expect me to be a willing participant. Let the best win, Klaus
My stupid little witch, Heretics will no longer bother you. Do not thank me. Put your life in danger for these morons one more time, and you will know my wrath, Klaus
My little tormentor, Have you cast a spell on me to think about you every night? Does this possession make me see you everywhere I go, only to be disappointed when I reach a person who is not you? Is this another one of your new tricks? Making me miss you awake and asleep? I swear I'll draw you into your own trap, Klaus
My lovely witch and the sweet bane of my existence, You win. I love you. Truly, madly, deeply. I dare you to come to me and get your price. Yours, Klaus
If it was possible, I cried more than before. Why now? Why didn't I find all these letters sooner? If only I had known about the letters sooner, now at least I would have had something to remember on the other side.
But the most important question was, did I really want to go to the other side, now?
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bigwishes · 2 years
Hey I am in dire need for some help!
I'm a 6'4 handsome jock, big beefy muscles, a deep baritone voice and got every guy on the team begging to suck my 8.5-incher.
I know this al sounds amazing and fuck yeah it is.. but the last few days I felt weak, not like I was sick or anything, but like my strength started leaving me. I heard a lot about your wishes where people drain their bullies or the jocks of their school. I'm an upstanding person, I have helped go up against bullying even from my teammates, I've helped my younger brother in the gym when he didn't know what he needed to do, even coach thinks I have everything he needs to become state champion this year.
So please save me from loosing all my hard worked size, I don't even know who is doing this to me.
Oh no you're losing muscle?!?!?! well we can't have that. The truth is mate I know exactly what is going on and who is doing it to you. A new student at the college gym always wanted to work out but his parent's never let him, worried it might stunt his growth. He desperately wanted to catch up and asked if I could put everyone in the gym's gains on him for the next week. Nobody noticed but you've got a keen eye and seem to notice what's going on so I tell you what I'll stop this guys wish, tell him to wish for something new and as a reward for being so perceptive I'll make you the new focus of the wish. Get you your gains back from the past few days and give you the gains of everyone who goes to the gym for the next week.
Day 1 was dope as fuck, your muscle felt pumped again, you were no longer tired after lifting and you felt incredibly solid after a workout. You were happy to be yourself again, working towards you goals. As much as you had prided yourself on hard work and being natural you were low key excited for a little magical boost, just a couple pounds of muscle from magic surely would still make you natural, after all the gains being sent your way are still gains worked for, just not gains worked for by you.
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Day 2 was even better, whole fuck you were pumped all the time, you probably didn't even need to go to the gym but you wanted to, you loved the gym and didn't want to take the week off because you were getting free gains. After all it was like working double time getting swole, you were excited for the state championships in a few months and to go home and see your brother and show off your gains. The Christmas dinner keeps running in your head of him asking you how you got massive and you just saying diet and exercise. the thought of entering a bodybuilding comp crossed your mind, you were getting huge and its not like you could test positive for roids, and you'd never be tempted by them either.
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Day 3 was different, you woke up at 12:01am on the dot and felt an insane pump, it wasn't slow and every lasting like how day 2 was this was fast, like a flood of blood throughout your whole body, like you were being pumped up like a balloon,
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You struggled on your bed feeling more and more mass being added to your frame. The growth finally subsided and you passed out.
You struggled driving your car to the campas gym, the seat was uncomfortable and your thighs and swollen up so big you gym shorts felt like they were cutting off the circulation to your legs, maybe you should take the rest of the week off....or maybe ask for the growth to stop now....
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Day 4 was a struggle, you had another growth surge in the middle of the night and it really set in just how much mass hundreds of people using the 24 hour gym daily can make. You would be fine to be like this, it'd be awesome and absolute easy win at state championships followed by sponsorships, you could drop out and be paid by supplement companies to simply pose with their products, but you couldn't get bigger than this, anymore size and you wouldn't even be able to get in your car anymore, no, you had to text the genie and ask for it to end early.
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Day 5 was hell, you had a growth spurt in the middle of the gym changing room, bringing a whole new meaning to the words "Changing Room" not a single person in there noticed, like the magic was just making everyone thing you were always this big. Your coach had commented on how genetically gifted you were, apparently you had been made to do a random roid test several times and always come back clean, something you had no memory of. Going through old social media posts you saw you were much bigger in high school then you actually were, like the past was changing to accommodate for all this new found size.
Still after today you knew you didn't want anymore, even your best friend stood next to you as your posed your hulking frame in the mirror.
"bro, there is such a thing as too large, slim down for a few months or you'll be off the team for being too slow"
He was right, the new size was impacting your ability to play, one strong and fast you were now just strong, a brick wall no one could get by sure but what was the point it you couldn't chase a guy down or move your arms properly to catch the ball.
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Day 6 was spent messaging the genie all day different combinations of "I wish to be smaller" or "please stop the growth now" any phrase you could think of to try to get the genie's attention to stop the growth. What your young mind thought would be cool t first turned into your biggest nightmare, you had outgrown your car and you couldn't even sell it for a new one as last time you got out of it you completely caved in the drivers side by simply shutting the door. You spent an hour walking to the gym, the only thing to clear your mind was lifting weights. During a rest your daily does of growth kicked in, your pecs and traps were swelling so close to your neck you could barely turn your head anymore.
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Day 7, the final day of growth. You had become a fucking monster. Lost your place on the team from barely being able to move. You were staving all the time and spent most of your day now shovelling food down your throat as simply waling down the dorm room stairs caused you to burn a whole day's work of calories for any normal guy. You were anxiously awaiting today's growth and spent the whole day locked in your room. Everything around you was destroyed, unable to handle all the strength you had busted most things you touched and your furniture had all collapsed. Cheap college budget furniture could barely hold your weight how you were before all this but now it was just scrap wood and metal on the floor, you couldn't even bend down to pick it up. The whole day passed you buy and you saw the time 11:30pm...any moment now your final growth would happen and then you could figure out how to reverse it, or live with it. You tried to think positively, how awesome it would be to be an absolute monster, how much action you'd get. A deluded lie you told yourself, the truth was after what you did to your care you were terrified to go on a date or out for a hook up, every time you thought about it you could only think about accidently breaking the guys spine, but you'll finally get to figure all this out in just a few minutes, after tonight no more growth, just learning to live with the size. A message appear on your phone, from the genie, maybe he had finally seen your messages, maybe he'll shrink you back to how you were a few days ago, maybe you'd get punished for turning away the gift and turned into a twink....but being a twink would be better than this.
"hey bro, hope you are enjoying all the mass from the guys in the gym, today is gonna be a bit different. I explained what was going on to the original wish maker and he felt shitty and made a new wish, he wanted the nicest guy in the gym to triple in size and well I have decided you're nicest guy! you've been great carrying your team and just being a nice guy in the gym so I dunno how big you are now mate but I hope you always dreamed to be massive. If you've gotten too big from this tell me now and Ill stop the wish but after 11:59pm thats it, it goes through and nothing I can do about it"
You laughed loudly, this was your chance, to get the body from a few days ago, be a massive goliath but not be too big. Thank god. 11:45, still heaps of time. You excitedly went to message back but your phone slipped out you massive hands. Instinctively you went to catch it before it landed on the floor *CRUNCH...you opened your hand to see bits of crushed aluminium and glass slip out your fingers and on to the floor. You stopped, in shock you simply got off your bed and walked to the bathroom mirror. No one had gotten shell shock from breaking their phone before but you just stood in your bathroom, barely big enough for you to fit in and stared at yourself in the mirror. You thought you had become a monster, no, you were a freak, a massive freak of nature but in just a few more minutes, then, then you'd truly become a monster and there was no way for you to stop it now.
Morphs in the story done by the incredibly Max Morphs check out their blog and show them some love.
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this-witch-writes · 1 year
Part 3 (Show Don't Tell)
back to: part 1, part 2
'Nothing's ever going to be good enough for his highness, is it?'
The words echoed in the small space. Steve got out of the van and knew he had to leave. He didn’t want to, he was a snotty crying mess  it, but over it, if he stayed in Hawkins begging to be loved any longer he would end up at the bottom the quarry by the fastest route.
It wasn’t like he had much to pack that he cared about. He didn’t care much about clothes beyond looking presentable. Two pairs of jeans, some shirts, and a pair shorts would last him until he planned his next move. It was the personal stuff that took time to pack. With the trunk of his car full, he left a message with Robin’s dorm roommate that he was driving out to New York and that he’d call her again from a motel along the way. He repeated the ‘no need to worry’ part of the message twice but he knew that she would worry anyway.
Steve drove for a few hours that night until he got to a motel so he’d be further away before he second guessed himself. He called Robin in the morning, once he was done pretending he could sleep, nervous about what she’d say. She’d never been sure about him dating Eddie. Robin had bonded with Eddie over the summer, Upside Down survivors and all that, but apparently she hadn’t liked the King of Freaks any better than King Steve back in high school. ‘Same macho social cliché bullshit, different dress code’ she’d said. She wasn’t sure Eddie and Steve were “compatible”.
So Steve dreaded the ‘I told you so’ even though he knew it wouldn’t come if she knew he was genuinely upset.
‘What’s wrong?’ Were the first words out of her mouth when she answered.
‘Me and Eddie broke up’ Steve sniffed. ‘I needed out of Hawkins so I’m driving to New York.’
‘You’re always welcome, dingus,’ Robin assured him. ‘Do I need to be mad at him?’
‘No?’ She scoffed at how unsure he sounded. ‘He didn’t, like, cheat or hurt me or anything.’
‘Jesus your bar is low, Steve-o.’
He laughed bitterly. ‘Right? Still asked too much though.’
‘Was it the “I love you” thing?’ Robin guessed. They’d talked about it over Christmas break. Even though Eddie had been lovely and attentive, Steve was still upset that he hadn’t said I love you back. Robin had told him to ask Eddie once the stress of the holidays passed.
‘Yeah. I finally asked him if he loved me and he acted like I asked him to run an errand on the moon. Bit my head off.’
‘Like actually angry?’ She was surprised, which was fair, it was out of character.
‘His exact words were “Nothing's ever going to be good enough for his highness, is it?”.’
‘Oh fuck that guy.’ Robin growled supportively. ‘Was there something going on? Were you fighting about something that made him think you were trying to pick a fight or something?’
‘No,’ Steve frowned. ‘Two minutes earlier everything had been perfect, that was kind of why I asked?’
‘I don’t get it.’
‘He acted like he loved me. He made me so fucking happy, Rob. But every time I said it, he just brushed it off, never acknowledged it at all, not even to say he needed time or something. He was being so sweet that it confused me so I asked and he snapped.’
‘You’ll be here by tonight right? We’ll talk more then.’ Then her voice went much softer than usual. ‘Sometimes we love someone, but that doesn’t mean we should stay with them, you know?  I love you, dingus, no matter what.’
Steve teared up. ‘Love you too.’
Was that so hard to say?
It was a long drive before Steve hit New York and got smuggled into Robin’s dorm room. Her roommate was nearly always with her boyfriend at night so wasn’t there to complain about Steve squashed into Robin’s twin bed with her. They didn’t talk that night, he was too tired. They don’t talk immediately the next day either. Steve lets Robin show him around Columbia, take him to trendy cafes and look at graffiti. Then they find a grotty diner and the whole story comes out. To Steve’s surprise, Robin’s first response was ‘you should call him.’
‘Wait I thought you didn’t want us together?’
‘I didn’t say that,’ she complained. ‘I said I wasn’t sure it would work out because you were too alike in some ways and too different in others, which like…’ a pointed silence took the place of an I Told You So.
‘Then why…?’
‘Because he’s still our friend and even if you guys breakup, he deserves a better goodbye than a weird cryptic note you wrote while panic crying.’ Robin wasn’t mincing words.
‘Harsh.’ He grumbled.
‘But true.’ Then she took him back to the dorm and sat him by the phone.
‘Hello?’ A deep voice answered, not Eddie. Dammit.
‘Hi Wayne,’ Steve croaked, awkward and shaking. ‘Is Eddie there?’
‘He is.’ Wayne’s voice was level. ‘He’s been pretty damn upset, Steve, and I do think I said something to you about that.’
‘Yes, sir.’ Steve’s too tired to point fingers. Eddie started it would just sound ridiculous anyway.
Wayne just sighed at the meagre come back and shouted for Eddie to come to the phone. Given the stern way Wayne had warned Steve not to hurt his nephew back in the fall, he had gotten out of their first post-breakup conversation pretty lightly. It still ached though.
‘Yeah?’ If Wayne’s voice had been carefully level, Eddie’s was roadkill flat.
‘Hey, Eds.’ Steve swallowed around the lump in his throat. ‘I’m sorry I just took off like that, it was childish. You deserved better.’
‘But not sorry you left?’ Eddie sounded wounded and small.
‘I couldn’t breathe, Eddie,’ Steve gasped, like speaking it made it true. ‘It hurt that you wouldn’t say it, but it hurt more that you acted like I was crazy for even thinking it.’
‘Why are you still acting like I don’t love you!?’ Eddie snapped back, frustrated to near anger.
‘Because I asked and you freaked out!’ Steve shouted back. ‘I practically had to bully you into admitting we were even in a committed relationship at all.’
‘I’ve been committed!’ Eddie snarled. ‘I might not care about labels as much as you, but I’m not the one who ran!’
‘Because I’ve already spent my whole life waiting for people I love to want to love me too.’
‘What more could I have done?’ Eddie sounded tired. ‘I’ve been there though the nightmares and the bad days. I took care of you and was honest with you and never forgot you hate mushrooms…’
‘And I’m so grateful, you did more than I would ever have asked for, I never said you weren’t lovely just that you didn’t love me.’
‘Why do you think that?!’
‘Because you never say it! I say it and you smile and nodded along and when I asked you, needed to hear it, you acted like I was a spoiled child asking for more cake!’
‘Maybe you are a spoiled child!’
Steve hung up. He couldn’t take it anymore. He slammed the receiver down and curled up on his side, sobbing. Robin had stepped awkwardly into the corridor to give him some privacy but could obviously hear enough to know when to rush back in.
‘I’m sorry, Steve,’ she hugged him tight. ‘Maybe I was wrong about calling… what do I know about relationships?’
‘No,’ he sniffed. ‘I needed to hear that. I needed to know it wasn’t just one silly thing, that something was really wrong.’
‘If you’re sure.’
‘I have to be now.’
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
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fuck-customers · 4 months
Sorry in advance. This one is gonna be REAL long and vent-y.
So I currently have a retail job that I've been at for 4 years. I'll be honestly, it's never been a great job and since it's retail, I obviously never intended to stay there forever. Honestly, I've stayed there longer than I intended to, due to a lot of disasters in my personal life. (legal battles, house fire, homelessness) And because it was easier to just stay at a job that I already had and was already established and trained and knew the drill vs. going through these personal disasters at a new job, trying to give a good impression and perform well while hiding the fact that I'm miserable and going through a lot of difficulties that I do not want to bring into work/have bosses or coworkers be aware of. (I feel very hesitant to share any personal info at work, because I worry that any shared info not work-related can be used against me, in minor and major ways. But perhaps I'm being unnecessarily paranoid.)
However, after all this time of me dragging my feet, it is unfortunately clear to me that I am going to have to get another job. My job was always part-time (with a promise that was a lie about being promoted to full-time with good performance) but now my hours have majorly decreased from 12-30 hours per week when I was first hired, to now getting 3-6 hours EVERY OTHER WEEK.
So now I have begrudgingly resigned myself to accept the fact that I need to apply for jobs. I'm terrified. I've accepted it, but I'm terrified.
I don't have very much work experience. I had a seasonal job before my current job (3 months) and I've been at my current job for (a bit over) 4 years, which looks good because it shows loyalty, commitment, blah, blah, blah. But that's IT. 2 jobs. No degree or license or qualifications. I was in a few clubs in high school, but I'm too old to be listing my high school achievements. I can't afford college. And I know that a lot of job applications have auto-delete programs that will just trash an application if it doesn't have the correct buzzwords...but how am I supposed to know the correct buzzwords? I've also heard about ghost listings where companies post job listings they never intend to fill so they get a tax write off or whatever. (Idk if this is true, but the idea is enough to terrify me) I also have a hearing disability and I suspect (but am undiagnosed) that I have a learning/neurological disability, possibly ADHD or mild autism.
So there's ALL THAT weighing on my mind. And then on top of all of that, I'm scared out of my mind about my own personal situation.
I figure I can probably fake it well enough for the first week or so, maybe the first month if I'm really crafty and lucky (I figure I can get through the application process by listing my P.O. box as an address without putting that it's a P.O. box. And I have a lot of clothes from before becoming homeless that I can change into so I'm not constantly wearing the same clothes) but eventually people at this hypothetical new job will figure out that I live in a car (I can change my outfits and use dry shampoo on my hair, but trust me, from experience I know that I can really only go about a week and a half without a proper shower before it becomes very noticeable, no matter how much dry shampoo I use. I am a female woman with medium-length hair, for perspective) and will treat me differently and disrespect me and treat me as less than human. Or possibly take advantage of me, shoving extra work on me because I "need the money" and making me a scapegoat. Or worse, firing me. Sure, it's illegal (I think) but if they really want you gone, they can find any minor mistake you have made (and being new at a job, I will likely make a few) and use that as an excuse to fire me. Or lay me off due to "budget cuts" or some bullshit. If they want you gone, they can make it happen.
But most importantly, I don't feel good about myself. I've never had particularly high self-esteem, but in past interviews, I was able to list positive traits of mine and spin the less positive ones in a good light.
But now I don't even remember a positive thing about me. It doesn't help that my mother (whose car I live in) puts me down every chance she gets. Every day, she calls me a loser with a dead-end job and tells me I need to get a new job, without listening to what I tell her I need from her to do so. (She doesn't have a job, but of course that's not a problem) For example, I do not have word on my laptop. I need to go somewhere (library? the paperclips store? Unfortunately the work network place in my area that used to help with job applications, resumes, etc shut down) to use a computer with word to update my resume, as the one I have on my computer does not have my current job. (I tried to use the online version...what a nightmare. Also, sure there ARE resume websites where you can use their templates and make your resume....for a price. Usually $50+ that I can't afford for something I will use exactly once.) She refuses to help, even though I think her laptop has word, but I am not certain, and instead just repeats the same things over and over like a broken record. "You need to get a better job." "You're going to die a loser at a dead-end job if you don't quit." "You need to get a full-time job." (Sidenote: she herself has not even glanced at job listings. There are NO full-time jobs available, unless you are a licensed professional, a doctor, nurse, teacher, etc.)
But despite all of that, I need a new job. I held our for the holidays, thinking with the holiday rush, I'd get more hours and I could use that to keep me afloat while looking for a new job in the new year. Well. Our hours continually got CUT during the holidays and I suspect the store may go out of business and I do not want to still work there when it does. (Even though I would LOVE to watch it burn) The harsh reality is that I need a new job. I just have absolutely no faith that I can find anything much better than my current job. I expect the most I'll find is part-time of 20-30 hours per week, which is still better than 3-6 every other week, but I truly need a full-time job. Which will not happen.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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rivstyx · 1 year
Hey! Could I please ask for a NatM fic recommendation? I don't like oneshots or pwp so Idk where to start tbh
YES of course you can my dear anon! it sounds like you're looking for longer, more plotty stories, so here are some fics that may fit that description:
The Barn Raising by PoetryInMotion (7,463 words)
The Old West's barn has been demolished by a fetch-related accident. When they get a new one, the Western denizens throw a good old-fashioned barn-raising party. Jedediah decides to invite Octavius (and both secretly hope that they can kindle a romance between the do-si-do and the two-step).
some classic fluff. if you grew up a yeehaw like me, you'll love the little touches of Western culture; if not, you can still appreciate how damn cute this fic is
Down Then Left by mournwiththemoon (36,024 words, incomplete)
Octavius is balls deep in the closet and a mild midlife crisis. Jedediah just wants to fix the elevator. AKA the corporate loser x mechanical engineer AU that literally nobody asked for.
modern AU that i'm obsessed with. octavius is a sad divorced sandbag, jed is an obnoxious wannabe country singer, and i love them both with all my heart
He Loves Me Not by orphan_account (25,820 words)
Jed stumbles across a stack of unsent/unfinished love letters from Octavius to an unknown person in the museum. Jed sets out to find out who. Not because he’s jealous. No, not all.
big romcom vibes. it's not miscommunication, but it's not not miscommunication
if this was a cowboy movie (i'd give you my boots) by Liviapenn (10,180 words)
There are secret articles in our treaties with the gods, of more importance than all the rest, which the historian can never know.' -- Henry David Thoreau. This hour I tell things in confidence, I might not tell everybody, but I will tell you. -- Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself"
ok this one only sort of fits the bill, but i love it too much not to rec it. it follows jed and octavius as they walk back from the car wreck in movie 1 and tell each other stories about their pasts
living beyond your years (acting out all their fears) by Riv_Styx (16,447 words)
“Go,” Octavius repeated. “Run. I am with you.” Jedediah did the one thing he never thought he was capable of doing. The thing he would have sooner died than chosen of his own accord. He ran. Secret of the Tomb AU. Octavius doesn't make it out of Pompeii; angry and grieving, Jedediah goes home alone. Meanwhile, for Octavius, his whole world changes overnight. The new museum is thriving on the magic of the tablet, but it's not where he belongs. It's going to be a long way home.
oh look a familiar name!
my heart will stop in joy by HungryOnMain (12,433 words, incomplete)
A temporary exhibit, on display at the AMNH for a limited time, brings forth a vengeful force from the past. Terrible, painful memories bubble up from the depths of the minds of everyone on display. They can be taken, and joy restored - for a price.
dark, fucked up, and utterly addicting. i eagerly await every serving. this one says "hey, forget kahmunrah - what else could tablet magic possibly do in the wrong hands?"
Any Weather (series) by EwokRae22 (151,470 words)
On a lucky break from McPhee, Larry brings the exhibits on a winter vacation north of New York. He has everything prepared, or at least that’s what he tells himself. Because nothing can stop Jedediah and Octavius’s useless and oh-so-tiny longing for each other, not even the snow.
a fandom classic! the series follows jed and octavius through some wild adventures and features some genuinely heart-wrenching twists
Cacoethes (series) by Anonymous (25,927 words)
A deeper look into Jedediah and Octavius's experiences during Battle of the Smithsonian, and a look at what could have happened after the end.
take the hourglass scene from natm 2 and turn the homosexuality up to eleven, and you've got cacoethes - though the rest of the works in the series are definitely worth the read!
hope this helps! :D
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performativezippers · 6 months
Using transitions instead of scene breaks
hey team, so I made that long post about fanfic writer habits i've had to change for writing original fiction that slightly breached containment and someone recently asked for examples about transitions.
The original post says that one thing i've had to change is: "Using scene breaks to skip through transitions instead of actually transitioning. this one i'm working on right now and it's haaaaaaard."
In general, if it's transition/cut to many hours or days later—if you're still in the same place with the same people—a verbal transition is better than a cut scene. I often lean on cut scenes to move through the sections I don't want to write, find boring, or don't want to transition out of, but that doesn't work as well in original fiction. I've found that I especially do this when I want a moment to hit and linger for the reader. I don't want the scene to go on, because one of them has just said or thought something very profound, or the mood is about to change, and I want to press pause and make everyone sit in silence and think about that for a while. A record scratch, if you will.
So in this type of writing, my choices are: (A) actually end the scene there, or (B) use a transition and hope the writing is compelling enough to make people stop and sit anyway. That's how life works, right—there's no scene break to remind you think about what you just heard. The car keeps driving, the person keeps talking, whatever it is. So that's what I'm working on getting good at!
Obviously your mileage may vary, and in fic you can literally do whatever you want, but what I've learned from my editor is that traditional publishing wants fewer small scenes and instead longer, more continuous ones. This is one of the big things that I had to revise in this round of edits. Looking back at my early fics especially, I had SO. MANY. SECTION. BREAKS, in ways that weren't serving those fics too well either. But even now, I let myself use way more in fics than in originals.
Here are some examples from my original manuscript, with a before (with the scene break) to after (without). Some of them have page breaks/spacing issues that are awkward but pretend those aren't there!
Chapter 1:
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Chapter 2:
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Chapter 3:
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any chance for more what if emma doesn't die thoughts from you? I am filled with sorrow for her and Dean once more
ooh....you know for someone who has an obscenely long ghost emma wip I've never really considered if she just survived from the beginning hmm...
well obviously when sam barges in the room dean either manages to put himself in front of emma and talk him down, or, the sexier option, he shoots the gun out of sam's hand. sam still argues but dean is invoking oldest rule here lmao. I don't know if 'poughkeepsie' would apply here but I want him to drop a code word to guilt sam into letting emma come along
between his attitude and the whole 'pulling a gun on her' thing emma reasonably does not like sam right off the bat, so she's practically glued to dean like a shadow for the first couple weeks
(personally I think emma truly wanted to escape and didn't want to hurt anyone, I think she only pulled the knife bc she couldn't read dean and thought he wasn't gonna help her. so obviously that's. less of an issue here)
idk I just really like the idea of emma knowing How to fight but having more of a pacifistic nature, not really blending well with either sides of her family. like she didn't ask dean to protect her from the amazons so she could be a hunter. dean may not be able to give her a normal life while they're busy hiding from leviathans, amazons, and the us government, but he'll be damned if he's gonna force her into a fight or give her a gun. sam tries to convince emma to work as bait for the pennywhistle case and dean goes Nuclear
so once dean's comfortable letting her out of his sight for longer than half an hour she's usually on research or like, the get away driver lol
dean's 'never had enough money to get nice things for sammy' childhood guilt is manifesting aggressively he's buying stuff for emma every time he goes anywhere. whole back seat of the car is decked out with fluffy blankets and pillows, she's got her own collection of music, clothes, stuff like that. she definitely has more stuff than she should have considering they're living on the run but that's not gonna stop dean
sorry I just love the idea of sam constantly picking fights with her and dean being like. Why Do You Have Beef With My Newborn.
like I definitely think sam would warm up to her before the end of the season, especially after cas fixes his mind, but between the amy situation and his personal trauma about feeling like a monster his family should have hunted, I think he'd just. have a rough time with her at first. plus in no world does sam know how to communicate with teenage girls lmao
HOWEVER I don't think she'd stay with him while dean is trapped in purgatory. I think lowkey sam doesn't even really. Consider being her guardian or whatever bc he sees her as grown and capable, but also he's immediately trying to find a place to settle down and emma is like. what the fuck are you talking about none of this is finished???
so she takes off. she wants to find kevin to 1) make sure he's okay and 2) see if his prophet powers can help her figure out what happened to dean and cas. I think she should meet up with charlie!!! she figures if anyone can track down a missing person it'd be her, and we all know charlie's not gonna turn away kid wanting to save her parent.
they do find kevin (and linda!) and get them situated and do what they can to hide them from crowley. dean and cas eventually get out of purgatory the same way as in canon bc they couldn't really figure that out, but at least kevin wasn't abandoned all year and had a decent head start on figuring out the tablet. the four of them have a little clubhouse set up and charlie makes buffy the vampire slayer references or room of requirement jokes literally every day
this is pretty much all I've got right now, but I'm always filled with sorrow on emma's (and deans) behalf omg. someone please save her already
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jedifighterpilot2727 · 9 months
I think . . . I'm officially back! This little story is turning out a little longer than expected! but I really wanted to do this sort of reverse "It's a Wonderful Life" concept justice! I hope y'all enjoy! Comments literally send me over the moon! If I was one of those goofy TikTok npcs then I would dance every time I got one! I love hearing from y'all, so let me know if you like it, hate it, whatever!
Every Time a Bomb Explodes, A Super Gets Their Cape - Part 2
As discreetly as possible, Lexi shifts her eyes from the tablet in front of her to study the woman across from her.
Her mother was fidgeting in her seat, the fingers of her right hand twirling the wedding bracelet on her left. It almost seemed like an absent minded gesture, but to Lexi the simple act said so much more. Especially with the deep crinkle seated between her eyebrows.
Kara has been acting weird ever since her fight the night before with an unidentified alien; and her behavior had definitely escalated this morning. From her odd behavior in the kitchen, to her extra long hug before they left, and now her distractedness in the limo.
Rolling her neck to rid the kinks, Lexi tried to refocus on the work in front of her. She only has another week to finish the findings report for her latest experiment, and she's trying to concentrate, but she just can't shake the feeling that something is . . . off.
Out of the corner of her eye, she watches as Kara's studies the inside of the car; eyes peering out over the rim of her glasses in a way that Lexi knows means she''s using her x-ray vision. Kara may be think she's being sneaky, but you don't grow up around a super hero without learning their tells.
Lexi swipes over to the message app on her tablet and pulls up the text chain with Lena and Aunt Alex.
"Something weird is going on with mom."
No sooner has she hit 'send' then her phone goes off, lighting up and buzzing in the seat beside her with the notification of an incoming call.
Ignoring Kara's curious look, she silences the phone before turning back to her tablet.
"Don't call me! She's right here!" she types angrily in the text box to her mother as she tries to avoid looking in Kara's direction.
"Who was that?" Kara was trying to sound nonchalant but Lexi could hear the strain in her voice.
"Telemarketer." Lexi shrugged, never taking her attention from her tablet screen.
Even without looking up, she could tell you exactly the look that was on Kara's face - the patented 'super mom' stare - the same one that if Lexi didn't know better would make her believe her mother had mind reading powers.
The message icon flashes with a new text.
"Red Kryptonite?"
With two words, Alex has managed to give voice to all of their fears.
Lexi pretends to stare pensively out the window at the passing buildings; but in reality she uses the opportunity to scrutinize her mother out of the corner of her eye.
She's spent hours poring over Supergirl footage, knows all of the telltale signs of a red kryptonite exposure from the handful of incidents before.
There are no characteristic glowing red veins, and no sadistic glint in her eyes. In fact, she seems almost exactly like the person Lexi grew up with - except she seems . . . lost.
Lost and sad.
The bone deep sort of sadness that Lexi had only seen about her when she talks about losing Krypton.
No. she finally texts back.
It's not red kryptonite.
That much she's sure of.
But it is something. she adds after a moment.
Alex's response is swift.
Do I need to bring tactical support?
If there's one thing that Aunt Alex had drilled into Lexi's head over the years, it was to trust her gut.
It's a feeling, kiddo. You can't explain it, hell; half the time you don't even understand it. You just know.
And Lexi knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that her mom isn't dangerous . . . she's just . . . well . . .
With a start, she realizes that Kara has shifted to meet her gaze and their eyes are locked across the backseat of the limo.
"You alright, Little One?"
It's the same calming voice; the same term of endearment that Lexi's been hearing since she was three years old and first learning to trust people. No matter what's going on, she has to help Kara figure it out, she owes her mom that much.
"Yeah, yeah, just uh . . . nervous. Ma and Taylor have been plotting together all morning, who knows what they've come up with."
Kara's laugh doesn't quite reach her eyes.
"I'm sure it'll a surprise for both of us."
Hopefully a good surprise. Lexi can't help but hope as she types out a response to Alex before closing her laptop.
No tactical support needed.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Kara can't help but feel slightly out of place as the town car makes its way across the city. Sure, she's been in Lena's car service before, but never without Lena; and certainly not sitting across from her . . . kid. It sounds weird saying it even in her head, but it also somehow feels perfectly normal. Like a part of her looks at Lexi and feels, well, motherly. Vague memories taunt the edges of her consciousness like a dream that she can't remember.
Other feelings are there too as she listens to Lexi rattle on somewhat nervously about the space travel experiment she's working on -
Love, is the most obvious by far.
There's a warm blossoming of undying and unconditional affection that Kara can feel deep in her bones in a way that she's never felt about anything before.
Sure, she loves lots of things - potstickers, lasagna, puppies, Alex, Eliza, the memory of her parents, heck even Lena, (in more ways than she's ever even admitted to herself before today). But this, this is something entirely different. She's never felt so much love and pride and worry - god, are mothers always this worried? - directed towards a singular human being before.
She's barely known Lexi for a few hours, but she already knows that she would die for her. Perhaps more worrisome is that she would kill for her too, without a second thought.
Kara doesn't kill.
Or at least, she tries not to.
But if Lexi was in danger, she knows what her choice would be without hesitation.
It almost makes her understand what her own mother must have felt when she put Kara on the space ship bound for Earth. She'd spent years wondering how her Alura could have so easily sacrificed herself and battling with a mountain of survivor's guilt.
But now, looking at Lexi, she understands - at least in some way - the feeling behind her mother's actions.
It's not long before the car comes to a stop in the middle of National City's shopping district, and Kara watches as Lexi packs up her laptop into her shoulder bag.
She feels a rush of nerves as the younger woman slides out of the car calling a "Thank you!" to the driver as she steps onto the sidewalk.
This is it.
Sure, she's seen pictures of her and Lena together in this universe. She's spent some time around Lexi - their literal kid - the 'product of their union' - so to speak.
But this.
This is big.
This is seeing Lena with her own two eyes.
A Lena that doesn't hate her.
A Lena that knows her secrets - ALL of her secrets.
A Lena who she presumably hugs and kisses and - oh Rao, she feels her neck start to sweat under her collar - because they've definitely done things, if the drawer in the closet that she tried not to pay attention to is any indication, they've done a lot of things.
She doesn't know how to be that person with Lena.
She's only ever imagined that kind of relationship with Lena in her deepest, darkest fantasies. And now, now she's going to have to go out there and try to act normal when she knows that Lena's seen her naked before.
Of course, she's presumably seen this universe's Lena naked before too, but she doesn't remember seeing Lena naked, and that definitely puts them on an uneven playing field.
Oh Rao, why did she ever start thinking about Lena naked?!
Now it's the only thing she can think of, and wow her face is really hot -
"Hey! Mom!" Lexi's face appears as she bends down to look in the car. "You coming?"
"Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yep." It's then Kara accidentally meets the driver's gaze in the rearview mirror and of course he's looking at her like she might have possibly just grown a second head. So she smiles what is probably the most awkward smile in the history of awkward smiles, and steps out onto the sidewalk.
"Come on," Lexi begins leading her in the direction of the crosswalk. "Ma said they'd meet us on the corner of Chesnut and 4th."
It takes a moment for the light to turn red and the walk sign to flash, but by the time it does, Kara thinks she's gotten herself under control. She's even almost paying attention to the wedding drama that Lexi is going over.
That is, until she looks up and sees Lena and Taylor waiting on them across the street.
Lena isn't looking at her, instead she's looking in a store window, laughing at something Taylor is pointing at.
Kara can't help but stare, because oh, she looks beautiful.
Sure, Kara's had that thought before, but this is something else entirely. She's not sure if it's the strands of gray mixed with Lena's dark bun; or the laugh lines framing her casual expression; or the matching ring and bracelet on her left hand that sparkle when they catch the light just right. Whatever it is, hits Kara like freight train, and just as if the yellow sun turned to red, she feels weighted to the spot.
"Oh my geehad!" Lexi is stopped a few paces ahead of her in the crosswalk, exasperated look on her face. "Quit staring at your wife and come on."
Kara blushes furiously, ashamed to be caught so blatantly staring, and allows Lexi to pull her forward.
"Geez! When will you two ever stop? I swear, it's like you're two little lovebirds that can't stop staring at each other. You've been married for almost thirty years; get a grip, Mom." Lexi's voice is teasing but it does nothing to calm Kara's nerves.
"Sorry, she's just so -"
"Beautiful." Lexi finishes with a roll of her eyes. "Or stunning, gorgeous, ravishing; whatever synonym you pull out of the thesaurus today."
If Kara thought she was blushing before, it's a thousand times worse now, because she knows that they're close enough for Lena to over hear them; and even though Kara isn't the one to say the compliments out loud, she was certainly thinking them.
"Don't worry, chickadee, with any luck, you'll be an old married woman someday and you'll be so disgustingly infatuated with Taylor that you'll gross your kids out too." Lena teases as Lexi leans in to kiss her cheek.
"Yeah, yeah, but it won't be gross when I do it. " Lexi protests. "Right, Tay?"
Taylor laughs, pulling Lexi in for a kiss.
"I think it's adorable."
Kara can't help but smile at the two of them, because their so obviously in love; and young love is something magical for sure. Then she looks back at Lena, and her heart stutters in her chest just a little bit, and her stomach flip flops, and maybe it isn't just young love that's magical. Because now, she's face to face with green eyes that certainly feel like magic to her.
"Don't let her tease you, darling. I love your synonyms." Lena smirks."
"Ah heh." It's then that Kara's brain decides to notice that Lena's lipstick is the same maroon shade as her coat. She knows she's staring, but she can't stop her eyes from tracing the path from Lena's eyes to her mouth and back again. And then Lena's face is inching closer and closer, and before Kara can put together what's happening; Lena's lips are on hers.
Because of course they're kissing, because that's something that they do, obviously.
And of course Lena's mouth feels like heaven, and Kara wants to lose herself in the hypnotic movement of her lips and the gentle tracing of her tongue and -
Just like that, Lena's pulling away.
Because this kiss may be something monumental to Kara; but to Lena it's just a regular kiss - something they do every day, several times a day at that.
Kara can't help herself from chasing Lena's lips with her own.
Can't help reaching a hand up to frame Lena's jaw and pull her closer.
Can't help her tongue from following Lena's back to the other woman's mouth.
Can't help her other hand from settling on Lena's waist and fisting around the leather of her belt.
Because it feels like the first time.
It feels like something she's waited years for.
But it also feels like something she's done a thousand times before and will do a thousand times again - as long as Lena will let her.
Their breath mixes together in a heady sort of haze, and the kiss deepens into something that's almost to much for a street corner.
When Lena pulls back, Kara lets her; but she keeps her hand on Lena's cheek, thumb reaching to swipe at lipstick that's smeared under Lena's bottom lip.
"Ahem." Lexi clears her throat pointedly, and Taylor snickers; but Kara's too love drunk on the sparkle in Lena's eyes to care.
Her stomach, unfortunately, pays no attention to the mood or the desire pooling in her belly and lets out a loud grumble.
The sudden noise may ruin the kiss, but it makes Lena giggle, and Kara can't help but think that that's almost just as good.
"Come on," Lena pulls away, taking Kara's hand in her own as she turns. "Let's stop embarrassing our daughter and get you some food."
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the-axe-and-flail · 9 months
A Love Letter to the Future, My Dear
Some modern Hashira headcanons that have been banging around my head for a while:
Tags- SFW, all hashira, future AU
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• I feel like he's got a little food blog on the side. Nothing super flashy or anything, just him talking about his favorite places to eat and giving recommendations for his most loved meals/bites.
• He's a good outdoorsy person. Hiking 10 miles into the mountains just to set up camp for 2 days and then hike back? Heck yes sign him up! Kayaking in whitewater conditions? He's there. Just don't ask him to fish, he'd much rather build the most intricate firepit/fuel formation he learned in Scouts.
• Definitely an "Early to bed, early to rise" kinda guy. His version of 'sleeping in' is 7 a.m. at the latest. He's also the type to brush his teeth first thing in the morning, before he even eats breakfast. He just hates the feel of fuzzy or grimy teeth and can't stand to wait any longer.
• Walking pharmacy. She'll be the one to pull a first aid kit or a little travel pill bottle/keeper out of nowhere the moment someone even mentions being in pain or uncomfortable. She's also the one to remind her friends that sites like WebMD can't be used to diagnosis and to stop freaking themselves out by reading it. Always has chapstick or gum/mints when you need them.
• A bit of a prankster. She's the one that will discreetly hide someone's shoe, or replace the hand soap with mustard. Nothing malicious for the most part, but she'll ramp up the intensity if it's someone she dislikes/hates. One time she even made a very convincing parking ticket to put on a car that was blocking her into her parking spot.
• She's an unaware trendsetter. She's not out there picking clothes or styles because they're fashionable, she's just wearing whatever she feels comfortable in that makes her happy. Her cool, bold personality just makes people want to emulate, including her own personal style.
• Is a huge fan of radio dramas. He listens to a lot of drama podcasts, but nothing quite beats the old shows like "The Lone Ranger". He has a small collection of vintage radios as well that he likes to use when he's in the mood for a full, authentic experience. He's also a big vinyl collector and swears the music sounds 100× better than digital.
• Very musically inclined. He can play several instruments, mostly self-taught, and the vast majority of his repertoire is by ear. He plays the piano, and Shakuhachi most notably, but also can play the flute, tenor sax, oboe, and trumpet. He also frequents concerts and orchestras, and loves opera, with Giulio Cesare being his absolute favorite. He enjoys the pacing and delicate balance of plot and characters.
• Due to his size, he's not exactly comfortable on most public transit spaces. If he's getting home late (past rush hour) he's more likely to take it, but most the time he'd prefer to just walk. This means he knows the city like the back of his hand, and has all the deets on shops/restaurants/spaces that are opening or closing. This also makes him a regular face, so lots of shop and eatery owners and staff know him really well and love to give him freebies when they can.
• Knows all the best park trails in the city. He likes to spend a lot of time at parks, either bird watching or even people watching. Something about just being in nature really soothes his soul, but he's not big into camping at all. He likes nature, but he also likes not sleeping on the ground.
• Has a very strong (but internal) opinion on showers vs. baths. He has a whole custom shower in his apt/home that has the giant rain pan over the entire thing, with two spray nozzles that have LED RGB lighting. He even can hook it up to music so the colours change with the beat. Takes two showers a day (morning/night) and considers it his favorite place in his home.
• Falls asleep every night to either ocean or rain sounds. His bedtime routine is very detailed, and he tries his hardest to never miss a step. He likes to keep his bedroom on the chilly side so he can wrap himself in 2 or 3 blankets and become the blanket cocoon. Has trouble sleeping if it's not totally 100% pitch black, so he also has a little eye mask to help shade him from the sun.
• The human embodiment of "the night life". Has a standing reservation at many of the elite clubs in the city and enjoys just living in the moment at them. Something about the colourful lights and deep, rhythmic music really makes him feel alive. Excellent dancing skills also just make him a sight to behold when he's in his element.
• Has an opinion on everything, even the stupid stuff. Pineapple on pizza? He has a strongly worded monologue for that. Cats or dogs? He could write a whole book series. Don't even get him started on deeper topics like politics or social standards because no one has the time to listen to that tirade. His social medias are just 80% photos of him and 20% his hot takes.
• Very fashionable, to no one's surprise. He has a favorite tailor that is used to all his wild requests, and considers himself to be the pinnacle of "fashion forward". Due to his very opinionated nature, he has a fashion blog that he updates religiously. Spends gobs of money to make sure he's always attending Fashion Week, and always stays ahead of the curve.
• Has her own pet sitting gig that she does to save up money for a new place. She's so good with the animals that it's easy for her to find work, and even has a hefty waiting list for clientele. Definitely pet CPR certified. Knows the name of every single pet she's ever pet-sat and will go apeshit with joy when she sees one of them out and about with their owners. Remembers their birthdays and everything.
• During a really gloomy winter a few years back, she decided to take up baking and got hooked. She started out simple with cookies and cakes but quickly progressed to making her own sourdough starters and pie crust by hand. Sometimes, she gets a bit carried away and will bake way too much, so she makes sure to make plates for her neighbors and drops them off.
• Fancies herself a crafter, but is a little too adhd about it. She'll hyper fixate on buying all the cool shiny supplies she needs for X craft, but once they all arrive, she gets a bit overwhelmed and ends up only using them 3 or 4 times before her sights get set on a new craft/project. Her craft room is a mix between heavily organized and absolute chaos. And yes, there is glitter everywhere
• To no one's surprise- a big fan of tattoos/body mods. Has his left ear pierced I a couple places, and has one full tattoo sleeve, and working on another. He takes great pride in how he's incorporated some of his scars into the artwork, and has a fantastic relationship with his artist. At one point he considered a lip piercing until he realized how it could impact his teeth.
•Has a standing appointment every Wednesday to take his mom out to lunch. Sometimes Genya or one of his other siblings will tag along, but typically, it's just the two. She enjoys getting to see the updates on his tats, and hear about how his schooling is going. He always lets her pick the restaurant, so they've tried a lot of new foods.
• He would have the smallest, fluffiest little dog, as his apartment wouldn't allow anything bigger (not that it mattered, he likes the small dogs best of all). He takes it with him on his motorcycle rides, and even has a little safety helmet, vest, and goggles combo for it. Despite Sanemi not being a ray of sunshine, his little dog is extra friendly and often gets him into unintended social situations.
• Was 100% a zoobooks kid, who grew into a very animal knowledgeable adult. Enjoys spending time at the zoo (always accredited with the highest care standards, of course), taking photos of the animals with his ridiculously expensive camera and massive telephoto lenses. Has had many of his photos win awards, and has even been credited in natgeo a few times.
• Hates traveling, but is very good at it. He's the guy with all the carry on items in perfectly portioned bottles, all in sectioned ziplocs. Never forgets to bring the neck pillow or charge the headphones, and has his home airport down to a science so he never arrives too early or too late. Also knows where the best and cheapest food is.
• Is incredibly sensitive to temperature changes. Obanai is the guy who always wears layers so he can either shed or don them. It could be middle of summer and he'll still always carry around a light jacket, zip hoodie, or scarf, just in case they become necessary. He keeps his home a constant 75° year round, and anyone who dares to touch his thermostat will suffer the curse.
• He and his twin brother Yuichiro have a college podcast about all the goings-on at Uni. Sometimes they'll play a song from a local uni student's EP, other times they'll discuss some faculty drama, or maybe even financial advice for anyone applying or attending. It originally started out as just for their friend group, but the back and forth, good cop-bad cop stylings of their banter made them an overnight sensation.
• Stays up until 4 am, wakes up at 12pm. The most night owl of all night owls, he finds it more peaceful to study in the early hours when everyone is sleeping and social media is relatively quiet. Has a little bit of adhd and a caffeine addiction that definitely play a part in that as well. Is useless at group projects simply because of his schedule, but he does as much as he can on his own, and always buys snacks to make up for it.
• Reality TV connoisseur. He doesn't like them, per-say, it's just that the drama is so terribly entertaining. He enjoys trying to key into who is the worst/most toxic person on the show in the first episode, and how they're going to completely ruin everyone's life by the end. He particularly enjoys the survival variety, and loves picking apart where they went wrong.
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